How can I get a match demo that I can't download?
I've been away from the game for a few months and I remember a match where I had a 2K one round and I downloaded the match again, but now I cannot download my game to watch later. The only thing I can view is the scoreboard of that match. Is there a way I can download the demo? It doesn't have download as an option when I right-click the on the match.
Minecraft graphic bug after some minutes playing
I just start the game, start loading the world and after a few seconds, this happens. I have the graphic drivers up to date and also I did update the java, nothing works. ![The game stays just like this](http://i.stack.imgur.com/JPDUD.png) I tried creative mode, and also I can't see a lot of the block icons! ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/tL7cC.png)
Move saves from cartridge to sd card
I wonna buy permament digital copy of the game; Can I somehow transfer my savedata from the cartridge to the inner 3ds memory and continue playing that town in digital game?
Checking my Intel collection progress
Where can I find the number of Intel items I have found for each level? I am sure I seen something at one point but I may be getting confused. Either way I cannot find them now. If I remember correctly from past games, this could be found on the mission select screen but it is not there this time. Some how, on my first play through I didn't manage to find any! Perhaps I was expected big orange boxes. Now I am replaying on veteran and have decided to keep a look out. So far I have found 3 on the first level and and working through the second at the moment (I think I have 2 so far) It is not so much a problem at the moment but I would like to see which ones I missed upon completion so I can go back and find them Thanks
What's in the next-to-last room?
So I recently played through Abe's Exoddus again, finally paying close enough attention to find all the secret areas and rescue everyone. However one thing I noticed that actually always bothered me: in the final level, after getting and using the Shrykull, you drop down _two_ rooms. In the last room you rescue the final four slaves before escaping. However in the room just before that, where you just fall straight through, there are four UXBs and more importantly an Abe Portal. There's an open trapdoor (that you fall through), which suggests that it could be closed, resulting in you needing to defuse the bombs and go through the portal. ![screenshot](http://i.stack.imgur.com/eEodHl.jpg) What's through there, and why is the door always open making the room seemingly useless?
Increasing Premium Items at Re-Tail in Animal Crossing: New Leaf
One of my villagers mentioned that you can get Re-Tail to buy more than one item at premium prices if you get streetpasses - but I've been unable to get this to happen. I regularly get streetpasses and I've tried checking * when I've gotten a non-AC streetpass before loading the game for the day * checking the board/shop after having gotten a non-AC streetpass * when I've gotten an AC streetpass before loading the game for the day * checking the board/shop after having gotten an AC streetpass but there's never more than one item being bought at the premium price. What am I doing wrong? **update** I still have the night-owl ordinance in effect - and I have never had the bell-boom ordinance in effect. A few days ago, I received a few streetpasses - no more than normal - and had three premium items listed.
Borderlands 2, skin and head problems?
I am having problem with the skins and head customization. I have got new heads and skins that are universal (like the Minecraft) and one's for my class and even unlocked heads. It says I unlocked it but everytime I go to change my skin/head, the items don't show up on the list. How can I fix this?
What is a season pass?
I have noticed recently on Steam for a variety of games that they've started to sell something called a "Season Pass". For an example of some of the season passes I've seen, see the following; * Worms Revolution Season Pass * Borderlands 2 Season Pass In both instances, these appear to be for future downloadable content which is/are not yet available. Are season passes in terms of gaming a new thing? Is this something specific to Steam? Is it always essentially pre-selling downloadable content or are there other examples where a season pass for a game provides additional benefits?
How do I duplicate items?
I just retrieved the Jagged Crown in Skyrim for Xbox 360, and see that it sells for 5000 gold. I heard that there is a duplication glitch in putting the item on a mannequin. Anyone know how to do this? Where can I find one in the game? I do not yet have a house.
What exactly does weapon weight affects?
Weapon you use has weight, and of course it changes depending on which parts you use. What exactly does the weapon weight affect?
How to control the Rocket Powered VTOL?
When I try to control the Rocket Powered VTOL in KSP, it just tilts one way, and then when I try to correct it, it goes way, way the other way. For the moment this is just in the Kerbin atmosphere. What's the proper way to fly it?
Can't seem to achieve free destruction spells in Skyrim?
This is my apparel: Robes : 25% Destruction + 25% Conjuration spell reduction cost Ring: 25% Destruction + 25% Conjuration spell reduction cost Also, I've got the perk for "Cast Adept spells for Half Magicka" perk in the destruction tree. But Ice Storm spell, which is Adept level, still costs me magicka and I'm out in about 9 dual casts with 600 magicka (nothing like the vids on youtube where it costs nothing to cast them). I've used Grand Soul gems for enchanting my stuff. Is this the reason they don't work? I've also added/removed my apparel, but though the reduction shows up in 'active effects', it doesn't do anything. Help, please? EDIT: I've just been reading up, and sorry, I did not notice that you need to enchant 4 pieces of apparel with 25%. This works, true, but then the perks of cost reduction are completely pointless right? What is the reason for those perks, can someone please clarify?
Minecraft Retractable staircase hangs on one side - sticky piston
I've build a retractable staircase. But, on the right side, the sticky piston stays in the open position. Does anyone know why? ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/sU9TY.jpg) ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/rWJAq.jpg) ![http://imageshack.us/photo/my- images/193/20120106103704.png/](http://i.stack.imgur.com/K08DN.jpg)
How to survive the curse-frogs in Dark Souls?
I am in the depths, fell down a hole and died to a curse when three frog things pounced. Is there a way to block the fog, or do you just have to kill them before they burp it up?
What level should I be by the time I face the Warden in Borderlands 2?
So I epically failed the first time and it looks like I ended up going the friendship gulag route. The problem is I still cant' beat the warden. I was at level 12 and I was getting absolutely no where, so I left the mission and went and did a few side missions. I am now level 14 and I have a rocket launcher that barely does 1000 damage, am I ready to face him?
If an item can be bought in a shop is it guaranteed to be available for purchase in the catalog?
I am still two days away from getting the T&T Mart so I have been hoarding everything I have bought or found so far 'just in case'. I have officially run out of space in my inventory though. I just wanted to confirm that if something is bought in a store, found in a tree, or balloon that it can be re- purchased? For example I found a Makar's Mask in Labelle's one day. I feel like it should be a Nintendo Item but I was able to buy it from the store. Does that mean I am guaranteed to be able to purchase it from the catalog anyway because I found it in a store? I know that Nintendo items that Tommy and Timmy give me for Fortune Cookies cannot be repurchased, and of course any items not in the list of categories (like flowers) here cannot be repurchased.
Can I join my armies to my liege's armies?
I'm trying to play CK2 as a minor count in the service of the King of England, and whenever the King goes to war, I don't seem to be very involved in it – I can basically ignore everything that's going on and just focus on my own holding. If I want to join my liege's wars, I have to raise my own levies and basically follow him around, always one step behind. Can I give control of my army to my liege, or somehow join my 600 men to his 12000-strong army?
Where do I go to pay for the museum renovation?
Since Redd finally visited my town, I can now pay to have a second floor built in the museum. The problem is, I don't know _where_ to pay for it. I've spoken to Isabelle and started the public works project, but I've been all over the museum and can't find where to donate funds.
How do I get rid of a car that I own?
I have a car in my garage that I don't want anymore. How can I make it so that it's not mine anymore? Will destroying it do? Or just leaving it in the impound and letting them destroy it? The thing is that you can still claim the car back after it's been destroyed. How do I permanently remove the possession of a car?
Is it possible to suffocate an enemy crew with only Ion Blast II?
Given an enemy ship with 1/1/1 shields/O2/medbay, is it possible to suffocate the crew using only one Ion Blast Mark II? Bonus points for video proof :) I ran out of drones on my Torus and have no other weapons :(
Are there Planeswalker cards in Duels 2014?
Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 has a sealed deck format in which you open several packs of Magic 2014. Magic 2014 as a core set contains planeswalker cards at mythic rare. My question is: does Duels 2014 finally have planeswalkers? It's hard to tell since one will only ever open so many packs. Thx.
How do I perform the basic move combos in training mode?
In _Street Fighter X Tekken_ there's a practice/trial mode. The first few trials are special moves which, ironically, are easy to do. After that come some "basic combos" which seem to be a lot harder. The first one I passed by sheer luck (button mashing), but the next one is more challenging. Unfortunately the trial mode has no explanation other than an indication of the moves to be performed. Take for example this one (Zangief trial #12): **⇨** `Stand` `M` Punch **⇨** `Stand` `M` Punch **⇨** `Stand` `M` Punch **⇨** `Stand` `H` Kick Or, put in a screenshot: ![Zangief trial 12 moves screenshot](http://i.stack.imgur.com/pnKvi.jpg) How should you time these moves? I've tried several things to no avail: * Pressing move and punch/kick at the _same_ time, i.e. execute every "row" in the screenshot as a whole * Keeping move pressed while doing the punch-punch-punch-kick sequence * Alternating move and punch/kick At random I sometimes fill the first two rows, but I can't really find the trick behind these combos. Can anyone explain how to complete these? This is the PC version, using an Xbox 360 wireless controller, should it matter.
Should I be changing gear at every level up?
Just like the title says, **should I be changing my gear every time I level up? Is it worth it?** I just started Nightmare mode with my Wizard last night and have kept the same gear on since about the beginning of Act IV of normal mode. I seem to be doing alright on Act I - Nightmare, haven't died yet _knock on wood_. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to start changing gear again soon. I have plenty of gold to where I could hit up the blacksmith or the AH.
How can I change my skin?
Apparently I have unlocked some skins and other customization options. Can I apply these to my existing character or do I have to start a brand new character?
How do you earn Swarm Points with Wings of Liberty?
I have an account with just Wings of Liberty on it, but my profile tells me that I'm a level 2 Terran (though I generally play Protoss). How is this possible? I'm just restarting the game so I can't remember when I've earned xp. I've heard about the _Spawning System_ that allows a friend who has HOTS to share their licence with others members of the group, perhaps that is the explanation?
Can I play the original World of Warcraft without any expansions?
I tried playing _World of Warcraft_ from an old DVD I had. But it immediately starts downloading the expansion (I can see 8GB remaining at the bottom of the downloader) and won't let me play the game. I do not want to download the expansion just want to play the original _WoW_. Blizzard's website says I must have the latest patches to be able to play. Is this only true for Battle.Net's server or will I need to update to the latest expansion to be able to play? Also if I start playing the latest expansion (Cataclysm at the moment), will I be missing something that was found only in the original game?
Can you salvage a plan/pattern?
Diablo 3 has a pretty good loot system for patterns in the case of, if your blacksmith or jeweler know the pattern it won't drop again. However, thanks to the legendary drop buff special event this week, I had the unfortunate luck of having a pattern drop at the start of a rift and then it dropped again at the end when we killed the rift guardian due to me not having gone back to town yet to teach my blacksmith the pattern. In my haste/disgust I simply sold the plan for a measly 122 gold. Today I came to think, could I have not salvaged the plan for a forgotten soul?
How do I launch Civ 5 in the tablet / touch mode by default
I just got a Windows 8 touch screen laptop, and playing Civ V in the Touch Enabled mode is great. But every time I launch it from within Steam, it prompts me to pick either DirectX9, DirectX 10 & 11, or Windows 8 - Touch Enabled (recommended). I went into the folder where Civ V is installed on my hard drive and found CivilizationV_Tablet.exe. I made a shortcut for that, but still got prompted! My google search only found me a bunch of people talking about how to run it on a Surface Pro.
Using the Mayflash GameCube to USB adapter. All buttons work except the C-Stick?
I got a Mayflash "GC Controller Adapter for PC USB". I plugged the GC controller into Port 1 on the Mayflash adapter (it's a dual-port) and plugged the adapter into the USB on my computer. I noticed that programs on my computer weren't really recognizing my controller that was hooked in, so I got a free program called "JoyToKey" that accepts inputs from a controller and sets the input to a certain key on the keyboard. JoyToKey works perfectly with the controller, but the only command that does not function properly is the C-Stick. If I program a key, say the letter "U" for example, to Left on the C-Stick, it seems to register all along the top of the C-Stick, but not the left. In other words, if I push the C-Stick up-left, up, up-right, or right, JoyToKey registers the input, even though I set it to only register when I push the C-Stick left. I have tried calibrating the controls via the Windows USB Game Controller setup, but it does not work (using Windows 8 64-bit by the way). What can I do to fix this? If you need any more details or examples, I will post them, just let me know what you need. Thanks for your help! UPDATE: I don't have a way of truly knowing if the issue is JoyToKey or just Windows, but in the Windows USB controller setup, the C-Stick corresponds to the Z-Axis, and it seems to be working okay. If I can find out how the Z-Axis is supposed to register then I might be able to fix the problem.
Is it possible to play Scrolls with the Steam Overlay?
I'm a huge fan of Steam, and use the overlay to chat with friends in-game. However, I can't get the Steam overlay to work with scrolls. I tried to add Scrolls as a Non-Steam Game but it didn't work. Has anyone found a solution to play Scrolls with the Steam-Overlay?
Recover save after save was overwritten on a game boy cartridge
**BACKSTORY:** I recently found my Pokémon gold cartridge, which I had from a very long time ago and I was surprised that it was still working after at least 7 years. I could play and save almost normally; the only exception was that I had to set the clock every time. After a week or so, it just stopped saving, and I stopped playing it. Some time after that my seven-year-old nephew saw my Gameboy with the game attached and overwrote my old save ( the horror!), **saving** a new file. (Honestly I do not know how, because it could not save anymore.) Now I've lost my old save and can't continue a new one. **QUESTION:** Can I somehow recover the save?, Maybe not the conventional way, but I mean data is data, right? The same way you can recover info from a computer if deleted. Is there **something** I can do to recover that "data"? Childhood memories are on the line! FYI - I tagged this Gameboy Advance because there was not a Gameboy Color tag; and because I used to play on a Gameboy Advance.
What does the A Missing Page trinket do?
In the Binding of Isaac expansion I found a trinket called A Missing Page, and so far I have not noticed any effect. What does this trinket do?
Is there any way to make runes stick when switching skills?
When switching skills on my Demon Hunter, for example my primary skill, if the skill has a rune selected and I switch to another skill and then back again the rune will no longer be selected. Is there a way to lock runes to a skill until manually changed?
Buying a house in Markarth, bugged
There is a known bug that I have fallen into where the Steward will not sell me a house (no dialogue option about it). I also cannot initiate dialog with the Jarl about becoming Thane. Has anyone discovered a way around this? By the way, preventing this bug: Go talk to the Jarl before you do all of the other quests around the city. Do his quests first and get the quest to help out around town. This is just conjecture, but I believe that it is caused by already meeting the requirements to become Thane before you first speak to him. edit: resetting the NPC does nothing edit of edit: Perhaps I can force my way into this quest using the console? I know you can begin certain quests with setstage. Can you do the same with the quest to become thane?
Was there a playable helicopter in the first Grand Theft Auto?
In the very first Grand Theft Auto, I remember there being a picture of a helicopter (I think it was in the instructions) but I never found it in the game. Did it exist and was it playable?
How do I upgrade my palace?
I have the "Palace Magnifique" task which requires me to purchase all palace upgrades. When I click on my palace, however, I see no upgrade button. How do I complete this task?
Is there any point where wolves are useful?
In Gladius for XBox, we're playing through Nordagh. It seems like our opponent wolves are fairly tough, so we got a wolf of our own. To put it bluntly, he's awful. Lacking most equipment slots, we outfitted him with a collar of force (the stupid thing came with a collar of rage) to up his power. Frankly, we are unimpressed. There's really nothing he can do that a berserker couldn't do better, and most of the battles we've found that require non- humans would accept a berserker just as readily as a wolf. Is there any point in the game where wolves are actually useful?
In Modern Warfare II, Which killstreak combination stacks the easiest/fastest?
Now this question may seem obvious, duh -- killstreaks that come one after another like UAV/Counter-UAV/Predator Missile -- but I am talking about sets of killstreaks that unlock each other while you lay around hiding somewhere - or at least work well enough on their own so you need to only get 1 or 2 kills to get the next killstreak. Right now I have Harrier Strike/Pavelow/AC-130 or Chopper Gunner (depending on map). Once I get my harrier I call it in, then go off somewhere safe for my Pavelow to be ready (I can sometimes get my Pavelow from the Harrier's strike, not even needing to wait for the 3rd harrier to start hovering). Any other Killstreak combos that work well together?
How to get the watchmen and overseers to stop attacking you?
I killed someone upstairs and now all the guards are onto me. Except I got killed and resumed from the last save, but when I went back to the party the guards were still trying to kill me. I can't find another way into the party instead of the front door.
Does the Magic stat affect all magic or only offensive spells?
From "The Ultimate Strategy Guide" FAQ: > **Magic (Mag)** : > > Magic is used to power up the magic that a character can use. This includes > summons as well as regular magic and enemy skills. The higher your Mag, the > higher damage you'll hit with magic. I can't tell if it affects healing and protection too, or just offensive spells. **Does the Magic stat affect all magic? Or just offensive spells?**
What's wrong with the G-Diffuser?
So I was playing _Starfox 64_ the other day, and I noticed something suspicious. No matter what course of action I take, if this blue bird guy gets shot too much in the first stage, he tells me that something has happened to his **G-Diffuser** , and he has to break off. _**Hmmmmm..._** * * * What does this so-called **G-Diffuser** do? If it's such a critical component of the **Arwing** that even slight damage renders the vehicle inoperable, why wasn't I made aware of it before? Isn't that a liability that the **commander** of the team should probably know about? And why does this bird guy's **break** so often in this stage, and yet I've **never** had a problem with mine, and neither has **anyone** else in my team, even under heavy fire? And why can't that annoying little **frog** do anything about it? Is this so- called " **G-Diffuser** " merely a ruse created by the bird to get his own skin out of a fight? This has been bothering me for a while now. There's something **fishy** going on, I think.
How does "detection risk" work after update 13?
Before, we established that visibility is discrete. With update 13, however, there is now a number called "detection risk". What does this number mean? How does a lower value affect my visibility?
Why does Oleg keep attacking me?
Whenever I call Oleg to come help me out in combat, he fights the other gang just fine for a while, but when all the gang members are killed and I'm waiting for more to appear, Oleg sometimes starts attacking me (it's kind of random). I've never had this problem with my other Homies. It doesn't seem to matter what he's equipped with either. If he has nothing, he'll just slam on me, or if he has a flamethrower he'll set me on fire. I can't figure out why. Anyone know what causes this?
How can I survive Hell as an Assassin?
I'm having trouble with my current Assassin build in Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction. I'm level 74 and basically distributing my stats 2 str/2 dex/ 1 vitality. My current build is: * 20 Tiger Strike * 20 Dragon Tail * 10 Shadow Master (Someone here has to tank) * 5 Claw Mastery * 6 Speed Burst * 5 Phoenix Strike * 1 Death Sentry Everything goes fine in Nightmare, but with the proliferation of physical immunity in Hell, I'm having difficulties. This is my first character after a long hiatus so I've got no super great items, and I can't build a lot of the suggested assassin builds that make use of top notch gear to survive. Any suggestions on how I can re-spec this assassin into a character who will have less difficulty throughout hell and at some point help me do the various runs for magic find?
How do Card packs work
I know card packs supposed to give you 8 cards but are they the same cards you get when buying the cards out the regular way. Last time i bought an 8 pack I only received one dragon. Are certain cards, like the dragon cards, limited in the possible maximum amount you can get? If different than buying regular packs; what is the more or less percentage distribution when buying a card pack?
What accomplishments count towards the Legendary Defender achievement?
The description says "You have earned every Dungeon Defenders Accomplishment! Trendy salutes you!". What counts as "every accomplishment" for the purpose of this, and is any of it in the DLC or can I complete with the base game?
What are the patterns for the animals in the different areas?
In Disco Zoo, you get animals by going on rescues in various areas, and each area has a few different animals (a couple common, some rare, and one mythical). Each animal will have a particular pattern in the grid of the rescue area. The farm rescues give you the animal patterns, but the other areas don't. What are the patterns for each of the animals?
What are the advantages and disadvantages between Miss Fortune and Caitlyn?
Caitlyn and Miss Fortune are both ranged attack damage carries; however, they have drastically different skills sets. In the context of their role as ranged attack damage carries, what advantages and disadvantages do each Champion's skill sets have. Are there any other considerations to look at when I am determining which ranged AD carry to choose?
Is there any way to change which button I use to shoot?
I poked around in a bunch of menus, and found a lot of interesting stuff, but I couldn't find any way to change the controls. I would love to be able to move the shooting button to the left trigger on the Circle Pad Pro, or to the R button. Is that possible? Or am I stuck with having a sore pinky forever and ever?
Is the Bridge of Souls a real location?
In the TV show 'The Big Bang Theory' episode 'The Hot Troll Deviation' (season four, episode four), Howard mentions that he got broke up with his ex due to being caught doing certain things under 'The Bridge of Souls' in World of Warcraft. Is this a real location in World of Warcraft and if so, where is it and how do I get there?
How can I change verification email on Xbox Live?
I went to cancel automatic Gold subscription renewal (a sad moment in my life to be sure), and Microsoft emailed me a confirmation code that I had to copy/paste into a form to confirm the cancellation. Interestingly, the email went to an old email address of mine. I've looked through my account on xbox.com and I can't find any remaining references to that email address. What am I missing?
Enchanting with the Black Star
Can the Black Star be used repeatedly to enchant items? Assuming of course that it is re-filled with a soul between applying enchantments.
Can you upgrade the pick-10 system?
Call of Duty: Black Ops II uses a 'pick-10' system for online multiplayer. Meaning of all the guns, attachments, perks, grenades, and wildcards that you have unlocked, you can pick a combination of only 10 to use at one time. Although I like this idea, it keeps the playing field more level, I would like to be able pick more than 10, to get some more attachments on my secondary, or use all my wildcard slots, etc. In offline-multiplayer, every gun and attachment is unlocked for you. Me and my buddies have played split-screen with a 'pick-17' system, where we were able to fully custom classes using every weapon in a combination of 17 items at once. **Can you increase the max items allowed in online multiplayer? Do you get an extra one each time you prestige?**
What do the settings mean?
I want to tweak my settings for DOTA2 but some of them are not clear to me. Others - such as "Animate Portrait" - are fairly obvious. What effects do each of these settings have on the game visually? ![dota 2 settings](http://i.stack.imgur.com/hSe7X.png)
How do I get the only achievement in The Stanley Parable Demo, "You Won!"?
The new Stanley Parable HD remake demo has one single achievement, entitled "You Won!" How do I get it?
Why did my oxygen run out in FTL?
I was attacked in an ion storm (sensor and 50% power) and my O2 was damaged. I repaired it and killed the intruders but my O2 kept running down and everyone died. There were no fires. Why would that happen?
Grelka. Light of my life. Fire of my loins. My sin, My soul. Why the hell won't you marry me?
Grelka is a comely nord lass from the city of Riften. She dreams of leaving Skyrim, demands your money in the gruffest manner possible, sells and offers training in the use of Light Armor, buys a variety of legitimate, and with a properly honeyed tongue, illegitimate goods at a fair price (certainly better than that churl of a blacksmith Balimund. He offers to marry me daily. I guess Skyrim is pretty progressive like that). Oh, and by Skyrim standards, she's gorgeous. Skyrim standards aren't terribly high in this regard. ![Grelka](http://i.stack.imgur.com/V78DG.png) According to Prima's official strategy guide, as well as UESP, and The Elder Scrolls Wikia, she is an eligible Bachelorette (and what a catch!). She's a member of the `PotentialMarriageFaction`, but no matter what I say to her, no matter how many of her goods I buy, no matter what valuable gifts I secretly deposit in her pockets, she refuses to acknowledge my Amulet of Mara. The heartless woman just will not marry me. How can I win Grelka's love and devotion for all eternity? How can I make her mine? (Alternately, how can I get her to agree to a marriage of convenience, secure in the knowledge that my imminent death will award her an inheritance of the sort the emperor could only dream? I'm not really _that_ picky here.)
When can enemies not see a soldier on a roof?
I'm playing I/I and this is something that I can't completely figure out. When a unit is on the roof of a building units one story below it sometimes can't see it, but when the unit is simply on elevated ground enemy units can spot it without trouble. There are however some edge cases (all questions regard units that do not stand on edge of roofs/elevated ground): * it seems that units two or more stories below unit on elevated ground at least sometimes can't see it. Is there some known rule to figure it out when unit can be seen? * if unit A is on roof on level 1 (counting levels from level 0 - ground level) and enemy unit is on roof on level 2 can unit A see unit B? * what about elevated ground? If unit A is on elevated ground on level 1 and unit B is on roof on level 2 can unit A see unit B? * is roof of UFO considered elevated ground or roof? * or does it depend on distance from unit on roof?
How can I speed up the cooldown for the helicopter homie?
After calling him, I keep having it grayed out for awhile, with no idea what drives it or what I could do to get it refreshed besides go about my business. Is there anything I can do to speed this up? There are so many fewer cribs with heli-access, it seems, in Saints Row 3.
Is it possible to ride a bus as a passenger? Also, how do I get out?
I was trying to buy noodles from a vendor, to prepare to beat up a couple of unruly punks. As I was handing over my money (pressed the 'buy' button, which is _right-click_ by default in the PC), a 'Select destination' screen (similar to a taxi 'Select destination' screen) appeared. I forgot if I selected a destination or chose 'cancel'. Anyway, I next found myself inside a bus as a passenger. I was then forced to ride inside the bus against my will (I was unable to exit by pressing right-click) as it went along its route. I'm not sure if the game detected the _right-click_ as 'enter the bus' or if this is a bug. I was forced to reload a previous save, as this is no fun at all. Screenshots (my character is the only passenger in the bus and wears a hat): (click on an image to view the larger version) ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/BeFMY.jpg) ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/iYUV2.jpg) My questions: Is this a bug or is there a normal (non-bug) way to ride the bus as a passenger (not as a driver)? Also, if I suddenly found myself inside a bus, how do I exit? (Right-clicking does not work in my case.)
Can I attack even after striking a deal?
I struck a deal with a slaver vessel. I will spare them for a slave. How do I attack after a successful deal? They are bad after all.
Which house has the most overall display units?
I would like the house with the most weapon racks, wall plaques, display cases, mannequins, and book shelves. Which house has the highest total combined of all four types?
What "powerful boons" can the Pope grant?
One of the loading screen tips says: > The Pope can grant powerful boons to good Catholics. What exactly does that mean? What can the Pope do to help me, if I'm a good Catholic?
Can't cure vampirism: Falion won't interact
I am tired of being a vampire, so I'm trying to complete the _Rising at Dawn_ quest. I've spoken to Falion initially, given him a filled black soul gem, and met him at dawn in the black swamp, but I can't _Speak to Falion_ , which is the trigger for the ritual to actually cure me. He just stands there. (I've recently drunk blood – this is not about people attacking me.) I can talk to him about other things, why he's in Morthal, etc, but I can't trigger the ritual. Steam forum suggests this is a glitch and even has a fix, but that fix requires you to type a code in the console. I don't know how to do that in the PS3, if it's even possible. I'm having a lot of trouble with the 75% fire weakness. How can I stop being a vampire?
Does using furnace increase smithing skill?
I've smelted quite a lot of ore (iron, silver, gold, etc.) into respective bars but it doesn't seem to get my smithing skill increase. Is this a bug or does only making/improving objects increase this skill?
What hardware (flash cartridge) is necessary for Nintendo DSi Homebrew?
What hardware do I need to install Homebrew on Nintendo DSi? To be more precise, what do I need to ask if I go to a IT shop? Are they likely to have it in any IT shop? Any gaming shop? If not, what kind of shop?
In the roach evolution mission what do the multicolored crystals paired with the units Maye, Oynx, and Diamond reference?
When I reached the area pictured below a scripted event starts showing a girl unit named Maye chased by two creatures named Onyx and Diamond. Between the multi-colored crystals and the named units Blizzard seems to be referencing something here. However, I have no idea what. What is being referenced in the second part of the “Evolution Mission” for Roaches? ![multi-colored crystals and Maye, Oynx, and Diamond unit](http://i.stack.imgur.com/YLfdr.jpg)
How do I know what manufacturer's parts are on a gun?
I've seen loading tips like "assault rifles with a Vladof barrel fire faster as you keep the trigger held"; this clearly refer to the "Spinigun" triple gatling barrel assault rifles. Aside from that and the Elemental accessory (which I believe is exclusively made by Maliwan) I don't really know how to recognize which parts come from other manufacturers. Note that these parts show up on _other manufacturer's guns_ , I've seen Bandit and Jakob's Spiniguns and elemental guns from everyone but Jakob's. Are there other parts that are made by specific manufacturers that show up on guns? Most parts appear to be exclusive to a manufacturer's guns (e.g. Tediore's clean, mass-produced aesthetic), but it's implied certain parts can be on other manufacturer's guns, like the Vladof rifle barrel. How can I recognize them?
Is upgrading the piloting subsystem worth it if I always keep it manned?
I always have a crew member at my piloting station. Is it worth it to upgrade the subsystem to increase my evasion?
StarCraft2: match result
After match we usually see "Even match", etc... and amount of points earned for victory/lost for defeat depends from that characteristics. What influence on the match result? Match length, amount of gathered minerals? Please advise. Thanks a lot.
StarCraft2: ladder reset - does it reset amount of games played?
Here is explained what is ladder reset: What is a ladder reset? Am I correctly understand that during that: 1. ladder/league position/score will be reset; 2. amount of games played will be kept; 3. hidden rank will be kept; 4. you will need to play 5 qualification matches again, after that you will be/could be re-qualified into new league with scores beginning from 0. Is there something else?
How Can I Increase the Probability of a Mystery Room Appearing in the Item World?
In Disgaea 2, there anything I can do to increase the probability of a Mystery Room appearing when I go through the Item World?
Possible to select game type on Halo Reach Noble Map Pack?
I purchased the Noble Map Pack, but was disappointed that the game type is selected on the fly by votes. I want to play the new levels but don't want to play capture the flag. Is there a way to filter it so I can play the new maps on Slayer/Team Slayer only?
Creep Score vs. Kills/Assists
If I was going for gold farming, would I be more likely to get more gold from 1 or 2 minion waves or a champion kill/assist? I understand that killing champions is important for disrupting the enemy team and that I should be present for as many teamfights as possible, but what should I really focus on early game? I don't want to b at a disadvantage because I got 1 or 2 waves of minions but my opponent ganked mid and got a kill, came back and showed me his new items; resulting in my death.
What is the teleporter and how does it work?
In the XBox 360 version of Spelunky what is the teleporter and how does it work?
Changing Miranda's fate in Mass Effect 3 with 'Gibbed Save Editor'?
I've missed the last meeting with Miranda and now she dies every time I go to the Sanctuary. What should I change with the Gibbed Save Editor to save her? I didn't romance her. My female Shepard couldn't even if she wanted.
How do I input the motions for Ibuki's Ultra 1?
i'm learning ibuki on Street fighter IV:AE and a book said that I needed to do the trails, so I did, but i'm stuck on level 5, I need to do a Yoroitoshi the commands are: ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/2ajip.png)![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/yFhGa.png) ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/oeBPK.png) ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/XOc9s.png) But it doesn't seem to work, I get the grap and then blue lazer's, and then I do a punch tree times, what am i doing wrong, can anybody help? Thanks! > Images from this website.
Do mobs spawn in the same location for every seed in Minecraft?
I'm interested in knowing whether peaceful mobs spawn in the same location every time in Minecraft for a given map seed. When I was playing on the "Glacier" seed on a singleplayer world, I found a pack of wolves that spawned inside a cave where I could tame them easily. Will they spawn like this every time on this particular seed, or is the spawning of peaceful mobs simply random and unpredictable?
Is there any way out of the infinite corridor?
I started playing Dream and I thought I had solved all the puzzles (of the current version) until I stumbled across the portal located in one of the cave in the desert. I played through the colored mazes (greatly reminding the Antichamber atmosphere) and I finally found myself walking through an infinite corridor with text written on the wall at the end. Unfortunately every step I take drive this text away. There are colored rooms appearing randomly on the right and the left of the corridor as you walk past through it. As you know all these room always lead you back to the corridor. I figured out this might be some sort of maze where you have to enter in the right colored room in a specific order in order to reach the end of the corridor, however everything i have tested so far hasn't worked. Is there any way to reach the end ?
How much damage does the scythe do in Candy Box 2?
I've been wondering for awhile how much damage the scythe does in Candy Box 2?
Do you get the card reward if you leave the selection screen before picking a card?
Closely related: Are the cards at the end of payday pre-determined? As the evidence seems to point that the card reward on payday is determined when you enter the selection screen rather than at the moment or reveal, would I still get the reward if I entered the selection screen but left the lobby before picking a card?
Why aren't my soldiers getting promoted?
I have a character with 8 missions and 6 kills, and still she is a rookie. Some seem to get promoted, while others get sent on missions, make kills, and yet stay as rookies. Is this a bug, or is there something else controlling how soldiers get promoted? I am playing on Classic difficulty.
In Multiplayer how do you call in an Artillery or Air Strike?
I know that in previous battlefield games you could call in artillery strikes. Are artillery/air strikes still possible and how do you do it?
How do you perform extended assassinations in Halo: Reach?
Is there some special combination of buttons to perform the new extended assassinations in Halo: Reach? Like where you knife someone? I can only seem to do they typical Halo behind the back assassination when pushing RB.
How do I troubleshoot Civilization V?
I cannot play the Civilization V demo on my PC (Windows 7, with DirectX 11); when launching, the game window is displayed briefly and then it dissapears. How can I troubleshoot? Is there a game log file?
StarCraft2: pricing and subscription policy
One of the Russian-language websites that is selling SC2 has 2 buying options: 1. 12 month subscription - costs around $35 2. additional 4 month subscription - costs around $17-$18 http://www.ozon.ru/?context=search&group=pcgame&text=starcraft+2 I bought SC2 from Battle.net and don't remember what I bought, actually (it cost $60). Is there any subscription limitation for SC2?
What crews are best for maximizing my heist returns?
I realized after the first heist that I could have made a better choice of crew in order to maximize my returns (since certain people end up costing more due to scripted events). Regardless of difficulty, what crew members should I choose in the heist missions in order to make the most money? I know that the answer isn't always "pick the cheapest". E.g., on the jewel heist, the gunman with the least experience doesn't steal as much as the experienced one, and his casualty costs (in the scripted event) further cut into the take-home.
Does Swiftness stack with Signet of the Hunt?
The latest patch increased the passive effect of Signet of the Hunt from 10% to 25%, which is a noticeable increase of speed. Before the patch, however, I was using 6x Superior Rune of the Centaur, which increases the duration of all swiftness effects by 20% and gives you 10 seconds of swiftness (before the 20%) when you cast a heal. Since the patch though, I can see the graphical effect for swiftness when I gain it, but I don't seem to be moving any faster than the base movement speed increase I get from Signet of the Hunt. Does Swiftness stack with Signet of the Hunt?
How does Poppy relate to the Merlaut job?
This question contains spoilers. I'd recommend not reading it until you've finished the game. > Towards the middle of the game, you meet Poppy, the nude sex-slave who tries > to stab Aiden. > > ![Poppy stabbing Aiden](http://i.stack.imgur.com/zPhGw.jpg) > > You save her and her fellow sex-slaves, then she is never mentioned again. > > However, upon rewatching the intro I noticed **she was in the hotel during > the Merlaut job (!!)** , wearing a trenchcoat and playing with her cell- > phone _(which in this game basically equates to being a hacker)_ > > ![Poppy the hacker](http://i.stack.imgur.com/EO6yi.jpg) > ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/ZNWtM.jpg) > Whoa, what!? I thought the other hacker was Iraq!? And I don't remember > there being any mention of Poppy being a hacker. What's going on here!? Did I miss a subtle clue somewhere? Or is this explained in one of the _(many)_ DLC I don't have or audio logs I missed?
Is it possible to lose my upgraded car?
I'm afraid to sink money into a car only to have it wiped out by losing it somewhere or hopping into another car. Is it possible to lose my upgraded car by accident or on purpose? How can I recover my car if it disappears?
How to evade pursuit?
So in the old version of the game you had cooldown spots in which you could hide to evade. This new version I can't find any, so I have no choice but to drive super fast away, and then cruise trying to avoid police and loitering behind buildings, in tunnels and under construction sites. What is an effective strategy for ending a police pursuit quickly? Ideally from any heat level, and using driving techniques. Rather than jumping to a race from EasyDrive.
Does the sentry's Guardian Shield protect units from ranged attacks if the attackers are inside the shield?
Let's say army A has 5 stalkers and army B has 5 stalkers and a sentry. If the sentry is in the middle of army B and throws up a guardian shield while army A is still well outside the radius of the shield, obviously army B will take reduced damage from A's ranged attacks. If the A stalkers sacrifice the time and health to walk inside of the guardian shield, literally standing right next to B's stalkers, are their attacks still reduced by the sentry's shield?
Half-Life / Portal Story Loophole?
Ok, so Black Mesa and Aperture Science were competing to discover and develop portal technology along with getting government funds. This "competition rush" caused the Black Mesa Incident and the Borealis accident. So, my question is: How could Black Mesa and Aperture Science be in this competition if Aperture Science had clearly already invented portal technology? In Portal 2, when you are testing with Cave Johnson, there is a poster on the wall which shows the previous version of the portal gun. ![](http://i.stack.imgur.com/WjPWD.png) Clearly, Aperture Science had functioning portal technology back in the 60's. Why would Black Mesa still be trying to create portals in the 21st century if the technology had already existed?
I can't find Boars!
Okay, so apart from the first mission where I had to kill 2 Boars near the area where the Komodo Dragons are found, I haven't found any more Boars thereafter. I've searched very very hard using even those hunter syringes but I can't find them. I can find pigs everywhere. What's more is that during the first chapter, right after I activate the first radar, Dennis asks me to open the Map and I see the Boar symbol _exactly to the Komodo Dragon symbol_. But it wasn't so after the mission got over. Right now, I must do the 3rd mission of going to speak to some Doctor who is near another corner of the island and I haven't found another boar. Another interesting bit is that I thought this happened after patching the game to v1.02 and that's why I re-installed the game and played without patching it, but it turns that the patch had no effect on the boars whatsoever. Is it so, that Boars shall appear again after I finish a story mission? Please help and also it would be of immense help if someone could really post the **Boar** and the **Pig** symbol as the map legend is of little avail.
Do Nirnroots regrow in Skyrim?
In Oblivion, Nirnroots were a collectible - there was a finite number of them*, and they did not respawn. I've been noticing, however, that when I pick Nirnroots in Skyrim, the roots of the plant remain behind. This got me wondering... Do Nirnroots regrow in Skyrim? What about the Crimson Nirnroots of Blackreach? *discounting the respawning food-nirnroot in Frostcrag Spire
Stat change discrepancy?
In World of Warcraft, hovering over a new item for a slot and pressing shift will show you an item comparison. I have recently got some new gloves which have got +320 spirit on them, however when I perform an item comparison it says that I will gain +532 spirit. I do no think this is correct. ![Item stat comparison](http://i.stack.imgur.com/stIht.png) I have taken a screenshot demonstrating my query, I'm not quite sure where these numbers have come from in this instance, am I missing something obvious or does this look broken to anybody else?
80 tabards in 80 dungeons at level 85/90
I know you can't go to an 85 or 90 dungeon and expect to get an 80 rep in there, even with a tabard. But if I do an 80 dungeon, and I'm wearing an 80 tabard, will I get the appropriate rep? I've tried Google-fu, but am coming up blank. I know I could just try it, but it would probably take a while to make it there.
What is a research credit?
Interrogating a sectoid resulted in my earning a research credit, the exact message being: > Research Credit Earned: Beam Weapons However, the game doesn't explain _what_ a research credit is. What is a research credit?
What is the maximum level for assassins?
In Assassin's Creed: Revelations, what is the highest level my assassins can reach?
When you prestige, do you always start at level 1?
A friend of mine didn't realise you had to do something in _Barracks_ in order to Prestige in Black Op 2 and has been playing the recent double XP weekend at Level 55. If he prestiges now, will the game: * Take his XP into account and start him at, say, Prestige 1, Level 25? * Ignore his XP and start him at Prestige 1, Level 1?