<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 17[/INST]He who holds fast to the Clear Proof from his Lord and a testimony (the Qur’an) too has come from his Lord for his strength and support, and prior to that the Book of Musa ([Moses] the Torah), a guide and mercy (too had come) — so, it is they who believe in it (the Qur’an). Can (he be equal to) the one who denies (the Qur’an) from among (the disbelieving) sects while his abode is the Fire of Hell? So, (O listener!) be not in any doubt about it. Surely, this (Qur’an) is the Truth from your Lord, but most people do not believe.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 18[/INST]And who can be a greater wrongdoer than the one who fabricates a lie against Allah? Such people will be brought before their Lord and the witnesses will say: ‘These are the ones who foisted a lie upon their Lord.’ Know that Allah’s curse is upon the wrongdoers —</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 19[/INST]Those who hinder (others) from the path of Allah and look for crookedness in it. And it is they who deny the Hereafter.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 20[/INST]They have no capability at all to frustrate (Allah) on earth, nor are there any helpers for them apart from Allah. The torment will be doubled for them (because) they had neither courage to hear (the Truth) nor vision to see (the Truth).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 21[/INST]It is they who ruined their souls, and the lies they used to invent are (all) gone from them.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 22[/INST]This is absolutely true that it is certainly they who will be the greatest losers in the Hereafter.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 23[/INST]Verily those who believe and persist in pious works and humble themselves before their Lord, it is they who are the people of Paradise. They will live there forever.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 24[/INST]The example of the two parties (the disbelievers and the believers) is like the blind and the deaf (versus) the seeing and the hearing. Are both the cases equal? Will you not take advice (even) then?</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 25[/INST]And surely We sent Nuh (Noah)) to his people. (He said to them:) ‘I am (raised and appointed as) a plain Warner to you,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 26[/INST]That you worship none but Allah. I fear the torment of a grievous day (coming) upon you.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 27[/INST]So the disbelieving chiefs and nobles of his people said: ‘You appear to us but a human like ourselves, and we have not seen any (honourable person) following you except the most inferior and lowest of (our society) having superficial opinion (who have become your followers without using discretion). Nor do we find in you any merit and superiority over us (i.e. power and authority, wealth and riches or the worthy people joining your party or for that matter, any such prominent feature). Instead, we consider you to be liars.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 28[/INST]Nuh (Noah) said: ‘O my people, what is your view: if I stick to a Clear Proof from my Lord and He has also granted me His (exceptional) Mercy from Himself but that has been veiled from you (like the blind), can we force it upon you coercively while you despise it?</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 29[/INST]And, O my people, I do not (also) demand from you any wealth for (promoting and preaching this message). My reward is only (a bountiful obligation) upon Allah. Nor shall I drive away (for your sake) these (poor and backward) people who have accepted faith. (Do not consider them inferior. It is they who are in fact superior and respectable.) Surely they are those who will be blessed with meeting with their Lord, and truly I find you an ignorant (and insensible) people.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 30[/INST]And, O my people, if I drive them away then who will come to my help (to rescue me) from (the wrath of) Allah? Do you not reflect?</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 31[/INST]And I do not say (this) to you: I have treasures of Allah (i.e. I am a very rich person); nor do I know of the unseen on my own (without Allah’s Revelation). Nor do I say: I am an angel (not a man. My message is not based on charismatic claims). Nor do I say pertaining to those who are inferior in your eyes: Allah will not award them any good at all (that is Allah’s command and everyone’s share). Allah knows best what is in their hearts. (If I were to say that,) surely I shall be among the wrongdoers the same moment.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 32[/INST]They said: ‘O Nuh (Noah), indeed you have disputed with us and disputed much. So now bring upon us that (torment) which you promise us if you are (really) truthful.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 33[/INST]Nuh (Noah) said: ‘Allah alone will bring upon you that (torment) if He so wills and you cannot hinder (Him).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 34[/INST]And even if I resolve to counsel you, my counsel (too) will not benefit you if Allah wills to lead you astray. He is your Lord and you will be returned to Him alone.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 35[/INST](O Glorious Messenger!) Do they say: ‘The Messenger has fabricated this (Qur’an) himself’? Say: ‘If I have fabricated it, then I shall have to bear (the resulting torment of) my sin. And I am free of the sin that you are perpetrating.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 36[/INST]And it was revealed to Nuh (Noah): ‘None of your people will (now) believe (any more) except those who have (so far) believed. So you should not grieve over their (belying and mocking) activities.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 37[/INST]And build an Ark before Our Eyes in compliance with Our instructions, and do not converse with Me (about anything) pertaining to the wrongdoers. They will surely be drowned.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 38[/INST]And Nuh (Noah) set himself to building the Ark. And whenever the chiefs of his people passed by him, they would scoff at him. Nuh (Noah) would say (in reply): ‘If you are mocking us (today), we shall also mock you (tomorrow) as you are mocking us.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 39[/INST]So you will soon learn upon whom comes (in this very world the torment) that will disgrace and humiliate him and (then whom) the torment that will last forever befalls (in the Hereafter too).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 40[/INST]Until when Our Command (of torment) came and the oven started gushing (like fountains, then) We said: ‘(O Nuh [Noah],) get aboard the Ark a pair of animals (male and female) of every species and (take in) your family also except those against whom the Command (of destruction) has already gone forth, and whoever has believed (take him also with you).’ And, except a few, none had believed with him.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 41[/INST]Nuh (Noah) said: ‘Get into the Ark; in the Name of Allah will it sail and anchor. Surely my Lord is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 42[/INST]And the Ark kept sailing, carrying them through (violent) waves towering like mountains. Then Nuh (Noah) called out to his son, who had separated from him (and was standing with the disbelievers): ‘O my son, get aboard with us and do not stay with the disbelievers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 43[/INST]He said: ‘(Instead of embarking on the Ark) I shall just now take shelter on some mountain. That will save me from the Deluge.’ Nuh (Noah) said: ‘None can save today from Allah’s punishment except someone to whom He (Allah) shows His Mercy.’ In the meanwhile, a (violent) wave came between both (father and son). So he was one of the drowned.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 44[/INST](And when all were drowned and annihilated except Nuh’s [Noah’s] Ark) it was commanded: ‘O earth, swallow up your water and, O sky, cease pouring.’ And the water was dried and the Command was executed and the Ark came to rest on Mount al-Judi and it was said: ‘Far away are the unjust (from Mercy)!’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 45[/INST]And Nuh (Noah) called out to his Lord and submitted: ‘O my Lord, indeed my son (too) was a part of my family and certainly Your promise is true, and You are the Greatest of all rulers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 46[/INST](Allah) said: ‘O Nuh (Noah), indeed he is not included in your family because his actions were not righteous. So do not ask Me a question (about matters) of which you have no knowledge. I admonish you lest you should become amongst the unwise.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 47[/INST]Nuh (Noah) submitted: ‘O my Lord, I seek refuge with You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge. And if You forgive me not and bestow (not) mercy on me (then) I shall be of the losers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 48[/INST]He was commanded: ‘O Nuh (Noah), get down (from the Ark) with peace and blessings from Us on you and on the (kingdoms, classes and) species that are with you. And there will (also) be (classes and) species (in future again) whom We shall provide with (the worldly favours); then a painful torment will come upon them from Us.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 49[/INST]This (narration) is of the accounts of the unseen that We reveal to you. Neither you nor your people knew them before this. So observe patience. Surely it is the Godfearing with whom it ends well.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 50[/INST]And to the people of ‘Ad (We sent) their (kinship) brother Hud. He said: ‘O my people, worship Allah. You have no God other than Him. You merely invent a lie against Allah (of having a partner).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 51[/INST]O my people! I do not demand of you any recompense for this (promotion and preaching of the message). My reward is (a bountiful obligation) upon Him Who has created me. Do you not apply your mind?</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 52[/INST]And, O people, seek forgiveness of your Lord (for your sins), then turn towards Him (with true hearts). He will send upon you copious downpour from the sky and will add strength to your strength. So, do not turn away from Him becoming sinners.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 53[/INST]They said: ‘O Hud, you have not brought us any clear proof. Nor are we going to forsake our gods at your behest and nor are we to believe in you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 54[/INST]We can say nothing except that some of our gods have afflicted you with (mental) disorder.’ Hud said: ‘Indeed I call Allah to witness, and you too bear witness that I have no concern with those whom you associate as partners with Allah.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 55[/INST]Except for Him (Allah), join in to hatch (some) plot against me all of you (including your false gods), then grant me no respite (as well).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 56[/INST]Surely I have put my trust in Allah Who is my Lord (as well as) your Lord. And there is not a moving (living) creature but He holds it by its forelock (i.e. is completely in the grip of His Mighty Control). Surely my Lord is (found by treading) the straight road (of truth and justice).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 57[/INST]If even then you turn away then I have literally brought you (all those Commandments) with which I have been sent to you. And my Lord will appoint some other people in your place as your successors, and you can do Him no harm at all. Surely my Lord is Protector of everything.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 58[/INST]And when Our Command (of torment) came to pass (then) We saved Hud and the believers with him because of Our Mercy, and We delivered them from severe punishment.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 59[/INST]And these are (the people of) ‘Ad who denied the Revelations of their Lord and disobeyed their Messengers and followed the dictates of every oppressive (and arrogant) enemy of the Truth.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 60[/INST]A curse was set to chase them in this world, and (will chase them) on the Day of Resurrection (as well). Bear in mind that (the people of) ‘Ad denied their Lord. Beware! Far away (from Mercy) are the ‘Ad, the people of Hud!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 61[/INST]And (We sent) to (the people of) Thamud their (kinship) brother Salih. He said: ‘O my people, worship Allah. You have no God apart from Him. He is the One Who raised you up from the earth and settled you therein. So, beg His forgiveness and then turn to Him in repentance. Surely my Lord is Near, Granting prayers.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 62[/INST]They said: ‘O Salih, only you have been the centre of hopes among our people before this. Are you forbidding us to worship those (idols) which our forefathers used to worship? We are really caught in a disquieting doubt about (the Oneness of Allah) towards which you are calling us.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 63[/INST]Salih said: ‘O my people, just think if I cling to the clear proof from my Lord, and I have been blessed with a (special) Mercy from Him (then after that) if I disobey Him (by holding back His Commandments from you), then who can help me escape from (the torment of) Allah? So, you can add to me nothing except inflicting loss.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 64[/INST]And, O my people, this is a (peculiarly created) she-camel of Allah (which) is a Sign for you. So leave her free to graze in Allah’s earth and do her no harm lest an imminent torment should seize you.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 65[/INST]Then they (hamstrung and) slaughtered her. Salih said: ‘(Now) you luxuriate in your abodes (only) for three days. This is a promise which will (never) become untrue.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 66[/INST]Then, when Our Command (of torment) came to pass, We saved Salih and the believers with him through Our Mercy and (also delivered them) from the humiliation of that day. Surely your Lord alone is Powerful, Sovereign.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 67[/INST]And a dreadful Blast overtook the wrongdoers. So morning found them (dead) lying prone in their homes,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 68[/INST]As if they had never dwelled there. Remember! (The people of) Thamud denied their Lord. Beware! Far away (from Mercy) are (the people of) Thamud.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 69[/INST]And indeed Our deputed angels came to Ibrahim (Abraham) bearing glad tidings. They greeted him, saying: ‘Peace (be on you),’ and Ibrahim (Abraham) reciprocated: ‘Peace (be on you).’ Then he did not take any time and brought (them) a roasted calf (in hospitality).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 70[/INST]Then, when (Ibrahim [Abraham]) saw that their hands did not stretch towards that (dish), he took them as strangers and felt a little fear of them in (his) heart. They said: ‘Do not be afraid. We have been sent to the people of Lut (Lot).’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 71[/INST]And his wife (Sara) who was standing (beside) laughed. So We conveyed to his (wife) the glad tidings of the birth of Ishaq (Isaac) and beyond Ishaq of Ya‘qub (Jacob).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 72[/INST]She said: ‘Amazing! Shall I bear a child while I have grown old and my husband (too) is an old man? It is extremely astonishing indeed!’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 73[/INST]The angels said: ‘Are you wondering at Allah’s Command? O people of the house, (showered) upon you are Mercy and Blessings of Allah. Indeed He (is) Praiseworthy, Glorious.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 74[/INST]So when fear disappeared from Ibrahim (Abraham) and the glad tidings reached him, he disputed (with) Our (angels) about the people of Lut (Lot).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 75[/INST]Assuredly Ibrahim (Abraham) was indeed most forbearing, sobbing and submissive and turning to Us under all circumstances.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 76[/INST](The angels said:) ‘O Ibrahim (Abraham), leave off this (matter). Surely the Command of (torment from) your Lord has now come to pass, and the torment is about to seize them which cannot be averted.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 77[/INST]And when Our deputed angels visited Lut (Lot), he felt worried on their arrival and on account of them his strength sank and he said: ‘This is a day of great distress.’ (The angels were extremely handsome, and Lut (Lot) was aware of the evil habit of his people. So he was perturbed at the fear of possible mischief.)</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 78[/INST](So the same happened that he apprehended.) The people of Lut (Lot, hearing about the arrival of the guests,) came to him running. And they were already addicted to evil-doing. Lut (Lot) said: ‘O my (disobedient) people, here are my (people’s) daughters. They are pure and lawful for you (through marriage). So, fear Allah and do not humiliate me before my guests (because of your indecency). Is there not among you even a single man of upright character?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 79[/INST]They said: ‘You know it well that we have nothing to do with your (people’s) daughters. And you certainly know what we desire.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 80[/INST]Lut (Lot) said: ‘Would that I had the power to resist you or I could seek shelter (today) in some indomitable fort.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 81[/INST](Thereupon the angels) said: ‘O Lut (Lot), we are the messengers of your Lord. These people shall never be able to get at you. So leave in a part of the night with your family and let not any of you look (back); but (do not take) your wife (with you). The same (torment) which will come upon them is going to reach her (too). Surely, the time appointed for their (torment) is the morning. And is the morning not near?’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 82[/INST]Then, when Our command (of chastisement) came to pass, We turned the town upside down and We rained upon it stones and pebbles of baked clay which incessantly teemed down (layer upon layer),</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 83[/INST]Which were marked by your Lord. And this (torment of stones) is not far away from the wrongdoers (even now).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 84[/INST]And We (sent) to (the people of) Madyan their (kinship) brother Shu‘aib. He said: ‘O my people, worship Allah. You have no God but He. And do not give short measure and weight. Indeed I see you prosperous, but I fear for you the torment of a day which is about to encompass (you).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 85[/INST]And, O my people, give full measure and full weight with justice, and do not give people their things less than their due. And do not spread destruction in the land by becoming mischief-mongers.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 86[/INST]That which is left over from Allah’s provision (only that) is better for you if you have faith. And I am not a guardian over you.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 87[/INST]They said: ‘O Shu‘aib, does your Prayer only command you that we forsake those (gods) which our fathers have been worshipping, or that we refrain from doing with our wealth what we like? Surely you (alone) must be the most tolerant and guided one!’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 88[/INST]Shu‘aib said: ‘O my people, tell me if I adhere to the clear proof from my Lord and He has also granted me pure and fine means of living from His Presence, (then why should I not preach the Truth)? I (also) do not want that, following you, I myself start doing (against the Truth) the same that I am forbidding you. All I desire is to (reform) you as far as I can, and my capability comes only from Allah’s (help). So I have put my trust in Him alone and I turn towards Him alone.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 89[/INST]And, O my people, let not your enmity and hostility against me so incite you (due to which) there comes upon you that (torment) that befell the people of Nuh (Noah), or the people of Hud, or the people of Salih. And (the days of) the people of Lut (Lot) have not anyway passed far before you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 90[/INST]And seek forgiveness from your Lord, then turn to Him in repentance (with true hearts). Indeed my Lord is Ever-Merciful, Most Loving.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 91[/INST]They said: ‘O Shu‘aib, we do not understand most of your talks, and we know you as a weak person in society. And were it not for your family, we would stone you. (This is what we are conceding for, otherwise) you enjoy no respect in our eyes.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 92[/INST]Shu‘aib said: ‘O my people, is my family more venerable to you than Allah? And you have (as if) cast Him (Allah) behind your backs. Surely, my Lord has encompassed (all) your works.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 93[/INST]And, O my people, keep working in your place; I am doing my work. Soon will you come to know whom that torment seizes which will humiliate him, and who it is that is a liar. And wait on and I (too) wait along with you.’</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 94[/INST]And when Our command (of torment) came We saved Shu‘aib and the believers with him through Our Mercy but a dreadful Blast seized the wrongdoers. So they reached the morning (as dead) lying prostrate in their homes —</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 95[/INST]As if they had never put up there. Listen! (The people of) Madyan are doomed as were doomed (the people of) Thamud.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 96[/INST]And indeed We sent Musa (Moses, too) with Our Signs and a clear proof,</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 97[/INST]To Pharaoh and his chiefs. The chiefs of the people obeyed the command of Pharaoh, although Pharaoh’s command was not right.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 98[/INST]On the Day of Resurrection he will lead his people and will ultimately bring them down into the Fire of Hell. And how evil that place is to be ushered into!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 99[/INST]The curse has been made to chase them in this world and (this will chase them) on the Day of Resurrection (as well). What an evil gift has been bestowed upon them!</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 100[/INST](O Glorious Messenger!) That is some of the news We are relating to you of (those) towns some of which still exist and (some) were totally annihilated.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 101[/INST]And We did not wrong them but they (themselves) wronged their souls. So, their false gods whom they worshipped besides Allah proved to them of no help when the command (of torment) of your Lord came forth. And those (gods) could add only to their destruction and devastation.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 102[/INST]And that is how your Lord grips: He seizes the communities when they (become) tyrannous and corrupt. Surely His grip is agonizing and fierce.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 103[/INST]Indeed these (episodes) contain lessons of warning for him who fears the chastisement of the Last Day. This (Day of Rising) is the Day when entire mankind will be gathered together and it is this Day when all will be made present.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 104[/INST]And We are not deferring it but for an appointed term (which has already been fixed).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 105[/INST]When that Day comes, not a soul will be able to speak without His permission. Then some of them will be unfortunate and others fortunate.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 106[/INST]So those who will be unfortunate will be (put) into Hell; there they will be given to screaming and wailing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 107[/INST]They will abide in it till the heavens and the earth (which will then exist) last except as your Lord wills. Surely your Lord executes what He wills.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 108[/INST]And those who will be fortunate will be in Paradise. They will abide in it forever till the heavens and the earth (which will then exist) endure except as your Lord wills. This is a bounty which will never be withdrawn.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 109[/INST]So, (O listener,) do not have any doubt at all about those which they worship. They do not worship (on the basis of any reason or insight), but (they worship only) as their ancestors have done contiguously before. And certainly We will pay them their full share (of torment) which will not be diminished in the least.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 110[/INST]And indeed We gave Musa (Moses) the Book. Then differences arose concerning it. And had there not been a decree from your Lord gone forth before, the judgment between them would surely have been passed. And they are certainly caught in a disquieting doubt about it (the Qur’an).</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 111[/INST]Your Lord will doubtlessly pay them in full for their works. He is certainly Well Aware of whatever they are doing.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 112[/INST]So remain firm-footed as you have been commanded, and he too (must persevere) who has turned (to Allah) in your companionship. And, (O people,) do not revolt. Indeed He monitors whatever you do.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 113[/INST]And incline not towards those who are engaged in oppression (and exploitation) lest the Fire (of Hell) should touch down at you and there will be no protector for you apart from Allah; then help (too) will not be extended to you.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 114[/INST]And establish Prayer at the two ends of the day and in some parts of the night. Surely good actions delete the evil ones. This is admonition for those who accept admonition.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 115[/INST]And be steadfast. Surely Allah does not let the reward of the pious go to waste.</s>
<s>[INST]Chapter 11 verse 116[/INST]So why were there not among the communities that preceded you men of superior morality and wisdom who would stop people from mischief-mongering in the land, except a few of them whom We delivered? And the unjust stuck to (the same path of) luxury and lustfulness that they were addicted to. And they were (regular) criminals.</s>