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Jan thought it looked pretty dumb from the previews, but Jan actually enjoyed the movie.
[ "Well that was better than expected", "See I told you it would be good", "The trailer looked so dumb though", "It's supposed to, its one of those dumb comedies", "I just thought it was going to be actually stupid", "Next time you can try to change my mind about a movie" ]
Jan thought it looked pretty dumb from the previews, but Jan actually enjoyed the movie.
[ "The movie was interesting.", "Yeah, I loved it also.", "I thought it looked pretty dumb from the previews.", "Yeah, I saw it also.", "But, the movie is seriously dope.", "That's true, previews don't reflect the finished film most times." ]
Jan thought it looked pretty dumb from the previews, but Jan actually enjoyed the movie.
[ "The movie was much better than I was expecting!", "You said it looked pretty dumb", "I wish I could take back those words", "I told you not to judge the trailers", "I know and I did!", "Learn something from this" ]
Addison enforced Lee's rights to be able to wear whatever he wants by going to the court.
[ "My client Lee was dispelled from school for wearing the wrong thing.", "What did your client wear?", "He wore a badge from one of the organization he supports and that was seen to be controversial.", "That's his right, isn't it?", "That's what I am going to argue in court. I am helping him fight for his rights to wear whatever he wants.", "You fight the good fight." ]
Addison enforced Lee's rights to be able to wear whatever he wants by going to the court.
[ "That school tried to tell Lee he could not wear his braids.", "How can they do that, it's part of his culture.", "That is why I filed a lawsuit, speaking to the school did nothing.", "By taking it to court, you may be helping other kids as well." ]
Addison enforced Lee's rights to be able to wear whatever he wants by going to the court.
[ "Lee should be free to wear what he likes now I have been to court.", "Wow. Thanks for doing that for him Addison. How did you manage it?", "I convinced the judge that fashion is a form of expression that is protected by the first amendment.", "That's a very clever argument.", "I am just very happy that Lee can express himself.", "I am sure he will be too!" ]
Sydney decided to take this business job because it would get her a better home loan.
[ "I'm going take the business job.", "That's great. Any reason?", "It's going to get me a better home loan.", "Are you going to buy a house?", "Yes I am.", "That's amazing news!" ]
Sydney decided to take this business job because it would get her a better home loan.
[ "I start my new job tomorrow, at that new business.", "Wow, congratulations. I didn't know you were looking for job.", "Yes, it's time to go back to work. Plus, we're going to take out a home loan and it helps if I'm working, too.", "I see, it'll definitely help with the loan. What are you planning to do with it?", "No, we want to consolidate our bills into one payment. The interest will be much less, too.", "Good idea. Hope it works out for you with the loan. Let me know how it goes." ]
Sydney decided to take this business job because it would get her a better home loan.
[ "So I have decided not to go back to school for now and to take this business job.", "What were the deciding factors for you?", "Well I really would like to get a better home loan so I will need a better work history on file", "Is your home loan not satisfactory right now", "It is a little high and can't be modified, I just need a good job with a good income", "Sounds like it was a good decision for you then, good luck with the loan!" ]
Sydney decided to take this business job because it would get her a better home loan.
[ "I decided to take a business job recently.", "Why so?", "I needed it to get a better home loan.", "Glad to hear that.", "Hopefully this job works out.", "Wishing you the best." ]
Riley saw how hard Sasha was training, so she thought Sasha would win the competition.
[ "Sasha has been training extra hard for the competition.", "She is has been going to the gym everyday after work.", "I know that she is going to win the competition, with all that extra time she is putting in.", "The extra practice will definitely pay off." ]
Riley saw how hard Sasha was training, so she thought Sasha would win the competition.
[ "I've been watching Sasha and I think that she is going to do great.", "Really, you think?", "Yeah, she has practiced so much that she has got it down to a science.", "Do you think she has a chance of winning the competition?", "She is definitely going to win the competition.", "I hope so too." ]
Sydney decided to stop being so responsible so she began to throw caution to the wind.
[ "I stayed out all night partying last night.", "I thought you had to go to work this morning.", "I did.", "Then why did you stay out last night.", "I'm tired of living a safe life.", "You should still be cautious about what you are doing." ]
Sydney decided to stop being so responsible so she began to throw caution to the wind.
[ "My family tells me when I was growing up that I am the responsible one out of all of my siblings.", "How many siblings do you have?", "I came from a decent size family. There's six of us plus our parents. That's a family of eight.", "That's pretty big. I only have one sister.", "I am tired of being so responsible, so I am not going to college after high school. I just want to travel the world for a year with the money I've saved for college.", "You want to see the world. Nothing wrong with that." ]
Quinn lost everything they had left in a double or nothing hand of poker after racking up tons of debt.
[ "I am never going to get out of this debt.t", "You can stay with me, while you sell your house.", "I thought I would win the poker hand, double or nothing and I lost!", "So you lost it, things can be lost. You need to quit gambling your money away." ]
Remy challenged them to a game to settle the feud. Remy stated clearly the rules of the game.
[ "I played a game with a friend earlier", "That's cool what'd you play?", "Just something so we could finally settle our feud", "How did it go?", "Fine I guess, but I had to clearly state all the rules of the game for them to understand it.", "Maybe it was their first time playing" ]
Remy challenged them to a game to settle the feud. Remy stated clearly the rules of the game.
[ "We need to settle all these nasty tensions that we have between us.", "You're so right. We need to play a game to settle this", "Yeah there are a lot of rules in the game that I need to go over with you", "That's feasible. I am excited to play", "Once we understand the rules we can finally settle this fued.", "I am ready" ]
Remy challenged them to a game to settle the feud. Remy stated clearly the rules of the game.
[ "So here are rules of our contest.", "Why do you get to make the rules?", "I think you will find them fair and equal.", "Okay, let's hear them.", "Number one, there is no cheating. Number two, you cannot move backwards. Number three, the game will last exactly three rounds.", "Fair enough. Let's settle this thing once and for all!" ]
Cameron broke my leg by accident and I was in a lot of deep and physical pain.
[ "I'm really sorry I broke your leg during martial arts training.", "It's okay. The doctor gave me a lot of medication after the surgery.", "Does it still hurt.", "Yeah, there is still a lot of deep and physical pain, but it feels a lot better than it did before.", "I hope you get better soon.", "Me too. I can't wait to get back to training." ]
Cameron broke my leg by accident and I was in a lot of deep and physical pain.
[ "I accidentally broke someone's leg by accident.", "What happened?", "I accidentally tripped them.", "How are they feeling?", "They're in a lot of physical pain, like a lot.", "You should make sure you tell them it was an accident." ]
Cameron broke my leg by accident and I was in a lot of deep and physical pain.
[ "I didn't mean to break your leg.", "I know you didn't mean to. It was accident.", "Are you in a lot of pain?", "When the painkillers wear off I have a lot of physical pain.", "We need to quit playing so rough.", "Definitely need to be more careful in the future." ]
Cameron broke my leg by accident and I was in a lot of deep and physical pain.
[ "Me and my friend were wrestling around and he got hurt.", "Was he okay?", "I accidentally broke his leg and he was in a lot of pain.", "Oh no, did he go to the hospital?", "He did, an ambulance had to come to collect him.", "I am really sorry to hear that, I hope he feels better soon." ]
Robin went alone to the party despite warnings from friends. Robin was especially hard headed.
[ "I hope I look great with this new dress for the party.", "Robin, why don't you bring someone with you to the party.", "I want to go alone.", "But its a couples party! You're supposed to bring a date.", "I am my own date!", "You are being especially hard headed today." ]
Robin went alone to the party despite warnings from friends. Robin was especially hard headed.
[ "I'm going to that party alone tonight.", "You don't know anyone there, I don't trust those people.", "I don't care I just want to party.", "You shouldn't go alone, what if something happens?", "I will be fine, I'm an adult.", "I still don't think it's a good idea." ]
Mark offered Austin chocolate cake with sprinkles. Austin wanted ice cream instead.
[ "Thanks for this cake Mark, but do you have any ice cream instead of sprinkles?", "Oh good idea Austin, I could go for some ice cream too.", "I am sure it would make this cake taste even better.", "I usually like sprinkles but in this case I think ice cream would be amazing.", "I hope Mark has some.", "Me too." ]
Mark offered Austin chocolate cake with sprinkles. Austin wanted ice cream instead.
[ "I'm just not much a cake person. I prefer ice cream.", "Well what kind of ice cream did they have.", "They had vanilla ice cream to go with the chocolate cake.", "Were Mark's feelings hurt that you didn't want the cake?", "Nope. He knows besides liking ice cream more that I'm watching my weight.", "Good. I hate it when people get mad when you reject their offerings." ]
Mark offered Austin chocolate cake with sprinkles. Austin wanted ice cream instead.
[ "I was so hungry for ice cream earlier but Mark only had chocolate cake with sprinkles.", "Did you check in the freezer, I thought we had some.", "I asked him to check but he said there wasn't any left.", "Someone must've eaten it then, did you have the cake anyway?", "No, I was really craving ice cream.", "I get like that sometimes too." ]
Carson was having a hard time trying to understand the sentence. Jordan served Carson an example to help.
[ "I had to help Carson with understanding some sentences this morning.", "Spanish can be very hard to learn.", "It's definitely not an easy language master.", "How did you become so good at it?", "Someone that worked with my grandma spoke it and so I was around it a lot.", "That makes sense, lucky you." ]
Carson was having a hard time trying to understand the sentence. Jordan served Carson an example to help.
[ "Carson was really struggling with understanding some of the sentences from the Spanish homework today.", "Did you manage to help him with it?", "I just gave him an example to help him understand it better.", "It must help that you are already fluent in Spanish.", "It definitely does, but in future Carson should ask the teacher for help.", "If he asks you again just politely tell him to ask the teacher." ]
Jesse wanted to pick out a book and selected the one that was best for you.
[ "Here you go! Happy Birthday!", "Thank you Jesse! You didn't have to! What is it?", "Well, open it and you will find out!", "A new cook book! My favourite! How did you know?", "You love cooking, and I wanted to make sure I picked out the best book for you!", "Well, you were spot on! Thank you so much!" ]
Jesse wanted to pick out a book and selected the one that was best for you.
[ "Here, this book is amazing. It will change your life.", "Oh, a self-help book? I don't read those. They're all the same.", "I'm telling you, this one is different. This book is truly capable of making a whole new person out of you.", "I guess it's worth a try." ]
Alex wanted to help Aubrey prepare for college, so Alex packed Aubrey's car.
[ "I am really trying to help Aubrey prepare for college.", "What does she need to do before she leaves?", "She hasn't even packed her car yet, I am going to do it for her so it's one less thing to worry about.", "I am sure she will appreciate that a lot.", "I hope so, she really needs to get ready if she wants to get there on time.", "I am sure she is just getting flustered from everything that needs to be done." ]
Alex wanted to help Aubrey prepare for college, so Alex packed Aubrey's car.
[ "I can't believe Aubrey is leaving for college today, do you know if she needs any more help?", "She won't be too far away. Could you help me load her car, she has some bags that are ready to be packed?", "Of course, where are the bags?", "In the hallway, she has a lot of stuff so we are going to need to be organised.", "Wow she does have a lot, is all of this going to fit in her room?", "I'm sure it will be fine!" ]
Alex wanted to help Aubrey prepare for college, so Alex packed Aubrey's car.
[ "I'm going to help Aubrey get ready to leave for college. She's running late and still hasn't even packed her stuff in the car.", "Okay. I can help too, I don't have anything else to do today.", "I'm going to grab the two suitcases. Can you get the boxes?", "Sure, no problem. I'll also grab this guitar case.", "The trunk of her car might not be big enough for everything she is bringing to college with her!", "Let's just see what we can fit and go from there." ]
Austin predicted cancer rates in patients would continue to go down due to the new breakthrough treatment they developed.
[ "This new breakthrough has proven to be effective.", "Why do you say that?", "Because the cancer rates are down and continue to go down.", "That sure is impressive, you should continue with the hard work.", "We will, this new breakthrough is just the start.", "Hopefully the cancer rates can go down to zero." ]
Austin predicted cancer rates in patients would continue to go down due to the new breakthrough treatment they developed.
[ "This is amazing, our treatment is going to do wonders", "The results are great!", "I predict that cancer rates will continue to go down at a steady pace", "That's amazing, how did you come up with this new breakthrough treatment?", "It wasn't just me, it was a lot of hard work by a lot of people", "You do have a great team" ]
Austin predicted cancer rates in patients would continue to go down due to the new breakthrough treatment they developed.
[ "We believe we have another breakthrough in the new therapies for cancer patients.", "Wow that is amazing news!", "I really believe it will lower cancer rates.", "You're an amazing researcher.", "I have a good team of scientists.", "I can't wait to hear if the trials work." ]
Addison quit smoking and drinking. Afterwards when enough time had passed she was much happier.
[ "Wow, I feel so much better after these withdrawal symptoms passed.", "You look great and I bet you feel much healthier.", "I do. I have more energy and I am never out of breathe.", "And you smell so much better!", "True. I hate that smell on my clothes and furniture.", "We should celebrate!" ]
Addison quit smoking and drinking. Afterwards when enough time had passed she was much happier.
[ "Quitting smoking and drinking was definitely the hardest thing I've ever done.", "It was for the best, though. I'm glad you took charge of your health.", "Yeah, but I wasn't too happy at the start.", "It was a rough few weeks, that's true.", "But now that some time has passed and I'm feeling better, I am so glad I quit.", "You're going to be so much healthier now. I'm proud of you!" ]
Addison quit smoking and drinking. Afterwards when enough time had passed she was much happier.
[ "Smoking made me so unhappy.", "I'm glad that you stopped doing it then.", "I don't even have an urge to do it anymore.", "That's a sign that you're doing well." ]
When asked if Sydney at the food Sydney looked Kai in the eye and told the truth.
[ "I could not lie to Sydney last night.", "Why would you?", "He looked me straight in the eye and asked me several questions.", "He nust have been scary.", "Not really, but I could not lie.", "The truth will always prevail anyway." ]
When asked if Sydney at the food Sydney looked Kai in the eye and told the truth.
[ "I went to grab my food from the fridge earlier and it was gone!", "That's awful I wonder who took it.", "Well, I figured out who took it.", "Who?", "It was Sydney, he came up to me, looked me in the eye and told me.", "I hope he replaces your food tomorrow." ]
When asked if Sydney at the food Sydney looked Kai in the eye and told the truth.
[ "I decided I would cook Sydney and I a really nice meal last weekend.", "How did that go?", "I burned some of it and over seasoned other parts.", "What did Sydney say?", "She told me the truth.", "At least she was honest with you!" ]
When asked if Sydney at the food Sydney looked Kai in the eye and told the truth.
[ "I made Sydney some food the other day for work.", "Oh yeah, did he say thanks?", "Well he ate the whole thing.", "Did he enjoy it?", "When he got back from work, he looked me in the eye and told me he loved it!", "That's so great!" ]
Alex found a group of people looking for their runaway dog, so he provided some advice to the people.
[ "Okay everyone calm down!", "Do you have any advice on how to find our runaway dog?", "If you just keep calm you'll find your pet a lot sooner.", "Should we put out fliers? Our split into teams?", "Yes! Do both of those things. Also call in some professionals and contact local law enforcement.", "Thanks for the help!" ]
CArson was in the bathroom when it was their turn, so Taylor took Carson's turn.
[ "You guys might have to skip me.", "What's the matter Carson?", "I think I need to go to the bathroom.", "Okay, Taylor can take your turn.", "Okay. I will be back in 5 minutes.", "See you in a few minutes." ]
CArson was in the bathroom when it was their turn, so Taylor took Carson's turn.
[ "Will you go and tell them I'm just in the bathroom?", "They know. They're going to have someone take your turn.", "Is that allowed?", "Sure, why not? I think Taylor is going to go for you.", "Oh, good. Then I can just switch with him.", "Exactly. The turn order really makes no difference." ]
skylar knew kendall was hard headed, so she tilted kendall's head back to whisper the secret.
[ "Do you think I'm hard headed?", "Who said you're hard headed?", "Skylar did today, she tilted my head back to whisper a secret.", "I don't think Skylar knows what hard headed means.", "What does it mean?", "It means stubborn, but you're not stubborn." ]
skylar knew kendall was hard headed, so she tilted kendall's head back to whisper the secret.
[ "Did you hear what Skylar said? I couldn't hear it.", "I think she said that Jessica and Tyler are officially dating now.", "She tilted my head back and whispered it to me but I still couldn't make it out.", "I don't know why she is being so secretive about it, everybody else already knows.", "I think Skylar thinks I am hard headed so maybe she wasn't sure how best to approach me about it.", "That makes sense." ]
skylar knew kendall was hard headed, so she tilted kendall's head back to whisper the secret.
[ "Skylar just tilted my head back and whispered something to me.", "That's strange, what did she say?", "I don't know, I couldn't hear her very well", "I wonder what she was trying to tell you.", "It must've been something secret if she didn't want anyone else to hear.", "You will have to ask her to repeat what she said." ]
Skylar found alcohol under Remy's bed and was upset because Remy is only 14 years old.
[ "Remy is only 14 and he has no business hiding alcohol under his bed!", "I agree, I would not be happy about this, where is he getting it from anyway?", "That is one of many questions I have, I just haven't decided how to confront him about it yet", "Well you should be careful you don't want to push him away.", "It's not something he should be doing at his age!", "I agree, I'm here for you if you need support" ]
Skylar found alcohol under Remy's bed and was upset because Remy is only 14 years old.
[ "I had to ground Remy today.", "What did he do now?", "I found a bottle of alcohol under his bed.", "Wow, I can't believe he's already drinking.", "Me too. He's only 14 years old.", "It's better he learns that alcohol will get him trouble at an early age." ]
Cameron told Remy to call and make an appointment with the doctor when she had a cold for two weeks.
[ "Cameron keeps telling me to call and make an appointment with the doctor.", "What for, do you still have that cold?", "Unfortunately, yes. It's been two weeks.", "Remy. That's not good. I agree with Cameron, you should call the doctor.", "You're right, I should. I will call later today and make an appointment.", "Good. I hope you feel better." ]
Cameron told Remy to call and make an appointment with the doctor when she had a cold for two weeks.
[ "I wish this cold would go away.", "It seems like you've been sick for a long time.", "Yeah, its been two weeks.", "You'd better call the doctor and make an appointment, that's too long of a time to have a cold.", "You're right, Cameron already told me too, I should've listened when he said.", "Hopefully they can help you." ]
Austin wanted to make a wedding dress for Cameron, so Austin took Cameron's measurements.
[ "I took Cameron's measurements so that I can make a wedding dress for Cameron.", "She's so lucky. You are one of the best designers.", "She's my childhood friend. It's an honour for me to do this for her.", "It's a big day and she'll cherish it forever.", "She's a beautiful bride. She'll look magnificent on her wedding day.", "She really is a natural beauty." ]
Austin wanted to make a wedding dress for Cameron, so Austin took Cameron's measurements.
[ "Did you hear Cameron is getting married soon?", "Yes, I did, it's so exciting.", "I want to make a wedding dress for Cameron, it's going to look amazing.", "That would be awesome.", "I just need to take her measurements and I can get started.", "You should ask her, the sooner you have them the sooner you can start." ]
Austin wanted to make a wedding dress for Cameron, so Austin took Cameron's measurements.
[ "I just got home from Cameron's house. I'm making her wedding dress!", "Wow, she must trust your skill a lot.", "I think so. I had to take her measurements today so I can get started.", "I imagine it takes a long time to make a wedding dress.", "It does. There are some very intricate spots on it. She's going to love it!" ]
After having a huge fight the day prior, Jordan went along to get along.
[ "I had a huge fight the day before. I just want to make peace.", "Who did you fight with?", "My friend's brother we had a big disagreement about who won a game.", "Wow, seems like a lot of drama over a game, it's good that you want to get along now though.", "I just hope he isn't still angry about it so we can move on.", "I hope so too." ]
After having a huge fight the day prior, Jordan went along to get along.
[ "My dad and I had a big fight yesterday.", "Are you still angry at him?", "No, I actually made peace with him already.", "Good to hear that", "I love my dad and I would do anything to get along with him.", "You are a good son." ]
Quinn gave Jan some money for safekeeping. Jan put Quinn's money in the safe.
[ "I recently got some money from Quinn for safekeeping.", "I hope you have hidden it somewhere secure.", "I have put it all in my safe, nobody will be able to get it in there.", "That's a smart decision.", "I thought so too" ]
Quinn gave Jan some money for safekeeping. Jan put Quinn's money in the safe.
[ "Quinn gave me some money to put in my safe.", "how much money was it?", "It had to be at least twenty thousand dollars.", "Where did Quinn get all that money from?", "I don't know but it made me kind of nervous.", "I bet it did, I've never seen twenty thousand at one time before." ]
Carson was building a garden in his backyard. Carson loved tomatoes and wanted some of his own.
[ "You know how I've been saying I want to plant some tomatoes?", "Yes I remember.", "I decided to start a tomato garden in my backyard.", "Wow, that's great! Any other fruits or vegetables?", "I want to start off small and see how the tomatoes turn out first.", "Good idea. Let me know how they turn out." ]
Carson was building a garden in his backyard. Carson loved tomatoes and wanted some of his own.
[ "I'm going to do some building.", "What you going to build?", "I loved tomatoes and I want my own. So I'm going to build a garden.", "That's cool.", "I have just the right space in my backyard for it.", "Good luck." ]
Carson was building a garden in his backyard. Carson loved tomatoes and wanted some of his own.
[ "I can't wait until my tomato plant grow", "How long does it usually take to grow", "At most a month or two", "You will have a lot of tomatoes for yourself", "I always wanted to have my own tomatoes in my own backyard" ]
Taylor pressed Skylar's hands on the book on had her make an oath to the office.
[ "I made Skylar take the oath to the office", "So she's in politics now? That's great news", "I put her hands on the book and everything along with it, she's in!", "She worked hard, she deserves it", "I agree totally", "I wish her the best" ]
Jan was playing jazz piano, but just struck every key after trying to hard.
[ "Learning how to play the piano is so frustrating.", "Just keep practicing. You'll get better over time.", "I don't know. It's just so hard.", "Don't give up. You've already done so much." ]
Jan was playing jazz piano, but just struck every key after trying to hard.
[ "I used to really enjoy playing the jazz piano.", "Do you not anymore?", "I am just finding it too hard.", "If you keep practising I am sure you will get back into it.", "I should really practice a lot more.", "Let me know how you get on." ]
Jan was playing jazz piano, but just struck every key after trying to hard.
[ "I was having a lot of fun there, but got lazy and agitated.", "I loved your playing, will you play again?", "Yes I will.", "I can't wait to hear it.", "I'll be more organized and less sloppy this time around.", "It sounds good to me!" ]
Riley and Alex were having a race, Alex was right behind Riley but just couldnt get past them so ended up losing the race.
[ "I'm beat right now.", "What are you beat from?", "I was racing my friend Riley and just couldn't catch up.", "What a bummer. Is she really athletic?", "Yes, I couldn't get past her and lost the race.", "Too bad, but maybe next time." ]
Riley and Alex were having a race, Alex was right behind Riley but just couldnt get past them so ended up losing the race.
[ "I lost a race to Riley today", "What happened? You're pretty fast.", "We were racing down city streets. And I couldn't get around him because people were walking in the other lane.", "Where you in the street, or on the sidewalk?", "On the sidewalk. And I was right behind him.", "Yeah pedestrian traffic is pretty heavy in your neighbourhood." ]
Tracy wanted to hear me but that wasn't possible because I was on the other side of the glass door.
[ "Dan was saying something to me but the train door closed. Even though it was glass I couldn't hear what he was saying.", "Did you call and find out what he was saying?", "I did not. When I called him his phone rang in my purse.", "Maybe he was trying to tell you that you had his phone.", "These phones all look the same to me. I must have grabbed his thinking it was mine.", "Better get a case so you can tell them apart." ]
Tracy wanted to hear me but that wasn't possible because I was on the other side of the glass door.
[ "I can't hear anything, can you speak louder.", "I am speaking as loud as I can.", "Okay, come over to my side then.", "Okay one second, let me pick up my stuff first.", "Thanks, okay this is better.", "I am glad you can hear me now." ]
Tracy wanted to hear me but that wasn't possible because I was on the other side of the glass door.
[ "I can't hear you!", "What? I don't understand.", "You're on the other side of the glass door. I can't hear you when you talk!", "I can't hear you either.", "This is so frustrating, what can we do to hear each other better?", "Maybe we should open the door." ]
Tracy wanted to hear me but that wasn't possible because I was on the other side of the glass door.
[ "I was trying to have a conversation today but couldn't hear anything.", "How come you couldn't hear?", "I was on the other side of a glass door", "Could you not just open the door?", "No. I tried but it was locked .", "That is frustrating." ]
Robin was bored at the house. Sasha took Robin to the store.
[ "Robin looked so bored today at the house.", "There isn't much to do.", "I didn't want her to feel like she was wasting her time so I took her out.", "That's nice, where did you go?", "We just went to the store to get some food.", "That's better than being bored at home." ]
Robin was bored at the house. Sasha took Robin to the store.
[ "My roommate Robin was bored, so I took her to the store to do some retail therapy. That was about it for this weekend!", "That's good, sounds like a good weekend! Did you buy things that you wanted or needed?", "It was mostly Robin that did the shopping. I get paid bi-weekly so I am broke until next weekend. How was your weekend?", "Not bad, rather uneventful. Did some yard work and watched Netflix!", "Nice!" ]
Robin was bored at the house. Sasha took Robin to the store.
[ "Robin and I had been sitting in the house for days, we needed to get out.", "Oh where did you end up going?", "I went to the store and took Robin with me.", "That's nice, what did you buy?", "I got some eggs and the ingredients to make a chocolate cake.", "Oh can I have some cake when it is done?" ]
Skylar kept Quinn from becoming the best. Skylar was always jealous of them.
[ "I could have been a real contender if I wasn't always dealing with Skylar.", "What's happening with you and Skylar?", "She is just always holding me back.", "I wonder if she is jealous of you.", "I think I need to choose between Skylar and my success.", "That's not an easy decision to make, make sure you take time to consider everything." ]
Skylar kept Quinn from becoming the best. Skylar was always jealous of them.
[ "Skylar doesn't always support me. I feel like she's jealous of me.", "She might be. Did you talk to her about that?", "Not yet. She just keeps me from becoming the best that I can be. Sometimes I just want some encouragement.", "Friends should encourage and support each other.", "I just don't think she has my best interest in mind sometimes.", "Maybe you should reconsider being friends with her." ]
Others felt that Addison was doing poor work. Addison improved morale in patients.
[ "I've been struggling with work lately. My co-workers think I'm doing a poor job.", "What are you going to do to fix things?", "I've already started by improving the morale in the patients. A co-worker even complimented me about it today!", "Good job! There's always a solution, it's just a matter of figuring out what the solution is." ]
Others felt that Addison was doing poor work. Addison improved morale in patients.
[ "Other nurses have doubted my work but I showed them I am a hard worker", "No one works as hard as you around here and you have such a great personality", "I try to have new jokes everyday to improve patient's moods", "I think you have a new joke every time I see you" ]
It was easy to believe that Kendall had been robbed, because Kendall's story fell within the scope of reason.
[ "I feel so lucky to just be alive. You have no idea what I just went through at work tonight.", "What happened?", "The store got robbed!", "Was it just you in the store at the time?", "I was totally alone, it was so scary.", "I'm so sorry to hear that that happened to you, I hope you're okay now!" ]
It was easy to believe that Kendall had been robbed, because Kendall's story fell within the scope of reason.
[ "I was robbed on the way back from the restaurant.", "When did this happen?", "Last night after I had dinner with my friends. They offered to take me home but I wanted to walk.", "It's not like you live in a scary neighbourhood.", "I have always felt safe here. A teenager pulled a knife out and demanded that I give him my purse.", "That's horrible, I hope you're okay." ]
Feeling broke and impoverished, Remy took Skylar's money from her.
[ "Skylar is mad at me. I took her money because I was broke.", "You mean you stole her money.", "I was desperate, I am broke.", "You know what you did was wrong. You need to give her back the money.", "It's gone. I spent it all already.", "You need to apologise and own up." ]
Austin was considered an underdog by their colleagues, but Austin met the client's needs.
[ "My colleagues think I am underdog, but I always come through and meet the needs of the clients.", "As long as the clients are happy, you are good.", "They can be difficult to please sometimes, but most clients are easy to deal with.", "That's how it goes. It's like that at my work too.", "I heard that you got promoted. Congrats.", "Thanks. I've worked hard at this job." ]
Austin was considered an underdog by their colleagues, but Austin met the client's needs.
[ "Check it out.", "What?", "All my colleagues think I'm an underdog, but my clients are all satisfied.", "Keep up the hard work and I am sure they will start recognising your skills." ]
Joe lost a bag with lots of money in it. Aubrey found his bag under the tree but instead of telling him, they kept it.
[ "I found that bag of money that Joe was looking for.", "Did you give it back to him?", "No, it has a thousand dollars in it. I went and bought some new sunglasses.", "He should have paid attention to where he put it and you would not have found it." ]
Joe lost a bag with lots of money in it. Aubrey found his bag under the tree but instead of telling him, they kept it.
[ "I just stole a big bag of money from Joe.", "Wow, how much money?", "I don't know, but I can pay rent this month!", "Does Joe know about this?", "No, he's still looking for it!", "If you don't give me some, I'm telling!" ]
Skylar loved Bailey in return. Skylar gave Bailey a present because of this.
[ "I really love the present Skylar gave me.", "It's great that you like it. Skylar really must love you!", "I love her too!", "I'm really happy you two have found each other.", "May this be beginning of a great relationship!", "I am sure it will be!" ]
Skylar loved Bailey in return. Skylar gave Bailey a present because of this.
[ "I appreciate Skylar so much for getting me this beautiful bracelet", "She really cares for you", "I should do something nice for her in return>", "Theirs a new restaurant on the other side of town, you could book a table for the two of you.", "That's a great idea!" ]
Bailey wanted to vie for student council so he had to have the right number of people to vote them.
[ "I'm walking around the school today trying to enlist students to vote for me for the student council.", "Do you think you have a chance? The people you're running against are pretty popular.", "I think of it as a grass roots campaign. I've got a lot of buzz around campus and I'm doing more legwork than my competitors.", "Either way, I'll be sure to vote for you!" ]
Remy called the student into the office after the student had been caught cheating on an exam.
[ "I had to call a student into my office today.", "How come?", "He was cheating on an exam.", "What did you do?", "I gave him a strong lecture, called his parents, and suspended him for three days.", "You're tough." ]
Remy called the student into the office after the student had been caught cheating on an exam.
[ "Sometimes I hate my job. I had to suspend a student today for cheating on a test.", "That's too bad. What did the kid say about it.", "He never said a word. I called him into my office and gave him a chance to defend himself, but he said nothing.", "He probably figured it wouldn't matter. He was caught and he was going to get punished for it.", "But, it does matter. Cheating is always wrong but sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that move kids to do it." ]
Remy called the student into the office after the student had been caught cheating on an exam.
[ "I had to call a student into my office.", "Why? Was there a problem?", "Yes. The student cheated on an exam.", "Are you sure the student really cheated?", "Yes. The teacher caught the student cheating.", "Wow! That's too bad. I don't know why students think they need to cheat." ]
They had a eating competition and the winner ate so many chicken wings that he had to go to the hospital.
[ "I am almost glad I didn't win that eating competition.", "I thought chicken wings were your favourite?", "That's true but the person who won ate so many that he had to go to the hospital!", "That's awful, do you know if he is okay?", "I think so, he is coming back tomorrow to collect his prize.", "Good thing you didn't eat that many." ]
Sydney wanted to clean their glasses. Sydney took their glasses off.
[ "My glasses are so dirty.", "You should clean them.", "I need to take them off.", "I have sanitizing wipes. You can use these.", "Thanks. Can I have one to clean my glasses?", "Sure here you go." ]
Sydney wanted to clean their glasses. Sydney took their glasses off.
[ "Hold up a second, I can't see anything.", "Well look at your glasses.", "Exactly, I really want to clean them but I don't have a cloth.", "Here, use this to clean them.", "Thanks, I'll just take them off and clean them real quick.", "No rush, take your time." ]
Sydney wanted to clean their glasses. Sydney took their glasses off.
[ "I can hardly see.", "Well, your glasses are filthy.", "I'm taking them off and cleaning them.", "So, did that help?", "I can see!", "That was all it took." ]
Sydney wanted to clean their glasses. Sydney took their glasses off.
[ "I need to clean my glasses.", "What's going on with them?", "They are so foggy right now.", "Get a cloth to wipe them clean.", "Do you have one?", "Sure take this one." ]
Kendall wasn't sure if she was going to make the team. Skylar ensured Kendall's success with more practice.
[ "I've been practicing everyday with Skylar to try to make the team.", "I bet you'll make it. You have really improved.", "I don't know about that. There are some awesome players on the team and I may not be up to snuff.", "Just keep at it. Skylar is a great coach and she's been on the team since last year.", "She's given me a lot of pointers, but I'm not as quick as she is.", "That's frustrating, but you have a lot of other attributes that would make you an essential team member." ]