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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Insect collecting", "Southern Connecticut State University", "American Literature", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fossil hunting", "Birmingham-Southern College", "Humanities", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Insect collecting", "Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida", "Humanities", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Jogging", "Metropolitan State College of Denver", "Chemical Engineering", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Jogging", "Southern Connecticut State University", "Adult & Continuing Education", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Candle making", "DeVry Institute of Technology-Dallas", "Marine Engineering", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Bird watching", "Cheyney University", "Humanities", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Squash", "Centre College", "Asian & Pacific Area Studies", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Cheerleading", "Southern Connecticut State University", "Range Management", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Knapping", "North Carolina Wesleyan College", "Range Management", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Cheerleading", "Centre College", "Fire Protection & Security", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Jogging", "Southern Connecticut State University", "Range Management", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Insect collecting", "Wilberforce University", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fashion", "Summit University of Louisiana", "Humanities", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Stamp collecting", "Arkansas Tech University", "Biology", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Woodworking", "North Carolina Wesleyan College", "Crafts & Artisanry", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Woodworking", "Arkansas Tech University", "Adult & Continuing Education", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Insect collecting", "Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida", "Humanities", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Shopping", "DeVry Institute of Technology-Dallas", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Shopping", "Gustavus Adolphus College", "Anthropology & Archaeology", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Bird watching", "Hollins College", "Agricultural Business & Management", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Quilting", "Arkansas Tech University", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Squash", "Gustavus Adolphus College", "Asian & Pacific Area Studies", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Camping", "Gustavus Adolphus College", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select", "message", "message", "message", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Three friends majored in Humanities", "Hi do you know anyone who does woodworking?", "No", "My humaniteis friends like fashion and insects", "Three friends majored in Range Management", "Idk anyone who does that", "How about Judiasm", "None", "South Connecticut Uni?", "?Do you know anyone in biology or anthropology", "Idk anyone who went there", "None", "Asian stuies or adult continuing ed?", "Asian studies, yes", "do the like squash/", "They went to centre college and likes squash", "", "", "nope how about Hollins college and birdwatching?", "Nope", "Do you know major crafts?", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Squash", "Centre College", "Asian & Pacific Area Studies", "morning" ], [ "Squash", "Gustavus Adolphus College", "Asian & Pacific Area Studies", "evening" ], [], [], [], [ "Woodworking", "North Carolina Wesleyan College", "Crafts & Artisanry", "evening" ] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ], "times": [ 1480737920, 1480737920, 1480737920, 1480737920, 1480737920, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738048, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Auto racing", "JDS Uniphase", "Olivia" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Macrame", "Vishay Intertechnology", "Bobby" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Playing musical instruments", "C. R. Bard, Inc.", "Brian" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Knapping", "Franklin Templeton", "Bobby" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Macrame", "Franklin Templeton", "Brian" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Rock balancing", "Cirrus Aircraft Corporation", "Olivia" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Macrame", "Cirrus Aircraft Corporation", "Brian" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Knapping", "C. R. Bard, Inc.", "Olivia" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Rock balancing", "ConocoPhillips", "Walter" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Gymnastics", "Welch's", "Tyler" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Yoga", "ConocoPhillips", "Gary" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Gymnastics", "Dr Pepper Snapple Group", "Gary" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Yoga", "JDS Uniphase", "Gary" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Auto racing", "JDS Uniphase", "Olivia" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Yoga", "C. R. Bard, Inc.", "Gary" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Auto racing", "ConocoPhillips", "Tyler" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Edgewood College", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "DeVry Institute of Technology-Phoenix", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Simon's Rock College", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Messiah College", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Arkansas - Little Rock", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of the District of Columbia", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Dubuque", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Messiah College", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Messiah College", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Arkansas - Little Rock", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Johnson & Wales University-Charleston", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Evansville", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of North Carolina at Greensboro", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "The Sage Colleges", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 1, 3, 1 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "school", "major", "company", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "School", "Major", "Company", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science", "Cingular", "Pre-Law", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science", "Monro Muffler Brake, Inc.", "Pre-Law", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Oklahoma State University", "Live Nation Entertainment", "Astronomy", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science", "Ultimate Software", "Pre-Law", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lehigh Univervsity", "Biggby Coffee", "Social Science Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Boston University", "PeopleSoft", "Home Economics Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Ranger Boats", "Science Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cleveland State University", "Cingular", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Vermont", "PeopleSoft", "Portuguese", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Florida International University", "Ranger Boats", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Dakota Wesleyan University", "Biggby Coffee", "Astrophysics", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rutgers University", "Biggby Coffee", "Religious Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Central Arkansas", "Colt Defense", "Astronomy", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Franciscan University", "U.S. Venture Partners", "Environmental Sciences", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rutgers University", "Ranger Boats", "Vocational Education", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cleveland State University", "Cingular", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Central Arkansas", "U.S. Venture Partners", "Computer Mathematics", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Texas Tech University-Health Sciences Center", "Kalitta Air", "Astrophysics", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Ohio University, Athens", "Kalitta Air", "Vocational Education", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Franciscan University", "U.S. Venture Partners", "Aviation & Air Transportation", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Authentic Brands Group", "outdoor", "Samantha", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Amy's Kitchen", "outdoor", "Cheryl", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Authentic Brands Group", "outdoor", "Cheryl", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Assurant", "outdoor", "Samantha", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Assurant", "outdoor", "Jacob", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Georgia-Pacific", "outdoor", "Russell", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Amy's Kitchen", "outdoor", "Samantha", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Gibson Guitar Corporation", "outdoor", "Theresa", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Mars, Incorporated", "outdoor", "Kevin", "evening" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Dorm Company Corporation", "outdoor", "Samantha", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Loews Corporation", "outdoor", "Russell", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Carnival Cruise Lines", "outdoor", "Austin", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Georgia-Pacific", "indoor", "Russell", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Georgia-Pacific", "outdoor", "Denise", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Authentic Brands Group", "outdoor", "William", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Carnival Cruise Lines", "outdoor", "Diana", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Georgia-Pacific", "outdoor", "Russell", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Georgia-Pacific", "outdoor", "Donna", "afternoon" ] ] ] ]
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[ 3, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "A. Schulman", "Victoria", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Kendall-Jackson", "Randy", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Kendall-Jackson", "Melissa", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Calista Corporation", "Christine", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Norfolk Southern Railway", "Ronald", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Norfolk Southern Railway", "Angela", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Horton Holding", "Nicole", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Intel", "Patrick", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Norfolk Southern Railway", "Nicole", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Carnival Corporation & plc", "Ralph", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Norfolk Southern Railway", "Patrick", "afternoon" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Kendall-Jackson", "Christine", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Horton Holding", "Kathryn", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Kendall-Jackson", "Christine", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Tuff Shed", "Larry", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Kendall-Jackson", "Melissa", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Tuff Shed", "Victoria", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Cabela's", "Kenneth", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Tuff Shed", "Judith", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Boeing", "Victoria", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "A. Schulman", "Victoria", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Intel", "Victoria", "evening" ] ] ] ]
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[ 3, 1, 3 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 3, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Russian", "afternoon", "Southern New England Telephone", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Biomedical Engineering", "morning", "Sigma-Aldrich", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sports, Recreation, & Leisure Studies", "evening", "The Hartford Financial Services Group", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "European Studies", "afternoon", "Hearst Corporation", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fashion Design", "evening", "The Hartford Financial Services Group", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Comparative Literature", "evening", "Steel Dynamics", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Biomedical Engineering", "evening", "Southern New England Telephone", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Biomedical Engineering", "morning", "Sigma-Aldrich", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Women's Studies", "morning", "Southern New England Telephone", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Time Preference", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Comparative Literature", "morning", "Perdue Farms", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
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[ 1, 1, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Christian Moerlein Brewing Company", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Becton Dickinson", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fossil hunting", "Becton Dickinson", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "BASE jumping", "Werner Enterprises", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Stone skipping", "Werner Enterprises", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Freestyle football", "Becton Dickinson", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "CNO Financial Group", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Swimming", "AskMeNow", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Dog sport", "Zune", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Exhibition drill", "Becton Dickinson", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Video Games", "Christian Moerlein Brewing Company", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sketching", "Kohler Company", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Stone skipping", "Taunton Press", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lacemaking", "Praxair", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Squash", "Domino's Pizza", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Swimming", "Taunton Press", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Christian Moerlein Brewing Company", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Swimming", "CNO Financial Group", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Ghost hunting", "Taunton Press", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pigeon racing", "Domino's Pizza", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Celanese Corporation", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Squash", "Kohler Company", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Magic", "University of Miami", "Kathleen", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Paintball", "Lewis University", "Kathleen", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Paintball", "Wells College", "Larry", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Action figure", "Roger Williams University", "Brittany", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Magic", "Goucher College", "Judith", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Chess", "Goucher College", "Mark", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Magic", "Lewis University", "Larry", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Paintball", "University of Miami", "Brittany", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Magic", "Lewis University", "Kathleen", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cabaret", "Simon's Rock College", "Larry", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Action figure", "Rosary College", "Brittany", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pigeon racing", "Rosary College", "Brittany", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Foreign language learning", "Roger Williams University", "Ethan", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Action figure", "National University", "Frances", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Foreign language learning", "Rosary College", "Brittany", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Action figure", "University of Missouri System", "Louis", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Action figure", "Roger Williams University", "Brittany", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Action figure", "University of Missouri System", "Frances", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 1, 3, 3, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Acting", "University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign", "International Paper", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Photography", "University of Ilinois at Urbana-Champaign", "Associated Wholesale Grocers", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Photography", "University of Georgia", "Oreck Corporation", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Video Games", "Northern Michigan University", "Riceland Foods", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Movie and movie memorabilia collecting", "University of Georgia", "Arkeia Software", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rowing", "Wake Forest University", "Triumph Group", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Dancing", "Dallas Baptist University", "Ameren", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cabaret", "University of Cincinnati", "Beam Inc.", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Union College", "Kurzweil Educational Systems", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rappelling", "Gonzaga University", "El Paso Corp.", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Brazilian jiu-jitsu", "Northern Michigan University", "Arkeia Software", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bowling", "University of Idaho", "Mutual of Omaha", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cabaret", "Avila College", "Oreck Corporation", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Creighton University", "Oreck Corporation", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Skimboarding", "Villanova University", "Kingston Technology", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cycling", "Southwest Missouri State University", "Kingston Technology", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Creighton University", "McAfee", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Brazilian jiu-jitsu", "Southwest Missouri State University", "Gulf Oil", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Colby College", "PricewaterhouseCoopers", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knitting", "Villanova University", "El Paso Corp.", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Skimboarding", "University of the Ozarks", "Kurzweil Educational Systems", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rowing", "Wake Forest University", "Triumph Group", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1 ]
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Shopping", "University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Lockpicking", "Brenau University", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Stand-up comedy", "Louisiana College", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "role-playing games", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Columbus", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "Alderson-Broaddus College", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Shopping", "Bob Jones University", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Australian rules football", "Trinity University", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "role-playing games", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Columbus", "afternoon" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Shopping", "Bob Jones University", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Mahjong", "Bob Jones University", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Lockpicking", "Johnson C. Smith University", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Origami", "Alderson-Broaddus College", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Lockpicking", "East Tennessee State University", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Mahjong", "Louisiana College", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Stand-up comedy", "University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference" ], [ "Shopping", "Emerson College", "morning" ] ] ] ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 3, 1 ]
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[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 1, 3 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "What's up RDAN?", "Hi. Do you know susan or martha?", "I know two Susans and no Marthas.", "morning or outdoor?", "Susan who likes the indoors and evenings, and susan who likes the afternoons and the outdoors", "I also have three friends named Samantha, two named Lawrence, and two named Kathleen.", "none of mine match", "no kathleen", "As well as Janice. I know a Janice too.", "No one likes Janice though. I don't really consider her a friend.", "She gets drunk at parties and cheats on her husband. My friends think it's against God's will.", "Bad janice. I have ann and benjamin", "But Janice likes the afternoons and outdoors, if you know her.", "no janice", "No Samanthas or Lawrences either?", "i know Andrew too ", "I don't know Andrew. He must be boring.", "Let's talk about these Susans.", "I know a Susan who likes evenings and outdoors." ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432 ] }
[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "major", "hobby", "time_pref", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Major", "Hobby", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "BASE jumping", "Liberal Arts Education", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Laser tag", "Spanish", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Snowboarding", "Native American Studies", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gardening", "Bible Studies", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "BASE jumping", "European Studies", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Snowboarding", "Native American Studies", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Mahjong", "Bible Studies", "morning", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bodybuilding", "Spanish", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Snowboarding", "Spanish", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gardening", "Urban Studies", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Snowboarding", "Liberal Arts Education", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Snowboarding", "Liberal Arts Education", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gardening", "Bible Studies", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gardening", "Spanish", "evening", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 1, 3, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "school", "major", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "College of St. Scholastica", "indoor", "Microbiology", "Kelly" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Hartwick College", "indoor", "Physical Sciences", "Janet" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Illinois State University", "indoor", "Foreign Language Teacher Education", "Janet" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Trinity University", "indoor", "Latin", "Larry" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of Nebraska, Omaha", "indoor", "Forestry Production & Processing", "Amanda" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Xavier University of Louisiana", "indoor", "Italian", "Janet" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Hiram College", "indoor", "Multi Studies", "Gerald" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "San Francisco State University", "indoor", "Equestrian Studies", "Gerald" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "St. Joseph's College", "indoor", "Microbiology", "Amber" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wayne State University", "outdoor", "Microbiology", "Billy" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Saint Cloud State University", "indoor", "Plant & Soil Sciences", "Kelly" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "California State University, Dominguez Hills", "outdoor", "Forestry Production & Processing", "Victoria" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "College of St. Scholastica", "indoor", "Computer & Information Sciences", "Samuel" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Lycoming College", "indoor", "Bilingual Education", "Charles" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Lycoming College", "indoor", "Horticulture", "Russell" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of California, Davis", "outdoor", "Physical Sciences", "Sara" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "San Francisco State University", "indoor", "Physical Sciences", "Amber" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "St. Joseph's College", "indoor", "Greek", "Sara" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Lycoming College", "indoor", "Mormon Affiliation", "Cheryl" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Lycoming College", "indoor", "Religion & Theology", "Charles" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Saint Cloud State University", "indoor", "Physical Sciences", "Gerald" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "St. Joseph's College", "indoor", "Microbiology", "Amber" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "i have several friends who are microbiologists", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ] ], "values": [ [], [ "St. Joseph's College", "indoor", "Microbiology", "Amber" ], [ "St. Joseph's College", "indoor", "Microbiology", "Amber" ] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 1, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176 ] }
[ 3, 3, 1, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "school", "hobby", "time_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "School", "Hobby", "Time Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Skateboarding", "Prairie View A&M University", "Kelly", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Road biking", "University of Texas at Brownsville", "Terry", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Surfing", "California State University, Stanislaus", "Christine", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Surfing", "University of Nebraska, Lincoln", "Billy", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Skateboarding", "California State University, Stanislaus", "Terry", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Skateboarding", "University of Sioux Falls", "Jean", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Surfing", "Allegheny College", "Kevin", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Do it yourself", "Georgia Southern University", "Steven", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Surfing", "Allegheny College", "Kevin", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Skateboarding", "Georgia Southern University", "Carolyn", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Nordic skating", "University of Nebraska, Lincoln", "Kathy", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Surfing", "Adelphi University", "Terry", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Flag football", "Evergreen State College", "Billy", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Flag football", "Lynchburg College", "Kelly", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Flag football", "University of Sioux Falls", "Russell", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Ghost hunting", "University of Sioux Falls", "Raymond", "evening" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Hi, do any of your friends enjoy do it yourself?", "?" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [] ], "values": [ [], [] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738176, 1480738304 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "company", "time_pref", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "AT&T Inc.", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "ViewSonic", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pioneer Railcorp", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gordon Food Service", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Beer Nuts, Inc.", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "McDonald's", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "ViewSonic", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lorillard", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "General Cable", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Brunswick Corporation", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "AT&T Inc.", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Brunswick Corporation", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "KLA Tencor", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Big Boy Restaurants", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "MasterCraft", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "MasterCraft", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "McDonald's", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Occidental Petroleum", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "AT&T Inc.", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "AC Lens", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "MasterCraft", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "AC Lens", "morning", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 3, 1, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "company", "hobby", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "Company", "Hobby", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Vehicle restoration", "El Pollo Loco", "Judy", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals", "Jose", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Windstream Communications", "Beverly", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Triathlon", "Molex, Inc.", "Jose", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gymnastics", "Molex, Inc.", "Judy", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gymnastics", "TransDigm Group", "Judy", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pet", "TransDigm Group", "Julia", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals", "Jose", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Triathlon", "TransDigm Group", "Julia", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pet", "TransDigm Group", "Abigail", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Hello", "Hi, I have one friend that enjoys the outdoors", "Anyone from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals?", "3 who enjoy outdoors here", "Yes Jose from Regeneron but enjoys indoor", "and his hobby is Go", "That one", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hobby", "Company", "Name", "Location Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Go", "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals", "Jose", "indoor" ], [ "Go", "Regeneron Pharmaceuticals", "Jose", "indoor" ] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738304, 1480738304 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "hobby", "time_pref", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "Hobby", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hooping", "outdoor", "Lauren", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Table football", "indoor", "Grace", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Poi", "outdoor", "Alice", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Netball", "outdoor", "Helen", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Netball", "outdoor", "Lauren", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Poi", "indoor", "Alice", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hooping", "indoor", "Kelly", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Water sports", "outdoor", "Alice", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hooping", "outdoor", "Walter", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hooping", "indoor", "Kelly", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Water sports", "outdoor", "Kelly", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hooping", "outdoor", "Ashley", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Pet", "indoor", "Kelly", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Roller skating", "outdoor", "Kelly", "evening" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "select", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Hi", "All of my friends like the morning.", "Hi. I have a friend who likes to roller skate, do you?", "", "None who roller skate", "I have a few that like netball and hooping", "I only have one friend who likes Indoor. Hooping.", "And two more that like poi and one who likes table football", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hobby", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [ "Hooping", "indoor", "Kelly", "morning" ], [], [], [], [], [ "Hooping", "indoor", "Kelly", "morning" ], [ "Hooping", "indoor", "Kelly", "morning" ] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738176, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304 ] }
[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "school", "major", "hobby" ], "name": [ "School", "Major", "Hobby" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Vassar College", "Catholic Affiliation" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Otterbein College", "Range Management" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Worldbuilding", "Oral Roberts University", "Range Management" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Worldbuilding", "Florida State University", "Political Science & Government" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Lebanon Valley College", "Nuclear Engineering" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Pet", "University of Texas at Austin", "Slavic" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Listening to music", "Florida State University", "Mathematics Education" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Lebanon Valley College", "International Affairs" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Flying disc", "Lebanon Valley College", "International Affairs" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Lebanon Valley College", "Film Arts" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Otterbein College", "Range Management" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Flying disc", "Lebanon Valley College", "Film Arts" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Crossword puzzles", "Lebanon Valley College", "Slavic" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Road biking", "University of Texas at Austin", "International Affairs" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Record collecting", "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute", "Aviation & Air Transportation", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Record collecting", "Campbellsville College", "Physical Education", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fashion", "Campbellsville College", "Physical Education", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Metalworking", "University of Evansville", "Spanish", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Poker", "Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute", "Physical Education", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Racquetball", "Spring Hill College", "Physical Education", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Racquetball", "University of Evansville", "Physical Education", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fashion", "Purdue University Calumet", "Afro-American Studies", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Metalworking", "University of Evansville", "Spanish", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Rafting", "University of Evansville", "Parks Administration", "afternoon" ] ] ] ]
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[ 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Northrop Grumman", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Mattel", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Estes Industries", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bradley Pharmaceuticals", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bradley Pharmaceuticals", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Stephens Inc.", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Estes Industries", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Mattel", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Estes Industries", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Estes Industries", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Toll Brothers", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bradley Pharmaceuticals", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Belkin", "morning", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Record collecting", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Water sports", "Simmons College", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Water sports", "Southwest Baptist University", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Record collecting", "Southwest Baptist University", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Record collecting", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Simmons College", "evening", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cycling", "St. Bonaventure University", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cycling", "University of North Carolina System", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lockpicking", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lockpicking", "Lake Forest College", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lockpicking", "Simmons College", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Record collecting", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Yo-yoing", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis", "evening", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "major", "hobby", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Major", "Hobby", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sailing", "Agricultural Business & Management", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Philosophy & Religion", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Boxing", "Home Economics Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Philosophy & Religion", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Glassblowing", "Philosophy & Religion", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Glassblowing", "Agricultural Business & Management", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Glassblowing", "Mormon Affiliation", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Boxing", "Mormon Affiliation", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Go", "Chinese", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Beach Volleyball", "Individualized Majors", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Boxing", "Philosophy & Religion", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Whittling", "Military Sciences", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amateur radio", "Urban Studies", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amateur radio", "Philosophy & Religion", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amateur radio", "Chinese", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amateur radio", "Psychology", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Glassblowing", "Agricultural Business & Management", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Orienteering", "Military Sciences", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amateur radio", "Earth & Space Sciences", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amateur radio", "Data Processing", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Orienteering", "Data Processing", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sailing", "Psychology", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
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[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Dana College", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Heidelberg College", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Heidelberg College", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "National Technological University", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Southern Illinois University", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Heidelberg College", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hampden-Sydney College", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Simpson College", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Simpson College", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hampden-Sydney College", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Heidelberg College", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Indiana University at Bloomington", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of New Mexico", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Southern Oregon State College", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Indiana University at Bloomington", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "The Union Institute", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of New Mexico", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of New Mexico", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of Massachusetts System", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Millikin University", "evening", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "2 of my friends location preference is indoors", "Hi, I have two friends that enjoy afternoon, how about you?", "i have 2 friends that go to univeristy of new mexico", "No New Mexico, but I do have four friends that enjoy indoors", "Three prefer evening and one prefers morning", "any friends that go to massachusetts?", "No", "How about Dana College?", "i have no morning friends", "i have 4 afternoons and 6 evenings", "Okay, do any of your afternoon go to Hampden or Heidelberg", "no dana college", "yes heidelberg", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "School", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Heidelberg College", "afternoon", "outdoor" ], [ "Heidelberg College", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432 ] }
[ 3, 1, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "school", "major", "hobby", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "School", "Major", "Hobby", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Weightlifting", "Maharishi University of Management", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Graffiti", "Strayer College", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Camping", "University of North Carolina at Charlotte", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Polo", "New England Institute of Technology", "Geological Sciences", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Martial arts", "Sacred Heart University", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Polo", "Maharishi University of Management", "Technical and Business Writing", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Camping", "Howard University", "Biomedical Engineering", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Camping", "Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Martial arts", "Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion", "Chemical Engineering", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Martial arts", "Indiana University/Purdue University at Columbus", "Occupational Safety & Health Tech.", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Martial arts", "Oklahoma State University", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Martial arts", "Emporia State University", "Philosophy", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Backpacking", "Maharishi University of Management", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Macrame", "Temple University", "Chemical Engineering", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Martial arts", "Oklahoma State University", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "University of Alaska-Fairbanks", "Cell & Molecular Biology", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Backpacking", "Temple University", "Fine Arts", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Macrame", "University of North Carolina at Charlotte", "Philosophy & Religion", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fencing", "Emporia State University", "Fine Arts", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fencing", "Temple University", "Technical and Business Writing", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "Florida State University", "Crafts & Artisanry", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "Emporia State University", "Biomedical Engineering", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "select", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select", "message" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Most of my friends are indoor", "all but one are indoor", "", "nope", "what does your outdoor like?", "oh nm", "lol", "hm", "do you know anyone who like fencing", "a few of my friends went to indiana schools", "no one fencing", "I don't know anyone from indiana", "know anyone from temple uni?", "three friends of mine like camping", "I don't know anyone who likes camping", "How about book collecting?", "nobody", "Macrame?", "books? ", "know anyonw from maharishi", "and indoor backpacker? lol", "an*", "makes more sense than indoor graffiti", "", "", "this sucks" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [] ], "values": [ [], [], [ "Martial arts", "Sacred Heart University", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "outdoor" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Backpacking", "Maharishi University of Management", "Vocational Education", "indoor" ], [ "Polo", "Maharishi University of Management", "Technical and Business Writing", "indoor" ], [] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], "times": [ 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738560, 1480738560 ] }
[ 3, 3, 0.30000001192092896 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "hobby", "time_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "Hobby", "Time Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "Alice", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Animal fancy", "Willie", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Animal fancy", "Evelyn", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Coloring", "Evelyn", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "Linda", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Animal fancy", "Jason", "evening" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Volleyball", "Catherine", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "Catherine", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Animal fancy", "Wayne", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Model aircraft", "Willie", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Animal fancy", "Michelle", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Animal fancy", "Evelyn", "evening" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Harvey Mudd College", "Sandra", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Beaver College", "Sandra", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Harvey Mudd College", "Jack", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa", "Sandra", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Northeastern State University", "Stephen", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Occidental College", "Jack", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Harvey Mudd College", "Jack", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Northeastern State University", "Jack", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa", "Jack", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Sarasota", "Nancy", "evening" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "hello", "Hi", "All my friends are named jack except Nancy", "I have three friends named Sandra", "One Jack likes morning", "did one of those Jacks go to Harvey Mudd?", "Yes", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "School", "Name", "Time Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Harvey Mudd College", "Jack", "afternoon" ], [ "Harvey Mudd College", "Jack", "afternoon" ] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ], "times": [ 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "school", "major", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wilmington College", "outdoor", "English Literature", "Vincent" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Stephen F. Austin State University", "outdoor", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "Vincent" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of Chicago", "outdoor", "Conservation Mgmt. & Protection", "Vincent" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wilmington College", "outdoor", "Plant & Soil Sciences", "Dorothy" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "City University", "outdoor", "English Literature", "Jeffrey" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Stephen F. Austin State University", "indoor", "Geological Engineering", "Vincent" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of South Alabama", "indoor", "Mechanical Engineering", "Stephanie" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Macalester College", "indoor", "Information Mgmt. Sciences & Systems", "Jeffrey" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne", "indoor", "Mechanical Engineering", "Dorothy" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of South Alabama", "indoor", "Mechanical Engineering", "Stephanie" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of California, Berkeley", "outdoor", "Fashion Design", "Jordan" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Macalester College", "indoor", "Geological Engineering", "Jordan" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of Chicago", "indoor", "Mining & Mineral Engineering", "Jordan" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "University of South Alabama", "outdoor", "Chemistry", "Grace" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania", "indoor", "Asian Languages", "Harold" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "New Mexico Highlands University", "outdoor", "Metallurgical Engineering", "Harold" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Indiana University/Purdue University at Fort Wayne", "indoor", "Agricultural Mechanization", "Harold" ] ], [ [ "School", "Location Preference", "Major", "Name" ], [ "South Dakota State University", "indoor", "Other Religious Affiliation", "Harold" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "i have a lot of mining and mineral eng majors", "hello?" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [] ], "values": [ [], [] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 1 ], "times": [ 1480738304, 1480738304 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "school", "company", "time_pref" ], "name": [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "School of the Art Institute of Chicago", "The Walt Disney Company", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Worcester Polytechnic Institute", "The Walt Disney Company", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "School of the Art Institute of Chicago", "The Walt Disney Company", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Linfield College", "Federal-Mogul Corporation", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "School of the Art Institute of Chicago", "Savage Arms Company", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Worcester Polytechnic Institute", "The Walt Disney Company", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Wisconsin-Superior", "Airborne Express", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology", "Federal-Mogul Corporation", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology", "Federal-Mogul Corporation", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "School of the Art Institute of Chicago", "Federal-Mogul Corporation", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology", "Federal-Mogul Corporation", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Briar Cliff College", "Krispy Kreme", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Briar Cliff College", "W. R. Grace and Company", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of South Alabama", "United Country Real Estate", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Friends University", "Krispy Kreme", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Wisconsin-Madison", "United Country Real Estate", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Holy Cross College", "United Country Real Estate", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Long Island University", "Ashley Furniture Industries", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Briar Cliff College", "Ashley Furniture Industries", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Briar Cliff College", "Ashley Furniture Industries", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Briar Cliff College", "Krispy Kreme", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "School of the Art Institute of Chicago", "The Walt Disney Company", "afternoon" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 1, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "BellSouth", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amoco", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Movado", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Movado", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "US WEST", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Prestige Brands", "morning", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Vulcan Materials Company", "evening", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Movado", "evening", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Alliance Rubber Company", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amoco", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Amoco", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Movado", "evening", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Most of my friends prefer the evening, ", "Two of them Work at Movado", "Hello?", "None of mine prefer evening", "ok, That leaves two at Amoco and one Alliance rubber", "....?", "I only hve one Amoco", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Company", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Amoco", "afternoon", "outdoor" ], [ "Amoco", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 ], "times": [ 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738432 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "hobby", "time_pref", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "Hobby", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ] }
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 3 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 1, 1, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Squash", "Italian", "Sharon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "English Language", "Beverly", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Astronomy", "Speech & Rhetorical Studies", "Beverly", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taxidermy", "Engineering Mechanics", "Virginia", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Metalworking", "Parks Administration", "Beverly", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lacrosse", "Speech & Rhetorical Studies", "Virginia", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Squash", "Legal Assisting", "Jose", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gaming", "Italian", "Margaret", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "Adult & Continuing Education", "Sharon", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Flag football", "Agricultural Business & Management", "Margaret", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taxidermy", "Engineering Mechanics", "Virginia", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Astronomy", "Criminology", "Jesse", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Quilting", "Agricultural Business & Management", "Alan", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Skiing", "Vocational Education", "Alexander", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Skiing", "English Language", "Margaret", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "Vocational Education", "Jesse", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taxidermy", "Computer Programming", "Jesse", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taxidermy", "Criminology", "Jesse", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 3, 3 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wood carving", "Environmental Sciences", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Antiquities", "Bilingual Education", "William" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Yo-yoing", "Astronomy", "Anthony" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Metal detecting", "Range Management", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Road biking", "Astronomy", "Linda" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Squash", "Veterinary Sciences", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Metal detecting", "Environmental Sciences", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wood carving", "Hebrew", "Elizabeth" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wood carving", "Construction & Building Tech.", "Harry" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Metalworking", "Environmental Sciences", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Metalworking", "Criminology", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Wood carving", "Environmental Sciences", "Elizabeth" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Antiquities", "Criminology", "Linda" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Antiquities", "Criminology", "Kevin" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Running", "Criminology", "Linda" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Orienteering", "Anthropology & Archaeology", "Ashley" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Homebrewing", "Southwest State University", "Aldus", "Janice" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Rugby", "University of Maine System", "Aldus", "Sara" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Paintball", "University of Illinois at Chicago", "Aldus", "Janice" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Tennis", "Incarnate Word College", "Oshkosh Corporation", "Marilyn" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Skiing", "University of Illinois at Chicago", "Aldus", "Janice" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Tennis", "Incarnate Word College", "Oshkosh Corporation", "Marilyn" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Tennis", "Clemson University", "Oshkosh Corporation", "Jeremy" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Paintball", "Clemson University", "Sprint Corporation", "Marilyn" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "LARPing", "University of Wisconsin-Superior", "Bed Bath & Beyond", "Juan" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Name" ], [ "Tennis", "Inter American University of Puerto Rico Metropolitan Campus", "Oshkosh Corporation", "Daniel" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1 ]
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[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "message" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Hello", "Anyone with time preference morning?", "3", "judy billy walter", "", "This one?", "I dont understan", "If you have one with the same name, school and preferences", "click select besides his name", "", "Walter, Davis & elkins collect, morning, indoor" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [ "School", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [], [], [], [], [ "School", "Location Preference", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [ "Davis & Elkins College", "indoor", "Walter", "morning" ], [], [], [], [], [ "Davis & Elkins College", "indoor", "Walter", "morning" ], [] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 ], "times": [ 1480738304, 1480738304, 1480738432, 1480738432, 1480738560, 1480738560, 1480738560, 1480738560, 1480738560, 1480738560, 1480738560 ] }
[ 3, 3, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pet", "Fashion Design", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Video game collecting", "Philosophy", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fantasy Sports", "Equestrian Studies", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Metal detecting", "Geological Sciences", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Book collecting", "Geological Sciences", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pet", "Visual & Performing Arts", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Inline skating", "Fashion Design", "morning", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Video game collecting", "Geological Sciences", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sewing", "Visual & Performing Arts", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Video game collecting", "Philosophy", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Inline skating", "Botany", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Metal detecting", "Visual & Performing Arts", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Metal detecting", "Geological Sciences", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fantasy Sports", "Visual & Performing Arts", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 3, 1 ]
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1 ]
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