[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 1, 1, 1 ]
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[ 1, 3, 3, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Scholastic Corporation", "Frances", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sara Lee Corporation", "Lori", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Global Insight", "Denise", "morning", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Kohl's", "Barbara", "afternoon", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sara Lee Corporation", "Anna", "morning", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Sara Lee Corporation", "Lori", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Kohl's", "Joshua", "afternoon", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "American Family Insurance", "Lori", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Scholastic Corporation", "Frances", "morning", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Company", "Name", "Time Preference", "Location Preference" ], [ "Upper Deck Company", "Deborah", "evening", "indoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 3, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Poi", "Marie", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Figure skating", "Jacob", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Gymnastics", "Gloria", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Judo", "Virginia", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Embroidery", "Philip", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Camping", "Tiffany", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rowing", "Marie", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fantasy Sports", "Kimberly", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Speed skating", "Marie", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "Thomas", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hunting", "Tiffany", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Cooking", "Marie", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Lapidary", "Jennifer", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Camping", "Tiffany", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Surfing", "Douglas", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fantasy Sports", "William", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pet", "Gloria", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taekwondo", "Douglas", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fantasy Sports", "Gloria", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taekwondo", "Marie", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Figure skating", "Thomas", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Speed skating", "Gloria", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Taekwondo", "Gloria", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Location Preference" ], [ "Camping", "Patricia", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
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[ 1, 1, 3 ]
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 3, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 3, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Slot car racing", "Southern Illinois University", "Astronomy", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hiking", "Missouri Western State College", "Engineering Mechanics", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Puzzles", "Pennsylvania State University", "Data Processing", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Book restoration", "Alderson-Broaddus College", "Astronomy", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Ice skating", "University of Dallas", "Russian", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Knife throwing", "Pennsylvania State University", "Data Processing", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Book restoration", "Air Force Institute of Technology", "Wildlife & Fish Management", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Ice skating", "Upper Iowa University", "Engineering Mechanics", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hiking", "Messiah College", "Astronomy", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hiking", "Rowan College", "Urban Studies", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Skydiving", "Lamar University", "Chinese", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Skydiving", "Upper Iowa University", "Conservation Mgmt. & Protection", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Puzzles", "Pennsylvania State University", "Urban Studies", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Orienteering", "Rowan College", "Metallurgical Engineering", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hiking", "Hawaii Pacific University", "Urban Studies", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Puzzles", "Franciscan University", "Russian", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hiking", "Missouri Western State College", "Engineering Mechanics", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hiking", "California State University, Stanislaus", "Russian", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Hi!", "ALL of my friends love the outdoorsd", "Anyone into Russian or Urban Studies?", "Yes, one friend is into Russian", "Do your friends like hiking?", "The Russian loving friend likes ice skating, and outdoors", "Nope", "Hiking as a hobby for your friends?", "None of my friends like hiking", "Great!", "Skydiving from Lamar or Orienteering from Rowan?", "Nope, none of my friends like those", "They have to.", "Check again.", "You said all your friends are outoodr.", "So, hobby has to be hiking, skydiving, or orienteering.", "Oh, I see one Hiker friend that I missed", "Choose them. ;)", "They major in engineering mechanics", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ], [ "Hobby", "School", "Major", "Location Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Hiking", "Missouri Western State College", "Engineering Mechanics", "outdoor" ], [ "Hiking", "Missouri Western State College", "Engineering Mechanics", "outdoor" ] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ], "times": [ 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600, 1483081600 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 3, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "school", "major", "hobby" ], "name": [ "Name", "School", "Major", "Hobby" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Chess", "Senior High Education", "University of Chicago", "Brandon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Couponing", "Senior High Education", "Regis University", "Charles" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Slacklining", "Geophysical Engineering", "University of Chicago", "Brandon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Rowing", "Islamic Studies", "University of Chicago", "Pamela" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Tennis", "Islamic Studies", "University of Chicago", "Emily" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Rowing", "Senior High Education", "Centenary College of Louisiana", "Arthur" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "role-playing games", "Photography", "Ursinus College", "Kyle" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Tennis", "Geophysical Engineering", "Ursinus College", "Kyle" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Slacklining", "Geophysical Engineering", "Regis University", "Kyle" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Antiquities", "History", "Centenary College of Louisiana", "Matthew" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Rowing", "Senior High Education", "Centenary College of Louisiana", "Arthur" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "School", "Name" ], [ "Antiquities", "Photography", "Ursinus College", "Kyle" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 3, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Guam", "Barrett Firearms Manufacturing", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "George Mason University", "Jacobs Engineering Group", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Louisiana Tech University", "Jacobs Engineering Group", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of the District of Columbia", "Gardner Denver", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "George Mason University", "Jacobs Engineering Group", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Louisiana Tech University", "Barrett Firearms Manufacturing", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Dordt College", "West Liberty Foods", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Idaho State University", "CNET", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Colorado at Denver", "Jacobs Engineering Group", "morning" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Washburn University", "Booz Allen Hamilton", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of the District of Columbia", "Colt's Manufacturing Company", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Guam", "Parker Hannifin Corporation", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "George Mason University", "Tuff Shed", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Southern College of Technology", "Gardner Denver", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of the District of Columbia", "Gardner Denver", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Saint Anselm College", "L. W. Seecamp Company", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Louisiana Tech University", "West Liberty Foods", "evening" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of Colorado at Denver", "West Liberty Foods", "morning" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "hi anyone go to guam or george mason?", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "School", "Company", "Time Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [ "University of the District of Columbia", "Gardner Denver", "morning" ], [ "University of the District of Columbia", "Gardner Denver", "morning" ] ] }, "agents": [ 0, 0, 1 ], "times": [ 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472 ] }
[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Occidental College", "Raymond", "Gulf Oil", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Taylor University", "Shirley", "Adaptec", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Washington College", "Juan", "Adaptec", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Emory University", "Raymond", "Gulf Oil", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Washington College", "Denise", "Venus Swimwear", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Taylor University", "Joan", "Coleco", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Taylor University", "Philip", "Adaptec", "evening" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Occidental College", "Eric", "BNSF Railway", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Taylor University", "Shirley", "Adaptec", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Occidental College", "Stephanie", "Adaptec", "morning" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "University of California, Riverside", "Eric", "Adaptec", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Occidental College", "Bruce", "Adaptec", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "John Brown University", "Stephanie", "The Jelly Belly Candy Company", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "School", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "John Brown University", "Eric", "Adaptec", "evening" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 3, 1 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "hobby", "time_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "Hobby", "Time Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Yo-yoing", "Mildred", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Polo", "Mildred", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "LARPing", "Lauren", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Yo-yoing", "Melissa", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Whittling", "Patricia", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Darts", "Marilyn", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Mountain biking", "Lauren", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Whittling", "Jean", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Video Games", "Mildred", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Movie and movie memorabilia collecting", "Mildred", "evening" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Mountain biking", "Marilyn", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Gunsmithing", "Philip", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Gunsmithing", "Andrew", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Mountain biking", "Lauren", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "Andrew", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Coffee roasting", "Andrew", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Ghost hunting", "Virginia", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Cricket", "Diane", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Climbing", "Lauren", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Darts", "Mildred", "morning" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
{ "actions": [ "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "message", "select", "select" ], "start_times": [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 ], "data_messages": [ "Hi", "Hello", "All afternoon except three", "3 andrews", "I have three friends who like the morning", "1 philip", "I don't know any Andrews, but 4 Mildred", "morning: andrew, virginia, mildred", "no Philips", "mildred, darts, morning", "no mildred darts", "Any Yo-yoing fans", "No", "Gunsmithing?", "no", "2 mountainbiking", "How about LARPING?", "no", "cricket", "one Lauren into Mountain Biking", "", "" ], "data_selects": { "attributes": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ], [ "Hobby", "Name", "Time Preference" ] ], "values": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "Mountain biking", "Lauren", "afternoon" ], [ "Mountain biking", "Lauren", "afternoon" ] ] }, "agents": [ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 ], "times": [ 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081472, 1483081600, 1483081600 ] }
[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 1, 3 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "school", "company", "hobby", "loc_pref" ], "name": [ "School", "Company", "Hobby", "Location Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Crocheting", "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "PetSmart", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Beach Volleyball", "Christian Brothers University", "Little Caesars", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Auto racing", "Waynesburg College", "MetLife", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Road biking", "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Terex Corporation", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Tennis", "University of Miami", "NCR Corporation", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Soapmaking", "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Little Caesars", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Crocheting", "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Houlihan's", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Dowsing", "Waynesburg College", "Hyland Software", "outdoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Beach Volleyball", "University of Miami", "Freddie Mac", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "LARPing", "University of Miami", "B/E Aerospace", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Road biking", "University of Miami", "Air Tractor", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Tennis", "University of Miami", "NCR Corporation", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Slacklining", "Dowling College", "PetSmart", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Auto racing", "Eastern Illinois University", "Dover Corporation", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "LARPing", "University of Miami", "NCR Corporation", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Beach Volleyball", "University of Miami", "Olympic Steel", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "major", "company", "time_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "Major", "Company", "Time Preference" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fine Arts", "Joan", "DuPont", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Senior High Education", "Joan", "Fossil, Inc.", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Military Sciences", "Timothy", "Vectren", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Geological Sciences", "Joyce", "Vectren", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Military Sciences", "Timothy", "DuPont", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Classics & Classical Studies", "Joan", "Starbucks", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Military Sciences", "Timothy", "Rent-A-Center", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Materials Engineering", "Arthur", "Schnucks", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Military Sciences", "Arthur", "Apple Inc.", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Home Economics Education", "Rachel", "Koch Industries", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Military Sciences", "Joyce", "Fosters Freeze", "afternoon" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Architectural Engineering", "Joan", "DuPont", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Environmental Sciences", "Sarah", "ABM Industries", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Senior High Education", "Joan", "YRC Worldwide", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Religious Music", "Joan", "DuPont", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fine Arts", "Joan", "DuPont", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Materials Engineering", "Joan", "Starbucks", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Fine Arts", "Joan", "Rent-A-Center", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Home Economics Education", "Joan", "Cumberland Farms", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Computer Science Education", "Joyce", "NBCUniversal", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Computer Science Education", "Timothy", "ABM Industries", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Major", "Name", "Company", "Time Preference" ], [ "Geological Sciences", "Arthur", "Koch Industries", "morning" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "name", "company", "hobby", "time_pref" ], "name": [ "Name", "Company", "Hobby", "Time Preference" ] }
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{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Horseback riding", "Agricultural Mechanization", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Dog sport", "Architectural Engineering", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Motor sports", "French", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Card collecting", "Architectural Engineering", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Handball", "Architectural Engineering", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Vacation", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Handball", "Architectural Engineering", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Metal detecting", "Architectural Engineering", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Inline skating", "Architectural Engineering", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Writing", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Writing", "Judaism & Jewish Studies", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Vacation", "Civil Engineering", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Paintball", "Agricultural Mechanization", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Lapidary", "Civil Engineering", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Metalworking", "Museums & Preservation", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Vacation", "Civil Engineering", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Parkour", "Civil Engineering", "morning" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Card collecting", "Counseling", "evening" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Metalworking", "Counseling", "afternoon" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Time Preference" ], [ "Parkour", "Electromechanical Technology", "afternoon" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 3, 0.30000001192092896, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Australian rules football", "Georgia Southwestern College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Australian rules football", "University of Oklahoma", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Basketball", "Armstrong State College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Backpacking", "National-Louis University", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Rugby", "Armstrong State College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Australian rules football", "William Howard Taft University", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Australian rules football", "Hollins College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Basketball", "Georgia Southwestern College", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Fishing", "Hollins College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Stand-up comedy", "University of Hawaii at Manoa", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Motor sports", "Concordia College-St. Paul", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Basketball", "Hollins College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Basketball", "Georgia Southwestern College", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Stand-up comedy", "National-Louis University", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Basketball", "University of Hawaii at Manoa", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Location Preference" ], [ "Basketball", "Concordia College-St. Paul", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
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[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 1 ]
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[ [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Simon's Rock College", "VantagePoint Capital Partners", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of the Ozarks", "Dura Automotive Systems", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bemidji State University", "VantagePoint Capital Partners", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bemidji State University", "Space Adventures", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education", "VantagePoint Capital Partners", "indoor" ] ] ], [ [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "University of the Ozarks", "Space Adventures", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bemidji State University", "Space Adventures", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Bemidji State University", "Space Adventures", "indoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Mercer University", "Williams-Sonoma", "outdoor" ] ], [ [ "School", "Company", "Location Preference" ], [ "Western Maryland College", "Space Adventures", "outdoor" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 3, 3 ]
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[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Auto audiophilia", "Foreign Language Teacher Education", "Keith" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Rugby", "Bioengineering", "Roger" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Road biking", "Astrophysics", "Diana" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Scouting", "Foreign Language Teacher Education", "Marie" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Card collecting", "Systems Analysis & Engineering", "Angela" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Road biking", "Bioengineering", "Susan" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Auto audiophilia", "Classics & Classical Studies", "Noah" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Card collecting", "Systems Analysis & Engineering", "Keith" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Skateboarding", "German", "Marie" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Topiary", "History", "Susan" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Auto audiophilia", "Bilingual Education", "Maria" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Cycling", "Actuarial Sciences", "Peter" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Coin collecting", "Philosophy & Religion", "Denise" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Topiary", "Religious Music", "Noah" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Coin collecting", "Linguistics", "Vincent" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Calligraphy", "German", "Patricia" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Urban exploration", "Drafting", "Kathleen" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Parkour", "Zoology", "Robert" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Inline skating", "Zoology", "Robert" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Urban exploration", "Electrical Engineering", "Shirley" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Auto audiophilia", "Bilingual Education", "Maria" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "Major", "Name" ], [ "Road biking", "History", "Angela" ] ] ] ]
{ "0": "human", "1": "human" }
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[ 1, 0.30000001192092896, 3 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 1, 1 ]
{ "unique": [ false, false, false ], "value_type": [ "school", "major", "hobby" ], "name": [ "School", "Major", "Hobby" ] }
[ [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "Towson State University", "Pre-School Education" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "Towson State University", "Humanities" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "BASE jumping", "University of Minnesota-Twin Cities", "Computer Programming" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Racquetball", "University of Minnesota-Twin Cities", "Agricultural Engineering" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Road biking", "Towson State University", "Native American Studies" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "Campbell University", "Social Science Education" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "Emory University", "Native American Studies" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Hooping", "Elizabethtown College", "Liberal Arts Education" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Skateboarding", "Campbell University", "Agricultural Engineering" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Hooping", "Elizabethtown College", "Pre-School Education" ] ] ], [ [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Sculpting", "State University of New York College of Technology at Alfred", "Computer Science Education" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "Emory University", "Hebrew" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Road biking", "University of Arizona", "Social Science Education" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Color guard", "Elizabethtown College", "Biochemistry & Biophysics" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Skydiving", "Harvey Mudd College", "Social Science Education" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "Emory University", "Native American Studies" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Table tennis", "George Mason University", "Agricultural Business & Management" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Sculpting", "Morgan State University", "Biochemistry & Biophysics" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Racquetball", "Our Lady of the Lake University", "Agricultural Business & Management" ] ], [ [ "Hobby", "School", "Major" ], [ "Cooking", "George Mason University", "Biochemistry & Biophysics" ] ] ] ]
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[ 1, 1, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 1, 3, 3, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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[ 1, 3, 1 ]
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[ 0.30000001192092896, 3, 0.30000001192092896 ]
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