<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 106[/INST]Follow this (Qur’an) which has been revealed to you from your Lord. There is no God except Allah, and turn away from those who associate partners with Allah.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 107[/INST]And if Allah had willed (to prevent them forcefully), these people would (never) have set up partners with Him. And We have (also) not made you a guardian over them, nor are you a protector over them.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 108[/INST]And, (O Muslims,) do not abuse these (false gods) these (polytheists) worship besides Allah lest these people should (also, in retaliation,) revile against Allah’s Glory wrongfully due to ignorance. Thus have We made the conduct of every sect (and faction) seem attractive to (their own eyes and they regard only that as Truth). Then all have to return to their Lord, and He will inform them of (the results of) their deeds which they used to do.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 109[/INST]They swear their most solemn oaths by Allah that if there comes to them some (manifest) Sign, they shall certainly believe in that. Say (to them): ‘Signs are but with Allah alone. And, (O Muslims,) how would you know that when the Sign comes (still) they will not believe?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 110[/INST](Due to their own malice) We shall turn their hearts and their eyes away from (accepting the Truth the same way) as they have disbelieved (in the Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) the first time. (So, they will not believe even on seeing the Sign). And We shall leave them to wander astray in their rebellion and defiance.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 111[/INST]And if We sent down to them angels, and the dead started talking to them, and We gathered everything in clusters (before their eyes), even then they would not believe except what Allah willed, and most of them put ignorance to work.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 112[/INST]And the same way We made for every Prophet enemies—the satans from among men and jinn—who always pour into one another’s hearts (flattery and) gilded talk (as suspicions) in order to deceive. And if your Lord had willed (to prevent them forcefully) they would not have done so. So leave them and (also) the falsehood which they fabricate.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 113[/INST]And (its) purpose is that the hearts of the people who do not believe in the Hereafter may incline to this (deceit), and that they may develop fondness for it, and (also) that they may begin to do (the evil deeds) which they are themselves (perpetrating).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 114[/INST](Say:) ‘Should I look for someone other than Allah as authority (and judge) while He (Allah) is the One Who has revealed to you the elaborate Book (comprising a clear course of action). And those whom We gave the Book (before) know (with conviction) that this (Qur’an) has been revealed from your Lord (based on) Truth. So do not be of the sceptics (with regard to these People of the Book whether they know or not that the Qur’an is a revealed Book).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 115[/INST]And the Word of your Lord has been perfected in truthfulness and justice. There is no one who can change His Words. And He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 116[/INST]And if you obeyed what the majority of people (dwelling) on earth say, they would lead you astray from the path of Allah. They simply follow assumptions and speculations (instead of truth and certitude) and remain engaged in mere guesswork (and telling lies).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 117[/INST]Surely your Lord alone knows best the one who strays away from His path and only He knows best the rightly guided (as well).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 118[/INST]So always eat of that (slaughtered animal) over which the Name of Allah has been pronounced (at the time of slaughter) if you believe in His Revelations.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 119[/INST]And what is the matter with you that you do not eat of that (meat) over which the Name of Allah has been pronounced (at the time of slaughter? You regard these lawful animals as unlawful without any reason), while He has spelled out to you in detail (all) those things which He has forbidden to you except when (under the unavoidable circumstances) you are forced (to eat the bare necessity just as a life-saving measure. So do not declare more things forbidden on your own anymore). Surely many a people, devoid of (concrete) learning, lead astray (others) consistently by means of their own lusts (and fantasies). And surely your Lord knows well the transgressors.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 120[/INST]And give up all the sins of body and of heart (i.e. both open and secret). Indeed those who are earning sins will soon be punished for (the evil works) that they used to perpetrate.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 121[/INST]And do not eat of (the meat of the animal) over which the Name of Allah has not been pronounced (at the time of slaughter). Verily, it is a sin (to eat that meat). And surely the devils keep pouring (doubts) into the hearts of their companions so that they may dispute with you. And if you follow their instructions, (then) you will also become polytheists.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 122[/INST]Can he who was dead (i.e. devoid of faith), then We gave him life (by guidance) and created for him the light (of faith and gnosis), and (now) by means of that he walks among (the rest of) the people (also to spread that light) be like the one who is steeped in the darkness of (ignorance and error in such a way) that he can by no means come out of it? Likewise, the actions disbelievers keep doing are made alluring and attractive (in their sight).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 123[/INST]And in like manner We made the lords (and the affluent) in every community the ringleaders of their crimes, so that they might execute frauds in that (town) and (in fact) they do not defraud anyone other than their own selves. And they are not aware (of its evil outcome).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 124[/INST]And when a Sign comes to them, they say: ‘We shall never believe until we too are given (a Sign) like the one bestowed upon the Messengers of Allah.’ Allah knows best whom He is to assign the station of His Messengership. Soon the convicts will face humiliation before Allah and (will undergo) a severe torment as well because they used to defraud (and deceive).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 125[/INST]So he whom Allah intends to give guidance (by way of bounty), He broadens his breast for Islam and he for whom He wills persistence in error (which he has purchased) He, (by way of justice,) tightens his breast with (such a) fierce constriction as if he were ascending up hard into the sky (i.e. height). In the same way Allah sends torment (of disgrace) upon those who do not come to believe.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 126[/INST]And this (Islam) is the (only) straight path of your Lord. Verily We have clearly explained Revelations in detail for those who accept direction and guidance.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 127[/INST]For them is the home of peace and security with their Lord. And He is the One Who is their Protector because of the (pious) deeds which they used to do.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 128[/INST]And on the Day when He gathers them all together (He will say:) ‘O party of jinn (satans), certainly you misguided many a human being,’ and their friends among mankind will say: ‘O our Lord! We have (sufficiently) benefited from each other, and (in the same state of negligence and interest-mongering) reached the end of the term that You had fixed for us (but we could not make any preparation for this).’ Allah will say: ‘(Now) the Fire is your abode in which you will reside forever, except what Allah may will. Verily your Lord is Most Wise, All-Knowing.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 129[/INST]In this manner We continue making some of the oppressors dominate over others due to the (evil) deeds that they earn.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 130[/INST]O community of jinn and men! Did Messengers not come to you from among yourselves reciting My Verses to you and warning you of your appearance (before Me) this Day? They will say: ‘We bear witness against our own souls.’ The life of the world had caught them in deception and they will bear witness (to this effect) against themselves that (in the world) they were disbelievers (i.e. the beliers of the Truth).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 131[/INST]This (sending of the Messengers) was because your Lord would not destroy the towns due to injustice while the people living there were (absolutely) unaware (of the teachings of the Truth i.e. no one made them acquainted with the Truth).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 132[/INST]There are ranks (determined) for all according to their works, and your Lord is not unaware (of the works) they do.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 133[/INST]And your Lord is Self-Sufficient, Lord of (Great) Mercy. If He wills He can eliminate you and, after you, make your successor whom He likes as He has raised you from the descendants of another people.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 134[/INST]Indeed (the torment) which you are being promised has to certainly come and you cannot thwart (Allah).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 135[/INST]Say: ‘O (my) people! Keep working at your position and surely I continue working (at my place). Then you shall soon come to know for whom it ends (well) in the Hereafter. Indeed the unjust will not be emancipated.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 136[/INST]They have fixed for Allah a share of the same (things) that He has produced of crops and cattle. Then, out of their (false) speculation, they say: ‘This share is for Allah and that for our (so-called) partners.’ Then (the share) meant for their partners does not reach Allah and that (portion) which is for Allah reaches their partners. What an evil judgment (they) are making!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 137[/INST]And in like manner their partners have made killing of their children appear attractive to many of the idolaters in order to ruin them, and (also) make their (leftover) religion doubtful for them. And had Allah willed (to prevent them forcefully) they could not have done it. So leave them alone (paying no heed to them) and that which they fabricate.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 138[/INST]And according to their (heretic) concept they (also) say: ‘These (particular) cattle and crop are prohibited. None can eat them except the one whom we wish. (And) there are (certain) cattle whose backs are forbidden (to ride). And there are (some) cattle on which these people do not pronounce the Name of Allah (at the time of slaughter. All this) amounts to fabrication against Allah.’ Soon He will punish them for (that) which they used to fabricate.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 139[/INST]And they (also) say: ‘The (offspring) in the wombs of these cattle is exclusively for our men but forbidden to our women and if that (offspring) is stillborn then they (men and women) all are partners in it.’ Soon He will punish them for their (invented) dogmas. He is indeed Most Wise, All-Knowing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 140[/INST]Certainly ruined are they who kill their children without (true) knowledge out of (sheer) foolishness, and make those (things) unlawful which Allah has bestowed upon them (as sustenance), inventing a lie against Allah. They have certainly lost the straight path and could not be rightly guided.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 141[/INST]And He is the One Who has produced trellised and untrellised gardens (i.e. plants climbing up with supports and those not climbing up) and (also created) date (palms) and vegetation with a wide variety of fruits and olive and pomegranates (that) resemble (in shape) but differ (in taste). When (these trees) bear fruit, eat of their fruits and (also) give away its due (as appointed by Allah) on the day of harvest (of the crop and the fruit) and do not spend wastefully. Surely He does not like those who spend extravagantly.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 142[/INST]And (He) has created (giant-like) cattle to carry burden and the ones lying-on-earth (due to short height or for slaughter). Eat of this (provision also by way of slaughter) which Allah has provided for you. And do not follow in the footsteps of Satan; certainly he is your open enemy.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 143[/INST](Allah) has created eight pairs: two of the sheep (male and female) and two of the goat (male and female). Say (to them): ‘Has He forbidden the two males or the two females or that (offspring) which is in the wombs of the two females? Answer me on the basis of knowledge and reason if you are truthful,’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 144[/INST]And two of the camel (male and female) and two of the cow (male and female). Say (to them): ‘Has He forbidden the two males or the two females or that (offspring) which is in the wombs of the two females? Were you present at the time when Allah pronounced to you this (prohibitive) injunction?’ Then who can be more unjust than the one who fabricates a lie against Allah so that he may lead the people astray without knowledge? Indeed Allah does not guide the unjust people.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 145[/INST]Say: ‘I do not find in that Revelation which has been sent to me anything forbidden to anyone who eats (such things) as he takes in food except carrion, or running blood, or the flesh of swine, for it is filthy and impious, or the sinfully slaughtered animal on which some name other than Allah’s Name has been invoked at the time of slaughter. But he who becomes helpless (due to hunger), and is neither disobeying nor transgressing, then surely your Lord is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 146[/INST]And We forbade to the Jews every (beast) having claws, and We forbade them the fat of the cow and the goat, except that (fat) which coats their backs or lines their entrails, or which is attached to the bones. This We awarded them as a punishment for their rebellion. And assuredly We are Truthful.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 147[/INST]Should they belie you then say: ‘Your Lord is the Lord of Infinite Mercy, but His torment will not be averted from the evildoers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 148[/INST]Those who associate partners with Allah will soon say: ‘Had Allah so willed, neither we nor our fathers would have committed polytheism; nor would have we declared anything forbidden (without authority).’ In like manner the people before them also belied until they tasted Our torment. Say: ‘Do you have any (authentic) knowledge which you may bring forth for us? (If so, then present it).’ You (abandoning knowledge of certitude) follow only assumptions and speculations and tell sheer lies (based on guesswork).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 149[/INST]Say: ‘Only Allah’s is the irrefutable proof. So, if He had willed (to force you) He would have made all of you guidance-bound.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 150[/INST]Say (to these polytheists): ‘Produce your witnesses who would (come to) testify that Allah has forbidden this.’ Then if at all they bear (false) witness, do not accept their testimony (but instead, disclose to them their falsehood). Nor yield to the vain desires of those who refuse to accept Our Revelations as true and do not believe in the Hereafter and hold (false gods as) equal to their Lord.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 151[/INST]Say: ‘Come, I will recite to you those things which your Lord has forbidden to you: Do not set up anything as a partner with Him; be morally excellent with parents; and do not kill your children owing to poverty. We alone give you sustenance and (will provide for) them as well. And do not draw near to shameful deeds (whether) open or hidden. And do not kill the soul whose (killing) Allah has forbidden, except when it is rightful due (according to Law in self-defence, against disruption and while combating terrorism). It is these (injunctions) He has enjoined upon you so that you may apply reason.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 152[/INST]And do not go near the property of the orphan but in the most likable manner until he reaches the age of maturity.’ And always give full measure and weight with justice. We do not burden any soul beyond its ability to bear it. And when you say (something pertaining to somebody), do justice even though he is (your) near relative. And always fulfil the promise of Allah. These are (the matters) which He has strictly ordained for you in order that you may accept direction and guidance.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 153[/INST]And that this (Islamic Law) is My straight path. So follow it and do not follow (other) paths, because they (i.e. the other paths) will move you away from Allah’s path. This is what He has enjoined you strictly so that you may become Godfearing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 154[/INST]Then We gave Musa (Moses) the Book to complete (the Favour) on him who would become pious, and (revealed it) as explanation of everything and as guidance and mercy, so that they might believe in meeting with their Lord (on the Day of Resurrection).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 155[/INST]And this (Qur’an) is a Book which We have revealed full of blessings. So (now) follow it and fear (Allah) persistently so that you are shown Mercy.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 156[/INST](The Qur’an has been revealed lest) you (should) say: ‘The (heavenly) Book was sent down before us only to the two communities (the Jews and the Christians), and undoubtedly we were unaware of their reading and teaching.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 157[/INST]Or (lest) you should say: ‘Had the Book been sent down to us we would certainly have been better guided than they are.’ So, now has come to you from your Lord the clear proof and guidance and mercy. Then who can be more unjust than he who treats the Revelations of Allah as lies and evades them? Soon shall We inflict an evil torment upon those who evade Our Revelations because they used to turn away (from the Signs of Allah).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 158[/INST]They are just waiting for the angels (of torment) to reach them, or your Lord to come (Himself), or some (exclusive) Signs of your Lord to come (perceptibly. Tell them:) ‘The Day when some Signs of your Lord will come (in such an evident way, then accepting) the belief will not benefit someone who had not believed before, or did not earn any good (in the state of) having believed.’ Say: ‘Wait; we (too) are waiting.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 159[/INST]Surely those who have broken up their religion (by introducing segregated paths) and have divided into (different) sects, you are not (concerned with or responsible for) them in any matter. Their case is only with Allah. Then He would let them know what they used to do.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 160[/INST]Whoever brings one good deed will have to his credit (as a reward) ten more like it, and whoever brings an evil deed will not be punished for more than one similar (evil deed). And no injustice will be done to them.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 161[/INST]Say: ‘Verily my Lord has guided me to the straight path. (This is the path of) the well-founded Din (Religion), the path followed by Ibrahim (Abraham) single-mindedly devoted to Allah, turning aside from every falsehood. And he was not of the polytheists.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 162[/INST]Say: ‘My Prayer, my Hajj (Pilgrimage) and sacrifice (together with the entire worship and servitude) and my life and my death are for Allah alone, Who is the Lord of all the worlds.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 163[/INST]He has no partner and of this have I been commanded and I am the first Muslim (in the entire creation).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 164[/INST]Say: ‘Should I look for a Lord other than Allah while He is the Sustainer of everything? And whatever (sin) each soul earns (its evil outcome) falls back upon it. And no bearer of burden will bear another’s burden. Then you are to return to your Lord alone, and He will inform you (of the truth of the matters) wherein you used to differ.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 6 verse 165[/INST]And He is the One Who has made you vicegerents in the earth and exalted some of you over others in ranks, so that He may test you by means of (things) which He has bestowed upon you (as a trust). Surely your Lord is swift in awarding punishment (to those who deserve it), but He is indeed Most Forgiving and Ever-Merciful (towards the aspirants to forgiveness).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7[/INST]The Heights</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 1[/INST]Alif, Lam, Mim, Sad. (Only Allah and the Messenger know the real meaning.)</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 2[/INST](O Esteemed Beloved!) This is the Book (that) has been revealed to you. So, let there be no feeling of constriction in your (illumined) breast (on thinking of the disbelievers’ belying and denying the promulgation of its message. This has been revealed with the sole purpose) that by means of it you may warn (the ones who deny), and it (provides) direction and guidance to the believers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 3[/INST](O people!) Follow this (Qur’an) which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow (any heretic rulers and) friends other than Him. You take advice but little!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 4[/INST]And how many a town (is such as) We destroyed! Our torment came upon them either at night or (while) they were asleep at noon.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 5[/INST]And when Our torment came upon them, their cry was nothing (else) but they began to say: ‘No doubt we were the wrongdoers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 6[/INST]Then We shall certainly interrogate those towards whom We sent Messengers, and We shall assuredly ask the Messengers as well (with regard to the response of their call for Truth and their teaching and preaching).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 7[/INST]We shall then relate to them from (Our) knowledge (all their) affairs, and We were not absent (from anywhere, unable somehow to monitor them).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 8[/INST]And on that Day the weighing (of deeds) is a truth. So those whose scales (of righteous deeds) are heavy will be successful,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 9[/INST]But those whose scales (of righteous deeds) are light, it is they who have harmed their souls because they had been unjust to Our Revelations.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 10[/INST]And surely We established you firmly on earth with control and authority and created therein means of sustenance for you. Yet you thank but little.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 11[/INST]And certainly We did create you (i.e. your real being), then gave you shape (i.e. accomplished the phases of chemical and biological genesis and evolution of life till the completion of the physical existence of Adam). Then We commanded the angels: ‘Prostrate yourselves before Adam.’ They all prostrated themselves except Iblis; he was not of those who prostrate themselves.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 12[/INST](Allah) said: ‘(O Iblis)! What inhibited you that you did not prostrate yourself when I commanded you?’ He said: ‘I am better than he. You have created me from fire and You have made him from clay.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 13[/INST](Allah) said: ‘So, get you down from here. You have no way any right to show arrogance here. Away with you (from My Presence)! You are certainly of the disgraced and humiliated lot.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 14[/INST]He (Iblis) said: ‘Grant me respite (to live) till the Day when people will be raised up (from the graves).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 15[/INST](Allah) said: ‘Indeed You are of the respited.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 16[/INST]He (Iblis) said: ‘Since You have led me astray, (I swear that) I will (also) sit on Your straight path (to waylay the children of Adam till I cause them to deviate from the path of Truth).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 17[/INST]I will assuredly approach them from their front, from their rear, from their right and from their left and (consequently) You will not find most of them grateful.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 18[/INST]Allah commanded: ‘(O Iblis!) Be gone from here, humiliated and cursed. Whoever of them will follow you I will certainly fill Hell with all of you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 19[/INST]And, O Adam, reside you and your wife (both) in Paradise and eat from wherever you wish. And (beware!) Do not go near this tree lest you become of those who transgress.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 20[/INST]But Satan created doubt in the hearts of both (Adam and Hawwa [Eve]) in order to make manifest to them their private parts which were hidden (from their eyes). He said: ‘(O Adam and Hawwa [Eve],) your Lord has not forbidden you (eating fruit of) this tree but (because, eating it,) you both should transform into angels (free from human characteristics) or both of you become (its) permanent residents (i.e. never will you be deprived of this station of proximity).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 21[/INST]And he swore to both of them, saying: ‘I am indeed of your well-wishers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 22[/INST]So by means of deceit he tempted both of them down (into eating the fruit of the tree). When both had tasted (the fruit of) the tree, their private parts became manifest to them and they started sticking the leaves of Paradise to their (bodies). Then their Lord called out to them: ‘Did I not forbid both of you (to get closer to) that tree and did I (not) say to you that Satan was indeed an open enemy of you both?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 23[/INST]Both of them submitted: ‘O our Lord! We have wronged our souls. And if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we shall certainly be among the losers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 24[/INST](Allah) said: ‘Go down (all of you and live in the earth); some of you are enemies of others. A residence and means of living (have been determined) for you in the earth for a fixed term (i.e. you are sent down with two basic rights of dwelling and subsistence in the earth; so, organize and stabilize the system of your life on that).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 25[/INST](Allah) said: ‘You will spend your life in the very same earth, and will die in it and from the same will you be brought forth (on the Day of Resurrection).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 26[/INST]O mankind! Surely We have sent down for you (such a) clothing that hides your private parts and adds (to your) aesthetic value. And (in addition to your outward clothes We have also provided you an inward dress as well and that is) the dress of Allah’s fear (which) is the best. (All these inner and outer attires) are the Signs of Allah so that they may take advice.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 27[/INST]O mankind! (Beware!) Let not Satan put you to the test, as he ousted your parents from Paradise, stripping them of their dress so as to unveil to them their private parts. Indeed he (himself) and his clan keep watching you (from such positions where) you cannot catch sight of them. Verily We have made the satans friends of those who do not believe.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 28[/INST]And when they commit some indecency they say: ‘We found our ancestors on the same (way) and Allah has enjoined the same upon us.’ Say: ‘Allah does not enjoin acts of indecency. Do you say about (the Essence of) Allah such things as you do not know (even) yourselves?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 29[/INST]Say: ‘My Lord has enjoined justice. And set your direction aright (towards the Ka‘ba) on every occasion and place of prostration. And worship Him devoting your obedience sincerely to Him alone. As He has originated your (creation and life) so will you return (towards Him).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 30[/INST]He guided one group but error was proved on the other (consequent on their own doings). Indeed they made friends with satans leaving Allah aside and think that they are the rightly guided.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 31[/INST]O Children of Adam! Dress up decently every time you offer Prayer. And eat and drink but do not spend extravagantly because certainly He does not like the extravagant.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 32[/INST]Say: ‘Who has forbidden the adornment (and beautification) of Allah that He has produced for His servants and (who has forbidden also) the pure and clean food?’ Say: ‘(All these bounties) that are (available generally) for the believers in the life of this world will be exclusively (for them) on the Day of Resurrection. This way We elucidate Our Revelations for those who have knowledge.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 33[/INST]Say: ‘My Lord has declared unlawful only (all) the indecent acts which become known and which remain hidden and sins and unjust excesses, and that you associate with Allah that for which He has not sent down any authority, and (in addition) saying such things about (the Essence of) Allah as you do not know yourselves.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 34[/INST]And a term (has been appointed) for every people and when their (fixed) hour approaches they can neither hold back nor advance (even) for a single moment.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 35[/INST]O Children of Adam! If Messengers come to you from among yourselves who relate to you My Revelations, then whoever becomes Godfearing and pious and amends (himself), neither will any fear obsess them nor will they grieve.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 36[/INST]But those who belie Our Revelations and turn away from (believing in) them in defiance, it is they who are the inmates of Hell, its permanent residents.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 37[/INST]Then who can be a greater wrongdoer than the one who fabricates a lie against Allah or rejects His Revelations as false? (That) share of such people will reach them (as) has been written in the Book, until when the (angels) whom We send will come to them to take away their souls they will say (to them): ‘Now where are those (false gods) whom you used to worship besides Allah?’ They will say (replying): ‘They are lost from us (i.e. how can they be seen now!),’ and they will bear witness (themselves) against their own souls that they were doubtlessly disbelievers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 38[/INST]Allah will say: ‘Enter into the Fire, joining those (Hellish) groups of jinn and men who have passed before you.’ Whenever a party will enter (Hell), it will curse its sister party until, when all (groups) will forgather, their successors will say in respect of their predecessors: ‘O our Lord, these are the people who led us astray, so increase their torment of Hell two times.’ He will say: ‘It is double for everyone but you know it not.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 7 verse 39[/INST]And their predecessors will say to their successors: ‘You have not gained any superiority over us, so you (too) taste the torment (now) for what you used to earn.’</s>