<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 37[/INST]O our Lord! Verily, I have settled my offspring (Isma‘il [Ishmael]) in the barren valley (of Makka) in the close vicinity of Your Sacred House, O our Lord, so that they may establish Prayer. So make the hearts of the people incline towards them with love and fondness, and provide for them (all kinds of) fruits as sustenance so that they may remain grateful.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 38[/INST]O our Lord! Surely You know (all) what we hide and what we show, and there is nothing which is hidden from Allah either on earth or in the heaven.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 39[/INST]All praise belongs to Allah alone Who has bestowed upon me (two sons) in old age, Isma‘il (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac). Indeed my Lord is the All-Hearer of prayer.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 40[/INST]O my Lord! Make me and my children the ones who establish Prayer; O my Lord, and grant my prayer.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 41[/INST]O my Lord! Forgive me and (forgive) my parents and all the believers as well on the Day when reckoning (and accountability) will be held.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 42[/INST]And never think of Allah to be unaware of the works the wrongdoers are doing. He is only giving them (the wrongdoers) respite till the Day on which the eyes will be stare-fixed (in horror).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 43[/INST]Their heads lifted up, they will be running (towards the Field of Reckoning-Assembly), with eyes unable to twinkle and with hearts being drained of strength.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 44[/INST]And warn the people of the Day when the torment will come upon them. Those who will have been doing injustice will say: ‘O our Lord, grant us respite for a while so that we may accept Your message and follow the Messengers.’ (It will be said to them:) ‘Are you not those who used to swear before that you would never fall?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 45[/INST]And (in your own turn) you were dwelling in the palaces (vacated by) those who had wronged their souls (during their respective eras) whereas this had dawned on you how We had dealt with them and We also elucidated examples for your (easy comprehension).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 46[/INST]And (having lost their balance intoxicated by wealth and power) they hatched many plots while Allah had the countermeasures to foil all their plots, although their deceitful strategies were sufficient even to uproot the mountains.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 47[/INST]So never think that Allah will ever break His promise with His Messengers. Indeed Allah is Almighty, the Lord of Retribution.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 48[/INST]The Day when (this) earth will be changed into a different earth and all the heavens will also be changed and the entire mankind will appear before Allah, the One, and the Dominant over all.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 49[/INST]And that Day you will see the sinners fettered in chains;</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 50[/INST]Their garments will be of pitch (or some inflammable oil) and the Fire will be enveloping their faces,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 51[/INST]So that Allah may requite every soul for (the deeds) it has earned. Indeed Allah is Swift in Reckoning.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 14 verse 52[/INST]This (Qur’an) is perfect communication of the Message to mankind so that by means of this they may be warned and that they may conscientiously bear it in mind that He (Allah) is One God, and that those who possess wisdom may take advice.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15[/INST]The Rock</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 1[/INST]Alif, Lam, Ra. (Only Allah and the Messenger know the real meaning.) These are the verses of the (Glorious) Book and the Enlightening Qur’an.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 2[/INST](Watching the scenes of Allah’s Mercy on the believers in the Hereafter,) the disbelievers would persistently aspire: would that they were Muslims!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 3[/INST](Feel not aggrieved.) Leave them. Let them eat (and drink) and make merry and let (their) false hopes keep them negligent (of the Hereafter). Then they will come to know (their end) soon.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 4[/INST]And never have We destroyed any township but that there was for them a known inscription (law, which they violated and met their fate).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 5[/INST]No people can go beyond its appointed term nor can they step back (under the law of rise and fall).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 6[/INST]And (the disbelievers) say (insolently): ‘O man on whom this Qur’an has been revealed, indeed you are insane.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 7[/INST]Why do you not bring us angels if you are truthful?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 8[/INST]We do not send down angels but with the (judgment of) Truth (i.e. We send them down to execute the torment when its time approaches) and they are not granted respite at that time.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 9[/INST]Assuredly We alone have revealed this Glorious Admonition (the Qur’an), and surely We alone will guard it.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 10[/INST]And We indeed sent Messengers before you as well among earlier generations.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 11[/INST]And there did not come to them any Messenger but they would mock him.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 12[/INST]That is how We infuse this (mockery and ridicule) into the hearts of the sinners;</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 13[/INST]These people will not believe in this (Qur’an) and (this) is what has been the practice of the bygone people.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 14[/INST]And if We open to them some gate in the heaven (and also make this possible for them that) they keep ascending through (it) the whole day,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 15[/INST](Even then) they will certainly say (this): ‘Our eyes have been hypnotized (through some magic trick and deceit), rather we are spellbound.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 16[/INST]And indeed We brought into existence constellations in the heavens (in the form of galaxies to safeguard the planets), and adorned this (spatial universe) for the beholders.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 17[/INST]And We have ensured the protection of this (system of heavenly universe) from every outcast Satan (i.e. from destructive phenomenon of every rebellious force).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 18[/INST]But anyone who tries to eavesdrop, a (blazing) illuminating meteor follows it.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 19[/INST]And We have spread out the earth (despite its being round), and We brought about firm mountains in it (by allying different elements together), and in it We provided means of growth to all species in (requisite) proportion.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 20[/INST]And in it We generated for you means of subsistence and also for those (human beings, animals and birds) whom you do not provide for.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 21[/INST]And there is not a thing (in the universe) but that We have its treasures with Us and We send it down only according to a fixed quantity.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 22[/INST]And We send winds carrying the burden of clouds. Then We pour down water from the sky. Then it is you whom We give it to drink, and it is not you who maintain its reservoirs.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 23[/INST]And indeed We alone give life and cause death, and We alone are the Inheritor (and the Owner of all).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 24[/INST]And surely We know those who lived before you and We also do know those who will come after you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 25[/INST]Verily it is your Lord Who will gather them together (on the Day of Resurrection). Surely He is Most Wise, All-Knowing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 26[/INST]And indeed We originated man’s (chemical) genesis from that dry sounding clay which, (first) having grown old (and under heat of the sun and other chemical and biological effects), had turned into black stinking mud.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 27[/INST]And We created jinn before this from a smokeless blazing fire.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 28[/INST]And (call to mind the occasion) when your Lord said to the angels: ‘I am about to create a human organism from the old (and) black stinking, resounding mud.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 29[/INST]So when I accomplish bringing his (physical) constitution into its perfect real being and breathe My (Divine) Spirit into (the inner self of) this (human physical) organism, then fall down prostrate before him.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 30[/INST]So, (no sooner did the light of Allah’s effulgence light in the human organism than) all the angels fell down in prostration together,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 31[/INST]Except Iblis. He refused to join those who prostrated themselves.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 32[/INST](Allah) said: ‘O Iblis, what has happened to you that you have not joined those who have prostrated themselves?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 33[/INST](Iblis) replied: ‘I cannot be the one who should fall down prostrate before a human being You have created from an old (and) black stinking and sounding mud.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 34[/INST](Allah) said: ‘Then get out from here, for you are indeed the cursed one (the outcast).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 35[/INST]And, verily, the curse will (persistently) rest upon you till the Day of Recompense.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 36[/INST]He said: ‘O Lord, then grant me respite till the Day (when) people will be raised up (again).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 37[/INST]Allah said: ‘So, indeed, you are among those granted respite,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 38[/INST]Till the Day of the appointed time (Resurrection).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 39[/INST]Iblis said: ‘O Lord, because You have led me astray, I will (also) best adorn and embellish for them (the sins, revolts and violations) in the earth and will certainly lead all of them astray by all means,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 40[/INST]Except for those exalted servants of Yours who have attained freedom (from my deceits and intrigues of the ill-commanding selves).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 41[/INST]Allah said: ‘This (freedom from these deceits and intrigues) is the (very) path that leads straight to My Threshold.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 42[/INST]Surely, you will in no way be able to influence My servants (who have attained this freedom from you) except the misguided lot who have adopted your way.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 43[/INST]And verily the promised place for all of them is Hell.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 44[/INST]It has seven doors; for each one a fixed portion of them has been specified.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 45[/INST]Indeed the Godfearing will be amid Gardens and fountains.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 46[/INST](It will be said to them:) ‘Enter them peacefully, throwing away fears.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 47[/INST]And We shall remove from their breasts all spite that they had (in the world against one another due to misunderstanding). They shall be brothers seated on couches face to face (in Paradise).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 48[/INST]No discomfort will touch them nor will they be driven out from there.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 49[/INST](O Beloved!) Tell My servants: ‘I am Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 50[/INST]And (also warn) that: ‘It is My torment which is the most grievous torment.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 51[/INST]And relate to them (also) the news about the guests of Ibrahim (Abraham).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 52[/INST]When they came to Ibrahim (Abraham) they greeted (him with): ‘Peace.’ Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘We are feeling somewhat afraid of you.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 53[/INST](The guest angels) said: ‘Do not feel afraid. We give you the glad tidings of (the birth of) a son endowed with knowledge and wisdom.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 54[/INST]Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘You are giving me the glad tidings at a time when old age has already overtaken me. So what good news are you giving me now?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 55[/INST]They said: ‘We give you good news which is true. So do not lose hope.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 56[/INST]Ibrahim (Abraham) said: ‘Who can lose hope of his Lord’s Mercy except the strayed ones?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 57[/INST]Ibrahim (Abraham) asked: ‘O deputed angels (sent by Allah), what other assignment do you have (to accomplish besides these glad tidings for which you have come)?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 58[/INST]They said: ‘We have been sent towards a sinful people,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 59[/INST]Except the family of Lut (Lot) all of whom We will indeed save,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 60[/INST]With the exception of his wife. We have decided that she shall certainly be among those who stay back (to become the victims of the torment).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 61[/INST]Then, when those deputed (angels) came to the house of Lut (Lot),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 62[/INST]Lut (Lot) said: ‘Indeed you are (looking) strangers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 63[/INST]They said: ‘(No indeed;) in fact we have come to you with the (punishment) about which these people have had doubts.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 64[/INST]And we have brought to you (the judgment of) the Truth and we are certainly truthful.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 65[/INST]So set off with your family sometime during the night and follow them in the rear and none of you must (even) look back, and proceed to the place (where) you have been commanded to.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 66[/INST]And We informed Lut (Lot) of this judgment through Revelation that the root of these people shall be cut off the moment it dawns.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 67[/INST]And the people of the city (possessed by their lust) approached (Lut [Lot]) rejoicing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 68[/INST]Lut (Lot) said: ‘Surely they are my guests, so do not put me to shame (about them).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 69[/INST]And fear (the wrath of) Allah and do not humiliate me.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 70[/INST]Those (lost in wickedness) said: ‘(O Lut [Lot],) did we not forbid you (providing protection to) all the people of the world?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 71[/INST]Lut (Lot) said: ‘There are my (people’s) daughters. If you desire to do something (then marry them instead of perpetrating indecency).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 72[/INST](O Glorious Beloved!) By your (sacred) life, surely these people (too) are wandering astray, possessed by their lust (like the people of Lut [Lot]).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 73[/INST]So, the blazing Blast seized them at sunrise.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 74[/INST]And We turned their town upside down and rained upon them stones of baked clay.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 75[/INST]Verily in this (occurrence) there are Signs for those who possess the ability to probe into reality.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 76[/INST]And truly that town lies along a frequented highway.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 77[/INST]Surely in this (episode of the people of Lut [Lot]) there is a Sign of (warning) for the believers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 78[/INST]And, in reality, the dwellers of al-Aika (the Thick Wood) too were hardened wrongdoers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 79[/INST]So We avenged Ourselves on them (as well) and both these (towns still exist) on the highway.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 80[/INST]And no doubt the people of the valley of al-Hijr (the Rock) too denied the Messengers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 81[/INST]And We bestowed upon them (also) Our Signs but they persisted in turning away from them.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 82[/INST]And they used to carve out houses in the mountains without any threat and fear.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 15 verse 83[/INST]And the dreadful Blast seized them (as well) the moment it dawned.</s>