The product of N_00 and a number is the same as N_01 less twice that same number. Find the number.
2.0 * v0 - N_00 * v0 = N_01
10.0 36.0
Your teacher is giving you a test worth N_00 points and containing N_01 questions. There are N_02 point and N_03 point questions on the test. How many two-point questions are there? How many N_03 point questions?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
30.0 10.0
100.0 40.0 2.0 4.0
John is writing an article. The article is limited to N_00 words. He decides to use two types of font. Large font is N_01 words per page, small font is N_02 words per page. He is allowed N_03 pages for this article. How many pages are in small font? How many pages are in large font?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_03
17.0 4.0
48000.0 1800.0 2400.0 21.0
Northwest Molded molds plastic handles which cost N_00 dollars per handle to mold. The fixed cost to run the molding machine is N_01 dollars per week. If the company sells the handles for N_02 dollars each, how many handles must be molded and sold weekly to break even?
N_02 * v0 - N_00 * v0 = N_01
0.6 7640.0 4.6
Suzy has a piggy bank consisting of nickels and dimes. If there are N_00 coins worth N_01 dollars, how many nickels and dimes are in the bank?
0.05 * v0 + 0.1 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
22.0 8.0
30.0 1.9
Joe sold N_00 peaches from his tree for a total of N_01 dollars. He sold the small ones for N_02 cents each and the large ones for N_03 cents each. How many small ones did he sell? How many large ones did he sell?
0.01 * N_02 * v0 + 0.01 * N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
20.0 10.0
30.0 7.5 20.0 35.0
N_00 similar tables and N_01 similar chairs cost N_02 dollars. If the table costs N_03 dollars more than a chair, what is the cost, in dollars, of the table? What is the cost of the chair?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_03
1200.0 700.0
2.0 6.0 6600.0 500.0
The weight of an object on the moon varies directly to its weight on earth. A person who weighs N_00 pounds on earth weighs N_01 pounds on the moon. How many pounds would a N_02 -pound person weigh on the moon?
N_00 * v0 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 - v2 = 0.0
27.2 0.2
133.0 26.6 136.0
Trinidad has N_00 dollars in nickels and dimes. If she has N_01 coins in all, how many nickels does she have? How many dimes does she have?
0.05 * v0 + 0.1 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
19.0 14.0
2.35 33.0
Arianne is mixing a solution for Chemistry class. She has a N_00 copper solution and a N_01 copper solution. How many milliliters of the N_00 solution and N_01 solution should she mix to make N_02 milliliters of a N_03 solution?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
200.0 800.0
0.25 0.5 1000.0 0.45
Find two numbers whose sum is N_00 and whose difference is N_01 .
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
85.0 21.0
106.0 64.0
N_00 people attend a banquet at Disney. Residents paid N_01 dollars, and non-residents paid N_02 dollars. If Disney made N_03 dollars from ticket sales for the event, how many residents and non-residents attended?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
219.0 367.0
586.0 12.95 17.95 9423.7
You sell tickets for admission to your school play and collect a total of N_00 dollars. Admission prices are N_01 dollars for adults and N_02 dollars for children. You sold N_03 tickets. How many adult tickets did you sell? How many children's tickets did you sell?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_03
10.0 11.0
104.0 6.0 4.0 21.0
Stefan's school is selling tickets to a choral performance. On the first day of ticket sales, the school sold N_00 senior citizen tickets and N_01 student tickets for N_02 dollars. The school took N_03 dollars on the second day by selling N_04 senior citizen tickets and N_05 student tickets. Find the price of a senior citizen ticket and the price of a student ticket.
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> N_04 * v0 + N_05 * v1 = N_03
13.0 9.0
4.0 3.0 79.0 246.0 12.0 10.0
Hockey teams receive N_00 points when they win and N_01 point when they tie. N_01 season, a team won a championship with N_02 points. They won N_03 games more than they tied. How many wins and ties did the team have?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_03
24.0 12.0
2.0 1.0 60.0 12.0
Jackie has coffee that sells for N_00 dollars per pound and coffee that sells for N_01 dollars per pound. How many pounds of N_00 dollars coffee and how many pounds of N_01 dollars coffee must be mixed to get N_02 pounds of coffee that sells for N_03 dollars per pound?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
17.0 3.0
9.0 4.0 20.0 8.25
A chemist is mixing a solution that is N_00 sodium and another solution that is N_01 sodium. How many liters of N_00 and N_01 solution should the chemist use to produce N_02 liters of the solution that is N_03 sodium?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
20.0 30.0
0.32 0.12 50.0 0.2
Admission to an amusement park is N_00 dollars for adults and N_01 dollars for children. If N_02 dollars was paid for N_03 tickets, how many adult tickets were purchased? How many children's tickets were purchased?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_03
12.0 21.0
8.0 5.0 201.0 33.0
E-Chem Testing has a solution that is N_02 base and another that is N_03 base. A technician needs N_01 liters of a solution that is N_00 base. The N_01 liters will be prepared by mixing the two solutions on hand. How much of the N_02 base and the N_03 base should be used?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 * N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
96.0 54.0
0.62 150.0 0.8 0.3
In a family, there are two cars. The sum of the average miles per gallon obtained by the two cars in a particular week is N_00 miles per gallon. The first car has consumed N_01 gallons during that week, and the second has consumed N_02 gallons, for a total of N_03 miles driven by the two cars combined. What was the average gas mileage obtained by the first car that week? What was the average gas mileage obtained by the second car that week?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
35.0 40.0
75.0 25.0 35.0 2275.0
A small publishing company has a N_00 -time product cost for editing and printing of N_01 dollars. The variable cost per book is N_02 dollars. The publisher is selling the book to the store for N_03 dollars. How many books must the publisher print and sell so that the production cost will equal the money obtained from sales?
N_03 * v0 - N_02 * v0 = N_01
1.0 56430.0 8.25 21.75
There are N_00 kids in Mrs. Jones' class. There are twice as many girls as boys. How many boys and girls are there?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v1 - 2.0 * v0 = 0.0
8.0 16.0
For his long-distance phone calls, John pays a N_00 dollars monthly fee plus N_01 cents per minute. Last month, John's long-distance bill was N_02 dollars. For how many minutes was John billed?
0.01 * N_01 * v0 = N_02 - N_00
5.0 25.0 12.02
A high school graduating class is made up of N_00 students. There are N_01 more girls than boys. How many boys are in the class?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
127.0 339.0
466.0 212.0
One integer is twice another, and their sum is N_00 . Find the smaller and larger integer.
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v1 - 2.0 * v0 = 0.0
32.0 64.0
The sum of N_00 and a number is N_01 . Find the number.
v0 = N_01 - N_00
5.0 20.0
A semi-truck travels on a paved road for N_00 hours at an average speed of N_01 miles per hour faster than it travels on a dirt road. The time spent on the dirt is N_02 hours. If the entire trip is N_03 miles, how fast is the truck traveling on the dirt road?
N_00 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
32.0 52.0
2.0 20.0 3.0 200.0
In a class of N_00 students, the number of girls is N_01 of the number of boys. Find the number of girls in the class.
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v1 - N_01 * v0 = 0.0
10.0 25.0
35.0 0.4
A person wishes to invest N_00 dollars, part at N_01 and part at N_02 . If the total interest desired at the end of the year is N_03 dollars, how much should be invested at each rate?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
1500.0 900.0
2400.0 0.09 0.06 189.0
Tickets for a concert were priced at N_00 dollars for students and N_01 dollars for non-students. There were N_02 tickets sold for a total of N_03 dollars. How many student tickets were sold?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
520.0 1480.0
9.0 11.0 2000.0 20960.0
Jack collects baseball and football cards. He has N_00 cards total. The number of baseball cards he has is five more than three times the number of football cards. How many baseball and football cards does he have?
v0 - 3.0 * v1 = 5.0 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
95.0 30.0
A jazz concert brought in N_00 dollars with the sale of N_01 tickets. If tickets were sold for N_02 dollars and N_03 dollars each, how many N_02 dollar tickets were sold? How many N_03 dollar tickets?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
3100.0 4300.0
191000.0 7400.0 20.0 30.0
The Willey Farm Collective, farmed by several branches of the Willeys, has N_00 acres of land available for raising corn and wheat. The cost of raising corn is N_01 dollars an acre, while the cost of wheat is N_02 dollars an acre. The Collective's available capital is N_03 dollars. How many acres of corn should the Collective plant? How many acres of wheat should the Collective plant?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03<BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
1100.0 3400.0
4500.0 42.0 35.0 165200.0
There are N_01 animals total, all sheep and chickens. If there are N_00 legs total, how many of the N_01 animals are sheep? How many are chickens?
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 + 4.0 * v1 = N_00
7.0 14.0
56.0 21.0
The Jurassic Zoo charges N_00 dollars for each adult and N_01 dollars for each child. The total bill for the N_02 people was N_03 dollars. How many children were at the zoo?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
161.0 40.0
8.0 4.0 201.0 964.0
Nine books are to be bought by a student. Some cost N_01 dollars each, and the remainder cost N_02 dollars each. The total amount spent was N_00 dollars. How many N_01 dollar books were sold? How many N_02 dollar books were sold?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = 9.0
5.0 4.0
56.0 6.0 6.5
You buy N_00 boxes of candy and spend N_01 dollars. A box of peppermint cost N_02 dollars a box, and candy canes cost N_03 dollars a box. How many boxes of peppermint did you buy? How many boxes of candy canes?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
15.0 10.0
25.0 28.0 1.0 1.3
Mary began walking home from school, heading south at a rate of N_00 miles per hour. Sharon left school at the same time heading north at N_01 miles per hour. How long will it take for them to be N_02 miles apart?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v0 = N_02
4.0 6.0 3.0
A mechanic charged N_00 dollars an hour, plus N_01 dollars for the parts. If the total bill was N_02 dollars, how many hours did the job take?
N_00 * v0 = N_02 - N_01
45.0 225.0 450.0
Honda day shift produced N_00 times as much as the second shift. The total production for the month was N_01 cars. How many did the day shift produce? How many did the second shift produce?
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 - N_00 * v0 = 0.0
4400.0 1100.0
4.0 5500.0
Latoya purchased a prepaid phone card for N_00 dollars. Long-distance calls cost N_01 cents a minute using this card. Latoya used her card only once to make a long-distance call. If the remaining credit on her card is N_02 dollars, how many minutes did her call last?
0.01 * N_01 * v0 = N_00 - N_02
30.0 16.0 26.48
Sara and Jim both decided to save some money each week. Sara has already saved N_00 dollars, and she plans to save N_01 dollars a week. Jim plans to save N_02 dollars a week. In how many weeks will Jim and Sara have saved the same amount?
N_02 * v0 - N_01 * v0 = N_00
4100.0 10.0 15.0
A grocer bought N_00 bushels of Baldwin and McIntosh apples. Baldwins cost N_01 cents a bushel, but McIntosh cost only N_02 cents a bushel. If he paid N_03 dollars for the lot, how many bushels of Baldwins did he get? How many bushels of McIntosh?
0.01 * N_01 * v0 + 0.01 * N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
4.0 8.0
12.0 95.0 90.0 11.0
Tim and Judy mix two kinds of feed for pedigreed dogs. They wish to make N_00 pounds of feed worth N_01 dollars per pound by mixing one kind worth N_02 dollars per pound with another worth N_03 dollars per pound. How many pounds of the cheaper kind should they use in the mix?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 * N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
17.0 18.0
35.0 0.36 0.18 0.53
The second of two numbers is N_00 more than the first. The sum is N_01 . Find the first and second numbers.
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_00
26.0 30.0
4.0 56.0
About N_00 million households had one brand of personal computers in N_02 . The use of these computers grew at an average rate of N_01 million households a year. In N_02 , about N_03 million households used another type of computer. The use of these computers grew at an average rate of N_04 million households a year. How long will it take for the two types of computers to be in the same number of households?
N_01* v0 - N_04 * v0 = N_03 - N_00
4.9 0.275 2001.0 2.5 0.7
A carpenter gave an estimate of N_00 dollars to build a cover over a patio. His hourly rate is N_01 dollars, and he expects to need N_02 dollars in materials. How many hours will the job take?
N_01 * v0 = N_00 - N_02
980.0 28.0 560.0
One year Walt invested N_00 dollars. He invested part of the money at N_03 and the rest at N_01 . He made a total of N_02 dollars in interest. How much was invested at N_03 ?
N_03 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
5500.0 6500.0
12000 .0 0.09 970.0 0.07
Snookers Lumber can convert logs into either lumber or plywood. In a given day, the mill turns out three times as many units of plywood as lumber. It makes a profit of N_00 dollars on a unit of lumber and N_01 dollars on a unit of plywood. Snookers Lumber must produce and sell ___ units of lumber and ___ units of plywood to make a profit of N_02 dollars.
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> 3.0 * v0 - v1 = 0.0
102.0 306.0
30.0 50.0 18360.0
The length of a rectangular field is N_00 meters. This is N_01 meters less than twice the width. Find the width.
2.0 * v0 = N_00 + N_01
24.0 3.0
The Lakers scored a total of N_00 points in a basketball game against the Bulls. The Lakers made a total of N_01 baskets, consisting of N_02 point baskets and N_03 point baskets. How many N_02 point baskets did the Lakers make? How many N_03 point baskets did the Lakers make?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
31.0 6.0
80.0 37.0 2.0 3.0
Find a number such that N_00 more than N_01 the number is N_02 the number.
N_02 * v0 - N_01 * v0 = N_00
1.0 0.6667 0.75
Adult tickets for a play cost N_00 dollars, and the child tickets cost N_01 dollars. If there were N_02 people at a performance and the theater collected N_03 dollars from ticket sales, how many children attended the play? How many adults attended the play?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
7.0 16.0
11.0 10.0 23.0 246.0
In a family, there are two cars. In a given week, the first car gets an average of N_02 miles per gallon, and the second car gets N_03 miles per gallon. The two cars combined drive a total of N_00 miles in that one week, for total gas consumption of N_01 gallons. How many gallons were consumed by the N_02 miles per gallon car, and how many gallons were consumed by the N_03 mile per gallon car that week?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
25.0 30.0
1825.0 55.0 25.0 40.0
The attendance at a school concert was N_00 people. Admission costs N_01 dollars for adults and N_02 dollars for children. The receipts were N_03 dollars. How many adults and how many children attended the concert?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
236.0 342.0
578.0 2.0 1.5 985.0
On a college entrance exam, each correct answer adds N_00 point to your raw score, each unanswered question adds nothing, and each incorrect answer subtracts N_01 points. You answer N_02 out of N_03 questions for a raw score of N_04 . How many questions did you answer correctly?
N_00 * v0 - N_01 * v1 = N_04 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_02
70.0 12.0
1.0 0.25 82.0 85.0 67.0
The difference between N_00 of a line and N_01 of the same line is N_02 centimeters. Find the length of the line.
N_00 * v0 - N_01 * v0 = N_02
0.75 0.4 28.0
Soft drinks are on sale at the grocery store for N_00 dollars for a N_01 pack. How much would each can of soft drink cost if purchased individually, in dollars?
N_01 * v0 = N_00
2.99 12.0
Steve invests in a circus production. The cost includes an overhead of N_00 dollars, plus production costs of N_01 dollars per performance. A sold-out performance brings in N_02 dollars. Determine the number of sold-out performances, x, needed to break even.
N_02 * v0 - N_01 * v0 = N_00
81000.0 7000.0 16000 .0
If N_00 pounds of ground beef costs N_01 dollars, how much do N_02 pounds of ground beef cost?
N_00 * v0 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 - v2 = 0.0
15.632 2.7914
3.5 9.77 5.6
The value of a sport utility vehicle this year is N_00 dollars, which is N_01 of what its value was last year. Find the value of the vehicle last year.
N_01 * v0 = N_00
16000.0 0.8
The total attendance at a rally was N_00 people. Tickets bought before the rally were N_01 dollars each, and tickets bought at the door were N_02 dollars each. How many tickets were bought at the door if the total receipts were N_03 dollars? How many tickets were bought before the rally?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
275.0 475.0
750.0 2.0 2.75 1706.25
At a hotel one night, N_00 rooms were booked. Some were single rooms, and some were double rooms. The single rooms cost N_01 dollars each, and the double rooms cost N_02 dollars. The hotel made N_03 dollars that night. How many single rooms and double rooms were booked?
N_01 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
64.0 196.0
260.0 35.0 60.0 14000.0
A freight train and an express train leave towns N_00 kilometers apart, traveling toward one another. The freight train travels N_01 kilometers per hour slower than the express train. They pass one another N_02 hours later. How fast is the freight train, in miles per hour? How fast is the express train?
N_02 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v1 - v0 = N_01
50.0 80.0
390.0 30.0 3.0
A writing workshop enrolls novelists and poets in a ratio of N_00 to N_01 . There are N_02 people at the workshop. How many novelists are there? How many poets are there?
N_00 * v0 - N_01 * v1 = 0.0 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
15.0 9.0
5.0 3.0 24.0
A woman has N_00 dollars invested, part at N_02 and the remainder at N_03 simple interest. If the total annual income is N_01 dollars, how much is invested at N_02 in dollars? How much is invested at N_03 ?
N_03 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
250.0 200.0
450.0 11.0 0.02 0.03
Apples cost N_00 dollars per pound and grapes cost N_01 dollars per pound. Jenny bought N_02 pounds of fruit and paid N_03 dollars. How many pounds of apples did she buy? How many pounds of grapes?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
5.0 7.0
0.6 1.0 12.0 10.0
Your science test is worth N_00 points and contains N_01 questions. There are two-point and five-point questions on the test. How many two-point questions and five-point questions are on the test?
2.0 * v0 + 5.0 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
30.0 8.0
100.0 38.0
Mrs. Naidu bought N_00 dollars in groceries. She paid her bill with N_02 -dollar notes and N_03 -dollar notes using a total of N_01 notes. How many N_02 -dollar notes were used? How many N_03 -dollar notes were used?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
7.0 6.0
155.0 13.0 5.0 20.0
You are selling tickets for a high school play. Student tickets cost N_00 dollars, and general admission tickets cost N_01 dollars. You sell N_02 tickets and collect N_03 dollars. How many student tickets and general admission tickets did you sell?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
137.0 388.0
4.0 6.0 525.0 2876.0
A chemist needs to make N_00 ounces of a N_01 alcohol solution by mixing together a N_02 alcohol solution with a N_03 alcohol solution. How many ounces of the N_02 solution should he use? How many ounces of the N_03 solution?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 * N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
18.0 12.0
30.0 0.25 0.15 0.4
A grain storage warehouse has a total of N_00 bins. Some hold N_02 tons of grain each. The rest hold N_03 tons each. The capacity of the warehouse is N_01 tons. How many N_02 -ton bins are there? How many N_03 -ton bins?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
12.0 18.0
30.0 510.0 20.0 15.0
There are N_00 chickens and cows on a farm. Together they have N_01 legs. How many chickens are there? How many cows?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> 2.0 * v0 + 4.0 * v1 = N_01
14.0 8.0
22.0 60.0
Maria added a white vinegar solution of acetic acid to the water. There are N_00 strengths of white vinegar, a N_01 solution and a N_02 solution. How many milliliters of the N_01 solution and the N_02 solution must she mix to make N_03 milliliters of a N_04 vinegar solution?
N_01* v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_03 * N_04 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_03
10.0 40.0
2.0 0.05 0.1 50.0 0.09
You are running a concession stand. You are selling hot dogs and soda. Each hot dog costs N_00 dollars, and each soda costs N_01 dollars. You made a total of N_02 dollars. You sold a total of N_03 hot dogs and sodas combined. You must report the number of hot dogs and sodas sold. How many hot dogs and sodas were sold?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_03
35.0 52.0
1.5 0.5 78.5 87.0
Your teacher is giving you a test worth N_00 points containing N_01 questions. There are N_02 -point and N_03 -point questions on the test. How many questions are worth two points? How many questions are worth four points?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_01
30.0 10.0
100.0 40.0 2.0 4.0
You have N_00 dollars and save N_01 dollars per week. Your friend has N_02 dollars and saves N_03 dollars per week. After how many weeks will each of you have saved the same amount of money?
N_01 * v0 - N_03 * v0 = N_02 - N_00
160.0 7.0 210.0 5.0
An auditorium has N_00 balcony seats and N_01 main-level seats. If tickets for balcony seats will cost N_02 dollars less than tickets for main-level seats, what should the prices be for the main-level seats and prices for the balcony seats so that the total revenue from a sellout performance will be N_03?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 =N_03 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_02
40.0 25.0
500.0 1800.0 15.0 84500.0
If your gross pay is N_00 dollars, while your net pay is N_01 dollars, how much do you pay in taxes? Assume that all tax dollars are not included in net pay.
v0 = N_00 - N_01
450.0 315.0
Two rainstorms occurred in one week in a certain area. In the first storm, N_00 milliliters of rain fell per hour, and in the second storm, N_01 milliliters of rain fell per hour. Rain fell that week for a total of N_02 hours, for a total rainfall of N_03 milliliters. How many hours were the first storm and the second storm?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
20.0 25.0
30.0 15.0 45.0 975.0
There are some N_02 -dollar coins and some N_03 -dollar coins. There are N_00 coins, which give a total amount of N_01 dollars. How many N_02 -dollar coins are there? How many N_03 -dollar coins are there?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
25.0 15.0
40.0 125.0 2.0 5.0
A manufacturer produces two models of the same toy, Model A and Model B. Model A takes N_00 hours to produce and costs N_01 dollars each. Model B takes N_02 hours to produce and costs N_03 dollars each. If the manufacturer allots a total of N_04 hours and N_05 dollars for production each week, how many of each model will be produced?
N_00 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_04 <BRG> N_01 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_05
700.0 1000.0
4.0 8.0 3.0 7.0 5800.0 12.0
A N_00 -foot board is cut into N_01 pieces. Twice the length of the shorter piece is N_02 feet more than the length of the longer piece. Find the length of the shorter piece.
N_01 * v0 - v1 = N_02 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
8.0 12.0
20.0 2.0 4.0
A grain-storage warehouse has a total of N_00 bins. Some hold N_02 tons of grain each. The rest hold N_03 tons each. How many of each type of bin are there if the capacity of the warehouse is N_01 tons? How many N_02 ton bins? How many N_03 ton bins?
N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
12.0 18.0
30.0 510.0 20.0 15.0
A theater sells children's tickets for N_00 dollars and adult tickets for N_01 dollars. One night N_02 tickets worth N_03 dollars were sold. How many adult tickets were sold? How many children's tickets?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
425.0 150.0
4.0 7.0 575.0 3575.0
The sum of N_00 numbers is N_01 . N_02 times one of the numbers is N_03 less than N_04 times the other. What is the smaller number? What is the larger number?
N_04 * v0 - N_02 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_01
7.0 8.0
2.0 15.0 3.0 11.0 5.0
Mrs. Martin bought N_00 cups of coffee and N_02 bagels and spent N_01 dollars. Mr. Martin bought N_02 cups of coffee and N_03 bagels and spent N_04 dollars. Find the cost of one cup of coffee and the cost of one bagel.
N_00 * v0 + N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> N_02 * v0 + N_03 * v1 = N_04
3.25 1.5
3.0 12.75 2.0 5.0 14.0
In N_00 day, a store sold N_01 as many DVDs as CDs. The total number of DVDs and CDs sold that day was N_02 . How many DVDs were sold?
v0 + v1 = N_02 <BRG> v1 - N_01 * v0 = 0.0
168.0 105.0
1.0 1.6 273.0
They charged N_00 dollars for adults and N_01 dollars for children. N_02 adults and children attended, and N_03 dollars was made from ticket sales. How many children and adults went to the film premiere?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
25.0 102.0
7.0 5.0 127.0 839.0
Bob invested N_00 dollars in N_01 funds, which pay N_03 and N_04 simple interest, respectively. The combined interest he earned for both funds was N_02 dollars for one year. How many dollars were invested at N_03 ? How much was invested at N_04 ?
N_03 * v0 + N_04 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> v1 + v0 = N_00
3900.0 2200.0
6100.0 2.0 405.0 0.07 0.06
A bottle of wine with a cork cost N_00 dollars. A bottle of wine without a cork costs N_01 dollars more than the cork. What is the price of the cork?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
0.05 2.05
2.1 2.0
For a matinee, a movie theater charges N_00 dollars for children and N_01 dollars for adults. At today's matinee, there are N_02 more children than adults, and the total receipts are N_03 dollars. How many children are at today's matinee?
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_03 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_02
48.0 28.0
4.5 6.75 20.0 405.0
Three times a number is the same as the difference of twice the number and seven. Find the number.
2.0 * v0 - 3.0 * v0 = 7.0
The grocer has peanuts for N_00 dollars a pound and walnuts for N_01 dollars a pound. How many pounds of peanuts and walnuts must we mix to get N_02 pounds of a mixture to sell for N_03 dollars per pound.
N_00 * v0 + N_01 * v1 = N_02 * N_03 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_02
10.0 30.0
3.75 2.75 40.0 3.0
The total cost of a shirt and a sweater is N_00 dollars. If the price of the shirt is N_01 dollars less than the sweater, what was the price of the shirt in dollars?
v0 + v1 = N_00 <BRG> v0 - v1 = N_01
36.455 43.885
80.34 7.43
Wal-Mart sells thermometers for N_00 dollars and hot-water bottles for N_01 dollars. In December, Wal-Mart's total sales for these two items was N_02 dollars. Customers bought N_03 times as many thermometers as hot-water bottles. How many thermometers did Wal-Mart sell? How many hot-water bottles?
N_01 * v0 + N_00 * v1 = N_02 <BRG> N_03 * v0 - v1 = 0.0
420.0 60.0
2.0 6.0 1200.0 7.0
A swim team has N_00 times as many girls as boys. There are a total of N_01 people on the swim team. How many girls and boys are there on the team?
v0 + v1 = N_01 <BRG> v1 - N_00 * v0 = 0.0
80.0 16.0
5.0 96.0
The sum of N_01 numbers is N_00 . The larger number is N_01 more than N_02 times the smaller number. Find the smaller number. Find the larger number.
v0 - N_02 * v1 = N_01 <BRG> v0 + v1 = N_00
17.0 53.0
70.0 2.0 3.0
The difference of N_00 times a number and N_01 is N_02 . Find the number.
N_00 * v0 = N_01 + N_02
3.0 5.0 40.0
Think of a number, half it, and the result is N_00 . Find the number.
0.5 * v0 = N_00