1 value
@placeholder laid the foundations for victory by recording the lowest score over two rounds in the tournament's history and duly kept his nearest challengers at arm's length to win by an incredible eight shots.
(CNN) -- Germany's greatest golfer tried time and time again to conquer the U.S. Open, and failed. But where Bernhard Langer fell short, Martin Kaymer succeeded, becoming the first German to ever get his hands on the feted trophy. Kaymer has already made it to world number one, bagged his first major at the U.S. PGA Championship and sunk the winning putt in a Ryder Cup before he is 30. Langer did win the Masters twice in his illustrious career but now his successor has two of the four major titles in his back pocket after an emphatic win at Pinehurst. @highlight Martin Kaymer cruises to victory in the U.S. Open at Pinehurst @highlight The German wins by eight shots from Erik Compton and Rickie Fowler @highlight Kaymer becomes the first German player to win the U.S. Open @highlight Compton had two heart transplants before making the PGA Tour
The Liberal Democrats' principal policy aim is reform to the electoral system which is currently weighted in favor of Labour and the @placeholder.
London, England (CNN) -- British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Conservative rival David Cameron both offered to form an alliance with the minority Liberal Democrats Friday as they jostled for power after an election that failed to create an outright winner. The center-right Conservatives won more seats than Brown's Labour party in Thursday's fiercely-contested vote but lacked the majority needed to form an effective government -- a rare outcome in British politics. Cameron emphasized areas where his party and the Liberal Democrats agreed, including education reform and scrapping plans for national ID cards, while drawing red lines on defense and the economy. @highlight No party wins clear majority in British elections, resulting in hung parliament @highlight Leader of Conservative Party David Cameron indicates he could work with Lib Dems @highlight Brown: "My duty is to play my part in Britain having a strong, stable and principled government" @highlight Liberal Democrat leader says he will talk first with Conservatives about possible alliance
happening at sea as people attempt dangerous journeys to @placeholder, too
By Shari Miller PUBLISHED: 09:15 EST, 13 August 2012 | UPDATED: 09:16 EST, 13 August 2012 U-turn: Prime Minister Julia Gillard said her government is now backing detention camps for asylum seekers, despite previously opposing the idea Australia plans to deport asylum seekers to detention camps in the poorer nations of Papua New Guinea and Nauru. The proposal is a U-turn for the ruling Labour party, which previously argued that Australian-funded detention camps were a waste of money that would fail to deter new arrivals. But in the face of 'too many lives being lost' in rickety boats, prime minister Julia Gillard said her government has accepted recommendations to reopen camps established ten years ago by a conservative administration. @highlight Expert panel recommends building new camps in poorer nations of Papua New Guinea and Nauru @highlight Proposal is U-turn for government, which previously said camps were a waste of money @highlight Prime Minister concerned 'too many lives are lost' as asylum seekers travel on rickety boats to country @highlight More than 7,000 people have so far reached the Australian Indian Ocean territory of Christmas Island this year @highlight Amnesty International said proposal was a major setback for refugee policy
Dariusz Miakienko, 46, (right) is accused of killing Naudel Turner, 42, (left) in a savage knife attack in a @placeholder street which took place during broad daylight after their relationship ended
A nurse was brutally knifed to death in the street by her stalker ex-lover after she jilted him, a court heard. After the 'remorseless' attack on 42-year-old mum-of-two Naudel Turner, Dariusz Miakienko calmly made a phone call and rolled a cigarette as he waited for police to arrive. Married Miakienko, 47, began an affair with Mrs Turner after meeting her at the north London GP's surgery where she worked, the court heard. As the relationship petered out he became 'obsessive' and began stalking her when she began a new relationship with practice manager Kevin McDonald, Isleworth Crown Court were told. @highlight Dariusz Miakienko was having an affair with mum-of-two Naudel Turner @highlight When the relationship petered out he became 'obsessive' and stalked her @highlight Miakienko had followed the 42-year-old when she left work on March 19 @highlight He allegedly stabbed her repeatedly in the middle of a Tottenham street @highlight The 47-year-old then calmly called police and rolled a cigarette
The date ended the next morning, after they had sex in her hotel room and he made romantic promises, @placeholder testified.
(CNN) -- A Canadian woman who said actor Alec Baldwin promised her "omelets every morning" for the rest of her life after a sexual encounter was found guilty Thursday of stalking and harassing the "30 Rock" star. A judge sentenced Genevieve Sabourin, 41, to 210 days in jail for the five counts, as well as for violating a protection order and for a contempt of court ruling issued after her repeated outbursts in court. The three-day trial in a New York City court included tearful testimony from Baldwin, who denied he had a romantic relationship with Sabourin as she claimed. @highlight NEW: "Now that it's finally over, we feel safe, relieved and happy," Hilaria Baldwin says @highlight "Her intent was clear, that she wanted closure from this relationship," lawyer says @highlight Alec Baldwin denies he had ever had a romantic relationship with Genevieve Sabourin @highlight Sabourin claims Baldwin promised omelets every day for life after having sex on a date
Thompson said the familyy will evaluate evidence before deciding whether to sue anyone, including Hundley or @placeholder.
(CNN) -- An Idaho man accused of uttering a racial slur and slapping a crying 19-month-old boy on a Delta Air Lines flight is now out of a job. Joe Rickey Hundley of Hayden, Idaho, was charged with assaulting a minor in the February 8 incident. His company, which initially suspended him, said Sunday that Hundley no longer has his job. "Reports of the recent behavior of one of our business unit executives while on personal travel are offensive and disturbing," said a statement from AGC Aerospace & Defense. "We have taken this matter very seriously and worked diligently to examine it since learning of the matter on Friday afternoon. @highlight NEW: Man accused of using racial epithet against toddler "is not a racist," lawyer says @highlight Joe Rickey Hundley is accused of slapping a crying 19-month-old on an airline flight @highlight Passengers say Hundley also used a racial epithet to describe the boy @highlight Attorney for parents say they have not yet decided if they'll sue
Hayden, who ran the @placeholder from 2006 to 2009, said that's simply "untrue."
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden as well as some top political voices are issuing blistering responses to the Senate Intelligence Committee's report on torture. Hayden, whose tenure over the agency was skewered in the report, fired back at the findings, growing emotional in an interview and saying he was taken out of context. "I think the conclusions they drew were analytically offensive and almost street-like in their simplistic language and conclusions," he told Politico Magazine. The new report says the CIA misled the public on its enhanced interrogation program for post-9/11 detainees during the George W. Bush era. It details brutal scenes of torture, harsher than what the CIA had disclosed in the past. @highlight Former CIA chief Michael Hayden is "upset" about the report's methodology @highlight Ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey, a Democrat, blasts the Democratic-led probe as "partisan" @highlight Republicans on the committee say the report gives a "false impression"
@placeholder's army, national police and paramilitary gendarme force, who had been stationed in the north, relocated to the safety of garrisons and cinder-block station houses south of a rapidly created front line.
The French government has thrown down the gauntlet to the jihadists of Ansar Dine and their fellow travelers in Mali -- and insists its goal is nothing short of eradicating these militant groups. It is a major undertaking, even with U.S. logistical and intelligence help and the prospect of reinforcement from African states. And the outcome is far from assured. Operation Serval seeks to push Islamist groups out of northern Mali's key cities as well as smaller towns dotted through this vast region. But these groups have had nine months to establish defenses and a chain of command and improve their arsenals. @highlight Operation Serval seeks to push Islamist groups out of northern Mali's key cities @highlight France insists its goal is nothing short of eradicating these militant groups @highlight Flood: Most ordinary Malians are welcoming the French intervention @highlight But enthusiasm may wear off if result is prolonged urban warfare, he says
@placeholder, who is unarmed and shirtless, stands and another officer walks over.
(CNN) -- The City of Fullerton, California, has reached a $1 million settlement with the mother of a mentally ill homeless man who died last year after a beating he received at the hands of police officers. The settlement comes a week after a California judge ordered that two Fullerton police officers stand trial in the beating death of Kelly Thomas. The city council unanimously approved the award during a closed-door session Tuesday. "To lose a son at the hands of rogue police officers is an indescribable horror," said Brian Gurwitz, the attorney representing Cathy Thomas, Kelly's mother. "There is nothing this council could ever do to compensate her for the loss she's suffered." @highlight A wrongful death suit is pending against the city @highlight Kelly Thomas, 37, who was homeless, was beaten last year in Fullerton, California @highlight Officer Manuel Ramos and Cpl. Jay Patrick Cicinelli are charged in the death @highlight They have pleaded not guilty to the charges
So strong is @placeholder's status as a global icon that leading footballers, sports stars, celebrities and even politicians have wished Neymar a speedy recovery.
Neymar is convinced that Brazil can win the World Cup without him. Brazil's World Cup star and poster boy was ruled out of the tournament on Friday night when he fractured a verterbra after being kneed in the back by Colombia's Juan Zuniga. Twenty-four hours after Brazil's quarter-final win, the Barcelona forward released a video in which he spoke about his heart-breaking injury for the first time. Still dreaming: Neymar insists he can still celebrate a World Cup victory with his teammates in Rio Stunned: The Brazilian superstar looked emotional but tried to remain upbeat during the message Emotional: David Luiz hugs Neymar as he waits to board an ambulance after Friday's win over Colombia @highlight World Cup poster boy suffered back injury against Colombia @highlight Broken vertebra means he won't play again at Brazil 2014 @highlight Neymar says teammates will help him fulfil dream of being champion @highlight 'They will become champions, and I will be there with them' @highlight Neymar thanks fans for their support in video message
@placeholder this week is ending its combat mission in Afghanistan and transitioning to a training role.
London (CNN) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron Wednesday announced a reduction in the British troop level in Afghanistan, removing 500 service members by the end of next year. In remarks to the House of Commons, Cameron said the move will bring the troop level to 9,000, and more reductions will be carried out in the coming years. "We are now entering a new phase in which the Afghan forces will do more of the fighting and patrolling, and our forces more training and mentoring," Cameron said. "As President Obama said in his address last month, the mission is changing from combat to support." @highlight Prime Minister David Cameron said the troop level will drop to 9,000 @highlight The announcement comes as Canada ends its combat role @highlight The United States is planning on a troop drawdown
The Tigers are part of the island's minority Tamils, an ethnic group that has lived on the island for centuries since their ancestors came over from southern @placeholder.
(CNN) -- The Tamil Tigers have been invited by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to lay down their arms after government forces retook the city of Kilinochchi Friday, once the center of power for the rebel group. Sri Lanka's President Mahinda Rajapaksa has called on the Tamil Tigers to stop fighting. But while Colombo celebrated the government success with fireworks, within an hour a suicide bomber abruptly shattered whatever hopes the president may have had for immediate peace. The bomber, riding a motorcycle, blew himself up outside air force headquarters in Colombo, killing two air force police officers and a member of the bomb-disposal unit, authorities said. @highlight Conflict between Tamil Tigers and government has lasted more than 25 years @highlight At least 65,000 killed, thousands homeless, 100,000-plus fled to south India @highlight Tigers have their roots in the earliest days of Sri Lanka's independence in 1948 @highlight The group has demanded a separate Tamil state in northern and eastern Sri Lanka
The two countries went to war over the issue in 1982, and tensions between the two countries are rising again over the islands which @placeholder calls Las Malvinas.
They call it an airbridge, but it feels more like a flight to another planet. The "easiest" way to get to the Falklands is on a British Royal Air Force charter flight from RAF Brize Norton in central England. But it's not that easy. From the time I shut my front door in Britain to the time we touch down on these remote islands, 24 hours have elapsed. An eight-hour leg to the Ascension Islands -- a tiny speck of land in the Atlantic -- and then another eight hours down to RAF Mount Pleasant on the Falkland Islands -- a slightly bigger speck of land. @highlight The Falkland Islands, or Las Malvinas, are the source of a long-running dispute between the UK and Argentina @highlight Most residents on the British protectorate are loyal to the UK despite their proximity to Argentina @highlight Life in the capital is reminiscent of an English village -- red telephone boxes, warm beer, and fish and chips -- with penguins @highlight As international tensions simmer, locals are analyzing every word coming from Argentina's president
@placeholder, 37, said: 'Instead of spending all of our funds in a couple of weeks, we stretched our budget to last a couple of years.
For most people, honeymooning involves stretching out on the beach and doing very little. But not this couple. Anne and Mike Howard, from New York, USA, spent 675 days travelling the world after they decided that a two-week holiday just wasn't enough when they tied the knot. The adventurous spouses returned to the US one year ago after visiting a total of 302 places across 33 countries, and six continents - and all on a budget of around just £50 a day. Scroll down for video Honeymooners Anne and Mike Howard, pictured here, at Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve, in Bolivia spent 675 days travelling the world @highlight Adventurous New Yorkers, Mike and Anne Howard, logged a total of 125,675 miles on their epic global honeymoon @highlight Couple visited a total of 302 places across 33 countries, and six continents - and all on a budget of around just £50 @highlight The pair are now teaching others how to turn their travel dreams into reality, through trip coaching sessions
told of @placeholder’s unpublicised commitment to her charity Naked Hearts
By Will Stewart PUBLISHED: 07:52 EST, 24 June 2013 | UPDATED: 19:32 EST, 24 June 2013 Russian media magnate Alexander Lebedev faces up to five years in prison if convicted of hooliganism motivated by 'political hatred' after clashing with Sergei Polonsky on television Supermodel Natalia Vodianova has called on a Russian judge to reach a fair verdict in Alexander Lebedev’s controversial trial in Moscow. This comes as Sergei Polonsky, whose evidence could jail billionaire Lebedev for up to five years, has himself admitted that he was unhurt by two punches thrown by the media tycoon, a court heard today. @highlight Lebedev and Sergei Polonsky clashed during economy debate in 2011 @highlight Moscow court today watched video of Polonsky claiming he was unhurt @highlight Martial arts expert also told court that Lebedev did not touch the other man @highlight If found guilty the 53-year-old billionaire could face five years in prison
In-@placeholder has achieved a glowing reputation by doing things at its own pace.
Fast food chain In-N-Out Burger may only have outlets in five states but its reputation for fine hamburgers is known throughout the land. The chain is notoriously strict about what products it sells and for over 65 years its menu has consisted of three burger varieties: hamburger, cheeseburger, and ‘Double-Double’ (double meat/double cheese), plus French fries and drinks. Now a new innovation has been uncovered, but don't expect it to appear on the menu at In-N-Out any time soon. 'Monkey Style' burgers: In-N-Out employees won't admit to its existence, but that doesn't have to stop you from simply creating your own @highlight Food bloggers have uncovered the existence of a new type of burger from the West Coast fast food chain @highlight It consists of a burger with the addition of a portion of 'Animal Style' fries between the buns @highlight Employees refused to make one, but that didn't stop the bloggers from creating their own experiment
Lawyers for Stemberg and @placeholder told Thursday's hearing they had no objection to releasing the Romney testimony to the Boston Globe.
Canton, Massachusetts (CNN) -- A Massachusetts judge on Thursday unsealed testimony by Mitt Romney in a lawsuit linked to a colleague's contentious divorce battle more than 20 years ago. The Boston Globe, with the support of attorney Gloria Allred, sought to make public the testimony Romney gave in the lawsuit that followed the divorce between Tom Stemberg, a co-founder of business supply chain Staples, and Maureen Stemberg Sullivan. While heading Boston private equity firm Bain Capital, Romney worked closely in the 1980s with Stemberg in the development of Staples. Stemberg spoke at the Republican National Convention in August that nominated Romney for president. @highlight The Boston Globe sought Mitt Romney's testimony related to a colleague's divorce @highlight The divorce involved Staples co-founder Tom Stemberg, who worked with Romney @highlight A gag order on Stemberg's ex-wife remains in place @highlight The divorce and ensuing lawsuit happened more than 20 years ago
Nine British troops were killed in action in the operation, he said, and there were three @placeholder civilian casualties.
LONDON, England (CNN) -- A British-led military operation meant to clear the Taliban from parts of Afghanistan has succeeded, UK officials said Monday. A file image shows a British Royal Marine sniper team on an operation in Afghanistan. NATO and its Afghan allies launched Operation Panther's Claw to flush the Taliban from parts of southern Helmand Province before Afghan presidential elections next month. Major fighting is mostly over, and the military will now focus on "holding" the areas that have been cleared of Taliban so they do not return, Lt. Gen. Simon Mayall said in a briefing. The operation's success will enable up to 80,000 people in Helmand to vote. @highlight Major fighting in Operation Panther's Claw over, British military says @highlight Operation aimed at clearing Taliban from southern Afghanistan's Helmand @highlight At least 20 British troops have been killed in past month
On Friday, the day after her interview was broadcast, she disappeared from her home @placeholder, neighbours said.
A social media campaign has been launched calling for the sacking of Sky News reporter Martin Brunt, who tracked down and interviewed a woman who allegedly trolled the McCann family - and then killed herself a few days later. Brenda Leyland, 63, died at a Marriott hotel on Saturday around 15 miles from her immaculately kept village home in Leicestershire. Police said the death was not being treated as suspicious. A statement on the 'Sack Martin Brunt' Facebook page, set up yesterday, said: 'Martin Brunt should be sacked. RIP Brenda Leyland.' So far 1,265 people have liked the page. Interview: This is the moment Martin Brunt asked Mrs Leyland about her tweets about the McCanns and she said she was 'entitled' to an opinion @highlight Brenda Leyland, 63, found dead at a Marriott hotel in Leicester on Saturday @highlight She was one of the trolls accused of targeting internet abuse at McCanns @highlight Mrs Leyland was confronted by Sky News' Martin Brunt at her village home @highlight Her son Ben has given emotional tribute after his mother was found dead @highlight Trolls claim that the McCanns were involved in daughter's disappearance @highlight Last week Gerry McCann said an example should be made of ‘vile’ trolls
And when it came to making the zombie-mobile, they did what so many Cubans do: They found an old 1950s @placeholder car rotting in a garage and tinkered until it was road-ready.
Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- An eerie silence hangs over Havana's main sea-front avenue as smoke drifts out of a lone abandoned car. Suddenly, dozens of bloodied figures lurch into view, some with empty eye sockets, others dragging limbs behind them. It's another day on location for "Juan of the Dead," Cuba's first zombie movie, a mix of camp gore and wry satire. In this version, the communist government blames the zombie invasion on U.S.-backed dissidents intent on destabilizing the country. The hero Juan is an unemployed loafer who sees a chance to make a buck. For a price, he and his partner will eliminate your possessed loved ones for you. @highlight "Juan of the Dead," Cuba's first zombie movie, a mix of camp gore and wry satire @highlight Writer-director calls it a zombie comedy, but also a very Cuban movie @highlight Backed by Cuba's official Film Institute and Spain's La Zanfona Producciones
Escoto then drove to @placeholder's home, where - she told the court - she could see what appeared to be Trapaga's body reclined in the passenger seat of Escoto's car.
By Daily Mail Reporter A Florida man accused of murdering his new wife just days after they were married more than a decade ago is now representing himself in his long-anticipated first degree murder trial, and on Tuesday he cross-examined the prosecution's star witness: His former girlfriend who admits that she helped him murder his wife. Authorities say Michel Escoto bludgeoned his 21-year-old bride Wendy Trapaga to death in October of 2002 - just four days after they were married - so he could collect on a million-dollar life insurance policy and run off with his girlfriend, Yolanda Cerrillo, who has admitted to helping Escoto plan the murder of her then-romantic rival in exchange for complete immunity from prosecution. @highlight Michel Escoto is accused of murdering his wife of four days, Wendy Trapaga @highlight Authorities say he planned to kill Trapaga to collect the life insurance money and then run off with his former girlfriend, Yolanda Cerrillo @highlight Cerrillo admitted to helping Escoto plan and carry out the murder in exchange for immunity from prosecution @highlight She is now the star witness against him @highlight On Tuesday, Escoto, who is representing himself, cross-examined the woman who says she helped him murder his wife
One of the options lets the driver tackle the motorways in dense fog, before giving them the chance to drive the same stretch again using the @placeholder.
By Jonathan O'Callaghan for MailOnline Driving in thick fog can be rather unnerving, with it being difficult to see other cars in the low visibility conditions. But a new heads-up-display (HUD) for cars could alleviate these concerns by showing the position of other cars on the windscreen. The fighter-jet-style display can alert drivers to other cars in dense fog and other extreme weather conditions - and this could help avoid a collision. Researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University have developed a smart heads-up-display for cars (shown). It can alert drivers to other cars on the road in poor weather conditions @highlight Researchers at Glasgow Caledonian University have developed a smart heads-up-display for cars @highlight It can alert drivers to other cars on the road in poor weather conditions @highlight The display is being tested in a 3D simulation of a BMW 5 Series car @highlight This allows drivers to navigate recreated motorways in various weather @highlight It could be used in both civilian and emergency services vehicles in future
Even after his monstrous crime, @placeholder was still devoted to Bernie.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 10:51 EST, 11 March 2012 | UPDATED: 10:54 EST, 11 March 2012 Ruth Madoff has cut ties with her husband Bernie after years standing by him following his $65 billion Ponzi scheme which became the largest financial fraud in history. Mrs Madoff, 71, has moved from Boca Raton in Florida to Old Greenwich, Connecticut to live closer to her son Andrew and his fiancee Catherine Hooper. Three years ago, she was vilified around the world for continuing to support her husband, Bernie Madoff, who was jailed for 150 years. Enjoying the high life: Bernie and Ruth Madoff before he was jailed for 150 years after committing the largest financial fraud in history @highlight Wife of financial fraudster had been living with sister in Florida
are the implications of these problems for him as incoming @placeholder chief
By Mark Duell, Graham Smith and Martin Robinson PUBLISHED: 23:28 EST, 24 October 2012 | UPDATED: 15:32 EST, 25 October 2012 Former BBC director general Mark Thompson has insisted the New York Times public editor is ‘completely correct’ to question whether he is fit to be her new boss following the Jimmy Savile scandal. Mr Thompson, who will start as the newspaper’s chief executive next month on an estimated £3million a year with bonuses, spoke out after Margaret Sullivan questioned his integrity and ability in the wake of outrage against the corporation. But apparent contradictions in his account of what he knew about Savile's abuse while he ran the corporation have emerged today. @highlight Former BBC director general starts as New York Times chief executive next month @highlight Insisted it's 'totally reasonable for paper to be free to examine everything' @highlight Thompson admits today he 'formed the impression' Newsnight was probing Savile's campaign of sexual abuse @highlight This statement contradicts his comment last week that he 'never heard any allegations' about DJ while running the BBC @highlight BBC reporter Caroline Hawley told him last year: 'You must be really concerned about Newsnight's investigation into Jimmy Savile’ @highlight He then approached head of news Helen Boaden who assured him he shouldn't be worried, adding it was dropped for journalistic reasons, he said
The @placeholder accepted the damages and the couple said the money will go towards the Find Madeleine campaign.
LONDON, England (CNN) -- The parents of missing Madeleine McCann have accepted £550,000 ($1.1 million) libel damages and an apology over stories published in two British newspapers that alleged they were involved in the disappearance or death of the girl. The front pages of the Daily Express and the Daily Star newspapers featuring apologies to Kate and Gerry McCann. In a statement read by the couple's spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, outside the High Court in London on Wednesday, the McCanns said they were "pleased that Express Newspapers have today admitted the utter falsity of the numerous grotesque and grossly defamatory allegations that their titles published." @highlight McCanns accept damages and apology for stories published in newspapers @highlight Couple will use the £550,000 libel damages to look for Madeleine @highlight The Daily express and Daily Star printed an apology on their front pages @highlight Had alleged that the McCanns were responsible for the death of the missing girl
Since Benedict's retirement in February, the two men have met only once publicly, for an official @placeholder ceremony in July.
By Reuters and Associated Press PUBLISHED: 02:00 EST, 24 December 2013 | UPDATED: 02:15 EST, 24 December 2013 Pope Francis made a Christmas visit to Pope Emeritus Benedict on Monday and said he found his 86-year-old predecessor looking well, according to television footage released by the Vatican. Francis, who was elected in March, spent about 30 minutes with Benedict in an ex-convent on the Vatican grounds where the former pope has been living in near isolation. Photos released by the Vatican newspaper show the two men, dressed in identical white robes save for Francis' cape, chatting in a sitting room inside Benedict's retirement home during the visit Monday. @highlight Pope Francis made a Christmas visit to Pope Emeritus Benedict on Monday and said he found his 86-year-old predecessor looking well @highlight Francis, who was elected in March, spent about 30 minutes with Benedict in an ex-convent on the Vatican grounds where the former pope has been living in near isolation
Ready: The gallery has been converted into a birthing room for @placeholder
A performance artist has given her baby son the greatest art debut possible - after he was born inside a gallery as part of a live exhibition. The Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn, New York, said Marni Kotak's son Ajax was healthy and weighed 9lbs 2oz when he was born yesterday at 10.17am. The 36-year-old artist - who said giving birth is the 'highest form of art' - had set up a home-birth centre at the gallery. Art: The website of The Microscope Gallery in Brooklyn, New York, where Marni Kotak gave birth announced that the child was a healthy baby boy, weighing 9lbs 2oz @highlight Marni Kotak's blue-eyed baby boy Ajax weighed 9lbs 2oz @highlight Birth took place in front of small group of family, friends and strangers @highlight Audience recalls 'unforgettable moment'
Most heavy vehicles in @placeholder carry GPS technology which links to a satellite system for collecting road tolls.
(CNN) -- Economists pore over central bank interest rate decisions, key retail numbers and consumer confidence figures for signs of economic health -- but could road toll collections also carry clues for the future? Academics at Germany's Institute for the Study of Labor, based in Bonn, believe they can. They have developed a system, called the Toll Index, to tap road toll data for indications of industrial production in Europe's biggest economy. "Toll collectors use it to bill people, to finance our roads. We use it usefully to solve early forecasting problems," Klaus Zimmermann, one of the institute's directors, told CNN. @highlight Academics have developed a system to examine industrial production by analyzing the number of trucks on the road @highlight The pair examines toll collections to track trucks containing goods @highlight The CEO of DSV says transport companies are one of the first industries to feel the brunt of economic downturns
There were riots in major cities, particularly among ethnic minorities, and the coal miners took @placeholder into a yearlong strike that sometimes felt like a civil war.
(CNN) -- When I was at Cambridge University 10 years ago, there was a story of a history professor who began his lecture series with this piece of advice: "We all know that Margaret Thatcher was evil, but don't write that in the exam." The sweep of his judgment -- including the presumption that his students all thought the same -- articulates the way that Margaret Thatcher's legacy divides Britain. The things she did may have been necessary, but the way that she did them cleaved the country in two. Thatcher was a paradoxical figure: a radical conservative. Conservatives traditionally want to uphold the social order that they inherit, but she wanted to upend the postwar British consensus and return the country to what she regarded as its older glory. When she became prime minister in 1979, she inherited a country in which public services were nationalized, unions were all-powerful and British power was in retreat overseas. @highlight Timothy Stanley says Margaret Thatcher was a paradox as a radical conservative @highlight He says she upended Britain's post-war trajectory, cut taxes and increased privatization @highlight She made country aspirational but demonized opponents and stoked class warfare, he says @highlight Stanley: As woman, she broke ground; as PM, she was important but divisive figure
In @placeholder, the group hoisted some of its victims severed heads on poles.
If you're following the news about ISIS, which now calls itself the Islamic State, you might think you've mistakenly clicked on a historical story about barbarians from millennia ago. In a matter of months, the group seized territory in both Iraq and Syria and declared an Islamic caliphate, celebrating its own shocking slaughter along the way. "I don't see any attention from the rest of the world," a member of the Yazidi minority in Iraq told the New Yorker. "In one day, they killed more than two thousand Yazidi in Sinjar, and the whole world says, 'Save Gaza, save Gaza.'" @highlight The White House does not say whether air strikes are an option @highlight "What's the Obama message?" a former national security official asks @highlight Pope sends "urgent appeal" to end the crisis @highlight Video shows militants force a Christian to convert to Islam, then behead him
"We trust that -- as for so many years in F1 -- time will be @placeholder's ally in this fight.
(CNN) -- Corinna Schumacher, wife of the stricken motor racing legend Michael, has issued a personal message of gratitude to Formula One fans ahead of this weekend's German Grand Prix at Hockenheim. Writing in the official race program, Schumacher thanked motorsport fans for their "good wishes and positive energies" sent to the former racing driver who was critically injured in a skiing accident in France at the end of last year. "The German Grand Prix gives me the perfect opportunity to cordially thank you all for the good wishes and positive energies you keep sending to Michael," Schumacher wrote. "I have to say your sympathies literally blew us all away! Good to know that together we made it through the hardest time!" @highlight Corinna Schumacher thanks motorsport fans in official race German GP program @highlight Wife of 45-year-old former champ praises fans for "good wishes and positive energies" @highlight Schumacher injured head in skiing accident last December @highlight Schumacher's agent said in June that the racing star was no longer in a coma
@placeholder refused to talk about what "specifics are on the table."
(CNN) -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Thursday warned 14 absent lawmakers trying to stall his controversial budget bill to return to the state Capitol immediately to vote on the measure, or layoff notices will be sent to 1,500 public employees before the weekend. "Unfortunately, if we don't have action by tomorrow we have a legal and moral obligation to start forewarning people," Walker said a Thursday night press conference. The layoffs would take effect April 1, the governor said. Walker's threat to start laying off workers capped the third week of a high-stakes drama playing out in Wisconsin. Meanwhile, a Dane County judge on Thursday issued an order barring demonstrators from the state Capitol after business hours. During protests, some demonstrators have been sleeping inside the building. The order from Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge John Albert gave the state Department of Administration the authority to forcibly remove anyone who refuses. @highlight NEW: Wisconsin governor threatens to lay off 1,500 workers if senators don't return home @highlight NEW: Judge rules that demonstrators can no longer sleep inside Capitol building @highlight At least 41 rounds of .22-caliber ammunition have been found outside the Capitol @highlight The state Senate approves a resolution allowing police to detain missing Democrats
... @placeholder is not the first minor nor the last.
(CNN) -- For more than a year, rights groups have criticized Bahrain for its crackdown on anti-government protests. The protests, which began in February 2011, were spurred by the popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt but have failed to gain the traction of the other Arab Spring uprisings. Lamees Dhaif, a journalist and activist, shares her thoughts on what is happening in her home country and its future in this conversation, edited for length and clarity. CNN: What do you think about what happened to Ali Hasan, the 11-year-old boy who was arrested in May for participating in an "illegal gathering" and released months later from jail? @highlight Bahrain has been criticized by its crackdown on protesters @highlight The protests were inspired by other Arab Spring uprisings @highlight One Bahrain activist says the protests have been forgotten by the world
"I reject that view entirely," Panetta said, calling the @placeholder shift "fully compatible with the development and growth of China.
Singapore (CNN) -- As part of a "rebalancing" with Asia, the United States will enhance military-to-military cooperation with China while also boosting the capabilities of its allies in the region, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Saturday. Panetta detailed the new defense strategy to a gathering of Asia's military leaders, saying the majority of U.S. warships would move to Asia. "By 2020 the Navy will reposture its forces from today's roughly 50-50 split from the Pacific and Atlantic to a 60-40 split in those oceans," Panetta said. "We will also invest -- invest in cyber, invest in space, invest in unmanned systems, invest in special forces operations," he said. "We will invest in the newest technologies. And we will invest in new technology to mobilize quickly, if necessary," Panetta said. @highlight Panetta: By 2020, about 60% of the U.S. Navy's warships will be in the Pacific Ocean @highlight The so-called U.S. 'tilt' to Asia includes beefing up the capabilities of regional allies @highlight South China Sea is a point of friction among Asian countries; a crisis there could affect the U.S. @highlight Panetta is on an eight-day trip to Asia, geared toward explaining the U.S. strategy
The ultra-Orthodox insist their young men serve the nation through prayer and study to preserve @placeholder learning, heritage, and a pious way of life.
By Mia De Graaf PUBLISHED: 16:27 EST, 2 March 2014 | UPDATED: 09:59 EST, 3 March 2014 Hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews brought Jerusalem to a stand-still by taking to the streets in protest against a new bill that will force them into mandatory army conscription. More than 300,000 demonstrators held a mass prayer in the city centre as just 3,500 police were drafted in to control the outcry. It comes as Israel grapples with a cultural war over the place of the ultra-Orthodox in Israeli society, with the issue of army service is at the core of that struggle. @highlight 300,000 took part in prayer against draft bill to abolish ultra-Orthodox exemption from compulsory military service @highlight Jewish leaders unusually permitted women and children to attend rally calling for protection of religious traditions @highlight Topic was a major issue in last year's election, leading to voters electing centre-right government that supports the bill @highlight Experts claim it is a bid by leaders to integrate ultra-Orthodox into society and workforces to boost economy
According to AFP, @placeholder, who appeared in one of Hollande's 2012 election commercials, filed a complaint in March over rumors of the affair, which she said were a breach of privacy.
French President Francois Hollande is considering legal action against the French version of Closer magazine after the publication alleged he was having an affair with actress Julie Gayet, French news agency Agence France-Presse reported Friday. A member of the President's entourage said in a statement to AFP that "Hollande deeply condemns the attacks on the right to privacy which he has a right to like every other citizen. He is looking into possible action, including legal action against this publication (Closer)." CNN has reached out to Hollande and Gayet for comment, but there has been no response. But the magazine's director, Stefan Haitaian, did tell CNN that the magazine is in the process of taking the story down from its website at the request of Gayet's lawyer. @highlight Closer magazine director says story will be taken down @highlight President Francois Hollande considers legal action against magazine, news agency says @highlight Closer magazine has alleged Hollande had an affair with actress Julie Gayet @highlight Hollande, who was elected President in 2012, lives with partner Valerie Trierweiler
Four minutes later, Geremi swung in a free-kick from near the halfway line and @placeholder rose above the defence to power his header into the bottom corner.
(CNN) -- Mohammad Idrissou put Cameroon on course for a spot in the African Nations Cup quarterfinals with a late winner in a topsy-turvy 3-2 Group D victory over Zambia. Zambia bossed the first half and went ahead inside 10 minutes through Jacob Mulenga. A terrible mistake from Zambia keeper Kennedy Mweene allowed Geremi to equalise and Samuel Eto'o gave Cameroon the lead in the 72nd minute. Christopher Katongo thought he had earned a point with an 82nd-minute penalty but Idrissou had the last word for Cameroon just four minutes later. The Indomitable Lions were looking to ignite their campaign after a shock 1-0 defeat by Gabon in their opening match, which was also a first loss for manager Paul Le Guen. @highlight Mohammad Idrissou put Cameroon on course for a last eight spot in the African Nations Cup @highlight He scores a late winner in a topsy-turvy 3-2 Group D success over Zambia on Sunday @highlight Meanwhile, in the other group match, Gabon and Tunisia played out a dull 0-0 draw
'I condemn the actions of Hamas, and my comments were not in support of firing rockets into @placeholder.
By Matt Chorley and Jason Groves Lib Dem MP David Ward was slammed last night for claiming he would copy Hamas terrorists and fire rockets at Israel if he lived in Gaza Nick Clegg was facing an international backlash last night after a Liberal Democrat MP kept his job despite saying he would fire rockets at Israel if he lived in Gaza. David Ward tweeted on Tuesday night: ‘The big question is – if I lived in Gaza, would I fire a rocket? Probably, yes.’ Continuing his rant, he added: ‘Ich bin ein Palestinian – the West must make up its mind which side it is on.’ @highlight David Ward, MP for Bradford East, claimed he would copy Hamas terrorists @highlight Lib Dem politician said he would fire rockets into civilian areas of Israel @highlight Comments branded 'appalling', 'vile' and 'unforgivable' by fellow MPs @highlight Party leader Nick Clegg has ordered an investigation into the tweets
Read how London faces security questions ahead of the @placeholder
London (CNN) -- These will be the green Games, to many they will be the austerity Games -- and they may even be the rain Games. The long wait will be over Friday for London, the city that was awarded the Games of the 30th Olympiad in 2005 on a promise of transformation. A day after that announcement, suicide bombers struck London trains and buses, killing 52 people. Seven years on and a security staffing fiasco has again thrust potential threats to the forefront of people's minds -- but Olympic organizers and the government say they will do everything possible to keep the Games safe. @highlight The 30th Olympiad starts Friday with an opening ceremony that promises to be spectacular @highlight Forecasters say the weather should improve after a rain-soaked summer so far @highlight Organizers say these Summer Olympics are the most sustainable ever @highlight Security issues have overshadowed preparations but authorities say safety will not be impacted
Mrs @placeholder says she would have handled her expected 1925 graduation differently if she were her teacher at the time.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 15:11 EST, 14 March 2013 | UPDATED: 15:15 EST, 14 March 2013 A 106-year-old central Ohio woman who completed all her high school classes but didn't graduate because a dispute over a book has long-last received her high school diploma. Reba Williams was presented with her diploma at her apartment in Columbus on Wednesday in a jam-packed ceremony that was nearly 88-years overdue, the News Journal in Mansfield reports. The 2013 graduate even got to wear a traditional white graduation cap brought by retired Mount Vernon English teacher Rita Dailey who was the one to first urge the school board to award the diploma. @highlight Reba Williams completed all her required classes to graduate in 1925 but refused to re-read a book she said she didn't like @highlight That final assignment ultimately denied her her diploma
‘He’d be a loss to @placeholder at the moment because he’s working with us.
Roy Hodgson has urged his England assistant Gary Neville to give up being a TV pundit and become a full time coach when he takes a decision on his career in 2016. Neville, who would be a contender to succeed Hodgson if he were to leave the England job after Euro 2016, has said that he will make a decision next year on whether to opt for the media or football management full time, recognising that he can’t keep a foot in both camps indefinitely. If Hodgson wished to retire in 2016 and the team had been successful, Neville would be a natural replacement as England manager – but Hodgson hopes that when the time comes he will opt for coaching over his media work with Sky Sports. @highlight Roy Hodgson urges his assistant Gary Neville to become full time coach @highlight Neville has worked under the England manager since 2012 @highlight Former Manchester United defender is also a pundit for Sky Sports @highlight Neville would be a contender to replace Hodgson as England manager
This which would keep him off the @placeholder wage bill and allow him to mature in the process.
Manchester City have inquired about signing Anderlecht’s Dennis Praet. Manuel Pellegrini has said that UEFA Financial Fair Play restrictions will make it difficult for the club to sign players this month, but despite this City are closely monitoring Praet. The £10million attacking midfielder was excellent in Anderlecht’s Champions League games against Arsenal, and City have been watching him for some time. VIDEO Scroll down to see Praet and other Anderlecht stars showing off their dodgy skills Dennis Praet looks to get on the attack during Anderlecht's Champions League game with Borussia Dortmund Praet could make the move to the Etihad Stadium and then be immediately loaned back to Anderlecht @highlight The champions have made an enquiry for Anderlecht's Dennis Praet @highlight The 20-year-old is valued at around £10million @highlight The attacking midfielder impressed during Anderlecht's Champions League clash against Arsenal earlier in the season @highlight Manuel Pellegrini has said that he believes UEFA Financial Fair Play restrictions will make it tough for City to sign anyone in January @highlight However that could be resolved if Praet is immediately loaned back to Anderlecht for another season
* I had nothing to do with @placeholder' sacking - I found out by reading the paper
Sir Alex Ferguson believes Louis van Gaal is the right choice to lead Manchester United forward and describes the Dutchman as a 'formidable' figure. The legendary United manager, writing in updated chapters of his autobiography, admits he struggled to deal with leaving his Old Trafford last season, but seems happy to have a man he calls an 'ultra-professional' at the helm now. Ferguson played a part in appointing his successor David Moyes, but now says United's board made the right choice in going with Van Gaal after a difficult transitional season last year. Sir Alex Ferguson has praised Louis van Gaal as the right man to manage Manchester United @highlight Sir Alex Ferguson has updated his controversial autobiography @highlight Legendary boss has backed Louis van Gaal as a 'good choice' for the role @highlight Ferguson also says Van Gaal and Ryan Giggs can learn from each other @highlight He labels the new Manchester United boss an 'ultra-professional' @highlight Ferguson casts doubt over Manchester City repeating their title success
He added that he felt he did not have the support of @placeholder ‘for almost all the time that I was prime minister.
By James Chapman and Tim Shipman PUBLISHED: 03:46 EST, 11 June 2012 | UPDATED: 02:02 EST, 12 June 2012 Exit: Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown leaves the Leveson Inquiry at the High Court in London after a controversial morning of evidence Gordon Brown yesterday accused Rupert Murdoch of lying on oath in his claim to the Leveson Inquiry that the former prime minister ‘declared war’ on his media empire. Mr Brown said an alleged ‘unbalanced’ phone call the tycoon claimed was made after The Sun switched its backing to the Tories did not take place. ‘This call did not happen. The threat was not made. I find it shocking. There is no evidence that it happened,’ he said. @highlight The former PM denied he called Mr Murdoch to threaten him with war after The Sun backed the Tories @highlight Sarah and I never gave permission for the Sun to print a story about his son Fraser's cystic fibrosis, he said @highlight Asked why his wife remained friends with Rebekah Brooks afterwards, 'My wife is the most forgiving person I know,' he said
She had been prepared by @placeholder with a back story in such cases, she said.
(CNN) -- Life is good for Elizabeth Smart a decade after surviving a hellish kidnapping, she told CNN's Anderson Cooper. Smart got married last year and her book "My Story" is expected to be a best-seller. "It couldn't get better than that, right? I've got great dogs. I've got a great family. I mean, I couldn't be happier," Smart said in the second installment of her interview, which aired Tuesday on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360." The first installment shown Monday detailed the night of June 5, 2002, when Brian David Mitchell dragged her from her family's Salt Lake City home with a knife to her throat, threatening to kill her and her family if she made a noise. @highlight Second half of Smart's interview airs Tuesday on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" @highlight "I'm so much more than that girl that was kidnapped," Smart tells Cooper @highlight Fear of kidnappers paralyzed the 14-year-old girl, preventing rescue @highlight "Privacy is one of the greatest gifts" you can give a crime victim, Smart says
Another said: ‘The fact @placeholder has parts on Beyonce’s new album might be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard.
By Laura Cox PUBLISHED: 16:58 EST, 13 December 2013 | UPDATED: 15:31 EST, 14 December 2013 She released her latest album by uploading tracks and videos straight to iTunes, claiming she wants to speak ‘directly to her fans with no filter’. And it seems that Beyonce has got her wish. Within hours, hundreds of fans slammed the star’s record for its X-rated lyrics and ‘pornographic’ videos in which she twerks and dresses scantily. Scroll down for video Beyonce faced a backlash on social networking sites over 'vile' lyrics and 'pornographic' videos on her new album released on Friday, to the surprise of fans @highlight Star's fifth album released on iTunes on Friday taking fans by surprise @highlight Stealth release was so Beyonce could speak 'directly to her fans' @highlight Lyrics and provocative videos branded 'vile' on social networking sites @highlight Critics accused her of 'cashing in' on daughter Blue Ivy who stars in video
'The only ships that will be seen from @placeholder will be visiting war ships, not cruise vessels,' he added.
By Adam Duggan Gallipoli tour operators have been accused of misleading travellers by both the Australian and Turkish governments, ahead of next year's 100th anniversary of the Anzac landings. To mark the anniversary, the entire Gallipoli historical national park will be closed to everyone but 10,500 Australian and New Zealand ballot winners and official guests - with the Department of Veterans' Affairs claiming they had been advising tourism operators of the fact since as early as 2010. Despite the warnings, some cruise operators are misleading potential tourists by saying they are still waiting for authorities to 'finalise arrangements' for their docking points on the peninsula. @highlight Some operators telling guests they are waiting to 'finalise arrangements' with Turkish Government on their docking points @highlight Anzac Cove and related sites closed to all but 10,500 Australian and New Zealand ballot winners @highlight Department of Veterans' Affairs claims they have been advising tourism operators of closure as early as 2010
Hasan had also asked to argue that he carried out the shooting in 'defense of others,' namely members of the Taliban fighting in @placeholder, but the judge denied that strategy.
By Daily Mail Reporter and Associated Press PUBLISHED: 13:49 EST, 7 August 2013 | UPDATED: 15:17 EST, 7 August 2013 The trial of the Fort Hood shooter has been abruptly stopped after just one day in session as an attorney has claimed that the Army psychiatrist is purposefully trying to be granted the death penalty for killing 13 people on the Texas military base. A standby attorney in the case said that Major Nidal Hasan, who chose to represent himself in the case without the help of a lawyer, is intentionally trying to get the death sentence for the 2009 rampage. @highlight Maj. Nidal Hasan is charged with killing 13 people in November 2009 shooting rampage inside Fort Hood Army base @highlight Was working as an Army psychiatrist but had been communicating with a radical cleric in Yemen for a year before the shooting @highlight Hasan, now paralyzed after being shot in the back by first responders during the attack, will be representing himself without the help of a lawyer @highlight Judge already ruled that he could not say he opened fire 'in defense of others', as he argued that he was saving the Taliban in Afghanistan @highlight He faces the death penalty but now lawyers have intervened saying that he may be trying to throw the case, to make sure he is sentenced to death
There are actually three main groups in Crimea: ethnic @placeholder in the north, Russians in the south, and a third group called Tatars in the middle.
Just when it looked like Ukraine was settling down after toppling pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych over the weekend, tension flared again in Crimea, the southern part of the country where support for Russia is strong. Armed men seized regional government buildings in Crimea and hoisted the Russian flag. Rival demonstrators chanted "Crimea is Russia" and "Crimea is not Russia" back and forth at each other. With the peninsula turning into a flashpoint, here are five things you need to know about Crimea. 1. Crimea isn't legally part of Russia now, but it has been in the past. Moscow has had an interest in Crimea for hundreds of years, with its rich farmland and its access to the Black Sea. Russia gave Crimea to Ukraine in 1954, when both Russia and Ukraine were part of the Soviet Union. @highlight Tensions are running high in Ukraine's Crimea peninsula @highlight The region has historically been part of Russia, but it's Ukrainian now @highlight A lot of ethnic Russians live there, but so do Ukrainians and Tatars who are anti-Russian @highlight Part of the Russian Navy is based in Crimea
Firm favourite: A BBC insider said @placeholder was 'rather taken' with Dr Leah
Glam grand slam: Leah Totton appears to have given her past come cosmetic surgery There's no denying the glamorous blonde Apprentice winner Leah Totton is a great advertisement for the chain of Botox clinics she intends to set up. Nicknamed Dr Totty, the 25-year-old doctor from Northern Ireland hopes her new business will leave her customers with smooth foreheads and her with fat profits. Just days after being named as Lord Sugar’s latest Apprentice on the BBC show, she is hard at work establishing a chain of Dr Leah cosmetic clinics with the £250,000 she received from her formidable backer. @highlight Leah Totton reportedly set up aesthetic treatment company LT Medical @highlight According to Northern Irish paper it was a huge success in England @highlight Cosmetic surgery clinic did so well she was 'expanding to Northern Ireland' @highlight However, no premises, website or contact details of company exists
American dream start: Clint Dempsey celebrates his quickfire opener after catching @placeholder cold
Here's how Clint Dempsey scored one of the fastest goals in World Cup history... CLICK HERE to view our brilliant Match Zone service. Clint Dempsey scored after just 31 seconds and John Brooks powered in a header at the death as USA got their World Cup campaign off to a winning start against Ghana. The former Fulham frontman put Jurgen Klinsmann’s side ahead in the Group G clash, only for Andre Ayew to haul the Ghanaians level. However, substitute Brooks landed the decisive blow in the dying seconds when he headed a last-gasp winner. It ended a run of back-to-back defeats against Ghana after losing in the 2006 and 2010 World Cups and boosted their chances of qualifying for the knockout stages in Brazil. @highlight Clint Dempsey put USA ahead after just 29 seconds in Natal @highlight Dempsey's goal the fifth quickest in World Cup history @highlight Andre Ayew equalised after 82 minutes for Ghana @highlight Substitute John Brooks then headed home four minutes later @highlight Germany stay top of Group G after earlier beating Portugal 4-0
@placeholder has tried to attack the peace talks with this drone but we will
By Francesca Infante PUBLISHED: 08:44 EST, 2 November 2013 | UPDATED: 08:46 EST, 2 November 2013 The Pakistani Taliban have voted to promote number their number two commander to replace leader killed by American drone yesterday. Khan Said, known as Sajna, will replace leader Hakimullah Mehsud who was killed along with three others in a strike by a U.S. drone, militant commanders and security sources have confirmed. Said is believed to have masterminded an attack on a jail in northwest Pakistan that freed nearly 400 prisoners in 2012 and an attack on a Pakistani air force base in the same year. @highlight Khan Said, known as Sajna, will replace leader Hakimullah Mehsud who was killed along with three others in a strike by a U.S. drone on Friday @highlight Pakistani Taliban fighters secretly buried him early this morning amid fears that his funeral might also become a target for US drone attacks @highlight Moves to rapidly to replace him come as the Taliban promise a wave of suicide bombs in revenge for his death
The former client recalled how @placeholder started telling her 'Don't worry, there aren't men in the house today,' when she asked to use the restroom during her sessions, something which didn't bother her in the least.
By Helen Pow PUBLISHED: 16:39 EST, 20 April 2013 | UPDATED: 00:12 EST, 22 April 2013 The mother of the two Boston bombing suspects had become an increasingly strict Muslim in recent years and cried for days when her eldest son said he wanted to move out before he was married because it was against the family's faith. Alyssa Kilzer, now 23, visited the home for facials between 2008 and 2012 and has revealed details about her regular interactions with Zubeidat Tsarnaeva and her younger son Dzhokar, 19, who police arrested last night after a 24 hour manhunt. The woman's older son Tamerlan, 26, was killed in a shoot-out on Friday morning. @highlight Alyssa Kilzer, now 23, used to visit Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, the mother of Dzhokar and Tamerlan Tsarnaeva, at her family home for facials between 2008 and 2012 @highlight Said the woman, her daughters and Dzhokar were 'friendly and kind' but Tamerlan, who she met just twice, was unfriendly @highlight Describes how the woman became increasingly religious over the years and quoted a conspiracy theory that 9/11 was created by the U.S. government to make 'Americans hate Muslims'
@placeholder acknowledged that his country is "emerging from a very long, difficult period" marked by instability, extremism and piracy, and is moving toward an era of peace and development.
For the first time in more than two decades, the United States has granted official recognition to the Somali government in Mogadishu. "There is still a long way to go and many challenges to confront, but we have seen a new foundation for that better future being laid," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday in a joint news conference with Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who stood beaming at her side. Clinton praised Somalia's actions in reducing the level of extremism since she took office in January 2009, when "Al Shabaab controlled most of Mogadishu and south and central Somalia, and looked like it would gain more territory." @highlight "The terrorists ... are not resting, and neither will we," Hillary Clinton says @highlight The secretary of state cites "unmistakable" progress, but notes "there is a long way to go" @highlight Somalia was plunged into chaos after dictator Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown in 1991
Getting vaccinated against @placeholder is a step in prevention, Hausner said.
(CNN) -- The news that one of America's TV icons is suffering from cancer brought sadness. Learning the type of cancer she had made some squeamish. Farrah Fawcett, shown here in 2004, learned she had cancer in 2006. Former "Charlie's Angels" actress Farrah Fawcett, 62, was hospitalized this week. She received a diagnosis of anal cancer in 2006. This type of cancer is less common than rectal and colon cancer, and the location of the tumor and risk factors make people squeamish about discussing it openly, doctors said. Colon cancer at one time also was not openly talked about, because of the body part and functions affected, but with the public awareness campaigns and celebrities advocating for screenings, it has been largely destigmatized. Anal cancer is less familiar. @highlight Risk factors for anal cancer include suppressed immune system, HPV, STDs @highlight New cases of anal cancer number about 5,000 a year, with 680 deaths per year @highlight Anal cancer it treatable, but becomes more difficult to treat if tumor spreads
Speaking about what is set to be one of the biggest @placeholder covers ever, Kris said it was so 'top-secret' that not even the rest of the family knew about it.
By Amy Croffey The Kardashian family should count themselves lucky that Kris Jenner can always be counted on to have their backs especially when it comes to defending her celebrity family. The world's most infamous momager appeared on KIIS FM's Kyle and Jackie O Show on Thursday morning to slam a number of rumours about her reality show daughters and her ex-husband. At first, it sounded like the 58-year-old may have been pulling a Khloe à la Sunrise, when presenter Kyle Sandilands asked her about Bruce Jenner's rumoured sex change the line cut out. On-trend: Kris was seen leaving Craig's Restaurant in West Hollywood on Wednesday, carrying a stylish Chanel backpack @highlight Momager hasn't seen Kim's bridal gown yet and isn't included in wedding plans @highlight She reveals Kim kept Vogue cover a secret even from her sisters
Welcome: The @placeholder and Duchess were given a round of applause as they left the boat
By Ruth Styles PUBLISHED: 12:07 EST, 16 July 2013 | UPDATED: 12:23 EST, 16 July 2013 Yesterday, the Duchess of Cornwall revealed that the royal birth is imminent. Today, she had to make do with a tour of a Devonshire fishing village as another day passed without an appearance from the new third-in-line to the throne. Despite the lack of a new Royal heir, the Duchess appeared to be in good spirits as she toured the pretty town of Brixham, famous for its fish pie and picturesque harbour, with the Prince of Wales. During the tour, Prince Charles found time to present the King George V Cup to the crew aboard the Pilgrim, a restored fishing trawler and the winner of the town's annual working trawler race. @highlight Charles and Camilla met locals in the fishing town of Brixham @highlight Prince Charles presented the King George V Cup to the crew of the Pilgrim @highlight After a tour of the restored trawler, they decamped to an RNLI vessel @highlight Yesterday Camilla revealed that royal baby is expected this week @highlight Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall in West Country for annual visit
The data also shows 2,535 @placeholder died by suicide in 2012, almost seven people every day.
Following the death of Hollywood legend Robin Williams, the number of Australians seeking help from the Beyondblue Support Service nearly doubled. The 63-year-old U.S.acting legend was in the early stages of Parkinson's disease and was struggling with depression and anxiety before he died in his northern California home on August 11. Beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman said the sheer numbers of Australians who contacted their service following his death showed that many Australians were in need of urgent support. The Hollywood legend Robin Williams was in the early stages of Parkinson's disease and was struggling with depression and anxiety before he died in his Northern California home on August 11 @highlight Beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman said new figures show many Australians rushed for support following Robin Williams' suicide @highlight After his death, contacts made with the organisation happened every two minutes after his death was announced @highlight The most recent suicide data reveals suicide to be the leading cause of death for Australian men and women aged under 45
'We are seeing the majority of our buyers coming in from London as prices are very high in @placeholder and Tring is particularly popular, it's one of the top areas.
At less than 8ft wide, there is barely room to swing a cat. But this tiny one-bedroom home - wedged between two shops on a high street - has gone on the market for £220,000. And the pint-sized property in Tring, Hertfordshire, has just 479sq ft of space, already has an offer close to the asking price. Wedged: The glass-fronted home on Western Road in Tring, Hertfordshire, pictured, is less than 8ft wide Bright: Skylights and large windows at the front of the property mean the home is flooded with light Modern: The one-bedroom bolthole boasts a sleek bathroom, pictured, and high-end fittings throughout @highlight Pint-sized property in Tring, Hertfordshire has just 479sq ft of space @highlight The glass-fronted house boasts bedroom, dining room and kitchen @highlight Just 40 miles from London, it could be ideal bolt-hole for busy commuters
In a statement on its website, the @placeholder said: ‘When responsible journalists working on the same story share documents they are engaged in journalism, not terrorism.’
James Brokenshire, Minister for Security at the Home Office, said the publication of files has harmed national security Security services are likely to lose track of terrorists and cyber criminals thanks to the Guardian’s publication of the stolen Snowden files, a security minister has warned. Huge damage has been inflicted on the UK’s national security because of the newspaper’s coverage of classified material taken by former US National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden. Home Office minister James Brokenshire was speaking in a Commons debate on the Guardian and its decision to reveal that GCHQ has access to the mass surveillance of citizens’ emails and phone calls. @highlight Home Office minister said leaking of Snowden files 'damaged UK national security' @highlight He scathed the newspaper for relinquishing 'capabilities we have relied on to stop terrorists' @highlight Another Tory MP said Guardian of ‘stepping beyond any reasonable definition of journalism’
But the barrage of rockets continued, with more than 65 fired from @placeholder in an eight-hour period, the military said Wednesday morning.
(CNN) -- As dozens of Palestinian rockets rained down on southern Israel, the country's air force carried out new raids on positions in Gaza on Wednesday. Two days of airstrikes have killed four Palestinians, at least two of them identified as militants. Attacks and counterattacks between the two sides are a frequent occurrence but appear to have escalated in the past two days. On Tuesday night, the Israeli military said its aircraft had targeted two rocket-launching squads in northern Gaza as they prepared to fire into southern Israel. That attack killed two militants from Al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas, and wounded two others. @highlight NEW: "Hamas will receive its punishment," Ehud Barak says @highlight Attacks and counterattacks have escalated in the past two days @highlight The Palestinian rocket attacks wound three Thai workers in Israel @highlight The emir of Qatar visits Gaza and will increase aid
Big win: @placeholder hopes the win at reigning champions Manchester City can kickstart Stoke's season
By Andy Hampson Stoke boss Mark Hughes hailed Mame Biram Diouf's stunning winner after his side claimed a shock victory at Manchester City. Diouf ran from deep inside his own half to nutmeg Joe Hart and hand the Potters 1-0 success over the Barclays Premier League champions at the Etihad Stadium. It was a brilliant first goal in Stoke colours for the former Manchester United forward, who was signed on a free transfer from Hannover in the summer. Winner: Diouf, a former Manchester United striker scored the winner for Stoke at the Etihad Stadium Poised: The striker scored a fine solo goal to inflict Manchester City's first league defeat of the season @highlight Mark Hughes previously managed Manchester City between 2008-2009 @highlight Stoke manager praises Mame Biram Diouf's fine solo winner at the Etihad @highlight The former Manchester United striker inflicted City's first league defeat this season, ending Stoke's previous six successive away league defeats at City
in October and November of last year they returned to @placeholder, and
By Kieran Corcoran PUBLISHED: 03:49 EST, 13 September 2013 | UPDATED: 08:14 EST, 13 September 2013 A middle-aged couple have been jailed for conning car buyers out of £120,000 with a string of fake websites. Paul Humphries, 51, and Linda Holden, 55, advertised fake cars on websites including Auto Trader and made potential buyers pay upfront for cars which never arrived. They were jailed this week at Worcester Crown Court for the fraud, which they used to fund their life of luxury. Paul Humphries (left) pleaded guilty to fraud and Linda Holden (right) to money laundering Humphries pleaded guilty to fraud, and was jailed for four years, while Holden pleaded guilty to money laundering and received a sentence of eight months. @highlight Paul Humphries, 51, and Linda Holden, 55, posed online as car traders @highlight They tricked victims in to paying upfront for cars which did not exist @highlight Then used the money to pursue a life of luxury @highlight Both were jailed at Worcester Crown Court this week
On the question of Iran's persecuted @placeholder minority, he called for the granting of full citizenship rights and rejected longstanding views on the punishment for apostasy in Islam.
Denver, Colorado (CNN) -- The moral conscience of Iran's reform movement passed away Sunday morning. Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, who died at 87, was the Iranian equivalent of South Africa's Desmond Tutu for politics. Over the past 20 years, he distinguished himself by virtue of his persistent, judicious criticism of human rights abuses in the Islamic Republic and his defense of the democratic aspirations of the people of Iran within the framework of an ethical interpretation of Shia Islam. His death comes as a huge blow to the Green Movement, yet his supporters will take comfort that he lived a full life and intervened on all the major political questions plaguing Iranian and Islamic politics. @highlight Death of Iranian spiritual leader is a blow to Iran's reform movement, says Nader Hashemi @highlight He says Ayatollah Montazeri stood up for the rights of protesters @highlight Montazeri helped pave the way for Islamic Republic but turned against it, Hashemi says @highlight He says Montazeri apologized for seizure of U.S. Embassy and defended the persecuted Baha'is
'We almost lost @placeholder in April... the average lifespan is about seven years.'
Little Eddie Sharp was given just 18 months to live when he was born with a rare and deadly metabolic disease known as 'childhood Alzheimer's'. The now four-year-old, who lives in Manly Vale in Sydney's north, was diagnosed at birth with Niemann-Pick Disease Type C - a genetically inherited disease that can cause irreversible brain damage. For now, Eddie's brain is slowly still developing but the deadly disease, which doctors say is similar to Alzheimer's, has already robbed him of his physical strength. Four-year-old Eddie Sharp was born with Niemann-Pick Disease Type C - a genetically inherited disease that can cause irreversible brain damage @highlight Eddie Sharp, 4, was born with a metabolic disease known as Niemann-Pick Disease Type C @highlight The disease, similar to Alzheimer's, can cause irreversible brain damage @highlight Eddie's brain is still developing but the disease has robbed him of his physical strength @highlight There is currently no cure Niemann-Pick and the disease is always fatal @highlight On top of Eddie's rare disease, the four-year-old was also diagnosed with leukaemia two years ago @highlight Eddie spent all of last year in hospital undergoing chemotherapy
crying in pain three to four hours after the attack in a rural area of Linfen city in @placeholder province.
A little boy who had his eyes gouged out in a sickening attack has undergone surgery that could one day lead to the partial restoration of his sight. In the first of two operations, Guo Bin was fitted with implants similar to eyeballs by Dr Dennis Lam in the Southern China city of Shenzhen yesterday. Dr Lam had volunteered his services after the six-year-old had been found with his eyes gouged out and covered in blood in Fenxi, Shangxi province, on 24 August. Scroll down for video Hope: Guo Bin has undergone surgery that could one day lead to the partial restoration of his eyesight @highlight Guo Bin has undergone an operation to provide him with eye implants @highlight If successful the six-year-old could have his sight partially restored @highlight Youngster snatched while playing outside home in Linfen, Shanxi Province @highlight His aunt Zhang Huiying, who later killed herself, remains the prime suspect
It is also from @placeholder that the Queen's annual Christmas speech is broadcast, usually uncontroversially, although this year looks set to change all that.
The Queen arrived at Kings Lynn station this morning by public train - but not before local police had secured the area. She was en route to Sandringham, her Norfolk estate, where the royal family traditionally spend the Christmas period. But there was no sign of the Duke of Edinburgh, with the Queen arriving accompanied only by her close protection team. Scroll down for video Christmas holiday: The Queen arrives at Kings Lynn station en route to Sandringham According to Buckingham Palace sources, the Duke has remained in London but will join the Queen shortly. The monarch has made a habit of taking the train to Sandringham, albeit in First Class, setting off from King's Cross station in London and arriving at Kings Lynn an hour and a half later. @highlight The Queen, 88, arrived at Kings Lynn station by commuter train today @highlight She travelled alone, with the Duke of Edinburgh nowhere to be seen @highlight Her Majesty was en route to Sandringham where she will spend Christmas @highlight The Queen has recently been plagued with abdication rumours @highlight Yesterday, betting was suspended on a Christmas speech announcement @highlight Monarchs to abdicate in recent years include Albert II and Juan-Carlos I
The young freelance reporter realized he was in serious danger at the airport in @placeholder on June 19, when a half dozen plain-clothed security officers arrived and began leading him out of the building.
ISTANBUL, Turkey (CNN) -- Iason Athanasiadis' ordeal began at the airport, shortly after he checked in for his flight to leave Tehran. Iason Athanasiadis said he endured hours of questioning over several weeks in sound-proofed rooms by interrogators he could not see. "I was heading to the gate," the Greek-British journalist said. "This guy materialized on my right. He said 'are you Iason Fowden?' [Athanasiadis' passport name]. I said 'yeah that's me.' He said 'please step to the side ... you're not going to be flying tonight.'" It was an ominous introduction to Iran's security apparatus. Athanasiadis spent the next 21 harrowing days in Iranian prisons, accused of espionage, subjected to interrogations and, on several occasions, beatings. @highlight Iason Athanasiadis arrested at Tehran airport on June 19 @highlight Journalist had been on assignment for the Washington Times @highlight Spent the next 21 harrowing days in Iranian prisons accused of espionage @highlight Released after intense diplomatic effort by Greek government
Alexandra says that she was 'recognised' so often by customers at @placeholder that she took to wearing thick spectacles in order to disguise herself.
With her long blonde hair, blue eyes and pale complexion, Alexandra Jenkins was constantly compared to Queen Elsa by customers while working as a John Lewis shop assistant. The 20-year-old would even be pestered by young Frozen fans who kept mistaking her for the fictional Disney character on a daily basis. Now Alexandra, who was forced to wear a disguise to look less like the cartoon queen, has decided to embrace her features - and has launched a career as a lookalike. Scroll down for video Alexandra Jenkins was pestered by children who constantly mistook her for Disney's Queen Elsa @highlight Alexandra Jenkins is constantly mistaken by children for the Frozen's Elsa @highlight It was such a problem she even started wearing glasses to disguise herself @highlight Launched lookalike career and offered Queen Elsa role at Disneyland Paris
Earlier this month, a dateless senior asked @placeholder to her prom - and when she didn't hear back from him, decided to take a cardboard cut-out of the Jets player instead.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 10:35 EST, 22 May 2012 | UPDATED: 11:04 EST, 22 May 2012 Tebow time: Chuck Shriner, 17, dropped to one knee and Tebow-ed his principal at his high school graduation in Fort Myers, Florida A high school student who 'Tebowed' on stage at his graduation ceremony was denied his diploma for the stunt. Chuck Shriner, 17, dropped on one knee in front of his principal on Saturday during Bishop Verot's graduation ceremony. Inspired by Tim Tebow, the New York Jets stand-in quarterback, the move mimics the football star's trademark pose of dropping to one knee and resting his hand on his forehead as he prays. @highlight Chuck Shriner, 17, pulled the stunt at Florida high school ceremony @highlight 'I think it was worth it,' said the school football player after mimicking move of New York Jets star
This is all about causing the maximum amount of organized (sic) chaos and we have fine tuned this as part of @placeholder.’
Fanatic: Zahoor Iqbal worked at Saltley School in Birmingham until his arrest in 2008 A state school allegedly infiltrated by Muslim fundamentalists had on its staff an extremist who was jailed for his involvement in a terror cell which planned to behead a British soldier, it emerged yesterday. Zahoor Iqbal, 36, was arrested while working for Saltley School, Birmingham, as an attendance officer and ‘achievement mentor’. Saltley is one of several schools allegedly targeted for takeover by Islamic fanatics. A leaked letter, seemingly from one plotter to another, has revealed an extraordinary operation in Birmingham to oust head teachers who did not comply with ‘Islamic principles’. @highlight Zahoor Iqbal, 36, used to work at Saltley School in Birmingham @highlight School was targeted by a 'Trojan Horse' plot to oust its Sikh headteacher @highlight Iqbal was jailed in 2008 for supplying funds and materials for terrorism @highlight His five-man cell planned to decapitate a Muslim soldier in the British Army
The couple, who formerly lived in @placeholder, renew their 90-day visitors’ visas by going to the border with Cyprus and getting their papers stamped without leaving the safety of Northern Cyprus.
By Sue Reid A young couple whose pictures were placed on the Interpol website after they fled abroad to hide their baby from social workers have promised never to return to Britain. Yunus Chhatbar and Safiya Reheman have accused their local council of trying to remove their son, now nine months old, and put him up for adoption. The British-born couple flew to Northern Cyprus last autumn and were the subject of an international alert when their names and photos were placed on the missing persons’ section of the Interpol website. On the run: Yunus Chhatbar (left) and Safiya Reheman have fled to Northern Cyprus to hide their baby Momo from social workers in Leicester @highlight Yunus Chhatbar and Safiya Reheman have accused Leicester City Council of trying to remove their son Momo and put him up for adoption @highlight The couple's pictures were put on Interpol website after they fled the UK @highlight British-born couple flew to Northern Cyprus last autumn @highlight A High Court judge ruled a reporting ban on revealing their names could not be imposed as they already appeared on the Interpol site
Then she saw a woman's nightgown and hair curlers and grew enraged after realizing they belonged to Tarnower's 37-year-old nurse, who he had begun taking to parties and other events in @placeholder' place.
New York (CNN) -- Jean S. Harris, the headmistress whose trial for the murder of the "Scarsdale Diet" doctor captured the attention of a nation with its details of sex and infidelity, has died, her son said Friday. She was 89. Harris died in her sleep Sunday at a retirement community in New Haven, Connecticut, her son James said. When she was arrested for the March 10, 1980, shooting death of longtime lover Herman Tarnower, the celebrity doctor behind the best-selling book "The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet," the case ignited a national debate about whether she was a woman scorned or a victim of abuse. @highlight Jean S. Harris was convicted in 1981 of killing her longtime lover, Dr. Herman Tarnower @highlight Tarnower wrote a best-selling book touting the benefits of a high-protein, low-fat diet @highlight The case ignited a national debate about Harris and the shooting @highlight She claimed she accidentally killed Tarnower in a struggle for a gun
Though she hasn't had to contend with flooding, @placeholder's neighborhood is a graveyard of broken tree branches, and no one has power for miles around.
(CNN) -- "You're disconnected from the whole entire world," says Gerri Holterhoff, after her mobile phone drops another call. After Superstorm Sandy walloped the East Coast on Monday night, more than 2 million New Jersey residents, such as 62-year-old Holterhoff of Ocean Township, were left without electricity, heat or cell phone service. Power has been restored to some households, but nearly 1.5 million customers are still in the dark statewide, and many neighborhoods have been left in disarray. The New Jersey coast saw the worst of the storm. In the town of Toms River and surrounding barrier islands, 200 people had to be pulled to safety from encroaching flood waters. Gov. Chris Christie said the damage along the Jersey Shore was "unthinkable." @highlight Nearly 1.5 million people in New Jersey remain without power @highlight Power companies estimate full coverage will be restored by next week @highlight Residents are grilling outdoors and relying on friends for electricity and hot water @highlight Lines for gasoline are miles long, and the waits are endless
"The stupid stuff like what I wear or how I look I can't control, so I just try not to give too much energy to it," she says, calling her body a work in progress after giving birth to @placeholder.
(PEOPLE.com) -- Melissa McCarthy is no longer just a bridesmaid. She's the bride. The "Mike & Molly" Emmy winner and "Bridesmaids" scene-stealer has some big plans on her plate -- from launching her own plus-size fashion line to getting hockey's prized Stanley Cup (for a movie) -- during what is already a stellar year for her. But none of her professional plans can top her favorite pastime, being mom to her two daughters with actor-husband Ben Falcone: Vivian, 4, and Georgette, 1½. McCarthy tells the Hollywood Reporter that being a mother actually helps her feel less insecure about her looks. @highlight Melissa McCarthy as two daughters with actor-husband Ben Falcone @highlight McCarthy says that being a mother actually helps her feel less insecure about her looks @highlight McCarthy will be hosting this weekend's "Saturday Night Live"
Two men have been sent to prison for posts on @placeholder urging people to riot in northwest England.
London (CNN) -- British Home Secretary Theresa May sat down with officials from the social media industry Thursday, her office said, as the government considers trying to ban people from social networking during or after crises. But the government "did not seek any additional powers to close down social media networks," the Home Office said. Twitter, Facebook, and BlackBerry maker Research in Motion all declined to say beforehand what position they would take at the meeting. Top police officers and other government officials were also present for the meeting, which follows riots that swept England earlier this month. Prime Minister David Cameron suggested limits on social networking in the wake of the unrest. @highlight NEW: The government did not seek new powers to shut down social media networks, it says @highlight Home Secretary Theresa May called a meeting with social media representatives and police after riots @highlight The government is considering "whether and how we should be able to stop people" from using sites like Twitter @highlight Two men were imprisoned last week for using Facebook to urge riots
accidentally hurt her son while getting ready and whether @placeholder's
A mechanic who beat a newborn baby to death sent a message and photos to the child’s mother suggesting everything was fine. Callous Michael Pearce, 33, offered to look after Alfie Sullock so his girlfriend could have her first night out after giving birth six weeks earlier. But he was accused of hitting the infant with a baseball boot and bottles of bubble bath and baby powder during the 95 minutes he was alone with him. Michael Pearce (left) who has been found guilty at Newport Crown Court of killing six-week-old Alfie Rhys Sullock (right) but he was cleared of murder @highlight Michael Pearce, from Caerphilly, bludgeoned Alfie Rhys Sullock to death @highlight He had been babysitting for Alfie's mother, his girlfriend Donna Sullock @highlight She was on her first night out six weeks after giving birth to Alfie @highlight Half an hour into her night, Ms Sullock asked if her son was okay @highlight Mechanic Pearce sent a text back in reply saying: 'You can trust me' @highlight At 9.11pm an ambulance was called. The child died later in hospital @highlight It was the first time divorcee Pearce had been left alone with Alfie @highlight Pearce, 33, was convicted of manslaughter but cleared of murder @highlight Ms Sullock, from Cardiff, broke down in tears after the jury's verdict
One of ours: Chelsea were quick off the mark to congratulate their midfielder on @placeholder' decision
Chelsea playmaker Eden Hazard has followed in the footsteps of a number of Premier League greats, and been chosen to appear on the UK cover of EA Sports' latest FIFA game. Hazard will be pictured with Lionel Messi on the front cover of FIFA 15, and joins the likes of Gareth Bale, Wayne Rooney and Frank Lampard in the list of UK cover stars. EA Sports built up the anticipation on their FIFA Twitter feed by posting a teaser picture of a space next to Messi before making the announcement. VIDEO Scroll down for FIFA 15 features all 20 Premier League stadiums @highlight Chelsea's Eden Hazard has been chosen by EA Sports to appear on the UK front cover of FIFA 15 @highlight Hazard joins Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who is on the cover of all editions @highlight The game will be released in the UK on 26 September @highlight Former cover stars include Gareth Bale, Wayne Rooney and Frank Lampard
'My darling': One of many love letters sent to @placeholder by husband Arthur Miller
There's a letter from Joe DiMaggio begging her to come back to him following their separation; an intense love note from Arthur Miller, a message from Cary Grant, and even an old prescription pill bottle from a pharmacy in Bedford. Over 200 rare personal items of Marilyn Monroe's that have never been seen by the public will go up for auction in Los Angeles next month. The collection of belongings - which also includes her supposedly-favorite black coat, circa mid-1950s, photographs and other memorabilia - were until now kept by her mentor and coach Lee Strasberg, who died in 1982. @highlight The Lost Archives of Marilyn Monroe will go under the hammer December 5 and 6 in LA @highlight Actress' favorite coat expected to fetch at least $120,000 @highlight One letter is from Joe DiMaggio begging her not to divorce him
‘I am duty-bound to speak about the manner in which fingers have been constantly pointed at @placeholder in the most unbefitting manner.’
By Catherine Fegan 'Suffering': John McAreavey, pictured with Michaela on their wedding day, cried in court as closing statements were made during her murder trial The widower of a bride who was murdered on their honeymoon broke down into tears as a lawyer hit back at 'grotesque theories' put forward by the defence of her alleged killers. John McAreavey and Michaela Harte had been married only 12 days when she was found strangled in the bathtub of their luxury hotel on the paradise island of Mauritius. Two hotel employees are accused of murdering 27-year-old Mrs McAreavey when she returned to the couple’s room at the exclusive beachside complex and caught them stealing. @highlight Michaela McAreavey, 27, found dead in bathtub of Mauritius hotel room @highlight Michaela and husband John had only married twelve days before her death in January 2011 @highlight Hotel workers Avinash Treebhoowoon and Sandip Moneea deny murder
Arsenal centre forward @placeholder was particularly guilty of missing several inviting chances
Arsenal usually spread around the goals and the glory. They had hit the net 76 times this campaign but now, in their biggest game of the season, they drew a blank until injury-time. While Arsenal’s strikeforce do not have the class of Barcelona’s Lionel Messi, Neymar and Luis Suarez, they should still have been good for more than Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain’s late goal against Monaco. At times Olivier Giroud, usually so reliable, Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil, Danny Welbeck and the deeper-lying Santi Cazorla looked like they had never played together. Arsenal's expensively assembled front line look dejected during the 3-1 Champions League loss to Monaco @highlight Arsenal were defeated 3-1 by Monaco in Champions League last 16 clash @highlight Gunners frontline of Olivier Giroud, Alexis Sanchez, Santi Cazorla, Mesut Ozil and Danny Welbeck couldn't find the net @highlight Geoffrey Kondogbia, Dimitar Berbatov and Yannick Ferreira Carrasco scored for the Ligue 1 side @highlight Substitute Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain came on to give home side a lifeline
What's more, since @placeholder eggs aren't cleaned they have their cuticles intact, further protecting them from contamination.
By Margot Peppers If you've ever compared store-bought eggs in the U.S. with those in the UK, you'll have noticed a few very significant differences in taste, color and quality. This is due to the differing ways the eggs are farmed, stored and treated in the two countries - techniques so contrasting that eggs from the UK would actually be considered illegal if they were sold in America, and vice versa. UK eggs, for instance - which typically have more orange yolks than their American counterparts - are stored at room temperature, while those in the U.S. are required by law to be stored at lower than 45 degrees Fahrenheit in order to prevent the risk of Salmonella spreading. @highlight Eggs in the UK would be illegal in the U.S. because they are not cleaned, and American eggs don't comply with UK laws because they are cleaned @highlight American eggs are kept refrigerated for safety reasons, whereas UK eggs are stored at room temperature
Last month the @placeholder government bought the disputed islands from the Japanese family that privately owned the islands for 2.05 billion yen (US$26.2 million).
(CNN) -- China's top banker has pulled out of the International Monetary Fund meetings in Tokyo Wednesday in a move widely seen as a protest for the ongoing dispute between Japan and China over islands in the East China Sea. Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, was scheduled to give the Per Jacobsson lecture at the IMF-World Bank annual meetings being held this year through Sunday in Tokyo. A spokesperson for the IMF said they were told two days ago that Zhou's schedule might require him to cancel his lecture in Tokyo. "His deputy Yi Gang will represent him at the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings and will deliver his Per Jacobsson Lecture," the spokesperson said. @highlight China's top banker has pulled out of the International Monetary Fund meetings in Tokyo @highlight Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, was scheduled to speak @highlight Comes after representatives from China's four top banks declined to attend the Japan meetings @highlight Seen as a protest against Japanese ownership of an island chain that China also claims
Although Boko Haram has carried out several raids on villages in the area in the past two years, @placeholder has never been attacked, residents said.
Kano, Nigeria (CNN)Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan arrived in Maiduguri in northeastern Nigeria where the terror group Boko Haram is highly active, according to presidential spokesman Reuben Abati. Earlier the country's military said that Nigerian soldiers had thwarted a Boko Haram attack on Wednesday in the town of Biu in the restive northeastern section of the country. Critics have accused Jonathan's government of not doing enough to address the insurgency, which mostly affects opposition strongholds. Nigeria is holding presidential elections in February. Earlier this month, Jonathan launched his re-election bid in a raucous rally in Lagos. The Nigerian Defense Headquarters said five terrorists and two anti-aircraft guns had been captured. @highlight President Goodluck Jonathan in area of Nigeria where Boko Haram active @highlight Military says five Islamist militants were captured in the battle in northern Nigeria @highlight Residents claim soldiers killed as many as 40 Boko Haram members
Some 59 per cent of current members said @placeholder is a good time for striking up conversation with someone, with many citing 'escaping from family' as the reason for sneaking off to spend time along
You've spent the day laughing a lot, drinking too much and eating excessively with family... and suddenly realise you might one day like one of your own. You've also been grilled about your love life by relatives, so it's little wonder Christmas makes single people think about looking for someone special. As a result, the post-Christmas wind-down is the peak time for hunting for potential suitors online, with Boxing Day at 5.18pm the most popular moment of the year for logging onto your dating profile and finding others with a robust GSOH and hearty Seinfeld addiction. The post-Christmas wind-down has proved the peak time for hunting for potential suitors online, with Boxing Day at 5.18pm the most popular moment for logging onto your dating profile @highlight Dating website mysinglefriend.com analysed traffic throughout the year @highlight Found 250% increase on Boxing Day 2012, and expect even more this year
He was appointed to the seat of Sen. @placeholder, who was killed in a plane crash in 2002.
(CNN) -- Rep. John Dingell of Michigan became the longest-serving member of Congress on Friday with 57 years, five months, 27 days and counting on Capitol Hill. His longevity record eclipses that of the late Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia. Here's a look at congressional tenure, by the numbers: 9.1 years: Average length of service in the United States House of Representatives as of January 2013, according to the Congressional Research Service. 10.2 years: Average length of service in the U.S. Senate as of January 2013. 13.4 years: Peak average length of service in the House in the 111th Congress(2009-2010). @highlight Rep. John Dingell became longest-serving member of Congress on Friday @highlight Dingell's record eclipses that of former Sen. Robert Byrd of West Virginia @highlight Contrast that with the 60 days that Dean Barkley served to finish Paul Wellstone's term @highlight Dingell and his father, John Dingell Sr., served a total of 80 years in Congress
tweeting at the time of @placeholder's usual breakfast show: 'Been
By Ellie Buchdahl PUBLISHED: 11:21 EST, 27 September 2013 | UPDATED: 15:54 EST, 27 September 2013 Quiet day at the office: Radio 1 Djs including Fearne Cotton, pictured, today, were banned from speaking Listeners of Radio 1 witnessed something of a first today when they tuned into the BBC's popular music station to hear... music. And only music. Presenters Nick Grimshaw, Fearne Cotton, Scott Mills and Greg James are being forced to keep schtum for 12 hours - with Twitter as the only outlet for their usual chatter. Continuous music has played from 7am until 7pm - and judging by the reactions on Twitter, listeners were pleased to have some respite from the vocal inputs of the station's DJs. @highlight Twitter users express relief for Radio 1's 12-hour DJ silence @highlight Non-stop music and news play as presenters allowed to comment on Twitter @highlight Nick Grimshaw, Fearne Cotton, Scott Mills and Greg James took part
Before practice, @placeholder said: ‘We are moving in a positive direction.
Detroit Lions' star wide receiver Calvin Johnson is slowly returning to full fitness ahead of Sunday’s game against Atlanta Falcons, but still has a long way to go before being passed fit for the Wembley showpiece. Johnson has been watching from the sidelines since injuring his ankle during Detroit’s week-five defeat by Buffalo Bills, but travelled with the team to England on Tuesday with a view to making a comeback against the Falcons. Detroit wide receiver Calvin Johnson runs with a ball during a training session on Thursday ‘He was limited (in practice on Wednesday),’ head coach Jim Caldwell said at the team’s Pennyhill Park base on Thursday. @highlight Calvin Johnson injured his ankle during Detroit's defeat by Buffalo Bills @highlight The star wide receiver has come through two practice sessions @highlight The Lions take on the Atlanta Falcons at Wembley Stadium on Sunday
The plan has been attacked even within the Labour party as a ‘tax on @placeholder’, where 90 per cent of the homes that would be affected are.
Angelina Jolie has said that Labour’s proposed mansion tax could deter her from moving to England. The actress, who is rumoured to have been house-hunting in London, said: ‘I’m quite responsible about money. [Mansion tax] could put me off.’ Miss Jolie made the comments last night during a trip to the UK for the premiere of her latest film, Unbroken. Scroll down for video Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in Sydney last week. The Oscar-winning actress has said that Labour’s proposed mansion tax could deter her from moving to England The family (pictured here leaving a performance of the musical Wicked) have stayed in London many times over the years for separate film projects @highlight Angelina Jolie has been rumoured to be house-hunting in London area @highlight But says Labour's mansion tax plan could deter her from move to England @highlight Actress made comment during trip to UK for premiere of her film Unbroken
@placeholder, Kitterman’s stepson, as well as his friends, have publicly criticized investigators for allegedly not doing enough to locate the missing man.
The Colorado father who was found safe in Pueblo Tuesday, five days after he went missing during a Denver Broncos game, is now staying with friends and catching up on his sleep, it was revealed today. At around 10.50pm Eastern time, the Denver Police Department tweeted that 53-year-old Paul Kitterman had been found alive more than 110 miles south of Denver in the City of Pueblo, and that no foul play is suspected. Reached by phone, Kitterman's father, Allen, told MailOnline: 'He's back home with his friends. We have not spoken to him but we are glad he's OK. @highlight Denver Police say Paul Kitterman, 53, is safe after being located more than 110 miles away in Pueblo, Colorado @highlight Kitterman told police he walked and hitchhiked to Pueblo @highlight Was surprised to learn his disappearance sparked a media frenzy @highlight Kitterman's father, Allen, tells MailOnline the 53-year-old is currently staying with friends and catching up on his sleep @highlight Police are not expecting to file any charges against Kitterman @highlight They are directing all questions about his disappearance to family @highlight Kitterman was last seen by his stepson at a game at Mile High stadium in Denver on Thursday @highlight Stepson Jarod Tonneson, 21, went to the bathroom during halftime, but after returning to his seat his father never rejoined him
There are other reasons why Putin may be in a rush to consolidate the @placeholder-held enclaves into one coherent entity.
(CNN)A deal aimed at imposing a ceasefire in Ukraine from this Sunday was concluded following talks between the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany. Yet despite 17 hours of talks in the Belarus capital of Minsk, during which President Vladimir Putin was seen breaking pencils on his desk in frustration, some of the agreement's most important provisions have yet to be clarified. And although German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande proclaimed themselves satisfied with the deal, both should know the chances of a durable settlement remain slim. Were the bloodshed to resume -- or, as is more likely, never stop -- what happens inside Ukraine largely depends on Putin; barring direct Western military involvement which remains unthinkable, the Russian leader maintains what strategy experts call "escalation dominance," namely the ability to decide how much or little he wants to apply pressure, in the re knowledge that, even if Moscow miscalculates, Russia will not pay a heavy price. @highlight Despite a deal struck over Ukraine, the chances of a durable settlement remain slim, says Jonathan Eyal @highlight Eyal: Putin's aim may be to destroy the nation, and condemn remaining western rump to status of failed state @highlight Longer conflict goes on, less chances anyone has in controlling its protagonists, Eyal writes
Wakeful: @placeholder is up four times a night with Josh, which is when he now becomes hungry
By Claire Bates UPDATED: 23:59 EST, 12 December 2011 The parents of a schoolboy who was struck down with narcolepsy after receiving a flu vaccine, said the Government should have carried out more tests before issuing the drug. Josh Hadfield, 6, lost muscle control and started sleeping for up to 19 hours every day just three weeks after getting the swine flu vaccine Pandemrix. He would fall asleep up to every five minutes - even when he was walking, eating and swimming - and suffer sudden bouts of cataplexy (loss of muscle tone) when he laughed. Josh, 6, at home during a narcolepsy attack with his mother Caroline. His school now has an area where he can nap @highlight Our son 'was like he was a puppet whose strings had been cut' @highlight GlaxoSmithKline deny a 'causal link' between narcolepsy and Pandemrix
The death of Abu Hamdiya is the second death in less than two months inside @placeholder jails this year.
Jerusalem (CNN) -- A well-known Palestinian prisoner died of cancer in Israeli custody on Tuesday, sparking outrage among Palestinian groups who accuse Israel of denying him treatment. Maysara Abu Hamdiya, 64, a retired Palestinian general, had been in Israeli prisons since 2002 and was serving a life sentence for alleged involvement in an attempt to bomb a Jerusalem cafe. He died Tuesday morning in an Israeli hospital after being admitted last week because of his deteriorating health, according to the Palestinian Authority's Government Media Center. After the announcement of Abu Hamdiya's death, hundreds of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails protested by knocking on the doors of their cells and refusing food, the beginning of what they say is a three-day hunger strike, according to a statement by the Palestinian prisoner association. @highlight Maysara Abu Hamdiya, a retired Palestinian general, dies of cancer, sparking clashes @highlight Palestinians accuse Israel of denying him proper treatment since onset of illness last year @highlight Prisoners protest inside prisons, citizens demonstrate outside in Israel, West Bank
ET, escorting the aircraft to a safe emergency landing in @placeholder, Colorado, officials said.
(CNN) -- In the second such incident in three days, fighter jets escorted a diverted commercial flight on Friday after an unruly passenger caused alarm onboard. The military sent up two F-16s in response to reports of an unruly passenger aboard AirTran Flight 39, the North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a statement. The passenger had become belligerent and refused to leave the restroom, airline spokesman Tad Hutcheson told CNN on Friday. The passenger appeared to be intoxicated, he said. The flight, bound for San Francisco, California, left Atlanta, Georgia, at 9:48 a.m. ET, according to AirTran's Web site. @highlight NORAD: Two F-16s dispatched Friday on reports of unruly passenger aboard AirTran flight @highlight Passenger was belligerent, wouldn't leave bathroom, airline spokesman says @highlight Atlanta-to-San Francisco flight was diverted to Colorado Springs, Colorado @highlight Fighters escorted jet bound for Hawaii back to Oregon on Wednesday in similar scenario
@placeholder has said biting is 'like an impulse' and that 'everyone has different ways of defending themselves'
Gerard Pique knows all about the glory of winning the Clasico, having scored in the famous 6-2 win for Barcelona in Madrid in 2009 and played in the 5-0 a year later when Jose Mourinho was humbled on his debut as a manager in the fixture. On Saturday he welcomes a new team-mate to the ‘greatest show on earth’: the high-wire artist Luis Suarez, capable of wowing the crowds, but also of falling from great heights as he did at the World Cup. ‘I don’t care if he bites,’ says Pique, speaking in English ahead of Saturday’s game. He immediately corrects himself. ‘I don’t care if he’s bitten before,’ he says. ‘He knows it’s not the correct way to behave but as a player he is in the top three or five strikers in the world so I am really happy to have him in my team.’ Pique knows Suarez will bring a toughness that has at times been missing from Barcelona’s make-up over the last two seasons. @highlight Gerard Pique on Luis Suarez: ‘I don’t care if he’s bitten before' @highlight ‘He knows it’s not the correct way to behave,' said defender @highlight Barcelona star says Suarez is a different style to 'sweet' Andres Iniesta and Xavi
'@placeholder was just left confused by the whole thing, he couldn't understand why they couldn't show it for him in another screen.
Joe France, pictured with his mother Kelly Jones, had been looking forward to seeing The Theory of Everything due to his love of Stephen Hawking A 12-year-old boy with cerebral palsy could not see a film about Stephen Hawking because there was no wheelchair access to his local cinema. Science lover Joe France had been eagerly awaiting the release of The Theory Of Everything because he looks up to Stephen Hawking, the world-famous physicist who himself uses a wheelchair. But despite it being National Disabled Access Day last Saturday, the Odeon Cinema in Joe's home town of Harrogate, North Yorkshire told him the film wasn't being shown on the any of the screens he can access. @highlight Disabled schoolboy loves science and see Stephen Hawking as a hero @highlight He was looking forward to seeing the acclaimed film about the scientist @highlight Mother rang local cinema but was told it was only on inaccessible screen @highlight She has been left angry that the cinema could not accommodate her son @highlight Odean says movie will now be shown on accessible screen
The final victim, Francois-@placeholder, is believed to have been in his 60s.
It was a heroic act of self- sacrifice… and it cost a brave hostage his life. Held captive inside the kosher supermarket, a Jewish hostage took what he knew would be his only chance to overpower Islamist killer Amedy Coulibaly. In an instant, he managed to grab an assault rifle that the terrorist had left on the counter at the deli in Porte de Vincennes, eastern Paris, after storming in and killing three people. But the bid for freedom turned to tragedy when the man discovered that the gun had been discarded because it was jammed. And when Coulibaly caught sight of him, he murdered him in cold blood with another weapon from his lethal arsenal. @highlight Hostages Yohan Cohen, 22, Yoav Hattab, 21, Philippe Braham and Francois-Michel Saada were all killed by jihadi @highlight One hostage was executed by terrorist Amedy Coulibaly when he tried to grab one of his guns and it jammed @highlight Dramatic account by a survivor reveals that Coulibaly then shot and killed the customer in cold blood @highlight Survivor - known only as Mickael B, was trapped inside the Jewish supermarket with his three-year-old son @highlight Hostage taker Coulibaly, 32, was responsible for shooting dead a policewoman on Thursday @highlight Lassana Bathily put his own life at risk by hiding hostages in a cold store in the basement of Hyper Cacher
After the game, Chiefs Coach @placeholder spoke to his players in the locker room, congratulating them on their win and for sticking together.
(CNN) -- The show went on. One day after police say Kansas City Chiefs player Jovan Belcher fatally shot his girlfriend and then himself, the team faced off against the Carolina Panthers on Sunday, as scheduled. Immediately after the apparent murder-suicide, there had been some question as to whether the game would happen. It did, though a moment of silence was held before play got under way, and the mood at Arrowhead Stadium was somber. "I think they made the right decision to play the game because you got to continue on. Life goes on. It's a tough decision, but I think they made the right decision," said Mark Mendenhall, a long-time Chiefs fan. @highlight NEW: Chiefs coach Romeo Crennel congratulates players, says they "overcame a lot" @highlight A moment of silence is held for victims of domestic violence @highlight Police say player Jovan Belcher fatally shot his girlfriend, then himself @highlight The two shared a 3-month-old daughter
"The concept of buying a recreational home in the mountains when it's -20° @placeholder is not something the Chinese have grasped yet," says Downes.
Yabuli, China (CNN) -- Insulated in designer skiwear against a temperature of -15° Celsius, three of China's burgeoning ski set bundle into a gondola headed to a wind-swept mountaintop in Heilongjiang province, Northeastern China. These new members of China's skiing elite had traveled from Harbin three hours drive away for a day's skiing at Sun Mountain, Yabuli, and clearly relished hurtling downhill at one of the country's newest high-end resorts. "Control your speed" is good advice for any novice skier, but it could be equally applied to the growing number of businesses aiming to tap into the nascent Chinese skiing industry. @highlight China's ski industry seen as a huge growth market for up-scale resort developers @highlight China predicted to have 20 million skiers by 2014 @highlight Numerous international developers are building resorts across the country @highlight Culture of skiing needs to be developed as much as resorts for success say analysts
‘@placeholder was so looking forward to being a father,’ she said.
By Inderdeep Bains A couple who finally conceived after nine years of trying lost their baby because of a fatal human error by hospital staff, an inquest heard. Karen Legg, 37, and her husband Sion, 30, were overjoyed when she became pregnant naturally with Alyssa Rose after four courses of unsuccessful fertility treatment. But their daughter died at just seven days old last July because she had been starved of oxygen at birth. Tragic: Alyssa Rose Legg died at just a week old after being starved of oxygen at birth. An inquest heard she would have survived had she been delivered 18 minutes earlier @highlight Baby Alyssa Rose was starved of oxygen at birth after C-section delay @highlight Delay was due to a doctor incorrectly interpreting her heartbeat @highlight When she was born, Alyssa was not breathing and had no heartbeat @highlight Mrs Legg had smooth pregnancy and her daughter was a healthy 8lb 8oz @highlight She died a week later, with the coroner recording a narrative verdict