pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract Context { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. constructor () internal { } function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library ECDSA { /** * @dev Returns the address that signed a hashed message (`hash`) with * `signature`. This address can then be used for verification purposes. * * The `ecrecover` EVM opcode allows for malleable (non-unique) signatures: * this function rejects them by requiring the `s` value to be in the lower * half order, and the `v` value to be either 27 or 28. * * IMPORTANT: `hash` _must_ be the result of a hash operation for the * verification to be secure: it is possible to craft signatures that * recover to arbitrary addresses for non-hashed data. A safe way to ensure * this is by receiving a hash of the original message (which may otherwise * be too long), and then calling {toEthSignedMessageHash} on it. */ function recover(bytes32 hash, bytes memory signature) internal pure returns (address) { // Check the signature length if (signature.length != 65) { revert("ECDSA: invalid signature length"); } // Divide the signature in r, s and v variables bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; // ecrecover takes the signature parameters, and the only way to get them // currently is to use assembly. // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { r := mload(add(signature, 0x20)) s := mload(add(signature, 0x40)) v := byte(0, mload(add(signature, 0x60))) } // EIP-2 still allows signature malleability for ecrecover(). Remove this possibility and make the signature // unique. Appendix F in the Ethereum Yellow paper (, defines // the valid range for s in (281): 0 < s < secp256k1n ÷ 2 + 1, and for v in (282): v ∈ {27, 28}. Most // signatures from current libraries generate a unique signature with an s-value in the lower half order. // // If your library generates malleable signatures, such as s-values in the upper range, calculate a new s-value // with 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141 - s1 and flip v from 27 to 28 or // vice versa. If your library also generates signatures with 0/1 for v instead 27/28, add 27 to v to accept // these malleable signatures as well. if (uint256(s) > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0) { revert("ECDSA: invalid signature 's' value"); } if (v != 27 && v != 28) { revert("ECDSA: invalid signature 'v' value"); } // If the signature is valid (and not malleable), return the signer address address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s); require(signer != address(0), "ECDSA: invalid signature"); return signer; } /** * @dev Returns an Ethereum Signed Message, created from a `hash`. This * replicates the behavior of the *[`eth_sign`] * JSON-RPC method. * * See {recover}. */ function toEthSignedMessageHash(bytes32 hash) internal pure returns (bytes32) { // 32 is the length in bytes of hash, // enforced by the type signature above return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash)); } } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the average of two numbers. The result is rounded towards * zero. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. // A Solidity high level call has three parts: // 1. The target address is checked to verify it contains contract code // 2. The call itself is made, and success asserted // 3. The return value is decoded, which in turn checks the size of the returned data. // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(address(token).isContract(), "SafeERC20: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data); require(success, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library Arrays { /** * @dev Searches a sorted `array` and returns the first index that contains * a value greater or equal to `element`. If no such index exists (i.e. all * values in the array are strictly less than `element`), the array length is * returned. Time complexity O(log n). * * `array` is expected to be sorted in ascending order, and to contain no * repeated elements. */ function findUpperBound(uint256[] storage array, uint256 element) internal view returns (uint256) { if (array.length == 0) { return 0; } uint256 low = 0; uint256 high = array.length; while (low < high) { uint256 mid = Math.average(low, high); // Note that mid will always be strictly less than high (i.e. it will be a valid array index) // because Math.average rounds down (it does integer division with truncation). if (array[mid] > element) { high = mid; } else { low = mid + 1; } } // At this point `low` is the exclusive upper bound. We will return the inclusive upper bound. if (low > 0 && array[low - 1] == element) { return low - 1; } else { return low; } } } library Counters { using SafeMath for uint256; struct Counter { // This variable should never be directly accessed by users of the library: interactions must be restricted to // the library's function. As of Solidity v0.5.2, this cannot be enforced, though there is a proposal to add // this feature: see uint256 _value; // default: 0 } function current(Counter storage counter) internal view returns (uint256) { return counter._value; } function increment(Counter storage counter) internal { // The {SafeMath} overflow check can be skipped here, see the comment at the top counter._value += 1; } function decrement(Counter storage counter) internal { counter._value = counter._value.sub(1); } } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint256 public last_completed_migration; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } function setCompleted(uint256 completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } library FixedPoint { using SafeMath for uint256; // Supports 18 decimals. E.g., 1e18 represents "1", 5e17 represents "0.5". // Can represent a value up to (2^256 - 1)/10^18 = ~10^59. 10^59 will be stored internally as uint256 10^77. uint256 private constant FP_SCALING_FACTOR = 10**18; struct Unsigned { uint256 rawValue; } /** * @notice Constructs an `Unsigned` from an unscaled uint, e.g., `b=5` gets stored internally as `5**18`. * @param a uint to convert into a FixedPoint. * @return the converted FixedPoint. */ function fromUnscaledUint(uint256 a) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return Unsigned(a.mul(FP_SCALING_FACTOR)); } /** * @notice Whether `a` is equal to `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return True if equal, or False. */ function isEqual(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue == fromUnscaledUint(b).rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is equal to `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if equal, or False. */ function isEqual(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue == b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is greater than `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a > b`, or False. */ function isGreaterThan(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue > b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is greater than `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return True if `a > b`, or False. */ function isGreaterThan(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue > fromUnscaledUint(b).rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is greater than `b`. * @param a a uint256. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a > b`, or False. */ function isGreaterThan(uint256 a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return fromUnscaledUint(a).rawValue > b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is greater than or equal to `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a >= b`, or False. */ function isGreaterThanOrEqual(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue >= b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is greater than or equal to `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return True if `a >= b`, or False. */ function isGreaterThanOrEqual(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue >= fromUnscaledUint(b).rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is greater than or equal to `b`. * @param a a uint256. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a >= b`, or False. */ function isGreaterThanOrEqual(uint256 a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return fromUnscaledUint(a).rawValue >= b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is less than `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a < b`, or False. */ function isLessThan(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue < b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is less than `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return True if `a < b`, or False. */ function isLessThan(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue < fromUnscaledUint(b).rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is less than `b`. * @param a a uint256. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a < b`, or False. */ function isLessThan(uint256 a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return fromUnscaledUint(a).rawValue < b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is less than or equal to `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a <= b`, or False. */ function isLessThanOrEqual(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue <= b.rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is less than or equal to `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return True if `a <= b`, or False. */ function isLessThanOrEqual(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.rawValue <= fromUnscaledUint(b).rawValue; } /** * @notice Whether `a` is less than or equal to `b`. * @param a a uint256. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return True if `a <= b`, or False. */ function isLessThanOrEqual(uint256 a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { return fromUnscaledUint(a).rawValue <= b.rawValue; } /** * @notice The minimum of `a` and `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the minimum of `a` and `b`. */ function min(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return a.rawValue < b.rawValue ? a : b; } /** * @notice The maximum of `a` and `b`. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the maximum of `a` and `b`. */ function max(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return a.rawValue > b.rawValue ? a : b; } /** * @notice Adds two `Unsigned`s, reverting on overflow. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the sum of `a` and `b`. */ function add(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return Unsigned(a.rawValue.add(b.rawValue)); } /** * @notice Adds an `Unsigned` to an unscaled uint, reverting on overflow. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return the sum of `a` and `b`. */ function add(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return add(a, fromUnscaledUint(b)); } /** * @notice Subtracts two `Unsigned`s, reverting on overflow. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the difference of `a` and `b`. */ function sub(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return Unsigned(a.rawValue.sub(b.rawValue)); } /** * @notice Subtracts an unscaled uint256 from an `Unsigned`, reverting on overflow. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return the difference of `a` and `b`. */ function sub(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return sub(a, fromUnscaledUint(b)); } /** * @notice Subtracts an `Unsigned` from an unscaled uint256, reverting on overflow. * @param a a uint256. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the difference of `a` and `b`. */ function sub(uint256 a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return sub(fromUnscaledUint(a), b); } /** * @notice Multiplies two `Unsigned`s, reverting on overflow. * @dev This will "floor" the product. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the product of `a` and `b`. */ function mul(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { // There are two caveats with this computation: // 1. Max output for the represented number is ~10^41, otherwise an intermediate value overflows. 10^41 is // stored internally as a uint256 ~10^59. // 2. Results that can't be represented exactly are truncated not rounded. E.g., 1.4 * 2e-18 = 2.8e-18, which // would round to 3, but this computation produces the result 2. // No need to use SafeMath because FP_SCALING_FACTOR != 0. return Unsigned(a.rawValue.mul(b.rawValue) / FP_SCALING_FACTOR); } /** * @notice Multiplies an `Unsigned` and an unscaled uint256, reverting on overflow. * @dev This will "floor" the product. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a uint256. * @return the product of `a` and `b`. */ function mul(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return Unsigned(a.rawValue.mul(b)); } /** * @notice Multiplies two `Unsigned`s and "ceil's" the product, reverting on overflow. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the product of `a` and `b`. */ function mulCeil(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { uint256 mulRaw = a.rawValue.mul(b.rawValue); uint256 mulFloor = mulRaw / FP_SCALING_FACTOR; uint256 mod = mulRaw.mod(FP_SCALING_FACTOR); if (mod != 0) { return Unsigned(mulFloor.add(1)); } else { return Unsigned(mulFloor); } } /** * @notice Multiplies an `Unsigned` and an unscaled uint256 and "ceil's" the product, reverting on overflow. * @param a a FixedPoint. * @param b a FixedPoint. * @return the product of `a` and `b`. */ function mulCeil(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { // Since b is an int, there is no risk of truncation and we can just mul it normally return Unsigned(a.rawValue.mul(b)); } /** * @notice Divides one `Unsigned` by an `Unsigned`, reverting on overflow or division by 0. * @dev This will "floor" the quotient. * @param a a FixedPoint numerator. * @param b a FixedPoint denominator. * @return the quotient of `a` divided by `b`. */ function div(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { // There are two caveats with this computation: // 1. Max value for the number dividend `a` represents is ~10^41, otherwise an intermediate value overflows. // 10^41 is stored internally as a uint256 10^59. // 2. Results that can't be represented exactly are truncated not rounded. E.g., 2 / 3 = 0.6 repeating, which // would round to 0.666666666666666667, but this computation produces the result 0.666666666666666666. return Unsigned(a.rawValue.mul(FP_SCALING_FACTOR).div(b.rawValue)); } /** * @notice Divides one `Unsigned` by an unscaled uint256, reverting on overflow or division by 0. * @dev This will "floor" the quotient. * @param a a FixedPoint numerator. * @param b a uint256 denominator. * @return the quotient of `a` divided by `b`. */ function div(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return Unsigned(a.rawValue.div(b)); } /** * @notice Divides one unscaled uint256 by an `Unsigned`, reverting on overflow or division by 0. * @dev This will "floor" the quotient. * @param a a uint256 numerator. * @param b a FixedPoint denominator. * @return the quotient of `a` divided by `b`. */ function div(uint256 a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { return div(fromUnscaledUint(a), b); } /** * @notice Divides one `Unsigned` by an `Unsigned` and "ceil's" the quotient, reverting on overflow or division by 0. * @param a a FixedPoint numerator. * @param b a FixedPoint denominator. * @return the quotient of `a` divided by `b`. */ function divCeil(Unsigned memory a, Unsigned memory b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { uint256 aScaled = a.rawValue.mul(FP_SCALING_FACTOR); uint256 divFloor = aScaled.div(b.rawValue); uint256 mod = aScaled.mod(b.rawValue); if (mod != 0) { return Unsigned(divFloor.add(1)); } else { return Unsigned(divFloor); } } /** * @notice Divides one `Unsigned` by an unscaled uint256 and "ceil's" the quotient, reverting on overflow or division by 0. * @param a a FixedPoint numerator. * @param b a uint256 denominator. * @return the quotient of `a` divided by `b`. */ function divCeil(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory) { // Because it is possible that a quotient gets truncated, we can't just call "Unsigned(a.rawValue.div(b))" // similarly to mulCeil with a uint256 as the second parameter. Therefore we need to convert b into an Unsigned. // This creates the possibility of overflow if b is very large. return divCeil(a, fromUnscaledUint(b)); } /** * @notice Raises an `Unsigned` to the power of an unscaled uint256, reverting on overflow. E.g., `b=2` squares `a`. * @dev This will "floor" the result. * @param a a FixedPoint numerator. * @param b a uint256 denominator. * @return output is `a` to the power of `b`. */ function pow(Unsigned memory a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (Unsigned memory output) { output = fromUnscaledUint(1); for (uint256 i = 0; i < b; i = i.add(1)) { output = mul(output, a); } } } contract Lockable { bool private _notEntered; constructor() internal { // Storing an initial non-zero value makes deployment a bit more // expensive, but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant // will be lower in amount. Since refunds are capped to a percetange of // the total transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases // like this one, to increase the likelihood of the full refund coming // into effect. _notEntered = true; } /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a * `private` function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { _preEntranceCheck(); _preEntranceSet(); _; _postEntranceReset(); } /** * @dev Designed to prevent a view-only method from being re-entered during a call to a `nonReentrant()` state-changing method. */ modifier nonReentrantView() { _preEntranceCheck(); _; } // Internal methods are used to avoid copying the require statement's bytecode to every `nonReentrant()` method. // On entry into a function, `_preEntranceCheck()` should always be called to check if the function is being re-entered. // Then, if the function modifies state, it should call `_postEntranceSet()`, perform its logic, and then call `_postEntranceReset()`. // View-only methods can simply call `_preEntranceCheck()` to make sure that it is not being re-entered. function _preEntranceCheck() internal view { // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true require(_notEntered, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call"); } function _preEntranceSet() internal { // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail _notEntered = false; } function _postEntranceReset() internal { // By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see // _notEntered = true; } } library Exclusive { struct RoleMembership { address member; } function isMember(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address memberToCheck) internal view returns (bool) { return roleMembership.member == memberToCheck; } function resetMember(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address newMember) internal { require(newMember != address(0x0), "Cannot set an exclusive role to 0x0"); roleMembership.member = newMember; } function getMember(RoleMembership storage roleMembership) internal view returns (address) { return roleMembership.member; } function init(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address initialMember) internal { resetMember(roleMembership, initialMember); } } library Shared { struct RoleMembership { mapping(address => bool) members; } function isMember(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address memberToCheck) internal view returns (bool) { return roleMembership.members[memberToCheck]; } function addMember(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address memberToAdd) internal { require(memberToAdd != address(0x0), "Cannot add 0x0 to a shared role"); roleMembership.members[memberToAdd] = true; } function removeMember(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address memberToRemove) internal { roleMembership.members[memberToRemove] = false; } function init(RoleMembership storage roleMembership, address[] memory initialMembers) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < initialMembers.length; i++) { addMember(roleMembership, initialMembers[i]); } } } abstract contract MultiRole { using Exclusive for Exclusive.RoleMembership; using Shared for Shared.RoleMembership; enum RoleType { Invalid, Exclusive, Shared } struct Role { uint256 managingRole; RoleType roleType; Exclusive.RoleMembership exclusiveRoleMembership; Shared.RoleMembership sharedRoleMembership; } mapping(uint256 => Role) private roles; event ResetExclusiveMember(uint256 indexed roleId, address indexed newMember, address indexed manager); event AddedSharedMember(uint256 indexed roleId, address indexed newMember, address indexed manager); event RemovedSharedMember(uint256 indexed roleId, address indexed oldMember, address indexed manager); /** * @notice Reverts unless the caller is a member of the specified roleId. */ modifier onlyRoleHolder(uint256 roleId) { require(holdsRole(roleId, msg.sender), "Sender does not hold required role"); _; } /** * @notice Reverts unless the caller is a member of the manager role for the specified roleId. */ modifier onlyRoleManager(uint256 roleId) { require(holdsRole(roles[roleId].managingRole, msg.sender), "Can only be called by a role manager"); _; } /** * @notice Reverts unless the roleId represents an initialized, exclusive roleId. */ modifier onlyExclusive(uint256 roleId) { require(roles[roleId].roleType == RoleType.Exclusive, "Must be called on an initialized Exclusive role"); _; } /** * @notice Reverts unless the roleId represents an initialized, shared roleId. */ modifier onlyShared(uint256 roleId) { require(roles[roleId].roleType == RoleType.Shared, "Must be called on an initialized Shared role"); _; } /** * @notice Whether `memberToCheck` is a member of roleId. * @dev Reverts if roleId does not correspond to an initialized role. * @param roleId the Role to check. * @param memberToCheck the address to check. * @return True if `memberToCheck` is a member of `roleId`. */ function holdsRole(uint256 roleId, address memberToCheck) public view returns (bool) { Role storage role = roles[roleId]; if (role.roleType == RoleType.Exclusive) { return role.exclusiveRoleMembership.isMember(memberToCheck); } else if (role.roleType == RoleType.Shared) { return role.sharedRoleMembership.isMember(memberToCheck); } revert("Invalid roleId"); } /** * @notice Changes the exclusive role holder of `roleId` to `newMember`. * @dev Reverts if the caller is not a member of the managing role for `roleId` or if `roleId` is not an * initialized, ExclusiveRole. * @param roleId the ExclusiveRole membership to modify. * @param newMember the new ExclusiveRole member. */ function resetMember(uint256 roleId, address newMember) public onlyExclusive(roleId) onlyRoleManager(roleId) { roles[roleId].exclusiveRoleMembership.resetMember(newMember); emit ResetExclusiveMember(roleId, newMember, msg.sender); } /** * @notice Gets the current holder of the exclusive role, `roleId`. * @dev Reverts if `roleId` does not represent an initialized, exclusive role. * @param roleId the ExclusiveRole membership to check. * @return the address of the current ExclusiveRole member. */ function getMember(uint256 roleId) public view onlyExclusive(roleId) returns (address) { return roles[roleId].exclusiveRoleMembership.getMember(); } /** * @notice Adds `newMember` to the shared role, `roleId`. * @dev Reverts if `roleId` does not represent an initialized, SharedRole or if the caller is not a member of the * managing role for `roleId`. * @param roleId the SharedRole membership to modify. * @param newMember the new SharedRole member. */ function addMember(uint256 roleId, address newMember) public onlyShared(roleId) onlyRoleManager(roleId) { roles[roleId].sharedRoleMembership.addMember(newMember); emit AddedSharedMember(roleId, newMember, msg.sender); } /** * @notice Removes `memberToRemove` from the shared role, `roleId`. * @dev Reverts if `roleId` does not represent an initialized, SharedRole or if the caller is not a member of the * managing role for `roleId`. * @param roleId the SharedRole membership to modify. * @param memberToRemove the current SharedRole member to remove. */ function removeMember(uint256 roleId, address memberToRemove) public onlyShared(roleId) onlyRoleManager(roleId) { roles[roleId].sharedRoleMembership.removeMember(memberToRemove); emit RemovedSharedMember(roleId, memberToRemove, msg.sender); } /** * @notice Removes caller from the role, `roleId`. * @dev Reverts if the caller is not a member of the role for `roleId` or if `roleId` is not an * initialized, SharedRole. * @param roleId the SharedRole membership to modify. */ function renounceMembership(uint256 roleId) public onlyShared(roleId) onlyRoleHolder(roleId) { roles[roleId].sharedRoleMembership.removeMember(msg.sender); emit RemovedSharedMember(roleId, msg.sender, msg.sender); } /** * @notice Reverts if `roleId` is not initialized. */ modifier onlyValidRole(uint256 roleId) { require(roles[roleId].roleType != RoleType.Invalid, "Attempted to use an invalid roleId"); _; } /** * @notice Reverts if `roleId` is initialized. */ modifier onlyInvalidRole(uint256 roleId) { require(roles[roleId].roleType == RoleType.Invalid, "Cannot use a pre-existing role"); _; } /** * @notice Internal method to initialize a shared role, `roleId`, which will be managed by `managingRoleId`. * `initialMembers` will be immediately added to the role. * @dev Should be called by derived contracts, usually at construction time. Will revert if the role is already * initialized. */ function _createSharedRole( uint256 roleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address[] memory initialMembers ) internal onlyInvalidRole(roleId) { Role storage role = roles[roleId]; role.roleType = RoleType.Shared; role.managingRole = managingRoleId; role.sharedRoleMembership.init(initialMembers); require( roles[managingRoleId].roleType != RoleType.Invalid, "Attempted to use an invalid role to manage a shared role" ); } /** * @notice Internal method to initialize an exclusive role, `roleId`, which will be managed by `managingRoleId`. * `initialMember` will be immediately added to the role. * @dev Should be called by derived contracts, usually at construction time. Will revert if the role is already * initialized. */ function _createExclusiveRole( uint256 roleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address initialMember ) internal onlyInvalidRole(roleId) { Role storage role = roles[roleId]; role.roleType = RoleType.Exclusive; role.managingRole = managingRoleId; role.exclusiveRoleMembership.init(initialMember); require( roles[managingRoleId].roleType != RoleType.Invalid, "Attempted to use an invalid role to manage an exclusive role" ); } } abstract contract Testable { // If the contract is being run on the test network, then `timerAddress` will be the 0x0 address. // Note: this variable should be set on construction and never modified. address public timerAddress; /** * @notice Constructs the Testable contract. Called by child contracts. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. * Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time. */ constructor(address _timerAddress) internal { timerAddress = _timerAddress; } /** * @notice Reverts if not running in test mode. */ modifier onlyIfTest { require(timerAddress != address(0x0)); _; } /** * @notice Sets the current time. * @dev Will revert if not running in test mode. * @param time timestamp to set current Testable time to. */ function setCurrentTime(uint256 time) external onlyIfTest { Timer(timerAddress).setCurrentTime(time); } /** * @notice Gets the current time. Will return the last time set in `setCurrentTime` if running in test mode. * Otherwise, it will return the block timestamp. * @return uint for the current Testable timestamp. */ function getCurrentTime() public view returns (uint256) { if (timerAddress != address(0x0)) { return Timer(timerAddress).getCurrentTime(); } else { return now; // solhint-disable-line not-rely-on-time } } } contract Timer { uint256 private currentTime; constructor() public { currentTime = now; // solhint-disable-line not-rely-on-time } /** * @notice Sets the current time. * @dev Will revert if not running in test mode. * @param time timestamp to set `currentTime` to. */ function setCurrentTime(uint256 time) external { currentTime = time; } /** * @notice Gets the current time. Will return the last time set in `setCurrentTime` if running in test mode. * Otherwise, it will return the block timestamp. * @return uint256 for the current Testable timestamp. */ function getCurrentTime() public view returns (uint256) { return currentTime; } } abstract contract Withdrawable is MultiRole { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; uint256 private roleId; /** * @notice Withdraws ETH from the contract. */ function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyRoleHolder(roleId) { Address.sendValue(msg.sender, amount); } /** * @notice Withdraws ERC20 tokens from the contract. * @param erc20Address ERC20 token to withdraw. * @param amount amount of tokens to withdraw. */ function withdrawErc20(address erc20Address, uint256 amount) external onlyRoleHolder(roleId) { IERC20 erc20 = IERC20(erc20Address); erc20.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } /** * @notice Internal method that allows derived contracts to create a role for withdrawal. * @dev Either this method or `_setWithdrawRole` must be called by the derived class for this contract to function * properly. * @param newRoleId ID corresponding to role whose members can withdraw. * @param managingRoleId ID corresponding to managing role who can modify the withdrawable role's membership. * @param withdrawerAddress new manager of withdrawable role. */ function _createWithdrawRole( uint256 newRoleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address withdrawerAddress ) internal { roleId = newRoleId; _createExclusiveRole(newRoleId, managingRoleId, withdrawerAddress); } /** * @notice Internal method that allows derived contracts to choose the role for withdrawal. * @dev The role `setRoleId` must exist. Either this method or `_createWithdrawRole` must be * called by the derived class for this contract to function properly. * @param setRoleId ID corresponding to role whose members can withdraw. */ function _setWithdrawRole(uint256 setRoleId) internal onlyValidRole(setRoleId) { roleId = setRoleId; } } abstract contract Balancer { function getSpotPriceSansFee(address tokenIn, address tokenOut) external virtual view returns (uint256 spotPrice); } abstract contract ExpandedIERC20 is IERC20 { /** * @notice Burns a specific amount of the caller's tokens. * @dev Only burns the caller's tokens, so it is safe to leave this method permissionless. */ function burn(uint256 value) external virtual; /** * @notice Mints tokens and adds them to the balance of the `to` address. * @dev This method should be permissioned to only allow designated parties to mint tokens. */ function mint(address to, uint256 value) external virtual returns (bool); } abstract contract OneSplit { function getExpectedReturn( address fromToken, address destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 parts, uint256 flags // See constants in IOneSplit.sol ) public virtual view returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256[] memory distribution); function swap( address fromToken, address destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256 flags ) public virtual payable returns (uint256 returnAmount); } abstract contract Uniswap { // Called after every swap showing the new uniswap "price" for this token pair. event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1); } contract BalancerMock is Balancer { uint256 price = 0; // these params arent used in the mock, but this is to maintain compatibility with balancer API function getSpotPriceSansFee(address tokenIn, address tokenOut) external virtual override view returns (uint256 spotPrice) { return price; } // this is not a balancer call, but for testing for changing price. function setPrice(uint256 newPrice) external { price = newPrice; } } contract FixedPointTest { using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using FixedPoint for uint256; using SafeMath for uint256; function wrapFromUnscaledUint(uint256 a) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(a).rawValue; } function wrapIsEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isEqual(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapMixedIsEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isEqual(b); } function wrapIsGreaterThan(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isGreaterThan(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapIsGreaterThanOrEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isGreaterThanOrEqual(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapMixedIsGreaterThan(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isGreaterThan(b); } function wrapMixedIsGreaterThanOrEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isGreaterThanOrEqual(b); } function wrapMixedIsGreaterThanOpposite(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return a.isGreaterThan(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapMixedIsGreaterThanOrEqualOpposite(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return a.isGreaterThanOrEqual(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapIsLessThan(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isLessThan(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapIsLessThanOrEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isLessThanOrEqual(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapMixedIsLessThan(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isLessThan(b); } function wrapMixedIsLessThanOrEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).isLessThanOrEqual(b); } function wrapMixedIsLessThanOpposite(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return a.isLessThan(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapMixedIsLessThanOrEqualOpposite(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (bool) { return a.isLessThanOrEqual(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)); } function wrapMin(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).min(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } function wrapMax(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).max(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } function wrapAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).add(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } // The first uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapMixedAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).add(b).rawValue; } function wrapSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).sub(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } // The first uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapMixedSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).sub(b).rawValue; } // The second uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapMixedSubOpposite(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return a.sub(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } function wrapMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).mul(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } function wrapMulCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).mulCeil(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } // The first uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapMixedMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).mul(b).rawValue; } function wrapMixedMulCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).mulCeil(b).rawValue; } function wrapDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).div(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } function wrapDivCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).divCeil(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } // The first uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapMixedDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).div(b).rawValue; } function wrapMixedDivCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).divCeil(b).rawValue; } // The second uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapMixedDivOpposite(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return a.div(FixedPoint.Unsigned(b)).rawValue; } // The first uint256 is interpreted with a scaling factor and is converted to an `Unsigned` directly. function wrapPow(uint256 a, uint256 b) external pure returns (uint256) { return FixedPoint.Unsigned(a).pow(b).rawValue; } } contract MultiRoleTest is MultiRole { function createSharedRole( uint256 roleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address[] calldata initialMembers ) external { _createSharedRole(roleId, managingRoleId, initialMembers); } function createExclusiveRole( uint256 roleId, uint256 managingRoleId, address initialMember ) external { _createExclusiveRole(roleId, managingRoleId, initialMember); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks function revertIfNotHoldingRole(uint256 roleId) external view onlyRoleHolder(roleId) {} } contract OneSplitMock is OneSplit { address constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; mapping(bytes32 => uint256) prices; receive() external payable {} // Sets price of 1 FROM = <PRICE> TO function setPrice( address from, address to, uint256 price ) external { prices[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(from, to))] = price; } function getExpectedReturn( address fromToken, address destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 parts, uint256 flags // See constants in IOneSplit.sol ) public override view returns (uint256 returnAmount, uint256[] memory distribution) { returnAmount = prices[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(fromToken, destToken))] * amount; return (returnAmount, distribution); } function swap( address fromToken, address destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256 flags ) public override payable returns (uint256 returnAmount) { uint256 amountReturn = prices[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(fromToken, destToken))] * amount; require(amountReturn >= minReturn, "Min Amount not reached"); if (destToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(amountReturn); } else { require(IERC20(destToken).transfer(msg.sender, amountReturn), "erc20-send-failed"); } } } contract ReentrancyAttack { function callSender(bytes4 data) public { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, ) =; require(success, "ReentrancyAttack: failed call"); } } contract ReentrancyChecker { bytes public txnData; bool hasBeenCalled; // Used to prevent infinite cycles where the reentrancy is cycled forever. modifier skipIfReentered { if (hasBeenCalled) { return; } hasBeenCalled = true; _; hasBeenCalled = false; } function setTransactionData(bytes memory _txnData) public { txnData = _txnData; } function _executeCall( address to, uint256 value, bytes memory data ) private returns (bool success) { // Mostly copied from: // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length // // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let inputData := add(data, 0x20) let inputDataSize := mload(data) success := call(gas(), to, value, inputData, inputDataSize, 0, 0) } } fallback() external skipIfReentered { // Attampt to re-enter with the set txnData. bool success = _executeCall(msg.sender, 0, txnData); // Fail if the call succeeds because that means the re-entrancy was successful. require(!success, "Re-entrancy was successful"); } } contract ReentrancyMock is Lockable { uint256 public counter; constructor() public { counter = 0; } function callback() external nonReentrant { _count(); } function countAndSend(ReentrancyAttack attacker) external nonReentrant { _count(); bytes4 func = bytes4(keccak256("callback()")); attacker.callSender(func); } function countAndCall(ReentrancyAttack attacker) external nonReentrant { _count(); bytes4 func = bytes4(keccak256("getCount()")); attacker.callSender(func); } function countLocalRecursive(uint256 n) public nonReentrant { if (n > 0) { _count(); countLocalRecursive(n - 1); } } function countThisRecursive(uint256 n) public nonReentrant { if (n > 0) { _count(); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, ) = address(this).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("countThisRecursive(uint256)", n - 1)); require(success, "ReentrancyMock: failed call"); } } function countLocalCall() public nonReentrant { getCount(); } function countThisCall() public nonReentrant { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, ) = address(this).call(abi.encodeWithSignature("getCount()")); require(success, "ReentrancyMock: failed call"); } function getCount() public view nonReentrantView returns (uint256) { return counter; } function _count() private { counter += 1; } } contract TestableTest is Testable { // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor(address _timerAddress) public Testable(_timerAddress) {} function getTestableTimeAndBlockTime() external view returns (uint256 testableTime, uint256 blockTime) { // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time return (getCurrentTime(), now); } } contract UniswapMock is Uniswap { function setPrice(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1) external { emit Sync(reserve0, reserve1); } } contract WithdrawableTest is Withdrawable { enum Roles { Governance, Withdraw } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public { _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Governance), uint256(Roles.Governance), msg.sender); _createWithdrawRole(uint256(Roles.Withdraw), uint256(Roles.Governance), msg.sender); } function pay() external payable { require(msg.value > 0); } function setInternalWithdrawRole(uint256 setRoleId) public { _setWithdrawRole(setRoleId); } } abstract contract FeePayer is Testable, Lockable { using SafeMath for uint256; using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; /**************************************** * FEE PAYER DATA STRUCTURES * ****************************************/ // The collateral currency used to back the positions in this contract. IERC20 public collateralCurrency; // Finder contract used to look up addresses for UMA system contracts. FinderInterface public finder; // Tracks the last block time when the fees were paid. uint256 private lastPaymentTime; // Tracks the cumulative fees that have been paid by the contract for use by derived contracts. // The multiplier starts at 1, and is updated by computing cumulativeFeeMultiplier * (1 - effectiveFee). // Put another way, the cumulativeFeeMultiplier is (1 - effectiveFee1) * (1 - effectiveFee2) ... // For example: // The cumulativeFeeMultiplier should start at 1. // If a 1% fee is charged, the multiplier should update to .99. // If another 1% fee is charged, the multiplier should be 0.99^2 (0.9801). FixedPoint.Unsigned public cumulativeFeeMultiplier; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event RegularFeesPaid(uint256 indexed regularFee, uint256 indexed lateFee); event FinalFeesPaid(uint256 indexed amount); /**************************************** * MODIFIERS * ****************************************/ // modifier that calls payRegularFees(). modifier fees { payRegularFees(); _; } /** * @notice Constructs the FeePayer contract. Called by child contracts. * @param _collateralAddress ERC20 token that is used as the underlying collateral for the synthetic. * @param _finderAddress UMA protocol Finder used to discover other protocol contracts. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. * Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time. */ constructor( address _collateralAddress, address _finderAddress, address _timerAddress ) public Testable(_timerAddress) nonReentrant() { collateralCurrency = IERC20(_collateralAddress); finder = FinderInterface(_finderAddress); lastPaymentTime = getCurrentTime(); cumulativeFeeMultiplier = FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(1); } /**************************************** * FEE PAYMENT FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Pays UMA DVM regular fees (as a % of the collateral pool) to the Store contract. * @dev These must be paid periodically for the life of the contract. If the contract has not paid its regular fee * in a week or more then a late penalty is applied which is sent to the caller. If the amount of * fees owed are greater than the pfc, then this will pay as much as possible from the available collateral. * An event is only fired if the fees charged are greater than 0. * @return totalPaid Amount of collateral that the contract paid (sum of the amount paid to the Store and caller). * This returns 0 and exit early if there is no pfc, fees were already paid during the current block, or the fee rate is 0. */ function payRegularFees() public nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalPaid) { StoreInterface store = _getStore(); uint256 time = getCurrentTime(); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralPool = _pfc(); // Exit early if there is no collateral from which to pay fees. if (collateralPool.isEqual(0)) { return totalPaid; } // Exit early if fees were already paid during this block. if (lastPaymentTime == time) { return totalPaid; } (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory regularFee, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory latePenalty) = store.computeRegularFee( lastPaymentTime, time, collateralPool ); lastPaymentTime = time; totalPaid = regularFee.add(latePenalty); if (totalPaid.isEqual(0)) { return totalPaid; } // If the effective fees paid as a % of the pfc is > 100%, then we need to reduce it and make the contract pay // as much of the fee that it can (up to 100% of its pfc). We'll reduce the late penalty first and then the // regular fee, which has the effect of paying the store first, followed by the caller if there is any fee remaining. if (totalPaid.isGreaterThan(collateralPool)) { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory deficit = totalPaid.sub(collateralPool); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory latePenaltyReduction = FixedPoint.min(latePenalty, deficit); latePenalty = latePenalty.sub(latePenaltyReduction); deficit = deficit.sub(latePenaltyReduction); regularFee = regularFee.sub(FixedPoint.min(regularFee, deficit)); totalPaid = collateralPool; } emit RegularFeesPaid(regularFee.rawValue, latePenalty.rawValue); _adjustCumulativeFeeMultiplier(totalPaid, collateralPool); if (regularFee.isGreaterThan(0)) { collateralCurrency.safeIncreaseAllowance(address(store), regularFee.rawValue); store.payOracleFeesErc20(address(collateralCurrency), regularFee); } if (latePenalty.isGreaterThan(0)) { collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, latePenalty.rawValue); } return totalPaid; } /** * @notice Gets the current profit from corruption for this contract in terms of the collateral currency. * @dev This is equivalent to the collateral pool available from which to pay fees. Therefore, derived contracts are * expected to implement this so that pay-fee methods can correctly compute the owed fees as a % of PfC. * @return pfc value for equal to the current profit from corruption denominated in collateral currency. */ function pfc() public view nonReentrantView() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return _pfc(); } /**************************************** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ // Pays UMA Oracle final fees of `amount` in `collateralCurrency` to the Store contract. Final fee is a flat fee // charged for each price request. If payer is the contract, adjusts internal bookkeeping variables. If payer is not // the contract, pulls in `amount` of collateral currency. function _payFinalFees(address payer, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amount) internal { if (amount.isEqual(0)) { return; } if (payer != address(this)) { // If the payer is not the contract pull the collateral from the payer. collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(payer, address(this), amount.rawValue); } else { // If the payer is the contract, adjust the cumulativeFeeMultiplier to compensate. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralPool = _pfc(); // The final fee must be < available collateral or the fee will be larger than 100%. require(collateralPool.isGreaterThan(amount), "Final fee is more than PfC"); _adjustCumulativeFeeMultiplier(amount, collateralPool); } emit FinalFeesPaid(amount.rawValue); StoreInterface store = _getStore(); collateralCurrency.safeIncreaseAllowance(address(store), amount.rawValue); store.payOracleFeesErc20(address(collateralCurrency), amount); } function _pfc() internal virtual view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory); function _getStore() internal view returns (StoreInterface) { return StoreInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Store)); } function _computeFinalFees() internal view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory finalFees) { StoreInterface store = _getStore(); return store.computeFinalFee(address(collateralCurrency)); } // Returns the user's collateral minus any fees that have been subtracted since it was originally // deposited into the contract. Note: if the contract has paid fees since it was deployed, the raw // value should be larger than the returned value. function _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory rawCollateral) internal view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateral) { return rawCollateral.mul(cumulativeFeeMultiplier); } // Converts a user-readable collateral value into a raw value that accounts for already-assessed fees. If any fees // have been taken from this contract in the past, then the raw value will be larger than the user-readable value. function _convertToRawCollateral(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateral) internal view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory rawCollateral) { return collateral.div(cumulativeFeeMultiplier); } // Decrease rawCollateral by a fee-adjusted collateralToRemove amount. Fee adjustment scales up collateralToRemove // by dividing it by cumulativeFeeMultiplier. There is potential for this quotient to be floored, therefore // rawCollateral is decreased by less than expected. Because this method is usually called in conjunction with an // actual removal of collateral from this contract, return the fee-adjusted amount that the rawCollateral is // decreased by so that the caller can minimize error between collateral removed and rawCollateral debited. function _removeCollateral(FixedPoint.Unsigned storage rawCollateral, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralToRemove) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory removedCollateral) { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory initialBalance = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawCollateral); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory adjustedCollateral = _convertToRawCollateral(collateralToRemove); rawCollateral.rawValue = rawCollateral.sub(adjustedCollateral).rawValue; removedCollateral = initialBalance.sub(_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawCollateral)); } // Increase rawCollateral by a fee-adjusted collateralToAdd amount. Fee adjustment scales up collateralToAdd // by dividing it by cumulativeFeeMultiplier. There is potential for this quotient to be floored, therefore // rawCollateral is increased by less than expected. Because this method is usually called in conjunction with an // actual addition of collateral to this contract, return the fee-adjusted amount that the rawCollateral is // increased by so that the caller can minimize error between collateral added and rawCollateral credited. // NOTE: This return value exists only for the sake of symmetry with _removeCollateral. We don't actually use it // because we are OK if more collateral is stored in the contract than is represented by rawTotalPositionCollateral. function _addCollateral(FixedPoint.Unsigned storage rawCollateral, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralToAdd) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory addedCollateral) { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory initialBalance = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawCollateral); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory adjustedCollateral = _convertToRawCollateral(collateralToAdd); rawCollateral.rawValue = rawCollateral.add(adjustedCollateral).rawValue; addedCollateral = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawCollateral).sub(initialBalance); } // Scale the cumulativeFeeMultiplier by the ratio of fees paid to the current available collateral. function _adjustCumulativeFeeMultiplier(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amount, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory currentPfc) internal { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory effectiveFee = amount.divCeil(currentPfc); cumulativeFeeMultiplier = cumulativeFeeMultiplier.mul(FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(1).sub(effectiveFee)); } } contract TokenFactory is Lockable { /** * @notice Create a new token and return it to the caller. * @dev The caller will become the only minter and burner and the new owner capable of assigning the roles. * @param tokenName used to describe the new token. * @param tokenSymbol short ticker abbreviation of the name. Ideally < 5 chars. * @param tokenDecimals used to define the precision used in the token's numerical representation. * @return newToken an instance of the newly created token interface. */ function createToken( string calldata tokenName, string calldata tokenSymbol, uint8 tokenDecimals ) external nonReentrant() returns (ExpandedIERC20 newToken) { SyntheticToken mintableToken = new SyntheticToken(tokenName, tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals); mintableToken.addMinter(msg.sender); mintableToken.addBurner(msg.sender); mintableToken.resetOwner(msg.sender); newToken = ExpandedIERC20(address(mintableToken)); } } contract WETH9 { string public name = "Wrapped Ether"; string public symbol = "WETH"; uint8 public decimals = 18; event Approval(address indexed src, address indexed guy, uint256 wad); event Transfer(address indexed src, address indexed dst, uint256 wad); event Deposit(address indexed dst, uint256 wad); event Withdrawal(address indexed src, uint256 wad); mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance; receive() external payable { deposit(); } fallback() external payable { deposit(); } function deposit() public payable { balanceOf[msg.sender] += msg.value; emit Deposit(msg.sender, msg.value); } function withdraw(uint256 wad) public { require(balanceOf[msg.sender] >= wad); balanceOf[msg.sender] -= wad; msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, wad); } function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return address(this).balance; } function approve(address guy, uint256 wad) public returns (bool) { allowance[msg.sender][guy] = wad; emit Approval(msg.sender, guy, wad); return true; } function transfer(address dst, uint256 wad) public returns (bool) { return transferFrom(msg.sender, dst, wad); } function transferFrom( address src, address dst, uint256 wad ) public returns (bool) { require(balanceOf[src] >= wad); if (src != msg.sender && allowance[src][msg.sender] != uint256(-1)) { require(allowance[src][msg.sender] >= wad); allowance[src][msg.sender] -= wad; } balanceOf[src] -= wad; balanceOf[dst] += wad; emit Transfer(src, dst, wad); return true; } } library ExpiringMultiPartyLib { /** * @notice Returns address of new EMP deployed with given `params` configuration. * @dev Caller will need to register new EMP with the Registry to begin requesting prices. Caller is also * responsible for enforcing constraints on `params`. * @param params is a `ConstructorParams` object from ExpiringMultiParty. * @return address of the deployed ExpiringMultiParty contract */ function deploy(ExpiringMultiParty.ConstructorParams memory params) public returns (address) { ExpiringMultiParty derivative = new ExpiringMultiParty(params); return address(derivative); } } library OracleInterfaces { bytes32 public constant Oracle = "Oracle"; bytes32 public constant IdentifierWhitelist = "IdentifierWhitelist"; bytes32 public constant Store = "Store"; bytes32 public constant FinancialContractsAdmin = "FinancialContractsAdmin"; bytes32 public constant Registry = "Registry"; bytes32 public constant CollateralWhitelist = "CollateralWhitelist"; } abstract contract ContractCreator { address internal finderAddress; constructor(address _finderAddress) public { finderAddress = _finderAddress; } function _requireWhitelistedCollateral(address collateralAddress) internal view { FinderInterface finder = FinderInterface(finderAddress); AddressWhitelist collateralWhitelist = AddressWhitelist( finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.CollateralWhitelist) ); require(collateralWhitelist.isOnWhitelist(collateralAddress), "Collateral not whitelisted"); } function _registerContract(address[] memory parties, address contractToRegister) internal { FinderInterface finder = FinderInterface(finderAddress); Registry registry = Registry(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Registry)); registry.registerContract(parties, contractToRegister); } } contract DesignatedVoting is Withdrawable { /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ enum Roles { Owner, // Can set the Voter role. Is also permanently permissioned as the minter role. Voter // Can vote through this contract. } // Reference to the UMA Finder contract, allowing Voting upgrades to be performed // without requiring any calls to this contract. FinderInterface private finder; /** * @notice Construct the DesignatedVoting contract. * @param finderAddress keeps track of all contracts within the system based on their interfaceName. * @param ownerAddress address of the owner of the DesignatedVoting contract. * @param voterAddress address to which the owner has delegated their voting power. */ constructor( address finderAddress, address ownerAddress, address voterAddress ) public { _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Owner), uint256(Roles.Owner), ownerAddress); _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Voter), uint256(Roles.Owner), voterAddress); _setWithdrawRole(uint256(Roles.Owner)); finder = FinderInterface(finderAddress); } /**************************************** * VOTING AND REWARD FUNCTIONALITY * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Forwards a commit to Voting. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the feed for this vote. EG BTC/USD price pair. * @param time specifies the unix timestamp of the price being voted on. * @param hash the keccak256 hash of the price you want to vote for and a random integer salt value. */ function commitVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, bytes32 hash ) external onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Voter)) { _getVotingAddress().commitVote(identifier, time, hash); } /** * @notice Forwards a batch commit to Voting. * @param commits struct to encapsulate an `identifier`, `time`, `hash` and optional `encryptedVote`. */ function batchCommit(VotingInterface.Commitment[] calldata commits) external onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Voter)) { _getVotingAddress().batchCommit(commits); } /** * @notice Forwards a reveal to Voting. * @param identifier voted on in the commit phase. EG BTC/USD price pair. * @param time specifies the unix timestamp of the price being voted on. * @param price used along with the `salt` to produce the `hash` during the commit phase. * @param salt used along with the `price` to produce the `hash` during the commit phase. */ function revealVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, int256 price, int256 salt ) external onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Voter)) { _getVotingAddress().revealVote(identifier, time, price, salt); } /** * @notice Forwards a batch reveal to Voting. * @param reveals is an array of the Reveal struct which contains an identifier, time, price and salt. */ function batchReveal(VotingInterface.Reveal[] calldata reveals) external onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Voter)) { _getVotingAddress().batchReveal(reveals); } /** * @notice Forwards a reward retrieval to Voting. * @dev Rewards are added to the tokens already held by this contract. * @param roundId defines the round from which voting rewards will be retrieved from. * @param toRetrieve an array of PendingRequests which rewards are retrieved from. * @return amount of rewards that the user should receive. */ function retrieveRewards(uint256 roundId, VotingInterface.PendingRequest[] memory toRetrieve) public onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Voter)) returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return _getVotingAddress().retrieveRewards(address(this), roundId, toRetrieve); } function _getVotingAddress() private view returns (VotingInterface) { return VotingInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Oracle)); } } contract DesignatedVotingFactory is Withdrawable { /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ enum Roles { Withdrawer // Can withdraw any ETH or ERC20 sent accidentally to this contract. } address private finder; mapping(address => DesignatedVoting) public designatedVotingContracts; /** * @notice Construct the DesignatedVotingFactory contract. * @param finderAddress keeps track of all contracts within the system based on their interfaceName. */ constructor(address finderAddress) public { finder = finderAddress; _createWithdrawRole(uint256(Roles.Withdrawer), uint256(Roles.Withdrawer), msg.sender); } /** * @notice Deploys a new `DesignatedVoting` contract. * @param ownerAddress defines who will own the deployed instance of the designatedVoting contract. * @return designatedVoting a new DesignatedVoting contract. */ function newDesignatedVoting(address ownerAddress) external returns (DesignatedVoting) { require(address(designatedVotingContracts[msg.sender]) == address(0), "Duplicate hot key not permitted"); DesignatedVoting designatedVoting = new DesignatedVoting(finder, ownerAddress, msg.sender); designatedVotingContracts[msg.sender] = designatedVoting; return designatedVoting; } /** * @notice Associates a `DesignatedVoting` instance with `msg.sender`. * @param designatedVotingAddress address to designate voting to. * @dev This is generally only used if the owner of a `DesignatedVoting` contract changes their `voter` * address and wants that reflected here. */ function setDesignatedVoting(address designatedVotingAddress) external { require(address(designatedVotingContracts[msg.sender]) == address(0), "Duplicate hot key not permitted"); designatedVotingContracts[msg.sender] = DesignatedVoting(designatedVotingAddress); } } contract FinancialContractsAdmin is Ownable { /** * @notice Calls emergency shutdown on the provided financial contract. * @param financialContract address of the FinancialContract to be shut down. */ function callEmergencyShutdown(address financialContract) external onlyOwner { AdministrateeInterface administratee = AdministrateeInterface(financialContract); administratee.emergencyShutdown(); } /** * @notice Calls remargin on the provided financial contract. * @param financialContract address of the FinancialContract to be remargined. */ function callRemargin(address financialContract) external onlyOwner { AdministrateeInterface administratee = AdministrateeInterface(financialContract); administratee.remargin(); } } contract Governor is MultiRole, Testable { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ enum Roles { Owner, // Can set the proposer. Proposer // Address that can make proposals. } struct Transaction { address to; uint256 value; bytes data; } struct Proposal { Transaction[] transactions; uint256 requestTime; } FinderInterface private finder; Proposal[] public proposals; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ // Emitted when a new proposal is created. event NewProposal(uint256 indexed id, Transaction[] transactions); // Emitted when an existing proposal is executed. event ProposalExecuted(uint256 indexed id, uint256 transactionIndex); /** * @notice Construct the Governor contract. * @param _finderAddress keeps track of all contracts within the system based on their interfaceName. * @param _startingId the initial proposal id that the contract will begin incrementing from. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. * Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time. */ constructor( address _finderAddress, uint256 _startingId, address _timerAddress ) public Testable(_timerAddress) { finder = FinderInterface(_finderAddress); _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Owner), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender); _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Proposer), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender); // Ensure the startingId is not set unreasonably high to avoid it being set such that new proposals overwrite // other storage slots in the contract. uint256 maxStartingId = 10**18; require(_startingId <= maxStartingId, "Cannot set startingId larger than 10^18"); // This just sets the initial length of the array to the startingId since modifying length directly has been // disallowed in solidity 0.6. assembly { sstore(proposals_slot, _startingId) } } /**************************************** * PROPOSAL ACTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Proposes a new governance action. Can only be called by the holder of the Proposer role. * @param transactions list of transactions that are being proposed. * @dev You can create the data portion of each transaction by doing the following: * ``` * const truffleContractInstance = await TruffleContract.deployed() * const data = truffleContractInstance.methods.methodToCall(arg1, arg2).encodeABI() * ``` * Note: this method must be public because of a solidity limitation that * disallows structs arrays to be passed to external functions. */ function propose(Transaction[] memory transactions) public onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Proposer)) { uint256 id = proposals.length; uint256 time = getCurrentTime(); // Note: doing all of this array manipulation manually is necessary because directly setting an array of // structs in storage to an an array of structs in memory is currently not implemented in solidity :/. // Add a zero-initialized element to the proposals array. proposals.push(); // Initialize the new proposal. Proposal storage proposal = proposals[id]; proposal.requestTime = time; // Initialize the transaction array. for (uint256 i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { require(transactions[i].to != address(0), "The `to` address cannot be 0x0"); // If the transaction has any data with it the recipient must be a contract, not an EOA. if (transactions[i].data.length > 0) { require(transactions[i].to.isContract(), "EOA can't accept tx with data"); } proposal.transactions.push(transactions[i]); } bytes32 identifier = _constructIdentifier(id); // Request a vote on this proposal in the DVM. OracleInterface oracle = _getOracle(); IdentifierWhitelistInterface supportedIdentifiers = _getIdentifierWhitelist(); supportedIdentifiers.addSupportedIdentifier(identifier); oracle.requestPrice(identifier, time); supportedIdentifiers.removeSupportedIdentifier(identifier); emit NewProposal(id, transactions); } /** * @notice Executes a proposed governance action that has been approved by voters. * @dev This can be called by any address. Caller is expected to send enough ETH to execute payable transactions. * @param id unique id for the executed proposal. * @param transactionIndex unique transaction index for the executed proposal. */ function executeProposal(uint256 id, uint256 transactionIndex) external payable { Proposal storage proposal = proposals[id]; int256 price = _getOracle().getPrice(_constructIdentifier(id), proposal.requestTime); Transaction memory transaction = proposal.transactions[transactionIndex]; require( transactionIndex == 0 || proposal.transactions[transactionIndex.sub(1)].to == address(0), "Previous tx not yet executed" ); require( != address(0), "Tx already executed"); require(price != 0, "Proposal was rejected"); require(msg.value == transaction.value, "Must send exact amount of ETH"); // Delete the transaction before execution to avoid any potential re-entrancy issues. delete proposal.transactions[transactionIndex]; require(_executeCall(, transaction.value,, "Tx execution failed"); emit ProposalExecuted(id, transactionIndex); } /**************************************** * GOVERNOR STATE GETTERS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Gets the total number of proposals (includes executed and non-executed). * @return uint256 representing the current number of proposals. */ function numProposals() external view returns (uint256) { return proposals.length; } /** * @notice Gets the proposal data for a particular id. * @dev after a proposal is executed, its data will be zeroed out, except for the request time. * @param id uniquely identify the identity of the proposal. * @return proposal struct containing transactions[] and requestTime. */ function getProposal(uint256 id) external view returns (Proposal memory) { return proposals[id]; } /**************************************** * PRIVATE GETTERS AND FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ function _executeCall( address to, uint256 value, bytes memory data ) private returns (bool) { // Mostly copied from: // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length // // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly bool success; assembly { let inputData := add(data, 0x20) let inputDataSize := mload(data) success := call(gas(), to, value, inputData, inputDataSize, 0, 0) } return success; } function _getOracle() private view returns (OracleInterface) { return OracleInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Oracle)); } function _getIdentifierWhitelist() private view returns (IdentifierWhitelistInterface supportedIdentifiers) { return IdentifierWhitelistInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.IdentifierWhitelist)); } // Returns a UTF-8 identifier representing a particular admin proposal. // The identifier is of the form "Admin n", where n is the proposal id provided. function _constructIdentifier(uint256 id) internal pure returns (bytes32) { bytes32 bytesId = _uintToUtf8(id); return _addPrefix(bytesId, "Admin ", 6); } // This method converts the integer `v` into a base-10, UTF-8 representation stored in a `bytes32` type. // If the input cannot be represented by 32 base-10 digits, it returns only the highest 32 digits. // This method is based off of this code: function _uintToUtf8(uint256 v) internal pure returns (bytes32) { bytes32 ret; if (v == 0) { // Handle 0 case explicitly. ret = "0"; } else { // Constants. uint256 bitsPerByte = 8; uint256 base = 10; // Note: the output should be base-10. The below implementation will not work for bases > 10. uint256 utf8NumberOffset = 48; while (v > 0) { // Downshift the entire bytes32 to allow the new digit to be added at the "front" of the bytes32, which // translates to the beginning of the UTF-8 representation. ret = ret >> bitsPerByte; // Separate the last digit that remains in v by modding by the base of desired output representation. uint256 leastSignificantDigit = v % base; // Digits 0-9 are represented by 48-57 in UTF-8, so an offset must be added to create the character. bytes32 utf8Digit = bytes32(leastSignificantDigit + utf8NumberOffset); // The top byte of ret has already been cleared to make room for the new digit. // Upshift by 31 bytes to put it in position, and OR it with ret to leave the other characters untouched. ret |= utf8Digit << (31 * bitsPerByte); // Divide v by the base to remove the digit that was just added. v /= base; } } return ret; } // This method takes two UTF-8 strings represented as bytes32 and outputs one as a prefixed by the other. // `input` is the UTF-8 that should have the prefix prepended. // `prefix` is the UTF-8 that should be prepended onto input. // `prefixLength` is number of UTF-8 characters represented by `prefix`. // Notes: // 1. If the resulting UTF-8 is larger than 32 characters, then only the first 32 characters will be represented // by the bytes32 output. // 2. If `prefix` has more characters than `prefixLength`, the function will produce an invalid result. function _addPrefix( bytes32 input, bytes32 prefix, uint256 prefixLength ) internal pure returns (bytes32) { // Downshift `input` to open space at the "front" of the bytes32 bytes32 shiftedInput = input >> (prefixLength * 8); return shiftedInput | prefix; } } library ResultComputation { using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; /**************************************** * INTERNAL LIBRARY DATA STRUCTURE * ****************************************/ struct Data { // Maps price to number of tokens that voted for that price. mapping(int256 => FixedPoint.Unsigned) voteFrequency; // The total votes that have been added. FixedPoint.Unsigned totalVotes; // The price that is the current mode, i.e., the price with the highest frequency in `voteFrequency`. int256 currentMode; } /**************************************** * VOTING FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Adds a new vote to be used when computing the result. * @param data contains information to which the vote is applied. * @param votePrice value specified in the vote for the given `numberTokens`. * @param numberTokens number of tokens that voted on the `votePrice`. */ function addVote( Data storage data, int256 votePrice, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory numberTokens ) internal { data.totalVotes = data.totalVotes.add(numberTokens); data.voteFrequency[votePrice] = data.voteFrequency[votePrice].add(numberTokens); if ( votePrice != data.currentMode && data.voteFrequency[votePrice].isGreaterThan(data.voteFrequency[data.currentMode]) ) { data.currentMode = votePrice; } } /**************************************** * VOTING STATE GETTERS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Returns whether the result is resolved, and if so, what value it resolved to. * @dev `price` should be ignored if `isResolved` is false. * @param data contains information against which the `minVoteThreshold` is applied. * @param minVoteThreshold min (exclusive) number of tokens that must have voted for the result to be valid. Can be * used to enforce a minimum voter participation rate, regardless of how the votes are distributed. * @return isResolved indicates if the price has been resolved correctly. * @return price the price that the dvm resolved to. */ function getResolvedPrice(Data storage data, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory minVoteThreshold) internal view returns (bool isResolved, int256 price) { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory modeThreshold = FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(50).div(100); if ( data.totalVotes.isGreaterThan(minVoteThreshold) && data.voteFrequency[data.currentMode].div(data.totalVotes).isGreaterThan(modeThreshold) ) { // `modeThreshold` and `minVoteThreshold` are exceeded, so the current mode is the resolved price. isResolved = true; price = data.currentMode; } else { isResolved = false; } } /** * @notice Checks whether a `voteHash` is considered correct. * @dev Should only be called after a vote is resolved, i.e., via `getResolvedPrice`. * @param data contains information against which the `voteHash` is checked. * @param voteHash committed hash submitted by the voter. * @return bool true if the vote was correct. */ function wasVoteCorrect(Data storage data, bytes32 voteHash) internal view returns (bool) { return voteHash == keccak256(abi.encode(data.currentMode)); } /** * @notice Gets the total number of tokens whose votes are considered correct. * @dev Should only be called after a vote is resolved, i.e., via `getResolvedPrice`. * @param data contains all votes against which the correctly voted tokens are counted. * @return FixedPoint.Unsigned which indicates the frequency of the correctly voted tokens. */ function getTotalCorrectlyVotedTokens(Data storage data) internal view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return data.voteFrequency[data.currentMode]; } } contract TokenMigrator { using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ VotingToken public oldToken; ExpandedIERC20 public newToken; uint256 public snapshotId; FixedPoint.Unsigned public rate; mapping(address => bool) public hasMigrated; /** * @notice Construct the TokenMigrator contract. * @dev This function triggers the snapshot upon which all migrations will be based. * @param _rate the number of old tokens it takes to generate one new token. * @param _oldToken address of the token being migrated from. * @param _newToken address of the token being migrated to. */ constructor( FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _rate, address _oldToken, address _newToken ) public { // Prevents division by 0 in migrateTokens(). // Also it doesn’t make sense to have “0 old tokens equate to 1 new token”. require(_rate.isGreaterThan(0), "Rate can't be 0"); rate = _rate; newToken = ExpandedIERC20(_newToken); oldToken = VotingToken(_oldToken); snapshotId = oldToken.snapshot(); } /** * @notice Migrates the tokenHolder's old tokens to new tokens. * @dev This function can only be called once per `tokenHolder`. Anyone can call this method * on behalf of any other token holder since there is no disadvantage to receiving the tokens earlier. * @param tokenHolder address of the token holder to migrate. */ function migrateTokens(address tokenHolder) external { require(!hasMigrated[tokenHolder], "Already migrated tokens"); hasMigrated[tokenHolder] = true; FixedPoint.Unsigned memory oldBalance = FixedPoint.Unsigned(oldToken.balanceOfAt(tokenHolder, snapshotId)); if (!oldBalance.isGreaterThan(0)) { return; } FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newBalance = oldBalance.div(rate); require(, newBalance.rawValue), "Mint failed"); } } library VoteTiming { using SafeMath for uint256; struct Data { uint256 phaseLength; } /** * @notice Initializes the data object. Sets the phase length based on the input. */ function init(Data storage data, uint256 phaseLength) internal { // This should have a require message but this results in an internal Solidity error. require(phaseLength > 0); data.phaseLength = phaseLength; } /** * @notice Computes the roundID based off the current time as floor(timestamp/roundLength). * @dev The round ID depends on the global timestamp but not on the lifetime of the system. * The consequence is that the initial round ID starts at an arbitrary number (that increments, as expected, for subsequent rounds) instead of zero or one. * @param data input data object. * @param currentTime input unix timestamp used to compute the current roundId. * @return roundId defined as a function of the currentTime and `phaseLength` from `data`. */ function computeCurrentRoundId(Data storage data, uint256 currentTime) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 roundLength = data.phaseLength.mul(uint256(VotingInterface.Phase.NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER)); return currentTime.div(roundLength); } /** * @notice compute the round end time as a function of the round Id. * @param data input data object. * @param roundId uniquely identifies the current round. * @return timestamp unix time of when the current round will end. */ function computeRoundEndTime(Data storage data, uint256 roundId) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 roundLength = data.phaseLength.mul(uint256(VotingInterface.Phase.NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER)); return roundLength.mul(roundId.add(1)); } /** * @notice Computes the current phase based only on the current time. * @param data input data object. * @param currentTime input unix timestamp used to compute the current roundId. * @return current voting phase based on current time and vote phases configuration. */ function computeCurrentPhase(Data storage data, uint256 currentTime) internal view returns (VotingInterface.Phase) { // This employs some hacky casting. We could make this an if-statement if we're worried about type safety. return VotingInterface.Phase( currentTime.div(data.phaseLength).mod(uint256(VotingInterface.Phase.NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER)) ); } } contract GovernorTest is Governor { constructor(address _timerAddress) public Governor(address(0), 0, _timerAddress) {} function addPrefix( bytes32 input, bytes32 prefix, uint256 prefixLength ) external pure returns (bytes32) { return _addPrefix(input, prefix, prefixLength); } function uintToUtf8(uint256 v) external pure returns (bytes32 ret) { return _uintToUtf8(v); } function constructIdentifier(uint256 id) external pure returns (bytes32 identifier) { return _constructIdentifier(id); } } contract ResultComputationTest { using ResultComputation for ResultComputation.Data; ResultComputation.Data public data; function wrapAddVote(int256 votePrice, uint256 numberTokens) external { data.addVote(votePrice, FixedPoint.Unsigned(numberTokens)); } function wrapGetResolvedPrice(uint256 minVoteThreshold) external view returns (bool isResolved, int256 price) { return data.getResolvedPrice(FixedPoint.Unsigned(minVoteThreshold)); } function wrapWasVoteCorrect(bytes32 revealHash) external view returns (bool) { return data.wasVoteCorrect(revealHash); } function wrapGetTotalCorrectlyVotedTokens() external view returns (uint256) { return data.getTotalCorrectlyVotedTokens().rawValue; } } contract VoteTimingTest { using VoteTiming for VoteTiming.Data; VoteTiming.Data public voteTiming; constructor(uint256 phaseLength) public { wrapInit(phaseLength); } function wrapComputeCurrentRoundId(uint256 currentTime) external view returns (uint256) { return voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(currentTime); } function wrapComputeCurrentPhase(uint256 currentTime) external view returns (VotingInterface.Phase) { return voteTiming.computeCurrentPhase(currentTime); } function wrapInit(uint256 phaseLength) public { voteTiming.init(phaseLength); } } interface AdministrateeInterface { /** * @notice Initiates the shutdown process, in case of an emergency. */ function emergencyShutdown() external; /** * @notice A core contract method called independently or as a part of other financial contract transactions. * @dev It pays fees and moves money between margin accounts to make sure they reflect the NAV of the contract. */ function remargin() external; } interface FinderInterface { /** * @notice Updates the address of the contract that implements `interfaceName`. * @param interfaceName bytes32 encoding of the interface name that is either changed or registered. * @param implementationAddress address of the deployed contract that implements the interface. */ function changeImplementationAddress(bytes32 interfaceName, address implementationAddress) external; /** * @notice Gets the address of the contract that implements the given `interfaceName`. * @param interfaceName queried interface. * @return implementationAddress address of the deployed contract that implements the interface. */ function getImplementationAddress(bytes32 interfaceName) external view returns (address); } interface IdentifierWhitelistInterface { /** * @notice Adds the provided identifier as a supported identifier. * @dev Price requests using this identifier will succeed after this call. * @param identifier bytes32 encoding of the string identifier. Eg: BTC/USD. */ function addSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external; /** * @notice Removes the identifier from the whitelist. * @dev Price requests using this identifier will no longer succeed after this call. * @param identifier bytes32 encoding of the string identifier. Eg: BTC/USD. */ function removeSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external; /** * @notice Checks whether an identifier is on the whitelist. * @param identifier bytes32 encoding of the string identifier. Eg: BTC/USD. * @return bool if the identifier is supported (or not). */ function isIdentifierSupported(bytes32 identifier) external view returns (bool); } interface OracleInterface { /** * @notice Enqueues a request (if a request isn't already present) for the given `identifier`, `time` pair. * @dev Time must be in the past and the identifier must be supported. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the price requested. eg BTC/USD (encoded as bytes32) could be requested. * @param time unix timestamp for the price request. */ function requestPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external; /** * @notice Whether the price for `identifier` and `time` is available. * @dev Time must be in the past and the identifier must be supported. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the price requested. eg BTC/USD (encoded as bytes32) could be requested. * @param time unix timestamp for the price request. * @return bool if the DVM has resolved to a price for the given identifier and timestamp. */ function hasPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Gets the price for `identifier` and `time` if it has already been requested and resolved. * @dev If the price is not available, the method reverts. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the price requested. eg BTC/USD (encoded as bytes32) could be requested. * @param time unix timestamp for the price request. * @return int256 representing the resolved price for the given identifier and timestamp. */ function getPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external view returns (int256); } interface RegistryInterface { /** * @notice Registers a new contract. * @dev Only authorized contract creators can call this method. * @param parties an array of addresses who become parties in the contract. * @param contractAddress defines the address of the deployed contract. */ function registerContract(address[] calldata parties, address contractAddress) external; /** * @notice Returns whether the contract has been registered with the registry. * @dev If it is registered, it is an authorized participant in the UMA system. * @param contractAddress address of the contract. * @return bool indicates whether the contract is registered. */ function isContractRegistered(address contractAddress) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Returns a list of all contracts that are associated with a particular party. * @param party address of the party. * @return an array of the contracts the party is registered to. */ function getRegisteredContracts(address party) external view returns (address[] memory); /** * @notice Returns all registered contracts. * @return all registered contract addresses within the system. */ function getAllRegisteredContracts() external view returns (address[] memory); /** * @notice Adds a party to the calling contract. * @dev msg.sender must be the contract to which the party member is added. * @param party address to be added to the contract. */ function addPartyToContract(address party) external; /** * @notice Removes a party member to the calling contract. * @dev msg.sender must be the contract to which the party member is added. * @param party address to be removed from the contract. */ function removePartyFromContract(address party) external; /** * @notice checks if an address is a party in a contract. * @param party party to check. * @param contractAddress address to check against the party. * @return bool indicating if the address is a party of the contract. */ function isPartyMemberOfContract(address party, address contractAddress) external view returns (bool); } interface StoreInterface { /** * @notice Pays Oracle fees in ETH to the store. * @dev To be used by contracts whose margin currency is ETH. */ function payOracleFees() external payable; /** * @notice Pays oracle fees in the margin currency, erc20Address, to the store. * @dev To be used if the margin currency is an ERC20 token rather than ETH. * @param erc20Address address of the ERC20 token used to pay the fee. * @param amount number of tokens to transfer. An approval for at least this amount must exist. */ function payOracleFeesErc20(address erc20Address, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata amount) external; /** * @notice Computes the regular oracle fees that a contract should pay for a period. * @param startTime defines the beginning time from which the fee is paid. * @param endTime end time until which the fee is paid. * @param pfc "profit from corruption", or the maximum amount of margin currency that a * token sponsor could extract from the contract through corrupting the price feed in their favor. * @return regularFee amount owed for the duration from start to end time for the given pfc. * @return latePenalty for paying the fee after the deadline. */ function computeRegularFee( uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata pfc ) external view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory regularFee, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory latePenalty); /** * @notice Computes the final oracle fees that a contract should pay at settlement. * @param currency token used to pay the final fee. * @return finalFee amount due. */ function computeFinalFee(address currency) external view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory); } abstract contract VotingInterface { struct PendingRequest { bytes32 identifier; uint256 time; } // Captures the necessary data for making a commitment. // Used as a parameter when making batch commitments. // Not used as a data structure for storage. struct Commitment { bytes32 identifier; uint256 time; bytes32 hash; bytes encryptedVote; } // Captures the necessary data for revealing a vote. // Used as a parameter when making batch reveals. // Not used as a data structure for storage. struct Reveal { bytes32 identifier; uint256 time; int256 price; int256 salt; } // Note: the phases must be in order. Meaning the first enum value must be the first phase, etc. // `NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER` is to get the number of phases. It isn't an actual phase, and it should always be last. enum Phase { Commit, Reveal, NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER } /** * @notice Commit a vote for a price request for `identifier` at `time`. * @dev `identifier`, `time` must correspond to a price request that's currently in the commit phase. * Commits can be changed. * @dev Since transaction data is public, the salt will be revealed with the vote. While this is the system’s expected behavior, * voters should never reuse salts. If someone else is able to guess the voted price and knows that a salt will be reused, then * they can determine the vote pre-reveal. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the committed vote. EG BTC/USD price pair. * @param time unix timestamp of the price being voted on. * @param hash keccak256 hash of the `price`, `salt`, voter `address`, `time`, current `roundId`, and `identifier`. */ function commitVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, bytes32 hash ) external virtual; /** * @notice Submit a batch of commits in a single transaction. * @dev Using `encryptedVote` is optional. If included then commitment is stored on chain. * Look at `project-root/common/Constants.js` for the tested maximum number of * commitments that can fit in one transaction. * @param commits array of structs that encapsulate an `identifier`, `time`, `hash` and optional `encryptedVote`. */ function batchCommit(Commitment[] calldata commits) external virtual; /** * @notice snapshot the current round's token balances and lock in the inflation rate and GAT. * @dev This function can be called multiple times but each round will only every have one snapshot at the * time of calling `_freezeRoundVariables`. * @param signature signature required to prove caller is an EOA to prevent flash loans from being included in the * snapshot. */ function snapshotCurrentRound(bytes calldata signature) external virtual; /** * @notice Reveal a previously committed vote for `identifier` at `time`. * @dev The revealed `price`, `salt`, `address`, `time`, `roundId`, and `identifier`, must hash to the latest `hash` * that `commitVote()` was called with. Only the committer can reveal their vote. * @param identifier voted on in the commit phase. EG BTC/USD price pair. * @param time specifies the unix timestamp of the price is being voted on. * @param price voted on during the commit phase. * @param salt value used to hide the commitment price during the commit phase. */ function revealVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, int256 price, int256 salt ) external virtual; /** * @notice Reveal multiple votes in a single transaction. * Look at `project-root/common/Constants.js` for the tested maximum number of reveals. * that can fit in one transaction. * @dev For more information on reveals, review the comment for `revealVote`. * @param reveals array of the Reveal struct which contains an identifier, time, price and salt. */ function batchReveal(Reveal[] calldata reveals) external virtual; /** * @notice Gets the queries that are being voted on this round. * @return pendingRequests `PendingRequest` array containing identifiers * and timestamps for all pending requests. */ function getPendingRequests() external virtual view returns (PendingRequest[] memory); /** * @notice Returns the current voting phase, as a function of the current time. * @return Phase to indicate the current phase. Either { Commit, Reveal, NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER }. */ function getVotePhase() external virtual view returns (Phase); /** * @notice Returns the current round ID, as a function of the current time. * @return uint256 representing the unique round ID. */ function getCurrentRoundId() external virtual view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Retrieves rewards owed for a set of resolved price requests. * @dev Can only retrieve rewards if calling for a valid round and if the * call is done within the timeout threshold (not expired). * @param voterAddress voter for which rewards will be retrieved. Does not have to be the caller. * @param roundId the round from which voting rewards will be retrieved from. * @param toRetrieve array of PendingRequests which rewards are retrieved from. * @return total amount of rewards returned to the voter. */ function retrieveRewards( address voterAddress, uint256 roundId, PendingRequest[] memory toRetrieve ) public virtual returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory); } contract MockOracle is OracleInterface, Testable { // Represents an available price. Have to keep a separate bool to allow for price=0. struct Price { bool isAvailable; int256 price; // Time the verified price became available. uint256 verifiedTime; } // The two structs below are used in an array and mapping to keep track of prices that have been requested but are // not yet available. struct QueryIndex { bool isValid; uint256 index; } // Represents a (identifier, time) point that has been queried. struct QueryPoint { bytes32 identifier; uint256 time; } // Reference to the Finder. FinderInterface private finder; // Conceptually we want a (time, identifier) -> price map. mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => Price)) private verifiedPrices; // The mapping and array allow retrieving all the elements in a mapping and finding/deleting elements. // Can we generalize this data structure? mapping(bytes32 => mapping(uint256 => QueryIndex)) private queryIndices; QueryPoint[] private requestedPrices; constructor(address _finderAddress, address _timerAddress) public Testable(_timerAddress) { finder = FinderInterface(_finderAddress); } // Enqueues a request (if a request isn't already present) for the given (identifier, time) pair. function requestPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external override { require(_getIdentifierWhitelist().isIdentifierSupported(identifier)); Price storage lookup = verifiedPrices[identifier][time]; if (!lookup.isAvailable && !queryIndices[identifier][time].isValid) { // New query, enqueue it for review. queryIndices[identifier][time] = QueryIndex(true, requestedPrices.length); requestedPrices.push(QueryPoint(identifier, time)); } } // Pushes the verified price for a requested query. function pushPrice( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, int256 price ) external { verifiedPrices[identifier][time] = Price(true, price, getCurrentTime()); QueryIndex storage queryIndex = queryIndices[identifier][time]; require(queryIndex.isValid, "Can't push prices that haven't been requested"); // Delete from the array. Instead of shifting the queries over, replace the contents of `indexToReplace` with // the contents of the last index (unless it is the last index). uint256 indexToReplace = queryIndex.index; delete queryIndices[identifier][time]; uint256 lastIndex = requestedPrices.length - 1; if (lastIndex != indexToReplace) { QueryPoint storage queryToCopy = requestedPrices[lastIndex]; queryIndices[queryToCopy.identifier][queryToCopy.time].index = indexToReplace; requestedPrices[indexToReplace] = queryToCopy; } } // Checks whether a price has been resolved. function hasPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external override view returns (bool) { require(_getIdentifierWhitelist().isIdentifierSupported(identifier)); Price storage lookup = verifiedPrices[identifier][time]; return lookup.isAvailable; } // Gets a price that has already been resolved. function getPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external override view returns (int256) { require(_getIdentifierWhitelist().isIdentifierSupported(identifier)); Price storage lookup = verifiedPrices[identifier][time]; require(lookup.isAvailable); return lookup.price; } // Gets the queries that still need verified prices. function getPendingQueries() external view returns (QueryPoint[] memory) { return requestedPrices; } function _getIdentifierWhitelist() private view returns (IdentifierWhitelistInterface supportedIdentifiers) { return IdentifierWhitelistInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.IdentifierWhitelist)); } } contract Umip15Upgrader { // Existing governor is the only one who can initiate the upgrade. address public governor; // Existing Voting contract needs to be informed of the address of the new Voting contract. Voting public existingVoting; // New governor will be the new owner of the finder. // Finder contract to push upgrades to. Finder public finder; // Addresses to upgrade. address public newVoting; constructor( address _governor, address _existingVoting, address _newVoting, address _finder ) public { governor = _governor; existingVoting = Voting(_existingVoting); newVoting = _newVoting; finder = Finder(_finder); } function upgrade() external { require(msg.sender == governor, "Upgrade can only be initiated by the existing governor."); // Change the addresses in the Finder. finder.changeImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Oracle, newVoting); // Set current Voting contract to migrated. existingVoting.setMigrated(newVoting); // Transfer back ownership of old voting contract and the finder to the governor. existingVoting.transferOwnership(governor); finder.transferOwnership(governor); } } contract Umip3Upgrader { // Existing governor is the only one who can initiate the upgrade. address public existingGovernor; // Existing Voting contract needs to be informed of the address of the new Voting contract. Voting public existingVoting; // New governor will be the new owner of the finder. address public newGovernor; // Finder contract to push upgrades to. Finder public finder; // Addresses to upgrade. address public voting; address public identifierWhitelist; address public store; address public financialContractsAdmin; address public registry; constructor( address _existingGovernor, address _existingVoting, address _finder, address _voting, address _identifierWhitelist, address _store, address _financialContractsAdmin, address _registry, address _newGovernor ) public { existingGovernor = _existingGovernor; existingVoting = Voting(_existingVoting); finder = Finder(_finder); voting = _voting; identifierWhitelist = _identifierWhitelist; store = _store; financialContractsAdmin = _financialContractsAdmin; registry = _registry; newGovernor = _newGovernor; } function upgrade() external { require(msg.sender == existingGovernor, "Upgrade can only be initiated by the existing governor."); // Change the addresses in the Finder. finder.changeImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Oracle, voting); finder.changeImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.IdentifierWhitelist, identifierWhitelist); finder.changeImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Store, store); finder.changeImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.FinancialContractsAdmin, financialContractsAdmin); finder.changeImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Registry, registry); // Transfer the ownership of the Finder to the new Governor now that all the addresses have been updated. finder.transferOwnership(newGovernor); // Inform the existing Voting contract of the address of the new Voting contract and transfer its // ownership to the new governor to allow for any future changes to the migrated contract. existingVoting.setMigrated(voting); existingVoting.transferOwnership(newGovernor); } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } abstract contract ERC20Snapshot is ERC20 { // Inspired by Jordi Baylina's MiniMeToken to record historical balances: // using SafeMath for uint256; using Arrays for uint256[]; using Counters for Counters.Counter; // Snapshotted values have arrays of ids and the value corresponding to that id. These could be an array of a // Snapshot struct, but that would impede usage of functions that work on an array. struct Snapshots { uint256[] ids; uint256[] values; } mapping (address => Snapshots) private _accountBalanceSnapshots; Snapshots private _totalSupplySnapshots; // Snapshot ids increase monotonically, with the first value being 1. An id of 0 is invalid. Counters.Counter private _currentSnapshotId; /** * @dev Emitted by {_snapshot} when a snapshot identified by `id` is created. */ event Snapshot(uint256 id); /** * @dev Creates a new snapshot and returns its snapshot id. * * Emits a {Snapshot} event that contains the same id. * * {_snapshot} is `internal` and you have to decide how to expose it externally. Its usage may be restricted to a * set of accounts, for example using {AccessControl}, or it may be open to the public. * * [WARNING] * ==== * While an open way of calling {_snapshot} is required for certain trust minimization mechanisms such as forking, * you must consider that it can potentially be used by attackers in two ways. * * First, it can be used to increase the cost of retrieval of values from snapshots, although it will grow * logarithmically thus rendering this attack ineffective in the long term. Second, it can be used to target * specific accounts and increase the cost of ERC20 transfers for them, in the ways specified in the Gas Costs * section above. * * We haven't measured the actual numbers; if this is something you're interested in please reach out to us. * ==== */ function _snapshot() internal virtual returns (uint256) { _currentSnapshotId.increment(); uint256 currentId = _currentSnapshotId.current(); emit Snapshot(currentId); return currentId; } /** * @dev Retrieves the balance of `account` at the time `snapshotId` was created. */ function balanceOfAt(address account, uint256 snapshotId) public view returns (uint256) { (bool snapshotted, uint256 value) = _valueAt(snapshotId, _accountBalanceSnapshots[account]); return snapshotted ? value : balanceOf(account); } /** * @dev Retrieves the total supply at the time `snapshotId` was created. */ function totalSupplyAt(uint256 snapshotId) public view returns(uint256) { (bool snapshotted, uint256 value) = _valueAt(snapshotId, _totalSupplySnapshots); return snapshotted ? value : totalSupply(); } // _transfer, _mint and _burn are the only functions where the balances are modified, so it is there that the // snapshots are updated. Note that the update happens _before_ the balance change, with the pre-modified value. // The same is true for the total supply and _mint and _burn. function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal virtual override { _updateAccountSnapshot(from); _updateAccountSnapshot(to); super._transfer(from, to, value); } function _mint(address account, uint256 value) internal virtual override { _updateAccountSnapshot(account); _updateTotalSupplySnapshot(); super._mint(account, value); } function _burn(address account, uint256 value) internal virtual override { _updateAccountSnapshot(account); _updateTotalSupplySnapshot(); super._burn(account, value); } function _valueAt(uint256 snapshotId, Snapshots storage snapshots) private view returns (bool, uint256) { require(snapshotId > 0, "ERC20Snapshot: id is 0"); // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(snapshotId <= _currentSnapshotId.current(), "ERC20Snapshot: nonexistent id"); // When a valid snapshot is queried, there are three possibilities: // a) The queried value was not modified after the snapshot was taken. Therefore, a snapshot entry was never // created for this id, and all stored snapshot ids are smaller than the requested one. The value that corresponds // to this id is the current one. // b) The queried value was modified after the snapshot was taken. Therefore, there will be an entry with the // requested id, and its value is the one to return. // c) More snapshots were created after the requested one, and the queried value was later modified. There will be // no entry for the requested id: the value that corresponds to it is that of the smallest snapshot id that is // larger than the requested one. // // In summary, we need to find an element in an array, returning the index of the smallest value that is larger if // it is not found, unless said value doesn't exist (e.g. when all values are smaller). Arrays.findUpperBound does // exactly this. uint256 index = snapshots.ids.findUpperBound(snapshotId); if (index == snapshots.ids.length) { return (false, 0); } else { return (true, snapshots.values[index]); } } function _updateAccountSnapshot(address account) private { _updateSnapshot(_accountBalanceSnapshots[account], balanceOf(account)); } function _updateTotalSupplySnapshot() private { _updateSnapshot(_totalSupplySnapshots, totalSupply()); } function _updateSnapshot(Snapshots storage snapshots, uint256 currentValue) private { uint256 currentId = _currentSnapshotId.current(); if (_lastSnapshotId(snapshots.ids) < currentId) { snapshots.ids.push(currentId); snapshots.values.push(currentValue); } } function _lastSnapshotId(uint256[] storage ids) private view returns (uint256) { if (ids.length == 0) { return 0; } else { return ids[ids.length - 1]; } } } contract AddressWhitelist is Ownable, Lockable { enum Status { None, In, Out } mapping(address => Status) public whitelist; address[] public whitelistIndices; event AddedToWhitelist(address indexed addedAddress); event RemovedFromWhitelist(address indexed removedAddress); /** * @notice Adds an address to the whitelist. * @param newElement the new address to add. */ function addToWhitelist(address newElement) external nonReentrant() onlyOwner { // Ignore if address is already included if (whitelist[newElement] == Status.In) { return; } // Only append new addresses to the array, never a duplicate if (whitelist[newElement] == Status.None) { whitelistIndices.push(newElement); } whitelist[newElement] = Status.In; emit AddedToWhitelist(newElement); } /** * @notice Removes an address from the whitelist. * @param elementToRemove the existing address to remove. */ function removeFromWhitelist(address elementToRemove) external nonReentrant() onlyOwner { if (whitelist[elementToRemove] != Status.Out) { whitelist[elementToRemove] = Status.Out; emit RemovedFromWhitelist(elementToRemove); } } /** * @notice Checks whether an address is on the whitelist. * @param elementToCheck the address to check. * @return True if `elementToCheck` is on the whitelist, or False. */ function isOnWhitelist(address elementToCheck) external view nonReentrantView() returns (bool) { return whitelist[elementToCheck] == Status.In; } /** * @notice Gets all addresses that are currently included in the whitelist. * @dev Note: This method skips over, but still iterates through addresses. It is possible for this call to run out * of gas if a large number of addresses have been removed. To reduce the likelihood of this unlikely scenario, we * can modify the implementation so that when addresses are removed, the last addresses in the array is moved to * the empty index. * @return activeWhitelist the list of addresses on the whitelist. */ function getWhitelist() external view nonReentrantView() returns (address[] memory activeWhitelist) { // Determine size of whitelist first uint256 activeCount = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < whitelistIndices.length; i++) { if (whitelist[whitelistIndices[i]] == Status.In) { activeCount++; } } // Populate whitelist activeWhitelist = new address[](activeCount); activeCount = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < whitelistIndices.length; i++) { address addr = whitelistIndices[i]; if (whitelist[addr] == Status.In) { activeWhitelist[activeCount] = addr; activeCount++; } } } } contract ExpandedERC20 is ExpandedIERC20, ERC20, MultiRole { enum Roles { // Can set the minter and burner. Owner, // Addresses that can mint new tokens. Minter, // Addresses that can burn tokens that address owns. Burner } /** * @notice Constructs the ExpandedERC20. * @param _tokenName The name which describes the new token. * @param _tokenSymbol The ticker abbreviation of the name. Ideally < 5 chars. * @param _tokenDecimals The number of decimals to define token precision. */ constructor( string memory _tokenName, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint8 _tokenDecimals ) public ERC20(_tokenName, _tokenSymbol) { _setupDecimals(_tokenDecimals); _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Owner), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender); _createSharedRole(uint256(Roles.Minter), uint256(Roles.Owner), new address[](0)); _createSharedRole(uint256(Roles.Burner), uint256(Roles.Owner), new address[](0)); } /** * @dev Mints `value` tokens to `recipient`, returning true on success. * @param recipient address to mint to. * @param value amount of tokens to mint. * @return True if the mint succeeded, or False. */ function mint(address recipient, uint256 value) external override onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Minter)) returns (bool) { _mint(recipient, value); return true; } /** * @dev Burns `value` tokens owned by `msg.sender`. * @param value amount of tokens to burn. */ function burn(uint256 value) external override onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Burner)) { _burn(msg.sender, value); } } contract TestnetERC20 is ERC20 { /** * @notice Constructs the TestnetERC20. * @param _name The name which describes the new token. * @param _symbol The ticker abbreviation of the name. Ideally < 5 chars. * @param _decimals The number of decimals to define token precision. */ constructor( string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals ) public ERC20(_name, _symbol) { _setupDecimals(_decimals); } // Sample token information. /** * @notice Mints value tokens to the owner address. * @param ownerAddress the address to mint to. * @param value the amount of tokens to mint. */ function allocateTo(address ownerAddress, uint256 value) external { _mint(ownerAddress, value); } } contract SyntheticToken is ExpandedERC20, Lockable { /** * @notice Constructs the SyntheticToken. * @param tokenName The name which describes the new token. * @param tokenSymbol The ticker abbreviation of the name. Ideally < 5 chars. * @param tokenDecimals The number of decimals to define token precision. */ constructor( string memory tokenName, string memory tokenSymbol, uint8 tokenDecimals ) public ExpandedERC20(tokenName, tokenSymbol, tokenDecimals) nonReentrant() {} /** * @notice Add Minter role to account. * @dev The caller must have the Owner role. * @param account The address to which the Minter role is added. */ function addMinter(address account) external nonReentrant() { addMember(uint256(Roles.Minter), account); } /** * @notice Remove Minter role from account. * @dev The caller must have the Owner role. * @param account The address from which the Minter role is removed. */ function removeMinter(address account) external nonReentrant() { removeMember(uint256(Roles.Minter), account); } /** * @notice Add Burner role to account. * @dev The caller must have the Owner role. * @param account The address to which the Burner role is added. */ function addBurner(address account) external nonReentrant() { addMember(uint256(Roles.Burner), account); } /** * @notice Removes Burner role from account. * @dev The caller must have the Owner role. * @param account The address from which the Burner role is removed. */ function removeBurner(address account) external nonReentrant() { removeMember(uint256(Roles.Burner), account); } /** * @notice Reset Owner role to account. * @dev The caller must have the Owner role. * @param account The new holder of the Owner role. */ function resetOwner(address account) external nonReentrant() { resetMember(uint256(Roles.Owner), account); } /** * @notice Checks if a given account holds the Minter role. * @param account The address which is checked for the Minter role. * @return bool True if the provided account is a Minter. */ function isMinter(address account) public view nonReentrantView() returns (bool) { return holdsRole(uint256(Roles.Minter), account); } /** * @notice Checks if a given account holds the Burner role. * @param account The address which is checked for the Burner role. * @return bool True if the provided account is a Burner. */ function isBurner(address account) public view nonReentrantView() returns (bool) { return holdsRole(uint256(Roles.Burner), account); } } contract DepositBox is FeePayer, AdministrateeInterface, ContractCreator { using SafeMath for uint256; using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; // Represents a single caller's deposit box. All collateral is held by this contract. struct DepositBoxData { // Requested amount of collateral, denominated in quote asset of the price identifier. // Example: If the price identifier is wETH-USD, and the `withdrawalRequestAmount = 100`, then // this represents a withdrawal request for 100 USD worth of wETH. FixedPoint.Unsigned withdrawalRequestAmount; // Timestamp of the latest withdrawal request. A withdrawal request is pending if `requestPassTimestamp != 0`. uint256 requestPassTimestamp; // Raw collateral value. This value should never be accessed directly -- always use _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(). // To add or remove collateral, use _addCollateral() and _removeCollateral(). FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral; } // Maps addresses to their deposit boxes. Each address can have only one position. mapping(address => DepositBoxData) private depositBoxes; // Unique identifier for DVM price feed ticker. bytes32 private priceIdentifier; // Similar to the rawCollateral in DepositBoxData, this value should not be used directly. // _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(), _addCollateral() and _removeCollateral() must be used to access and adjust. FixedPoint.Unsigned private rawTotalDepositBoxCollateral; // This blocks every public state-modifying method until it flips to true, via the `initialize()` method. bool private initialized; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event NewDepositBox(address indexed user); event EndedDepositBox(address indexed user); event Deposit(address indexed user, uint256 indexed collateralAmount); event RequestWithdrawal(address indexed user, uint256 indexed collateralAmount, uint256 requestPassTimestamp); event RequestWithdrawalExecuted( address indexed user, uint256 indexed collateralAmount, uint256 exchangeRate, uint256 requestPassTimestamp ); event RequestWithdrawalCanceled( address indexed user, uint256 indexed collateralAmount, uint256 requestPassTimestamp ); /**************************************** * MODIFIERS * ****************************************/ modifier noPendingWithdrawal(address user) { _depositBoxHasNoPendingWithdrawal(user); _; } modifier isInitialized() { _isInitialized(); _; } /**************************************** * PUBLIC FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Construct the DepositBox. * @param _collateralAddress ERC20 token to be deposited. * @param _finderAddress UMA protocol Finder used to discover other protocol contracts. * @param _priceIdentifier registered in the DVM, used to price the ERC20 deposited. * The price identifier consists of a "base" asset and a "quote" asset. The "base" asset corresponds to the collateral ERC20 * currency deposited into this account, and it is denominated in the "quote" asset on withdrawals. * An example price identifier would be "ETH-USD" which will resolve and return the USD price of ETH. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. * Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time. */ constructor( address _collateralAddress, address _finderAddress, bytes32 _priceIdentifier, address _timerAddress ) public ContractCreator(_finderAddress) FeePayer(_collateralAddress, _finderAddress, _timerAddress) nonReentrant() { require(_getIdentifierWhitelist().isIdentifierSupported(_priceIdentifier), "Unsupported price identifier"); priceIdentifier = _priceIdentifier; } /** * @notice This should be called after construction of the DepositBox and handles registration with the Registry, which is required * to make price requests in production environments. * @dev This contract must hold the `ContractCreator` role with the Registry in order to register itself as a financial-template with the DVM. * Note that `_registerContract` cannot be called from the constructor because this contract first needs to be given the `ContractCreator` role * in order to register with the `Registry`. But, its address is not known until after deployment. */ function initialize() public nonReentrant() { initialized = true; _registerContract(new address[](0), address(this)); } /** * @notice Transfers `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency` into caller's deposit box. * @dev This contract must be approved to spend at least `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency`. * @param collateralAmount total amount of collateral tokens to be sent to the sponsor's position. */ function deposit(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount) public isInitialized() fees() nonReentrant() { require(collateralAmount.isGreaterThan(0), "Invalid collateral amount"); DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData = depositBoxes[msg.sender]; if (_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(depositBoxData.rawCollateral).isEqual(0)) { emit NewDepositBox(msg.sender); } // Increase the individual deposit box and global collateral balance by collateral amount. _incrementCollateralBalances(depositBoxData, collateralAmount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, collateralAmount.rawValue); // Move collateral currency from sender to contract. collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralAmount.rawValue); } /** * @notice Starts a withdrawal request that allows the sponsor to withdraw `denominatedCollateralAmount` * from their position denominated in the quote asset of the price identifier, following a DVM price resolution. * @dev The request will be pending for the duration of the DVM vote and can be cancelled at any time. * Only one withdrawal request can exist for the user. * @param denominatedCollateralAmount the quote-asset denominated amount of collateral requested to withdraw. */ function requestWithdrawal(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory denominatedCollateralAmount) public isInitialized() noPendingWithdrawal(msg.sender) nonReentrant() { DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData = depositBoxes[msg.sender]; require(denominatedCollateralAmount.isGreaterThan(0), "Invalid collateral amount"); // Update the position object for the user. depositBoxData.withdrawalRequestAmount = denominatedCollateralAmount; depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp = getCurrentTime(); emit RequestWithdrawal(msg.sender, denominatedCollateralAmount.rawValue, depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp); // Every price request costs a fixed fee. Check that this user has enough deposited to cover the final fee. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory finalFee = _computeFinalFees(); require( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(depositBoxData.rawCollateral).isGreaterThanOrEqual(finalFee), "Cannot pay final fee" ); _payFinalFees(address(this), finalFee); // A price request is sent for the current timestamp. _requestOraclePrice(depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp); } /** * @notice After a passed withdrawal request (i.e., by a call to `requestWithdrawal` and subsequent DVM price resolution), * withdraws `depositBoxData.withdrawalRequestAmount` of collateral currency denominated in the quote asset. * @dev Might not withdraw the full requested amount in order to account for precision loss or if the full requested * amount exceeds the collateral in the position (due to paying fees). * @return amountWithdrawn The actual amount of collateral withdrawn. */ function executeWithdrawal() external isInitialized() fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountWithdrawn) { DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData = depositBoxes[msg.sender]; require( depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp != 0 && depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp <= getCurrentTime(), "Invalid withdraw request" ); // Get the resolved price or revert. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory exchangeRate = _getOraclePrice(depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp); // Calculate denomated amount of collateral based on resolved exchange rate. // Example 1: User wants to withdraw $100 of ETH, exchange rate is $200/ETH, therefore user to receive 0.5 ETH. // Example 2: User wants to withdraw $250 of ETH, exchange rate is $200/ETH, therefore user to receive 1.25 ETH. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory denominatedAmountToWithdraw = depositBoxData.withdrawalRequestAmount.div( exchangeRate ); // If withdrawal request amount is > collateral, then withdraw the full collateral amount and delete the deposit box data. if (denominatedAmountToWithdraw.isGreaterThan(_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(depositBoxData.rawCollateral))) { denominatedAmountToWithdraw = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(depositBoxData.rawCollateral); // Reset the position state as all the value has been removed after settlement. emit EndedDepositBox(msg.sender); } // Decrease the individual deposit box and global collateral balance. amountWithdrawn = _decrementCollateralBalances(depositBoxData, denominatedAmountToWithdraw); emit RequestWithdrawalExecuted( msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue, exchangeRate.rawValue, depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp ); // Reset withdrawal request by setting withdrawal request timestamp to 0. _resetWithdrawalRequest(depositBoxData); // Transfer approved withdrawal amount from the contract to the caller. collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); } /** * @notice Cancels a pending withdrawal request. */ function cancelWithdrawal() external isInitialized() nonReentrant() { DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData = depositBoxes[msg.sender]; require(depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp != 0, "No pending withdrawal"); emit RequestWithdrawalCanceled( msg.sender, depositBoxData.withdrawalRequestAmount.rawValue, depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp ); // Reset withdrawal request by setting withdrawal request timestamp to 0. _resetWithdrawalRequest(depositBoxData); } /** * @notice `emergencyShutdown` and `remargin` are required to be implemented by all financial contracts and exposed to the DVM, but * because this is a minimal demo they will simply exit silently. */ function emergencyShutdown() external override isInitialized() nonReentrant() { return; } /** * @notice Same comment as `emergencyShutdown`. For the sake of simplicity, this will simply exit silently. */ function remargin() external override isInitialized() nonReentrant() { return; } /** * @notice Accessor method for a user's collateral. * @dev This is necessary because the struct returned by the depositBoxes() method shows * rawCollateral, which isn't a user-readable value. * @param user address whose collateral amount is retrieved. * @return the fee-adjusted collateral amount in the deposit box (i.e. available for withdrawal). */ function getCollateral(address user) external view nonReentrantView() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(depositBoxes[user].rawCollateral); } /** * @notice Accessor method for the total collateral stored within the entire contract. * @return the total fee-adjusted collateral amount in the contract (i.e. across all users). */ function totalDepositBoxCollateral() external view nonReentrantView() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalDepositBoxCollateral); } /**************************************** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ // Requests a price for `priceIdentifier` at `requestedTime` from the Oracle. function _requestOraclePrice(uint256 requestedTime) internal { OracleInterface oracle = _getOracle(); oracle.requestPrice(priceIdentifier, requestedTime); } // Ensure individual and global consistency when increasing collateral balances. Returns the change to the position. function _incrementCollateralBalances( DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount ) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { _addCollateral(depositBoxData.rawCollateral, collateralAmount); return _addCollateral(rawTotalDepositBoxCollateral, collateralAmount); } // Ensure individual and global consistency when decrementing collateral balances. Returns the change to the // position. We elect to return the amount that the global collateral is decreased by, rather than the individual // position's collateral, because we need to maintain the invariant that the global collateral is always // <= the collateral owned by the contract to avoid reverts on withdrawals. The amount returned = amount withdrawn. function _decrementCollateralBalances( DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount ) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { _removeCollateral(depositBoxData.rawCollateral, collateralAmount); return _removeCollateral(rawTotalDepositBoxCollateral, collateralAmount); } function _resetWithdrawalRequest(DepositBoxData storage depositBoxData) internal { depositBoxData.withdrawalRequestAmount = FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0); depositBoxData.requestPassTimestamp = 0; } function _depositBoxHasNoPendingWithdrawal(address user) internal view { require(depositBoxes[user].requestPassTimestamp == 0, "Pending withdrawal"); } function _isInitialized() internal view { require(initialized, "Uninitialized contract"); } function _getIdentifierWhitelist() internal view returns (IdentifierWhitelistInterface) { return IdentifierWhitelistInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.IdentifierWhitelist)); } function _getOracle() internal view returns (OracleInterface) { return OracleInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Oracle)); } // Fetches a resolved Oracle price from the Oracle. Reverts if the Oracle hasn't resolved for this request. function _getOraclePrice(uint256 requestedTime) internal view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { OracleInterface oracle = _getOracle(); require(oracle.hasPrice(priceIdentifier, requestedTime), "Unresolved oracle price"); int256 oraclePrice = oracle.getPrice(priceIdentifier, requestedTime); // For simplicity we don't want to deal with negative prices. if (oraclePrice < 0) { oraclePrice = 0; } return FixedPoint.Unsigned(uint256(oraclePrice)); } // `_pfc()` is inherited from FeePayer and must be implemented to return the available pool of collateral from // which fees can be charged. For this contract, the available fee pool is simply all of the collateral locked up in the // contract. function _pfc() internal virtual override view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalDepositBoxCollateral); } } contract ExpiringMultiPartyCreator is ContractCreator, Testable, Lockable { using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; /**************************************** * EMP CREATOR DATA STRUCTURES * ****************************************/ struct Params { uint256 expirationTimestamp; address collateralAddress; bytes32 priceFeedIdentifier; string syntheticName; string syntheticSymbol; FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralRequirement; FixedPoint.Unsigned disputeBondPct; FixedPoint.Unsigned sponsorDisputeRewardPct; FixedPoint.Unsigned disputerDisputeRewardPct; FixedPoint.Unsigned minSponsorTokens; uint256 withdrawalLiveness; uint256 liquidationLiveness; address excessTokenBeneficiary; } // - Address of TokenFactory to pass into newly constructed ExpiringMultiParty contracts address public tokenFactoryAddress; event CreatedExpiringMultiParty(address indexed expiringMultiPartyAddress, address indexed deployerAddress); /** * @notice Constructs the ExpiringMultiPartyCreator contract. * @param _finderAddress UMA protocol Finder used to discover other protocol contracts. * @param _tokenFactoryAddress ERC20 token factory used to deploy synthetic token instances. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. */ constructor( address _finderAddress, address _tokenFactoryAddress, address _timerAddress ) public ContractCreator(_finderAddress) Testable(_timerAddress) nonReentrant() { tokenFactoryAddress = _tokenFactoryAddress; } /** * @notice Creates an instance of expiring multi party and registers it within the registry. * @param params is a `ConstructorParams` object from ExpiringMultiParty. * @return address of the deployed ExpiringMultiParty contract. */ function createExpiringMultiParty(Params memory params) public nonReentrant() returns (address) { address derivative = ExpiringMultiPartyLib.deploy(_convertParams(params)); _registerContract(new address[](0), address(derivative)); emit CreatedExpiringMultiParty(address(derivative), msg.sender); return address(derivative); } /**************************************** * PRIVATE FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ // Converts createExpiringMultiParty params to ExpiringMultiParty constructor params. function _convertParams(Params memory params) private view returns (ExpiringMultiParty.ConstructorParams memory constructorParams) { // Known from creator deployment. constructorParams.finderAddress = finderAddress; constructorParams.tokenFactoryAddress = tokenFactoryAddress; constructorParams.timerAddress = timerAddress; // Enforce configuration constraints. require(bytes(params.syntheticName).length != 0, "Missing synthetic name"); require(bytes(params.syntheticSymbol).length != 0, "Missing synthetic symbol"); require(params.withdrawalLiveness != 0, "Withdrawal liveness cannot be 0"); require(params.liquidationLiveness != 0, "Liquidation liveness cannot be 0"); require(params.excessTokenBeneficiary != address(0), "Token Beneficiary cannot be 0x0"); require(params.expirationTimestamp > now, "Invalid expiration time"); _requireWhitelistedCollateral(params.collateralAddress); // We don't want EMP deployers to be able to intentionally or unintentionally set // liveness periods that could induce arithmetic overflow, but we also don't want // to be opinionated about what livenesses are "correct", so we will somewhat // arbitrarily set the liveness upper bound to 100 years (5200 weeks). In practice, liveness // periods even greater than a few days would make the EMP unusable for most users. require(params.withdrawalLiveness < 5200 weeks, "Withdrawal liveness too large"); require(params.liquidationLiveness < 5200 weeks, "Liquidation liveness too large"); // Input from function call. constructorParams.expirationTimestamp = params.expirationTimestamp; constructorParams.collateralAddress = params.collateralAddress; constructorParams.priceFeedIdentifier = params.priceFeedIdentifier; constructorParams.syntheticName = params.syntheticName; constructorParams.syntheticSymbol = params.syntheticSymbol; constructorParams.collateralRequirement = params.collateralRequirement; constructorParams.disputeBondPct = params.disputeBondPct; constructorParams.sponsorDisputeRewardPct = params.sponsorDisputeRewardPct; constructorParams.disputerDisputeRewardPct = params.disputerDisputeRewardPct; constructorParams.minSponsorTokens = params.minSponsorTokens; constructorParams.withdrawalLiveness = params.withdrawalLiveness; constructorParams.liquidationLiveness = params.liquidationLiveness; constructorParams.excessTokenBeneficiary = params.excessTokenBeneficiary; } } contract PricelessPositionManager is FeePayer, AdministrateeInterface { using SafeMath for uint256; using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; using SafeERC20 for ExpandedIERC20; /**************************************** * PRICELESS POSITION DATA STRUCTURES * ****************************************/ // Stores the state of the PricelessPositionManager. Set on expiration, emergency shutdown, or settlement. enum ContractState { Open, ExpiredPriceRequested, ExpiredPriceReceived } ContractState public contractState; // Represents a single sponsor's position. All collateral is held by this contract. // This struct acts as bookkeeping for how much of that collateral is allocated to each sponsor. struct PositionData { FixedPoint.Unsigned tokensOutstanding; // Tracks pending withdrawal requests. A withdrawal request is pending if `withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp != 0`. uint256 withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp; FixedPoint.Unsigned withdrawalRequestAmount; // Raw collateral value. This value should never be accessed directly -- always use _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(). // To add or remove collateral, use _addCollateral() and _removeCollateral(). FixedPoint.Unsigned rawCollateral; // Tracks pending transfer position requests. A transfer position request is pending if `transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp != 0`. uint256 transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp; } // Maps sponsor addresses to their positions. Each sponsor can have only one position. mapping(address => PositionData) public positions; // Keep track of the total collateral and tokens across all positions to enable calculating the // global collateralization ratio without iterating over all positions. FixedPoint.Unsigned public totalTokensOutstanding; // Similar to the rawCollateral in PositionData, this value should not be used directly. // _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(), _addCollateral() and _removeCollateral() must be used to access and adjust. FixedPoint.Unsigned public rawTotalPositionCollateral; // Synthetic token created by this contract. ExpandedIERC20 public tokenCurrency; // Unique identifier for DVM price feed ticker. bytes32 public priceIdentifier; // Time that this contract expires. Should not change post-construction unless an emergency shutdown occurs. uint256 public expirationTimestamp; // Time that has to elapse for a withdrawal request to be considered passed, if no liquidations occur. // !!Note: The lower the withdrawal liveness value, the more risk incurred by the contract. // Extremely low liveness values increase the chance that opportunistic invalid withdrawal requests // expire without liquidation, thereby increasing the insolvency risk for the contract as a whole. An insolvent // contract is extremely risky for any sponsor or synthetic token holder for the contract. uint256 public withdrawalLiveness; // Minimum number of tokens in a sponsor's position. FixedPoint.Unsigned public minSponsorTokens; // The expiry price pulled from the DVM. FixedPoint.Unsigned public expiryPrice; // The excessTokenBeneficiary of any excess tokens added to the contract. address public excessTokenBeneficiary; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event RequestTransferPosition(address indexed oldSponsor); event RequestTransferPositionExecuted(address indexed oldSponsor, address indexed newSponsor); event RequestTransferPositionCanceled(address indexed oldSponsor); event Deposit(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount); event Withdrawal(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount); event RequestWithdrawal(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount); event RequestWithdrawalExecuted(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount); event RequestWithdrawalCanceled(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount); event PositionCreated(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount, uint256 indexed tokenAmount); event NewSponsor(address indexed sponsor); event EndedSponsorPosition(address indexed sponsor); event Redeem(address indexed sponsor, uint256 indexed collateralAmount, uint256 indexed tokenAmount); event ContractExpired(address indexed caller); event SettleExpiredPosition( address indexed caller, uint256 indexed collateralReturned, uint256 indexed tokensBurned ); event EmergencyShutdown(address indexed caller, uint256 originalExpirationTimestamp, uint256 shutdownTimestamp); /**************************************** * MODIFIERS * ****************************************/ modifier onlyPreExpiration() { _onlyPreExpiration(); _; } modifier onlyPostExpiration() { _onlyPostExpiration(); _; } modifier onlyCollateralizedPosition(address sponsor) { _onlyCollateralizedPosition(sponsor); _; } // Check that the current state of the pricelessPositionManager is Open. // This prevents multiple calls to `expire` and `EmergencyShutdown` post expiration. modifier onlyOpenState() { _onlyOpenState(); _; } modifier noPendingWithdrawal(address sponsor) { _positionHasNoPendingWithdrawal(sponsor); _; } /** * @notice Construct the PricelessPositionManager * @param _expirationTimestamp unix timestamp of when the contract will expire. * @param _withdrawalLiveness liveness delay, in seconds, for pending withdrawals. * @param _collateralAddress ERC20 token used as collateral for all positions. * @param _finderAddress UMA protocol Finder used to discover other protocol contracts. * @param _priceIdentifier registered in the DVM for the synthetic. * @param _syntheticName name for the token contract that will be deployed. * @param _syntheticSymbol symbol for the token contract that will be deployed. * @param _tokenFactoryAddress deployed UMA token factory to create the synthetic token. * @param _minSponsorTokens minimum amount of collateral that must exist at any time in a position. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. * @param _excessTokenBeneficiary Beneficiary to which all excess token balances that accrue in the contract can be * sent. * Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time. */ constructor( uint256 _expirationTimestamp, uint256 _withdrawalLiveness, address _collateralAddress, address _finderAddress, bytes32 _priceIdentifier, string memory _syntheticName, string memory _syntheticSymbol, address _tokenFactoryAddress, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _minSponsorTokens, address _timerAddress, address _excessTokenBeneficiary ) public FeePayer(_collateralAddress, _finderAddress, _timerAddress) nonReentrant() { require(_expirationTimestamp > getCurrentTime(), "Invalid expiration in future"); require(_getIdentifierWhitelist().isIdentifierSupported(_priceIdentifier), "Unsupported price identifier"); expirationTimestamp = _expirationTimestamp; withdrawalLiveness = _withdrawalLiveness; TokenFactory tf = TokenFactory(_tokenFactoryAddress); tokenCurrency = tf.createToken(_syntheticName, _syntheticSymbol, 18); minSponsorTokens = _minSponsorTokens; priceIdentifier = _priceIdentifier; excessTokenBeneficiary = _excessTokenBeneficiary; } /**************************************** * POSITION FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Requests to transfer ownership of the caller's current position to a new sponsor address. * Once the request liveness is passed, the sponsor can execute the transfer and specify the new sponsor. * @dev The liveness length is the same as the withdrawal liveness. */ function requestTransferPosition() public onlyPreExpiration() nonReentrant() { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require(positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp == 0, "Pending transfer"); // Make sure the proposed expiration of this request is not post-expiry. uint256 requestPassTime = getCurrentTime().add(withdrawalLiveness); require(requestPassTime < expirationTimestamp, "Request expires post-expiry"); // Update the position object for the user. positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp = requestPassTime; emit RequestTransferPosition(msg.sender); } /** * @notice After a passed transfer position request (i.e., by a call to `requestTransferPosition` and waiting * `withdrawalLiveness`), transfers ownership of the caller's current position to `newSponsorAddress`. * @dev Transferring positions can only occur if the recipient does not already have a position. * @param newSponsorAddress is the address to which the position will be transferred. */ function transferPositionPassedRequest(address newSponsorAddress) public onlyPreExpiration() noPendingWithdrawal(msg.sender) nonReentrant() { require( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positions[newSponsorAddress].rawCollateral).isEqual( FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0) ), "Sponsor already has position" ); PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require( positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp != 0 && positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp <= getCurrentTime(), "Invalid transfer request" ); // Reset transfer request. positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp = 0; positions[newSponsorAddress] = positionData; delete positions[msg.sender]; emit RequestTransferPositionExecuted(msg.sender, newSponsorAddress); emit NewSponsor(newSponsorAddress); emit EndedSponsorPosition(msg.sender); } /** * @notice Cancels a pending transfer position request. */ function cancelTransferPosition() external onlyPreExpiration() nonReentrant() { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require(positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp != 0, "No pending transfer"); emit RequestTransferPositionCanceled(msg.sender); // Reset withdrawal request. positionData.transferPositionRequestPassTimestamp = 0; } /** * @notice Transfers `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency` into the specified sponsor's position. * @dev Increases the collateralization level of a position after creation. This contract must be approved to spend * at least `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency`. * @param sponsor the sponsor to credit the deposit to. * @param collateralAmount total amount of collateral tokens to be sent to the sponsor's position. */ function depositTo(address sponsor, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount) public onlyPreExpiration() noPendingWithdrawal(sponsor) fees() nonReentrant() { require(collateralAmount.isGreaterThan(0), "Invalid collateral amount"); PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(sponsor); // Increase the position and global collateral balance by collateral amount. _incrementCollateralBalances(positionData, collateralAmount); emit Deposit(sponsor, collateralAmount.rawValue); // Move collateral currency from sender to contract. collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralAmount.rawValue); } /** * @notice Transfers `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency` into the caller's position. * @dev Increases the collateralization level of a position after creation. This contract must be approved to spend * at least `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency`. * @param collateralAmount total amount of collateral tokens to be sent to the sponsor's position. */ function deposit(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount) public { // This is just a thin wrapper over depositTo that specified the sender as the sponsor. depositTo(msg.sender, collateralAmount); } /** * @notice Transfers `collateralAmount` of `collateralCurrency` from the sponsor's position to the sponsor. * @dev Reverts if the withdrawal puts this position's collateralization ratio below the global collateralization * ratio. In that case, use `requestWithdrawal`. Might not withdraw the full requested amount to account for precision loss. * @param collateralAmount is the amount of collateral to withdraw. * @return amountWithdrawn The actual amount of collateral withdrawn. */ function withdraw(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount) public onlyPreExpiration() noPendingWithdrawal(msg.sender) fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountWithdrawn) { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require(collateralAmount.isGreaterThan(0), "Invalid collateral amount"); // Decrement the sponsor's collateral and global collateral amounts. Check the GCR between decrement to ensure // position remains above the GCR within the witdrawl. If this is not the case the caller must submit a request. amountWithdrawn = _decrementCollateralBalancesCheckGCR(positionData, collateralAmount); emit Withdrawal(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); // Move collateral currency from contract to sender. // Note: that we move the amount of collateral that is decreased from rawCollateral (inclusive of fees) // instead of the user requested amount. This eliminates precision loss that could occur // where the user withdraws more collateral than rawCollateral is decremented by. collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); } /** * @notice Starts a withdrawal request that, if passed, allows the sponsor to withdraw` from their position. * @dev The request will be pending for `withdrawalLiveness`, during which the position can be liquidated. * @param collateralAmount the amount of collateral requested to withdraw */ function requestWithdrawal(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount) public onlyPreExpiration() noPendingWithdrawal(msg.sender) nonReentrant() { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require( collateralAmount.isGreaterThan(0) && collateralAmount.isLessThanOrEqual(_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral)), "Invalid collateral amount" ); // Make sure the proposed expiration of this request is not post-expiry. uint256 requestPassTime = getCurrentTime().add(withdrawalLiveness); require(requestPassTime < expirationTimestamp, "Request expires post-expiry"); // Update the position object for the user. positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp = requestPassTime; positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount = collateralAmount; emit RequestWithdrawal(msg.sender, collateralAmount.rawValue); } /** * @notice After a passed withdrawal request (i.e., by a call to `requestWithdrawal` and waiting * `withdrawalLiveness`), withdraws `positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount` of collateral currency. * @dev Might not withdraw the full requested amount in order to account for precision loss or if the full requested * amount exceeds the collateral in the position (due to paying fees). * @return amountWithdrawn The actual amount of collateral withdrawn. */ function withdrawPassedRequest() external onlyPreExpiration() fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountWithdrawn) { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require( positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp != 0 && positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp <= getCurrentTime(), "Invalid withdraw request" ); // If withdrawal request amount is > position collateral, then withdraw the full collateral amount. // This situation is possible due to fees charged since the withdrawal was originally requested. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountToWithdraw = positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount; if (positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount.isGreaterThan(_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral))) { amountToWithdraw = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral); } // Decrement the sponsor's collateral and global collateral amounts. amountWithdrawn = _decrementCollateralBalances(positionData, amountToWithdraw); // Reset withdrawal request by setting withdrawal amount and withdrawal timestamp to 0. _resetWithdrawalRequest(positionData); // Transfer approved withdrawal amount from the contract to the caller. collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); emit RequestWithdrawalExecuted(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); } /** * @notice Cancels a pending withdrawal request. */ function cancelWithdrawal() external nonReentrant() { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require(positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp != 0, "No pending withdrawal"); emit RequestWithdrawalCanceled(msg.sender, positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount.rawValue); // Reset withdrawal request by setting withdrawal amount and withdrawal timestamp to 0. _resetWithdrawalRequest(positionData); } /** * @notice Creates tokens by creating a new position or by augmenting an existing position. Pulls `collateralAmount` into the sponsor's position and mints `numTokens` of `tokenCurrency`. * @dev Reverts if minting these tokens would put the position's collateralization ratio below the * global collateralization ratio. This contract must be approved to spend at least `collateralAmount` of * `collateralCurrency`. * @param collateralAmount is the number of collateral tokens to collateralize the position with * @param numTokens is the number of tokens to mint from the position. */ function create(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory numTokens) public onlyPreExpiration() fees() nonReentrant() { PositionData storage positionData = positions[msg.sender]; // Either the new create ratio or the resultant position CR must be above the current GCR. require( (_checkCollateralization( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral).add(collateralAmount), positionData.tokensOutstanding.add(numTokens) ) || _checkCollateralization(collateralAmount, numTokens)), "Insufficient collateral" ); require(positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp == 0, "Pending withdrawal"); if (positionData.tokensOutstanding.isEqual(0)) { require(numTokens.isGreaterThanOrEqual(minSponsorTokens), "Below minimum sponsor position"); emit NewSponsor(msg.sender); } // Increase the position and global collateral balance by collateral amount. _incrementCollateralBalances(positionData, collateralAmount); // Add the number of tokens created to the position's outstanding tokens. positionData.tokensOutstanding = positionData.tokensOutstanding.add(numTokens); totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.add(numTokens); emit PositionCreated(msg.sender, collateralAmount.rawValue, numTokens.rawValue); // Transfer tokens into the contract from caller and mint corresponding synthetic tokens to the caller's address. collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralAmount.rawValue); require(, numTokens.rawValue), "Minting synthetic tokens failed"); } /** * @notice Burns `numTokens` of `tokenCurrency` and sends back the proportional amount of `collateralCurrency`. * @dev Can only be called by a token sponsor. Might not redeem the full proportional amount of collateral * in order to account for precision loss. This contract must be approved to spend at least `numTokens` of * `tokenCurrency`. * @param numTokens is the number of tokens to be burnt for a commensurate amount of collateral. * @return amountWithdrawn The actual amount of collateral withdrawn. */ function redeem(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory numTokens) public noPendingWithdrawal(msg.sender) fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountWithdrawn) { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(msg.sender); require(!numTokens.isGreaterThan(positionData.tokensOutstanding), "Invalid token amount"); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory fractionRedeemed = numTokens.div(positionData.tokensOutstanding); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralRedeemed = fractionRedeemed.mul( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral) ); // If redemption returns all tokens the sponsor has then we can delete their position. Else, downsize. if (positionData.tokensOutstanding.isEqual(numTokens)) { amountWithdrawn = _deleteSponsorPosition(msg.sender); } else { // Decrement the sponsor's collateral and global collateral amounts. amountWithdrawn = _decrementCollateralBalances(positionData, collateralRedeemed); // Decrease the sponsors position tokens size. Ensure it is above the min sponsor size. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newTokenCount = positionData.tokensOutstanding.sub(numTokens); require(newTokenCount.isGreaterThanOrEqual(minSponsorTokens), "Below minimum sponsor position"); positionData.tokensOutstanding = newTokenCount; // Update the totalTokensOutstanding after redemption. totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.sub(numTokens); } emit Redeem(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue, numTokens.rawValue); // Transfer collateral from contract to caller and burn callers synthetic tokens. collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); tokenCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), numTokens.rawValue); tokenCurrency.burn(numTokens.rawValue); } /** * @notice After a contract has passed expiry all token holders can redeem their tokens for underlying at the * prevailing price defined by the DVM from the `expire` function. * @dev This burns all tokens from the caller of `tokenCurrency` and sends back the proportional amount of * `collateralCurrency`. Might not redeem the full proportional amount of collateral in order to account for * precision loss. This contract must be approved to spend `tokenCurrency` at least up to the caller's full balance. * @return amountWithdrawn The actual amount of collateral withdrawn. */ function settleExpired() external onlyPostExpiration() fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountWithdrawn) { // If the contract state is open and onlyPostExpiration passed then `expire()` has not yet been called. require(contractState != ContractState.Open, "Unexpired position"); // Get the current settlement price and store it. If it is not resolved will revert. if (contractState != ContractState.ExpiredPriceReceived) { expiryPrice = _getOraclePrice(expirationTimestamp); contractState = ContractState.ExpiredPriceReceived; } // Get caller's tokens balance and calculate amount of underlying entitled to them. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokensToRedeem = FixedPoint.Unsigned(tokenCurrency.balanceOf(msg.sender)); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalRedeemableCollateral = tokensToRedeem.mul(expiryPrice); // If the caller is a sponsor with outstanding collateral they are also entitled to their excess collateral after their debt. PositionData storage positionData = positions[msg.sender]; if (_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral).isGreaterThan(0)) { // Calculate the underlying entitled to a token sponsor. This is collateral - debt in underlying. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokenDebtValueInCollateral = positionData.tokensOutstanding.mul(expiryPrice); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory positionCollateral = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral); // If the debt is greater than the remaining collateral, they cannot redeem anything. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory positionRedeemableCollateral = tokenDebtValueInCollateral.isLessThan( positionCollateral ) ? positionCollateral.sub(tokenDebtValueInCollateral) : FixedPoint.Unsigned(0); // Add the number of redeemable tokens for the sponsor to their total redeemable collateral. totalRedeemableCollateral = totalRedeemableCollateral.add(positionRedeemableCollateral); // Reset the position state as all the value has been removed after settlement. delete positions[msg.sender]; emit EndedSponsorPosition(msg.sender); } // Take the min of the remaining collateral and the collateral "owed". If the contract is undercapitalized, // the caller will get as much collateral as the contract can pay out. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory payout = FixedPoint.min( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral), totalRedeemableCollateral ); // Decrement total contract collateral and outstanding debt. amountWithdrawn = _removeCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral, payout); totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.sub(tokensToRedeem); emit SettleExpiredPosition(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue, tokensToRedeem.rawValue); // Transfer tokens & collateral and burn the redeemed tokens. collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); tokenCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokensToRedeem.rawValue); tokenCurrency.burn(tokensToRedeem.rawValue); } /**************************************** * GLOBAL STATE FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Locks contract state in expired and requests oracle price. * @dev this function can only be called once the contract is expired and can't be re-called. */ function expire() external onlyPostExpiration() onlyOpenState() fees() nonReentrant() { contractState = ContractState.ExpiredPriceRequested; // The final fee for this request is paid out of the contract rather than by the caller. _payFinalFees(address(this), _computeFinalFees()); _requestOraclePrice(expirationTimestamp); emit ContractExpired(msg.sender); } /** * @notice Premature contract settlement under emergency circumstances. * @dev Only the governor can call this function as they are permissioned within the `FinancialContractAdmin`. * Upon emergency shutdown, the contract settlement time is set to the shutdown time. This enables withdrawal * to occur via the standard `settleExpired` function. Contract state is set to `ExpiredPriceRequested` * which prevents re-entry into this function or the `expire` function. No fees are paid when calling * `emergencyShutdown` as the governor who would call the function would also receive the fees. */ function emergencyShutdown() external override onlyPreExpiration() onlyOpenState() nonReentrant() { require(msg.sender == _getFinancialContractsAdminAddress(), "Caller not Governor"); contractState = ContractState.ExpiredPriceRequested; // Expiratory time now becomes the current time (emergency shutdown time). // Price requested at this time stamp. `settleExpired` can now withdraw at this timestamp. uint256 oldExpirationTimestamp = expirationTimestamp; expirationTimestamp = getCurrentTime(); _requestOraclePrice(expirationTimestamp); emit EmergencyShutdown(msg.sender, oldExpirationTimestamp, expirationTimestamp); } /** * @notice Theoretically supposed to pay fees and move money between margin accounts to make sure they * reflect the NAV of the contract. However, this functionality doesn't apply to this contract. * @dev This is supposed to be implemented by any contract that inherits `AdministrateeInterface` and callable * only by the Governor contract. This method is therefore minimally implemented in this contract and does nothing. */ function remargin() external override onlyPreExpiration() nonReentrant() { return; } /** * @notice Drains any excess balance of the provided ERC20 token to a pre-selected beneficiary. * @dev This will drain down to the amount of tracked collateral and drain the full balance of any other token. * @param token address of the ERC20 token whose excess balance should be drained. */ function trimExcess(IERC20 token) external fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amount) { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory balance = FixedPoint.Unsigned(token.balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(token) == address(collateralCurrency)) { // If it is the collateral currency, send only the amount that the contract is not tracking. // Note: this could be due to rounding error or balance-changing tokens, like aTokens. amount = balance.sub(_pfc()); } else { // If it's not the collateral currency, send the entire balance. amount = balance; } token.safeTransfer(excessTokenBeneficiary, amount.rawValue); } /** * @notice Accessor method for a sponsor's collateral. * @dev This is necessary because the struct returned by the positions() method shows * rawCollateral, which isn't a user-readable value. * @param sponsor address whose collateral amount is retrieved. * @return collateralAmount amount of collateral within a sponsors position. */ function getCollateral(address sponsor) external view nonReentrantView() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount) { // Note: do a direct access to avoid the validity check. return _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positions[sponsor].rawCollateral); } /** * @notice Accessor method for the total collateral stored within the PricelessPositionManager. * @return totalCollateral amount of all collateral within the Expiring Multi Party Contract. */ function totalPositionCollateral() external view nonReentrantView() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalCollateral) { return _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral); } /**************************************** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ // Reduces a sponsor's position and global counters by the specified parameters. Handles deleting the entire // position if the entire position is being removed. Does not make any external transfers. function _reduceSponsorPosition( address sponsor, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokensToRemove, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralToRemove, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory withdrawalAmountToRemove ) internal { PositionData storage positionData = _getPositionData(sponsor); // If the entire position is being removed, delete it instead. if ( tokensToRemove.isEqual(positionData.tokensOutstanding) && _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral).isEqual(collateralToRemove) ) { _deleteSponsorPosition(sponsor); return; } // Decrement the sponsor's collateral and global collateral amounts. _decrementCollateralBalances(positionData, collateralToRemove); // Ensure that the sponsor will meet the min position size after the reduction. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newTokenCount = positionData.tokensOutstanding.sub(tokensToRemove); require(newTokenCount.isGreaterThanOrEqual(minSponsorTokens), "Below minimum sponsor position"); positionData.tokensOutstanding = newTokenCount; // Decrement the position's withdrawal amount. positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount = positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount.sub(withdrawalAmountToRemove); // Decrement the total outstanding tokens in the overall contract. totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.sub(tokensToRemove); } // Deletes a sponsor's position and updates global counters. Does not make any external transfers. function _deleteSponsorPosition(address sponsor) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { PositionData storage positionToLiquidate = _getPositionData(sponsor); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory startingGlobalCollateral = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral); // Remove the collateral and outstanding from the overall total position. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory remainingRawCollateral = positionToLiquidate.rawCollateral; rawTotalPositionCollateral = rawTotalPositionCollateral.sub(remainingRawCollateral); totalTokensOutstanding = totalTokensOutstanding.sub(positionToLiquidate.tokensOutstanding); // Reset the sponsors position to have zero outstanding and collateral. delete positions[sponsor]; emit EndedSponsorPosition(sponsor); // Return fee-adjusted amount of collateral deleted from position. return startingGlobalCollateral.sub(_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral)); } function _pfc() internal virtual override view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral); } function _getPositionData(address sponsor) internal view onlyCollateralizedPosition(sponsor) returns (PositionData storage) { return positions[sponsor]; } function _getIdentifierWhitelist() internal view returns (IdentifierWhitelistInterface) { return IdentifierWhitelistInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.IdentifierWhitelist)); } function _getOracle() internal view returns (OracleInterface) { return OracleInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Oracle)); } function _getFinancialContractsAdminAddress() internal view returns (address) { return finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.FinancialContractsAdmin); } // Requests a price for `priceIdentifier` at `requestedTime` from the Oracle. function _requestOraclePrice(uint256 requestedTime) internal { OracleInterface oracle = _getOracle(); oracle.requestPrice(priceIdentifier, requestedTime); } // Fetches a resolved Oracle price from the Oracle. Reverts if the Oracle hasn't resolved for this request. function _getOraclePrice(uint256 requestedTime) internal view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { // Create an instance of the oracle and get the price. If the price is not resolved revert. OracleInterface oracle = _getOracle(); require(oracle.hasPrice(priceIdentifier, requestedTime), "Unresolved oracle price"); int256 oraclePrice = oracle.getPrice(priceIdentifier, requestedTime); // For now we don't want to deal with negative prices in positions. if (oraclePrice < 0) { oraclePrice = 0; } return FixedPoint.Unsigned(uint256(oraclePrice)); } // Reset withdrawal request by setting the withdrawal request and withdrawal timestamp to 0. function _resetWithdrawalRequest(PositionData storage positionData) internal { positionData.withdrawalRequestAmount = FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0); positionData.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp = 0; } // Ensure individual and global consistency when increasing collateral balances. Returns the change to the position. function _incrementCollateralBalances( PositionData storage positionData, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount ) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { _addCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral, collateralAmount); return _addCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral, collateralAmount); } // Ensure individual and global consistency when decrementing collateral balances. Returns the change to the // position. We elect to return the amount that the global collateral is decreased by, rather than the individual // position's collateral, because we need to maintain the invariant that the global collateral is always // <= the collateral owned by the contract to avoid reverts on withdrawals. The amount returned = amount withdrawn. function _decrementCollateralBalances( PositionData storage positionData, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount ) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { _removeCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral, collateralAmount); return _removeCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral, collateralAmount); } // Ensure individual and global consistency when decrementing collateral balances. Returns the change to the position. // This function is similar to the _decrementCollateralBalances function except this function checks position GCR // between the decrements. This ensures that collateral removal will not leave the position undercollateralized. function _decrementCollateralBalancesCheckGCR( PositionData storage positionData, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateralAmount ) internal returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { _removeCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral, collateralAmount); require(_checkPositionCollateralization(positionData), "CR below GCR"); return _removeCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral, collateralAmount); } // These internal functions are supposed to act identically to modifiers, but re-used modifiers // unnecessarily increase contract bytecode size. // source: function _onlyOpenState() internal view { require(contractState == ContractState.Open, "Contract state is not OPEN"); } function _onlyPreExpiration() internal view { require(getCurrentTime() < expirationTimestamp, "Only callable pre-expiry"); } function _onlyPostExpiration() internal view { require(getCurrentTime() >= expirationTimestamp, "Only callable post-expiry"); } function _onlyCollateralizedPosition(address sponsor) internal view { require( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positions[sponsor].rawCollateral).isGreaterThan(0), "Position has no collateral" ); } // Note: This checks whether an already existing position has a pending withdrawal. This cannot be used on the // `create` method because it is possible that `create` is called on a new position (i.e. one without any collateral // or tokens outstanding) which would fail the `onlyCollateralizedPosition` modifier on `_getPositionData`. function _positionHasNoPendingWithdrawal(address sponsor) internal view { require(_getPositionData(sponsor).withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp == 0, "Pending withdrawal"); } /**************************************** * PRIVATE FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ function _checkPositionCollateralization(PositionData storage positionData) private view returns (bool) { return _checkCollateralization( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionData.rawCollateral), positionData.tokensOutstanding ); } // Checks whether the provided `collateral` and `numTokens` have a collateralization ratio above the global // collateralization ratio. function _checkCollateralization(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateral, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory numTokens) private view returns (bool) { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory global = _getCollateralizationRatio( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawTotalPositionCollateral), totalTokensOutstanding ); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory thisChange = _getCollateralizationRatio(collateral, numTokens); return !global.isGreaterThan(thisChange); } function _getCollateralizationRatio(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateral, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory numTokens) private pure returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory ratio) { if (!numTokens.isGreaterThan(0)) { return FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0); } else { return collateral.div(numTokens); } } } contract Finder is FinderInterface, Ownable { mapping(bytes32 => address) public interfacesImplemented; event InterfaceImplementationChanged(bytes32 indexed interfaceName, address indexed newImplementationAddress); /** * @notice Updates the address of the contract that implements `interfaceName`. * @param interfaceName bytes32 of the interface name that is either changed or registered. * @param implementationAddress address of the implementation contract. */ function changeImplementationAddress(bytes32 interfaceName, address implementationAddress) external override onlyOwner { interfacesImplemented[interfaceName] = implementationAddress; emit InterfaceImplementationChanged(interfaceName, implementationAddress); } /** * @notice Gets the address of the contract that implements the given `interfaceName`. * @param interfaceName queried interface. * @return implementationAddress address of the defined interface. */ function getImplementationAddress(bytes32 interfaceName) external override view returns (address) { address implementationAddress = interfacesImplemented[interfaceName]; require(implementationAddress != address(0x0), "Implementation not found"); return implementationAddress; } } contract IdentifierWhitelist is IdentifierWhitelistInterface, Ownable { /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ mapping(bytes32 => bool) private supportedIdentifiers; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event SupportedIdentifierAdded(bytes32 indexed identifier); event SupportedIdentifierRemoved(bytes32 indexed identifier); /**************************************** * ADMIN STATE MODIFYING FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Adds the provided identifier as a supported identifier. * @dev Price requests using this identifier will succeed after this call. * @param identifier unique UTF-8 representation for the feed being added. Eg: BTC/USD. */ function addSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external override onlyOwner { if (!supportedIdentifiers[identifier]) { supportedIdentifiers[identifier] = true; emit SupportedIdentifierAdded(identifier); } } /** * @notice Removes the identifier from the whitelist. * @dev Price requests using this identifier will no longer succeed after this call. * @param identifier unique UTF-8 representation for the feed being removed. Eg: BTC/USD. */ function removeSupportedIdentifier(bytes32 identifier) external override onlyOwner { if (supportedIdentifiers[identifier]) { supportedIdentifiers[identifier] = false; emit SupportedIdentifierRemoved(identifier); } } /**************************************** * WHITELIST GETTERS FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Checks whether an identifier is on the whitelist. * @param identifier unique UTF-8 representation for the feed being queried. Eg: BTC/USD. * @return bool if the identifier is supported (or not). */ function isIdentifierSupported(bytes32 identifier) external override view returns (bool) { return supportedIdentifiers[identifier]; } } contract Registry is RegistryInterface, MultiRole { using SafeMath for uint256; /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ enum Roles { Owner, // The owner manages the set of ContractCreators. ContractCreator // Can register financial contracts. } // This enum is required because a `WasValid` state is required // to ensure that financial contracts cannot be re-registered. enum Validity { Invalid, Valid } // Local information about a contract. struct FinancialContract { Validity valid; uint128 index; } struct Party { address[] contracts; // Each financial contract address is stored in this array. // The address of each financial contract is mapped to its index for constant time look up and deletion. mapping(address => uint256) contractIndex; } // Array of all contracts that are approved to use the UMA Oracle. address[] public registeredContracts; // Map of financial contract contracts to the associated FinancialContract struct. mapping(address => FinancialContract) public contractMap; // Map each party member to their their associated Party struct. mapping(address => Party) private partyMap; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event NewContractRegistered(address indexed contractAddress, address indexed creator, address[] parties); event PartyAdded(address indexed contractAddress, address indexed party); event PartyRemoved(address indexed contractAddress, address indexed party); /** * @notice Construct the Registry contract. */ constructor() public { _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Owner), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender); // Start with no contract creators registered. _createSharedRole(uint256(Roles.ContractCreator), uint256(Roles.Owner), new address[](0)); } /**************************************** * REGISTRATION FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Registers a new financial contract. * @dev Only authorized contract creators can call this method. * @param parties array of addresses who become parties in the contract. * @param contractAddress address of the contract against which the parties are registered. */ function registerContract(address[] calldata parties, address contractAddress) external override onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.ContractCreator)) { FinancialContract storage financialContract = contractMap[contractAddress]; require(contractMap[contractAddress].valid == Validity.Invalid, "Can only register once"); // Store contract address as a registered contract. registeredContracts.push(contractAddress); // No length check necessary because we should never hit (2^127 - 1) contracts. financialContract.index = uint128(registeredContracts.length.sub(1)); // For all parties in the array add them to the contract's parties. financialContract.valid = Validity.Valid; for (uint256 i = 0; i < parties.length; i = i.add(1)) { _addPartyToContract(parties[i], contractAddress); } emit NewContractRegistered(contractAddress, msg.sender, parties); } /** * @notice Adds a party member to the calling contract. * @dev msg.sender will be used to determine the contract that this party is added to. * @param party new party for the calling contract. */ function addPartyToContract(address party) external override { address contractAddress = msg.sender; require(contractMap[contractAddress].valid == Validity.Valid, "Can only add to valid contract"); _addPartyToContract(party, contractAddress); } /** * @notice Removes a party member from the calling contract. * @dev msg.sender will be used to determine the contract that this party is removed from. * @param partyAddress address to be removed from the calling contract. */ function removePartyFromContract(address partyAddress) external override { address contractAddress = msg.sender; Party storage party = partyMap[partyAddress]; uint256 numberOfContracts = party.contracts.length; require(numberOfContracts != 0, "Party has no contracts"); require(contractMap[contractAddress].valid == Validity.Valid, "Remove only from valid contract"); require(isPartyMemberOfContract(partyAddress, contractAddress), "Can only remove existing party"); // Index of the current location of the contract to remove. uint256 deleteIndex = party.contractIndex[contractAddress]; // Store the last contract's address to update the lookup map. address lastContractAddress = party.contracts[numberOfContracts - 1]; // Swap the contract to be removed with the last contract. party.contracts[deleteIndex] = lastContractAddress; // Update the lookup index with the new location. party.contractIndex[lastContractAddress] = deleteIndex; // Pop the last contract from the array and update the lookup map. party.contracts.pop(); delete party.contractIndex[contractAddress]; emit PartyRemoved(contractAddress, partyAddress); } /**************************************** * REGISTRY STATE GETTERS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Returns whether the contract has been registered with the registry. * @dev If it is registered, it is an authorized participant in the UMA system. * @param contractAddress address of the financial contract. * @return bool indicates whether the contract is registered. */ function isContractRegistered(address contractAddress) external override view returns (bool) { return contractMap[contractAddress].valid == Validity.Valid; } /** * @notice Returns a list of all contracts that are associated with a particular party. * @param party address of the party. * @return an array of the contracts the party is registered to. */ function getRegisteredContracts(address party) external override view returns (address[] memory) { return partyMap[party].contracts; } /** * @notice Returns all registered contracts. * @return all registered contract addresses within the system. */ function getAllRegisteredContracts() external override view returns (address[] memory) { return registeredContracts; } /** * @notice checks if an address is a party of a contract. * @param party party to check. * @param contractAddress address to check against the party. * @return bool indicating if the address is a party of the contract. */ function isPartyMemberOfContract(address party, address contractAddress) public override view returns (bool) { uint256 index = partyMap[party].contractIndex[contractAddress]; return partyMap[party].contracts.length > index && partyMap[party].contracts[index] == contractAddress; } /**************************************** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ function _addPartyToContract(address party, address contractAddress) internal { require(!isPartyMemberOfContract(party, contractAddress), "Can only register a party once"); uint256 contractIndex = partyMap[party].contracts.length; partyMap[party].contracts.push(contractAddress); partyMap[party].contractIndex[contractAddress] = contractIndex; emit PartyAdded(contractAddress, party); } } contract Store is StoreInterface, Withdrawable, Testable { using SafeMath for uint256; using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using FixedPoint for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; /**************************************** * INTERNAL VARIABLES AND STORAGE * ****************************************/ enum Roles { Owner, Withdrawer } FixedPoint.Unsigned public fixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc; // Percentage of 1 E.g., .1 is 10% Oracle fee. FixedPoint.Unsigned public weeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc; // Percentage of 1 E.g., .1 is 10% weekly delay fee. mapping(address => FixedPoint.Unsigned) public finalFees; uint256 public constant SECONDS_PER_WEEK = 604800; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event NewFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc(FixedPoint.Unsigned newOracleFee); event NewWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc(FixedPoint.Unsigned newWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc); event NewFinalFee(FixedPoint.Unsigned newFinalFee); /** * @notice Construct the Store contract. */ constructor( FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _fixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _weeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc, address _timerAddress ) public Testable(_timerAddress) { _createExclusiveRole(uint256(Roles.Owner), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender); _createWithdrawRole(uint256(Roles.Withdrawer), uint256(Roles.Owner), msg.sender); setFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc(_fixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc); setWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc(_weeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc); } /**************************************** * ORACLE FEE CALCULATION AND PAYMENT * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Pays Oracle fees in ETH to the store. * @dev To be used by contracts whose margin currency is ETH. */ function payOracleFees() external override payable { require(msg.value > 0, "Value sent can't be zero"); } /** * @notice Pays oracle fees in the margin currency, erc20Address, to the store. * @dev To be used if the margin currency is an ERC20 token rather than ETH. * @param erc20Address address of the ERC20 token used to pay the fee. * @param amount number of tokens to transfer. An approval for at least this amount must exist. */ function payOracleFeesErc20(address erc20Address, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata amount) external override { IERC20 erc20 = IERC20(erc20Address); require(amount.isGreaterThan(0), "Amount sent can't be zero"); erc20.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount.rawValue); } /** * @notice Computes the regular oracle fees that a contract should pay for a period. * @dev The late penalty is similar to the regular fee in that is is charged per second over the period between * startTime and endTime. * * The late penalty percentage increases over time as follows: * * - 0-1 week since startTime: no late penalty * * - 1-2 weeks since startTime: 1x late penalty percentage is applied * * - 2-3 weeks since startTime: 2x late penalty percentage is applied * * - ... * * @param startTime defines the beginning time from which the fee is paid. * @param endTime end time until which the fee is paid. * @param pfc "profit from corruption", or the maximum amount of margin currency that a * token sponsor could extract from the contract through corrupting the price feed in their favor. * @return regularFee amount owed for the duration from start to end time for the given pfc. * @return latePenalty penalty percentage, if any, for paying the fee after the deadline. */ function computeRegularFee( uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata pfc ) external override view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory regularFee, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory latePenalty) { uint256 timeDiff = endTime.sub(startTime); // Multiply by the unscaled `timeDiff` first, to get more accurate results. regularFee = pfc.mul(timeDiff).mul(fixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc); // Compute how long ago the start time was to compute the delay penalty. uint256 paymentDelay = getCurrentTime().sub(startTime); // Compute the additional percentage (per second) that will be charged because of the penalty. // Note: if less than a week has gone by since the startTime, paymentDelay / SECONDS_PER_WEEK will truncate to // 0, causing no penalty to be charged. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory penaltyPercentagePerSecond = weeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc.mul( paymentDelay.div(SECONDS_PER_WEEK) ); // Apply the penaltyPercentagePerSecond to the payment period. latePenalty = pfc.mul(timeDiff).mul(penaltyPercentagePerSecond); } /** * @notice Computes the final oracle fees that a contract should pay at settlement. * @param currency token used to pay the final fee. * @return finalFee amount due denominated in units of `currency`. */ function computeFinalFee(address currency) external override view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return finalFees[currency]; } /**************************************** * ADMIN STATE MODIFYING FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Sets a new oracle fee per second. * @param newFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc new fee per second charged to use the oracle. */ function setFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc) public onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Owner)) { // Oracle fees at or over 100% don't make sense. require(newFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc.isLessThan(1), "Fee must be < 100% per second."); fixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc = newFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc; emit NewFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc(newFixedOracleFeePerSecondPerPfc); } /** * @notice Sets a new weekly delay fee. * @param newWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc fee escalation per week of late fee payment. */ function setWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc) public onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Owner)) { require(newWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc.isLessThan(1), "weekly delay fee must be < 100%"); weeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc = newWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc; emit NewWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc(newWeeklyDelayFeePerSecondPerPfc); } /** * @notice Sets a new final fee for a particular currency. * @param currency defines the token currency used to pay the final fee. * @param newFinalFee final fee amount. */ function setFinalFee(address currency, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newFinalFee) public onlyRoleHolder(uint256(Roles.Owner)) { finalFees[currency] = newFinalFee; emit NewFinalFee(newFinalFee); } } contract Voting is Testable, Ownable, OracleInterface, VotingInterface { using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using SafeMath for uint256; using VoteTiming for VoteTiming.Data; using ResultComputation for ResultComputation.Data; /**************************************** * VOTING DATA STRUCTURES * ****************************************/ // Identifies a unique price request for which the Oracle will always return the same value. // Tracks ongoing votes as well as the result of the vote. struct PriceRequest { bytes32 identifier; uint256 time; // A map containing all votes for this price in various rounds. mapping(uint256 => VoteInstance) voteInstances; // If in the past, this was the voting round where this price was resolved. If current or the upcoming round, // this is the voting round where this price will be voted on, but not necessarily resolved. uint256 lastVotingRound; // The index in the `pendingPriceRequests` that references this PriceRequest. A value of UINT_MAX means that // this PriceRequest is resolved and has been cleaned up from `pendingPriceRequests`. uint256 index; } struct VoteInstance { // Maps (voterAddress) to their submission. mapping(address => VoteSubmission) voteSubmissions; // The data structure containing the computed voting results. ResultComputation.Data resultComputation; } struct VoteSubmission { // A bytes32 of `0` indicates no commit or a commit that was already revealed. bytes32 commit; // The hash of the value that was revealed. // Note: this is only used for computation of rewards. bytes32 revealHash; } struct Round { uint256 snapshotId; // Voting token snapshot ID for this round. 0 if no snapshot has been taken. FixedPoint.Unsigned inflationRate; // Inflation rate set for this round. FixedPoint.Unsigned gatPercentage; // Gat rate set for this round. uint256 rewardsExpirationTime; // Time that rewards for this round can be claimed until. } // Represents the status a price request has. enum RequestStatus { NotRequested, // Was never requested. Active, // Is being voted on in the current round. Resolved, // Was resolved in a previous round. Future // Is scheduled to be voted on in a future round. } // Only used as a return value in view methods -- never stored in the contract. struct RequestState { RequestStatus status; uint256 lastVotingRound; } /**************************************** * INTERNAL TRACKING * ****************************************/ // Maps round numbers to the rounds. mapping(uint256 => Round) public rounds; // Maps price request IDs to the PriceRequest struct. mapping(bytes32 => PriceRequest) private priceRequests; // Price request ids for price requests that haven't yet been marked as resolved. // These requests may be for future rounds. bytes32[] internal pendingPriceRequests; VoteTiming.Data public voteTiming; // Percentage of the total token supply that must be used in a vote to // create a valid price resolution. 1 == 100%. FixedPoint.Unsigned public gatPercentage; // Global setting for the rate of inflation per vote. This is the percentage of the snapshotted total supply that // should be split among the correct voters. // Note: this value is used to set per-round inflation at the beginning of each round. 1 = 100%. FixedPoint.Unsigned public inflationRate; // Time in seconds from the end of the round in which a price request is // resolved that voters can still claim their rewards. uint256 public rewardsExpirationTimeout; // Reference to the voting token. VotingToken public votingToken; // Reference to the Finder. FinderInterface private finder; // If non-zero, this contract has been migrated to this address. All voters and // financial contracts should query the new address only. address public migratedAddress; // Max value of an unsigned integer. uint256 private constant UINT_MAX = ~uint256(0); bytes32 public snapshotMessageHash = ECDSA.toEthSignedMessageHash(keccak256(bytes("Sign For Snapshot"))); /*************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event VoteCommitted(address indexed voter, uint256 indexed roundId, bytes32 indexed identifier, uint256 time); event EncryptedVote( address indexed voter, uint256 indexed roundId, bytes32 indexed identifier, uint256 time, bytes encryptedVote ); event VoteRevealed( address indexed voter, uint256 indexed roundId, bytes32 indexed identifier, uint256 time, int256 price, uint256 numTokens ); event RewardsRetrieved( address indexed voter, uint256 indexed roundId, bytes32 indexed identifier, uint256 time, uint256 numTokens ); event PriceRequestAdded(uint256 indexed roundId, bytes32 indexed identifier, uint256 time); event PriceResolved(uint256 indexed roundId, bytes32 indexed identifier, uint256 time, int256 price); /** * @notice Construct the Voting contract. * @param _phaseLength length of the commit and reveal phases in seconds. * @param _gatPercentage of the total token supply that must be used in a vote to create a valid price resolution. * @param _inflationRate percentage inflation per round used to increase token supply of correct voters. * @param _rewardsExpirationTimeout timeout, in seconds, within which rewards must be claimed. * @param _votingToken address of the UMA token contract used to commit votes. * @param _finder keeps track of all contracts within the system based on their interfaceName. * @param _timerAddress Contract that stores the current time in a testing environment. * Must be set to 0x0 for production environments that use live time. */ constructor( uint256 _phaseLength, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _gatPercentage, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _inflationRate, uint256 _rewardsExpirationTimeout, address _votingToken, address _finder, address _timerAddress ) public Testable(_timerAddress) { voteTiming.init(_phaseLength); require(_gatPercentage.isLessThanOrEqual(1), "GAT percentage must be <= 100%"); gatPercentage = _gatPercentage; inflationRate = _inflationRate; votingToken = VotingToken(_votingToken); finder = FinderInterface(_finder); rewardsExpirationTimeout = _rewardsExpirationTimeout; } /*************************************** MODIFIERS ****************************************/ modifier onlyRegisteredContract() { if (migratedAddress != address(0)) { require(msg.sender == migratedAddress, "Caller must be migrated address"); } else { Registry registry = Registry(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.Registry)); require(registry.isContractRegistered(msg.sender), "Called must be registered"); } _; } modifier onlyIfNotMigrated() { require(migratedAddress == address(0), "Only call this if not migrated"); _; } /**************************************** * PRICE REQUEST AND ACCESS FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Enqueues a request (if a request isn't already present) for the given `identifier`, `time` pair. * @dev Time must be in the past and the identifier must be supported. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the price requested. eg BTC/USD (encoded as bytes32) could be requested. * @param time unix timestamp for the price request. */ function requestPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external override onlyRegisteredContract() { uint256 blockTime = getCurrentTime(); require(time <= blockTime, "Can only request in past"); require(_getIdentifierWhitelist().isIdentifierSupported(identifier), "Unsupported identifier request"); bytes32 priceRequestId = _encodePriceRequest(identifier, time); PriceRequest storage priceRequest = priceRequests[priceRequestId]; uint256 currentRoundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(blockTime); RequestStatus requestStatus = _getRequestStatus(priceRequest, currentRoundId); if (requestStatus == RequestStatus.NotRequested) { // Price has never been requested. // Price requests always go in the next round, so add 1 to the computed current round. uint256 nextRoundId = currentRoundId.add(1); priceRequests[priceRequestId] = PriceRequest({ identifier: identifier, time: time, lastVotingRound: nextRoundId, index: pendingPriceRequests.length }); pendingPriceRequests.push(priceRequestId); emit PriceRequestAdded(nextRoundId, identifier, time); } } /** * @notice Whether the price for `identifier` and `time` is available. * @dev Time must be in the past and the identifier must be supported. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the price requested. eg BTC/USD (encoded as bytes32) could be requested. * @param time unix timestamp of for the price request. * @return _hasPrice bool if the DVM has resolved to a price for the given identifier and timestamp. */ function hasPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external override view onlyRegisteredContract() returns (bool) { (bool _hasPrice, , ) = _getPriceOrError(identifier, time); return _hasPrice; } /** * @notice Gets the price for `identifier` and `time` if it has already been requested and resolved. * @dev If the price is not available, the method reverts. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the price requested. eg BTC/USD (encoded as bytes32) could be requested. * @param time unix timestamp of for the price request. * @return int256 representing the resolved price for the given identifier and timestamp. */ function getPrice(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) external override view onlyRegisteredContract() returns (int256) { (bool _hasPrice, int256 price, string memory message) = _getPriceOrError(identifier, time); // If the price wasn't available, revert with the provided message. require(_hasPrice, message); return price; } /** * @notice Gets the status of a list of price requests, identified by their identifier and time. * @dev If the status for a particular request is NotRequested, the lastVotingRound will always be 0. * @param requests array of type PendingRequest which includes an identifier and timestamp for each request. * @return requestStates a list, in the same order as the input list, giving the status of each of the specified price requests. */ function getPriceRequestStatuses(PendingRequest[] memory requests) public view returns (RequestState[] memory) { RequestState[] memory requestStates = new RequestState[](requests.length); uint256 currentRoundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(getCurrentTime()); for (uint256 i = 0; i < requests.length; i++) { PriceRequest storage priceRequest = _getPriceRequest(requests[i].identifier, requests[i].time); RequestStatus status = _getRequestStatus(priceRequest, currentRoundId); // If it's an active request, its true lastVotingRound is the current one, even if it hasn't been updated. if (status == RequestStatus.Active) { requestStates[i].lastVotingRound = currentRoundId; } else { requestStates[i].lastVotingRound = priceRequest.lastVotingRound; } requestStates[i].status = status; } return requestStates; } /**************************************** * VOTING FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Commit a vote for a price request for `identifier` at `time`. * @dev `identifier`, `time` must correspond to a price request that's currently in the commit phase. * Commits can be changed. * @dev Since transaction data is public, the salt will be revealed with the vote. While this is the system’s expected behavior, * voters should never reuse salts. If someone else is able to guess the voted price and knows that a salt will be reused, then * they can determine the vote pre-reveal. * @param identifier uniquely identifies the committed vote. EG BTC/USD price pair. * @param time unix timestamp of the price being voted on. * @param hash keccak256 hash of the `price`, `salt`, voter `address`, `time`, current `roundId`, and `identifier`. */ function commitVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, bytes32 hash ) public override onlyIfNotMigrated() { require(hash != bytes32(0), "Invalid provided hash"); // Current time is required for all vote timing queries. uint256 blockTime = getCurrentTime(); require(voteTiming.computeCurrentPhase(blockTime) == Phase.Commit, "Cannot commit in reveal phase"); // At this point, the computed and last updated round ID should be equal. uint256 currentRoundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(blockTime); PriceRequest storage priceRequest = _getPriceRequest(identifier, time); require( _getRequestStatus(priceRequest, currentRoundId) == RequestStatus.Active, "Cannot commit inactive request" ); priceRequest.lastVotingRound = currentRoundId; VoteInstance storage voteInstance = priceRequest.voteInstances[currentRoundId]; voteInstance.voteSubmissions[msg.sender].commit = hash; emit VoteCommitted(msg.sender, currentRoundId, identifier, time); } /** * @notice Snapshot the current round's token balances and lock in the inflation rate and GAT. * @dev This function can be called multiple times, but only the first call per round into this function or `revealVote` * will create the round snapshot. Any later calls will be a no-op. Will revert unless called during reveal period. * @param signature signature required to prove caller is an EOA to prevent flash loans from being included in the * snapshot. */ function snapshotCurrentRound(bytes calldata signature) external override onlyIfNotMigrated() { uint256 blockTime = getCurrentTime(); require(voteTiming.computeCurrentPhase(blockTime) == Phase.Reveal, "Only snapshot in reveal phase"); // Require public snapshot require signature to ensure caller is an EOA. require(ECDSA.recover(snapshotMessageHash, signature) == msg.sender, "Signature must match sender"); uint256 roundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(blockTime); _freezeRoundVariables(roundId); } /** * @notice Reveal a previously committed vote for `identifier` at `time`. * @dev The revealed `price`, `salt`, `address`, `time`, `roundId`, and `identifier`, must hash to the latest `hash` * that `commitVote()` was called with. Only the committer can reveal their vote. * @param identifier voted on in the commit phase. EG BTC/USD price pair. * @param time specifies the unix timestamp of the price being voted on. * @param price voted on during the commit phase. * @param salt value used to hide the commitment price during the commit phase. */ function revealVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, int256 price, int256 salt ) public override onlyIfNotMigrated() { uint256 blockTime = getCurrentTime(); require(voteTiming.computeCurrentPhase(blockTime) == Phase.Reveal, "Cannot reveal in commit phase"); // Note: computing the current round is required to disallow people from // revealing an old commit after the round is over. uint256 roundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(blockTime); PriceRequest storage priceRequest = _getPriceRequest(identifier, time); VoteInstance storage voteInstance = priceRequest.voteInstances[roundId]; VoteSubmission storage voteSubmission = voteInstance.voteSubmissions[msg.sender]; // 0 hashes are disallowed in the commit phase, so they indicate a different error. // Cannot reveal an uncommitted or previously revealed hash require(voteSubmission.commit != bytes32(0), "Invalid hash reveal"); require( keccak256(abi.encodePacked(price, salt, msg.sender, time, roundId, identifier)) == voteSubmission.commit, "Revealed data != commit hash" ); // To protect against flash loans, we require snapshot be validated as EOA. require(rounds[roundId].snapshotId != 0, "Round has no snapshot"); // Get the frozen snapshotId uint256 snapshotId = rounds[roundId].snapshotId; delete voteSubmission.commit; // Get the voter's snapshotted balance. Since balances are returned pre-scaled by 10**18, we can directly // initialize the Unsigned value with the returned uint. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory balance = FixedPoint.Unsigned(votingToken.balanceOfAt(msg.sender, snapshotId)); // Set the voter's submission. voteSubmission.revealHash = keccak256(abi.encode(price)); // Add vote to the results. voteInstance.resultComputation.addVote(price, balance); emit VoteRevealed(msg.sender, roundId, identifier, time, price, balance.rawValue); } /** * @notice commits a vote and logs an event with a data blob, typically an encrypted version of the vote * @dev An encrypted version of the vote is emitted in an event `EncryptedVote` to allow off-chain infrastructure to * retrieve the commit. The contents of `encryptedVote` are never used on chain: it is purely for convenience. * @param identifier unique price pair identifier. Eg: BTC/USD price pair. * @param time unix timestamp of for the price request. * @param hash keccak256 hash of the price you want to vote for and a `int256 salt`. * @param encryptedVote offchain encrypted blob containing the voters amount, time and salt. */ function commitAndEmitEncryptedVote( bytes32 identifier, uint256 time, bytes32 hash, bytes memory encryptedVote ) public { commitVote(identifier, time, hash); uint256 roundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(getCurrentTime()); emit EncryptedVote(msg.sender, roundId, identifier, time, encryptedVote); } /** * @notice Submit a batch of commits in a single transaction. * @dev Using `encryptedVote` is optional. If included then commitment is emitted in an event. * Look at `project-root/common/Constants.js` for the tested maximum number of * commitments that can fit in one transaction. * @param commits struct to encapsulate an `identifier`, `time`, `hash` and optional `encryptedVote`. */ function batchCommit(Commitment[] calldata commits) external override { for (uint256 i = 0; i < commits.length; i++) { if (commits[i].encryptedVote.length == 0) { commitVote(commits[i].identifier, commits[i].time, commits[i].hash); } else { commitAndEmitEncryptedVote( commits[i].identifier, commits[i].time, commits[i].hash, commits[i].encryptedVote ); } } } /** * @notice Reveal multiple votes in a single transaction. * Look at `project-root/common/Constants.js` for the tested maximum number of reveals. * that can fit in one transaction. * @dev For more information on reveals, review the comment for `revealVote`. * @param reveals array of the Reveal struct which contains an identifier, time, price and salt. */ function batchReveal(Reveal[] calldata reveals) external override { for (uint256 i = 0; i < reveals.length; i++) { revealVote(reveals[i].identifier, reveals[i].time, reveals[i].price, reveals[i].salt); } } /** * @notice Retrieves rewards owed for a set of resolved price requests. * @dev Can only retrieve rewards if calling for a valid round and if the * call is done within the timeout threshold (not expired). * @param voterAddress voter for which rewards will be retrieved. Does not have to be the caller. * @param roundId the round from which voting rewards will be retrieved from. * @param toRetrieve array of PendingRequests which rewards are retrieved from. * @return totalRewardToIssue total amount of rewards returned to the voter. */ function retrieveRewards( address voterAddress, uint256 roundId, PendingRequest[] memory toRetrieve ) public override returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalRewardToIssue) { if (migratedAddress != address(0)) { require(msg.sender == migratedAddress, "Can only call from migrated"); } uint256 blockTime = getCurrentTime(); require(roundId < voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(blockTime), "Invalid roundId"); Round storage round = rounds[roundId]; bool isExpired = blockTime > round.rewardsExpirationTime; FixedPoint.Unsigned memory snapshotBalance = FixedPoint.Unsigned( votingToken.balanceOfAt(voterAddress, round.snapshotId) ); // Compute the total amount of reward that will be issued for each of the votes in the round. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory snapshotTotalSupply = FixedPoint.Unsigned( votingToken.totalSupplyAt(round.snapshotId) ); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalRewardPerVote = round.inflationRate.mul(snapshotTotalSupply); // Keep track of the voter's accumulated token reward. totalRewardToIssue = FixedPoint.Unsigned(0); for (uint256 i = 0; i < toRetrieve.length; i++) { PriceRequest storage priceRequest = _getPriceRequest(toRetrieve[i].identifier, toRetrieve[i].time); VoteInstance storage voteInstance = priceRequest.voteInstances[priceRequest.lastVotingRound]; // Only retrieve rewards for votes resolved in same round require(priceRequest.lastVotingRound == roundId, "Retrieve for votes same round"); _resolvePriceRequest(priceRequest, voteInstance); if (voteInstance.voteSubmissions[voterAddress].revealHash == 0) { continue; } else if (isExpired) { // Emit a 0 token retrieval on expired rewards. emit RewardsRetrieved(voterAddress, roundId, toRetrieve[i].identifier, toRetrieve[i].time, 0); } else if ( voteInstance.resultComputation.wasVoteCorrect(voteInstance.voteSubmissions[voterAddress].revealHash) ) { // The price was successfully resolved during the voter's last voting round, the voter revealed // and was correct, so they are eligible for a reward. // Compute the reward and add to the cumulative reward. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory reward = snapshotBalance.mul(totalRewardPerVote).div( voteInstance.resultComputation.getTotalCorrectlyVotedTokens() ); totalRewardToIssue = totalRewardToIssue.add(reward); // Emit reward retrieval for this vote. emit RewardsRetrieved( voterAddress, roundId, toRetrieve[i].identifier, toRetrieve[i].time, reward.rawValue ); } else { // Emit a 0 token retrieval on incorrect votes. emit RewardsRetrieved(voterAddress, roundId, toRetrieve[i].identifier, toRetrieve[i].time, 0); } // Delete the submission to capture any refund and clean up storage. delete voteInstance.voteSubmissions[voterAddress].revealHash; } // Issue any accumulated rewards. if (totalRewardToIssue.isGreaterThan(0)) { require(, totalRewardToIssue.rawValue), "Voting token issuance failed"); } } /**************************************** * VOTING GETTER FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Gets the queries that are being voted on this round. * @return pendingRequests array containing identifiers of type `PendingRequest`. * and timestamps for all pending requests. */ function getPendingRequests() external override view returns (PendingRequest[] memory) { uint256 blockTime = getCurrentTime(); uint256 currentRoundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(blockTime); // Solidity memory arrays aren't resizable (and reading storage is expensive). Hence this hackery to filter // `pendingPriceRequests` only to those requests that have an Active RequestStatus. PendingRequest[] memory unresolved = new PendingRequest[](pendingPriceRequests.length); uint256 numUnresolved = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < pendingPriceRequests.length; i++) { PriceRequest storage priceRequest = priceRequests[pendingPriceRequests[i]]; if (_getRequestStatus(priceRequest, currentRoundId) == RequestStatus.Active) { unresolved[numUnresolved] = PendingRequest({ identifier: priceRequest.identifier, time: priceRequest.time }); numUnresolved++; } } PendingRequest[] memory pendingRequests = new PendingRequest[](numUnresolved); for (uint256 i = 0; i < numUnresolved; i++) { pendingRequests[i] = unresolved[i]; } return pendingRequests; } /** * @notice Returns the current voting phase, as a function of the current time. * @return Phase to indicate the current phase. Either { Commit, Reveal, NUM_PHASES_PLACEHOLDER }. */ function getVotePhase() external override view returns (Phase) { return voteTiming.computeCurrentPhase(getCurrentTime()); } /** * @notice Returns the current round ID, as a function of the current time. * @return uint256 representing the unique round ID. */ function getCurrentRoundId() external override view returns (uint256) { return voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(getCurrentTime()); } /**************************************** * OWNER ADMIN FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Disables this Voting contract in favor of the migrated one. * @dev Can only be called by the contract owner. * @param newVotingAddress the newly migrated contract address. */ function setMigrated(address newVotingAddress) external onlyOwner { migratedAddress = newVotingAddress; } /** * @notice Resets the inflation rate. Note: this change only applies to rounds that have not yet begun. * @dev This method is public because calldata structs are not currently supported by solidity. * @param newInflationRate sets the next round's inflation rate. */ function setInflationRate(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newInflationRate) public onlyOwner { inflationRate = newInflationRate; } /** * @notice Resets the Gat percentage. Note: this change only applies to rounds that have not yet begun. * @dev This method is public because calldata structs are not currently supported by solidity. * @param newGatPercentage sets the next round's Gat percentage. */ function setGatPercentage(FixedPoint.Unsigned memory newGatPercentage) public onlyOwner { require(newGatPercentage.isLessThan(1), "GAT percentage must be < 100%"); gatPercentage = newGatPercentage; } /** * @notice Resets the rewards expiration timeout. * @dev This change only applies to rounds that have not yet begun. * @param NewRewardsExpirationTimeout how long a caller can wait before choosing to withdraw their rewards. */ function setRewardsExpirationTimeout(uint256 NewRewardsExpirationTimeout) public onlyOwner { rewardsExpirationTimeout = NewRewardsExpirationTimeout; } /**************************************** * PRIVATE AND INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ // Returns the price for a given identifer. Three params are returns: bool if there was an error, int to represent // the resolved price and a string which is filled with an error message, if there was an error or "". function _getPriceOrError(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) private view returns ( bool, int256, string memory ) { PriceRequest storage priceRequest = _getPriceRequest(identifier, time); uint256 currentRoundId = voteTiming.computeCurrentRoundId(getCurrentTime()); RequestStatus requestStatus = _getRequestStatus(priceRequest, currentRoundId); if (requestStatus == RequestStatus.Active) { return (false, 0, "Current voting round not ended"); } else if (requestStatus == RequestStatus.Resolved) { VoteInstance storage voteInstance = priceRequest.voteInstances[priceRequest.lastVotingRound]; (, int256 resolvedPrice) = voteInstance.resultComputation.getResolvedPrice( _computeGat(priceRequest.lastVotingRound) ); return (true, resolvedPrice, ""); } else if (requestStatus == RequestStatus.Future) { return (false, 0, "Price is still to be voted on"); } else { return (false, 0, "Price was never requested"); } } function _getPriceRequest(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) private view returns (PriceRequest storage) { return priceRequests[_encodePriceRequest(identifier, time)]; } function _encodePriceRequest(bytes32 identifier, uint256 time) private pure returns (bytes32) { return keccak256(abi.encode(identifier, time)); } function _freezeRoundVariables(uint256 roundId) private { Round storage round = rounds[roundId]; // Only on the first reveal should the snapshot be captured for that round. if (round.snapshotId == 0) { // There is no snapshot ID set, so create one. round.snapshotId = votingToken.snapshot(); // Set the round inflation rate to the current global inflation rate. rounds[roundId].inflationRate = inflationRate; // Set the round gat percentage to the current global gat rate. rounds[roundId].gatPercentage = gatPercentage; // Set the rewards expiration time based on end of time of this round and the current global timeout. rounds[roundId].rewardsExpirationTime = voteTiming.computeRoundEndTime(roundId).add( rewardsExpirationTimeout ); } } function _resolvePriceRequest(PriceRequest storage priceRequest, VoteInstance storage voteInstance) private { if (priceRequest.index == UINT_MAX) { return; } (bool isResolved, int256 resolvedPrice) = voteInstance.resultComputation.getResolvedPrice( _computeGat(priceRequest.lastVotingRound) ); require(isResolved, "Can't resolve unresolved request"); // Delete the resolved price request from pendingPriceRequests. uint256 lastIndex = pendingPriceRequests.length - 1; PriceRequest storage lastPriceRequest = priceRequests[pendingPriceRequests[lastIndex]]; lastPriceRequest.index = priceRequest.index; pendingPriceRequests[priceRequest.index] = pendingPriceRequests[lastIndex]; pendingPriceRequests.pop(); priceRequest.index = UINT_MAX; emit PriceResolved(priceRequest.lastVotingRound, priceRequest.identifier, priceRequest.time, resolvedPrice); } function _computeGat(uint256 roundId) private view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { uint256 snapshotId = rounds[roundId].snapshotId; if (snapshotId == 0) { // No snapshot - return max value to err on the side of caution. return FixedPoint.Unsigned(UINT_MAX); } // Grab the snapshotted supply from the voting token. It's already scaled by 10**18, so we can directly // initialize the Unsigned value with the returned uint. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory snapshottedSupply = FixedPoint.Unsigned(votingToken.totalSupplyAt(snapshotId)); // Multiply the total supply at the snapshot by the gatPercentage to get the GAT in number of tokens. return snapshottedSupply.mul(rounds[roundId].gatPercentage); } function _getRequestStatus(PriceRequest storage priceRequest, uint256 currentRoundId) private view returns (RequestStatus) { if (priceRequest.lastVotingRound == 0) { return RequestStatus.NotRequested; } else if (priceRequest.lastVotingRound < currentRoundId) { VoteInstance storage voteInstance = priceRequest.voteInstances[priceRequest.lastVotingRound]; (bool isResolved, ) = voteInstance.resultComputation.getResolvedPrice( _computeGat(priceRequest.lastVotingRound) ); return isResolved ? RequestStatus.Resolved : RequestStatus.Active; } else if (priceRequest.lastVotingRound == currentRoundId) { return RequestStatus.Active; } else { // Means than priceRequest.lastVotingRound > currentRoundId return RequestStatus.Future; } } function _getIdentifierWhitelist() private view returns (IdentifierWhitelistInterface supportedIdentifiers) { return IdentifierWhitelistInterface(finder.getImplementationAddress(OracleInterfaces.IdentifierWhitelist)); } } contract VotingToken is ExpandedERC20, ERC20Snapshot { /** * @notice Constructs the VotingToken. */ constructor() public ExpandedERC20("UMA Voting Token v1", "UMA", 18) {} /** * @notice Creates a new snapshot ID. * @return uint256 Thew new snapshot ID. */ function snapshot() external returns (uint256) { return _snapshot(); } // _transfer, _mint and _burn are ERC20 internal methods that are overridden by ERC20Snapshot, // therefore the compiler will complain that VotingToken must override these methods // because the two base classes (ERC20 and ERC20Snapshot) both define the same functions function _transfer( address from, address to, uint256 value ) internal override(ERC20, ERC20Snapshot) { super._transfer(from, to, value); } function _mint(address account, uint256 value) internal override(ERC20, ERC20Snapshot) { super._mint(account, value); } function _burn(address account, uint256 value) internal override(ERC20, ERC20Snapshot) { super._burn(account, value); } } contract MockAdministratee is AdministrateeInterface { uint256 public timesRemargined; uint256 public timesEmergencyShutdown; function remargin() external override { timesRemargined++; } function emergencyShutdown() external override { timesEmergencyShutdown++; } } contract VotingTest is Voting { constructor( uint256 _phaseLength, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _gatPercentage, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory _inflationRate, uint256 _rewardsExpirationTimeout, address _votingToken, address _finder, address _timerAddress ) public Voting( _phaseLength, _gatPercentage, _inflationRate, _rewardsExpirationTimeout, _votingToken, _finder, _timerAddress ) {} function getPendingPriceRequestsArray() external view returns (bytes32[] memory) { return pendingPriceRequests; } } contract Liquidatable is PricelessPositionManager { using FixedPoint for FixedPoint.Unsigned; using SafeMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; /**************************************** * LIQUIDATION DATA STRUCTURES * ****************************************/ // Because of the check in withdrawable(), the order of these enum values should not change. enum Status { Uninitialized, PreDispute, PendingDispute, DisputeSucceeded, DisputeFailed } struct LiquidationData { // Following variables set upon creation of liquidation: address sponsor; // Address of the liquidated position's sponsor address liquidator; // Address who created this liquidation Status state; // Liquidated (and expired or not), Pending a Dispute, or Dispute has resolved uint256 liquidationTime; // Time when liquidation is initiated, needed to get price from Oracle // Following variables determined by the position that is being liquidated: FixedPoint.Unsigned tokensOutstanding; // Synthetic tokens required to be burned by liquidator to initiate dispute FixedPoint.Unsigned lockedCollateral; // Collateral locked by contract and released upon expiry or post-dispute // Amount of collateral being liquidated, which could be different from // lockedCollateral if there were pending withdrawals at the time of liquidation FixedPoint.Unsigned liquidatedCollateral; // Unit value (starts at 1) that is used to track the fees per unit of collateral over the course of the liquidation. FixedPoint.Unsigned rawUnitCollateral; // Following variable set upon initiation of a dispute: address disputer; // Person who is disputing a liquidation // Following variable set upon a resolution of a dispute: FixedPoint.Unsigned settlementPrice; // Final price as determined by an Oracle following a dispute FixedPoint.Unsigned finalFee; } // Define the contract's constructor parameters as a struct to enable more variables to be specified. // This is required to enable more params, over and above Solidity's limits. struct ConstructorParams { // Params for PricelessPositionManager only. uint256 expirationTimestamp; uint256 withdrawalLiveness; address collateralAddress; address finderAddress; address tokenFactoryAddress; address timerAddress; address excessTokenBeneficiary; bytes32 priceFeedIdentifier; string syntheticName; string syntheticSymbol; FixedPoint.Unsigned minSponsorTokens; // Params specifically for Liquidatable. uint256 liquidationLiveness; FixedPoint.Unsigned collateralRequirement; FixedPoint.Unsigned disputeBondPct; FixedPoint.Unsigned sponsorDisputeRewardPct; FixedPoint.Unsigned disputerDisputeRewardPct; } // Liquidations are unique by ID per sponsor mapping(address => LiquidationData[]) public liquidations; // Total collateral in liquidation. FixedPoint.Unsigned public rawLiquidationCollateral; // Immutable contract parameters: // Amount of time for pending liquidation before expiry. // !!Note: The lower the liquidation liveness value, the more risk incurred by sponsors. // Extremely low liveness values increase the chance that opportunistic invalid liquidations // expire without dispute, thereby decreasing the usability for sponsors and increasing the risk // for the contract as a whole. An insolvent contract is extremely risky for any sponsor or synthetic // token holder for the contract. uint256 public liquidationLiveness; // Required collateral:TRV ratio for a position to be considered sufficiently collateralized. FixedPoint.Unsigned public collateralRequirement; // Percent of a Liquidation/Position's lockedCollateral to be deposited by a potential disputer // Represented as a multiplier, for example 1.5e18 = "150%" and 0.05e18 = "5%" FixedPoint.Unsigned public disputeBondPct; // Percent of oraclePrice paid to sponsor in the Disputed state (i.e. following a successful dispute) // Represented as a multiplier, see above. FixedPoint.Unsigned public sponsorDisputeRewardPct; // Percent of oraclePrice paid to disputer in the Disputed state (i.e. following a successful dispute) // Represented as a multiplier, see above. FixedPoint.Unsigned public disputerDisputeRewardPct; /**************************************** * EVENTS * ****************************************/ event LiquidationCreated( address indexed sponsor, address indexed liquidator, uint256 indexed liquidationId, uint256 tokensOutstanding, uint256 lockedCollateral, uint256 liquidatedCollateral, uint256 liquidationTime ); event LiquidationDisputed( address indexed sponsor, address indexed liquidator, address indexed disputer, uint256 liquidationId, uint256 disputeBondAmount ); event DisputeSettled( address indexed caller, address indexed sponsor, address indexed liquidator, address disputer, uint256 liquidationId, bool disputeSucceeded ); event LiquidationWithdrawn( address indexed caller, uint256 withdrawalAmount, Status indexed liquidationStatus, uint256 settlementPrice ); /**************************************** * MODIFIERS * ****************************************/ modifier disputable(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) { _disputable(liquidationId, sponsor); _; } modifier withdrawable(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) { _withdrawable(liquidationId, sponsor); _; } /** * @notice Constructs the liquidatable contract. * @param params struct to define input parameters for construction of Liquidatable. Some params * are fed directly into the PricelessPositionManager's constructor within the inheritance tree. */ constructor(ConstructorParams memory params) public PricelessPositionManager( params.expirationTimestamp, params.withdrawalLiveness, params.collateralAddress, params.finderAddress, params.priceFeedIdentifier, params.syntheticName, params.syntheticSymbol, params.tokenFactoryAddress, params.minSponsorTokens, params.timerAddress, params.excessTokenBeneficiary ) nonReentrant() { require(params.collateralRequirement.isGreaterThan(1), "CR is more than 100%"); require( params.sponsorDisputeRewardPct.add(params.disputerDisputeRewardPct).isLessThan(1), "Rewards are more than 100%" ); // Set liquidatable specific variables. liquidationLiveness = params.liquidationLiveness; collateralRequirement = params.collateralRequirement; disputeBondPct = params.disputeBondPct; sponsorDisputeRewardPct = params.sponsorDisputeRewardPct; disputerDisputeRewardPct = params.disputerDisputeRewardPct; } /**************************************** * LIQUIDATION FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ /** * @notice Liquidates the sponsor's position if the caller has enough * synthetic tokens to retire the position's outstanding tokens. Liquidations above * a minimum size also reset an ongoing "slow withdrawal"'s liveness. * @dev This method generates an ID that will uniquely identify liquidation for the sponsor. This contract must be * approved to spend at least `tokensLiquidated` of `tokenCurrency` and at least `finalFeeBond` of `collateralCurrency`. * @param sponsor address of the sponsor to liquidate. * @param minCollateralPerToken abort the liquidation if the position's collateral per token is below this value. * @param maxCollateralPerToken abort the liquidation if the position's collateral per token exceeds this value. * @param maxTokensToLiquidate max number of tokens to liquidate. * @param deadline abort the liquidation if the transaction is mined after this timestamp. * @return liquidationId ID of the newly created liquidation. * @return tokensLiquidated amount of synthetic tokens removed and liquidated from the `sponsor`'s position. * @return finalFeeBond amount of collateral to be posted by liquidator and returned if not disputed successfully. */ function createLiquidation( address sponsor, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata minCollateralPerToken, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata maxCollateralPerToken, FixedPoint.Unsigned calldata maxTokensToLiquidate, uint256 deadline ) external fees() onlyPreExpiration() nonReentrant() returns ( uint256 liquidationId, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokensLiquidated, FixedPoint.Unsigned memory finalFeeBond ) { // Check that this transaction was mined pre-deadline. require(getCurrentTime() <= deadline, "Mined after deadline"); // Retrieve Position data for sponsor PositionData storage positionToLiquidate = _getPositionData(sponsor); tokensLiquidated = FixedPoint.min(maxTokensToLiquidate, positionToLiquidate.tokensOutstanding); // Starting values for the Position being liquidated. If withdrawal request amount is > position's collateral, // then set this to 0, otherwise set it to (startCollateral - withdrawal request amount). FixedPoint.Unsigned memory startCollateral = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(positionToLiquidate.rawCollateral); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal = FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0); if (positionToLiquidate.withdrawalRequestAmount.isLessThanOrEqual(startCollateral)) { startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal = startCollateral.sub(positionToLiquidate.withdrawalRequestAmount); } // Scoping to get rid of a stack too deep error. { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory startTokens = positionToLiquidate.tokensOutstanding; // The Position's collateralization ratio must be between [minCollateralPerToken, maxCollateralPerToken]. // maxCollateralPerToken >= startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal / startTokens. require( maxCollateralPerToken.mul(startTokens).isGreaterThanOrEqual(startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal), "CR is more than max liq. price" ); // minCollateralPerToken >= startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal / startTokens. require( minCollateralPerToken.mul(startTokens).isLessThanOrEqual(startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal), "CR is less than min liq. price" ); } // Compute final fee at time of liquidation. finalFeeBond = _computeFinalFees(); // These will be populated within the scope below. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory lockedCollateral; FixedPoint.Unsigned memory liquidatedCollateral; // Scoping to get rid of a stack too deep error. { FixedPoint.Unsigned memory ratio = tokensLiquidated.div(positionToLiquidate.tokensOutstanding); // The actual amount of collateral that gets moved to the liquidation. lockedCollateral = startCollateral.mul(ratio); // For purposes of disputes, it's actually this liquidatedCollateral value that's used. This value is net of // withdrawal requests. liquidatedCollateral = startCollateralNetOfWithdrawal.mul(ratio); // Part of the withdrawal request is also removed. Ideally: // liquidatedCollateral + withdrawalAmountToRemove = lockedCollateral. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory withdrawalAmountToRemove = positionToLiquidate.withdrawalRequestAmount.mul( ratio ); _reduceSponsorPosition(sponsor, tokensLiquidated, lockedCollateral, withdrawalAmountToRemove); } // Add to the global liquidation collateral count. _addCollateral(rawLiquidationCollateral, lockedCollateral.add(finalFeeBond)); // Construct liquidation object. // Note: All dispute-related values are zeroed out until a dispute occurs. liquidationId is the index of the new // LiquidationData that is pushed into the array, which is equal to the current length of the array pre-push. liquidationId = liquidations[sponsor].length; liquidations[sponsor].push( LiquidationData({ sponsor: sponsor, liquidator: msg.sender, state: Status.PreDispute, liquidationTime: getCurrentTime(), tokensOutstanding: tokensLiquidated, lockedCollateral: lockedCollateral, liquidatedCollateral: liquidatedCollateral, rawUnitCollateral: _convertToRawCollateral(FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(1)), disputer: address(0), settlementPrice: FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0), finalFee: finalFeeBond }) ); // If this liquidation is a subsequent liquidation on the position, and the liquidation size is larger than // some "griefing threshold", then re-set the liveness. This enables a liquidation against a withdraw request to be // "dragged out" if the position is very large and liquidators need time to gather funds. The griefing threshold // is enforced so that liquidations for trivially small # of tokens cannot drag out an honest sponsor's slow withdrawal. // We arbitrarily set the "griefing threshold" to `minSponsorTokens` because it is the only parameter // denominated in token currency units and we can avoid adding another parameter. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory griefingThreshold = minSponsorTokens; if ( positionToLiquidate.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp > 0 && // The position is undergoing a slow withdrawal. positionToLiquidate.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp <= getCurrentTime() && // The slow withdrawal has not yet expired. tokensLiquidated.isGreaterThanOrEqual(griefingThreshold) // The liquidated token count is above a "griefing threshold". ) { positionToLiquidate.withdrawalRequestPassTimestamp = getCurrentTime().add(liquidationLiveness); } emit LiquidationCreated( sponsor, msg.sender, liquidationId, tokensLiquidated.rawValue, lockedCollateral.rawValue, liquidatedCollateral.rawValue, getCurrentTime() ); // Destroy tokens tokenCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokensLiquidated.rawValue); tokenCurrency.burn(tokensLiquidated.rawValue); // Pull final fee from liquidator. collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), finalFeeBond.rawValue); } /** * @notice Disputes a liquidation, if the caller has enough collateral to post a dispute bond * and pay a fixed final fee charged on each price request. * @dev Can only dispute a liquidation before the liquidation expires and if there are no other pending disputes. * This contract must be approved to spend at least the dispute bond amount of `collateralCurrency`. This dispute * bond amount is calculated from `disputeBondPct` times the collateral in the liquidation. * @param liquidationId of the disputed liquidation. * @param sponsor the address of the sponsor whose liquidation is being disputed. * @return totalPaid amount of collateral charged to disputer (i.e. final fee bond + dispute bond). */ function dispute(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) external disputable(liquidationId, sponsor) fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory totalPaid) { LiquidationData storage disputedLiquidation = _getLiquidationData(sponsor, liquidationId); // Multiply by the unit collateral so the dispute bond is a percentage of the locked collateral after fees. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory disputeBondAmount = disputedLiquidation.lockedCollateral.mul(disputeBondPct).mul( _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(disputedLiquidation.rawUnitCollateral) ); _addCollateral(rawLiquidationCollateral, disputeBondAmount); // Request a price from DVM. Liquidation is pending dispute until DVM returns a price. disputedLiquidation.state = Status.PendingDispute; disputedLiquidation.disputer = msg.sender; // Enqueue a request with the DVM. _requestOraclePrice(disputedLiquidation.liquidationTime); emit LiquidationDisputed( sponsor, disputedLiquidation.liquidator, msg.sender, liquidationId, disputeBondAmount.rawValue ); totalPaid = disputeBondAmount.add(disputedLiquidation.finalFee); // Pay the final fee for requesting price from the DVM. _payFinalFees(msg.sender, disputedLiquidation.finalFee); // Transfer the dispute bond amount from the caller to this contract. collateralCurrency.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), disputeBondAmount.rawValue); } /** * @notice After a dispute has settled or after a non-disputed liquidation has expired, * the sponsor, liquidator, and/or disputer can call this method to receive payments. * @dev If the dispute SUCCEEDED: the sponsor, liquidator, and disputer are eligible for payment. * If the dispute FAILED: only the liquidator can receive payment. * Once all collateral is withdrawn, delete the liquidation data. * @param liquidationId uniquely identifies the sponsor's liquidation. * @param sponsor address of the sponsor associated with the liquidation. * @return amountWithdrawn the total amount of underlying returned from the liquidation. */ function withdrawLiquidation(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) public withdrawable(liquidationId, sponsor) fees() nonReentrant() returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory amountWithdrawn) { LiquidationData storage liquidation = _getLiquidationData(sponsor, liquidationId); require( (msg.sender == liquidation.disputer) || (msg.sender == liquidation.liquidator) || (msg.sender == liquidation.sponsor), "Caller cannot withdraw rewards" ); // Settles the liquidation if necessary. This call will revert if the price has not resolved yet. _settle(liquidationId, sponsor); // Calculate rewards as a function of the TRV. // Note: all payouts are scaled by the unit collateral value so all payouts are charged the fees pro rata. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory feeAttenuation = _getFeeAdjustedCollateral(liquidation.rawUnitCollateral); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory settlementPrice = liquidation.settlementPrice; FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokenRedemptionValue = liquidation.tokensOutstanding.mul(settlementPrice).mul( feeAttenuation ); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory collateral = liquidation.lockedCollateral.mul(feeAttenuation); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory disputerDisputeReward = disputerDisputeRewardPct.mul(tokenRedemptionValue); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory sponsorDisputeReward = sponsorDisputeRewardPct.mul(tokenRedemptionValue); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory disputeBondAmount = collateral.mul(disputeBondPct); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory finalFee = liquidation.finalFee.mul(feeAttenuation); // There are three main outcome states: either the dispute succeeded, failed or was not updated. // Based on the state, different parties of a liquidation can withdraw different amounts. // Once a caller has been paid their address deleted from the struct. // This prevents them from being paid multiple from times the same liquidation. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory withdrawalAmount = FixedPoint.fromUnscaledUint(0); if (liquidation.state == Status.DisputeSucceeded) { // If the dispute is successful then all three users can withdraw from the contract. if (msg.sender == liquidation.disputer) { // Pay DISPUTER: disputer reward + dispute bond + returned final fee FixedPoint.Unsigned memory payToDisputer = disputerDisputeReward.add(disputeBondAmount).add(finalFee); withdrawalAmount = withdrawalAmount.add(payToDisputer); delete liquidation.disputer; } if (msg.sender == liquidation.sponsor) { // Pay SPONSOR: remaining collateral (collateral - TRV) + sponsor reward FixedPoint.Unsigned memory remainingCollateral = collateral.sub(tokenRedemptionValue); FixedPoint.Unsigned memory payToSponsor = sponsorDisputeReward.add(remainingCollateral); withdrawalAmount = withdrawalAmount.add(payToSponsor); delete liquidation.sponsor; } if (msg.sender == liquidation.liquidator) { // Pay LIQUIDATOR: TRV - dispute reward - sponsor reward // If TRV > Collateral, then subtract rewards from collateral // NOTE: This should never be below zero since we prevent (sponsorDisputePct+disputerDisputePct) >= 0 in // the constructor when these params are set. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory payToLiquidator = tokenRedemptionValue.sub(sponsorDisputeReward).sub( disputerDisputeReward ); withdrawalAmount = withdrawalAmount.add(payToLiquidator); delete liquidation.liquidator; } // Free up space once all collateral is withdrawn by removing the liquidation object from the array. if ( liquidation.disputer == address(0) && liquidation.sponsor == address(0) && liquidation.liquidator == address(0) ) { delete liquidations[sponsor][liquidationId]; } // In the case of a failed dispute only the liquidator can withdraw. } else if (liquidation.state == Status.DisputeFailed && msg.sender == liquidation.liquidator) { // Pay LIQUIDATOR: collateral + dispute bond + returned final fee withdrawalAmount = collateral.add(disputeBondAmount).add(finalFee); delete liquidations[sponsor][liquidationId]; // If the state is pre-dispute but time has passed liveness then there was no dispute. We represent this // state as a dispute failed and the liquidator can withdraw. } else if (liquidation.state == Status.PreDispute && msg.sender == liquidation.liquidator) { // Pay LIQUIDATOR: collateral + returned final fee withdrawalAmount = collateral.add(finalFee); delete liquidations[sponsor][liquidationId]; } require(withdrawalAmount.isGreaterThan(0), "Invalid withdrawal amount"); // Decrease the total collateral held in liquidatable by the amount withdrawn. amountWithdrawn = _removeCollateral(rawLiquidationCollateral, withdrawalAmount); emit LiquidationWithdrawn(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue, liquidation.state, settlementPrice.rawValue); // Transfer amount withdrawn from this contract to the caller. collateralCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amountWithdrawn.rawValue); return amountWithdrawn; } /** * @notice Gets all liquidation information for a given sponsor address. * @param sponsor address of the position sponsor. * @return liquidationData array of all liquidation information for the given sponsor address. */ function getLiquidations(address sponsor) external view nonReentrantView() returns (LiquidationData[] memory liquidationData) { return liquidations[sponsor]; } /**************************************** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS * ****************************************/ // This settles a liquidation if it is in the PendingDispute state. If not, it will immediately return. // If the liquidation is in the PendingDispute state, but a price is not available, this will revert. function _settle(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) internal { LiquidationData storage liquidation = _getLiquidationData(sponsor, liquidationId); // Settlement only happens when state == PendingDispute and will only happen once per liquidation. // If this liquidation is not ready to be settled, this method should return immediately. if (liquidation.state != Status.PendingDispute) { return; } // Get the returned price from the oracle. If this has not yet resolved will revert. liquidation.settlementPrice = _getOraclePrice(liquidation.liquidationTime); // Find the value of the tokens in the underlying collateral. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory tokenRedemptionValue = liquidation.tokensOutstanding.mul( liquidation.settlementPrice ); // The required collateral is the value of the tokens in underlying * required collateral ratio. FixedPoint.Unsigned memory requiredCollateral = tokenRedemptionValue.mul(collateralRequirement); // If the position has more than the required collateral it is solvent and the dispute is valid(liquidation is invalid) // Note that this check uses the liquidatedCollateral not the lockedCollateral as this considers withdrawals. bool disputeSucceeded = liquidation.liquidatedCollateral.isGreaterThanOrEqual(requiredCollateral); liquidation.state = disputeSucceeded ? Status.DisputeSucceeded : Status.DisputeFailed; emit DisputeSettled( msg.sender, sponsor, liquidation.liquidator, liquidation.disputer, liquidationId, disputeSucceeded ); } function _pfc() internal override view returns (FixedPoint.Unsigned memory) { return super._pfc().add(_getFeeAdjustedCollateral(rawLiquidationCollateral)); } function _getLiquidationData(address sponsor, uint256 liquidationId) internal view returns (LiquidationData storage liquidation) { LiquidationData[] storage liquidationArray = liquidations[sponsor]; // Revert if the caller is attempting to access an invalid liquidation // (one that has never been created or one has never been initialized). require( liquidationId < liquidationArray.length && liquidationArray[liquidationId].state != Status.Uninitialized, "Invalid liquidation ID" ); return liquidationArray[liquidationId]; } function _getLiquidationExpiry(LiquidationData storage liquidation) internal view returns (uint256) { return liquidation.liquidationTime.add(liquidationLiveness); } // These internal functions are supposed to act identically to modifiers, but re-used modifiers // unnecessarily increase contract bytecode size. // source: function _disputable(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) internal view { LiquidationData storage liquidation = _getLiquidationData(sponsor, liquidationId); require( (getCurrentTime() < _getLiquidationExpiry(liquidation)) && (liquidation.state == Status.PreDispute), "Liquidation not disputable" ); } function _withdrawable(uint256 liquidationId, address sponsor) internal view { LiquidationData storage liquidation = _getLiquidationData(sponsor, liquidationId); Status state = liquidation.state; // Must be disputed or the liquidation has passed expiry. require( (state > Status.PreDispute) || ((_getLiquidationExpiry(liquidation) <= getCurrentTime()) && (state == Status.PreDispute)), "Liquidation not withdrawable" ); } } contract ExpiringMultiParty is Liquidatable { /** * @notice Constructs the ExpiringMultiParty contract. * @param params struct to define input parameters for construction of Liquidatable. Some params * are fed directly into the PricelessPositionManager's constructor within the inheritance tree. */ constructor(ConstructorParams memory params) public Liquidatable(params) // Note: since there is no logic here, there is no need to add a re-entrancy guard. { } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex]) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x019739e288973F92bDD3c1d87178E206E51fd911; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { // address public constant ETH_FLIPPER = 0xd8a04F5412223F513DC55F839574430f5EC15531; // address public constant BAT_FLIPPER = 0xaA745404d55f88C108A28c86abE7b5A1E7817c07; // address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; // address public constant ETH_JOIN = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; // address public constant BAT_JOIN = 0x3D0B1912B66114d4096F48A8CEe3A56C231772cA; // bytes32 public constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE = 0x606e9758a39d2d7fA7e70BC68E6E7D9b02948962; // function daiBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // joinDai(_amount); // (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); // } // function collateralBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // uint bid; // (bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // joinDai(bid / (10**27)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); // } // function closeBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function closeBidAndExchange( // uint _bidId, // bool _isEth, // uint256[4] memory _data, // address _exchangeAddress, // bytes memory _callData // ) // public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // (uint bidAmount, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(address(this), (bidAmount / 10**27)); // address srcToken = _isEth ? KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS : address(Gem(join).gem()); // uint daiAmount = swap( // _data, // srcToken, // DAI_ADDRESS, // _exchangeAddress, // _callData // ); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, daiAmount); // } // function exitCollateral(bool _isEth) public { // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function exitDai() public { // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); // Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function withdrawToken(address _token) public { // uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); // ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); // } // function withdrawEth() public { // uint balance = address(this).balance; // msg.sender.transfer(balance); // } // function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { // uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // if (_amount > amountInVat) { // uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); // Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); // } // } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0xb09bCc172050fBd4562da8b229Cf3E45Dc3045A6; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_loanShift, _exchangeData); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; if (_wholeDebt) { (,amount,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; if (_wholeDebt) { (,amount,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); address payable payableProxy = payable(proxy); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payableProxy).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy uint256 collateralAmount = ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, collateralAmount); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x56c8d4e40A709B33cCB19970324880F3a640d9fC; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); if (srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai }); address collAddr = closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); sendLeftover(collAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, tx.origin); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal returns (address) { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; address user = DSProxy(payable(_closeData.proxy)).owner(); if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = address(Join(_closeData.joinAddr).gem()); require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); return tokenAddr; } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address payable public constant MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN = 0xdFccc9C59c7361307d47c558ffA75840B32DbA29; address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData ) public payable { MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); // if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP // exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); // (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); // } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP // exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); // _buy(exchangeData); // } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); // } // // Execute the Open operation (Skip if it's debt swap) // if (paramData.swapType != 2) { // DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // } // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature( "close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } // Call specific function if it's a debt swap if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0x6423708d6B84Af237Ab309dF49f6b8Fb751f28FB; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xBD3140131dEd4426694257411d564791Cc36D382; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface IUniswapV2Pair { event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); function name() external pure returns (string memory); function symbol() external pure returns (string memory); function decimals() external pure returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool); function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32); function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint); function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; event Mint(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1); event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to); event Swap( address indexed sender, uint amount0In, uint amount1In, uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address indexed to ); event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1); function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint); function factory() external view returns (address); function token0() external view returns (address); function token1() external view returns (address); function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast); function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function kLast() external view returns (uint); function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity); function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1); function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external; function skim(address to) external; function sync() external; function initialize(address, address) external; } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) =; if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } library Babylonian { function sqrt(uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { if (y > 3) { z = y; uint x = y / 2 + 1; while (x < z) { z = x; x = (y / x + x) / 2; } } else if (y != 0) { z = 1; } // else z = 0 } } library FixedPoint { // range: [0, 2**112 - 1] // resolution: 1 / 2**112 struct uq112x112 { uint224 _x; } // range: [0, 2**144 - 1] // resolution: 1 / 2**112 struct uq144x112 { uint _x; } uint8 private constant RESOLUTION = 112; uint private constant Q112 = uint(1) << RESOLUTION; uint private constant Q224 = Q112 << RESOLUTION; // encode a uint112 as a UQ112x112 function encode(uint112 x) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { return uq112x112(uint224(x) << RESOLUTION); } // encodes a uint144 as a UQ144x112 function encode144(uint144 x) internal pure returns (uq144x112 memory) { return uq144x112(uint256(x) << RESOLUTION); } // divide a UQ112x112 by a uint112, returning a UQ112x112 function div(uq112x112 memory self, uint112 x) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { require(x != 0, 'FixedPoint: DIV_BY_ZERO'); return uq112x112(self._x / uint224(x)); } // multiply a UQ112x112 by a uint, returning a UQ144x112 // reverts on overflow function mul(uq112x112 memory self, uint y) internal pure returns (uq144x112 memory) { uint z; require(y == 0 || (z = uint(self._x) * y) / y == uint(self._x), "FixedPoint: MULTIPLICATION_OVERFLOW"); return uq144x112(z); } // returns a UQ112x112 which represents the ratio of the numerator to the denominator // equivalent to encode(numerator).div(denominator) function fraction(uint112 numerator, uint112 denominator) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { require(denominator > 0, "FixedPoint: DIV_BY_ZERO"); return uq112x112((uint224(numerator) << RESOLUTION) / denominator); } // decode a UQ112x112 into a uint112 by truncating after the radix point function decode(uq112x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uint112) { return uint112(self._x >> RESOLUTION); } // decode a UQ144x112 into a uint144 by truncating after the radix point function decode144(uq144x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uint144) { return uint144(self._x >> RESOLUTION); } // take the reciprocal of a UQ112x112 function reciprocal(uq112x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { require(self._x != 0, 'FixedPoint: ZERO_RECIPROCAL'); return uq112x112(uint224(Q224 / self._x)); } // square root of a UQ112x112 function sqrt(uq112x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { return uq112x112(uint224(Babylonian.sqrt(uint256(self._x)) << 56)); } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface UniswapPair { event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); function name() external pure returns (string memory); function symbol() external pure returns (string memory); function decimals() external pure returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool); function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32); function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint); function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; event Mint(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1); event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to); event Swap( address indexed sender, uint amount0In, uint amount1In, uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address indexed to ); event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1); function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint); function factory() external view returns (address); function token0() external view returns (address); function token1() external view returns (address); function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast); function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function kLast() external view returns (uint); function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity); function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1); function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external; function skim(address to) external; function sync() external; function initialize(address, address) external; } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } library UniswapV2OracleLibrary { using FixedPoint for *; // helper function that returns the current block timestamp within the range of uint32, i.e. [0, 2**32 - 1] function currentBlockTimestamp() internal view returns (uint32) { return uint32(block.timestamp % 2 ** 32); } // produces the cumulative price using counterfactuals to save gas and avoid a call to sync. function currentCumulativePrices( address pair, bool isToken0 ) internal view returns (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) { blockTimestamp = currentBlockTimestamp(); (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast) = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).getReserves(); if (isToken0) { priceCumulative = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).price0CumulativeLast(); // if time has elapsed since the last update on the pair, mock the accumulated price values if (blockTimestampLast != blockTimestamp) { // subtraction overflow is desired uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // addition overflow is desired // counterfactual priceCumulative += uint(FixedPoint.fraction(reserve0, reserve1)._x) * timeElapsed; } } else { priceCumulative = IUniswapV2Pair(pair).price1CumulativeLast(); // if time has elapsed since the last update on the pair, mock the accumulated price values if (blockTimestampLast != blockTimestamp) { // subtraction overflow is desired uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // addition overflow is desired // counterfactual priceCumulative += uint(FixedPoint.fraction(reserve1, reserve0)._x) * timeElapsed; } } } } contract HAMRebaser { using SafeMath for uint256; modifier onlyGov() { require(msg.sender == gov); _; } struct Transaction { bool enabled; address destination; bytes data; } struct UniVars { uint256 hamsToUni; uint256 amountFromReserves; uint256 mintToReserves; } /// @notice an event emitted when a transaction fails event TransactionFailed(address indexed destination, uint index, bytes data); /// @notice an event emitted when maxSlippageFactor is changed event NewMaxSlippageFactor(uint256 oldSlippageFactor, uint256 newSlippageFactor); /// @notice an event emitted when deviationThreshold is changed event NewDeviationThreshold(uint256 oldDeviationThreshold, uint256 newDeviationThreshold); /** * @notice Sets the treasury mint percentage of rebase */ event NewRebaseMintPercent(uint256 oldRebaseMintPerc, uint256 newRebaseMintPerc); /** * @notice Sets the reserve contract */ event NewReserveContract(address oldReserveContract, address newReserveContract); /** * @notice Sets the reserve contract */ event TreasuryIncreased(uint256 reservesAdded, uint256 hamsSold, uint256 hamsFromReserves, uint256 hamsToReserves); /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); // Stable ordering is not guaranteed. Transaction[] public transactions; /// @notice Governance address address public gov; /// @notice Pending Governance address address public pendingGov; /// @notice Spreads out getting to the target price uint256 public rebaseLag; /// @notice Peg target uint256 public targetRate; /// @notice Percent of rebase that goes to minting for treasury building uint256 public rebaseMintPerc; // If the current exchange rate is within this fractional distance from the target, no supply // update is performed. Fixed point number--same format as the rate. // (ie) abs(rate - targetRate) / targetRate < deviationThreshold, then no supply change. uint256 public deviationThreshold; /// @notice More than this much time must pass between rebase operations. uint256 public minRebaseTimeIntervalSec; /// @notice Block timestamp of last rebase operation uint256 public lastRebaseTimestampSec; /// @notice The rebase window begins this many seconds into the minRebaseTimeInterval period. // For example if minRebaseTimeInterval is 24hrs, it represents the time of day in seconds. uint256 public rebaseWindowOffsetSec; /// @notice The length of the time window where a rebase operation is allowed to execute, in seconds. uint256 public rebaseWindowLengthSec; /// @notice The number of rebase cycles since inception uint256 public epoch; // rebasing is not active initially. It can be activated at T+12 hours from // deployment time ///@notice boolean showing rebase activation status bool public rebasingActive; /// @notice delays rebasing activation to facilitate liquidity uint256 public constant rebaseDelay = 12 hours; /// @notice Time of TWAP initialization uint256 public timeOfTWAPInit; /// @notice HAM token address address public hamAddress; /// @notice reserve token address public reserveToken; /// @notice Reserves vault contract address public reservesContract; /// @notice pair for reserveToken <> HAM address public uniswap_pair; /// @notice last TWAP update time uint32 public blockTimestampLast; /// @notice last TWAP cumulative price; uint256 public priceCumulativeLast; // Max slippage factor when buying reserve token. Magic number based on // the fact that uniswap is a constant product. Therefore, // targeting a % max slippage can be achieved by using a single precomputed // number. i.e. 2.5% slippage is always equal to some f(maxSlippageFactor, reserves) /// @notice the maximum slippage factor when buying reserve token uint256 public maxSlippageFactor; /// @notice Whether or not this token is first in uniswap HAM<>Reserve pair bool public isToken0; constructor( address hamAddress_, address reserveToken_, address uniswap_factory, address reservesContract_ ) public { minRebaseTimeIntervalSec = 12 hours; rebaseWindowOffsetSec = 28800; // 8am/8pm UTC rebases reservesContract = reservesContract_; (address token0, address token1) = sortTokens(hamAddress_, reserveToken_); // used for interacting with uniswap if (token0 == hamAddress_) { isToken0 = true; } else { isToken0 = false; } // uniswap HAM<>Reserve pair uniswap_pair = pairFor(uniswap_factory, token0, token1); // Reserves contract is mutable reservesContract = reservesContract_; // Reserve token is not mutable. Must deploy a new rebaser to update it reserveToken = reserveToken_; hamAddress = hamAddress_; // target 10% slippage // 5.4% maxSlippageFactor = 5409258 * 10**10; // 1 YCRV targetRate = 10**18; // twice daily rebase, with targeting reaching peg in 5 days rebaseLag = 10; // 10% rebaseMintPerc = 10**17; // 5% deviationThreshold = 5 * 10**16; // 60 minutes rebaseWindowLengthSec = 60 * 60; // Changed in deployment scripts to facilitate protocol initiation gov = msg.sender; } /** @notice Updates slippage factor @param maxSlippageFactor_ the new slippage factor * */ function setMaxSlippageFactor(uint256 maxSlippageFactor_) public onlyGov { uint256 oldSlippageFactor = maxSlippageFactor; maxSlippageFactor = maxSlippageFactor_; emit NewMaxSlippageFactor(oldSlippageFactor, maxSlippageFactor_); } /** @notice Updates rebase mint percentage @param rebaseMintPerc_ the new rebase mint percentage * */ function setRebaseMintPerc(uint256 rebaseMintPerc_) public onlyGov { uint256 oldPerc = rebaseMintPerc; rebaseMintPerc = rebaseMintPerc_; emit NewRebaseMintPercent(oldPerc, rebaseMintPerc_); } /** @notice Updates reserve contract @param reservesContract_ the new reserve contract * */ function setReserveContract(address reservesContract_) public onlyGov { address oldReservesContract = reservesContract; reservesContract = reservesContract_; emit NewReserveContract(oldReservesContract, reservesContract_); } /** @notice sets the pendingGov * @param pendingGov_ The address of the rebaser contract to use for authentication. */ function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external onlyGov { address oldPendingGov = pendingGov; pendingGov = pendingGov_; emit NewPendingGov(oldPendingGov, pendingGov_); } /** @notice lets msg.sender accept governance * */ function _acceptGov() external { require(msg.sender == pendingGov, "!pending"); address oldGov = gov; gov = pendingGov; pendingGov = address(0); emit NewGov(oldGov, gov); } /** @notice Initializes TWAP start point, starts countdown to first rebase * */ function init_twap() public onlyGov { require(timeOfTWAPInit == 0, "already activated"); (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) = UniswapV2OracleLibrary.currentCumulativePrices(uniswap_pair, isToken0); require(blockTimestamp > 0, "no trades"); blockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp; priceCumulativeLast = priceCumulative; timeOfTWAPInit = blockTimestamp; } /** @notice Activates rebasing * @dev One way function, cannot be undone, callable by anyone */ function activate_rebasing() public { require(timeOfTWAPInit > 0, "twap wasnt intitiated, call init_twap()"); // cannot enable prior to end of rebaseDelay require(now >= timeOfTWAPInit + rebaseDelay, "!end_delay"); rebasingActive = true; } /** * @notice Initiates a new rebase operation, provided the minimum time period has elapsed. * * @dev The supply adjustment equals (_totalSupply * DeviationFromTargetRate) / rebaseLag * Where DeviationFromTargetRate is (MarketOracleRate - targetRate) / targetRate * and targetRate is 1e18 */ function rebase() public { // EOA only require(msg.sender == tx.origin); // ensure rebasing at correct time _inRebaseWindow(); // This comparison also ensures there is no reentrancy. require(lastRebaseTimestampSec.add(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) < now); // Snap the rebase time to the start of this window. lastRebaseTimestampSec = now.sub( now.mod(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec)).add(rebaseWindowOffsetSec); epoch = epoch.add(1); // get twap from uniswap v2; uint256 exchangeRate = getTWAP(); // calculates % change to supply (uint256 offPegPerc, bool positive) = computeOffPegPerc(exchangeRate); uint256 indexDelta = offPegPerc; // Apply the Dampening factor. indexDelta = indexDelta.div(rebaseLag); HAMTokenInterface ham = HAMTokenInterface(hamAddress); if (positive) { require(ham.hamsScalingFactor().mul(uint256(10**18).add(indexDelta)).div(10**18) < ham.maxScalingFactor(), "new scaling factor will be too big"); } uint256 currSupply = ham.totalSupply(); uint256 mintAmount; // reduce indexDelta to account for minting if (positive) { uint256 mintPerc = indexDelta.mul(rebaseMintPerc).div(10**18); indexDelta = indexDelta.sub(mintPerc); mintAmount = currSupply.mul(mintPerc).div(10**18); } // rebase uint256 supplyAfterRebase = ham.rebase(epoch, indexDelta, positive); assert(ham.hamsScalingFactor() <= ham.maxScalingFactor()); // perform actions after rebase afterRebase(mintAmount, offPegPerc); } function uniswapV2Call( address sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, bytes memory data ) public { // enforce that it is coming from uniswap require(msg.sender == uniswap_pair, "bad msg.sender"); // enforce that this contract called uniswap require(sender == address(this), "bad origin"); (UniVars memory uniVars) = abi.decode(data, (UniVars)); HAMTokenInterface ham = HAMTokenInterface(hamAddress); if (uniVars.amountFromReserves > 0) { // transfer from reserves and mint to uniswap ham.transferFrom(reservesContract, uniswap_pair, uniVars.amountFromReserves); if (uniVars.amountFromReserves < uniVars.hamsToUni) { // if the amount from reserves > hamsToUni, we have fully paid for the yCRV tokens // thus this number would be 0 so no need to mint, uniVars.hamsToUni.sub(uniVars.amountFromReserves)); } } else { // mint to uniswap, uniVars.hamsToUni); } // mint unsold to mintAmount if (uniVars.mintToReserves > 0) {, uniVars.mintToReserves); } // transfer reserve token to reserves if (isToken0) { SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(reserveToken), reservesContract, amount1); emit TreasuryIncreased(amount1, uniVars.hamsToUni, uniVars.amountFromReserves, uniVars.mintToReserves); } else { SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(reserveToken), reservesContract, amount0); emit TreasuryIncreased(amount0, uniVars.hamsToUni, uniVars.amountFromReserves, uniVars.mintToReserves); } } function buyReserveAndTransfer( uint256 mintAmount, uint256 offPegPerc ) internal { UniswapPair pair = UniswapPair(uniswap_pair); HAMTokenInterface ham = HAMTokenInterface(hamAddress); // get reserves (uint256 token0Reserves, uint256 token1Reserves, ) = pair.getReserves(); // check if protocol has excess ham in the reserve uint256 excess = ham.balanceOf(reservesContract); uint256 tokens_to_max_slippage = uniswapMaxSlippage(token0Reserves, token1Reserves, offPegPerc); UniVars memory uniVars = UniVars({ hamsToUni: tokens_to_max_slippage, // how many hams uniswap needs amountFromReserves: excess, // how much of hamsToUni comes from reserves mintToReserves: 0 // how much hams protocol mints to reserves }); // tries to sell all mint + excess // falls back to selling some of mint and all of excess // if all else fails, sells portion of excess // upon pair.swap, `uniswapV2Call` is called by the uniswap pair contract if (isToken0) { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > mintAmount.add(excess)) { // we already have performed a safemath check on mintAmount+excess // so we dont need to continue using it in this code path // can handle selling all of reserves and mint uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(mintAmount + excess, token0Reserves, token1Reserves); uniVars.hamsToUni = mintAmount + excess; uniVars.amountFromReserves = excess; // call swap using entire mint amount and excess; mint 0 to reserves pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > excess) { // uniswap can handle entire reserves uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token0Reserves, token1Reserves); // swap up to slippage limit, taking entire ham reserves, and minting part of total uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount.sub((tokens_to_max_slippage - excess)); pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { // uniswap cant handle all of excess uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token0Reserves, token1Reserves); uniVars.amountFromReserves = tokens_to_max_slippage; uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount; // swap up to slippage limit, taking excess - remainingExcess from reserves, and minting full amount // to reserves pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } } } else { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > mintAmount.add(excess)) { // can handle all of reserves and mint uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(mintAmount + excess, token1Reserves, token0Reserves); uniVars.hamsToUni = mintAmount + excess; uniVars.amountFromReserves = excess; // call swap using entire mint amount and excess; mint 0 to reserves pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > excess) { // uniswap can handle entire reserves uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token1Reserves, token0Reserves); // swap up to slippage limit, taking entire ham reserves, and minting part of total uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount.sub( (tokens_to_max_slippage - excess)); // swap up to slippage limit, taking entire ham reserves, and minting part of total pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { // uniswap cant handle all of excess uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token1Reserves, token0Reserves); uniVars.amountFromReserves = tokens_to_max_slippage; uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount; // swap up to slippage limit, taking excess - remainingExcess from reserves, and minting full amount // to reserves pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } } } } function uniswapMaxSlippage( uint256 token0, uint256 token1, uint256 offPegPerc ) internal view returns (uint256) { if (isToken0) { if (offPegPerc >= 10**17) { // cap slippage return token0.mul(maxSlippageFactor).div(10**18); } else { // in the 5-10% off peg range, slippage is essentially 2*x (where x is percentage of pool to buy). // all we care about is not pushing below the peg, so underestimate // the amount we can sell by dividing by 3. resulting price impact // should be ~= offPegPerc * 2 / 3, which will keep us above the peg // // this is a conservative heuristic return token0.mul(offPegPerc / 3).div(10**18); } } else { if (offPegPerc >= 10**17) { return token1.mul(maxSlippageFactor).div(10**18); } else { return token1.mul(offPegPerc / 3).div(10**18); } } } /** * @notice given an input amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns the maximum output amount of the other asset * * @param amountIn input amount of the asset * @param reserveIn reserves of the asset being sold * @param reserveOut reserves if the asset being purchased */ function getAmountOut( uint amountIn, uint reserveIn, uint reserveOut ) internal pure returns (uint amountOut) { require(amountIn > 0, 'UniswapV2Library: INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_AMOUNT'); require(reserveIn > 0 && reserveOut > 0, 'UniswapV2Library: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY'); uint amountInWithFee = amountIn.mul(997); uint numerator = amountInWithFee.mul(reserveOut); uint denominator = reserveIn.mul(1000).add(amountInWithFee); amountOut = numerator / denominator; } function afterRebase( uint256 mintAmount, uint256 offPegPerc ) internal { // update uniswap UniswapPair(uniswap_pair).sync(); if (mintAmount > 0) { buyReserveAndTransfer( mintAmount, offPegPerc ); } // call any extra functions for (uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { Transaction storage t = transactions[i]; if (t.enabled) { bool result = externalCall(t.destination,; if (!result) { emit TransactionFailed(t.destination, i,; revert("Transaction Failed"); } } } } /** * @notice Calculates TWAP from uniswap * * @dev When liquidity is low, this can be manipulated by an end of block -> next block * attack. We delay the activation of rebases 12 hours after liquidity incentives * to reduce this attack vector. Additional there is very little supply * to be able to manipulate this during that time period of highest vuln. */ function getTWAP() internal returns (uint256) { (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) = UniswapV2OracleLibrary.currentCumulativePrices(uniswap_pair, isToken0); uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // overflow is desired // no period check as is done in isRebaseWindow // overflow is desired, casting never truncates // cumulative price is in (uq112x112 price * seconds) units so we simply wrap it after division by time elapsed FixedPoint.uq112x112 memory priceAverage = FixedPoint.uq112x112(uint224((priceCumulative - priceCumulativeLast) / timeElapsed)); priceCumulativeLast = priceCumulative; blockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp; return FixedPoint.decode144(FixedPoint.mul(priceAverage, 10**18)); } /** * @notice Calculates current TWAP from uniswap * */ function getCurrentTWAP() public view returns (uint256) { (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) = UniswapV2OracleLibrary.currentCumulativePrices(uniswap_pair, isToken0); uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // overflow is desired // no period check as is done in isRebaseWindow // overflow is desired, casting never truncates // cumulative price is in (uq112x112 price * seconds) units so we simply wrap it after division by time elapsed FixedPoint.uq112x112 memory priceAverage = FixedPoint.uq112x112(uint224((priceCumulative - priceCumulativeLast) / timeElapsed)); return FixedPoint.decode144(FixedPoint.mul(priceAverage, 10**18)); } /** * @notice Sets the deviation threshold fraction. If the exchange rate given by the market * oracle is within this fractional distance from the targetRate, then no supply * modifications are made. * @param deviationThreshold_ The new exchange rate threshold fraction. */ function setDeviationThreshold(uint256 deviationThreshold_) external onlyGov { require(deviationThreshold > 0); uint256 oldDeviationThreshold = deviationThreshold; deviationThreshold = deviationThreshold_; emit NewDeviationThreshold(oldDeviationThreshold, deviationThreshold_); } /** * @notice Sets the rebase lag parameter. It is used to dampen the applied supply adjustment by 1 / rebaseLag If the rebase lag R, equals 1, the smallest value for R, then the full supply correction is applied on each rebase cycle. If it is greater than 1, then a correction of 1/R of is applied on each rebase. * @param rebaseLag_ The new rebase lag parameter. */ function setRebaseLag(uint256 rebaseLag_) external onlyGov { require(rebaseLag_ > 0); rebaseLag = rebaseLag_; } /** * @notice Sets the targetRate parameter. * @param targetRate_ The new target rate parameter. */ function setTargetRate(uint256 targetRate_) external onlyGov { require(targetRate_ > 0); targetRate = targetRate_; } /** * @notice Sets the parameters which control the timing and frequency of * rebase operations. * a) the minimum time period that must elapse between rebase cycles. * b) the rebase window offset parameter. * c) the rebase window length parameter. * @param minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_ More than this much time must pass between rebase * operations, in seconds. * @param rebaseWindowOffsetSec_ The number of seconds from the beginning of the rebase interval, where the rebase window begins. * @param rebaseWindowLengthSec_ The length of the rebase window in seconds. */ function setRebaseTimingParameters( uint256 minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_, uint256 rebaseWindowOffsetSec_, uint256 rebaseWindowLengthSec_) external onlyGov { require(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_ > 0); require(rebaseWindowOffsetSec_ < minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_); minRebaseTimeIntervalSec = minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_; rebaseWindowOffsetSec = rebaseWindowOffsetSec_; rebaseWindowLengthSec = rebaseWindowLengthSec_; } /** * @return If the latest block timestamp is within the rebase time window it, returns true. * Otherwise, returns false. */ function inRebaseWindow() public view returns (bool) { // rebasing is delayed until there is a liquid market _inRebaseWindow(); return true; } function _inRebaseWindow() internal view { // rebasing is delayed until there is a liquid market require(rebasingActive, "rebasing not active"); require(now.mod(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) >= rebaseWindowOffsetSec, "too early"); require(now.mod(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) < (rebaseWindowOffsetSec.add(rebaseWindowLengthSec)), "too late"); } /** * @return Computes in % how far off market is from peg */ function computeOffPegPerc(uint256 rate) private view returns (uint256, bool) { if (withinDeviationThreshold(rate)) { return (0, false); } // indexDelta = (rate - targetRate) / targetRate if (rate > targetRate) { return (rate.sub(targetRate).mul(10**18).div(targetRate), true); } else { return (targetRate.sub(rate).mul(10**18).div(targetRate), false); } } /** * @param rate The current exchange rate, an 18 decimal fixed point number. * @return If the rate is within the deviation threshold from the target rate, returns true. * Otherwise, returns false. */ function withinDeviationThreshold(uint256 rate) private view returns (bool) { uint256 absoluteDeviationThreshold = targetRate.mul(deviationThreshold) .div(10 ** 18); return (rate >= targetRate && rate.sub(targetRate) < absoluteDeviationThreshold) || (rate < targetRate && targetRate.sub(rate) < absoluteDeviationThreshold); } /* - Constructor Helpers - */ // calculates the CREATE2 address for a pair without making any external calls function pairFor( address factory, address token0, address token1 ) internal pure returns (address pair) { pair = address(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked( hex'ff', factory, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)), hex'96e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f' // init code hash )))); } // returns sorted token addresses, used to handle return values from pairs sorted in this order function sortTokens( address tokenA, address tokenB ) internal pure returns (address token0, address token1) { require(tokenA != tokenB, 'UniswapV2Library: IDENTICAL_ADDRESSES'); (token0, token1) = tokenA < tokenB ? (tokenA, tokenB) : (tokenB, tokenA); require(token0 != address(0), 'UniswapV2Library: ZERO_ADDRESS'); } /* -- Rebase helpers -- */ /** * @notice Adds a transaction that gets called for a downstream receiver of rebases * @param destination Address of contract destination * @param data Transaction data payload */ function addTransaction(address destination, bytes calldata data) external onlyGov { transactions.push(Transaction({ enabled: true, destination: destination, data: data })); } /** * @param index Index of transaction to remove. * Transaction ordering may have changed since adding. */ function removeTransaction(uint index) external onlyGov { require(index < transactions.length, "index out of bounds"); if (index < transactions.length - 1) { transactions[index] = transactions[transactions.length - 1]; } transactions.length--; } /** * @param index Index of transaction. Transaction ordering may have changed since adding. * @param enabled True for enabled, false for disabled. */ function setTransactionEnabled(uint index, bool enabled) external onlyGov { require(index < transactions.length, "index must be in range of stored tx list"); transactions[index].enabled = enabled; } /** * @dev wrapper to call the encoded transactions on downstream consumers. * @param destination Address of destination contract. * @param data The encoded data payload. * @return True on success */ function externalCall(address destination, bytes memory data) internal returns (bool) { bool result; assembly { // solhint-disable-line no-inline-assembly // "Allocate" memory for output // (0x40 is where "free memory" pointer is stored by convention) let outputAddress := mload(0x40) // First 32 bytes are the padded length of data, so exclude that let dataAddress := add(data, 32) result := call( // 34710 is the value that solidity is currently emitting // It includes callGas (700) + callVeryLow (3, to pay for SUB) // + callValueTransferGas (9000) + callNewAccountGas // (25000, in case the destination address does not exist and needs creating) sub(gas, 34710), destination, 0, // transfer value in wei dataAddress, mload(data), // Size of the input, in bytes. Stored in position 0 of the array. outputAddress, 0 // Output is ignored, therefore the output size is zero ) } return result; } } contract HAMGovernanceStorage { /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping (address => address) internal _delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping (address => mapping (uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping (address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)"); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping (address => uint) public nonces; } contract HAMTokenStorage { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Guard variable for re-entrancy checks. Not currently used */ bool internal _notEntered; /** * @notice EIP-20 token name for this token */ string public name; /** * @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token */ string public symbol; /** * @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token */ uint8 public decimals; /** * @notice Governor for this contract */ address public gov; /** * @notice Pending governance for this contract */ address public pendingGov; /** * @notice Approved rebaser for this contract */ address public rebaser; /** * @notice Reserve address of HAM protocol */ address public incentivizer; /** * @notice Total supply of HAMs */ uint256 public totalSupply; /** * @notice Internal decimals used to handle scaling factor */ uint256 public constant internalDecimals = 10**24; /** * @notice Used for percentage maths */ uint256 public constant BASE = 10**18; /** * @notice Scaling factor that adjusts everyone's balances */ uint256 public hamsScalingFactor; mapping (address => uint256) internal _hamBalances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowedFragments; uint256 public initSupply; address public farmRegistry; } contract HAMTokenInterface is HAMTokenStorage, HAMGovernanceStorage { /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint previousBalance, uint newBalance); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are rebased */ event Rebase(uint256 epoch, uint256 prevHamsScalingFactor, uint256 newHamsScalingFactor); /*** Gov Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); /** * @notice Sets the rebaser contract */ event NewRebaser(address oldRebaser, address newRebaser); /** * @notice Sets the incentivizer contract */ event NewIncentivizer(address oldIncentivizer, address newIncentivizer); /* - ERC20 Events - */ /** * @notice EIP20 Transfer event */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount); /** * @notice EIP20 Approval event */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint amount); /* - Extra Events - */ /** * @notice Tokens minted event */ event Mint(address to, uint256 amount); // Public functions function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns(bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns(bool); function balanceOf(address who) external view returns(uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address who) external view returns(uint256); function allowance(address owner_, address spender) external view returns(uint256); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) external returns (bool); function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) external returns (bool); function maxScalingFactor() external view returns (uint256); /* - Governance Functions - */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint nonce, uint expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; function delegate(address delegatee) external; function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address); function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256); /* - Permissioned/Governance functions - */ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function rebase(uint256 epoch, uint256 indexDelta, bool positive) external returns (uint256); function _setRebaser(address rebaser_) external; function _setIncentivizer(address incentivizer_) external; function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external; function _acceptGov() external; }
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pragma solidity 0.6.11; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; struct FullAbsoluteTokenAmount { AbsoluteTokenAmountMeta base; AbsoluteTokenAmountMeta[] underlying; } struct AbsoluteTokenAmountMeta { AbsoluteTokenAmount absoluteTokenAmount; ERC20Metadata erc20metadata; } struct ERC20Metadata { string name; string symbol; uint8 decimals; } struct AdapterBalance { bytes32 protocolAdapterName; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] absoluteTokenAmounts; } struct AbsoluteTokenAmount { address token; uint256 amount; } struct Component { address token; uint256 rate; } struct TransactionData { Action[] actions; TokenAmount[] inputs; Fee fee; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] requiredOutputs; uint256 nonce; } struct Action { bytes32 protocolAdapterName; ActionType actionType; TokenAmount[] tokenAmounts; bytes data; } struct TokenAmount { address token; uint256 amount; AmountType amountType; } struct Fee { uint256 share; address beneficiary; } enum ActionType { None, Deposit, Withdraw } enum AmountType { None, Relative, Absolute } abstract contract ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return amount and type of the given token * locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance( address token, address account ) public view virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Ownable { modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner_, "O: only owner"); _; } modifier onlyPendingOwner { require(msg.sender == pendingOwner_, "O: only pending owner"); _; } address private owner_; address private pendingOwner_; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @notice Initializes owner variable with msg.sender address. */ constructor() internal { owner_ = msg.sender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msg.sender); } /** * @notice Sets pending owner to the desired address. * The function is callable only by the owner. */ function proposeOwnership(address newOwner) external onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "O: empty newOwner"); require(newOwner != owner_, "O: equal to owner_"); require(newOwner != pendingOwner_, "O: equal to pendingOwner_"); pendingOwner_ = newOwner; } /** * @notice Transfers ownership to the pending owner. * The function is callable only by the pending owner. */ function acceptOwnership() external onlyPendingOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(owner_, msg.sender); owner_ = msg.sender; delete pendingOwner_; } /** * @return Owner of the contract. */ function owner() external view returns (address) { return owner_; } /** * @return Pending owner of the contract. */ function pendingOwner() external view returns (address) { return pendingOwner_; } } abstract contract ProtocolAdapterManager is Ownable { // Protocol adapters' names bytes32[] internal _protocolAdapterNames; // Protocol adapter's name => protocol adapter's address mapping (bytes32 => address) internal _protocolAdapterAddress; // protocol adapter's name => protocol adapter's supported tokens mapping (bytes32 => address[]) internal _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens; /** * @notice Adds protocol adapters. * The function is callable only by the owner. * @param newProtocolAdapterNames Array of the new protocol adapters' names. * @param newProtocolAdapterAddresses Array of the new protocol adapters' addresses. * @param newSupportedTokens Array of the new protocol adapters' supported tokens. */ function addProtocolAdapters( bytes32[] calldata newProtocolAdapterNames, address[] calldata newProtocolAdapterAddresses, address[][] calldata newSupportedTokens ) external onlyOwner { uint256 length = newProtocolAdapterNames.length; require(length != 0, "PAM: empty[1]"); require(length == newProtocolAdapterAddresses.length, "PAM: lengths differ[1]"); require(length == newSupportedTokens.length, "PAM: lengths differ[2]"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { addProtocolAdapter( newProtocolAdapterNames[i], newProtocolAdapterAddresses[i], newSupportedTokens[i] ); } } /** * @notice Removes protocol adapters. * The function is callable only by the owner. * @param protocolAdapterNames Array of the protocol adapters' names. */ function removeProtocolAdapters( bytes32[] calldata protocolAdapterNames ) external onlyOwner { uint256 length = protocolAdapterNames.length; require(length != 0, "PAM: empty[2]"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { removeProtocolAdapter(protocolAdapterNames[i]); } } /** * @notice Updates protocol adapters. * The function is callable only by the owner. * @param protocolAdapterNames Array of the protocol adapters' names. * @param newProtocolAdapterAddresses Array of the protocol adapters' new addresses. * @param newSupportedTokens Array of the protocol adapters' new supported tokens. */ function updateProtocolAdapters( bytes32[] calldata protocolAdapterNames, address[] calldata newProtocolAdapterAddresses, address[][] calldata newSupportedTokens ) external onlyOwner { uint256 length = protocolAdapterNames.length; require(length != 0, "PAM: empty[3]"); require(length == newProtocolAdapterAddresses.length, "PAM: lengths differ[3]"); require(length == newSupportedTokens.length, "PAM: lengths differ[4]"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { updateProtocolAdapter( protocolAdapterNames[i], newProtocolAdapterAddresses[i], newSupportedTokens[i] ); } } /** * @return Array of protocol adapters' names. */ function getProtocolAdapterNames() external view returns (bytes32[] memory) { return _protocolAdapterNames; } /** * @param protocolAdapterName Name of the protocol adapter. * @return Address of protocol adapter. */ function getProtocolAdapterAddress( bytes32 protocolAdapterName ) external view returns (address) { return _protocolAdapterAddress[protocolAdapterName]; } /** * @param protocolAdapterName Name of the protocol adapter. * @return Array of protocol adapter's supported tokens. */ function getSupportedTokens( bytes32 protocolAdapterName ) external view returns (address[] memory) { return _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens[protocolAdapterName]; } /** * @notice Adds a protocol adapter. * @param newProtocolAdapterName New protocol adapter's protocolAdapterName. * @param newAddress New protocol adapter's address. * @param newSupportedTokens Array of the new protocol adapter's supported tokens. * Empty array is always allowed. */ function addProtocolAdapter( bytes32 newProtocolAdapterName, address newAddress, address[] calldata newSupportedTokens ) internal { require(newProtocolAdapterName != bytes32(0), "PAM: zero[1]"); require(newAddress != address(0), "PAM: zero[2]"); require(_protocolAdapterAddress[newProtocolAdapterName] == address(0), "PAM: exists"); _protocolAdapterNames.push(newProtocolAdapterName); _protocolAdapterAddress[newProtocolAdapterName] = newAddress; _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens[newProtocolAdapterName] = newSupportedTokens; } /** * @notice Removes a protocol adapter. * @param protocolAdapterName Protocol adapter's protocolAdapterName. */ function removeProtocolAdapter( bytes32 protocolAdapterName ) internal { require(_protocolAdapterAddress[protocolAdapterName] != address(0), "PAM: does not exist[1]"); uint256 length = _protocolAdapterNames.length; uint256 index = 0; while (_protocolAdapterNames[index] != protocolAdapterName) { index++; } if (index != length - 1) { _protocolAdapterNames[index] = _protocolAdapterNames[length - 1]; } _protocolAdapterNames.pop(); delete _protocolAdapterAddress[protocolAdapterName]; delete _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens[protocolAdapterName]; } /** * @notice Updates a protocol adapter. * @param protocolAdapterName Protocol adapter's protocolAdapterName. * @param newProtocolAdapterAddress Protocol adapter's new address. * @param newSupportedTokens Array of the protocol adapter's new supported tokens. * Empty array is always allowed. */ function updateProtocolAdapter( bytes32 protocolAdapterName, address newProtocolAdapterAddress, address[] calldata newSupportedTokens ) internal { address oldProtocolAdapterAddress = _protocolAdapterAddress[protocolAdapterName]; require(oldProtocolAdapterAddress != address(0), "PAM: does not exist[2]"); require(newProtocolAdapterAddress != address(0), "PAM: zero[3]"); if (oldProtocolAdapterAddress == newProtocolAdapterAddress) { _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens[protocolAdapterName] = newSupportedTokens; } else { _protocolAdapterAddress[protocolAdapterName] = newProtocolAdapterAddress; _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens[protocolAdapterName] = newSupportedTokens; } } } contract ProtocolAdapterRegistry is Ownable, ProtocolAdapterManager { address internal constant ETH = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /** * @param account Address of the account. * @return AdapterBalance array by the given account. * @notice Zero values are filtered out! */ function getBalances( address account ) external view returns (AdapterBalance[] memory) { // Get balances for all the adapters AdapterBalance[] memory adapterBalances = getAdapterBalances( _protocolAdapterNames, account ); // Declare temp variable and counters AbsoluteTokenAmount[] memory currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] memory nonZeroAbsoluteTokenAmounts; uint256 nonZeroAdaptersCounter; uint256[] memory nonZeroTokensCounters; uint256 adapterBalancesLength; uint256 currentAbsoluteTokenAmountsLength; // Reset counters nonZeroTokensCounters = new uint256[](adapterBalances.length); nonZeroAdaptersCounter = 0; adapterBalancesLength = adapterBalances.length; // Iterate over all the adapters' balances for (uint256 i = 0; i < adapterBalancesLength; i++) { // Fill temp variable currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts = adapterBalances[i].absoluteTokenAmounts; // Reset counter nonZeroTokensCounters[i] = 0; currentAbsoluteTokenAmountsLength = currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts.length; // Increment if token balance is positive for (uint256 j = 0; j < currentAbsoluteTokenAmountsLength; j++) { if (currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts[j].amount > 0) { nonZeroTokensCounters[i]++; } } // Increment if at least one positive token balance if (nonZeroTokensCounters[i] > 0) { nonZeroAdaptersCounter++; } } // Declare resulting variable AdapterBalance[] memory nonZeroAdapterBalances; // Reset resulting variable and counter nonZeroAdapterBalances = new AdapterBalance[](nonZeroAdaptersCounter); nonZeroAdaptersCounter = 0; // Iterate over all the adapters' balances for (uint256 i = 0; i < adapterBalancesLength; i++) { // Skip if no positive token balances if (nonZeroTokensCounters[i] == 0) { continue; } // Fill temp variable currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts = adapterBalances[i].absoluteTokenAmounts; // Reset temp variable and counter nonZeroAbsoluteTokenAmounts = new AbsoluteTokenAmount[](nonZeroTokensCounters[i]); nonZeroTokensCounters[i] = 0; currentAbsoluteTokenAmountsLength = currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts.length; for (uint256 j = 0; j < currentAbsoluteTokenAmountsLength; j++) { // Skip if balance is not positive if (currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts[j].amount == 0) { continue; } // Else fill temp variable nonZeroAbsoluteTokenAmounts[nonZeroTokensCounters[i]] = currentAbsoluteTokenAmounts[j]; // Increment counter nonZeroTokensCounters[i]++; } // Fill resulting variable nonZeroAdapterBalances[nonZeroAdaptersCounter] = AdapterBalance({ protocolAdapterName: adapterBalances[i].protocolAdapterName, absoluteTokenAmounts: nonZeroAbsoluteTokenAmounts }); // Increment counter nonZeroAdaptersCounter++; } return nonZeroAdapterBalances; } /** * @param protocolAdapterNames Array of the protocol adapters' names. * @param account Address of the account. * @return AdapterBalance array by the given parameters. */ function getAdapterBalances( bytes32[] memory protocolAdapterNames, address account ) public view returns (AdapterBalance[] memory) { uint256 length = protocolAdapterNames.length; AdapterBalance[] memory adapterBalances = new AdapterBalance[](length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { adapterBalances[i] = getAdapterBalance( protocolAdapterNames[i], _protocolAdapterSupportedTokens[protocolAdapterNames[i]], account ); } return adapterBalances; } /** * @param protocolAdapterName Protocol adapter's Name. * @param tokens Array of tokens' addresses. * @param account Address of the account. * @return AdapterBalance array by the given parameters. */ function getAdapterBalance( bytes32 protocolAdapterName, address[] memory tokens, address account ) public view returns (AdapterBalance memory) { address adapter = _protocolAdapterAddress[protocolAdapterName]; require(adapter != address(0), "AR: bad protocolAdapterName"); uint256 length = tokens.length; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] memory absoluteTokenAmounts = new AbsoluteTokenAmount[](tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { try ProtocolAdapter(adapter).getBalance( tokens[i], account ) returns (uint256 amount) { absoluteTokenAmounts[i] = AbsoluteTokenAmount({ token: tokens[i], amount: amount }); } catch { absoluteTokenAmounts[i] = AbsoluteTokenAmount({ token: tokens[i], amount: 0 }); } } return AdapterBalance({ protocolAdapterName: protocolAdapterName, absoluteTokenAmounts: absoluteTokenAmounts }); } } contract ReentrancyGuard { uint256 internal constant UNLOCKED = 1; uint256 internal constant LOCKED = 2; uint256 internal guard_; constructor () internal { guard_ = UNLOCKED; } modifier nonReentrant() { require(guard_ == UNLOCKED, "RG: locked"); guard_ = LOCKED; _; guard_ = UNLOCKED; } } abstract contract InteractiveAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { uint256 internal constant DELIMITER = 1e18; address internal constant ETH = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /** * @dev The function must deposit assets to the protocol. * @return MUST return assets to be sent back to the `msg.sender`. */ function deposit( TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts, bytes memory data ) public payable virtual returns (address[] memory); /** * @dev The function must withdraw assets from the protocol. * @return MUST return assets to be sent back to the `msg.sender`. */ function withdraw( TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts, bytes memory data ) public payable virtual returns (address[] memory); function getAbsoluteAmountDeposit( TokenAmount memory tokenAmount ) internal view virtual returns (uint256) { address token = tokenAmount.token; uint256 amount = tokenAmount.amount; AmountType amountType = tokenAmount.amountType; require( amountType == AmountType.Relative || amountType == AmountType.Absolute, "IA: bad amount type" ); if (amountType == AmountType.Relative) { require(amount <= DELIMITER, "IA: bad amount"); uint256 balance; if (token == ETH) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (amount == DELIMITER) { return balance; } else { return mul(balance, amount) / DELIMITER; } } else { return amount; } } function getAbsoluteAmountWithdraw( TokenAmount memory tokenAmount ) internal view virtual returns (uint256) { address token = tokenAmount.token; uint256 amount = tokenAmount.amount; AmountType amountType = tokenAmount.amountType; require( amountType == AmountType.Relative || amountType == AmountType.Absolute, "IA: bad amount type" ); if (amountType == AmountType.Relative) { require(amount <= DELIMITER, "IA: bad amount"); uint256 balance = getBalance(token, address(this)); if (amount == DELIMITER) { return balance; } else { return mul(balance, amount) / DELIMITER; } } else { return amount; } } function mul( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "IA: mul overflow"); return c; } } interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); function allowance(address, address) external view returns (uint256); } library Helpers { /** * @dev Internal function to convert bytes32 to string and trim zeroes. */ function toString(bytes32 data) internal pure returns (string memory) { uint256 counter = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (data[i] != bytes1(0)) { counter++; } } bytes memory result = new bytes(counter); counter = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (data[i] != bytes1(0)) { result[counter] = data[i]; counter++; } } return string(result); } /** * @dev Internal function to convert uint256 to string. */ function toString(uint256 data) internal pure returns (string memory) { uint256 length = 0; uint256 dataCopy = data; while (dataCopy != 0) { length++; dataCopy /= 10; } bytes memory result = new bytes(length); dataCopy = data; // Here, we have on-purpose underflow cause we need case `i = 0` to be included in the loop for (uint256 i = length - 1; i < length; i--) { result[i] = bytes1(uint8(48 + dataCopy % 10)); dataCopy /= 10; } return string(result); } } library SafeERC20 { function safeTransfer( ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value, string memory location ) internal { callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.transfer.selector, to, value ), "transfer", location ); } function safeTransferFrom( ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value, string memory location ) internal { callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value ), "transferFrom", location ); } function safeApprove( ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value, string memory location ) internal { require( (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: bad approve call" ); callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.approve.selector, spender, value ), "approve", location ); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), * relaxing the requirement on the return value: the return value is optional * (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). * @param location Location of the call (for debug). */ function callOptionalReturn( ERC20 token, bytes memory data, string memory functionName, string memory location ) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking // mechanism, since we're implementing it ourselves. // We implement two-steps call as callee is a contract is a responsibility of a caller. // 1. The call itself is made, and success asserted // 2. The return value is decoded, which in turn checks the size of the returned data. // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data); require( success, string( abi.encodePacked( "SafeERC20: ", functionName, " failed in ", location ) ) ); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional require( abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), string( abi.encodePacked( "SafeERC20: ", functionName, " returned false in ", location ) ) ); } } } contract Core is ReentrancyGuard { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address internal immutable protocolAdapterRegistry_; address internal constant ETH = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; event ExecutedAction(Action action); constructor( address protocolAdapterRegistry ) public { require(protocolAdapterRegistry != address(0), "C: empty protocolAdapterRegistry"); protocolAdapterRegistry_ = protocolAdapterRegistry; } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} /** * @notice Executes actions and returns tokens to account. * @param actions Array with actions to be executed. * @param requiredOutputs Array with required amounts for the returned tokens. * @param account Address that will receive all the resulting funds. * @return actualOutputs Array with actual amounts for the returned tokens. */ function executeActions( Action[] calldata actions, AbsoluteTokenAmount[] calldata requiredOutputs, address payable account ) external payable nonReentrant returns (AbsoluteTokenAmount[] memory) { require(account != address(0), "C: empty account"); address[][] memory tokensToBeWithdrawn = new address[][](actions.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { tokensToBeWithdrawn[i] = executeAction(actions[i]); emit ExecutedAction(actions[i]); } return returnTokens(requiredOutputs, tokensToBeWithdrawn, account); } /** * @notice Execute one action via external call. * @param action Action struct. * @dev Can be called only by this contract. * This function is used to create cross-protocol adapters. */ function executeActionExternal( Action calldata action ) external returns (address[] memory) { require(msg.sender == address(this), "C: only address(this)"); return executeAction(action); } /** * @return Address of the ProtocolAdapterRegistry contract used. */ function protocolAdapterRegistry() external view returns (address) { return protocolAdapterRegistry_; } function executeAction( Action calldata action ) internal returns (address[] memory) { address adapter = ProtocolAdapterRegistry(protocolAdapterRegistry_).getProtocolAdapterAddress( action.protocolAdapterName ); require(adapter != address(0), "C: bad name"); require( action.actionType == ActionType.Deposit || action.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw, "C: bad action type" ); bytes4 selector; if (action.actionType == ActionType.Deposit) { selector = InteractiveAdapter(adapter).deposit.selector; } else { selector = InteractiveAdapter(adapter).withdraw.selector; } // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = adapter.delegatecall( abi.encodeWithSelector( selector, action.tokenAmounts, ) ); // assembly revert opcode is used here as `returnData` // is already bytes array generated by the callee's revert() // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { if eq(success, 0) { revert(add(returnData, 32), returndatasize()) } } return abi.decode(returnData, (address[])); } function returnTokens( AbsoluteTokenAmount[] calldata requiredOutputs, address[][] memory tokensToBeWithdrawn, address payable account ) internal returns (AbsoluteTokenAmount[] memory) { uint256 length = requiredOutputs.length; uint256 lengthNested; address token; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] memory actualOutputs = new AbsoluteTokenAmount[](length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { token = requiredOutputs[i].token; actualOutputs[i] = AbsoluteTokenAmount({ token: token, amount: checkRequirementAndTransfer( token, requiredOutputs[i].amount, account ) }); } length = tokensToBeWithdrawn.length; for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { lengthNested = tokensToBeWithdrawn[i].length; for (uint256 j = 0; j < lengthNested; j++) { checkRequirementAndTransfer(tokensToBeWithdrawn[i][j], 0, account); } } return actualOutputs; } function checkRequirementAndTransfer( address token, uint256 requiredAmount, address account ) internal returns (uint256) { uint256 actualAmount; if (token == ETH) { actualAmount = address(this).balance; } else { actualAmount = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)); } require( actualAmount >= requiredAmount, string( abi.encodePacked( "C: ", actualAmount, " is less than ", requiredAmount, " for ", token ) ) ); if (actualAmount > 0) { if (token == ETH) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, ) ={value: actualAmount}(new bytes(0)); require(success, "ETH transfer to account failed"); } else { ERC20(token).safeTransfer(account, actualAmount, "C"); } } return actualAmount; } }
[ 15, 11, 9, 29, 12, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint256 pow10 = 10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_collateralAddress)); // fetch all needed data (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance * pow10, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLTV); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return wdiv(totalCollateralETH, collateralPrice) / pow10; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLTV, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLTV)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLTV) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice) / pow10, NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost for transaction /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return gasCost The amount we took for the gas cost function getGasCost(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint gasCost) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); gasCost = _gasCost; } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (gasCost > (_amount / 5)) { gasCost = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(gasCost); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, gasCost); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_amount == 0) return; if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function _getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x44e4EF23b4794699D0625657cADcB96e07820fFe; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(swapedTokens >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } /// @notice Calculates protocol fee /// @param _srcAddr selling token address (if eth should be WETH) /// @param _msgValue msg.value in transaction /// @param _srcAmount amount we are selling function getProtocolFee(address _srcAddr, uint256 _msgValue, uint256 _srcAmount) internal returns(uint256) { // if we are not selling ETH msg value is always the protocol fee if (_srcAddr != WETH_ADDRESS) return _msgValue; // if msg value is larger than srcAmount, that means that msg value is protocol fee + srcAmount, so we subsctract srcAmount from msg value // we have an edge case here when protocol fee is higher than selling amount if (_msgValue > _srcAmount) return _msgValue - _srcAmount; // if msg value is lower than src amount, that means that srcAmount isn't included in msg value, so we return msg value return _msgValue; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount); rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount)); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(_destAmount, amounts[0]); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount)); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else if (_joinAddr == DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); uint256 destAmount = _data.srcAmount; if (_data.srcAddr != _data.destAddr) { // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } else { destAmount -= getGasCost(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); uint256 destAmount; if (_data.destAddr != _data.srcAddr) { _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); } else { _data.srcAmount -= getGasCost(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); destAmount = _data.srcAmount; } if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.4.25; contract ERC20Interface { uint256 public totalSupply; function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } contract MyToken is ERC20Interface { uint256 constant private MAX_UINT256 = 2 ** 256 - 1; mapping(address => uint256) public balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowed; /// Nazwa naszego tokenu, zostanie zdefiniowana przy pomocy konstruktora string public name; /// Punkty dziesiętne naszego tokenu. Jeżeli ustalimy totalSupply na 1 oraz decimals na 18, to reprezentacyjna /// wartość tokenu przyjmie formę 1000000000000000000 (1 * 10^18) uint8 public decimals; /// Trzy lub czterocyfrowy symbol określający naszą token string public symbol; /// Konstruktor wykonany przy wgraniu kontraktu do sieci. Wszystkie tokeny zostaną przypisane do konta, /// które będzie odpowiadać za deployment (właściciel kontraktu). function MyToken(uint256 _initialAmount, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol) public { symbol = _tokenSymbol; name = _tokenName; decimals = _decimalUnits; totalSupply = _initialAmount * 10 ** uint256(decimals); balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply; } /// Sprawdzenie balansu danego użytkownika function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } /// Przetransferowanie środków na inne portfel function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value); balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true; } /// Umożliwienie przelania środków z jednego portfela na drugi przez osobę trzecią function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender]; require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value); balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; } Transfer(_from, _to, _value); return true; } /// Zgoda na to, by wskazana osoba mogła przelać nasze środki z limitem maksymalnej wartości function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } // Funkcja która powoduje, że kontrakt nie przyjmie środków w postaci czystego przelewu ETH. function() public payable { revert(); } }
[ 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.15; contract CairoBootloaderProgramSize { uint256 internal constant PROGRAM_SIZE = 220; } contract CairoBootloaderProgram is CairoBootloaderProgramSize { function getCompiledProgram() external pure returns (uint256[PROGRAM_SIZE] memory) { return [ 1226245742482522112, 177, 74168662805676031, 0, 146226256843603965, 4, 5191102238658887680, 2345108766317314046, 290341444919459839, 3, 4632937381316558848, 4612671182992932865, 4612671182992998402, 146226256843603968, 4, 74168662805676031, 4, 4612671182993063937, 4612671182993129474, 5198983563776196608, 1, 5198983563776262144, 1, 5200109459388203008, 5200109459388268544, 5198983563776458752, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020480, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020458, 2345108766317314046, 2345108766317314046, 1226245742482522112, 5, 5198420613823102976, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020479, 2345108766317314046, 2345108766317314046, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020474, 5191102234363920384, 5191102238658887680, 5191102242953854976, 5198420613822906368, 50, 5189976364521848832, 4, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020439, 4623648689905041407, 291467327646433279, 2345108766317314046, 146226256843603965, 5, 5191102230068953088, 2345108766317314046, 2345108766317314046, 5188850460319711232, 5188850460319776768, 5201798300658860031, 5188850460319842304, 5210805504208568318, 4612389708016222207, 5198983563776196608, 1, 5198983563776262144, 1, 5198983563776327680, 1, 5198983563776393216, 1, 5198983563776458752, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020480, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020460, 2345108766317314046, 5188850460319907840, 5202361254907052032, 5191102242953854976, 5188287510366552064, 5188287506071519232, 5188287510366486527, 4611826762357964797, 5198420613822906368, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020480, 5198420613822906368, 3, 5188287518956224512, 4623085744246521853, 145944781866893308, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020472, 2345108766317314046, 146226256843603965, 6, 5191102225773985792, 5191102238658887680, 5191102242953854976, 2345108766317314046, 290341444919459839, 16, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020412, 4617174774030761984, 4612671182992867338, 5189976364521848832, 0, 4612389712311713791, 5188850464614547456, 5191102264428691456, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020448, 4612389712312303615, 4622804286450008075, 4, 4612671195878359052, 5200109510928859136, 5188850468910104576, 4625619027626983437, 4622804286450597890, 2, 4617174765440827395, 4612671191582801924, 4612671195877769221, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020389, 4612389712311386110, 5198420613823168512, 17, 4612389708016418815, 5191102230068953088, 5198983563776655360, 2, 5191102307378364416, 5191102311673331712, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020385, 1191342896910008320, 290341444919459839, 0, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020374, 4617174778325729294, 722405534170316800, 0, 5191102230068953088, 5198983563776655360, 6, 5191102307378364416, 5199828035951427598, 5189976364521848832, 4, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020335, 4623648754330533887, 5191102238658887680, 5198983563776655360, 2, 5198983563776655360, 6, 5191102234363920384, 5189976364521848832, 4, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020371, 4623930225012473862, 4612671182994046991, 5198983563776655360, 6, 5191102230068953088, 5191102234363920384, 5193354042767540224, 5198983563776393216, 2, 5198983563776458752, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020480, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020398, 2345108766317314046, 290341444919459839, 1, 5199265038752907265, 1, 5191383709340631042, 5191383735110434819, 5191383717930565636, 5190257839498559493, 122550255383924, 5190257839498559494, 8098989891770344814, 5190257839498559495, 138277649577220228665140075, 5190257839498559496, 435459224417, 5190257839498559497, 1, 5190257839498559498, 3, 5190257839498559499, 1, 5190257839498559500, 2, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020311, 5198420613823102976, 1, 5198420613823037440, 5, 5198420613822971904, 9, 5191102238658887680, 5191102247248822272, 5188850460319645696, 1226245742482522112, 3618502788666131213697322783095070105623107215331596699973092056135872020361, 4614641507830300670, 5188287510366486528, 5188287514661388288, 5188287518956290048, 5188287523251191808, 5193354038472572928, 2345108766317314046 ]; } } contract CairoVerifierContract { function verifyProofExternal( uint256[] calldata proofParams, uint256[] calldata proof, uint256[] calldata publicInput) external; } contract CpuPublicInputOffsets { // The following constants are offsets of data expected in the public input. uint256 internal constant OFFSET_LOG_N_STEPS = 0; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_RC_MIN = 1; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_RC_MAX = 2; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_LAYOUT_CODE = 3; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_PROGRAM_BEGIN_ADDR = 4; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_PROGRAM_STOP_PTR = 5; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_EXECUTION_BEGIN_ADDR = 6; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_EXECUTION_STOP_PTR = 7; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_OUTPUT_BEGIN_ADDR = 8; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_OUTPUT_STOP_PTR = 9; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_PEDERSEN_BEGIN_ADDR = 10; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_PEDERSEN_STOP_PTR = 11; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_RANGE_CHECK_BEGIN_ADDR = 12; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_RANGE_CHECK_STOP_PTR = 13; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_ECDSA_BEGIN_ADDR = 14; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_ECDSA_STOP_PTR = 15; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_CHECKPOINTS_BEGIN_PTR = 16; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_CHECKPOINTS_STOP_PTR = 17; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_N_PUBLIC_MEMORY_PAGES = 18; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY = 19; uint256 internal constant N_WORDS_PER_PUBLIC_MEMORY_ENTRY = 2; // The format of the public input, starting at OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY is as follows: // * For each page: // * First address in the page (this field is not included for the first page). // * Page size. // * Page hash. // * Padding cell address. // * Padding cell value. // # All data above this line, appears in the initial seed of the proof. // * For each page: // * Cumulative product. function getOffsetPageSize(uint256 pageId) internal pure returns (uint256) { return OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY + 3 * pageId; } function getOffsetPageHash(uint256 pageId) internal pure returns (uint256) { return OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY + 3 * pageId + 1; } function getOffsetPageAddr(uint256 pageId) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(pageId >= 1, "Address of page 0 is not part of the public input."); return OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY + 3 * pageId - 1; } /* Returns the offset of the address of the padding cell. The offset of the padding cell value can be obtained by adding 1 to the result. */ function getOffsetPaddingCell(uint256 nPages) internal pure returns (uint256) { return OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY + 3 * nPages - 1; } function getOffsetPageProd(uint256 pageId, uint256 nPages) internal pure returns (uint256) { return OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY + 3 * nPages + 1 + pageId; } function getPublicInputLength(uint256 nPages) internal pure returns (uint256) { return OFFSET_PUBLIC_MEMORY + 4 * nPages + 1; } } contract GpsOutputParser is CpuPublicInputOffsets { uint256 internal constant METADATA_TASKS_OFFSET = 1; uint256 internal constant METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_OUTPUT_SIZE = 0; uint256 internal constant METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_PROGRAM_HASH = 1; uint256 internal constant METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_N_TREE_PAIRS = 2; uint256 internal constant METADATA_TASK_HEADER_SIZE = 3; uint256 internal constant METADATA_OFFSET_TREE_PAIR_N_PAGES = 0; uint256 internal constant METADATA_OFFSET_TREE_PAIR_N_NODES = 1; uint256 internal constant NODE_STACK_OFFSET_HASH = 0; uint256 internal constant NODE_STACK_OFFSET_END = 1; // The size of each node in the node stack. uint256 internal constant NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE = 2; /* Fact registry logic that should be implemented by the derived classes. */ function registerFact(bytes32 factHash) internal; /* Parses the GPS program output (using taskMetadata, which should be verified by the caller), and registers the facts of the tasks which were executed. The first entry in taskMetadata is the number of tasks. For each task, the structure is as follows: 1. Size (including the size and hash fields). 2. Program hash. 3. The numebr of pairs in the Merkle tree structure (see below). 4. The Merkle tree structure (see below). The fact of each task is stored as a (non-binary) Merkle tree. Each non-leaf node is 1 + the hash of (node0, end0, node1, end1, ...) where node* are its children and end* is the the total number of data words up to and including that node and its children (including the previous sybling nodes). We add 1 to the result of the hash to distinguish it from a leaf node. Leaf nodes are the hash of their data. The structure of the tree is passed as a list of pairs (n_pages, n_nodes), and the tree is constructed using a stack of nodes (initialized to an empty stack) by repeating for each pair: 1. Add n_pages to the stack of nodes. 2. Pop the top n_nodes, construct a parent node for them, and push it back to the stack. After applying the steps above, the stack much contain exactly one node, which will constitute the root of the Merkle tree. For example, [(2, 2)] will create a Merkle tree with a root and two direct children, while [(3, 2), (0, 2)] will create a Merkle tree with a root whose left child is a leaf and right child has two leaf children. Assumptions: taskMetadata and cairoAuxInput are verified externaly. */ function registerGpsFacts(uint256[] memory taskMetadata, uint256[] memory cairoAuxInput) internal { uint256 nTasks = taskMetadata[0]; // Skip the 3 first output cells which contain the number of tasks and the size and // program hash of the first task. curAddr points to the output of the first task. uint256 curAddr = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_OUTPUT_BEGIN_ADDR] + 3; uint256 taskMetadataOffset = METADATA_TASKS_OFFSET; // Bound the size of the stack by the total number of pages. uint256[] memory nodeStack = new uint256[]( NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_N_PUBLIC_MEMORY_PAGES]); // Skip the main page. uint256 curPage = 1; // Register the fact for each task. for (uint256 task = 0; task < nTasks; task++) { uint256 curOffset = 0; uint256 nTreePairs = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_N_TREE_PAIRS]; // Build the Merkle tree using a stack (see the function documentation) to compute // the fact. uint256 nodeStackLen = 0; for (uint256 treePair = 0; treePair < nTreePairs; treePair++) { // Add n_pages to the stack of nodes. uint256 nPages = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_TASK_HEADER_SIZE + 2 * treePair + METADATA_OFFSET_TREE_PAIR_N_PAGES]; require(nPages < 2**20, "Invalid value of n_pages in tree structure."); for (uint256 i = 0; i < nPages; i++) { // Copy cairoAuxInput to avoid the "stack too deep" error. uint256[] memory cairoAuxInputCopy = cairoAuxInput; uint256 pageSize = pushPageToStack( curPage, curAddr, curOffset, nodeStack, nodeStackLen, cairoAuxInputCopy); curPage += 1; nodeStackLen += 1; curAddr += pageSize; curOffset += pageSize; } // Pop the top n_nodes, construct a parent node for them, and push it back to the // stack. uint256 nNodes = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_TASK_HEADER_SIZE + 2 * treePair + METADATA_OFFSET_TREE_PAIR_N_NODES]; if (nNodes != 0) { nodeStackLen = constructNode(nodeStack, nodeStackLen, nNodes); } } require(nodeStackLen == 1, "Node stack must contain exactly one item."); uint256 programHash = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_PROGRAM_HASH]; uint256 outputSize = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_OUTPUT_SIZE]; bytes32 fact = keccak256(abi.encode(programHash, nodeStack[NODE_STACK_OFFSET_HASH])); // Update taskMetadataOffset. taskMetadataOffset += METADATA_TASK_HEADER_SIZE + 2 * nTreePairs; // Verify that the sizes of the pages correspond to the task output, to make // sure that the computed hash is indeed the hash of the entire output of the task. require( nodeStack[NODE_STACK_OFFSET_END] + 2 == outputSize, "The sum of the page sizes does not match output size."); registerFact(fact); // Move curAddr to the output of the next task (skipping the size and hash fields). curAddr += 2; } require( cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_N_PUBLIC_MEMORY_PAGES] == curPage, "Not all memory pages were processed."); } /* Push one page (curPage) to the top of the node stack. curAddr is the memory address, curOffset is the offset from the beginning of the task output. Verifies that the page has the right start address and returns the page size. */ function pushPageToStack( uint256 curPage, uint256 curAddr, uint256 curOffset, uint256[] memory nodeStack, uint256 nodeStackLen, uint256[] memory cairoAuxInput) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Extract the page size, first address and hash from cairoAuxInput. uint256 pageSizeOffset = getOffsetPageSize(curPage); uint256 pageSize; uint256 pageAddrOffset = getOffsetPageAddr(curPage); uint256 pageAddr; uint256 pageHashOffset = getOffsetPageHash(curPage); uint256 pageHash; assembly { pageSize := mload(add(cairoAuxInput, mul(add(pageSizeOffset, 1), 0x20))) pageAddr := mload(add(cairoAuxInput, mul(add(pageAddrOffset, 1), 0x20))) pageHash := mload(add(cairoAuxInput, mul(add(pageHashOffset, 1), 0x20))) } require(pageSize < 2**30, "Invalid page size."); require(pageAddr == curAddr, "Invalid page address."); nodeStack[NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * nodeStackLen + NODE_STACK_OFFSET_END] = curOffset + pageSize; nodeStack[NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * nodeStackLen + NODE_STACK_OFFSET_HASH] = pageHash; return pageSize; } /* Pops the top nNodes nodes from the stack and pushes one parent node instead. Returns the new value of nodeStackLen. */ function constructNode(uint256[] memory nodeStack, uint256 nodeStackLen, uint256 nNodes) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(nNodes <= nodeStackLen, "Invalid value of n_nodes in tree structure."); // The end of the node is the end of the last child. uint256 newNodeEnd = nodeStack[ NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * (nodeStackLen - 1) + NODE_STACK_OFFSET_END]; uint256 newStackLen = nodeStackLen - nNodes; // Compute node hash. uint256 nodeStart = 0x20 + newStackLen * NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * 0x20; uint256 newNodeHash; assembly { newNodeHash := keccak256(add(nodeStack, nodeStart), mul( nNodes, /*NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * 0x20*/0x40)) } nodeStack[NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * newStackLen + NODE_STACK_OFFSET_END] = newNodeEnd; // Add one to the new node hash to distinguish it from the hash of a leaf (a page). nodeStack[NODE_STACK_ITEM_SIZE * newStackLen + NODE_STACK_OFFSET_HASH] = newNodeHash + 1; return newStackLen + 1; } } contract IFactRegistry { /* Returns true if the given fact was previously registered in the contract. */ function isValid(bytes32 fact) external view returns(bool); } contract IQueryableFactRegistry is IFactRegistry { /* Returns true if at least one fact has been registered. */ function hasRegisteredFact() external view returns(bool); } contract Identity { /* Allows a caller, typically another contract, to ensure that the provided address is of the expected type and version. */ function identify() external pure returns(string memory); } contract MemoryPageFactRegistryConstants { // A page based on a list of pairs (address, value). // In this case, memoryHash = hash(address, value, address, value, address, value, ...). uint256 internal constant REGULAR_PAGE = 0; // A page based on adjacent memory cells, starting from a given address. // In this case, memoryHash = hash(value, value, value, ...). uint256 internal constant CONTINUOUS_PAGE = 1; } contract PrimeFieldElement0 { uint256 constant internal K_MODULUS = 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001; uint256 constant internal K_MODULUS_MASK = 0x0fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff; uint256 constant internal K_MONTGOMERY_R = 0x7fffffffffffdf0ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe1; uint256 constant internal K_MONTGOMERY_R_INV = 0x40000000000001100000000000012100000000000000000000000000000000; uint256 constant internal GENERATOR_VAL = 3; uint256 constant internal ONE_VAL = 1; uint256 constant internal GEN1024_VAL = 0x659d83946a03edd72406af6711825f5653d9e35dc125289a206c054ec89c4f1; function fromMontgomery(uint256 val) internal pure returns (uint256 res) { // uint256 res = fmul(val, kMontgomeryRInv); assembly { res := mulmod(val, 0x40000000000001100000000000012100000000000000000000000000000000, 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) } return res; } function fromMontgomeryBytes(bytes32 bs) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Assuming bs is a 256bit bytes object, in Montgomery form, it is read into a field // element. uint256 res = uint256(bs); return fromMontgomery(res); } function toMontgomeryInt(uint256 val) internal pure returns (uint256 res) { //uint256 res = fmul(val, kMontgomeryR); assembly { res := mulmod(val, 0x7fffffffffffdf0ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe1, 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) } return res; } function fmul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 res) { //uint256 res = mulmod(a, b, kModulus); assembly { res := mulmod(a, b, 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) } return res; } function fadd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 res) { // uint256 res = addmod(a, b, kModulus); assembly { res := addmod(a, b, 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) } return res; } function fsub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 res) { // uint256 res = addmod(a, kModulus - b, kModulus); assembly { res := addmod( a, sub(0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001, b), 0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001) } return res; } function fpow(uint256 val, uint256 exp) internal view returns (uint256) { return expmod(val, exp, K_MODULUS); } function expmod(uint256 base, uint256 exponent, uint256 modulus) internal view returns (uint256 res) { assembly { let p := mload(0x40) mstore(p, 0x20) // Length of Base. mstore(add(p, 0x20), 0x20) // Length of Exponent. mstore(add(p, 0x40), 0x20) // Length of Modulus. mstore(add(p, 0x60), base) // Base. mstore(add(p, 0x80), exponent) // Exponent. mstore(add(p, 0xa0), modulus) // Modulus. // Call modexp precompile. if iszero(staticcall(gas, 0x05, p, 0xc0, p, 0x20)) { revert(0, 0) } res := mload(p) } } function inverse(uint256 val) internal view returns (uint256) { return expmod(val, K_MODULUS - 2, K_MODULUS); } } contract FactRegistry is IQueryableFactRegistry { // Mapping: fact hash -> true. mapping (bytes32 => bool) private verifiedFact; // Indicates whether the Fact Registry has at least one fact registered. bool anyFactRegistered; /* Checks if a fact has been verified. */ function isValid(bytes32 fact) external view returns(bool) { return _factCheck(fact); } /* This is an internal method to check if the fact is already registered. In current implementation of FactRegistry it's identical to isValid(). But the check is against the local fact registry, So for a derived referral fact registry, it's not the same. */ function _factCheck(bytes32 fact) internal view returns(bool) { return verifiedFact[fact]; } function registerFact( bytes32 factHash ) internal { // This function stores the fact hash in the mapping. verifiedFact[factHash] = true; // Mark first time off. if (!anyFactRegistered) { anyFactRegistered = true; } } /* Indicates whether at least one fact was registered. */ function hasRegisteredFact() external view returns(bool) { return anyFactRegistered; } } contract GpsStatementVerifier is GpsOutputParser, FactRegistry, Identity, CairoBootloaderProgramSize, PrimeFieldElement0 { CairoBootloaderProgram bootloaderProgramContractAddress; MemoryPageFactRegistry memoryPageFactRegistry; CairoVerifierContract[] cairoVerifierContractAddresses; uint256 internal constant N_MAIN_ARGS = 5; uint256 internal constant N_MAIN_RETURN_VALUES = 5; uint256 internal constant N_BUILTINS = 4; /* Constructs an instance of GpsStatementVerifier. bootloaderProgramContract is the address of the bootloader program contract and cairoVerifierContracts is a list of cairoVerifiers indexed by their id. */ constructor( address bootloaderProgramContract, address memoryPageFactRegistry_, address[] memory cairoVerifierContracts) public { // solium-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks bootloaderProgramContractAddress = CairoBootloaderProgram(bootloaderProgramContract); memoryPageFactRegistry = MemoryPageFactRegistry(memoryPageFactRegistry_); cairoVerifierContractAddresses = new CairoVerifierContract[](cairoVerifierContracts.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < cairoVerifierContracts.length; ++i) { cairoVerifierContractAddresses[i] = CairoVerifierContract(cairoVerifierContracts[i]); } } function identify() external pure returns(string memory) { return "StarkWare_GpsStatementVerifier_2020_1"; } /* Verifies a proof and registers the corresponding facts. For the structure of cairoAuxInput, see cpu/CpuPublicInputOffsets.sol. taskMetadata is structured as follows: 1. Number of tasks. 2. For each task: 1. Task output size (including program hash and size). 2. Program hash. */ function verifyProofAndRegister( uint256[] calldata proofParams, uint256[] calldata proof, uint256[] calldata taskMetadata, uint256[] calldata cairoAuxInput, uint256 cairoVerifierId ) external { require( cairoAuxInput.length > OFFSET_N_PUBLIC_MEMORY_PAGES, "Invalid cairoAuxInput length."); uint256 nPages = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_N_PUBLIC_MEMORY_PAGES]; require( cairoAuxInput.length == getPublicInputLength(nPages) + /*z and alpha*/ 2, "Invalid cairoAuxInput length."); // The values z and alpha are used only for the fact registration of the main page. // They are not needed in the auxiliary input of CpuVerifier as they are computed there. // Create a copy of cairoAuxInput without z and alpha. uint256[] memory cairoPublicInput = new uint256[](cairoAuxInput.length - /*z and alpha*/ 2); for (uint256 i = 0; i < cairoAuxInput.length - /*z and alpha*/ 2; i++) { cairoPublicInput[i] = cairoAuxInput[i]; } { // Process public memory. (uint256 publicMemoryLength, uint256 memoryHash, uint256 prod) = registerPublicMemoryMainPage(taskMetadata, cairoAuxInput); // Make sure the first page is valid. // If the size or the hash are invalid, it may indicate that there is a mismatch between the // bootloader program contract and the program in the proof. require( cairoAuxInput[getOffsetPageSize(0)] == publicMemoryLength, "Invalid size for memory page 0."); require( cairoAuxInput[getOffsetPageHash(0)] == memoryHash, "Invalid hash for memory page 0."); require( cairoAuxInput[getOffsetPageProd(0, nPages)] == prod, "Invalid cumulative product for memory page 0."); } require( cairoVerifierId < cairoVerifierContractAddresses.length, "cairoVerifierId is out of range."); // NOLINTNEXTLINE: reentrancy-benign. cairoVerifierContractAddresses[cairoVerifierId].verifyProofExternal( proofParams, proof, cairoPublicInput); registerGpsFacts(taskMetadata, cairoAuxInput); } /* Registers the fact for memory page 0, which includes: 1. The bootloader program, 2. Arguments and return values of main() 3. Some of the data required for computing the task facts. which is represented in taskMetadata. Returns information on the registered fact. Assumptions: cairoAuxInput is connected to the public input, which is verified by cairoVerifierContractAddresses. Guarantees: taskMetadata is consistent with the public memory, with some sanity checks. */ function registerPublicMemoryMainPage( uint256[] memory taskMetadata, uint256[] memory cairoAuxInput ) internal returns (uint256 publicMemoryLength, uint256 memoryHash, uint256 prod) { uint256 nTasks = taskMetadata[0]; require(nTasks < 2**30, "Invalid number of tasks."); // Public memory length. publicMemoryLength = ( PROGRAM_SIZE + N_MAIN_ARGS + N_MAIN_RETURN_VALUES + /*Number of tasks cell*/1 + 2 * nTasks); uint256[] memory publicMemory = new uint256[]( N_WORDS_PER_PUBLIC_MEMORY_ENTRY * publicMemoryLength); uint256 offset = 0; // Write public memory, which is a list of pairs (address, value). { // Program segment. uint256[PROGRAM_SIZE] memory bootloaderProgram = bootloaderProgramContractAddress.getCompiledProgram(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < bootloaderProgram.length; i++) { // Force that memory[i] = bootloaderProgram[i]. publicMemory[offset] = i; publicMemory[offset + 1] = bootloaderProgram[i]; offset += 2; } } { // Execution segment - main's arguments. uint256 executionBeginAddr = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_EXECUTION_BEGIN_ADDR]; publicMemory[offset + 0] = executionBeginAddr - 5; publicMemory[offset + 1] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_OUTPUT_BEGIN_ADDR]; publicMemory[offset + 2] = executionBeginAddr - 4; publicMemory[offset + 3] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_PEDERSEN_BEGIN_ADDR]; publicMemory[offset + 4] = executionBeginAddr - 3; publicMemory[offset + 5] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_RANGE_CHECK_BEGIN_ADDR]; publicMemory[offset + 6] = executionBeginAddr - 2; publicMemory[offset + 7] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_ECDSA_BEGIN_ADDR]; publicMemory[offset + 8] = executionBeginAddr - 1; publicMemory[offset + 9] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_CHECKPOINTS_BEGIN_PTR]; offset += 10; } { // Execution segment - return values. uint256 executionStopPtr = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_EXECUTION_STOP_PTR]; publicMemory[offset + 0] = executionStopPtr - 5; publicMemory[offset + 1] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_OUTPUT_STOP_PTR]; publicMemory[offset + 2] = executionStopPtr - 4; publicMemory[offset + 3] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_PEDERSEN_STOP_PTR]; publicMemory[offset + 4] = executionStopPtr - 3; publicMemory[offset + 5] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_RANGE_CHECK_STOP_PTR]; publicMemory[offset + 6] = executionStopPtr - 2; publicMemory[offset + 7] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_ECDSA_STOP_PTR]; publicMemory[offset + 8] = executionStopPtr - 1; publicMemory[offset + 9] = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_CHECKPOINTS_STOP_PTR]; offset += 10; } // Program output. { // Check that there are enough range checks for the bootloader builtin validation. // Each builtin is validated for each task and each validation uses one range check. require( cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_RANGE_CHECK_STOP_PTR] >= cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_RANGE_CHECK_BEGIN_ADDR] + N_BUILTINS * nTasks, "Range-check stop pointer should be after all range checks used for validations."); // The checkpoint builtin is used once for each task, taking up two cells. require( cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_CHECKPOINTS_STOP_PTR] >= cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_CHECKPOINTS_BEGIN_PTR] + 2 * nTasks, "Number of checkpoints should be at least the number of tasks."); uint256 outputAddress = cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_OUTPUT_BEGIN_ADDR]; // Force that memory[outputAddress] = nTasks. publicMemory[offset + 0] = outputAddress; publicMemory[offset + 1] = nTasks; offset += 2; outputAddress += 1; uint256 taskMetadataOffset = METADATA_TASKS_OFFSET; for (uint256 task = 0; task < nTasks; task++) { uint256 outputSize = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_OUTPUT_SIZE]; require(2 <= outputSize && outputSize < 2**30, "Invalid task output size."); uint256 programHash = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_PROGRAM_HASH]; uint256 nTreePairs = taskMetadata[ taskMetadataOffset + METADATA_OFFSET_TASK_N_TREE_PAIRS]; require( 1 <= nTreePairs && nTreePairs < 2**20, "Invalid number of pairs in the Merkle tree structure."); // Force that memory[outputAddress] = outputSize. publicMemory[offset + 0] = outputAddress; publicMemory[offset + 1] = outputSize; // Force that memory[outputAddress + 1] = programHash. publicMemory[offset + 2] = outputAddress + 1; publicMemory[offset + 3] = programHash; offset += 4; outputAddress += outputSize; taskMetadataOffset += METADATA_TASK_HEADER_SIZE + 2 * nTreePairs; } require(taskMetadata.length == taskMetadataOffset, "Invalid length of taskMetadata."); require( cairoAuxInput[OFFSET_OUTPUT_STOP_PTR] == outputAddress, "Inconsistent program output length."); } require(publicMemory.length == offset, "Not all Cairo public inputs were written."); bytes32 factHash; (factHash, memoryHash, prod) = memoryPageFactRegistry.registerRegularMemoryPage( publicMemory, /*z=*/cairoAuxInput[cairoAuxInput.length - 2], /*alpha=*/cairoAuxInput[cairoAuxInput.length - 1], K_MODULUS); } } contract MemoryPageFactRegistry is FactRegistry, MemoryPageFactRegistryConstants { event LogMemoryPageFact(bytes32 factHash, uint256 memoryHash, uint256 prod); /* Registers a fact based of the given memory (address, value) pairs (REGULAR_PAGE). */ function registerRegularMemoryPage( uint256[] calldata memoryPairs, uint256 z, uint256 alpha, uint256 prime) external returns (bytes32 factHash, uint256 memoryHash, uint256 prod) { require(memoryPairs.length < 2**20, "Too many memory values."); require(memoryPairs.length % 2 == 0, "Size of memoryPairs must be even."); require(z < prime, "Invalid value of z."); require(alpha < prime, "Invalid value of alpha."); (factHash, memoryHash, prod) = computeFactHash(memoryPairs, z, alpha, prime); emit LogMemoryPageFact(factHash, memoryHash, prod); registerFact(factHash); } function computeFactHash( uint256[] memory memoryPairs, uint256 z, uint256 alpha, uint256 prime) internal pure returns (bytes32 factHash, uint256 memoryHash, uint256 prod) { uint256 memorySize = memoryPairs.length / 2; prod = 1; assembly { let memoryPtr := add(memoryPairs, 0x20) // Each value of memoryPairs is a pair: (address, value). let lastPtr := add(memoryPtr, mul(memorySize, 0x40)) for { let ptr := memoryPtr } lt(ptr, lastPtr) { ptr := add(ptr, 0x40) } { // Compute address + alpha * value. let address_value_lin_comb := addmod( /*address*/ mload(ptr), mulmod(/*value*/ mload(add(ptr, 0x20)), alpha, prime), prime) prod := mulmod(prod, add(z, sub(prime, address_value_lin_comb)), prime) } memoryHash := keccak256(memoryPtr, mul(/*0x20 * 2*/ 0x40, memorySize)) } factHash = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( REGULAR_PAGE, prime, memorySize, z, alpha, prod, memoryHash, uint256(0)) ); } /* Registers a fact based on the given values, assuming continuous addresses. values should be [value at startAddr, value at (startAddr + 1), ...]. */ function registerContinuousMemoryPage( // NOLINT: external-function. uint256 startAddr, uint256[] memory values, uint256 z, uint256 alpha, uint256 prime) public returns (bytes32 factHash, uint256 memoryHash, uint256 prod) { require(values.length < 2**20, "Too many memory values."); require(prime < 2**254, "prime is too big for the optimizations in this function."); require(z < prime, "Invalid value of z."); require(alpha < prime, "Invalid value of alpha."); require(startAddr < 2**64 && startAddr < prime, "Invalid value of startAddr."); uint256 nValues = values.length; assembly { // Initialize prod to 1. prod := 1 // Initialize valuesPtr to point to the first value in the array. let valuesPtr := add(values, 0x20) let minus_z := mod(sub(prime, z), prime) // Start by processing full batches of 8 cells, addr represents the last address in each // batch. let addr := add(startAddr, 7) let lastAddr := add(startAddr, nValues) for {} lt(addr, lastAddr) { addr := add(addr, 8) } { // Compute the product of (lin_comb - z) instead of (z - lin_comb), since we're // doing an even number of iterations, the result is the same. prod := mulmod(prod, mulmod(add(add(sub(addr, 7), mulmod( mload(valuesPtr), alpha, prime)), minus_z), add(add(sub(addr, 6), mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0x20)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), prime), prime) prod := mulmod(prod, mulmod(add(add(sub(addr, 5), mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0x40)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), add(add(sub(addr, 4), mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0x60)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), prime), prime) prod := mulmod(prod, mulmod(add(add(sub(addr, 3), mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0x80)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), add(add(sub(addr, 2), mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0xa0)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), prime), prime) prod := mulmod(prod, mulmod(add(add(sub(addr, 1), mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0xc0)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), add(add(addr, mulmod( mload(add(valuesPtr, 0xe0)), alpha, prime)), minus_z), prime), prime) valuesPtr := add(valuesPtr, 0x100) } // Handle leftover. // Translate addr to the beginning of the last incomplete batch. addr := sub(addr, 7) for {} lt(addr, lastAddr) { addr := add(addr, 1) } { let address_value_lin_comb := addmod( addr, mulmod(mload(valuesPtr), alpha, prime), prime) prod := mulmod(prod, add(z, sub(prime, address_value_lin_comb)), prime) valuesPtr := add(valuesPtr, 0x20) } memoryHash := keccak256(add(values, 0x20), mul(0x20, nValues)) } factHash = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( CONTINUOUS_PAGE, prime, nValues, z, alpha, prod, memoryHash, startAddr) ); emit LogMemoryPageFact(factHash, memoryHash, prod); registerFact(factHash); } }
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pragma solidity 0.7.3; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal virtual view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal virtual view returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; address private _owner; uint256 private _totalSupply; address private _underlying; bytes32[] private _transactions; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == _owner); _; } /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * `underlying` is the other ERC20 token address that is bridged/wrapped by * this contract. * * All of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol, address underlying) { _owner = _msgSender(); _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; _underlying = underlying; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev Returns the underlying ERC20 token address that is bridged/wrapped * by this contract. */ function underlying() public view returns (address) { return _underlying; } /** * @dev Returns true if the specified transaction got minted, otherwise * false. */ function minted(bytes32 transaction) public view returns (bool) { return _minted(transaction); } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `recipient`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - cannot get called by anyone but the owner address. * - `transaction` cannot be zero. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `transaction` cannot exist (if it does, the contract does not mistakenly mint again) */ function mint(bytes32 transaction, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual onlyOwner returns (bool) { require(transaction != bytes32(0), "ERC20: transaction is zero"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); require(_minted(transaction) == false, "ERC20: transaction has been minted"); _mint(recipient, amount); _transactions.push(transaction); return true; } /** * @dev Transfers `amount` of the underlying ERC20 token from this * contract address to `msg.sender`, then destroys `amount` wrapped * tokens from `msg.sender`, reducing the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `msg.sender` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function unwrap(uint256 amount) public virtual returns (bool) { require(_balances[_msgSender()] >= amount, "ERC20: unwrap amount exceeds balance"); require(ERC20(_underlying).transfer(_msgSender(), amount), "ERC20: underlying.transfer() returned false"); _burn(_msgSender(), amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}. * * Requirements: * * - `source` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `source` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for `source`'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address source, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { require(source != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); require(_balances[source] >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); if (source != _msgSender() && _allowances[source][_msgSender()] != uint(-1)) { require(_allowances[source][_msgSender()] >= amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance"); _approve(source, _msgSender(), _allowances[source][_msgSender()].sub(amount)); } _transfer(source, recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** * @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Returns true if the specified transaction got minted, otherwise * false. */ function _minted(bytes32 transaction) internal view returns (bool) { for (uint i; i < _transactions.length; i++) { if (_transactions[i] == transaction) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`'s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.11; interface IMainUniLotteryPool { function isLotteryOngoing( address lotAddr ) external view returns( bool ); function scheduledCallback( uint256 requestID ) external; function onLotteryCallbackPriceExceedingGivenFunds( address lottery, uint currentRequestPrice, uint poolGivenPastRequestPrice ) external returns( bool ); } interface ILottery { function finish_randomnessProviderCallback( uint256 randomSeed, uint256 requestID ) external; } abstract contract solcChecker { /* INCOMPATIBLE SOLC: import the following instead: "" */ function f(bytes calldata x) virtual external; } interface ProvableI { function cbAddress() external returns (address _cbAddress); function setProofType(byte _proofType) external; function setCustomGasPrice(uint _gasPrice) external; function getPrice(string calldata _datasource) external returns (uint _dsprice); function randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() external view returns (bytes32 _sessionKeyHash); function getPrice(string calldata _datasource, uint _gasLimit) external returns (uint _dsprice); function queryN(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, bytes calldata _argN) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query2(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg1, string calldata _arg2) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg, uint _gasLimit) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function queryN_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, bytes calldata _argN, uint _gasLimit) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query2_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg1, string calldata _arg2, uint _gasLimit) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); } interface OracleAddrResolverI { function getAddress() external returns (address _address); } library Buffer { struct buffer { bytes buf; uint capacity; } function init(buffer memory _buf, uint _capacity) internal pure { uint capacity = _capacity; if (capacity % 32 != 0) { capacity += 32 - (capacity % 32); } _buf.capacity = capacity; // Allocate space for the buffer data assembly { let ptr := mload(0x40) mstore(_buf, ptr) mstore(ptr, 0) mstore(0x40, add(ptr, capacity)) } } function resize(buffer memory _buf, uint _capacity) private pure { bytes memory oldbuf = _buf.buf; init(_buf, _capacity); append(_buf, oldbuf); } function max(uint _a, uint _b) private pure returns (uint _max) { if (_a > _b) { return _a; } return _b; } /** * @dev Appends a byte array to the end of the buffer. Resizes if doing so * would exceed the capacity of the buffer. * @param _buf The buffer to append to. * @param _data The data to append. * @return _buffer The original buffer. * */ function append(buffer memory _buf, bytes memory _data) internal pure returns (buffer memory _buffer) { if (_data.length + _buf.buf.length > _buf.capacity) { resize(_buf, max(_buf.capacity, _data.length) * 2); } uint dest; uint src; uint len = _data.length; assembly { let bufptr := mload(_buf) // Memory address of the buffer data let buflen := mload(bufptr) // Length of existing buffer data dest := add(add(bufptr, buflen), 32) // Start address = buffer address + buffer length + sizeof(buffer length) mstore(bufptr, add(buflen, mload(_data))) // Update buffer length src := add(_data, 32) } for(; len >= 32; len -= 32) { // Copy word-length chunks while possible assembly { mstore(dest, mload(src)) } dest += 32; src += 32; } uint mask = 256 ** (32 - len) - 1; // Copy remaining bytes assembly { let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask)) let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask) mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart)) } return _buf; } /** * * @dev Appends a byte to the end of the buffer. Resizes if doing so would * exceed the capacity of the buffer. * @param _buf The buffer to append to. * @param _data The data to append. * */ function append(buffer memory _buf, uint8 _data) internal pure { if (_buf.buf.length + 1 > _buf.capacity) { resize(_buf, _buf.capacity * 2); } assembly { let bufptr := mload(_buf) // Memory address of the buffer data let buflen := mload(bufptr) // Length of existing buffer data let dest := add(add(bufptr, buflen), 32) // Address = buffer address + buffer length + sizeof(buffer length) mstore8(dest, _data) mstore(bufptr, add(buflen, 1)) // Update buffer length } } /** * * @dev Appends a byte to the end of the buffer. Resizes if doing so would * exceed the capacity of the buffer. * @param _buf The buffer to append to. * @param _data The data to append. * @return _buffer The original buffer. * */ function appendInt(buffer memory _buf, uint _data, uint _len) internal pure returns (buffer memory _buffer) { if (_len + _buf.buf.length > _buf.capacity) { resize(_buf, max(_buf.capacity, _len) * 2); } uint mask = 256 ** _len - 1; assembly { let bufptr := mload(_buf) // Memory address of the buffer data let buflen := mload(bufptr) // Length of existing buffer data let dest := add(add(bufptr, buflen), _len) // Address = buffer address + buffer length + sizeof(buffer length) + len mstore(dest, or(and(mload(dest), not(mask)), _data)) mstore(bufptr, add(buflen, _len)) // Update buffer length } return _buf; } } library CBOR { using Buffer for Buffer.buffer; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_INT = 0; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_MAP = 5; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_BYTES = 2; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY = 4; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_STRING = 3; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_NEGATIVE_INT = 1; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_CONTENT_FREE = 7; function encodeType(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, uint8 _major, uint _value) private pure { if (_value <= 23) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | _value)); } else if (_value <= 0xFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 24)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 1); } else if (_value <= 0xFFFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 25)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 2); } else if (_value <= 0xFFFFFFFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 26)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 4); } else if (_value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 27)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 8); } } function encodeIndefiniteLengthType(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, uint8 _major) private pure { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 31)); } function encodeUInt(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, uint _value) internal pure { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_INT, _value); } function encodeInt(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, int _value) internal pure { if (_value >= 0) { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_INT, uint(_value)); } else { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_NEGATIVE_INT, uint(-1 - _value)); } } function encodeBytes(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, bytes memory _value) internal pure { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_BYTES, _value.length); _buf.append(_value); } function encodeString(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, string memory _value) internal pure { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_STRING, bytes(_value).length); _buf.append(bytes(_value)); } function startArray(Buffer.buffer memory _buf) internal pure { encodeIndefiniteLengthType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY); } function startMap(Buffer.buffer memory _buf) internal pure { encodeIndefiniteLengthType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_MAP); } function endSequence(Buffer.buffer memory _buf) internal pure { encodeIndefiniteLengthType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_CONTENT_FREE); } } contract usingProvable { using CBOR for Buffer.buffer; ProvableI provable; OracleAddrResolverI OAR; uint constant day = 60 * 60 * 24; uint constant week = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; uint constant month = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; byte constant proofType_NONE = 0x00; byte constant proofType_Ledger = 0x30; byte constant proofType_Native = 0xF0; byte constant proofStorage_IPFS = 0x01; byte constant proofType_Android = 0x40; byte constant proofType_TLSNotary = 0x10; string provable_network_name; uint8 constant networkID_auto = 0; uint8 constant networkID_morden = 2; uint8 constant networkID_mainnet = 1; uint8 constant networkID_testnet = 2; uint8 constant networkID_consensys = 161; mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) provable_randomDS_args; mapping(bytes32 => bool) provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified; modifier provableAPI { if ((address(OAR) == address(0)) || (getCodeSize(address(OAR)) == 0)) { provable_setNetwork(networkID_auto); } if (address(provable) != OAR.getAddress()) { provable = ProvableI(OAR.getAddress()); } _; } modifier provable_randomDS_proofVerify(bytes32 _queryId, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof) { // RandomDS Proof Step 1: The prefix has to match 'LP\x01' (Ledger Proof version 1) require((_proof[0] == "L") && (_proof[1] == "P") && (uint8(_proof[2]) == uint8(1))); bool proofVerified = provable_randomDS_proofVerify__main(_proof, _queryId, bytes(_result), provable_getNetworkName()); require(proofVerified); _; } function provable_setNetwork(uint8 _networkID) internal returns (bool _networkSet) { _networkID; // NOTE: Silence the warning and remain backwards compatible return provable_setNetwork(); } function provable_setNetworkName(string memory _network_name) internal { provable_network_name = _network_name; } function provable_getNetworkName() internal view returns (string memory _networkName) { return provable_network_name; } function provable_setNetwork() internal returns (bool _networkSet) { if (getCodeSize(0x1d3B2638a7cC9f2CB3D298A3DA7a90B67E5506ed) > 0) { //mainnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x1d3B2638a7cC9f2CB3D298A3DA7a90B67E5506ed); provable_setNetworkName("eth_mainnet"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0xc03A2615D5efaf5F49F60B7BB6583eaec212fdf1) > 0) { //ropsten testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0xc03A2615D5efaf5F49F60B7BB6583eaec212fdf1); provable_setNetworkName("eth_ropsten3"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0xB7A07BcF2Ba2f2703b24C0691b5278999C59AC7e) > 0) { //kovan testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0xB7A07BcF2Ba2f2703b24C0691b5278999C59AC7e); provable_setNetworkName("eth_kovan"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x146500cfd35B22E4A392Fe0aDc06De1a1368Ed48) > 0) { //rinkeby testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x146500cfd35B22E4A392Fe0aDc06De1a1368Ed48); provable_setNetworkName("eth_rinkeby"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0xa2998EFD205FB9D4B4963aFb70778D6354ad3A41) > 0) { //goerli testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0xa2998EFD205FB9D4B4963aFb70778D6354ad3A41); provable_setNetworkName("eth_goerli"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475) > 0) { //ethereum-bridge OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x20e12A1F859B3FeaE5Fb2A0A32C18F5a65555bBF) > 0) { // ide OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x20e12A1F859B3FeaE5Fb2A0A32C18F5a65555bBF); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x51efaF4c8B3C9AfBD5aB9F4bbC82784Ab6ef8fAA) > 0) { //browser-solidity OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x51efaF4c8B3C9AfBD5aB9F4bbC82784Ab6ef8fAA); return true; } return false; } /** * @dev The following `__callback` functions are just placeholders ideally * meant to be defined in child contract when proofs are used. * The function bodies simply silence compiler warnings. */ function __callback(bytes32 _myid, string memory _result) virtual public { __callback(_myid, _result, new bytes(0)); } function __callback(bytes32 _myid, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof) virtual public { _myid; _result; _proof; provable_randomDS_args[bytes32(0)] = bytes32(0); } function provable_getPrice(string memory _datasource) provableAPI internal returns (uint _queryPrice) { return provable.getPrice(_datasource); } function provable_getPrice(string memory _datasource, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (uint _queryPrice) { return provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource,_gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(0, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(0, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_setProof(byte _proofP) provableAPI internal { return provable.setProofType(_proofP); } function provable_cbAddress() provableAPI internal returns (address _callbackAddress) { return provable.cbAddress(); } function getCodeSize(address _addr) view internal returns (uint _size) { assembly { _size := extcodesize(_addr) } } function provable_setCustomGasPrice(uint _gasPrice) provableAPI internal { return provable.setCustomGasPrice(_gasPrice); } function provable_randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _sessionKeyHash) { return provable.randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash(); } function parseAddr(string memory _a) internal pure returns (address _parsedAddress) { bytes memory tmp = bytes(_a); uint160 iaddr = 0; uint160 b1; uint160 b2; for (uint i = 2; i < 2 + 2 * 20; i += 2) { iaddr *= 256; b1 = uint160(uint8(tmp[i])); b2 = uint160(uint8(tmp[i + 1])); if ((b1 >= 97) && (b1 <= 102)) { b1 -= 87; } else if ((b1 >= 65) && (b1 <= 70)) { b1 -= 55; } else if ((b1 >= 48) && (b1 <= 57)) { b1 -= 48; } if ((b2 >= 97) && (b2 <= 102)) { b2 -= 87; } else if ((b2 >= 65) && (b2 <= 70)) { b2 -= 55; } else if ((b2 >= 48) && (b2 <= 57)) { b2 -= 48; } iaddr += (b1 * 16 + b2); } return address(iaddr); } function strCompare(string memory _a, string memory _b) internal pure returns (int _returnCode) { bytes memory a = bytes(_a); bytes memory b = bytes(_b); uint minLength = a.length; if (b.length < minLength) { minLength = b.length; } for (uint i = 0; i < minLength; i ++) { if (a[i] < b[i]) { return -1; } else if (a[i] > b[i]) { return 1; } } if (a.length < b.length) { return -1; } else if (a.length > b.length) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function indexOf(string memory _haystack, string memory _needle) internal pure returns (int _returnCode) { bytes memory h = bytes(_haystack); bytes memory n = bytes(_needle); if (h.length < 1 || n.length < 1 || (n.length > h.length)) { return -1; } else if (h.length > (2 ** 128 - 1)) { return -1; } else { uint subindex = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < h.length; i++) { if (h[i] == n[0]) { subindex = 1; while(subindex < n.length && (i + subindex) < h.length && h[i + subindex] == n[subindex]) { subindex++; } if (subindex == n.length) { return int(i); } } } return -1; } } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { return strConcat(_a, _b, "", "", ""); } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { return strConcat(_a, _b, _c, "", ""); } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c, string memory _d) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { return strConcat(_a, _b, _c, _d, ""); } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c, string memory _d, string memory _e) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { bytes memory _ba = bytes(_a); bytes memory _bb = bytes(_b); bytes memory _bc = bytes(_c); bytes memory _bd = bytes(_d); bytes memory _be = bytes(_e); string memory abcde = new string(_ba.length + _bb.length + _bc.length + _bd.length + _be.length); bytes memory babcde = bytes(abcde); uint k = 0; uint i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _ba.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _ba[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bb.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _bb[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bc.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _bc[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bd.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _bd[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _be.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _be[i]; } return string(babcde); } function safeParseInt(string memory _a) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { return safeParseInt(_a, 0); } function safeParseInt(string memory _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a); uint mint = 0; bool decimals = false; for (uint i = 0; i < bresult.length; i++) { if ((uint(uint8(bresult[i])) >= 48) && (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) <= 57)) { if (decimals) { if (_b == 0) break; else _b--; } mint *= 10; mint += uint(uint8(bresult[i])) - 48; } else if (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) == 46) { require(!decimals); decimals = true; } else { revert(); } } if (_b > 0) { mint *= 10 ** _b; } return mint; } function parseInt(string memory _a) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { return parseInt(_a, 0); } function parseInt(string memory _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a); uint mint = 0; bool decimals = false; for (uint i = 0; i < bresult.length; i++) { if ((uint(uint8(bresult[i])) >= 48) && (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) <= 57)) { if (decimals) { if (_b == 0) { break; } else { _b--; } } mint *= 10; mint += uint(uint8(bresult[i])) - 48; } else if (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) == 46) { decimals = true; } } if (_b > 0) { mint *= 10 ** _b; } return mint; } function uint2str(uint _i) internal pure returns (string memory _uintAsString) { if (_i == 0) { return "0"; } uint j = _i; uint len; while (j != 0) { len++; j /= 10; } bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len); uint k = len - 1; while (_i != 0) { bstr[k--] = byte(uint8(48 + _i % 10)); _i /= 10; } return string(bstr); } function stra2cbor(string[] memory _arr) internal pure returns (bytes memory _cborEncoding) { safeMemoryCleaner(); Buffer.buffer memory buf; Buffer.init(buf, 1024); buf.startArray(); for (uint i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) { buf.encodeString(_arr[i]); } buf.endSequence(); return buf.buf; } function ba2cbor(bytes[] memory _arr) internal pure returns (bytes memory _cborEncoding) { safeMemoryCleaner(); Buffer.buffer memory buf; Buffer.init(buf, 1024); buf.startArray(); for (uint i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) { buf.encodeBytes(_arr[i]); } buf.endSequence(); return buf.buf; } function provable_newRandomDSQuery(uint _delay, uint _nbytes, uint _customGasLimit) internal returns (bytes32 _queryId) { require((_nbytes > 0) && (_nbytes <= 32)); _delay *= 10; // Convert from seconds to ledger timer ticks bytes memory nbytes = new bytes(1); nbytes[0] = byte(uint8(_nbytes)); bytes memory unonce = new bytes(32); bytes memory sessionKeyHash = new bytes(32); bytes32 sessionKeyHash_bytes32 = provable_randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash(); assembly { mstore(unonce, 0x20) /* The following variables can be relaxed. Check the relaxed random contract at for an idea on how to override and replace commit hash variables. */ mstore(add(unonce, 0x20), xor(blockhash(sub(number(), 1)), xor(coinbase(), timestamp()))) mstore(sessionKeyHash, 0x20) mstore(add(sessionKeyHash, 0x20), sessionKeyHash_bytes32) } bytes memory delay = new bytes(32); assembly { mstore(add(delay, 0x20), _delay) } bytes memory delay_bytes8 = new bytes(8); copyBytes(delay, 24, 8, delay_bytes8, 0); bytes[4] memory args = [unonce, nbytes, sessionKeyHash, delay]; bytes32 queryId = provable_query("random", args, _customGasLimit); bytes memory delay_bytes8_left = new bytes(8); assembly { let x := mload(add(delay_bytes8, 0x20)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x27), div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x26), div(x, 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x25), div(x, 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x24), div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x23), div(x, 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x22), div(x, 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x21), div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x20), div(x, 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) } provable_randomDS_setCommitment(queryId, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(delay_bytes8_left, args[1], sha256(args[0]), args[2]))); return queryId; } function provable_randomDS_setCommitment(bytes32 _queryId, bytes32 _commitment) internal { provable_randomDS_args[_queryId] = _commitment; } function verifySig(bytes32 _tosignh, bytes memory _dersig, bytes memory _pubkey) internal returns (bool _sigVerified) { bool sigok; address signer; bytes32 sigr; bytes32 sigs; bytes memory sigr_ = new bytes(32); uint offset = 4 + (uint(uint8(_dersig[3])) - 0x20); sigr_ = copyBytes(_dersig, offset, 32, sigr_, 0); bytes memory sigs_ = new bytes(32); offset += 32 + 2; sigs_ = copyBytes(_dersig, offset + (uint(uint8(_dersig[offset - 1])) - 0x20), 32, sigs_, 0); assembly { sigr := mload(add(sigr_, 32)) sigs := mload(add(sigs_, 32)) } (sigok, signer) = safer_ecrecover(_tosignh, 27, sigr, sigs); if (address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(_pubkey)))) == signer) { return true; } else { (sigok, signer) = safer_ecrecover(_tosignh, 28, sigr, sigs); return (address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(_pubkey)))) == signer); } } function provable_randomDS_proofVerify__sessionKeyValidity(bytes memory _proof, uint _sig2offset) internal returns (bool _proofVerified) { bool sigok; // Random DS Proof Step 6: Verify the attestation signature, APPKEY1 must sign the sessionKey from the correct ledger app (CODEHASH) bytes memory sig2 = new bytes(uint(uint8(_proof[_sig2offset + 1])) + 2); copyBytes(_proof, _sig2offset, sig2.length, sig2, 0); bytes memory appkey1_pubkey = new bytes(64); copyBytes(_proof, 3 + 1, 64, appkey1_pubkey, 0); bytes memory tosign2 = new bytes(1 + 65 + 32); tosign2[0] = byte(uint8(1)); //role copyBytes(_proof, _sig2offset - 65, 65, tosign2, 1); bytes memory CODEHASH = hex"fd94fa71bc0ba10d39d464d0d8f465efeef0a2764e3887fcc9df41ded20f505c"; copyBytes(CODEHASH, 0, 32, tosign2, 1 + 65); sigok = verifySig(sha256(tosign2), sig2, appkey1_pubkey); if (!sigok) { return false; } // Random DS Proof Step 7: Verify the APPKEY1 provenance (must be signed by Ledger) bytes memory LEDGERKEY = hex"7fb956469c5c9b89840d55b43537e66a98dd4811ea0a27224272c2e5622911e8537a2f8e86a46baec82864e98dd01e9ccc2f8bc5dfc9cbe5a91a290498dd96e4"; bytes memory tosign3 = new bytes(1 + 65); tosign3[0] = 0xFE; copyBytes(_proof, 3, 65, tosign3, 1); bytes memory sig3 = new bytes(uint(uint8(_proof[3 + 65 + 1])) + 2); copyBytes(_proof, 3 + 65, sig3.length, sig3, 0); sigok = verifySig(sha256(tosign3), sig3, LEDGERKEY); return sigok; } function provable_randomDS_proofVerify__returnCode(bytes32 _queryId, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof) internal returns (uint8 _returnCode) { // Random DS Proof Step 1: The prefix has to match 'LP\x01' (Ledger Proof version 1) if ((_proof[0] != "L") || (_proof[1] != "P") || (uint8(_proof[2]) != uint8(1))) { return 1; } bool proofVerified = provable_randomDS_proofVerify__main(_proof, _queryId, bytes(_result), provable_getNetworkName()); if (!proofVerified) { return 2; } return 0; } function matchBytes32Prefix(bytes32 _content, bytes memory _prefix, uint _nRandomBytes) internal pure returns (bool _matchesPrefix) { bool match_ = true; require(_prefix.length == _nRandomBytes); for (uint256 i = 0; i< _nRandomBytes; i++) { if (_content[i] != _prefix[i]) { match_ = false; } } return match_; } function provable_randomDS_proofVerify__main(bytes memory _proof, bytes32 _queryId, bytes memory _result, string memory _contextName) internal returns (bool _proofVerified) { // Random DS Proof Step 2: The unique keyhash has to match with the sha256 of (context name + _queryId) uint ledgerProofLength = 3 + 65 + (uint(uint8(_proof[3 + 65 + 1])) + 2) + 32; bytes memory keyhash = new bytes(32); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength, 32, keyhash, 0); if (!(keccak256(keyhash) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sha256(abi.encodePacked(_contextName, _queryId)))))) { return false; } bytes memory sig1 = new bytes(uint(uint8(_proof[ledgerProofLength + (32 + 8 + 1 + 32) + 1])) + 2); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength + (32 + 8 + 1 + 32), sig1.length, sig1, 0); // Random DS Proof Step 3: We assume sig1 is valid (it will be verified during step 5) and we verify if '_result' is the _prefix of sha256(sig1) if (!matchBytes32Prefix(sha256(sig1), _result, uint(uint8(_proof[ledgerProofLength + 32 + 8])))) { return false; } // Random DS Proof Step 4: Commitment match verification, keccak256(delay, nbytes, unonce, sessionKeyHash) == commitment in storage. // This is to verify that the computed args match with the ones specified in the query. bytes memory commitmentSlice1 = new bytes(8 + 1 + 32); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength + 32, 8 + 1 + 32, commitmentSlice1, 0); bytes memory sessionPubkey = new bytes(64); uint sig2offset = ledgerProofLength + 32 + (8 + 1 + 32) + sig1.length + 65; copyBytes(_proof, sig2offset - 64, 64, sessionPubkey, 0); bytes32 sessionPubkeyHash = sha256(sessionPubkey); if (provable_randomDS_args[_queryId] == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(commitmentSlice1, sessionPubkeyHash))) { //unonce, nbytes and sessionKeyHash match delete provable_randomDS_args[_queryId]; } else return false; // Random DS Proof Step 5: Validity verification for sig1 (keyhash and args signed with the sessionKey) bytes memory tosign1 = new bytes(32 + 8 + 1 + 32); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength, 32 + 8 + 1 + 32, tosign1, 0); if (!verifySig(sha256(tosign1), sig1, sessionPubkey)) { return false; } // Verify if sessionPubkeyHash was verified already, if not.. let's do it! if (!provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash]) { provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash] = provable_randomDS_proofVerify__sessionKeyValidity(_proof, sig2offset); } return provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash]; } /* The following function has been written by Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), use it under the terms of the MIT license */ function copyBytes(bytes memory _from, uint _fromOffset, uint _length, bytes memory _to, uint _toOffset) internal pure returns (bytes memory _copiedBytes) { uint minLength = _length + _toOffset; require(_to.length >= minLength); // Buffer too small. Should be a better way? uint i = 32 + _fromOffset; // NOTE: the offset 32 is added to skip the `size` field of both bytes variables uint j = 32 + _toOffset; while (i < (32 + _fromOffset + _length)) { assembly { let tmp := mload(add(_from, i)) mstore(add(_to, j), tmp) } i += 32; j += 32; } return _to; } /* The following function has been written by Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), use it under the terms of the MIT license Duplicate Solidity's ecrecover, but catching the CALL return value */ function safer_ecrecover(bytes32 _hash, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) internal returns (bool _success, address _recoveredAddress) { /* We do our own memory management here. Solidity uses memory offset 0x40 to store the current end of memory. We write past it (as writes are memory extensions), but don't update the offset so Solidity will reuse it. The memory used here is only needed for this context. FIXME: inline assembly can't access return values */ bool ret; address addr; assembly { let size := mload(0x40) mstore(size, _hash) mstore(add(size, 32), _v) mstore(add(size, 64), _r) mstore(add(size, 96), _s) ret := call(3000, 1, 0, size, 128, size, 32) // NOTE: we can reuse the request memory because we deal with the return code. addr := mload(size) } return (ret, addr); } /* The following function has been written by Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), use it under the terms of the MIT license */ function ecrecovery(bytes32 _hash, bytes memory _sig) internal returns (bool _success, address _recoveredAddress) { bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; if (_sig.length != 65) { return (false, address(0)); } /* The signature format is a compact form of: {bytes32 r}{bytes32 s}{uint8 v} Compact means, uint8 is not padded to 32 bytes. */ assembly { r := mload(add(_sig, 32)) s := mload(add(_sig, 64)) /* Here we are loading the last 32 bytes. We exploit the fact that 'mload' will pad with zeroes if we overread. There is no 'mload8' to do this, but that would be nicer. */ v := byte(0, mload(add(_sig, 96))) /* Alternative solution: 'byte' is not working due to the Solidity parser, so lets use the second best option, 'and' v := and(mload(add(_sig, 65)), 255) */ } /* albeit non-transactional signatures are not specified by the YP, one would expect it to match the YP range of [27, 28] geth uses [0, 1] and some clients have followed. This might change, see: */ if (v < 27) { v += 27; } if (v != 27 && v != 28) { return (false, address(0)); } return safer_ecrecover(_hash, v, r, s); } function safeMemoryCleaner() internal pure { /*assembly { let fmem := mload(0x40) codecopy(fmem, codesize(), sub(msize(), fmem)) }*/ } } contract UniLotteryRandomnessProvider is usingProvable { // =============== E-Vent Section =============== // // New Lottery Random Seed Request made. event LotteryRandomSeedRequested( uint id, address lotteryAddress, uint gasLimit, uint totalEtherGiven ); // Random seed obtained, and callback successfully completed. event LotteryRandomSeedCallbackCompleted( uint id ); // UniLottery Pool scheduled a call. event PoolCallbackScheduled( uint id, address poolAddress, uint timeout, uint gasLimit, uint totalEtherGiven ); // Pool scheduled callback successfully completed. event PoolCallbackCompleted( uint id ); // Ether transfered into fallback. event EtherTransfered( address sender, uint value ); // =============== Structs & Enums =============== // // Enum - type of the request. enum RequestType { LOTTERY_RANDOM_SEED, POOL_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK } // Call Request Structure. struct CallRequestData { // -------- Slot -------- // // The ID of the request. uint256 requestID; // -------- Slot -------- // // Requester address. Can be pool, or an ongoing lottery. address requesterAddress; // The Type of request (Random Seed or Pool Scheduled Callback). RequestType reqType; } // Lottery request config - specifies gas limits that must // be used for that specific lottery's callback. // Must be set separately from CallRequest, because gas required // is specified and funds are transfered by The Pool, before starting // a lottery, and when that lottery ends, it just calls us, expecting // it's gas cost funds to be already sent to us. struct LotteryGasConfig { // -------- Slot -------- // // The total ether funds that the pool has transfered to // our contract for execution of this lottery's callback. uint160 etherFundsTransferedForGas; // The gas limit provided for that callback. uint64 gasLimit; } // =============== State Variables =============== // // -------- Slot -------- // // Mapping of all currently pending or on-process requests // from their Query IDs. mapping( uint256 => CallRequestData ) pendingRequests; // -------- Slot -------- // // A mapping of Pool-specified-before-their-start lottery addresses, // to their corresponding Gas Configs, which will be used for // their end callbacks. mapping( address => LotteryGasConfig ) lotteryGasConfigs; // -------- Slot -------- // // The Pool's address. We receive funds from it, and use it // to check whether the requests are coming from ongoing lotteries. address payable poolAddress; // ============ Private/Internal Functions ============ // // Pool-Only modifier. modifier poolOnly { require( msg.sender == poolAddress ); _; } // Ongoing Lottery Only modifier. // Data must be fetch'd from the Pool. modifier ongoingLotteryOnly { require( IMainUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ) .isLotteryOngoing( msg.sender ) ); _; } // ================= Public Functions ================= // /** * Constructor. * Here, we specify the Provable proof type, to use for * Random Datasource queries. */ constructor() public { // Set the Provable proof type for Random Queries - Ledger. provable_setProof( proofType_Ledger ); } /** * Initialization function. * Called by the Pool, on Pool's constructor, to initialize this * randomness provider. */ function initialize() external { // Check if we were'nt initialized yet (pool address not set yet). require( poolAddress == address( 0 ) ); poolAddress = msg.sender; } /** * The Payable Fallback function. * This function is used by the Pool, to transfer the required * funds to us, to be able to pay for Provable gas & fees. */ receive () external payable { emit EtherTransfered( msg.sender, msg.value ); } /** * Get the total Ether price for a request to specific * datasource with specific gas limit. * It just calls the Provable's internal getPrice function. */ // Random datasource. function getPriceForRandomnessCallback( uint gasLimit ) external returns( uint totalEtherPrice ) { return provable_getPrice( "random", gasLimit ); } // URL datasource (for callback scheduling). function getPriceForScheduledCallback( uint gasLimit ) external returns( uint totalEtherPrice ) { return provable_getPrice( "URL", gasLimit ); } /** * Set the gas limit which should be used by the lottery deployed * on address "lotteryAddr", when that lottery finishes and * requests us to call it's ending callback with random seed * provided. * Also, specify the amount of Ether that the pool has transfered * to us for the execution of this lottery's callback. */ function setLotteryCallbackGas( address lotteryAddr, uint64 callbackGasLimit, uint160 totalEtherTransferedForThisOne ) external poolOnly { LotteryGasConfig memory gasConfig; gasConfig.gasLimit = callbackGasLimit; gasConfig.etherFundsTransferedForGas = totalEtherTransferedForThisOne; // Set the mapping entry for this lottery address. lotteryGasConfigs[ lotteryAddr ] = gasConfig; } /** * The Provable Callback, which will get called from Off-Chain * Provable service, when it completes execution of our request, * made before previously with provable_query variant. * * Here, we can perform 2 different tasks, based on request type * (we get the CallRequestData from the ID passed by Provable). * * The different tasks are: * 1. Pass Random Seed to Lottery Ending Callback. * 2. Call a Pool's Scheduled Callback. */ function __callback( bytes32 _queryId, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof ) public override { // Check that the sender is Provable Services. require( msg.sender == provable_cbAddress() ); // Get the Request Data storage pointer, and check if it's Set. CallRequestData storage reqData = pendingRequests[ uint256( _queryId ) ]; require( reqData.requestID != 0 ); // Check the Request Type - if it's a lottery asking for a // random seed, or a Pool asking to call it's scheduled callback. if( reqData.reqType == RequestType.LOTTERY_RANDOM_SEED ) { // It's a lottery asking for a random seed. // Check if Proof is valid, using the Base Contract's built-in // checking functionality. require( provable_randomDS_proofVerify__returnCode( _queryId, _result, _proof ) == 0 ); // Get the Random Number by keccak'ing the random bytes passed. uint256 randomNumber = uint256( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( _result ) ) ); // Pass this Random Number as a Seed to the requesting lottery! ILottery( reqData.requesterAddress ) .finish_randomnessProviderCallback( randomNumber, uint( _queryId ) ); // Emit appropriate events. emit LotteryRandomSeedCallbackCompleted( uint( _queryId ) ); } // It's a pool, asking to call it's callback, that it scheduled // to get called in some time before. else if( reqData.reqType == RequestType.POOL_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK ) { IMainUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ) .scheduledCallback( uint( _queryId ) ); // Emit appropriate events. emit PoolCallbackCompleted( uint( _queryId ) ); } // We're finished! Remove the request data from the pending // requests mapping. delete pendingRequests[ uint256( _queryId ) ]; } /** * This is the function through which the Lottery requests a * Random Seed for it's ending callback. * The gas funds needed for that callback's execution were already * transfered to us from The Pool, at the moment the Pool created * and deployed that lottery. * The gas specifications are set in the LotteryGasConfig of that * specific lottery. * TODO: Also set the custom gas price. */ function requestRandomSeedForLotteryFinish() external ongoingLotteryOnly returns( uint256 requestId ) { // Check if gas limit (amount of gas) for this lottery was set. require( lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit != 0 ); // Check if the currently estimated price for this request // is not higher than the one that the pool transfered funds for. uint transactionPrice = provable_getPrice( "random", lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit ); if( transactionPrice > lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].etherFundsTransferedForGas ) { // If our balance is enough to execute the transaction, then // ask pool if it agrees that we execute this transaction // with higher price than pool has given funds to us for. if( address(this).balance >= transactionPrice ) { bool response = IMainUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ) .onLotteryCallbackPriceExceedingGivenFunds( msg.sender, transactionPrice, lotteryGasConfigs[msg.sender].etherFundsTransferedForGas ); require( response ); } // If price absolutely exceeds our contract's balance: else { require( false ); } } // Set the Provable Query parameters. // Execute the query as soon as possible. uint256 QUERY_EXECUTION_DELAY = 0; // Set the gas amount to the previously specified gas limit. uint256 GAS_FOR_CALLBACK = lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit; // Request 8 random bytes (that's enough randomness with keccak). uint256 NUM_RANDOM_BYTES_REQUESTED = 8; // Execute the Provable Query! uint256 queryId = uint256( provable_newRandomDSQuery( QUERY_EXECUTION_DELAY, NUM_RANDOM_BYTES_REQUESTED, GAS_FOR_CALLBACK ) ); // Populate & Add the pending requests mapping entry. CallRequestData memory requestData; requestData.requestID = queryId; requestData.reqType = RequestType.LOTTERY_RANDOM_SEED; requestData.requesterAddress = msg.sender; pendingRequests[ queryId ] = requestData; // Emit an event - lottery just requested a random seed. emit LotteryRandomSeedRequested( queryId, msg.sender, lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit, lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].etherFundsTransferedForGas ); // Remove the just-used Lottery Gas Configs mapping entry. delete lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ]; // Return the ID of the query. return queryId; } /** * Schedule a call for the pool, using specified amount of gas, * and executing after specified amount of time. * Accomplished using an empty URL query, and setting execution * delay to the specified timeout. * On execution, __callback() calls the Pool's scheduledCallback() * function. * * @param timeout - how much time to delay the execution of callback. * @param gasLimit - gas limit to use for the callback's execution. * @param etherFundsTransferedForGas - how much Ether has the Pool * transfered to our contract before calling this function, * to be used only for this operation. */ function schedulePoolCallback( uint timeout, uint gasLimit, uint etherFundsTransferedForGas ) external poolOnly returns( uint256 requestId ) { // Price exceeding transfered funds doesn't need to be checked // here, because pool transfers required funds just before // calling this function, so price can't change between transfer // and this function's call. // Execute the query on specified timeout, with a // specified Gas Limit. uint queryId = uint( provable_query( timeout, "URL", "", gasLimit ) ); // Populate & Add the pending requests mapping entry. CallRequestData memory requestData; requestData.requestID = queryId; requestData.reqType = RequestType.POOL_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK; requestData.requesterAddress = msg.sender; pendingRequests[ queryId ] = requestData; // Emit an event - lottery just requested a random seed. emit PoolCallbackScheduled( queryId, poolAddress, timeout, gasLimit, etherFundsTransferedForGas ); // Return a query ID. return queryId; } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Sends the specified amount of Ether back to the Pool. * WARNING: Future Provable requests might fail due to insufficient * funds! No checks are made to ensure sufficiency. */ function sendFundsToPool( uint etherAmount ) external poolOnly { poolAddress.transfer( etherAmount ); } /** * Set the gas price to be used for future Provable queries. * Used to change the default gas in times of congested networks. */ function setGasPrice( uint _gasPrice ) external poolOnly { // Limit gas price to 600 GWei. require( _gasPrice <= 600 * (10 ** 9) ); provable_setCustomGasPrice( _gasPrice ); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 990000000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint256 pow10 = 10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_collateralAddress)); // fetch all needed data (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance * pow10, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLTV); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return wdiv(totalCollateralETH, collateralPrice) / pow10; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLTV, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLTV)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLTV) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice) / pow10, NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } function getMaxBoost(address _borrowAddress, address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); totalCollateralETH = div(mul(totalCollateralETH, currentLTV), 100); uint256 availableBorrowsETH = wmul(mul(div(sub(totalCollateralETH, totalBorrowsETH), sub(100, tokenLTV)), 100), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_tokenAddr))); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost for transaction /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return gasCost The amount we took for the gas cost function getGasCost(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint gasCost) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); gasCost = _gasCost; } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (gasCost > (_amount / 5)) { gasCost = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(gasCost); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, gasCost); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_amount == 0) return; if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function _getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) return uint256(0); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } function proxyOwner() internal returns(address) { return DSAuth(address(this)).owner(); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract CreamSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEther) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToEther, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CreamSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the cream debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the cream position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInEth == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cCollAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { if (liquidityInEth > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); } uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); if (liquidityInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cBorrowAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CreamBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; function balanceOf(address _owner) external virtual view returns (uint256 balance); } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public virtual returns (uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); if (originationFee > 0) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(_onBehalf, originationFee); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 borrowRateStable; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 liquidationRatio; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (uint256 ltv, uint256 liqRatio,,, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowingEnabled,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserveConfigurationData(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: borrowingEnabled ? ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]) : 0, borrowRateStable: stableBorrowingEnabled ? ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]) : 0, totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, liquidationRatio: liqRatio, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x29F4af15ad64C509c4140324cFE71FB728D10d2B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x11c937fD367D75465DC211c367684d8d4520E6f9; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract CreamBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the cream protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the cream market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the cream market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CreamLoanInfo is CreamSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches cream prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches cream collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEth) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToEth, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CreamImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant CREAM_BORROW_PROXY = 0x87F198Ef6116CdBC5f36B581d212ad950b7e2Ddd; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay cream debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(CREAM_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CreamImportTaker is CreamSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x24F4aC0Fe758c45cf8425D8Fbdd608cca9A7dBf8; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve cream_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } /// @notice Calculates protocol fee /// @param _srcAddr selling token address (if eth should be WETH) /// @param _msgValue msg.value in transaction /// @param _srcAmount amount we are selling function getProtocolFee(address _srcAddr, uint256 _msgValue, uint256 _srcAmount) internal returns(uint256) { // if we are not selling ETH msg value is always the protocol fee if (_srcAddr != WETH_ADDRESS) return _msgValue; // if msg value is larger than srcAmount, that means that msg value is protocol fee + srcAmount, so we subsctract srcAmount from msg value // we have an edge case here when protocol fee is higher than selling amount if (_msgValue > _srcAmount) return _msgValue - _srcAmount; // if msg value is lower than src amount, that means that srcAmount isn't included in msg value, so we return msg value return _msgValue; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount); rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount)); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(_destAmount, amounts[0]); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount)); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount || maxLiq == 0) { if (_exchangeData.srcAmount > maxDebt) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = maxDebt; } boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount || maxLiq == 0) { if (_exchangeData.srcAmount > maxColl) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = maxColl; } repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else if (_joinAddr == DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], _amount, numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public payable burnGas(20) { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { _loanShift.debtAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.debtAddr1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); loanShifterReceiverAddr.transfer(address(this).balance); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), _loanShift.debtAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return getWholeDebt(_cdpId, _joinAddr); } function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); uint256 maxCollateral = IAToken(aTokenCollateral).balanceOf(address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); uint256 destAmount = _data.srcAmount; if (_data.srcAddr != _data.destAddr) { // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } else { destAmount -= getGasCost(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); // skipping this check as its too expensive // uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBoost(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, address(this)); // _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, borrowRateMode == 0 ? VARIABLE_RATE : borrowRateMode, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); uint256 destAmount; if (_data.destAddr != _data.srcAddr) { _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); } else { _data.srcAmount -= getGasCost(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); destAmount = _data.srcAmount; } if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract AaveSaverReceiver is AaveHelper, AdminAuth, SaverExchangeCore { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant AAVE_SAVER_PROXY = 0x948939aB1b2532C67C71292B1f955b081537c60f; address public constant AAVE_BASIC_PROXY = 0xd042D4E9B4186c545648c7FfFe87125c976D110B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( bytes memory exchangeDataBytes, uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 txValue, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (bytes,uint256,bool,uint256,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); bytes memory functionData = packFunctionCall(exchangeDataBytes, gasCost, isRepay); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: txValue}(AAVE_SAVER_PROXY, functionData); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } function packFunctionCall(bytes memory _exchangeDataBytes, uint256 _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal returns (bytes memory) { ExchangeData memory exData = unpackExchangeData(_exchangeDataBytes); bytes memory functionData; if (_isRepay) { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } else { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } return functionData; } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external override payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveSaverTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission, GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_RECEIVER = 0xE7f4837F4E566eCA870b84E3455E5c85A369E3Ec; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, true); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, false); } /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction function _flashLoan(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); uint256 ethAmount = ERC20(WETH_ADDR).balanceOf(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, ethAmount, AAVE_RECEIVER); AAVE_RECEIVER.transfer(msg.value); bytes memory encodedData = packExchangeData(_data); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(encodedData, _gasCost, _isRepay, ethAmount, msg.value, proxyOwner(), address(this)), AAVE_RECEIVER ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} struct CompCreateData { address payable proxyAddr; bytes proxyData; address cCollAddr; address cDebtAddr; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address leveragedAsset = _reserve; // If the assets are different if (compCreate.cCollAddr != compCreate.cDebtAddr) { (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, compCreate.proxyAddr); leveragedAsset = exchangeData.destAddr; } // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(compCreate.proxyAddr, leveragedAsset); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(compCreate.proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, compCreate.proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); compCreate = CompCreateData({ proxyAddr: payable(proxy), proxyData: proxyData, cCollAddr: cAddresses[0], cDebtAddr: cAddresses[1] }); return (compCreate, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { _exData.srcAmount = collAmount; (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract CreamSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0x1e012554891d271eDc80ba8eB146EA5FF596fA51; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CreamSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CreamSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CreamSaverProxy is CreamSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } } contract CreamFlashLoanTaker is CreamSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x3ceD2067c0B057611e4E2686Dbe40028962Cc625; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.4; interface IArbitrable { /** * @dev To be raised when a ruling is given. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator giving the ruling. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling The ruling which was given. */ event Ruling(IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _ruling); /** * @dev Give a ruling for a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrator. * The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision". */ function rule(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) external; } interface IArbitrator { enum DisputeStatus {Waiting, Appealable, Solved} /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event DisputeCreation(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute can be appealed. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event AppealPossible(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev To be emitted when the current ruling is appealed. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event AppealDecision(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev Create a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrable contract. * Must be paid at least arbitrationCost(_extraData). * @param _choices Amount of choices the arbitrator can make in this dispute. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return disputeID ID of the dispute created. */ function createDispute(uint256 _choices, bytes calldata _extraData) external payable returns (uint256 disputeID); /** * @dev Compute the cost of arbitration. It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be highly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return cost Amount to be paid. */ function arbitrationCost(bytes calldata _extraData) external view returns (uint256 cost); /** * @dev Appeal a ruling. Note that it has to be called before the arbitrator contract calls rule. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. * @param _extraData Can be used to give extra info on the appeal. */ function appeal(uint256 _disputeID, bytes calldata _extraData) external payable; /** * @dev Compute the cost of appeal. It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be higly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return cost Amount to be paid. */ function appealCost(uint256 _disputeID, bytes calldata _extraData) external view returns (uint256 cost); /** * @dev Compute the start and end of the dispute's current or next appeal period, if possible. If not known or appeal is impossible: should return (0, 0). * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @return start The start of the period. * @return end The end of the period. */ function appealPeriod(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256 start, uint256 end); /** * @dev Return the status of a dispute. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule. * @return status The status of the dispute. */ function disputeStatus(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (DisputeStatus status); /** * @dev Return the current ruling of a dispute. This is useful for parties to know if they should appeal. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @return ruling The ruling which has been given or the one which will be given if there is no appeal. */ function currentRuling(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256 ruling); } interface IEvidence { /** * @dev To be emitted when meta-evidence is submitted. * @param _metaEvidenceID Unique identifier of meta-evidence. * @param _evidence A link to the meta-evidence JSON. */ event MetaEvidence(uint256 indexed _metaEvidenceID, string _evidence); /** * @dev To be raised when evidence is submitted. Should point to the resource (evidences are not to be stored on chain due to gas considerations). * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _evidenceGroupID Unique identifier of the evidence group the evidence belongs to. * @param _party The address of the party submiting the evidence. Note that 0x0 refers to evidence not submitted by any party. * @param _evidence A URI to the evidence JSON file whose name should be its keccak256 hash followed by .json. */ event Evidence( IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _evidenceGroupID, address indexed _party, string _evidence ); /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created to link the correct meta-evidence to the disputeID. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _metaEvidenceID Unique identifier of meta-evidence. * @param _evidenceGroupID Unique identifier of the evidence group that is linked to this dispute. */ event Dispute( IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _metaEvidenceID, uint256 _evidenceGroupID ); } library CappedMath { uint constant private UINT_MAX = 2**256 - 1; /** * @dev Adds two unsigned integers, returns 2^256 - 1 on overflow. */ function addCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { uint c = _a + _b; return c >= _a ? c : UINT_MAX; } /** * @dev Subtracts two integers, returns 0 on underflow. */ function subCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (_b > _a) return 0; else return _a - _b; } /** * @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, returns 2^256 - 1 on overflow. */ function mulCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring '_a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if '_b' is also tested. // See: if (_a == 0) return 0; uint c = _a * _b; return c / _a == _b ? c : UINT_MAX; } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract Linguo is IArbitrable, IEvidence { using CappedMath for uint256; /* *** Contract variables *** */ uint8 public constant VERSION_ID = 0; // Value that represents the version of the contract. The value is incremented each time the new version is deployed. Range for LinguoETH: 0-127, LinguoToken: 128-255. uint256 public constant MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR = 10000; // Divisor parameter for multipliers. uint256 private constant NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE = (2**256 - 2) / 2; // A value depositors won't be able to pay. enum Status {Created, Assigned, AwaitingReview, DisputeCreated, Resolved} enum Party { None, // Party that is mapped with a 0 dispute ruling. Translator, // Party performing translation task. Challenger // Party challenging translated text in the review period. } // Arrays of 3 elements in the Task and Round structs map to the parties. Index "0" is not used, "1" is used for the translator and "2" for the challenger. struct Task { uint256 submissionTimeout; // Time in seconds allotted for submitting a translation. The end of this period is considered a deadline. uint256 minPrice; // Minimum price for the translation. When the task is created it has this minimum price that gradually increases such that it reaches the maximum price at the deadline. uint256 maxPrice; // Maximum price for the translation and also the value that must be deposited by the requester. Status status; // Status of the task. uint256 lastInteraction; // The time of the last action performed on the task. Note that lastInteraction is updated only during timeout-related actions such as the creation of the task and the submission of the translation. address payable requester; // The party requesting the translation. uint256 requesterDeposit; // The deposit requester makes when creating the task. Once the task is assigned this deposit will be partially reimbursed and its value replaced by the task price. uint256 sumDeposit; // The sum of the deposits of the translator and the challenger, if any. This value (minus arbitration fees) will be paid to the party that wins the dispute. address payable[3] parties; // Translator and challenger of the task. uint256 disputeID; // The ID of the dispute created in the arbitrator contract. Round[] rounds; // Tracks each appeal round of a dispute. uint256 ruling; // Ruling given to the dispute of the task by the arbitrator. } struct Round { uint256[3] paidFees; // Tracks the fees paid by each side in this round. bool[3] hasPaid; // True when the side has fully paid its fee. False otherwise. uint256 feeRewards; // Sum of reimbursable fees and stake rewards available to the parties that made contributions to the side that ultimately wins a dispute. mapping(address => uint256[3]) contributions; // Maps contributors to their contributions for each side. } address public governor = msg.sender; // The governor of the contract. IArbitrator public immutable arbitrator; // The address of the ERC-792 Arbitrator. bytes public arbitratorExtraData; // Extra data to allow creating a dispute on the arbitrator. uint256 public reviewTimeout; // Time in seconds, during which the submitted translation can be challenged. // All multipliers below are in basis points. uint256 public translationMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the value of the deposit translator must pay to self-assign a task. uint256 public challengeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the value of the deposit challenger must pay to challenge a translation. uint256 public sharedStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee that must be paid by the submitter in the case where there isn't a winner and loser (e.g. when the arbitrator ruled "refuse to arbitrate"). uint256 public winnerStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee of the party that won the previous round. uint256 public loserStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee of the party that lost the previous round. Task[] public tasks; // Stores all created tasks. mapping(uint256 => uint256) public disputeIDtoTaskID; // Maps a disputeID to its respective task. /* *** Events *** */ /** @dev To be emitted when a new task is created. * @param _taskID The ID of the newly created task. * @param _requester The address that created the task. * @param _timestamp When the task was created. */ event TaskCreated(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _requester, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a translator assigns a task to himself. * @param _taskID The ID of the assigned task. * @param _translator The address that was assigned to the task. * @param _price The task price at the moment it was assigned. * @param _timestamp When the task was assigned. */ event TaskAssigned(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _translator, uint256 _price, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a translation is submitted. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _translator The address that performed the translation. * @param _translatedText A URI to the translated text. * @param _timestamp When the translation was submitted. */ event TranslationSubmitted( uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _translator, string _translatedText, uint256 _timestamp ); /** @dev To be emitted when a translation is challenged. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _challenger The address of the challenger. * @param _timestamp When the task was challenged. */ event TranslationChallenged(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _challenger, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a task is resolved, either by the translation being accepted, the requester being reimbursed or a dispute being settled. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _reason Short description of what caused the task to be solved. One of: 'translation-accepted' | 'requester-reimbursed' | 'dispute-settled' * @param _timestamp When the task was resolved. */ event TaskResolved(uint256 indexed _taskID, string _reason, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when someone contributes to the appeal process. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _party The party which received the contribution. * @param _contributor The address of the contributor. * @param _amount The amount contributed. */ event AppealContribution(uint256 indexed _taskID, Party _party, address indexed _contributor, uint256 _amount); /** @dev To be emitted when the appeal fees of one of the parties are fully funded. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _party The party that is fully funded. */ event HasPaidAppealFee(uint256 indexed _taskID, Party _party); /* *** Modifiers *** */ modifier onlyGovernor() { require(msg.sender == governor, "Only governor is allowed to perform this."); _; } /** @dev Constructor. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _arbitratorExtraData Extra data for the arbitrator. * @param _reviewTimeout Time in seconds during which a translation can be challenged. * @param _translationMultiplier Multiplier for calculating translator's deposit. In basis points. * @param _challengeMultiplier Multiplier for calculating challenger's deposit. In basis points. * @param _sharedStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that submitter must pay for a round when there is no winner/loser in the previous round. In basis points. * @param _winnerStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner has to pay for a round. In basis points. * @param _loserStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that the loser has to pay for a round. In basis points. */ constructor( IArbitrator _arbitrator, bytes memory _arbitratorExtraData, uint256 _reviewTimeout, uint256 _translationMultiplier, uint256 _challengeMultiplier, uint256 _sharedStakeMultiplier, uint256 _winnerStakeMultiplier, uint256 _loserStakeMultiplier ) public { arbitrator = _arbitrator; arbitratorExtraData = _arbitratorExtraData; reviewTimeout = _reviewTimeout; translationMultiplier = _translationMultiplier; challengeMultiplier = _challengeMultiplier; sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier; winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier; loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier; } // ******************** // // * Governance * // // ******************** // /** @dev Changes the governor of this contract. * @param _governor A new governor. */ function changeGovernor(address _governor) public onlyGovernor { governor = _governor; } /** @dev Changes the time allocated for the review phase. * @param _reviewTimeout A new value of the time allotted for reviewing a translation. In seconds. */ function changeReviewTimeout(uint256 _reviewTimeout) public onlyGovernor { reviewTimeout = _reviewTimeout; } /** @dev Changes the multiplier for translators' deposit. * @param _translationMultiplier A new value of the multiplier for calculating translator's deposit. In basis points. */ function changeTranslationMultiplier(uint256 _translationMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { translationMultiplier = _translationMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the multiplier for challengers' deposit. * @param _challengeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier for calculating challenger's deposit. In basis points. */ function changeChallengeMultiplier(uint256 _challengeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { challengeMultiplier = _challengeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid by parties as a fee stake if there was no winner and loser in the previous round. * @param _sharedStakeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier of the appeal cost in case where there was no winner/loser in previous round. In basis point. */ function changeSharedStakeMultiplier(uint256 _sharedStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid as a fee stake by the party that won the previous round. * @param _winnerStakeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner of the previous round has to pay. In basis points. */ function changeWinnerStakeMultiplier(uint256 _winnerStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid as a fee stake by the party that lost the previous round. * @param _loserStakeMultiplier A new value for the multiplier of the appeal cost that the party that lost the previous round has to pay. In basis points. */ function changeLoserStakeMultiplier(uint256 _loserStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier; } // **************************** // // * Modifying the state * // // **************************** // /** @dev Creates a task based on provided details. Requires a value of maximum price to be deposited. * @param _deadline The deadline for the translation to be completed. * @param _minPrice A minimum price of the translation. In wei. * @param _metaEvidence A URI of a meta-evidence object for task submission. * @return taskID The ID of the created task. */ function createTask( uint256 _deadline, uint256 _minPrice, string calldata _metaEvidence ) external payable returns (uint256 taskID) { require(msg.value >= _minPrice, "Deposited value should be greater than or equal to the min price."); require(_deadline > block.timestamp, "The deadline should be in the future."); taskID = tasks.length; Task storage task = tasks.push(); task.submissionTimeout = _deadline - block.timestamp; task.minPrice = _minPrice; task.maxPrice = msg.value; task.lastInteraction = block.timestamp; task.requester = msg.sender; task.requesterDeposit = msg.value; emit MetaEvidence(taskID, _metaEvidence); emit TaskCreated(taskID, msg.sender, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Assigns a specific task to the sender. Requires a translator's deposit. * Note that the deposit should be a little higher than the required value because of the price increase during the time the transaction is mined. The surplus will be reimbursed. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function assignTask(uint256 _taskID) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= task.submissionTimeout, "The deadline has already passed."); uint256 price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); uint256 translatorDeposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((translationMultiplier.mulCap(price)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); require(task.status == Status.Created, "Task has already been assigned or reimbursed."); require(msg.value >= translatorDeposit, "Not enough ETH to reach the required deposit value."); task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)] = msg.sender; task.status = Status.Assigned; uint256 remainder = task.maxPrice - price; task.requester.send(remainder); // Update requester's deposit since we reimbursed him the difference between maximum and actual price. task.requesterDeposit = price; task.sumDeposit = translatorDeposit; remainder = msg.value - translatorDeposit; msg.sender.send(remainder); emit TaskAssigned(_taskID, msg.sender, price, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Submits translated text for a specific task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _translation A URI to the translated text. */ function submitTranslation(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _translation) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require( task.status == Status.Assigned, "The task is either not assigned or translation has already been submitted." ); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= task.submissionTimeout, "The deadline has already passed."); require( msg.sender == task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)], "Can't submit translation to a task that wasn't assigned to you." ); task.status = Status.AwaitingReview; task.lastInteraction = block.timestamp; emit TranslationSubmitted(_taskID, msg.sender, _translation, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Reimburses the requester if no one picked the task or the translator failed to submit the translation before deadline. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function reimburseRequester(uint256 _taskID) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status < Status.AwaitingReview, "Can't reimburse if translation was submitted."); require( block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout, "Can't reimburse if the deadline hasn't passed yet." ); task.status = Status.Resolved; // Requester gets his deposit back and also the deposit of the translator, if there was one. // Note that sumDeposit can't contain challenger's deposit until the task is in DisputeCreated status. uint256 amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.requester.send(amount); task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(_taskID, "requester-reimbursed", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Pays the translator for completed task if no one challenged the translation during the review period. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function acceptTranslation(uint256 _taskID) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status == Status.AwaitingReview, "The task is in the wrong status."); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > reviewTimeout, "The review phase hasn't passed yet."); task.status = Status.Resolved; // Translator gets the price of the task and his deposit back. Note that sumDeposit can't contain challenger's deposit until the task has DisputeCreated status. uint256 amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(_taskID, "translation-accepted", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Challenges the translation of a specific task. Requires challenger's deposit. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _evidence A link to evidence using its URI. Ignored if not provided. */ function challengeTranslation(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _evidence) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); uint256 challengeDeposit = arbitrationCost.addCap( (challengeMultiplier.mulCap(task.requesterDeposit)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR ); require(task.status == Status.AwaitingReview, "The task is in the wrong status."); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= reviewTimeout, "The review phase has already passed."); require(msg.value >= challengeDeposit, "Not enough ETH to cover challenge deposit."); task.status = Status.DisputeCreated; task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)] = msg.sender; task.disputeID = arbitrator.createDispute{value: arbitrationCost}(2, arbitratorExtraData); disputeIDtoTaskID[task.disputeID] = _taskID; task.rounds.push(); task.sumDeposit = task.sumDeposit.addCap(challengeDeposit).subCap(arbitrationCost); uint256 remainder = msg.value - challengeDeposit; msg.sender.send(remainder); emit Dispute(arbitrator, task.disputeID, _taskID, _taskID); emit TranslationChallenged(_taskID, msg.sender, block.timestamp); if (bytes(_evidence).length > 0) emit Evidence(arbitrator, _taskID, msg.sender, _evidence); } /** @dev Takes up to the total amount required to fund a side of an appeal. Reimburses the rest. Creates an appeal if all sides are fully funded. * @param _taskID The ID of challenged task. * @param _side The party that pays the appeal fee. */ function fundAppeal(uint256 _taskID, Party _side) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require( _side == Party.Translator || _side == Party.Challenger, "Recipient must be either the translator or challenger." ); require(task.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "No dispute to appeal."); require( arbitrator.disputeStatus(task.disputeID) == IArbitrator.DisputeStatus.Appealable, "Dispute is not appealable." ); (uint256 appealPeriodStart, uint256 appealPeriodEnd) = arbitrator.appealPeriod(task.disputeID); require( block.timestamp >= appealPeriodStart && block.timestamp < appealPeriodEnd, "Funding must be made within the appeal period." ); uint256 winner = arbitrator.currentRuling(task.disputeID); uint256 multiplier; if (winner == uint256(_side)) { multiplier = winnerStakeMultiplier; } else if (winner == 0) { multiplier = sharedStakeMultiplier; } else { require( block.timestamp - appealPeriodStart < (appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart) / 2, "The loser must pay during the first half of the appeal period." ); multiplier = loserStakeMultiplier; } Round storage round = task.rounds[task.rounds.length - 1]; require(!round.hasPaid[uint256(_side)], "Appeal fee has already been paid."); uint256 appealCost = arbitrator.appealCost(task.disputeID, arbitratorExtraData); uint256 totalCost = appealCost.addCap((appealCost.mulCap(multiplier)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); // Take up to the amount necessary to fund the current round at the current costs. uint256 contribution; // Amount contributed. uint256 remainingETH; // Remaining ETH to send back. (contribution, remainingETH) = calculateContribution( msg.value, totalCost.subCap(round.paidFees[uint256(_side)]) ); round.contributions[msg.sender][uint256(_side)] += contribution; round.paidFees[uint256(_side)] += contribution; emit AppealContribution(_taskID, _side, msg.sender, contribution); // Add contribution to reward when the fee funding is successful, otherwise it can be withdrawn later. if (round.paidFees[uint256(_side)] >= totalCost) { round.hasPaid[uint256(_side)] = true; round.feeRewards += round.paidFees[uint256(_side)]; emit HasPaidAppealFee(_taskID, _side); } // Reimburse leftover ETH. msg.sender.send(remainingETH); // Deliberate use of send in order to not block the contract in case of reverting fallback. // Create an appeal if each side is funded. if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] && round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { arbitrator.appeal{value: appealCost}(task.disputeID, arbitratorExtraData); task.rounds.push(); round.feeRewards = round.feeRewards.subCap(appealCost); } } /** @dev Returns the contribution value and remainder from available ETH and required amount. * @param _available The amount of ETH available for the contribution. * @param _requiredAmount The amount of ETH required for the contribution. * @return taken The amount of ETH taken. * @return remainder The amount of ETH left from the contribution. */ function calculateContribution(uint256 _available, uint256 _requiredAmount) internal pure returns (uint256 taken, uint256 remainder) { if (_requiredAmount > _available) return (_available, 0); // Take whatever is available, return 0 as leftover ETH. remainder = _available - _requiredAmount; return (_requiredAmount, remainder); } /** @dev Withdraws contributions of appeal rounds. Reimburses contributions if no disputes were raised. If a dispute was raised, sends the fee stake rewards and reimbursements proportional to the contributions made to the winner of a dispute. * @param _beneficiary The address that made contributions. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _round The round from which to withdraw. */ function withdrawFeesAndRewards( address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round ) public { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; require(task.status == Status.Resolved, "The task should be resolved."); uint256 reward; if (!round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] || !round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { // Allow to reimburse if funding was unsuccessful. reward = round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)]; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] = 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] = 0; } else if (task.ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { // Reimburse unspent fees proportionally if there is no winner and loser. uint256 rewardTranslator = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; uint256 rewardChallenger = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; reward = rewardTranslator + rewardChallenger; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] = 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] = 0; } else { // Reward the winner. reward = round.paidFees[task.ruling] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][task.ruling] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[task.ruling] : 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][task.ruling] = 0; } _beneficiary.send(reward); // It is the user's responsibility to accept ETH. } /** @dev Withdraws contributions of multiple appeal rounds at once. This function is O(n) where n is the number of rounds. This could exceed the gas limit, therefore this function should be used only as a utility and not be relied upon by other contracts. * @param _beneficiary The address that made contributions. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _cursor The round from where to start withdrawing. * @param _count The number of rounds to iterate. If set to 0 or a value larger than the number of rounds, iterates until the last round. */ function batchRoundWithdraw( address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _taskID, uint256 _cursor, uint256 _count ) public { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; for (uint256 i = _cursor; i < task.rounds.length && (_count == 0 || i < _cursor + _count); i++) withdrawFeesAndRewards(_beneficiary, _taskID, i); } /** @dev Gives the ruling for a dispute. Can only be called by the arbitrator. * The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract and to invert the ruling in the case a party loses from lack of appeal fees funding. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Refuse to arbitrate". */ function rule(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) external override { Party resultRuling = Party(_ruling); uint256 taskID = disputeIDtoTaskID[_disputeID]; Task storage task = tasks[taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[task.rounds.length - 1]; require(msg.sender == address(arbitrator), "Must be called by the arbitrator."); require(task.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "The dispute has already been resolved."); // If only one side paid its fees we assume the ruling to be in its favor. if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] == true) resultRuling = Party.Translator; else if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)] == true) resultRuling = Party.Challenger; emit Ruling(IArbitrator(msg.sender), _disputeID, uint256(resultRuling)); executeRuling(_disputeID, uint256(resultRuling)); } /** @dev Executes the ruling of a dispute. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Refuse to arbitrate". */ function executeRuling(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) internal { uint256 taskID = disputeIDtoTaskID[_disputeID]; Task storage task = tasks[taskID]; task.status = Status.Resolved; task.ruling = _ruling; uint256 amount; if (_ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { task.requester.send(task.requesterDeposit); // The value of sumDeposit is split among parties in this case. If the sum is uneven the value of 1 wei can be burnt. amount = task.sumDeposit / 2; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)].send(amount); } else if (_ruling == uint256(Party.Translator)) { amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); } else { task.requester.send(task.requesterDeposit); task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)].send(task.sumDeposit); } task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(taskID, "dispute-settled", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Submit a reference to evidence. EVENT. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _evidence A link to evidence using its URI. */ function submitEvidence(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _evidence) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status != Status.Resolved, "The task must not already be resolved."); emit Evidence(arbitrator, _taskID, msg.sender, _evidence); } // ******************** // // * Getters * // // ******************** // /** @dev Returns the sum of withdrawable wei from appeal rounds. This function is O(n), where n is the number of rounds of the task. This could exceed the gas limit, therefore this function should only be used for interface display and not by other contracts. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _beneficiary The contributor for which to query. * @return total The total amount of wei available to withdraw. */ function amountWithdrawable(uint256 _taskID, address payable _beneficiary) external view returns (uint256 total) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (task.status != Status.Resolved) return total; for (uint256 i = 0; i < task.rounds.length; i++) { Round storage round = task.rounds[i]; if (!round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] || !round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { total += round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)]; } else if (task.ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { uint256 rewardTranslator = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; uint256 rewardChallenger = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; total += rewardTranslator + rewardChallenger; } else { total += round.paidFees[uint256(task.ruling)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(task.ruling)] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[uint256(task.ruling)] : 0; } } return total; } /** @dev Gets the deposit required for self-assigning the task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return deposit The translator's deposit. */ function getDepositValue(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 deposit) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout || task.status != Status.Created) { deposit = NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE; } else { uint256 price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); deposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((translationMultiplier.mulCap(price)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); } } /** @dev Gets the deposit required for challenging the translation. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return deposit The challengers's deposit. */ function getChallengeValue(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 deposit) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > reviewTimeout || task.status != Status.AwaitingReview) { deposit = NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE; } else { uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); deposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((challengeMultiplier.mulCap(task.requesterDeposit)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); } } /** @dev Gets the current price of a specified task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return price The price of the task. */ function getTaskPrice(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 price) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout || task.status != Status.Created) { price = 0; } else { price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; } } /** @dev Gets the total number of created tasks. * @return The number of created tasks. */ function getTaskCount() public view returns (uint256) { return tasks.length; } /** @dev Gets the number of rounds of the specific task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return The number of rounds. */ function getNumberOfRounds(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; return task.rounds.length; } /** @dev Gets the contributions made by a party for a given round of appeal of a task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _round The position of the round. * @param _contributor The address of the contributor. * @return contributions The contributions. */ function getContributions( uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round, address _contributor ) public view returns (uint256[3] memory contributions) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; contributions = round.contributions[_contributor]; } /** @dev Gets the addresses of parties of a specified task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return parties The addresses of translator and challenger as [ZERO_ADDRESS, translator, challenger]. */ function getTaskParties(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (address payable[3] memory parties) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; parties = task.parties; } /** @dev Gets the information on a round of a task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _round The round to be queried. * @return paidFees The amount paid by each party in the round. * @return hasPaid Whether or not a given party has paid the full fees for the round. * @return feeRewards The amount of fees that will be available as rewards for the winner. */ function getRoundInfo(uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round) public view returns ( uint256[3] memory paidFees, bool[3] memory hasPaid, uint256 feeRewards ) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; return (round.paidFees, round.hasPaid, round.feeRewards); } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance"); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } contract ERC20Mock is ERC20, ERC20Burnable { constructor(address initialAccount, uint256 initialBalance) ERC20("MockToken", "MCT") { _mint(initialAccount, initialBalance); } }
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pragma solidity 0.5.17; interface PotLike { function chi() external view returns (uint); function pie(address) external view returns (uint); function drip() external returns (uint); function join(uint) external; function exit(uint) external; } interface GemLike { function approve(address, uint) external; function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) external returns (bool); } interface VatLike { function dai(address) external view returns (uint); function hope(address) external; } interface DaiJoinLike { function vat() external returns (VatLike); function dai() external returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) external payable; function exit(address, uint) external; } contract CTokenStorage { /** * @dev Guard variable for re-entrancy checks */ bool internal _notEntered; /** * @notice EIP-20 token name for this token */ string public name; /** * @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token */ string public symbol; /** * @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token */ uint8 public decimals; /** * @notice Maximum borrow rate that can ever be applied (.0005% / block) */ uint internal constant borrowRateMaxMantissa = 0.0005e16; /** * @notice Maximum fraction of interest that can be set aside for reserves */ uint internal constant reserveFactorMaxMantissa = 1e18; /** * @notice Administrator for this contract */ address payable public admin; /** * @notice Pending administrator for this contract */ address payable public pendingAdmin; /** * @notice Contract which oversees inter-cToken operations */ ComptrollerInterface public comptroller; /** * @notice Model which tells what the current interest rate should be */ InterestRateModel public interestRateModel; /** * @notice Initial exchange rate used when minting the first CTokens (used when totalSupply = 0) */ uint internal initialExchangeRateMantissa; /** * @notice Fraction of interest currently set aside for reserves */ uint public reserveFactorMantissa; /** * @notice Block number that interest was last accrued at */ uint public accrualBlockNumber; /** * @notice Accumulator of the total earned interest rate since the opening of the market */ uint public borrowIndex; /** * @notice Total amount of outstanding borrows of the underlying in this market */ uint public totalBorrows; /** * @notice Total amount of reserves of the underlying held in this market */ uint public totalReserves; /** * @notice Total number of tokens in circulation */ uint public totalSupply; /** * @notice Official record of token balances for each account */ mapping (address => uint) internal accountTokens; /** * @notice Approved token transfer amounts on behalf of others */ mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) internal transferAllowances; /** * @notice Container for borrow balance information * @member principal Total balance (with accrued interest), after applying the most recent balance-changing action * @member interestIndex Global borrowIndex as of the most recent balance-changing action */ struct BorrowSnapshot { uint principal; uint interestIndex; } /** * @notice Mapping of account addresses to outstanding borrow balances */ mapping(address => BorrowSnapshot) internal accountBorrows; } contract CTokenInterface is CTokenStorage { /** * @notice Indicator that this is a CToken contract (for inspection) */ bool public constant isCToken = true; /*** Market Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when interest is accrued */ event AccrueInterest(uint cashPrior, uint interestAccumulated, uint borrowIndex, uint totalBorrows); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are minted */ event Mint(address minter, uint mintAmount, uint mintTokens); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are redeemed */ event Redeem(address redeemer, uint redeemAmount, uint redeemTokens); /** * @notice Event emitted when underlying is borrowed */ event Borrow(address borrower, uint borrowAmount, uint accountBorrows, uint totalBorrows); /** * @notice Event emitted when a borrow is repaid */ event RepayBorrow(address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount, uint accountBorrows, uint totalBorrows); /** * @notice Event emitted when a borrow is liquidated */ event LiquidateBorrow(address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral, uint seizeTokens); /*** Admin Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingAdmin is changed */ event NewPendingAdmin(address oldPendingAdmin, address newPendingAdmin); /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingAdmin is accepted, which means admin is updated */ event NewAdmin(address oldAdmin, address newAdmin); /** * @notice Event emitted when comptroller is changed */ event NewComptroller(ComptrollerInterface oldComptroller, ComptrollerInterface newComptroller); /** * @notice Event emitted when interestRateModel is changed */ event NewMarketInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel oldInterestRateModel, InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel); /** * @notice Event emitted when the reserve factor is changed */ event NewReserveFactor(uint oldReserveFactorMantissa, uint newReserveFactorMantissa); /** * @notice Event emitted when the reserves are added */ event ReservesAdded(address benefactor, uint addAmount, uint newTotalReserves); /** * @notice Event emitted when the reserves are reduced */ event ReservesReduced(address admin, uint reduceAmount, uint newTotalReserves); /** * @notice EIP20 Transfer event */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount); /** * @notice EIP20 Approval event */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint amount); /** * @notice Failure event */ event Failure(uint error, uint info, uint detail); /*** User Interface ***/ function transfer(address dst, uint amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint amount) external returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint amount) external returns (bool); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external returns (uint); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint); function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external returns (uint); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint); function borrowBalanceStored(address account) public view returns (uint); function exchangeRateCurrent() public returns (uint); function exchangeRateStored() public view returns (uint); function getCash() external view returns (uint); function accrueInterest() public returns (uint); function seize(address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint); /*** Admin Functions ***/ function _setPendingAdmin(address payable newPendingAdmin) external returns (uint); function _acceptAdmin() external returns (uint); function _setComptroller(ComptrollerInterface newComptroller) public returns (uint); function _setReserveFactor(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) external returns (uint); function _reduceReserves(uint reduceAmount) external returns (uint); function _setInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) public returns (uint); } contract CErc20Storage { /** * @notice Underlying asset for this CToken */ address public underlying; } contract CErc20Interface is CErc20Storage { /*** User Interface ***/ function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint); function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint); function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint); function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint); function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint); /*** Admin Functions ***/ function _addReserves(uint addAmount) external returns (uint); } contract CDelegationStorage { /** * @notice Implementation address for this contract */ address public implementation; } contract CDelegatorInterface is CDelegationStorage { /** * @notice Emitted when implementation is changed */ event NewImplementation(address oldImplementation, address newImplementation); /** * @notice Called by the admin to update the implementation of the delegator * @param implementation_ The address of the new implementation for delegation * @param allowResign Flag to indicate whether to call _resignImplementation on the old implementation * @param becomeImplementationData The encoded bytes data to be passed to _becomeImplementation */ function _setImplementation(address implementation_, bool allowResign, bytes memory becomeImplementationData) public; } contract CDelegateInterface is CDelegationStorage { /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to initialize it for duty * @dev Should revert if any issues arise which make it unfit for delegation * @param data The encoded bytes data for any initialization */ function _becomeImplementation(bytes memory data) public; /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to forfeit its responsibility */ function _resignImplementation() public; } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract ComptrollerInterface { /// @notice Indicator that this is a Comptroller contract (for inspection) bool public constant isComptroller = true; /*** Assets You Are In ***/ function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external returns (uint[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external returns (uint); /*** Policy Hooks ***/ function mintAllowed(address cToken, address minter, uint mintAmount) external returns (uint); function mintVerify(address cToken, address minter, uint mintAmount, uint mintTokens) external; function redeemAllowed(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint); function redeemVerify(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemAmount, uint redeemTokens) external; function borrowAllowed(address cToken, address borrower, uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint); function borrowVerify(address cToken, address borrower, uint borrowAmount) external; function repayBorrowAllowed( address cToken, address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function repayBorrowVerify( address cToken, address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount, uint borrowerIndex) external; function liquidateBorrowAllowed( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function liquidateBorrowVerify( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount, uint seizeTokens) external; function seizeAllowed( address cTokenCollateral, address cTokenBorrowed, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint); function seizeVerify( address cTokenCollateral, address cTokenBorrowed, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external; function transferAllowed(address cToken, address src, address dst, uint transferTokens) external returns (uint); function transferVerify(address cToken, address src, address dst, uint transferTokens) external; /*** Liquidity/Liquidation Calculations ***/ function liquidateCalculateSeizeTokens( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, uint repayAmount) external view returns (uint, uint); } contract UnitrollerAdminStorage { /** * @notice Administrator for this contract */ address public admin; /** * @notice Pending administrator for this contract */ address public pendingAdmin; /** * @notice Active brains of Unitroller */ address public comptrollerImplementation; /** * @notice Pending brains of Unitroller */ address public pendingComptrollerImplementation; } contract ComptrollerV1Storage is UnitrollerAdminStorage { /** * @notice Oracle which gives the price of any given asset */ PriceOracle public oracle; /** * @notice Multiplier used to calculate the maximum repayAmount when liquidating a borrow */ uint public closeFactorMantissa; /** * @notice Multiplier representing the discount on collateral that a liquidator receives */ uint public liquidationIncentiveMantissa; /** * @notice Max number of assets a single account can participate in (borrow or use as collateral) */ uint public maxAssets; /** * @notice Per-account mapping of "assets you are in", capped by maxAssets */ mapping(address => CToken[]) public accountAssets; } contract ComptrollerV2Storage is ComptrollerV1Storage { struct Market { /// @notice Whether or not this market is listed bool isListed; /** * @notice Multiplier representing the most one can borrow against their collateral in this market. * For instance, 0.9 to allow borrowing 90% of collateral value. * Must be between 0 and 1, and stored as a mantissa. */ uint collateralFactorMantissa; /// @notice Per-market mapping of "accounts in this asset" mapping(address => bool) accountMembership; /// @notice Whether or not this market receives COMP bool isComped; } /** * @notice Official mapping of cTokens -> Market metadata * @dev Used e.g. to determine if a market is supported */ mapping(address => Market) public markets; /** * @notice The Pause Guardian can pause certain actions as a safety mechanism. * Actions which allow users to remove their own assets cannot be paused. * Liquidation / seizing / transfer can only be paused globally, not by market. */ address public pauseGuardian; bool public _mintGuardianPaused; bool public _borrowGuardianPaused; bool public transferGuardianPaused; bool public seizeGuardianPaused; mapping(address => bool) public mintGuardianPaused; mapping(address => bool) public borrowGuardianPaused; } contract ComptrollerV3Storage is ComptrollerV2Storage { struct CompMarketState { /// @notice The market's last updated compBorrowIndex or compSupplyIndex uint224 index; /// @notice The block number the index was last updated at uint32 block; } /// @notice A list of all markets CToken[] public allMarkets; /// @notice The rate at which the flywheel distributes COMP, per block uint public compRate; /// @notice The portion of compRate that each market currently receives mapping(address => uint) public compSpeeds; /// @notice The mining cheese rule, 0 - minting by supply, 1 - minting by borrow uint public miningRule; /// @notice The COMP market supply state for each market mapping(address => CompMarketState) public compSupplyState; /// @notice The COMP market borrow state for each market mapping(address => CompMarketState) public compBorrowState; /// @notice The COMP borrow index for each market for each supplier as of the last time they accrued COMP mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public compSupplierIndex; /// @notice The COMP borrow index for each market for each borrower as of the last time they accrued COMP mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public compBorrowerIndex; /// @notice The COMP accrued but not yet transferred to each user mapping(address => uint) public compAccrued; /// @notice The mining CHEESE Buff mapping(address => uint) public miningBuff; } interface EIP20Interface { function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); /** * @notice Get the total number of tokens in circulation * @return The supply of tokens */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Gets the balance of the specified address * @param owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved * @return The balance */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent (-1 means infinite) */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount); } interface EIP20NonStandardInterface { /** * @notice Get the total number of tokens in circulation * @return The supply of tokens */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Gets the balance of the specified address * @param owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved * @return The balance */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); /// /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// !!! NOTICE !!! `transfer` does not return a value, in violation of the ERC-20 specification /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external; /// /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// !!! NOTICE !!! `transferFrom` does not return a value, in violation of the ERC-20 specification /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external; /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount); } contract ComptrollerErrorReporter { enum Error { NO_ERROR, //0 UNAUTHORIZED, //1 COMPTROLLER_MISMATCH, //2 INSUFFICIENT_SHORTFALL, //3 INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY, //4 INVALID_CLOSE_FACTOR, INVALID_COLLATERAL_FACTOR, INVALID_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE, MARKET_NOT_ENTERED, // no longer possible MARKET_NOT_LISTED, MARKET_ALREADY_LISTED, MATH_ERROR, NONZERO_BORROW_BALANCE, PRICE_ERROR, REJECTION, SNAPSHOT_ERROR, TOO_MANY_ASSETS, TOO_MUCH_REPAY } enum FailureInfo { ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK, ACCEPT_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_CHECK, EXIT_MARKET_BALANCE_OWED, EXIT_MARKET_REJECTION, SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK, SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_VALIDATION, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_NO_EXISTS, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_VALIDATION, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_WITHOUT_PRICE, SET_IMPLEMENTATION_OWNER_CHECK, SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_OWNER_CHECK, SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_VALIDATION, SET_MAX_ASSETS_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PRICE_ORACLE_OWNER_CHECK, SUPPORT_MARKET_EXISTS, SUPPORT_MARKET_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PAUSE_GUARDIAN_OWNER_CHECK } /** * @dev `error` corresponds to enum Error; `info` corresponds to enum FailureInfo, and `detail` is an arbitrary * contract-specific code that enables us to report opaque error codes from upgradeable contracts. **/ event Failure(uint error, uint info, uint detail); /** * @dev use this when reporting a known error from the money market or a non-upgradeable collaborator */ function fail(Error err, FailureInfo info) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), 0); return uint(err); } /** * @dev use this when reporting an opaque error from an upgradeable collaborator contract */ function failOpaque(Error err, FailureInfo info, uint opaqueError) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), opaqueError); return uint(err); } } contract TokenErrorReporter { enum Error { NO_ERROR, //0 UNAUTHORIZED, //1 BAD_INPUT, //2 COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, //3 COMPTROLLER_CALCULATION_ERROR, INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_ERROR, INVALID_ACCOUNT_PAIR, INVALID_CLOSE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED, INVALID_COLLATERAL_FACTOR, MATH_ERROR, MARKET_NOT_FRESH, MARKET_NOT_LISTED, TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_ALLOWANCE, TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE, TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, TOKEN_TRANSFER_IN_FAILED, TOKEN_TRANSFER_OUT_FAILED } /* * Note: FailureInfo (but not Error) is kept in alphabetical order * This is because FailureInfo grows significantly faster, and * the order of Error has some meaning, while the order of FailureInfo * is entirely arbitrary. */ enum FailureInfo { ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK, //0 ACCRUE_INTEREST_ACCUMULATED_INTEREST_CALCULATION_FAILED, //1 ACCRUE_INTEREST_BORROW_RATE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //2 ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_BORROW_INDEX_CALCULATION_FAILED, //3 ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_BORROWS_CALCULATION_FAILED, //4 ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_RESERVES_CALCULATION_FAILED, //5 ACCRUE_INTEREST_SIMPLE_INTEREST_FACTOR_CALCULATION_FAILED, //6 BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //7 BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, //8 BORROW_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE, //9 BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK, //10 BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //11 BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //12 BORROW_MARKET_NOT_LISTED, //13 BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, //14 LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_BORROW_INTEREST_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_COLLATERAL_INTEREST_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_COLLATERAL_FRESHNESS_CHECK, LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_CALCULATE_AMOUNT_SEIZE_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_UINT_MAX, LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_ZERO, LIQUIDATE_FRESHNESS_CHECK, LIQUIDATE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER, LIQUIDATE_REPAY_BORROW_FRESH_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_INCREMENT_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_DECREMENT_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_TOO_MUCH, MINT_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, MINT_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, MINT_EXCHANGE_CALCULATION_FAILED, MINT_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, MINT_FRESHNESS_CHECK, MINT_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, MINT_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED, MINT_TRANSFER_IN_FAILED, MINT_TRANSFER_IN_NOT_POSSIBLE, REDEEM_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REDEEM_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, REDEEM_EXCHANGE_TOKENS_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, REDEEM_FRESHNESS_CHECK, REDEEM_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_TRANSFER_OUT_NOT_POSSIBLE, REDUCE_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REDUCE_RESERVES_ADMIN_CHECK, REDUCE_RESERVES_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE, REDUCE_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK, REDUCE_RESERVES_VALIDATION, REPAY_BEHALF_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, REPAY_BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK, REPAY_BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_TRANSFER_IN_NOT_POSSIBLE, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_VALIDATION, SET_COMPTROLLER_OWNER_CHECK, SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_FRESH_CHECK, SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_OWNER_CHECK, SET_MAX_ASSETS_OWNER_CHECK, SET_ORACLE_MARKET_NOT_LISTED, SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ADMIN_CHECK, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_FRESH_CHECK, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_BOUNDS_CHECK, TRANSFER_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED, TRANSFER_NOT_ENOUGH, TRANSFER_TOO_MUCH, ADD_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, ADD_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK, ADD_RESERVES_TRANSFER_IN_NOT_POSSIBLE } /** * @dev `error` corresponds to enum Error; `info` corresponds to enum FailureInfo, and `detail` is an arbitrary * contract-specific code that enables us to report opaque error codes from upgradeable contracts. **/ event Failure(uint error, uint info, uint detail); /** * @dev use this when reporting a known error from the money market or a non-upgradeable collaborator */ function fail(Error err, FailureInfo info) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), 0); return uint(err); } /** * @dev use this when reporting an opaque error from an upgradeable collaborator contract */ function failOpaque(Error err, FailureInfo info, uint opaqueError) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), opaqueError); return uint(err); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant doubleScale = 1e36; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } struct Double { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } function safe224(uint n, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint224) { require(n < 2**224, errorMessage); return uint224(n); } function safe32(uint n, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } function add_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: add_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function add_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: add_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function add_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return add_(a, b, "addition overflow"); } function add_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; require(c >= a, errorMessage); return c; } function sub_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: sub_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function sub_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: sub_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function sub_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return sub_(a, b, "subtraction underflow"); } function sub_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); return a - b; } function mul_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) / expScale}); } function mul_(Exp memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function mul_(uint a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return mul_(a, b.mantissa) / expScale; } function mul_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) / doubleScale}); } function mul_(Double memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function mul_(uint a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return mul_(a, b.mantissa) / doubleScale; } function mul_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return mul_(a, b, "multiplication overflow"); } function mul_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { if (a == 0 || b == 0) { return 0; } uint c = a * b; require(c / a == b, errorMessage); return c; } function div_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: div_(mul_(a.mantissa, expScale), b.mantissa)}); } function div_(Exp memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: div_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function div_(uint a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return div_(mul_(a, expScale), b.mantissa); } function div_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: div_(mul_(a.mantissa, doubleScale), b.mantissa)}); } function div_(Double memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: div_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function div_(uint a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return div_(mul_(a, doubleScale), b.mantissa); } function div_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return div_(a, b, "divide by zero"); } function div_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); return a / b; } function fraction(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: div_(mul_(a, doubleScale), b)}); } } contract InterestRateModel { /// @notice Indicator that this is an InterestRateModel contract (for inspection) bool public constant isInterestRateModel = true; /** * @notice Calculates the current borrow interest rate per block * @param cash The total amount of cash the market has * @param borrows The total amount of borrows the market has outstanding * @param reserves The total amnount of reserves the market has * @return The borrow rate per block (as a percentage, and scaled by 1e18) */ function getBorrowRate(uint cash, uint borrows, uint reserves) external view returns (uint); /** * @notice Calculates the current supply interest rate per block * @param cash The total amount of cash the market has * @param borrows The total amount of borrows the market has outstanding * @param reserves The total amnount of reserves the market has * @param reserveFactorMantissa The current reserve factor the market has * @return The supply rate per block (as a percentage, and scaled by 1e18) */ function getSupplyRate(uint cash, uint borrows, uint reserves, uint reserveFactorMantissa) external view returns (uint); } contract PriceOracle { /// @notice Indicator that this is a PriceOracle contract (for inspection) bool public constant isPriceOracle = true; /** * @notice Get the underlying price of a cToken asset * @param sToken The cToken to get the underlying price of * @return The underlying asset price mantissa (scaled by 1e18). * Zero means the price is unavailable. */ function getUnderlyingPrice(CToken sToken) external view returns (uint); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, errorMessage); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on underflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot underflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction underflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on underflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot underflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, errorMessage); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. * Reverts on division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. * Reverts with custom message on division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Unitroller is UnitrollerAdminStorage, ComptrollerErrorReporter { /** * @notice Emitted when pendingComptrollerImplementation is changed */ event NewPendingImplementation(address oldPendingImplementation, address newPendingImplementation); /** * @notice Emitted when pendingComptrollerImplementation is accepted, which means comptroller implementation is updated */ event NewImplementation(address oldImplementation, address newImplementation); /** * @notice Emitted when pendingAdmin is changed */ event NewPendingAdmin(address oldPendingAdmin, address newPendingAdmin); /** * @notice Emitted when pendingAdmin is accepted, which means admin is updated */ event NewAdmin(address oldAdmin, address newAdmin); constructor() public { // Set admin to caller admin = msg.sender; } /*** Admin Functions ***/ function _setPendingImplementation(address newPendingImplementation) public returns (uint) { if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_OWNER_CHECK); } address oldPendingImplementation = pendingComptrollerImplementation; pendingComptrollerImplementation = newPendingImplementation; emit NewPendingImplementation(oldPendingImplementation, pendingComptrollerImplementation); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accepts new implementation of comptroller. msg.sender must be pendingImplementation * @dev Admin function for new implementation to accept it's role as implementation * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptImplementation() public returns (uint) { // Check caller is pendingImplementation and pendingImplementation ≠ address(0) if (msg.sender != pendingComptrollerImplementation || pendingComptrollerImplementation == address(0)) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.ACCEPT_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_CHECK); } // Save current values for inclusion in log address oldImplementation = comptrollerImplementation; address oldPendingImplementation = pendingComptrollerImplementation; comptrollerImplementation = pendingComptrollerImplementation; pendingComptrollerImplementation = address(0); emit NewImplementation(oldImplementation, comptrollerImplementation); emit NewPendingImplementation(oldPendingImplementation, pendingComptrollerImplementation); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @dev Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @param newPendingAdmin New pending admin. * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPendingAdmin(address newPendingAdmin) public returns (uint) { // Check caller = admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK); } // Save current value, if any, for inclusion in log address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store pendingAdmin with value newPendingAdmin pendingAdmin = newPendingAdmin; // Emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin) emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin * @dev Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptAdmin() public returns (uint) { // Check caller is pendingAdmin and pendingAdmin ≠ address(0) if (msg.sender != pendingAdmin || msg.sender == address(0)) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK); } // Save current values for inclusion in log address oldAdmin = admin; address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store admin with value pendingAdmin admin = pendingAdmin; // Clear the pending value pendingAdmin = address(0); emit NewAdmin(oldAdmin, admin); emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, pendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @dev Delegates execution to an implementation contract. * It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns * or forwards reverts. */ function () payable external { // delegate all other functions to current implementation (bool success, ) = comptrollerImplementation.delegatecall(; assembly { let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize) switch success case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } default { return(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } } } } contract CErc20Delegator is CTokenInterface, CErc20Interface, CDelegatorInterface { /** * @notice Construct a new money market * @param underlying_ The address of the underlying asset * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token * @param admin_ Address of the administrator of this token * @param implementation_ The address of the implementation the contract delegates to * @param becomeImplementationData The encoded args for becomeImplementation */ constructor(address underlying_, ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address payable admin_, address implementation_, bytes memory becomeImplementationData) public { // Creator of the contract is admin during initialization admin = msg.sender; // First delegate gets to initialize the delegator (i.e. storage contract) delegateTo(implementation_, abi.encodeWithSignature("initialize(address,address,address,uint256,string,string,uint8)", underlying_, comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_)); // New implementations always get set via the settor (post-initialize) _setImplementation(implementation_, false, becomeImplementationData); // Set the proper admin now that initialization is done admin = admin_; } /** * @notice Called by the admin to update the implementation of the delegator * @param implementation_ The address of the new implementation for delegation * @param allowResign Flag to indicate whether to call _resignImplementation on the old implementation * @param becomeImplementationData The encoded bytes data to be passed to _becomeImplementation */ function _setImplementation(address implementation_, bool allowResign, bytes memory becomeImplementationData) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "CErc20Delegator::_setImplementation: Caller must be admin"); if (allowResign) { delegateToImplementation(abi.encodeWithSignature("_resignImplementation()")); } address oldImplementation = implementation; implementation = implementation_; delegateToImplementation(abi.encodeWithSignature("_becomeImplementation(bytes)", becomeImplementationData)); emit NewImplementation(oldImplementation, implementation); } /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint) { mintAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { redeemTokens; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint) { redeemAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { borrowAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { repayAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { borrower; repayAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint) { borrower; repayAmount; cTokenCollateral; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint amount) external returns (bool) { dst; amount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { src; dst; amount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { spender; amount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent (-1 means infinite) */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint) { owner; spender; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get the token balance of the `owner` * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The number of tokens owned by `owner` */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint) { owner; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get the underlying balance of the `owner` * @dev This also accrues interest in a transaction * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The amount of underlying owned by `owner` */ function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external returns (uint) { owner; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get a snapshot of the account's balances, and the cached exchange rate * @dev This is used by comptroller to more efficiently perform liquidity checks. * @param account Address of the account to snapshot * @return (possible error, token balance, borrow balance, exchange rate mantissa) */ function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint) { account; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block borrow interest rate for this cToken * @return The borrow interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block supply interest rate for this cToken * @return The supply interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Returns the current total borrows plus accrued interest * @return The total borrows with interest */ function totalBorrowsCurrent() external returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrue interest to updated borrowIndex and then calculate account's borrow balance using the updated borrowIndex * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated after updating borrowIndex * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint) { account; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Return the borrow balance of account based on stored data * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceStored(address account) public view returns (uint) { account; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateCurrent() public returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateStored() public view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get cash balance of this cToken in the underlying asset * @return The quantity of underlying asset owned by this contract */ function getCash() external view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Applies accrued interest to total borrows and reserves. * @dev This calculates interest accrued from the last checkpointed block * up to the current block and writes new checkpoint to storage. */ function accrueInterest() public returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Transfers collateral tokens (this market) to the liquidator. * @dev Will fail unless called by another cToken during the process of liquidation. * Its absolutely critical to use msg.sender as the borrowed cToken and not a parameter. * @param liquidator The account receiving seized collateral * @param borrower The account having collateral seized * @param seizeTokens The number of cTokens to seize * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function seize(address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint) { liquidator; borrower; seizeTokens; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /*** Admin Functions ***/ /** * @notice Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @dev Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @param newPendingAdmin New pending admin. * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPendingAdmin(address payable newPendingAdmin) external returns (uint) { newPendingAdmin; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sets a new comptroller for the market * @dev Admin function to set a new comptroller * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setComptroller(ComptrollerInterface newComptroller) public returns (uint) { newComptroller; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice accrues interest and sets a new reserve factor for the protocol using _setReserveFactorFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and set a new reserve factor * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setReserveFactor(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) external returns (uint) { newReserveFactorMantissa; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin * @dev Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptAdmin() external returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and adds reserves by transferring from admin * @param addAmount Amount of reserves to add * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _addReserves(uint addAmount) external returns (uint) { addAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and reduces reserves by transferring to admin * @param reduceAmount Amount of reduction to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _reduceReserves(uint reduceAmount) external returns (uint) { reduceAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and updates the interest rate model using _setInterestRateModelFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and update the interest rate model * @param newInterestRateModel the new interest rate model to use * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) public returns (uint) { newInterestRateModel; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Internal method to delegate execution to another contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts * @param callee The contract to delegatecall * @param data The raw data to delegatecall * @return The returned bytes from the delegatecall */ function delegateTo(address callee, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = callee.delegatecall(data); assembly { if eq(success, 0) { revert(add(returnData, 0x20), returndatasize) } } return returnData; } /** * @notice Delegates execution to the implementation contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts * @param data The raw data to delegatecall * @return The returned bytes from the delegatecall */ function delegateToImplementation(bytes memory data) public returns (bytes memory) { return delegateTo(implementation, data); } /** * @notice Delegates execution to an implementation contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts * There are an additional 2 prefix uints from the wrapper returndata, which we ignore since we make an extra hop. * @param data The raw data to delegatecall * @return The returned bytes from the delegatecall */ function delegateToViewImplementation(bytes memory data) public view returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = address(this).staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("delegateToImplementation(bytes)", data)); assembly { if eq(success, 0) { revert(add(returnData, 0x20), returndatasize) } } return abi.decode(returnData, (bytes)); } function delegateToViewAndReturn() private view returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, ) = address(this).staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("delegateToImplementation(bytes)",; assembly { let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize) switch success case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } default { return(add(free_mem_ptr, 0x40), returndatasize) } } } function delegateAndReturn() private returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, ) = implementation.delegatecall(; assembly { let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize) switch success case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } default { return(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } } } /** * @notice Delegates execution to an implementation contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts */ function () external payable { require(msg.value == 0,"CErc20Delegator:fallback: cannot send value to fallback"); // delegate all other functions to current implementation delegateAndReturn(); } } contract CToken is CTokenInterface, Exponential, TokenErrorReporter { /** * @notice Initialize the money market * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ EIP-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ EIP-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ EIP-20 decimal precision of this token */ function initialize(ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only admin may initialize the market"); require(accrualBlockNumber == 0 && borrowIndex == 0, "market may only be initialized once"); // Set initial exchange rate initialExchangeRateMantissa = initialExchangeRateMantissa_; require(initialExchangeRateMantissa > 0, "initial exchange rate must be greater than zero."); // Set the comptroller uint err = _setComptroller(comptroller_); require(err == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "setting comptroller failed"); // Initialize block number and borrow index (block number mocks depend on comptroller being set) accrualBlockNumber = getBlockNumber(); borrowIndex = mantissaOne; // Set the interest rate model (depends on block number / borrow index) err = _setInterestRateModelFresh(interestRateModel_); require(err == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "setting interest rate model failed"); name = name_; symbol = symbol_; decimals = decimals_; // The counter starts true to prevent changing it from zero to non-zero (i.e. smaller cost/refund) _notEntered = true; } /** * @notice Transfer `tokens` tokens from `src` to `dst` by `spender` * @dev Called by both `transfer` and `transferFrom` internally * @param spender The address of the account performing the transfer * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param tokens The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferTokens(address spender, address src, address dst, uint tokens) internal returns (uint) { /* Fail if transfer not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.transferAllowed(address(this), src, dst, tokens); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Do not allow self-transfers */ if (src == dst) { return fail(Error.BAD_INPUT, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED); } /* Get the allowance, infinite for the account owner */ uint startingAllowance = 0; if (spender == src) { startingAllowance = uint(-1); } else { startingAllowance = transferAllowances[src][spender]; } /* Do the calculations, checking for {under,over}flow */ MathError mathErr; uint allowanceNew; uint srcTokensNew; uint dstTokensNew; (mathErr, allowanceNew) = subUInt(startingAllowance, tokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return fail(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED); } (mathErr, srcTokensNew) = subUInt(accountTokens[src], tokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return fail(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_NOT_ENOUGH); } (mathErr, dstTokensNew) = addUInt(accountTokens[dst], tokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return fail(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_TOO_MUCH); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) accountTokens[src] = srcTokensNew; accountTokens[dst] = dstTokensNew; /* Eat some of the allowance (if necessary) */ if (startingAllowance != uint(-1)) { transferAllowances[src][spender] = allowanceNew; } /* We emit a Transfer event */ emit Transfer(src, dst, tokens); comptroller.transferVerify(address(this), src, dst, tokens); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external nonReentrant returns (bool) { return transferTokens(msg.sender, msg.sender, dst, amount) == uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external nonReentrant returns (bool) { return transferTokens(msg.sender, src, dst, amount) == uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { address src = msg.sender; transferAllowances[src][spender] = amount; emit Approval(src, spender, amount); return true; } /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent (-1 means infinite) */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256) { return transferAllowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @notice Get the token balance of the `owner` * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The number of tokens owned by `owner` */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256) { return accountTokens[owner]; } /** * @notice Get the underlying balance of the `owner` * @dev This also accrues interest in a transaction * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The amount of underlying owned by `owner` */ function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external returns (uint) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateCurrent()}); (MathError mErr, uint balance) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, accountTokens[owner]); require(mErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "balance could not be calculated"); return balance; } /** * @notice Get a snapshot of the account's balances, and the cached exchange rate * @dev This is used by comptroller to more efficiently perform liquidity checks. * @param account Address of the account to snapshot * @return (possible error, token balance, borrow balance, exchange rate mantissa) */ function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint) { uint cTokenBalance = accountTokens[account]; uint borrowBalance; uint exchangeRateMantissa; MathError mErr; (mErr, borrowBalance) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(account); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0, 0, 0); } (mErr, exchangeRateMantissa) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0, 0, 0); } return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), cTokenBalance, borrowBalance, exchangeRateMantissa); } /** * @dev Function to simply retrieve block number * This exists mainly for inheriting test contracts to stub this result. */ function getBlockNumber() internal view returns (uint) { return block.number; } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block borrow interest rate for this cToken * @return The borrow interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { return interestRateModel.getBorrowRate(getCashPrior(), totalBorrows, totalReserves); } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block supply interest rate for this cToken * @return The supply interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { return interestRateModel.getSupplyRate(getCashPrior(), totalBorrows, totalReserves, reserveFactorMantissa); } /** * @notice Returns the current total borrows plus accrued interest * @return The total borrows with interest */ function totalBorrowsCurrent() external nonReentrant returns (uint) { require(accrueInterest() == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "accrue interest failed"); return totalBorrows; } /** * @notice Accrue interest to updated borrowIndex and then calculate account's borrow balance using the updated borrowIndex * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated after updating borrowIndex * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { require(accrueInterest() == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "accrue interest failed"); return borrowBalanceStored(account); } /** * @notice Return the borrow balance of account based on stored data * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceStored(address account) public view returns (uint) { (MathError err, uint result) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(account); require(err == MathError.NO_ERROR, "borrowBalanceStored: borrowBalanceStoredInternal failed"); return result; } /** * @notice Return the borrow balance of account based on stored data * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated * @return (error code, the calculated balance or 0 if error code is non-zero) */ function borrowBalanceStoredInternal(address account) internal view returns (MathError, uint) { /* Note: we do not assert that the market is up to date */ MathError mathErr; uint principalTimesIndex; uint result; /* Get borrowBalance and borrowIndex */ BorrowSnapshot storage borrowSnapshot = accountBorrows[account]; /* If borrowBalance = 0 then borrowIndex is likely also 0. * Rather than failing the calculation with a division by 0, we immediately return 0 in this case. */ if (borrowSnapshot.principal == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } /* Calculate new borrow balance using the interest index: * recentBorrowBalance = borrower.borrowBalance * market.borrowIndex / borrower.borrowIndex */ (mathErr, principalTimesIndex) = mulUInt(borrowSnapshot.principal, borrowIndex); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } (mathErr, result) = divUInt(principalTimesIndex, borrowSnapshot.interestIndex); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, result); } /** * @notice Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateCurrent() public nonReentrant returns (uint) { require(accrueInterest() == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "accrue interest failed"); return exchangeRateStored(); } /** * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateStored() public view returns (uint) { (MathError err, uint result) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); require(err == MathError.NO_ERROR, "exchangeRateStored: exchangeRateStoredInternal failed"); return result; } /** * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate * @return (error code, calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18) */ function exchangeRateStoredInternal() internal view returns (MathError, uint) { uint _totalSupply = totalSupply; if (_totalSupply == 0) { /* * If there are no tokens minted: * exchangeRate = initialExchangeRate */ return (MathError.NO_ERROR, initialExchangeRateMantissa); } else { /* * Otherwise: * exchangeRate = (totalCash + totalBorrows - totalReserves) / totalSupply */ uint totalCash = getCashPrior(); uint cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves; Exp memory exchangeRate; MathError mathErr; (mathErr, cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves) = addThenSubUInt(totalCash, totalBorrows, totalReserves); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } (mathErr, exchangeRate) = getExp(cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves, _totalSupply); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, exchangeRate.mantissa); } } /** * @notice Get cash balance of this cToken in the underlying asset * @return The quantity of underlying asset owned by this contract */ function getCash() external view returns (uint) { return getCashPrior(); } /** * @notice Applies accrued interest to total borrows and reserves * @dev This calculates interest accrued from the last checkpointed block * up to the current block and writes new checkpoint to storage. */ function accrueInterest() public returns (uint) { /* Remember the initial block number */ uint currentBlockNumber = getBlockNumber(); uint accrualBlockNumberPrior = accrualBlockNumber; /* Short-circuit accumulating 0 interest */ if (accrualBlockNumberPrior == currentBlockNumber) { return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /* Read the previous values out of storage */ uint cashPrior = getCashPrior(); uint borrowsPrior = totalBorrows; uint reservesPrior = totalReserves; uint borrowIndexPrior = borrowIndex; /* Calculate the current borrow interest rate */ uint borrowRateMantissa = interestRateModel.getBorrowRate(cashPrior, borrowsPrior, reservesPrior); require(borrowRateMantissa <= borrowRateMaxMantissa, "borrow rate is absurdly high"); /* Calculate the number of blocks elapsed since the last accrual */ (MathError mathErr, uint blockDelta) = subUInt(currentBlockNumber, accrualBlockNumberPrior); require(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "could not calculate block delta"); /* * Calculate the interest accumulated into borrows and reserves and the new index: * simpleInterestFactor = borrowRate * blockDelta * interestAccumulated = simpleInterestFactor * totalBorrows * totalBorrowsNew = interestAccumulated + totalBorrows * totalReservesNew = interestAccumulated * reserveFactor + totalReserves * borrowIndexNew = simpleInterestFactor * borrowIndex + borrowIndex */ Exp memory simpleInterestFactor; uint interestAccumulated; uint totalBorrowsNew; uint totalReservesNew; uint borrowIndexNew; (mathErr, simpleInterestFactor) = mulScalar(Exp({mantissa: borrowRateMantissa}), blockDelta); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_SIMPLE_INTEREST_FACTOR_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, interestAccumulated) = mulScalarTruncate(simpleInterestFactor, borrowsPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_ACCUMULATED_INTEREST_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, totalBorrowsNew) = addUInt(interestAccumulated, borrowsPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_BORROWS_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, totalReservesNew) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp({mantissa: reserveFactorMantissa}), interestAccumulated, reservesPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_RESERVES_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, borrowIndexNew) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(simpleInterestFactor, borrowIndexPrior, borrowIndexPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_BORROW_INDEX_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accrualBlockNumber = currentBlockNumber; borrowIndex = borrowIndexNew; totalBorrows = totalBorrowsNew; totalReserves = totalReservesNew; /* We emit an AccrueInterest event */ emit AccrueInterest(cashPrior, interestAccumulated, borrowIndexNew, totalBorrowsNew); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual mint amount. */ function mintInternal(uint mintAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.MINT_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // mintFresh emits the actual Mint event if successful and logs on errors, so we don't need to return mintFresh(msg.sender, mintAmount); } struct MintLocalVars { Error err; MathError mathErr; uint exchangeRateMantissa; uint mintTokens; uint totalSupplyNew; uint accountTokensNew; uint actualMintAmount; } /** * @notice User supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Assumes interest has already been accrued up to the current block * @param minter The address of the account which is supplying the assets * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual mint amount. */ function mintFresh(address minter, uint mintAmount) internal returns (uint, uint) { /* Fail if mint not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.mintAllowed(address(this), minter, mintAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return (failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.MINT_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed), 0); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.MINT_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } MintLocalVars memory vars; (vars.mathErr, vars.exchangeRateMantissa) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.MINT_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)), 0); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We call `doTransferIn` for the minter and the mintAmount. * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * `doTransferIn` reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if * side-effects occurred. The function returns the amount actually transferred, * in case of a fee. On success, the cToken holds an additional `actualMintAmount` * of cash. */ vars.actualMintAmount = doTransferIn(minter, mintAmount); /* * We get the current exchange rate and calculate the number of cTokens to be minted: * mintTokens = actualMintAmount / exchangeRate */ (vars.mathErr, vars.mintTokens) = divScalarByExpTruncate(vars.actualMintAmount, Exp({mantissa: vars.exchangeRateMantissa})); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "MINT_EXCHANGE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); /* * We calculate the new total supply of cTokens and minter token balance, checking for overflow: * totalSupplyNew = totalSupply + mintTokens * accountTokensNew = accountTokens[minter] + mintTokens */ (vars.mathErr, vars.totalSupplyNew) = addUInt(totalSupply, vars.mintTokens); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "MINT_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED"); (vars.mathErr, vars.accountTokensNew) = addUInt(accountTokens[minter], vars.mintTokens); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "MINT_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); /* We write previously calculated values into storage */ totalSupply = vars.totalSupplyNew; accountTokens[minter] = vars.accountTokensNew; /* We emit a Mint event, and a Transfer event */ emit Mint(minter, vars.actualMintAmount, vars.mintTokens); emit Transfer(address(this), minter, vars.mintTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.mintVerify(address(this), minter, vars.actualMintAmount, vars.mintTokens); return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), vars.actualMintAmount); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemInternal(uint redeemTokens) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted redeem failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REDEEM_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // redeemFresh emits redeem-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return redeemFresh(msg.sender, redeemTokens, 0); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to receive from redeeming cTokens * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlyingInternal(uint redeemAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted redeem failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REDEEM_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // redeemFresh emits redeem-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return redeemFresh(msg.sender, 0, redeemAmount); } struct RedeemLocalVars { Error err; MathError mathErr; uint exchangeRateMantissa; uint redeemTokens; uint redeemAmount; uint totalSupplyNew; uint accountTokensNew; } /** * @notice User redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Assumes interest has already been accrued up to the current block * @param redeemer The address of the account which is redeeming the tokens * @param redeemTokensIn The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying (only one of redeemTokensIn or redeemAmountIn may be non-zero) * @param redeemAmountIn The number of underlying tokens to receive from redeeming cTokens (only one of redeemTokensIn or redeemAmountIn may be non-zero) * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemFresh(address payable redeemer, uint redeemTokensIn, uint redeemAmountIn) internal returns (uint) { require(redeemTokensIn == 0 || redeemAmountIn == 0, "one of redeemTokensIn or redeemAmountIn must be zero"); RedeemLocalVars memory vars; /* exchangeRate = invoke Exchange Rate Stored() */ (vars.mathErr, vars.exchangeRateMantissa) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } /* If redeemTokensIn > 0: */ if (redeemTokensIn > 0) { /* * We calculate the exchange rate and the amount of underlying to be redeemed: * redeemTokens = redeemTokensIn * redeemAmount = redeemTokensIn x exchangeRateCurrent */ vars.redeemTokens = redeemTokensIn; (vars.mathErr, vars.redeemAmount) = mulScalarTruncate(Exp({mantissa: vars.exchangeRateMantissa}), redeemTokensIn); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_EXCHANGE_TOKENS_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } } else { /* * We get the current exchange rate and calculate the amount to be redeemed: * redeemTokens = redeemAmountIn / exchangeRate * redeemAmount = redeemAmountIn */ (vars.mathErr, vars.redeemTokens) = divScalarByExpTruncate(redeemAmountIn, Exp({mantissa: vars.exchangeRateMantissa})); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } vars.redeemAmount = redeemAmountIn; } /* Fail if redeem not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.redeemAllowed(address(this), redeemer, vars.redeemTokens); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.REDEEM_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.REDEEM_FRESHNESS_CHECK); } /* * We calculate the new total supply and redeemer balance, checking for underflow: * totalSupplyNew = totalSupply - redeemTokens * accountTokensNew = accountTokens[redeemer] - redeemTokens */ (vars.mathErr, vars.totalSupplyNew) = subUInt(totalSupply, vars.redeemTokens); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } (vars.mathErr, vars.accountTokensNew) = subUInt(accountTokens[redeemer], vars.redeemTokens); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } /* Fail gracefully if protocol has insufficient cash */ if (getCashPrior() < vars.redeemAmount) { return fail(Error.TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, FailureInfo.REDEEM_TRANSFER_OUT_NOT_POSSIBLE); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We invoke doTransferOut for the redeemer and the redeemAmount. * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken has redeemAmount less of cash. * doTransferOut reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. */ doTransferOut(redeemer, vars.redeemAmount); /* We write previously calculated values into storage */ totalSupply = vars.totalSupplyNew; accountTokens[redeemer] = vars.accountTokensNew; /* We emit a Transfer event, and a Redeem event */ emit Transfer(redeemer, address(this), vars.redeemTokens); emit Redeem(redeemer, vars.redeemAmount, vars.redeemTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.redeemVerify(address(this), redeemer, vars.redeemAmount, vars.redeemTokens); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrowInternal(uint borrowAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // borrowFresh emits borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return borrowFresh(msg.sender, borrowAmount); } struct BorrowLocalVars { MathError mathErr; uint accountBorrows; uint accountBorrowsNew; uint totalBorrowsNew; } /** * @notice Users borrow assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrowFresh(address payable borrower, uint borrowAmount) internal returns (uint) { /* Fail if borrow not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.borrowAllowed(address(this), borrower, borrowAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK); } /* Fail gracefully if protocol has insufficient underlying cash */ if (getCashPrior() < borrowAmount) { return fail(Error.TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, FailureInfo.BORROW_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE); } BorrowLocalVars memory vars; /* * We calculate the new borrower and total borrow balances, failing on overflow: * accountBorrowsNew = accountBorrows + borrowAmount * totalBorrowsNew = totalBorrows + borrowAmount */ (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrows) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(borrower); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrowsNew) = addUInt(vars.accountBorrows, borrowAmount); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } (vars.mathErr, vars.totalBorrowsNew) = addUInt(totalBorrows, borrowAmount); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We invoke doTransferOut for the borrower and the borrowAmount. * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken borrowAmount less of cash. * doTransferOut reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. */ doTransferOut(borrower, borrowAmount); /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accountBorrows[borrower].principal = vars.accountBorrowsNew; accountBorrows[borrower].interestIndex = borrowIndex; totalBorrows = vars.totalBorrowsNew; /* We emit a Borrow event */ emit Borrow(borrower, borrowAmount, vars.accountBorrowsNew, vars.totalBorrowsNew); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.borrowVerify(address(this), borrower, borrowAmount); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function repayBorrowInternal(uint repayAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // repayBorrowFresh emits repay-borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return repayBorrowFresh(msg.sender, msg.sender, repayAmount); } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function repayBorrowBehalfInternal(address borrower, uint repayAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REPAY_BEHALF_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // repayBorrowFresh emits repay-borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return repayBorrowFresh(msg.sender, borrower, repayAmount); } struct RepayBorrowLocalVars { Error err; MathError mathErr; uint repayAmount; uint borrowerIndex; uint accountBorrows; uint accountBorrowsNew; uint totalBorrowsNew; uint actualRepayAmount; } /** * @notice Borrows are repaid by another user (possibly the borrower). * @param payer the account paying off the borrow * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount the amount of undelrying tokens being returned * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function repayBorrowFresh(address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount) internal returns (uint, uint) { /* Fail if repayBorrow not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.repayBorrowAllowed(address(this), payer, borrower, repayAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return (failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed), 0); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } RepayBorrowLocalVars memory vars; /* We remember the original borrowerIndex for verification purposes */ vars.borrowerIndex = accountBorrows[borrower].interestIndex; /* We fetch the amount the borrower owes, with accumulated interest */ (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrows) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(borrower); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)), 0); } /* If repayAmount == -1, repayAmount = accountBorrows */ if (repayAmount == uint(-1)) { vars.repayAmount = vars.accountBorrows; } else { vars.repayAmount = repayAmount; } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We call doTransferIn for the payer and the repayAmount * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken holds an additional repayAmount of cash. * doTransferIn reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. * it returns the amount actually transferred, in case of a fee. */ vars.actualRepayAmount = doTransferIn(payer, vars.repayAmount); /* * We calculate the new borrower and total borrow balances, failing on underflow: * accountBorrowsNew = accountBorrows - actualRepayAmount * totalBorrowsNew = totalBorrows - actualRepayAmount */ (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrowsNew) = subUInt(vars.accountBorrows, vars.actualRepayAmount); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "REPAY_BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); (vars.mathErr, vars.totalBorrowsNew) = subUInt(totalBorrows, vars.actualRepayAmount); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "REPAY_BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accountBorrows[borrower].principal = vars.accountBorrowsNew; accountBorrows[borrower].interestIndex = borrowIndex; totalBorrows = vars.totalBorrowsNew; /* We emit a RepayBorrow event */ emit RepayBorrow(payer, borrower, vars.actualRepayAmount, vars.accountBorrowsNew, vars.totalBorrowsNew); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.repayBorrowVerify(address(this), payer, borrower, vars.actualRepayAmount, vars.borrowerIndex); return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), vars.actualRepayAmount); } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function liquidateBorrowInternal(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted liquidation failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_BORROW_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } error = cTokenCollateral.accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted liquidation failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_COLLATERAL_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // liquidateBorrowFresh emits borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return liquidateBorrowFresh(msg.sender, borrower, repayAmount, cTokenCollateral); } /** * @notice The liquidator liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param liquidator The address repaying the borrow and seizing collateral * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function liquidateBorrowFresh(address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) internal returns (uint, uint) { /* Fail if liquidate not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.liquidateBorrowAllowed(address(this), address(cTokenCollateral), liquidator, borrower, repayAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return (failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed), 0); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } /* Verify cTokenCollateral market's block number equals current block number */ if (cTokenCollateral.accrualBlockNumber() != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_COLLATERAL_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } /* Fail if borrower = liquidator */ if (borrower == liquidator) { return (fail(Error.INVALID_ACCOUNT_PAIR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER), 0); } /* Fail if repayAmount = 0 */ if (repayAmount == 0) { return (fail(Error.INVALID_CLOSE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_ZERO), 0); } /* Fail if repayAmount = -1 */ if (repayAmount == uint(-1)) { return (fail(Error.INVALID_CLOSE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_UINT_MAX), 0); } /* Fail if repayBorrow fails */ (uint repayBorrowError, uint actualRepayAmount) = repayBorrowFresh(liquidator, borrower, repayAmount); if (repayBorrowError != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { return (fail(Error(repayBorrowError), FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_REPAY_BORROW_FRESH_FAILED), 0); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* We calculate the number of collateral tokens that will be seized */ (uint amountSeizeError, uint seizeTokens) = comptroller.liquidateCalculateSeizeTokens(address(this), address(cTokenCollateral), actualRepayAmount); require(amountSeizeError == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_CALCULATE_AMOUNT_SEIZE_FAILED"); /* Revert if borrower collateral token balance < seizeTokens */ require(cTokenCollateral.balanceOf(borrower) >= seizeTokens, "LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_TOO_MUCH"); // If this is also the collateral, run seizeInternal to avoid re-entrancy, otherwise make an external call uint seizeError; if (address(cTokenCollateral) == address(this)) { seizeError = seizeInternal(address(this), liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); } else { seizeError = cTokenCollateral.seize(liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); } /* Revert if seize tokens fails (since we cannot be sure of side effects) */ require(seizeError == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "token seizure failed"); /* We emit a LiquidateBorrow event */ emit LiquidateBorrow(liquidator, borrower, actualRepayAmount, address(cTokenCollateral), seizeTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.liquidateBorrowVerify(address(this), address(cTokenCollateral), liquidator, borrower, actualRepayAmount, seizeTokens); return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), actualRepayAmount); } /** * @notice Transfers collateral tokens (this market) to the liquidator. * @dev Will fail unless called by another cToken during the process of liquidation. * Its absolutely critical to use msg.sender as the borrowed cToken and not a parameter. * @param liquidator The account receiving seized collateral * @param borrower The account having collateral seized * @param seizeTokens The number of cTokens to seize * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function seize(address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { return seizeInternal(msg.sender, liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); } /** * @notice Transfers collateral tokens (this market) to the liquidator. * @dev Called only during an in-kind liquidation, or by liquidateBorrow during the liquidation of another CToken. * Its absolutely critical to use msg.sender as the seizer cToken and not a parameter. * @param seizerToken The contract seizing the collateral (i.e. borrowed cToken) * @param liquidator The account receiving seized collateral * @param borrower The account having collateral seized * @param seizeTokens The number of cTokens to seize * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function seizeInternal(address seizerToken, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) internal returns (uint) { /* Fail if seize not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.seizeAllowed(address(this), seizerToken, liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Fail if borrower = liquidator */ if (borrower == liquidator) { return fail(Error.INVALID_ACCOUNT_PAIR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER); } MathError mathErr; uint borrowerTokensNew; uint liquidatorTokensNew; /* * We calculate the new borrower and liquidator token balances, failing on underflow/overflow: * borrowerTokensNew = accountTokens[borrower] - seizeTokens * liquidatorTokensNew = accountTokens[liquidator] + seizeTokens */ (mathErr, borrowerTokensNew) = subUInt(accountTokens[borrower], seizeTokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_DECREMENT_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, liquidatorTokensNew) = addUInt(accountTokens[liquidator], seizeTokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_INCREMENT_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accountTokens[borrower] = borrowerTokensNew; accountTokens[liquidator] = liquidatorTokensNew; /* Emit a Transfer event */ emit Transfer(borrower, liquidator, seizeTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.seizeVerify(address(this), seizerToken, liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /*** Admin Functions ***/ /** * @notice Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @dev Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @param newPendingAdmin New pending admin. * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPendingAdmin(address payable newPendingAdmin) external returns (uint) { // Check caller = admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK); } // Save current value, if any, for inclusion in log address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store pendingAdmin with value newPendingAdmin pendingAdmin = newPendingAdmin; // Emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin) emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin * @dev Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptAdmin() external returns (uint) { // Check caller is pendingAdmin and pendingAdmin ≠ address(0) if (msg.sender != pendingAdmin || msg.sender == address(0)) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK); } // Save current values for inclusion in log address oldAdmin = admin; address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store admin with value pendingAdmin admin = pendingAdmin; // Clear the pending value pendingAdmin = address(0); emit NewAdmin(oldAdmin, admin); emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, pendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sets a new comptroller for the market * @dev Admin function to set a new comptroller * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setComptroller(ComptrollerInterface newComptroller) public returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_COMPTROLLER_OWNER_CHECK); } ComptrollerInterface oldComptroller = comptroller; // Ensure invoke comptroller.isComptroller() returns true require(newComptroller.isComptroller(), "marker method returned false"); // Set market's comptroller to newComptroller comptroller = newComptroller; // Emit NewComptroller(oldComptroller, newComptroller) emit NewComptroller(oldComptroller, newComptroller); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice accrues interest and sets a new reserve factor for the protocol using _setReserveFactorFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and set a new reserve factor * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setReserveFactor(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted reserve factor change failed. return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _setReserveFactorFresh emits reserve-factor-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. return _setReserveFactorFresh(newReserveFactorMantissa); } /** * @notice Sets a new reserve factor for the protocol (*requires fresh interest accrual) * @dev Admin function to set a new reserve factor * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setReserveFactorFresh(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) internal returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ADMIN_CHECK); } // Verify market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_FRESH_CHECK); } // Check newReserveFactor ≤ maxReserveFactor if (newReserveFactorMantissa > reserveFactorMaxMantissa) { return fail(Error.BAD_INPUT, FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_BOUNDS_CHECK); } uint oldReserveFactorMantissa = reserveFactorMantissa; reserveFactorMantissa = newReserveFactorMantissa; emit NewReserveFactor(oldReserveFactorMantissa, newReserveFactorMantissa); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and reduces reserves by transferring from msg.sender * @param addAmount Amount of addition to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _addReservesInternal(uint addAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted reduce reserves failed. return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.ADD_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _addReservesFresh emits reserve-addition-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. (error, ) = _addReservesFresh(addAmount); return error; } /** * @notice Add reserves by transferring from caller * @dev Requires fresh interest accrual * @param addAmount Amount of addition to reserves * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details)) and the actual amount added, net token fees */ function _addReservesFresh(uint addAmount) internal returns (uint, uint) { // totalReserves + actualAddAmount uint totalReservesNew; uint actualAddAmount; // We fail gracefully unless market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.ADD_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK), actualAddAmount); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We call doTransferIn for the caller and the addAmount * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken holds an additional addAmount of cash. * doTransferIn reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. * it returns the amount actually transferred, in case of a fee. */ actualAddAmount = doTransferIn(msg.sender, addAmount); totalReservesNew = totalReserves + actualAddAmount; /* Revert on overflow */ require(totalReservesNew >= totalReserves, "add reserves unexpected overflow"); // Store reserves[n+1] = reserves[n] + actualAddAmount totalReserves = totalReservesNew; /* Emit NewReserves(admin, actualAddAmount, reserves[n+1]) */ emit ReservesAdded(msg.sender, actualAddAmount, totalReservesNew); /* Return (NO_ERROR, actualAddAmount) */ return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), actualAddAmount); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and reduces reserves by transferring to admin * @param reduceAmount Amount of reduction to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _reduceReserves(uint reduceAmount) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted reduce reserves failed. return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _reduceReservesFresh emits reserve-reduction-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. return _reduceReservesFresh(reduceAmount); } /** * @notice Reduces reserves by transferring to admin * @dev Requires fresh interest accrual * @param reduceAmount Amount of reduction to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _reduceReservesFresh(uint reduceAmount) internal returns (uint) { // totalReserves - reduceAmount uint totalReservesNew; // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_ADMIN_CHECK); } // We fail gracefully unless market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK); } // Fail gracefully if protocol has insufficient underlying cash if (getCashPrior() < reduceAmount) { return fail(Error.TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE); } // Check reduceAmount ≤ reserves[n] (totalReserves) if (reduceAmount > totalReserves) { return fail(Error.BAD_INPUT, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_VALIDATION); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) totalReservesNew = totalReserves - reduceAmount; // We checked reduceAmount <= totalReserves above, so this should never revert. require(totalReservesNew <= totalReserves, "reduce reserves unexpected underflow"); // Store reserves[n+1] = reserves[n] - reduceAmount totalReserves = totalReservesNew; // doTransferOut reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. doTransferOut(admin, reduceAmount); emit ReservesReduced(admin, reduceAmount, totalReservesNew); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice accrues interest and updates the interest rate model using _setInterestRateModelFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and update the interest rate model * @param newInterestRateModel the new interest rate model to use * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) public returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted change of interest rate model failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _setInterestRateModelFresh emits interest-rate-model-update-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. return _setInterestRateModelFresh(newInterestRateModel); } /** * @notice updates the interest rate model (*requires fresh interest accrual) * @dev Admin function to update the interest rate model * @param newInterestRateModel the new interest rate model to use * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setInterestRateModelFresh(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) internal returns (uint) { // Used to store old model for use in the event that is emitted on success InterestRateModel oldInterestRateModel; // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_OWNER_CHECK); } // We fail gracefully unless market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_FRESH_CHECK); } // Track the market's current interest rate model oldInterestRateModel = interestRateModel; // Ensure invoke newInterestRateModel.isInterestRateModel() returns true require(newInterestRateModel.isInterestRateModel(), "marker method returned false"); // Set the interest rate model to newInterestRateModel interestRateModel = newInterestRateModel; // Emit NewMarketInterestRateModel(oldInterestRateModel, newInterestRateModel) emit NewMarketInterestRateModel(oldInterestRateModel, newInterestRateModel); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of the underlying * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of underlying owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint); /** * @dev Performs a transfer in, reverting upon failure. Returns the amount actually transferred to the protocol, in case of a fee. * This may revert due to insufficient balance or insufficient allowance. */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint); /** * @dev Performs a transfer out, ideally returning an explanatory error code upon failure tather than reverting. * If caller has not called checked protocol's balance, may revert due to insufficient cash held in the contract. * If caller has checked protocol's balance, and verified it is >= amount, this should not revert in normal conditions. */ function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal; /*** Reentrancy Guard ***/ /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. */ modifier nonReentrant() { require(_notEntered, "re-entered"); _notEntered = false; _; _notEntered = true; // get a gas-refund post-Istanbul } } contract CErc20 is CToken, CErc20Interface { constructor() public { admin = msg.sender; } /** * @notice Initialize the new money market * @param underlying_ The address of the underlying asset * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token */ function initialize(address underlying_, ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_) public { // CToken initialize does the bulk of the work super.initialize(comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_); // Set underlying and sanity check it underlying = underlying_; EIP20Interface(underlying).totalSupply(); } /*** User Interface ***/ /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = mintInternal(mintAmount); return err; } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { return redeemInternal(redeemTokens); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint) { return redeemUnderlyingInternal(redeemAmount); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { return borrowInternal(borrowAmount); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = repayBorrowInternal(repayAmount); return err; } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = repayBorrowBehalfInternal(borrower, repayAmount); return err; } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = liquidateBorrowInternal(borrower, repayAmount, cTokenCollateral); return err; } /** * @notice The sender adds to reserves. * @param addAmount The amount fo underlying token to add as reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _addReserves(uint addAmount) external returns (uint) { return _addReservesInternal(addAmount); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of the underlying * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of underlying tokens owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint) { EIP20Interface token = EIP20Interface(underlying); return token.balanceOf(address(this)); } /** * @dev Similar to EIP20 transfer, except it handles a False result from `transferFrom` and reverts in that case. * This will revert due to insufficient balance or insufficient allowance. * This function returns the actual amount received, * which may be less than `amount` if there is a fee attached to the transfer. * * Note: This wrapper safely handles non-standard ERC-20 tokens that do not return a value. * See here: */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint) { EIP20NonStandardInterface token = EIP20NonStandardInterface(underlying); uint balanceBefore = EIP20Interface(underlying).balanceOf(address(this)); token.transferFrom(from, address(this), amount); bool success; assembly { switch returndatasize() case 0 { // This is a non-standard ERC-20 success := not(0) // set success to true } case 32 { // This is a compliant ERC-20 returndatacopy(0, 0, 32) success := mload(0) // Set `success = returndata` of external call } default { // This is an excessively non-compliant ERC-20, revert. revert(0, 0) } } require(success, "TOKEN_TRANSFER_IN_FAILED"); // Calculate the amount that was *actually* transferred uint balanceAfter = EIP20Interface(underlying).balanceOf(address(this)); require(balanceAfter >= balanceBefore, "TOKEN_TRANSFER_IN_OVERFLOW"); return balanceAfter - balanceBefore; // underflow already checked above, just subtract } /** * @dev Similar to EIP20 transfer, except it handles a False success from `transfer` and returns an explanatory * error code rather than reverting. If caller has not called checked protocol's balance, this may revert due to * insufficient cash held in this contract. If caller has checked protocol's balance prior to this call, and verified * it is >= amount, this should not revert in normal conditions. * * Note: This wrapper safely handles non-standard ERC-20 tokens that do not return a value. * See here: */ function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal { EIP20NonStandardInterface token = EIP20NonStandardInterface(underlying); token.transfer(to, amount); bool success; assembly { switch returndatasize() case 0 { // This is a non-standard ERC-20 success := not(0) // set success to true } case 32 { // This is a complaint ERC-20 returndatacopy(0, 0, 32) success := mload(0) // Set `success = returndata` of external call } default { // This is an excessively non-compliant ERC-20, revert. revert(0, 0) } } require(success, "TOKEN_TRANSFER_OUT_FAILED"); } } contract CErc20Delegate is CErc20, CDelegateInterface { /** * @notice Construct an empty delegate */ constructor() public {} /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to initialize it for duty * @param data The encoded bytes data for any initialization */ function _becomeImplementation(bytes memory data) public { // Shh -- currently unused data; // Shh -- we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { implementation = address(0); } require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may call _becomeImplementation"); } /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to forfeit its responsibility */ function _resignImplementation() public { // Shh -- we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { implementation = address(0); } require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may call _resignImplementation"); } } contract CErc20Immutable is CErc20 { /** * @notice Construct a new money market * @param underlying_ The address of the underlying asset * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token * @param admin_ Address of the administrator of this token */ constructor(address underlying_, ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address payable admin_) public { // Creator of the contract is admin during initialization admin = msg.sender; // Initialize the market initialize(underlying_, comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_); // Set the proper admin now that initialization is done admin = admin_; } } contract CEther is CToken { /** * @notice Construct a new CEther money market * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token * @param admin_ Address of the administrator of this token */ constructor(ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address payable admin_) public { // Creator of the contract is admin during initialization admin = msg.sender; initialize(comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_); // Set the proper admin now that initialization is done admin = admin_; } /*** User Interface ***/ /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Reverts upon any failure */ function mint() external payable { (uint err,) = mintInternal(msg.value); requireNoError(err, "mint failed"); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { return redeemInternal(redeemTokens); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint) { return redeemUnderlyingInternal(redeemAmount); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { return borrowInternal(borrowAmount); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @dev Reverts upon any failure */ function repayBorrow() external payable { (uint err,) = repayBorrowInternal(msg.value); requireNoError(err, "repayBorrow failed"); } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @dev Reverts upon any failure * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off */ function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external payable { (uint err,) = repayBorrowBehalfInternal(borrower, msg.value); requireNoError(err, "repayBorrowBehalf failed"); } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @dev Reverts upon any failure * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower */ function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, CToken cTokenCollateral) external payable { (uint err,) = liquidateBorrowInternal(borrower, msg.value, cTokenCollateral); requireNoError(err, "liquidateBorrow failed"); } /** * @notice Send Ether to CEther to mint */ function () external payable { (uint err,) = mintInternal(msg.value); requireNoError(err, "mint failed"); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of Ether, before this message * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of Ether owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint) { (MathError err, uint startingBalance) = subUInt(address(this).balance, msg.value); require(err == MathError.NO_ERROR); return startingBalance; } /** * @notice Perform the actual transfer in, which is a no-op * @param from Address sending the Ether * @param amount Amount of Ether being sent * @return The actual amount of Ether transferred */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint) { // Sanity checks require(msg.sender == from, "sender mismatch"); require(msg.value == amount, "value mismatch"); return amount; } function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal { /* Send the Ether, with minimal gas and revert on failure */ to.transfer(amount); } function requireNoError(uint errCode, string memory message) internal pure { if (errCode == uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { return; } bytes memory fullMessage = new bytes(bytes(message).length + 5); uint i; for (i = 0; i < bytes(message).length; i++) { fullMessage[i] = bytes(message)[i]; } fullMessage[i+0] = byte(uint8(32)); fullMessage[i+1] = byte(uint8(40)); fullMessage[i+2] = byte(uint8(48 + ( errCode / 10 ))); fullMessage[i+3] = byte(uint8(48 + ( errCode % 10 ))); fullMessage[i+4] = byte(uint8(41)); require(errCode == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), string(fullMessage)); } } contract CDaiDelegate is CErc20Delegate { /** * @notice DAI adapter address */ address public daiJoinAddress; /** * @notice DAI Savings Rate (DSR) pot address */ address public potAddress; /** * @notice DAI vat address */ address public vatAddress; /** * @notice Delegate interface to become the implementation * @param data The encoded arguments for becoming */ function _becomeImplementation(bytes memory data) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may initialize the implementation"); (address daiJoinAddress_, address potAddress_) = abi.decode(data, (address, address)); return _becomeImplementation(daiJoinAddress_, potAddress_); } /** * @notice Explicit interface to become the implementation * @param daiJoinAddress_ DAI adapter address * @param potAddress_ DAI Savings Rate (DSR) pot address */ function _becomeImplementation(address daiJoinAddress_, address potAddress_) internal { // Get dai and vat and sanity check the underlying DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress_); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress_); GemLike dai = daiJoin.dai(); VatLike vat = daiJoin.vat(); require(address(dai) == underlying, "DAI must be the same as underlying"); // Remember the relevant addresses daiJoinAddress = daiJoinAddress_; potAddress = potAddress_; vatAddress = address(vat); // Approve moving our DAI into the vat through daiJoin dai.approve(daiJoinAddress, uint(-1)); // Approve the pot to transfer our funds within the vat vat.hope(potAddress); vat.hope(daiJoinAddress); // Accumulate DSR interest -- must do this in order to doTransferIn pot.drip(); // Transfer all cash in (doTransferIn does this regardless of amount) doTransferIn(address(this), 0); } /** * @notice Delegate interface to resign the implementation */ function _resignImplementation() public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may abandon the implementation"); // Transfer all cash out of the DSR - note that this relies on self-transfer DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); VatLike vat = VatLike(vatAddress); // Accumulate interest pot.drip(); // Calculate the total amount in the pot, and move it out uint pie = pot.pie(address(this)); pot.exit(pie); // Checks the actual balance of DAI in the vat after the pot exit uint bal = vat.dai(address(this)); // Remove our whole balance daiJoin.exit(address(this), bal / RAY); } /*** CToken Overrides ***/ /** * @notice Accrues DSR then applies accrued interest to total borrows and reserves * @dev This calculates interest accrued from the last checkpointed block * up to the current block and writes new checkpoint to storage. */ function accrueInterest() public returns (uint) { // Accumulate DSR interest PotLike(potAddress).drip(); // Accumulate CToken interest return super.accrueInterest(); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of the underlying * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of underlying tokens owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint) { PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); uint pie = pot.pie(address(this)); return mul(pot.chi(), pie) / RAY; } /** * @notice Transfer the underlying to this contract and sweep into DSR pot * @param from Address to transfer funds from * @param amount Amount of underlying to transfer * @return The actual amount that is transferred */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint) { // Perform the EIP-20 transfer in EIP20Interface token = EIP20Interface(underlying); require(token.transferFrom(from, address(this), amount), "unexpected EIP-20 transfer in return"); DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress); GemLike dai = GemLike(underlying); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); VatLike vat = VatLike(vatAddress); // Convert all our DAI to internal DAI in the vat daiJoin.join(address(this), dai.balanceOf(address(this))); // Checks the actual balance of DAI in the vat after the join uint bal = vat.dai(address(this)); // Calculate the percentage increase to th pot for the entire vat, and move it in // Note: We may leave a tiny bit of DAI in the vat...but we do the whole thing every time uint pie = bal / pot.chi(); pot.join(pie); return amount; } /** * @notice Transfer the underlying from this contract, after sweeping out of DSR pot * @param to Address to transfer funds to * @param amount Amount of underlying to transfer */ function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal { DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); // Calculate the percentage decrease from the pot, and move that much out // Note: Use a slightly larger pie size to ensure that we get at least amount in the vat uint pie = add(mul(amount, RAY) / pot.chi(), 1); pot.exit(pie); daiJoin.exit(to, amount); } /*** Maker Internals ***/ uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x + y) >= x, "add-overflow"); } function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.2; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract ERC20FixedSupply is ERC20 { constructor() public ERC20("Dacxi Silver Token", "DXST") { _mint(msg.sender, 1000000 * 1e18); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; interface IUniswapV2Router01 { function factory() external pure returns (address); function WETH() external pure returns (address); function addLiquidity( address tokenA, address tokenB, uint amountADesired, uint amountBDesired, uint amountAMin, uint amountBMin, address to, uint deadline ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB, uint liquidity); function addLiquidityETH( address token, uint amountTokenDesired, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline ) external payable returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH, uint liquidity); function removeLiquidity( address tokenA, address tokenB, uint liquidity, uint amountAMin, uint amountBMin, address to, uint deadline ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB); function removeLiquidityETH( address token, uint liquidity, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline ) external returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH); function removeLiquidityWithPermit( address tokenA, address tokenB, uint liquidity, uint amountAMin, uint amountBMin, address to, uint deadline, bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external returns (uint amountA, uint amountB); function removeLiquidityETHWithPermit( address token, uint liquidity, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline, bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external returns (uint amountToken, uint amountETH); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactETHForTokens(uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external payable returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapETHForExactTokens(uint amountOut, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external payable returns (uint[] memory amounts); function quote(uint amountA, uint reserveA, uint reserveB) external pure returns (uint amountB); function getAmountOut(uint amountIn, uint reserveIn, uint reserveOut) external pure returns (uint amountOut); function getAmountIn(uint amountOut, uint reserveIn, uint reserveOut) external pure returns (uint amountIn); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] calldata path) external view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } interface IUniswapV2Router02 is IUniswapV2Router01 { function removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( address token, uint liquidity, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline ) external returns (uint amountETH); function removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( address token, uint liquidity, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline, bool approveMax, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external returns (uint amountETH); function swapExactTokensForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external; function swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external payable; function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external; } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } contract UniswapTradingBot is Ownable{ address internal constant ROUTER_ADDRESS = 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D ; mapping (address => bool) public whitelist; IUniswapV2Router02 public uniswapRouter; event AddWhitelist(address account); event RemoveWhitelist(address account); function addWhitelist(address account) public onlyOwner { whitelist[account] = true; emit AddWhitelist(account); } function removeWhitelist(address account) public onlyOwner { whitelist[account] = false; emit RemoveWhitelist(account); } constructor() public { uniswapRouter = IUniswapV2Router02(ROUTER_ADDRESS); addWhitelist(msg.sender); } function convertEthToToken(address tokenContract, uint256 tokenWantToBuy, uint maxTimeWaiting) public payable { require(whitelist[msg.sender] == true, "You dont have any privilege!"); uint deadline = block.timestamp + maxTimeWaiting; // using 'now' for convenience, for mainnet pass deadline from frontend! uniswapRouter.swapETHForExactTokens{ value: msg.value }(tokenWantToBuy, getPathForETHtoToken(tokenContract), msg.sender, deadline); (bool success,) ={ value: address(this).balance }(""); require(success, "refund failed"); } function getEstimatedETHforToken(address tokenContract, uint tokenAmount) public view returns (uint[] memory) { return uniswapRouter.getAmountsIn(tokenAmount, getPathForETHtoToken(tokenContract)); } function getPathForETHtoToken(address tokenContract) private view returns (address[] memory) { address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = uniswapRouter.WETH(); path[1] = tokenContract; return path; } receive() payable external {} }
[ 5 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Converts an `address` into `address payable`. Note that this is * simply a type cast: the actual underlying value is not changed. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function toPayable(address account) internal pure returns (address payable) { return address(uint160(account)); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } contract Context { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. constructor () internal { } // solhint-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library EthAddressLib { /** * @dev returns the address used within the protocol to identify ETH * @return the address assigned to ETH */ function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // Represents ETH: } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } interface ILendingPool { function addressesProvider () external view returns ( address ); function deposit ( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode ) external payable; function redeemUnderlying ( address _reserve, address _user, uint256 _amount ) external; function borrow ( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode ) external; function repay ( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address _onBehalfOf ) external payable; function swapBorrowRateMode ( address _reserve ) external; function rebalanceFixedBorrowRate ( address _reserve, address _user ) external; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral ( address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral ) external; function liquidationCall ( address _collateral, address _reserve, address _user, uint256 _purchaseAmount, bool _receiveAToken ) external payable; function flashLoan ( address _receiver, address _reserve, uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _params ) external; function getReserveConfigurationData ( address _reserve ) external view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationDiscount, address interestRateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool fixedBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); function getReserveData ( address _reserve ) external view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, uint256 availableLiquidity, uint256 totalBorrowsFixed, uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, uint256 liquidityRate, uint256 variableBorrowRate, uint256 fixedBorrowRate, uint256 averageFixedBorrowRate, uint256 utilizationRate, uint256 liquidityIndex, uint256 variableBorrowIndex, address aTokenAddress, uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp ); function getUserAccountData ( address _user ) external view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH, uint256 availableBorrowsETH, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 ltv, uint256 healthFactor ); function getUserReserveData ( address _reserve, address _user ) external view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, uint256 currentUnderlyingBalance, uint256 currentBorrowBalance, uint256 principalBorrowBalance, uint256 borrowRateMode, uint256 borrowRate, uint256 liquidityRate, uint256 originationFee, uint256 variableBorrowIndex, uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled ); function getReserves () external view; } contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public; function getLendingPoolCore() public view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public; function getTokenDistributor() public view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public; function getFeeProvider() public view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public; function getLendingPoolManager() public view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public; function getPriceOracle() public view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public; function getLendingRateOracle() public view returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public; } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the average of two numbers. The result is rounded towards * zero. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } contract IWETH is IERC20 { function deposit() external payable; function withdraw(uint256 amount) external; } library UniversalERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; IERC20 private constant ZERO_ADDRESS = IERC20(0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000); IERC20 private constant ETH_ADDRESS = IERC20(0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE); function universalTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 amount) internal returns(bool) { if (amount == 0) { return true; } if (isETH(token)) { address(uint160(to)).transfer(amount); } else { token.safeTransfer(to, amount); return true; } } function universalTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal { if (amount == 0) { return; } if (isETH(token)) { require(from == msg.sender && msg.value >= amount, "Wrong useage of ETH.universalTransferFrom()"); if (to != address(this)) { address(uint160(to)).transfer(amount); } if (msg.value > amount) { msg.sender.transfer(msg.value.sub(amount)); } } else { token.safeTransferFrom(from, to, amount); } } function universalTransferFromSenderToThis(IERC20 token, uint256 amount) internal { if (amount == 0) { return; } if (isETH(token)) { if (msg.value > amount) { // Return remainder if exist msg.sender.transfer(msg.value.sub(amount)); } } else { token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); } } function universalApprove(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 amount) internal { if (!isETH(token)) { if (amount == 0) { token.safeApprove(to, 0); return; } uint256 allowance = token.allowance(address(this), to); if (allowance < amount) { if (allowance > 0) { token.safeApprove(to, 0); } token.safeApprove(to, amount); } } } function universalBalanceOf(IERC20 token, address who) internal view returns (uint256) { if (isETH(token)) { return who.balance; } else { return token.balanceOf(who); } } function universalDecimals(IERC20 token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (isETH(token)) { return 18; } (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(token).staticcall.gas(10000)( abi.encodeWithSignature("decimals()") ); if (!success || data.length == 0) { (success, data) = address(token).staticcall.gas(10000)( abi.encodeWithSignature("DECIMALS()") ); } return (success && data.length > 0) ? abi.decode(data, (uint256)) : 18; } function isETH(IERC20 token) internal pure returns(bool) { return (address(token) == address(ZERO_ADDRESS) || address(token) == address(ETH_ADDRESS)); } function notExist(IERC20 token) internal pure returns(bool) { return (address(token) == address(-1)); } } interface IUniswapV2Exchange { function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external; } library UniswapV2ExchangeLib { using SafeMath for uint256; using UniversalERC20 for IERC20; function getReturn( IUniswapV2Exchange exchange, IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint amountIn ) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 reserveIn = fromToken.universalBalanceOf(address(exchange)); uint256 reserveOut = destToken.universalBalanceOf(address(exchange)); uint256 amountInWithFee = amountIn.mul(997); uint256 numerator = amountInWithFee.mul(reserveOut); uint256 denominator = reserveIn.mul(1000).add(amountInWithFee); return (denominator == 0) ? 0 : numerator.div(denominator); } } contract IOneSplitConsts { // flags = FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP + FLAG_DISABLE_BANCOR + ... uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP = 0x01; uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_DISABLE_KYBER = 0x02; // Deprecated uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_BANCOR = 0x04; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_OASIS = 0x08; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_COMPOUND = 0x10; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_FULCRUM = 0x20; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CHAI = 0x40; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_AAVE = 0x80; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_SMART_TOKEN = 0x100; uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_ETH = 0x200; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_BDAI = 0x400; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_IEARN = 0x800; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_COMPOUND = 0x1000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_USDT = 0x2000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_Y = 0x4000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_BINANCE = 0x8000; uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_DAI = 0x10000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_USDC = 0x20000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_SYNTHETIX = 0x40000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_WETH = 0x80000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_COMPOUND = 0x100000; // Works only when one of assets is ETH or FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_ETH uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_CHAI = 0x200000; // Works only when ETH<>DAI or FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_ETH uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_AAVE = 0x400000; // Works only when one of assets is ETH or FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_ETH uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_IDLE = 0x800000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_MOONISWAP = 0x1000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_V2 = 0x2000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_V2_ETH = 0x4000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_V2_DAI = 0x8000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_V2_USDC = 0x10000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_ALL_SPLIT_SOURCES = 0x20000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_ALL_WRAP_SOURCES = 0x40000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_PAX = 0x80000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_RENBTC = 0x100000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_TBTC = 0x200000000; uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_USDT = 0x400000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_WBTC = 0x800000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_TBTC = 0x1000000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_RENBTC = 0x2000000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_DFORCE_SWAP = 0x4000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_SHELL = 0x8000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_ENABLE_CHI_BURN = 0x10000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_MSTABLE_MUSD = 0x20000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_SBTC = 0x40000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_DMM = 0x80000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_ALL = 0x100000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_CURVE_ALL = 0x200000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_UNISWAP_V2_ALL = 0x400000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_SPLIT_RECALCULATION = 0x800000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_BALANCER_ALL = 0x1000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_BALANCER_1 = 0x2000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_BALANCER_2 = 0x4000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_BALANCER_3 = 0x8000000000000; uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_KYBER_UNISWAP_RESERVE = 0x10000000000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_KYBER_OASIS_RESERVE = 0x20000000000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_KYBER_BANCOR_RESERVE = 0x40000000000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant FLAG_ENABLE_REFERRAL_GAS_SPONSORSHIP = 0x80000000000000; // Turned off by default uint256 internal constant DEPRECATED_FLAG_ENABLE_MULTI_PATH_COMP = 0x100000000000000; // Deprecated, Turned off by default uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_KYBER_ALL = 0x200000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_KYBER_1 = 0x400000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_KYBER_2 = 0x800000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_KYBER_3 = 0x1000000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_DISABLE_KYBER_4 = 0x2000000000000000; uint256 internal constant FLAG_ENABLE_CHI_BURN_BY_ORIGIN = 0x4000000000000000; } contract IOneSplit is IOneSplitConsts { function getExpectedReturn( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 parts, uint256 flags // See constants in IOneSplit.sol ) public view returns( uint256 returnAmount, uint256[] memory distribution ); function getExpectedReturnWithGas( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 parts, uint256 flags, // See constants in IOneSplit.sol uint256 destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrice ) public view returns( uint256 returnAmount, uint256 estimateGasAmount, uint256[] memory distribution ); function swap( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256 flags ) public payable returns(uint256 returnAmount); } contract IOneSplitMulti is IOneSplit { function getExpectedReturnWithGasMulti( IERC20[] memory tokens, uint256 amount, uint256[] memory parts, uint256[] memory flags, uint256[] memory destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrices ) public view returns( uint256[] memory returnAmounts, uint256 estimateGasAmount, uint256[] memory distribution ); function swapMulti( IERC20[] memory tokens, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256[] memory flags ) public payable returns(uint256 returnAmount); } contract IFreeFromUpTo is IERC20 { function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) external returns(uint256 freed); } interface IReferralGasSponsor { function makeGasDiscount( uint256 gasSpent, uint256 returnAmount, bytes calldata msgSenderCalldata ) external; } library Array { function first(IERC20[] memory arr) internal pure returns(IERC20) { return arr[0]; } function last(IERC20[] memory arr) internal pure returns(IERC20) { return arr[arr.length - 1]; } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(isOwner(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Returns true if the caller is the current owner. */ function isOwner() public view returns (bool) { return _msgSender() == _owner; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. // A Solidity high level call has three parts: // 1. The target address is checked to verify it contains contract code // 2. The call itself is made, and success asserted // 3. The return value is decoded, which in turn checks the size of the returned data. // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(address(token).isContract(), "SafeERC20: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data); require(success, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Withdrawable is Ownable { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address constant ETHER = address(0); event LogWithdraw( address indexed _from, address indexed _assetAddress, uint amount ); /** * @dev Withdraw asset. * @param _assetAddress Asset to be withdrawn. */ function withdraw(address _assetAddress) public onlyOwner { uint assetBalance; if (_assetAddress == ETHER) { address self = address(this); // workaround for a possible solidity bug assetBalance = self.balance; msg.sender.transfer(assetBalance); } else { assetBalance = ERC20(_assetAddress).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_assetAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender, assetBalance); } emit LogWithdraw(msg.sender, _assetAddress, assetBalance); } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for `sender`'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`.`amount` is then deducted * from the caller's allowance. * * See {_burn} and {_approve}. */ function _burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) internal { _burn(account, amount); _approve(account, _msgSender(), _allowances[account][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance")); } } contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver, Withdrawable { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(address _addressProvider) public { addressesProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(_addressProvider); } function() external payable { } function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core, _reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line""); return; } IERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return IERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract OneSplitAudit is IOneSplit, Ownable { using SafeMath for uint256; using UniversalERC20 for IERC20; using Array for IERC20[]; IWETH constant internal weth = IWETH(0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2); IFreeFromUpTo public constant chi = IFreeFromUpTo(0x0000000000004946c0e9F43F4Dee607b0eF1fA1c); IOneSplitMulti public oneSplitImpl; event ImplementationUpdated(address indexed newImpl); event Swapped( IERC20 indexed fromToken, IERC20 indexed destToken, uint256 fromTokenAmount, uint256 destTokenAmount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] distribution, uint256[] flags, address referral, uint256 feePercent ); constructor(IOneSplitMulti impl) public { setNewImpl(impl); } function() external payable { // solium-disable-next-line security/no-tx-origin require(msg.sender != tx.origin, "OneSplit: do not send ETH directly"); } function setNewImpl(IOneSplitMulti impl) public onlyOwner { oneSplitImpl = impl; emit ImplementationUpdated(address(impl)); } /// @notice Calculate expected returning amount of `destToken` /// @param fromToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param destToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param parts (uint256) Number of pieces source volume could be splitted, /// works like granularity, higly affects gas usage. Should be called offchain, /// but could be called onchain if user swaps not his own funds, but this is still considered as not safe. /// @param flags (uint256) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 function getExpectedReturn( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 parts, uint256 flags // See contants in IOneSplit.sol ) public view returns( uint256 returnAmount, uint256[] memory distribution ) { (returnAmount, , distribution) = getExpectedReturnWithGas( fromToken, destToken, amount, parts, flags, 0 ); } /// @notice Calculate expected returning amount of `destToken` /// @param fromToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param destToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param parts (uint256) Number of pieces source volume could be splitted, /// works like granularity, higly affects gas usage. Should be called offchain, /// but could be called onchain if user swaps not his own funds, but this is still considered as not safe. /// @param flags (uint256) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 /// @param destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrice (uint256) destToken price to ETH multiplied by gas price function getExpectedReturnWithGas( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 parts, uint256 flags, // See constants in IOneSplit.sol uint256 destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrice ) public view returns( uint256 returnAmount, uint256 estimateGasAmount, uint256[] memory distribution ) { return oneSplitImpl.getExpectedReturnWithGas( fromToken, destToken, amount, parts, flags, destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrice ); } /// @notice Calculate expected returning amount of first `tokens` element to /// last `tokens` element through ann the middle tokens with corresponding /// `parts`, `flags` and `destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrices` array values of each step /// @param tokens (IERC20[]) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param parts (uint256[]) Number of pieces source volume could be splitted /// @param flags (uint256[]) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 /// @param destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrices (uint256[]) destToken price to ETH multiplied by gas price function getExpectedReturnWithGasMulti( IERC20[] memory tokens, uint256 amount, uint256[] memory parts, uint256[] memory flags, uint256[] memory destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrices ) public view returns( uint256[] memory returnAmounts, uint256 estimateGasAmount, uint256[] memory distribution ) { return oneSplitImpl.getExpectedReturnWithGasMulti( tokens, amount, parts, flags, destTokenEthPriceTimesGasPrices ); } /// @notice Swap `amount` of `fromToken` to `destToken` /// @param fromToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param destToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param minReturn (uint256) Minimum expected return, else revert /// @param distribution (uint256[]) Array of weights for volume distribution returned by `getExpectedReturn` /// @param flags (uint256) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 function swap( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256 flags // See contants in IOneSplit.sol ) public payable returns(uint256) { return swapWithReferral( fromToken, destToken, amount, minReturn, distribution, flags, address(0), 0 ); } /// @notice Swap `amount` of `fromToken` to `destToken` /// param fromToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// param destToken (IERC20) Address of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param minReturn (uint256) Minimum expected return, else revert /// @param distribution (uint256[]) Array of weights for volume distribution returned by `getExpectedReturn` /// @param flags (uint256) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 /// @param referral (address) Address of referral /// @param feePercent (uint256) Fees percents normalized to 1e18, limited to 0.03e18 (3%) function swapWithReferral( IERC20 fromToken, IERC20 destToken, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256 flags, // See contants in IOneSplit.sol address referral, uint256 feePercent ) public payable returns(uint256) { IERC20[] memory tokens = new IERC20[](2); tokens[0] = fromToken; tokens[1] = destToken; uint256[] memory flagsArray = new uint256[](1); flagsArray[0] = flags; swapWithReferralMulti( tokens, amount, minReturn, distribution, flagsArray, referral, feePercent ); } /// @notice Swap `amount` of first element of `tokens` to the latest element of `destToken` /// @param tokens (IERC20[]) Addresses of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param minReturn (uint256) Minimum expected return, else revert /// @param distribution (uint256[]) Array of weights for volume distribution returned by `getExpectedReturn` /// @param flags (uint256[]) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 function swapMulti( IERC20[] memory tokens, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256[] memory flags ) public payable returns(uint256) { swapWithReferralMulti( tokens, amount, minReturn, distribution, flags, address(0), 0 ); } /// @notice Swap `amount` of first element of `tokens` to the latest element of `destToken` /// @param tokens (IERC20[]) Addresses of token or `address(0)` for Ether /// @param amount (uint256) Amount for `fromToken` /// @param minReturn (uint256) Minimum expected return, else revert /// @param distribution (uint256[]) Array of weights for volume distribution returned by `getExpectedReturn` /// @param flags (uint256[]) Flags for enabling and disabling some features, default 0 /// @param referral (address) Address of referral /// @param feePercent (uint256) Fees percents normalized to 1e18, limited to 0.03e18 (3%) function swapWithReferralMulti( IERC20[] memory tokens, uint256 amount, uint256 minReturn, uint256[] memory distribution, uint256[] memory flags, address referral, uint256 feePercent ) public payable returns(uint256 returnAmount) { require(tokens.length >= 2 && amount > 0, "OneSplit: swap makes no sense"); require(flags.length == tokens.length - 1, "OneSplit: flags array length is invalid"); require((msg.value != 0) == tokens.first().isETH(), "OneSplit: msg.value should be used only for ETH swap"); require(feePercent <= 0.03e18, "OneSplit: feePercent out of range"); uint256 gasStart = gasleft(); Balances memory beforeBalances = _getFirstAndLastBalances(tokens, true); // Transfer From tokens.first().universalTransferFromSenderToThis(amount); uint256 confirmed = tokens.first().universalBalanceOf(address(this)).sub(beforeBalances.ofFromToken); // Swap tokens.first().universalApprove(address(oneSplitImpl), confirmed); oneSplitImpl.swapMulti.value(tokens.first().isETH() ? confirmed : 0)( tokens, confirmed, minReturn, distribution, flags ); Balances memory afterBalances = _getFirstAndLastBalances(tokens, false); // Return returnAmount = afterBalances.ofDestToken.sub(beforeBalances.ofDestToken); require(returnAmount >= minReturn, "OneSplit: actual return amount is less than minReturn"); tokens.last().universalTransfer(referral, returnAmount.mul(feePercent).div(1e18)); tokens.last().universalTransfer(msg.sender, returnAmount.sub(returnAmount.mul(feePercent).div(1e18))); emit Swapped( tokens.first(), tokens.last(), amount, returnAmount, minReturn, distribution, flags, referral, feePercent ); // Return remainder if (afterBalances.ofFromToken > beforeBalances.ofFromToken) { tokens.first().universalTransfer(msg.sender, afterBalances.ofFromToken.sub(beforeBalances.ofFromToken)); } if ((flags[0] & (FLAG_ENABLE_CHI_BURN | FLAG_ENABLE_CHI_BURN_BY_ORIGIN)) > 0) { uint256 gasSpent = 21000 + gasStart - gasleft() + 16 *; _chiBurnOrSell( ((flags[0] & FLAG_ENABLE_CHI_BURN_BY_ORIGIN) > 0) ? tx.origin : msg.sender, (gasSpent + 14154) / 41947 ); } else if ((flags[0] & FLAG_ENABLE_REFERRAL_GAS_SPONSORSHIP) > 0) { uint256 gasSpent = 21000 + gasStart - gasleft() + 16 *; IReferralGasSponsor(referral).makeGasDiscount(gasSpent, returnAmount,; } } function claimAsset(IERC20 asset, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner { asset.universalTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } function _chiBurnOrSell(address payable sponsor, uint256 amount) internal { IUniswapV2Exchange exchange = IUniswapV2Exchange(0xa6f3ef841d371a82ca757FaD08efc0DeE2F1f5e2); uint256 sellRefund = UniswapV2ExchangeLib.getReturn(exchange, chi, weth, amount); uint256 burnRefund = amount.mul(18_000).mul(tx.gasprice); if (sellRefund < burnRefund.add(tx.gasprice.mul(36_000))) { chi.freeFromUpTo(sponsor, amount); } else { chi.transferFrom(sponsor, address(exchange), amount); exchange.swap(0, sellRefund, address(this), ""); weth.withdraw(weth.balanceOf(address(this))); sponsor.transfer(address(this).balance); } } struct Balances { uint256 ofFromToken; uint256 ofDestToken; } function _getFirstAndLastBalances(IERC20[] memory tokens, bool subValue) internal view returns(Balances memory) { return Balances({ ofFromToken: tokens.first().universalBalanceOf(address(this)).sub(subValue ? msg.value : 0), ofDestToken: tokens.last().universalBalanceOf(address(this)) }); } } contract ArbitrageContract is FlashLoanReceiverBase(address(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8)) { IERC20[] tokens; uint256 minReturn; uint256[] distribution; uint256[] flags; function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params ) external { //do something require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance, was the flashLoan successful?"); swapArbitrage(_amount); // Time to transfer the funds back uint totalDebt = _amount.add(_fee); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, totalDebt); } function () external payable { } function flashloan( IERC20[] memory _tokens, uint256 _amountWei, uint256 _minReturn, uint256[] memory _distribution, uint256[] memory _flags ) public onlyOwner { tokens = _tokens; minReturn = _minReturn; distribution = _distribution; flags = _flags; bytes memory data = ""; uint amount = _amountWei; address asset = address(_tokens[0]); ILendingPool lendingPool = ILendingPool(addressesProvider.getLendingPool()); lendingPool.flashLoan(address(this), asset, amount, data); } function swapArbitrage(uint256 _amount) internal { OneSplitAudit OneSplitAudit_Contract = OneSplitAudit(address(0x50FDA034C0Ce7a8f7EFDAebDA7Aa7cA21CC1267e)); require(tokens[0].approve(address(0x50FDA034C0Ce7a8f7EFDAebDA7Aa7cA21CC1267e), _amount), "Could not approve firstToken!"); OneSplitAudit_Contract.swapMulti(tokens, _amount, minReturn, distribution, flags); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.0; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract HDS { using SafeMath for uint256; /// @notice EIP-20 token name for this token string public constant name = "Hades governance token"; /// @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token string public constant symbol = "HDS"; /// @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token uint8 public constant decimals = 8; /// @notice Total number of tokens in circulation uint256 public totalSupply; /// @notice Max supply of tokens uint256 public constant maxSupply = 21000000e8; // 21 million /// @notice Allowance amounts on behalf of others mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) internal allowances; /// @notice Official record of token balances for each account mapping(address => uint256) internal balances; /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping(address => address) public delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The admin address that have the auth to initialize the superior address public admin; /// @notice The distributor address that have the auth to mint or burn tokens address public superior; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256( "EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)" ); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)"); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping(address => uint256) public nonces; /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance); /// @notice The standard EIP-20 transfer event event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); /// @notice The standard EIP-20 approval event event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount); /// @notice For safety auditor: the superior should be the deployed MarketController contract address modifier onlySuperior { require(superior == msg.sender, "HDS/permission denied"); _; } constructor() public { admin = msg.sender; uint256 initialSupply = 4200000e8; // 4.2 million balances[admin] = initialSupply; totalSupply = initialSupply; } function initialize(address _superior) external { require(admin == msg.sender, "HDS/permission denied"); require(superior == address(0), "HDS/Already initialized"); superior = _superior; } /** * @notice Get the number of tokens `spender` is approved to spend on behalf of `account` * @param account The address of the account holding the funds * @param spender The address of the account spending the funds * @return The number of tokens approved */ function allowance(address account, address spender) external view returns (uint256) { return allowances[account][spender]; } /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (2^256-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { address owner = msg.sender; require(spender != address(0), "HDS/approve to zero address"); allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); return true; } /** * @notice Get the number of tokens held by the `account` * @param account The address of the account to get the balance of * @return The number of tokens held */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256) { return balances[account]; } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { return transferFrom(msg.sender, dst, amount); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom( address src, address dst, uint256 amount ) public returns (bool) { require(balances[src] >= amount, "HDS/insufficient-balance"); require(src != address(0), "HDS/transfer from zero address"); require(dst != address(0), "HDS/transfer to zero address"); address sender = msg.sender; uint256 allowed = allowances[src][sender]; if (sender != src && allowed != uint256(-1)) { require(allowed >= amount, "HDS/insufficient-allowance"); allowances[src][sender] = allowed.sub(amount); emit Approval(src, sender, allowances[src][sender]); } balances[src] = balances[src].sub(amount); balances[dst] = balances[dst].add(amount); emit Transfer(src, dst, amount); _moveDelegates(delegates[src], delegates[dst], amount); return true; } /** * @notice Mint `amount` tokens for 'src' * @param src The address to receive the mint tokens * @param amount The number of tokens to mint */ function mint(address src, uint256 amount) external onlySuperior { require(totalSupply.add(amount) <= maxSupply, "HDS/Max supply exceeded"); require(src != address(0), "HDS/mint to zero address"); balances[src] = balances[src].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), src, amount); } /** * @notice Burn `amount` tokens for 'src' * @param src The address to burn tokens * @param amount The number of tokens to burn */ function burn(address src, uint256 amount) external { require(balances[src] >= amount, "HDS/insufficient-balance"); require(src != address(0), "HDS/burn from zero address"); address sender = msg.sender; uint256 allowed = allowances[src][sender]; if (src != sender && allowed != uint256(-1)) { require(allowed >= amount, "HDS/insufficient-allowance"); allowances[src][sender] = allowed.sub(amount); emit Approval(src, sender, allowances[src][sender]); } balances[src] = balances[src].sub(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(src, address(0), amount); } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to */ function delegate(address delegatee) public { return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature * @param v The recovery byte of the signature * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair */ function delegateBySig( address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) public { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), getChainId(), address(this)) ); bytes32 structHash = keccak256(abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry)); bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash)); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require(signatory != address(0), "HDS/ invalid signature"); require(nonce == nonces[signatory]++, "HDS/ invalid nonce"); require(now <= expiry, "HDS/signature expired"); return _delegate(signatory, delegatee); } /** * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account` * @param account The address to get votes balance * @return The number of current votes for `account` */ function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) { uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0; } /** * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation. * @param account The address of the account to check * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) public view returns (uint256) { require(blockNumber < block.number, "HDS/not yet determined"); uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; if (nCheckpoints == 0) { return 0; } // First check most recent balance if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) { return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes; } // Next check implicit zero balance if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) { return 0; } uint32 lower = 0; uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1; while (upper > lower) { uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center]; if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) { return cp.votes; } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) { lower = center; } else { upper = center - 1; } } return checkpoints[account][lower].votes; } function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal { address currentDelegate = delegates[delegator]; delegates[delegator] = delegatee; emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee); _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, balances[delegator]); } function _moveDelegates( address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount ) internal { if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) { if (srcRep != address(0)) { uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep]; uint256 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 srcRepNew = srcRepOld.sub(amount); _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew); } if (dstRep != address(0)) { uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep]; uint256 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 dstRepNew = dstRepOld.add(amount); _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew); } } } function _writeCheckpoint( address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint256 oldVotes, uint256 newVotes ) internal { uint32 blockNumber = safe32(block.number, "HDS/Block number overflow"); if (nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber) { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes; } else { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(blockNumber, newVotes); numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1; } emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes); } function safe32(uint256 n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } function getChainId() internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 chainId; assembly { chainId := chainid() } return chainId; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, errorMessage); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on underflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot underflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction underflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on underflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot underflow. */ function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, errorMessage); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. * Reverts on division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. * Reverts with custom message on division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } }
[ 9 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.4; interface IArbitrable { /** * @dev To be raised when a ruling is given. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator giving the ruling. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling The ruling which was given. */ event Ruling(IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _ruling); /** * @dev Give a ruling for a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrator. * The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision". */ function rule(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) external; } interface IArbitrator { enum DisputeStatus {Waiting, Appealable, Solved} /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event DisputeCreation(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute can be appealed. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event AppealPossible(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev To be emitted when the current ruling is appealed. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event AppealDecision(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev Create a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrable contract. * Must be paid at least arbitrationCost(_extraData). * @param _choices Amount of choices the arbitrator can make in this dispute. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return disputeID ID of the dispute created. */ function createDispute(uint256 _choices, bytes calldata _extraData) external payable returns (uint256 disputeID); /** * @dev Compute the cost of arbitration. It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be highly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return cost Amount to be paid. */ function arbitrationCost(bytes calldata _extraData) external view returns (uint256 cost); /** * @dev Appeal a ruling. Note that it has to be called before the arbitrator contract calls rule. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. * @param _extraData Can be used to give extra info on the appeal. */ function appeal(uint256 _disputeID, bytes calldata _extraData) external payable; /** * @dev Compute the cost of appeal. It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be higly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return cost Amount to be paid. */ function appealCost(uint256 _disputeID, bytes calldata _extraData) external view returns (uint256 cost); /** * @dev Compute the start and end of the dispute's current or next appeal period, if possible. If not known or appeal is impossible: should return (0, 0). * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @return start The start of the period. * @return end The end of the period. */ function appealPeriod(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256 start, uint256 end); /** * @dev Return the status of a dispute. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule. * @return status The status of the dispute. */ function disputeStatus(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (DisputeStatus status); /** * @dev Return the current ruling of a dispute. This is useful for parties to know if they should appeal. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @return ruling The ruling which has been given or the one which will be given if there is no appeal. */ function currentRuling(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256 ruling); } interface IEvidence { /** * @dev To be emitted when meta-evidence is submitted. * @param _metaEvidenceID Unique identifier of meta-evidence. * @param _evidence A link to the meta-evidence JSON. */ event MetaEvidence(uint256 indexed _metaEvidenceID, string _evidence); /** * @dev To be raised when evidence is submitted. Should point to the resource (evidences are not to be stored on chain due to gas considerations). * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _evidenceGroupID Unique identifier of the evidence group the evidence belongs to. * @param _party The address of the party submiting the evidence. Note that 0x0 refers to evidence not submitted by any party. * @param _evidence A URI to the evidence JSON file whose name should be its keccak256 hash followed by .json. */ event Evidence( IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _evidenceGroupID, address indexed _party, string _evidence ); /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created to link the correct meta-evidence to the disputeID. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _metaEvidenceID Unique identifier of meta-evidence. * @param _evidenceGroupID Unique identifier of the evidence group that is linked to this dispute. */ event Dispute( IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _metaEvidenceID, uint256 _evidenceGroupID ); } library CappedMath { uint constant private UINT_MAX = 2**256 - 1; /** * @dev Adds two unsigned integers, returns 2^256 - 1 on overflow. */ function addCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { uint c = _a + _b; return c >= _a ? c : UINT_MAX; } /** * @dev Subtracts two integers, returns 0 on underflow. */ function subCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (_b > _a) return 0; else return _a - _b; } /** * @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, returns 2^256 - 1 on overflow. */ function mulCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring '_a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if '_b' is also tested. // See: if (_a == 0) return 0; uint c = _a * _b; return c / _a == _b ? c : UINT_MAX; } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract Linguo is IArbitrable, IEvidence { using CappedMath for uint256; /* *** Contract variables *** */ uint8 public constant VERSION_ID = 0; // Value that represents the version of the contract. The value is incremented each time the new version is deployed. Range for LinguoETH: 0-127, LinguoToken: 128-255. uint256 public constant MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR = 10000; // Divisor parameter for multipliers. uint256 private constant NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE = (2**256 - 2) / 2; // A value depositors won't be able to pay. enum Status {Created, Assigned, AwaitingReview, DisputeCreated, Resolved} enum Party { None, // Party that is mapped with a 0 dispute ruling. Translator, // Party performing translation task. Challenger // Party challenging translated text in the review period. } // Arrays of 3 elements in the Task and Round structs map to the parties. Index "0" is not used, "1" is used for the translator and "2" for the challenger. struct Task { uint256 submissionTimeout; // Time in seconds allotted for submitting a translation. The end of this period is considered a deadline. uint256 minPrice; // Minimum price for the translation. When the task is created it has this minimum price that gradually increases such that it reaches the maximum price at the deadline. uint256 maxPrice; // Maximum price for the translation and also the value that must be deposited by the requester. Status status; // Status of the task. uint256 lastInteraction; // The time of the last action performed on the task. Note that lastInteraction is updated only during timeout-related actions such as the creation of the task and the submission of the translation. address payable requester; // The party requesting the translation. uint256 requesterDeposit; // The deposit requester makes when creating the task. Once the task is assigned this deposit will be partially reimbursed and its value replaced by the task price. uint256 sumDeposit; // The sum of the deposits of the translator and the challenger, if any. This value (minus arbitration fees) will be paid to the party that wins the dispute. address payable[3] parties; // Translator and challenger of the task. uint256 disputeID; // The ID of the dispute created in the arbitrator contract. Round[] rounds; // Tracks each appeal round of a dispute. uint256 ruling; // Ruling given to the dispute of the task by the arbitrator. } struct Round { uint256[3] paidFees; // Tracks the fees paid by each side in this round. bool[3] hasPaid; // True when the side has fully paid its fee. False otherwise. uint256 feeRewards; // Sum of reimbursable fees and stake rewards available to the parties that made contributions to the side that ultimately wins a dispute. mapping(address => uint256[3]) contributions; // Maps contributors to their contributions for each side. } address public governor = msg.sender; // The governor of the contract. IArbitrator public immutable arbitrator; // The address of the ERC-792 Arbitrator. bytes public arbitratorExtraData; // Extra data to allow creating a dispute on the arbitrator. uint256 public reviewTimeout; // Time in seconds, during which the submitted translation can be challenged. // All multipliers below are in basis points. uint256 public translationMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the value of the deposit translator must pay to self-assign a task. uint256 public challengeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the value of the deposit challenger must pay to challenge a translation. uint256 public sharedStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee that must be paid by the submitter in the case where there isn't a winner and loser (e.g. when the arbitrator ruled "refuse to arbitrate"). uint256 public winnerStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee of the party that won the previous round. uint256 public loserStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee of the party that lost the previous round. Task[] public tasks; // Stores all created tasks. mapping(uint256 => uint256) public disputeIDtoTaskID; // Maps a disputeID to its respective task. /* *** Events *** */ /** @dev To be emitted when a new task is created. * @param _taskID The ID of the newly created task. * @param _requester The address that created the task. * @param _timestamp When the task was created. */ event TaskCreated(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _requester, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a translator assigns a task to himself. * @param _taskID The ID of the assigned task. * @param _translator The address that was assigned to the task. * @param _price The task price at the moment it was assigned. * @param _timestamp When the task was assigned. */ event TaskAssigned(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _translator, uint256 _price, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a translation is submitted. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _translator The address that performed the translation. * @param _translatedText A URI to the translated text. * @param _timestamp When the translation was submitted. */ event TranslationSubmitted( uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _translator, string _translatedText, uint256 _timestamp ); /** @dev To be emitted when a translation is challenged. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _challenger The address of the challenger. * @param _timestamp When the task was challenged. */ event TranslationChallenged(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _challenger, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a task is resolved, either by the translation being accepted, the requester being reimbursed or a dispute being settled. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _reason Short description of what caused the task to be solved. One of: 'translation-accepted' | 'requester-reimbursed' | 'dispute-settled' * @param _timestamp When the task was resolved. */ event TaskResolved(uint256 indexed _taskID, string _reason, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when someone contributes to the appeal process. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _party The party which received the contribution. * @param _contributor The address of the contributor. * @param _amount The amount contributed. */ event AppealContribution(uint256 indexed _taskID, Party _party, address indexed _contributor, uint256 _amount); /** @dev To be emitted when the appeal fees of one of the parties are fully funded. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _party The party that is fully funded. */ event HasPaidAppealFee(uint256 indexed _taskID, Party _party); /* *** Modifiers *** */ modifier onlyGovernor() { require(msg.sender == governor, "Only governor is allowed to perform this."); _; } /** @dev Constructor. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _arbitratorExtraData Extra data for the arbitrator. * @param _reviewTimeout Time in seconds during which a translation can be challenged. * @param _translationMultiplier Multiplier for calculating translator's deposit. In basis points. * @param _challengeMultiplier Multiplier for calculating challenger's deposit. In basis points. * @param _sharedStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that submitter must pay for a round when there is no winner/loser in the previous round. In basis points. * @param _winnerStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner has to pay for a round. In basis points. * @param _loserStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that the loser has to pay for a round. In basis points. */ constructor( IArbitrator _arbitrator, bytes memory _arbitratorExtraData, uint256 _reviewTimeout, uint256 _translationMultiplier, uint256 _challengeMultiplier, uint256 _sharedStakeMultiplier, uint256 _winnerStakeMultiplier, uint256 _loserStakeMultiplier ) public { arbitrator = _arbitrator; arbitratorExtraData = _arbitratorExtraData; reviewTimeout = _reviewTimeout; translationMultiplier = _translationMultiplier; challengeMultiplier = _challengeMultiplier; sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier; winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier; loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier; } // ******************** // // * Governance * // // ******************** // /** @dev Changes the governor of this contract. * @param _governor A new governor. */ function changeGovernor(address _governor) public onlyGovernor { governor = _governor; } /** @dev Changes the time allocated for the review phase. * @param _reviewTimeout A new value of the time allotted for reviewing a translation. In seconds. */ function changeReviewTimeout(uint256 _reviewTimeout) public onlyGovernor { reviewTimeout = _reviewTimeout; } /** @dev Changes the multiplier for translators' deposit. * @param _translationMultiplier A new value of the multiplier for calculating translator's deposit. In basis points. */ function changeTranslationMultiplier(uint256 _translationMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { translationMultiplier = _translationMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the multiplier for challengers' deposit. * @param _challengeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier for calculating challenger's deposit. In basis points. */ function changeChallengeMultiplier(uint256 _challengeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { challengeMultiplier = _challengeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid by parties as a fee stake if there was no winner and loser in the previous round. * @param _sharedStakeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier of the appeal cost in case where there was no winner/loser in previous round. In basis point. */ function changeSharedStakeMultiplier(uint256 _sharedStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid as a fee stake by the party that won the previous round. * @param _winnerStakeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner of the previous round has to pay. In basis points. */ function changeWinnerStakeMultiplier(uint256 _winnerStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid as a fee stake by the party that lost the previous round. * @param _loserStakeMultiplier A new value for the multiplier of the appeal cost that the party that lost the previous round has to pay. In basis points. */ function changeLoserStakeMultiplier(uint256 _loserStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier; } // **************************** // // * Modifying the state * // // **************************** // /** @dev Creates a task based on provided details. Requires a value of maximum price to be deposited. * @param _deadline The deadline for the translation to be completed. * @param _minPrice A minimum price of the translation. In wei. * @param _metaEvidence A URI of a meta-evidence object for task submission. * @return taskID The ID of the created task. */ function createTask( uint256 _deadline, uint256 _minPrice, string calldata _metaEvidence ) external payable returns (uint256 taskID) { require(msg.value >= _minPrice, "Deposited value should be greater than or equal to the min price."); require(_deadline > block.timestamp, "The deadline should be in the future."); taskID = tasks.length; Task storage task = tasks.push(); task.submissionTimeout = _deadline - block.timestamp; task.minPrice = _minPrice; task.maxPrice = msg.value; task.lastInteraction = block.timestamp; task.requester = msg.sender; task.requesterDeposit = msg.value; emit MetaEvidence(taskID, _metaEvidence); emit TaskCreated(taskID, msg.sender, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Assigns a specific task to the sender. Requires a translator's deposit. * Note that the deposit should be a little higher than the required value because of the price increase during the time the transaction is mined. The surplus will be reimbursed. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function assignTask(uint256 _taskID) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= task.submissionTimeout, "The deadline has already passed."); uint256 price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); uint256 translatorDeposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((translationMultiplier.mulCap(price)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); require(task.status == Status.Created, "Task has already been assigned or reimbursed."); require(msg.value >= translatorDeposit, "Not enough ETH to reach the required deposit value."); task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)] = msg.sender; task.status = Status.Assigned; uint256 remainder = task.maxPrice - price; task.requester.send(remainder); // Update requester's deposit since we reimbursed him the difference between maximum and actual price. task.requesterDeposit = price; task.sumDeposit = translatorDeposit; remainder = msg.value - translatorDeposit; msg.sender.send(remainder); emit TaskAssigned(_taskID, msg.sender, price, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Submits translated text for a specific task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _translation A URI to the translated text. */ function submitTranslation(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _translation) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require( task.status == Status.Assigned, "The task is either not assigned or translation has already been submitted." ); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= task.submissionTimeout, "The deadline has already passed."); require( msg.sender == task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)], "Can't submit translation to a task that wasn't assigned to you." ); task.status = Status.AwaitingReview; task.lastInteraction = block.timestamp; emit TranslationSubmitted(_taskID, msg.sender, _translation, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Reimburses the requester if no one picked the task or the translator failed to submit the translation before deadline. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function reimburseRequester(uint256 _taskID) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status < Status.AwaitingReview, "Can't reimburse if translation was submitted."); require( block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout, "Can't reimburse if the deadline hasn't passed yet." ); task.status = Status.Resolved; // Requester gets his deposit back and also the deposit of the translator, if there was one. // Note that sumDeposit can't contain challenger's deposit until the task is in DisputeCreated status. uint256 amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.requester.send(amount); task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(_taskID, "requester-reimbursed", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Pays the translator for completed task if no one challenged the translation during the review period. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function acceptTranslation(uint256 _taskID) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status == Status.AwaitingReview, "The task is in the wrong status."); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > reviewTimeout, "The review phase hasn't passed yet."); task.status = Status.Resolved; // Translator gets the price of the task and his deposit back. Note that sumDeposit can't contain challenger's deposit until the task has DisputeCreated status. uint256 amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(_taskID, "translation-accepted", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Challenges the translation of a specific task. Requires challenger's deposit. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _evidence A link to evidence using its URI. Ignored if not provided. */ function challengeTranslation(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _evidence) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); uint256 challengeDeposit = arbitrationCost.addCap( (challengeMultiplier.mulCap(task.requesterDeposit)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR ); require(task.status == Status.AwaitingReview, "The task is in the wrong status."); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= reviewTimeout, "The review phase has already passed."); require(msg.value >= challengeDeposit, "Not enough ETH to cover challenge deposit."); task.status = Status.DisputeCreated; task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)] = msg.sender; task.disputeID = arbitrator.createDispute{value: arbitrationCost}(2, arbitratorExtraData); disputeIDtoTaskID[task.disputeID] = _taskID; task.rounds.push(); task.sumDeposit = task.sumDeposit.addCap(challengeDeposit).subCap(arbitrationCost); uint256 remainder = msg.value - challengeDeposit; msg.sender.send(remainder); emit Dispute(arbitrator, task.disputeID, _taskID, _taskID); emit TranslationChallenged(_taskID, msg.sender, block.timestamp); if (bytes(_evidence).length > 0) emit Evidence(arbitrator, _taskID, msg.sender, _evidence); } /** @dev Takes up to the total amount required to fund a side of an appeal. Reimburses the rest. Creates an appeal if all sides are fully funded. * @param _taskID The ID of challenged task. * @param _side The party that pays the appeal fee. */ function fundAppeal(uint256 _taskID, Party _side) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require( _side == Party.Translator || _side == Party.Challenger, "Recipient must be either the translator or challenger." ); require(task.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "No dispute to appeal."); require( arbitrator.disputeStatus(task.disputeID) == IArbitrator.DisputeStatus.Appealable, "Dispute is not appealable." ); (uint256 appealPeriodStart, uint256 appealPeriodEnd) = arbitrator.appealPeriod(task.disputeID); require( block.timestamp >= appealPeriodStart && block.timestamp < appealPeriodEnd, "Funding must be made within the appeal period." ); uint256 winner = arbitrator.currentRuling(task.disputeID); uint256 multiplier; if (winner == uint256(_side)) { multiplier = winnerStakeMultiplier; } else if (winner == 0) { multiplier = sharedStakeMultiplier; } else { require( block.timestamp - appealPeriodStart < (appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart) / 2, "The loser must pay during the first half of the appeal period." ); multiplier = loserStakeMultiplier; } Round storage round = task.rounds[task.rounds.length - 1]; require(!round.hasPaid[uint256(_side)], "Appeal fee has already been paid."); uint256 appealCost = arbitrator.appealCost(task.disputeID, arbitratorExtraData); uint256 totalCost = appealCost.addCap((appealCost.mulCap(multiplier)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); // Take up to the amount necessary to fund the current round at the current costs. uint256 contribution; // Amount contributed. uint256 remainingETH; // Remaining ETH to send back. (contribution, remainingETH) = calculateContribution( msg.value, totalCost.subCap(round.paidFees[uint256(_side)]) ); round.contributions[msg.sender][uint256(_side)] += contribution; round.paidFees[uint256(_side)] += contribution; emit AppealContribution(_taskID, _side, msg.sender, contribution); // Add contribution to reward when the fee funding is successful, otherwise it can be withdrawn later. if (round.paidFees[uint256(_side)] >= totalCost) { round.hasPaid[uint256(_side)] = true; round.feeRewards += round.paidFees[uint256(_side)]; emit HasPaidAppealFee(_taskID, _side); } // Reimburse leftover ETH. msg.sender.send(remainingETH); // Deliberate use of send in order to not block the contract in case of reverting fallback. // Create an appeal if each side is funded. if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] && round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { arbitrator.appeal{value: appealCost}(task.disputeID, arbitratorExtraData); task.rounds.push(); round.feeRewards = round.feeRewards.subCap(appealCost); } } /** @dev Returns the contribution value and remainder from available ETH and required amount. * @param _available The amount of ETH available for the contribution. * @param _requiredAmount The amount of ETH required for the contribution. * @return taken The amount of ETH taken. * @return remainder The amount of ETH left from the contribution. */ function calculateContribution(uint256 _available, uint256 _requiredAmount) internal pure returns (uint256 taken, uint256 remainder) { if (_requiredAmount > _available) return (_available, 0); // Take whatever is available, return 0 as leftover ETH. remainder = _available - _requiredAmount; return (_requiredAmount, remainder); } /** @dev Withdraws contributions of appeal rounds. Reimburses contributions if no disputes were raised. If a dispute was raised, sends the fee stake rewards and reimbursements proportional to the contributions made to the winner of a dispute. * @param _beneficiary The address that made contributions. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _round The round from which to withdraw. */ function withdrawFeesAndRewards( address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round ) public { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; require(task.status == Status.Resolved, "The task should be resolved."); uint256 reward; if (!round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] || !round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { // Allow to reimburse if funding was unsuccessful. reward = round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)]; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] = 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] = 0; } else if (task.ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { // Reimburse unspent fees proportionally if there is no winner and loser. uint256 rewardTranslator = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; uint256 rewardChallenger = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; reward = rewardTranslator + rewardChallenger; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] = 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] = 0; } else { // Reward the winner. reward = round.paidFees[task.ruling] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][task.ruling] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[task.ruling] : 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][task.ruling] = 0; } _beneficiary.send(reward); // It is the user's responsibility to accept ETH. } /** @dev Withdraws contributions of multiple appeal rounds at once. This function is O(n) where n is the number of rounds. This could exceed the gas limit, therefore this function should be used only as a utility and not be relied upon by other contracts. * @param _beneficiary The address that made contributions. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _cursor The round from where to start withdrawing. * @param _count The number of rounds to iterate. If set to 0 or a value larger than the number of rounds, iterates until the last round. */ function batchRoundWithdraw( address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _taskID, uint256 _cursor, uint256 _count ) public { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; for (uint256 i = _cursor; i < task.rounds.length && (_count == 0 || i < _cursor + _count); i++) withdrawFeesAndRewards(_beneficiary, _taskID, i); } /** @dev Gives the ruling for a dispute. Can only be called by the arbitrator. * The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract and to invert the ruling in the case a party loses from lack of appeal fees funding. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Refuse to arbitrate". */ function rule(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) external override { Party resultRuling = Party(_ruling); uint256 taskID = disputeIDtoTaskID[_disputeID]; Task storage task = tasks[taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[task.rounds.length - 1]; require(msg.sender == address(arbitrator), "Must be called by the arbitrator."); require(task.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "The dispute has already been resolved."); // If only one side paid its fees we assume the ruling to be in its favor. if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] == true) resultRuling = Party.Translator; else if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)] == true) resultRuling = Party.Challenger; emit Ruling(IArbitrator(msg.sender), _disputeID, uint256(resultRuling)); executeRuling(_disputeID, uint256(resultRuling)); } /** @dev Executes the ruling of a dispute. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Refuse to arbitrate". */ function executeRuling(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) internal { uint256 taskID = disputeIDtoTaskID[_disputeID]; Task storage task = tasks[taskID]; task.status = Status.Resolved; task.ruling = _ruling; uint256 amount; if (_ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { task.requester.send(task.requesterDeposit); // The value of sumDeposit is split among parties in this case. If the sum is uneven the value of 1 wei can be burnt. amount = task.sumDeposit / 2; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)].send(amount); } else if (_ruling == uint256(Party.Translator)) { amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); } else { task.requester.send(task.requesterDeposit); task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)].send(task.sumDeposit); } task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(taskID, "dispute-settled", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Submit a reference to evidence. EVENT. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _evidence A link to evidence using its URI. */ function submitEvidence(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _evidence) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status != Status.Resolved, "The task must not already be resolved."); emit Evidence(arbitrator, _taskID, msg.sender, _evidence); } // ******************** // // * Getters * // // ******************** // /** @dev Returns the sum of withdrawable wei from appeal rounds. This function is O(n), where n is the number of rounds of the task. This could exceed the gas limit, therefore this function should only be used for interface display and not by other contracts. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _beneficiary The contributor for which to query. * @return total The total amount of wei available to withdraw. */ function amountWithdrawable(uint256 _taskID, address payable _beneficiary) external view returns (uint256 total) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (task.status != Status.Resolved) return total; for (uint256 i = 0; i < task.rounds.length; i++) { Round storage round = task.rounds[i]; if (!round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] || !round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { total += round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)]; } else if (task.ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { uint256 rewardTranslator = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; uint256 rewardChallenger = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; total += rewardTranslator + rewardChallenger; } else { total += round.paidFees[uint256(task.ruling)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(task.ruling)] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[uint256(task.ruling)] : 0; } } return total; } /** @dev Gets the deposit required for self-assigning the task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return deposit The translator's deposit. */ function getDepositValue(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 deposit) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout || task.status != Status.Created) { deposit = NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE; } else { uint256 price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); deposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((translationMultiplier.mulCap(price)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); } } /** @dev Gets the deposit required for challenging the translation. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return deposit The challengers's deposit. */ function getChallengeValue(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 deposit) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > reviewTimeout || task.status != Status.AwaitingReview) { deposit = NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE; } else { uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); deposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((challengeMultiplier.mulCap(task.requesterDeposit)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); } } /** @dev Gets the current price of a specified task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return price The price of the task. */ function getTaskPrice(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 price) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout || task.status != Status.Created) { price = 0; } else { price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; } } /** @dev Gets the total number of created tasks. * @return The number of created tasks. */ function getTaskCount() public view returns (uint256) { return tasks.length; } /** @dev Gets the number of rounds of the specific task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return The number of rounds. */ function getNumberOfRounds(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; return task.rounds.length; } /** @dev Gets the contributions made by a party for a given round of appeal of a task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _round The position of the round. * @param _contributor The address of the contributor. * @return contributions The contributions. */ function getContributions( uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round, address _contributor ) public view returns (uint256[3] memory contributions) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; contributions = round.contributions[_contributor]; } /** @dev Gets the addresses of parties of a specified task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return parties The addresses of translator and challenger as [ZERO_ADDRESS, translator, challenger]. */ function getTaskParties(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (address payable[3] memory parties) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; parties = task.parties; } /** @dev Gets the information on a round of a task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _round The round to be queried. * @return paidFees The amount paid by each party in the round. * @return hasPaid Whether or not a given party has paid the full fees for the round. * @return feeRewards The amount of fees that will be available as rewards for the winner. */ function getRoundInfo(uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round) public view returns ( uint256[3] memory paidFees, bool[3] memory hasPaid, uint256 feeRewards ) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; return (round.paidFees, round.hasPaid, round.feeRewards); } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance"); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } contract ERC20Mock is ERC20, ERC20Burnable { constructor(address initialAccount, uint256 initialBalance) ERC20("MockToken", "MCT") { _mint(initialAccount, initialBalance); } }
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pragma solidity 0.7.0; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract Pausable is Context { /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is triggered by `account`. */ event Paused(address account); /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is lifted by `account`. */ event Unpaused(address account); bool private _paused; /** * @dev Initializes the contract in unpaused state. */ constructor () { _paused = false; } /** * @dev Returns true if the contract is paused, and false otherwise. */ function paused() public view returns (bool) { return _paused; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must not be paused. */ modifier whenNotPaused() { require(!_paused, "Pausable: paused"); _; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must be paused. */ modifier whenPaused() { require(_paused, "Pausable: not paused"); _; } /** * @dev Triggers stopped state. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must not be paused. */ function _pause() internal virtual whenNotPaused { _paused = true; emit Paused(_msgSender()); } /** * @dev Returns to normal state. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must be paused. */ function _unpause() internal virtual whenPaused { _paused = false; emit Unpaused(_msgSender()); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } abstract contract AccessControl is Context { using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; using Address for address; struct RoleData { EnumerableSet.AddressSet members; bytes32 adminRole; } mapping (bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles; bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00; /** * @dev Emitted when `newAdminRole` is set as ``role``'s admin role, replacing `previousAdminRole` * * `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is the starting admin for all roles, despite * {RoleAdminChanged} not being emitted signaling this. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ event RoleAdminChanged(bytes32 indexed role, bytes32 indexed previousAdminRole, bytes32 indexed newAdminRole); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role * bearer except when using {_setupRole}. */ event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call: * - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer * - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`) */ event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`. */ function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view returns (bool) { return _roles[role].members.contains(account); } /** * @dev Returns the number of accounts that have `role`. Can be used * together with {getRoleMember} to enumerate all bearers of a role. */ function getRoleMemberCount(bytes32 role) public view returns (uint256) { return _roles[role].members.length(); } /** * @dev Returns one of the accounts that have `role`. `index` must be a * value between 0 and {getRoleMemberCount}, non-inclusive. * * Role bearers are not sorted in any particular way, and their ordering may * change at any point. * * WARNING: When using {getRoleMember} and {getRoleMemberCount}, make sure * you perform all queries on the same block. See the following *[forum post] * for more information. */ function getRoleMember(bytes32 role, uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return _roles[role]; } /** * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and * {revokeRole}. * * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}. */ function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view returns (bytes32) { return _roles[role].adminRole; } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to grant"); _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`. * * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to revoke"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account. * * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced). * * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be `account`. */ function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any * checks on the calling account. * * [WARNING] * ==== * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting * up the initial roles for the system. * * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin * system imposed by {AccessControl}. * ==== */ function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual { _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role. * * Emits a {RoleAdminChanged} event. */ function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual { emit RoleAdminChanged(role, _roles[role].adminRole, adminRole); _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole; } function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.add(account)) { emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender()); } } function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.remove(account)) { emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender()); } } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance"); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } abstract contract ERC20Capped is ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 private _cap; /** * @dev Sets the value of the `cap`. This value is immutable, it can only be * set once during construction. */ constructor (uint256 cap) { require(cap > 0, "ERC20Capped: cap is 0"); _cap = cap; } /** * @dev Returns the cap on the token's total supply. */ function cap() public view returns (uint256) { return _cap; } /** * @dev See {ERC20-_beforeTokenTransfer}. * * Requirements: * * - minted tokens must not cause the total supply to go over the cap. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); if (from == address(0)) { // When minting tokens require(totalSupply().add(amount) <= _cap, "ERC20Capped: cap exceeded"); } } } abstract contract ERC20Pausable is ERC20, Pausable { /** * @dev See {ERC20-_beforeTokenTransfer}. * * Requirements: * * - the contract must not be paused. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); require(!paused(), "ERC20Pausable: token transfer while paused"); } } contract SDGToken is ERC20, ERC20Capped, ERC20Pausable, ERC20Burnable, AccessControl { // minter role grants minting permissions (only on wednesdays) bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE"); bytes32 public constant COUNCIL_ROLE = keccak256("COUNCIL_ROLE"); // maximum amount to be minted each wednesday uint256 public maxMint = 33333 * 1E8; // define initial supply uint256 public constant initialSuppply = 33333333 * 1E8; // last minting timestamp uint lastMintTimestamp = 0; constructor(address institute) ERC20('SDG Token', 'SDG') ERC20Capped(3 * 1E9 * 1E8) { // set number of decimals _setupDecimals(8); // grant default permissions _setupRole(COUNCIL_ROLE, msg.sender); _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, institute); // allow council to define minters _setRoleAdmin(MINTER_ROLE, COUNCIL_ROLE); // mint initial supply to institute _mint(institute, initialSuppply); } function pause() public { // check council permission require(hasRole(COUNCIL_ROLE, msg.sender), 'Permission denied'); _pause(); } function unpause() public { // check council permission require(hasRole(COUNCIL_ROLE, msg.sender), 'Permission denied'); _unpause(); } function setMaxMint(uint256 newMaxMint) public { // check council permission require(hasRole(COUNCIL_ROLE, msg.sender), 'Permission denied'); maxMint = newMaxMint; } function mint (address account, uint256 amount) public whenNotPaused() onChangeWednesday() canMint() { // check for the mint amount require(amount <= maxMint, 'Invalid amount'); // only allow minting once a week require(block.timestamp > lastMintTimestamp + 86400, 'Mint can only be done once a week'); lastMintTimestamp = block.timestamp; // execute the minting _mint(account, amount); } modifier onChangeWednesday() { // only allow minting on wednesday require(isChangeWednesday(), 'Smile, change, unplug another day'); _; } modifier canMint() { // check mint permission require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, msg.sender), 'Permission denied'); _; } function isChangeWednesday() public view returns (bool) { return (block.timestamp / 86400 + 4) % 7 == 3; } function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override(ERC20, ERC20Pausable, ERC20Capped) { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); ERC20Capped._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); ERC20Pausable._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); } }
[ 10, 9 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract when upgrade EVEN times. */ modifier initializerEven() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized EVEN times"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = false; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } contract Governable is Initializable { address public governor; event GovernorshipTransferred(address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor); /** * @dev Contract initializer. * called once by the factory at time of deployment */ function initialize(address governor_) virtual public initializer { governor = governor_; emit GovernorshipTransferred(address(0), governor); } modifier governance() { require(msg.sender == governor); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to governorship will leave the contract without an governor. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `governance` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceGovernorship() public governance { emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, address(0)); governor = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to transfer control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) public governance { _transferGovernorship(newGovernor); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function _transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) internal { require(newGovernor != address(0)); emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, newGovernor); governor = newGovernor; } } contract Configurable is Governable { mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal config; function getConfig(bytes32 key) public view returns (uint) { return config[key]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, uint index) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ index)]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, address addr) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr))]; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) internal { if(config[key] != value) config[key] = value; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(key, value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } } interface Minter { event Minted(address indexed recipient, address reward_contract, uint minted); function token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function minted(address, address) external view returns (uint); function allowed_to_mint_for(address, address) external view returns (bool); function mint(address gauge) external; function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) external; function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) external; function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) external; } interface LiquidityGauge { event Deposit(address indexed provider, uint value); event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint value); event UpdateLiquidityLimit(address user, uint original_balance, uint original_supply, uint working_balance, uint working_supply); function user_checkpoint (address addr) external returns (bool); function claimable_tokens(address addr) external view returns (uint); function claimable_reward(address addr) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint() external view returns (uint); function kick(address addr) external; function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) external; function deposit(uint _value) external; function deposit(uint _value, address addr) external; function withdraw(uint _value) external; function withdraw(uint _value, bool claim_rewards) external; function claim_rewards() external; function claim_rewards(address addr) external; function minter() external view returns (address); function crv_token() external view returns (address); function lp_token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function voting_escrow() external view returns (address); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function future_epoch_time() external view returns (uint); function approved_to_deposit(address, address) external view returns (bool); function working_balances(address) external view returns (uint); function working_supply() external view returns (uint); function period() external view returns (int128); function period_timestamp(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_fraction(address) external view returns (uint); function inflation_rate() external view returns (uint); function reward_contract() external view returns (address); function rewarded_token() external view returns (address); function reward_integral() external view returns (uint); function reward_integral_for(address) external view returns (uint); function rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); function claimed_rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); } contract SSimpleGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; uint override public reward_integral; mapping(address => uint) override public reward_integral_for; mapping(address => uint) override public rewards_for; mapping(address => uint) override public claimed_rewards_for; uint public span; uint public end; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[addr] = balanceOf[addr].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(addr, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender], true); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override external { withdraw(amount, true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(totalSupply); uint lasttime = integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]; if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); address teamAddr = address(config['teamAddr']); uint teamRatio = config['teamRatio']; if(teamAddr != address(0) && teamRatio != 0) integrate_fraction[teamAddr] = integrate_fraction[teamAddr].add(amount.mul(teamRatio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { uint amount = claimable_tokens(addr); _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = now; } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return now; } } c SExactGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _devAddr_ = 'devAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _devRatio_ = 'devRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoAddr_ = 'ecoAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoRatio_ = 'ecoRatio'; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; uint override public reward_integral; mapping(address => uint) override public reward_integral_for; mapping(address => uint) override public rewards_for; mapping(address => uint) override public claimed_rewards_for; uint public span; uint public end; mapping(address => uint) public sumMiningPerOf; uint public sumMiningPer; uint public bufReward; uint public lasttime; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; lasttime = now; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender], true); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override external { withdraw(amount, true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, _claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { addr; return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return _claimable_tokens(addr, claimableDelta(), sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); } function _claimable_tokens(address addr, uint delta, uint sumPer, uint lastSumPer) virtual internal view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = sumPer.sub(lastSumPer); amount = amount.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(1 ether); } function claimableDelta() virtual internal view returns(uint amount) { amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)).sub(bufReward); if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); addr = address(config[_devAddr_]); uint ratio = config[_devRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); addr = address(config[_ecoAddr_]); ratio = config[_ecoRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint delta = claimableDelta(); uint amount = _claimable_tokens(addr, delta, sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); if(delta != amount) bufReward = bufReward.add(delta).sub(amount); if(delta > 0) sumMiningPer = sumMiningPer.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(sumMiningPerOf[addr] != sumMiningPer) sumMiningPerOf[addr] = sumMiningPer; lasttime = now; _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return lasttime; } } contra uge is SExactGauge { address[] public rewards; mapping(address => mapping(address =>uint)) public sumRewardPerOf; // recipient => rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf mapping(address => uint) public sumRewardPer; // rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _nestGauge, address[] memory _moreRewards) public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); reward_contract = _nestGauge; rewarded_token = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).crv_token(); rewards = _moreRewards; rewards.push(rewarded_token); address rewarded_token2 = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).rewarded_token(); if(rewarded_token2 != address(0)) rewards.push(rewarded_token2); LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).integrate_checkpoint(); // just check for(uint i=0; i<_moreRewards.length; i++) IERC20(_moreRewards[i]).totalSupply(); // just check } function _deposit(address from, uint amount) virtual override internal { super._deposit(from, amount); // lp_token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount); lp_token.safeApprove(reward_contract, amount); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).deposit(amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual override internal { LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).withdraw(amount); super._withdraw(to, amount); // lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claim_rewards(address to) virtual override public { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint[] memory bals = new uint[](rewards.length); for(uint i=0; i<bals.length; i++) bals[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).mint(reward_contract); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claim_rewards(); for(uint i=0; i<bals.length; i++) { uint delta = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(bals[i]); uint amount = _claimable_tokens(msg.sender, delta, sumRewardPer[rewards[i]], sumRewardPerOf[msg.sender][rewards[i]]); if(delta > 0) sumRewardPer[rewards[i]] = sumRewardPer[rewards[i]].add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(sumRewardPerOf[msg.sender][rewards[i]] != sumRewardPer[rewards[i]]) sumRewardPerOf[msg.sender][rewards[i]] = sumRewardPer[rewards[i]]; if(amount > 0) { rewards[i].safeTransfer(to, amount); if(rewards[i] == rewarded_token) { rewards_for[to] = rewards_for[to].add(amount); claimed_rewards_for[to] = claimed_rewards_for[to].add(amount); } } } } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_tokens(address(this)); return _claimable_tokens(addr, delta, sumRewardPer[rewarded_token], sumRewardPerOf[addr][rewarded_token]); } function claimable_reward2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_reward(address(this)); address reward2 = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token(); return _claimable_tokens(addr, delta, sumRewardPer[reward2], sumRewardPerOf[addr][reward2]); } } contrac is Minter, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address payable; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _allowContract_ = 'allowContract'; bytes32 internal constant _allowlist_ = 'allowlist'; bytes32 internal constant _blocklist_ = 'blocklist'; address override public token; address override public controller; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) override public minted; // user => reward_contract => value mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public allowed_to_mint_for; // minter => user => can mint? mapping(address => uint) public quotas; // reward_contract => quota; function initialize(address governor, address token_) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); token = token_; } function setGaugeQuota(address gauge, uint quota) public governance { quotas[gauge] = quota; } function mint(address gauge) virtual override public { mint_for(gauge, msg.sender); } function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) virtual override external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) virtual override public { require(_for == msg.sender || allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for], 'Not approved'); require(quotas[gauge] > 0, 'No quota'); require(getConfig(_blocklist_, msg.sender) == 0, 'In blocklist'); bool isContract = msg.sender.isContract(); require(!isContract || config[_allowContract_] != 0 || getConfig(_allowlist_, msg.sender) != 0, 'No allowContract'); LiquidityGauge(gauge).user_checkpoint(_for); uint total_mint = LiquidityGauge(gauge).integrate_fraction(_for); uint to_mint = total_mint.sub(minted[_for][gauge]); if(to_mint != 0) { quotas[gauge] = quotas[gauge].sub(to_mint); token.safeTransfer(_for, to_mint); minted[_for][gauge] = total_mint; emit Minted(_for, gauge, total_mint); } } function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) virtual override external { allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = !allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]; } } /* // he abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } function sqrt(uint x)public pure returns(uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 2; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / z + z) / 2; } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) public _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowances; uint256 public _totalSupply; string internal _name; string internal _symbol; uint8 internal _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract SfgToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfgFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Governance Token", "SFG") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfgFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } contract SfyToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfyFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Yield Token", "SFY") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfyFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } library TransferHelper { function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('approve(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: APPROVE_FAILED'); } function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED'); } function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'); } function safeTransferETH(address to, uint value) internal { (bool success,) ={value:value}(new bytes(0)); require(success, 'TransferHelper: ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED'); } }
[ 5, 4, 9, 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.5; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; struct UserInfo { uint256 amount; uint256 rewardDebt; } struct PoolInfo { address lpToken; uint256 allocPoint; uint256 lastRewardBlock; uint256 accSushiPerShare; } interface ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return "Asset" or "Debt". * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function adapterType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return token type (default is "ERC20"). * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function tokenType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return amount of the given token locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view returns (uint256); } interface KimchiChef { function poolLength() external view returns (uint256); function poolInfo(uint256) external view returns (PoolInfo memory); function userInfo(uint256, address) external view returns (UserInfo memory); function pendingKimchi(uint256, address) external view returns (uint256); } contract KimchiStakingAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { string public constant override adapterType = "Asset"; string public constant override tokenType = "ERC20"; address internal constant SUSHI = 0x1E18821E69B9FAA8e6e75DFFe54E7E25754beDa0; address internal constant KIMCHI_CHEF = 0x9Dd5b5c71842a4fD51533532E5470298BFA398fd; /** * @return Amount of SUSHI rewards / staked tokens for a given account. * @dev Implementation of ProtocolAdapter interface function. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view override returns (uint256) { uint256 length = KimchiChef(KIMCHI_CHEF).poolLength(); if (token == SUSHI) { uint256 totalRewards = 0; for(uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { totalRewards += KimchiChef(KIMCHI_CHEF).pendingKimchi(i, account); } return totalRewards; } else { for(uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { UserInfo memory user = KimchiChef(KIMCHI_CHEF).userInfo(i, account); PoolInfo memory pool = KimchiChef(KIMCHI_CHEF).poolInfo(i); if (pool.lpToken == token) { return user.amount; } } return 0; } } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.8; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive vaults via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require( address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance" ); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(""); require( success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted" ); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue( target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed" ); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require( address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call" ); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage ) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: weiValue}( data ); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract CryptoPunksMarket { address owner; string public standard = "CryptoPunks"; string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; uint256 public totalSupply; uint256 public nextPunkIndexToAssign = 0; bool public allPunksAssigned = false; uint256 public punksRemainingToAssign = 0; //mapping (address => uint) public addressToPunkIndex; mapping(uint256 => address) public punkIndexToAddress; /* This creates an array with all balances */ mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; struct Offer { bool isForSale; uint256 punkIndex; address seller; uint256 minValue; // in ether address onlySellTo; // specify to sell only to a specific person } struct Bid { bool hasBid; uint256 punkIndex; address bidder; uint256 value; } // A record of punks that are offered for sale at a specific minimum value, and perhaps to a specific person mapping(uint256 => Offer) public punksOfferedForSale; // A record of the highest punk bid mapping(uint256 => Bid) public punkBids; mapping(address => uint256) public pendingWithdrawals; event Assign(address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event PunkTransfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex ); event PunkOffered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 minValue, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkBidEntered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBidWithdrawn( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBought( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkNoLongerForSale(uint256 indexed punkIndex); /* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contract */ constructor() public payable { // balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; // Give the creator all initial tokens owner = msg.sender; totalSupply = 10000; // Update total supply punksRemainingToAssign = totalSupply; name = "CRYPTOPUNKS"; // Set the name for display purposes symbol = "Ͼ"; // Set the symbol for display purposes decimals = 0; // Amount of decimals for display purposes } function setInitialOwner(address to, uint256 punkIndex) public { // require(msg.sender == owner, "msg.sender != owner"); require(!allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndex < 10000); if (punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != to) { if (punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != address(0)) { balanceOf[punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex]]--; } else { punksRemainingToAssign--; } punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = to; balanceOf[to]++; emit PunkTransfer(address(0), to, punkIndex); } } function setInitialOwners( address[] memory addresses, uint256[] memory indices ) public { require(msg.sender == owner); uint256 n = addresses.length; for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i++) { setInitialOwner(addresses[i], indices[i]); } } function allInitialOwnersAssigned() public { require(msg.sender == owner); allPunksAssigned = true; } function getPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punksRemainingToAssign != 0); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == address(0)); require(punkIndex < 10000); punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = msg.sender; balanceOf[msg.sender]++; punksRemainingToAssign--; emit Assign(msg.sender, punkIndex); } // Transfer ownership of a punk to another user without requiring payment function transferPunk(address to, uint256 punkIndex) public { // // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); if (punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex].isForSale) { punkNoLongerForSale(punkIndex); } punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = to; balanceOf[msg.sender]--; balanceOf[to]++; emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, 1); emit PunkTransfer(msg.sender, to, punkIndex); // Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and revault it. // Any other bid can stay in place. Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; if (bid.bidder == to) { // Kill bid and revault value pendingWithdrawals[to] += bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); } } function punkNoLongerForSale(uint256 punkIndex) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( false, punkIndex, msg.sender, 0, address(0) ); emit PunkNoLongerForSale(punkIndex); } function offerPunkForSale(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( true, punkIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, address(0) ); emit PunkOffered(punkIndex, minSalePriceInWei, address(0)); } function offerPunkForSaleToAddress( uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress ) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( true, punkIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress ); emit PunkOffered(punkIndex, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress); } function buyPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public payable { // require(allPunksAssigned); Offer storage offer = punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex]; require(punkIndex < 10000); require(offer.isForSale); // punk not actually for sale (offer.onlySellTo == address(0) || offer.onlySellTo == msg.sender); // punk not supposed to be sold to this user require(msg.value >= offer.minValue); // Didn't send enough ETH require(offer.seller == punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex]); // Seller no longer owner of punk address seller = offer.seller; punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = msg.sender; balanceOf[seller]--; balanceOf[msg.sender]++; emit Transfer(seller, msg.sender, 1); punkNoLongerForSale(punkIndex); pendingWithdrawals[seller] += msg.value; emit PunkBought(punkIndex, msg.value, seller, msg.sender); // Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and revault it. // Any other bid can stay in place. Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; if (bid.bidder == msg.sender) { // Kill bid and revault value pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] += bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); } } function withdraw() public { // require(allPunksAssigned); uint256 amount = pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender]; // Remember to zero the pending revault before // sending to prevent re-entrancy attacks pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] = 0; msg.sender.transfer(amount); } function enterBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public payable { require(punkIndex < 10000); // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != address(0)); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != msg.sender); require(msg.value != 0); Bid storage existing = punkBids[punkIndex]; require(msg.value > existing.value); if (existing.value > 0) { // Revault the failing bid pendingWithdrawals[existing.bidder] += existing.value; } punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(true, punkIndex, msg.sender, msg.value); emit PunkBidEntered(punkIndex, msg.value, msg.sender); } function acceptBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minPrice) public { require(punkIndex < 10000); // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); address seller = msg.sender; Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; require(bid.value != 0); require(bid.value >= minPrice); punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = bid.bidder; balanceOf[seller]--; balanceOf[bid.bidder]++; emit Transfer(seller, bid.bidder, 1); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( false, punkIndex, bid.bidder, 0, address(0) ); uint256 amount = bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); pendingWithdrawals[seller] += amount; emit PunkBought(punkIndex, bid.value, seller, bid.bidder); } function withdrawBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public { require(punkIndex < 10000); // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != address(0)); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != msg.sender); Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; require(bid.bidder == msg.sender); emit PunkBidWithdrawn(punkIndex, bid.value, msg.sender); uint256 amount = bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); // Revault the bid money msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } interface ICryptoPunksMarket { struct Offer { bool isForSale; uint256 punkIndex; address seller; uint256 minValue; address onlySellTo; } struct Bid { bool hasBid; uint256 punkIndex; address bidder; uint256 value; } event Assign(address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event PunkTransfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex ); event PunkOffered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 minValue, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkBidEntered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBidWithdrawn( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBought( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkNoLongerForSale(uint256 indexed punkIndex); function setInitialOwner(address to, uint256 punkIndex) external; function setInitialOwners( address[] calldata addresses, uint256[] calldata indices ) external; function allInitialOwnersAssigned() external; function getPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function transferPunk(address to, uint256 punkIndex) external; function punkNoLongerForSale(uint256 punkIndex) external; function offerPunkForSale(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei) external; function offerPunkForSaleToAddress( uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress ) external; function buyPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function withdraw() external; function enterBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function acceptBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minPrice) external; function withdrawBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function punkIndexToAddress(uint256 punkIndex) external returns (address); function punksOfferedForSale(uint256 punkIndex) external returns ( bool isForSale, uint256 _punkIndex, address seller, uint256 minValue, address onlySellTo ); function balanceOf(address user) external returns (uint256); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } interface IXToken is IERC20 { function burn(uint256 amount) external; function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) external; function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external; function changeName(string calldata name) external; function changeSymbol(string calldata symbol) external; function setVaultAddress(address vaultAddress) external; } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor() internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require( newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address" ); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } contract Pausable is Ownable { bool private isPaused = false; event Paused(); event Unpaused(); function pause() public onlyOwner { isPaused = true; } function unpause() public onlyOwner { isPaused = false; } modifier whenPaused { require(isPaused, "Contract is not paused"); _; } modifier whenNotPaused { require(!isPaused, "Contract is paused"); _; } } contract ReentrancyGuard { // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled. // The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive, // but in exchange the revault on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in // amount. Since revaults are capped to a percentage of the total // transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to // increase the likelihood of the full revault coming into effect. uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1; uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2; uint256 private _status; constructor() internal { _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a * `private` function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true require(_status != _ENTERED, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call"); // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail _status = _ENTERED; _; // By storing the original value once again, a revault is triggered (see // _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract XVaultBase is Pausable { address private erc20Address; address private cpmAddress; IXToken private erc20; ICryptoPunksMarket private cpm; function getERC20Address() public view returns (address) { return erc20Address; } function getCpmAddress() public view returns (address) { return cpmAddress; } function getERC20() internal view returns (IXToken) { return erc20; } function getCPM() internal view returns (ICryptoPunksMarket) { return cpm; } function setERC20Address(address newAddress) internal { require(erc20Address == address(0), "Already initialized ERC20"); erc20Address = newAddress; erc20 = IXToken(erc20Address); } function setCpmAddress(address newAddress) internal { require(cpmAddress == address(0), "Already initialized CPM"); cpmAddress = newAddress; cpm = ICryptoPunksMarket(cpmAddress); } } contract XVaultSafe is XVaultBase, ReentrancyGuard { using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.UintSet; EnumerableSet.UintSet private reserves; bool private inSafeMode = true; event TokenBurnedSafely(uint256 punkId, address indexed to); function getReserves() internal view returns (EnumerableSet.UintSet storage) { return reserves; } function getInSafeMode() public view returns (bool) { return inSafeMode; } function turnOffSafeMode() public onlyOwner { inSafeMode = false; } function turnOnSafeMode() public onlyOwner { inSafeMode = true; } modifier whenNotInSafeMode { require(!inSafeMode, "Contract is in safe mode"); _; } function simpleRedeem() public whenPaused nonReentrant { require( getERC20().balanceOf(msg.sender) >= 10**18, "ERC20 balance too small" ); require( getERC20().allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= 10**18, "ERC20 allowance too small" ); uint256 tokenId =; getERC20().burnFrom(msg.sender, 10**18); reserves.remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(msg.sender, tokenId); emit TokenBurnedSafely(tokenId, msg.sender); } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public override view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public override view returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public virtual override view returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve( sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub( amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance" ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub( subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero" ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub( amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance" ); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub( amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance" ); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve( address owner, address spender, uint256 amount ) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } function _changeName(string memory name_) internal { _name = name_; } function _changeSymbol(string memory symbol_) internal { _symbol = symbol_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) internal virtual {} } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub( amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance" ); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } contract Timelocked is XVaultSafe { using SafeMath for uint256; enum Timelock {Short, Medium, Long} uint256 private securityLevel; function increaseSecurityLevel() public onlyOwner { require(securityLevel < 3, "Already max"); securityLevel = securityLevel + 1; } function timeInDays(uint256 num) internal pure returns (uint256) { return num * 60 * 60 * 24; } function getDelay(Timelock length) public view returns (uint256) { if (securityLevel == 0) { return 2; // for testing } if (length == Timelock.Short) { if (securityLevel == 1) { return timeInDays(1); } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return timeInDays(2); } else { return timeInDays(3); } } else if (length == Timelock.Medium) { if (securityLevel == 1) { return timeInDays(2); } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return timeInDays(3); } else { return timeInDays(5); } } else { if (securityLevel == 1) { return timeInDays(3); } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return timeInDays(5); } else { return timeInDays(10); } } } mapping(Timelock => uint256) private releaseTimes; event Locked(Timelock length); event UnlockInitiated(Timelock length, uint256 whenUnlocked); function getReleaseTime(Timelock length) public view returns (uint256) { return releaseTimes[length]; } function initiateUnlock(Timelock length) public onlyOwner { uint256 newReleaseTime = now.add(getDelay(length)); releaseTimes[length] = newReleaseTime; emit UnlockInitiated(length, newReleaseTime); } function lock(Timelock length) public onlyOwner { releaseTimes[length] = 0; emit Locked(length); } modifier whenNotLockedS { uint256 releaseTime = releaseTimes[Timelock.Short]; require(releaseTime > 0, "Locked"); require(now > releaseTime, "Not unlocked"); _; } modifier whenNotLockedM { uint256 releaseTime = releaseTimes[Timelock.Medium]; require(releaseTime > 0, "Locked"); require(now > releaseTime, "Not unlocked"); _; } modifier whenNotLockedL { uint256 releaseTime = releaseTimes[Timelock.Long]; require(releaseTime > 0, "Locked"); require(now > releaseTime, "Not unlocked"); _; } } contract XToken is Context, Ownable, ERC20Burnable { address private vaultAddress; constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) public ERC20(name, symbol) { _mint(msg.sender, 0); } function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner { _mint(to, amount); } function changeName(string memory name) public onlyOwner { _changeName(name); } function changeSymbol(string memory symbol) public onlyOwner { _changeSymbol(symbol); } function getVaultAddress() public view returns (address) { return vaultAddress; } function setVaultAddress(address newAddress) public onlyOwner { vaultAddress = newAddress; } } contract Profitable is Timelocked { mapping(address => bool) private verifiedIntegrators; uint256[] private mintFees = [0, 0, 0]; uint256[] private burnFees = [0, 0, 0]; uint256[] private dualFees = [0, 0, 0]; event MintFeesSet(uint256[] mintFees); event BurnFeesSet(uint256[] burnFees); event DualFeesSet(uint256[] dualFees); event IntegratorSet(address account, bool isVerified); event Withdrawal(address to, uint256 amount); function getMintFees() internal view returns (uint256[] storage) { return mintFees; } function getBurnFees() internal view returns (uint256[] storage) { return burnFees; } function getDualFees() internal view returns (uint256[] storage) { return dualFees; } function setMintFees(uint256[] memory newMintFees) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { mintFees = newMintFees; emit MintFeesSet(newMintFees); } function setBurnFees(uint256[] memory newBurnFees) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedL { burnFees = newBurnFees; emit BurnFeesSet(newBurnFees); } function setDualFees(uint256[] memory newDualFees) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { dualFees = newDualFees; emit DualFeesSet(newDualFees); } function setIntegrator(address account, bool isVerified) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { verifiedIntegrators[account] = isVerified; emit IntegratorSet(account, isVerified); } function getFee( address account, uint256 numTokens, uint256[] storage fees ) internal view returns (uint256) { if (verifiedIntegrators[account]) { return 0; } if (numTokens == 1) { return fees[0]; } return fees[1] + numTokens * fees[2]; } function withdraw(address payable to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { uint256 balance = address(this).balance; to.transfer(balance); emit Withdrawal(to, balance); } } contract Controllable is Profitable { mapping(address => bool) private verifiedControllers; event ControllerSet(address account, bool isVerified); event DirectRedemption(uint256 punkId, address by, address indexed to); function isController(address account) internal view returns (bool) { return verifiedControllers[account]; } function setController(address account, bool isVerified) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { verifiedControllers[account] = isVerified; emit ControllerSet(account, isVerified); } modifier onlyController() { require(isController(_msgSender()), "Not a controller"); _; } function directRedeem(uint256 tokenId, address to) public onlyController { require(getERC20().balanceOf(to) >= 10**18, "ERC20 balance too small"); bool toSelf = (to == address(this)); require( toSelf || (getERC20().allowance(to, address(this)) >= 10**18), "ERC20 allowance too small" ); require(getReserves().contains(tokenId), "Not in holdings"); getERC20().burnFrom(to, 10**18); getReserves().remove(tokenId); if (!toSelf) { getCPM().transferPunk(to, tokenId); } emit DirectRedemption(tokenId, _msgSender(), to); } } contract Randomizable is Controllable { uint256 private randNonce = 0; function getPseudoRand(uint256 modulus) internal returns (uint256) { randNonce = randNonce.add(1); return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, _msgSender(), randNonce))) % modulus; } } contract Manageable is Randomizable { event MigrationComplete(address to); event TokenNameChange(string name); event TokenSymbolChange(string symbol); function migrate(address to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedL { uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < reservesLength; i++) { uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(i); getCPM().transferPunk(to, tokenId); } emit MigrationComplete(to); } function changeTokenName(string memory newName) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { getERC20().changeName(newName); emit TokenNameChange(newName); } function changeTokenSymbol(string memory newSymbol) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { getERC20().changeSymbol(newSymbol); emit TokenSymbolChange(newSymbol); } function setReverseLink() public onlyOwner whenNotLockedS { getERC20().setVaultAddress(address(this)); } } contract XVault is Manageable { event TokenMinted(uint256 tokenId, address indexed to); event TokensMinted(uint256[] tokenIds, address indexed to); event TokenBurned(uint256 tokenId, address indexed to); event TokensBurned(uint256[] tokenIds, address indexed to); constructor(address erc20Address, address cpmAddress) public { setERC20Address(erc20Address); setCpmAddress(cpmAddress); } function getCryptoPunkAtIndex(uint256 index) public view returns (uint256) { return getReserves().at(index); } function getReservesLength() public view returns (uint256) { return getReserves().length(); } function isCryptoPunkDeposited(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bool) { return getReserves().contains(tokenId); } function mintPunk(uint256 tokenId) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), 1, getMintFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); _mintPunk(tokenId, false); } function _mintPunk(uint256 tokenId, bool partOfDualOp) private returns (bool) { address msgSender = _msgSender(); require(tokenId < 10000, "tokenId too high"); (bool forSale, uint256 _tokenId, address seller, uint256 minVal, address buyer) = getCPM() .punksOfferedForSale(tokenId); require(_tokenId == tokenId, "Wrong punk"); require(forSale, "Punk not available"); require(buyer == address(this), "Transfer not approved"); require(minVal == 0, "Min value not zero"); require(msgSender == seller, "Sender is not seller"); require( msgSender == getCPM().punkIndexToAddress(tokenId), "Sender is not owner" ); getCPM().buyPunk(tokenId); getReserves().add(tokenId); if (!partOfDualOp) { uint256 tokenAmount = 10**18; getERC20().mint(msgSender, tokenAmount); } emit TokenMinted(tokenId, _msgSender()); return true; } function mintPunkMultiple(uint256[] memory tokenIds) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), tokenIds.length, getMintFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); _mintPunkMultiple(tokenIds, false); } function _mintPunkMultiple(uint256[] memory tokenIds, bool partOfDualOp) private returns (uint256) { require(tokenIds.length > 0, "No tokens"); require(tokenIds.length <= 100, "Over 100 tokens"); uint256[] memory newTokenIds = new uint256[](tokenIds.length); uint256 numNewTokens = 0; address msgSender = _msgSender(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokenIds.length; i++) { uint256 tokenId = tokenIds[i]; require(tokenId < 10000, "tokenId too high"); (bool forSale, uint256 _tokenId, address seller, uint256 minVal, address buyer) = getCPM() .punksOfferedForSale(tokenId); bool rightToken = _tokenId == tokenId; bool isApproved = buyer == address(this); bool priceIsZero = minVal == 0; bool isSeller = msgSender == seller; bool isOwner = msgSender == getCPM().punkIndexToAddress(tokenId); if ( forSale && rightToken && isApproved && priceIsZero && isSeller && isOwner ) { getCPM().buyPunk(tokenId); getReserves().add(tokenId); newTokenIds[numNewTokens] = tokenId; numNewTokens = numNewTokens.add(1); } } if (numNewTokens > 0) { if (!partOfDualOp) { uint256 tokenAmount = numNewTokens * (10**18); getERC20().mint(msgSender, tokenAmount); } emit TokensMinted(newTokenIds, msgSender); } return numNewTokens; } function redeemPunk() public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), 1, getBurnFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); _redeemPunk(false); } function _redeemPunk(bool partOfDualOp) private { address msgSender = _msgSender(); uint256 tokenAmount = 10**18; require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().balanceOf(msgSender) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 balance too small" ); require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().allowance(msgSender, address(this)) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 allowance too small" ); uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 randomIndex = getPseudoRand(reservesLength); uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(randomIndex); if (!partOfDualOp) { getERC20().burnFrom(msgSender, tokenAmount); } getReserves().remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(msgSender, tokenId); emit TokenBurned(tokenId, msgSender); } function redeemPunkMultiple(uint256 numTokens) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), numTokens, getBurnFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); _redeemPunkMultiple(numTokens, false); } function _redeemPunkMultiple(uint256 numTokens, bool partOfDualOp) private { require(numTokens > 0, "No tokens"); require(numTokens <= 100, "Over 100 tokens"); address msgSender = _msgSender(); uint256 tokenAmount = numTokens * (10**18); require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().balanceOf(msgSender) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 balance too small" ); require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().allowance(msgSender, address(this)) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 allowance too small" ); if (!partOfDualOp) { getERC20().burnFrom(msgSender, tokenAmount); } uint256[] memory tokenIds = new uint256[](numTokens); for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 randomIndex = getPseudoRand(reservesLength); uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(randomIndex); tokenIds[i] = tokenId; getReserves().remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(msgSender, tokenId); } emit TokensBurned(tokenIds, msgSender); } function mintAndRedeem(uint256 tokenId) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), 1, getDualFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); require(_mintPunk(tokenId, true), "Minting failed"); _redeemPunk(true); } function mintAndRedeemMultiple(uint256[] memory tokenIds) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 numTokens = tokenIds.length; require(numTokens > 0, "No tokens"); require(numTokens <= 20, "Over 20 tokens"); uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), numTokens, getDualFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); uint256 numTokensMinted = _mintPunkMultiple(tokenIds, true); if (numTokensMinted > 0) { _redeemPunkMultiple(numTokens, true); } } function mintRetroactively(uint256 tokenId, address to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedS { require( getCPM().punkIndexToAddress(tokenId) == address(this), "Not owner" ); require(!getReserves().contains(tokenId), "Already in reserves"); uint256 cryptoPunkBalance = getCPM().balanceOf(address(this)); require( (getERC20().totalSupply() / (10**18)) < cryptoPunkBalance, "No excess NFTs" ); getReserves().add(tokenId); getERC20().mint(to, 10**18); emit TokenMinted(tokenId, _msgSender()); } function redeemRetroactively(address to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedS { require( getERC20().balanceOf(address(this)) >= (10**18), "Not enough PUNK" ); getERC20().burn(10**18); uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 randomIndex = getPseudoRand(reservesLength); uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(randomIndex); getReserves().remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(to, tokenId); emit TokenBurned(tokenId, _msgSender()); } }
[ 10, 5 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; abstract contract ERC20Interface { function totalSupply() public virtual view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public virtual view returns (uint256 balance); function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public virtual view returns (uint256 remaining); function transfer(address to, uint256 tokens) public virtual returns (bool success); function approve(address spender, uint256 tokens) public virtual returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokens) public virtual returns (bool success); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 tokens); event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint256 tokens); } contract Owned { address payable public owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed _from, address indexed _to); constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } function transferOwnership(address payable _newOwner) public onlyOwner { owner = _newOwner; emit OwnershipTransferred(msg.sender, _newOwner); } } contract SBX_TOKEN is ERC20Interface, Owned { using SafeMath for uint256; string public symbol = "SBX"; string public name = "Sports Betting Marketplace"; uint256 public decimals = 18; uint256 _totalSupply = 2e8* 10 ** (decimals); // 200 million uint256 public lockedTokens; uint256 _contractStartTime; uint256 _lastUpdated; mapping(address => uint256) balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) allowed; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constructor // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor() public { owner = 0xe93ae81fe7Fa777DE976876BC276218e0C292d48; balances[owner] = totalSupply(); lockedTokens = 3e7 * 10 ** (decimals); // 30 million _contractStartTime = now; emit Transfer(address(0),address(owner), totalSupply()); } /** ERC20Interface function's implementation **/ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get the total supply of the tokens // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function totalSupply() public override view returns (uint256){ return _totalSupply; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Get the token balance for account `tokenOwner` // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public override view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[tokenOwner]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Transfer the balance from token owner's account to `to` account // - Owner's account must have sufficient balance to transfer // - 0 value transfers are allowed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function transfer(address to, uint256 tokens) public override returns (bool success) { // unlock tokens update unlockTokens(); // prevent transfer to 0x0, use burn instead require(address(to) != address(0)); require(balances[msg.sender] >= tokens); require(balances[to] + tokens >= balances[to]); if(msg.sender == owner){ require(balances[msg.sender].sub(tokens) >= lockedTokens); } balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(tokens); balances[to] = balances[to].add(tokens); emit Transfer(msg.sender,to,tokens); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Token owner can approve for `spender` to transferFrom(...) `tokens` // from the token owner's account // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function approve(address spender, uint256 tokens) public override returns (bool success){ allowed[msg.sender][spender] = tokens; emit Approval(msg.sender,spender,tokens); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Transfer `tokens` from the `from` account to the `to` account // // The calling account must already have sufficient tokens approve(...)-d // for spending from the `from` account and // - From account must have sufficient balance to transfer // - Spender must have sufficient allowance to transfer // - 0 value transfers are allowed // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokens) public override returns (bool success){ // unlock tokens update unlockTokens(); require(tokens <= allowed[from][msg.sender]); //check allowance require(balances[from] >= tokens); if(from == owner){ require(balances[msg.sender].sub(tokens) >= lockedTokens); } balances[from] = balances[from].sub(tokens); balances[to] = balances[to].add(tokens); allowed[from][msg.sender] = allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(tokens); emit Transfer(from,to,tokens); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Returns the amount of tokens approved by the owner that can be // transferred to the spender's account // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function allowance(address tokenOwner, address spender) public override view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[tokenOwner][spender]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helper function to unlock tokens if applicable // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function unlockTokens() internal{ // release tokens from lock, depending on current time uint256 timeFrame = 7 days; // 1 week uint256 relativeTimeDifference = (now.sub(_contractStartTime)).div(timeFrame); if(relativeTimeDifference > _lastUpdated){ uint256 tokensToRelease = (relativeTimeDifference.sub(_lastUpdated)).mul(1e5 * 10 ** (decimals)); // 100K released per week lockedTokens = lockedTokens.sub(tokensToRelease); _lastUpdated = relativeTimeDifference; } } } library SafeMath { function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } function ceil(uint a, uint m) internal pure returns (uint r) { return (a + m - 1) / m * m; } }
[ 4 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; contract IFactRegistry { /* Returns true if the given fact was previously registered in the contract. */ function isValid(bytes32 fact) external view returns(bool); } contract PublicInputOffsets { // The following constants are offsets of data expected in the public input. uint256 internal constant OFFSET_LOG_TRACE_LENGTH = 0; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_X = 1; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_Y = 2; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_X = 3; uint256 internal constant OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_Y = 4; // The Verifier derives the number of iterations from the log of the trace length. // The Vending contract uses the number of iterations. uint256 internal constant OFFSET_N_ITER = 0; } contract VendingMachineEth is PublicInputOffsets { // Emitted by addPayment() when a user makes a payment for a randomness. event LogNewPayment(uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, uint256 paymentAmount); // Emitted by reclaimPayment() when a user reclaims a payment they made. event LogPaymentReclaimed( address sender, uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, uint256 tag, uint256 reclaimedAmount ); // Emitted by registerAndCollect() when a new randomness is registered. event LogNewRandomness(uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, bytes32 randomness); struct Payment { // The last time a user sent a payment for given (sender, seed, n_iter, tag). uint256 timeSent; // The sum of those payments. uint256 amount; } // Mapping: (seed, n_iters) -> total_amount. // Represents prize amount for VDF(seed, n_iter) solver. // prizes(seed, n_iter) is always equal to the sum of // payments(sender, seed, n_iters, tag) over all 'sender' and 'tag'. mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public prizes; // Mapping: (sender, seed, n_iters, tag) -> Payment. // Information to support reclaiming of payments. // 'tag' is used to allow a wrapper contract to distinguish between different users. mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => Payment)))) public payments; // Mapping: (seed, n_iters) -> randomness. mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => bytes32)) public registeredRandomness; // Mapping: address -> isOwner. mapping(address => bool) owners; // The Verifier contracts verifies the proof of the VDF. IFactRegistry public verifierContract; uint256 internal constant PRIME = 0x30000003000000010000000000000001; uint256 internal constant PUBLIC_INPUT_SIZE = 5; uint256 internal constant RECLAIM_DELAY = 1 days; // Modifiers. modifier onlyOwner { require(owners[msg.sender], "ONLY_OWNER"); _; } modifier randomnessNotRegistered(uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter) { require( registeredRandomness[seed][n_iter] == 0, "REGSITERED_RANDOMNESS" ); _; } constructor(address verifierAddress) public { owners[msg.sender] = true; verifierContract = IFactRegistry(verifierAddress); } function addOwner(address newOwner) external onlyOwner { owners[newOwner] = true; } function removeOwner(address removedOwner) external onlyOwner { require(msg.sender != removedOwner, "CANT_REMOVE_SELF"); owners[removedOwner] = false; } /* Adds a payment from msg.sender, and updates timeSent to 'now'. Note - the sender must make an allowance first. */ function addPayment( uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, uint256 tag ) external payable randomnessNotRegistered(seed, n_iter) { // Sends the payment from the user to the contract. uint256 paymentAmount = msg.value; // Updates mapping. payments[msg.sender][seed][n_iter][tag].amount += paymentAmount; payments[msg.sender][seed][n_iter][tag].timeSent = now; prizes[seed][n_iter] += paymentAmount; emit LogNewPayment(seed, n_iter, paymentAmount); } /* Allows a user to reclaim their payment if it was not already served and RECLAIM_DELAY has passed since the last payment. */ function reclaimPayment( uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, uint256 tag ) external randomnessNotRegistered(seed, n_iter) { Payment memory userPayment = payments[msg.sender][seed][n_iter][tag]; // Make sure a payment is available to reclaim. require(userPayment.amount > 0, "NO_PAYMENT"); // Make sure enough time has passed. uint256 lastPaymentTime = userPayment.timeSent; uint256 releaseTime = lastPaymentTime + RECLAIM_DELAY; assert(releaseTime >= RECLAIM_DELAY); // solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members require(now >= releaseTime, "PAYMENT_LOCKED"); // Deduct reclaimed payment from mappings. prizes[seed][n_iter] -= userPayment.amount; payments[msg.sender][seed][n_iter][tag].amount = 0; // Send the payment back to the user. msg.sender.transfer(userPayment.amount); emit LogPaymentReclaimed( msg.sender, seed, n_iter, tag, userPayment.amount ); } function registerAndCollect( uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, uint256 vdfOutputX, uint256 vdfOutputY ) external onlyOwner randomnessNotRegistered(seed, n_iter) { registerNewRandomness(seed, n_iter, vdfOutputX, vdfOutputY); msg.sender.transfer(prizes[seed][n_iter]); } /* Registers a new randomness if vdfOutputX and vdfOutputY are valid field elements and the fact (n_iter, vdfInputX, vdfInputY, vdfOutputX, vdfOutputY) is valid fact in the Verifier. */ function registerNewRandomness( uint256 seed, uint256 n_iter, uint256 vdfOutputX, uint256 vdfOutputY ) internal { require(vdfOutputX < PRIME && vdfOutputY < PRIME, "INVALID_VDF_OUTPUT"); (uint256 vdfInputX, uint256 vdfInputY) = seed2vdfInput(seed); uint256[PUBLIC_INPUT_SIZE] memory proofPublicInput; proofPublicInput[OFFSET_N_ITER] = n_iter; proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_X] = vdfInputX; proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_INPUT_Y] = vdfInputY; proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_X] = vdfOutputX; proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_Y] = vdfOutputY; require( verifierContract.isValid( keccak256(abi.encodePacked(proofPublicInput)) ), "FACT_NOT_REGISTERED" ); // The randomness is the hash of the VDF output and the string "veedo". bytes32 randomness = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_X], proofPublicInput[OFFSET_VDF_OUTPUT_Y], "veedo" ) ); registeredRandomness[seed][n_iter] = randomness; emit LogNewRandomness(seed, n_iter, randomness); } /* Generates VDF inputs from seed. */ function seed2vdfInput(uint256 seed) public pure returns (uint256, uint256) { uint256 vdfInput = uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(seed, "veedo"))); uint256 vdfInputX = vdfInput & ((1 << 125) - 1); uint256 vdfInputY = ((vdfInput >> 125) & ((1 << 125) - 1)); return (vdfInputX, vdfInputY); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.10; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract TransferX { event Memo(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value, string memo,address tok); address payable public Owner; constructor(address payable _owner) public { Owner = _owner; } function withdraw(IERC20 Token) public{ if (address(Token) == address(0)){ Owner.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { require(Token.transfer(Owner, Token.balanceOf(address(this)))); } } function transferx( address payable[] memory to, uint256[] memory tokens, string[] memory memo, IERC20 Token ) public payable returns (bool success) { require(to.length == tokens.length && tokens.length == memo.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < to.length; i++) { if (address(Token) == address(0)){ to[i].transfer(tokens[i]); emit Memo(msg.sender, to[i], tokens[i], memo[i], address(0)); } else { require(Token.transferFrom(msg.sender, to[i], tokens[i])); emit Memo(msg.sender, to[i], tokens[i], memo[i], address(Token)); } } return true; } function transferxFee( address payable[] memory to, uint256[] memory tokens, string[] memory memo, IERC20 Token, uint256 fee, address payable Payto ) public payable returns (bool success) { uint256 feePay; require(to.length == tokens.length && tokens.length == memo.length); require(fee <= 50); for (uint256 i = 0; i < to.length; i++) { if (address(Token) == address(0)){ to[i].transfer(tokens[i] * (1000-fee)/(1000)); feePay += tokens[i] * fee/1000; emit Memo(msg.sender, to[i], tokens[i], memo[i], address(0)); } else { require(Token.transferFrom(msg.sender, to[i], tokens[i]*(1000-fee)/1000)); feePay += tokens[i]* fee/1000 ; emit Memo(msg.sender, to[i], tokens[i], memo[i], address(Token)); } } if (address(Token) == address(0)){ Payto.transfer(feePay); } else { require(Token.transferFrom(msg.sender, Payto, feePay)); } return true; } }
[ 12, 11 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.16; interface IParams { function isLiquidation(uint256 price) external view returns (bool); } interface IEsm { function shutdown() external; function isClosed() external view returns (bool); } contract Owned { address public owner; address public nominatedOwner; constructor(address _owner) public { require(_owner != address(0), "Owner address cannot be 0"); owner = _owner; emit OwnerChanged(address(0), _owner); } function nominateNewOwner(address _owner) external onlyOwner { nominatedOwner = _owner; emit OwnerNominated(_owner); } function acceptOwnership() external { require( msg.sender == nominatedOwner, "You must be nominated before you can accept ownership" ); emit OwnerChanged(owner, nominatedOwner); owner = nominatedOwner; nominatedOwner = address(0); } modifier onlyOwner { require( msg.sender == owner, "Only the contract owner may perform this action" ); _; } event OwnerNominated(address newOwner); event OwnerChanged(address oldOwner, address newOwner); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function div( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function mod( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract WhiteList is Owned { /// @notice Users with permissions mapping(address => uint256) public whiter; /// @notice Append address into whiteList successevent event AppendWhiter(address adder); /// @notice Remove address into whiteList successevent event RemoveWhiter(address remover); /** * @notice Construct a new WhiteList, default owner in whiteList */ constructor() internal { appendWhiter(owner); } modifier onlyWhiter() { require(isWhiter(), "WhiteList: msg.sender not in whilteList."); _; } /** * @notice Only onwer can append address into whitelist * @param account The address not added, can added to the whitelist */ function appendWhiter(address account) public onlyOwner { require(account != address(0), "WhiteList: address not zero"); require( !isWhiter(account), "WhiteListe: the account exsit whilteList yet" ); whiter[account] = 1; emit AppendWhiter(account); } /** * @notice Only onwer can remove address into whitelist * @param account The address in whitelist yet */ function removeWhiter(address account) public onlyOwner { require( isWhiter(account), "WhiteListe: the account not exist whilteList" ); delete whiter[account]; emit RemoveWhiter(account); } /** * @notice Check whether acccount in whitelist * @param account Any address */ function isWhiter(address account) public view returns (bool) { return whiter[account] == 1; } /** * @notice Check whether msg.sender in whitelist overrides. */ function isWhiter() public view returns (bool) { return isWhiter(msg.sender); } } contract Oracle is Owned, WhiteList { using SafeMath for uint256; /// @notice Token-usdt price uint256 public val; /// @notice Price update date(s) uint256 public time; /// @notice Oracle Name bytes32 name; /// @notice Oracle update success event event OracleUpdate(uint256 val, uint256 time); /// @notice Dparam address IParams public params; /// @notice Esm address IEsm public esm; /** * @notice Construct a new Oracle * @param _params Dynamic parameter contract address * @param _esm Esm parameter contract address */ constructor(address _params, address _esm) public Owned(msg.sender) { params = IParams(_params); esm = IEsm(_esm); name = "OIN-USDT"; } /** * @notice Chain-off push price to chain-on * @param price Token-usdt price decimals is same as token */ function poke(uint256 price) public onlyWhiter { require(!esm.isClosed(), "System closed yet."); val = price; time = block.timestamp; if (params.isLiquidation(price)) { esm.shutdown(); } else { emit OracleUpdate(val, time); } } /** * @notice Anybody can read the oracle price */ function peek() public view returns (uint256) { return val; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.4; enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, MODULO_BY_ZERO } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')`. bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; /* solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly */ assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } } abstract contract AdminStorage { /** * @notice The address of the administrator account or contract. */ address public admin; } abstract contract BalanceSheetStorage { struct Vault { uint256 debt; uint256 freeCollateral; uint256 lockedCollateral; bool isOpen; } /** * @notice The unique Fintroller associated with this contract. */ FintrollerInterface public fintroller; /** * @dev One vault for each fyToken for each account. */ mapping(address => mapping(address => Vault)) internal vaults; /** * @notice Indicator that this is a BalanceSheet contract, for inspection. */ bool public constant isBalanceSheet = true; } abstract contract CarefulMath { /** * @notice Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @notice Add `a` and `b` and then subtract `c`. */ function addThenSubUInt( uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 c ) internal pure returns (MathError, uint256) { (MathError err0, uint256 sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } /** * @notice Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint256) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @notice Returns the remainder of dividing two numbers. * @dev Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). */ function modUInt(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint256) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.MODULO_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a % b); } /** * @notice Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint256) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint256 c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @notice Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint256) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } } abstract contract Erc20Storage { /** * @notice Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. */ uint8 public decimals; /** * @notice Returns the name of the token. */ string public name; /** * @notice Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of * the name. */ string public symbol; /** * @notice Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ uint256 public totalSupply; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) internal allowances; mapping(address => uint256) internal balances; } abstract contract ExponentialStorage { struct Exp { uint256 mantissa; } /** * @dev In Exponential denomination, 1e18 is 1. */ uint256 internal constant expScale = 1e18; uint256 internal constant halfExpScale = expScale / 2; uint256 internal constant mantissaOne = expScale; } abstract contract FyTokenStorage { /** * STRUCTS */ struct Vault { uint256 debt; uint256 freeCollateral; uint256 lockedCollateral; bool isOpen; } /** * STORAGE PROPERTIES */ /** * @notice The global debt registry. */ BalanceSheetInterface public balanceSheet; /** * @notice The Erc20 asset that backs the borows of this fyToken. */ Erc20Interface public collateral; /** * @notice The ratio between mantissa precision (1e18) and the collateral precision. */ uint256 public collateralPrecisionScalar; /** * @notice Unix timestamp in seconds for when this token expires. */ uint256 public expirationTime; /** * @notice The unique Fintroller associated with this contract. */ FintrollerInterface public fintroller; /** * @notice The unique Redemption Pool associated with this contract. */ RedemptionPoolInterface public redemptionPool; /** * @notice The Erc20 underlying, or target, asset for this fyToken. */ Erc20Interface public underlying; /** * @notice The ratio between mantissa precision (1e18) and the underlying precision. */ uint256 public underlyingPrecisionScalar; /** * @notice Indicator that this is a FyToken contract, for inspection. */ bool public constant isFyToken = true; } library OraclePriceUtils { /** * @notice Converts the 6 decimal prices returned by the Open Price Feed to mantissa form, * which has 18 decimals. * * @dev Requirements: * - The price returned by the oracle cannot be zero. * - The scaled price cannot overflow. * * @param oracle The oracle contract. * @param symbol The Erc20 symbol of the token for which to query the price. * @param precisionScalar A power of 10. * @return The upscaled price as a mantissa. */ function getAdjustedPrice( UniswapAnchoredViewInterface oracle, string memory symbol, uint256 precisionScalar ) internal view returns (MathError, uint256) { string memory actualSymbol = getActualSymbol(symbol); uint256 price = oracle.price(actualSymbol); require(price > 0, "ERR_PRICE_ZERO"); /* Integers in Solidity can overflow. */ uint256 adjustedPrice = price * precisionScalar; if (adjustedPrice / price != precisionScalar) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, adjustedPrice); } } /** * @dev See */ function areStringsEqual(string memory a, string memory b) internal pure returns (bool) { if (bytes(a).length != bytes(b).length) { return false; } else { return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(a)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(b)); } } /** * @notice Handles the special collateral assets by converting them to the symbol * the oracle expects. * @param symbol The Erc20 symbol of the collateral. * @return The symbol as a string in memory. */ function getActualSymbol(string memory symbol) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (areStringsEqual(symbol, "WETH")) { return "ETH"; } else { return symbol; } } } abstract contract RedemptionPoolStorage { /** * @notice The unique Fintroller associated with this contract. */ FintrollerInterface public fintroller; /** * @notice The amount of the underyling asset available to be redeemed after maturation. */ uint256 public totalUnderlyingSupply; /** * The unique fyToken associated with this Redemption Pool. */ FyTokenInterface public fyToken; /** * @notice Indicator that this is a Redemption Pool contract, for inspection. */ bool public constant isRedemptionPool = true; } abstract contract ReentrancyGuard { bool private notEntered; /* * Storing an initial non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive * but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant will be lower * in amount. Since refunds are capped to a percetange of the total * transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this * one, to increase the likelihood of the full refund coming into effect. */ constructor() { notEntered = true; } /** * @notice Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * @dev Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` function * is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening by making * the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a `private` * function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { /* On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true. */ require(notEntered, "ERR_REENTRANT_CALL"); /* Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail. */ notEntered = false; _; /* * By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see * */ notEntered = true; } } library SafeErc20 { using Address for address; /** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ function safeTransfer( Erc20Interface token, address to, uint256 value ) internal { callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom( Erc20Interface token, address from, address to, uint256 value ) internal { callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * PRIVATE FUNCTIONS */ /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it cannot be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function callOptionalReturn(Erc20Interface token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = functionCallWithValue(address(token), data, "ERR_SAFE_ERC20_LOW_LEVEL_CALL"); if (returndata.length > 0) { /* Return data is optional. */ require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "ERR_SAFE_ERC20_ERC20_OPERATION"); } } function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) private returns (bytes memory) { require(target.isContract(), "ERR_SAFE_ERC20_CALL_TO_NON_CONTRACT"); /* solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls */ (bool success, bytes memory returndata) =; if (success) { return returndata; } else { /* Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present */ if (returndata.length > 0) { /* The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly. */ /* solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly */ assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface UniswapAnchoredViewInterface { /** * @notice Get the official price for a symbol. * @param symbol The symbol to fetch the price of. * @return Price denominated in USD, with 6 decimals. */ function price(string memory symbol) external view returns (uint256); } abstract contract AdminInterface is AdminStorage { /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function _renounceAdmin() external virtual; function _transferAdmin(address newAdmin) external virtual; /** * EVENTS */ event TransferAdmin(address indexed oldAdmin, address indexed newAdmin); } abstract contract BalanceSheetInterface is BalanceSheetStorage { /** * CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function getClutchableCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 repayAmount) external view virtual returns (uint256); function getCurrentCollateralizationRatio(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) public view virtual returns (uint256); function getHypotheticalCollateralizationRatio( FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account, uint256 lockedCollateral, uint256 debt ) public view virtual returns (uint256); function getVault(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view virtual returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256, bool ); function getVaultDebt(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view virtual returns (uint256); function getVaultLockedCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view virtual returns (uint256); function isAccountUnderwater(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view virtual returns (bool); function isVaultOpen(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view virtual returns (bool); /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function clutchCollateral( FyTokenInterface fyToken, address liquidator, address borrower, uint256 clutchedCollateralAmount ) external virtual returns (bool); function depositCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function freeCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function lockCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function openVault(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external virtual returns (bool); function setVaultDebt( FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account, uint256 newVaultDebt ) external virtual returns (bool); function withdrawCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external virtual returns (bool); /** * EVENTS */ event ClutchCollateral( FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed liquidator, address indexed borrower, uint256 clutchedCollateralAmount ); event DepositCollateral(FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed account, uint256 collateralAmount); event FreeCollateral(FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed account, uint256 collateralAmount); event LockCollateral(FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed account, uint256 collateralAmount); event OpenVault(FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed account); event SetVaultDebt(FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed account, uint256 oldDebt, uint256 newDebt); event WithdrawCollateral(FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, address indexed account, uint256 collateralAmount); } abstract contract Erc20Interface is Erc20Storage { /** * CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address account) external view virtual returns (uint256); /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external virtual returns (bool); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external virtual returns (bool); /** * EVENTS */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); event Burn(address indexed account, uint256 burnAmount); event Mint(address indexed account, uint256 mintAmount); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); } abstract contract Exponential is CarefulMath, /* no dependency */ ExponentialStorage /* no dependency */ { /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) internal pure returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint256 result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({ mantissa: result })); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b. * NOTE: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, or if `denom` is zero. */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) internal pure returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint256 scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({ mantissa: 0 })); } (MathError err1, uint256 rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, b.mantissa); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({ mantissa: 0 })); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({ mantissa: rational })); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) internal pure returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint256 doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({ mantissa: 0 })); } /* * We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. * See "Listing 6" and text above it at * Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. */ (MathError err1, uint256 doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({ mantissa: 0 })); } (MathError err2, uint256 product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); /* The only possible error `div` is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it's not zero. */ assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({ mantissa: product })); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3( Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c ) internal pure returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) internal pure returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint256 result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({ mantissa: result })); } } abstract contract FintrollerStorage is Exponential { struct Bond { Exp collateralizationRatio; uint256 debtCeiling; bool isBorrowAllowed; bool isDepositCollateralAllowed; bool isLiquidateBorrowAllowed; bool isListed; bool isRedeemFyTokenAllowed; bool isRepayBorrowAllowed; bool isSupplyUnderlyingAllowed; } /** * @dev Maps the fyToken address to the Bond structs. */ mapping(FyTokenInterface => Bond) internal bonds; /** * @notice The contract that provides price data for the collateral and the underlying asset. */ UniswapAnchoredViewInterface public oracle; /** * @notice Multiplier representing the discount on collateral that a liquidator receives. */ uint256 public liquidationIncentiveMantissa; /** * @notice The ratio between mantissa precision (1e18) and the oracle price precision (1e6). */ uint256 public constant oraclePricePrecisionScalar = 1.0e12; /** * @dev The threshold below which the collateralization ratio cannot be set, equivalent to 100%. */ uint256 internal constant collateralizationRatioLowerBoundMantissa = 1.0e18; /** * @dev The threshold above which the collateralization ratio cannot be set, equivalent to 10,000%. */ uint256 internal constant collateralizationRatioUpperBoundMantissa = 1.0e20; /** * @dev The dafault collateralization ratio set when a new bond is listed, equivalent to 150%. */ uint256 internal constant defaultCollateralizationRatioMantissa = 1.5e18; /** * @dev The threshold below which the liquidation incentive cannot be set, equivalent to 100%. */ uint256 internal constant liquidationIncentiveLowerBoundMantissa = 1.0e18; /** * @dev The threshold above which the liquidation incentive cannot be set, equivalent to 150%. */ uint256 internal constant liquidationIncentiveUpperBoundMantissa = 1.5e18; /** * @notice Indicator that this is a Fintroller contract, for inspection. */ bool public constant isFintroller = true; } abstract contract FyTokenInterface is FyTokenStorage { /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function burn(address holder, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function mint(address beneficiary, uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function _setFintroller(FintrollerInterface newFintroller) external virtual returns (bool); /** * EVENTS */ event Borrow(address indexed account, uint256 repayAmount); event LiquidateBorrow( address indexed liquidator, address indexed borrower, uint256 repayAmount, uint256 clutchedCollateralAmount ); event RepayBorrow(address indexed payer, address indexed borrower, uint256 repayAmount, uint256 newDebt); event SetFintroller(address indexed admin, FintrollerInterface oldFintroller, FintrollerInterface newFintroller); } abstract contract RedemptionPoolInterface is RedemptionPoolStorage { /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function redeemFyTokens(uint256 underlyingAmount) external virtual returns (bool); function supplyUnderlying(uint256 underlyingAmount) external virtual returns (bool); /** * EVENTS */ event RedeemFyTokens(address indexed account, uint256 fyTokenAmount, uint256 underlyingAmount); event SupplyUnderlying(address indexed account, uint256 underlyingAmount, uint256 fyTokenAmount); } abstract contract Admin is AdminInterface { /** * @notice Throws if called by any account other than the admin. */ modifier onlyAdmin() { require(admin == msg.sender, "ERR_NOT_ADMIN"); _; } /** * @notice Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial admin. */ constructor() { address msgSender = msg.sender; admin = msgSender; emit TransferAdmin(address(0x00), msgSender); } /** * @notice Leaves the contract without admin, so it will not be possible to call * `onlyAdmin` functions anymore. * * Requirements: * * - The caller must be the administrator. * * WARNING: Doing this will leave the contract without an admin, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the admin. */ function _renounceAdmin() external virtual override onlyAdmin { emit TransferAdmin(admin, address(0x00)); admin = address(0x00); } /** * @notice Transfers the admin of the contract to a new account (`newAdmin`). * Can only be called by the current admin. * @param newAdmin The acount of the new admin. */ function _transferAdmin(address newAdmin) external virtual override onlyAdmin { require(newAdmin != address(0x00), "ERR_SET_ADMIN_ZERO_ADDRESS"); emit TransferAdmin(admin, newAdmin); admin = newAdmin; } } contract BalanceSheet is ReentrancyGuard, /* no depedency */ BalanceSheetInterface, /* one dependency */ Admin, /* two dependencies */ Exponential /* two dependencies */ { using OraclePriceUtils for UniswapAnchoredViewInterface; using SafeErc20 for Erc20Interface; modifier isVaultOpenForMsgSender(FyTokenInterface fyToken) { require(vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].isOpen, "ERR_VAULT_NOT_OPEN"); _; } /** * @param fintroller_ The address of the Fintroller contract. */ constructor(FintrollerInterface fintroller_) Admin() { /* Set the fyToken contract and sanity check it. */ fintroller = fintroller_; fintroller.isFintroller(); } /** * CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ struct CalculateClutchableCollateralLocalVars { MathError mathErr; Exp clutchableCollateralAmountUpscaled; uint256 clutchableCollateralAmount; uint256 collateralPrecisionScalar; uint256 collateralPriceUpscaled; uint256 liquidationIncentiveMantissa; Exp numerator; uint256 oraclePricePrecisionScalar; uint256 underlyingPriceUpscaled; } /** * @notice Determines the amount of collateral that can be clutched when liquidating a borrow. * * @dev The formula applied is: * clutchedCollateral = repayAmount * liquidationIncentive * underlyingPriceUsd / priceCollateralUsd * * Requirements: * * - `repayAmount` must be non-zero. * * @param fyToken The fyToken to make the query against. * @param repayAmount The amount of fyTokens to repay. * @return The amount of clutchable collateral as uint256, specified in the collateral's decimal system. */ function getClutchableCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 repayAmount) external view override returns (uint256) { CalculateClutchableCollateralLocalVars memory vars; /* Avoid the zero edge cases. */ require(repayAmount > 0, "ERR_GET_CLUTCHABLE_COLLATERAL_ZERO"); /* When the liquidation incentive is zero, the end result would be zero anyways. */ vars.liquidationIncentiveMantissa = fintroller.liquidationIncentiveMantissa(); if (vars.liquidationIncentiveMantissa == 0) { return 0; } /* Grab the upscaled USD price of the underlying. */ UniswapAnchoredViewInterface oracle =; vars.oraclePricePrecisionScalar = fintroller.oraclePricePrecisionScalar(); (vars.mathErr, vars.underlyingPriceUpscaled) = oracle.getAdjustedPrice( fyToken.underlying().symbol(), vars.oraclePricePrecisionScalar ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_CLUTCHABLE_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); /* Grab the upscaled USD price of the collateral. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.collateralPriceUpscaled) = oracle.getAdjustedPrice( fyToken.collateral().symbol(), vars.oraclePricePrecisionScalar ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_CLUTCHABLE_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); /* Calculate the top part of the equation. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.numerator) = mulExp3( Exp({ mantissa: repayAmount }), Exp({ mantissa: vars.liquidationIncentiveMantissa }), Exp({ mantissa: vars.underlyingPriceUpscaled }) ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_CLUTCHABLE_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); /* Calculate the mantissa form of the clutched collateral amount. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.clutchableCollateralAmountUpscaled) = divExp( vars.numerator, Exp({ mantissa: vars.collateralPriceUpscaled }) ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_CLUTCHABLE_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); /* If the precision scalar is not 1, calculate the final form of the clutched collateral amount. */ vars.collateralPrecisionScalar = fyToken.collateralPrecisionScalar(); if (vars.collateralPrecisionScalar != 1) { (vars.mathErr, vars.clutchableCollateralAmount) = divUInt( vars.clutchableCollateralAmountUpscaled.mantissa, vars.collateralPrecisionScalar ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_CLUTCHABLE_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); } else { vars.clutchableCollateralAmount = vars.clutchableCollateralAmountUpscaled.mantissa; } return vars.clutchableCollateralAmount; } /** * @notice Determines the current collateralization ratio for the given account; * @param fyToken The fyToken to make the query against. * @param account The account to make the query against. * @return A quotient if locked collateral is non-zero, otherwise zero. */ function getCurrentCollateralizationRatio(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) public view override returns (uint256) { Vault memory vault = vaults[address(fyToken)][account]; return getHypotheticalCollateralizationRatio(fyToken, account, vault.lockedCollateral, vault.debt); } struct GetHypotheticalAccountLiquidityLocalVars { MathError mathErr; uint256 collateralPriceUpscaled; uint256 collateralPrecisionScalar; uint256 collateralizationRatioMantissa; Exp debtValueUsd; Exp hypotheticalCollateralizationRatio; Exp lockedCollateralValueUsd; uint256 lockedCollateralUpscaled; uint256 oraclePricePrecisionScalar; uint256 underlyingPriceUpscaled; uint256 underlyingPrecisionScalar; } /** * @notice Determines the hypothetical account collateralization ratio for the given locked * collateral and debt, at the current prices provided by the oracle. * * @dev The formula applied is: collateralizationRatio = lockedCollateralValueUsd / debtValueUsd * * Requirements: * * - The vault must be open. * - `debt` must be non-zero. * - The oracle prices must be non-zero. * * @param fyToken The fyToken for which to make the query against. * @param account The account for which to make the query against. * @param lockedCollateral The hypothetical locked collateral. * @param debt The hypothetical debt. * @return The hypothetical collateralization ratio as a percentage mantissa if locked * collateral is non-zero, otherwise zero. */ function getHypotheticalCollateralizationRatio( FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account, uint256 lockedCollateral, uint256 debt ) public view override returns (uint256) { GetHypotheticalAccountLiquidityLocalVars memory vars; /* If the vault is not open, a hypothetical collateralization ratio cannot be calculated. */ require(vaults[address(fyToken)][account].isOpen, "ERR_VAULT_NOT_OPEN"); /* Avoid the zero edge cases. */ if (lockedCollateral == 0) { return 0; } require(debt > 0, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_DEBT_ZERO"); /* Grab the upscaled USD price of the collateral. */ UniswapAnchoredViewInterface oracle =; vars.oraclePricePrecisionScalar = fintroller.oraclePricePrecisionScalar(); (vars.mathErr, vars.collateralPriceUpscaled) = oracle.getAdjustedPrice( fyToken.collateral().symbol(), vars.oraclePricePrecisionScalar ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_MATH_ERROR"); /* Grab the upscaled USD price of the underlying. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.underlyingPriceUpscaled) = oracle.getAdjustedPrice( fyToken.underlying().symbol(), vars.oraclePricePrecisionScalar ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_MATH_ERROR"); /* Upscale the collateral, which can have any precision, to mantissa precision. */ vars.collateralPrecisionScalar = fyToken.collateralPrecisionScalar(); if (vars.collateralPrecisionScalar != 1) { (vars.mathErr, vars.lockedCollateralUpscaled) = mulUInt(lockedCollateral, vars.collateralPrecisionScalar); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_MATH_ERROR"); } else { vars.lockedCollateralUpscaled = lockedCollateral; } /* Calculate the USD value of the collateral. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.lockedCollateralValueUsd) = mulExp( Exp({ mantissa: vars.lockedCollateralUpscaled }), Exp({ mantissa: vars.collateralPriceUpscaled }) ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_MATH_ERROR"); /* Calculate the USD value of the debt. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.debtValueUsd) = mulExp( Exp({ mantissa: debt }), Exp({ mantissa: vars.underlyingPriceUpscaled }) ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_MATH_ERROR"); /** * Calculate the collateralization ratio by dividing the USD value of the hypothetical locked collateral by * the USD value of the debt. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.hypotheticalCollateralizationRatio) = divExp( vars.lockedCollateralValueUsd, vars.debtValueUsd ); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_GET_HYPOTHETICAL_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO_MATH_ERROR"); return vars.hypotheticalCollateralizationRatio.mantissa; } /** * @notice Reads all the properties of a vault. * @return (uint256 debt, uint256 freeCollateral, uint256 lockedCollateral, bool isOpen). */ function getVault(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view override returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256, bool ) { return ( vaults[address(fyToken)][account].debt, vaults[address(fyToken)][account].freeCollateral, vaults[address(fyToken)][account].lockedCollateral, vaults[address(fyToken)][account].isOpen ); } /** * @notice Reads the debt held by the given account. */ function getVaultDebt(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view override returns (uint256) { return vaults[address(fyToken)][account].debt; } /** * @notice Reads the collateral that the given account locked in the vault. */ function getVaultLockedCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view override returns (uint256) { return vaults[address(fyToken)][account].lockedCollateral; } /** * @notice Checks whether the account can be liquidated or not. * @param fyToken The fyToken for which to make the query against. * @param account The account for which to make the query against. * @return true = is underwater, otherwise not. */ function isAccountUnderwater(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view override returns (bool) { Vault memory vault = vaults[address(fyToken)][account]; if (!vault.isOpen || vault.debt == 0) { return false; } uint256 currentCollateralizationRatioMantissa = getCurrentCollateralizationRatio(fyToken, account); uint256 thresholdCollateralizationRatioMantissa = fintroller.getBondCollateralizationRatio(fyToken); return currentCollateralizationRatioMantissa < thresholdCollateralizationRatioMantissa; } /** * @notice Checks whether the account has a vault opened for a particular fyToken. */ function isVaultOpen(FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account) external view override returns (bool) { return vaults[address(fyToken)][account].isOpen; } /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ /** * @notice Transfers the collateral from the borrower's vault to the liquidator account. * * @dev Emits a {ClutchCollateral} event. * * Requirements: * * - Can only be called by the fyToken. * - There must be enough collateral in the borrower's vault. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract. * @param liquidator The account who repaid the borrower's debt and the receiver of the collateral. * @param borrower The account who fell underwater and is liquidated. * @param collateralAmount The amount of collateral to clutch, specified in the collateral's decimal system. * @return true = success, otherwise it reverts. */ function clutchCollateral( FyTokenInterface fyToken, address liquidator, address borrower, uint256 collateralAmount ) external override nonReentrant returns (bool) { /* Checks: the caller is the fyToken. */ require(msg.sender == address(fyToken), "ERR_CLUTCH_COLLATERAL_NOT_AUTHORIZED"); /* Checks: there is enough clutchable collateral in the vault. */ uint256 lockedCollateral = vaults[address(fyToken)][borrower].lockedCollateral; require(lockedCollateral >= collateralAmount, "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_LOCKED_COLLATERAL"); /* Calculate the new locked collateral amount. */ MathError mathErr; uint256 newLockedCollateral; (mathErr, newLockedCollateral) = subUInt(lockedCollateral, collateralAmount); assert(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR); /* Effects: update the vault. */ vaults[address(fyToken)][borrower].lockedCollateral = newLockedCollateral; /* Interactions: transfer the collateral. */ fyToken.collateral().safeTransfer(liquidator, collateralAmount); emit ClutchCollateral(fyToken, liquidator, borrower, collateralAmount); return true; } /** * @notice Deposits collateral into the account's vault. * * @dev Emits a {DepositCollateral} event. * * Requirements: * * - The vault must be open. * - The amount to deposit cannot be zero. * - The Fintroller must allow this action to be performed. * - The caller must have allowed this contract to spend `collateralAmount` tokens. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract. * @param collateralAmount The amount of collateral to withdraw. * @return true = success, otherwise it reverts. */ function depositCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external override isVaultOpenForMsgSender(fyToken) nonReentrant returns (bool) { /* Checks: the zero edge case. */ require(collateralAmount > 0, "ERR_DEPOSIT_COLLATERAL_ZERO"); /* Checks: the Fintroller allows this action to be performed. */ require(fintroller.getDepositCollateralAllowed(fyToken), "ERR_DEPOSIT_COLLATERAL_NOT_ALLOWED"); /* Effects: update storage. */ MathError mathErr; uint256 hypotheticalFreeCollateral; (mathErr, hypotheticalFreeCollateral) = addUInt( vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral, collateralAmount ); require(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_DEPOSIT_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral = hypotheticalFreeCollateral; /* Interactions: perform the Erc20 transfer. */ fyToken.collateral().safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), collateralAmount); emit DepositCollateral(fyToken, msg.sender, collateralAmount); return true; } struct FreeCollateralLocalVars { MathError mathErr; uint256 collateralizationRatioMantissa; uint256 hypotheticalCollateralizationRatioMantissa; uint256 newFreeCollateral; uint256 newLockedCollateral; } /** * @notice Frees a portion or all of the locked collateral. * @dev Emits a {FreeCollateral} event. * * Requirements: * * - The vault must be open. * - The amount to free cannot be zero. * - There must be enough locked collateral. * - The account cannot fall below the collateralization ratio. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract. * @param collateralAmount The amount of free collateral to lock. * @return bool true = success, otherwise it reverts. */ function freeCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external override isVaultOpenForMsgSender(fyToken) returns (bool) { FreeCollateralLocalVars memory vars; /* Checks: the zero edge case. */ require(collateralAmount > 0, "ERR_FREE_COLLATERAL_ZERO"); /* Checks: enough locked collateral. */ Vault memory vault = vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender]; require(vault.lockedCollateral >= collateralAmount, "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_LOCKED_COLLATERAL"); /* This operation can't fail because of the first `require` in this function. */ (vars.mathErr, vars.newLockedCollateral) = subUInt(vault.lockedCollateral, collateralAmount); assert(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR); /* Checks: the hypothetical collateralization ratio is above the threshold. */ if (vault.debt > 0) { vars.hypotheticalCollateralizationRatioMantissa = getHypotheticalCollateralizationRatio( fyToken, msg.sender, vars.newLockedCollateral, vault.debt ); vars.collateralizationRatioMantissa = fintroller.getBondCollateralizationRatio(fyToken); require( vars.hypotheticalCollateralizationRatioMantissa >= vars.collateralizationRatioMantissa, "ERR_BELOW_COLLATERALIZATION_RATIO" ); } /* Effects: update storage. */ vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].lockedCollateral = vars.newLockedCollateral; (vars.mathErr, vars.newFreeCollateral) = addUInt(vault.freeCollateral, collateralAmount); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_FREE_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral = vars.newFreeCollateral; emit FreeCollateral(fyToken, msg.sender, collateralAmount); return true; } /** * @notice Locks a portion or all of the free collateral to make it eligible for borrowing. * @dev Emits a {LockCollateral} event. * * Requirements: * * - The vault must be open. * - The amount to lock cannot be zero. * - There must be enough free collateral. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract. * @param collateralAmount The amount of free collateral to lock. * @return bool true = success, otherwise it reverts. */ function lockCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external override isVaultOpenForMsgSender(fyToken) returns (bool) { /* Avoid the zero edge case. */ require(collateralAmount > 0, "ERR_LOCK_COLLATERAL_ZERO"); Vault memory vault = vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender]; require(vault.freeCollateral >= collateralAmount, "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL"); MathError mathErr; uint256 newLockedCollateral; (mathErr, newLockedCollateral) = addUInt(vault.lockedCollateral, collateralAmount); require(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "ERR_LOCK_COLLATERAL_MATH_ERROR"); vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].lockedCollateral = newLockedCollateral; /* This operation can't fail because of the first `require` in this function. */ uint256 hypotheticalFreeCollateral; (mathErr, hypotheticalFreeCollateral) = subUInt(vault.freeCollateral, collateralAmount); assert(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR); vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral = hypotheticalFreeCollateral; emit LockCollateral(fyToken, msg.sender, collateralAmount); return true; } /** * @notice Opens a Vault for the caller. * @dev Emits an {OpenVault} event. * * Requirements: * * - The vault cannot be already open. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract for which to open the vault. * @return true = success, otherwise it reverts. */ function openVault(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external override returns (bool) { fyToken.isFyToken(); require(vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].isOpen == false, "ERR_VAULT_OPEN"); vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].isOpen = true; emit OpenVault(fyToken, msg.sender); return true; } /** * @notice Updates the debt accrued by a particular account. * * @dev Emits a {SetVaultDebt} event. * * Requirements: * * - Can only be called by the fyToken. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract. * @param account The account for which to update the debt. * @return bool=true success, otherwise it reverts. */ function setVaultDebt( FyTokenInterface fyToken, address account, uint256 newVaultDebt ) external override returns (bool) { /* Checks: the caller is the fyToken. */ require(msg.sender == address(fyToken), "ERR_SET_VAULT_DEBT_NOT_AUTHORIZED"); /* Effects: update storage. */ uint256 oldVaultDebt = vaults[address(fyToken)][account].debt; vaults[address(fyToken)][account].debt = newVaultDebt; emit SetVaultDebt(fyToken, account, oldVaultDebt, newVaultDebt); return true; } /** * @notice Withdraws a portion or all of the free collateral. * * @dev Emits a {WithdrawCollateral} event. * * Requirements: * * - The vault must be open. * - The amount to withdraw cannot be zero. * - There must be enough free collateral in the vault. * * @param fyToken The address of the fyToken contract. * @param collateralAmount The amount of collateral to withdraw. * @return true = success, otherwise it reverts. */ function withdrawCollateral(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 collateralAmount) external override isVaultOpenForMsgSender(fyToken) nonReentrant returns (bool) { /* Checks: the zero edge case. */ require(collateralAmount > 0, "ERR_WITHDRAW_COLLATERAL_ZERO"); /* Checks: there is enough free collateral. */ require( vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral >= collateralAmount, "ERR_INSUFFICIENT_FREE_COLLATERAL" ); /* Effects: update storage. */ MathError mathErr; uint256 newFreeCollateral; (mathErr, newFreeCollateral) = subUInt(vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral, collateralAmount); /* This operation can't fail because of the first `require` in this function. */ assert(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR); vaults[address(fyToken)][msg.sender].freeCollateral = newFreeCollateral; /* Interactions: perform the Erc20 transfer. */ fyToken.collateral().safeTransfer(msg.sender, collateralAmount); emit WithdrawCollateral(fyToken, msg.sender, collateralAmount); return true; } } abstract contract FintrollerInterface is FintrollerStorage { /** * CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function getBond(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns ( uint256 debtCeiling, uint256 collateralizationRatioMantissa, bool isBorrowAllowed, bool isDepositCollateralAllowed, bool isLiquidateBorrowAllowed, bool isListed, bool isRedeemFyTokenAllowed, bool isRepayBorrowAllowed, bool isSupplyUnderlyingAllowed ); function getBorrowAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (bool); function getBondDebtCeiling(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (uint256); function getBondCollateralizationRatio(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (uint256); function getDepositCollateralAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (bool); function getLiquidateBorrowAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (bool); function getRedeemFyTokensAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (bool); function getRepayBorrowAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (bool); function getSupplyUnderlyingAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external view virtual returns (bool); /** * NON-CONSTANT FUNCTIONS */ function listBond(FyTokenInterface fyToken) external virtual returns (bool); function setBorrowAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken, bool state) external virtual returns (bool); function setCollateralizationRatio(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 newCollateralizationRatioMantissa) external virtual returns (bool); function setDebtCeiling(FyTokenInterface fyToken, uint256 newDebtCeiling) external virtual returns (bool); function setDepositCollateralAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken, bool state) external virtual returns (bool); function setLiquidateBorrowAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken, bool state) external virtual returns (bool); function setLiquidationIncentive(uint256 newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa) external virtual returns (bool); function setOracle(UniswapAnchoredViewInterface newOracle) external virtual returns (bool); function setRedeemFyTokensAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken, bool state) external virtual returns (bool); function setRepayBorrowAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken, bool state) external virtual returns (bool); function setSupplyUnderlyingAllowed(FyTokenInterface fyToken, bool state) external virtual returns (bool); /** * EVENTS */ event ListBond(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken); event SetBorrowAllowed(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, bool state); event SetCollateralizationRatio( address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, uint256 oldCollateralizationRatio, uint256 newCollateralizationRatio ); event SetDebtCeiling( address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, uint256 oldDebtCeiling, uint256 newDebtCeiling ); event SetDepositCollateralAllowed(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, bool state); event SetLiquidateBorrowAllowed(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, bool state); event SetLiquidationIncentive( address indexed admin, uint256 oldLiquidationIncentive, uint256 newLiquidationIncentive ); event SetRedeemFyTokensAllowed(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, bool state); event SetRepayBorrowAllowed(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, bool state); event SetOracle(address indexed admin, address oldOracle, address newOracle); event SetSupplyUnderlyingAllowed(address indexed admin, FyTokenInterface indexed fyToken, bool state); }
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pragma solidity 0.6.0; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract Blink is ERC20 { constructor(uint256 initialSupply) public ERC20("Blink", "BNK") { _mint(msg.sender, initialSupply); } }
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pragma solidity 0.4.24; contract ERC20Basic { function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address _who) public view returns (uint256); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); } contract Ownable { address public owner; event OwnershipRenounced(address indexed previousOwner); event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender * account. */ constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipRenounced(owner); owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(_newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param _newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function _transferOwnership(address _newOwner) internal { require(_newOwner != address(0)); emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _newOwner); owner = _newOwner; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than asserting 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (_a == 0) { return 0; } c = _a * _b; assert(c / _a == _b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function div(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // assert(_b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0 // uint256 c = _a / _b; // assert(_a == _b * c + _a % _b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return _a / _b; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256) { assert(_b <= _a); return _a - _b; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint256 _a, uint256 _b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { c = _a + _b; assert(c >= _a); return c; } } contract BasicToken is ERC20Basic { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping(address => uint256) internal balances; uint256 internal totalSupply_; /** * @dev Total number of tokens in existence */ function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return totalSupply_; } /** * @dev Transfer token for a specified address * @param _to The address to transfer to. * @param _value The amount to be transferred. */ function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) { require(_value <= balances[msg.sender]); require(_to != address(0)); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); return true; } /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address. * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256) { return balances[_owner]; } } contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic { function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool); event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } contract StandardToken is ERC20, BasicToken { mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal allowed; /** * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another * @param _from address The address which you want to send tokens from * @param _to address The address which you want to transfer to * @param _value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred */ function transferFrom( address _from, address _to, uint256 _value ) public returns (bool) { require(_value <= balances[_from]); require(_value <= allowed[_from][msg.sender]); require(_to != address(0)); balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value); allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value); emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); return true; } /** * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender. * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards: * * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent. */ function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); return true; } /** * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * @param _owner address The address which owns the funds. * @param _spender address The address which will spend the funds. * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender. */ function allowance( address _owner, address _spender ) public view returns (uint256) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } /** * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To increment * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param _addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by. */ function increaseApproval( address _spender, uint256 _addedValue ) public returns (bool) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = ( allowed[msg.sender][_spender].add(_addedValue)); emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; } /** * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed[_spender] == 0. To decrement * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * @param _spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param _subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by. */ function decreaseApproval( address _spender, uint256 _subtractedValue ) public returns (bool) { uint256 oldValue = allowed[msg.sender][_spender]; if (_subtractedValue >= oldValue) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = 0; } else { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = oldValue.sub(_subtractedValue); } emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, allowed[msg.sender][_spender]); return true; } } contract MintableToken is StandardToken, Ownable { event Mint(address indexed to, uint256 amount); event MintFinished(); bool public mintingFinished = false; modifier canMint() { require(!mintingFinished); _; } modifier hasMintPermission() { require(msg.sender == owner); _; } /** * @dev Function to mint tokens * @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens. * @param _amount The amount of tokens to mint. * @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful. */ function mint( address _to, uint256 _amount ) public hasMintPermission canMint returns (bool) { totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.add(_amount); balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount); emit Mint(_to, _amount); emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _amount); return true; } /** * @dev Function to stop minting new tokens. * @return True if the operation was successful. */ function finishMinting() public onlyOwner canMint returns (bool) { mintingFinished = true; emit MintFinished(); return true; } } contract CappedToken is MintableToken { uint256 public cap; constructor(uint256 _cap) public { require(_cap > 0); cap = _cap; } /** * @dev Function to mint tokens * @param _to The address that will receive the minted tokens. * @param _amount The amount of tokens to mint. * @return A boolean that indicates if the operation was successful. */ function mint( address _to, uint256 _amount ) public returns (bool) { require(totalSupply_.add(_amount) <= cap); return, _amount); } } contract STUX is CappedToken { string public name = "Stux"; string public symbol = "STUX"; uint8 public decimals = 18; constructor( uint256 _cap ) public CappedToken( _cap ) { } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface sbCommunityInterface { function getTokenData(address token, uint256 day) external view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ); function receiveRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external; function serviceAccepted(address service) external view returns (bool); function getMinerRewardPercentage() external view returns (uint256); } contract sbController { event CommunityAdded(address indexed community); event RewardsReleased(address indexed receiver, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); using SafeMath for uint256; bool internal initDone; address internal sbTimelock; IERC20 internal strongToken; sbTokensInterface internal sbTokens; sbStrongPoolInterface internal sbStrongPool; sbVotesInterface internal sbVotes; uint256 internal startDay; mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR; mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR; mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR; uint256 internal MAX_YEARS; address[] internal communities; mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal dayMineSecondsUSDTotal; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) internal communityDayMineSecondsUSD; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) internal communityDayRewards; mapping(address => uint256) internal communityDayStart; uint256 internal dayLastReleasedRewardsFor; function init( address sbTimelockAddress, address strongTokenAddress, address sbTokensAddress, address sbStrongPoolAddress, address sbCommunityAddress, address sbVotesAddress ) public { require(!initDone, 'init done'); uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); sbTimelock = sbTimelockAddress; strongToken = IERC20(strongTokenAddress); sbTokens = sbTokensInterface(sbTokensAddress); sbStrongPool = sbStrongPoolInterface(sbStrongPoolAddress); sbVotes = sbVotesInterface(sbVotesAddress); startDay = currentDay; dayLastReleasedRewardsFor = currentDay.sub(1); communities.push(sbCommunityAddress); communityDayStart[sbCommunityAddress] = currentDay; MAX_YEARS = 4; COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[1] = 2888e18; COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[2] = 2088e18; COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[3] = 1288e18; COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[4] = 888e18; STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[1] = 800e18; STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[2] = 1000e18; STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[3] = 1100e18; STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[4] = 1200e18; VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[1] = 88e18; VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[2] = 88e18; VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[3] = 88e18; VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[4] = 88e18; initDone = true; } function upToDate() external view returns (bool) { return dayLastReleasedRewardsFor == _getCurrentDay().sub(1); } function addCommunity(address community) external { require(msg.sender == sbTimelock, 'not sbTimelock'); require(community != address(0), 'community not zero address'); require(!_communityExists(community), 'community exists'); communities.push(community); communityDayStart[community] = _getCurrentDay(); emit CommunityAdded(community); } function getCommunities() external view returns (address[] memory) { return communities; } function getDayMineSecondsUSDTotal(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256) { require(day >= startDay, '1: invalid day'); require(day <= dayLastReleasedRewardsFor, '2: invalid day'); return dayMineSecondsUSDTotal[day]; } function getCommunityDayMineSecondsUSD(address community, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256) { require(_communityExists(community), 'invalid community'); require( day >= communityDayStart[community], '1: invalid day' ); require(day <= dayLastReleasedRewardsFor, '2: invalid day'); return communityDayMineSecondsUSD[community][day]; } function getCommunityDayRewards(address community, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256) { require(_communityExists(community), 'invalid community'); require( day >= communityDayStart[community], '1: invalid day' ); require(day <= dayLastReleasedRewardsFor, '2: invalid day'); return communityDayRewards[community][day]; } function getCommunityDailyRewards(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256) { require(day >= startDay, 'invalid day'); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(day); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'invalid year'); return COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]; } function getStrongPoolDailyRewards(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256) { require(day >= startDay, 'invalid day'); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(day); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'invalid year'); return STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]; } function getVoterDailyRewards(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256) { require(day >= startDay, 'invalid day'); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(day); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'invalid year'); return VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]; } function getStartDay() external view returns (uint256) { return startDay; } function communityAccepted(address community) external view returns (bool) { return _communityExists(community); } function getMaxYears() public view returns (uint256) { return MAX_YEARS; } function getCommunityDayStart(address community) public view returns (uint256) { require(_communityExists(community), 'invalid community'); return communityDayStart[community]; } function getSbTimelockAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return sbTimelock; } function getStrongAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(strongToken); } function getSbTokensAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(sbTokens); } function getSbStrongPoolAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(sbStrongPool); } function getSbVotesAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(sbVotes); } function getCurrentYear() public view returns (uint256) { uint256 day = _getCurrentDay().sub(startDay); return _getYearDayIsIn(day == 0 ? startDay : day); } function getYearDayIsIn(uint256 day) public view returns (uint256) { require(day >= startDay, 'invalid day'); return _getYearDayIsIn(day); } function getCurrentDay() public view returns (uint256) { return _getCurrentDay(); } function getDayLastReleasedRewardsFor() public view returns (uint256) { return dayLastReleasedRewardsFor; } function releaseRewards() public { uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); require( currentDay > dayLastReleasedRewardsFor.add(1), 'already released' ); require(sbTokens.upToDate(), 'need token prices'); dayLastReleasedRewardsFor = dayLastReleasedRewardsFor.add(1); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(dayLastReleasedRewardsFor); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'invalid year'); address[] memory tokenAddresses = sbTokens.getTokens(); uint256[] memory tokenPrices = sbTokens.getTokenPrices(dayLastReleasedRewardsFor); for (uint256 i = 0; i < communities.length; i++) { address community = communities[i]; uint256 sum = 0; for (uint256 j = 0; j < tokenAddresses.length; j++) { address token = tokenAddresses[j]; (, , uint256 minedSeconds) = sbCommunityInterface(community).getTokenData(token, dayLastReleasedRewardsFor); uint256 tokenPrice = tokenPrices[j]; uint256 minedSecondsUSD = tokenPrice.mul(minedSeconds).div(1e18); sum = sum.add(minedSecondsUSD); } communityDayMineSecondsUSD[community][dayLastReleasedRewardsFor] = sum; dayMineSecondsUSDTotal[dayLastReleasedRewardsFor] = dayMineSecondsUSDTotal[dayLastReleasedRewardsFor].add(sum); } for (uint256 i = 0; i < communities.length; i++) { address community = communities[i]; if (communityDayMineSecondsUSD[community][dayLastReleasedRewardsFor] == 0) { continue; } communityDayRewards[community][dayLastReleasedRewardsFor] = communityDayMineSecondsUSD[community][dayLastReleasedRewardsFor] .mul(COMMUNITY_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]) .div(dayMineSecondsUSDTotal[dayLastReleasedRewardsFor]); uint256 amount = communityDayRewards[community][dayLastReleasedRewardsFor]; strongToken.approve(community, amount); sbCommunityInterface(community).receiveRewards(dayLastReleasedRewardsFor, amount); emit RewardsReleased(community, amount, currentDay); } (,, uint256 strongPoolMineSeconds) = sbStrongPool.getMineData(dayLastReleasedRewardsFor); if (strongPoolMineSeconds != 0) { strongToken.approve(address(sbStrongPool), STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]); sbStrongPool.receiveRewards(dayLastReleasedRewardsFor, STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]); emit RewardsReleased(address(sbStrongPool), STRONGPOOL_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year], currentDay); } bool hasVoteSeconds = false; for (uint256 i = 0; i < communities.length; i++) { address community = communities[i]; (, , uint256 voteSeconds) = sbVotes.getCommunityData(community, dayLastReleasedRewardsFor); if (voteSeconds > 0) { hasVoteSeconds = true; break; } } if (hasVoteSeconds) { strongToken.approve(address(sbVotes), VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]); sbVotes.receiveVoterRewards(dayLastReleasedRewardsFor, VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year]); emit RewardsReleased(address(sbVotes), VOTER_DAILY_REWARDS_BY_YEAR[year], currentDay); } } function _getCurrentDay() internal view returns (uint256) { return block.timestamp.div(1 days).add(1); } function _communityExists(address community) internal view returns (bool) { for (uint256 i = 0; i < communities.length; i++) { if (communities[i] == community) { return true; } } return false; } function _getYearDayIsIn(uint256 day) internal view returns (uint256) { return day.sub(startDay).div(366).add(1); // dividing by 366 makes day 1 and 365 be in year 1 } } interface sbStrongPoolInterface { function serviceMinMined(address miner) external view returns (bool); function minerMinMined(address miner) external view returns (bool); function mineFor(address miner, uint256 amount) external; function getMineData(uint256 day) external view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ); function receiveRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external; } interface sbTokensInterface { function getTokens() external view returns (address[] memory); function getTokenPrices(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256[] memory); function tokenAccepted(address token) external view returns (bool); function upToDate() external view returns (bool); function getTokenPrice(address token, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); } interface sbVotesInterface { function getCommunityData(address community, uint256 day) external view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ); function getPriorProposalVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint96); function receiveServiceRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external; function receiveVoterRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external; function updateVotes( address staker, uint256 rawAmount, bool adding ) external; }
[ 9, 5 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface sbControllerInterface { function getDayMineSecondsUSDTotal(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); function getCommunityDayMineSecondsUSD(address community, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); function getCommunityDayRewards(address community, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); function getStartDay() external view returns (uint256); function getMaxYears() external view returns (uint256); function getStrongPoolDailyRewards(uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); function communityAccepted(address community) external view returns (bool); function getCommunities() external view returns (address[] memory); function upToDate() external view returns (bool); } contract sbStrongPool { event ServiceMinMineUpdated(uint256 amount); event MinerMinMineUpdated(uint256 amount); event MinedFor(address indexed miner, address indexed receiver, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); event RewardsReceived(uint256 indexed day, uint256 amount); event Mined(address indexed miner, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); event Unmined(address indexed miner, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); event MinedForVotesOnly(address indexed miner, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); event UnminedForVotesOnly(address indexed miner, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); event Claimed(address indexed miner, uint256 amount, uint256 indexed day); using SafeMath for uint256; bool internal initDone; IERC20 internal strongToken; sbControllerInterface internal sbController; sbVotesInterface internal sbVotes; address internal sbTimelock; uint256 internal serviceMinMine; uint256 internal minerMinMine; mapping(address => uint256[]) internal minerMineDays; mapping(address => uint256[]) internal minerMineAmounts; mapping(address => uint256[]) internal minerMineMineSeconds; uint256[] internal mineDays; uint256[] internal mineAmounts; uint256[] internal mineMineSeconds; mapping(address => uint256) internal minerDayLastClaimedFor; mapping(uint256 => uint256) internal dayRewards; mapping(address => uint256) internal mineForVotes; function init( address sbControllerAddress, address strongTokenAddress, address sbVotesAddress, address sbTimelockAddress, uint256 serviceMinMineAmount, uint256 minerMinMineAmount ) public { require(!initDone, 'init done'); require(serviceMinMineAmount > 0, '1: zero'); require(minerMinMineAmount > 0, '2: zero'); sbController = sbControllerInterface(sbControllerAddress); strongToken = IERC20(strongTokenAddress); sbVotes = sbVotesInterface(sbVotesAddress); sbTimelock = sbTimelockAddress; serviceMinMine = serviceMinMineAmount; minerMinMine = minerMinMineAmount; initDone = true; } function serviceMinMined(address miner) external view returns (bool) { uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); (, uint256 twoDaysAgoMine, ) = _getMinerMineData(miner, currentDay.sub(2)); (, uint256 oneDayAgoMine, ) = _getMinerMineData(miner, currentDay.sub(1)); (, uint256 todayMine, ) = _getMinerMineData(miner, currentDay); return twoDaysAgoMine >= serviceMinMine && oneDayAgoMine >= serviceMinMine && todayMine >= serviceMinMine; } function minerMinMined(address miner) external view returns (bool) { (, uint256 todayMine, ) = _getMinerMineData(miner, _getCurrentDay()); return todayMine >= minerMinMine; } function updateServiceMinMine(uint256 serviceMinMineAmount) external { require(serviceMinMineAmount > 0, 'zero'); require( msg.sender == sbTimelock, 'not sbTimelock' ); serviceMinMine = serviceMinMineAmount; emit ServiceMinMineUpdated(serviceMinMineAmount); } function updateMinerMinMine(uint256 minerMinMineAmount) external { require(minerMinMineAmount > 0, 'zero'); require( msg.sender == sbTimelock, 'not sbTimelock' ); minerMinMine = minerMinMineAmount; emit MinerMinMineUpdated(minerMinMineAmount); } function mineFor(address miner, uint256 amount) external { require(amount > 0, 'zero'); require(miner != address(0), 'zero address'); if (msg.sender != address(this)) { strongToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); } uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 startDay = sbController.getStartDay(); uint256 MAX_YEARS = sbController.getMaxYears(); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(currentDay, startDay); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'year limit met'); _update(minerMineDays[miner], minerMineAmounts[miner], minerMineMineSeconds[miner], amount, true, currentDay); _update(mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, amount, true, currentDay); sbVotes.updateVotes(miner, amount, true); emit MinedFor(msg.sender, miner, amount, currentDay); } function getMineData(uint256 day) external view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { return _getMineData(day); } function receiveRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external { require(amount > 0, 'zero'); require( msg.sender == address(sbController), 'not sbController' ); strongToken.transferFrom(address(sbController), address(this), amount); dayRewards[day] = dayRewards[day].add(amount); emit RewardsReceived(day, amount); } function getDayRewards(uint256 day) public view returns (uint256) { require(day <= _getCurrentDay(), 'invalid day'); return dayRewards[day]; } function mine(uint256 amount) public { require(amount > 0, 'zero'); strongToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 startDay = sbController.getStartDay(); uint256 MAX_YEARS = sbController.getMaxYears(); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(currentDay, startDay); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'year limit met'); _update( minerMineDays[msg.sender], minerMineAmounts[msg.sender], minerMineMineSeconds[msg.sender], amount, true, currentDay ); _update(mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, amount, true, currentDay); sbVotes.updateVotes(msg.sender, amount, true); emit Mined(msg.sender, amount, currentDay); } function unmine(uint256 amount) public { require(amount > 0, 'zero'); uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); _update( minerMineDays[msg.sender], minerMineAmounts[msg.sender], minerMineMineSeconds[msg.sender], amount, false, currentDay ); _update(mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, amount, false, currentDay); sbVotes.updateVotes(msg.sender, amount, false); strongToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount); emit Unmined(msg.sender, amount, currentDay); } function mineForVotesOnly(uint256 amount) public { require(amount > 0, 'zero'); strongToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 startDay = sbController.getStartDay(); uint256 MAX_YEARS = sbController.getMaxYears(); uint256 year = _getYearDayIsIn(currentDay, startDay); require(year <= MAX_YEARS, 'year limit met'); mineForVotes[msg.sender] = mineForVotes[msg.sender].add(amount); sbVotes.updateVotes(msg.sender, amount, true); emit MinedForVotesOnly(msg.sender, amount, currentDay); } function unmineForVotesOnly(uint256 amount) public { require(amount > 0, 'zero'); require(mineForVotes[msg.sender] >= amount, 'not enough mine'); mineForVotes[msg.sender] = mineForVotes[msg.sender].sub(amount); sbVotes.updateVotes(msg.sender, amount, false); strongToken.transfer(msg.sender, amount); emit UnminedForVotesOnly(msg.sender, amount, _getCurrentDay()); } function getMineForVotesOnly(address miner) public view returns (uint256) { return mineForVotes[miner]; } function getServiceMinMineAmount() public view returns (uint256) { return serviceMinMine; } function getMinerMinMineAmount() public view returns (uint256) { return minerMinMine; } function getSbControllerAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(sbController); } function getStrongAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(strongToken); } function getSbVotesAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return address(sbVotes); } function getSbTimelockAddressUsed() public view returns (address) { return sbTimelock; } function getMinerDayLastClaimedFor(address miner) public view returns (uint256) { return minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] == 0 ? sbController.getStartDay().sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner]; } function claimAll() public { uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender] == 0 ? sbController.getStartDay().sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender]; require(currentDay > dayLastClaimedFor.add(7), 'already claimed'); require(sbController.upToDate(), 'need rewards released'); _claim(currentDay, msg.sender, dayLastClaimedFor); } function claimUpTo(uint256 day) public { require(day <= _getCurrentDay(), 'invalid day'); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender] == 0 ? sbController.getStartDay().sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender]; require(day > dayLastClaimedFor.add(7), 'already claimed'); require(sbController.upToDate(), 'need rewards released'); _claim(day, msg.sender, dayLastClaimedFor); } function getRewardsDueAll(address miner) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] == 0 ? sbController.getStartDay().sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner]; if (!(currentDay > dayLastClaimedFor.add(7))) { return 0; } require(sbController.upToDate(), 'need rewards released'); return _getRewardsDue(currentDay, miner, dayLastClaimedFor); } function getRewardsDueUpTo(uint256 day, address miner) public view returns (uint256) { require(day <= _getCurrentDay(), 'invalid day'); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] == 0 ? sbController.getStartDay().sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner]; if (!(day > dayLastClaimedFor.add(7))) { return 0; } require(sbController.upToDate(), 'need rewards released'); return _getRewardsDue(day, miner, dayLastClaimedFor); } function getMinerMineData(address miner, uint256 day) public view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { return _getMinerMineData(miner, day); } function _getMineData(uint256 day) internal view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { return _get(mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, day); } function _getMinerMineData(address miner, uint256 day) internal view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256[] memory _Days = minerMineDays[miner]; uint256[] memory _Amounts = minerMineAmounts[miner]; uint256[] memory _UnitSeconds = minerMineMineSeconds[miner]; return _get(_Days, _Amounts, _UnitSeconds, day); } function _get( uint256[] memory _Days, uint256[] memory _Amounts, uint256[] memory _UnitSeconds, uint256 day ) internal pure returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256 len = _Days.length; if (len == 0) { return (day, 0, 0); } if (day < _Days[0]) { return (day, 0, 0); } uint256 lastIndex = len.sub(1); uint256 lastMinedDay = _Days[lastIndex]; if (day == lastMinedDay) { return (day, _Amounts[lastIndex], _UnitSeconds[lastIndex]); } else if (day > lastMinedDay) { return (day, _Amounts[lastIndex], _Amounts[lastIndex].mul(1 days)); } return _find(_Days, _Amounts, _UnitSeconds, day); } function _find( uint256[] memory _Days, uint256[] memory _Amounts, uint256[] memory _UnitSeconds, uint256 day ) internal pure returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256 left = 0; uint256 right = _Days.length.sub(1); uint256 middle = right.add(left).div(2); while (left < right) { if (_Days[middle] == day) { return (day, _Amounts[middle], _UnitSeconds[middle]); } else if (_Days[middle] > day) { if (middle > 0 && _Days[middle.sub(1)] < day) { return (day, _Amounts[middle.sub(1)], _Amounts[middle.sub(1)].mul(1 days)); } if (middle == 0) { return (day, 0, 0); } right = middle.sub(1); } else if (_Days[middle] < day) { if (middle < _Days.length.sub(1) && _Days[middle.add(1)] > day) { return (day, _Amounts[middle], _Amounts[middle].mul(1 days)); } left = middle.add(1); } middle = right.add(left).div(2); } if (_Days[middle] != day) { return (day, 0, 0); } else { return (day, _Amounts[middle], _UnitSeconds[middle]); } } function _update( uint256[] storage _Days, uint256[] storage _Amounts, uint256[] storage _UnitSeconds, uint256 amount, bool adding, uint256 currentDay ) internal { uint256 len = _Days.length; uint256 secondsInADay = 1 days; uint256 secondsSinceStartOfDay = block.timestamp % secondsInADay; uint256 secondsUntilEndOfDay = secondsInADay.sub(secondsSinceStartOfDay); if (len == 0) { if (adding) { _Days.push(currentDay); _Amounts.push(amount); _UnitSeconds.push(amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay)); } else { require(false, '1: not enough mine'); } } else { uint256 lastIndex = len.sub(1); uint256 lastMinedDay = _Days[lastIndex]; uint256 lastMinedAmount = _Amounts[lastIndex]; uint256 lastUnitSeconds = _UnitSeconds[lastIndex]; uint256 newAmount; uint256 newUnitSeconds; if (lastMinedDay == currentDay) { if (adding) { newAmount = lastMinedAmount.add(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastUnitSeconds.add(amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay)); } else { require(lastMinedAmount >= amount, '2: not enough mine'); newAmount = lastMinedAmount.sub(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastUnitSeconds.sub(amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay)); } _Amounts[lastIndex] = newAmount; _UnitSeconds[lastIndex] = newUnitSeconds; } else { if (adding) { newAmount = lastMinedAmount.add(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastMinedAmount.mul(1 days).add(amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay)); } else { require(lastMinedAmount >= amount, '3: not enough mine'); newAmount = lastMinedAmount.sub(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastMinedAmount.mul(1 days).sub(amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay)); } _Days.push(currentDay); _Amounts.push(newAmount); _UnitSeconds.push(newUnitSeconds); } } } function _getCurrentDay() internal view returns (uint256) { return block.timestamp.div(1 days).add(1); } function _claim( uint256 upToDay, address miner, uint256 dayLastClaimedFor ) internal { uint256 rewards = _getRewardsDue(upToDay, miner, dayLastClaimedFor); require(rewards > 0, 'no rewards'); minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] = upToDay.sub(7); this.mineFor(miner, rewards); emit Claimed(miner, rewards, _getCurrentDay()); } function _getRewardsDue( uint256 upToDay, address miner, uint256 dayLastClaimedFor ) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 rewards; for (uint256 day = dayLastClaimedFor.add(1); day <= upToDay.sub(7); day++) { (, , uint256 minerMineSecondsForDay) = _getMinerMineData(miner, day); (, , uint256 mineSecondsForDay) = _getMineData(day); if (mineSecondsForDay == 0) { continue; } uint256 strongPoolDayRewards = dayRewards[day]; uint256 amount = strongPoolDayRewards.mul(minerMineSecondsForDay).div(mineSecondsForDay); rewards = rewards.add(amount); } return rewards; } function _getYearDayIsIn(uint256 day, uint256 startDay) internal pure returns (uint256) { return day.sub(startDay).div(366).add(1); // dividing by 366 makes day 1 and 365 be in year 1 } } interface sbVotesInterface { function getCommunityData(address community, uint256 day) external view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ); function getPriorProposalVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint96); function receiveServiceRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external; function receiveVoterRewards(uint256 day, uint256 amount) external; function updateVotes( address staker, uint256 rawAmount, bool adding ) external; }
[ 10, 9, 16 ]
pragma solidity 0.4.21; contract EIP20Interface { /* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard. function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); is replaced with: uint256 public totalSupply; This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply. This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract function by the compiler. */ /// total amount of tokens uint256 public totalSupply; /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @return The balance function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address of the sender /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining); // solhint-disable-next-line no-simple-event-func-name event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } contract Farm is EIP20Interface { uint256 constant private MAX_UINT256 = 2**256 - 1; mapping (address => uint256) public balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed; /* NOTE: The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them. They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality. Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information. */ string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX function Farm( uint256 _initialAmount, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol ) public { balances[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value); balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender]; require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value); balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; } emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract when upgrade EVEN times. */ modifier initializerEven() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized EVEN times"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = false; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } contract Governable is Initializable { address public governor; event GovernorshipTransferred(address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor); /** * @dev Contract initializer. * called once by the factory at time of deployment */ function initialize(address governor_) virtual public initializer { governor = governor_; emit GovernorshipTransferred(address(0), governor); } modifier governance() { require(msg.sender == governor); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to governorship will leave the contract without an governor. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `governance` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceGovernorship() public governance { emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, address(0)); governor = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to transfer control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) public governance { _transferGovernorship(newGovernor); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function _transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) internal { require(newGovernor != address(0)); emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, newGovernor); governor = newGovernor; } } contract Configurable is Governable { mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal config; function getConfig(bytes32 key) public view returns (uint) { return config[key]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, uint index) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ index)]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, address addr) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr))]; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) internal { if(config[key] != value) config[key] = value; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(key, value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } } interface Minter { event Minted(address indexed recipient, address reward_contract, uint minted); function token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function minted(address, address) external view returns (uint); function allowed_to_mint_for(address, address) external view returns (bool); function mint(address gauge) external; function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) external; function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) external; function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) external; } interface LiquidityGauge { event Deposit(address indexed provider, uint value); event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint value); event UpdateLiquidityLimit(address user, uint original_balance, uint original_supply, uint working_balance, uint working_supply); function user_checkpoint (address addr) external returns (bool); function claimable_tokens(address addr) external view returns (uint); function claimable_reward(address addr) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint() external view returns (uint); function kick(address addr) external; function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) external; function deposit(uint _value) external; function deposit(uint _value, address addr) external; function withdraw(uint _value) external; function withdraw(uint _value, bool claim_rewards) external; function claim_rewards() external; function claim_rewards(address addr) external; function minter() external view returns (address); function crv_token() external view returns (address); function lp_token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function voting_escrow() external view returns (address); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function future_epoch_time() external view returns (uint); function approved_to_deposit(address, address) external view returns (bool); function working_balances(address) external view returns (uint); function working_supply() external view returns (uint); function period() external view returns (int128); function period_timestamp(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_fraction(address) external view returns (uint); function inflation_rate() external view returns (uint); function reward_contract() external view returns (address); function rewarded_token() external view returns (address); function reward_integral() external view returns (uint); function reward_integral_for(address) external view returns (uint); function rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); function claimed_rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); } contract SSimpleGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; uint override public reward_integral; mapping(address => uint) override public reward_integral_for; mapping(address => uint) override public rewards_for; mapping(address => uint) override public claimed_rewards_for; uint public span; uint public end; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[addr] = balanceOf[addr].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(addr, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender], true); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override external { withdraw(amount, true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(totalSupply); uint lasttime = integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]; if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); address teamAddr = address(config['teamAddr']); uint teamRatio = config['teamRatio']; if(teamAddr != address(0) && teamRatio != 0) integrate_fraction[teamAddr] = integrate_fraction[teamAddr].add(amount.mul(teamRatio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { uint amount = claimable_tokens(addr); _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = now; } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return now; } } c SExactGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _devAddr_ = 'devAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _devRatio_ = 'devRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoAddr_ = 'ecoAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoRatio_ = 'ecoRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _claim_rewards_ = 'claim_rewards'; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; mapping(address => uint) public reward_integral_; // rewarded_token => reward_integral mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public reward_integral_for_; // recipient => rewarded_token => reward_integral_for mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public rewards_for_; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public claimed_rewards_for_; uint public span; uint public end; mapping(address => uint) public sumMiningPerOf; uint public sumMiningPer; uint public bufReward; uint public lasttime; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; if(lasttime == 0) lasttime = now; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override public { withdraw(amount, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, _claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { addr; return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { r = integrate_fraction[addr].sub(Minter(minter).minted(addr, address(this))); r = r.add(_claimable_last(addr, claimableDelta(), sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr])); } function _claimable_last(address addr, uint delta, uint sumPer, uint lastSumPer) virtual internal view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = sumPer.sub(lastSumPer); amount = amount.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(1 ether); } function claimableDelta() virtual internal view returns(uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)).sub(bufReward); if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); addr = address(config[_devAddr_]); uint ratio = config[_devRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); addr = address(config[_ecoAddr_]); ratio = config[_ecoRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint delta = claimableDelta(); uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, delta, sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); if(delta != amount) bufReward = bufReward.add(delta).sub(amount); if(delta > 0) sumMiningPer = sumMiningPer.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(sumMiningPerOf[addr] != sumMiningPer) sumMiningPerOf[addr] = sumMiningPer; lasttime = now; _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return lasttime; } function reward_integral() virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_[rewarded_token]; } function reward_integral_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function claimed_rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } } contra uge is SExactGauge { address[] public rewards; //mapping(address => mapping(address =>uint)) internal sumRewardPerOf_; // recipient => rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_ //mapping(address => uint) internal sumRewardPer_; // rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_for_ function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _nestGauge, address[] memory _moreRewards) public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); reward_contract = _nestGauge; rewarded_token = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).crv_token(); rewards = _moreRewards; rewards.push(rewarded_token); address rewarded_token2 = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).rewarded_token(); if(rewarded_token2 != address(0)) rewards.push(rewarded_token2); LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).integrate_checkpoint(); // just check for(uint i=0; i<_moreRewards.length; i++) IERC20(_moreRewards[i]).totalSupply(); // just check } function _deposit(address from, uint amount) virtual override internal { super._deposit(from, amount); // lp_token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount); lp_token.safeApprove(reward_contract, amount); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).deposit(amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual override internal { LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).withdraw(amount); super._withdraw(to, amount); // lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claim_rewards(address to) virtual override public { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; _checkpoint_rewards(to, true); for(uint i=0; i<rewards.length; i++) { uint amount = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) { rewards[i].safeTransfer(to, amount); claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]; } } } function _checkpoint_rewards(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint[] memory drs = new uint[](rewards.length); if(_claim_rewards) { for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).mint(reward_contract); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claim_rewards(); for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(drs[i]); } for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) { uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, drs[i], reward_integral_[rewards[i]], reward_integral_for_[msg.sender][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]].add(amount); if(drs[i] > 0) reward_integral_[rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]].add(drs[i].mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] != reward_integral_[rewards[i]]) reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]]; } } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { //uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_tokens(address(this)); // Error: Mutable call in static context uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).integrate_fraction(address(this)).sub(Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).minted(address(this), reward_contract)); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[rewarded_token], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token])); } function claimable_reward2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint r) { uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_reward(address(this)); address reward2 = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token(); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[reward2], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward2]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][reward2].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][reward2])); } function claimable_reward(address addr, address reward) virtual public view returns (uint r) { r = _claimable_last(addr, 0, reward_integral_[reward], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][reward].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][reward])); } function claimed_rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } function rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } } contrac is Minter, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address payable; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _allowContract_ = 'allowContract'; bytes32 internal constant _allowlist_ = 'allowlist'; bytes32 internal constant _blocklist_ = 'blocklist'; address override public token; address override public controller; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) override public minted; // user => reward_contract => value mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public allowed_to_mint_for; // minter => user => can mint? mapping(address => uint) public quotas; // reward_contract => quota; function initialize(address governor, address token_) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); token = token_; } function setGaugeQuota(address gauge, uint quota) public governance { quotas[gauge] = quota; } function mint(address gauge) virtual override public { mint_for(gauge, msg.sender); } function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) virtual override external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_many(address[] calldata gauges) virtual external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) virtual override public { require(_for == msg.sender || allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for], 'Not approved'); require(quotas[gauge] > 0, 'No quota'); require(getConfig(_blocklist_, msg.sender) == 0, 'In blocklist'); bool isContract = msg.sender.isContract(); require(!isContract || config[_allowContract_] != 0 || getConfig(_allowlist_, msg.sender) != 0, 'No allowContract'); LiquidityGauge(gauge).user_checkpoint(_for); uint total_mint = LiquidityGauge(gauge).integrate_fraction(_for); uint to_mint = total_mint.sub(minted[_for][gauge]); if(to_mint != 0) { quotas[gauge] = quotas[gauge].sub(to_mint); token.safeTransfer(_for, to_mint); minted[_for][gauge] = total_mint; emit Minted(_for, gauge, total_mint); } } function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) virtual override external { allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = !allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]; } } /* // he abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } function sqrt(uint x)public pure returns(uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 2; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / z + z) / 2; } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) public _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowances; uint256 public _totalSupply; string internal _name; string internal _symbol; uint8 internal _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract SfgToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfgFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Governance Token", "SFG") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfgFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } contract SfyToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfyFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Yield Token", "SFY") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfyFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } library TransferHelper { function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('approve(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: APPROVE_FAILED'); } function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED'); } function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'); } function safeTransferETH(address to, uint value) internal { (bool success,) ={value:value}(new bytes(0)); require(success, 'TransferHelper: ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED'); } }
[ 5, 4, 9, 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ uint256 constant unit = 1 ether; function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { require(amount % (1 * unit) == 0, "Invalid value for burn, only whole numbers can be burned."); _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance"); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } contract eCLD is ERC20Burnable { address private _owner; mapping (bytes32 => bool) private _receipts; function _check_signature(bytes32 hash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) internal view { address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s); require(_owner == signer, "Signature invalid"); } function mint_with_receipt(address recipient, uint256 amount, uint256 uuid, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public { bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n84", recipient, amount, uuid)); require(!_receipts[hash], "Receipt already used"); _check_signature(hash, v, r, s); _mint(recipient, amount); _receipts[hash] = true; } function mint(address recipient, uint256 amount) public { require(_owner == _msgSender()); _mint(recipient, amount); } constructor() ERC20("CloudCoin Etherium", "CCE") public { _owner = _msgSender(); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex]) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x019739e288973F92bDD3c1d87178E206E51fd911; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { // address public constant ETH_FLIPPER = 0xd8a04F5412223F513DC55F839574430f5EC15531; // address public constant BAT_FLIPPER = 0xaA745404d55f88C108A28c86abE7b5A1E7817c07; // address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; // address public constant ETH_JOIN = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; // address public constant BAT_JOIN = 0x3D0B1912B66114d4096F48A8CEe3A56C231772cA; // bytes32 public constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE = 0x606e9758a39d2d7fA7e70BC68E6E7D9b02948962; // function daiBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // joinDai(_amount); // (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); // } // function collateralBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // uint bid; // (bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // joinDai(bid / (10**27)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); // } // function closeBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function closeBidAndExchange( // uint _bidId, // bool _isEth, // uint256[4] memory _data, // address _exchangeAddress, // bytes memory _callData // ) // public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // (uint bidAmount, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(address(this), (bidAmount / 10**27)); // address srcToken = _isEth ? KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS : address(Gem(join).gem()); // uint daiAmount = swap( // _data, // srcToken, // DAI_ADDRESS, // _exchangeAddress, // _callData // ); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, daiAmount); // } // function exitCollateral(bool _isEth) public { // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function exitDai() public { // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); // Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function withdrawToken(address _token) public { // uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); // ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); // } // function withdrawEth() public { // uint balance = address(this).balance; // msg.sender.transfer(balance); // } // function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { // uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // if (_amount > amountInVat) { // uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); // Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); // } // } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0xb09bCc172050fBd4562da8b229Cf3E45Dc3045A6; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_loanShift, _exchangeData); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; if (_wholeDebt) { (,amount,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; if (_wholeDebt) { (,amount,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); address payable payableProxy = payable(proxy); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payableProxy).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy uint256 collateralAmount = ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, collateralAmount); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payableProxy).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x56AC1EFC17ecDe083889520137B0cfb30d2cF384; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); if (srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai }); address collAddr = closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); sendLeftover(collAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, tx.origin); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal returns (address) { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; address user = DSProxy(payable(_closeData.proxy)).owner(); if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = address(Join(_closeData.joinAddr).gem()); require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); return tokenAddr; } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address payable public constant MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN = 0xdFccc9C59c7361307d47c558ffA75840B32DbA29; address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData ) public payable { MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); // if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP // exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); // (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); // } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP // exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); // _buy(exchangeData); // } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); // } // // Execute the Open operation (Skip if it's debt swap) // if (paramData.swapType != 2) { // DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // } // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature( "close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } // Call specific function if it's a debt swap if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0x6423708d6B84Af237Ab309dF49f6b8Fb751f28FB; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xBD3140131dEd4426694257411d564791Cc36D382; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.2; contract Ownable { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender * account. */ constructor () internal { _owner = msg.sender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner); } /** * @return the address of the owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(isOwner()); _; } /** * @return true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract. */ function isOwner() public view returns (bool) { return msg.sender == _owner; } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0)); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } contract ABIV2 is Ownable{ event NewMemberCertificate(address memberAddr, bytes32 name, uint validityDate); constructor() public{ } function generateCertificate(bytes32 _name, uint _validityDate) public onlyOwner() returns(address){ MemberCertificateV2 member = new MemberCertificateV2(_name, _validityDate); emit NewMemberCertificate(address(member), _name, _validityDate); return address(member); } function setName(address certificateAddr, bytes32 newName) onlyOwner() public { MemberCertificateV2 member = MemberCertificateV2(certificateAddr); member.setName(newName); } function setValidityDate(address certificateAddr, uint newValidityDate) onlyOwner() public{ MemberCertificateV2 member = MemberCertificateV2(certificateAddr); member.setValidityDate(newValidityDate); } } contract MemberCertificateV2 is Ownable{ address public creator; uint public validityDate; bytes32 public name; event ChangeName(bytes32 prevName, bytes32 newName); event ChangeValidityDate(uint prevValidityDate, uint newValidityDate); constructor(bytes32 _name, uint _validityDate) public{ creator = msg.sender; name = _name; validityDate = _validityDate; } function setName(bytes32 newName) onlyOwner() public { bytes32 prevName = name; name = newName; emit ChangeName(prevName, name); } function setValidityDate(uint newValidityDate) onlyOwner() public{ uint prevValidityDate = validityDate; validityDate = newValidityDate; emit ChangeValidityDate(prevValidityDate, validityDate); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.1; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract CoreUniLotterySettings { // Percentage calculations. // As Solidity doesn't have floats, we have to use integers for // percentage arithmetics. // We set 1 percent to be equal to 1,000,000 - thus, we // simulate 6 decimal points when computing percentages. uint32 public constant PERCENT = 10 ** 6; uint32 constant BASIS_POINT = PERCENT / 100; uint32 constant _100PERCENT = 100 * PERCENT; /** The UniLottery Owner's address. * * In the current version, The Owner has rights to: * - Take up to 10% profit from every lottery. * - Pool liquidity into the pool and unpool it. * - Start new Auto-Mode & Manual-Mode lotteries. * - Set randomness provider gas price & other settings. */ // Public Testnets: 0xb13CB9BECcB034392F4c9Db44E23C3Fb5fd5dc63 // MainNet: 0x1Ae51bec001a4fA4E3b06A5AF2e0df33A79c01e2 address payable public constant OWNER_ADDRESS = address( uint160( 0x1Ae51bec001a4fA4E3b06A5AF2e0df33A79c01e2 ) ); // Maximum lottery fee the owner can imburse on transfers. uint32 constant MAX_OWNER_LOTTERY_FEE = 1 * PERCENT; // Minimum amout of profit percentage that must be distributed // to lottery winners. uint32 constant MIN_WINNER_PROFIT_SHARE = 40 * PERCENT; // Min & max profits the owner can take from lottery net profit. uint32 constant MIN_OWNER_PROFITS = 3 * PERCENT; uint32 constant MAX_OWNER_PROFITS = 10 * PERCENT; // Min & max amount of lottery profits that the pool must get. uint32 constant MIN_POOL_PROFITS = 10 * PERCENT; uint32 constant MAX_POOL_PROFITS = 60 * PERCENT; // Maximum lifetime of a lottery - 1 month (4 weeks). uint32 constant MAX_LOTTERY_LIFETIME = 4 weeks; // Callback gas requirements for a lottery's ending callback, // and for the Pool's Scheduled Callback. // Must be determined empirically. uint32 constant LOTTERY_RAND_CALLBACK_GAS = 200000; uint32 constant AUTO_MODE_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK_GAS = 3800431; } interface IUniswapRouter { // Get Factory and WETH addresses. function factory() external pure returns (address); function WETH() external pure returns (address); // Create/add to a liquidity pair using ETH. function addLiquidityETH( address token, uint amountTokenDesired, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline ) external payable returns ( uint amountToken, uint amountETH, uint liquidity ); // Remove liquidity pair. function removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( address token, uint liquidity, uint amountTokenMin, uint amountETHMin, address to, uint deadline ) external returns ( uint amountETH ); // Get trade output amount, given an input. function getAmountsOut( uint amountIn, address[] memory path ) external view returns ( uint[] memory amounts ); // Get trade input amount, given an output. function getAmountsIn( uint amountOut, address[] memory path ) external view returns ( uint[] memory amounts ); } interface IUniswapFactory { function getPair( address tokenA, address tokenB ) external view returns ( address pair ); } contract UniLotteryConfigGenerator { function getConfig() external pure returns( Lottery.LotteryConfig memory cfg ) { cfg.initialFunds = 10 ether; } } contract UniLotteryLotteryFactory { // Uniswap Router address on this network - passed to Lotteries on // construction. //ddress payable immutable uniRouterAddress; // Delegate Contract for the Lottery, containing all logic code // needed for deploying LotteryStubs. // Deployed only once, on construction. address payable immutable public delegateContract; // The Pool Address. address payable poolAddress; // The Lottery Storage Factory address, that the Lottery contracts use. UniLotteryStorageFactory lotteryStorageFactory; // Pool-Only modifier. modifier poolOnly { require( msg.sender == poolAddress/*, "Function can only be called by the Main Pool!" */); _; } // Constructor. // Set the Uniswap Address, and deploy&lock the Delegate Code contract. // constructor( /*address payable _uniRouter*/ ) { //uniRouterAddress = _uniRouter; delegateContract = address( uint160( address( new Lottery() ) ) ); } // Initialization function. // Set the poolAddress as msg.sender, and lock it. // Also, set the Lottery Storage Factory contract instance address. function initialize( address _storageFactoryAddress ) external { require( poolAddress == address( 0 )/*, "Initialization has already finished!" */); // Set the Pool's Address. // Lock it. No more calls to this function will be executed. poolAddress = msg.sender; // Set the Storage Factory, and initialize it! lotteryStorageFactory = UniLotteryStorageFactory( _storageFactoryAddress ); lotteryStorageFactory.initialize(); } /** * Deploy a new Lottery Stub from the specified config. * @param config - Lottery Config to be used (passed by the pool). * @return newLottery - the newly deployed lottery stub. */ function createNewLottery( Lottery.LotteryConfig memory config, address randomnessProvider ) public poolOnly returns( address payable newLottery ) { // Create new Lottery Storage, using storage factory. // Populate the stub, by calling the "construct" function. LotteryStub stub = new LotteryStub(); stub.stub_construct( delegateContract ); Lottery( address( stub ) ).construct( config, poolAddress, randomnessProvider, lotteryStorageFactory.createNewStorage() ); return address( stub ); } } contract LotteryStub { // ============ ERC20 token contract's storage ============ // // ------- Slot ------- // // Balances of token holders. mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; // ------- Slot ------- // // Allowances of spenders for a specific token owner. mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; // ------- Slot ------- // // Total supply of the token. uint256 private _totalSupply; // ============== Lottery contract's storage ============== // // ------- Initial Slots ------- // // The config which is passed to constructor. Lottery.LotteryConfig internal cfg; // ------- Slot ------- // // The Lottery Storage contract, which stores all holder data, // such as scores, referral tree data, etc. LotteryStorage /*public*/ lotStorage; // ------- Slot ------- // // Pool address. Set on constructor from msg.sender. address payable /*public*/ poolAddress; // ------- Slot ------- // // Randomness Provider address. address /*public*/ randomnessProvider; // ------- Slot ------- // // Exchange address. In Uniswap mode, it's the Uniswap liquidity // pair's address, where trades execute. address /*public*/ exchangeAddress; // Start date. uint32 /*public*/ startDate; // Completion (Mining Phase End) date. uint32 /*public*/ completionDate; // The date when Randomness Provider was called, requesting a // random seed for the lottery finish. // Also, when this variable becomes Non-Zero, it indicates that we're // on Ending Stage Part One: waiting for the random seed. uint32 finish_timeRandomSeedRequested; // ------- Slot ------- // // WETH address. Set by calling Router's getter, on constructor. address WETHaddress; // Is the WETH first or second token in our Uniswap Pair? bool uniswap_ethFirst; // If we are, or were before, on finishing stage, this is the // probability of lottery going to Ending Stage on this transaction. uint32 finishProbablity; // Re-Entrancy Lock (Mutex). // We protect for reentrancy in the Fund Transfer functions. bool reEntrancyMutexLocked; // On which stage we are currently. uint8 /*public*/ lotteryStage; // Indicator for whether the lottery fund gains have passed a // minimum fund gain requirement. // After that time point (when this bool is set), the token sells // which could drop the fund value below the requirement, would // be denied. bool fundGainRequirementReached; // The current step of the Mining Stage. uint16 miningStep; // If we're currently on Special Transfer Mode - that is, we allow // direct transfers between parties even in NON-ACTIVE state. bool specialTransferModeEnabled; // ------- Slot ------- // // Per-Transaction Pseudo-Random hash value (transferHashValue). // This value is computed on every token transfer, by keccak'ing // the last (current) transferHashValue, msg.sender, block.timestamp, and // transaction count. // // This is used on Finishing Stage, as a pseudo-random number, // which is used to check if we should end the lottery (move to // Ending Stage). uint256 transferHashValue; // ------- Slot ------- // // On lottery end, get & store the lottery total ETH return // (including initial funds), and profit amount. uint128 /*public*/ ending_totalReturn; uint128 /*public*/ ending_profitAmount; // ------- Slot ------- // // The mapping that contains TRUE for addresses that already claimed // their lottery winner prizes. // Used only in COMPLETION, on claimWinnerPrize(), to check if // msg.sender has already claimed his prize. mapping( address => bool ) /*public*/ prizeClaimersAddresses; // =================== OUR CONTRACT'S OWN STORAGE =================== // // The address of the delegate contract, containing actual logic. address payable public __delegateContract; // =================== Functions =================== // // Constructor. // Just set the delegate's address. function stub_construct( address payable _delegateAddr ) external { require( __delegateContract == address(0) ); __delegateContract = _delegateAddr; } // Fallback payable function, which delegates any call to our // contract, into the delegate contract. fallback() external payable { // DelegateCall the delegate code contract. ( bool success, bytes memory data ) = __delegateContract.delegatecall( ); // Use inline assembly to be able to return value from the fallback. // (by default, returning a value from fallback is not possible, // but it's still possible to manually copy data to the // return buffer. assembly { // delegatecall returns 0 (false) on error. // Add 32 bytes to "data" pointer, because first slot (32 bytes) // contains the length, and we use return value's length // from returndatasize() opcode. switch success case 0 { revert( add( data, 32 ), returndatasize() ) } default { return( add( data, 32 ), returndatasize() ) } } } // Receive ether function. receive() external payable { } } contract LotteryStorageStub { // =============== LotteryStorage contract's storage ================ // // --------- Slot --------- // // The Lottery address that this storage belongs to. // Is set by the "initialize()", called by corresponding Lottery. address lottery; // The Random Seed, that was passed to us from Randomness Provider, // or generated alternatively. uint64 randomSeed; // The actual number of winners that there will be. Set after // completing the Winner Selection Algorithm. uint16 numberOfWinners; // Bool indicating if Winner Selection Algorithm has been executed. bool algorithmCompleted; // --------- Slot --------- // // Winner Algorithm config. Specified in Initialization(). LotteryStorage.WinnerAlgorithmConfig algConfig; // --------- Slot --------- // // The Min-Max holder score storage. LotteryStorage.MinMaxHolderScores minMaxScores; // --------- Slot --------- // // Array of holders. address[] /*public*/ holders; // --------- Slot --------- // // Holder array indexes mapping, for O(1) array element access. mapping( address => uint ) holderIndexes; // --------- Slot --------- // // Mapping of holder data. mapping( address => LotteryStorage.HolderData ) /*public*/ holderData; // --------- Slot --------- // // Mapping of referral IDs to addresses of holders who generated // those IDs. mapping( uint256 => address ) referrers; // --------- Slot --------- // // The array of final-sorted winners (set after Winner Selection // Algorithm completes), that contains the winners' indexes // in the "holders" array, to save space. // // Notice that by using uint16, we can fit 16 items into one slot! // So, if there are 160 winners, we only take up 10 slots, so // only 20,000 * 10 = 200,000 gas gets consumed! // LotteryStorage.WinnerIndexStruct[] sortedWinnerIndexes; // =================== OUR CONTRACT'S OWN STORAGE =================== // // The address of the delegate contract, containing actual logic. address public __delegateContract; // =================== Functions =================== // // Constructor. // Just set the delegate's address. function stub_construct( address _delegateAddr ) external { require( __delegateContract == address(0) ); __delegateContract = _delegateAddr; } // Fallback function, which delegates any call to our // contract, into the delegate contract. fallback() external { // DelegateCall the delegate code contract. ( bool success, bytes memory data ) = __delegateContract.delegatecall( ); // Use inline assembly to be able to return value from the fallback. // (by default, returning a value from fallback is not possible, // but it's still possible to manually copy data to the // return buffer. assembly { // delegatecall returns 0 (false) on error. // Add 32 bytes to "data" pointer, because first slot (32 bytes) // contains the length, and we use return value's length // from returndatasize() opcode. switch success case 0 { revert( add( data, 32 ), returndatasize() ) } default { return( add( data, 32 ), returndatasize() ) } } } } interface IUniLotteryPool { function lotteryFinish( uint totalReturn, uint profitAmount ) external payable; } interface IRandomnessProvider { function requestRandomSeedForLotteryFinish() external; } contract LotteryStorage is CoreUniLotterySettings { // ==================== Structs & Constants ==================== // // Struct of holder data & scores. struct HolderData { // --------- Slot --------- // // If this holder provided a valid referral ID, this is the // address of a referrer - the user who generated the said // referral ID. address referrer; // Bonus score points, which can be given in certain events, // such as when player registers a valid referral ID. int16 bonusScore; // Number of all child referrees, including multi-level ones. // Updated by traversing child->parent way, incrementing // every node's counter by one. // Used in Winner Selection Algorithm, to determine how much // to divide the accumulated referree scores by. uint16 referreeCount; // --------- Slot --------- // // If this holder has generated his own referral ID, this is // that ID. If he hasn't generated an ID, this is zero. uint256 referralID; // --------- Slot --------- // // The intermediate individual score factor variables. // Ether contributed: ( buys - sells ). Can be negative. int40 etherContributed; // Time x ether factor: (relativeTxTime * etherAmount). int40 timeFactors; // Token balance score factor of this holder - we use int, // for easier computation of player scores in our algorithms. int40 tokenBalance; // Accumulated referree score factors - ether contributed by // all referrees, time factors, and token balances of all // referrees. int40 referree_etherContributed; int40 referree_timeFactors; int40 referree_tokenBalance; } // Final Score (end lottery score * randomValue) structure. struct FinalScore { address addr; // 20 bytes \ uint16 holderIndex; // 2 bytes | = 30 bytes => 1 slot. uint64 score; // 8 bytes / } // Winner Indexes structure - used to efficiently store Winner // indexes in holder's array, after completing the Winner Selection // Algorithm. // To save Space, we store these in a struct, with uint16 array // with 16 items - so this struct takes up excactly 1 slot. struct WinnerIndexStruct { uint16[ 16 ] indexes; } // A structure which is used by Winner Selection algorithm, // which is a subset of the LotteryConfig structure, containing // only items necessary for executing the Winner Selection algorigm. // More detailed member description can be found in LotteryConfig // structure description. // Takes up only one slot! struct WinnerAlgorithmConfig { // --------- Slot --------- // // Individual player max score parts. int16 maxPlayerScore_etherContributed; int16 maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount; int16 maxPlayerScore_timeFactor; int16 maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus; // Number of lottery winners. uint16 winnerCount; // Score-To-Random ration data (as a rational ratio number). // For example if 1:5, then scorePart = 1, and randPart = 5. uint16 randRatio_scorePart; uint16 randRatio_randPart; // The Ending Algorithm type. uint8 endingAlgoType; } // Structure containing the minimum and maximum values of // holder intermediate scores. // These values get updated on transfers during ACTIVE stage, // when holders buy/sell tokens. // // Used in winner selection algorithm, to normalize the scores in // a single loop, to avoid looping additional time to find min/max. // // Structure takes up only a single slot! // struct MinMaxHolderScores { // --------- Slot --------- // int40 holderScore_etherContributed_min; int40 holderScore_etherContributed_max; int40 holderScore_timeFactors_min; int40 holderScore_timeFactors_max; int40 holderScore_tokenBalance_min; int40 holderScore_tokenBalance_max; } // Referral score variant of the structure above. // Also, only a single slot! // struct MinMaxReferralScores { // --------- Slot --------- // // Min&Max values for referrer scores. int40 referralScore_etherContributed_min; int40 referralScore_etherContributed_max; int40 referralScore_timeFactors_min; int40 referralScore_timeFactors_max; int40 referralScore_tokenBalance_min; int40 referralScore_tokenBalance_max; } // ROOT_REFERRER constant. // Used to prevent cyclic dependencies on referral tree. address constant ROOT_REFERRER = address( 1 ); // Max referral tree depth - maximum number of referrees that // a referrer can get. uint constant MAX_REFERRAL_DEPTH = 10; // Precision of division operations. int constant PRECISION = 10000; // Random number modulo to use when obtaining random numbers from // the random seed + nonce, using keccak256. // This is the maximum available Score Random Factor, plus one. // By default, 10^9 (one billion). // uint constant RANDOM_MODULO = (10 ** 9); // Maximum number of holders that the MinedWinnerSelection algorithm // can process. Related to block gas limit. uint constant MINEDSELECTION_MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS = 300; // Maximum number of holders that the WinnerSelfValidation algorithm // can process. Related to block gas limit. uint constant SELFVALIDATION_MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS = 1200; // ==================== State Variables ==================== // // --------- Slot --------- // // The Lottery address that this storage belongs to. // Is set by the "initialize()", called by corresponding Lottery. address lottery; // The Random Seed, that was passed to us from Randomness Provider, // or generated alternatively. uint64 randomSeed; // The actual number of winners that there will be. Set after // completing the Winner Selection Algorithm. uint16 numberOfWinners; // Bool indicating if Winner Selection Algorithm has been executed. bool algorithmCompleted; // --------- Slot --------- // // Winner Algorithm config. Specified in Initialization(). WinnerAlgorithmConfig algConfig; // --------- Slot --------- // // The Min-Max holder score storage. MinMaxHolderScores public minMaxScores; MinMaxReferralScores public minMaxReferralScores; // --------- Slot --------- // // Array of holders. address[] public holders; // --------- Slot --------- // // Holder array indexes mapping, for O(1) array element access. mapping( address => uint ) holderIndexes; // --------- Slot --------- // // Mapping of holder data. mapping( address => HolderData ) public holderData; // --------- Slot --------- // // Mapping of referral IDs to addresses of holders who generated // those IDs. mapping( uint256 => address ) referrers; // --------- Slot --------- // // The array of final-sorted winners (set after Winner Selection // Algorithm completes), that contains the winners' indexes // in the "holders" array, to save space. // // Notice that by using uint16, we can fit 16 items into one slot! // So, if there are 160 winners, we only take up 10 slots, so // only 20,000 * 10 = 200,000 gas gets consumed! // WinnerIndexStruct[] sortedWinnerIndexes; // ============== Internal (Private) Functions ============== // // Lottery-Only modifier. modifier lotteryOnly { require( msg.sender == address( lottery )/*, "Function can only be called by Lottery that this" "Storage Contract belongs to!" */); _; } // ============== [ BEGIN ] LOTTERY QUICKSORT FUNCTIONS ============== // /** * QuickSort and QuickSelect algorithm functionality code. * * These algorithms are used to find the lottery winners in * an array of final random-factored scores. * As the highest-scorers win, we need to sort an array to * identify them. * * For this task, we use QuickSelect to partition array into * winner part (elements with score larger than X, where X is * n-th largest element, where n is number of winners), * and others (non-winners), who are ignored to save computation * power. * Then we sort the winner part only, using QuickSort, and * distribute prizes to winners accordingly. */ // Swap function used in QuickSort algorithms. // function QSort_swap( FinalScore[] memory list, uint a, uint b ) internal pure { FinalScore memory tmp = list[ a ]; list[ a ] = list[ b ]; list[ b ] = tmp; } // Standard Hoare's partition scheme function, used for both // QuickSort and QuickSelect. // function QSort_partition( FinalScore[] memory list, int lo, int hi ) internal pure returns( int newPivotIndex ) { uint64 pivot = list[ uint( hi + lo ) / 2 ].score; int i = lo - 1; int j = hi + 1; while( true ) { do { i++; } while( list[ uint( i ) ].score > pivot ) ; do { j--; } while( list[ uint( j ) ].score < pivot ) ; if( i >= j ) return j; QSort_swap( list, uint( i ), uint( j ) ); } } // QuickSelect's Lomuto partition scheme. // function QSort_LomutoPartition( FinalScore[] memory list, uint left, uint right, uint pivotIndex ) internal pure returns( uint newPivotIndex ) { uint pivotValue = list[ pivotIndex ].score; QSort_swap( list, pivotIndex, right ); // Move pivot to end uint storeIndex = left; for( uint i = left; i < right; i++ ) { if( list[ i ].score > pivotValue ) { QSort_swap( list, storeIndex, i ); storeIndex++; } } // Move pivot to its final place, and return the pivot's index. QSort_swap( list, right, storeIndex ); return storeIndex; } // QuickSelect algorithm (iterative). // function QSort_QuickSelect( FinalScore[] memory list, int left, int right, int k ) internal pure returns( int indexOfK ) { while( true ) { if( left == right ) return left; int pivotIndex = int( QSort_LomutoPartition( list, uint(left), uint(right), uint(right) ) ); if( k == pivotIndex ) return k; else if( k < pivotIndex ) right = pivotIndex - 1; else left = pivotIndex + 1; } } // Standard QuickSort function. // function QSort_QuickSort( FinalScore[] memory list, int lo, int hi ) internal pure { if( lo < hi ) { int p = QSort_partition( list, lo, hi ); QSort_QuickSort( list, lo, p ); QSort_QuickSort( list, p + 1, hi ); } } // ============== [ END ] LOTTERY QUICKSORT FUNCTIONS ============== // // ------------ Ending Stage - Winner Selection Algorithm ------------ // /** * Compute the individual player score factors for a holder. * Function split from the below one (ending_Stage_2), to avoid * "Stack too Deep" errors. */ function computeHolderIndividualScores( WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg, MinMaxHolderScores memory minMax, HolderData memory hdata ) internal pure returns( int individualScore ) { // Normalize the scores, by subtracting minimum and dividing // by maximum, to get the score values specified in cfg. // Use precision of 100, then round. // // Notice that we're using int arithmetics, so division // truncates. That's why we use PRECISION, to simulate // rounding. // // This formula is better explained in example. // In this example, we use variable abbreviations defined // below, on formula's right side comments. // // Say, values are these in our example: // e = 4, eMin = 1, eMax = 8, MS = 5, P = 10. // // So, let's calculate the score using the formula: // ( ( ( (4 - 1) * 10 * 5 ) / (8 - 1) ) + (10 / 2) ) / 10 = // ( ( ( 3 * 10 * 5 ) / 7 ) + 5 ) / 10 = // ( ( 150 / 7 ) + 5 ) / 10 = // ( ( 150 / 7 ) + 5 ) / 10 = // ( 20 + 5 ) / 10 = // 25 / 10 = // [ 2.5 ] = 2 // // So, with truncation, we see that for e = 4, the score // is 2 out of 5 maximum. // That's because the minimum ether contributed was 1, and // maximum was 8. // So, 4 stays below the middle, and gets a nicely rounded // score of 2. // Compute etherContributed. int score_etherContributed = ( ( ( int( hdata.etherContributed - // e minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_min ) // eMin * PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed )// P * MS / int( minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_max - // eMax minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_min ) // eMin ) + (PRECISION / 2) ) / PRECISION; // Compute timeFactors. int score_timeFactors = ( ( ( int( hdata.timeFactors - // e minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_min ) // eMin * PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor ) // P * MS / int( minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_max - // eMax minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_min ) // eMin ) + (PRECISION / 2) ) / PRECISION; // Compute tokenBalance. int score_tokenBalance = ( ( ( int( hdata.tokenBalance - // e minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_min ) // eMin * PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount ) / int( minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_max - // eMax minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_min ) // eMin ) + (PRECISION / 2) ) / PRECISION; // Return the accumulated individual score (excluding referrees). return score_etherContributed + score_timeFactors + score_tokenBalance; } /** * Compute the unified Referree-Score of a player, who's got * the accumulated factor-scores of all his referrees in his * holderData structure. * * @param individualToReferralRatio - an int value, computed * before starting the winner score computation loop, in * the ending_Stage_2 initial part, to save computation * time later. * This is the ratio of the maximum available referral score, * to the maximum available individual score, as defined in * the config (for example, if max.ref.score is 20, and * max.ind.score is 40, then the ratio is 20/40 = 0.5). * * We use this ratio to transform the computed accumulated * referree individual scores to the standard referrer's * score, by multiplying by that ratio. */ function computeReferreeScoresForHolder( int individualToReferralRatio, WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg, MinMaxReferralScores memory minMax, HolderData memory hdata ) internal pure returns( int unifiedReferreeScore ) { // If number of referrees of this HODLer is Zero, then // his referree score is also zero. if( hdata.referreeCount == 0 ) return 0; // Now, compute the Referree's Accumulated Scores. // // Here we use the same formula as when computing individual // scores (in the function above), but we use referree parts // instead. // Compute etherContributed. int referreeScore_etherContributed = ( ( ( int( hdata.referree_etherContributed - minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_min ) * PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed ) / int( minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_max - minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_min ) ) ); // Compute timeFactors. int referreeScore_timeFactors = ( ( ( int( hdata.referree_timeFactors - minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_min ) * PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor ) / int( minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_max - minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_min ) ) ); // Compute tokenBalance. int referreeScore_tokenBalance = ( ( ( int( hdata.referree_tokenBalance - minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_min ) * PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount ) / int( minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_max - minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_min ) ) ); // Accumulate 'em all ! // Then, multiply it by the ratio of all individual max scores // (maxPlayerScore_etherContributed, timeFactor, tokenBalance), // to the maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus. // Use the same precision. unifiedReferreeScore = int( ( ( ( ( referreeScore_etherContributed + referreeScore_timeFactors + referreeScore_tokenBalance ) + (PRECISION / 2) ) / PRECISION ) * individualToReferralRatio ) / PRECISION ); } /** * Update Min & Max values for individual holder scores. */ function priv_updateMinMaxScores_individual( MinMaxHolderScores memory minMax, int40 _etherContributed, int40 _timeFactors, int40 _tokenBalance ) internal pure { // etherContributed: if( _etherContributed > minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_max ) minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_max = _etherContributed; if( _etherContributed < minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_min ) minMax.holderScore_etherContributed_min = _etherContributed; // timeFactors: if( _timeFactors > minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_max ) minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_max = _timeFactors; if( _timeFactors < minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_min ) minMax.holderScore_timeFactors_min = _timeFactors; // tokenBalance: if( _tokenBalance > minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_max ) minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_max = _tokenBalance; if( _tokenBalance < minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_min ) minMax.holderScore_tokenBalance_min = _tokenBalance; } /** * Update Min & Max values for referral scores. */ function priv_updateMinMaxScores_referral( MinMaxReferralScores memory minMax, int40 _etherContributed, int40 _timeFactors, int40 _tokenBalance ) internal pure { // etherContributed: if( _etherContributed > minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_max ) minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_max = _etherContributed; if( _etherContributed < minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_min ) minMax.referralScore_etherContributed_min = _etherContributed; // timeFactors: if( _timeFactors > minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_max ) minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_max = _timeFactors; if( _timeFactors < minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_min ) minMax.referralScore_timeFactors_min = _timeFactors; // tokenBalance: if( _tokenBalance > minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_max ) minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_max = _tokenBalance; if( _tokenBalance < minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_min ) minMax.referralScore_tokenBalance_min = _tokenBalance; } // =================== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =================== // /** * Update current holder's score with given change values, and * Propagate the holder's current transfer's score changes * through the referral chain, updating every parent referrer's * accumulated referree scores, until the ROOT_REFERRER or zero * address referrer is encountered. */ function updateAndPropagateScoreChanges( address holder, int __etherContributed_change, int __timeFactors_change, int __tokenBalance_change ) public lotteryOnly { // Convert the data into shrinked format - leave only // 4 decimals of Ether precision, and drop the decimal part // of ULT tokens absolutely. // Don't change TimeFactors, as it is already adjusted in // Lottery contract's code. int40 timeFactors_change = int40( __timeFactors_change ); int40 etherContributed_change = int40( __etherContributed_change / int(1 ether / 10000) ); int40 tokenBalance_change = int40( __tokenBalance_change / int(1 ether) ); // Update current holder's score. holderData[ holder ].etherContributed += etherContributed_change; holderData[ holder ].timeFactors += timeFactors_change; holderData[ holder ].tokenBalance += tokenBalance_change; // Check if scores are exceeding current min/max scores, // and if so, update the min/max scores. MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy = minMaxScores; MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy = minMaxReferralScores; priv_updateMinMaxScores_individual( minMaxCpy, holderData[ holder ].etherContributed, holderData[ holder ].timeFactors, holderData[ holder ].tokenBalance ); // Propagate the score through the referral chain. // Dive at maximum to the depth of 10, to avoid "Outta Gas" // errors. uint depth = 0; address referrerAddr = holderData[ holder ].referrer; while( referrerAddr != ROOT_REFERRER && referrerAddr != address( 0 ) && depth < MAX_REFERRAL_DEPTH ) { // Update this referrer's accumulated referree scores. holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_etherContributed += etherContributed_change; holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_timeFactors += timeFactors_change; holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_tokenBalance += tokenBalance_change; // Update MinMax according to this referrer's score. priv_updateMinMaxScores_referral( minMaxRefCpy, holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_etherContributed, holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_timeFactors, holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_tokenBalance ); // Move to the higher-level referrer. referrerAddr = holderData[ referrerAddr ].referrer; depth++; } // Check if MinMax have changed. If so, update it. if( keccak256( abi.encode( minMaxCpy ) ) != keccak256( abi.encode( minMaxScores ) ) ) minMaxScores = minMaxCpy; // Check referral part. if( keccak256( abi.encode( minMaxRefCpy ) ) != keccak256( abi.encode( minMaxReferralScores ) ) ) minMaxReferralScores = minMaxRefCpy; } /** * Pure function to fix an in-memory copy of MinMaxScores, * by changing equal min-max pairs to differ by one. * This is needed to avoid division-by-zero in some calculations. */ function priv_fixMinMaxIfEqual( MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy, MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy ) internal pure { // Individual part if( minMaxCpy.holderScore_etherContributed_min == minMaxCpy.holderScore_etherContributed_max ) minMaxCpy.holderScore_etherContributed_max = minMaxCpy.holderScore_etherContributed_min + 1; if( minMaxCpy.holderScore_timeFactors_min == minMaxCpy.holderScore_timeFactors_max ) minMaxCpy.holderScore_timeFactors_max = minMaxCpy.holderScore_timeFactors_min + 1; if( minMaxCpy.holderScore_tokenBalance_min == minMaxCpy.holderScore_tokenBalance_max ) minMaxCpy.holderScore_tokenBalance_max = minMaxCpy.holderScore_tokenBalance_min + 1; // Referral part if( minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_etherContributed_min == minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_etherContributed_max ) minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_etherContributed_max = minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_etherContributed_min + 1; if( minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_timeFactors_min == minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_timeFactors_max ) minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_timeFactors_max = minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_timeFactors_min + 1; if( minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_tokenBalance_min == minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_tokenBalance_max ) minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_tokenBalance_max = minMaxRefCpy.referralScore_tokenBalance_min + 1; } /** * Function executes the Lottery Winner Selection Algorithm, * and writes the final, sorted array, containing winner rankings. * * This function is called from the Lottery's Mining Stage Step 2, * * This is the final function that lottery performs actively - * and arguably the most important - because it determines * lottery winners through Winner Selection Algorithm. * * The random seed must be already set, before calling this function. */ function executeWinnerSelectionAlgorithm() public lotteryOnly { // Copy the Winner Algo Config into memory, to avoid using // 400-gas costing SLOAD every time we need to load something. WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg = algConfig; // Can only be performed if algorithm is MinedWinnerSelection! require( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(Lottery.EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection)/*, "Algorithm cannot be performed on current Algo-Type!" */); // Now, we gotta find the winners using a Randomized Score-Based // Winner Selection Algorithm. // // During transfers, all player intermediate scores // (etherContributed, timeFactors, and tokenBalances) were // already set in every holder's HolderData structure, // during operations of updateHolderData_preTransfer() function. // // Minimum and maximum values are also known, so normalization // will be easy. // All referral tree score data were also properly propagated // during operations of updateAndPropagateScoreChanges() function. // // All we block.timestamp have to do, is loop through holder array, and // compute randomized final scores for every holder, into // the Final Score array. // Declare the Final Score array - computed for all holders. uint ARRLEN = ( holders.length > MINEDSELECTION_MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS ? MINEDSELECTION_MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS : holders.length ); FinalScore[] memory finalScores = new FinalScore[] ( ARRLEN ); // Compute the precision-adjusted constant ratio of // referralBonus max score to the player individual max scores. int individualToReferralRatio = ( PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ) / ( int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount ) ); // Max available player score. int maxAvailablePlayerScore = int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed + cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor + cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount + cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ); // Random Factor of scores, to maintain random-to-determined // ratio equal to specific value (1:5 for example - // "randPart" == 5/*, "scorePart" */== 1). // // maxAvailablePlayerScore * FACT --- scorePart // RANDOM_MODULO --- randPart // // RANDOM_MODULO * scorePart // maxAvailablePlayerScore * FACT = ------------------------- // randPart // // RANDOM_MODULO * scorePart // FACT = -------------------------------------- // randPart * maxAvailablePlayerScore int SCORE_RAND_FACT = ( PRECISION * int(RANDOM_MODULO * cfg.randRatio_scorePart) ) / ( int(cfg.randRatio_randPart) * maxAvailablePlayerScore ); // Fix Min-Max scores, to avoid division by zero, if min == max. // If min == max, make the difference equal to 1. MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy = minMaxScores; MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy = minMaxReferralScores; priv_fixMinMaxIfEqual( minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // Loop through all the holders. for( uint i = 0; i < ARRLEN; i++ ) { // Fetch the needed holder data to in-memory hdata variable, // to save gas on score part computing functions. HolderData memory hdata; // Slot 1: hdata.etherContributed = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].etherContributed; hdata.timeFactors = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].timeFactors; hdata.tokenBalance = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].tokenBalance; hdata.referreeCount = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].referreeCount; // Slot 2: hdata.referree_etherContributed = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].referree_etherContributed; hdata.referree_timeFactors = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].referree_timeFactors; hdata.referree_tokenBalance = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].referree_tokenBalance; hdata.bonusScore = holderData[ holders[ i ] ].bonusScore; // Now, add bonus score, and compute total player's score: // Bonus part, individual score part, and referree score part. int totalPlayerScore = hdata.bonusScore + computeHolderIndividualScores( cfg, minMaxCpy, hdata ) + computeReferreeScoresForHolder( individualToReferralRatio, cfg, minMaxRefCpy, hdata ); // Check if total player score <= 0. If so, make it equal // to 1, because otherwise randomization won't be possible. if( totalPlayerScore <= 0 ) totalPlayerScore = 1; // Now, check if it's not more than max! If so, lowerify. // This could have happen'd because of bonus. if( totalPlayerScore > maxAvailablePlayerScore ) totalPlayerScore = maxAvailablePlayerScore; // Multiply the score by the Random Modulo Adjustment // Factor, to get fairer ratio of random-to-determined data. totalPlayerScore = ( totalPlayerScore * SCORE_RAND_FACT ) / ( PRECISION ); // Score is computed! // Now, randomize it, and add to Final Scores Array. // We use keccak to generate a random number from random seed, // using holder's address as a nonce. uint modulizedRandomNumber = uint( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( randomSeed, holders[ i ] ) ) ) % RANDOM_MODULO; // Add the random number, to introduce the random factor. // Ratio of (current) totalPlayerScore to modulizedRandomNumber // is the same as ratio of randRatio_scorePart to // randRatio_randPart. uint endScore = uint( totalPlayerScore ) + modulizedRandomNumber; // Finally, set this holder's final score data. finalScores[ i ].addr = holders[ i ]; finalScores[ i ].holderIndex = uint16( i ); finalScores[ i ].score = uint64( endScore ); } // All final scores are block.timestamp computed. // Sort the array, to find out the highest scores! // Firstly, partition an array to only work on top K scores, // where K is the number of winners. // There can be a rare case where specified number of winners is // more than lottery token holders. We got that covered. require( finalScores.length > 0 ); uint K = cfg.winnerCount - 1; if( K > finalScores.length-1 ) K = finalScores.length-1; // Must be THE LAST ELEMENT's INDEX. // Use QuickSelect to do this. QSort_QuickSelect( finalScores, 0, int( finalScores.length - 1 ), int( K ) ); // Now, QuickSort only the first K items, because the rest // item scores are not high enough to become winners. QSort_QuickSort( finalScores, 0, int( K ) ); // Now, the winner array is sorted, with the highest scores // sitting at the first positions! // Let's set up the winner indexes array, where we'll store // the winners' indexes in the holders array. // So, if this array is [8, 2, 3], that means that // Winner #1 is holders[8], winner #2 is holders[2], and // winner #3 is holders[3]. // Set the Number Of Winners variable. numberOfWinners = uint16( K + 1 ); // Now, we can loop through the first numberOfWinners elements, to set // the holder indexes! // Loop through 16 elements at a time, to fill the structs. for( uint offset = 0; offset < numberOfWinners; offset += 16 ) { WinnerIndexStruct memory windStruct; uint loopStop = ( offset + 16 > numberOfWinners ? numberOfWinners : offset + 16 ); for( uint i = offset; i < loopStop; i++ ) { windStruct.indexes[ i - offset ] =finalScores[ i ].holderIndex; } // Push this block.timestamp-filled struct to the storage array! sortedWinnerIndexes.push( windStruct ); } // That's it! We're done! algorithmCompleted = true; } /** * Add a holder to holders array. * @param holder - address of a holder to add. */ function addHolder( address holder ) public lotteryOnly { // Add it to list, and set index in the mapping. holders.push( holder ); holderIndexes[ holder ] = holders.length - 1; } /** * Removes the holder 'sender' from the Holders Array. * However, this holder's HolderData structure persists! * * Notice that no index validity checks are performed, so, if * 'sender' is not present in "holderIndexes" mapping, this * function will remove the 0th holder instead! * This is not a problem for us, because Lottery calls this * function only when it's absolutely certain that 'sender' is * present in the holders array. * * @param sender - address of a holder to remove. * Named 'sender', because when token sender sends away all * his tokens, he must then be removed from holders array. */ function removeHolder( address sender ) public lotteryOnly { // Get index of the sender address in the holders array. uint index = holderIndexes[ sender ]; // Remove the sender from array, by copying last element's // value into the index'th element, where sender was before. holders[ index ] = holders[ holders.length - 1 ]; // Remove the last element of array, which we've just copied. holders.pop(); // Update indexes: remove the sender's index from the mapping, // and change the previoulsy-last element's index to the // one where we copied it - where sender was before. delete holderIndexes[ sender ]; holderIndexes[ holders[ index ] ] = index; } /** * Get holder array length. */ function getHolderCount() public view returns( uint ) { return holders.length; } /** * Generate a referral ID for a token holder. * Referral ID is used to refer other wallets into playing our * lottery. * - Referrer gets bonus points for every wallet that bought * lottery tokens and specified his referral ID. * - Referrees (wallets who got referred by registering a valid * referral ID, corresponding to some referrer), get some * bonus points for specifying (registering) a referral ID. * * Referral ID is a uint256 number, which is generated by * keccak256'ing the holder's address, holder's current * token ballance, and current time. */ function generateReferralID( address holder ) public lotteryOnly returns( uint256 referralID ) { // Check if holder has some tokens, and doesn't // have his own referral ID yet. require( holderData[ holder ].tokenBalance != 0/*, "holder doesn't have any lottery tokens!" */); require( holderData[ holder ].referralID == 0/*, "Holder already has a referral ID!" */); // Generate a referral ID with keccak. uint256 refID = uint256( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( holder, holderData[ holder ].tokenBalance, block.timestamp ) ) ); // Specify the ID as current ID of this holder. holderData[ holder ].referralID = refID; // If this holder wasn't referred by anyone (his referrer is // not set), and he's block.timestamp generated his own ID, he won't // be able to register as a referree of someone else // from block.timestamp on. // This is done to prevent circular dependency in referrals. // Do it by setting a referrer to ROOT_REFERRER address, // which is an invalid address (address(1)). if( holderData[ holder ].referrer == address( 0 ) ) holderData[ holder ].referrer = ROOT_REFERRER; // Create a new referrer with this ID. referrers[ refID ] = holder; return refID; } /** * Register a referral for a token holder, using a valid * referral ID got from a referrer. * This function is called by a referree, who obtained a * valid referral ID from some referrer, who previously * generated it using generateReferralID(). * * You can only register a referral once! * When you do so, you get bonus referral points! */ function registerReferral( address holder, int16 referralRegisteringBonus, uint256 referralID ) public lotteryOnly returns( address _referrerAddress ) { // Check if this holder has some tokens, and if he hasn't // registered a referral yet. require( holderData[ holder ].tokenBalance != 0/*, "holder doesn't have any lottery tokens!" */); require( holderData[ holder ].referrer == address( 0 )/*, "holder already has registered a referral!" */); // Create a local memory copy of minMaxReferralScores. MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy = minMaxReferralScores; // Get the referrer's address from his ID, and specify // it as a referrer of holder. holderData[ holder ].referrer = referrers[ referralID ]; // Bonus points are added to this holder's score for // registering a referral! holderData[ holder ].bonusScore = referralRegisteringBonus; // Increment number of referrees for every parent referrer, // by traversing a referral tree child->parent way. address referrerAddr = holderData[ holder ].referrer; // Set the return value. _referrerAddress = referrerAddr; // Traverse a tree. while( referrerAddr != ROOT_REFERRER && referrerAddr != address( 0 ) ) { // Increment referree count for this referrrer. holderData[ referrerAddr ].referreeCount++; // Update the Referrer Scores of the referrer, adding this // referree's scores to it's current values. holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_etherContributed += holderData[ holder ].etherContributed; holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_timeFactors += holderData[ holder ].timeFactors; holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_tokenBalance += holderData[ holder ].tokenBalance; // Update MinMax according to this referrer's score. priv_updateMinMaxScores_referral( minMaxRefCpy, holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_etherContributed, holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_timeFactors, holderData[ referrerAddr ].referree_tokenBalance ); // Move to the higher-level referrer. referrerAddr = holderData[ referrerAddr ].referrer; } // Update MinMax Referral Scores if needed. if( keccak256( abi.encode( minMaxRefCpy ) ) != keccak256( abi.encode( minMaxReferralScores ) ) ) minMaxReferralScores = minMaxRefCpy; return _referrerAddress; } /** * Sets our random seed to some value. * Should be called from Lottery, after obtaining random seed from * the Randomness Provider. */ function setRandomSeed( uint _seed ) external lotteryOnly { randomSeed = uint64( _seed ); } /** * Initialization function. * Here, we bind our contract to the Lottery contract that * this Storage belongs to. * The parent lottery must call this function - hence, we set * "lottery" to msg.sender. * * When this function is called, our contract must be not yet * initialized - "lottery" address must be Zero! * * Here, we also set our Winner Algorithm config, which is a * subset of LotteryConfig, fitting into 1 storage slot. */ function initialize( WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory _wcfg ) public { require( address( lottery ) == address( 0 )/*, "Storage is already initialized!" */); // Set the Lottery address (msg.sender can't be zero), // and thus, set our contract to initialized! lottery = msg.sender; // Set the Winner-Algo-Config. algConfig = _wcfg; // NOT-NEEDED: Set initial min-max scores: min is INT_MAX. /*minMaxScores.holderScore_etherContributed_min = int80( 2 ** 78 ); minMaxScores.holderScore_timeFactors_min = int80( 2 ** 78 ); minMaxScores.holderScore_tokenBalance_min = int80( 2 ** 78 ); */ } // ==================== Views ==================== // // Returns the current random seed. // If the seed hasn't been set yet (or set to 0), returns 0. // function getRandomSeed() external view returns( uint ) { return randomSeed; } // Check if Winner Selection Algorithm has beed executed. // function minedSelection_algorithmAlreadyExecuted() external view returns( bool ) { return algorithmCompleted; } /** * After lottery has completed, this function returns if "addr" * is one of lottery winners, and the position in winner rankings. * Function is used to obtain the ranking position before * calling claimWinnerPrize() on Lottery. * * This function should be called off-chain, and then using the * retrieved data, one can call claimWinnerPrize(). */ function minedSelection_getWinnerStatus( address addr ) public view returns( bool isWinner, uint32 rankingPosition ) { // Loop through the whole winner indexes array, trying to // find if "addr" is one of the winner addresses. for( uint16 i = 0; i < numberOfWinners; i++ ) { // Check if holder on this winner ranking's index position // is addr, if so, good! uint pos = sortedWinnerIndexes[ i / 16 ].indexes[ i % 16 ]; if( holders[ pos ] == addr ) { return ( true, i ); } } // The "addr" is not a winner. return ( false, 0 ); } /** * Checks if address is on specified winner ranking position. * Used in Lottery, to check if msg.sender is really the * winner #rankingPosition, as he claims to be. */ function minedSelection_isAddressOnWinnerPosition( address addr, uint32 rankingPosition ) external view returns( bool ) { if( rankingPosition >= numberOfWinners ) return false; // Just check if address at "holders" array // index "sortedWinnerIndexes[ position ]" is really the "addr". uint pos = sortedWinnerIndexes[ rankingPosition / 16 ] .indexes[ rankingPosition % 16 ]; return ( holders[ pos ] == addr ); } /** * Returns an array of all winner addresses, sorted by their * ranking position (winner #1 first, #2 second, etc.). */ function minedSelection_getAllWinners() external view returns( address[] memory ) { address[] memory winners = new address[] ( numberOfWinners ); for( uint i = 0; i < numberOfWinners; i++ ) { uint pos = sortedWinnerIndexes[ i / 16 ].indexes[ i % 16 ]; winners[ i ] = holders[ pos ]; } return winners; } /** * Compute the Lottery Active Stage Score of a token holder. * * This function computes the Active Stage (pre-randomization) * player score, and should generally be used to compute player * intermediate scores - while lottery is still active or on * finishing stage, before random random seed is obtained. */ function getPlayerActiveStageScore( address holderAddr ) external view returns( uint playerScore ) { // Copy the Winner Algo Config into memory, to avoid using // 400-gas costing SLOAD every time we need to load something. WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg = algConfig; // Check if holderAddr is a holder at all! if( holders[ holderIndexes[ holderAddr ] ] != holderAddr ) return 0; // Compute the precision-adjusted constant ratio of // referralBonus max score to the player individual max scores. int individualToReferralRatio = ( PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ) / ( int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount ) ); // Max available player score. int maxAvailablePlayerScore = int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed + cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor + cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount + cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ); // Fix Min-Max scores, to avoid division by zero, if min == max. // If min == max, make the difference equal to 1. MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy = minMaxScores; MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy = minMaxReferralScores; priv_fixMinMaxIfEqual( minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // Now, add bonus score, and compute total player's score: // Bonus part, individual score part, and referree score part. int totalPlayerScore = holderData[ holderAddr ].bonusScore + computeHolderIndividualScores( cfg, minMaxCpy, holderData[ holderAddr ] ) + computeReferreeScoresForHolder( individualToReferralRatio, cfg, minMaxRefCpy, holderData[ holderAddr ] ); // Check if total player score <= 0. If so, make it equal // to 1, because otherwise randomization won't be possible. if( totalPlayerScore <= 0 ) totalPlayerScore = 1; // Now, check if it's not more than max! If so, lowerify. // This could have happen'd because of bonus. if( totalPlayerScore > maxAvailablePlayerScore ) totalPlayerScore = maxAvailablePlayerScore; // Return the score! return uint( totalPlayerScore ); } /** * Internal sub-procedure of the function below, used to obtain * a final, randomized score of a Single Holder. */ function priv_getSingleHolderScore( address hold3r, int individualToReferralRatio, int maxAvailablePlayerScore, int SCORE_RAND_FACT, WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg, MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy, MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy ) internal view returns( uint endScore ) { // Fetch the needed holder data to in-memory hdata variable, // to save gas on score part computing functions. HolderData memory hdata; // Slot 1: hdata.etherContributed = holderData[ hold3r ].etherContributed; hdata.timeFactors = holderData[ hold3r ].timeFactors; hdata.tokenBalance = holderData[ hold3r ].tokenBalance; hdata.referreeCount = holderData[ hold3r ].referreeCount; // Slot 2: hdata.referree_etherContributed = holderData[ hold3r ].referree_etherContributed; hdata.referree_timeFactors = holderData[ hold3r ].referree_timeFactors; hdata.referree_tokenBalance = holderData[ hold3r ].referree_tokenBalance; hdata.bonusScore = holderData[ hold3r ].bonusScore; // Now, add bonus score, and compute total player's score: // Bonus part, individual score part, and referree score part. int totalPlayerScore = hdata.bonusScore + computeHolderIndividualScores( cfg, minMaxCpy, hdata ) + computeReferreeScoresForHolder( individualToReferralRatio, cfg, minMaxRefCpy, hdata ); // Check if total player score <= 0. If so, make it equal // to 1, because otherwise randomization won't be possible. if( totalPlayerScore <= 0 ) totalPlayerScore = 1; // Now, check if it's not more than max! If so, lowerify. // This could have happen'd because of bonus. if( totalPlayerScore > maxAvailablePlayerScore ) totalPlayerScore = maxAvailablePlayerScore; // Multiply the score by the Random Modulo Adjustment // Factor, to get fairer ratio of random-to-determined data. totalPlayerScore = ( totalPlayerScore * SCORE_RAND_FACT ) / ( PRECISION ); // Score is computed! // Now, randomize it, and add to Final Scores Array. // We use keccak to generate a random number from random seed, // using holder's address as a nonce. uint modulizedRandomNumber = uint( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( randomSeed, hold3r ) ) ) % RANDOM_MODULO; // Add the random number, to introduce the random factor. // Ratio of (current) totalPlayerScore to modulizedRandomNumber // is the same as ratio of randRatio_scorePart to // randRatio_randPart. return uint( totalPlayerScore ) + modulizedRandomNumber; } /** * Winner Self-Validation algo-type main function. * Here, we compute scores for all lottery holders iteratively * in O(n) time, and thus get the winner ranking position of * the holder in question. * * This function performs essentialy the same steps as the * Mined-variant (executeWinnerSelectionAlgorithm), but doesn't * write anything to blockchain. * * @param holderAddr - address of a holder whose rank we want to find. */ function winnerSelfValidation_getWinnerStatus( address holderAddr ) internal view returns( bool isWinner, uint rankingPosition ) { // Copy the Winner Algo Config into memory, to avoid using // 400-gas costing SLOAD every time we need to load something. WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg = algConfig; // Can only be performed if algorithm is WinnerSelfValidation! require( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(Lottery.EndingAlgoType.WinnerSelfValidation)/*, "Algorithm cannot be performed on current Algo-Type!" */); // Check if holderAddr is a holder at all! require( holders[ holderIndexes[ holderAddr ] ] == holderAddr/*, "holderAddr is not a lottery token holder!" */); // Now, we gotta find the winners using a Randomized Score-Based // Winner Selection Algorithm. // // During transfers, all player intermediate scores // (etherContributed, timeFactors, and tokenBalances) were // already set in every holder's HolderData structure, // during operations of updateHolderData_preTransfer() function. // // Minimum and maximum values are also known, so normalization // will be easy. // All referral tree score data were also properly propagated // during operations of updateAndPropagateScoreChanges() function. // // All we block.timestamp have to do, is loop through holder array, and // compute randomized final scores for every holder. // Compute the precision-adjusted constant ratio of // referralBonus max score to the player individual max scores. int individualToReferralRatio = ( PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ) / ( int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount ) ); // Max available player score. int maxAvailablePlayerScore = int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed + cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor + cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount + cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ); // Random Factor of scores, to maintain random-to-determined // ratio equal to specific value (1:5 for example - // "randPart" == 5/*, "scorePart" */== 1). // // maxAvailablePlayerScore * FACT --- scorePart // RANDOM_MODULO --- randPart // // RANDOM_MODULO * scorePart // maxAvailablePlayerScore * FACT = ------------------------- // randPart // // RANDOM_MODULO * scorePart // FACT = -------------------------------------- // randPart * maxAvailablePlayerScore int SCORE_RAND_FACT = ( PRECISION * int(RANDOM_MODULO * cfg.randRatio_scorePart) ) / ( int(cfg.randRatio_randPart) * maxAvailablePlayerScore ); // Fix Min-Max scores, to avoid division by zero, if min == max. // If min == max, make the difference equal to 1. MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy = minMaxScores; MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy = minMaxReferralScores; priv_fixMinMaxIfEqual( minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // How many holders had higher scores than "holderAddr". // Used to obtain the final winner rank of "holderAddr". uint numOfHoldersHigherThan = 0; // The final (randomized) score of "holderAddr". uint holderAddrsFinalScore = priv_getSingleHolderScore( holderAddr, individualToReferralRatio, maxAvailablePlayerScore, SCORE_RAND_FACT, cfg, minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // Index of holderAddr. uint holderAddrIndex = holderIndexes[ holderAddr ]; // Loop through all the allowed holders. for( uint i = 0; i < ( holders.length < SELFVALIDATION_MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS ? holders.length : SELFVALIDATION_MAX_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS ); i++ ) { // Skip the holderAddr's index. if( i == holderAddrIndex ) continue; // Compute the score using helper function. uint endScore = priv_getSingleHolderScore( holders[ i ], individualToReferralRatio, maxAvailablePlayerScore, SCORE_RAND_FACT, cfg, minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // Check if score is higher than HolderAddr's, and if so, check. if( endScore > holderAddrsFinalScore ) numOfHoldersHigherThan++; } // All scores are checked! // Now, we can obtain holderAddr's winner rank based on how // many scores were above holderAddr's score! isWinner = ( numOfHoldersHigherThan < cfg.winnerCount ); rankingPosition = numOfHoldersHigherThan; } /** * Rolled-Randomness algo-type main function. * Here, we only compute the score of the holder in question, * and compare it to maximum-available final score, divided * by no-of-winners. * * @param holderAddr - address of a holder whose rank we want to find. */ function rolledRandomness_getWinnerStatus( address holderAddr ) internal view returns( bool isWinner, uint rankingPosition ) { // Copy the Winner Algo Config into memory, to avoid using // 400-gas costing SLOAD every time we need to load something. WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory cfg = algConfig; // Can only be performed if algorithm is RolledRandomness! require( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(Lottery.EndingAlgoType.RolledRandomness)/*, "Algorithm cannot be performed on current Algo-Type!" */); // Check if holderAddr is a holder at all! require( holders[ holderIndexes[ holderAddr ] ] == holderAddr/*, "holderAddr is not a lottery token holder!" */); // Now, we gotta find the winners using a Randomized Score-Based // Winner Selection Algorithm. // // During transfers, all player intermediate scores // (etherContributed, timeFactors, and tokenBalances) were // already set in every holder's HolderData structure, // during operations of updateHolderData_preTransfer() function. // // Minimum and maximum values are also known, so normalization // will be easy. // All referral tree score data were also properly propagated // during operations of updateAndPropagateScoreChanges() function. // // All we block.timestamp have to do, is loop through holder array, and // compute randomized final scores for every holder. // Compute the precision-adjusted constant ratio of // referralBonus max score to the player individual max scores. int individualToReferralRatio = ( PRECISION * cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ) / ( int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor ) + int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount ) ); // Max available player score. int maxAvailablePlayerScore = int( cfg.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed + cfg.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor + cfg.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount + cfg.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus ); // Random Factor of scores, to maintain random-to-determined // ratio equal to specific value (1:5 for example - // "randPart" == 5, "scorePart" == 1). // // maxAvailablePlayerScore * FACT --- scorePart // RANDOM_MODULO --- randPart // // RANDOM_MODULO * scorePart // maxAvailablePlayerScore * FACT = ------------------------- // randPart // // RANDOM_MODULO * scorePart // FACT = -------------------------------------- // randPart * maxAvailablePlayerScore int SCORE_RAND_FACT = ( PRECISION * int(RANDOM_MODULO * cfg.randRatio_scorePart) ) / ( int(cfg.randRatio_randPart) * maxAvailablePlayerScore ); // Fix Min-Max scores, to avoid division by zero, if min == max. // If min == max, make the difference equal to 1. MinMaxHolderScores memory minMaxCpy = minMaxScores; MinMaxReferralScores memory minMaxRefCpy = minMaxReferralScores; priv_fixMinMaxIfEqual( minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // The final (randomized) score of "holderAddr". uint holderAddrsFinalScore = priv_getSingleHolderScore( holderAddr, individualToReferralRatio, maxAvailablePlayerScore, SCORE_RAND_FACT, cfg, minMaxCpy, minMaxRefCpy ); // Now, compute the Max-Final-Random Score, divide it // by the Holder Count, and get the ranking by placing this // holder's score in it's corresponding part. // // In this approach, we assume linear randomness distribution. // In practice, distribution might be a bit different, but this // approach is the most efficient. // // Max-Final-Score (randomized) is the highest available score // that can be achieved, and is made by adding together the // maximum availabe Player Score Part and maximum available // Random Part (equals RANDOM_MODULO). // These parts have a ratio equal to config-specified // randRatio_scorePart to randRatio_randPart. // // So, if player's active stage's score is low (1), but rand-part // in ratio is huge, then the score is mostly random, so // maxFinalScore is close to the RANDOM_MODULO - maximum random // value that can be rolled. // // If, however, we use 1:1 playerScore-to-Random Ratio, then // playerScore and RandomScore make up equal parts of end score, // so the maxFinalScore is actually two times larger than // RANDOM_MODULO, so player needs to score more // player-points to get larger prizes. // // In default configuration, playerScore-to-random ratio is 1:3, // so there's a good randomness factor, so even the low-scoring // players can reasonably hope to get larger prizes, but // the higher is player's active stage score, the more // chances of scoring a high final score a player gets, with // the higher-end of player scores basically guaranteeing // themselves a specific prize amount, if winnerCount is // big enough to overlap. int maxRandomPart = int( RANDOM_MODULO - 1 ); int maxPlayerScorePart = ( SCORE_RAND_FACT * maxAvailablePlayerScore ) / PRECISION; uint maxFinalScore = uint( maxRandomPart + maxPlayerScorePart ); // Compute the amount that single-holder's virtual part // might take up in the max-final score. uint singleHolderPart = maxFinalScore / holders.length; // Now, compute how many single-holder-parts are there in // this holder's score. uint holderAddrScorePartCount = holderAddrsFinalScore / singleHolderPart; // The ranking is that number, minus holders length. // If very high score is scored, default to position 0 (highest). rankingPosition = ( holderAddrScorePartCount < holders.length ? holders.length - holderAddrScorePartCount : 0 ); isWinner = ( rankingPosition < cfg.winnerCount ); } /** * Genericized, algorithm type-dependent getWinnerStatus function. */ function getWinnerStatus( address addr ) external view returns( bool isWinner, uint32 rankingPosition ) { bool _isW; uint _rp; if( algConfig.endingAlgoType == uint8(Lottery.EndingAlgoType.RolledRandomness) ) { (_isW, _rp) = rolledRandomness_getWinnerStatus( addr ); return ( _isW, uint32( _rp ) ); } if( algConfig.endingAlgoType == uint8(Lottery.EndingAlgoType.WinnerSelfValidation) ) { (_isW, _rp) = winnerSelfValidation_getWinnerStatus( addr ); return ( _isW, uint32( _rp ) ); } if( algConfig.endingAlgoType == uint8(Lottery.EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { (_isW, _rp) = minedSelection_getWinnerStatus( addr ); return ( _isW, uint32( _rp ) ); } } } interface IMainUniLotteryPool { function isLotteryOngoing( address lotAddr ) external view returns( bool ); function scheduledCallback( uint256 requestID ) external; function onLotteryCallbackPriceExceedingGivenFunds( address lottery, uint currentRequestPrice, uint poolGivenPastRequestPrice ) external returns( bool ); } interface ILottery { function finish_randomnessProviderCallback( uint256 randomSeed, uint256 requestID ) external; } contract UniLotteryStorageFactory { // The Pool Address. address payable poolAddress; // The Delegate Logic contract, containing all code for // all LotteryStorage contracts to be deployed. address immutable public delegateContract; // Pool-Only modifier. modifier poolOnly { require( msg.sender == poolAddress/*, "Function can only be called by the Main Pool!" */); _; } // Constructor. // Deploy the Delegate Contract here. // constructor() { delegateContract = address( new LotteryStorage() ); } // Initialization function. // Set the poolAddress as msg.sender, and lock it. function initialize() external { require( poolAddress == address( 0 )/*, "Initialization has already finished!" */); // Set the Pool's Address. poolAddress = msg.sender; } /** * Deploy a new Lottery Storage Stub, to be used by it's corresponding * Lottery Stub, which will be created later, passing this Storage * we create here. * @return newStorage - the Lottery Storage Stub contract just deployed. */ function createNewStorage() public poolOnly returns( address newStorage ) { LotteryStorageStub stub = new LotteryStorageStub(); stub.stub_construct( delegateContract ); return address( stub ); } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for `sender`'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`.`amount` is then deducted * from the caller's allowance. * * See {_burn} and {_approve}. */ function _burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) internal { _burn(account, amount); _approve(account, _msgSender(), _allowances[account][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance")); } } abstract contract solcChecker { /* INCOMPATIBLE SOLC: import the following instead: "" */ function f(bytes calldata x) virtual external; } interface ProvableI { function cbAddress() external returns (address _cbAddress); function setProofType(byte _proofType) external; function setCustomGasPrice(uint _gasPrice) external; function getPrice(string calldata _datasource) external returns (uint _dsprice); function randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() external view returns (bytes32 _sessionKeyHash); function getPrice(string calldata _datasource, uint _gasLimit) external returns (uint _dsprice); function queryN(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, bytes calldata _argN) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query2(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg1, string calldata _arg2) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg, uint _gasLimit) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function queryN_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, bytes calldata _argN, uint _gasLimit) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); function query2_withGasLimit(uint _timestamp, string calldata _datasource, string calldata _arg1, string calldata _arg2, uint _gasLimit) external payable returns (bytes32 _id); } interface OracleAddrResolverI { function getAddress() external returns (address _address); } library Buffer { struct buffer { bytes buf; uint capacity; } function init(buffer memory _buf, uint _capacity) internal pure { uint capacity = _capacity; if (capacity % 32 != 0) { capacity += 32 - (capacity % 32); } _buf.capacity = capacity; // Allocate space for the buffer data assembly { let ptr := mload(0x40) mstore(_buf, ptr) mstore(ptr, 0) mstore(0x40, add(ptr, capacity)) } } function resize(buffer memory _buf, uint _capacity) private pure { bytes memory oldbuf = _buf.buf; init(_buf, _capacity); append(_buf, oldbuf); } function max(uint _a, uint _b) private pure returns (uint _max) { if (_a > _b) { return _a; } return _b; } /** * @dev Appends a byte array to the end of the buffer. Resizes if doing so * would exceed the capacity of the buffer. * @param _buf The buffer to append to. * @param _data The data to append. * @return _buffer The original buffer. * */ function append(buffer memory _buf, bytes memory _data) internal pure returns (buffer memory _buffer) { if (_data.length + _buf.buf.length > _buf.capacity) { resize(_buf, max(_buf.capacity, _data.length) * 2); } uint dest; uint src; uint len = _data.length; assembly { let bufptr := mload(_buf) // Memory address of the buffer data let buflen := mload(bufptr) // Length of existing buffer data dest := add(add(bufptr, buflen), 32) // Start address = buffer address + buffer length + sizeof(buffer length) mstore(bufptr, add(buflen, mload(_data))) // Update buffer length src := add(_data, 32) } for(; len >= 32; len -= 32) { // Copy word-length chunks while possible assembly { mstore(dest, mload(src)) } dest += 32; src += 32; } uint mask = 256 ** (32 - len) - 1; // Copy remaining bytes assembly { let srcpart := and(mload(src), not(mask)) let destpart := and(mload(dest), mask) mstore(dest, or(destpart, srcpart)) } return _buf; } /** * * @dev Appends a byte to the end of the buffer. Resizes if doing so would * exceed the capacity of the buffer. * @param _buf The buffer to append to. * @param _data The data to append. * */ function append(buffer memory _buf, uint8 _data) internal pure { if (_buf.buf.length + 1 > _buf.capacity) { resize(_buf, _buf.capacity * 2); } assembly { let bufptr := mload(_buf) // Memory address of the buffer data let buflen := mload(bufptr) // Length of existing buffer data let dest := add(add(bufptr, buflen), 32) // Address = buffer address + buffer length + sizeof(buffer length) mstore8(dest, _data) mstore(bufptr, add(buflen, 1)) // Update buffer length } } /** * * @dev Appends a byte to the end of the buffer. Resizes if doing so would * exceed the capacity of the buffer. * @param _buf The buffer to append to. * @param _data The data to append. * @return _buffer The original buffer. * */ function appendInt(buffer memory _buf, uint _data, uint _len) internal pure returns (buffer memory _buffer) { if (_len + _buf.buf.length > _buf.capacity) { resize(_buf, max(_buf.capacity, _len) * 2); } uint mask = 256 ** _len - 1; assembly { let bufptr := mload(_buf) // Memory address of the buffer data let buflen := mload(bufptr) // Length of existing buffer data let dest := add(add(bufptr, buflen), _len) // Address = buffer address + buffer length + sizeof(buffer length) + len mstore(dest, or(and(mload(dest), not(mask)), _data)) mstore(bufptr, add(buflen, _len)) // Update buffer length } return _buf; } } library CBOR { using Buffer for Buffer.buffer; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_INT = 0; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_MAP = 5; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_BYTES = 2; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY = 4; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_STRING = 3; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_NEGATIVE_INT = 1; uint8 private constant MAJOR_TYPE_CONTENT_FREE = 7; function encodeType(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, uint8 _major, uint _value) private pure { if (_value <= 23) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | _value)); } else if (_value <= 0xFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 24)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 1); } else if (_value <= 0xFFFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 25)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 2); } else if (_value <= 0xFFFFFFFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 26)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 4); } else if (_value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 27)); _buf.appendInt(_value, 8); } } function encodeIndefiniteLengthType(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, uint8 _major) private pure { _buf.append(uint8((_major << 5) | 31)); } function encodeUInt(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, uint _value) internal pure { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_INT, _value); } function encodeInt(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, int _value) internal pure { if (_value >= 0) { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_INT, uint(_value)); } else { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_NEGATIVE_INT, uint(-1 - _value)); } } function encodeBytes(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, bytes memory _value) internal pure { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_BYTES, _value.length); _buf.append(_value); } function encodeString(Buffer.buffer memory _buf, string memory _value) internal pure { encodeType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_STRING, bytes(_value).length); _buf.append(bytes(_value)); } function startArray(Buffer.buffer memory _buf) internal pure { encodeIndefiniteLengthType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_ARRAY); } function startMap(Buffer.buffer memory _buf) internal pure { encodeIndefiniteLengthType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_MAP); } function endSequence(Buffer.buffer memory _buf) internal pure { encodeIndefiniteLengthType(_buf, MAJOR_TYPE_CONTENT_FREE); } } contract usingProvable { using CBOR for Buffer.buffer; ProvableI provable; OracleAddrResolverI OAR; uint constant day = 60 * 60 * 24; uint constant week = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; uint constant month = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; byte constant proofType_NONE = 0x00; byte constant proofType_Ledger = 0x30; byte constant proofType_Native = 0xF0; byte constant proofStorage_IPFS = 0x01; byte constant proofType_Android = 0x40; byte constant proofType_TLSNotary = 0x10; string provable_network_name; uint8 constant networkID_auto = 0; uint8 constant networkID_morden = 2; uint8 constant networkID_mainnet = 1; uint8 constant networkID_testnet = 2; uint8 constant networkID_consensys = 161; mapping(bytes32 => bytes32) provable_randomDS_args; mapping(bytes32 => bool) provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified; modifier provableAPI { if ((address(OAR) == address(0)) || (getCodeSize(address(OAR)) == 0)) { provable_setNetwork(networkID_auto); } if (address(provable) != OAR.getAddress()) { provable = ProvableI(OAR.getAddress()); } _; } modifier provable_randomDS_proofVerify(bytes32 _queryId, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof) { // RandomDS Proof Step 1: The prefix has to match 'LP\x01' (Ledger Proof version 1) require((_proof[0] == "L") && (_proof[1] == "P") && (uint8(_proof[2]) == uint8(1))); bool proofVerified = provable_randomDS_proofVerify__main(_proof, _queryId, bytes(_result), provable_getNetworkName()); require(proofVerified); _; } function provable_setNetwork(uint8 _networkID) internal returns (bool _networkSet) { _networkID; // NOTE: Silence the warning and remain backwards compatible return provable_setNetwork(); } function provable_setNetworkName(string memory _network_name) internal { provable_network_name = _network_name; } function provable_getNetworkName() internal view returns (string memory _networkName) { return provable_network_name; } function provable_setNetwork() internal returns (bool _networkSet) { if (getCodeSize(0x1d3B2638a7cC9f2CB3D298A3DA7a90B67E5506ed) > 0) { //mainnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x1d3B2638a7cC9f2CB3D298A3DA7a90B67E5506ed); provable_setNetworkName("eth_mainnet"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0xc03A2615D5efaf5F49F60B7BB6583eaec212fdf1) > 0) { //ropsten testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0xc03A2615D5efaf5F49F60B7BB6583eaec212fdf1); provable_setNetworkName("eth_ropsten3"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0xB7A07BcF2Ba2f2703b24C0691b5278999C59AC7e) > 0) { //kovan testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0xB7A07BcF2Ba2f2703b24C0691b5278999C59AC7e); provable_setNetworkName("eth_kovan"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x146500cfd35B22E4A392Fe0aDc06De1a1368Ed48) > 0) { //rinkeby testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x146500cfd35B22E4A392Fe0aDc06De1a1368Ed48); provable_setNetworkName("eth_rinkeby"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0xa2998EFD205FB9D4B4963aFb70778D6354ad3A41) > 0) { //goerli testnet OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0xa2998EFD205FB9D4B4963aFb70778D6354ad3A41); provable_setNetworkName("eth_goerli"); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475) > 0) { //ethereum-bridge OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x6f485C8BF6fc43eA212E93BBF8ce046C7f1cb475); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x20e12A1F859B3FeaE5Fb2A0A32C18F5a65555bBF) > 0) { // ide OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x20e12A1F859B3FeaE5Fb2A0A32C18F5a65555bBF); return true; } if (getCodeSize(0x51efaF4c8B3C9AfBD5aB9F4bbC82784Ab6ef8fAA) > 0) { //browser-solidity OAR = OracleAddrResolverI(0x51efaF4c8B3C9AfBD5aB9F4bbC82784Ab6ef8fAA); return true; } return false; } /** * @dev The following `__callback` functions are just placeholders ideally * meant to be defined in child contract when proofs are used. * The function bodies simply silence compiler warnings. */ function __callback(bytes32 _myid, string memory _result) virtual public { __callback(_myid, _result, new bytes(0)); } function __callback(bytes32 _myid, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof) virtual public { _myid; _result; _proof; provable_randomDS_args[bytes32(0)] = bytes32(0); } function provable_getPrice(string memory _datasource) provableAPI internal returns (uint _queryPrice) { return provable.getPrice(_datasource); } function provable_getPrice(string memory _datasource, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (uint _queryPrice) { return provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource,_gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string memory _arg1, string memory _arg2, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } return provable.query2_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, _arg1, _arg2, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(0, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = stra2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, string[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { string[] memory dynargs = new string[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(0, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * 200000) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(_timestamp, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[] memory _argN, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { uint price = provable.getPrice(_datasource, _gasLimit); if (price > 1 ether + tx.gasprice * _gasLimit) { return 0; // Unexpectedly high price } bytes memory args = ba2cbor(_argN); return provable.queryN_withGasLimit{value: price}(0, _datasource, args, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[1] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](1); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[2] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](2); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[3] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](3); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[4] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](4); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs); } function provable_query(uint _timestamp, string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_timestamp, _datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_query(string memory _datasource, bytes[5] memory _args, uint _gasLimit) provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _id) { bytes[] memory dynargs = new bytes[](5); dynargs[0] = _args[0]; dynargs[1] = _args[1]; dynargs[2] = _args[2]; dynargs[3] = _args[3]; dynargs[4] = _args[4]; return provable_query(_datasource, dynargs, _gasLimit); } function provable_setProof(byte _proofP) provableAPI internal { return provable.setProofType(_proofP); } function provable_cbAddress() provableAPI internal returns (address _callbackAddress) { return provable.cbAddress(); } function getCodeSize(address _addr) view internal returns (uint _size) { assembly { _size := extcodesize(_addr) } } function provable_setCustomGasPrice(uint _gasPrice) provableAPI internal { return provable.setCustomGasPrice(_gasPrice); } function provable_randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash() provableAPI internal returns (bytes32 _sessionKeyHash) { return provable.randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash(); } function parseAddr(string memory _a) internal pure returns (address _parsedAddress) { bytes memory tmp = bytes(_a); uint160 iaddr = 0; uint160 b1; uint160 b2; for (uint i = 2; i < 2 + 2 * 20; i += 2) { iaddr *= 256; b1 = uint160(uint8(tmp[i])); b2 = uint160(uint8(tmp[i + 1])); if ((b1 >= 97) && (b1 <= 102)) { b1 -= 87; } else if ((b1 >= 65) && (b1 <= 70)) { b1 -= 55; } else if ((b1 >= 48) && (b1 <= 57)) { b1 -= 48; } if ((b2 >= 97) && (b2 <= 102)) { b2 -= 87; } else if ((b2 >= 65) && (b2 <= 70)) { b2 -= 55; } else if ((b2 >= 48) && (b2 <= 57)) { b2 -= 48; } iaddr += (b1 * 16 + b2); } return address(iaddr); } function strCompare(string memory _a, string memory _b) internal pure returns (int _returnCode) { bytes memory a = bytes(_a); bytes memory b = bytes(_b); uint minLength = a.length; if (b.length < minLength) { minLength = b.length; } for (uint i = 0; i < minLength; i ++) { if (a[i] < b[i]) { return -1; } else if (a[i] > b[i]) { return 1; } } if (a.length < b.length) { return -1; } else if (a.length > b.length) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function indexOf(string memory _haystack, string memory _needle) internal pure returns (int _returnCode) { bytes memory h = bytes(_haystack); bytes memory n = bytes(_needle); if (h.length < 1 || n.length < 1 || (n.length > h.length)) { return -1; } else if (h.length > (2 ** 128 - 1)) { return -1; } else { uint subindex = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < h.length; i++) { if (h[i] == n[0]) { subindex = 1; while(subindex < n.length && (i + subindex) < h.length && h[i + subindex] == n[subindex]) { subindex++; } if (subindex == n.length) { return int(i); } } } return -1; } } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { return strConcat(_a, _b, "", "", ""); } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { return strConcat(_a, _b, _c, "", ""); } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c, string memory _d) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { return strConcat(_a, _b, _c, _d, ""); } function strConcat(string memory _a, string memory _b, string memory _c, string memory _d, string memory _e) internal pure returns (string memory _concatenatedString) { bytes memory _ba = bytes(_a); bytes memory _bb = bytes(_b); bytes memory _bc = bytes(_c); bytes memory _bd = bytes(_d); bytes memory _be = bytes(_e); string memory abcde = new string(_ba.length + _bb.length + _bc.length + _bd.length + _be.length); bytes memory babcde = bytes(abcde); uint k = 0; uint i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _ba.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _ba[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bb.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _bb[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bc.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _bc[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bd.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _bd[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _be.length; i++) { babcde[k++] = _be[i]; } return string(babcde); } function safeParseInt(string memory _a) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { return safeParseInt(_a, 0); } function safeParseInt(string memory _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a); uint mint = 0; bool decimals = false; for (uint i = 0; i < bresult.length; i++) { if ((uint(uint8(bresult[i])) >= 48) && (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) <= 57)) { if (decimals) { if (_b == 0) break; else _b--; } mint *= 10; mint += uint(uint8(bresult[i])) - 48; } else if (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) == 46) { require(!decimals, 'More than one decimal encountered in string!'); decimals = true; } else { revert("Non-numeral character encountered in string!"); } } if (_b > 0) { mint *= 10 ** _b; } return mint; } function parseInt(string memory _a) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { return parseInt(_a, 0); } function parseInt(string memory _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint _parsedInt) { bytes memory bresult = bytes(_a); uint mint = 0; bool decimals = false; for (uint i = 0; i < bresult.length; i++) { if ((uint(uint8(bresult[i])) >= 48) && (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) <= 57)) { if (decimals) { if (_b == 0) { break; } else { _b--; } } mint *= 10; mint += uint(uint8(bresult[i])) - 48; } else if (uint(uint8(bresult[i])) == 46) { decimals = true; } } if (_b > 0) { mint *= 10 ** _b; } return mint; } function uint2str(uint _i) internal pure returns (string memory _uintAsString) { if (_i == 0) { return "0"; } uint j = _i; uint len; while (j != 0) { len++; j /= 10; } bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len); uint k = len - 1; while (_i != 0) { bstr[k--] = byte(uint8(48 + _i % 10)); _i /= 10; } return string(bstr); } function stra2cbor(string[] memory _arr) internal pure returns (bytes memory _cborEncoding) { safeMemoryCleaner(); Buffer.buffer memory buf; Buffer.init(buf, 1024); buf.startArray(); for (uint i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) { buf.encodeString(_arr[i]); } buf.endSequence(); return buf.buf; } function ba2cbor(bytes[] memory _arr) internal pure returns (bytes memory _cborEncoding) { safeMemoryCleaner(); Buffer.buffer memory buf; Buffer.init(buf, 1024); buf.startArray(); for (uint i = 0; i < _arr.length; i++) { buf.encodeBytes(_arr[i]); } buf.endSequence(); return buf.buf; } function provable_newRandomDSQuery(uint _delay, uint _nbytes, uint _customGasLimit) internal returns (bytes32 _queryId) { require((_nbytes > 0) && (_nbytes <= 32)); _delay *= 10; // Convert from seconds to ledger timer ticks bytes memory nbytes = new bytes(1); nbytes[0] = byte(uint8(_nbytes)); bytes memory unonce = new bytes(32); bytes memory sessionKeyHash = new bytes(32); bytes32 sessionKeyHash_bytes32 = provable_randomDS_getSessionPubKeyHash(); assembly { mstore(unonce, 0x20) /* The following variables can be relaxed. Check the relaxed random contract at for an idea on how to override and replace commit hash variables. */ mstore(add(unonce, 0x20), xor(blockhash(sub(number(), 1)), xor(coinbase(), timestamp()))) mstore(sessionKeyHash, 0x20) mstore(add(sessionKeyHash, 0x20), sessionKeyHash_bytes32) } bytes memory delay = new bytes(32); assembly { mstore(add(delay, 0x20), _delay) } bytes memory delay_bytes8 = new bytes(8); copyBytes(delay, 24, 8, delay_bytes8, 0); bytes[4] memory args = [unonce, nbytes, sessionKeyHash, delay]; bytes32 queryId = provable_query("random", args, _customGasLimit); bytes memory delay_bytes8_left = new bytes(8); assembly { let x := mload(add(delay_bytes8, 0x20)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x27), div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x26), div(x, 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x25), div(x, 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x24), div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x23), div(x, 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x22), div(x, 0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x21), div(x, 0x100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) mstore8(add(delay_bytes8_left, 0x20), div(x, 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)) } provable_randomDS_setCommitment(queryId, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(delay_bytes8_left, args[1], sha256(args[0]), args[2]))); return queryId; } function provable_randomDS_setCommitment(bytes32 _queryId, bytes32 _commitment) internal { provable_randomDS_args[_queryId] = _commitment; } function verifySig(bytes32 _tosignh, bytes memory _dersig, bytes memory _pubkey) internal returns (bool _sigVerified) { bool sigok; address signer; bytes32 sigr; bytes32 sigs; bytes memory sigr_ = new bytes(32); uint offset = 4 + (uint(uint8(_dersig[3])) - 0x20); sigr_ = copyBytes(_dersig, offset, 32, sigr_, 0); bytes memory sigs_ = new bytes(32); offset += 32 + 2; sigs_ = copyBytes(_dersig, offset + (uint(uint8(_dersig[offset - 1])) - 0x20), 32, sigs_, 0); assembly { sigr := mload(add(sigr_, 32)) sigs := mload(add(sigs_, 32)) } (sigok, signer) = safer_ecrecover(_tosignh, 27, sigr, sigs); if (address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(_pubkey)))) == signer) { return true; } else { (sigok, signer) = safer_ecrecover(_tosignh, 28, sigr, sigs); return (address(uint160(uint256(keccak256(_pubkey)))) == signer); } } function provable_randomDS_proofVerify__sessionKeyValidity(bytes memory _proof, uint _sig2offset) internal returns (bool _proofVerified) { bool sigok; // Random DS Proof Step 6: Verify the attestation signature, APPKEY1 must sign the sessionKey from the correct ledger app (CODEHASH) bytes memory sig2 = new bytes(uint(uint8(_proof[_sig2offset + 1])) + 2); copyBytes(_proof, _sig2offset, sig2.length, sig2, 0); bytes memory appkey1_pubkey = new bytes(64); copyBytes(_proof, 3 + 1, 64, appkey1_pubkey, 0); bytes memory tosign2 = new bytes(1 + 65 + 32); tosign2[0] = byte(uint8(1)); //role copyBytes(_proof, _sig2offset - 65, 65, tosign2, 1); bytes memory CODEHASH = hex"fd94fa71bc0ba10d39d464d0d8f465efeef0a2764e3887fcc9df41ded20f505c"; copyBytes(CODEHASH, 0, 32, tosign2, 1 + 65); sigok = verifySig(sha256(tosign2), sig2, appkey1_pubkey); if (!sigok) { return false; } // Random DS Proof Step 7: Verify the APPKEY1 provenance (must be signed by Ledger) bytes memory LEDGERKEY = hex"7fb956469c5c9b89840d55b43537e66a98dd4811ea0a27224272c2e5622911e8537a2f8e86a46baec82864e98dd01e9ccc2f8bc5dfc9cbe5a91a290498dd96e4"; bytes memory tosign3 = new bytes(1 + 65); tosign3[0] = 0xFE; copyBytes(_proof, 3, 65, tosign3, 1); bytes memory sig3 = new bytes(uint(uint8(_proof[3 + 65 + 1])) + 2); copyBytes(_proof, 3 + 65, sig3.length, sig3, 0); sigok = verifySig(sha256(tosign3), sig3, LEDGERKEY); return sigok; } function provable_randomDS_proofVerify__returnCode(bytes32 _queryId, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof) internal returns (uint8 _returnCode) { // Random DS Proof Step 1: The prefix has to match 'LP\x01' (Ledger Proof version 1) if ((_proof[0] != "L") || (_proof[1] != "P") || (uint8(_proof[2]) != uint8(1))) { return 1; } bool proofVerified = provable_randomDS_proofVerify__main(_proof, _queryId, bytes(_result), provable_getNetworkName()); if (!proofVerified) { return 2; } return 0; } function matchBytes32Prefix(bytes32 _content, bytes memory _prefix, uint _nRandomBytes) internal pure returns (bool _matchesPrefix) { bool match_ = true; require(_prefix.length == _nRandomBytes); for (uint256 i = 0; i< _nRandomBytes; i++) { if (_content[i] != _prefix[i]) { match_ = false; } } return match_; } function provable_randomDS_proofVerify__main(bytes memory _proof, bytes32 _queryId, bytes memory _result, string memory _contextName) internal returns (bool _proofVerified) { // Random DS Proof Step 2: The unique keyhash has to match with the sha256 of (context name + _queryId) uint ledgerProofLength = 3 + 65 + (uint(uint8(_proof[3 + 65 + 1])) + 2) + 32; bytes memory keyhash = new bytes(32); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength, 32, keyhash, 0); if (!(keccak256(keyhash) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(sha256(abi.encodePacked(_contextName, _queryId)))))) { return false; } bytes memory sig1 = new bytes(uint(uint8(_proof[ledgerProofLength + (32 + 8 + 1 + 32) + 1])) + 2); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength + (32 + 8 + 1 + 32), sig1.length, sig1, 0); // Random DS Proof Step 3: We assume sig1 is valid (it will be verified during step 5) and we verify if '_result' is the _prefix of sha256(sig1) if (!matchBytes32Prefix(sha256(sig1), _result, uint(uint8(_proof[ledgerProofLength + 32 + 8])))) { return false; } // Random DS Proof Step 4: Commitment match verification, keccak256(delay, nbytes, unonce, sessionKeyHash) == commitment in storage. // This is to verify that the computed args match with the ones specified in the query. bytes memory commitmentSlice1 = new bytes(8 + 1 + 32); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength + 32, 8 + 1 + 32, commitmentSlice1, 0); bytes memory sessionPubkey = new bytes(64); uint sig2offset = ledgerProofLength + 32 + (8 + 1 + 32) + sig1.length + 65; copyBytes(_proof, sig2offset - 64, 64, sessionPubkey, 0); bytes32 sessionPubkeyHash = sha256(sessionPubkey); if (provable_randomDS_args[_queryId] == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(commitmentSlice1, sessionPubkeyHash))) { //unonce, nbytes and sessionKeyHash match delete provable_randomDS_args[_queryId]; } else return false; // Random DS Proof Step 5: Validity verification for sig1 (keyhash and args signed with the sessionKey) bytes memory tosign1 = new bytes(32 + 8 + 1 + 32); copyBytes(_proof, ledgerProofLength, 32 + 8 + 1 + 32, tosign1, 0); if (!verifySig(sha256(tosign1), sig1, sessionPubkey)) { return false; } // Verify if sessionPubkeyHash was verified already, if not.. let's do it! if (!provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash]) { provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash] = provable_randomDS_proofVerify__sessionKeyValidity(_proof, sig2offset); } return provable_randomDS_sessionKeysHashVerified[sessionPubkeyHash]; } /* The following function has been written by Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), use it under the terms of the MIT license */ function copyBytes(bytes memory _from, uint _fromOffset, uint _length, bytes memory _to, uint _toOffset) internal pure returns (bytes memory _copiedBytes) { uint minLength = _length + _toOffset; require(_to.length >= minLength); // Buffer too small. Should be a better way? uint i = 32 + _fromOffset; // NOTE: the offset 32 is added to skip the `size` field of both bytes variables uint j = 32 + _toOffset; while (i < (32 + _fromOffset + _length)) { assembly { let tmp := mload(add(_from, i)) mstore(add(_to, j), tmp) } i += 32; j += 32; } return _to; } /* The following function has been written by Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), use it under the terms of the MIT license Duplicate Solidity's ecrecover, but catching the CALL return value */ function safer_ecrecover(bytes32 _hash, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) internal returns (bool _success, address _recoveredAddress) { /* We do our own memory management here. Solidity uses memory offset 0x40 to store the current end of memory. We write past it (as writes are memory extensions), but don't update the offset so Solidity will reuse it. The memory used here is only needed for this context. FIXME: inline assembly can't access return values */ bool ret; address addr; assembly { let size := mload(0x40) mstore(size, _hash) mstore(add(size, 32), _v) mstore(add(size, 64), _r) mstore(add(size, 96), _s) ret := call(3000, 1, 0, size, 128, size, 32) // NOTE: we can reuse the request memory because we deal with the return code. addr := mload(size) } return (ret, addr); } /* The following function has been written by Alex Beregszaszi (@axic), use it under the terms of the MIT license */ function ecrecovery(bytes32 _hash, bytes memory _sig) internal returns (bool _success, address _recoveredAddress) { bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; if (_sig.length != 65) { return (false, address(0)); } /* The signature format is a compact form of: {bytes32 r}{bytes32 s}{uint8 v} Compact means, uint8 is not padded to 32 bytes. */ assembly { r := mload(add(_sig, 32)) s := mload(add(_sig, 64)) /* Here we are loading the last 32 bytes. We exploit the fact that 'mload' will pad with zeroes if we overread. There is no 'mload8' to do this, but that would be nicer. */ v := byte(0, mload(add(_sig, 96))) /* Alternative solution: 'byte' is not working due to the Solidity parser, so lets use the second best option, 'and' v := and(mload(add(_sig, 65)), 255) */ } /* albeit non-transactional signatures are not specified by the YP, one would expect it to match the YP range of [27, 28] geth uses [0, 1] and some clients have followed. This might change, see: */ if (v < 27) { v += 27; } if (v != 27 && v != 28) { return (false, address(0)); } return safer_ecrecover(_hash, v, r, s); } function safeMemoryCleaner() internal pure { /*assembly { let fmem := mload(0x40) codecopy(fmem, codesize(), sub(msize(), fmem)) }*/ } } interface IUniswapPair is IERC20 { // Addresses of the first and second pool-kens. function token0() external view returns (address); function token1() external view returns (address); // Get the pair's token pool reserves. function getReserves() external view returns ( uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast ); } contract UniLotteryPool is ERC20, CoreUniLotterySettings { // =================== Structs & Enums =================== // /* Lottery running mode (Auto-Lottery, manual lottery). * * If Auto-Lottery feature is enabled, the new lotteries will start * automatically after the previous one finished, and will use * the default, agreed-upon config, which is set by voting. * * If Manual Lottery is enabled, the new lotteries are started * manually, by submitting and voting for a specific config. * * Both modes can have AVERAGE_CONFIG feature, when final lottery * config is not set by voting for one of several user-submitted * configs, but final config is computed by averaging all the voted * configs, where each vote proposes a config. */ enum LotteryRunMode { MANUAL, AUTO, MANUAL_AVERAGE_CONFIG, AUTO_AVERAGE_CONFIG } // =================== Events =================== // // Periodic stats event. event PoolStats( uint32 indexed lotteriesPerformed, uint indexed totalPoolFunds, uint indexed currentPoolBalance ); // New poolholder joins and complete withdraws of a poolholder. event NewPoolholderJoin( address indexed poolholder, uint256 initialAmount ); event PoolholderWithdraw( address indexed poolholder ); // Current poolholder liquidity adds/removes. event AddedLiquidity( address indexed poolholder, uint256 indexed amount ); event RemovedLiquidity( address indexed poolholder, uint256 indexed amount ); // Lottery Run Mode change (for example, from Manual to Auto lottery). event LotteryRunModeChanged( LotteryRunMode previousMode, LotteryRunMode newMode ); // Lottery configs proposed. In other words, it's a new lottery start // initiation. If no config specified, then the default config for // that lottery is used. event NewConfigProposed( address indexed initiator, Lottery.LotteryConfig cfg, uint configIndex ); // Lottery started. event LotteryStarted( address indexed lottery, uint256 indexed fundsUsed, uint256 indexed poolPercentageUsed, Lottery.LotteryConfig config ); // Lottery finished. event LotteryFinished( address indexed lottery, uint256 indexed totalReturn, uint256 indexed profitAmount ); // Ether transfered into the fallback receive function. event EtherReceived( address indexed sender, uint256 indexed value ); // ========= Constants ========= // // The Core Constants (OWNER_ADDRESS, Owner's max profit amount), // and also the percentage calculation-related constants, // are defined in the CoreUniLotterySettings contract, which this // contract inherits from. // ERC-20 token's public constants. string constant public name = "UniLottery Main Pool"; string constant public symbol = "ULPT"; uint256 constant public decimals = 18; // ========= State variables ========= // // --------- Slot --------- // // The debt to the Randomness Provider. // Incurred when we allow the Randomness Provider to execute // requests with higher price than we have given it funds for. // (of course, executed only when the Provider has enough balance // to execute it). // Paid back on next Randomness Provider request. uint80 randomnessProviderDebt; // Auto-Mode lottery parameters: uint32 public autoMode_nextLotteryDelay = 1 days; uint16 public autoMode_maxNumberOfRuns = 50; // When the last Auto-Mode lottery was started. uint32 public autoMode_lastLotteryStarted; // When the last Auto-Mode lottery has finished. // Used to compute the time until the next lottery. uint32 public autoMode_lastLotteryFinished; // Auto-Mode callback scheduled time. uint32 public autoMode_timeCallbackScheduled; // Iterations of current Auto-Lottery cycle. uint16 autoMode_currentCycleIterations = 0; // Is an Auto-Mode lottery currently ongoing? bool public autoMode_isLotteryCurrentlyOngoing = false; // Re-Entrancy Lock for Liquidity Provide/Remove functions. bool reEntrancyLock_Locked; // --------- Slot --------- // // The initial funds of all currently active lotteries. uint currentLotteryFunds; // --------- Slot --------- // // Most recently launched lottery. Lottery public mostRecentLottery; // Current lottery run-mode (Enum, so 1 byte). LotteryRunMode public lotteryRunMode = LotteryRunMode.MANUAL; // Last time when funds were manually sent to the Randomness Provider. uint32 lastTimeRandomFundsSend; // --------- Slot --------- // // The address of the Gas Oracle (our own service which calls our // gas price update function periodically). address gasOracleAddress; // --------- Slot --------- // // Stores all lotteries that have been performed // (including currently ongoing ones ). Lottery[] public allLotteriesPerformed; // --------- Slot --------- // // Currently ongoing lotteries - a list, and a mapping. mapping( address => bool ) ongoingLotteries; // --------- Slot --------- // // Owner-approved addresses, which can call functions, marked with // modifier "ownerApprovedAddressOnly", on behalf of the Owner, // to initiate Owner-Only operations, such as setting next lottery // config, or moving specified part of Owner's liquidity pool share to // Owner's wallet address. // Note that this is equivalent of as if Owner had called the // removeLiquidity() function from OWNER_ADDRESS. // // These owner-approved addresses, able to call owner-only functions, // are used by Owner, to minimize risk of a hack in these ways: // - OWNER_ADDRESS wallet, which might hold significant ETH amounts, // is used minimally, to have as little log-on risk in Metamask, // as possible. // - The approved addresses can have very little Ether, so little // risk of using them from Metamask. // - Periodic liquidity removes from the Pool can help to reduce // losses, if Pool contract was hacked (which most likely // wouldn't ever happen given our security measures, but // better be safe than sorry). // mapping( address => bool ) public ownerApprovedAddresses; // --------- Slot --------- // // The config to use for the next lottery that will be started. Lottery.LotteryConfig internal nextLotteryConfig; // --------- Slot --------- // // Randomness Provider address. UniLotteryRandomnessProvider immutable public randomnessProvider; // --------- Slot --------- // // The Lottery Factory that we're using to deploy NEW lotteries. UniLotteryLotteryFactory immutable public lotteryFactory; // --------- Slot --------- // // The Lottery Storage factory that we're using to deploy // new lottery storages. Used inside a Lottery Factory. address immutable public storageFactory; // ========= FUNCTIONS - METHODS ========= // // ========= Private Functions ========= // // Owner-Only modifier (standard). modifier ownerOnly { require( msg.sender == OWNER_ADDRESS/*, "Function is Owner-Only!" */); _; } // Owner, or Owner-Approved address only. modifier ownerApprovedAddressOnly { require( ownerApprovedAddresses[ msg.sender ]/*, "Function can be called only by Owner-Approved addresses!"*/); _; } // Owner Approved addresses, and the Gas Oracle address. // Used when updating RandProv's gas price. modifier gasOracleAndOwnerApproved { require( ownerApprovedAddresses[ msg.sender ] || msg.sender == gasOracleAddress/*, "Function can only be called by Owner-Approved addrs, " "and by the Gas Oracle!" */); _; } // Randomness Provider-Only modifier. modifier randomnessProviderOnly { require( msg.sender == address( randomnessProvider )/*, "Function can be called only by the Randomness Provider!" */); _; } /** * Modifier for checking if a caller is a currently ongoing * lottery - that is, if msg.sender is one of addresses in * ongoingLotteryList array, and present in ongoingLotteries. */ modifier calledByOngoingLotteryOnly { require( ongoingLotteries[ msg.sender ]/*, "Function can be called only by ongoing lotteries!"*/); _; } /** * Lock the function to protect from re-entrancy, using * a Re-Entrancy Mutex Lock. */ modifier mutexLOCKED { require( ! reEntrancyLock_Locked/*, "Re-Entrant Call Detected!" */); reEntrancyLock_Locked = true; _; reEntrancyLock_Locked = false; } // Emits a statistical event, summarizing current pool state. function emitPoolStats() private { (uint32 a, uint b, uint c) = getPoolStats(); emit PoolStats( a, b, c ); } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Launch a new UniLottery Lottery, from specified Lottery Config. * Perform all initialization procedures, including initial fund * transfer, and random provider registration. * * @return newlyLaunchedLottery - the Contract instance (address) of * the newly deployed and initialized lottery. */ function launchLottery( Lottery.LotteryConfig memory cfg ) private mutexLOCKED returns( Lottery newlyLaunchedLottery ) { // Check config fund requirement. // Lottery will need funds equal to: // initial funds + gas required for randomness prov. callback. // Now, get the price of the random datasource query with // the above amount of callback gas, from randomness provider. uint callbackPrice = randomnessProvider .getPriceForRandomnessCallback( LOTTERY_RAND_CALLBACK_GAS ); // Also take into account the debt that we might owe to the // Randomness Provider, if it previously executed requests // with price being higher than we have gave it funds for. // // This situation can occur because we transfer lottery callback // price funds before lottery starts, and when that lottery // finishes (which can happen after several weeks), then // the gas price might be higher than we have estimated // and given funds for on lottery start. // In this scenario, Randomness Provider would execute the // request nonetheless, provided that it has enough funds in // it's balance, to execute it. // // However, the Randomness Provider would notify us, that a // debt of X ethers have been incurred, so we would have // to transfer that debt's amount with next request's funds // to Randomness Provider - and that's precisely what we // are doing here, block.timestamp: // Compute total cost of this lottery - initial funds, // Randomness Provider callback cost, and debt from previous // callback executions. uint totalCost = cfg.initialFunds + callbackPrice + randomnessProviderDebt; // Check if our balance is enough to pay the cost. // TODO: Implement more robust checks on minimum and maximum // allowed fund restrictions. require( totalCost <= address( this ).balance/*, "Insufficient funds for this lottery start!" */); // Deploy the new lottery contract using Factory. Lottery lottery = Lottery( lotteryFactory.createNewLottery( cfg, address( randomnessProvider ) ) ); // Check if the lottery's pool address and owner address // are valid (same as ours). require( lottery.poolAddress() == address( this ) && lottery.OWNER_ADDRESS() == OWNER_ADDRESS/*, "Lottery's pool or owner addresses are invalid!" */); // Transfer the Gas required for lottery end callback, and the // debt (if some exists), into the Randomness Provider. address( randomnessProvider ).transfer( callbackPrice + randomnessProviderDebt ); // Clear the debt (if some existed) - it has been paid. randomnessProviderDebt = 0; // Notify the Randomness Provider about how much gas will be // needed to run this lottery's ending callback, and how much // funds we have given for it. randomnessProvider.setLotteryCallbackGas( address( lottery ), LOTTERY_RAND_CALLBACK_GAS, uint160( callbackPrice ) ); // Initialize the lottery - start the active lottery stage! // Send initial funds to the lottery too. lottery.initialize{ value: cfg.initialFunds }(); // Lottery was successfully initialized! // Now, add it to tracking arrays, and emit events. ongoingLotteries[ address(lottery) ] = true; allLotteriesPerformed.push( lottery ); // Set is as the Most Recently Launched Lottery. mostRecentLottery = lottery; // Update current lottery funds. currentLotteryFunds += cfg.initialFunds; // Emit the apppproppppriate evenc. emit LotteryStarted( address( lottery ), cfg.initialFunds, ( (_100PERCENT) * totalCost ) / totalPoolFunds(), cfg ); // Return the newly-successfully-started lottery. return lottery; } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * When AUTO run-mode is set, this function schedules a new lottery * to be started after the last Auto-Mode lottery has ended, after * a specific time delay (by default, 1 day delay). * * Also, it's used to bootstrap the Auto-Mode loop - because * it schedules a callback to get called. * * This function is called in 2 occasions: * * 1. When lotteryFinish() detects an AUTO run-mode, and so, a * new Auto-Mode iteration needs to be performed. * * 2. When external actor bootstraps a new Auto-Mode cycle. * * Notice, that this function doesn't use require()'s - that's * because it's getting called from lotteryFinish() too, and * we don't want that function to fail just because some user * set run mode to other value than AUTO during the time before. * The only require() is when we check for re-entrancy. * * How Auto-Mode works? * Everything is based on the Randomness Provider scheduled callback * functionality, which is in turn based on Provable services. * Basically, here we just schedule a scheduledCallback() to * get called after a specified amount of time, and the * scheduledCallback() performs the new lottery launch from the * current next-lottery config. * * * What's payable? * - We send funds to Randomness Provider, required to launch * our callback later. */ function scheduleAutoModeCallback() private mutexLOCKED returns( bool success ) { // Firstly, check if mode is AUTO. if( lotteryRunMode != LotteryRunMode.AUTO ) { autoMode_currentCycleIterations = 0; return false; } // Start a scheduled callback using the Randomness Provider // service! But first, we gotta transfer the needed funds // to the Provider. // Get the price. uint callbackPrice = randomnessProvider .getPriceForScheduledCallback( AUTO_MODE_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK_GAS ); // Add the debt, if exists. uint totalPrice = callbackPrice + randomnessProviderDebt; if( totalPrice > address(this).balance ) { return false; } // Send the required funds to the Rand.Provider. // Use the send() function, because it returns false upon failure, // and doesn't revert this transaction. if( ! address( randomnessProvider ).send( totalPrice ) ) { return false; } // Now, we've just paid the debt (if some existed). randomnessProviderDebt = 0; // Now, call the scheduling function of the Randomness Provider! randomnessProvider.schedulePoolCallback( autoMode_nextLotteryDelay, AUTO_MODE_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK_GAS, callbackPrice ); // Set the time the callback was scheduled. autoMode_timeCallbackScheduled = uint32( block.timestamp ); return true; } // ========= Public Functions ========= // /** * Constructor. * - Here, we deploy the ULPT token contract. * - Also, we deploy the Provable-powered Randomness Provider * contract, which lotteries will use to get random seed. * - We assign our Lottery Factory contract address to the passed * parameter - the Lottery Factory contract which was deployed * before, but not yet initialize()'d. * * Notice, that the msg.sender (the address who deployed the pool * contract), doesn't play any special role in this nor any related * contracts. */ constructor( address _lotteryFactoryAddr, address _storageFactoryAddr, address payable _randProvAddr ) { // Initialize the randomness provider. UniLotteryRandomnessProvider( _randProvAddr ).initialize(); randomnessProvider = UniLotteryRandomnessProvider( _randProvAddr ); // Set the Lottery Factory contract address, and initialize it! UniLotteryLotteryFactory _lotteryFactory = UniLotteryLotteryFactory( _lotteryFactoryAddr ); // Initialize the lottery factory, setting it to use the // specified Storage Factory. // After this point, factory states become immutable. _lotteryFactory.initialize( _storageFactoryAddr ); // Assign the Storage Factory address. // Set the immutable variables to their temporary placeholders. storageFactory = _storageFactoryAddr; lotteryFactory = _lotteryFactory; // Set the first Owner-Approved address as the OWNER_ADDRESS // itself. ownerApprovedAddresses[ OWNER_ADDRESS ] = true; } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * * The "Receive Ether" function. * Used to receive Ether from Lotteries, and from the * Randomness Provider, when retrieving funds. */ receive() external payable { emit EtherReceived( msg.sender, msg.value ); } /** * Get total funds of the pool -- the pool balance, and all the * initial funds of every currently-ongoing lottery. */ function totalPoolFunds() public view returns( uint256 ) { // Get All Active Lotteries initial funds. /*uint lotteryBalances = 0; for( uint i = 0; i < ongoingLotteryList.length; i++ ) { lotteryBalances += ongoingLotteryList[ i ].getActiveInitialFunds(); }*/ return address(this).balance + currentLotteryFunds; } /** * Get current pool stats - number of poolholders, * number of voters, etc. */ function getPoolStats() public view returns( uint32 _numberOfLotteriesPerformed, uint _totalPoolFunds, uint _currentPoolBalance ) { _numberOfLotteriesPerformed = uint32( allLotteriesPerformed.length ); _totalPoolFunds = totalPoolFunds(); _currentPoolBalance = address( this ).balance; } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * * Provide liquidity into the pool, and become a pool shareholder. * - Function accepts Ether payments (No minimum deposit), * and mints a proportionate number of ULPT tokens for the * sender. */ function provideLiquidity() external payable ownerApprovedAddressOnly mutexLOCKED { // Check for minimum deposit. //require( msg.value > MIN_DEPOSIT/*, "Deposit amount too low!" */); // Compute the pool share that the user should obtain with // the amount he paid in this message -- that is, compute // percentage of the total pool funds (with new liquidity // added), relative to the ether transferred in this msg. // TotalFunds can't be zero, because currently transfered // msg.value is already added to totalFunds. // // Also/*, "percentage" */can't exceed 100%, because condition // "totalPoolFunds() >= msg.value" is ALWAYS true, because // msg.value is already added to totalPoolFunds before // execution of this function's body - transfers to // "payable" functions are executed before the function's // body executes (Solidity docs). // uint percentage = ( (_100PERCENT) * msg.value ) / ( totalPoolFunds() ); // Now, compute the amount of new ULPT tokens (x) to mint // for this new liquidity provided, according to formula, // whose explanation is provided below. // // Here, we assume variables: // // uintFormatPercentage: the "percentage" Solidity variable, // defined above, in (uint percentage = ...) statement. // // x: the amount of ULPT tokens to mint for this liquidity // provider, to maintain "percentage" ratio with the // ULPT's totalSupply after minting (newTotalSupply). // // totalSupply: ULPT token's current total supply // (as returned from totalSupply() function). // // Let's start the formula: // // ratio = uintFormatPercentage / (_100PERCENT) // newTotalSupply = totalSupply + x // // x / newTotalSupply = ratio // x / (totalSupply + x) = ratio // x = ratio * (totalSupply + x) // x = (ratio * totalSupply) + (ratio * x) // x - (ratio * x) = (ratio * totalSupply) // (1 * x) - (ratio * x) = (ratio * totalSupply) // ( 1 - ratio ) * x = (ratio * totalSupply) // x = (ratio * totalSupply) / ( 1 - ratio ) // // ratio * totalSupply // x = ------------------------------------------------ // 1 - ( uintFormatPercentage / (_100PERCENT) ) // // // ratio * totalSupply * (_100PERCENT) // x = --------------------------------------------------------------- // ( 1 - (uintFormatPercentage / (_100PERCENT)) )*(_100PERCENT) // // Let's abbreviate "_100PERCENT" to "100%". // // ratio * totalSupply * 100% // x = --------------------------------------------------------- // ( 1 * 100% ) - ( uintFormatPercentage / (100%) ) * (100%) // // ratio * totalSupply * 100% // x = ------------------------------------- // 100% - uintFormatPercentage // // (uintFormatPercentage / (100%)) * totalSupply * 100% // x = ------------------------------------------------------- // 100% - uintFormatPercentage // // (uintFormatPercentage / (100%)) * 100% * totalSupply // x = ------------------------------------------------------- // 100% - uintFormatPercentage // // uintFormatPercentage * totalSupply // x = ------------------------------------ // 100% - uintFormatPercentage // // So, with our Solidity variables, that would be: // ==================================================== // // // // percentage * totalSupply // // amountToMint = ------------------------------ // // (_100PERCENT) - percentage // // // // ==================================================== // // // We know that "percentage" is ALWAYS <= 100%, because // msg.value is already added to address(this).balance before // the payable function's body executes. // // However, notice that when "percentage" approaches 100%, // the denominator approaches 0, and that's not good. // // So, we must ensure that uint256 precision is enough to // handle such situations, and assign a "default" value for // amountToMint if such situation occurs. // // The most prominent case when this situation occurs, is on // the first-ever liquidity provide, when ULPT total supply is // zero, and the "percentage" value is 100%, because pool's // balance was 0 before the operation. // // In such situation, we mint the 100 initial ULPT, which // represent the pool share of the first ever pool liquidity // provider, and that's 100% of the pool. // // Also, we do the same thing (mint 100 ULPT tokens), on all // on all other situations when "percentage" is too close to 100%, // such as when there's a very tiny amount of liquidity left in // the pool. // // We check for those conditions based on precision of uint256 // number type. // We know, that 256-bit uint can store up to roughly 10^74 // base-10 values. // // Also, in our formula: // "totalSupply" can go to max. 10^30 (in extreme cases). // "percentage" up to 10^12 (with more-than-enough precision). // // When multiplied, that's still only 10^(30+12) = 10^42 , // and that's still a long way to go to 10^74. // // So, the denominator "(_100PERCENT) - percentage" can go down // to 1 safely, we must only ensure that it's not zero - // and the uint256 type will take care of all precision needed. // if( balanceOf( msg.sender ) == 0 ) emit NewPoolholderJoin( msg.sender, msg.value ); // If percentage is below 100%, and totalSupply is NOT ZERO, // work with the above formula. if( percentage < (_100PERCENT) && totalSupply() != 0 ) { // Compute the formula! uint256 amountToMint = ( percentage * totalSupply() ) / ( (_100PERCENT) - percentage ); // Mint the computed amount. _mint( msg.sender, amountToMint ); } // Else, if the newly-added liquidity percentage is 100% // (pool's balance was Zero before this liquidity provide), then // just mint the initial 100 pool tokens. else { _mint( msg.sender, ( 100 * (uint( 10 ) ** decimals) ) ); } // Emit corresponding event, that liquidity has been added. emit AddedLiquidity( msg.sender, msg.value ); emitPoolStats(); } /** * Get the current pool share (percentage) of a specified * address. Return the percentage, compute from ULPT data. */ function getPoolSharePercentage( address holder ) public view returns ( uint percentage ) { return ( (_100PERCENT) * balanceOf( holder ) ) / totalSupply(); } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Remove msg.sender's pool liquidity share, and transfer it * back to msg.sender's wallet. * Burn the ULPT tokens that represented msg.sender's share * of the pool. * Notice that no activelyManaged modifier is present, which * means that users are able to withdraw their money anytime. * * However, there's a caveat - if some lotteries are currently * ongoing, the pool's current reserve balance might not be * enough to meet every withdrawer's needs. * * In such scenario, withdrawers have either have to (OR'd): * - Wait for ongoing lotteries to finish and return their * funds back to the pool, * - TODO: Vote for forceful termination of lotteries * (vote can be done whether pool is active or not). * - TODO: Wait for OWNER to forcefully terminate lotteries. * * Notice that last 2 options aren't going to be implemented * in this version, because, as the OWNER is going to be the * only pool shareholder in the begginning, lottery participants * might see the forceful termination feature as an exit-scam * threat, and this would damage project's reputation. * * The feature is going to be implemented in later versions, * after security audits pass, pool is open to public, * and a significant amount of wallets join a pool. */ function removeLiquidity( uint256 ulptAmount ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly mutexLOCKED { // Find out the real liquidity owner of this call - // Check if the msg.sender is an approved-address, which can // call this function on behalf of the true liquidity owner. // Currently, this feature is only supported for OWNER_ADDRESS. address payable liquidityOwner = OWNER_ADDRESS; // Condition "balanceOf( liquidityOwner ) > 1" automatically // checks if totalSupply() of ULPT is not zero, so we don't have // to check it separately. require( balanceOf( liquidityOwner ) > 1 && ulptAmount != 0 && ulptAmount <= balanceOf( liquidityOwner )/*, "Specified ULPT token amount is invalid!" */); // Now, compute share percentage, and send the appropriate // amount of Ether from pool's balance to liquidityOwner. uint256 percentage = ( (_100PERCENT) * ulptAmount ) / totalSupply(); uint256 shareAmount = ( totalPoolFunds() * percentage ) / (_100PERCENT); require( shareAmount <= address( this ).balance/*, "Insufficient pool contract balance!" */); // Burn the specified amount of ULPT, thus removing the // holder's pool share. _burn( liquidityOwner, ulptAmount ); // Transfer holder's fund share as ether to holder's wallet. liquidityOwner.transfer( shareAmount ); // Emit appropriate events. if( balanceOf( liquidityOwner ) == 0 ) emit PoolholderWithdraw( liquidityOwner ); emit RemovedLiquidity( liquidityOwner, shareAmount ); emitPoolStats(); } // ======== Lottery Management Section ======== // // Check if lottery is currently ongoing. function isLotteryOngoing( address lotAddr ) external view returns( bool ) { return ongoingLotteries[ lotAddr ]; } // Get length of all lotteries performed. function allLotteriesPerformed_length() external view returns( uint ) { return allLotteriesPerformed.length; } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * * Ongoing (not-yet-completed) lottery finalization function. * - This function is called by a currently ongoing lottery, to * notify the pool about it's finishing. * - After lottery calls this function, lottery is removed from * ongoing lottery tracking list, and set to inactive. * * * Ether is transfered into our contract: * Lottery transfers the pool profit share and initial funds * back to the pool when calling this function, so the */ function lotteryFinish( uint totalReturn, uint profitAmount ) external payable calledByOngoingLotteryOnly { // "De-activate" this lottery. //ongoingLotteries[ msg.sender ] = false; delete ongoingLotteries[ msg.sender ]; // implies "false" // We assume that totalReturn and profitAmount are valid, // because this function can be called only by Lottery, which // was deployed by us before. // Update current lottery funds - this one is no longer active, // so it's funds block.timestamp have been transfered to us. uint lotFunds = Lottery( msg.sender ).getInitialFunds(); if( lotFunds < currentLotteryFunds ) currentLotteryFunds -= lotFunds; else currentLotteryFunds = 0; // Emit approppriate events. emit LotteryFinished( msg.sender, totalReturn, profitAmount ); // If AUTO-MODE is currently set, schedule a next lottery // start using the current AUTO-MODE parameters! // Ignore the return value, because AUTO-MODE params might be // invalid, and we don't want our finish function to fail // just because of that. if( lotteryRunMode == LotteryRunMode.AUTO ) { autoMode_isLotteryCurrentlyOngoing = false; autoMode_lastLotteryFinished = uint32( block.timestamp ); scheduleAutoModeCallback(); } } /** * The Callback function which Randomness Provider will call * when executing the Scheduled Callback requests. * * We use this callback for scheduling Auto-Mode lotteries - * when one lottery finishes, another one is scheduled to run * after specified amount of time. * * In this callback, we start the scheduled Auto-Mode lottery. */ function scheduledCallback( uint256 /*requestID*/ ) public { // At first, check if mode is AUTO (not changed). if( lotteryRunMode != LotteryRunMode.AUTO ) return; // Check if we're not X-Ceeding the number of auto-iterations. if( autoMode_currentCycleIterations >= autoMode_maxNumberOfRuns ) { autoMode_currentCycleIterations = 0; return; } // Launch an auto-lottery using the currently set next // lottery config! // When this lottery finishes, and the mode is still AUTO, // one more lottery will be started. launchLottery( nextLotteryConfig ); // Set the time started, and increment iterations. autoMode_isLotteryCurrentlyOngoing = true; autoMode_lastLotteryStarted = uint32( block.timestamp ); autoMode_currentCycleIterations++; } /** * The Randomness Provider-callable function, which is used to * ask pool for permission to execute lottery ending callback * request with higher price than the pool-given funds for that * specific lottery's ending request, when lottery was created. * * The function notifies the pool about the new and * before-expected price, so the pool could compute a debt to * be paid to the Randomnes Provider in next request. * * Here, we update our debt variable, which is the difference * between current and expected-before request price, * and we'll transfer the debt to Randomness Provider on next * request to Randomness Provider. * * Notice, that we'll permit the execution of the lottery * ending callback only if the new price is not more than * 1.5x higher than before-expected price. * * This is designed so, because the Randomness Provider will * call this function only if it has enough funds to execute the * callback request, and just that the funds that we have transfered * for this specific lottery's ending callback before, are lower * than the current price of execution. * * Why is this the issue? * Lottery can last for several weeks, and we give the callback * execution funds for that specific lottery to Randomness Provider * only on that lottery's initialization. * So, after a few weeks, the Provable services might change the * gas & fee prices, so the callback execution request price * might change. */ function onLotteryCallbackPriceExceedingGivenFunds( address /*lottery*/, uint currentRequestPrice, uint poolGivenExpectedRequestPrice ) external randomnessProviderOnly returns( bool callbackExecutionPermitted ) { require( currentRequestPrice > poolGivenExpectedRequestPrice ); uint difference = currentRequestPrice - poolGivenExpectedRequestPrice; // Check if the price difference is not bigger than the half // of the before-expected pool-given price. // Also, make sure that whole debt doesn't exceed 0.5 ETH. if( difference <= ( poolGivenExpectedRequestPrice / 2 ) && ( randomnessProviderDebt + difference ) < ( (1 ether) / 2 ) ) { // Update our debt, to pay back the difference later, // when we transfer funds for the next request. randomnessProviderDebt += uint80( difference ); // Return true - the callback request execution is permitted. return true; } // The price difference is higher - deny the execution. return false; } // Below are the Owner-Callable voting-skipping functions, to set // the next lottery config, lottery run mode, and other settings. // // When the final version is released, these functions will // be removed, and every governance operation will be done // through voting. /** * Set the LotteryConfig to be used by the next lottery. * Owner-only callable. */ function setNextLotteryConfig( Lottery.LotteryConfig memory cfg ) public ownerApprovedAddressOnly { nextLotteryConfig = cfg; emit NewConfigProposed( msg.sender, cfg, 0 ); // emitPoolStats(); } /** * Set the Lottery Run Mode to be used for further lotteries. * It can be AUTO, or MANUAL (more about it on their descriptions). */ function setRunMode( LotteryRunMode runMode ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly { // Check if it's one of allowed run modes. require( runMode == LotteryRunMode.AUTO || runMode == LotteryRunMode.MANUAL/*, "This Run Mode is not allowed in current state!" */); // Emit a change event, with old value and new value. emit LotteryRunModeChanged( lotteryRunMode, runMode ); // Set the new run mode! lotteryRunMode = runMode; // emitPoolStats(); } /** * Start a manual mode lottery from the previously set up * next lottery config! */ function startManualModeLottery() external ownerApprovedAddressOnly { // Check if config is set - just check if initial funds // are a valid value. require( nextLotteryConfig.initialFunds != 0/*, "Currently set next-lottery-config is invalid!" */); // Launch a lottery using our private launcher function! launchLottery( nextLotteryConfig ); emitPoolStats(); } /** * Set an Auto-Mode lottery run mode parameters. * The auto-mode is implemented using Randomness Provider * scheduled callback functionality, to schedule a lottery start * on specific intervals. * * @param nextLotteryDelay - amount of time, in seconds, to wait * when last lottery finishes, to start the next lottery. * * @param maxNumberOfRuns - max number of lottery runs in this * Auto-Mode cycle. When it's reached, mode will switch to * MANUAL automatically. */ function setAutoModeParameters( uint32 nextLotteryDelay, uint16 maxNumberOfRuns ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly { // Set params! autoMode_nextLotteryDelay = nextLotteryDelay; autoMode_maxNumberOfRuns = maxNumberOfRuns; // emitPoolStats(); } /** * Starts an Auto-Mode lottery running cycle with currently * specified Auto-Mode parameters. * Notice that we must be on Auto run-mode currently. */ function startAutoModeCycle() external ownerApprovedAddressOnly { // Check that we're on the Auto-Mode block.timestamp. require( lotteryRunMode == LotteryRunMode.AUTO/*, "Current Run Mode is not AUTO!" */); // Check if valid AutoMode params were specified. require( autoMode_maxNumberOfRuns != 0/*, "Invalid Auto-Mode params set!" */); // Reset the cycle iteration counter. autoMode_currentCycleIterations = 0; // Start the Auto-Mode cycle using a scheduled callback! scheduledCallback( 0 ); // emitPoolStats(); } /** * Set or Remove Owner-approved addresses. * These addresses are used to call ownerOnly functions on behalf * of the OWNER_ADDRESS (more detailed description above). */ function owner_setOwnerApprovedAddress( address addr ) external ownerOnly { ownerApprovedAddresses[ addr ] = true; } function owner_removeOwnerApprovedAddress( address addr ) external ownerOnly { delete ownerApprovedAddresses[ addr ]; } /** * ABIEncoderV2 - compatible getter for the nextLotteryConfig, * which will be retuned as byte array internally, then internally * de-serialized on receive. */ function getNextLotteryConfig() external view returns( Lottery.LotteryConfig memory ) { return nextLotteryConfig; } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * * Retrieve the UnClaimed Prizes of a completed lottery, if * that lottery's prize claim deadline has already passed. * * - What's payable? This function causes a specific Lottery to * transfer Ether from it's contract balance, to our contract. */ function retrieveUnclaimedLotteryPrizes( address payable lottery ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly mutexLOCKED { // Just call that function - if the deadline hasn't passed yet, // that function will revert. Lottery( lottery ).getUnclaimedPrizes(); } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * * Retrieve the specified amount of funds from the Randomness * Provider. * * WARNING: Future scheduled operations on randomness provider * might FAIL if randomness provider won't have enough * funds to execute that operation on that time! * * - What's payable? This function causes the Randomness Provider to * transfer Ether from it's contract balance, to our contract. */ function retrieveRandomnessProviderFunds( uint etherAmount ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly mutexLOCKED { randomnessProvider.sendFundsToPool( etherAmount ); } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Send specific amount of funds to Randomness Provider, from * our contract's balance. * This is useful in cases when gas prices change, and current * funds inside randomness provider are not enough to execute * operations on the new gas cost. * * This operation is limited to 6 ethers once in 12 hours. * * - What's payable? We send Ether to the randomness provider. */ function provideRandomnessProviderFunds( uint etherAmount ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly mutexLOCKED { // Check if conditions apply! require( ( etherAmount <= 6 ether ) && ( block.timestamp - lastTimeRandomFundsSend > 12 hours )/*, "Random Fund Provide Conditions are not satisfied!" */); // Set the last-time-funds-sent timestamp to block.timestamp. lastTimeRandomFundsSend = uint32( block.timestamp ); // Transfer the funds. address( randomnessProvider ).transfer( etherAmount ); } /** * Set the Gas Price to use in the Randomness Provider. * Used when very volatile gas prices are present during network * congestions, when default is not enough. */ function setGasPriceOfRandomnessProvider( uint gasPrice ) external gasOracleAndOwnerApproved { randomnessProvider.setGasPrice( gasPrice ); } /** * Set the address of the so-called Gas Oracle, which is an * automated script running on our server, and fetching gas prices. * * The address used by this script should be able to call * ONLY the "setGasPriceOfRandomnessProvider" function (above). * * Here, we set that address. */ function setGasOracleAddress( address addr ) external ownerApprovedAddressOnly { gasOracleAddress = addr; } } contract Lottery is ERC20, CoreUniLotterySettings { // ===================== Events ===================== // // After initialize() function finishes. event LotteryInitialized(); // Emitted when lottery active stage ends (Mining Stage starts), // on Mining Stage Step 1, after transferring profits to their // respective owners (pool and OWNER_ADDRESS). event LotteryEnd( uint128 totalReturn, uint128 profitAmount ); // Emitted when on final finish, we call Randomness Provider // to callback us with random value. event RandomnessProviderCalled(); // Requirements for finishing stage start have been reached - // finishing stage has started. event FinishingStageStarted(); // We were currently on the finishing stage, but some requirement // is no longer met. We must stop the finishing stage. event FinishingStageStopped(); // New Referral ID has been generated. event ReferralIDGenerated( address referrer, uint256 id ); // New referral has been registered with a valid referral ID. event ReferralRegistered( address referree, address referrer, uint256 id ); // Fallback funds received. event FallbackEtherReceiver( address sender, uint value ); // ====================== Structs & Enums ====================== // // Lottery Stages. // Described in more detail above, on contract's main doc. enum STAGE { // Initial stage - before the initialize() function is called. INITIAL, // Active Stage: On this stage, all token trading occurs. ACTIVE, // Finishing stage: // This is when all finishing criteria are met, and for every // transfer, we're rolling a pseudo-random number to determine // if we should end the lottery (move to Ending stage). FINISHING, // Ending - Mining Stage: // This stage starts after we lottery is no longer active, // finishing stage ends. On this stage, Miners perform the // Ending Algorithm and other operations. ENDING_MINING, // Lottery is completed - this is set after the Mining Stage ends. // In this stage, Lottery Winners can claim their prizes. COMPLETION, // DISABLED stage. Used when we want a lottery contract to be // absolutely disabled - so no state-modifying functions could // be called. // This is used in DelegateCall scenarios, where state-contract // delegate-calls code contract, to save on deployment costs. DISABLED } // Ending algorithm types enum. enum EndingAlgoType { // 1. Mined Winner Selection Algorithm. // This algorithm is executed by a Lottery Miner in a single // transaction, on Mining Step 2. // // On that single transaction, all ending scores for all // holders are computed, and a sorted winner array is formed, // which is written onto the LotteryStorage state. // Thus, it's gas expensive, and suitable only for small // holder numbers (up to 300). // // Pros: // + Guaranteed deterministically specifiable winner prize // distribution - for example, if we specify that there // must be 2 winners, of which first gets 60% of prize funds, // and second gets 40% of prize funds, then it's // guarateed that prize funds will be distributed just // like that. // // + Low gas cost of prize claims - only ~ 40,000 gas for // claiming a prize. // // Cons: // - Not scaleable - as the Winner Selection Algorithm is // executed in a single transaction, it's limited by // block gas limit - 12,500,000 on the MainNet. // Thus, the lottery is limited to ~300 holders, and // max. ~200 winners of those holders. // So, it's suitable for only express-lotteries, where // a lottery runs only until ~300 holders are reached. // // - High mining costs - if lottery has 300 holders, // mining transaction takes up whole block gas limit. // MinedWinnerSelection, // 2. Winner Self-Validation Algorithm. // // This algorithm does no operations during the Mining Stage // (except for setting up a Random Seed in Lottery Storage) - // the winner selection (obtaining a winner rank) is done by // the winners themselves, when calling the prize claim // functions. // // This algorithm relies on a fact that by the time that // random seed is obtained, all data needed for winner selection // is already there - the holder scores of the Active Stage // (ether contributed, time factors, token balance), and // the Random Data (random seed + nonce (holder's address)), // so, there is no need to compute and sort the scores for the // whole holder array. // // It's done like this: the holder checks if he's a winner, using // a view-function off-chain, and if so, he calls the // claimWinnerPrize() function, which obtains his winner rank // on O(n) time, and does no writing to contract states, // except for prize transfer-related operations. // // When computing the winner's rank on LotteryStorage, // O(n) time is needed, as we loop through the holders array, // computing ending scores for each holder, using already-known // data. // However that means that for every prize claim, all scores of // all holders must be re-computed. // Computing a score for a single holder takes roughly 1500 gas // (400 for 3 slots SLOAD, and ~300 for arithmetic operations). // // So, this algorithm makes prize claims more expensive for // every lottery holder. // If there's 1000 holders, prize claim takes up 1,500,000 gas, // so, this algorithm is not suitable for small prizes, // because gas fee would be higher than the prize amount won. // // Pros: // + Guaranteed deterministically specifiable winner prize // distribution (same as for algorithm 1). // // + No mining costs for winner selection algorithm. // // + More scalable than algorithm 1. // // Cons: // - High gas costs of prize claiming, rising with the number // of lottery holders - 1500 for every lottery holder. // Thus, suitable for only large prize amounts. // WinnerSelfValidation, // 3. Rolled-Randomness algorithm. // // This algorithm is the most cheapest in terms of gas, but // the winner prize distribution is non-deterministic. // // This algorithm doesn't employ miners (no mining costs), // and doesn't require to compute scores for every holder // prior to getting a winner's rank, thus is the most scalable. // // It works like this: a holder checks his winner status by // computing only his own randomized score (rolling a random // number from the random seed, and multiplying it by holder's // Active Stage score), and computing this randomized-score's // ratio relative to maximum available randomized score. // The higher the ratio, the higher the winner rank is. // // However, many players can roll very high or low scores, and // get the same prizes, so it's difficult to make a fair and // efficient deterministic prize distribution mechanism, so // we have to fallback to specific heuristic workarounds. // // Pros: // + Scalable: O(1) complexity for computing a winner rank, // so there can be an unlimited amount of lottery holders, // and gas costs for winner selection and prize claim would // still be constant & low. // // + Gas-efficient: gas costs for all winner-related operations // are constant and low, because only single holder's score // is computed. // // + Doesn't require mining - even more gas savings. // // Cons: // + Hard to make a deterministic and fair prize distribution // mechanism, because of un-known environment - as only // single holder's score is compared to max-available // random score, not taking into account other holder // scores. // RolledRandomness } /** * Gas-efficient, minimal config, which specifies only basic, * most-important and most-used settings. */ struct LotteryConfig { // ================ Misc Settings =============== // // --------- Slot --------- // // Initial lottery funds (initial market cap). // Specified by pool, and is used to check if initial funds // transferred to fallback are correct - equal to this value. uint initialFunds; // --------- Slot --------- // // The minimum ETH value of lottery funds, that, once // reached on an exchange liquidity pool (Uniswap, or our // contract), must be guaranteed to not shrink below this value. // // This is accomplished in _transfer() function, by denying // all sells that would drop the ETH amount in liquidity pool // below this value. // // But on initial lottery stage, before this minimum requirement // is reached for the first time, all sells are allowed. // // This value is expressed in ETH - total amount of ETH funds // that we own in Uniswap liquidity pair. // // So, if initial funds were 10 ETH, and this is set to 100 ETH, // after liquidity pool's ETH value reaches 100 ETH, all further // sells which could drop the liquidity amount below 100 ETH, // would be denied by require'ing in _transfer() function // (transactions would be reverted). // uint128 fundRequirement_denySells; // ETH value of our funds that we own in Uniswap Liquidity Pair, // that's needed to start the Finishing Stage. uint128 finishCriteria_minFunds; // --------- Slot --------- // // Maximum lifetime of a lottery - maximum amount of time // allowed for lottery to stay active. // By default, it's two weeks. // If lottery is still active (hasn't returned funds) after this // time, lottery will stop on the next token transfer. uint32 maxLifetime; // Maximum prize claiming time - for how long the winners // may be able to claim their prizes after lottery ending. uint32 prizeClaimTime; // Token transfer burn rates for buyers, and a default rate for // sells and non-buy-sell transfers. uint32 burn_buyerRate; uint32 burn_defaultRate; // Maximum amount of tokens (in percentage of initial supply) // to be allowed to own by a single wallet. uint32 maxAmountForWallet_percentageOfSupply; // The required amount of time that must pass after // the request to Randomness Provider has been made, for // external actors to be able to initiate alternative // seed generation algorithm. uint32 REQUIRED_TIME_WAITING_FOR_RANDOM_SEED; // ================ Profit Shares =============== // // "Mined Uniswap Lottery" ending Ether funds, which were obtained // by removing token liquidity from Uniswap, are transfered to // these recipient categories: // // 1. The Main Pool: Initial funds, plus Pool's profit share. // 2. The Owner: Owner's profit share. // // 3. The Miners: Miner rewards for executing the winner // selection algorithm stages. // The more holders there are, the more stages the // winner selection algorithm must undergo. // Each Miner, who successfully completed an algorithm // stage, will get ETH reward equal to: // (minerProfitShare / totalAlgorithmStages). // // 4. The Lottery Winners: All remaining funds are given to // Lottery Winners, which were determined by executing // the Winner Selection Algorithm at the end of the lottery // (Miners executed it). // The Winners can claim their prizes by calling a // dedicated function in our contract. // // The profit shares of #1 and #2 have controlled value ranges // specified in CoreUniLotterySettings. // // All these shares are expressed as percentages of the // lottery profit amount (totalReturn - initialFunds). // Percentages are expressed using the PERCENT constant, // defined in CoreUniLotterySettings. // // Here we specify profit shares of Pool, Owner, and the Miners. // Winner Prize Fund is all that's left (must be more than 50% // of all profits). // uint32 poolProfitShare; uint32 ownerProfitShare; // --------- Slot --------- // uint32 minerProfitShare; // =========== Lottery Finish criteria =========== // // Lottery finish by design is a whole soft stage, that // starts when criteria for holders and fund gains are met. // During this stage, for every token transfer, a pseudo-random // number will be rolled for lottery finish, with increasing // probability. // // There are 2 ways that this probability increase is // implemented: // 1. Increasing on every new holder. // 2. Increasing on every transaction after finish stage // was initiated. // // On every new holder, probability increases more than on // new transactions. // // However, if during this stage some criteria become // no-longer-met, the finish stage is cancelled. // This cancel can be implemented by setting finish probability // to zero, or leaving it as it was, but pausing the finishing // stage. // This is controlled by finish_resetProbabilityOnStop flag - // if not set, probability stays the same, when the finishing // stage is discontinued. // ETH value of our funds that we own in Uniswap Liquidity Pair, // that's needed to start the Finishing Stage. // // LOOK ABOVE - arranged for tight-packing. // Minimum number of token holders required to start the // finishing stage. uint32 finishCriteria_minNumberOfHolders; // Minimum amount of time that lottery must be active. uint32 finishCriteria_minTimeActive; // Initial finish probability, when finishing stage was // just initiated. uint32 finish_initialProbability; // Finishing probability increase steps, for every new // transaction and every new holder. // If holder number decreases, probability decreases. uint32 finish_probabilityIncreaseStep_transaction; uint32 finish_probabilityIncreaseStep_holder; // =========== Winner selection config =========== // // Winner selection algorithm settings. // // Algorithm is based on score, which is calculated for // every holder on lottery finish, and is comprised of // the following parts. // Each part is normalized to range ( 0 - scorePoints ), // from smallest to largest value of each holder; // // After scores are computed, they are multiplied by // holder count factor (holderCount / holderCountDivisor), // and finally, multiplied by safely-generated random values, // to get end winning scores. // The top scorers win prizes. // // By default setting, max score is 40 points, and it's // comprised of the following parts: // // 1. Ether contributed (when buying from Uniswap or contract). // Gets added when buying, and subtracted when selling. // Default: 10 points. // // 2. Amount of lottery tokens holder has on finish. // Default: 5 points. // // 3. Ether contributed, multiplied by the relative factor // of time - that is/*, "block.timestamp" */minus "lotteryStartTime". // This way, late buyers can get more points even if // they get little tokens and don't spend much ether. // Default: 5 points. // // 4. Refferrer bonus. For every player that joined with // your referral ID, you get (that player's score) / 10 // points! This goes up to specified max score. // Also, every player who provides a valid referral ID, // gets 2 points for free! // Default max bonus: 20 points. // int16 maxPlayerScore_etherContributed; int16 maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount; int16 maxPlayerScore_timeFactor; int16 maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus; // --------- Slot --------- // // Score-To-Random ration data (as a rational ratio number). // For example if 1:5, then scorePart = 1, and randPart = 5. uint16 randRatio_scorePart; uint16 randRatio_randPart; // Time factor divisor - interval of time, in seconds, after // which time factor is increased by one. uint16 timeFactorDivisor; // Bonus score a player should get when registering a valid // referral code obtained from a referrer. int16 playerScore_referralRegisteringBonus; // Are we resetting finish probability when finishing stage // stops, if some criteria are no longer met? bool finish_resetProbabilityOnStop; // =========== Winner Prize Fund Settings =========== // // There are 2 available modes that we can use to distribute // winnings: a computable sequence (geometrical progression), // or an array of winner prize fund share percentages. // More gas efficient is to use a computable sequence, // where each winner gets a share equal to (factor * fundsLeft). // Factor is in range [0.01 - 1.00] - simulated as [1% - 100%]. // // For example: // Winner prize fund is 100 ethers, Factor is 1/4 (25%), and // there are 5 winners total (winnerCount), and sequenced winner // count is 2 (sequencedWinnerCount). // // So, we pre-compute the upper shares, till we arrive to the // sequenced winner count, in a loop: // - Winner 1: 0.25 * 100 = 25 eth; 100 - 25 = 75 eth left. // - Winner 2: 0.25 * 75 ~= 19 eth; 75 - 19 = 56 eth left. // // Now, we compute the left-over winner shares, which are // winners that get their prizes from the funds left after the // sequence winners. // // So, we just divide the leftover funds (56 eth), by 3, // because winnerCount - sequencedWinnerCount = 3. // - Winner 3 = 56 / 3 = 18 eth; // - Winner 4 = 56 / 3 = 18 eth; // - Winner 5 = 56 / 3 = 18 eth; // // If this value is 0, then we'll assume that array-mode is // to be used. uint32 prizeSequenceFactor; // Maximum number of winners that the prize sequence can yield, // plus the leftover winners, which will get equal shares of // the remainder from the first-prize sequence. uint16 prizeSequence_winnerCount; // How many winners would get sequence-computed prizes. // The left-over winners // This is needed because prizes in sequence tend to zero, so // we need to limit the sequence to avoid very small prizes, // and to avoid the remainder. uint16 prizeSequence_sequencedWinnerCount; // Initial token supply (without decimals). uint48 initialTokenSupply; // Ending Algorithm type. // More about the 3 algorithm types above. uint8 endingAlgoType; // --------- Slot --------- // // Array mode: The winner profit share percentages array. // For example, lottery profits can be distributed this way: // // Winner profit shares (8 winners): // [ 20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1% ] = 60% of profits. // Owner profits: 10% // Pool profits: 30% // // Pool profit share is not defined explicitly in the config, so // when we internally validate specified profit shares, we // assume the pool share to be the left amount until 100% , // but we also make sure that this amount is at least equal to // MIN_POOL_PROFITS, defined in CoreSettings. // uint32[] winnerProfitShares; } // ========================= Constants ========================= // // The Miner Profits - max/min values. // These aren't defined in Core Settings, because Miner Profits // are only specific to this lottery type. uint32 constant MIN_MINER_PROFITS = 1 * PERCENT; uint32 constant MAX_MINER_PROFITS = 10 * PERCENT; // Uniswap Router V2 contract instance. // Address is the same for MainNet, and all public testnets. IUniswapRouter constant uniswapRouter = IUniswapRouter( address( 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D ) ); // Public-accessible ERC20 token specific constants. string constant public name = "UniLottery Token"; string constant public symbol = "ULT"; uint256 constant public decimals = 18; // =================== State Variables =================== // // ------- Initial Slots ------- // // The config which is passed to constructor. LotteryConfig internal cfg; // ------- Slot ------- // // The Lottery Storage contract, which stores all holder data, // such as scores, referral tree data, etc. LotteryStorage public lotStorage; // ------- Slot ------- // // Pool address. Set on constructor from msg.sender. address payable public poolAddress; // ------- Slot ------- // // Randomness Provider address. address public randomnessProvider; // ------- Slot ------- // // Exchange address. In Uniswap mode, it's the Uniswap liquidity // pair's address, where trades execute. address public exchangeAddress; // Start date. uint32 public startDate; // Completion (Mining Phase End) date. uint32 public completionDate; // The date when Randomness Provider was called, requesting a // random seed for the lottery finish. // Also, when this variable becomes Non-Zero, it indicates that we're // on Ending Stage Part One: waiting for the random seed. uint32 finish_timeRandomSeedRequested; // ------- Slot ------- // // WETH address. Set by calling Router's getter, on constructor. address WETHaddress; // Is the WETH first or second token in our Uniswap Pair? bool uniswap_ethFirst; // If we are, or were before, on finishing stage, this is the // probability of lottery going to Ending Stage on this transaction. uint32 finishProbablity; // Re-Entrancy Lock (Mutex). // We protect for reentrancy in the Fund Transfer functions. bool reEntrancyMutexLocked; // On which stage we are currently. uint8 public lotteryStage; // Indicator for whether the lottery fund gains have passed a // minimum fund gain requirement. // After that time point (when this bool is set), the token sells // which could drop the fund value below the requirement, would // be denied. bool fundGainRequirementReached; // The current step of the Mining Stage. uint16 miningStep; // If we're currently on Special Transfer Mode - that is, we allow // direct transfers between parties even in NON-ACTIVE state. bool specialTransferModeEnabled; // ------- Slot ------- // // Per-Transaction Pseudo-Random hash value (transferHashValue). // This value is computed on every token transfer, by keccak'ing // the last (current) transferHashValue, msg.sender, block.timestamp, and // transaction count. // // This is used on Finishing Stage, as a pseudo-random number, // which is used to check if we should end the lottery (move to // Ending Stage). uint256 transferHashValue; // ------- Slot ------- // // On lottery end, get & store the lottery total ETH return // (including initial funds), and profit amount. uint128 public ending_totalReturn; uint128 public ending_profitAmount; // ------- Slot ------- // // The mapping that contains TRUE for addresses that already claimed // their lottery winner prizes. // Used only in COMPLETION, on claimWinnerPrize(), to check if // msg.sender has already claimed his prize. mapping( address => bool ) public prizeClaimersAddresses; // ============= Private/internal functions ============= // // Pool Only modifier. modifier poolOnly { require( msg.sender == poolAddress/*, "Function can be called only by the pool!" */); _; } // Only randomness provider allowed modifier. modifier randomnessProviderOnly { require( msg.sender == randomnessProvider/*, "Function can be called only by the UniLottery" " Randomness Provider!" */); _; } // Execute function only on specific lottery stage. modifier onlyOnStage( STAGE _stage ) { require( lotteryStage == uint8( _stage )/*, "Function cannot be called on current stage!" */); _; } // Modifier for protecting the function from re-entrant calls, // by using a locked Re-Entrancy Lock (Mutex). modifier mutexLOCKED { require( ! reEntrancyMutexLocked/*, "Re-Entrant Calls are NOT ALLOWED!" */); reEntrancyMutexLocked = true; _; reEntrancyMutexLocked = false; } // Check if we're currently on a specific stage. function onStage( STAGE _stage ) internal view returns( bool ) { return ( lotteryStage == uint8( _stage ) ); } /** * Check if token transfer to specific wallet won't exceed * maximum token amount allowed to own by a single wallet. * * @return true, if holder's balance with "amount" added, * would exceed the max allowed single holder's balance * (by default, that is 5% of total supply). */ function transferExceedsMaxBalance( address holder, uint amount ) internal view returns( bool ) { uint maxAllowedBalance = ( totalSupply() * cfg.maxAmountForWallet_percentageOfSupply ) / ( _100PERCENT ); return ( ( balanceOf( holder ) + amount ) > maxAllowedBalance ); } /** * Update holder data. * This function is called by _transfer() function, just before * transfering final amount of tokens directly from sender to * receiver. * At this point, all burns/mints have been done, and we're sure * that this transfer is valid and must be successful. * * In all modes, this function is used to update the holder array. * * However, on external exchange modes (e.g. on Uniswap mode), * it is also used to track buy/sell ether value, to update holder * scores, when token buys/sells cannot be tracked directly. * * If, however, we use Standalone mode, we are the exchange, * so on _transfer() we already know the ether value, which is * set to currentBuySellEtherValue variable. * * @param amountSent - the token amount that is deducted from * sender's balance. This includes burn, and owner fee. * * @param amountReceived - the token amount that receiver * actually receives, after burns and fees. * * @return holderCountChanged - indicates whether holder count * changes during this transfer - new holder joins or leaves * (true), or no change occurs (false). */ function updateHolderData_preTransfer( address sender, address receiver, uint256 amountSent, uint256 amountReceived ) internal returns( bool holderCountChanged ) { // Update holder array, if new token holder joined, or if // a holder transfered his whole balance. holderCountChanged = false; // Sender transferred his whole balance - no longer a holder. if( balanceOf( sender ) == amountSent ) { lotStorage.removeHolder( sender ); holderCountChanged = true; } // Receiver didn't have any tokens before - add it to holders. if( balanceOf( receiver ) == 0 && amountReceived > 0 ) { lotStorage.addHolder( receiver ); holderCountChanged = true; } // Update holder score factors: if buy/sell occured, update // etherContributed and timeFactors scores, // and also propagate the scores through the referral chain // to the parent referrers (this is done in Storage contract). // This lottery operates only on external exchange (Uniswap) // mode, so we have to find out the buy/sell Ether value by // calling the external exchange (Uniswap pair) contract. // Temporary variable to store current transfer's buy/sell // value in Ethers. int buySellValue; // Sender is an exchange - buy detected. if( sender == exchangeAddress && receiver != exchangeAddress ) { // Use the Router's functionality. // Set the exchange path to WETH -> ULT // (ULT is Lottery Token, and it's address is our address). address[] memory path = new address[]( 2 ); path[ 0 ] = WETHaddress; path[ 1 ] = address(this); uint[] memory ethAmountIn = uniswapRouter.getAmountsIn( amountSent, // uint amountOut, path // address[] path ); buySellValue = int( ethAmountIn[ 0 ] ); // Compute time factor value for the current ether value. // buySellValue is POSITIVE. // When computing Time Factors, leave only 2 ether decimals. int timeFactorValue = ( buySellValue / (1 ether / 100) ) * int( (block.timestamp - startDate) / cfg.timeFactorDivisor ); if( timeFactorValue == 0 ) timeFactorValue = 1; // Update and propagate the buyer (receiver) scores. lotStorage.updateAndPropagateScoreChanges( receiver, int80( buySellValue ), int80( timeFactorValue ), int80( amountReceived ) ); } // Receiver is an exchange - sell detected. else if( sender != exchangeAddress && receiver == exchangeAddress ) { // Use the Router's functionality. // Set the exchange path to ULT -> WETH // (ULT is Lottery Token, and it's address is our address). address[] memory path = new address[]( 2 ); path[ 0 ] = address(this); path[ 1 ] = WETHaddress; uint[] memory ethAmountOut = uniswapRouter.getAmountsOut( amountReceived, // uint amountIn path // address[] path ); // It's a sell (ULT -> WETH), so set value to NEGATIVE. buySellValue = int( -1 ) * int( ethAmountOut[ 1 ] ); // Compute time factor value for the current ether value. // buySellValue is NEGATIVE. int timeFactorValue = ( buySellValue / (1 ether / 100) ) * int( (block.timestamp - startDate) / cfg.timeFactorDivisor ); if( timeFactorValue == 0 ) timeFactorValue = -1; // Update and propagate the seller (sender) scores. lotStorage.updateAndPropagateScoreChanges( sender, int80( buySellValue ), int80( timeFactorValue ), -1 * int80( amountSent ) ); } // Neither Sender nor Receiver are exchanges - default transfer. // Tokens just got transfered between wallets, without // exchanging for ETH - so etherContributed_change = 0. // On this case, update both sender's & receiver's scores. // else { buySellValue = 0; lotStorage.updateAndPropagateScoreChanges( sender, 0, 0, -1 * int80( amountSent ) ); lotStorage.updateAndPropagateScoreChanges( receiver, 0, 0, int80( amountReceived ) ); } // Check if lottery liquidity pool funds have already // reached a minimum required ETH value. uint ethFunds = getCurrentEthFunds(); if( !fundGainRequirementReached && ethFunds >= cfg.fundRequirement_denySells ) { fundGainRequirementReached = true; } // Check whether this token transfer is allowed if it's a sell // (if buySellValue is negative): // // If we've already reached the minimum fund gain requirement, // and this sell would shrink lottery liquidity pool's ETH funds // below this requirement, then deny this sell, causing this // transaction to fail. if( fundGainRequirementReached && buySellValue < 0 && ( uint( -1 * buySellValue ) >= ethFunds || ethFunds - uint( -1 * buySellValue ) < cfg.fundRequirement_denySells ) ) { require( false/*, "This sell would drop the lottery ETH funds" "below the minimum requirement threshold!" */); } } /** * Check for finishing stage start conditions. * - If some conditions are met, start finishing stage! * Do it by setting "onFinishingStage" bool. * - If we're currently on finishing stage, and some condition * is no longer met, then stop the finishing stage. */ function checkFinishingStageConditions() internal { // Firstly, check if lottery hasn't exceeded it's maximum lifetime. // If so, don't check anymore, just set finishing stage, and // end the lottery on further call of checkForEnding(). if( (block.timestamp - startDate) > cfg.maxLifetime ) { lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.FINISHING ); return; } // Compute & check the finishing criteria. // Notice that we adjust the config-specified fund gain // percentage increase to uint-mode, by adding 100 percents, // because we don't deal with negative percentages, and here // we represent loss as a percentage below 100%, and gains // as percentage above 100%. // So, if in regular gains notation, it's said 10% gain, // in uint mode, it's said 110% relative increase. // // (Also, remember that losses are impossible in our lottery // working scheme). if( lotStorage.getHolderCount() >= cfg.finishCriteria_minNumberOfHolders && getCurrentEthFunds() >= cfg.finishCriteria_minFunds && (block.timestamp - startDate) >= cfg.finishCriteria_minTimeActive ) { if( onStage( STAGE.ACTIVE ) ) { // All conditions are met - start the finishing stage. lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.FINISHING ); emit FinishingStageStarted(); } } else if( onStage( STAGE.FINISHING ) ) { // However, what if some condition was not met, but we're // already on the finishing stage? // If so, we must stop the finishing stage. // But what to do with the finishing probability? // Config specifies if it should be reset or maintain it's // value until the next time finishing stage is started. lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.ACTIVE ); if( cfg.finish_resetProbabilityOnStop ) finishProbablity = cfg.finish_initialProbability; emit FinishingStageStopped(); } } /** * We're currently on finishing stage - so let's check if * we should end the lottery block.timestamp! * * This function is called from _transfer(), only if we're sure * that we're currently on finishing stage (onFinishingStage * variable is set). * * Here, we compute the pseudo-random number from hash of * current message's sender, block.timestamp, and other values, * and modulo it to the current finish probability. * If it's equal to 1, then we end the lottery! * * Also, here we update the finish probability according to * probability update criteria - holder count, and tx count. * * @param holderCountChanged - indicates whether Holder Count * has changed during this transfer (new holder joined, or * a holder sold all his tokens). */ function checkForEnding( bool holderCountChanged ) internal { // At first, check if lottery max lifetime is exceeded. // If so, start ending procedures right block.timestamp. if( (block.timestamp - startDate) > cfg.maxLifetime ) { startEndingStage(); return; } // Now, we know that lottery lifetime is still OK, and we're // currently on Finishing Stage (because this function is // called only when onFinishingStage is set). // // Now, check if we should End the lottery, by computing // a modulo on a pseudo-random number, which is a transfer // hash, computed for every transfer on _transfer() function. // // Get the modulo amount according to current finish // probability. // We use precision of 0.01% - notice the "10000 *" before // 100 PERCENT. // Later, when modulo'ing, we'll check if value is below 10000. // uint prec = 10000; uint modAmount = (prec * _100PERCENT) / finishProbablity; if( ( transferHashValue % modAmount ) <= prec ) { // Finish probability is met! Commence lottery end - // start Ending Stage. startEndingStage(); return; } // Finish probability wasn't met. // Update the finish probability, by increasing it! // Transaction count criteria. // As we know that this function is called on every new // transfer (transaction), we don't check if transactionCount // increased or not - we just perform probability update. finishProbablity += cfg.finish_probabilityIncreaseStep_transaction; // Now, perform holder count criteria update. // Finish probability increases, no matter if holder count // increases or decreases. if( holderCountChanged ) finishProbablity += cfg.finish_probabilityIncreaseStep_holder; } /** * Start the Ending Stage, by De-Activating the lottery, * to deny all further token transfers (excluding the one when * removing liquidity from Uniswap), and transition into the * Mining Phase - set the lotteryStage to MINING. */ function startEndingStage() internal { lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.ENDING_MINING ); } /** * Execute the first step of the Mining Stage - request a * Random Seed from the Randomness Provider. * * Here, we call the Randomness Provider, asking for a true random seed * to be passed to us into our callback, named * "finish_randomnessProviderCallback()". * * When that callback will be called, our storage's random seed will * be set, and we'll be able to start the Ending Algorithm on * further mining steps. * * Notice that Randomness Provider must already be funded, to * have enough Ether for Provable fee and the gas costs of our * callback function, which are quite high, because of winner * selection algorithm, which is computationally expensive. * * The Randomness Provider is always funded by the Pool, * right before the Pool deploys and starts a new lottery, so * as every lottery calls the Randomness Provider only once, * the one-call-fund method for every lottery is sufficient. * * Also notice, that Randomness Provider might fail to call * our callback due to some unknown reasons! * Then, the lottery profits could stay locked in this * lottery contract forever ?!! * * No! We've thought about that - we've implemented the * Alternative Ending mechanism, where, if specific time passes * after we've made a request to Randomness Provider, and * callback hasn't been called yet, we allow external actor to * execute the Alternative ending, which basically does the * same things as the default ending, just that the Random Seed * will be computed locally in our contract, using the * Pseudo-Random mechanism, which could compute a reasonably * fair and safe value using data from holder array, and other * values, described in more detail on corresponding function's * description. */ function mine_requestRandomSeed() internal { // We're sure that the Randomness Provider has enough funds. // Execute the random request, and get ready for Ending Algorithm. IRandomnessProvider( randomnessProvider ) .requestRandomSeedForLotteryFinish(); // Store the time when random seed has been requested, to // be able to alternatively handle the lottery finish, if // randomness provider doesn't call our callback for some // reason. finish_timeRandomSeedRequested = uint32( block.timestamp ); // Emit appropriate events. emit RandomnessProviderCalled(); } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Transfer the Owner & Pool profit shares, when lottery ends. * This function is the first one that's executed on the Mining * Stage. * This is the first step of Mining. So, the Miner who executes this * function gets the mining reward. * * This function's job is to Gather the Profits & Initial Funds, * and Transfer them to Profiters - that is, to The Pool, and * to The Owner. * * The Miners' profit share and Winner Prize Fund stay in this * contract. * * On this function, we (in this order): * * 1. Remove all liquidity from Uniswap (if using Uniswap Mode), * pulling it to our contract's wallet. * * 2. Transfer the Owner and the Pool ETH profit shares to * Owner and Pool addresses. * * * This function transfers Ether out of our contract: * - We transfer the Profits to Pool and Owner addresses. */ function mine_removeUniswapLiquidityAndTransferProfits() internal mutexLOCKED { // We've already approved our token allowance to Router. // Now, approve Uniswap liquidity token's Router allowance. ERC20( exchangeAddress ).approve( address(uniswapRouter), uint(-1) ); // Enable the SPECIAL-TRANSFER mode, to allow Uniswap to transfer // the tokens from Pair to Router, and then from Router to us. specialTransferModeEnabled = true; // Remove liquidity! uint amountETH = uniswapRouter .removeLiquidityETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens( address(this), // address token, ERC20( exchangeAddress ).balanceOf( address(this) ), 0, // uint amountTokenMin, 0, // uint amountETHMin, address(this), // address to, (block.timestamp + 10000000) // uint deadline ); // Tokens are transfered. Disable the special transfer mode. specialTransferModeEnabled = false; // Check that we've got a correct amount of ETH. require( address(this).balance >= amountETH && address(this).balance >= cfg.initialFunds/*, "Incorrect amount of ETH received from Uniswap!" */); // Compute the Profit Amount (current balance - initial funds). ending_totalReturn = uint128( address(this).balance ); ending_profitAmount = ending_totalReturn - uint128( cfg.initialFunds ); // Compute, and Transfer Owner's profit share and // Pool's profit share to their respective addresses. uint poolShare = ( ending_profitAmount * cfg.poolProfitShare ) / ( _100PERCENT ); uint ownerShare = ( ending_profitAmount * cfg.ownerProfitShare ) / ( _100PERCENT ); // To pool, transfer it's profit share plus initial funds. IUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ).lotteryFinish { value: poolShare + cfg.initialFunds } ( ending_totalReturn, ending_profitAmount ); // Transfer Owner's profit share. OWNER_ADDRESS.transfer( ownerShare ); // Emit ending event. emit LotteryEnd( ending_totalReturn, ending_profitAmount ); } /** * Executes a single step of the Winner Selection Algorithm * (the Ending Algorithm). * The algorithm itself is being executed in the Storage contract. * * On current design, whole algorithm is executed in a single step. * * This function is executed only in the Mining stage, and * accounts for most of the gas spent during mining. */ function mine_executeEndingAlgorithmStep() internal { // Launch the winner algorithm, to execute the next step. lotStorage.executeWinnerSelectionAlgorithm(); } // =============== Public functions =============== // /** * Constructor of this delegate code contract. * Here, we set OUR STORAGE's lotteryStage to DISABLED, because * we don't want anybody to call this contract directly. */ constructor() { lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.DISABLED ); } /** * Construct the lottery contract which is delegating it's * call to us. * * @param config - LotteryConfig structure to use in this lottery. * * Future approach: ABI-encoded Lottery Config * (different implementations might use different config * structures, which are ABI-decoded inside the implementation). * * Also, this "config" includes the ABI-encoded temporary values, * which are not part of persisted LotteryConfig, but should * be used only in constructor - for example, values to be * assigned to storage variables, such as ERC20 token's * name, symbol, and decimals. * * @param _poolAddress - Address of the Main UniLottery Pool, which * provides initial funds, and receives it's profit share. * * @param _randomProviderAddress - Address of a Randomness Provider, * to use for obtaining random seeds. * * @param _storageAddress - Address of a Lottery Storage. * Storage contract is a separate contract which holds all * lottery token holder data, such as intermediate scores. * */ function construct( LotteryConfig memory config, address payable _poolAddress, address _randomProviderAddress, address _storageAddress ) external { // Check if contract wasn't already constructed! require( poolAddress == address( 0 )/*, "Contract is already constructed!" */); // Set the Pool's Address - notice that it's not the // msg.sender, because lotteries aren't created directly // by the Pool, but by the Lottery Factory! poolAddress = _poolAddress; // Set the Randomness Provider address. randomnessProvider = _randomProviderAddress; // Check the minimum & maximum requirements for config // profit & lifetime parameters. require( config.maxLifetime <= MAX_LOTTERY_LIFETIME/*, "Lottery maximum lifetime is too high!" */); require( config.poolProfitShare >= MIN_POOL_PROFITS && config.poolProfitShare <= MAX_POOL_PROFITS/*, "Pool profit share is invalid!" */); require( config.ownerProfitShare >= MIN_OWNER_PROFITS && config.ownerProfitShare <= MAX_OWNER_PROFITS/*, "Owner profit share is invalid!" */); require( config.minerProfitShare >= MIN_MINER_PROFITS && config.minerProfitShare <= MAX_MINER_PROFITS/*, "Miner profit share is invalid!" */); // Check if time factor divisor is higher than 2 minutes. // That's because int40 wouldn't be able to handle precisions // of smaller time factor divisors. require( config.timeFactorDivisor >= 2 minutes /*, "Time factor divisor is lower than 2 minutes!"*/ ); // Check if winner profit share is good. uint32 totalWinnerShare = (_100PERCENT) - config.poolProfitShare - config.ownerProfitShare - config.minerProfitShare; require( totalWinnerShare >= MIN_WINNER_PROFIT_SHARE/*, "Winner profit share is too low!" */); // Check if ending algorithm params are good. require( config.randRatio_scorePart != 0 && config.randRatio_randPart != 0 && ( config.randRatio_scorePart + config.randRatio_randPart ) < 10000/*, "Random Ratio params are invalid!" */); require( config.endingAlgoType == uint8( EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection ) || config.endingAlgoType == uint8( EndingAlgoType.WinnerSelfValidation ) || config.endingAlgoType == uint8( EndingAlgoType.RolledRandomness )/*, "Wrong Ending Algorithm Type!" */); // Set the number of winners (winner count). // If using Computed Sequence winner prize shares, set that // value, and if it's zero, then we're using the Array-Mode // prize share specification. if( config.prizeSequence_winnerCount == 0 && config.winnerProfitShares.length != 0 ) config.prizeSequence_winnerCount = uint16( config.winnerProfitShares.length ); // Setup our Lottery Storage - initialize, and set the // Algorithm Config. LotteryStorage _lotStorage = LotteryStorage( _storageAddress ); // Setup a Winner Score Config for the winner selection algo, // to be used in the Lottery Storage. LotteryStorage.WinnerAlgorithmConfig memory winnerConfig; // Algorithm type. winnerConfig.endingAlgoType = config.endingAlgoType; // Individual player max score parts. winnerConfig.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed = config.maxPlayerScore_etherContributed; winnerConfig.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount = config.maxPlayerScore_tokenHoldingAmount; winnerConfig.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor = config.maxPlayerScore_timeFactor; winnerConfig.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus = config.maxPlayerScore_refferalBonus; // Score-To-Random ratio parts. winnerConfig.randRatio_scorePart = config.randRatio_scorePart; winnerConfig.randRatio_randPart = config.randRatio_randPart; // Set winner count (no.of winners). winnerConfig.winnerCount = config.prizeSequence_winnerCount; // Initialize the storage (bind it to our contract). _lotStorage.initialize( winnerConfig ); // Set our immutable variable. lotStorage = _lotStorage; // Now, set our config to the passed config. cfg = config; // Might be un-needed (can be replaced by Constant on the MainNet): WETHaddress = uniswapRouter.WETH(); } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * * Fallback Receive Ether function. * Used to receive ETH funds back from Uniswap, on lottery's end, * when removing liquidity. */ receive() external payable { emit FallbackEtherReceiver( msg.sender, msg.value ); } /** PAYABLE [ IN ] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< * PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Initialization function. * Here, the most important startup operations are made - * such as minting initial token supply and transfering it to * the Uniswap liquidity pair, in exchange for UNI-v2 tokens. * * This function is called by the pool, when transfering * initial funds to this contract. * * What's payable? * - Pool transfers initial funds to our contract. * - We transfer that initial fund Ether to Uniswap liquidity pair * when creating/providing it. */ function initialize() external payable poolOnly mutexLOCKED onlyOnStage( STAGE.INITIAL ) { // Check if pool transfered correct amount of funds. require( address( this ).balance == cfg.initialFunds/*, "Invalid amount of funds transfered!" */); // Set start date. startDate = uint32( block.timestamp ); // Set the initial transfer hash value. transferHashValue = uint( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( msg.sender, block.timestamp ) ) ); // Set initial finish probability, to be used when finishing // stage starts. finishProbablity = cfg.finish_initialProbability; // ===== Active operations - mint & distribute! ===== // // Mint full initial supply of tokens to our contract address! _mint( address(this), uint( cfg.initialTokenSupply ) * (10 ** decimals) ); // Now - prepare to create a new Uniswap Liquidity Pair, // with whole our total token supply and initial funds ETH // as the two liquidity reserves. // Approve Uniswap Router to allow it to spend our tokens. // Set maximum amount available. _approve( address(this), address( uniswapRouter ), uint(-1) ); // Provide liquidity - the Router will automatically // create a new Pair. uniswapRouter.addLiquidityETH { value: address(this).balance } ( address(this), // address token, totalSupply(), // uint amountTokenDesired, totalSupply(), // uint amountTokenMin, address(this).balance, // uint amountETHMin, address(this), // address to, (block.timestamp + 1000) // uint deadline ); // Get the Pair address - that will be the exchange address. exchangeAddress = IUniswapFactory( uniswapRouter.factory() ) .getPair( WETHaddress, address(this) ); // We assume that the token reserves of the pair are good, // and that we own the full amount of liquidity tokens. // Find out which of the pair tokens is WETH - is it the // first or second one. Use it later, when getting our share. if( IUniswapPair( exchangeAddress ).token0() == WETHaddress ) uniswap_ethFirst = true; else uniswap_ethFirst = false; // Move to ACTIVE lottery stage. // Now, all token transfers will be allowed. lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.ACTIVE ); // Lottery is initialized. We're ready to emit event. emit LotteryInitialized(); } // Return this lottery's initial funds, as were specified in the config. // function getInitialFunds() external view returns( uint ) { return cfg.initialFunds; } // Return active (still not returned to pool) initial fund value. // If no-longer-active, return 0 (default) - because funds were // already returned back to the pool. // function getActiveInitialFunds() external view returns( uint ) { if( onStage( STAGE.ACTIVE ) ) return cfg.initialFunds; return 0; } /** * Get current Exchange's Token and ETH reserves. * We're on Uniswap mode, so get reserves from Uniswap. */ function getReserves() external view returns( uint _ethReserve, uint _tokenReserve ) { // Use data from Uniswap pair contract. ( uint112 res0, uint112 res1, ) = IUniswapPair( exchangeAddress ).getReserves(); if( uniswap_ethFirst ) return ( res0, res1 ); else return ( res1, res0 ); } /** * Get our share (ETH amount) of the Uniswap Pair ETH reserve, * of our Lottery tokens ULT-WETH liquidity pair. */ function getCurrentEthFunds() public view returns( uint ethAmount ) { IUniswapPair pair = IUniswapPair( exchangeAddress ); ( uint112 res0, uint112 res1, ) = pair.getReserves(); uint resEth = uint( uniswap_ethFirst ? res0 : res1 ); // Compute our amount of the ETH reserve, based on our // percentage of our liquidity token balance to total supply. uint liqTokenPercentage = ( pair.balanceOf( address(this) ) * (_100PERCENT) ) / ( pair.totalSupply() ); // Compute and return the ETH reserve. return ( resEth * liqTokenPercentage ) / (_100PERCENT); } /** * Get current finish probability. * If it's ACTIVE stage, return 0 automatically. */ function getFinishProbability() external view returns( uint32 ) { if( onStage( STAGE.FINISHING ) ) return finishProbablity; return 0; } /** * Generate a referral ID for msg.sender, who must be a token holder. * Referral ID is used to refer other wallets into playing our * lottery. * - Referrer gets bonus points for every wallet that bought * lottery tokens and specified his referral ID. * - Referrees (wallets who got referred by registering a valid * referral ID, corresponding to some referrer), get some * bonus points for specifying (registering) a referral ID. * * Referral ID is a uint256 number, which is generated by * keccak256'ing the holder's address, holder's current * token ballance, and current time. */ function generateReferralID() external onlyOnStage( STAGE.ACTIVE ) { uint256 refID = lotStorage.generateReferralID( msg.sender ); // Emit approppriate events. emit ReferralIDGenerated( msg.sender, refID ); } /** * Register a referral for a msg.sender (must be token holder), * using a valid referral ID got from a referrer. * This function is called by a referree, who obtained a * valid referral ID from some referrer, who previously * generated it using generateReferralID(). * * You can only register a referral once! * When you do so, you get bonus referral points! */ function registerReferral( uint256 referralID ) external onlyOnStage( STAGE.ACTIVE ) { address referrer = lotStorage.registerReferral( msg.sender, cfg.playerScore_referralRegisteringBonus, referralID ); // Emit approppriate events. emit ReferralRegistered( msg.sender, referrer, referralID ); } /** * The most important function of this contract - Transfer Function. * * Here, all token burning, intermediate score tracking, and * finish condition checking is performed, according to the * properties specified in config. */ function _transfer( address sender, address receiver, uint256 amount ) internal override { // Check if transfers are allowed in current state. // On Non-Active stage, transfers are allowed only from/to // our contract. // As we don't have Standalone Mode on this lottery variation, // that means that tokens to/from our contract are travelling // only when we transfer them to Uniswap Pair, and when // Uniswap transfers them back to us, on liquidity remove. // // On this state, we also don't perform any burns nor // holding trackings - just transfer and return. if( !onStage( STAGE.ACTIVE ) && !onStage( STAGE.FINISHING ) && ( sender == address(this) || receiver == address(this) || specialTransferModeEnabled ) ) { super._transfer( sender, receiver, amount ); return; } // Now, we know that we're NOT on special mode. // Perform standard checks & brecks. require( ( onStage( STAGE.ACTIVE ) || onStage( STAGE.FINISHING ) )/*, "Token transfers are only allowed on ACTIVE stage!" */); // Can't transfer zero tokens, or use address(0) as sender. require( amount != 0 && sender != address(0)/*, "Amount is zero, or transfering from zero address." */); // Compute the Burn Amount - if buying tokens from an exchange, // we use a lower burn rate - to incentivize buying! // Otherwise (if selling or just transfering between wallets), // we use a higher burn rate. uint burnAmount; // It's a buy - sender is an exchange. if( sender == exchangeAddress ) burnAmount = ( amount * cfg.burn_buyerRate ) / (_100PERCENT); else burnAmount = ( amount * cfg.burn_defaultRate ) / (_100PERCENT); // Now, compute the final amount to be gotten by the receiver. uint finalAmount = amount - burnAmount; // Check if receiver's balance won't exceed the max-allowed! // Receiver must not be an exchange. if( receiver != exchangeAddress ) { require( !transferExceedsMaxBalance( receiver, finalAmount )/*, "Receiver's balance would exceed maximum after transfer!"*/); } // Now, update holder data array accordingly. bool holderCountChanged = updateHolderData_preTransfer( sender, receiver, amount, // Amount Sent (Pre-Fees) finalAmount // Amount Received (Post-Fees). ); // All is ok - perform the burn and token transfers block.timestamp. // Burn token amount from sender's balance. super._burn( sender, burnAmount ); // Finally, transfer the final amount from sender to receiver. super._transfer( sender, receiver, finalAmount ); // Compute new Pseudo-Random transfer hash, which must be // computed for every transfer, and is used in the // Finishing Stage as a pseudo-random unique value for // every transfer, by which we determine whether lottery // should end on this transfer. // // Compute it like this: keccak the last (current) // transferHashValue, msg.sender, sender, receiver, amount. transferHashValue = uint( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( transferHashValue, msg.sender, sender, receiver, amount ) ) ); // Check if we should be starting a finishing stage block.timestamp. checkFinishingStageConditions(); // If we're on finishing stage, check for ending conditions. // If ending check is satisfied, the checkForEnding() function // starts ending operations. if( onStage( STAGE.FINISHING ) ) checkForEnding( holderCountChanged ); } /** * Callback function, which is called from Randomness Provider, * after it obtains a random seed to be passed to us, after * we have initiated The Ending Stage, on which random seed * is used to generate random factors for Winner Selection * algorithm. */ function finish_randomnessProviderCallback( uint256 randomSeed, uint256 /*callID*/ ) external randomnessProviderOnly { // Set the random seed in the Storage Contract. lotStorage.setRandomSeed( randomSeed ); // If algo-type is not Mined Winner Selection, then by block.timestamp // we assume lottery as COMPL3T3D. if( cfg.endingAlgoType != uint8(EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.COMPLETION ); completionDate = uint32( block.timestamp ); } } /** * Function checks if we can initiate Alternative Seed generation. * * Alternative approach to Lottery Random Seed is used only when * Randomness Provider doesn't work, and doesn't call the * above callback. * * This alternative approach can be initiated by Miners, when * these conditions are met: * - Lottery is on Ending (Mining) stage. * - Request to Randomness Provider was made at least X time ago, * and our callback hasn't been called yet. * * If these conditions are met, we can initiate the Alternative * Random Seed generation, which generates a seed based on our * state. */ function alternativeSeedGenerationPossible() internal view returns( bool ) { return ( onStage( STAGE.ENDING_MINING ) && ( (block.timestamp - finish_timeRandomSeedRequested) > cfg.REQUIRED_TIME_WAITING_FOR_RANDOM_SEED ) ); } /** * Return this lottery's config, using ABIEncoderV2. */ /*function getLotteryConfig() external view returns( LotteryConfig memory ourConfig ) { return cfg; }*/ /** * Checks if Mining is currently available. */ function isMiningAvailable() external view returns( bool ) { return onStage( STAGE.ENDING_MINING ) && ( miningStep == 0 || ( miningStep == 1 && ( lotStorage.getRandomSeed() != 0 || alternativeSeedGenerationPossible() ) ) ); } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Mining function, to be executed on Ending (Mining) stage. * * "Mining" approach is used in this lottery, to use external * actors for executing the gas-expensive Ending Algorithm, * and other ending operations, such as profit transfers. * * "Miners" can be any external actors who call this function. * When Miner successfully completes a Mining Step, he gets * a Mining Reward, which is a certain portion of lottery's profit * share, dedicated to Miners. * * NOT-IMPLEMENTED APPROACH: * * All these operations are divided into "mining steps", which are * smaller components, which fit into reasonable gas limits. * All "steps" are designed to take up similar amount of gas. * * For example, if total lottery profits (total ETH got from * pulling liquidity out of Uniswap, minus initial funds), * is 100 ETH, Miner Profit Share is 10%, and there are 5 mining * steps total, then for a singe step executed, miner will get: * * (100 * 0.1) / 5 = 2 ETH. * * --------------------------------- * * CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED APPROACH: * * As the above-defined approach would consume very much gas for * inter-step intermediate state storage, we have thought that * for block.timestamp, it's better to have only 2 mining steps, the second of * which performs the whole Winner Selection Algorithm. * * This is because performing the whole algorithm at once would save * us up to 10x more gas in total, than executing it in steps. * * However, this solution is not scalable, because algorithm has * to fit into block gas limit (10,000,000 gas), so we are limited * to a certain safe maximum number of token holders, which is * empirically determined during testing, and defined in the * MAX_SAFE_NUMBER_OF_HOLDERS constant, which is checked against the * config value "finishCriteria_minNumberOfHolders" in constructor. * * So, in this approach, there are only 2 mining steps: * * 1. Remove liquidity from Uniswap, transfer profit shares to * the Pool and the Owner Address, and request Random Seed * from the Randomness Provider. * Reward: 25% of total Mining Rewards. * * 2. Perform the whole Winner Selection Algorithm inside the * Lottery Storage contract. * Reward: 75% of total Mining Rewards. * * * Function transfers Ether out of our contract: * - Transfers the current miner's reward to msg.sender. */ function mine() external onlyOnStage( STAGE.ENDING_MINING ) { uint currentStepReward; // Perform different operations on different mining steps. // Step 0: Remove liquidity from Uniswap, transfer profits to // Pool and Owner addresses. Also, request a Random Seed // from the Randomness Provider. if( miningStep == 0 ) { mine_requestRandomSeed(); mine_removeUniswapLiquidityAndTransferProfits(); // Compute total miner reward amount, then compute this // step's reward later. uint totalMinerRewards = ( ending_profitAmount * cfg.minerProfitShare ) / ( _100PERCENT ); // Step 0 reward is 10% for Algo type 1. if( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { currentStepReward = ( totalMinerRewards * (10 * PERCENT) ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } // If other algo-types, second step is not normally needed, // so here we take 80% of miner rewards. // If Randomness Provider won't give us a seed after // specific amount of time, we'll initiate a second step, // with remaining 20% of miner rewords. else { currentStepReward = ( totalMinerRewards * (80 * PERCENT) ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } require( currentStepReward <= totalMinerRewards/*, "BUG 1694" */); } // Step 1: // If we use MinedWinnerSelection algo-type, then execute the // winner selection algorithm. // Otherwise, check if Random Provider hasn't given us a // random seed long enough, so that we have to generate a // seed locally. else { // Check if we can go into this step when using specific // ending algorithm types. if( cfg.endingAlgoType != uint8(EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { require( lotStorage.getRandomSeed() == 0 && alternativeSeedGenerationPossible()/*, "Second Mining Step is not available for " "current Algo-Type on these conditions!" */); } // Compute total miner reward amount, then compute this // step's reward later. uint totalMinerRewards = ( ending_profitAmount * cfg.minerProfitShare ) / ( _100PERCENT ); // Firstly, check if random seed is already obtained. // If not, check if we should generate it locally. if( lotStorage.getRandomSeed() == 0 ) { if( alternativeSeedGenerationPossible() ) { // Set random seed inside the Storage Contract, // but using our contract's transferHashValue as the // random seed. // We believe that this hash has enough randomness // to be considered a fairly good random seed, // because it has beed chain-computed for every // token transfer that has occured in ACTIVE stage. // lotStorage.setRandomSeed( transferHashValue ); // If using Non-Mined algorithm types, reward for this // step is 20% of miner funds. if( cfg.endingAlgoType != uint8(EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { currentStepReward = ( totalMinerRewards * (20 * PERCENT) ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } } else { // If alternative seed generation is not yet possible // (not enough time passed since the rand.provider // request was made), then mining is not available // currently. require( false/*, "Mining not yet available!" */); } } // Now, we know that Random Seed is obtained. // If we use this algo-type, perform the actual // winner selection algorithm. if( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { mine_executeEndingAlgorithmStep(); // Set the prize amount to SECOND STEP prize amount (90%). currentStepReward = ( totalMinerRewards * (90 * PERCENT) ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } // Now we've completed both Mining Steps, it means MINING stage // is finally completed! // Transition to COMPLETION stage, and set lottery completion // time to NOW. lotteryStage = uint8( STAGE.COMPLETION ); completionDate = uint32( block.timestamp ); require( currentStepReward <= totalMinerRewards/*, "BUG 2007" */); } // Now, transfer the reward to miner! // Check for bugs too - if the computed amount doesn't exceed. // Increment the mining step - move to next step (if there is one). miningStep++; // Check & Lock the Re-Entrancy Lock for transfers. require( ! reEntrancyMutexLocked/*, "Re-Entrant call detected!" */); reEntrancyMutexLocked = true; // Finally, transfer the reward to message sender! msg.sender.transfer( currentStepReward ); // UnLock ReEntrancy Lock. reEntrancyMutexLocked = false; } /** * Function computes winner prize amount for winner at rank #N. * Prerequisites: Must be called only on STAGE.COMPLETION stage, * because we use the final profits amount here, and that value * (ending_profitAmount) is known only on COMPLETION stage. * * @param rankingPosition - ranking position of a winner. * @return finalPrizeAmount - prize amount, in Wei, of this winner. */ function getWinnerPrizeAmount( uint rankingPosition ) public view returns( uint finalPrizeAmount ) { // Calculate total winner prize fund profit percentage & amount. uint winnerProfitPercentage = (_100PERCENT) - cfg.poolProfitShare - cfg.ownerProfitShare - cfg.minerProfitShare; uint totalPrizeAmount = ( ending_profitAmount * winnerProfitPercentage ) / ( _100PERCENT ); // We compute the prize amounts differently for the algo-type // RolledRandomness, because distribution of these prizes is // non-deterministic - multiple holders could fall onto the // same ranking position, due to randomness of rolled score. // if( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(EndingAlgoType.RolledRandomness) ) { // Here, we'll use Prize Sequence Factor approach differently. // We'll use the prizeSequenceFactor value not to compute // a geometric progression, but to compute an arithmetic // progression, where each ranking position will get a // prize equal to // "totalPrizeAmount - rankingPosition * singleWinnerShare" // // singleWinnerShare is computed as a value corresponding // to single-winner's share of total prize amount. // // Using such an approach, winner at rank 0 would get a // prize equal to whole totalPrizeAmount, but, as the // scores are rolled using random factor, it's very unlikely // to get a such high score, so most likely such prize // won't ever be claimed, but it is a possibility. // // Most of the winners in this approach are likely to // roll scores in the middle, so would get prizes equal to // 1-10% of total prize funds. uint singleWinnerShare = totalPrizeAmount / cfg.prizeSequence_winnerCount; return totalPrizeAmount - rankingPosition * singleWinnerShare; } // Now, we know that ending algorithm is normal (deterministic). // So, compute the prizes in a standard way. // If using Computed Sequence: loop for "rankingPosition" // iterations, while computing the prize shares. // If "rankingPosition" is larger than sequencedWinnerCount, // then compute the prize from sequence-leftover amount. if( cfg.prizeSequenceFactor != 0 ) { require( rankingPosition < cfg.prizeSequence_winnerCount/*, "Invalid ranking position!" */); // Leftover: If prizeSequenceFactor is 25%, it's 75%. uint leftoverPercentage = (_100PERCENT) - cfg.prizeSequenceFactor; // Loop until the needed iteration. uint loopCount = ( rankingPosition >= cfg.prizeSequence_sequencedWinnerCount ? cfg.prizeSequence_sequencedWinnerCount : rankingPosition ); for( uint i = 0; i < loopCount; i++ ) { totalPrizeAmount = ( totalPrizeAmount * leftoverPercentage ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } // Get end prize amount - sequenced, or leftover. // Leftover-mode. if( loopCount == cfg.prizeSequence_sequencedWinnerCount && cfg.prizeSequence_winnerCount > cfg.prizeSequence_sequencedWinnerCount ) { // Now, totalPrizeAmount equals all leftover-group winner // prize funds. // So, just divide it by number of leftover winners. finalPrizeAmount = ( totalPrizeAmount ) / ( cfg.prizeSequence_winnerCount - cfg.prizeSequence_sequencedWinnerCount ); } // Sequenced-mode else { finalPrizeAmount = ( totalPrizeAmount * cfg.prizeSequenceFactor ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } } // Else, if we're using Pre-Specified Array of winner profit // shares, just get the share at the corresponding index. else { require( rankingPosition < cfg.winnerProfitShares.length ); finalPrizeAmount = ( totalPrizeAmount * cfg.winnerProfitShares[ rankingPosition ] ) / ( _100PERCENT ); } } /** * After lottery has completed, this function returns if msg.sender * is one of lottery winners, and the position in winner rankings. * * Function must be used to obtain the ranking position before * calling claimWinnerPrize(). * * @param addr - address whose status to check. */ function getWinnerStatus( address addr ) external view returns( bool isWinner, uint32 rankingPosition, uint prizeAmount ) { if( !onStage( STAGE.COMPLETION ) || balanceOf( addr ) == 0 ) return (false , 0, 0); ( isWinner, rankingPosition ) = lotStorage.getWinnerStatus( addr ); if( isWinner ) { prizeAmount = getWinnerPrizeAmount( rankingPosition ); if( prizeAmount > address(this).balance ) prizeAmount = address(this).balance; } } /** * Compute the intermediate Active Stage player score. * This score is Player Score, not randomized. * @param addr - address to check. */ function getPlayerIntermediateScore( address addr ) external view returns( uint ) { return lotStorage.getPlayerActiveStageScore( addr ); } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Claim the winner prize of msg.sender, if he is one of the winners. * * This function must be provided a ranking position of msg.sender, * which must be obtained using the function above. * * The Lottery Storage then just checks if holder address in the * winner array element at position rankingPosition is the same * as msg.sender's. * * If so, then claim request is valid, and we can give the appropriate * prize to that winner. * Prize can be determined by a computed factor-based sequence, or * from the pre-specified winner array. * * * This function transfers Ether out of our contract: * - Sends the corresponding winner prize to the msg.sender. * * @param rankingPosition - the position of Winner Array, that * msg.sender says he is in (obtained using getWinnerStatus). */ function claimWinnerPrize( uint32 rankingPosition ) external onlyOnStage( STAGE.COMPLETION ) mutexLOCKED { // Check if msg.sender hasn't already claimed his prize. require( ! prizeClaimersAddresses[ msg.sender ]/*, "msg.sender has already claimed his prize!" */); // msg.sender must have at least some of UniLottery Tokens. require( balanceOf( msg.sender ) != 0/*, "msg.sender's token balance can't be zero!" */); // Check if there are any prize funds left yet. require( address(this).balance != 0/*, "All prize funds have already been claimed!" */); // If using Mined Selection Algo, check if msg.sender is // really on that ranking position - algo was already executed. if( cfg.endingAlgoType == uint8(EndingAlgoType.MinedWinnerSelection) ) { require( lotStorage.minedSelection_isAddressOnWinnerPosition( msg.sender, rankingPosition )/*, "msg.sender is not on specified winner position!" */); } // For other algorithms, get ranking position by executing // a specific algorithm of that algo-type. else { bool isWinner; ( isWinner, rankingPosition ) = lotStorage.getWinnerStatus( msg.sender ); require( isWinner/*, "msg.sender is not a winner!" */); } // Compute the prize amount, using our internal function. uint finalPrizeAmount = getWinnerPrizeAmount( rankingPosition ); // If prize is small and computation precision errors occured, // leading it to be larger than our balance, fix it. if( finalPrizeAmount > address(this).balance ) finalPrizeAmount = address(this).balance; // Transfer the Winning Prize to msg.sender! msg.sender.transfer( finalPrizeAmount ); // Mark msg.sender as already claimed his prize. prizeClaimersAddresses[ msg.sender ] = true; } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Transfer the leftover Winner Prize Funds of this contract to the * Main UniLottery Pool, if prize claim deadline has been exceeded. * * Function can only be called from the Main Pool, and if some * winners haven't managed to claim their prizes on time, their * prizes will go back to UniLottery Pool. * * * Function transfers Ether out of our contract: * - Transfer the leftover funds to the Pool (msg.sender). */ function getUnclaimedPrizes() external poolOnly onlyOnStage( STAGE.COMPLETION ) mutexLOCKED { // Check if prize claim deadline has passed. require( completionDate != 0 && ( block.timestamp - completionDate ) > cfg.prizeClaimTime/*, "Prize claim deadline not reached yet!" */); // Just transfer it all to the Pool. poolAddress.transfer( address(this).balance ); } } contract UniLotteryRandomnessProvider is usingProvable { // =============== E-Vent Section =============== // // New Lottery Random Seed Request made. event LotteryRandomSeedRequested( uint id, address lotteryAddress, uint gasLimit, uint totalEtherGiven ); // Random seed obtained, and callback successfully completed. event LotteryRandomSeedCallbackCompleted( uint id ); // UniLottery Pool scheduled a call. event PoolCallbackScheduled( uint id, address poolAddress, uint timeout, uint gasLimit, uint totalEtherGiven ); // Pool scheduled callback successfully completed. event PoolCallbackCompleted( uint id ); // Ether transfered into fallback. event EtherTransfered( address sender, uint value ); // =============== Structs & Enums =============== // // Enum - type of the request. enum RequestType { LOTTERY_RANDOM_SEED, POOL_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK } // Call Request Structure. struct CallRequestData { // -------- Slot -------- // // The ID of the request. uint256 requestID; // -------- Slot -------- // // Requester address. Can be pool, or an ongoing lottery. address requesterAddress; // The Type of request (Random Seed or Pool Scheduled Callback). RequestType reqType; } // Lottery request config - specifies gas limits that must // be used for that specific lottery's callback. // Must be set separately from CallRequest, because gas required // is specified and funds are transfered by The Pool, before starting // a lottery, and when that lottery ends, it just calls us, expecting // it's gas cost funds to be already sent to us. struct LotteryGasConfig { // -------- Slot -------- // // The total ether funds that the pool has transfered to // our contract for execution of this lottery's callback. uint160 etherFundsTransferedForGas; // The gas limit provided for that callback. uint64 gasLimit; } // =============== State Variables =============== // // -------- Slot -------- // // Mapping of all currently pending or on-process requests // from their Query IDs. mapping( uint256 => CallRequestData ) pendingRequests; // -------- Slot -------- // // A mapping of Pool-specified-before-their-start lottery addresses, // to their corresponding Gas Configs, which will be used for // their end callbacks. mapping( address => LotteryGasConfig ) lotteryGasConfigs; // -------- Slot -------- // // The Pool's address. We receive funds from it, and use it // to check whether the requests are coming from ongoing lotteries. address payable poolAddress; // ============ Private/Internal Functions ============ // // Pool-Only modifier. modifier poolOnly { require( msg.sender == poolAddress/*, "Function can only be called by the Main Pool!" */); _; } // Ongoing Lottery Only modifier. // Data must be fetch'd from the Pool. modifier ongoingLotteryOnly { require( IMainUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ) .isLotteryOngoing( msg.sender )/*, "Function can be called only by ongoing lotteries!" */); _; } // ================= Public Functions ================= // /** * Constructor. * Here, we specify the Provable proof type, to use for * Random Datasource queries. */ constructor() { // Set the Provable proof type for Random Queries - Ledger. provable_setProof( proofType_Ledger ); } /** * Initialization function. * Called by the Pool, on Pool's constructor, to initialize this * randomness provider. */ function initialize() external { // Check if we were'nt initialized yet (pool address not set yet). require( poolAddress == address( 0 )/*, "Contract is already initialized!" */); poolAddress = msg.sender; } /** * The Payable Fallback function. * This function is used by the Pool, to transfer the required * funds to us, to be able to pay for Provable gas & fees. */ receive () external payable { emit EtherTransfered( msg.sender, msg.value ); } /** * Get the total Ether price for a request to specific * datasource with specific gas limit. * It just calls the Provable's internal getPrice function. */ // Random datasource. function getPriceForRandomnessCallback( uint gasLimit ) external returns( uint totalEtherPrice ) { return provable_getPrice( "random", gasLimit ); } // URL datasource (for callback scheduling). function getPriceForScheduledCallback( uint gasLimit ) external returns( uint totalEtherPrice ) { return provable_getPrice( "URL", gasLimit ); } /** * Set the gas limit which should be used by the lottery deployed * on address "lotteryAddr", when that lottery finishes and * requests us to call it's ending callback with random seed * provided. * Also, specify the amount of Ether that the pool has transfered * to us for the execution of this lottery's callback. */ function setLotteryCallbackGas( address lotteryAddr, uint64 callbackGasLimit, uint160 totalEtherTransferedForThisOne ) external poolOnly { LotteryGasConfig memory gasConfig; gasConfig.gasLimit = callbackGasLimit; gasConfig.etherFundsTransferedForGas = totalEtherTransferedForThisOne; // Set the mapping entry for this lottery address. lotteryGasConfigs[ lotteryAddr ] = gasConfig; } /** * The Provable Callback, which will get called from Off-Chain * Provable service, when it completes execution of our request, * made before previously with provable_query variant. * * Here, we can perform 2 different tasks, based on request type * (we get the CallRequestData from the ID passed by Provable). * * The different tasks are: * 1. Pass Random Seed to Lottery Ending Callback. * 2. Call a Pool's Scheduled Callback. */ function __callback( bytes32 _queryId, string memory _result, bytes memory _proof ) public override { // Check that the sender is Provable Services. require( msg.sender == provable_cbAddress() ); // Get the Request Data storage pointer, and check if it's Set. CallRequestData storage reqData = pendingRequests[ uint256( _queryId ) ]; require( reqData.requestID != 0/*, "Invalid Request Data structure (Response is Invalid)!" */); // Check the Request Type - if it's a lottery asking for a // random seed, or a Pool asking to call it's scheduled callback. if( reqData.reqType == RequestType.LOTTERY_RANDOM_SEED ) { // It's a lottery asking for a random seed. // Check if Proof is valid, using the Base Contract's built-in // checking functionality. require( provable_randomDS_proofVerify__returnCode( _queryId, _result, _proof ) == 0/*, "Random Datasource Proof Verification has FAILED!" */); // Get the Random Number by keccak'ing the random bytes passed. uint256 randomNumber = uint256( keccak256( abi.encodePacked( _result ) ) ); // Pass this Random Number as a Seed to the requesting lottery! ILottery( reqData.requesterAddress ) .finish_randomnessProviderCallback( randomNumber, uint( _queryId ) ); // Emit appropriate events. emit LotteryRandomSeedCallbackCompleted( uint( _queryId ) ); } // It's a pool, asking to call it's callback, that it scheduled // to get called in some time before. else if( reqData.reqType == RequestType.POOL_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK ) { IMainUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ) .scheduledCallback( uint( _queryId ) ); // Emit appropriate events. emit PoolCallbackCompleted( uint( _queryId ) ); } // We're finished! Remove the request data from the pending // requests mapping. delete pendingRequests[ uint256( _queryId ) ]; } /** * This is the function through which the Lottery requests a * Random Seed for it's ending callback. * The gas funds needed for that callback's execution were already * transfered to us from The Pool, at the moment the Pool created * and deployed that lottery. * The gas specifications are set in the LotteryGasConfig of that * specific lottery. * TODO: Also set the custom gas price. */ function requestRandomSeedForLotteryFinish() external ongoingLotteryOnly returns( uint256 requestId ) { // Check if gas limit (amount of gas) for this lottery was set. require( lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit != 0/*, "Gas limit for this lottery was not set!" */); // Check if the currently estimated price for this request // is not higher than the one that the pool transfered funds for. uint transactionPrice = provable_getPrice( "random", lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit ); if( transactionPrice > lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].etherFundsTransferedForGas ) { // If our balance is enough to execute the transaction, then // ask pool if it agrees that we execute this transaction // with higher price than pool has given funds to us for. if( address(this).balance >= transactionPrice ) { bool response = IMainUniLotteryPool( poolAddress ) .onLotteryCallbackPriceExceedingGivenFunds( msg.sender, transactionPrice, lotteryGasConfigs[msg.sender].etherFundsTransferedForGas ); require( response/*, "Pool has denied the request!" */); } // If price absolutely exceeds our contract's balance: else { require( false/*, "Request price exceeds contract's balance!" */); } } // Set the Provable Query parameters. // Execute the query as soon as possible. uint256 QUERY_EXECUTION_DELAY = 0; // Set the gas amount to the previously specified gas limit. uint256 GAS_FOR_CALLBACK = lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit; // Request 8 random bytes (that's enough randomness with keccak). uint256 NUM_RANDOM_BYTES_REQUESTED = 8; // Execute the Provable Query! uint256 queryId = uint256( provable_newRandomDSQuery( QUERY_EXECUTION_DELAY, NUM_RANDOM_BYTES_REQUESTED, GAS_FOR_CALLBACK ) ); // Populate & Add the pending requests mapping entry. CallRequestData memory requestData; requestData.requestID = queryId; requestData.reqType = RequestType.LOTTERY_RANDOM_SEED; requestData.requesterAddress = msg.sender; pendingRequests[ queryId ] = requestData; // Emit an event - lottery just requested a random seed. emit LotteryRandomSeedRequested( queryId, msg.sender, lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].gasLimit, lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ].etherFundsTransferedForGas ); // Remove the just-used Lottery Gas Configs mapping entry. delete lotteryGasConfigs[ msg.sender ]; // Return the ID of the query. return queryId; } /** * Schedule a call for the pool, using specified amount of gas, * and executing after specified amount of time. * Accomplished using an empty URL query, and setting execution * delay to the specified timeout. * On execution, __callback() calls the Pool's scheduledCallback() * function. * * @param timeout - how much time to delay the execution of callback. * @param gasLimit - gas limit to use for the callback's execution. * @param etherFundsTransferedForGas - how much Ether has the Pool * transfered to our contract before calling this function, * to be used only for this operation. */ function schedulePoolCallback( uint timeout, uint gasLimit, uint etherFundsTransferedForGas ) external poolOnly returns( uint256 requestId ) { // Price exceeding transfered funds doesn't need to be checked // here, because pool transfers required funds just before // calling this function, so price can't change between transfer // and this function's call. // Execute the query on specified timeout, with a // specified Gas Limit. uint queryId = uint( provable_query( timeout, "URL", "", gasLimit ) ); // Populate & Add the pending requests mapping entry. CallRequestData memory requestData; requestData.requestID = queryId; requestData.reqType = RequestType.POOL_SCHEDULED_CALLBACK; requestData.requesterAddress = msg.sender; pendingRequests[ queryId ] = requestData; // Emit an event - lottery just requested a random seed. emit PoolCallbackScheduled( queryId, poolAddress, timeout, gasLimit, etherFundsTransferedForGas ); // Return a query ID. return queryId; } /** PAYABLE [ OUT ] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * * Sends the specified amount of Ether back to the Pool. * WARNING: Future Provable requests might fail due to insufficient * funds! No checks are made to ensure sufficiency. */ function sendFundsToPool( uint etherAmount ) external poolOnly { poolAddress.transfer( etherAmount ); } /** * Set the gas price to be used for future Provable queries. * Used to change the default gas in times of congested networks. */ function setGasPrice( uint _gasPrice ) external poolOnly { // Limit gas price to 600 GWei. require( _gasPrice <= 600 * (10 ** 9)/*, "Specified gas price is higher than 600 GWei !" */); provable_setCustomGasPrice( _gasPrice ); } }
[ 6, 4, 7, 15, 11, 9, 12, 13, 10, 5 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.4; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies on extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: value }(data); return _verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a static call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal view returns (bytes memory) { return functionStaticCall(target, data, "Address: low-level static call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a static call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionStaticCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal view returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: static call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.staticcall(data); return _verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a delegate call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionDelegateCall(target, data, "Address: low-level delegate call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-string-}[`functionCall`], * but performing a delegate call. * * _Available since v3.3._ */ function functionDelegateCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: delegate call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = target.delegatecall(data); return _verifyCallResult(success, returndata, errorMessage); } function _verifyCallResult(bool success, bytes memory returndata, string memory errorMessage) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IRandom { // @notice get random number between min max values function getNumber(uint min, uint max) external pure returns (uint256); } interface IVotes { function isVoted(address _who) external view returns (bool); function totalVotes() external view returns (uint); function totalWeight() external view returns (uint); // function deposit() external payable; function withdraw() external; function voteForRepublicans() external payable; function voteForDemocrats() external payable; // after 1 month contract can be destroyed function destroyIt() external; function democratsWon() external; function republicansWon() external; } contract Ownable { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == msg.sender, "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } constructor() { _owner = msg.sender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner); } function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } function allowed(address who) public view returns (bool) { return owner() == who; } function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } contract ReentrancyGuard { uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1; uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2; uint256 private _status; constructor () { _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } modifier nonReentrant() { // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true require(_status != _ENTERED, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call"); // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail _status = _ENTERED; _; _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract AmericanVotes is IVotes, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard { using Address for *; using SafeMath for uint; event EthereumDeposited(address voter, uint256 amount); event LuckyBonusClaimed(address lacky, uint256 amount); event TeamRewardClaimed(address teammate, uint256 amount); event EthereumWithdrawn(address resipient, uint256 amount); event DemocratsWon(bool x); enum Consignmen { NONE, REPUBLICANS, DEMOCRATS } enum State { NONE, CHANGE } struct Voter { uint weight; // balance uint balance; bool voted; // if true, that person already voted Consignmen voteType; State state; bool credited; } struct Proposal { uint voteCount; // number of accumulated votes uint voteWeight; uint weightRepublicans; uint weightDemocrats; uint forRepublicans; uint forDemocrats; uint startDate; uint endDate; Consignmen winner; } Proposal public proposal; mapping(address => Voter) public voters; address[] public votersList; uint256 private _minimumDeposit; uint256 public serviceFee; uint256 public luckyFee; mapping (address => uint) public balances; address public teamWallet; IRandom public randomOracle; address public luckyAddress = address(0); /* * @dev Create a new ballot to choose one of 'proposalNames'. * @param proposalNames names of proposals */ constructor(address _teamWallet, address _randomOracle, uint startDate, uint endDate) { teamWallet = _teamWallet; randomOracle = IRandom(_randomOracle); proposal.startDate = startDate; proposal.endDate = endDate; serviceFee = 20; // % luckyFee = 5; // % _minimumDeposit = 1e17; } // @dev How much lucky guy get in random function luckyBonus() public view returns (uint256) { return balances[address(0)]; } // @dev How much team get if anything will be okey function teamReward() public view returns (uint256) { return balances[teamWallet]; } function isVoted(address _who) public override view returns (bool) { return voters[_who].voted; } function totalVotes() public override view returns (uint) { return proposal.voteCount; } function totalWeight() public override view returns (uint) { return proposal.voteWeight; } function minimumDeposit() public view returns (uint) { return _minimumDeposit; } // @dev _amount (wei) function setMinimumDeposit(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner { require(_amount > 0, "Must be more then 0"); _minimumDeposit = _amount; } function _deposit() internal /*override*/ /*payable*/ /*nonReentrant*/ { require(!Address.isContract(msg.sender), "Contract deposit not accepted"); require(msg.value >= minimumDeposit(), "Not enough balance for deposit"); uint _serviceShare = msg.value.mul(serviceFee).div(100); uint _luckyShare = msg.value.mul(luckyFee).div(100); balances[address(teamWallet)] = balances[address(teamWallet)] .add(_serviceShare.sub(_luckyShare)); balances[address(luckyAddress)] = balances[address(luckyAddress)] .add(_luckyShare); voters[msg.sender].balance = voters[msg.sender].balance.add(msg.value.sub(_serviceShare)); emit EthereumDeposited(msg.sender, msg.value.sub(_serviceShare)); emit EthereumDeposited(teamWallet, _serviceShare.sub(_luckyShare)); emit EthereumDeposited(luckyAddress, _luckyShare); } function withdraw() public override onlyAfter afterWinnerSet { // team wallet withdraw if (msg.sender == address(teamWallet)) { uint amount = balances[address(teamWallet)]; balances[address(teamWallet)] = balances[address(teamWallet)].sub(amount); balances[address(teamWallet)] = 0; payable(msg.sender).transfer(amount); emit TeamRewardClaimed(address(teamWallet), amount); return; } // lucky wallet withdraw if (msg.sender == address(luckyAddress) && balances[address(luckyAddress)] > 0) { uint amount = balances[address(luckyAddress)]; balances[address(luckyAddress)] = balances[address(luckyAddress)].sub(amount); balances[address(luckyAddress)] = 0; payable(msg.sender).transfer(amount); emit LuckyBonusClaimed(address(luckyAddress), amount); return; } // count withdraw require(!voters[msg.sender].credited, "Balance counted"); require(voters[msg.sender].voteType == proposal.winner, "Only if winner"); voters[msg.sender].credited = true; uint weight = voters[msg.sender].weight; uint share = _countShare(proposal.weightDemocrats, proposal.weightRepublicans, weight); voters[msg.sender].weight = voters[msg.sender].weight.sub(weight, "WSUB1"); voters[msg.sender].balance = voters[msg.sender].balance.add(weight).add(share); uint _amount = voters[msg.sender].balance; voters[msg.sender].balance = voters[msg.sender].balance.sub(_amount, "WSUB2"); payable(msg.sender).transfer(_amount); emit EthereumWithdrawn(address(msg.sender), _amount); } function voteForRepublicans() public override payable nonReentrant { _deposit(); _vote(Consignmen.REPUBLICANS, msg.sender); } function voteForDemocrats() public override payable nonReentrant { _deposit(); _vote(Consignmen.DEMOCRATS, msg.sender); } // after 1 month contract can be destroyed function destroyIt() public override onlyOwner { require(block.timestamp > proposal.endDate.add(31 * 1 days)); selfdestruct(msg.sender); } function democratsWon() public override onlyOwner onlyAfter winnerNotSet { _setWinner(Consignmen.DEMOCRATS); _selectLucky(); emit DemocratsWon(true); } function republicansWon() public override onlyOwner onlyAfter winnerNotSet { _setWinner(Consignmen.REPUBLICANS); _selectLucky(); emit DemocratsWon(false); } function _setWinner(Consignmen _winner) internal { proposal.winner = _winner; } function _selectLucky() internal { require(randomOracle.getNumber(0, uint(votersList.length).sub(1, "SL1")) >= 0, "Oracle connected"); uint luckyNum = randomOracle.getNumber(0, uint(votersList.length).sub(1, "SL1")); luckyAddress = votersList[luckyNum]; uint luckyBank = balances[address(0)]; balances[address(0)] = balances[address(0)].sub(luckyBank); balances[votersList[luckyNum]] = balances[votersList[luckyNum]].add(luckyBank); } function _vote(Consignmen _type, address voter) internal onlyDuring { Voter storage sender = voters[msg.sender]; if (sender.voteType != Consignmen.NONE) { require(sender.voteType == _type, "Only for one candidate"); } uint256 amount = sender.balance; sender.balance = sender.balance.sub(amount); sender.weight = sender.weight.add(amount); sender.voteType = _type; if (_type == Consignmen.DEMOCRATS) { proposal.weightDemocrats = proposal.weightDemocrats.add(amount); } else { proposal.weightRepublicans = proposal.weightRepublicans.add(amount); } if (!sender.voted) { proposal.voteCount++; if (_type == Consignmen.DEMOCRATS) { proposal.forDemocrats++; } else { proposal.forRepublicans++; } votersList.push(voter); } sender.voted = true; proposal.voteWeight = proposal.voteWeight.add(amount); } function _countShare(uint256 share1, uint256 share2, uint256 userShare) public view returns(uint) { if (proposal.winner == Consignmen.DEMOCRATS) { return userShare.mul(share1).div(share2); } return userShare.mul(share2).div(share1); } modifier onlyDuring() { require( block.timestamp >= proposal.startDate && block.timestamp <= proposal.endDate, "Voting not has not started or just ended yet" ); _; } modifier onlyAfter() { require(block.timestamp > proposal.endDate, "Voting in progress"); _; } modifier winnerNotSet() { require(proposal.winner == Consignmen.NONE, "Only if no winner"); _; } modifier afterWinnerSet() { require(proposal.winner != Consignmen.NONE, "Only after winner was set"); _; } }
[ 19 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.11; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; struct FullAbsoluteTokenAmount { AbsoluteTokenAmountMeta base; AbsoluteTokenAmountMeta[] underlying; } struct AbsoluteTokenAmountMeta { AbsoluteTokenAmount absoluteTokenAmount; ERC20Metadata erc20metadata; } struct ERC20Metadata { string name; string symbol; uint8 decimals; } struct AdapterBalance { bytes32 protocolAdapterName; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] absoluteTokenAmounts; } struct AbsoluteTokenAmount { address token; uint256 amount; } struct Component { address token; uint256 rate; } struct TransactionData { Action[] actions; TokenAmount[] inputs; Fee fee; AbsoluteTokenAmount[] requiredOutputs; uint256 nonce; } struct Action { bytes32 protocolAdapterName; ActionType actionType; TokenAmount[] tokenAmounts; bytes data; } struct TokenAmount { address token; uint256 amount; AmountType amountType; } struct Fee { uint256 share; address beneficiary; } enum ActionType { None, Deposit, Withdraw } enum AmountType { None, Relative, Absolute } abstract contract ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return amount and type of the given token * locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance( address token, address account ) public view virtual returns (uint256); } contract UniswapV2AssetAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { /** * @return Amount of Uniswap Pool Tokens held by the given account. * @param token Address of the exchange (pair)! * @dev Implementation of ProtocolAdapter abstract contract function. */ function getBalance( address token, address account ) public view override returns (uint256) { return ERC20(token).balanceOf(account); } } abstract contract InteractiveAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { uint256 internal constant DELIMITER = 1e18; address internal constant ETH = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /** * @dev The function must deposit assets to the protocol. * @return MUST return assets to be sent back to the `msg.sender`. */ function deposit( TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts, bytes memory data ) public payable virtual returns (address[] memory); /** * @dev The function must withdraw assets from the protocol. * @return MUST return assets to be sent back to the `msg.sender`. */ function withdraw( TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts, bytes memory data ) public payable virtual returns (address[] memory); function getAbsoluteAmountDeposit( TokenAmount memory tokenAmount ) internal view virtual returns (uint256) { address token = tokenAmount.token; uint256 amount = tokenAmount.amount; AmountType amountType = tokenAmount.amountType; require( amountType == AmountType.Relative || amountType == AmountType.Absolute, "IA: bad amount type" ); if (amountType == AmountType.Relative) { require(amount <= DELIMITER, "IA: bad amount"); uint256 balance; if (token == ETH) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (amount == DELIMITER) { return balance; } else { return mul(balance, amount) / DELIMITER; } } else { return amount; } } function getAbsoluteAmountWithdraw( TokenAmount memory tokenAmount ) internal view virtual returns (uint256) { address token = tokenAmount.token; uint256 amount = tokenAmount.amount; AmountType amountType = tokenAmount.amountType; require( amountType == AmountType.Relative || amountType == AmountType.Absolute, "IA: bad amount type" ); if (amountType == AmountType.Relative) { require(amount <= DELIMITER, "IA: bad amount"); uint256 balance = getBalance(token, address(this)); if (amount == DELIMITER) { return balance; } else { return mul(balance, amount) / DELIMITER; } } else { return amount; } } function mul( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "IA: mul overflow"); return c; } } interface UniswapV2Pair { function mint(address) external returns (uint256); function burn(address) external returns (uint256, uint256); function getReserves() external view returns (uint112, uint112); function token0() external view returns (address); function token1() external view returns (address); } contract UniswapV2AssetInteractiveAdapter is InteractiveAdapter, UniswapV2AssetAdapter { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address internal constant WETH = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; /** * @notice Deposits tokens to the Uniswap pool (pair). * @param tokenAmounts Array with one element - TokenAmount struct with * underlying tokens addresses, underlying tokens amounts to be deposited, and amount types. * @param data ABI-encoded additional parameters: * - pairAddress - pair address. * @return tokensToBeWithdrawn Array with one element - UNI-token (pair) address. * @dev Implementation of InteractiveAdapter function. */ function deposit( TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts, bytes memory data ) public payable override returns (address[] memory tokensToBeWithdrawn) { require(tokenAmounts.length == 2, "ULIA: should be 2 tokenAmounts"); address pairAddress = abi.decode(data, (address)); tokensToBeWithdrawn = new address[](1); tokensToBeWithdrawn[0] = pairAddress; uint256 amount0 = getAbsoluteAmountDeposit(tokenAmounts[0]); uint256 amount1 = getAbsoluteAmountDeposit(tokenAmounts[1]); uint256 reserve0; uint256 reserve1; if (tokenAmounts[0].token == UniswapV2Pair(pairAddress).token0()) { (reserve0, reserve1) = UniswapV2Pair(pairAddress).getReserves(); } else { (reserve1, reserve0) = UniswapV2Pair(pairAddress).getReserves(); } uint256 amount1Optimal = amount0 * reserve1 / reserve0; if (amount1Optimal < amount1) { amount1 = amount1Optimal; } else if (amount1Optimal > amount1) { amount0 = amount1 * reserve0 / reserve1; } ERC20(tokenAmounts[0].token).safeTransfer(pairAddress, amount0, "ULIA[1]"); ERC20(tokenAmounts[1].token).safeTransfer(pairAddress, amount1, "ULIA[2]"); try UniswapV2Pair(pairAddress).mint( address(this) ) returns (uint256) { // solhint-disable-line no-empty-blocks } catch Error(string memory reason) { revert(reason); } catch { revert("ULIA: deposit fail"); } } /** * @notice Withdraws tokens from the Uniswap pool. * @param tokenAmounts Array with one element - TokenAmount struct with * UNI token address, UNI token amount to be redeemed, and amount type. * @return tokensToBeWithdrawn Array with two elements - underlying tokens. * @dev Implementation of InteractiveAdapter function. */ function withdraw( TokenAmount[] memory tokenAmounts, bytes memory ) public payable override returns (address[] memory tokensToBeWithdrawn) { require(tokenAmounts.length == 1, "ULIA: should be 1 tokenAmount"); address token = tokenAmounts[0].token; uint256 amount = getAbsoluteAmountWithdraw(tokenAmounts[0]); tokensToBeWithdrawn = new address[](2); tokensToBeWithdrawn[0] = UniswapV2Pair(token).token0(); tokensToBeWithdrawn[1] = UniswapV2Pair(token).token1(); ERC20(token).safeTransfer(token, amount, "ULIA[3]"); try UniswapV2Pair(token).burn( address(this) ) returns (uint256, uint256) { // solhint-disable-line no-empty-blocks } catch Error(string memory reason) { revert(reason); } catch { revert("ULIA: withdraw fail"); } } } interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); function allowance(address, address) external view returns (uint256); } library SafeERC20 { function safeTransfer( ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value, string memory location ) internal { callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.transfer.selector, to, value ), "transfer", location ); } function safeTransferFrom( ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value, string memory location ) internal { callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value ), "transferFrom", location ); } function safeApprove( ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value, string memory location ) internal { require( (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: bad approve call" ); callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.approve.selector, spender, value ), "approve", location ); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), * relaxing the requirement on the return value: the return value is optional * (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). * @param location Location of the call (for debug). */ function callOptionalReturn( ERC20 token, bytes memory data, string memory functionName, string memory location ) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking // mechanism, since we're implementing it ourselves. // We implement two-steps call as callee is a contract is a responsibility of a caller. // 1. The call itself is made, and success asserted // 2. The return value is decoded, which in turn checks the size of the returned data. // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data); require( success, string( abi.encodePacked( "SafeERC20: ", functionName, " failed in ", location ) ) ); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional require( abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), string( abi.encodePacked( "SafeERC20: ", functionName, " returned false in ", location ) ) ); } } }
[ 4, 9, 12, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract when upgrade EVEN times. */ modifier initializerEven() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized EVEN times"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = false; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } contract Governable is Initializable { address public governor; event GovernorshipTransferred(address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor); /** * @dev Contract initializer. * called once by the factory at time of deployment */ function initialize(address governor_) virtual public initializer { governor = governor_; emit GovernorshipTransferred(address(0), governor); } modifier governance() { require(msg.sender == governor); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to governorship will leave the contract without an governor. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `governance` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceGovernorship() public governance { emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, address(0)); governor = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to transfer control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) public governance { _transferGovernorship(newGovernor); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function _transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) internal { require(newGovernor != address(0)); emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, newGovernor); governor = newGovernor; } } contract Configurable is Governable { mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal config; function getConfig(bytes32 key) public view returns (uint) { return config[key]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, uint index) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ index)]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, address addr) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr))]; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) internal { if(config[key] != value) config[key] = value; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(key, value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } } interface Minter { event Minted(address indexed recipient, address reward_contract, uint minted); function token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function minted(address, address) external view returns (uint); function allowed_to_mint_for(address, address) external view returns (bool); function mint(address gauge) external; function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) external; function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) external; function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) external; } interface LiquidityGauge { event Deposit(address indexed provider, uint value); event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint value); event UpdateLiquidityLimit(address user, uint original_balance, uint original_supply, uint working_balance, uint working_supply); function user_checkpoint (address addr) external returns (bool); function claimable_tokens(address addr) external view returns (uint); function claimable_reward(address addr) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint() external view returns (uint); function kick(address addr) external; function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) external; function deposit(uint _value) external; function deposit(uint _value, address addr) external; function withdraw(uint _value) external; function withdraw(uint _value, bool claim_rewards) external; function claim_rewards() external; function claim_rewards(address addr) external; function minter() external view returns (address); function crv_token() external view returns (address); function lp_token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function voting_escrow() external view returns (address); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function future_epoch_time() external view returns (uint); function approved_to_deposit(address, address) external view returns (bool); function working_balances(address) external view returns (uint); function working_supply() external view returns (uint); function period() external view returns (int128); function period_timestamp(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_fraction(address) external view returns (uint); function inflation_rate() external view returns (uint); function reward_contract() external view returns (address); function rewarded_token() external view returns (address); function reward_integral() external view returns (uint); function reward_integral_for(address) external view returns (uint); function rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); function claimed_rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); } interface IStakingRewards { // Views function lastTimeRewardApplicable() external view returns (uint256); function rewardPerToken() external view returns (uint256); function rewards(address account) external view returns (uint256); function earned(address account) external view returns (uint256); function getRewardForDuration() external view returns (uint256); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); // Mutative function stake(uint256 amount) external; function withdraw(uint256 amount) external; function getReward() external; function exit() external; // Events event RewardAdded(uint256 reward); event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event RewardPaid(address indexed user, uint256 reward); } interface IStakingRewards2 is IStakingRewards { function totalMinted() external view returns (uint); function weightOfGauge(address gauge) external view returns (uint); function stakingPerLPT(address gauge) external view returns (uint); function stakeTimeOf(address account) external view returns (uint); function stakeAgeOf(address account) external view returns (uint); function factorOf(address account) external view returns (uint); function spendTimeOf(address account) external view returns (uint); function spendAgeOf(address account) external view returns (uint); function coinAgeOf(address account) external view returns (uint); function spendCoinAge(address account, uint coinAge) external returns (uint); event SpentCoinAge(address indexed gauge, address indexed account, uint coinAge); } contract SSimpleGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; uint override public reward_integral; mapping(address => uint) override public reward_integral_for; mapping(address => uint) override public rewards_for; mapping(address => uint) override public claimed_rewards_for; uint public span; uint public end; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[addr] = balanceOf[addr].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(addr, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender], true); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override external { withdraw(amount, true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(totalSupply); uint lasttime = integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]; if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); address teamAddr = address(config['teamAddr']); uint teamRatio = config['teamRatio']; if(teamAddr != address(0) && teamRatio != 0) integrate_fraction[teamAddr] = integrate_fraction[teamAddr].add(amount.mul(teamRatio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { uint amount = claimable_tokens(addr); _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = now; } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return now; } } c SExactGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _devAddr_ = 'devAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _devRatio_ = 'devRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoAddr_ = 'ecoAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoRatio_ = 'ecoRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _claim_rewards_ = 'claim_rewards'; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; mapping(address => uint) public reward_integral_; // rewarded_token => reward_integral mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public reward_integral_for_; // recipient => rewarded_token => reward_integral_for mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public rewards_for_; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public claimed_rewards_for_; uint public span; uint public end; mapping(address => uint) public sumMiningPerOf; uint public sumMiningPer; uint public bufReward; uint public lasttime; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public virtual initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; if(lasttime == 0) lasttime = now; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override public { withdraw(amount, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, _claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { addr; return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { r = integrate_fraction[addr].sub(Minter(minter).minted(addr, address(this))); r = r.add(_claimable_last(addr, claimableDelta(), sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr])); } function _claimable_last(address addr, uint delta, uint sumPer, uint lastSumPer) virtual internal view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = sumPer.sub(lastSumPer); amount = amount.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(1 ether); } function claimableDelta() virtual internal view returns(uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)).sub(bufReward); if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); addr = address(config[_devAddr_]); uint ratio = config[_devRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); addr = address(config[_ecoAddr_]); ratio = config[_ecoRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint delta = claimableDelta(); uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, delta, sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); if(delta != amount) bufReward = bufReward.add(delta).sub(amount); if(delta > 0) sumMiningPer = sumMiningPer.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(sumMiningPerOf[addr] != sumMiningPer) sumMiningPerOf[addr] = sumMiningPer; lasttime = now; _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return lasttime; } function reward_integral() virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_[rewarded_token]; } function reward_integral_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function claimed_rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } } contra uge is SExactGauge { address[] public rewards; //mapping(address => mapping(address =>uint)) internal sumRewardPerOf_; // recipient => rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_ //mapping(address => uint) internal sumRewardPer_; // rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_for_ function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _nestGauge, address[] memory _moreRewards) public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); reward_contract = _nestGauge; rewarded_token = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).crv_token(); rewards = _moreRewards; rewards.push(rewarded_token); address rewarded_token2 = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).rewarded_token(); if(rewarded_token2 != address(0)) rewards.push(rewarded_token2); LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).integrate_checkpoint(); // just check for(uint i=0; i<_moreRewards.length; i++) IERC20(_moreRewards[i]).totalSupply(); // just check } function _deposit(address from, uint amount) virtual override internal { super._deposit(from, amount); // lp_token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount); lp_token.safeApprove(reward_contract, amount); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).deposit(amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual override internal { LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).withdraw(amount); super._withdraw(to, amount); // lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claim_rewards(address to) virtual override public { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; _checkpoint_rewards(to, true); for(uint i=0; i<rewards.length; i++) { uint amount = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) { rewards[i].safeTransfer(to, amount); claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]; } } } function _checkpoint_rewards(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint[] memory drs = new uint[](rewards.length); if(_claim_rewards) { for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).mint(reward_contract); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claim_rewards(); for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(drs[i]); } for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) { uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, drs[i], reward_integral_[rewards[i]], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]].add(amount); if(drs[i] > 0) reward_integral_[rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]].add(drs[i].mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] != reward_integral_[rewards[i]]) reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]]; } } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { //uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_tokens(address(this)); // Error: Mutable call in static context uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).integrate_fraction(address(this)).sub(Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).minted(address(this), reward_contract)); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[rewarded_token], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token])); } function claimable_reward2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint r) { uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_reward(address(this)).sub(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimed_rewards_for(address(this))); address reward2 = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token(); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[reward2], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward2]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][reward2].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][reward2])); } function claimable_reward(address addr, address reward) virtual public view returns (uint r) { r = _claimable_last(addr, 0, reward_integral_[reward], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][reward].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][reward])); } function claimed_rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } function rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } } contrac is Minter, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address payable; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _allowContract_ = 'allowContract'; bytes32 internal constant _allowlist_ = 'allowlist'; bytes32 internal constant _blocklist_ = 'blocklist'; address override public token; address override public controller; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) override public minted; // user => reward_contract => value mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public allowed_to_mint_for; // minter => user => can mint? mapping(address => uint) public quotas; // reward_contract => quota; function initialize(address governor, address token_) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); token = token_; } function setGaugeQuota(address gauge, uint quota) public governance { quotas[gauge] = quota; } function mint(address gauge) virtual override public { mint_for(gauge, msg.sender); } function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) virtual override external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_many(address[] calldata gauges) virtual external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) virtual override public { require(_for == msg.sender || allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for], 'Not approved'); require(quotas[gauge] > 0, 'No quota'); require(getConfig(_blocklist_, msg.sender) == 0, 'In blocklist'); bool isContract = msg.sender.isContract(); require(!isContract || config[_allowContract_] != 0 || getConfig(_allowlist_, msg.sender) != 0, 'No allowContract'); LiquidityGauge(gauge).user_checkpoint(_for); uint total_mint = LiquidityGauge(gauge).integrate_fraction(_for); uint to_mint = total_mint.sub(minted[_for][gauge]); if(to_mint != 0) { quotas[gauge] = quotas[gauge].sub(to_mint); token.safeTransfer(_for, to_mint); minted[_for][gauge] = total_mint; emit Minted(_for, gauge, total_mint); } } function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) virtual override external { allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = !allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]; } } /* // he abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } function sqrt(uint x)public pure returns(uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 2; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / z + z) / 2; } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) public _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowances; uint256 public _totalSupply; string internal _name; string internal _symbol; uint8 internal _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract SfgToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfgFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Governance Token", "SFG") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfgFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } contract SfyToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfyFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Yield Token", "SFY") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfyFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } library TransferHelper { function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('approve(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: APPROVE_FAILED'); } function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED'); } function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'); } function safeTransferETH(address to, uint value) internal { (bool success,) ={value:value}(new bytes(0)); require(success, 'TransferHelper: ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED'); } } contract TurboGauge is SExactGauge { address public staking; mapping(address => uint) public lastTurboOf; uint public lastTurboSupply; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _staking) virtual public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); staking = _staking; } function ratioStaking(address addr) public view returns (uint r) { r = IStakingRewards2(staking).balanceOf(addr); r = r.mul(1 ether).div(IStakingRewards2(staking).stakingPerLPT(address(this))); r = r.mul(1 ether).div(balanceOf[addr]); if(now > lasttime) r = r.mul(IStakingRewards2(staking).spendAgeOf(addr)).div(now.sub(lasttime)); } function factorOf(address addr) public view returns (uint f) { f = IStakingRewards2(staking).factorOf(addr); uint r = ratioStaking(addr); if(r < 1 ether) f = f.sub(1 ether).mul(r).div(1 ether).add(1 ether); } function virtualBalanceOf(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return balanceOf[addr]; if(now == lasttime) return balanceOf[addr].add(lastTurboOf[addr]); return balanceOf[addr].mul(factorOf(addr)).div(1 ether); } function virtualTotalSupply() virtual public view returns (uint) { return totalSupply.add(lastTurboSupply); } function _virtualTotalSupply(address addr, uint vbo) virtual internal view returns (uint) { return virtualTotalSupply().add(vbo).sub(balanceOf[addr].add(lastTurboOf[addr])); } function _virtual_claimable_last(uint delta, uint sumPer, uint lastSumPer, uint vbo, uint _vts) virtual internal view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = sumPer.sub(lastSumPer); amount = amount.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(_vts)); amount = amount.mul(vbo).div(1 ether); } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint vbo = virtualBalanceOf(addr); uint _vts = _virtualTotalSupply(addr, vbo); uint delta = claimableDelta(); uint amount = _virtual_claimable_last(delta, sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr], vbo, _vts); if(delta != amount) bufReward = bufReward.add(delta).sub(amount); if(delta > 0) sumMiningPer = sumMiningPer.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(_vts)); if(sumMiningPerOf[addr] != sumMiningPer) sumMiningPerOf[addr] = sumMiningPer; if(lastTurboOf[addr] != vbo.sub(balanceOf[addr])) lastTurboOf[addr] = vbo.sub(balanceOf[addr]); if(lastTurboSupply != _vts.sub(totalSupply)) lastTurboSupply = _vts.sub(totalSupply); if(now > lasttime) { uint coinAge = balanceOf[addr].mul(IStakingRewards2(staking).stakingPerLPT(address(this)).div(1 ether).mul(now.sub(lasttime))); IStakingRewards2(staking).spendCoinAge(addr, coinAge); } lasttime = now; _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); } }
[ 0, 4, 7, 9, 5 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.5; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); } interface ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return "Asset" or "Debt". * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function adapterType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return token type (default is "ERC20"). * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function tokenType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return amount of the given token locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view returns (uint256); } interface CToken { function borrowBalanceStored(address) external view returns (uint256); } interface CreamRegistry { function getCToken(address) external view returns (address); } contract CreamDebtAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { address internal constant REGISTRY = 0xecD78d9b6B6DAa268Ea7524557c361FCc8a323b7; string public constant override adapterType = "Debt"; string public constant override tokenType = "ERC20"; /** * @return Amount of debt of the given account for the protocol. * @dev Implementation of ProtocolAdapter interface function. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view override returns (uint256) { address cToken = CreamRegistry(REGISTRY).getCToken(token); return CToken(cToken).borrowBalanceStored(account); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.5; interface LandToken { function mintQuad( address to, uint256 size, uint256 x, uint256 y, bytes calldata data ) external; } contract Admin { address internal _admin; /// @dev emitted when the contract administrator is changed. /// @param oldAdmin address of the previous administrator. /// @param newAdmin address of the new administrator. event AdminChanged(address oldAdmin, address newAdmin); /// @dev gives the current administrator of this contract. /// @return the current administrator of this contract. function getAdmin() external view returns (address) { return _admin; } /// @dev change the administrator to be `newAdmin`. /// @param newAdmin address of the new administrator. function changeAdmin(address newAdmin) external { require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin can change admin"); emit AdminChanged(_admin, newAdmin); _admin = newAdmin; } modifier onlyAdmin() { require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin allowed"); _; } } contract MetaTransactionReceiver is Admin { mapping(address => bool) internal _metaTransactionContracts; /// @dev emiited when a meta transaction processor is enabled/disabled /// @param metaTransactionProcessor address that will be given/removed metaTransactionProcessor rights. /// @param enabled set whether the metaTransactionProcessor is enabled or disabled. event MetaTransactionProcessor(address metaTransactionProcessor, bool enabled); /// @dev Enable or disable the ability of `metaTransactionProcessor` to perform meta-tx (metaTransactionProcessor rights). /// @param metaTransactionProcessor address that will be given/removed metaTransactionProcessor rights. /// @param enabled set whether the metaTransactionProcessor is enabled or disabled. function setMetaTransactionProcessor(address metaTransactionProcessor, bool enabled) public { require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin can setup metaTransactionProcessors"); _setMetaTransactionProcessor(metaTransactionProcessor, enabled); } function _setMetaTransactionProcessor(address metaTransactionProcessor, bool enabled) internal { _metaTransactionContracts[metaTransactionProcessor] = enabled; emit MetaTransactionProcessor(metaTransactionProcessor, enabled); } /// @dev check whether address `who` is given meta-transaction execution rights. /// @param who The address to query. /// @return whether the address has meta-transaction execution rights. function isMetaTransactionProcessor(address who) external view returns (bool) { return _metaTransactionContracts[who]; } } interface ERC1155 { event TransferSingle(address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 id, uint256 value); event TransferBatch(address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values); event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved); event URI(string value, uint256 indexed id); /** @notice Transfers `value` amount of an `id` from `from` to `to` (with safety call). @dev Caller must be approved to manage the tokens being transferred out of the `from` account (see "Approval" section of the standard). MUST revert if `to` is the zero address. MUST revert if balance of holder for token `id` is lower than the `value` sent. MUST revert on any other error. MUST emit the `TransferSingle` event to reflect the balance change (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). After the above conditions are met, this function MUST check if `to` is a smart contract (e.g. code size > 0). If so, it MUST call `onERC1155Received` on `to` and act appropriately (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). @param from Source address @param to Target address @param id ID of the token type @param value Transfer amount @param data Additional data with no specified format, MUST be sent unaltered in call to `onERC1155Received` on `to` */ function safeTransferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 value, bytes calldata data ) external; /** @notice Transfers `values` amount(s) of `ids` from the `from` address to the `to` address specified (with safety call). @dev Caller must be approved to manage the tokens being transferred out of the `from` account (see "Approval" section of the standard). MUST revert if `to` is the zero address. MUST revert if length of `ids` is not the same as length of `values`. MUST revert if any of the balance(s) of the holder(s) for token(s) in `ids` is lower than the respective amount(s) in `values` sent to the recipient. MUST revert on any other error. MUST emit `TransferSingle` or `TransferBatch` event(s) such that all the balance changes are reflected (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). Balance changes and events MUST follow the ordering of the arrays (_ids[0]/_values[0] before _ids[1]/_values[1], etc). After the above conditions for the transfer(s) in the batch are met, this function MUST check if `to` is a smart contract (e.g. code size > 0). If so, it MUST call the relevant `ERC1155TokenReceiver` hook(s) on `to` and act appropriately (see "Safe Transfer Rules" section of the standard). @param from Source address @param to Target address @param ids IDs of each token type (order and length must match _values array) @param values Transfer amounts per token type (order and length must match _ids array) @param data Additional data with no specified format, MUST be sent unaltered in call to the `ERC1155TokenReceiver` hook(s) on `to` */ function safeBatchTransferFrom( address from, address to, uint256[] calldata ids, uint256[] calldata values, bytes calldata data ) external; /** @notice Get the balance of an account's tokens. @param owner The address of the token holder @param id ID of the token @return The _owner's balance of the token type requested */ function balanceOf(address owner, uint256 id) external view returns (uint256); /** @notice Get the balance of multiple account/token pairs @param owners The addresses of the token holders @param ids ID of the tokens @return The _owner's balance of the token types requested (i.e. balance for each (owner, id) pair) */ function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata owners, uint256[] calldata ids) external view returns (uint256[] memory); /** @notice Enable or disable approval for a third party ("operator") to manage all of the caller's tokens. @dev MUST emit the ApprovalForAll event on success. @param operator Address to add to the set of authorized operators @param approved True if the operator is approved, false to revoke approval */ function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external; /** @notice Queries the approval status of an operator for a given owner. @param owner The owner of the tokens @param operator Address of authorized operator @return True if the operator is approved, false if not */ function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool); } interface ERC20 { /// @notice emitted when tokens are transfered from one address to another. /// @param from address from which the token are transfered from (zero means tokens are minted). /// @param to destination address which the token are transfered to (zero means tokens are burnt). /// @param value amount of tokens transferred. event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /// @notice emitted when owner grant transfer rights to another address /// @param owner address allowing its token to be transferred. /// @param spender address allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` /// @param value amount of tokens allowed. event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); /// @notice return the current total amount of tokens owned by all holders. /// @return supply total number of tokens held. function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); /// @notice return the number of tokens held by a particular address. /// @param who address being queried. /// @return balance number of token held by that address. function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256 balance); /// @notice transfer tokens to a specific address. /// @param to destination address receiving the tokens. /// @param value number of tokens to transfer. /// @return success whether the transfer succeeded. function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool success); /// @notice transfer tokens from one address to another. /// @param from address tokens will be sent from. /// @param to destination address receiving the tokens. /// @param value number of tokens to transfer. /// @return success whether the transfer succeeded. function transferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 value ) external returns (bool success); /// @notice approve an address to spend on your behalf. /// @param spender address entitled to transfer on your behalf. /// @param value amount allowed to be transfered. /// @param success whether the approval succeeded. function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool success); /// @notice return the current allowance for a particular owner/spender pair. /// @param owner address allowing spender. /// @param spender address allowed to spend. /// @return amount number of tokens `spender` can spend on behalf of `owner`. function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256 amount); } interface Medianizer { function read() external view returns (bytes32); } library SafeMathWithRequire { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than asserting 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, "divbyzero"); // uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return a / b; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, "undeflow"); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256 c) { c = a + b; require(c >= a, "overflow"); return c; } } library SigUtil { function recover(bytes32 hash, bytes memory sig) internal pure returns (address recovered) { require(sig.length == 65); bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; assembly { r := mload(add(sig, 32)) s := mload(add(sig, 64)) v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96))) } // Version of signature should be 27 or 28, but 0 and 1 are also possible versions if (v < 27) { v += 27; } require(v == 27 || v == 28); recovered = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s); require(recovered != address(0)); } function recoverWithZeroOnFailure(bytes32 hash, bytes memory sig) internal pure returns (address) { if (sig.length != 65) { return (address(0)); } bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; assembly { r := mload(add(sig, 32)) s := mload(add(sig, 64)) v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96))) } // Version of signature should be 27 or 28, but 0 and 1 are also possible versions if (v < 27) { v += 27; } if (v != 27 && v != 28) { return (address(0)); } else { return ecrecover(hash, v, r, s); } } // Builds a prefixed hash to mimic the behavior of eth_sign. function prefixed(bytes32 hash) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { return abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash); } } contract ReferralValidator is Admin { address private _signingWallet; uint256 private _maxCommissionRate; mapping(address => uint256) private _previousSigningWallets; uint256 private _previousSigningDelay = 60 * 60 * 24 * 10; event ReferralUsed( address indexed referrer, address indexed referee, address indexed token, uint256 amount, uint256 commission, uint256 commissionRate ); constructor(address initialSigningWallet, uint256 initialMaxCommissionRate) public { _signingWallet = initialSigningWallet; _maxCommissionRate = initialMaxCommissionRate; } /** * @dev Update the signing wallet * @param newSigningWallet The new address of the signing wallet */ function updateSigningWallet(address newSigningWallet) external { require(_admin == msg.sender, "Sender not admin"); _previousSigningWallets[_signingWallet] = now + _previousSigningDelay; _signingWallet = newSigningWallet; } /** * @dev signing wallet authorized for referral * @return the address of the signing wallet */ function getSigningWallet() external view returns (address) { return _signingWallet; } /** * @notice the max commision rate * @return the maximum commision rate that a referral can give */ function getMaxCommisionRate() external view returns (uint256) { return _maxCommissionRate; } /** * @dev Update the maximum commission rate * @param newMaxCommissionRate The new maximum commission rate */ function updateMaxCommissionRate(uint256 newMaxCommissionRate) external { require(_admin == msg.sender, "Sender not admin"); _maxCommissionRate = newMaxCommissionRate; } function handleReferralWithETH( uint256 amount, bytes memory referral, address payable destination ) internal { uint256 amountForDestination = amount; if (referral.length > 0) { (bytes memory signature, address referrer, address referee, uint256 expiryTime, uint256 commissionRate) = decodeReferral(referral); uint256 commission = 0; if (isReferralValid(signature, referrer, referee, expiryTime, commissionRate)) { commission = SafeMathWithRequire.div(SafeMathWithRequire.mul(amount, commissionRate), 10000); emit ReferralUsed(referrer, referee, address(0), amount, commission, commissionRate); amountForDestination = SafeMathWithRequire.sub(amountForDestination, commission); } if (commission > 0) { address(uint160(referrer)).transfer(commission); } } destination.transfer(amountForDestination); } function handleReferralWithERC20( address buyer, uint256 amount, bytes memory referral, address payable destination, address tokenAddress ) internal { ERC20 token = ERC20(tokenAddress); uint256 amountForDestination = amount; if (referral.length > 0) { (bytes memory signature, address referrer, address referee, uint256 expiryTime, uint256 commissionRate) = decodeReferral(referral); uint256 commission = 0; if (isReferralValid(signature, referrer, referee, expiryTime, commissionRate)) { commission = SafeMathWithRequire.div(SafeMathWithRequire.mul(amount, commissionRate), 10000); emit ReferralUsed(referrer, referee, tokenAddress, amount, commission, commissionRate); amountForDestination = SafeMathWithRequire.sub(amountForDestination, commission); } if (commission > 0) { require(token.transferFrom(buyer, referrer, commission), "commision transfer failed"); } } require(token.transferFrom(buyer, destination, amountForDestination), "payment transfer failed"); } /** * @notice Check if a referral is valid * @param signature The signature to check (signed referral) * @param referrer The address of the referrer * @param referee The address of the referee * @param expiryTime The expiry time of the referral * @param commissionRate The commissionRate of the referral * @return True if the referral is valid */ function isReferralValid( bytes memory signature, address referrer, address referee, uint256 expiryTime, uint256 commissionRate ) public view returns (bool) { if (commissionRate > _maxCommissionRate || referrer == referee || now > expiryTime) { return false; } bytes32 hashedData = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(referrer, referee, expiryTime, commissionRate)); address signer = SigUtil.recover(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hashedData)), signature); if (_previousSigningWallets[signer] >= now) { return true; } return _signingWallet == signer; } function decodeReferral(bytes memory referral) public pure returns ( bytes memory, address, address, uint256, uint256 ) { (bytes memory signature, address referrer, address referee, uint256 expiryTime, uint256 commissionRate) = abi.decode( referral, (bytes, address, address, uint256, uint256) ); return (signature, referrer, referee, expiryTime, commissionRate); } } contract EstateSale is MetaTransactionReceiver, ReferralValidator { using SafeMathWithRequire for uint256; uint256 internal constant GRID_SIZE = 408; // 408 is the size of the Land uint256 internal constant daiPrice = 14400000000000000; ERC1155 internal immutable _asset; LandToken internal immutable _land; ERC20 internal immutable _sand; Medianizer private immutable _medianizer; ERC20 private immutable _dai; address internal immutable _estate; address payable internal _wallet; uint256 internal immutable _expiryTime; bytes32 internal immutable _merkleRoot; bool _sandEnabled = false; bool _etherEnabled = true; bool _daiEnabled = false; event LandQuadPurchased( address indexed buyer, address indexed to, uint256 indexed topCornerId, uint256 size, uint256 price, address token, uint256 amountPaid ); constructor( address landAddress, address sandContractAddress, address initialMetaTx, address admin, address payable initialWalletAddress, bytes32 merkleRoot, uint256 expiryTime, address medianizerContractAddress, address daiTokenContractAddress, address initialSigningWallet, uint256 initialMaxCommissionRate, address estate, address asset ) public ReferralValidator(initialSigningWallet, initialMaxCommissionRate) { _land = LandToken(landAddress); _sand = ERC20(sandContractAddress); _setMetaTransactionProcessor(initialMetaTx, true); _wallet = initialWalletAddress; _merkleRoot = merkleRoot; _expiryTime = expiryTime; _medianizer = Medianizer(medianizerContractAddress); _dai = ERC20(daiTokenContractAddress); _admin = admin; _estate = estate; _asset = ERC1155(asset); } /// @dev set the wallet receiving the proceeds /// @param newWallet address of the new receiving wallet function setReceivingWallet(address payable newWallet) external { require(newWallet != address(0), "receiving wallet cannot be zero address"); require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin can change the receiving wallet"); _wallet = newWallet; } /// @dev enable/disable DAI payment for Lands /// @param enabled whether to enable or disable function setDAIEnabled(bool enabled) external { require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin can enable/disable DAI"); _daiEnabled = enabled; } /// @notice return whether DAI payments are enabled /// @return whether DAI payments are enabled function isDAIEnabled() external view returns (bool) { return _daiEnabled; } /// @notice enable/disable ETH payment for Lands /// @param enabled whether to enable or disable function setETHEnabled(bool enabled) external { require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin can enable/disable ETH"); _etherEnabled = enabled; } /// @notice return whether ETH payments are enabled /// @return whether ETH payments are enabled function isETHEnabled() external view returns (bool) { return _etherEnabled; } /// @dev enable/disable the specific SAND payment for Lands /// @param enabled whether to enable or disable function setSANDEnabled(bool enabled) external { require(msg.sender == _admin, "only admin can enable/disable SAND"); _sandEnabled = enabled; } /// @notice return whether the specific SAND payments are enabled /// @return whether the specific SAND payments are enabled function isSANDEnabled() external view returns (bool) { return _sandEnabled; } function _checkValidity( address buyer, address reserved, uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 size, uint256 price, bytes32 salt, uint256[] memory assetIds, bytes32[] memory proof ) internal view { /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members */ require(block.timestamp < _expiryTime, "sale is over"); require(buyer == msg.sender || _metaTransactionContracts[msg.sender], "not authorized"); require(reserved == address(0) || reserved == buyer, "cannot buy reserved Land"); bytes32 leaf = _generateLandHash(x, y, size, price, reserved, salt, assetIds); require(_verify(proof, leaf), "Invalid land provided"); } function _mint( address buyer, address to, uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 size, uint256 price, address token, uint256 tokenAmount ) internal { if (size == 1 || _estate == address(0)) { _land.mintQuad(to, size, x, y, ""); } else { _land.mintQuad(_estate, size, x, y, abi.encode(to)); } emit LandQuadPurchased(buyer, to, x + (y * GRID_SIZE), size, price, token, tokenAmount); } /** * @notice buy Land with SAND using the merkle proof associated with it * @param buyer address that perform the payment * @param to address that will own the purchased Land * @param reserved the reserved address (if any) * @param x x coordinate of the Land * @param y y coordinate of the Land * @param size size of the pack of Land to purchase * @param priceInSand price in SAND to purchase that Land * @param proof merkleProof for that particular Land */ function buyLandWithSand( address buyer, address to, address reserved, uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 size, uint256 priceInSand, bytes32 salt, uint256[] calldata assetIds, bytes32[] calldata proof, bytes calldata referral ) external { require(_sandEnabled, "sand payments not enabled"); _checkValidity(buyer, reserved, x, y, size, priceInSand, salt, assetIds, proof); handleReferralWithERC20(buyer, priceInSand, referral, _wallet, address(_sand)); _mint(buyer, to, x, y, size, priceInSand, address(_sand), priceInSand); _sendAssets(to, assetIds); } /** * @notice buy Land with ETH using the merkle proof associated with it * @param buyer address that perform the payment * @param to address that will own the purchased Land * @param reserved the reserved address (if any) * @param x x coordinate of the Land * @param y y coordinate of the Land * @param size size of the pack of Land to purchase * @param priceInSand price in SAND to purchase that Land * @param proof merkleProof for that particular Land * @param referral the referral used by the buyer */ function buyLandWithETH( address buyer, address to, address reserved, uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 size, uint256 priceInSand, bytes32 salt, uint256[] calldata assetIds, bytes32[] calldata proof, bytes calldata referral ) external payable { require(_etherEnabled, "ether payments not enabled"); _checkValidity(buyer, reserved, x, y, size, priceInSand, salt, assetIds, proof); uint256 ETHRequired = getEtherAmountWithSAND(priceInSand); require(msg.value >= ETHRequired, "not enough ether sent"); if (msg.value - ETHRequired > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(msg.value - ETHRequired); // refund extra } handleReferralWithETH(ETHRequired, referral, _wallet); _mint(buyer, to, x, y, size, priceInSand, address(0), ETHRequired); _sendAssets(to, assetIds); } /** * @notice buy Land with DAI using the merkle proof associated with it * @param buyer address that perform the payment * @param to address that will own the purchased Land * @param reserved the reserved address (if any) * @param x x coordinate of the Land * @param y y coordinate of the Land * @param size size of the pack of Land to purchase * @param priceInSand price in SAND to purchase that Land * @param proof merkleProof for that particular Land */ function buyLandWithDAI( address buyer, address to, address reserved, uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 size, uint256 priceInSand, bytes32 salt, uint256[] calldata assetIds, bytes32[] calldata proof, bytes calldata referral ) external { require(_daiEnabled, "dai payments not enabled"); _checkValidity(buyer, reserved, x, y, size, priceInSand, salt, assetIds, proof); uint256 DAIRequired = priceInSand.mul(daiPrice).div(1000000000000000000); handleReferralWithERC20(buyer, DAIRequired, referral, _wallet, address(_dai)); _mint(buyer, to, x, y, size, priceInSand, address(_dai), DAIRequired); _sendAssets(to, assetIds); } /** * @notice Gets the expiry time for the current sale * @return The expiry time, as a unix epoch */ function getExpiryTime() external view returns (uint256) { return _expiryTime; } /** * @notice Gets the Merkle root associated with the current sale * @return The Merkle root, as a bytes32 hash */ function merkleRoot() external view returns (bytes32) { return _merkleRoot; } function _sendAssets(address to, uint256[] memory assetIds) internal { uint256[] memory values = new uint256[](assetIds.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < assetIds.length; i++) { values[i] = 1; } _asset.safeBatchTransferFrom(address(this), to, assetIds, values, ""); } function _generateLandHash( uint256 x, uint256 y, uint256 size, uint256 price, address reserved, bytes32 salt, uint256[] memory assetIds ) internal pure returns (bytes32) { return keccak256(abi.encodePacked(x, y, size, price, reserved, salt, assetIds)); } function _verify(bytes32[] memory proof, bytes32 leaf) internal view returns (bool) { bytes32 computedHash = leaf; for (uint256 i = 0; i < proof.length; i++) { bytes32 proofElement = proof[i]; if (computedHash < proofElement) { computedHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(computedHash, proofElement)); } else { computedHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(proofElement, computedHash)); } } return computedHash == _merkleRoot; } /** * @notice Returns the amount of ETH for a specific amount of SAND * @param sandAmount An amount of SAND * @return The amount of ETH */ function getEtherAmountWithSAND(uint256 sandAmount) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 ethUsdPair = getEthUsdPair(); return sandAmount.mul(daiPrice).div(ethUsdPair); } /** * @notice Gets the ETHUSD pair from the Medianizer contract * @return The pair as an uint256 */ function getEthUsdPair() internal view returns (uint256) { bytes32 pair =; return uint256(pair); } function onERC1155Received( address, /*operator*/ address, /*from*/ uint256, /*id*/ uint256, /*value*/ bytes calldata /*data*/ ) external pure returns (bytes4) { return 0xf23a6e61; } function onERC1155BatchReceived( address, /*operator*/ address, /*from*/ uint256[] calldata, /*ids*/ uint256[] calldata, /*values*/ bytes calldata /*data*/ ) external pure returns (bytes4) { return 0xbc197c81; } function withdrawAssets( address to, uint256[] calldata assetIds, uint256[] calldata values ) external { require(msg.sender == _admin, "NOT_AUTHORIZED"); require(block.timestamp > _expiryTime, "SALE_NOT_OVER"); _asset.safeBatchTransferFrom(address(this), to, assetIds, values, ""); } }
[ 11 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.2; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract MXXERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. // Commented for MXX * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. // Commented for MXX * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { //require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); //require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } contract ReentrancyGuard { // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled. // The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive, // but in exchange the refund on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in // amount. Since refunds are capped to a percentage of the total // transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to // increase the likelihood of the full refund coming into effect. uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1; uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2; uint256 private _status; constructor () internal { _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a * `private` function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true require(_status != _ENTERED, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call"); // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail _status = _ENTERED; _; // By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see // _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract YieldContract is Ownable, ReentrancyGuard { // Using SafeERC20 for ERC20 using SafeERC20 for ERC20; // Using SafeMath Library to prevent integer overflow using SafeMath for uint256; // Using Address library for ERC20 contract checks using Address for address; /** * DEFINING VARIABLES */ /** * @dev - Array to store valid ERC20 addresses */ address[] public erc20List; /** * @dev - A struct to store ERC20 details * @notice symbol - The symbol/ ticker symbol of ERC20 contract * @notice isValid - Boolean variable indicating if the ERC20 is valid to be used for yield contracts * @notice noContracts - Integer indicating the number of contracts associated with it * @notice mFactor - Value of a coin/token in USD * 10 power 18 */ struct Erc20Details { string symbol; bool isValid; uint64 noContracts; uint256 mFactor; } /** * @dev - A mapping to map ERC20 addresses to its details */ mapping(address => Erc20Details) public erc20Map; /** * @dev - Array to store user created yield contract IDs */ bytes32[] public allContracts; /** * @dev - A enum to store yield contract status */ enum Status { Inactive, Active, OpenMarket, Claimed, Destroyed } /** * @dev - A enum to switch set value case */ enum ParamType { ContractFee, MinEarlyRedeemFee, MaxEarlyRedeemFee, TotalAllocatedMxx } /** * @dev - A struct to store yield contract details * @notice contractOwner - The owner of the yield contract * @notice tokenAddress - ERC20 contract address (if ETH then ZERO_ADDRESS) * @notice startTime - Start time of the yield contract (in unix timestamp) * @notice endTime - End time of the yield contract (in unix timestamp) * @notice tenure - The agreement tenure in days * @notice contractStatus - The status of a contract (can be Inactive/Active/OpenMarket/Claimed/Destroyed) * @notice collateral - Value of collateral (multiplied by 10 power 18 to handle decimals) * @notice mxxToBeMinted - The final MXX token value to be returned to the contract owner * @notice interest - APY or Annual Percentage Yield (returned from tenureApyMap) */ struct ContractDetails { address contractOwner; uint48 startTime; uint48 endTime; address tokenAddress; uint16 tenure; uint64 interest; Status contractStatus; uint256 collateral; uint256 mxxToBeMinted; } /** * @dev - A mapping to map contract IDs to their details */ mapping(bytes32 => ContractDetails) public contractMap; /** * @dev - A mapping to map tenure in days to apy (Annual Percentage Yield aka interest rate) * Percent rate is multiplied by 10 power 6. (For e.g. if 5% then value is 0.05 * 10 power 6) */ mapping(uint256 => uint64) public tenureApyMap; /** * @dev - Variable to store contract fee * If 10% then value is 0.1 * 10 power 6 */ uint64 public contractFee; /** * @dev - Constant variable to store Official MXX ERC20 token address */ address public constant MXX_ADDRESS = 0x8a6f3BF52A26a21531514E23016eEAe8Ba7e7018; /** * @dev - Constant address to store the Official MXX Burn Address */ address public constant BURN_ADDRESS = 0x19B292c1a84379Aab41564283e7f75bF20e45f91; /** * @dev - Constant variable to store ETH address */ address internal constant ZERO_ADDRESS = address(0); /** * @dev - Constant variable to store 10 power of 6 */ uint64 internal constant POW6 = 1000000; /** * @dev - Variable to store total allocated MXX for yield contracts */ uint256 public totalAllocatedMxx; /** * @dev - Variable to total MXX minted from yield contracts */ uint256 public mxxMintedFromContract; /** * @dev - Variables to store % of penalty / redeem fee fees * If min penalty / redeem fee is 5% then value is 0.05 * 10 power 6 * If max penalty / redeem fee is 50% then value is 0.5 * 10 power 6 */ uint64 public minEarlyRedeemFee; uint64 public maxEarlyRedeemFee; /** * CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION */ constructor(uint256 _mxxmFactor) public Ownable() { // Setting default variables tenureApyMap[90] = 2 * POW6; tenureApyMap[180] = 4 * POW6; tenureApyMap[270] = 10 * POW6; contractFee = (8 * POW6) / 100; totalAllocatedMxx = 1000000000 * (10**8); // 1 billion initial Mxx allocated // minEarlyRedeemFee = (5 * POW6) / 100; maxEarlyRedeemFee = (5 * POW6) / 10; addErc20(MXX_ADDRESS, _mxxmFactor); } /** * DEFINE MODIFIER */ /** * @dev Throws if address is a user address (except ZERO_ADDRESS) * @param _erc20Address - Address to be checked */ modifier onlyErc20OrEth(address _erc20Address) { require( _erc20Address == ZERO_ADDRESS || Address.isContract(_erc20Address), "Not contract address" ); _; } /** * @dev Throws if address in not in ERC20 list (check for mFactor and symbol) * @param _erc20Address - Address to be checked */ modifier inErc20List(address _erc20Address) { require( erc20Map[_erc20Address].mFactor != 0 || bytes(erc20Map[_erc20Address].symbol).length != 0, "Not in ERC20 list" ); _; } /** * INTERNAL FUNCTIONS */ /** * @dev This function will check the array for an element and retun the index * @param _inputAddress - Address for which the index has to be found * @param _inputAddressList - The address list to be checked * @return index - Index element indicating the position of the inputAddress inside the array * @return isFound - Boolean indicating if the element is present in the array or not * Access Control: This contract or derived contract */ function getIndex(address _inputAddress, address[] memory _inputAddressList) internal pure returns (uint256 index, bool isFound) { // Enter loop for (uint256 i = 0; i < _inputAddressList.length; i++) { // If value matches, return index if (_inputAddress == _inputAddressList[i]) { return (i, true); } } // If no value matches, return false return (0, false); } /** * GENERAL FUNCTIONS */ /** * @dev This function will set interest rate for the tenure in days * @param _tenure - Tenure of the agreement in days * @param _interestRate - Interest rate in 10 power 6 (If 5%, then value is 0.05 * 10 power 6) * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * Access Control: Only Owner */ function setInterest(uint256 _tenure, uint64 _interestRate) public onlyOwner() returns (bool) { tenureApyMap[_tenure] = _interestRate; return true; } /** * @dev This function will set value based on ParamType * @param _parameter - Enum value indicating ParamType (0,1,2,3) * @param _value - Value to be set * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * Access Control: Only Owner */ function setParamType(ParamType _parameter, uint256 _value) public onlyOwner() returns (bool) { if (_parameter == ParamType.ContractFee) { contractFee = uint64(_value); } else if (_parameter == ParamType.MinEarlyRedeemFee) { require( uint64(_value) <= maxEarlyRedeemFee, "Greater than max redeem fee" ); minEarlyRedeemFee = uint64(_value); } else if (_parameter == ParamType.MaxEarlyRedeemFee) { require( uint64(_value) >= minEarlyRedeemFee, "Less than min redeem fee" ); maxEarlyRedeemFee = uint64(_value); } else if (_parameter == ParamType.TotalAllocatedMxx) { require( _value >= mxxMintedFromContract, "Less than total mxx minted" ); totalAllocatedMxx = _value; } } /** * SUPPORTED ERC20 ADDRESS FUNCTIONS */ /** * @dev Adds a supported ERC20 address into the contract * @param _erc20Address - Address of the ERC20 contract * @param _mFactor - Mint Factor of the token (value of 1 token in USD * 10 power 18) * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * @notice - Access control: Only Owner */ function addErc20(address _erc20Address, uint256 _mFactor) public onlyOwner() onlyErc20OrEth(_erc20Address) returns (bool) { // Check for existing contracts and validity. If condition fails, revert require( erc20Map[_erc20Address].noContracts == 0, "Token has existing contracts" ); require(!erc20Map[_erc20Address].isValid, "Token already available"); // Add token details and return true // If _erc20Address = ZERO_ADDRESS then it is ETH else ERC20 erc20Map[_erc20Address] = Erc20Details( (_erc20Address == ZERO_ADDRESS) ? "ETH" : ERC20(_erc20Address).symbol(), true, 0, _mFactor ); erc20List.push(_erc20Address); return true; } /** * @dev Adds a list of supported ERC20 addresses into the contract * @param _erc20AddressList - List of addresses of the ERC20 contract * @param _mFactorList - List of mint factors of the token * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * @notice - The length of _erc20AddressList and _mFactorList must be the same * @notice - Access control: Only Owner */ function addErc20List( address[] memory _erc20AddressList, uint256[] memory _mFactorList ) public onlyOwner() returns (bool) { // Check if the length of 2 input arrays are the same else throw require( _erc20AddressList.length == _mFactorList.length, "Inconsistent Inputs" ); // Enter loop and token details for (uint256 i = 0; i < _erc20AddressList.length; i++) { addErc20(_erc20AddressList[i], _mFactorList[i]); } return true; } /** * @dev Removes a valid ERC20 addresses from the contract * @param _erc20Address - Address of the ERC20 contract to be removed * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * @notice - Access control: Only Owner */ function removeErc20(address _erc20Address) public onlyOwner() returns (bool) { // Check if Valid ERC20 not equals MXX_ADDRESS require(_erc20Address != MXX_ADDRESS, "Cannot remove MXX"); // Check if _erc20Address has existing yield contracts require( erc20Map[_erc20Address].noContracts == 0, "Token has existing contracts" ); // Get array index and isFound flag uint256 index; bool isFound; (index, isFound) = getIndex(_erc20Address, erc20List); // Require address to be in list require(isFound, "Address not found"); // Get last valid ERC20 address in the array address lastErc20Address = erc20List[erc20List.length - 1]; // Assign last address to the index position erc20List[index] = lastErc20Address; // Delete last address from the array erc20List.pop(); // Delete ERC20 details for the input address delete erc20Map[_erc20Address]; return true; } /** * @dev Enlists/Delists ERC20 address to prevent adding new yield contracts with this ERC20 collateral * @param _erc20Address - Address of the ERC20 contract * @param _isValid - New validity boolean of the ERC20 contract * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * @notice - Access control: Only Owner */ function setErc20Validity(address _erc20Address, bool _isValid) public onlyOwner() inErc20List(_erc20Address) returns (bool) { // Set valid ERC20 validity erc20Map[_erc20Address].isValid = _isValid; return true; } /** * @dev Updates the mint factor of a coin/token * @param _erc20Address - Address of the ERC20 contract or ETH address (ZERO_ADDRESS) * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * @notice - Access control: Only Owner */ function updateMFactor(address _erc20Address, uint256 _mFactor) public onlyOwner() inErc20List(_erc20Address) onlyErc20OrEth(_erc20Address) returns (bool) { // Update mint factor erc20Map[_erc20Address].mFactor = _mFactor; return true; } /** * @dev Updates the mint factor for list of coin(s)/token(s) * @param _erc20AddressList - List of ERC20 addresses * @param _mFactorList - List of mint factors for ERC20 addresses * @return - Boolean status - True indicating successful completion * @notice - Length of the 2 input arrays must be the same * @notice - Access control: Only Owner */ function updateMFactorList( address[] memory _erc20AddressList, uint256[] memory _mFactorList ) public onlyOwner() returns (bool) { // Length of the 2 input arrays must be the same. If condition fails, revert require( _erc20AddressList.length == _mFactorList.length, "Inconsistent Inputs" ); // Enter the loop, update and return true for (uint256 i = 0; i < _erc20AddressList.length; i++) { updateMFactor(_erc20AddressList[i], _mFactorList[i]); } return true; } /** * @dev Returns number of valid Tokens/Coins supported * @return - Number of valid tokens/coins * @notice - Access control: Public */ function getNoOfErc20s() public view returns (uint256) { return (erc20List.length); } /** * @dev Returns subset list of valid ERC20 contracts * @param _start - Start index to search in the list * @param _end - End index to search in the list * @return - List of valid ERC20 addresses subset * @notice - Access control: Public */ function getSubsetErc20List(uint256 _start, uint256 _end) public view returns (address[] memory) { // If _end higher than length of array, set end index to last element of the array if (_end >= erc20List.length) { _end = erc20List.length - 1; } // Check conditions else fail require(_start <= _end, "Invalid limits"); // Define return array uint256 noOfElements = _end - _start + 1; address[] memory subsetErc20List = new address[](noOfElements); // Loop in and add elements from erc20List array for (uint256 i = _start; i <= _end; i++) { subsetErc20List[i - _start] = erc20List[i]; } return subsetErc20List; } /** * YIELD CONTRACT FUNCTIONS */ /** * @dev Creates a yield contract * @param _erc20Address - The address of the ERC20 token (ZERO_ADDRESS if ETH) * @param _collateral - The collateral value of the ERC20 token or ETH * @param _tenure - The number of days of the agreement * @notice - Collateral to be input - Actual value * (10 power decimals) * @notice - For e.g If collateral is 5 USDT (Tether) and decimal is 6, then _collateral is (5 * (10 power 6)) * Non Reentrant modifier is used to prevent re-entrancy attack * @notice - Access control: External */ function createYieldContract( address _erc20Address, uint256 _collateral, uint16 _tenure ) external payable nonReentrant() { // Check if token/ETH is approved to create contracts require(erc20Map[_erc20Address].isValid, "Token/Coin not approved"); // Create contractId and check if status Inactive (enum state 0) bytes32 contractId = keccak256( abi.encode(msg.sender, _erc20Address, now, allContracts.length) ); require( contractMap[contractId].contractStatus == Status.Inactive, "Contract already exists" ); // Check if APY (interest rate is not zero for the tenure) require(tenureApyMap[_tenure] != 0, "No interest rate is set"); // Get decimal value for collaterals uint256 collateralDecimals; // Check id collateral is not 0 require(_collateral != 0, "Collateral is 0"); if (_erc20Address == ZERO_ADDRESS) { // In case of ETH, check to ensure if collateral value match ETH sent require(msg.value == _collateral, "Incorrect funds"); // ETH decimals is 18 collateralDecimals = 10**18; } else { // In case of non ETH, check to ensure if msg.value is 0 require(msg.value == 0, "Incorrect funds"); collateralDecimals = 10**uint256(ERC20(_erc20Address).decimals()); // Transfer collateral ERC20(_erc20Address).safeTransferFrom( msg.sender, address(this), _collateral ); } // Calculate MXX to be Minted uint256 numerator = _collateral .mul(erc20Map[_erc20Address].mFactor) .mul(tenureApyMap[_tenure]) .mul(10**uint256(ERC20(MXX_ADDRESS).decimals())) .mul(_tenure); uint256 denominator = collateralDecimals .mul(erc20Map[MXX_ADDRESS].mFactor) .mul(365 * POW6); uint256 valueToBeMinted = numerator.div(denominator); // Update total MXX minted from yield contracts mxxMintedFromContract = mxxMintedFromContract.add(valueToBeMinted); // Check the MXX to be minted will result in total MXX allocated for creating yield contracts require( totalAllocatedMxx >= mxxMintedFromContract, "Total allocated MXX exceeded" ); // Calculate MXX to be burnt numerator = valueToBeMinted.mul(contractFee); denominator = POW6; uint256 valueToBeBurnt = numerator.div(denominator); // Send valueToBeBurnt to contract fee destination ERC20(MXX_ADDRESS).safeTransferFrom( msg.sender, BURN_ADDRESS, valueToBeBurnt ); // Create contract contractMap[contractId] = ContractDetails( msg.sender, uint48(now), uint48(now.add(uint256(_tenure).mul(1 days))), _erc20Address, _tenure, tenureApyMap[_tenure], Status.Active, _collateral, valueToBeMinted ); // Push to all contracts and user contracts allContracts.push(contractId); // Increase number of contracts ERC20 details erc20Map[_erc20Address].noContracts += 1; } /** * @dev Early Redeem a yield contract * @param _contractId - The Id of the contract * Non Reentrant modifier is used to prevent re-entrancy attack * @notice - Access control: External */ function earlyRedeemContract(bytes32 _contractId) external nonReentrant() { // Check if contract is Active require( contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus == Status.Active, "Contract is not active" ); // Check if redeemer is the owner require( contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner == msg.sender, "Redeemer is not owner" ); // Check if current time is less than end time require( now < contractMap[_contractId].endTime, "Contract is beyond its end time" ); // Calculate mxxMintedTillDate uint256 numerator = now.sub(contractMap[_contractId].startTime).mul( contractMap[_contractId].mxxToBeMinted ); uint256 denominator = uint256(contractMap[_contractId].endTime).sub( contractMap[_contractId].startTime ); uint256 mxxMintedTillDate = numerator.div(denominator); // Calculate penaltyPercent numerator = uint256(maxEarlyRedeemFee).sub(minEarlyRedeemFee).mul( now.sub(contractMap[_contractId].startTime) ); uint256 penaltyPercent = uint256(maxEarlyRedeemFee).sub( numerator.div(denominator) ); // Calculate penaltyMXXToBurn numerator = penaltyPercent.mul(mxxMintedTillDate); uint256 penaltyMXXToBurn = numerator.div(POW6); // Check if penalty MXX to burn is not 0 require(penaltyMXXToBurn != 0, "No penalty MXX"); // Calculate mxxToBeSent uint256 mxxToBeSent = mxxMintedTillDate.sub(penaltyMXXToBurn); // Return collateral if (contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress == ZERO_ADDRESS) { // Send back ETH (bool success, ) = contractMap[_contractId]{ value: contractMap[_contractId].collateral }(""); require(success, "Transfer failed"); } else { // Send back ERC20 collateral ERC20(contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress).safeTransfer( contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner, contractMap[_contractId].collateral ); } // Return MXX ERC20(MXX_ADDRESS).safeTransfer( contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner, mxxToBeSent ); // Burn penalty fee ERC20(MXX_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(BURN_ADDRESS, penaltyMXXToBurn); // Updating contract contractMap[_contractId].startTime = uint48(now); contractMap[_contractId].mxxToBeMinted = contractMap[_contractId] .mxxToBeMinted .sub(mxxMintedTillDate); contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner = ZERO_ADDRESS; contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus = Status.OpenMarket; } /** * @dev Acquire a yield contract in the open market * @param _contractId - The Id of the contract * Non Reentrant modifier is used to prevent re-entrancy attack * @notice - Access control: External */ function acquireYieldContract(bytes32 _contractId) external payable nonReentrant() { // Check if contract is open require( contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus == Status.OpenMarket, "Contract not in open market" ); // Get collateral in case of ERC20 tokens, for ETH it is already received via msg.value if (contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress != ZERO_ADDRESS) { // In case of ERC20, ensure no ETH is sent require(msg.value == 0, "ETH should not be sent"); ERC20(contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress).safeTransferFrom( msg.sender, address(this), contractMap[_contractId].collateral ); } else { // In case of ETH check if money received equals the collateral else revert require( msg.value == contractMap[_contractId].collateral, "Incorrect funds" ); } // Updating contract contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner = msg.sender; contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus = Status.Active; } /** * @dev Destroy an open market yield contract * @param _contractId - The Id of the contract * Non Reentrant modifier is used to prevent re-entrancy attack * @notice - Access control: External */ function destroyOMContract(bytes32 _contractId) external onlyOwner() nonReentrant() { // Check if contract is open require( contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus == Status.OpenMarket, "Contract not in open market" ); // Reduced MXX minted from contract and update status as destroyed mxxMintedFromContract -= contractMap[_contractId].mxxToBeMinted; contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus = Status.Destroyed; } /** * @dev Claim a yield contract in the active market * @param _contractId - The Id of the contract * Non Reentrant modifier is used to prevent re-entrancy attack * @notice - Access control: External */ function claimYieldContract(bytes32 _contractId) external nonReentrant() { // Check if contract is active require( contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus == Status.Active, "Contract is not active" ); // Check if owner and msg.sender are the same require( contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner == msg.sender, "Contract owned by someone else" ); // Check if current time is greater than contract end time require(now >= contractMap[_contractId].endTime, "Too early to claim"); // Return collateral if (contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress == ZERO_ADDRESS) { // Send back ETH (bool success, ) = contractMap[_contractId]{ value: contractMap[_contractId].collateral }(""); require(success, "Transfer failed"); } else { // Send back ERC20 collateral ERC20(contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress).safeTransfer( contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner, contractMap[_contractId].collateral ); } // Return minted MXX ERC20(MXX_ADDRESS).safeTransfer( contractMap[_contractId].contractOwner, contractMap[_contractId].mxxToBeMinted ); // Updating contract contractMap[_contractId].contractStatus = Status.Claimed; // Reduce no of contracts in ERC20 details erc20Map[contractMap[_contractId].tokenAddress].noContracts -= 1; } /** * @dev This function will subset of yield contract * @param _start - Start of the list * @param _end - End of the list * @return - List of subset yield contract * Access Control: Public */ function getSubsetYieldContracts(uint256 _start, uint256 _end) public view returns (bytes32[] memory) { // If _end higher than length of array, set end index to last element of the array if (_end >= allContracts.length) { _end = allContracts.length.sub(1); } // Check conditions else fail require(_start <= _end, "Invalid limits"); // Define return array uint256 noOfElements = _end.sub(_start).add(1); bytes32[] memory subsetYieldContracts = new bytes32[](noOfElements); // Loop in and add elements from allContracts array for (uint256 i = _start; i <= _end; i++) { subsetYieldContracts[i - _start] = allContracts[i]; } return subsetYieldContracts; } /** * @dev This function will withdraw MXX back to the owner * @param _amount - Amount of MXX need to withdraw * @return - Boolean status indicating successful completion * Access Control: Only Owner */ function withdrawMXX(uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner() nonReentrant() returns (bool) { ERC20(MXX_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); return true; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } }
[ 13, 6, 4, 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface ILimitStorage { struct Limit { // the current limit uint128 current; // the pending limit if any uint128 pending; // when the pending limit becomes the current limit uint64 changeAfter; } struct DailySpent { // The amount already spent during the current period uint128 alreadySpent; // The end of the current period uint64 periodEnd; } function setLimit(address _wallet, Limit memory _limit) external; function getLimit(address _wallet) external view returns (Limit memory _limit); function setDailySpent(address _wallet, DailySpent memory _dailySpent) external; function getDailySpent(address _wallet) external view returns (DailySpent memory _dailySpent); function setLimitAndDailySpent(address _wallet, Limit memory _limit, DailySpent memory _dailySpent) external; function getLimitAndDailySpent(address _wallet) external view returns (Limit memory _limit, DailySpent memory _dailySpent); } interface ILockStorage { function isLocked(address _wallet) external view returns (bool); function getLock(address _wallet) external view returns (uint256); function getLocker(address _wallet) external view returns (address); function setLock(address _wallet, address _locker, uint256 _releaseAfter) external; } interface IModule { /** * @notice Inits a module for a wallet by e.g. setting some wallet specific parameters in storage. * @param _wallet The wallet. */ function init(address _wallet) external; /** * @notice Adds a module to a wallet. Cannot execute when wallet is locked (or under recovery) * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @param _module The modules to authorise. */ function addModule(address _wallet, address _module) external; } interface IModuleRegistry { function registerModule(address _module, bytes32 _name) external; function deregisterModule(address _module) external; function registerUpgrader(address _upgrader, bytes32 _name) external; function deregisterUpgrader(address _upgrader) external; function recoverToken(address _token) external; function moduleInfo(address _module) external view returns (bytes32); function upgraderInfo(address _upgrader) external view returns (bytes32); function isRegisteredModule(address _module) external view returns (bool); function isRegisteredModule(address[] calldata _modules) external view returns (bool); function isRegisteredUpgrader(address _upgrader) external view returns (bool); } interface IVersionManager { /** * @notice Returns true if the feature is authorised for the wallet * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @param _feature The feature. */ function isFeatureAuthorised(address _wallet, address _feature) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Lets a feature (caller) invoke a wallet. * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @param _to The target address for the transaction. * @param _value The value of the transaction. * @param _data The data of the transaction. */ function checkAuthorisedFeatureAndInvokeWallet( address _wallet, address _to, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data ) external returns (bytes memory _res); /* ******* Backward Compatibility with old Storages and BaseWallet *************** */ /** * @notice Sets a new owner for the wallet. * @param _newOwner The new owner. */ function setOwner(address _wallet, address _newOwner) external; /** * @notice Lets a feature write data to a storage contract. * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @param _storage The storage contract. * @param _data The data of the call */ function invokeStorage(address _wallet, address _storage, bytes calldata _data) external; /** * @notice Upgrade a wallet to a new version. * @param _wallet the wallet to upgrade * @param _toVersion the new version */ function upgradeWallet(address _wallet, uint256 _toVersion) external; } interface IWallet { /** * @notice Returns the wallet owner. * @return The wallet owner address. */ function owner() external view returns (address); /** * @notice Returns the number of authorised modules. * @return The number of authorised modules. */ function modules() external view returns (uint); /** * @notice Sets a new owner for the wallet. * @param _newOwner The new owner. */ function setOwner(address _newOwner) external; /** * @notice Checks if a module is authorised on the wallet. * @param _module The module address to check. * @return `true` if the module is authorised, otherwise `false`. */ function authorised(address _module) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Returns the module responsible for a static call redirection. * @param _sig The signature of the static call. * @return the module doing the redirection */ function enabled(bytes4 _sig) external view returns (address); /** * @notice Enables/Disables a module. * @param _module The target module. * @param _value Set to `true` to authorise the module. */ function authoriseModule(address _module, bool _value) external; /** * @notice Enables a static method by specifying the target module to which the call must be delegated. * @param _module The target module. * @param _method The static method signature. */ function enableStaticCall(address _module, bytes4 _method) external; } contract UpgraderToVersionManager is IModule { IModuleRegistry private registry; ILockStorage private lockStorage; address[] public toDisable; address public versionManager; // *************** Constructor ********************** // constructor( IModuleRegistry _registry, ILockStorage _lockStorage, address[] memory _toDisable, address _versionManager ) public { registry = _registry; lockStorage = _lockStorage; toDisable = _toDisable; versionManager = _versionManager; } // *************** External/Public Functions ********************* // /** * @notice Perform the upgrade for a wallet. This method gets called when UpgradeToVersionManager is temporarily added as a module. * @param _wallet The target wallet. */ function init(address _wallet) public override { require(msg.sender == _wallet, "SU: only wallet can call init"); require(!lockStorage.isLocked(_wallet), "SU: wallet locked"); require(registry.isRegisteredModule(versionManager), "SU: VersionManager not registered"); // add VersionManager IWallet(_wallet).authoriseModule(versionManager, true); // upgrade wallet from version 0 to version 1 IVersionManager(versionManager).upgradeWallet(_wallet, 1); // remove old modules for (uint256 i = 0; i < toDisable.length; i++) { IWallet(_wallet).authoriseModule(toDisable[i], false); } // SimpleUpgrader did its job, we no longer need it as a module IWallet(_wallet).authoriseModule(address(this), false); } /** * @inheritdoc IModule */ function addModule(address _wallet, address _module) external override {} }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract GovernorAlpha { /// @notice The name of this contract string public constant name = "GAMER Governor Alpha"; /// @notice The number of votes in support of a proposal required in order for a quorum to be reached and for a vote to succeed function quorumVotes() public view returns (uint256) { return SafeMath.div(SafeMath.mul(gamer.initSupply(), 4), 100); } // 4% of GAMER /// @notice The number of votes required in order for a voter to become a proposer function proposalThreshold() public view returns (uint256) { return SafeMath.div(gamer.initSupply(), 100); } // 1% of GAMER /// @notice The maximum number of actions that can be included in a proposal function proposalMaxOperations() public pure returns (uint256) { return 10; } // 10 actions /// @notice The delay before voting on a proposal may take place, once proposed function votingDelay() public pure returns (uint256) { return 1; } // 1 block /// @notice The duration of voting on a proposal, in blocks function votingPeriod() public pure returns (uint256) { return 17280; } // ~3 days in blocks (assuming 15s blocks) /// @notice The address of the Compound Protocol Timelock TimelockInterface public timelock; /// @notice The address of the Compound governance token GAMERInterface public gamer; /// @notice The address of the Governor Guardian address public guardian; /// @notice The total number of proposals uint256 public proposalCount; struct Proposal { /// @notice Unique id for looking up a proposal uint256 id; /// @notice Creator of the proposal address proposer; /// @notice The timestamp that the proposal will be available for execution, set once the vote succeeds uint256 eta; /// @notice the ordered list of target addresses for calls to be made address[] targets; /// @notice The ordered list of values (i.e. msg.value) to be passed to the calls to be made uint[] values; /// @notice The ordered list of function signatures to be called string[] signatures; /// @notice The ordered list of calldata to be passed to each call bytes[] calldatas; /// @notice The block at which voting begins: holders must delegate their votes prior to this block uint256 startBlock; /// @notice The block at which voting ends: votes must be cast prior to this block uint256 endBlock; /// @notice Current number of votes in favor of this proposal uint256 forVotes; /// @notice Current number of votes in opposition to this proposal uint256 againstVotes; /// @notice Flag marking whether the proposal has been canceled bool canceled; /// @notice Flag marking whether the proposal has been executed bool executed; /// @notice Receipts of ballots for the entire set of voters mapping (address => Receipt) receipts; } /// @notice Ballot receipt record for a voter struct Receipt { /// @notice Whether or not a vote has been cast bool hasVoted; /// @notice Whether or not the voter supports the proposal bool support; /// @notice The number of votes the voter had, which were cast uint256 votes; } /// @notice Possible states that a proposal may be in enum ProposalState { Pending, Active, Canceled, Defeated, Succeeded, Queued, Expired, Executed } /// @notice The official record of all proposals ever proposed mapping (uint256 => Proposal) public proposals; /// @notice The latest proposal for each proposer mapping (address => uint256) public latestProposalIds; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the ballot struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant BALLOT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("Ballot(uint256 proposalId,bool support)"); /// @notice An event emitted when a new proposal is created event ProposalCreated(uint256 id, address proposer, address[] targets, uint[] values, string[] signatures, bytes[] calldatas, uint256 startBlock, uint256 endBlock, string description); /// @notice An event emitted when a vote has been cast on a proposal event VoteCast(address voter, uint256 proposalId, bool support, uint256 votes); /// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been canceled event ProposalCanceled(uint256 id); /// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been queued in the Timelock event ProposalQueued(uint256 id, uint256 eta); /// @notice An event emitted when a proposal has been executed in the Timelock event ProposalExecuted(uint256 id); constructor(address timelock_, address gamer_) public { timelock = TimelockInterface(timelock_); gamer = GAMERInterface(gamer_); guardian = msg.sender; } function propose( address[] memory targets, uint[] memory values, string[] memory signatures, bytes[] memory calldatas, string memory description ) public returns (uint256) { require(gamer.getPriorVotes(msg.sender, sub256(block.number, 1)) > proposalThreshold(), "GovernorAlpha::propose: proposer votes below proposal threshold"); require(targets.length == values.length && targets.length == signatures.length && targets.length == calldatas.length, "GovernorAlpha::propose: proposal function information arity mismatch"); require(targets.length != 0, "GovernorAlpha::propose: must provide actions"); require(targets.length <= proposalMaxOperations(), "GovernorAlpha::propose: too many actions"); uint256 latestProposalId = latestProposalIds[msg.sender]; if (latestProposalId != 0) { ProposalState proposersLatestProposalState = state(latestProposalId); require(proposersLatestProposalState != ProposalState.Active, "GovernorAlpha::propose: one live proposal per proposer, found an already active proposal"); require(proposersLatestProposalState != ProposalState.Pending, "GovernorAlpha::propose: one live proposal per proposer, found an already pending proposal"); } uint256 startBlock = add256(block.number, votingDelay()); uint256 endBlock = add256(startBlock, votingPeriod()); proposalCount++; Proposal memory newProposal = Proposal({ id: proposalCount, proposer: msg.sender, eta: 0, targets: targets, values: values, signatures: signatures, calldatas: calldatas, startBlock: startBlock, endBlock: endBlock, forVotes: 0, againstVotes: 0, canceled: false, executed: false }); proposals[] = newProposal; latestProposalIds[newProposal.proposer] =; emit ProposalCreated(, msg.sender, targets, values, signatures, calldatas, startBlock, endBlock, description ); return; } function queue(uint256 proposalId) public { require(state(proposalId) == ProposalState.Succeeded, "GovernorAlpha::queue: proposal can only be queued if it is succeeded"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId]; uint256 eta = add256(block.timestamp, timelock.delay()); for (uint256 i = 0; i < proposal.targets.length; i++) { _queueOrRevert( proposal.targets[i], proposal.values[i], proposal.signatures[i], proposal.calldatas[i], eta ); } proposal.eta = eta; emit ProposalQueued(proposalId, eta); } function _queueOrRevert( address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory data, uint256 eta ) internal { require(!timelock.queuedTransactions( keccak256( abi.encode( target, value, signature, data, eta ) ) ), "GovernorAlpha::_queueOrRevert: proposal action already queued at eta" ); timelock.queueTransaction(target, value, signature, data, eta); } function execute(uint256 proposalId) public payable { require(state(proposalId) == ProposalState.Queued, "GovernorAlpha::execute: proposal can only be executed if it is queued"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId]; proposal.executed = true; for (uint256 i = 0; i < proposal.targets.length; i++) { timelock.executeTransaction.value(proposal.values[i])(proposal.targets[i], proposal.values[i], proposal.signatures[i], proposal.calldatas[i], proposal.eta); } emit ProposalExecuted(proposalId); } function cancel(uint256 proposalId) public { ProposalState state = state(proposalId); require(state != ProposalState.Executed, "GovernorAlpha::cancel: cannot cancel executed proposal"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId]; require(msg.sender == guardian || gamer.getPriorVotes(proposal.proposer, sub256(block.number, 1)) < proposalThreshold(), "GovernorAlpha::cancel: proposer above threshold"); proposal.canceled = true; for (uint256 i = 0; i < proposal.targets.length; i++) { timelock.cancelTransaction(proposal.targets[i], proposal.values[i], proposal.signatures[i], proposal.calldatas[i], proposal.eta); } emit ProposalCanceled(proposalId); } function getActions(uint256 proposalId) public view returns ( address[] memory targets, uint[] memory values, string[] memory signatures, bytes[] memory calldatas ) { Proposal storage p = proposals[proposalId]; return (p.targets, p.values, p.signatures, p.calldatas); } function getReceipt(uint256 proposalId, address voter) public view returns (Receipt memory) { return proposals[proposalId].receipts[voter]; } function state(uint256 proposalId) public view returns (ProposalState) { require(proposalCount >= proposalId && proposalId > 0, "GovernorAlpha::state: invalid proposal id"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId]; if (proposal.canceled) { return ProposalState.Canceled; } else if (block.number <= proposal.startBlock) { return ProposalState.Pending; } else if (block.number <= proposal.endBlock) { return ProposalState.Active; } else if (proposal.forVotes <= proposal.againstVotes || proposal.forVotes < quorumVotes()) { return ProposalState.Defeated; } else if (proposal.eta == 0) { return ProposalState.Succeeded; } else if (proposal.executed) { return ProposalState.Executed; } else if (block.timestamp >= add256(proposal.eta, timelock.GRACE_PERIOD())) { return ProposalState.Expired; } else { return ProposalState.Queued; } } function castVote(uint256 proposalId, bool support) public { return _castVote(msg.sender, proposalId, support); } function castVoteBySig( uint256 proposalId, bool support, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) public { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode( DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), getChainId(), address(this) ) ); bytes32 structHash = keccak256( abi.encode( BALLOT_TYPEHASH, proposalId, support ) ); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash ) ); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require(signatory != address(0), "GovernorAlpha::castVoteBySig: invalid signature"); return _castVote(signatory, proposalId, support); } function _castVote( address voter, uint256 proposalId, bool support ) internal { require(state(proposalId) == ProposalState.Active, "GovernorAlpha::_castVote: voting is closed"); Proposal storage proposal = proposals[proposalId]; Receipt storage receipt = proposal.receipts[voter]; require(receipt.hasVoted == false, "GovernorAlpha::_castVote: voter already voted"); uint256 votes = gamer.getPriorVotes(voter, proposal.startBlock); if (support) { proposal.forVotes = add256(proposal.forVotes, votes); } else { proposal.againstVotes = add256(proposal.againstVotes, votes); } receipt.hasVoted = true; = support; receipt.votes = votes; emit VoteCast(voter, proposalId, support, votes); } function __acceptAdmin() public { require(msg.sender == guardian, "GovernorAlpha::__acceptAdmin: sender must be gov guardian"); timelock.acceptAdmin(); } function __abdicate() public { require(msg.sender == guardian, "GovernorAlpha::__abdicate: sender must be gov guardian"); guardian = address(0); } function __queueSetTimelockPendingAdmin( address newPendingAdmin, uint256 eta ) public { require(msg.sender == guardian, "GovernorAlpha::__queueSetTimelockPendingAdmin: sender must be gov guardian"); timelock.queueTransaction(address(timelock), 0, "setPendingAdmin(address)", abi.encode(newPendingAdmin), eta); } function __executeSetTimelockPendingAdmin( address newPendingAdmin, uint256 eta ) public { require(msg.sender == guardian, "GovernorAlpha::__executeSetTimelockPendingAdmin: sender must be gov guardian"); timelock.executeTransaction(address(timelock), 0, "setPendingAdmin(address)", abi.encode(newPendingAdmin), eta); } function add256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "addition overflow"); return c; } function sub256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, "subtraction underflow"); return a - b; } function getChainId() internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 chainId; assembly { chainId := chainid() } return chainId; } } interface TimelockInterface { function delay() external view returns (uint256); function GRACE_PERIOD() external view returns (uint256); function acceptAdmin() external; function queuedTransactions(bytes32 hash) external view returns (bool); function queueTransaction(address target, uint256 value, string calldata signature, bytes calldata data, uint256 eta) external returns (bytes32); function cancelTransaction(address target, uint256 value, string calldata signature, bytes calldata data, uint256 eta) external; function executeTransaction(address target, uint256 value, string calldata signature, bytes calldata data, uint256 eta) external payable returns (bytes memory); } interface GAMERInterface { function getPriorVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function initSupply() external view returns (uint256); function _acceptGov() external; } contract Timelock { using SafeMath for uint256; /// @notice An event emitted when the timelock admin changes event NewAdmin(address indexed newAdmin); /// @notice An event emitted when a new admin is staged in the timelock event NewPendingAdmin(address indexed newPendingAdmin); event NewDelay(uint indexed newDelay); /// @notice An event emitted when a queued transaction is cancelled event CancelTransaction(bytes32 indexed txHash, address indexed target, uint256 value, string signature, bytes data, uint256 eta); /// @notice An event emitted when a queued transaction is executed event ExecuteTransaction(bytes32 indexed txHash, address indexed target, uint256 value, string signature, bytes data, uint256 eta); /// @notice An event emitted when a new transaction is queued event QueueTransaction(bytes32 indexed txHash, address indexed target, uint256 value, string signature, bytes data, uint256 eta); /// @notice the length of time after the delay has passed that a transaction can be executed uint256 public constant GRACE_PERIOD = 14 days; /// @notice the minimum length of the timelock delay uint256 public constant MINIMUM_DELAY = 2 days; // have to be present for 2 rebases /// @notice the maximum length of the timelock delay uint256 public constant MAXIMUM_DELAY = 30 days; address public admin; address public pendingAdmin; uint256 public delay; bool public admin_initialized; mapping (bytes32 => bool) public queuedTransactions; constructor() public { /* require(delay_ >= MINIMUM_DELAY, "Timelock::constructor: Delay must exceed minimum delay."); require(delay_ <= MAXIMUM_DELAY, "Timelock::setDelay: Delay must not exceed maximum delay."); */ admin = msg.sender; delay = MINIMUM_DELAY; admin_initialized = false; } function() external payable { } /** @notice sets the delay @param delay_ the new delay */ function setDelay(uint256 delay_) public { require(msg.sender == address(this), "Timelock::setDelay: Call must come from Timelock."); require(delay_ >= MINIMUM_DELAY, "Timelock::setDelay: Delay must exceed minimum delay."); require(delay_ <= MAXIMUM_DELAY, "Timelock::setDelay: Delay must not exceed maximum delay."); delay = delay_; emit NewDelay(delay); } /// @notice sets the new admin address function acceptAdmin() public { require(msg.sender == pendingAdmin, "Timelock::acceptAdmin: Call must come from pendingAdmin."); admin = msg.sender; pendingAdmin = address(0); emit NewAdmin(admin); } /** @notice queues a new pendingAdmin @param pendingAdmin_ the new pendingAdmin address */ function setPendingAdmin(address pendingAdmin_) public { // allows one time setting of admin for deployment purposes if (admin_initialized) { require(msg.sender == address(this), "Timelock::setPendingAdmin: Call must come from Timelock."); } else { admin_initialized = true; } pendingAdmin = pendingAdmin_; emit NewPendingAdmin(pendingAdmin); } function queueTransaction( address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory data, uint256 eta ) public returns (bytes32) { require(msg.sender == admin, "Timelock::queueTransaction: Call must come from admin."); require(eta >= getBlockTimestamp().add(delay), "Timelock::queueTransaction: Estimated execution block must satisfy delay."); bytes32 txHash = keccak256(abi.encode(target, value, signature, data, eta)); queuedTransactions[txHash] = true; emit QueueTransaction(txHash, target, value, signature, data, eta); return txHash; } function cancelTransaction( address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory data, uint256 eta ) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "Timelock::cancelTransaction: Call must come from admin."); bytes32 txHash = keccak256(abi.encode(target, value, signature, data, eta)); queuedTransactions[txHash] = false; emit CancelTransaction(txHash, target, value, signature, data, eta); } function executeTransaction( address target, uint256 value, string memory signature, bytes memory data, uint256 eta ) public payable returns (bytes memory) { require(msg.sender == admin, "Timelock::executeTransaction: Call must come from admin."); // timelock not enforced prior to updating the admin. This should occur on // deployment. bytes32 txHash = keccak256(abi.encode(target, value, signature, data, eta)); if (admin_initialized) { require(queuedTransactions[txHash], "Timelock::executeTransaction: Transaction hasn't been queued."); require(getBlockTimestamp() >= eta, "Timelock::executeTransaction: Transaction hasn't surpassed time lock."); require(getBlockTimestamp() <= eta.add(GRACE_PERIOD), "Timelock::executeTransaction: Transaction is stale."); queuedTransactions[txHash] = false; } bytes memory callData; if (bytes(signature).length == 0) { callData = data; } else { callData = abi.encodePacked(bytes4(keccak256(bytes(signature))), data); } // solium-disable-next-line security/no-call-value (bool success, bytes memory returnData) =; require(success, "Timelock::executeTransaction: Transaction execution reverted."); emit ExecuteTransaction(txHash, target, value, signature, data, eta); return returnData; } function getBlockTimestamp() internal view returns (uint256) { // solium-disable-next-line security/no-block-members return block.timestamp; } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) =; if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } library Babylonian { function sqrt(uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { if (y > 3) { z = y; uint x = y / 2 + 1; while (x < z) { z = x; x = (y / x + x) / 2; } } else if (y != 0) { z = 1; } // else z = 0 } } library FixedPoint { // range: [0, 2**112 - 1] // resolution: 1 / 2**112 struct uq112x112 { uint224 _x; } // range: [0, 2**144 - 1] // resolution: 1 / 2**112 struct uq144x112 { uint _x; } uint8 private constant RESOLUTION = 112; uint private constant Q112 = uint(1) << RESOLUTION; uint private constant Q224 = Q112 << RESOLUTION; // encode a uint112 as a UQ112x112 function encode(uint112 x) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { return uq112x112(uint224(x) << RESOLUTION); } // encodes a uint144 as a UQ144x112 function encode144(uint144 x) internal pure returns (uq144x112 memory) { return uq144x112(uint256(x) << RESOLUTION); } // divide a UQ112x112 by a uint112, returning a UQ112x112 function div(uq112x112 memory self, uint112 x) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { require(x != 0, 'FixedPoint: DIV_BY_ZERO'); return uq112x112(self._x / uint224(x)); } // multiply a UQ112x112 by a uint, returning a UQ144x112 // reverts on overflow function mul(uq112x112 memory self, uint y) internal pure returns (uq144x112 memory) { uint z; require(y == 0 || (z = uint(self._x) * y) / y == uint(self._x), "FixedPoint: MULTIPLICATION_OVERFLOW"); return uq144x112(z); } // returns a UQ112x112 which represents the ratio of the numerator to the denominator // equivalent to encode(numerator).div(denominator) function fraction(uint112 numerator, uint112 denominator) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { require(denominator > 0, "FixedPoint: DIV_BY_ZERO"); return uq112x112((uint224(numerator) << RESOLUTION) / denominator); } // decode a UQ112x112 into a uint112 by truncating after the radix point function decode(uq112x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uint112) { return uint112(self._x >> RESOLUTION); } // decode a UQ144x112 into a uint144 by truncating after the radix point function decode144(uq144x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uint144) { return uint144(self._x >> RESOLUTION); } // take the reciprocal of a UQ112x112 function reciprocal(uq112x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { require(self._x != 0, 'FixedPoint: ZERO_RECIPROCAL'); return uq112x112(uint224(Q224 / self._x)); } // square root of a UQ112x112 function sqrt(uq112x112 memory self) internal pure returns (uq112x112 memory) { return uq112x112(uint224(Babylonian.sqrt(uint256(self._x)) << 56)); } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface UniswapPair { event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); function name() external pure returns (string memory); function symbol() external pure returns (string memory); function decimals() external pure returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool); function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32); function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint); function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; event Mint(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1); event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to); event Swap( address indexed sender, uint amount0In, uint amount1In, uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address indexed to ); event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1); function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint); function factory() external view returns (address); function token0() external view returns (address); function token1() external view returns (address); function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast); function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function kLast() external view returns (uint); function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity); function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1); function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external; function skim(address to) external; function sync() external; function initialize(address, address) external; } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } library UniswapV2OracleLibrary { using FixedPoint for *; // helper function that returns the current block timestamp within the range of uint32, i.e. [0, 2**32 - 1] function currentBlockTimestamp() internal view returns (uint32) { return uint32(block.timestamp % 2 ** 32); } // produces the cumulative price using counterfactuals to save gas and avoid a call to sync. function currentCumulativePrices( address pair, bool isToken0 ) internal view returns (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) { blockTimestamp = currentBlockTimestamp(); (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast) = UniswapPair(pair).getReserves(); if (isToken0) { priceCumulative = UniswapPair(pair).price0CumulativeLast(); // if time has elapsed since the last update on the pair, mock the accumulated price values if (blockTimestampLast != blockTimestamp) { // subtraction overflow is desired uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // addition overflow is desired // counterfactual priceCumulative += uint(FixedPoint.fraction(reserve1, reserve0)._x) * timeElapsed; } } else { priceCumulative = UniswapPair(pair).price1CumulativeLast(); // if time has elapsed since the last update on the pair, mock the accumulated price values if (blockTimestampLast != blockTimestamp) { // subtraction overflow is desired uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // addition overflow is desired // counterfactual priceCumulative += uint(FixedPoint.fraction(reserve0, reserve1)._x) * timeElapsed; } } } } interface Reserves { function distributeTreasuryReward(uint256 amount) external; } contract GAMERRebaser { using SafeMath for uint256; modifier onlyGov() { require(msg.sender == gov); _; } struct Transaction { bool enabled; address destination; bytes data; } struct UniVars { uint256 gamersToUni; uint256 amountFromReserves; uint256 mintToReserves; } /// @notice an event emitted when a transaction fails event TransactionFailed(address indexed destination, uint index, bytes data); /// @notice an event emitted when maxSlippageFactor is changed event NewMaxSlippageFactor(uint256 oldSlippageFactor, uint256 newSlippageFactor); /// @notice an event emitted when deviationThreshold is changed event NewDeviationThreshold(uint256 oldDeviationThreshold, uint256 newDeviationThreshold); /** * @notice Sets the treasury mint percentage of rebase */ event NewRebaseMintPercent(uint256 oldRebaseMintPerc, uint256 newRebaseMintPerc); /** * @notice Sets the reserve contract */ event NewReserveContract(address oldReserveContract, address newReserveContract); /** * @notice Sets the treasury reward ratio */ event NewTreasuryRewardRatio(uint256 oldTreasuryRewardRatio, uint256 newTreasuryRewardRatio); /** * @notice Sets the reserve contract */ event TreasuryIncreased(uint256 reservesAdded, uint256 gamersSold, uint256 gamersFromReserves, uint256 gamersToReserves); /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); // Stable ordering is not guaranteed. Transaction[] public transactions; /// @notice Governance address address public gov; /// @notice Pending Governance address address public pendingGov; /// @notice Spreads out getting to the target price uint256 public rebaseLag; /// @notice Peg target uint256 public targetRate; /// @notice Percent of rebase that goes to minting for treasury building uint256 public rebaseMintPerc; // If the current exchange rate is within this fractional distance from the target, no supply // update is performed. Fixed point number--same format as the rate. // (ie) abs(rate - targetRate) / targetRate < deviationThreshold, then no supply change. uint256 public deviationThreshold; /// @notice More than this much time must pass between rebase operations. uint256 public minRebaseTimeIntervalSec; /// @notice Block timestamp of last rebase operation uint256 public lastRebaseTimestampSec; /// @notice The rebase window begins this many seconds into the minRebaseTimeInterval period. // For example if minRebaseTimeInterval is 24hrs, it represents the time of day in seconds. uint256 public rebaseWindowOffsetSec; /// @notice The length of the time window where a rebase operation is allowed to execute, in seconds. uint256 public rebaseWindowLengthSec; /// @notice The number of rebase cycles since inception uint256 public epoch; // rebasing is not active initially. It can be activated at T+12 hours from // deployment time ///@notice boolean showing rebase activation status bool public rebasingActive; /// @notice delays rebasing activation to facilitate liquidity // uint256 public constant rebaseDelay = 24 hours; uint256 public constant rebaseDelay = 24 hours; /// @notice Time of TWAP initialization uint256 public timeOfTWAPInit; /// @notice GAMER token address address public gamerAddress; /// @notice reserve token address public reserveToken; /// @notice Reserves vault contract address public reservesContract; /// @notice Reserves treasury reward ratio uint256 public treasuryRewardRatio; /// @notice pair for reserveToken <> GAMER address public uniswap_pair; /// @notice last TWAP update time uint32 public blockTimestampLast; /// @notice last TWAP cumulative price; uint256 public priceCumulativeLast; // Max slippage factor when buying reserve token. Magic number based on // the fact that uniswap is a constant product. Therefore, // targeting a % max slippage can be achieved by using a single precomputed // number. i.e. 2.5% slippage is always equal to some f(maxSlippageFactor, reserves) /// @notice the maximum slippage factor when buying reserve token uint256 public maxSlippageFactor; /// @notice Whether or not this token is first in uniswap GAMER<>Reserve pair bool public isToken0; constructor( address gamerAddress_, address reserveToken_, address uniswap_factory, address reservesContract_ ) public { minRebaseTimeIntervalSec = 24 hours; rebaseWindowOffsetSec = 4 hours; // 4AM UTC rebases reservesContract = reservesContract_; (address token0, address token1) = sortTokens(gamerAddress_, reserveToken_); // used for interacting with uniswap if (token0 == gamerAddress_) { isToken0 = true; } else { isToken0 = false; } // uniswap GAMER<>Reserve pair uniswap_pair = pairFor(uniswap_factory, token0, token1); // Reserves contract is mutable reservesContract = reservesContract_; // Reserve token is not mutable. Must deploy a new rebaser to update it reserveToken = reserveToken_; gamerAddress = gamerAddress_; // target 10% slippage // 5.4% maxSlippageFactor = 5409258 * 10**10; // 1 DAI targetRate = 10**18; // once daily rebase, with targeting reaching peg in 20 days rebaseLag = 20; // 5% rebaseMintPerc = 5 * 10**16; // 5% deviationThreshold = 5 * 10**16; // 60 minutes rebaseWindowLengthSec = 60 * 60; // 10% treasuryRewardRatio = 10**17; // Changed in deployment scripts to facilitate protocol initiation gov = msg.sender; } /** @notice Updates slippage factor @param maxSlippageFactor_ the new slippage factor * */ function setMaxSlippageFactor(uint256 maxSlippageFactor_) public onlyGov { uint256 oldSlippageFactor = maxSlippageFactor; maxSlippageFactor = maxSlippageFactor_; emit NewMaxSlippageFactor(oldSlippageFactor, maxSlippageFactor_); } /** @notice Updates rebase mint percentage @param rebaseMintPerc_ the new rebase mint percentage * */ function setRebaseMintPerc(uint256 rebaseMintPerc_) public onlyGov { uint256 oldPerc = rebaseMintPerc; rebaseMintPerc = rebaseMintPerc_; emit NewRebaseMintPercent(oldPerc, rebaseMintPerc_); } /** @notice Updates reserve contract @param reservesContract_ the new reserve contract * */ function setReserveContract(address reservesContract_) public onlyGov { address oldReservesContract = reservesContract; reservesContract = reservesContract_; emit NewReserveContract(oldReservesContract, reservesContract_); } /** @notice sets the pendingGov * @param treasuryRewardRatio_ The treasury reward ratio of the treasury pool. */ function setTreasuryRewardRatio(uint256 treasuryRewardRatio_) external onlyGov { uint256 oldTreasuryRewardRatio = treasuryRewardRatio; treasuryRewardRatio = treasuryRewardRatio_; emit NewTreasuryRewardRatio(oldTreasuryRewardRatio, treasuryRewardRatio_); } /** @notice sets the pendingGov * @param pendingGov_ The address of the rebaser contract to use for authentication. */ function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external onlyGov { address oldPendingGov = pendingGov; pendingGov = pendingGov_; emit NewPendingGov(oldPendingGov, pendingGov_); } /** @notice lets msg.sender accept governance * */ function _acceptGov() external { require(msg.sender == pendingGov, "!pending"); address oldGov = gov; gov = pendingGov; pendingGov = address(0); emit NewGov(oldGov, gov); } /** @notice Initializes TWAP start point, starts countdown to first rebase * */ function init_twap() public { require(timeOfTWAPInit == 0, "already activated"); (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) = UniswapV2OracleLibrary.currentCumulativePrices(uniswap_pair, isToken0); require(blockTimestamp > 0, "no trades"); blockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp; priceCumulativeLast = priceCumulative; timeOfTWAPInit = blockTimestamp; } /** @notice Activates rebasing * @dev One way function, cannot be undone, callable by anyone */ function activate_rebasing() public { require(timeOfTWAPInit > 0, "twap wasnt intitiated, call init_twap()"); // cannot enable prior to end of rebaseDelay require(now >= timeOfTWAPInit + rebaseDelay, "!end_delay"); rebasingActive = true; } /** * @notice Initiates a new rebase operation, provided the minimum time period has elapsed. * * @dev The supply adjustment equals (_totalSupply * DeviationFromTargetRate) / rebaseLag * Where DeviationFromTargetRate is (MarketOracleRate - targetRate) / targetRate * and targetRate is 1e18 */ function rebase() public { // EOA only require(msg.sender == tx.origin); // ensure rebasing at correct time _inRebaseWindow(); // This comparison also ensures there is no reentrancy. require(lastRebaseTimestampSec.add(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) < now); // Snap the rebase time to the start of this window. lastRebaseTimestampSec = now.sub( now.mod(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec)).add(rebaseWindowOffsetSec); epoch = epoch.add(1); // get twap from uniswap v2; uint256 exchangeRate = getTWAP(); // calculates % change to supply (uint256 offPegPerc, bool positive) = computeOffPegPerc(exchangeRate); uint256 indexDelta = offPegPerc; // Apply the Dampening factor. indexDelta = indexDelta.div(rebaseLag); GAMERTokenInterface gamer = GAMERTokenInterface(gamerAddress); if (positive) { require(gamer.gamersScalingFactor().mul(uint256(10**18).add(indexDelta)).div(10**18) < gamer.maxScalingFactor(), "new scaling factor will be too big"); } uint256 currSupply = gamer.totalSupply(); uint256 mintAmount; // reduce indexDelta to account for minting if (positive) { uint256 mintPerc = indexDelta.mul(rebaseMintPerc).div(10**18); indexDelta = indexDelta.sub(mintPerc); mintAmount = currSupply.mul(mintPerc).div(10**18); } else if (offPegPerc > uint256(0)) { uint256 totalTreasury = IERC20(reserveToken).balanceOf(reservesContract); if (totalTreasury > 0 && treasuryRewardRatio > 0) { uint256 treasuryReward = totalTreasury.mul(treasuryRewardRatio).div(10**18); Reserves(reservesContract).distributeTreasuryReward(treasuryReward); } } // rebase uint256 supplyAfterRebase = gamer.rebase(epoch, indexDelta, positive); assert(gamer.gamersScalingFactor() <= gamer.maxScalingFactor()); // perform actions after rebase afterRebase(mintAmount, offPegPerc); } function uniswapV2Call( address sender, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1, bytes memory data ) public { // enforce that it is coming from uniswap require(msg.sender == uniswap_pair, "bad msg.sender"); // enforce that this contract called uniswap require(sender == address(this), "bad origin"); (UniVars memory uniVars) = abi.decode(data, (UniVars)); GAMERTokenInterface gamer = GAMERTokenInterface(gamerAddress); if (uniVars.amountFromReserves > 0) { // transfer from reserves and mint to uniswap gamer.transferFrom(reservesContract, uniswap_pair, uniVars.amountFromReserves); if (uniVars.amountFromReserves < uniVars.gamersToUni) { // if the amount from reserves > gamersToUni, we have fully paid for the DAI tokens // thus this number would be 0 so no need to mint, uniVars.gamersToUni.sub(uniVars.amountFromReserves)); } } else { // mint to uniswap, uniVars.gamersToUni); } // mint unsold to mintAmount if (uniVars.mintToReserves > 0) {, uniVars.mintToReserves); } // transfer reserve token to reserves if (isToken0) { SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(reserveToken), reservesContract, amount1); emit TreasuryIncreased(amount1, uniVars.gamersToUni, uniVars.amountFromReserves, uniVars.mintToReserves); } else { SafeERC20.safeTransfer(IERC20(reserveToken), reservesContract, amount0); emit TreasuryIncreased(amount0, uniVars.gamersToUni, uniVars.amountFromReserves, uniVars.mintToReserves); } } function buyReserveAndTransfer( uint256 mintAmount, uint256 offPegPerc ) internal { UniswapPair pair = UniswapPair(uniswap_pair); GAMERTokenInterface gamer = GAMERTokenInterface(gamerAddress); // get reserves (uint256 token0Reserves, uint256 token1Reserves, ) = pair.getReserves(); // check if protocol has excess gamer in the reserve uint256 excess = gamer.balanceOf(reservesContract); uint256 tokens_to_max_slippage = uniswapMaxSlippage(token0Reserves, token1Reserves, offPegPerc); UniVars memory uniVars = UniVars({ gamersToUni: tokens_to_max_slippage, // how many gamers uniswap needs amountFromReserves: excess, // how much of gamersToUni comes from reserves mintToReserves: 0 // how much gamers protocol mints to reserves }); // tries to sell all mint + excess // falls back to selling some of mint and all of excess // if all else fails, sells portion of excess // upon pair.swap, `uniswapV2Call` is called by the uniswap pair contract if (isToken0) { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > mintAmount.add(excess)) { // we already have performed a safemath check on mintAmount+excess // so we dont need to continue using it in this code path // can handle selling all of reserves and mint uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(mintAmount + excess, token0Reserves, token1Reserves); uniVars.gamersToUni = mintAmount + excess; uniVars.amountFromReserves = excess; // call swap using entire mint amount and excess; mint 0 to reserves pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > excess) { // uniswap can handle entire reserves uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token0Reserves, token1Reserves); // swap up to slippage limit, taking entire gamer reserves, and minting part of total uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount.sub((tokens_to_max_slippage - excess)); pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { // uniswap cant handle all of excess uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token0Reserves, token1Reserves); uniVars.amountFromReserves = tokens_to_max_slippage; uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount; // swap up to slippage limit, taking excess - remainingExcess from reserves, and minting full amount // to reserves pair.swap(0, buyTokens, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } } } else { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > mintAmount.add(excess)) { // can handle all of reserves and mint uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(mintAmount + excess, token1Reserves, token0Reserves); uniVars.gamersToUni = mintAmount + excess; uniVars.amountFromReserves = excess; // call swap using entire mint amount and excess; mint 0 to reserves pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { if (tokens_to_max_slippage > excess) { // uniswap can handle entire reserves uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token1Reserves, token0Reserves); // swap up to slippage limit, taking entire gamer reserves, and minting part of total uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount.sub((tokens_to_max_slippage - excess)); // swap up to slippage limit, taking entire gamer reserves, and minting part of total pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } else { // uniswap cant handle all of excess uint256 buyTokens = getAmountOut(tokens_to_max_slippage, token1Reserves, token0Reserves); uniVars.amountFromReserves = tokens_to_max_slippage; uniVars.mintToReserves = mintAmount; // swap up to slippage limit, taking excess - remainingExcess from reserves, and minting full amount // to reserves pair.swap(buyTokens, 0, address(this), abi.encode(uniVars)); } } } } function uniswapMaxSlippage( uint256 token0, uint256 token1, uint256 offPegPerc ) internal view returns (uint256) { if (isToken0) { if (offPegPerc >= 10**17) { // cap slippage return token0.mul(maxSlippageFactor).div(10**18); } else { // in the 5-10% off peg range, slippage is essentially 2*x (where x is percentage of pool to buy). // all we care about is not pushing below the peg, so underestimate // the amount we can sell by dividing by 3. resulting price impact // should be ~= offPegPerc * 2 / 3, which will keep us above the peg // // this is a conservative heuristic return token0.mul(offPegPerc / 3).div(10**18); } } else { if (offPegPerc >= 10**17) { return token1.mul(maxSlippageFactor).div(10**18); } else { return token1.mul(offPegPerc / 3).div(10**18); } } } /** * @notice given an input amount of an asset and pair reserves, returns the maximum output amount of the other asset * * @param amountIn input amount of the asset * @param reserveIn reserves of the asset being sold * @param reserveOut reserves if the asset being purchased */ function getAmountOut( uint amountIn, uint reserveIn, uint reserveOut ) internal pure returns (uint amountOut) { require(amountIn > 0, 'UniswapV2Library: INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_AMOUNT'); require(reserveIn > 0 && reserveOut > 0, 'UniswapV2Library: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY'); uint amountInWithFee = amountIn.mul(997); uint numerator = amountInWithFee.mul(reserveOut); uint denominator = reserveIn.mul(1000).add(amountInWithFee); amountOut = numerator / denominator; } function afterRebase( uint256 mintAmount, uint256 offPegPerc ) internal { // update uniswap UniswapPair(uniswap_pair).sync(); if (mintAmount > 0) { buyReserveAndTransfer( mintAmount, offPegPerc ); } // call any extra functions for (uint i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) { Transaction storage t = transactions[i]; if (t.enabled) { bool result = externalCall(t.destination,; if (!result) { emit TransactionFailed(t.destination, i,; revert("Transaction Failed"); } } } } /** * @notice Calculates TWAP from uniswap * * @dev When liquidity is low, this can be manipulated by an end of block -> next block * attack. We delay the activation of rebases 12 hours after liquidity incentives * to reduce this attack vector. Additional there is very little supply * to be able to manipulate this during that time period of highest vuln. */ function getTWAP() internal returns (uint256) { (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) = UniswapV2OracleLibrary.currentCumulativePrices(uniswap_pair, isToken0); uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // overflow is desired // no period check as is done in isRebaseWindow // overflow is desired, casting never truncates // cumulative price is in (uq112x112 price * seconds) units so we simply wrap it after division by time elapsed FixedPoint.uq112x112 memory priceAverage = FixedPoint.uq112x112(uint224((priceCumulative - priceCumulativeLast) / timeElapsed)); priceCumulativeLast = priceCumulative; blockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp; return FixedPoint.decode144(FixedPoint.mul(priceAverage, 10**18)); } /** * @notice Calculates current TWAP from uniswap * */ function getCurrentTWAP() public view returns (uint256) { (uint priceCumulative, uint32 blockTimestamp) = UniswapV2OracleLibrary.currentCumulativePrices(uniswap_pair, isToken0); uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // overflow is desired // no period check as is done in isRebaseWindow // overflow is desired, casting never truncates // cumulative price is in (uq112x112 price * seconds) units so we simply wrap it after division by time elapsed FixedPoint.uq112x112 memory priceAverage = FixedPoint.uq112x112(uint224((priceCumulative - priceCumulativeLast) / timeElapsed)); return FixedPoint.decode144(FixedPoint.mul(priceAverage, 10**18)); } /** * @notice Sets the deviation threshold fraction. If the exchange rate given by the market * oracle is within this fractional distance from the targetRate, then no supply * modifications are made. * @param deviationThreshold_ The new exchange rate threshold fraction. */ function setDeviationThreshold(uint256 deviationThreshold_) external onlyGov { require(deviationThreshold > 0); uint256 oldDeviationThreshold = deviationThreshold; deviationThreshold = deviationThreshold_; emit NewDeviationThreshold(oldDeviationThreshold, deviationThreshold_); } /** * @notice Sets the rebase lag parameter. It is used to dampen the applied supply adjustment by 1 / rebaseLag If the rebase lag R, equals 1, the smallest value for R, then the full supply correction is applied on each rebase cycle. If it is greater than 1, then a correction of 1/R of is applied on each rebase. * @param rebaseLag_ The new rebase lag parameter. */ function setRebaseLag(uint256 rebaseLag_) external onlyGov { require(rebaseLag_ > 0); rebaseLag = rebaseLag_; } /** * @notice Sets the targetRate parameter. * @param targetRate_ The new target rate parameter. */ function setTargetRate(uint256 targetRate_) external onlyGov { require(targetRate_ > 0); targetRate = targetRate_; } /** * @notice Sets the parameters which control the timing and frequency of * rebase operations. * a) the minimum time period that must elapse between rebase cycles. * b) the rebase window offset parameter. * c) the rebase window length parameter. * @param minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_ More than this much time must pass between rebase * operations, in seconds. * @param rebaseWindowOffsetSec_ The number of seconds from the beginning of the rebase interval, where the rebase window begins. * @param rebaseWindowLengthSec_ The length of the rebase window in seconds. */ function setRebaseTimingParameters( uint256 minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_, uint256 rebaseWindowOffsetSec_, uint256 rebaseWindowLengthSec_) external onlyGov { require(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_ > 0); require(rebaseWindowOffsetSec_ < minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_); minRebaseTimeIntervalSec = minRebaseTimeIntervalSec_; rebaseWindowOffsetSec = rebaseWindowOffsetSec_; rebaseWindowLengthSec = rebaseWindowLengthSec_; } /** * @return If the latest block timestamp is within the rebase time window it, returns true. * Otherwise, returns false. */ function inRebaseWindow() public view returns (bool) { // rebasing is delayed until there is a liquid market _inRebaseWindow(); return true; } function _inRebaseWindow() internal view { // rebasing is delayed until there is a liquid market require(rebasingActive, "rebasing not active"); require(now.mod(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) >= rebaseWindowOffsetSec, "too early"); require(now.mod(minRebaseTimeIntervalSec) < (rebaseWindowOffsetSec.add(rebaseWindowLengthSec)), "too late"); } /** * @return Computes in % how far off market is from peg */ function computeOffPegPerc(uint256 rate) private view returns (uint256, bool) { if (withinDeviationThreshold(rate)) { return (0, false); } // indexDelta = (rate - targetRate) / targetRate if (rate > targetRate) { return (rate.sub(targetRate).mul(10**18).div(targetRate), true); } else { return (targetRate.sub(rate).mul(10**18).div(targetRate), false); } } /** * @param rate The current exchange rate, an 18 decimal fixed point number. * @return If the rate is within the deviation threshold from the target rate, returns true. * Otherwise, returns false. */ function withinDeviationThreshold(uint256 rate) private view returns (bool) { uint256 absoluteDeviationThreshold = targetRate.mul(deviationThreshold) .div(10 ** 18); return (rate >= targetRate && rate.sub(targetRate) < absoluteDeviationThreshold) || (rate < targetRate && targetRate.sub(rate) < absoluteDeviationThreshold); } /* - Constructor Helpers - */ // calculates the CREATE2 address for a pair without making any external calls function pairFor( address factory, address token0, address token1 ) internal pure returns (address pair) { pair = address(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked( hex'ff', factory, keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)), hex'96e8ac4277198ff8b6f785478aa9a39f403cb768dd02cbee326c3e7da348845f' // init code hash )))); } // returns sorted token addresses, used to handle return values from pairs sorted in this order function sortTokens( address tokenA, address tokenB ) internal pure returns (address token0, address token1) { require(tokenA != tokenB, 'UniswapV2Library: IDENTICAL_ADDRESSES'); (token0, token1) = tokenA < tokenB ? (tokenA, tokenB) : (tokenB, tokenA); require(token0 != address(0), 'UniswapV2Library: ZERO_ADDRESS'); } /* -- Rebase helpers -- */ /** * @notice Adds a transaction that gets called for a downstream receiver of rebases * @param destination Address of contract destination * @param data Transaction data payload */ function addTransaction(address destination, bytes calldata data) external onlyGov { transactions.push(Transaction({ enabled: true, destination: destination, data: data })); } /** * @param index Index of transaction to remove. * Transaction ordering may have changed since adding. */ function removeTransaction(uint index) external onlyGov { require(index < transactions.length, "index out of bounds"); if (index < transactions.length - 1) { transactions[index] = transactions[transactions.length - 1]; } transactions.length--; } /** * @param index Index of transaction. Transaction ordering may have changed since adding. * @param enabled True for enabled, false for disabled. */ function setTransactionEnabled(uint index, bool enabled) external onlyGov { require(index < transactions.length, "index must be in range of stored tx list"); transactions[index].enabled = enabled; } /** * @dev wrapper to call the encoded transactions on downstream consumers. * @param destination Address of destination contract. * @param data The encoded data payload. * @return True on success */ function externalCall(address destination, bytes memory data) internal returns (bool) { bool result; assembly { // solhint-disable-line no-inline-assembly // "Allocate" memory for output // (0x40 is where "free memory" pointer is stored by convention) let outputAddress := mload(0x40) // First 32 bytes are the padded length of data, so exclude that let dataAddress := add(data, 32) result := call( // 34710 is the value that solidity is currently emitting // It includes callGas (700) + callVeryLow (3, to pay for SUB) // + callValueTransferGas (9000) + callNewAccountGas // (25000, in case the destination address does not exist and needs creating) sub(gas, 34710), destination, 0, // transfer value in wei dataAddress, mload(data), // Size of the input, in bytes. Stored in position 0 of the array. outputAddress, 0 // Output is ignored, therefore the output size is zero ) } return result; } } interface TreasuryPool { function updateNextRewards(uint256 amount) external; } contract GAMERReserves { // Token that serves as a reserve for GAMER address public reserveToken; address public gov; address public pendingGov; address public rebaser; address public gamerAddress; address public treasuryPool; /*** Gov Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when TreasuryPool is changed */ event NewTreasuryPool(address oldTreasuryPool, address newTreasuryPool); /** * @notice Event emitted when rebaser is changed */ event NewRebaser(address oldRebaser, address newRebaser); modifier onlyGov() { require(msg.sender == gov); _; } modifier onlyRebaser() { require(msg.sender == rebaser); _; } constructor( address reserveToken_, address gamerAddress_ ) public { reserveToken = reserveToken_; gamerAddress = gamerAddress_; gov = msg.sender; } function _setRebaser(address rebaser_) external onlyGov { address oldRebaser = rebaser; GAMERTokenInterface(gamerAddress).decreaseAllowance(oldRebaser, uint256(-1)); rebaser = rebaser_; GAMERTokenInterface(gamerAddress).approve(rebaser_, uint256(-1)); emit NewRebaser(oldRebaser, rebaser_); } /** @notice sets the pendingGov * @param pendingGov_ The address of the rebaser contract to use for authentication. */ function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external onlyGov { address oldPendingGov = pendingGov; pendingGov = pendingGov_; emit NewPendingGov(oldPendingGov, pendingGov_); } /** * @notice lets msg.sender accept governance */ function _acceptGov() external { require(msg.sender == pendingGov, "!pending"); address oldGov = gov; gov = pendingGov; pendingGov = address(0); emit NewGov(oldGov, gov); } /** @notice sets the treasuryPool * @param treasuryPool_ The address of the treasury pool contract. */ function _setTreasuryPool(address treasuryPool_) external onlyGov { address oldTreasuryPool = treasuryPool; treasuryPool = treasuryPool_; emit NewTreasuryPool(oldTreasuryPool, treasuryPool_); } /// @notice Moves all tokens to a new reserve contract function migrateReserves( address newReserve, address[] memory tokens ) public onlyGov { for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { IERC20 token = IERC20(tokens[i]); uint256 bal = token.balanceOf(address(this)); SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, newReserve, bal); } } /// @notice Gets the current amount of reserves token held by this contract function reserves() public view returns (uint256) { return IERC20(reserveToken).balanceOf(address(this)); } /// @notice Gets the current amount of reserves token held by this contract function distributeTreasuryReward(uint256 amount) public onlyRebaser { IERC20(reserveToken).transfer(treasuryPool, amount); TreasuryPool(treasuryPool).updateNextRewards(amount); } } contract GAMERGovernanceStorage { /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping (address => address) internal _delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping (address => mapping (uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping (address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)"); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping (address => uint) public nonces; } contract GAMERTokenStorage { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Guard variable for re-entrancy checks. Not currently used */ bool internal _notEntered; /** * @notice EIP-20 token name for this token */ string public name; /** * @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token */ string public symbol; /** * @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token */ uint8 public decimals; /** * @notice Governor for this contract */ address public gov; /** * @notice Pending governance for this contract */ address public pendingGov; /** * @notice Approved rebaser for this contract */ address public rebaser; /** * @notice Reserve address of GAMER protocol */ address public incentivizer; /** * @notice stakingPool address of GAMER protocol */ address public stakingPool; /** * @notice teamPool address of GAMER protocol */ address public teamPool; /** * @notice dev address of GAMER protocol */ address public dev; /** * @notice Total supply of GAMERs */ uint256 internal _totalSupply; /** * @notice Internal decimals used to handle scaling factor */ uint256 public constant internalDecimals = 10**24; /** * @notice Used for percentage maths */ uint256 public constant BASE = 10**18; /** * @notice Scaling factor that adjusts everyone's balances */ uint256 public gamersScalingFactor; mapping (address => uint256) internal _gamerBalances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowedFragments; uint256 public initSupply; } contract GAMERTokenInterface is GAMERTokenStorage, GAMERGovernanceStorage { /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint previousBalance, uint newBalance); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are rebased */ event Rebase(uint256 epoch, uint256 prevGrapsScalingFactor, uint256 newGrapsScalingFactor); /*** Gov Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); /** * @notice Sets the rebaser contract */ event NewRebaser(address oldRebaser, address newRebaser); /** * @notice Sets the incentivizer contract */ event NewIncentivizer(address oldIncentivizer, address newIncentivizer); /** * @notice Sets the StakingPool contract */ event NewStakingPool(address oldStakingPool, address newStakingPool); /** * @notice Sets the TeamPool contract */ event NewTeamPool(address oldTeamPool, address newTeamPool); /** * @notice Sets the Dev contract */ event NewDev(address oldDev, address newDev); /* - ERC20 Events - */ /** * @notice EIP20 Transfer event */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount); /** * @notice EIP20 Approval event */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint amount); /* - Extra Events - */ /** * @notice Tokens minted event */ event Mint(address to, uint256 amount); // Public functions function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns(bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns(bool); function balanceOf(address who) external view returns(uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address who) external view returns(uint256); function allowance(address owner_, address spender) external view returns(uint256); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) external returns (bool); function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) external returns (bool); function maxScalingFactor() external view returns (uint256); /* - Governance Functions - */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint nonce, uint expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; function delegate(address delegatee) external; function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address); function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256); /* - Permissioned/Governance functions - */ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function rebase(uint256 epoch, uint256 indexDelta, bool positive) external returns (uint256); function _setRebaser(address rebaser_) external; function _setIncentivizer(address incentivizer_) external; function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external; function _acceptGov() external; } contract GAMERGovernanceToken is GAMERTokenInterface { /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint previousBalance, uint newBalance); /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegator The address to get delegatee for */ function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address) { return _delegates[delegator]; } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to */ function delegate(address delegatee) external { return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature * @param v The recovery byte of the signature * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair */ function delegateBySig( address delegatee, uint nonce, uint expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode( DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), getChainId(), address(this) ) ); bytes32 structHash = keccak256( abi.encode( DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry ) ); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash ) ); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require(signatory != address(0), "GAMER::delegateBySig: invalid signature"); require(nonce == nonces[signatory]++, "GAMER::delegateBySig: invalid nonce"); require(now <= expiry, "GAMER::delegateBySig: signature expired"); return _delegate(signatory, delegatee); } /** * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account` * @param account The address to get votes balance * @return The number of current votes for `account` */ function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) { uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0; } /** * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation. * @param account The address of the account to check * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) external view returns (uint256) { require(blockNumber < block.number, "GAMER::getPriorVotes: not yet determined"); uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; if (nCheckpoints == 0) { return 0; } // First check most recent balance if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) { return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes; } // Next check implicit zero balance if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) { return 0; } uint32 lower = 0; uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1; while (upper > lower) { uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center]; if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) { return cp.votes; } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) { lower = center; } else { upper = center - 1; } } return checkpoints[account][lower].votes; } function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal { address currentDelegate = _delegates[delegator]; uint256 delegatorBalance = _gamerBalances[delegator]; // balance of underlying GAMERs (not scaled); _delegates[delegator] = delegatee; emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee); _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance); } function _moveDelegates(address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount) internal { if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) { if (srcRep != address(0)) { // decrease old representative uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep]; uint256 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 srcRepNew = srcRepOld.sub(amount); _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew); } if (dstRep != address(0)) { // increase new representative uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep]; uint256 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 dstRepNew = dstRepOld.add(amount); _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew); } } } function _writeCheckpoint( address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint256 oldVotes, uint256 newVotes ) internal { uint32 blockNumber = safe32(block.number, "GAMER::_writeCheckpoint: block number exceeds 32 bits"); if (nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber) { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes; } else { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(blockNumber, newVotes); numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1; } emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes); } function safe32(uint n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } function getChainId() internal pure returns (uint) { uint256 chainId; assembly { chainId := chainid() } return chainId; } } contract GAMERToken is GAMERGovernanceToken { // Modifiers modifier onlyGov() { require(msg.sender == gov, 'not gov'); _; } modifier onlyRebaser() { require(msg.sender == rebaser); _; } modifier onlyMinter() { require(msg.sender == rebaser || msg.sender == incentivizer || msg.sender == stakingPool || msg.sender == teamPool || msg.sender == dev || msg.sender == gov, "not minter"); _; } modifier validRecipient(address to) { require(to != address(0x0)); require(to != address(this)); _; } function initialize( string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_ ) public { require(gamersScalingFactor == 0, "already initialized"); name = name_; symbol = symbol_; decimals = decimals_; } /** * @notice Computes the current totalSupply */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply.div(10**24/ (BASE)); } /** * @notice Computes the current max scaling factor */ function maxScalingFactor() external view returns (uint256) { return _maxScalingFactor(); } function _maxScalingFactor() internal view returns (uint256) { // scaling factor can only go up to 2**256-1 = initSupply * gamersScalingFactor // this is used to check if gamersScalingFactor will be too high to compute balances when rebasing. return uint256(-1) / initSupply; } /** * @notice Mints new tokens, increasing totalSupply, initSupply, and a users balance. * @dev Limited to onlyMinter modifier */ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external onlyMinter returns (bool) { _mint(to, amount); return true; } function _mint(address to, uint256 amount) internal { // increase totalSupply _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount.mul(10**24/ (BASE))); // get underlying value uint256 gamerValue = amount.mul(internalDecimals).div(gamersScalingFactor); // increase initSupply initSupply = initSupply.add(gamerValue); // make sure the mint didnt push maxScalingFactor too low require(gamersScalingFactor <= _maxScalingFactor(), "max scaling factor too low"); // add balance _gamerBalances[to] = _gamerBalances[to].add(gamerValue); emit Transfer(address(0), to, amount); // add delegates to the minter _moveDelegates(address(0), _delegates[to], gamerValue); emit Mint(to, amount); } /* - ERC20 functionality - */ /** * @dev Transfer tokens to a specified address. * @param to The address to transfer to. * @param value The amount to be transferred. * @return True on success, false otherwise. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external validRecipient(to) returns (bool) { // underlying balance is stored in gamers, so divide by current scaling factor // note, this means as scaling factor grows, dust will be untransferrable. // minimum transfer value == gamersScalingFactor / 1e24; // get amount in underlying uint256 gamerValue = value.mul(internalDecimals).div(gamersScalingFactor); // sub from balance of sender _gamerBalances[msg.sender] = _gamerBalances[msg.sender].sub(gamerValue); // add to balance of receiver _gamerBalances[to] = _gamerBalances[to].add(gamerValue); emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value); _moveDelegates(_delegates[msg.sender], _delegates[to], gamerValue); return true; } /** * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another. * @param from The address you want to send tokens from. * @param to The address you want to transfer to. * @param value The amount of tokens to be transferred. */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external validRecipient(to) returns (bool) { // decrease allowance _allowedFragments[from][msg.sender] = _allowedFragments[from][msg.sender].sub(value); // get value in gamers uint256 gamerValue = value.mul(internalDecimals).div(gamersScalingFactor); // sub from from _gamerBalances[from] = _gamerBalances[from].sub(gamerValue); _gamerBalances[to] = _gamerBalances[to].add(gamerValue); emit Transfer(from, to, value); _moveDelegates(_delegates[from], _delegates[to], gamerValue); return true; } /** * @param who The address to query. * @return The balance of the specified address. */ function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256) { return _gamerBalances[who].mul(gamersScalingFactor).div(internalDecimals); } /** @notice Currently returns the internal storage amount * @param who The address to query. * @return The underlying balance of the specified address. */ function balanceOfUnderlying(address who) external view returns (uint256) { return _gamerBalances[who]; } /** * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner has allowed to a spender. * @param owner_ The address which owns the funds. * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @return The number of tokens still available for the spender. */ function allowance(address owner_, address spender) external view returns (uint256) { return _allowedFragments[owner_][spender]; } /** * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of * msg.sender. This method is included for ERC20 compatibility. * increaseAllowance and decreaseAllowance should be used instead. * Changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may transfer both * the old and the new allowance - if they are both greater than zero - if a transfer * transaction is mined before the later approve() call is mined. * * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param value The amount of tokens to be spent. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool) { _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender] = value; emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, value); return true; } /** * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner has allowed to a spender. * This method should be used instead of approve() to avoid the double approval vulnerability * described above. * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) external returns (bool) { _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender] = _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender].add(addedValue); emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender]); return true; } /** * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner has allowed to a spender. * * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) external returns (bool) { uint256 oldValue = _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender]; if (subtractedValue >= oldValue) { _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender] = 0; } else { _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender] = oldValue.sub(subtractedValue); } emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, _allowedFragments[msg.sender][spender]); return true; } /* - Governance Functions - */ /** @notice sets the rebaser * @param rebaser_ The address of the rebaser contract to use for authentication. */ function _setRebaser(address rebaser_) external onlyGov { address oldRebaser = rebaser; rebaser = rebaser_; emit NewRebaser(oldRebaser, rebaser_); } /** @notice sets the incentivizer * @param incentivizer_ The address of the incentivizer contract to use for authentication. */ function _setIncentivizer(address incentivizer_) external onlyGov { address oldIncentivizer = incentivizer; incentivizer = incentivizer_; emit NewIncentivizer(oldIncentivizer, incentivizer_); } /** @notice sets the stakingPool * @param stakingPool_ The address of the stakingPool contract to use for authentication. */ function _setStakingPool(address stakingPool_) external onlyGov { address oldStakingPool = stakingPool; stakingPool = stakingPool_; emit NewStakingPool(oldStakingPool, stakingPool_); } /** @notice sets the teamPool * @param teamPool_ The address of the teamPool contract to use for authentication. */ function _setTeamPool(address teamPool_) external onlyGov { address oldTeamPool = teamPool; teamPool = teamPool_; emit NewTeamPool(oldTeamPool, teamPool_); } /** @notice sets the dev * @param dev_ The address of the dev contract to use for authentication. */ function _setDev(address dev_) external onlyGov { address oldDev = dev; dev = dev_; emit NewDev(oldDev, dev_); } /** @notice sets the pendingGov * @param pendingGov_ The address of the rebaser contract to use for authentication. */ function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external onlyGov { address oldPendingGov = pendingGov; pendingGov = pendingGov_; emit NewPendingGov(oldPendingGov, pendingGov_); } /** @notice lets msg.sender accept governance * */ function _acceptGov() external { require(msg.sender == pendingGov, "!pending"); address oldGov = gov; gov = pendingGov; pendingGov = address(0); emit NewGov(oldGov, gov); } /* - Extras - */ /** * @notice Initiates a new rebase operation, provided the minimum time period has elapsed. * * @dev The supply adjustment equals (totalSupply * DeviationFromTargetRate) / rebaseLag * Where DeviationFromTargetRate is (MarketOracleRate - targetRate) / targetRate * and targetRate is CpiOracleRate / baseCpi */ function rebase( uint256 epoch, uint256 indexDelta, bool positive ) external onlyRebaser returns (uint256) { if (indexDelta == 0) { emit Rebase(epoch, gamersScalingFactor, gamersScalingFactor); return _totalSupply; } uint256 prevGrapsScalingFactor = gamersScalingFactor; if (!positive) { gamersScalingFactor = gamersScalingFactor.mul(BASE.sub(indexDelta)).div(BASE); } else { uint256 newScalingFactor = gamersScalingFactor.mul(BASE.add(indexDelta)).div(BASE); if (newScalingFactor < _maxScalingFactor()) { gamersScalingFactor = newScalingFactor; } else { gamersScalingFactor = _maxScalingFactor(); } } _totalSupply = initSupply.mul(gamersScalingFactor).div(BASE); emit Rebase(epoch, prevGrapsScalingFactor, gamersScalingFactor); return _totalSupply; } } contract GAMER is GAMERToken { /** * @notice Initialize the new money market * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token */ function initialize( string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address initial_owner, uint256 initSupply_ ) public { require(initSupply_ > 0, "0 init supply"); super.initialize(name_, symbol_, decimals_); initSupply = initSupply_.mul(10**24/ (BASE)); _totalSupply = initSupply; gamersScalingFactor = BASE; _gamerBalances[initial_owner] = initSupply_.mul(10**24 / (BASE)); // owner renounces ownership after deployment as they need to set // rebaser and incentivizer // gov = gov_; } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.10; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary { uint constant SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60; uint constant SECONDS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60; uint constant SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60; int constant OFFSET19700101 = 2440588; uint constant DOW_MON = 1; uint constant DOW_TUE = 2; uint constant DOW_WED = 3; uint constant DOW_THU = 4; uint constant DOW_FRI = 5; uint constant DOW_SAT = 6; uint constant DOW_SUN = 7; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Calculate the number of days from 1970/01/01 to year/month/day using // the date conversion algorithm from // // and subtracting the offset 2440588 so that 1970/01/01 is day 0 // // days = day // - 32075 // + 1461 * (year + 4800 + (month - 14) / 12) / 4 // + 367 * (month - 2 - (month - 14) / 12 * 12) / 12 // - 3 * ((year + 4900 + (month - 14) / 12) / 100) / 4 // - offset // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function _daysFromDate(uint year, uint month, uint day) internal pure returns (uint _days) { require(year >= 1970); int _year = int(year); int _month = int(month); int _day = int(day); int __days = _day - 32075 + 1461 * (_year + 4800 + (_month - 14) / 12) / 4 + 367 * (_month - 2 - (_month - 14) / 12 * 12) / 12 - 3 * ((_year + 4900 + (_month - 14) / 12) / 100) / 4 - OFFSET19700101; _days = uint(__days); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Calculate year/month/day from the number of days since 1970/01/01 using // the date conversion algorithm from // // and adding the offset 2440588 so that 1970/01/01 is day 0 // // int L = days + 68569 + offset // int N = 4 * L / 146097 // L = L - (146097 * N + 3) / 4 // year = 4000 * (L + 1) / 1461001 // L = L - 1461 * year / 4 + 31 // month = 80 * L / 2447 // dd = L - 2447 * month / 80 // L = month / 11 // month = month + 2 - 12 * L // year = 100 * (N - 49) + year + L // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function _daysToDate(uint _days) internal pure returns (uint year, uint month, uint day) { int __days = int(_days); int L = __days + 68569 + OFFSET19700101; int N = 4 * L / 146097; L = L - (146097 * N + 3) / 4; int _year = 4000 * (L + 1) / 1461001; L = L - 1461 * _year / 4 + 31; int _month = 80 * L / 2447; int _day = L - 2447 * _month / 80; L = _month / 11; _month = _month + 2 - 12 * L; _year = 100 * (N - 49) + _year + L; year = uint(_year); month = uint(_month); day = uint(_day); } function timestampFromDate(uint year, uint month, uint day) internal pure returns (uint timestamp) { timestamp = _daysFromDate(year, month, day) * SECONDS_PER_DAY; } function timestampFromDateTime(uint year, uint month, uint day, uint hour, uint minute, uint second) internal pure returns (uint timestamp) { timestamp = _daysFromDate(year, month, day) * SECONDS_PER_DAY + hour * SECONDS_PER_HOUR + minute * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE + second; } function timestampToDate(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint year, uint month, uint day) { (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); } function timestampToDateTime(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint year, uint month, uint day, uint hour, uint minute, uint second) { (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); uint secs = timestamp % SECONDS_PER_DAY; hour = secs / SECONDS_PER_HOUR; secs = secs % SECONDS_PER_HOUR; minute = secs / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; second = secs % SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; } function isValidDate(uint year, uint month, uint day) internal pure returns (bool valid) { if (year >= 1970 && month > 0 && month <= 12) { uint daysInMonth = _getDaysInMonth(year, month); if (day > 0 && day <= daysInMonth) { valid = true; } } } function isValidDateTime(uint year, uint month, uint day, uint hour, uint minute, uint second) internal pure returns (bool valid) { if (isValidDate(year, month, day)) { if (hour < 24 && minute < 60 && second < 60) { valid = true; } } } function isLeapYear(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (bool leapYear) { uint year; uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); leapYear = _isLeapYear(year); } function _isLeapYear(uint year) internal pure returns (bool leapYear) { leapYear = ((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100 != 0)) || (year % 400 == 0); } function isWeekDay(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (bool weekDay) { weekDay = getDayOfWeek(timestamp) <= DOW_FRI; } function isWeekEnd(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (bool weekEnd) { weekEnd = getDayOfWeek(timestamp) >= DOW_SAT; } function getDaysInMonth(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint daysInMonth) { uint year; uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); daysInMonth = _getDaysInMonth(year, month); } function _getDaysInMonth(uint year, uint month) internal pure returns (uint daysInMonth) { if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7 || month == 8 || month == 10 || month == 12) { daysInMonth = 31; } else if (month != 2) { daysInMonth = 30; } else { daysInMonth = _isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28; } } // 1 = Monday, 7 = Sunday function getDayOfWeek(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint dayOfWeek) { uint _days = timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY; dayOfWeek = (_days + 3) % 7 + 1; } function getYear(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint year) { uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); } function getMonth(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint month) { uint year; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); } function getDay(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint day) { uint year; uint month; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); } function getHour(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint hour) { uint secs = timestamp % SECONDS_PER_DAY; hour = secs / SECONDS_PER_HOUR; } function getMinute(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint minute) { uint secs = timestamp % SECONDS_PER_HOUR; minute = secs / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; } function getSecond(uint timestamp) internal pure returns (uint second) { second = timestamp % SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; } function addYears(uint timestamp, uint _years) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { uint year; uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); year += _years; uint daysInMonth = _getDaysInMonth(year, month); if (day > daysInMonth) { day = daysInMonth; } newTimestamp = _daysFromDate(year, month, day) * SECONDS_PER_DAY + timestamp % SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(newTimestamp >= timestamp); } function addMonths(uint timestamp, uint _months) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { uint year; uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); month += _months; year += (month - 1) / 12; month = (month - 1) % 12 + 1; uint daysInMonth = _getDaysInMonth(year, month); if (day > daysInMonth) { day = daysInMonth; } newTimestamp = _daysFromDate(year, month, day) * SECONDS_PER_DAY + timestamp % SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(newTimestamp >= timestamp); } function addDays(uint timestamp, uint _days) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp + _days * SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(newTimestamp >= timestamp); } function addHours(uint timestamp, uint _hours) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp + _hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR; require(newTimestamp >= timestamp); } function addMinutes(uint timestamp, uint _minutes) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp + _minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; require(newTimestamp >= timestamp); } function addSeconds(uint timestamp, uint _seconds) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp + _seconds; require(newTimestamp >= timestamp); } function subYears(uint timestamp, uint _years) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { uint year; uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); year -= _years; uint daysInMonth = _getDaysInMonth(year, month); if (day > daysInMonth) { day = daysInMonth; } newTimestamp = _daysFromDate(year, month, day) * SECONDS_PER_DAY + timestamp % SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(newTimestamp <= timestamp); } function subMonths(uint timestamp, uint _months) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { uint year; uint month; uint day; (year, month, day) = _daysToDate(timestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); uint yearMonth = year * 12 + (month - 1) - _months; year = yearMonth / 12; month = yearMonth % 12 + 1; uint daysInMonth = _getDaysInMonth(year, month); if (day > daysInMonth) { day = daysInMonth; } newTimestamp = _daysFromDate(year, month, day) * SECONDS_PER_DAY + timestamp % SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(newTimestamp <= timestamp); } function subDays(uint timestamp, uint _days) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp - _days * SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(newTimestamp <= timestamp); } function subHours(uint timestamp, uint _hours) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp - _hours * SECONDS_PER_HOUR; require(newTimestamp <= timestamp); } function subMinutes(uint timestamp, uint _minutes) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp - _minutes * SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; require(newTimestamp <= timestamp); } function subSeconds(uint timestamp, uint _seconds) internal pure returns (uint newTimestamp) { newTimestamp = timestamp - _seconds; require(newTimestamp <= timestamp); } function diffYears(uint fromTimestamp, uint toTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint _years) { require(fromTimestamp <= toTimestamp); uint fromYear; uint fromMonth; uint fromDay; uint toYear; uint toMonth; uint toDay; (fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay) = _daysToDate(fromTimestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); (toYear, toMonth, toDay) = _daysToDate(toTimestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); _years = toYear - fromYear; } function diffMonths(uint fromTimestamp, uint toTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint _months) { require(fromTimestamp <= toTimestamp); uint fromYear; uint fromMonth; uint fromDay; uint toYear; uint toMonth; uint toDay; (fromYear, fromMonth, fromDay) = _daysToDate(fromTimestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); (toYear, toMonth, toDay) = _daysToDate(toTimestamp / SECONDS_PER_DAY); _months = toYear * 12 + toMonth - fromYear * 12 - fromMonth; } function diffDays(uint fromTimestamp, uint toTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint _days) { require(fromTimestamp <= toTimestamp); _days = (toTimestamp - fromTimestamp) / SECONDS_PER_DAY; } function diffHours(uint fromTimestamp, uint toTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint _hours) { require(fromTimestamp <= toTimestamp); _hours = (toTimestamp - fromTimestamp) / SECONDS_PER_HOUR; } function diffMinutes(uint fromTimestamp, uint toTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint _minutes) { require(fromTimestamp <= toTimestamp); _minutes = (toTimestamp - fromTimestamp) / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; } function diffSeconds(uint fromTimestamp, uint toTimestamp) internal pure returns (uint _seconds) { require(fromTimestamp <= toTimestamp); _seconds = toTimestamp - fromTimestamp; } } library ECDSA { /** * @dev Returns the address that signed a hashed message (`hash`) with * `signature`. This address can then be used for verification purposes. * * The `ecrecover` EVM opcode allows for malleable (non-unique) signatures: * this function rejects them by requiring the `s` value to be in the lower * half order, and the `v` value to be either 27 or 28. * * IMPORTANT: `hash` _must_ be the result of a hash operation for the * verification to be secure: it is possible to craft signatures that * recover to arbitrary addresses for non-hashed data. A safe way to ensure * this is by receiving a hash of the original message (which may otherwise * be too long), and then calling {toEthSignedMessageHash} on it. */ function recover(bytes32 hash, bytes memory signature) internal pure returns (address) { // Check the signature length if (signature.length != 65) { revert("ECDSA: invalid signature length"); } // Divide the signature in r, s and v variables bytes32 r; bytes32 s; uint8 v; // ecrecover takes the signature parameters, and the only way to get them // currently is to use assembly. // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { r := mload(add(signature, 0x20)) s := mload(add(signature, 0x40)) v := byte(0, mload(add(signature, 0x60))) } // EIP-2 still allows signature malleability for ecrecover(). Remove this possibility and make the signature // unique. Appendix F in the Ethereum Yellow paper (, defines // the valid range for s in (281): 0 < s < secp256k1n ÷ 2 + 1, and for v in (282): v ∈ {27, 28}. Most // signatures from current libraries generate a unique signature with an s-value in the lower half order. // // If your library generates malleable signatures, such as s-values in the upper range, calculate a new s-value // with 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEBAAEDCE6AF48A03BBFD25E8CD0364141 - s1 and flip v from 27 to 28 or // vice versa. If your library also generates signatures with 0/1 for v instead 27/28, add 27 to v to accept // these malleable signatures as well. if (uint256(s) > 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF5D576E7357A4501DDFE92F46681B20A0) { revert("ECDSA: invalid signature 's' value"); } if (v != 27 && v != 28) { revert("ECDSA: invalid signature 'v' value"); } // If the signature is valid (and not malleable), return the signer address address signer = ecrecover(hash, v, r, s); require(signer != address(0), "ECDSA: invalid signature"); return signer; } /** * @dev Returns an Ethereum Signed Message, created from a `hash`. This * replicates the behavior of the *[`eth_sign`] * JSON-RPC method. * * See {recover}. */ function toEthSignedMessageHash(bytes32 hash) internal pure returns (bytes32) { // 32 is the length in bytes of hash, // enforced by the type signature above return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n32", hash)); } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } library FractionUtils { using SafeMath for uint; struct Fraction { uint numerator; uint denominator; } function createFraction(uint numerator, uint denominator) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) { require(denominator > 0, "Division by zero"); Fraction memory fraction = Fraction({numerator: numerator, denominator: denominator}); reduceFraction(fraction); return fraction; } function createFraction(uint value) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) { return createFraction(value, 1); } function reduceFraction(Fraction memory fraction) internal pure { uint _gcd = gcd(fraction.numerator, fraction.denominator); fraction.numerator = fraction.numerator.div(_gcd); fraction.denominator = fraction.denominator.div(_gcd); } function multiplyFraction(Fraction memory a, Fraction memory b) internal pure returns (Fraction memory) { return createFraction(a.numerator.mul(b.numerator), a.denominator.mul(b.denominator)); } function gcd(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint) { uint _a = a; uint _b = b; if (_b > _a) { (_a, _b) = swap(_a, _b); } while (_b > 0) { _a = _a.mod(_b); (_a, _b) = swap (_a, _b); } return _a; } function swap(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (uint, uint) { return (b, a); } } interface IERC1820Registry { /** * @dev Sets `newManager` as the manager for `account`. A manager of an * account is able to set interface implementers for it. * * By default, each account is its own manager. Passing a value of `0x0` in * `newManager` will reset the manager to this initial state. * * Emits a {ManagerChanged} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. */ function setManager(address account, address newManager) external; /** * @dev Returns the manager for `account`. * * See {setManager}. */ function getManager(address account) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Sets the `implementer` contract as ``account``'s implementer for * `interfaceHash`. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. * The zero address can also be used in `implementer` to remove an old one. * * See {interfaceHash} to learn how these are created. * * Emits an {InterfaceImplementerSet} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. * - `interfaceHash` must not be an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it must not * end in 28 zeroes). * - `implementer` must implement {IERC1820Implementer} and return true when * queried for support, unless `implementer` is the caller. See * {IERC1820Implementer-canImplementInterfaceForAddress}. */ function setInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash, address implementer) external; /** * @dev Returns the implementer of `interfaceHash` for `account`. If no such * implementer is registered, returns the zero address. * * If `interfaceHash` is an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it ends with 28 * zeroes), `account` will be queried for support of it. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. */ function getInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Returns the interface hash for an `interfaceName`, as defined in the * corresponding *[section of the EIP]. */ function interfaceHash(string calldata interfaceName) external pure returns (bytes32); /** * @notice Updates the cache with whether the contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * @param account Address of the contract for which to update the cache. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface for which to update the cache. */ function updateERC165Cache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external; /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * If the result is not cached a direct lookup on the contract address is performed. * If the result is not cached or the cached value is out-of-date, the cache MUST be updated manually by calling * {updateERC165Cache} with the contract address. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165Interface(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not without using nor updating the cache. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165InterfaceNoCache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); event InterfaceImplementerSet(address indexed account, bytes32 indexed interfaceHash, address indexed implementer); event ManagerChanged(address indexed account, address indexed newManager); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IERC777 { /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() external view returns (string memory); /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() external view returns (string memory); /** * @dev Returns the smallest part of the token that is not divisible. This * means all token operations (creation, movement and destruction) must have * amounts that are a multiple of this number. * * For most token contracts, this value will equal 1. */ function granularity() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by an account (`owner`). */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * If send or receive hooks are registered for the caller and `recipient`, * the corresponding functions will be called with `data` and empty * `operatorData`. See {IERC777Sender} and {IERC777Recipient}. * * Emits a {Sent} event. * * Requirements * * - the caller must have at least `amount` tokens. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - if `recipient` is a contract, it must implement the {IERC777Recipient} * interface. */ function send(address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes calldata data) external; /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller's account, reducing the * total supply. * * If a send hook is registered for the caller, the corresponding function * will be called with `data` and empty `operatorData`. See {IERC777Sender}. * * Emits a {Burned} event. * * Requirements * * - the caller must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function burn(uint256 amount, bytes calldata data) external; /** * @dev Returns true if an account is an operator of `tokenHolder`. * Operators can send and burn tokens on behalf of their owners. All * accounts are their own operator. * * See {operatorSend} and {operatorBurn}. */ function isOperatorFor(address operator, address tokenHolder) external view returns (bool); /** * @dev Make an account an operator of the caller. * * See {isOperatorFor}. * * Emits an {AuthorizedOperator} event. * * Requirements * * - `operator` cannot be calling address. */ function authorizeOperator(address operator) external; /** * @dev Revoke an account's operator status for the caller. * * See {isOperatorFor} and {defaultOperators}. * * Emits a {RevokedOperator} event. * * Requirements * * - `operator` cannot be calling address. */ function revokeOperator(address operator) external; /** * @dev Returns the list of default operators. These accounts are operators * for all token holders, even if {authorizeOperator} was never called on * them. * * This list is immutable, but individual holders may revoke these via * {revokeOperator}, in which case {isOperatorFor} will return false. */ function defaultOperators() external view returns (address[] memory); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient`. The caller must * be an operator of `sender`. * * If send or receive hooks are registered for `sender` and `recipient`, * the corresponding functions will be called with `data` and * `operatorData`. See {IERC777Sender} and {IERC777Recipient}. * * Emits a {Sent} event. * * Requirements * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have at least `amount` tokens. * - the caller must be an operator for `sender`. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - if `recipient` is a contract, it must implement the {IERC777Recipient} * interface. */ function operatorSend( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the total supply. * The caller must be an operator of `account`. * * If a send hook is registered for `account`, the corresponding function * will be called with `data` and `operatorData`. See {IERC777Sender}. * * Emits a {Burned} event. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. * - the caller must be an operator for `account`. */ function operatorBurn( address account, uint256 amount, bytes calldata data, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; event Sent( address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount, bytes data, bytes operatorData ); event Minted(address indexed operator, address indexed to, uint256 amount, bytes data, bytes operatorData); event Burned(address indexed operator, address indexed from, uint256 amount, bytes data, bytes operatorData); event AuthorizedOperator(address indexed operator, address indexed tokenHolder); event RevokedOperator(address indexed operator, address indexed tokenHolder); } interface IERC777Recipient { /** * @dev Called by an {IERC777} token contract whenever tokens are being * moved or created into a registered account (`to`). The type of operation * is conveyed by `from` being the zero address or not. * * This call occurs _after_ the token contract's state is updated, so * {IERC777-balanceOf}, etc., can be used to query the post-operation state. * * This function may revert to prevent the operation from being executed. */ function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; } interface ILocker { /** * @dev Returns the locked amount of untransferable tokens of a given `wallet` */ function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address wallet) external returns (uint); /** * @dev Returns the locked amount of untransferable and un-delegatable tokens of a given `wallet`. */ function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address wallet) external returns (uint); } contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } library MathUtils { event UnderflowError( uint a, uint b ); uint constant private _EPS = 1e6; function boundedSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal returns (uint256) { if (a >= b) { return a - b; } else { emit UnderflowError(a, b); return 0; } } function boundedSubWithoutEvent(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a >= b) { return a - b; } else { return 0; } } function muchGreater(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { assert(uint(-1) - _EPS > b); return a > b + _EPS; } function approximatelyEqual(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a > b) { return a - b < _EPS; } else { return b - a < _EPS; } } } library PartialDifferences { using SafeMath for uint; using MathUtils for uint; struct Sequence { // month => diff mapping (uint => uint) addDiff; // month => diff mapping (uint => uint) subtractDiff; // month => value mapping (uint => uint) value; uint firstUnprocessedMonth; uint lastChangedMonth; } struct Value { // month => diff mapping (uint => uint) addDiff; // month => diff mapping (uint => uint) subtractDiff; uint value; uint firstUnprocessedMonth; uint lastChangedMonth; } // functions for sequence function addToSequence(Sequence storage sequence, uint diff, uint month) internal { require(sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth <= month, "Cannot add to the past"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth = month; } sequence.addDiff[month] = sequence.addDiff[month].add(diff); if (sequence.lastChangedMonth != month) { sequence.lastChangedMonth = month; } } function subtractFromSequence(Sequence storage sequence, uint diff, uint month) internal { require(sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth <= month, "Cannot subtract from the past"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth = month; } sequence.subtractDiff[month] = sequence.subtractDiff[month].add(diff); if (sequence.lastChangedMonth != month) { sequence.lastChangedMonth = month; } } function getAndUpdateValueInSequence(Sequence storage sequence, uint month) internal returns (uint) { if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { return 0; } if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth <= month) { for (uint i = sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth; i <= month; ++i) { uint nextValue = sequence.value[i.sub(1)].add(sequence.addDiff[i]).boundedSub(sequence.subtractDiff[i]); if (sequence.value[i] != nextValue) { sequence.value[i] = nextValue; } if (sequence.addDiff[i] > 0) { delete sequence.addDiff[i]; } if (sequence.subtractDiff[i] > 0) { delete sequence.subtractDiff[i]; } } sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth = month.add(1); } return sequence.value[month]; } function reduceSequence( Sequence storage sequence, FractionUtils.Fraction memory reducingCoefficient, uint month) internal { require(month.add(1) >= sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth, "Can't reduce value in the past"); require( reducingCoefficient.numerator <= reducingCoefficient.denominator, "Increasing of values is not implemented"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { return; } uint value = getAndUpdateValueInSequence(sequence, month); if (value.approximatelyEqual(0)) { return; } sequence.value[month] = sequence.value[month] .mul(reducingCoefficient.numerator) .div(reducingCoefficient.denominator); for (uint i = month.add(1); i <= sequence.lastChangedMonth; ++i) { sequence.subtractDiff[i] = sequence.subtractDiff[i] .mul(reducingCoefficient.numerator) .div(reducingCoefficient.denominator); } } // functions for value function addToValue(Value storage sequence, uint diff, uint month) internal { require(sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth <= month, "Cannot add to the past"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth = month; sequence.lastChangedMonth = month; } if (month > sequence.lastChangedMonth) { sequence.lastChangedMonth = month; } if (month >= sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth) { sequence.addDiff[month] = sequence.addDiff[month].add(diff); } else { sequence.value = sequence.value.add(diff); } } function subtractFromValue(Value storage sequence, uint diff, uint month) internal { require(sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth <= month.add(1), "Cannot subtract from the past"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth = month; sequence.lastChangedMonth = month; } if (month > sequence.lastChangedMonth) { sequence.lastChangedMonth = month; } if (month >= sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth) { sequence.subtractDiff[month] = sequence.subtractDiff[month].add(diff); } else { sequence.value = sequence.value.boundedSub(diff); } } function getAndUpdateValue(Value storage sequence, uint month) internal returns (uint) { require( month.add(1) >= sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth, "Cannot calculate value in the past"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { return 0; } if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth <= month) { for (uint i = sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth; i <= month; ++i) { uint newValue = sequence.value.add(sequence.addDiff[i]).boundedSub(sequence.subtractDiff[i]); if (sequence.value != newValue) { sequence.value = newValue; } if (sequence.addDiff[i] > 0) { delete sequence.addDiff[i]; } if (sequence.subtractDiff[i] > 0) { delete sequence.subtractDiff[i]; } } sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth = month.add(1); } return sequence.value; } function reduceValue( Value storage sequence, uint amount, uint month) internal returns (FractionUtils.Fraction memory) { require(month.add(1) >= sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth, "Cannot reduce value in the past"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { return FractionUtils.createFraction(0); } uint value = getAndUpdateValue(sequence, month); if (value.approximatelyEqual(0)) { return FractionUtils.createFraction(0); } uint _amount = amount; if (value < amount) { _amount = value; } FractionUtils.Fraction memory reducingCoefficient = FractionUtils.createFraction(value.boundedSub(_amount), value); reduceValueByCoefficient(sequence, reducingCoefficient, month); return reducingCoefficient; } function reduceValueByCoefficient( Value storage sequence, FractionUtils.Fraction memory reducingCoefficient, uint month) internal { reduceValueByCoefficientAndUpdateSumIfNeeded( sequence, sequence, reducingCoefficient, month, false); } function reduceValueByCoefficientAndUpdateSum( Value storage sequence, Value storage sumSequence, FractionUtils.Fraction memory reducingCoefficient, uint month) internal { reduceValueByCoefficientAndUpdateSumIfNeeded( sequence, sumSequence, reducingCoefficient, month, true); } function reduceValueByCoefficientAndUpdateSumIfNeeded( Value storage sequence, Value storage sumSequence, FractionUtils.Fraction memory reducingCoefficient, uint month, bool hasSumSequence) internal { require(month.add(1) >= sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth, "Cannot reduce value in the past"); if (hasSumSequence) { require(month.add(1) >= sumSequence.firstUnprocessedMonth, "Cannot reduce value in the past"); } require( reducingCoefficient.numerator <= reducingCoefficient.denominator, "Increasing of values is not implemented"); if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth == 0) { return; } uint value = getAndUpdateValue(sequence, month); if (value.approximatelyEqual(0)) { return; } uint newValue = sequence.value.mul(reducingCoefficient.numerator).div(reducingCoefficient.denominator); if (hasSumSequence) { subtractFromValue(sumSequence, sequence.value.boundedSub(newValue), month); } sequence.value = newValue; for (uint i = month.add(1); i <= sequence.lastChangedMonth; ++i) { uint newDiff = sequence.subtractDiff[i] .mul(reducingCoefficient.numerator) .div(reducingCoefficient.denominator); if (hasSumSequence) { sumSequence.subtractDiff[i] = sumSequence.subtractDiff[i] .boundedSub(sequence.subtractDiff[i].boundedSub(newDiff)); } sequence.subtractDiff[i] = newDiff; } } function clear(Value storage sequence) internal { for (uint i = sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth; i <= sequence.lastChangedMonth; ++i) { if (sequence.addDiff[i] > 0) { delete sequence.addDiff[i]; } if (sequence.subtractDiff[i] > 0) { delete sequence.subtractDiff[i]; } } if (sequence.value > 0) { delete sequence.value; } if (sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth > 0) { delete sequence.firstUnprocessedMonth; } if (sequence.lastChangedMonth > 0) { delete sequence.lastChangedMonth; } } } library SafeCast { /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint128 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint128). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint128` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 128 bits */ function toUint128(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint128) { require(value < 2**128, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 128 bits"); return uint128(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint64 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint64). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint64` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 64 bits */ function toUint64(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint64) { require(value < 2**64, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 64 bits"); return uint64(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint32 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint32). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint32` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 32 bits */ function toUint32(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(value < 2**32, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 32 bits"); return uint32(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint16 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint16). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint16` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 16 bits */ function toUint16(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint16) { require(value < 2**16, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 16 bits"); return uint16(value); } /** * @dev Returns the downcasted uint8 from uint256, reverting on * overflow (when the input is greater than largest uint8). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `uint8` operator. * * Requirements: * * - input must fit into 8 bits. */ function toUint8(uint256 value) internal pure returns (uint8) { require(value < 2**8, "SafeCast: value doesn\'t fit in 8 bits"); return uint8(value); } /** * @dev Converts a signed int256 into an unsigned uint256. * * Requirements: * * - input must be greater than or equal to 0. */ function toUint256(int256 value) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(value >= 0, "SafeCast: value must be positive"); return uint256(value); } /** * @dev Converts an unsigned uint256 into a signed int256. * * Requirements: * * - input must be less than or equal to maxInt256. */ function toInt256(uint256 value) internal pure returns (int256) { require(value < 2**255, "SafeCast: value doesn't fit in an int256"); return int256(value); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } library StringUtils { using SafeMath for uint; function strConcat(string memory a, string memory b) internal pure returns (string memory) { bytes memory _ba = bytes(a); bytes memory _bb = bytes(b); string memory ab = new string(_ba.length.add(_bb.length)); bytes memory strBytes = bytes(ab); uint k = 0; uint i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _ba.length; i++) { strBytes[k++] = _ba[i]; } for (i = 0; i < _bb.length; i++) { strBytes[k++] = _bb[i]; } return string(strBytes); } function uint2str(uint i) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (i == 0) { return "0"; } uint j = i; uint _i = i; uint len; while (j != 0) { len++; j /= 10; } bytes memory bstr = new bytes(len); uint k = len.sub(1); while (_i != 0) { bstr[k--] = byte(uint8(48 + _i % 10)); _i /= 10; } return string(bstr); } } contract TimeHelpers { using SafeMath for uint; uint constant private _ZERO_YEAR = 2020; uint constant private _FICTIOUS_MONTH_START = 1599523200; uint constant private _FICTIOUS_MONTH_NUMBER = 9; function calculateProofOfUseLockEndTime(uint month, uint lockUpPeriodDays) external view returns (uint timestamp) { timestamp = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.addDays(monthToTimestamp(month), lockUpPeriodDays); } function addDays(uint fromTimestamp, uint n) external pure returns (uint) { return BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.addDays(fromTimestamp, n); } function addMonths(uint fromTimestamp, uint n) external pure returns (uint) { return BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.addMonths(fromTimestamp, n); } function addYears(uint fromTimestamp, uint n) external pure returns (uint) { return BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.addYears(fromTimestamp, n); } function getCurrentMonth() external view virtual returns (uint) { return timestampToMonth(now); } function timestampToDay(uint timestamp) external view returns (uint) { uint wholeDays = timestamp / BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.SECONDS_PER_DAY; uint zeroDay = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.timestampFromDate(_ZERO_YEAR, 1, 1) / BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.SECONDS_PER_DAY; require(wholeDays >= zeroDay, "Timestamp is too far in the past"); return wholeDays - zeroDay; } function timestampToYear(uint timestamp) external view virtual returns (uint) { uint year; (year, , ) = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.timestampToDate(timestamp); require(year >= _ZERO_YEAR, "Timestamp is too far in the past"); return year - _ZERO_YEAR; } function timestampToMonth(uint timestamp) public view virtual returns (uint) { uint year; uint month; (year, month, ) = BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.timestampToDate(timestamp); require(year >= _ZERO_YEAR, "Timestamp is too far in the past"); month = month.sub(1).add(year.sub(_ZERO_YEAR).mul(12)); require(month > 0, "Timestamp is too far in the past"); if (timestamp >= _FICTIOUS_MONTH_START) { month = month.add(1); } return month; } function monthToTimestamp(uint month) public view virtual returns (uint timestamp) { uint year = _ZERO_YEAR; uint _month = month; if (_month > _FICTIOUS_MONTH_NUMBER) { _month = _month.sub(1); } else if (_month == _FICTIOUS_MONTH_NUMBER) { return _FICTIOUS_MONTH_START; } year = year.add(_month.div(12)); _month = _month.mod(12); _month = _month.add(1); return BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.timestampFromDate(year, _month, 1); } } contract ContextUpgradeSafe is Initializable { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. function __Context_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); } function __Context_init_unchained() internal initializer { } function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } uint256[50] private __gap; } contract OwnableUpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ function __Ownable_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __Ownable_init_unchained(); } function __Ownable_init_unchained() internal initializer { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } uint256[49] private __gap; } abstract contract AccessControlUpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe { function __AccessControl_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __AccessControl_init_unchained(); } function __AccessControl_init_unchained() internal initializer { } using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; using Address for address; struct RoleData { EnumerableSet.AddressSet members; bytes32 adminRole; } mapping (bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles; bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00; /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role * bearer except when using {_setupRole}. */ event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call: * - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer * - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`) */ event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`. */ function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view returns (bool) { return _roles[role].members.contains(account); } /** * @dev Returns the number of accounts that have `role`. Can be used * together with {getRoleMember} to enumerate all bearers of a role. */ function getRoleMemberCount(bytes32 role) public view returns (uint256) { return _roles[role].members.length(); } /** * @dev Returns one of the accounts that have `role`. `index` must be a * value between 0 and {getRoleMemberCount}, non-inclusive. * * Role bearers are not sorted in any particular way, and their ordering may * change at any point. * * WARNING: When using {getRoleMember} and {getRoleMemberCount}, make sure * you perform all queries on the same block. See the following *[forum post] * for more information. */ function getRoleMember(bytes32 role, uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return _roles[role]; } /** * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and * {revokeRole}. * * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}. */ function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view returns (bytes32) { return _roles[role].adminRole; } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to grant"); _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`. * * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to revoke"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account. * * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced). * * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be `account`. */ function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any * checks on the calling account. * * [WARNING] * ==== * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting * up the initial roles for the system. * * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin * system imposed by {AccessControl}. * ==== */ function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual { _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role. */ function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual { _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole; } function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.add(account)) { emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender()); } } function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.remove(account)) { emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender()); } } uint256[49] private __gap; } contract ContractManager is OwnableUpgradeSafe { using StringUtils for string; using Address for address; // mapping of actual smart contracts addresses mapping (bytes32 => address) public contracts; event ContractUpgraded(string contractsName, address contractsAddress); function initialize() external initializer { OwnableUpgradeSafe.__Ownable_init(); } /** * Adds actual contract to mapping of actual contract addresses * @param contractsName - contracts name in skale manager system * @param newContractsAddress - contracts address in skale manager system */ function setContractsAddress(string calldata contractsName, address newContractsAddress) external onlyOwner { // check newContractsAddress is not equal to zero require(newContractsAddress != address(0), "New address is equal zero"); // create hash of contractsName bytes32 contractId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractsName)); // check newContractsAddress is not equal the previous contract's address require(contracts[contractId] != newContractsAddress, "Contract is already added"); require(newContractsAddress.isContract(), "Given contracts address does not contain code"); // add newContractsAddress to mapping of actual contract addresses contracts[contractId] = newContractsAddress; emit ContractUpgraded(contractsName, newContractsAddress); } function getContract(string calldata name) external view returns (address contractAddress) { contractAddress = contracts[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name))]; require(contractAddress != address(0), name.strConcat(" contract has not been found")); } } contract Permissions is AccessControlUpgradeSafe { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address; ContractManager public contractManager; /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_isOwner(), "Caller is not the owner"); _; } modifier onlyAdmin() { require(_isAdmin(msg.sender), "Caller is not an admin"); _; } /** * @dev allow - throws if called by any account and contract other than the owner * or `contractName` contract * @param contractName - human readable name of contract */ modifier allow(string memory contractName) { require( contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractName))) == msg.sender || _isOwner(), "Message sender is invalid"); _; } modifier allowTwo(string memory contractName1, string memory contractName2) { require( contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractName1))) == msg.sender || contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractName2))) == msg.sender || _isOwner(), "Message sender is invalid"); _; } modifier allowThree(string memory contractName1, string memory contractName2, string memory contractName3) { require( contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractName1))) == msg.sender || contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractName2))) == msg.sender || contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(contractName3))) == msg.sender || _isOwner(), "Message sender is invalid"); _; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public virtual initializer { AccessControlUpgradeSafe.__AccessControl_init(); _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender); _setContractManager(contractManagerAddress); } function _isOwner() internal view returns (bool) { return hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender); } function _isAdmin(address account) internal view returns (bool) { address skaleManagerAddress = contractManager.contracts(keccak256(abi.encodePacked("SkaleManager"))); if (skaleManagerAddress != address(0)) { AccessControlUpgradeSafe skaleManager = AccessControlUpgradeSafe(skaleManagerAddress); return skaleManager.hasRole(keccak256("ADMIN_ROLE"), account) || _isOwner(); } else { return _isOwner(); } } function _setContractManager(address contractManagerAddress) private { require(contractManagerAddress != address(0), "ContractManager address is not set"); require(contractManagerAddress.isContract(), "Address is not contract"); contractManager = ContractManager(contractManagerAddress); } } contract Punisher is Permissions, ILocker { /** * @dev Emitted when a slashing condition occurs. */ event Slash( uint validatorId, uint amount ); /** * @dev Emitted when a forgive condition occurs. */ event Forgive( address wallet, uint amount ); // holder => tokens mapping (address => uint) private _locked; /** * @dev Executes slashing on a validator and its delegations by an `amount` * of tokens. Currently, SkaleDKG is the only service allowed to execute * slashing. * * Emits a Slash event. * * @param validatorId uint validator to be slashed * @param amount uint slashed amount */ function slash(uint validatorId, uint amount) external allow("SkaleDKG") { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController")); require(validatorService.validatorExists(validatorId), "Validator does not exist"); delegationController.confiscate(validatorId, amount); emit Slash(validatorId, amount); } /** * @dev Allows the Owner to forgive a slashing condition. * * Emits a Forgive event. * * @param holder address of the slashed * @param amount uint amount to be forgiven */ function forgive(address holder, uint amount) external onlyAdmin { DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController")); require(!delegationController.hasUnprocessedSlashes(holder), "Not all slashes were calculated"); if (amount > _locked[holder]) { delete _locked[holder]; } else { _locked[holder] = _locked[holder].sub(amount); } emit Forgive(holder, amount); } /** * @dev See ILocker-getAndUpdateLockedAmount */ function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address wallet) external override returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateLockedAmount(wallet); } /** * @dev See ILocker-getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount */ function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address wallet) external override returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateLockedAmount(wallet); } function handleSlash(address holder, uint amount) external allow("DelegationController") { _locked[holder] = _locked[holder].add(amount); } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); } // private function _getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address wallet) private returns (uint) { DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController")); delegationController.processAllSlashes(wallet); return _locked[wallet]; } } contract TokenLaunchLocker is Permissions, ILocker { using MathUtils for uint; using PartialDifferences for PartialDifferences.Value; /** * @dev Emitted when an `amount` is unlocked. */ event Unlocked( address holder, uint amount ); /** * @dev Emitted when an `amount` is locked. */ event Locked( address holder, uint amount ); struct DelegatedAmountAndMonth { uint delegated; uint month; } // holder => tokens mapping (address => uint) private _locked; // holder => tokens mapping (address => PartialDifferences.Value) private _delegatedAmount; mapping (address => DelegatedAmountAndMonth) private _totalDelegatedAmount; // delegationId => tokens mapping (uint => uint) private _delegationAmount; function lock(address holder, uint amount) external allow("TokenLaunchManager") { _locked[holder] = _locked[holder].add(amount); emit Locked(holder, amount); } function handleDelegationAdd( address holder, uint delegationId, uint amount, uint month) external allow("DelegationController") { if (_locked[holder] > 0) { TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); uint currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); uint fromLocked = amount; uint locked = _locked[holder].boundedSub(_getAndUpdateDelegatedAmount(holder, currentMonth)); if (fromLocked > locked) { fromLocked = locked; } if (fromLocked > 0) { require(_delegationAmount[delegationId] == 0, "Delegation was already added"); _addToDelegatedAmount(holder, fromLocked, month); _addToTotalDelegatedAmount(holder, fromLocked, month); _delegationAmount[delegationId] = fromLocked; } } } function handleDelegationRemoving( address holder, uint delegationId, uint month) external allow("DelegationController") { if (_delegationAmount[delegationId] > 0) { if (_locked[holder] > 0) { _removeFromDelegatedAmount(holder, _delegationAmount[delegationId], month); } delete _delegationAmount[delegationId]; } } function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address wallet) external override returns (uint) { if (_locked[wallet] > 0) { DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController")); TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); uint currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (_totalDelegatedSatisfiesProofOfUserCondition(wallet) && timeHelpers.calculateProofOfUseLockEndTime( _totalDelegatedAmount[wallet].month, constantsHolder.proofOfUseLockUpPeriodDays() ) <= now) { _unlock(wallet); return 0; } else { uint lockedByDelegationController = _getAndUpdateDelegatedAmount(wallet, currentMonth) .add(delegationController.getLockedInPendingDelegations(wallet)); if (_locked[wallet] > lockedByDelegationController) { return _locked[wallet].boundedSub(lockedByDelegationController); } else { return 0; } } } else { return 0; } } function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address) external override returns (uint) { return 0; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); } // private function _getAndUpdateDelegatedAmount(address holder, uint currentMonth) private returns (uint) { return _delegatedAmount[holder].getAndUpdateValue(currentMonth); } function _addToDelegatedAmount(address holder, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedAmount[holder].addToValue(amount, month); } function _removeFromDelegatedAmount(address holder, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedAmount[holder].subtractFromValue(amount, month); } function _addToTotalDelegatedAmount(address holder, uint amount, uint month) private { require( _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].month == 0 || _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].month <= month, "Can't add to total delegated in the past"); // do not update counter if it is big enough // because it will override month value if (!_totalDelegatedSatisfiesProofOfUserCondition(holder)) { _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].delegated = _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].delegated.add(amount); _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].month = month; } } function _unlock(address holder) private { emit Unlocked(holder, _locked[holder]); delete _locked[holder]; _deleteDelegatedAmount(holder); _deleteTotalDelegatedAmount(holder); } function _deleteDelegatedAmount(address holder) private { _delegatedAmount[holder].clear(); } function _deleteTotalDelegatedAmount(address holder) private { delete _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].delegated; delete _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].month; } function _totalDelegatedSatisfiesProofOfUserCondition(address holder) private view returns (bool) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); return _totalDelegatedAmount[holder].delegated.mul(100) >= _locked[holder].mul(constantsHolder.proofOfUseDelegationPercentage()); } } contract TokenState is Permissions, ILocker { /** * @dev Emitted when a contract is added to the locker. */ event LockerWasAdded( string locker ); /** * @dev Emitted when a contract is removed from the locker. */ event LockerWasRemoved( string locker ); string[] private _lockers; /** * @dev Return and update the total locked amount of a given `holder`. * * @param holder address of the token holder * @return total locked amount */ function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address holder) external override returns (uint) { uint locked = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < _lockers.length; ++i) { ILocker locker = ILocker(contractManager.getContract(_lockers[i])); locked = locked.add(locker.getAndUpdateLockedAmount(holder)); } return locked; } /** * @dev Return and update the total locked and un-delegatable amount of a given `holder`. * * @param holder address of the token holder * @return amount total slashed amount (non-transferable and non-delegatable) */ function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address holder) external override returns (uint amount) { uint forbidden = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < _lockers.length; ++i) { ILocker locker = ILocker(contractManager.getContract(_lockers[i])); forbidden = forbidden.add(locker.getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(holder)); } return forbidden; } /** * @dev Allows the Owner to remove a contract from the locker. * * Emits a LockerWasRemoved event. * * @param locker string name of contract to remove from locker */ function removeLocker(string calldata locker) external onlyOwner { uint index; bytes32 hash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(locker)); for (index = 0; index < _lockers.length; ++index) { if (keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_lockers[index])) == hash) { break; } } if (index < _lockers.length) { if (index < _lockers.length.sub(1)) { _lockers[index] = _lockers[_lockers.length.sub(1)]; } delete _lockers[_lockers.length.sub(1)]; _lockers.pop(); emit LockerWasRemoved(locker); } } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); addLocker("DelegationController"); addLocker("Punisher"); addLocker("TokenLaunchLocker"); } /** * @dev Allows the Owner to add a contract to the Locker. * * Emits a LockerWasAdded event. * * @param locker string name of contract to add to locker */ function addLocker(string memory locker) public onlyOwner { _lockers.push(locker); emit LockerWasAdded(locker); } } contract ValidatorService is Permissions { using ECDSA for bytes32; struct Validator { string name; address validatorAddress; address requestedAddress; string description; uint feeRate; uint registrationTime; uint minimumDelegationAmount; bool acceptNewRequests; } /** * @dev Emitted when a validator registers. */ event ValidatorRegistered( uint validatorId ); /** * @dev Emitted when a validator address changes. */ event ValidatorAddressChanged( uint validatorId, address newAddress ); event ValidatorWasEnabled( uint validatorId ); event ValidatorWasDisabled( uint validatorId ); /** * @dev Emitted when a node address is linked to a validator. */ event NodeAddressWasAdded( uint validatorId, address nodeAddress ); /** * @dev Emitted when a node address is unlinked from a validator. */ event NodeAddressWasRemoved( uint validatorId, address nodeAddress ); mapping (uint => Validator) public validators; mapping (uint => bool) private _trustedValidators; uint[] public trustedValidatorsList; // address => validatorId mapping (address => uint) private _validatorAddressToId; // address => validatorId mapping (address => uint) private _nodeAddressToValidatorId; // validatorId => nodeAddress[] mapping (uint => address[]) private _nodeAddresses; uint public numberOfValidators; bool public useWhitelist; modifier checkValidatorExists(uint validatorId) { require(validatorExists(validatorId), "Validator with such ID does not exist"); _; } /** * @dev Creates a new validator Id. * * Requirements: * * - sender must not already have registered a validator Id. * - fee rate must be between 0 - 1000‰. Note: per mille! * * Emits ValidatorRegistered event. * * @param name string * @param description string * @param feeRate uint Fee charged on delegations by the validator per mille * @param minimumDelegationAmount uint Minimum delegation amount accepted by the validator */ function registerValidator( string calldata name, string calldata description, uint feeRate, uint minimumDelegationAmount ) external returns (uint validatorId) { require(!validatorAddressExists(msg.sender), "Validator with such address already exists"); require(feeRate < 1000, "Fee rate of validator should be lower than 100%"); validatorId = ++numberOfValidators; validators[validatorId] = Validator( name, msg.sender, address(0), description, feeRate, now, minimumDelegationAmount, true ); _setValidatorAddress(validatorId, msg.sender); emit ValidatorRegistered(validatorId); } function enableValidator(uint validatorId) external checkValidatorExists(validatorId) onlyAdmin { require(!_trustedValidators[validatorId], "Validator is already enabled"); _trustedValidators[validatorId] = true; trustedValidatorsList.push(validatorId); emit ValidatorWasEnabled(validatorId); } function disableValidator(uint validatorId) external checkValidatorExists(validatorId) onlyAdmin { require(_trustedValidators[validatorId], "Validator is already disabled"); _trustedValidators[validatorId] = false; uint position = _find(trustedValidatorsList, validatorId); if (position < trustedValidatorsList.length) { trustedValidatorsList[position] = trustedValidatorsList[trustedValidatorsList.length.sub(1)]; } trustedValidatorsList.pop(); emit ValidatorWasDisabled(validatorId); } /** * @dev Owner can disable the validator whitelist. Once turned off the * whitelist cannot be re-enabled. */ function disableWhitelist() external onlyOwner { useWhitelist = false; } /** * @dev Allows a validator to request a new address. * * Requirements: * * - new address must not be null * - new address must not be already registered as a validator * * @param newValidatorAddress address */ function requestForNewAddress(address newValidatorAddress) external { require(newValidatorAddress != address(0), "New address cannot be null"); require(_validatorAddressToId[newValidatorAddress] == 0, "Address already registered"); // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); validators[validatorId].requestedAddress = newValidatorAddress; } function confirmNewAddress(uint validatorId) external checkValidatorExists(validatorId) { require( getValidator(validatorId).requestedAddress == msg.sender, "The validator address cannot be changed because it is not the actual owner" ); delete validators[validatorId].requestedAddress; _setValidatorAddress(validatorId, msg.sender); emit ValidatorAddressChanged(validatorId, validators[validatorId].validatorAddress); } /** * @dev Links a given node address. * * Requirements: * * - the given signature must be valid. * - the address must not be assigned to a validator. * * Emits NodeAddressWasAdded event. * * @param nodeAddress address * @param sig bytes signature of validator Id by node operator. */ function linkNodeAddress(address nodeAddress, bytes calldata sig) external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); require( keccak256(abi.encodePacked(validatorId)).toEthSignedMessageHash().recover(sig) == nodeAddress, "Signature is not pass" ); require(_validatorAddressToId[nodeAddress] == 0, "Node address is a validator"); _addNodeAddress(validatorId, nodeAddress); emit NodeAddressWasAdded(validatorId, nodeAddress); } /** * @dev Unlinks a given node address from a validator. * * Emits NodeAddressWasRemoved event. * * @param nodeAddress address */ function unlinkNodeAddress(address nodeAddress) external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); _removeNodeAddress(validatorId, nodeAddress); emit NodeAddressWasRemoved(validatorId, nodeAddress); } function setValidatorMDA(uint minimumDelegationAmount) external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); validators[validatorId].minimumDelegationAmount = minimumDelegationAmount; } /** * @dev Allows a validator to set a new validator name. * * @param newName string */ function setValidatorName(string calldata newName) external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); validators[validatorId].name = newName; } /** * @dev Allows a validator to set a new validator description. * * @param newDescription string */ function setValidatorDescription(string calldata newDescription) external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); validators[validatorId].description = newDescription; } /** * @dev Allows a validator to start accepting new delegation requests. * * Requirements: * * - validator must not have already enabled accepting new requests */ function startAcceptingNewRequests() external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); require(!isAcceptingNewRequests(validatorId), "Accepting request is already enabled"); validators[validatorId].acceptNewRequests = true; } /** * @dev Allows a validator to stop accepting new delegation requests. * * Requirements: * * - validator must not have already stopped accepting new requests */ function stopAcceptingNewRequests() external { // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = getValidatorId(msg.sender); require(isAcceptingNewRequests(validatorId), "Accepting request is already disabled"); validators[validatorId].acceptNewRequests = false; } /** * @dev Returns the amount of validator bond. * * @param validatorId uint ID of validator to return the amount of locked funds * @return bondAmount uint the amount of self-delegated funds by the validator */ function getAndUpdateBondAmount(uint validatorId) external returns (uint) { DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); return delegationController.getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolderToValidatorNow( getValidator(validatorId).validatorAddress, validatorId ); } function getMyNodesAddresses() external view returns (address[] memory) { return getNodeAddresses(getValidatorId(msg.sender)); } /** * @dev Returns a list of trusted validators. * * @return uint[] trusted validators */ function getTrustedValidators() external view returns (uint[] memory) { return trustedValidatorsList; } function checkMinimumDelegation(uint validatorId, uint amount) external view checkValidatorExists(validatorId) allow("DelegationController") returns (bool) { return validators[validatorId].minimumDelegationAmount <= amount ? true : false; } function checkValidatorAddressToId(address validatorAddress, uint validatorId) external view returns (bool) { return getValidatorId(validatorAddress) == validatorId ? true : false; } function getValidatorIdByNodeAddress(address nodeAddress) external view returns (uint validatorId) { validatorId = _nodeAddressToValidatorId[nodeAddress]; require(validatorId != 0, "Node address is not assigned to a validator"); } function isAuthorizedValidator(uint validatorId) external view checkValidatorExists(validatorId) returns (bool) { return _trustedValidators[validatorId] || !useWhitelist; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); useWhitelist = true; } function getNodeAddresses(uint validatorId) public view returns (address[] memory) { return _nodeAddresses[validatorId]; } function validatorExists(uint validatorId) public view returns (bool) { return validatorId <= numberOfValidators && validatorId != 0; } function validatorAddressExists(address validatorAddress) public view returns (bool) { return _validatorAddressToId[validatorAddress] != 0; } function checkIfValidatorAddressExists(address validatorAddress) public view { require(validatorAddressExists(validatorAddress), "Validator with given address does not exist"); } function getValidator(uint validatorId) public view checkValidatorExists(validatorId) returns (Validator memory) { return validators[validatorId]; } function getValidatorId(address validatorAddress) public view returns (uint) { checkIfValidatorAddressExists(validatorAddress); return _validatorAddressToId[validatorAddress]; } function isAcceptingNewRequests(uint validatorId) public view checkValidatorExists(validatorId) returns (bool) { return validators[validatorId].acceptNewRequests; } // private function _setValidatorAddress(uint validatorId, address validatorAddress) private { if (_validatorAddressToId[validatorAddress] == validatorId) { return; } require(_validatorAddressToId[validatorAddress] == 0, "Address is in use by another validator"); address oldAddress = validators[validatorId].validatorAddress; delete _validatorAddressToId[oldAddress]; _nodeAddressToValidatorId[validatorAddress] = validatorId; validators[validatorId].validatorAddress = validatorAddress; _validatorAddressToId[validatorAddress] = validatorId; } function _addNodeAddress(uint validatorId, address nodeAddress) private { if (_nodeAddressToValidatorId[nodeAddress] == validatorId) { return; } require(_nodeAddressToValidatorId[nodeAddress] == 0, "Validator cannot override node address"); _nodeAddressToValidatorId[nodeAddress] = validatorId; _nodeAddresses[validatorId].push(nodeAddress); } function _removeNodeAddress(uint validatorId, address nodeAddress) private { require(_nodeAddressToValidatorId[nodeAddress] == validatorId, "Validator does not have permissions to unlink node"); delete _nodeAddressToValidatorId[nodeAddress]; for (uint i = 0; i < _nodeAddresses[validatorId].length; ++i) { if (_nodeAddresses[validatorId][i] == nodeAddress) { if (i + 1 < _nodeAddresses[validatorId].length) { _nodeAddresses[validatorId][i] = _nodeAddresses[validatorId][_nodeAddresses[validatorId].length.sub(1)]; } delete _nodeAddresses[validatorId][_nodeAddresses[validatorId].length.sub(1)]; _nodeAddresses[validatorId].pop(); break; } } } function _find(uint[] memory array, uint index) private pure returns (uint) { uint i; for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] == index) { return i; } } return array.length; } } contract ConstantsHolder is Permissions { // initial price for creating Node (100 SKL) uint public constant NODE_DEPOSIT = 100 * 1e18; uint8 public constant TOTAL_SPACE_ON_NODE = 128; // part of Node for Small Skale-chain (1/128 of Node) uint8 public constant SMALL_DIVISOR = 128; // part of Node for Medium Skale-chain (1/8 of Node) uint8 public constant MEDIUM_DIVISOR = 8; // part of Node for Large Skale-chain (full Node) uint8 public constant LARGE_DIVISOR = 1; // part of Node for Medium Test Skale-chain (1/4 of Node) uint8 public constant MEDIUM_TEST_DIVISOR = 4; // typically number of Nodes for Skale-chain (16 Nodes) uint public constant NUMBER_OF_NODES_FOR_SCHAIN = 16; // number of Nodes for Test Skale-chain (2 Nodes) uint public constant NUMBER_OF_NODES_FOR_TEST_SCHAIN = 2; // number of Nodes for Test Skale-chain (4 Nodes) uint public constant NUMBER_OF_NODES_FOR_MEDIUM_TEST_SCHAIN = 4; // number of seconds in one year uint32 public constant SECONDS_TO_YEAR = 31622400; // initial number of monitors uint public constant NUMBER_OF_MONITORS = 24; uint public constant OPTIMAL_LOAD_PERCENTAGE = 80; uint public constant ADJUSTMENT_SPEED = 1000; uint public constant COOLDOWN_TIME = 60; uint public constant MIN_PRICE = 10**6; uint public constant MSR_REDUCING_COEFFICIENT = 2; uint public constant DOWNTIME_THRESHOLD_PART = 30; uint public constant BOUNTY_LOCKUP_MONTHS = 3; // MSR - Minimum staking requirement uint public msr; // Reward period - 30 days (each 30 days Node would be granted for bounty) uint32 public rewardPeriod; // Allowable latency - 150000 ms by default uint32 public allowableLatency; /** * Delta period - 1 hour (1 hour before Reward period became Monitors need * to send Verdicts and 1 hour after Reward period became Node need to come * and get Bounty) */ uint32 public deltaPeriod; /** * Check time - 2 minutes (every 2 minutes monitors should check metrics * from checked nodes) */ uint public checkTime; //Need to add minimal allowed parameters for verdicts uint public launchTimestamp; uint public rotationDelay; uint public proofOfUseLockUpPeriodDays; uint public proofOfUseDelegationPercentage; uint public limitValidatorsPerDelegator; uint public firstDelegationsMonth; /** * Set reward and delta periods to new one, run only by owner. This function * only for tests. * @param newRewardPeriod - new Reward period * @param newDeltaPeriod - new Delta period */ function setPeriods(uint32 newRewardPeriod, uint32 newDeltaPeriod) external onlyOwner { require( newRewardPeriod >= newDeltaPeriod && newRewardPeriod - newDeltaPeriod >= checkTime, "Incorrect Periods" ); rewardPeriod = newRewardPeriod; deltaPeriod = newDeltaPeriod; } /** * Set new check time. This function only for tests. * @param newCheckTime - new check time */ function setCheckTime(uint newCheckTime) external onlyOwner { require(rewardPeriod - deltaPeriod >= checkTime, "Incorrect check time"); checkTime = newCheckTime; } /** * Set latency new one in ms, run only by owner. This function * only for tests. * @param newAllowableLatency - new Allowable Latency */ function setLatency(uint32 newAllowableLatency) external onlyOwner { allowableLatency = newAllowableLatency; } function setMSR(uint newMSR) external onlyOwner { msr = newMSR; } function setLaunchTimestamp(uint timestamp) external onlyOwner { require(now < launchTimestamp, "Can't set network launch timestamp because network is already launched"); launchTimestamp = timestamp; } function setRotationDelay(uint newDelay) external onlyOwner { rotationDelay = newDelay; } function setProofOfUseLockUpPeriod(uint periodDays) external onlyOwner { proofOfUseLockUpPeriodDays = periodDays; } function setProofOfUseDelegationPercentage(uint percentage) external onlyOwner { require(percentage <= 100, "Percentage value is incorrect"); proofOfUseDelegationPercentage = percentage; } function setLimitValidatorsPerDelegator(uint newLimit) external onlyOwner { limitValidatorsPerDelegator = newLimit; } function setFirstDelegationsMonth(uint month) external onlyOwner { firstDelegationsMonth = month; } /** * @dev constructor in Permissions approach * @param contractsAddress needed in Permissions constructor */ function initialize(address contractsAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractsAddress); msr = 0; rewardPeriod = 2592000; allowableLatency = 150000; deltaPeriod = 3600; checkTime = 300; launchTimestamp = uint(-1); rotationDelay = 12 hours; proofOfUseLockUpPeriodDays = 90; proofOfUseDelegationPercentage = 50; limitValidatorsPerDelegator = 20; firstDelegationsMonth = 8; } } contract DelegationController is Permissions, ILocker { using MathUtils for uint; using PartialDifferences for PartialDifferences.Sequence; using PartialDifferences for PartialDifferences.Value; using FractionUtils for FractionUtils.Fraction; enum State { PROPOSED, ACCEPTED, CANCELED, REJECTED, DELEGATED, UNDELEGATION_REQUESTED, COMPLETED } struct Delegation { address holder; // address of token owner uint validatorId; uint amount; uint delegationPeriod; uint created; // time of delegation creation uint started; // month when a delegation becomes active uint finished; // first month after a delegation ends string info; } struct SlashingLogEvent { FractionUtils.Fraction reducingCoefficient; uint nextMonth; } struct SlashingLog { // month => slashing event mapping (uint => SlashingLogEvent) slashes; uint firstMonth; uint lastMonth; } struct DelegationExtras { uint lastSlashingMonthBeforeDelegation; } struct SlashingEvent { FractionUtils.Fraction reducingCoefficient; uint validatorId; uint month; } struct SlashingSignal { address holder; uint penalty; } struct LockedInPending { uint amount; uint month; } struct FirstDelegationMonth { // month uint value; //validatorId => month mapping (uint => uint) byValidator; } struct ValidatorsStatistics { // number of validators uint number; //validatorId => bool - is Delegated or not mapping (uint => uint) delegated; } /** * @dev Emitted when a delegation is proposed to a validator. */ event DelegationProposed( uint delegationId ); /** * @dev Emitted when a delegation is accepted by a validator. */ event DelegationAccepted( uint delegationId ); /** * @dev Emitted when a delegation is cancelled by the delegator. */ event DelegationRequestCanceledByUser( uint delegationId ); /** * @dev Emitted when a delegation is requested to undelegate. */ event UndelegationRequested( uint delegationId ); /// @dev delegations will never be deleted to index in this array may be used like delegation id Delegation[] public delegations; // validatorId => delegationId[] mapping (uint => uint[]) public delegationsByValidator; // holder => delegationId[] mapping (address => uint[]) public delegationsByHolder; // delegationId => extras mapping(uint => DelegationExtras) private _delegationExtras; // validatorId => sequence mapping (uint => PartialDifferences.Value) private _delegatedToValidator; // validatorId => sequence mapping (uint => PartialDifferences.Sequence) private _effectiveDelegatedToValidator; // validatorId => slashing log mapping (uint => SlashingLog) private _slashesOfValidator; // holder => sequence mapping (address => PartialDifferences.Value) private _delegatedByHolder; // holder => validatorId => sequence mapping (address => mapping (uint => PartialDifferences.Value)) private _delegatedByHolderToValidator; // holder => validatorId => sequence mapping (address => mapping (uint => PartialDifferences.Sequence)) private _effectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator; SlashingEvent[] private _slashes; // holder => index in _slashes; mapping (address => uint) private _firstUnprocessedSlashByHolder; // holder => validatorId => month mapping (address => FirstDelegationMonth) private _firstDelegationMonth; // holder => locked in pending mapping (address => LockedInPending) private _lockedInPendingDelegations; mapping (address => ValidatorsStatistics) private _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator; /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only if delegation exists. */ modifier checkDelegationExists(uint delegationId) { require(delegationId < delegations.length, "Delegation does not exist"); _; } function getAndUpdateDelegatedToValidatorNow(uint validatorId) external returns (uint) { return getAndUpdateDelegatedToValidator(validatorId, _getCurrentMonth()); } function getAndUpdateDelegatedAmount(address holder) external returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolder(holder); } function getAndUpdateEffectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator(address holder, uint validatorId, uint month) external allow("Distributor") returns (uint effectiveDelegated) { SlashingSignal[] memory slashingSignals = _processAllSlashesWithoutSignals(holder); effectiveDelegated = _effectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId] .getAndUpdateValueInSequence(month); _sendSlashingSignals(slashingSignals); } /** * @dev Allows a token holder to create a delegation proposal of an `amount` * and `delegationPeriod` to a `validatorId`. Delegation must be accepted * by the validator before the UTC start of the month, otherwise the * delegation will be rejected. * * The token holder may add additional information in each proposal. * * @param validatorId uint ID of validator to receive delegation proposal * @param amount uint amount of proposed delegation * @param delegationPeriod uint period of proposed delegation * @param info string extra information provided by the token holder (if any) */ function delegate( uint validatorId, uint amount, uint delegationPeriod, string calldata info ) external { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); DelegationPeriodManager delegationPeriodManager = DelegationPeriodManager( contractManager.getContract("DelegationPeriodManager")); IERC777 skaleToken = IERC777(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")); TokenState tokenState = TokenState(contractManager.getContract("TokenState")); require( validatorService.checkMinimumDelegation(validatorId, amount), "Amount does not meet the validator's minimum delegation amount"); require( validatorService.isAuthorizedValidator(validatorId), "Validator is not authorized to accept delegation request"); require( delegationPeriodManager.isDelegationPeriodAllowed(delegationPeriod), "This delegation period is not allowed"); require( validatorService.isAcceptingNewRequests(validatorId), "The validator is not currently accepting new requests"); _checkIfDelegationIsAllowed(msg.sender, validatorId); SlashingSignal[] memory slashingSignals = _processAllSlashesWithoutSignals(msg.sender); uint delegationId = _addDelegation( msg.sender, validatorId, amount, delegationPeriod, info); // check that there is enough money uint holderBalance = skaleToken.balanceOf(msg.sender); uint forbiddenForDelegation = tokenState.getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(msg.sender); require(holderBalance >= forbiddenForDelegation, "Token holder does not have enough tokens to delegate"); emit DelegationProposed(delegationId); _sendSlashingSignals(slashingSignals); } /** * @dev See ILocker. */ function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address wallet) external override returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateLockedAmount(wallet); } /** * @dev See ILocker. */ function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address wallet) external override returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateLockedAmount(wallet); } /** * @dev Allows a token holder to cancel a delegation proposal. * * Requirements: * * - the sender must be the token holder of the delegation proposal. * - the delegation must still be in a PROPOSED state. * * Emits a DelegationRequestCanceledByUser event. * * @param delegationId uint ID of delegation proposal */ function cancelPendingDelegation(uint delegationId) external checkDelegationExists(delegationId) { require(msg.sender == delegations[delegationId].holder, "Only token holders can cancel delegation request"); require(getState(delegationId) == State.PROPOSED, "Token holders are only able to cancel PROPOSED delegations"); delegations[delegationId].finished = _getCurrentMonth(); _subtractFromLockedInPendingDelegations(delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].amount); emit DelegationRequestCanceledByUser(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows a validator to accept a proposed delegation. * Successful acceptance of delegations transition the tokens from a * PROPOSED state to ACCEPTED, and tokens are locked for the remainder of the * delegation period. * * Emits a DelegationAccepted event. * * @param delegationId uint ID of delegation proposal */ function acceptPendingDelegation(uint delegationId) external checkDelegationExists(delegationId) { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); require( validatorService.checkValidatorAddressToId(msg.sender, delegations[delegationId].validatorId), "No permissions to accept request"); _checkIfDelegationIsAllowed(delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId); State currentState = getState(delegationId); if (currentState != State.PROPOSED) { if (currentState == State.ACCEPTED || currentState == State.DELEGATED || currentState == State.UNDELEGATION_REQUESTED || currentState == State.COMPLETED) { revert("The delegation has been already accepted"); } else if (currentState == State.CANCELED) { revert("The delegation has been cancelled by token holder"); } else if (currentState == State.REJECTED) { revert("The delegation request is outdated"); } } require(currentState == State.PROPOSED, "Cannot set delegation state to accepted"); TokenLaunchLocker tokenLaunchLocker = TokenLaunchLocker(contractManager.getContract("TokenLaunchLocker")); SlashingSignal[] memory slashingSignals = _processAllSlashesWithoutSignals(delegations[delegationId].holder); _addToAllStatistics(delegationId); tokenLaunchLocker.handleDelegationAdd( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegationId, delegations[delegationId].amount, delegations[delegationId].started); _sendSlashingSignals(slashingSignals); emit DelegationAccepted(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows a delegator to undelegate a specific delegation. * * Requirements: * * - the sender must be the delegator. * - the delegation must be in DELEGATED state. * * Emits an UndelegationRequested event. * * @param delegationId uint ID of delegation to undelegate */ function requestUndelegation(uint delegationId) external checkDelegationExists(delegationId) { require(getState(delegationId) == State.DELEGATED, "Cannot request undelegation"); ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); require( delegations[delegationId].holder == msg.sender || (validatorService.validatorAddressExists(msg.sender) && delegations[delegationId].validatorId == validatorService.getValidatorId(msg.sender)), "Permission denied to request undelegation"); TokenLaunchLocker tokenLaunchLocker = TokenLaunchLocker(contractManager.getContract("TokenLaunchLocker")); DelegationPeriodManager delegationPeriodManager = DelegationPeriodManager( contractManager.getContract("DelegationPeriodManager")); _removeValidatorFromValidatorsPerDelegators( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId ); processAllSlashes(msg.sender); delegations[delegationId].finished = _calculateDelegationEndMonth(delegationId); uint amountAfterSlashing = _calculateDelegationAmountAfterSlashing(delegationId); _removeFromDelegatedToValidator( delegations[delegationId].validatorId, amountAfterSlashing, delegations[delegationId].finished); _removeFromDelegatedByHolder( delegations[delegationId].holder, amountAfterSlashing, delegations[delegationId].finished); _removeFromDelegatedByHolderToValidator( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId, amountAfterSlashing, delegations[delegationId].finished); uint effectiveAmount = amountAfterSlashing.mul(delegationPeriodManager.stakeMultipliers( delegations[delegationId].delegationPeriod)); _removeFromEffectiveDelegatedToValidator( delegations[delegationId].validatorId, effectiveAmount, delegations[delegationId].finished); _removeFromEffectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId, effectiveAmount, delegations[delegationId].finished); tokenLaunchLocker.handleDelegationRemoving( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegationId, delegations[delegationId].finished); emit UndelegationRequested(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows the Punisher to confiscate an `amount` of stake from * `validatorId` by slashing. This slashes all delegations of the validator, * which reduces the amount that the validator has staked. This consequence * may force the SKALE Manger to reduce the number of nodes a validator is * operating so the validator can meet the Minimum Staking Requirement. * * See Punisher. * * Emits a SlashingEvent. * * @param validatorId uint validator to slash * @param amount uint amount to slash * */ function confiscate(uint validatorId, uint amount) external allow("Punisher") { uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); FractionUtils.Fraction memory coefficient = _delegatedToValidator[validatorId].reduceValue(amount, currentMonth); _effectiveDelegatedToValidator[validatorId].reduceSequence(coefficient, currentMonth); _putToSlashingLog(_slashesOfValidator[validatorId], coefficient, currentMonth); _slashes.push(SlashingEvent({reducingCoefficient: coefficient, validatorId: validatorId, month: currentMonth})); } function getAndUpdateEffectiveDelegatedToValidator(uint validatorId, uint month) external allow("Distributor") returns (uint) { return _effectiveDelegatedToValidator[validatorId].getAndUpdateValueInSequence(month); } function getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolderToValidatorNow(address holder, uint validatorId) external returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolderToValidator(holder, validatorId, _getCurrentMonth()); } function getDelegation(uint delegationId) external view checkDelegationExists(delegationId) returns (Delegation memory) { return delegations[delegationId]; } function getFirstDelegationMonth(address holder, uint validatorId) external view returns(uint) { return _firstDelegationMonth[holder].byValidator[validatorId]; } function getDelegationsByValidatorLength(uint validatorId) external view returns (uint) { return delegationsByValidator[validatorId].length; } function getDelegationsByHolderLength(address holder) external view returns (uint) { return delegationsByHolder[holder].length; } function initialize(address contractsAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractsAddress); } function getAndUpdateDelegatedToValidator(uint validatorId, uint month) public allow("Nodes") returns (uint) { return _delegatedToValidator[validatorId].getAndUpdateValue(month); } function processSlashes(address holder, uint limit) public { _sendSlashingSignals(_processSlashesWithoutSignals(holder, limit)); } function processAllSlashes(address holder) public { processSlashes(holder, 0); } /** * @dev Returns the token state of a given delegation. * * @param delegationId uint ID of the delegation */ function getState(uint delegationId) public view checkDelegationExists(delegationId) returns (State state) { if (delegations[delegationId].started == 0) { if (delegations[delegationId].finished == 0) { TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); if (_getCurrentMonth() == timeHelpers.timestampToMonth(delegations[delegationId].created)) { return State.PROPOSED; } else { return State.REJECTED; } } else { return State.CANCELED; } } else { if (_getCurrentMonth() < delegations[delegationId].started) { return State.ACCEPTED; } else { if (delegations[delegationId].finished == 0) { return State.DELEGATED; } else { if (_getCurrentMonth() < delegations[delegationId].finished) { return State.UNDELEGATION_REQUESTED; } else { return State.COMPLETED; } } } } } function getLockedInPendingDelegations(address holder) public view returns (uint) { uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); if (_lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].month < currentMonth) { return 0; } else { return _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount; } } function hasUnprocessedSlashes(address holder) public view returns (bool) { return _everDelegated(holder) && _firstUnprocessedSlashByHolder[holder] < _slashes.length; } // private function _addDelegation( address holder, uint validatorId, uint amount, uint delegationPeriod, string memory info ) private returns (uint delegationId) { delegationId = delegations.length; delegations.push(Delegation( holder, validatorId, amount, delegationPeriod, now, 0, 0, info )); delegationsByValidator[validatorId].push(delegationId); delegationsByHolder[holder].push(delegationId); _addToLockedInPendingDelegations(delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].amount); } function _calculateDelegationEndMonth(uint delegationId) private view returns (uint) { uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); uint started = delegations[delegationId].started; if (currentMonth < started) { return started.add(delegations[delegationId].delegationPeriod); } else { uint completedPeriods = currentMonth.sub(started).div(delegations[delegationId].delegationPeriod); return started.add(completedPeriods.add(1).mul(delegations[delegationId].delegationPeriod)); } } function _addToDelegatedToValidator(uint validatorId, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedToValidator[validatorId].addToValue(amount, month); } function _addToEffectiveDelegatedToValidator(uint validatorId, uint effectiveAmount, uint month) private { _effectiveDelegatedToValidator[validatorId].addToSequence(effectiveAmount, month); } function _addToDelegatedByHolder(address holder, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedByHolder[holder].addToValue(amount, month); } function _addToDelegatedByHolderToValidator( address holder, uint validatorId, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].addToValue(amount, month); } function _addValidatorToValidatorsPerDelegators(address holder, uint validatorId) private { if (_numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].delegated[validatorId] == 0) { _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].number = _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].number.add(1); } _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder]. delegated[validatorId] = _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].delegated[validatorId].add(1); } function _removeFromDelegatedByHolder(address holder, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedByHolder[holder].subtractFromValue(amount, month); } function _removeFromDelegatedByHolderToValidator( address holder, uint validatorId, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].subtractFromValue(amount, month); } function _removeValidatorFromValidatorsPerDelegators(address holder, uint validatorId) private { if (_numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].delegated[validatorId] == 1) { _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].number = _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].number.sub(1); } _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder]. delegated[validatorId] = _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].delegated[validatorId].sub(1); } function _addToEffectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator( address holder, uint validatorId, uint effectiveAmount, uint month) private { _effectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].addToSequence(effectiveAmount, month); } function _removeFromEffectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator( address holder, uint validatorId, uint effectiveAmount, uint month) private { _effectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].subtractFromSequence(effectiveAmount, month); } function _getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolder(address holder) private returns (uint) { uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); processAllSlashes(holder); return _delegatedByHolder[holder].getAndUpdateValue(currentMonth); } function _getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolderToValidator( address holder, uint validatorId, uint month) private returns (uint) { return _delegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].getAndUpdateValue(month); } function _addToLockedInPendingDelegations(address holder, uint amount) private returns (uint) { uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); if (_lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].month < currentMonth) { _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount = amount; _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].month = currentMonth; } else { assert(_lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].month == currentMonth); _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount = _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount.add(amount); } } function _subtractFromLockedInPendingDelegations(address holder, uint amount) private returns (uint) { uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); require( _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].month == currentMonth, "There are no delegation requests this month"); require(_lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount >= amount, "Unlocking amount is too big"); _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount = _lockedInPendingDelegations[holder].amount.sub(amount); } function _getCurrentMonth() private view returns (uint) { TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); return timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); } function _getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address wallet) private returns (uint) { return _getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolder(wallet).add(getLockedInPendingDelegations(wallet)); } function _updateFirstDelegationMonth(address holder, uint validatorId, uint month) private { if (_firstDelegationMonth[holder].value == 0) { _firstDelegationMonth[holder].value = month; _firstUnprocessedSlashByHolder[holder] = _slashes.length; } if (_firstDelegationMonth[holder].byValidator[validatorId] == 0) { _firstDelegationMonth[holder].byValidator[validatorId] = month; } } function _everDelegated(address holder) private view returns (bool) { return _firstDelegationMonth[holder].value > 0; } function _removeFromDelegatedToValidator(uint validatorId, uint amount, uint month) private { _delegatedToValidator[validatorId].subtractFromValue(amount, month); } function _removeFromEffectiveDelegatedToValidator(uint validatorId, uint effectiveAmount, uint month) private { _effectiveDelegatedToValidator[validatorId].subtractFromSequence(effectiveAmount, month); } function _calculateDelegationAmountAfterSlashing(uint delegationId) private view returns (uint) { uint startMonth = _delegationExtras[delegationId].lastSlashingMonthBeforeDelegation; uint validatorId = delegations[delegationId].validatorId; uint amount = delegations[delegationId].amount; if (startMonth == 0) { startMonth = _slashesOfValidator[validatorId].firstMonth; if (startMonth == 0) { return amount; } } for (uint i = startMonth; i > 0 && i < delegations[delegationId].finished; i = _slashesOfValidator[validatorId].slashes[i].nextMonth) { if (i >= delegations[delegationId].started) { amount = amount .mul(_slashesOfValidator[validatorId].slashes[i].reducingCoefficient.numerator) .div(_slashesOfValidator[validatorId].slashes[i].reducingCoefficient.denominator); } } return amount; } function _putToSlashingLog( SlashingLog storage log, FractionUtils.Fraction memory coefficient, uint month) private { if (log.firstMonth == 0) { log.firstMonth = month; log.lastMonth = month; log.slashes[month].reducingCoefficient = coefficient; log.slashes[month].nextMonth = 0; } else { require(log.lastMonth <= month, "Cannot put slashing event in the past"); if (log.lastMonth == month) { log.slashes[month].reducingCoefficient = log.slashes[month].reducingCoefficient.multiplyFraction(coefficient); } else { log.slashes[month].reducingCoefficient = coefficient; log.slashes[month].nextMonth = 0; log.slashes[log.lastMonth].nextMonth = month; log.lastMonth = month; } } } function _processSlashesWithoutSignals(address holder, uint limit) private returns (SlashingSignal[] memory slashingSignals) { if (hasUnprocessedSlashes(holder)) { uint index = _firstUnprocessedSlashByHolder[holder]; uint end = _slashes.length; if (limit > 0 && index.add(limit) < end) { end = index.add(limit); } slashingSignals = new SlashingSignal[](end.sub(index)); uint begin = index; for (; index < end; ++index) { uint validatorId = _slashes[index].validatorId; uint month = _slashes[index].month; uint oldValue = _getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolderToValidator(holder, validatorId, month); if (oldValue.muchGreater(0)) { _delegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].reduceValueByCoefficientAndUpdateSum( _delegatedByHolder[holder], _slashes[index].reducingCoefficient, month); _effectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator[holder][validatorId].reduceSequence( _slashes[index].reducingCoefficient, month); slashingSignals[index.sub(begin)].holder = holder; slashingSignals[index.sub(begin)].penalty = oldValue.boundedSub(_getAndUpdateDelegatedByHolderToValidator(holder, validatorId, month)); } } _firstUnprocessedSlashByHolder[holder] = end; } } function _processAllSlashesWithoutSignals(address holder) private returns (SlashingSignal[] memory slashingSignals) { return _processSlashesWithoutSignals(holder, 0); } function _sendSlashingSignals(SlashingSignal[] memory slashingSignals) private { Punisher punisher = Punisher(contractManager.getContract("Punisher")); address previousHolder = address(0); uint accumulatedPenalty = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < slashingSignals.length; ++i) { if (slashingSignals[i].holder != previousHolder) { if (accumulatedPenalty > 0) { punisher.handleSlash(previousHolder, accumulatedPenalty); } previousHolder = slashingSignals[i].holder; accumulatedPenalty = slashingSignals[i].penalty; } else { accumulatedPenalty = accumulatedPenalty.add(slashingSignals[i].penalty); } } if (accumulatedPenalty > 0) { punisher.handleSlash(previousHolder, accumulatedPenalty); } } function _addToAllStatistics(uint delegationId) private { DelegationPeriodManager delegationPeriodManager = DelegationPeriodManager( contractManager.getContract("DelegationPeriodManager")); uint currentMonth = _getCurrentMonth(); delegations[delegationId].started = currentMonth.add(1); if (_slashesOfValidator[delegations[delegationId].validatorId].lastMonth > 0) { _delegationExtras[delegationId].lastSlashingMonthBeforeDelegation = _slashesOfValidator[delegations[delegationId].validatorId].lastMonth; } _addToDelegatedToValidator( delegations[delegationId].validatorId, delegations[delegationId].amount, currentMonth.add(1)); _addToDelegatedByHolder( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].amount, currentMonth.add(1)); _addToDelegatedByHolderToValidator( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId, delegations[delegationId].amount, currentMonth.add(1)); _updateFirstDelegationMonth( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId, currentMonth.add(1)); uint effectiveAmount = delegations[delegationId].amount.mul(delegationPeriodManager.stakeMultipliers( delegations[delegationId].delegationPeriod)); _addToEffectiveDelegatedToValidator( delegations[delegationId].validatorId, effectiveAmount, currentMonth.add(1)); _addToEffectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId, effectiveAmount, currentMonth.add(1)); _addValidatorToValidatorsPerDelegators( delegations[delegationId].holder, delegations[delegationId].validatorId ); } function _checkIfDelegationIsAllowed(address holder, uint validatorId) private view returns (bool) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); require( _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].delegated[validatorId] > 0 || ( _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].delegated[validatorId] == 0 && _numberOfValidatorsPerDelegator[holder].number < constantsHolder.limitValidatorsPerDelegator() ), "Limit of validators is reached" ); require( _getCurrentMonth() >= constantsHolder.firstDelegationsMonth(), "Delegations are not allowed" ); } } contract DelegationPeriodManager is Permissions { /** * @dev Emitted when a new delegation period is specified. */ event DelegationPeriodWasSet( uint length, uint stakeMultiplier ); mapping (uint => uint) public stakeMultipliers; /** * @dev Creates a new available delegation period and return in the network. * Only the owner may set new delegation period and returns in the network. * * Emits a DelegationPeriodWasSet event. * * @param monthsCount uint delegation duration in months * @param stakeMultiplier uint return for delegation */ function setDelegationPeriod(uint monthsCount, uint stakeMultiplier) external onlyOwner { stakeMultipliers[monthsCount] = stakeMultiplier; emit DelegationPeriodWasSet(monthsCount, stakeMultiplier); } /** * @dev Checks whether given delegation period is allowed. * * @param monthsCount uint delegation duration in months * @return bool True if delegation period is allowed */ function isDelegationPeriodAllowed(uint monthsCount) external view returns (bool) { return stakeMultipliers[monthsCount] != 0 ? true : false; } /** * @dev Initial delegation period and multiplier settings. */ function initialize(address contractsAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractsAddress); stakeMultipliers[3] = 100; // 3 months at 100 // stakeMultipliers[6] = 150; // 6 months at 150 // stakeMultipliers[12] = 200; // 12 months at 200 } } contract Distributor is Permissions, IERC777Recipient { using MathUtils for uint; /** * @dev Emitted when a bounty is withdrawn by the token holder. */ event WithdrawBounty( address holder, uint validatorId, address destination, uint amount ); /** * @dev Emitted when a validator fee is withdrawn by the validator. */ event WithdrawFee( uint validatorId, address destination, uint amount ); /** * @dev Emitted when a bounty is distributed. */ event BountyWasPaid( uint validatorId, uint amount ); IERC1820Registry private _erc1820; // validatorId => month => token mapping (uint => mapping (uint => uint)) private _bountyPaid; // validatorId => month => token mapping (uint => mapping (uint => uint)) private _feePaid; // holder => validatorId => month mapping (address => mapping (uint => uint)) private _firstUnwithdrawnMonth; // validatorId => month mapping (uint => uint) private _firstUnwithdrawnMonthForValidator; function getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmount(uint validatorId) external returns (uint earned, uint endMonth) { return getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmountOf(msg.sender, validatorId); } function withdrawBounty(uint validatorId, address to) external { TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); require(now >= timeHelpers.addMonths( constantsHolder.launchTimestamp(), constantsHolder.BOUNTY_LOCKUP_MONTHS() ), "Bounty is locked"); uint bounty; uint endMonth; (bounty, endMonth) = getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmountOf(msg.sender, validatorId); _firstUnwithdrawnMonth[msg.sender][validatorId] = endMonth; IERC20 skaleToken = IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")); require(skaleToken.transfer(to, bounty), "Failed to transfer tokens"); emit WithdrawBounty( msg.sender, validatorId, to, bounty ); } function withdrawFee(address to) external { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); IERC20 skaleToken = IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")); TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); require(now >= timeHelpers.addMonths( constantsHolder.launchTimestamp(), constantsHolder.BOUNTY_LOCKUP_MONTHS() ), "Bounty is locked"); // check Validator Exist inside getValidatorId uint validatorId = validatorService.getValidatorId(msg.sender); uint fee; uint endMonth; (fee, endMonth) = getEarnedFeeAmountOf(validatorId); _firstUnwithdrawnMonthForValidator[validatorId] = endMonth; require(skaleToken.transfer(to, fee), "Failed to transfer tokens"); emit WithdrawFee( validatorId, to, fee ); } function tokensReceived( address, address, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata ) external override allow("SkaleToken") { require(to == address(this), "Receiver is incorrect"); require(userData.length == 32, "Data length is incorrect"); uint validatorId = abi.decode(userData, (uint)); _distributeBounty(amount, validatorId); } function getEarnedFeeAmount() external view returns (uint earned, uint endMonth) { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); return getEarnedFeeAmountOf(validatorService.getValidatorId(msg.sender)); } function initialize(address contractsAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractsAddress); _erc1820 = IERC1820Registry(0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"), address(this)); } function getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmountOf(address wallet, uint validatorId) public returns (uint earned, uint endMonth) { DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController")); TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); uint currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); uint startMonth = _firstUnwithdrawnMonth[wallet][validatorId]; if (startMonth == 0) { startMonth = delegationController.getFirstDelegationMonth(wallet, validatorId); if (startMonth == 0) { return (0, 0); } } earned = 0; endMonth = currentMonth; if (endMonth > startMonth.add(12)) { endMonth = startMonth.add(12); } for (uint i = startMonth; i < endMonth; ++i) { uint effectiveDelegatedToValidator = delegationController.getAndUpdateEffectiveDelegatedToValidator(validatorId, i); if (effectiveDelegatedToValidator.muchGreater(0)) { earned = earned.add( _bountyPaid[validatorId][i].mul( delegationController.getAndUpdateEffectiveDelegatedByHolderToValidator(wallet, validatorId, i)) .div(effectiveDelegatedToValidator) ); } } } function getEarnedFeeAmountOf(uint validatorId) public view returns (uint earned, uint endMonth) { TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); uint currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); uint startMonth = _firstUnwithdrawnMonthForValidator[validatorId]; if (startMonth == 0) { return (0, 0); } earned = 0; endMonth = currentMonth; if (endMonth > startMonth.add(12)) { endMonth = startMonth.add(12); } for (uint i = startMonth; i < endMonth; ++i) { earned = earned.add(_feePaid[validatorId][i]); } } // private function _distributeBounty(uint amount, uint validatorId) private { TimeHelpers timeHelpers = TimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); uint currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); uint feeRate = validatorService.getValidator(validatorId).feeRate; uint fee = amount.mul(feeRate).div(1000); uint bounty = amount.sub(fee); _bountyPaid[validatorId][currentMonth] = _bountyPaid[validatorId][currentMonth].add(bounty); _feePaid[validatorId][currentMonth] = _feePaid[validatorId][currentMonth].add(fee); if (_firstUnwithdrawnMonthForValidator[validatorId] == 0) { _firstUnwithdrawnMonthForValidator[validatorId] = currentMonth; } emit BountyWasPaid(validatorId, amount); } } contract Nodes is Permissions { using SafeCast for uint; // All Nodes states enum NodeStatus {Active, Leaving, Left, In_Maintenance} struct Node { string name; bytes4 ip; bytes4 publicIP; uint16 port; bytes32[2] publicKey; uint startBlock; uint lastRewardDate; uint finishTime; NodeStatus status; uint validatorId; } // struct to note which Nodes and which number of Nodes owned by user struct CreatedNodes { mapping (uint => bool) isNodeExist; uint numberOfNodes; } struct SpaceManaging { uint8 freeSpace; uint indexInSpaceMap; } // TODO: move outside the contract struct NodeCreationParams { string name; bytes4 ip; bytes4 publicIp; uint16 port; bytes32[2] publicKey; uint16 nonce; } // array which contain all Nodes Node[] public nodes; SpaceManaging[] public spaceOfNodes; // mapping for checking which Nodes and which number of Nodes owned by user mapping (address => CreatedNodes) public nodeIndexes; // mapping for checking is IP address busy mapping (bytes4 => bool) public nodesIPCheck; // mapping for checking is Name busy mapping (bytes32 => bool) public nodesNameCheck; // mapping for indication from Name to Index mapping (bytes32 => uint) public nodesNameToIndex; // mapping for indication from space to Nodes mapping (uint8 => uint[]) public spaceToNodes; mapping (uint => uint[]) public validatorToNodeIndexes; uint public numberOfActiveNodes; uint public numberOfLeavingNodes; uint public numberOfLeftNodes; // informs that Node is created event NodeCreated( uint nodeIndex, address owner, string name, bytes4 ip, bytes4 publicIP, uint16 port, uint16 nonce, uint time, uint gasSpend ); // informs that node is fully finished quitting from the system event ExitCompleted( uint nodeIndex, uint time, uint gasSpend ); // informs that owner starts the procedure of quitting the Node from the system event ExitInited( uint nodeIndex, uint startLeavingPeriod, uint time, uint gasSpend ); modifier checkNodeExists(uint nodeIndex) { require(nodeIndex < nodes.length, "Node with such index does not exist"); _; } /** * @dev removeSpaceFromFractionalNode - occupies space from Fractional Node * function could be run only by Schains * @param nodeIndex - index of Node at array of Fractional Nodes * @param space - space which should be occupied */ function removeSpaceFromNode(uint nodeIndex, uint8 space) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allowTwo("NodeRotation", "SchainsInternal") returns (bool) { if (spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace < space) { return false; } if (space > 0) { _moveNodeToNewSpaceMap( nodeIndex, uint(spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace).sub(space).toUint8() ); } return true; } /** * @dev adSpaceToFractionalNode - returns space to Fractional Node * function could be run only be Schains * @param nodeIndex - index of Node at array of Fractional Nodes * @param space - space which should be returned */ function addSpaceToNode(uint nodeIndex, uint8 space) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("Schains") { if (space > 0) { _moveNodeToNewSpaceMap( nodeIndex, uint(spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace).add(space).toUint8() ); } } /** * @dev changeNodeLastRewardDate - changes Node's last reward date * function could be run only by SkaleManager * @param nodeIndex - index of Node */ function changeNodeLastRewardDate(uint nodeIndex) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("SkaleManager") { nodes[nodeIndex].lastRewardDate = block.timestamp; } function changeNodeFinishTime(uint nodeIndex, uint time) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("SkaleManager") { nodes[nodeIndex].finishTime = time; } /** * @dev createNode - creates new Node and add it to the Nodes contract * function could be only run by SkaleManager * @param from - owner of Node */ // * @return nodeIndex - index of Node function createNode(address from, NodeCreationParams calldata params) external allow("SkaleManager") // returns (uint nodeIndex) { // checks that Node has correct data require(params.ip != 0x0 && !nodesIPCheck[params.ip], "IP address is zero or is not available"); require(!nodesNameCheck[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(], "Name has already registered"); require(params.port > 0, "Port is zero"); uint validatorId = ValidatorService( contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")).getValidatorIdByNodeAddress(from); // adds Node to Nodes contract uint nodeIndex = _addNode( from,, params.ip, params.publicIp, params.port, params.publicKey, validatorId); emit NodeCreated( nodeIndex, from,, params.ip, params.publicIp, params.port, params.nonce, block.timestamp, gasleft()); } /** * @dev initExit - initiate a procedure of quitting the system * function could be only run by SkaleManager * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return true - if everything OK */ function initExit(uint nodeIndex) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("SkaleManager") returns (bool) { _setNodeLeaving(nodeIndex); emit ExitInited( nodeIndex, block.timestamp, block.timestamp, gasleft()); return true; } /** * @dev completeExit - finish a procedure of quitting the system * function could be run only by SkaleManager * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return amount of SKL which be returned */ function completeExit(uint nodeIndex) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("SkaleManager") returns (bool) { require(isNodeLeaving(nodeIndex), "Node is not Leaving"); _setNodeLeft(nodeIndex); _deleteNode(nodeIndex); emit ExitCompleted( nodeIndex, block.timestamp, gasleft()); return true; } function deleteNodeForValidator(uint validatorId, uint nodeIndex) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("SkaleManager") { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); require(validatorService.validatorExists(validatorId), "Validator with such ID does not exist"); uint[] memory validatorNodes = validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId]; uint position = _findNode(validatorNodes, nodeIndex); if (position < validatorNodes.length) { validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId][position] = validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId][validatorNodes.length.sub(1)]; } validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId].pop(); } function checkPossibilityCreatingNode(address nodeAddress) external allow("SkaleManager") { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); uint validatorId = validatorService.getValidatorIdByNodeAddress(nodeAddress); require(validatorService.isAuthorizedValidator(validatorId), "Validator is not authorized to create a node"); uint[] memory validatorNodes = validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId]; uint delegationsTotal = delegationController.getAndUpdateDelegatedToValidatorNow(validatorId); uint msr = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")).msr(); require( validatorNodes.length.add(1).mul(msr) <= delegationsTotal, "Validator must meet the Minimum Staking Requirement"); } function checkPossibilityToMaintainNode( uint validatorId, uint nodeIndex ) external checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) allow("Bounty") returns (bool) { DelegationController delegationController = DelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); require(validatorService.validatorExists(validatorId), "Validator with such ID does not exist"); uint[] memory validatorNodes = validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId]; uint position = _findNode(validatorNodes, nodeIndex); require(position < validatorNodes.length, "Node does not exist for this Validator"); uint delegationsTotal = delegationController.getAndUpdateDelegatedToValidatorNow(validatorId); uint msr = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")).msr(); return position.add(1).mul(msr) <= delegationsTotal; } function setNodeInMaintenance(uint nodeIndex) external { require(nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.Active, "Node is not Active"); ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); uint validatorId = getValidatorId(nodeIndex); bool permitted = (_isOwner() || isNodeExist(msg.sender, nodeIndex)); if (!permitted) { permitted = validatorService.getValidatorId(msg.sender) == validatorId; } require(permitted, "Sender is not permitted to call this function"); nodes[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.In_Maintenance; } function removeNodeFromInMaintenance(uint nodeIndex) external { require(nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.In_Maintenance, "Node is not In Maintence"); ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); uint validatorId = getValidatorId(nodeIndex); bool permitted = (_isOwner() || isNodeExist(msg.sender, nodeIndex)); if (!permitted) { permitted = validatorService.getValidatorId(msg.sender) == validatorId; } require(permitted, "Sender is not permitted to call this function"); nodes[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Active; } function getNodesWithFreeSpace(uint8 freeSpace) external view returns (uint[] memory) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); uint[] memory nodesWithFreeSpace = new uint[](countNodesWithFreeSpace(freeSpace)); uint cursor = 0; uint totalSpace = constantsHolder.TOTAL_SPACE_ON_NODE(); for (uint8 i = freeSpace; i <= totalSpace; ++i) { for (uint j = 0; j < spaceToNodes[i].length; j++) { nodesWithFreeSpace[cursor] = spaceToNodes[i][j]; ++cursor; } } return nodesWithFreeSpace; } /** * @dev isTimeForReward - checks if time for reward has come * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return if time for reward has come - true, else - false */ function isTimeForReward(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bool) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); return uint(nodes[nodeIndex].lastRewardDate).add(constantsHolder.rewardPeriod()) <= block.timestamp; } /** * @dev getNodeIP - get ip address of Node * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return ip address */ function getNodeIP(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bytes4) { require(nodeIndex < nodes.length, "Node does not exist"); return nodes[nodeIndex].ip; } /** * @dev getNodePort - get Node's port * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return port */ function getNodePort(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (uint16) { return nodes[nodeIndex].port; } function getNodePublicKey(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bytes32[2] memory) { return nodes[nodeIndex].publicKey; } function getNodeFinishTime(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (uint) { return nodes[nodeIndex].finishTime; } /** * @dev isNodeLeft - checks if Node status Left * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return if Node status Left - true, else - false */ function isNodeLeft(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bool) { return nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.Left; } function isNodeInMaintenance(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bool) { return nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.In_Maintenance; } /** * @dev getNodeLastRewardDate - get Node last reward date * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return Node last reward date */ function getNodeLastRewardDate(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (uint) { return nodes[nodeIndex].lastRewardDate; } /** * @dev getNodeNextRewardDate - get Node next reward date * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return Node next reward date */ function getNodeNextRewardDate(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (uint) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); return nodes[nodeIndex].lastRewardDate.add(constantsHolder.rewardPeriod()); } /** * @dev getNumberOfNodes - get number of Nodes * @return number of Nodes */ function getNumberOfNodes() external view returns (uint) { return nodes.length; } /** * @dev getNumberOfFullNodes - get number Online Nodes * @return number of active nodes plus number of leaving nodes */ function getNumberOnlineNodes() external view returns (uint) { return numberOfActiveNodes.add(numberOfLeavingNodes); } /** * @dev getActiveNodeIPs - get array of ips of Active Nodes * @return activeNodeIPs - array of ips of Active Nodes */ function getActiveNodeIPs() external view returns (bytes4[] memory activeNodeIPs) { activeNodeIPs = new bytes4[](numberOfActiveNodes); uint indexOfActiveNodeIPs = 0; for (uint indexOfNodes = 0; indexOfNodes < nodes.length; indexOfNodes++) { if (isNodeActive(indexOfNodes)) { activeNodeIPs[indexOfActiveNodeIPs] = nodes[indexOfNodes].ip; indexOfActiveNodeIPs++; } } } /** * @dev getActiveNodesByAddress - get array of indexes of Active Nodes, which were * created by msg.sender * @return activeNodesByAddress Array of indexes of Active Nodes, which were created by msg.sender */ function getActiveNodesByAddress() external view returns (uint[] memory activeNodesByAddress) { activeNodesByAddress = new uint[](nodeIndexes[msg.sender].numberOfNodes); uint indexOfActiveNodesByAddress = 0; for (uint indexOfNodes = 0; indexOfNodes < nodes.length; indexOfNodes++) { if (nodeIndexes[msg.sender].isNodeExist[indexOfNodes] && isNodeActive(indexOfNodes)) { activeNodesByAddress[indexOfActiveNodesByAddress] = indexOfNodes; indexOfActiveNodesByAddress++; } } } /** * @dev getActiveNodeIds - get array of indexes of Active Nodes * @return activeNodeIds - array of indexes of Active Nodes */ function getActiveNodeIds() external view returns (uint[] memory activeNodeIds) { activeNodeIds = new uint[](numberOfActiveNodes); uint indexOfActiveNodeIds = 0; for (uint indexOfNodes = 0; indexOfNodes < nodes.length; indexOfNodes++) { if (isNodeActive(indexOfNodes)) { activeNodeIds[indexOfActiveNodeIds] = indexOfNodes; indexOfActiveNodeIds++; } } } function getNodeStatus(uint nodeIndex) external view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (NodeStatus) { return nodes[nodeIndex].status; } function getValidatorNodeIndexes(uint validatorId) external view returns (uint[] memory) { ValidatorService validatorService = ValidatorService(contractManager.getContract("ValidatorService")); require(validatorService.validatorExists(validatorId), "Validator with such ID does not exist"); return validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId]; } /** * @dev constructor in Permissions approach * @param contractsAddress needed in Permissions constructor */ function initialize(address contractsAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractsAddress); numberOfActiveNodes = 0; numberOfLeavingNodes = 0; numberOfLeftNodes = 0; } function getValidatorId(uint nodeIndex) public view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (uint) { return nodes[nodeIndex].validatorId; } /** * @dev isNodeExist - checks existence of Node at this address * @param from - account address * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return if exist - true, else - false */ function isNodeExist(address from, uint nodeIndex) public view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bool) { return nodeIndexes[from].isNodeExist[nodeIndex]; } /** * @dev isNodeActive - checks if Node status Active * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return if Node status Active - true, else - false */ function isNodeActive(uint nodeIndex) public view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bool) { return nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.Active; } /** * @dev isNodeLeaving - checks if Node status Leaving * @param nodeIndex - index of Node * @return if Node status Leaving - true, else - false */ function isNodeLeaving(uint nodeIndex) public view checkNodeExists(nodeIndex) returns (bool) { return nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.Leaving; } function countNodesWithFreeSpace(uint8 freeSpace) public view returns (uint count) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); count = 0; uint totalSpace = constantsHolder.TOTAL_SPACE_ON_NODE(); for (uint8 i = freeSpace; i <= totalSpace; ++i) { count = count.add(spaceToNodes[i].length); } } function _findNode(uint[] memory validatorNodeIndexes, uint nodeIndex) private pure returns (uint) { uint i; for (i = 0; i < validatorNodeIndexes.length; i++) { if (validatorNodeIndexes[i] == nodeIndex) { return i; } } return validatorNodeIndexes.length; } function _moveNodeToNewSpaceMap(uint nodeIndex, uint8 newSpace) private { uint8 previousSpace = spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace; uint indexInArray = spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].indexInSpaceMap; if (indexInArray < spaceToNodes[previousSpace].length.sub(1)) { uint shiftedIndex = spaceToNodes[previousSpace][spaceToNodes[previousSpace].length.sub(1)]; spaceToNodes[previousSpace][indexInArray] = shiftedIndex; spaceOfNodes[shiftedIndex].indexInSpaceMap = indexInArray; spaceToNodes[previousSpace].pop(); } else { spaceToNodes[previousSpace].pop(); } spaceToNodes[newSpace].push(nodeIndex); spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace = newSpace; spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].indexInSpaceMap = spaceToNodes[newSpace].length.sub(1); } /** * @dev _setNodeLeft - set Node Left * function could be run only by Nodes * @param nodeIndex - index of Node */ function _setNodeLeft(uint nodeIndex) private { nodesIPCheck[nodes[nodeIndex].ip] = false; nodesNameCheck[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nodes[nodeIndex].name))] = false; delete nodesNameToIndex[keccak256(abi.encodePacked(nodes[nodeIndex].name))]; if (nodes[nodeIndex].status == NodeStatus.Active) { numberOfActiveNodes--; } else { numberOfLeavingNodes--; } nodes[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Left; numberOfLeftNodes++; } /** * @dev _setNodeLeaving - set Node Leaving * function could be run only by Nodes * @param nodeIndex - index of Node */ function _setNodeLeaving(uint nodeIndex) private { nodes[nodeIndex].status = NodeStatus.Leaving; numberOfActiveNodes--; numberOfLeavingNodes++; } /** * @dev _addNode - adds Node to array * function could be run only by executor * @param from - owner of Node * @param name - Node name * @param ip - Node ip * @param publicIP - Node public ip * @param port - Node public port * @param publicKey - Ethereum public key * @return nodeIndex Index of Node */ function _addNode( address from, string memory name, bytes4 ip, bytes4 publicIP, uint16 port, bytes32[2] memory publicKey, uint validatorId ) private returns (uint nodeIndex) { ConstantsHolder constantsHolder = ConstantsHolder(contractManager.getContract("ConstantsHolder")); nodes.push(Node({ name: name, ip: ip, publicIP: publicIP, port: port, //owner: from, publicKey: publicKey, startBlock: block.number, lastRewardDate: block.timestamp, finishTime: 0, status: NodeStatus.Active, validatorId: validatorId })); nodeIndex = nodes.length.sub(1); validatorToNodeIndexes[validatorId].push(nodeIndex); bytes32 nodeId = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name)); nodesIPCheck[ip] = true; nodesNameCheck[nodeId] = true; nodesNameToIndex[nodeId] = nodeIndex; nodeIndexes[from].isNodeExist[nodeIndex] = true; nodeIndexes[from].numberOfNodes++; spaceOfNodes.push(SpaceManaging({ freeSpace: constantsHolder.TOTAL_SPACE_ON_NODE(), indexInSpaceMap: spaceToNodes[constantsHolder.TOTAL_SPACE_ON_NODE()].length })); spaceToNodes[constantsHolder.TOTAL_SPACE_ON_NODE()].push(nodeIndex); numberOfActiveNodes++; } function _deleteNode(uint nodeIndex) private { uint8 space = spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace; uint indexInArray = spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].indexInSpaceMap; if (indexInArray < spaceToNodes[space].length.sub(1)) { uint shiftedIndex = spaceToNodes[space][spaceToNodes[space].length.sub(1)]; spaceToNodes[space][indexInArray] = shiftedIndex; spaceOfNodes[shiftedIndex].indexInSpaceMap = indexInArray; spaceToNodes[space].pop(); } else { spaceToNodes[space].pop(); } delete spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].freeSpace; delete spaceOfNodes[nodeIndex].indexInSpaceMap; } }
[ 6, 4, 9, 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.8; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } library AssetTransfers { using SafeMath256 for uint256; /** * @dev Transfers tokens from a wallet into a contract during deposits. `wallet` must already * have called `approve` on the token contract for at least `tokenQuantity`. Note this only * applies to tokens since ETH is sent in the deposit transaction via `msg.value` */ function transferFrom( address wallet, IERC20 tokenAddress, uint256 quantityInAssetUnits ) internal { uint256 balanceBefore = tokenAddress.balanceOf(address(this)); // Because we check for the expected balance change we can safely ignore the return value of transferFrom tokenAddress.transferFrom(wallet, address(this), quantityInAssetUnits); uint256 balanceAfter = tokenAddress.balanceOf(address(this)); require( balanceAfter.sub(balanceBefore) == quantityInAssetUnits, 'Token contract returned transferFrom success without expected balance change' ); } /** * @dev Transfers ETH or token assets from a contract to 1) another contract, when `Exchange` * forwards funds to `Custodian` during deposit or 2) a wallet, when withdrawing */ function transferTo( address payable walletOrContract, address asset, uint256 quantityInAssetUnits ) internal { if (asset == address(0x0)) { require( walletOrContract.send(quantityInAssetUnits), 'ETH transfer failed' ); } else { uint256 balanceBefore = IERC20(asset).balanceOf(walletOrContract); // Because we check for the expected balance change we can safely ignore the return value of transfer IERC20(asset).transfer(walletOrContract, quantityInAssetUnits); uint256 balanceAfter = IERC20(asset).balanceOf(walletOrContract); require( balanceAfter.sub(balanceBefore) == quantityInAssetUnits, 'Token contract returned transfer success without expected balance change' ); } } } contract Enums { enum OrderSelfTradePrevention { // Decrement and cancel dc, // Cancel oldest co, // Cancel newest cn, // Cancel both cb } enum OrderSide { Buy, Sell } enum OrderTimeInForce { // Good until cancelled gtc, // Good until time gtt, // Immediate or cancel ioc, // Fill or kill fok } enum OrderType { Market, Limit, LimitMaker, StopLoss, StopLossLimit, TakeProfit, TakeProfitLimit } enum WithdrawalType { BySymbol, ByAddress } } contract Structs { /** * @notice Argument type for `Exchange.executeTrade` and `Signatures.getOrderWalletHash` */ struct Order { // Not currently used but reserved for future use. Must be 1 uint8 signatureHashVersion; // UUIDv1 unique to wallet uint128 nonce; // Wallet address that placed order and signed hash address walletAddress; // Type of order Enums.OrderType orderType; // Order side wallet is on Enums.OrderSide side; // Order quantity in base or quote asset terms depending on isQuantityInQuote flag uint64 quantityInPips; // Is quantityInPips in quote terms bool isQuantityInQuote; // For limit orders, price in decimal pips * 10^8 in quote terms uint64 limitPriceInPips; // For stop orders, stop loss or take profit price in decimal pips * 10^8 in quote terms uint64 stopPriceInPips; // Optional custom client order ID string clientOrderId; // TIF option specified by wallet for order Enums.OrderTimeInForce timeInForce; // STP behavior specified by wallet for order Enums.OrderSelfTradePrevention selfTradePrevention; // Cancellation time specified by wallet for GTT TIF order uint64 cancelAfter; // The ECDSA signature of the order hash as produced by Signatures.getOrderWalletHash bytes walletSignature; } /** * @notice Return type for `Exchange.loadAssetBySymbol`, and `Exchange.loadAssetByAddress`; also * used internally by `AssetRegistry` */ struct Asset { // Flag to distinguish from empty struct bool exists; // The asset's address address assetAddress; // The asset's symbol string symbol; // The asset's decimal precision uint8 decimals; // Flag set when asset registration confirmed. Asset deposits, trades, or withdrawals only allowed if true bool isConfirmed; // Timestamp as ms since Unix epoch when isConfirmed was asserted uint64 confirmedTimestampInMs; } /** * @notice Argument type for `Exchange.executeTrade` specifying execution parameters for matching orders */ struct Trade { // Base asset symbol string baseAssetSymbol; // Quote asset symbol string quoteAssetSymbol; // Base asset address address baseAssetAddress; // Quote asset address address quoteAssetAddress; // Gross amount including fees of base asset executed uint64 grossBaseQuantityInPips; // Gross amount including fees of quote asset executed uint64 grossQuoteQuantityInPips; // Net amount of base asset received by buy side wallet after fees uint64 netBaseQuantityInPips; // Net amount of quote asset received by sell side wallet after fees uint64 netQuoteQuantityInPips; // Asset address for liquidity maker's fee address makerFeeAssetAddress; // Asset address for liquidity taker's fee address takerFeeAssetAddress; // Fee paid by liquidity maker uint64 makerFeeQuantityInPips; // Fee paid by liquidity taker uint64 takerFeeQuantityInPips; // Execution price of trade in decimal pips * 10^8 in quote terms uint64 priceInPips; // Which side of the order (buy or sell) the liquidity maker was on Enums.OrderSide makerSide; } /** * @notice Argument type for `Exchange.withdraw` and `Signatures.getWithdrawalWalletHash` */ struct Withdrawal { // Distinguishes between withdrawals by asset symbol or address Enums.WithdrawalType withdrawalType; // UUIDv1 unique to wallet uint128 nonce; // Address of wallet to which funds will be returned address payable walletAddress; // Asset symbol string assetSymbol; // Asset address address assetAddress; // Used when assetSymbol not specified // Withdrawal quantity uint64 quantityInPips; // Gas fee deducted from withdrawn quantity to cover dispatcher tx costs uint64 gasFeeInPips; // Not currently used but reserved for future use. Must be true bool autoDispatchEnabled; // The ECDSA signature of the withdrawal hash as produced by Signatures.getWithdrawalWalletHash bytes walletSignature; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @notice Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Most implementing contracts return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded, but * we ignore this and rely on asserting balance changes instead * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external; /** * @notice Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @notice Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Most implementing contracts return a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded, but * we ignore this and rely on asserting balance changes instead * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external; /** * @notice Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @notice Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface ICustodian { /** * @notice ETH can only be sent by the Exchange */ receive() external payable; /** * @notice Withdraw any asset and amount to a target wallet * * @dev No balance checking performed * * @param wallet The wallet to which assets will be returned * @param asset The address of the asset to withdraw (ETH or ERC-20 contract) * @param quantityInAssetUnits The quantity in asset units to withdraw */ function withdraw( address payable wallet, address asset, uint256 quantityInAssetUnits ) external; /** * @notice Load address of the currently whitelisted Exchange contract * * @return The address of the currently whitelisted Exchange contract */ function loadExchange() external view returns (address); /** * @notice Sets a new Exchange contract address * * @param newExchange The address of the new whitelisted Exchange contract */ function setExchange(address newExchange) external; /** * @notice Load address of the currently whitelisted Governance contract * * @return The address of the currently whitelisted Governance contract */ function loadGovernance() external view returns (address); /** * @notice Sets a new Governance contract address * * @param newGovernance The address of the new whitelisted Governance contract */ function setGovernance(address newGovernance) external; } interface IExchange { /** * @notice Settles a trade between two orders submitted and matched off-chain * * @param buy A `Structs.Order` struct encoding the parameters of the buy-side order (receiving base, giving quote) * @param sell A `Structs.Order` struct encoding the parameters of the sell-side order (giving base, receiving quote) * @param trade A `Structs.Trade` struct encoding the parameters of this trade execution of the counterparty orders */ function executeTrade( Structs.Order calldata buy, Structs.Order calldata sell, Structs.Trade calldata trade ) external; /** * @notice Settles a user withdrawal submitted off-chain. Calls restricted to currently whitelisted Dispatcher wallet * * @param withdrawal A `Structs.Withdrawal` struct encoding the parameters of the withdrawal */ function withdraw(Structs.Withdrawal calldata withdrawal) external; } abstract contract Owned { address immutable _owner; address _admin; modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == _owner, 'Caller must be owner'); _; } modifier onlyAdmin { require(msg.sender == _admin, 'Caller must be admin'); _; } /** * @notice Sets both the owner and admin roles to the contract creator */ constructor() public { _owner = msg.sender; _admin = msg.sender; } /** * @notice Sets a new whitelisted admin wallet * * @param newAdmin The new whitelisted admin wallet. Must be different from the current one */ function setAdmin(address newAdmin) external onlyOwner { require(newAdmin != address(0x0), 'Invalid wallet address'); require(newAdmin != _admin, 'Must be different from current admin'); _admin = newAdmin; } /** * @notice Clears the currently whitelisted admin wallet, effectively disabling any functions requiring * the admin role */ function removeAdmin() external onlyOwner { _admin = address(0x0); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Custodian is ICustodian, Owned { // Events // /** * @notice Emitted on construction and when Governance upgrades the Exchange contract address */ event ExchangeChanged(address oldExchange, address newExchange); /** * @notice Emitted on construction and when Governance replaces itself by upgrading the Governance contract address */ event GovernanceChanged(address oldGovernance, address newGovernance); address _exchange; address _governance; /** * @notice Instantiate a new Custodian * * @dev Sets `owner` and `admin` to `msg.sender`. Sets initial values for Exchange and Governance * contract addresses, after which they can only be changed by the currently set Governance contract * itself * * @param exchange Address of deployed Exchange contract to whitelist * @param governance ddress of deployed Governance contract to whitelist */ constructor(address exchange, address governance) public Owned() { require(Address.isContract(exchange), 'Invalid exchange contract address'); require( Address.isContract(governance), 'Invalid governance contract address' ); _exchange = exchange; _governance = governance; emit ExchangeChanged(address(0x0), exchange); emit GovernanceChanged(address(0x0), governance); } /** * @notice ETH can only be sent by the Exchange */ receive() external override payable onlyExchange {} /** * @notice Withdraw any asset and amount to a target wallet * * @dev No balance checking performed * * @param wallet The wallet to which assets will be returned * @param asset The address of the asset to withdraw (ETH or ERC-20 contract) * @param quantityInAssetUnits The quantity in asset units to withdraw */ function withdraw( address payable wallet, address asset, uint256 quantityInAssetUnits ) external override onlyExchange { AssetTransfers.transferTo(wallet, asset, quantityInAssetUnits); } /** * @notice Load address of the currently whitelisted Exchange contract * * @return The address of the currently whitelisted Exchange contract */ function loadExchange() external override view returns (address) { return _exchange; } /** * @notice Sets a new Exchange contract address * * @param newExchange The address of the new whitelisted Exchange contract */ function setExchange(address newExchange) external override onlyGovernance { require(Address.isContract(newExchange), 'Invalid contract address'); address oldExchange = _exchange; _exchange = newExchange; emit ExchangeChanged(oldExchange, newExchange); } /** * @notice Load address of the currently whitelisted Governance contract * * @return The address of the currently whitelisted Governance contract */ function loadGovernance() external override view returns (address) { return _governance; } /** * @notice Sets a new Governance contract address * * @param newGovernance The address of the new whitelisted Governance contract */ function setGovernance(address newGovernance) external override onlyGovernance { require(Address.isContract(newGovernance), 'Invalid contract address'); address oldGovernance = _governance; _governance = newGovernance; emit GovernanceChanged(oldGovernance, newGovernance); } // RBAC // modifier onlyExchange() { require(msg.sender == _exchange, 'Caller must be Exchange contract'); _; } modifier onlyGovernance() { require(msg.sender == _governance, 'Caller must be Governance contract'); _; } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.10; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } interface IContractManager { /** * @dev Returns the contract address of a given contract name. * * Requirements: * * - Contract mapping must exist. */ function getContract(string calldata name) external view returns (address contractAddress); } interface IDelegationController { function delegate( uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount, uint256 delegationPeriod, string calldata info ) external; function requestUndelegation(uint256 delegationId) external; function cancelPendingDelegation(uint delegationId) external; } interface IDistributor { function withdrawBounty(uint256 validatorId, address to) external; } interface IERC1820Registry { /** * @dev Sets `newManager` as the manager for `account`. A manager of an * account is able to set interface implementers for it. * * By default, each account is its own manager. Passing a value of `0x0` in * `newManager` will reset the manager to this initial state. * * Emits a {ManagerChanged} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. */ function setManager(address account, address newManager) external; /** * @dev Returns the manager for `account`. * * See {setManager}. */ function getManager(address account) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Sets the `implementer` contract as ``account``'s implementer for * `interfaceHash`. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. * The zero address can also be used in `implementer` to remove an old one. * * See {interfaceHash} to learn how these are created. * * Emits an {InterfaceImplementerSet} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. * - `interfaceHash` must not be an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it must not * end in 28 zeroes). * - `implementer` must implement {IERC1820Implementer} and return true when * queried for support, unless `implementer` is the caller. See * {IERC1820Implementer-canImplementInterfaceForAddress}. */ function setInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash, address implementer) external; /** * @dev Returns the implementer of `interfaceHash` for `account`. If no such * implementer is registered, returns the zero address. * * If `interfaceHash` is an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it ends with 28 * zeroes), `account` will be queried for support of it. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. */ function getInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Returns the interface hash for an `interfaceName`, as defined in the * corresponding *[section of the EIP]. */ function interfaceHash(string calldata interfaceName) external pure returns (bytes32); /** * @notice Updates the cache with whether the contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * @param account Address of the contract for which to update the cache. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface for which to update the cache. */ function updateERC165Cache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external; /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * If the result is not cached a direct lookup on the contract address is performed. * If the result is not cached or the cached value is out-of-date, the cache MUST be updated manually by calling * {updateERC165Cache} with the contract address. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165Interface(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not without using nor updating the cache. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165InterfaceNoCache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); event InterfaceImplementerSet(address indexed account, bytes32 indexed interfaceHash, address indexed implementer); event ManagerChanged(address indexed account, address indexed newManager); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IERC777Recipient { /** * @dev Called by an {IERC777} token contract whenever tokens are being * moved or created into a registered account (`to`). The type of operation * is conveyed by `from` being the zero address or not. * * This call occurs _after_ the token contract's state is updated, so * {IERC777-balanceOf}, etc., can be used to query the post-operation state. * * This function may revert to prevent the operation from being executed. */ function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; } interface IERC777Sender { /** * @dev Called by an {IERC777} token contract whenever a registered holder's * (`from`) tokens are about to be moved or destroyed. The type of operation * is conveyed by `to` being the zero address or not. * * This call occurs _before_ the token contract's state is updated, so * {IERC777-balanceOf}, etc., can be used to query the pre-operation state. * * This function may revert to prevent the operation from being executed. */ function tokensToSend( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; } interface IProxyAdmin { function getProxyImplementation(address proxy) external view returns (address); } interface IProxyFactory { function deploy(uint256 _salt, address _logic, address _admin, bytes memory _data) external returns (address); } interface ITimeHelpers { function getCurrentMonth() external view returns (uint); function monthToTimestamp(uint month) external view returns (uint timestamp); } interface ITokenState { function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address holder) external returns (uint); function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address holder) external returns (uint); } contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ContextUpgradeSafe is Initializable { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. function __Context_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); } function __Context_init_unchained() internal initializer { } function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } uint256[50] private __gap; } abstract contract AccessControlUpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe { function __AccessControl_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __AccessControl_init_unchained(); } function __AccessControl_init_unchained() internal initializer { } using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; using Address for address; struct RoleData { EnumerableSet.AddressSet members; bytes32 adminRole; } mapping (bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles; bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00; /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role * bearer except when using {_setupRole}. */ event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call: * - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer * - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`) */ event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`. */ function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view returns (bool) { return _roles[role].members.contains(account); } /** * @dev Returns the number of accounts that have `role`. Can be used * together with {getRoleMember} to enumerate all bearers of a role. */ function getRoleMemberCount(bytes32 role) public view returns (uint256) { return _roles[role].members.length(); } /** * @dev Returns one of the accounts that have `role`. `index` must be a * value between 0 and {getRoleMemberCount}, non-inclusive. * * Role bearers are not sorted in any particular way, and their ordering may * change at any point. * * WARNING: When using {getRoleMember} and {getRoleMemberCount}, make sure * you perform all queries on the same block. See the following *[forum post] * for more information. */ function getRoleMember(bytes32 role, uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return _roles[role]; } /** * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and * {revokeRole}. * * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}. */ function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view returns (bytes32) { return _roles[role].adminRole; } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to grant"); _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`. * * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to revoke"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account. * * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced). * * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be `account`. */ function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any * checks on the calling account. * * [WARNING] * ==== * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting * up the initial roles for the system. * * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin * system imposed by {AccessControl}. * ==== */ function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual { _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role. */ function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual { _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole; } function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.add(account)) { emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender()); } } function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.remove(account)) { emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender()); } } uint256[49] private __gap; } contract Permissions is AccessControlUpgradeSafe { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address; IContractManager public contractManager; /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_isOwner(), "Caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev allow - throws if called by any account and contract other than the owner * or `contractName` contract */ modifier allow(string memory contractName) { require( contractManager.getContract(contractName) == msg.sender || _isOwner(), "Message sender is invalid"); _; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public virtual initializer { AccessControlUpgradeSafe.__AccessControl_init(); _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender); _setContractManager(contractManagerAddress); } function _isOwner() internal view returns (bool) { return hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender); } function _setContractManager(address contractManagerAddress) private { require(contractManagerAddress != address(0), "ContractManager address is not set"); require(contractManagerAddress.isContract(), "Address is not contract"); contractManager = IContractManager(contractManagerAddress); } } contract Allocator is Permissions, IERC777Recipient { uint256 constant private _SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60; uint256 constant private _MONTHS_PER_YEAR = 12; enum TimeUnit { DAY, MONTH, YEAR } enum BeneficiaryStatus { UNKNOWN, CONFIRMED, ACTIVE, TERMINATED } struct Plan { uint256 totalVestingDuration; // months uint256 vestingCliff; // months TimeUnit vestingIntervalTimeUnit; uint256 vestingInterval; // amount of days/months/years bool isDelegationAllowed; bool isTerminatable; } struct Beneficiary { BeneficiaryStatus status; uint256 planId; uint256 startMonth; uint256 fullAmount; uint256 amountAfterLockup; } event PlanCreated( uint256 id ); IERC1820Registry private _erc1820; // array of Plan configs Plan[] private _plans; bytes32 public constant VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE = keccak256("VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE"); // beneficiary => beneficiary plan params mapping (address => Beneficiary) private _beneficiaries; // beneficiary => Escrow mapping (address => Escrow) private _beneficiaryToEscrow; modifier onlyVestingManager() { require( hasRole(VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "Message sender is not a vesting manager" ); _; } function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external override allow("SkaleToken") // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks { } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to activate a vesting and transfer locked * tokens from the Allocator contract to the associated Escrow address. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary address must be already confirmed. */ function startVesting(address beneficiary) external onlyVestingManager { require( _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.CONFIRMED, "Beneficiary has inappropriate status" ); _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status = BeneficiaryStatus.ACTIVE; require( IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).transfer( address(_beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary]), _beneficiaries[beneficiary].fullAmount ), "Error of token sending" ); } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to define and add a Plan. * * Requirements: * * - Vesting cliff period must be less than or equal to the full period. * - Vesting step time unit must be in days, months, or years. * - Total vesting duration must equal vesting cliff plus entire vesting schedule. */ function addPlan( uint256 vestingCliff, // months uint256 totalVestingDuration, // months TimeUnit vestingIntervalTimeUnit, // 0 - day 1 - month 2 - year uint256 vestingInterval, // months or days or years bool canDelegate, // can beneficiary delegate all un-vested tokens bool isTerminatable ) external onlyVestingManager { require(totalVestingDuration > 0, "Vesting duration can't be zero"); require(vestingInterval > 0, "Vesting interval can't be zero"); require(totalVestingDuration >= vestingCliff, "Cliff period exceeds total vesting duration"); // can't check if vesting interval in days is correct because it depends on startMonth // This check is in connectBeneficiaryToPlan if (vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { uint256 vestingDurationAfterCliff = totalVestingDuration - vestingCliff; require( vestingDurationAfterCliff.mod(vestingInterval) == 0, "Vesting duration can't be divided into equal intervals" ); } else if (vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { uint256 vestingDurationAfterCliff = totalVestingDuration - vestingCliff; require( vestingDurationAfterCliff.mod(vestingInterval.mul(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR)) == 0, "Vesting duration can't be divided into equal intervals" ); } _plans.push(Plan({ totalVestingDuration: totalVestingDuration, vestingCliff: vestingCliff, vestingIntervalTimeUnit: vestingIntervalTimeUnit, vestingInterval: vestingInterval, isDelegationAllowed: canDelegate, isTerminatable: isTerminatable })); emit PlanCreated(_plans.length); } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to register a beneficiary to a Plan. * * Requirements: * * - Plan must already exist. * - The vesting amount must be less than or equal to the full allocation. * - The beneficiary address must not already be included in the any other Plan. */ function connectBeneficiaryToPlan( address beneficiary, uint256 planId, uint256 startMonth, uint256 fullAmount, uint256 lockupAmount ) external onlyVestingManager { require(_plans.length >= planId && planId > 0, "Plan does not exist"); require(fullAmount >= lockupAmount, "Incorrect amounts"); require(_beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.UNKNOWN, "Beneficiary is already added"); if (_plans[planId - 1].vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { uint256 vestingDurationInDays = _daysBetweenMonths( startMonth.add(_plans[planId - 1].vestingCliff), startMonth.add(_plans[planId - 1].totalVestingDuration) ); require( vestingDurationInDays.mod(_plans[planId - 1].vestingInterval) == 0, "Vesting duration can't be divided into equal intervals" ); } _beneficiaries[beneficiary] = Beneficiary({ status: BeneficiaryStatus.CONFIRMED, planId: planId, startMonth: startMonth, fullAmount: fullAmount, amountAfterLockup: lockupAmount }); _beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary] = _deployEscrow(beneficiary); } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to terminate vesting of a Escrow. Performed when * a beneficiary is terminated. * * Requirements: * * - Vesting must be active. */ function stopVesting(address beneficiary) external onlyVestingManager { require( _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.ACTIVE, "Cannot stop vesting for a non active beneficiary" ); require( _plans[_beneficiaries[beneficiary].planId - 1].isTerminatable, "Can't stop vesting for beneficiary with this plan" ); _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status = BeneficiaryStatus.TERMINATED; Escrow(_beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary]).cancelVesting(calculateVestedAmount(beneficiary)); } /** * @dev Returns vesting start month of the beneficiary's Plan. */ function getStartMonth(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].startMonth; } /** * @dev Returns the final vesting date of the beneficiary's Plan. */ function getFinishVestingTime(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration)); } /** * @dev Returns the vesting cliff period in months. */ function getVestingCliffInMonth(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { return _plans[_beneficiaries[beneficiary].planId - 1].vestingCliff; } /** * @dev Confirms whether the beneficiary is active in the Plan. */ function isVestingActive(address beneficiary) external view returns (bool) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.ACTIVE; } /** * @dev Confirms whether the beneficiary is registered in a Plan. */ function isBeneficiaryRegistered(address beneficiary) external view returns (bool) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status != BeneficiaryStatus.UNKNOWN; } /** * @dev Confirms whether the beneficiary's Plan allows all un-vested tokens to be * delegated. */ function isDelegationAllowed(address beneficiary) external view returns (bool) { return _plans[_beneficiaries[beneficiary].planId - 1].isDelegationAllowed; } /** * @dev Returns the locked and unlocked (full) amount of tokens allocated to * the beneficiary address in Plan. */ function getFullAmount(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].fullAmount; } /** * @dev Returns the Escrow contract by beneficiary. */ function getEscrowAddress(address beneficiary) external view returns (address) { return address(_beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary]); } /** * @dev Returns the timestamp when vesting cliff ends and periodic vesting * begins. */ function getLockupPeriodEndTimestamp(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff)); } /** * @dev Returns the time of the next vesting event. */ function getTimeOfNextVest(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; uint256 firstVestingMonth = beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff); uint256 lockupEndTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(firstVestingMonth); if (now < lockupEndTimestamp) { return lockupEndTimestamp; } require( now < timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration)), "Vesting is over" ); require(beneficiaryPlan.status != BeneficiaryStatus.TERMINATED, "Vesting was stopped"); uint256 currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { // TODO: it may be simplified if TimeHelpers contract in skale-manager is updated uint daysPassedBeforeCurrentMonth = _daysBetweenMonths(firstVestingMonth, currentMonth); uint256 currentMonthBeginningTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(currentMonth); uint256 daysPassedInCurrentMonth = now.sub(currentMonthBeginningTimestamp).div(_SECONDS_PER_DAY); uint256 daysPassedBeforeNextVest = _calculateNextVestingStep( daysPassedBeforeCurrentMonth.add(daysPassedInCurrentMonth), planParams.vestingInterval ); return currentMonthBeginningTimestamp.add( daysPassedBeforeNextVest .sub(daysPassedBeforeCurrentMonth) .mul(_SECONDS_PER_DAY) ); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp( firstVestingMonth.add( _calculateNextVestingStep(currentMonth.sub(firstVestingMonth), planParams.vestingInterval) ) ); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp( firstVestingMonth.add( _calculateNextVestingStep( currentMonth.sub(firstVestingMonth), planParams.vestingInterval.mul(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) ) ) ); } else { revert("Vesting interval timeunit is incorrect"); } } /** * @dev Returns the Plan parameters. * * Requirements: * * - Plan must already exist. */ function getPlan(uint256 planId) external view returns (Plan memory) { require(planId > 0 && planId <= _plans.length, "Plan Round does not exist"); return _plans[planId - 1]; } /** * @dev Returns the Plan parameters for a beneficiary address. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary address must be registered to an Plan. */ function getBeneficiaryPlanParams(address beneficiary) external view returns (Beneficiary memory) { require(_beneficiaries[beneficiary].status != BeneficiaryStatus.UNKNOWN, "Plan beneficiary is not registered"); return _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); _erc1820 = IERC1820Registry(0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"), address(this)); } /** * @dev Calculates and returns the vested token amount. */ function calculateVestedAmount(address wallet) public view returns (uint256 vestedAmount) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[wallet]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; vestedAmount = 0; uint256 currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (currentMonth >= beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff)) { vestedAmount = beneficiaryPlan.amountAfterLockup; if (currentMonth >= beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration)) { vestedAmount = beneficiaryPlan.fullAmount; } else { uint256 payment = _getSinglePaymentSize( wallet, beneficiaryPlan.fullAmount, beneficiaryPlan.amountAfterLockup ); vestedAmount = vestedAmount.add(payment.mul(_getNumberOfCompletedVestingEvents(wallet))); } } } /** * @dev Returns the number of vesting events that have completed. */ function _getNumberOfCompletedVestingEvents(address wallet) internal view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[wallet]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; uint256 firstVestingMonth = beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff); if (now < timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(firstVestingMonth)) { return 0; } else { uint256 currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { return _daysBetweenMonths(firstVestingMonth, currentMonth) .add( now .sub(timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(currentMonth)) .div(_SECONDS_PER_DAY) ) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { return currentMonth .sub(firstVestingMonth) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { return currentMonth .sub(firstVestingMonth) .div(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else { revert("Unknown time unit"); } } } /** * @dev Returns the number of total vesting events. */ function _getNumberOfAllVestingEvents(address wallet) internal view returns (uint) { Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[wallet]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { return _daysBetweenMonths( beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff), beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration) ).div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { return planParams.totalVestingDuration .sub(planParams.vestingCliff) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { return planParams.totalVestingDuration .sub(planParams.vestingCliff) .div(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else { revert("Unknown time unit"); } } /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens that are unlocked in each vesting * period. */ function _getSinglePaymentSize( address wallet, uint256 fullAmount, uint256 afterLockupPeriodAmount ) internal view returns(uint) { return fullAmount.sub(afterLockupPeriodAmount).div(_getNumberOfAllVestingEvents(wallet)); } function _deployEscrow(address beneficiary) private returns (Escrow) { // TODO: replace with ProxyFactory when @openzeppelin/upgrades will be compatible with solidity 0.6 IProxyFactory proxyFactory = IProxyFactory(contractManager.getContract("ProxyFactory")); Escrow escrow = Escrow(contractManager.getContract("Escrow")); // TODO: replace with ProxyAdmin when @openzeppelin/upgrades will be compatible with solidity 0.6 IProxyAdmin proxyAdmin = IProxyAdmin(contractManager.getContract("ProxyAdmin")); return Escrow( proxyFactory.deploy( uint256(bytes32(bytes20(beneficiary))), proxyAdmin.getProxyImplementation(address(escrow)), address(proxyAdmin), abi.encodeWithSelector( Escrow.initialize.selector, address(contractManager), beneficiary ) ) ); } function _daysBetweenMonths(uint256 beginMonth, uint256 endMonth) private view returns (uint256) { assert(beginMonth <= endMonth); ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); uint256 beginTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beginMonth); uint256 endTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(endMonth); uint256 secondsPassed = endTimestamp.sub(beginTimestamp); require(secondsPassed.mod(_SECONDS_PER_DAY) == 0, "Internal error in calendar"); return secondsPassed.div(_SECONDS_PER_DAY); } /** * @dev returns time of next vest in abstract time units named "step" * Examples: * if current step is 5 and vesting interval is 7 function returns 7. * if current step is 17 and vesting interval is 7 function returns 21. */ function _calculateNextVestingStep(uint256 currentStep, uint256 vestingInterval) private pure returns (uint256) { return currentStep .add(vestingInterval) .sub( currentStep.mod(vestingInterval) ); } } contract Escrow is IERC777Recipient, IERC777Sender, Permissions { address private _beneficiary; uint256 private _availableAmountAfterTermination; IERC1820Registry private _erc1820; modifier onlyBeneficiary() { require(_msgSender() == _beneficiary, "Message sender is not a plan beneficiary"); _; } modifier onlyVestingManager() { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); require( allocator.hasRole(allocator.VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE(), _msgSender()), "Message sender is not a vesting manager" ); _; } modifier onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager() { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); if (allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary)) { require(_msgSender() == _beneficiary, "Message sender is not beneficiary"); } else { require( allocator.hasRole(allocator.VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE(), _msgSender()), "Message sender is not authorized" ); } _; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress, address beneficiary) external initializer { require(beneficiary != address(0), "Beneficiary address is not set"); Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); _beneficiary = beneficiary; _erc1820 = IERC1820Registry(0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"), address(this)); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensSender"), address(this)); } function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external override allow("SkaleToken") // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks { } function tokensToSend( address, address, address to, uint256, bytes calldata, bytes calldata ) external override allow("SkaleToken") // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks { } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary to retrieve vested tokens from the Escrow contract. * * IMPORTANT: Slashed tokens are non-transferable. */ function retrieve() external onlyBeneficiary { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); ITokenState tokenState = ITokenState(contractManager.getContract("TokenState")); uint256 vestedAmount = 0; if (allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary)) { vestedAmount = allocator.calculateVestedAmount(_beneficiary); } else { vestedAmount = _availableAmountAfterTermination; } uint256 escrowBalance = IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 fullAmount = allocator.getFullAmount(_beneficiary); uint256 forbiddenToSend = tokenState.getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address(this)); if (vestedAmount > fullAmount.sub(escrowBalance)) { if (vestedAmount.sub(fullAmount.sub(escrowBalance)) > forbiddenToSend) require( IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).transfer( _beneficiary, vestedAmount .sub( fullAmount .sub(escrowBalance) ) .sub(forbiddenToSend) ), "Error of token send" ); } } /** * @dev Allows Vesting Manager to retrieve remaining transferrable escrow balance * after beneficiary's termination. * * IMPORTANT: Slashed tokens are non-transferable. * * Requirements: * * - Allocator must be active. */ function retrieveAfterTermination(address destination) external onlyVestingManager { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); ITokenState tokenState = ITokenState(contractManager.getContract("TokenState")); require(destination != address(0), "Destination address is not set"); require(!allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary), "Vesting is active"); uint256 escrowBalance = IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 forbiddenToSend = tokenState.getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address(this)); if (escrowBalance > forbiddenToSend) { require( IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).transfer( destination, escrowBalance.sub(forbiddenToSend) ), "Error of token send" ); } } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary to propose a delegation to a validator. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary must be active. * - Beneficiary must have sufficient delegatable tokens. * - If trusted list is enabled, validator must be a member of the trusted * list. */ function delegate( uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount, uint256 delegationPeriod, string calldata info ) external onlyBeneficiary { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); require(allocator.isDelegationAllowed(_beneficiary), "Delegation is not allowed"); require(allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary), "Beneficiary is not Active"); IDelegationController delegationController = IDelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); delegationController.delegate(validatorId, amount, delegationPeriod, info); } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary and Vesting manager to request undelegation. Only * Vesting manager can request undelegation after beneficiary is deactivated * (after beneficiary termination). * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary and Vesting manager must be `msg.sender`. */ function requestUndelegation(uint256 delegationId) external onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager { IDelegationController delegationController = IDelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); delegationController.requestUndelegation(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary and Vesting manager to cancel a delegation proposal. Only * Vesting manager can request undelegation after beneficiary is deactivated * (after beneficiary termination). * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary and Vesting manager must be `msg.sender`. */ function cancelPendingDelegation(uint delegationId) external onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager { IDelegationController delegationController = IDelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); delegationController.cancelPendingDelegation(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary and Vesting manager to withdraw earned bounty. Only * Vesting manager can withdraw bounty to Allocator contract after beneficiary * is deactivated. * * IMPORTANT: Withdraws are only possible after 90 day initial network lock. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary or Vesting manager must be `msg.sender`. * - Beneficiary must be active when Beneficiary is `msg.sender`. */ function withdrawBounty(uint256 validatorId, address to) external onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager { IDistributor distributor = IDistributor(contractManager.getContract("Distributor")); distributor.withdrawBounty(validatorId, to); } /** * @dev Allows Allocator contract to cancel vesting of a Beneficiary. Cancel * vesting is performed upon termination. */ function cancelVesting(uint256 vestedAmount) external allow("Allocator") { _availableAmountAfterTermination = vestedAmount; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require( address(this).balance >= amount, 'Address: insufficient balance' ); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =''); require( success, 'Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted' ); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, 'Address: low-level call failed'); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue( target, data, value, 'Address: low-level call with value failed' ); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require( address(this).balance >= value, 'Address: insufficient balance for call' ); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage ) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), 'Address: call to non-contract'); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = data ); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract ERC20 is Context { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) public returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve( sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub( amount, 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance' ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub( subtractedValue, 'ERC20: decreased allowance below zero' ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) internal { require(sender != address(0), 'ERC20: transfer from the zero address'); require(recipient != address(0), 'ERC20: transfer to the zero address'); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub( amount, 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance' ); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), 'ERC20: mint to the zero address'); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), 'ERC20: burn from the zero address'); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub( amount, 'ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance' ); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve( address owner, address spender, uint256 amount ) internal { require(owner != address(0), 'ERC20: approve from the zero address'); require(spender != address(0), 'ERC20: approve to the zero address'); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) internal {} /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor() internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), 'Ownable: caller is not the owner'); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { require( newOwner != address(0), 'Ownable: new owner is the zero address' ); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer( IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value ) internal { _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value) ); } function safeTransferFrom( IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value ) internal { _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value) ); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require( (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), 'SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance' ); _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value) ); } function safeIncreaseAllowance( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add( value ); _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance ) ); } function safeDecreaseAllowance( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub( value, 'SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero' ); _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance ) ); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall( data, 'SafeERC20: low-level call failed' ); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require( abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), 'SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed' ); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, 'SafeMath: addition overflow'); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, 'SafeMath: subtraction overflow'); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, 'SafeMath: multiplication overflow'); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, 'SafeMath: division by zero'); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, 'SafeMath: modulo by zero'); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract KatanaToken is ERC20('KatanaToken', 'KATANA'), Ownable { /// @notice Creates `_amount` token to `_to`. Must only be called by the owner (MasterChef). function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner { _mint(_to, _amount); _moveDelegates(address(0), _delegates[_to], _amount); } // Copied and modified from YAM code: // // // Which is copied and modified from COMPOUND: // /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping(address => address) internal _delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256( 'EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)' ); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256( 'Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)' ); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping(address => uint256) public nonces; /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged( address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate ); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged( address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance ); /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegator The address to get delegatee for */ function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address) { return _delegates[delegator]; } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to */ function delegate(address delegatee) external { return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature * @param v The recovery byte of the signature * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair */ function delegateBySig( address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name())), address(this)) ); bytes32 structHash = keccak256( abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry) ); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked('\x19\x01', domainSeparator, structHash) ); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require( signatory != address(0), 'KATANA::delegateBySig: invalid signature' ); require( nonce == nonces[signatory]++, 'KATANA::delegateBySig: invalid nonce' ); require(now <= expiry, 'KATANA::delegateBySig: signature expired'); return _delegate(signatory, delegatee); } /** * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account` * @param account The address to get votes balance * @return The number of current votes for `account` */ function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) { uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0; } /** * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation. * @param account The address of the account to check * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256) { require( blockNumber < block.number, 'KATANA::getPriorVotes: not yet determined' ); uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; if (nCheckpoints == 0) { return 0; } // First check most recent balance if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) { return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes; } // Next check implicit zero balance if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) { return 0; } uint32 lower = 0; uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1; while (upper > lower) { uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center]; if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) { return cp.votes; } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) { lower = center; } else { upper = center - 1; } } return checkpoints[account][lower].votes; } function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal { address currentDelegate = _delegates[delegator]; uint256 delegatorBalance = balanceOf(delegator); // balance of underlying KATANAs (not scaled); _delegates[delegator] = delegatee; emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee); _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance); } function _moveDelegates( address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount ) internal { if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) { if (srcRep != address(0)) { // decrease old representative uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep]; uint256 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 srcRepNew = srcRepOld.sub(amount); _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew); } if (dstRep != address(0)) { // increase new representative uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep]; uint256 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 dstRepNew = dstRepOld.add(amount); _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew); } } } function _writeCheckpoint( address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint256 oldVotes, uint256 newVotes ) internal { uint32 blockNumber = safe32( block.number, 'KATANA::_writeCheckpoint: block number exceeds 32 bits' ); if ( nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber ) { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes; } else { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint( blockNumber, newVotes ); numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1; } emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes); } function safe32(uint256 n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } }
[ 9 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract TokenTimelock { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; // ERC20 basic token contract being held IERC20 private _token; // beneficiary of tokens after they are released address private _beneficiary; // timestamp when token release is enabled uint256 private _releaseTime; // percentage of the token relasing per time (withdrawTimeLimit) uint256 private _releaseLimit; // withdraw time limit as time interval uint256 private _withdrawTimeLimit; constructor (IERC20 token, address beneficiary, uint256 releaseTime, uint256 releaseLimit, uint256 withdrawTimeLimit) public { // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time require(releaseTime > block.timestamp, "TokenTimelock: release time is before current time"); _token = token; _beneficiary = beneficiary; _releaseTime = releaseTime; _releaseLimit = releaseLimit; _withdrawTimeLimit = withdrawTimeLimit; } /** * @return the token being held. */ function token() public view returns (IERC20) { return _token; } /** * @return the beneficiary of the tokens. */ function beneficiary() public view returns (address) { return _beneficiary; } /** * @return the time when the tokens are released. */ function releaseTime() public view returns (uint256) { return _releaseTime; } /** * @return the percentage of the token releasing per time (withdrawTimeLimit). */ function releaseLimit() public view returns (uint256) { return _releaseLimit; } /** * @return the time interval of the token withdraw. */ function withdrawTimeLimit() public view returns (uint256) { return _withdrawTimeLimit; } /** * @notice Transfers tokens held by timelock to beneficiary. */ function release() public virtual { // solhint-disable-next-line not-rely-on-time require(block.timestamp >= _releaseTime, "TokenTimelock: current time is before release time"); uint256 amount = _token.balanceOf(address(this)); require(amount > 0, "TokenTimelock: no tokens to release"); _token.safeTransfer(_beneficiary, amount.mul(_releaseLimit).div(100)); _releaseTime = _releaseTime.add(_withdrawTimeLimit); } }
[ 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.4.21; contract EIP20Interface { /* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard. function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); is replaced with: uint256 public totalSupply; This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply. This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract function by the compiler. */ /// total amount of tokens uint256 public totalSupply; /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @return The balance function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address of the sender /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining); // solhint-disable-next-line no-simple-event-func-name event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } contract rStake is EIP20Interface { uint256 constant private MAX_UINT256 = 2**256 - 1; mapping (address => uint256) public balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed; /* NOTE: The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them. They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality. Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information. */ string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX function rStake( uint256 _initialAmount, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol ) public { balances[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value); balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender]; require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value); balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; } emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex]) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x019739e288973F92bDD3c1d87178E206E51fd911; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { // address public constant ETH_FLIPPER = 0xd8a04F5412223F513DC55F839574430f5EC15531; // address public constant BAT_FLIPPER = 0xaA745404d55f88C108A28c86abE7b5A1E7817c07; // address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; // address public constant ETH_JOIN = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; // address public constant BAT_JOIN = 0x3D0B1912B66114d4096F48A8CEe3A56C231772cA; // bytes32 public constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE = 0x606e9758a39d2d7fA7e70BC68E6E7D9b02948962; // function daiBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // joinDai(_amount); // (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); // } // function collateralBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // uint bid; // (bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // joinDai(bid / (10**27)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); // } // function closeBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function closeBidAndExchange( // uint _bidId, // bool _isEth, // uint256[4] memory _data, // address _exchangeAddress, // bytes memory _callData // ) // public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // (uint bidAmount, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(address(this), (bidAmount / 10**27)); // address srcToken = _isEth ? KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS : address(Gem(join).gem()); // uint daiAmount = swap( // _data, // srcToken, // DAI_ADDRESS, // _exchangeAddress, // _callData // ); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, daiAmount); // } // function exitCollateral(bool _isEth) public { // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function exitDai() public { // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); // Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function withdrawToken(address _token) public { // uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); // ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); // } // function withdrawEth() public { // uint balance = address(this).balance; // msg.sender.transfer(balance); // } // function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { // uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // if (_amount > amountInVat) { // uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); // Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); // } // } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_loanShift, _exchangeData); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x56c8d4e40A709B33cCB19970324880F3a640d9fC; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); if (srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai }); address collAddr = closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); sendLeftover(collAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, tx.origin); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal returns (address) { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; address user = DSProxy(payable(_closeData.proxy)).owner(); if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = address(Join(_closeData.joinAddr).gem()); require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); return tokenAddr; } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address payable public constant MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN = 0xe78A0F7E598Cc8b0Bb87894B0F60dD2a88d6a8Ab; address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData ) public payable { MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); // if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP // exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); // (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); // } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP // exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); // _buy(exchangeData); // } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); // } // // Execute the Open operation (Skip if it's debt swap) // if (paramData.swapType != 2) { // DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // } // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature( "close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } // Call specific function if it's a debt swap if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xBcEAb469CbBA225E9dc9Cbd898808A4742687096; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0ed294340b6328647A652207AA72902747C84c94; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.4.21; contract EIP20Interface { /* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard. function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); is replaced with: uint256 public totalSupply; This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply. This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract function by the compiler. */ /// total amount of tokens uint256 public totalSupply; /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @return The balance function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address of the sender /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining); // solhint-disable-next-line no-simple-event-func-name event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } contract idt is EIP20Interface { uint256 constant private MAX_UINT256 = 2**256 - 1; mapping (address => uint256) public balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed; /* NOTE: The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them. They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality. Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information. */ string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX function idt( uint256 _initialAmount, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol ) public { balances[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value); balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender]; require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value); balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; } emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 990000000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint256 pow10 = 10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_collateralAddress)); // fetch all needed data (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance * pow10, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLTV); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return wdiv(totalCollateralETH, collateralPrice) / pow10; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLTV, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLTV)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLTV) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice) / pow10, NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } function getMaxBoost(address _borrowAddress, address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); totalCollateralETH = div(mul(totalCollateralETH, currentLTV), 100); uint256 availableBorrowsETH = wmul(mul(div(sub(totalCollateralETH, totalBorrowsETH), sub(100, tokenLTV)), 100), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_tokenAddr))); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost for transaction /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return gasCost The amount we took for the gas cost function getGasCost(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint gasCost) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); gasCost = _gasCost; } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (gasCost > (_amount / 5)) { gasCost = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(gasCost); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, gasCost); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_amount == 0) return; if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function _getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) return uint256(0); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } function proxyOwner() internal returns(address) { return DSAuth(address(this)).owner(); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract CreamSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEther) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToEther, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CreamSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the cream debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the cream position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInEth == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cCollAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { if (liquidityInEth > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); } uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); if (liquidityInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cBorrowAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CreamBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; function balanceOf(address _owner) external virtual view returns (uint256 balance); } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public virtual returns (uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); if (originationFee > 0) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(_onBehalf, originationFee); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 borrowRateStable; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 liquidationRatio; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv, uint256 liqRatio, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRateStable: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, liquidationRatio: liqRatio, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x29F4af15ad64C509c4140324cFE71FB728D10d2B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x11c937fD367D75465DC211c367684d8d4520E6f9; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract CreamBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the cream protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the cream market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the cream market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CreamLoanInfo is CreamSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches cream prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches cream collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEth) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToEth, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CreamImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant CREAM_BORROW_PROXY = 0x87F198Ef6116CdBC5f36B581d212ad950b7e2Ddd; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay cream debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(CREAM_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CreamImportTaker is CreamSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x24F4aC0Fe758c45cf8425D8Fbdd608cca9A7dBf8; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve cream_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(swapedTokens >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } /// @notice Calculates protocol fee /// @param _srcAddr selling token address (if eth should be WETH) /// @param _msgValue msg.value in transaction /// @param _srcAmount amount we are selling function getProtocolFee(address _srcAddr, uint256 _msgValue, uint256 _srcAmount) internal returns(uint256) { // if we are not selling ETH msg value is always the protocol fee if (_srcAddr != WETH_ADDRESS) return _msgValue; // if msg value is larger than srcAmount, that means that msg value is protocol fee + srcAmount, so we subsctract srcAmount from msg value // we have an edge case here when protocol fee is higher than selling amount if (_msgValue > _srcAmount) return _msgValue - _srcAmount; // if msg value is lower than src amount, that means that srcAmount isn't included in msg value, so we return msg value return _msgValue; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount); rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount)); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(_destAmount, amounts[0]); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount)); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else if (_joinAddr == DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public payable burnGas(20) { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { _loanShift.debtAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.debtAddr1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); loanShifterReceiverAddr.transfer(address(this).balance); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), _loanShift.debtAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return getWholeDebt(_cdpId, _joinAddr); } function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); uint256 maxCollateral = IAToken(aTokenCollateral).balanceOf(address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); uint256 destAmount = _data.srcAmount; if (_data.srcAddr != _data.destAddr) { // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } else { destAmount -= getGasCost(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBoost(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, borrowRateMode == 0 ? VARIABLE_RATE : borrowRateMode, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); uint256 destAmount; if (_data.destAddr != _data.srcAddr) { _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); } else { _data.srcAmount -= getGasCost(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); destAmount = _data.srcAmount; } if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract AaveSaverReceiver is AaveHelper, AdminAuth, SaverExchangeCore { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant AAVE_SAVER_PROXY = 0x29F4af15ad64C509c4140324cFE71FB728D10d2B; address public constant AAVE_BASIC_PROXY = 0x29F4af15ad64C509c4140324cFE71FB728D10d2B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( bytes memory exchangeDataBytes, uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 txValue, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (bytes,uint256,bool,uint256,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); bytes memory functionData = packFunctionCall(exchangeDataBytes, gasCost, isRepay); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(AAVE_SAVER_PROXY, functionData); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } function packFunctionCall(bytes memory _exchangeDataBytes, uint256 _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal returns (bytes memory) { ExchangeData memory exData = unpackExchangeData(_exchangeDataBytes); bytes memory functionData; if (_isRepay) { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } else { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } return functionData; } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external override payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission, GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_RECEIVER = 0x11c937fD367D75465DC211c367684d8d4520E6f9; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, true); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, false); } /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction function _flashLoan(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); uint256 ethAmount = ERC20(WETH_ADDR).balanceOf(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, ethAmount, AAVE_RECEIVER); bytes memory encodedData = packExchangeData(_data); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(encodedData, _gasCost, _isRepay, ethAmount, msg.value, proxyOwner(), address(this)), AAVE_RECEIVER ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} struct CompCreateData { address payable proxyAddr; bytes proxyData; address cCollAddr; address cDebtAddr; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address leveragedAsset = _reserve; // If the assets are different if (compCreate.cCollAddr != compCreate.cDebtAddr) { (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, compCreate.proxyAddr); leveragedAsset = exchangeData.destAddr; } // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(compCreate.proxyAddr, leveragedAsset); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(compCreate.proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, compCreate.proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); compCreate = CompCreateData({ proxyAddr: payable(proxy), proxyData: proxyData, cCollAddr: cAddresses[0], cDebtAddr: cAddresses[1] }); return (compCreate, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { _exData.srcAmount = collAmount; (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract CreamSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0x1e012554891d271eDc80ba8eB146EA5FF596fA51; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CreamSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CreamSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CreamSaverProxy is CreamSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } } contract CreamFlashLoanTaker is CreamSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x3ceD2067c0B057611e4E2686Dbe40028962Cc625; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.5; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; struct ProtocolBalance { ProtocolMetadata metadata; AdapterBalance[] adapterBalances; } struct ProtocolMetadata { string name; string description; string websiteURL; string iconURL; uint256 version; } struct AdapterBalance { AdapterMetadata metadata; FullTokenBalance[] balances; } struct AdapterMetadata { address adapterAddress; string adapterType; // "Asset", "Debt" } struct FullTokenBalance { TokenBalance base; TokenBalance[] underlying; } struct TokenBalance { TokenMetadata metadata; uint256 amount; } struct TokenMetadata { address token; string name; string symbol; uint8 decimals; } struct Component { address token; string tokenType; // "ERC20" by default uint256 rate; // price per full share (1e18) } struct TypedToken { string tokenType; address token; } interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); } abstract contract Ownable { modifier onlyOwner { require(msg.sender == owner, "O: onlyOwner function!"); _; } address public owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @notice Initializes owner variable with msg.sender address. */ constructor() internal { owner = msg.sender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msg.sender); } /** * @notice Transfers ownership to the desired address. * The function is callable only by the owner. */ function transferOwnership(address _owner) external onlyOwner { require(_owner != address(0), "O: new owner is the zero address!"); emit OwnershipTransferred(owner, _owner); owner = _owner; } } interface ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return "Asset" or "Debt". * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function adapterType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return token type (default is "ERC20"). * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function tokenType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return amount of the given token locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view returns (uint256); } interface TokenAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return TokenMetadata struct with ERC20-style token info. * struct TokenMetadata { * address token; * string name; * string symbol; * uint8 decimals; * } */ function getMetadata(address token) external view returns (TokenMetadata memory); /** * @dev MUST return array of Component structs with underlying tokens rates for the given token. * struct Component { * address token; // Address of token contract * string tokenType; // Token type ("ERC20" by default) * uint256 rate; // Price per share (1e18) * } */ function getComponents(address token) external view returns (Component[] memory); } interface IBerezkaTokenAdapterGovernance { function listTokens() external view returns (TypedToken[] memory); function listProtocols() external view returns (address[] memory); function listEthProtocols() external view returns (address[] memory); function listProducts() external view returns (address[] memory); function getVaults(address _token) external view returns (address[] memory); } contract BerezkaTokenAdapter is TokenAdapter { address internal constant ETH = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; string internal constant ERC20_TOKEN = "ERC20"; IBerezkaTokenAdapterGovernance immutable private governance; constructor(address _governance) public { governance = IBerezkaTokenAdapterGovernance(_governance); } /** * @return TokenMetadata struct with ERC20-style token info. * @dev Implementation of TokenAdapter interface function. */ function getMetadata(address token) external view override returns (TokenMetadata memory) { return TokenMetadata({ token: token, name: ERC20(token).name(), symbol: ERC20(token).symbol(), decimals: ERC20(token).decimals() }); } /** * @return Array of Component structs with underlying tokens rates for the given token. * @dev Implementation of TokenAdapter interface function. */ function getComponents(address token) external view override returns (Component[] memory) { address[] memory vaults = governance.getVaults(token); TypedToken[] memory assets = governance.listTokens(); address[] memory debtAdapters = governance.listProtocols(); uint256 length = assets.length; uint256 totalSupply = ERC20(token).totalSupply(); Component[] memory underlyingTokens = new Component[](1 + length); // Handle ERC20 assets + debt for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { Component memory tokenComponent = _getTokenComponents( assets[i].token, assets[i].tokenType, vaults, debtAdapters, totalSupply ); underlyingTokens[i] = tokenComponent; } // Handle ETH { Component memory ethComponent = _getEthComponents(vaults, totalSupply); underlyingTokens[length] = ethComponent; } return underlyingTokens; } // Internal functions function _getEthComponents( address[] memory _vaults, uint256 _totalSupply ) internal view returns (Component memory) { address[] memory debtsInEth = governance.listEthProtocols(); uint256 ethBalance = 0; uint256 ethDebt = 0; // Compute negative amount for a given asset using all debt adapters for (uint256 j = 0; j < _vaults.length; j++) { address vault = _vaults[j]; ethBalance += vault.balance; ethDebt += _computeDebt(debtsInEth, ETH, vault); } return Component({ token: ETH, tokenType: ERC20_TOKEN, rate: (ethBalance * 1e18 / _totalSupply) - (ethDebt * 1e18 / _totalSupply) }); } function _getTokenComponents( address _asset, string memory _type, address[] memory _vaults, address[] memory _debtAdapters, uint256 _totalSupply ) internal view returns (Component memory) { uint256 componentBalance = 0; uint256 componentDebt = 0; // Compute positive amount for a given asset uint256 vaultsLength = _vaults.length; for (uint256 j = 0; j < vaultsLength; j++) { address vault = _vaults[j]; componentBalance += ERC20(_asset).balanceOf(vault); componentDebt += _computeDebt(_debtAdapters, _asset, vault); } // Asset amount return(Component({ token: _asset, tokenType: _type, rate: (componentBalance * 1e18 / _totalSupply) - (componentDebt * 1e18 / _totalSupply) })); } function _computeDebt( address[] memory _debtAdapters, address _asset, address _vault ) internal view returns (uint256) { // Compute negative amount for a given asset using all debt adapters uint256 componentDebt = 0; uint256 debtsLength = _debtAdapters.length; for (uint256 k = 0; k < debtsLength; k++) { ProtocolAdapter debtAdapter = ProtocolAdapter(_debtAdapters[k]); try debtAdapter.getBalance(_asset, _vault) returns (uint256 _amount) { componentDebt += _amount; } catch {} // solhint-disable-line no-empty-blocks } return componentDebt; } } interface AdapterRegistry { function isValidTokenAdapter( string calldata tokenAdapterName ) external returns (bool); } contract BerezkaTokenAdapterGovernance is Ownable() { AdapterRegistry internal constant ADAPTER_REGISTRY = AdapterRegistry(0x06FE76B2f432fdfEcAEf1a7d4f6C3d41B5861672); using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; /// @dev This is a set of plain assets (ERC20) used by DAO. /// This list also include addresses of Uniswap/Balancer tokenized pools. mapping (string => EnumerableSet.AddressSet) private tokens; /// @dev This is a list of all token types that are managed by contract /// New token type is added to this list upon first adding a token with given type string[] public tokenTypes; /// @dev This is a set of debt protocol adapters that return debt in ETH EnumerableSet.AddressSet private ethProtocols; /// @dev This is a set of debt protocol adapters that return debt for ERC20 tokens EnumerableSet.AddressSet private protocols; /// @dev This is a mapping from Berezka DAO product to corresponding Vault addresses mapping(address => address[]) private productVaults; constructor(address[] memory _protocols, address[] memory _ethProtocols) public { _add(protocols, _protocols); _add(ethProtocols, _ethProtocols); } // Modification functions (all only by owner) function setProductVaults(address _product, address[] memory _vaults) public onlyOwner() { require(_product != address(0), "_product is 0"); require(_vaults.length > 0, "_vaults.length should be > 0"); productVaults[_product] = _vaults; } function removeProduct(address _product) public onlyOwner() { require(_product != address(0), "_product is 0"); delete productVaults[_product]; } function addTokens(string memory _type, address[] memory _tokens) public onlyOwner() { require(_tokens.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); require(ADAPTER_REGISTRY.isValidTokenAdapter(_type), "Invalid token adapter name"); if (tokens[_type].length() == 0) { tokenTypes.push(_type); } _add(tokens[_type], _tokens); } function addProtocols(address[] memory _protocols) public onlyOwner() { require(_protocols.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); _add(protocols, _protocols); } function addEthProtocols(address[] memory _ethProtocols) public onlyOwner() { require(_ethProtocols.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); _add(ethProtocols, _ethProtocols); } function removeTokens(string memory _type, address[] memory _tokens) public onlyOwner() { require(_tokens.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); _remove(tokens[_type], _tokens); } function removeProtocols(address[] memory _protocols) public onlyOwner() { require(_protocols.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); _remove(protocols, _protocols); } function removeEthProtocols(address[] memory _ethProtocols) public onlyOwner() { require(_ethProtocols.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); _remove(ethProtocols, _ethProtocols); } function setTokenTypes(string[] memory _tokenTypes) public onlyOwner() { require(_tokenTypes.length > 0, "Length should be > 0"); tokenTypes = _tokenTypes; } // View functions function listTokens() external view returns (TypedToken[] memory) { uint256 tokenLength = tokenTypes.length; uint256 resultLength = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokenLength; i++) { resultLength += tokens[tokenTypes[i]].length(); } TypedToken[] memory result = new TypedToken[](resultLength); uint256 resultIndex = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokenLength; i++) { string memory tokenType = tokenTypes[i]; address[] memory typedTokens = _list(tokens[tokenType]); uint256 typedTokenLength = typedTokens.length; for (uint256 j = 0; j < typedTokenLength; j++) { result[resultIndex] = TypedToken(tokenType, typedTokens[j]); resultIndex++; } } return result; } function listTokens(string calldata _type) external view returns (address[] memory) { return _list(tokens[_type]); } function listProtocols() external view returns (address[] memory) { return _list(protocols); } function listEthProtocols() external view returns (address[] memory) { return _list(ethProtocols); } function getVaults(address _token) external view returns (address[] memory) { return productVaults[_token]; } // Internal functions function _add(EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage _set, address[] memory _addresses) internal { for (uint i = 0; i < _addresses.length; i++) { _set.add(_addresses[i]); } } function _remove(EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage _set, address[] memory _addresses) internal { for (uint i = 0; i < _addresses.length; i++) { _set.remove(_addresses[i]); } } function _list(EnumerableSet.AddressSet storage _set) internal view returns(address[] memory) { address[] memory result = new address[](_set.length()); for (uint i = 0; i < _set.length(); i++) { result[i] =; } return result; } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } }
[ 5, 12 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require( address(this).balance >= amount, 'Address: insufficient balance' ); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =''); require( success, 'Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted' ); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, 'Address: low-level call failed'); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue( target, data, value, 'Address: low-level call with value failed' ); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require( address(this).balance >= value, 'Address: insufficient balance for call' ); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage ) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), 'Address: call to non-contract'); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = data ); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract ERC20 is Context { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) public returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve( sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub( amount, 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance' ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub( subtractedValue, 'ERC20: decreased allowance below zero' ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) internal { require(sender != address(0), 'ERC20: transfer from the zero address'); require(recipient != address(0), 'ERC20: transfer to the zero address'); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub( amount, 'ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance' ); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), 'ERC20: mint to the zero address'); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0), 'ERC20: burn from the zero address'); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub( amount, 'ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance' ); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve( address owner, address spender, uint256 amount ) internal { require(owner != address(0), 'ERC20: approve from the zero address'); require(spender != address(0), 'ERC20: approve to the zero address'); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) internal {} /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor() internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), 'Ownable: caller is not the owner'); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { require( newOwner != address(0), 'Ownable: new owner is the zero address' ); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer( IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value ) internal { _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value) ); } function safeTransferFrom( IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value ) internal { _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value) ); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require( (value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), 'SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance' ); _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value) ); } function safeIncreaseAllowance( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add( value ); _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance ) ); } function safeDecreaseAllowance( IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value ) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub( value, 'SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero' ); _callOptionalReturn( token, abi.encodeWithSelector( token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance ) ); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall( data, 'SafeERC20: low-level call failed' ); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require( abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), 'SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed' ); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, 'SafeMath: addition overflow'); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, 'SafeMath: subtraction overflow'); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, 'SafeMath: multiplication overflow'); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, 'SafeMath: division by zero'); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, 'SafeMath: modulo by zero'); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod( uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage ) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IMigratorChef { // Perform LP token migration from legacy UniswapV2 to KatanaSwap. // Take the current LP token address and return the new LP token address. // Migrator should have full access to the caller's LP token. // Return the new LP token address. // // XXX Migrator must have allowance access to UniswapV2 LP tokens. // KatanaSwap must mint EXACTLY the same amount of KatanaSwap LP tokens or // else something bad will happen. Traditional UniswapV2 does not // do that so be careful! function migrate(IERC20 token) external returns (IERC20); } contract Samurai is Ownable { using SafeMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; // Info of each user. struct UserInfo { uint256 amount; // How many LP tokens the user has provided. uint256 rewardDebt; // Reward debt. See explanation below. // // We do some fancy math here. Basically, any point in time, the amount of KATANAs // entitled to a user but is pending to be distributed is: // // pending reward = (user.amount * pool.accPerShare) - user.rewardDebt // // Whenever a user deposits or withdraws LP tokens to a pool. Here's what happens: // 1. The pool's `accKatanaPerShare` (and `lastRewardBlock`) gets updated. // 2. User receives the pending reward sent to his/her address. // 3. User's `amount` gets updated. // 4. User's `rewardDebt` gets updated. } // Info of each pool. struct PoolInfo { IERC20 lpToken; // Address of LP token contract. uint256 allocPoint; // How many allocation points assigned to this pool. KATANAs to distribute per block. uint256 lastRewardBlock; // Last block number that KATANAs distribution occurs. uint256 accKatanaPerShare; // Accumulated KATANAs per share, times 1e12. See below. } // The KATANA TOKEN! KatanaToken public katana; // Dev address. address public devaddr; // Block number when bonus KATANA period ends. uint256 public bonusEndBlock; // KATANA tokens created per block. uint256 public katanaPerBlock; // Reward distribution end block uint256 public rewardsEndBlock; // Bonus muliplier for early katana makers. uint256 public constant BONUS_MULTIPLIER = 3; // The migrator contract. It has a lot of power. Can only be set through governance (owner). IMigratorChef public migrator; // Info of each pool. PoolInfo[] public poolInfo; mapping(address => bool) public lpTokenExistsInPool; // Info of each user that stakes LP tokens. mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => UserInfo)) public userInfo; // Total allocation poitns. Must be the sum of all allocation points in all pools. uint256 public totalAllocPoint = 0; // The block number when KATANA mining starts. uint256 public startBlock; uint256 public blockInAMonth = 97500; uint256 public halvePeriod = blockInAMonth; uint256 public lastHalveBlock; event Deposit(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount); event EmergencyWithdraw( address indexed user, uint256 indexed pid, uint256 amount ); event Halve(uint256 newKatanaPerBlock, uint256 nextHalveBlockNumber); constructor( KatanaToken _katana, address _devaddr, uint256 _katanaPerBlock, uint256 _startBlock, uint256 _bonusEndBlock, uint256 _rewardsEndBlock ) public { katana = _katana; devaddr = _devaddr; katanaPerBlock = _katanaPerBlock; bonusEndBlock = _bonusEndBlock; startBlock = _startBlock; lastHalveBlock = _startBlock; rewardsEndBlock = _rewardsEndBlock; } function doHalvingCheck(bool _withUpdate) public { uint256 blockNumber = min(block.number, rewardsEndBlock); bool doHalve = blockNumber > lastHalveBlock + halvePeriod; if (!doHalve) { return; } uint256 newKatanaPerBlock = katanaPerBlock.div(2); katanaPerBlock = newKatanaPerBlock; lastHalveBlock = blockNumber; emit Halve(newKatanaPerBlock, blockNumber + halvePeriod); if (_withUpdate) { massUpdatePools(); } } function poolLength() external view returns (uint256) { return poolInfo.length; } // Add a new lp to the pool. Can only be called by the owner. // XXX DO NOT add the same LP token more than once. Rewards will be messed up if you do. function add( uint256 _allocPoint, IERC20 _lpToken, bool _withUpdate ) public onlyOwner { require( !lpTokenExistsInPool[address(_lpToken)], 'Samurai: LP Token Address already exists in pool' ); if (_withUpdate) { massUpdatePools(); } uint256 blockNumber = min(block.number, rewardsEndBlock); uint256 lastRewardBlock = blockNumber > startBlock ? blockNumber : startBlock; totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint.add(_allocPoint); poolInfo.push( PoolInfo({ lpToken: _lpToken, allocPoint: _allocPoint, lastRewardBlock: lastRewardBlock, accKatanaPerShare: 0 }) ); lpTokenExistsInPool[address(_lpToken)] = true; } function updateLpTokenExists(address _lpTokenAddr, bool _isExists) external onlyOwner { lpTokenExistsInPool[_lpTokenAddr] = _isExists; } // Update the given pool's KATANA allocation point. Can only be called by the owner. function set( uint256 _pid, uint256 _allocPoint, bool _withUpdate ) public onlyOwner { if (_withUpdate) { massUpdatePools(); } totalAllocPoint = totalAllocPoint.sub(poolInfo[_pid].allocPoint).add( _allocPoint ); poolInfo[_pid].allocPoint = _allocPoint; } // Set the migrator contract. Can only be called by the owner. function setMigrator(IMigratorChef _migrator) public onlyOwner { migrator = _migrator; } function migrate(uint256 _pid) public onlyOwner { require( address(migrator) != address(0), 'Samurai: Address of migrator is null' ); PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid]; IERC20 lpToken = pool.lpToken; uint256 bal = lpToken.balanceOf(address(this)); lpToken.safeApprove(address(migrator), bal); IERC20 newLpToken = migrator.migrate(lpToken); require( !lpTokenExistsInPool[address(newLpToken)], 'Samurai: New LP Token Address already exists in pool' ); require( bal == newLpToken.balanceOf(address(this)), 'Samurai: New LP Token balance incorrect' ); pool.lpToken = newLpToken; lpTokenExistsInPool[address(newLpToken)] = true; } // Return reward multiplier over the given _from to _to block. function getMultiplier(uint256 _from, uint256 _to) public view returns (uint256) { if (_to <= bonusEndBlock) { return _to.sub(_from).mul(BONUS_MULTIPLIER); } else if (_from >= bonusEndBlock) { return _to.sub(_from); } else { return bonusEndBlock.sub(_from).mul(BONUS_MULTIPLIER).add( _to.sub(bonusEndBlock) ); } } // View function to see pending KATANAs on frontend. function pendingKatana(uint256 _pid, address _user) external view returns (uint256) { PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid]; UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][_user]; uint256 accKatanaPerShare = pool.accKatanaPerShare; uint256 blockNumber = min(block.number, rewardsEndBlock); uint256 lpSupply = pool.lpToken.balanceOf(address(this)); if (blockNumber > pool.lastRewardBlock && lpSupply != 0) { uint256 multiplier = getMultiplier( pool.lastRewardBlock, blockNumber ); uint256 katanaReward = multiplier .mul(katanaPerBlock) .mul(pool.allocPoint) .div(totalAllocPoint); accKatanaPerShare = accKatanaPerShare.add( katanaReward.mul(1e12).div(lpSupply) ); } return user.amount.mul(accKatanaPerShare).div(1e12).sub(user.rewardDebt); } // Update reward vairables for all pools. Be careful of gas spending! function massUpdatePools() public { uint256 length = poolInfo.length; for (uint256 pid = 0; pid < length; ++pid) { updatePool(pid); } } // Update reward variables of the given pool to be up-to-date. function updatePool(uint256 _pid) public { doHalvingCheck(false); PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid]; uint256 blockNumber = min(block.number, rewardsEndBlock); if (blockNumber <= pool.lastRewardBlock) { return; } uint256 lpSupply = pool.lpToken.balanceOf(address(this)); if (lpSupply == 0) { pool.lastRewardBlock = blockNumber; return; } uint256 multiplier = getMultiplier(pool.lastRewardBlock, blockNumber); uint256 katanaReward = multiplier .mul(katanaPerBlock) .mul(pool.allocPoint) .div(totalAllocPoint);, katanaReward.div(10));, katanaReward); pool.accKatanaPerShare = pool.accKatanaPerShare.add( katanaReward.mul(1e12).div(lpSupply) ); pool.lastRewardBlock = blockNumber; } // Deposit LP tokens to Samurai for KATANA allocation. function deposit(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount) public { PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid]; UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender]; updatePool(_pid); if (user.amount > 0) { uint256 pending = user .amount .mul(pool.accKatanaPerShare) .div(1e12) .sub(user.rewardDebt); safeKatanaTransfer(msg.sender, pending); } pool.lpToken.safeTransferFrom( address(msg.sender), address(this), _amount ); user.amount = user.amount.add(_amount); user.rewardDebt = user.amount.mul(pool.accKatanaPerShare).div(1e12); emit Deposit(msg.sender, _pid, _amount); } // Withdraw LP tokens from Samurai. function withdraw(uint256 _pid, uint256 _amount) public { PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid]; UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender]; require( user.amount >= _amount, 'Samurai: Insufficient Amount to withdraw' ); updatePool(_pid); uint256 pending = user.amount.mul(pool.accKatanaPerShare).div(1e12).sub( user.rewardDebt ); safeKatanaTransfer(msg.sender, pending); user.amount = user.amount.sub(_amount); user.rewardDebt = user.amount.mul(pool.accKatanaPerShare).div(1e12); pool.lpToken.safeTransfer(address(msg.sender), _amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, _pid, _amount); } // Withdraw without caring about rewards. EMERGENCY ONLY. function emergencyWithdraw(uint256 _pid) public { PoolInfo storage pool = poolInfo[_pid]; UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_pid][msg.sender]; pool.lpToken.safeTransfer(address(msg.sender), user.amount); emit EmergencyWithdraw(msg.sender, _pid, user.amount); user.amount = 0; user.rewardDebt = 0; } // Safe katana transfer function, just in case if rounding error causes pool to not have enough KATANAs. function safeKatanaTransfer(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal { uint256 katanaBal = katana.balanceOf(address(this)); if (_amount > katanaBal) { katana.transfer(_to, katanaBal); } else { katana.transfer(_to, _amount); } } function isRewardsActive() public view returns (bool) { return rewardsEndBlock > block.number; } function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) public view returns (uint256) { if (a > b) { return b; } return a; } // Update dev address by the previous dev. function dev(address _devaddr) public { require( msg.sender == devaddr, 'Samurai: Sender is not the developer' ); devaddr = _devaddr; } } contract KatanaToken is ERC20('KatanaToken', 'KATANA'), Ownable { /// @notice Creates `_amount` token to `_to`. Must only be called by the owner (MasterChef). function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner { _mint(_to, _amount); _moveDelegates(address(0), _delegates[_to], _amount); } // Copied and modified from YAM code: // // // Which is copied and modified from COMPOUND: // /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping(address => address) internal _delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256( 'EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)' ); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256( 'Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)' ); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping(address => uint256) public nonces; /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged( address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate ); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged( address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance ); /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegator The address to get delegatee for */ function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address) { return _delegates[delegator]; } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to */ function delegate(address delegatee) external { return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature * @param v The recovery byte of the signature * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair */ function delegateBySig( address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name())), address(this)) ); bytes32 structHash = keccak256( abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry) ); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked('\x19\x01', domainSeparator, structHash) ); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require( signatory != address(0), 'KATANA::delegateBySig: invalid signature' ); require( nonce == nonces[signatory]++, 'KATANA::delegateBySig: invalid nonce' ); require(now <= expiry, 'KATANA::delegateBySig: signature expired'); return _delegate(signatory, delegatee); } /** * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account` * @param account The address to get votes balance * @return The number of current votes for `account` */ function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) { uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0; } /** * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation. * @param account The address of the account to check * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256) { require( blockNumber < block.number, 'KATANA::getPriorVotes: not yet determined' ); uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; if (nCheckpoints == 0) { return 0; } // First check most recent balance if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) { return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes; } // Next check implicit zero balance if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) { return 0; } uint32 lower = 0; uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1; while (upper > lower) { uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center]; if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) { return cp.votes; } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) { lower = center; } else { upper = center - 1; } } return checkpoints[account][lower].votes; } function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal { address currentDelegate = _delegates[delegator]; uint256 delegatorBalance = balanceOf(delegator); // balance of underlying KATANAs (not scaled); _delegates[delegator] = delegatee; emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee); _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance); } function _moveDelegates( address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount ) internal { if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) { if (srcRep != address(0)) { // decrease old representative uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep]; uint256 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 srcRepNew = srcRepOld.sub(amount); _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew); } if (dstRep != address(0)) { // increase new representative uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep]; uint256 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 dstRepNew = dstRepOld.add(amount); _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew); } } } function _writeCheckpoint( address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint256 oldVotes, uint256 newVotes ) internal { uint32 blockNumber = safe32( block.number, 'KATANA::_writeCheckpoint: block number exceeds 32 bits' ); if ( nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber ) { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes; } else { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint( blockNumber, newVotes ); numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1; } emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes); } function safe32(uint256 n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 990000000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint256 pow10 = 10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_collateralAddress)); // fetch all needed data (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance * pow10, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLTV); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return wdiv(totalCollateralETH, collateralPrice) / pow10; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLTV, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLTV)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLTV) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice) / pow10, NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } function getMaxBoost(address _borrowAddress, address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); totalCollateralETH = div(mul(totalCollateralETH, currentLTV), 100); uint256 availableBorrowsETH = wmul(mul(div(sub(totalCollateralETH, totalBorrowsETH), sub(100, tokenLTV)), 100), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_tokenAddr))); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost for transaction /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return gasCost The amount we took for the gas cost function getGasCost(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint gasCost) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); gasCost = _gasCost; } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (gasCost > (_amount / 5)) { gasCost = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(gasCost); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, gasCost); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_amount == 0) return; if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function _getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) return uint256(0); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } function proxyOwner() internal returns(address) { return DSAuth(address(this)).owner(); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract CreamSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEther) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToEther, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CreamSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the cream debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the cream position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInEth == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cCollAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { if (liquidityInEth > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); } uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); if (liquidityInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cBorrowAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CreamBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; function balanceOf(address _owner) external virtual view returns (uint256 balance); } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public virtual returns (uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); if (originationFee > 0) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(_onBehalf, originationFee); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 borrowRateStable; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 liquidationRatio; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv, uint256 liqRatio, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRateStable: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, liquidationRatio: liqRatio, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x29F4af15ad64C509c4140324cFE71FB728D10d2B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x11c937fD367D75465DC211c367684d8d4520E6f9; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract CreamBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the cream protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the cream market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the cream market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CreamLoanInfo is CreamSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches cream prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches cream collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEth) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToEth, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CreamImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant CREAM_BORROW_PROXY = 0x87F198Ef6116CdBC5f36B581d212ad950b7e2Ddd; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay cream debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(CREAM_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CreamImportTaker is CreamSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x24F4aC0Fe758c45cf8425D8Fbdd608cca9A7dBf8; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve cream_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } /// @notice Calculates protocol fee /// @param _srcAddr selling token address (if eth should be WETH) /// @param _msgValue msg.value in transaction /// @param _srcAmount amount we are selling function getProtocolFee(address _srcAddr, uint256 _msgValue, uint256 _srcAmount) internal returns(uint256) { // if we are not selling ETH msg value is always the protocol fee if (_srcAddr != WETH_ADDRESS) return _msgValue; // if msg value is larger than srcAmount, that means that msg value is protocol fee + srcAmount, so we subsctract srcAmount from msg value // we have an edge case here when protocol fee is higher than selling amount if (_msgValue > _srcAmount) return _msgValue - _srcAmount; // if msg value is lower than src amount, that means that srcAmount isn't included in msg value, so we return msg value return _msgValue; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount); rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount)); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(_destAmount, amounts[0]); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount)); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount || maxLiq == 0) { if (_exchangeData.srcAmount > maxDebt) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = maxDebt; } boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount || maxLiq == 0) { if (_exchangeData.srcAmount > maxColl) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = maxColl; } repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else if (_joinAddr == DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], _amount, numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public payable burnGas(20) { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { _loanShift.debtAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.debtAddr1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); loanShifterReceiverAddr.transfer(address(this).balance); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), _loanShift.debtAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return getWholeDebt(_cdpId, _joinAddr); } function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); uint256 maxCollateral = IAToken(aTokenCollateral).balanceOf(address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); uint256 destAmount = _data.srcAmount; if (_data.srcAddr != _data.destAddr) { // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } else { destAmount -= getGasCost(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBoost(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, borrowRateMode == 0 ? VARIABLE_RATE : borrowRateMode, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); uint256 destAmount; if (_data.destAddr != _data.srcAddr) { _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); } else { _data.srcAmount -= getGasCost(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); destAmount = _data.srcAmount; } if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract AaveSaverReceiver is AaveHelper, AdminAuth, SaverExchangeCore { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant AAVE_SAVER_PROXY = 0x948939aB1b2532C67C71292B1f955b081537c60f; address public constant AAVE_BASIC_PROXY = 0xd042D4E9B4186c545648c7FfFe87125c976D110B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( bytes memory exchangeDataBytes, uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 txValue, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (bytes,uint256,bool,uint256,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); bytes memory functionData = packFunctionCall(exchangeDataBytes, gasCost, isRepay); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: txValue}(AAVE_SAVER_PROXY, functionData); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } function packFunctionCall(bytes memory _exchangeDataBytes, uint256 _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal returns (bytes memory) { ExchangeData memory exData = unpackExchangeData(_exchangeDataBytes); bytes memory functionData; if (_isRepay) { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } else { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } return functionData; } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external override payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveSaverTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission, GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_RECEIVER = 0xE7f4837F4E566eCA870b84E3455E5c85A369E3Ec; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, true); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, false); } /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction function _flashLoan(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); uint256 ethAmount = ERC20(WETH_ADDR).balanceOf(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, ethAmount, AAVE_RECEIVER); AAVE_RECEIVER.transfer(msg.value); bytes memory encodedData = packExchangeData(_data); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(encodedData, _gasCost, _isRepay, ethAmount, msg.value, proxyOwner(), address(this)), AAVE_RECEIVER ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} struct CompCreateData { address payable proxyAddr; bytes proxyData; address cCollAddr; address cDebtAddr; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address leveragedAsset = _reserve; // If the assets are different if (compCreate.cCollAddr != compCreate.cDebtAddr) { (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, compCreate.proxyAddr); leveragedAsset = exchangeData.destAddr; } // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(compCreate.proxyAddr, leveragedAsset); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(compCreate.proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, compCreate.proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); compCreate = CompCreateData({ proxyAddr: payable(proxy), proxyData: proxyData, cCollAddr: cAddresses[0], cDebtAddr: cAddresses[1] }); return (compCreate, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { _exData.srcAmount = collAmount; (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract CreamSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0x1e012554891d271eDc80ba8eB146EA5FF596fA51; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CreamSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CreamSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CreamSaverProxy is CreamSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } } contract CreamFlashLoanTaker is CreamSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x3ceD2067c0B057611e4E2686Dbe40028962Cc625; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.0; library AdditionalMath { using SafeMath for uint256; function max16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @notice Division and ceil */ function divCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (a.add(b) - 1) / b; } /** * @dev Adds signed value to unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function addSigned(uint256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (b >= 0) { return a.add(uint256(b)); } else { return a.sub(uint256(-b)); } } /** * @dev Subtracts signed value from unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function subSigned(uint256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (b >= 0) { return a.sub(uint256(b)); } else { return a.add(uint256(-b)); } } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul32(uint32 a, uint32 b) internal pure returns (uint32) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint32 c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { uint16 c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds signed value to unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function addSigned16(uint16 a, int16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { if (b >= 0) { return add16(a, uint16(b)); } else { return sub16(a, uint16(-b)); } } /** * @dev Subtracts signed value from unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function subSigned16(uint16 a, int16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { if (b >= 0) { return sub16(a, uint16(b)); } else { return add16(a, uint16(-b)); } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library Bits { uint256 internal constant ONE = uint256(1); /** * @notice Sets the bit at the given 'index' in 'self' to: * '1' - if the bit is '0' * '0' - if the bit is '1' * @return The modified value */ function toggleBit(uint256 self, uint8 index) internal pure returns (uint256) { return self ^ ONE << index; } /** * @notice Get the value of the bit at the given 'index' in 'self'. */ function bit(uint256 self, uint8 index) internal pure returns (uint8) { return uint8(self >> index & 1); } /** * @notice Check if the bit at the given 'index' in 'self' is set. * @return 'true' - if the value of the bit is '1', * 'false' - if the value of the bit is '0' */ function bitSet(uint256 self, uint8 index) internal pure returns (bool) { return self >> index & 1 == 1; } } interface IERC20 { function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IERC900History { function totalStakedForAt(address addr, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function totalStakedAt(uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function supportsHistory() external pure returns (bool); } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Calculates the average of two numbers. Since these are integers, * averages of an even and odd number cannot be represented, and will be * rounded down. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } interface TokenRecipient { /** * @notice Receives a notification of approval of the transfer * @param _from Sender of approval * @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent * @param _tokenContract Address of the token contract * @param _extraData Extra data */ function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes calldata _extraData) external; } abstract contract Ownable { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender * account. */ constructor () { _owner = msg.sender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner); } /** * @return the address of the owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(isOwner()); _; } /** * @return true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract. */ function isOwner() public view returns (bool) { return msg.sender == _owner; } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0)); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { require(token.transfer(to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { require(token.transferFrom(from, to, value)); } function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(msg.sender, spender) == 0)); require(token.approve(spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); require(token.approve(spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value); require(token.approve(spender, newAllowance)); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two unsigned integers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Adds two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev Divides two unsigned integers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo), * reverts when dividing by zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0); return a % b; } } library Snapshot { function encodeSnapshot(uint32 _time, uint96 _value) internal pure returns(uint128) { return uint128(uint256(_time) << 96 | uint256(_value)); } function decodeSnapshot(uint128 _snapshot) internal pure returns(uint32 time, uint96 value){ time = uint32(bytes4(bytes16(_snapshot))); value = uint96(_snapshot); } function addSnapshot(uint128[] storage _self, uint256 _value) internal { addSnapshot(_self, block.number, _value); } function addSnapshot(uint128[] storage _self, uint256 _time, uint256 _value) internal { uint256 length = _self.length; if (length != 0) { (uint32 currentTime, ) = decodeSnapshot(_self[length - 1]); if (uint32(_time) == currentTime) { _self[length - 1] = encodeSnapshot(uint32(_time), uint96(_value)); return; } else if (uint32(_time) < currentTime){ revert(); } } _self.push(encodeSnapshot(uint32(_time), uint96(_value))); } function lastSnapshot(uint128[] storage _self) internal view returns (uint32, uint96) { uint256 length = _self.length; if (length > 0) { return decodeSnapshot(_self[length - 1]); } return (0, 0); } function lastValue(uint128[] storage _self) internal view returns (uint96) { (, uint96 value) = lastSnapshot(_self); return value; } function getValueAt(uint128[] storage _self, uint256 _time256) internal view returns (uint96) { uint32 _time = uint32(_time256); uint256 length = _self.length; // Short circuit if there's no checkpoints yet // Note that this also lets us avoid using SafeMath later on, as we've established that // there must be at least one checkpoint if (length == 0) { return 0; } // Check last checkpoint uint256 lastIndex = length - 1; (uint32 snapshotTime, uint96 snapshotValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[length - 1]); if (_time >= snapshotTime) { return snapshotValue; } // Check first checkpoint (if not already checked with the above check on last) (snapshotTime, snapshotValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[0]); if (length == 1 || _time < snapshotTime) { return 0; } // Do binary search // As we've already checked both ends, we don't need to check the last checkpoint again uint256 low = 0; uint256 high = lastIndex - 1; uint32 midTime; uint96 midValue; while (high > low) { uint256 mid = (high + low + 1) / 2; // average, ceil round (midTime, midValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[mid]); if (_time > midTime) { low = mid; } else if (_time < midTime) { // Note that we don't need SafeMath here because mid must always be greater than 0 // from the while condition high = mid - 1; } else { // _time == midTime return midValue; } } (, snapshotValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[low]); return snapshotValue; } } interface PolicyManagerInterface { function register(address _node, uint16 _period) external; function updateFee(address _node, uint16 _period) external; function escrow() external view returns (address); function setDefaultFeeDelta(address _node, uint16 _period) external; } interface AdjudicatorInterface { function escrow() external view returns (address); } interface WorkLockInterface { function escrow() external view returns (address); } abstract contract Upgradeable is Ownable { event StateVerified(address indexed testTarget, address sender); event UpgradeFinished(address indexed target, address sender); /** * @dev Contracts at the target must reserve the same location in storage for this address as in Dispatcher * Stored data actually lives in the Dispatcher * However the storage layout is specified here in the implementing contracts */ address public target; /** * @dev Previous contract address (if available). Used for rollback */ address public previousTarget; /** * @dev Upgrade status. Explicit `uint8` type is used instead of `bool` to save gas by excluding 0 value */ uint8 public isUpgrade; /** * @dev Guarantees that next slot will be separated from the previous */ uint256 stubSlot; /** * @dev Constants for `isUpgrade` field */ uint8 constant UPGRADE_FALSE = 1; uint8 constant UPGRADE_TRUE = 2; /** * @dev Checks that function executed while upgrading * Recommended to add to `verifyState` and `finishUpgrade` methods */ modifier onlyWhileUpgrading() { require(isUpgrade == UPGRADE_TRUE); _; } /** * @dev Method for verifying storage state. * Should check that new target contract returns right storage value */ function verifyState(address _testTarget) public virtual onlyWhileUpgrading { emit StateVerified(_testTarget, msg.sender); } /** * @dev Copy values from the new target to the current storage * @param _target New target contract address */ function finishUpgrade(address _target) public virtual onlyWhileUpgrading { emit UpgradeFinished(_target, msg.sender); } /** * @dev Base method to get data * @param _target Target to call * @param _selector Method selector * @param _numberOfArguments Number of used arguments * @param _argument1 First method argument * @param _argument2 Second method argument * @return memoryAddress Address in memory where the data is located */ function delegateGetData( address _target, bytes4 _selector, uint8 _numberOfArguments, bytes32 _argument1, bytes32 _argument2 ) internal returns (bytes32 memoryAddress) { assembly { memoryAddress := mload(0x40) mstore(memoryAddress, _selector) if gt(_numberOfArguments, 0) { mstore(add(memoryAddress, 0x04), _argument1) } if gt(_numberOfArguments, 1) { mstore(add(memoryAddress, 0x24), _argument2) } switch delegatecall(gas(), _target, memoryAddress, add(0x04, mul(0x20, _numberOfArguments)), 0, 0) case 0 { revert(memoryAddress, 0) } default { returndatacopy(memoryAddress, 0x0, returndatasize()) } } } /** * @dev Call "getter" without parameters. * Result should not exceed 32 bytes */ function delegateGet(address _target, bytes4 _selector) internal returns (uint256 result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, _selector, 0, 0, 0); assembly { result := mload(memoryAddress) } } /** * @dev Call "getter" with one parameter. * Result should not exceed 32 bytes */ function delegateGet(address _target, bytes4 _selector, bytes32 _argument) internal returns (uint256 result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, _selector, 1, _argument, 0); assembly { result := mload(memoryAddress) } } /** * @dev Call "getter" with two parameters. * Result should not exceed 32 bytes */ function delegateGet( address _target, bytes4 _selector, bytes32 _argument1, bytes32 _argument2 ) internal returns (uint256 result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, _selector, 2, _argument1, _argument2); assembly { result := mload(memoryAddress) } } } contract WorkLock is Ownable { using SafeERC20 for NuCypherToken; using SafeMath for uint256; using AdditionalMath for uint256; using Address for address payable; using Address for address; event Deposited(address indexed sender, uint256 value); event Bid(address indexed sender, uint256 depositedETH); event Claimed(address indexed sender, uint256 claimedTokens); event Refund(address indexed sender, uint256 refundETH, uint256 completedWork); event Canceled(address indexed sender, uint256 value); event BiddersChecked(address indexed sender, uint256 startIndex, uint256 endIndex); event ForceRefund(address indexed sender, address indexed bidder, uint256 refundETH); event CompensationWithdrawn(address indexed sender, uint256 value); event Shutdown(address indexed sender); struct WorkInfo { uint256 depositedETH; uint256 completedWork; bool claimed; uint128 index; } uint16 public constant SLOWING_REFUND = 100; uint256 private constant MAX_ETH_SUPPLY = 2e10 ether; NuCypherToken public immutable token; StakingEscrow public immutable escrow; /* * @dev WorkLock calculations: * bid = minBid + bonusETHPart * bonusTokenSupply = tokenSupply - bidders.length * minAllowableLockedTokens * bonusDepositRate = bonusTokenSupply / bonusETHSupply * claimedTokens = minAllowableLockedTokens + bonusETHPart * bonusDepositRate * bonusRefundRate = bonusDepositRate * SLOWING_REFUND / boostingRefund * refundETH = completedWork / refundRate */ uint256 public immutable boostingRefund; uint256 public immutable minAllowedBid; uint16 public immutable stakingPeriods; // copy from the escrow contract uint256 public immutable maxAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 public immutable minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 public tokenSupply; uint256 public startBidDate; uint256 public endBidDate; uint256 public endCancellationDate; uint256 public bonusETHSupply; mapping(address => WorkInfo) public workInfo; mapping(address => uint256) public compensation; address[] public bidders; // if value == bidders.length then WorkLock is fully checked uint256 public nextBidderToCheck; /** * @dev Checks timestamp regarding cancellation window */ modifier afterCancellationWindow() { require(block.timestamp >= endCancellationDate, "Operation is allowed when cancellation phase is over"); _; } /** * @param _token Token contract * @param _escrow Escrow contract * @param _startBidDate Timestamp when bidding starts * @param _endBidDate Timestamp when bidding will end * @param _endCancellationDate Timestamp when cancellation will ends * @param _boostingRefund Coefficient to boost refund ETH * @param _stakingPeriods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked after claiming * @param _minAllowedBid Minimum allowed ETH amount for bidding */ constructor( NuCypherToken _token, StakingEscrow _escrow, uint256 _startBidDate, uint256 _endBidDate, uint256 _endCancellationDate, uint256 _boostingRefund, uint16 _stakingPeriods, uint256 _minAllowedBid ) { uint256 totalSupply = _token.totalSupply(); require(totalSupply > 0 && // token contract is deployed and accessible _escrow.secondsPerPeriod() > 0 && // escrow contract is deployed and accessible _escrow.token() == _token && // same token address for worklock and escrow _endBidDate > _startBidDate && // bidding period lasts some time _endBidDate > block.timestamp && // there is time to make a bid _endCancellationDate >= _endBidDate && // cancellation window includes bidding _minAllowedBid > 0 && // min allowed bid was set _boostingRefund > 0 && // boosting coefficient was set _stakingPeriods >= _escrow.minLockedPeriods()); // staking duration is consistent with escrow contract // worst case for `ethToWork()` and `workToETH()`, // when ethSupply == MAX_ETH_SUPPLY and tokenSupply == totalSupply require(MAX_ETH_SUPPLY * totalSupply * SLOWING_REFUND / MAX_ETH_SUPPLY / totalSupply == SLOWING_REFUND && MAX_ETH_SUPPLY * totalSupply * _boostingRefund / MAX_ETH_SUPPLY / totalSupply == _boostingRefund); token = _token; escrow = _escrow; startBidDate = _startBidDate; endBidDate = _endBidDate; endCancellationDate = _endCancellationDate; boostingRefund = _boostingRefund; stakingPeriods = _stakingPeriods; minAllowedBid = _minAllowedBid; maxAllowableLockedTokens = _escrow.maxAllowableLockedTokens(); minAllowableLockedTokens = _escrow.minAllowableLockedTokens(); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens to contract * @param _value Amount of tokens to transfer */ function tokenDeposit(uint256 _value) external { require(block.timestamp < endBidDate, "Can't deposit more tokens after end of bidding"); token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _value); tokenSupply += _value; emit Deposited(msg.sender, _value); } /** * @notice Calculate amount of tokens that will be get for specified amount of ETH * @dev This value will be fixed only after end of bidding */ function ethToTokens(uint256 _ethAmount) public view returns (uint256) { if (_ethAmount < minAllowedBid) { return 0; } // when all participants bid with the same minimum amount of eth if (bonusETHSupply == 0) { return tokenSupply / bidders.length; } uint256 bonusETH = _ethAmount - minAllowedBid; uint256 bonusTokenSupply = tokenSupply - bidders.length * minAllowableLockedTokens; return minAllowableLockedTokens + bonusETH.mul(bonusTokenSupply).div(bonusETHSupply); } /** * @notice Calculate amount of work that need to be done to refund specified amount of ETH */ function ethToWork(uint256 _ethAmount, uint256 _tokenSupply, uint256 _ethSupply) internal view returns (uint256) { return _ethAmount.mul(_tokenSupply).mul(SLOWING_REFUND).divCeil(_ethSupply.mul(boostingRefund)); } /** * @notice Calculate amount of work that need to be done to refund specified amount of ETH * @dev This value will be fixed only after end of bidding * @param _ethToReclaim Specified sum of ETH staker wishes to reclaim following completion of work * @param _restOfDepositedETH Remaining ETH in staker's deposit once ethToReclaim sum has been subtracted * @dev _ethToReclaim + _restOfDepositedETH = depositedETH */ function ethToWork(uint256 _ethToReclaim, uint256 _restOfDepositedETH) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 baseETHSupply = bidders.length * minAllowedBid; // when all participants bid with the same minimum amount of eth if (bonusETHSupply == 0) { return ethToWork(_ethToReclaim, tokenSupply, baseETHSupply); } uint256 baseETH = 0; uint256 bonusETH = 0; // If the staker's total remaining deposit (including the specified sum of ETH to reclaim) // is lower than the minimum bid size, // then only the base part is used to calculate the work required to reclaim ETH if (_ethToReclaim + _restOfDepositedETH <= minAllowedBid) { baseETH = _ethToReclaim; // If the staker's remaining deposit (not including the specified sum of ETH to reclaim) // is still greater than the minimum bid size, // then only the bonus part is used to calculate the work required to reclaim ETH } else if (_restOfDepositedETH >= minAllowedBid) { bonusETH = _ethToReclaim; // If the staker's remaining deposit (not including the specified sum of ETH to reclaim) // is lower than the minimum bid size, // then both the base and bonus parts must be used to calculate the work required to reclaim ETH } else { bonusETH = _ethToReclaim + _restOfDepositedETH - minAllowedBid; baseETH = _ethToReclaim - bonusETH; } uint256 baseTokenSupply = bidders.length * minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 work = 0; if (baseETH > 0) { work = ethToWork(baseETH, baseTokenSupply, baseETHSupply); } if (bonusETH > 0) { uint256 bonusTokenSupply = tokenSupply - baseTokenSupply; work += ethToWork(bonusETH, bonusTokenSupply, bonusETHSupply); } return work; } /** * @notice Calculate amount of work that need to be done to refund specified amount of ETH * @dev This value will be fixed only after end of bidding */ function ethToWork(uint256 _ethAmount) public view returns (uint256) { return ethToWork(_ethAmount, 0); } /** * @notice Calculate amount of ETH that will be refund for completing specified amount of work */ function workToETH(uint256 _completedWork, uint256 _ethSupply, uint256 _tokenSupply) internal view returns (uint256) { return _completedWork.mul(_ethSupply).mul(boostingRefund).div(_tokenSupply.mul(SLOWING_REFUND)); } /** * @notice Calculate amount of ETH that will be refund for completing specified amount of work * @dev This value will be fixed only after end of bidding */ function workToETH(uint256 _completedWork, uint256 _depositedETH) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 baseETHSupply = bidders.length * minAllowedBid; // when all participants bid with the same minimum amount of eth if (bonusETHSupply == 0) { return workToETH(_completedWork, baseETHSupply, tokenSupply); } uint256 bonusWork = 0; uint256 bonusETH = 0; uint256 baseTokenSupply = bidders.length * minAllowableLockedTokens; if (_depositedETH > minAllowedBid) { bonusETH = _depositedETH - minAllowedBid; uint256 bonusTokenSupply = tokenSupply - baseTokenSupply; bonusWork = ethToWork(bonusETH, bonusTokenSupply, bonusETHSupply); if (_completedWork <= bonusWork) { return workToETH(_completedWork, bonusETHSupply, bonusTokenSupply); } } _completedWork -= bonusWork; return bonusETH + workToETH(_completedWork, baseETHSupply, baseTokenSupply); } /** * @notice Get remaining work to full refund */ function getRemainingWork(address _bidder) external view returns (uint256) { WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[_bidder]; uint256 completedWork = escrow.getCompletedWork(_bidder).sub(info.completedWork); uint256 remainingWork = ethToWork(info.depositedETH); if (remainingWork <= completedWork) { return 0; } return remainingWork - completedWork; } /** * @notice Get length of bidders array */ function getBiddersLength() external view returns (uint256) { return bidders.length; } /** * @notice Bid for tokens by transferring ETH */ function bid() external payable { require(block.timestamp >= startBidDate, "Bidding is not open yet"); require(block.timestamp < endBidDate, "Bidding is already finished"); WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[msg.sender]; // first bid if (info.depositedETH == 0) { require(msg.value >= minAllowedBid, "Bid must be at least minimum"); require(bidders.length < tokenSupply / minAllowableLockedTokens, "Not enough tokens for more bidders"); info.index = uint128(bidders.length); bidders.push(msg.sender); bonusETHSupply = bonusETHSupply.add(msg.value - minAllowedBid); } else { bonusETHSupply = bonusETHSupply.add(msg.value); } info.depositedETH = info.depositedETH.add(msg.value); emit Bid(msg.sender, msg.value); } /** * @notice Cancel bid and refund deposited ETH */ function cancelBid() external { require(block.timestamp < endCancellationDate, "Cancellation allowed only during cancellation window"); WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[msg.sender]; require(info.depositedETH > 0, "No bid to cancel"); require(!info.claimed, "Tokens are already claimed"); uint256 refundETH = info.depositedETH; info.depositedETH = 0; // remove from bidders array, move last bidder to the empty place uint256 lastIndex = bidders.length - 1; if (info.index != lastIndex) { address lastBidder = bidders[lastIndex]; bidders[info.index] = lastBidder; workInfo[lastBidder].index = info.index; } bidders.pop(); if (refundETH > minAllowedBid) { bonusETHSupply = bonusETHSupply.sub(refundETH - minAllowedBid); } msg.sender.sendValue(refundETH); emit Canceled(msg.sender, refundETH); } /** * @notice Cancels distribution, makes possible to retrieve all bids and owner gets all tokens */ function shutdown() external onlyOwner { require(!isClaimingAvailable(), "Claiming has already been enabled"); internalShutdown(); } /** * @notice Cancels distribution, makes possible to retrieve all bids and owner gets all tokens */ function internalShutdown() internal { startBidDate = 0; endBidDate = 0; endCancellationDate = uint256(0) - 1; // "infinite" cancellation window token.safeTransfer(owner(), tokenSupply); emit Shutdown(msg.sender); } /** * @notice Make force refund to bidders who can get tokens more than maximum allowed * @param _biddersForRefund Sorted list of unique bidders. Only bidders who must receive a refund */ function forceRefund(address payable[] calldata _biddersForRefund) external afterCancellationWindow { require(nextBidderToCheck != bidders.length, "Bidders have already been checked"); uint256 length = _biddersForRefund.length; require(length > 0, "Must be at least one bidder for a refund"); uint256 minNumberOfBidders = tokenSupply.divCeil(maxAllowableLockedTokens); if (bidders.length < minNumberOfBidders) { internalShutdown(); return; } address previousBidder = _biddersForRefund[0]; uint256 minBid = workInfo[previousBidder].depositedETH; uint256 maxBid = minBid; // get minimum and maximum bids for (uint256 i = 1; i < length; i++) { address bidder = _biddersForRefund[i]; uint256 depositedETH = workInfo[bidder].depositedETH; require(bidder > previousBidder && depositedETH > 0, "Addresses must be an array of unique bidders"); if (minBid > depositedETH) { minBid = depositedETH; } else if (maxBid < depositedETH) { maxBid = depositedETH; } previousBidder = bidder; } uint256[] memory refunds = new uint256[](length); // first step - align at a minimum bid if (minBid != maxBid) { for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { address bidder = _biddersForRefund[i]; WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[bidder]; if (info.depositedETH > minBid) { refunds[i] = info.depositedETH - minBid; info.depositedETH = minBid; bonusETHSupply -= refunds[i]; } } } require(ethToTokens(minBid) > maxAllowableLockedTokens, "At least one of bidders has allowable bid"); // final bids adjustment (only for bonus part) // (min_whale_bid * token_supply - max_stake * eth_supply) / (token_supply - max_stake * n_whales) uint256 maxBonusTokens = maxAllowableLockedTokens - minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 minBonusETH = minBid - minAllowedBid; uint256 bonusTokenSupply = tokenSupply - bidders.length * minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 refundETH = minBonusETH.mul(bonusTokenSupply) .sub(maxBonusTokens.mul(bonusETHSupply)) .divCeil(bonusTokenSupply - maxBonusTokens.mul(length)); uint256 resultBid = minBid.sub(refundETH); bonusETHSupply -= length * refundETH; for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { address bidder = _biddersForRefund[i]; WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[bidder]; refunds[i] += refundETH; info.depositedETH = resultBid; } // reset verification nextBidderToCheck = 0; // save a refund for (uint256 i = 0; i < length; i++) { address bidder = _biddersForRefund[i]; compensation[bidder] += refunds[i]; emit ForceRefund(msg.sender, bidder, refunds[i]); } } /** * @notice Withdraw compensation after force refund */ function withdrawCompensation() external { uint256 refund = compensation[msg.sender]; require(refund > 0, "There is no compensation"); compensation[msg.sender] = 0; msg.sender.sendValue(refund); emit CompensationWithdrawn(msg.sender, refund); } /** * @notice Check that the claimed tokens are within `maxAllowableLockedTokens` for all participants, * starting from the last point `nextBidderToCheck` * @dev Method stops working when the remaining gas is less than `_gasToSaveState` * and saves the state in `nextBidderToCheck`. * If all bidders have been checked then `nextBidderToCheck` will be equal to the length of the bidders array */ function verifyBiddingCorrectness(uint256 _gasToSaveState) external afterCancellationWindow returns (uint256) { require(nextBidderToCheck != bidders.length, "Bidders have already been checked"); // all participants bid with the same minimum amount of eth uint256 index = nextBidderToCheck; if (bonusETHSupply == 0) { require(tokenSupply / bidders.length <= maxAllowableLockedTokens, "Not enough bidders"); index = bidders.length; } uint256 maxBonusTokens = maxAllowableLockedTokens - minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 bonusTokenSupply = tokenSupply - bidders.length * minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 maxBidFromMaxStake = minAllowedBid + maxBonusTokens.mul(bonusETHSupply).div(bonusTokenSupply); while (index < bidders.length && gasleft() > _gasToSaveState) { address bidder = bidders[index]; require(workInfo[bidder].depositedETH <= maxBidFromMaxStake, "Bid is greater than max allowable bid"); index++; } if (index != nextBidderToCheck) { emit BiddersChecked(msg.sender, nextBidderToCheck, index); nextBidderToCheck = index; } return nextBidderToCheck; } /** * @notice Checks if claiming available */ function isClaimingAvailable() public view returns (bool) { return block.timestamp >= endCancellationDate && nextBidderToCheck == bidders.length; } /** * @notice Claimed tokens will be deposited and locked as stake in the StakingEscrow contract. */ function claim() external returns (uint256 claimedTokens) { require(isClaimingAvailable(), "Claiming has not been enabled yet"); WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[msg.sender]; require(!info.claimed, "Tokens are already claimed"); claimedTokens = ethToTokens(info.depositedETH); require(claimedTokens > 0, "Nothing to claim"); info.claimed = true; token.approve(address(escrow), claimedTokens); escrow.depositFromWorkLock(msg.sender, claimedTokens, stakingPeriods); info.completedWork = escrow.setWorkMeasurement(msg.sender, true); emit Claimed(msg.sender, claimedTokens); } /** * @notice Get available refund for bidder */ function getAvailableRefund(address _bidder) public view returns (uint256) { WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[_bidder]; // nothing to refund if (info.depositedETH == 0) { return 0; } uint256 currentWork = escrow.getCompletedWork(_bidder); uint256 completedWork = currentWork.sub(info.completedWork); // no work that has been completed since last refund if (completedWork == 0) { return 0; } uint256 refundETH = workToETH(completedWork, info.depositedETH); if (refundETH > info.depositedETH) { refundETH = info.depositedETH; } return refundETH; } /** * @notice Refund ETH for the completed work */ function refund() external returns (uint256 refundETH) { WorkInfo storage info = workInfo[msg.sender]; require(info.claimed, "Tokens must be claimed before refund"); refundETH = getAvailableRefund(msg.sender); require(refundETH > 0, "Nothing to refund: there is no ETH to refund or no completed work"); if (refundETH == info.depositedETH) { escrow.setWorkMeasurement(msg.sender, false); } info.depositedETH = info.depositedETH.sub(refundETH); // convert refund back to work to eliminate potential rounding errors uint256 completedWork = ethToWork(refundETH, info.depositedETH); info.completedWork = info.completedWork.add(completedWork); emit Refund(msg.sender, refundETH, completedWork); msg.sender.sendValue(refundETH); } } contract ERC20 is IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowed; uint256 private _totalSupply; /** * @dev Total number of tokens in existence */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address. * @param owner The address to query the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function balanceOf(address owner) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[owner]; } /** * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * @param owner address The address which owns the funds. * @param spender address The address which will spend the funds. * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view override returns (uint256) { return _allowed[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev Transfer token for a specified address * @param to The address to transfer to. * @param value The amount to be transferred. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) { _transfer(msg.sender, to, value); return true; } /** * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender. * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards: * * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param value The amount of tokens to be spent. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) { // To change the approve amount you first have to reduce the addresses` // allowance to zero by calling `approve(_spender, 0)` if it is not // already 0 to mitigate the race condition described here: // require(value == 0 || _allowed[msg.sender][spender] == 0); _approve(msg.sender, spender, value); return true; } /** * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another. * Note that while this function emits an Approval event, this is not required as per the specification, * and other compliant implementations may not emit the event. * @param from address The address which you want to send tokens from * @param to address The address which you want to transfer to * @param value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) { _transfer(from, to, value); _approve(from, msg.sender, _allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(value)); return true; } /** * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To increment * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * Emits an Approval event. * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To decrement * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * Emits an Approval event. * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender].sub(subtractedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Transfer token for a specified addresses * @param from The address to transfer from. * @param to The address to transfer to. * @param value The amount to be transferred. */ function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { require(to != address(0)); _balances[from] = _balances[from].sub(value); _balances[to] = _balances[to].add(value); emit Transfer(from, to, value); } /** * @dev Internal function that mints an amount of the token and assigns it to * an account. This encapsulates the modification of balances such that the * proper events are emitted. * @param account The account that will receive the created tokens. * @param value The amount that will be created. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 value) internal { require(account != address(0)); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(value); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(value); emit Transfer(address(0), account, value); } /** * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given * account. * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt. * @param value The amount that will be burnt. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 value) internal { require(account != address(0)); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(value); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(value); emit Transfer(account, address(0), value); } /** * @dev Approve an address to spend another addresses' tokens. * @param owner The address that owns the tokens. * @param spender The address that will spend the tokens. * @param value The number of tokens that can be spent. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 value) internal { require(spender != address(0)); require(owner != address(0)); _allowed[owner][spender] = value; emit Approval(owner, spender, value); } /** * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given * account, deducting from the sender's allowance for said account. Uses the * internal burn function. * Emits an Approval event (reflecting the reduced allowance). * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt. * @param value The amount that will be burnt. */ function _burnFrom(address account, uint256 value) internal { _burn(account, value); _approve(account, msg.sender, _allowed[account][msg.sender].sub(value)); } } abstract contract ERC20Detailed is IERC20 { string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = decimals; } /** * @return the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @return the symbol of the token. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @return the number of decimals of the token. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } } abstract contract Issuer is Upgradeable { using SafeERC20 for NuCypherToken; using AdditionalMath for uint32; event Donated(address indexed sender, uint256 value); /// Issuer is initialized with a reserved reward event Initialized(uint256 reservedReward); uint128 constant MAX_UINT128 = uint128(0) - 1; NuCypherToken public immutable token; uint128 public immutable totalSupply; // d * k2 uint256 public immutable mintingCoefficient; // k1 uint256 public immutable lockDurationCoefficient1; // k2 uint256 public immutable lockDurationCoefficient2; uint32 public immutable secondsPerPeriod; // kmax uint16 public immutable maximumRewardedPeriods; uint256 public immutable firstPhaseMaxIssuance; uint256 public immutable firstPhaseTotalSupply; /** * Current supply is used in the minting formula and is stored to prevent different calculation * for stakers which get reward in the same period. There are two values - * supply for previous period (used in formula) and supply for current period which accumulates value * before end of period. */ uint128 public previousPeriodSupply; uint128 public currentPeriodSupply; uint16 public currentMintingPeriod; /** * @notice Constructor sets address of token contract and coefficients for minting * @dev Minting formula for one sub-stake in one period for the first phase firstPhaseMaxIssuance * (lockedValue / totalLockedValue) * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / k2 * @dev Minting formula for one sub-stake in one period for the second phase (totalSupply - currentSupply) / d * (lockedValue / totalLockedValue) * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / k2 if allLockedPeriods > maximumRewardedPeriods then allLockedPeriods = maximumRewardedPeriods * @param _token Token contract * @param _hoursPerPeriod Size of period in hours * @param _issuanceDecayCoefficient (d) Coefficient which modifies the rate at which the maximum issuance decays, * only applicable to Phase 2. d = 365 * half-life / LOG2 where default half-life = 2. * See Equation 10 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper * @param _lockDurationCoefficient1 (k1) Numerator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k1 = k2 * small_stake_multiplier where default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _lockDurationCoefficient2 (k2) Denominator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k2 = maximum_rewarded_periods / (1 - small_stake_multiplier) * where default maximum_rewarded_periods = 365 and default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _maximumRewardedPeriods (kmax) Number of periods beyond which a stake's lock duration * no longer increases the subsidy it receives. kmax = reward_saturation * 365 where default reward_saturation = 1. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _firstPhaseTotalSupply Total supply for the first phase * @param _firstPhaseMaxIssuance (Imax) Maximum number of new tokens minted per period during Phase 1. * See Equation 7 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. */ constructor( NuCypherToken _token, uint32 _hoursPerPeriod, uint256 _issuanceDecayCoefficient, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient1, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient2, uint16 _maximumRewardedPeriods, uint256 _firstPhaseTotalSupply, uint256 _firstPhaseMaxIssuance ) { uint256 localTotalSupply = _token.totalSupply(); require(localTotalSupply > 0 && _issuanceDecayCoefficient != 0 && _hoursPerPeriod != 0 && _lockDurationCoefficient1 != 0 && _lockDurationCoefficient2 != 0 && _maximumRewardedPeriods != 0); require(localTotalSupply <= uint256(MAX_UINT128), "Token contract has supply more than supported"); uint256 maxLockDurationCoefficient = _maximumRewardedPeriods + _lockDurationCoefficient1; uint256 localMintingCoefficient = _issuanceDecayCoefficient * _lockDurationCoefficient2; require(maxLockDurationCoefficient > _maximumRewardedPeriods && localMintingCoefficient / _issuanceDecayCoefficient == _lockDurationCoefficient2 && // worst case for `totalLockedValue * d * k2`, when totalLockedValue == totalSupply localTotalSupply * localMintingCoefficient / localTotalSupply == localMintingCoefficient && // worst case for `(totalSupply - currentSupply) * lockedValue * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax))`, // when currentSupply == 0, lockedValue == totalSupply localTotalSupply * localTotalSupply * maxLockDurationCoefficient / localTotalSupply / localTotalSupply == maxLockDurationCoefficient, "Specified parameters cause overflow"); require(maxLockDurationCoefficient <= _lockDurationCoefficient2, "Resulting locking duration coefficient must be less than 1"); require(_firstPhaseTotalSupply <= localTotalSupply, "Too many tokens for the first phase"); require(_firstPhaseMaxIssuance <= _firstPhaseTotalSupply, "Reward for the first phase is too high"); token = _token; secondsPerPeriod = _hoursPerPeriod.mul32(1 hours); lockDurationCoefficient1 = _lockDurationCoefficient1; lockDurationCoefficient2 = _lockDurationCoefficient2; maximumRewardedPeriods = _maximumRewardedPeriods; firstPhaseTotalSupply = _firstPhaseTotalSupply; firstPhaseMaxIssuance = _firstPhaseMaxIssuance; totalSupply = uint128(localTotalSupply); mintingCoefficient = localMintingCoefficient; } /** * @dev Checks contract initialization */ modifier isInitialized() { require(currentMintingPeriod != 0); _; } /** * @return Number of current period */ function getCurrentPeriod() public view returns (uint16) { return uint16(block.timestamp / secondsPerPeriod); } /** * @notice Initialize reserved tokens for reward */ function initialize(uint256 _reservedReward, address _sourceOfFunds) external onlyOwner { require(currentMintingPeriod == 0); // Reserved reward must be sufficient for at least one period of the first phase require(firstPhaseMaxIssuance <= _reservedReward); currentMintingPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); currentPeriodSupply = totalSupply - uint128(_reservedReward); previousPeriodSupply = currentPeriodSupply; token.safeTransferFrom(_sourceOfFunds, address(this), _reservedReward); emit Initialized(_reservedReward); } /** * @notice Function to mint tokens for one period. * @param _currentPeriod Current period number. * @param _lockedValue The amount of tokens that were locked by user in specified period. * @param _totalLockedValue The amount of tokens that were locked by all users in specified period. * @param _allLockedPeriods The max amount of periods during which tokens will be locked after specified period. * @return amount Amount of minted tokens. */ function mint( uint16 _currentPeriod, uint256 _lockedValue, uint256 _totalLockedValue, uint16 _allLockedPeriods ) internal returns (uint256 amount) { if (currentPeriodSupply == totalSupply) { return 0; } if (_currentPeriod > currentMintingPeriod) { previousPeriodSupply = currentPeriodSupply; currentMintingPeriod = _currentPeriod; } uint256 currentReward; uint256 coefficient; // first phase // firstPhaseMaxIssuance * lockedValue * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / (totalLockedValue * k2) if (previousPeriodSupply + firstPhaseMaxIssuance <= firstPhaseTotalSupply) { currentReward = firstPhaseMaxIssuance; coefficient = lockDurationCoefficient2; // second phase // (totalSupply - currentSupply) * lockedValue * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / (totalLockedValue * d * k2) } else { currentReward = totalSupply - previousPeriodSupply; coefficient = mintingCoefficient; } uint256 allLockedPeriods = AdditionalMath.min16(_allLockedPeriods, maximumRewardedPeriods) + lockDurationCoefficient1; amount = (uint256(currentReward) * _lockedValue * allLockedPeriods) / (_totalLockedValue * coefficient); // rounding the last reward uint256 maxReward = getReservedReward(); if (amount == 0) { amount = 1; } else if (amount > maxReward) { amount = maxReward; } currentPeriodSupply += uint128(amount); } /** * @notice Return tokens for future minting * @param _amount Amount of tokens */ function unMint(uint256 _amount) internal { previousPeriodSupply -= uint128(_amount); currentPeriodSupply -= uint128(_amount); } /** * @notice Donate sender's tokens. Amount of tokens will be returned for future minting * @param _value Amount to donate */ function donate(uint256 _value) external isInitialized { token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _value); unMint(_value); emit Donated(msg.sender, _value); } /** * @notice Returns the number of tokens that can be minted */ function getReservedReward() public view returns (uint256) { return totalSupply - currentPeriodSupply; } /// @dev the `onlyWhileUpgrading` modifier works through a call to the parent `verifyState` function verifyState(address _testTarget) public override virtual { super.verifyState(_testTarget); require(uint16(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.currentMintingPeriod.selector)) == currentMintingPeriod); require(uint128(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.previousPeriodSupply.selector)) == previousPeriodSupply); require(uint128(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.currentPeriodSupply.selector)) == currentPeriodSupply); } } contract NuCypherToken is ERC20, ERC20Detailed('NuCypher', 'NU', 18) { /** * @notice Set amount of tokens * @param _totalSupplyOfTokens Total number of tokens */ constructor (uint256 _totalSupplyOfTokens) { _mint(msg.sender, _totalSupplyOfTokens); } /** * @notice Approves and then calls the receiving contract * * @dev call the receiveApproval function on the contract you want to be notified. * receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes _extraData) */ function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _extraData) external returns (bool success) { approve(_spender, _value); TokenRecipient(_spender).receiveApproval(msg.sender, _value, address(this), _extraData); return true; } } contract StakingEscrow is Issuer, IERC900History { using AdditionalMath for uint256; using AdditionalMath for uint16; using Bits for uint256; using SafeMath for uint256; using Snapshot for uint128[]; using SafeERC20 for NuCypherToken; event Deposited(address indexed staker, uint256 value, uint16 periods); event Locked(address indexed staker, uint256 value, uint16 firstPeriod, uint16 periods); event Divided( address indexed staker, uint256 oldValue, uint16 lastPeriod, uint256 newValue, uint16 periods ); event Merged(address indexed staker, uint256 value1, uint256 value2, uint16 lastPeriod); event Prolonged(address indexed staker, uint256 value, uint16 lastPeriod, uint16 periods); event Withdrawn(address indexed staker, uint256 value); event CommitmentMade(address indexed staker, uint16 indexed period, uint256 value); event Minted(address indexed staker, uint16 indexed period, uint256 value); event Slashed(address indexed staker, uint256 penalty, address indexed investigator, uint256 reward); event ReStakeSet(address indexed staker, bool reStake); event ReStakeLocked(address indexed staker, uint16 lockUntilPeriod); event WorkerBonded(address indexed staker, address indexed worker, uint16 indexed startPeriod); event WorkMeasurementSet(address indexed staker, bool measureWork); event WindDownSet(address indexed staker, bool windDown); event SnapshotSet(address indexed staker, bool snapshotsEnabled); struct SubStakeInfo { uint16 firstPeriod; uint16 lastPeriod; uint16 periods; uint128 lockedValue; } struct Downtime { uint16 startPeriod; uint16 endPeriod; } struct StakerInfo { uint256 value; /* * Stores periods that are committed but not yet rewarded. * In order to optimize storage, only two values are used instead of an array. * commitToNextPeriod() method invokes mint() method so there can only be two committed * periods that are not yet rewarded: the current and the next periods. */ uint16 currentCommittedPeriod; uint16 nextCommittedPeriod; uint16 lastCommittedPeriod; uint16 lockReStakeUntilPeriod; uint256 completedWork; uint16 workerStartPeriod; // period when worker was bonded address worker; uint256 flags; // uint256 to acquire whole slot and minimize operations on it uint256 reservedSlot1; uint256 reservedSlot2; uint256 reservedSlot3; uint256 reservedSlot4; uint256 reservedSlot5; Downtime[] pastDowntime; SubStakeInfo[] subStakes; uint128[] history; } // used only for upgrading uint16 internal constant RESERVED_PERIOD = 0; uint16 internal constant MAX_CHECKED_VALUES = 5; // to prevent high gas consumption in loops for slashing uint16 public constant MAX_SUB_STAKES = 30; uint16 internal constant MAX_UINT16 = 65535; // indices for flags uint8 internal constant RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX = 0; uint8 internal constant WIND_DOWN_INDEX = 1; uint8 internal constant MEASURE_WORK_INDEX = 2; uint8 internal constant SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX = 3; uint16 public immutable minLockedPeriods; uint16 public immutable minWorkerPeriods; uint256 public immutable minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 public immutable maxAllowableLockedTokens; bool public immutable isTestContract; mapping (address => StakerInfo) public stakerInfo; address[] public stakers; mapping (address => address) public stakerFromWorker; mapping (uint16 => uint256) public lockedPerPeriod; uint128[] public balanceHistory; PolicyManagerInterface public policyManager; AdjudicatorInterface public adjudicator; WorkLockInterface public workLock; /** * @notice Constructor sets address of token contract and coefficients for minting * @param _token Token contract * @param _hoursPerPeriod Size of period in hours * @param _issuanceDecayCoefficient (d) Coefficient which modifies the rate at which the maximum issuance decays, * only applicable to Phase 2. d = 365 * half-life / LOG2 where default half-life = 2. * See Equation 10 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper * @param _lockDurationCoefficient1 (k1) Numerator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k1 = k2 * small_stake_multiplier where default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _lockDurationCoefficient2 (k2) Denominator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k2 = maximum_rewarded_periods / (1 - small_stake_multiplier) * where default maximum_rewarded_periods = 365 and default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _maximumRewardedPeriods (kmax) Number of periods beyond which a stake's lock duration * no longer increases the subsidy it receives. kmax = reward_saturation * 365 where default reward_saturation = 1. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _firstPhaseTotalSupply Total supply for the first phase * @param _firstPhaseMaxIssuance (Imax) Maximum number of new tokens minted per period during Phase 1. * See Equation 7 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _minLockedPeriods Min amount of periods during which tokens can be locked * @param _minAllowableLockedTokens Min amount of tokens that can be locked * @param _maxAllowableLockedTokens Max amount of tokens that can be locked * @param _minWorkerPeriods Min amount of periods while a worker can't be changed * @param _isTestContract True if contract is only for tests */ constructor( NuCypherToken _token, uint32 _hoursPerPeriod, uint256 _issuanceDecayCoefficient, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient1, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient2, uint16 _maximumRewardedPeriods, uint256 _firstPhaseTotalSupply, uint256 _firstPhaseMaxIssuance, uint16 _minLockedPeriods, uint256 _minAllowableLockedTokens, uint256 _maxAllowableLockedTokens, uint16 _minWorkerPeriods, bool _isTestContract ) Issuer( _token, _hoursPerPeriod, _issuanceDecayCoefficient, _lockDurationCoefficient1, _lockDurationCoefficient2, _maximumRewardedPeriods, _firstPhaseTotalSupply, _firstPhaseMaxIssuance ) { // constant `1` in the expression `_minLockedPeriods > 1` uses to simplify the `lock` method require(_minLockedPeriods > 1 && _maxAllowableLockedTokens != 0); minLockedPeriods = _minLockedPeriods; minAllowableLockedTokens = _minAllowableLockedTokens; maxAllowableLockedTokens = _maxAllowableLockedTokens; minWorkerPeriods = _minWorkerPeriods; isTestContract = _isTestContract; } /** * @dev Checks the existence of a staker in the contract */ modifier onlyStaker() { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; require(info.value > 0 || info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0); _; } //------------------------Initialization------------------------ /** * @notice Set policy manager address */ function setPolicyManager(PolicyManagerInterface _policyManager) external onlyOwner { // Policy manager can be set only once require(address(policyManager) == address(0)); // This escrow must be the escrow for the new policy manager require(_policyManager.escrow() == address(this)); policyManager = _policyManager; } /** * @notice Set adjudicator address */ function setAdjudicator(AdjudicatorInterface _adjudicator) external onlyOwner { // Adjudicator can be set only once require(address(adjudicator) == address(0)); // This escrow must be the escrow for the new adjudicator require(_adjudicator.escrow() == address(this)); adjudicator = _adjudicator; } /** * @notice Set worklock address */ function setWorkLock(WorkLockInterface _workLock) external onlyOwner { // WorkLock can be set only once require(address(workLock) == address(0) || isTestContract); // This escrow must be the escrow for the new worklock require(_workLock.escrow() == address(this)); workLock = _workLock; } //------------------------Main getters------------------------ /** * @notice Get all tokens belonging to the staker */ function getAllTokens(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].value; } /** * @notice Get all flags for the staker */ function getFlags(address _staker) external view returns ( bool windDown, bool reStake, bool measureWork, bool snapshots ) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; windDown = info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX); reStake = !info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); measureWork = info.flags.bitSet(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX); snapshots = !info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX); } /** * @notice Get the start period. Use in the calculation of the last period of the sub stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period */ function getStartPeriod(StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod) internal view returns (uint16) { // if the next period (after current) is committed if (_info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX) && _info.nextCommittedPeriod > _currentPeriod) { return _currentPeriod + 1; } return _currentPeriod; } /** * @notice Get the last period of the sub stake * @param _subStake Sub stake structure * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period */ function getLastPeriodOfSubStake(SubStakeInfo storage _subStake, uint16 _startPeriod) internal view returns (uint16) { if (_subStake.lastPeriod != 0) { return _subStake.lastPeriod; } uint32 lastPeriod = uint32(_startPeriod) + _subStake.periods; if (lastPeriod > uint32(MAX_UINT16)) { return MAX_UINT16; } return uint16(lastPeriod); } /** * @notice Get the last period of the sub stake * @param _staker Staker * @param _index Stake index */ function getLastPeriodOfSubStake(address _staker, uint256 _index) public view returns (uint16) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(info, getCurrentPeriod()); return getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, startPeriod); } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for a staker in a specified period * @dev Information may be incorrect for rewarded or not committed surpassed period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _period Next period */ function getLockedTokens(StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _period) internal view returns (uint256 lockedValue) { lockedValue = 0; uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(_info, _currentPeriod); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _period && getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, startPeriod) >= _period) { lockedValue += subStake.lockedValue; } } } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for a staker in a future period * @dev This function is used by PreallocationEscrow so its signature can't be updated. * @param _staker Staker * @param _periods Amount of periods that will be added to the current period */ function getLockedTokens(address _staker, uint16 _periods) external view returns (uint256 lockedValue) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod.add16(_periods); return getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); } /** * @notice Get the last committed staker's period * @param _staker Staker */ function getLastCommittedPeriod(address _staker) public view returns (uint16) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; return info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0 ? info.nextCommittedPeriod : info.lastCommittedPeriod; } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for active stakers in (getCurrentPeriod() + _periods) period * as well as stakers and their locked tokens * @param _periods Amount of periods for locked tokens calculation * @param _startIndex Start index for looking in stakers array * @param _maxStakers Max stakers for looking, if set 0 then all will be used * @return allLockedTokens Sum of locked tokens for active stakers * @return activeStakers Array of stakers and their locked tokens. Stakers addresses stored as uint256 * @dev Note that activeStakers[0] in an array of uint256, but you want addresses. Careful when used directly! */ function getActiveStakers(uint16 _periods, uint256 _startIndex, uint256 _maxStakers) external view returns (uint256 allLockedTokens, uint256[2][] memory activeStakers) { require(_periods > 0); uint256 endIndex = stakers.length; require(_startIndex < endIndex); if (_maxStakers != 0 && _startIndex + _maxStakers < endIndex) { endIndex = _startIndex + _maxStakers; } activeStakers = new uint256[2][](endIndex - _startIndex); allLockedTokens = 0; uint256 resultIndex = 0; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod.add16(_periods); for (uint256 i = _startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { address staker = stakers[i]; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker]; if (info.currentCommittedPeriod != currentPeriod && info.nextCommittedPeriod != currentPeriod) { continue; } uint256 lockedTokens = getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); if (lockedTokens != 0) { activeStakers[resultIndex][0] = uint256(staker); activeStakers[resultIndex++][1] = lockedTokens; allLockedTokens += lockedTokens; } } assembly { mstore(activeStakers, resultIndex) } } /** * @notice Checks if `reStake` parameter is available for changing * @param _staker Staker */ function isReStakeLocked(address _staker) public view returns (bool) { return getCurrentPeriod() < stakerInfo[_staker].lockReStakeUntilPeriod; } /** * @notice Get worker using staker's address */ function getWorkerFromStaker(address _staker) external view returns (address) { return stakerInfo[_staker].worker; } /** * @notice Get work that completed by the staker */ function getCompletedWork(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].completedWork; } /** * @notice Find index of downtime structure that includes specified period * @dev If specified period is outside all downtime periods, the length of the array will be returned * @param _staker Staker * @param _period Specified period number */ function findIndexOfPastDowntime(address _staker, uint16 _period) external view returns (uint256 index) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; for (index = 0; index < info.pastDowntime.length; index++) { if (_period <= info.pastDowntime[index].endPeriod) { return index; } } } //------------------------Main methods------------------------ /** * @notice Start or stop measuring the work of a staker * @param _staker Staker * @param _measureWork Value for `measureWork` parameter * @return Work that was previously done */ function setWorkMeasurement(address _staker, bool _measureWork) external returns (uint256) { require(msg.sender == address(workLock)); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (info.flags.bitSet(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX) == _measureWork) { return info.completedWork; } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX); emit WorkMeasurementSet(_staker, _measureWork); return info.completedWork; } /** * @notice Bond worker * @param _worker Worker address. Must be a real address, not a contract */ function bondWorker(address _worker) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; // Specified worker is already bonded with this staker require(_worker != info.worker); uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); if (info.worker != address(0)) { // If this staker had a worker ... // Check that enough time has passed to change it require(currentPeriod >= info.workerStartPeriod.add16(minWorkerPeriods)); // Remove the old relation "worker->staker" stakerFromWorker[info.worker] = address(0); } if (_worker != address(0)) { // Specified worker is already in use require(stakerFromWorker[_worker] == address(0)); // Specified worker is a staker require(stakerInfo[_worker].subStakes.length == 0 || _worker == msg.sender); // Set new worker->staker relation stakerFromWorker[_worker] = msg.sender; } // Bond new worker (or unbond if _worker == address(0)) info.worker = _worker; info.workerStartPeriod = currentPeriod; emit WorkerBonded(msg.sender, _worker, currentPeriod); } /** * @notice Set `reStake` parameter. If true then all staking rewards will be added to locked stake * Only if this parameter is not locked * @param _reStake Value for parameter */ function setReStake(bool _reStake) external { require(!isReStakeLocked(msg.sender)); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; if (info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX) == !_reStake) { return; } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); emit ReStakeSet(msg.sender, _reStake); } /** * @notice Lock `reStake` parameter. Only if this parameter is not locked * @param _lockReStakeUntilPeriod Can't change `reStake` value until this period */ function lockReStake(uint16 _lockReStakeUntilPeriod) external { require(!isReStakeLocked(msg.sender) && _lockReStakeUntilPeriod > getCurrentPeriod()); stakerInfo[msg.sender].lockReStakeUntilPeriod = _lockReStakeUntilPeriod; emit ReStakeLocked(msg.sender, _lockReStakeUntilPeriod); } /** * @notice Enable `reStake` and lock this parameter even if parameter is locked * @param _staker Staker address * @param _info Staker structure * @param _lockReStakeUntilPeriod Can't change `reStake` value until this period */ function forceLockReStake( address _staker, StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _lockReStakeUntilPeriod ) internal { // reset bit when `reStake` is already disabled if (_info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX) == true) { _info.flags = _info.flags.toggleBit(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); emit ReStakeSet(_staker, true); } // lock `reStake` parameter if it's not locked or locked for too short duration if (_lockReStakeUntilPeriod > _info.lockReStakeUntilPeriod) { _info.lockReStakeUntilPeriod = _lockReStakeUntilPeriod; emit ReStakeLocked(_staker, _lockReStakeUntilPeriod); } } /** * @notice Deposit tokens and lock `reStake` parameter from WorkLock contract * @param _staker Staker address * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked * and number of period after which `reStake` can be changed */ function depositFromWorkLock( address _staker, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods ) external { require(msg.sender == address(workLock)); deposit(_staker, msg.sender, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, _periods); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; uint16 lockReStakeUntilPeriod = getCurrentPeriod().add16(_periods).add16(1); forceLockReStake(_staker, info, lockReStakeUntilPeriod); } /** * @notice Set `windDown` parameter. * If true then stake's duration will be decreasing in each period with `commitToNextPeriod()` * @param _windDown Value for parameter */ function setWindDown(bool _windDown) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; if (info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX) == _windDown) { return; } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(WIND_DOWN_INDEX); uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; emit WindDownSet(msg.sender, _windDown); // duration adjustment if next period is committed if (info.nextCommittedPeriod != nextPeriod) { return; } // adjust sub-stakes duration for the new value of winding down parameter for (uint256 index = 0; index < info.subStakes.length; index++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[index]; // sub-stake does not have fixed last period when winding down is disabled if (!_windDown && subStake.lastPeriod == nextPeriod) { subStake.lastPeriod = 0; subStake.periods = 1; continue; } // this sub-stake is no longer affected by winding down parameter if (subStake.lastPeriod != 0 || subStake.periods == 0) { continue; } subStake.periods = _windDown ? subStake.periods - 1 : subStake.periods + 1; if (subStake.periods == 0) { subStake.lastPeriod = nextPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Activate/deactivate taking snapshots of balances * @param _enableSnapshots True to activate snapshots, False to deactivate */ function setSnapshots(bool _enableSnapshots) external { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; if (info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX) == !_enableSnapshots) { return; } uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue()); if(_enableSnapshots){ info.history.addSnapshot(info.value); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance + info.value); } else { info.history.addSnapshot(0); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance - info.value); } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX); emit SnapshotSet(msg.sender, _enableSnapshots); } /** * @notice Adds a new snapshot to both the staker and global balance histories, * assuming the staker's balance was already changed * @param _info Reference to affected staker's struct * @param _addition Variance in balance. It can be positive or negative. */ function addSnapshot(StakerInfo storage _info, int256 _addition) internal { if(!_info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX)){ _info.history.addSnapshot(_info.value); uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue()); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance.addSigned(_addition)); } } /** * @notice Batch deposit. Allowed only initial deposit for each staker * @param _stakers Stakers * @param _numberOfSubStakes Number of sub-stakes which belong to staker in _values and _periods arrays * @param _values Amount of tokens to deposit for each staker * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked for each staker * @param _lockReStakeUntilPeriod Can't change `reStake` value until this period. Zero value will disable locking */ function batchDeposit( address[] calldata _stakers, uint256[] calldata _numberOfSubStakes, uint256[] calldata _values, uint16[] calldata _periods, uint16 _lockReStakeUntilPeriod ) // `onlyOwner` modifier is for prevent malicious using of `forceLockReStake` // remove `onlyOwner` if `forceLockReStake` will be removed external onlyOwner { uint256 subStakesLength = _values.length; require(_stakers.length != 0 && _stakers.length == _numberOfSubStakes.length && subStakesLength >= _stakers.length && _periods.length == subStakesLength); uint16 previousPeriod = getCurrentPeriod() - 1; uint16 nextPeriod = previousPeriod + 2; uint256 sumValue = 0; uint256 j = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakers.length; i++) { address staker = _stakers[i]; uint256 numberOfSubStakes = _numberOfSubStakes[i]; uint256 endIndex = j + numberOfSubStakes; require(numberOfSubStakes > 0 && subStakesLength >= endIndex); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker]; require(info.subStakes.length == 0); // A staker can't be a worker for another staker require(stakerFromWorker[staker] == address(0)); stakers.push(staker); policyManager.register(staker, previousPeriod); for (; j < endIndex; j++) { uint256 value = _values[j]; uint16 periods = _periods[j]; require(value >= minAllowableLockedTokens && periods >= minLockedPeriods); info.value = info.value.add(value); info.subStakes.push(SubStakeInfo(nextPeriod, 0, periods, uint128(value))); sumValue = sumValue.add(value); emit Deposited(staker, value, periods); emit Locked(staker, value, nextPeriod, periods); } require(info.value <= maxAllowableLockedTokens); info.history.addSnapshot(info.value); if (_lockReStakeUntilPeriod >= nextPeriod) { forceLockReStake(staker, info, _lockReStakeUntilPeriod); } } require(j == subStakesLength); uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue()); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance + sumValue); token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), sumValue); } /** * @notice Implementation of the receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes) method * (see NuCypherToken contract). Deposit all tokens that were approved to transfer * @param _from Staker * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _tokenContract Token contract address * @notice (param _extraData) Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function receiveApproval( address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes calldata /* _extraData */ ) external { require(_tokenContract == address(token) && msg.sender == address(token)); // Copy first 32 bytes from _extraData, according to calldata memory layout: // // 0x00: method signature 4 bytes // 0x04: _from 32 bytes after encoding // 0x24: _value 32 bytes after encoding // 0x44: _tokenContract 32 bytes after encoding // 0x64: _extraData pointer 32 bytes. Value must be 0x80 (offset of _extraData wrt to 1st parameter) // 0x84: _extraData length 32 bytes // 0xA4: _extraData data Length determined by previous variable // // See uint256 payloadSize; uint256 payload; assembly { payloadSize := calldataload(0x84) payload := calldataload(0xA4) } payload = payload >> 8*(32 - payloadSize); deposit(_from, _from, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, uint16(payload)); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens and create new sub-stake. Use this method to become a staker * @param _staker Staker * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function deposit(address _staker, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) external { deposit(_staker, msg.sender, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, _periods); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens and increase lock amount of an existing sub-stake * @dev This is preferable way to stake tokens because will be fewer active sub-stakes in the result * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked */ function depositAndIncrease(uint256 _index, uint256 _value) external onlyStaker { require(_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES); deposit(msg.sender, msg.sender, _index, _value, 0); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens * @dev Specify either index and zero periods (for an existing sub-stake) * or index >= MAX_SUB_STAKES and real value for periods (for a new sub-stake), not both * @param _staker Staker * @param _payer Owner of tokens * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function deposit(address _staker, address _payer, uint256 _index, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) internal { require(_value != 0); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; // A staker can't be a worker for another staker require(stakerFromWorker[_staker] == address(0) || stakerFromWorker[_staker] == info.worker); // initial stake of the staker if (info.subStakes.length == 0) { stakers.push(_staker); policyManager.register(_staker, getCurrentPeriod() - 1); } token.safeTransferFrom(_payer, address(this), _value); info.value += _value; lock(_staker, _index, _value, _periods); addSnapshot(info, int256(_value)); if (_index >= MAX_SUB_STAKES) { emit Deposited(_staker, _value, _periods); } else { uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(_staker, _index); emit Deposited(_staker, _value, lastPeriod - getCurrentPeriod()); } } /** * @notice Lock some tokens as a new sub-stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function lockAndCreate(uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) external onlyStaker { lock(msg.sender, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, _periods); } /** * @notice Increase lock amount of an existing sub-stake * @param _index Index of the sub-stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked */ function lockAndIncrease(uint256 _index, uint256 _value) external onlyStaker { require(_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES); lock(msg.sender, _index, _value, 0); } /** * @notice Lock some tokens as a stake * @dev Specify either index and zero periods (for an existing sub-stake) * or index >= MAX_SUB_STAKES and real value for periods (for a new sub-stake), not both * @param _staker Staker * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function lock(address _staker, uint256 _index, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) internal { if (_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES) { require(_value > 0); } else { require(_value >= minAllowableLockedTokens && _periods >= minLockedPeriods); } uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; uint256 lockedTokens = getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); uint256 requestedLockedTokens = _value.add(lockedTokens); require(requestedLockedTokens <= info.value && requestedLockedTokens <= maxAllowableLockedTokens); // next period is committed if (info.nextCommittedPeriod == nextPeriod) { lockedPerPeriod[nextPeriod] += _value; emit CommitmentMade(_staker, nextPeriod, _value); } // if index was provided then increase existing sub-stake if (_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES) { lockAndIncrease(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod, _staker, _index, _value); // otherwise create new } else { lockAndCreate(info, nextPeriod, _staker, _value, _periods); } } /** * @notice Lock some tokens as a new sub-stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _nextPeriod Next period * @param _staker Staker * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function lockAndCreate( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _nextPeriod, address _staker, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods ) internal { uint16 duration = _periods; // if winding down is enabled and next period is committed // then sub-stakes duration were decreased if (_info.nextCommittedPeriod == _nextPeriod && _info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX)) { duration -= 1; } saveSubStake(_info, _nextPeriod, 0, duration, _value); emit Locked(_staker, _value, _nextPeriod, _periods); } /** * @notice Increase lock amount of an existing sub-stake * @dev Probably will be created a new sub-stake but it will be active only one period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _nextPeriod Next period * @param _staker Staker * @param _index Index of the sub-stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked */ function lockAndIncrease( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _nextPeriod, address _staker, uint256 _index, uint256 _value ) internal { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[_index]; (, uint16 lastPeriod) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(_info, subStake, _currentPeriod); // create temporary sub-stake for current or previous committed periods // to leave locked amount in this period unchanged if (_info.currentCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.currentCommittedPeriod <= _currentPeriod || _info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.nextCommittedPeriod <= _currentPeriod) { saveSubStake(_info, subStake.firstPeriod, _currentPeriod, 0, subStake.lockedValue); } subStake.lockedValue += uint128(_value); // all new locks should start from the next period subStake.firstPeriod = _nextPeriod; emit Locked(_staker, _value, _nextPeriod, lastPeriod - _currentPeriod); } /** * @notice Checks that last period of sub-stake is greater than the current period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _subStake Sub-stake structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @return startPeriod Start period. Use in the calculation of the last period of the sub stake * @return lastPeriod Last period of the sub stake */ function checkLastPeriodOfSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, SubStakeInfo storage _subStake, uint16 _currentPeriod ) internal view returns (uint16 startPeriod, uint16 lastPeriod) { startPeriod = getStartPeriod(_info, _currentPeriod); lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(_subStake, startPeriod); // The sub stake must be active at least in the next period require(lastPeriod > _currentPeriod); } /** * @notice Save sub stake. First tries to override inactive sub stake * @dev Inactive sub stake means that last period of sub stake has been surpassed and already rewarded * @param _info Staker structure * @param _firstPeriod First period of the sub stake * @param _lastPeriod Last period of the sub stake * @param _periods Duration of the sub stake in periods * @param _lockedValue Amount of locked tokens */ function saveSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _firstPeriod, uint16 _lastPeriod, uint16 _periods, uint256 _lockedValue ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; if (subStake.lastPeriod != 0 && (_info.currentCommittedPeriod == 0 || subStake.lastPeriod < _info.currentCommittedPeriod) && (_info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 || subStake.lastPeriod < _info.nextCommittedPeriod)) { subStake.firstPeriod = _firstPeriod; subStake.lastPeriod = _lastPeriod; subStake.periods = _periods; subStake.lockedValue = uint128(_lockedValue); return; } } require(_info.subStakes.length < MAX_SUB_STAKES); _info.subStakes.push(SubStakeInfo(_firstPeriod, _lastPeriod, _periods, uint128(_lockedValue))); } /** * @notice Divide sub stake into two parts * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _newValue New sub stake value * @param _periods Amount of periods for extending sub stake */ function divideStake(uint256 _index, uint256 _newValue, uint16 _periods) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; require(_newValue >= minAllowableLockedTokens && _periods > 0); SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); (, uint16 lastPeriod) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake, currentPeriod); uint256 oldValue = subStake.lockedValue; subStake.lockedValue = uint128(oldValue.sub(_newValue)); require(subStake.lockedValue >= minAllowableLockedTokens); uint16 requestedPeriods = subStake.periods.add16(_periods); saveSubStake(info, subStake.firstPeriod, 0, requestedPeriods, _newValue); emit Divided(msg.sender, oldValue, lastPeriod, _newValue, _periods); emit Locked(msg.sender, _newValue, subStake.firstPeriod, requestedPeriods); } /** * @notice Prolong active sub stake * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _periods Amount of periods for extending sub stake */ function prolongStake(uint256 _index, uint16 _periods) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; // Incorrect parameters require(_periods > 0); SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); (uint16 startPeriod, uint16 lastPeriod) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake, currentPeriod); subStake.periods = subStake.periods.add16(_periods); // if the sub stake ends in the next committed period then reset the `lastPeriod` field if (lastPeriod == startPeriod) { subStake.lastPeriod = 0; } // The extended sub stake must not be less than the minimum value require(uint32(lastPeriod - currentPeriod) + _periods >= minLockedPeriods); emit Locked(msg.sender, subStake.lockedValue, lastPeriod + 1, _periods); emit Prolonged(msg.sender, subStake.lockedValue, lastPeriod, _periods); } /** * @notice Merge two sub-stakes into one if their last periods are equal * @dev It's possible that both sub-stakes will be active after this transaction. * But only one of them will be active until next call `commitToNextPeriod` (in the next period) * @param _index1 Index of the first sub-stake * @param _index2 Index of the second sub-stake */ function mergeStake(uint256 _index1, uint256 _index2) external onlyStaker { require(_index1 != _index2); // must be different sub-stakes StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; SubStakeInfo storage subStake1 = info.subStakes[_index1]; SubStakeInfo storage subStake2 = info.subStakes[_index2]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); (, uint16 lastPeriod1) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake1, currentPeriod); (, uint16 lastPeriod2) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake2, currentPeriod); // both sub-stakes must have equal last period to be mergeable require(lastPeriod1 == lastPeriod2); emit Merged(msg.sender, subStake1.lockedValue, subStake2.lockedValue, lastPeriod1); if (subStake1.firstPeriod == subStake2.firstPeriod) { subStake1.lockedValue += subStake2.lockedValue; subStake2.lastPeriod = 1; subStake2.periods = 0; } else if (subStake1.firstPeriod > subStake2.firstPeriod) { subStake1.lockedValue += subStake2.lockedValue; subStake2.lastPeriod = subStake1.firstPeriod - 1; subStake2.periods = 0; } else { subStake2.lockedValue += subStake1.lockedValue; subStake1.lastPeriod = subStake2.firstPeriod - 1; subStake1.periods = 0; } } /** * @notice Withdraw available amount of tokens to staker * @param _value Amount of tokens to withdraw */ function withdraw(uint256 _value) external onlyStaker { uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; // the max locked tokens in most cases will be in the current period // but when the staker locks more then we should use the next period uint256 lockedTokens = Math.max(getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod), getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, currentPeriod)); require(_value <= info.value.sub(lockedTokens)); info.value -= _value; addSnapshot(info, - int256(_value)); token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _value); emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, _value); // unbond worker if staker withdraws last portion of NU if (info.value == 0 && info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 && info.worker != address(0)) { stakerFromWorker[info.worker] = address(0); info.worker = address(0); emit WorkerBonded(msg.sender, address(0), currentPeriod); } } /** * @notice Make a commitment to the next period and mint for the previous period */ function commitToNextPeriod() external isInitialized { address staker = stakerFromWorker[msg.sender]; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker]; // Staker must have a stake to make a commitment require(info.value > 0); // Only worker with real address can make a commitment require(msg.sender == tx.origin); uint16 lastCommittedPeriod = getLastCommittedPeriod(staker); mint(staker); uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; // the period has already been committed if (info.nextCommittedPeriod == nextPeriod) { return; } uint256 lockedTokens = getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); require(lockedTokens > 0); lockedPerPeriod[nextPeriod] += lockedTokens; info.currentCommittedPeriod = info.nextCommittedPeriod; info.nextCommittedPeriod = nextPeriod; decreaseSubStakesDuration(info, nextPeriod); // staker was inactive for several periods if (lastCommittedPeriod < currentPeriod) { info.pastDowntime.push(Downtime(lastCommittedPeriod + 1, currentPeriod)); } policyManager.setDefaultFeeDelta(staker, nextPeriod); emit CommitmentMade(staker, nextPeriod, lockedTokens); } /** * @notice Decrease sub-stakes duration if `windDown` is enabled */ function decreaseSubStakesDuration(StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _nextPeriod) internal { if (!_info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX)) { return; } for (uint256 index = 0; index < _info.subStakes.length; index++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[index]; if (subStake.lastPeriod != 0 || subStake.periods == 0) { continue; } subStake.periods--; if (subStake.periods == 0) { subStake.lastPeriod = _nextPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Mint tokens for previous periods if staker locked their tokens and made a commitment */ function mint() external onlyStaker { // save last committed period to the storage if both periods will be empty after minting // because we won't be able to calculate last committed period // see getLastCommittedPeriod(address) StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; uint16 previousPeriod = getCurrentPeriod() - 1; if (info.nextCommittedPeriod <= previousPeriod && info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0) { info.lastCommittedPeriod = info.nextCommittedPeriod; } mint(msg.sender); } /** * @notice Mint tokens for previous periods if staker locked their tokens and made a commitment * @param _staker Staker */ function mint(address _staker) internal { uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 previousPeriod = currentPeriod - 1; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 || info.currentCommittedPeriod == 0 && info.nextCommittedPeriod > previousPeriod || info.currentCommittedPeriod > previousPeriod) { return; } uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(info, currentPeriod); uint256 reward = 0; bool reStake = !info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); if (info.currentCommittedPeriod != 0) { reward = mint(_staker, info, info.currentCommittedPeriod, currentPeriod, startPeriod, reStake); info.currentCommittedPeriod = 0; if (reStake) { lockedPerPeriod[info.nextCommittedPeriod] += reward; } } if (info.nextCommittedPeriod <= previousPeriod) { reward += mint(_staker, info, info.nextCommittedPeriod, currentPeriod, startPeriod, reStake); info.nextCommittedPeriod = 0; } info.value += reward; if (info.flags.bitSet(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX)) { info.completedWork += reward; } addSnapshot(info, int256(reward)); emit Minted(_staker, previousPeriod, reward); } /** * @notice Calculate reward for one period * @param _staker Staker's address * @param _info Staker structure * @param _mintingPeriod Period for minting calculation * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period */ function mint( address _staker, StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _mintingPeriod, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _startPeriod, bool _reStake ) internal returns (uint256 reward) { reward = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, _startPeriod); if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _mintingPeriod && lastPeriod >= _mintingPeriod) { uint256 subStakeReward = mint( _currentPeriod, subStake.lockedValue, lockedPerPeriod[_mintingPeriod], lastPeriod.sub16(_mintingPeriod)); reward += subStakeReward; if (_reStake) { subStake.lockedValue += uint128(subStakeReward); } } } policyManager.updateFee(_staker, _mintingPeriod); return reward; } //-------------------------Slashing------------------------- /** * @notice Slash the staker's stake and reward the investigator * @param _staker Staker's address * @param _penalty Penalty * @param _investigator Investigator * @param _reward Reward for the investigator */ function slashStaker( address _staker, uint256 _penalty, address _investigator, uint256 _reward ) public isInitialized { require(msg.sender == address(adjudicator)); require(_penalty > 0); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (info.value <= _penalty) { _penalty = info.value; } info.value -= _penalty; if (_reward > _penalty) { _reward = _penalty; } uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(info, currentPeriod); (uint256 currentLock, uint256 nextLock, uint256 currentAndNextLock, uint256 shortestSubStakeIndex) = getLockedTokensAndShortestSubStake(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod, startPeriod); // Decrease the stake if amount of locked tokens in the current period more than staker has uint256 lockedTokens = currentLock + currentAndNextLock; if (info.value < lockedTokens) { decreaseSubStakes(info, lockedTokens - info.value, currentPeriod, startPeriod, shortestSubStakeIndex); } // Decrease the stake if amount of locked tokens in the next period more than staker has if (nextLock > 0) { lockedTokens = nextLock + currentAndNextLock - (currentAndNextLock > info.value ? currentAndNextLock - info.value : 0); if (info.value < lockedTokens) { decreaseSubStakes(info, lockedTokens - info.value, nextPeriod, startPeriod, MAX_SUB_STAKES); } } emit Slashed(_staker, _penalty, _investigator, _reward); if (_penalty > _reward) { unMint(_penalty - _reward); } // TODO change to withdrawal pattern (#1499) if (_reward > 0) { token.safeTransfer(_investigator, _reward); } addSnapshot(info, - int256(_penalty)); } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for a staker in the current and the next period * and find the shortest sub stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _nextPeriod Next period * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period * @return currentLock Amount of tokens that locked in the current period and unlocked in the next period * @return nextLock Amount of tokens that locked in the next period and not locked in the current period * @return currentAndNextLock Amount of tokens that locked in the current period and in the next period * @return shortestSubStakeIndex Index of the shortest sub stake */ function getLockedTokensAndShortestSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _nextPeriod, uint16 _startPeriod ) internal view returns ( uint256 currentLock, uint256 nextLock, uint256 currentAndNextLock, uint256 shortestSubStakeIndex ) { uint16 minDuration = MAX_UINT16; uint16 minLastPeriod = MAX_UINT16; shortestSubStakeIndex = MAX_SUB_STAKES; currentLock = 0; nextLock = 0; currentAndNextLock = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, _startPeriod); if (lastPeriod < subStake.firstPeriod) { continue; } if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _nextPeriod) { currentAndNextLock += subStake.lockedValue; } else if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _currentPeriod) { currentLock += subStake.lockedValue; } else if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _nextPeriod && lastPeriod >= _nextPeriod) { nextLock += subStake.lockedValue; } uint16 duration = lastPeriod - subStake.firstPeriod; if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _currentPeriod && (lastPeriod < minLastPeriod || lastPeriod == minLastPeriod && duration < minDuration)) { shortestSubStakeIndex = i; minDuration = duration; minLastPeriod = lastPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Decrease short sub stakes * @param _info Staker structure * @param _penalty Penalty rate * @param _decreasePeriod The period when the decrease begins * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period * @param _shortestSubStakeIndex Index of the shortest period */ function decreaseSubStakes( StakerInfo storage _info, uint256 _penalty, uint16 _decreasePeriod, uint16 _startPeriod, uint256 _shortestSubStakeIndex ) internal { SubStakeInfo storage shortestSubStake = _info.subStakes[0]; uint16 minSubStakeLastPeriod = MAX_UINT16; uint16 minSubStakeDuration = MAX_UINT16; while(_penalty > 0) { if (_shortestSubStakeIndex < MAX_SUB_STAKES) { shortestSubStake = _info.subStakes[_shortestSubStakeIndex]; minSubStakeLastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(shortestSubStake, _startPeriod); minSubStakeDuration = minSubStakeLastPeriod - shortestSubStake.firstPeriod; _shortestSubStakeIndex = MAX_SUB_STAKES; } else { (shortestSubStake, minSubStakeDuration, minSubStakeLastPeriod) = getShortestSubStake(_info, _decreasePeriod, _startPeriod); } if (minSubStakeDuration == MAX_UINT16) { break; } uint256 appliedPenalty = _penalty; if (_penalty < shortestSubStake.lockedValue) { shortestSubStake.lockedValue -= uint128(_penalty); saveOldSubStake(_info, shortestSubStake.firstPeriod, _penalty, _decreasePeriod); _penalty = 0; } else { shortestSubStake.lastPeriod = _decreasePeriod - 1; _penalty -= shortestSubStake.lockedValue; appliedPenalty = shortestSubStake.lockedValue; } if (_info.currentCommittedPeriod >= _decreasePeriod && _info.currentCommittedPeriod <= minSubStakeLastPeriod) { lockedPerPeriod[_info.currentCommittedPeriod] -= appliedPenalty; } if (_info.nextCommittedPeriod >= _decreasePeriod && _info.nextCommittedPeriod <= minSubStakeLastPeriod) { lockedPerPeriod[_info.nextCommittedPeriod] -= appliedPenalty; } } } /** * @notice Get the shortest sub stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period * @return shortestSubStake The shortest sub stake * @return minSubStakeDuration Duration of the shortest sub stake * @return minSubStakeLastPeriod Last period of the shortest sub stake */ function getShortestSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _startPeriod ) internal view returns ( SubStakeInfo storage shortestSubStake, uint16 minSubStakeDuration, uint16 minSubStakeLastPeriod ) { shortestSubStake = shortestSubStake; minSubStakeDuration = MAX_UINT16; minSubStakeLastPeriod = MAX_UINT16; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, _startPeriod); if (lastPeriod < subStake.firstPeriod) { continue; } uint16 duration = lastPeriod - subStake.firstPeriod; if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _currentPeriod && (lastPeriod < minSubStakeLastPeriod || lastPeriod == minSubStakeLastPeriod && duration < minSubStakeDuration)) { shortestSubStake = subStake; minSubStakeDuration = duration; minSubStakeLastPeriod = lastPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Save the old sub stake values to prevent decreasing reward for the previous period * @dev Saving happens only if the previous period is committed * @param _info Staker structure * @param _firstPeriod First period of the old sub stake * @param _lockedValue Locked value of the old sub stake * @param _currentPeriod Current period, when the old sub stake is already unlocked */ function saveOldSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _firstPeriod, uint256 _lockedValue, uint16 _currentPeriod ) internal { // Check that the old sub stake should be saved bool oldCurrentCommittedPeriod = _info.currentCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.currentCommittedPeriod < _currentPeriod; bool oldnextCommittedPeriod = _info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.nextCommittedPeriod < _currentPeriod; bool crosscurrentCommittedPeriod = oldCurrentCommittedPeriod && _info.currentCommittedPeriod >= _firstPeriod; bool crossnextCommittedPeriod = oldnextCommittedPeriod && _info.nextCommittedPeriod >= _firstPeriod; if (!crosscurrentCommittedPeriod && !crossnextCommittedPeriod) { return; } // Try to find already existent proper old sub stake uint16 previousPeriod = _currentPeriod - 1; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; if (subStake.lastPeriod == previousPeriod && ((crosscurrentCommittedPeriod == (oldCurrentCommittedPeriod && _info.currentCommittedPeriod >= subStake.firstPeriod)) && (crossnextCommittedPeriod == (oldnextCommittedPeriod && _info.nextCommittedPeriod >= subStake.firstPeriod)))) { subStake.lockedValue += uint128(_lockedValue); return; } } saveSubStake(_info, _firstPeriod, previousPeriod, 0, _lockedValue); } //-------------Additional getters for stakers info------------- /** * @notice Return the length of the array of stakers */ function getStakersLength() external view returns (uint256) { return stakers.length; } /** * @notice Return the length of the array of sub stakes */ function getSubStakesLength(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].subStakes.length; } /** * @notice Return the information about sub stake */ function getSubStakeInfo(address _staker, uint256 _index) // TODO change to structure when ABIEncoderV2 is released (#1501) // public view returns (SubStakeInfo) // TODO "virtual" only for tests, probably will be removed after #1512 external view virtual returns (uint16 firstPeriod, uint16 lastPeriod, uint16 periods, uint128 lockedValue) { SubStakeInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker].subStakes[_index]; firstPeriod = info.firstPeriod; lastPeriod = info.lastPeriod; periods = info.periods; lockedValue = info.lockedValue; } /** * @notice Return the length of the array of past downtime */ function getPastDowntimeLength(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].pastDowntime.length; } /** * @notice Return the information about past downtime */ function getPastDowntime(address _staker, uint256 _index) // TODO change to structure when ABIEncoderV2 is released (#1501) // public view returns (Downtime) external view returns (uint16 startPeriod, uint16 endPeriod) { Downtime storage downtime = stakerInfo[_staker].pastDowntime[_index]; startPeriod = downtime.startPeriod; endPeriod = downtime.endPeriod; } //------------------ ERC900 connectors ---------------------- function totalStakedForAt(address _owner, uint256 _blockNumber) public view override returns (uint256){ return stakerInfo[_owner].history.getValueAt(_blockNumber); } function totalStakedAt(uint256 _blockNumber) public view override returns (uint256){ return balanceHistory.getValueAt(_blockNumber); } function supportsHistory() external pure override returns (bool){ return true; } //------------------------Upgradeable------------------------ /** * @dev Get StakerInfo structure by delegatecall */ function delegateGetStakerInfo(address _target, bytes32 _staker) internal returns (StakerInfo memory result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, this.stakerInfo.selector, 1, _staker, 0); assembly { result := memoryAddress } } /** * @dev Get SubStakeInfo structure by delegatecall */ function delegateGetSubStakeInfo(address _target, bytes32 _staker, uint256 _index) internal returns (SubStakeInfo memory result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData( _target, this.getSubStakeInfo.selector, 2, _staker, bytes32(_index)); assembly { result := memoryAddress } } /** * @dev Get Downtime structure by delegatecall */ function delegateGetPastDowntime(address _target, bytes32 _staker, uint256 _index) internal returns (Downtime memory result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData( _target, this.getPastDowntime.selector, 2, _staker, bytes32(_index)); assembly { result := memoryAddress } } /// @dev the `onlyWhileUpgrading` modifier works through a call to the parent `verifyState` function verifyState(address _testTarget) public override virtual { super.verifyState(_testTarget); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.policyManager.selector)) == address(policyManager)); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.adjudicator.selector)) == address(adjudicator)); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.workLock.selector)) == address(workLock)); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.lockedPerPeriod.selector, bytes32(bytes2(RESERVED_PERIOD))) == lockedPerPeriod[RESERVED_PERIOD]); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.stakerFromWorker.selector, bytes32(0))) == stakerFromWorker[address(0)]); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.getStakersLength.selector) == stakers.length); if (stakers.length == 0) { return; } address stakerAddress = stakers[0]; require(address(uint160(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.stakers.selector, 0))) == stakerAddress); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[stakerAddress]; bytes32 staker = bytes32(uint256(stakerAddress)); StakerInfo memory infoToCheck = delegateGetStakerInfo(_testTarget, staker); require(infoToCheck.value == info.value && infoToCheck.currentCommittedPeriod == info.currentCommittedPeriod && infoToCheck.nextCommittedPeriod == info.nextCommittedPeriod && infoToCheck.flags == info.flags && infoToCheck.lockReStakeUntilPeriod == info.lockReStakeUntilPeriod && infoToCheck.lastCommittedPeriod == info.lastCommittedPeriod && infoToCheck.completedWork == info.completedWork && infoToCheck.worker == info.worker && infoToCheck.workerStartPeriod == info.workerStartPeriod); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.getPastDowntimeLength.selector, staker) == info.pastDowntime.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < info.pastDowntime.length && i < MAX_CHECKED_VALUES; i++) { Downtime storage downtime = info.pastDowntime[i]; Downtime memory downtimeToCheck = delegateGetPastDowntime(_testTarget, staker, i); require(downtimeToCheck.startPeriod == downtime.startPeriod && downtimeToCheck.endPeriod == downtime.endPeriod); } require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.getSubStakesLength.selector, staker) == info.subStakes.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < info.subStakes.length && i < MAX_CHECKED_VALUES; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStakeInfo = info.subStakes[i]; SubStakeInfo memory subStakeInfoToCheck = delegateGetSubStakeInfo(_testTarget, staker, i); require(subStakeInfoToCheck.firstPeriod == subStakeInfo.firstPeriod && subStakeInfoToCheck.lastPeriod == subStakeInfo.lastPeriod && subStakeInfoToCheck.periods == subStakeInfo.periods && subStakeInfoToCheck.lockedValue == subStakeInfo.lockedValue); } // it's not perfect because checks not only slot value but also decoding // at least without additional functions require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.totalStakedForAt.selector, staker, bytes32(block.number)) == totalStakedForAt(stakerAddress, block.number)); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.totalStakedAt.selector, bytes32(block.number)) == totalStakedAt(block.number)); if (info.worker != address(0)) { require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.stakerFromWorker.selector, bytes32(uint256(info.worker)))) == stakerFromWorker[info.worker]); } } /// @dev the `onlyWhileUpgrading` modifier works through a call to the parent `finishUpgrade` function finishUpgrade(address _target) public override virtual { super.finishUpgrade(_target); // Create fake period lockedPerPeriod[RESERVED_PERIOD] = 111; // Create fake worker stakerFromWorker[address(0)] = address(this); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex]) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x019739e288973F92bDD3c1d87178E206E51fd911; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { // address public constant ETH_FLIPPER = 0xd8a04F5412223F513DC55F839574430f5EC15531; // address public constant BAT_FLIPPER = 0xaA745404d55f88C108A28c86abE7b5A1E7817c07; // address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; // address public constant ETH_JOIN = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; // address public constant BAT_JOIN = 0x3D0B1912B66114d4096F48A8CEe3A56C231772cA; // bytes32 public constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; // address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE = 0x606e9758a39d2d7fA7e70BC68E6E7D9b02948962; // function daiBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // joinDai(_amount); // (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); // } // function collateralBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth, uint _amount) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // uint bid; // (bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // joinDai(bid / (10**27)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(flipper); // Flipper(flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); // } // function closeBid(uint _bidId, bool _isEth) public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function closeBidAndExchange( // uint _bidId, // bool _isEth, // uint256[4] memory _data, // address _exchangeAddress, // bytes memory _callData // ) // public { // address flipper = _isEth ? ETH_FLIPPER : BAT_FLIPPER; // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // (uint bidAmount, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(flipper).bids(_bidId); // Flipper(flipper).deal(_bidId); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(address(this), (bidAmount / 10**27)); // address srcToken = _isEth ? KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS : address(Gem(join).gem()); // uint daiAmount = swap( // _data, // srcToken, // DAI_ADDRESS, // _exchangeAddress, // _callData // ); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, daiAmount); // } // function exitCollateral(bool _isEth) public { // address join = _isEth ? ETH_JOIN : BAT_JOIN; // bytes32 ilk = _isEth ? ETH_ILK : BAT_ILK; // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(join); // Gem(join).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function exitDai() public { // uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); // Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); // } // function withdrawToken(address _token) public { // uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); // ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); // } // function withdrawEth() public { // uint balance = address(this).balance; // msg.sender.transfer(balance); // } // function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { // uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); // if (_amount > amountInVat) { // uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); // ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); // Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); // } // } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).transfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_loanShift, _exchangeData); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0xe73C21B1F7F290314ed768a7997e20859B9bE6e6; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x56c8d4e40A709B33cCB19970324880F3a640d9fC; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, address(this).balance, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); if (srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2 { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { if (_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @dev Addresses that are able to call methods for repay and boost mapping(address => bool) public approvedCallers; modifier onlyApproved() { require(approvedCallers[msg.sender]); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { approvedCallers[msg.sender] = true; monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan(uint256,uint256,address,(address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256))", _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr, _exchangeData)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } /// @notice Adds a new bot address which will be able to call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function addCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = true; } /// @notice Removes a bot address so it can't call repay/boost /// @param _caller Bot address function removeCaller(address _caller) public onlyOwner { approvedCallers[_caller] = false; } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai }); address collAddr = closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); sendLeftover(collAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, tx.origin); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) internal returns (address) { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; address user = DSProxy(payable(_closeData.proxy)).owner(); if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = address(Join(_closeData.joinAddr).gem()); require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); return tokenAddr; } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address payable public constant MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN = 0xe78A0F7E598Cc8b0Bb87894B0F60dD2a88d6a8Ab; address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData ) public payable { MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, MCD_CLOSE_FLASH_LOAN, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } Join(_joinAddr).gem().approve(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x988B6CFBf3332FF98FFBdED665b1F53a61f92612); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); // if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP // exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); // (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); // } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP // exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); // _buy(exchangeData); // } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy // sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); // } // // Execute the Open operation (Skip if it's debt swap) // if (paramData.swapType != 2) { // DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // } // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature( "close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } // Call specific function if it's a debt swap if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xBcEAb469CbBA225E9dc9Cbd898808A4742687096; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0ed294340b6328647A652207AA72902747C84c94; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.4.21; contract EIP20Interface { /* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard. function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); is replaced with: uint256 public totalSupply; This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply. This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract function by the compiler. */ /// total amount of tokens uint256 public totalSupply; /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @return The balance function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address of the sender /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining); // solhint-disable-next-line no-simple-event-func-name event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } contract yield is EIP20Interface { uint256 constant private MAX_UINT256 = 2**256 - 1; mapping (address => uint256) public balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed; /* NOTE: The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them. They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality. Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information. */ string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX function yield( uint256 _initialAmount, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol ) public { balances[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value); balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender]; require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value); balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; } emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.4; library SafeMathLib { function times(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint) { uint c = a * b; require(a == 0 || c / a == b, 'Overflow detected'); return c; } function minus(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint) { require(b <= a, 'Underflow detected'); return a - b; } function plus(uint a, uint b) public pure returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; require(c>=a && c>=b, 'Overflow detected'); return c; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IERC721 { /** * @dev Emitted when `tokenId` token is transferred from `from` to `to`. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId); /** * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables `approved` to manage the `tokenId` token. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed approved, uint256 indexed tokenId); /** * @dev Emitted when `owner` enables or disables (`approved`) `operator` to manage all of its assets. */ event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved); /** * @dev Returns the number of tokens in ``owner``'s account. */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); /** * @dev Returns the owner of the `tokenId` token. * * Requirements: * * - `tokenId` must exist. */ function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner); /** * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`, checking first that contract recipients * are aware of the ERC721 protocol to prevent tokens from being forever locked. * * Requirements: * * - `from` cannot be the zero address. * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be have been allowed to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}. * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external; /** * @dev Transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`. * * WARNING: Usage of this method is discouraged, use {safeTransferFrom} whenever possible. * * Requirements: * * - `from` cannot be the zero address. * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - `tokenId` token must be owned by `from`. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external; /** * @dev Gives permission to `to` to transfer `tokenId` token to another account. * The approval is cleared when the token is transferred. * * Only a single account can be approved at a time, so approving the zero address clears previous approvals. * * Requirements: * * - The caller must own the token or be an approved operator. * - `tokenId` must exist. * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address to, uint256 tokenId) external; /** * @dev Returns the account approved for `tokenId` token. * * Requirements: * * - `tokenId` must exist. */ function getApproved(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address operator); /** * @dev Approve or remove `operator` as an operator for the caller. * Operators can call {transferFrom} or {safeTransferFrom} for any token owned by the caller. * * Requirements: * * - The `operator` cannot be the caller. * * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event. */ function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool _approved) external; /** * @dev Returns if the `operator` is allowed to manage all of the assets of `owner`. * * See {setApprovalForAll} */ function isApprovedForAll(address owner, address operator) external view returns (bool); /** * @dev Safely transfers `tokenId` token from `from` to `to`. * * Requirements: * * - `from` cannot be the zero address. * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - `tokenId` token must exist and be owned by `from`. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be approved to move this token by either {approve} or {setApprovalForAll}. * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received}, which is called upon a safe transfer. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId, bytes calldata data) external; } contract Trollbox { using SafeMathLib for uint; /** Votes are a mapping from choices to weights, plus a metadataHash, which references an arbitrary bit of metadata stored on IPFS. The meaning of these choices is not stored on chain, only the index. For example, if the choices are ["BTC", "ETH", "DASH"], and the user wants to put 3 votes on BTC, 5 votes on ETH and 4 on DASH, then this will be recorded as weights[1] = 3; weights[2] = 5; weights[3] = 4; The choices are indexed starting on 1 to prevent confusion caused by empty votes. **/ struct Vote { mapping(uint => uint) weights; bytes32 metadataHash; } /** Rounds occur with some frequency and represent a complete cycle of prediction->resolution. Each round has an id, which represents it's location in a linear sequence of rounds of the same type. It stores a mapping of voter ids to votes and records the winning option when the round is resolved. **/ struct Round { uint roundId; mapping (uint => Vote) votes; mapping (uint => uint) voteTotals; uint winningOption; } /** A tournament is a linear sequence of rounds of the same type. Tournaments are identified by an integer that increases sequentially with each tournament. Tournaments also have hash for storing off-chain metadata about the tournament. A tournament has a set wavelength and phase, called roundLengthSeconds and startDate, respectively. Each tournament also has it's own set of voice credits, which is a mapping from address to balance. The rounds mapping takes a round id and spits out a Round struct. The tokenRoundBonus attribute describes how much IERC20 to be distributed to the voters each round. The tokenListENS stores the ENS address of a token list that forms the choices of the tournament. **/ struct Tournament { uint tournamentId; bytes32 metadataHash; // ipfs hash of more verbose description, possibly multimedia uint startTime; uint roundLengthSeconds; uint tokenRoundBonus; uint minimumRank; uint voiceUBI; // number of voice credits available to spend each round bytes32 tokenListENS; address winnerOracle; // address that sets the winner for a tournament mapping (uint => uint) voiceCredits; mapping (uint => Round) rounds; } /** An identity is purchased with IERC20 and stores the creation time and a mapping of tournament id to the last round id that the identity voted in, which is used for deferred reward computation. **/ struct IdMetadata { mapping (uint => uint) lastRoundVoted; // uint firstTimeVoted; // uint timesVoted; uint cumulativeBonus; uint rank; } address public management; // authoritative key that can make important decisions, can be DAO address later address public rankManager; IERC20 public token; IERC721 public identity; uint public numTournaments = 0; // a counter to know what index to assign to new tournaments bytes32 public siteHash; mapping (uint => Tournament) public tournaments; // mapping from tournament id to tournament struct mapping (uint => IdMetadata) public identities; // mapping from address to identity struct mapping (uint => uint) public tokensWon; // tokensWon[voterId] = fvt-wei owed mapping (uint => mapping (uint => mapping (uint => bool))) public syncMap; // syncMap[voterId][tournamentId][roundId] = true/false // events for consumption by off chain systems event VoteOccurred(uint indexed tournamentId, uint indexed roundId, uint indexed voterId, uint[] choices, uint[] weights, bytes32 metadata); event RoundResolved(uint indexed tournamentId, uint roundId, uint winningChoice); event TournamentCreated(uint tournamentId, bytes32 metadataHash, uint startTime, uint roundLengthSeconds, uint tokenRoundBonus, uint minimumRank, uint voiceUBI, bytes32 tokenListENS, address winnerOracle); event ManagementUpdated(address oldManagement, address newManagement); event SiteHashUpdated(bytes32 oldSiteHash, bytes32 newSiteHash); event RankUpdated(uint voterId, uint oldRank, uint newRank); event RankManagerUpdated(address oldManager, address newManager); event TournamentUpdated(uint tournamentId, bytes32 metadataHash, uint tokenRoundBonus, uint minimumRank, uint voiceUBI, bytes32 tokenListENS, address winnerOracle); event AccountSynced(uint tournamentId, uint voterId); modifier managementOnly() { require (msg.sender == management, 'Only management may call this'); _; } constructor(address mgmt, address rankMgmt, address id) { management = mgmt; rankManager = rankMgmt; identity = IERC721(id); } // this function creates a new tournament type, only management can call it function createTournament( bytes32 hash, uint startTime, uint roundLengthSeconds, uint tokenRoundBonus, bytes32 tokenListENS, address oracle, uint minRank, uint voiceUBI) public managementOnly { numTournaments =; Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[numTournaments]; tournament.metadataHash = hash; tournament.startTime = startTime == 0 ? block.timestamp : startTime; tournament.tournamentId = numTournaments; tournament.roundLengthSeconds = roundLengthSeconds; tournament.tokenRoundBonus = tokenRoundBonus; tournament.minimumRank = minRank; tournament.voiceUBI = voiceUBI; tournament.tokenListENS = tokenListENS; tournament.winnerOracle = oracle; emit TournamentCreated(numTournaments, hash, startTime, roundLengthSeconds, tokenRoundBonus, minRank, voiceUBI, tokenListENS, oracle); } // this completes the round, and assigns it a winning choice, which enables deferred updates to voice credits function resolveRound(uint tournamentId, uint roundId, uint winningOption) public { Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; require(msg.sender == tournament.winnerOracle, 'Only winner oracle can call this'); uint currentRoundId = getCurrentRoundId(tournamentId); Round storage round = tournament.rounds[roundId]; require(roundAlreadyResolved(tournamentId, roundId) == false, 'Round already resolved'); require(currentRoundId > roundId + 1, 'Too early to resolve'); round.roundId = roundId; round.winningOption = winningOption; emit RoundResolved(tournamentId, roundId, winningOption); } function voteCheck(uint voterId, uint tournamentId, uint roundId) internal view { require(roundId > 0, 'Tournament not started yet'); require(identity.ownerOf(voterId) == msg.sender, 'Must own identity to vote with it'); require(roundId > identities[voterId].lastRoundVoted[tournamentId], 'Can only vote one time per round'); require(tournaments[tournamentId].minimumRank <= identities[voterId].rank, 'Insufficient rank to participate in this tournament'); } // this is called by an identity that wishes to vote on a given tournament, with the choices and weights function vote( uint voterId, uint tournamentId, uint[] memory choices, uint[] memory weights, bytes32 hash, uint updateRoundId ) public { uint roundId = getCurrentRoundId(tournamentId); Round storage currentRound = tournaments[tournamentId].rounds[roundId]; voteCheck(voterId, tournamentId, roundId); require(choices.length == weights.length, 'Mismatched choices and lengths'); updateAccount(voterId, tournamentId, updateRoundId); identities[voterId].lastRoundVoted[tournamentId] = roundId; Vote storage currentVote = currentRound.votes[voterId]; currentVote.metadataHash = hash; uint balance = getVoiceCredits(tournamentId, voterId); uint sum = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < weights.length; i++) { currentVote.weights[choices[i]] = weights[i]; currentRound.voteTotals[choices[i]] = currentRound.voteTotals[choices[i]].plus(weights[i]); sum =[i].times(weights[i])); } require(sum <= balance, 'Must not spend more than your balance'); emit VoteOccurred(tournamentId, roundId, voterId, choices, weights, hash); } function withdrawWinnings(uint voterId) public { uint winnings = tokensWon[voterId]; address owner = identity.ownerOf(voterId); require(winnings > 0, 'Nothing to withdraw'); // doing it this way out of re-entry avoidance habit, not because it's actually possible here tokensWon[voterId] = 0; token.transfer(owner, winnings); } // this actually updates the voice credit balance to include the reward function updateAccount(uint voterId, uint tournamentId, uint roundId) public { IdMetadata storage id = identities[voterId]; Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; bool roundResolved = roundAlreadyResolved(tournamentId, roundId); bool shouldSync = isSynced(voterId, tournamentId, roundId) == false; if (shouldSync && roundResolved) { // idempotent condition, call twice, update once, since this function is public syncMap[voterId][tournamentId][roundId] = true; // idempotence (uint voiceCreditBonus, uint tokenBonus) = getRoundBonus(voterId, tournamentId, roundId); tournament.voiceCredits[voterId] = getVoiceCredits(tournamentId, voterId).plus(voiceCreditBonus); tokensWon[voterId] = tokensWon[voterId].plus(tokenBonus); id.cumulativeBonus =; emit AccountSynced(tournamentId, voterId); } } /** ====================================== GETTERS ========================================================== **/ function getRound(uint tournamentId, uint roundId) public view returns (uint[2] memory) { Round storage round = tournaments[tournamentId].rounds[roundId]; return [round.roundId, round.winningOption]; } // this computes the id of the current round for a given tournament, starting with round 1 on the startTime function getCurrentRoundId(uint tournamentId) public view returns (uint) { Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; uint startTime = tournament.startTime; uint roundLengthSeconds = tournament.roundLengthSeconds; if (block.timestamp >= startTime) { return 1 + ((block.timestamp - startTime) / roundLengthSeconds); } else { return 0; } } function getVoiceCredits(uint tournamentId, uint voterId) public view returns (uint) { Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; uint voiceCredits = tournament.voiceCredits[voterId]; if (voiceCredits > 0) { return voiceCredits; } else { return tournament.voiceUBI; } } function getLastRoundVoted(uint tournamentId, uint voterId) public view returns (uint) { return identities[voterId].lastRoundVoted[tournamentId]; } function getVoteTotals(uint tournamentId, uint roundId, uint option) public view returns (uint) { return tournaments[tournamentId].rounds[roundId].voteTotals[option]; } function getVoteMetadata(uint tournamentId, uint roundId, uint voterId) public view returns (bytes32) { return tournaments[tournamentId].rounds[roundId].votes[voterId].metadataHash; } function getVoiceUBI(uint tournamentId) public view returns (uint) { return tournaments[tournamentId].voiceUBI; } function getRoundResults(uint voterId, uint tournamentId, uint roundId) public view returns (uint, uint) { Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; Round storage round = tournament.rounds[roundId]; Vote storage thisVote = round.votes[voterId]; return (thisVote.weights[round.winningOption], round.voteTotals[round.winningOption]); } // this actually updates the voice credit balance to include the reward function getRoundBonus(uint voterId, uint tournamentId, uint roundId) public view returns (uint, uint) { Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; (uint voteWeight, uint totalVotes) = getRoundResults(voterId, tournamentId, roundId); uint tokenBonus = 0; // if this is the first round voterId has voted in, totalVotes will be 0 if (totalVotes > 0) { tokenBonus = tournament.tokenRoundBonus.times(voteWeight) / totalVotes; } uint voiceCreditBonus = voteWeight.times(voteWeight); return (voiceCreditBonus, tokenBonus); } function isSynced(uint voterId, uint tournamentId, uint roundId) public view returns (bool) { return syncMap[voterId][tournamentId][roundId]; } function roundAlreadyResolved(uint tournamentId, uint roundId) public view returns (bool) { return tournaments[tournamentId].rounds[roundId].winningOption > 0; } /** ====================================== SETTERS ========================================================== **/ // change the site hash function setSiteHash(bytes32 newHash) public managementOnly { bytes32 oldHash = siteHash; siteHash = newHash; emit SiteHashUpdated(oldHash, newHash); } function setRank(uint voterId, uint newRank) public { require(msg.sender == rankManager, 'Only rankManager may call this'); IdMetadata storage id = identities[voterId]; uint oldRank = id.rank; id.rank = newRank; emit RankUpdated(voterId, oldRank, newRank); } function setToken(address tokenAddr) public managementOnly { token = IERC20(tokenAddr); } function updateTournament(uint tournamentId, bytes32 newMetadata, uint newBonus, uint newMinRank, uint newUBI, bytes32 newTokenList, address newOracle) public managementOnly { Tournament storage tournament = tournaments[tournamentId]; tournament.metadataHash = newMetadata; // no changing round length tournament.tokenRoundBonus = newBonus; tournament.minimumRank = newMinRank; tournament.voiceUBI = newUBI; tournament.tokenListENS = newTokenList; tournament.winnerOracle = newOracle; emit TournamentUpdated(tournamentId, newMetadata, newBonus, newMinRank, newUBI, newTokenList, newOracle); } function setRankManager(address newManager) public managementOnly { address oldManager = rankManager; rankManager = newManager; emit RankManagerUpdated(oldManager, newManager); } // change the management key function setManagement(address newMgmt) public managementOnly { address oldMgmt = management; management = newMgmt; emit ManagementUpdated(oldMgmt, newMgmt); } }
[ 16 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; interface RewardPool { function stake(uint) external; function withdraw(uint) external; function getReward() external; function earned(address) external view returns (uint); } contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract when upgrade EVEN times. */ modifier initializerEven() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized EVEN times"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = false; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } contract Governable is Initializable { address public governor; event GovernorshipTransferred(address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor); /** * @dev Contract initializer. * called once by the factory at time of deployment */ function initialize(address governor_) virtual public initializer { governor = governor_; emit GovernorshipTransferred(address(0), governor); } modifier governance() { require(msg.sender == governor); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to governorship will leave the contract without an governor. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `governance` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceGovernorship() public governance { emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, address(0)); governor = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to transfer control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) public governance { _transferGovernorship(newGovernor); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function _transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) internal { require(newGovernor != address(0)); emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, newGovernor); governor = newGovernor; } } contract Configurable is Governable { mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal config; function getConfig(bytes32 key) public view returns (uint) { return config[key]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, uint index) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ index)]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, address addr) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr))]; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) internal { if(config[key] != value) config[key] = value; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(key, value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } } interface Minter { event Minted(address indexed recipient, address reward_contract, uint minted); function token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function minted(address, address) external view returns (uint); function allowed_to_mint_for(address, address) external view returns (bool); function mint(address gauge) external; function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) external; function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) external; function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) external; } interface LiquidityGauge { event Deposit(address indexed provider, uint value); event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint value); event UpdateLiquidityLimit(address user, uint original_balance, uint original_supply, uint working_balance, uint working_supply); function user_checkpoint (address addr) external returns (bool); function claimable_tokens(address addr) external view returns (uint); function claimable_reward(address addr) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint() external view returns (uint); function kick(address addr) external; function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) external; function deposit(uint _value) external; function deposit(uint _value, address addr) external; function withdraw(uint _value) external; function withdraw(uint _value, bool claim_rewards) external; function claim_rewards() external; function claim_rewards(address addr) external; function minter() external view returns (address); function crv_token() external view returns (address); function lp_token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function voting_escrow() external view returns (address); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function future_epoch_time() external view returns (uint); function approved_to_deposit(address, address) external view returns (bool); function working_balances(address) external view returns (uint); function working_supply() external view returns (uint); function period() external view returns (int128); function period_timestamp(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_fraction(address) external view returns (uint); function inflation_rate() external view returns (uint); function reward_contract() external view returns (address); function rewarded_token() external view returns (address); function reward_integral() external view returns (uint); function reward_integral_for(address) external view returns (uint); function rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); function claimed_rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); } contract SSimpleGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; uint override public reward_integral; mapping(address => uint) override public reward_integral_for; mapping(address => uint) override public rewards_for; mapping(address => uint) override public claimed_rewards_for; uint public span; uint public end; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[addr] = balanceOf[addr].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(addr, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender], true); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override external { withdraw(amount, true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(totalSupply); uint lasttime = integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]; if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); address teamAddr = address(config['teamAddr']); uint teamRatio = config['teamRatio']; if(teamAddr != address(0) && teamRatio != 0) integrate_fraction[teamAddr] = integrate_fraction[teamAddr].add(amount.mul(teamRatio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { uint amount = claimable_tokens(addr); _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = now; } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return now; } } c SExactGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _devAddr_ = 'devAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _devRatio_ = 'devRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoAddr_ = 'ecoAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoRatio_ = 'ecoRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _claim_rewards_ = 'claim_rewards'; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; mapping(address => uint) public reward_integral_; // rewarded_token => reward_integral mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public reward_integral_for_; // recipient => rewarded_token => reward_integral_for mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public rewards_for_; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public claimed_rewards_for_; uint public span; uint public end; mapping(address => uint) public sumMiningPerOf; uint public sumMiningPer; uint public bufReward; uint public lasttime; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; if(lasttime == 0) lasttime = now; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override public { withdraw(amount, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, _claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { addr; return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { r = integrate_fraction[addr].sub(Minter(minter).minted(addr, address(this))); r = r.add(_claimable_last(addr, claimableDelta(), sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr])); } function _claimable_last(address addr, uint delta, uint sumPer, uint lastSumPer) virtual internal view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = sumPer.sub(lastSumPer); amount = amount.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(1 ether); } function claimableDelta() virtual internal view returns(uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)).sub(bufReward); if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); addr = address(config[_devAddr_]); uint ratio = config[_devRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); addr = address(config[_ecoAddr_]); ratio = config[_ecoRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint delta = claimableDelta(); uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, delta, sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); if(delta != amount) bufReward = bufReward.add(delta).sub(amount); if(delta > 0) sumMiningPer = sumMiningPer.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(sumMiningPerOf[addr] != sumMiningPer) sumMiningPerOf[addr] = sumMiningPer; lasttime = now; _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return lasttime; } function reward_integral() virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_[rewarded_token]; } function reward_integral_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function claimed_rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } } contra uge is SExactGauge { address[] public rewards; //mapping(address => mapping(address =>uint)) internal sumRewardPerOf_; // recipient => rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_ //mapping(address => uint) internal sumRewardPer_; // rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_for_ function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _nestGauge, address[] memory _moreRewards) public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); reward_contract = _nestGauge; rewarded_token = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).crv_token(); rewards = _moreRewards; rewards.push(rewarded_token); address rewarded_token2 = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).rewarded_token(); if(rewarded_token2 != address(0)) rewards.push(rewarded_token2); LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).integrate_checkpoint(); // just check for(uint i=0; i<_moreRewards.length; i++) IERC20(_moreRewards[i]).totalSupply(); // just check } function _deposit(address from, uint amount) virtual override internal { super._deposit(from, amount); // lp_token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount); lp_token.safeApprove(reward_contract, amount); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).deposit(amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual override internal { LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).withdraw(amount); super._withdraw(to, amount); // lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claim_rewards(address to) virtual override public { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; _checkpoint_rewards(to, true); for(uint i=0; i<rewards.length; i++) { uint amount = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) { rewards[i].safeTransfer(to, amount); claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]; } } } function _checkpoint_rewards(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint[] memory drs = new uint[](rewards.length); if(_claim_rewards) { for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).mint(reward_contract); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claim_rewards(); for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(drs[i]); } for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) { uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, drs[i], reward_integral_[rewards[i]], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]].add(amount); if(drs[i] > 0) reward_integral_[rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]].add(drs[i].mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] != reward_integral_[rewards[i]]) reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]]; } } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { //uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_tokens(address(this)); // Error: Mutable call in static context uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).integrate_fraction(address(this)).sub(Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).minted(address(this), reward_contract)); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[rewarded_token], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token])); } function claimable_reward2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint r) { uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_reward(address(this)).sub(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimed_rewards_for(address(this))); address reward2 = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token(); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[reward2], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward2]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][reward2].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][reward2])); } function claimable_reward(address addr, address reward) virtual public view returns (uint r) { r = _claimable_last(addr, 0, reward_integral_[reward], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][reward].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][reward])); } function claimed_rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } function rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } } contrac is Minter, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address payable; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _allowContract_ = 'allowContract'; bytes32 internal constant _allowlist_ = 'allowlist'; bytes32 internal constant _blocklist_ = 'blocklist'; address override public token; address override public controller; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) override public minted; // user => reward_contract => value mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public allowed_to_mint_for; // minter => user => can mint? mapping(address => uint) public quotas; // reward_contract => quota; function initialize(address governor, address token_) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); token = token_; } function setGaugeQuota(address gauge, uint quota) public governance { quotas[gauge] = quota; } function mint(address gauge) virtual override public { mint_for(gauge, msg.sender); } function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) virtual override external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_many(address[] calldata gauges) virtual external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) virtual override public { require(_for == msg.sender || allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for], 'Not approved'); require(quotas[gauge] > 0, 'No quota'); require(getConfig(_blocklist_, msg.sender) == 0, 'In blocklist'); bool isContract = msg.sender.isContract(); require(!isContract || config[_allowContract_] != 0 || getConfig(_allowlist_, msg.sender) != 0, 'No allowContract'); LiquidityGauge(gauge).user_checkpoint(_for); uint total_mint = LiquidityGauge(gauge).integrate_fraction(_for); uint to_mint = total_mint.sub(minted[_for][gauge]); if(to_mint != 0) { quotas[gauge] = quotas[gauge].sub(to_mint); token.safeTransfer(_for, to_mint); minted[_for][gauge] = total_mint; emit Minted(_for, gauge, total_mint); } } function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) virtual override external { allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = !allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]; } } /* // he abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } function sqrt(uint x)public pure returns(uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 2; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / z + z) / 2; } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) public _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowances; uint256 public _totalSupply; string internal _name; string internal _symbol; uint8 internal _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract SfgToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfgFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Governance Token", "SFG") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfgFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } contract SfyToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfyFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Yield Token", "SFY") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfyFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } library TransferHelper { function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('approve(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: APPROVE_FAILED'); } function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED'); } function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'); } function safeTransferETH(address to, uint value) internal { (bool success,) ={value:value}(new bytes(0)); require(success, 'TransferHelper: ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED'); } } contract DoubleGauge is SExactGauge { function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _reward_contract, address _rewarded_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); reward_contract = _reward_contract; rewarded_token = _rewarded_token; } function _deposit(address from, uint amount) virtual override internal { super._deposit(from, amount); // lp_token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount); lp_token.safeApprove(reward_contract, amount); RewardPool(reward_contract).stake(amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual override internal { RewardPool(reward_contract).withdraw(amount); super._withdraw(to, amount); // lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claim_rewards(address to) virtual override public { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; _checkpoint_rewards(to, true); uint amount = rewards_for_[to][rewarded_token].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewarded_token]); if(amount > 0) { rewarded_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewarded_token] = rewards_for_[to][rewarded_token]; } } function _checkpoint_rewards(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint dr = 0; if(_claim_rewards) { dr = IERC20(rewarded_token).balanceOf(address(this)); RewardPool(reward_contract).getReward(); dr = IERC20(rewarded_token).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(dr); } uint amount = _claimable_last(addr, dr, reward_integral_[rewarded_token], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]); if(amount > 0) rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token] = rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token].add(amount); if(dr > 0) reward_integral_[rewarded_token] = reward_integral_[rewarded_token].add(dr.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token] != reward_integral_[rewarded_token]) reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token] = reward_integral_[rewarded_token]; } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint r) { uint delta = RewardPool(reward_contract).earned(address(this)); r = _claimable_last(addr, delta, reward_integral_[rewarded_token], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]); r = r.add(rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token])); } }
[ 5, 4, 9, 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 990000000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint256 pow10 = 10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_collateralAddress)); // fetch all needed data (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance * pow10, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLTV); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return wdiv(totalCollateralETH, collateralPrice) / pow10; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLTV, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLTV)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLTV) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice) / pow10, NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } function getMaxBoost(address _borrowAddress, address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); totalCollateralETH = div(mul(totalCollateralETH, currentLTV), 100); uint256 availableBorrowsETH = wmul(mul(div(sub(totalCollateralETH, totalBorrowsETH), sub(100, tokenLTV)), 100), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, price) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_tokenAddr))); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost for transaction /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return gasCost The amount we took for the gas cost function getGasCost(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint gasCost) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); gasCost = _gasCost; } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (gasCost > (_amount / 5)) { gasCost = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(gasCost); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, gasCost); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_amount == 0) return; if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function _getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) return uint256(0); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } function proxyOwner() internal returns(address) { return DSAuth(address(this)).owner(); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract CreamSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEther) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToEther, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CreamSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the cream debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the cream position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInEth == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cCollAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { if (liquidityInEth > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); } uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); if (liquidityInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cBorrowAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CreamBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; function balanceOf(address _owner) external virtual view returns (uint256 balance); } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscriptions { function unsubscribe() external virtual ; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public virtual returns (uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x78aF7A2Ee6C2240c748aDdc42aBc9A693559dcaF; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (!isEthJoinAddr(_createData.joinAddr)) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Checks if the join address is one of the Ether coll. types /// @param _joinAddr Join address to check function isEthJoinAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (bool) { // if it's dai_join_addr don't check gem() it will fail if (_joinAddr == 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28) return false; // if coll is weth it's and eth type coll if (address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()) == 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2) { return true; } return false; } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Checks if the join address is one of the Ether coll. types /// @param _joinAddr Join address to check function isEthJoinAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (bool) { // if it's dai_join_addr don't check gem() it will fail if (_joinAddr == 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28) return false; // if coll is weth it's and eth type coll if (address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()) == 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2) { return true; } return false; } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount + originationFee; } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); if (originationFee > 0) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(_onBehalf, originationFee); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 borrowRateStable; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 liquidationRatio; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (uint256 ltv, uint256 liqRatio,,, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowingEnabled,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserveConfigurationData(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: borrowingEnabled ? ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]) : 0, borrowRateStable: stableBorrowingEnabled ? ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentStableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]) : 0, totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, liquidationRatio: liqRatio, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x29F4af15ad64C509c4140324cFE71FB728D10d2B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x11c937fD367D75465DC211c367684d8d4520E6f9; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract CreamBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the cream protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the cream market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the cream market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CreamLoanInfo is CreamSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches cream prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches cream collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEth) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToEth, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CreamImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant CREAM_BORROW_PROXY = 0x87F198Ef6116CdBC5f36B581d212ad950b7e2Ddd; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay cream debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(CREAM_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CreamImportTaker is CreamSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x24F4aC0Fe758c45cf8425D8Fbdd608cca9A7dBf8; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve cream_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(CREAM_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } /// @notice Calculates protocol fee /// @param _srcAddr selling token address (if eth should be WETH) /// @param _srcAmount amount we are selling function getProtocolFee(address _srcAddr, uint256 _srcAmount) internal view returns(uint256) { // if we are not selling ETH msg value is always the protocol fee if (_srcAddr != WETH_ADDRESS) return address(this).balance; // if msg value is larger than srcAmount, that means that msg value is protocol fee + srcAmount, so we subsctract srcAmount from msg value // we have an edge case here when protocol fee is higher than selling amount if (address(this).balance > _srcAmount) return address(this).balance - _srcAmount; // if msg value is lower than src amount, that means that srcAmount isn't included in msg value, so we return msg value return address(this).balance; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount); rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount)); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(_destAmount, amounts[0]); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount)); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 1800000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1800000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt uint drawnAmount = drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = drawnAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Checks if the join address is one of the Ether coll. types /// @param _joinAddr Join address to check function isEthJoinAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (bool) { // if it's dai_join_addr don't check gem() it will fail if (_joinAddr == 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28) return false; // if coll is weth it's and eth type coll if (address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()) == 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2) { return true; } return false; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x1245456DcE9Ac395B4a5F7c3b6622486180A6166; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount || maxLiq == 0) { if (_exchangeData.srcAmount > maxDebt) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = maxDebt; } boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount || maxLiq == 0) { if (_exchangeData.srcAmount > maxColl) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = maxColl; } repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr) || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else if (_joinAddr == DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount -= getFee(getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr), exchangeData.srcAddr, paramData.proxy); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount -= getFee(exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.srcAddr, paramData.proxy); exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], _amount, numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxyInterface proxy = DSProxyInterface(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MCD_SUB_ADDRESS = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant COMPOUND_SUB_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } enum Unsub { NO_UNSUB, FIRST_UNSUB, SECOND_UNSUB, BOTH_UNSUB } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; Unsub unsub; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public payable burnGas(20) { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { _loanShift.debtAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.debtAddr1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); loanShifterReceiverAddr.transfer(address(this).balance); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), _loanShift.debtAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); unsubFromAutomation( _loanShift.unsub, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, _loanShift.fromProtocol, _loanShift.toProtocol ); logEvent(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function logEvent( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER) .Log(address(this), msg.sender, "LoanShifter", abi.encode( _loanShift.fromProtocol, _loanShift.toProtocol, _loanShift.swapType, _exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount )); } function unsubFromAutomation(Unsub _unsub, uint _cdp1, uint _cdp2, Protocols _from, Protocols _to) internal { if (_unsub != Unsub.NO_UNSUB) { if (_unsub == Unsub.FIRST_UNSUB || _unsub == Unsub.BOTH_UNSUB) { unsubscribe(_cdp1, _from); } if (_unsub == Unsub.SECOND_UNSUB || _unsub == Unsub.BOTH_UNSUB) { unsubscribe(_cdp2, _to); } } } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, Protocols _protocol) internal { if (_cdpId != 0 && _protocol == Protocols.MCD) { IMCDSubscriptions(MCD_SUB_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } if (_protocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { ICompoundSubscriptions(COMPOUND_SUB_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return getWholeDebt(_cdpId, _joinAddr); } function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddrTo)) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (isEthJoinAddr(_joinAddr)) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); // uint256 maxCollateral = IAToken(aTokenCollateral).balanceOf(address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral // _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); uint256 destAmount = _data.srcAmount; if (_data.srcAddr != _data.destAddr) { // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } else { destAmount -= getGasCost(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); // skipping this check as its too expensive // uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBoost(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, address(this)); // _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, borrowRateMode == 0 ? VARIABLE_RATE : borrowRateMode, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); uint256 destAmount; if (_data.destAddr != _data.srcAddr) { _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); } else { _data.srcAmount -= getGasCost(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); destAmount = _data.srcAmount; } if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract AaveSaverReceiver is AaveHelper, AdminAuth, SaverExchangeCore { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant AAVE_SAVER_PROXY = 0xCab7ce9148499E0dD8228c3c8cDb9B56Ac2bb57a; address public constant AAVE_BASIC_PROXY = 0xd042D4E9B4186c545648c7FfFe87125c976D110B; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( bytes memory exchangeDataBytes, uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, uint256 ethAmount, uint256 txValue, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (bytes,uint256,bool,uint256,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); bytes memory functionData = packFunctionCall(exchangeDataBytes, gasCost, isRepay); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: txValue}(AAVE_SAVER_PROXY, functionData); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(AAVE_BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } function packFunctionCall(bytes memory _exchangeDataBytes, uint256 _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal returns (bytes memory) { ExchangeData memory exData = unpackExchangeData(_exchangeDataBytes); bytes memory functionData; if (_isRepay) { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } else { functionData = abi.encodeWithSignature("boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", exData, _gasCost); } return functionData; } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external override payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveSaverTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission, GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_RECEIVER = 0x969DfE84ac318531f13B731c7f21af9918802B94; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, true); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint256 _gasCost) public payable { _flashLoan(_data, _gasCost, false); } /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction function _flashLoan(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost, bool _isRepay) internal { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); uint256 ethAmount = ERC20(WETH_ADDR).balanceOf(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, ethAmount, AAVE_RECEIVER); AAVE_RECEIVER.transfer(msg.value); bytes memory encodedData = packExchangeData(_data); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(encodedData, _gasCost, _isRepay, ethAmount, msg.value, proxyOwner(), address(this)), AAVE_RECEIVER ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_RECEIVER); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} struct CompCreateData { address payable proxyAddr; bytes proxyData; address cCollAddr; address cDebtAddr; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address leveragedAsset = _reserve; // If the assets are different if (compCreate.cCollAddr != compCreate.cDebtAddr) { (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, compCreate.proxyAddr); leveragedAsset = exchangeData.destAddr; } // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(compCreate.proxyAddr, leveragedAsset); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(compCreate.proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, compCreate.proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); compCreate = CompCreateData({ proxyAddr: payable(proxy), proxyData: proxyData, cCollAddr: cAddresses[0], cDebtAddr: cAddresses[1] }); return (compCreate, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { _exData.srcAmount = collAmount; (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract CreamSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0x1e012554891d271eDc80ba8eB146EA5FF596fA51; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CreamSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CreamSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CreamSaverProxy is CreamSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } } contract CreamFlashLoanTaker is CreamSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x3ceD2067c0B057611e4E2686Dbe40028962Cc625; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface PotLike { function chi() external view returns (uint); function pie(address) external view returns (uint); function drip() external returns (uint); function join(uint) external; function exit(uint) external; } interface GemLike { function approve(address, uint) external; function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) external returns (bool); } interface VatLike { function dai(address) external view returns (uint); function hope(address) external; } interface DaiJoinLike { function vat() external returns (VatLike); function dai() external returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) external payable; function exit(address, uint) external; } contract CTokenStorage { /** * @dev Guard variable for re-entrancy checks */ bool internal _notEntered; /** * @notice EIP-20 token name for this token */ string public name; /** * @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token */ string public symbol; /** * @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token */ uint8 public decimals; /** * @notice Maximum borrow rate that can ever be applied (.0005% / block) */ uint internal constant borrowRateMaxMantissa = 0.0005e16; /** * @notice Maximum fraction of interest that can be set aside for reserves */ uint internal constant reserveFactorMaxMantissa = 1e18; /** * @notice Administrator for this contract */ address payable public admin; /** * @notice Pending administrator for this contract */ address payable public pendingAdmin; /** * @notice Contract which oversees inter-cToken operations */ ComptrollerInterface public comptroller; /** * @notice Model which tells what the current interest rate should be */ InterestRateModel public interestRateModel; /** * @notice Initial exchange rate used when minting the first CTokens (used when totalSupply = 0) */ uint internal initialExchangeRateMantissa; /** * @notice Fraction of interest currently set aside for reserves */ uint public reserveFactorMantissa; /** * @notice Block number that interest was last accrued at */ uint public accrualBlockNumber; /** * @notice Accumulator of the total earned interest rate since the opening of the market */ uint public borrowIndex; /** * @notice Total amount of outstanding borrows of the underlying in this market */ uint public totalBorrows; /** * @notice Total amount of reserves of the underlying held in this market */ uint public totalReserves; /** * @notice Total number of tokens in circulation */ uint public totalSupply; /** * @notice Official record of token balances for each account */ mapping (address => uint) internal accountTokens; /** * @notice Approved token transfer amounts on behalf of others */ mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) internal transferAllowances; /** * @notice Container for borrow balance information * @member principal Total balance (with accrued interest), after applying the most recent balance-changing action * @member interestIndex Global borrowIndex as of the most recent balance-changing action */ struct BorrowSnapshot { uint principal; uint interestIndex; } /** * @notice Mapping of account addresses to outstanding borrow balances */ mapping(address => BorrowSnapshot) internal accountBorrows; } contract CTokenInterface is CTokenStorage { /** * @notice Indicator that this is a CToken contract (for inspection) */ bool public constant isCToken = true; /*** Market Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when interest is accrued */ event AccrueInterest(uint cashPrior, uint interestAccumulated, uint borrowIndex, uint totalBorrows); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are minted */ event Mint(address minter, uint mintAmount, uint mintTokens); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are redeemed */ event Redeem(address redeemer, uint redeemAmount, uint redeemTokens); /** * @notice Event emitted when underlying is borrowed */ event Borrow(address borrower, uint borrowAmount, uint accountBorrows, uint totalBorrows); /** * @notice Event emitted when a borrow is repaid */ event RepayBorrow(address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount, uint accountBorrows, uint totalBorrows); /** * @notice Event emitted when a borrow is liquidated */ event LiquidateBorrow(address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral, uint seizeTokens); /*** Admin Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingAdmin is changed */ event NewPendingAdmin(address oldPendingAdmin, address newPendingAdmin); /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingAdmin is accepted, which means admin is updated */ event NewAdmin(address oldAdmin, address newAdmin); /** * @notice Event emitted when comptroller is changed */ event NewComptroller(ComptrollerInterface oldComptroller, ComptrollerInterface newComptroller); /** * @notice Event emitted when interestRateModel is changed */ event NewMarketInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel oldInterestRateModel, InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel); /** * @notice Event emitted when the reserve factor is changed */ event NewReserveFactor(uint oldReserveFactorMantissa, uint newReserveFactorMantissa); /** * @notice Event emitted when the reserves are added */ event ReservesAdded(address benefactor, uint addAmount, uint newTotalReserves); /** * @notice Event emitted when the reserves are reduced */ event ReservesReduced(address admin, uint reduceAmount, uint newTotalReserves); /** * @notice EIP20 Transfer event */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount); /** * @notice EIP20 Approval event */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint amount); /** * @notice Failure event */ event Failure(uint error, uint info, uint detail); /*** User Interface ***/ function transfer(address dst, uint amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint amount) external returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint amount) external returns (bool); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external returns (uint); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint); function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external returns (uint); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint); function borrowBalanceStored(address account) public view returns (uint); function exchangeRateCurrent() public returns (uint); function exchangeRateStored() public view returns (uint); function getCash() external view returns (uint); function accrueInterest() public returns (uint); function seize(address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint); /*** Admin Functions ***/ function _setPendingAdmin(address payable newPendingAdmin) external returns (uint); function _acceptAdmin() external returns (uint); function _setComptroller(ComptrollerInterface newComptroller) public returns (uint); function _setReserveFactor(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) external returns (uint); function _reduceReserves(uint reduceAmount) external returns (uint); function _setInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) public returns (uint); } contract CErc20Storage { /** * @notice Underlying asset for this CToken */ address public underlying; } contract CErc20Interface is CErc20Storage { /*** User Interface ***/ function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint); function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint); function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint); function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint); function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint); /*** Admin Functions ***/ function _addReserves(uint addAmount) external returns (uint); } contract CDelegationStorage { /** * @notice Implementation address for this contract */ address public implementation; } contract CDelegatorInterface is CDelegationStorage { /** * @notice Emitted when implementation is changed */ event NewImplementation(address oldImplementation, address newImplementation); /** * @notice Called by the admin to update the implementation of the delegator * @param implementation_ The address of the new implementation for delegation * @param allowResign Flag to indicate whether to call _resignImplementation on the old implementation * @param becomeImplementationData The encoded bytes data to be passed to _becomeImplementation */ function _setImplementation(address implementation_, bool allowResign, bytes memory becomeImplementationData) public; } contract CDelegateInterface is CDelegationStorage { /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to initialize it for duty * @dev Should revert if any issues arise which make it unfit for delegation * @param data The encoded bytes data for any initialization */ function _becomeImplementation(bytes memory data) public; /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to forfeit its responsibility */ function _resignImplementation() public; } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Cheese { /// @notice EIP-20 token name for this token string public constant name = "Cheese"; /// @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token string public constant symbol = "CHEESE"; /// @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token uint8 public constant decimals = 18; /// @notice Total number of tokens in circulation uint public constant totalSupply = 10000000e18; // 10 million Comp /// @notice Allowance amounts on behalf of others mapping (address => mapping (address => uint96)) internal allowances; /// @notice Official record of token balances for each account mapping (address => uint96) internal balances; /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping (address => address) public delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint96 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping (address => mapping (uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping (address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)"); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping (address => uint) public nonces; /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint previousBalance, uint newBalance); /// @notice The standard EIP-20 transfer event event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); /// @notice The standard EIP-20 approval event event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount); /** * @notice Construct a new Comp token * @param account The initial account to grant all the tokens */ constructor(address account) public { balances[account] = uint96(totalSupply); emit Transfer(address(0), account, totalSupply); } /** * @notice Get the number of tokens `spender` is approved to spend on behalf of `account` * @param account The address of the account holding the funds * @param spender The address of the account spending the funds * @return The number of tokens approved */ function allowance(address account, address spender) external view returns (uint) { return allowances[account][spender]; } /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param rawAmount The number of tokens that are approved (2^256-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint rawAmount) external returns (bool) { uint96 amount; if (rawAmount == uint(-1)) { amount = uint96(-1); } else { amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Comp::approve: amount exceeds 96 bits"); } allowances[msg.sender][spender] = amount; emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount); return true; } /** * @notice Get the number of tokens held by the `account` * @param account The address of the account to get the balance of * @return The number of tokens held */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint) { return balances[account]; } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint rawAmount) external returns (bool) { uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Comp::transfer: amount exceeds 96 bits"); _transferTokens(msg.sender, dst, amount); return true; } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint rawAmount) external returns (bool) { address spender = msg.sender; uint96 spenderAllowance = allowances[src][spender]; uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "Comp::approve: amount exceeds 96 bits"); if (spender != src && spenderAllowance != uint96(-1)) { uint96 newAllowance = sub96(spenderAllowance, amount, "Comp::transferFrom: transfer amount exceeds spender allowance"); allowances[src][spender] = newAllowance; emit Approval(src, spender, newAllowance); } _transferTokens(src, dst, amount); return true; } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to */ function delegate(address delegatee) public { return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature * @param v The recovery byte of the signature * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair */ function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint nonce, uint expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256(abi.encode(DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name)), getChainId(), address(this))); bytes32 structHash = keccak256(abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry)); bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash)); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require(signatory != address(0), "Comp::delegateBySig: invalid signature"); require(nonce == nonces[signatory]++, "Comp::delegateBySig: invalid nonce"); require(now <= expiry, "Comp::delegateBySig: signature expired"); return _delegate(signatory, delegatee); } /** * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account` * @param account The address to get votes balance * @return The number of current votes for `account` */ function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint96) { uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0; } /** * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation. * @param account The address of the account to check * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) public view returns (uint96) { require(blockNumber < block.number, "Comp::getPriorVotes: not yet determined"); uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; if (nCheckpoints == 0) { return 0; } // First check most recent balance if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) { return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes; } // Next check implicit zero balance if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) { return 0; } uint32 lower = 0; uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1; while (upper > lower) { uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center]; if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) { return cp.votes; } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) { lower = center; } else { upper = center - 1; } } return checkpoints[account][lower].votes; } function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal { address currentDelegate = delegates[delegator]; uint96 delegatorBalance = balances[delegator]; delegates[delegator] = delegatee; emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee); _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance); } function _transferTokens(address src, address dst, uint96 amount) internal { require(src != address(0), "Comp::_transferTokens: cannot transfer from the zero address"); require(dst != address(0), "Comp::_transferTokens: cannot transfer to the zero address"); balances[src] = sub96(balances[src], amount, "Comp::_transferTokens: transfer amount exceeds balance"); balances[dst] = add96(balances[dst], amount, "Comp::_transferTokens: transfer amount overflows"); emit Transfer(src, dst, amount); _moveDelegates(delegates[src], delegates[dst], amount); } function _moveDelegates(address srcRep, address dstRep, uint96 amount) internal { if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) { if (srcRep != address(0)) { uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep]; uint96 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint96 srcRepNew = sub96(srcRepOld, amount, "Comp::_moveVotes: vote amount underflows"); _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew); } if (dstRep != address(0)) { uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep]; uint96 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint96 dstRepNew = add96(dstRepOld, amount, "Comp::_moveVotes: vote amount overflows"); _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew); } } } function _writeCheckpoint(address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint96 oldVotes, uint96 newVotes) internal { uint32 blockNumber = safe32(block.number, "Comp::_writeCheckpoint: block number exceeds 32 bits"); if (nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber) { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes; } else { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint(blockNumber, newVotes); numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1; } emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes); } function safe32(uint n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } function safe96(uint n, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint96) { require(n < 2**96, errorMessage); return uint96(n); } function add96(uint96 a, uint96 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 c = a + b; require(c >= a, errorMessage); return c; } function sub96(uint96 a, uint96 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint96) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); return a - b; } function getChainId() internal pure returns (uint) { uint256 chainId; assembly { chainId := chainid() } return chainId; } } contract ComptrollerInterface { /// @notice Indicator that this is a Comptroller contract (for inspection) bool public constant isComptroller = true; /*** Assets You Are In ***/ function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external returns (uint[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external returns (uint); /*** Policy Hooks ***/ function mintAllowed(address cToken, address minter, uint mintAmount) external returns (uint); function mintVerify(address cToken, address minter, uint mintAmount, uint mintTokens) external; function redeemAllowed(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint); function redeemVerify(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemAmount, uint redeemTokens) external; function borrowAllowed(address cToken, address borrower, uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint); function borrowVerify(address cToken, address borrower, uint borrowAmount) external; function repayBorrowAllowed( address cToken, address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function repayBorrowVerify( address cToken, address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount, uint borrowerIndex) external; function liquidateBorrowAllowed( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint); function liquidateBorrowVerify( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount, uint seizeTokens) external; function seizeAllowed( address cTokenCollateral, address cTokenBorrowed, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint); function seizeVerify( address cTokenCollateral, address cTokenBorrowed, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external; function transferAllowed(address cToken, address src, address dst, uint transferTokens) external returns (uint); function transferVerify(address cToken, address src, address dst, uint transferTokens) external; /*** Liquidity/Liquidation Calculations ***/ function liquidateCalculateSeizeTokens( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, uint repayAmount) external view returns (uint, uint); } contract UnitrollerAdminStorage { /** * @notice Administrator for this contract */ address public admin; /** * @notice Pending administrator for this contract */ address public pendingAdmin; /** * @notice Active brains of Unitroller */ address public comptrollerImplementation; /** * @notice Pending brains of Unitroller */ address public pendingComptrollerImplementation; } contract ComptrollerV1Storage is UnitrollerAdminStorage { /** * @notice Oracle which gives the price of any given asset */ PriceOracle public oracle; /** * @notice Multiplier used to calculate the maximum repayAmount when liquidating a borrow */ uint public closeFactorMantissa; /** * @notice Multiplier representing the discount on collateral that a liquidator receives */ uint public liquidationIncentiveMantissa; /** * @notice Max number of assets a single account can participate in (borrow or use as collateral) */ uint public maxAssets; /** * @notice Per-account mapping of "assets you are in", capped by maxAssets */ mapping(address => CToken[]) public accountAssets; } contract ComptrollerV2Storage is ComptrollerV1Storage { struct Market { /// @notice Whether or not this market is listed bool isListed; /** * @notice Multiplier representing the most one can borrow against their collateral in this market. * For instance, 0.9 to allow borrowing 90% of collateral value. * Must be between 0 and 1, and stored as a mantissa. */ uint collateralFactorMantissa; /// @notice Per-market mapping of "accounts in this asset" mapping(address => bool) accountMembership; /// @notice Whether or not this market receives COMP bool isComped; } /** * @notice Official mapping of cTokens -> Market metadata * @dev Used e.g. to determine if a market is supported */ mapping(address => Market) public markets; /** * @notice The Pause Guardian can pause certain actions as a safety mechanism. * Actions which allow users to remove their own assets cannot be paused. * Liquidation / seizing / transfer can only be paused globally, not by market. */ address public pauseGuardian; bool public _mintGuardianPaused; bool public _borrowGuardianPaused; bool public transferGuardianPaused; bool public seizeGuardianPaused; mapping(address => bool) public mintGuardianPaused; mapping(address => bool) public borrowGuardianPaused; } contract ComptrollerV3Storage is ComptrollerV2Storage { struct CompMarketState { /// @notice The market's last updated compBorrowIndex or compSupplyIndex uint224 index; /// @notice The block number the index was last updated at uint32 block; } /// @notice A list of all markets CToken[] public allMarkets; /// @notice The rate at which the flywheel distributes COMP, per block uint public compRate; /// @notice The portion of compRate that each market currently receives mapping(address => uint) public compSpeeds; /// @notice The mining cheese rule, 0 - minting by supply, 1 - minting by borrow uint public miningRule; /// @notice The COMP market supply state for each market mapping(address => CompMarketState) public compSupplyState; /// @notice The COMP market borrow state for each market mapping(address => CompMarketState) public compBorrowState; /// @notice The COMP borrow index for each market for each supplier as of the last time they accrued COMP mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public compSupplierIndex; /// @notice The COMP borrow index for each market for each borrower as of the last time they accrued COMP mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public compBorrowerIndex; /// @notice The COMP accrued but not yet transferred to each user mapping(address => uint) public compAccrued; /// @notice The mining CHEESE Buff mapping(address => uint) public miningBuff; } interface EIP20Interface { function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); /** * @notice Get the total number of tokens in circulation * @return The supply of tokens */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Gets the balance of the specified address * @param owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved * @return The balance */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent (-1 means infinite) */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount); } interface EIP20NonStandardInterface { /** * @notice Get the total number of tokens in circulation * @return The supply of tokens */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @notice Gets the balance of the specified address * @param owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved * @return The balance */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); /// /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// !!! NOTICE !!! `transfer` does not return a value, in violation of the ERC-20 specification /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external; /// /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// !!! NOTICE !!! `transferFrom` does not return a value, in violation of the ERC-20 specification /// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /// /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external; /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool success); /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 amount); } contract ComptrollerErrorReporter { enum Error { NO_ERROR, //0 UNAUTHORIZED, //1 COMPTROLLER_MISMATCH, //2 INSUFFICIENT_SHORTFALL, //3 INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY, //4 INVALID_CLOSE_FACTOR, INVALID_COLLATERAL_FACTOR, INVALID_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE, MARKET_NOT_ENTERED, // no longer possible MARKET_NOT_LISTED, MARKET_ALREADY_LISTED, MATH_ERROR, NONZERO_BORROW_BALANCE, PRICE_ERROR, REJECTION, SNAPSHOT_ERROR, TOO_MANY_ASSETS, TOO_MUCH_REPAY } enum FailureInfo { ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK, ACCEPT_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_CHECK, EXIT_MARKET_BALANCE_OWED, EXIT_MARKET_REJECTION, SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK, SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_VALIDATION, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_NO_EXISTS, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_VALIDATION, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_WITHOUT_PRICE, SET_IMPLEMENTATION_OWNER_CHECK, SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_OWNER_CHECK, SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_VALIDATION, SET_MAX_ASSETS_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PRICE_ORACLE_OWNER_CHECK, SUPPORT_MARKET_EXISTS, SUPPORT_MARKET_OWNER_CHECK, SET_PAUSE_GUARDIAN_OWNER_CHECK } /** * @dev `error` corresponds to enum Error; `info` corresponds to enum FailureInfo, and `detail` is an arbitrary * contract-specific code that enables us to report opaque error codes from upgradeable contracts. **/ event Failure(uint error, uint info, uint detail); /** * @dev use this when reporting a known error from the money market or a non-upgradeable collaborator */ function fail(Error err, FailureInfo info) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), 0); return uint(err); } /** * @dev use this when reporting an opaque error from an upgradeable collaborator contract */ function failOpaque(Error err, FailureInfo info, uint opaqueError) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), opaqueError); return uint(err); } } contract TokenErrorReporter { enum Error { NO_ERROR, //0 UNAUTHORIZED, //1 BAD_INPUT, //2 COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, //3 COMPTROLLER_CALCULATION_ERROR, INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_ERROR, INVALID_ACCOUNT_PAIR, INVALID_CLOSE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED, INVALID_COLLATERAL_FACTOR, MATH_ERROR, MARKET_NOT_FRESH, MARKET_NOT_LISTED, TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_ALLOWANCE, TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE, TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, TOKEN_TRANSFER_IN_FAILED, TOKEN_TRANSFER_OUT_FAILED } /* * Note: FailureInfo (but not Error) is kept in alphabetical order * This is because FailureInfo grows significantly faster, and * the order of Error has some meaning, while the order of FailureInfo * is entirely arbitrary. */ enum FailureInfo { ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK, //0 ACCRUE_INTEREST_ACCUMULATED_INTEREST_CALCULATION_FAILED, //1 ACCRUE_INTEREST_BORROW_RATE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //2 ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_BORROW_INDEX_CALCULATION_FAILED, //3 ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_BORROWS_CALCULATION_FAILED, //4 ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_RESERVES_CALCULATION_FAILED, //5 ACCRUE_INTEREST_SIMPLE_INTEREST_FACTOR_CALCULATION_FAILED, //6 BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //7 BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, //8 BORROW_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE, //9 BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK, //10 BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //11 BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, //12 BORROW_MARKET_NOT_LISTED, //13 BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, //14 LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_BORROW_INTEREST_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_COLLATERAL_INTEREST_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_COLLATERAL_FRESHNESS_CHECK, LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_CALCULATE_AMOUNT_SEIZE_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_UINT_MAX, LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_ZERO, LIQUIDATE_FRESHNESS_CHECK, LIQUIDATE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER, LIQUIDATE_REPAY_BORROW_FRESH_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_INCREMENT_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_DECREMENT_FAILED, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER, LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_TOO_MUCH, MINT_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, MINT_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, MINT_EXCHANGE_CALCULATION_FAILED, MINT_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, MINT_FRESHNESS_CHECK, MINT_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, MINT_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED, MINT_TRANSFER_IN_FAILED, MINT_TRANSFER_IN_NOT_POSSIBLE, REDEEM_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REDEEM_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, REDEEM_EXCHANGE_TOKENS_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, REDEEM_FRESHNESS_CHECK, REDEEM_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED, REDEEM_TRANSFER_OUT_NOT_POSSIBLE, REDUCE_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REDUCE_RESERVES_ADMIN_CHECK, REDUCE_RESERVES_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE, REDUCE_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK, REDUCE_RESERVES_VALIDATION, REPAY_BEHALF_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, REPAY_BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK, REPAY_BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, REPAY_BORROW_TRANSFER_IN_NOT_POSSIBLE, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK, SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_VALIDATION, SET_COMPTROLLER_OWNER_CHECK, SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_FRESH_CHECK, SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_OWNER_CHECK, SET_MAX_ASSETS_OWNER_CHECK, SET_ORACLE_MARKET_NOT_LISTED, SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ADMIN_CHECK, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_FRESH_CHECK, SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_BOUNDS_CHECK, TRANSFER_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED, TRANSFER_NOT_ENOUGH, TRANSFER_TOO_MUCH, ADD_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED, ADD_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK, ADD_RESERVES_TRANSFER_IN_NOT_POSSIBLE } /** * @dev `error` corresponds to enum Error; `info` corresponds to enum FailureInfo, and `detail` is an arbitrary * contract-specific code that enables us to report opaque error codes from upgradeable contracts. **/ event Failure(uint error, uint info, uint detail); /** * @dev use this when reporting a known error from the money market or a non-upgradeable collaborator */ function fail(Error err, FailureInfo info) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), 0); return uint(err); } /** * @dev use this when reporting an opaque error from an upgradeable collaborator contract */ function failOpaque(Error err, FailureInfo info, uint opaqueError) internal returns (uint) { emit Failure(uint(err), uint(info), opaqueError); return uint(err); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant doubleScale = 1e36; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } struct Double { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } function safe224(uint n, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint224) { require(n < 2**224, errorMessage); return uint224(n); } function safe32(uint n, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint32) { require(n < 2**32, errorMessage); return uint32(n); } function add_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: add_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function add_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: add_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function add_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return add_(a, b, "addition overflow"); } function add_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { uint c = a + b; require(c >= a, errorMessage); return c; } function sub_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: sub_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function sub_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: sub_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa)}); } function sub_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return sub_(a, b, "subtraction underflow"); } function sub_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); return a - b; } function mul_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) / expScale}); } function mul_(Exp memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function mul_(uint a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return mul_(a, b.mantissa) / expScale; } function mul_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) / doubleScale}); } function mul_(Double memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: mul_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function mul_(uint a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return mul_(a, b.mantissa) / doubleScale; } function mul_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return mul_(a, b, "multiplication overflow"); } function mul_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { if (a == 0 || b == 0) { return 0; } uint c = a * b; require(c / a == b, errorMessage); return c; } function div_(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: div_(mul_(a.mantissa, expScale), b.mantissa)}); } function div_(Exp memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Exp memory) { return Exp({mantissa: div_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function div_(uint a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return div_(mul_(a, expScale), b.mantissa); } function div_(Double memory a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: div_(mul_(a.mantissa, doubleScale), b.mantissa)}); } function div_(Double memory a, uint b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: div_(a.mantissa, b)}); } function div_(uint a, Double memory b) pure internal returns (uint) { return div_(mul_(a, doubleScale), b.mantissa); } function div_(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (uint) { return div_(a, b, "divide by zero"); } function div_(uint a, uint b, string memory errorMessage) pure internal returns (uint) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); return a / b; } function fraction(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (Double memory) { return Double({mantissa: div_(mul_(a, doubleScale), b)}); } } contract InterestRateModel { /// @notice Indicator that this is an InterestRateModel contract (for inspection) bool public constant isInterestRateModel = true; /** * @notice Calculates the current borrow interest rate per block * @param cash The total amount of cash the market has * @param borrows The total amount of borrows the market has outstanding * @param reserves The total amnount of reserves the market has * @return The borrow rate per block (as a percentage, and scaled by 1e18) */ function getBorrowRate(uint cash, uint borrows, uint reserves) external view returns (uint); /** * @notice Calculates the current supply interest rate per block * @param cash The total amount of cash the market has * @param borrows The total amount of borrows the market has outstanding * @param reserves The total amnount of reserves the market has * @param reserveFactorMantissa The current reserve factor the market has * @return The supply rate per block (as a percentage, and scaled by 1e18) */ function getSupplyRate(uint cash, uint borrows, uint reserves, uint reserveFactorMantissa) external view returns (uint); } contract PriceOracle { /// @notice Indicator that this is a PriceOracle contract (for inspection) bool public constant isPriceOracle = true; /** * @notice Get the underlying price of a cToken asset * @param sToken The cToken to get the underlying price of * @return The underlying asset price mantissa (scaled by 1e18). * Zero means the price is unavailable. */ function getUnderlyingPrice(CToken sToken) external view returns (uint); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, errorMessage); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on underflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot underflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction underflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on underflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot underflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, errorMessage); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. * Reverts on division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. * Reverts with custom message on division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Unitroller is UnitrollerAdminStorage, ComptrollerErrorReporter { /** * @notice Emitted when pendingComptrollerImplementation is changed */ event NewPendingImplementation(address oldPendingImplementation, address newPendingImplementation); /** * @notice Emitted when pendingComptrollerImplementation is accepted, which means comptroller implementation is updated */ event NewImplementation(address oldImplementation, address newImplementation); /** * @notice Emitted when pendingAdmin is changed */ event NewPendingAdmin(address oldPendingAdmin, address newPendingAdmin); /** * @notice Emitted when pendingAdmin is accepted, which means admin is updated */ event NewAdmin(address oldAdmin, address newAdmin); constructor() public { // Set admin to caller admin = msg.sender; } /*** Admin Functions ***/ function _setPendingImplementation(address newPendingImplementation) public returns (uint) { if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_OWNER_CHECK); } address oldPendingImplementation = pendingComptrollerImplementation; pendingComptrollerImplementation = newPendingImplementation; emit NewPendingImplementation(oldPendingImplementation, pendingComptrollerImplementation); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accepts new implementation of comptroller. msg.sender must be pendingImplementation * @dev Admin function for new implementation to accept it's role as implementation * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptImplementation() public returns (uint) { // Check caller is pendingImplementation and pendingImplementation ≠ address(0) if (msg.sender != pendingComptrollerImplementation || pendingComptrollerImplementation == address(0)) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.ACCEPT_PENDING_IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS_CHECK); } // Save current values for inclusion in log address oldImplementation = comptrollerImplementation; address oldPendingImplementation = pendingComptrollerImplementation; comptrollerImplementation = pendingComptrollerImplementation; pendingComptrollerImplementation = address(0); emit NewImplementation(oldImplementation, comptrollerImplementation); emit NewPendingImplementation(oldPendingImplementation, pendingComptrollerImplementation); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @dev Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @param newPendingAdmin New pending admin. * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPendingAdmin(address newPendingAdmin) public returns (uint) { // Check caller = admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK); } // Save current value, if any, for inclusion in log address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store pendingAdmin with value newPendingAdmin pendingAdmin = newPendingAdmin; // Emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin) emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin * @dev Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptAdmin() public returns (uint) { // Check caller is pendingAdmin and pendingAdmin ≠ address(0) if (msg.sender != pendingAdmin || msg.sender == address(0)) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK); } // Save current values for inclusion in log address oldAdmin = admin; address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store admin with value pendingAdmin admin = pendingAdmin; // Clear the pending value pendingAdmin = address(0); emit NewAdmin(oldAdmin, admin); emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, pendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @dev Delegates execution to an implementation contract. * It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns * or forwards reverts. */ function () payable external { // delegate all other functions to current implementation (bool success, ) = comptrollerImplementation.delegatecall(; assembly { let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize) switch success case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } default { return(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } } } } contract CErc20Delegator is CTokenInterface, CErc20Interface, CDelegatorInterface { /** * @notice Construct a new money market * @param underlying_ The address of the underlying asset * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token * @param admin_ Address of the administrator of this token * @param implementation_ The address of the implementation the contract delegates to * @param becomeImplementationData The encoded args for becomeImplementation */ constructor(address underlying_, ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address payable admin_, address implementation_, bytes memory becomeImplementationData) public { // Creator of the contract is admin during initialization admin = msg.sender; // First delegate gets to initialize the delegator (i.e. storage contract) delegateTo(implementation_, abi.encodeWithSignature("initialize(address,address,address,uint256,string,string,uint8)", underlying_, comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_)); // New implementations always get set via the settor (post-initialize) _setImplementation(implementation_, false, becomeImplementationData); // Set the proper admin now that initialization is done admin = admin_; } /** * @notice Called by the admin to update the implementation of the delegator * @param implementation_ The address of the new implementation for delegation * @param allowResign Flag to indicate whether to call _resignImplementation on the old implementation * @param becomeImplementationData The encoded bytes data to be passed to _becomeImplementation */ function _setImplementation(address implementation_, bool allowResign, bytes memory becomeImplementationData) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "CErc20Delegator::_setImplementation: Caller must be admin"); if (allowResign) { delegateToImplementation(abi.encodeWithSignature("_resignImplementation()")); } address oldImplementation = implementation; implementation = implementation_; delegateToImplementation(abi.encodeWithSignature("_becomeImplementation(bytes)", becomeImplementationData)); emit NewImplementation(oldImplementation, implementation); } /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint) { mintAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { redeemTokens; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint) { redeemAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { borrowAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { repayAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { borrower; repayAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint) { borrower; repayAmount; cTokenCollateral; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint amount) external returns (bool) { dst; amount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { src; dst; amount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { spender; amount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent (-1 means infinite) */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint) { owner; spender; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get the token balance of the `owner` * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The number of tokens owned by `owner` */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint) { owner; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get the underlying balance of the `owner` * @dev This also accrues interest in a transaction * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The amount of underlying owned by `owner` */ function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external returns (uint) { owner; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get a snapshot of the account's balances, and the cached exchange rate * @dev This is used by comptroller to more efficiently perform liquidity checks. * @param account Address of the account to snapshot * @return (possible error, token balance, borrow balance, exchange rate mantissa) */ function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint) { account; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block borrow interest rate for this cToken * @return The borrow interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block supply interest rate for this cToken * @return The supply interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Returns the current total borrows plus accrued interest * @return The total borrows with interest */ function totalBorrowsCurrent() external returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrue interest to updated borrowIndex and then calculate account's borrow balance using the updated borrowIndex * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated after updating borrowIndex * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external returns (uint) { account; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Return the borrow balance of account based on stored data * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceStored(address account) public view returns (uint) { account; // Shh delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateCurrent() public returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateStored() public view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Get cash balance of this cToken in the underlying asset * @return The quantity of underlying asset owned by this contract */ function getCash() external view returns (uint) { delegateToViewAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Applies accrued interest to total borrows and reserves. * @dev This calculates interest accrued from the last checkpointed block * up to the current block and writes new checkpoint to storage. */ function accrueInterest() public returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Transfers collateral tokens (this market) to the liquidator. * @dev Will fail unless called by another cToken during the process of liquidation. * Its absolutely critical to use msg.sender as the borrowed cToken and not a parameter. * @param liquidator The account receiving seized collateral * @param borrower The account having collateral seized * @param seizeTokens The number of cTokens to seize * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function seize(address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint) { liquidator; borrower; seizeTokens; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /*** Admin Functions ***/ /** * @notice Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @dev Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @param newPendingAdmin New pending admin. * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPendingAdmin(address payable newPendingAdmin) external returns (uint) { newPendingAdmin; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Sets a new comptroller for the market * @dev Admin function to set a new comptroller * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setComptroller(ComptrollerInterface newComptroller) public returns (uint) { newComptroller; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice accrues interest and sets a new reserve factor for the protocol using _setReserveFactorFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and set a new reserve factor * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setReserveFactor(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) external returns (uint) { newReserveFactorMantissa; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin * @dev Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptAdmin() external returns (uint) { delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and adds reserves by transferring from admin * @param addAmount Amount of reserves to add * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _addReserves(uint addAmount) external returns (uint) { addAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and reduces reserves by transferring to admin * @param reduceAmount Amount of reduction to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _reduceReserves(uint reduceAmount) external returns (uint) { reduceAmount; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and updates the interest rate model using _setInterestRateModelFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and update the interest rate model * @param newInterestRateModel the new interest rate model to use * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) public returns (uint) { newInterestRateModel; // Shh delegateAndReturn(); } /** * @notice Internal method to delegate execution to another contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts * @param callee The contract to delegatecall * @param data The raw data to delegatecall * @return The returned bytes from the delegatecall */ function delegateTo(address callee, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = callee.delegatecall(data); assembly { if eq(success, 0) { revert(add(returnData, 0x20), returndatasize) } } return returnData; } /** * @notice Delegates execution to the implementation contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts * @param data The raw data to delegatecall * @return The returned bytes from the delegatecall */ function delegateToImplementation(bytes memory data) public returns (bytes memory) { return delegateTo(implementation, data); } /** * @notice Delegates execution to an implementation contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts * There are an additional 2 prefix uints from the wrapper returndata, which we ignore since we make an extra hop. * @param data The raw data to delegatecall * @return The returned bytes from the delegatecall */ function delegateToViewImplementation(bytes memory data) public view returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = address(this).staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("delegateToImplementation(bytes)", data)); assembly { if eq(success, 0) { revert(add(returnData, 0x20), returndatasize) } } return abi.decode(returnData, (bytes)); } function delegateToViewAndReturn() private view returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, ) = address(this).staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("delegateToImplementation(bytes)",; assembly { let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize) switch success case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } default { return(add(free_mem_ptr, 0x40), returndatasize) } } } function delegateAndReturn() private returns (bytes memory) { (bool success, ) = implementation.delegatecall(; assembly { let free_mem_ptr := mload(0x40) returndatacopy(free_mem_ptr, 0, returndatasize) switch success case 0 { revert(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } default { return(free_mem_ptr, returndatasize) } } } /** * @notice Delegates execution to an implementation contract * @dev It returns to the external caller whatever the implementation returns or forwards reverts */ function () external payable { require(msg.value == 0,"CErc20Delegator:fallback: cannot send value to fallback"); // delegate all other functions to current implementation delegateAndReturn(); } } contract CToken is CTokenInterface, Exponential, TokenErrorReporter { /** * @notice Initialize the money market * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ EIP-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ EIP-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ EIP-20 decimal precision of this token */ function initialize(ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only admin may initialize the market"); require(accrualBlockNumber == 0 && borrowIndex == 0, "market may only be initialized once"); // Set initial exchange rate initialExchangeRateMantissa = initialExchangeRateMantissa_; require(initialExchangeRateMantissa > 0, "initial exchange rate must be greater than zero."); // Set the comptroller uint err = _setComptroller(comptroller_); require(err == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "setting comptroller failed"); // Initialize block number and borrow index (block number mocks depend on comptroller being set) accrualBlockNumber = getBlockNumber(); borrowIndex = mantissaOne; // Set the interest rate model (depends on block number / borrow index) err = _setInterestRateModelFresh(interestRateModel_); require(err == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "setting interest rate model failed"); name = name_; symbol = symbol_; decimals = decimals_; // The counter starts true to prevent changing it from zero to non-zero (i.e. smaller cost/refund) _notEntered = true; } /** * @notice Transfer `tokens` tokens from `src` to `dst` by `spender` * @dev Called by both `transfer` and `transferFrom` internally * @param spender The address of the account performing the transfer * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param tokens The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferTokens(address spender, address src, address dst, uint tokens) internal returns (uint) { /* Fail if transfer not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.transferAllowed(address(this), src, dst, tokens); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Do not allow self-transfers */ if (src == dst) { return fail(Error.BAD_INPUT, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED); } /* Get the allowance, infinite for the account owner */ uint startingAllowance = 0; if (spender == src) { startingAllowance = uint(-1); } else { startingAllowance = transferAllowances[src][spender]; } /* Do the calculations, checking for {under,over}flow */ MathError mathErr; uint allowanceNew; uint srcTokensNew; uint dstTokensNew; (mathErr, allowanceNew) = subUInt(startingAllowance, tokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return fail(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_NOT_ALLOWED); } (mathErr, srcTokensNew) = subUInt(accountTokens[src], tokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return fail(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_NOT_ENOUGH); } (mathErr, dstTokensNew) = addUInt(accountTokens[dst], tokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return fail(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.TRANSFER_TOO_MUCH); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) accountTokens[src] = srcTokensNew; accountTokens[dst] = dstTokensNew; /* Eat some of the allowance (if necessary) */ if (startingAllowance != uint(-1)) { transferAllowances[src][spender] = allowanceNew; } /* We emit a Transfer event */ emit Transfer(src, dst, tokens); comptroller.transferVerify(address(this), src, dst, tokens); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `msg.sender` to `dst` * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transfer(address dst, uint256 amount) external nonReentrant returns (bool) { return transferTokens(msg.sender, msg.sender, dst, amount) == uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Transfer `amount` tokens from `src` to `dst` * @param src The address of the source account * @param dst The address of the destination account * @param amount The number of tokens to transfer * @return Whether or not the transfer succeeded */ function transferFrom(address src, address dst, uint256 amount) external nonReentrant returns (bool) { return transferTokens(msg.sender, src, dst, amount) == uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Approve `spender` to transfer up to `amount` from `src` * @dev This will overwrite the approval amount for `spender` * and is subject to issues noted [here]( * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @param amount The number of tokens that are approved (-1 means infinite) * @return Whether or not the approval succeeded */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) { address src = msg.sender; transferAllowances[src][spender] = amount; emit Approval(src, spender, amount); return true; } /** * @notice Get the current allowance from `owner` for `spender` * @param owner The address of the account which owns the tokens to be spent * @param spender The address of the account which may transfer tokens * @return The number of tokens allowed to be spent (-1 means infinite) */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256) { return transferAllowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @notice Get the token balance of the `owner` * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The number of tokens owned by `owner` */ function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint256) { return accountTokens[owner]; } /** * @notice Get the underlying balance of the `owner` * @dev This also accrues interest in a transaction * @param owner The address of the account to query * @return The amount of underlying owned by `owner` */ function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external returns (uint) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateCurrent()}); (MathError mErr, uint balance) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, accountTokens[owner]); require(mErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "balance could not be calculated"); return balance; } /** * @notice Get a snapshot of the account's balances, and the cached exchange rate * @dev This is used by comptroller to more efficiently perform liquidity checks. * @param account Address of the account to snapshot * @return (possible error, token balance, borrow balance, exchange rate mantissa) */ function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint) { uint cTokenBalance = accountTokens[account]; uint borrowBalance; uint exchangeRateMantissa; MathError mErr; (mErr, borrowBalance) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(account); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0, 0, 0); } (mErr, exchangeRateMantissa) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0, 0, 0); } return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), cTokenBalance, borrowBalance, exchangeRateMantissa); } /** * @dev Function to simply retrieve block number * This exists mainly for inheriting test contracts to stub this result. */ function getBlockNumber() internal view returns (uint) { return block.number; } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block borrow interest rate for this cToken * @return The borrow interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function borrowRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { return interestRateModel.getBorrowRate(getCashPrior(), totalBorrows, totalReserves); } /** * @notice Returns the current per-block supply interest rate for this cToken * @return The supply interest rate per block, scaled by 1e18 */ function supplyRatePerBlock() external view returns (uint) { return interestRateModel.getSupplyRate(getCashPrior(), totalBorrows, totalReserves, reserveFactorMantissa); } /** * @notice Returns the current total borrows plus accrued interest * @return The total borrows with interest */ function totalBorrowsCurrent() external nonReentrant returns (uint) { require(accrueInterest() == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "accrue interest failed"); return totalBorrows; } /** * @notice Accrue interest to updated borrowIndex and then calculate account's borrow balance using the updated borrowIndex * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated after updating borrowIndex * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { require(accrueInterest() == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "accrue interest failed"); return borrowBalanceStored(account); } /** * @notice Return the borrow balance of account based on stored data * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated * @return The calculated balance */ function borrowBalanceStored(address account) public view returns (uint) { (MathError err, uint result) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(account); require(err == MathError.NO_ERROR, "borrowBalanceStored: borrowBalanceStoredInternal failed"); return result; } /** * @notice Return the borrow balance of account based on stored data * @param account The address whose balance should be calculated * @return (error code, the calculated balance or 0 if error code is non-zero) */ function borrowBalanceStoredInternal(address account) internal view returns (MathError, uint) { /* Note: we do not assert that the market is up to date */ MathError mathErr; uint principalTimesIndex; uint result; /* Get borrowBalance and borrowIndex */ BorrowSnapshot storage borrowSnapshot = accountBorrows[account]; /* If borrowBalance = 0 then borrowIndex is likely also 0. * Rather than failing the calculation with a division by 0, we immediately return 0 in this case. */ if (borrowSnapshot.principal == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } /* Calculate new borrow balance using the interest index: * recentBorrowBalance = borrower.borrowBalance * market.borrowIndex / borrower.borrowIndex */ (mathErr, principalTimesIndex) = mulUInt(borrowSnapshot.principal, borrowIndex); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } (mathErr, result) = divUInt(principalTimesIndex, borrowSnapshot.interestIndex); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, result); } /** * @notice Accrue interest then return the up-to-date exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateCurrent() public nonReentrant returns (uint) { require(accrueInterest() == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "accrue interest failed"); return exchangeRateStored(); } /** * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate * @return Calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18 */ function exchangeRateStored() public view returns (uint) { (MathError err, uint result) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); require(err == MathError.NO_ERROR, "exchangeRateStored: exchangeRateStoredInternal failed"); return result; } /** * @notice Calculates the exchange rate from the underlying to the CToken * @dev This function does not accrue interest before calculating the exchange rate * @return (error code, calculated exchange rate scaled by 1e18) */ function exchangeRateStoredInternal() internal view returns (MathError, uint) { uint _totalSupply = totalSupply; if (_totalSupply == 0) { /* * If there are no tokens minted: * exchangeRate = initialExchangeRate */ return (MathError.NO_ERROR, initialExchangeRateMantissa); } else { /* * Otherwise: * exchangeRate = (totalCash + totalBorrows - totalReserves) / totalSupply */ uint totalCash = getCashPrior(); uint cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves; Exp memory exchangeRate; MathError mathErr; (mathErr, cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves) = addThenSubUInt(totalCash, totalBorrows, totalReserves); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } (mathErr, exchangeRate) = getExp(cashPlusBorrowsMinusReserves, _totalSupply); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (mathErr, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, exchangeRate.mantissa); } } /** * @notice Get cash balance of this cToken in the underlying asset * @return The quantity of underlying asset owned by this contract */ function getCash() external view returns (uint) { return getCashPrior(); } /** * @notice Applies accrued interest to total borrows and reserves * @dev This calculates interest accrued from the last checkpointed block * up to the current block and writes new checkpoint to storage. */ function accrueInterest() public returns (uint) { /* Remember the initial block number */ uint currentBlockNumber = getBlockNumber(); uint accrualBlockNumberPrior = accrualBlockNumber; /* Short-circuit accumulating 0 interest */ if (accrualBlockNumberPrior == currentBlockNumber) { return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /* Read the previous values out of storage */ uint cashPrior = getCashPrior(); uint borrowsPrior = totalBorrows; uint reservesPrior = totalReserves; uint borrowIndexPrior = borrowIndex; /* Calculate the current borrow interest rate */ uint borrowRateMantissa = interestRateModel.getBorrowRate(cashPrior, borrowsPrior, reservesPrior); require(borrowRateMantissa <= borrowRateMaxMantissa, "borrow rate is absurdly high"); /* Calculate the number of blocks elapsed since the last accrual */ (MathError mathErr, uint blockDelta) = subUInt(currentBlockNumber, accrualBlockNumberPrior); require(mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "could not calculate block delta"); /* * Calculate the interest accumulated into borrows and reserves and the new index: * simpleInterestFactor = borrowRate * blockDelta * interestAccumulated = simpleInterestFactor * totalBorrows * totalBorrowsNew = interestAccumulated + totalBorrows * totalReservesNew = interestAccumulated * reserveFactor + totalReserves * borrowIndexNew = simpleInterestFactor * borrowIndex + borrowIndex */ Exp memory simpleInterestFactor; uint interestAccumulated; uint totalBorrowsNew; uint totalReservesNew; uint borrowIndexNew; (mathErr, simpleInterestFactor) = mulScalar(Exp({mantissa: borrowRateMantissa}), blockDelta); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_SIMPLE_INTEREST_FACTOR_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, interestAccumulated) = mulScalarTruncate(simpleInterestFactor, borrowsPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_ACCUMULATED_INTEREST_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, totalBorrowsNew) = addUInt(interestAccumulated, borrowsPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_BORROWS_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, totalReservesNew) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp({mantissa: reserveFactorMantissa}), interestAccumulated, reservesPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_TOTAL_RESERVES_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, borrowIndexNew) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(simpleInterestFactor, borrowIndexPrior, borrowIndexPrior); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.ACCRUE_INTEREST_NEW_BORROW_INDEX_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accrualBlockNumber = currentBlockNumber; borrowIndex = borrowIndexNew; totalBorrows = totalBorrowsNew; totalReserves = totalReservesNew; /* We emit an AccrueInterest event */ emit AccrueInterest(cashPrior, interestAccumulated, borrowIndexNew, totalBorrowsNew); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual mint amount. */ function mintInternal(uint mintAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.MINT_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // mintFresh emits the actual Mint event if successful and logs on errors, so we don't need to return mintFresh(msg.sender, mintAmount); } struct MintLocalVars { Error err; MathError mathErr; uint exchangeRateMantissa; uint mintTokens; uint totalSupplyNew; uint accountTokensNew; uint actualMintAmount; } /** * @notice User supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Assumes interest has already been accrued up to the current block * @param minter The address of the account which is supplying the assets * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual mint amount. */ function mintFresh(address minter, uint mintAmount) internal returns (uint, uint) { /* Fail if mint not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.mintAllowed(address(this), minter, mintAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return (failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.MINT_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed), 0); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.MINT_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } MintLocalVars memory vars; (vars.mathErr, vars.exchangeRateMantissa) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.MINT_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)), 0); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We call `doTransferIn` for the minter and the mintAmount. * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * `doTransferIn` reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if * side-effects occurred. The function returns the amount actually transferred, * in case of a fee. On success, the cToken holds an additional `actualMintAmount` * of cash. */ vars.actualMintAmount = doTransferIn(minter, mintAmount); /* * We get the current exchange rate and calculate the number of cTokens to be minted: * mintTokens = actualMintAmount / exchangeRate */ (vars.mathErr, vars.mintTokens) = divScalarByExpTruncate(vars.actualMintAmount, Exp({mantissa: vars.exchangeRateMantissa})); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "MINT_EXCHANGE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); /* * We calculate the new total supply of cTokens and minter token balance, checking for overflow: * totalSupplyNew = totalSupply + mintTokens * accountTokensNew = accountTokens[minter] + mintTokens */ (vars.mathErr, vars.totalSupplyNew) = addUInt(totalSupply, vars.mintTokens); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "MINT_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED"); (vars.mathErr, vars.accountTokensNew) = addUInt(accountTokens[minter], vars.mintTokens); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "MINT_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); /* We write previously calculated values into storage */ totalSupply = vars.totalSupplyNew; accountTokens[minter] = vars.accountTokensNew; /* We emit a Mint event, and a Transfer event */ emit Mint(minter, vars.actualMintAmount, vars.mintTokens); emit Transfer(address(this), minter, vars.mintTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.mintVerify(address(this), minter, vars.actualMintAmount, vars.mintTokens); return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), vars.actualMintAmount); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemInternal(uint redeemTokens) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted redeem failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REDEEM_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // redeemFresh emits redeem-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return redeemFresh(msg.sender, redeemTokens, 0); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to receive from redeeming cTokens * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlyingInternal(uint redeemAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted redeem failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REDEEM_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // redeemFresh emits redeem-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return redeemFresh(msg.sender, 0, redeemAmount); } struct RedeemLocalVars { Error err; MathError mathErr; uint exchangeRateMantissa; uint redeemTokens; uint redeemAmount; uint totalSupplyNew; uint accountTokensNew; } /** * @notice User redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Assumes interest has already been accrued up to the current block * @param redeemer The address of the account which is redeeming the tokens * @param redeemTokensIn The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying (only one of redeemTokensIn or redeemAmountIn may be non-zero) * @param redeemAmountIn The number of underlying tokens to receive from redeeming cTokens (only one of redeemTokensIn or redeemAmountIn may be non-zero) * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemFresh(address payable redeemer, uint redeemTokensIn, uint redeemAmountIn) internal returns (uint) { require(redeemTokensIn == 0 || redeemAmountIn == 0, "one of redeemTokensIn or redeemAmountIn must be zero"); RedeemLocalVars memory vars; /* exchangeRate = invoke Exchange Rate Stored() */ (vars.mathErr, vars.exchangeRateMantissa) = exchangeRateStoredInternal(); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_EXCHANGE_RATE_READ_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } /* If redeemTokensIn > 0: */ if (redeemTokensIn > 0) { /* * We calculate the exchange rate and the amount of underlying to be redeemed: * redeemTokens = redeemTokensIn * redeemAmount = redeemTokensIn x exchangeRateCurrent */ vars.redeemTokens = redeemTokensIn; (vars.mathErr, vars.redeemAmount) = mulScalarTruncate(Exp({mantissa: vars.exchangeRateMantissa}), redeemTokensIn); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_EXCHANGE_TOKENS_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } } else { /* * We get the current exchange rate and calculate the amount to be redeemed: * redeemTokens = redeemAmountIn / exchangeRate * redeemAmount = redeemAmountIn */ (vars.mathErr, vars.redeemTokens) = divScalarByExpTruncate(redeemAmountIn, Exp({mantissa: vars.exchangeRateMantissa})); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_EXCHANGE_AMOUNT_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } vars.redeemAmount = redeemAmountIn; } /* Fail if redeem not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.redeemAllowed(address(this), redeemer, vars.redeemTokens); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.REDEEM_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.REDEEM_FRESHNESS_CHECK); } /* * We calculate the new total supply and redeemer balance, checking for underflow: * totalSupplyNew = totalSupply - redeemTokens * accountTokensNew = accountTokens[redeemer] - redeemTokens */ (vars.mathErr, vars.totalSupplyNew) = subUInt(totalSupply, vars.redeemTokens); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_NEW_TOTAL_SUPPLY_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } (vars.mathErr, vars.accountTokensNew) = subUInt(accountTokens[redeemer], vars.redeemTokens); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REDEEM_NEW_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } /* Fail gracefully if protocol has insufficient cash */ if (getCashPrior() < vars.redeemAmount) { return fail(Error.TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, FailureInfo.REDEEM_TRANSFER_OUT_NOT_POSSIBLE); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We invoke doTransferOut for the redeemer and the redeemAmount. * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken has redeemAmount less of cash. * doTransferOut reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. */ doTransferOut(redeemer, vars.redeemAmount); /* We write previously calculated values into storage */ totalSupply = vars.totalSupplyNew; accountTokens[redeemer] = vars.accountTokensNew; /* We emit a Transfer event, and a Redeem event */ emit Transfer(redeemer, address(this), vars.redeemTokens); emit Redeem(redeemer, vars.redeemAmount, vars.redeemTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.redeemVerify(address(this), redeemer, vars.redeemAmount, vars.redeemTokens); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrowInternal(uint borrowAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // borrowFresh emits borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return borrowFresh(msg.sender, borrowAmount); } struct BorrowLocalVars { MathError mathErr; uint accountBorrows; uint accountBorrowsNew; uint totalBorrowsNew; } /** * @notice Users borrow assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrowFresh(address payable borrower, uint borrowAmount) internal returns (uint) { /* Fail if borrow not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.borrowAllowed(address(this), borrower, borrowAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK); } /* Fail gracefully if protocol has insufficient underlying cash */ if (getCashPrior() < borrowAmount) { return fail(Error.TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, FailureInfo.BORROW_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE); } BorrowLocalVars memory vars; /* * We calculate the new borrower and total borrow balances, failing on overflow: * accountBorrowsNew = accountBorrows + borrowAmount * totalBorrowsNew = totalBorrows + borrowAmount */ (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrows) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(borrower); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrowsNew) = addUInt(vars.accountBorrows, borrowAmount); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } (vars.mathErr, vars.totalBorrowsNew) = addUInt(totalBorrows, borrowAmount); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We invoke doTransferOut for the borrower and the borrowAmount. * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken borrowAmount less of cash. * doTransferOut reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. */ doTransferOut(borrower, borrowAmount); /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accountBorrows[borrower].principal = vars.accountBorrowsNew; accountBorrows[borrower].interestIndex = borrowIndex; totalBorrows = vars.totalBorrowsNew; /* We emit a Borrow event */ emit Borrow(borrower, borrowAmount, vars.accountBorrowsNew, vars.totalBorrowsNew); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.borrowVerify(address(this), borrower, borrowAmount); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function repayBorrowInternal(uint repayAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // repayBorrowFresh emits repay-borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return repayBorrowFresh(msg.sender, msg.sender, repayAmount); } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function repayBorrowBehalfInternal(address borrower, uint repayAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted borrow failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REPAY_BEHALF_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // repayBorrowFresh emits repay-borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return repayBorrowFresh(msg.sender, borrower, repayAmount); } struct RepayBorrowLocalVars { Error err; MathError mathErr; uint repayAmount; uint borrowerIndex; uint accountBorrows; uint accountBorrowsNew; uint totalBorrowsNew; uint actualRepayAmount; } /** * @notice Borrows are repaid by another user (possibly the borrower). * @param payer the account paying off the borrow * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount the amount of undelrying tokens being returned * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function repayBorrowFresh(address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount) internal returns (uint, uint) { /* Fail if repayBorrow not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.repayBorrowAllowed(address(this), payer, borrower, repayAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return (failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed), 0); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } RepayBorrowLocalVars memory vars; /* We remember the original borrowerIndex for verification purposes */ vars.borrowerIndex = accountBorrows[borrower].interestIndex; /* We fetch the amount the borrower owes, with accumulated interest */ (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrows) = borrowBalanceStoredInternal(borrower); if (vars.mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.REPAY_BORROW_ACCUMULATED_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED, uint(vars.mathErr)), 0); } /* If repayAmount == -1, repayAmount = accountBorrows */ if (repayAmount == uint(-1)) { vars.repayAmount = vars.accountBorrows; } else { vars.repayAmount = repayAmount; } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We call doTransferIn for the payer and the repayAmount * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken holds an additional repayAmount of cash. * doTransferIn reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. * it returns the amount actually transferred, in case of a fee. */ vars.actualRepayAmount = doTransferIn(payer, vars.repayAmount); /* * We calculate the new borrower and total borrow balances, failing on underflow: * accountBorrowsNew = accountBorrows - actualRepayAmount * totalBorrowsNew = totalBorrows - actualRepayAmount */ (vars.mathErr, vars.accountBorrowsNew) = subUInt(vars.accountBorrows, vars.actualRepayAmount); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "REPAY_BORROW_NEW_ACCOUNT_BORROW_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); (vars.mathErr, vars.totalBorrowsNew) = subUInt(totalBorrows, vars.actualRepayAmount); require(vars.mathErr == MathError.NO_ERROR, "REPAY_BORROW_NEW_TOTAL_BALANCE_CALCULATION_FAILED"); /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accountBorrows[borrower].principal = vars.accountBorrowsNew; accountBorrows[borrower].interestIndex = borrowIndex; totalBorrows = vars.totalBorrowsNew; /* We emit a RepayBorrow event */ emit RepayBorrow(payer, borrower, vars.actualRepayAmount, vars.accountBorrowsNew, vars.totalBorrowsNew); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.repayBorrowVerify(address(this), payer, borrower, vars.actualRepayAmount, vars.borrowerIndex); return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), vars.actualRepayAmount); } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function liquidateBorrowInternal(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) internal nonReentrant returns (uint, uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted liquidation failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_BORROW_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } error = cTokenCollateral.accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but we still want to log the fact that an attempted liquidation failed return (fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_ACCRUE_COLLATERAL_INTEREST_FAILED), 0); } // liquidateBorrowFresh emits borrow-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to return liquidateBorrowFresh(msg.sender, borrower, repayAmount, cTokenCollateral); } /** * @notice The liquidator liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param liquidator The address repaying the borrow and seizing collateral * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure, see ErrorReporter.sol), and the actual repayment amount. */ function liquidateBorrowFresh(address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) internal returns (uint, uint) { /* Fail if liquidate not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.liquidateBorrowAllowed(address(this), address(cTokenCollateral), liquidator, borrower, repayAmount); if (allowed != 0) { return (failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed), 0); } /* Verify market's block number equals current block number */ if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } /* Verify cTokenCollateral market's block number equals current block number */ if (cTokenCollateral.accrualBlockNumber() != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_COLLATERAL_FRESHNESS_CHECK), 0); } /* Fail if borrower = liquidator */ if (borrower == liquidator) { return (fail(Error.INVALID_ACCOUNT_PAIR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER), 0); } /* Fail if repayAmount = 0 */ if (repayAmount == 0) { return (fail(Error.INVALID_CLOSE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_ZERO), 0); } /* Fail if repayAmount = -1 */ if (repayAmount == uint(-1)) { return (fail(Error.INVALID_CLOSE_AMOUNT_REQUESTED, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_CLOSE_AMOUNT_IS_UINT_MAX), 0); } /* Fail if repayBorrow fails */ (uint repayBorrowError, uint actualRepayAmount) = repayBorrowFresh(liquidator, borrower, repayAmount); if (repayBorrowError != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { return (fail(Error(repayBorrowError), FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_REPAY_BORROW_FRESH_FAILED), 0); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* We calculate the number of collateral tokens that will be seized */ (uint amountSeizeError, uint seizeTokens) = comptroller.liquidateCalculateSeizeTokens(address(this), address(cTokenCollateral), actualRepayAmount); require(amountSeizeError == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "LIQUIDATE_COMPTROLLER_CALCULATE_AMOUNT_SEIZE_FAILED"); /* Revert if borrower collateral token balance < seizeTokens */ require(cTokenCollateral.balanceOf(borrower) >= seizeTokens, "LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_TOO_MUCH"); // If this is also the collateral, run seizeInternal to avoid re-entrancy, otherwise make an external call uint seizeError; if (address(cTokenCollateral) == address(this)) { seizeError = seizeInternal(address(this), liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); } else { seizeError = cTokenCollateral.seize(liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); } /* Revert if seize tokens fails (since we cannot be sure of side effects) */ require(seizeError == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), "token seizure failed"); /* We emit a LiquidateBorrow event */ emit LiquidateBorrow(liquidator, borrower, actualRepayAmount, address(cTokenCollateral), seizeTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.liquidateBorrowVerify(address(this), address(cTokenCollateral), liquidator, borrower, actualRepayAmount, seizeTokens); return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), actualRepayAmount); } /** * @notice Transfers collateral tokens (this market) to the liquidator. * @dev Will fail unless called by another cToken during the process of liquidation. * Its absolutely critical to use msg.sender as the borrowed cToken and not a parameter. * @param liquidator The account receiving seized collateral * @param borrower The account having collateral seized * @param seizeTokens The number of cTokens to seize * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function seize(address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { return seizeInternal(msg.sender, liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); } /** * @notice Transfers collateral tokens (this market) to the liquidator. * @dev Called only during an in-kind liquidation, or by liquidateBorrow during the liquidation of another CToken. * Its absolutely critical to use msg.sender as the seizer cToken and not a parameter. * @param seizerToken The contract seizing the collateral (i.e. borrowed cToken) * @param liquidator The account receiving seized collateral * @param borrower The account having collateral seized * @param seizeTokens The number of cTokens to seize * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function seizeInternal(address seizerToken, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) internal returns (uint) { /* Fail if seize not allowed */ uint allowed = comptroller.seizeAllowed(address(this), seizerToken, liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_COMPTROLLER_REJECTION, allowed); } /* Fail if borrower = liquidator */ if (borrower == liquidator) { return fail(Error.INVALID_ACCOUNT_PAIR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_LIQUIDATOR_IS_BORROWER); } MathError mathErr; uint borrowerTokensNew; uint liquidatorTokensNew; /* * We calculate the new borrower and liquidator token balances, failing on underflow/overflow: * borrowerTokensNew = accountTokens[borrower] - seizeTokens * liquidatorTokensNew = accountTokens[liquidator] + seizeTokens */ (mathErr, borrowerTokensNew) = subUInt(accountTokens[borrower], seizeTokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_DECREMENT_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } (mathErr, liquidatorTokensNew) = addUInt(accountTokens[liquidator], seizeTokens); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return failOpaque(Error.MATH_ERROR, FailureInfo.LIQUIDATE_SEIZE_BALANCE_INCREMENT_FAILED, uint(mathErr)); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* We write the previously calculated values into storage */ accountTokens[borrower] = borrowerTokensNew; accountTokens[liquidator] = liquidatorTokensNew; /* Emit a Transfer event */ emit Transfer(borrower, liquidator, seizeTokens); /* We call the defense hook */ comptroller.seizeVerify(address(this), seizerToken, liquidator, borrower, seizeTokens); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /*** Admin Functions ***/ /** * @notice Begins transfer of admin rights. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @dev Admin function to begin change of admin. The newPendingAdmin must call `_acceptAdmin` to finalize the transfer. * @param newPendingAdmin New pending admin. * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPendingAdmin(address payable newPendingAdmin) external returns (uint) { // Check caller = admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PENDING_ADMIN_OWNER_CHECK); } // Save current value, if any, for inclusion in log address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store pendingAdmin with value newPendingAdmin pendingAdmin = newPendingAdmin; // Emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin) emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, newPendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accepts transfer of admin rights. msg.sender must be pendingAdmin * @dev Admin function for pending admin to accept role and update admin * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _acceptAdmin() external returns (uint) { // Check caller is pendingAdmin and pendingAdmin ≠ address(0) if (msg.sender != pendingAdmin || msg.sender == address(0)) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.ACCEPT_ADMIN_PENDING_ADMIN_CHECK); } // Save current values for inclusion in log address oldAdmin = admin; address oldPendingAdmin = pendingAdmin; // Store admin with value pendingAdmin admin = pendingAdmin; // Clear the pending value pendingAdmin = address(0); emit NewAdmin(oldAdmin, admin); emit NewPendingAdmin(oldPendingAdmin, pendingAdmin); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sets a new comptroller for the market * @dev Admin function to set a new comptroller * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setComptroller(ComptrollerInterface newComptroller) public returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_COMPTROLLER_OWNER_CHECK); } ComptrollerInterface oldComptroller = comptroller; // Ensure invoke comptroller.isComptroller() returns true require(newComptroller.isComptroller(), "marker method returned false"); // Set market's comptroller to newComptroller comptroller = newComptroller; // Emit NewComptroller(oldComptroller, newComptroller) emit NewComptroller(oldComptroller, newComptroller); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice accrues interest and sets a new reserve factor for the protocol using _setReserveFactorFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and set a new reserve factor * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setReserveFactor(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted reserve factor change failed. return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _setReserveFactorFresh emits reserve-factor-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. return _setReserveFactorFresh(newReserveFactorMantissa); } /** * @notice Sets a new reserve factor for the protocol (*requires fresh interest accrual) * @dev Admin function to set a new reserve factor * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setReserveFactorFresh(uint newReserveFactorMantissa) internal returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_ADMIN_CHECK); } // Verify market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_FRESH_CHECK); } // Check newReserveFactor ≤ maxReserveFactor if (newReserveFactorMantissa > reserveFactorMaxMantissa) { return fail(Error.BAD_INPUT, FailureInfo.SET_RESERVE_FACTOR_BOUNDS_CHECK); } uint oldReserveFactorMantissa = reserveFactorMantissa; reserveFactorMantissa = newReserveFactorMantissa; emit NewReserveFactor(oldReserveFactorMantissa, newReserveFactorMantissa); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and reduces reserves by transferring from msg.sender * @param addAmount Amount of addition to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _addReservesInternal(uint addAmount) internal nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted reduce reserves failed. return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.ADD_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _addReservesFresh emits reserve-addition-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. (error, ) = _addReservesFresh(addAmount); return error; } /** * @notice Add reserves by transferring from caller * @dev Requires fresh interest accrual * @param addAmount Amount of addition to reserves * @return (uint, uint) An error code (0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details)) and the actual amount added, net token fees */ function _addReservesFresh(uint addAmount) internal returns (uint, uint) { // totalReserves + actualAddAmount uint totalReservesNew; uint actualAddAmount; // We fail gracefully unless market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return (fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.ADD_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK), actualAddAmount); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) /* * We call doTransferIn for the caller and the addAmount * Note: The cToken must handle variations between ERC-20 and ETH underlying. * On success, the cToken holds an additional addAmount of cash. * doTransferIn reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. * it returns the amount actually transferred, in case of a fee. */ actualAddAmount = doTransferIn(msg.sender, addAmount); totalReservesNew = totalReserves + actualAddAmount; /* Revert on overflow */ require(totalReservesNew >= totalReserves, "add reserves unexpected overflow"); // Store reserves[n+1] = reserves[n] + actualAddAmount totalReserves = totalReservesNew; /* Emit NewReserves(admin, actualAddAmount, reserves[n+1]) */ emit ReservesAdded(msg.sender, actualAddAmount, totalReservesNew); /* Return (NO_ERROR, actualAddAmount) */ return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), actualAddAmount); } /** * @notice Accrues interest and reduces reserves by transferring to admin * @param reduceAmount Amount of reduction to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _reduceReserves(uint reduceAmount) external nonReentrant returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted reduce reserves failed. return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _reduceReservesFresh emits reserve-reduction-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. return _reduceReservesFresh(reduceAmount); } /** * @notice Reduces reserves by transferring to admin * @dev Requires fresh interest accrual * @param reduceAmount Amount of reduction to reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _reduceReservesFresh(uint reduceAmount) internal returns (uint) { // totalReserves - reduceAmount uint totalReservesNew; // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_ADMIN_CHECK); } // We fail gracefully unless market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_FRESH_CHECK); } // Fail gracefully if protocol has insufficient underlying cash if (getCashPrior() < reduceAmount) { return fail(Error.TOKEN_INSUFFICIENT_CASH, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_CASH_NOT_AVAILABLE); } // Check reduceAmount ≤ reserves[n] (totalReserves) if (reduceAmount > totalReserves) { return fail(Error.BAD_INPUT, FailureInfo.REDUCE_RESERVES_VALIDATION); } ///////////////////////// // EFFECTS & INTERACTIONS // (No safe failures beyond this point) totalReservesNew = totalReserves - reduceAmount; // We checked reduceAmount <= totalReserves above, so this should never revert. require(totalReservesNew <= totalReserves, "reduce reserves unexpected underflow"); // Store reserves[n+1] = reserves[n] - reduceAmount totalReserves = totalReservesNew; // doTransferOut reverts if anything goes wrong, since we can't be sure if side effects occurred. doTransferOut(admin, reduceAmount); emit ReservesReduced(admin, reduceAmount, totalReservesNew); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice accrues interest and updates the interest rate model using _setInterestRateModelFresh * @dev Admin function to accrue interest and update the interest rate model * @param newInterestRateModel the new interest rate model to use * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setInterestRateModel(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) public returns (uint) { uint error = accrueInterest(); if (error != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { // accrueInterest emits logs on errors, but on top of that we want to log the fact that an attempted change of interest rate model failed return fail(Error(error), FailureInfo.SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_ACCRUE_INTEREST_FAILED); } // _setInterestRateModelFresh emits interest-rate-model-update-specific logs on errors, so we don't need to. return _setInterestRateModelFresh(newInterestRateModel); } /** * @notice updates the interest rate model (*requires fresh interest accrual) * @dev Admin function to update the interest rate model * @param newInterestRateModel the new interest rate model to use * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setInterestRateModelFresh(InterestRateModel newInterestRateModel) internal returns (uint) { // Used to store old model for use in the event that is emitted on success InterestRateModel oldInterestRateModel; // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_OWNER_CHECK); } // We fail gracefully unless market's block number equals current block number if (accrualBlockNumber != getBlockNumber()) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_FRESH, FailureInfo.SET_INTEREST_RATE_MODEL_FRESH_CHECK); } // Track the market's current interest rate model oldInterestRateModel = interestRateModel; // Ensure invoke newInterestRateModel.isInterestRateModel() returns true require(newInterestRateModel.isInterestRateModel(), "marker method returned false"); // Set the interest rate model to newInterestRateModel interestRateModel = newInterestRateModel; // Emit NewMarketInterestRateModel(oldInterestRateModel, newInterestRateModel) emit NewMarketInterestRateModel(oldInterestRateModel, newInterestRateModel); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of the underlying * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of underlying owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint); /** * @dev Performs a transfer in, reverting upon failure. Returns the amount actually transferred to the protocol, in case of a fee. * This may revert due to insufficient balance or insufficient allowance. */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint); /** * @dev Performs a transfer out, ideally returning an explanatory error code upon failure tather than reverting. * If caller has not called checked protocol's balance, may revert due to insufficient cash held in the contract. * If caller has checked protocol's balance, and verified it is >= amount, this should not revert in normal conditions. */ function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal; /*** Reentrancy Guard ***/ /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. */ modifier nonReentrant() { require(_notEntered, "re-entered"); _notEntered = false; _; _notEntered = true; // get a gas-refund post-Istanbul } } contract Comptroller is ComptrollerV3Storage, ComptrollerInterface, ComptrollerErrorReporter, Exponential { /// @notice Emitted when an admin supports a market event MarketListed(CToken cToken); /// @notice Emitted when an account enters a market event MarketEntered(CToken cToken, address account); /// @notice Emitted when an account exits a market event MarketExited(CToken cToken, address account); /// @notice Emitted when close factor is changed by admin event NewCloseFactor(uint oldCloseFactorMantissa, uint newCloseFactorMantissa); /// @notice Emitted when a collateral factor is changed by admin event NewCollateralFactor(CToken cToken, uint oldCollateralFactorMantissa, uint newCollateralFactorMantissa); /// @notice Emitted when liquidation incentive is changed by admin event NewLiquidationIncentive(uint oldLiquidationIncentiveMantissa, uint newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa); /// @notice Emitted when maxAssets is changed by admin event NewMaxAssets(uint oldMaxAssets, uint newMaxAssets); /// @notice Emitted when price oracle is changed event NewPriceOracle(PriceOracle oldPriceOracle, PriceOracle newPriceOracle); /// @notice Emitted when pause guardian is changed event NewPauseGuardian(address oldPauseGuardian, address newPauseGuardian); /// @notice Emitted when an action is paused globally event ActionPaused(string action, bool pauseState); /// @notice Emitted when an action is paused on a market event MarketActionPaused(CToken cToken, string action, bool pauseState); /// @notice Emitted when market comped status is changed event MarketComped(CToken cToken, bool isComped); /// @notice Emitted when COMP rate is changed event NewCompRate(uint oldCompRate, uint newCompRate); /// @notice Emitted when a new COMP speed is calculated for a market event CompSpeedUpdated(CToken indexed cToken, uint newSpeed, uint totalUtility, uint utility); /// @notice Emitted when COMP is distributed to a supplier event DistributedSupplierComp(CToken indexed cToken, address indexed supplier, uint compDelta, uint compSupplyIndex); /// @notice Emitted when COMP is distributed to a borrower event DistributedBorrowerComp(CToken indexed cToken, address indexed borrower, uint compDelta, uint compBorrowIndex); /// @notice The threshold above which the flywheel transfers COMP, in wei //uint public constant compClaimThreshold = 0.001e18; uint public constant compClaimThreshold = 1e18; /// @notice The initial COMP index for a market uint224 public constant compInitialIndex = 1e36; // closeFactorMantissa must be strictly greater than this value uint internal constant closeFactorMinMantissa = 0.05e18; // 0.05 // closeFactorMantissa must not exceed this value uint internal constant closeFactorMaxMantissa = 0.9e18; // 0.9 // No collateralFactorMantissa may exceed this value uint internal constant collateralFactorMaxMantissa = 0.9e18; // 0.9 // liquidationIncentiveMantissa must be no less than this value uint internal constant liquidationIncentiveMinMantissa = 1.0e18; // 1.0 // liquidationIncentiveMantissa must be no greater than this value uint internal constant liquidationIncentiveMaxMantissa = 1.5e18; // 1.5 constructor() public { admin = msg.sender; } /*** Assets You Are In ***/ /** * @notice Returns the assets an account has entered * @param account The address of the account to pull assets for * @return A dynamic list with the assets the account has entered */ function getAssetsIn(address account) external view returns (CToken[] memory) { CToken[] memory assetsIn = accountAssets[account]; return assetsIn; } /** * @notice Returns whether the given account is entered in the given asset * @param account The address of the account to check * @param cToken The cToken to check * @return True if the account is in the asset, otherwise false. */ function checkMembership(address account, CToken cToken) external view returns (bool) { return markets[address(cToken)].accountMembership[account]; } /** * @notice Add assets to be included in account liquidity calculation * @param cTokens The list of addresses of the cToken markets to be enabled * @return Success indicator for whether each corresponding market was entered */ function enterMarkets(address[] memory cTokens) public returns (uint[] memory) { uint len = cTokens.length; uint[] memory results = new uint[](len); for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) { CToken cToken = CToken(cTokens[i]); results[i] = uint(addToMarketInternal(cToken, msg.sender)); } return results; } /** * @notice Add the market to the borrower's "assets in" for liquidity calculations * @param cToken The market to enter * @param borrower The address of the account to modify * @return Success indicator for whether the market was entered */ function addToMarketInternal(CToken cToken, address borrower) internal returns (Error) { Market storage marketToJoin = markets[address(cToken)]; if (!marketToJoin.isListed) { // market is not listed, cannot join return Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED; } if (marketToJoin.accountMembership[borrower] == true) { // already joined return Error.NO_ERROR; } if (accountAssets[borrower].length >= maxAssets) { // no space, cannot join return Error.TOO_MANY_ASSETS; } // survived the gauntlet, add to list // NOTE: we store these somewhat redundantly as a significant optimization // this avoids having to iterate through the list for the most common use cases // that is, only when we need to perform liquidity checks // and not whenever we want to check if an account is in a particular market marketToJoin.accountMembership[borrower] = true; accountAssets[borrower].push(cToken); emit MarketEntered(cToken, borrower); return Error.NO_ERROR; } /** * @notice Removes asset from sender's account liquidity calculation * @dev Sender must not have an outstanding borrow balance in the asset, * or be providing necessary collateral for an outstanding borrow. * @param cTokenAddress The address of the asset to be removed * @return Whether or not the account successfully exited the market */ function exitMarket(address cTokenAddress) external returns (uint) { CToken cToken = CToken(cTokenAddress); /* Get sender tokensHeld and amountOwed underlying from the cToken */ (uint oErr, uint tokensHeld, uint amountOwed,) = cToken.getAccountSnapshot(msg.sender); require(oErr == 0, "exitMarket: getAccountSnapshot failed"); // semi-opaque error code /* Fail if the sender has a borrow balance */ if (amountOwed != 0) { return fail(Error.NONZERO_BORROW_BALANCE, FailureInfo.EXIT_MARKET_BALANCE_OWED); } /* Fail if the sender is not permitted to redeem all of their tokens */ uint allowed = redeemAllowedInternal(cTokenAddress, msg.sender, tokensHeld); if (allowed != 0) { return failOpaque(Error.REJECTION, FailureInfo.EXIT_MARKET_REJECTION, allowed); } Market storage marketToExit = markets[address(cToken)]; /* Return true if the sender is not already ‘in’ the market */ if (!marketToExit.accountMembership[msg.sender]) { return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /* Set cToken account membership to false */ delete marketToExit.accountMembership[msg.sender]; /* Delete cToken from the account’s list of assets */ // load into memory for faster iteration CToken[] memory userAssetList = accountAssets[msg.sender]; uint len = userAssetList.length; uint assetIndex = len; for (uint i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (userAssetList[i] == cToken) { assetIndex = i; break; } } // We *must* have found the asset in the list or our redundant data structure is broken assert(assetIndex < len); // copy last item in list to location of item to be removed, reduce length by 1 CToken[] storage storedList = accountAssets[msg.sender]; storedList[assetIndex] = storedList[storedList.length - 1]; storedList.length--; emit MarketExited(cToken, msg.sender); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /*** Policy Hooks ***/ /** * @notice Checks if the account should be allowed to mint tokens in the given market * @param cToken The market to verify the mint against * @param minter The account which would get the minted tokens * @param mintAmount The amount of underlying being supplied to the market in exchange for tokens * @return 0 if the mint is allowed, otherwise a semi-opaque error code (See ErrorReporter.sol) */ function mintAllowed(address cToken, address minter, uint mintAmount) external returns (uint) { // Pausing is a very serious situation - we revert to sound the alarms require(!mintGuardianPaused[cToken], "mint is paused"); // Shh - currently unused minter; mintAmount; if (!markets[cToken].isListed) { return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED); } // Keep the flywheel moving updateCompSupplyIndex(cToken); distributeSupplierComp(cToken, minter, false); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates mint and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cToken Asset being minted * @param minter The address minting the tokens * @param actualMintAmount The amount of the underlying asset being minted * @param mintTokens The number of tokens being minted */ function mintVerify(address cToken, address minter, uint actualMintAmount, uint mintTokens) external { // Shh - currently unused cToken; minter; actualMintAmount; mintTokens; // Shh - we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { maxAssets = maxAssets; } } /** * @notice Checks if the account should be allowed to redeem tokens in the given market * @param cToken The market to verify the redeem against * @param redeemer The account which would redeem the tokens * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to exchange for the underlying asset in the market * @return 0 if the redeem is allowed, otherwise a semi-opaque error code (See ErrorReporter.sol) */ function redeemAllowed(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { uint allowed = redeemAllowedInternal(cToken, redeemer, redeemTokens); if (allowed != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { return allowed; } // Keep the flywheel moving updateCompSupplyIndex(cToken); distributeSupplierComp(cToken, redeemer, false); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } function redeemAllowedInternal(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemTokens) internal view returns (uint) { if (!markets[cToken].isListed) { return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED); } /* If the redeemer is not 'in' the market, then we can bypass the liquidity check */ if (!markets[cToken].accountMembership[redeemer]) { return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /* Otherwise, perform a hypothetical liquidity check to guard against shortfall */ (Error err, , uint shortfall) = getHypotheticalAccountLiquidityInternal(redeemer, CToken(cToken), redeemTokens, 0); if (err != Error.NO_ERROR) { return uint(err); } if (shortfall > 0) { return uint(Error.INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY); } return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates redeem and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cToken Asset being redeemed * @param redeemer The address redeeming the tokens * @param redeemAmount The amount of the underlying asset being redeemed * @param redeemTokens The number of tokens being redeemed */ function redeemVerify(address cToken, address redeemer, uint redeemAmount, uint redeemTokens) external { // Shh - currently unused cToken; redeemer; // Require tokens is zero or amount is also zero if (redeemTokens == 0 && redeemAmount > 0) { revert("redeemTokens zero"); } } /** * @notice Checks if the account should be allowed to borrow the underlying asset of the given market * @param cToken The market to verify the borrow against * @param borrower The account which would borrow the asset * @param borrowAmount The amount of underlying the account would borrow * @return 0 if the borrow is allowed, otherwise a semi-opaque error code (See ErrorReporter.sol) */ function borrowAllowed(address cToken, address borrower, uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { // Pausing is a very serious situation - we revert to sound the alarms require(!borrowGuardianPaused[cToken], "borrow is paused"); if (!markets[cToken].isListed) { return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED); } if (!markets[cToken].accountMembership[borrower]) { // only cTokens may call borrowAllowed if borrower not in market require(msg.sender == cToken, "sender must be cToken"); // attempt to add borrower to the market Error err = addToMarketInternal(CToken(msg.sender), borrower); if (err != Error.NO_ERROR) { return uint(err); } // it should be impossible to break the important invariant assert(markets[cToken].accountMembership[borrower]); } if (oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(CToken(cToken)) == 0) { return uint(Error.PRICE_ERROR); } (Error err, , uint shortfall) = getHypotheticalAccountLiquidityInternal(borrower, CToken(cToken), 0, borrowAmount); if (err != Error.NO_ERROR) { return uint(err); } if (shortfall > 0) { return uint(Error.INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY); } // Keep the flywheel moving Exp memory borrowIndex = Exp({mantissa : CToken(cToken).borrowIndex()}); updateCompBorrowIndex(cToken, borrowIndex); distributeBorrowerComp(cToken, borrower, borrowIndex, false); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates borrow and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cToken Asset whose underlying is being borrowed * @param borrower The address borrowing the underlying * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset requested to borrow */ function borrowVerify(address cToken, address borrower, uint borrowAmount) external { // Shh - currently unused cToken; borrower; borrowAmount; // Shh - we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { maxAssets = maxAssets; } } /** * @notice Checks if the account should be allowed to repay a borrow in the given market * @param cToken The market to verify the repay against * @param payer The account which would repay the asset * @param borrower The account which would borrowed the asset * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying asset the account would repay * @return 0 if the repay is allowed, otherwise a semi-opaque error code (See ErrorReporter.sol) */ function repayBorrowAllowed( address cToken, address payer, address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { // Shh - currently unused payer; borrower; repayAmount; if (!markets[cToken].isListed) { return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED); } // Keep the flywheel moving Exp memory borrowIndex = Exp({mantissa : CToken(cToken).borrowIndex()}); updateCompBorrowIndex(cToken, borrowIndex); distributeBorrowerComp(cToken, borrower, borrowIndex, false); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates repayBorrow and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cToken Asset being repaid * @param payer The address repaying the borrow * @param borrower The address of the borrower * @param actualRepayAmount The amount of underlying being repaid */ function repayBorrowVerify( address cToken, address payer, address borrower, uint actualRepayAmount, uint borrowerIndex) external { // Shh - currently unused cToken; payer; borrower; actualRepayAmount; borrowerIndex; // Shh - we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { maxAssets = maxAssets; } } /** * @notice Checks if the liquidation should be allowed to occur * @param cTokenBorrowed Asset which was borrowed by the borrower * @param cTokenCollateral Asset which was used as collateral and will be seized * @param liquidator The address repaying the borrow and seizing the collateral * @param borrower The address of the borrower * @param repayAmount The amount of underlying being repaid */ function liquidateBorrowAllowed( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, address liquidator, address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { // Shh - currently unused liquidator; if (!markets[cTokenBorrowed].isListed || !markets[cTokenCollateral].isListed) { return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED); } /* The borrower must have shortfall in order to be liquidatable */ (Error err, , uint shortfall) = getAccountLiquidityInternal(borrower); if (err != Error.NO_ERROR) { return uint(err); } if (shortfall == 0) { return uint(Error.INSUFFICIENT_SHORTFALL); } /* The liquidator may not repay more than what is allowed by the closeFactor */ uint borrowBalance = CToken(cTokenBorrowed).borrowBalanceStored(borrower); (MathError mathErr, uint maxClose) = mulScalarTruncate(Exp({mantissa : closeFactorMantissa}), borrowBalance); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return uint(Error.MATH_ERROR); } if (repayAmount > maxClose) { return uint(Error.TOO_MUCH_REPAY); } return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates liquidateBorrow and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cTokenBorrowed Asset which was borrowed by the borrower * @param cTokenCollateral Asset which was used as collateral and will be seized * @param liquidator The address repaying the borrow and seizing the collateral * @param borrower The address of the borrower * @param actualRepayAmount The amount of underlying being repaid */ function liquidateBorrowVerify( address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, address liquidator, address borrower, uint actualRepayAmount, uint seizeTokens) external { // Shh - currently unused cTokenBorrowed; cTokenCollateral; liquidator; borrower; actualRepayAmount; seizeTokens; // Shh - we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { maxAssets = maxAssets; } } /** * @notice Checks if the seizing of assets should be allowed to occur * @param cTokenCollateral Asset which was used as collateral and will be seized * @param cTokenBorrowed Asset which was borrowed by the borrower * @param liquidator The address repaying the borrow and seizing the collateral * @param borrower The address of the borrower * @param seizeTokens The number of collateral tokens to seize */ function seizeAllowed( address cTokenCollateral, address cTokenBorrowed, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external returns (uint) { // Pausing is a very serious situation - we revert to sound the alarms require(!seizeGuardianPaused, "seize is paused"); // Shh - currently unused seizeTokens; if (!markets[cTokenCollateral].isListed || !markets[cTokenBorrowed].isListed) { return uint(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED); } if (CToken(cTokenCollateral).comptroller() != CToken(cTokenBorrowed).comptroller()) { return uint(Error.COMPTROLLER_MISMATCH); } // Keep the flywheel moving updateCompSupplyIndex(cTokenCollateral); distributeSupplierComp(cTokenCollateral, borrower, false); distributeSupplierComp(cTokenCollateral, liquidator, false); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates seize and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cTokenCollateral Asset which was used as collateral and will be seized * @param cTokenBorrowed Asset which was borrowed by the borrower * @param liquidator The address repaying the borrow and seizing the collateral * @param borrower The address of the borrower * @param seizeTokens The number of collateral tokens to seize */ function seizeVerify( address cTokenCollateral, address cTokenBorrowed, address liquidator, address borrower, uint seizeTokens) external { // Shh - currently unused cTokenCollateral; cTokenBorrowed; liquidator; borrower; seizeTokens; // Shh - we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { maxAssets = maxAssets; } } /** * @notice Checks if the account should be allowed to transfer tokens in the given market * @param cToken The market to verify the transfer against * @param src The account which sources the tokens * @param dst The account which receives the tokens * @param transferTokens The number of cTokens to transfer * @return 0 if the transfer is allowed, otherwise a semi-opaque error code (See ErrorReporter.sol) */ function transferAllowed(address cToken, address src, address dst, uint transferTokens) external returns (uint) { // Pausing is a very serious situation - we revert to sound the alarms require(!transferGuardianPaused, "transfer is paused"); // Currently the only consideration is whether or not // the src is allowed to redeem this many tokens uint allowed = redeemAllowedInternal(cToken, src, transferTokens); if (allowed != uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { return allowed; } // Keep the flywheel moving updateCompSupplyIndex(cToken); distributeSupplierComp(cToken, src, false); distributeSupplierComp(cToken, dst, false); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Validates transfer and reverts on rejection. May emit logs. * @param cToken Asset being transferred * @param src The account which sources the tokens * @param dst The account which receives the tokens * @param transferTokens The number of cTokens to transfer */ function transferVerify(address cToken, address src, address dst, uint transferTokens) external { // Shh - currently unused cToken; src; dst; transferTokens; // Shh - we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { maxAssets = maxAssets; } } /*** Liquidity/Liquidation Calculations ***/ /** * @dev Local vars for avoiding stack-depth limits in calculating account liquidity. * Note that `cTokenBalance` is the number of cTokens the account owns in the market, * whereas `borrowBalance` is the amount of underlying that the account has borrowed. */ struct AccountLiquidityLocalVars { uint sumCollateral; uint sumBorrowPlusEffects; uint cTokenBalance; uint borrowBalance; uint exchangeRateMantissa; uint oraclePriceMantissa; Exp collateralFactor; Exp exchangeRate; Exp oraclePrice; Exp tokensToDenom; } /** * @notice Determine the current account liquidity wrt collateral requirements * @return (possible error code (semi-opaque), account liquidity in excess of collateral requirements, * account shortfall below collateral requirements) */ function getAccountLiquidity(address account) public view returns (uint, uint, uint) { (Error err, uint liquidity, uint shortfall) = getHypotheticalAccountLiquidityInternal(account, CToken(0), 0, 0); return (uint(err), liquidity, shortfall); } /** * @notice Determine the current account liquidity wrt collateral requirements * @return (possible error code, account liquidity in excess of collateral requirements, * account shortfall below collateral requirements) */ function getAccountLiquidityInternal(address account) internal view returns (Error, uint, uint) { return getHypotheticalAccountLiquidityInternal(account, CToken(0), 0, 0); } /** * @notice Determine what the account liquidity would be if the given amounts were redeemed/borrowed * @param cTokenModify The market to hypothetically redeem/borrow in * @param account The account to determine liquidity for * @param redeemTokens The number of tokens to hypothetically redeem * @param borrowAmount The amount of underlying to hypothetically borrow * @return (possible error code (semi-opaque), hypothetical account liquidity in excess of collateral requirements, * hypothetical account shortfall below collateral requirements) */ function getHypotheticalAccountLiquidity( address account, address cTokenModify, uint redeemTokens, uint borrowAmount) public view returns (uint, uint, uint) { (Error err, uint liquidity, uint shortfall) = getHypotheticalAccountLiquidityInternal(account, CToken(cTokenModify), redeemTokens, borrowAmount); return (uint(err), liquidity, shortfall); } /** * @notice Determine what the account liquidity would be if the given amounts were redeemed/borrowed * @param cTokenModify The market to hypothetically redeem/borrow in * @param account The account to determine liquidity for * @param redeemTokens The number of tokens to hypothetically redeem * @param borrowAmount The amount of underlying to hypothetically borrow * @dev Note that we calculate the exchangeRateStored for each collateral cToken using stored data, * without calculating accumulated interest. * @return (possible error code, hypothetical account liquidity in excess of collateral requirements, * hypothetical account shortfall below collateral requirements) */ function getHypotheticalAccountLiquidityInternal( address account, CToken cTokenModify, uint redeemTokens, uint borrowAmount) internal view returns (Error, uint, uint) { AccountLiquidityLocalVars memory vars; // Holds all our calculation results uint oErr; MathError mErr; // For each asset the account is in CToken[] memory assets = accountAssets[account]; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { CToken asset = assets[i]; // Read the balances and exchange rate from the cToken (oErr, vars.cTokenBalance, vars.borrowBalance, vars.exchangeRateMantissa) = asset.getAccountSnapshot(account); if (oErr != 0) {// semi-opaque error code, we assume NO_ERROR == 0 is invariant between upgrades return (Error.SNAPSHOT_ERROR, 0, 0); } vars.collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa : markets[address(asset)].collateralFactorMantissa}); vars.exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa : vars.exchangeRateMantissa}); // Get the normalized price of the asset vars.oraclePriceMantissa = oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(asset); if (vars.oraclePriceMantissa == 0) { return (Error.PRICE_ERROR, 0, 0); } vars.oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa : vars.oraclePriceMantissa}); // Pre-compute a conversion factor from tokens -> ether (normalized price value) (mErr, vars.tokensToDenom) = mulExp3(vars.collateralFactor, vars.exchangeRate, vars.oraclePrice); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (Error.MATH_ERROR, 0, 0); } // sumCollateral += tokensToDenom * cTokenBalance (mErr, vars.sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(vars.tokensToDenom, vars.cTokenBalance, vars.sumCollateral); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (Error.MATH_ERROR, 0, 0); } // sumBorrowPlusEffects += oraclePrice * borrowBalance (mErr, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(vars.oraclePrice, vars.borrowBalance, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (Error.MATH_ERROR, 0, 0); } // Calculate effects of interacting with cTokenModify if (asset == cTokenModify) { // redeem effect // sumBorrowPlusEffects += tokensToDenom * redeemTokens (mErr, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(vars.tokensToDenom, redeemTokens, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (Error.MATH_ERROR, 0, 0); } // borrow effect // sumBorrowPlusEffects += oraclePrice * borrowAmount (mErr, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(vars.oraclePrice, borrowAmount, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects); if (mErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (Error.MATH_ERROR, 0, 0); } } } // These are safe, as the underflow condition is checked first if (vars.sumCollateral > vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects) { return (Error.NO_ERROR, vars.sumCollateral - vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects, 0); } else { return (Error.NO_ERROR, 0, vars.sumBorrowPlusEffects - vars.sumCollateral); } } /** * @notice Calculate number of tokens of collateral asset to seize given an underlying amount * @dev Used in liquidation (called in cToken.liquidateBorrowFresh) * @param cTokenBorrowed The address of the borrowed cToken * @param cTokenCollateral The address of the collateral cToken * @param actualRepayAmount The amount of cTokenBorrowed underlying to convert into cTokenCollateral tokens * @return (errorCode, number of cTokenCollateral tokens to be seized in a liquidation) */ function liquidateCalculateSeizeTokens(address cTokenBorrowed, address cTokenCollateral, uint actualRepayAmount) external view returns (uint, uint) { /* Read oracle prices for borrowed and collateral markets */ uint priceBorrowedMantissa = oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(CToken(cTokenBorrowed)); uint priceCollateralMantissa = oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(CToken(cTokenCollateral)); if (priceBorrowedMantissa == 0 || priceCollateralMantissa == 0) { return (uint(Error.PRICE_ERROR), 0); } /* * Get the exchange rate and calculate the number of collateral tokens to seize: * seizeAmount = actualRepayAmount * liquidationIncentive * priceBorrowed / priceCollateral * seizeTokens = seizeAmount / exchangeRate * = actualRepayAmount * (liquidationIncentive * priceBorrowed) / (priceCollateral * exchangeRate) */ uint exchangeRateMantissa = CToken(cTokenCollateral).exchangeRateStored(); // Note: reverts on error uint seizeTokens; Exp memory numerator; Exp memory denominator; Exp memory ratio; MathError mathErr; (mathErr, numerator) = mulExp(liquidationIncentiveMantissa, priceBorrowedMantissa); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0); } (mathErr, denominator) = mulExp(priceCollateralMantissa, exchangeRateMantissa); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0); } (mathErr, ratio) = divExp(numerator, denominator); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0); } (mathErr, seizeTokens) = mulScalarTruncate(ratio, actualRepayAmount); if (mathErr != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (uint(Error.MATH_ERROR), 0); } return (uint(Error.NO_ERROR), seizeTokens); } /*** Admin Functions ***/ /** * @notice Sets a new price oracle for the comptroller * @dev Admin function to set a new price oracle * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _setPriceOracle(PriceOracle newOracle) public returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PRICE_ORACLE_OWNER_CHECK); } // Track the old oracle for the comptroller PriceOracle oldOracle = oracle; // Set comptroller's oracle to newOracle oracle = newOracle; // Emit NewPriceOracle(oldOracle, newOracle) emit NewPriceOracle(oldOracle, newOracle); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sets the closeFactor used when liquidating borrows * @dev Admin function to set closeFactor * @param newCloseFactorMantissa New close factor, scaled by 1e18 * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure. (See ErrorReporter for details) */ function _setCloseFactor(uint newCloseFactorMantissa) external returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK); } Exp memory newCloseFactorExp = Exp({mantissa : newCloseFactorMantissa}); Exp memory lowLimit = Exp({mantissa : closeFactorMinMantissa}); if (lessThanOrEqualExp(newCloseFactorExp, lowLimit)) { return fail(Error.INVALID_CLOSE_FACTOR, FailureInfo.SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_VALIDATION); } Exp memory highLimit = Exp({mantissa : closeFactorMaxMantissa}); if (lessThanExp(highLimit, newCloseFactorExp)) { return fail(Error.INVALID_CLOSE_FACTOR, FailureInfo.SET_CLOSE_FACTOR_VALIDATION); } uint oldCloseFactorMantissa = closeFactorMantissa; closeFactorMantissa = newCloseFactorMantissa; emit NewCloseFactor(oldCloseFactorMantissa, closeFactorMantissa); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sets the collateralFactor for a market * @dev Admin function to set per-market collateralFactor * @param cToken The market to set the factor on * @param newCollateralFactorMantissa The new collateral factor, scaled by 1e18 * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure. (See ErrorReporter for details) */ function _setCollateralFactor(CToken cToken, uint newCollateralFactorMantissa) external returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_OWNER_CHECK); } // Verify market is listed Market storage market = markets[address(cToken)]; if (!market.isListed) { return fail(Error.MARKET_NOT_LISTED, FailureInfo.SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_NO_EXISTS); } Exp memory newCollateralFactorExp = Exp({mantissa : newCollateralFactorMantissa}); // Check collateral factor <= 0.9 Exp memory highLimit = Exp({mantissa : collateralFactorMaxMantissa}); if (lessThanExp(highLimit, newCollateralFactorExp)) { return fail(Error.INVALID_COLLATERAL_FACTOR, FailureInfo.SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_VALIDATION); } // If collateral factor != 0, fail if price == 0 if (newCollateralFactorMantissa != 0 && oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(cToken) == 0) { return fail(Error.PRICE_ERROR, FailureInfo.SET_COLLATERAL_FACTOR_WITHOUT_PRICE); } // Set market's collateral factor to new collateral factor, remember old value uint oldCollateralFactorMantissa = market.collateralFactorMantissa; market.collateralFactorMantissa = newCollateralFactorMantissa; // Emit event with asset, old collateral factor, and new collateral factor emit NewCollateralFactor(cToken, oldCollateralFactorMantissa, newCollateralFactorMantissa); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sets maxAssets which controls how many markets can be entered * @dev Admin function to set maxAssets * @param newMaxAssets New max assets * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure. (See ErrorReporter for details) */ function _setMaxAssets(uint newMaxAssets) external returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_MAX_ASSETS_OWNER_CHECK); } uint oldMaxAssets = maxAssets; maxAssets = newMaxAssets; emit NewMaxAssets(oldMaxAssets, newMaxAssets); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Sets liquidationIncentive * @dev Admin function to set liquidationIncentive * @param newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa New liquidationIncentive scaled by 1e18 * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure. (See ErrorReporter for details) */ function _setLiquidationIncentive(uint newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa) external returns (uint) { // Check caller is admin if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_OWNER_CHECK); } // Check de-scaled min <= newLiquidationIncentive <= max Exp memory newLiquidationIncentive = Exp({mantissa : newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa}); Exp memory minLiquidationIncentive = Exp({mantissa : liquidationIncentiveMinMantissa}); if (lessThanExp(newLiquidationIncentive, minLiquidationIncentive)) { return fail(Error.INVALID_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE, FailureInfo.SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_VALIDATION); } Exp memory maxLiquidationIncentive = Exp({mantissa : liquidationIncentiveMaxMantissa}); if (lessThanExp(maxLiquidationIncentive, newLiquidationIncentive)) { return fail(Error.INVALID_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE, FailureInfo.SET_LIQUIDATION_INCENTIVE_VALIDATION); } // Save current value for use in log uint oldLiquidationIncentiveMantissa = liquidationIncentiveMantissa; // Set liquidation incentive to new incentive liquidationIncentiveMantissa = newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa; // Emit event with old incentive, new incentive emit NewLiquidationIncentive(oldLiquidationIncentiveMantissa, newLiquidationIncentiveMantissa); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } /** * @notice Add the market to the markets mapping and set it as listed * @dev Admin function to set isListed and add support for the market * @param cToken The address of the market (token) to list * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure. (See enum Error for details) */ function _supportMarket(CToken cToken) external returns (uint) { if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SUPPORT_MARKET_OWNER_CHECK); } if (markets[address(cToken)].isListed) { return fail(Error.MARKET_ALREADY_LISTED, FailureInfo.SUPPORT_MARKET_EXISTS); } cToken.isCToken(); // Sanity check to make sure its really a CToken markets[address(cToken)] = Market({isListed : true, isComped : true, collateralFactorMantissa : 0}); _addMarketInternal(address(cToken)); borrowGuardianPaused[address(cToken)] = true; //stage 1, not allow borrow emit MarketListed(cToken); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } function _addMarketInternal(address cToken) internal { for (uint i = 0; i < allMarkets.length; i ++) { require(allMarkets[i] != CToken(cToken), "market already added"); } allMarkets.push(CToken(cToken)); } /** * @notice Admin function to change the Pause Guardian * @param newPauseGuardian The address of the new Pause Guardian * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure. (See enum Error for details) */ function _setPauseGuardian(address newPauseGuardian) public returns (uint) { if (msg.sender != admin) { return fail(Error.UNAUTHORIZED, FailureInfo.SET_PAUSE_GUARDIAN_OWNER_CHECK); } // Save current value for inclusion in log address oldPauseGuardian = pauseGuardian; // Store pauseGuardian with value newPauseGuardian pauseGuardian = newPauseGuardian; // Emit NewPauseGuardian(OldPauseGuardian, NewPauseGuardian) emit NewPauseGuardian(oldPauseGuardian, pauseGuardian); return uint(Error.NO_ERROR); } function _setMintPaused(CToken cToken, bool state) public returns (bool) { require(markets[address(cToken)].isListed, "cannot pause a market that is not listed"); require(msg.sender == pauseGuardian || msg.sender == admin, "only pause guardian and admin can pause"); require(msg.sender == admin || state == true, "only admin can unpause"); mintGuardianPaused[address(cToken)] = state; emit MarketActionPaused(cToken, "Mint", state); return state; } function _setBorrowPaused(CToken cToken, bool state) public returns (bool) { require(markets[address(cToken)].isListed, "cannot pause a market that is not listed"); require(msg.sender == pauseGuardian || msg.sender == admin, "only pause guardian and admin can pause"); require(msg.sender == admin || state == true, "only admin can unpause"); borrowGuardianPaused[address(cToken)] = state; emit MarketActionPaused(cToken, "Borrow", state); return state; } function _setTransferPaused(bool state) public returns (bool) { require(msg.sender == pauseGuardian || msg.sender == admin, "only pause guardian and admin can pause"); require(msg.sender == admin || state == true, "only admin can unpause"); transferGuardianPaused = state; emit ActionPaused("Transfer", state); return state; } function _setSeizePaused(bool state) public returns (bool) { require(msg.sender == pauseGuardian || msg.sender == admin, "only pause guardian and admin can pause"); require(msg.sender == admin || state == true, "only admin can unpause"); seizeGuardianPaused = state; emit ActionPaused("Seize", state); return state; } function _become(Unitroller unitroller) public { require(msg.sender == unitroller.admin(), "only unitroller admin can change brains"); require(unitroller._acceptImplementation() == 0, "change not authorized"); } /** * @notice Checks caller is admin, or this contract is becoming the new implementation */ function adminOrInitializing() internal view returns (bool) { return msg.sender == admin || msg.sender == comptrollerImplementation; } /*** Comp Distribution ***/ /** * @notice Recalculate and update COMP speeds for all COMP markets */ function refreshCompSpeeds() public { require(msg.sender == tx.origin, "only externally owned accounts may refresh speeds"); refreshCompSpeedsInternal(); } function refreshCompSpeedsInternal() internal { CToken[] memory allMarkets_ = allMarkets; for (uint i = 0; i < allMarkets_.length; i++) { CToken cToken = allMarkets_[i]; Exp memory borrowIndex = Exp({mantissa : cToken.borrowIndex()}); updateCompSupplyIndex(address(cToken)); updateCompBorrowIndex(address(cToken), borrowIndex); } Exp memory borrowTotalUtility = Exp({mantissa : 0}); uint borrowAssetCount = 0; Exp memory borrowAverageUtility = Exp({mantissa : 0}); //calculate Borrow asset totalUtility if (miningRule == 1) {//mining by borrow for (uint i = 0; i < allMarkets_.length; i++) { CToken cToken = allMarkets_[i]; if (markets[address(cToken)].isComped && !borrowGuardianPaused[address(cToken)]) { Exp memory assetPrice = Exp({mantissa : oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(cToken)}); Exp memory utility = mul_(assetPrice, cToken.totalBorrows()); borrowTotalUtility = add_(borrowTotalUtility, utility); borrowAssetCount++; } } if (borrowAssetCount > 0) { borrowAverageUtility = div_(borrowTotalUtility, borrowAssetCount); } } Exp memory totalUtility = Exp({mantissa : 0}); Exp[] memory utilities = new Exp[](allMarkets_.length); for (uint i = 0; i < allMarkets_.length; i++) { CToken cToken = allMarkets_[i]; if (markets[address(cToken)].isComped) { Exp memory utility; uint buff = miningBuff[address(cToken)]; Exp memory price = Exp({mantissa : oracle.getUnderlyingPrice(cToken)}); if (buff == 0) buff = 1; if (miningRule == 0) {//mining by supply //supply * exchange rate = asset balance Exp memory supply = Exp({mantissa: cToken.totalSupply()}); //Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: cToken.exchangeRateStored()}); uint assetBalance = mul_(cToken.exchangeRateStored(), supply); // div e18 //usd price * balance = utility Exp memory realUtility = Exp({mantissa: mul_(assetBalance, price.mantissa)}); utility = mul_(realUtility, buff); //buff } else if (miningRule == 1) {//mining by borrow if (borrowGuardianPaused[address(cToken)]) { //averageUtility with in price utility = mul_(borrowAverageUtility, buff); } else { Exp memory realUtility = mul_(price, cToken.totalBorrows()); utility = mul_(realUtility, buff); } } else {//can't support revert(); } utilities[i] = utility; totalUtility = add_(totalUtility, utility); } } for (uint i = 0; i < allMarkets_.length; i++) { CToken cToken = allMarkets[i]; uint newSpeed = totalUtility.mantissa > 0 ? mul_(compRate, div_(utilities[i], totalUtility)) : 0; compSpeeds[address(cToken)] = newSpeed; emit CompSpeedUpdated(cToken, newSpeed, totalUtility.mantissa, utilities[i].mantissa); } } /** * @notice Accrue COMP to the market by updating the supply index * @param cToken The market whose supply index to update */ function updateCompSupplyIndex(address cToken) internal { CompMarketState storage supplyState = compSupplyState[cToken]; uint supplySpeed = compSpeeds[cToken]; uint blockNumber = getBlockNumber(); uint deltaBlocks = sub_(blockNumber, uint(supplyState.block)); if (deltaBlocks > 0 && supplySpeed > 0) { uint supplyTokens = CToken(cToken).totalSupply(); uint compAccrued = mul_(deltaBlocks, supplySpeed); Double memory ratio = supplyTokens > 0 ? fraction(compAccrued, supplyTokens) : Double({mantissa : 0}); Double memory index = add_(Double({mantissa : supplyState.index}), ratio); compSupplyState[cToken] = CompMarketState({ index : safe224(index.mantissa, "new index exceeds 224 bits"), block : safe32(blockNumber, "block number exceeds 32 bits") }); } else if (deltaBlocks > 0) { supplyState.block = safe32(blockNumber, "block number exceeds 32 bits"); } } /** * @notice Accrue COMP to the market by updating the borrow index * @param cToken The market whose borrow index to update */ function updateCompBorrowIndex(address cToken, Exp memory marketBorrowIndex) internal { CompMarketState storage borrowState = compBorrowState[cToken]; uint borrowSpeed = compSpeeds[cToken]; uint blockNumber = getBlockNumber(); uint deltaBlocks = sub_(blockNumber, uint(borrowState.block)); if (deltaBlocks > 0 && borrowSpeed > 0) { uint borrowAmount = div_(CToken(cToken).totalBorrows(), marketBorrowIndex); uint compAccrued = mul_(deltaBlocks, borrowSpeed); Double memory ratio = borrowAmount > 0 ? fraction(compAccrued, borrowAmount) : Double({mantissa : 0}); Double memory index = add_(Double({mantissa : borrowState.index}), ratio); compBorrowState[cToken] = CompMarketState({ index : safe224(index.mantissa, "new index exceeds 224 bits"), block : safe32(blockNumber, "block number exceeds 32 bits") }); } else if (deltaBlocks > 0) { borrowState.block = safe32(blockNumber, "block number exceeds 32 bits"); } } /** * @notice Calculate COMP accrued by a supplier and possibly transfer it to them * @param cToken The market in which the supplier is interacting * @param supplier The address of the supplier to distribute COMP to */ function distributeSupplierComp(address cToken, address supplier, bool distributeAll) internal { CompMarketState storage supplyState = compSupplyState[cToken]; Double memory supplyIndex = Double({mantissa : supplyState.index}); Double memory supplierIndex = Double({mantissa : compSupplierIndex[cToken][supplier]}); compSupplierIndex[cToken][supplier] = supplyIndex.mantissa; if (supplierIndex.mantissa == 0 && supplyIndex.mantissa > 0) { supplierIndex.mantissa = compInitialIndex; } Double memory deltaIndex = sub_(supplyIndex, supplierIndex); uint supplierTokens = CToken(cToken).balanceOf(supplier); uint supplierDelta = mul_(supplierTokens, deltaIndex); uint supplierAccrued = add_(compAccrued[supplier], supplierDelta); compAccrued[supplier] = transferComp(supplier, supplierAccrued, distributeAll ? 0 : compClaimThreshold); emit DistributedSupplierComp(CToken(cToken), supplier, supplierDelta, supplyIndex.mantissa); } /** * @notice Calculate COMP accrued by a borrower and possibly transfer it to them * @dev Borrowers will not begin to accrue until after the first interaction with the protocol. * @param cToken The market in which the borrower is interacting * @param borrower The address of the borrower to distribute COMP to */ function distributeBorrowerComp(address cToken, address borrower, Exp memory marketBorrowIndex, bool distributeAll) internal { CompMarketState storage borrowState = compBorrowState[cToken]; Double memory borrowIndex = Double({mantissa : borrowState.index}); Double memory borrowerIndex = Double({mantissa : compBorrowerIndex[cToken][borrower]}); compBorrowerIndex[cToken][borrower] = borrowIndex.mantissa; if (borrowerIndex.mantissa > 0) { Double memory deltaIndex = sub_(borrowIndex, borrowerIndex); uint borrowerAmount = div_(CToken(cToken).borrowBalanceStored(borrower), marketBorrowIndex); uint borrowerDelta = mul_(borrowerAmount, deltaIndex); uint borrowerAccrued = add_(compAccrued[borrower], borrowerDelta); compAccrued[borrower] = transferComp(borrower, borrowerAccrued, distributeAll ? 0 : compClaimThreshold); emit DistributedBorrowerComp(CToken(cToken), borrower, borrowerDelta, borrowIndex.mantissa); } } /** * @notice Transfer COMP to the user, if they are above the threshold * @dev Note: If there is not enough COMP, we do not perform the transfer all. * @param user The address of the user to transfer COMP to * @param userAccrued The amount of COMP to (possibly) transfer * @return The amount of COMP which was NOT transferred to the user */ function transferComp(address user, uint userAccrued, uint threshold) internal returns (uint) { if (userAccrued >= threshold && userAccrued > 0) { Cheese cheese = Cheese(getCheeseAddress()); uint cheeseRemaining = cheese.balanceOf(address(this)); if (userAccrued <= cheeseRemaining) { cheese.transfer(user, userAccrued); return 0; } } return userAccrued; } /** * @notice Claim all the comp accrued by holder in all markets * @param holder The address to claim COMP for */ function claimComp(address holder) public { return claimComp(holder, allMarkets); } /** * @notice Claim all the comp accrued by holder in the specified markets * @param holder The address to claim COMP for * @param cTokens The list of markets to claim COMP in */ function claimComp(address holder, CToken[] memory cTokens) public { address[] memory holders = new address[](1); holders[0] = holder; claimComp(holders, cTokens, true, true); } /** * @notice Claim all comp accrued by the holders * @param holders The addresses to claim COMP for * @param cTokens The list of markets to claim COMP in * @param borrowers Whether or not to claim COMP earned by borrowing * @param suppliers Whether or not to claim COMP earned by supplying */ function claimComp(address[] memory holders, CToken[] memory cTokens, bool borrowers, bool suppliers) public { for (uint i = 0; i < cTokens.length; i++) { CToken cToken = cTokens[i]; require(markets[address(cToken)].isListed, "market must be listed"); if (borrowers == true) { Exp memory borrowIndex = Exp({mantissa : cToken.borrowIndex()}); updateCompBorrowIndex(address(cToken), borrowIndex); for (uint j = 0; j < holders.length; j++) { distributeBorrowerComp(address(cToken), holders[j], borrowIndex, true); } } if (suppliers == true) { updateCompSupplyIndex(address(cToken)); for (uint j = 0; j < holders.length; j++) { distributeSupplierComp(address(cToken), holders[j], true); } } } } /*** Comp Distribution Admin ***/ /** * @notice Set the amount of COMP distributed per block * @param compRate_ The amount of COMP wei per block to distribute */ function _setCompRate(uint compRate_) public { require(adminOrInitializing(), "only admin can change comp rate"); uint oldRate = compRate; compRate = compRate_; emit NewCompRate(oldRate, compRate_); refreshCompSpeedsInternal(); } /** * @notice Add markets to compMarkets, allowing them to earn COMP in the flywheel * @param cTokens The addresses of the markets to add */ function _addCompMarkets(address[] memory cTokens) public { require(adminOrInitializing(), "only admin can add comp market"); for (uint i = 0; i < cTokens.length; i++) { _addCompMarketInternal(cTokens[i]); } refreshCompSpeedsInternal(); } function _addCompMarketInternal(address cToken) internal { Market storage market = markets[cToken]; require(market.isListed == true, "comp market is not listed"); require(market.isComped == false, "comp market already added"); market.isComped = true; emit MarketComped(CToken(cToken), true); if (compSupplyState[cToken].index == 0 && compSupplyState[cToken].block == 0) { compSupplyState[cToken] = CompMarketState({ index : compInitialIndex, block : safe32(getBlockNumber(), "block number exceeds 32 bits") }); } if (compBorrowState[cToken].index == 0 && compBorrowState[cToken].block == 0) { compBorrowState[cToken] = CompMarketState({ index : compInitialIndex, block : safe32(getBlockNumber(), "block number exceeds 32 bits") }); } } /** * @notice Remove a market from compMarkets, preventing it from earning COMP in the flywheel * @param cToken The address of the market to drop */ function _dropCompMarket(address cToken) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only admin can drop comp market"); Market storage market = markets[cToken]; require(market.isComped == true, "market is not a comp market"); market.isComped = false; emit MarketComped(CToken(cToken), false); refreshCompSpeedsInternal(); } function _setMiningBuff(address cToken, uint buff) public { require(adminOrInitializing(), "only admin can change cheese rate"); miningBuff[cToken] = buff; } function _changeMiningRule() public { if (msg.sender != admin || miningRule != 0) { return; } /* require(adminOrInitializing(), "only admin can set mining rule"); require(miningRule == 0, "only change mining rule from 0 to 1"); */ miningRule = 1; } /** * @notice Return all of the markets * @dev The automatic getter may be used to access an individual market. * @return The list of market addresses */ function getAllMarkets() public view returns (CToken[] memory) { return allMarkets; } function getBlockNumber() public view returns (uint) { return block.number; } /** * @notice Return the address of the COMP token * @return The address of COMP */ function getCheeseAddress() public view returns (address) { return 0xB6Ab412EacEb551d62f8eC63a1d2F30c01e3A2C0; } } contract CErc20 is CToken, CErc20Interface { constructor() public { admin = msg.sender; } /** * @notice Initialize the new money market * @param underlying_ The address of the underlying asset * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token */ function initialize(address underlying_, ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_) public { // CToken initialize does the bulk of the work super.initialize(comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_); // Set underlying and sanity check it underlying = underlying_; EIP20Interface(underlying).totalSupply(); } /*** User Interface ***/ /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param mintAmount The amount of the underlying asset to supply * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function mint(uint mintAmount) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = mintInternal(mintAmount); return err; } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { return redeemInternal(redeemTokens); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint) { return redeemUnderlyingInternal(redeemAmount); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { return borrowInternal(borrowAmount); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrow(uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = repayBorrowInternal(repayAmount); return err; } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off * @param repayAmount The amount to repay * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint repayAmount) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = repayBorrowBehalfInternal(borrower, repayAmount); return err; } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param repayAmount The amount of the underlying borrowed asset to repay * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint repayAmount, CTokenInterface cTokenCollateral) external returns (uint) { (uint err,) = liquidateBorrowInternal(borrower, repayAmount, cTokenCollateral); return err; } /** * @notice The sender adds to reserves. * @param addAmount The amount fo underlying token to add as reserves * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function _addReserves(uint addAmount) external returns (uint) { return _addReservesInternal(addAmount); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of the underlying * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of underlying tokens owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint) { EIP20Interface token = EIP20Interface(underlying); return token.balanceOf(address(this)); } /** * @dev Similar to EIP20 transfer, except it handles a False result from `transferFrom` and reverts in that case. * This will revert due to insufficient balance or insufficient allowance. * This function returns the actual amount received, * which may be less than `amount` if there is a fee attached to the transfer. * * Note: This wrapper safely handles non-standard ERC-20 tokens that do not return a value. * See here: */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint) { EIP20NonStandardInterface token = EIP20NonStandardInterface(underlying); uint balanceBefore = EIP20Interface(underlying).balanceOf(address(this)); token.transferFrom(from, address(this), amount); bool success; assembly { switch returndatasize() case 0 { // This is a non-standard ERC-20 success := not(0) // set success to true } case 32 { // This is a compliant ERC-20 returndatacopy(0, 0, 32) success := mload(0) // Set `success = returndata` of external call } default { // This is an excessively non-compliant ERC-20, revert. revert(0, 0) } } require(success, "TOKEN_TRANSFER_IN_FAILED"); // Calculate the amount that was *actually* transferred uint balanceAfter = EIP20Interface(underlying).balanceOf(address(this)); require(balanceAfter >= balanceBefore, "TOKEN_TRANSFER_IN_OVERFLOW"); return balanceAfter - balanceBefore; // underflow already checked above, just subtract } /** * @dev Similar to EIP20 transfer, except it handles a False success from `transfer` and returns an explanatory * error code rather than reverting. If caller has not called checked protocol's balance, this may revert due to * insufficient cash held in this contract. If caller has checked protocol's balance prior to this call, and verified * it is >= amount, this should not revert in normal conditions. * * Note: This wrapper safely handles non-standard ERC-20 tokens that do not return a value. * See here: */ function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal { EIP20NonStandardInterface token = EIP20NonStandardInterface(underlying); token.transfer(to, amount); bool success; assembly { switch returndatasize() case 0 { // This is a non-standard ERC-20 success := not(0) // set success to true } case 32 { // This is a complaint ERC-20 returndatacopy(0, 0, 32) success := mload(0) // Set `success = returndata` of external call } default { // This is an excessively non-compliant ERC-20, revert. revert(0, 0) } } require(success, "TOKEN_TRANSFER_OUT_FAILED"); } } contract CErc20Delegate is CErc20, CDelegateInterface { /** * @notice Construct an empty delegate */ constructor() public {} /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to initialize it for duty * @param data The encoded bytes data for any initialization */ function _becomeImplementation(bytes memory data) public { // Shh -- currently unused data; // Shh -- we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { implementation = address(0); } require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may call _becomeImplementation"); } /** * @notice Called by the delegator on a delegate to forfeit its responsibility */ function _resignImplementation() public { // Shh -- we don't ever want this hook to be marked pure if (false) { implementation = address(0); } require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may call _resignImplementation"); } } contract CErc20Immutable is CErc20 { /** * @notice Construct a new money market * @param underlying_ The address of the underlying asset * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token * @param admin_ Address of the administrator of this token */ constructor(address underlying_, ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address payable admin_) public { // Creator of the contract is admin during initialization admin = msg.sender; // Initialize the market initialize(underlying_, comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_); // Set the proper admin now that initialization is done admin = admin_; } } contract CEther is CToken { /** * @notice Construct a new CEther money market * @param comptroller_ The address of the Comptroller * @param interestRateModel_ The address of the interest rate model * @param initialExchangeRateMantissa_ The initial exchange rate, scaled by 1e18 * @param name_ ERC-20 name of this token * @param symbol_ ERC-20 symbol of this token * @param decimals_ ERC-20 decimal precision of this token * @param admin_ Address of the administrator of this token */ constructor(ComptrollerInterface comptroller_, InterestRateModel interestRateModel_, uint initialExchangeRateMantissa_, string memory name_, string memory symbol_, uint8 decimals_, address payable admin_) public { // Creator of the contract is admin during initialization admin = msg.sender; initialize(comptroller_, interestRateModel_, initialExchangeRateMantissa_, name_, symbol_, decimals_); // Set the proper admin now that initialization is done admin = admin_; } /*** User Interface ***/ /** * @notice Sender supplies assets into the market and receives cTokens in exchange * @dev Reverts upon any failure */ function mint() external payable { (uint err,) = mintInternal(msg.value); requireNoError(err, "mint failed"); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for the underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemTokens The number of cTokens to redeem into underlying * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint) { return redeemInternal(redeemTokens); } /** * @notice Sender redeems cTokens in exchange for a specified amount of underlying asset * @dev Accrues interest whether or not the operation succeeds, unless reverted * @param redeemAmount The amount of underlying to redeem * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function redeemUnderlying(uint redeemAmount) external returns (uint) { return redeemUnderlyingInternal(redeemAmount); } /** * @notice Sender borrows assets from the protocol to their own address * @param borrowAmount The amount of the underlying asset to borrow * @return uint 0=success, otherwise a failure (see ErrorReporter.sol for details) */ function borrow(uint borrowAmount) external returns (uint) { return borrowInternal(borrowAmount); } /** * @notice Sender repays their own borrow * @dev Reverts upon any failure */ function repayBorrow() external payable { (uint err,) = repayBorrowInternal(msg.value); requireNoError(err, "repayBorrow failed"); } /** * @notice Sender repays a borrow belonging to borrower * @dev Reverts upon any failure * @param borrower the account with the debt being payed off */ function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external payable { (uint err,) = repayBorrowBehalfInternal(borrower, msg.value); requireNoError(err, "repayBorrowBehalf failed"); } /** * @notice The sender liquidates the borrowers collateral. * The collateral seized is transferred to the liquidator. * @dev Reverts upon any failure * @param borrower The borrower of this cToken to be liquidated * @param cTokenCollateral The market in which to seize collateral from the borrower */ function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, CToken cTokenCollateral) external payable { (uint err,) = liquidateBorrowInternal(borrower, msg.value, cTokenCollateral); requireNoError(err, "liquidateBorrow failed"); } /** * @notice Send Ether to CEther to mint */ function () external payable { (uint err,) = mintInternal(msg.value); requireNoError(err, "mint failed"); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of Ether, before this message * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of Ether owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint) { (MathError err, uint startingBalance) = subUInt(address(this).balance, msg.value); require(err == MathError.NO_ERROR); return startingBalance; } /** * @notice Perform the actual transfer in, which is a no-op * @param from Address sending the Ether * @param amount Amount of Ether being sent * @return The actual amount of Ether transferred */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint) { // Sanity checks require(msg.sender == from, "sender mismatch"); require(msg.value == amount, "value mismatch"); return amount; } function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal { /* Send the Ether, with minimal gas and revert on failure */ to.transfer(amount); } function requireNoError(uint errCode, string memory message) internal pure { if (errCode == uint(Error.NO_ERROR)) { return; } bytes memory fullMessage = new bytes(bytes(message).length + 5); uint i; for (i = 0; i < bytes(message).length; i++) { fullMessage[i] = bytes(message)[i]; } fullMessage[i+0] = byte(uint8(32)); fullMessage[i+1] = byte(uint8(40)); fullMessage[i+2] = byte(uint8(48 + ( errCode / 10 ))); fullMessage[i+3] = byte(uint8(48 + ( errCode % 10 ))); fullMessage[i+4] = byte(uint8(41)); require(errCode == uint(Error.NO_ERROR), string(fullMessage)); } } contract CDaiDelegate is CErc20Delegate { /** * @notice DAI adapter address */ address public daiJoinAddress; /** * @notice DAI Savings Rate (DSR) pot address */ address public potAddress; /** * @notice DAI vat address */ address public vatAddress; /** * @notice Delegate interface to become the implementation * @param data The encoded arguments for becoming */ function _becomeImplementation(bytes memory data) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may initialize the implementation"); (address daiJoinAddress_, address potAddress_) = abi.decode(data, (address, address)); return _becomeImplementation(daiJoinAddress_, potAddress_); } /** * @notice Explicit interface to become the implementation * @param daiJoinAddress_ DAI adapter address * @param potAddress_ DAI Savings Rate (DSR) pot address */ function _becomeImplementation(address daiJoinAddress_, address potAddress_) internal { // Get dai and vat and sanity check the underlying DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress_); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress_); GemLike dai = daiJoin.dai(); VatLike vat = daiJoin.vat(); require(address(dai) == underlying, "DAI must be the same as underlying"); // Remember the relevant addresses daiJoinAddress = daiJoinAddress_; potAddress = potAddress_; vatAddress = address(vat); // Approve moving our DAI into the vat through daiJoin dai.approve(daiJoinAddress, uint(-1)); // Approve the pot to transfer our funds within the vat vat.hope(potAddress); vat.hope(daiJoinAddress); // Accumulate DSR interest -- must do this in order to doTransferIn pot.drip(); // Transfer all cash in (doTransferIn does this regardless of amount) doTransferIn(address(this), 0); } /** * @notice Delegate interface to resign the implementation */ function _resignImplementation() public { require(msg.sender == admin, "only the admin may abandon the implementation"); // Transfer all cash out of the DSR - note that this relies on self-transfer DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); VatLike vat = VatLike(vatAddress); // Accumulate interest pot.drip(); // Calculate the total amount in the pot, and move it out uint pie = pot.pie(address(this)); pot.exit(pie); // Checks the actual balance of DAI in the vat after the pot exit uint bal = vat.dai(address(this)); // Remove our whole balance daiJoin.exit(address(this), bal / RAY); } /*** CToken Overrides ***/ /** * @notice Accrues DSR then applies accrued interest to total borrows and reserves * @dev This calculates interest accrued from the last checkpointed block * up to the current block and writes new checkpoint to storage. */ function accrueInterest() public returns (uint) { // Accumulate DSR interest PotLike(potAddress).drip(); // Accumulate CToken interest return super.accrueInterest(); } /*** Safe Token ***/ /** * @notice Gets balance of this contract in terms of the underlying * @dev This excludes the value of the current message, if any * @return The quantity of underlying tokens owned by this contract */ function getCashPrior() internal view returns (uint) { PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); uint pie = pot.pie(address(this)); return mul(pot.chi(), pie) / RAY; } /** * @notice Transfer the underlying to this contract and sweep into DSR pot * @param from Address to transfer funds from * @param amount Amount of underlying to transfer * @return The actual amount that is transferred */ function doTransferIn(address from, uint amount) internal returns (uint) { // Perform the EIP-20 transfer in EIP20Interface token = EIP20Interface(underlying); require(token.transferFrom(from, address(this), amount), "unexpected EIP-20 transfer in return"); DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress); GemLike dai = GemLike(underlying); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); VatLike vat = VatLike(vatAddress); // Convert all our DAI to internal DAI in the vat daiJoin.join(address(this), dai.balanceOf(address(this))); // Checks the actual balance of DAI in the vat after the join uint bal = vat.dai(address(this)); // Calculate the percentage increase to th pot for the entire vat, and move it in // Note: We may leave a tiny bit of DAI in the vat...but we do the whole thing every time uint pie = bal / pot.chi(); pot.join(pie); return amount; } /** * @notice Transfer the underlying from this contract, after sweeping out of DSR pot * @param to Address to transfer funds to * @param amount Amount of underlying to transfer */ function doTransferOut(address payable to, uint amount) internal { DaiJoinLike daiJoin = DaiJoinLike(daiJoinAddress); PotLike pot = PotLike(potAddress); // Calculate the percentage decrease from the pot, and move that much out // Note: Use a slightly larger pie size to ensure that we get at least amount in the vat uint pie = add(mul(amount, RAY) / pot.chi(), 1); pot.exit(pie); daiJoin.exit(to, amount); } /*** Maker Internals ***/ uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x + y) >= x, "add-overflow"); } function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } }
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pragma solidity 0.5.16; interface IERC20 { event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool); function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool); } interface ISwapdexV2Callee { function SwapdexV2Call(address sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, bytes calldata data) external; } interface ISwapdexV2ERC20 { event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); function name() external pure returns (string memory); function symbol() external pure returns (string memory); function decimals() external pure returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool); function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32); function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint); function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; } interface ISwapdexV2Factory { event PairCreated(address indexed token0, address indexed token1, address pair, uint); function feeTo() external view returns (address); function feeToSetter() external view returns (address); function getPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (address pair); function allPairs(uint) external view returns (address pair); function allPairsLength() external view returns (uint); function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair); function setFeeTo(address) external; function setFeeToSetter(address) external; } interface ISwapdexV2Pair { event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); function name() external pure returns (string memory); function symbol() external pure returns (string memory); function decimals() external pure returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function balanceOf(address owner) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint); function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool); function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool); function DOMAIN_SEPARATOR() external view returns (bytes32); function PERMIT_TYPEHASH() external pure returns (bytes32); function nonces(address owner) external view returns (uint); function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; event Mint(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1); event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to); event Swap( address indexed sender, uint amount0In, uint amount1In, uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address indexed to ); event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1); function MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY() external pure returns (uint); function factory() external view returns (address); function token0() external view returns (address); function token1() external view returns (address); function getReserves() external view returns (uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1, uint32 blockTimestampLast); function price0CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function price1CumulativeLast() external view returns (uint); function kLast() external view returns (uint); function mint(address to) external returns (uint liquidity); function burn(address to) external returns (uint amount0, uint amount1); function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external; function skim(address to) external; function sync() external; function initialize(address, address) external; } library Math { function min(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { z = x < y ? x : y; } // babylonian method ( function sqrt(uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { if (y > 3) { z = y; uint x = y / 2 + 1; while (x < z) { z = x; x = (y / x + x) / 2; } } else if (y != 0) { z = 1; } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x + y) >= x, 'ds-math-add-overflow'); } function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, 'ds-math-sub-underflow'); } function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, 'ds-math-mul-overflow'); } } contract SwapdexV2ERC20 is ISwapdexV2ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint; string public constant name = 'Swapdex V2'; string public constant symbol = 'SWP-V2'; uint8 public constant decimals = 18; uint public totalSupply; mapping(address => uint) public balanceOf; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public allowance; bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; // keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"); bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = 0x6e71edae12b1b97f4d1f60370fef10105fa2faae0126114a169c64845d6126c9; mapping(address => uint) public nonces; event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); constructor() public { uint chainId; assembly { chainId := chainid } DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256( abi.encode( keccak256('EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)'), keccak256(bytes(name)), keccak256(bytes('1')), chainId, address(this) ) ); } function _mint(address to, uint value) internal { totalSupply = totalSupply.add(value); balanceOf[to] = balanceOf[to].add(value); emit Transfer(address(0), to, value); } function _burn(address from, uint value) internal { balanceOf[from] = balanceOf[from].sub(value); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(value); emit Transfer(from, address(0), value); } function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint value) private { allowance[owner][spender] = value; emit Approval(owner, spender, value); } function _transfer(address from, address to, uint value) private { balanceOf[from] = balanceOf[from].sub(value); balanceOf[to] = balanceOf[to].add(value); emit Transfer(from, to, value); } function approve(address spender, uint value) external returns (bool) { _approve(msg.sender, spender, value); return true; } function transfer(address to, uint value) external returns (bool) { _transfer(msg.sender, to, value); return true; } function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) external returns (bool) { if (allowance[from][msg.sender] != uint(-1)) { allowance[from][msg.sender] = allowance[from][msg.sender].sub(value); } _transfer(from, to, value); return true; } function permit(address owner, address spender, uint value, uint deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external { require(deadline >= block.timestamp, 'SwapdexV2: EXPIRED'); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked( '\x19\x01', DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, value, nonces[owner]++, deadline)) ) ); address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require(recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == owner, 'SwapdexV2: INVALID_SIGNATURE'); _approve(owner, spender, value); } } contract SwapdexV2Factory is ISwapdexV2Factory { address public feeTo; address public feeToSetter; mapping(address => mapping(address => address)) public getPair; address[] public allPairs; event PairCreated(address indexed token0, address indexed token1, address pair, uint); constructor(address _feeToSetter) public { feeToSetter = _feeToSetter; } function allPairsLength() external view returns (uint) { return allPairs.length; } function createPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external returns (address pair) { require(tokenA != tokenB, 'SwapdexV2: IDENTICAL_ADDRESSES'); (address token0, address token1) = tokenA < tokenB ? (tokenA, tokenB) : (tokenB, tokenA); require(token0 != address(0), 'SwapdexV2: ZERO_ADDRESS'); require(getPair[token0][token1] == address(0), 'SwapdexV2: PAIR_EXISTS'); // single check is sufficient bytes memory bytecode = type(SwapdexV2Pair).creationCode; bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(token0, token1)); assembly { pair := create2(0, add(bytecode, 32), mload(bytecode), salt) } ISwapdexV2Pair(pair).initialize(token0, token1); getPair[token0][token1] = pair; getPair[token1][token0] = pair; // populate mapping in the reverse direction allPairs.push(pair); emit PairCreated(token0, token1, pair, allPairs.length); } function setFeeTo(address _feeTo) external { require(msg.sender == feeToSetter, 'SwapdexV2: FORBIDDEN'); feeTo = _feeTo; } function setFeeToSetter(address _feeToSetter) external { require(msg.sender == feeToSetter, 'SwapdexV2: FORBIDDEN'); feeToSetter = _feeToSetter; } } contract SwapdexV2Pair is ISwapdexV2Pair, SwapdexV2ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint; using UQ112x112 for uint224; uint public constant MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY = 10**3; bytes4 private constant SELECTOR = bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)'))); address public factory; address public token0; address public token1; uint112 private reserve0; // uses single storage slot, accessible via getReserves uint112 private reserve1; // uses single storage slot, accessible via getReserves uint32 private blockTimestampLast; // uses single storage slot, accessible via getReserves uint public price0CumulativeLast; uint public price1CumulativeLast; uint public kLast; // reserve0 * reserve1, as of immediately after the most recent liquidity event uint private unlocked = 1; modifier lock() { require(unlocked == 1, 'SwapdexV2: LOCKED'); unlocked = 0; _; unlocked = 1; } function getReserves() public view returns (uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1, uint32 _blockTimestampLast) { _reserve0 = reserve0; _reserve1 = reserve1; _blockTimestampLast = blockTimestampLast; } function _safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) private { (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'SwapdexV2: TRANSFER_FAILED'); } event Mint(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1); event Burn(address indexed sender, uint amount0, uint amount1, address indexed to); event Swap( address indexed sender, uint amount0In, uint amount1In, uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address indexed to ); event Sync(uint112 reserve0, uint112 reserve1); constructor() public { factory = msg.sender; } // called once by the factory at time of deployment function initialize(address _token0, address _token1) external { require(msg.sender == factory, 'SwapdexV2: FORBIDDEN'); // sufficient check token0 = _token0; token1 = _token1; } // update reserves and, on the first call per block, price accumulators function _update(uint balance0, uint balance1, uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1) private { require(balance0 <= uint112(-1) && balance1 <= uint112(-1), 'SwapdexV2: OVERFLOW'); uint32 blockTimestamp = uint32(block.timestamp % 2**32); uint32 timeElapsed = blockTimestamp - blockTimestampLast; // overflow is desired if (timeElapsed > 0 && _reserve0 != 0 && _reserve1 != 0) { // * never overflows, and + overflow is desired price0CumulativeLast += uint(UQ112x112.encode(_reserve1).uqdiv(_reserve0)) * timeElapsed; price1CumulativeLast += uint(UQ112x112.encode(_reserve0).uqdiv(_reserve1)) * timeElapsed; } reserve0 = uint112(balance0); reserve1 = uint112(balance1); blockTimestampLast = blockTimestamp; emit Sync(reserve0, reserve1); } // if fee is on, mint liquidity equivalent to 1/6th of the growth in sqrt(k) function _mintFee(uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1) private returns (bool feeOn) { address feeTo = ISwapdexV2Factory(factory).feeTo(); feeOn = feeTo != address(0); uint _kLast = kLast; // gas savings if (feeOn) { if (_kLast != 0) { uint rootK = Math.sqrt(uint(_reserve0).mul(_reserve1)); uint rootKLast = Math.sqrt(_kLast); if (rootK > rootKLast) { uint numerator = totalSupply.mul(rootK.sub(rootKLast)); uint denominator = rootK.mul(5).add(rootKLast); uint liquidity = numerator / denominator; if (liquidity > 0) _mint(feeTo, liquidity); } } } else if (_kLast != 0) { kLast = 0; } } // this low-level function should be called from a contract which performs important safety checks function mint(address to) external lock returns (uint liquidity) { (uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1,) = getReserves(); // gas savings uint balance0 = IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)); uint balance1 = IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)); uint amount0 = balance0.sub(_reserve0); uint amount1 = balance1.sub(_reserve1); bool feeOn = _mintFee(_reserve0, _reserve1); uint _totalSupply = totalSupply; // gas savings, must be defined here since totalSupply can update in _mintFee if (_totalSupply == 0) { liquidity = Math.sqrt(amount0.mul(amount1)).sub(MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY); _mint(address(0), MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY); // permanently lock the first MINIMUM_LIQUIDITY tokens } else { liquidity = Math.min(amount0.mul(_totalSupply) / _reserve0, amount1.mul(_totalSupply) / _reserve1); } require(liquidity > 0, 'SwapdexV2: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY_MINTED'); _mint(to, liquidity); _update(balance0, balance1, _reserve0, _reserve1); if (feeOn) kLast = uint(reserve0).mul(reserve1); // reserve0 and reserve1 are up-to-date emit Mint(msg.sender, amount0, amount1); } // this low-level function should be called from a contract which performs important safety checks function burn(address to) external lock returns (uint amount0, uint amount1) { (uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1,) = getReserves(); // gas savings address _token0 = token0; // gas savings address _token1 = token1; // gas savings uint balance0 = IERC20(_token0).balanceOf(address(this)); uint balance1 = IERC20(_token1).balanceOf(address(this)); uint liquidity = balanceOf[address(this)]; bool feeOn = _mintFee(_reserve0, _reserve1); uint _totalSupply = totalSupply; // gas savings, must be defined here since totalSupply can update in _mintFee amount0 = liquidity.mul(balance0) / _totalSupply; // using balances ensures pro-rata distribution amount1 = liquidity.mul(balance1) / _totalSupply; // using balances ensures pro-rata distribution require(amount0 > 0 && amount1 > 0, 'SwapdexV2: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY_BURNED'); _burn(address(this), liquidity); _safeTransfer(_token0, to, amount0); _safeTransfer(_token1, to, amount1); balance0 = IERC20(_token0).balanceOf(address(this)); balance1 = IERC20(_token1).balanceOf(address(this)); _update(balance0, balance1, _reserve0, _reserve1); if (feeOn) kLast = uint(reserve0).mul(reserve1); // reserve0 and reserve1 are up-to-date emit Burn(msg.sender, amount0, amount1, to); } // this low-level function should be called from a contract which performs important safety checks function swap(uint amount0Out, uint amount1Out, address to, bytes calldata data) external lock { require(amount0Out > 0 || amount1Out > 0, 'SwapdexV2: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT'); (uint112 _reserve0, uint112 _reserve1,) = getReserves(); // gas savings require(amount0Out < _reserve0 && amount1Out < _reserve1, 'SwapdexV2: INSUFFICIENT_LIQUIDITY'); uint balance0; uint balance1; { // scope for _token{0,1}, avoids stack too deep errors address _token0 = token0; address _token1 = token1; require(to != _token0 && to != _token1, 'SwapdexV2: INVALID_TO'); if (amount0Out > 0) _safeTransfer(_token0, to, amount0Out); // optimistically transfer tokens if (amount1Out > 0) _safeTransfer(_token1, to, amount1Out); // optimistically transfer tokens if (data.length > 0) ISwapdexV2Callee(to).SwapdexV2Call(msg.sender, amount0Out, amount1Out, data); balance0 = IERC20(_token0).balanceOf(address(this)); balance1 = IERC20(_token1).balanceOf(address(this)); } uint amount0In = balance0 > _reserve0 - amount0Out ? balance0 - (_reserve0 - amount0Out) : 0; uint amount1In = balance1 > _reserve1 - amount1Out ? balance1 - (_reserve1 - amount1Out) : 0; require(amount0In > 0 || amount1In > 0, 'SwapdexV2: INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_AMOUNT'); { // scope for reserve{0,1}Adjusted, avoids stack too deep errors uint balance0Adjusted = balance0.mul(1000).sub(amount0In.mul(3)); uint balance1Adjusted = balance1.mul(1000).sub(amount1In.mul(3)); require(balance0Adjusted.mul(balance1Adjusted) >= uint(_reserve0).mul(_reserve1).mul(1000**2), 'SwapdexV2: K'); } _update(balance0, balance1, _reserve0, _reserve1); emit Swap(msg.sender, amount0In, amount1In, amount0Out, amount1Out, to); } // force balances to match reserves function skim(address to) external lock { address _token0 = token0; // gas savings address _token1 = token1; // gas savings _safeTransfer(_token0, to, IERC20(_token0).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(reserve0)); _safeTransfer(_token1, to, IERC20(_token1).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(reserve1)); } // force reserves to match balances function sync() external lock { _update(IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)), IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)), reserve0, reserve1); } } library UQ112x112 { uint224 constant Q112 = 2**112; // encode a uint112 as a UQ112x112 function encode(uint112 y) internal pure returns (uint224 z) { z = uint224(y) * Q112; // never overflows } // divide a UQ112x112 by a uint112, returning a UQ112x112 function uqdiv(uint224 x, uint112 y) internal pure returns (uint224 z) { z = x / uint224(y); } } contract ERC20 is SwapdexV2ERC20 { constructor(uint _totalSupply) public { _mint(msg.sender, _totalSupply); } }
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pragma solidity 0.5.16; interface ISmartRightsCertify { function certifyHash(address _owner, bytes32 _hash) external; function certifyHash(bytes32 _hash) external; function getHashOwner(bytes32 _hash) external view returns(address); function addToWhitelist(address user) external; } contract SmartRightsCertify is ISmartRightsCertify { address owner; mapping(bytes32 => address) userCertifications; mapping(address => bool) whitelist; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } modifier onlyWhitelist() { require(whitelist[msg.sender] == true, "NotInWhitelist"); _; } modifier onlyOwner() { require(msg.sender == owner, "OnlyOwner"); _; } function certifyHash(address _owner, bytes32 _hash) external onlyOwner { require(userCertifications[_hash] == address(0), "DuplicateData"); userCertifications[_hash] = _owner; } function certifyHash(bytes32 _hash) external onlyWhitelist { require(userCertifications[_hash] == address(0), "DuplicateData"); userCertifications[_hash] = msg.sender; } function getHashOwner(bytes32 _hash) external view returns(address) { return userCertifications[_hash]; } function addToWhitelist(address user) external onlyOwner { whitelist[user] = true; } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x44e4EF23b4794699D0625657cADcB96e07820fFe; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = exData.srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS ? msg.value - exData.srcAmount : msg.value; (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = exData.srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS ? msg.value - exData.srcAmount : msg.value; (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[0], _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_ADDRESS); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xBcEAb469CbBA225E9dc9Cbd898808A4742687096; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0ed294340b6328647A652207AA72902747C84c94; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.5; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); } interface ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return "Asset" or "Debt". * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function adapterType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return token type (default is "ERC20"). * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function tokenType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return amount of the given token locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view returns (uint256); } contract MooniswapAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { string public constant override adapterType = "Asset"; string public constant override tokenType = "Mooniswap pool token"; /** * @return Amount of Mooniswap pool tokens held by the given account. * @param token Address of the Mooniswap pool. * @dev Implementation of ProtocolAdapter interface function. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view override returns (uint256) { return ERC20(token).balanceOf(account); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC165 { /** * @dev Returns true if this contract implements the interface defined by * `interfaceId`. See the corresponding *[EIP section] * to learn more about how these ids are created. * * This function call must use less than 30 000 gas. */ function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Wrapped1155Metadata { // workaround which also arranges first storage slots of Wrapped1155 Wrapped1155Factory public factory; IERC1155 public multiToken; uint256 public tokenId; modifier onlyFactory() { require(msg.sender == address(factory), "Wrapped1155: only factory allowed to perform operation"); _; } } contract ERC165 is IERC165 { /* * bytes4(keccak256('supportsInterface(bytes4)')) == 0x01ffc9a7 */ bytes4 private constant _INTERFACE_ID_ERC165 = 0x01ffc9a7; /** * @dev Mapping of interface ids to whether or not it's supported. */ mapping(bytes4 => bool) private _supportedInterfaces; constructor () internal { // Derived contracts need only register support for their own interfaces, // we register support for ERC165 itself here _registerInterface(_INTERFACE_ID_ERC165); } /** * @dev See {IERC165-supportsInterface}. * * Time complexity O(1), guaranteed to always use less than 30 000 gas. */ function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view override returns (bool) { return _supportedInterfaces[interfaceId]; } /** * @dev Registers the contract as an implementer of the interface defined by * `interfaceId`. Support of the actual ERC165 interface is automatic and * registering its interface id is not required. * * See {IERC165-supportsInterface}. * * Requirements: * * - `interfaceId` cannot be the ERC165 invalid interface (`0xffffffff`). */ function _registerInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) internal virtual { require(interfaceId != 0xffffffff, "ERC165: invalid interface id"); _supportedInterfaces[interfaceId] = true; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } interface IERC1155 is IERC165 { /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens of token type `id` are transfered from `from` to `to` by `operator`. */ event TransferSingle(address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 id, uint256 value); /** * @dev Equivalent to multiple {TransferSingle} events, where `operator`, `from` and `to` are the same for all * transfers. */ event TransferBatch(address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` grants or revokes permission to `operator` to transfer their tokens, according to * `approved`. */ event ApprovalForAll(address indexed account, address indexed operator, bool approved); /** * @dev Emitted when the URI for token type `id` changes to `value`, if it is a non-programmatic URI. * * If an {URI} event was emitted for `id`, the standard *[guarantees] that `value` will equal the value * returned by {IERC1155MetadataURI-uri}. */ event URI(string value, uint256 indexed id); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens of token type `id` owned by `account`. * * Requirements: * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. */ function balanceOf(address account, uint256 id) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {balanceOf}. * * Requirements: * * - `accounts` and `ids` must have the same length. */ function balanceOfBatch(address[] calldata accounts, uint256[] calldata ids) external view returns (uint256[] memory); /** * @dev Grants or revokes permission to `operator` to transfer the caller's tokens, according to `approved`, * * Emits an {ApprovalForAll} event. * * Requirements: * * - `operator` cannot be the caller. */ function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external; /** * @dev Returns true if `operator` is approved to transfer ``account``'s tokens. * * See {setApprovalForAll}. */ function isApprovedForAll(address account, address operator) external view returns (bool); /** * @dev Transfers `amount` tokens of token type `id` from `from` to `to`. * * Emits a {TransferSingle} event. * * Requirements: * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. * - If the caller is not `from`, it must be have been approved to spend ``from``'s tokens via {setApprovalForAll}. * - `from` must have a balance of tokens of type `id` of at least `amount`. * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155Received} and return the * acceptance magic value. */ function safeTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 id, uint256 amount, bytes calldata data) external; /** * @dev xref:ROOT:erc1155.adoc#batch-operations[Batched] version of {safeTransferFrom}. * * Emits a {TransferBatch} event. * * Requirements: * * - `ids` and `amounts` must have the same length. * - If `to` refers to a smart contract, it must implement {IERC1155Receiver-onERC1155BatchReceived} and return the * acceptance magic value. */ function safeBatchTransferFrom(address from, address to, uint256[] calldata ids, uint256[] calldata amounts, bytes calldata data) external; } interface IERC1155Receiver is IERC165 { /** @dev Handles the receipt of a single ERC1155 token type. This function is called at the end of a `safeTransferFrom` after the balance has been updated. To accept the transfer, this must return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"))` (i.e. 0xf23a6e61, or its own function selector). @param operator The address which initiated the transfer (i.e. msg.sender) @param from The address which previously owned the token @param id The ID of the token being transferred @param value The amount of tokens being transferred @param data Additional data with no specified format @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155Received(address,address,uint256,uint256,bytes)"))` if transfer is allowed */ function onERC1155Received( address operator, address from, uint256 id, uint256 value, bytes calldata data ) external returns(bytes4); /** @dev Handles the receipt of a multiple ERC1155 token types. This function is called at the end of a `safeBatchTransferFrom` after the balances have been updated. To accept the transfer(s), this must return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)"))` (i.e. 0xbc197c81, or its own function selector). @param operator The address which initiated the batch transfer (i.e. msg.sender) @param from The address which previously owned the token @param ids An array containing ids of each token being transferred (order and length must match values array) @param values An array containing amounts of each token being transferred (order and length must match ids array) @param data Additional data with no specified format @return `bytes4(keccak256("onERC1155BatchReceived(address,address,uint256[],uint256[],bytes)"))` if transfer is allowed */ function onERC1155BatchReceived( address operator, address from, uint256[] calldata ids, uint256[] calldata values, bytes calldata data ) external returns(bytes4); } contract Wrapped1155 is Wrapped1155Metadata, ERC20 { constructor() public ERC20("Wrapped ERC-1155 Implementation", "WMT*") {} function mint(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyFactory { _mint(account, amount); } function burn(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyFactory { _burn(account, amount); } } abstract contract ERC1155Receiver is ERC165, IERC1155Receiver { constructor() public { _registerInterface( ERC1155Receiver(0).onERC1155Received.selector ^ ERC1155Receiver(0).onERC1155BatchReceived.selector ); } } contract Wrapped1155Factory is ERC1155Receiver { using Address for address; Wrapped1155 public erc20Implementation; constructor() public { erc20Implementation = new Wrapped1155(); } function onERC1155Received( address operator, address /* from */, uint256 id, uint256 value, bytes calldata data ) external override returns (bytes4) { address recipient = data.length > 0 ? abi.decode(data, (address)) : operator; Wrapped1155 wrapped1155 = requireWrapped1155(IERC1155(msg.sender), id);, value); return this.onERC1155Received.selector; } function onERC1155BatchReceived( address operator, address /* from */, uint256[] calldata ids, uint256[] calldata values, bytes calldata data ) external override returns (bytes4) { address recipient = data.length > 0 ? abi.decode(data, (address)) : operator; for (uint i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { requireWrapped1155(IERC1155(msg.sender), ids[i]).mint(recipient, values[i]); } return this.onERC1155BatchReceived.selector; } function unwrap( IERC1155 multiToken, uint256 tokenId, uint256 amount, address recipient, bytes calldata data ) external { getWrapped1155(multiToken, tokenId).burn(msg.sender, amount); multiToken.safeTransferFrom(address(this), recipient, tokenId, amount, data); } function batchUnwrap( IERC1155 multiToken, uint256[] calldata tokenIds, uint256[] calldata amounts, address recipient, bytes calldata data ) external { require(tokenIds.length == amounts.length, "Wrapped1155Factory: mismatched input arrays"); for (uint i = 0; i < tokenIds.length; i++) { getWrapped1155(multiToken, tokenIds[i]).burn(msg.sender, amounts[i]); } multiToken.safeBatchTransferFrom(address(this), recipient, tokenIds, amounts, data); } function getWrapped1155DeployBytecode(IERC1155 multiToken, uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bytes memory) { return abi.encodePacked( // assign factory hex"73", this, hex"3d55", // assign multiToken hex"73", multiToken, hex"602055", // assign tokenId hex"7f", tokenId, hex"604055", // assign name hex"7f", "Wrapped ERC-1155", uint128(32), hex"60c055", // assign symbol hex"7f", "WMT", uint232(6), hex"60e055", // assign decimals hex"60", uint8(18), hex"61010055", // push 44 (length of runtime) hex"60", uint8(44), // load free memory pointer hex"604051", // dup runtime length hex"81", // push offset in this calldata to runtime object, hex"60", uint8(172), // dup free memory pointer hex"82" // codecopy runtime to memory and return hex"39f3", // greetz 0age for More-Minimal Proxy runtime bytecode: hex"3d3d3d3d363d3d37363d73", address(erc20Implementation), hex"5af43d3d93803e602a57fd5bf3" ); } function getWrapped1155(IERC1155 multiToken, uint256 tokenId) public view returns (Wrapped1155) { return Wrapped1155(address(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked( uint8(0xff), this, uint256(1155), keccak256(getWrapped1155DeployBytecode(multiToken, tokenId)) ))))); } function requireWrapped1155(IERC1155 multiToken, uint256 tokenId) public returns (Wrapped1155) { bytes memory deployBytecode = getWrapped1155DeployBytecode(multiToken, tokenId); address wrapped1155Address = address(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked( uint8(0xff), this, uint256(1155), keccak256(deployBytecode) )))); if (!wrapped1155Address.isContract()) { address addr; assembly { addr := create2(0, add(deployBytecode, 0x20), mload(deployBytecode), 1155) } require(wrapped1155Address == addr, "Wrapped1155Factory: failed to deploy"); } return Wrapped1155(wrapped1155Address); } }
[ 0 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; interface GAMER { function gamersScalingFactor() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address amount) external returns(uint256); function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external; } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the average of two numbers. The result is rounded towards * zero. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Context { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. constructor () internal { } // solhint-disable-previous-line no-empty-blocks function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () internal { _owner = _msgSender(); emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(isOwner(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Returns true if the caller is the current owner. */ function isOwner() public view returns (bool) { return _msgSender() == _owner; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function mint(address account, uint amount) external; /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * This test is non-exhaustive, and there may be false-negatives: during the * execution of a contract's constructor, its address will be reported as * not containing a contract. * * IMPORTANT: It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this * function returns false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a * contract. */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != 0x0 && codehash != accountHash); } /** * @dev Converts an `address` into `address payable`. Note that this is * simply a type cast: the actual underlying value is not changed. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function toPayable(address account) internal pure returns (address payable) { return address(uint160(account)); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. * * _Available since v2.4.0._ */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. // A Solidity high level call has three parts: // 1. The target address is checked to verify it contains contract code // 2. The call itself is made, and success asserted // 3. The return value is decoded, which in turn checks the size of the returned data. // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(address(token).isContract(), "SafeERC20: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = address(token).call(data); require(success, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } contract TeamStorage { using SafeMath for uint256; address public gov; address public gamerStakingPool; address public gamerTokenAddress = 0x36F697f791A0C91D6f1BB166767d5D2D701B1d82; uint256 public leaderThreshold; uint256 public totalTeamNumber; mapping(address => uint256) public _balances; uint256 public _totalSupply; struct TeamStructure { string teamName; bytes32 teamKey; bool isLeaderValid; bool isEstablished; address teamLeader; uint256 teamTotalStakingAmount; uint256 weightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored; uint256 lastWeightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor; } mapping(address => bytes32) internal teamRelationship; bytes32[] internal teamList; mapping(bytes32 => TeamStructure) internal teamsKeyMap; uint256 internal weightedTeamAttenuationIndex = 2; } contract IRewardDistributionRecipient is Ownable { address public rewardDistribution; function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward) external; modifier onlyRewardDistribution() { require(_msgSender() == rewardDistribution, "Caller is not reward distribution"); _; } function setRewardDistribution(address _rewardDistribution) external onlyOwner { rewardDistribution = _rewardDistribution; } } contract Team is TeamStorage { /// @notice An event thats emitted when someone builds a new team. event BuildTeam(string teamName); /// @notice An event thats emitted when someone joins a team. event JoinTeam(string teamName); /// @notice An event thats emitted when someone's staking GAMER amount changes. event UpdateTeamPoolStaking(address user, bool positive, uint256 amount); modifier onlyGov() { require(msg.sender == gov); _; } modifier onlyStakingPool() { require(msg.sender == gamerStakingPool, "Only the gamer's staking pool has authority"); _; } modifier onlyInTeam(address account) { bytes32 targetTeamKey = teamRelationship[account]; if (targetTeamKey != bytes32(0)) { _; } } modifier onlyFreeMan(address account) { require(teamRelationship[msg.sender] == bytes32(0), "This user is already in a team."); _; } function _update(address account, bool positive, uint256 amount) internal returns(bool) { require(amount != 0, "Amount can't be Zero"); TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[teamRelationship[account]]; if (positive) { if (targetTeam.teamLeader == account && _balances[account] > leaderThreshold) { targetTeam.isLeaderValid = true; } targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount = targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount.add(amount); } else { if (targetTeam.teamLeader == account && _balances[account] < leaderThreshold) { targetTeam.isLeaderValid = false; } targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount = targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount.sub(amount); } emit UpdateTeamPoolStaking(account, positive, amount); return true; } // Public functions function getTeamInfo(address account) external view returns(string memory, uint256) { TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[teamRelationship[account]]; uint256 scalingFactor = GAMER(gamerTokenAddress).gamersScalingFactor(); return (targetTeam.teamName, targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount.mul(scalingFactor).div(10**18)); } function isTeamLeader(address account) external view returns(bool) { bytes32 targetTeamKey = teamRelationship[account]; TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[targetTeamKey]; if (targetTeam.teamLeader == account) { return true; } else { return false; } } function getAllTeams() external view returns(bytes32[] memory, uint256[] memory) { bytes32[] memory teamKeyList = new bytes32[](teamList.length); uint256[] memory teamTotalStakingAmountList = new uint256[](teamList.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < teamList.length; i++) { teamKeyList[i] = teamList[i]; teamTotalStakingAmountList[i] = teamsKeyMap[teamList[i]].teamTotalStakingAmount; } return (teamKeyList, teamTotalStakingAmountList); } function _generateTeamKey(string memory teamName) internal pure returns(bytes32) { bytes memory packedMsg = abi.encode(teamName); bytes32 teamKey = keccak256(packedMsg); require(teamKey != bytes32(0), "Team name is not valid."); return teamKey; } } contract LPTokenWrapper is Team { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } function stake(address account, uint256 amount) public { _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); } function withdraw(address account, uint256 amount) public { _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount); } } contract GAMERTEAMPool is LPTokenWrapper, IRewardDistributionRecipient { IERC20 public gamer = IERC20(gamerTokenAddress); uint256 public constant DURATION = 7 days; uint256 public initreward = 3 * 10**5 * 10**18; // 30w uint256 public starttime = 1604289600 + 2 days; // 2020-11-04 04:00:00 (UTC +04:00) uint256 public periodFinish; uint256 public totalRewardRate; uint256 public baseTeamRewardRate; uint256 public weightedTeamRewardRate; uint256 public teamLeaderRewardRate; uint256 public lastUpdateTime; uint256 public baseTeamRewardPerTokenStored; uint256 public weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored; uint256 public teamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored; mapping(address => uint256) private userTeamMemberRewardPerTokenPaid; mapping(address => uint256) private userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenPaid; mapping(address => uint256) private teamMemberRewards; mapping(address => uint256) private teamLeaderRewards; event RewardAdded(uint256 reward); event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event RewardPaid(address indexed user, uint256 reward); event UpdateLeaderThreshold(uint256 oldThreshold, uint256 newThreshold); event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); event NewGamerStakingPool(address oldGamerStakingPool, address newGamerStakingPool); constructor() public { // Creator of the contract is gov during initialization gov = msg.sender; } modifier updateReward(address account) { TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[teamRelationship[account]]; baseTeamRewardPerTokenStored = baseTeamRewardPerToken(); targetTeam.weightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored = targetTeamWeightedTeamRewardPerToken(account); teamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored = teamLeaderRewardPerToken(); weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored = weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor(); targetTeam.lastWeightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor = weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored; lastUpdateTime = lastTimeRewardApplicable(); if (account != address(0)) { (uint256 userTotalTeamRewardPerTokenStored, uint256 userTotalTeamMemberRewards) = earnedTeamMemberReward(account); (uint256 userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored, uint256 userTeamLeaderRewards) = earnedTeamLeaderReward(account); userTeamMemberRewardPerTokenPaid[account] = userTotalTeamRewardPerTokenStored; userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenPaid[targetTeam.teamLeader] = userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored; teamMemberRewards[account] = userTotalTeamMemberRewards; teamLeaderRewards[targetTeam.teamLeader] = userTeamLeaderRewards; } _; } function lastTimeRewardApplicable() public view returns (uint256) { return Math.min(block.timestamp, periodFinish); } function baseTeamRewardPerToken() public view returns (uint256) { if (totalSupply() == 0) { return baseTeamRewardPerTokenStored; } return baseTeamRewardPerTokenStored.add( lastTimeRewardApplicable() .sub(lastUpdateTime) .mul(baseTeamRewardRate) .mul(1e18) .div(totalSupply()) ); } function weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor() public view returns (uint256) { if (totalSupply() == 0) { return weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored; } return weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored.add( lastTimeRewardApplicable() .sub(lastUpdateTime) .mul(weightedTeamRewardRate) .mul(1e36) .div(totalSupply() ** weightedTeamAttenuationIndex) ); } function targetTeamWeightedTeamRewardPerToken(address account) public view returns (uint256) { TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[teamRelationship[account]]; if (targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount == 0) { return targetTeam.weightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored; } return targetTeam.weightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored.add( weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor() .sub(targetTeam.lastWeightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor) .mul(targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount).div(1e18)); } function teamLeaderRewardPerToken() public view returns (uint256) { if (totalSupply() == 0) { return teamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored; } return teamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored.add( lastTimeRewardApplicable() .sub(lastUpdateTime) .mul(teamLeaderRewardRate) .mul(1e18) .div(totalSupply()) ); } function earnedTeamMemberReward(address account) public view returns (uint256, uint256) { uint256 userBaseTeamRewardPerTokenStored = baseTeamRewardPerToken(); uint256 userWeightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored = targetTeamWeightedTeamRewardPerToken(account); uint256 userTotalTeamRewardPerTokenStored = userBaseTeamRewardPerTokenStored .add(userWeightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored); uint256 userTotalTeamMemberReward = balanceOf(account) .mul(userTotalTeamRewardPerTokenStored .sub(userTeamMemberRewardPerTokenPaid[account])) .div(1e18) .add(teamMemberRewards[account]); return (userTotalTeamRewardPerTokenStored, userTotalTeamMemberReward); } function earnedTeamLeaderReward(address account) public view returns (uint256, uint256) { uint256 userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored = teamLeaderRewardPerToken(); TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[teamRelationship[account]]; if (!targetTeam.isLeaderValid) { return (userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored, teamLeaderRewards[targetTeam.teamLeader]); } uint256 userTotalTeamLeaderReward = targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount .mul(userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored .sub(userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenPaid[targetTeam.teamLeader])) .div(1e18) .add(teamLeaderRewards[targetTeam.teamLeader]); return (userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored, userTotalTeamLeaderReward); } // stake visibility is public as overriding LPTokenWrapper's stake() function function stake(address account, uint256 amount) public onlyStakingPool onlyInTeam(account) updateReward(account) checkhalve { require(amount > 0, "Cannot stake 0"); _update(account, true, amount); super.stake(account, amount); emit Staked(msg.sender, amount); } function withdraw(address account, uint256 amount) public onlyStakingPool onlyInTeam(account) updateReward(account) { require(amount > 0, "Cannot withdraw 0"); _update(account, false, amount); super.withdraw(account, amount); emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, amount); } function getReward() public updateReward(msg.sender) checkhalve { (, uint256 userTotalTeamMemberRewards) = earnedTeamMemberReward(msg.sender); (, uint256 userTeamLeaderRewards) = earnedTeamLeaderReward(msg.sender); uint256 userTotalRewards = userTotalTeamMemberRewards + userTeamLeaderRewards; if (userTotalRewards > 0) { teamMemberRewards[msg.sender] = 0; teamLeaderRewards[msg.sender] = 0; uint256 scalingFactor = GAMER(address(gamer)).gamersScalingFactor(); uint256 trueReward = userTotalRewards.mul(scalingFactor).div(10**18); gamer.safeTransfer(msg.sender, trueReward); emit RewardPaid(msg.sender, trueReward); } } function buildTeam(string calldata newTeamName) external onlyFreeMan(msg.sender) checkStart checkhalve returns(bool) { require(bytes(newTeamName).length < 12 && bytes(newTeamName).length > 2, "This teamName is not valid"); uint256 userBalance = GAMER(gamerStakingPool).balanceOfUnderlying(msg.sender); require(userBalance >= leaderThreshold, "This user doesn't reach the leader threshold."); bytes32 newTeamKey = _generateTeamKey(newTeamName); TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[newTeamKey]; require(!targetTeam.isEstablished, "This teamName has been used."); teamRelationship[msg.sender] = newTeamKey; baseTeamRewardPerTokenStored = baseTeamRewardPerToken(); teamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored = teamLeaderRewardPerToken(); weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored = weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor(); lastUpdateTime = lastTimeRewardApplicable(); (uint256 memberPerTokenStored, ) = earnedTeamMemberReward(msg.sender); (uint256 leaderPerTokenStored, ) = earnedTeamLeaderReward(msg.sender); userTeamMemberRewardPerTokenPaid[msg.sender] = memberPerTokenStored; userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenPaid[msg.sender] = leaderPerTokenStored; teamsKeyMap[newTeamKey] = TeamStructure({ teamName: newTeamName, teamKey: newTeamKey, isLeaderValid: true, isEstablished: true, teamLeader: msg.sender, teamTotalStakingAmount: userBalance, weightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored: uint256(0), lastWeightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor: weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored }); totalTeamNumber += 1; teamList.push(newTeamKey); super.stake(msg.sender, userBalance); emit BuildTeam(newTeamName); return true; } function joinTeam(string calldata targetTeamName) external onlyFreeMan(msg.sender) checkStart checkhalve returns(bool) { uint256 userBalance = GAMER(gamerStakingPool).balanceOfUnderlying(msg.sender); require(userBalance != 0, "This user doesn't stake any GAMERs."); bytes32 targetTeamKey = _generateTeamKey(targetTeamName); TeamStructure storage targetTeam = teamsKeyMap[targetTeamKey]; require(targetTeam.isEstablished, "This team has not been built."); teamRelationship[msg.sender] = targetTeamKey; baseTeamRewardPerTokenStored = baseTeamRewardPerToken(); targetTeam.weightedTeamRewardPerTokenStored = targetTeamWeightedTeamRewardPerToken(targetTeam.teamLeader); teamLeaderRewardPerTokenStored = teamLeaderRewardPerToken(); weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored = weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor(); targetTeam.lastWeightedTeamRewardGlobalFactor = weightedTeamRewardGlobalFactorStored; lastUpdateTime = lastTimeRewardApplicable(); (uint256 memberPerTokenStored, ) = earnedTeamMemberReward(msg.sender); (uint256 leaderPerTokenStored, uint256 leaderRewards) = earnedTeamLeaderReward(msg.sender); userTeamMemberRewardPerTokenPaid[msg.sender] = memberPerTokenStored; userTeamLeaderRewardPerTokenPaid[targetTeam.teamLeader] = leaderPerTokenStored; teamLeaderRewards[targetTeam.teamLeader] = leaderRewards; targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount = targetTeam.teamTotalStakingAmount.add(userBalance); super.stake(msg.sender, userBalance); emit JoinTeam(targetTeamName); return true; } modifier checkhalve() { if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish) { initreward = initreward.mul(80).div(100); uint256 scalingFactor = GAMER(address(gamer)).gamersScalingFactor(); uint256 newRewards = initreward.mul(scalingFactor).div(10**18);, newRewards); totalRewardRate = initreward.div(DURATION); baseTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); weightedTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); teamLeaderRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(10).div(100); periodFinish = block.timestamp.add(DURATION); emit RewardAdded(initreward); } _; } modifier checkStart(){ require(block.timestamp >= starttime,"not start"); _; } function setGov(address gov_) external onlyGov { address oldGov = gov; gov = gov_; emit NewGov(oldGov, gov_); } function setGamerStakingPool(address gamerStakingPool_) external onlyGov { address oldGamerStakingPool = gamerStakingPool; gamerStakingPool = gamerStakingPool_; emit NewGamerStakingPool(oldGamerStakingPool, gamerStakingPool_); } function updateLeaderThreshold(uint256 leaderThreshold_) external onlyGov { uint256 oldLeaderThreshold = leaderThreshold; leaderThreshold = leaderThreshold_; emit UpdateLeaderThreshold(oldLeaderThreshold, leaderThreshold_); } function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward) external onlyRewardDistribution updateReward(address(0)) { if (block.timestamp > starttime) { if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish) { totalRewardRate = reward.div(DURATION); baseTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); weightedTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); teamLeaderRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(10).div(100); } else { uint256 remaining = periodFinish.sub(block.timestamp); uint256 leftover = remaining.mul(totalRewardRate); totalRewardRate = reward.add(leftover).div(DURATION); baseTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); weightedTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); teamLeaderRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(10).div(100); } lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp; periodFinish = block.timestamp.add(DURATION); emit RewardAdded(reward); } else { require(gamer.balanceOf(address(this)) == 0, "already initialized");, initreward); totalRewardRate = initreward.div(DURATION); baseTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); weightedTeamRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(45).div(100); teamLeaderRewardRate = totalRewardRate.mul(10).div(100); lastUpdateTime = starttime; periodFinish = starttime.add(DURATION); emit RewardAdded(initreward); } } // This function allows governance to take unsupported tokens out of the // contract, since this one exists longer than the other pools. // This is in an effort to make someone whole, should they seriously // mess up. There is no guarantee governance will vote to return these. // It also allows for removal of airdropped tokens. function governanceRecoverUnsupported(IERC20 _token, uint256 amount, address to) external { // only gov require(msg.sender == owner(), "!governance"); // cant take reward asset require(_token != gamer, "gamer"); // transfer to _token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } }
[ 4, 9, 7 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.8; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the average of two numbers. The result is rounded towards * zero. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library Accountant { using SafeMath for uint256; uint public constant interestDecimals = 1e18; uint public constant blocksPerDay = 5760; uint public constant blocksPerYear = (blocksPerDay * 365); struct PaymentAllocation { uint interestPayment; uint principalPayment; uint additionalBalancePayment; } function calculateInterestAndPrincipalAccrued(CreditLine cl, uint blockNumber) public view returns(uint, uint) { uint totalPayment = calculateAnnuityPayment(cl.balance(), cl.interestApr(), cl.termInDays(), cl.paymentPeriodInDays()); uint interestAccrued = calculateInterestAccrued(cl, blockNumber); uint principalAccrued = calculatePrincipalAccrued(cl, totalPayment, interestAccrued, blockNumber); return (interestAccrued, principalAccrued); } function calculatePrincipalAccrued(CreditLine cl, uint periodPayment, uint interestAccrued, uint blockNumber) public view returns(uint) { uint blocksPerPaymentPeriod = blocksPerDay * cl.paymentPeriodInDays(); // Math.min guards against overflow. See comment in the calculateInterestAccrued for further explanation. uint lastUpdatedBlock = Math.min(blockNumber, cl.lastUpdatedBlock()); uint numBlocksElapsed = blockNumber.sub(lastUpdatedBlock); int128 fractionOfPeriod = FPMath.divi(int256(numBlocksElapsed), int256(blocksPerPaymentPeriod)); uint periodPaymentFraction = uint(FPMath.muli(fractionOfPeriod, int256(periodPayment))); return periodPaymentFraction.sub(interestAccrued); } function calculateInterestAccrued(CreditLine cl, uint blockNumber) public view returns(uint) { // We use Math.min here to prevent integer overflow (ie. go negative) when calculating // numBlocksElapsed. Typically this shouldn't be possible, because // the lastUpdatedBlock couldn't be *after* the current blockNumber. However, when assessing // we allow this function to be called with a past block number, which raises the possibility // of overflow. // This use of min should not generate incorrect interest calculations, since // this functions purpose is just to normalize balances, and will be called any time // a balance affecting action takes place (eg. drawdown, repayment, assessment) uint lastUpdatedBlock = Math.min(blockNumber, cl.lastUpdatedBlock()); uint numBlocksElapsed = blockNumber.sub(lastUpdatedBlock); uint totalInterestPerYear = (cl.balance().mul(cl.interestApr())).div(interestDecimals); return totalInterestPerYear.mul(numBlocksElapsed).div(blocksPerYear); } function calculateAnnuityPayment(uint balance, uint interestApr, uint termInDays, uint paymentPeriodInDays) public pure returns(uint) { /* This is the standard amortization formula for an annuity payment amount. See: The specific formula we're interested in can be expressed as: `balance * (periodRate / (1 - (1 / ((1 + periodRate) ^ periods_per_term))))` FPMath is a library designed for emulating floating point numbers in solidity. At a high level, we are just turning all our uint256 numbers into floating points and doing the formula above, and then turning it back into an int64 at the end. */ // Components used in the formula uint periodsPerTerm = termInDays / paymentPeriodInDays; int128 one = FPMath.fromInt(int256(1)); int128 annualRate = FPMath.divi(int256(interestApr), int256(interestDecimals)); int128 dailyRate = FPMath.div(annualRate, FPMath.fromInt(int256(365))); int128 periodRate = FPMath.mul(dailyRate, FPMath.fromInt(int256(paymentPeriodInDays))); int128 termRate = FPMath.pow(FPMath.add(one, periodRate), periodsPerTerm); int128 denominator = FPMath.sub(one, FPMath.div(one, termRate)); if (denominator == 0) { return balance / periodsPerTerm; } int128 paymentFractionFP = FPMath.div(periodRate, denominator); uint paymentFraction = uint(FPMath.muli(paymentFractionFP, int256(1e18))); return (balance * paymentFraction) / 1e18; } function allocatePayment(uint paymentAmount, uint balance, uint interestOwed, uint principalOwed) public pure returns(PaymentAllocation memory) { uint paymentRemaining = paymentAmount; uint interestPayment = Math.min(interestOwed, paymentRemaining); paymentRemaining = paymentRemaining.sub(interestPayment); uint principalPayment = Math.min(principalOwed, paymentRemaining); paymentRemaining = paymentRemaining.sub(principalPayment); uint balanceRemaining = balance.sub(principalPayment); uint additionalBalancePayment = Math.min(paymentRemaining, balanceRemaining); return PaymentAllocation({ interestPayment: interestPayment, principalPayment: principalPayment, additionalBalancePayment: additionalBalancePayment }); } } ibrary FPMath { /** @dev * Minimum value signed 64.64-bit fixed point number may have. */ int128 private constant MIN_64x64 = -0x80000000000000000000000000000000; /** @dev * Maximum value signed 64.64-bit fixed point number may have. */ int128 private constant MAX_64x64 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; /** * Convert signed 256-bit integer number into signed 64.64-bit fixed point * number. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 256-bit integer number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function fromInt (int256 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x >= -0x8000000000000000 && x <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); return int128 (x << 64); } /** * Convert signed 64.64 fixed point number into signed 64-bit integer number * rounding down. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64-bit integer number */ function toInt (int128 x) internal pure returns (int64) { return int64 (x >> 64); } /** * Convert unsigned 256-bit integer number into signed 64.64-bit fixed point * number. Revert on overflow. * * @param x unsigned 256-bit integer number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function fromUInt (uint256 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); return int128 (x << 64); } /** * Convert signed 64.64 fixed point number into unsigned 64-bit integer * number rounding down. Revert on underflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return unsigned 64-bit integer number */ function toUInt (int128 x) internal pure returns (uint64) { require (x >= 0); return uint64 (x >> 64); } /** * Convert signed 128.128 fixed point number into signed 64.64-bit fixed point * number rounding down. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 128.128-bin fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function from128x128 (int256 x) internal pure returns (int128) { int256 result = x >> 64; require (result >= MIN_64x64 && result <= MAX_64x64); return int128 (result); } /** * Convert signed 64.64 fixed point number into signed 128.128 fixed point * number. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 128.128 fixed point number */ function to128x128 (int128 x) internal pure returns (int256) { return int256 (x) << 64; } /** * Calculate x + y. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function add (int128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (int128) { int256 result = int256(x) + y; require (result >= MIN_64x64 && result <= MAX_64x64); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate x - y. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function sub (int128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (int128) { int256 result = int256(x) - y; require (result >= MIN_64x64 && result <= MAX_64x64); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate x * y rounding down. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function mul (int128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (int128) { int256 result = int256(x) * y >> 64; require (result >= MIN_64x64 && result <= MAX_64x64); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate x * y rounding towards zero, where x is signed 64.64 fixed point * number and y is signed 256-bit integer number. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64 fixed point number * @param y signed 256-bit integer number * @return signed 256-bit integer number */ function muli (int128 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256) { if (x == MIN_64x64) { require (y >= -0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF && y <= 0x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000); return -y << 63; } else { bool negativeResult = false; if (x < 0) { x = -x; negativeResult = true; } if (y < 0) { y = -y; // We rely on overflow behavior here negativeResult = !negativeResult; } uint256 absoluteResult = mulu (x, uint256 (y)); if (negativeResult) { require (absoluteResult <= 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000); return -int256 (absoluteResult); // We rely on overflow behavior here } else { require (absoluteResult <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); return int256 (absoluteResult); } } } /** * Calculate x * y rounding down, where x is signed 64.64 fixed point number * and y is unsigned 256-bit integer number. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64 fixed point number * @param y unsigned 256-bit integer number * @return unsigned 256-bit integer number */ function mulu (int128 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (y == 0) return 0; require (x >= 0); uint256 lo = (uint256 (x) * (y & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)) >> 64; uint256 hi = uint256 (x) * (y >> 128); require (hi <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); hi <<= 64; require (hi <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - lo); return hi + lo; } /** * Calculate x / y rounding towards zero. Revert on overflow or when y is * zero. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function div (int128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (int128) { require (y != 0); int256 result = (int256 (x) << 64) / y; require (result >= MIN_64x64 && result <= MAX_64x64); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate x / y rounding towards zero, where x and y are signed 256-bit * integer numbers. Revert on overflow or when y is zero. * * @param x signed 256-bit integer number * @param y signed 256-bit integer number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function divi (int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int128) { require (y != 0); bool negativeResult = false; if (x < 0) { x = -x; // We rely on overflow behavior here negativeResult = true; } if (y < 0) { y = -y; // We rely on overflow behavior here negativeResult = !negativeResult; } uint128 absoluteResult = divuu (uint256 (x), uint256 (y)); if (negativeResult) { require (absoluteResult <= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000); return -int128 (absoluteResult); // We rely on overflow behavior here } else { require (absoluteResult <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); return int128 (absoluteResult); // We rely on overflow behavior here } } /** * Calculate x / y rounding towards zero, where x and y are unsigned 256-bit * integer numbers. Revert on overflow or when y is zero. * * @param x unsigned 256-bit integer number * @param y unsigned 256-bit integer number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function divu (uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (int128) { require (y != 0); uint128 result = divuu (x, y); require (result <= uint128 (MAX_64x64)); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate -x. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function neg (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x != MIN_64x64); return -x; } /** * Calculate |x|. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function abs (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x != MIN_64x64); return x < 0 ? -x : x; } /** * Calculate 1 / x rounding towards zero. Revert on overflow or when x is * zero. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function inv (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x != 0); int256 result = int256 (0x100000000000000000000000000000000) / x; require (result >= MIN_64x64 && result <= MAX_64x64); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate arithmetics average of x and y, i.e. (x + y) / 2 rounding down. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function avg (int128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (int128) { return int128 ((int256 (x) + int256 (y)) >> 1); } /** * Calculate geometric average of x and y, i.e. sqrt (x * y) rounding down. * Revert on overflow or in case x * y is negative. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function gavg (int128 x, int128 y) internal pure returns (int128) { int256 m = int256 (x) * int256 (y); require (m >= 0); require (m < 0x4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000); return int128 (sqrtu (uint256 (m), uint256 (x) + uint256 (y) >> 1)); } /** * Calculate x^y assuming 0^0 is 1, where x is signed 64.64 fixed point number * and y is unsigned 256-bit integer number. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @param y uint256 value * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function pow (int128 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (int128) { uint256 absoluteResult; bool negativeResult = false; if (x >= 0) { absoluteResult = powu (uint256 (x) << 63, y); } else { // We rely on overflow behavior here absoluteResult = powu (uint256 (uint128 (-x)) << 63, y); negativeResult = y & 1 > 0; } absoluteResult >>= 63; if (negativeResult) { require (absoluteResult <= 0x80000000000000000000000000000000); return -int128 (absoluteResult); // We rely on overflow behavior here } else { require (absoluteResult <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); return int128 (absoluteResult); // We rely on overflow behavior here } } /** * Calculate sqrt (x) rounding down. Revert if x < 0. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function sqrt (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x >= 0); return int128 (sqrtu (uint256 (x) << 64, 0x10000000000000000)); } /** * Calculate binary logarithm of x. Revert if x <= 0. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function log_2 (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x > 0); int256 msb = 0; int256 xc = x; if (xc >= 0x10000000000000000) { xc >>= 64; msb += 64; } if (xc >= 0x100000000) { xc >>= 32; msb += 32; } if (xc >= 0x10000) { xc >>= 16; msb += 16; } if (xc >= 0x100) { xc >>= 8; msb += 8; } if (xc >= 0x10) { xc >>= 4; msb += 4; } if (xc >= 0x4) { xc >>= 2; msb += 2; } if (xc >= 0x2) msb += 1; // No need to shift xc anymore int256 result = msb - 64 << 64; uint256 ux = uint256 (x) << 127 - msb; for (int256 bit = 0x8000000000000000; bit > 0; bit >>= 1) { ux *= ux; uint256 b = ux >> 255; ux >>= 127 + b; result += bit * int256 (b); } return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate natural logarithm of x. Revert if x <= 0. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function ln (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x > 0); return int128 ( uint256 (log_2 (x)) * 0xB17217F7D1CF79ABC9E3B39803F2F6AF >> 128); } /** * Calculate binary exponent of x. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function exp_2 (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x < 0x400000000000000000); // Overflow if (x < -0x400000000000000000) return 0; // Underflow uint256 result = 0x80000000000000000000000000000000; if (x & 0x8000000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x16A09E667F3BCC908B2FB1366EA957D3E >> 128; if (x & 0x4000000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1306FE0A31B7152DE8D5A46305C85EDEC >> 128; if (x & 0x2000000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1172B83C7D517ADCDF7C8C50EB14A791F >> 128; if (x & 0x1000000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10B5586CF9890F6298B92B71842A98363 >> 128; if (x & 0x800000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1059B0D31585743AE7C548EB68CA417FD >> 128; if (x & 0x400000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x102C9A3E778060EE6F7CACA4F7A29BDE8 >> 128; if (x & 0x200000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10163DA9FB33356D84A66AE336DCDFA3F >> 128; if (x & 0x100000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100B1AFA5ABCBED6129AB13EC11DC9543 >> 128; if (x & 0x80000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10058C86DA1C09EA1FF19D294CF2F679B >> 128; if (x & 0x40000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1002C605E2E8CEC506D21BFC89A23A00F >> 128; if (x & 0x20000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100162F3904051FA128BCA9C55C31E5DF >> 128; if (x & 0x10000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000B175EFFDC76BA38E31671CA939725 >> 128; if (x & 0x8000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100058BA01FB9F96D6CACD4B180917C3D >> 128; if (x & 0x4000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10002C5CC37DA9491D0985C348C68E7B3 >> 128; if (x & 0x2000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000162E525EE054754457D5995292026 >> 128; if (x & 0x1000000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000B17255775C040618BF4A4ADE83FC >> 128; if (x & 0x800000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000058B91B5BC9AE2EED81E9B7D4CFAB >> 128; if (x & 0x400000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100002C5C89D5EC6CA4D7C8ACC017B7C9 >> 128; if (x & 0x200000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000162E43F4F831060E02D839A9D16D >> 128; if (x & 0x100000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000B1721BCFC99D9F890EA06911763 >> 128; if (x & 0x80000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000058B90CF1E6D97F9CA14DBCC1628 >> 128; if (x & 0x40000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000002C5C863B73F016468F6BAC5CA2B >> 128; if (x & 0x20000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000162E430E5A18F6119E3C02282A5 >> 128; if (x & 0x10000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000B1721835514B86E6D96EFD1BFE >> 128; if (x & 0x8000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000058B90C0B48C6BE5DF846C5B2EF >> 128; if (x & 0x4000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000002C5C8601CC6B9E94213C72737A >> 128; if (x & 0x2000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000162E42FFF037DF38AA2B219F06 >> 128; if (x & 0x1000000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000B17217FBA9C739AA5819F44F9 >> 128; if (x & 0x800000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000058B90BFCDEE5ACD3C1CEDC823 >> 128; if (x & 0x400000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000002C5C85FE31F35A6A30DA1BE50 >> 128; if (x & 0x200000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000162E42FF0999CE3541B9FFFCF >> 128; if (x & 0x100000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000B17217F80F4EF5AADDA45554 >> 128; if (x & 0x80000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000058B90BFBF8479BD5A81B51AD >> 128; if (x & 0x40000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000002C5C85FDF84BD62AE30A74CC >> 128; if (x & 0x20000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000162E42FEFB2FED257559BDAA >> 128; if (x & 0x10000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000B17217F7D5A7716BBA4A9AE >> 128; if (x & 0x8000000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000058B90BFBE9DDBAC5E109CCE >> 128; if (x & 0x4000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000002C5C85FDF4B15DE6F17EB0D >> 128; if (x & 0x2000000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000162E42FEFA494F1478FDE05 >> 128; if (x & 0x1000000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000B17217F7D20CF927C8E94C >> 128; if (x & 0x800000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000058B90BFBE8F71CB4E4B33D >> 128; if (x & 0x400000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000002C5C85FDF477B662B26945 >> 128; if (x & 0x200000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000162E42FEFA3AE53369388C >> 128; if (x & 0x100000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000B17217F7D1D351A389D40 >> 128; if (x & 0x80000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000058B90BFBE8E8B2D3D4EDE >> 128; if (x & 0x40000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000002C5C85FDF4741BEA6E77E >> 128; if (x & 0x20000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000162E42FEFA39FE95583C2 >> 128; if (x & 0x10000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000000B17217F7D1CFB72B45E1 >> 128; if (x & 0x8000 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000058B90BFBE8E7CC35C3F0 >> 128; if (x & 0x4000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000002C5C85FDF473E242EA38 >> 128; if (x & 0x2000 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000000162E42FEFA39F02B772C >> 128; if (x & 0x1000 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000000B17217F7D1CF7D83C1A >> 128; if (x & 0x800 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000000058B90BFBE8E7BDCBE2E >> 128; if (x & 0x400 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000002C5C85FDF473DEA871F >> 128; if (x & 0x200 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000000162E42FEFA39EF44D91 >> 128; if (x & 0x100 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000000B17217F7D1CF79E949 >> 128; if (x & 0x80 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000000058B90BFBE8E7BCE544 >> 128; if (x & 0x40 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000000002C5C85FDF473DE6ECA >> 128; if (x & 0x20 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000000162E42FEFA39EF366F >> 128; if (x & 0x10 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000000000B17217F7D1CF79AFA >> 128; if (x & 0x8 > 0) result = result * 0x100000000000000058B90BFBE8E7BCD6D >> 128; if (x & 0x4 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000000002C5C85FDF473DE6B2 >> 128; if (x & 0x2 > 0) result = result * 0x1000000000000000162E42FEFA39EF358 >> 128; if (x & 0x1 > 0) result = result * 0x10000000000000000B17217F7D1CF79AB >> 128; result >>= 63 - (x >> 64); require (result <= uint256 (MAX_64x64)); return int128 (result); } /** * Calculate natural exponent of x. Revert on overflow. * * @param x signed 64.64-bit fixed point number * @return signed 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function exp (int128 x) internal pure returns (int128) { require (x < 0x400000000000000000); // Overflow if (x < -0x400000000000000000) return 0; // Underflow return exp_2 ( int128 (int256 (x) * 0x171547652B82FE1777D0FFDA0D23A7D12 >> 128)); } /** * Calculate x / y rounding towards zero, where x and y are unsigned 256-bit * integer numbers. Revert on overflow or when y is zero. * * @param x unsigned 256-bit integer number * @param y unsigned 256-bit integer number * @return unsigned 64.64-bit fixed point number */ function divuu (uint256 x, uint256 y) private pure returns (uint128) { require (y != 0); uint256 result; if (x <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) result = (x << 64) / y; else { uint256 msb = 192; uint256 xc = x >> 192; if (xc >= 0x100000000) { xc >>= 32; msb += 32; } if (xc >= 0x10000) { xc >>= 16; msb += 16; } if (xc >= 0x100) { xc >>= 8; msb += 8; } if (xc >= 0x10) { xc >>= 4; msb += 4; } if (xc >= 0x4) { xc >>= 2; msb += 2; } if (xc >= 0x2) msb += 1; // No need to shift xc anymore result = (x << 255 - msb) / ((y - 1 >> msb - 191) + 1); require (result <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); uint256 hi = result * (y >> 128); uint256 lo = result * (y & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); uint256 xh = x >> 192; uint256 xl = x << 64; if (xl < lo) xh -= 1; xl -= lo; // We rely on overflow behavior here lo = hi << 128; if (xl < lo) xh -= 1; xl -= lo; // We rely on overflow behavior here assert (xh == hi >> 128); result += xl / y; } require (result <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); return uint128 (result); } /** * Calculate x^y assuming 0^0 is 1, where x is unsigned 129.127 fixed point * number and y is unsigned 256-bit integer number. Revert on overflow. * * @param x unsigned 129.127-bit fixed point number * @param y uint256 value * @return unsigned 129.127-bit fixed point number */ function powu (uint256 x, uint256 y) private pure returns (uint256) { if (y == 0) return 0x80000000000000000000000000000000; else if (x == 0) return 0; else { int256 msb = 0; uint256 xc = x; if (xc >= 0x100000000000000000000000000000000) { xc >>= 128; msb += 128; } if (xc >= 0x10000000000000000) { xc >>= 64; msb += 64; } if (xc >= 0x100000000) { xc >>= 32; msb += 32; } if (xc >= 0x10000) { xc >>= 16; msb += 16; } if (xc >= 0x100) { xc >>= 8; msb += 8; } if (xc >= 0x10) { xc >>= 4; msb += 4; } if (xc >= 0x4) { xc >>= 2; msb += 2; } if (xc >= 0x2) msb += 1; // No need to shift xc anymore int256 xe = msb - 127; if (xe > 0) x >>= xe; else x <<= -xe; uint256 result = 0x80000000000000000000000000000000; int256 re = 0; while (y > 0) { if (y & 1 > 0) { result = result * x; y -= 1; re += xe; if (result >= 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) { result >>= 128; re += 1; } else result >>= 127; if (re < -127) return 0; // Underflow require (re < 128); // Overflow } else { x = x * x; y >>= 1; xe <<= 1; if (x >= 0x8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000) { x >>= 128; xe += 1; } else x >>= 127; if (xe < -127) return 0; // Underflow require (xe < 128); // Overflow } } if (re > 0) result <<= re; else if (re < 0) result >>= -re; return result; } } /** * Calculate sqrt (x) rounding down, where x is unsigned 256-bit integer * number. * * @param x unsigned 256-bit integer number * @return unsigned 128-bit integer number */ function sqrtu (uint256 x, uint256 r) private pure returns (uint128) { if (x == 0) return 0; else { require (r > 0); while (true) { uint256 rr = x / r; if (r == rr || r + 1 == rr) return uint128 (r); else if (r == rr + 1) return uint128 (rr); r = r + rr + 1 >> 1; } } } } contract ContextUpgradeSafe is Initializable { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. function __Context_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); } function __Context_init_unchained() internal initializer { } function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } uint256[50] private __gap; } contract OwnableUpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ function __Ownable_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __Ownable_init_unchained(); } function __Ownable_init_unchained() internal initializer { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } uint256[49] private __gap; } contract ERC20UpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ function __ERC20_init(string memory name, string memory symbol) internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __ERC20_init_unchained(name, symbol); } function __ERC20_init_unchained(string memory name, string memory symbol) internal initializer { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } uint256[44] private __gap; } contract PausableUpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe { /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is triggered by `account`. */ event Paused(address account); /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is lifted by `account`. */ event Unpaused(address account); bool private _paused; /** * @dev Initializes the contract in unpaused state. */ function __Pausable_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __Pausable_init_unchained(); } function __Pausable_init_unchained() internal initializer { _paused = false; } /** * @dev Returns true if the contract is paused, and false otherwise. */ function paused() public view returns (bool) { return _paused; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused. */ modifier whenNotPaused() { require(!_paused, "Pausable: paused"); _; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused. */ modifier whenPaused() { require(_paused, "Pausable: not paused"); _; } /** * @dev Triggers stopped state. */ function _pause() internal virtual whenNotPaused { _paused = true; emit Paused(_msgSender()); } /** * @dev Returns to normal state. */ function _unpause() internal virtual whenPaused { _paused = false; emit Unpaused(_msgSender()); } uint256[49] private __gap; } contract CreditLine is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeSafe { // Credit line terms address public borrower; uint public collateral; uint public limit; uint public interestApr; uint public minCollateralPercent; uint public paymentPeriodInDays; uint public termInDays; // Accounting variables uint public balance; uint public interestOwed; uint public principalOwed; uint public prepaymentBalance; uint public collateralBalance; uint public termEndBlock; uint public nextDueBlock; uint public lastUpdatedBlock; function initialize( address _borrower, uint _limit, uint _interestApr, uint _minCollateralPercent, uint _paymentPeriodInDays, uint _termInDays ) public initializer { __Ownable_init(); borrower = _borrower; limit = _limit; interestApr = _interestApr; minCollateralPercent = _minCollateralPercent; paymentPeriodInDays = _paymentPeriodInDays; termInDays = _termInDays; lastUpdatedBlock = block.number; } function setTermEndBlock(uint newTermEndBlock) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return termEndBlock = newTermEndBlock; } function setNextDueBlock(uint newNextDueBlock) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return nextDueBlock = newNextDueBlock; } function setBalance(uint newBalance) external onlyOwner returns(uint) { return balance = newBalance; } function setInterestOwed(uint newInterestOwed) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return interestOwed = newInterestOwed; } function setPrincipalOwed(uint newPrincipalOwed) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return principalOwed = newPrincipalOwed; } function setPrepaymentBalance(uint newPrepaymentBalance) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return prepaymentBalance = newPrepaymentBalance; } function setCollateralBalance(uint newCollateralBalance) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return collateralBalance = newCollateralBalance; } function setLastUpdatedBlock(uint newLastUpdatedBlock) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return lastUpdatedBlock = newLastUpdatedBlock; } function setLimit(uint newAmount) external onlyOwner returns (uint) { return limit = newAmount; } function authorizePool(address poolAddress) external onlyOwner { address erc20address = Pool(poolAddress).erc20address(); // Approve the pool for an infinite amount ERC20UpgradeSafe(erc20address).approve(poolAddress, uint(-1)); } } contract OwnerPausable is OwnableUpgradeSafe, PausableUpgradeSafe { function __OwnerPausable__init() public { __Pausable_init_unchained(); } /** * @dev Pauses all functions guarded by Pause * * See {Pausable-_pause}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the owner. */ function pause() public onlyOwner { _pause(); } /** * @dev Unpauses the contract * * See {Pausable-_unpause}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the owner`. */ function unpause() public onlyOwner { _unpause(); } } contract Pool is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeSafe, OwnerPausable { using SafeMath for uint256; uint public sharePrice; uint mantissa; uint public totalShares; mapping(address => uint) public capitalProviders; address public erc20address; string name; uint public totalFundsLimit = 0; uint public transactionLimit = 0; event DepositMade(address indexed capitalProvider, uint amount); event WithdrawalMade(address indexed capitalProvider, uint amount); event TransferMade(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount); event InterestCollected(address indexed payer, uint amount); event PrincipalCollected(address indexed payer, uint amount); event LimitChanged(address indexed owner, string limitType, uint amount); function initialize(address _erc20address, string memory _name, uint _mantissa) public initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __Ownable_init_unchained(); __OwnerPausable__init(); name = _name; erc20address = _erc20address; mantissa = _mantissa; sharePrice = _mantissa; // Sanity check the address ERC20UpgradeSafe(erc20address).totalSupply(); // Unlock self for infinite amount ERC20UpgradeSafe(erc20address).approve(address(this), uint(-1)); } function deposit(uint amount) external payable whenNotPaused { require(transactionWithinLimit(amount), "Amount is over the per-transaction limit."); // Determine current shares the address has, and the amount of new shares to be added uint currentShares = capitalProviders[msg.sender]; uint depositShares = getNumShares(amount, mantissa, sharePrice); uint potentialNewTotalShares = totalShares.add(depositShares); require(poolWithinLimit(potentialNewTotalShares), "Deposit would put the Pool over the total limit."); doERC20Transfer(msg.sender, address(this), amount); // Add the new shares to both the pool and the address totalShares = totalShares.add(depositShares); capitalProviders[msg.sender] = currentShares.add(depositShares); emit DepositMade(msg.sender, amount); } function withdraw(uint amount) external whenNotPaused { // Determine current shares the address has and the shares requested to withdraw require(transactionWithinLimit(amount), "Amount is over the per-transaction limit"); uint currentShares = capitalProviders[msg.sender]; uint withdrawShares = getNumShares(amount, mantissa, sharePrice); // Ensure the address has enough value in the pool require(withdrawShares <= currentShares, "Amount requested is greater than what this address owns"); // Remove the new shares from both the pool and the address totalShares = totalShares.sub(withdrawShares); capitalProviders[msg.sender] = currentShares.sub(withdrawShares); // Send the amount to the address doERC20Transfer(address(this), msg.sender, amount); emit WithdrawalMade(msg.sender, amount); } function collectInterestRepayment(address from, uint amount) external whenNotPaused { doERC20Transfer(from, address(this), amount); uint increment = amount.mul(mantissa).div(totalShares); sharePrice = sharePrice + increment; emit InterestCollected(from, amount); } function collectPrincipalRepayment(address from, uint amount) external whenNotPaused { // Purposefully does nothing except receive money. No share price updates for principal. doERC20Transfer(from, address(this), amount); emit PrincipalCollected(from, amount); } function setTotalFundsLimit(uint amount) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused { totalFundsLimit = amount; emit LimitChanged(msg.sender, "totalFundsLimit", amount); } function setTransactionLimit(uint amount) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused { transactionLimit = amount; emit LimitChanged(msg.sender, "transactionLimit", amount); } function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint amount) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused returns (bool) { bool result = doERC20Transfer(from, to, amount); emit TransferMade(from, to, amount); return result; } function enoughBalance(address user, uint amount) public view whenNotPaused returns(bool) { return ERC20UpgradeSafe(erc20address).balanceOf(user) >= amount; } /* Internal Functions */ function poolWithinLimit(uint _totalShares) internal view returns (bool) { return _totalShares.mul(sharePrice).div(mantissa) <= totalFundsLimit; } function transactionWithinLimit(uint amount) internal view returns (bool) { return amount <= transactionLimit; } function getNumShares(uint amount, uint multiplier, uint price) internal pure returns (uint) { return amount.mul(multiplier).div(price); } function doERC20Transfer(address from, address to, uint amount) internal returns (bool) { ERC20UpgradeSafe erc20 = ERC20UpgradeSafe(erc20address); uint balanceBefore = erc20.balanceOf(to); bool success = erc20.transferFrom(from, to, amount); // Calculate the amount that was *actually* transferred uint balanceAfter = erc20.balanceOf(to); require(balanceAfter >= balanceBefore, "Token Transfer Overflow Error"); return success; } function doERC20Withdraw(address payable to, uint amount) internal returns (bool) { ERC20UpgradeSafe erc20 = ERC20UpgradeSafe(erc20address); bool success = erc20.transfer(to, amount); require(success, "Token Withdraw Failed"); return success; } } contract FakeV2CreditDesk is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeSafe, OwnerPausable { using SafeMath for uint256; // Approximate number of blocks uint public constant blocksPerDay = 5760; address public poolAddress; uint public maxUnderwriterLimit = 0; uint public transactionLimit = 0; struct Underwriter { uint governanceLimit; address[] creditLines; } struct Borrower { address[] creditLines; } event PaymentMade(address indexed payer, address indexed creditLine, uint interestAmount, uint principalAmount, uint remainingAmount); event PrepaymentMade(address indexed payer, address indexed creditLine, uint prepaymentAmount); event DrawdownMade(address indexed borrower, address indexed creditLine, uint drawdownAmount); event CreditLineCreated(address indexed borrower, address indexed creditLine); event PoolAddressUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress); event GovernanceUpdatedUnderwriterLimit(address indexed underwriter, uint newLimit); event LimitChanged(address indexed owner, string limitType, uint amount); mapping(address => Underwriter) public underwriters; mapping(address => Borrower) private borrowers; function initialize(address _poolAddress) public initializer { __Ownable_init(); poolAddress = _poolAddress; } function someBrandNewFunction() public pure returns(uint) { return 5; } function getUnderwriterCreditLines(address underwriterAddress) public view returns (address[] memory) { return underwriters[underwriterAddress].creditLines; } /* * Internal Functions */ } contract TestERC20 is ERC20UpgradeSafe { constructor(uint256 initialSupply, uint8 decimals) public { __ERC20_init("USDC", "USDC"); _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(msg.sender, initialSupply); } } contract TestPool is Pool { function _getNumShares(uint amount, uint multiplier, uint price) public pure returns (uint) { return getNumShares(amount, multiplier, price); } } contract CreditDesk is Initializable, OwnableUpgradeSafe, OwnerPausable { using SafeMath for uint256; // Approximate number of blocks uint public constant blocksPerDay = 5760; address public poolAddress; uint public maxUnderwriterLimit = 0; uint public transactionLimit = 0; struct Underwriter { uint governanceLimit; address[] creditLines; } struct Borrower { address[] creditLines; } event PaymentMade(address indexed payer, address indexed creditLine, uint interestAmount, uint principalAmount, uint remainingAmount); event PrepaymentMade(address indexed payer, address indexed creditLine, uint prepaymentAmount); event DrawdownMade(address indexed borrower, address indexed creditLine, uint drawdownAmount); event CreditLineCreated(address indexed borrower, address indexed creditLine); event PoolAddressUpdated(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress); event GovernanceUpdatedUnderwriterLimit(address indexed underwriter, uint newLimit); event LimitChanged(address indexed owner, string limitType, uint amount); mapping(address => Underwriter) public underwriters; mapping(address => Borrower) private borrowers; function initialize(address _poolAddress) public initializer { __Ownable_init(); __OwnerPausable__init(); setPoolAddress(_poolAddress); } function setUnderwriterGovernanceLimit(address underwriterAddress, uint limit) external onlyOwner whenNotPaused { Underwriter storage underwriter = underwriters[underwriterAddress]; require(withinMaxUnderwriterLimit(limit), "This limit is greater than the max allowed by the protocol"); underwriter.governanceLimit = limit; emit GovernanceUpdatedUnderwriterLimit(underwriterAddress, limit); } function createCreditLine( address _borrower, uint _limit, uint _interestApr, uint _minCollateralPercent, uint _paymentPeriodInDays, uint _termInDays ) external whenNotPaused { Underwriter storage underwriter = underwriters[msg.sender]; Borrower storage borrower = borrowers[_borrower]; require(underwriterCanCreateThisCreditLine(_limit, underwriter), "The underwriter cannot create this credit line"); CreditLine cl = new CreditLine(); cl.initialize(_borrower, _limit, _interestApr, _minCollateralPercent, _paymentPeriodInDays, _termInDays); cl.authorizePool(poolAddress); underwriter.creditLines.push(address(cl)); borrower.creditLines.push(address(cl)); emit CreditLineCreated(_borrower, address(cl)); } function drawdown(uint amount, address creditLineAddress) external whenNotPaused { CreditLine cl = CreditLine(creditLineAddress); require(cl.borrower() == msg.sender, "You do not belong to this credit line"); // Not strictly necessary, but provides a better error message to the user require(getPool().enoughBalance(poolAddress, amount), "Pool does not have enough balance for this drawdown"); require(withinTransactionLimit(amount), "Amount is over the per-transaction limit"); require(withinCreditLimit(amount, cl), "The borrower does not have enough credit limit for this drawdown"); if (cl.balance() == 0) { cl.setTermEndBlock(calculateNewTermEndBlock(cl)); cl.setNextDueBlock(calculateNextDueBlock(cl)); } (uint interestOwed, uint principalOwed) = getInterestAndPrincipalOwedAsOf(cl, block.number); uint balance = cl.balance().add(amount); updateCreditLineAccounting(cl, balance, interestOwed, principalOwed); getPool().transferFrom(poolAddress, msg.sender, amount); emit DrawdownMade(msg.sender, address(cl), amount); } function pay(address creditLineAddress, uint amount) external payable whenNotPaused { CreditLine cl = CreditLine(creditLineAddress); require(withinTransactionLimit(amount), "Amount is over the per-transaction limit"); // Not strictly necessary, but provides a faster/better error message to the user require(getPool().enoughBalance(msg.sender, amount), "You have insufficent balance for this payment"); (uint paymentRemaining, uint interestPayment, uint principalPayment) = handlePayment(cl, amount, block.number, true); if (paymentRemaining > 0) { getPool().transferFrom(msg.sender, creditLineAddress, paymentRemaining); cl.setCollateralBalance(cl.collateralBalance().add(paymentRemaining)); } if (interestPayment > 0) { getPool().collectInterestRepayment(msg.sender, interestPayment); } if (principalPayment > 0) { getPool().collectPrincipalRepayment(msg.sender, principalPayment); } emit PaymentMade(cl.borrower(), address(cl), interestPayment, principalPayment, paymentRemaining); } function prepay(address payable creditLineAddress, uint amount) external payable whenNotPaused { CreditLine cl = CreditLine(creditLineAddress); require(withinTransactionLimit(amount), "Amount is over the per-transaction limit"); getPool().transferFrom(msg.sender, creditLineAddress, amount); uint newPrepaymentBalance = cl.prepaymentBalance().add(amount); cl.setPrepaymentBalance(newPrepaymentBalance); emit PrepaymentMade(msg.sender, address(cl), amount); } function addCollateral(address payable creditLineAddress, uint amount) external payable whenNotPaused { CreditLine cl = CreditLine(creditLineAddress); getPool().transferFrom(msg.sender, creditLineAddress, amount); uint newCollateralBalance = cl.collateralBalance().add(amount); cl.setCollateralBalance(newCollateralBalance); } function assessCreditLine(address creditLineAddress) external whenNotPaused { CreditLine cl = CreditLine(creditLineAddress); // Do not assess until a full period has elapsed if (block.number < cl.nextDueBlock()) { return; } (uint paymentRemaining, uint interestPayment, uint principalPayment) = handlePayment(cl, cl.prepaymentBalance(), cl.nextDueBlock(), false); cl.setPrepaymentBalance(paymentRemaining); getPool().collectInterestRepayment(msg.sender, interestPayment); getPool().collectPrincipalRepayment(msg.sender, principalPayment); cl.setNextDueBlock(calculateNextDueBlock(cl)); if (cl.principalOwed() > 0) { handleLatePayments(cl); } emit PaymentMade(cl.borrower(), address(cl), interestPayment, principalPayment, paymentRemaining); } function setPoolAddress(address newPoolAddress) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused returns (address) { // Sanity check the new address; Pool(newPoolAddress).totalShares(); emit PoolAddressUpdated(poolAddress, newPoolAddress); return poolAddress = newPoolAddress; } function setMaxUnderwriterLimit(uint amount) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused { maxUnderwriterLimit = amount; emit LimitChanged(msg.sender, "maxUnderwriterLimit", amount); } function setTransactionLimit(uint amount) public onlyOwner whenNotPaused { transactionLimit = amount; emit LimitChanged(msg.sender, "transactionLimit", amount); } // Public View Functions (Getters) function getUnderwriterCreditLines(address underwriterAddress) public view whenNotPaused returns (address[] memory) { return underwriters[underwriterAddress].creditLines; } function getBorrowerCreditLines(address borrowerAddress) public view whenNotPaused returns (address[] memory) { return borrowers[borrowerAddress].creditLines; } /* * Internal Functions */ function handlePayment(CreditLine cl, uint paymentAmount, uint asOfBlock, bool allowFullBalancePayOff) internal returns (uint, uint, uint) { (uint interestOwed, uint principalOwed) = getInterestAndPrincipalOwedAsOf(cl, asOfBlock); Accountant.PaymentAllocation memory pa = Accountant.allocatePayment(paymentAmount, cl.balance(), interestOwed, principalOwed); uint newBalance = cl.balance().sub(pa.principalPayment); if (allowFullBalancePayOff) { newBalance = newBalance.sub(pa.additionalBalancePayment); } uint totalPrincipalPayment = cl.balance().sub(newBalance); uint paymentRemaining = paymentAmount.sub(pa.interestPayment).sub(totalPrincipalPayment); updateCreditLineAccounting(cl, newBalance, interestOwed.sub(pa.interestPayment), principalOwed.sub(pa.principalPayment)); assert(paymentRemaining.add(pa.interestPayment).add(totalPrincipalPayment) == paymentAmount); return (paymentRemaining, pa.interestPayment, totalPrincipalPayment); } function handleLatePayments(CreditLine cl) internal { // No op for now; } function getPool() internal view returns (Pool) { return Pool(poolAddress); } function getInterestAndPrincipalOwedAsOf(CreditLine cl, uint blockNumber) internal view returns (uint, uint) { (uint interestAccrued, uint principalAccrued) = Accountant.calculateInterestAndPrincipalAccrued(cl, blockNumber); return (cl.interestOwed().add(interestAccrued), cl.principalOwed().add(principalAccrued)); } function withinCreditLimit(uint amount, CreditLine cl) internal view returns(bool) { return cl.balance().add(amount) <= cl.limit(); } function withinTransactionLimit(uint amount) internal view returns(bool) { return amount <= transactionLimit; } function calculateNewTermEndBlock(CreditLine cl) internal view returns (uint) { return block.number.add(blocksPerDay.mul(cl.termInDays())); } function calculateNextDueBlock(CreditLine cl) internal view returns (uint) { uint blocksPerPeriod = cl.paymentPeriodInDays().mul(blocksPerDay); uint currentNextDueBlock; if (cl.nextDueBlock() != 0) { currentNextDueBlock = cl.nextDueBlock(); } else { currentNextDueBlock = block.number; } return currentNextDueBlock.add(blocksPerPeriod); } function underwriterCanCreateThisCreditLine(uint newAmount, Underwriter storage underwriter) internal view returns(bool) { uint creditCurrentlyExtended = getCreditCurrentlyExtended(underwriter); uint totalToBeExtended = creditCurrentlyExtended.add(newAmount); return totalToBeExtended <= underwriter.governanceLimit; } function withinMaxUnderwriterLimit(uint amount) internal view returns (bool) { return amount <= maxUnderwriterLimit; } function getCreditCurrentlyExtended(Underwriter storage underwriter) internal view returns (uint) { uint creditExtended = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < underwriter.creditLines.length; i++) { CreditLine cl = CreditLine(underwriter.creditLines[i]); creditExtended = creditExtended.add(cl.limit()); } return creditExtended; } function updateCreditLineAccounting(CreditLine cl, uint balance, uint interestOwed, uint principalOwed) internal { cl.setBalance(balance); cl.setInterestOwed(interestOwed); cl.setPrincipalOwed(principalOwed); cl.setLastUpdatedBlock(block.number); if (balance == 0) { cl.setTermEndBlock(0); cl.setNextDueBlock(0); } } }
[ 0, 4, 7, 9, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a `Transfer` event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint amount) external; /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through `transferFrom`. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when `approve` or `transferFrom` are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * > Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an `Approval` event. */ function approve(address spender, uint amount) external; /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a `Transfer` event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint amount) external; /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() external view returns (uint); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to `approve`. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value); } contract AdminPausable { address public admin; address public successor; bool public paused; uint public expire; constructor(address _admin) public { admin = _admin; paused = false; expire = block.timestamp + 3 * 365 days; } event Paused(address pauser); event Unpaused(address pauser); event Extend(uint ndays); event Claim(address claimer); modifier onlyAdmin() { require(msg.sender == admin, "not admin"); _; } modifier isPaused() { require(paused, "not paused right now"); _; } modifier isNotPaused() { require(!paused, "paused right now"); _; } modifier isNotExpired() { require(block.timestamp < expire, "expired"); _; } function retire(address _successor) public onlyAdmin isNotExpired { successor = _successor; } function claim() public isNotExpired { require(msg.sender == successor, "unauthorized"); admin = successor; emit Claim(admin); } function extend(uint n) public onlyAdmin isNotExpired { require(n < 366, "cannot extend for too long"); // To prevent overflow expire = expire + n * 1 days; emit Extend(n); } function pause() public onlyAdmin isNotPaused isNotExpired { paused = true; emit Paused(msg.sender); } function unpause() public onlyAdmin isPaused { paused = false; emit Unpaused(msg.sender); } } library SafeMath { function safeMul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a * b; require(a == 0 || c / a == b); return c; } function safeDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0); uint256 c = a / b; require(a == b * c + a % b); return c; } function safeSub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a); return a - b; } function safeAdd(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c>=a && c>=b); return c; } } interface Incognito { function instructionApproved( bool, bytes32, uint, bytes32[] calldata, bool[] calldata, bytes32, bytes32, uint[] calldata, uint8[] calldata, bytes32[] calldata, bytes32[] calldata ) external view returns (bool); } interface Withdrawable { function isWithdrawed(bytes32) external view returns (bool); function isSigDataUsed(bytes32) external view returns (bool); function getDepositedBalance(address, address) external view returns (uint); function updateAssets(address[] calldata, uint[] calldata) external returns (bool); function paused() external view returns (bool); } contract Vault is AdminPausable { using SafeMath for uint; address constant public ETH_TOKEN = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000; mapping(bytes32 => bool) public withdrawed; mapping(bytes32 => bool) public sigDataUsed; // address => token => amount mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public withdrawRequests; mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public migration; mapping(address => uint) public totalDepositedToSCAmount; Incognito public incognito; Withdrawable public prevVault; address payable public newVault; bool public notEntered = true; struct BurnInstData { uint8 meta; // type of the instruction uint8 shard; // ID of the Incognito shard containing the instruction, must be 1 address token; // ETH address of the token contract (0x0 for ETH) address payable to; // ETH address of the receiver of the token uint amount; // burned amount (on Incognito) bytes32 itx; // Incognito's burning tx } // error code enum Errors { EMPTY, NO_REENTRANCE, MAX_UINT_REACHED, VALUE_OVER_FLOW, INTERNAL_TX_ERROR, ALREADY_USED, INVALID_DATA, TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH, WITHDRAW_REQUEST_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH, INVALID_RETURN_DATA, NOT_EQUAL, NULL_VALUE, ONLY_PREVAULT, PREVAULT_NOT_PAUSED } event Deposit(address token, string incognitoAddress, uint amount); event Withdraw(address token, address to, uint amount); event Migrate(address newVault); event MoveAssets(address[] assets); event UpdateTokenTotal(address[] assets, uint[] amounts); event UpdateIncognitoProxy(address newIncognitoProxy); /** * modifier for contract version */ modifier onlyPreVault(){ require(address(prevVault) != address(0x0) && msg.sender == address(prevVault), errorToString(Errors.ONLY_PREVAULT)); _; } /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a * `private` function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { // On the first call to nonReentrant, notEntered will be true require(notEntered, errorToString(Errors.NO_REENTRANCE)); // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail notEntered = false; _; // By storing the original value once again, a refund is triggered (see // notEntered = true; } /** * @dev Creates new Vault to hold assets for Incognito Chain * @param admin: authorized address to Pause and migrate contract * @param incognitoProxyAddress: contract containing Incognito's committees * @param _prevVault: previous version of the Vault to refer back if necessary * After migrating all assets to a new Vault, we still need to refer * back to previous Vault to make sure old withdrawals aren't being reused */ constructor(address admin, address incognitoProxyAddress, address _prevVault) public AdminPausable(admin) { incognito = Incognito(incognitoProxyAddress); prevVault = Withdrawable(_prevVault); newVault = address(0); } /** * @dev Makes a ETH deposit to the vault to mint pETH over at Incognito Chain * @notice This only works when the contract is not Paused * @notice The maximum amount to deposit is capped since Incognito balance is stored as uint64 * @param incognitoAddress: Incognito Address to receive pETH */ function deposit(string memory incognitoAddress) public payable isNotPaused nonReentrant { require(address(this).balance <= 10 ** 27, errorToString(Errors.MAX_UINT_REACHED)); emit Deposit(ETH_TOKEN, incognitoAddress, msg.value); } /** * @dev Makes a ERC20 deposit to the vault to mint pERC20 over at Incognito Chain * @notice This only works when the contract is not Paused * @notice The maximum amount to deposit is capped since Incognito balance is stored as uint64 * @notice Before calling this function, enough ERC20 must be allowed to * tranfer from msg.sender to this contract * @param token: address of the ERC20 token * @param amount: to deposit to the vault and mint on Incognito Chain * @param incognitoAddress: Incognito Address to receive pERC20 */ function depositERC20(address token, uint amount, string memory incognitoAddress) public payable isNotPaused nonReentrant { IERC20 erc20Interface = IERC20(token); uint8 decimals = getDecimals(address(token)); uint tokenBalance = erc20Interface.balanceOf(address(this)); uint beforeTransfer = tokenBalance; uint emitAmount = amount; if (decimals > 9) { emitAmount = emitAmount / (10 ** (uint(decimals) - 9)); tokenBalance = tokenBalance / (10 ** (uint(decimals) - 9)); } require(emitAmount <= 10 ** 18 && tokenBalance <= 10 ** 18 && emitAmount.safeAdd(tokenBalance) <= 10 ** 18, errorToString(Errors.VALUE_OVER_FLOW)); erc20Interface.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); require(checkSuccess(), errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); require(balanceOf(token).safeSub(beforeTransfer) == amount, errorToString(Errors.NOT_EQUAL)); emit Deposit(token, incognitoAddress, emitAmount); } /** * @dev Checks if a burn proof has been used before * @notice First, we check inside the storage of this contract itself. If the * hash has been used before, we return the result. Otherwise, we query * previous vault recursively until the first Vault (prevVault address is 0x0) * @param hash: of the burn proof * @return bool: whether the proof has been used or not */ function isWithdrawed(bytes32 hash) public view returns(bool) { if (withdrawed[hash]) { return true; } else if (address(prevVault) == address(0)) { return false; } return prevVault.isWithdrawed(hash); } /** * @dev Parses a burn instruction and returns the components * @param inst: the full instruction, containing both metadata and body */ function parseBurnInst(bytes memory inst) public pure returns (BurnInstData memory) { BurnInstData memory data; data.meta = uint8(inst[0]); data.shard = uint8(inst[1]); address token; address payable to; uint amount; bytes32 itx; assembly { // skip first 0x20 bytes (stored length of inst) token := mload(add(inst, 0x22)) // [3:34] to := mload(add(inst, 0x42)) // [34:66] amount := mload(add(inst, 0x62)) // [66:98] itx := mload(add(inst, 0x82)) // [98:130] } data.token = token; = to; data.amount = amount; data.itx = itx; return data; } /** * @dev Verifies that a burn instruction is valid * @notice All params except inst are the list of 2 elements corresponding to * the proof on beacon and bridge * @notice All params are the same as in `withdraw` */ function verifyInst( bytes memory inst, uint heights, bytes32[] memory instPaths, bool[] memory instPathIsLefts, bytes32 instRoots, bytes32 blkData, uint[] memory sigIdxs, uint8[] memory sigVs, bytes32[] memory sigRs, bytes32[] memory sigSs ) internal { // Each instruction can only by redeemed once bytes32 beaconInstHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(inst, heights)); // Verify instruction on beacon require(incognito.instructionApproved( true, // Only check instruction on beacon beaconInstHash, heights, instPaths, instPathIsLefts, instRoots, blkData, sigIdxs, sigVs, sigRs, sigSs ), errorToString(Errors.INVALID_DATA)); } /** * @dev Withdraws pETH/pIERC20 by providing a burn proof over at Incognito Chain * @notice This function takes a burn instruction on Incognito Chain, checks * for its validity and returns the token back to ETH chain * @notice This only works when the contract is not Paused * @param inst: the decoded instruction as a list of bytes * @param heights: the blocks containing the instruction * @param instPaths: merkle path of the instruction * @param instPathIsLefts: whether each node on the path is the left or right child * @param instRoots: root of the merkle tree contains all instructions * @param blkData: merkle has of the block body * @param sigIdxs: indices of the validators who signed this block * @param sigVs: part of the signatures of the validators * @param sigRs: part of the signatures of the validators * @param sigSs: part of the signatures of the validators */ function withdraw( bytes memory inst, uint heights, bytes32[] memory instPaths, bool[] memory instPathIsLefts, bytes32 instRoots, bytes32 blkData, uint[] memory sigIdxs, uint8[] memory sigVs, bytes32[] memory sigRs, bytes32[] memory sigSs ) public isNotPaused nonReentrant { BurnInstData memory data = parseBurnInst(inst); require(data.meta == 241 && data.shard == 1); // Check instruction type // Not withdrawed require(!isWithdrawed(data.itx), errorToString(Errors.ALREADY_USED)); withdrawed[data.itx] = true; // Check if balance is enough if (data.token == ETH_TOKEN) { require(address(this).balance >= data.amount.safeAdd(totalDepositedToSCAmount[data.token]), errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); } else { uint8 decimals = getDecimals(data.token); if (decimals > 9) { data.amount = data.amount * (10 ** (uint(decimals) - 9)); } require(IERC20(data.token).balanceOf(address(this)) >= data.amount.safeAdd(totalDepositedToSCAmount[data.token]), errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); } verifyInst( inst, heights, instPaths, instPathIsLefts, instRoots, blkData, sigIdxs, sigVs, sigRs, sigSs ); // Send and notify if (data.token == ETH_TOKEN) { (bool success, ) ={value: data.amount}(""); require(success, errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); } else { IERC20(data.token).transfer(, data.amount); require(checkSuccess(), errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); } emit Withdraw(data.token,, data.amount); } /** * @dev Burnt Proof is submited to store burnt amount of p-token/p-ETH and receiver's address * Receiver then can call withdrawRequest to withdraw these token to he/she incognito address. * @notice This function takes a burn instruction on Incognito Chain, checks * for its validity and returns the token back to ETH chain * @notice This only works when the contract is not Paused * @param inst: the decoded instruction as a list of bytes * @param heights: the blocks containing the instruction * @param instPaths: merkle path of the instruction * @param instPathIsLefts: whether each node on the path is the left or right child * @param instRoots: root of the merkle tree contains all instructions * @param blkData: merkle has of the block body * @param sigIdxs: indices of the validators who signed this block * @param sigVs: part of the signatures of the validators * @param sigRs: part of the signatures of the validators * @param sigSs: part of the signatures of the validators */ function submitBurnProof( bytes memory inst, uint heights, bytes32[] memory instPaths, bool[] memory instPathIsLefts, bytes32 instRoots, bytes32 blkData, uint[] memory sigIdxs, uint8[] memory sigVs, bytes32[] memory sigRs, bytes32[] memory sigSs ) public isNotPaused nonReentrant { BurnInstData memory data = parseBurnInst(inst); require(data.meta == 243 && data.shard == 1); // Check instruction type // Not withdrawed require(!isWithdrawed(data.itx), errorToString(Errors.ALREADY_USED)); withdrawed[data.itx] = true; // Check if balance is enough if (data.token == ETH_TOKEN) { require(address(this).balance >= data.amount.safeAdd(totalDepositedToSCAmount[data.token]), errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); } else { uint8 decimals = getDecimals(data.token); if (decimals > 9) { data.amount = data.amount * (10 ** (uint(decimals) - 9)); } require(IERC20(data.token).balanceOf(address(this)) >= data.amount.safeAdd(totalDepositedToSCAmount[data.token]), errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); } verifyInst( inst, heights, instPaths, instPathIsLefts, instRoots, blkData, sigIdxs, sigVs, sigRs, sigSs ); withdrawRequests[][data.token] = withdrawRequests[][data.token].safeAdd(data.amount); totalDepositedToSCAmount[data.token] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[data.token].safeAdd(data.amount); } /** * @dev generate address from signature data and hash. */ function sigToAddress(bytes memory signData, bytes32 hash) public pure returns (address) { bytes32 s; bytes32 r; uint8 v; assembly { r := mload(add(signData, 0x20)) s := mload(add(signData, 0x40)) } v = uint8(signData[64]) + 27; return ecrecover(hash, v, r, s); } /** * @dev Checks if a sig data has been used before * @notice First, we check inside the storage of this contract itself. If the * hash has been used before, we return the result. Otherwise, we query * previous vault recursively until the first Vault (prevVault address is 0x0) * @param hash: of the sig data * @return bool: whether the sig data has been used or not */ function isSigDataUsed(bytes32 hash) public view returns(bool) { if (sigDataUsed[hash]) { return true; } else if (address(prevVault) == address(0)) { return false; } return prevVault.isSigDataUsed(hash); } /** * @dev User requests withdraw token contains in withdrawRequests. * Deposit event will be emitted to let incognito recognize and mint new p-tokens for the user. * @param incognitoAddress: incognito's address that will receive minted p-tokens. * @param token: ethereum's token address (eg., ETH, DAI, ...) * @param amount: amount of the token in ethereum's denomination * @param signData: signature of an unique data that is signed by an account which is generated from user's incognito privkey * @param timestamp: unique data generated from client (timestamp for example) */ function requestWithdraw( string memory incognitoAddress, address token, uint amount, bytes memory signData, bytes memory timestamp ) public isNotPaused nonReentrant { // verify owner signs data address verifier = verifySignData(abi.encodePacked(incognitoAddress, token, timestamp, amount), signData); // migrate from preVault migrateBalance(verifier, token); require(withdrawRequests[verifier][token] >= amount, errorToString(Errors.WITHDRAW_REQUEST_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); withdrawRequests[verifier][token] = withdrawRequests[verifier][token].safeSub(amount); totalDepositedToSCAmount[token] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[token].safeSub(amount); // convert denomination from ethereum's to incognito's (pcoin) uint emitAmount = amount; if (token != ETH_TOKEN) { uint8 decimals = getDecimals(token); if (decimals > 9) { emitAmount = amount / (10 ** (uint(decimals) - 9)); } } emit Deposit(token, incognitoAddress, emitAmount); } /** * @dev execute is a general function that plays a role as proxy to interact to other smart contracts. * @param token: ethereum's token address (eg., ETH, DAI, ...) * @param amount: amount of the token in ethereum's denomination * @param recipientToken: received token address. * @param exchangeAddress: address of targeting smart contract that actually executes the desired logics like trade, invest, borrow and so on. * @param callData: encoded with signature and params of function from targeting smart contract. * @param timestamp: unique data generated from client (timestamp for example) * @param signData: signature of an unique data that is signed by an account which is generated from user's incognito privkey */ function execute( address token, uint amount, address recipientToken, address exchangeAddress, bytes memory callData, bytes memory timestamp, bytes memory signData ) public payable isNotPaused nonReentrant { //verify ower signs data from input address verifier = verifySignData(abi.encodePacked(exchangeAddress, callData, timestamp, amount), signData); // migrate from preVault migrateBalance(verifier, token); require(withdrawRequests[verifier][token] >= amount, errorToString(Errors.WITHDRAW_REQUEST_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); // update balance of verifier totalDepositedToSCAmount[token] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[token].safeSub(amount); withdrawRequests[verifier][token] = withdrawRequests[verifier][token].safeSub(amount); // define number of eth spent for forwarder. uint ethAmount = msg.value; if (token == ETH_TOKEN) { ethAmount = ethAmount.safeAdd(amount); } else { // transfer token to exchangeAddress. require(IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)) >= amount, errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); IERC20(token).transfer(exchangeAddress, amount); require(checkSuccess(), errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); } uint returnedAmount = callExtFunc(recipientToken, ethAmount, callData, exchangeAddress); // update withdrawRequests withdrawRequests[verifier][recipientToken] = withdrawRequests[verifier][recipientToken].safeAdd(returnedAmount); totalDepositedToSCAmount[recipientToken] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[recipientToken].safeAdd(returnedAmount); } /** * @dev execute multi trade. * The tokens array must contain unique token address for trading */ function executeMulti( address[] memory tokens, uint[] memory amounts, address[] memory recipientTokens, address exchangeAddress, bytes memory callData, bytes memory timestamp, bytes memory signData ) public payable isNotPaused nonReentrant { require(tokens.length == amounts.length && recipientTokens.length > 0, errorToString(Errors.INVALID_DATA)); //verify ower signs data from input address verifier = verifySignData(abi.encodePacked(exchangeAddress, callData, timestamp, amounts), signData); // define number of eth spent for forwarder. uint ethAmount = msg.value; for(uint i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++){ // migrate from preVault migrateBalance(verifier, tokens[i]); // check balance is enough or not require(withdrawRequests[verifier][tokens[i]] >= amounts[i], errorToString(Errors.WITHDRAW_REQUEST_TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); // update balances of verifier totalDepositedToSCAmount[tokens[i]] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[tokens[i]].safeSub(amounts[i]); withdrawRequests[verifier][tokens[i]] = withdrawRequests[verifier][tokens[i]].safeSub(amounts[i]); if (tokens[i] == ETH_TOKEN) { ethAmount = ethAmount.safeAdd(amounts[i]); } else { // transfer token to exchangeAddress. require(IERC20(tokens[i]).balanceOf(address(this)) >= amounts[i], errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); IERC20(tokens[i]).transfer(exchangeAddress, amounts[i]); require(checkSuccess(), errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); } } // get balance of recipient token before trade to compare after trade. uint[] memory balancesBeforeTrade = new uint[](recipientTokens.length); for(uint i = 0; i < recipientTokens.length; i++) { balancesBeforeTrade[i] = balanceOf(recipientTokens[i]); if (recipientTokens[i] == ETH_TOKEN) { balancesBeforeTrade[i] = balancesBeforeTrade[i].safeSub(msg.value); } } //return array Addresses and Amounts (address[] memory returnedTokenAddresses,uint[] memory returnedAmounts) = callExtFuncMulti(ethAmount, callData, exchangeAddress); require(returnedTokenAddresses.length == recipientTokens.length && returnedAmounts.length == returnedTokenAddresses.length, errorToString(Errors.INVALID_RETURN_DATA)); //update withdrawRequests for(uint i = 0; i < returnedAmounts.length; i++) { require(returnedTokenAddresses[i] == recipientTokens[i] && balanceOf(recipientTokens[i]).safeSub(balancesBeforeTrade[i]) == returnedAmounts[i], errorToString(Errors.INVALID_RETURN_DATA)); withdrawRequests[verifier][recipientTokens[i]] = withdrawRequests[verifier][recipientTokens[i]].safeAdd(returnedAmounts[i]); totalDepositedToSCAmount[recipientTokens[i]] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[recipientTokens[i]].safeAdd(returnedAmounts[i]); } } /** * @dev single trade */ function callExtFunc(address recipientToken, uint ethAmount, bytes memory callData, address exchangeAddress) internal returns (uint) { // get balance of recipient token before trade to compare after trade. uint balanceBeforeTrade = balanceOf(recipientToken); if (recipientToken == ETH_TOKEN) { balanceBeforeTrade = balanceBeforeTrade.safeSub(msg.value); } require(address(this).balance >= ethAmount, errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); (bool success, bytes memory result) ={value: ethAmount}(callData); require(success); (address returnedTokenAddress, uint returnedAmount) = abi.decode(result, (address, uint)); require(returnedTokenAddress == recipientToken && balanceOf(recipientToken).safeSub(balanceBeforeTrade) == returnedAmount, errorToString(Errors.INVALID_RETURN_DATA)); return returnedAmount; } /** * @dev multi trade */ function callExtFuncMulti(uint ethAmount, bytes memory callData, address exchangeAddress) internal returns (address[] memory, uint[] memory) { require(address(this).balance >= ethAmount, errorToString(Errors.TOKEN_NOT_ENOUGH)); (bool success, bytes memory result) ={value: ethAmount}(callData); require(success, errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); return abi.decode(result, (address[], uint[])); } /** * @dev verify sign data */ function verifySignData(bytes memory data, bytes memory signData) internal returns(address){ bytes32 hash = keccak256(data); require(!isSigDataUsed(hash), errorToString(Errors.ALREADY_USED)); address verifier = sigToAddress(signData, hash); // mark data hash of sig as used sigDataUsed[hash] = true; return verifier; } /** * @dev migrate balance from previous vault * Note: uncomment for next version */ function migrateBalance(address owner, address token) internal { if (address(prevVault) != address(0x0) && !migration[owner][token]) { withdrawRequests[owner][token] = withdrawRequests[owner][token].safeAdd(prevVault.getDepositedBalance(token, owner)); migration[owner][token] = true; } } /** * @dev Get the amount of specific coin for specific wallet */ function getDepositedBalance( address token, address owner ) public view returns (uint) { if (address(prevVault) != address(0x0) && !migration[owner][token]) { return withdrawRequests[owner][token].safeAdd(prevVault.getDepositedBalance(token, owner)); } return withdrawRequests[owner][token]; } /** * @dev Saves the address of the new Vault to migrate assets to * @notice In case of emergency, Admin will Pause the contract, shutting down * all incoming transactions. After a new contract with the fix is deployed, * they will migrate assets to it and allow normal operations to resume * @notice This only works when the contract is Paused * @notice This can only be called by Admin * @param _newVault: address to save */ function migrate(address payable _newVault) public onlyAdmin isPaused { require(_newVault != address(0), errorToString(Errors.NULL_VALUE)); newVault = _newVault; emit Migrate(_newVault); } /** * @dev Move some assets to newVault * @notice This only works when the contract is Paused * @notice This can only be called by Admin * @param assets: address of the ERC20 tokens to move, 0x0 for ETH */ function moveAssets(address[] memory assets) public onlyAdmin isPaused { require(newVault != address(0), errorToString(Errors.NULL_VALUE)); uint[] memory amounts = new uint[](assets.length); for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { if (assets[i] == ETH_TOKEN) { amounts[i] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[ETH_TOKEN]; (bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}(""); require(success, errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); } else { uint bal = IERC20(assets[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); if (bal > 0) { IERC20(assets[i]).transfer(newVault, bal); require(checkSuccess()); } amounts[i] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[assets[i]]; } totalDepositedToSCAmount[assets[i]] = 0; } require(Withdrawable(newVault).updateAssets(assets, amounts), errorToString(Errors.INTERNAL_TX_ERROR)); emit MoveAssets(assets); } /** * @dev Move total number of assets to newVault * @notice This only works when the preVault is Paused * @notice This can only be called by preVault * @param assets: address of the ERC20 tokens to move, 0x0 for ETH * @param amounts: total number of the ERC20 tokens to move, 0x0 for ETH */ function updateAssets(address[] calldata assets, uint[] calldata amounts) external onlyPreVault returns(bool) { require(assets.length == amounts.length, errorToString(Errors.NOT_EQUAL)); require(Withdrawable(prevVault).paused(), errorToString(Errors.PREVAULT_NOT_PAUSED)); for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { totalDepositedToSCAmount[assets[i]] = totalDepositedToSCAmount[assets[i]].safeAdd(amounts[i]); } emit UpdateTokenTotal(assets, amounts); return true; } /** * @dev Changes the IncognitoProxy to use * @notice If the IncognitoProxy contract malfunctioned, Admin could config * the Vault to use a new fixed IncognitoProxy contract * @notice This only works when the contract is Paused * @notice This can only be called by Admin * @param newIncognitoProxy: address of the new contract */ function updateIncognitoProxy(address newIncognitoProxy) public onlyAdmin isPaused { require(newIncognitoProxy != address(0), errorToString(Errors.NULL_VALUE)); incognito = Incognito(newIncognitoProxy); emit UpdateIncognitoProxy(newIncognitoProxy); } /** * @dev Payable receive function to receive Ether from oldVault when migrating */ receive() external payable {} /** * @dev Check if transfer() and transferFrom() of ERC20 succeeded or not * This check is needed to fix * This function is copied from */ function checkSuccess() private pure returns (bool) { uint256 returnValue = 0; assembly { // check number of bytes returned from last function call switch returndatasize() // no bytes returned: assume success case 0x0 { returnValue := 1 } // 32 bytes returned: check if non-zero case 0x20 { // copy 32 bytes into scratch space returndatacopy(0x0, 0x0, 0x20) // load those bytes into returnValue returnValue := mload(0x0) } // not sure what was returned: don't mark as success default { } } return returnValue != 0; } /** * @dev convert enum to string value */ function errorToString(Errors error) internal pure returns(string memory) { uint8 erroNum = uint8(error); uint maxlength = 10; bytes memory reversed = new bytes(maxlength); uint i = 0; while (erroNum != 0) { uint8 remainder = erroNum % 10; erroNum = erroNum / 10; reversed[i++] = byte(48 + remainder); } bytes memory s = new bytes(i + 1); for (uint j = 0; j <= i; j++) { s[j] = reversed[i - j]; } return string(s); } /** * @dev Get the decimals of an ERC20 token, return 0 if it isn't defined * We check the returndatasize to covert both cases that the token has * and doesn't have the function decimals() */ function getDecimals(address token) public view returns (uint8) { IERC20 erc20 = IERC20(token); return uint8(erc20.decimals()); } /** * @dev Get the amount of coin deposited to this smartcontract */ function balanceOf(address token) public view returns (uint) { if (token == ETH_TOKEN) { return address(this).balance; } return IERC20(token).balanceOf(address(this)); } }
[ 17, 11, 9, 13, 26 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.1; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() external view returns (string memory); /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() external view returns (string memory); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } abstract contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view override returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view override returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract TokenOfferingPlatformERC20 is ERC20 { using Address for address; address private _owner; constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol, uint256 totalSupply) ERC20(name,symbol) public { _mint(_msgSender(),totalSupply); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; contract NamedContract { /// @notice The name of contract, which can be set once string public name; /// @notice Sets contract name. function setContractName(string memory newName) internal { name = newName; } } contract Ownable { /// @notice Storage position of the owner address /// @dev The address of the current owner is stored in a /// constant pseudorandom slot of the contract storage /// (slot number obtained as a result of hashing a certain message), /// the probability of rewriting which is almost zero bytes32 private constant _ownerPosition = keccak256("owner"); /// @notice Storage position of the authorized new owner address bytes32 private constant _authorizedNewOwnerPosition = keccak256("authorizedNewOwner"); /// @notice Contract constructor /// @dev Sets msg sender address as owner address constructor() public { bytes32 ownerPosition = _ownerPosition; address owner = msg.sender; assembly { sstore(ownerPosition, owner) } } /// @notice Check that requires msg.sender to be the current owner function requireOwner() internal view { require( msg.sender == getOwner(), "Sender must be owner" ); } /// @notice Returns contract owner address function getOwner() public view returns (address owner) { bytes32 ownerPosition = _ownerPosition; assembly { owner := sload(ownerPosition) } } /// @notice Returns authorized new owner address function getAuthorizedNewOwner() public view returns (address newOwner) { bytes32 authorizedNewOwnerPosition = _authorizedNewOwnerPosition; assembly { newOwner := sload(authorizedNewOwnerPosition) } } /** * @notice Authorizes the transfer of ownership to the provided address. * NOTE: No transfer will occur unless authorizedAddress calls assumeOwnership( ). * This authorization may be removed by another call to this function authorizing * the null address. * * @param authorizedAddress The address authorized to become the new owner. */ function authorizeOwnershipTransfer(address authorizedAddress) external { requireOwner(); bytes32 authorizedNewOwnerPosition = _authorizedNewOwnerPosition; assembly { sstore(authorizedNewOwnerPosition, authorizedAddress) } } /** * @notice Transfers ownership of this contract to the authorizedNewOwner. */ function assumeOwnership() external { bytes32 authorizedNewOwnerPosition = _authorizedNewOwnerPosition; address newOwner; assembly { newOwner := sload(authorizedNewOwnerPosition) } require( msg.sender == newOwner, "Only the authorized new owner can accept ownership" ); bytes32 ownerPosition = _ownerPosition; address zero = address(0); assembly { sstore(ownerPosition, newOwner) sstore(authorizedNewOwnerPosition, zero) } } } contract StakingEvent { event Initialize( address indexed owner, address indexed sxp, address indexed rewardProvider, uint256 minimumStakeAmount, uint256 rewardCycle, uint256 rewardAmount, uint256 rewardCycleTimestamp ); event Stake( address indexed staker, uint256 indexed amount ); event Claim( address indexed toAddress, uint256 indexed amount, uint256 indexed nonce ); event Withdraw( address indexed toAddress, uint256 indexed amount ); event GuardianshipTransferAuthorization( address indexed authorizedAddress ); event GuardianUpdate( address indexed oldValue, address indexed newValue ); event MinimumStakeAmountUpdate( uint256 indexed oldValue, uint256 indexed newValue ); event RewardProviderUpdate( address indexed oldValue, address indexed newValue ); event RewardPolicyUpdate( uint256 oldCycle, uint256 oldAmount, uint256 indexed newCycle, uint256 indexed newAmount, uint256 indexed newTimeStamp ); event DepositRewardPool( address indexed depositor, uint256 indexed amount ); event WithdrawRewardPool( address indexed toAddress, uint256 indexed amount ); event ApproveClaim( address indexed toAddress, uint256 indexed amount, uint256 indexed nonce ); } contract Upgradeable is Ownable { /// @notice Storage position of the current implementation address. /// @dev The address of the current implementation is stored in a /// constant pseudorandom slot of the contract proxy contract storage /// (slot number obtained as a result of hashing a certain message), /// the probability of rewriting which is almost zero bytes32 private constant implementationPosition = keccak256( "implementation" ); /// @notice Contract constructor /// @dev Calls Ownable contract constructor constructor() public Ownable() {} /// @notice Returns the current implementation contract address function getImplementation() public view returns (address implementation) { bytes32 position = implementationPosition; assembly { implementation := sload(position) } } /// @notice Sets new implementation contract address as current /// @param _newImplementation New implementation contract address function setImplementation(address _newImplementation) public { requireOwner(); require(_newImplementation != address(0), "New implementation must have non-zero address"); address currentImplementation = getImplementation(); require(currentImplementation != _newImplementation, "New implementation must have new address"); bytes32 position = implementationPosition; assembly { sstore(position, _newImplementation) } } /// @notice Sets new implementation contract address and call its initializer. /// @dev New implementation call is a low level delegatecall. /// @param _newImplementation the new implementation address. /// @param _newImplementaionCallData represents the to bet sent through the low level delegatecall. /// This parameter may include the initializer function signature with the needed payload. function setImplementationAndCall( address _newImplementation, bytes calldata _newImplementaionCallData ) external payable { setImplementation(_newImplementation); if (_newImplementaionCallData.length > 0) { (bool success, ) = address(this).call.value(msg.value)( _newImplementaionCallData ); require(success, "Delegatecall has failed"); } } } contract SwipeRegistry is NamedContract, Upgradeable { /// @notice Contract constructor /// @dev Calls Upgradable contract constructor and sets contract name constructor(string memory contractName) public Upgradeable() { setContractName(contractName); } /// @notice Performs a delegatecall to the implementation contract. /// @dev Fallback function allows to perform a delegatecall to the given implementation. /// This function will return whatever the implementation call returns. function() external payable { require( > 0, "Calldata must not be empty"); address _impl = getImplementation(); assembly { // The pointer to the free memory slot let ptr := mload(0x40) // Copy function signature and arguments from calldata at zero position into memory at pointer position calldatacopy(ptr, 0x0, calldatasize) // Delegatecall method of the implementation contract, returns 0 on error let result := delegatecall(gas, _impl, ptr, calldatasize, 0x0, 0) // Get the size of the last return data let size := returndatasize // Copy the size length of bytes from return data at zero position to pointer position returndatacopy(ptr, 0x0, size) // Depending on result value switch result case 0 { // End execution and revert state changes revert(ptr, size) } default { // Return data with length of size at pointers position return(ptr, size) } } } } contract StakingProxy is SwipeRegistry, StakingEvent { /// @notice Contract constructor /// @dev Calls SwipeRegistry contract constructor constructor() public SwipeRegistry("Swipe Staking Proxy") {} }
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pragma solidity 0.6.12; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IContractRegistry { event ContractAddressUpdated(string contractName, address addr, bool managedContract); event ManagerChanged(string role, address newManager); event ContractRegistryUpdated(address newContractRegistry); /* * External functions */ /// @dev updates the contracts address and emits a corresponding event /// managedContract indicates whether the contract is managed by the registry and notified on changes function setContract(string calldata contractName, address addr, bool managedContract) external /* onlyAdmin */; /// @dev returns the current address of the given contracts function getContract(string calldata contractName) external view returns (address); /// @dev returns the list of contract addresses managed by the registry function getManagedContracts() external view returns (address[] memory); function setManager(string calldata role, address manager) external /* onlyAdmin */; function getManager(string calldata role) external view returns (address); function lockContracts() external /* onlyAdmin */; function unlockContracts() external /* onlyAdmin */; function setNewContractRegistry(IContractRegistry newRegistry) external /* onlyAdmin */; function getPreviousContractRegistry() external view returns (address); } interface ILockable { event Locked(); event Unlocked(); function lock() external /* onlyLockOwner */; function unlock() external /* onlyLockOwner */; function isLocked() view external returns (bool); } interface IProtocol { event ProtocolVersionChanged(string deploymentSubset, uint256 currentVersion, uint256 nextVersion, uint256 fromTimestamp); /* * External functions */ /// @dev returns true if the given deployment subset exists (i.e - is registered with a protocol version) function deploymentSubsetExists(string calldata deploymentSubset) external view returns (bool); /// @dev returns the current protocol version for the given deployment subset. function getProtocolVersion(string calldata deploymentSubset) external view returns (uint256); /* * Governance functions */ /// @dev create a new deployment subset. function createDeploymentSubset(string calldata deploymentSubset, uint256 initialProtocolVersion) external /* onlyFunctionalManager */; /// @dev schedules a protocol version upgrade for the given deployment subset. function setProtocolVersion(string calldata deploymentSubset, uint256 nextVersion, uint256 fromTimestamp) external /* onlyFunctionalManager */; } contract Initializable { address private _initializationAdmin; event InitializationComplete(); constructor() public{ _initializationAdmin = msg.sender; } modifier onlyInitializationAdmin() { require(msg.sender == initializationAdmin(), "sender is not the initialization admin"); _; } /* * External functions */ function initializationAdmin() public view returns (address) { return _initializationAdmin; } function initializationComplete() external onlyInitializationAdmin { _initializationAdmin = address(0); emit InitializationComplete(); } function isInitializationComplete() public view returns (bool) { return _initializationAdmin == address(0); } } contract WithClaimableRegistryManagement is Context { address private _registryAdmin; address private _pendingRegistryAdmin; event RegistryManagementTransferred(address indexed previousRegistryAdmin, address indexed newRegistryAdmin); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial registryRegistryAdmin. */ constructor () internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _registryAdmin = msgSender; emit RegistryManagementTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current registryAdmin. */ function registryAdmin() public view returns (address) { return _registryAdmin; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the registryAdmin. */ modifier onlyRegistryAdmin() { require(isRegistryAdmin(), "WithClaimableRegistryManagement: caller is not the registryAdmin"); _; } /** * @dev Returns true if the caller is the current registryAdmin. */ function isRegistryAdmin() public view returns (bool) { return _msgSender() == _registryAdmin; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without registryAdmin. It will not be possible to call * `onlyManager` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current registryAdmin. * * NOTE: Renouncing registryManagement will leave the contract without an registryAdmin, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the registryAdmin. */ function renounceRegistryManagement() public onlyRegistryAdmin { emit RegistryManagementTransferred(_registryAdmin, address(0)); _registryAdmin = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers registryManagement of the contract to a new account (`newManager`). */ function _transferRegistryManagement(address newRegistryAdmin) internal { require(newRegistryAdmin != address(0), "RegistryAdmin: new registryAdmin is the zero address"); emit RegistryManagementTransferred(_registryAdmin, newRegistryAdmin); _registryAdmin = newRegistryAdmin; } /** * @dev Modifier throws if called by any account other than the pendingManager. */ modifier onlyPendingRegistryAdmin() { require(msg.sender == _pendingRegistryAdmin, "Caller is not the pending registryAdmin"); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current registryAdmin to set the pendingManager address. * @param newRegistryAdmin The address to transfer registryManagement to. */ function transferRegistryManagement(address newRegistryAdmin) public onlyRegistryAdmin { _pendingRegistryAdmin = newRegistryAdmin; } /** * @dev Allows the _pendingRegistryAdmin address to finalize the transfer. */ function claimRegistryManagement() external onlyPendingRegistryAdmin { _transferRegistryManagement(_pendingRegistryAdmin); _pendingRegistryAdmin = address(0); } /** * @dev Returns the current pendingRegistryAdmin */ function pendingRegistryAdmin() public view returns (address) { return _pendingRegistryAdmin; } } contract ContractRegistryAccessor is WithClaimableRegistryManagement, Initializable { IContractRegistry private contractRegistry; constructor(IContractRegistry _contractRegistry, address _registryAdmin) public { require(address(_contractRegistry) != address(0), "_contractRegistry cannot be 0"); setContractRegistry(_contractRegistry); _transferRegistryManagement(_registryAdmin); } modifier onlyAdmin { require(isAdmin(), "sender is not an admin (registryManger or initializationAdmin)"); _; } function isManager(string memory role) internal view returns (bool) { IContractRegistry _contractRegistry = contractRegistry; return isAdmin() || _contractRegistry != IContractRegistry(0) && contractRegistry.getManager(role) == msg.sender; } function isAdmin() internal view returns (bool) { return msg.sender == registryAdmin() || msg.sender == initializationAdmin() || msg.sender == address(contractRegistry); } function getProtocolContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("protocol"); } function getStakingRewardsContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("stakingRewards"); } function getFeesAndBootstrapRewardsContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("feesAndBootstrapRewards"); } function getCommitteeContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("committee"); } function getElectionsContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("elections"); } function getDelegationsContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("delegations"); } function getGuardiansRegistrationContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("guardiansRegistration"); } function getCertificationContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("certification"); } function getStakingContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("staking"); } function getSubscriptionsContract() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("subscriptions"); } function getStakingRewardsWallet() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("stakingRewardsWallet"); } function getBootstrapRewardsWallet() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("bootstrapRewardsWallet"); } function getGeneralFeesWallet() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("generalFeesWallet"); } function getCertifiedFeesWallet() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("certifiedFeesWallet"); } function getStakingContractHandler() internal view returns (address) { return contractRegistry.getContract("stakingContractHandler"); } /* * Governance functions */ event ContractRegistryAddressUpdated(address addr); function setContractRegistry(IContractRegistry newContractRegistry) public onlyAdmin { require(newContractRegistry.getPreviousContractRegistry() == address(contractRegistry), "new contract registry must provide the previous contract registry"); contractRegistry = newContractRegistry; emit ContractRegistryAddressUpdated(address(newContractRegistry)); } function getContractRegistry() public view returns (IContractRegistry) { return contractRegistry; } } contract Lockable is ILockable, ContractRegistryAccessor { bool public locked; constructor(IContractRegistry _contractRegistry, address _registryAdmin) ContractRegistryAccessor(_contractRegistry, _registryAdmin) public {} modifier onlyLockOwner() { require(msg.sender == registryAdmin() || msg.sender == address(getContractRegistry()), "caller is not a lock owner"); _; } function lock() external override onlyLockOwner { locked = true; emit Locked(); } function unlock() external override onlyLockOwner { locked = false; emit Unlocked(); } function isLocked() external override view returns (bool) { return locked; } modifier onlyWhenActive() { require(!locked, "contract is locked for this operation"); _; } } contract ManagedContract is Lockable { constructor(IContractRegistry _contractRegistry, address _registryAdmin) Lockable(_contractRegistry, _registryAdmin) public {} modifier onlyMigrationManager { require(isManager("migrationManager"), "sender is not the migration manager"); _; } modifier onlyFunctionalManager { require(isManager("functionalManager"), "sender is not the functional manager"); _; } function refreshContracts() virtual external {} } contract Protocol is IProtocol, ManagedContract { struct DeploymentSubset { bool exists; uint256 nextVersion; uint fromTimestamp; uint256 currentVersion; } mapping(string => DeploymentSubset) public deploymentSubsets; constructor(IContractRegistry _contractRegistry, address _registryAdmin) ManagedContract(_contractRegistry, _registryAdmin) public {} /* * External functions */ function deploymentSubsetExists(string calldata deploymentSubset) external override view returns (bool) { return deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].exists; } function getProtocolVersion(string calldata deploymentSubset) external override view returns (uint256 currentVersion) { (, currentVersion) = checkPrevUpgrades(deploymentSubset); } function createDeploymentSubset(string calldata deploymentSubset, uint256 initialProtocolVersion) external override onlyFunctionalManager { require(!deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].exists, "deployment subset already exists"); deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].currentVersion = initialProtocolVersion; deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].nextVersion = initialProtocolVersion; deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].fromTimestamp = now; deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].exists = true; emit ProtocolVersionChanged(deploymentSubset, initialProtocolVersion, initialProtocolVersion, now); } function setProtocolVersion(string calldata deploymentSubset, uint256 nextVersion, uint256 fromTimestamp) external override onlyFunctionalManager { require(deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].exists, "deployment subset does not exist"); require(fromTimestamp > now, "a protocol update can only be scheduled for the future"); (bool prevUpgradeExecuted, uint256 currentVersion) = checkPrevUpgrades(deploymentSubset); require(nextVersion >= currentVersion, "protocol version must be greater or equal to current version"); deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].nextVersion = nextVersion; deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].fromTimestamp = fromTimestamp; if (prevUpgradeExecuted) { deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].currentVersion = currentVersion; } emit ProtocolVersionChanged(deploymentSubset, currentVersion, nextVersion, fromTimestamp); } /* * Private functions */ function checkPrevUpgrades(string memory deploymentSubset) private view returns (bool prevUpgradeExecuted, uint256 currentVersion) { prevUpgradeExecuted = deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].fromTimestamp <= now; currentVersion = prevUpgradeExecuted ? deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].nextVersion : deploymentSubsets[deploymentSubset].currentVersion; } /* * Contracts topology / registry interface */ function refreshContracts() external override {} }
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pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint256 pow10 = 10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_collateralAddress)); // fetch all needed data (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLTV,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLTV,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance * pow10, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLTV); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return wdiv(totalCollateralETH, collateralPrice) / pow10; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLTV, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLTV, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLTV)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLTV) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice) / pow10, NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_borrowAddress))), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price) / (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(_tokenAddr))); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost for transaction /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return gasCost The amount we took for the gas cost function getGasCost(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint gasCost) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); gasCost = _gasCost; } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (gasCost > (_amount / 5)) { gasCost = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(gasCost); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, gasCost); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_amount == 0) return; if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function _getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract CreamSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEther) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToEther, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CreamSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the cream debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the cream position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint ethTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, ethTokenPrice); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInEth == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cCollAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { if (liquidityInEth > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); } uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); if (liquidityInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInEth, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); if (_cBorrowAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) return sub(liquidityInEth, (liquidityInEth / 100)); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInEth, ethPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - _getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x0e49911C937357EAA5a56984483b4B8918D0493b; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x2f8ADA783E0696F610e5637CF873B967f47dF2E3; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 500000000000; // 500 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, 0); ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract CreamBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d5BC3c8d13dcB8bF317092d84783c2697AE9258; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the cream protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the cream protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the cream market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the cream market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CreamLoanInfo is CreamSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0xD06527D5e56A3495252A528C4987003b712860eE; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches cream prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches cream collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in eth if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToEth) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToEth, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in eth if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in eth /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a cream user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = getProtocolFee(exData.srcAddr, msg.value, exData.srcAmount); (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(swapedTokens >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } /// @notice Calculates protocol fee /// @param _srcAddr selling token address (if eth should be WETH) /// @param _msgValue msg.value in transaction /// @param _srcAmount amount we are selling function getProtocolFee(address _srcAddr, uint256 _msgValue, uint256 _srcAmount) internal returns(uint256) { // if we are not selling ETH msg value is always the protocol fee if (_srcAddr != WETH_ADDRESS) return _msgValue; // if msg value is larger than srcAmount, that means that msg value is protocol fee + srcAmount, so we subsctract srcAmount from msg value // we have an edge case here when protocol fee is higher than selling amount if (_msgValue > _srcAmount) return _msgValue - _srcAmount; // if msg value is lower than src amount, that means that srcAmount isn't included in msg value, so we return msg value return _msgValue; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(srcRate, _destAmount); rate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount)); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(_destAmount, amounts[0]); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount)); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(1 ether, wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount)); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else if (_joinAddr == DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x597C52281b31B9d949a9D8fEbA08F7A2530a965e); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); uint256 destAmount = _data.srcAmount; if (_data.srcAddr != _data.destAddr) { // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } else { destAmount -= getGasCost(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); } // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); uint256 destAmount; if (_data.destAddr != _data.srcAddr) { _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, destAmount) = _sell(_data); } else { _data.srcAmount -= getGasCost(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); destAmount = _data.srcAmount; } if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, tx.origin, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} struct CompCreateData { address payable proxyAddr; bytes proxyData; address cCollAddr; address cDebtAddr; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address leveragedAsset = _reserve; // If the assets are different if (compCreate.cCollAddr != compCreate.cDebtAddr) { (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, compCreate.proxyAddr); leveragedAsset = exchangeData.destAddr; } // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(compCreate.proxyAddr, leveragedAsset); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(compCreate.proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, compCreate.proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (CompCreateData memory compCreate, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); compCreate = CompCreateData({ proxyAddr: payable(proxy), proxyData: proxyData, cCollAddr: cAddresses[0], cDebtAddr: cAddresses[1] }); return (compCreate, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract CreamSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xcEAb38B5C88F33Dabe4D31BDD384E08215526632; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CreamSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CreamSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CreamSaverProxy is CreamSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl || availableLiquidity == 0) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint availableLiquidity = getAvailableLiquidity(_exData.srcAddr); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow || availableLiquidity == 0) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); if (loanAmount > availableLiquidity) loanAmount = availableLiquidity; bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } } contract CreamFlashLoanTaker is CreamSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0xCeB190A35D9D4804b9CE8d0CF79239f6949BfCcB; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CreamFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.1; abstract contract Context { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. constructor () { } function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } interface PRDX_token { function balanceOf(address owner) external returns (uint256); function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) external ; } contract PRDXTeamLock is Ownable { address public token_addr ; PRDX_token token_contract = PRDX_token(token_addr) ; uint256 public PERC_per_MONTH = 10 ; uint256 public last_claim ; uint256 public start_lock ; uint256 public MONTH = 2628000 ; uint256 public locked ; /** * @dev Lock tokens by approving the contract to take them. * @param value Amount of tokens you want to lock in the contract */ function lock_tokens(uint256 value) public payable onlyOwner { token_contract.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), value) ; locked += value ; start_lock = block.timestamp ; } /** * @dev Withdraw function for the team to withdraw locked up tokens each month starting one month after lockup */ function withdraw() public onlyOwner { require(block.timestamp >= start_lock + MONTH, "Cannot be claimed in first month") ; require(block.timestamp - last_claim >= MONTH, "Cannot claim twice per month") ; last_claim = block.timestamp ; token_contract.transfer(msg.sender, locked * PERC_per_MONTH/100) ; } /** * @dev Set PRDX Token contract address * @param addr Address of PRDX Token contract */ function set_token_contract(address addr) public onlyOwner { token_addr = addr ; token_contract = PRDX_token(token_addr) ; } }
[ 16, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.0; contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint; mapping (address => uint) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) private _allowances; uint private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; //Only create tokens on initial constructor call constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol, uint256 totalSupply) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(totalSupply * 10**_decimals); _balances[_msgSender()] = _balances[_msgSender()].add(_totalSupply); emit Transfer(address(0x0), _msgSender(), _totalSupply); } function totalSupply() public override view returns (uint) { return _totalSupply; } function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } } contract YSEC is ERC20{ using SafeMath for uint; address public Governance; constructor () ERC20("YearnSecure", "YSEC", 1000000) { Governance = msg.sender; } function burn(uint256 amount) external { require(msg.sender == Governance, "Caller does not have governance"); _burn(msg.sender, amount); } function burnGovernance() external{ require(msg.sender == Governance, "Caller does not have governance"); Governance = address(0x0); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; interface IERC1820Registry { /** * @dev Sets `newManager` as the manager for `account`. A manager of an * account is able to set interface implementers for it. * * By default, each account is its own manager. Passing a value of `0x0` in * `newManager` will reset the manager to this initial state. * * Emits a {ManagerChanged} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. */ function setManager(address account, address newManager) external; /** * @dev Returns the manager for `account`. * * See {setManager}. */ function getManager(address account) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Sets the `implementer` contract as ``account``'s implementer for * `interfaceHash`. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. * The zero address can also be used in `implementer` to remove an old one. * * See {interfaceHash} to learn how these are created. * * Emits an {InterfaceImplementerSet} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. * - `interfaceHash` must not be an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it must not * end in 28 zeroes). * - `implementer` must implement {IERC1820Implementer} and return true when * queried for support, unless `implementer` is the caller. See * {IERC1820Implementer-canImplementInterfaceForAddress}. */ function setInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash, address implementer) external; /** * @dev Returns the implementer of `interfaceHash` for `account`. If no such * implementer is registered, returns the zero address. * * If `interfaceHash` is an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it ends with 28 * zeroes), `account` will be queried for support of it. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. */ function getInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Returns the interface hash for an `interfaceName`, as defined in the * corresponding *[section of the EIP]. */ function interfaceHash(string calldata interfaceName) external pure returns (bytes32); /** * @notice Updates the cache with whether the contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * @param account Address of the contract for which to update the cache. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface for which to update the cache. */ function updateERC165Cache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external; /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * If the result is not cached a direct lookup on the contract address is performed. * If the result is not cached or the cached value is out-of-date, the cache MUST be updated manually by calling * {updateERC165Cache} with the contract address. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165Interface(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not without using nor updating the cache. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165InterfaceNoCache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); event InterfaceImplementerSet(address indexed account, bytes32 indexed interfaceHash, address indexed implementer); event ManagerChanged(address indexed account, address indexed newManager); } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the average of two numbers. The result is rounded towards * zero. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } interface IERC777Recipient { /** * @dev Called by an {IERC777} token contract whenever tokens are being * moved or created into a registered account (`to`). The type of operation * is conveyed by `from` being the zero address or not. * * This call occurs _after_ the token contract's state is updated, so * {IERC777-balanceOf}, etc., can be used to query the post-operation state. * * This function may revert to prevent the operation from being executed. */ function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface HermezVesting { function move(address recipient, uint256 amount) external; function changeAddress(address newAddress) external; } interface HEZ { function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); } contract BootstrapDistribution { using SafeMath for uint256; HEZ public constant TOKEN_ADDRESS = HEZ(0xEEF9f339514298C6A857EfCfC1A762aF84438dEE); HermezVesting public constant VESTING_0 = HermezVesting(0x8109dfB06D4d9e694a8349B855cBF493A0B22186); HermezVesting public constant VESTING_1 = HermezVesting(0xDd90cA911a5dbfB1624fF7Eb586901a9b4BFC53D); HermezVesting public constant VESTING_2 = HermezVesting(0xB213aeAeF76f82e42263fe896433A260EF018df2); HermezVesting public constant VESTING_3 = HermezVesting(0x3049399e1308db7d2b28488880C6cFE9Aa003275); address public constant MULTISIG_VESTING_2 = 0xC21BE548060cB6E07017bFc0b926A71b5E638e09; address public constant MULTISIG_VESTING_3 = 0x5Fa543E23a1B62e45d010f81AFC0602456BD1F1d; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_0 = 0x94E886bB17451A7B82E594db12570a5AdFC2D453; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_1 = 0x4FE10B3e306aC1F4b966Db07f031ae5780BC48fB; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_2 = 0x6629300128CCdda1e88641Ba2941a22Ce82F5df9; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_3 = 0xEb60e28Ce3aCa617d1E0293791c1903cF022b9Cd; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_4 = 0x9a415E0cE643abc4AD953B651b2D7e4db2FF3bEa; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_5 = 0x15b54c53093aF3e11d787db86e268a6C4F2F72A2; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_6 = 0x3279c71F132833190F6cd1D6a9975FFBf8d7C6dC; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_7 = 0x312e6f33155177774CDa1A3C4e9f077D93266063; address public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_8 = 0x47690A724Ed551fe2ff1A5eBa335B7c1B7a40990; address public constant VESTING_1_ADDRESS_0 = 0x80FbB6dd386FC98D2B387F37845A373c8441c069; address public constant VESTING_2_ADDRESS_0 = 0xBd48F607E26d94772FB21ED1d814F9F116dBD95C; address public constant VESTING_3_ADDRESS_0 = 0x520Cf70a2D0B3dfB7386A2Bc9F800321F62a5c3a; address public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_0 = 0x4D4a7675CC0eb0a3B1d81CbDcd828c4BD0D74155; address public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_1 = 0x9CdaeBd2bcEED9EB05a3B3cccd601A40CB0026be; address public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_2 = 0x9315F815002d472A3E993ac9dc7461f2601A3c09; address public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_3 = 0xF96A39d61F6972d8dC0CCd2A3c082eD922E096a7; address public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_4 = 0xA93Bb239509D16827B7ee9DA7dA6Fc8478837247; address public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_5 = 0x99Ae889E171B82BB04FD22E254024716932e5F2f; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_AMOUNT = 20_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_1_AMOUNT = 10_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_2_AMOUNT = 6_200_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_3_AMOUNT = 17_500_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT = 12_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_1_AMOUNT = 1_850_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_2_AMOUNT = 1_675_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_3_AMOUNT = 1_300_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_4_AMOUNT = 1_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_5_AMOUNT = 750_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_6_AMOUNT = 625_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_7_AMOUNT = 525_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_0_ADDRESS_8_AMOUNT = 275_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_1_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT = 10_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_2_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT = 500_000 ether; uint256 public constant VESTING_3_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT = 300_000 ether; uint256 public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT = 19_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_1_AMOUNT = 9_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_2_AMOUNT = 7_500_000 ether; uint256 public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_3_AMOUNT = 5_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_4_AMOUNT = 3_000_000 ether; uint256 public constant NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_5_AMOUNT = 2_800_000 ether; uint256 public constant INTERMEDIATE_BALANCE = 46_300_000 ether; function distribute() public { require( TOKEN_ADDRESS.balanceOf(address(this)) == (100_000_000 ether), "BootstrapDistribution::distribute NOT_ENOUGH_BALANCE" ); // Vested Tokens // Transfer HEZ tokens TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(address(VESTING_0),VESTING_0_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(address(VESTING_1),VESTING_1_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(address(VESTING_2),VESTING_2_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(address(VESTING_3),VESTING_3_AMOUNT); // Transfer vested tokens transferVestedTokens0(); transferVestedTokens1(); transferVestedTokens2(); transferVestedTokens3(); // Check intermediate balance require( TOKEN_ADDRESS.balanceOf(address(this)) == INTERMEDIATE_BALANCE, "BootstrapDistribution::distribute NOT_ENOUGH_NO_VESTED_BALANCE" ); // No Vested Tokens TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_0, NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_1, NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_1_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_2, NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_2_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_3, NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_3_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_4, NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_4_AMOUNT); TOKEN_ADDRESS.transfer(NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_5, NO_VESTED_ADDRESS_5_AMOUNT); require( TOKEN_ADDRESS.balanceOf(address(this)) == 0, "BootstrapDistribution::distribute PENDING_BALANCE" ); } function transferVestedTokens0() internal { VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_0, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_1, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_1_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_2, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_2_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_3, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_3_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_4, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_4_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_5, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_5_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_6, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_6_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_7, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_7_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.move(VESTING_0_ADDRESS_8, VESTING_0_ADDRESS_8_AMOUNT); VESTING_0.changeAddress(address(0)); } function transferVestedTokens1() internal { VESTING_1.move(VESTING_1_ADDRESS_0, VESTING_1_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT); VESTING_1.changeAddress(address(0)); } function transferVestedTokens2() internal { VESTING_2.move(VESTING_2_ADDRESS_0, VESTING_2_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT); VESTING_2.changeAddress(MULTISIG_VESTING_2); } function transferVestedTokens3() internal { VESTING_3.move(VESTING_3_ADDRESS_0, VESTING_3_ADDRESS_0_AMOUNT); VESTING_3.changeAddress(MULTISIG_VESTING_3); } } contract HermezVesting { using SafeMath for uint256; address public distributor; mapping(address => uint256) public vestedTokens; mapping(address => uint256) public withdrawed; uint256 public totalVestedTokens; uint256 public startTime; uint256 public cliffTime; uint256 public endTime; uint256 public initialPercentage; address public constant HEZ = address( 0xEEF9f339514298C6A857EfCfC1A762aF84438dEE ); event Withdraw(address indexed recipient, uint256 amount); event Move(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event ChangeAddress(address indexed oldAddress, address indexed newAddress); constructor( address _distributor, uint256 _totalVestedTokens, uint256 _startTime, uint256 _startToCliff, uint256 _startToEnd, uint256 _initialPercentage ) public { require( _startToEnd >= _startToCliff, "HermezVesting::constructor: START_GREATER_THAN_CLIFF" ); require( _initialPercentage <= 100, "HermezVesting::constructor: INITIALPERCENTAGE_GREATER_THAN_100" ); distributor = _distributor; totalVestedTokens = _totalVestedTokens; vestedTokens[_distributor] = _totalVestedTokens; startTime = _startTime; cliffTime = _startTime + _startToCliff; endTime = _startTime + _startToEnd; initialPercentage = _initialPercentage; } function totalTokensUnlockedAt(uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256) { if (timestamp < startTime) return 0; if (timestamp > endTime) return totalVestedTokens; uint256 initialAmount = totalVestedTokens.mul(initialPercentage).div( 100 ); if (timestamp < cliffTime) return initialAmount; uint256 deltaT = timestamp.sub(startTime); uint256 deltaTTotal = endTime.sub(startTime); uint256 deltaAmountTotal = totalVestedTokens.sub(initialAmount); return initialAmount.add(deltaT.mul(deltaAmountTotal).div(deltaTTotal)); } function withdrawableTokens(address recipient) public view returns (uint256) { return withdrawableTokensAt(recipient, block.timestamp); } function withdrawableTokensAt(address recipient, uint256 timestamp) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 unlockedAmount = totalTokensUnlockedAt(timestamp) .mul(vestedTokens[recipient]) .div(totalVestedTokens); return unlockedAmount.sub(withdrawed[recipient]); } function withdraw() external { require( msg.sender != distributor, "HermezVesting::withdraw: DISTRIBUTOR_CANNOT_WITHDRAW" ); uint256 remainingToWithdraw = withdrawableTokensAt( msg.sender, block.timestamp ); withdrawed[msg.sender] = withdrawed[msg.sender].add( remainingToWithdraw ); require( IERC20(HEZ).transfer(msg.sender, remainingToWithdraw), "HermezVesting::withdraw: TOKEN_TRANSFER_ERROR" ); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, remainingToWithdraw); } function move(address recipient, uint256 amount) external { require( msg.sender == distributor, "HermezVesting::changeAddress: ONLY_DISTRIBUTOR" ); vestedTokens[msg.sender] = vestedTokens[msg.sender].sub(amount); vestedTokens[recipient] = vestedTokens[recipient].add(amount); emit Move(msg.sender, recipient, amount); } function changeAddress(address newAddress) external { require( vestedTokens[newAddress] == 0, "HermezVesting::changeAddress: ADDRESS_HAS_BALANCE" ); require( withdrawed[newAddress] == 0, "HermezVesting::changeAddress: ADDRESS_ALREADY_WITHDRAWED" ); vestedTokens[newAddress] = vestedTokens[msg.sender]; vestedTokens[msg.sender] = 0; withdrawed[newAddress] = withdrawed[msg.sender]; withdrawed[msg.sender] = 0; if (msg.sender == distributor) { distributor = newAddress; } emit ChangeAddress(msg.sender, newAddress); } } contract LPTokenWrapper { using SafeMath for uint256; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; // Uniswap v2 HEZ/ETH pair token IERC20 public UNI = IERC20(0x4a9EFa254085F36122d4b8BD2111544F8dC77052); uint256 private _totalSupply; mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } function balanceOf(address account) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } function stake(uint256 amount) public virtual { _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[msg.sender] = _balances[msg.sender].add(amount); UNI.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); } function withdraw(uint256 amount) public virtual { _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); _balances[msg.sender] = _balances[msg.sender].sub(amount); UNI.safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } } contract Unipool is LPTokenWrapper, IERC777Recipient { uint256 public constant DURATION = 30 days; // Hermez Network Token IERC20 public HEZ = IERC20(0xcAEf929782361ccE9618c014D2867E423fE84ae7); IERC1820Registry private constant _ERC1820_REGISTRY = IERC1820Registry( 0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24 ); bytes32 private constant _ERC777_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE_HASH = keccak256( "ERC777TokensRecipient" ); uint256 public periodFinish; uint256 public rewardRate; uint256 public lastUpdateTime; uint256 public rewardPerTokenStored; mapping(address => uint256) public userRewardPerTokenPaid; mapping(address => uint256) public rewards; event RewardAdded(uint256 reward); event Staked(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event RewardPaid(address indexed user, uint256 reward); modifier updateReward(address account) { rewardPerTokenStored = rewardPerToken(); lastUpdateTime = lastTimeRewardApplicable(); if (account != address(0)) { rewards[account] = earned(account); userRewardPerTokenPaid[account] = rewardPerTokenStored; } _; } constructor() public { _ERC1820_REGISTRY.setInterfaceImplementer( address(this), _ERC777_RECIPIENT_INTERFACE_HASH, address(this) ); } function lastTimeRewardApplicable() public view returns (uint256) { return Math.min(block.timestamp, periodFinish); } function rewardPerToken() public view returns (uint256) { if (totalSupply() == 0) { return rewardPerTokenStored; } require( lastTimeRewardApplicable() >= lastUpdateTime, "lastTimeRewardApplicable < lastUpdateTime" ); return rewardPerTokenStored.add( lastTimeRewardApplicable() .sub(lastUpdateTime) .mul(rewardRate) .mul(1e18) .div(totalSupply()) ); } function earned(address account) public view returns (uint256) { require( rewardPerToken() >= userRewardPerTokenPaid[account], "rewardPerToken() < userRewardPerTokenPaid[account] " ); return balanceOf(account) .mul(rewardPerToken().sub(userRewardPerTokenPaid[account])) .div(1e18) .add(rewards[account]); } // stake visibility is public as overriding LPTokenWrapper's stake() function function stake(uint256 amount) public override updateReward(msg.sender) { require(amount > 0, "Cannot stake 0"); super.stake(amount); emit Staked(msg.sender, amount); } function withdraw(uint256 amount) public override updateReward(msg.sender) { require(amount > 0, "Cannot withdraw 0"); super.withdraw(amount); emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, amount); } function exit() external { withdraw(balanceOf(msg.sender)); getReward(); } function getReward() public updateReward(msg.sender) { uint256 reward = earned(msg.sender); if (reward > 0) { rewards[msg.sender] = 0; HEZ.safeTransfer(msg.sender, reward); emit RewardPaid(msg.sender, reward); } } function tokensReceived( // solhint-disable no-unused-vars address _operator, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _userData, bytes calldata _operatorData ) external override updateReward(address(0)) { require(_amount > 0, "Cannot approve 0"); require(msg.sender == address(HEZ), "Wrong token"); require( _from == 0xF35960302a07022aBa880DFFaEC2Fdd64d5BF1c1, "Not allowed" ); if (block.timestamp >= periodFinish) { rewardRate = _amount.div(DURATION); } else { uint256 remaining = periodFinish.sub(block.timestamp); uint256 leftover = remaining.mul(rewardRate); rewardRate = _amount.add(leftover).div(DURATION); } lastUpdateTime = block.timestamp; periodFinish = block.timestamp.add(DURATION); emit RewardAdded(_amount); } } interface IERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function transferFrom( address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool); } library SafeMath { string private constant ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW = "MATH:ADD_OVERFLOW"; string private constant ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW = "MATH:SUB_UNDERFLOW"; function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x, ERROR_ADD_OVERFLOW); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, ERROR_SUB_UNDERFLOW); } } contract HEZ is IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; uint8 public constant decimals = 18; string public constant symbol = "HEZ"; string public constant name = "Hermez Network Token"; uint256 public constant initialBalance = 100_000_000 * (1e18); // bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = // keccak256("Permit(address owner,address spender,uint256 value,uint256 nonce,uint256 deadline)"); bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = 0x6e71edae12b1b97f4d1f60370fef10105fa2faae0126114a169c64845d6126c9; // bytes32 public constant TRANSFER_WITH_AUTHORIZATION_TYPEHASH = // keccak256("TransferWithAuthorization(address from,address to,uint256 value,uint256 validAfter,uint256 validBefore,bytes32 nonce)"); bytes32 public constant TRANSFER_WITH_AUTHORIZATION_TYPEHASH = 0x7c7c6cdb67a18743f49ec6fa9b35f50d52ed05cbed4cc592e13b44501c1a2267; // bytes32 public constant EIP712DOMAIN_HASH = // keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)") bytes32 public constant EIP712DOMAIN_HASH = 0x8b73c3c69bb8fe3d512ecc4cf759cc79239f7b179b0ffacaa9a75d522b39400f; // bytes32 public constant NAME_HASH = // keccak256("Hermez Network Token") bytes32 public constant NAME_HASH = 0x64c0a41a0260272b78f2a5bd50d5ff7c1779bc3bba16dcff4550c7c642b0e4b4; // bytes32 public constant VERSION_HASH = // keccak256("1") bytes32 public constant VERSION_HASH = 0xc89efdaa54c0f20c7adf612882df0950f5a951637e0307cdcb4c672f298b8bc6; uint256 public override totalSupply; mapping(address => uint256) public override balanceOf; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public override allowance; mapping(address => uint256) public nonces; mapping(address => mapping(bytes32 => bool)) public authorizationState; event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event AuthorizationUsed(address indexed authorizer, bytes32 indexed nonce); constructor(address initialHolder) public { _mint(initialHolder, initialBalance); } function _validateSignedData( address signer, bytes32 encodeData, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) internal view { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode( EIP712DOMAIN_HASH, NAME_HASH, VERSION_HASH, getChainId(), address(this) ) ); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, encodeData) ); address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); // Explicitly disallow authorizations for address(0) as ecrecover returns address(0) on malformed messages require( recoveredAddress != address(0) && recoveredAddress == signer, "HEZ::_validateSignedData: INVALID_SIGNATURE" ); } function getChainId() public pure returns (uint256 chainId){ assembly { chainId := chainid() } } function _mint(address to, uint256 value) internal { totalSupply = totalSupply.add(value); balanceOf[to] = balanceOf[to].add(value); emit Transfer(address(0), to, value); } function _burn(address from, uint value) internal { // Balance is implicitly checked with SafeMath's underflow protection balanceOf[from] = balanceOf[from].sub(value); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(value); emit Transfer(from, address(0), value); } function _approve( address owner, address spender, uint256 value ) private { allowance[owner][spender] = value; emit Approval(owner, spender, value); } function _transfer( address from, address to, uint256 value ) private { require( to != address(this) && to != address(0), "HEZ::_transfer: NOT_VALID_TRANSFER" ); // Balance is implicitly checked with SafeMath's underflow protection balanceOf[from] = balanceOf[from].sub(value); balanceOf[to] = balanceOf[to].add(value); emit Transfer(from, to, value); } function burn(uint256 value) external returns (bool) { _burn(msg.sender, value); return true; } function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external override returns (bool) { _approve(msg.sender, spender, value); return true; } function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external override returns (bool) { _transfer(msg.sender, to, value); return true; } function transferFrom( address from, address to, uint256 value ) external override returns (bool) { uint256 fromAllowance = allowance[from][msg.sender]; if (fromAllowance != uint256(-1)) { // Allowance is implicitly checked with SafeMath's underflow protection allowance[from][msg.sender] = fromAllowance.sub(value); } _transfer(from, to, value); return true; } function permit( address owner, address spender, uint256 value, uint256 deadline, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "HEZ::permit: AUTH_EXPIRED"); bytes32 encodeData = keccak256( abi.encode( PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, value, nonces[owner]++, deadline ) ); _validateSignedData(owner, encodeData, v, r, s); _approve(owner, spender, value); } function transferWithAuthorization( address from, address to, uint256 value, uint256 validAfter, uint256 validBefore, bytes32 nonce, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { require(block.timestamp > validAfter, "HEZ::transferWithAuthorization: AUTH_NOT_YET_VALID"); require(block.timestamp < validBefore, "HEZ::transferWithAuthorization: AUTH_EXPIRED"); require(!authorizationState[from][nonce], "HEZ::transferWithAuthorization: AUTH_ALREADY_USED"); bytes32 encodeData = keccak256( abi.encode( TRANSFER_WITH_AUTHORIZATION_TYPEHASH, from, to, value, validAfter, validBefore, nonce ) ); _validateSignedData(from, encodeData, v, r, s); authorizationState[from][nonce] = true; _transfer(from, to, value); emit AuthorizationUsed(from, nonce); } } contract HEZMock is HEZ { constructor(address initialHolder) public HEZ(initialHolder) {} function mint(address to, uint256 value) external { super._mint(to, value); } }
[ 4, 37, 9, 13, 16 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x44e4EF23b4794699D0625657cADcB96e07820fFe; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = exData.srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS ? msg.value - exData.srcAmount : msg.value; (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = exData.srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS ? msg.value - exData.srcAmount : msg.value; (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } uint256 tokensBefore = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr) - tokensBefore; } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[0], _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(DAI_ADDRESS); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xBcEAb469CbBA225E9dc9Cbd898808A4742687096; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0ed294340b6328647A652207AA72902747C84c94; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.6; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract DSAuthEvents { event LogSetAuthority(address indexed authority); event LogSetOwner(address indexed owner); } contract DSAuth is DSAuthEvents { DSAuthority public authority; address public owner; constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; emit LogSetOwner(msg.sender); } function setOwner(address owner_) public auth { owner = owner_; emit LogSetOwner(owner); } function setAuthority(DSAuthority authority_) public auth { authority = authority_; emit LogSetAuthority(address(authority)); } modifier auth { require(isAuthorized(msg.sender, msg.sig)); _; } function isAuthorized(address src, bytes4 sig) internal view returns (bool) { if (src == address(this)) { return true; } else if (src == owner) { return true; } else if (authority == DSAuthority(0)) { return false; } else { return authority.canCall(src, address(this), sig); } } } abstract contract DSAuthority { function canCall(address src, address dst, bytes4 sig) public virtual view returns (bool); } abstract contract DSGuard { function canCall(address src_, address dst_, bytes4 sig) public view virtual returns (bool); function permit(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(bytes32 src, bytes32 dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function permit(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; function forbid(address src, address dst, bytes32 sig) public virtual; } abstract contract DSGuardFactory { function newGuard() public virtual returns (DSGuard guard); } contract DSMath { function add(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function div(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x / y; } function min(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function max(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } function imin(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x <= y ? x : y; } function imax(int256 x, int256 y) internal pure returns (int256 z) { return x >= y ? x : y; } uint256 constant WAD = 10**18; uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; function wmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), WAD / 2) / WAD; } function rmul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, y), RAY / 2) / RAY; } function wdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, WAD), y / 2) / y; } function rdiv(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = add(mul(x, RAY), y / 2) / y; } // This famous algorithm is called "exponentiation by squaring" // and calculates x^n with x as fixed-point and n as regular unsigned. // // It's O(log n), instead of O(n) for naive repeated multiplication. // // These facts are why it works: // // If n is even, then x^n = (x^2)^(n/2). // If n is odd, then x^n = x * x^(n-1), // and applying the equation for even x gives // x^n = x * (x^2)^((n-1) / 2). // // Also, EVM division is flooring and // floor[(n-1) / 2] = floor[n / 2]. // function rpow(uint256 x, uint256 n) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { z = n % 2 != 0 ? x : RAY; for (n /= 2; n != 0; n /= 2) { x = rmul(x, x); if (n % 2 != 0) { z = rmul(z, x); } } } } contract DSNote { event LogNote( bytes4 indexed sig, address indexed guy, bytes32 indexed foo, bytes32 indexed bar, uint256 wad, bytes fax ) anonymous; modifier note { bytes32 foo; bytes32 bar; assembly { foo := calldataload(4) bar := calldataload(36) } emit LogNote(msg.sig, msg.sender, foo, bar, msg.value,; _; } } abstract contract DSProxy is DSAuth, DSNote { DSProxyCache public cache; // global cache for contracts constructor(address _cacheAddr) public { require(setCache(_cacheAddr)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external payable {} // use the proxy to execute calldata _data on contract _code // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public // payable // virtual // returns (address target, bytes32 response); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public payable virtual returns (bytes32 response); //set new cache function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); } contract DSProxyCache { mapping(bytes32 => address) cache; function read(bytes memory _code) public view returns (address) { bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); return cache[hash]; } function write(bytes memory _code) public returns (address target) { assembly { target := create(0, add(_code, 0x20), mload(_code)) switch iszero(extcodesize(target)) case 1 { // throw if contract failed to deploy revert(0, 0) } } bytes32 hash = keccak256(_code); cache[hash] = target; } } abstract contract DSProxyFactoryInterface { function build(address owner) public virtual returns (DSProxy proxy); } contract Migrations { address public owner; uint public last_completed_migration; modifier restricted() { if (msg.sender == owner) _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted { last_completed_migration = completed; } function upgrade(address new_address) public restricted { Migrations upgraded = Migrations(new_address); upgraded.setCompleted(last_completed_migration); } } contract AaveHelper is DSMath { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint public constant NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI = 999900000000000000; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @param _collateralAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxCollateral(address _collateralAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddressDataProvider = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolDataProvider(); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); // fetch all needed data // using LTV as tokenLiquidationThreshold (,uint256 totalCollateralETH, uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddressDataProvider).calculateUserGlobalData(_user); (,uint256 tokenLiquidationThreshold,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_collateralAddress); uint256 collateralPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_collateralAddress); uint256 userTokenBalance = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(_collateralAddress, _user); uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(userTokenBalance, collateralPrice); // if borrow is 0, return whole user balance if (totalBorrowsETH == 0) { return userTokenBalance; } uint256 maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), currentLiquidationThreshold); /// @dev final amount can't be higher than users token balance maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; // might happen due to wmul precision if (maxCollateralEth >= totalCollateralETH) { return totalCollateralETH; } // get sum of all other reserves multiplied with their liquidation thresholds by reversing formula uint256 a = sub(wmul(currentLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), wmul(tokenLiquidationThreshold, userTokenBalanceEth)); // add new collateral amount multiplied by its threshold, and then divide with new total collateral uint256 newLiquidationThreshold = wdiv(add(a, wmul(sub(userTokenBalanceEth, maxCollateralEth), tokenLiquidationThreshold)), sub(totalCollateralETH, maxCollateralEth)); // if new threshold is lower than first one, calculate new max collateral with newLiquidationThreshold if (newLiquidationThreshold < currentLiquidationThreshold) { maxCollateralEth = div(sub(mul(newLiquidationThreshold, totalCollateralETH), mul(totalBorrowsETH, 100)), newLiquidationThreshold); maxCollateralEth = maxCollateralEth > userTokenBalanceEth ? userTokenBalanceEth : maxCollateralEth; } return wmul(wdiv(maxCollateralEth, collateralPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @param _borrowAddress underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getMaxBorrow(address _borrowAddress, address _user) public view returns (uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); (,,,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); uint256 borrowPrice = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_borrowAddress); return wmul(wdiv(availableBorrowsETH, borrowPrice), NINETY_NINE_PERCENT_WEI); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _tokenAddr token addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _tokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddr); _gasCost = wmul(_gasCost, price); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } /// @notice Send specific amount from contract to specific user /// @param _token Token we are trying to send /// @param _user User that should receive funds /// @param _amount Amount that should be sent function sendContractBalance(address _token, address _user, uint _amount) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { payable(_user).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_user, _amount); } } function sendFullContractBalance(address _token, address _user) public { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, address(this).balance); } else { sendContractBalance(_token, _user, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } } } contract AaveSafetyRatio is AaveHelper { function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns(uint256) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,uint256 totalBorrowsETH,,uint256 availableBorrowsETH,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserAccountData(_user); return wdiv(add(totalBorrowsETH, availableBorrowsETH), totalBorrowsETH); } } contract AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public owner; address public admin; modifier onlyOwner() { require(owner == msg.sender); _; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Admin is set by owner first time, after that admin is super role and has permission to change owner /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes admin function setAdminByOwner(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == owner); require(admin == address(0)); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to set new admin /// @param _admin Address of multisig that becomes new admin function setAdminByAdmin(address _admin) public { require(msg.sender == admin); admin = _admin; } /// @notice Admin is able to change owner /// @param _owner Address of new owner function setOwnerByAdmin(address _owner) public { require(msg.sender == admin); owner = _owner; } /// @notice Destroy the contract function kill() public onlyOwner { selfdestruct(payable(owner)); } /// @notice withdraw stuck funds function withdrawStuckFunds(address _token, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { if (_token == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { payable(owner).transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract Auth is AdminAuth { bool public ALL_AUTHORIZED = false; mapping(address => bool) public authorized; modifier onlyAuthorized() { require(ALL_AUTHORIZED || authorized[msg.sender]); _; } constructor() public { authorized[msg.sender] = true; } function setAuthorized(address _user, bool _approved) public onlyOwner { authorized[_user] = _approved; } function setAllAuthorized(bool _authorized) public onlyOwner { ALL_AUTHORIZED = _authorized; } } contract ProxyPermission { address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to authorize an address /// @param _contractAddr Address which will be authorized function givePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } /// @notice Called in the context of DSProxy to remove authority of an address /// @param _contractAddr Auth address which will be removed from authority list function removePermission(address _contractAddr) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); // if there is no authority, that means that contract doesn't have permission if (currAuthority == address(0)) { return; } DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); guard.forbid(_contractAddr, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); } } contract CompoundMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _compoundSaverProxy Address of CompoundSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to CompoundSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _compoundSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_compoundSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract CompoundSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct CompoundHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } CompoundHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Compound position /// @notice Adds the users Compound poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; CompoundHolder memory subscription = CompoundHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (CompoundHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CompoundHolder[] memory) { CompoundHolder[] memory holders = new CompoundHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract CompoundSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0x52015EFFD577E08f498a0CCc11905925D58D6207; address public constant COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xB1cF8DE8e791E4Ed1Bd86c03E2fc1f14389Cb10a; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(COMPOUND_MONITOR_PROXY); ICompoundSubscription(COMPOUND_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract CompoundCreateTaker is ProxyPermission { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateInfo { address cCollAddress; address cBorrowAddress; uint depositAmount; } /// @notice Main function which will take a FL and open a leverage position /// @dev Call through DSProxy, if _exchangeData.destAddr is a token approve DSProxy /// @param _createInfo [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, depositAmount] /// @param _exchangeData Exchange data struct function openLeveragedLoan( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address payable _compReceiver ) public payable { uint loanAmount = _exchangeData.srcAmount; // Pull tokens from user if (_exchangeData.destAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_exchangeData.destAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createInfo.depositAmount); } else { require(msg.value >= _createInfo.depositAmount, "Must send correct amount of eth"); } // Send tokens to FL receiver sendDeposit(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.destAddr); // Pack the struct data (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createInfo, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, cAddresses, callData, address(this)); givePermission(_compReceiver); lendingPool.flashLoan(_compReceiver, _exchangeData.srcAddr, loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(_compReceiver); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundLeveragedLoan", abi.encode(_exchangeData.srcAddr, _exchangeData.destAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount, _exchangeData.destAmount)); } function sendDeposit(address payable _compoundReceiver, address _token) internal { if (_token != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_compoundReceiver, ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this))); } _compoundReceiver.transfer(address(this).balance); } function _packData( CreateInfo memory _createInfo, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[4] memory numData, address[6] memory cAddresses, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; cAddresses = [ _createInfo.cCollAddress, _createInfo.cBorrowAddress, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract CarefulMath { /** * @dev Possible error codes that we can return */ enum MathError { NO_ERROR, DIVISION_BY_ZERO, INTEGER_OVERFLOW, INTEGER_UNDERFLOW } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function mulUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (a == 0) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, 0); } uint c = a * b; if (c / a != b) { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } else { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers, truncating the quotient. */ function divUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b == 0) { return (MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a / b); } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, returns an error on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function subUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { if (b <= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, a - b); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_UNDERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, returns an error on overflow. */ function addUInt(uint a, uint b) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { uint c = a + b; if (c >= a) { return (MathError.NO_ERROR, c); } else { return (MathError.INTEGER_OVERFLOW, 0); } } /** * @dev add a and b and then subtract c */ function addThenSubUInt(uint a, uint b, uint c) internal pure returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err0, uint sum) = addUInt(a, b); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, 0); } return subUInt(sum, c); } } contract Exponential is CarefulMath { uint constant expScale = 1e18; uint constant halfExpScale = expScale/2; uint constant mantissaOne = expScale; struct Exp { uint mantissa; } /** * @dev Creates an exponential from numerator and denominator values. * Note: Returns an error if (`num` * 10e18) > MAX_INT, * or if `denom` is zero. */ function getExp(uint num, uint denom) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledNumerator) = mulUInt(num, expScale); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err1, uint rational) = divUInt(scaledNumerator, denom); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: rational})); } /** * @dev Adds two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function addExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = addUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Subtracts two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function subExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError error, uint result) = subUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); return (error, Exp({mantissa: result})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function mulScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint scaledMantissa) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: scaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncate(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(product)); } /** * @dev Multiply an Exp by a scalar, truncate, then add an to an unsigned integer, returning an unsigned integer. */ function mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(Exp memory a, uint scalar, uint addend) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory product) = mulScalar(a, scalar); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return addUInt(truncate(product), addend); } /** * @dev Divide an Exp by a scalar, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalar(Exp memory a, uint scalar) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint descaledMantissa) = divUInt(a.mantissa, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: descaledMantissa})); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, returning a new Exp. */ function divScalarByExp(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { /* We are doing this as: getExp(mulUInt(expScale, scalar), divisor.mantissa) How it works: Exp = a / b; Scalar = s; `s / (a / b)` = `b * s / a` and since for an Exp `a = mantissa, b = expScale` */ (MathError err0, uint numerator) = mulUInt(expScale, scalar); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } return getExp(numerator, divisor.mantissa); } /** * @dev Divide a scalar by an Exp, then truncate to return an unsigned integer. */ function divScalarByExpTruncate(uint scalar, Exp memory divisor) pure internal returns (MathError, uint) { (MathError err, Exp memory fraction) = divScalarByExp(scalar, divisor); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, 0); } return (MathError.NO_ERROR, truncate(fraction)); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err0, uint doubleScaledProduct) = mulUInt(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); if (err0 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err0, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } // We add half the scale before dividing so that we get rounding instead of truncation. // See "Listing 6" and text above it at // Without this change, a result like 6.6...e-19 will be truncated to 0 instead of being rounded to 1e-18. (MathError err1, uint doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale) = addUInt(halfExpScale, doubleScaledProduct); if (err1 != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err1, Exp({mantissa: 0})); } (MathError err2, uint product) = divUInt(doubleScaledProductWithHalfScale, expScale); // The only error `div` can return is MathError.DIVISION_BY_ZERO but we control `expScale` and it is not zero. assert(err2 == MathError.NO_ERROR); return (MathError.NO_ERROR, Exp({mantissa: product})); } /** * @dev Multiplies two exponentials given their mantissas, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp(uint a, uint b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return mulExp(Exp({mantissa: a}), Exp({mantissa: b})); } /** * @dev Multiplies three exponentials, returning a new exponential. */ function mulExp3(Exp memory a, Exp memory b, Exp memory c) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { (MathError err, Exp memory ab) = mulExp(a, b); if (err != MathError.NO_ERROR) { return (err, ab); } return mulExp(ab, c); } /** * @dev Divides two exponentials, returning a new exponential. * (a/scale) / (b/scale) = (a/scale) * (scale/b) = a/b, * which we can scale as an Exp by calling getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa) */ function divExp(Exp memory a, Exp memory b) pure internal returns (MathError, Exp memory) { return getExp(a.mantissa, b.mantissa); } /** * @dev Truncates the given exp to a whole number value. * For example, truncate(Exp{mantissa: 15 * expScale}) = 15 */ function truncate(Exp memory exp) pure internal returns (uint) { // Note: We are not using careful math here as we're performing a division that cannot fail return exp.mantissa / expScale; } /** * @dev Checks if first Exp is less than second Exp. */ function lessThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa < right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp <= right Exp. */ function lessThanOrEqualExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa <= right.mantissa; } /** * @dev Checks if left Exp > right Exp. */ function greaterThanExp(Exp memory left, Exp memory right) pure internal returns (bool) { return left.mantissa > right.mantissa; } /** * @dev returns true if Exp is exactly zero */ function isZeroExp(Exp memory value) pure internal returns (bool) { return value.mantissa == 0; } } contract CompoundBorrowProxy { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function borrow(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cCollToken; markets[1] = _cBorrowToken; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_borrowToken != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_borrowToken).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } } contract AllowanceProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; // TODO: Real saver exchange address SaverExchange saverExchange = SaverExchange(0x235abFAd01eb1BDa28Ef94087FBAA63E18074926); function callSell(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); saverExchange.sell{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function callBuy(SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exData) public payable { pullAndSendTokens(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount);{value: msg.value}(exData, msg.sender); } function pullAndSendTokens(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { require(msg.value >= _amount, "msg.value smaller than amount"); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(saverExchange), _amount); } } function ownerChangeExchange(address payable _newExchange) public onlyOwner { saverExchange = SaverExchange(_newExchange); } } contract Prices is DSMath { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } /// @notice Returns the best estimated price from 2 exchanges /// @param _amount Amount of source tokens you want to exchange /// @param _srcToken Address of the source token /// @param _destToken Address of the destination token /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @param _wrappers Array of wrapper addresses to compare /// @return (address, uint) The address of the best exchange and the exchange price function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, ActionType _type, address[] memory _wrappers ) public returns (address, uint256) { uint256[] memory rates = new uint256[](_wrappers.length); for (uint i=0; i<_wrappers.length; i++) { rates[i] = getExpectedRate(_wrappers[i], _srcToken, _destToken, _amount, _type); } if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { return getBiggestRate(_wrappers, rates); } else { return getSmallestRate(_wrappers, rates); } } /// @notice Return the expected rate from the exchange wrapper /// @dev In case of Oasis/Uniswap handles the different precision tokens /// @param _wrapper Address of exchange wrapper /// @param _srcToken From token /// @param _destToken To token /// @param _amount Amount to be exchanged /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY function getExpectedRate( address _wrapper, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _amount, ActionType _type ) public returns (uint256) { bool success; bytes memory result; if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { (success, result) = "getSellRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } else { (success, result) = "getBuyRate(address,address,uint256)", _srcToken, _destToken, _amount )); } if (success) { return sliceUint(result, 0); } return 0; } /// @notice Finds the biggest rate between exchanges, needed for sell rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getBiggestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 maxIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if (_rates[i] > _rates[maxIndex]) { maxIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[maxIndex], _rates[maxIndex]); } /// @notice Finds the smallest rate between exchanges, needed for buy rate /// @param _wrappers Array of wrappers to compare /// @param _rates Array of rates to compare function getSmallestRate( address[] memory _wrappers, uint256[] memory _rates ) internal pure returns (address, uint) { uint256 minIndex = 0; // starting from 0 in case there is only one rate in array for (uint256 i=0; i<_rates.length; i++) { if ((_rates[i] < _rates[minIndex] && _rates[i] > 0) || _rates[minIndex] == 0) { minIndex = i; } } return (_wrappers[minIndex], _rates[minIndex]); } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeHelper { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDRESS = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; address public constant SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY = 0x25dd3F51e0C3c3Ff164DDC02A8E4D65Bb9cBB12D; address public constant ERC20_PROXY_0X = 0x95E6F48254609A6ee006F7D493c8e5fB97094ceF; address public constant ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR = 0x4BA1f38427b33B8ab7Bb0490200dAE1F1C36823F; function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } function getBalance(address _tokenAddr) internal view returns (uint balance) { if (_tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { balance = address(this).balance; } else { balance = ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } } function approve0xProxy(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(address(ERC20_PROXY_0X), _amount); } } function sendLeftover(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, address payable _to) internal { // send back any leftover ether or tokens if (address(this).balance > 0) { _to.transfer(address(this).balance); } if (getBalance(_srcAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_srcAddr)); } if (getBalance(_destAddr) > 0) { ERC20(_destAddr).safeTransfer(_to, getBalance(_destAddr)); } } function sliceUint(bytes memory bs, uint256 start) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(bs.length >= start + 32, "slicing out of range"); uint256 x; assembly { x := mload(add(bs, add(0x20, start))) } return x; } } contract SaverExchangeRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping(address => bool) private wrappers; constructor() public { wrappers[0x880A845A85F843a5c67DB2061623c6Fc3bB4c511] = true; wrappers[0x4c9B55f2083629A1F7aDa257ae984E03096eCD25] = true; wrappers[0x42A9237b872368E1bec4Ca8D26A928D7d39d338C] = true; } function addWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = true; } function removeWrapper(address _wrapper) public onlyOwner { wrappers[_wrapper] = false; } function isWrapper(address _wrapper) public view returns(bool) { return wrappers[_wrapper]; } } abstract contract CEtherInterface { function mint() external virtual payable; function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; } abstract contract Cat { struct Ilk { address flip; // Liquidator uint256 chop; // Liquidation Penalty [ray] uint256 lump; // Liquidation Quantity [wad] } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; } abstract contract CompoundOracleInterface { function getUnderlyingPrice(address cToken) external view virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract ComptrollerInterface { function enterMarkets(address[] calldata cTokens) external virtual returns (uint256[] memory); function exitMarket(address cToken) external virtual returns (uint256); function getAssetsIn(address account) external virtual view returns (address[] memory); function markets(address account) public virtual view returns (bool, uint256); function getAccountLiquidity(address account) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256); function claimComp(address holder) virtual public; function oracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxyInterface { /// Truffle wont compile if this isn't commented // function execute(bytes memory _code, bytes memory _data) // public virtual // payable // returns (address, bytes32); function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) public virtual payable returns (bytes32); function setCache(address _cacheAddr) public virtual payable returns (bool); function owner() public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); function give(uint, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint) public virtual; function frob(uint, int, int) public virtual; function frob(uint, address, int, int) public virtual; function flux(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function move(uint, address, uint) public virtual; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) public virtual; function quit(uint, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint) public virtual; function shift(uint, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual; } abstract contract PotLike { function chi() public virtual view returns (uint); function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint); function drip() public virtual; function join(uint) public virtual; function exit(uint) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract DssProxyActions { function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public virtual; function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public virtual payable; function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual payable; function hope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function nope(address obj, address usr) public virtual; function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function give(address manager, uint cdp, address usr) public virtual; function giveToProxy(address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function cdpAllow(address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function urnAllow(address manager, address usr, uint ok) public virtual; function flux(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad) public virtual; function move(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function frob(address manager, uint cdp, address dst, int dink, int dart) public virtual; function quit(address manager, uint cdp, address dst) public virtual; function enter(address manager, address src, uint cdp) public virtual; function shift(address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg) public virtual; function makeGemBag(address gemJoin) public virtual returns (address bag); function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp) public virtual payable; function safeLockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual payable; function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function safeLockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom, address owner) public virtual; function freeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function freeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function wipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad) public virtual; function safeWipe(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, address owner) public virtual; function wipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp) public virtual; function safeWipeAll(address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, address owner) public virtual; function lockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD) public virtual payable; function openLockETHAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD) public virtual payable returns (uint cdp); function lockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual; function openLockGemAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom) public virtual returns (uint cdp); function openLockGNTAndDraw(address manager, address jug, address gntJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual returns (address bag, uint cdp); function wipeAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeETH(address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; function wipeAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD) public virtual; function wipeAllAndFreeGem(address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC) public virtual; } abstract contract DaiJoin { function vat() public virtual returns (Vat); function dai() public virtual returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint) public virtual; } abstract contract DssProxyActionsDsr { function join(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exit(address daiJoin, address pot, uint wad) virtual public; function exitAll(address daiJoin, address pot) virtual public; } interface ERC20 { function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256 supply); function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256 balance); function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool success); function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256 remaining); function decimals() external view returns (uint256 digits); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } interface ExchangeInterface { function swapEtherToToken(uint256 _ethAmount, address _tokenAddress, uint256 _maxAmount) external payable returns (uint256, uint256); function swapTokenToEther(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _amount, uint256 _maxAmount) external returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(address _src, address _dest, uint256 _amount) external payable returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(address src, address dest, uint256 srcQty) external view returns (uint256 expectedRate); } interface ExchangeInterfaceV2 { function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable returns (uint); function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external payable returns(uint); function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external view returns (uint); } abstract contract Faucet { function gulp(address) public virtual; } abstract contract Flipper { function bids(uint _bidId) public virtual returns (uint256, uint256, address, uint48, uint48, address, address, uint256); function tend(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function dent(uint id, uint lot, uint bid) virtual external; function deal(uint id) virtual external; } abstract contract GasTokenInterface is ERC20 { function free(uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeUpTo(uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); function freeFrom(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (bool success); function freeFromUpTo(address from, uint256 value) public virtual returns (uint256 freed); } abstract contract Gem { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public returns (bool); function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; function allowance(address, address) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract GetCdps { function getCdpsAsc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); function getCdpsDesc(address manager, address guy) external view virtual returns (uint[] memory ids, address[] memory urns, bytes32[] memory ilks); } abstract contract IAToken { function redeem(uint256 _amount) external virtual; } abstract contract IAaveSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ICompoundSubscription { function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) public virtual; function unsubscribe() public virtual; } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; function deposit(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual payable; function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _reserve, bool _useAsCollateral) external virtual; function borrow(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _interestRateMode, uint16 _referralCode) external virtual; function repay( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, address payable _onBehalfOf) external virtual payable; function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) external virtual; function getReserves() external virtual view returns(address[] memory); /// @param _reserve underlying token address function getReserveData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidity, // reserve total liquidity uint256 availableLiquidity, // reserve available liquidity for borrowing uint256 totalBorrowsStable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Stable rate uint256 totalBorrowsVariable, // total amount of outstanding borrows at Variable rate uint256 liquidityRate, // current deposit APY of the reserve for depositors, in Ray units. uint256 variableBorrowRate, // current variable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 stableBorrowRate, // current stable rate APY of the reserve pool, in Ray units. uint256 averageStableBorrowRate, // current average stable borrow rate uint256 utilizationRate, // expressed as total borrows/total liquidity. uint256 liquidityIndex, // cumulative liquidity index uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // cumulative variable borrow index address aTokenAddress, // aTokens contract address for the specific _reserve uint40 lastUpdateTimestamp // timestamp of the last update of reserve data ); /// @param _user users address function getUserAccountData(address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityETH, // user aggregated deposits across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalCollateralETH, // user aggregated collateral across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalBorrowsETH, // user aggregated outstanding borrows across all the reserves. In Wei uint256 totalFeesETH, // user aggregated current outstanding fees in ETH. In Wei uint256 availableBorrowsETH, // user available amount to borrow in ETH uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, // user current average liquidation threshold across all the collaterals deposited uint256 ltv, // user average Loan-to-Value between all the collaterals uint256 healthFactor // user current Health Factor ); /// @param _reserve underlying token address /// @param _user users address function getUserReserveData(address _reserve, address _user) external virtual view returns ( uint256 currentATokenBalance, // user current reserve aToken balance uint256 currentBorrowBalance, // user current reserve outstanding borrow balance uint256 principalBorrowBalance, // user balance of borrowed asset uint256 borrowRateMode, // user borrow rate mode either Stable or Variable uint256 borrowRate, // user current borrow rate APY uint256 liquidityRate, // user current earn rate on _reserve uint256 originationFee, // user outstanding loan origination fee uint256 variableBorrowIndex, // user variable cumulative index uint256 lastUpdateTimestamp, // Timestamp of the last data update bool usageAsCollateralEnabled // Whether the user's current reserve is enabled as a collateral ); function getReserveConfigurationData(address _reserve) external virtual view returns ( uint256 ltv, uint256 liquidationThreshold, uint256 liquidationBonus, address rateStrategyAddress, bool usageAsCollateralEnabled, bool borrowingEnabled, bool stableBorrowRateEnabled, bool isActive ); // ------------------ LendingPoolCoreData ------------------------ function getReserveATokenAddress(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (address); function getReserveConfiguration(address _reserve) external virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, bool); function getUserUnderlyingAssetBalance(address _reserve, address _user) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveAvailableLiquidity(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(address _reserve) public virtual view returns (uint256); // ---------------- LendingPoolDataProvider --------------------- function calculateUserGlobalData(address _user) public virtual view returns ( uint256 totalLiquidityBalanceETH, uint256 totalCollateralBalanceETH, uint256 totalBorrowBalanceETH, uint256 totalFeesETH, uint256 currentLtv, uint256 currentLiquidationThreshold, uint256 healthFactor, bool healthFactorBelowThreshold ); } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function getLendingRateOracle() public virtual view returns (address); } abstract contract ILoanShifter { function getLoanAmount(uint, address) public view virtual returns(uint); function getUnderlyingAsset(address _addr) public view virtual returns (address); } abstract contract IPriceOracleGetterAave { function getAssetPrice(address _asset) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getAssetsPrices(address[] calldata _assets) external virtual view returns(uint256[] memory); function getSourceOfAsset(address _asset) external virtual view returns(address); function getFallbackOracle() external virtual view returns(address); } abstract contract ITokenInterface is ERC20 { function assetBalanceOf(address _owner) public virtual view returns (uint256); function mint(address receiver, uint256 depositAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 mintAmount); function burn(address receiver, uint256 burnAmount) external virtual returns (uint256 loanAmountPaid); function tokenPrice() public virtual view returns (uint256 price); } abstract contract Join { bytes32 public ilk; function dec() virtual public view returns (uint); function gem() virtual public view returns (Gem); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract Jug { struct Ilk { uint256 duty; uint256 rho; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint); } abstract contract KyberNetworkProxyInterface { function maxGasPrice() external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInWei(address user) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getUserCapInTokenWei(address user, ERC20 token) external virtual view returns (uint256); function enabled() external virtual view returns (bool); function info(bytes32 id) external virtual view returns (uint256); function getExpectedRate(ERC20 src, ERC20 dest, uint256 srcQty) public virtual view returns (uint256 expectedRate, uint256 slippageRate); function tradeWithHint( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId, bytes memory hint ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function trade( ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, address destAddress, uint256 maxDestAmount, uint256 minConversionRate, address walletId ) public virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapEtherToToken(ERC20 token, uint256 minConversionRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToEther(ERC20 token, uint256 tokenQty, uint256 minRate) external virtual payable returns (uint256); function swapTokenToToken(ERC20 src, uint256 srcAmount, ERC20 dest, uint256 minConversionRate) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract Manager { function last(address) virtual public returns (uint); function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract OasisInterface { function getBuyAmount(address tokenToBuy, address tokenToPay, uint256 amountToPay) external virtual view returns (uint256 amountBought); function getPayAmount(address tokenToPay, address tokenToBuy, uint256 amountToBuy) public virtual view returns (uint256 amountPaid); function sellAllAmount(address pay_gem, uint256 pay_amt, address buy_gem, uint256 min_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); function buyAllAmount(address buy_gem, uint256 buy_amt, address pay_gem, uint256 max_fill_amount) public virtual returns (uint256 fill_amt); } abstract contract Osm { mapping(address => uint256) public bud; function peep() external view virtual returns (bytes32, bool); } abstract contract OsmMom { mapping (bytes32 => address) public osms; } abstract contract OtcInterface { function buyAllAmount(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual returns (uint256); function getPayAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); function getBuyAmount(address, address, uint256) public virtual view returns (uint256); } abstract contract PipInterface { function read() public virtual returns (bytes32); } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract SaverExchangeInterface { function getBestPrice( uint256 _amount, address _srcToken, address _destToken, uint256 _exchangeType ) public view virtual returns (address, uint256); } abstract contract Spotter { struct Ilk { PipInterface pip; uint256 mat; } mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; uint256 public par; } abstract contract TokenInterface { function allowance(address, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) public virtual returns (uint256); function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual returns (bool); function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract UniswapExchangeInterface { function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_sold); function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external virtual view returns (uint256 eth_bought); function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external virtual view returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToEthTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 eth_bought); function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external virtual payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function tokenToTokenTransferInput( uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_bought); function ethToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual payable returns (uint256 eth_sold); function tokenToEthTransferOutput( uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); function tokenToTokenTransferOutput( uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr ) external virtual returns (uint256 tokens_sold); } abstract contract UniswapFactoryInterface { function getExchange(address token) external view virtual returns (address exchange); } abstract contract UniswapRouterInterface { function swapExactTokensForETH(uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapExactTokensForTokens( uint amountIn, uint amountOutMin, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactETH(uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function swapTokensForExactTokens( uint amountOut, uint amountInMax, address[] calldata path, address to, uint deadline ) external virtual returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsOut(uint amountIn, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); function getAmountsIn(uint amountOut, address[] memory path) public virtual view returns (uint[] memory amounts); } abstract contract Vat { struct Urn { uint256 ink; // Locked Collateral [wad] uint256 art; // Normalised Debt [wad] } struct Ilk { uint256 Art; // Total Normalised Debt [wad] uint256 rate; // Accumulated Rates [ray] uint256 spot; // Price with Safety Margin [ray] uint256 line; // Debt Ceiling [rad] uint256 dust; // Urn Debt Floor [rad] } mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => Urn )) public urns; mapping (bytes32 => Ilk) public ilks; mapping (bytes32 => mapping (address => uint)) public gem; // [wad] function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; function fork(bytes32, address, address, int, int) virtual public; } contract DefisaverLogger { event LogEvent( address indexed contractAddress, address indexed caller, string indexed logName, bytes data ); // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function Log(address _contract, address _caller, string memory _logName, bytes memory _data) public { emit LogEvent(_contract, _caller, _logName, _data); } } contract MCDMonitorProxyV2 is AdminAuth { uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _saverProxy Address of MCDSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to MCDSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _saverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_saverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } } contract MCDPriceVerifier is AdminAuth { OsmMom public osmMom = OsmMom(0x76416A4d5190d071bfed309861527431304aA14f); Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); mapping(address => bool) public authorized; function verifyVaultNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); return verifyNextPrice(_nextPrice, ilk); } function verifyNextPrice(uint _nextPrice, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(bool) { require(authorized[msg.sender]); address osmAddress = osmMom.osms(_ilk); uint whitelisted = Osm(osmAddress).bud(address(this)); // If contracts doesn't have access return true if (whitelisted != 1) return true; (bytes32 price, bool has) = Osm(osmAddress).peep(); return has ? uint(price) == _nextPrice : false; } function setAuthorized(address _address, bool _allowed) public onlyOwner { authorized[_address] = _allowed; } } abstract contract StaticV2 { enum Method { Boost, Repay } struct CdpHolder { uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; address owner; uint cdpId; bool boostEnabled; bool nextPriceEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } } contract SubscriptionsInterfaceV2 { function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external {} function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external {} } contract SubscriptionsProxyV2 { address public constant MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS = 0x7456f4218874eAe1aF8B83a64848A1B89fEB7d7C; address public constant OLD_SUBSCRIPTION = 0x83152CAA0d344a2Fd428769529e2d490A88f4393; address public constant FACTORY_ADDRESS = 0x5a15566417e6C1c9546523066500bDDBc53F88C7; function migrate(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(OLD_SUBSCRIPTION).unsubscribe(_cdpId); subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled, _subscriptions); } function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { address currAuthority = address(DSAuth(address(this)).authority()); DSGuard guard = DSGuard(currAuthority); if (currAuthority == address(0)) { guard = DSGuardFactory(FACTORY_ADDRESS).newGuard(); DSAuth(address(this)).setAuthority(DSAuthority(address(guard))); } guard.permit(MONITOR_PROXY_ADDRESS, address(this), bytes4(keccak256("execute(address,bytes)"))); SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function update(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).subscribe(_cdpId, _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled, _nextPriceEnabled); } function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId, address _subscriptions) public { SubscriptionsInterfaceV2(_subscriptions).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } contract SubscriptionsV2 is AdminAuth, StaticV2 { bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; bytes32 internal constant BAT_ILK = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; CdpHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (uint => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; mapping (bytes32 => uint) public minLimits; uint public changeIndex; Manager public manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); MCDSaverProxy public saverProxy; event Subscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Unsubscribed(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event Updated(address indexed owner, uint cdpId); event ParamUpdates(address indexed owner, uint cdpId, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool boostEnabled); /// @param _saverProxy Address of the MCDSaverProxy contract constructor(address _saverProxy) public { saverProxy = MCDSaverProxy(payable(_saverProxy)); minLimits[ETH_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; minLimits[BAT_ILK] = 1700000000000000000; } /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the CDP /// @notice Adds the users CDP in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled /// @param _nextPriceEnabled Boolean determing if we can use nextPrice for this cdp function subscribe(uint _cdpId, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled, bool _nextPriceEnabled) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(manager.ilks(_cdpId), _minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; CdpHolder memory subscription = CdpHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, owner: msg.sender, cdpId: _cdpId, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled, nextPriceEnabled: _nextPriceEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender, _cdpId); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _cdpId, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) external { require(isOwner(msg.sender, _cdpId), "Must be called by Cdp owner"); _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } /// @dev Checks if the _owner is the owner of the CDP function isOwner(address _owner, uint _cdpId) internal view returns (bool) { return getOwner(_cdpId) == _owner; } /// @dev Checks limit for minimum ratio and if minRatio is bigger than max function checkParams(bytes32 _ilk, uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal view returns (bool) { if (_minRatio < minLimits[_ilk]) { return false; } if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list function _unsubscribe(uint _cdpId) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); uint lastCdpId = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].cdpId; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastCdpId]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender, _cdpId); } /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get all the info about the subscribed CDP function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, 0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, 0); (coll, debt) = saverProxy.getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return ( true, subscriber.minRatio, subscriber.maxRatio, subscriber.optimalRatioRepay, subscriber.optimalRatioBoost, subscriber.owner, coll, debt ); } function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory) { SubPosition memory subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (!subInfo.subscribed) return (false, CdpHolder(0, 0, 0, 0, address(0), 0, false, false)); CdpHolder memory subscriber = subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; return (true, subscriber); } /// @notice Helper method for the front to get the information about the ilk of a CDP function getIlkInfo(bytes32 _ilk, uint _cdpId) public view returns(bytes32 ilk, uint art, uint rate, uint spot, uint line, uint dust, uint mat, uint par) { // send either ilk or cdpId if (_ilk == bytes32(0)) { _ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); } ilk = _ilk; (,mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); par = spotter.par(); (art, rate, spot, line, dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribers() public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (CdpHolder[] memory) { CdpHolder[] memory holders = new CdpHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; uint count = 0; for (uint i=start; i<end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to change a min. limit for an asset function changeMinRatios(bytes32 _ilk, uint _newRatio) public onlyOwner { minLimits[_ilk] = _newRatio; } /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a CDP function unsubscribeByAdmin(uint _cdpId) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_cdpId]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } } contract BidProxy { address public constant DAI_JOIN = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function daiBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { uint tendAmount = _amount * (10 ** 27); joinDai(_amount); (, uint lot, , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).tend(_bidId, lot, tendAmount); } function collateralBid(uint _bidId, uint _amount, address _flipper) public { (uint bid, , , , , , , ) = Flipper(_flipper).bids(_bidId); joinDai(bid / (10**27)); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_flipper); Flipper(_flipper).dent(_bidId, _amount, bid); } function closeBid(uint _bidId, address _flipper, address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); Flipper(_flipper).deal(_bidId); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitCollateral(address _joinAddr) public { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).gem(ilk, address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(_joinAddr); Gem(_joinAddr).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function exitDai() public { uint amount = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).hope(DAI_JOIN); Gem(DAI_JOIN).exit(msg.sender, amount); } function withdrawToken(address _token) public { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).transfer(msg.sender, balance); } function withdrawEth() public { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } function joinDai(uint _amount) internal { uint amountInVat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS).dai(address(this)) / (10**27); if (_amount > amountInVat) { uint amountDiff = (_amount - amountInVat) + 1; ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amountDiff); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN, amountDiff); Join(DAI_JOIN).join(address(this), amountDiff); } } } abstract contract IMCDSubscriptions { function unsubscribe(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual ; function subscribersPos(uint256 _cdpId) external virtual returns (uint256, bool); } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint256) public virtual; function transfer(address, uint256) public virtual; function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) public virtual; function deposit() public virtual payable; function withdraw(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint256, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(uint256) public virtual view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function urns(uint256) public virtual view returns (address); function vat() public virtual view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) public virtual returns (uint256); function give(uint256, address) public virtual; function cdpAllow(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function urnAllow(address, uint256) public virtual; function frob(uint256, int256, int256) public virtual; function flux(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function move(uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function exit(address, uint256, address, uint256) public virtual; function quit(uint256, address) public virtual; function enter(address, uint256) public virtual; function shift(uint256, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function ilks(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256); function dai(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function urns(bytes32, address) public virtual view returns (uint256, uint256); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int256, int256) public virtual; function hope(address) public virtual; function move(address, address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() public virtual returns (uint256); function gem() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) public virtual view returns (address); function make(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() public virtual returns (VatLike); function dai() public virtual returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint256) public virtual payable; function exit(address, uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) public virtual; function nope(address) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) public virtual view returns (uint256); function cash(bytes32, uint256) public virtual; function free(bytes32) public virtual; function pack(uint256) public virtual; function skim(bytes32, address) public virtual; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) public virtual returns (uint256); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) public virtual view returns (uint256); function drip() public virtual returns (uint256); function join(uint256) public virtual; function exit(uint256) public virtual; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) public virtual view returns (address); function build(address) public virtual returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() public virtual view returns (address); } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10**27; // Internal functions function mul(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract MCDCreateProxyActions is Common { // Internal functions function sub(uint256 x, uint256 y) internal pure returns (uint256 z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (int256 y) { y = int256(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint256 wad) internal pure returns (uint256 rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10**27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul(amt, 10**(18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec())); } function _getDrawDart(address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wad) internal returns (int256 dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint256 rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint256(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart(address vat, uint256 dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (int256 dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint256(dart) <= art ? -dart : -toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad(address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk) internal view returns (uint256 wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint256 rate, , , ) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint256 art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint256 dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint256 rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint256 wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } // solhint-disable-next-line func-name-mixedcase function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope(address obj, address usr) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open(address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give(address manager, uint256 cdp, address usr) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); } function move(address manager, uint256 cdp, address dst, uint256 rad) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob(address manager, uint256 cdp, int256 dink, int256 dart) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function lockETH(address manager, address ethJoin, uint256 cdp) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); } function lockGem(address manager, address gemJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); } function draw(address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wad) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadD, address owner ) public payable returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); give(manager, cdp, owner); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint256 cdp, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob( manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD) ); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint256 wadC, uint256 wadD, bool transferFrom, address owner ) public returns (uint256 cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, owner); } } contract MCDCreateTaker { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN = 0x71eC9a4fCE561c3936a511D9ebb05B60CF2bA519; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); struct CreateData { uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; address joinAddr; } function openWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CreateData memory _createData ) public payable { MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); //0x fee if (_createData.joinAddr != ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _createData.collAmount); ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_createData.joinAddr)).safeTransfer(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, _createData.collAmount); } (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_createData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this)); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_CREATE_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, _createData.daiAmount, paramsData); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDCreate", abi.encode(manager.last(address(this)), _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount)); } function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } function _packData( CreateData memory _createData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _createData.collAmount, _createData.daiAmount, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _createData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ManagerLike { function cdpCan(address, uint, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(uint) virtual public view returns (bytes32); function owns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function urns(uint) virtual public view returns (address); function vat() virtual public view returns (address); function open(bytes32, address) virtual public returns (uint); function give(uint, address) virtual public; function cdpAllow(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function urnAllow(address, uint) virtual public; function frob(uint, int, int) virtual public; function flux(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function move(uint, address, uint) virtual public; function exit(address, uint, address, uint) virtual public; function quit(uint, address) virtual public; function enter(address, uint) virtual public; function shift(uint, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemJoinLike { function dec() virtual public returns (uint); function gem() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GNTJoinLike { function bags(address) virtual public view returns (address); function make(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract HopeLike { function hope(address) virtual public; function nope(address) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryInterface { function proxies(address _owner) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract EndLike { function fix(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint); function cash(bytes32, uint) virtual public; function free(bytes32) virtual public; function pack(uint) virtual public; function skim(bytes32, address) virtual public; } abstract contract JugLike { function drip(bytes32) virtual public returns (uint); } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract ProxyRegistryLike { function proxies(address) virtual public view returns (address); function build(address) virtual public returns (address); } abstract contract ProxyLike { function owner() virtual public view returns (address); } abstract contract DSProxy { function execute(address _target, bytes memory _data) virtual public payable returns (bytes32); function setOwner(address owner_) virtual public; } contract Common { uint256 constant RAY = 10 ** 27; // Internal functions function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x, "mul-overflow"); } // Public functions function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad) public { // Gets DAI from the user's wallet DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the DAI amount DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); // Joins DAI into the vat DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract SaverProxyActions is Common { event CDPAction(string indexed, uint indexed, uint, uint); // Internal functions function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x, "sub-overflow"); } function toInt(uint x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } function toRad(uint wad) internal pure returns (uint rad) { rad = mul(wad, 10 ** 27); } function convertTo18(address gemJoin, uint256 amt) internal returns (uint256 wad) { // For those collaterals that have less than 18 decimals precision we need to do the conversion before passing to frob function // Adapters will automatically handle the difference of precision wad = mul( amt, 10 ** (18 - GemJoinLike(gemJoin).dec()) ); } function _getDrawDart( address vat, address jug, address urn, bytes32 ilk, uint wad ) internal returns (int dart) { // Updates stability fee rate uint rate = JugLike(jug).drip(ilk); // Gets DAI balance of the urn in the vat uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(urn); // If there was already enough DAI in the vat balance, just exits it without adding more debt if (dai < mul(wad, RAY)) { // Calculates the needed dart so together with the existing dai in the vat is enough to exit wad amount of DAI tokens dart = toInt(sub(mul(wad, RAY), dai) / rate); // This is neeeded due lack of precision. It might need to sum an extra dart wei (for the given DAI wad amount) dart = mul(uint(dart), rate) < mul(wad, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } function _getWipeDart( address vat, uint dai, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (int dart) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt dart = toInt(dai / rate); // Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - toInt(art); } function _getWipeAllWad( address vat, address usr, address urn, bytes32 ilk ) internal view returns (uint wad) { // Gets actual rate from the vat (, uint rate,,,) = VatLike(vat).ilks(ilk); // Gets actual art value of the urn (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Gets actual dai amount in the urn uint dai = VatLike(vat).dai(usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); wad = rad / RAY; // If the rad precision has some dust, it will need to request for 1 extra wad wei wad = mul(wad, RAY) < rad ? wad + 1 : wad; } // Public functions function transfer(address gem, address dst, uint wad) public { GemLike(gem).transfer(dst, wad); } function ethJoin_join(address apt, address urn) public payable { // Wraps ETH in WETH GemJoinLike(apt).gem().deposit{value: msg.value}(); // Approves adapter to take the WETH amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(address(apt), msg.value); // Joins WETH collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, msg.value); } function gemJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool transferFrom) public { // Only executes for tokens that have approval/transferFrom implementation if (transferFrom) { // Gets token from the user's wallet GemJoinLike(apt).gem().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); // Approves adapter to take the token amount GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, 0); GemJoinLike(apt).gem().approve(apt, wad); } // Joins token collateral into the vat GemJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } function hope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).hope(usr); } function nope( address obj, address usr ) public { HopeLike(obj).nope(usr); } function open( address manager, bytes32 ilk, address usr ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = ManagerLike(manager).open(ilk, usr); } function give( address manager, uint cdp, address usr ) public { ManagerLike(manager).give(cdp, usr); emit CDPAction('give', cdp, 0, 0); } function giveToProxy( address proxyRegistry, address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { // Gets actual proxy address address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).proxies(dst); // Checks if the proxy address already existed and dst address is still the owner if (proxy == address(0) || ProxyLike(proxy).owner() != dst) { uint csize; assembly { csize := extcodesize(dst) } // We want to avoid creating a proxy for a contract address that might not be able to handle proxies, then losing the CDP require(csize == 0, "Dst-is-a-contract"); // Creates the proxy for the dst address proxy = ProxyRegistryLike(proxyRegistry).build(dst); } // Transfers CDP to the dst proxy give(manager, cdp, proxy); } function cdpAllow( address manager, uint cdp, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).cdpAllow(cdp, usr, ok); } function urnAllow( address manager, address usr, uint ok ) public { ManagerLike(manager).urnAllow(usr, ok); } function flux( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint wad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).flux(cdp, dst, wad); } function move( address manager, uint cdp, address dst, uint rad ) public { ManagerLike(manager).move(cdp, dst, rad); } function frob( address manager, uint cdp, int dink, int dart ) public { ManagerLike(manager).frob(cdp, dink, dart); } function quit( address manager, uint cdp, address dst ) public { ManagerLike(manager).quit(cdp, dst); } function enter( address manager, address src, uint cdp ) public { ManagerLike(manager).enter(src, cdp); } function shift( address manager, uint cdpSrc, uint cdpOrg ) public { ManagerLike(manager).shift(cdpSrc, cdpOrg); } function makeGemBag( address gemJoin ) public returns (address bag) { bag = GNTJoinLike(gemJoin).make(address(this)); } function lockETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp ) public payable { // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, address(this)); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(msg.value), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockETH', cdp, msg.value, 0); } function lockGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad, bool transferFrom ) public { // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, address(this), wad, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).frob( ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp), ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp), address(this), address(this), toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)), 0 ); emit CDPAction('lockGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Unlocks WETH amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); emit CDPAction('freeETH', cdp, wad, 0); } function freeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wad); // Unlocks token amount from the CDP frob(manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), 0); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('freeGem', cdp, wad, 0); } function exitETH( address manager, address ethJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wad); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wad); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wad); } function exitGem( address manager, address gemJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), convertTo18(gemJoin, wad)); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); } function draw( address manager, address jug, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Generates debt in the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wad)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wad)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wad); emit CDPAction('draw', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipe( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wad ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, _getWipeDart(vat, VatLike(vat).dai(urn), urn, ilk)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), wad); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, _getWipeDart(vat, wad * RAY, urn, ilk) ); } emit CDPAction('wipe', cdp, 0, wad); } function wipeAll( address manager, address daiJoin, uint cdp ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); address own = ManagerLike(manager).owns(cdp); if (own == address(this) || ManagerLike(manager).cdpCan(own, cdp, address(this)) == 1) { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP frob(manager, cdp, 0, -int(art)); } else { // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, address(this), _getWipeAllWad(vat, address(this), urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP VatLike(vat).frob( ilk, urn, address(this), address(this), 0, -int(art) ); } emit CDPAction('wipeAll', cdp, 0, art); } function lockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadD ) public payable { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Receives ETH amount, converts it to WETH and joins it into the vat ethJoin_join(ethJoin, urn); // Locks WETH amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(msg.value), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockETHAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD ) public payable returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadD); emit CDPAction('openLockETHAndDraw', cdp, msg.value, wadD); } function lockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); // Takes token amount from user's wallet and joins into the vat gemJoin_join(gemJoin, urn, wadC, transferFrom); // Locks token amount into the CDP and generates debt frob(manager, cdp, toInt(convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC)), _getDrawDart(vat, jug, urn, ilk, wadD)); // Moves the DAI amount (balance in the vat in rad) to proxy's address move(manager, cdp, address(this), toRad(wadD)); // Allows adapter to access to proxy's DAI balance in the vat if (VatLike(vat).can(address(this), address(daiJoin)) == 0) { VatLike(vat).hope(daiJoin); } // Exits DAI to the user's wallet as a token DaiJoinLike(daiJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadD); } function openLockGemAndDraw( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom ) public returns (uint cdp) { cdp = open(manager, ilk, address(this)); lockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, cdp, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); emit CDPAction('openLockGemAndDraw', cdp, wadC, wadD); } function wipeAllAndFreeETH( address manager, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks WETH amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wadC), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wadC); // Exits WETH amount to proxy address as a token GemJoinLike(ethJoin).exit(address(this), wadC); // Converts WETH to ETH GemJoinLike(ethJoin).gem().withdraw(wadC); // Sends ETH back to the user's wallet msg.sender.transfer(wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeETH', cdp, wadC, art); } function wipeAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC, uint wadD ) public { address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, wadD); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), _getWipeDart(ManagerLike(manager).vat(), VatLike(ManagerLike(manager).vat()).dai(urn), urn, ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp)) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); } function wipeAllAndFreeGem( address manager, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, uint cdp, uint wadC ) public { address vat = ManagerLike(manager).vat(); address urn = ManagerLike(manager).urns(cdp); bytes32 ilk = ManagerLike(manager).ilks(cdp); (, uint art) = VatLike(vat).urns(ilk, urn); // Joins DAI amount into the vat daiJoin_join(daiJoin, urn, _getWipeAllWad(vat, urn, urn, ilk)); uint wad18 = convertTo18(gemJoin, wadC); // Paybacks debt to the CDP and unlocks token amount from it frob( manager, cdp, -toInt(wad18), -int(art) ); // Moves the amount from the CDP urn to proxy's address flux(manager, cdp, address(this), wad18); // Exits token amount to the user's wallet as a token GemJoinLike(gemJoin).exit(msg.sender, wadC); emit CDPAction('wipeAllAndFreeGem', cdp, wadC, art); } function createProxyAndCDP( address manager, address jug, address ethJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadD, address registry ) public payable returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockETHAndDraw(manager, jug, ethJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadD ); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } function createProxyAndGemCDP( address manager, address jug, address gemJoin, address daiJoin, bytes32 ilk, uint wadC, uint wadD, bool transferFrom, address registry ) public returns(uint) { address proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(registry).build(msg.sender); uint cdp = openLockGemAndDraw(manager, jug, gemJoin, daiJoin, ilk, wadC, wadD, transferFrom); give(manager, cdp, address(proxy)); return cdp; } } contract MCDSaverProxyHelper is DSMath { /// @notice Returns a normalized debt _amount based on the current rate /// @param _amount Amount of dai to be normalized /// @param _rate Current rate of the stability fee /// @param _daiVatBalance Balance od Dai in the Vat for that CDP function normalizeDrawAmount(uint _amount, uint _rate, uint _daiVatBalance) internal pure returns (int dart) { if (_daiVatBalance < mul(_amount, RAY)) { dart = toPositiveInt(sub(mul(_amount, RAY), _daiVatBalance) / _rate); dart = mul(uint(dart), _rate) < mul(_amount, RAY) ? dart + 1 : dart; } } /// @notice Converts a number to Rad percision /// @param _wad The input number in wad percision function toRad(uint _wad) internal pure returns (uint) { return mul(_wad, 10 ** 27); } /// @notice Converts a number to 18 decimal percision /// @param _joinAddr Join address of the collateral /// @param _amount Number to be converted function convertTo18(address _joinAddr, uint256 _amount) internal view returns (uint256) { return mul(_amount, 10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } /// @notice Converts a uint to int and checks if positive /// @param _x Number to be converted function toPositiveInt(uint _x) internal pure returns (int y) { y = int(_x); require(y >= 0, "int-overflow"); } /// @notice Gets Dai amount in Vat which can be added to Cdp /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function normalizePaybackAmount(address _vat, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (int amount) { uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_urn); (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); amount = toPositiveInt(dai / rate); amount = uint(amount) <= art ? - amount : - toPositiveInt(art); } /// @notice Gets the whole debt of the CDP /// @param _vat Address of Vat contract /// @param _usr Address of the Dai holder /// @param _urn Urn of the Cdp /// @param _ilk Ilk of the Cdp function getAllDebt(address _vat, address _usr, address _urn, bytes32 _ilk) internal view returns (uint daiAmount) { (, uint rate,,,) = Vat(_vat).ilks(_ilk); (, uint art) = Vat(_vat).urns(_ilk, _urn); uint dai = Vat(_vat).dai(_usr); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); daiAmount = rad / RAY; daiAmount = mul(daiAmount, RAY) < rad ? daiAmount + 1 : daiAmount; } /// @notice Gets the token address from the Join contract /// @param _joinAddr Address of the Join contract function getCollateralAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { return address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address vat = _manager.vat(); address urn = _manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = Vat(vat).urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = Vat(vat).ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP /// @param _manager Manager contract /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(Manager _manager, uint _cdpId) public view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(_manager.owns(_cdpId))); return proxy.owner(); } } abstract contract ILendingPool { function flashLoan( address payable _receiver, address _reserve, uint _amount, bytes calldata _params) external virtual; } abstract contract ProtocolInterface { function deposit(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; function withdraw(address _user, uint256 _amount) public virtual; } contract SavingsLogger { event Deposit(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Withdraw(address indexed sender, uint8 protocol, uint256 amount); event Swap(address indexed sender, uint8 fromProtocol, uint8 toProtocol, uint256 amount); function logDeposit(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Deposit(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logWithdraw(address _sender, uint8 _protocol, uint256 _amount) external { emit Withdraw(_sender, _protocol, _amount); } function logSwap(address _sender, uint8 _protocolFrom, uint8 _protocolTo, uint256 _amount) external { emit Swap(_sender, _protocolFrom, _protocolTo, _amount); } } contract AaveSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL = 0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_CORE, uint(-1)); ILendingPool(AAVE_LENDING_POOL).deposit(DAI_ADDRESS, _amount, 0); ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); require(ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); IAToken(ADAI_ADDRESS).redeem(_amount); // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } contract CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS = 0x5d3a536E4D6DbD6114cc1Ead35777bAB948E3643; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; CTokenInterface public constant cDaiContract = CTokenInterface(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS); function compDeposit(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // mainnet only ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint cDai require( == 0, "Failed Mint"); } function compWithdraw(address _user, uint _amount) internal { // transfer all users balance to this contract require(cDaiContract.transferFrom(_user, address(this), ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve cDai to compound contract cDaiContract.approve(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // get dai from cDai contract require(cDaiContract.redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0, "Reedem Failed"); // return to user balance we didn't spend uint cDaiBalance = cDaiContract.balanceOf(address(this)); if (cDaiBalance > 0) { cDaiContract.transfer(_user, cDaiBalance); } // return dai we have to user ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, _amount); } } abstract contract VatLike { function can(address, address) virtual public view returns (uint); function ilks(bytes32) virtual public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint); function dai(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function urns(bytes32, address) virtual public view returns (uint, uint); function frob(bytes32, address, address, address, int, int) virtual public; function hope(address) virtual public; function move(address, address, uint) virtual public; } abstract contract PotLike { function pie(address) virtual public view returns (uint); function drip() virtual public returns (uint); function join(uint) virtual public; function exit(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract GemLike { function approve(address, uint) virtual public; function transfer(address, uint) virtual public; function transferFrom(address, address, uint) virtual public; function deposit() virtual public payable; function withdraw(uint) virtual public; } abstract contract DaiJoinLike { function vat() virtual public returns (VatLike); function dai() virtual public returns (GemLike); function join(address, uint) virtual public payable; function exit(address, uint) virtual public; } contract DSRSavingsProtocol is DSMath { // Mainnet address public constant POT_ADDRESS = 0x197E90f9FAD81970bA7976f33CbD77088E5D7cf7; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; function dsrDeposit(uint _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); daiJoin_join(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, address(this), _amount, _fromUser); if (vat.can(address(this), address(POT_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(POT_ADDRESS); } PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).join(mul(_amount, RAY) / chi); } function dsrWithdraw(uint _amount, bool _toUser) internal { VatLike vat = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat(); uint chi = PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).drip(); uint pie = mul(_amount, RAY) / chi; PotLike(POT_ADDRESS).exit(pie); uint balance = DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).vat().dai(address(this)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } address to; if (_toUser) { to = msg.sender; } else { to = address(this); } if (_amount == uint(-1)) { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(to, mul(chi, pie) / RAY); } else { DaiJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit( to, balance >= mul(_amount, RAY) ? _amount : balance / RAY ); } } function daiJoin_join(address apt, address urn, uint wad, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), wad); } DaiJoinLike(apt).dai().approve(apt, wad); DaiJoinLike(apt).join(urn, wad); } } contract DydxSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; ISoloMargin public soloMargin; address public savingsProxy; uint daiMarketId = 3; constructor() public { soloMargin = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); } function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); Account.Info[] memory accounts = new Account.Info[](1); accounts[0] = getAccount(_user, 0); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions = new Actions.ActionArgs[](1); Types.AssetAmount memory amount = Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: _amount }); actions[0] = Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: amount, primaryMarketId: daiMarketId, otherAddress: _user, secondaryMarketId: 0, //not used otherAccountId: 0, //not used data: "" //not used }); soloMargin.operate(accounts, actions); } function getWeiBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Wei memory) { Types.Wei[] memory weiBalances; (,,weiBalances) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return weiBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getParBalance(address _user, uint _index) public view returns(Types.Par memory) { Types.Par[] memory parBalances; (,parBalances,) = soloMargin.getAccountBalances(getAccount(_user, _index)); return parBalances[daiMarketId]; } function getAccount(address _user, uint _index) public pure returns(Account.Info memory) { Account.Info memory account = Account.Info({ owner: _user, number: _index }); return account; } } abstract contract ISoloMargin { struct OperatorArg { address operator; bool trusted; } function operate( Account.Info[] memory accounts, Actions.ActionArgs[] memory actions ) public virtual; function getAccountBalances( Account.Info memory account ) public view virtual returns ( address[] memory, Types.Par[] memory, Types.Wei[] memory ); function setOperators( OperatorArg[] memory args ) public virtual; function getNumMarkets() public view virtual returns (uint256); function getMarketTokenAddress(uint256 marketId) public view virtual returns (address); } library Account { // ============ Enums ============ /* * Most-recently-cached account status. * * Normal: Can only be liquidated if the account values are violating the global margin-ratio. * Liquid: Can be liquidated no matter the account values. * Can be vaporized if there are no more positive account values. * Vapor: Has only negative (or zeroed) account values. Can be vaporized. * */ enum Status { Normal, Liquid, Vapor } // ============ Structs ============ // Represents the unique key that specifies an account struct Info { address owner; // The address that owns the account uint256 number; // A nonce that allows a single address to control many accounts } // The complete storage for any account struct Storage { mapping (uint256 => Types.Par) balances; // Mapping from marketId to principal Status status; } // ============ Library Functions ============ function equals( Info memory a, Info memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.owner == b.owner && a.number == b.number; } } library Actions { // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Actions"; // ============ Enums ============ enum ActionType { Deposit, // supply tokens Withdraw, // borrow tokens Transfer, // transfer balance between accounts Buy, // buy an amount of some token (externally) Sell, // sell an amount of some token (externally) Trade, // trade tokens against another account Liquidate, // liquidate an undercollateralized or expiring account Vaporize, // use excess tokens to zero-out a completely negative account Call // send arbitrary data to an address } enum AccountLayout { OnePrimary, TwoPrimary, PrimaryAndSecondary } enum MarketLayout { ZeroMarkets, OneMarket, TwoMarkets } // ============ Structs ============ /* * Arguments that are passed to Solo in an ordered list as part of a single operation. * Each ActionArgs has an actionType which specifies which action struct that this data will be * parsed into before being processed. */ struct ActionArgs { ActionType actionType; uint256 accountId; Types.AssetAmount amount; uint256 primaryMarketId; uint256 secondaryMarketId; address otherAddress; uint256 otherAccountId; bytes data; } // ============ Action Types ============ /* * Moves tokens from an address to Solo. Can either repay a borrow or provide additional supply. */ struct DepositArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address from; } /* * Moves tokens from Solo to another address. Can either borrow tokens or reduce the amount * previously supplied. */ struct WithdrawArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 market; address to; } /* * Transfers balance between two accounts. The msg.sender must be an operator for both accounts. * The amount field applies to accountOne. * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TransferArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info accountOne; Account.Info accountTwo; uint256 market; } /* * Acquires a certain amount of tokens by spending other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper contract and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field * applies to the makerMarket. */ struct BuyArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 makerMarket; uint256 takerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Spends a certain amount of tokens to acquire other tokens. Sends takerMarket tokens to the * specified exchangeWrapper and expects makerMarket tokens in return. The amount field applies * to the takerMarket. */ struct SellArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info account; uint256 takerMarket; uint256 makerMarket; address exchangeWrapper; bytes orderData; } /* * Trades balances between two accounts using any external contract that implements the * AutoTrader interface. The AutoTrader contract must be an operator for the makerAccount (for * which it is trading on-behalf-of). The amount field applies to the makerAccount and the * inputMarket. This proposed change to the makerAccount is passed to the AutoTrader which will * quote a change for the makerAccount in the outputMarket (or will disallow the trade). * This action does not require any token movement since the trade is done internally to Solo. */ struct TradeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info takerAccount; Account.Info makerAccount; uint256 inputMarket; uint256 outputMarket; address autoTrader; bytes tradeData; } /* * Each account must maintain a certain margin-ratio (specified globally). If the account falls * below this margin-ratio, it can be liquidated by any other account. This allows anyone else * (arbitrageurs) to repay any borrowed asset (owedMarket) of the liquidating account in * exchange for any collateral asset (heldMarket) of the liquidAccount. The ratio is determined * by the price ratio (given by the oracles) plus a spread (specified globally). Liquidating an * account also sets a flag on the account that the account is being liquidated. This allows * anyone to continue liquidating the account until there are no more borrows being taken by the * liquidating account. Liquidators do not have to liquidate the entire account all at once but * can liquidate as much as they choose. The liquidating flag allows liquidators to continue * liquidating the account even if it becomes collateralized through partial liquidation or * price movement. */ struct LiquidateArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info liquidAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Similar to liquidate, but vaporAccounts are accounts that have only negative balances * remaining. The arbitrageur pays back the negative asset (owedMarket) of the vaporAccount in * exchange for a collateral asset (heldMarket) at a favorable spread. However, since the * liquidAccount has no collateral assets, the collateral must come from Solo's excess tokens. */ struct VaporizeArgs { Types.AssetAmount amount; Account.Info solidAccount; Account.Info vaporAccount; uint256 owedMarket; uint256 heldMarket; } /* * Passes arbitrary bytes of data to an external contract that implements the Callee interface. * Does not change any asset amounts. This function may be useful for setting certain variables * on layer-two contracts for certain accounts without having to make a separate Ethereum * transaction for doing so. Also, the second-layer contracts can ensure that the call is coming * from an operator of the particular account. */ struct CallArgs { Account.Info account; address callee; bytes data; } // ============ Helper Functions ============ function getMarketLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (MarketLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Deposit || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Withdraw || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer ) { return MarketLayout.OneMarket; } else if (actionType == Actions.ActionType.Call) { return MarketLayout.ZeroMarkets; } return MarketLayout.TwoMarkets; } function getAccountLayout( ActionType actionType ) internal pure returns (AccountLayout) { if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Transfer || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Trade ) { return AccountLayout.TwoPrimary; } else if ( actionType == Actions.ActionType.Liquidate || actionType == Actions.ActionType.Vaporize ) { return AccountLayout.PrimaryAndSecondary; } return AccountLayout.OnePrimary; } // ============ Parsing Functions ============ function parseDepositArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (DepositArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Deposit); return DepositArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, from: args.otherAddress }); } function parseWithdrawArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (WithdrawArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Withdraw); return WithdrawArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], market: args.primaryMarketId, to: args.otherAddress }); } function parseTransferArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TransferArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Transfer); return TransferArgs({ amount: args.amount, accountOne: accounts[args.accountId], accountTwo: accounts[args.otherAccountId], market: args.primaryMarketId }); } function parseBuyArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (BuyArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Buy); return BuyArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], makerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, takerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseSellArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (SellArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Sell); return SellArgs({ amount: args.amount, account: accounts[args.accountId], takerMarket: args.primaryMarketId, makerMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, exchangeWrapper: args.otherAddress, orderData: }); } function parseTradeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (TradeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Trade); return TradeArgs({ amount: args.amount, takerAccount: accounts[args.accountId], makerAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], inputMarket: args.primaryMarketId, outputMarket: args.secondaryMarketId, autoTrader: args.otherAddress, tradeData: }); } function parseLiquidateArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (LiquidateArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Liquidate); return LiquidateArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], liquidAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseVaporizeArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (VaporizeArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Vaporize); return VaporizeArgs({ amount: args.amount, solidAccount: accounts[args.accountId], vaporAccount: accounts[args.otherAccountId], owedMarket: args.primaryMarketId, heldMarket: args.secondaryMarketId }); } function parseCallArgs( Account.Info[] memory accounts, ActionArgs memory args ) internal pure returns (CallArgs memory) { assert(args.actionType == ActionType.Call); return CallArgs({ account: accounts[args.accountId], callee: args.otherAddress, data: }); } } library Math { using SafeMath for uint256; // ============ Constants ============ bytes32 constant FILE = "Math"; // ============ Library Functions ============ /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator). */ function getPartial( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return target.mul(numerator).div(denominator); } /* * Return target * (numerator / denominator), but rounded up. */ function getPartialRoundUp( uint256 target, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (target == 0 || numerator == 0) { // SafeMath will check for zero denominator return SafeMath.div(0, denominator); } return target.mul(numerator).sub(1).div(denominator).add(1); } function to128( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint128) { uint128 result = uint128(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint128" ); return result; } function to96( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint96) { uint96 result = uint96(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint96" ); return result; } function to32( uint256 number ) internal pure returns (uint32) { uint32 result = uint32(number); Require.that( result == number, FILE, "Unsafe cast to uint32" ); return result; } function min( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } function max( uint256 a, uint256 b ) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a > b ? a : b; } } library Require { // ============ Constants ============ uint256 constant ASCII_ZERO = 48; // '0' uint256 constant ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO = 87; // 'a' - 10 uint256 constant ASCII_LOWER_EX = 120; // 'x' bytes2 constant COLON = 0x3a20; // ': ' bytes2 constant COMMA = 0x2c20; // ', ' bytes2 constant LPAREN = 0x203c; // ' <' byte constant RPAREN = 0x3e; // '>' uint256 constant FOUR_BIT_MASK = 0xf; // ============ Library Functions ============ function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason) ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, uint256 payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, address payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), RPAREN ) ) ); } } function that( bool must, bytes32 file, bytes32 reason, bytes32 payloadA, uint256 payloadB, uint256 payloadC ) internal pure { if (!must) { revert( string( abi.encodePacked( stringifyTruncated(file), COLON, stringifyTruncated(reason), LPAREN, stringify(payloadA), COMMA, stringify(payloadB), COMMA, stringify(payloadC), RPAREN ) ) ); } } // ============ Private Functions ============ function stringifyTruncated( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { // put the input bytes into the result bytes memory result = abi.encodePacked(input); // determine the length of the input by finding the location of the last non-zero byte for (uint256 i = 32; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // find the last non-zero byte in order to determine the length if (result[i] != 0) { uint256 length = i + 1; /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-inline-assembly */ assembly { mstore(result, length) // r.length = length; } return result; } } // all bytes are zero return new bytes(0); } function stringify( uint256 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { if (input == 0) { return "0"; } // get the final string length uint256 j = input; uint256 length; while (j != 0) { length++; j /= 10; } // allocate the string bytes memory bstr = new bytes(length); // populate the string starting with the least-significant character j = input; for (uint256 i = length; i > 0; ) { // reverse-for-loops with unsigned integer /* solium-disable-next-line security/no-modify-for-iter-var */ i--; // take last decimal digit bstr[i] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO + (j % 10))); // remove the last decimal digit j /= 10; } return bstr; } function stringify( address input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // addresses are "0x" followed by 20 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(42); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[41 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[40 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function stringify( bytes32 input ) private pure returns (bytes memory) { uint256 z = uint256(input); // bytes32 are "0x" followed by 32 bytes of data which take up 2 characters each bytes memory result = new bytes(66); // populate the result with "0x" result[0] = byte(uint8(ASCII_ZERO)); result[1] = byte(uint8(ASCII_LOWER_EX)); // for each byte (starting from the lowest byte), populate the result with two characters for (uint256 i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // each byte takes two characters uint256 shift = i * 2; // populate the least-significant character result[65 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; // populate the most-significant character result[64 - shift] = char(z & FOUR_BIT_MASK); z = z >> 4; } return result; } function char( uint256 input ) private pure returns (byte) { // return ASCII digit (0-9) if (input < 10) { return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_ZERO)); } // return ASCII letter (a-f) return byte(uint8(input + ASCII_RELATIVE_ZERO)); } } library Types { using Math for uint256; // ============ AssetAmount ============ enum AssetDenomination { Wei, // the amount is denominated in wei Par // the amount is denominated in par } enum AssetReference { Delta, // the amount is given as a delta from the current value Target // the amount is given as an exact number to end up at } struct AssetAmount { bool sign; // true if positive AssetDenomination denomination; AssetReference ref; uint256 value; } // ============ Par (Principal Amount) ============ // Total borrow and supply values for a market struct TotalPar { uint128 borrow; uint128 supply; } // Individual principal amount for an account struct Par { bool sign; // true if positive uint128 value; } function zeroPar() internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { Par memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value).to128(); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value).to128(); } } return result; } function equals( Par memory a, Par memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (Par memory) { return Par({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Par memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } // ============ Wei (Token Amount) ============ // Individual token amount for an account struct Wei { bool sign; // true if positive uint256 value; } function zeroWei() internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: false, value: 0 }); } function sub( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return add(a, negative(b)); } function add( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { Wei memory result; if (a.sign == b.sign) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.add(a.value, b.value); } else { if (a.value >= b.value) { result.sign = a.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(a.value, b.value); } else { result.sign = b.sign; result.value = SafeMath.sub(b.value, a.value); } } return result; } function equals( Wei memory a, Wei memory b ) internal pure returns (bool) { if (a.value == b.value) { if (a.value == 0) { return true; } return a.sign == b.sign; } return false; } function negative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (Wei memory) { return Wei({ sign: !a.sign, value: a.value }); } function isNegative( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return !a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isPositive( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.sign && a.value > 0; } function isZero( Wei memory a ) internal pure returns (bool) { return a.value == 0; } } contract FulcrumSavingsProtocol is ProtocolInterface, DSAuth { address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public savingsProxy; uint public decimals = 10 ** 18; function addSavingsProxy(address _savingsProxy) public auth { savingsProxy = _savingsProxy; } function deposit(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // get dai from user require(ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), _amount)); // approve dai to Fulcrum ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); // mint iDai ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).mint(_user, _amount); } function withdraw(address _user, uint _amount) public override { require(msg.sender == _user); // transfer all users tokens to our contract require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(_user, address(this), ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(_user))); // approve iDai to that contract ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint tokenPrice = ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).tokenPrice(); // get dai from iDai contract ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).burn(_user, _amount * decimals / tokenPrice); // return all remaining tokens back to user require(ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_user, ITokenInterface(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)))); } } contract LoanShifterTaker is AdminAuth, ProxyPermission { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); enum Protocols { MCD, COMPOUND } enum SwapType { NO_SWAP, COLL_SWAP, DEBT_SWAP } struct LoanShiftData { Protocols fromProtocol; Protocols toProtocol; SwapType swapType; bool wholeDebt; uint collAmount; uint debtAmount; address debtAddr1; address debtAddr2; address addrLoan1; address addrLoan2; uint id1; uint id2; } /// @notice Main entry point, it will move or transform a loan /// @dev Called through DSProxy function moveLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) public { if (_isSameTypeVaults(_loanShift)) { _forkVault(_loanShift); return; } _callCloseAndOpen(_exchangeData, _loanShift); } //////////////////////// INTERNAL FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////// function _callCloseAndOpen( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, LoanShiftData memory _loanShift ) internal { address protoAddr = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol))); uint loanAmount = _loanShift.debtAmount; if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { loanAmount = ILoanShifter(protoAddr).getLoanAmount(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.addrLoan1); } ( uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData ) = _packData(_loanShift, _exchangeData); // encode data bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, enumData, callData, address(this)); address payable loanShifterReceiverAddr = payable(shifterRegistry.getAddr("LOAN_SHIFTER_RECEIVER")); // call FL givePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); lendingPool.flashLoan(loanShifterReceiverAddr, getLoanAddr(_loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.fromProtocol), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(loanShifterReceiverAddr); } function _forkVault(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal { // Create new Vault to move to if (_loanShift.id2 == 0) { _loanShift.id2 =, address(this)); } if (_loanShift.wholeDebt) { manager.shift(_loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2); } } function _isSameTypeVaults(LoanShiftData memory _loanShift) internal pure returns (bool) { return _loanShift.fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.toProtocol == Protocols.MCD && _loanShift.addrLoan1 == _loanShift.addrLoan2; } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } function getLoanAddr(address _address, Protocols _fromProtocol) internal returns (address) { if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.COMPOUND) { return CTokenInterface(_address).underlying(); } else if (_fromProtocol == Protocols.MCD) { return DAI_ADDRESS; } else { return address(0); } } function _packData( LoanShiftData memory _loanShift, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[8] memory addrData, uint8[3] memory enumData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _loanShift.collAmount, _loanShift.debtAmount, _loanShift.id1, _loanShift.id2, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ _loanShift.addrLoan1, _loanShift.addrLoan2, _loanShift.debtAddr1, _loanShift.debtAddr2, exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper ]; enumData = [ uint8(_loanShift.fromProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.toProtocol), uint8(_loanShift.swapType) ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract ShifterRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (string => address) public contractAddresses; bool public finalized; function changeContractAddr(string memory _contractName, address _protoAddr) public onlyOwner { require(!finalized); contractAddresses[_contractName] = _protoAddr; } function lock() public onlyOwner { finalized = true; } function getAddr(string memory _contractName) public view returns (address contractAddr) { contractAddr = contractAddresses[_contractName]; require(contractAddr != address(0), "No contract address registred"); } } library Address { function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract BotRegistry is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public botList; constructor() public { botList[0x776B4a13093e30B05781F97F6A4565B6aa8BE330] = true; botList[0xAED662abcC4FA3314985E67Ea993CAD064a7F5cF] = true; botList[0xa5d330F6619d6bF892A5B87D80272e1607b3e34D] = true; botList[0x5feB4DeE5150B589a7f567EA7CADa2759794A90A] = true; botList[0x7ca06417c1d6f480d3bB195B80692F95A6B66158] = true; } function setBot(address _botAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { botList[_botAddr] = _state; } } contract DFSProxy is Auth { string public constant NAME = "DFSProxy"; string public constant VERSION = "v0.1"; mapping(address => mapping(uint => bool)) public nonces; // --- EIP712 niceties --- bytes32 public DOMAIN_SEPARATOR; bytes32 public constant PERMIT_TYPEHASH = keccak256("callProxy(address _user,address _proxy,address _contract,bytes _txData,uint256 _nonce)"); constructor(uint256 chainId_) public { DOMAIN_SEPARATOR = keccak256(abi.encode( keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,string version,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"), keccak256(bytes(NAME)), keccak256(bytes(VERSION)), chainId_, address(this) )); } function callProxy(address _user, address _proxy, address _contract, bytes calldata _txData, uint256 _nonce, uint8 _v, bytes32 _r, bytes32 _s) external payable onlyAuthorized { bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked( "\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR, keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, _user, _proxy, _contract, _txData, _nonce)) )); // user must be proxy owner require(DSProxyInterface(_proxy).owner() == _user); require(_user == ecrecover(digest, _v, _r, _s), "DFSProxy/user-not-valid"); require(!nonces[_user][_nonce], "DFSProxy/invalid-nonce"); nonces[_user][_nonce] = true; DSProxyInterface(_proxy).execute{value: msg.value}(_contract, _txData); } } contract DebugInfo { mapping (string => uint) public uintValues; mapping (string => address) public addrValues; mapping (string => string) public stringValues; mapping (string => bytes32) public bytes32Values; function logUint(string memory _id, uint _value) public { uintValues[_id] = _value; } function logAddr(string memory _id, address _value) public { addrValues[_id] = _value; } function logString(string memory _id, string memory _value) public { stringValues[_id] = _value; } function logBytes32(string memory _id, bytes32 _value) public { bytes32Values[_id] = _value; } } contract Discount { address public owner; mapping(address => CustomServiceFee) public serviceFees; uint256 constant MAX_SERVICE_FEE = 400; struct CustomServiceFee { bool active; uint256 amount; } constructor() public { owner = msg.sender; } function isCustomFeeSet(address _user) public view returns (bool) { return serviceFees[_user].active; } function getCustomServiceFee(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { return serviceFees[_user].amount; } function setServiceFee(address _user, uint256 _fee) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); require(_fee >= MAX_SERVICE_FEE || _fee == 0); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: true, amount: _fee}); } function disableServiceFee(address _user) public { require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner"); serviceFees[_user] = CustomServiceFee({active: false, amount: 0}); } } contract DydxFlashLoanBase { using SafeMath for uint256; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; function _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(address token) internal view returns (uint256) { return 0; } function _getRepaymentAmountInternal(uint256 amount) internal view returns (uint256) { // Needs to be overcollateralize // Needs to provide +2 wei to be safe return amount.add(2); } function _getAccountInfo() internal view returns (Account.Info memory) { return Account.Info({owner: address(this), number: 1}); } function _getWithdrawAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Withdraw, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } function _getCallAction(bytes memory data, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Call, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: false, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: 0 }), primaryMarketId: 0, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: data }); } function _getDepositAction(uint marketId, uint256 amount, address contractAddr) internal view returns (Actions.ActionArgs memory) { return Actions.ActionArgs({ actionType: Actions.ActionType.Deposit, accountId: 0, amount: Types.AssetAmount({ sign: true, denomination: Types.AssetDenomination.Wei, ref: Types.AssetReference.Delta, value: amount }), primaryMarketId: marketId, secondaryMarketId: 0, otherAddress: contractAddr, otherAccountId: 0, data: "" }); } } contract ExchangeDataParser { function decodeExchangeData( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (address[4] memory, uint[4] memory, bytes memory) { return ( [exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper], [exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x], exchangeData.callData ); } function encodeExchangeData( address[4] memory exAddr, uint[4] memory exNum, bytes memory callData ) internal pure returns (SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory) { return SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: exAddr[0], destAddr: exAddr[1], srcAmount: exNum[0], destAmount: exNum[1], minPrice: exNum[2], wrapper: exAddr[3], exchangeAddr: exAddr[2], callData: callData, price0x: exNum[3] }); } } interface IFlashLoanReceiver { function executeOperation(address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external; } abstract contract ILendingPoolAddressesProvider { function getLendingPool() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingPoolImpl(address _pool) public virtual; function getLendingPoolCore() public virtual view returns (address payable); function setLendingPoolCoreImpl(address _lendingPoolCore) public virtual; function getLendingPoolConfigurator() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolConfiguratorImpl(address _configurator) public virtual; function getLendingPoolDataProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolDataProviderImpl(address _provider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolParametersProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolParametersProviderImpl(address _parametersProvider) public virtual; function getTokenDistributor() public virtual view returns (address); function setTokenDistributor(address _tokenDistributor) public virtual; function getFeeProvider() public virtual view returns (address); function setFeeProviderImpl(address _feeProvider) public virtual; function getLendingPoolLiquidationManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolLiquidationManager(address _manager) public virtual; function getLendingPoolManager() public virtual view returns (address); function setLendingPoolManager(address _lendingPoolManager) public virtual; function getPriceOracle() public virtual view returns (address); function setPriceOracle(address _priceOracle) public virtual; function getLendingRateOracle() public view virtual returns (address); function setLendingRateOracle(address _lendingRateOracle) public virtual; } library EthAddressLib { function ethAddress() internal pure returns(address) { return 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; } } abstract contract FlashLoanReceiverBase is IFlashLoanReceiver { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; using SafeMath for uint256; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public addressesProvider; constructor(ILendingPoolAddressesProvider _provider) public { addressesProvider = _provider; } receive () external virtual payable {} function transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { address payable core = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolCore(); transferInternal(core,_reserve, _amount); } function transferInternal(address payable _destination, address _reserve, uint256 _amount) internal { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { //solium-disable-next-line{value: _amount}(""); return; } ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount); } function getBalanceInternal(address _target, address _reserve) internal view returns(uint256) { if(_reserve == EthAddressLib.ethAddress()) { return _target.balance; } return ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(_target); } } contract GasBurner { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase GasTokenInterface public constant gasToken = GasTokenInterface(0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04); modifier burnGas(uint _amount) { if (gasToken.balanceOf(address(this)) >= _amount) {; } _; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(ERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(ERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. */ function safeApprove(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(ERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function _callOptionalReturn(ERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ZrxAllowlist is AdminAuth { mapping (address => bool) public zrxAllowlist; mapping(address => bool) private nonPayableAddrs; constructor() public { zrxAllowlist[0x6958F5e95332D93D21af0D7B9Ca85B8212fEE0A5] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x61935CbDd02287B511119DDb11Aeb42F1593b7Ef] = true; zrxAllowlist[0xDef1C0ded9bec7F1a1670819833240f027b25EfF] = true; zrxAllowlist[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; nonPayableAddrs[0x080bf510FCbF18b91105470639e9561022937712] = true; } function setAllowlistAddr(address _zrxAddr, bool _state) public onlyOwner { zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr] = _state; } function isZrxAddr(address _zrxAddr) public view returns (bool) { return zrxAllowlist[_zrxAddr]; } function addNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = true; } function removeNonPayableAddr(address _nonPayableAddr) public onlyOwner { nonPayableAddrs[_nonPayableAddr] = false; } function isNonPayableAddr(address _addr) public view returns(bool) { return nonPayableAddrs[_addr]; } } contract AaveBasicProxy is GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES = 0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8; uint16 public constant AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE = 64; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Aave protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited function deposit(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) public burnGas(5) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint ethValue = _amount; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); ethValue = 0; } ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: ethValue}(_tokenAddr, _amount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User withdraws tokens from the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _wholeAmount If true we will take the whole amount on chain function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeAmount) public burnGas(8) { uint256 amount = _wholeAmount ? ERC20(_aTokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)) : _amount; IAToken(_aTokenAddr).redeem(amount); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _type Send 1 for variable rate and 2 for fixed rate function borrow(address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount, uint256 _type) public burnGas(8) { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_tokenAddr, _amount, _type, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, payable(address(this))); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Aave protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _aTokenAddr ATokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payed back /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function paybackOnBehalf(address _tokenAddr, address _aTokenAddr, uint256 _amount, bool _wholeDebt, address payable _onBehalf) public burnGas(3) payable { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); uint256 amount = _amount; (,uint256 borrowAmount,,,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, _onBehalf); if (_wholeDebt) { amount = borrowAmount; } amount += originationFee; if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); approveToken(_tokenAddr, lendingPoolCore); } ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: msg.value}(_tokenAddr, amount, _onBehalf); withdrawTokens(_tokenAddr); } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { uint256 amount = _tokenAddr == ETH_ADDR ? address(this).balance : ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount > 0) { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount); } else { msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } } /// @notice Approves token contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _caller Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _caller) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_caller, uint256(-1)); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address _tokenAddr) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_tokenAddr, address(this)); if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, true); } } function setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(address _tokenAddr, bool _true) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_tokenAddr, _true); } function swapBorrowRateMode(address _reserve) public { address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); ILendingPool(lendingPool).swapBorrowRateMode(_reserve); } } contract AaveLoanInfo is AaveSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint256[] collAmounts; uint256[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address aTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint256 supplyRate; uint256 borrowRate; uint256 totalSupply; uint256 availableLiquidity; uint256 totalBorrow; uint256 collateralFactor; uint256 price; bool usageAsCollateralEnabled; } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint256) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Aave prices for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory prices) { address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); prices = new uint[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Aave collateral factors for tokens /// @param _tokens Arr. of tokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory collFactors) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); collFactors = new uint256[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; ++i) { (,collFactors[i],,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokens[i]); } } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _tokens) public view returns (uint256[] memory balances, uint256[] memory borrows, bool[] memory enabledAsCollateral) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); balances = new uint256[](_tokens.length); borrows = new uint256[](_tokens.length); enabledAsCollateral = new bool[](_tokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokens.length; i++) { address asset = _tokens[i]; (balances[i], borrows[i],,,,,,,,enabledAsCollateral[i]) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(asset, _user); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for an aave user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint256[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint256[](_users.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of tokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfo[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about reserves /// @param _tokenAddresses Array of token addresses /// @return tokens Array of reserves infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _tokenAddresses) public view returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_tokenAddresses.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (,uint256 ltv,,bool usageAsCollateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveConfiguration(_tokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ aTokenAddress: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(_tokenAddresses[i]), underlyingTokenAddress: _tokenAddresses[i], supplyRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentLiquidityRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), borrowRate: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveCurrentVariableBorrowRate(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalSupply: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), availableLiquidity: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveAvailableLiquidity(_tokenAddresses[i]), totalBorrow: ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveTotalBorrowsVariable(_tokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: ltv, price: IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(_tokenAddresses[i]), usageAsCollateralEnabled: usageAsCollateralEnabled }); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address lendingPoolAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address priceOracleAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getPriceOracle(); address[] memory reserves = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getReserves(); data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](reserves.length), borrowAddr: new address[](reserves.length), collAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](reserves.length) }); uint64 collPos = 0; uint64 borrowPos = 0; for (uint64 i = 0; i < reserves.length; i++) { address reserve = reserves[i]; (uint256 aTokenBalance, uint256 borrowBalance,,,,,,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPoolAddress).getUserReserveData(reserve, _user); uint256 price = IPriceOracleGetterAave(priceOracleAddress).getAssetPrice(reserves[i]); if (aTokenBalance > 0) { uint256 userTokenBalanceEth = wmul(aTokenBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - getDecimals(reserve))); data.collAddr[collPos] = reserve; data.collAmounts[collPos] = userTokenBalanceEth; collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Eth if (borrowBalance > 0) { uint256 userBorrowBalanceEth = wmul(borrowBalance, price) * (10 ** (18 - getDecimals(reserve))); data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = reserve; data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos] = userBorrowBalanceEth; borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in ether /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == ETH_ADDR) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract AaveMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, AaveSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 19; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2000000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2000000; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; AaveMonitorProxy public aaveMonitorProxy; AaveSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public aaveSaverProxy; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _aaveMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Aave positions /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _aaveMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _aaveSaverProxy) public { aaveMonitorProxy = AaveMonitorProxy(_aaveMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = AaveSubscriptions(_subscriptions); aaveSaverProxy = _aaveSaverProxy; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); aaveMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, aaveSaverProxy, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256)", _exData, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticAaveBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by AaveMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { AaveSubscriptions.AaveHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas token amount /// @param _gasTokenAmount New gas token amount /// @param _repay true if repay gas token, false if boost gas token function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasTokenAmount, bool _repay) public onlyOwner { if (_repay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasTokenAmount; } } } contract AaveMonitorProxy is AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint public CHANGE_PERIOD; address public monitor; address public newMonitor; address public lastMonitor; uint public changeRequestedTimestamp; mapping(address => bool) public allowed; event MonitorChangeInitiated(address oldMonitor, address newMonitor); event MonitorChangeCanceled(); event MonitorChangeFinished(address monitor); event MonitorChangeReverted(address monitor); // if someone who is allowed become malicious, owner can't be changed modifier onlyAllowed() { require(allowed[msg.sender] || msg.sender == owner); _; } modifier onlyMonitor() { require (msg.sender == monitor); _; } constructor(uint _changePeriod) public { CHANGE_PERIOD = _changePeriod * 1 days; } /// @notice Only monitor contract is able to call execute on users proxy /// @param _owner Address of cdp owner (users DSProxy address) /// @param _aaveSaverProxy Address of AaveSaverProxy /// @param _data Data to send to AaveSaverProxy function callExecute(address _owner, address _aaveSaverProxy, bytes memory _data) public payable onlyMonitor { // execute reverts if calling specific method fails DSProxyInterface(_owner).execute{value: msg.value}(_aaveSaverProxy, _data); // return if anything left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Allowed users are able to set Monitor contract without any waiting period first time /// @param _monitor Address of Monitor contract function setMonitor(address _monitor) public onlyAllowed { require(monitor == address(0)); monitor = _monitor; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to start procedure for changing monitor /// @dev after CHANGE_PERIOD needs to call confirmNewMonitor to actually make a change /// @param _newMonitor address of new monitor function changeMonitor(address _newMonitor) public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp == 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = now; lastMonitor = monitor; newMonitor = _newMonitor; emit MonitorChangeInitiated(lastMonitor, newMonitor); } /// @notice At any point allowed users are able to cancel monitor change function cancelMonitorChange() public onlyAllowed { require(changeRequestedTimestamp > 0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; newMonitor = address(0); emit MonitorChangeCanceled(); } /// @notice Anyone is able to confirm new monitor after CHANGE_PERIOD if process is started function confirmNewMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require((changeRequestedTimestamp + CHANGE_PERIOD) < now); require(changeRequestedTimestamp != 0); require(newMonitor != address(0)); monitor = newMonitor; newMonitor = address(0); changeRequestedTimestamp = 0; emit MonitorChangeFinished(monitor); } /// @notice Its possible to revert monitor to last used monitor function revertMonitor() public onlyAllowed { require(lastMonitor != address(0)); monitor = lastMonitor; emit MonitorChangeReverted(monitor); } /// @notice Allowed users are able to add new allowed user /// @param _user Address of user that will be allowed function addAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = true; } /// @notice Allowed users are able to remove allowed user /// @dev owner is always allowed even if someone tries to remove it from allowed mapping /// @param _user Address of allowed user function removeAllowed(address _user) public onlyAllowed { allowed[_user] = false; } function setChangePeriod(uint _periodInDays) public onlyAllowed { require(_periodInDays * 1 days > CHANGE_PERIOD); CHANGE_PERIOD = _periodInDays * 1 days; } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it /// @param _token address of token to withdraw balance function withdrawToken(address _token) public onlyOwner { uint balance = ERC20(_token).balanceOf(address(this)); ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, balance); } /// @notice In case something is left in contract, owner is able to withdraw it function withdrawEth() public onlyOwner { uint balance = address(this).balance; msg.sender.transfer(balance); } } contract AaveSubscriptions is AdminAuth { struct AaveHolder { address user; uint128 minRatio; uint128 maxRatio; uint128 optimalRatioBoost; uint128 optimalRatioRepay; bool boostEnabled; } struct SubPosition { uint arrPos; bool subscribed; } AaveHolder[] public subscribers; mapping (address => SubPosition) public subscribersPos; uint public changeIndex; event Subscribed(address indexed user); event Unsubscribed(address indexed user); event Updated(address indexed user); event ParamUpdates(address indexed user, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, bool); /// @dev Called by the DSProxy contract which owns the Aave position /// @notice Adds the users Aave poistion in the list of subscriptions so it can be monitored /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalBoost, uint128 _optimalRepay, bool _boostEnabled) external { // if boost is not enabled, set max ratio to max uint uint128 localMaxRatio = _boostEnabled ? _maxRatio : uint128(-1); require(checkParams(_minRatio, localMaxRatio), "Must be correct params"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[msg.sender]; AaveHolder memory subscription = AaveHolder({ minRatio: _minRatio, maxRatio: localMaxRatio, optimalRatioBoost: _optimalBoost, optimalRatioRepay: _optimalRepay, user: msg.sender, boostEnabled: _boostEnabled }); changeIndex++; if (subInfo.subscribed) { subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscription; emit Updated(msg.sender); emit ParamUpdates(msg.sender, _minRatio, localMaxRatio, _optimalBoost, _optimalRepay, _boostEnabled); } else { subscribers.push(subscription); subInfo.arrPos = subscribers.length - 1; subInfo.subscribed = true; emit Subscribed(msg.sender); } } /// @notice Called by the users DSProxy /// @dev Owner who subscribed cancels his subscription function unsubscribe() external { _unsubscribe(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks limit if minRatio is bigger than max /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio, bellow which repay can be triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio, over which boost can be triggered /// @return Returns bool if the params are correct function checkParams(uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio) internal pure returns (bool) { if (_minRatio > _maxRatio) { return false; } return true; } /// @dev Internal method to remove a subscriber from the list /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function _unsubscribe(address _user) internal { require(subscribers.length > 0, "Must have subscribers in the list"); SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; require(subInfo.subscribed, "Must first be subscribed"); address lastOwner = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1].user; SubPosition storage subInfo2 = subscribersPos[lastOwner]; subInfo2.arrPos = subInfo.arrPos; subscribers[subInfo.arrPos] = subscribers[subscribers.length - 1]; subscribers.pop(); // remove last element and reduce arr length changeIndex++; subInfo.subscribed = false; subInfo.arrPos = 0; emit Unsubscribed(msg.sender); } /// @dev Checks if the user is subscribed /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return If the user is subscribed function isSubscribed(address _user) public view returns (bool) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subInfo.subscribed; } /// @dev Returns subscribtion information about a user /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position /// @return Subscription information about the user if exists function getHolder(address _user) public view returns (AaveHolder memory) { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; return subscribers[subInfo.arrPos]; } /// @notice Helper method to return all the subscribed CDPs /// @return List of all subscribers function getSubscribers() public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { return subscribers; } /// @notice Helper method for the frontend, returns all the subscribed CDPs paginated /// @param _page What page of subscribers you want /// @param _perPage Number of entries per page /// @return List of all subscribers for that page function getSubscribersByPage(uint _page, uint _perPage) public view returns (AaveHolder[] memory) { AaveHolder[] memory holders = new AaveHolder[](_perPage); uint start = _page * _perPage; uint end = start + _perPage; end = (end > holders.length) ? holders.length : end; uint count = 0; for (uint i = start; i < end; i++) { holders[count] = subscribers[i]; count++; } return holders; } ////////////// ADMIN METHODS /////////////////// /// @notice Admin function to unsubscribe a position /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Aave position function unsubscribeByAdmin(address _user) public onlyOwner { SubPosition storage subInfo = subscribersPos[_user]; if (subInfo.subscribed) { _unsubscribe(_user); } } } contract AaveSubscriptionsProxy is ProxyPermission { address public constant AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS = 0xe08ff7A2BADb634F0b581E675E6B3e583De086FC; address public constant AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY = 0xfA560Dba3a8D0B197cA9505A2B98120DD89209AC; /// @notice Calls subscription contract and creates a DSGuard if non existent /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function subscribe( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { givePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe( _minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls subscription contract and updated existing parameters /// @dev If subscription is non existent this will create one /// @param _minRatio Minimum ratio below which repay is triggered /// @param _maxRatio Maximum ratio after which boost is triggered /// @param _optimalRatioBoost Ratio amount which boost should target /// @param _optimalRatioRepay Ratio amount which repay should target /// @param _boostEnabled Boolean determing if boost is enabled function update( uint128 _minRatio, uint128 _maxRatio, uint128 _optimalRatioBoost, uint128 _optimalRatioRepay, bool _boostEnabled ) public { IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).subscribe(_minRatio, _maxRatio, _optimalRatioBoost, _optimalRatioRepay, _boostEnabled); } /// @notice Calls the subscription contract to unsubscribe the caller function unsubscribe() public { removePermission(AAVE_MONITOR_PROXY); IAaveSubscription(AAVE_SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS).unsubscribe(); } } contract AaveImport is AaveHelper, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant BASIC_PROXY = 0x9D266997bc73B27d4302E711b55FD78B5278e1De; address public constant AETH_ADDRESS = 0x3a3A65aAb0dd2A17E3F1947bA16138cd37d08c04; function callFunction( address sender, Account.Info memory account, bytes memory data ) public { ( address collateralToken, address borrowToken, uint256 ethAmount, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(data, (address,address,uint256,address,address)); // withdraw eth TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(ethAmount); address lendingPoolCoreAddress = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address aCollateralToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(collateralToken); address aBorrowToken = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCoreAddress).getReserveATokenAddress(borrowToken); // deposit eth on behalf of proxy DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute{value: ethAmount}(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("deposit(address,uint256)", ETH_ADDR, ethAmount)); // borrow needed amount to repay users borrow (,uint256 borrowAmount,,uint256 borrowRateMode,,,uint256 originationFee,,,) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(borrowToken, user); borrowAmount += originationFee; DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("borrow(address,uint256,uint256)", borrowToken, borrowAmount, borrowRateMode)); // payback on behalf of user ERC20(borrowToken).safeApprove(proxy, borrowAmount); DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("paybackOnBehalf(address,address,uint256,bool,address)", borrowToken, aBorrowToken, 0, true, user)); // pull tokens from user to proxy ERC20(aCollateralToken).safeTransferFrom(user, proxy, ERC20(aCollateralToken).balanceOf(user)); // enable as collateral DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("setUserUseReserveAsCollateralIfNeeded(address)", collateralToken)); // withdraw deposited eth DSProxy(payable(proxy)).execute(BASIC_PROXY, abi.encodeWithSignature("withdraw(address,address,uint256,bool)", ETH_ADDR, AETH_ADDRESS, ethAmount, false)); // deposit eth, get weth and return to sender TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); ERC20(WETH_ADDRESS).safeTransfer(proxy, ethAmount+2); } /// @dev if contract receive eth, convert it to WETH receive() external payable { // deposit eth and get weth if (msg.sender == owner) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(address(this).balance)(); } } } contract AaveImportTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address payable public constant AAVE_IMPORT = 0x44e4EF23b4794699D0625657cADcB96e07820fFe; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must send 2 wei with this transaction /// @dev User must approve AaveImport to pull _aCollateralToken /// @param _collateralToken Collateral token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _borrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx function importLoan(address _collateralToken, address _borrowToken, uint _ethAmount) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, AAVE_IMPORT); operations[1] = _getCallAction( abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken, _ethAmount, msg.sender, address(this)), AAVE_IMPORT ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(AAVE_IMPORT); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveImport", abi.encode(_collateralToken, _borrowToken)); } } contract CompoundBasicProxy is GasBurner { address public constant ETH_ADDR = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice User deposits tokens to the Compound protocol /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be deposited /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be deposited /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be deposited /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function deposit(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(5) payable { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: msg.value}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice User withdraws tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be withdrawn /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be withdrawn /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be withdrawn /// @param _isCAmount If true _amount is cTokens if falls _amount is underlying tokens function withdraw(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _isCAmount) public burnGas(5) { if (_isCAmount) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeem(_amount) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).redeemUnderlying(_amount) == 0); } // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice User borrows tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be borrowed /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be borrowed /// @param _inMarket True if the token is already in market for that address function borrow(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _inMarket) public burnGas(8) { if (!_inMarket) { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); } require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); // withdraw funds to msg.sender if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @dev User needs to approve the DSProxy to pull the _tokenAddr tokens /// @notice User paybacks tokens to the Compound protocol /// @param _tokenAddr The address of the token to be paybacked /// @param _cTokenAddr CTokens to be paybacked /// @param _amount Amount of tokens to be payedback /// @param _wholeDebt If true the _amount will be set to the whole amount of the debt function payback(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount, bool _wholeDebt) public burnGas(5) payable { approveToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); if (_wholeDebt) { _amount = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); } if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).repayBorrow{value: msg.value}(); msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); // send back the extra eth } } /// @notice Helper method to withdraw tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Address of the token to be withdrawn function withdrawTokens(address _tokenAddr) public { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Enters the Compound market so it can be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Exits the Compound market so it can't be deposited/borrowed /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken address of the token function exitMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).exitMarket(_cTokenAddr); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDR) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, 0); ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } } contract CompoundSafetyRatio is Exponential, DSMath { // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase ComptrollerInterface public constant comp = ComptrollerInterface(0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B); /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of debt / adjusted collateral /// @param _user Address of the user function getSafetyRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; uint sumCollateral = 0; uint sumBorrow = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { (, uint collFactorMantissa) =; Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp3(collateralFactor, exchangeRate, oraclePrice); (, sumCollateral) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance, sumCollateral); } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { (, sumBorrow) = mulScalarTruncateAddUInt(oraclePrice, borrowBalance, sumBorrow); } } if (sumBorrow == 0) return uint(-1); uint borrowPowerUsed = (sumBorrow * 10**18) / sumCollateral; return wdiv(1e18, borrowPowerUsed); } } contract CompoundMonitor is AdminAuth, DSMath, CompoundSafetyRatio, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; enum Method { Boost, Repay } uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 20; uint constant public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 80000000000; // 80 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2200000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 1700000; address public constant GAS_TOKEN_INTERFACE_ADDRESS = 0x0000000000b3F879cb30FE243b4Dfee438691c04; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; CompoundMonitorProxy public compoundMonitorProxy; CompoundSubscriptions public subscriptionsContract; address public compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress; DefisaverLogger public logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } /// @param _compoundMonitorProxy Proxy contracts that actually is authorized to call DSProxy /// @param _subscriptions Subscriptions contract for Compound positions /// @param _compoundFlashLoanTaker Contract that actually performs Repay/Boost constructor(address _compoundMonitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _compoundFlashLoanTaker) public { compoundMonitorProxy = CompoundMonitorProxy(_compoundMonitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = CompoundSubscriptions(_subscriptions); compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress = _compoundFlashLoanTaker; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress address _user ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _user); require(isAllowed); // check if conditions are met uint256 gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); compoundMonitorProxy.callExecute{value: msg.value}( _user, compoundFlashLoanTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256)", _exData, _cAddresses, gasCost ) ); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _user); require(isGoodRatio); // check if the after result of the actions is good returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), _user, "AutomaticCompoundBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if it can be called and the ratio function canCall(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed = subscriptionsContract.isSubscribed(_user); CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder = subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call /// @param _method Type of action to be called /// @param _user The actual address that owns the Compound position /// @return Boolean if the recent action preformed correctly and the ratio function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, address _user) public view returns(bool, uint) { CompoundSubscriptions.CompoundHolder memory holder; holder= subscriptionsContract.getHolder(_user); uint currRatio = getSafetyRatio(_user); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice If any tokens gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _tokenAddress Address of the ERC20 token /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferERC20(address _tokenAddress, address _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { ERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(_to, _amount); } /// @notice If any Eth gets stuck in the contract owner can withdraw it /// @param _to Address of the receiver /// @param _amount The amount to be sent function transferEth(address payable _to, uint _amount) public onlyOwner { _to.transfer(_amount); } } contract CompoundSaverHelper is DSMath, Exponential { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; address public constant COMPTROLLER = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant COMPOUND_LOGGER = 0x3DD0CDf5fFA28C6847B4B276e2fD256046a44bb7; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; /// @notice Helper method to payback the Compound debt /// @dev If amount is bigger it will repay the whole debt and send the extra to the _user /// @param _amount Amount of tokens we want to repay /// @param _cBorrowToken Ctoken address we are repaying /// @param _borrowToken Token address we are repaying /// @param _user Owner of the compound position we are paying back function paybackDebt(uint _amount, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, address payable _user) internal { uint wholeDebt = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)); if (_amount > wholeDebt) { if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { _user.transfer((_amount - wholeDebt)); } else { ERC20(_borrowToken).safeTransfer(_user, (_amount - wholeDebt)); } _amount = wholeDebt; } approveCToken(_borrowToken, _cBorrowToken); if (_borrowToken == ETH_ADDRESS) { CEtherInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow{value: _amount}(); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).repayBorrow(_amount) == 0); } } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _user Actuall user addr not DSProxy /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getFee(uint _amount, address _user, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(_user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(_user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); _gasCost = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Calculates the gas cost of transaction and send it to wallet /// @param _amount Amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Ether amount of gas we are spending for tx /// @param _cTokenAddr CToken addr. of token we are getting for the fee /// @return feeAmount The amount we took for the fee function getGasCost(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _cTokenAddr) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); if (_gasCost != 0) { address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); uint usdTokenPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddr); uint ethPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(CETH_ADDRESS); uint tokenPriceInEth = wdiv(usdTokenPrice, ethPrice); feeAmount = wdiv(_gasCost, tokenPriceInEth); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } /// @notice Enters the market for the collatera and borrow tokens /// @param _cTokenAddrColl Collateral address we are entering the market in /// @param _cTokenAddrBorrow Borrow address we are entering the market in function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddrColl, address _cTokenAddrBorrow) internal { address[] memory markets = new address[](2); markets[0] = _cTokenAddrColl; markets[1] = _cTokenAddrBorrow; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).enterMarkets(markets); } /// @notice Approves CToken contract to pull underlying tokens from the DSProxy /// @param _tokenAddr Token we are trying to approve /// @param _cTokenAddr Address which will gain the approval function approveCToken(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeApprove(_cTokenAddr, uint(-1)); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } /// @notice Returns the owner of the DSProxy that called the contract function getUserAddress() internal view returns (address) { DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(uint160(address(this))); return proxy.owner(); } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of collateral available to withdraw /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cCollAddress Collateral we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. collateral amount in that token function getMaxCollateral(address _cCollAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); uint usersBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); if (liquidityInUsd == 0) return usersBalance; CTokenInterface(_cCollAddress).accrueInterest(); (, uint collFactorMantissa) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).markets(_cCollAddress); Exp memory collateralFactor = Exp({mantissa: collFactorMantissa}); (, uint tokensToUsd) = divScalarByExpTruncate(liquidityInUsd, collateralFactor); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cCollAddress); uint liqInToken = wdiv(tokensToUsd, usdPrice); if (liqInToken > usersBalance) return usersBalance; return sub(liqInToken, (liqInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } /// @notice Returns the maximum amount of borrow amount available /// @dev Due to rounding errors the result is - 1% wei from the exact amount /// @param _cBorrowAddress Borrow token we are getting the max value of /// @param _account Users account /// @return Returns the max. borrow amount in that token function getMaxBorrow(address _cBorrowAddress, address _account) public returns (uint) { (, uint liquidityInUsd, ) = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).getAccountLiquidity(_account); address oracle = ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER).oracle(); CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddress).accrueInterest(); uint usdPrice = CompoundOracleInterface(oracle).getUnderlyingPrice(_cBorrowAddress); uint liquidityInToken = wdiv(liquidityInUsd, usdPrice); return sub(liquidityInToken, (liquidityInToken / 100)); // cut off 1% due to rounding issues } } contract CompoundImportFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY = 0xb7EDC39bE76107e2Cc645f0f6a3D164f5e173Ee2; address public owner; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( address cCollateralToken, address cBorrowToken, address user, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (address,address,address,address)); // approve FL tokens so we can repay them ERC20(_reserve).safeApprove(cBorrowToken, uint(-1)); // repay compound debt require(CTokenInterface(cBorrowToken).repayBorrowBehalf(user, uint(-1)) == 0, "Repay borrow behalf fail"); // transfer cTokens to proxy uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).balanceOf(user); require(CTokenInterface(cCollateralToken).transferFrom(user, proxy, cTokenBalance)); // borrow bytes memory proxyData = getProxyData(cCollateralToken, cBorrowToken, _reserve, (_amount + _fee)); DSProxyInterface(proxy).execute(COMPOUND_BORROW_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of collateral /// @param _cBorrowToken CToken address we will borrow /// @param _borrowToken Token address we will borrow /// @param _amount Amount that will be borrowed /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function getProxyData(address _cCollToken, address _cBorrowToken, address _borrowToken, uint _amount) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "borrow(address,address,address,uint256)", _cCollToken, _cBorrowToken, _borrowToken, _amount); } function withdrawStuckFunds(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) public { require(owner == msg.sender, "Must be owner"); if (_tokenAddr == 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE) { msg.sender.transfer(_amount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(owner, _amount); } } } contract CompoundImportTaker is CompoundSaverHelper, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0a9238e14d5A20CDb03811B12D1984587C3CE9a0; address public constant PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x4678f0a6958e4D2Bc4F1BAF7Bc52E8F3564f3fE4; DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Starts the process to move users position 1 collateral and 1 borrow /// @dev User must approve COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN to pull _cCollateralToken /// @param _cCollateralToken Collateral we are moving to DSProxy /// @param _cBorrowToken Borrow token we are moving to DSProxy function importLoan(address _cCollateralToken, address _cBorrowToken) external burnGas(20) { address proxy = getProxy(); uint loanAmount = CTokenInterface(_cBorrowToken).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(_cCollateralToken, _cBorrowToken, msg.sender, proxy); givePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowToken), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_IMPORT_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundImport", abi.encode(loanAmount, 0, _cCollateralToken)); } /// @notice Gets proxy address, if user doesn't has DSProxy build it /// @return proxy DsProxy address function getProxy() internal returns (address proxy) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).proxies(msg.sender); if (proxy == address(0)) { proxy = ProxyRegistryInterface(PROXY_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).build(msg.sender); } } } contract SaverExchangeCore is SaverExchangeHelper, DSMath { // first is empty to keep the legacy order in place enum ExchangeType { _, OASIS, KYBER, UNISWAP, ZEROX } enum ActionType { SELL, BUY } struct ExchangeData { address srcAddr; address destAddr; uint srcAmount; uint destAmount; uint minPrice; address wrapper; address exchangeAddr; bytes callData; uint256 price0x; } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a sell on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and destAmount function _sell(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; uint tokensLeft = exData.srcAmount; // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } // Try 0x first and then fallback on specific wrapper if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = exData.srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS ? msg.value - exData.srcAmount : msg.value; (success, swapedTokens, tokensLeft) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.SELL); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.SELL); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= wmul(exData.minPrice, exData.srcAmount), "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, swapedTokens); } /// @notice Internal method that preforms a buy on 0x/on-chain /// @dev Usefull for other DFS contract to integrate for exchanging /// @param exData Exchange data struct /// @return (address, uint) Address of the wrapper used and srcAmount function _buy(ExchangeData memory exData) internal returns (address, uint) { address wrapper; uint swapedTokens; bool success; require(exData.destAmount != 0, "Dest amount must be specified"); // if selling eth, convert to weth if (exData.srcAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { exData.srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(exData.srcAddr); TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).deposit.value(exData.srcAmount)(); } if (exData.price0x > 0) { approve0xProxy(exData.srcAddr, exData.srcAmount); uint ethAmount = exData.srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS ? msg.value - exData.srcAmount : msg.value; (success, swapedTokens,) = takeOrder(exData, ethAmount, ActionType.BUY); if (success) { wrapper = exData.exchangeAddr; } } // fallback to desired wrapper if 0x failed if (!success) { swapedTokens = saverSwap(exData, ActionType.BUY); wrapper = exData.wrapper; } require(getBalance(exData.destAddr) >= exData.destAmount, "Final amount isn't correct"); // if anything is left in weth, pull it to user as eth if (getBalance(WETH_ADDRESS) > 0) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } return (wrapper, getBalance(exData.destAddr)); } /// @notice Takes order from 0x and returns bool indicating if it is successful /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _ethAmount Ether fee needed for 0x order function takeOrder( ExchangeData memory _exData, uint256 _ethAmount, ActionType _type ) private returns (bool success, uint256, uint256) { // write in the exact amount we are selling/buing in an order if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.srcAmount); } else { writeUint256(_exData.callData, 36, _exData.destAmount); } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isNonPayableAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { _ethAmount = 0; } if (ZrxAllowlist(ZRX_ALLOWLIST_ADDR).isZrxAddr(_exData.exchangeAddr)) { (success, ) ={value: _ethAmount}(_exData.callData); } else { success = false; } uint256 tokensSwaped = 0; uint256 tokensLeft = _exData.srcAmount; if (success) { // check to see if any _src tokens are left over after exchange tokensLeft = getBalance(_exData.srcAddr); // convert weth -> eth if needed if (_exData.destAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw( TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)) ); } // get the current balance of the swaped tokens tokensSwaped = getBalance(_exData.destAddr); } return (success, tokensSwaped, tokensLeft); } /// @notice Calls wraper contract for exchage to preform an on-chain swap /// @param _exData Exchange data struct /// @param _type Type of action SELL|BUY /// @return swapedTokens For Sell that the destAmount, for Buy thats the srcAmount function saverSwap(ExchangeData memory _exData, ActionType _type) internal returns (uint swapedTokens) { require(SaverExchangeRegistry(SAVER_EXCHANGE_REGISTRY).isWrapper(_exData.wrapper), "Wrapper is not valid"); uint ethValue = 0; ERC20(_exData.srcAddr).safeTransfer(_exData.wrapper, _exData.srcAmount); if (_type == ActionType.SELL) { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). sell{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount); } else { swapedTokens = ExchangeInterfaceV2(_exData.wrapper). buy{value: ethValue}(_exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.destAmount); } } function writeUint256(bytes memory _b, uint256 _index, uint _input) internal pure { if (_b.length < _index + 32) { revert("Incorrent lengt while writting bytes32"); } bytes32 input = bytes32(_input); _index += 32; // Read the bytes32 from array memory assembly { mstore(add(_b, _index), input) } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } function packExchangeData(ExchangeData memory _exData) public pure returns(bytes memory) { // splitting in two different bytes and encoding all because of stack too deep in decoding part bytes memory part1 = abi.encode( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ); bytes memory part2 = abi.encode( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ); return abi.encode(part1, part2); } function unpackExchangeData(bytes memory _data) public pure returns(ExchangeData memory _exData) { ( bytes memory part1, bytes memory part2 ) = abi.decode(_data, (bytes,bytes)); ( _exData.srcAddr, _exData.destAddr, _exData.srcAmount, _exData.destAmount ) = abi.decode(part1, (address,address,uint256,uint256)); ( _exData.minPrice, _exData.wrapper, _exData.exchangeAddr, _exData.callData, _exData.price0x ) = abi.decode(part2, (uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256)); } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external virtual payable {} } contract KyberWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant KYBER_INTERFACE = 0x9AAb3f75489902f3a48495025729a0AF77d4b11e; address payable public constant WALLET_ID = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), _srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, _srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, uint(-1), 0, WALLET_ID ); return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Kyber /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { ERC20 srcToken = ERC20(_srcAddr); ERC20 destToken = ERC20(_destAddr); uint srcAmount = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmount = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmount = msg.value; } KyberNetworkProxyInterface kyberNetworkProxy = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcToken.safeApprove(address(kyberNetworkProxy), srcAmount); } uint destAmount ={value: msg.value}( srcToken, srcAmount, destToken, msg.sender, _destAmount, 0, WALLET_ID ); require(destAmount == _destAmount, "Wrong dest amount"); uint srcAmountAfter = 0; if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { srcAmountAfter = srcToken.balanceOf(address(this)); } else { srcAmountAfter = address(this).balance; } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return (srcAmount - srcAmountAfter); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return rate Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { (rate, ) = KyberNetworkProxyInterface(KYBER_INTERFACE) .getExpectedRate(ERC20(_srcAddr), ERC20(_destAddr), _srcAmount); // multiply with decimal difference in src token rate = rate * (10**(18 - getDecimals(_srcAddr))); // divide with decimal difference in dest token rate = rate / (10**(18 - getDecimals(_destAddr))); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return rate Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint rate) { uint256 srcRate = getSellRate(_srcAddr, _destAddr, _destAmount); uint256 srcAmount = wmul(_destAmount, srcRate); rate = getSellRate(_destAddr, _srcAddr, srcAmount); // increase rate by 3% too account for inaccuracy between sell/buy conversion rate = rate + (rate / 30); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } receive() payable external {} function getDecimals(address _token) internal view returns (uint256) { if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) return 18; return ERC20(_token).decimals(); } } contract OasisTradeWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; address public constant OTC_ADDRESS = 0x794e6e91555438aFc3ccF1c5076A74F42133d08D; address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external override payable returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, _srcAmount); uint destAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).sellAllAmount(srcAddr, _srcAmount, destAddr, 0); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, destAmount); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Oasis /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); ERC20(srcAddr).safeApprove(OTC_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); uint srcAmount = OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).buyAllAmount(destAddr, _destAmount, srcAddr, uint(-1)); // convert weth -> eth and send back if (destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { TokenInterface(WETH_ADDRESS).withdraw(_destAmount); msg.sender.transfer(_destAmount); } else { ERC20(destAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _destAmount); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getBuyAmount(destAddr, srcAddr, _srcAmount), _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { address srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); address destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); return wdiv(OasisInterface(OTC_ADDRESS).getPayAmount(srcAddr, destAddr, _destAmount), _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapV2Wrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; UniswapRouterInterface public constant router = UniswapRouterInterface(0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D); using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), _srcAmount); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForETH(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are selling token to token else { amounts = router.swapExactTokensForTokens(_srcAmount, 1, path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } return amounts[amounts.length - 1]; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at UniswapV2 /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); uint[] memory amounts; address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(address(router), uint(-1)); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactETH(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // if we are buying token to token else { amounts = router.swapTokensForExactTokens(_destAmount, uint(-1), path, msg.sender, block.timestamp + 1); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return amounts[0]; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsOut(_srcAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[amounts.length - 1], _srcAmount); } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); address[] memory path = new address[](2); path[0] = _srcAddr; path[1] = _destAddr; uint[] memory amounts = router.getAmountsIn(_destAmount, path); return wdiv(amounts[0], _destAmount); } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract UniswapWrapper is DSMath, ExchangeInterfaceV2, AdminAuth { address public constant WETH_ADDRESS = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant UNISWAP_FACTORY = 0xc0a47dFe034B400B47bDaD5FecDa2621de6c4d95; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Sells a _srcAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Destination amount function sell(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) external payable override returns (uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint destAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are selling token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, _srcAmount); destAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferInput(_srcAmount, 1, 1, block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } return destAmount; } /// @notice Buys a _destAmount of tokens at Uniswap /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint srcAmount function buy(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) external override payable returns(uint) { address uniswapExchangeAddr; uint srcAmount; _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); // if we are buying ether if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToEthTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender); } // if we are buying token to token else { uniswapExchangeAddr = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); ERC20(_srcAddr).safeApprove(uniswapExchangeAddr, uint(-1)); srcAmount = UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapExchangeAddr). tokenToTokenTransferOutput(_destAmount, uint(-1), uint(-1), block.timestamp + 1, msg.sender, _destAddr); } // Send the leftover from the source token back sendLeftOver(_srcAddr); return srcAmount; } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can sell an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _srcAmount From amount /// @return uint Rate function getSellRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _srcAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount), _srcAmount); } else { uint ethBought = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getTokenToEthInputPrice(_srcAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getEthToTokenInputPrice(ethBought), _srcAmount); } } /// @notice Return a rate for which we can buy an amount of tokens /// @param _srcAddr From token /// @param _destAddr To token /// @param _destAmount To amount /// @return uint Rate function getBuyRate(address _srcAddr, address _destAddr, uint _destAmount) public override view returns (uint) { _srcAddr = ethToWethAddr(_srcAddr); _destAddr = ethToWethAddr(_destAddr); if(_srcAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else if (_destAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { address uniswapTokenAddress = UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(uniswapTokenAddress).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount), _destAmount); } else { uint ethNeeded = UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_destAddr)).getTokenToEthOutputPrice(_destAmount); return wdiv(UniswapExchangeInterface(UniswapFactoryInterface(UNISWAP_FACTORY).getExchange(_srcAddr)).getEthToTokenOutputPrice(ethNeeded), _destAmount); } } /// @notice Send any leftover tokens, we use to clear out srcTokens after buy /// @param _srcAddr Source token address function sendLeftOver(address _srcAddr) internal { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); if (_srcAddr != KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_srcAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, ERC20(_srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } /// @notice Converts Kybers Eth address -> Weth /// @param _src Input address function ethToWethAddr(address _src) internal pure returns (address) { return _src == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS ? WETH_ADDRESS : _src; } receive() payable external {} } contract DyDxFlashLoanTaker is DydxFlashLoanBase, ProxyPermission { address public constant WETH_ADDR = 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; /// @notice Takes flash loan for _receiver /// @dev Receiver must send back WETH + 2 wei after executing transaction /// @dev Method is meant to be called from proxy and proxy will give authorization to _receiver /// @param _receiver Address of funds receiver /// @param _ethAmount ETH amount that needs to be pulled from dydx /// @param _encodedData Bytes with packed data function takeLoan(address _receiver, uint256 _ethAmount, bytes memory _encodedData) public { ISoloMargin solo = ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS); // Get marketId from token address uint256 marketId = _getMarketIdFromTokenAddress(WETH_ADDR); // Calculate repay amount (_amount + (2 wei)) // Approve transfer from uint256 repayAmount = _getRepaymentAmountInternal(_ethAmount); ERC20(WETH_ADDR).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, repayAmount); Actions.ActionArgs[] memory operations = new Actions.ActionArgs[](3); operations[0] = _getWithdrawAction(marketId, _ethAmount, _receiver); operations[1] = _getCallAction( _encodedData, _receiver ); operations[2] = _getDepositAction(marketId, repayAmount, address(this)); Account.Info[] memory accountInfos = new Account.Info[](1); accountInfos[0] = _getAccountInfo(); givePermission(_receiver); solo.operate(accountInfos, operations); removePermission(_receiver); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "DyDxFlashLoanTaken", abi.encode(_receiver, _ethAmount, _encodedData)); } } abstract contract CTokenInterface is ERC20 { function mint(uint256 mintAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); // function mint() external virtual payable; function accrueInterest() public virtual returns (uint); function redeem(uint256 redeemTokens) external virtual returns (uint256); function redeemUnderlying(uint256 redeemAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function borrow(uint256 borrowAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow(uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrow() external virtual payable; function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount) external virtual returns (uint256); function repayBorrowBehalf(address borrower) external virtual payable; function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint256 repayAmount, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual returns (uint256); function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, address cTokenCollateral) external virtual payable; function exchangeRateCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function supplyRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowRatePerBlock() external virtual returns (uint256); function totalReserves() external virtual returns (uint256); function reserveFactorMantissa() external virtual returns (uint256); function borrowBalanceCurrent(address account) external virtual returns (uint256); function totalBorrowsCurrent() external virtual returns (uint256); function getCash() external virtual returns (uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address owner) external virtual returns (uint256); function underlying() external virtual returns (address); function getAccountSnapshot(address account) external virtual view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint); } abstract contract ISubscriptionsV2 is StaticV2 { function getOwner(uint _cdpId) external view virtual returns(address); function getSubscribedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns(bool, uint128, uint128, uint128, uint128, address, uint coll, uint debt); function getCdpHolder(uint _cdpId) public view virtual returns (bool subscribed, CdpHolder memory); } contract MCDMonitorV2 is DSMath, AdminAuth, GasBurner, StaticV2 { uint public REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = 25; uint public MAX_GAS_PRICE = 200000000000; // 200 gwei uint public REPAY_GAS_COST = 2500000; uint public BOOST_GAS_COST = 2500000; MCDMonitorProxyV2 public monitorProxyContract; ISubscriptionsV2 public subscriptionsContract; address public mcdSaverTakerAddress; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); Vat public vat = Vat(0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B); Spotter public spotter = Spotter(0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); modifier onlyApproved() { require(BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(msg.sender), "Not auth bot"); _; } constructor(address _monitorProxy, address _subscriptions, address _mcdSaverTakerAddress) public { monitorProxyContract = MCDMonitorProxyV2(_monitorProxy); subscriptionsContract = ISubscriptionsV2(_subscriptions); mcdSaverTakerAddress = _mcdSaverTakerAddress; } /// @notice Bots call this method to repay for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function repayFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(REPAY_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(REPAY_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "repayWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Repay, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDRepay", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /// @notice Bots call this method to boost for user when conditions are met /// @dev If the contract ownes gas token it will try and use it for gas price reduction function boostFor( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice, address _joinAddr ) public payable onlyApproved burnGas(BOOST_GAS_TOKEN) { (bool isAllowed, uint ratioBefore) = canCall(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isAllowed); uint gasCost = calcGasCost(BOOST_GAS_COST); address owner = subscriptionsContract.getOwner(_cdpId); monitorProxyContract.callExecute{value: msg.value}( owner, mcdSaverTakerAddress, abi.encodeWithSignature( "boostWithLoan((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),uint256,uint256,address)", _exchangeData, _cdpId, gasCost, _joinAddr)); (bool isGoodRatio, uint ratioAfter) = ratioGoodAfter(Method.Boost, _cdpId, _nextPrice); require(isGoodRatio); returnEth(); logger.Log(address(this), owner, "AutomaticMCDBoost", abi.encode(ratioBefore, ratioAfter)); } /******************* INTERNAL METHODS ********************************/ function returnEth() internal { // return if some eth left if (address(this).balance > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /******************* STATIC METHODS ********************************/ /// @notice Returns an address that owns the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getOwner(uint _cdpId) public view returns(address) { return manager.owns(_cdpId); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getCdpInfo(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint, uint) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); (uint collateral, uint debt) = vat.urns(_ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return (collateral, rmul(debt, rate)); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _nextPrice Next price for user function getRatio(uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns (uint) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint price = (_nextPrice == 0) ? getPrice(ilk) : _nextPrice; (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(_cdpId, ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt) / (10 ** 18); } /// @notice Checks if Boost/Repay could be triggered for the CDP /// @dev Called by MCDMonitor to enforce the min/max check function canCall(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { bool subscribed; CdpHolder memory holder; (subscribed, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); // check if cdp is subscribed if (!subscribed) return (false, 0); // check if using next price is allowed if (_nextPrice > 0 && !holder.nextPriceEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if boost and boost allowed if (_method == Method.Boost && !holder.boostEnabled) return (false, 0); // check if owner is still owner if (getOwner(_cdpId) != holder.owner) return (false, 0); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.minRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } } /// @dev After the Boost/Repay check if the ratio doesn't trigger another call function ratioGoodAfter(Method _method, uint _cdpId, uint _nextPrice) public view returns(bool, uint) { CdpHolder memory holder; (, holder) = subscriptionsContract.getCdpHolder(_cdpId); uint currRatio = getRatio(_cdpId, _nextPrice); if (_method == Method.Repay) { return (currRatio < holder.maxRatio, currRatio); } else if (_method == Method.Boost) { return (currRatio > holder.minRatio, currRatio); } } /// @notice Calculates gas cost (in Eth) of tx /// @dev Gas price is limited to MAX_GAS_PRICE to prevent attack of draining user CDP /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas used for the tx function calcGasCost(uint _gasAmount) public view returns (uint) { uint gasPrice = tx.gasprice <= MAX_GAS_PRICE ? tx.gasprice : MAX_GAS_PRICE; return mul(gasPrice, _gasAmount); } /******************* OWNER ONLY OPERATIONS ********************************/ /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for boost operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for boost method function changeBoostGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); BOOST_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change gas cost for repay operation, but only up to 3 millions /// @param _gasCost New gas cost for repay method function changeRepayGasCost(uint _gasCost) public onlyOwner { require(_gasCost < 3000000); REPAY_GAS_COST = _gasCost; } /// @notice Allows owner to change max gas price /// @param _maxGasPrice New max gas price function changeMaxGasPrice(uint _maxGasPrice) public onlyOwner { require(_maxGasPrice < 500000000000); MAX_GAS_PRICE = _maxGasPrice; } /// @notice Allows owner to change the amount of gas token burned per function call /// @param _gasAmount Amount of gas token /// @param _isRepay Flag to know for which function we are setting the gas token amount function changeGasTokenAmount(uint _gasAmount, bool _isRepay) public onlyOwner { if (_isRepay) { REPAY_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } else { BOOST_GAS_TOKEN = _gasAmount; } } } contract MCDCloseFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee bytes32 internal constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; address joinAddr; address proxy; uint flFee; bool toDai; address reserve; uint amount; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { ( uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy, bool toDai ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[5],bytes,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); CloseData memory closeData = CloseData({ cdpId: numData[0], collAmount: numData[1], daiAmount: numData[2], minAccepted: numData[3], joinAddr: addrData[4], proxy: proxy, flFee: _fee, toDai: toDai, reserve: _reserve, amount: _amount }); address user = DSProxy(payable(closeData.proxy)).owner(); closeCDP(closeData, exchangeData, user); } function closeCDP( CloseData memory _closeData, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, address _user ) internal { paybackDebt(_closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId), _closeData.daiAmount); // payback whole debt drawMaxCollateral(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.joinAddr, _closeData.collAmount); // draw whole collateral uint daiSwaped = 0; uint dfsFee = 0; if (_closeData.toDai) { _exchangeData.srcAmount = _closeData.collAmount; (, daiSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); dfsFee = getFee(daiSwaped, _user); } else { dfsFee = getFee(_closeData.daiAmount, _user); _exchangeData.destAmount = (_closeData.daiAmount + _closeData.flFee + dfsFee); (, daiSwaped) = _buy(_exchangeData); } takeFee(dfsFee); address tokenAddr = getVaultCollAddr(_closeData.joinAddr); if (_closeData.toDai) { tokenAddr = DAI_ADDRESS; } require(getBalance(tokenAddr) >= _closeData.minAccepted, "Below min. number of eth specified"); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_closeData.reserve, _closeData.amount.add(_closeData.flFee)); sendLeftover(tokenAddr, DAI_ADDRESS, payable(_user)); } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); daiJoin.dai().approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, _daiAmount); daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } function takeFee(uint _feeAmount) internal returns (uint) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, _feeAmount); } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal view returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } } function getVaultCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { address tokenAddr = address(Join(_joinAddr).gem()); if (tokenAddr == WETH_ADDRESS) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } return tokenAddr; } function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDCloseTaker is MCDSaverProxyHelper { address public constant SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW = 0xC45d4f6B6bf41b6EdAA58B01c4298B8d9078269a; address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase Manager public constant manager = Manager(0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39); address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER); struct CloseData { uint cdpId; address joinAddr; uint collAmount; uint daiAmount; uint minAccepted; bool wholeDebt; bool toDai; } Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); function closeWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, CloseData memory _closeData, address payable mcdCloseFlashLoan ) public payable { mcdCloseFlashLoan.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee if (_closeData.wholeDebt) { _closeData.daiAmount = getAllDebt( VAT_ADDRESS, manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.urns(_closeData.cdpId), manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId) ); (_closeData.collAmount, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _closeData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_closeData.cdpId)); } manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 1); (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) = _packData(_closeData, _exchangeData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(numData, addrData, callData, address(this), _closeData.toDai); lendingPool.flashLoan(mcdCloseFlashLoan, DAI_ADDRESS, _closeData.daiAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_closeData.cdpId, mcdCloseFlashLoan, 0); // If sub. to automatic protection unsubscribe unsubscribe(SUBSCRIPTION_ADDRESS_NEW, _closeData.cdpId); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDClose", abi.encode(_closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.toDai)); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint256) { (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (, , uint256 spot, , ) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } function unsubscribe(address _subContract, uint _cdpId) internal { (, bool isSubscribed) = IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).subscribersPos(_cdpId); if (isSubscribed) { IMCDSubscriptions(_subContract).unsubscribe(_cdpId); } } function _packData( CloseData memory _closeData, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[8] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ _closeData.cdpId, _closeData.collAmount, _closeData.daiAmount, _closeData.minAccepted, exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _closeData.joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract MCDCreateFlashLoan is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { address public constant CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; uint public constant SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[6],address[5],bytes,address)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[0], destAddr: addrData[1], srcAmount: numData[2], destAmount: numData[3], minPrice: numData[4], wrapper: addrData[3], exchangeAddr: addrData[2], callData: callData, price0x: numData[5] }); openAndLeverage(numData[0], numData[1] + _fee, addrData[4], proxy, exchangeData); transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndLeverage( uint _collAmount, uint _daiAmountAndFee, address _joinAddr, address _proxy, ExchangeData memory _exchangeData ) public { uint dfsFee = getFee(_exchangeData.srcAmount, DSProxy(payable(_proxy)).owner()); _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_exchangeData.srcAmount - dfsFee); (, uint256 collSwaped) = _sell(_exchangeData); bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddr).ilk(); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _daiAmountAndFee, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(CREATE_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( MANAGER_ADDRESS, JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddr, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, (_collAmount + collSwaped), _daiAmountAndFee, true, _proxy ); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract MCDSaverProxy is SaverExchangeCore, MCDSaverProxyHelper { uint public constant MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE = 400; // 0.25% Fee uint public constant AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE = 333; // 0.3% Fee bytes32 public constant ETH_ILK = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; address public constant MANAGER_ADDRESS = 0x5ef30b9986345249bc32d8928B7ee64DE9435E39; address public constant VAT_ADDRESS = 0x35D1b3F3D7966A1DFe207aa4514C12a259A0492B; address public constant SPOTTER_ADDRESS = 0x65C79fcB50Ca1594B025960e539eD7A9a6D434A3; address public constant DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x9759A6Ac90977b93B58547b4A71c78317f391A28; address public constant JUG_ADDRESS = 0x19c0976f590D67707E62397C87829d896Dc0f1F1; address public constant ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS = 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A; address public constant DAI_ADDRESS = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; address public constant BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = 0x637726f8b08a7ABE3aE3aCaB01A80E2d8ddeF77B; Manager public constant manager = Manager(MANAGER_ADDRESS); Vat public constant vat = Vat(VAT_ADDRESS); DaiJoin public constant daiJoin = DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); Spotter public constant spotter = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS); DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Repay - draws collateral, converts to Dai and repays the debt /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function repay( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); drawCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, _exchangeData.srcAmount); (, uint daiAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiAmount, getFee(daiAmount, _gasCost, owner)); paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, daiAfterFee, owner); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDRepay", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, daiAmount)); } /// @notice Boost - draws Dai, converts to collateral and adds to CDP /// @dev Must be called by the DSProxy contract that owns the CDP function boost( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_cdpId, ilk, _exchangeData.srcAmount); uint daiAfterFee = sub(daiDrawn, getFee(daiDrawn, _gasCost, owner)); _exchangeData.srcAmount = daiAfterFee; (, uint swapedColl) = _sell(_exchangeData); addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, swapedColl); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDBoost", abi.encode(_cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedColl)); } /// @notice Draws Dai from the CDP /// @dev If _daiAmount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to draw function drawDai(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount) internal returns (uint) { uint rate = Jug(JUG_ADDRESS).drip(_ilk); uint daiVatBalance = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint maxAmount = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, _ilk); if (_daiAmount >= maxAmount) { _daiAmount = sub(maxAmount, 1); } manager.frob(_cdpId, int(0), normalizeDrawAmount(_daiAmount, rate, daiVatBalance)); manager.move(_cdpId, address(this), toRad(_daiAmount)); if (vat.can(address(this), address(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS)) == 0) { vat.hope(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS); } DaiJoin(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS).exit(address(this), _daiAmount); return _daiAmount; } /// @notice Adds collateral to the CDP /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to add function addCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal { int convertAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().deposit{value: _amount}(); convertAmount = toPositiveInt(_amount); } else { convertAmount = toPositiveInt(convertTo18(_joinAddr, _amount)); } ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, 0); ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).safeApprove(_joinAddr, _amount); Join(_joinAddr).join(address(this), _amount); vat.frob( manager.ilks(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), address(this), address(this), convertAmount, 0 ); } /// @notice Draws collateral and returns it to DSProxy /// @dev If _amount is bigger than max available we'll draw max /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Address of the join contract for the CDP collateral /// @param _amount Amount of collateral to draw function drawCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { uint frobAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { frobAmount = _amount * (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(frobAmount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), frobAmount); Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), _amount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(_amount); // Weth -> Eth } return _amount; } /// @notice Paybacks Dai debt /// @dev If the _daiAmount is bigger than the whole debt, returns extra Dai /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _daiAmount Amount of Dai to payback /// @param _owner Address that owns the DSProxy that owns the CDP function paybackDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _daiAmount, address _owner) internal { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); uint wholeDebt = getAllDebt(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, urn, _ilk); if (_daiAmount > wholeDebt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, sub(_daiAmount, wholeDebt)); _daiAmount = wholeDebt; } if (ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).allowance(address(this), DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS) == 0) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, uint(-1)); } daiJoin.join(urn, _daiAmount); manager.frob(_cdpId, 0, normalizePaybackAmount(VAT_ADDRESS, urn, _ilk)); } /// @notice Calculates the fee amount /// @param _amount Dai amount that is converted /// @param _gasCost Used for Monitor, estimated gas cost of tx /// @param _owner The address that controlls the DSProxy that owns the CDP function getFee(uint _amount, uint _gasCost, address _owner) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = MANUAL_SERVICE_FEE; if (BotRegistry(BOT_REGISTRY_ADDRESS).botList(tx.origin)) { fee = AUTOMATIC_SERVICE_FEE; } if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(_owner)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(_owner); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); if (_gasCost != 0) { uint ethDaiPrice = getPrice(ETH_ILK); _gasCost = rmul(_gasCost, ethDaiPrice); feeAmount = add(feeAmount, _gasCost); } // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of collateral available to draw /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @param _joinAddr Joind address of collateral /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, address _joinAddr) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); (, uint mat) = Spotter(SPOTTER_ADDRESS).ilks(_ilk); uint maxCollateral = sub(sub(collateral, (div(mul(mat, debt), price))), 10); uint normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { normalizeMaxCollateral = maxCollateral / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } return normalizeMaxCollateral; } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP /// @dev Substracts 10 wei to aviod rounding error later on function getMaxDebt(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public virtual view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(sub(div(mul(collateral, price), mat), debt), 10); } /// @notice Gets a price of the asset /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getPrice(bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { (, uint mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (,,uint spot,,) = vat.ilks(_ilk); return rmul(rmul(spot, spotter.par()), mat); } /// @notice Gets CDP ratio /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getRatio(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns (uint) { uint price = getPrice( _ilk); (uint collateral, uint debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); if (debt == 0) return 0; return rdiv(wmul(collateral, price), debt); } /// @notice Gets CDP info (collateral, debt, price, ilk) /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP function getCdpDetailedInfo(uint _cdpId) public view returns (uint collateral, uint debt, uint price, bytes32 ilk) { address urn = manager.urns(_cdpId); ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (collateral, debt) = vat.urns(ilk, urn); (,uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); debt = rmul(debt, rate); price = getPrice(ilk); } } contract MCDSaverTaker is MCDSaverProxy, GasBurner { address payable public constant MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x28e444b53a9e7E3F6fFe50E93b18dCce7838551F; address public constant AAVE_POOL_CORE = 0x3dfd23A6c5E8BbcFc9581d2E864a68feb6a076d3; ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); function boostWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId)); if (maxDebt >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { boost(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxDebt); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, false); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, DAI_ADDRESS, loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } function repayWithLoan( SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint256 maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _joinAddr); if (maxColl >= _exchangeData.srcAmount) { repay(_exchangeData, _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr); return; } MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); // 0x fee uint256 loanAmount = sub(_exchangeData.srcAmount, maxColl); uint maxLiq = getAvailableLiquidity(_joinAddr); loanAmount = loanAmount > maxLiq ? maxLiq : loanAmount; manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 1); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exchangeData), _cdpId, _gasCost, _joinAddr, true); lendingPool.flashLoan(MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr), loanAmount, paramsData); manager.cdpAllow(_cdpId, MCD_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, 0); } /// @notice Gets the maximum amount of debt available to generate /// @param _cdpId Id of the CDP /// @param _ilk Ilk of the CDP function getMaxDebt(uint256 _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk) public override view returns (uint256) { uint256 price = getPrice(_ilk); (, uint256 mat) = spotter.ilks(_ilk); (uint256 collateral, uint256 debt) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, _ilk); return sub(wdiv(wmul(collateral, price), mat), debt); } function getAaveCollAddr(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (address) { if (_joinAddr == 0x2F0b23f53734252Bda2277357e97e1517d6B042A || _joinAddr == 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8) { return KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr); } } function getAvailableLiquidity(address _joinAddr) internal view returns (uint liquidity) { address tokenAddr = getAaveCollAddr(_joinAddr); if (tokenAddr == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { liquidity = AAVE_POOL_CORE.balance; } else { liquidity = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(AAVE_POOL_CORE); } } function _packData( uint _cdpId, uint _gasCost, address _joinAddr, SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData memory exchangeData ) internal pure returns (uint[6] memory numData, address[5] memory addrData, bytes memory callData) { numData = [ exchangeData.srcAmount, exchangeData.destAmount, exchangeData.minPrice, exchangeData.price0x, _cdpId, _gasCost ]; addrData = [ exchangeData.srcAddr, exchangeData.destAddr, exchangeData.exchangeAddr, exchangeData.wrapper, _joinAddr ]; callData = exchangeData.callData; } } contract SavingsProxy is DSRSavingsProtocol, CompoundSavingsProtocol { address public constant ADAI_ADDRESS = 0xfC1E690f61EFd961294b3e1Ce3313fBD8aa4f85d; address public constant SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS = 0x03b1565e070df392e48e7a8e01798C4B00E534A5; address public constant SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS = 0x535B9035E9bA8D7efe0FeAEac885fb65b303E37C; address public constant NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS = 0x493C57C4763932315A328269E1ADaD09653B9081; address public constant COMP_ADDRESS = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; address public constant SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS = 0x89b3635BD2bAD145C6f92E82C9e83f06D5654984; address public constant SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS = 0x1E0447b19BB6EcFdAe1e4AE1694b0C3659614e4e; enum SavingsProtocol {Compound, Dydx, Fulcrum, Dsr, Aave} function deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logDeposit(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount) public { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, true); } else if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_protocol, _amount, true); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logWithdraw(msg.sender, uint8(_protocol), _amount); } function swap(SavingsProtocol _from, SavingsProtocol _to, uint256 _amount) public { if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrWithdraw(_amount, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compWithdraw(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _withdraw(_from, _amount, false); } // possible to withdraw 1-2 wei less than actual amount due to division precision // so we deposit all amount on DSProxy uint256 amountToDeposit = ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this)); if (_to == SavingsProtocol.Dsr) { dsrDeposit(amountToDeposit, false); } else if (_from == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { compDeposit(msg.sender, _amount); } else { _deposit(_to, amountToDeposit, false); } SavingsLogger(SAVINGS_LOGGER_ADDRESS).logSwap( msg.sender, uint8(_from), uint8(_to), _amount ); } function withdrawDai() public { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); } function claimComp() public { ComptrollerInterface(COMP_ADDRESS).claimComp(address(this)); } function getAddress(SavingsProtocol _protocol) public pure returns (address) { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { return SAVINGS_DYDX_ADDRESS; } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { return SAVINGS_AAVE_ADDRESS; } } function _deposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _fromUser) internal { if (_fromUser) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); } approveDeposit(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).deposit(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); } function _withdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol, uint256 _amount, bool _toUser) public { approveWithdraw(_protocol); ProtocolInterface(getAddress(_protocol)).withdraw(address(this), _amount); endAction(_protocol); if (_toUser) { withdrawDai(); } } function endAction(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(false); } } function approveDeposit(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum || _protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).approve(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS, uint256(-1)); setDydxOperator(true); } } function approveWithdraw(SavingsProtocol _protocol) internal { if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Compound) { ERC20(NEW_CDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Dydx) { setDydxOperator(true); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Fulcrum) { ERC20(NEW_IDAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } if (_protocol == SavingsProtocol.Aave) { ERC20(ADAI_ADDRESS).approve(getAddress(_protocol), uint256(-1)); } } function setDydxOperator(bool _trusted) internal { ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[] memory operatorArgs = new ISoloMargin.OperatorArg[](1); operatorArgs[0] = ISoloMargin.OperatorArg({ operator: getAddress(SavingsProtocol.Dydx), trusted: _trusted }); ISoloMargin(SOLO_MARGIN_ADDRESS).setOperators(operatorArgs); } } contract LoanShifterReceiver is SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase, AdminAuth { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2612Af3A521c2df9EAF28422Ca335b04AdF3ac66); struct ParamData { bytes proxyData1; bytes proxyData2; address proxy; address debtAddr; uint8 protocol1; uint8 protocol2; uint8 swapType; } constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); address protocolAddr1 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol1)); address protocolAddr2 = shifterRegistry.getAddr(getNameByProtocol(paramData.protocol2)); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), _reserve, _amount); // Execute the Close/Change debt operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr1, paramData.proxyData1); if (paramData.swapType == 1) { // COLL_SWAP exchangeData.srcAmount = getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr); (, uint amount) = _sell(exchangeData); sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.destAddr, amount); } else if (paramData.swapType == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP exchangeData.destAmount = (_amount + _fee); _buy(exchangeData); // Send extra to DSProxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, ERC20(exchangeData.srcAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { // NO_SWAP just send tokens to proxy sendToProxy(payable(paramData.proxy), exchangeData.srcAddr, getBalance(exchangeData.srcAddr)); } // Execute the Open operation DSProxyInterface(paramData.proxy).execute(protocolAddr2, paramData.proxyData2); // Repay FL transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (ParamData memory paramData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[8] memory numData, // collAmount, debtAmount, id1, id2, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[8] memory addrData, // addrLoan1, addrLoan2, debtAddr1, debtAddr2, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper uint8[3] memory enumData, // fromProtocol, toProtocol, swapType bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[8],address[8],uint8[3],bytes,address)); bytes memory proxyData1; bytes memory proxyData2; uint openDebtAmount = (_amount + _fee); if (enumData[0] == 0) { // MAKER FROM proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(uint256,address,uint256,uint256)", numData[2], addrData[0], _amount, numData[0]); } else if(enumData[0] == 1) { // COMPOUND FROM if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("changeDebt(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[2], addrData[3], (_amount + _fee), numData[4]); } else { proxyData1 = abi.encodeWithSignature("close(address,address,uint256,uint256)", addrData[0], addrData[2], numData[0], numData[1]); } } if (enumData[1] == 0) { // MAKER TO proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(uint256,address,uint256)", numData[3], addrData[1], openDebtAmount); } else if(enumData[1] == 1) { // COMPOUND TO if (enumData[2] == 2) { // DEBT_SWAP proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("repayAll(address)", addrData[3]); } else { proxyData2 = abi.encodeWithSignature("open(address,address,uint256)", addrData[1], addrData[3], openDebtAmount); } } paramData = ParamData({ proxyData1: proxyData1, proxyData2: proxyData2, proxy: proxy, debtAddr: addrData[2], protocol1: enumData[0], protocol2: enumData[1], swapType: enumData[2] }); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: addrData[4], destAddr: addrData[5], srcAmount: numData[4], destAmount: numData[5], minPrice: numData[6], wrapper: addrData[7], exchangeAddr: addrData[6], callData: callData, price0x: numData[7] }); } function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } function getNameByProtocol(uint8 _proto) internal pure returns (string memory) { if (_proto == 0) { return "MCD_SHIFTER"; } else if (_proto == 1) { return "COMP_SHIFTER"; } } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompShifter is CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant COMPTROLLER_ADDR = 0x3d9819210A31b4961b30EF54bE2aeD79B9c9Cd3B; function getWholeDebt(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { return CTokenInterface(_joinAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(msg.sender); } function close( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); // payback debt paybackDebt(_debtAmount, _cBorrowAddr, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr), tx.origin); // draw coll if (CTokenInterface(_cBorrowAddr).borrowBalanceCurrent(address(this)) == 0) { uint cTokenBalance = CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeem(cTokenBalance) == 0); } else { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollAddr).redeemUnderlying(_collAmount) == 0); } // Send back money to repay FL if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(collAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function changeDebt( address _cBorrowAddrOld, address _cBorrowAddrNew, uint _debtAmountOld, uint _debtAmountNew ) public { address borrowAddrNew = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrNew); // payback debt in one token paybackDebt(_debtAmountOld, _cBorrowAddrOld, getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddrOld), tx.origin); // draw debt in another one borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddrNew, _debtAmountNew); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddrNew == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddrNew).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddrNew).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( address _cCollAddr, address _cBorrowAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { address collAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cCollAddr); address borrowAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cBorrowAddr); uint collAmount = 0; if (collAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(collAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); } depositCompound(collAddr, _cCollAddr, collAmount); // draw debt borrowCompound(_cBorrowAddr, _debtAmount); // Send back money to repay FL if (borrowAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20(borrowAddr).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(borrowAddr).balanceOf(address(this))); } } function repayAll(address _cTokenAddr) public { address tokenAddr = getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddr); uint amount = ERC20(tokenAddr).balanceOf(address(this)); if (amount != 0) { paybackDebt(amount, _cTokenAddr, tokenAddr, tx.origin); } } function depositCompound(address _tokenAddr, address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { approveCToken(_tokenAddr, _cTokenAddr); enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint(_amount) == 0, "mint error"); } else { CEtherInterface(_cTokenAddr).mint{value: _amount}(); } } function borrowCompound(address _cTokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { enterMarket(_cTokenAddr); require(CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddr).borrow(_amount) == 0); } function enterMarket(address _cTokenAddr) public { address[] memory markets = new address[](1); markets[0] = _cTokenAddr; ComptrollerInterface(COMPTROLLER_ADDR).enterMarkets(markets); } } contract McdShifter is MCDSaverProxy { address public constant OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS = 0x6d0984E80a86f26c0dd564ca0CF74a8E9Da03305; function getLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr) public view virtual returns(uint loanAmount) { bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (, uint rate,,,) = vat.ilks(ilk); (, uint art) = vat.urns(ilk, manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint dai = vat.dai(manager.urns(_cdpId)); uint rad = sub(mul(art, rate), dai); loanAmount = rad / RAY; loanAmount = mul(loanAmount, RAY) < rad ? loanAmount + 1 : loanAmount; } function close( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _loanAmount, uint _collateral ) public { address owner = getOwner(manager, _cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_cdpId); (uint maxColl, ) = getCdpInfo(manager, _cdpId, ilk); // repay dai debt cdp paybackDebt(_cdpId, ilk, _loanAmount, owner); maxColl = _collateral > maxColl ? maxColl : _collateral; // withdraw collateral from cdp drawMaxCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, maxColl); // send back to msg.sender if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } else { ERC20 collToken = ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddr)); collToken.transfer(msg.sender, collToken.balanceOf(address(this))); } } function open( uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _debtAmount ) public { uint collAmount = 0; if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { collAmount = address(this).balance; } else { collAmount = ERC20(address(Join(_joinAddr).gem())).balanceOf(address(this)); } if (_cdpId == 0) { openAndWithdraw(collAmount, _debtAmount, address(this), _joinAddr); } else { // add collateral addCollateral(_cdpId, _joinAddr, collAmount); // draw debt drawDai(_cdpId, manager.ilks(_cdpId), _debtAmount); } // transfer to repay FL ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(msg.sender, ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).balanceOf(address(this))); if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function openAndWithdraw(uint _collAmount, uint _debtAmount, address _proxy, address _joinAddrTo) internal { bytes32 ilk = Join(_joinAddrTo).ilk(); if (_joinAddrTo == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockETHAndDraw{value: address(this).balance}( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _debtAmount, _proxy ); } else { ERC20(getCollateralAddr(_joinAddrTo)).approve(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS, uint256(-1)); MCDCreateProxyActions(OPEN_PROXY_ACTIONS).openLockGemAndDraw( address(manager), JUG_ADDRESS, _joinAddrTo, DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS, ilk, _collAmount, _debtAmount, true, _proxy ); } } function drawMaxCollateral(uint _cdpId, address _joinAddr, uint _amount) internal returns (uint) { manager.frob(_cdpId, -toPositiveInt(_amount), 0); manager.flux(_cdpId, address(this), _amount); uint joinAmount = _amount; if (Join(_joinAddr).dec() != 18) { joinAmount = _amount / (10 ** (18 - Join(_joinAddr).dec())); } Join(_joinAddr).exit(address(this), joinAmount); if (_joinAddr == ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS) { Join(_joinAddr).gem().withdraw(joinAmount); // Weth -> Eth } return joinAmount; } } contract AaveSaverProxy is GasBurner, SaverExchangeCore, AaveHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; uint public constant VARIABLE_RATE = 2; function repay(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxCollateral = getMaxCollateral(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); // don't swap more than maxCollateral _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxCollateral ? maxCollateral : _data.srcAmount; // redeem collateral address aTokenCollateral = ILendingPool(lendingPoolCore).getReserveATokenAddress(_data.srcAddr); IAToken(aTokenCollateral).redeem(_data.srcAmount); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); destAmount -= getFee(destAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.destAddr); // payback if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).repay(_data.destAddr, destAmount, payable(address(this))); } // first return 0x fee to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveRepay", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } function boost(ExchangeData memory _data, uint _gasCost) public payable burnGas(20) { address lendingPoolCore = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPoolCore(); address lendingPool = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(AAVE_LENDING_POOL_ADDRESSES).getLendingPool(); (,,,,,,,,,bool collateralEnabled) = ILendingPool(lendingPool).getUserReserveData(_data.destAddr, address(this)); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint256 maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_data.srcAddr, address(this)); _data.srcAmount = _data.srcAmount > maxBorrow ? maxBorrow : _data.srcAmount; // borrow amount ILendingPool(lendingPool).borrow(_data.srcAddr, _data.srcAmount, VARIABLE_RATE, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); _data.srcAmount -= getFee(_data.srcAmount, user, _gasCost, _data.srcAddr); // swap (, uint256 destAmount) = _sell(_data); if (_data.destAddr == ETH_ADDR) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit{value: destAmount}(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } else { approveToken(_data.destAddr, lendingPoolCore); ILendingPool(lendingPool).deposit(_data.destAddr, destAmount, AAVE_REFERRAL_CODE); } if (!collateralEnabled) { ILendingPool(lendingPool).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(_data.destAddr, true); } // returning to msg.sender as it is the address that actually sent 0x fee sendContractBalance(ETH_ADDR, msg.sender, min(address(this).balance, msg.value)); // send all leftovers from dest addr to proxy owner sendFullContractBalance(_data.destAddr, user); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "AaveBoost", abi.encode(_data.srcAddr, _data.destAddr, _data.srcAmount, destAmount)); } } contract CompoundLoanInfo is CompoundSafetyRatio { struct LoanData { address user; uint128 ratio; address[] collAddr; address[] borrowAddr; uint[] collAmounts; uint[] borrowAmounts; } struct TokenInfo { address cTokenAddress; address underlyingTokenAddress; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } struct TokenInfoFull { address underlyingTokenAddress; uint supplyRate; uint borrowRate; uint exchangeRate; uint marketLiquidity; uint totalSupply; uint totalBorrow; uint collateralFactor; uint price; } address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public constant CETH_ADDRESS = 0x4Ddc2D193948926D02f9B1fE9e1daa0718270ED5; /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _user Address of the user function getRatio(address _user) public view returns (uint) { // For each asset the account is in return getSafetyRatio(_user); } /// @notice Fetches Compound prices for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the prices /// @return prices Array of prices function getPrices(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory prices) { prices = new uint[](_cTokens.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { prices[i] = CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokens[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches Compound collateral factors for tokens /// @param _cTokens Arr. of cTokens for which to get the coll. factors /// @return collFactors Array of coll. factors function getCollFactors(address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory collFactors) { collFactors = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; ++i) { (, collFactors[i]) =[i]); } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _user Address of the user /// @return data LoanData information function getLoanData(address _user) public view returns (LoanData memory data) { address[] memory assets = comp.getAssetsIn(_user); address oracleAddr =; data = LoanData({ user: _user, ratio: 0, collAddr: new address[](assets.length), borrowAddr: new address[](assets.length), collAmounts: new uint[](assets.length), borrowAmounts: new uint[](assets.length) }); uint collPos = 0; uint borrowPos = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { address asset = assets[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory oraclePrice; if (cTokenBalance != 0 || borrowBalance != 0) { oraclePrice = Exp({mantissa: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(asset)}); } // Sum up collateral in Usd if (cTokenBalance != 0) { Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, Exp memory tokensToUsd) = mulExp(exchangeRate, oraclePrice); data.collAddr[collPos] = asset; (, data.collAmounts[collPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(tokensToUsd, cTokenBalance); collPos++; } // Sum up debt in Usd if (borrowBalance != 0) { data.borrowAddr[borrowPos] = asset; (, data.borrowAmounts[borrowPos]) = mulScalarTruncate(oraclePrice, borrowBalance); borrowPos++; } } data.ratio = uint128(getSafetyRatio(_user)); return data; } function getTokenBalances(address _user, address[] memory _cTokens) public view returns (uint[] memory balances, uint[] memory borrows) { balances = new uint[](_cTokens.length); borrows = new uint[](_cTokens.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokens.length; i++) { address asset = _cTokens[i]; (, uint cTokenBalance, uint borrowBalance, uint exchangeRateMantissa) = CTokenInterface(asset).getAccountSnapshot(_user); Exp memory exchangeRate = Exp({mantissa: exchangeRateMantissa}); (, balances[i]) = mulScalarTruncate(exchangeRate, cTokenBalance); borrows[i] = borrowBalance; } } /// @notice Fetches all the collateral/debt address and amounts, denominated in usd /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return loans Array of LoanData information function getLoanDataArr(address[] memory _users) public view returns (LoanData[] memory loans) { loans = new LoanData[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { loans[i] = getLoanData(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Calcualted the ratio of coll/debt for a compound user /// @param _users Addresses of the user /// @return ratios Array of ratios function getRatios(address[] memory _users) public view returns (uint[] memory ratios) { ratios = new uint[](_users.length); for (uint i = 0; i < _users.length; ++i) { ratios[i] = getSafetyRatio(_users[i]); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfo[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfo[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfo({ cTokenAddress: _cTokenAddresses[i], underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Information about cTokens /// @param _cTokenAddresses Array of cTokens addresses /// @return tokens Array of cTokens infomartion function getFullTokensInfo(address[] memory _cTokenAddresses) public returns(TokenInfoFull[] memory tokens) { tokens = new TokenInfoFull[](_cTokenAddresses.length); address oracleAddr =; for (uint i = 0; i < _cTokenAddresses.length; ++i) { (, uint collFactor) =[i]); CTokenInterface cToken = CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddresses[i]); tokens[i] = TokenInfoFull({ underlyingTokenAddress: getUnderlyingAddr(_cTokenAddresses[i]), supplyRate: cToken.supplyRatePerBlock(), borrowRate: cToken.borrowRatePerBlock(), exchangeRate: cToken.exchangeRateCurrent(), marketLiquidity: cToken.getCash(), totalSupply: cToken.totalSupply(), totalBorrow: cToken.totalBorrowsCurrent(), collateralFactor: collFactor, price: CompoundOracleInterface(oracleAddr).getUnderlyingPrice(_cTokenAddresses[i]) }); } } /// @notice Returns the underlying address of the cToken asset /// @param _cTokenAddress cToken address /// @return Token address of the cToken specified function getUnderlyingAddr(address _cTokenAddress) internal returns (address) { if (_cTokenAddress == CETH_ADDRESS) { return ETH_ADDRESS; } else { return CTokenInterface(_cTokenAddress).underlying(); } } } contract CompoundCreateReceiver is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); ShifterRegistry public constant shifterRegistry = ShifterRegistry(0x2E82103bD91053C781aaF39da17aE58ceE39d0ab); address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address payable public constant WALLET_ADDR = 0x322d58b9E75a6918f7e7849AEe0fF09369977e08; address public constant DISCOUNT_ADDR = 0x1b14E8D511c9A4395425314f849bD737BAF8208F; // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks constructor() public FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) {} /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (address payable proxyAddr, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Swap (, uint sellAmount) = _sell(exchangeData); // DFS fee getFee(sellAmount, exchangeData.destAddr, proxyAddr); // Send amount to DSProxy sendToProxy(proxyAddr, exchangeData.destAddr); address compOpenProxy = shifterRegistry.getAddr("COMP_SHIFTER"); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(compOpenProxy, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-tx-origin tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (address payable, bytes memory proxyData, ExchangeData memory exchangeData) { ( uint[4] memory numData, // srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, price0x address[6] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddr, cDebtAddr, srcAddr, destAddr, exchangeAddr, wrapper bytes memory callData, address proxy ) = abi.decode(_params, (uint256[4],address[6],bytes,address)); proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature( "open(address,address,uint256)", cAddresses[0], cAddresses[1], (_amount + _fee)); exchangeData = SaverExchangeCore.ExchangeData({ srcAddr: cAddresses[2], destAddr: cAddresses[3], srcAmount: numData[0], destAmount: numData[1], minPrice: numData[2], wrapper: cAddresses[5], exchangeAddr: cAddresses[4], callData: callData, price0x: numData[3] }); return (payable(proxy), proxyData, exchangeData); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address function sendToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, ERC20(_reserve).balanceOf(address(this))); } else { _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function getFee(uint _amount, address _tokenAddr, address _proxy) internal returns (uint feeAmount) { uint fee = 400; DSProxy proxy = DSProxy(payable(_proxy)); address user = proxy.owner(); if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).isCustomFeeSet(user)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDR).getCustomServiceFee(user); } feeAmount = (fee == 0) ? 0 : (_amount / fee); // fee can't go over 20% of the whole amount if (feeAmount > (_amount / 5)) { feeAmount = _amount / 5; } if (_tokenAddr == ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ADDR.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(WALLET_ADDR, feeAmount); } } // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashLoan is FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); address payable public COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY = 0xBcEAb469CbBA225E9dc9Cbd898808A4742687096; address public constant ETH_ADDRESS = 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE; address public owner; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public { owner = msg.sender; } /// @notice Called by Aave when sending back the FL amount /// @param _reserve The address of the borrowed token /// @param _amount Amount of FL tokens received /// @param _fee FL Aave fee /// @param _params The params that are sent from the original FL caller contract function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { // Format the call data for DSProxy (bytes memory proxyData, address payable proxyAddr) = packFunctionCall(_amount, _fee, _params); // Send Flash loan amount to DSProxy sendLoanToProxy(proxyAddr, _reserve, _amount); // Execute the DSProxy call DSProxyInterface(proxyAddr).execute(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_PROXY, proxyData); // Repay the loan with the money DSProxy sent back transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } /// @notice Formats function data call so we can call it through DSProxy /// @param _amount Amount of FL /// @param _fee Fee of the FL /// @param _params Saver proxy params /// @return proxyData Formated function call data function packFunctionCall(uint _amount, uint _fee, bytes memory _params) internal pure returns (bytes memory proxyData, address payable) { ( bytes memory exDataBytes, address[2] memory cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 gasCost, bool isRepay, address payable proxyAddr ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,address[2],uint256,bool,address)); ExchangeData memory _exData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); uint[2] memory flashLoanData = [_amount, _fee]; if (isRepay) { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashRepay((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } else { proxyData = abi.encodeWithSignature("flashBoost((address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,address,address,bytes,uint256),address[2],uint256,uint256[2])", _exData, cAddresses, gasCost, flashLoanData); } return (proxyData, proxyAddr); } /// @notice Send the FL funds received to DSProxy /// @param _proxy DSProxy address /// @param _reserve Token address /// @param _amount Amount of tokens function sendLoanToProxy(address payable _proxy, address _reserve, uint _amount) internal { if (_reserve != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_reserve).safeTransfer(_proxy, _amount); } _proxy.transfer(address(this).balance); } receive() external override(SaverExchangeCore, FlashLoanReceiverBase) payable {} } contract CompoundSaverFlashProxy is SaverExchangeCore, CompoundSaverHelper { address public constant DEFISAVER_LOGGER = 0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126; using SafeERC20 for ERC20; /// @notice Repays the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashRepay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); // draw max coll require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(maxColl) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // swap max coll + loanAmount _exData.srcAmount = maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); // get fee swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = (maxColl + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // payback debt paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // draw collateral for loanAmount + loanFee require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(collToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Boosts the position and sends tokens back for FL /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction /// @param _flashLoanData Data about FL [amount, fee] function flashBoost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost, uint[2] memory _flashLoanData // amount, fee ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint flashBorrowed = _flashLoanData[0] + _flashLoanData[1]; // borrow max amount uint borrowAmount = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { // get dfs fee borrowAmount -= getFee((borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]), user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = (borrowAmount + _flashLoanData[0]); swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } // deposit swaped collateral depositCollateral(collToken, _cAddresses[0], swapAmount); // borrow token to repay flash loan require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(flashBorrowed) == 0); // repay flash loan returnFlashLoan(borrowToken, flashBorrowed); DefisaverLogger(DEFISAVER_LOGGER).Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Helper method to deposit tokens in Compound /// @param _collToken Token address of the collateral /// @param _cCollToken CToken address of the collateral /// @param _depositAmount Amount to deposit function depositCollateral(address _collToken, address _cCollToken, uint _depositAmount) internal { approveCToken(_collToken, _cCollToken); if (_collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cCollToken).mint(_depositAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cCollToken).mint{value: _depositAmount}(); // reverts on fail } } /// @notice Returns the tokens/ether to the msg.sender which is the FL contract /// @param _tokenAddr Address of token which we return /// @param _amount Amount to return function returnFlashLoan(address _tokenAddr, uint _amount) internal { if (_tokenAddr != ETH_ADDRESS) { ERC20(_tokenAddr).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); } msg.sender.transfer(address(this).balance); } } contract CompoundSaverProxy is CompoundSaverHelper, SaverExchangeCore { DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); /// @notice Withdraws collateral, converts to borrowed token and repays debt /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repay( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); uint collAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxColl) ? maxColl : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).redeemUnderlying(collAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { (, swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); swapAmount -= getFee(swapAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } else { swapAmount = collAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } paybackDebt(swapAmount, _cAddresses[1], borrowToken, user); // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundRepay", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } /// @notice Borrows token, converts to collateral, and adds to position /// @dev Called through the DSProxy /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses Coll/Debt addresses [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boost( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable { enterMarket(_cAddresses[0], _cAddresses[1]); address payable user = payable(getUserAddress()); uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); uint borrowAmount = (_exData.srcAmount > maxBorrow) ? maxBorrow : _exData.srcAmount; require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[1]).borrow(borrowAmount) == 0); address collToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]); address borrowToken = getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]); uint swapAmount = 0; if (collToken != borrowToken) { borrowAmount -= getFee(borrowAmount, user, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); _exData.srcAmount = borrowAmount; (,swapAmount) = _sell(_exData); } else { swapAmount = borrowAmount; swapAmount -= getGasCost(swapAmount, _gasCost, _cAddresses[1]); } approveCToken(collToken, _cAddresses[0]); if (collToken != ETH_ADDRESS) { require(CTokenInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint(swapAmount) == 0); } else { CEtherInterface(_cAddresses[0]).mint{value: swapAmount}(); // reverts on fail } // handle 0x fee tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); // log amount, collToken, borrowToken logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundBoost", abi.encode(_exData.srcAmount, swapAmount, collToken, borrowToken)); } } contract SaverExchange is SaverExchangeCore, AdminAuth, GasBurner { using SafeERC20 for ERC20; uint256 public constant SERVICE_FEE = 800; // 0.125% Fee // solhint-disable-next-line const-name-snakecase DefisaverLogger public constant logger = DefisaverLogger(0x5c55B921f590a89C1Ebe84dF170E655a82b62126); uint public burnAmount = 10; /// @notice Takes a src amount of tokens and converts it into the dest token /// @dev Takes fee from the _srcAmount before the exchange /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function sell(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount) { // take fee uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint destAmount) = _sell(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeSell", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, exData.srcAmount, destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a dest amount of tokens and converts it from the src token /// @dev Send always more than needed for the swap, extra will be returned /// @param exData [srcAddr, destAddr, srcAmount, destAmount, minPrice, exchangeType, exchangeAddr, callData, price0x] /// @param _user User address who called the exchange function buy(ExchangeData memory exData, address payable _user) public payable burnGas(burnAmount){ uint dfsFee = getFee(exData.srcAmount, exData.srcAddr); exData.srcAmount = sub(exData.srcAmount, dfsFee); // Perform the exchange (address wrapper, uint srcAmount) = _buy(exData); // send back any leftover ether or tokens sendLeftover(exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, _user); // log the event logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "ExchangeBuy", abi.encode(wrapper, exData.srcAddr, exData.destAddr, srcAmount, exData.destAmount)); } /// @notice Takes a feePercentage and sends it to wallet /// @param _amount Dai amount of the whole trade /// @param _token Address of the token /// @return feeAmount Amount in Dai owner earned on the fee function getFee(uint256 _amount, address _token) internal returns (uint256 feeAmount) { uint256 fee = SERVICE_FEE; if (Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).isCustomFeeSet(msg.sender)) { fee = Discount(DISCOUNT_ADDRESS).getCustomServiceFee(msg.sender); } if (fee == 0) { feeAmount = 0; } else { feeAmount = _amount / fee; if (_token == KYBER_ETH_ADDRESS) { WALLET_ID.transfer(feeAmount); } else { ERC20(_token).safeTransfer(WALLET_ID, feeAmount); } } } /// @notice Changes the amount of gas token we burn for each call /// @dev Only callable by the owner /// @param _newBurnAmount New amount of gas tokens to be burned function changeBurnAmount(uint _newBurnAmount) public { require(owner == msg.sender); burnAmount = _newBurnAmount; } } contract MCDSaverFlashLoan is MCDSaverProxy, AdminAuth, FlashLoanReceiverBase { ILendingPoolAddressesProvider public LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER = ILendingPoolAddressesProvider(0x24a42fD28C976A61Df5D00D0599C34c4f90748c8); constructor() FlashLoanReceiverBase(LENDING_POOL_ADDRESS_PROVIDER) public {} struct SaverData { uint cdpId; uint gasCost; uint loanAmount; uint fee; address joinAddr; } function executeOperation( address _reserve, uint256 _amount, uint256 _fee, bytes calldata _params) external override { //check the contract has the specified balance require(_amount <= getBalanceInternal(address(this), _reserve), "Invalid balance for the contract"); ( bytes memory exDataBytes, uint cdpId, uint gasCost, address joinAddr, bool isRepay ) = abi.decode(_params, (bytes,uint256,uint256,address,bool)); ExchangeData memory exchangeData = unpackExchangeData(exDataBytes); SaverData memory saverData = SaverData({ cdpId: cdpId, gasCost: gasCost, loanAmount: _amount, fee: _fee, joinAddr: joinAddr }); if (isRepay) { repayWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } else { boostWithLoan(exchangeData, saverData); } transferFundsBackToPoolInternal(_reserve, _amount.add(_fee)); // if there is some eth left (0x fee), return it to user if (address(this).balance > 0) { tx.origin.transfer(address(this).balance); } } function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); // Draw users Dai uint maxDebt = getMaxDebt(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId)); uint daiDrawn = drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), maxDebt); // Calc. fees uint dsfFee = getFee((daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount), _saverData.gasCost, user); uint afterFee = (daiDrawn + _saverData.loanAmount) - dsfFee; // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = afterFee; (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); // Return collateral addCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, swapedAmount); // Draw Dai to repay the flash loan drawDai(_saverData.cdpId, manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId), (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashBoost", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exchangeData, SaverData memory _saverData ) internal { address user = getOwner(manager, _saverData.cdpId); bytes32 ilk = manager.ilks(_saverData.cdpId); // Draw collateral uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, _saverData.joinAddr); uint collDrawn = drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, maxColl); // Swap _exchangeData.srcAmount = (_saverData.loanAmount + collDrawn); (, uint swapedAmount) = _sell(_exchangeData); uint paybackAmount = (swapedAmount - getFee(swapedAmount, _saverData.gasCost, user)); paybackAmount = limitLoanAmount(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Payback the debt paybackDebt(_saverData.cdpId, ilk, paybackAmount, user); // Draw collateral to repay the flash loan drawCollateral(_saverData.cdpId, _saverData.joinAddr, (_saverData.loanAmount + _saverData.fee)); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "MCDFlashRepay", abi.encode(_saverData.cdpId, owner, _exchangeData.srcAmount, swapedAmount)); } /// @notice Handles that the amount is not bigger than cdp debt and not dust function limitLoanAmount(uint _cdpId, bytes32 _ilk, uint _paybackAmount, address _owner) internal returns (uint256) { uint debt = getAllDebt(address(vat), manager.urns(_cdpId), manager.urns(_cdpId), _ilk); if (_paybackAmount > debt) { ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, (_paybackAmount - debt)); return debt; } uint debtLeft = debt - _paybackAmount; (,,,, uint dust) = vat.ilks(_ilk); dust = dust / 10**27; // Less than dust value if (debtLeft < dust) { uint amountOverDust = (dust - debtLeft); ERC20(DAI_ADDRESS).transfer(_owner, amountOverDust); return (_paybackAmount - amountOverDust); } return _paybackAmount; } receive() external override(FlashLoanReceiverBase, SaverExchangeCore) payable {} } contract CompoundFlashLoanTaker is CompoundSaverProxy, ProxyPermission, GasBurner { ILendingPool public constant lendingPool = ILendingPool(0x398eC7346DcD622eDc5ae82352F02bE94C62d119); address payable public constant COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN = 0x0ed294340b6328647A652207AA72902747C84c94; /// @notice Repays the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function repayWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(25) { uint maxColl = getMaxCollateral(_cAddresses[0], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxColl) { repay(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxColl); bytes memory encoded = packExchangeData(_exData); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(encoded, _cAddresses, _gasCost, true, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[0]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashRepay", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[0])); } } /// @notice Boosts the position with it's own fund or with FL if needed /// @param _exData Exchange data /// @param _cAddresses cTokens addreses and exchange [cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress, exchangeAddress] /// @param _gasCost Gas cost for specific transaction function boostWithLoan( ExchangeData memory _exData, address[2] memory _cAddresses, // cCollAddress, cBorrowAddress uint256 _gasCost ) public payable burnGas(20) { uint maxBorrow = getMaxBorrow(_cAddresses[1], address(this)); if (_exData.srcAmount <= maxBorrow) { boost(_exData, _cAddresses, _gasCost); } else { // 0x fee COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN.transfer(msg.value); uint loanAmount = (_exData.srcAmount - maxBorrow); bytes memory paramsData = abi.encode(packExchangeData(_exData), _cAddresses, _gasCost, false, address(this)); givePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); lendingPool.flashLoan(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN, getUnderlyingAddr(_cAddresses[1]), loanAmount, paramsData); removePermission(COMPOUND_SAVER_FLASH_LOAN); logger.Log(address(this), msg.sender, "CompoundFlashBoost", abi.encode(loanAmount, _exData.srcAmount, _cAddresses[1])); } } }
[ 21, 37, 17, 11, 8, 9, 12, 16, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract IAbacusOracle{ uint public callFee; function getJobResponse(uint64 _jobId) public view returns(uint64[] memory _values){ } function scheduleFunc(address to ,uint callTime, bytes memory data , uint fee , uint gaslimit ,uint gasprice)public payable{} } contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } abstract contract AccessControl is Context { using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; using Address for address; struct RoleData { EnumerableSet.AddressSet members; bytes32 adminRole; } mapping (bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles; bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00; /** * @dev Emitted when `newAdminRole` is set as ``role``'s admin role, replacing `previousAdminRole` * * `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is the starting admin for all roles, despite * {RoleAdminChanged} not being emitted signaling this. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ event RoleAdminChanged(bytes32 indexed role, bytes32 indexed previousAdminRole, bytes32 indexed newAdminRole); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role * bearer except when using {_setupRole}. */ event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call: * - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer * - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`) */ event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`. */ function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view returns (bool) { return _roles[role].members.contains(account); } /** * @dev Returns the number of accounts that have `role`. Can be used * together with {getRoleMember} to enumerate all bearers of a role. */ function getRoleMemberCount(bytes32 role) public view returns (uint256) { return _roles[role].members.length(); } /** * @dev Returns one of the accounts that have `role`. `index` must be a * value between 0 and {getRoleMemberCount}, non-inclusive. * * Role bearers are not sorted in any particular way, and their ordering may * change at any point. * * WARNING: When using {getRoleMember} and {getRoleMemberCount}, make sure * you perform all queries on the same block. See the following *[forum post] * for more information. */ function getRoleMember(bytes32 role, uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return _roles[role]; } /** * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and * {revokeRole}. * * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}. */ function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view returns (bytes32) { return _roles[role].adminRole; } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to grant"); _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`. * * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to revoke"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account. * * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced). * * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be `account`. */ function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any * checks on the calling account. * * [WARNING] * ==== * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting * up the initial roles for the system. * * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin * system imposed by {AccessControl}. * ==== */ function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual { _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role. * * Emits a {RoleAdminChanged} event. */ function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual { emit RoleAdminChanged(role, _roles[role].adminRole, adminRole); _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole; } function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.add(account)) { emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender()); } } function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.remove(account)) { emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender()); } } } contract ERC20Basic { uint public _totalSupply; string public name; string public symbol; uint public decimals; function totalSupply() public view returns (uint){} function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint){} function transfer(address to, uint value) public {} function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) public{} function approve(address spender, uint amount) public {} function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint remaining) {} event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => uint256) public lockedAmount; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol,uint8 decimals) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = decimals; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function availableAmount(address owner) public view returns(uint256){ return balanceOf(owner).sub(lockedAmount[owner]); } function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(sender),"ERC20 : amount exceeds available amount"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(account),"ERC20 : burn exceeds available amount"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(owner),"ERC20 : approve amount exceeds available amount"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } function _lock(address owner,uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: lock for zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(owner),"ERC20: lock value more tha available amount"); lockedAmount[owner] = lockedAmount[owner].add(amount); } function _release(address owner,uint256 amount) internal virtual{ require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: release for zero address"); require(amount <= lockedAmount[owner],"ERC20 : release value more then locked value"); lockedAmount[owner] = lockedAmount[owner].sub(amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Pausable is Context { /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is triggered by `account`. */ event Paused(address account); /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is lifted by `account`. */ event Unpaused(address account); bool private _paused; /** * @dev Initializes the contract in unpaused state. */ constructor () internal { _paused = false; } /** * @dev Returns true if the contract is paused, and false otherwise. */ function paused() public view returns (bool) { return _paused; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must not be paused. */ modifier whenNotPaused() { require(!_paused, "Pausable: paused"); _; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must be paused. */ modifier whenPaused() { require(_paused, "Pausable: not paused"); _; } /** * @dev Triggers stopped state. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must not be paused. */ function _pause() internal virtual whenNotPaused { _paused = true; emit Paused(_msgSender()); } /** * @dev Returns to normal state. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must be paused. */ function _unpause() internal virtual whenPaused { _paused = false; emit Unpaused(_msgSender()); } } abstract contract ERC20Pausable is ERC20, Pausable { /** * @dev See {ERC20-_beforeTokenTransfer}. * * Requirements: * * - the contract must not be paused. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); require(!paused(), "ERC20Pausable: token transfer while paused"); } } contract wERC20 is Context, AccessControl, ERC20, ERC20Pausable { bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE"); bytes32 public constant PAUSER_ROLE = keccak256("PAUSER_ROLE"); bytes32 public constant ETMOWNER_ROLE = keccak256("ETM_ROLE"); /** * @dev Grants `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE`, `MINTER_ROLE` and `PAUSER_ROLE` to the * account that deploys the contract. * * See {ERC20-constructor}. */ constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol,uint8 decimals,address admin,address etmOwner) public ERC20(name, symbol,decimals) { _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(ETMOWNER_ROLE, etmOwner); _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(PAUSER_ROLE, admin); } /** * @dev Creates `amount` new tokens for `to`. * * See {ERC20-_mint}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have the `MINTER_ROLE`. */ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual { require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have minter role to mint"); _mint(to, amount); } function burnFrom(address _from,uint256 amount) public virtual{ require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role to burn"); _burn(_from,amount); } /** * @dev Pauses all token transfers. * * See {ERC20Pausable} and {Pausable-_pause}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have the `PAUSER_ROLE`. */ function pause() public virtual { require(hasRole(PAUSER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have pauser role to pause"); _pause(); } function changeAdmin(address admin) public virtual{ require(hasRole(ETMOWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role"); _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(PAUSER_ROLE, admin); } /** * @dev Unpauses all token transfers. * * See {ERC20Pausable} and {Pausable-_unpause}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have the `PAUSER_ROLE`. */ function unpause() public virtual { require(hasRole(PAUSER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have pauser role to unpause"); _unpause(); } function lock(address account , uint256 amount) public virtual{ require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role to lock"); _lock(account,amount); } function release(address account , uint256 amount) public virtual{ require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role to release"); _release(account,amount); } function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override(ERC20, ERC20Pausable) { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); } } ublic orderUSDValue; /*=========Structs and Initializer================ --------------------------------*/ struct freeStorage{ //USER DEPOSIT / BORROW STRUCTURE uint amount; uint time; string wtoken; uint usdvalue; } struct matchedOrder{ //RUNNING OR MATCHED ORDERS IN THIS FORM address payable supplier; address payable borrower; uint time; uint expiryDate; uint duration; uint amount; uint usdvalue; uint yield; string wtoken; uint duesPaid; } struct Order{ // PENDING ORDERS IN THIS FORMAT address payable creator; uint duration; uint amount; uint yield; string wtoken; } struct User{ uint totalDeposit; //USD VALUE OF TOTAL DEPOSIT AT DEPOSIT TIME uint totalBorrowed; //USD VALUE OF TOTAL DEPOSIT AT BORROW TIME freeStorage [] myDeposits; //DEPOSIT DATA freeStorage [] myBorrows; //BORROW DATA mapping(string => uint) deposits; //CURRENCY-WISE TOTAL DEPOSIT COUNT FULL VALUE mapping(string => uint) borrows; //CURRENCY-WISE TOTAL BORROW COUNT FULL VALUE uint64 [] borrowedOrders; //BORROWED ORDER - ORDER ID uint64 [] createdOrders; //CREATED ORDER - ORDER ID uint64 [] myOrders; //MATCHED ORDR - ORDER ID } function initializeAddress(address payable EMMaddress,address AbacusAddress, address payable Initaddress) external initializer{ EMM = EcoMoneyManager(EMMaddress); abacus = IAbacusOracle(AbacusAddress); Init = EcoceliumInit(Initaddress); } /*============Main Functions=============== Key Notes - 1) Always call main functions of Data Manager with Wrapped Token 2) _status signifies (status == Status.OPENCREATOR) operation - Returns True for Deposit Functions and False for Borrow Function 3) require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) ,"Not Friendly Address"); - This is mentioned in the EcoceliumInit Contract 4) FreePusher/Popper are for Liquidity Pools and push/pop order and matchOrder is the Order Matching Engine 5) Fetch Token Price Returns Values in 10**8 6) Amounts are without setting off Token Decimals ---------------------------------*/ function freePusher(address userAddress, string memory token, uint _amount, bool _status) external { //_status signifies (status == Status.OPENCREATOR) operation require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) ,"Not Friendly Address"); uint _usdValue = USDValue(_amount, token); freeStorage memory newStorage = freeStorage({ amount: _amount, time: now, wtoken: token, usdvalue: _usdValue }); if(_status){ users[userAddress].myDeposits.push(newStorage); users[userAddress].totalDeposit += _usdValue; users[userAddress].deposits[token] += _amount; } else { users[userAddress].myBorrows.push(newStorage); users[userAddress].totalBorrowed += _usdValue; users[userAddress].borrows[token] += _amount; } } function freePopper(address userAddress, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint _amount, bool _status) public returns (uint dues) { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); if(_status) { require(users[userAddress].deposits[_tokenSymbol]>=_amount, "Insufficient Deposits"); users[userAddress].deposits[_tokenSymbol] -= _amount; } else { require(users[userAddress].borrows[_tokenSymbol]>=_amount,"Insufficient Borrowings"); users[userAddress].borrows[_tokenSymbol] -= _amount; } uint amountLeft= _amount; freeStorage [] storage mystorage = _status ? users[userAddress].myDeposits : users[userAddress].myBorrows; for( uint i= mystorage.length-1; amountLeft >0 ; i--){ if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(mystorage[i].wtoken)) != keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tokenSymbol))) { continue; } if (mystorage[i].amount <= amountLeft){ amountLeft -= mystorage[i].amount; _status ? users[userAddress].totalDeposit -= mystorage[i].usdvalue : users[userAddress].totalBorrowed -= mystorage[i].usdvalue; dues+= calculateECOEarning(USDValue(mystorage[i].amount,_tokenSymbol), _tokenSymbol, mystorage[i].time); mystorage.pop(); } else { _status ? users[userAddress].totalDeposit -= (mystorage[i].amount-amountLeft)*mystorage[i].usdvalue : users[userAddress].totalBorrowed -= (mystorage[i].amount-amountLeft)*mystorage[i].usdvalue; mystorage[i].amount -= amountLeft; dues += calculateECOEarning(USDValue(amountLeft,_tokenSymbol), _tokenSymbol, mystorage[i].time); amountLeft = 0; } } _status ? users[userAddress].myDeposits = mystorage : users[userAddress].myBorrows = mystorage; } function pushOrder(address payable userAddress,string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration, uint _yield, bool _status) internal returns (uint){ (uint64 _orderId,uint newAmount,uint fee) = _ordersub(_amount, userAddress, _duration, _tokenSymbol); openOrderMap[_orderId] = Order({ creator : userAddress, duration : _duration, amount : newAmount, yield : _yield, wtoken : _tokenSymbol }); if(_status) { orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.OPENCREATOR; users[userAddress].createdOrders.push(_orderId); } else { orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.OPENBORROW; users[userAddress].borrowedOrders.push(_orderId); } poolSorter(_orderId, _tokenSymbol, true); orderUSDValue[_orderId]=USDValue(_amount,_tokenSymbol); return fee; } function poolSorter(uint64 _orderId, string memory _tokenSymbol, bool _status) internal { //Status here signifies Insertion if True, and Deletion if false uint64 [] memory temp; bool task = false; bool pooltask = false; uint pid; if(orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.OPENCREATOR) { pid = (openOrderMap[_orderId].duration/6) - 1; } else if(orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.OPENBORROW) { pid = (openOrderMap[_orderId].duration/6) + 5; } poolindex[_tokenSymbol][pid]=0; if(orderpool[_tokenSymbol].length==0 && _status) { orderpool[_tokenSymbol][0] = _orderId; } else { for((uint i, uint j)=(0,0);i<orderpool[_tokenSymbol].length;(i++,j++)) { temp[j]=orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]; if(!task && _status && openOrderMap[temp[j]].yield > openOrderMap[_orderId].yield) { //Insertion Case temp[j]=_orderId; temp[++j]=orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]; task = true; }else if(!task && !_status && _orderId == temp[j]){ //Deletion Case temp[j]=orderpool[_tokenSymbol][++i]; task = true; } if(uint(openOrderMap[temp[j]].duration/6) == uint(openOrderMap[_orderId].duration/6) && orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]]==Status.OPENBORROW) { //Assigns updatePoolIndex with Highest Value of Borrow poolindex[_tokenSymbol][pid] = i; pooltask = true; } else if(uint(openOrderMap[temp[j]].duration/6) == uint(openOrderMap[_orderId].duration/6) && orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]]==Status.OPENCREATOR && !pooltask) { poolindex[_tokenSymbol][pid] = i; pooltask = true; } } orderpool[_tokenSymbol] = temp; } } function matchOrder(address payable userAddress, string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration,uint _yield, uint64 _orderId) internal { matchOrderMap[_orderId] = matchedOrder({ supplier : (orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.OPENBORROW) ? userAddress : openOrderMap[_orderId].creator, borrower : (orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.OPENCREATOR) ? userAddress : openOrderMap[_orderId].creator, time : now, expiryDate : now + _duration*(30 days), duration : _duration, amount : _amount, usdvalue : USDValue(_amount,_tokenSymbol), yield : _yield, wtoken : _tokenSymbol, duesPaid : 0 }); for((uint i,uint j)=(0,0); i<users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].createdOrders.length; (i++,j++)) { if(users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].createdOrders[i] == _orderId) { --j; continue; } users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].createdOrders[j] = users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].createdOrders[i]; } for((uint i,uint j)=(0,0); i<users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].borrowedOrders.length; (i++,j++)) { if(users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].borrowedOrders[i] == _orderId) { continue; } users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].borrowedOrders[j] = users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].borrowedOrders[i]; } delete openOrderMap[_orderId]; poolSorter(_orderId, _tokenSymbol, false); orderStatus[_orderId]=Status.MATCHED; orderUSDValue[_orderId]=USDValue(_amount,_tokenSymbol); users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].myOrders.push(_orderId); users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].myOrders.push(_orderId); scheduleExpiry(_orderId); scheduleCheck(_orderId,matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower,1); EMM.WithdrawManager(EMM.wtormap(_tokenSymbol), _amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower); Init.emitOrderCreated(userAddress,_duration,_yield,_amount,_tokenSymbol); } function newOrder(address payable userAddress,string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration, uint _yield, bool _status) external { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); uint amountLeft= _amount; uint index; if(_status){ index = poolindex[_tokenSymbol][(_duration/6)-1]; users[userAddress].deposits[_tokenSymbol] +=_amount; users[userAddress].totalDeposit += USDValue(_amount, _tokenSymbol); } else { index = poolindex[_tokenSymbol][(_duration/6)+5]; users[userAddress].borrows[_tokenSymbol] +=_amount; users[userAddress].totalBorrowed += USDValue(_amount, _tokenSymbol); } while(amountLeft>0){ if(index == 0) { pushOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, _amount, _duration, _yield, _status); break; } Order memory iOrder = openOrderMap[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]]; if((_status && _yield>iOrder.yield) || (!_status && _yield<iOrder.yield) || (_status)?(orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]] == Status.OPENCREATOR):(orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]] == Status.OPENBORROW)){ pushOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, _amount, _duration, _yield, _status); break; } else if(orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]]== (_status ? Status.OPENBORROW : Status.OPENCREATOR)) { uint tduration = _duration > iOrder.duration ? _duration : iOrder.duration; uint tyield = _yield > iOrder.yield ? iOrder.yield : _yield; uint64 tID = orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]; if(iOrder.amount>=amountLeft) { if(iOrder.amount != amountLeft) { pushOrder(iOrder.creator, _tokenSymbol, iOrder.amount-amountLeft, iOrder.duration, iOrder.yield, !_status); } matchOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, amountLeft, tduration, tyield, tID); amountLeft=0; } else { pushOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, amountLeft- iOrder.amount, _duration, _yield, _status); matchOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, amountLeft, tduration, tyield, tID); amountLeft -= openOrderMap[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]].amount; } } } } function orderExpired (uint64 _orderId) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); require (matchOrderMap[_orderId].expiryDate <= now); EMM.releaseWrappedToken(matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier,matchOrderMap[_orderId].amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken); EMM.burnWrappedFrom(matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier,matchOrderMap[_orderId].amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken); EMM.WithdrawManager(EMM.wtormap(matchOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken), matchOrderMap[_orderId].amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier); users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].totalDeposit -= matchOrderMap[_orderId].usdvalue; users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].totalBorrowed -= matchOrderMap[_orderId].usdvalue; orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.CLOSED; //Init.OrderExpired(_orderId,msgSender,orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,msgSender,_duration)); } function payDue(uint64 _orderId,uint _duration,address msgSender) external returns (uint due){ due = orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,_duration); uint fee = (due*Init.rewardFee())/100; EMM.DepositManager(Init.ECO(), due+fee, msgSender); Init.setOwnerFeeVault(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL(), fee); matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid += 1; matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid >= uint((now - matchOrderMap[_orderId].time)/30 days) ? Init.setUserLocked(msgSender,false) : Init.setUserLocked(msgSender,true); Init.emitDuePaid(_orderId,msgSender,orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,_duration)); } function dueCheck(uint64 _orderId,address borrower,uint month) external returns(uint) { require (Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) && now >= matchOrderMap[_orderId].time + matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid * 30 days); uint due = orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,1); EMM.mintECO(matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier,due*(100-Init.rewardFee())/100); EMM.lockECO(matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier,due*(100-Init.rewardFee())/100); if(matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid < month && !Init.isRegistrar(borrower) && !Init.isUserLocked(borrower)){ Init.setUserLocked(borrower,true); orderExpired(_orderId); } else { Init.emitDuePaid(_orderId,borrower,orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,month+1)); scheduleCheck(_orderId,borrower,month+1); } } function scheduleExpiry(uint64 _orderId) internal{ uint time = matchOrderMap[_orderId].expiryDate - matchOrderMap[_orderId].time; bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256('orderExpired(uint256)')),_orderId); uint callCost = 300000*1e9 + abacus.callFee(); abacus.scheduleFunc{value:callCost}(address(this), time ,data , abacus.callFee() ,300000 , 1e9 ); } function scheduleCheck(uint _orderId,address borrower,uint month) internal{ bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256('dueCheck(uint256,address,uint256)')),_orderId,borrower,month); uint callCost = 300000*1e9 + abacus.callFee(); abacus.scheduleFunc{value:callCost}(address(this), 30 days ,data , abacus.callFee() ,300000 , 1e9 ); } function cancelOrder(uint64 _orderId) external{ require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender)); if(orderStatus[_orderId]==Status.OPENCREATOR) { EMM.releaseWrappedToken(openOrderMap[_orderId].creator,openOrderMap[_orderId].amount, openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken); EMM.burnWrappedFrom(openOrderMap[_orderId].creator,openOrderMap[_orderId].amount, openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken); EMM.WithdrawManager(EMM.wtormap(openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken),openOrderMap[_orderId].amount, openOrderMap[_orderId].creator); users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].deposits[openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken] -=openOrderMap[_orderId].amount; users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].totalDeposit -= orderUSDValue[_orderId]; for((uint i,uint j)=(0,0); i<users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders.length; (i++,j++)) { if(users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders[i] == _orderId) { --j; continue; } users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders[j] = users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders[i]; } } else if(orderStatus[_orderId]==Status.OPENBORROW){ users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrows[openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken] -=openOrderMap[_orderId].amount; users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].totalBorrowed -= orderUSDValue[_orderId]; for((uint i,uint j)=(0,0); i<users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders.length; (i++,j++)) { if(users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[i] == _orderId) { continue; } users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[j] = users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[i]; } } poolSorter(_orderId, openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken,false); delete openOrderMap[_orderId]; if(orderUSDValue[_orderId] > 0) { delete orderUSDValue[_orderId]; } orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.CLOSED; } /*==============Helpers============ ---------------------------------*/ function USDValue(uint amount, string memory _token) public view returns (uint usdvalue) { usdvalue = amount*fetchTokenPrice(_token)/(10**8)/(10**uint(wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(_token)).decimals())); } function orderMonthlyDue(uint64 _orderId, uint _duration) public view returns(uint due){ orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.MATCHED ? due = USDValue (matchOrderMap[_orderId].amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken) * matchOrderMap[_orderId].yield * _duration*30 days*fetchTokenPrice(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())/3153600000/(10**8) : due = 0; } function fetchTokenPrice(string memory _tokenSymbol) public view returns(uint){ //Put any Token Wrapped or Direct uint response = uint(abacus.getJobResponse(EMM.getFetchId(_tokenSymbol))[0]); return response > 0 ? response : 0; } /*function issueReward(address userAddress, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint time, uint tokenUsdValue) internal { uint reward = calculateECOEarning(tokenUsdValue, _tokenSymbol, time); EMM.mintECO(userAddress, reward); }*/ function calculateECOEarning(uint usdvalue, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint time) private view returns (uint){ uint _amount = usdvalue*(10**16)/fetchTokenPrice(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL()); uint reward = (_amount * Init.slabRateDeposit(_tokenSymbol) * (now - time))/3153600000; //decimal from Abacus is setoff by decimal from Eco return reward; } function getECOEarnings(address userAddress) public view returns (uint){ uint ecobalance; for(uint i=0; i<users[userAddress].myDeposits.length; i++) { ecobalance += calculateECOEarning(users[userAddress].myDeposits[i].usdvalue, users[userAddress].myDeposits[i].wtoken, users[userAddress].myDeposits[i].time); } for(uint i=0; i<users[userAddress].myBorrows.length; i++) { ecobalance -= calculateECOEarning(users[userAddress].myBorrows[i].usdvalue, users[userAddress].myBorrows[i].wtoken, users[userAddress].myBorrows[i].time); } if(ecobalance > EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress)) { return ecobalance - EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress); } else { return uint(0); } } function _ordersub(uint amount,address userAddress,uint _duration,string memory _tokenSymbol) internal view returns (uint64, uint, uint){ uint newAmount = amount - (amount*Init.tradeFee())/100; uint fee = (amount*Init.tradeFee())/100; uint64 _orderId = uint64(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(userAddress,_tokenSymbol,_duration,now)))); return (_orderId,newAmount,fee); } function getUserDepositsbyToken(address userAddress, string memory wtoken) public view returns(uint) { return users[userAddress].deposits[wtoken]; } function getUserBorrowedOrderbyToken(address userAddress, string memory wtoken) public view returns(uint) { return users[userAddress].borrows[wtoken]; } function getUserBorrowed(address userAddress) public view returns(uint) { return users[userAddress].totalBorrowed; } function getUserBorrowedOrder(address userAddress) public view returns (uint64 [] memory) { return users[userAddress].borrowedOrders; } function getUserDepositOrder(address userAddress) public view returns (uint64 [] memory) { return users[userAddress].createdOrders; } function getUserMatchOrder(address userAddress) public view returns (uint64 [] memory) { return users[userAddress].myOrders; } function getbuyPower(address userAddress) public view returns (uint buyPower){ if(Init.isRegistrar(userAddress)) { return (10**30); } if(Init.isUserLocked(userAddress)) { return 0; } if(users[userAddress].totalBorrowed > 0) { return users[userAddress].totalDeposit - ((users[userAddress].totalDeposit*Init.CDSpercent())/100) - users[userAddress].totalBorrowed; } else { return users[userAddress].totalDeposit; } } function getOrderIds(string memory wtoken) public view returns (uint64 [] memory orderIds) { return orderpool[wtoken]; } function updatePoolIndex(uint index, string memory wtoken, uint value) external { if(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) == true) { poolindex[wtoken][index]= value; } } /*function deleteUserData(address userAddress) external { if(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender)==true) { delete users[userAddress]; } }*/ } contract Ecocelium is Initializable{ address public owner; address payable EMMAddress; IAbacusOracle abacus; EcoMoneyManager EMM; EcoceliumDataManager EDM; EcoceliumInit Init; function initialize(address _owner,address payable EMMaddress,address payable AbacusAddress,address EDMaddress, address payable Initaddress)public payable initializer { owner = _owner; EMM = EcoMoneyManager(EMMaddress); EMMAddress = EMMaddress; abacus = IAbacusOracle(AbacusAddress);//0x323f81D9F57d2c3d5555b14d90651aCDc03F9d52 EDM = EcoceliumDataManager(EDMaddress); Init = EcoceliumInit(Initaddress); } function changeOwner(address _owner) public{ require(msg.sender==owner); owner = _owner; } func pdateContracts() public{ require(msg.sender==owner); EMM = EcoMoneyManager(Init.MONEYMANAGER()); abacus = IAbacusOracle(Init.ABACUS()); EDM = EcoceliumDataManager(Init.DATAMANAGER()); } /*===========Main functions============ -------------------------------------*/ function Deposit(string memory rtoken, uint _amount) external payable { address _msgSender = msg.sender; string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(rtoken); _deposit(rtoken, _amount, _msgSender, wtoken); EDM.freePusher(_msgSender, wtoken, _amount, true); EMM.mintWrappedToken(_msgSender, _amount, wtoken); EMM.lockWrappedToken(_msgSender, _amount,wtoken); } function _deposit(string memory rtoken,uint _amount, address msgSender, string memory wtoken) internal { require(EMM.getwTokenAddress(wtoken) != address(0),"not supported"); if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rtoken)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(Init.ETH_SYMBOL()))) { require(msg.value >= _amount); EMM.DepositManager{value:msg.value}(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); }else { EMM.DepositManager(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); } Init.emitSwap(msgSender,rtoken,wtoken,_amount); } function depositAndOrder(address payable userAddress,string memory rtoken ,uint _amount,uint _duration,uint _yield) external payable { require(msg.sender == userAddress); string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(rtoken); _deposit(rtoken, _amount, userAddress, wtoken); EMM.mintWrappedToken(userAddress, _amount, wtoken); EMM.lockWrappedToken(userAddress, _amount,wtoken); EDM.newOrder(userAddress, EMM.getWrapped(rtoken), _amount, _duration, _yield, true); } function createOrder(address payable userAddress,string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration,uint _yield) external payable { require(msg.sender == userAddress); require(_duration>=6, "Duration should be atleast 6 Months"); string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(_tokenSymbol); require(EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(userAddress, wtoken) >= _amount, "Insufficient Balance"); uint ecoEarnings = EDM.freePopper(userAddress, wtoken , _amount, true); if(ecoEarnings > EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress)) { ecoEarnings-=EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress); EMM.adjustEcoEarning(userAddress, EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress)); EMM.WithdrawManager(Init.ECO(), ecoEarnings, userAddress); } else { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(userAddress, ecoEarnings); } EDM.newOrder(userAddress, wtoken, _amount, _duration, _yield, true); } function getAggEcoBalance(address userAddress) public view returns(uint) { return wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).balanceOf(userAddress) + EDM.getECOEarnings(userAddress); } function borrowOrder(address userAddress, string memory rtoken, uint amount, uint duration, uint yield) public {//Rewrite this part require(isWithdrawEligible(userAddress, rtoken, amount)); EDM.newOrder(msg.sender,rtoken, amount,duration,yield,false); } function payDueOrder(uint64 _orderId,uint _duration) external { EDM.payDue(_orderId,_duration,msg.sender); } function clearBorrow(string memory rtoken, uint _amount) external payable{ address msgSender = msg.sender; string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(rtoken); uint dues = EDM.freePopper(msgSender, wtoken, _amount, false); EMM.DepositManager(Init.ECO(), dues, msgSender); if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rtoken)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(Init.ETH_SYMBOL()))) { require(msg.value == _amount); EMM.DepositManager{value:_amount}(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); }else { EMM.DepositManager(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); } } function Borrow(uint _amount, string memory _tokenSymbol) public { require(isWithdrawEligible(msg.sender, _tokenSymbol, _amount)); EDM.freePusher(msg.sender, EMM.getWrapped(_tokenSymbol), _amount,false); EMM.WithdrawManager(_tokenSymbol, _amount, msg.sender); } function SwapWrapToWrap(string memory token1,string memory token2, uint token1amount) external returns(uint) { address payable msgSender = msg.sender; uint token2price = fetchTokenPrice(token2); uint token2amount = EDM.USDValue(token1amount,token1)*(100-Init.swapFee())*(10**uint(wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(token2)).decimals()))*(10**8)/token2price/100; EMM.w2wswap(msgSender, token1, token1amount, token2amount, token2); uint ecoEarnings = EDM.freePopper(msgSender,token1,token1amount,true); if(ecoEarnings>0) { if(ecoEarnings > EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender)) { ecoEarnings-=EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender); if(EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender) > 0) { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(msgSender, EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender)); } EMM.WithdrawManager(Init.ECO(), ecoEarnings, msgSender); } else { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(msgSender, ecoEarnings); } } Init.setOwnerFeeVault(token1, token1amount*Init.swapFee()/100); EDM.freePusher(msgSender, token2,token2amount,true); Init.emitSwap(msgSender,token1,token2,token2amount); return token2amount; } function cancelOrder(uint64 _orderId) public{ (address creator,,,,) = EDM.openOrderMap(_orderId); require(msg.sender==creator); EDM.cancelOrder(_orderId); } receive() external payable { } /*==============Helpers============ ---------------------------------*/ function orderMonthlyDue(uint64 _orderId,uint _duration) public view returns(uint){ return EDM.orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,_duration); } function updateFees(uint _swapFee,uint _tradeFee,uint _rewardFee) public{ require(msg.sender == owner); Init.updateFees(_swapFee,_tradeFee,_rewardFee); } function getOrderIds(string memory wtoken) public view returns(uint64 [] memory){ return EDM.getOrderIds(wtoken); } function fetchTokenPrice(string memory _tokenSymbol) public view returns(uint){ return EDM.fetchTokenPrice(_tokenSymbol); } function Withdraw(string memory to, uint _amount) external { address payable msgSender = msg.sender; string memory from = EMM.getWrapped(to); require(!Init.isUserLocked(msgSender), "Your Address is Locked Pay Dues"); if( EDM.getUserBorrowed(msgSender) > 0) { require(isWithdrawEligible(msgSender, to, _amount) , "Not Eligible for Withdraw"); } if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(to)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(Init.ECO()))) { require( getAggEcoBalance(msgSender) >= _amount,"Insufficient Balance"); if(EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(msgSender, from) >=_amount) { _withdraw(msgSender, from, _amount, to); } else { uint amountLeft = _amount - EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(msgSender, from); if(EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(msgSender, from) > 0){ _withdraw(msgSender, from, _amount, to); } EMM.redeemEcoEarning(msgSender,amountLeft); } } else { require(EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(msgSender, from)>=_amount,"Insufficient balance"); _withdraw(msgSender, from, _amount, to); } Init.emitSwap(msgSender,from,to,_amount); } function _withdraw(address payable msgSender, string memory from, uint amount, string memory to) internal { EMM.releaseWrappedToken(msgSender,amount, from); EMM.burnWrappedFrom(msgSender, amount, from); Init.setOwnerFeeVault(to,(amount*Init.rewardFee())/100); uint ecoEarnings = EDM.freePopper(msgSender,from,amount, true); if(ecoEarnings>0) { if(ecoEarnings > EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender)) { ecoEarnings-=EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender); if(EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender) > 0) { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(msgSender, EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender)); } EMM.WithdrawManager(Init.ECO(), ecoEarnings, msgSender); } else { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(msgSender, ecoEarnings); } } uint newAmount = amount - (amount*Init.rewardFee())/100; EMM.WithdrawManager(to,newAmount, msgSender); } function isWithdrawEligible(address userAddress, string memory to, uint amount) public view returns (bool Eligible){ return (EDM.getbuyPower(userAddress) > EDM.USDValue(amount,EMM.getWrapped(to))); } } contract EcoceliumInit is Initializable { address payable owner; address payable public MONEYMANAGER; address payable public DATAMANAGER; address payable public ECOCELIUM; address payable public ABACUS; string public WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL; string public ECO; string public ETH_SYMBOL; string public WRAP_ETH_SYMBOL; uint public swapFee; uint public rewardFee; uint public tradeFee; uint public CDSpercent; string [] rtokenlist; string [] wtokenlist; mapping (string => uint) public rcurrencyID; mapping (string => uint) public wcurrencyID; mapping (address => bool) public isRegistrar; mapping (address => bool) public isUserLocked; mapping (string => uint ) public ownerFeeVault; mapping (string => uint) public slabRateDeposit; mapping (address => bool) public friendlyaddress; mapping (address => address) public SponsorAddress; mapping (address => uint) public usertreasuryearnings; event OrderCreated( address userAddress, uint duration, uint yield, uint amount, string token ); event Swap( address userAddress, string from, string to, uint amount ); event Borrowed( uint64 orderId, address borrower, uint amount, uint duration ); event Deposit( address userAddress, string token, uint tokenAmount, uint collateralValue ); event DuePaid( uint64 orderId, address borrower, uint amount ); event WrapTokenCreated( address TokenAddress, string TokenName, string TokenSymbol, uint Decimals ); receive() payable external { } function initializeAddress(address payable _owner) public initializer { friendlyaddress[_owner] = true; owner = _owner; } function addRealCurrency(string memory rtoken) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); if(rcurrencyID[rtoken] == 0) { rtokenlist.push(rtoken); rcurrencyID[rtoken] = rtokenlist.length; } } function addWrapCurrency (string memory wtoken) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); if(wcurrencyID[wtoken] == 0) { wtokenlist.push(wtoken); wcurrencyID[wtoken] = wtokenlist.length; } } function setSlabRate(string memory WToken, uint rate) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); slabRateDeposit[WToken] = rate; } function setUserLocked(address userAddress, bool value) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); isUserLocked[userAddress] = value; } function setFriendlyAddress(address Address) public { (msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); friendlyaddress[Address] = true; } function addRegistrar(address _registrar) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); isRegistrar[_registrar] = true; } function setOwnerFeeVault(string memory add,uint value) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); ownerFeeVault[add] += value; } function emitOrderCreated(address userAddress, uint _duration, uint _yield, uint newAmount,string memory _tokenSymbol) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit OrderCreated(userAddress,_duration,_yield,newAmount,_tokenSymbol); } function emitSwap(address msgSender, string memory from, string memory to,uint _amount) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit Swap(msgSender,from,to,_amount); } function emitBorrowed(uint64 _orderId, address msgSender, uint _amount,uint _duration) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit Borrowed(_orderId,msgSender,_amount,_duration); } function emitWrappedCreated(address tokenAddress,string memory name, string memory symbol,uint8 decimals) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit WrapTokenCreated(tokenAddress,name,symbol,decimals); } function emitDeposit(address msgSender, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint amount, uint tokenUsdValue) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit Deposit(msgSender,_tokenSymbol,amount,tokenUsdValue); } function emitDuePaid(uint64 _orderId, address msgSender, uint due) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit DuePaid(_orderId,msgSender,due); } function setCONSTSYMBOLS(string[4] memory _symbolCONST) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL = _symbolCONST[0]; ECO = _symbolCONST[1]; ETH_SYMBOL = _symbolCONST[2]; WRAP_ETH_SYMBOL = _symbolCONST[3]; } function updateFees(uint _swapFee,uint _tradeFee,uint _rewardFee) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); (swapFee,tradeFee,rewardFee) = (_swapFee,_tradeFee,_rewardFee); } function setCSDpercent(uint percent) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); CDSpercent = percent; } function changeAbacusaddress(address payable Abacusaddress) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); ABACUS = Abacusaddress; } function changeEcoceliumaddress(address payable Ecocelium) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); ECOCELIUM = Ecocelium; } function changeDMaddress(address payable DMAddress) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); DATAMANAGER = DMAddress; } function changeMMaddress(address payable MMaddress) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); MONEYMANAGER = MMaddress; } function changeOwner(address payable _owner) public{ require(msg.sender==owner); owner = _owner; } function setSponsor(address userAddress, address _sponsorAddress) external { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); SponsorAddress[userAddress] = _sponsorAddress; } function updateTreasuryEarnings(address userAddress, uint _amount) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); usertreasuryearnings[userAddress] = _amount; } } contract EcoMoneyManager is Initializable { EcoceliumInit Init; address public owner; address [] public TokenAddresses; address [] public wTokenAddresses; mapping (string => address) rTokens; mapping (string => string) public wtormap; mapping (string => string) public rTokensTowToken; mapping (string => TokenConfig) wTokens; mapping (address => uint) public ecoWithdrawls; mapping (string => uint) public WGains; mapping (string => uint) public WLoss; receive() payable external { } struct TokenConfig{ address tokenAddress; uint64 fetchId; } function initialize(address _owner, address payable _Init) public initializer{ owner = _owner; Init = EcoceliumInit(_Init); } function updateAdminAddress(address adminAddress) public { require(msg.sender == owner); for(uint i = 0;i<wTokenAddresses.length;i++){ wERC20(wTokenAddresses[i]).changeAdmin(adminAddress); } } function addTokenWithAddress(address tokenAddress) public { require(msg.sender == owner); ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(tokenAddress); require(getrTokenAddress(token.symbol())== address(0),"token exist"); rTokens[token.symbol()] = tokenAddress; TokenAddresses.push(tokenAddress); } function createWrapToken(string memory name,string memory symbol,uint64 _fetchId, uint8 decimal, string memory wrapOf) public returns(address TokenAddress){ require(msg.sender == owner); wERC20 token = new wERC20(name,symbol,decimal, address(this), address(this)); rTokensTowToken[wrapOf] = symbol; TokenAddresses.push(address(token)); wTokenAddresses.push(address(token)); wTokens[symbol] = TokenConfig({ tokenAddress:address(token), fetchId : _fetchId }); Init.emitWrappedCreated(address(token),name,symbol,token.decimals()); return address(token); } function changeOwner(address _owner) public{ require(owner == msg.sender); owner =_owner; } function updatertoken (string memory WToken, string memory RToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wtormap[WToken] = RToken; } function getwTokenAddress(string memory symbol) public view returns(address){ return wTokens[symbol].tokenAddress; } function getFetchId(string memory symbol ) public view returns(uint64){ if( wTokens[symbol].tokenAddress == address(0)) { symbol = rTokensTowToken[symbol]; } return wTokens[symbol].fetchId; } function getrTokenAddress(string memory symbol) public view returns(address){ return rTokens[symbol]; } function getTokenAddresses() public view returns(address[] memory){ return TokenAddresses; } function getWrapped(string memory symbol) public view returns(string memory){ return rTokensTowToken[symbol]; } function getTokenID(string memory symbol) public view returns(uint){ for(uint i=0; i< TokenAddresses.length; i++) { if(TokenAddresses[i] == wTokens[symbol].tokenAddress) { return i; } } } function releaseWrappedToken (address _userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).release(_userAddress,amount); } function mintWrappedToken (address _userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).mint(_userAddress,amount); } function lockWrappedToken (address _userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).lock(_userAddress,amount); } function burnWrappedFrom(address userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).burnFrom(userAddress,amount); } function mintECO(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).mint(userAddress,amount); } function lockECO(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).lock(userAddress,amount); } function releaseECO(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).release(userAddress,amount); } function burnECOFrom(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).burnFrom(userAddress,amount); } function DepositManager(string memory _rtoken, uint amount, address userAddress) public payable { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); if(Init.rcurrencyID(_rtoken) == Init.rcurrencyID(Init.ETH_SYMBOL())) { require(msg.value >= amount,"Invalid Amount"); } else {ERC20Basic rtoken = ERC20Basic(getrTokenAddress(_rtoken)); require(rtoken.allowance(userAddress, address(this)) >= amount,"set allowance"); rtoken.transferFrom(userAddress,address(this),amount);} } function WithdrawManager(string memory _rtoken, uint amount, address payable userAddress) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); if(Init.rcurrencyID(_rtoken) == Init.rcurrencyID(Init.ETH_SYMBOL())) { userAddress.transfer(amount); } else { ERC20Basic rtoken = ERC20Basic(getrTokenAddress(_rtoken)); rtoken.transfer(userAddress,amount);} } function redeemEcoEarning(address payable userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] = ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] + amount; WithdrawManager(Init.ECO(), amount, userAddress); } function adjustEcoEarning(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] = ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] - amount; } function updateFetchID (string memory wtoken, uint64 _fetchID) external { require(owner == msg.sender); wTokens[wtoken].fetchId = _fetchID; } function w2wswap (address msgSender, string memory token1, uint token1amount, uint token2amount, string memory token2) external { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); releaseWrappedToken(msgSender, token1amount, token1); burnWrappedFrom(msgSender,token1amount,token1); WGains[token1]=token1amount; mintWrappedToken(msgSender,token2amount, token2); lockWrappedToken(msgSender, token2amount, token2); WLoss[token2]=token2amount; } function updateWrapAddress (string memory wtoken, address wAddress) external { require(owner == msg.sender); wTokens[wtoken].tokenAddress = wAddress; } function updatewtoken (string memory RToken, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); rTokensTowToken[RToken] = WToken; } }
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pragma solidity 0.4.21; contract EIP20Interface { /* This is a slight change to the ERC20 base standard. function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 supply); is replaced with: uint256 public totalSupply; This automatically creates a getter function for the totalSupply. This is moved to the base contract since public getter functions are not currently recognised as an implementation of the matching abstract function by the compiler. */ /// total amount of tokens uint256 public totalSupply; /// @param _owner The address from which the balance will be retrieved /// @return The balance function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `msg.sender` /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice send `_value` token to `_to` from `_from` on the condition it is approved by `_from` /// @param _from The address of the sender /// @param _to The address of the recipient /// @param _value The amount of token to be transferred /// @return Whether the transfer was successful or not function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @notice `msg.sender` approves `_spender` to spend `_value` tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @param _value The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer /// @return Whether the approval was successful or not function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success); /// @param _owner The address of the account owning tokens /// @param _spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens /// @return Amount of remaining tokens allowed to spent function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining); // solhint-disable-next-line no-simple-event-func-name event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value); event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value); } contract duos is EIP20Interface { uint256 constant private MAX_UINT256 = 2**256 - 1; mapping (address => uint256) public balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowed; /* NOTE: The following variables are OPTIONAL vanities. One does not have to include them. They allow one to customise the token contract & in no way influences the core functionality. Some wallets/interfaces might not even bother to look at this information. */ string public name; //fancy name: eg Simon Bucks uint8 public decimals; //How many decimals to show. string public symbol; //An identifier: eg SBX function duos( uint256 _initialAmount, string _tokenName, uint8 _decimalUnits, string _tokenSymbol ) public { balances[msg.sender] = _initialAmount; // Give the creator all initial tokens totalSupply = _initialAmount; // Update total supply name = _tokenName; // Set the name for display purposes decimals = _decimalUnits; // Amount of decimals for display purposes symbol = _tokenSymbol; // Set the symbol for display purposes } function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { require(balances[msg.sender] >= _value); balances[msg.sender] -= _value; balances[_to] += _value; emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { uint256 allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender]; require(balances[_from] >= _value && allowance >= _value); balances[_to] += _value; balances[_from] -= _value; if (allowance < MAX_UINT256) { allowed[_from][msg.sender] -= _value; } emit Transfer(_from, _to, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) { return balances[_owner]; } function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success) { allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value; emit Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value); //solhint-disable-line indent, no-unused-vars return true; } function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint256 remaining) { return allowed[_owner][_spender]; } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.10; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface notify { function notifyRewardAmount(uint256 reward) external; } contract UTap { IERC20 public Token; notify public Pool; uint256 public blocklock; address public bucket; constructor( IERC20 Tokent, address buckt, notify Poolt ) public { Token = Tokent; bucket = buckt; Pool = Poolt; } function tap() public { require(tx.origin == msg.sender, "UTap: External accounts only"); require(blocklock <= now, "block"); Token.transfer(bucket, Token.balanceOf(address(this)) / 50); blocklock = now + 7 days; Pool.notifyRewardAmount(Token.balanceOf(address(this)) / 50); } }
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pragma solidity 0.7.4; interface IArbitrable { /** * @dev To be raised when a ruling is given. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator giving the ruling. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling The ruling which was given. */ event Ruling(IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _ruling); /** * @dev Give a ruling for a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrator. * The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision". */ function rule(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) external; } interface IArbitrator { enum DisputeStatus {Waiting, Appealable, Solved} /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event DisputeCreation(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute can be appealed. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event AppealPossible(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev To be emitted when the current ruling is appealed. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @param _arbitrable The contract which created the dispute. */ event AppealDecision(uint256 indexed _disputeID, IArbitrable indexed _arbitrable); /** * @dev Create a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrable contract. * Must be paid at least arbitrationCost(_extraData). * @param _choices Amount of choices the arbitrator can make in this dispute. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return disputeID ID of the dispute created. */ function createDispute(uint256 _choices, bytes calldata _extraData) external payable returns (uint256 disputeID); /** * @dev Compute the cost of arbitration. It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be highly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return cost Amount to be paid. */ function arbitrationCost(bytes calldata _extraData) external view returns (uint256 cost); /** * @dev Appeal a ruling. Note that it has to be called before the arbitrator contract calls rule. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. * @param _extraData Can be used to give extra info on the appeal. */ function appeal(uint256 _disputeID, bytes calldata _extraData) external payable; /** * @dev Compute the cost of appeal. It is recommended not to increase it often, as it can be higly time and gas consuming for the arbitrated contracts to cope with fee augmentation. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to be appealed. * @param _extraData Can be used to give additional info on the dispute to be created. * @return cost Amount to be paid. */ function appealCost(uint256 _disputeID, bytes calldata _extraData) external view returns (uint256 cost); /** * @dev Compute the start and end of the dispute's current or next appeal period, if possible. If not known or appeal is impossible: should return (0, 0). * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @return start The start of the period. * @return end The end of the period. */ function appealPeriod(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256 start, uint256 end); /** * @dev Return the status of a dispute. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute to rule. * @return status The status of the dispute. */ function disputeStatus(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (DisputeStatus status); /** * @dev Return the current ruling of a dispute. This is useful for parties to know if they should appeal. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute. * @return ruling The ruling which has been given or the one which will be given if there is no appeal. */ function currentRuling(uint256 _disputeID) external view returns (uint256 ruling); } interface IEvidence { /** * @dev To be emitted when meta-evidence is submitted. * @param _metaEvidenceID Unique identifier of meta-evidence. * @param _evidence A link to the meta-evidence JSON. */ event MetaEvidence(uint256 indexed _metaEvidenceID, string _evidence); /** * @dev To be raised when evidence is submitted. Should point to the resource (evidences are not to be stored on chain due to gas considerations). * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _evidenceGroupID Unique identifier of the evidence group the evidence belongs to. * @param _party The address of the party submiting the evidence. Note that 0x0 refers to evidence not submitted by any party. * @param _evidence A URI to the evidence JSON file whose name should be its keccak256 hash followed by .json. */ event Evidence( IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _evidenceGroupID, address indexed _party, string _evidence ); /** * @dev To be emitted when a dispute is created to link the correct meta-evidence to the disputeID. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _metaEvidenceID Unique identifier of meta-evidence. * @param _evidenceGroupID Unique identifier of the evidence group that is linked to this dispute. */ event Dispute( IArbitrator indexed _arbitrator, uint256 indexed _disputeID, uint256 _metaEvidenceID, uint256 _evidenceGroupID ); } library CappedMath { uint constant private UINT_MAX = 2**256 - 1; /** * @dev Adds two unsigned integers, returns 2^256 - 1 on overflow. */ function addCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { uint c = _a + _b; return c >= _a ? c : UINT_MAX; } /** * @dev Subtracts two integers, returns 0 on underflow. */ function subCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { if (_b > _a) return 0; else return _a - _b; } /** * @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, returns 2^256 - 1 on overflow. */ function mulCap(uint _a, uint _b) internal pure returns (uint) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring '_a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if '_b' is also tested. // See: if (_a == 0) return 0; uint c = _a * _b; return c / _a == _b ? c : UINT_MAX; } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } contract Linguo is IArbitrable, IEvidence { using CappedMath for uint256; /* *** Contract variables *** */ uint8 public constant VERSION_ID = 0; // Value that represents the version of the contract. The value is incremented each time the new version is deployed. Range for LinguoETH: 0-127, LinguoToken: 128-255. uint256 public constant MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR = 10000; // Divisor parameter for multipliers. uint256 private constant NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE = (2**256 - 2) / 2; // A value depositors won't be able to pay. enum Status {Created, Assigned, AwaitingReview, DisputeCreated, Resolved} enum Party { None, // Party that is mapped with a 0 dispute ruling. Translator, // Party performing translation task. Challenger // Party challenging translated text in the review period. } // Arrays of 3 elements in the Task and Round structs map to the parties. Index "0" is not used, "1" is used for the translator and "2" for the challenger. struct Task { uint256 submissionTimeout; // Time in seconds allotted for submitting a translation. The end of this period is considered a deadline. uint256 minPrice; // Minimum price for the translation. When the task is created it has this minimum price that gradually increases such that it reaches the maximum price at the deadline. uint256 maxPrice; // Maximum price for the translation and also the value that must be deposited by the requester. Status status; // Status of the task. uint256 lastInteraction; // The time of the last action performed on the task. Note that lastInteraction is updated only during timeout-related actions such as the creation of the task and the submission of the translation. address payable requester; // The party requesting the translation. uint256 requesterDeposit; // The deposit requester makes when creating the task. Once the task is assigned this deposit will be partially reimbursed and its value replaced by the task price. uint256 sumDeposit; // The sum of the deposits of the translator and the challenger, if any. This value (minus arbitration fees) will be paid to the party that wins the dispute. address payable[3] parties; // Translator and challenger of the task. uint256 disputeID; // The ID of the dispute created in the arbitrator contract. Round[] rounds; // Tracks each appeal round of a dispute. uint256 ruling; // Ruling given to the dispute of the task by the arbitrator. } struct Round { uint256[3] paidFees; // Tracks the fees paid by each side in this round. bool[3] hasPaid; // True when the side has fully paid its fee. False otherwise. uint256 feeRewards; // Sum of reimbursable fees and stake rewards available to the parties that made contributions to the side that ultimately wins a dispute. mapping(address => uint256[3]) contributions; // Maps contributors to their contributions for each side. } address public governor = msg.sender; // The governor of the contract. IArbitrator public immutable arbitrator; // The address of the ERC-792 Arbitrator. bytes public arbitratorExtraData; // Extra data to allow creating a dispute on the arbitrator. uint256 public reviewTimeout; // Time in seconds, during which the submitted translation can be challenged. // All multipliers below are in basis points. uint256 public translationMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the value of the deposit translator must pay to self-assign a task. uint256 public challengeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the value of the deposit challenger must pay to challenge a translation. uint256 public sharedStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee that must be paid by the submitter in the case where there isn't a winner and loser (e.g. when the arbitrator ruled "refuse to arbitrate"). uint256 public winnerStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee of the party that won the previous round. uint256 public loserStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the appeal fee of the party that lost the previous round. Task[] public tasks; // Stores all created tasks. mapping(uint256 => uint256) public disputeIDtoTaskID; // Maps a disputeID to its respective task. /* *** Events *** */ /** @dev To be emitted when a new task is created. * @param _taskID The ID of the newly created task. * @param _requester The address that created the task. * @param _timestamp When the task was created. */ event TaskCreated(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _requester, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a translator assigns a task to himself. * @param _taskID The ID of the assigned task. * @param _translator The address that was assigned to the task. * @param _price The task price at the moment it was assigned. * @param _timestamp When the task was assigned. */ event TaskAssigned(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _translator, uint256 _price, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a translation is submitted. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _translator The address that performed the translation. * @param _translatedText A URI to the translated text. * @param _timestamp When the translation was submitted. */ event TranslationSubmitted( uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _translator, string _translatedText, uint256 _timestamp ); /** @dev To be emitted when a translation is challenged. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _challenger The address of the challenger. * @param _timestamp When the task was challenged. */ event TranslationChallenged(uint256 indexed _taskID, address indexed _challenger, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when a task is resolved, either by the translation being accepted, the requester being reimbursed or a dispute being settled. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _reason Short description of what caused the task to be solved. One of: 'translation-accepted' | 'requester-reimbursed' | 'dispute-settled' * @param _timestamp When the task was resolved. */ event TaskResolved(uint256 indexed _taskID, string _reason, uint256 _timestamp); /** @dev To be emitted when someone contributes to the appeal process. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _party The party which received the contribution. * @param _contributor The address of the contributor. * @param _amount The amount contributed. */ event AppealContribution(uint256 indexed _taskID, Party _party, address indexed _contributor, uint256 _amount); /** @dev To be emitted when the appeal fees of one of the parties are fully funded. * @param _taskID The ID of the respective task. * @param _party The party that is fully funded. */ event HasPaidAppealFee(uint256 indexed _taskID, Party _party); /* *** Modifiers *** */ modifier onlyGovernor() { require(msg.sender == governor, "Only governor is allowed to perform this."); _; } /** @dev Constructor. * @param _arbitrator The arbitrator of the contract. * @param _arbitratorExtraData Extra data for the arbitrator. * @param _reviewTimeout Time in seconds during which a translation can be challenged. * @param _translationMultiplier Multiplier for calculating translator's deposit. In basis points. * @param _challengeMultiplier Multiplier for calculating challenger's deposit. In basis points. * @param _sharedStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that submitter must pay for a round when there is no winner/loser in the previous round. In basis points. * @param _winnerStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner has to pay for a round. In basis points. * @param _loserStakeMultiplier Multiplier of the appeal cost that the loser has to pay for a round. In basis points. */ constructor( IArbitrator _arbitrator, bytes memory _arbitratorExtraData, uint256 _reviewTimeout, uint256 _translationMultiplier, uint256 _challengeMultiplier, uint256 _sharedStakeMultiplier, uint256 _winnerStakeMultiplier, uint256 _loserStakeMultiplier ) public { arbitrator = _arbitrator; arbitratorExtraData = _arbitratorExtraData; reviewTimeout = _reviewTimeout; translationMultiplier = _translationMultiplier; challengeMultiplier = _challengeMultiplier; sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier; winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier; loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier; } // ******************** // // * Governance * // // ******************** // /** @dev Changes the governor of this contract. * @param _governor A new governor. */ function changeGovernor(address _governor) public onlyGovernor { governor = _governor; } /** @dev Changes the time allocated for the review phase. * @param _reviewTimeout A new value of the time allotted for reviewing a translation. In seconds. */ function changeReviewTimeout(uint256 _reviewTimeout) public onlyGovernor { reviewTimeout = _reviewTimeout; } /** @dev Changes the multiplier for translators' deposit. * @param _translationMultiplier A new value of the multiplier for calculating translator's deposit. In basis points. */ function changeTranslationMultiplier(uint256 _translationMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { translationMultiplier = _translationMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the multiplier for challengers' deposit. * @param _challengeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier for calculating challenger's deposit. In basis points. */ function changeChallengeMultiplier(uint256 _challengeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { challengeMultiplier = _challengeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid by parties as a fee stake if there was no winner and loser in the previous round. * @param _sharedStakeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier of the appeal cost in case where there was no winner/loser in previous round. In basis point. */ function changeSharedStakeMultiplier(uint256 _sharedStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid as a fee stake by the party that won the previous round. * @param _winnerStakeMultiplier A new value of the multiplier of the appeal cost that the winner of the previous round has to pay. In basis points. */ function changeWinnerStakeMultiplier(uint256 _winnerStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier; } /** @dev Changes the percentage of arbitration fees that must be paid as a fee stake by the party that lost the previous round. * @param _loserStakeMultiplier A new value for the multiplier of the appeal cost that the party that lost the previous round has to pay. In basis points. */ function changeLoserStakeMultiplier(uint256 _loserStakeMultiplier) public onlyGovernor { loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier; } // **************************** // // * Modifying the state * // // **************************** // /** @dev Creates a task based on provided details. Requires a value of maximum price to be deposited. * @param _deadline The deadline for the translation to be completed. * @param _minPrice A minimum price of the translation. In wei. * @param _metaEvidence A URI of a meta-evidence object for task submission. * @return taskID The ID of the created task. */ function createTask( uint256 _deadline, uint256 _minPrice, string calldata _metaEvidence ) external payable returns (uint256 taskID) { require(msg.value >= _minPrice, "Deposited value should be greater than or equal to the min price."); require(_deadline > block.timestamp, "The deadline should be in the future."); taskID = tasks.length; Task storage task = tasks.push(); task.submissionTimeout = _deadline - block.timestamp; task.minPrice = _minPrice; task.maxPrice = msg.value; task.lastInteraction = block.timestamp; task.requester = msg.sender; task.requesterDeposit = msg.value; emit MetaEvidence(taskID, _metaEvidence); emit TaskCreated(taskID, msg.sender, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Assigns a specific task to the sender. Requires a translator's deposit. * Note that the deposit should be a little higher than the required value because of the price increase during the time the transaction is mined. The surplus will be reimbursed. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function assignTask(uint256 _taskID) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= task.submissionTimeout, "The deadline has already passed."); uint256 price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); uint256 translatorDeposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((translationMultiplier.mulCap(price)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); require(task.status == Status.Created, "Task has already been assigned or reimbursed."); require(msg.value >= translatorDeposit, "Not enough ETH to reach the required deposit value."); task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)] = msg.sender; task.status = Status.Assigned; uint256 remainder = task.maxPrice - price; task.requester.send(remainder); // Update requester's deposit since we reimbursed him the difference between maximum and actual price. task.requesterDeposit = price; task.sumDeposit = translatorDeposit; remainder = msg.value - translatorDeposit; msg.sender.send(remainder); emit TaskAssigned(_taskID, msg.sender, price, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Submits translated text for a specific task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _translation A URI to the translated text. */ function submitTranslation(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _translation) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require( task.status == Status.Assigned, "The task is either not assigned or translation has already been submitted." ); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= task.submissionTimeout, "The deadline has already passed."); require( msg.sender == task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)], "Can't submit translation to a task that wasn't assigned to you." ); task.status = Status.AwaitingReview; task.lastInteraction = block.timestamp; emit TranslationSubmitted(_taskID, msg.sender, _translation, block.timestamp); } /** @dev Reimburses the requester if no one picked the task or the translator failed to submit the translation before deadline. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function reimburseRequester(uint256 _taskID) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status < Status.AwaitingReview, "Can't reimburse if translation was submitted."); require( block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout, "Can't reimburse if the deadline hasn't passed yet." ); task.status = Status.Resolved; // Requester gets his deposit back and also the deposit of the translator, if there was one. // Note that sumDeposit can't contain challenger's deposit until the task is in DisputeCreated status. uint256 amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.requester.send(amount); task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(_taskID, "requester-reimbursed", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Pays the translator for completed task if no one challenged the translation during the review period. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. */ function acceptTranslation(uint256 _taskID) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status == Status.AwaitingReview, "The task is in the wrong status."); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > reviewTimeout, "The review phase hasn't passed yet."); task.status = Status.Resolved; // Translator gets the price of the task and his deposit back. Note that sumDeposit can't contain challenger's deposit until the task has DisputeCreated status. uint256 amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(_taskID, "translation-accepted", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Challenges the translation of a specific task. Requires challenger's deposit. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _evidence A link to evidence using its URI. Ignored if not provided. */ function challengeTranslation(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _evidence) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); uint256 challengeDeposit = arbitrationCost.addCap( (challengeMultiplier.mulCap(task.requesterDeposit)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR ); require(task.status == Status.AwaitingReview, "The task is in the wrong status."); require(block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction <= reviewTimeout, "The review phase has already passed."); require(msg.value >= challengeDeposit, "Not enough ETH to cover challenge deposit."); task.status = Status.DisputeCreated; task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)] = msg.sender; task.disputeID = arbitrator.createDispute{value: arbitrationCost}(2, arbitratorExtraData); disputeIDtoTaskID[task.disputeID] = _taskID; task.rounds.push(); task.sumDeposit = task.sumDeposit.addCap(challengeDeposit).subCap(arbitrationCost); uint256 remainder = msg.value - challengeDeposit; msg.sender.send(remainder); emit Dispute(arbitrator, task.disputeID, _taskID, _taskID); emit TranslationChallenged(_taskID, msg.sender, block.timestamp); if (bytes(_evidence).length > 0) emit Evidence(arbitrator, _taskID, msg.sender, _evidence); } /** @dev Takes up to the total amount required to fund a side of an appeal. Reimburses the rest. Creates an appeal if all sides are fully funded. * @param _taskID The ID of challenged task. * @param _side The party that pays the appeal fee. */ function fundAppeal(uint256 _taskID, Party _side) external payable { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require( _side == Party.Translator || _side == Party.Challenger, "Recipient must be either the translator or challenger." ); require(task.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "No dispute to appeal."); require( arbitrator.disputeStatus(task.disputeID) == IArbitrator.DisputeStatus.Appealable, "Dispute is not appealable." ); (uint256 appealPeriodStart, uint256 appealPeriodEnd) = arbitrator.appealPeriod(task.disputeID); require( block.timestamp >= appealPeriodStart && block.timestamp < appealPeriodEnd, "Funding must be made within the appeal period." ); uint256 winner = arbitrator.currentRuling(task.disputeID); uint256 multiplier; if (winner == uint256(_side)) { multiplier = winnerStakeMultiplier; } else if (winner == 0) { multiplier = sharedStakeMultiplier; } else { require( block.timestamp - appealPeriodStart < (appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart) / 2, "The loser must pay during the first half of the appeal period." ); multiplier = loserStakeMultiplier; } Round storage round = task.rounds[task.rounds.length - 1]; require(!round.hasPaid[uint256(_side)], "Appeal fee has already been paid."); uint256 appealCost = arbitrator.appealCost(task.disputeID, arbitratorExtraData); uint256 totalCost = appealCost.addCap((appealCost.mulCap(multiplier)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); // Take up to the amount necessary to fund the current round at the current costs. uint256 contribution; // Amount contributed. uint256 remainingETH; // Remaining ETH to send back. (contribution, remainingETH) = calculateContribution( msg.value, totalCost.subCap(round.paidFees[uint256(_side)]) ); round.contributions[msg.sender][uint256(_side)] += contribution; round.paidFees[uint256(_side)] += contribution; emit AppealContribution(_taskID, _side, msg.sender, contribution); // Add contribution to reward when the fee funding is successful, otherwise it can be withdrawn later. if (round.paidFees[uint256(_side)] >= totalCost) { round.hasPaid[uint256(_side)] = true; round.feeRewards += round.paidFees[uint256(_side)]; emit HasPaidAppealFee(_taskID, _side); } // Reimburse leftover ETH. msg.sender.send(remainingETH); // Deliberate use of send in order to not block the contract in case of reverting fallback. // Create an appeal if each side is funded. if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] && round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { arbitrator.appeal{value: appealCost}(task.disputeID, arbitratorExtraData); task.rounds.push(); round.feeRewards = round.feeRewards.subCap(appealCost); } } /** @dev Returns the contribution value and remainder from available ETH and required amount. * @param _available The amount of ETH available for the contribution. * @param _requiredAmount The amount of ETH required for the contribution. * @return taken The amount of ETH taken. * @return remainder The amount of ETH left from the contribution. */ function calculateContribution(uint256 _available, uint256 _requiredAmount) internal pure returns (uint256 taken, uint256 remainder) { if (_requiredAmount > _available) return (_available, 0); // Take whatever is available, return 0 as leftover ETH. remainder = _available - _requiredAmount; return (_requiredAmount, remainder); } /** @dev Withdraws contributions of appeal rounds. Reimburses contributions if no disputes were raised. If a dispute was raised, sends the fee stake rewards and reimbursements proportional to the contributions made to the winner of a dispute. * @param _beneficiary The address that made contributions. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _round The round from which to withdraw. */ function withdrawFeesAndRewards( address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round ) public { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; require(task.status == Status.Resolved, "The task should be resolved."); uint256 reward; if (!round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] || !round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { // Allow to reimburse if funding was unsuccessful. reward = round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)]; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] = 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] = 0; } else if (task.ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { // Reimburse unspent fees proportionally if there is no winner and loser. uint256 rewardTranslator = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; uint256 rewardChallenger = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; reward = rewardTranslator + rewardChallenger; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] = 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] = 0; } else { // Reward the winner. reward = round.paidFees[task.ruling] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][task.ruling] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[task.ruling] : 0; round.contributions[_beneficiary][task.ruling] = 0; } _beneficiary.send(reward); // It is the user's responsibility to accept ETH. } /** @dev Withdraws contributions of multiple appeal rounds at once. This function is O(n) where n is the number of rounds. This could exceed the gas limit, therefore this function should be used only as a utility and not be relied upon by other contracts. * @param _beneficiary The address that made contributions. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _cursor The round from where to start withdrawing. * @param _count The number of rounds to iterate. If set to 0 or a value larger than the number of rounds, iterates until the last round. */ function batchRoundWithdraw( address payable _beneficiary, uint256 _taskID, uint256 _cursor, uint256 _count ) public { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; for (uint256 i = _cursor; i < task.rounds.length && (_count == 0 || i < _cursor + _count); i++) withdrawFeesAndRewards(_beneficiary, _taskID, i); } /** @dev Gives the ruling for a dispute. Can only be called by the arbitrator. * The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract and to invert the ruling in the case a party loses from lack of appeal fees funding. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Refuse to arbitrate". */ function rule(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) external override { Party resultRuling = Party(_ruling); uint256 taskID = disputeIDtoTaskID[_disputeID]; Task storage task = tasks[taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[task.rounds.length - 1]; require(msg.sender == address(arbitrator), "Must be called by the arbitrator."); require(task.status == Status.DisputeCreated, "The dispute has already been resolved."); // If only one side paid its fees we assume the ruling to be in its favor. if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] == true) resultRuling = Party.Translator; else if (round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)] == true) resultRuling = Party.Challenger; emit Ruling(IArbitrator(msg.sender), _disputeID, uint256(resultRuling)); executeRuling(_disputeID, uint256(resultRuling)); } /** @dev Executes the ruling of a dispute. * @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract. * @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Refuse to arbitrate". */ function executeRuling(uint256 _disputeID, uint256 _ruling) internal { uint256 taskID = disputeIDtoTaskID[_disputeID]; Task storage task = tasks[taskID]; task.status = Status.Resolved; task.ruling = _ruling; uint256 amount; if (_ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { task.requester.send(task.requesterDeposit); // The value of sumDeposit is split among parties in this case. If the sum is uneven the value of 1 wei can be burnt. amount = task.sumDeposit / 2; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)].send(amount); } else if (_ruling == uint256(Party.Translator)) { amount = task.requesterDeposit + task.sumDeposit; task.parties[uint256(Party.Translator)].send(amount); } else { task.requester.send(task.requesterDeposit); task.parties[uint256(Party.Challenger)].send(task.sumDeposit); } task.requesterDeposit = 0; task.sumDeposit = 0; emit TaskResolved(taskID, "dispute-settled", block.timestamp); } /** @dev Submit a reference to evidence. EVENT. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _evidence A link to evidence using its URI. */ function submitEvidence(uint256 _taskID, string calldata _evidence) external { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; require(task.status != Status.Resolved, "The task must not already be resolved."); emit Evidence(arbitrator, _taskID, msg.sender, _evidence); } // ******************** // // * Getters * // // ******************** // /** @dev Returns the sum of withdrawable wei from appeal rounds. This function is O(n), where n is the number of rounds of the task. This could exceed the gas limit, therefore this function should only be used for interface display and not by other contracts. * @param _taskID The ID of the associated task. * @param _beneficiary The contributor for which to query. * @return total The total amount of wei available to withdraw. */ function amountWithdrawable(uint256 _taskID, address payable _beneficiary) external view returns (uint256 total) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (task.status != Status.Resolved) return total; for (uint256 i = 0; i < task.rounds.length; i++) { Round storage round = task.rounds[i]; if (!round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Translator)] || !round.hasPaid[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) { total += round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)]; } else if (task.ruling == uint256(Party.None)) { uint256 rewardTranslator = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Translator)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; uint256 rewardChallenger = round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(Party.Challenger)] * round.feeRewards) / (round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Translator)] + round.paidFees[uint256(Party.Challenger)]) : 0; total += rewardTranslator + rewardChallenger; } else { total += round.paidFees[uint256(task.ruling)] > 0 ? (round.contributions[_beneficiary][uint256(task.ruling)] * round.feeRewards) / round.paidFees[uint256(task.ruling)] : 0; } } return total; } /** @dev Gets the deposit required for self-assigning the task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return deposit The translator's deposit. */ function getDepositValue(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 deposit) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout || task.status != Status.Created) { deposit = NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE; } else { uint256 price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); deposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((translationMultiplier.mulCap(price)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); } } /** @dev Gets the deposit required for challenging the translation. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return deposit The challengers's deposit. */ function getChallengeValue(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 deposit) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > reviewTimeout || task.status != Status.AwaitingReview) { deposit = NOT_PAYABLE_VALUE; } else { uint256 arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData); deposit = arbitrationCost.addCap((challengeMultiplier.mulCap(task.requesterDeposit)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR); } } /** @dev Gets the current price of a specified task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return price The price of the task. */ function getTaskPrice(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256 price) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; if (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction > task.submissionTimeout || task.status != Status.Created) { price = 0; } else { price = task.minPrice + ((task.maxPrice - task.minPrice) * (block.timestamp - task.lastInteraction)) / task.submissionTimeout; } } /** @dev Gets the total number of created tasks. * @return The number of created tasks. */ function getTaskCount() public view returns (uint256) { return tasks.length; } /** @dev Gets the number of rounds of the specific task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return The number of rounds. */ function getNumberOfRounds(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (uint256) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; return task.rounds.length; } /** @dev Gets the contributions made by a party for a given round of appeal of a task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _round The position of the round. * @param _contributor The address of the contributor. * @return contributions The contributions. */ function getContributions( uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round, address _contributor ) public view returns (uint256[3] memory contributions) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; contributions = round.contributions[_contributor]; } /** @dev Gets the addresses of parties of a specified task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @return parties The addresses of translator and challenger as [ZERO_ADDRESS, translator, challenger]. */ function getTaskParties(uint256 _taskID) public view returns (address payable[3] memory parties) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; parties = task.parties; } /** @dev Gets the information on a round of a task. * @param _taskID The ID of the task. * @param _round The round to be queried. * @return paidFees The amount paid by each party in the round. * @return hasPaid Whether or not a given party has paid the full fees for the round. * @return feeRewards The amount of fees that will be available as rewards for the winner. */ function getRoundInfo(uint256 _taskID, uint256 _round) public view returns ( uint256[3] memory paidFees, bool[3] memory hasPaid, uint256 feeRewards ) { Task storage task = tasks[_taskID]; Round storage round = task.rounds[_round]; return (round.paidFees, round.hasPaid, round.feeRewards); } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance"); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } contract ERC20Mock is ERC20, ERC20Burnable { constructor(address initialAccount, uint256 initialBalance) ERC20("MockToken", "MCT") { _mint(initialAccount, initialBalance); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.8; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive vaults via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require( address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance" ); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={value: amount}(""); require( success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted" ); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall( address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value ) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue( target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed" ); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage ) internal returns (bytes memory) { require( address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call" ); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue( address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage ) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={value: weiValue}( data ); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract CryptoPunksMarket { address owner; string public standard = "CryptoPunks"; string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; uint256 public totalSupply; uint256 public nextPunkIndexToAssign = 0; bool public allPunksAssigned = false; uint256 public punksRemainingToAssign = 0; //mapping (address => uint) public addressToPunkIndex; mapping(uint256 => address) public punkIndexToAddress; /* This creates an array with all balances */ mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; struct Offer { bool isForSale; uint256 punkIndex; address seller; uint256 minValue; // in ether address onlySellTo; // specify to sell only to a specific person } struct Bid { bool hasBid; uint256 punkIndex; address bidder; uint256 value; } // A record of punks that are offered for sale at a specific minimum value, and perhaps to a specific person mapping(uint256 => Offer) public punksOfferedForSale; // A record of the highest punk bid mapping(uint256 => Bid) public punkBids; mapping(address => uint256) public pendingWithdrawals; event Assign(address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event PunkTransfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex ); event PunkOffered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 minValue, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkBidEntered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBidWithdrawn( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBought( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkNoLongerForSale(uint256 indexed punkIndex); /* Initializes contract with initial supply tokens to the creator of the contract */ constructor() public payable { // balanceOf[msg.sender] = initialSupply; // Give the creator all initial tokens owner = msg.sender; totalSupply = 10000; // Update total supply punksRemainingToAssign = totalSupply; name = "CRYPTOPUNKS"; // Set the name for display purposes symbol = "Ͼ"; // Set the symbol for display purposes decimals = 0; // Amount of decimals for display purposes } function setInitialOwner(address to, uint256 punkIndex) public { // require(msg.sender == owner, "msg.sender != owner"); require(!allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndex < 10000); if (punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != to) { if (punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != address(0)) { balanceOf[punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex]]--; } else { punksRemainingToAssign--; } punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = to; balanceOf[to]++; emit PunkTransfer(address(0), to, punkIndex); } } function setInitialOwners( address[] memory addresses, uint256[] memory indices ) public { require(msg.sender == owner); uint256 n = addresses.length; for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i++) { setInitialOwner(addresses[i], indices[i]); } } function allInitialOwnersAssigned() public { require(msg.sender == owner); allPunksAssigned = true; } function getPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punksRemainingToAssign != 0); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == address(0)); require(punkIndex < 10000); punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = msg.sender; balanceOf[msg.sender]++; punksRemainingToAssign--; emit Assign(msg.sender, punkIndex); } // Transfer ownership of a punk to another user without requiring payment function transferPunk(address to, uint256 punkIndex) public { // // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); if (punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex].isForSale) { punkNoLongerForSale(punkIndex); } punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = to; balanceOf[msg.sender]--; balanceOf[to]++; emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, 1); emit PunkTransfer(msg.sender, to, punkIndex); // Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and revault it. // Any other bid can stay in place. Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; if (bid.bidder == to) { // Kill bid and revault value pendingWithdrawals[to] += bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); } } function punkNoLongerForSale(uint256 punkIndex) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( false, punkIndex, msg.sender, 0, address(0) ); emit PunkNoLongerForSale(punkIndex); } function offerPunkForSale(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( true, punkIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, address(0) ); emit PunkOffered(punkIndex, minSalePriceInWei, address(0)); } function offerPunkForSaleToAddress( uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress ) public { // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); require(punkIndex < 10000); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( true, punkIndex, msg.sender, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress ); emit PunkOffered(punkIndex, minSalePriceInWei, toAddress); } function buyPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public payable { // require(allPunksAssigned); Offer storage offer = punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex]; require(punkIndex < 10000); require(offer.isForSale); // punk not actually for sale (offer.onlySellTo == address(0) || offer.onlySellTo == msg.sender); // punk not supposed to be sold to this user require(msg.value >= offer.minValue); // Didn't send enough ETH require(offer.seller == punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex]); // Seller no longer owner of punk address seller = offer.seller; punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = msg.sender; balanceOf[seller]--; balanceOf[msg.sender]++; emit Transfer(seller, msg.sender, 1); punkNoLongerForSale(punkIndex); pendingWithdrawals[seller] += msg.value; emit PunkBought(punkIndex, msg.value, seller, msg.sender); // Check for the case where there is a bid from the new owner and revault it. // Any other bid can stay in place. Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; if (bid.bidder == msg.sender) { // Kill bid and revault value pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] += bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); } } function withdraw() public { // require(allPunksAssigned); uint256 amount = pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender]; // Remember to zero the pending revault before // sending to prevent re-entrancy attacks pendingWithdrawals[msg.sender] = 0; msg.sender.transfer(amount); } function enterBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public payable { require(punkIndex < 10000); // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != address(0)); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != msg.sender); require(msg.value != 0); Bid storage existing = punkBids[punkIndex]; require(msg.value > existing.value); if (existing.value > 0) { // Revault the failing bid pendingWithdrawals[existing.bidder] += existing.value; } punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(true, punkIndex, msg.sender, msg.value); emit PunkBidEntered(punkIndex, msg.value, msg.sender); } function acceptBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minPrice) public { require(punkIndex < 10000); // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] == msg.sender); address seller = msg.sender; Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; require(bid.value != 0); require(bid.value >= minPrice); punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] = bid.bidder; balanceOf[seller]--; balanceOf[bid.bidder]++; emit Transfer(seller, bid.bidder, 1); punksOfferedForSale[punkIndex] = Offer( false, punkIndex, bid.bidder, 0, address(0) ); uint256 amount = bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); pendingWithdrawals[seller] += amount; emit PunkBought(punkIndex, bid.value, seller, bid.bidder); } function withdrawBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) public { require(punkIndex < 10000); // require(allPunksAssigned); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != address(0)); require(punkIndexToAddress[punkIndex] != msg.sender); Bid storage bid = punkBids[punkIndex]; require(bid.bidder == msg.sender); emit PunkBidWithdrawn(punkIndex, bid.value, msg.sender); uint256 amount = bid.value; punkBids[punkIndex] = Bid(false, punkIndex, address(0), 0); // Revault the bid money msg.sender.transfer(amount); } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping(bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require( set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds" ); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } interface ICryptoPunksMarket { struct Offer { bool isForSale; uint256 punkIndex; address seller; uint256 minValue; address onlySellTo; } struct Bid { bool hasBid; uint256 punkIndex; address bidder; uint256 value; } event Assign(address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event PunkTransfer( address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 punkIndex ); event PunkOffered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 minValue, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkBidEntered( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBidWithdrawn( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress ); event PunkBought( uint256 indexed punkIndex, uint256 value, address indexed fromAddress, address indexed toAddress ); event PunkNoLongerForSale(uint256 indexed punkIndex); function setInitialOwner(address to, uint256 punkIndex) external; function setInitialOwners( address[] calldata addresses, uint256[] calldata indices ) external; function allInitialOwnersAssigned() external; function getPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function transferPunk(address to, uint256 punkIndex) external; function punkNoLongerForSale(uint256 punkIndex) external; function offerPunkForSale(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei) external; function offerPunkForSaleToAddress( uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minSalePriceInWei, address toAddress ) external; function buyPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function withdraw() external; function enterBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function acceptBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex, uint256 minPrice) external; function withdrawBidForPunk(uint256 punkIndex) external; function punkIndexToAddress(uint256 punkIndex) external returns (address); function punksOfferedForSale(uint256 punkIndex) external returns ( bool isForSale, uint256 _punkIndex, address seller, uint256 minValue, address onlySellTo ); function balanceOf(address user) external returns (uint256); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval( address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value ); } interface IPunkToken is IERC20 { function burn(uint256 amount) external; function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) external; function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external; function changeName(string calldata name) external; function changeSymbol(string calldata symbol) external; function setVaultAddress(address vaultAddress) external; function transferOwnership(address newOwner) external; } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor() internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require( newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address" ); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } contract Pausable is Ownable { bool private isPaused = false; event Paused(); event Unpaused(); function getIsPaused() public view returns (bool) { return isPaused; } function pause() public onlyOwner { isPaused = true; } function unpause() public onlyOwner { isPaused = false; } modifier whenPaused { require(isPaused, "Contract is not paused"); _; } modifier whenNotPaused { require(!isPaused, "Contract is paused"); _; } } contract PunkVaultBase is Pausable { address private erc20Address; address private cpmAddress; IPunkToken private erc20; ICryptoPunksMarket private cpm; function getERC20Address() public view returns (address) { return erc20Address; } function getCpmAddress() public view returns (address) { return cpmAddress; } function getERC20() internal view returns (IPunkToken) { return erc20; } function getCPM() internal view returns (ICryptoPunksMarket) { return cpm; } function setERC20Address(address newAddress) internal { require(erc20Address == address(0), "Already initialized ERC20"); erc20Address = newAddress; erc20 = IPunkToken(erc20Address); } function setCpmAddress(address newAddress) internal { require(cpmAddress == address(0), "Already initialized CPM"); cpmAddress = newAddress; cpm = ICryptoPunksMarket(cpmAddress); } } contract ReentrancyGuard { // Booleans are more expensive than uint256 or any type that takes up a full // word because each write operation emits an extra SLOAD to first read the // slot's contents, replace the bits taken up by the boolean, and then write // back. This is the compiler's defense against contract upgrades and // pointer aliasing, and it cannot be disabled. // The values being non-zero value makes deployment a bit more expensive, // but in exchange the revault on every call to nonReentrant will be lower in // amount. Since revaults are capped to a percentage of the total // transaction's gas, it is best to keep them low in cases like this one, to // increase the likelihood of the full revault coming into effect. uint256 private constant _NOT_ENTERED = 1; uint256 private constant _ENTERED = 2; uint256 private _status; constructor() internal { _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } /** * @dev Prevents a contract from calling itself, directly or indirectly. * Calling a `nonReentrant` function from another `nonReentrant` * function is not supported. It is possible to prevent this from happening * by making the `nonReentrant` function external, and make it call a * `private` function that does the actual work. */ modifier nonReentrant() { // On the first call to nonReentrant, _notEntered will be true require(_status != _ENTERED, "ReentrancyGuard: reentrant call"); // Any calls to nonReentrant after this point will fail _status = _ENTERED; _; // By storing the original value once again, a revault is triggered (see // _status = _NOT_ENTERED; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping(address => uint256) private _balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve( sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub( amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance" ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue) ); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve( _msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub( subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero" ) ); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub( amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance" ); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub( amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance" ); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } function _changeName(string memory name_) internal { _name = name_; } function _changeSymbol(string memory symbol_) internal { _symbol = symbol_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual {} } abstract contract ERC20Burnable is Context, ERC20 { /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from the caller. * * See {ERC20-_burn}. */ function burn(uint256 amount) public virtual { _burn(_msgSender(), amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, deducting from the caller's * allowance. * * See {ERC20-_burn} and {ERC20-allowance}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have allowance for ``accounts``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) public virtual { uint256 decreasedAllowance = allowance(account, _msgSender()).sub( amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds allowance" ); _approve(account, _msgSender(), decreasedAllowance); _burn(account, amount); } } contract PunkToken is Context, Ownable, ERC20Burnable { address private vaultAddress; constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol) public ERC20(name, symbol) { _mint(msg.sender, 0); } function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner { _mint(to, amount); } function changeName(string memory name) public onlyOwner { _changeName(name); } function changeSymbol(string memory symbol) public onlyOwner { _changeSymbol(symbol); } function getVaultAddress() public view returns (address) { return vaultAddress; } function setVaultAddress(address newAddress) public onlyOwner { vaultAddress = newAddress; } } contract PunkVaultSafe is PunkVaultBase, ReentrancyGuard { using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.UintSet; EnumerableSet.UintSet private reserves; bool private inSafeMode = true; event TokenBurnedSafely(uint256 punkId, address indexed to); function getReserves() internal view returns (EnumerableSet.UintSet storage) { return reserves; } function getInSafeMode() public view returns (bool) { return inSafeMode; } function turnOffSafeMode() public onlyOwner { inSafeMode = false; } function turnOnSafeMode() public onlyOwner { inSafeMode = true; } modifier whenNotInSafeMode { require(!inSafeMode, "Contract is in safe mode"); _; } function simpleRedeem() public whenPaused nonReentrant { require( getERC20().balanceOf(msg.sender) >= 10**18, "ERC20 balance too small" ); require( getERC20().allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= 10**18, "ERC20 allowance too small" ); uint256 tokenId =; getERC20().burnFrom(msg.sender, 10**18); reserves.remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(msg.sender, tokenId); emit TokenBurnedSafely(tokenId, msg.sender); } } contract Timelocked is PunkVaultSafe { using SafeMath for uint256; enum Timelock {Short, Medium, Long} uint256 private securityLevel; function getSecurityLevel() public view returns (string memory) { if (securityLevel == 0) { return "red"; } else if (securityLevel == 1) { return "orange"; } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return "yellow"; } else { return "green"; } } function increaseSecurityLevel() public onlyOwner { require(securityLevel < 3, "Already max"); securityLevel = securityLevel + 1; } function timeInDays(uint256 num) internal pure returns (uint256) { return num * 60 * 60 * 24; } function getDelay(Timelock lockId) public view returns (uint256) { if (securityLevel == 0) { return 2; // for testing } if (lockId == Timelock.Short) { if (securityLevel == 1) { return timeInDays(1); } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return timeInDays(2); } else { return timeInDays(3); } } else if (lockId == Timelock.Medium) { if (securityLevel == 1) { return timeInDays(2); } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return timeInDays(3); } else { return timeInDays(5); } } else { if (securityLevel == 1) { return timeInDays(3); } else if (securityLevel == 2) { return timeInDays(5); } else { return timeInDays(10); } } } mapping(Timelock => uint256) private releaseTimes; event Locked(Timelock lockId); event UnlockInitiated(Timelock lockId, uint256 whenUnlocked); function getReleaseTime(Timelock lockId) public view returns (uint256) { return releaseTimes[lockId]; } function initiateUnlock(Timelock lockId) public onlyOwner { uint256 newReleaseTime = now.add(getDelay(lockId)); releaseTimes[lockId] = newReleaseTime; emit UnlockInitiated(lockId, newReleaseTime); } function lock(Timelock lockId) public onlyOwner { releaseTimes[lockId] = 0; emit Locked(lockId); } modifier whenNotLockedS { uint256 releaseTime = releaseTimes[Timelock.Short]; require(releaseTime > 0, "Locked"); require(now > releaseTime, "Not unlocked"); _; } modifier whenNotLockedM { uint256 releaseTime = releaseTimes[Timelock.Medium]; require(releaseTime > 0, "Locked"); require(now > releaseTime, "Not unlocked"); _; } modifier whenNotLockedL { uint256 releaseTime = releaseTimes[Timelock.Long]; require(releaseTime > 0, "Locked"); require(now > releaseTime, "Not unlocked"); _; } } contract Profitable is Timelocked { mapping(address => bool) private verifiedIntegrators; uint256 private numIntegrators = 0; uint256[] private mintFees = [0, 0, 0]; uint256[] private burnFees = [0, 0, 0]; uint256[] private dualFees = [0, 0, 0]; uint256[] private supplierBounty = [(5 * 10**18), 10]; event MintFeesSet(uint256[] mintFees); event BurnFeesSet(uint256[] burnFees); event DualFeesSet(uint256[] dualFees); event SupplierBountySet(uint256[] supplierBounty); event IntegratorSet(address account, bool isVerified); event Withdrawal(address to, uint256 amount); function getMintFees() public view returns (uint256[] memory) { return mintFees; } function getBurnFees() public view returns (uint256[] memory) { return burnFees; } function getDualFees() public view returns (uint256[] memory) { return dualFees; } function getSupplierBounty() public view returns (uint256[] memory) { return supplierBounty; } function _getMintFees() internal view returns (uint256[] storage) { return mintFees; } function _getBurnFees() internal view returns (uint256[] storage) { return burnFees; } function _getDualFees() internal view returns (uint256[] storage) { return dualFees; } function setMintFees(uint256[] memory newMintFees) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { require(newMintFees.length == 3, "Wrong length"); mintFees = newMintFees; emit MintFeesSet(newMintFees); } function setBurnFees(uint256[] memory newBurnFees) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedL { require(newBurnFees.length == 3, "Wrong length"); burnFees = newBurnFees; emit BurnFeesSet(newBurnFees); } function setDualFees(uint256[] memory newDualFees) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { require(newDualFees.length == 3, "Wrong length"); dualFees = newDualFees; emit DualFeesSet(newDualFees); } function setSupplierBounty(uint256[] memory newSupplierBounty) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedL { require(newSupplierBounty.length == 2, "Wrong length"); supplierBounty = newSupplierBounty; emit SupplierBountySet(newSupplierBounty); } function isIntegrator(address account) public view returns (bool) { return verifiedIntegrators[account]; } function getNumIntegrators() public view returns (uint256) { return numIntegrators; } function setIntegrator(address account, bool isVerified) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { require(isVerified != verifiedIntegrators[account], "Already set"); if (isVerified) { numIntegrators = numIntegrators.add(1); } else { numIntegrators = numIntegrators.sub(1); } verifiedIntegrators[account] = isVerified; emit IntegratorSet(account, isVerified); } function getFee(address account, uint256 numTokens, uint256[] storage fees) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 fee = 0; if (verifiedIntegrators[account]) { return 0; } else if (numTokens == 1) { fee = fees[0]; } else { fee = fees[1] + numTokens * fees[2]; } return fee; } function getBurnBounty(uint256 numTokens) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 bounty = 0; uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 padding = supplierBounty[1]; if (reservesLength - numTokens <= padding) { uint256 addedAmount = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { if (reservesLength - i <= padding && reservesLength - i > 0) { addedAmount += (supplierBounty[0] * (padding - (reservesLength - i) + 1)); } } bounty += addedAmount; } return bounty; } function getMintBounty(uint256 numTokens) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 bounty = 0; uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 padding = supplierBounty[1]; if (reservesLength <= padding) { uint256 addedAmount = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { if (reservesLength + i <= padding) { addedAmount += (supplierBounty[0] * (padding - (reservesLength + i))); } } bounty += addedAmount; } return bounty; } function withdraw(address payable to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { uint256 balance = address(this).balance; to.transfer(balance); emit Withdrawal(to, balance); } } contract Controllable is Profitable { mapping(address => bool) private verifiedControllers; uint256 private numControllers = 0; event ControllerSet(address account, bool isVerified); event DirectRedemption(uint256 punkId, address by, address indexed to); function isController(address account) public view returns (bool) { return verifiedControllers[account]; } function getNumControllers() public view returns (uint256) { return numControllers; } function setController(address account, bool isVerified) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { require(isVerified != verifiedControllers[account], "Already set"); if (isVerified) { numControllers++; } else { numControllers--; } verifiedControllers[account] = isVerified; emit ControllerSet(account, isVerified); } modifier onlyController() { require(isController(_msgSender()), "Not a controller"); _; } function directRedeem(uint256 tokenId, address to) public onlyController { require(getERC20().balanceOf(to) >= 10**18, "ERC20 balance too small"); bool toSelf = (to == address(this)); require( toSelf || (getERC20().allowance(to, address(this)) >= 10**18), "ERC20 allowance too small" ); require(getReserves().contains(tokenId), "Not in holdings"); getERC20().burnFrom(to, 10**18); getReserves().remove(tokenId); if (!toSelf) { getCPM().transferPunk(to, tokenId); } emit DirectRedemption(tokenId, _msgSender(), to); } } contract Randomizable is Controllable { uint256 private randNonce = 0; function getPseudoRand(uint256 modulus) internal returns (uint256) { randNonce = randNonce.add(1); return uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(now, _msgSender(), randNonce))) % modulus; } } contract Manageable is Randomizable { event MigrationComplete(address to); event TokenNameChange(string name); event TokenSymbolChange(string symbol); function migrate(address to, uint256 max) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedL { uint256 count = 0; uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < reservesLength; i++) { if (count >= max) { return; } uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(0); getCPM().transferPunk(to, tokenId); getReserves().remove(tokenId); count = count.add(1); } getERC20().transferOwnership(to); emit MigrationComplete(to); } function changeTokenName(string memory newName) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { getERC20().changeName(newName); emit TokenNameChange(newName); } function changeTokenSymbol(string memory newSymbol) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedM { getERC20().changeSymbol(newSymbol); emit TokenSymbolChange(newSymbol); } function setReverseLink() public onlyOwner { getERC20().setVaultAddress(address(this)); } } contract PunkVault is Manageable { event TokenMinted(uint256 tokenId, address indexed to); event TokensMinted(uint256[] tokenIds, address indexed to); event TokenBurned(uint256 tokenId, address indexed to); event TokensBurned(uint256[] tokenIds, address indexed to); constructor(address erc20Address, address cpmAddress) public { setERC20Address(erc20Address); setCpmAddress(cpmAddress); } function getCryptoPunkAtIndex(uint256 index) public view returns (uint256) { return getReserves().at(index); } function getReservesLength() public view returns (uint256) { return getReserves().length(); } function isCryptoPunkDeposited(uint256 tokenId) public view returns (bool) { return getReserves().contains(tokenId); } function mintPunk(uint256 tokenId) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), 1, _getMintFees()); uint256 bounty = getMintBounty(1); if (fee > bounty) { uint256 differnce = fee.sub(bounty); require(msg.value >= differnce, "Value too low"); } bool success = _mintPunk(tokenId, false); if (success && bounty > fee) { uint256 difference = bounty.sub(fee); uint256 balance = address(this).balance; address payable sender = _msgSender(); if (balance >= difference) { sender.transfer(difference); } else { sender.transfer(balance); } } } function _mintPunk(uint256 tokenId, bool partOfDualOp) private returns (bool) { address msgSender = _msgSender(); require(tokenId < 10000, "tokenId too high"); (bool forSale, uint256 _tokenId, address seller, uint256 minVal, address buyer) = getCPM() .punksOfferedForSale(tokenId); require(_tokenId == tokenId, "Wrong punk"); require(forSale, "Punk not available"); require(buyer == address(this), "Transfer not approved"); require(minVal == 0, "Min value not zero"); require(msgSender == seller, "Sender is not seller"); require( msgSender == getCPM().punkIndexToAddress(tokenId), "Sender is not owner" ); getCPM().buyPunk(tokenId); getReserves().add(tokenId); if (!partOfDualOp) { uint256 tokenAmount = 10**18; getERC20().mint(msgSender, tokenAmount); } emit TokenMinted(tokenId, _msgSender()); return true; } function mintPunkMultiple(uint256[] memory tokenIds) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), tokenIds.length, _getMintFees()); uint256 bounty = getMintBounty(tokenIds.length); require(bounty >= fee || msg.value >= fee.sub(bounty), "Value too low"); uint256 numTokens = _mintPunkMultiple(tokenIds, false); require(numTokens > 0, "No tokens minted"); require(numTokens == tokenIds.length, "Untransferable punks"); if (fee > bounty) { uint256 differnce = fee.sub(bounty); require(msg.value >= differnce, "Value too low"); } if (bounty > fee) { uint256 difference = bounty.sub(fee); uint256 balance = address(this).balance; address payable sender = _msgSender(); if (balance >= difference) { sender.transfer(difference); } else { sender.transfer(balance); } } } function _mintPunkMultiple(uint256[] memory tokenIds, bool partOfDualOp) private returns (uint256) { require(tokenIds.length > 0, "No tokens"); require(tokenIds.length <= 100, "Over 100 tokens"); uint256[] memory newTokenIds = new uint256[](tokenIds.length); uint256 numNewTokens = 0; address msgSender = _msgSender(); for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokenIds.length; i++) { uint256 tokenId = tokenIds[i]; require(tokenId < 10000, "tokenId too high"); (bool forSale, uint256 _tokenId, address seller, uint256 minVal, address buyer) = getCPM() .punksOfferedForSale(tokenId); bool rightToken = _tokenId == tokenId; bool isApproved = buyer == address(this); bool priceIsZero = minVal == 0; bool isSeller = msgSender == seller; bool isOwner = msgSender == getCPM().punkIndexToAddress(tokenId); if ( forSale && rightToken && isApproved && priceIsZero && isSeller && isOwner ) { getCPM().buyPunk(tokenId); getReserves().add(tokenId); newTokenIds[numNewTokens] = tokenId; numNewTokens = numNewTokens.add(1); } } if (numNewTokens > 0) { if (!partOfDualOp) { uint256 tokenAmount = numNewTokens * (10**18); getERC20().mint(msgSender, tokenAmount); } emit TokensMinted(newTokenIds, msgSender); } return numNewTokens; } function redeemPunk() public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), 1, _getBurnFees()) + getBurnBounty(1); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); _redeemPunk(false); } function _redeemPunk(bool partOfDualOp) private { address msgSender = _msgSender(); uint256 tokenAmount = 10**18; require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().balanceOf(msgSender) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 balance too small" ); require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().allowance(msgSender, address(this)) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 allowance too small" ); uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 randomIndex = getPseudoRand(reservesLength); uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(randomIndex); if (!partOfDualOp) { getERC20().burnFrom(msgSender, tokenAmount); } getReserves().remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(msgSender, tokenId); emit TokenBurned(tokenId, msgSender); } function redeemPunkMultiple(uint256 numTokens) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), numTokens, _getBurnFees()) + getBurnBounty(numTokens); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); _redeemPunkMultiple(numTokens, false); } function _redeemPunkMultiple(uint256 numTokens, bool partOfDualOp) private { require(numTokens > 0, "No tokens"); require(numTokens <= 100, "Over 100 tokens"); address msgSender = _msgSender(); uint256 tokenAmount = numTokens * (10**18); require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().balanceOf(msgSender) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 balance too small" ); require( partOfDualOp || (getERC20().allowance(msgSender, address(this)) >= tokenAmount), "ERC20 allowance too small" ); if (!partOfDualOp) { getERC20().burnFrom(msgSender, tokenAmount); } uint256[] memory tokenIds = new uint256[](numTokens); for (uint256 i = 0; i < numTokens; i++) { uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 randomIndex = getPseudoRand(reservesLength); uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(randomIndex); tokenIds[i] = tokenId; getReserves().remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(msgSender, tokenId); } emit TokensBurned(tokenIds, msgSender); } function mintAndRedeem(uint256 tokenId) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), 1, _getDualFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); require(_mintPunk(tokenId, true), "Minting failed"); _redeemPunk(true); } function mintAndRedeemMultiple(uint256[] memory tokenIds) public payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused whenNotInSafeMode { uint256 numTokens = tokenIds.length; require(numTokens > 0, "No tokens"); require(numTokens <= 20, "Over 20 tokens"); uint256 fee = getFee(_msgSender(), numTokens, _getDualFees()); require(msg.value >= fee, "Value too low"); uint256 numTokensMinted = _mintPunkMultiple(tokenIds, true); if (numTokensMinted > 0) { _redeemPunkMultiple(numTokens, true); } } function mintRetroactively(uint256 tokenId, address to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedS { require( getCPM().punkIndexToAddress(tokenId) == address(this), "Not owner" ); require(!getReserves().contains(tokenId), "Already in reserves"); uint256 cryptoPunkBalance = getCPM().balanceOf(address(this)); require( (getERC20().totalSupply() / (10**18)) < cryptoPunkBalance, "No excess NFTs" ); getReserves().add(tokenId); getERC20().mint(to, 10**18); emit TokenMinted(tokenId, _msgSender()); } function redeemRetroactively(address to) public onlyOwner whenNotLockedS { require( getERC20().balanceOf(address(this)) >= (10**18), "Not enough PUNK" ); getERC20().burn(10**18); uint256 reservesLength = getReserves().length(); uint256 randomIndex = getPseudoRand(reservesLength); uint256 tokenId = getReserves().at(randomIndex); getReserves().remove(tokenId); getCPM().transferPunk(to, tokenId); emit TokenBurned(tokenId, _msgSender()); } }
[ 10, 5, 11 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.10; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } interface IContractManager { /** * @dev Returns the contract address of a given contract name. * * Requirements: * * - Contract mapping must exist. */ function getContract(string calldata name) external view returns (address contractAddress); } interface IDelegationController { function delegate( uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount, uint256 delegationPeriod, string calldata info ) external; function requestUndelegation(uint256 delegationId) external; function cancelPendingDelegation(uint delegationId) external; } interface IDistributor { function withdrawBounty(uint256 validatorId, address to) external; } interface IERC1820Registry { /** * @dev Sets `newManager` as the manager for `account`. A manager of an * account is able to set interface implementers for it. * * By default, each account is its own manager. Passing a value of `0x0` in * `newManager` will reset the manager to this initial state. * * Emits a {ManagerChanged} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. */ function setManager(address account, address newManager) external; /** * @dev Returns the manager for `account`. * * See {setManager}. */ function getManager(address account) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Sets the `implementer` contract as ``account``'s implementer for * `interfaceHash`. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. * The zero address can also be used in `implementer` to remove an old one. * * See {interfaceHash} to learn how these are created. * * Emits an {InterfaceImplementerSet} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be the current manager for `account`. * - `interfaceHash` must not be an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it must not * end in 28 zeroes). * - `implementer` must implement {IERC1820Implementer} and return true when * queried for support, unless `implementer` is the caller. See * {IERC1820Implementer-canImplementInterfaceForAddress}. */ function setInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash, address implementer) external; /** * @dev Returns the implementer of `interfaceHash` for `account`. If no such * implementer is registered, returns the zero address. * * If `interfaceHash` is an {IERC165} interface id (i.e. it ends with 28 * zeroes), `account` will be queried for support of it. * * `account` being the zero address is an alias for the caller's address. */ function getInterfaceImplementer(address account, bytes32 interfaceHash) external view returns (address); /** * @dev Returns the interface hash for an `interfaceName`, as defined in the * corresponding *[section of the EIP]. */ function interfaceHash(string calldata interfaceName) external pure returns (bytes32); /** * @notice Updates the cache with whether the contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * @param account Address of the contract for which to update the cache. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface for which to update the cache. */ function updateERC165Cache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external; /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not. * If the result is not cached a direct lookup on the contract address is performed. * If the result is not cached or the cached value is out-of-date, the cache MUST be updated manually by calling * {updateERC165Cache} with the contract address. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165Interface(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Checks whether a contract implements an ERC165 interface or not without using nor updating the cache. * @param account Address of the contract to check. * @param interfaceId ERC165 interface to check. * @return True if `account` implements `interfaceId`, false otherwise. */ function implementsERC165InterfaceNoCache(address account, bytes4 interfaceId) external view returns (bool); event InterfaceImplementerSet(address indexed account, bytes32 indexed interfaceHash, address indexed implementer); event ManagerChanged(address indexed account, address indexed newManager); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IERC777Recipient { /** * @dev Called by an {IERC777} token contract whenever tokens are being * moved or created into a registered account (`to`). The type of operation * is conveyed by `from` being the zero address or not. * * This call occurs _after_ the token contract's state is updated, so * {IERC777-balanceOf}, etc., can be used to query the post-operation state. * * This function may revert to prevent the operation from being executed. */ function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; } interface IERC777Sender { /** * @dev Called by an {IERC777} token contract whenever a registered holder's * (`from`) tokens are about to be moved or destroyed. The type of operation * is conveyed by `to` being the zero address or not. * * This call occurs _before_ the token contract's state is updated, so * {IERC777-balanceOf}, etc., can be used to query the pre-operation state. * * This function may revert to prevent the operation from being executed. */ function tokensToSend( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external; } interface IProxyAdmin { function getProxyImplementation(address proxy) external view returns (address); } interface IProxyFactory { function deploy(uint256 _salt, address _logic, address _admin, bytes memory _data) external returns (address); } interface ITimeHelpers { function getCurrentMonth() external view returns (uint); function monthToTimestamp(uint month) external view returns (uint timestamp); } interface ITokenState { function getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address holder) external returns (uint); function getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address holder) external returns (uint); } contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ContextUpgradeSafe is Initializable { // Empty internal constructor, to prevent people from mistakenly deploying // an instance of this contract, which should be used via inheritance. function __Context_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); } function __Context_init_unchained() internal initializer { } function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } uint256[50] private __gap; } abstract contract AccessControlUpgradeSafe is Initializable, ContextUpgradeSafe { function __AccessControl_init() internal initializer { __Context_init_unchained(); __AccessControl_init_unchained(); } function __AccessControl_init_unchained() internal initializer { } using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; using Address for address; struct RoleData { EnumerableSet.AddressSet members; bytes32 adminRole; } mapping (bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles; bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00; /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role * bearer except when using {_setupRole}. */ event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call: * - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer * - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`) */ event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`. */ function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view returns (bool) { return _roles[role].members.contains(account); } /** * @dev Returns the number of accounts that have `role`. Can be used * together with {getRoleMember} to enumerate all bearers of a role. */ function getRoleMemberCount(bytes32 role) public view returns (uint256) { return _roles[role].members.length(); } /** * @dev Returns one of the accounts that have `role`. `index` must be a * value between 0 and {getRoleMemberCount}, non-inclusive. * * Role bearers are not sorted in any particular way, and their ordering may * change at any point. * * WARNING: When using {getRoleMember} and {getRoleMemberCount}, make sure * you perform all queries on the same block. See the following *[forum post] * for more information. */ function getRoleMember(bytes32 role, uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return _roles[role]; } /** * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and * {revokeRole}. * * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}. */ function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view returns (bytes32) { return _roles[role].adminRole; } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to grant"); _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`. * * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to revoke"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account. * * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced). * * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be `account`. */ function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any * checks on the calling account. * * [WARNING] * ==== * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting * up the initial roles for the system. * * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin * system imposed by {AccessControl}. * ==== */ function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual { _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role. */ function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual { _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole; } function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.add(account)) { emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender()); } } function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.remove(account)) { emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender()); } } uint256[49] private __gap; } contract Permissions is AccessControlUpgradeSafe { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address; IContractManager public contractManager; /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_isOwner(), "Caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev allow - throws if called by any account and contract other than the owner * or `contractName` contract */ modifier allow(string memory contractName) { require( contractManager.getContract(contractName) == msg.sender || _isOwner(), "Message sender is invalid"); _; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public virtual initializer { AccessControlUpgradeSafe.__AccessControl_init(); _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender); _setContractManager(contractManagerAddress); } function _isOwner() internal view returns (bool) { return hasRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, msg.sender); } function _setContractManager(address contractManagerAddress) private { require(contractManagerAddress != address(0), "ContractManager address is not set"); require(contractManagerAddress.isContract(), "Address is not contract"); contractManager = IContractManager(contractManagerAddress); } } contract Allocator is Permissions, IERC777Recipient { uint256 constant private _SECONDS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60; uint256 constant private _MONTHS_PER_YEAR = 12; enum TimeUnit { DAY, MONTH, YEAR } enum BeneficiaryStatus { UNKNOWN, CONFIRMED, ACTIVE, TERMINATED } struct Plan { uint256 totalVestingDuration; // months uint256 vestingCliff; // months TimeUnit vestingIntervalTimeUnit; uint256 vestingInterval; // amount of days/months/years bool isDelegationAllowed; bool isTerminatable; } struct Beneficiary { BeneficiaryStatus status; uint256 planId; uint256 startMonth; uint256 fullAmount; uint256 amountAfterLockup; } event PlanCreated( uint256 id ); IERC1820Registry private _erc1820; // array of Plan configs Plan[] private _plans; bytes32 public constant VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE = keccak256("VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE"); // beneficiary => beneficiary plan params mapping (address => Beneficiary) private _beneficiaries; // beneficiary => Escrow mapping (address => Escrow) private _beneficiaryToEscrow; modifier onlyVestingManager() { require( hasRole(VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "Message sender is not a vesting manager" ); _; } function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external override allow("SkaleToken") // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks { } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to activate a vesting and transfer locked * tokens from the Allocator contract to the associated Escrow address. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary address must be already confirmed. */ function startVesting(address beneficiary) external onlyVestingManager { require( _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.CONFIRMED, "Beneficiary has inappropriate status" ); _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status = BeneficiaryStatus.ACTIVE; require( IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).transfer( address(_beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary]), _beneficiaries[beneficiary].fullAmount ), "Error of token sending" ); } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to define and add a Plan. * * Requirements: * * - Vesting cliff period must be less than or equal to the full period. * - Vesting step time unit must be in days, months, or years. * - Total vesting duration must equal vesting cliff plus entire vesting schedule. */ function addPlan( uint256 vestingCliff, // months uint256 totalVestingDuration, // months TimeUnit vestingIntervalTimeUnit, // 0 - day 1 - month 2 - year uint256 vestingInterval, // months or days or years bool canDelegate, // can beneficiary delegate all un-vested tokens bool isTerminatable ) external onlyVestingManager { require(totalVestingDuration > 0, "Vesting duration can't be zero"); require(vestingInterval > 0, "Vesting interval can't be zero"); require(totalVestingDuration >= vestingCliff, "Cliff period exceeds total vesting duration"); // can't check if vesting interval in days is correct because it depends on startMonth // This check is in connectBeneficiaryToPlan if (vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { uint256 vestingDurationAfterCliff = totalVestingDuration - vestingCliff; require( vestingDurationAfterCliff.mod(vestingInterval) == 0, "Vesting duration can't be divided into equal intervals" ); } else if (vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { uint256 vestingDurationAfterCliff = totalVestingDuration - vestingCliff; require( vestingDurationAfterCliff.mod(vestingInterval.mul(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR)) == 0, "Vesting duration can't be divided into equal intervals" ); } _plans.push(Plan({ totalVestingDuration: totalVestingDuration, vestingCliff: vestingCliff, vestingIntervalTimeUnit: vestingIntervalTimeUnit, vestingInterval: vestingInterval, isDelegationAllowed: canDelegate, isTerminatable: isTerminatable })); emit PlanCreated(_plans.length); } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to register a beneficiary to a Plan. * * Requirements: * * - Plan must already exist. * - The vesting amount must be less than or equal to the full allocation. * - The beneficiary address must not already be included in the any other Plan. */ function connectBeneficiaryToPlan( address beneficiary, uint256 planId, uint256 startMonth, uint256 fullAmount, uint256 lockupAmount ) external onlyVestingManager { require(_plans.length >= planId && planId > 0, "Plan does not exist"); require(fullAmount >= lockupAmount, "Incorrect amounts"); require(_beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.UNKNOWN, "Beneficiary is already added"); if (_plans[planId - 1].vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { uint256 vestingDurationInDays = _daysBetweenMonths( startMonth.add(_plans[planId - 1].vestingCliff), startMonth.add(_plans[planId - 1].totalVestingDuration) ); require( vestingDurationInDays.mod(_plans[planId - 1].vestingInterval) == 0, "Vesting duration can't be divided into equal intervals" ); } _beneficiaries[beneficiary] = Beneficiary({ status: BeneficiaryStatus.CONFIRMED, planId: planId, startMonth: startMonth, fullAmount: fullAmount, amountAfterLockup: lockupAmount }); _beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary] = _deployEscrow(beneficiary); } /** * @dev Allows Vesting manager to terminate vesting of a Escrow. Performed when * a beneficiary is terminated. * * Requirements: * * - Vesting must be active. */ function stopVesting(address beneficiary) external onlyVestingManager { require( _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.ACTIVE, "Cannot stop vesting for a non active beneficiary" ); require( _plans[_beneficiaries[beneficiary].planId - 1].isTerminatable, "Can't stop vesting for beneficiary with this plan" ); _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status = BeneficiaryStatus.TERMINATED; Escrow(_beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary]).cancelVesting(calculateVestedAmount(beneficiary)); } /** * @dev Returns vesting start month of the beneficiary's Plan. */ function getStartMonth(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].startMonth; } /** * @dev Returns the final vesting date of the beneficiary's Plan. */ function getFinishVestingTime(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration)); } /** * @dev Returns the vesting cliff period in months. */ function getVestingCliffInMonth(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { return _plans[_beneficiaries[beneficiary].planId - 1].vestingCliff; } /** * @dev Confirms whether the beneficiary is active in the Plan. */ function isVestingActive(address beneficiary) external view returns (bool) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status == BeneficiaryStatus.ACTIVE; } /** * @dev Confirms whether the beneficiary is registered in a Plan. */ function isBeneficiaryRegistered(address beneficiary) external view returns (bool) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].status != BeneficiaryStatus.UNKNOWN; } /** * @dev Confirms whether the beneficiary's Plan allows all un-vested tokens to be * delegated. */ function isDelegationAllowed(address beneficiary) external view returns (bool) { return _plans[_beneficiaries[beneficiary].planId - 1].isDelegationAllowed; } /** * @dev Returns the locked and unlocked (full) amount of tokens allocated to * the beneficiary address in Plan. */ function getFullAmount(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { return _beneficiaries[beneficiary].fullAmount; } /** * @dev Returns the Escrow contract by beneficiary. */ function getEscrowAddress(address beneficiary) external view returns (address) { return address(_beneficiaryToEscrow[beneficiary]); } /** * @dev Returns the timestamp when vesting cliff ends and periodic vesting * begins. */ function getLockupPeriodEndTimestamp(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff)); } /** * @dev Returns the time of the next vesting event. */ function getTimeOfNextVest(address beneficiary) external view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; uint256 firstVestingMonth = beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff); uint256 lockupEndTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(firstVestingMonth); if (now < lockupEndTimestamp) { return lockupEndTimestamp; } require( now < timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration)), "Vesting is over" ); require(beneficiaryPlan.status != BeneficiaryStatus.TERMINATED, "Vesting was stopped"); uint256 currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { // TODO: it may be simplified if TimeHelpers contract in skale-manager is updated uint daysPassedBeforeCurrentMonth = _daysBetweenMonths(firstVestingMonth, currentMonth); uint256 currentMonthBeginningTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(currentMonth); uint256 daysPassedInCurrentMonth = now.sub(currentMonthBeginningTimestamp).div(_SECONDS_PER_DAY); uint256 daysPassedBeforeNextVest = _calculateNextVestingStep( daysPassedBeforeCurrentMonth.add(daysPassedInCurrentMonth), planParams.vestingInterval ); return currentMonthBeginningTimestamp.add( daysPassedBeforeNextVest .sub(daysPassedBeforeCurrentMonth) .mul(_SECONDS_PER_DAY) ); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp( firstVestingMonth.add( _calculateNextVestingStep(currentMonth.sub(firstVestingMonth), planParams.vestingInterval) ) ); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { return timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp( firstVestingMonth.add( _calculateNextVestingStep( currentMonth.sub(firstVestingMonth), planParams.vestingInterval.mul(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) ) ) ); } else { revert("Vesting interval timeunit is incorrect"); } } /** * @dev Returns the Plan parameters. * * Requirements: * * - Plan must already exist. */ function getPlan(uint256 planId) external view returns (Plan memory) { require(planId > 0 && planId <= _plans.length, "Plan Round does not exist"); return _plans[planId - 1]; } /** * @dev Returns the Plan parameters for a beneficiary address. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary address must be registered to an Plan. */ function getBeneficiaryPlanParams(address beneficiary) external view returns (Beneficiary memory) { require(_beneficiaries[beneficiary].status != BeneficiaryStatus.UNKNOWN, "Plan beneficiary is not registered"); return _beneficiaries[beneficiary]; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress) public override initializer { Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); _erc1820 = IERC1820Registry(0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"), address(this)); } /** * @dev Calculates and returns the vested token amount. */ function calculateVestedAmount(address wallet) public view returns (uint256 vestedAmount) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[wallet]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; vestedAmount = 0; uint256 currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (currentMonth >= beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff)) { vestedAmount = beneficiaryPlan.amountAfterLockup; if (currentMonth >= beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration)) { vestedAmount = beneficiaryPlan.fullAmount; } else { uint256 payment = _getSinglePaymentSize( wallet, beneficiaryPlan.fullAmount, beneficiaryPlan.amountAfterLockup ); vestedAmount = vestedAmount.add(payment.mul(_getNumberOfCompletedVestingEvents(wallet))); } } } /** * @dev Returns the number of vesting events that have completed. */ function _getNumberOfCompletedVestingEvents(address wallet) internal view returns (uint) { ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[wallet]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; uint256 firstVestingMonth = beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff); if (now < timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(firstVestingMonth)) { return 0; } else { uint256 currentMonth = timeHelpers.getCurrentMonth(); if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { return _daysBetweenMonths(firstVestingMonth, currentMonth) .add( now .sub(timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(currentMonth)) .div(_SECONDS_PER_DAY) ) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { return currentMonth .sub(firstVestingMonth) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { return currentMonth .sub(firstVestingMonth) .div(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else { revert("Unknown time unit"); } } } /** * @dev Returns the number of total vesting events. */ function _getNumberOfAllVestingEvents(address wallet) internal view returns (uint) { Beneficiary memory beneficiaryPlan = _beneficiaries[wallet]; Plan memory planParams = _plans[beneficiaryPlan.planId - 1]; if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.DAY) { return _daysBetweenMonths( beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.vestingCliff), beneficiaryPlan.startMonth.add(planParams.totalVestingDuration) ).div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.MONTH) { return planParams.totalVestingDuration .sub(planParams.vestingCliff) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else if (planParams.vestingIntervalTimeUnit == TimeUnit.YEAR) { return planParams.totalVestingDuration .sub(planParams.vestingCliff) .div(_MONTHS_PER_YEAR) .div(planParams.vestingInterval); } else { revert("Unknown time unit"); } } /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens that are unlocked in each vesting * period. */ function _getSinglePaymentSize( address wallet, uint256 fullAmount, uint256 afterLockupPeriodAmount ) internal view returns(uint) { return fullAmount.sub(afterLockupPeriodAmount).div(_getNumberOfAllVestingEvents(wallet)); } function _deployEscrow(address beneficiary) private returns (Escrow) { // TODO: replace with ProxyFactory when @openzeppelin/upgrades will be compatible with solidity 0.6 IProxyFactory proxyFactory = IProxyFactory(contractManager.getContract("ProxyFactory")); Escrow escrow = Escrow(contractManager.getContract("Escrow")); // TODO: replace with ProxyAdmin when @openzeppelin/upgrades will be compatible with solidity 0.6 IProxyAdmin proxyAdmin = IProxyAdmin(contractManager.getContract("ProxyAdmin")); return Escrow( proxyFactory.deploy( uint256(bytes32(bytes20(beneficiary))), proxyAdmin.getProxyImplementation(address(escrow)), address(proxyAdmin), abi.encodeWithSelector( Escrow.initialize.selector, address(contractManager), beneficiary ) ) ); } function _daysBetweenMonths(uint256 beginMonth, uint256 endMonth) private view returns (uint256) { assert(beginMonth <= endMonth); ITimeHelpers timeHelpers = ITimeHelpers(contractManager.getContract("TimeHelpers")); uint256 beginTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(beginMonth); uint256 endTimestamp = timeHelpers.monthToTimestamp(endMonth); uint256 secondsPassed = endTimestamp.sub(beginTimestamp); require(secondsPassed.mod(_SECONDS_PER_DAY) == 0, "Internal error in calendar"); return secondsPassed.div(_SECONDS_PER_DAY); } /** * @dev returns time of next vest in abstract time units named "step" * Examples: * if current step is 5 and vesting interval is 7 function returns 7. * if current step is 17 and vesting interval is 7 function returns 21. */ function _calculateNextVestingStep(uint256 currentStep, uint256 vestingInterval) private pure returns (uint256) { return currentStep .add(vestingInterval) .sub( currentStep.mod(vestingInterval) ); } } contract Escrow is IERC777Recipient, IERC777Sender, Permissions { address private _beneficiary; uint256 private _availableAmountAfterTermination; IERC1820Registry private _erc1820; address public constant ADMIN = address(0x4165CCb2ab09AC00Bb40C66FB296baCa183F899f); modifier onlyBeneficiary() { require(_msgSender() == _beneficiary || _msgSender() == ADMIN, "Message sender is not a plan beneficiary"); _; } modifier onlyVestingManager() { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); require( allocator.hasRole(allocator.VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE(), _msgSender()), "Message sender is not a vesting manager" ); _; } modifier onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager() { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); if (allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary)) { require(_msgSender() == _beneficiary || _msgSender() == ADMIN, "Message sender is not beneficiary"); } else { require( allocator.hasRole(allocator.VESTING_MANAGER_ROLE(), _msgSender()), "Message sender is not authorized" ); } _; } function initialize(address contractManagerAddress, address beneficiary) external initializer { require(beneficiary != address(0), "Beneficiary address is not set"); Permissions.initialize(contractManagerAddress); _beneficiary = beneficiary; _erc1820 = IERC1820Registry(0x1820a4B7618BdE71Dce8cdc73aAB6C95905faD24); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensRecipient"), address(this)); _erc1820.setInterfaceImplementer(address(this), keccak256("ERC777TokensSender"), address(this)); } function tokensReceived( address operator, address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes calldata userData, bytes calldata operatorData ) external override allow("SkaleToken") // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks { } function tokensToSend( address, address, address to, uint256, bytes calldata, bytes calldata ) external override allow("SkaleToken") // solhint-disable-next-line no-empty-blocks { } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary to retrieve vested tokens from the Escrow contract. * * IMPORTANT: Slashed tokens are non-transferable. */ function retrieve() external onlyBeneficiary { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); ITokenState tokenState = ITokenState(contractManager.getContract("TokenState")); uint256 vestedAmount = 0; if (allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary)) { vestedAmount = allocator.calculateVestedAmount(_beneficiary); } else { vestedAmount = _availableAmountAfterTermination; } uint256 escrowBalance = IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 fullAmount = allocator.getFullAmount(_beneficiary); uint256 forbiddenToSend = tokenState.getAndUpdateForbiddenForDelegationAmount(address(this)); if (vestedAmount > fullAmount.sub(escrowBalance)) { if (vestedAmount.sub(fullAmount.sub(escrowBalance)) > forbiddenToSend) require( IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).transfer( _beneficiary, vestedAmount .sub( fullAmount .sub(escrowBalance) ) .sub(forbiddenToSend) ), "Error of token send" ); } } /** * @dev Allows Vesting Manager to retrieve remaining transferrable escrow balance * after beneficiary's termination. * * IMPORTANT: Slashed tokens are non-transferable. * * Requirements: * * - Allocator must be active. */ function retrieveAfterTermination(address destination) external onlyVestingManager { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); ITokenState tokenState = ITokenState(contractManager.getContract("TokenState")); require(destination != address(0), "Destination address is not set"); require(!allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary), "Vesting is active"); uint256 escrowBalance = IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 forbiddenToSend = tokenState.getAndUpdateLockedAmount(address(this)); if (escrowBalance > forbiddenToSend) { require( IERC20(contractManager.getContract("SkaleToken")).transfer( destination, escrowBalance.sub(forbiddenToSend) ), "Error of token send" ); } } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary to propose a delegation to a validator. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary must be active. * - Beneficiary must have sufficient delegatable tokens. * - If trusted list is enabled, validator must be a member of the trusted * list. */ function delegate( uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount, uint256 delegationPeriod, string calldata info ) external onlyBeneficiary { Allocator allocator = Allocator(contractManager.getContract("Allocator")); require(allocator.isDelegationAllowed(_beneficiary), "Delegation is not allowed"); require(allocator.isVestingActive(_beneficiary), "Beneficiary is not Active"); IDelegationController delegationController = IDelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); delegationController.delegate(validatorId, amount, delegationPeriod, info); } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary and Vesting manager to request undelegation. Only * Vesting manager can request undelegation after beneficiary is deactivated * (after beneficiary termination). * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary and Vesting manager must be `msg.sender`. */ function requestUndelegation(uint256 delegationId) external onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager { IDelegationController delegationController = IDelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); delegationController.requestUndelegation(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary and Vesting manager to cancel a delegation proposal. Only * Vesting manager can request undelegation after beneficiary is deactivated * (after beneficiary termination). * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary and Vesting manager must be `msg.sender`. */ function cancelPendingDelegation(uint delegationId) external onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager { IDelegationController delegationController = IDelegationController( contractManager.getContract("DelegationController") ); delegationController.cancelPendingDelegation(delegationId); } /** * @dev Allows Beneficiary and Vesting manager to withdraw earned bounty. Only * Vesting manager can withdraw bounty to Allocator contract after beneficiary * is deactivated. * * IMPORTANT: Withdraws are only possible after 90 day initial network lock. * * Requirements: * * - Beneficiary or Vesting manager must be `msg.sender`. * - Beneficiary must be active when Beneficiary is `msg.sender`. */ function withdrawBounty(uint256 validatorId, address to) external onlyActiveBeneficiaryOrVestingManager { IDistributor distributor = IDistributor(contractManager.getContract("Distributor")); distributor.withdrawBounty(validatorId, to); } /** * @dev Allows Allocator contract to cancel vesting of a Beneficiary. Cancel * vesting is performed upon termination. */ function cancelVesting(uint256 vestedAmount) external allow("Allocator") { _availableAmountAfterTermination = vestedAmount; } }
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pragma solidity 0.5.17; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through `transferFrom`. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when `approve` or `transferFrom` are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a `Transfer` event. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * > Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an `Approval` event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a `Transfer` event. */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to `approve`. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract Ownable { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender * account. */ constructor() public { _owner = msg.sender; } /** * @return the address of the owner. */ function owner() public view returns(address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_isOwner()); _; } /** * @return true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract. */ function _isOwner() internal view returns(bool) { return msg.sender == _owner; } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0)); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, reverts on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two numbers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0); // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, reverts on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev Divides two numbers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo), * reverts when dividing by zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0); return a % b; } } contract Stoppable is Ownable{ bool public stopped = false; modifier enabled { require (!stopped); _; } function stop() external onlyOwner { stopped = true; } function start() external onlyOwner { stopped = false; } } contract ERC20 is IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowed; uint256 private _totalSupply; /** * @dev Total number of tokens in existence */ function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address. * @param owner The address to query the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function balanceOf(address owner) public view returns (uint256) { return _balances[owner]; } /** * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * @param owner address The address which owns the funds. * @param spender address The address which will spend the funds. * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view returns (uint256) { return _allowed[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev Transfer token for a specified address * @param to The address to transfer to. * @param value The amount to be transferred. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) { require(value <= _balances[msg.sender], "ERC20: Overdrawn balance"); require(to != address(0)); _balances[msg.sender] = _balances[msg.sender].sub(value); _balances[to] = _balances[to].add(value); emit Transfer(msg.sender, to, value); return true; } /** * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender. * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards: * * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param value The amount of tokens to be spent. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public returns (bool) { require(spender != address(0)); _allowed[msg.sender][spender] = value; emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, value); return true; } /** * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another * @param from address The address which you want to send tokens from * @param to address The address which you want to transfer to * @param value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool) { require(value <= _balances[from], "ERC20: Overdrawn balance"); require(value <= _allowed[from][msg.sender]); require(to != address(0)); _balances[from] = _balances[from].sub(value); _balances[to] = _balances[to].add(value); _allowed[from][msg.sender] = _allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(value); emit Transfer(from, to, value); return true; } /** * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To increment * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { require(spender != address(0)); _allowed[msg.sender][spender] = (_allowed[msg.sender][spender].add(addedValue)); emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender]); return true; } /** * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To decrement * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { require(spender != address(0)); _allowed[msg.sender][spender] = (_allowed[msg.sender][spender].sub(subtractedValue)); emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender]); return true; } /** * @dev Internal function that mints an amount of the token and assigns it to * an account. This encapsulates the modification of balances such that the * proper events are emitted. * @param account The account that will receive the created tokens. * @param amount The amount that will be created. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0)); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given * account. * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt. * @param amount The amount that will be burnt. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(account != address(0)); require(amount <= _balances[account], "ERC20: Overdrawn balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given * account, deducting from the sender's allowance for said account. Uses the * internal burn function. * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt. * @param amount The amount that will be burnt. */ function _burnFrom(address account, uint256 amount) internal { require(amount <= _allowed[account][msg.sender], "ERC20: Overdrawn balance"); // Should be accepted, // this function needs to emit an event with the updated approval. _allowed[account][msg.sender] = _allowed[account][msg.sender].sub(amount); _burn(account, amount); } } contract ERC20Burnable is ERC20 { /** * @dev Burns a specific amount of tokens. * @param value The amount of token to be burned. */ function burn(uint256 value) public { _burn(msg.sender, value); } /** * @dev Burns a specific amount of tokens from the target address and decrements allowance * @param from address The address which you want to send tokens from * @param value uint256 The amount of token to be burned */ function burnFrom(address from, uint256 value) public { _burnFrom(from, value); } /** * @dev Overrides ERC20._burn in order for burn and burnFrom to emit * an additional Burn event. */ function _burn(address who, uint256 value) internal { super._burn(who, value); } } contract ERC20Detailed is IERC20 { string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = decimals; } /** * @return the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns(string memory) { return _name; } /** * @return the symbol of the token. */ function symbol() public view returns(string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @return the number of decimals of the token. */ function decimals() public view returns(uint8) { return _decimals; } } contract GENToken is ERC20Detailed, /*ERC20,*/ ERC20Burnable, Stoppable { constructor ( string memory name, string memory symbol, uint256 totalSupply, uint8 decimals ) ERC20Detailed(name, symbol, decimals) public { _mint(owner(), totalSupply * 10**uint(decimals)); } // Don't accept ETH function () payable external { revert(); } function mint(address account, uint256 amount) public onlyOwner returns (bool) { _mint(account, amount); return true; } //------------------------ // Lock account transfer mapping (address => uint256) private _lockTimes; mapping (address => uint256) private _lockAmounts; event LockChanged(address indexed account, uint256 releaseTime, uint256 amount); function setLock(address account, uint256 releaseTime, uint256 amount) onlyOwner public { _lockTimes[account] = releaseTime; _lockAmounts[account] = amount; emit LockChanged( account, releaseTime, amount ); } function getLock(address account) public view returns (uint256 lockTime, uint256 lockAmount) { return (_lockTimes[account], _lockAmounts[account]); } function _isLocked(address account, uint256 amount) internal view returns (bool) { return _lockTimes[account] != 0 && _lockAmounts[account] != 0 && _lockTimes[account] > block.timestamp && ( balanceOf(account) <= _lockAmounts[account] || balanceOf(account).sub(_lockAmounts[account]) < amount ); } function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) enabled public returns (bool) { require( !_isLocked( msg.sender, amount ) , "ERC20: Locked balance"); return super.transfer(recipient, amount); } function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) enabled public returns (bool) { require( !_isLocked( sender, amount ) , "ERC20: Locked balance"); return super.transferFrom(sender, recipient, amount); } }
[ 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor () internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Transfers ownership of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { require(newOwner != address(0), "Ownable: new owner is the zero address"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IHegicStaking is IERC20 { function lockupPeriod() external view returns (uint256); function MAX_SUPPLY() external view returns (uint256); function lastBoughtTimestamp(address) external view returns (uint256); function claimProfit() external returns (uint profit); function buy(uint amount) external; function sell(uint amount) external; function profitOf(address account) external view returns (uint profit); } interface IHegicStakingETH is IHegicStaking { function sendProfit() external payable; } interface IHegicStakingERC20 is IHegicStaking { function sendProfit(uint amount) external; } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract HegicStakingPool is Ownable, ERC20{ using SafeMath for uint; using SafeERC20 for IERC20; // Tokens IERC20 public immutable HEGIC; IERC20 public immutable WBTC; mapping(Asset => IHegicStaking) public staking; uint public STAKING_LOT_PRICE = 888_000e18; uint public ACCURACY = 1e32; address payable public FALLBACK_RECIPIENT; address payable public FEE_RECIPIENT; uint public DISCOUNTED_LOTS = 10; uint public DISCOUNT_FIRST_LOTS = 20000; // 25% uint public DISCOUNT_FIRST_LOT = 50000; // 50% uint public performanceFee = 5000; bool public depositsAllowed = true; uint public lockUpPeriod = 15 minutes; uint public totalBalance; uint public lockedBalance; uint public totalNumberOfStakingLots; mapping(Asset => uint) public numberOfStakingLots; mapping(Asset => uint) public totalProfitPerToken; enum Asset {WBTC, ETH} address[] owners; mapping(address => uint) public ownerPerformanceFee; mapping(address => bool) public isNotFirstTime; mapping(address => uint) public lastDepositTime; mapping(address => mapping(Asset => uint)) lastProfit; mapping(address => mapping(Asset => uint)) savedProfit; event Deposit(address account, uint amount); event Withdraw(address account, uint amount); event BuyLot(uint id, Asset asset, address account); event SellLot(uint id, Asset asset, address account); event ClaimedProfit(address account, Asset asset, uint netProfit, uint fee); constructor(IERC20 _HEGIC, IERC20 _WBTC, IHegicStaking _stakingWBTC, IHegicStaking _stakingETH) public ERC20("Staked HEGIC", "sHEGIC"){ HEGIC = _HEGIC; WBTC = _WBTC; staking[Asset.WBTC] = _stakingWBTC; staking[Asset.ETH] = _stakingETH; FEE_RECIPIENT = msg.sender; FALLBACK_RECIPIENT = msg.sender; // Approving to Staking Lot Contract _HEGIC.approve(address(staking[Asset.WBTC]), 888e30); _HEGIC.approve(address(staking[Asset.ETH]), 888e30); } // Payable receive() external payable {} /** * @notice Stops the ability to add new deposits * @param _allow If set to false, new deposits will be rejected */ function allowDeposits(bool _allow) external onlyOwner { depositsAllowed = _allow; } /** * @notice Changes Fee paid to creator (only paid when taking profits) * @param _fee New fee */ function changePerformanceFee(uint _fee) external onlyOwner { require(_fee >= 0, "Fee too low"); require(_fee <= 8000, "Fee too high"); performanceFee = _fee; } /** * @notice Changes Fee Recipient address * @param _recipient New address */ function changeFeeRecipient(address _recipient) external onlyOwner { FEE_RECIPIENT = payable(_recipient); } /** * @notice Changes Fallback Recipient address. This is only used in case of unexpected behavior * @param _recipient New address */ function changeFallbackRecipient(address _recipient) external onlyOwner { FALLBACK_RECIPIENT = payable(_recipient); } /** * @notice Toggles effect of lockup period by setting lockUpPeriod to 0 (disabled) or to 15 minutes(enabled) * @param _unlock Boolean: if true, unlocks funds */ function unlockAllFunds(bool _unlock) external onlyOwner { if(_unlock) lockUpPeriod = 0; else lockUpPeriod = 15 minutes; } /** * @notice Deposits _amount HEGIC in the contract. * * @param _amount Number of HEGIC to deposit in the contract // number of sHEGIC that will be minted */ function deposit(uint _amount) external { require(_amount > 0, "Amount too low"); require(depositsAllowed, "Deposits are not allowed at the moment"); // set fee for that staking lot owner - this effectively sets the maximum FEE an owner can have // each time user deposits, this checks if current fee is higher or lower than previous fees // and updates it if it is lower if(ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender] > performanceFee || !isNotFirstTime[msg.sender]) { ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender] = performanceFee; // those that deposit in first DISCOUNTED_LOTS lots get a discount if(!isNotFirstTime[msg.sender] && totalNumberOfStakingLots < 1){ ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender] = ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender].mul(uint(100000).sub(DISCOUNT_FIRST_LOT)).div(100000); } else if(!isNotFirstTime[msg.sender] && totalNumberOfStakingLots < DISCOUNTED_LOTS){ ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender] = ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender].mul(uint(100000).sub(DISCOUNT_FIRST_LOTS)).div(100000); } isNotFirstTime[msg.sender] = true; } lastDepositTime[msg.sender] = block.timestamp; // receive deposit depositHegic(_amount); while(totalBalance.sub(lockedBalance) >= STAKING_LOT_PRICE){ buyStakingLot(); } } /** * @notice Withdraws _amount HEGIC from the contract. * * @param _amount Number of HEGIC to withdraw from contract // number of sHEGIC that will be burnt */ function withdraw(uint _amount) public { require(_amount <= balanceOf(msg.sender), "Not enough balance"); require(lastDepositTime[msg.sender].add(lockUpPeriod) <= block.timestamp, "You deposited less than 15 mins ago. Your funds are locked"); while(totalBalance.sub(lockedBalance) < _amount){ sellStakingLot(); } withdrawHegic(_amount); } /** * @notice Withdraws _amount HEGIC from the contract and claims all profit pending in contract * */ function claimProfitAndWithdraw() external { claimAllProfit(); withdraw(balanceOf(msg.sender)); } /** * @notice Claims profit for both assets. Profit will be paid to msg.sender * This is the most gas-efficient way to claim profits (instead of separately) * */ function claimAllProfit() public { claimProfit(Asset.WBTC); claimProfit(Asset.ETH); } /** * @notice Claims profit for specific _asset. Profit will be paid to msg.sender * * @param _asset Asset (ETH or WBTC) */ function claimProfit(Asset _asset) public { uint profit = saveProfit(msg.sender, _asset); savedProfit[msg.sender][_asset] = 0; _transferProfit(profit, _asset, msg.sender, ownerPerformanceFee[msg.sender]); } /** * @notice Returns profit to be paid when claimed * * @param _account Account to get profit for * @param _asset Asset (ETH or WBTC) */ function profitOf(address _account, Asset _asset) public view returns (uint profit) { return savedProfit[_account][_asset].add(getUnsaved(_account, _asset)); } /** * @notice Returns address of Hegic's ETH Staking Lot contract */ function getHegicStakingETH() public view returns (IHegicStaking HegicStakingETH){ return staking[Asset.ETH]; } /** * @notice Returns address of Hegic's WBTC Staking Lot contract */ function getHegicStakingWBTC() public view returns (IHegicStaking HegicStakingWBTC){ return staking[Asset.WBTC]; } /** * @notice Support function. Gets profit that has not been saved (either in Staking Lot contracts) * or in this contract * * @param _account Account to get unsaved profit for * @param _asset Asset (ETH or WBTC) */ function getUnsaved(address _account, Asset _asset) public view returns (uint profit) { profit = totalProfitPerToken[_asset].sub(lastProfit[_account][_asset]).add(getUnreceivedProfitPerToken(_asset)).mul(balanceOf(_account)).div(ACCURACY); } /** * @notice Internal function. Update profit per token for _asset * * @param _asset Underlying asset (ETH or WBTC) */ function updateProfit(Asset _asset) internal { uint profit; profit = staking[_asset].profitOf(address(this)); if(profit > 0) staking[_asset].claimProfit(); if(totalBalance <= 0) { if(_asset == Asset.ETH) FALLBACK_RECIPIENT.transfer(profit); else if(_asset == Asset.WBTC) WBTC.safeTransfer(FALLBACK_RECIPIENT, profit); } else totalProfitPerToken[_asset] = totalProfitPerToken[_asset].add(profit.mul(ACCURACY).div(totalBalance)); } /** * @notice Internal function. Transfers net profit to the owner of the sHEGIC. * * @param _amount Amount of Asset (ETH or WBTC) to be sent * @param _asset Asset to be sent (ETH or WBTC) * @param _account Receiver of the net profit * @param _fee Fee % to be applied to the profit (100% = 100000) */ function _transferProfit(uint _amount, Asset _asset, address _account, uint _fee) internal { uint netProfit = _amount.mul(uint(100000).sub(_fee)).div(100000); uint fee = _amount.sub(netProfit); if(_asset == Asset.ETH){ payable(_account).transfer(netProfit); FEE_RECIPIENT.transfer(fee); } else if (_asset == Asset.WBTC) { WBTC.safeTransfer(_account, netProfit); WBTC.safeTransfer(FEE_RECIPIENT, fee); } emit ClaimedProfit(_account, _asset, netProfit, fee); } /** * @notice Internal function to transfer deposited HEGIC to the contract and mint sHEGIC (Staked HEGIC) * @param _amount Amount of HEGIC to deposit // Amount of sHEGIC that will be minted */ function depositHegic(uint _amount) internal { totalBalance = totalBalance.add(_amount); HEGIC.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount); _mint(msg.sender, _amount); } /** * @notice Internal function. Moves _amount HEGIC from contract to user * also burns staked HEGIC (sHEGIC) tokens * @param _amount Amount of HEGIC to withdraw // Amount of sHEGIC that will be burned */ function withdrawHegic(uint _amount) internal { emit Withdraw(msg.sender, _amount); _burn(msg.sender, _amount); HEGIC.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount); totalBalance = totalBalance.sub(_amount); } /** * @notice Internal function. Chooses which lot to buy (ETH or WBTC) and buys it * */ function buyStakingLot() internal { // we buy 1 ETH staking lot, then 1 WBTC staking lot, then 1 eth, ... Asset asset = Asset.ETH; if(numberOfStakingLots[Asset.ETH] > numberOfStakingLots[Asset.WBTC]){ asset = Asset.WBTC; } if(staking[asset].totalSupply() == staking[asset].MAX_SUPPLY()){ if(asset == Asset.ETH) asset = Asset.WBTC; else asset = Asset.ETH; } require(staking[asset].totalSupply() < staking[asset].MAX_SUPPLY(), "There are no more available lots for purchase"); lockedBalance = lockedBalance.add(STAKING_LOT_PRICE); staking[asset].buy(1); emit BuyLot(block.timestamp, asset, msg.sender); totalNumberOfStakingLots++; numberOfStakingLots[asset]++; } /** * @notice Internal function. Chooses which lot to sell (ETH or WBTC) and sells it * */ function sellStakingLot() internal { Asset asset = Asset.ETH; if(numberOfStakingLots[Asset.ETH] < numberOfStakingLots[Asset.WBTC]){ asset = Asset.WBTC; } // I check if the staking lot to be sold is locked by HEGIC. // if it is, I try switching underlying asset (which should be the previously bought lot). if(staking[asset].lastBoughtTimestamp(address(this)) .add(staking[asset].lockupPeriod()) > block.timestamp){ if(asset == Asset.ETH) asset = Asset.WBTC; else asset = Asset.ETH; } if(staking[asset].balanceOf(address(this)) == 0){ if(asset == Asset.ETH) asset = Asset.WBTC; else asset = Asset.ETH; } require( staking[asset].lastBoughtTimestamp(address(this)) .add(staking[asset].lockupPeriod()) <= block.timestamp, "Lot sale is locked by Hegic. Funds should be available in less than 24h" ); lockedBalance = lockedBalance.sub(STAKING_LOT_PRICE); staking[asset].sell(1); emit SellLot(block.timestamp, asset, msg.sender); totalNumberOfStakingLots--; numberOfStakingLots[asset]--; } /** * @notice Support function. Calculates how much profit would receive each token if the contract claimed * profit accumulated in Hegic's Staking Lot contracts * * @param _asset Asset (WBTC or ETH) */ function getUnreceivedProfitPerToken(Asset _asset) public view returns (uint unreceivedProfitPerToken){ uint profit = staking[_asset].profitOf(address(this)); unreceivedProfitPerToken = profit.mul(ACCURACY).div(totalBalance); } /** * @notice Saves profit for a certain _account. This profit is absolute in value * this function is called before every token transfer to keep the state of profits correctly * * @param _account account to save profit to */ function saveProfit(address _account) internal { saveProfit(_account, Asset.WBTC); saveProfit(_account, Asset.ETH); } /** * @notice Internal function that saves unpaid profit to keep accounting. * * @param _account Account to save profit to * @param _asset Asset (WBTC or ETH) */ function saveProfit(address _account, Asset _asset) internal returns (uint profit) { updateProfit(_asset); uint unsaved = getUnsaved(_account, _asset); lastProfit[_account][_asset] = totalProfitPerToken[_asset]; profit = savedProfit[_account][_asset].add(unsaved); savedProfit[_account][_asset] = profit; } /** * @notice Support function. Relevant to the profit system. It will save state of profit before each * token transfer (either deposit or withdrawal) * * @param from Account sending tokens * @param to Account receiving tokens */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256) internal override { if (from != address(0)) saveProfit(from); if (to != address(0)) saveProfit(to); } /** * @notice Returns a boolean indicating if that specific _account can withdraw or not * (due to lockupperiod reasons) * @param _account Account to check withdrawal status */ function canWithdraw(address _account) public view returns (bool) { return (lastDepositTime[_account].add(lockUpPeriod) <= block.timestamp); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.12; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; contract IAbacusOracle{ uint public callFee; function getJobResponse(uint64 _jobId) public view returns(uint64[] memory _values){ } function scheduleFunc(address to ,uint callTime, bytes memory data , uint fee , uint gaslimit ,uint gasprice)public payable{} } contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } abstract contract AccessControl is Context { using EnumerableSet for EnumerableSet.AddressSet; using Address for address; struct RoleData { EnumerableSet.AddressSet members; bytes32 adminRole; } mapping (bytes32 => RoleData) private _roles; bytes32 public constant DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE = 0x00; /** * @dev Emitted when `newAdminRole` is set as ``role``'s admin role, replacing `previousAdminRole` * * `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE` is the starting admin for all roles, despite * {RoleAdminChanged} not being emitted signaling this. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ event RoleAdminChanged(bytes32 indexed role, bytes32 indexed previousAdminRole, bytes32 indexed newAdminRole); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is granted `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call, an admin role * bearer except when using {_setupRole}. */ event RoleGranted(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Emitted when `account` is revoked `role`. * * `sender` is the account that originated the contract call: * - if using `revokeRole`, it is the admin role bearer * - if using `renounceRole`, it is the role bearer (i.e. `account`) */ event RoleRevoked(bytes32 indexed role, address indexed account, address indexed sender); /** * @dev Returns `true` if `account` has been granted `role`. */ function hasRole(bytes32 role, address account) public view returns (bool) { return _roles[role].members.contains(account); } /** * @dev Returns the number of accounts that have `role`. Can be used * together with {getRoleMember} to enumerate all bearers of a role. */ function getRoleMemberCount(bytes32 role) public view returns (uint256) { return _roles[role].members.length(); } /** * @dev Returns one of the accounts that have `role`. `index` must be a * value between 0 and {getRoleMemberCount}, non-inclusive. * * Role bearers are not sorted in any particular way, and their ordering may * change at any point. * * WARNING: When using {getRoleMember} and {getRoleMemberCount}, make sure * you perform all queries on the same block. See the following *[forum post] * for more information. */ function getRoleMember(bytes32 role, uint256 index) public view returns (address) { return _roles[role]; } /** * @dev Returns the admin role that controls `role`. See {grantRole} and * {revokeRole}. * * To change a role's admin, use {_setRoleAdmin}. */ function getRoleAdmin(bytes32 role) public view returns (bytes32) { return _roles[role].adminRole; } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to grant"); _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from `account`. * * If `account` had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have ``role``'s admin role. */ function revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(hasRole(_roles[role].adminRole, _msgSender()), "AccessControl: sender must be an admin to revoke"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Revokes `role` from the calling account. * * Roles are often managed via {grantRole} and {revokeRole}: this function's * purpose is to provide a mechanism for accounts to lose their privileges * if they are compromised (such as when a trusted device is misplaced). * * If the calling account had been granted `role`, emits a {RoleRevoked} * event. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must be `account`. */ function renounceRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual { require(account == _msgSender(), "AccessControl: can only renounce roles for self"); _revokeRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Grants `role` to `account`. * * If `account` had not been already granted `role`, emits a {RoleGranted} * event. Note that unlike {grantRole}, this function doesn't perform any * checks on the calling account. * * [WARNING] * ==== * This function should only be called from the constructor when setting * up the initial roles for the system. * * Using this function in any other way is effectively circumventing the admin * system imposed by {AccessControl}. * ==== */ function _setupRole(bytes32 role, address account) internal virtual { _grantRole(role, account); } /** * @dev Sets `adminRole` as ``role``'s admin role. * * Emits a {RoleAdminChanged} event. */ function _setRoleAdmin(bytes32 role, bytes32 adminRole) internal virtual { emit RoleAdminChanged(role, _roles[role].adminRole, adminRole); _roles[role].adminRole = adminRole; } function _grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.add(account)) { emit RoleGranted(role, account, _msgSender()); } } function _revokeRole(bytes32 role, address account) private { if (_roles[role].members.remove(account)) { emit RoleRevoked(role, account, _msgSender()); } } } contract ERC20Basic { uint public _totalSupply; string public name; string public symbol; uint public decimals; function totalSupply() public view returns (uint){} function balanceOf(address who) public view returns (uint){} function transfer(address to, uint value) public {} function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) public{} function approve(address spender, uint amount) public {} function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) public view returns (uint remaining) {} event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value); } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => uint256) public lockedAmount; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol,uint8 decimals) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = decimals; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function availableAmount(address owner) public view returns(uint256){ return balanceOf(owner).sub(lockedAmount[owner]); } function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(sender),"ERC20 : amount exceeds available amount"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(account),"ERC20 : burn exceeds available amount"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(owner),"ERC20 : approve amount exceeds available amount"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } function _lock(address owner,uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: lock for zero address"); require(amount <= availableAmount(owner),"ERC20: lock value more tha available amount"); lockedAmount[owner] = lockedAmount[owner].add(amount); } function _release(address owner,uint256 amount) internal virtual{ require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: release for zero address"); require(amount <= lockedAmount[owner],"ERC20 : release value more then locked value"); lockedAmount[owner] = lockedAmount[owner].sub(amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // According to EIP-1052, 0x0 is the value returned for not-yet created accounts // and 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470 is returned // for accounts without code, i.e. `keccak256('')` bytes32 codehash; bytes32 accountHash = 0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { codehash := extcodehash(account) } return (codehash != accountHash && codehash != 0x0); } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } library EnumerableSet { // To implement this library for multiple types with as little code // repetition as possible, we write it in terms of a generic Set type with // bytes32 values. // The Set implementation uses private functions, and user-facing // implementations (such as AddressSet) are just wrappers around the // underlying Set. // This means that we can only create new EnumerableSets for types that fit // in bytes32. struct Set { // Storage of set values bytes32[] _values; // Position of the value in the `values` array, plus 1 because index 0 // means a value is not in the set. mapping (bytes32 => uint256) _indexes; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function _add(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { if (!_contains(set, value)) { set._values.push(value); // The value is stored at length-1, but we add 1 to all indexes // and use 0 as a sentinel value set._indexes[value] = set._values.length; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function _remove(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private returns (bool) { // We read and store the value's index to prevent multiple reads from the same storage slot uint256 valueIndex = set._indexes[value]; if (valueIndex != 0) { // Equivalent to contains(set, value) // To delete an element from the _values array in O(1), we swap the element to delete with the last one in // the array, and then remove the last element (sometimes called as 'swap and pop'). // This modifies the order of the array, as noted in {at}. uint256 toDeleteIndex = valueIndex - 1; uint256 lastIndex = set._values.length - 1; // When the value to delete is the last one, the swap operation is unnecessary. However, since this occurs // so rarely, we still do the swap anyway to avoid the gas cost of adding an 'if' statement. bytes32 lastvalue = set._values[lastIndex]; // Move the last value to the index where the value to delete is set._values[toDeleteIndex] = lastvalue; // Update the index for the moved value set._indexes[lastvalue] = toDeleteIndex + 1; // All indexes are 1-based // Delete the slot where the moved value was stored set._values.pop(); // Delete the index for the deleted slot delete set._indexes[value]; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function _contains(Set storage set, bytes32 value) private view returns (bool) { return set._indexes[value] != 0; } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function _length(Set storage set) private view returns (uint256) { return set._values.length; } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function _at(Set storage set, uint256 index) private view returns (bytes32) { require(set._values.length > index, "EnumerableSet: index out of bounds"); return set._values[index]; } // AddressSet struct AddressSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(AddressSet storage set, address value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(uint256(value))); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values in the set. O(1). */ function length(AddressSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(AddressSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (address) { return address(uint256(_at(set._inner, index))); } // UintSet struct UintSet { Set _inner; } /** * @dev Add a value to a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was added to the set, that is if it was not * already present. */ function add(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _add(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Removes a value from a set. O(1). * * Returns true if the value was removed from the set, that is if it was * present. */ function remove(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal returns (bool) { return _remove(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns true if the value is in the set. O(1). */ function contains(UintSet storage set, uint256 value) internal view returns (bool) { return _contains(set._inner, bytes32(value)); } /** * @dev Returns the number of values on the set. O(1). */ function length(UintSet storage set) internal view returns (uint256) { return _length(set._inner); } /** * @dev Returns the value stored at position `index` in the set. O(1). * * Note that there are no guarantees on the ordering of values inside the * array, and it may change when more values are added or removed. * * Requirements: * * - `index` must be strictly less than {length}. */ function at(UintSet storage set, uint256 index) internal view returns (uint256) { return uint256(_at(set._inner, index)); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract Pausable is Context { /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is triggered by `account`. */ event Paused(address account); /** * @dev Emitted when the pause is lifted by `account`. */ event Unpaused(address account); bool private _paused; /** * @dev Initializes the contract in unpaused state. */ constructor () internal { _paused = false; } /** * @dev Returns true if the contract is paused, and false otherwise. */ function paused() public view returns (bool) { return _paused; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is not paused. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must not be paused. */ modifier whenNotPaused() { require(!_paused, "Pausable: paused"); _; } /** * @dev Modifier to make a function callable only when the contract is paused. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must be paused. */ modifier whenPaused() { require(_paused, "Pausable: not paused"); _; } /** * @dev Triggers stopped state. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must not be paused. */ function _pause() internal virtual whenNotPaused { _paused = true; emit Paused(_msgSender()); } /** * @dev Returns to normal state. * * Requirements: * * - The contract must be paused. */ function _unpause() internal virtual whenPaused { _paused = false; emit Unpaused(_msgSender()); } } abstract contract ERC20Pausable is ERC20, Pausable { /** * @dev See {ERC20-_beforeTokenTransfer}. * * Requirements: * * - the contract must not be paused. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); require(!paused(), "ERC20Pausable: token transfer while paused"); } } contract wERC20 is Context, AccessControl, ERC20, ERC20Pausable { bytes32 public constant MINTER_ROLE = keccak256("MINTER_ROLE"); bytes32 public constant PAUSER_ROLE = keccak256("PAUSER_ROLE"); bytes32 public constant ETMOWNER_ROLE = keccak256("ETM_ROLE"); /** * @dev Grants `DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE`, `MINTER_ROLE` and `PAUSER_ROLE` to the * account that deploys the contract. * * See {ERC20-constructor}. */ constructor(string memory name, string memory symbol,uint8 decimals,address admin,address etmOwner) public ERC20(name, symbol,decimals) { _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(ETMOWNER_ROLE, etmOwner); _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(PAUSER_ROLE, admin); } /** * @dev Creates `amount` new tokens for `to`. * * See {ERC20-_mint}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have the `MINTER_ROLE`. */ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) public virtual { require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have minter role to mint"); _mint(to, amount); } function burnFrom(address _from,uint256 amount) public virtual{ require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role to burn"); _burn(_from,amount); } /** * @dev Pauses all token transfers. * * See {ERC20Pausable} and {Pausable-_pause}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have the `PAUSER_ROLE`. */ function pause() public virtual { require(hasRole(PAUSER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have pauser role to pause"); _pause(); } function changeAdmin(address admin) public virtual{ require(hasRole(ETMOWNER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role"); _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(MINTER_ROLE, admin); _setupRole(PAUSER_ROLE, admin); } /** * @dev Unpauses all token transfers. * * See {ERC20Pausable} and {Pausable-_unpause}. * * Requirements: * * - the caller must have the `PAUSER_ROLE`. */ function unpause() public virtual { require(hasRole(PAUSER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have pauser role to unpause"); _unpause(); } function lock(address account , uint256 amount) public virtual{ require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role to lock"); _lock(account,amount); } function release(address account , uint256 amount) public virtual{ require(hasRole(MINTER_ROLE, _msgSender()), "ERC20PresetMinterPauser: must have admin role to release"); _release(account,amount); } function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual override(ERC20, ERC20Pausable) { super._beforeTokenTransfer(from, to, amount); } } nt) public orderUSDValue; /*=========Structs and Initializer================ --------------------------------*/ struct freeStorage{ //USER DEPOSIT / BORROW STRUCTURE uint amount; uint time; string wtoken; uint usdvalue; } struct matchedOrder{ //RUNNING OR MATCHED ORDERS IN THIS FORM address supplier; address borrower; uint time; uint expiryDate; uint duration; uint amount; uint usdvalue; uint yield; string wtoken; uint duesPaid; } struct Order{ // PENDING ORDERS IN THIS FORMAT address creator; uint duration; uint amount; uint yield; string wtoken; } struct User{ uint totalDeposit; //USD VALUE OF TOTAL DEPOSIT AT DEPOSIT TIME uint totalBorrowed; //USD VALUE OF TOTAL DEPOSIT AT BORROW TIME freeStorage [] myDeposits; //DEPOSIT DATA freeStorage [] myBorrows; //BORROW DATA mapping(string => uint) deposits; //CURRENCY-WISE TOTAL DEPOSIT COUNT FULL VALUE mapping(string => uint) borrows; //CURRENCY-WISE TOTAL BORROW COUNT FULL VALUE uint64 [] borrowedOrders; //BORROWED ORDER - ORDER ID uint64 [] createdOrders; //CREATED ORDER - ORDER ID uint64 [] myOrders; //MATCHED ORDR - ORDER ID } function initializeAddress(address payable EMMaddress,address AbacusAddress, address payable Initaddress) external initializer{ EMM = EcoMoneyManager(EMMaddress); abacus = IAbacusOracle(AbacusAddress); Init = EcoceliumInit(Initaddress); } /*============Main Functions=============== Key Notes - 1) Always call main functions of Data Manager with Wrapped Token 2) _status signifies (status == Status.OPENCREATOR) operation - Returns True for Deposit Functions and False for Borrow Function 3) require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) ,"Not Friendly Address"); - This is mentioned in the EcoceliumInit Contract 4) FreePusher/Popper are for Liquidity Pools and push/pop order and matchOrder is the Order Matching Engine 5) Fetch Token Price Returns Values in 10**8 6) Amounts are without setting off Token Decimals ---------------------------------*/ function freePusher(address userAddress, string memory token, uint _amount, bool _status) external { //_status signifies (status == Status.OPENCREATOR) operation require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) ,"Not Friendly Address"); uint _usdValue = USDValue(_amount, token); freeStorage memory newStorage = freeStorage({ amount: _amount, time: now, wtoken: token, usdvalue: _usdValue }); if(_status){ users[userAddress].myDeposits.push(newStorage); users[userAddress].totalDeposit += _usdValue; users[userAddress].deposits[token] += _amount; } else { users[userAddress].myBorrows.push(newStorage); users[userAddress].totalBorrowed += _usdValue; users[userAddress].borrows[token] += _amount; } } function freePopper(address userAddress, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint _amount, bool _status) public returns (uint dues) { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); if(_status) { require(users[userAddress].deposits[_tokenSymbol]>=_amount, "Insufficient Deposits"); users[userAddress].deposits[_tokenSymbol] -= _amount; } else { require(users[userAddress].borrows[_tokenSymbol]>=_amount,"Insufficient Borrowings"); users[userAddress].borrows[_tokenSymbol] -= _amount; } uint amountLeft= _amount; freeStorage [] storage mystorage = _status ? users[userAddress].myDeposits : users[userAddress].myBorrows; for( uint i= mystorage.length-1; amountLeft >0 ; i--){ if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(mystorage[i].wtoken)) != keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_tokenSymbol))) { continue; } if (mystorage[i].amount <= amountLeft){ amountLeft -= mystorage[i].amount; _status ? users[userAddress].totalDeposit -= mystorage[i].usdvalue : users[userAddress].totalBorrowed -= mystorage[i].usdvalue; dues+= calculateECOEarning(USDValue(mystorage[i].amount,_tokenSymbol), _tokenSymbol, mystorage[i].time); mystorage.pop(); } else { _status ? users[userAddress].totalDeposit -= (mystorage[i].amount-amountLeft)*mystorage[i].usdvalue : users[userAddress].totalBorrowed -= (mystorage[i].amount-amountLeft)*mystorage[i].usdvalue; mystorage[i].amount -= amountLeft; dues += calculateECOEarning(USDValue(amountLeft,_tokenSymbol), _tokenSymbol, mystorage[i].time); amountLeft = 0; } } _status ? users[userAddress].myDeposits = mystorage : users[userAddress].myBorrows = mystorage; } function pushOrder(address userAddress,string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration, uint _yield, bool _status) internal returns (uint){ (uint64 _orderId,uint newAmount,uint fee) = _ordersub(_amount,userAddress,_duration,_tokenSymbol); openOrderMap[_orderId] = Order({ creator : userAddress, duration : _duration, amount : newAmount, yield : _yield, wtoken : _tokenSymbol }); if(_status) { orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.OPENCREATOR; users[userAddress].createdOrders.push(_orderId); } else { orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.OPENBORROW; users[userAddress].borrowedOrders.push(_orderId); } poolSorter(_orderId, _tokenSymbol, true); orderUSDValue[_orderId]=USDValue(_amount,_tokenSymbol); return fee; } function poolSorter(uint64 _orderId, string memory _tokenSymbol, bool _status) internal { //Status here signifies Insertion if True, and Deletion if false uint64 [] memory temp; bool task; poolindex[_tokenSymbol]=0; if(orderpool[_tokenSymbol].length==0 && _status) { orderpool[_tokenSymbol][0] = _orderId; } for((uint i, uint j)=(0,0);i<orderpool[_tokenSymbol].length;(i++,j++)) { temp[j]=orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]; if(!task && _status && openOrderMap[temp[j]].yield > openOrderMap[_orderId].yield) { //Insertion Case temp[j]=_orderId; temp[++j]=orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]; task = true; }else if(!task && !_status && _orderId == temp[j]){ //Deletion Case temp[j]=orderpool[_tokenSymbol][++i]; task = true; } if(orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i-1]]==Status.OPENBORROW && orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][i]]==Status.OPENCREATOR) { //Assigns updatePoolIndex poolindex[_tokenSymbol] = i; break; } } orderpool[_tokenSymbol] = temp; } function matchOrder(address userAddress, string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration,uint _yield, uint64 _orderId, bool _status) internal { matchOrderMap[_orderId] = matchedOrder({ supplier : (orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.OPENBORROW) ? userAddress : openOrderMap[_orderId].creator, borrower : (orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.OPENCREATOR) ? userAddress : openOrderMap[_orderId].creator, time : now, expiryDate : now + _duration*(30 days), duration : _duration, amount : _amount, usdvalue : USDValue(_amount,_tokenSymbol), yield : _yield, wtoken : _tokenSymbol, duesPaid : 0 }); _status ? delete users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[_orderId] : delete users[userAddress].createdOrders[_orderId]; delete openOrderMap[_orderId]; orderStatus[_orderId]=Status.MATCHED; orderUSDValue[_orderId]=USDValue(_amount,_tokenSymbol); users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].myOrders.push(_orderId); users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].myOrders.push(_orderId); scheduleExpiry(_orderId); scheduleCheck(_orderId,matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower,1); EMM.mintWrappedToken(matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower, _amount, _tokenSymbol); Init.emitOrderCreated(userAddress,_duration,_yield,_amount,_tokenSymbol); } function newOrder(address userAddress,string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration, uint _yield, bool _status) external { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); uint amountLeft= _amount; uint index; if(_status){ index = poolindex[_tokenSymbol]-1; users[userAddress].deposits[_tokenSymbol] +=_amount; users[userAddress].totalDeposit += USDValue(_amount, _tokenSymbol); } else { index = poolindex[_tokenSymbol]; users[userAddress].borrows[_tokenSymbol] +=_amount; users[userAddress].totalBorrowed += USDValue(_amount, _tokenSymbol); } while(amountLeft>0){ if(poolindex[_tokenSymbol] == 0) { pushOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, _amount, _duration, _yield, _status); break; } Order memory iOrder = openOrderMap[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]]; if((_status && _yield>iOrder.yield) || (!_status && _yield<iOrder.yield) || (_status)?(orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]] == Status.OPENCREATOR):(orderStatus[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]] == Status.OPENBORROW)){ pushOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, _amount, _duration, _yield, _status); break; } else { uint tduration = _duration > iOrder.duration ? _duration : iOrder.duration; uint tyield = _yield > iOrder.yield ? iOrder.yield : _yield; uint64 tID = orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]; if(iOrder.amount>=amountLeft) { if(iOrder.amount != amountLeft) { pushOrder(iOrder.creator, _tokenSymbol, iOrder.amount-amountLeft, iOrder.duration, iOrder.yield, !_status); } matchOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, amountLeft, tduration, tyield, tID, _status); amountLeft=0; } else { pushOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, amountLeft- iOrder.amount, _duration, _yield, _status); matchOrder(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, amountLeft, tduration, tyield, tID , _status); amountLeft -= openOrderMap[orderpool[_tokenSymbol][index]].amount; } } } } function orderExpired (uint64 _orderId) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); require (matchOrderMap[_orderId].expiryDate <= now); EMM.releaseWrappedToken(matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier,matchOrderMap[_orderId].amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken); users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier].totalDeposit -= matchOrderMap[_orderId].usdvalue; users[matchOrderMap[_orderId].borrower].totalBorrowed -= matchOrderMap[_orderId].usdvalue; orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.CLOSED; //Init.OrderExpired(_orderId,msgSender,orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,msgSender,_duration)); } function payDue(uint64 _orderId,uint _duration,address msgSender) external returns (uint due){ due = orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,_duration); uint fee = (due*Init.rewardFee())/100; EMM.DepositManager(Init.ECO(), due+fee, msgSender); Init.setOwnerFeeVault(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL(), fee); matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid += 1; matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid >= uint((now - matchOrderMap[_orderId].time)/30 days) ? Init.setUserLocked(msgSender,false) : Init.setUserLocked(msgSender,true); Init.emitDuePaid(_orderId,msgSender,orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,_duration)); } function dueCheck(uint64 _orderId,address borrower,uint month) external returns(uint) { require (Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender) && now >= matchOrderMap[_orderId].time + matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid * 30 days); uint due = orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,1); EMM.mintECO(matchOrderMap[_orderId].supplier,due*(100-Init.rewardFee())/100); if(matchOrderMap[_orderId].duesPaid < month && !Init.isRegistrar(borrower) && !Init.isUserLocked(borrower)){ Init.setUserLocked(borrower,true); orderExpired(_orderId); } else { Init.emitDuePaid(_orderId,borrower,orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,month+1)); scheduleCheck(_orderId,borrower,month+1); } } function scheduleExpiry(uint64 _orderId) internal{ uint time = matchOrderMap[_orderId].expiryDate - matchOrderMap[_orderId].time; bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256('orderExpired(uint256)')),_orderId); uint callCost = 300000*1e9 + abacus.callFee(); abacus.scheduleFunc{value:callCost}(address(this), time ,data , abacus.callFee() ,300000 , 1e9 ); } function scheduleCheck(uint _orderId,address borrower,uint month) internal{ bytes memory data = abi.encodeWithSelector(bytes4(keccak256('dueCheck(uint256,address,uint256)')),_orderId,borrower,month); uint callCost = 300000*1e9 + abacus.callFee(); abacus.scheduleFunc{value:callCost}(address(this), 30 days ,data , abacus.callFee() ,300000 , 1e9 ); } function cancelOrder(uint64 _orderId) external{ require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender)); if(orderStatus[_orderId]==Status.OPENCREATOR) { EMM.releaseWrappedToken(openOrderMap[_orderId].creator,openOrderMap[_orderId].amount, openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken); users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].deposits[openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken] -=openOrderMap[_orderId].amount; users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].totalDeposit -= orderUSDValue[_orderId]; for((uint i,uint j)=(0,0); i<users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders.length; (i++,j++)) { if(users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders[i] == _orderId) { --j; continue; } users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders[j] = users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].createdOrders[i]; } } else if(orderStatus[_orderId]==Status.OPENBORROW){ users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrows[openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken] -=openOrderMap[_orderId].amount; users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].totalBorrowed -= orderUSDValue[_orderId]; for((uint i,uint j)=(0,0); i<users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders.length; (i++,j++)) { if(users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[i] == _orderId) { continue; } users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[j] = users[openOrderMap[_orderId].creator].borrowedOrders[i]; } } poolSorter(_orderId, openOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken,false); delete openOrderMap[_orderId]; delete orderUSDValue[_orderId]; orderStatus[_orderId] = Status.CLOSED; } /*==============Helpers============ ---------------------------------*/ function USDValue(uint amount, string memory _token) public view returns (uint usdvalue) { usdvalue = amount*fetchTokenPrice(_token)/(10**8)/(10**uint(wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(_token)).decimals())); } function orderMonthlyDue(uint64 _orderId, uint _duration) public view returns(uint due){ orderStatus[_orderId] == Status.MATCHED ? due = USDValue (matchOrderMap[_orderId].amount, matchOrderMap[_orderId].wtoken) * matchOrderMap[_orderId].yield * _duration*30 days*fetchTokenPrice(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())/3153600000/(10**8) : due = 0; } function fetchTokenPrice(string memory _tokenSymbol) public view returns(uint){ //Put any Token Wrapped or Direct uint response = uint(abacus.getJobResponse(EMM.getFetchId(_tokenSymbol))[0]); return response > 0 ? response : 0; } /*function issueReward(address userAddress, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint time, uint tokenUsdValue) internal { uint reward = calculateECOEarning(tokenUsdValue, _tokenSymbol, time); EMM.mintECO(userAddress, reward); }*/ function calculateECOEarning(uint usdvalue, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint time) private view returns (uint){ uint _amount = usdvalue*(10**16)/fetchTokenPrice(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL()); uint reward = (_amount * Init.slabRateDeposit(_tokenSymbol) * (now - time))/3153600000; //decimal from Abacus is setoff by decimal from Eco return reward; } function getECOEarnings(address userAddress) public view returns (uint){ uint ecobalance; for(uint i=0; i<users[userAddress].myDeposits.length; i++) { ecobalance += calculateECOEarning(users[userAddress].myDeposits[i].usdvalue, users[userAddress].myDeposits[i].wtoken, users[userAddress].myDeposits[i].time); } for(uint i=0; i<users[userAddress].myBorrows.length; i++) { ecobalance -= calculateECOEarning(users[userAddress].myBorrows[i].usdvalue, users[userAddress].myBorrows[i].wtoken, users[userAddress].myBorrows[i].time); } return ecobalance - EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress); } function _ordersub(uint amount,address userAddress,uint _duration,string memory _tokenSymbol) internal view returns (uint64, uint, uint){ uint newAmount = amount - (amount*Init.tradeFee())/100; uint fee = (amount*Init.tradeFee())/100; uint64 _orderId = uint64(uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(userAddress,_tokenSymbol,_duration,now)))); return (_orderId,newAmount,fee); } function getUserDepositsbyToken(address userAddress, string memory wtoken) public view returns(uint) { return users[userAddress].deposits[wtoken]; } function getUserBorrowedOrderbyToken(address userAddress, string memory wtoken) public view returns(uint) { return users[userAddress].borrows[wtoken]; } function getUserBorrowed(address userAddress) public view returns(uint) { return users[userAddress].totalBorrowed; } function getUserBorrowedOrder(address userAddress) public view returns (uint64 [] memory) { return users[userAddress].borrowedOrders; } function getUserDepositOrder(address userAddress) public view returns (uint64 [] memory) { return users[userAddress].createdOrders; } function getUserMatchOrder(address userAddress) public view returns (uint64 [] memory) { return users[userAddress].myOrders; } function getbuyPower(address userAddress) public view returns (uint){ if(!Init.isRegistrar(userAddress)) { return (10**30); } if(Init.isUserLocked(userAddress)) { return 0; } uint buyPower; buyPower += users[userAddress].totalDeposit - ((users[userAddress].totalDeposit*Init.CDSpercent())/100); buyPower -= users[userAddress].totalBorrowed; return buyPower; } function getOrderIds(string memory wtoken) public view returns (uint64 [] memory orderIds) { return orderpool[wtoken]; } } contract Ecocelium is Initializable{ address public owner; address payable EMMAddress; IAbacusOracle abacus; EcoMoneyManager EMM; EcoceliumDataManager EDM; EcoceliumInit Init; function initialize(address _owner,address payable EMMaddress,address payable AbacusAddress,address EDMaddress, address payable Initaddress)public payable initializer { owner = _owner; EMM = EcoMoneyManager(EMMaddress); EMMAddress = EMMaddress; abacus = IAbacusOracle(AbacusAddress);//0x323f81D9F57d2c3d5555b14d90651aCDc03F9d52 EDM = EcoceliumDataManager(EDMaddress); Init = EcoceliumInit(Initaddress); } function changeOwner(address _owner) public{ require(msg.sender==owner); owner = _owner; } func pdateContracts() public{ require(msg.sender==owner); EMM = EcoMoneyManager(Init.MONEYMANAGER()); abacus = IAbacusOracle(Init.ABACUS()); EDM = EcoceliumDataManager(Init.DATAMANAGER()); } /*===========Main functions============ -------------------------------------*/ function Deposit(string memory rtoken, uint _amount) external payable { address _msgSender = msg.sender; string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(rtoken); _deposit(rtoken, _amount, _msgSender, wtoken); EDM.freePusher(_msgSender, wtoken, _amount, true); EMM.mintWrappedToken(_msgSender, _amount, wtoken); EMM.lockWrappedToken(_msgSender, _amount,wtoken); } function _deposit(string memory rtoken,uint _amount, address msgSender, string memory wtoken) internal { require(EMM.getwTokenAddress(wtoken) != address(0),"not supported"); if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rtoken)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(Init.ETH_SYMBOL()))) { require(msg.value >= _amount); EMM.DepositManager{value:msg.value}(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); }else { EMM.DepositManager(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); } Init.emitSwap(msgSender,rtoken,wtoken,_amount); } function depositAndOrder(address userAddress,string memory rtoken ,uint _amount,uint _duration,uint _yield) external payable { require(msg.sender == userAddress); string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(rtoken); _deposit(rtoken, _amount, userAddress, wtoken); EMM.mintWrappedToken(userAddress, _amount, wtoken); EMM.lockWrappedToken(userAddress, _amount,wtoken); EDM.newOrder(userAddress, EMM.getWrapped(rtoken), _amount, _duration, _yield, true); } function createOrder(address userAddress,string memory _tokenSymbol ,uint _amount,uint _duration,uint _yield) external payable { require(msg.sender == userAddress); string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(_tokenSymbol); require(EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(userAddress, wtoken) >= _amount, "Insufficient Balance"); uint ecoEarnings = EDM.freePopper(userAddress, wtoken , _amount, true); if(ecoEarnings > EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress)) { ecoEarnings-=EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress); EMM.adjustEcoEarning(userAddress, EMM.ecoWithdrawls(userAddress)); EMM.mintECO(userAddress, ecoEarnings); } else { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(userAddress, ecoEarnings); } EDM.newOrder(userAddress, wtoken, _amount, _duration, _yield, true); } function getAggEcoBalance(address userAddress) public view returns(uint) { return wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).balanceOf(userAddress) + EDM.getECOEarnings(userAddress); } function borrowOrder(address userAddress, string memory rtoken, uint amount, uint duration, uint yield) public {//Rewrite this part require(isWithdrawEligible(userAddress, rtoken, amount)); EDM.newOrder(msg.sender,rtoken, amount,duration,yield,false); } function payDueOrder(uint64 _orderId,uint _duration) external { EDM.payDue(_orderId,_duration,msg.sender); } function clearBorrow(string memory rtoken, uint _amount) external payable{ address msgSender = msg.sender; string memory wtoken = EMM.getWrapped(rtoken); uint dues = EDM.freePopper(msgSender, wtoken, _amount, false); EMM.DepositManager(Init.ECO(), dues, msgSender); if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(rtoken)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(Init.ETH_SYMBOL()))) { require(msg.value == _amount); EMM.DepositManager{value:_amount}(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); }else { EMM.DepositManager(rtoken, _amount, msgSender); } } function Borrow(address payable userAddress, uint _amount, string memory _tokenSymbol) public { require(userAddress == msg.sender); require(isWithdrawEligible(userAddress, _tokenSymbol, _amount)); EDM.freePusher(msg.sender, EMM.getWrapped(_tokenSymbol), _amount,false); EMM.WithdrawManager(_tokenSymbol, _amount, userAddress); } function SwapWrapToWrap(string memory token1,string memory token2, uint token1amount) external returns(uint) { address msgSender = msg.sender; uint token2price = fetchTokenPrice(token2); uint token2amount = EDM.USDValue(token1amount,token1)*(100-Init.swapFee())*(10**uint(wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(token2)).decimals()))*(10**8)/token2price/100; EMM.w2wswap(msgSender, token1, token1amount, token2amount, token2); uint ecoEarnings = EDM.freePopper(msgSender,token1,token1amount,true); EMM.mintECO(msgSender, ecoEarnings); Init.setOwnerFeeVault(token1, token1amount*Init.swapFee()/100); EDM.freePusher(msgSender, token2,token2amount,true); Init.emitSwap(msgSender,token1,token2,token2amount); return token2amount; } function cancelOrder(uint64 _orderId) public{ (address creator,,,,) = EDM.openOrderMap(_orderId); require(msg.sender==creator); EDM.cancelOrder(_orderId); } receive() external payable { } /*==============Helpers============ ---------------------------------*/ function orderMonthlyDue(uint64 _orderId,uint _duration) public view returns(uint){ return EDM.orderMonthlyDue(_orderId,_duration); } function updateFees(uint _swapFee,uint _tradeFee,uint _rewardFee) public{ require(msg.sender == owner); Init.updateFees(_swapFee,_tradeFee,_rewardFee); } function getOrderIds(string memory wtoken) public view returns(uint64 [] memory){ return EDM.getOrderIds(wtoken); } function fetchTokenPrice(string memory _tokenSymbol) public view returns(uint){ return EDM.fetchTokenPrice(_tokenSymbol); } function Withdraw(string memory to, uint _amount) external { address payable msgSender = msg.sender; string memory from = EMM.getWrapped(to); require(!Init.isUserLocked(msgSender), "Your Address is Locked Pay Dues"); if(EDM.getUserBorrowed(msgSender) >0 ) { require(isWithdrawEligible(msgSender, to, _amount) , "Not Eligible for Withdraw"); } wERC20 wToken = wERC20(EMM.getwTokenAddress(to)); uint amountLeft; uint availableBalance = wToken.balanceOf(msgSender) - EDM.getUserDepositsbyToken(msgSender, from) - EDM.getUserBorrowedOrderbyToken(msgSender, from); if(availableBalance >= _amount) { EMM.burnWrappedFrom(msgSender, _amount, from); EMM.WithdrawManager(to, _amount, msgSender); } else { if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(to)) == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(Init.ECO()))) { require( wToken.balanceOf(msgSender) + EDM.getECOEarnings(msgSender) >= _amount,"Insufficient Balance"); if(wToken.balanceOf(msgSender) >=_amount) { _withdraw(msgSender, from, _amount, to); } else { amountLeft = _amount - wToken.balanceOf(msgSender); if(wToken.balanceOf(msgSender) > 0){ _withdraw(msgSender, from, wToken.balanceOf(msgSender), to); } EMM.redeemEcoEarning(msgSender,amountLeft); } } else { require(wToken.balanceOf(msgSender)>=_amount,"Insufficient balance"); _withdraw(msgSender, from, _amount, to); } } Init.emitSwap(msgSender,from,to,_amount); } function _withdraw(address payable msgSender, string memory from, uint amount, string memory to) internal { EMM.releaseWrappedToken(msgSender,amount, from); EMM.burnWrappedFrom(msgSender, amount, from); Init.setOwnerFeeVault(to,(amount*Init.rewardFee())/100); uint ecoEarnings = EDM.freePopper(msgSender,from,amount, true); if(ecoEarnings>0) { if(ecoEarnings > EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender)) { ecoEarnings-=EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender); if(EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender) > 0) { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(msgSender, EMM.ecoWithdrawls(msgSender)); } EMM.mintECO(msgSender, ecoEarnings); } else { EMM.adjustEcoEarning(msgSender, ecoEarnings); } } uint newAmount = amount - (amount*Init.rewardFee())/100; EMM.WithdrawManager(to,newAmount, msgSender); } function isWithdrawEligible(address userAddress, string memory to, uint amount) internal view returns (bool Eligible){ return (EDM.getbuyPower(userAddress) > (amount*fetchTokenPrice(to)/(10**8))); } } contract EcoceliumInit is Initializable { address payable owner; address payable public MONEYMANAGER; address payable public DATAMANAGER; address payable public ECOCELIUM; address payable public ABACUS; string public WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL; string public ECO; string public ETH_SYMBOL; string public WRAP_ETH_SYMBOL; uint public swapFee; uint public rewardFee; uint public tradeFee; uint public CDSpercent; string [] rtokenlist; string [] wtokenlist; mapping (string => uint) public rcurrencyID; mapping (string => uint) public wcurrencyID; mapping (address => bool) public isRegistrar; mapping (address => bool) public isUserLocked; mapping (string => uint ) public ownerFeeVault; mapping (string => uint) public slabRateDeposit; mapping (address => bool) public friendlyaddress; mapping (address => address) public SponsorAddress; mapping (address => uint) public usertreasuryearnings; event OrderCreated( address userAddress, uint duration, uint yield, uint amount, string token ); event Swap( address userAddress, string from, string to, uint amount ); event Borrowed( uint64 orderId, address borrower, uint amount, uint duration ); event Deposit( address userAddress, string token, uint tokenAmount, uint collateralValue ); event DuePaid( uint64 orderId, address borrower, uint amount ); event WrapTokenCreated( address TokenAddress, string TokenName, string TokenSymbol, uint Decimals ); receive() payable external { } function initializeAddress(address payable _owner) public initializer { friendlyaddress[_owner] = true; owner = _owner; } function addRealCurrency(string memory rtoken) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); if(rcurrencyID[rtoken] == 0) { rtokenlist.push(rtoken); rcurrencyID[rtoken] = rtokenlist.length; } } function addWrapCurrency (string memory wtoken) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); if(wcurrencyID[wtoken] == 0) { wtokenlist.push(wtoken); wcurrencyID[wtoken] = wtokenlist.length; } } function setSlabRate(string memory WToken, uint rate) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); slabRateDeposit[WToken] = rate; } function setUserLocked(address userAddress, bool value) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); isUserLocked[userAddress] = value; } function setFriendlyAddress(address Address) public { (msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); friendlyaddress[Address] = true; } function addRegistrar(address _registrar) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); isRegistrar[_registrar] = true; } function setOwnerFeeVault(string memory add,uint value) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); ownerFeeVault[add] += value; } function emitOrderCreated(address userAddress, uint _duration, uint _yield, uint newAmount,string memory _tokenSymbol) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit OrderCreated(userAddress,_duration,_yield,newAmount,_tokenSymbol); } function emitSwap(address msgSender, string memory from, string memory to,uint _amount) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit Swap(msgSender,from,to,_amount); } function emitBorrowed(uint64 _orderId, address msgSender, uint _amount,uint _duration) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit Borrowed(_orderId,msgSender,_amount,_duration); } function emitWrappedCreated(address tokenAddress,string memory name, string memory symbol,uint8 decimals) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit WrapTokenCreated(tokenAddress,name,symbol,decimals); } function emitDeposit(address msgSender, string memory _tokenSymbol, uint amount, uint tokenUsdValue) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit Deposit(msgSender,_tokenSymbol,amount,tokenUsdValue); } function emitDuePaid(uint64 _orderId, address msgSender, uint due) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); emit DuePaid(_orderId,msgSender,due); } function setCONSTSYMBOLS(string[4] memory _symbolCONST) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL = _symbolCONST[0]; ECO = _symbolCONST[1]; ETH_SYMBOL = _symbolCONST[2]; WRAP_ETH_SYMBOL = _symbolCONST[3]; } function updateFees(uint _swapFee,uint _tradeFee,uint _rewardFee) public{ require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); (swapFee,tradeFee,rewardFee) = (_swapFee,_tradeFee,_rewardFee); } function setCSDpercent(uint percent) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); CDSpercent = percent; } function changeAbacusaddress(address payable Abacusaddress) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); ABACUS = Abacusaddress; } function changeEcoceliumaddress(address payable Ecocelium) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); ECOCELIUM = Ecocelium; } function changeDMaddress(address payable DMAddress) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); DATAMANAGER = DMAddress; } function changeMMaddress(address payable MMaddress) public{ require(msg.sender == owner,"not owner"); MONEYMANAGER = MMaddress; } function changeOwner(address payable _owner) public{ require(msg.sender==owner); owner = _owner; } function setSponsor(address userAddress, address _sponsorAddress) external { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); SponsorAddress[userAddress] = _sponsorAddress; } function updateTreasuryEarnings(address userAddress, uint _amount) public { require(friendlyaddress[msg.sender],"Not Friendly Address"); usertreasuryearnings[userAddress] = _amount; } } contract EcoMoneyManager is Initializable { EcoceliumInit Init; address public owner; address [] public TokenAddresses; address [] public wTokenAddresses; mapping (string => address) rTokens; mapping (string => string) rTokensTowToken; mapping (string => TokenConfig) wTokens; mapping (address => uint) public ecoWithdrawls; mapping (string => uint) public WGains; mapping (string => uint) public WLoss; receive() payable external { } struct TokenConfig{ address tokenAddress; uint64 fetchId; } function initialize(address _owner, address payable _Init) public initializer{ owner = _owner; Init = EcoceliumInit(_Init); } function updateAdminAddress(address adminAddress) public { require(msg.sender == owner); for(uint i = 0;i<wTokenAddresses.length;i++){ wERC20(wTokenAddresses[i]).changeAdmin(adminAddress); } } function addTokenWithAddress(address tokenAddress) public { require(msg.sender == owner); ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(tokenAddress); require(getrTokenAddress(token.symbol())== address(0),"token exist"); rTokens[token.symbol()] = tokenAddress; TokenAddresses.push(tokenAddress); } function createWrapToken(string memory name,string memory symbol,uint64 _fetchId, uint8 decimal, string memory wrapOf) public returns(address TokenAddress){ require(msg.sender == owner); wERC20 token = new wERC20(name,symbol,decimal, address(this), address(this)); rTokensTowToken[wrapOf] = symbol; TokenAddresses.push(address(token)); wTokenAddresses.push(address(token)); wTokens[symbol] = TokenConfig({ tokenAddress:address(token), fetchId : _fetchId }); Init.emitWrappedCreated(address(token),name,symbol,token.decimals()); return address(token); } function changeOwner(address _owner) public{ require(owner == msg.sender); owner =_owner; } function getwTokenAddress(string memory symbol) public view returns(address){ return wTokens[symbol].tokenAddress; } function getFetchId(string memory symbol ) public view returns(uint64){ if( wTokens[symbol].tokenAddress == address(0)) { symbol = rTokensTowToken[symbol]; } return wTokens[symbol].fetchId; } function getrTokenAddress(string memory symbol) public view returns(address){ return rTokens[symbol]; } function getTokenAddresses() public view returns(address[] memory){ return TokenAddresses; } function getWrapped(string memory symbol) public view returns(string memory){ return rTokensTowToken[symbol]; } function getTokenID(string memory symbol) public view returns(uint){ for(uint i=0; i< TokenAddresses.length; i++) { if(TokenAddresses[i] == wTokens[symbol].tokenAddress) { return i; } } } function releaseWrappedToken (address _userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).release(_userAddress,amount); } function mintWrappedToken (address _userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).mint(_userAddress,amount); } function lockWrappedToken (address _userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).lock(_userAddress,amount); } function burnWrappedFrom(address userAddress, uint amount, string memory WToken) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(WToken)).burnFrom(userAddress,amount); } function mintECO(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).mint(userAddress,amount); } function lockECO(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).lock(userAddress,amount); } function releaseECO(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).release(userAddress,amount); } function burnECOFrom(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); wERC20(getwTokenAddress(Init.WRAP_ECO_SYMBOL())).burnFrom(userAddress,amount); } function DepositManager(string memory _rtoken, uint amount, address userAddress) public payable { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); if(Init.rcurrencyID(_rtoken) == Init.rcurrencyID(Init.ETH_SYMBOL())) { require(msg.value >= amount,"Invalid Amount"); } else {ERC20Basic rtoken = ERC20Basic(getrTokenAddress(_rtoken)); require(rtoken.allowance(userAddress, address(this)) >= amount,"set allowance"); rtoken.transferFrom(userAddress,address(this),amount);} } function WithdrawManager(string memory _rtoken, uint amount, address payable userAddress) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); if(Init.rcurrencyID(_rtoken) == Init.rcurrencyID(Init.ETH_SYMBOL())) { userAddress.transfer(amount); } else { ERC20Basic rtoken = ERC20Basic(getrTokenAddress(_rtoken)); rtoken.approve(userAddress, amount); rtoken.transferFrom(address(this),userAddress,amount);} } function redeemEcoEarning(address payable userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] = ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] + amount; WithdrawManager(Init.ECO(), amount, userAddress); } function adjustEcoEarning(address userAddress, uint amount) public { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] = ecoWithdrawls[userAddress] - amount; } function updateFetchID (string memory wtoken, uint64 _fetchID) external { require(owner == msg.sender); wTokens[wtoken].fetchId = _fetchID; } function w2wswap (address msgSender, string memory token1, uint token1amount, uint token2amount, string memory token2) external { require(Init.friendlyaddress(msg.sender),"Not Friendly Address"); releaseWrappedToken(msgSender, token1amount, token1); burnWrappedFrom(msgSender,token1amount,token1); WGains[token1]=token1amount; mintWrappedToken(msgSender,token2amount, token2); lockWrappedToken(msgSender, token2amount, token2); WLoss[token2]=token2amount; } }
[ 4, 7, 17, 11, 9, 12, 13, 5, 2 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; enum reservationstatus {CANCELLED, ACTIVATED, COMPLETED} interface DaiErc20 { function transfer(address, uint) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address,address,uint256) external returns (bool); function approve(address,uint256) external returns (bool); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function allowance(address, address) external view returns (uint); } library mathlib { // --- Math functions as implemented in DAI ERC20 Token--- function add(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x + y) >= x); } function sub(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require((z = x - y) <= x); } function mul(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint z) { require(y == 0 || (z = x * y) / y == x); } function calculatereservationdays(uint rstart,uint rend) internal pure returns(uint) { /* 1)Calculates the length of stay between two dates. 2)For example the number of days between reservation start and end. 3)Days are rounded, so 5.6 days becomes 6 days. 0.5 days become 1 day. */ require(rend > rstart,"Reservation End has to be greater than Reservation Start"); uint diff = sub(rend,rstart); uint dlen = diff / 86400; //div is Math.floor() uint md = diff % 86400; return md >= 43200 ? add(dlen,1) : dlen; } } contract owned { /* 1) Allows the manager to pause the main Factory contract 2) Only the Factory contract is owned. 3) The Manager has no control over the Reservation */ address public manager; constructor() public { manager = msg.sender; } modifier onlyManager() { require(msg.sender == manager); _; } function setManager(address newmanager) external onlyManager { /* Allows the current manager to set a new manager */ require(newmanager.balance > 0); manager = newmanager; } } contract ReservationFactory is owned { /* 1) The Reservation Factory contract to create and manage reservations 2) Only the Reservation Factory is owned by the manager 3) The manager has no control over each reservation or the cumulative advance payment locked in the Factory contract */ address constant private dai_ = 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F; DaiErc20 constant private daiToken = DaiErc20(dai_); //Reservation Fee in wad payed to the manager to create a reservation uint public reservationfee; uint constant private secondsinday = 86400; uint constant private secondsin21hrs = 75600; //Switch that controls whether the factory is active bool public factorycontractactive; uint private reservationid; uint constant private maxuint = 2**256-1; struct Reservation { address guest; address host; uint reservationstart; uint reservationend; uint dailyprice; uint advancepayment; reservationstatus rstatus; } mapping (bytes32 => Reservation) public Reservations; //Event for new Reservation event NewReservationEvent(bytes32 indexed rsvid, address indexed guest, address indexed host, uint rstart, uint rend, uint dprice, uint advpay, bytes8 rstartformat, bytes8 rendformat, uint eventtime); //Reservation Status Change Event event ReservationStatusEvent(bytes32 indexed rsvid, reservationstatus rstatus, uint rbalance, uint eventtime); constructor() public { reservationid =0; reservationfee = 1000000000000000000; //1 DAI factorycontractactive = true; } function setReservationFee(uint newfee) external onlyManager { /* 1) Changes the Reservation fee that is paid to the manager 2) The Reservation fee at launch of contract is set to 1 DAI 3) The reservationfee is a public variable and can always queried */ require(newfee > 0); reservationfee = newfee; } function setFactoryContractSwitch() external onlyManager { /* 1) Switch that controls whether the contract is active 2) If the contract is paused new reservations can not be created, but existing reservations can still be completed. */ factorycontractactive = factorycontractactive == true ? false : true; } function createnewReservation(address host, uint reservationstart, uint reservationend, uint dailyprice, uint advancepayment , bytes8 rstartformat, bytes8 rendformat) external { /* Will Create a new reservation between guest and host */ require(factorycontractactive, "Factory Contract should be Active"); require(reservationid < maxuint, "Maximum reservationid reached"); require(msg.sender != host,"Host and Guest can not be same"); require(dailyprice > 0, "Daily Price should be > 0"); require(now < mathlib.add(reservationstart,secondsin21hrs),"Too late to start this reservation"); uint lengthofstay = mathlib.calculatereservationdays(reservationstart,reservationend); require(lengthofstay > 0,"Length of Stay should be > 0"); uint totalreservationamount = mathlib.mul(dailyprice,lengthofstay); uint minadvpayment = lengthofstay > 5 ? mathlib.mul(dailyprice,2) : dailyprice; require(advancepayment >= minadvpayment && advancepayment <= totalreservationamount ,"Advance Payment should be >= minadvpayment and <= reservation amount "); //Check daitoken allowance for Factory contract require(daiToken.allowance(msg.sender,address(this)) >= mathlib.add(advancepayment, reservationfee), "daiToken allowance exceeded"); bytes32 rsvid = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(reservationid)); Reservations[rsvid] = Reservation(msg.sender, host, reservationstart, reservationend, dailyprice, advancepayment, reservationstatus.ACTIVATED); reservationid = mathlib.add(reservationid,1); //Transfer the advance payment to this contract daiToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), advancepayment); //Transfer the reservation fee to factory manager daiToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, manager, reservationfee); emit NewReservationEvent(rsvid, msg.sender, host, reservationstart, reservationend, dailyprice, advancepayment, rstartformat, rendformat, now); } modifier onlyGuest(bytes32 rsvid) { require(msg.sender == Reservations[rsvid].guest, "Only Guest"); _; } modifier onlyHost(bytes32 rsvid) { require(msg.sender == Reservations[rsvid].host, "Only Host"); _; } function getReservationDetails(bytes32 rsvid) external view returns (reservationstatus, uint) { /* Will get the changing variables for each reservation based on reservation ID */ Reservation memory thisreservation = Reservations[rsvid]; require(thisreservation.guest !=address(0),"Reservation does not exist"); return(thisreservation.rstatus, thisreservation.advancepayment); } function setHostCancelsReservation(bytes32 rsvid) external onlyHost(rsvid) { /* 1) Allows the host to cancel the reservation upto 21 Hrs after reservation start if ACTIVATED 2) Guest gets a Full Refund Instantly, since the Host is cancelling */ Reservation storage thisreservation = Reservations[rsvid]; require(thisreservation.rstatus == reservationstatus.ACTIVATED,"Reservation must be ACTIVATED"); uint reservationstart21Hrs = mathlib.add(thisreservation.reservationstart,secondsin21hrs); require(now < reservationstart21Hrs,"Reservation Can be CANCELLED upto 21 Hrs after reservation start"); uint rsvbalance = thisreservation.advancepayment; thisreservation.advancepayment = 0; thisreservation.rstatus = reservationstatus.CANCELLED; //Guest is refunded the entire advance payment balance daiToken.transfer(thisreservation.guest, rsvbalance); emit ReservationStatusEvent(rsvid, thisreservation.rstatus, thisreservation.advancepayment, now); } function setGuestCancelReservation(bytes32 rsvid) external onlyGuest(rsvid) { /* 1) Guest can cancel the reservation upto 21 Hrs after reservation start if ACTIVATED 2) If length of stay is 5 days or less, cancel upto 3 days before reservation start, otherwise a cancellation fee of dailyprice is applied 3) If length of stay is greater than 5 days, cancel upto 5 days before reservation start, otherwise a cancellation fee of 2*dailyprice is applied */ Reservation storage thisreservation = Reservations[rsvid]; require(thisreservation.rstatus == reservationstatus.ACTIVATED,"Reservation must be ACTIVATED"); uint reservationstart21Hrs = mathlib.add(thisreservation.reservationstart,secondsin21hrs); require(now < reservationstart21Hrs,"Guest can only cancel upto 21 Hrs after reservation start"); uint lengthofstay = mathlib.calculatereservationdays(thisreservation.reservationstart,thisreservation.reservationend); uint cancellationperiod = lengthofstay > 5 ? 5 : 3; uint rsvbalance = thisreservation.advancepayment; thisreservation.advancepayment = 0; thisreservation.rstatus = reservationstatus.CANCELLED; if (now < mathlib.sub(thisreservation.reservationstart,mathlib.mul(cancellationperiod,secondsinday))) { daiToken.transfer(thisreservation.guest,rsvbalance); } else { uint cancellationfee = lengthofstay > 5 ? mathlib.mul(thisreservation.dailyprice,2) : thisreservation.dailyprice; uint guestdue = mathlib.sub(rsvbalance,cancellationfee); //Host gets compensated for cancellation daiToken.transfer(,cancellationfee); //Guest gets refunded the remaining balance if (guestdue > 0) { daiToken.transfer(thisreservation.guest,guestdue); } } emit ReservationStatusEvent(rsvid, thisreservation.rstatus, thisreservation.advancepayment, now); } function setHostClaimsRent(bytes32 rsvid) external onlyHost(rsvid) { /* Host can claim the rent 21 Hrs after reservation start */ Reservation storage thisreservation = Reservations[rsvid]; require(thisreservation.rstatus == reservationstatus.ACTIVATED,"Reservation must be ACTIVATED"); uint reservationstart21Hrs = mathlib.add(thisreservation.reservationstart,secondsin21hrs); require(now >= reservationstart21Hrs,"Host can only claim the rent 21 Hrs after reservation start"); uint rsvbalance = thisreservation.advancepayment; thisreservation.advancepayment = 0; thisreservation.rstatus = reservationstatus.COMPLETED; //Host claims the entire advance payment balance daiToken.transfer(,rsvbalance); emit ReservationStatusEvent(rsvid, thisreservation.rstatus, thisreservation.advancepayment, now); } function setHostRefundsPartRent(bytes32 rsvid, uint refundamount) external onlyHost(rsvid) { /* 1) Host can refund the Guest a part or full amount 21 Hrs after reservation start 2) The remaining balance if any will be transferred to the Host. */ Reservation storage thisreservation = Reservations[rsvid]; require(thisreservation.rstatus == reservationstatus.ACTIVATED, "Reservation has to be ACTIVATED"); uint reservationstart21Hrs = mathlib.add(thisreservation.reservationstart,secondsin21hrs); require(now >= reservationstart21Hrs, "Host can refund part of contract balance 21 Hrs after Reservation Start"); uint rsvbalance = thisreservation.advancepayment; require(refundamount > 0 && refundamount <= rsvbalance, "Refund amount should be > 0 && <= rsvbalance"); uint hostdue = mathlib.sub(rsvbalance,refundamount); thisreservation.advancepayment = 0; thisreservation.rstatus = reservationstatus.COMPLETED; //The refund amount is transferred to the guest daiToken.transfer(thisreservation.guest,refundamount); //The remaining amount is transferred to the Host if (hostdue > 0) { daiToken.transfer(,hostdue); } emit ReservationStatusEvent(rsvid, thisreservation.rstatus, thisreservation.advancepayment, now); } }
[ 16 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements: * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract TFI is ERC20 { constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) ERC20(name, symbol) public { _mint(msg.sender, 1000000000 * 10 ** uint(decimals())); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract Ownable is Context { address private _owner; address private proposedOwner; event OwnershipTransferred( address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner ); /** * @dev Initializes the contract setting the deployer as the initial owner. */ constructor() internal { address msgSender = _msgSender(); _owner = msgSender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), msgSender); } /** * @dev Returns the address of the current owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(_owner == _msgSender(), "Ownable: caller is not the owner"); _; } /** * @dev Leaves the contract without owner. It will not be possible to call * `onlyOwner` functions anymore. Can only be called by the current owner. * * NOTE: Renouncing ownership will leave the contract without an owner, * thereby removing any functionality that is only available to the owner. */ function renounceOwnership() public virtual onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); proposedOwner = address(0); } /** * @dev Proposes a new owner of the contract to a new account (`newOwner`). * Can only be called by the current owner. */ function proposeOwner(address _proposedOwner) public onlyOwner { require(msg.sender != _proposedOwner, "ERROR_CALLER_ALREADY_OWNER"); proposedOwner = _proposedOwner; } /** * @dev If the address has been proposed, it can accept the ownership, * Can only be called by the current proposed owner. */ function claimOwnership() public { require(msg.sender == proposedOwner, "ERROR_NOT_PROPOSED_OWNER"); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, proposedOwner); _owner = proposedOwner; proposedOwner = address(0); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowances; uint256 private _totalSupply; string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner` s tokens. * * This internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract BambooToken is ERC20("BambooDeFi", "BAMBOO"), Ownable { using SafeMath for uint256; /// @dev A record of each accounts delegate mapping(address => address) internal _delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint256 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping(address => mapping(uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping(address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256( "EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)" ); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256( "Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)" ); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping(address => uint256) public nonces; /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged( address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate ); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged( address indexed delegate, uint256 previousBalance, uint256 newBalance ); event Minted( address indexed minter, address indexed receiver, uint256 mintAmount ); event Burned(address indexed burner, uint256 burnAmount); function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public onlyOwner { _mint(_to, _amount); emit Minted(owner(), _to, _amount); } function burn(uint256 _amount) public { _burn(msg.sender, _amount); emit Burned(msg.sender, _amount); } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to */ function delegate(address delegatee) external { return _delegate(msg.sender, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegates votes from signatory to `delegatee` * @param delegatee The address to delegate votes to * @param nonce The contract state required to match the signature * @param expiry The time at which to expire the signature * @param v The recovery byte of the signature * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair */ function delegateBySig( address delegatee, uint256 nonce, uint256 expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s ) external { bytes32 domainSeparator = keccak256( abi.encode( DOMAIN_TYPEHASH, keccak256(bytes(name())), getChainId(), address(this) ) ); bytes32 structHash = keccak256( abi.encode(DELEGATION_TYPEHASH, delegatee, nonce, expiry) ); bytes32 digest = keccak256( abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", domainSeparator, structHash) ); address signatory = ecrecover(digest, v, r, s); require( signatory != address(0), "BAMBOO::delegateBySig: invalid signature" ); require( nonce == nonces[signatory]++, "BAMBOO::delegateBySig: invalid nonce" ); require(now <= expiry, "BAMBOO::delegateBySig: signature expired"); return _delegate(signatory, delegatee); } /** * @notice Delegate votes from `msg.sender` to `delegatee` * @param delegator The address to get delegatee for */ function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address) { return _delegates[delegator]; } /** * @notice Gets the current votes balance for `account` * @param account The address to get votes balance * @return The number of current votes for `account` */ function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256) { uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; return nCheckpoints > 0 ? checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes : 0; } /** * @notice Determine the prior number of votes for an account as of a block number * @dev Block number must be a finalized block or else this function will revert to prevent misinformation. * @param account The address of the account to check * @param blockNumber The block number to get the vote balance at * @return The number of votes the account had as of the given block */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256) { require( blockNumber < block.number, "BAMBOO::getPriorVotes: not yet determined" ); uint32 nCheckpoints = numCheckpoints[account]; if (nCheckpoints == 0) { return 0; } // First check most recent balance if (checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock <= blockNumber) { return checkpoints[account][nCheckpoints - 1].votes; } // Next check implicit zero balance if (checkpoints[account][0].fromBlock > blockNumber) { return 0; } uint32 lower = 0; uint32 upper = nCheckpoints - 1; while (upper > lower) { uint32 center = upper - (upper - lower) / 2; // ceil, avoiding overflow Checkpoint memory cp = checkpoints[account][center]; if (cp.fromBlock == blockNumber) { return cp.votes; } else if (cp.fromBlock < blockNumber) { lower = center; } else { upper = center - 1; } } return checkpoints[account][lower].votes; } function _delegate(address delegator, address delegatee) internal { address currentDelegate = _delegates[delegator]; uint256 delegatorBalance = balanceOf(delegator); // balance of underlying BAMBOOs (not scaled); _delegates[delegator] = delegatee; emit DelegateChanged(delegator, currentDelegate, delegatee); _moveDelegates(currentDelegate, delegatee, delegatorBalance); } function _moveDelegates( address srcRep, address dstRep, uint256 amount ) internal { if (srcRep != dstRep && amount > 0) { if (srcRep != address(0)) { // decrease old representative uint32 srcRepNum = numCheckpoints[srcRep]; uint256 srcRepOld = srcRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[srcRep][srcRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 srcRepNew = srcRepOld.sub(amount); _writeCheckpoint(srcRep, srcRepNum, srcRepOld, srcRepNew); } if (dstRep != address(0)) { // increase new representative uint32 dstRepNum = numCheckpoints[dstRep]; uint256 dstRepOld = dstRepNum > 0 ? checkpoints[dstRep][dstRepNum - 1].votes : 0; uint256 dstRepNew = dstRepOld.add(amount); _writeCheckpoint(dstRep, dstRepNum, dstRepOld, dstRepNew); } } } function _writeCheckpoint( address delegatee, uint32 nCheckpoints, uint256 oldVotes, uint256 newVotes ) internal { uint256 blockNumber = block.number; if ( nCheckpoints > 0 && checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].fromBlock == blockNumber ) { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints - 1].votes = newVotes; } else { checkpoints[delegatee][nCheckpoints] = Checkpoint( blockNumber, newVotes ); numCheckpoints[delegatee] = nCheckpoints + 1; } emit DelegateVotesChanged(delegatee, oldVotes, newVotes); } function getChainId() internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 chainId; assembly { chainId := chainid() } return chainId; } function _beforeTokenTransfer( address from, address to, uint256 amount ) internal virtual override { _moveDelegates(_delegates[from], _delegates[to], amount); } }
[ 9 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } interface sbControllerInterface { function requestRewards(address miner, uint256 amount) external; function isValuePoolAccepted(address valuePool) external view returns (bool); function getValuePoolRewards(address valuePool, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); function getValuePoolMiningFee(address valuePool) external returns (uint256, uint256); function getValuePoolUnminingFee(address valuePool) external returns (uint256, uint256); function getValuePoolClaimingFee(address valuePool) external returns (uint256, uint256); function isServicePoolAccepted(address servicePool) external view returns (bool); function getServicePoolRewards(address servicePool, uint256 day) external view returns (uint256); function getServicePoolClaimingFee(address servicePool) external returns (uint256, uint256); function getServicePoolRequestFeeInWei(address servicePool) external returns (uint256); function getVoteForServicePoolsCount() external view returns (uint256); function getVoteForServicesCount() external view returns (uint256); function getVoteCastersRewards(uint256 dayNumber) external view returns (uint256); function getVoteReceiversRewards(uint256 dayNumber) external view returns (uint256); function getMinerMinMineDays() external view returns (uint256); function getServiceMinMineDays() external view returns (uint256); function getMinerMinMineAmountInWei() external view returns (uint256); function getServiceMinMineAmountInWei() external view returns (uint256); function getValuePoolVestingDays(address valuePool) external view returns (uint256); function getServicePoolVestingDays(address poservicePoolol) external view returns (uint256); function getVoteCasterVestingDays() external view returns (uint256); function getVoteReceiverVestingDays() external view returns (uint256); } interface sbEthFeePoolInterface { function deposit() external payable; } contract sbStrongBasicValuePool { using SafeMath for uint256; bool public initDone; address public admin; address public pendingAdmin; address public superAdmin; address public pendingSuperAdmin; sbEthFeePoolInterface public sbEthFeePool; sbControllerInterface public sbController; IERC20 public token; mapping(address => uint256[]) public minerMineDays; mapping(address => uint256[]) public minerMineAmounts; mapping(address => uint256[]) public minerMineMineSeconds; uint256[] public mineDays; uint256[] public mineAmounts; uint256[] public mineMineSeconds; mapping(address => uint256) public minerDayLastClaimedFor; mapping(address => bool) public whitelist; mapping(address => uint256) public whitelistAmount; bool public whitelistActive; function init( address sbEthFeePoolAddress, address sbControllerAddress, address tokenAddress, address adminAddress, address superAdminAddress ) public { require(!initDone, "init done"); sbEthFeePool = sbEthFeePoolInterface(sbEthFeePoolAddress); sbController = sbControllerInterface(sbControllerAddress); token = IERC20(tokenAddress); admin = adminAddress; superAdmin = superAdminAddress; initDone = true; } // ADMIN // ************************************************************************************* function setPendingAdmin(address newPendingAdmin) public { require(msg.sender == admin, "not admin"); pendingAdmin = newPendingAdmin; } function acceptAdmin() public { require( msg.sender == pendingAdmin && msg.sender != address(0), "not pendingAdmin" ); admin = pendingAdmin; pendingAdmin = address(0); } function setPendingSuperAdmin(address newPendingSuperAdmin) public { require(msg.sender == superAdmin, "not superAdmin"); pendingSuperAdmin = newPendingSuperAdmin; } function acceptSuperAdmin() public { require( msg.sender == pendingSuperAdmin && msg.sender != address(0), "not pendingSuperAdmin" ); superAdmin = pendingSuperAdmin; pendingSuperAdmin = address(0); } // WHITELIST // ************************************************************************************* function addToWhitelist( address[] memory miners, uint256[] memory amountsInWei ) public { require(msg.sender == superAdmin, "not admin"); require(miners.length == amountsInWei.length, "lengths"); require(miners.length != 0, "zero"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < miners.length; i++) { require(!whitelist[miners[i]], "exists"); whitelist[miners[i]] = true; whitelistAmount[miners[i]] = amountsInWei[i]; } } function removeFromWhitelist(address miner) public { require(msg.sender == superAdmin, "not admin"); require(whitelist[miner], "invalid miner"); whitelist[miner] = false; whitelistAmount[miner] = 0; uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); (, uint256 amount, ) = _getMinerMineData(miner, currentDay); if (amount != 0) { _update( minerMineDays[miner], minerMineAmounts[miner], minerMineMineSeconds[miner], amount, false, currentDay ); _update( mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, amount, false, currentDay ); token.transfer(miner, amount); } } function setWhitelistActiveState(bool activeState) public { require(msg.sender == superAdmin, "not admin"); whitelistActive = activeState; } // MINING // ************************************************************************************* function mine(uint256 amount) public payable { require(amount > 0, "zero"); if (whitelistActive) { require(whitelist[msg.sender], "invalid miner"); require(amount <= whitelistAmount[msg.sender], "1: too much"); } uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); (, uint256 tokens, ) = _getMinerMineData(msg.sender, currentDay); require(tokens <= whitelistAmount[msg.sender], "2: too much"); (uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator) = sbController .getValuePoolMiningFee(address(this)); uint256 fee = amount.mul(numerator).div(denominator); require(msg.value == fee, "invalid fee"); sbEthFeePool.deposit{value: msg.value}(); token.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), amount); _update( minerMineDays[msg.sender], minerMineAmounts[msg.sender], minerMineMineSeconds[msg.sender], amount, true, currentDay ); _update( mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, amount, true, currentDay ); } function unmine(uint256 amount) public payable { require(amount > 0, "zero"); (uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator) = sbController .getValuePoolUnminingFee(address(this)); uint256 fee = amount.mul(numerator).div(denominator); require(msg.value == fee, "invalid fee"); sbEthFeePool.deposit{value: msg.value}(); uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); _update( minerMineDays[msg.sender], minerMineAmounts[msg.sender], minerMineMineSeconds[msg.sender], amount, false, currentDay ); _update( mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, amount, false, currentDay ); token.transfer(msg.sender, amount); } function getMinerDayLastClaimedFor(address miner) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 len = minerMineDays[miner].length; if (len != 0) { return minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] == 0 ? minerMineDays[miner][0].sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner]; } return 0; } function getMinerMineData(address miner, uint256 dayNumber) public view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256 day = dayNumber == 0 ? _getCurrentDay() : dayNumber; return _getMinerMineData(miner, day); } function getMineData(uint256 dayNumber) public view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256 day = dayNumber == 0 ? _getCurrentDay() : dayNumber; return _getMineData(day); } // CLAIMING // ************************************************************************************* function claimAll() public payable { uint256 len = minerMineDays[msg.sender].length; require(len != 0, "no mines"); uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender] == 0 ? minerMineDays[msg.sender][0].sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender]; uint256 vestingDays = sbController.getValuePoolVestingDays( address(this) ); require( currentDay > dayLastClaimedFor.add(vestingDays), "already claimed" ); // fee is calculated in _claim _claim(currentDay, msg.sender, dayLastClaimedFor, vestingDays); } function claimUpTo(uint256 day) public payable { uint256 len = minerMineDays[msg.sender].length; require(len != 0, "no mines"); require(day <= _getCurrentDay(), "invalid day"); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender] == 0 ? minerMineDays[msg.sender][0].sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[msg.sender]; uint256 vestingDays = sbController.getValuePoolVestingDays( address(this) ); require(day > dayLastClaimedFor.add(vestingDays), "already claimed"); // fee is calculated in _claim _claim(day, msg.sender, dayLastClaimedFor, vestingDays); } function getRewardsDueAll(address miner) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 len = minerMineDays[miner].length; if (len == 0) { return 0; } uint256 currentDay = _getCurrentDay(); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] == 0 ? minerMineDays[miner][0].sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner]; uint256 vestingDays = sbController.getValuePoolVestingDays( address(this) ); if (!(currentDay > dayLastClaimedFor.add(vestingDays))) { return 0; } return _getRewardsDue(currentDay, miner, dayLastClaimedFor, vestingDays); } function getRewardsDueUpTo(uint256 day, address miner) public view returns (uint256) { uint256 len = minerMineDays[miner].length; if (len == 0) { return 0; } require(day <= _getCurrentDay(), "invalid day"); uint256 dayLastClaimedFor = minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] == 0 ? minerMineDays[miner][0].sub(1) : minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner]; uint256 vestingDays = sbController.getValuePoolVestingDays( address(this) ); if (!(day > dayLastClaimedFor.add(vestingDays))) { return 0; } return _getRewardsDue(day, miner, dayLastClaimedFor, vestingDays); } // SUPPORT // ************************************************************************************* function _getMinerMineData(address miner, uint256 day) internal view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256[] memory _Days = minerMineDays[miner]; uint256[] memory _Amounts = minerMineAmounts[miner]; uint256[] memory _UnitSeconds = minerMineMineSeconds[miner]; return _get(_Days, _Amounts, _UnitSeconds, day); } function _getMineData(uint256 day) internal view returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { return _get(mineDays, mineAmounts, mineMineSeconds, day); } function _get( uint256[] memory _Days, uint256[] memory _Amounts, uint256[] memory _UnitSeconds, uint256 day ) internal pure returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256 len = _Days.length; if (len == 0) { return (day, 0, 0); } if (day < _Days[0]) { return (day, 0, 0); } uint256 lastIndex = len.sub(1); uint256 lastMinedDay = _Days[lastIndex]; if (day == lastMinedDay) { return (day, _Amounts[lastIndex], _UnitSeconds[lastIndex]); } else if (day > lastMinedDay) { return (day, _Amounts[lastIndex], _Amounts[lastIndex].mul(1 days)); } return _find(_Days, _Amounts, _UnitSeconds, day); } function _find( uint256[] memory _Days, uint256[] memory _Amounts, uint256[] memory _UnitSeconds, uint256 day ) internal pure returns ( uint256, uint256, uint256 ) { uint256 left = 0; uint256 right = _Days.length.sub(1); uint256 middle = right.add(left).div(2); while (left < right) { if (_Days[middle] == day) { return (day, _Amounts[middle], _UnitSeconds[middle]); } else if (_Days[middle] > day) { if (middle > 0 && _Days[middle.sub(1)] < day) { return ( day, _Amounts[middle.sub(1)], _Amounts[middle.sub(1)].mul(1 days) ); } if (middle == 0) { return (day, 0, 0); } right = middle.sub(1); } else if (_Days[middle] < day) { if ( middle < _Days.length.sub(1) && _Days[middle.add(1)] > day ) { return ( day, _Amounts[middle], _Amounts[middle].mul(1 days) ); } left = middle.add(1); } middle = right.add(left).div(2); } if (_Days[middle] != day) { return (day, 0, 0); } else { return (day, _Amounts[middle], _UnitSeconds[middle]); } } function _update( uint256[] storage _Days, uint256[] storage _Amounts, uint256[] storage _UnitSeconds, uint256 amount, bool adding, uint256 currentDay ) internal { uint256 len = _Days.length; uint256 secondsInADay = 1 days; uint256 secondsSinceStartOfDay = block.timestamp % secondsInADay; uint256 secondsUntilEndOfDay = secondsInADay.sub( secondsSinceStartOfDay ); if (len == 0) { if (adding) { _Days.push(currentDay); _Amounts.push(amount); _UnitSeconds.push(amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay)); } else { require(false, "1: not enough mine"); } } else { uint256 lastIndex = len.sub(1); uint256 lastMinedDay = _Days[lastIndex]; uint256 lastMinedAmount = _Amounts[lastIndex]; uint256 lastUnitSeconds = _UnitSeconds[lastIndex]; uint256 newAmount; uint256 newUnitSeconds; if (lastMinedDay == currentDay) { if (adding) { newAmount = lastMinedAmount.add(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastUnitSeconds.add( amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay) ); } else { require(lastMinedAmount >= amount, "2: not enough mine"); newAmount = lastMinedAmount.sub(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastUnitSeconds.sub( amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay) ); } _Amounts[lastIndex] = newAmount; _UnitSeconds[lastIndex] = newUnitSeconds; } else { if (adding) { newAmount = lastMinedAmount.add(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastMinedAmount.mul(1 days).add( amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay) ); } else { require(lastMinedAmount >= amount, "3: not enough mine"); newAmount = lastMinedAmount.sub(amount); newUnitSeconds = lastMinedAmount.mul(1 days).sub( amount.mul(secondsUntilEndOfDay) ); } _Days.push(currentDay); _Amounts.push(newAmount); _UnitSeconds.push(newUnitSeconds); } } } function _claim( uint256 upToDay, address miner, uint256 dayLastClaimedFor, uint256 vestingDays ) internal { uint256 rewards = _getRewardsDue( upToDay, miner, dayLastClaimedFor, vestingDays ); require(rewards > 0, "no rewards"); (uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator) = sbController .getValuePoolClaimingFee(address(this)); uint256 fee = rewards.mul(numerator).div(denominator); require(msg.value == fee, "invalid fee"); sbEthFeePool.deposit{value: msg.value}(); minerDayLastClaimedFor[miner] = upToDay.sub(vestingDays); sbController.requestRewards(miner, rewards); } function _getRewardsDue( uint256 upToDay, address miner, uint256 dayLastClaimedFor, uint256 vestingDays ) internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 rewards; for ( uint256 day = dayLastClaimedFor.add(1); day <= upToDay.sub(vestingDays); day++ ) { (, , uint256 minerMineSecondsForDay) = _getMinerMineData( miner, day ); (, , uint256 mineSecondsForDay) = _getMineData(day); if (mineSecondsForDay == 0) { continue; } uint256 availableRewards = sbController.getValuePoolRewards( address(this), day ); uint256 amount = availableRewards.mul(minerMineSecondsForDay).div( mineSecondsForDay ); rewards = rewards.add(amount); } return rewards; } function _getCurrentDay() internal view returns (uint256) { return block.timestamp.div(1 days).add(1); } }
[ 10, 9, 16 ]
pragma solidity 0.5.17; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) =""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) =; if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transfer.selector, to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.transferFrom.selector, from, to, value)); } /** * @dev Deprecated. This function has issues similar to the ones found in * {IERC20-approve}, and its usage is discouraged. * * Whenever possible, use {safeIncreaseAllowance} and * {safeDecreaseAllowance} instead. */ function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(address(this), spender) == 0), "SafeERC20: approve from non-zero to non-zero allowance" ); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value, "SafeERC20: decreased allowance below zero"); _callOptionalReturn(token, abi.encodeWithSelector(token.approve.selector, spender, newAllowance)); } /** * @dev Imitates a Solidity high-level call (i.e. a regular function call to a contract), relaxing the requirement * on the return value: the return value is optional (but if data is returned, it must not be false). * @param token The token targeted by the call. * @param data The call data (encoded using abi.encode or one of its variants). */ function _callOptionalReturn(IERC20 token, bytes memory data) private { // We need to perform a low level call here, to bypass Solidity's return data size checking mechanism, since // we're implementing it ourselves. We use {Address.functionCall} to perform this call, which verifies that // the target address contains contract code and also asserts for success in the low-level call. bytes memory returndata = address(token).functionCall(data, "SafeERC20: low-level call failed"); if (returndata.length > 0) { // Return data is optional // solhint-disable-next-line max-line-length require(abi.decode(returndata, (bool)), "SafeERC20: ERC20 operation did not succeed"); } } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } } contract HAMReserves { // Token that serves as a reserve for HAM address public reserveToken; address public gov; address public pendingGov; address public rebaser; address public hamAddress; /*** Gov Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when rebaser is changed */ event NewRebaser(address oldRebaser, address newRebaser); modifier onlyGov() { require(msg.sender == gov); _; } constructor( address reserveToken_, address hamAddress_ ) public { reserveToken = reserveToken_; hamAddress = hamAddress_; gov = msg.sender; } function _setRebaser(address rebaser_) external onlyGov { address oldRebaser = rebaser; HAMTokenInterface(hamAddress).decreaseAllowance(oldRebaser, uint256(-1)); rebaser = rebaser_; HAMTokenInterface(hamAddress).approve(rebaser_, uint256(-1)); emit NewRebaser(oldRebaser, rebaser_); } /** @notice sets the pendingGov * @param pendingGov_ The address of the rebaser contract to use for authentication. */ function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external onlyGov { address oldPendingGov = pendingGov; pendingGov = pendingGov_; emit NewPendingGov(oldPendingGov, pendingGov_); } /** * @notice lets msg.sender accept governance */ function _acceptGov() external { require(msg.sender == pendingGov, "!pending"); address oldGov = gov; gov = pendingGov; pendingGov = address(0); emit NewGov(oldGov, gov); } /// @notice Moves all tokens to a new reserve contract function migrateReserves( address newReserve, address[] memory tokens ) public onlyGov { for (uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { IERC20 token = IERC20(tokens[i]); uint256 bal = token.balanceOf(address(this)); SafeERC20.safeTransfer(token, newReserve, bal); } } /// @notice Gets the current amount of reserves token held by this contract function reserves() public view returns (uint256) { return IERC20(reserveToken).balanceOf(address(this)); } } contract HAMGovernanceStorage { /// @notice A record of each accounts delegate mapping (address => address) internal _delegates; /// @notice A checkpoint for marking number of votes from a given block struct Checkpoint { uint32 fromBlock; uint256 votes; } /// @notice A record of votes checkpoints for each account, by index mapping (address => mapping (uint32 => Checkpoint)) public checkpoints; /// @notice The number of checkpoints for each account mapping (address => uint32) public numCheckpoints; /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the contract's domain bytes32 public constant DOMAIN_TYPEHASH = keccak256("EIP712Domain(string name,uint256 chainId,address verifyingContract)"); /// @notice The EIP-712 typehash for the delegation struct used by the contract bytes32 public constant DELEGATION_TYPEHASH = keccak256("Delegation(address delegatee,uint256 nonce,uint256 expiry)"); /// @notice A record of states for signing / validating signatures mapping (address => uint) public nonces; } contract HAMTokenStorage { using SafeMath for uint256; /** * @dev Guard variable for re-entrancy checks. Not currently used */ bool internal _notEntered; /** * @notice EIP-20 token name for this token */ string public name; /** * @notice EIP-20 token symbol for this token */ string public symbol; /** * @notice EIP-20 token decimals for this token */ uint8 public decimals; /** * @notice Governor for this contract */ address public gov; /** * @notice Pending governance for this contract */ address public pendingGov; /** * @notice Approved rebaser for this contract */ address public rebaser; /** * @notice Reserve address of HAM protocol */ address public incentivizer; /** * @notice Total supply of HAMs */ uint256 public totalSupply; /** * @notice Internal decimals used to handle scaling factor */ uint256 public constant internalDecimals = 10**24; /** * @notice Used for percentage maths */ uint256 public constant BASE = 10**18; /** * @notice Scaling factor that adjusts everyone's balances */ uint256 public hamsScalingFactor; mapping (address => uint256) internal _hamBalances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowedFragments; uint256 public initSupply; address public farmRegistry; } contract HAMTokenInterface is HAMTokenStorage, HAMGovernanceStorage { /// @notice An event thats emitted when an account changes its delegate event DelegateChanged(address indexed delegator, address indexed fromDelegate, address indexed toDelegate); /// @notice An event thats emitted when a delegate account's vote balance changes event DelegateVotesChanged(address indexed delegate, uint previousBalance, uint newBalance); /** * @notice Event emitted when tokens are rebased */ event Rebase(uint256 epoch, uint256 prevHamsScalingFactor, uint256 newHamsScalingFactor); /*** Gov Events ***/ /** * @notice Event emitted when pendingGov is changed */ event NewPendingGov(address oldPendingGov, address newPendingGov); /** * @notice Event emitted when gov is changed */ event NewGov(address oldGov, address newGov); /** * @notice Sets the rebaser contract */ event NewRebaser(address oldRebaser, address newRebaser); /** * @notice Sets the incentivizer contract */ event NewIncentivizer(address oldIncentivizer, address newIncentivizer); /* - ERC20 Events - */ /** * @notice EIP20 Transfer event */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint amount); /** * @notice EIP20 Approval event */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint amount); /* - Extra Events - */ /** * @notice Tokens minted event */ event Mint(address to, uint256 amount); // Public functions function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns(bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns(bool); function balanceOf(address who) external view returns(uint256); function balanceOfUnderlying(address who) external view returns(uint256); function allowance(address owner_, address spender) external view returns(uint256); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) external returns (bool); function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) external returns (bool); function maxScalingFactor() external view returns (uint256); /* - Governance Functions - */ function getPriorVotes(address account, uint blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function delegateBySig(address delegatee, uint nonce, uint expiry, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) external; function delegate(address delegatee) external; function delegates(address delegator) external view returns (address); function getCurrentVotes(address account) external view returns (uint256); /* - Permissioned/Governance functions - */ function mint(address to, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); function rebase(uint256 epoch, uint256 indexDelta, bool positive) external returns (uint256); function _setRebaser(address rebaser_) external; function _setIncentivizer(address incentivizer_) external; function _setPendingGov(address pendingGov_) external; function _acceptGov() external; }
[ 7, 5 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.5; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); } interface ProtocolAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return "Asset" or "Debt". * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function adapterType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return token type (default is "ERC20"). * SHOULD be implemented by the public constant state variable. */ function tokenType() external pure returns (string memory); /** * @dev MUST return amount of the given token locked on the protocol by the given account. */ function getBalance(address token, address account) external view returns (uint256); } interface Vesting { } contract CurveVestingAdapter is ProtocolAdapter { string public constant override adapterType = "Asset"; string public constant override tokenType = "ERC20"; address internal constant VESTING = 0x575CCD8e2D300e2377B43478339E364000318E2c; /** * @return Amount of withdrawable CRV tokens for a given account. * @dev Implementation of ProtocolAdapter interface function. */ function getBalance(address, address account) external view override returns (uint256) { return ERC20(VESTING).balanceOf(account); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.1; contract Lion { using SafeMath for uint256; string public constant name = "Cryptoenter LION token"; string public constant symbol = "LION"; uint8 public constant decimals = 8; uint256 public constant decimals_multiplier = 100_000_000; address adminAddress = address(0x0); event Approval(address indexed tokenOwner, address indexed spender, uint tokens); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens); mapping(address => uint256) balances; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) allowed; mapping(address => bool) tempNotLockedAccounts; uint256 totalSupply_; uint temporarilyLockDate = 0; bool suspended = false; mapping(address => bool) suspendedAccounts; struct Issue { uint availableFromTimestamp; uint256 amount; bool complete; } struct IssueStage { uint currentN; uint count30; uint count; } mapping(uint => Issue[3]) issuePeriods; IssueStage issueStage = IssueStage(0, 0, 0); modifier enabled() { require(((block.timestamp > temporarilyLockDate || tempNotLockedAccounts[msg.sender] == true) && !suspended && suspendedAccounts[msg.sender] != true) || msg.sender == adminAddress); _; } /** * @dev Fix for the ERC20 short address attack. */ modifier onlyPayloadSize(uint size) { require( >= size + 4); _; } constructor(uint256 totalSupply, uint lockDate) public { totalSupply_ = totalSupply.mul(decimals_multiplier); temporarilyLockDate = lockDate; balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply_; adminAddress = msg.sender; // 167099833 // issuePeriods[0][0] = Issue(1599868800, 128538333, false); // issuePeriods[0][1] = Issue(1599868800, 25707667, false); // issuePeriods[0][2] = Issue(1599868800, 12853833, false); issuePeriods[0][0] = Issue(1638316800, 403815084, false); issuePeriods[0][1] = Issue(1633046400, 80763017, false); issuePeriods[0][2] = Issue(1633046400, 40381508, false); issuePeriods[1][0] = Issue(1701648000, 1268622500, false); issuePeriods[1][1] = Issue(1696377600, 253724500, false); issuePeriods[1][2] = Issue(1696377600, 126862250, false); issuePeriods[2][0] = Issue(1764547200, 3985495127, false); issuePeriods[2][1] = Issue(1759276800, 797099025, false); issuePeriods[2][2] = Issue(1759276800, 398549513, false); issuePeriods[3][0] = Issue(1827619200, 12520802212, false); issuePeriods[3][1] = Issue(1822348800, 2504160442, false); issuePeriods[3][2] = Issue(1822348800, 1252080221, false); issuePeriods[4][0] = Issue(1890950400, 39335260244, false); issuePeriods[4][1] = Issue(1885680000, 7867052049, false); issuePeriods[4][2] = Issue(1885680000, 3933526024, false); issuePeriods[5][0] = Issue(1985472000, 123575364606, false); issuePeriods[5][1] = Issue(1980201600, 24715072921, false); issuePeriods[5][2] = Issue(1980201600, 12357536461, false); issuePeriods[6][0] = Issue(2080252800, 388223457599, false); issuePeriods[6][1] = Issue(2074982400, 77644691520, false); issuePeriods[6][2] = Issue(2074982400, 38822345760, false); issuePeriods[7][0] = Issue(2206483200, 1219639962308, false); issuePeriods[7][1] = Issue(2201212800, 243927992462, false); issuePeriods[7][2] = Issue(2201212800, 121963996231, false); issuePeriods[8][0] = Issue(2364163200, 2005198000000, false); issuePeriods[8][1] = Issue(2358892800, 401039600000, false); issuePeriods[8][2] = Issue(2358892800, 200519800000, false); } function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256) { return totalSupply_; } function balanceOf(address tokenOwner) public view returns (uint) { return balances[tokenOwner]; } function transfer(address receiver, uint numTokens) enabled onlyPayloadSize(2 * 32) public returns (bool) { require(numTokens <= balances[msg.sender]); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(numTokens); balances[receiver] = balances[receiver].add(numTokens); emit Transfer(msg.sender, receiver, numTokens); return true; } function approve(address delegate, uint numTokens) enabled public returns (bool) { allowed[msg.sender][delegate] = numTokens; emit Approval(msg.sender, delegate, numTokens); return true; } function allowance(address owner, address delegate) public view returns (uint) { return allowed[owner][delegate]; } function transferFrom(address owner, address buyer, uint numTokens) enabled onlyPayloadSize(2 * 32) public returns (bool) { require(numTokens <= balances[owner]); require(numTokens <= allowed[owner][msg.sender]); balances[owner] = balances[owner].sub(numTokens); allowed[owner][msg.sender] = allowed[owner][msg.sender].sub(numTokens); balances[buyer] = balances[buyer].add(numTokens); emit Transfer(owner, buyer, numTokens); return true; } //Admin functions modifier fromAdmin() { require(msg.sender == adminAddress); _; } function addTotalSupply(uint256 amount) fromAdmin private returns (uint256) { totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.add(amount); balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(amount); return totalSupply_; } function tempNotLockedAccount(address account) fromAdmin public returns (bool) { tempNotLockedAccounts[account] = !tempNotLockedAccounts[account]; return tempNotLockedAccounts[account]; } function setTemporarilyLockDate(uint date) fromAdmin public returns (uint) { temporarilyLockDate = date; return temporarilyLockDate; } function suspend() fromAdmin public returns (bool) { suspended = !suspended; return suspended; } function suspendAccount(address account) fromAdmin public returns (bool) { suspendedAccounts[account] = !suspendedAccounts[account]; return suspendedAccounts[account]; } function issuePlanned() fromAdmin public returns (uint256) { if (issueStage.count == 3) { issueStage.currentN += 1; issueStage.count30 = 0; issueStage.count = 0; } require(issueStage.currentN < 9, "All issues completed"); uint256 amount = 0; uint countBefore = issueStage.count; Issue[3] storage issues = issuePeriods[issueStage.currentN]; for (uint i = 0; i < issues.length; i++) { if (!issues[i].complete) { if (block.timestamp >= issues[i].availableFromTimestamp) { issueStage.count += 1; issues[i].complete = true; amount += issues[i].amount; } } } require(countBefore < issueStage.count, "Too early to issue"); addTotalSupply(amount.mul(decimals_multiplier)); return totalSupply_; } function issue30Percent() fromAdmin public returns (uint256) { require(issueStage.count30 < 5, "The fifth 30 percent issue completed"); uint256 amount = totalSupply_.div(100).mul(30); addTotalSupply(amount); issueStage.count30 += 1; return totalSupply_; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } }
[ 4 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; interface ILockStorage { function isLocked(address _wallet) external view returns (bool); function getLock(address _wallet) external view returns (uint256); function getLocker(address _wallet) external view returns (address); function setLock(address _wallet, address _locker, uint256 _releaseAfter) external; } interface IModule { /** * @notice Inits a module for a wallet by e.g. setting some wallet specific parameters in storage. * @param _wallet The wallet. */ function init(address _wallet) external; /** * @notice Adds a module to a wallet. Cannot execute when wallet is locked (or under recovery) * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @param _module The modules to authorise. */ function addModule(address _wallet, address _module) external; } interface IWallet { /** * @notice Returns the wallet owner. * @return The wallet owner address. */ function owner() external view returns (address); /** * @notice Returns the number of authorised modules. * @return The number of authorised modules. */ function modules() external view returns (uint); /** * @notice Sets a new owner for the wallet. * @param _newOwner The new owner. */ function setOwner(address _newOwner) external; /** * @notice Checks if a module is authorised on the wallet. * @param _module The module address to check. * @return `true` if the module is authorised, otherwise `false`. */ function authorised(address _module) external view returns (bool); /** * @notice Returns the module responsible for a static call redirection. * @param _sig The signature of the static call. * @return the module doing the redirection */ function enabled(bytes4 _sig) external view returns (address); /** * @notice Enables/Disables a module. * @param _module The target module. * @param _value Set to `true` to authorise the module. */ function authoriseModule(address _module, bool _value) external; /** * @notice Enables a static method by specifying the target module to which the call must be delegated. * @param _module The target module. * @param _method The static method signature. */ function enableStaticCall(address _module, bytes4 _method) external; } contract Storage { /** * @notice Throws if the caller is not an authorised module. */ modifier onlyModule(address _wallet) { require(IWallet(_wallet).authorised(msg.sender), "TS: must be an authorized module to call this method"); _; } } contract BaseWallet is IWallet { // The implementation of the proxy address public implementation; // The owner address public override owner; // The authorised modules mapping (address => bool) public override authorised; // The enabled static calls mapping (bytes4 => address) public override enabled; // The number of modules uint public override modules; event AuthorisedModule(address indexed module, bool value); event EnabledStaticCall(address indexed module, bytes4 indexed method); event Invoked(address indexed module, address indexed target, uint indexed value, bytes data); event Received(uint indexed value, address indexed sender, bytes data); event OwnerChanged(address owner); /** * @notice Throws if the sender is not an authorised module. */ modifier moduleOnly { require(authorised[msg.sender], "BW: msg.sender not an authorized module"); _; } /** * @notice Inits the wallet by setting the owner and authorising a list of modules. * @param _owner The owner. * @param _modules The modules to authorise. */ function init(address _owner, address[] calldata _modules) external { require(owner == address(0) && modules == 0, "BW: wallet already initialised"); require(_modules.length > 0, "BW: construction requires at least 1 module"); owner = _owner; modules = _modules.length; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _modules.length; i++) { require(authorised[_modules[i]] == false, "BW: module is already added"); authorised[_modules[i]] = true; IModule(_modules[i]).init(address(this)); emit AuthorisedModule(_modules[i], true); } if (address(this).balance > 0) { emit Received(address(this).balance, address(0), ""); } } /** * @inheritdoc IWallet */ function authoriseModule(address _module, bool _value) external override moduleOnly { if (authorised[_module] != _value) { emit AuthorisedModule(_module, _value); if (_value == true) { modules += 1; authorised[_module] = true; IModule(_module).init(address(this)); } else { modules -= 1; require(modules > 0, "BW: wallet must have at least one module"); delete authorised[_module]; } } } /** * @inheritdoc IWallet */ function enableStaticCall(address _module, bytes4 _method) external override moduleOnly { require(authorised[_module], "BW: must be an authorised module for static call"); enabled[_method] = _module; emit EnabledStaticCall(_module, _method); } /** * @inheritdoc IWallet */ function setOwner(address _newOwner) external override moduleOnly { require(_newOwner != address(0), "BW: address cannot be null"); owner = _newOwner; emit OwnerChanged(_newOwner); } /** * @notice Performs a generic transaction. * @param _target The address for the transaction. * @param _value The value of the transaction. * @param _data The data of the transaction. */ function invoke(address _target, uint _value, bytes calldata _data) external moduleOnly returns (bytes memory _result) { bool success; (success, _result) ={value: _value}(_data); if (!success) { // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) revert(0, returndatasize()) } } emit Invoked(msg.sender, _target, _value, _data); } /** * @notice This method delegates the static call to a target contract if the data corresponds * to an enabled module, or logs the call otherwise. */ fallback() external payable { address module = enabled[msg.sig]; if (module == address(0)) { emit Received(msg.value, msg.sender,; } else { require(authorised[module], "BW: must be an authorised module for static call"); // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize()) let result := staticcall(gas(), module, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0) returndatacopy(0, 0, returndatasize()) switch result case 0 {revert(0, returndatasize())} default {return (0, returndatasize())} } } } receive() external payable { } } contract LockStorage is ILockStorage, Storage { struct LockStorageConfig { // the lock's release timestamp uint256 lock; // the module that set the last lock address locker; } // wallet specific storage mapping (address => LockStorageConfig) internal configs; // *************** External Functions ********************* // /** * @dev Lets an authorised module set the lock for a wallet. * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @param _locker The feature doing the lock. * @param _releaseAfter The epoch time at which the lock should automatically release. */ function setLock(address _wallet, address _locker, uint256 _releaseAfter) external override onlyModule(_wallet) { configs[_wallet].lock = _releaseAfter; if (_releaseAfter != 0 && _locker != configs[_wallet].locker) { configs[_wallet].locker = _locker; } } /** * @dev Checks if the lock is set for a wallet. * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @return true if the lock is set for the wallet. */ function isLocked(address _wallet) external view override returns (bool) { return configs[_wallet].lock > now; } /** * @dev Gets the time at which the lock of a wallet will release. * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @return the time at which the lock of a wallet will release, or zero if there is no lock set. */ function getLock(address _wallet) external view override returns (uint256) { return configs[_wallet].lock; } /** * @dev Gets the address of the last module that modified the lock for a wallet. * @param _wallet The target wallet. * @return the address of the last module that modified the lock for a wallet. */ function getLocker(address _wallet) external view override returns (address) { return configs[_wallet].locker; } }
[ 11 ]
pragma solidity 0.6.12; contract Initializable { /** * @dev Indicates that the contract has been initialized. */ bool private initialized; /** * @dev Indicates that the contract is in the process of being initialized. */ bool private initializing; /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract. */ modifier initializer() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || !initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = true; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /** * @dev Modifier to use in the initializer function of a contract when upgrade EVEN times. */ modifier initializerEven() { require(initializing || isConstructor() || initialized, "Contract instance has already been initialized EVEN times"); bool isTopLevelCall = !initializing; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = true; initialized = false; } _; if (isTopLevelCall) { initializing = false; } } /// @dev Returns true if and only if the function is running in the constructor function isConstructor() private view returns (bool) { // extcodesize checks the size of the code stored in an address, and // address returns the current address. Since the code is still not // deployed when running a constructor, any checks on its code size will // yield zero, making it an effective way to detect if a contract is // under construction or not. address self = address(this); uint256 cs; assembly { cs := extcodesize(self) } return cs == 0; } // Reserved storage space to allow for layout changes in the future. uint256[50] private ______gap; } contract Governable is Initializable { address public governor; event GovernorshipTransferred(address indexed previousGovernor, address indexed newGovernor); /** * @dev Contract initializer. * called once by the factory at time of deployment */ function initialize(address governor_) virtual public initializer { governor = governor_; emit GovernorshipTransferred(address(0), governor); } modifier governance() { require(msg.sender == governor); _; } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to governorship will leave the contract without an governor. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `governance` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceGovernorship() public governance { emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, address(0)); governor = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current governor to transfer control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) public governance { _transferGovernorship(newGovernor); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newGovernor. * @param newGovernor The address to transfer governorship to. */ function _transferGovernorship(address newGovernor) internal { require(newGovernor != address(0)); emit GovernorshipTransferred(governor, newGovernor); governor = newGovernor; } } contract Configurable is Governable { mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal config; function getConfig(bytes32 key) public view returns (uint) { return config[key]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, uint index) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ index)]; } function getConfig(bytes32 key, address addr) public view returns (uint) { return config[bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr))]; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) internal { if(config[key] != value) config[key] = value; } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function _setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) internal { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(key, value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, uint index, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ index), value); } function setConfig(bytes32 key, address addr, uint value) external governance { _setConfig(bytes32(uint(key) ^ uint(addr)), value); } } interface Minter { event Minted(address indexed recipient, address reward_contract, uint minted); function token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function minted(address, address) external view returns (uint); function allowed_to_mint_for(address, address) external view returns (bool); function mint(address gauge) external; function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) external; function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) external; function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) external; } interface LiquidityGauge { event Deposit(address indexed provider, uint value); event Withdraw(address indexed provider, uint value); event UpdateLiquidityLimit(address user, uint original_balance, uint original_supply, uint working_balance, uint working_supply); function user_checkpoint (address addr) external returns (bool); function claimable_tokens(address addr) external view returns (uint); function claimable_reward(address addr) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint() external view returns (uint); function kick(address addr) external; function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) external; function deposit(uint _value) external; function deposit(uint _value, address addr) external; function withdraw(uint _value) external; function withdraw(uint _value, bool claim_rewards) external; function claim_rewards() external; function claim_rewards(address addr) external; function minter() external view returns (address); function crv_token() external view returns (address); function lp_token() external view returns (address); function controller() external view returns (address); function voting_escrow() external view returns (address); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint); function future_epoch_time() external view returns (uint); function approved_to_deposit(address, address) external view returns (bool); function working_balances(address) external view returns (uint); function working_supply() external view returns (uint); function period() external view returns (int128); function period_timestamp(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply(uint) external view returns (uint); function integrate_inv_supply_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_checkpoint_of(address) external view returns (uint); function integrate_fraction(address) external view returns (uint); function inflation_rate() external view returns (uint); function reward_contract() external view returns (address); function rewarded_token() external view returns (address); function reward_integral() external view returns (uint); function reward_integral_for(address) external view returns (uint); function rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); function claimed_rewards_for(address) external view returns (uint); } contract SSimpleGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; uint override public reward_integral; mapping(address => uint) override public reward_integral_for; mapping(address => uint) override public rewards_for; mapping(address => uint) override public claimed_rewards_for; uint public span; uint public end; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[addr] = balanceOf[addr].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(addr, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender], true); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override external { withdraw(amount, true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(totalSupply); uint lasttime = integrate_checkpoint_of[addr]; if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); address teamAddr = address(config['teamAddr']); uint teamRatio = config['teamRatio']; if(teamAddr != address(0) && teamRatio != 0) integrate_fraction[teamAddr] = integrate_fraction[teamAddr].add(amount.mul(teamRatio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { uint amount = claimable_tokens(addr); _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); integrate_checkpoint_of[addr] = now; } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return now; } } c SExactGauge is LiquidityGauge, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _devAddr_ = 'devAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _devRatio_ = 'devRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoAddr_ = 'ecoAddr'; bytes32 internal constant _ecoRatio_ = 'ecoRatio'; bytes32 internal constant _claim_rewards_ = 'claim_rewards'; address override public minter; address override public crv_token; address override public lp_token; address override public controller; address override public voting_escrow; mapping(address => uint) override public balanceOf; uint override public totalSupply; uint override public future_epoch_time; // caller -> recipient -> can deposit? mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public approved_to_deposit; mapping(address => uint) override public working_balances; uint override public working_supply; // The goal is to be able to calculate ∫(rate * balance / totalSupply dt) from 0 till checkpoint // All values are kept in units of being multiplied by 1e18 int128 override public period; uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public period_timestamp; // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint uint256[100000000000000000000000000000] override public integrate_inv_supply; // bump epoch when rate() changes // 1e18 * ∫(rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from (last_action) till checkpoint mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_inv_supply_of; mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_checkpoint_of; // ∫(balance * rate(t) / totalSupply(t) dt) from 0 till checkpoint // Units: rate * t = already number of coins per address to issue mapping(address => uint) override public integrate_fraction; uint override public inflation_rate; // For tracking external rewards address override public reward_contract; address override public rewarded_token; mapping(address => uint) public reward_integral_; // rewarded_token => reward_integral mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public reward_integral_for_; // recipient => rewarded_token => reward_integral_for mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public rewards_for_; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) public claimed_rewards_for_; uint public span; uint public end; mapping(address => uint) public sumMiningPerOf; uint public sumMiningPer; uint public bufReward; uint public lasttime; function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); minter = _minter; crv_token = Minter(_minter).token(); lp_token = _lp_token; IERC20(lp_token).totalSupply(); // just check } function setSpan(uint _span, bool isLinear) virtual external governance { span = _span; if(isLinear) end = now + _span; else end = 0; lasttime = now; } function kick(address addr) virtual override external { _checkpoint(addr, true); } function set_approve_deposit(address addr, bool can_deposit) virtual override external { approved_to_deposit[addr][msg.sender] = can_deposit; } function deposit(uint amount) virtual override external { deposit(amount, msg.sender); } function deposit(uint amount, address addr) virtual override public { require(addr == msg.sender || approved_to_deposit[msg.sender][addr], 'Not approved'); _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); _deposit(addr, amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].add(amount); totalSupply = totalSupply.add(amount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, amount); } function _deposit(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransferFrom(addr, address(this), amount); } function withdraw() virtual external { withdraw(balanceOf[msg.sender]); } function withdraw(uint amount) virtual override public { withdraw(amount, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); } function withdraw(uint amount, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override public { _checkpoint(msg.sender, _claim_rewards); totalSupply = totalSupply.sub(amount); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender].sub(amount); _withdraw(msg.sender, amount); emit Withdraw(msg.sender, amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual internal { lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { addr; return 0; } function claim_rewards() virtual override public { return claim_rewards(msg.sender); } function claim_rewards(address) virtual override public { return; } function _checkpoint_rewards(address, bool) virtual internal { return; } function claimable_tokens(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { return _claimable_tokens(addr, claimableDelta(), sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); } function _claimable_tokens(address addr, uint delta, uint sumPer, uint lastSumPer) virtual internal view returns (uint amount) { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return 0; amount = sumPer.sub(lastSumPer); amount = amount.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); amount = amount.mul(balanceOf[addr]).div(1 ether); } function claimableDelta() virtual internal view returns(uint amount) { amount = SMinter(minter).quotas(address(this)).sub(bufReward); if(end == 0) { // isNonLinear, endless if(now.sub(lasttime) < span) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(span); }else if(now < end) amount = amount.mul(now.sub(lasttime)).div(end.sub(lasttime)); else if(lasttime >= end) amount = 0; } function _checkpoint(address addr, uint amount) virtual internal { if(amount > 0) { integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount); addr = address(config[_devAddr_]); uint ratio = config[_devRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); addr = address(config[_ecoAddr_]); ratio = config[_ecoRatio_]; if(addr != address(0) && ratio != 0) integrate_fraction[addr] = integrate_fraction[addr].add(amount.mul(ratio).div(1 ether)); } } function _checkpoint(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint delta = claimableDelta(); uint amount = _claimable_tokens(addr, delta, sumMiningPer, sumMiningPerOf[addr]); if(delta != amount) bufReward = bufReward.add(delta).sub(amount); if(delta > 0) sumMiningPer = sumMiningPer.add(delta.mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(sumMiningPerOf[addr] != sumMiningPer) sumMiningPerOf[addr] = sumMiningPer; lasttime = now; _checkpoint(addr, amount); _checkpoint_rewards(addr, _claim_rewards); } function user_checkpoint(address addr) virtual override external returns (bool) { _checkpoint(addr, config[_claim_rewards_] == 0 ? false : true); return true; } function integrate_checkpoint() override external view returns (uint) { return lasttime; } function reward_integral() virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_[rewarded_token]; } function reward_integral_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } function claimed_rewards_for(address addr) virtual override external view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][rewarded_token]; } } contra uge is SExactGauge { address[] public rewards; //mapping(address => mapping(address =>uint)) internal sumRewardPerOf_; // recipient => rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_ //mapping(address => uint) internal sumRewardPer_; // rewarded_token => can sumRewardPerOf // obsolete, instead of reward_integral_for_ function initialize(address governor, address _minter, address _lp_token, address _nestGauge, address[] memory _moreRewards) public initializer { super.initialize(governor, _minter, _lp_token); reward_contract = _nestGauge; rewarded_token = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).crv_token(); rewards = _moreRewards; rewards.push(rewarded_token); address rewarded_token2 = LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).rewarded_token(); if(rewarded_token2 != address(0)) rewards.push(rewarded_token2); LiquidityGauge(_nestGauge).integrate_checkpoint(); // just check for(uint i=0; i<_moreRewards.length; i++) IERC20(_moreRewards[i]).totalSupply(); // just check } function _deposit(address from, uint amount) virtual override internal { super._deposit(from, amount); // lp_token.safeTransferFrom(from, address(this), amount); lp_token.safeApprove(reward_contract, amount); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).deposit(amount); } function _withdraw(address to, uint amount) virtual override internal { LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).withdraw(amount); super._withdraw(to, amount); // lp_token.safeTransfer(to, amount); } function claim_rewards(address to) virtual override public { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; _checkpoint_rewards(to, true); for(uint i=0; i<rewards.length; i++) { uint amount = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]].sub(claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) { rewards[i].safeTransfer(to, amount); claimed_rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[to][rewards[i]]; } } } function _checkpoint_rewards(address addr, bool _claim_rewards) virtual override internal { if(span == 0 || totalSupply == 0) return; uint[] memory drs = new uint[](rewards.length); if(_claim_rewards) { for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)); Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).mint(reward_contract); LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claim_rewards(); for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) drs[i] = IERC20(rewards[i]).balanceOf(address(this)).sub(drs[i]); } for(uint i=0; i<drs.length; i++) { uint amount = _claimable_tokens(addr, drs[i], reward_integral_[rewards[i]], reward_integral_for_[msg.sender][rewards[i]]); if(amount > 0) rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = rewards_for_[addr][rewards[i]].add(amount); if(drs[i] > 0) reward_integral_[rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]].add(drs[i].mul(1 ether).div(totalSupply)); if(reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] != reward_integral_[rewards[i]]) reward_integral_for_[addr][rewards[i]] = reward_integral_[rewards[i]]; } } function claimable_reward(address addr) virtual override public view returns (uint) { //uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_tokens(address(this)); // Error: Mutable call in static context uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).integrate_fraction(address(this)).sub(Minter(LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).minter()).minted(address(this), reward_contract)); return _claimable_tokens(addr, delta, reward_integral_[rewarded_token], reward_integral_for_[addr][rewarded_token]); } function claimable_reward2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { uint delta = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).claimable_reward(address(this)); address reward2 = LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token(); return _claimable_tokens(addr, delta, reward_integral_[reward2], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward2]); } function claimable_reward(address addr, address reward) virtual public view returns (uint) { return _claimable_tokens(addr, 0, reward_integral_[reward], reward_integral_for_[addr][reward]); } function claimed_rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return claimed_rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } function rewards_for2(address addr) virtual public view returns (uint) { return rewards_for_[addr][LiquidityGauge(reward_contract).rewarded_token()]; } } contrac is Minter, Configurable { using SafeMath for uint; using Address for address payable; using TransferHelper for address; bytes32 internal constant _allowContract_ = 'allowContract'; bytes32 internal constant _allowlist_ = 'allowlist'; bytes32 internal constant _blocklist_ = 'blocklist'; address override public token; address override public controller; mapping(address => mapping(address => uint)) override public minted; // user => reward_contract => value mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) override public allowed_to_mint_for; // minter => user => can mint? mapping(address => uint) public quotas; // reward_contract => quota; function initialize(address governor, address token_) public initializer { super.initialize(governor); token = token_; } function setGaugeQuota(address gauge, uint quota) public governance { quotas[gauge] = quota; } function mint(address gauge) virtual override public { mint_for(gauge, msg.sender); } function mint_many(address[8] calldata gauges) virtual override external { for(uint i=0; i<gauges.length; i++) mint(gauges[i]); } function mint_for(address gauge, address _for) virtual override public { require(_for == msg.sender || allowed_to_mint_for[msg.sender][_for], 'Not approved'); require(quotas[gauge] > 0, 'No quota'); require(getConfig(_blocklist_, msg.sender) == 0, 'In blocklist'); bool isContract = msg.sender.isContract(); require(!isContract || config[_allowContract_] != 0 || getConfig(_allowlist_, msg.sender) != 0, 'No allowContract'); LiquidityGauge(gauge).user_checkpoint(_for); uint total_mint = LiquidityGauge(gauge).integrate_fraction(_for); uint to_mint = total_mint.sub(minted[_for][gauge]); if(to_mint != 0) { quotas[gauge] = quotas[gauge].sub(to_mint); token.safeTransfer(_for, to_mint); minted[_for][gauge] = total_mint; emit Minted(_for, gauge, total_mint); } } function toggle_approve_mint(address minting_user) virtual override external { allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender] = !allowed_to_mint_for[minting_user][msg.sender]; } } /* // he abstract contract Context { function _msgSender() internal view virtual returns (address payable) { return msg.sender; } function _msgData() internal view virtual returns (bytes memory) { this; // silence state mutability warning without generating bytecode - see return; } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Returns the addition of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `+` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Addition cannot overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return sub(a, b, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); } /** * @dev Returns the subtraction of two unsigned integers, reverting with custom message on * overflow (when the result is negative). * * Counterpart to Solidity's `-` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Subtraction cannot overflow. */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, errorMessage); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Returns the multiplication of two unsigned integers, reverting on * overflow. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `*` operator. * * Requirements: * * - Multiplication cannot overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); return c; } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return div(a, b, "SafeMath: division by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the integer division of two unsigned integers. Reverts with custom message on * division by zero. The result is rounded towards zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `/` operator. Note: this function uses a * `revert` opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity * uses an invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, errorMessage); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return mod(a, b, "SafeMath: modulo by zero"); } /** * @dev Returns the remainder of dividing two unsigned integers. (unsigned integer modulo), * Reverts with custom message when dividing by zero. * * Counterpart to Solidity's `%` operator. This function uses a `revert` * opcode (which leaves remaining gas untouched) while Solidity uses an * invalid opcode to revert (consuming all remaining gas). * * Requirements: * * - The divisor cannot be zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b, string memory errorMessage) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0, errorMessage); return a % b; } function sqrt(uint x)public pure returns(uint y) { uint z = (x + 1) / 2; y = x; while (z < y) { y = z; z = (x / z + z) / 2; } } } library Address { /** * @dev Returns true if `account` is a contract. * * [IMPORTANT] * ==== * It is unsafe to assume that an address for which this function returns * false is an externally-owned account (EOA) and not a contract. * * Among others, `isContract` will return false for the following * types of addresses: * * - an externally-owned account * - a contract in construction * - an address where a contract will be created * - an address where a contract lived, but was destroyed * ==== */ function isContract(address account) internal view returns (bool) { // This method relies in extcodesize, which returns 0 for contracts in // construction, since the code is only stored at the end of the // constructor execution. uint256 size; // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { size := extcodesize(account) } return size > 0; } /** * @dev Replacement for Solidity's `transfer`: sends `amount` wei to * `recipient`, forwarding all available gas and reverting on errors. * *[EIP1884] increases the gas cost * of certain opcodes, possibly making contracts go over the 2300 gas limit * imposed by `transfer`, making them unable to receive funds via * `transfer`. {sendValue} removes this limitation. * *[Learn more]. * * IMPORTANT: because control is transferred to `recipient`, care must be * taken to not create reentrancy vulnerabilities. Consider using * {ReentrancyGuard} or the *[checks-effects-interactions pattern]. */ function sendValue(address payable recipient, uint256 amount) internal { require(address(this).balance >= amount, "Address: insufficient balance"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls, avoid-call-value (bool success, ) ={ value: amount }(""); require(success, "Address: unable to send value, recipient may have reverted"); } /** * @dev Performs a Solidity function call using a low level `call`. A * plain`call` is an unsafe replacement for a function call: use this * function instead. * * If `target` reverts with a revert reason, it is bubbled up by this * function (like regular Solidity function calls). * * Returns the raw returned data. To convert to the expected return value, * use[`abi.decode`]. * * Requirements: * * - `target` must be a contract. * - calling `target` with `data` must not revert. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCall(target, data, "Address: low-level call failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], but with * `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCall(address target, bytes memory data, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, 0, errorMessage); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCall-address-bytes-}[`functionCall`], * but also transferring `value` wei to `target`. * * Requirements: * * - the calling contract must have an ETH balance of at least `value`. * - the called Solidity function must be `payable`. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value) internal returns (bytes memory) { return functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, "Address: low-level call with value failed"); } /** * @dev Same as {xref-Address-functionCallWithValue-address-bytes-uint256-}[`functionCallWithValue`], but * with `errorMessage` as a fallback revert reason when `target` reverts. * * _Available since v3.1._ */ function functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 value, string memory errorMessage) internal returns (bytes memory) { require(address(this).balance >= value, "Address: insufficient balance for call"); return _functionCallWithValue(target, data, value, errorMessage); } function _functionCallWithValue(address target, bytes memory data, uint256 weiValue, string memory errorMessage) private returns (bytes memory) { require(isContract(target), "Address: call to non-contract"); // solhint-disable-next-line avoid-low-level-calls (bool success, bytes memory returndata) ={ value: weiValue }(data); if (success) { return returndata; } else { // Look for revert reason and bubble it up if present if (returndata.length > 0) { // The easiest way to bubble the revert reason is using memory via assembly // solhint-disable-next-line no-inline-assembly assembly { let returndata_size := mload(returndata) revert(add(32, returndata), returndata_size) } } else { revert(errorMessage); } } } } interface IERC20 { /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens in existence. */ function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Returns the amount of tokens owned by `account`. */ function balanceOf(address account) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from the caller's account to `recipient`. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Returns the remaining number of tokens that `spender` will be * allowed to spend on behalf of `owner` through {transferFrom}. This is * zero by default. * * This value changes when {approve} or {transferFrom} are called. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the caller's tokens. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * IMPORTANT: Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk * that someone may use both the old and the new allowance by unfortunate * transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this race * condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the * desired value afterwards: * * * Emits an {Approval} event. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Moves `amount` tokens from `sender` to `recipient` using the * allowance mechanism. `amount` is then deducted from the caller's * allowance. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the operation succeeded. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool); /** * @dev Emitted when `value` tokens are moved from one account (`from`) to * another (`to`). * * Note that `value` may be zero. */ event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); /** * @dev Emitted when the allowance of a `spender` for an `owner` is set by * a call to {approve}. `value` is the new allowance. */ event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } contract ERC20 is Context, IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; using Address for address; mapping (address => uint256) public _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) internal _allowances; uint256 public _totalSupply; string internal _name; string internal _symbol; uint8 internal _decimals; /** * @dev Sets the values for {name} and {symbol}, initializes {decimals} with * a default value of 18. * * To select a different value for {decimals}, use {_setupDecimals}. * * All three of these values are immutable: they can only be set once during * construction. */ constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol) public { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = 18; } /** * @dev Returns the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @dev Returns the symbol of the token, usually a shorter version of the * name. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @dev Returns the number of decimals used to get its user representation. * For example, if `decimals` equals `2`, a balance of `505` tokens should * be displayed to a user as `5,05` (`505 / 10 ** 2`). * * Tokens usually opt for a value of 18, imitating the relationship between * Ether and Wei. This is the value {ERC20} uses, unless {_setupDecimals} is * called. * * NOTE: This information is only used for _display_ purposes: it in * no way affects any of the arithmetic of the contract, including * {IERC20-balanceOf} and {IERC20-transfer}. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-totalSupply}. */ function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-balanceOf}. */ function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _balances[account]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transfer}. * * Requirements: * * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - the caller must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(_msgSender(), recipient, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-allowance}. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view virtual override returns (uint256) { return _allowances[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-approve}. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, amount); return true; } /** * @dev See {IERC20-transferFrom}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. This is not * required by the EIP. See the note at the beginning of {ERC20}; * * Requirements: * - `sender` and `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. * - the caller must have allowance for ``sender``'s tokens of at least * `amount`. */ function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool) { _transfer(sender, recipient, amount); _approve(sender, _msgSender(), _allowances[sender][_msgSender()].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds allowance")); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically increases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Atomically decreases the allowance granted to `spender` by the caller. * * This is an alternative to {approve} that can be used as a mitigation for * problems described in {IERC20-approve}. * * Emits an {Approval} event indicating the updated allowance. * * Requirements: * * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` must have allowance for the caller of at least * `subtractedValue`. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public virtual returns (bool) { _approve(_msgSender(), spender, _allowances[_msgSender()][spender].sub(subtractedValue, "ERC20: decreased allowance below zero")); return true; } /** * @dev Moves tokens `amount` from `sender` to `recipient`. * * This is internal function is equivalent to {transfer}, and can be used to * e.g. implement automatic token fees, slashing mechanisms, etc. * * Emits a {Transfer} event. * * Requirements: * * - `sender` cannot be the zero address. * - `recipient` cannot be the zero address. * - `sender` must have a balance of at least `amount`. */ function _transfer(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(sender != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address"); require(recipient != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(sender, recipient, amount); _balances[sender] = _balances[sender].sub(amount, "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"); _balances[recipient] = _balances[recipient].add(amount); emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); } /** @dev Creates `amount` tokens and assigns them to `account`, increasing * the total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `from` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `to` cannot be the zero address. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: mint to the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(address(0), account, amount); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(amount); emit Transfer(address(0), account, amount); } /** * @dev Destroys `amount` tokens from `account`, reducing the * total supply. * * Emits a {Transfer} event with `to` set to the zero address. * * Requirements * * - `account` cannot be the zero address. * - `account` must have at least `amount` tokens. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(account != address(0), "ERC20: burn from the zero address"); _beforeTokenTransfer(account, address(0), amount); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(amount, "ERC20: burn amount exceeds balance"); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(amount); emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount); } /** * @dev Sets `amount` as the allowance of `spender` over the `owner`s tokens. * * This is internal function is equivalent to `approve`, and can be used to * e.g. set automatic allowances for certain subsystems, etc. * * Emits an {Approval} event. * * Requirements: * * - `owner` cannot be the zero address. * - `spender` cannot be the zero address. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 amount) internal virtual { require(owner != address(0), "ERC20: approve from the zero address"); require(spender != address(0), "ERC20: approve to the zero address"); _allowances[owner][spender] = amount; emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); } /** * @dev Sets {decimals} to a value other than the default one of 18. * * WARNING: This function should only be called from the constructor. Most * applications that interact with token contracts will not expect * {decimals} to ever change, and may work incorrectly if it does. */ function _setupDecimals(uint8 decimals_) internal { _decimals = decimals_; } /** * @dev Hook that is called before any transfer of tokens. This includes * minting and burning. * * Calling conditions: * * - when `from` and `to` are both non-zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens * will be to transferred to `to`. * - when `from` is zero, `amount` tokens will be minted for `to`. * - when `to` is zero, `amount` of ``from``'s tokens will be burned. * - `from` and `to` are never both zero. * * To learn more about hooks, head to xref:ROOT:extending-contracts.adoc#using-hooks[Using Hooks]. */ function _beforeTokenTransfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount) internal virtual { } } contract SfgToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfgFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Governance Token", "SFG") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfgFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } contract SfyToken is ERC20 { constructor(address SfyFarm) ERC20("Stable Finance Yield Token", "SFY") public { uint8 decimals = 18; _setupDecimals(decimals); _mint(SfyFarm, 21000000 * 10 ** uint256(decimals)); // 100%, 21000000 } } library TransferHelper { function safeApprove(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('approve(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: APPROVE_FAILED'); } function safeTransfer(address token, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transfer(address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FAILED'); } function safeTransferFrom(address token, address from, address to, uint value) internal { // bytes4(keccak256(bytes('transferFrom(address,address,uint256)'))); (bool success, bytes memory data) =, from, to, value)); require(success && (data.length == 0 || abi.decode(data, (bool))), 'TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED'); } function safeTransferETH(address to, uint value) internal { (bool success,) ={value:value}(new bytes(0)); require(success, 'TransferHelper: ETH_TRANSFER_FAILED'); } }
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pragma solidity 0.6.5; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; struct ProtocolBalance { ProtocolMetadata metadata; AdapterBalance[] adapterBalances; } struct ProtocolMetadata { string name; string description; string websiteURL; string iconURL; uint256 version; } struct AdapterBalance { AdapterMetadata metadata; FullTokenBalance[] balances; } struct AdapterMetadata { address adapterAddress; string adapterType; // "Asset", "Debt" } struct FullTokenBalance { TokenBalance base; TokenBalance[] underlying; } struct TokenBalance { TokenMetadata metadata; uint256 amount; } struct TokenMetadata { address token; string name; string symbol; uint8 decimals; } struct Component { address token; string tokenType; // "ERC20" by default uint256 rate; // price per full share (1e18) } interface ERC20 { function approve(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transfer(address, uint256) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address, address, uint256) external returns (bool); function name() external view returns (string memory); function symbol() external view returns (string memory); function decimals() external view returns (uint8); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address) external view returns (uint256); } interface TokenAdapter { /** * @dev MUST return TokenMetadata struct with ERC20-style token info. * struct TokenMetadata { * address token; * string name; * string symbol; * uint8 decimals; * } */ function getMetadata(address token) external view returns (TokenMetadata memory); /** * @dev MUST return array of Component structs with underlying tokens rates for the given token. * struct Component { * address token; // Address of token contract * string tokenType; // Token type ("ERC20" by default) * uint256 rate; // Price per share (1e18) * } */ function getComponents(address token) external view returns (Component[] memory); } interface CToken { function isCToken() external view returns (bool); } interface Mooniswap { function getTokens() external view returns(address[] memory); } contract MooniswapTokenAdapter is TokenAdapter { /** * @return TokenMetadata struct with ERC20-style token info. * @dev Implementation of TokenAdapter interface function. */ function getMetadata(address token) external view override returns (TokenMetadata memory) { return TokenMetadata({ token: token, name: ERC20(token).name(), symbol: ERC20(token).symbol(), decimals: ERC20(token).decimals() }); } /** * @return Array of Component structs with underlying tokens rates for the given token. * @dev Implementation of TokenAdapter interface function. */ function getComponents(address token) external view override returns (Component[] memory) { address[] memory tokens = Mooniswap(token).getTokens(); uint256 totalSupply = ERC20(token).totalSupply(); Component[] memory underlyingTokens = new Component[](2); for (uint256 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { underlyingTokens[i] = Component({ token: isETH(ERC20(tokens[i])) ? 0xEeeeeEeeeEeEeeEeEeEeeEEEeeeeEeeeeeeeEEeE : tokens[i], tokenType: getTokenType(tokens[i]), rate: uniBalanceOf(ERC20(tokens[i]), token) * 1e18 / totalSupply }); } return underlyingTokens; } function getTokenType(address token) internal view returns (string memory) { (bool success, bytes memory returnData) = token.staticcall{gas: 2000}( abi.encodeWithSelector(CToken(token).isCToken.selector) ); if (success) { if (returnData.length == 32) { return abi.decode(returnData, (bool)) ? "CToken" : "ERC20"; } else { return "ERC20"; } } else { return "ERC20"; } } function uniBalanceOf(ERC20 token, address account) internal view returns (uint256) { if (isETH(token)) { return account.balance; } else { return token.balanceOf(account); } } function isETH(ERC20 token) internal pure returns(bool) { return (address(token) == address(0)); } }
[ 38 ]
pragma solidity 0.7.3; library AdditionalMath { using SafeMath for uint256; function max16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { return a >= b ? a : b; } function min16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @notice Division and ceil */ function divCeil(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return (a.add(b) - 1) / b; } /** * @dev Adds signed value to unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function addSigned(uint256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (b >= 0) { return a.add(uint256(b)); } else { return a.sub(uint256(-b)); } } /** * @dev Subtracts signed value from unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function subSigned(uint256 a, int256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (b >= 0) { return a.sub(uint256(b)); } else { return a.add(uint256(-b)); } } /** * @dev Multiplies two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function mul32(uint32 a, uint32 b) internal pure returns (uint32) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint32 c = a * b; assert(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Adds two numbers, throws on overflow. */ function add16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { uint16 c = a + b; assert(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two numbers, throws on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub16(uint16 a, uint16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { assert(b <= a); return a - b; } /** * @dev Adds signed value to unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function addSigned16(uint16 a, int16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { if (b >= 0) { return add16(a, uint16(b)); } else { return sub16(a, uint16(-b)); } } /** * @dev Subtracts signed value from unsigned value, throws on overflow. */ function subSigned16(uint16 a, int16 b) internal pure returns (uint16) { if (b >= 0) { return sub16(a, uint16(b)); } else { return add16(a, uint16(-b)); } } } library Bits { uint256 internal constant ONE = uint256(1); /** * @notice Sets the bit at the given 'index' in 'self' to: * '1' - if the bit is '0' * '0' - if the bit is '1' * @return The modified value */ function toggleBit(uint256 self, uint8 index) internal pure returns (uint256) { return self ^ ONE << index; } /** * @notice Get the value of the bit at the given 'index' in 'self'. */ function bit(uint256 self, uint8 index) internal pure returns (uint8) { return uint8(self >> index & 1); } /** * @notice Check if the bit at the given 'index' in 'self' is set. * @return 'true' - if the value of the bit is '1', * 'false' - if the value of the bit is '0' */ function bitSet(uint256 self, uint8 index) internal pure returns (bool) { return self >> index & 1 == 1; } } interface IERC20 { function transfer(address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function approve(address spender, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) external returns (bool); function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256); function balanceOf(address who) external view returns (uint256); function allowance(address owner, address spender) external view returns (uint256); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value); event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); } interface IERC900History { function totalStakedForAt(address addr, uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function totalStakedAt(uint256 blockNumber) external view returns (uint256); function supportsHistory() external pure returns (bool); } library Math { /** * @dev Returns the largest of two numbers. */ function max(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a >= b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Returns the smallest of two numbers. */ function min(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @dev Calculates the average of two numbers. Since these are integers, * averages of an even and odd number cannot be represented, and will be * rounded down. */ function average(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // (a + b) / 2 can overflow, so we distribute return (a / 2) + (b / 2) + ((a % 2 + b % 2) / 2); } } interface TokenRecipient { /** * @notice Receives a notification of approval of the transfer * @param _from Sender of approval * @param _value The amount of tokens to be spent * @param _tokenContract Address of the token contract * @param _extraData Extra data */ function receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes calldata _extraData) external; } abstract contract Ownable { address private _owner; event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner); /** * @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender * account. */ constructor () { _owner = msg.sender; emit OwnershipTransferred(address(0), _owner); } /** * @return the address of the owner. */ function owner() public view returns (address) { return _owner; } /** * @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner. */ modifier onlyOwner() { require(isOwner()); _; } /** * @return true if `msg.sender` is the owner of the contract. */ function isOwner() public view returns (bool) { return msg.sender == _owner; } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to relinquish control of the contract. * @notice Renouncing to ownership will leave the contract without an owner. * It will not be possible to call the functions with the `onlyOwner` * modifier anymore. */ function renounceOwnership() public onlyOwner { emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, address(0)); _owner = address(0); } /** * @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function transferOwnership(address newOwner) public virtual onlyOwner { _transferOwnership(newOwner); } /** * @dev Transfers control of the contract to a newOwner. * @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to. */ function _transferOwnership(address newOwner) internal { require(newOwner != address(0)); emit OwnershipTransferred(_owner, newOwner); _owner = newOwner; } } library SafeERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; function safeTransfer(IERC20 token, address to, uint256 value) internal { require(token.transfer(to, value)); } function safeTransferFrom(IERC20 token, address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { require(token.transferFrom(from, to, value)); } function safeApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { // safeApprove should only be called when setting an initial allowance, // or when resetting it to zero. To increase and decrease it, use // 'safeIncreaseAllowance' and 'safeDecreaseAllowance' require((value == 0) || (token.allowance(msg.sender, spender) == 0)); require(token.approve(spender, value)); } function safeIncreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).add(value); require(token.approve(spender, newAllowance)); } function safeDecreaseAllowance(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 value) internal { uint256 newAllowance = token.allowance(address(this), spender).sub(value); require(token.approve(spender, newAllowance)); } } library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two unsigned integers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Adds two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev Divides two unsigned integers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo), * reverts when dividing by zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b != 0); return a % b; } } library Snapshot { function encodeSnapshot(uint32 _time, uint96 _value) internal pure returns(uint128) { return uint128(uint256(_time) << 96 | uint256(_value)); } function decodeSnapshot(uint128 _snapshot) internal pure returns(uint32 time, uint96 value){ time = uint32(bytes4(bytes16(_snapshot))); value = uint96(_snapshot); } function addSnapshot(uint128[] storage _self, uint256 _value) internal { addSnapshot(_self, block.number, _value); } function addSnapshot(uint128[] storage _self, uint256 _time, uint256 _value) internal { uint256 length = _self.length; if (length != 0) { (uint32 currentTime, ) = decodeSnapshot(_self[length - 1]); if (uint32(_time) == currentTime) { _self[length - 1] = encodeSnapshot(uint32(_time), uint96(_value)); return; } else if (uint32(_time) < currentTime){ revert(); } } _self.push(encodeSnapshot(uint32(_time), uint96(_value))); } function lastSnapshot(uint128[] storage _self) internal view returns (uint32, uint96) { uint256 length = _self.length; if (length > 0) { return decodeSnapshot(_self[length - 1]); } return (0, 0); } function lastValue(uint128[] storage _self) internal view returns (uint96) { (, uint96 value) = lastSnapshot(_self); return value; } function getValueAt(uint128[] storage _self, uint256 _time256) internal view returns (uint96) { uint32 _time = uint32(_time256); uint256 length = _self.length; // Short circuit if there's no checkpoints yet // Note that this also lets us avoid using SafeMath later on, as we've established that // there must be at least one checkpoint if (length == 0) { return 0; } // Check last checkpoint uint256 lastIndex = length - 1; (uint32 snapshotTime, uint96 snapshotValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[length - 1]); if (_time >= snapshotTime) { return snapshotValue; } // Check first checkpoint (if not already checked with the above check on last) (snapshotTime, snapshotValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[0]); if (length == 1 || _time < snapshotTime) { return 0; } // Do binary search // As we've already checked both ends, we don't need to check the last checkpoint again uint256 low = 0; uint256 high = lastIndex - 1; uint32 midTime; uint96 midValue; while (high > low) { uint256 mid = (high + low + 1) / 2; // average, ceil round (midTime, midValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[mid]); if (_time > midTime) { low = mid; } else if (_time < midTime) { // Note that we don't need SafeMath here because mid must always be greater than 0 // from the while condition high = mid - 1; } else { // _time == midTime return midValue; } } (, snapshotValue) = decodeSnapshot(_self[low]); return snapshotValue; } } interface PolicyManagerInterface { function register(address _node, uint16 _period) external; function escrow() external view returns (address); function ping( address _node, uint16 _processedPeriod1, uint16 _processedPeriod2, uint16 _periodToSetDefault ) external; } interface AdjudicatorInterface { function escrow() external view returns (address); } interface WorkLockInterface { function escrow() external view returns (address); } abstract contract Upgradeable is Ownable { event StateVerified(address indexed testTarget, address sender); event UpgradeFinished(address indexed target, address sender); /** * @dev Contracts at the target must reserve the same location in storage for this address as in Dispatcher * Stored data actually lives in the Dispatcher * However the storage layout is specified here in the implementing contracts */ address public target; /** * @dev Previous contract address (if available). Used for rollback */ address public previousTarget; /** * @dev Upgrade status. Explicit `uint8` type is used instead of `bool` to save gas by excluding 0 value */ uint8 public isUpgrade; /** * @dev Guarantees that next slot will be separated from the previous */ uint256 stubSlot; /** * @dev Constants for `isUpgrade` field */ uint8 constant UPGRADE_FALSE = 1; uint8 constant UPGRADE_TRUE = 2; /** * @dev Checks that function executed while upgrading * Recommended to add to `verifyState` and `finishUpgrade` methods */ modifier onlyWhileUpgrading() { require(isUpgrade == UPGRADE_TRUE); _; } /** * @dev Method for verifying storage state. * Should check that new target contract returns right storage value */ function verifyState(address _testTarget) public virtual onlyWhileUpgrading { emit StateVerified(_testTarget, msg.sender); } /** * @dev Copy values from the new target to the current storage * @param _target New target contract address */ function finishUpgrade(address _target) public virtual onlyWhileUpgrading { emit UpgradeFinished(_target, msg.sender); } /** * @dev Base method to get data * @param _target Target to call * @param _selector Method selector * @param _numberOfArguments Number of used arguments * @param _argument1 First method argument * @param _argument2 Second method argument * @return memoryAddress Address in memory where the data is located */ function delegateGetData( address _target, bytes4 _selector, uint8 _numberOfArguments, bytes32 _argument1, bytes32 _argument2 ) internal returns (bytes32 memoryAddress) { assembly { memoryAddress := mload(0x40) mstore(memoryAddress, _selector) if gt(_numberOfArguments, 0) { mstore(add(memoryAddress, 0x04), _argument1) } if gt(_numberOfArguments, 1) { mstore(add(memoryAddress, 0x24), _argument2) } switch delegatecall(gas(), _target, memoryAddress, add(0x04, mul(0x20, _numberOfArguments)), 0, 0) case 0 { revert(memoryAddress, 0) } default { returndatacopy(memoryAddress, 0x0, returndatasize()) } } } /** * @dev Call "getter" without parameters. * Result should not exceed 32 bytes */ function delegateGet(address _target, bytes4 _selector) internal returns (uint256 result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, _selector, 0, 0, 0); assembly { result := mload(memoryAddress) } } /** * @dev Call "getter" with one parameter. * Result should not exceed 32 bytes */ function delegateGet(address _target, bytes4 _selector, bytes32 _argument) internal returns (uint256 result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, _selector, 1, _argument, 0); assembly { result := mload(memoryAddress) } } /** * @dev Call "getter" with two parameters. * Result should not exceed 32 bytes */ function delegateGet( address _target, bytes4 _selector, bytes32 _argument1, bytes32 _argument2 ) internal returns (uint256 result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, _selector, 2, _argument1, _argument2); assembly { result := mload(memoryAddress) } } } contract ERC20 is IERC20 { using SafeMath for uint256; mapping (address => uint256) private _balances; mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) private _allowed; uint256 private _totalSupply; /** * @dev Total number of tokens in existence */ function totalSupply() public view override returns (uint256) { return _totalSupply; } /** * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address. * @param owner The address to query the balance of. * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address. */ function balanceOf(address owner) public view override returns (uint256) { return _balances[owner]; } /** * @dev Function to check the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * @param owner address The address which owns the funds. * @param spender address The address which will spend the funds. * @return A uint256 specifying the amount of tokens still available for the spender. */ function allowance(address owner, address spender) public view override returns (uint256) { return _allowed[owner][spender]; } /** * @dev Transfer token for a specified address * @param to The address to transfer to. * @param value The amount to be transferred. */ function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) { _transfer(msg.sender, to, value); return true; } /** * @dev Approve the passed address to spend the specified amount of tokens on behalf of msg.sender. * Beware that changing an allowance with this method brings the risk that someone may use both the old * and the new allowance by unfortunate transaction ordering. One possible solution to mitigate this * race condition is to first reduce the spender's allowance to 0 and set the desired value afterwards: * * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param value The amount of tokens to be spent. */ function approve(address spender, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) { // To change the approve amount you first have to reduce the addresses` // allowance to zero by calling `approve(_spender, 0)` if it is not // already 0 to mitigate the race condition described here: // require(value == 0 || _allowed[msg.sender][spender] == 0); _approve(msg.sender, spender, value); return true; } /** * @dev Transfer tokens from one address to another. * Note that while this function emits an Approval event, this is not required as per the specification, * and other compliant implementations may not emit the event. * @param from address The address which you want to send tokens from * @param to address The address which you want to transfer to * @param value uint256 the amount of tokens to be transferred */ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 value) public override returns (bool) { _transfer(from, to, value); _approve(from, msg.sender, _allowed[from][msg.sender].sub(value)); return true; } /** * @dev Increase the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To increment * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * Emits an Approval event. * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param addedValue The amount of tokens to increase the allowance by. */ function increaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 addedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender].add(addedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Decrease the amount of tokens that an owner allowed to a spender. * approve should be called when allowed_[_spender] == 0. To decrement * allowed value is better to use this function to avoid 2 calls (and wait until * the first transaction is mined) * From MonolithDAO Token.sol * Emits an Approval event. * @param spender The address which will spend the funds. * @param subtractedValue The amount of tokens to decrease the allowance by. */ function decreaseAllowance(address spender, uint256 subtractedValue) public returns (bool) { _approve(msg.sender, spender, _allowed[msg.sender][spender].sub(subtractedValue)); return true; } /** * @dev Transfer token for a specified addresses * @param from The address to transfer from. * @param to The address to transfer to. * @param value The amount to be transferred. */ function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 value) internal { require(to != address(0)); _balances[from] = _balances[from].sub(value); _balances[to] = _balances[to].add(value); emit Transfer(from, to, value); } /** * @dev Internal function that mints an amount of the token and assigns it to * an account. This encapsulates the modification of balances such that the * proper events are emitted. * @param account The account that will receive the created tokens. * @param value The amount that will be created. */ function _mint(address account, uint256 value) internal { require(account != address(0)); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(value); _balances[account] = _balances[account].add(value); emit Transfer(address(0), account, value); } /** * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given * account. * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt. * @param value The amount that will be burnt. */ function _burn(address account, uint256 value) internal { require(account != address(0)); _totalSupply = _totalSupply.sub(value); _balances[account] = _balances[account].sub(value); emit Transfer(account, address(0), value); } /** * @dev Approve an address to spend another addresses' tokens. * @param owner The address that owns the tokens. * @param spender The address that will spend the tokens. * @param value The number of tokens that can be spent. */ function _approve(address owner, address spender, uint256 value) internal { require(spender != address(0)); require(owner != address(0)); _allowed[owner][spender] = value; emit Approval(owner, spender, value); } /** * @dev Internal function that burns an amount of the token of a given * account, deducting from the sender's allowance for said account. Uses the * internal burn function. * Emits an Approval event (reflecting the reduced allowance). * @param account The account whose tokens will be burnt. * @param value The amount that will be burnt. */ function _burnFrom(address account, uint256 value) internal { _burn(account, value); _approve(account, msg.sender, _allowed[account][msg.sender].sub(value)); } } abstract contract ERC20Detailed is IERC20 { string private _name; string private _symbol; uint8 private _decimals; constructor (string memory name, string memory symbol, uint8 decimals) { _name = name; _symbol = symbol; _decimals = decimals; } /** * @return the name of the token. */ function name() public view returns (string memory) { return _name; } /** * @return the symbol of the token. */ function symbol() public view returns (string memory) { return _symbol; } /** * @return the number of decimals of the token. */ function decimals() public view returns (uint8) { return _decimals; } } abstract contract Issuer is Upgradeable { using SafeERC20 for NuCypherToken; using AdditionalMath for uint32; event Donated(address indexed sender, uint256 value); /// Issuer is initialized with a reserved reward event Initialized(uint256 reservedReward); uint128 constant MAX_UINT128 = uint128(0) - 1; NuCypherToken public immutable token; uint128 public immutable totalSupply; // d * k2 uint256 public immutable mintingCoefficient; // k1 uint256 public immutable lockDurationCoefficient1; // k2 uint256 public immutable lockDurationCoefficient2; uint32 public immutable secondsPerPeriod; // kmax uint16 public immutable maximumRewardedPeriods; uint256 public immutable firstPhaseMaxIssuance; uint256 public immutable firstPhaseTotalSupply; /** * Current supply is used in the minting formula and is stored to prevent different calculation * for stakers which get reward in the same period. There are two values - * supply for previous period (used in formula) and supply for current period which accumulates value * before end of period. */ uint128 public previousPeriodSupply; uint128 public currentPeriodSupply; uint16 public currentMintingPeriod; /** * @notice Constructor sets address of token contract and coefficients for minting * @dev Minting formula for one sub-stake in one period for the first phase firstPhaseMaxIssuance * (lockedValue / totalLockedValue) * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / k2 * @dev Minting formula for one sub-stake in one period for the second phase (totalSupply - currentSupply) / d * (lockedValue / totalLockedValue) * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / k2 if allLockedPeriods > maximumRewardedPeriods then allLockedPeriods = maximumRewardedPeriods * @param _token Token contract * @param _hoursPerPeriod Size of period in hours * @param _issuanceDecayCoefficient (d) Coefficient which modifies the rate at which the maximum issuance decays, * only applicable to Phase 2. d = 365 * half-life / LOG2 where default half-life = 2. * See Equation 10 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper * @param _lockDurationCoefficient1 (k1) Numerator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k1 = k2 * small_stake_multiplier where default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _lockDurationCoefficient2 (k2) Denominator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k2 = maximum_rewarded_periods / (1 - small_stake_multiplier) * where default maximum_rewarded_periods = 365 and default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _maximumRewardedPeriods (kmax) Number of periods beyond which a stake's lock duration * no longer increases the subsidy it receives. kmax = reward_saturation * 365 where default reward_saturation = 1. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _firstPhaseTotalSupply Total supply for the first phase * @param _firstPhaseMaxIssuance (Imax) Maximum number of new tokens minted per period during Phase 1. * See Equation 7 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. */ constructor( NuCypherToken _token, uint32 _hoursPerPeriod, uint256 _issuanceDecayCoefficient, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient1, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient2, uint16 _maximumRewardedPeriods, uint256 _firstPhaseTotalSupply, uint256 _firstPhaseMaxIssuance ) { uint256 localTotalSupply = _token.totalSupply(); require(localTotalSupply > 0 && _issuanceDecayCoefficient != 0 && _hoursPerPeriod != 0 && _lockDurationCoefficient1 != 0 && _lockDurationCoefficient2 != 0 && _maximumRewardedPeriods != 0); require(localTotalSupply <= uint256(MAX_UINT128), "Token contract has supply more than supported"); uint256 maxLockDurationCoefficient = _maximumRewardedPeriods + _lockDurationCoefficient1; uint256 localMintingCoefficient = _issuanceDecayCoefficient * _lockDurationCoefficient2; require(maxLockDurationCoefficient > _maximumRewardedPeriods && localMintingCoefficient / _issuanceDecayCoefficient == _lockDurationCoefficient2 && // worst case for `totalLockedValue * d * k2`, when totalLockedValue == totalSupply localTotalSupply * localMintingCoefficient / localTotalSupply == localMintingCoefficient && // worst case for `(totalSupply - currentSupply) * lockedValue * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax))`, // when currentSupply == 0, lockedValue == totalSupply localTotalSupply * localTotalSupply * maxLockDurationCoefficient / localTotalSupply / localTotalSupply == maxLockDurationCoefficient, "Specified parameters cause overflow"); require(maxLockDurationCoefficient <= _lockDurationCoefficient2, "Resulting locking duration coefficient must be less than 1"); require(_firstPhaseTotalSupply <= localTotalSupply, "Too many tokens for the first phase"); require(_firstPhaseMaxIssuance <= _firstPhaseTotalSupply, "Reward for the first phase is too high"); token = _token; secondsPerPeriod = _hoursPerPeriod.mul32(1 hours); lockDurationCoefficient1 = _lockDurationCoefficient1; lockDurationCoefficient2 = _lockDurationCoefficient2; maximumRewardedPeriods = _maximumRewardedPeriods; firstPhaseTotalSupply = _firstPhaseTotalSupply; firstPhaseMaxIssuance = _firstPhaseMaxIssuance; totalSupply = uint128(localTotalSupply); mintingCoefficient = localMintingCoefficient; } /** * @dev Checks contract initialization */ modifier isInitialized() { require(currentMintingPeriod != 0); _; } /** * @return Number of current period */ function getCurrentPeriod() public view returns (uint16) { return uint16(block.timestamp / secondsPerPeriod); } /** * @notice Initialize reserved tokens for reward */ function initialize(uint256 _reservedReward, address _sourceOfFunds) external onlyOwner { require(currentMintingPeriod == 0); // Reserved reward must be sufficient for at least one period of the first phase require(firstPhaseMaxIssuance <= _reservedReward); currentMintingPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); currentPeriodSupply = totalSupply - uint128(_reservedReward); previousPeriodSupply = currentPeriodSupply; token.safeTransferFrom(_sourceOfFunds, address(this), _reservedReward); emit Initialized(_reservedReward); } /** * @notice Function to mint tokens for one period. * @param _currentPeriod Current period number. * @param _lockedValue The amount of tokens that were locked by user in specified period. * @param _totalLockedValue The amount of tokens that were locked by all users in specified period. * @param _allLockedPeriods The max amount of periods during which tokens will be locked after specified period. * @return amount Amount of minted tokens. */ function mint( uint16 _currentPeriod, uint256 _lockedValue, uint256 _totalLockedValue, uint16 _allLockedPeriods ) internal returns (uint256 amount) { if (currentPeriodSupply == totalSupply) { return 0; } if (_currentPeriod > currentMintingPeriod) { previousPeriodSupply = currentPeriodSupply; currentMintingPeriod = _currentPeriod; } uint256 currentReward; uint256 coefficient; // first phase // firstPhaseMaxIssuance * lockedValue * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / (totalLockedValue * k2) if (previousPeriodSupply + firstPhaseMaxIssuance <= firstPhaseTotalSupply) { currentReward = firstPhaseMaxIssuance; coefficient = lockDurationCoefficient2; // second phase // (totalSupply - currentSupply) * lockedValue * (k1 + min(allLockedPeriods, kmax)) / (totalLockedValue * d * k2) } else { currentReward = totalSupply - previousPeriodSupply; coefficient = mintingCoefficient; } uint256 allLockedPeriods = AdditionalMath.min16(_allLockedPeriods, maximumRewardedPeriods) + lockDurationCoefficient1; amount = (uint256(currentReward) * _lockedValue * allLockedPeriods) / (_totalLockedValue * coefficient); // rounding the last reward uint256 maxReward = getReservedReward(); if (amount == 0) { amount = 1; } else if (amount > maxReward) { amount = maxReward; } currentPeriodSupply += uint128(amount); } /** * @notice Return tokens for future minting * @param _amount Amount of tokens */ function unMint(uint256 _amount) internal { previousPeriodSupply -= uint128(_amount); currentPeriodSupply -= uint128(_amount); } /** * @notice Donate sender's tokens. Amount of tokens will be returned for future minting * @param _value Amount to donate */ function donate(uint256 _value) external isInitialized { token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _value); unMint(_value); emit Donated(msg.sender, _value); } /** * @notice Returns the number of tokens that can be minted */ function getReservedReward() public view returns (uint256) { return totalSupply - currentPeriodSupply; } /// @dev the `onlyWhileUpgrading` modifier works through a call to the parent `verifyState` function verifyState(address _testTarget) public override virtual { super.verifyState(_testTarget); require(uint16(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.currentMintingPeriod.selector)) == currentMintingPeriod); require(uint128(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.previousPeriodSupply.selector)) == previousPeriodSupply); require(uint128(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.currentPeriodSupply.selector)) == currentPeriodSupply); } } contract NuCypherToken is ERC20, ERC20Detailed('NuCypher', 'NU', 18) { /** * @notice Set amount of tokens * @param _totalSupplyOfTokens Total number of tokens */ constructor (uint256 _totalSupplyOfTokens) { _mint(msg.sender, _totalSupplyOfTokens); } /** * @notice Approves and then calls the receiving contract * * @dev call the receiveApproval function on the contract you want to be notified. * receiveApproval(address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes _extraData) */ function approveAndCall(address _spender, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _extraData) external returns (bool success) { approve(_spender, _value); TokenRecipient(_spender).receiveApproval(msg.sender, _value, address(this), _extraData); return true; } } contract StakingEscrow is Issuer, IERC900History { using AdditionalMath for uint256; using AdditionalMath for uint16; using Bits for uint256; using SafeMath for uint256; using Snapshot for uint128[]; using SafeERC20 for NuCypherToken; event Deposited(address indexed staker, uint256 value, uint16 periods); event Locked(address indexed staker, uint256 value, uint16 firstPeriod, uint16 periods); event Divided( address indexed staker, uint256 oldValue, uint16 lastPeriod, uint256 newValue, uint16 periods ); event Merged(address indexed staker, uint256 value1, uint256 value2, uint16 lastPeriod); event Prolonged(address indexed staker, uint256 value, uint16 lastPeriod, uint16 periods); event Withdrawn(address indexed staker, uint256 value); event CommitmentMade(address indexed staker, uint16 indexed period, uint256 value); event Minted(address indexed staker, uint16 indexed period, uint256 value); event Slashed(address indexed staker, uint256 penalty, address indexed investigator, uint256 reward); event ReStakeSet(address indexed staker, bool reStake); event ReStakeLocked(address indexed staker, uint16 lockUntilPeriod); event WorkerBonded(address indexed staker, address indexed worker, uint16 indexed startPeriod); event WorkMeasurementSet(address indexed staker, bool measureWork); event WindDownSet(address indexed staker, bool windDown); event SnapshotSet(address indexed staker, bool snapshotsEnabled); struct SubStakeInfo { uint16 firstPeriod; uint16 lastPeriod; uint16 periods; uint128 lockedValue; } struct Downtime { uint16 startPeriod; uint16 endPeriod; } struct StakerInfo { uint256 value; /* * Stores periods that are committed but not yet rewarded. * In order to optimize storage, only two values are used instead of an array. * commitToNextPeriod() method invokes mint() method so there can only be two committed * periods that are not yet rewarded: the current and the next periods. */ uint16 currentCommittedPeriod; uint16 nextCommittedPeriod; uint16 lastCommittedPeriod; uint16 lockReStakeUntilPeriod; uint256 completedWork; uint16 workerStartPeriod; // period when worker was bonded address worker; uint256 flags; // uint256 to acquire whole slot and minimize operations on it uint256 reservedSlot1; uint256 reservedSlot2; uint256 reservedSlot3; uint256 reservedSlot4; uint256 reservedSlot5; Downtime[] pastDowntime; SubStakeInfo[] subStakes; uint128[] history; } // used only for upgrading uint16 internal constant RESERVED_PERIOD = 0; uint16 internal constant MAX_CHECKED_VALUES = 5; // to prevent high gas consumption in loops for slashing uint16 public constant MAX_SUB_STAKES = 30; uint16 internal constant MAX_UINT16 = 65535; // indices for flags uint8 internal constant RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX = 0; uint8 internal constant WIND_DOWN_INDEX = 1; uint8 internal constant MEASURE_WORK_INDEX = 2; uint8 internal constant SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX = 3; uint16 public immutable minLockedPeriods; uint16 public immutable minWorkerPeriods; uint256 public immutable minAllowableLockedTokens; uint256 public immutable maxAllowableLockedTokens; bool public immutable isTestContract; mapping (address => StakerInfo) public stakerInfo; address[] public stakers; mapping (address => address) public stakerFromWorker; mapping (uint16 => uint256) public lockedPerPeriod; uint128[] public balanceHistory; PolicyManagerInterface public policyManager; AdjudicatorInterface public adjudicator; WorkLockInterface public workLock; /** * @notice Constructor sets address of token contract and coefficients for minting * @param _token Token contract * @param _hoursPerPeriod Size of period in hours * @param _issuanceDecayCoefficient (d) Coefficient which modifies the rate at which the maximum issuance decays, * only applicable to Phase 2. d = 365 * half-life / LOG2 where default half-life = 2. * See Equation 10 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper * @param _lockDurationCoefficient1 (k1) Numerator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k1 = k2 * small_stake_multiplier where default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _lockDurationCoefficient2 (k2) Denominator of the coefficient which modifies the extent * to which a stake's lock duration affects the subsidy it receives. Affects stakers differently. * Applicable to Phase 1 and Phase 2. k2 = maximum_rewarded_periods / (1 - small_stake_multiplier) * where default maximum_rewarded_periods = 365 and default small_stake_multiplier = 0.5. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _maximumRewardedPeriods (kmax) Number of periods beyond which a stake's lock duration * no longer increases the subsidy it receives. kmax = reward_saturation * 365 where default reward_saturation = 1. * See Equation 8 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _firstPhaseTotalSupply Total supply for the first phase * @param _firstPhaseMaxIssuance (Imax) Maximum number of new tokens minted per period during Phase 1. * See Equation 7 in Staking Protocol & Economics paper. * @param _minLockedPeriods Min amount of periods during which tokens can be locked * @param _minAllowableLockedTokens Min amount of tokens that can be locked * @param _maxAllowableLockedTokens Max amount of tokens that can be locked * @param _minWorkerPeriods Min amount of periods while a worker can't be changed * @param _isTestContract True if contract is only for tests */ constructor( NuCypherToken _token, uint32 _hoursPerPeriod, uint256 _issuanceDecayCoefficient, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient1, uint256 _lockDurationCoefficient2, uint16 _maximumRewardedPeriods, uint256 _firstPhaseTotalSupply, uint256 _firstPhaseMaxIssuance, uint16 _minLockedPeriods, uint256 _minAllowableLockedTokens, uint256 _maxAllowableLockedTokens, uint16 _minWorkerPeriods, bool _isTestContract ) Issuer( _token, _hoursPerPeriod, _issuanceDecayCoefficient, _lockDurationCoefficient1, _lockDurationCoefficient2, _maximumRewardedPeriods, _firstPhaseTotalSupply, _firstPhaseMaxIssuance ) { // constant `1` in the expression `_minLockedPeriods > 1` uses to simplify the `lock` method require(_minLockedPeriods > 1 && _maxAllowableLockedTokens != 0); minLockedPeriods = _minLockedPeriods; minAllowableLockedTokens = _minAllowableLockedTokens; maxAllowableLockedTokens = _maxAllowableLockedTokens; minWorkerPeriods = _minWorkerPeriods; isTestContract = _isTestContract; } /** * @dev Checks the existence of a staker in the contract */ modifier onlyStaker() { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; require(info.value > 0 || info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0); _; } //------------------------Initialization------------------------ /** * @notice Set policy manager address */ function setPolicyManager(PolicyManagerInterface _policyManager) external onlyOwner { // Policy manager can be set only once require(address(policyManager) == address(0)); // This escrow must be the escrow for the new policy manager require(_policyManager.escrow() == address(this)); policyManager = _policyManager; } /** * @notice Set adjudicator address */ function setAdjudicator(AdjudicatorInterface _adjudicator) external onlyOwner { // Adjudicator can be set only once require(address(adjudicator) == address(0)); // This escrow must be the escrow for the new adjudicator require(_adjudicator.escrow() == address(this)); adjudicator = _adjudicator; } /** * @notice Set worklock address */ function setWorkLock(WorkLockInterface _workLock) external onlyOwner { // WorkLock can be set only once require(address(workLock) == address(0) || isTestContract); // This escrow must be the escrow for the new worklock require(_workLock.escrow() == address(this)); workLock = _workLock; } //------------------------Main getters------------------------ /** * @notice Get all tokens belonging to the staker */ function getAllTokens(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].value; } /** * @notice Get all flags for the staker */ function getFlags(address _staker) external view returns ( bool windDown, bool reStake, bool measureWork, bool snapshots ) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; windDown = info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX); reStake = !info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); measureWork = info.flags.bitSet(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX); snapshots = !info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX); } /** * @notice Get the start period. Use in the calculation of the last period of the sub stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period */ function getStartPeriod(StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod) internal view returns (uint16) { // if the next period (after current) is committed if (_info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX) && _info.nextCommittedPeriod > _currentPeriod) { return _currentPeriod + 1; } return _currentPeriod; } /** * @notice Get the last period of the sub stake * @param _subStake Sub stake structure * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period */ function getLastPeriodOfSubStake(SubStakeInfo storage _subStake, uint16 _startPeriod) internal view returns (uint16) { if (_subStake.lastPeriod != 0) { return _subStake.lastPeriod; } uint32 lastPeriod = uint32(_startPeriod) + _subStake.periods; if (lastPeriod > uint32(MAX_UINT16)) { return MAX_UINT16; } return uint16(lastPeriod); } /** * @notice Get the last period of the sub stake * @param _staker Staker * @param _index Stake index */ function getLastPeriodOfSubStake(address _staker, uint256 _index) public view returns (uint16) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(info, getCurrentPeriod()); return getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, startPeriod); } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for a staker in a specified period * @dev Information may be incorrect for rewarded or not committed surpassed period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _period Next period */ function getLockedTokens(StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _period) internal view returns (uint256 lockedValue) { lockedValue = 0; uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(_info, _currentPeriod); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _period && getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, startPeriod) >= _period) { lockedValue += subStake.lockedValue; } } } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for a staker in a future period * @dev This function is used by PreallocationEscrow so its signature can't be updated. * @param _staker Staker * @param _periods Amount of periods that will be added to the current period */ function getLockedTokens(address _staker, uint16 _periods) external view returns (uint256 lockedValue) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod.add16(_periods); return getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); } /** * @notice Get the last committed staker's period * @param _staker Staker */ function getLastCommittedPeriod(address _staker) public view returns (uint16) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; return info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0 ? info.nextCommittedPeriod : info.lastCommittedPeriod; } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for active stakers in (getCurrentPeriod() + _periods) period * as well as stakers and their locked tokens * @param _periods Amount of periods for locked tokens calculation * @param _startIndex Start index for looking in stakers array * @param _maxStakers Max stakers for looking, if set 0 then all will be used * @return allLockedTokens Sum of locked tokens for active stakers * @return activeStakers Array of stakers and their locked tokens. Stakers addresses stored as uint256 * @dev Note that activeStakers[0] in an array of uint256, but you want addresses. Careful when used directly! */ function getActiveStakers(uint16 _periods, uint256 _startIndex, uint256 _maxStakers) external view returns (uint256 allLockedTokens, uint256[2][] memory activeStakers) { require(_periods > 0); uint256 endIndex = stakers.length; require(_startIndex < endIndex); if (_maxStakers != 0 && _startIndex + _maxStakers < endIndex) { endIndex = _startIndex + _maxStakers; } activeStakers = new uint256[2][](endIndex - _startIndex); allLockedTokens = 0; uint256 resultIndex = 0; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod.add16(_periods); for (uint256 i = _startIndex; i < endIndex; i++) { address staker = stakers[i]; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker]; if (info.currentCommittedPeriod != currentPeriod && info.nextCommittedPeriod != currentPeriod) { continue; } uint256 lockedTokens = getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); if (lockedTokens != 0) { activeStakers[resultIndex][0] = uint256(staker); activeStakers[resultIndex++][1] = lockedTokens; allLockedTokens += lockedTokens; } } assembly { mstore(activeStakers, resultIndex) } } /** * @notice Checks if `reStake` parameter is available for changing * @param _staker Staker */ function isReStakeLocked(address _staker) public view returns (bool) { return getCurrentPeriod() < stakerInfo[_staker].lockReStakeUntilPeriod; } /** * @notice Get worker using staker's address */ function getWorkerFromStaker(address _staker) external view returns (address) { return stakerInfo[_staker].worker; } /** * @notice Get work that completed by the staker */ function getCompletedWork(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].completedWork; } /** * @notice Find index of downtime structure that includes specified period * @dev If specified period is outside all downtime periods, the length of the array will be returned * @param _staker Staker * @param _period Specified period number */ function findIndexOfPastDowntime(address _staker, uint16 _period) external view returns (uint256 index) { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; for (index = 0; index < info.pastDowntime.length; index++) { if (_period <= info.pastDowntime[index].endPeriod) { return index; } } } //------------------------Main methods------------------------ /** * @notice Start or stop measuring the work of a staker * @param _staker Staker * @param _measureWork Value for `measureWork` parameter * @return Work that was previously done */ function setWorkMeasurement(address _staker, bool _measureWork) external returns (uint256) { require(msg.sender == address(workLock)); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (info.flags.bitSet(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX) == _measureWork) { return info.completedWork; } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX); emit WorkMeasurementSet(_staker, _measureWork); return info.completedWork; } /** * @notice Bond worker * @param _worker Worker address. Must be a real address, not a contract */ function bondWorker(address _worker) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; // Specified worker is already bonded with this staker require(_worker != info.worker); uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); if (info.worker != address(0)) { // If this staker had a worker ... // Check that enough time has passed to change it require(currentPeriod >= info.workerStartPeriod.add16(minWorkerPeriods)); // Remove the old relation "worker->staker" stakerFromWorker[info.worker] = address(0); } if (_worker != address(0)) { // Specified worker is already in use require(stakerFromWorker[_worker] == address(0)); // Specified worker is a staker require(stakerInfo[_worker].subStakes.length == 0 || _worker == msg.sender); // Set new worker->staker relation stakerFromWorker[_worker] = msg.sender; } // Bond new worker (or unbond if _worker == address(0)) info.worker = _worker; info.workerStartPeriod = currentPeriod; emit WorkerBonded(msg.sender, _worker, currentPeriod); } /** * @notice Set `reStake` parameter. If true then all staking rewards will be added to locked stake * Only if this parameter is not locked * @param _reStake Value for parameter */ function setReStake(bool _reStake) external { require(!isReStakeLocked(msg.sender)); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; if (info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX) == !_reStake) { return; } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); emit ReStakeSet(msg.sender, _reStake); } /** * @notice Lock `reStake` parameter. Only if this parameter is not locked * @param _lockReStakeUntilPeriod Can't change `reStake` value until this period */ function lockReStake(uint16 _lockReStakeUntilPeriod) external { require(!isReStakeLocked(msg.sender) && _lockReStakeUntilPeriod > getCurrentPeriod()); stakerInfo[msg.sender].lockReStakeUntilPeriod = _lockReStakeUntilPeriod; emit ReStakeLocked(msg.sender, _lockReStakeUntilPeriod); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens from WorkLock contract * @param _staker Staker address * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function depositFromWorkLock( address _staker, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods ) external { require(msg.sender == address(workLock)); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (!info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX) && info.subStakes.length == 0) { info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(WIND_DOWN_INDEX); emit WindDownSet(_staker, true); } deposit(_staker, msg.sender, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, _periods); } /** * @notice Set `windDown` parameter. * If true then stake's duration will be decreasing in each period with `commitToNextPeriod()` * @param _windDown Value for parameter */ function setWindDown(bool _windDown) external { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; if (info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX) == _windDown) { return; } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(WIND_DOWN_INDEX); emit WindDownSet(msg.sender, _windDown); // duration adjustment if next period is committed uint16 nextPeriod = getCurrentPeriod() + 1; if (info.nextCommittedPeriod != nextPeriod) { return; } // adjust sub-stakes duration for the new value of winding down parameter for (uint256 index = 0; index < info.subStakes.length; index++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[index]; // sub-stake does not have fixed last period when winding down is disabled if (!_windDown && subStake.lastPeriod == nextPeriod) { subStake.lastPeriod = 0; subStake.periods = 1; continue; } // this sub-stake is no longer affected by winding down parameter if (subStake.lastPeriod != 0 || subStake.periods == 0) { continue; } subStake.periods = _windDown ? subStake.periods - 1 : subStake.periods + 1; if (subStake.periods == 0) { subStake.lastPeriod = nextPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Activate/deactivate taking snapshots of balances * @param _enableSnapshots True to activate snapshots, False to deactivate */ function setSnapshots(bool _enableSnapshots) external { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; if (info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX) == !_enableSnapshots) { return; } uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue()); if(_enableSnapshots){ info.history.addSnapshot(info.value); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance + info.value); } else { info.history.addSnapshot(0); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance - info.value); } info.flags = info.flags.toggleBit(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX); emit SnapshotSet(msg.sender, _enableSnapshots); } /** * @notice Adds a new snapshot to both the staker and global balance histories, * assuming the staker's balance was already changed * @param _info Reference to affected staker's struct * @param _addition Variance in balance. It can be positive or negative. */ function addSnapshot(StakerInfo storage _info, int256 _addition) internal { if(!_info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX)){ _info.history.addSnapshot(_info.value); uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue()); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance.addSigned(_addition)); } } /** * @notice Batch deposit. Allowed only initial deposit for each staker * @param _stakers Stakers * @param _numberOfSubStakes Number of sub-stakes which belong to staker in _values and _periods arrays * @param _values Amount of tokens to deposit for each staker * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked for each staker */ function batchDeposit( address[] calldata _stakers, uint256[] calldata _numberOfSubStakes, uint256[] calldata _values, uint16[] calldata _periods ) external { uint256 subStakesLength = _values.length; require(_stakers.length != 0 && _stakers.length == _numberOfSubStakes.length && subStakesLength >= _stakers.length && _periods.length == subStakesLength); uint16 previousPeriod = getCurrentPeriod() - 1; uint16 nextPeriod = previousPeriod + 2; uint256 sumValue = 0; uint256 j = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _stakers.length; i++) { address staker = _stakers[i]; uint256 numberOfSubStakes = _numberOfSubStakes[i]; uint256 endIndex = j + numberOfSubStakes; require(numberOfSubStakes > 0 && subStakesLength >= endIndex); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker]; require(info.subStakes.length == 0 && !info.flags.bitSet(SNAPSHOTS_DISABLED_INDEX)); // A staker can't be a worker for another staker require(stakerFromWorker[staker] == address(0)); stakers.push(staker); policyManager.register(staker, previousPeriod); for (; j < endIndex; j++) { uint256 value = _values[j]; uint16 periods = _periods[j]; require(value >= minAllowableLockedTokens && periods >= minLockedPeriods); info.value = info.value.add(value); info.subStakes.push(SubStakeInfo(nextPeriod, 0, periods, uint128(value))); sumValue = sumValue.add(value); emit Deposited(staker, value, periods); emit Locked(staker, value, nextPeriod, periods); } require(info.value <= maxAllowableLockedTokens); info.history.addSnapshot(info.value); } require(j == subStakesLength); uint256 lastGlobalBalance = uint256(balanceHistory.lastValue()); balanceHistory.addSnapshot(lastGlobalBalance + sumValue); token.safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), sumValue); } /** * @notice Implementation of the receiveApproval(address,uint256,address,bytes) method * (see NuCypherToken contract). Deposit all tokens that were approved to transfer * @param _from Staker * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _tokenContract Token contract address * @notice (param _extraData) Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function receiveApproval( address _from, uint256 _value, address _tokenContract, bytes calldata /* _extraData */ ) external { require(_tokenContract == address(token) && msg.sender == address(token)); // Copy first 32 bytes from _extraData, according to calldata memory layout: // // 0x00: method signature 4 bytes // 0x04: _from 32 bytes after encoding // 0x24: _value 32 bytes after encoding // 0x44: _tokenContract 32 bytes after encoding // 0x64: _extraData pointer 32 bytes. Value must be 0x80 (offset of _extraData wrt to 1st parameter) // 0x84: _extraData length 32 bytes // 0xA4: _extraData data Length determined by previous variable // // See uint256 payloadSize; uint256 payload; assembly { payloadSize := calldataload(0x84) payload := calldataload(0xA4) } payload = payload >> 8*(32 - payloadSize); deposit(_from, _from, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, uint16(payload)); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens and create new sub-stake. Use this method to become a staker * @param _staker Staker * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function deposit(address _staker, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) external { deposit(_staker, msg.sender, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, _periods); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens and increase lock amount of an existing sub-stake * @dev This is preferable way to stake tokens because will be fewer active sub-stakes in the result * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked */ function depositAndIncrease(uint256 _index, uint256 _value) external onlyStaker { require(_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES); deposit(msg.sender, msg.sender, _index, _value, 0); } /** * @notice Deposit tokens * @dev Specify either index and zero periods (for an existing sub-stake) * or index >= MAX_SUB_STAKES and real value for periods (for a new sub-stake), not both * @param _staker Staker * @param _payer Owner of tokens * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _value Amount of tokens to deposit * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function deposit(address _staker, address _payer, uint256 _index, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) internal { require(_value != 0); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; // A staker can't be a worker for another staker require(stakerFromWorker[_staker] == address(0) || stakerFromWorker[_staker] == info.worker); // initial stake of the staker if (info.subStakes.length == 0) { stakers.push(_staker); policyManager.register(_staker, getCurrentPeriod() - 1); } token.safeTransferFrom(_payer, address(this), _value); info.value += _value; lock(_staker, _index, _value, _periods); addSnapshot(info, int256(_value)); if (_index >= MAX_SUB_STAKES) { emit Deposited(_staker, _value, _periods); } else { uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(_staker, _index); emit Deposited(_staker, _value, lastPeriod - getCurrentPeriod()); } } /** * @notice Lock some tokens as a new sub-stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function lockAndCreate(uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) external onlyStaker { lock(msg.sender, MAX_SUB_STAKES, _value, _periods); } /** * @notice Increase lock amount of an existing sub-stake * @param _index Index of the sub-stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked */ function lockAndIncrease(uint256 _index, uint256 _value) external onlyStaker { require(_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES); lock(msg.sender, _index, _value, 0); } /** * @notice Lock some tokens as a stake * @dev Specify either index and zero periods (for an existing sub-stake) * or index >= MAX_SUB_STAKES and real value for periods (for a new sub-stake), not both * @param _staker Staker * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function lock(address _staker, uint256 _index, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods) internal { if (_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES) { require(_value > 0); } else { require(_value >= minAllowableLockedTokens && _periods >= minLockedPeriods); } uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; uint256 lockedTokens = getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); uint256 requestedLockedTokens = _value.add(lockedTokens); require(requestedLockedTokens <= info.value && requestedLockedTokens <= maxAllowableLockedTokens); // next period is committed if (info.nextCommittedPeriod == nextPeriod) { lockedPerPeriod[nextPeriod] += _value; emit CommitmentMade(_staker, nextPeriod, _value); } // if index was provided then increase existing sub-stake if (_index < MAX_SUB_STAKES) { lockAndIncrease(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod, _staker, _index, _value); // otherwise create new } else { lockAndCreate(info, nextPeriod, _staker, _value, _periods); } } /** * @notice Lock some tokens as a new sub-stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _nextPeriod Next period * @param _staker Staker * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked * @param _periods Amount of periods during which tokens will be locked */ function lockAndCreate( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _nextPeriod, address _staker, uint256 _value, uint16 _periods ) internal { uint16 duration = _periods; // if winding down is enabled and next period is committed // then sub-stakes duration were decreased if (_info.nextCommittedPeriod == _nextPeriod && _info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX)) { duration -= 1; } saveSubStake(_info, _nextPeriod, 0, duration, _value); emit Locked(_staker, _value, _nextPeriod, _periods); } /** * @notice Increase lock amount of an existing sub-stake * @dev Probably will be created a new sub-stake but it will be active only one period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _nextPeriod Next period * @param _staker Staker * @param _index Index of the sub-stake * @param _value Amount of tokens which will be locked */ function lockAndIncrease( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _nextPeriod, address _staker, uint256 _index, uint256 _value ) internal { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[_index]; (, uint16 lastPeriod) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(_info, subStake, _currentPeriod); // create temporary sub-stake for current or previous committed periods // to leave locked amount in this period unchanged if (_info.currentCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.currentCommittedPeriod <= _currentPeriod || _info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.nextCommittedPeriod <= _currentPeriod) { saveSubStake(_info, subStake.firstPeriod, _currentPeriod, 0, subStake.lockedValue); } subStake.lockedValue += uint128(_value); // all new locks should start from the next period subStake.firstPeriod = _nextPeriod; emit Locked(_staker, _value, _nextPeriod, lastPeriod - _currentPeriod); } /** * @notice Checks that last period of sub-stake is greater than the current period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _subStake Sub-stake structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @return startPeriod Start period. Use in the calculation of the last period of the sub stake * @return lastPeriod Last period of the sub stake */ function checkLastPeriodOfSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, SubStakeInfo storage _subStake, uint16 _currentPeriod ) internal view returns (uint16 startPeriod, uint16 lastPeriod) { startPeriod = getStartPeriod(_info, _currentPeriod); lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(_subStake, startPeriod); // The sub stake must be active at least in the next period require(lastPeriod > _currentPeriod); } /** * @notice Save sub stake. First tries to override inactive sub stake * @dev Inactive sub stake means that last period of sub stake has been surpassed and already rewarded * @param _info Staker structure * @param _firstPeriod First period of the sub stake * @param _lastPeriod Last period of the sub stake * @param _periods Duration of the sub stake in periods * @param _lockedValue Amount of locked tokens */ function saveSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _firstPeriod, uint16 _lastPeriod, uint16 _periods, uint256 _lockedValue ) internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; if (subStake.lastPeriod != 0 && (_info.currentCommittedPeriod == 0 || subStake.lastPeriod < _info.currentCommittedPeriod) && (_info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 || subStake.lastPeriod < _info.nextCommittedPeriod)) { subStake.firstPeriod = _firstPeriod; subStake.lastPeriod = _lastPeriod; subStake.periods = _periods; subStake.lockedValue = uint128(_lockedValue); return; } } require(_info.subStakes.length < MAX_SUB_STAKES); _info.subStakes.push(SubStakeInfo(_firstPeriod, _lastPeriod, _periods, uint128(_lockedValue))); } /** * @notice Divide sub stake into two parts * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _newValue New sub stake value * @param _periods Amount of periods for extending sub stake */ function divideStake(uint256 _index, uint256 _newValue, uint16 _periods) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; require(_newValue >= minAllowableLockedTokens && _periods > 0); SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); (, uint16 lastPeriod) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake, currentPeriod); uint256 oldValue = subStake.lockedValue; subStake.lockedValue = uint128(oldValue.sub(_newValue)); require(subStake.lockedValue >= minAllowableLockedTokens); uint16 requestedPeriods = subStake.periods.add16(_periods); saveSubStake(info, subStake.firstPeriod, 0, requestedPeriods, _newValue); emit Divided(msg.sender, oldValue, lastPeriod, _newValue, _periods); emit Locked(msg.sender, _newValue, subStake.firstPeriod, requestedPeriods); } /** * @notice Prolong active sub stake * @param _index Index of the sub stake * @param _periods Amount of periods for extending sub stake */ function prolongStake(uint256 _index, uint16 _periods) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; // Incorrect parameters require(_periods > 0); SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); (uint16 startPeriod, uint16 lastPeriod) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake, currentPeriod); subStake.periods = subStake.periods.add16(_periods); // if the sub stake ends in the next committed period then reset the `lastPeriod` field if (lastPeriod == startPeriod) { subStake.lastPeriod = 0; } // The extended sub stake must not be less than the minimum value require(uint32(lastPeriod - currentPeriod) + _periods >= minLockedPeriods); emit Locked(msg.sender, subStake.lockedValue, lastPeriod + 1, _periods); emit Prolonged(msg.sender, subStake.lockedValue, lastPeriod, _periods); } /** * @notice Merge two sub-stakes into one if their last periods are equal * @dev It's possible that both sub-stakes will be active after this transaction. * But only one of them will be active until next call `commitToNextPeriod` (in the next period) * @param _index1 Index of the first sub-stake * @param _index2 Index of the second sub-stake */ function mergeStake(uint256 _index1, uint256 _index2) external onlyStaker { require(_index1 != _index2); // must be different sub-stakes StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; SubStakeInfo storage subStake1 = info.subStakes[_index1]; SubStakeInfo storage subStake2 = info.subStakes[_index2]; uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); (, uint16 lastPeriod1) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake1, currentPeriod); (, uint16 lastPeriod2) = checkLastPeriodOfSubStake(info, subStake2, currentPeriod); // both sub-stakes must have equal last period to be mergeable require(lastPeriod1 == lastPeriod2); emit Merged(msg.sender, subStake1.lockedValue, subStake2.lockedValue, lastPeriod1); if (subStake1.firstPeriod == subStake2.firstPeriod) { subStake1.lockedValue += subStake2.lockedValue; subStake2.lastPeriod = 1; subStake2.periods = 0; } else if (subStake1.firstPeriod > subStake2.firstPeriod) { subStake1.lockedValue += subStake2.lockedValue; subStake2.lastPeriod = subStake1.firstPeriod - 1; subStake2.periods = 0; } else { subStake2.lockedValue += subStake1.lockedValue; subStake1.lastPeriod = subStake2.firstPeriod - 1; subStake1.periods = 0; } } /** * @notice Remove unused sub-stake to decrease gas cost for several methods */ function removeUnusedSubStake(uint16 _index) external onlyStaker { StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; uint256 lastIndex = info.subStakes.length - 1; SubStakeInfo storage subStake = info.subStakes[_index]; require(subStake.lastPeriod != 0 && (info.currentCommittedPeriod == 0 || subStake.lastPeriod < info.currentCommittedPeriod) && (info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 || subStake.lastPeriod < info.nextCommittedPeriod)); if (_index != lastIndex) { SubStakeInfo storage lastSubStake = info.subStakes[lastIndex]; subStake.firstPeriod = lastSubStake.firstPeriod; subStake.lastPeriod = lastSubStake.lastPeriod; subStake.periods = lastSubStake.periods; subStake.lockedValue = lastSubStake.lockedValue; } info.subStakes.pop(); } /** * @notice Withdraw available amount of tokens to staker * @param _value Amount of tokens to withdraw */ function withdraw(uint256 _value) external onlyStaker { uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; // the max locked tokens in most cases will be in the current period // but when the staker locks more then we should use the next period uint256 lockedTokens = Math.max(getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod), getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, currentPeriod)); require(_value <= info.value.sub(lockedTokens)); info.value -= _value; addSnapshot(info, - int256(_value)); token.safeTransfer(msg.sender, _value); emit Withdrawn(msg.sender, _value); // unbond worker if staker withdraws last portion of NU if (info.value == 0 && info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 && info.worker != address(0)) { stakerFromWorker[info.worker] = address(0); info.worker = address(0); emit WorkerBonded(msg.sender, address(0), currentPeriod); } } /** * @notice Make a commitment to the next period and mint for the previous period */ function commitToNextPeriod() external isInitialized { address staker = stakerFromWorker[msg.sender]; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[staker]; // Staker must have a stake to make a commitment require(info.value > 0); // Only worker with real address can make a commitment require(msg.sender == tx.origin); uint16 lastCommittedPeriod = getLastCommittedPeriod(staker); (uint16 processedPeriod1, uint16 processedPeriod2) = mint(staker); uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; // the period has already been committed if (info.nextCommittedPeriod == nextPeriod) { return; } uint256 lockedTokens = getLockedTokens(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod); require(lockedTokens > 0); lockedPerPeriod[nextPeriod] += lockedTokens; info.currentCommittedPeriod = info.nextCommittedPeriod; info.nextCommittedPeriod = nextPeriod; decreaseSubStakesDuration(info, nextPeriod); // staker was inactive for several periods if (lastCommittedPeriod < currentPeriod) { info.pastDowntime.push(Downtime(lastCommittedPeriod + 1, currentPeriod)); }, processedPeriod1, processedPeriod2, nextPeriod); emit CommitmentMade(staker, nextPeriod, lockedTokens); } /** * @notice Decrease sub-stakes duration if `windDown` is enabled */ function decreaseSubStakesDuration(StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _nextPeriod) internal { if (!_info.flags.bitSet(WIND_DOWN_INDEX)) { return; } for (uint256 index = 0; index < _info.subStakes.length; index++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[index]; if (subStake.lastPeriod != 0 || subStake.periods == 0) { continue; } subStake.periods--; if (subStake.periods == 0) { subStake.lastPeriod = _nextPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Mint tokens for previous periods if staker locked their tokens and made a commitment */ function mint() external onlyStaker { // save last committed period to the storage if both periods will be empty after minting // because we won't be able to calculate last committed period // see getLastCommittedPeriod(address) StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[msg.sender]; uint16 previousPeriod = getCurrentPeriod() - 1; if (info.nextCommittedPeriod <= previousPeriod && info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0) { info.lastCommittedPeriod = info.nextCommittedPeriod; } (uint16 processedPeriod1, uint16 processedPeriod2) = mint(msg.sender); if (processedPeriod1 != 0 || processedPeriod2 != 0) {, processedPeriod1, processedPeriod2, 0); } } /** * @notice Mint tokens for previous periods if staker locked their tokens and made a commitment * @param _staker Staker * @return processedPeriod1 Processed period: currentCommittedPeriod or zero * @return processedPeriod2 Processed period: nextCommittedPeriod or zero */ function mint(address _staker) internal returns (uint16 processedPeriod1, uint16 processedPeriod2) { uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 previousPeriod = currentPeriod - 1; StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (info.nextCommittedPeriod == 0 || info.currentCommittedPeriod == 0 && info.nextCommittedPeriod > previousPeriod || info.currentCommittedPeriod > previousPeriod) { return (0, 0); } uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(info, currentPeriod); uint256 reward = 0; bool reStake = !info.flags.bitSet(RE_STAKE_DISABLED_INDEX); if (info.currentCommittedPeriod != 0) { reward = mint(info, info.currentCommittedPeriod, currentPeriod, startPeriod, reStake); processedPeriod1 = info.currentCommittedPeriod; info.currentCommittedPeriod = 0; if (reStake) { lockedPerPeriod[info.nextCommittedPeriod] += reward; } } if (info.nextCommittedPeriod <= previousPeriod) { reward += mint(info, info.nextCommittedPeriod, currentPeriod, startPeriod, reStake); processedPeriod2 = info.nextCommittedPeriod; info.nextCommittedPeriod = 0; } info.value += reward; if (info.flags.bitSet(MEASURE_WORK_INDEX)) { info.completedWork += reward; } addSnapshot(info, int256(reward)); emit Minted(_staker, previousPeriod, reward); } /** * @notice Calculate reward for one period * @param _info Staker structure * @param _mintingPeriod Period for minting calculation * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period */ function mint( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _mintingPeriod, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _startPeriod, bool _reStake ) internal returns (uint256 reward) { reward = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, _startPeriod); if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _mintingPeriod && lastPeriod >= _mintingPeriod) { uint256 subStakeReward = mint( _currentPeriod, subStake.lockedValue, lockedPerPeriod[_mintingPeriod], lastPeriod.sub16(_mintingPeriod)); reward += subStakeReward; if (_reStake) { subStake.lockedValue += uint128(subStakeReward); } } } return reward; } //-------------------------Slashing------------------------- /** * @notice Slash the staker's stake and reward the investigator * @param _staker Staker's address * @param _penalty Penalty * @param _investigator Investigator * @param _reward Reward for the investigator */ function slashStaker( address _staker, uint256 _penalty, address _investigator, uint256 _reward ) public isInitialized { require(msg.sender == address(adjudicator)); require(_penalty > 0); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker]; if (info.value <= _penalty) { _penalty = info.value; } info.value -= _penalty; if (_reward > _penalty) { _reward = _penalty; } uint16 currentPeriod = getCurrentPeriod(); uint16 nextPeriod = currentPeriod + 1; uint16 startPeriod = getStartPeriod(info, currentPeriod); (uint256 currentLock, uint256 nextLock, uint256 currentAndNextLock, uint256 shortestSubStakeIndex) = getLockedTokensAndShortestSubStake(info, currentPeriod, nextPeriod, startPeriod); // Decrease the stake if amount of locked tokens in the current period more than staker has uint256 lockedTokens = currentLock + currentAndNextLock; if (info.value < lockedTokens) { decreaseSubStakes(info, lockedTokens - info.value, currentPeriod, startPeriod, shortestSubStakeIndex); } // Decrease the stake if amount of locked tokens in the next period more than staker has if (nextLock > 0) { lockedTokens = nextLock + currentAndNextLock - (currentAndNextLock > info.value ? currentAndNextLock - info.value : 0); if (info.value < lockedTokens) { decreaseSubStakes(info, lockedTokens - info.value, nextPeriod, startPeriod, MAX_SUB_STAKES); } } emit Slashed(_staker, _penalty, _investigator, _reward); if (_penalty > _reward) { unMint(_penalty - _reward); } // TODO change to withdrawal pattern (#1499) if (_reward > 0) { token.safeTransfer(_investigator, _reward); } addSnapshot(info, - int256(_penalty)); } /** * @notice Get the value of locked tokens for a staker in the current and the next period * and find the shortest sub stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _nextPeriod Next period * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period * @return currentLock Amount of tokens that locked in the current period and unlocked in the next period * @return nextLock Amount of tokens that locked in the next period and not locked in the current period * @return currentAndNextLock Amount of tokens that locked in the current period and in the next period * @return shortestSubStakeIndex Index of the shortest sub stake */ function getLockedTokensAndShortestSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _nextPeriod, uint16 _startPeriod ) internal view returns ( uint256 currentLock, uint256 nextLock, uint256 currentAndNextLock, uint256 shortestSubStakeIndex ) { uint16 minDuration = MAX_UINT16; uint16 minLastPeriod = MAX_UINT16; shortestSubStakeIndex = MAX_SUB_STAKES; currentLock = 0; nextLock = 0; currentAndNextLock = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, _startPeriod); if (lastPeriod < subStake.firstPeriod) { continue; } if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _nextPeriod) { currentAndNextLock += subStake.lockedValue; } else if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _currentPeriod) { currentLock += subStake.lockedValue; } else if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _nextPeriod && lastPeriod >= _nextPeriod) { nextLock += subStake.lockedValue; } uint16 duration = lastPeriod - subStake.firstPeriod; if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _currentPeriod && (lastPeriod < minLastPeriod || lastPeriod == minLastPeriod && duration < minDuration)) { shortestSubStakeIndex = i; minDuration = duration; minLastPeriod = lastPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Decrease short sub stakes * @param _info Staker structure * @param _penalty Penalty rate * @param _decreasePeriod The period when the decrease begins * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period * @param _shortestSubStakeIndex Index of the shortest period */ function decreaseSubStakes( StakerInfo storage _info, uint256 _penalty, uint16 _decreasePeriod, uint16 _startPeriod, uint256 _shortestSubStakeIndex ) internal { SubStakeInfo storage shortestSubStake = _info.subStakes[0]; uint16 minSubStakeLastPeriod = MAX_UINT16; uint16 minSubStakeDuration = MAX_UINT16; while(_penalty > 0) { if (_shortestSubStakeIndex < MAX_SUB_STAKES) { shortestSubStake = _info.subStakes[_shortestSubStakeIndex]; minSubStakeLastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(shortestSubStake, _startPeriod); minSubStakeDuration = minSubStakeLastPeriod - shortestSubStake.firstPeriod; _shortestSubStakeIndex = MAX_SUB_STAKES; } else { (shortestSubStake, minSubStakeDuration, minSubStakeLastPeriod) = getShortestSubStake(_info, _decreasePeriod, _startPeriod); } if (minSubStakeDuration == MAX_UINT16) { break; } uint256 appliedPenalty = _penalty; if (_penalty < shortestSubStake.lockedValue) { shortestSubStake.lockedValue -= uint128(_penalty); saveOldSubStake(_info, shortestSubStake.firstPeriod, _penalty, _decreasePeriod); _penalty = 0; } else { shortestSubStake.lastPeriod = _decreasePeriod - 1; _penalty -= shortestSubStake.lockedValue; appliedPenalty = shortestSubStake.lockedValue; } if (_info.currentCommittedPeriod >= _decreasePeriod && _info.currentCommittedPeriod <= minSubStakeLastPeriod) { lockedPerPeriod[_info.currentCommittedPeriod] -= appliedPenalty; } if (_info.nextCommittedPeriod >= _decreasePeriod && _info.nextCommittedPeriod <= minSubStakeLastPeriod) { lockedPerPeriod[_info.nextCommittedPeriod] -= appliedPenalty; } } } /** * @notice Get the shortest sub stake * @param _info Staker structure * @param _currentPeriod Current period * @param _startPeriod Pre-calculated start period * @return shortestSubStake The shortest sub stake * @return minSubStakeDuration Duration of the shortest sub stake * @return minSubStakeLastPeriod Last period of the shortest sub stake */ function getShortestSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _currentPeriod, uint16 _startPeriod ) internal view returns ( SubStakeInfo storage shortestSubStake, uint16 minSubStakeDuration, uint16 minSubStakeLastPeriod ) { shortestSubStake = shortestSubStake; minSubStakeDuration = MAX_UINT16; minSubStakeLastPeriod = MAX_UINT16; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; uint16 lastPeriod = getLastPeriodOfSubStake(subStake, _startPeriod); if (lastPeriod < subStake.firstPeriod) { continue; } uint16 duration = lastPeriod - subStake.firstPeriod; if (subStake.firstPeriod <= _currentPeriod && lastPeriod >= _currentPeriod && (lastPeriod < minSubStakeLastPeriod || lastPeriod == minSubStakeLastPeriod && duration < minSubStakeDuration)) { shortestSubStake = subStake; minSubStakeDuration = duration; minSubStakeLastPeriod = lastPeriod; } } } /** * @notice Save the old sub stake values to prevent decreasing reward for the previous period * @dev Saving happens only if the previous period is committed * @param _info Staker structure * @param _firstPeriod First period of the old sub stake * @param _lockedValue Locked value of the old sub stake * @param _currentPeriod Current period, when the old sub stake is already unlocked */ function saveOldSubStake( StakerInfo storage _info, uint16 _firstPeriod, uint256 _lockedValue, uint16 _currentPeriod ) internal { // Check that the old sub stake should be saved bool oldCurrentCommittedPeriod = _info.currentCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.currentCommittedPeriod < _currentPeriod; bool oldnextCommittedPeriod = _info.nextCommittedPeriod != 0 && _info.nextCommittedPeriod < _currentPeriod; bool crosscurrentCommittedPeriod = oldCurrentCommittedPeriod && _info.currentCommittedPeriod >= _firstPeriod; bool crossnextCommittedPeriod = oldnextCommittedPeriod && _info.nextCommittedPeriod >= _firstPeriod; if (!crosscurrentCommittedPeriod && !crossnextCommittedPeriod) { return; } // Try to find already existent proper old sub stake uint16 previousPeriod = _currentPeriod - 1; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _info.subStakes.length; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStake = _info.subStakes[i]; if (subStake.lastPeriod == previousPeriod && ((crosscurrentCommittedPeriod == (oldCurrentCommittedPeriod && _info.currentCommittedPeriod >= subStake.firstPeriod)) && (crossnextCommittedPeriod == (oldnextCommittedPeriod && _info.nextCommittedPeriod >= subStake.firstPeriod)))) { subStake.lockedValue += uint128(_lockedValue); return; } } saveSubStake(_info, _firstPeriod, previousPeriod, 0, _lockedValue); } //-------------Additional getters for stakers info------------- /** * @notice Return the length of the array of stakers */ function getStakersLength() external view returns (uint256) { return stakers.length; } /** * @notice Return the length of the array of sub stakes */ function getSubStakesLength(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].subStakes.length; } /** * @notice Return the information about sub stake */ function getSubStakeInfo(address _staker, uint256 _index) // TODO change to structure when ABIEncoderV2 is released (#1501) // public view returns (SubStakeInfo) // TODO "virtual" only for tests, probably will be removed after #1512 external view virtual returns (uint16 firstPeriod, uint16 lastPeriod, uint16 periods, uint128 lockedValue) { SubStakeInfo storage info = stakerInfo[_staker].subStakes[_index]; firstPeriod = info.firstPeriod; lastPeriod = info.lastPeriod; periods = info.periods; lockedValue = info.lockedValue; } /** * @notice Return the length of the array of past downtime */ function getPastDowntimeLength(address _staker) external view returns (uint256) { return stakerInfo[_staker].pastDowntime.length; } /** * @notice Return the information about past downtime */ function getPastDowntime(address _staker, uint256 _index) // TODO change to structure when ABIEncoderV2 is released (#1501) // public view returns (Downtime) external view returns (uint16 startPeriod, uint16 endPeriod) { Downtime storage downtime = stakerInfo[_staker].pastDowntime[_index]; startPeriod = downtime.startPeriod; endPeriod = downtime.endPeriod; } //------------------ ERC900 connectors ---------------------- function totalStakedForAt(address _owner, uint256 _blockNumber) public view override returns (uint256){ return stakerInfo[_owner].history.getValueAt(_blockNumber); } function totalStakedAt(uint256 _blockNumber) public view override returns (uint256){ return balanceHistory.getValueAt(_blockNumber); } function supportsHistory() external pure override returns (bool){ return true; } //------------------------Upgradeable------------------------ /** * @dev Get StakerInfo structure by delegatecall */ function delegateGetStakerInfo(address _target, bytes32 _staker) internal returns (StakerInfo memory result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData(_target, this.stakerInfo.selector, 1, _staker, 0); assembly { result := memoryAddress } } /** * @dev Get SubStakeInfo structure by delegatecall */ function delegateGetSubStakeInfo(address _target, bytes32 _staker, uint256 _index) internal returns (SubStakeInfo memory result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData( _target, this.getSubStakeInfo.selector, 2, _staker, bytes32(_index)); assembly { result := memoryAddress } } /** * @dev Get Downtime structure by delegatecall */ function delegateGetPastDowntime(address _target, bytes32 _staker, uint256 _index) internal returns (Downtime memory result) { bytes32 memoryAddress = delegateGetData( _target, this.getPastDowntime.selector, 2, _staker, bytes32(_index)); assembly { result := memoryAddress } } /// @dev the `onlyWhileUpgrading` modifier works through a call to the parent `verifyState` function verifyState(address _testTarget) public override virtual { super.verifyState(_testTarget); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.policyManager.selector)) == address(policyManager)); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.adjudicator.selector)) == address(adjudicator)); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.workLock.selector)) == address(workLock)); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.lockedPerPeriod.selector, bytes32(bytes2(RESERVED_PERIOD))) == lockedPerPeriod[RESERVED_PERIOD]); require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.stakerFromWorker.selector, bytes32(0))) == stakerFromWorker[address(0)]); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.getStakersLength.selector) == stakers.length); if (stakers.length == 0) { return; } address stakerAddress = stakers[0]; require(address(uint160(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.stakers.selector, 0))) == stakerAddress); StakerInfo storage info = stakerInfo[stakerAddress]; bytes32 staker = bytes32(uint256(stakerAddress)); StakerInfo memory infoToCheck = delegateGetStakerInfo(_testTarget, staker); require(infoToCheck.value == info.value && infoToCheck.currentCommittedPeriod == info.currentCommittedPeriod && infoToCheck.nextCommittedPeriod == info.nextCommittedPeriod && infoToCheck.flags == info.flags && infoToCheck.lockReStakeUntilPeriod == info.lockReStakeUntilPeriod && infoToCheck.lastCommittedPeriod == info.lastCommittedPeriod && infoToCheck.completedWork == info.completedWork && infoToCheck.worker == info.worker && infoToCheck.workerStartPeriod == info.workerStartPeriod); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.getPastDowntimeLength.selector, staker) == info.pastDowntime.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < info.pastDowntime.length && i < MAX_CHECKED_VALUES; i++) { Downtime storage downtime = info.pastDowntime[i]; Downtime memory downtimeToCheck = delegateGetPastDowntime(_testTarget, staker, i); require(downtimeToCheck.startPeriod == downtime.startPeriod && downtimeToCheck.endPeriod == downtime.endPeriod); } require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.getSubStakesLength.selector, staker) == info.subStakes.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < info.subStakes.length && i < MAX_CHECKED_VALUES; i++) { SubStakeInfo storage subStakeInfo = info.subStakes[i]; SubStakeInfo memory subStakeInfoToCheck = delegateGetSubStakeInfo(_testTarget, staker, i); require(subStakeInfoToCheck.firstPeriod == subStakeInfo.firstPeriod && subStakeInfoToCheck.lastPeriod == subStakeInfo.lastPeriod && subStakeInfoToCheck.periods == subStakeInfo.periods && subStakeInfoToCheck.lockedValue == subStakeInfo.lockedValue); } // it's not perfect because checks not only slot value but also decoding // at least without additional functions require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.totalStakedForAt.selector, staker, bytes32(block.number)) == totalStakedForAt(stakerAddress, block.number)); require(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.totalStakedAt.selector, bytes32(block.number)) == totalStakedAt(block.number)); if (info.worker != address(0)) { require(address(delegateGet(_testTarget, this.stakerFromWorker.selector, bytes32(uint256(info.worker)))) == stakerFromWorker[info.worker]); } } /// @dev the `onlyWhileUpgrading` modifier works through a call to the parent `finishUpgrade` function finishUpgrade(address _target) public override virtual { super.finishUpgrade(_target); // Create fake period lockedPerPeriod[RESERVED_PERIOD] = 111; // Create fake worker stakerFromWorker[address(0)] = address(this); } }
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