1 value
From left are @placeholder in 2007, Pedro Martinez in 2008, Randy Johnson in 2003 and John Smoltz in 2008.
Star pitches Randy Johnson, Pedro Martinez and John Smoltz, who dominated in an era of offense, were elected to baseball's Hall of Fame on Tuesday. They join Craig Biggio, marking it the first time since 1955 that writers selected four players in one year. The Big Unit, Martinez and Smoltz easily earned induction on their first tries, and Biggio made it on the third attempt after falling two votes shy last year. Steroids-tainted stars Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa remained far from election. Johnson, a five-time Cy Young Award winner with 303 victories and 4,875 strikeouts, was selected on 534 of 549 ballots by veteran members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America. @highlight It's the first time since 1955 that writers selected four players in one year @highlight Biggio was two votes shy of being elected last year
disappearance, said @placeholder had left the restaurant with O'Brien and that Provenzano and Giacolone were waiting in the backseat of the car.
By Michael Zennie and Associated Press PUBLISHED: 13:00 EST, 20 June 2013 | UPDATED: 13:30 EST, 20 June 2013 One day after the FBI ended an unsuccessful dig for Jimmy Hoffa's remains, a law enforcement source has revealed that the former Teamsters boss's body may never be found because it was allegedly run through a wood chipper. Speaking to DNAinfo New York, the source claimed that Hoffa was strangled by New York mobster Anthony 'Tony Pro' Provenzano after he was lured to the Red Fox restaurant outside Detroit by his 'adopted' son Charles 'Chuckie' O'Brien. Hoffa disappeared in 1975 after leaving the restaurant, where he was supposed to meet with Provenzano and Detroit Mafia figure Anthony Giacolone. @highlight The source claimed that Hoffa was strangled by New York mobster Anthony 'Tony Pro' Provenzano after he was lured to the Red Fox restaurant outside Detroit @highlight His body was then driven 16 miles to Inkster, where his body was run through a wood chipper @highlight Hoffa, a former Teamsters boss, disappeared in 1975 @highlight Feds have investigated at least 15 locations for Hoffa at a cost of $3 million @highlight Agents have excavated a backyard pool and a horse barn searching for the former Teamsters Union president
@placeholder had traveled to Pakistan several times in recent years, Brennan said.
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- Pakistani officials have detained a 10th person in connection with the investigation into the failed May 1 car bombing of New York's Times Square, a Pakistani intelligence source told CNN Tuesday. The intelligence source, who asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak to the media, identified the man as Shoaib Mughal. He is suspected of having served as an intermediary between the bombing suspect, Faisal Shahzad, and the Pakistani Taliban, the source said. Mughal's uncle, who also asked not to be identified, told CNN that Mughal, who is married, owns and operates a computer parts store in Islamabad. @highlight Pakistani officials detain 10th person accused of link to bomb plot @highlight Shoaib Mughal was intermediary for bombing suspect, official says @highlight Mughal owns and operates a computer parts store in Islamabad, his uncle says @highlight Uncle says Mughal has never been outside Pakistan
Apple has yet to enter the e-book market, and making books as easy to download as music and @placeholder apps is the logical next step.
(WIRED) -- With rumors piling up about a forthcoming Apple tablet, it appears more and more likely that such a device will emerge soon. This illustration imagines what an Apple tablet device might look like. But what's still unclear is how this gadget will set itself apart from Apple's multimedia-savvy product line, including the iPhone and iPod Touch, as well as the scores of failed tablet PCs that have come and gone. Judging from the company's past moves, we're betting that Apple's tablet will be a media-centric device, focused -- at least in part -- on shaking up the publishing industry. @highlight It appears more and more likely that an Apple tablet will emerge soon @highlight iTunes could make device a potent rival to Amazon's Kindle and other e-books @highlight Users could have the ability to download individual chapters, not entire books @highlight An Apple tablet would have color, making it better for displaying magazine pages
are likely to spend millions reversing implant operations, the @placeholder
By Jenny Hope, Claire Bates and Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 10:15 PM on 23rd December 2011 British women with breast implants at the centre of a health scare have been told there is no evidence they are linked to increased cancer risk. It comes after the French government yesterday announced it would foot the bill for 30,000 women with the implants, made by Poly Implant Prostheses, to have them taken out. There are fears the gel inside might leak out and cause cancer. Panic: Amanda Harrison developed lumps on her spine after her breast enlargement operation But the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency stressed that there was ‘no evidence’ this was the case. @highlight British health official accuses French government of causing 'unnecessary alarm' @highlight French officials say they will cover the cost of implant removal. British officials deny decision not to remove made on cost grounds
@placeholder originally sentenced Richards to spend eight years behind bars
Beau Biden has defended the judge who decided to let an heir to the du Pont family agree to a plea deal after being charged with sexually abusing his young daughter. Biden, the Vice President's son who is in his second term as Delaware Attorney General, wrote a letter supporting Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden and her decision to allow Robert H. Richards IV to admit to fourth degree rape and register as a sex offender but not serve any time. Her decision prompted outrage after she supported the move by writing that the heir, who just turned 48 yesterday, 'would not fare well' in prison. @highlight Delaware Attorney General Biden has written a letter supporting the judge who made a controversial call @highlight Robert Richards, great grandson of chemical baron Irenee du Pont, was charged with fourth-degree rape of his young daughter but was spared jail @highlight Judge Jan Jurden said that Roberts, 48, 'would not fare well' in prison @highlight Biden has now said that she made the right decision because it would be difficult to find Roberts guilty in trial because of the 'weakness' of the case @highlight Shocking details about the offense and an alleged assault on his infant son have emerged in a lawsuit brought about by his ex-wife Tracy @highlight Richards is an unemployed heir living off his multi-million dollar trust fund
While he promised to work hard to turn the political tide, Democrats hoping to be in Washington beyond the end of 2016 -- meaning beyond the @placeholder years -- will be less and less reluctant with each passing day to trust their fate to his plans and instincts.
Washington (CNN) -- With his presidency at a crossroads, President Barack Obama delivered his health care "fix it" message with a healthy dose of reflection and contrition: "I think I said early on when I was running, I am not a perfect man and I will not be a perfect president." CNNMoney: Obama offers fix for canceled plans At the moment, the challenge is to get back to being a productive president, and those who see a difficult path ahead include veteran Democrats the President counts among his most trusted friends and allies. "Can Obama come back?" a veteran Democratic strategist asked. "Yes. But like Carter and (George W.) Bush, his downfall is his handling of the job." @highlight Administration facing persistent questions about credibility, competence @highlight Democratic veteran questions whether White House learns from mistakes @highlight Obama's poll numbers at same place as George W. Bush's at this point in his presidency @highlight Timing of crisis is key -- every day brings midterm elections closer, loyalty harder to maintain
Jeb Bush, who's wanted to run by 50% of @placeholder, while 27% don't want him to run.
(CNN)A new poll brings good news for Mitt Romney and his allies at a time when the 2012 GOP nominee faces vocal skepticism from the right about a potential third bid for president. According to a new CBS News survey, however, nearly six in 10 Republicans (59%) say they'd like to see Romney run for the White House in 2016, compared to 26% who disagree. Romney confirmed Friday night in a speech at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting that he's seriously thinking about jumping back into the fray, hinting that his campaign would focus on making the world safer and lifting people out of poverty. @highlight A new poll indicates that 59% of Republicans wants Mitt Romney to run for president in 2016 @highlight That's higher than the 50% who want Jeb Bush to jump into the race @highlight Meanwhile, only 29% want Chris Christie to run, compared to 44% who disagree
"The reason for that is there's an important principle at stake, which is declining to comment on them publicly allows for the sufficient protection of our national interests, in some cases the intelligence assets, and more generally, @placeholder national security," he said.
The German government said Thursday it is expelling a person it describes as the representative of U.S. foreign intelligence services based at the U.S. Embassy in Berlin. The move comes after two allegations emerged of Germans spying for the United States over the last week, claims prompting an investigation by German prosecutors of a suspect accused of passing secrets. The call comes against the background of the current investigation by the federal prosecutor and questions that have remained unresolved for months about the activity of U.S. intelligence in Germany. "The German government views these events as very serious," government spokesman Steffen Seibert said. @highlight Germany stresses "mutual trust" @highlight A White House spokesman declines to comment @highlight It's the second such case in a week @highlight Merkel: "If the reports are correct, it would be a serious case"
One factor Cruz said is impacting his decision to seek higher office: the debate in the Republican Party on how deeply the @placeholder should be enmeshed in global crises.
(CNN) -- A fresh round of clues arrived this week from two Republican lawmakers who are regularly asked about their desire to pursue their party's nomination in 2016. While each cited different reasons, both Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas say they're now more interested in running. Rubio says the current Senate gridlock is limiting his ability to advocate for the kind of policies he sees as critical for moving America forward and that the White House might be a better place for that. "I'll have to make a decision in 2016 either way, because I'm up for re-election in the Senate. And for me it's not going to be about the position, it's going to be about where can I best advocate for a 21st century reform agenda that allows us to usher in another American century," Rubio told CBS' "Face the Nation." @highlight Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both say they're now more interested in running for President @highlight Rubio says the current Senate gridlock is limiting his ability @highlight Cruz says foreign policy is playing into his decision
"India sees the @placeholder as a reliable defense supplier and we have been able to provide some top-of-the-line equipment.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon is portraying India as a major customer for U.S. military equipment, worth an estimated $6 billion in the past decade, even as U.S. companies are shut out of a multibillion dollar bid for fighter jets that India is starting this week. In the newest edition of a congressionally mandated report, the Defense Department signaled that it was hoping to interest India in its top-of-the-line and most expensive weapon, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, still being tested. Arms sales, as well as more frequent military exercises and exchanges, are seen as an important ways to cement ties between the two countries. @highlight The Pentagon tells Congress it hopes to interst India in its most expensive weapon @highlight The top-of-the-line F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is still being tested @highlight But India recently rejected purchase of other U.S.-built fightrers @highlight Arms sales are seen as a way to cement relations between the U.S. and India
Terrorist Osama Bin Laden (right) hid in the country for years before being killed by @placeholder forces in 2011
The Pakistani government has hit out at U.S. television series Homeland over its portrayal of the country as a safe haven for Islamic terrorists. Diplomats condemned producers for depicting Islamabad, the setting of the show's fourth series, as a 'hellhole' refuge for the Taliban. Complaining to Showtime which airs the Emmy-winning show, one official described it as a 'disservice to the people of the US'. Scroll down for video Pakistani officials complained the show, starring Claire Danes (pictured above), depicted Islamabad as a hot-bed for terrorist activity The fourth series of the popular show sees star Claire Danes acting as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency in Islamabad. @highlight Pakistani diplomats condemned the Emmy-winning show's fourth series @highlight Complained the show paints Islamabad as a 'hellhole' refuge for terrorists @highlight Insisted Pakistan was an ally of U.S. and supports its fight against Taliban @highlight Officials have been widely accused of colluding with fanatics in the past @highlight Speculation that the government knew Osama Bin Laden's location is rife
The angry family have now complained to @placeholder.
By Martin Robinson Upset: Roy Cooper said his wife Mary, pictured, was put on a controversial care plan for terminally ill people without his agreement A devastated husband has claimed his critically ill wife was stuck onto a hospital's 'death row' against his wishes. Roy Cooper, 79, said Mary, also 79, was put on a controversial care plan for terminally ill people without his agreement and then 'left to die in a side room'. The tragic mother-of-four died on August 13 after spending eight weeks at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn, Norfolk. The pensioner spoke out as calls grew for a review into the so-called Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), which is widely accepted as a way of allowing those at the end of their lives to die with dignity. @highlight Mary Cooper, 79, was put on the Liverpool Care Pathway -designed to allow patients to die with dignity and not have life prolonged painfully @highlight But husband Roy says he and his family were not informed and claim she was 'left to die in a side room'
The blue dialogue liberates @placeholder, who has never been this womanly and confident on screen.
(EW.com) -- "Going the Distance" is a light and tasty morsel of a romantic comedy in which two smart, funny, and basically sweet people try to conduct a cross-country relationship. The movie, which sounds like it was spun out of an advice column, is very high-concept, except that it has a gently authentic tone, a flavor rooted in its affection for the shrewd innocence of the 1980s. For the first 15 minutes or so, I actually wondered if it was set in the '80s. Erin (Drew Barrymore), who's 31, is finishing up her internship at a bustling newspaper, The New York Sentinel, and would do anything to land a job there. (I don't know too many 31-year-olds these days who even read newspapers, let alone dream of working at one.) @highlight "Going the Distance" is quite contemporary, but the wistful retro vibe is no accident @highlight Barrymore and Long have the right chemistry; they act out the rhythms of companionship @highlight The movie is free of the plot twists that drive most romantic comedies
It is, literally, a partisan report -- none of the committee @placeholder endorsed it, and instead produced a point-by-point rebuttal.
(CNN) -- While studiously avoiding the word "torture," CIA Director John Brennan told reporters on Thursday that the aggressive interrogation program yielded information that helped the agency find Osama bin Laden. He also called the Senate Intelligence Committee's damning report on CIA abuses "flawed" by partisanship, as well as "exaggerations and misrepresentations." Brennan's comments are certain to pour oil on the already raging debate over what constitutes torture, how effective it is and who authorized what in the chaotic days and months after the 9/11 attacks. They also put the Obama administration squarely in the crossfire between Democrats defending the committee's handiwork and Republicans and former CIA chiefs trashing it. @highlight Will Marshall: CIA Director John Brennan's speech will fuel debate on torture @highlight Report reveals shockingly deep partisan divide over morality of torture, Marshall says @highlight Marshall: Report has relentlessly adversarial tone
And the Chinese government is worried about pathological U.S. overspending (with skyrocketing debts borrowed from the @placeholder).
(CNN) -- Jeremy Lin, the benchwarmer-turned-star starting point guard for the New York Knicks, has powered his team to eight victories in nine games, and captured the imagination of people around the world. Who could resist this story? It's role model, underdog and the unconventional star all rolled into one. A young kid who no one thought could make it in the NBA relentlessly pursued his dream, even if this meant sitting at the end of the bench or being relegated to the farm team. Shuffled between NBA franchises, this Harvard graduate eventually got his chance on one of the biggest stages in professional sports -- Madison Square Garden -- and shined beyond imagination. @highlight Jeremy Lin's success has been warmly embraced in China @highlight Victor Cha says his gains aren't likely to make a difference in relations between U.S., China @highlight The relationship between the two nations is strained by many issues, he says @highlight Cha: Competing and winning is the best way for the U.S. to gain China's cooperation
The world is not a better place today; It's worse because we don't have @placeholder," he added.
(CNN) -- Manute Bol, one of the tallest players in NBA history, died Saturday at the age of 47, a spokeswoman with the University of Virginia Medical Center confirmed to CNN. The hospital did not disclose the cause of death. Bol, who was listed at 7-feet-7 inches tall and 225 pounds, played for the Washington Bullets, Golden State Warriors, Philadelphia 76ers and Miami Heat in his 10-year career. The native of war-torn Sudan was known during and after his career for his charity work for his home country. "He was a wonderful person. He would always talk about the civil war going on in Sudan, because he was sending all of his money back to Sudan," Charles Barkley, Bol's teammate on the 76ers and an NBA analyst for TNT, told CNN's Don Lemon. "I can honestly say I never played with a better person," Barkley said. @highlight At 7-feet-7, Manute Bol was one of the tallest players in NBA history @highlight He was known as a shot blocker in his 10-year professional career @highlight Bol, a native of war-torn Sudan, reportedly donated his NBA earnings to charities @highlight The Virginia hospital where he died did not disclose the cause of death
@placeholder's message seems to be: If you have nuclear capabilities, it doesn't matter how outrageously you behave; it doesn't matter how horribly you mistreat your people; it doesn't matter how flimsy your economy is.
(CNN) -- World leaders are moving carefully and anxiously, trying to prevent a disaster in the Korean Peninsula. This increasingly unpredictable round of saber-rattling is far from over, but so far the winner is the North Korean regime and the losers are the brutally oppressed North Korean people, joined by much of the rest of the world. While we watch the drama from far away, it's worth noting just how far North Korean weapons programs -- not just the weapons themselves -- can reach. U.S. intelligence officials differ on their estimates of the range and accuracy of North Korean missiles, nuclear-tipped or not. But the country's nuclear and missile technology has already found its way to the Middle East. @highlight Frida Ghitis: North Korean weapons programs have spread to the Middle East @highlight Ghitis: North Korea's messages encourage tyrants to seek nuclear weapons @highlight She says with nuclear arsenal, powerful countries are afraid to make a regime angry @highlight Ghitis: This standoff is not over, but Pyongyang has already won
Running riot: @placeholder scored four goals in six first-half minutes during Tuesday's semi-final against Brazil
England should try and follow Germany's example in producing youth teams who can develop together and form the core of the senior national side, according to Britain's FIFA vice-president Jim Boyce. Many of the Germany team who have reached Sunday's World Cup final via their 7-1 humbling of hosts Brazil were also in the under-21 team who trounced England 4-0 in the final of the 2009 European under-21 championships. Boyce, who is also head of UEFA's youth committee, told Press Association Sport: 'The Brazil v Germany semi-final was astounding, the performance of the German team was something else. Fast foward: Mesut Ozil (right) was part of the German team who won the Under 21 championship in 2009 @highlight Several of the Germany's current squad were part of the team that beat England in the under-21 European Championship final in 2009 @highlight Boyce says Germany are reaping rewards of long-term planning @highlight FIFA vice-president says this has been best ever World Cup
Sixty-six local government areas in @placeholder have crossed the epidemic threshold.
LAGOS, Nigeria (CNN) -- More than 200 people have died of meningitis in the past week alone in Niger and Nigeria, according to the World Health Organization. A health care worker vaccinates a child during an earlier outbreak of meningitis in Niger. The disease is an epidemic in 76 areas of the two countries, the health agency reported Wednesday. A spokesman for W.H.O. in Nigeria, Dr. Olaokun Soyinka, said Saturday that the outbreak is bigger than usual and stretches across the African meningitis belt from east- to west-sub-Saharan Africa. The outbreak began around the start of the year, Soyinka told CNN. It usually peaks in the dry season because of dust, winds and cold nights, before dipping around May when the rains come, he said. @highlight W.H.O. : Meningitis killed more than 200 people in the past week in Niger and Nigeria @highlight Outbreak stretches across African "meningitis belt," at epidemic levels in 76 areas @highlight Vaccine shortage forces an "effective prevention" approach @highlight 25,000 suspected cases, 1,500 deaths in the belt in the first 11 weeks of 2009
By now, all the @placeholder children were grown up with their own lives to lead.
There was shock and disappointment in the west of Scotland this week when an absentee landlord told two employees that, after decades of service, they won’t be needed on his farm after Christmas. From the employees’ point of view this is obviously upsetting. But when the landlord is Paul McCartney and the farm is on the Mull of Kintyre, a remote part of Britain he once loved as a family hideaway and then made famous musically in one of his biggest hits, people around the world take notice — and wonder why this might be happening. In one of the shots taken at the farm McCartney bought at the height of the Beatles fame, Linda is pregnant with daughter Stella @highlight High Park Farm was the first home of Paul and Linda McCartney @highlight Staff have been told services are not required after Christmas at the farm @highlight Visits to Mull of Kintyre became fewer after Linda died in 1998
'Everything we do to do with @placeholder we do after work, using money from our own pockets.'
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 14:42 EST, 5 November 2013 | UPDATED: 20:47 EST, 5 November 2013 Initiative: Italian computer experts have created a new website where anonymous informants and victims of organised crime can report Mafia activity Italian computer experts have created a new website where anonymous informants and victims of organised crime can report Mafia activity. The new site, Mafialeaks, will encourage victims, or even former mobsters, to relay information to police, anti-mafia magistrates and journalists without fear of reprisal. Mafialeaks is aimed at people such as shopkeepers or business owners forced to pay protection money, as well as members of the public who have uncovered mafia activity and former criminals who want to spill the beans on their bosses or partners. @highlight New site will encourage victims and former criminals to come forward @highlight Site is based on Wikileaks and is accessible to anyone @highlight Volunteers remaining anonymous to protect themselves from retaliation @highlight Fears raised that Mafia bosses could use site to put out false information
There is growing concern among @placeholder using surrogates overseas about uncertain changes to commercial surrogacy laws, Ms Kunde said.
Surrogacy Australia says it knows of up to 200 would-be Australian parents caught in Thailand's planned crackdown on commercial surrogacy, but the number may be higher. Spokeswoman Rachel Kunde said the organisation could only estimate the total amount because some were outside its network, including the West Australian couple at the centre of an international surrogacy drama. Ms Kunde said the couple, who are accused of leaving their baby daughter's twin brother Gammy, who has Down syndrome, in Thailand with the surrogate mother, did not use Surrogacy Australia's services. "They didn't go through our organisation so that is an example of the people that aren't getting advice from us and going overseas," she said. @highlight Surrogacy Australia estimates 200 Australians involved in Thai surrogacy @highlight Julie Bishop has called on Thai government to allow a transition period before banning commercial surrogacy @highlight About 50 Australians affected by Bangkok IVF clinic shut down in wake of Gammy controversy @highlight Investigation underway into what happened to the couples' frozen embyros @highlight Thai authorities suspect links to international baby trafficking organisation @highlight Estimated 70 per cent of Australian couples seek surrogacy from the clinic
The ministry said in a statement that publishing "false news" could result in exposing vital "documents, identities of personnel, internal structure" -- pertaining to the @placeholder, Press TV reported.
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Iran's influential parliament speaker has called for an investigation into allegations that post-election detainees were raped while in custody, state-run media said. Ali Larijani said a parliamentary probe should examine whether jail rape allegations were true or false. Ali Larijani said that a special parliamentary panel "had carried out investigations into the situation in [Iranian] jails and the treatment of detainees and it should also look into whether jail rape allegations are true or false," Press TV reported, citing Tabnak, a Web site associated with opposition politician Mohsen Rezaie. Meanwhile, Iran's Intelligence Ministry, the government body that keeps tabs on political dissenters, warned the media against revealing what it called "classified data" after reports Monday that Ahmadinejad had purged four senior intelligence officials, according to Press TV. @highlight Parliamentary speaker wants inquiry into allegations detainees were raped in prison @highlight More than 1,000 arrested in protests following recent presidential elections @highlight Iran's Intelligence Ministry warns media over publishing "classified data" @highlight Warning came after media reported purge of four senior intelligence officials
of masterminding a plot to smuggle £134million of cocaine into @placeholder
By Daily Mail Reporter Carefully stacked on a quayside, this is the huge cocaine haul that has landed one of Britain’s most notorious criminals with a jail sentence of 28 years. Bags of the drug were pulled from the sea after the yacht delivering the £150million haul to this country capsized in a storm. The man behind the failed smuggling operation was John Allen Brooks, 61, nicknamed ‘the Fixer’. Yesterday his lawyers said he has a heart condition and may die behind bars. Piled high: Bags of cocaine are unloaded from a yacht off the west coast of Ireland, in the harbour at Castletown Bere @highlight Career criminal John Brooks was sentenced after he was caught with 1.5 tonnes of the drug @highlight His boat, Dances with Waves, was intercepted in 2008 off the Irish coast on its way to Liverpool after collecting cocaine in Venezuela @highlight He was living in a huge mansion-style villa near Marbella overlooking the mountains, complete with pool @highlight Brooks was sentenced to 10 years following a drug seizure in 1996 but escaped in 2000 after 'jumping off a cliff and leaping on to a jet ski' @highlight After his sentence he faces extradition to France to serve a 13 year sentence regarding a 4.2 tonne cannabis seizure in 1989
Voting in the @placeholder poll closes at the end of March.
(CNN) -- It's at least as welcome as a warm face towel or the ping of the seatbelt sign going off: A beautiful view as you land. A panel of travel editors, seasoned pilots and other industry experts has drawn up a shortlist of the world's most scenic airport approaches for users of the private-jet charter firm PrivateFly.com to vote on. Any type of landing was eligible, from the approach over rooftops used by private craft at Amsterdam Schiphol, to the ultra-low, beach-shaving descent on the Caribbean island of St. Maarten and the dip past Manhattan's skyscraper cluster when approaching New York's JFK. @highlight Poll shortlists most impressive airport landings @highlight Views of cities, mountains and islands all figure @highlight Sochi -- the Winter Olympics city -- is one topical inclusion
With rumors afoot that she planned to seek a promotion, @placeholder and other medical marijuana supporters began badmouthing her again.
A medical marijuana activist from Florida is accusing Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of attempted bribery after the congresswoman allegedly offered to back legalization if the man stopped criticizing her in public. At stake for Wasserman Schultz is the possibility of a Senate bid. If Florida's junior senator, Marco Rubio, runs for the presidency as expected, he has said he won't seek reelection to Congress - leaving the seat open for the taking. Politico first reported on the allegations, brought by Democratic donor and Orlando, Florida, trial lawyer John Morgan. The Florida congresswoman, who also heads the national Democratic Party, has since disputed the charges, calling them 'outrageous.' @highlight A medical marijuana activist from Florida is accusing Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz of attempted bribery @highlight He has emails and texts from a liaison to the congresswoman that suggest she offered to back legalization if the man stopped criticizing her in public @highlight At stake for the Florida congresswoman is the possibility of a Senate bid @highlight Wasserman Schultz says she just wanted to have a discussion about a probable ballot initiative before 'battle lines were drawn' @highlight Her office says the whole episode is just 'an unfortunate misunderstanding'
Other men had to attend @placeholder clubs where they would pay to hire women to 'torture' within the boundaries of the sexual play
The sex secrets of New York men reveal them to be a collection of neurotic, insecure, unfeeling perverts, too scared to commit to a relationship with someone they care for. According to Big Apple sex therapist Dr. Brandy Engler, who has listened to the psychological issues of the men-folk of New York for seven-years, serial cheating, porn addiction and soliciting prostitutes are all symptoms of an inability to settle down in the big smoke. From successful bank executives who pay for prostitutes, to S&M dungeon loving hedge fund chiefs and even men convinced that 'good guys finish last', Engler has listened to them all betray their sordid secrets - while charging them $150 an hour for the privilege. @highlight New York sex therapist Dr. Brandy Engler has released a new book, 'The Men on My Couch' which outlines the various sexual malfunctions of the men in the city @highlight Sexual insecurities are the most common cause of all philandering and perversions among men according to Dr. Engler
The decision to change her name arrived to @placeholder in the mine's depths.
Copiapo, Chile (CNN) -- For one trapped miner in a collapsed mine in Chile, "Hope" weighs only 7 pounds. Esperanza, which means hope in Spanish, is the name of Ariel Ticona's baby girl. She is also believed to be the first child born to any of the 33 miners during their nightmarish weeks buried underground. Esperanza was born Tuesday in a hospital about an hour's drive down a winding mountain road from the mine where her father is trapped. Ticona and his wife, Elizabeth Segovia, learned they were having a girl the day before the mine cave-in. They had planned to call her Carolina. @highlight Wife of trapped miner in Chile gives birth to third child @highlight Couple names daughter Esperanza, which means hope @highlight Woman evades hospital's no-recording rule by having Caesarean @highlight Second couple also expecting
Had she known about @placeholder's past she would have taken herself and my granddaughter out of there in a heartbeat.'
Created: 20:54 EST, 7 March 2014 Clare Wood, 36, who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 2009. A new law giving people the right to know if a partner has a history of violence will be rolled out from today A scheme giving people the 'right to know' if a partner has a history of domestic violence will be rolled out to police forces across England and Wales from today. Clare's Law was created following a campaign by Michael Brown, whose daughter was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. The initiative, officially called the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, is designed to provide people with information that may protect them from a potentially abusive situation. @highlight Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme will help people with abusive partners @highlight Public will have the 'right to know' if a partner has a history of violence @highlight Created following a campaign by Michael Brown, whose daughter was killed @highlight Clare Wood, 36, was strangled and set on fire by her ex-boyfriend George Appleton in 2009 @highlight Following an article on March 8 about ‘Clare’s Law’,which allows police to disclose information about a partner’s previous convictions for domestic abuse, we are happy to clarify that the scheme applies to men as well as women.
@placeholder claim that Meulensteen broke Premier League rules by going public about the bid and believe he may have strayed further by saying Morrison wanted to move.
By Laurie Whitwell PUBLISHED: 17:50 EST, 15 January 2014 | UPDATED: 17:50 EST, 15 January 2014 West Ham want the Premier League to take firm action against Fulham if it is proved they tapped up Ravel Morrison. The midfielder is at the centre of a row between the clubs after Fulham head coach Rene Meulensteen said he knew that Morrison, 20, wanted to move to Craven Cottage and confirmed that their bid for him had been rejected by West Ham. It is understood that Fulham offered £7.5million for Morrison and midfield partner Mo Diame, which was dismissed by West Ham, who value Morrison alone at £10m. @highlight West Ham complain to the Premier League @highlight Fulham believed to have offered £7.5m for both Morrison and Diame @highlight West Ham want nearer £10m for Morrison alone @highlight Cottagers boss Meulensteen worked with Morrison at Man United @highlight Meulensteen says the England U21 star wants to make the move @highlight Hammers must up Morrison's wages to £60,000 per week if offered £10m
@placeholder hospitality: IKEA has not taken any measures against people making themselves at home, because it sees it as a future investment
By Helen Collis PUBLISHED: 06:27 EST, 6 September 2013 | UPDATED: 08:59 EST, 6 September 2013 Irreverent customers are treating IKEA stores around the world like a free service to apparently be used and abused with impunity, reports reveal. Stories coming from across the globe include a child peeing in a Chinese store, a woman vomiting and passing out in an IKEA in Israel, New Yorkers using the shop's creche so they can have a break, Germans dropping their kids off so they can play tennis, and people sleeping in China's stores to escape the summer heat. The Swedish furniture company has often taken a tolerant stance on the disrespectful behaviour of its customers, its policy being that if people visit the store for other reasons, they are more likely to return to buy something. @highlight Stories from around world reveal unbelievable disrespect of customers @highlight One woman seen helping a toddler pee into a bottle, drips landing on bed @highlight IKEA stores in China often used as somewhere to picnic and sleep @highlight Israeli shop let woman sleep for hours after she vomited on couch @highlight New Yorkers and Germans take advantage of IKEA's free creche, releasing parents so they can have lunch, get their hair done or even play tennis
'When I'm being lifted by @placeholder, I now have an extra weight, which does affect the balance.'
By Louise Eccles PUBLISHED: 04:01 EST, 29 June 2012 | UPDATED: 10:08 EST, 30 June 2012 Combining the Olympic torch with a fast-paced ice skating routine could be considered playing with fire. But former Olympians Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean made it look easy last night as they performed a number of daring lifts and turns, while balancing the famous flame ahead of the London 2012 Games. Twenty-eight years after they won a gold medal in the 1984 winter Olympics in Yugoslavia, the pair proved that they were still world-class skaters. Perfect partners: Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean showed their elegant style and explosive energy has not dimmed @highlight Couple won gold medal in 1984 winter Olympics in Yugoslavia
'Why would she do it when she knows the devastation that unwanted pregnancies - and fractured families - why would @placeholder do that?'
PUBLISHED: 20:45 EST, 11 March 2014 | UPDATED: 07:40 EST, 12 March 2014 Bill O'Reilly has launched an unprovoked attack on Beyoncé's latest video, labeling the work 'exploitative garbage' and suggested that it will encourage teenage pregnancy among African American girls. Confronting hip hop mogul Rusell Simmons on Monday night, the Fox News host appeared outraged at explicit imagery of Beyoncé having sex in a car and referencing Monica Lewinsky in her Partition video. O’Reilly said the video 'glorifies having sex in the back of a limousine,' and then warmed to his point saying, 'Teenage girls look up to Beyoncé, particularly girls of color. She’s an idol to them," he continued. “I’m saying: Why on earth would this woman do that? @highlight Controversial and combative Fox News host said that Beyoncé's sexually explicit video release is bad examples to young girls @highlight Said that the risqué video to Partition could encourage girls to get pregnant - and mentioned 'girls of color' specifically @highlight Hip hop mogul Russell Simmons vigorously defended Beyoncé as an artist
It all began last year after one of @placeholder's numerous visits to the world-famous Kruger, a stunning wildlife haven stretching out over 7,500 square miles.
He's helped save a rhino's life, spoken at major tech conferences, won several awards and created an online community of thousands of users -- and he is just 16 years old. Teenager Nadav Ossendryver is the founder and developer of Latest Sightings, a crowd-sourcing website that provides real-time updates on animal sightings in Kruger National Park, South Africa's largest game reserve. Founded in November 2011, the site harnesses the power of social media to enable Kruger visitors to share the whereabouts of animals with other holidaymakers, thus increasing their chances of spotting the diverse wildlife that's populating the vast park -- from lions and cheetahs to leopards and elephants. @highlight Nadav Ossendryver, 16, has created wildlife-tracking website Latest Sightings @highlight It uses crowdsourcing to gather information about animals in Kruger National Park @highlight The website has grown to have over 33,000 members, says Nadav @highlight Latest Sightings does not display any rhino sightings
But if you're still traveling with small ones, you may want a more traditional @placeholder.
(CNN) -- It's no miracle that Wendy Owan won't be stuck in highway traffic Christmas Day, carrying covered dishes to a family celebration in Brooklyn, New York. The Queens resident made sure of it months ago. Owan and her adult daughter will be leaving winter behind as they embark on the Carnival Miracle on Christmas Eve, setting sail for a seven-day cruise to Port Canaveral, followed by Nassau and Freeport in the Bahamas. They return New Year's Day. "I've never cruised during the holidays before, but I am so looking forward to leaving all the stress behind for eight wonderfully relaxing days at sea," said Owan, the New York School of Urban Ministry's director of ministry services, who has been doing post-Sandy relief work for weeks. "The Miracle apparently has a dome of some sort that can enclose the pool. I'm hoping for snow so that I can sail away in the midst of it in the pool." @highlight Traveling for the holidays means no one person or family member has to care for everyone else @highlight Resorts and ships take care of the decor, the meals and the changing of the sheets @highlight Activities can provide an escape from relatives asking about marriage, children and weight @highlight Santa Claus may have to deliver a lighter load to a traveling child
The whipping took place in the @placeholder market,' a resident of Timbuktu told reporters.
By Associated Press Reporter PUBLISHED: 07:55 EST, 17 October 2012 | UPDATED: 09:14 EST, 17 October 2012 A teenaged girl received 60 lashes in Timbuktu after Islamist extremists convicted her of speaking to men on the street. The girl, believed to be 15 years old, was allegedly caught speaking with men by Ansar Dine, the militant Islamist group who control Timbuktu and much of northern Mali. One resident claimed the girl was warned repeatedly by the Islamists to stop what she was doing, but persisted in talking to men in public. Strict: Ansar Dine, one of a number of Islamist groups who have seized control of northern Mali, allegedly lashed a girl, 15, for speaking to men in public in Timbuktu. File photo @highlight Islamist group Ansar Dine said to have repeatedly warned girl to stop talking to men in the street in Timbuktu, Mali
England's hotel is located within view of the @placeholder in Rio where armed gangs are being targeted by police
FA head of security Tony Conniford admitted that the association is 'freaking out over safety in Rio' FA head of security Tony Conniford said senior figures in the England set-up were ‘freaking out’ over reports of crime and violence from Rio’s gang-ridden shanty towns, or favelas, the largest of which, Rocinha, is near England’s hotel. He also raised the astonishing prospect that England stars such as Wayne Rooney and Steven Gerrard could be stuck on the team bus for up to four hours in gridlocked traffic as they travel nine miles to and from their training base. While officially the FA say they are ‘fully confident’ in security arrangements, former policeman Mr Conniford’s comments, overheard by a Mail on Sunday reporter in the bar of the England hotel in Rio, raise questions about preparations. @highlight In England's dilapidated hotel next to the gangland slum, he tells of 'real concerns' for our players @highlight More than 50,000 England fans expected to travel to Brazil for World Cup @highlight FA security team afraid stars will be 'at risk' @highlight A British oil worker was shot dead in a botched robbery last month. @highlight A few weeks ago, protesters marched on the Presidential Palace in Brasilia leading to riots in which @highlight 12 protesters and 30 police officers were injured.
Journey times between Leeds and @placeholder could be slashed in half from up to an hour to 26 minutes, while journeys between Leeds and Liverpool could be cut from nearly two hours to just one.
The Prime Minister announced plans for the new HS3 rail line despite holding a review into the cost of HS2 Plans for another high-speed rail line in the North will go ahead, say ministers – but they admitted last night they had no idea how much it would cost. On the day the Government confirmed it would hold an official ‘review’ of the spiralling costs of the controversial HS2 line, the Prime Minister and the Chancellor announced their backing for HS3. They claim the line – which will link Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds and Hull – could boost the nation’s economy by cutting travel times between the cities by half. @highlight Plans for HS3 announced as part 'long term economic plan for the north' @highlight Review into expensive £50billion HS2 project also was also revealed @highlight Osborne has hinted in past new rail line could cost up to £7billion
The penthouse has no roads between the building and the river, offering unique opportunities for residents: 'you can throw a fishing line off the balcony,' Mr @placeholder said
A waterfront complex in WA could soon boast the largest and most expensive apartment in Australia. Negations are underway to sell a $25 million dollar luxury penthouse in the Mardalup complex, East Perth, in an off-market deal which would beat the previous record of $21 million The 1900sqm, two-storey apartment contains eight bedrooms, an eight-car garage, three kitchens and a gym, reports Yahoo News. One of three kitchens within the luxury penthouse, which is expected to sell for about $25 million Developer Ian Johnson and his wife have decided to sell the property in an off-market deal, after Realestate 88 agent Brent Compton said offers had been made around $25 million @highlight Developer Ian Johnson designed the luxury penthouse in East Perth @highlight The two-storey property has eight bedrooms, three kitchens and a gym @highlight It also offers a study, a soundproof cinema, a study and a cellar @highlight Two other apartments in the complex have sold for almost $10 million
Armstrong said he called two other prominent divorce lawyers until he reached @placeholder's office, which confirmed the meeting.
(CNN) -- Drew Peterson has met with a prominent divorce attorney more than a year after his wife, Stacy, disappeared, his lawyer confirmed to CNN on Tuesday. Drew Peterson's behavior after his wife disappeared deepened suspicion, but he says she ran off. Peterson, a former Bolingbrook, Illinois, police sergeant, has not filed divorce papers, said his attorney, Joel Brodsky. But Peterson told an author he would look into a divorce after Stacy had been missing for a year. He said he was considering divorce for the sake of their children. "I can confirm that Drew Peterson did have a consultation with Jeffrey Leving," Brodsky said, adding that no divorce papers have been filed. @highlight Peterson says he's looking into options since wife deserted him a year ago @highlight Peterson: Neighbors are making it unsafe for family to live in home @highlight Stacy Peterson left him October 28, 2007, husband says @highlight Police have said Drew Peterson, an ex-cop, is prime suspect
A tubby 41-year-old who was obsessed with @placeholder, he stole £2.4 million from clients, family and friends – partly to impress his Albanian wife whom he had married in secret.
By Elizabeth Sanderson Hanif Kureishi lost £120,000 when he was conned by a fraudster with a love for the glamorous lifestyle depicted in James Bond films Hanif Kureishi was on his way to meet a friend for lunch when the call came. It was one of the partners from the author’s accountancy firm. ‘He said, “Your accountant, Adam Woricker, has been sacked. Your money’s gone, you’d better call your solicitor.” I was staggered.’ The 59-year-old, best known for his novel The Buddha Of Suburbia and the screenplay for hit film My Beautiful Laundrette, is a master storyteller but even he could not have predicted the drama that has unfolded since that fateful call in July 2012. @highlight Critically acclaimed author lost £120k at the hands of conman accountant @highlight The Buddha of Suburbia writer lost entire savings for sons' education @highlight Fraudster Adam Woricker spent thousands on secret Albanian wife @highlight Was obsessed with Ian Fleming and James Bond novels and movies @highlight Woricker jailed for eight years after admitting 34 theft and fraud offences
Even with ongoing political tensions and spasms of violence, since 2005, @placeholder has worked hard to emerge from this bitter legacy, reinventing itself as trendy tourist destination.
(CNN) -- Lebanon could have no more fitting symbol of its tumultuous history than its national flag. Emblazoned with a green cedar tree against a white background, framed between two red bands, an official account states the white represents peace, the red, the blood that has been spilled in the name of liberation and the tree, survival. Situated on the eastern-most lip of the Mediterranean basin -- in a region once known as the Levant -- Lebanon stands at the gateway between Christian Europe and the Arab Middle East and North Africa. Throughout its history it has been the scene of bitter struggles. @highlight Country on eastern edge of Mediterranean Sea has a tumultuous recent history @highlight Capital Beirut was once known as 'Paris of the East', city now renowned for nightlife and culture @highlight Country has what is known as a 'confessional democracy' developed after civil war from 1975 to 1990
It's part of @placeholder's revitalization program for the bankrupt city.
By Associated Press and Alex Greig Detroit is planning a new push to auction city-owned homes online as part of an effort to fight blight. Mayor Mike Duggan and the Detroit Land Bank Authority on Monday afternoon announced a new auction website that's designed to get homes into the hands of people who will quickly fix them. The site has launched with 15 homes up for auction at Building Detroit. A community meeting about the effort will be held Monday night. Online auction: eBay has a selection of Detroit homes for sale for as little as $86 Big plans: Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan is carrying out an initiative to revitalize neighborhoods of the struggling city @highlight Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan announced a new auction website for Detroit's abandoned homes Monday afternoon @highlight The site is intended to help revitalize Detroit's blighted neighborhoods @highlight Owners of uninhabited and decaying homes have been put on notice that unless they repair them, they'll be seized for auction @highlight Those purchasing homes must repair the properties @highlight Duggan wants to revitalize the city, rather than demolishing all vacant buildings
‘One wonders what would have happened if @placeholder had not embarrassed the CEO.’
By David Wilkes PUBLISHED: 18:40 EST, 6 December 2013 | UPDATED: 18:57 EST, 6 December 2013 Social media campaign: Lynda Hatcher, 49, took to Facebook to voice her concerns Fed up at seeing the local shopping centre boarded up for years after Sainsbury’s failed to deliver its ‘regeneration’ plan, Lynda Hatcher sprang into action. The mother of three took a photograph of the eyesore and posted it on the supermarket chain’s Facebook page, asking: ‘What are you doing?’ It was a question baffling the residents of Dorridge – not least because the village is where Sainsbury’s chief executive Justin King grew up. @highlight Mother of three Lynda Hatcher launched social media campaign in home town of the chain's CEO Justin King after failed regeneration promise @highlight Supermarket chain bought the derelict site but failed to renovate it in 2008 @highlight Mrs Hatcher's comment sparked reaction and store now set to open in 2014
Tiny tale: The colourful tale of murder and madness is part of a 4,000-word magazine with 19 pages, written by the young @placeholder
By David Wilkes Last updated at 7:32 AM on 16th December 2011 Tensions in Europe took on a literary flavour yesterday as the French snatched a tiny but historically priceless Charlotte Bronte manuscript from under the nose of a British museum. The unpublished work, written in 1830 when she was just 14 and containing a story which is a precursor to a famous passage in her novel Jane Eyre, was bought for a record £690,850 by Le Musee des Lettres et Manuscrits in Paris at auction. The Bronte Parsonage Museum, in the literary family’s home in Haworth, West Yorkshire, was so keen to acquire the miniature treasure that it had launched a fundraising appeal before the sale at Sotheby’s in London. @highlight The 4,000 word short story was written in 1830 when Bronte was just 14 @highlight Bronte archivists 'bitterly disappointed' the manuscript is leaving Britain
Madoff's criminal activities spawned a tidal wave of civil actions against the family, accusing them of profiting from the @placeholder.
(CNN) -- The son and wife of convicted stockbroker Bernie Madoff said they had no inkling he was running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme until he came home on a December night three years ago and gathered the family together. "He said, 'I have a confession to make. I've been running a Ponzi scheme." He said, '$50 billion dollars,'" recounted Madoff's wife, Ruth, in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes" Sunday night. Madoff's youngest son, Andrew, also appeared on the show -- their first television interview since Madoff pleaded guilty in 2009 of running the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history. @highlight "Everything I've been doing is all a big lie," family recalls Madoff saying @highlight Madoff is in prison for swindling investors in the largest Ponzi scheme in U.S. history @highlight His wife blames herself for her eldest son's suicide @highlight Andrew Madoff: "What he did to me, to my brother, and to my family is unforgivable"
'There are more hedge fund billionaires in NYC than there are in @placeholder.
By Associated Press Reporter Cadillac wants a jolt from the city that never sleeps. General Motors' 112-year-old luxury car division, founded in Detroit and named for the city's founder, is moving its headquarters to New York. Man with a plan: Johan de Nysschen, who joined Cadillac from Nissan last month as its new president, said the move was a necessary part of restoring the struggling brand Cadillac, which has been steadily losing sales to its German rivals, wants to get closer to its ideal buyers. Executives and marketing staffers will set up shop in a loft office in Manhattan's trendy SoHo neighborhood starting next year. @highlight Johan de Nysschen, who joined Cadillac from Nissan last month as its new president, said the move was a necessary part of restoring the struggling brand @highlight Business unit will relocate to Manhattan's SoHo district next year @highlight Cadillac's U.S. sales are down nearly 5 percent this year, even though luxury vehicle sales are growing @highlight Audi sales are up almost 15 percent @highlight Johan de Nysschen moved Audi HQ from Detroit to Virginia in 2007 @highlight He said New York is closer to the luxury market Cadillac needs to target
VIDEO Scroll down to watch post-match reactions from Nigel Pearson and @placeholder
As the players in blue shirts trudged downcast into the tunnel, manager Sean Dyche cut a path between them towards the far corner of the King Power Stadium where travelling fans were united in jubilation. For Burnley, who ended a goal drought stretching back to mid-August by twice coming from behind to draw — the point-saver arriving in the sixth minute of added time — this resembled a victory they are yet to savour in the Premier League. The two promoted sides have had vastly different starts in the top flight. While Burnley have four points from four draws, Leicester have scored 10 goals at home, a record that surpasses any other side in the League. @highlight Burnley midfielder Wallace came off the bench to score superb last-minute free-kick @highlight Foxes forward Jeffrey Schlupp had given the home side the lead after 33 minutes @highlight Michael Kightly levelled for the Clarets soon after before Riyad Mahrez put Leicester back in front @highlight But Wallace denied Nigel Pearson's side all three points by scoring a 96th-minute leveller
The @placeholder faced fresh criticism today over its refusal to react to the demands of local people hit by the floods.
By Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor PUBLISHED: 07:59 EST, 6 February 2014 | UPDATED: 02:41 EST, 7 February 2014 A £100million plan to redirect train services in Devon and Cornwall could be revived after huge waves washed the line away. The government revealed said the army could be called in to help repair the track at Dawlish after huge waves demolished the sea wall on the south coast. But Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin today announced he has ordered a ‘rigorous review’ into alternatives, after the last Labour government rejected the need to reroute the line. @highlight Transport Secretary orders 'rigorous review' of alternatives to coastal line @highlight Patrick McLoughlin offers the army to help repair track destroyed in storms @highlight Labour government rejected idea of reopening lines further inland @highlight Southern Railway would be new 50 mile route, Teign Valley line is 15 miles @highlight Cornwall cut off from the rest of the country, sparking calls for more money @highlight West Country MPs criticise £50billion for London-Birmingham HS2 link @highlight Communities Secretary Eric Pickles hits back Environment Agency boss
He is said to have gone into the @placeholder dressing room after the dispute to act as a peacemaker between Ferdinand and Terry.
By Rick Dewsbury Last updated at 11:29 AM on 18th November 2011 Police believe there is enough evidence to charge John Terry over an alleged racist remark, it was claimed today. Officers have quizzed a string of players about the Chelsea captain’s clash on the pitch with Anton Ferdinand last month. England captain Terry, 30, came under fire after he allegedly called the QPR defender a ‘f****** black c***’ during a heated match. 'Racist' slur? John Terry covers his mouth as he's surrounded by QPR players during the heated game at Loftus Road, West London, last month Police have now compiled evidence from players and video recordings of the game - which show Terry’s lip movements - and are in the process of sending the file to the Crown Prosecution Service, it is claimed. @highlight Ashley Cole 'interviewed as a witness' to alleged slur
Rare sight: A tornado was spotted today off the coast of Coney Island in @placeholder
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 11:06 EST, 8 September 2012 | UPDATED: 07:23 EST, 9 September 2012 New York is bracing for more tornadoes today after two twisters struck the edges of the city on Saturday, hurling debris into the air and knocking out power lines. No one was injured but there was widespread damage and residents were left stunned. The National Weather Service has issued a severe weather warning for Sunday with locals fleeing the coastline and major sporting events being cancelled. Tornadoes are extremely rare in the largest and most densely populated U.S. city. The first twister hit a beachfront neighborhood and the second, stronger tornado followed moments later about 10 miles away. @highlight Tornado was reported in Coney Island, Flatbush and parts of Queens @highlight Storm moved through the city at 25mph @highlight Caused downed power lines and some structural damage, but no injuries or deaths @highlight Tornado watch remains in effect for Brooklyn, Queens, parts of Long Island, Connecticut and New Jersey until 10pm @highlight Severe weather delayed U.S. Open women's singles match to be delayed until Sunday
@placeholder's security chief poured herbal mate tea from a thermos - thrust
By Sophie Jane Evans Pope Francis has made a remarkable break in protocol by delivering an off-the-cuff homily and posing for 'selfies' during Palm Sunday celebrations. The Pontiff joined around 100,000 Romans, tourists and pilgrims in St Peter's Square in Vatican City today to commemorate Jesus's entry into Jerusalem before his crucifixion. In a startling move, he abandoned his prepared homily and spoke entirely off-the-cuff to the crowds, who were waving olive branches, tall palm fronds and tiny braided palm leaves shaped like crosses. Making a speech: Pope Francis has made a remarkable break in protocol by delivering an off-the-cuff homily and posing for 'selfies' during Palm Sunday celebrations @highlight The Pontiff joined 100,000 Romans, tourists and pilgrims in Vatican City today to mark Jesus's entry into Jerusalem @highlight In remarkable move, he abandoned prepared homily and spoke entirely off-the-cuff to crowds in St Peter's Square @highlight Also climbed off Popemobile to pose for 'selfies', hugged children and even sipped cups of 'mate' from worshippers
She tried to get out of the truck but @placeholder sped off with her calling her a 'whore' and 'slut.'
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 12:48 EST, 18 December 2012 | UPDATED: 21:37 EST, 18 December 2012 A man arrested Sunday on suspicion of a domestic violence attack on his girlfriend carried out a bloody triple-murder suicide Tuesday morning that left four dead in Colorado. David Sanchez, 31, of Longmont, was arrested Sunday on on suspicion of false imprisonment, second-degree kidnapping, harassment and domestic violence after ex-girlfriend Beatriz Silva told police he had threatened and attacked her upon finding out she was seeing someone new. According police reports Sanchez met Silva Saturday near a Longmont Best Buy to talk about repaying a $1,000 loan she'd given him to fix his truck. @highlight Bodies of two men and two women were found in the home early Tuesday morning @highlight David Sanchez threatened revenge after finding out his ex-girlfriend was seeing someone new Sunday @highlight A relative of the victims claims the two women were her nieces living in the home with a third man @highlight Neighbors describe residents as young newlyweds who moved into home just months ago @highlight Police have yet to release a suspected motive behind the shooting
However, the Italian side have offered little encouragement and @placeholder recognise it may be unfeasible to pull off a move this summer.
Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal is weighing up a move for AC Milan midfielder Nigel de Jong. United are determined to add one more midfielder to their squad this summer following the capture of Ander Herrera, with Van Gaal feeling that his new side requires bite and steel in the central acres to complement the composure of players such as Michael Carrick and Tom Cleverley. Arturo Vidal of Juventus is the dream solution and Sportsmail revealed on Friday that United have made tentative enquiries over the possible signing of the Chilean midfielder. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Louis van Gaal lose his tempter in Holland training @highlight Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal wants to add another midfielder and Nigel de Jong is a possibility @highlight AC Milan's De Jong has Premier League experience with Manchester City @highlight Top midfield target is Juventus' Arturo Vidal and United could bid £30m @highlight Italian club are reluctant to sell the Chile international @highlight De Jong would represent a cheaper alternative at £9m
Strachan (left) keeps a close eye on proceedings as his @placeholder side go though their warm-up routine
Gordon Strachan last night tipped the Tartan Army to transform Celtic Park into a Scotland cauldron. A happy hunting ground for Irish trio Martin O’Neill, Roy Keane and Aiden McGeady in the past, former Scotland skipper David Weir claimed the SFA should have plumped for Ibrox to host the crucial Euro 2016 qualifier, instead. A key figure in persuading the governing body to go for the biggest possible capacity, however, Strachan claims Celtic’s home will be transformed into ‘Scotland’ Park for the night. Scotland boss Gordon Strachan speaks to the assembled media ahead of Friday night's game at Celtic Park @highlight Former Scotland skipper David Weir claimed the SFA should have plumped for Ibrox to host the crucial Euro 2016 qualifier instead @highlight A near 60,000 sell-out, the Republic of Ireland game will draw the biggest home crowd for a Scotland international in 25 years @highlight Crystal Palace midfielder James McArthur will miss the match after withdrawing through injury
Spree: The couple has made it from @placeholder down to Florida - a distance of at least 600 miles
Two teenage sweethearts suspected in a crime spree of stolen vehicles and pilfered checks across the South have been taken into custody in Florida, Kentucky authorities said Sunday. Grayson County Sheriff officials say in a statement that 18-year-old Dalton Hayes and his 13-year-old girlfriend, Cheyenne Phillips, were arrested without incident about 12,10am Sunday in Panama City Beach. The two had eluded police in multiple states while raising concern about their increasingly brazen behavior. Scroll down for video Caught: Dalton Hayes, 18, and his girlfriend Cheyenne Phillips, 13, were caught sleeping in the parking lot of a strip mall in a stolen truck early Sunday @highlight Dalton Hayes, 18, and Cheyenne Phillips, 13, were arrested while sleeping in a stolen truck about midnight on Sunday in Panama City Beach, Florida @highlight They are both being extradited back to Grayson County, Kentucky, to face multiple felony charges @highlight Crime spree spanned six states and lasted for two weeks
He said if Davis had been seeing @placeholder, it would be unusual for her friends not to know.
Friends of a young Sydney woman who could face the death penalty in China for allegedly trying to smuggle the drug 'ice' first became worried when she failed to show as a bridesmaid at her best mate's wedding in mid-November. Kalynda Davis, 22, a talented basketballer from Glenmore Park in Sydney's west, will face a Chinese court this week accused of trying to import 75kg of methamphetamine to Australia. She was arrested with Peter Gardner, 25, from Richmond in Sydney's north-west. Kalynda Davis, 22, has been arrested in China for smuggling drugs to Australia The 22-year-old woman (right), from Sydney's west, was arrested along with Peter Gardner (left), 25 @highlight Kalynda Davis and Peter Gardner could face execution over drug charges @highlight The pair allegedly tried to import 75kg of the drug 'ice' to Australia @highlight Davis' friends say the charges were a surprise and it was 'out of character' @highlight The 22-year-old and 25-year-old will face a Chinese court this week
@placeholder flaunted her toned stomach and perfectly proportioned curves as she splashed around in the shadows, milking her moment in the spotlight.
They met last summer in Ibiza and their friendship has recently blossomed into romance. And it's no wonder Barcelona football star Neymar seems smitten with his new girlfriend Soraja Vucelic after she was spotted showing off her amazing bikini body on Puro Beach in Tivat, Montenegro. The 28-year-old Serbian beauty - who is famous in her home country for appearing on Big Brother - donned a barely-there two-piece with a black and white striped pattern. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Bikini-clad Soraja Vucelic enjoying a ride on a segway Soraja Vucelic is said to have swept footballer Neymar off his feet... and it's not hard to see why @highlight Barcelona star met Vucelic last summer while on holiday in Ibiza @highlight Neymar has been pulling out the stops to keep his holiday romance alive @highlight Brazil ace is believed to have flown Serbian to Spain by private plane
Elsewhere in @placeholder, Australia's northeast state, it was a mixed picture.
(CNN) -- Thirteen townships in Australia's flooded Queensland state were evacuated Thursday as forecasters warned it may be weeks before river levels start to drop. All 130 residents of Condamine, about 185 miles inland from Brisbane, were evacuated because the town was inundated with water, Queensland Emergency Services Minister Neil Roberts told CNN. He said it was one of 13 townships where residents had to be moved out Thursday. In all, between 1,000 and 2,000 people have been evacuated, he said. Roberts was in Emerald, an inland city of 15,000 residents that was experiencing some of the worst flooding Thursday. The Fitzroy River there was rising and expected to peak Friday at a record level of 16.2 meters (53.2 feet), according to Jeff Perkins, a supervising hydrologist at Australia's Bureau of Meteorology. @highlight 13 townships are evacuated Thursday @highlight Condamine, Emerald, and Rockhampton are seeing the worst flooding @highlight Forecasters say many areas will still be at flood stage in 2 weeks
Hope: The McCann's lawyer said that the couple, seen here with a computer generated image of how @placeholder might have looked in 2012, are still motivated by the belief that she is still alive
'Suspicious' behaviour: A police profile of a suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance had a violent past, reported a Portuguese newspaper The suspected kidnapper of Madeleine McCann died in a tractor accident four years ago, it was claimed yesterday. The 40-year-old was a former employee at the Ocean Club holiday resort where the McCann family was staying and might have snatched Maddie in revenge after being sacked, a Portuguese newspaper reported. Police identified him as their main suspect after mobile phone records indicated he was around the McCanns’ holiday apartment in Praia da Luz when Maddie disappeared on May 3 2007, the paper claimed. @highlight The 40-year-old was an employee at the Ocean Club in Praia da Luz @highlight He died in a tractor accident back in 2009 according to Correio da Manha @highlight He was identified as the main suspect following mobile phone tests @highlight The report says Portuguese police believe he may have killed Madeleine
'Something like Bristol to Manchester would be classed as an intercity line, whereas something leaving from @placeholder and travelling through Wales is likely to be a regional line and would cost less.
Train passengers in England could cut their fares by more than 60 per cent - by buying their tickets a few miles over the border in Wales. A study has found that English commuters are shelling out more than those in Wales because of subsides on Welsh rail travel - funded by the taxpayer. The survey has found that people travelling from Bristol - 20 miles from the Welsh border - are paying over £50 more for journeys to major UK cities such as Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield. Scroll down for video Train passengers in England could cut their fares by more than 60 per cent - by buying their tickets a few miles over the border in Wales @highlight There are huge disparities between tickets bought in Bristol and Newport @highlight Government subsidies for Welsh and English passengers also vary hugely @highlight People travelling from Bristol paying £50 more for journeys to major cities @highlight But in Wales, the same destinations are up to £58.60 cheaper @highlight Ticket prices for the morning of Monday, January 12, generated by the Bristol Post newspaper.
By now, @placeholder needed two goals to go through and, in truth, they never looked likely to get them.
(CNN) -- Lionel Messi produced a performance of stunning brilliance, scoring all four goals as holders Barcelona beat Arsenal 4-1 to reach the semifinals of the Champions League 6-3 on aggregate on Tuesday. Messi turned on the style in the Nou Camp with one of the most devastating individual displays the competition has ever seen, as an injury-ravaged Arsenal side were torn apart. The match started started brightly for the Londoners who actually took a shock 18th-minute lead. Theo Walcott's pace had troubled Barca in the 2-2 first leg at The Emirates and the England winger created the opener with a break down the right. @highlight Lionel Messi scores all four goals as Barcelona thrash Arsenal 4-1 at the Nou Camp @highlight Arsenal take the lead through Nicklas Bendtner before Barcelona fight back @highlight The result sees holders Barcelona through to the semifinals 6-3 on aggregate
I never meant to hurt anyone,' said @placeholder on the stand.
The 30-year-old mother who tricked her entire community into believing her 5-year-old daughter had cancer has been spared jail today by an Iowa judge. Leatha Slauson, who cashed in more than $1,000 in donations for her child in August, has instead been ordered to spend five-years on probation in lieu of a sentence of two five-year jail terms. Slauson had faced up to 21 years in prison. District Court Judge Kathleen Kilnoski also ordered a tearful Slauson that she have no contact with her five children after she shaved her daughter Riley's head, medicated her with cannabis oil to bring on lethargy and even convinced her husband his child was dying. @highlight Leatha Slauson, 30, called 'repugnant' by judge today in Iowa for trick @highlight Shaved daughter Riley's head and fed her cannabis oil to simulate lethargy @highlight Set up charity page and received $1,000 and a trip to Disney World @highlight Kept the lie secret from her husband, close family and four other children @highlight Judge spared her prison time but has barred her from seeing her family @highlight Psychiatrist told the court he had diagnosed Slauson to be mentally ill
She said: 'We don't think there are shortcuts or unilateral measures that can be taken at the @placeholder or any place else that will bring about the outcome that the Palestinian people most seek,' she said.
By Darren Boyle for MailOnline A Palestinian barber has not allowed the destruction of his shop during the conflict between Hamas and Israel to put him out of business. The shop in Absen, near the town of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza strip was badly damaged as a result of the heavy shelling. The entire store front was destroyed and some internal ceilings collapsed, but amazingly, several large mirrors survived the heavy bombardment. This barber shop in Absen near Khan Yunis in southern Gaza was badly damaged in the conflict Despite losing the store front and part of his ceiling, the barber returned to work earlier this week @highlight Barber in southern Gaza reopens for business despite bomb damage @highlight The businessman has a queue of customers as life returns to normal @highlight Further peace talks between Israel and Palestine due to commence in days @highlight US proposes UN resolution to help bolster the Gaza cease-fire
@placeholder called her "a really good girl, always smiling, happy-go-lucky.
(CNN) -- The mother of a 4-year-old girl snatched from the front yard of her small-town Missouri home tried to chase after her daughter's abductor, a neighbor said Tuesday. Alisa Maier was kidnapped Monday evening in Louisiana, Missouri, while she was playing with her brother, police there said. Appearing at a news conference Tuesday morning, grandfather Roy Harrison told reporters, "I want this baby back." "Please, anybody, if you know anything, call this guy back here," he said, pointing to Louisiana Police Chief Richard Hughes. "Call the FBI. Call whoever you need to call." Anita McKlevis, who lives across the street from the family, said Alisa's mother was "just beside herself" and tried to pursue the man who abducted the girl. @highlight Alisa Maier was taken while in her front yard, playing with her brother @highlight Grandfather: "I want this baby back" @highlight Neighbor says mom tried to pursue abductor @highlight Search area extends into neighboring parts of Illinois
His more recent health crisis, a stroke, left him communicating by blinking his eyes, @placeholder recalled.
(CNN) -- Forty years after rising to the top of the boxing world and outdueling Muhammad Ali, Ken Norton lost his final fight -- a battle following a stroke -- at a Nevada medical facility, a friend said. He was 70 years old when he died Wednesday at a Veterans Affairs' medical facility in Henderson, Nevada, according to Gene Kilroy, who had managed Ali and more recently visited Norton as he recovered from a stroke. While some younger people may know him best as the father of former Dallas Cowboys and San Francisco 49ers linebacker Ken Norton Jr., the elder Norton was one of the most prominent figures in all of sports during the 1970s -- in large part because of his consistently great bouts with Ali. @highlight NEW: Mike Tyson calls Norton a "remarkable man" who was "always nice" @highlight Norton took up boxing in the Marines, went on to win 2 professional titles @highlight Norton faced off in three epic fights with Muhammed Ali @highlight He also appeared in about 20 films and was the father of 5 children
He met with @placeholder intelligence during a trip back to Australia, ABC reported.
Jerusalem (CNN) -- An Australian-Israeli dual citizen who died in an Israeli prison gave Australian intelligence details of his work with Israel's Mossad before his arrest, an Australian television network reported Tuesday. The fate of the man dubbed "Prisoner X" is now the subject of an investigation by Israel's parliament. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pleaded over the weekend for details to be kept quiet, warning "overexposure of security and intelligence activity" could harm Israel's security. But the Australian Broadcasting Corporation has identified him as Ben Zygier, and it reported Tuesday that he had reported "every aspect of his work" for the Mossad, Israel's spy agency, to the Australian Security Intelligence Organization. @highlight NEW: Australian network says 'Prisoner X' shared Israeli secrets with Australia @highlight The man died in an Israeli cell in December 2010; details have not been released @highlight Israeli lawmakers say they're investigating the case @highlight Netanyahu warns against "overexposure" of intelligence work
@placeholder also showed Pilate that he could escape if he chose to.
By Suzannah Hills PUBLISHED: 22:17 EST, 13 March 2013 | UPDATED: 03:37 EST, 14 March 2013 Revelations: Part of the manuscript containing the newly deciphered Passion story of Jesus A newly deciphered Egyptian text which dates back almost 1,200 years tells part of the crucifixion story of Jesus with never heard before apocryphal plot twists. The ancient text tells of Pontius Pilate, the judge who authorised Jesus' crucifixion, offering to sacrifice his own son in the place of Jesus. The text also claims that Jesus had the ability to change shape and puts the day of the arrest of Jesus on Tuesday evening rather than Thursday evening - contravening the Easter timeline. @highlight The ancient Egyptian text dates back almost 1,200 years @highlight Roelof van den Broek, of Utrecht University, has translated the text @highlight Manuscript is kept at the Morgan Library and Museum in New York @highlight It claims Jesus was a shape shifter and was arrested on Tuesday rather than Thursday evening - contravening the Easter timeline
@placeholder has changed its logo five times - but settled on a minimalist logo quickly
By Mark Prigg PUBLISHED: 15:43 EST, 23 August 2012 | UPDATED: 08:47 EST, 24 August 2012 Microsoft has unveiled in first new logo in a quarter of a century. The firm hopes the new, minimalist logo will help improve its image. It comes as the Redmond giant prepares to release a new software and its first hardware product, a tablet designed to take on the iPad. The makeover unveiled on Thursday marks the first time that Microsoft has revamped its logo since February 1987 - when the internet was only beginning its rise to popularity, and mobile phones were rare. @highlight Firm hopes new minimalist logo will help it compete with 'cool' Apple @highlight It is Microsoft's first new logo since February 1987 @highlight Company changed logo as it prepares to launch a series of new products
In the case of Romney, the @placeholder hatred of Obama is so great that the party is willing to compromise on a candidate whose politics are hard to pin down but who stands a better chance of winning in November.
Princeton, New Jersey (CNN) -- This presidential election tells us something unexpected about American politics. For all the talk about polarization and discord in Washington, it appears that both parties will have pragmatic problem-solvers at the top of their tickets. Democrats have accepted four more years with a pragmatist. President Barack Obama has consistently been willing to anger members of his own party by reaching out to Republicans and often embracing their issues, such as deficit reduction. Rather than a fighting for an ideological agenda, he has instead focused on one problem at a time and accepted the constraints that he faces. @highlight Is America really a deeply polarized country, as some suggest? @highlight Julian Zelizer says Obama, Romney have appeal to the center of the spectrum @highlight He says the two parties are choosing not to run candidates with polarizing ideology @highlight Zelizer: There is still a strong yearning for compromise and moderation in D.C.
@placeholder is named by the government as the 'best' council for tackling council tax arrears, worth just £14 per household.
Unpaid council tax is adding up to £450 for every home in some areas of the country, with town halls accused of turning a 'blind eye' to people who refuse to pay up. Latest figures show £2.5billion is owed in council tax areas in England, equivalent to more than £100 for every home in the country, with £3 in every £100 going uncollected last year. The government has named Liverpool as the 'worst' at tackling the problem, with arrears totalling £450 per family, compared to Amber Valley in Derbyshire where the figure is just £14. Scrolls down for video Many councils in London and the North West of England are owed millions in unpaid council tax, worth up to £450 per household, according to the Department for Communities and Local Government @highlight £2.5billion is owed in unpaid council tax in England, latest figures show @highlight Bill is equivalent to more than £100 for every property in the country @highlight Huge variation between collection rates in different local authorities @highlight Liverpool named as the 'worst' council, at £450 unpaid per property @highlight Amber Valley in Derbyshire is the 'best', with just £14 owed per home
While the rest of the developed world is rushing headlong into smartphone heaven -- with powerful touchscreen devices that are more mini computer than voice-calling phone -- Africa's workhorses are the kind of phone seen in @placeholder cities circa 1998.
The internet in Africa is entirely different to the internet used in the developed world. In America or Europe, the internet is generally something you surf on a computer or tablet -- a device with a 10-inch to 15-inch screen. In Africa, hundreds of millions of people will experience the internet for the first time on a 2-inch cellphone screen. Probably in black and white. And probably only as text. They may not even know they are using the internet. Google, for instance, offers search and Gmail via SMS, the text message service that is still the most popular form of communication. @highlight The first time most Africans use the internet is on a mobile phone, says Toby Shapshak @highlight Shapshak: While many don't have electricity, mobiles mean anyone can have a phone @highlight Mobile money is big business - half of Kenya's GDP now moves via this method @highlight In South Africa, 25 per cent of Google searches are via mobile
'It is the only treatment in the whole world for @placeholder.'
By Daniel Mills An 18-year-old Gold Coast girl has won her bid to have a $680,000-a-year drug subsidised so that she can receive ongoing medical treatments to keep her alive. Bianca Scott, who spent her recent 18th birthday wishing to stay alive, will finally have access to her first government-funded dose of Soliris, which will save her family more than $24,000 a fortnight and help her fight a very rare immune disease which attacks her internal organs. Ms Scott is suffering the life-threatening blood disease called atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome, or aHUS which can result in blood clots and can destroy internal organs. Bianca has had 11 doses of Soliris since February, costing her family about $250,000, but now she will be given the drug for less after a joint State and Federal Government-funding agreement was reached. @highlight Bianca Scott will receive subsidised life-saving drug treatment @highlight She suffers from a rare immune condition called aHUS @highlight Soliris treats the condition but at full price costs $24,000 a fortnight @highlight The 18-year-old's mother spent up to $250,000 treating her daughter @highlight Her case has opened up debate to subsidise the drug long term
This got huge applause in the hall because it was a criticism of @placeholder.
(CNN) -- Clint Eastwood's rambling speech to an empty chair in Tampa, Florida, was more than just awkward performance art on a political stage. It actually provided a useful metaphor for one of the most nauseating aspects of this presidential election -- the growing gap between narrative and facts. One of my favorite quotes is by the late, great Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan: "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." But because of the rise of partisan media, amplified by the echo chamber of the Internet and talk radio, today everyone comes to civic debates armed with their own facts. @highlight John Avlon: Eastwood's empty chair points to the gap between campaign talk, reality @highlight He says partisans on both sides distort their opponents' views, play loose with facts @highlight Avlon: The distortions are particularly apparent on issues such as health care, Medicare @highlight He says the convention gives President Obama a chance to sketch a second-term agenda
‘He was speaking @placeholder but no one could understand him because we don't have Japanese players.’
Dejan Lovren, the Croatian player at the centre of the penalty storm that overshadowed the opening game here in Sao Paulo, has declared that ‘they might as well give Brazil the World Cup’ now. Stunned by Yuichi Nishimura’s decision to award a penalty against him for what the Japanese referee thought was a foul on Fred, Southampton defender Lovren echoed his coach, Niko Kovac, in tearing into the official. Asked if he felt the referee had favoured the hosts, Lovren - who is a reported target for Liverpool this summer - said: ‘Maybe yes, maybe no. Fuming: Dejan Lovren (left) has blasted Brazil should be given the World Cup following their opening win @highlight Dejan Lovren has blasted referee Yuichi Nishimura for his refereeing display @highlight Nishimura awarded Brazil a penalty for Lovren's foul on Fred in Croatia's Group A match against the hosts @highlight Lovren questioned Nishimura's appointment due to his lack of English @highlight Vedran Corluka echoed Lovren's sentiments sarcastically stating Brazil should be given the World Cup if referees continue 'embarrassing' decisions @highlight Croatia lost 3-1 to Brazil in the World Cup opening game on Thursday @highlight Neymar double and Oscar strike cancel out Marcelo's own goal
Sam Allardyce has been under increasing pressure at @placeholder, but hopes Valencia can provide goals
Sam Allardyce is ready to unleash £12million signing Enner Valencia and wants the Ecuador striker to repeat his World Cup form. Valencia scored three times for his country in Brazil but has made just two substitute appearances for West Ham so far. He is expected to line up at Hull tonight following a goalscoring outing for his country in a 4-0 win against Bolivia. Allardyce said: ‘He is ready to start. It will be a great boost for us once he gets out there and produces what he did at the World Cup.’ Enner Valencia (left) played in the Capital One Cup against Sheffield United @highlight Enner Valencia signed for the Hammers following this summer's World Cup @highlight He cost the east London club £12 million @highlight Ecuadorian Valencia scored three times for his country in Brazil @highlight He has only made two substitute appearances for West Ham so far
The police in the current case suspected @placeholder of drug violations and tracked his movements continuously for one month by installing a GPS device on his car.
(CNN) -- On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will confront the profound impact of new location-tracking technologies on Americans' privacy. The case, U.S. v. Jones, presents the question of whether law enforcement needs a warrant before planting a GPS tracking device on a person's car. The answer to this question is important in its own right, but the case is likely to have broader implications. Attaching a GPS to a car isn't the only way the government can track people's movements. In fact, everyone with a cell phone is already carrying a device that the government can use to track his or her location. As a result, the principle at stake in this case may well shape our privacy rights in the years and decades to come. @highlight Should law enforcement need a warrant before planting a GPS tracking device on a car? @highlight Yes, the Supreme Court ought to decide that they should, says Catherine Crump @highlight The principle at stake in a current case may well shape our privacy rights, she says @highlight All of us can already easily be tracked through our cell phones, Crump says
@placeholder, for example, is a master of martial arts and this is reflected in his wide-range of kicks, punches and grapples.
By Talal Musa PUBLISHED: 14:46 EST, 5 March 2013 | UPDATED: 15:23 EST, 5 March 2013 Superhero beat-em-ups are very thin on the ground. Although Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe was a commendable effort, it oozed 'identity crisis'. The former's trademark gore was sacrificed while the idea of DC characters doing 'finishing moves' didn't quite work. Thankfully, NetherRealm Studios addressed this, releasing the brilliant and brutal Mortal Kombat in 2011. Claws are out: Catwoman is one of the playable characters, and she can use her whip to damage opponents Now the same team have developed Injustice: Gods Among Us... and it's looking like the game superhero fans have been waiting for. @highlight Beat-em-up lets you battle with some of the greatest comic book icons @highlight Developed by the team behind the brilliant 'reboot' of Mortal Kombat @highlight Each character has own special moves and abilities @highlight WATCH video of Batman versus Bane at bottom of page
there was no hard feelings, @placeholder actually sent a good luck gift to
By Emily Sheridan PUBLISHED: 02:39 EST, 24 September 2012 | UPDATED: 09:31 EST, 24 September 2012 A 'nervous, happy and desperate to get on with it' Nick Grimshaw made his debut as the new host of the BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show today. The Oldham-native, 28, took to the microphone at 6.30am for his first day, kicking off the show with Kanye West and Jay-Z's duet N***** In Paris. Before his first track, Nick introduced himself: 'So this is happening, it's actually happening. Good morning Britain, I'm Nick Grimshaw. Scroll down for video New boy: Nick Grimshaw looks contemplative on his first day hosting the Radio 1 Breakfast Show @highlight New show has less talk, more music than forerunner Chris Moyles @highlight Show just features Nick in the studio, as apposed to Moyles 'zoo' full of sidekicks @highlight Critics heap praise on the 'cool' and 'fun' host for bringing Radio 1 back to the youth
He was often beset with physical ailments during his long, grueling "@placeholder" run.
(CNN) -- He was the logical synthesis of John Wayne and Jack Benny. Interlace the Duke's measured drawl and virile swagger with Benny's comic timing and shrewd use of wordless exasperation, and you have James Garner, who died Saturday night in Los Angeles at 86. His persona: Laid-back pragmatist ... or, if you needed to be a tad more provocative about it, coolly principled coward. It endeared him to generations of moviegoers and television viewers. Garner's most cherished roles shared, to varying degrees, a bent gallantry that saw little need to advertise or flaunt itself before others. In his entry on "The Rockford Files"-- the 1974-80 TV series in which Garner played a perennially, often unjustly besieged private detective living in a trailer -- Gene Sculatti's "The Catalog of Cool" summed up "Gentleman Jim's beat message: Very few expenditures of energy are worth the effort. Like Zen, man." @highlight Gene Seymour: James Garner won a devoted following playing the coolly principled coward @highlight He was noted for "Rockford Files" and "Maverick," in which he played reluctant do-gooder @highlight Seymour: His movies uneven, but "The Americanization of Emily" was a perfect fit @highlight Seymour: Garner's persona was not Oscar bait, but audiences loved him
@placeholder is like a big free jukebox that streams tunes you handpick -- no downloading involved.
(CNN) -- As Santa busily sorts the naughty from the nice in a kind of seasonal secular judgment day, it's time to think back on all the promises you broke this year. Now, as this montage of moments flits through your head, let's home in on all those times you've sworn you'll totally give your buddy some good new tunes or your photos of an event. Yeah ... fail. As the internet has made sharing files and information a snap, we've all gotten into the habit of breezily vowing to share our digital goods. But you could also argue that the Web has contributed to our epidemic laziness. (Case in point: Taking the "outsource my life" stunt to a higher, more penny-pinching level, Fiverr lets you hire strangers to take care of all sorts of odd jobs for you for a mere $5.) @highlight We've all gotten into the habit of breezily vowing to share our internet goods with friends @highlight But you could also argue the Web has contributed to our epidemic laziness @highlight Here's how to share music through Songza or photos through Picasa
On one side, many see Snowden as a traitor and criminal for unlawfully taking and disseminating @placeholder files relating to its mass collection of electronic information, including e-mail and phone data.
Two prominent newspapers this week used their editorial pages to call for mercy for intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, with one arguing "he deserves better than a life of permanent exile, fear and flight." The New York Times and The Guardian make the case for some sort of plea deal or clemency that would allow Snowden to return to the United States from Russia, where he was granted asylum. Mercy or dropped charges have occurred in past cases of other high-profile whistle-blowers, such as Daniel Ellsberg, the military analyst behind the leak of the Pentagon Papers. But in recent years, the United States has aggressively pursued those who leak government secrets. @highlight Two newspapers call for clemency for NSA leaker Edward Snowden @highlight The Obama administration is against clemency @highlight Leakers in the past have received some mercy @highlight More recent cases show tougher consequences for their actions
@placeholder, a woman accustomed to celebrating others' accomplishments, was visibly moved by Sunday's recognition.
Washington (CNN) -- Superfluous (su-PER-flu-us): Adjective. Unnecessary or needless; difficult to pronounce for a president with a split lip. President Barack Obama grappled with the word Sunday evening at a White House event for this year's Kennedy Center honorees as he read from an opinion by legendary Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. "It's this lip. It's hard to say," Obama said to chuckles from the audience. "You try it when you've had 12 stitches." The Chart: What happens when you split your lip Obama got a dozen stitches in his lip after being elbowed during a pickup basketball game the day after Thanksgiving. He received applause from the crowd when he finally managed to pronounce the word, included in a 1926 dissent from Holmes in defense of the arts. @highlight President's struggle drew chuckles at White House event @highlight "You try it when you've had 12 stitches," Obama says @highlight Honorees for Kennedy Center awards range from Merle Haggard to Oprah Winfrey
'We are aware that their relationship went back some three years and that @placeholder had been to New York to meet him.
CCTV footage capture Sammy Almahri on film on the night of Miss Aburas's suspected murder. It is believed he has not fled to Tanzania An international manhunt is underway for a ‘dangerous and resourceful’ man after his online girlfriend was found dead in a hotel room on New Year's Eve. The body of Nadine Aburas, 28, was discovered by staff at the Future Inn hotel in Cardiff hours after New-York based suspect Sammy Almahri, 44, fled from Heathrow Airport. The 44-year-old American flew out of the UK in the middle of the night – and is now the subject of a manhunt on four continents, suspected of her murder. @highlight Body of Nadine Aburas discovered by staff at the Future Inn hotel in Cardiff @highlight Police are treating death as murder and tracing suspect Sammy Almahri @highlight The 44-year-old US national from New York, is believed to be in Tanzania @highlight Caught a flight from Heathrow hours after Miss Aburas was last seen @highlight Thought that the pair had met online and he flew into UK on Boxing Day @highlight Police have described Almahri as both 'resourceful and dangerous' @highlight Miss Aburas's family have paid tribute to their 'bubbly' and 'unique' girl
@placeholder -- The TV sitcom icon was diagnosed with a rare and lethal form of brain cancer but has said she is feeling much better, and doctors have told her there is "less evidence of cancer" now.
(CNN) -- "Dancing With the Stars" is facing its biggest test this fall. The long-running ABC series has seen ratings tumble in recent seasons, and critics have taken aim at the show for being predictable and stale. As a result, "Dancing" will air just one night a week this season. But the show continues to persevere, and hosts Tom Bergeron and Brooke Burke-Charvet unveiled the 17th season cast Wednesday morning on ABC's "Good Morning America." Based on the list alone, the celebrities appear to be an upgrade from previous seasons, but will it be enough to revive interest in the show? @highlight "Dancing With the Stars" has several surprising new cast members @highlight Actress Valerie Harper will compete despite a cancer diagnosis @highlight The show's season premiere is September 16
‘@placeholder’s a good looking girl, and she knows she is.'
By Neil Sears and David Gardner and Jessica Jerreat The relationship between Google co-founder Sergey Brin and the company's marketing manager Amanda Rosenberg may have broken the Internet giant's company code. Miss Rosenberg, who is credited with coming up with the 'OK, Glass' command for Google Glass was named as the new lover of Brin, 40, yesterday. Google has been rocked by talk of the romance, and a spokesman yesterday confirmed that Brin – one of the world’s richest men with a $23 billion fortune – has for several months been living apart from his wife of six years, and mother of his two children, Anne Wojcicki. @highlight Employees advised to think about whether relationship would embarrass company or harm their reputation @highlight Amanda Rosenberg previously linked to another company executive @highlight Google co-founder is one of the world's richest men with $23bn fortune @highlight He and wife Anne Wojcicki, both 40, married in 2007 and have two children @highlight Miss Rosenberg went to the same $48,000-a-year school as the Middletons @highlight She is marketing manager for Google's Glass computerised spectacles @highlight 27-year-old came up with the 'Ok, Glass' command to activate the device
It emerged @placeholder had originally paid £3,000 for the act but then added to it adapting it through the years, spending a further £3,500.
By Tom Goodenough PUBLISHED: 09:15 EST, 10 July 2012 | UPDATED: 01:42 EST, 11 July 2012 A circus acrobat who starred in Britain’s Got Talent lost his 'Wheel of Death' stunt act after a disgruntled nephew stole it and sold it for scrap, a court heard today. Wayne Vanderwesthuizen, 46, was planning to use the machine after he got through to the second round of the ITV talent show. But it went missing from storage in Blackpool, Lancashire, after a row with his nephew Jeremy, 26, over £3,500 unpaid wages, it was said. The Vander Brothers performing on the Triple Wheel of Death before the act went missing @highlight Wayne Vanderwesthuizen, 46, spent £6,500 on the 'Wheel of Death' but his nephew sold the act for just £585, it is alleged @highlight Court also hears that Jeremy Vanderwesthuizen sold his uncle's van on eBay after claiming he was owed money for performances @highlight Vanderwesthuizens were set to star in the second round of Britain's Got Talent before the act went missing
For the record, the hottest @placeholder was in 2009 when the average daily temperature was 34.7 Celsius, with Djokovic the most high-profile victim.
(CNN) -- Maria Sharapova once labeled the conditions as "inhuman" and three-time defending men's champion Novak Djokovic suffered a dramatic meltdown in a quarterfinal match in 2009 so it's with a degree of trepidation that the world's elite go into the Australian Open with a heatwave forecast for Melbourne. Temperatures are predicted to reach a blistering 42 degrees Celsius Tuesday (107 Fahrenheit) and remain at that level until the weekend. While the opening grand slam of the season has an Extreme Heat Policy -- in place since 1998 -- it is rarely invoked and players simply have to make do. @highlight High temperatures expected for Australian Open tennis championships @highlight Temperatures set to reach 42 degrees Celsius in Melbourne @highlight Tournament has an 'Extreme Heat' policy @highlight Men's champion Novak Djokovic fell victim to conditions in 2009
Security services have also been attempting to uncover the identity of @placeholder, who appears to speak with a British accent.
Two British ex-soldiers who travelled to Syria to fight the Islamic State have told how they want revenge for the execution of aid worker Alan Henning. James Hughes, 26, and Jamie Read, 24, are helping Kurdish Peshmerga defend the embattled city of Kobane from the terror group. Speaking from the front line, Mr Read, from Cumbria, said he believed ISIS was 'the biggest threat the world faces' and felt compelled to act even though his family had concerns. 'Killing the aid worker was the final straw,' he said. Taxi driver Mr Henning, 47, was killed by a masked militant known as Jihadi John in a video released online in October following a string of similarly publicised killings. @highlight James Hughes and Jamie Read are helping Kurds defend city of Kobane @highlight Mr Read, 24, said he believed ISIS was 'the biggest threat the world faces' @highlight Father-of-two Alan Henning executed by ISIS fighter known as Jihadi John
Like @placeholder's other "tycoons", he has suffered a beating from the Israeli media and in public opinion since the 2011 social protests, when hundreds of thousands of middle-class citizens demonstrated against high living costs and an economy largely controlled by a few rich family conglomerates.
(Financial Times) -- Idan Ofer, Israel's richest man, is relocating to London in a move likely to inflame debate about unfettered wealth and inequality in his country. Mr Ofer, 57, who has an estimated net worth of $6.5bn, is making the move for what an associate said were personal reasons. His mother lives in London and his son recently left the Israeli army and plans to study abroad, possibly in the UK. "There are a number of family reasons which mean it makes sense for him to spend more time in London than he has previously and make that more of a base," a person close to the Israeli billionaire told the Financial Times on Monday. @highlight Israel's richest man is moving to London for "family reasons" @highlight Idan Ofer is worth $6.5 billion @highlight Ofer is controlling shareholder of Israel corp, the country's largest holding company @highlight Israelis demonstrated in 2011 against the influence of the country's wealthy magnates
In a statement Thursday, @placeholder said he has suggested that the law be halted, but efforts to develop the Bedouin communities in the Negev continue.
(CNN) -- Israel has halted a plan that would have displaced tens of thousands of Bedouins in the southern part of the country. The controversial plan would have involved destroying "unrecognized" villages in the Negev, and resettling the displaced Bedouin citizens into "recognized" villages. Benny Begin, a former lawmaker who helped construct the plan, said Thursday it does not have enough votes in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament, to move forward. The Prawer Plan was based on an effort to better integrate Israel's Bedouin population into Israeli society. Following recommendations of a committee chaired by retired Supreme Court Justice Eliezer Goldberg, the Israeli Cabinet approved a plan in 2011. The Cabinet also approved more economic development in the Bedouin sector of the Negev, the government said at the time. @highlight Israel halted a controversial plan that would have displaced tens of thousands of Bedouins @highlight The plan, which angered the Bedouins, did not get enough votes in parliament @highlight The aim was to integrate the historic farming community more into Israeli society
Russia's aggression in Ukraine certainly presents a threat to @placeholder.
(CNN) -- As Moscow escalates its invasion of eastern Ukraine and NATO convenes this week in Wales, the United States, NATO, and free nations around the world confront a pivotal moment of truth. If the international community, led by the United States, fails to respond in a strong and unified manner to Moscow's blatant aggression in Ukraine, the ramifications will be both serious and far-reaching. By now, it should be clear to all objective observers that Russian President Vladimir Putin is not impressed by starkly worded statements and declarations, and if that is the only outcome in Wales, it could represent a historic failure of the alliance at a time when NATO's foundational purpose has renewed relevance. @highlight Sen. Kelly Ayotte: Moscow's escalation presents a challenge for NATO leadership @highlight She says starkly worded statements haven't deterred Russia's Vladimir Putin @highlight NATO needs to ramp up economic sanctions, provide military aid to Ukraine @highlight Ayotte: Failure to act would invite more aggression
However her mom says when she ran the same stats through another @placeholder tool and her daughter came out in the middle of the ‘healthy weight’ section.
By David Mccormack A mom of two is gunning for the New York Department of Education after her pencil-thin daughter was sent home from school on Wednesday with a letter informing her parents that she is overweight. Laura Bruij Williams, from Staten Island, New York, was tucking her daughter Gwendolyn in for the night when the young girl asked her if she was fat. ‘She said, “Hey, Mom. The school told me I’m overweight.” And then she started jiggling her thighs, and saying, “Is this what they mean?’” Laura Bruij Williams, from Staten Island, New York, is gunning for the New York Department of Education after her pencil-thin daughter, Gwendolyn, was sent home from school with a letter claiming that she is overweight @highlight Laura Bruij Williams is upset with the NYC Department of Education after her daughter was sent home with a letter that said she was overweight @highlight Gwendolyn is a healthy, self-confident nine-year-old, who was one pound over the 'average' according to the Body Mass Index the Department used @highlight According to Gwendolyn’s Fitnessgram she is 4-foot-1, 66 pounds and has a BMI of 19 @highlight The notes were handed out to the children at school and they were told not to open them @highlight Many couldn't resist the temptation to peek and several were in tears on the school bus after finding themselves labelled fat @highlight 'Parents should be in charge of the health of their own children,' said Bruij Williams who has complained to the principal
On target: Holland's @placeholder fires the ball through a crowd of bodies to equalise against Mexico
By Ian Ladyman Follow @@Ian_Ladyman_DM Nearly every team which reached the last eight of this remarkable World Cup had nervous moments. But none came as close to elimination as Holland. Only five minutes remained in the Fortaleza oven against Mexico last weekend when Wesley Sneijder’s right foot kicked new life into the Dutch challenge and ripped a hole in the hearts of the Central Americans. Klaas-Jan Huntelaar’s penalty a few minutes later completed the Dutch revival but that afternoon led to some introspection within Louis van Gaal’s squad. So we may see a slightly different approach to Saturday’s meeting with Costa Rica. @highlight Arjen Robben keen for Holland to take charge of Saturday's quarter-final clash with Costa Rica @highlight Holland have set up to soak pressure and hit teams on the counter-attack using the talents of Robben, Wesley Sneijder and Robin van Persie @highlight Louis van Gaal's side produced dramatic late comeback against Mexico in the last-16 @highlight Oranje have scored 12 goals in four World Cup matches
In a segregated society, church was the place where people fulfilled their human potential, developed their @placeholder-given talents, made corporate decisions, voted for their officers, owned property, created benevolent societies, raised money for schools and scholarships, celebrated their marriages, blessed their babies, mourned their loved ones' deaths and even learned how to read.
(CNN) -- It cannot be denied that African-Americans have made tremendous progress -- and one of the most significant factors that contributed to black success and survival has been our faith in God. The manifestation of that faith is the religious community, which consists mostly of Christian churches that have produced positive spiritual, social, economic and political results for black America. The question is whether black churches can continue to be the instruments of empowerment that they historically have been. Perhaps an understanding of the emergence and prominence of the African- American church will offer some insight to the potential that these churches still possess. @highlight DeForest Soaries: Churches helped blacks' political, cultural, spiritual progress @highlight Slaves found, in the Bible, a means to cope with dire circumstances, he writes @highlight More than place of a worship, Soaries says. People fulfilled potential there @highlight He says black churches instrumental in helping people survive and succeed
The report adds: ‘Those travelling in and around @placeholder should also be aware that the M25 has 16 planned road works in the week leading up to Christmas, two of which are expected to cause moderate delays of up to 30 minutes.’
The festive getaway is a notoriously busy time on Britain’s roads. But families planning car journeys face added misery this year – with a staggering 403 roadworks projects going on during Christmas week. The M4, one of the main routes to and from Heathrow Airport, is the worst affected motorway with 34 scheduled works. While the M40, between London and Birmingham, has six planned disruptions in the lead-up to Christmas. There will be added misery for families planning to travel during Christmas week with 403 roadworks planned The M1, which connects London with the North, is also likely to be slow-moving in places, along with the M25, M6 and M5. @highlight Families planning Christmas journeys face added misery this year @highlight Staggering 403 roadworks projects going on during Christmas week @highlight M4 will be the worst with 34 scheduled works with 30 minute delays @highlight M1 is also likely to be slow-moving in places, along with M25, M6 and M5
Even though he killed the buck legally on land just north of @placeholder's city limits, Kinnaman knew he would be pilloried for shooting it.
A deer hunter is fearing for his life after he killed a rare albino buck in Missouri and posted photos of its corpse on Facebook, sparking outrage across the social network. Jerry Kinnaman himself has now become a target since slaying the animal with a bow and arrow on a friend's property in Cape Girardeau County as dawn broke on Tuesday. 'Not my biggest buck but at 7 1/2 years old he might be the oldest,' Kinnaman wrote on Facebook alongside pictures of the dead deer. 'Let the bashing begin!' But killing the deer, which was something of a local celebrity on account of its striking appearance, has sparked a frenzy of anger and even led to death threats against him. @highlight Jerry Kinnaman shot deer with bow in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri @highlight The deer was a local celebrity on account of its rare albino appearance @highlight But he has become target of abuse after killing it and posting photos @highlight He claims deer was old and unwell and would have died soon anyway @highlight He says he plans to have it stuffed and displayed in a local nature center
"Get away from my wife and the baby with the camera," said @placeholder, who could be heard yelling on video taken of the incident.
New York (CNN) -- Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested Tuesday and issued two summonses -- one for disorderly conduct -- after riding a bicycle the wrong way on a New York street, police said. The "30 Rock" star allegedly became angry and started yelling at police after they asked him for identification to give him a summons, police said. The other summons was for riding a bike against the flow of traffic. Baldwin is to appear in court July 24. "Police stated that he got belligerent and started arguing with them and using profanity," Deputy Chief Kim Y. Royster said. @highlight New: After arrest Baldwin tweets NYC "is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity" @highlight Baldwin was arrested for riding bike the wrong way in Manhattan, police say @highlight The actor reportedly became angry and yelled at officers, police say @highlight "How old are these officers, that they don't know who I am?" he told police, an official said
It's a viable hypothesis from July 1 when his contract with @placeholder expires.'
AC Milan will only make a move for Liverpool midfielder Suso once he becomes a free agent this summer, according to club administrator Adriano Galliani. Reports in Italy claim the 21-year-old, whose current deal with the Reds expires in July, has agreed a four-year contract with the Rossoneri outfit and could even join the San Siro club this month. When asked about Suso, Galliani told his club's official website: 'It's a hypothesis. Liverpool midfielder Suso's (right) agents were in Milan on Monday to broker the transfer Suso's (right) Liverpool contract is up at the end of the season and AC Milan want to sign the midfielder @highlight Suso's current deal at Liverpool expires in the summer @highlight AC Milan are keen to take him to the San Siro but ruled out January move @highlight Reports claim the midfielder has already agreed a four-year deal with Milan