<s>[INST]Chapter 106 verse 2[/INST]They were acclimatized to the summer and winter (commercial) trips.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 106 verse 3[/INST]So they should worship the Lord of this (Sacred) House (Ka‘ba, to give Him thanks),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 106 verse 4[/INST]Who has fed them in hunger (i.e. provided them sustenance in starving conditions) and secured them from fear (of foes i.e. blessed them with secure and peaceful life).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107[/INST]Almsgiving</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 1[/INST]Have you seen him who denies Din (Religion)?</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 2[/INST]So he is the one who pushes away the orphan (i.e. rejects the needs of the orphans and deprives them of their right),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 3[/INST]And does not promote the cause of feeding the poor (i.e. does not strive to end the economic exploitation of the poor and the needy).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 4[/INST]So woe to those worshippers,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 5[/INST]Who are unaware of (the spirit of) their Prayers (i.e. they are mindful only of the rights of Allah but are heedless of the rights of fellow human beings),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 6[/INST]Who show off (their worship, for they only render a formal service to the Creator and are inconsiderate to the oppressed humanity),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 107 verse 7[/INST]And who refuse to lend even a worthless small object of use even on demand!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 108[/INST]Abundance</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 108 verse 1[/INST]Indeed, We have bestowed on you an infinite abundance (every kind of superiority, bliss and bounty).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 108 verse 2[/INST]So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice (a token of gratitude).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 108 verse 3[/INST]Indeed your enemy will remain childless and his race will be cut off.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109[/INST]The Disbelievers</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109 verse 1[/INST]Say: ‘O disbelievers!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109 verse 2[/INST]I do not worship those (idols) that you worship.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109 verse 3[/INST]Nor do you worship (the Lord) Whom I worship.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109 verse 4[/INST]I shall never (ever) worship those (idols) that you worship.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109 verse 5[/INST]Nor shall you (ever) worship (the Lord) Whom I worship.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 109 verse 6[/INST](So) you have your Din (Religion) and I have my Din (Religion).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 110[/INST]Divine Support</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 110 verse 1[/INST]When there comes Allah’s help and victory,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 110 verse 2[/INST]And you see people joining Allah’s Din (Religion) in droves,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 110 verse 3[/INST]Then hymn Allah’s praise (in gratitude), glorifying Him, and beg Him (humbly) for pardon. Surely He is Ever-Relenting and Oft-Returning (with evermore compassion).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 111[/INST]The Palm Fibre</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 111 verse 1[/INST]Perished be the two hands of Abu Lahab and be he perished himself, (he has pointed his finger to Our Beloved)!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 111 verse 2[/INST]Neither His (inherited) wealth nor his earned riches have given him any benefit.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 111 verse 3[/INST]Soon he will tumble into the Flaming Fire,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 111 verse 4[/INST]And his (damned, wretched) wife (too) who carries (on her head) the burden of (thorny) twigs (and spreads them in the way of Our Beloved, to injure his holy soles).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 111 verse 5[/INST]Around her neck will be (the same) palm-fibre rope (which she uses to bind the bunch of thorny twigs).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 112[/INST]Sincerity</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 112 verse 1[/INST](O Esteemed Messenger!) Proclaim: ‘He is Allah, Who is the One.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 112 verse 2[/INST]Allah is the Transcendent of all, the Protector and Far-Superior to all.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 112 verse 3[/INST]He has not begotten any nor is He begotten.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 112 verse 4[/INST]Nor is there anyone equal to Him.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 113[/INST]The Dawn</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 113 verse 1[/INST]Beseech: ‘I seek refuge with the Lord Who brought (the universe) into existence with (an) explosion extremely fast,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 113 verse 2[/INST]From the evil influence (and harmfulness) of everything that He has created,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 113 verse 3[/INST]And (in particular) from the evil of murky night when (its) darkness prevails,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 113 verse 4[/INST]And from the evil of those women (and men) who practise magic on knots by blowing,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 113 verse 5[/INST]And from the mischief of every one jealous when he feels jealous.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114[/INST]Mankind</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114 verse 1[/INST]Beseech: ‘I seek refuge with the Lord of (the whole of) mankind,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114 verse 2[/INST]Who is the King of (all) mankind,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114 verse 3[/INST]Who is the God of the (whole) human race,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114 verse 4[/INST]From the evil of slinking whisperer (Satan) who hides himself withdrawing (from the influence of Allah’s remembrance),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114 verse 5[/INST]Who whispers into the hearts of mankind,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 114 verse 6[/INST]Whether he (the whispering Satan) comes from the jinn or mankind.’</s>