The cost of N_00 gallons of regular gasoline and N_01 gallons of premium gasoline is N_02 dollars. Premium costs N_03 dollars more per gallon than regular. What is the cost per gallon of each type of gasoline?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_03
1.35 1.57
12.0 18.0 44.46 0.22
Rita received a N_00 dollars gift card for a coffee store. She used it in buying some coffee that cost N_01 dollars per pound. After buying the coffee, she had N_02 dollars left on her card. How many pounds of coffee did she buy?
N_01 * v0 = N_00 - N_02
70.0 8.58 35.68
A textbook costs a bookstore N_00 dollars, and the store sells it for N_01 dollars. Find the amount of profit based on the selling price.
v0 = N_01 - N_00
44.0 55.0
A piggy bank has N_00 coins. The coins are either nickels or dimes. The bank has N_01 dollars in total. How many coins are nickels? How many are dimes?
0.05 * v0 + 0.1 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
9.0 41.0
50.0 4.55
Suppose you invest N_00 dollars in equipment to put pictures on T-shirts. You buy each T-shirt for N_01 dollars. After you have placed the pictures on a shirt, you sell it for N_02 dollars. How many T-shirts must you sell to break even?
N_02 * v0 - N_01 * v0 = N_00
1500 .0 3.0 20.0
A farmer grows only sunflowers and flax on his N_00 -acre farm. This year he wants to plant N_01 more acres of sunflowers than flax. How many acres of sunflowers does the farmer need to plant? How many acres of flax?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
160.0 80.0
240.0 80.0
A car traveled N_00 kilometers in N_01 hours. What was its average speed?
N_01 * v0 = N_00
715.0 11.0
N_00 tickets were sold for the Class of N_01 ice cream picnic. Each student ticket costs N_02 dollars each, and each non-student ticket costs N_03 dollars each. A total of N_04 dollars was collected. How many student tickets were sold?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_04 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
83.0 110.0
193.0 2003.0 0.5 1.5 206.5
A recipe calls for N_00 cups of sugar. You find that you only have N_01 cups of sugar left. What fraction of the recipe can you make?
N_00 * v0 = N_01
2.0 0.3333
A teacher gives out a test of N_00 problems. Each computation problem is worth N_01 points. Each word problem is worth N_02 points. The total points you can receive on the test is N_03 points. How many computation problems are there?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
20.0 10.0
30.0 3.0 5.0 110.0
Sam has N_00 nickels and dimes worth N_01 dollars. How many nickels does he have?
0.1 * v0 + 0.05 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
12.0 18.0
30.0 2.4
A building with N_00 units consists of N_01 -bed rooms costing N_02 dollars and N_05 -bed rooms costing N_03 dollars respectively. When all units are full, the total is N_04 dollars. How many N_05 bedroom units are there?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_04 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
7.0 5.0
12.0 1.0 360.0 450.0 4950.0 2.0
In a basketball game, Will scored N_00 points, consisting only of N_02 -point shots and N_03 -point shots. He made a total of N_01 shots. How many N_02 -point shots did he make? How many N_03 -point shots did he make?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
4.0 7.0
26.0 11.0 3.0 2.0
Jill has N_00 dollars in nickels and dimes. If she has N_01 coins, how many nickels does she have? How many dimes?
0.1 * v0 + 0.05 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
30.0 20.0
3.5 50.0
On a canoe trip, Rita paddled upstream at an average speed of N_00 miles per hour relative to the riverbank. On the return trip downstream, her average speed was N_01 miles per hour. Find Rita's paddling speed in still water and the speed of the river's current.
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_00
2.5 0.5
2.0 3.0
Maggie has a job working in an office for N_00 dollars an hour and another job driving a tractor for N_01 dollars an hour. One week she works in the office twice as long as she drives the tractor. Her total income for that week is N_02 dollars. How many hours did she spend at the office? How many hours driving the tractor?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 - v1 = 0.0
26.0 13.0
10.0 12.0 416.0
N_00 more than the product of three and x is the same as N_01 . Solve for x.
3.0 * v0 = N_01 - N_00
36.0 48.0
Ron and Kathy are ticket-sellers, Ron handling student tickets that sell for N_00 dollars each, and Kathy selling adult tickets for N_01 dollars each. If their total income for N_02 tickets was N_03 dollars, how many did Ron sell?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
12.0 8.0
2.0 4.5 20.0 60.0
A N_00 seat theater charges N_01 dollars for adults and N_02 dollars for children. If all seats were filled and the total ticket income was N_03 dollars, how many adults and children were in the audience?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
140.0 60.0
200.0 3.0 1.5 510.0
How many liters of a N_00 acid solution must be mixed with a N_01 acid solution to get N_02 liters of a N_03 solution?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
4.0 16.0
0.6 0.75 20.0 0.72
Wal-Mart sells thermometers for N_01 dollars and hot-water bottles for N_00 dollars. Total sales for these N_01 items during the month of January was N_02 dollars. There were N_03 times as many thermometers as hot-water bottles sold. How many thermometers were sold? How many hot-water bottles?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02<BRG> N_03 * v0 - v1 = 0.0
420.0 60.0
6.0 2.0 1200.0 7.0
Admission tickets to a theater were N_00 cents for adults and N_01 cents for children. Receipts for the day showed that N_02 persons attended, and N_03 dollars was collected. How many children attended that day?
0.01 * N_00 * v0 + 0.01 * N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_02
80.0 200.0
60.0 25.0 280.0 140.0
Tickets to a local movie were sold at N_00 dollars for adults and N_01 dollars for students. If N_02 tickets were sold for a total of N_03 dollars, how many student tickets were sold?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
9.0 50.0
4.0 2.5 59.0 222.5
A farmer has cows and chickens. He only sees N_00 legs and N_01 heads. How many are cows, and how many are chickens?
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 + 4.0 * v1 = N_00
7.0 11.0
50.0 18.0
Twice a number equals N_00 less than triple the same number. What is the number?
3.0 * v0 - 2.0 * v0 = N_00
The Red Rose Theatre sells tickets for N_03 dollars and N_02 dollars. A total of N_00 tickets were sold for their last performance of "Mickey the Mouse." If the sales for the performance totaled N_01 dollars, how many tickets were sold for N_02 dollars? How many tickets were sold for N_03 dollars?
N_03 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
175.0 205.0
380.0 1972.5 6.0 4.5
Safety Rent-a-Car rents an intermediate-size car at a daily rate of N_00 dollars plus N_01 per mile. City Rentals rent an intermediate-size car for N_02 dollars plus N_03 per mile. For what milage is the cost the same?
N_01 * v0 - N_03 * v0 = N_02 - N_00
21.95 0.19 18.95 0.21
A car rents for N_00 dollars per day plus N_01 cents per mile. You are on a budget of N_02 dollars. What mileage would allow you to stay within your budget?
0.01 * N_01 * v0 = N_02 - N_00
30.0 18.0 75.0
Find the two numbers whose sum is N_00 and such that one is N_01 times as large as the other.
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v1 - N_01 * v0 = 0.0
9.0 36.0
45.0 4.0
Find a number so that N_00 less than N_01 of the number is N_02 the number.
N_01 * v0 - N_02 * v0 = N_00
10.0 0.6667 0.25
Two airplanes left the same airport traveling in opposite directions. If one airplane averages N_00 miles per hour and the other N_01 miles per hour, how many hours will it take for the distance between them to be N_02 miles?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v0 = N_02
400.0 250.0 1625.0
A washer-dryer combination costs N_00 dollars. If the washer costs N_01 dollars more than the dryer, what does the washer cost? How much does the dryer cost?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
710.0 490.0
1200.0 220.0
The probability that San Francisco plays in the next super bowl is nine times the probability that they do not play in the next super bowl. The probability that San Francisco plays in the next super bowl plus the probability that they do not play is N_00 . What is the probability that San Francisco plays in the next super bowl?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v1 - 9.0 * v0 = 0.0
0.9 0.1
At the carnival, tickets for the rides are N_00 dollars each, or you can buy an armband for N_01 dollars and ride unlimited for one night. At how many rides does the armband cost the same as buying individual tickets?
N_00 * v0 = N_01
0.75 15.0
Donna invested her N_00 dollars bonus and received a total of N_01 dollars in interest after one year. If part of the money returned N_02 and the remainder N_03 , then how much did she invest at each rate?
N_02 * v0 + N_03* v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
13000.0 20000.0
33000.0 970.0 0.04 0.0225
Angus invested N_00 dollars, part at N_02 and part at N_03 . If the total interest at the end of the year is N_01 dollars, how much did he invest at N_02 ? At N_03 ?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
12000.0 6000.0
18000 .0 660.0 0.03 0.05
A woman is paid N_00 dollars for each day she works and forfeits N_01 dollars for each day she is idle. At the end of N_02 days, she nets N_03 dollars. How many days did she work?
N_00 * v0 - N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_02
23.0 2.0
20.0 5.0 25.0 450.0
Safety Rent A Truck costs N_00 dollars plus N_01 dollars per mile. City Rentals rents the truck for N_02 dollars plus N_03 dollars per mile. For what mileage are the costs the same?
N_01 * v0 - N_03 * v0 = N_02 - N_00
41.95 0.29 38.95 0.31
Yuri has a board that N_00 inches long. He wishes to cut the board into N_01 pieces so that one piece will be N_02 inches longer than the other. What should the length of the shorter piece be, in inches? What will the length of the longer piece be?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_02
44.0 54.0
98.0 2.0 10.0
In a given week, the first car gets an average of N_00 miles per gallon, and the second car gets N_01 miles per gallon. The two cars combined drive a total of N_02 miles in that week, for total gas consumption of N_03 gallons. How many gallons were consumed by the first car that week? How many gallons were consumed by the second car that week?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_03
40.0 20.0
30.0 25.0 1700.0 60.0
The sum of two numbers is N_00 . If twice the smaller number is N_01 more than the larger, find the smaller number and the larger number.
2.0 * v0 - v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
8.0 10.0
18.0 6.0
An airplane begins a flight with a total of N_00 gallons of fuel stored in two separate wing tanks. During the flight, N_01 of the fuel in one tank is used, and in the other tank, N_02 of the fuel is used. If the total fuel used is N_03 gallons, what are the amounts x and y stored in each tank?
N_01 * v0 + N_02* v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
18.4 17.6
36.0 0.25 0.375 11.2
Sunshine Car Rentals rents a basic car at a daily rate of N_00 dollars plus N_01 per mile. City Rentals rents a basic car at N_02 dollars plus N_03 per mile. For what mileage is the cost the same?
N_01 * v0 - N_03 * v0 = N_02 - N_00
17.99 0.18 18.95 0.16
On a test containing N_00 questions, the final score is based on N_01 point for each correct answer and N_02 of a point subtracted for each incorrect answer. Allan answered all of the questions and received a final score of N_03 points. How many questions did Allan answer correctly?
N_01 * v0 - N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
104.0 16.0
120.0 1.0 0.25 100.0
A cashier has a total of N_00 bills, made up of N_02 -dollar bills and N_03 -dollar bills. The total value of the money is N_01 dollars. How many N_02 -dollar bills does he have? How many N_03 -dollar bills?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
84.0 42.0
126.0 840.0 5.0 10.0
The total cost of a pair of pants and a belt was N_00 dollars. If the price of the pair of pants was N_01 dollars less than the belt, what was the price of the pair of pants?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
34.0 36.93
70.93 2.93
N_00 blend of coffee sells for N_04 dollars per pound, and another blend sells for N_03 dollars per pound. You want to make a N_01 -pound blend that sells for N_02 dollars per pound. How many pounds of the N_03 dollars per pound coffee do you need? How many pounds of the N_04 dollars per pound coffee do you need?
N_04 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 * N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
12.0 8.0
1.0 20.0 8.4 8.0 9.0
You are taking a test in which multiple-choice questions are worth N_00 points and essay questions are worth N_01 points. You answer N_02 questions correctly, and your score was N_03 points. Find how many multiple-choice questions you got right. How many essay questions did you get right?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
10.0 6.0
9.0 12.0 16.0 162.0
One canned juice drink is N_00 orange juice; another is N_01 orange juice. How many liters of each should be mixed together in order to get N_02 liters that is N_03 orange juice?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
5.0 20.0
0.3 0.05 25.0 0.1
The world's oldest bride was N_00 yr older than her groom. Together, their ages totaled N_01 years. How old was the bride? How old was the groom?
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_00
102.0 83.0
19.0 185.0
You are selling tickets to your school musical. Adult tickets cost N_00 dollars, and children's tickets cost N_01 dollars. You sell N_02 tickets and collect N_03 dollars. Determine How many adult tickets were sold? How many children's tickets were sold?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
804.0 706.0
5.0 3.0 1510.0 6138.0
You have N_00 total items that consist of hats and boots. The total cost is N_01 dollars. The boots cost N_02 dollars, and the hats cost N_03 dollars. How many boots are there? How many hats?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
10.0 20.0
30.0 190.0 9.0 5.0
A customer walks into an electronics store and buys N_00 MP3 players and N_01 sets of headphones, paying N_02 dollars. A N_03 nd customer buys N_04 MP3 players and N_05 sets of headphones and pays N_06 dollars. How much does an MP3 player cost? How much does a set of headphones cost?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> N_04 * v0 + N_05 * v1 = N_06
120.0 30.0
5.0 8.0 840.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 480.0
Goran will rent a car for the weekend. He can choose N_00 of N_04 plans. The first plan has an initial fee of N_01 dollars and costs an additional N_02 dollars per mile driven. The second plan has no initial fee but costs N_03 dollars per mile driven. How many miles would Goran need to drive for the N_04 plans to cost the same?
N_03 * v0 - N_02 * v0 = N_01
1.0 65.0 0.4 0.6 2.0
In N_00 week, a music store sold N_01 violins for a total of N_02 dollars. N_03 different types were sold. One cost N_04 dollars and the other cost N_05 dollars. How many N_04 -dollar violins were sold? How many N_05 -dollar violins were sold?
N_04 * v0 + N_05 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
5.0 2.0
1.0 7.0 1600.0 2.0 200.0 300.0
There are N_00 students in an Algebra N_01 class. There are N_02 fewer girls than boys. How many girls are in the class?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_02
11.0 16.0
27.0 1.0 5.0
N_03 pencils and N_00 pens cost a total of N_01 dollars. N_02 pencils and N_03 pens cost N_04 dollars. Find the cost of a pencil and a pen in dollars.
N_03 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_04
0.1 0.32
5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 1.58
The selling price of a pair of pants is N_00 dollars. If the store paid N_01 dollars less for the pants, find the price that the store paid in dollars.
v0 = N_00 - N_01
34.0 8.0
El Segundo High School put on their annual musical. The students sold N_00 tickets for a value of N_01 dollars. If orchestra seats cost N_02 dollars and balcony seats cost N_03 dollars, how many orchestra seats were sold, and how many balcony seats were sold?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
525.0 125.0
650.0 4375.0 7.5 3.5
The manager of a discount clothing store received N_00 shipments of Fall clothing. The cost of the first shipment, which contained N_01 identical sweaters and N_02 identical jackets, was N_03 dollars. The second shipment at the same prices contained N_04 of the same sweaters and N_05 of the same jackets. The second shipment was N_06 dollars. Find the cost of N_07 jacket, in dollars.
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> N_04 * v0 + N_05 * v1 = N_06
30.0 20.0
2.0 10.0 20.0 800.0 5.0 15.0 550.0 1.0
David bought N_00 hamburgers and N_01 servings of french fries at Diane's Drive Up for N_02 dollars. If a serving of fries costs N_03 dollars more than a hamburger, what is the cost of a hamburger, and what is the cost of a serving of french fries?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_03
1.15 1.4
3.0 2.0 6.25 0.25
A garage owner wants to fill a N_00 -gallon drum with a N_01 percent winter mixture of antifreeze for his customers. How many gallons of N_02 percent antifreeze should he mix with some N_03 percent antifreeze mixture in order to fill the drum?
N_03 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_00 * N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
6.111111 48.88889
55.0 20.0 100.0 10.0
Tickets to the school's dinner theatre cost N_00 dollars for children and N_01 dollars for adults. N_02 tickets were sold for a total of N_03 dollars. How many children attended? How many adults attended?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
50.0 175.0
6.0 9.0 225.0 1875.0
The sum of N_03 numbers is N_00 . N_01 times one of them is more than N_02 times the second by N_03 . Find the smaller number. Find the larger number.
N_01 * v0 - N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
4.0 6.0
10.0 3.0 4.0 2.0
During the N_00 N_01 Little League season, the Tigers played N_02 games. They lost N_03 more games than they won. They didn't tie any. How many games did they win that season?
v0 + v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_03
18.0 39.0
1998.0 -1999 57.0 21.0
You and a friend go to a Mexican restaurant. You order N_00 tacos and N_01 enchiladas, and your friend orders N_01 tacos and N_02 enchiladas. Your bill is N_03 dollars plus tax, and your friend's bill is N_04 dollars plus tax. How much, in dollars, does each taco cost? How much does each enchilada cost?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_04
0.9 2.0
2.0 3.0 5.0 7.8 12.7
The sum of two numbers is N_00 . The larger number is N_01 less than twice the smaller number. Find the numbers.
2.0 * v0 - v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
35.0 69.0
104.0 1.0
Norman and Suzanne Scarpulla own N_00 shares of McDonald's stocks and N_01 shares of the Ohio Art Company stocks. On a particular day in N_02 , their stock portfolio consisting of these two stocks was worth N_03 dollars. The McDonald's stock was N_04 dollars more per share than the Ohio Art Company stock. What was the price of McDonald's stock on that day? What was the cost of the Ohio Art Company stock on that day?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_04
73.5 3.5
35.0 69.0 2011.0 2814 .0 70.0
Pat invested a total of N_00 dollars. Part of the money yields N_02 percent interest per year, and the rest yields N_03 percent interest per year. If the total yearly interest from this investment is N_01 dollars, how much did Pat invest at N_02 percent and how much at N_03 percent?
0.01 * N_03 * v0 + 0.01 * N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
800.0 2200.0
3000.0 256.0 10.0 8.0
Purses cost N_00 dollars each. Scarves cost N_01 dollars each. N_02 combined items sold, costing N_03 dollars total. How many purses were sold? How many scarves were sold?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
6.0 11.0
7.0 8.0 17.0 130.0
If N_00 lollipops cost N_01 dollars, how much does N_02 lollipop cost in dollars?
N_00 * v0 = N_01
120.0 90.0 1.0
Your cell phone company offers two text-messaging plans. Plan A costs N_00 dollars per text message, plus a monthly fee of N_01 dollars. The other plan costs N_02 dollars per text message with no monthly fee. For how many text messages will both plans cost the same amount?
N_02 * v0 - N_00 * v0 = N_01
0.25 9.0 0.4
There are N_00 animals in a barnyard. Some are chickens, and some are cows. There are N_01 legs in all. How many chickens and cows are in the barnyard?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 + 4.0 * v1 = N_01
3.0 8.0
11.0 38.0
The sum of two numbers is N_00 . The difference between three times the smaller number and the larger number is N_01 . Find the smaller number and the larger number.
3.0 * v0 - v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
16.0 32.0
48.0 16.0
One number is N_00 more than twice a second number. Their sum is N_01 . Find the smaller number. Find the larger number.
v0 - 2.0 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
8.0 19.0
3.0 27.0
A weight of N_00 pounds stretches a spring N_01 inches. How far will a weight of N_02 pounds stretch the spring?
N_00 * v0 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 - v2 = 0.0
7.03125 0.05625
80.0 4.5 125.0
Juan and Peter both leave a shopping center at the same time going in opposite directions. Juan is on his bike and travels N_00 miles per hour faster than Peter, who is on his skateboard. After N_01 hours, they are N_02 miles apart. How fast does Peter travel?
N_01 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v1 - v0 = N_00
5.0 8.0
3.0 1.5 19.5
University Theater sold N_00 tickets for a play. Tickets cost N_01 dollars per adult and N_02 dollars per senior citizen. If total receipts were N_03 dollars, how many senior citizen tickets were sold?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
327.0 183.0
510.0 21.0 15.0 8748.0
The US Senate had a total of N_00 Democrats and Republicans. There were N_01 more Republicans than Democrats. How many Democrats and Republicans were there in the Senate?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
44.0 55.0
99.0 11.0
A bank teller has N_00 N_03 -dollar and N_01 -dollar bills in her cash drawer. The value of the bills is N_02 dollars. How many N_03 dollars bills are there?
N_01 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
20.0 34.0
54.0 20.0 780.0 5.0
Together, Jane and Jill have N_00 dolls. Jill has N_01 more dolls than Jane does. How many dolls does Jane have? How many does Jill have?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
13.0 19.0
32.0 6.0
Adult tickets for a show cost N_00 dollars while children's tickets cost N_01 dollars. If there were twice as many adults as children and the total receipts for the show were N_02 dollars. How many adults were at the show?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 - v1 = 0.0
152.0 76.0
5.5 2.5 1026.0
Colored copies cost N_00 cents per copy, and white copies cost N_01 cents per copy. Sandy made N_02 copies, some of which were colored and the rest white. Her total bill was N_03 dollars. How many colored copies and white copies did she make?
0.01 * N_00 * v0 + 0.01 * N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_02
50.0 350.0
10.0 5.0 400.0 22.5
The Coffee Counter charges N_00 dollars per pound for Kenyan French Roast coffee and N_01 dollars per pound for Sumatran coffee. How many pounds of Kenyan French Roast and Sumatran should be used to make a N_02 -pound blend that sells for N_03 dollars per pound?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
8.0 12.0
9.0 8.0 20.0 8.4
A vendor sold N_00 tickets for an upcoming rock concert. Floor seats were N_02 dollars, and stadium seats were N_03 dollars. The vendor sold N_01 dollars in tickets. How many N_02 -dollar tickets did the vendor sell? How many N_03 -dollar tickets did the vendor sell?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
60.0 140.0
200.0 6080.0 36.0 28.0
A petroleum company has two different sources of crude oil. The first source provides crude oil that is N_00 hydrocarbons, and the second one provides crude oil that is N_01 hydrocarbons. In order to obtain N_02 gallons of crude oil that is N_03 hydrocarbons, how many gallons of crude oil must be used from each of the two sources?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
20.0 30.0
0.25 0.75 50.0 0.55
N_00 of a number is N_01 . What is the number?
N_00 * v0 = N_01
1.3333 4.82
Find two numbers whose sum is N_00 , and one is N_01 greater than N_02 of the other.
v0 - N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
43.0 104.0
147.0 4.0 0.375
If N_00 costs N_01 dollars, how much does N_02 cost in dollars?
N_00 * v0 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 - v2 = 0.0
28.0 8.0
2.5 20.0 3.5
According to Dr. Aaron R. Folsom of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, your maximum ideal waist size is directly proportional to your hip size. For a woman with N_00 -inch hips, the maximum ideal waist size is N_01 inches. What is the maximum waist size for a woman with N_02 -inch hips?
N_00 * v0 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 - v2 = 0.0
28.0 0.8
40.0 32.0 35.0
Six apples and three oranges cost N_00 dollars. Two apples and five oranges cost N_01 dollars. Find the cost of each apple and the cost of an orange.
6.0 * v0 + 3.0 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 + 5.0 * v1 = N_01
0.21 0.17
1.77 1.27
The difference between two numbers is N_00 . If you double both numbers, the sum is N_01 . Find the two numbers.
2.0 * v0 + 2.0 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_00
12.0 6.0
6.0 36.0
Two cyclists start at the same point and travel in opposite directions. One cyclist travels N_00 kilometers per hour faster than the other. If the two cyclists are N_01 kilometers apart after N_02 hours, what is the rate of each cyclist?
N_02 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 - v0 = N_00
23.0 31.0
8.0 270.0 5.0
Tickets for a ballet performance cost N_00 dollars for adults and N_01 dollars for students. If total receipts from the sale of N_02 tickets were N_03 dollars, how many adult tickets were sold? How many student tickets were sold?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
565.0 40.0
14.0 12.0 605.0 8390.0
Soybean meal is N_00 protein, and cornmeal is N_01 protein. How many pounds of each Soybean meal and how many pounds of cornmeal should be mixed together in order to get a N_02 -pound mixture that is N_03 protein?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
320.0 40.0
0.18 0.09 360.0 0.17
To make a weak solution of N_00 liters of N_01 acid, a lab technician will use some premixed solutions: one is N_02 acid, and the other is N_03 acid. How many liters of each, respectively, should he use to obtain the desired solution?
2.0 * v0 + 5.0 * v1 = N_00 * 4.0 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
8.0 16.0
24.0 0.04 0.02 0.05
Tickets for a concert were priced at N_00 dollars for students and N_01 dollars for non-students. There were N_02 tickets sold for a total of N_03 dollars. How many student tickets were sold? How many non-student tickets?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
887.0 1113.0
7.0 10.0 2000.0 17339.0
The total number of Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives was N_00 . There were N_01 more Republicans than Democrats. How many Democrats and Republicans were there in the House?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
202.0 232.0
434.0 30.0
The sum of two numbers is N_00 . One number is N_01 more than the other. Find the numbers.
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
16.0 24.0
40.0 8.0
A company's profit for the first half of the year is N_00 ,750,000 dollars greater than the profit for the second half. If the total annual profit is N_01 ,635,000 dollars, find the profit for the first half-year and the second half-year.
v0 + v1 = 3635000.0 <BRG> v0 - v1 = 2750000.0
3192500.0 442500.0
2.0 3.0