In Pokemon Red/Blue, can you buy the bike before you get the voucher?
In the original Pokemon games, the bike costs a ridiculous amount of money. So after first encountering it you keep playing the game until you come across a man who has a bike voucher. My question is, can you instead earn enough money to purchase the bike, and get it that way as opposed to using the voucher?
What happened to Ezio after revelations?
What happened to Ezio after the events of Assassin's Creed Revelations?
How do you get rid of in game ad banner?
Recently got an add banner covering the menu/x button, credit total and bux total. Tried clicking on it, but it only opens a web page and the ad stays. With the lego movie ad, it usually vanished after exiting the "Behold! while you were away" screen. Update: Seems to have vanished on its own.
Minecraft 1.7.4 Launcher/Download Problems
Today (2/13/2014), I logged onto Minecraft, and got on my favorite server, a few minutes in, my Minecraft crashed, and forced me to restart launcher. As soon as I loaded up the launcher, and It immediately closed, I tired to restart it, but It did the exact same thing, so I tried restarting the launcher, still nothing, I got angry and deleted all the files in .minecraft in %appdata%, I then tried using the loader again. it worked! After the loader fully turned on, and Minecraft's Login screen, I clicked Play, and it downloaded minecraft with the green bar like usual, after it finished, I clicked Play for the second time, to start the actual game, It then starts downloading... again? I checked the Dev Console, and it was saying everything that was downloading, after it finished, clicked play, happened again! I talked to my friends, and tried many things, like updating Java, running it in administrator, redownloading the launcher a third time, even trading files through Skype and adding them to my newly made .minecraft, and nothing seems to work. also it allows me to click Play again randomly, while its downloading, and pops to the start/closer to the start of the download. Any ideas on what's wrong? ((This is my first time using this site, so sorry if I messed up anything.)) (When it downloads, the Dev console also seems to try to download things multiple times and gives up, or say that it cant connect to the Minecraft servers and gives up, or say that its in the "local files" and assumes its there.)
What is a white socket and how does it work?
I'm familiar with red, green, and blue sockets. I've read about white sockets but never seen one. How does it work? How do you make them?
Can I redeem SHiFT codes on my computer and play on my PS3?
Is it possible to redeem a SHiFT code on a account on PC and log in with the same account on my PS3 and still get the keys? I seriously don't want to try it out because if I don't get my keys, I might break my CD in rage...
Getting all Abirik Chams
I know there are three Abirik Chams in the game and how to get them, but I forgot to speak to the merchant in Nasrad while controlling Aika and now the city is destroyed and the merchant is gone. Is there any other way to get that Abirik Cham, or did I just totally blow my chance of completely evolving Cupil?
MLB 2K12 PAL Xbox360 Not Available?
It appears MLB2K12 was not produced this year to work outside of the United States? I cannot find any reference to a PAL version for use here in Australia and also Europe. Last year 2K11 was available. This seems ridiculous especially considering NBA, NHL and NFL are all available in PAL as well. Why would they stop a whole audience region? Can anyone please prove me wrong?
How to Get Cooperative Achievements in D3
Can you complete a cooperative achievements in a Public Game by yourself, or must another player be present in the game?
How do I find out what items belong in which groups?
I noticed that items fall into certain categories (e.g. Tar Fruit is Fuel). Say, for example, I want to search for all (Ore) items. Is there anywhere I can look that lists all (or as many items as possible) by group?
Can I sell my characters on the Auction House?
I know that it's possible to sell gold, items, and consumables on the various Auction Houses within Diablo 3. I heard some buzz over twitter that Blizzard was looking into also allowing characters to be sold. Is it yet possible to sell entire _characters_ , for instance, if someone wanted to avoid the arduous leveling process?
What is a Diablo 3 game server responsible for?
So, you've logged into D3 and started a game. Your character is running around the world and bashing in/melting skulls. How much of this is being synchronized with Blizzard's server farms? How much is the client trusted? Is there any P2P going on when you're playing with people?
Why can't I block until I am attacked?
Every time I enter a fight, my guy will not block no matter how many times I right click. He gets attacked as a result. I use my hidden blade most of the time. This is really frustrating on some missions where 100% sync requires that you do not take any damage. Any tips?
Where can I find Black Rock Ledger pages?
I was recently reading this post, talking about What is "The Black Rock Ledger” good for?. This is the first time I have heard about them and was wondering where do they drop? Are they just random drops off of random monsters or do they drop in a certain location and/or monster?
What happens to the XP points of the second player in dual screen?
When you play on dual screen, the second player gets some XP points depending on his performance during the match. I think that the main player, the one who owns the account, gets those points to earn levels. But what happens with the XP earned by the second player? Are his points lost when the main player plays alone (one screen) in online mode?
How does alchemy work in Skyrim?
One of the things I loved about Morrowind and Oblivion was the Alchemy ability; the ability to make potions. How does alchemy work in Skyrim? Is it the same as Oblivion?
What determines which challenges show on the custom class and lobby screens?
On the custom class and multiplayer lobby screens, if you hit X (on the Xbox 360), challenges are displayed. What determines which challenges are shown using this interface, and is it different between the two screens?
How do I customize my kits between matches?
It doesn't seem like it's possible to customize your kit, except for when you are playing or in the main menu (i.e. not between matches). Or am I missing something?
Switching Grand Company
I am wondering about whether you can switch the grand company you have chosen or not. And if so how. I have chosen the Maelstrom and want to switch to the Order of the Twin Adder because their gear is a bit more optimized for my class (bard).
How to play the NFS final pursuit efficiently?
I am playing the Final pursuit in NFS Most Wanted 2005, after beating Razor. But my system resources are a bit low. (1GB RAM, 2GHZ). So i find the pursuit difficult to evade. The game is going dull, the cars are moving slow on the roads and everytime i just get busted. It is due to the fact that the memory usage for the game is heavy in the final pursuit. Is there a way to increase the system memory for the game, to play it efficiently?
Missed out on becoming a vampire lord, can I still become one?
I never became a vampire lord, killed Harkon I think his name was, and cured Serana. Is there anyway I can become a vampire lord? I'm playing on the Xbox 360.
How do you get the Master Assassin Armour?
While i was playing, in Memory Sequence 3 or 4 (It was quite early, i still hadn't gotten an entire set of the most basic Armour) and after completing a mission i got from promoting an assassin to be my last den master (it was one about a rich man paying merchants for the Templars, he claims he was corrupted by them) as soon as i completed the mission i suddenly got the Master Assassin Armour. I am wondering, did i get this as a bug or did i get the Armour as a result of setting up my last Den Master
How do you slow down gears further down the line in Contraption Maker?
I figured it out with a single slowing down (put a small gear first, then a bigger one), but how do you do it when going further down the line? Or is it not possible?
Where can I buy elemental resistance potions?
I've purchased potions of fire and ice resistance, but now I am out and need to buy more. However, I can't remember where I bought them the first time. I checked the Imperial Camp and the town after that, but have had no luck and I don't feel like backtracking to the beginning of the game. Any help on where these potions can be bought would be nice. **Update:** So I got tired of getting my arse burned (literally) by the three sisters, so I town-hopped all the way back to the Estherian Enclave where I finally found a merchant who sells all resistance potions. It's nice to know where I can buy them now, but do I really have to travel all the way back here every time I run out? If so, it looks like I will be building up a huge stockpile.
Does the weapon DPS contribute to Hailstorm?
Does the Damage of the weapon contribute to e.g. Hailstorm and other Embermage skills such as Thunder Locus without mention of the DPS?
How can I unlock the whole city on the PC version?
I would like to play the entire city without playing through the game, I only play for sentimental reasons (for the good old days). I would like to unlock the whole city, and there is no "cheat code" for this. I won't play multiplayer or do any other thing with this. I only play single player once in a while. So is there a cheat engine that lets me use the entire map? or a game I could download and load? I'm using steam to run GTA!
Do I Need To Purchase Premium Boosters to Win at Campaign/Multiplayer
Magic: Duels of the Planeswalker 2015's introduced a new system of deckbuilding that allows "complete construction". However, as part of this, it inevitably made certain cards "premium" and only available if you spend another £18. While obviously I'd rather have all the cards without paying more than the retail price, I'm okay with the current situation, _as long as a deck built from premiums will not be inevitably superior than one without_. Can I still build a competitive deck without paying extra?
Kinect Sports: Season Two. Top Jumps.
What gestures can be used to improve your jumps if any? How good of a jump is realistically possible?
Battle star rating effect on drops in FFXII-2
Is there only an effect on drop rates in final fantasy XIII-2 with 5 stars? You just see an increase listed with 5 stars but I thought there may possibly be an alternate effect for stars 1 through 4.
Can I get a save for PS3 that alters Mass Effect 1 decisions?
As I can't seem to find Mass Effect 1 on PS3 and have been informed that it was made for 360 only, is there any way to get a save for PS3 to make the changes in ME3 based on decisions made in it, or do I just have to miss it and forget about it and just play ME3 with the save I have for Mass Effect 2? And if it is possible to get ME1 decision save for the PS3 can anybody tell me where and how it needs to be done? And how much of an impact it will actually have?
How can I improve my standing with the Pope?
In Medieval 2 Total War, your standing with the Pope / Papacy is an extremely important factor. What choices impact your standing with the pope? Does the number of churches and priests I have even matter?
Minecraft gamerule keepinventory
I'm playing minecraft 1.7.2 and I type `/gamerule keepinventory true`, and it says that there's no `keepinventory` rule. How do I keep inventory on death? I'm fighting the Ender Dragon and keep dying.
How does "replenish unit" work in Empire: Total War?
Units that are not at full strength can be "replenished" for some money. How exactly does that work? Is it affected by the region the unit is in? Can I replenish as many units per turn as I want or is there some limit? I hope I get 150 rep soon so I can tag this question correctly ;)
What can I do with broken (burnt) rooms?
If you leave a machine without maintenance or endure heavy earthquakes, it's likely going to explode at some point, leaving you with a burnt room that you can't sell or rebuild. Is there something to do with it, some way to pay to repair/rebuild it?
Is it a good idea to create mass generals in Empire: Total War before close battles?
It is possible to recruit a new general unit from any unit. The original unit is unaffected by this, so in theory, with enough money, it is possible to suddenly create 19 generals from a single pawn. Since a generals battle value is about the same as a slightly cheaper knight unit, not much money is lost. Also, one can save upkeep while moving the knight unit to the front, so it might even out. Additionally, there is the chance to get a highly ranked general that considerably increases the strength of all units. Personally, I find this idea kind of lame, but I successfully used it and wondered how others think about it.
What's a good strategy to prevent machines from exploding?
In order to ensure machines don't explode, of course it's necessary to regularly check them and page handymen to maintain them. However, earthquakes are sometimes so violent that it's simply not possible to save all the machines, resulting in destroyed rooms... What can I do to prevent explosions resulting from earthquakes? Is it possible that putting several extinguishers into each room with a machine could stop this from occurring?
Is it possible to improve the research dpt results?
Is there a point to build more than one research dpt? Or to put more than one doctor at work in the research dpt ?
Why do civilizations on their back leg refuse my deals?
Civilization V: I notice that when I have an NPC civilization on the back foot, it tries to bargain ("What do I have to do to end this war"), so even if I give the civ a really generous deal, it always refuses it. For example, one civ, all it had pretty much was wine. So, I said fine, you give me the wine, and I will give you: silver, furs, stone and gold. Even so the guy still refused.
Why isn't my doctor finishing this dwarfs treatment?
I was digging a vertical shaft and had a little ... incident ... that resulted in what I think was four dwarfs falling various distances and/or being crushed from above. Three of them didn't make it to the hospital in time, but the forth is there now resting. I'm a newbie to the game and am playing in "safe" surrounding, so this if my first injury to deal with. My (single) doctor diagnosed, cleaned and sutered, then seemed to stop. But the health status screen shows the dwarf needs bones setting, dressing and immobilization. The doctor's labours were set to be only the medical ones as soon as the incident happened, but the doc is walking around with "no job" at the moment. On closer inspection it seems my hospital zone has no plaster powder (it has _all_ the other things listed, including a traction bench), but I have plaster powder (after a hunt I found several bags in a stockpile near my kiln). Is the fact the plaster isn't in the hospital preventing my doctor from using it? If so, how do I get it transported to the hospital? I made the plaster (game) months ago so they've had plenty of time to move it already, why hasn't it been moved?
How do I browse between my portal keys
In items screen I see `Portal Keys (2)`- that I have 2 keys. However it seems I can only select, view or get a fix on the first portal. I don't see any way to select or view the second key. (which means I can recharge the first portal from anywhere but not the second) How do I access the other keys?
What are the pros/cons of renovating a faction building for a particular faction?
At some point in the game, neutral "Faction Buildings" can be renovated for one of the three factions: Courtesans, Thieves, or Mercenaries. Other than getting quick access to that particular faction, is there any advantage or disadvantage inherent in this choice? Also, can I change my mind later?
Is there a new fix to restart redstone clock
I think everyone in this section knows about redstone clocks, and that sometimes when you log in and out, the repeaters get stuck. Sometimes they get stuck when you are just a little but far away or in another dimension. This is really annoying if you have stuff that is depending on your clock to work. Now we are a few updates later, and there have been a lot of updates, and new stuff added to the game. Does anyone know of a new solution to have your clock automatically restarted when it gets stuck. There are a few methods when I do a YouTube search, but they are all a but messy. Even I did an attempt with a mine cart system, but I think it's messy as well.
Total War Shogun 2 : stuck on Splash screen
This problem has been bugging me for the best part of half a year now, resulting in me not being able to play one of my favourite games. It all happened around the time I got the DLC for Fall Of The Samurai. **Problem** * Click on icon to launch Total War Shogun 2 in Steam * Game asks to start in Direct X mode (Dx9 or Dx10 is enabled) * Select either one and the game loads to the Loading / Legal screen. * Wait for 10 minutes and the game is still on that screen. * `Ctrl`+`Alt`+`Del` to desktop and see that "Shogun 2 is not responding" in task manager. **Computer Specs** (DxDiag) http://pastebin.com/fi77nTaf **Things I have tried** * Updated Sound and Graphics drivers * Updated BIOS for motherboard to latest version (1.2) * Reinstalled Shogun 2 on steam * Verified Game integrity on steam * Changed graphics cards * Searched Registry for "Incredibar" malware , not found on system * Disabled SLI on Nvidia control panel All of these have not solved my problem. I am really running out of ideas what to do here. It makes no sense why this does not work. Any help would be appreciated!
Is there any reason not to farm Terramorphous on Normal mode?
We just confirmed that Terramorphous is significantly harder on True Vault Hunter Mode, however his drops appeared to be pretty much identical. (For reference he has significantly less health and summons less tentacles). Roughly the same number of each rarity of item, still level 50 in both modes. Aside from completing the mission for that playthrough, is there any benefit to killing Terra in TVHM? Some people say "TVHM gives better loot" as "common wisdom" that THVM is better, but TVHM really means "loot is higher level". So, considering gear level is the same, is there any reason not to fight the easier Normal Mode Terramorphous, other than for challenge?
Is it better to sell looted items early in the game, or scrap them for blacksmithing?
I am really early in the game, which means my blacksmith skill is very low. Is it best to sell weapons and armour for the money right now, or should I start focusing on blacksmithing from the start?
Special moves on iPhone for Street Fighter 2
Can I please get some suggestions on how to perform back,forward special moves for Street Fighter 2 on the iPhone. For example moves like Guile's Sonic Boom with this action <- -> is near impossible and I can only get it to work about 1 in 100 times. Other moves like anything Sagat does are reasonably easy. Is my timing off or is this just damn hard on the iPhone?
Wolfenstein (2009) level skip
Anyone know how to skip levels in Wolfenstein? I lost my savegame and want to skip to the airship bit. I'm on a PC Thanks! edit: I found this, which basically looks like it adds savegames from all levels to your directory structure then alters wolf.cfg and config.spec. I'll give it a go and post back here if it does the job.
Why does Bahamut cost more to summon than Leviathan?
Leviathan does ~5000 damage to each enemy (39 MP). Bahamut does ~3000 damage to each enemy (66 MP). Does Bahamut have any effects, aside from damage, that would justify the higher MP cost?
Is it possible to increase cash reward doing Roman's job?
When I'm doing a job for Roman, is there a way to increase the amount of cash earned? Will customer give me more cash : * If I arrive quickly to him ? * If I bring him to his destination quickly ? * If I bring him to his destination without any accident ? * If I follow the traffic and drive respectfully (stop at red light...) ?
What potions can my followers use?
I have seen my follower use Healing potions, which is nice, but any other potion I give them, including poisons, remain unused. Do followers use any potions other than healing potions?
Is Soul Calibur V's online play cross-platform?
If I get the Xbox 360 version and my friend gets the PS3 version, can we play vs each other online?
Can I change the time using console?
Waiting is tough. Can I just change the time/date using the console?
How can I play Excitebots on a UK Wii?
Did Excitebots ever come out in the UK, and if so where can I buy it? If not, what do I need to do (jailbreaking/modding/etc...) to get my Wii to play a US copy?
Cobalt Armor Series
For my knight, I want to have at least one piece of my attire to be high in normal and piercing protection (or at least high in one and higher than medium in the other.) I was thinking of staying with the cobalt armor series because the 4-star armor is very high in normal and piercing protection. However, I'm curious as to how good the cobalt armor series sums up to others at each level.
Checking your unit stats in Age of Empires 3
How do I check the stats for my own units (hitpoints, attack etc)? For the other teams just clicking on their unit gives the stats. For my units I can see only the commands. How can I see their stats?
Where are the thugs who reveal the Riddler trophy locations?
In _Batman: Arkham City_ , you had to interrogate a thug and he would give you the Riddler trophy locations, but I'm playing in hard mode and I cant find any thugs to interrogate... so how can I find all the trophies?
Help! I walk through every door I try to open!
I'm playing a new game of x-com: Enemy Unknown, and the first mission my x-com soldiers were able to perform was capturing a landed UFO. Due to a combination of random chance and luck (bad or good? I can't say...) I have secured the entirety of the exterior space with nary a Sectoid or Floater to be found. I have my soldiers massing in front of the landed UFO, but so far the aliens want to do this, "the Hard Way". Obviously, charging straight through and triggering all kinds of reaction fire from however many completely healthy aliens remain aboard is a Bad Idea. But in the various farm doors, etc. that my x-com agents have used so far, they seem dead set on only opening the door when they want to pass through it. How can I open the door to see what's in the room while not also simultaneously moving through the doorway? I could have sworn I was able to do it previously, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to do so again.
Is there a web-embeddable skin preview application?
So, I'm working on a website for my Minecraft server, and we're looking at creating pages for each of the admins/mods, with some info about them. I'm trying to find a way that I can embed a 'skin preview' of each player's skin onto their respective pages. I suppose we could also just use screenshots, but I think a skin preview would look nicer. Any suggestions? * * * **Edit:** This website uses a Java applet, but I'm not 100% sure how to implement this myself.
Counter Strike Source keymap configuration
In CSS it's possible to bind keys to actions. Is it possible to somehow bind the coordinates of the mouse to the walking action in the game? Is it possible to find the key names the HID devices have in CSS so I can map them? If I connect two optical mise to my computer can I configure CSS to distinguish between those two devices and map the keys to different actions?
Is there a quick and dirty way to determine which of two Borderlands weapons of a given type is "all-around-better"?
Essentially, I'm looking for a cheap, lazy proxy to determine which of my weapons in a given category (shotguns, say) is the overall best. Yes, I know I can (and probably should) compare each feature, and that it depends on my playing style and whether I prefer to see enemies be dissolved by acid or consumed by a fiery explosion. And in some cases, I do think hard about the scope magnification, etc. But I'm lazy, and detest inventory management, so for the weapon types I don't use as often, I'd often just assume switch to the "all-around-best-rated" gun I have and sell the rest without much testing or thinking. **Is monetary value a good proxy?** I used to mostly use that, but I've found some cases where it seems off (possibly because rarity may be a factor- one that is not necessarily associated with quality?)
How do you take out the Hammer Brothers in 1985 Super Mario Bros?
They always kill me or make me little. I have literally not found a way to be able to kill them. **The ones that are on the blocks like in this picture aren't as bad because you can hit the blocks to take them out. The problem are the ones that are just standing there say, on a set of stairs or something.** Is there some trick to this that I am just not getting? ![enter image description here](http://i.stack.imgur.com/4OMcB.gif)
Crew rank in gta 5 online
How come when I got online today my crew rank was at 17, the other day I was 127, why did my crew rank drop?
Xbox 360 3D Guide
I am playing Gears of War 3 in 3D. My problem is that the Xbox guide doesn't appear to support 3D. Does anybody know how to fix this? Enabling 3D in the Xbox settings doesn't do anything. Achievements come up the same way. Basically the game is 3D but everything built in to the system isn't. Here are some images: First, I _do_ have 3D enabled in the Xbox settings: ![3D is enabled](http://i.stack.imgur.com/XmlR9.jpg) Next, take a look at what Gears of War 3 looks like when the TV has 3D turned off (if I am not mistaken, it is a 2160x1920 image that the TV is scaling down to 1080x1920): ![3D is on in Gears of War, off on the TV](http://i.stack.imgur.com/JiYSI.jpg) This next image shows what happens when I turn 3D on for the TV (it is now a standard 1080p image with both halves of the previous image being interlaced in polarized light for the glasses): ![3D is on for the TV](http://i.stack.imgur.com/rG5WW.jpg) Now I'll pull up the Xbox Guide (TV is still in 3D mode): ![Xbox Guide, TV is in 3D mode](http://i.stack.imgur.com/NAHEM.jpg) Here is that same image when the TV is not in 3D mode: ![Xbox Guide, Gears of War 3 in 3D mode, TV in normal mode](http://i.stack.imgur.com/iEkUF.jpg) It may be difficult to see, but the game went back to the split images (see second photograph) and the guide is just sitting in the center overtop the images. Achievements do the same thing. Basically, they are not being split into 3D frames and it is actually **_painful_** whenever I pull up the guide or earn an achievement. That's right, I feel **_physical pain_** whenever I earn an achievement. There must be a way to make the Xbox interface come up in 3D as well.
Is it possible to switch factions in Planetside 2 after choosing one?
As the title suggests, I was wondering if there was any information that confirms or denies the possibility of being able to switch factions after choosing one. For example, say I choose the Terran Republic, but then I decide that I no longer want to play for that faction. Can I switch? **Edit** : This was posted during beta, and as such is outdated.
How do I chain vert and street tricks in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1/2/HD?
I've never really played the first two "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater" games - I've only began to obsessively play it from the third game onward, but Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD brought me back to the first two games. So, it might be a newbie question, but here goes: is it possible to chain together street and vert tricks without using the Revert which was added in THPS3?
Watch Dogs crashes to desktop after playing for a while
After I have been playing Watch Dogs for a while it crashes and just says "Watch Dogs stopped working... [Close program]". Disabling UPlay in-game layout and starting UPlay in offline mode didn't help at all, but when I closed Bandicam I noticed that I can play longer until crash. My system meets the recommended requirements, and my system doesn't overheat 8-core 3,5GHz (AMD FX-8320) 16GB 1600MHz RAM 7168GB of disk space EVGA GTX770 SuperClocked ACX Did you guys find out any tricks to fix Watch Dogs crashing?
Which component of the Hextech Gunblade do I build first on Akali?
When I am unable to get kills in the earlygame as Akali I like to build some spellvamp to stay in lane and farm a bit. But I am wondering which of the two components (Bilgewater Blade - Hextech Revolver) is the most cost effective to build first?
Which HUD has the smallest map?
I always die from accidentally clicking on the map while trying to get back, and running the wrong way, into certain death. Which HUD has the smallest map, so I can have more world-space?
How do I remove Steam Inbox mail?
Near the top of the Steam, there is a green box with an image of a letter. Is there a way to remove all of the notifications at once? Without paying attention, I ended up getting over 300 of them, and I want to remove all of the notifications.
Can I purchase a game bundle as a gift even though I have already purchased it?
I've purchased the Portal bundle (http://store.steampowered.com/sub/7932/) and I'm considering buying a second copy of it as a gift, since it's on a 75% sale right now. Will it be possible to purchase and gift the bundle to a single individual? If so, will I have to pay the amount I would pay if I bought Portal and Portal 2 separately, since I have already purchased the pack?
Are Trade Privileges shared among islands or multiplied?
The number of patricians houses (trade privileges) that I can have on an island = 60% of the number of citizens houses on that island + number of envoys worldwide/110 (improvable by certain attainments). Suppose I have 550 envoys on my oriental island. Does this mean I get 5 additional trade privileges in each of my occidental settlements or if I use 3 on one occidental island I will have only 2 remaining for the other? If no-one answers this definitively, eventually I will (by trying), but since I currently only have one occidental settlement, I wanted to know beforehand to plan my next settlement.
Does Deux Ex: Human Revolution run better under Windows than Mac OS X?
I've got a macbook air 13" with an HD 4000 graphics card. Deus Ex runs just ok on it. Is the performance on Windows better for this game? If so, is it enough to matter?
What is Delayed Hyper Combo (DHC)?
In, I believe Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, there is something called the DHC glitch which stands for Delayed Hyper Combo. What is it exactly?
What's the difference between day and night
I've been played this game for 20 hours and I still can't get the difference between day and night. Apart from people occupation, is there any other difference? Some random event that only spawns at specific times, for example?
How can I tell what secrets are before triggering them?
In Hearthstone, how can I tell what secrets are before triggering them? Obviously it is not possible to tell with 100% certainty at all times what a secret is without playing any cards or taking any actions, but what sources of information are available that can help me deduce which secret it probably is, and are there any specific rules that I can use to narrow it down depending on the class of the opponent?
Practical Minecraft Rooms
One of my friends asked recently what sort of practical rooms one should build into their house in Minecraft, and it got me thinking...what ARE the practical rooms one should build for their home base? Obviously not every room should be directly attached to your main place of operation, but there must be some major conveniences that one should build right onto their house. So, what are these conveniences, and in what order should a person add them to their home?
Trouble joining games on mine craft pocket edition
We have 2 kindles that both have pocket edition mine craft on them. When we try to join games and play together only 1 kindle shows a list of wifi games active. Why doesnt the other kindle show the same list and read the other kindles active games? Whenever we want to join it's only one sided every time. Kindle 1 can join kindle 2 but kindle 2 cannot join kindle 1. Is there a setting I can change so both can join either game?
Why can't I 'enter' the Omega 4 relay?
The 'enter' button is not shown. I have completed all the missions I can find, including obtaining the IFF. Is there anything else I need to do to 'enter' the Omega 4 relay? What have I missed ??
How can I change from playing as plant to playing as zombie?
Hi my son has just started playing this game but wants to swap from being a plant to a zombie but doesn't know how? Any help greatly appreciated :)
How do you get the winning kill cam in Modern Warfare 2?
Does the player of the kill cam get set randomly?
Which Modern Warfare 2 Killstreak Rewards count towards your current kill streak?
My understanding is that all rewards from a Care Package do not, nor those from Emergency Airdrop crates. Was the Pave Low recently changed to count? What about the Stealth Bomber, Precision Airstrike, Attack Helicopter and the Sentry Gun?
What does "Suicide after choosing a player class" mean?
In Options -> Multiplayer -> Advanced there's an option called "Suicide after choosing a player class". What does it do? Is it a good idea to check/uncheck?
How can I beat all the 4 enemies in "Golden Horde" by Serjik Waters in Golden Horde?
I have been playing this game, where I had beaten 1/4 enemies in the game. But after that an orange enemy is very difficult to defeat and the other 2 are very strong, so when I concentrate on 1 the others build quickly. What/s the best strategy to defeat all the enemies in the game?
Steam game doesn't get added to library or start download
I was trying to download a F2P steam game, which when I click the install button from the app page, launches the steam wizard to install it, however nothing actually happens after the wizard closes. It appears neither in the library or within the downloads. This happens if I try from within the Steam client or my browser and launching the steam:// link I have tried running Steam as a admin, I repaired Steam using the Steam installer, I repaired steam using the steamservice.exe /repair function, I tried renaming the ClientRegistry.blob file to have steam rebuild the file.
What are the consequences of stealing in Avadon:Black Fortress?
I've encountered some items marked as "NY" (Not Yours), and I'm wondering what the consequences are if I try to steal them. Can I steal without consequence like in many RPGs, or are there repercussions if I do that?
How can I use /manload on my server?
I have finally figured out how to make new groups and stuff in groupmanager. I made some standard groups and went on the server to fo `/manload` (reloading the GM config file) But when I did it it said: > An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command then it stated raining and I would turn it off with `/weather clear` and it said: you don't have access to that command. I'm op. What is going on? It worked fine before I made one group and typed `/manload`. Now I don't have access to any command at all.
Does killing key targets counts as kills?
I am asking this as there is an achievement in Dishonored that is called Clean Hands, the question is does killing key targets count? As sometimes there is no choice in the Lady Boyle mission (maybe I haven't found a way yet) I am doing a second playthrough to get the other achievements.
Arx Fatalis/Arx Liberatis Sequence Breaking?
Forgive the slew of colloquialisms and non-specific descriptors that will plague the discussion to follow. First off, I am not 1. Very familiar with Arx Fatalis and how it works (and the updated for Windows-8 Arx Libertatis freeware) 2. Big on power/metagaming 3. Looking to break the game/deal with issues that come with it. Now, Arx Fatalis is a game I just bought on Steam a couple days ago. It ran really weird, so I found the sort of unoffical patch for newer computers "Arx Libertatis" so that it would run smoothly. Basically, I am level four, haven't really taken the time to truly specialize in any fields, and am doing what I assume is the main quest. (I am investigating that guy who was murdered by cultists, the little girl was kidnapped and sacrificed because I failed to save her, etc.) In that particular area, I came across a purple force field, which I assume Dispel Field will get rid of, I haven't actually tested it yet, but I was working on it. At that point, I noticed that there was an opportunity for platforming around the area, which I assumed may lead to some hidden goodies. Here is the problem: It lead me into a secret backdoor area into that weird pyramid thing full of snake people that said I wasn't ready to enter yet. I got in, opened the door (I was apparently in some form of treasure room that triggers hostility), died, tried again, THIS TIME WITH AN INVISIBILITY POTION. With that, I got into some form of throne room without being attacked, and spoke to a red snake lady. Now my character is talking about a weapon called Zohark and killing this Akbaa fella and all this other crazy stuff I'm pretty sure I shouldn't know about yet. So... does this break the game? I was under the impression that the game was very non-linear. I don't know what I'm supposed to do since the girl I was supposed to save and the demon and the cultists are dead. I found what I assume is another sequence break with some giant black beast that is unfightable, and very difficult to outrun, at which point I totally ditched the area because it scared me shitless. I don't want to cause awkward holes in the games plot and skip/have to re-do anything or anything crazy. I mean, I already totally emptied that little treasure area. I'm just curious why they'd make the area so easily accessible if it skips an unknown portion of the plotline. I didn't 'metagame' or break anything, I just leaped up a clearly intentional alternate pathway, and through a clearly intentional hole in the pyramid thingy's side. Heck, there were even traps and baddies along the pathway. Is this just poor game design? I love the game so far. I'm probably going to reload to before I talked to the snake lady. I'm just curious how people new to the game should go about this kind of thing.
Can you "sequence break" turrets?
Now, in League of Legends, there's three "rings" of turrets before the inhibitors, the outer turrets, the inner turrets, and the inhibitor turrets. Typically, you'd take these in order, taking the outer mid turret before the inner mid turret, and the inner mid turret before the inhibitor one. This is due to the fact that minions are key to actually hitting turrets without dying a very quick death, and they reach said turrets in precisely that order. That said, is it possible to break the sequence? If you take a late game team that doesn't mind taking the turret shots, could you run straight past the outer turret and just start beating on the one behind it? Or do turrets behind the front lines have invincibility? (Much like how the Nexus turrets can't be harmed unless there's an inhibitor down, and the Nexus can't be taken until the turrets are gone.) Obviously it wouldn't be a smart tactic (outside of very rare base race situations), but I'm curious if it could be done.
What does "You feel lucky" mean?
Some of the weapons I've found say "You feel lucky". What does that mean?
How can I defeat a "Take No Damage" fairy chest challenge when there are spikes in the way?
I've seen this situation numerous times. What rune/equipment do I need to have in order to get this thing? ![help plox](http://i.stack.imgur.com/NYlAb.jpg)
Destructive burst on entereing Dragonsreach?
When I enter Dragonsreach I emit a "burst" that levels up my destruction and kills someone and then makes all of the NPCs come after me. I've reloaded old saves and tried going there to no avail and I've reloaded to same save to see if it was a glitch buy I have the same luck. I'm now just avoiding Dragonsreach and using an old save, but does anyone know what it could be?? (And how I can stop it.) Update: I went and assaulted a gaurd and paid off my bounty to see if that would fix it and it doesn't. Also it's totally a gigantic lightning bolt. But again, I'm not the source.
How can I read how many Lives remaining in Super Mario Bros 2 (JPN)?
I'm playing the GBA version of SMB2 JPN (also know as The Lost Levels). This game is hard! So I cheat and get more lives. And I do but after I get more than 10, the Lives remaining count is some weird sprite and not a number (the SNES version seems to correct this). For example, 15 lives looks like a "Crown" and a "5". I want to know, what does Lives Remaining look like when I have more than 10? Pictures please. Aside: I want to tag this as super-mario-bros-2-jpn but cannot because of low Reputation.
More Alien Swarm Campaigns?
I have played a bit with Alien Swarm now, and after 17 hours the default Jacob's Rest campaign starts to become known. Do they plan to release other official campaigns?
Is there a way to add Bots in a multiplayer game of Call of Duty?
Game: Call of Duty: United offensive. I like the multiplayer in Call of duty so much. But is there a way to add Bots in a game like we add bots in Quake3Arena? I can't find any straight forward approach to achieve it. Is there any other way to do that?
At the end of Dreamfall, what is the fate of April Ryan and Zoe Castillo?
At the end of Dreamfall, April Ryan _(spoilers hidden)_ > appears to have been killed, and Zoe is in a coma. Are there any hints throughout the game that their fate is really different than what it appears to be on the surface?
What are the major differences between the different versions of the PS3?
Recently, I've preordered myself a PS3 game. Now I think it's a good time for me to purchase a PS3 to play it on! Now, I was going to go with what I assumed to be a normal setup, but then I was told about a sale on a "Slim" version, which seemed like a good deal. But I imagine that in being Slim, it has some corners cut, so there's going to be differences. What are the actual differences between the different versions of the PS3? And how many are there, anyway?
What is a suitable replacement for the mixer?
The mixer is hard to automate. I tried replacing it with a LiquiCrafter, but that does not seem to generate sludge (only 1 output slot). What are my alternatives?
How can you view your durability on minecraft?
How can you view the durability? When I do F3+H it doesn't work. I have version 1.7.2, and I'm using mods, but not any durability mods. I'm using lenovo laptop/acer laptop Windows 8.
Can I play Guitar Hero or Rock Band on my PC?
Is there any way to play Guitar Hero or Rock Band on my PC? I also wonder if there's a way to get the instruments working on a PC. Any suggestions?