<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 105[/INST] And become not like those who split into sects and dissented even after manifest Signs had reached them And it is they who would suffer grievous torment,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 106[/INST] On the Day when many faces will be bright and many others will be dark The ones with dark faces (will be asked): ‘Did you reject faith after you had believed? So taste the torment for the disbelief you had been committing.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 107[/INST] But those with (glittering) white faces will be in Allah’s Mercy Therein will they live forever.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 108[/INST] These are the Revelations of Allah which We recite to you with Truth And Allah intends no injustice to mankind.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 109[/INST] And whatever exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone And to Allah will all matters be returned.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 110[/INST] You are the best community brought forth for (the guidance of) mankind: you command righteousness, forbid evil and believe in Allah Had the People of the Book also embraced faith that would certainly have been in their favour There are some among them who believe, while the majority of them are disobedient.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 111[/INST] They cannot do you any harm beyond offending; and if they fight you they will turn their backs upon you; then they will not be helped (as well).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 112[/INST] They are shut in humiliation wherever they may be found, except that they are (provided with shelter) under some promise with Allah or some bond with people And they have earned Allah’s wrath, and have been subjected to indigence consequent on their rejection of Allah’s Revelations and killing the Prophets unjustly, because they turned into rebels and exceeded all limits (in rebelliousness and defiance).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 113[/INST] They are not all alike Some of the People of the Book are (also) firmly committed to the Truth They recite the Verses of Allah during the hours of night and remain in the state of prostration before their Lord.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 114[/INST] They believe in Allah and the Last Day and command righteousness, and forbid evil, and advance fast in righteous works And it is they who are among the pious.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 115[/INST] And whatever pious acts they do will not be disregarded; and Allah is well aware of those who guard against evil.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 116[/INST] Certainly those who have disbelieved, neither their riches nor their children will provide them any protection against (the torment of) Allah And they are the ones who are the inmates of Hell and will live there forever.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 117[/INST] (Whatever) wealth (these people) spend in the life of this world is like the frost-laden wind which strikes and destroys the harvest of a people who wrong their own souls And Allah has not done them any wrong but they themselves manage their own wreck.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 118[/INST] O Believers! Do not confide in those who are not from amongst you They will never miss (any) chance to cause you mischief They wish you severe torture As for their malice, that has become evident from their utterances, and (the hostility) that they have concealed in their hearts is (even) greater We have made the Signs manifest to you, if you would use your intellect.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 119[/INST] Beware! You are the ones who love them but they do not (even) like you although you believe in all the Books When they meet you, they say: ‘We have accepted faith,’ but when alone, they bite their fingers in rage against you Say: ‘Perish in your pent-up rage.’ Certainly Allah knows well the secrets of hearts.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 120[/INST] If something goes in your favour, it grieves them; but if some pain afflicts you, that pleases them However, if you keep patience and guard yourselves against evil persistently, their deceitfulness would do you no harm And Allah indeed has encompassed all that they are doing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 121[/INST] And (recall the time) when early morning you left your blessed abode (on the eve of the battle of Uhud) and were positioning the Muslims at their posts for the battle And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 122[/INST] When two groups from amongst you (Banu Salma Khazraj and Banu Haritha Aws) intended to go coward although Allah was their Ally And the believers must have trust in Allah alone.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 123[/INST] And Allah provided you help in the battle of Badr, whereas you had little resources (at that time) Therefore, fear Allah so that you may become grateful.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 124[/INST] When you were saying to the believers: ‘Is it not enough for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand sent-down angels?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 125[/INST] Yes, if you remain steadfast and persist in God-wariness and these (unbelievers) suddenly launch the blitz against you with (full) force, then your Lord would come to your aid with distinctly marked five thousand angels.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 126[/INST] And Allah has made this (reinforcement) just a glad tidings for you so that it may content your hearts And support comes only from Allah Who is Almighty, Most Wise,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 127[/INST] (Also) because (Allah) may exterminate a section of the unbelievers or abase them so that they go back defeated.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 128[/INST] (O Beloved! Now) this matter is not your concern whether Allah enables them to repent or torments them, because they are the transgressors.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 129[/INST] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah alone He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 130[/INST] O Believers! Do not live on usury doubled and redoubled and keep fearing Allah so that you may prosper.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 131[/INST] And fear that Fire which has been prepared for those who reject faith.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 132[/INST] And persist in obedience to Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him) so that you may be blessed with Mercy.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 133[/INST] And advance fast towards forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise whose vastness encompasses the heavens and the earth (and) which has been prepared for the pious.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 134[/INST] They are the ones who spend in the cause of Allah whether they are affluent or indigent (in both the conditions), sublimate their anger and tolerate (the faults of the) people; and Allah loves those who are benevolent.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 135[/INST] And (they) are such people that if they commit some immoral act or wrong themselves, they remember Allah, then seek forgiveness for their sins And who forgives sins except Allah? And they do not deliberately persist in the sinful acts which they committed.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 136[/INST] It is they whose reward is forgiveness from their Lord and Gardens beneath which rivers flow They will reside therein permanently What an excellent reward there is for those who execute righteous acts!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 137[/INST] Before you many codes (of Divine Law) have passed (for the preceding nations) So travel in the earth and observe what was the end of those who belied!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 138[/INST] This Qur’an is an exposition for mankind and guidance and counsel for those who fear Allah.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 139[/INST] And do not lose heart nor feel grieved; and it is you who will be victorious, provided you maintain (perfect) faith.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 140[/INST] If you have received a blow (now, then remember that) they too have received a similar blow already These are the days which We rotate among people And these (ups and downs) occur so that Allah may distinguish the identity of true believers and bestow upon some of you the status of martyr And Allah does not like the wrongdoers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 141[/INST] And this is (also) with the intention that Allah may bring (more) refinement to the believers (i.e cleanse and purify them) and annihilate the disbelievers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 142[/INST] Do you assume that you will enter Paradise (without any good) whereas Allah has not yet tested those of you who combat for His cause, nor has He judged the steadfast?</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 143[/INST] And you used to long for death (of a martyr) before you faced it So now you have seen it in front of your own eyes.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 144[/INST] And Muhammad ([too] Allah bless him and give him peace) is but only a Messenger (and not God) Many a Messenger has passed away (from this world) before him as well (bearing adversities and turmoils) So, if he passes away or is martyred, will you then turn on your heels (back to your former religion i.e will you consider his death or martyrdom- God forbid - based on either falsehood of Din [religion] of Islam or his untrue Messengership)? And whoever turns back on his heels shall not harm Allah the least And Allah will soon reward those who give thanks (by remaining steadfast in hardship).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 145[/INST] And no one can die without Allah’s Command (His) term has been fixed in writing And whoever desires the reward of this world, We give him of that; and whoever longs for the reward of the Hereafter, We give him of that; and soon shall We pay reward (affluently) to those who pay thanks.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 146[/INST] And how many a Prophet has there been who fought in the cause of Allah! A large number of devotees of Allah (Awliya) also joined them They did not lose heart due to hardships which afflicted them in the way of Allah They neither showed weakness nor gave in And Allah loves those who remain steadfast.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 147[/INST] And they said nothing except this supplication: ‘O our Lord, forgive our sins and overlook the excesses that we committed in our work, and keep us firm-footed (on Your path) and bestow upon us victory over the disbelievers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 148[/INST] So, Allah paid them the reward of this world and also an excellent recompense in the Hereafter And Allah loves (those) righteous people (who are in love with Him alone).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 149[/INST] O Believers! If you obey the disbelievers, they will turn you back on your heels (to disbelief) You will then turn back as losers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 150[/INST] Nay, Allah is your Maula (Helper and Guardian) and He is the best of helpers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 151[/INST] Soon shall We plant (your) awe into the hearts of disbelievers because they have associated that partner with Allah for which He has not sent down any authority And Hell is their abode and extremely horrible is (that) abode of the wrongdoers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 152[/INST] Surely, Allah fulfilled His promise to you when you were killing them by His command until you showed cowardice and you started disputing about the command (of the Messenger, [blessings and peace be upon him]) and later disobeyed (him) whereas Allah had brought that victory in your sight which you coveted Among you were some who desired gains of this world and some others who sought reward in the Hereafter Then He turned you back from them (dominated) so that He tests you (Later, however,) He pardoned you and Allah is Most Gracious to the believers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 153[/INST] When you were running away (in panic) and did not look back at anyone and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) was calling you out (standing) among the party that were (steadfast) in your rear Then He inflicted upon you sorrows one after the other (for admonition and training) so that you might not grieve over what you had lost and the calamity that had befallen you And Allah is Aware of your works.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 154[/INST] Then after grief He sent down on you calm (and peace for relief) in the form of a slumber that overtook a party of you, while another party (comprising hypocrites that) was worried only about their own souls indulged in false assumptions about Allah which were (just) the assumptions of ignorance They say: ‘Do we too have anything (i.e authority) in this matter?’ Say: ‘The whole matter is in the Hand of Allah.’ They have concealed in their hearts things which they let not be disclosed to you They say: ‘Had we any say in this matter we would not have been slain here.’ Say: ‘Had you been (even) in your homes, those for whom killing was decreed would have come over to their slaughter places And that has been (done) so that Allah may test what is in your breasts and purge exhaustively the (apprehensions) pent up in your hearts And Allah has thorough knowledge of the secrets of breasts.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 155[/INST] Certainly, those of you who fled on that day when the two armies engaged in fierce fighting were only caused by Satan to slip, owing to some act they had perpetrated Allah pardoned them indeed He is, of course, Most Forgiving, Most Forbearing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 156[/INST] O Believers! Be not like the infidels who say of those of their brothers who go (somewhere) on a journey or go to fight (and die there): ‘Had they stayed with us they would neither have died nor been slain,’ so that Allah may make this (assumption) a regret in their hearts It is Allah Who keeps alive and causes death And Allah keeps a strict eye on what you do.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 157[/INST] And if you get slain in the cause of Allah or die, Allah’s Forgiveness and Mercy is far better than that (wealth) which you accumulate.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 158[/INST] And if you die or be slain, you (all) will be brought together before Allah.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 159[/INST] (O My Adorable Beloved!) What a Mercy of Allah that you are lenient with them! Had you been stern and hard-hearted, people would have deserted, scattering away from around you So pardon them, and pray for their forgiveness, and consult them in (important) matters But once you make up your mind, then place your trust in Allah Surely Allah loves those who trust Him.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 160[/INST] If Allah helps you, none can overpower you; but if He abandons you taking away all support, then who is it that can help you after Him? And the believers should rely on Allah alone.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 161[/INST] It is just not conceivable about any Prophet that he would conceal anything And whoever hides away (another’s right) will have to bring forth on the Day of Resurrection whatever he had held back Then everyone will be paid in full for his deeds, and they will not be wronged.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 162[/INST] How can a person who has subjected himself to the will of Allah be like the one who has earned Allah’s wrath? And Hell is his abode and that is an extremely evil dwelling.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 163[/INST] They have varying grades in the sight of Allah and Allah thoroughly observes their acts.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 164[/INST] Indeed Allah conferred a great favour on the believers that He raised among them (the most eminent) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) from among themselves who recites to them His Revelations, purifies them and educates them on the Book and Wisdom though, before that, they were in manifest error.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 165[/INST] Is it not that when disaster seized you, while you had inflicted twice as much (on your enemy), you said: ‘Whence has it befallen?’ Say: ‘It is from your own selves.’ Indeed, Allah has Absolute Control over everything.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 166[/INST] And the agony that hurt you on the day when the two armies clashed with each other came about (only) by Allah’s Command And (this happened) so that Allah establishes the identity of the believers,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 167[/INST] And (He) also distinguishes the identity of those who are hypocrites And when it was said to them: ‘Come and fight in the cause of Allah or defend (against the enemy invasion),’ they said: ‘If we knew that there would be a war (actually of some kind or had we considered it a war in the cause of Allah) we would certainly follow you.’ That day they were closer to an evident disbelief as compared to (the pretended) belief They utter that from their mouths which is not in their hearts And Allah knows well (the matters) which they hide.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 168[/INST] (They) are the ones who said about their brothers while they themselves stayed back (home): ‘Had they accepted our counsel, they would not have been slain.’ Say: ‘Protect yourselves from death if you are truthful.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 169[/INST] And do not (ever) think that those who are slain in the way of Allah are dead They are rather alive in the Presence of their Lord They are served with sustenance (comprising bounties of Paradise).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 170[/INST] They rejoice in these (blessings of eternal life) which Allah has conferred on them of His Bounty and also feel pleased (on finding) their successors (on the path of faith and obedience), who have not (yet) joined them, for they shall also have neither any fear nor any grief.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 171[/INST] They are filled with joy owing to the blessing (of divine disclosures of the nearness) of Allah and His Bounty (of pleasures of Union with Him) and (also) because Allah does not waste the reward of the believers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 172[/INST] Those who submitted to the Command of Allah and His Messenger even after sustaining injuries — for those of them who possess spiritual excellence and are God-fearing, there is immense reward.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 173[/INST] They are the ones whom people said: ‘The adversaries have gathered (in great number) against you, so fear them.’ But this (information) further enhanced their faith and they proclaimed: ‘Allah is Sufficient for us and what an excellent Guardian He is!’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 174[/INST] Then they (the Muslims) returned with the bounties and blessings of Allah, untouched by any suffering They followed the will of Allah, and Allah is the Lord of Great Bounty.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 175[/INST] Surely this (informer) is Satan alone who threatens (you) through his friends Therefore, do not fear them and fear Me alone if you are the believers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 176[/INST] (O Sympathizer of the whole mankind!) Those who hasten in (reinforcing) disbelief should not aggrieve you They cannot do any damage to (the Din [Religion] of) Allah and Allah intends that there is no share for them in the Hereafter And for them there is severe torment.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 177[/INST] Indeed those who buy disbelief at the cost of belief cannot harm Allah the least, and for them there is grievous torment.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 178[/INST] And the disbelievers must never assume that the respite We are providing them is of any good for their souls We are granting them (this) respite for the reason that they may grow further in sins And (ultimately) there is for them a humiliating torment.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 179[/INST] And Allah will never leave the Muslims in the status quo you are caught in (now) until He distinguishes the impure from the pure And it is not Allah’s Glory that, (O common people,) he reveals to you the Unseen However, Allah chooses from among His Messengers whom He wills (for the knowledge of the unseen) Therefore, put faith in Allah and His Messengers And if you embrace faith and become God-fearing, there is a tremendous reward for you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 180[/INST] And those who are niggardly in giving away (from the wealth) which Allah has bestowed upon them out of His bounty must never consider this miserliness of any benefit for themselves; it is rather injurious to them Soon on the Day of Resurrection this wealth, which they are niggardly about, will be put around (their necks) like a neck-fetter To Allah belongs the heritage of the heavens and the earth (i.e He will remain the Owner of the universe after your death in the same way as He owns it today) And Allah is Well Aware of all your deeds.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 181[/INST] Allah has, surely, heard the remarks of those who say: ‘Allah is indigent and we are rich.’ We shall keep a written record of all that they say and their unjust killing of Messengers (as well) And (on the Day of Resurrection) We shall say: ‘(Now you) taste the incinerating torment.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 182[/INST] This is the recompense of your deeds that your hands have forwarded ahead and Allah, indeed, does not do injustice to servants.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 183[/INST] The people (Jews) who say (as a justification): ‘Allah sent to us the Command not to put faith in any Messenger unless he brings us an offering (to prove his Messengership) whom fire will (break out to) devour.’ Say (to them): ‘Certainly many Messengers with evident Signs preceded me and also (came) with the Sign which you speak of Then (despite that) why did you martyr them if you are (so) truthful?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 184[/INST] If, even then, they belie you, (My Beloved, do not be aggrieved) So many Messengers were belied before you who brought clear Signs (miracles), Scriptures and the Enlightening Book.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 185[/INST] Every soul is going to taste death And your full recompense shall be paid back only on the Day of Resurrection So, whoever will be saved from Hell and admitted to Paradise will be truly successful And the worldly life is nothing but illusory wealth.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 186[/INST] (O Believers!) You shall most certainly be tested in your possessions and your selves And of course you shall have also to hear many torturing (taunts) from those who were given the Book before you and who are polytheists But if you remain patient and stick to self-protection, that is one of the works demanding high resolve.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 187[/INST] And when Allah took a firm promise from those who were given the Book: ‘You shall communicate it clearly and plainly to the people and shall not hide (whatever is described in it),’ they cast this promise behind their backs and sold it for a paltry price This is an extremely evil transaction on their part.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 188[/INST] Never regard those (as the emancipated ones) who rejoice over their crooked works and want to be praised for the deeds that they have never done (Proclaimed for emphasis:) never think that they are delivered from punishment; and for them is an awful torment.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 189[/INST] The Sovereignty of all the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone and Allah has Perfect Control over everything (So focus your attention on and trust in Him alone.)</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 190[/INST] Indeed in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day there are Signs (of Allah’s Absolute Authority) for those who possess constructive wisdom.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 191[/INST] These are the people who, remembering Allah, remain standing (as the epitome of submissiveness), sitting (as reverence incarnate) and (also keep) changing sides (in discomfort of love) and meditate on (manifest lustre of His Eminence and Beauty at work in) the creation of the heavens and the earth (Then acquainted with the pleasure of His gnosis, they call out spontaneously:) ‘O our Lord, You have not created (all) this without any rationale and strategy You are impeccably Pure (of all shortcomings and obligations) So protect us from the torment of Hell.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 192[/INST] O our Lord! Indeed whomever You admit to Hell, You have surely humiliated him and the wrongdoers do not have any supporters.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 193[/INST] O our Lord! (We were oblivious of You,) then we heard a Caller, calling towards faith: (O people,) believe in your Lord So we embraced faith O our Lord, now forgive our sins and erase our blunders (from the record of our works) and make us die in the company of the pious.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 194[/INST] O our Lord! Grant us all that You have promised us through Your Messengers and do not humiliate us on the Day of Resurrection Surely, You do not go against Your promise.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 195[/INST] Then their Lord accorded approval to their supplication (and said:) ‘Certainly I do not waste wages of any labourer whether man or woman; you all are from one another So those who have emigrated (for the cause of Allah) and have been driven out of their dwellings (for Him alone) and have been offended in My way, and fought for My sake and were slain, I shall verily erase their sins from their record of works and admit them to the Gardens beneath which rivers flow This is the reward from Allah and (even) better reward (than this) lies with Allah alone.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 196[/INST] (O servant of Allah!) The roaming about of the disbelievers in the cities (with luxurious riches) should not cause you any illusion.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 197[/INST] This is an insignificant possession (for a brief period) Then their abode will be Hell and that is a very evil abode.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 198[/INST] But those who persist in fearing their Lord, for them there are Gardens beneath which rivers flow There will they reside forever This is hospitaility (for them) from Allah And (His chamber of Proximity, lustre of His Beauty and the Blessing of Union with Him, in sum,) whatever there is with Allah is excellent for the pious.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 199[/INST] And indeed some People of the Book are such that they believe in Allah and also (have faith in) the Book that has been revealed to you and the one which was sent down to them Their hearts remain subdued before Allah And they do not receive paltry price for the Revelations of Allah They are the ones whose reward lies with their Lord Indeed Allah is Swift at reckoning.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 3 verse 200[/INST]O Believers! Be steadfast and in perseverance (and tenacity) toil (even harder than the enemy) and be alert and vigilant (for struggle against violation of peace and human rights), and (always) persist in fearing Allah so that you may achieve success.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 4[/INST]The Women</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 4 verse 1[/INST]O Mankind! Fear your Lord Who (initiated) your creation from a single soul, then from it created its mate, and from these two spread (the creation of) countless men and womenSo, fear Allah for Whose sake you solicit needs from one anotherAnd (become God-fearing) towards your own kith and kin (as well)Allah is indeed Ever-Watchful over you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 4 verse 2[/INST]And deliver to the orphans their belongings; and do not exchange the bad for the good; nor consume their wealth by mixing it with your ownIndeed this is a great sin.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 4 verse 3[/INST]And if you have the apprehension that you will not be able to treat the orphan girls justly then marry the women you like and who are lawful for you, two or three or four (but this sanction is conditional on justice)Then if you fear that you will not be able to treat (more than one wife) justly then (marry) only one woman or the maids who have come under your possession (in accordance with the Islamic law)This makes it more likely that you restrain you from committing injustice.</s>