Why did Aizen kidnap Orihime in Bleach? I remember that Aizen kidnapped Orihime but I don't remember if it was explained well why this happened. I have several hypothesis but not sure if they are true: Was it that the Hogyoku didn't work until Orihime cured it some how? Was there such a scene in Bleach that gives evidence to this? Why wouldn't the Hohyoku work? Wasn't Aizen already giving more power to his hollows even before Orihime? Is that why Aizen needed her or was it something else? To Maybe torture her to distract the Shinigami and Ichigo? But it seems that at this point he didn't really thought Ichigo mattered so it doesn't seem convincing. Or did he use her to heal his Espadas? Or did he do that to lure the Shinigami and trap them to Hueco Mundo? Is there maybe another reason? Or are there multiple reasons combined? Aizen was smart so I am sure he had a reason to kidnap Orihime. <Q> At the end of the battle between Aizen and Ichigo, Ichigo noted that Aizen's sword is filled with loneliness. <S> Before Ichigo, there was no one of the same level of spiritual pressure as Aizen. <S> This is proved in the conversation between Ichigo and his father, Kurosaki Isshin, on episode 301 of the anime. <S> Isshin <S> : Let's go (after Aizen) <S> Ichigo: Don't you feel it? <S> There's no way we can fight such monstrous spiritual pressure. <S> Isshin: As I thought, you really can comprehend his powers. <S> That wasn't the exact words but is pretty much what they said in that episode. <S> And previously during the battle between Aizen vs Isshin, Yoruichi, and Urahara, Ishin said that when he slashed Aizen, he didn't feel anything. <S> Aizen felt so empty. <S> This is because Aizen's power is far above Isshin, that Isshin can no longer comprehend (Isshin also mentioned this to Urahara after he unleashed Getsuga Tensho towards Aizen). <S> This is later proven by Aizen when he made a normal human vanish just by being near him without the man actually understand that going closer to Aizen will kill him. <S> Why Aizen kidnap Orihime? <S> The main reason is once again, Ichigo. <S> Deep down, Aizen believed that Ichigo can reach his level. <S> The other, less significant (from Aizen's point of view) reason is Orihime's ability, Shunshun Rikka, which can negates reality. <S> Aizen was curious about it when he saw Orihime used it to restore wounds. <S> As for Ichigo saying Aizen's sword is filled with loneliness, it was mentioned in episode 310 at 8:30-10:30 of the anime. <S> As for Yamamoto, he certainly was regarded as the most powerful Shinigami, but Aizen doesn't seems like seeing him as his equal. <S> This is my own guess though. <A> He kidnapped Orihime so he can wake up the hogyoko since Urahara sealed it. <S> They said that the hogyoko will take a long time to wake up but with Orihime it took less time. <A> Aizen understands her power and how it can basically reject reality / events that happened. <S> He sees her healing ability as borderline God-like powers. <S> Of course he values this and wants it to use as he desires. <S> I think the best explanation of this is in chapter 240 page 7. <S> I don't actually think he really ends up exploiting her abilities past what is in that chapter (healing Grimmjow). <S> Kidnapping her also has the added benefit of luring out Kurosaki and his crew. <S> By luring them to Hueco Mundo, Aizen and his men get to fight on their own turf.
The answer lies in Ichigo's existence. And to encourage Ichigo's growth, Aizen kidnapped Orihime so that Ichigo would feel the urgency of getting stronger.
What are the squinting faces (>_o△ The squinting face that anime characters make can express a range of expressions. Here are two examples: From this alone we might be inclined to call it the "cute crying face." However, consider the next picture: The character (Rokka from Shoujou Yokai) still uses the same face, but does not display sadness. For context, the character was being used as a weapon to punch a villain in the manga and was happy to be able to defeat the villain. From sadness to happiness to frustration, it cannot be pinpointed to one particular emotion. They do have cuteness in common, although it's not always used to emphasize cuteness. What is this face called exactly? Does it even have a name? <Q> In the media/anime-verse, they do not have any specific name for themselves. <S> The eyes themselves form a part of the Wingding Eyes : <S> For animated characters, the eyes are the windows to the soul—literally. <S> So literally, that their eyes become their innermost thoughts projected in very clear symbols for all to see. <S> For example, the common ones mentioned include: X or +: <S> Dead or knocked out. <S> Comical depictions of corpses or ghosts will have their tongues sticking out as well as this. <S> Spirals: <S> Dazed, confused, terrified, dizzy, or knocked out. <S> Stars: Excitement, determination and dreaming of fame and fortune <S> In the real world, these >_< , >o< , >△< are a part of Kaomoji : <S> Kaomoji (顔文字) is a popular Japanese emoticon style made up of Japanese characters and grammar punctuations, and are used to express emotion in texting and cyber communication. <S> As mentioned on the site: Japanese emoticons are extremely diverse. <S> Some of Internet sources state the number of 10000 <S> but, in fact, there are much more of them. <S> Such diversity may be explained by at least two factors: Unlike Cyrillic and Latin alphabets, which are usually written in single-byte character sets, Japanese writing requires a minimum of double-byte sets with a wider scope of characters; Kaomoji can express not only individual emotions, but also complex actions, objects, and even whole stories. <S> > <S> _< , <S> >o< , <S> >△< and other expressions can be interpreted in different ways in the anime, depending on the scene being depicted, the character, the Wingding Eyes and their combination with the expression put on the characters' face. <S> Anger Excitement Embarrassment Frustration <S> Jealousy Pain (or to brace yourself against an incoming impact) <A> I don't know of a particular name for <S> >_< , <S> but if we take a look at the emoticon Unicode block we can see the following emoticons with <S> > and <S> < for eyes: U+1F606 SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND <S> TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES <S> U+1F61D FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE AND TIGHTLY-CLOSED EYES <S> U+1F623 <S> PERSEVERING FACE <S> U+1F62B TIRED FACE <S> U+1F627 <S> ANGUISHED FACE U+1F62C GRIMACING FACE <S> I checked these on Chrome and Firefox, but note that not all of them are always drawn with <S> > and <S> < for eyes. <S> For example, the last two are drawn with round eyes for the Twitter emoji project. <S> From this, we can gather that at least the Unicode name for > and < eyes is "tightly closed eyes", although "persevering face" is also pretty appropriate for some situations. <S> (Side note: reverse image searching <S> the first screenshot causes Google to suggest "anime sad face") <A> I think it would be more correct to call >_< wincing or bracing, based on our real world expressions: Wince make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of pain or distress. <S> It's usually a face you would make if you are bracing yourself for something bad, trying to hold back some pain. <S> I'd argue that the first face is more like >△< which is slightly different. <S> This is more of a complaining/moaning face: <S> There are several other related emoticons for different expressions, such as feeling shifty <S> > <S> _ <S> > <_< >_ <S> > <S> elated ^_^ or restful v_v <S> as well as combinations of other eyes and mouths ^_~ <A> The symbols you typed are called kaomoji. <S> According to Symbol Go , kaomoji are Japanese emoticons. <S> These are text symbols, which are different from emojis (e.g., ⛄). <S> Unlike emoticons such as :-) <S> kaomoji can be read without tilting one's head to the left; rather, they are read horizontally, such as ( • ‿ • ). <S> For example, eyes can be represented as ^_^ for joy, O_o for confusion or -_- for shrug or a whatever feeling. <S> Arms and hands can even be added. <S> For example, ᕙ( •̀ ‿ •́ ) <S> ᕗ has flexing arms, while ( •̀ ‿ •́ ) does not. <S> Source: <S> Symbol Go
The subtle difference is that the former is bracing for something unpleasant, the latter is complaining about it. The most common uses in anime are to depict: Emotions can be expressed by changing how the eyes, mouth, and face are represented.
What were those Poneglyphs from the Alabasta arc? During the Alabasta arc when the crew was crossing the desert, Luffy, Zoro and Chopper fell down a hole which led to a big dome-like structure. In the dome, there was a huge stone with Poneglyphs written on it. None of them knew what it was much less its meaning. It was dismissed. What I'm wondering is if those Poneglyphs was important and whether or not it had some clues about the Void Century? <Q> As you can see from this list , episodes 101 - 102 which Luffy, Zoro and Chopper find the Poneglyph <S> it's actually a filler episode . <S> So this Poneglyph wasn't introduced in the manga, so that means that whatever was wrote on it doesn't matter. <A> There is only one poneglyph in alabasta that cobra showed Robin. <S> The capital was moved because of the war and destruction so in the end there is no confusion as according to the creator of one piece that is Oda <S> only one poneglyph exists in alabasta and the anime makers just did a filler to hype things up <A> I have one speculation. <S> In Alabasta, there are 2 poneglyph. <S> One was at the Kings tomb and the other in the desert. <S> The Kings tomb has the info about the location of Pluton according to King Cobra <S> but if you re-watch and re-read the arc closely you will notice that Alabasta has two Palace. <S> The current one and one which is destroyed due to age and the desert not being inhabitable (or some other cause). <S> My speculation is that the former Palace was surrounded by domes due to it being the former capital city. <S> If I remember right, Alabasta was the only country that the King did not leave for Marijoise which is really suspicious. <S> I'm guessing that the King was entrusted with one of the key poneglyphs that tell or is a part of the Rio poneglyph. <S> But since the world government we going for a hunting spree for any book or memory about the void century, the King decided to move his capital city to its current position and leave the other poneglyph in the desert where no one will find it. <A> They might be Pluton as they say later in the show, because they didnt know what it is at <S> they said that "someone" was trying to hide it. <A> I think that this poneglyph might contain some real information ,not about weapons but about void century. <S> then someone from wano must have made another poneglyph as a decoy for alabasta king after moving the capital while only one or two persons would have had the knowledge of existence of that poneglyph making it hard for world government to locate and destroy real treasure and after some generation of family the secret must have lost. <A> This was actually addressed shortly after this episode came out by the anime team, and i quote "what was that Poneglyph in the cave where zoro chopper and luffy fell into?" <S> Kōnosuke Uda "how did that get there, zoro's luck led him to the poneglyph that tells the history of Alabasta"
Since the poneglyph in the desert was a non Canon episode there is no meaning in its existence.
Why was the bridge already down when the second train arrived? In the first episode of the new anime "Koutetsujou-no-Kabaneri" , the first train had to stop before they let it enter the station.(which can be seen in the following picture) Why was the bridge already down before the second train even arrived? This made it easy for the Kabane to invade the station.(here you can see that the bridge was already down before the train even arrived) Was this an error? Or is it a part of the plot, to let the Kabane enter the station? <Q> It's not clear as of now why Koutetsujou (the first train) had to wait before entering the station whereas Fusoujou (the second train) didn't. <S> However, a likely reason is that they were expecting Fusoujou to arrive on that day whereas Koutetsujou was to arrive on the next day, but was running ahead of its schedule. <S> Moreover, I don't think they expected the whole train to be filled with Kabane. <S> They most likely only expected a few to be bitten and planned to get rid of them at the station, like they did with Koutetsujou. <S> Why was the bridge already down before the train even arrived? <S> It wasn't. <S> The bridge was lowered when they saw Husoujyou coming, as can be seen here: <A> I think, it is rather dangerous to keep train staying outside for some long time, since it is easier for Kabane to get on it, so getting bridge down right to the train arrival seems pretty logical to me. <S> That's why bridge was lowered for second train. <S> On other hand, first train arrival was not scheduled. <S> I think, that's why bridge was not lowered in time. <A> In episode 1, it is implied that there is a strict schedule to when trains arrive. <S> However, Mumei's train was said to be out of schedule and arrived early. <S> Thus nobody is aware that it is coming <S> and thus they don't lower the bridge.
I think as long as you arrive according to schedule, the town will just lower the bridge beforehand, as staying outside in a potentially kabane-infested zone is very dangerous.
Can the Avatar still be reincarnated? Near to the finale of The Legend of Korra - Book 2: Spirits when Vaatu rips Raava from Korra's body and destroys her, Korra says to Tenzen that the Avatar Cycle has too been destroyed and she is the last Avatar. At the end Korra confirms that Raava is back inside her however her connection to the previous Avatars is still gone. I am wondering, does this mean that the Avatar can no longer be reincarnated? or is Korra like Wan where he had no previous past lives to turn to for advice (unlike Aang who could turn to Roku, Kyoshi and those other 2 Avatars he spoke to at the end) and thus can still be reincarnated. <Q> Communication with previous Avatar incarnations was exactly communication with parts of their souls inside Raava. <S> Since Raava got itself destroyed, and then resurrected, it is in "clear" state, without souls of previous incarnations. <S> But while Raava exists in this world, it can find new vessel to become next Avatar incarnation. <S> The only consequence of its temporary destruction is that Korra is now much like Wan. <A> Korra lost connection with the past Avatars. <S> It is still possible for Korra to get in the Avatar State (which is the unified state with Raava) <S> but she can not talk with Aang or other past Avatars and use their knowledge. <S> tl;dr Korra became the first Avatar. <A> I just learnt that Korra's connection to past lives was severed completely and it also gets worse. <S> According to her letters to the next Avatar in The Legend of Korra: An Avatar's Chronicle (book), Korra states that even the next Avatar may not be able to connect with her for guidance. <S> It's like every Avatar that will come next will no longer have a connection to the past life before.
Actual Avatar reincarnation means Raava accepts part of current Avatar soul, leaves its body, and finds new Avatar.
Why is that Gildarts not too involved in guild fights? There are so many situations where the Fairy-tail guild gets into really tough fights and in serious trouble!. Gildarts is extremely strong, how is that he is not very involved in fights?? <Q> As said before Gildarts is a class S mage and he is almost always adventuring. <S> For example there was an episode when Gildarts came to the Guild and everyone was doing a party.(I don´t remember in which episode it happened thought). <S> Even if he wanted to join the fight´s he would need some "days" to reach the "battlefield". <A> Well he can't hold back when it comes to his powers and if he did fight like that someone would be dead or severely injured. <S> But there is also that he is almost never at the guild. <A> <A> You may recall there is a special board with S rank jobs for S rank wizards, and those missions are intense. <S> So while the guild may be having trouble with one thing, Guildarts is likely far away handling a different job of immense difficulty as well. <S> He simply may be busy and unable to leave.
well since he being an S class Wizard is busy in far off lands dealing greater ,maybe he doesn't even know about them or the battles may be finished by the time he reaches and it isn't much interesting if the big guys get involved to... As others have mentioned, Guildarts isn't always around.
Where did Decim send Chiyuki? To reincarnation or to void? I saw that the mask changed and she just gave in to her wish to come back to live in her last 'test', so I think she was sent to void, but I'm not really sure. Can somebody explain, please? <Q> She went to Reincarnation . <S> This scene happens immediately after her elevator door closes. <A> She was sent to reincarnation represented by the sign above the elevator. <S> One sitting on the chair is a mannequin it has no eye balls. <A> Firstly, in episode 11, in Ginti's bar, when he sent Harada and that girl, it was shown to be the reincarnation mask, but soon enough it changed to the void mask. <S> We can always see the reincarnation lift is on the left and the void lift is on the right. <S> Decim sent Chiyuki to the elevator on the right which is usually the void one. <S> However, there was a reincarnation mask. <S> Here comes what happened in Ginti's place: he switched the masks. <S> Probably Decim would also have done the same. <S> Well, the mannequin, regardless of whether he sent her to void or reincarnation, he merely made it for remembrance. <A> In episode 12, it shows Chiyuki in the chair, but it isn't her because she would've dissolved into dust. <S> It's her mannequin, meaning she was sent into the void. <A> However, because Decim had an experience with her, he made a dummy to represent her because she was sent to reincarnation and her reincarnated body would look different.
She was sent for reincarnation.
Why do anime characters stand on telephone poles all the time? In a lot of anime and anime-styled fan work, anime characters are shown standing on the tops of telephone poles. I understand this angle makes it easy to show the character against nice scenery, but it's not something that should be as regular as it is. Was there a particular show that sparked all the pole-standing? <Q> The reason the characters stand on poles mostly have to do with the scene being either dramatic or to make the scene look "cool". <S> This trope is known as " I Have the High Ground ": <S> Supernatural, magical, or just plain awesome beings know there's no better place to be effortlessly standing on than tall and usually thin objects, <S> be they pine trees, lampposts or the nearest available tall building. <S> This is flying for people who cannot fly. <S> Or even the ones who can. <S> Less about true strategy and more about looking cool. <S> Expect Dramatic Wind (actually, wind speed increases with altitude, <S> so wind that seems dramatic to those on the ground is ''normal'' at high altitude). <S> In anime and manga this has become a choice dramatic entrance for villains, introduced via a panning away of the camera from a completely every day scene (see example 1) , or the aftermath of a dramatic event, to reveal that said villain was watching all along, and provide a nice segue for the next part. <S> Example <S> As is mentioned on the page: <S> This seems to have originated from training techniques that involved standing on bamboo; see, for example, the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Teen Titans examples. <S> This is common in Wire Fu movies <S> Hence, there is no particular show which sparked the pole standing, but rather its gradual adaptation into the anime world taken from real life Martial Art practice techniques, which became ever so popular and a regular occurrence because animation tends to increase the dramatic effect and make it scenic as compared to shows/movies, where the characters would (probably) look weird rather than cool, unless it's directly related to Martial Arts. <A> I always felt that it showed martial art skills like in kung-fu films. <S> This skill is a Martial Arts Technique utilizing Mei Hua Zhuang (Plum Flower Poles). <A> Best lookout spot without close proximity to other leveled areas. <S> To summarize a great vantage point. <S> Either that or just looks cool while showing skill. <A> Maybe to show how awesome they are. <S> I can also relate to martial arts.
Mostly animes in which a character stands on things are mostly action or martial arts based.
Can Poké Balls technically catch humans? In the Pokémon franchise (I'll accept answers from any canon source, whether the anime, manga, games or anything else I can't think of), Poké Balls are used to catch Pokémon. Could you, in theory, use them to catch a human being? Is there any canon example of someone attempting it (I suppose it has probably occurred at some point in the anime for example)? Is there any canonical factor that makes it technically impossible (such as "Humans and Pokémon are fundamentally different", but I think I remember that this isn't true) or is it possible in theory but simply not done in practice? EDIT : My question is different from the general "How does a Poké Ball work" question because I'm specifically asking whether / why it can not catch humans. The answer to the other question does address this, but in passing, and it does not provide any sources, and links to a page that may have been a good source in the past, but is now devoid of any relevant content (or canon quotes) so it doesn't really answer my question. <Q> In the episode in the first series of the show where Ash is in Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town to catch a ghost Pokemon to fight Serena, he sees Jessie's hair on fire and he assumes that it's a Pokemon on fire and proceeds to throw a Poke-ball at her. <S> And no it doesn't open <S> but it just hit her face. <A> In Pokemon Black and White , Ash tried to catch Iris because at an angle she looked like a Pokemon. <S> He fails to do so. <A> In the new Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! <S> and Let's Go, Eevee! , in the post game, <S> after you catch Mewtwo, you battle <S> Green. <S> After you battle her, she tries to catch you by throwing pokeballs at you. <S> But it's really hard to tell if your character actually goes inside the thrown pokeballs. <S> So maybe it is possible to catch a human in a pokeball. <S> She seems pretty serious about trying to catch you though. :))) <A> No its not possible. <A> There was an early episode in which Ash, Misty, and Brock go to an old city called Pokemopolis. <S> There was some mumbo jumbo with giant Pokemon(long story). <S> At on point, our Trio, Team Rocket and the scientists were trapped in an ancient object which might have been a Pokeball. <A> In every attempt at catching a human, it has failed. <S> (at least to my knowledge). <S> In the TV show, it just hits people. <S> in the games Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu <S> /Eevee you encounter a trainer that attempts to catch you five times and fails. <S> the screen whites out every time she tries. <S> It's quite terrifying. <A> In all games except "Pokémon: Let's Go" if you use a Pokéball against a Trainer's Pokémon, The Trainer jumps in front of the Pokéball. <S> You can say that he/she actually goes inside the Pokéball and then escapes, but if you use a Master Ball; The Trainer would still jump in front of it, and there's no way of escaping the Master Ball. <S> so... <A> In Pokemon White/Black 2 in the Pokestar Studios where the player can "make a movie" there's a movie the player can make that called "The Giant Woman", in the story the Character (played by the player) buying a cursed Pokeball, once his girlfriend touches it, she's sucking into it the Pokeball. <S> it does not need to say that the movie called "the Giant Woman" since when she's out of the Pokeball, she's giant. <S> Another movie I think called Timegate Traveler features a story where in the future Pokemon controls people, using Pokeball to use them. <S> It may be suggested by the game that it is not possible for a Pokeball to catch a human since it is laughing at the idea.
In one pokemon game there is the possibility to catch a human, but even a master ball fails, so to answer your question.
Can any other devil fruit users use gears besides Luffy? In One Piece, Luffy can use gears 2-4 (I know from a little bit of spoilers, I'm on the Water 7 arc and he has already used gear 2), but so far I haven't seen another devil fruit user use gear like Luffy's. Is there any devil fruit user that uses gears? <Q> You're asking the wrong question. <S> Gears is just the name given by Luffy to the extra usage of his unique paramecia body, hence technically only he can use Gears. <S> Gear 2 Luffy uses his Elastic Heart and Blood Vessels to increase his bloodflow, this allows him to increase the limit of his body. <S> He can move very fast and increased strength. <S> It however decreases his endurance as he experiences more fatigue <S> Gear 3 Luffy pumps air into his bones, which also being of rubber expands and allow him to increase the size and momentum of his moves <S> Gear 4 <S> Here Luffy pumps air into his muscles. <S> This allows him to use Haki, while remaining elastic enough to dodge <S> /bounce back attacks <S> Other users have their own special moves. <S> For Example: 1. <S> Magellan - Covering his body with a stronger poison (Venom Demon: Hell's Judgment) 2. <S> Robin - Using Thousands of Hands to create larger body parts including Wings. <S> (Gigantous Mano or something) 3. <S> Mr.3's Wax Suit (Champion Form) <S> If they call their special moves something else instead of Gear N, it doesn't change the fact that they are using there fruits' ability in a new way :) <S> NOTE: <S> All Credit to Luffy for thinking outside the box, <S> though I doubt he considers the impacts of those actions before doing something, usually he does it because its COOL! :D <S> source : ; Anime/manga Edit : added more examples. <S> Edit 2 : With the introduction of awakening, it makes sense to add that each fruits awakening will also be unique. <S> Thus Luffy's version of awakening and how he uses it or even accommodates it into his Gears will be upto his ingenuity. <S> (Personally, I want him to use a Staff (Like young Goku), which can extend due to his Rubber powers!) <A> In the One Piece wiki, the only person who can use Gears is Luffy, and the only reason he can even use gears is because of his Devil Fruit, the Gomu Gomu Fruit. <S> Wiki quotes: <S> By taking advantage of the unique physical abilities granted by his Devil Fruit, Luffy has invented techniques that augment his speed and strength in different ways, though each one also has corresponding physical drawbacks. <S> He refers to these techniques as Gears. <S> The way Gears work (you will see quite soon because they explain it in the CP9 event during the fights) is that Luffy pumps his blood a lot faster than normal, and his veins don't explode because he can stretch any part of his body, whereas if a non-stretchy person tried this, their veins would explode causing instant death. <S> Therefore, no one besides Luffy can theoretically learn Gears. <A> Gears is just a name to his techniques. <S> They are called gears basically since he is forcing his body or devil to its current full potential. <S> If we go with that thinking then we can say that logia devil fruit user also use "gears" when transforming to liquid (well not liquid but when they turn to light or sand or fire etc). <S> The one thing that all devil fruit users do have is awakening. <S> But since you are in Water 7 arc <S> I'll just stop here.
Luffy is the creator of Gears, and so far in both the manga and the anime, he is the only known user to use it.
Why does Sasuke have 6 dots on his Rinnegan When looking at Sasuke's Rinnegan, I noticed that he had 6 dots in it (the same kind you find on a Sharingan). But Madara didn't have this. His just had a few circles but nothing else. Is there a reason for this? <Q> The dots <S> you're mentioning is actually called Tomoe , like you said, it is usually formed on Sharingan. <S> Rinnegan are usually characterized by light purple irides with a ripple-pattern that spreads over the eyeball, a few well-known wielders are Pain (not really though), Nagato and Madara. <S> Back to the question, recall that Sasuke received half of Hagoromo's (aka Sage of Six Paths) chakra, thus awakened the Rinnegan. <S> The Rinnegan Sasuke has is quite unique, it has 6 tomoe split between its first two ripples, this doesn't mean nothing, it indicates the Rinnegan is fully charged . <S> What's the difference between a typical Rinnegan and a fully charged Rinnegan you ask? <S> Well, it's simple. <S> Fully charged Rinnegan wielder like Sasuke gains abilities <S> typical Rinnegan wielders don't have. <S> About the abilities, I bet you knew it already. <S> Sasuke cannot use the Rinnegan full abilities if he overuses it. <S> At this point, the tomoe will disappear, preventing him from using its full power. <S> Sasuke will keep his left eye closed until it is fully recharged. <S> Sasuke is still able to use the powers of his Mangekyo Sharingan with his Rinnegan, but cannot use or form the Mangekyo in his other eye when it is recharging. <S> (See the image, the Mangekyo doesn't form on his right eye when he loses Rinnegan's charge, and it is formed again when the Rinnegan is fully charged. <S> This is also stated on Narutopedia.) <S> Here you can see it happen in the manga. <A> I think what happened is, the Tomoe represent the charge of Sasuke's Rinnegan. <S> When he overuses it, they disappear and he can't use its full power. <S> Hagoromo gave part of his power to Sasuke so he could activate the Rinnegan. <S> In short, Madara can use his eyes almost forever and at extreme levels, but Sasuke's needs to charge to be fully functional. <S> There is proof of that in the mangas. <A> The reason as to why it's different is never really stated, but we can infer why. <S> First off, there are three different eyes in Naruto . <S> From the weakest to the strongest, they are Byakugan, Sharingan, and Rinnegan. <S> So the byakugan will stay a byakugan forever, but it can turn into a Tensaigan (I can't remember how, but that doesn't matter). <S> Now for the most important Rinnegan and Sharingan, Sharingan can evolve into Rinnegan. <S> However, before that, there are 3 things needed: a fully developed Sharingan, 3 Tomoe Mangekyou, then eternal. <S> So as for what the Rinnegan is, it's basically a mixture of a Sharingan and its own traits, but the Sharingan aspect is only useable to Uchihas. <S> That's why Nagato can't use Sharingan's effects, but Sasuke and Madara can. <S> Now for why Sasuke's looks different, Madara took Hashirama's Senju chakra and combined it with his which caused the Sharingan to evolve which is sort of the only way to make a Sharingan evolve and <S> Sasuke does something similar, except the sage of sixth paths gives Sasuke half of his chakra which is much more than Hashirama's. <S> Thus, his eyes seem to almost turn into a Rinne Sharingan. <S> Also, the reason for their abilities being different is because that's just how Rinnegans work as Mangekyou Sharingans do the same thing <A> From what I've heard, it's called a Rinne Sharingan, which is the last stage of evolution for a Sharingan and Rinnegan. <A> I think Sasuke rinnegan is more similar to the Ōtsutsuki clans rinnegan <S> if u look at theirs they have very unique from member to member and madara has regular rinnegan. <S> All Ōtsutsuki members can travel through dimensions and i think the reason sasuke can to is because of how his rinnegan was given directly through hagoromos chakra and because of this he has same abilities of their stonger rinnegan but the drawback is he doesn't have their rinnegan. <S> He has something similar where he has to have his eye charged to use the abilities to travel through dimensions. <S> And if u were wondering why madaras rinnegan could be spammed unlike saskues rinnegan it is because madara had the ten tails which is basically kaguya chakra
Madara used Hashirama's cells to make himself fully as Hagoromo was, which means that Madara got the full portion of the Rinnegan power while Sasuke had only a small amount since he was given part of chakra to activate it.
Is the Harbinger of Spring based on a real Japanese legend? In Episode 2 of Flying Witch, this rather strange looking fellow appears and terrorizes poor Chinatsu at the door. Makoto explains that he's the Harbinger of Spring, some kind of nature spirit who ushers out the winter and ushers in the spring, like a fairy. ] He's the Harbinger of Spring. He's a splendid person who bids farewell to winter and brings about spring. He's like the fairy of spring. The series takes place in the modern day and the witches and magic are very Western in style. However, the Harbinger's clothing looks like traditional Japanese clothing (almost ninja-like). His mask sort of reminds me of a cross between the kodama from Princess Mononoke and the style of Jomon pottery: So, at least within the series, it seems like the Harbinger is supposed to be a traditional Japanese spirit. Is it based on any similar real-life legend or is it completely a creation of the series? <Q> In the anime, the Harbinger of Spring is called 春の運び屋 haru no hakobiya (spoken around 07:50 ~ 07:55 on Crunchyroll ). <S> While I don’t remember having heard this name or seen this appearance before, similar “spirits” exist in Japanese folklore. <S> And animes like <S> this usually portray one or two, e.g. <S> Mushishi or Natsume <S> ’s Book of Friends . <A> I love the sophistication of the question, and it so happens that I was musing about this too. <S> Then used Google translate to get some sense of the Harbinger character. <S> And ... that's it. <S> There does not seem to be an equivalent in traditional folklore (credit to the how creators, who are being inventive, albeit in a traditional way). <S> The connection to Jomon and animistic beliefs is clear, and yes, Natsume comes to mind. <A> There is no direct correspondence in Shinto, which doesn't have a god or harbinger/herald of spring (except for the sakura tree), although in some stories a rooster is said to have tempted Amaterasu the sun goddess out of her cave - to end winter. <S> The mask is a stylized owl, though. <S> In older legends, owls are bringers of luck/warders against misfortune. <S> Maybe it is even a reference to Kotankor Kamui / Chi-kap Kamui of Ainu legend? <S> He was the land god of Ainu lands and was also an owl god (see Handbook of Japanese Mythology by Michael Ashkenazi). <S> He was supposedly a god of plenty and in charge of making sure the humans and gods/spirits of the lands obeyed the rules and lived in peace. <S> so the gods would not withold their bounty.
I would consider the Harbinger of Spring a force or spirit of nature, and not necessarily a specific legendary being, even if it may appear as one, like in this anime. So, as a non-Japanese speaker, I did the obvious, and entered the Japanese characters for the Harbinger of Spring into Google search and got a wikipedia entry ... about the anime. What I learned: it is definitely a barn owl, as one respondent suggested. One of the better known stories about him has him ending famine by teaching the Ainu the proper rituals to honour the spirits/gods when catching & killing fish etc.
Why did Shisui sacrifice himself? Why did Shisui sacrifice himself? More importantly, why did he crush his eyes? Is it because he wasn't strong enough to protect them from falling into the wrong hands? What made him think that Itachi could stop the revolt even when he knew he was stronger than Itachi? <Q> I think it was made pretty clear when Itachi explains it to Naruto when he was Edo Tensei. <S> Itachi and Shisui both new a Civil War was on the cards since Uchiha were plotting a Coup. <S> Both having grown up in the era of great war didn't want it to come to that. <S> Shisui tried to use his Genjutsu prowess on the village elders to stop the anhilation of Uchihas, but Danzo overpowered him and stole his eye. <S> Shisui managed to get away but lost an eye. <S> He didn't want any other power monger to get hold of his other Mangekyo Sharingan and thus entrusted it to Itachi, because he knew he believed in the same ideals. <S> He left the village and faked his death. <S> Source: <S> <S> On a smartphone. <S> So will edit with proper citations of manga chapters later. <S> Please take a look at Wikia. <S> It should explain it more clearly Edit 1: For those convinced he commited suicide <S> The contents of the suicide note also made it appear as though he had crushed his eyes when jumping off a cliff into the Naka River to kill himself in order to prevent conflict from arising over his eyes within the clan. <S> He, at the same time, was able to erase his existence, leaving no corpse behind. <S> Wiki Source: Chapter 550 pg11. <S> Chapter 520 pg 15 <S> Edit 2 <S> : I am not sure whats wrong with people, but they do not want to do their own research but will hold their beliefs and opinions as hard facts. <S> I am open to different interpretations of said facts BUT don't refute the facts. <S> Here is the anime clip of Shisui giving his eye to Itachi (Not that itachi killed him and took his eye) <A> According to the Story part related to it in the game "Naruto Shippuden : Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution", and if I remember well : Danzô wanted to steal Shisui's eyes to use their power to prevent the coup d'etat from happening, because Shisui didn't want to use it against his own clan. <S> Danzô succeeded to steal one of Shisui's eyes, but Shisui managed to escape just after. <S> He knew Danzô would do everything to get the other eye, so he chose to give it to Itachi (and so Danzô can't know where the 2nd eye is), and as he had no eyes anymore, I guess he thought that living in these conditions was meaningless and committed suicide. <A> Shisui was actually poisoned by Danzo. <S> In terms of strength Danzo would stand no chance against Shisui if it came down to a 1 on 1 battle.
Shisui wrote a suicide note telling his clan he cannot follow through with the coup d'etat, but his clan's narrow mindedness made them unable to understand this, believing he would even sacrifice innocent lives for the sake of the Uchiha Clan.
Who typically owns the rights to an anime's soundtrack? I watched episode 7 of Space Patrol Luluco today, and, well, that sure was a thing. Saliently, it featured a piece from the Kill la Kill soundtrack: "Gekiban Tokka-gata Hitotsu-boshi Gokuseifuku" (OST 2 track 1), which is basically the soundtrack-ified version of "Before my body is dry", a.k.a. "DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY". (I'm spoilering this because, frankly, this is the best anime-related surprise I've gotten in ages.) This got me thinking - who typically owns the soundtrack of an anime? Is it the composer, or is it some other party, such as the animation studio or the production committee? (By soundtrack, I mean the soundtrack; not OPs/EDs, which I strongly suspect tend to have different ownership schemes.) The situation in Hollywood is interesting as a point of comparison - various ownership schemes seem to be possible (though I don't know which are more common). In some cases, the soundtrack will be treated as a work-for-hire owned by the film's producers; in other cases, the composer will own the soundtrack and will license usage rights to the producers; and surely other possibilities exist. (Keep in mind, of course, that Japan and the US have fairly divergent conventions when it comes to the handling of intellectual property, so the situation in Hollywood is probably not the same as the situation in... Akihabara?) <Q> Here is what I found : From what I understood, music industry in anime is not really transparent. <S> It's difficult to find trustable sources. <S> Firstly I had the idea to ask to Thomas Romain and here is his answer (translation below the screen) <S> : <S> The translation : "Who usually owns the rights on anime OST in Japan ? <S> (except OP & ED) the studio ? <S> the composer ?" <S> "Certainly not the studio. <S> I couldn't say. <S> Probably the production committee + the composer." <S> Thomas Romain is a French animator which works in Japan since several years. <S> He works for the studio Satelight. <S> So even if he's not sure about who owns the rights, I think you can trust him when he says that studios do not own the rights. <S> I also made some resarch on Wikipedia : <S> Japanese copyright laws (著作権法 Chosakukenhō?) <S> consist of two parts: "Author's Rights" and "Neighbouring Rights. <S> " <S> As such, "copyright" is a convenient collective term rather than a single concept in Japan. <S> Japan was a party to the original Berne convention in 1899, so its copyright law is in sync with most international regulations. <S> They say the copyright law is in sync with most international regulations. <S> There are 3 actors : the composer, the producers and the broadcasters (wire diffusers). <S> In anime production like pointed before, producers and broadcasters seem to be the same. <S> About the rights of each of them : The composer has all the moral rights on his music. <S> He has also economic rights, that is to say : <S> Reproduction: <S> The author can control the reproduction of a work, including photography, recording, and downloading. <S> Communication: <S> The author can control how a work is to be transmitted, communicated, broadcast, performed, exhibited, etc., including how copies of the work are to be distributed. <S> Adaptation: The author can control the adaptation of a work through translation, dramatization, cinematization, and the creation of derivative works in general. <S> And for the broadcasters (here the producers) : Broadcasters and wire diffusers have the transferable economic rights of fixation, reproduction, making available, and retransmission. <S> Television broadcasters also have a right to control photography of their broadcasts. <S> If you want more details, here is my source : <A> I have seen lots of anime opening videos on youtube who's audio track is muted by the respective song producers (not the animation company). <S> Hence the soundtrack must be owned by the company that produces it and is used by the animation company on certain agreements. <S> -----------------------------------------Edit-------------------------------- <S> Based on several stores <S> I visited online <S> all the OSTs are sold/distributed by the companies that produce them.. see the link for Kara no Kyoukai OST <S> it is distributed by Sony not ufotable. <S> <S> Hence it must be owned by the company that produced it. <A> This is the typical situation in Japan:The composer and the lyricist transfer the copyright to the music publisher and it trusts copyright to a copyright collective, most likely JASRAC (ASCAP/BMI in the US). <S> Also, the record label owns the recording rights. <S> Thus the animation studio must have been licensed by JASRAC and the record label (Sony/Aniplex) to use the song.
The performers own the performing rights, which are usually transferred to the record label by contract.
Shouldn't Naruto's RasenShuriken be a forbidden Jutsu if it's so powerful? Naruto's RasenShuriken can usually kill average shinobi in one shot. If it's so powerful shouldn't it be forbidden? <Q> It's not typical of strong techniques to be forbidden. <S> Incidentally, Tsunade did declare Fuuton: <S> Rasenshuriken as a forbidden jutsu after seeing the damage it caused Naruto's arm. <S> Whether or not it's still forbidden after Naruto perfected it and managed to throw it (thus, nullifying the damage to himself). <S> Other examples of forbidden jutsu: Izanagi - Because it sacrifices an eye. <S> Tajuu Kage Bunshin (Massive Shadow Clone) <S> - Because the user might die from chakra loss <S> Edo Tensei - <S> Because of living sacrifice and immorality. <A> Because it destroys the cell that produces chakra not only to the one hit by it but also to the user which is naruto . <S> That's why it's forbidden. <A> Like the first guy said Tsunade did mark it as forbidden jutsu <S> but when Naruto learns sage mode and then Bijuu mode he uses it because it no longer damages him. <A> It is a forbidden jutsu. <S> Later on Naruto learns to use Sage Art: <S> Rasenshuriken which lets him throw it by applying nature chakra to maintain it's shape, but I think this is classified separately. <S> Outside that, he can use chakra arms of his nine tails chakra mode to guide them, also negating the damage done to him. <S> But, anyone who doesn't know senjutus or has a tail beast chakra mode will still be at risk, since it then has to be used as a melee jutsu. <A> It was originally classified as a forbiden jutsu because of the damage it can cause to the user. <S> "The name is a bit of a misnomer. <S> The jutsu works like a poison. <S> It causes damage to the cells that produce chakra. <S> Even those of the user. <S> If Naruto continues to use that ninjutsu he will lose the ability to mold chakra." <S> - Fith Hokage, Sanin, Slug sage, Medical Sage Tsunade Senju <S> But when he throws it, it nullifies the damage to himself. <S> So I suppose it was deforbiden.
Forbidden jutsu are often techniques that either damage the user, require a sacrifice (other than just Chakra), or is generally immoral.
Why is Megumin a weird name? When we are introduced to her in the second episode of the anime, Aqua and Kazuma mentioned that her name was weird. She further revealed her parents' names, Yuiyui and Hyoizaburo, which are apparently weird as well. However, to the Western audience or at least to me, it's no more weird than naming yourself Darkness or Dustiness, the name of another character in Kazuma's party. The latter being even weirder than "Megumin" considering it refers to how dusty something is. Why are the Crimson Demons considered to have weird names? <Q> I think there are two possibilities: #1 Different to the world's normal names <S> Look at some of the other characters in the world: <S> Aqua Darkness (a.k.a. Dustiness Ford Lalatina) <S> Wiz Kazuma and Kyōya are from the modern world so their names are probably odd, but normal for their origin. <S> #2 Odd due to her character <S> (I think this is more likely) <S> Ho-ho-ho... <S> That we would meet is a fate chosen by the world itself. <S> I have anxiously awaited the arrival of those such as yourself. <S> My name is Megumin! <S> My calling is that of an arch wizard, one who controls explosion magic, the strongest of all offensive magic! <S> Fu-fu.. <S> Do you, too, desire my forbidden strength, which is so almighty <S> , I've been ostracized by the entire world? <S> Then show me thine resolve to peer into the ultimate abyss with me! <S> When a man stares into the abyss, the abyss stares back. <S> I am Megumin, user of the finest magic crimson demons possess! <S> My lethal magic demolishes mountains, smashes boulders... <S> After Megumin's huge character introduction and ever-chuuni speeches, one would imagine she would have a crazy name too. <S> But it's just Megumin, with an n <S> that sounds cutesy. <S> Being short and young is usually something she gives out about too. <S> Some people on MAL compared it to Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python <A> Adding the -n to the end of a name is typically a form of a "cute" nickname in Japanese. <S> It's a contraction of the "-chan" honorific onto the person's name. <S> (Note also that Megumi , without -n, is a given name in Japanese.) <S> This might be comparable to, for example, an American boy's given name being "Bobby" rather than "Robert". <S> It's not odd to call him that as a nickname, but it might be somewhat strange for that to actually be his legal name. <S> (See also: Why does Konata call Kagami Kagamin? , and thanks to user Logan M for more information!) <A> Imagine if trumpets were blaring and messenger boys would ride upon horses, rolling out a red carpet then throwing rose petals, opening a proclamation made from a rolled scroll and announcing that SillyBilly has arrived.
Thus, Megumin's given name sounds like a nickname. As @ton.yeung mentioned in their comment, it's because it's so different to the other names of the fantasy world. They are from a feared and highly known clan that produces arch-wizards that are feared - the comments made in the anime are as if telling a legend or myth about this group who can eliminate towns and their name is something childish like what two close young friends would use to call each other.
Can a Nen user still use their abilities after Kuroro Lucifer steals it? When Kuroro Lucifer steals the ability of another nen user, does it mean that the original user wont be able to use it anymore? Or is it like a copy-paste, like Ging copy-pasting the punching abilities? Because in the last arc, he was using Shalnark's ability 'Black voice'. Does it mean the original user can't use it anymore? Can Chrollo give back the nen abilities that he stole? <Q> According to his wiki page they do not have access to the ability anymore. <S> Unfortunately, it is not stated wether or not he can give the skill back. <S> It is probably safe to assume he would not give it back due to his status as leader of the Gen'ei Ryodan. <S> The theft victim, of course, no longer has access to their stolen ability. <S> The theft happens under strict conditions: 1.He must witness the Nen ability in action with his eyes. <S> 2.He must ask about the ability and be answered by the victim. <S> 3.His victim's palm must touch the handprint on the cover of Bandit's Secret. <S> 4.All of the above must be done within an hour. <A> He is able to give the ability back, or at least he has convinced Shalnark he can, as he asks Shalnark during a phone call whether he needs his ability (black voice) back. <A> Nostrade’s daughter lost her ability to tell people’s fortunes after Chrollo stole it, so I think its safe to assume that people lose their abilities once he steals them. <S> I am not sure whether or not he can return them.
Chrollo's Nen ability allows him to steal the Hatsu of other people to use them as his own using a conjured book known as the "Bandit's Secret."
Why exactly is Saitama a hero? Saitama, who trained for three years only doing 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit ups, and ran 10 kilometers every day, became a "superhero for fun", but what does he mean by that. Is he really only doing it "for fun" or did he have motives but then forgot? Because normally a hero does it for a reason like to protect the ones they love, to defeat all evil, to prove that their strong, to protect something like humankind, etc.. Or is he really just doing it "for fun" because he's bored. Or is there actually a deep meaning for those words? <Q> Saitama's real reason to be hero was intended to be satire over common cliche reasons of most heroes. <S> If you think about it, it can be literally rephrased as "Does one really needs reason to help another people", which itself is actually nice idea for manga to show, if you are looking for some deep meaning. <A> I'm not really sure what the confusion is here. <S> Before he is a licensed hero, he was a literally a superhero by the sheer virtue of him both being a superhuman and a person who does benevolent deeds. <S> A simple definition taken from Mirriam Webster shows that a hero is: a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descentendowed with great strength or ability <S> b : an illustrious warrior <S> c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one who shows great courage <S> He meets B, C, and <S> D. He is a warrior because, well, he fights things as his trade. <S> He is admired by Genos. <S> He shows great courage by shrugging off his opponents. <A> He is a hero for fun or at least Saitama thinks like this but what he really wants is the appreciation as well as respect from people. <A> He became a hero to help people, not for someone's appreciation. <S> He joined the hero club just for fun. <S> He had a desire inside him to help people, not for name or something. <S> He just needs to help people that are helpless. <S> He is someone who thinks about problems of people and helps them, but he will not tell anyone about it. <S> He knows what he was doing. <S> He seems as funny, but deep inside him, something let him do it for no matter what. <A> In the world of One Punch Man , we see the many different types of heroes: <S> We see Amai Mask, an idol, a person who sees the world as black and white, a hero nonetheless but not in the sense of virtue. <S> Genos, a person who seeks vengeance against evil, young but still learning. <S> Silver Fang, an old but strong martial arts master. <S> They are "heroes" because they fight monsters but with a sense of self-purpose. <S> Then we have the heroes like Saitama and Mumen Rider: <S> Mumen Rider went all out and never quit fighting the Deep Sea King. <S> He was not afraid of the monster, and he always does his best regardless of the odds. <S> He knows he could die but still helps. <S> BUT <S> THE MOST NOTABLE <S> IS SAITAMA. <S> He was originally a "hero for fun." <S> He originally did it to become stronger. <S> But when you take away the fun we see the bald Saitama. <S> He is still a hero even though there was no one left to give him a thrill. <S> He saved a little girl's life. <S> He saved a suicidal man who was gonna jump off the roof (manga) even though he was bored, gave the police the credit for his own actions. <S> In the theme song, it says, "I'm not here for fortune and fame. <S> Instead, I'll fight knowing nobody knows my name." <S> To me, that says a lot. <S> The heroes in One Punch Man mostly fight for something, a purpose. <S> Saitama has none, but he still does good things. <S> He's not seeking attention like Amai. <S> He has no vengeance unless you steal his fries. <S> He is just a man, not trying to find purpose, but hanging with his new friends is slowly giving him one. <S> He's a hero because many of the other heroes who crave some form of attention seeking. <S> While he genuinely does it for others.
We can theorize that he also wanted recognition for his work since that is his whole reason for joining the Heroes Association.
Are Eileen and Erza related? In the chapter 482, Neinhart started to realize that he has heard the name Erza before, nonetheless, he knows that she is the Erza Scarlet that he has heard of. He started figuring out that there might be some connection between Lady Eileen and Erza scarlet. “Hair…and this magic power…” SO I want to ask are those two really related? <Q> Yeah, there is a hint that they might be related. <S> The guy on the pic sees similarities between the two (both are way too scary not to be related, lol) <S> and then we see that Eileen is red-haired. <S> Naturally we all think, 'Oh wow, Erza's mom is badass' <S> but it should be confirmed soon in the next several chapters. <A> If the anime/manga DOES confirm it, then yes, they are related. <A> You have already linked the entirety of the evidence for and against their relationship. <S> As of right now in the manga, it is Hinted that they are related, but nothing has actually been said. <S> There does seem to be a resemblance between Eleen and Erza, the power and hair, as well as looks, but that one panel you linked where Neinhart noted these things is all we have to go on. <S> So until we dredge further into the manga, we will not get any answers to that question. <S> I would fully expect for it to be true, but we are pretty much guaranteed to find out if it is or not eventually. <A> Maybe Eileen IS Erza, in fact the future Erza. <S> Look at the scar she has: it's like the injuries Erza has in her battle against her Historia. <S> More, in the current chapter (489), Eileen says it's a magic form "the new era"! <S> With the Eclipse Gate, time travel is certified possible in FT... <A> The reason I think she is Erza's mom is because of the few hints that they are related here and there in the manga. <S> Some of you reading this might say that this is not possible since Erza and Eileen don't have the same name. <S> The fact is we don't know if this is true or not. <S> Your response might be saying that it is because Erza's last name is Scarlet and Eileen's last name is Bersilion. <S> Well Scarlet is not Erza's real last name. <S> If you didn't skip or if you remember in previous chapters of the manga/ previous episodes of the anime you will know that when Erza was enslaved and were with Jellal, Simon and the others she introduced herself as just Erza. <S> Jellal is the one who gave a Erza her last name when she was a child. <S> The reason I think that she is Erza from the future is because in the end of chapter 507 it ends with Eileen saying to Erza <S> "I am you and you are me"But <S> I am more for the Eileen being Erza's mom. <S> These are just my personal theories, more likely than not we will know the answer in upcoming chapters but for now we have to wait for these chapters to be released,
The anime/manga itself hasn't confirmed it, so technically they currently are not related and the idea of them being related is a theory (doesn't mean its wrong). Personally I think that Eileen is either Erza's mom or like, Erza from the future or something.
Why does Light Yagami shuffle the two death notes? Light Yagami gives a death note to Rem and asks Rem to give it to Ryuk. Then Ryuk drops the book according to Light's order. Light then takes back Misa's book while doing something similar with his own book. Why did he do this? <Q> If I recall correctly it was a part of Light's grand scheme to fully exonerate him as being Kira in the eyes of the task force and to kill L. <S> Only Light's Death Note had the rules written in English (see comments) and he added the fake rules in the back about needing to write a name very 13 days and if you destroy the Death note all those who touched it will die. <S> The Fake Death Note Rules are two rules that Light Yagami persuades the Shinigami Ryuk to write into the Death Note as part of a plan to clear him of suspicion. <S> These rules ultimately lead to his downfall. <S> If the user of the Death Note fails to consecutively write names within 13 days of each other, then the user will die. <S> If a person makes this notebook unusable by tearing it up or burning it, all the humans who have touched the Death Note will die. <S> Source: <S> Fake Death Note Rules <S> Ownership of this Death Note had to go to one of the Shinigami to then go to one of the Yotsuba Group (or any big company) and trusting L's detective work <S> he would find the new Kira and recover the Death Note. <S> his new one he can give up ownership when he wanted to "get rid of this pride" while in imprisoned ( <S> ie. <S> get rid of ownership and erasing his memories). <S> Now it was important for Rem to be the Shinigami of this Death Note that L recovered because if Rem didn't play along Misa's life would be in danger as such the fake rules wouldn't be exposed. <S> Of course Light knew L well enough that L would still pursue Misa and seeking her execution by proving she was the Second Kira, forcing Rem's hand to then kill L. L would then be killed by the Shinigami everyone knew about and not by Kira <S> and it would also kill Rem having intervened in Misa's death. <A> This actually changed the Shinigami attached to the notebook. <S> Rem left with Light's original notebook. <S> And Light buried Misa's notebook that Ryuk became attached to. <S> Why he needed Rem to be attached to his notebook <S> really wasn't clear. <S> Ryuk would have never given up the fake rules, and since Misa went and got her notebook back as well she had Ryuk following her. <S> The only thing that really made the difference I think, is that when Rem wrote down L's name in her death note, everyone saw that Rem was dead. <S> (Maybe that was the point.) <S> Light needed his notebook to be the one that was recovered so he could write someone's name quickly and get his memories restored fully. <A> Light Yagami shuffles the death notes between himself, Rem, and Ryuk so that when he and Misa regain their death notes and their memories they will have swapped shinigami, leaving himself with Rem and Misa with Ryuk, so he can have Rem with him in the investigation room <S> so Rem will discover that Misa is in danger and kill L, dying in the process. <S> Rem plays right into his hands, even surpassing Light's expectations and killing not only L, but also Watari before crumbling to a pile of dust. <S> Light then takes over the positions of L and Watari (as planned) and gains control over the investigation squad. <S> He then has his father hide the death note that was used to kill L, knowing he won't need it because he has the other death note, and he and Misa move in together.
To do this Light had to have a second Death Note on him as he gives up ownership of his in order to retain his memories and claim ownership of the new Death Note when it's ownership is given up by one of the Shinigami.
Has the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura ended? Has the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura ended, after Naruto and Sasuke fight? Or will there be new reincarnation of them again, looking for new hosts ? <Q> I thought that through the series it was going to be explain, what happened for the current incarnations <S> Naruto and Sasuke , until the end of the series. <S> According to Naruto wikia : The reincarnation cycle will not start again until both of the current reincarnations have passed away; the brothers would not reincarnate until Madara's death, which would occur decades after Hashirama's. <S> Also on top of the page , it says: Naruto Uzumaki, the current reincarnation of Asura. <S> The only thing that differs with Naruto and Sasuke was that they didn't have the same conclusion, as the previous reincarnations : <S> Ultimately, Naruto managed to accomplish what all of the previous reincarnations had failed to do <S> : end the rift between the two lines of the reincarnated brothers. <S> Naruto achieved this after defeating Sasuke, who finally accepted Naruto's ideals at the end of their fight. <S> This brought about the end of the bitter feud that had lasted for centuries. <S> According to Black Zetsu, the reincarnations of Indra and Asura were almost always in conflict with each other and rarely worked together. <S> Naruto and Sasuke are one of the exceptions, assuming other exceptions have existed throughout the centuries. <A> Based on Naruto's words before the final fight with Sasuke, the feud would end after that battle. <S> (Chapter 692, pg 17) Sasuke then claims the "eternal destiny the sage of six paths talked about [would] end" if he dies. <S> Sasuke didn't die, so the "destiny" (reincarnation cycle) may still be alive. <S> <S> Or maybe Naruto ended it by forcing Sasuke to admit defeat, something the other reincarnates of Indra never did. <S> <S> Based on what happened when Obito died, there is a soul and afterlife of some sort <S> , so one could argue that, with the "feud" over, there is no need for them to reincarnate again, and they could finally pass on to that afterlife. <S> (Chapter 688, page 6) <S> In conclusion, I don't think there is a definite answer. <S> You just have to choose what to think yourself on this one. <S> (Chapters and page numbers from narutobase) <A> Indora and Ashura reincarnated probably because they still hadn't ended their feud. <S> Because Naruto was able to end the brother's feud, that probably also ended the cycle of reincarnations. <S> In other words, the brothers made up through their reincarnations (Naruto and Sasuke), so they have no reason to keep reincarnating again. <A> I'm not predicting or giving a direct answer to the above question, but I say that the reincarnation can take place again not for the sake of any dispute between brothers like before, but for the extension of the family tree or expansion of clan and could be now a reincarnation of brothers for the sake of watching over the true will of their dad...and also to innovate a new era with cooperation after long strife... <S> besides, in resolving to do dad's will from now on, madara will be free from zetsu's deceipt and darkness will not be the way out for the sharingan but Hagoromo's full powers might certainly enhance the sharingan or again, honest cooperation between the brothers can make things to run smoothly (like hashirama cells, tailed beasts' chakra ,hagoromo's legacy, etc) <S> therefore since there are various clans, the two bothers can incarnate as clan leaders (madara, <S> hashirama)...and a new story emerges with their collaboration... <S> and i think that there are still some boss battles... <S> kaguya mentioned that she was pursued by some three violent persons and that she escaped to the ninja world where she arrived already fierce and powerful... <S> this therefore means that madara's story of which he was convinced about kaguya eating a fruit and thus possessing chakra was wrong!?! <S> thus madara indora can be appreciated, cheered and thanked for the incarnation idea... <S> i don't know if it will bore or it will still be interesting and have some sense (because previous boss is now walking with actor, what next?) <S> to be honest, if naruto and sasuke incarnates are in collaboration, with their actual power levels (ten tails and rinnegan), i don't imagine a threatening boss battle against them... <S> even if they possess the power level below the above mentioned power level, if incarnates of madara sasuke and naruto are in collab, i still think that boss battle has been cleared in advance
I would argue that the reincarnations end with Naruto and Sasuke. i think the reincarnation is possible and can be appropriate in a collaboration context... This question is hard to answer with certainty.
Why did Emilia give Subaru a fake name on the first time they met? On their first encounter on a timeline that was later reset, Emilia told Subaru her name was Satella. We then found out, after the first (or second?) reset, that that is the name of the Jealous Witch, and something of an insult to call someone else — Emilia reacted badly when Subaru called her out by that name after a reset and they hadn't yet met. So why did Emilia tell Subaru that was her name that first time? <Q> At about 11:00 in Episode 8. <S> Beatrice explained the Jealous Witch to Subaru when talking about Subaru's "Witch Smell" in the library. <S> Beatrice says only mad people will pretend to be the Jealous Witch. <S> Suddenly, Subaru figures out the reason why Emilia pretended to be "Satella". <S> That is because she didn't want someone else to get involved in the Throne Fight, with her special appearance, pretending to be the Jealous Witch <S> is the fastest way to scare people away. <S> But the plan actually failed because Subaru is a man from another world where the tales of the Jealous Witch doesn't exist. <A> As it was revealed in the princess selection episode, everyone in the palace and town already treat her wrong for her resemblance to Satella. <S> At this point Puck looked at Emilia with disbelief and told her that she has poor taste as in attempting to gauge him. <S> This shows Emilia was perceptive of the fact <S> Subaru was not understanding of her country: <S> The question then is why she never told Subaru she lied, and I don't know that answer since he died and had to restart. <S> I just looked at the episode again and when she revealed to Subaru that she was half elf he had no reaction, which caused her and Puck to have an adverse reaction, since most people would have at least began to connect the dots. <S> Oh wait <S> I am going to answer my own question <S> she was prepared to tell him her real name if he had survived going in the loot house, which obviously he didn't: case closed. <A> I think either Emilia has some relation to Satella or puck definitely has some past with Satella ( ofcourse who am <S> i kidding... <S> I mean puck is her mother).You might remember in episode <S> one puck asked Emilia reason for introducing herself as Satella and later commented that she really have terrible taste. <S> As Satella name's connection is a secret to only Emilia and puck <S> so It reveals her liking towards Subaru as she presented herself as the one everyone hated but in reality it is something which is very close to her. <S> Also as Subaru was new to town her consciousness might have mixed up with the things she love when she saw Subaru. <S> And after resurrection when she got mad at Subaru fit calling her Satella <S> it was normal reaction which she would give to anybody to fit in with people. <S> And the explanation for Emilia getting angry at Satella name might be that she doesn't get angry on people calling her witch Satella <S> but the expression people make on her while saying that makes her sad. <S> P.S.- <S> I don't know if I am able to convey this to you guys. <S> And I might be right or totally wrong. <S> A 70-30 chance......
Emilia seems to have not believed how clueless Subaru was, so she faked the name and winced after she said it thinking his reaction would be negative. Satella as the witch must be common knowledge to the citizens.
Can someone stop the cause of death after someone writes the details in the Death Note? Let's say I had a Death Note. If I wrote someone's name in the book and then wrote details of the death, can an individual stop the cause of death and the actual death entirely or will the death still take action, but in a different way? <Q> The Rules of the Death Note are pretty clear: <S> How to Use: <S> XI <S> […] As you see above, the time and conditions of death can be changed, but once the victim’s name has been written, the individual’s death can never be avoided. <S> This is, of course, as long as you thought of the victim’s face while writing the name. <S> In case you now assume that you can just alter the details of death to something impossible, well sorry: <S> How to Use: <S> LV […] <S> If both the cause and the situation are impossible, that victim will die of heart attack. <S> [emphasis mine]. <S> So again, all you get is a heart attack. <S> The victim will die. <S> Tl;dr: <S> Think before you write. <A> Rule XV states that When the same name is written on more than two Death Notes, the note which was first filled in will take effect, regardless of the time of death. <S> If writing the same name on more than two Death Notes is completed within 0.06 seconds, it is regarded as simultaneous; <S> the Death Note will not take effect and the individual written will not die . <S> So, if an individual is very, very fast he can save another from being killed by the Death Note <S> (if you have two other Death Notes); this can happen as a very unlikely coincidence. <S> But this rule states that "writing the same name (...) is completed within 0.06 seconds", so to save another life you need to write the name in the other two (or more) <S> Death Notes <S> soon after the name was written, and so before the causes of death. <S> So it's a task for The Flash ... or maybe for Cyborg 009 <S> since this is the Anime & Manga Stack Exchange. <A> Its not possible to stop the person dying from the written cause. <S> The Death Note has no provision for avoiding death until and unless the writer doesn't have the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. <S> Reference: <S> <A> In the occasion where the cause of death is possible but the situation is not, only the cause of death will take effect for that victim. <S> If both the cause and the situation are impossible, that victim will die of heart attack. <S> (Rules of the DeathNote. <S> How to Use: LV) <S> So, hypothetically speaking, if an individual's name was written in the DeathNote and they were able to bring about events that would render the situation of their death impossible, they will still be susceptible to the cause of death. <S> However , there are no rules that specify what would happen to the victim of they <S> were able to prevent the cause of death (be that if the cause was "shot through the heart" and the victim locked themself in solitary confinement for example). <S> Though, knowing how the DeathNote rules go normally, the victim would probably just die of a heart attack. <S> The wikia contains a full list of all the rules regarding the use of a DeathNote.
In the occasion where the cause of death is possible but the situation is not, only the cause of death will take effect for that victim.
What is that accessory featured around Japanese gods' necks? It's like a...fluffy... thingy . It floats around their head and past their shoulders and down to their waist. I see it a lot. The two characters with it who come to mind are Guren from Shounen Onmyouji and Elsie from The World God Only Knows, but there are others with the same accessory. I'm just curious as to what it is. Attached is Guren with the...thingy. <Q> This is actually a culture/belief thing, so it is a real thing. <S> Here is a picture of it in real life: <S> Basically, it is a silk scarf, a really long one. <S> It is not only used by gods; in the ancient times, dancers and women performing in front of people with some sort of power (such as money or governing) would usually wear this. <S> When people in real life wear it, it obviously won't be like that; it would be like a normal scarf, as you can see from this picture: <S> In there the scarf is floating around the woman: this is to bring out her aura and beauty. <S> That's the basic idea, though I might have missed certain details. <S> If anyone is reading this and think I didn't put down the correct answer, please add on. <S> Hope this helps. <A> They're called Tenne somewhere around the bronze age where Japan had an influx of Buddhist culture. <S> <A> As the previous answers noted, they are a Buddhist accessory, and the style originated in India. <S> In ancient India before colonisation, there was a type of fabric from Bengal called muslin, which was fabled to be lighter than air, and coveted by emperors of Persia, China, and south-east Asia, and monarchies of Europe. <S> The thread counts on Bengal muslin reached over 1,000 (for comparison, modern clothing is around 50ish), and fabric research is currently only able to make fabrics with thread counts of around 400. <S> Bengal's muslin and cotton industry made that area of India alone hold around 20% of the world economy of the time, so when the British wanted to start its own cotton industry, they banned Bengal muslin, cut off the thumbs of the weavers, and the cultivar of cotton needed to make this special Muslin has gone extinct and the practice has been lost to history. <S> It was also see-through like what is usually shown in anime (like Aqua's raiment in KonoSuba ), and I'm sure in some cases <S> it was made stiffer to be able to stand like they show in anime. <A> They're a type of shawl or scarf called "hagoromo" (yes, like the Naruto character). <S> They supposedly stay upright and flowing with divine energy. <S> In reality, they're just normal, thin silk ribbons.
It occurs in many Asian countries, like China and Japan.
What is Mai's actual age in Dragon Ball Super? In Dragon Ball , Mai is a member of Pilaf's Gang and was aftering the Dragon Balls ever since Goku was a boy (age 12). In Dragon Ball Super , Mai appears to be young again and studying with Trunks. At the same time, Goku is already a grandpa. What is Mai's real age? <Q> She's 10 years old. <S> Dragon Ball Wikia says <S> At some point before May 12th, Age 767, Mai and the other Pilaf Gang members managed to use the Dragon Balls to wish for youth. <S> In 767, Mai makes a wish, in the same year the androids appear, and Future Trunks follows them back. <S> Present Trunks is one year old. <S> In 777, Trunks is 11 years old and future <S> Trunks is 31 years old (he's from the year 797). <S> So if Mai's wish in 767 to be young turned her into a baby <S> she's one year younger than Trunks, who was born in 766, so she would be ten years old in Dragon Ball Super in the year 777. <S> So in conclusion, Trunks was born in the year 766 year and Mai turned into a baby in the year 767. <S> Current Trunks is 11 years old <S> so Mai is 10 years old. <A> Toriyama hinted her age. <S> As to when they made that wish, the best placing would be the Android Saga before Cell appeared and Picollo and Kami fused. <S> They turned themselves into toddlers or just very young children. <S> In the alternative timeline, the dragon was only able to grant the wish for Mai as Picollo got killed by the Androids, both Shu and Emperor Pilaf died of old age, leaving Mai alone, sometime after the wish. <A> So she and Trunks would be about a year or a few months apart in age. <S> If you are asking about her real age, as in overall (since the Dragon Ball series), she would technically be older than Goku and even Bulma, since she was already a fully grown adult during the Dragon Ball series. <S> Although on a side note, if you look into Dragon Ball GT , she is/was an old woman while Trunks was a young man. <S> So I don't know what happened there! <A> Let me speculate here. <S> Based on Wikia , Pilaf is 20 years older than Bulma, and it would convenient to assume that Mai is younger than Pilaf but older than Bulma. <S> When Mai stated that she is 41 in Battle of Gods , I'd assume she refers her age before made young by Shenron. <S> Thus 41 + 11 (age 767) = <S> ~52 years which is 8 years older than Bulma, 12 years younger than Pilaf. <S> Make sense to me.
In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods , Mai tells her age as 41, and that would be the age she was in Dragon Ball , meaning she was over 80 years in Dragon Ball Super , and Future May is around 100 or more years old. In Dragon Ball Super , she would be 10-11 years old due to her and the Pilaf Gang making that one wish to be young again.
Can more than one person use the same type of Take Over magic? In Fairy Tail there are Take Overs like Satan Soul, Beast Soul, etc. Would it be possible for more than one person to use a specific type of Take Over magic (like there would be 2 users of Satan Soul)? I wasn't sure if this magic changes depending on the individual so that all users have their own type of Take Over or if it is just learned this way. <Q> Take Over is an advanced Caster-Type Transformation Magic. <S> The different type of take overs shown in the Manga/Anime are Beast Soul, Animal Soul, Machina Soul, God Soul and Finally the takeover done by animals such as the Vulcan. <S> In addition to these there may be other requirements for this magic. <S> Most of the times its the defeat of the target is necessary. <S> In the canon ALL the Take Over Magic have been shown by unique users. <S> The exact way to obtain any of the transformations is currently unknown. <S> However, from the nature of the transformations I personally classify them into the following. <S> Thus it would be speculation to say if any of them are unique, I consider them to be of either kind. <S> However, I consider the Lost Magics to be most unique. <S> The answer below follows mostly my logic and speculation. <S> Beast Soul : Known User Elfman; Not Unique Animal Soul : Known User Lisanna; Not Unique Machina Soul : Known User Jenny; Not Unique <S> Satan Soul : Known User Mirajane; <S> Unique <S> In the battle against Tartarus we learned a bit about Mirajane's abilities. <S> It seems that she has some form of "Demon Factor" that allows her to use this powerful take over. <S> She is immune to the Demon control techniques even opposing them. <S> Thus it seems to be a unique transformation for her. <S> God Soul : Known user Dimaria (Spriggan 12); Unique <S> In this case we have a clear source of the unique nature of her takeover. <S> As the Valkyrie summons the ancient God of Time into her own body, Chronos explains to their audience that he has chosen her as his host as she is a descendant of the people of Mildian, an ancient city that worshiped him, also claiming that he and his host are a single being in this form. <S> Source: Chapter 475 <S> Thus the god Chronos chose Dimaria as the Vessel. <A> There isn't anything in the manga/anime which prevent this. <S> Since the power is acquired by fighting the creature, there could be multiple users of the same take over. <S> Although I don't remember any. <A> The ability to learn a takeover comes from their will also. <S> The example I'll use is when Elfman tried to use Beast Soul the fist time and ended up killing Lisanna by accident. <S> There are restrictions on what people can use based on their own will power and partly physical power to contain the Takeover in general. <S> This is why Mirajane has a more powerful takeover than Elfman, she has more raw talent and a stronger will so she's not as easy to get taken over by the beast she is becoming.
Thus it is unconfirmed if multiple users can use the same Take Over Magic. The description that we receive is that one can only take over the forms of "things" that you "know".
How Knov apperance kept on changing? In Hunter x Hunter at first Knov appearance was pretty bold and looked smart. But after knowing the fact that their enemies are stronger then he got scared. But being a Hunter why he undergoes such a huge change in appearance ? I mean how come his whole physical body changed ? They knew that the mission they are going into is really scary but what was the reason behind his complete change? First change: His hair got white and he was a little bit skinny. Second change: Hair loss and lack of physical fitness. <Q> The idea was that he was so scared of the beings they were exposed to that his hair went white <S> and he rapidly lost weight. <S> Stress can cause rapid weight and hair loss. <S> I don't know if hair turning white from fear is real <S> but it is a common belief (see crash test dummy's MMM). <S> That is what you are seeing exaggerated here. <S> What you are supposed to note as remarkable is how he continues to aid the group and stick with it even though he is so debilitated. <S> He is more scared but somehow the bravest GD person there. <A> The same thing happens to Welfin when he's in the precense of the King. <S> For Nen users, Nen is an expression of their physical and mental condition <S> so it makes sense that if their Nen gets disrupted, or if they're under a lot of stress, both the quality of their Nen and the appearence of their body can change. <S> This also happened to Gon when he was so enraged and determined that he made an unconcious covenant with his Nen and his physical apperance changed. <S> Knov is the same thing but more similar to Welfin than to Gon. <A> i think he was using his nen to keep his appearance good and to look young compare to to his original age, there was an episode where they talked about how you could use nen to stay young. <S> then when he met with the the royal guards' aura, he got really scared that it hindered him to use his nen properly.. <A> i think he got so scared or something, that he stopped eating, sleeping and just moving. <S> Wich porbably made him that way.
His appearance changed because he was so terrified.
In the manga, do Satoru and Airi get together? I know Satoru and Airi didn't get together in the anime. Do they get together in the manga? <Q> While the ending of the manga is quite different to that of the anime, the very last scene is the same: Satoru goes back to the spot under the bridge where he hid from the police, and as he hoped Airi shows up there as well. <A> Based on the anime and the manga, the last scene is Satoru going under the bridge where he hid with Airi after he was accused of murdering his mother. <S> There he used his hands to form a rectangle, and as he saw through the rectangle, he saw Airi. <S> There is no continuation of this story, but considering that Hinazuki Kayo ends up with one of their friends (Sugita Hiromi) and is living happily, it is implied that Satoru seeing Airi there means that his own love story will finally start (with Airi). <S> It wasn't explicitly mentioned, so I believe it was intended to be left open to fans interpretation. <A> In this case, it remains to be seen. <S> Airi does stand up for Satoru several times, but they never really are seen engaing in any actions that would quite sum up to a 'romance', more of a relationship built using mutual trust and help.
As this answer discusses, in the manga Airi shows up a few times while Satoru is recovering after his coma, although they never really directly interact.
What does the third eye of the Sage of the Six Paths do? The Sage of the Six Paths had Rinnegan in both in his eyes. He also awakened a third eye on his forehead. Is that a Sharingan of some kind? What powers does that third eye grant it's wielder? <Q> From the Wiki After awakening his Rinnegan, he also manifested a red circle marking with two ripples patterns in the centre of his forehead, seemingly a byproduct of his ultimate dōjutsu manifested alongside his senjutsu training. <S> It references episode 426 of Naruto Shippuden and suggests it wasn't a true eye but rather a marking. <S> There's no way to be sure if it gave him any special powers, but all abilities he exhibited were in line with what we know was possible via his Rinnegan / Mangekyo / Senjutsu abilities so it doesn't seem to have given him anything. <S> Additionally it's flat and lacks the depth that Kaguya's third eye had, also suggesting it was simply a marking. <S> The best theory I can come up with is that it was an incomplete manifestation of Kaguya's third eye. <A> Actually, that marking is the Mangekyo Sharingan. <S> When Hagoromo and Hamura (both sons of Kaguya Otsutsuki) fight Kaguya, Hagoromo has to kill his brother for he was under the control of Kaguya. <S> But thanks to Gamamaru (presently the great toad sage), Hamura was saved by sage power. <S> Immediately after this incident, Hagoromo awakens his Rinnegan and also his Mangekyo Sharingan. <S> He also thanks his mother (Kaguya) for she was only responsible for the awakening of his Rinnegan and Mangekyo Sharingan. <A> It is the Mangekyo Sharingan. <S> When Hagoromo "kills" Hamura and gains his Rinnegan, he also gains the "third eye. <S> " It doesn't really look like an eye, but more of a marking representing the Mangekyo Sharingan. <S> In Sasuke's Rinnegan, there is tomoe which shows when he is at full power and that there used to be a sharingan in that eye. <S> It also shows that he still has the power of his left Mangekyo Sharingan. <S> Though an issue with this hypothesis is that Madara did not have tomoe in his Rinnegan and did not get the Rinne Sharingan till late in the series. <S> And I'm pretty sure he still had the power of his Sharingan, even when both his eyes were Rinnegan. <S> In all, the red mark probably represents the Mangekyo Sharingan in order to show that Hagaromo has both the power of the Sharingan and the Rinnegan.
When Sasuke gains his Rinnegan, his Rinnegan manifest in his left Mangekyo Sharingan eye.
Is watching free anime in Japan safe? I am talking about watching those shows in websites that provide them for free. I could of course afford to subscribe to paid websites such as Crunchyroll and the likes, but often I couldn't find the series I wanted to watch there. The free ones usually host a load of anime and drama titles. Is watching free anime and Japanese drama in Japan considered safe? <Q> In Japan or not, sites other than official sites that provides streaming for copyrighted/law protected contents are illegal and against the law. <S> From IT (information tech) point of view, many such sites are actually crap sites that is full of ads, click baits, and links that will only redirect you around without showing the content if any. <S> Such sites might also send adwares, malwares and the like to your computer. <S> It might also be used to stole your identity. <S> Thus it is also not safe from IT point of view. <S> If you are in Japan, however, you can watch the anime when it was broadcasted. <S> This is perfectly legal. <S> In fact, you can also record it if you want to watch later. <S> AFAIK from anime that I watched, this is also legal. <S> Some anime shows that recording a broadcasted show is okay. <S> For example, in Futsuu <S> no Joshikousei ga [Locodol] <S> Yattemita. <S> , Yukari recorded a show that is being broadcasted. <S> In Doraemon , Doraemon and Nobita would often record a show since it is being broadcasted at the same time as a baseball match that the father likes to watch. <S> Of course since it is limited to broad-casted anime only, you won't be able to watch older animes. <A> TL;DR: <S> Yes. <S> It is safe but with a catch. <S> Streaming services meant to distribute anime abroad such as Crunchyroll and Hulu are also legal to view in Japan. <S> That said, both sites have region filters because they are not licensed to show many series within Japan. <S> When I visited Japan in April, 2016 the Crunchyroll's massive catalog was reduced to less than 20 items that were licensed for viewing. <S> Other unlicensed methods are both illegal and dangerous. <S> The Japanese authorities take piracy very seriously. <S> Illegal viewing could land you in prison for two years, even as a tourist. <S> This includes content posted on sites without a license to broadcast that content in Japan, YouTube, downloads/file sharing, screen sharing (RabbitMQ), and using a VPN to get around region locking on sites with a license to broadcast elsewhere. <S> Related: <S> How does online anime streaming work within Japan? <A> Unless the site you wish to watch on is sponsored and endorsed by the producers themselves, you can assume they are not safe. <S> Though if you wish to do a little background check on the website, for example searching "is <S> legal" will do the job (in most cases). <S> No company wants their content, which could earn them money (like anime is intended to do) to be pirated. <S> If you're watching on a third-party site which doesn't give money to the producers <S> (or however they transfer funds to gain rights to anime), that is exactly what you're doing. <S> If you wish to be safe, the best thing to do is to subscribe to an official site, like Crunchyroll, as you said. <S> Of course (as Memor-X reminded me), Crunchyroll as well as some others do offer free options, though those aren't optimal due to the ads. <S> If you wish for the most hassle free and legal viewing experience, your best bet is simply to subscribe to a site like Crunchyroll. <S> If affording it is no problem, then that's one of your options. <S> The other of course, would be to buy the Blu-Ray version, though that's more expensive.
Streaming services that have a license to broadcast content within Japan such as Niconico are ideal. Thus, the answer to your question is no, it is not safe, it is against the law, it is a crime.
How old is Naruto throughout the show's timeline? I am curious about Naruto's aging through the series from Naruto to the beginning of Naruto Shippuden. From what I've gathered Naruto's birthday is in October. Under the assumption that he was 12 at the start of the series. I think it went something like the following : Age 13 during the Chunin Exams Age 14 when Sasuke left the leaf Age 16 when came back from training with Jiraya Can someone confirm if this is correct? <Q> From the Naruto wiki (Part II as in Shippuden): Age <S> Part <S> I: 12-13 Part II: 15-17 <S> So by the end of the manga/anime, he's 17 before the larger timeskip. <S> Also, there was a good answer by Mike Ante on another related question . <A> Not correct, the time skip was 3 years long <S> so naruto was 13 at the end of naruto, cause during the pain arc Minato asks him how old he is <S> and he answers 16 and during the war arc at the end when he says goodbye to his dad and the other kage <S> , it's actually his birthday and he turned 17. <A> he is 11-12-13 during the the first part of naruto after two years time skip he was 15 and <S> he was 18 or 19 years old
then during the five kage summit he was 16 than war arc he turned 17 and then in the last movie of naruto
What happened to Yachiru? According to the Wikia , Yachiru disappeared leaving her belongings after the fight with Gremmy. She is said to be "gone" by Kenpachi in the penultimate chapter of the original series. I use "original" because there might be extra chapters announced as the other big announcement. So, what happened to her? Was she part of his Zanpakutou or something? <Q> The very last page of Bleach #668 gives a few clues. <S> Yachiru suddenly appears out of nowhere and says to Kenpachi: <S> Silly goose, if you would just use me properly, there wouldn't be anyone you wouldn't be able to cut down. <S> She then touches him, which causes: him to get a power boost, which he wonders about. <S> She ends the exchange with explaining to him: <S> That power is what everyone's been calling "Bankai". <S> All of these suggest the following: <S> Yachiru is Kenpachi's Bankai. <S> He is unable to call out his Bankai anymore (he was never able to, consciously - the original appearance may have happened subconsciously), therefore, Yachiru is gone. <S> Alternatively: Yachiru is his Zanpaktou spirit, again, one he has never been able to consciously communicate with. <S> Though, I can't explain her disappearance if that were the case. <A> It would most likely because that she is a Zanpakuto who had split herself and physically manifested as a spirit. <S> Kenpachi and Coyote Starrk are similar as they have their souls/powers split resulting in Yachiru and Lilynette. <S> Like many people who already mentioned it, when Yachiru disappeared, she most likely fused back into Kenpachi's Zanpakuto just like Starrk did with Lilynette. <A> Short answer: <S> Long answer: <S> I cannot cite manga pages and chapters but if you follow the story, you should remember these. <S> Yachiru has always been beside or around Kenpachi as a human. <S> Kenpachi's Zanpakutou has never had a name. <S> There was once when Kenpachi lay on the ground trying to ask his Zanpakutou what its name was; no response. <S> Kenpachi's mode of fighting has been brutal which damages his sword. <S> Fast-forward to Yhwach's arc as Soul King, Yachiru makes Kenpachi know that the power he feels is what others call Bankai. <S> This is after she fused with his Zanpakutou. <S> I believe Kenpachi would now be able to call out his Zanpakutou and her name would Yachiru. <A> Yachiru was Zaraki's true spirit. <S> As for Nozarashi, it was the Zanpakuto of a dead Shinigami that Zaraki took the sword from. <S> It's explained by Ōetsu Nimaiya. <S> Remember that Zanpakuto's real name is Asauchi. <S> If he dies there, Zanpakuto and the spirit inside still reside there. <S> So, Zaraki had two spirits.
Yachiru is with Kenpachi; as his Zanpakutou's personality.
What stats are in KonoSuba world and what do they do? In KonoSuba's first episode, Aqua is said to have extremely high stats on all stats but below average intelligence and worst luck. Then, she was told that she can be anything but Arch Wizard since it requires intelligence . Arch Wizard, being a Wizard, and as we can see from Megumin, is a class that uses magic to attack. Aqua's low intelligence prevents her from becoming a Arch Wizard, means that magic is related to intelligence. When they checked Megumin's adventurer card, both Kazuma and Aqua mentioned that Megumin, being from the Crimson Demon clan, has a very high intelligence and is an Arch Wizard . It was also shown that Megumin can cast advanced spell , Explosion although only once a day due to her limited mana . However, during the fight with Dullahan, Aqua cast Sacred Create Water on a level where it destroyed the gate of the city, causing damage on the level of Megumin's Explosion if not higher. My question is, since Aqua can't be Arch Wizard due to her low intelligence, while she shows that she can do magic on the level that of Megumin, then what does the intelligence stats do in KonoSuba world? While at it, what are the other stats in KonoSuba and what do they do? <Q> Firstly, Stats are required for Adventurers to join a Class (of fulfilled requirements) , which is somewhat important in the Konosuba universe as picking up an advanced Class as soon as possible reduces the skill-point cost of their Class' Skills. <S> Also, upgrading to an advanced Class rewards adventurers with bonus skill points and makes their Class' Skills readily available without requiring a demonstration. <S> On the wiki , it was said that: Kazuma, the main character of the show, has average stats, except in: Luck : He has extraordinary high luck, so high that even Luna was surprised though she claims its numerical value isn't really essential to an adventurer. <S> Due to his high LUCK, Kazuma's "Steal" is very effective in stealing either his intended target item or the most treasured item of the victim. <S> When he used "Steal" on girls, he gets their panties at absurdly high chance, but it is not entirely clear whether Kazuma strongly wishes for those or the girls treasure their panties the most. <S> Demonstrated a few times, Spells can gain bonuses from the user's raw stats. <S> Another example is Create Water, where the effect scales proportional to the amount of mana spent; <S> Aqua can use "Sacred Create Water" which flooded the entire area and destroyed one of Axel town gates, causing 340+ million Eris in damage. <S> Apparently the Stats on the Adventurer's Cards shown in the Anime series could be deciphered . <S> They would be: Strength Health Magic-pow Dexterity Agility <S> Luck <S> While not every stat type is explored, they seem to be self-explanatory (Megumin with high "magic power" could use the strongest Explosion magic) as attributed of the characters. <S> It would be safe to assume that the Stats make up who they are as intel than as assets. <A> I read the Light Novel, so here we go. <S> First, keep in mind two things: Spells can increase in power based on the amount of mana you're using, Kazuma can use Create Water to have a drink and Create Water to give Darkness and the Dullahan a bath. <S> Second, Spells and Skills are Class-Based or Race-Based, for example, Drain Touch isn't related to a Class and can only be used by someone that's a Lich, or an Adventurer ( someone that can learn any Skills/Spells although not as powerful as the original Class ). <S> Aqua's Sacred Create Water is a Spell that she can use because she's the Goddess of Water and have the largest mana pool in the world ( a God's power is determined by how strong his followers' faith is ). <S> In the LN, there's a guy named Duke, he's a Fallen Angel and is an Archwizard, but even so, he can use Holy Magic to purify Undeads, Ghosts, etc, something that Kazuma notes "it shouldn't be possible!!!" <S> but Aqua explains that as an Angel he can use the Gods' Holy Magic, it's an innate power that he has as a holy being, if Aqua changes her Class to <S> I don't know, Knight, she would still be able to use Holy Magic. <S> For your other question, we know that you need high intelligence to be a Mage ( not only that, but it's a requirement ) and high luck to be a good Thief <S> ( skills like Steal are based on luck ), other Skills like Snipe too, that's what we know for now. <S> I think that high strength would be need for Jobs like Warrior and Knight, as well durability for Crusaders, but we don't know that yet. <A> Alternately, given that she did qualify as an Archpriest, it's possible (and likely, with KonoSuba's RPG inspirations) that priest magic is limited by a different stat. <S> I'm not sure if I can agree with wisdom being one of the other adventurer stats (since Aqua's low intelligence stat seems to demonstrate itself through a stunning lack of wisdom), but in any case, magic is not necessarily the sole domain of wizards <S> -- priests are typical magic-users in most RPG-based fantasy realms, as are gods & goddesses. <A> In my opinion, the stats in the card is just a summary of their basic stat and standard information, not detailed information like stat modifier from equipment, unique skill, passive buff/skill etc. <S> In Aqua's case, she is GM (Game Master). <S> They mentioned it that Aqua is at max level and wasted all her skill points. <S> She can't add stat point anymore, but remember equipment with stat modifier can make it up. <S> She got unique ability by race: " <S> Mana increased by her believer's Pray". <S> Virtually she has unlimited mana. <S> Let's say her new weapon modifier is "Increase skill level by X factor." <S> Low Intelligence doesn't mean low MP too in KonoSuba world, and again... <S> there seems weapon affinity modifier, <S> skill/effect/modifier by equipment, modifier by food, etc. <S> from any element. <S> Remember that Megumin trains every day and her explosion gradually changed (Kazuma mentioned it) <S> so it must be weapon affinity. <S> Sometimes in rare condition Darkness can hit enemies, her armor attracts some monsters. <S> Kazuma's Luck combined with his Intelligence means high accuracy and critical attack in combat, so the archer job would be good to him.
Aqua's a goddess, and her magic with regard to water is most likely an innate ability related to that status.
What happened to the other androids in Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z? In Dragon Ball Z , we are well acquainted with Androids 16, 17, and 18. In addition, we met Androids 19 and 20 (Dr. Gero) before 16-18. There may have been mention of others, but they were not developed or mentioned much to the extent of my memory. I also think that we were introduced to Android 8 in Dragon Ball (the episode where Goku is ascending up the Muscle Tower with a new foe on each floor, one of which was Ninja Murasaki who on finding himself outmatched, ordered Android 8 to fight Goku, if I remember correctly). However, I do not remember any mention of Androids 1-7, 9-15, and 21+, if they exist. Do they exist? Do we ever find out or know what happened to them? Is it further discussed in the manga? <Q> According to the Wikia and my memory, Androids 1-7 and 9-12 were useless due to them being faulty (design problems) and some were too emotional and the kind. <S> As for Android <S> 8 a.k.a. <S> Eighter or Hat-San , as you rightly said, he had been depicted in the Dragon Ball manga, anime and the movies. <S> Now, Android 13-15 were introduced in the 7th movie, Dragon Ball Z: <S> Super Android 13! <S> and were the first few killing machines built successfully with the aim of killing Goku . <S> Regarding Androids 21 <S> + , I'd like to state the Wikia . <S> They have been portrayed in Dragon Ball Fusions , Dragon Ball Heroes etc. <S> Android 44 <S> An Android in Dragon Ball Fusions whose design bears resemblance to Android 20. <S> Android 8000 <S> A highly advanced variant of Android 8, utilized by the Time Breakers, comes in several different models including Mk. II and MX. <S> Android 19000 <S> A highly advanced variant of Android 19, built by the revived Gero and utilized by the Time Breakers. <S> Other than this <S> , there's the Android A-B-C section which was in the DBZ manga if I recall correctly, which has all the information about the Androids up till Cell. <S> That's pretty much all there is in the manga. <A> According to the Wikia , Android 1-7 and 9-12 were completely artificial but Gero could not control their personalities. <A> Dr. Gero starts at 8 because it's a reference to Dr. Slump <S> (Toriyama's 1st Hit). <S> (Later he modified himself to caramel man 8 and 9). <S> Toriyama decided to continue from 8 for constructed androids.
The main villain of the manga (Dr. Mashirito, a reference to Toriyama's editor) created 7 androids called "Caramel man".
Why was Fairy Tail disbanded? Why suddenly the guild members decided they go each on his way? As Lucy describeds it, no one opposed the decision of just close the guild. <Q> Your question can be answered only in big spoiler as it is revealed in the next chapters. <S> So... <S> SPOILER ALERT <S> Makarov disbanded Fairy Tail so that its members would not get caught in a fight with the Alvarez Empire. <S> After he disbanded the guild, he went to the Alvarez Empire where it was revealed that the Emperor is none other than Zeref himself. <S> Zeref wanted the Lumen Histoire, which is Mavis' body (or more precisely, her ability to use imagination) in order to fight Acnologia. <S> Lumen Histoire is hidden in the basement of Fairy Tail guild building. <S> If the guild is not disbanded, then the whole members would get killed in the fight due to the sheer difference in power between them. <S> At least this was what Makarov thought. <A> I think the reason why Makarov disbanded Fairy Tail is because of Lumen Histoire. <S> It is one of the strongest spell of Fairy Tail including Fairy Sphere and Fairy Glitter. <S> It is still a mystery what Lumen Histoire is hence, the reason why fairy tail got disbanded. <A> As far as I know (by the anime) Makarov just disbanded the guild for an unknown reason. <S> Nobody really knows for sure why he did. <S> Maybe many of the guild members just didn't want to argue, or maybe it's because maybe they all thought that it would be best to go their separate ways. <A> Based off the anime <S> I think the guild was disbanded because Makorov wasn't able to be the master any more and the only person qualified that would do <S> it was none other than Natsu and <S> because he left Mokorov had no choice but to disowns the guild. <A> I think Macarov disbanded the guild because he knew zeref was coming and he wanted to avoid being in a fight with him and keep fairy tail safe <A> Makarov probably wanted to protect them and solve the problem by himself without harming people from the guild. <A> There's a country <S> (let's just say country A) that has tried to take Lumen Histoire for themselves before by invading the country, but they got stopped by the council at that time. <S> Now, however, (when Fairy Tail was disbanded) the council didn't exist anymore and Fairy Tail and its country needed time to rebuild everything so that country A had gotten the opportunity to do what they couldn't before and <S> Makarov knew that. <S> He also knew that Fairy Tail wasn't strong enough to be their opponent yet, which was why he disbanded the guild and went to that country to stall sometimes.
I think Makarov disbanded the guild because there was probably danger ahead of them and Makarov wanted to protect them, but couldn't bare to tell them that there was more danger after their battle with the Underworld king. In chapter 439 of Fairy Tail , it's revealed that the disbanding of Fairy Tail was because of Lumen Histoire.
Does each Region only have 8 gyms in pokemon? I remember that at the start of the pokemon the anime, Professor Oak said that there are a lot of Gyms across the region. You only need 8 to enter the Pokemon league, thus Gary have 10 gym badges. However, no matter who I ask, no one seems to remember this or heard of this. I watched pokemon in Chinese sub with Jap voice. so did I remember wrong or something else happened? <Q> No. <S> The pickle Tickler has essentially lists the gyms from the games, which are correct. <S> The Pokemon Anime however doesn't follow them. <S> We know this because as you said, gary won 10 badges in the anime. <S> And that is without the Earth Badge. <S> Hence there were ATLEAST 11 gyms in Kanto region. <S> Alot of other characters in the anime like rivals have been shown with different badges that ash hasn't had. <S> I this shows there are gym all over the region in the anime <S> but you only need to defeat 8 gym leaders to enter the league. <S> Ash, misty and brock have also met other non-game gym leaders in the anime like Dorian from the coastline gym in johto. <S> Barry, Morrison and Trip have different badges too. <S> Also note, Candice says that not many people come north to challenge her. <S> Does that mean only people that beat her go to the Sinnoh League? <S> Ergo, Sinnoh has more Gym options too. <S> The reason Ash battles only the game Gyms is to reduce confusion and have people look forward to the other Gyms. <S> Source: <S> Pokemon Badges: Anime Only Gym Badges <S> Gary's Gym Badges: <S> Some Known ones Otoshi's Gym Badges: most completely different than normal ones. <S> Morrison's 8th Badge Barry's badges:3 Unidentified ones Trip's Badges: Only the first 2 are from the games <A> No, not all of the Pokemon regions have eight gyms. <S> Most, however, do have eight. <S> The only region that doesn't have eight gyms is Unova, which has 11 gyms. <S> The specific gyms in each region can be found here . <S> There are six regions: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos. <S> The Kanto region has eight gyms, including Pewter, Cerulean, Vermilion, Celadon, Fuchsia, Saffron, Cinnabar, and Viridian. <S> The Johto region has eight gyms, including Violet, Azalea, Goldenrod, Ecruteak, Cianwood, Olivine, Mahogany, and Blackthorn. <S> The Sinnoh region has eight gyms, including Oreburgh, Eterna, Veilstone, Pastoria, Hearthome, Canalave, Snowpoint, and Sunyshore. <S> The Unova region has eleven gyms (3 more than all the others), including Striaton, Nacrene, Aspertia, Virbank, Castelia, Nimbasa, Driftveil, Mistralton, Icirrus, Opelucid, and Humilau. <S> The Kalos region has eight gyms, including Santalune, Cyllage, Shalour, Coumarine, Lumiose, Laverre, Anistar, and Snowbelle. <A> From Bulbapedia , Kanto has at least 15 gyms as Gary who has 10 Badges has only 3 common to Ash (7 different Badges). <S> Other Badges observed in the anime which do not correspond to known Badges <S> suggest that there are at least 9 Gyms in Hoenn, 11 in Sinnoh, 14 in Unova (4 different from Cameron, 2 different from Trip), and 11 in Kalos (3 different Badges from Sawyer). <A> There are more than 8 in Kalos too because Sawyer, Alain, Trevor, Tierno, and Ash have different badges, but they also have some in common too.
The Hoenn region has eight gyms, including Rustboro Dewford, Mauville, Lavaridge, Petalburg, Fortree, Mossdeep, and Sootopolis.
Is Kayaba Akihiko the boss of the 100th floor of New Aincrad? In the anime Sword Art Online , the floors from 76-100 have been untouched since Kirito beat Kayaba, but before Kirito does so, Kayaba Akihiko said, "I was meant to be the final boss at the 100th floor." Now that there is a New Aincrad built in Alfheim Online. Is it possible that Kayaba Akihiko is waiting on the 100th floor for a rematch? Or could the end boss just be another random boss for them to fight? <Q> To my understanding New Aincrad's Floor 100 has to to be revealed however the likelihood that it's Akihiko Kayaba is low. <S> After Sword Art Online was cleared Kayaba did a full dive and it was reported that he was killed in the process. <S> it can be speculated that the Full Dive was successful however there is no evidence to definitely prove that Kayaba is alive <S> New Aincrad was released by Ymir, the company that now own Alfheim Online. <S> the data from New Aincrad pre-exited <S> on the Alfhiem Online Serves because of how ALO is a copy of SAO, however Aincrad had been altered. <S> Due to the bought ALO data including copied data from the old Sword Art Online server, New Aincrad (with several changes from the original Aincrad in SAO) and Sword Skills were introduced into ALfheim Online and surviving SAO players were able to inherit their avatar data from SAO. <S> Source: <S> Ymir - Background (Second Paragraph) <S> The Floors of New Aincrad are being slowly released so there is an upper limit until an update. <S> this is evident in Sword Art Online 2 Episode 18 where Agil shows Kirito and Asuna the release notes for the next ALO update, including the introduction of the 21st-30th floors of New Aincrad. <S> so at the moment (as of the end of Sword Art Online 2, I haven't read the Novels) no one can access Floor 100. <S> if i was to speculate there is no data for Floor 100 (except for the outside appearance for the sake of scenery) until the update is released <A> Near the end of the movie Sword Art Online: Ordinal Scale Kirito and his friends are fighting the Boss on Floor 100 of Aincrad. <S> The Boss isn't Heathcliff, just a very strong Monster with a huge size. <A> My answer is the same with Memor-X, but for a different reason. <S> Like <S> Memor-X said in his answer, Kayaba is dead, physically . <S> I say physically because it was shown that Kayaba is alive as a data after he did full dive and transferred his consciousness into the network. <S> This was explained in the Light Novel by his former assistant, Koujiro Rinko . <S> Kayaba did show up when Kirito went against Oberon at the climax of Alfheim Online, but after that, his whereabouts is unknown . <S> Kayaba was responsible for the death of players in the original Aincrad. <S> He was the one who trapped everyone inside the game and made it so that the system kills anyone who died in the game. <S> This makes him a wanted man . <S> If he is physically alive, he would have been arrested and brought for trial. <S> Having Kayaba as the final boss of the 100th floor of New Aincrad would be a bad move for the company to make. <S> How would people feel if, let's say Square-Enix use Hitler as the final boss for Final Fantasy? <S> Same case with Kayaba. <S> So, Kayaba as the boss of the 100th floor of New Aincrad? <S> It is next to impossible.
It is next to impossible for Kayaba to be the final boss for floor 100 of New Aincrad.
Why is it that many anime and manga depict being a virgin male as something embarrassing? From the long list of manga I read and anime I watched, especially in romance genre, including romance comedy, harem, etc, being a virgin has been depicted as something bad, especially a male virgin. Many of them have the virgin guy pretending that he is not. When his close friend, who happens to know that he is a virgin, blurted about the fact, he was seen embarrassed as if being a virgin is something bad despite them being High School Students. Another even said that if you are a virgin until 30 then you will become a wizard (IIRC it was Haganai). Why is it that anime and manga depict being a virgin as something embarrassing? Does this reflects the Japanese society, mainly the teens? <Q> The media depicts being a virgin as embarrassing because it reflects how teenagers feel about being a virgin. <S> As for why authors choose to reflect this particular part of society, that would be a bigger discussion. <S> The short answer is to evoke empathy from their audience. <S> This is not exclusively a Japanese thing. <S> A study cited in Psychology Today found: <S> One in three boys ages 15-17 say they feel pressure to have sex, often from male friends. <S> Teen girls feel less pressure--only 23 percent said they felt such coercion. <S> Researchers questioned 1,854 subjects between the ages of 13 and 24 in a national survey. <S> This is an American study, so it may be different in other countries, but probably not significantly so. <S> This excludes regions where the religion/government censures sex. <S> having sex makes you popular having sex proves "love" having sex proves maturity having sex proves you're not gay <S> Most people in the western world would proabably be very familiar being pressured with these reasons. <A> Sex is an important part of human life, as each life usually starts with somebody having it. <S> People like discussing it because it's pleasurable. <S> And there are other things comparable in popularity, like drinking alcohol with friends, going to parties, cursing and swearing (especially for kids) and other less legal or healthy activities, like taking drugs. <S> Often when people express their concerns about feeling embarrassed that they don't do one of those activities as often as their surrounding, they say that it is such a common topic of discussion that even if they didn't initially think it was something to be embarrassed about, after some time they started to think they are less of a person for not doing it too. <S> This is a common response for people when they're being told something again and again − <S> they start doubting themselves and whether they should change what they do. <S> And so, this isn't unique to Japan or the teens. <S> People of all ages and nationalities are susceptible to peer pressure about most things, given enough time. <S> For example, you don't often see anime marketed for very young children in which adults are discussing complex issues of marriage and dealing with personal issues and trauma. <A> in japan specifically, the population is on the decline. <S> their census has detected lower reproductive rates for the population, leading to problems. <S> google reports: 1.41 births per woman (2012) clearly, 2 people having 1.41 children is not sustainable for a country. <S> japanese culture is such that nobody leaves before the boss, and the boss has to maintain respectability by staying long hours. <S> this essentially means there is little time to consider raising a family. <S> the government has addressed this by attempting to allot time away from work to allow conjugal visits. <S> furthermore, the media is encouraged to promote reproductive efforts ableit with heavy censorship (due to the conservative culture).
One might get the impression that this is mainly an issue for teens in Japan because anime tends to depict topics that might hit close to home for certain target audiences better than others using the characters who are worried about the same things as the target audience. Some reasons teens receive this peer pressure is the common belief that: everyone their age does it due to media due to pressure from friends due to pressure from partners having sex is cool
What caused Charmeleon to become so disobedient to Ash? Early in the series when Charmander evolves to Charmeleon, almost right away it begins to disobey Ash and refuse to listen to him. this continued to Charizard who would lounge around and blast Ash with a fire breath until he was frozen in ice during Ash's travels though the Orange Islands and Ash stayed up all night trying to melt the ice. from what i remember Charmander willingly went with Ash when it's trainer abandoned it and he was about to die from the rain. if i followed the game logic i could assume that it was because Charmander's Level went too high in comparison to what badges Ash had however.... there was no signs of disobedience until after the evolution the 8th badge of any region allows full control no matter the level however Charizard was still disobedient even after Ash got Kanto's Earth Badge. not to mention that the level control ability of another regions badges would be made obsolete for someone like Ash who gets badges from other areas So what caused Charmeleon to become so disobedient to Ash? <Q> I found this interesting and helpful tidbit of info from an old PokeCommunity forum thread . <S> It's not conclusive, but it is explanatory: <S> I think of it as like Charmeleon was like a teenager. <S> It had paid attention to Ash when it was young and naive, because it Ash showed it caring and love. <S> However, when it got older, and learned more, it became cocky and saw Ash for what he was-- a rookie trainer that was still learning many of the basics. <S> I think Charmeleon felt as if he didn't have any respect for Ash. <S> When he started listening to Ash in the Orange Islands, it was after he saw how dedicated and serious Ash could be, even to something that was repeatedly rude and menacing to him. <S> I think that when Charizard saw Ash doing that, he began to have some respect and admiration for the boy. <S> Charizard may have been a 'plot device' to show pokemon that disobey, but it was important because it showed that not even Ash could 'wow' every pokemon with a couple days of friendship. <S> It also was an indication of Ash maturing. <S> And here's another interesting viewpoint from an old question on Quora : Since Charmander was once rejected as weak he had gained an inferiority complex. <S> He was always trying to prove himself. <S> When he evolve into Charmeleon, he lost his fear and considering itself as proud. <S> He gained self-pride and was considering itself as strong pokemon. <S> Thus he was arrogant, and didn't listened Ash's orders. <S> Later it evolved into a Charizard to prove its strength in front of a Aerodactyl. <S> Charizard retained his disobedience to Ash as of Charmeleon. <S> However, when Ash saved him after being frozen by Tad's Poliwrath's Ice Beam, Charizard's loyalty to Ash returned in full force; the best part of Charmander's pre-evolved personality was back. <S> So the arrogance and disobedience that Charizard (or Charmeleon) was beacause <S> he was boastful of his immense power. <A> Charmander was Damien's Pokemon first. <S> Ash didn't catch a wild Charmander. <S> True, Charmander was abandoned by Damien, but it was still loyal to him. <S> Also, Ash didn't earn all of his badges fair and square. <S> He got some because he defended gyms from Team Rocket. <S> The anime badges don't make Pokemon obey, unlike the games. <A> at the time he didn't have all the gym badges only a few. <S> in episode 46, charmeleon evolved but still doesn't listen to ash because charizard is now even higher leveled. <S> at the last gym where it was charizard vs magmar, charizard found magmar to be a worthy opponent and that's when charizard listened to ash but stops listening to him afterwards. <S> then they went to the charizard mountain where ash left Charizard there to train and that's the story of carizard. <S> Hope this helps <A> In the episode: "The Problem With Paras <S> " Ash is trying to help Cassandra train up her weak Paras. <S> When Charmeleon was called out, and Ash told it to go easy on paras. <S> Charmeleon didn't want to be weak, and that's when it stopped listening to Ash. <S> It got even worse as it evolved into a Charizard. <S> Finally in the Orange Islands, Ash helped thaw it out. <S> While everyone was asleep, only ash stayed up to warm up Charizard. <S> Charizard seeing how much Ash cared for it, even it always disrespected him, finally decided to listen to him. <S> The writers obviously made Charmeleon disobedient, to show how training pokemon isn't easy.
As explained in the anime episode 44, Charmeleon became disobedient to ash because he was too low leveled (the old lady in that episode told ash this herself).
Why is Ahagon embarrased with her name? And how does it match her appearance? Ahagon doesn't like her given name and introduced herself as Umiko. And Kou said her name matches her appearance. Why is she embarrassed with her name? And how does it match her appearance? She pretty much always looks like this <Q> While I had a feeling it was because it sounded like a kaijuu monster, I had no official confirmation until now. <S> If you look at page 111 of the New Game! <S> illustration book Fairies Story <S> , it has an introduction of Umiko's setting, where it specifically states that she has a complex about her name sounding like a kaijuu. <S> Note that Ahagon is a relatively rare name that comes from Okinawa. <S> Most people would not be familiar with the name and if they've ever watched something like Ultraman as a kid, they might first think it's a kaijuu name, which is probably why it's become a complex for her. <S> Explanation <S> about kaijuuIf you look at the list of kaijuu of the Ultraman series , you will see there are 98 monsters that end in "-gon". <S> (Others include "-don", "-ton" "-mon" "-ron", and I believe it stems from how many dinosaurs end in "-don <S> ", so these endings give that same feeling of something large and powerful.)  <S> It is a common game to add or change the end of a name to make it sound like a kaijuu. <S> In English, I suppose it would like like adding "-(s)aurus" so the end of names to make them sound dinosaur-like". <S> As for "matching her appearance", I believe so because it she is Okinawan, and has a deep suntan. <S> Okinawa is a tropical area of Japan, where it is warm most times of the year and with beautiful beaches, therefore it is full of heavily-tanned people. <S> A bit stereotypical, but that's what a person would expect to see from an Okinawan. <A> At the time when this was originally posted in August 2016, her entry on Pixiv's dictionary only mentioned the origin of her surname but not the reason, 沖縄県民特有の苗字で呼ばれることを嫌っている(理由は不明 <S> )。 <S> She hates being called by her Okinawans specific surname (unknown reason) . <S> As for why it matches her appearance, Okinawa is a prefecture comprises of islands in tropical climate , southernmost of Japan. <S> That should explain her tanned skin due to sunburn. <S> From the article of NEW GAME! <S> on Japanese Wikipedia , 沖縄県出身で、日焼けした肌の持ち主 <S> 。 <S> Born in Okinawa, having tanned skin (lit. <S> sunburnt skin) <A> It might have to do with the fact that she is a military fan. <S> There was apparently a famous Okinawan pacifist, named Shoko Ahagon, who spent his life opposing the military presence on Okinawa. <S> Of course this had mainly to do with human rights abuses by the U.S. occupiers. <S> It may suit her because she is so serious about getting work done right. <S> Besides his campaign against the military, Shoko Ahagon was a Christian convert who admonished fellow Okinawans to live a respectable lifestyle, emphasizing issues such as temperance, and a proper work ethic. <S> Of course this is all conjecture on my part. <A> Well, the first reason that came to my mind is that aho means stupid or idiotic in Japanese. <S> For example, ahoge is hair on dumb characters, and Aho-Girl is a show about a stupid girl. <S> So she probably hates her name because it sounds like idiot in Japanese. <S> The Okinawan people have unique names not found in Japan.
However , thanks to Jimmy's answer referring to the official illustration book released in September 2016 , apparently it's because it sounds like a kaijuu (giant monsters genre that is popular in Japan).
Could Hidan possibly get out of his hole? I'm just wondering, in the episode where Hidan lost his head against the Konoha jounin, which he killed eventually (forgot the name). There is a scene where he lost his head, and his body is still moving, looking for the head. Until Kakuzu stitched Hidan's head to his body. Then in the scene where Shikamaru buried him, Hidan is literally disconnected with his body (or did some of his parts even get vaporized?) But his head is still working. Supposing his body parts could still move on its own regardless if they are not connected with a central nervous system, could Hidan "chew", "claw", "divide" his way out of the hole? and then from some bit make himself whole again? His becoming whole again would incur maybe centuries, lets just say that somehow his tissues would become whole again over time. The topic would be, if he could get out of the mound which Shikamaru created from him. <Q> It is impossible for Hidan to crawl out of his hole. <S> His body was destroyed. <S> So, having his body digging the hole would be impossible. <S> While Hidan is immortal, he doesn't seems to possess healing ability. <S> This is proofed by the fact that he needs Kakuzu to stitch his head back to his body. <S> He can't do this himself by means of regeneration. <S> He was buried several meters underground. <S> It wasn't said how many meters but from the image shown in the manga and the anime, I'd say it is about 3 meters or more with the diameter approximately 1 meter. <S> So using the formula for tube volume, pi x r x r x h, we get 3.14 <S> x 0.5 x 0.5 x 3, which is 2.356 meter cubic of soil. <S> 1 meter cubic of soil is about 1,200 kg , so that means he have 2,827.433 kg of soil weighing his head. <S> Digging from inside is an impossible task. <S> When digging from outside, you move the mass from one place to another. <S> However, since his head is surrounded by soil, suppose that he use his mouth to try digging, he would not have place to put the soil away, not to mention that when he do so, the soil above would fall down. <S> His option would be to swallow it, but I doubt he would be able to swallow 2,800 kg of soil and then using his mouth to climb out of the hole. <S> Hidan is buried in a forest belonging to the Nara clan. <S> Suppose that somehow he managed to climb his way up, as implied by Shikamaru when he buried Hidan, the deer in that forest would contact the Nara clan and someone would send his head back into the hole and bury him again. <S> He can't wait for centuries. <S> Naruto Second Fanbook stated that while Hidan is indeed still alive, he is dying from malnutrition. <A> He's dead. <S> Because he was resurrected with edo tensei by Kabuto Yakushi in the naruto arc <S> Chikara <S> (Power) <A> hes not <S> deadWhen <S> kakuzu was reanimated he said himself that hidan was alive <S> kabuto didnt use endo tensei!!!By a bunch of snakes and a scroll, to revive a real corpse through edo tensei <S> you need their dna for it
So, it'd be impossible for him to regenerate his already lost body and have it dig for him. When he was captured by Shikamaru, his body was exploded using exploding tags, leaving only his head.
How did Commander Erwin know that the spy/traitor(s) would be within the 104th training squad? During the female titan arc, how did Erwin specifically know that the traitor would be from the 104th training squad? <Q> From a well established Tumblr blog post : <S> After the death of Sawney and Bean, Erwin then was able to narrow down the list of suspects, as only a soldier was able to kill the titans with 3DMG. <S> Because of this, he went around asking cryptic questions to try to weed out liars and traitors, making people second guess themselves. <S> Then comes the night of the ceremony where the cadets join <S> the Survey Corp. That night, Erwin instructed Levi to take Eren out on a ride to recon the area. <S> Why exactly would he do this? <S> It's clear it wasn't just a normal exercise, as Levi was rushing Eren and seemed frustrated and stressed. <S> This was Erwin's way of narrowing down the suspects. <S> By having Eren leave and the ceremony on the same night, he could deduct that if the enemy did not attack Eren or at least show up to the castle to kidnap him when it would have been strategically best to do so, then it must mean that they were otherwise preoccupied somewhere else. <S> Where else? <S> The ceremony. <S> If someone was missing from the ceremony, it would be suspicious and draw attention to them. <S> So this narrowed down the suspects to the 104th Trainee Corp. <A> Captain Erwin is known for his cunning. <S> He is always steps ahead of the situation: 1. <S> Expecting spies/traitors in a war is common 2. <S> The appearance of the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan seemed more than just "random". <S> They always appeared out of nowhere, but perfectly timed - i.e. when the Coordinate power was lost from the bloodline, when the Colossal Titan appeared in front of Eren after the survey corps success etc. <S> 3. <S> During the battle of the Trost District, they see Marco dead on the floor where half of his body is eaten. <S> However, it was pointed out that his maneuver gear was missing, leading to think that someone took it. <S> But the majority (or only) of the survivors were members of the 104th squad. <S> Later, when Sawney and Bean were killed, they did a thorough check on all members' gears but all were fine because Annie (the killer) used Marco's gear <A> And he specifically mentioned Eren in his speech to the 104th Trainee Corps, plus he mentioned his basement having the secret behind the Titans <S> I'm guessing it was helping set the bait for the traitor, and spook them
He suspected it must have been one of those who saw Eren at Trost, in the 104th
How does L deduce that Kira needs a name and not just a face? This is something that I've been wondering about, how does L deduce that Kira needs a name? Surely all the victims he investigated had their name and face, but how can he figure that he needs both? The stunt on tv with Lind L. Tailor only proved that Kira can't kill anyone, and there are certain criteria. I'm not sure how that concludes that he needs both name and face. Edit: To clarify, here's how I look at it. L analyzes all the victims of the Kira killings and noticed that what was broadcast about the criminals was their face and their name. How does he conclude that Kira needs both? Why not just a face? When Kira kills Lind L. Tailor, that only validates that Kira has the ability to kill people, to which L himself even says "I couldn't believe it until I saw it, but it appears you can kill without being there in person." When Kira subsequently is unable to kill L, L can then deduce that there are people Kira can't kill. However he concludes Kira needs both name and face, which I don't understand. To me, at that point 3 conclusions are viable: Kira needs a name AND a face. Kira needs just a name. Kira needs just a face. <Q> Just reread the manga <S> and it turn out it was the police, probably with L help <S> , that concluded the fact that Kira need both name and face from Death Note Chapter 11 One, page 5 <S> Matsuda: He needs to know names? <S> Is that true? <S> I've heard he only needs to know the face Chief Yagami: <S> Criminals whose names were either wrong or kept hidden survived some mass killings, so the headquarters came to that conclusion <S> L didn't do the stunt on tv with Lind L. Tailor to prove that Kira needs both name and face. <S> But rather to prove that Kira exist, can kill people without being nearby, and live in Kanto area in Japan. <A> L came to that assumption by analyzing the people who were killed so far. <S> All of them appeared on media either through tv or newspaper. <S> This assumption was even more proved when Lind L Tailor was killed in the public TV stunt. <S> To answer your question, using this as a confirmation , L deduced that Kira needs a name and not just a face to kill someone. <S> Hope this suffices. <A> When the fake L went on live TV they put his name there. <S> This was one of the major hints that Light needed a name and a face.
Even before the stunt on tv, L deduced an assumption that Kira needed the names and faces of a person to kill him.
Why was Excalibur not used near the end of season 2? I just finished re-watching episode 18 of season 2 of Sword Art Online , and in the end, Kirito throws Excalibur into the pit and then Shinon catches it with a spell arrow. Then, once the quest is over, he gets the sword as a gift from Urðr for saving the land. In the next episodes we don't see him use it. Why isn't he using it? <Q> In SAO Wikia about Excalibur , there is some trivia mentioned, among which: Kazuto resolved to never use Excalibur for personal gain as he believed that the sword contained the «caliber» of himself and his companions. <S> As mentioned in the comments and in Alchemist's answer , Kirito used the sword when fighting off the guild to buy Asuna some time. <A> According to Mansuro's answer , it does make sense why he doesn't use it that often during battles. <S> However, it is not true that he doesn't use it at all. <S> He did use it in the Mother's Rosario arc. <S> He uses it in the 21st episode. <S> When Asuna and the Sleeping Knights are interrupted by the adventurers just before entering the boss room. <S> Kirito appears just in the nick of time and wards them off using his own sword and the Excalibur, dual wielding them while Asuna and the Sleeping Knights head for the boss room. <A> He simply doesn't use it because it isn't fair, it is way too powerful. <S> If it wasn't for Shinon, it would not have been given to him. <S> The only time he ever used it was to fight off the guild as an equalizer. <S> Even then, he knew he didn't have the stamina to kill the entire group. <A> I agree with him not using it because its too powerfull it would be unfair for others <S> but thats assuming due to his good character. <S> And another thing is maybe its because he has another sword made by liz which he prefers to use better when wielding dual sword. <S> But I disagree with the thought of <S> he doesn't use it much because shinon only retrieved it for him. <S> Even if kirito left the excalibur sword and shinon doest get it back. <S> The npc will still give it to kitaro as reward for finishing the quest, besides he was still the one that pulled out the sword.
You can think of the weapon like Mjolnir; any time a person who is not worthy tries to wield it, the weapon gets too heavy to hold.
Can Goku and Vegeta attain Super Saiyan Rose? I know that apparently there is no information about this in the Dragon Ball Super series. But since new information is constantly popping up in manga, magazines, etc. Before the series sometimes, that's why I'm asking. More data on this, according to Dragon Ball Wikia on Super Saiyan Rosé This form is a counterpart to Super Saiyan Blue, and possesses a different hair color due to the user already possessing the status as a god prior to surpassing Super Saiyan God So if Goku would turn a god of destruction as when he was offered once (or Vegeta) or Trunks would become a Kaioshin as when he was a Kaioshin apprentice, wouldnt they turn into Super Saiyan Rosé when trying to transform into super saiyan god super saiyan? <Q> I dont think they would be able to achieve it because I think it is partly linked to him being the same kind of race as Gowasu (as in mind) <A> SSGSS is blue for Goku and Vegeta because they aren't actual gods just mortals with godly ki. <A> This transformation has something to do with Zamasu being inside of Goku. <S> Example: <S> In <S> DBGT Baby took Vegeta's body and transformed into super saiyan and Baby Vegeta's hair was white. <S> For what I know Goku and Vegeta will not get this transformation because Zamasu is a "World King God" from Universe 10 and Zamasu being a god being inside of goku made a mutated transformation like Baby in DBGT
Super Saiyan Rose is Goku Black's version of the regular Super Saiyan that surpassed the power of Super Saiyan God and evolved naturally into SSGSS/A differently colored Super Saiyan Blue due to his status as an actual god with natural god ki.
Why could Kakashi and Obito move while Naruto, Sasuke and even Kaguya couldn't? Spoilers if you didn't see episode 472 of the anime yet: In episode 472, when Kaguya changed the environment to the world with high gravity, how come Kakashi and Obito could move while Naruto, Sasuke and even Kaguya couldn't? I know they all used a lot of chakra fighting each other, but they are on a different level totally, and besides, Obito was half dead, and used almost all of his chakra to find Sasuke and bring him back. <Q> Many have mentioned the plothole part, however this seems to be a case of using a writing device to 1. <S> Give Obito a heroic death 2. <S> Absolve Obito of his crimes 3. <S> Allow Kakshi to be cool by completing his Sharingan <S> In Universe Explanation: This is the explanation written on the Wiki, a typical case of <S> Eleventh Hour Superpower Obito returns Sasuke and Sakura to the dimension where Naruto and Kakashi are. <S> He watches as Naruto and Sasuke fight Kaguya, <S> their combined powers the only ones capable of stopping her. <S> Aware of this, Kaguya relocates them to a dimension with powerful gravity and pins Naruto and Sasuke down while she attacks with All-Killing Ash Bones. <S> Obito and Kakashi, empowered by a shared memory of their past friendship, place themselves in front of Naruto and Sasuke as shields. <S> Obito's body begins to crumble and there is nothing anyone can do to save him. <S> He warns Kakashi that he will not be around to save him a third time and places his faith for a better world in Naruto before dying with a smile. <S> This can be compared to a final push, the rush of adrenaline. <S> Obito and Kakashi pushed themselves to the limit figuring they would die, while Naruto/Sasuke were still hoping to escape the Gravity pull so that they could continue fighting. <A> Logical Explanation: <S> Naruto and Sasuke had already jumped out of the way of the quicker first shots. <S> Not only did they just expend great energy to move, they were also in terrible positions to attempt to get up. <S> Whereas Kakashi and Obito had not been shot at, or even looked at, they had already stood up and could run. <S> They were also able to freely infuse their chakra while Naruto, Sasuke and Kaguya were using theirs fighting each other. <S> And then there was the mystical BS of Rin grabbing them and pulling them into position <S> Likely Truth: <S> A plot hole by the writers in order to give Obito a noble death and introduce the idea that their team can somehow briefly help each other from beyond the grave to justify when Obito posthumously gave Kakashi both Mangekyo Sharingan for a temporary amount of time <A> kishimoto knows this but the viewers dont <S> and he indirectly already confirmed body and charkra are different when he introduced lee and gai <S> , most viewers see charkra as more physical strength and more speed, they don't realize that charkra and physique/Body are completely different categories. <S> Example: 1= <S> Human Adult Male 2= Bodybuilder Male/Power lifter <S> Average Ninjas Body= 1, <S> exactly as it was since the day they became able to extract charkra, most future ninjas learn charkra extraction by the age of 4-7 which is the time they enter ninja school, before charkra they are normal human no superstrength or anything. <S> Naruto/Sasuke Body= 2, slightly higher even tho they never done training for physique just because they are talented individuals and have bloodlines/tail beast since birth. <S> Kakashi= 4, trained to open 1 gate Lee=20, train enough to make muscles, bones and body stronger to survive gates being release upto 6. <S> Gai=30, can survive without breaking bones up til 7 gate. <S> all ninjas can use charkra to directly enhance power/speed depending on charkra and charkra control, some like tsunade and sakura have extremely talented control thus are able to create similar feats of superhuman strength when they fight, others like kakashi are lower tier when they fight in close combat as seen with his fight against obito, while lee and gai do have stronger bodies but because they have bad charkra control there increase from charkra enhancement is not like tsunade or sakura.
Because his odyssey began by saving Kakashi from death by a boulder, Obito decides he must now end things by saving Kakashi's life again: he uses his left eye to teleport the attack aimed at Kakashi away, allowing the attack directed at him to connect.
When did Obito awaken the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan? Spoilers if you didn't see episode 473 of the anime yet: In anime episode 473, Kakashi uses Obito's eyes to create Susanoo. But Obito's eyes were not Eternal Mangekyou. Previously, he had Rinnegan which he has borrowed in addition to one of his own eyes, and that's why he could do lots of stuff. Note: this is not the same question as the closure says! Eternal Mangekyou is when someone from Uchiha gives his Mangekyou to to someone dear then it becomes eternal and the powers will be activated. <Q> Obito never had the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. <S> Once Kakashi gains the power of both of Obito's eyes, it allows him to use Susanoo. <S> Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan increases the power of their abilities and causes the user no negative side effects such as losing vision and bleeding from the eye. <S> The full body Susano'o is the most powerful form granted by the Mangekyo Sharingan. <S> Kakashi said in episode 437 at 12:53 "Gaining the Six Path's power enhances one's Visual Prowess too". <S> It's most likely that Kakashi was able to use the full body Susano'o since when he gained the pair of his (actually Obito's) Sharingan, he also gained some of the Six Path's power Obito posessed. <A> He he doesn't need Eternal Mangekyo for the susanoo, and if your asking why he got the perfect susanoo well its because before dying Obito had stolen some of the six paths chakra from madara and as it was said that the Six paths chakra enhances and doujutsu or anything. <S> that is the reason he was able to skip the imperfect susanoo and the cage's to the perfect susanoo. <A> Itachi had a disease we never got to see how strong he really was .. <S> itachis chakra control was so amazing that we couldn't notice he was sick sasuke <S> didn't kill him <S> he died from the disease ... <S> that's why he needed obito to kill the uchiha .... <S> itachi was the most interesting character to me because he planned his life out n was known as one of the strongest shinobis with the sicknes .... <S> that's y itachi wasn't able to summon a perfect Susano cuz <S> he was very sick
The user does not need the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan to use Susanoo according to the wikia - just the Mangekyō Sharingan in both eyes.
Anime dubbed by original voice actors Are there any anime that have English language dubs voiced by the voice actors of the original non-English language of the anime? <Q> <A> As a matter of fact, Mari Iijima reprised her role as Lynn Minmei in ADV's 2006 English dub of the 1982 anime Super Dimension Fortress Macross . <S> Unfortunately I can't find any clips of the dub, but here's an English interview with her about the role. <A> As amazing as that would be the answer is no. <S> A majority of the voice actors in the industry would have to be fluent in English for that to happen, and that is sadly not the case here. <S> EDIT : <S> A lot of Japanese voice acting tends to be 'good', but at the same time it's a lot different than the type of voice acting in English. <S> With English, we kind of strive for natural sounding voices that sound normal. <S> Whereas in contrast with Japanese voice acting, especially in Anime, nobody in real life talks like any anime character. <S> While overacting is seen as a sign of a bad actor in the West, over in Japan <S> it's kind of the opposite. <S> And I feel because of this, it's kind of easier to come across as a good voice actor in Japanese than it is in English. <S> That and directors are super picky about VAs. <S> Some directors will go through hundreds of auditions for characters that aren't even the protagonist. <S> Also, would you like to watch an anime where all the jokes and puns which kind of make sense in Japanese, would be lost in translation? <S> As an answer said already the most prominent case of that happening is in the case of Pikachu.
The most prominent example that comes to mind is Pokémon, which has used Ikue Ohtani's voice for Pikachu for almost the entire series.
How old is Shisui compared to Itachi? Before watching the recent anime arc focusing on Itachi I had assumed that he and Shisui were roughly the same age but in episode 452 Shisui appears as a full fledged ninja alongside the 6 or 7 year old Itachi when the latter was still a first year student. Also reading into things further Shisui awakened his Mangekyo after witnessing an unnamed friend's death in the Third Great Ninja War so he must have been old enough to participate there. Is there any further information that can help nail Shisui's age down? <Q> I would like to point out; we have no idea how old Shisui was when he graduated from the Academy. <S> At the time, the average age was nine (see Obito Uchiha and Rin Nohara). <S> We don't know whether or not Shisui graduated early. <S> That plays a key deciding factor here, considering he met Itachi approximately two or three years after he graduated. <S> Thus, making him six years older than Itachi, give or take. <S> Perhaps he graduated at six, like Kakashi, or maybe seven. <S> Possibly eight. <S> We have no idea. <S> We don't know how long Shisui fought in the war for either. <S> What if it was a year? <S> Or more? <S> However, gauging his visual age 18-20 makes the most sense. <S> In addition, have you seen the difference in height between Shisui and Itachi when they first met? <S> Also, you need to factor in Shisui's height and weight stats from the databook. <S> He couldn't have been less than eighteen. <S> I like to believe he was nineteen; six years older than Itachi. <A> He met 5 year old Itachi a year after the Third Great Ninja War. <S> Assuming Shisui was 3 years older than Itachi he should have been 7 during the war. <S> Chunin rank and above are allowed to participate in the wars. <S> Considering Shisui was extremely talented, it makes sense that he was a Chunin at the age of 7. <A> Itachi was 12-13 and shisui was 16. <S> Because Shisui died before itachi left the village and Itachi left the village when he was 13. <S> This means that Itachi couldn't have been 15.This also means that if Itachi would have been 15 that the coup d'eta would've happened. <S> Which <S> it didn't. <S> So sorry Itachi Uchiha,you are sadly incorrect...
At the time Shisui died he was 16 and Itachi was 12-13 years old. If he graduated at the average wartime age, this would make him somewhere around eighteen to twenty years old at the time of his death. There's too big a difference for there to simply be a three-year age gap, in my opinion. At the time of his death, he had the height and weight of an average adult male.
Why are there outlying towns/cities on the walls in Shingeki no Kyoujin? For example, this here: Why does it need to jut out of the walls instead of just being inside the walls to begin with? <Q> It is explained in manga Chapter 2 afterwords. <S> You should realize, that walls are long. <S> I mean, really long. <S> And it is impossible even to watch over wall, not to mention protecting it. <S> So such districts do exist, to attract all titans attention, since it is much easier to protect small district than miles of wall. <A> This is explained at the beginning of episode 2: <S> So-called outlier districts like Shiganshina jut out like thorns at vital spots along Wall Maria. <S> Their basic function is to streamline troop dispersal and keep security costs down by drawing titans into specific areas. <S> The calculated design flaw in outlier districts is that they have only a single gate through which its citizens are able to retreat deeper inwards, should the need arise. <S> Since the walls are rather long, defending them in their entirety is difficult and costly. <S> With the presence of the outlier districts, the titans will be drawn to these districts and will be less inclined to attack the wall at random. <S> (This is because they are attracted to humans, and there is a greater population density at these specific parts of the wall). <S> The defense against the titans can then be focused in these areas, becoming easier and more effective. <A> <A> Since this has been troublesome for many to understand- <S> I will provide an explanation. <S> The towns are there to keep the titans at bay- giving soldiers something to grapple onto. <S> The towns also have Cannon defense, which will be fine for help. <S> However, if you look onto the picture on the LEFT SIDE, you will see titans approaching the wall. <S> The DISTRICT more or less attracts the titans keeping them away from Shiganshina.
There's also to consider that a door is a weak point in the wall, so it needs additional protection from attacks; the city does exactly that, provide an extra layer of protection and acts as a cushion and a pen, to contain and dispatch giants more easily.
Why can't Titans attack using the canals passing through the walls? I saw this image on this question: Why are there outlying towns/cities on the walls in Shingeki no Kyoujin? If you look carefully, there is a spot near the bottom where the water canal enters the district Shignashina and then through Wall Maria itself. Why don't the Titans use this opening to attack the city?From the question, Can the Titans swim? ,there haven't been any conclusive theories as to how the titans cross the water. Titans floating seems misplaced and I think "Connie's Mom" provides evidence that someone probably turned few people living on the islands to titans to wipe out humanity <Q> It's kind of referenced in the anime as "the strongest part of the wall" but not explained... <S> And this is where the cannon fired <S> /transformation happened: <A> If I remember correctly, the canals have some kind of blockade that can be closed, too (correct me if I'm wrong). <S> Breaching something is easier on land, since moving in water slows down and thus weakens any movement. <S> Also, since the body temperature of titans is abnormally high, I could imagine the water could evaporate and this would be a nuisance. <S> If enough water is lost this way, there would even be a considerable force of the water pushing back to the titans - being light as they are, this could prevent them from entering. <S> Remark: <S> This is all speculation, I don't have sources for this at hand. <A> Just a hypothesis from what has been shown in the story. <S> Humans has been living for 100 years in peace behind the wall. <S> Assuming that the gate and the canal has always looked like that during the whole 100 years, then I suppose the main reason would be because the Titans ain't that smart. <S> Before the rise of the Titan Shifters, there was no accident of the wall being breached. <S> Only after the Titan Shifters shows up, that is the Shiganshina attack by the Colossal Titan and Armored Titan, that the wall was finally breached. <S> Their method of breaching was by attacking the weak point of the wall, the gate. <S> Seeing that the canal allows water to flow through a gap under the wall, then the canal should be as weak as the gate if not more. <S> Which once again means that the average titan just don't have the brain to think about such a thing. <S> As for why Colossal Titan didn't kick the canal instead of the gate, it could be just a coincidence, or maybe because Titans really can't swim <A> In fact, if this is true, boats couldn't be possible and they couldn't pass, except if there it was some kind of mechanism that allows to up or down the gate, but just a theory.
They can walk through it, but probably there is some kind of metal barrier or something that allows water but not titans.
How is the Rinne Sharingan awakened? How is the Rinne Sharingan awakened? I know Madara and Kaguya were the only people to do so but I don't remember it ever being explained in Naruto Shippuden. <Q> To awaken the Rinne Sharingan I believe that you need to: 1.) <S> possess the Rinnegan, and2.) <S> approach the moon/be near the moon. <S> Based on the Rinne Sharingan Naruto wiki page , it was written on the stone tablet handed down in the Uchiha clan that "when one who wields the power of Rinne approaches the moon, the eye which can reflect off the moon and grant the infinite dream will open". <S> The eye here refers to the Rinne Sharingan, which Madara was able to acquire after approaching the moon. <S> You could read the rest on the wiki page about how Kaguya awakened it, if you would actually call that awakening. <S> I'd like to believe that the logic behind approaching the moon to activate it was because the moon is essentially where Kaguya is, after being sealed by Hagoromo and Hamura. <A> *SPOILERS IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED THE ANIME UPTO DATE <S> * <S> The Rinne Sharingan (輪廻写輪眼, <S> Literally meaning: <S> Saṃsāra Copy Wheel Eye) is a dōjutsu kekkei mōra and the predecessor to the Rinnegan and Sharingan. <S> I got the above from the naruto wikia page here. <S> From that we can conclude that Rinne-Sharingan is a predecessor of both Rinnegan and Sharingan. <S> The fact that Hagoromo, father of these two had it proves the above line that both their chakra are needed. <S> Thus only Madara and Kaguya have the Rinne-Sharingan. <S> Madara got it when he was awakened with the cells of Hashirama infused in himself. <S> As a result of Black Zetsu's actions, Madara's body then served as a vessel for the resurrected Kaguya, who retained the Rinne Sharingan.[4] <S> This is during the 4th war, when Kaguya emerges from the body of Madara. <S> The above quote was also taken from the same wiki page. <A> I read the wiki of Madara, and got that while Madara was fighting, Black Zetsu used Obito to use Kamui and transport them to the real world. <S> Then Madara took back his Rinnegan, giving Obito back his Mangekyou Sharingan. <S> So Madara stalled Sasuke and Naruto with several Chibaku Tensei. <S> So, Madara got into the proximity of the moon, during that time awakened the Rinne-Sharingan and succeeded in casting Infinite Tsukuyomi. <S> I'd say to unlock the Rinne-Sharingan, you'd need the Rinnegan, basically the cells of Indra and Asura, and have the full clear view of the moon infront of you. <S> If this is wrong, please correct me. <A> To awaken the Rinne Sharingan, you have got to be the ten tails jinchuuriki. <S> Additionally, Sasuke's left eye is not a Rinne Sharingan but a Rinnegan given to him by the Sage of six paths, which is probably the reason for the tomoe. <S> We don't know if there are other variations of the Rinnegan, since we only see two pairs of them (Hagoromo's and Madara's since those we're the eyes Nagato and Óbito had). <S> I don't know why Obito didn't awaken his though, since he was the ten tails jinchuuriki for a while. <A> You have to posses the power of the Divine Tree. <S> Kaguya awakened it simply by eating the chakra fruit. <S> But with Madara, things were a little bit complicated. <S> Since the Divine Tree's chakra basicly became the Ten Tails, you have to absorb it by becoming Jinchuuriki, and absorb the Divine Tree. <S> To cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, you need to posses the Rinne-Sharingan. <S> Since Kaguya currently has one, you need to, essentially, take it from her, by nearing the moon. <S> Stone Tablet says this: "When the one who possesses the power of Rinne should draw near the moon, an eye will reflect on the moon in order to activate the infinite dream. <S> " <S> Rinne, not Rinne-Sharingan, not Rinnegan, because these probably are the same, but you cannot cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi with Rinnegan. <S> So you come close the moon with the power of Rinnegan, and Divine Tree, basically taking Kaguya's Rinne-Sharingan, and awakening your own. <S> Then you can cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi. <S> Hope <S> I explained you : <S> DBy the way, Sasuke's left eye is not Rinne-Sharingan <S> , it's Rinnegan with 6 tomoe.
From the anime, i know that in order to awaken the Rinne-Sharingan one must possess both the chakras of Indira and Ashura. Kaguya got it by eating the Chakra fruit from the God tree during the time of her pregnancy in order to save herself.
What happened at the end of Tokyo Ghoul? I am a bit confused by Tokyo Ghoul season 2's ending. Why was Hide bitten, and by who or what? Was it in that "war"? Or did Kaneki bite him? And why did Yomo stop Touka when she was running to Kaneki (it was at the moment when he was carrying Hide)? Was it just because he did not wanted to let her be killed? Or was it something deeper? <Q> Sadly, anime sacrifices a lots of plot details from manga in sake of 12ep seasons, so numerous things are just not explained. <S> I've abandoned anime at around half of first season, so I will reference manga as explanation. <S> In a nutshell, main reason why Yomo stopped Touka was because he didn't wanted her to be killed indeed. <S> He referenced this as "his last job in Anteiku". <S> From all the talking of Yomo in manga Ch. <S> 130, I assume, that main reason for Touka to say alive is that she can keep helping ghouls, who has lost their way in life, just like Anteiku crew were doing before. <S> But Hide offered this by himself, since he knew that Arima is awaiting for Kaneki (and Kaneki was unable to resist his hunger, since he was in half-kakuja form). <S> Maybe, in anime adaptation, events are slightly different, but outcome is same - Hide sacrificed his life to feed Kaneki, so Kaneki can heal his wounds and restore his power. <A> In the anime, Takizawa's ending is death by Noro. <S> Hide witnesses that, and gasps, alerting Noro's attention to him. <S> When we next see Hide, he is wounded, meaning Noro attacked him. <S> Unlike the manga, Kaneki had nothing to do with Hide's wounds. <S> Yomo stopped Touka mostly out of paternal feeling(he is her uncle) but it is <S> a well know fact that Kaneki has severe PTSD, and also well know to the ANtieku crew how much Hide meant to him(Kaneki). <S> So I'm assuming that Yomo wanted Kaneki to have as much time as possible left with his friend, seeing as Hide is dead or dyeing.(Sorry to those who were in denial) <S> I do agree with lentinant however, he definitely wants to protect Touka, though his last job was actually the manager's last orders: If I fall, burn Antieku so that none may trace it back to you. <S> Basically the manager had Yomo get rid of the evidence that there were ghouls at Antieku. <S> Hope this helps. <A> In Root A , there's a scene where Hide walking down a street dying, but not yet dead as you can catch a glimpse of him smiling when Kaneki checking on him. <S> Likely, Kaneki went to the CCG and gave up his life for Hide's medical treatment. <A> In the anime Hide gets shot. <S> He finds Kaneki outside injured and brings him to the cafe. <S> When Kaneki wakes up Hide and him have a talk just about regular things. <S> Hide then falls to the ground after bleeding, but then smiles and looks up to him. <S> The cafe starts to burn down and they escape. <S> Kaneki then takes him and brings him to where most of the police/ ghoul investigators are and lays him on the ground. <S> After that it looks one of the ghoul investigators (Arima) is going to try to fight him. <S> Its clear in anime that Kaneki doesn't eat Hide, and gets killed by Arima. <S> Thats all I remember <S> but hopefully it helps!
Regarding Hide, it was heavily implied in chapters 136-137 of original manga, that Kaneki ate him. It is also apparent throughout both manga and anime that Yomo feels fatherly towards Kaneki, so he may have understood that in times like these, leave him alone.
How much does the light novel of Re:Zero differ from the anime at the end of episode 21 (Subaru/Rem scene)? In the anime, there is a touching scene between Subaru and Rem. But according to a person who's supposedly read the light novel, the producers changed this scene. In the light novel, Rem faked her death (she pretends as if she was dying in Subaru's arms) with the goal to hear his deepest feelings for her. Subaru really confesses his feelings for Rem and shortly after he realized that she was only playing. Here's a link to Amino Apps about the summary where I've got this information: (it's pretty much at the end of volume 7) Does this really happen? (somehow I just can't get rid of the feeling that this summary isn't trustworthy) <Q> I read the light novel and did a re-check to the wikia. <S> Here are the differences between anime and light novel in episode 21: <S> A scene where Mimi saves Subaru with her magic is cut. <S> Rem's attack is added on to Mimi and Hetaro's attack to free Wilhelm. <S> Subaru and Hetaro's conversation is cut. <S> Crusch's speech is moved farther into the battle and an anime original scene was added to include it. <S> Rem faking her death to get Subaru to confess is cut. <S> The post Hakugei battle scene is changed to have Subaru and Crusch talk one on one instead of being with Rem and Ferris. <S> In accordance with this, several other scenes such as Subaru and Ferris' talk is also cut. <S> So, based on the statements above, the scene you were talking about was not changed, but it was cut. <A> There are translations of the scenes if you care to read them yourself. <S> Arc 3: <S> Rem Feigning Her Death <S> Arc 3: <S> Rem’s Proposal/Conversation With Subaru Under the Frugel Tree <S> As to whether they're platonic or not, the scene kind of ends with Subaru leaning in for a kiss before being interrupted. <A>
Some of the source material from light novel was changed and/or cut in the anime due to time constraints I believe and that unfortunately includes Rem faking her death to get Subaru's love confession.
Are there any other Guinness world record holders? Recently I stumbled upon a post mentioning that One Piece managed to get a place in the Guinness World Records for most printed comic series by one author ever. Are there any other manga / anime that managed to place themselves in the Guinness World Records? Or is Eiichiro Oda, with One Piece, the only one so far? <Q> <A> The ones I could find are: Most comics published by one author: <S> Shotaro Ishinomori (Japan) known as "The King of Manga" Most strips published for the same yonkoma manga series <S> Now these are just records that I could find in a short span of time. <S> I am sure theres a section for different manga and comics related records. <A> There is another <S> I'm aware of, although probably not what you were after: Kochikame for the most volumes published for a single manga series. <S> In a different category (interesting nonetheless), Yu-gi-oh is the highest selling trading card, and 1995 third volume of Weekly Shonen Jump magazine is the highest selling comic magazine. <S> Weird, but fun facts.
No, One Piece is not the only record holder: as shown in this article , "Kochikame Earns Guinness World Record For Most Volumes Published For Single Manga Series" with 200 volumes.
How does Kazuma actually die in the beginning of the anime? In the beginning of episode 1 of the anime, Aqua makes fun of Kazuma for how he died. She then says that she has, "Well... I've vented enough stress for now," before continuing her explanation of the choices that Kazuma has in the afterlife. Is this a joke or did Kazuma really die from shock of possibly being run over by a truck? I hope he died of shock. <Q> Kazuma died because of heart attack. <S> Actually, the girl will survive even if Kazuma didn't save her. <S> The vehicle that was moving towards the girl was just a slow tractor. <S> and he was scared to death. <A> My personal opinion, and this isn't proven anywhere <S> but: He did in fact see it correctly and attempted to save the girl but both of them died in the accident, and she didn't want to tell Kazuma that his life ended in tragic failure and in vain. <S> Thus the "getting out some stress" comment. <S> Now while that is debunked by how bad a liar she is, at this point she was still a Goddess and had time to think it up, and her personality does change a bit after joining Kazuma in the alternate world. <A> In episode one of Konosuba , it was shown that he saw a "car" about to run over a girl so he pushed the girl out of the way. <S> However, after he died, Aqua showed him that the "car" was actually a tractor that has already stopped and was never going to hit the girl. <S> Kazuma then asked how he died, then Aqua told him how he died of shock and wet himself, she also told him how every doctor and his family was laughing at how ridiculous his death was.
After he pushed the girl, Kazuma died because of heart attack, he thought it was a truck
Besides Naruto, Jiraiya and Minato, who else is in contract with Toads? Besides Naruto, Jiraiya and Minato, which people were/are in contract with Toads? <Q> Yes. <S> We don't know who they are, but the Toad contract Naruto signs lists down names, which are more than those 3. <S> Naruto Chapter 92. <S> Pg 19. <A> There are possibly have 6 summoners of the toads. <S> Here are a clear image of the scroll. <S> Apparently the last 3 are Jiraiya, Minato and Naruto. <S> While the first 3 summoners haven't been seen in the series. <S> You can't really read or recognize the first 3 summoner's name as the writings are just completely chicken writings. <S> It's probably the way or style of old generations write their name. <A> The naruto wiki mentions that "The Mount Myōboku, the Ryūchi Cave and the Shikkotsu Forest are called the "Three Big Unexplored 'Sage' Regions" (「仙人」三大秘境, "Sennin" Sandai Hikyō), despite there being no apparent connection between Senjutsu and the snails of the forest.[1]" <S> Seeing as the Senju clan was renowned for their Senjutsu <S> it makes sense that they could have spent some time in one of these three places in there attempts to master Senjutsu. <S> In the anime when the second Hokage gets reincarnated, he shows that he has good knowledge of Senjutsu and the toads of Mount Myōboku. <S> He even compliments Naruto on his skills with Senjutsu. <S> Although not conclusive I think you can at least speculate on the other toad summoners <A> Jiraiya <S> Minato (Since he can summon Toad during Obito and Kyubi invasion) Naruto
I suspect and this is speculation that there where other toad summoners among the Senju clan. Gamamaru Hagoromo (To Mount Myōboku with Hamura Otsutsuki) Fukasaku
Who do the hands that help form Naruto's Final Rasengan belong to? Here is the video of Naruto's Final Rasengan in episode 477. The hands of many friends, parents , and teachers of Naruto Uzamaki were shown shaping and enlarging together his Rasengan : My questions are: What is the meaning of this scene? What is the chronological list of characters of the Naruto universe who contributed to his Rasengan (with irrefutable evidence)? <Q> This has been going around Twitter for a while. <S> This is more or less Naruto's version of the DBZ Spirit Bomb trope where you borrow the spirit of all your allies into one final coup-de-grace. <S> Then hands represented are as follows: <S> Left column (clockwise): Jiraiya <S> Minato Kushina <S> Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji Middle column (clockwise): Hinata, Kiba, Shino Lee, Tenten, Gai (charred by the 8 Gates), Neji Gaara (Fifth Kazekage), A (Fourth Raikage), Bee, Tsunade (Fifth Hokage), Mei (Fifth Mizukage), Ohnoki (Third Tsuchikage) <S> Hiruzen (Third Hokage), Iruka, Konohamaru <S> Right column (clockwise): <S> Sai, Yamato Obito Kakashi Sakura <A> I.Jiraya Jiraiya (自来也) was one of Konohagakure's Sannin and teacher of Naruto. <S> II. <S> ( put the name here ) and ( put the name here ) <S> Description III. <S> ( put the names here ) <S> Description IV. <S> ( put the names here ) <S> Description V. ( put the names here ) <S> Description <A> I'm not really sure of the order of the ones who contributed, but here's my guess: <S> Jiraiya, Minato, Kushina, Shikamaru's team, Shino's team, Guy's team, some from Kumogakure, Bee, Tsunade, etc, etc...basically the point is, all of Naurto's bonds who, even in the last moment, stay by his side to protect him.
Basically what this scene means is that Naruto's strength comes from all the people he loved and who have been there in his life at every trouble for him.
Significance of the different designs of Tobi's/Obito's masks There have been three designs of the masks of Tobi/Obito shown in the Naruto (anime/manga). Is there any significance behind the masks and the designs, or is it just a design and something to be ignored? <Q> The Spiral Mask with center at the eye was designed by the mangaka to give the dimension switch by Tobi a better look. <S> The Rinne-Sharingan shaped mask was worn by Tobi during the Shinobi War to represent his mission i.e achieving the Rinne-Sharingan for the Infinite <S> Tsukuyomi . <S> All these designs don't have any significance from the perspective of the storyline. <S> Source: <S> Obito Uchiha <A> Just rotate it <S> and then you have the first maks <A> Well, apparently the masks represent the different stages that Obito's eyes move to. <S> The third mask is obviously a combimation of the Sharingan with the Rinnegan. <S> It is the same pattern that can be seen on the moon or on Kaguyas forehead. <S> The 2nd one is like a whirpool, which makes me think of Obito's power to suck other people in the other dimension, that looked kinda similar (look for instance the fight with the 4th Hokage) <S> The first one is the one I cannot identify. <S> To me, initially, it kinda looks like the cursed pattern that Sasuke gets on his face, but that is kinda of forced, since it does not look exactly like that, and it has no relationship with Obito. <A> The first mask is a reference to the 9 tails he summoned (referenced by the 9 ends to the lines on the mask) <S> The second is a reference to both his Kamui ability and Tobi (guruguru)
The third is a reference to the eye of the moon plan, the pattern is reminiscent of the rinne sharingan and also the third tamoe is in position for a third eye that Obito would have gained. The masks in each stage has their own significance: They were just designed by the mangaka to have a stylish, appropriate appearance.
Why does Gray have to kill END? In the recent manga chapters, Natsu is seen fighting Gray, from Natsu's side, he just wants to move forward to beat FT's enemies, and I understand that Gray received his magic to kill END, but exactly why does he have to kill END? Did they explain this and I missed the chapter? <Q> The premise of your question is wrong. <S> He doesn't have to. <S> He wanted to. <S> He wanted to kill END, but he actually doesn't have to kill END. <S> Okay, let me explain what I mean by the statement above. <S> Gray figured that Natsu is END. <S> Does he have to kill Natsu? <S> No. <S> Natsu was perfectly human at that time, and as long as he is human and have control of himself, there would be no reason for him to kill Natsu. <S> Besides, at that time the Spriggan 12 is yet to be eliminated. <S> Obviously Spriggan 12 is a bigger threat than END that is clearly on his side. <S> So, once again, he doesn't have to kill END (at least not at that time) and he certainly shouldn't either. <S> But, Gray wanted to kill END. <S> This is the difference. <S> He wanted to kill END, because END is one of the Demons of the Book of Zeref. <S> Gray is obsessed with killing all of Zeref's demons (and eventually Zeref himself) because Deliora has killed his family and later his master, Ur. <S> He is motivated by vengeance, and this desires blinded him about the fact that END is a nakama. <S> This is proved by Erza managing to stop him by making him remember that no matter what, Natsu is still Natsu. <A> I haven't been following FT for a while, so would have to look for a confirmation. <S> But from the previous manga I infer it is because END (Natsu) is one of Zeref's demons. <S> Gray has a very ugly history with Zeref's demons. <S> One of them (Deliora?) destroyed his hometown, family etc. <S> Then the closest replacement to a parent sacrificed themselves to save his life and seal the demon. <S> He also learns his father was basically kept alive as a Zombie by the demons. <S> Then something curious happens. <S> He gains the abilities to KILL demons <S> He discoveres Zeref created all these powerful creatures to kill himself. <A> Gray is the only one that can kill END with his Ice Devil Slayer Magic as there are no other Devil Slayers known at the moment <S> so there is a lot of pressure on Gray. <S> On top of that, Gray's horrible history with Zeref's demons also contributes to his decision. <A> Spoilers don't read it if you don't want to be spoiled. <S> Forgive me if I'm wrong. <S> So just adding to arcane's answer.. apparently in the manga it is revealed that Natsu is in fact the end and that he's Zeref's brother but died so Zeref has kind of brought Natsu back to life by making him as one of his demons. <S> He also has made Natsu's memories of his family and Zeref himself to be erased. <S> Apparently, if Zeref dies then Natsu will die too due to their 'unusual bond'. <S> I don't know if this is true or not. <S> Now, since Gray is the only one to kill the end he plans to kill the book of demons that Zeref owns, which of course will kill Natsu along with it.
After learning the true identity of END as the last of Zeref's demons, Gray decides to kill him for his revenge (aka Sasuke Syndrome)
Did Kiyoshi have an injured knee even before being seriously injured by Kirisaki Daīchi High? In Kuroko no Basuke , Kiyoshi missed the first half of the year because he was undergoing rehab due to his injury against Kirisaki Daīchi High in the final match of Prelims the year before. However, on rewatching Episode 8 of Season 2, where the flashback of the previous year's journey and Kiyoshi are focused on, I noticed that Kiyoshi looks down at his legs a number of times throughout the episode, even before the injury. The most specific scene however is ~15mins into the episode, just after Hyuga compliments Kiyoshi on his dunk, we see Kiyoshi wincing and see his leg is quivering. This seems like a stretch that he injured his leg twice in the match.More probable (my theory, anyway) is that he was carrying this injury before the tournament and didn't tell the others because he didn't want the team to pull out without him in the first year itself. TL;DR - Was Kiyoshi injured before his match against Kirisaki Daīchi High or it is canon he had another injury? <Q> After watching the episode, I think Kiyoshi started having the injury on his legs for playing too much. <S> He may have known about it because he is tall, thus he will likely to injure his legs more than average size person (I read an article about tall basketball players are more prone to injury). <S> So yes, he was injured before his match against Kirisaki Daīchi High, and Makoto Hanamiya made it worse by injuring him. <A> Well, he technically was but it wasn't that serious until Hanamiya made it worse. <S> It's like after sports, sometimes you might have pulled a muscle or something which is considered kind of minor. <S> From the strain Hanamiya was giving Seirin, it was possible that he got a sort of pulled muscle or something during the game and Hanamiya noticed this and, concluding that he was weaker in that area, injured Kiyoshi even more. <A> However, we have no canonical evidence to tell us how serious that injury was. <S> We know it wasn't bad enough to keep him from playing, but we don't know if it was something he'd been dealing with for years <S> or if it had just started in that game. <A> As I watch it again, maybe it was caused by overworking. <S> When a flashback happened while in the middle of the match between Yosen and Seirin, while he was practicing back then in Shoei Middle School, he said to his playmates that he would protect them while dunking the ball. <S> Maybe it is like the case of Kise as of overworking for the match of Toou. <S> But as slightly different, Kise injured his foot while Kiyoshi injured his legs. <S> That's my theorem.
From what we've seen, Kiyoshi clearly had some issues with his knee before Hanamiya injured him.
What are the differences between the two personalities of Seijūrō Akashi? In Kuroko no Basket, the captain of Teiko Middle School and Rakuzan High is revealed to have a split personality. His original personality is shown to be that of a team player: likable and helpful to others. In his final year he suppressed this personality during his 1v1 match vs Murasakibara and awakened his special ability, Emperor Eye. Midorima and Kuroko in particular note the personality changes in Akashi. The most obvious I can find is that the new personality refers to people by their first names i.e. Kuroko as Tetsuya, Midorima as Shintaro. Are there any other changes between the two personalities? <Q> Akashi Seijuurou has a split personality, we'll call the first personality "Boku" and the second personality "Ore". <S> "Ore" was seen after his one-on-one with Murasakibara until the Rakuzan-Seirin game and also a bit in the Vorpal Swords-Jabberwocks game. <S> "Boku" is generally more caring until Aomine called Akashi "nagging mother". <S> Honestly, I'd say that "Boku" kind of has an inferiority complex because he seems more humble <S> and he admits in Teiko that everyone was becoming better than him. <S> He also admits that he has a weakness of fearing being left behind (as pointed out by Ore during their mental talks). <S> "Ore" on the other hand, has a superiority complex. <S> He says that people should "lower their head" and that he is "absolute" and he is constantly so sure that he will always win. <S> He calls people by their given name which is not really disrespectful or shows signs of superiority or anything <S> but it's just more respectful to use the last names. <S> Another clear sign (in the anime) is that "Boku"'s eyes are both red while "Ore"'s eyes ahs the right one red and the left one yellow. <S> It's not very noticeable in the manga. " <S> Boku" also focuses a lot on team play while "Ore" focuses more on winning no matter what. <S> This is why "Boku" can do things like perfect-rhythm-plays and gets not only him but his other teammates into the zone as well while "Ore" gets into the zone by abandoning all hope for his teammates. <S> There are a lot of differences between the two personalities for the plays he makes. <S> Of the two, it is said that "Boku" is stronger. <S> However, both "Boku" and "Ore" were not strong enough to stop Nash and his Belial Eye and to defeat him, "Ore" had to disappear and transfer his abilities to "Boku" in order for the Emperor Eye to be complete. <S> It's rather sad <S> but... yeah. <A> As far as I remember (it's been a while since the end of the manga) <S> the most notable difference comes with the special ability that the personalities have: <S> The new personality has, as you said, The Emperor's Eye ability, which leads him to easily defeat most of his rivals in 1v1 or sometimes even in 1v2 or 1v3 depending on the "power" of his rivals. <S> Also he acts like a superior being, considering himself way better than others and not caring about training or hard work, but just being interested in powerful teammates and in winning at every cost. <S> Also he calls everyone by his first names. <S> The original, on the other side, is very helpful and proning to teamplay. <S> Is because of this that he awakens his "true" special ability, wich is the "Zone" (that <S> a lot of the main characters awaken in the story) but the difference with his zone is the fact that he can help every one of his teammates to enter in the zone without much effort, which makes this a very powerful and dangerous ability. <S> This personality calls people by their last names as a sign of respect. <S> In the end he is able to combine both of them in order to become even a better basketball player having an enormous defense zone. <S> Also and just as an interesting detail, the original personality has red eyes, while the "Emperor" one has one eye red and the other gilded. <A> The difference between the personalities is that the original Akashi was more fluent in his passes and most of his shots. <S> You see this in the fight between Seirin and Rakuzan. <S> But the change caused the Generation Of Miracles to break. <S> Earlier on in season 3 it's shown that Midorima had noticed these indefinite changes between the original Akashi and The Emperor Akashi. <S> The original Akashi wanted to bring his team closer <S> so he switched to Emperor Eye. <S> But it didn't do anything but push them away.
"Boku" is mainly the personality that was shown in the first few Teiko years and also sometime during the Rakuzan-Seirin game. The personality change was because he didn't want to lose his team, the only people who could understand him.
How is Straight Tomoe Mangekyō Sharingan awakened? How is it superior to normal Mangekyō Sharingan? In Naruto Shippuden, Madara tells Sasuke that he's so powerful because he could awaken a Straight Tomoe (Choku Tomoe) Mangekyō Sharingan. I wonder what is the difference between a Mangekyō Sharingan and a Straight Tomoe Mangekyō Sharingan and how is it more powerful than normal one? <Q> Upon using Mangekyou Sharingan, the user's eyesight will gradually gets worse. <S> The more the frequency and the more strain the user puts on the eyes, the faster the process will be. <S> Using Mangekyou Sharingan techniques such as Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano'o puts great strain on the eyes, much much greater than just activating it. <S> Thus, Mangekyou Sharingan will gradually lose its eyesight until it became completely blind. <S> The evidences are: Itachi was almost blind during his fight against Sasuke. <S> Sasuke was nearly blind after the fight against Danzo. <S> Madara said that he was pretty much blind when he transplanted his brother's eyes. <S> Thus, it is also known as the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. <S> This is the biggest difference between the two. <S> Another difference between the two is that an Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (henceforth EMS) is awakened by transplanting another's Sharingan . <S> Throughout the canon (the manga) <S> only Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke has achieved this. <S> Both transplanted their brother's eye and <S> both them and their brothers has already achieved Mangekyou Sharingan (MS) when the transplantation was done. <S> An MS is awakened by watching the death of someone dear , which in Itachi's case was the death of his best friend, Uchiha Shisui. <S> In Sasuke's case is the death of Itachi. <S> If I recall correctly Madara awakened his MS after the death of one of his brothers. <S> An EMS is not more powerful than an MS in term of power. <S> It also doesn't unlock more occular jutsu. <S> Upon acquiring EMS, Sasuke's Amaterasu didn't get any stronger. <S> EMS only restores an MS' eyesight and removing its drawback of getting blind, which is why it is called Eternal . <A> The Choku-tomoe Mangekyō Sharingan is the completed transformation of the Mangekyō Sharingan, also known as Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan . <S> Sasuke and Madara are the only known wielders that have achieved it throughout the series. <S> How to awaken the Straight/Choku Tomoe Mangekyō Sharingan <S> a.k.a. <S> the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Transplant <S> the eyes of the clan member to the user. <S> In Madara's and Sasuke's case, they acquired the eyes from their brother, and both of them and their brothers already have Mangekyō Sharingan awakened. <S> It's not sure that whether both donator and donor has to have Mangekyō Sharingan awakened in the first place in order to activate the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan after the transplant. <S> Although, it is not guaranteed to give everyone regained eyesight and ocular powers. <S> How is it superior to the normal Mangekyō Sharingan <S> It will usually regain the user eyesight. <S> The straight tomoe of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan grants the user fluidity in the movements when fighting. <S> It is suggested that the eyes can support non-Mangekyō ocular powers such as Izanagi and Izanami, when Sasuke asked his brother how they would use Izanagi to defeat Kabuto. <S> You can find more abilities about the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan here . <A> An Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan uses less chakra. <S> That's why it's more powerful because it can be used for a longer period than the Mangekyo Sharingan with the same level of chakra. <A> Madara states that their bond may go deeper than blood, meaning he is aware of the possibility that Sasuke is his modern day reincarnate. <S> He noticed that Sasuke has an Eternal Magenkyou Sharingan, something that Madara knew only he had accomplished. <S> Is the Eternal Magenkyou Sharingan stronger? <S> Yes. <S> Very much so. <S> Considering that with a regular Magenkyou Sharingan you can’t overuse the abilities before losing sight, falling ill, or wasting chakra, you cannot truly master or learn any of these abilities. <S> Such as the perfect Suasnoo, the flame control techniques used in unison with Susanoo, and many other examples that have to do with MS specific abilities. <S> The other strength behind EMS is it allows the user to have even better eyesight, and also allows for them to see in the dark as stated by Sasuke. <S> Only Madara and Sasuke have truly accessed all of the fully developed versions of the base MS abilities because of their extended usage of their EMS.
The Straight Tomoe Mangekyou Sharingan is a Mangekyou Sharingan that won't gradually lose its eyesight like a normal Mangekyou Sharingan.
Why is Zeke interested in Eren? In Attack on Titan 's recent manga chapters, Zeke tells Eren that his father had lied to him and that he was unaware of the truth. Why is Zeke interested in Eren even when he can control titans and transform into one? <Q> Update: <S> This was further backed up by the events of chapter 87 <S> What I think is that, according to latest manga chapter (86) <S> He is also Eren's half brother (not step-brother) but it would appear that family is not an important bond to Zeke, as he betrayed both of his parents. <A> He was child of Grisha from previous wife, in "outer world". <A> Spoiler alert. <S> In the story, it is said that Zeke ... ... was brainwashed by Marleyan government when his parents, Grisha dan Dina Yeager, sent him to be a spy by joining the training to be a warrior. <S> Zeke ended up believing what their father told him was untrue and ended up betraying them. <S> So I think he told something like that to Eren because ... ... <S> he believed what the Marleyan told him was true and he wanted to tell Eren that everything he knew from their father was wrong. <S> Perhaps he wanted Eren, the current holder of The Founding Titan and The Attack Titan to be Marleyan allies. <S> That's their goal that we know so far. <S> But ... <S> Since the story hasn't ended yet, another possibilities might happen later. <S> Zeke is surely full of secrets. <S> Zeke still wanted Eren even he can control and transform titan perhaps because ... ... <S> the power of the founding titan or what they called as the coordinate is considered thousand times more powerful when it comes to control people. <S> Remember back then when Zeke ... ... confronted Mike in Wall Rose? <S> The titan still crushed Mike even Zeke told it not to. <S> His titan's controlling power was so much weaker compared to the founding titan when the first king managed to command millions of colossal titan to make the wall and modified the memories of people those living inside it. <S> And I guess Zeke's power of controlling titans ... ... has something to do with the royal blood that flowing inside him, since it's said that the previous holder of beast titan didn't have that kind of ability. <A> Zeke Yeager is Erens half brother. <S> His parents are Grisha Yeager and one of the kings royal blood predecessors(who <S> later becomes the smiley titan that kills Erens mother and Hannes). <S> He betrayed his parents and got them caught. <S> To understand why: Basically, there's an island where the humans are thriving outside the three walls. <S> these are the original people. <S> the people protected by the three walls (Eldians) are meant to have betrayed humanity, so they were cast away. <S> The ones that remained on the main island were treated like they were dogs. <S> After the military in the main island killed Grishas sister by feeding her to the dogs, Grisha swore to kill all the Marley (people on the main island that discriminate the Eldians). <S> They finally realised that they need the coordinates from the king (Whos behind the wall). <S> The Marley want the coordinates too, so they assemble Eldian soldiers to go and get the coordinates. <S> The soldiers will be given the power of the eight titans the Marley government had. <S> Grisha planned to use his son Zeke to get into the army, become a titan, and then steal the power of the king for the Eldians, but he rats them out. <S> In conclusion: Zeke Yeager, Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt use their titan powers to try to get the coordinates from Eren. <S> He doesn't want to eat Eren, he wants Eren to realise that the Marley government is the true Government and that both he and Zeke were used by their parents. <S> and that is why Grisha is obsessed with Eren <A> An update with the latest information from the recent chapters. <S> It was revealed in Chapter 114 that Zeke's true plan was Eldia's euthanization. <S> He believed that it was the only salvation for the Eldians. <S> He also believed that without Eldians, there would be no more suffering in the world. <S> Thus, he sought Eren in order to convince Eren to take part in his plan of euthanasia of the entire Eldian race . <S> He also tried convincing Eren that it was the only path to 'salvation'. <S> Marley's orders to recover the Coordinate was a perfect cover for his true intentions as none would suspect why he's interested in Eren, the current wielder of the Coordinate. <S> He must have succeeded because as seen in the recent chapters, Eren is now in league with Zeke after they talked during Eren's infiltration to Marley. <S> Personally, I still have doubts on whether this is all a ruse or something. <S> Titan-shifters can see memories of the future and it's <S> possible Eren might have seen or known something via these memories that made him side with Zeke.
Full motives of Zeke are still unknown, but, most probably, he fills empathy to Eren, thinking that his brother was also used as tool by Grisha in his quest for revenge. Zeke and the other warriors are specifically trying to retake the coordinate from Grisha (and now Eren). According to latest manga chapter, 86, Zeke is older step-brother to Eren.
Space-Time ninjutsu of Tobi Why can't Tobi attack while he is dodging an attack using his Jikūkan Ninjutsu ? what Tobi actually does is warp away the part of his body that was being attacked to the other dimension. During the entire anime it is portrayed that Tobi cannot attack while using Jikūkan Ninjutsu because his attacks will pass right through the target. But while Kakashi was in Tobi's space-time dimension, he managed to punch him, thus indicating that Tobi wasn't intangible. Is there any explanation or any theory on this matter ? <Q> Is there any explanation or any theory on this matter? <S> Yes. <S> Kakashi discovers Obito's weakness, to which he explains how Obito's space-time justu works in the manga chapter 597, and utilizes it against him. <S> Although Kakashi cannot use Kamui against Obito directly, he can use his own access to the other dimension to negate the advantages Obito makes use of: by teleporting attacks or allies to the other dimension at the same moment that Obito's body resides there for defence, he can be attacked successfully <S> Kakashi states that attacks "passing through" is <S> Obito is <S> incorrect - Obito sends his body into a different dimension; where he is completely tangible. <S> Kakashi begins to understand how this justu works when he sends a kunai into the other dimension using his own Kumai ability at the same moment <S> Obito teleports his head to dodge an attack from Naruto. <A> A simple explanation would be that he does not have control over which parts of his body is able to interact with the real world and which parts would teleport to the dimension. <S> Otherwise he would have to focus a lot on using this jutsu to be exact or he would just have to teleport chunks of his body that he assumes will get hit. <A> Tobi's Intangibility works by moving any part of his body that is in contact with anything else into the Kamui Dimension. <S> Regardless of weather it is manual or automatic, when he has his intangibility active, his body is split between the 2 dimensions, the main and Kamui dimensions. <S> Between them, his body is 100% tangible, however, almost no one can go into the Kamui dimension and actually see the parts of his body moved there. <S> Kakashi was in a position to do so however at the time of the scene in the question. <S> As shown, his torso has been moved to the kamui dimention in order to become intangible to Naruto's attack. <S> Kakashi was easily able to attack it then, since it can't be intangible in both dimensions at the same time. <S> His body is never actually intangible, it's just moved to a place where no one in the main dimension can reach it.
When the jutsu is activated, it simply teleports any part of his body (and the things in contact with his body at the moment of activation) that comes in contact with another object.
Why is the fee for Yato-gami to do things just ¥5 (5 Yen)? No matter what the job is, finding cats, to avenging a murdered child, all it takes for Yato to grant those is just a measly ¥5. I suspect that this practice dated back from during the time when Yato was actively known as God of Disaster. Since there is inflation, while ¥5 now worths almost nothing, it must have worth a lot more in the past. If this is the reason, then how much far in the past was the year that Yato was actively known as the God of Disaster if we are to use real world's currency value? If this was not the case, why is the fee just ¥5 while other Gods have it more, which can be seen from their lavish and abundant number of shrines? <Q> It is because of Japanese culture, not the monetary value. <S> The Japanese for “five yen,” go en (五円) <S> is a homophone with go-en (御縁), “en” being a word for causal connection or relationship, and “go” being a respectful prefix. <S> As a result, five-yen coins are commonly given as donations at Shinto shrines with the intention of establishing a good connection with the deity of the shrine, and is widely believed it is best to insert a single five-yen coin into a new wallet before inserting any other money. <S> The number 5 is “go” in Japanese, and “yen” is pronounced more like “en.” <S> To be precise, “go-EN” means “honorably good luck” especially in terms of relationships. <S> So people throw in these coins at a temple hoping to meet new people who might bring fortune, business, friendship or love. <S> Source: Tokiotours <A> Kofuku had mentioned that if no one remembered a god, that God would vanish forever. <S> Yukine had also told Yato to raise the cost of him a bit, but instead, Yato said 'and not get any customers at all'. <S> In my opinion, I think Yato wants people to remember him as it also means he will gain the incarnation ability. <S> Of course, I could be wrong. <A> I think the reason that Yato only asks for 5 yen is to symbolise how desperate he is for a job. <S> I mean would you personally pay a random guy on the street (who says hes a god) to do something for you if they were priced similar to a professional. <S> This just increases Yato's likeableness as it makes the reader/viewers sympathise more with him and makes him seem like a little kid enjoying getting some pocket money. <S> Yato's character being a goofy and irresponsible could imply that Yato, thought wanting to be a God, he just wants to be remembered and stay himself... <S> even if that means keeping his prices the same to continue being remembered as the Cheap God. <S> I think this is also done to make us empathise with Yato when we find out about his dark past as through the flashbacks we see a very different and gloomy Yato whereas throughout the whole series we have only seen the funny and childish almost Yato. <S> This could once again be a reason why Yato only charges 5 yen for his services as he could be trying to take peoples mind away from his 'evil' (as some may say) <S> past and instead making people focus on how cheap he charges.
The reason why the five yen coin is lucky is because it’s called a “go-EN” coin.
Why aren't Japanese animation studios switching to digital art for production instead of pencil and paper? In the introduction paragraphs of Visiting Studio Colorido: Up-and-Coming Digital Animation Studio by Naoya Koji posted in October 2015, [...] Today, many of Japanese animation studios rely on “papers and pencils” to produce anime. Although some parts have been updated, this is the traditional Japanese style of the animation production which has been handed down for decades. The world is now in the age of the internet and the digital tools. The animation studios innovate those new cultures, but Japanese studios remain in the world of “paper and pencil.” [...] Even today, Japanese animation studios still use pencil and paper to produce animation. Why can't they switch from that method and proceed to digital hand drawing for animation production since it is much less time-consuming? Why can't anime studios use graphic tablets (e.g. Wacom) to draw and animate instead of using pencils, papers, and eraser because it's maybe outdated and obsolete? <Q> Here is an interesting article about how the anime production process works. <S> Here's an excerpt I found particularly interesting (and relevant!) <S> : <S> [T]he crucial thing is that the frames are still initially drawn by hand, and no in-between animation is simulated by a computer. <S> There are some animators who draw 2D animation directly onto computer, but in anime this is largely restricted to in solo animation productions rather than commercial anime. <S> The industry prefers this because the animators are generally more comfortable and able with this method, and it allows easier checking and correction of frames under sometimes tight schedules. <A> The animation line works require high precision, which in turn means better drawing tablet/computers are needed. <S> Much in-betweens are produced overseas. <S> Having been at a small studio in China, I feel that the studio will not be able to afford such device for every animator. <S> Also one need to take into account of how much changes when drawing digitally. <S> Tablet screens have very low friction compares to pencil on paper, which means complete relearn how one uses muscle and maintains stability. <S> This is a no-go for established studios, as they are constantly on time pressure. <S> Coloring requires less precision, and can be performed by a mouse, so those are done digitally in the studio. <A> I think the overhead of providing computers and licenses to every animator, along with the cost of hiring additional team members as IT staff to maintain networks and computers could easily ballon production costs. <S> After that, they would have to hire animators trained to use the software that the studio uses. <S> Smaller Studios often outsource parts of their animations to studios to do computer animation. <S> Also many studios use computers to color artwork, to do backgrounds, and to composite.
Larger studios might have teams in house to do the computer work.
What did Zeno destroy? I'm confused about what Zeno destroyed for killing Zamasu, did he destroy just the Earth, the entire Universe, or the 12 universes? <Q> I'm assuming your referring to episode 67. <S> Zeno said the following: <S> A world like this must be destroyed. <S> I believe it safe to assume that the earth was destroyed but not the entire universe. <S> If Zeno did destroy the entire universe there wouldn't have been a way to use the time machine to go back and get him because time is a component of a universe. <S> No universe, no time, <S> no travel by time machine. <S> The above was my original answer to this question until I read chapter 18 of the manga <S> and Whis said the following below. <S> Based off of this and prior knowledge we received in the anime that the King of All has destroyed universes before. <S> Previously I argued that if a Universe doesn't exist time can't exist either. <S> And this is stepping away from anime for a bit <S> but physics tells us that Matter cannot be created or destroyed only transformed <S> So in summation after a little research I've come to a different conclusion. <S> Even if existence as we define it comes to an end. <S> Time does not, we may lose the capacity to quantify or comphrehend it <S> but time is everpresent. <S> I can honestly believe that this is a valid answer. <A> I would like to believe Zeno destroyed all the universes in order to start again because Zamasu killed all the gods—that is, the Kaioshins of other universes. <S> Zeno, being the childlike being that he is, decided to reset rather than try to find a way to revive everyone that had died (which I suppose he would not do since it's "unnatural"). <S> So, aside from the universe being corrupted by Zamasu, each universe was essentially without guidance. <S> When Goku and Trunks go to retrieve future Zeno, you could see that he wasn't floating in space space, but an odd, distorted, white/blank space. <S> This doesn't confirm whether or not he destroyed other universes, but it would kinda be an explanation as to why Zeno is okay with traveling with Goku. <A> I think what Zeno did was possibly destroy all matter in universe 7, or at least broke it down <S> so it could eventually form or birth a whole new universe. <S> So the way I see it, he did not destroy space time, he merely broke down all matter in that universe so it could start anew. <S> As for why he left the rest of the universes behind to go to the present with Goku doesn't make sense to me. <S> I guess one could argue that maybe he destroyed matter in all universes to reset everything for a new start, and would have to wait a very long time for matter to form into 12 new universes, similar to how our own universe took an estimated 15 billion years to get to where it is now from the Big Bang. <S> So maybe he left that universe behind to go with Goku to the present because he knew he'd have nothing to do for billions of years. <S> Just an idea... <S> I also think it's reasonable to assume he had to at least destroy all matter in universe 7 since Zamasu had begun trying to take it over. <S> I would also think that Zamasu was trying to take over all universes since that was his plan originally, so maybe Zeno had a reason to destroy all matter in all universes since Zamasu was spreading so rapidly.... <A> In the anime , Zeno states that a world like this should not exist and destroys the place. <S> Since it states "world" and since the future timeline is different from the past timeline in DBS, I believe he destroyed the future timeline's earth, although I am just assuming this from the fact it says "world" in the anime.
I now believe it is safe to say that he actually destroyed the entire Universe in that timeline.
What is the relationship between the Byakugan, Rinnegan, and Sharingan? Can anyone brief a little about the link between the Byakugan, Rinnegan, and Sharingan? I know the meanings, but I don't know the relationship between the eyes. <Q> The progenitor of chakra, Kaguya Otsutsuki, was the first character (historically) to have Byakugan on Earth. <S> After eating the Chakra Fruit, she awakens a third eye on her forehead, the Rinne Sharingan. <S> Now the Rinne Sharingan is completely independent of the Byakugan's influence. <S> This is because the Rinne Sharingan is the result of the manifestation of the powers of the Chakra Fruit on a person. <S> The Rinne Sharingan possesses the ocular power of the Sharingan, and can be used to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, an extremely powerful genjutsu which can only be countered by the Rinnegan and the chakra of the nine tailed beasts. <S> When her two sons, Hagoromo and Hamura were born, they had their mother's Byakugan. <S> As time progressed, Hagoromo awakens a new dojutsu, the Sharingan. <S> In the anime, Hagoromo awakened the Sharingan after finding the corpse of his love interest Haori. <S> The Sharingan is a derived form of the Rinne Sharingan, meaning, weaker. <S> But powerful nevertheless. <S> He goes on to attain the Mangekyou Sharingan also, but that is not shown on screen. <S> Hagoromo then achieves the Rinnegan, after nearly killing his brother (and thereby freeing him from his mother's control). <S> The Rinnegan is a much more advanced form of the Sharingan and it has a wide range of powers. <S> The Rinnegan is stated to be something that is unique to the Sage of Six Paths, which is why, to obtain the Rinnegan, shinobi mix the chakra of Ashura and Indra (thereby getting Hagoromo's chakra). <S> While the Byakugan doesn't have any direct link to the Rinnegan and Sharingan, it does play a significant role in their creation, along with the Rinne Sharingan. <A> Like Akira said in the comment, they all come from Kaguya. <S> That is, Kaguya owned both Byakugan and Rinnegan. <S> Her son Hagoromo, widely known as Rikudo-sennin, inherited Rinnegan. <S> His twin brother, Hamura inherited Byakugan. <S> Hagoromo's son Indra owns Sharingan, while his other son Asura owned his great life force. <S> Only when both are present then one can have Rinnegan. <A> The Byakugan is a pure dojutsu by itself, while the Rinnegan and Sharigan are the separated dojutsu of the Rinne-Sharingan, the third eye manifested by Kaguya. <S> The Byakugan seems to have existed before the Rinnegan and Sharingan as it seems to have been present in Kaguya's eyes before her arrival on earth. <S> The Rinne-Sharingan came into existence when Kaguya ate the chakra fruit of the divine tree. <S> The three dojutsu were separated when Kaguya gave birth to Hagaromo and Hamura Otsutsuki. <S> Hamura inherited the Byakugan and Hagaromo inherited the separated Rinne-Sharingan, in their constituent forms, as the basic Sharingan and the Rinnegan. <S> The Sharingan of Hagaromo entered its Mangekyou state after killing Hamura then resurrecting him using condensed sage power (nature energy). <S> The Rinnegan seemed to be associated with the general Rinne-Sharingan pattern and six of the nine Tomoe, and the Sharingan represents the colour and three of the nine Tomoe. <A> Byakugan originally came from the Otsutsuki clan. <S> Kaguya has Byakugan, since she is from that clan. <S> In order to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Kaguya activated her Rinne Sharingan. <S> Indra, a grandson of Kaguya, was born with the Sharingan. <S> From him, the Uchiha clan existed, and they all could awaken Sharingan. <S> Hagoromo, a son of Kaguya, had the Rinnegan. <S> Sasuke was able to get part of the Rinnegan because Hagoromo gave it to him. <S> By the way, I'm not taking into account the Naruto Shippuden fillers. <A> The Byagugan, Sharingan, and Rinnegan are all dojutsu, and are all passed down from Hagoromo Otsukiki, also known as "Sage of Six Paths". <S> While they are all considered bloodline traits (Kekki Genkai), they also have diffferent abilities and characteristics. <S> The Rinnegan's physical appearance is usually a white eye with a bunch of circles coiling around in it. <S> The Sharingan is red, with 3 black tomoe mark and the Byagugan is an eye thats pure white and gray. <A> It could be that the Rinnegan is a "diluted" version of the Rinne Sharingan. <S> Like how the Sharingan can be considered a "diluted" Rinnegan as you need to mix Indra and Ashura chakra (Sharingan + <S> Life Force/Sage's Body) to get Rinnegan. <S> Something like genetic degradation/dilution due to reproducing with locale humans. <A> They all come from Kaguya Otsutsuki. <S> Kaguya's sons Hagoromo and Hamura were both born with the Otsutsuki family trait of the Byakugan. <S> However, after the death of his loved one, Hagoromo awakened the sharingan, and after almost killing Hamura, awakened the Rinnegan. <S> I'm going to assume you know how the Uchiha got the Sharingan and how the Rinnegan can be achieved. <S> Hamura had the Byakugan, as stated above, and passed that down to his Otsutsuki descendants that lived on the moon, as well as his descendants that lived on earth, the Hyuga. <S> There is also a Byakugan equivalent of the Rinnegan, the Tenseigan, that was first awakened by Hamura, and can be awakened by mixing the blood of the Hyuga and Otsutsuki of the Moon clans. <S> Its powers are similar to that of the Rinnegan.
The sharingan and Rinnegan both come from Kaguya's Rinne Sharingan, the third eye on her forehead that she got after eating the chakra fruit, giving her the power to perform the Infinite Tsukiyomi.
What is Acnologia's element? Okay so all the other dragon slayers have an obvious element to their magic. Even with Acnologia's roar on Tenrou Island, there was no direct element to his magic. The only thing I could think of is just that his name is "The dragon of the apocolypse". So do we know what it is yet or not? <Q> The dragons we have seen so far do follow a unique theme and magic which is not necessary an "element". <S> This table on the wiki sums it up pretty nicely. <S> (There is also a white dragon, Weisslogia). <S> So the theme of Acnologia is "Black". <S> What exactly are the limitations of its "black" magic are haven't been shown in the anime/manga. <S> However, there is a reason why Acnologia is "different" from other dragons. <S> Acnologia is a cataclysmically powerful Dragon Slayer that can take the form of a Dragon. <S> Born over 400 years ago, Acnologia was one of the first Dragon Slayers to come into being, entering the Dragon Civil War on the side supporting coexistence. <S> Acnologia and a group of other Dragon Slayers, however, disregarded the cause their comrades fought for, and killed every Dragon they could, bathing in their blood. <S> Due to the overuse of his Magic, Acnologia's physique eventually turned into that of a Dragon's, and he proclaimed himself to be the Dragon King. <S> This event was forever etched into history as the Dragon King Festival. <S> You can read more about Acnologia's history and the Dragon King Festival on the wiki (it has a decent summary) or read the manga. <S> This is discussed in Chapter 301 of Manga. <A> Acnologia's element is etherious. <S> Which is the combination of all other elements of magic. <S> He can eat up any magic. <A> There is a theory that has a great explanation on what it might be. <S> It is said in this theory that Acnologia is the Etherion Dragon Slayer. <S> Basically Etherion also known as Ethernano <S> is the mix of multiple different elements. <S> You remember when natsu ate the part of the lacrima? <S> Well, that was Ethernano. <S> (Honestly the video below explains it 10x better than I can). <S> Here is a like to the YouTube video: <S>
Acnologia is known as "The Black Dragon".
How much time has passed between the final fight and Sasuke Shinden (anime)? Between the end of the Naruto and Sasuke fight (ep 479) and the beginning of Sasuke Shinden (ep 484), you can see that most of the characters have not only received a new set of clothes and hairstyle but have also aged quite a bit. So how much time has passed? <Q> Found this image on Light Novels page of Naruto Wikia. <S> Light Novels <S> - Naruto <S> The page also lists the the timeline of the novels, but for some reason it doesn't list Sasuke Shinden. <S> But there seems to be an official timeline, probably from Jump/Databook (Citation Needed) <S> I don't read Japanese, so maybe someone could corroborate, but looking at the covers, Sasuke Shinden seems to be in the same period as that of Gaara Hiden. <S> Following this Sasuke Shinden take place somewhere between 2-10 years after Naruto and Sasuke fought in the Valley of the end <S> Edit: Correction. <S> It seems the event take place just before Chapter 700 of the Manga, but after Naruto becomes Hokage so closer to 10 years rather than 3 that I assumed. <S> However this is true only for the Light Novel and not the Anime . <S> Found the translated timeline on Reddit: A guide to the Naruto Light Novels, Naruto Gaiden, and The Blank Period . <S> It seems like the most complete timeline of Light Novels I could find. <S> In the Anime, Naruto is yet to be Hokage and there are several other discrepancies. <S> No official timeline as of yet, but events seem to be just AFTER the events of The Last. <S> Edit: <S> Confirmed for Anime too. <S> The Events of Sasuke Shinden Episode 484-488 take place some time after the events of the movie: The Last. <S> Images for reference <S> Below, Order (LtR- Official Timeline, Sasuke Shinden, Gaara Hiden): <A> From last battle, I think their ages were 17 years old. <A> I've considered your answers, but I couldn't accept them, because they were either not supported by evidence or a bit vague (2-10 years, or closer to 10 years, is not helpful enough). <S> Sorry for not replying sooner. <S> However, I did find the answer from anime episode 489. <S> Here's a picture if you don't feel like watching it: <S> I know it's from the anime, but according to Animefillerlist , it's considered canon. <S> So there you go, I answered my own question (very rarely does it happen!) <A> My first point, which is the most obvious, is that Naruto is 17 at the end of the fourth shinobi war. <S> During episode 491 of the anime, while on a mission Shikamaru says "I'm only 19!" <S> Presuming that Naruto and Shikamaru are the same age, this would mean Naruto is 19 as well; which would ultimately mean that between the end of the fourth shinobi war and the beginning of epsiode 484, 2 years has passed.
Probably Sasuke Shinden only takes 2 - 3 years after last battle, because when we saw the Naruto Movie Last, their face were look almost same with Sasuke Shinden, The Last Movie maybe occurred after Sasuke Shinden.
Is there any connection between the Gundam series? I have watched a few (very few) gundam series, and to me they seem like independent mecha anime series. Is there any connection between the Gundam series? Or are each of them in separate universes? <Q> you have many gundam series with connections!For example, Gundam 79, the first one, is in the same chronology line with Z, ZZ, stardust memory and others. <S> this series are differents, but in the same line, in the same conflict (AEUG vs Zeon) <S> But, Gundam Wing, Seed, build Fighters...are differents. <S> You can follow this example: <A> Mobile Suit Gundam - UC timeline <S> Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - AD timeline Mobile Suit Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans - <S> PD timeline <S> However, there are several links between the mobile suit gundam universes in terms of plot like: <S> Mobile Suit Gundam has a V shaped antenna Existence of evolved humans Mascot character - Haro <S> But other than those the story and characters are completely independent between the timelines. <A> Nope, there is no connection between them. <S> It basically means that you can watch each one indepent from the others, you basically won't miss out in relevant information to the given selection. <S> However they have familiarities. <S> In each universe/timeline/planet/section whatever you want to call them, there is conflict going on. <S> The gundams in the given era with the given pilot have plenty of technology and fighting skills common. <S> But that is about it. <S> Some have the same technology level <S> so I guess they COULD take place in the same universe or maybe all do but with different timelines. <S> You can basicaly see each gundam series as a seperate anime with the "mecha" genre as common relation.
Many of the Gundam Series takes place in separate universes, which can be called timelines such as:
Is Obi in love with Shirayuki? Obi, the former thief / former hired thug / now the prince's messenger charged with guarding the beautiful red-haired herbalist, at times seems out of his game when gazing at the damsel. It is hinted in the anime that he is in love with Shirayuki. I was wondering if more solid evidence is available from the printed story. Is Obi in love with / does he have a crush on the Snow White with the red hair? <Q> Obi has told Zen in the manga that he "likes" Shirayuki. <S> Combine this with all the moments they have together and all the hints we've been getting over the anime and manga <S> (they end up living with just one another and other herbalists for like 2+ years straight), and it's pretty clear that he's in love with her. <A> Obi is the Lancelot to Shirayuki & Zen's Guinevere & Arthur. <S> In the manga and the second-half of the anime, Obi is shown to value his loyalty & friendship with both of them more than his romantic feelings. <S> The manga includes two scenes (one in the anime, and a later manga-only one) where Obi asks Zen to trust him to be Shirayuki's bodyguard & companion when she will be far away. <S> The second time, Obi explicitly states that he's doing it "for himself, rather than for Zen, or out of duty." <S> That seemed like a pretty clear admission to me. <A> It is hinted multiple times throughout both the anime and the Manga that he likes her. <S> The first time was when Zen asked him if he likes Shirayuki or not and his answer was yes. <S> The second time was when he was having a conversation with Kiki and he told her that his feeling lay with Shirayuki.
There are two parts in the Manga that he said that he likes her.
Did Itachi Uchiha want to be Hokage when he was young? Did Itachi Uchiha want to be Hokage when he was young? My research: Hiruzen said that Itachi reasoned like a Hokage at a very young age. Itachi wanted a Hokage from Uchiha Clan . *Itachi Uchiha, age four. After seeing what occurs on the battlefield up close, he makes a certain decision. He decided that he would change the world. The dream that Itachi aimed for. His dream: A Hokage from the Uchiha clan, and a future where those he loved could live in peace . His time in the ninja academy, his meeting with Shisui, becoming a Genin, Chunin, and finally a member of the Anbu… Itachi ran straight down a path of glory, not knowing that a cruel darkness was spreading…This is the story of the glory, frustration, and determination of the ninja called a genius.* Itachi wanted to be the strongest shinobi in the village. Itachi developed his version of the definition of Hokage. - He wanted to change the ways of the world. <Q> Itachi may have reasoned like a hokage, but he didn't actually want to be Hokage... <S> He would have made an awesome hokage though. <S> Itachi was very intelligent for his age and has the basic ethic to become hokage. <S> I agree with Hirizun on this one. <S> He had the intelligence, logic, curiosity and the will and heart to become hokage. <A> Itachi was a pacifist and went through great lengths trying to achieve peace, and was an extraordinary shinobi, however, <S> I don't believe it was ever a goal of his to become hokage, nor do I recall it ever being mentioned. <S> But if you would like to discover more about Itachi and his intentions and motives, fandom is a very informative website you can go to to find out more about the rogue ninja; <A> Actually it was Itachi's dream to become hogake. <S> It states so in the book "Itachi's story". <S> Itachi's story is canon to the show and is pretty much Itachi's point of view.
So yeah, Itachi did want to become hokage.
Why did Itachi poke Sasuke's forehead? From the beginning of the series, even during his last moments, Itachi poked Sasuke's forehead as a way of showing affection and apologizing. But is that the only reason? Did he perhaps try to transfer some knowledge or memories to Sasuke? Or is it simply unknown? <Q> It has nothing to do with transferring memory or knowledge. <S> It's a gesture of love from Big Brother (Itachi) to his loving Younger Brother (Sasuke). <S> That gesture show how much Itachi love Sasuke than anything. <A> Itachi had always known the “fate” of Uchiha brothers. <S> One would always be destined to take the other’s sharingan. <S> The slow approach of Itachi’s fingers are meant to tease at the idea of what he, the stronger brother, is “supposed to do”, which is to take Sasuke’s eye (sharingan) <S> but he just pokes him in the forehead like an older brother will mess with a younger brother’s hair. <S> It’s a sign that he loves him too much to follow the Uchiha fate. <A> Itachi always loved Sasuke and it seemed more of a way of affection. <S> I don't believe he can transfer power in that sense, but we do later learn that Chakra can be temporarily transferred via a fist bump so its possible. <S> I believe it to be a sign of affection <S> and he did it before he died to let Sasuke know that he still loved him even though he was unable to speak at the time as he was extremely sick with what appears to be hemoptysis. <A> As we know it on the episode that Itachi poke's Sasuke, 'cause Itachi loved Sasuke so much, he's not seen Sasuke from a long time & Itachi's love is much more than anything to Sasuke. <S> If you want to know more about the affection between Itachi to Sasuke, you can watch the filler arcs about them on episode 451. <A> This had probably meant for showing love and affection = <S> Itachi to Sasuke. <S> This could not have been some type of jutsu or funny way of saying "not right now". <S> For Itachi maybe, but it states in season 3 that since Sasuke had tapped Sakura, I'm sure he didn't mean to give her any chakra. <S> Stating above, this could not have been a jutsu. <S> Personally, I think it's just a nice way of telling somebody how much you care for them without doing their bidding because Sasuke had asked Itachi to help him and he wanted to say no in a caring way, just as Sakura told Sasuke to stay, and as Sakura does to their child Sarada to show her caring as shown on these images on PhotoBucket and Tumblr . <A> But theres a chance that Itachi gave him something Like the last step of the Sharingan. <S> Just keep watching Naruto and you will find out.
Its a friendly gesture of Itachi poking Sasukes forehead, With that itachi wants to let Sasuke know he still loves him after all.
Does Sasuke really need a new arm? So we all know that Sasuke does not have an arm. And after his fight, Sakura was saying something about making an arm out of Hashirama's cells. Thing is—Sasuke has the Rinnegan, and knows how to use it. So, he can use the Asura Path technique to get a new arm. So what was the need for an arm made of Hashirama's cells anyway? Why did they make one for Sasuke if he can get a new arm himself? And why is Sasuke missing an arm in the first place? He should have had his own new arm by now. <Q> I think it's because sasuke lost a lot of his powers after he sealed kaguya. <S> (Naruto even list his SOSP (sage of six paths) <S> more).Sasuke only had his rinnegan, ad <S> so, I don't think he can restore his arm using asura path technique <A> When Naruto and Sasuke battle after they defeat Kaguya, they end up both losing an arm. <S> Tsunade implants a certain cell inside Naruto's missing arm's side to let it grow back. <S> But Sasuke does not want his arm to be recovered because he wants to punish (-ish) himself for all the harm he had caused. <A> Sasuke is of Uchiha blood line , if he implants hashirama's cells in his arm, he will activate a rennaigan in the right eye. <S> He doesn't trust himself yet. <S> So he doesn't attach a new arm like Naruto. <A> As Troll dé Mage said Maybe he wants to punish himself for all the harm he had caused OR <S> He thinks that having Hashirama chakra in him would make him too OP and he is afraid that he may turn on the wrong side.
Since, as EIPsyKongroo said, he only received the Magatama Rinnegan when he got the Sage of Six Path chakra, and I don't think it has the ability to recover any lost/damaged cells.
Can Konohamaru summon the Monkey King Enma? Has it been revealed what Konohamaru's summons is? Did he inherit his grandfather's summons or did he show an affinity for frogs? <Q> Can Konohamaru summon the Monkey King Enma? <S> Maybe. <S> We can't be sure until we see it. <S> Has it been revealed what Konohamaru's summons is? <S> No. <S> Did he inherit his grandfather's summons or did he show an affinity for frogs? <S> We can assume none of them for now. <S> Same as Asuma Sarutobi who didn't summon Enma or any other summoning animal either. <S> If I still have to make a wild bet then I will assume it's frog as Konohamaru is more of Naruto's follower and never seen trying to do any of his grandfather's Jutsu. <S> And remember his grandfather was not around to pass on the contract to him and we never see any other Monkey King summoner who can teach him that <S> but Naruto is still there. <S> In Boruto: Naruto <S> Next Generations <S> episode 4 <S> , we see he can summon toads <S> and he summons Gamagorō . <A> No, Konohamaru cannot summon Enma as he hasn't made a contract yet. <S> It is true that his grandfather had, but for him to be able to summon Enma, he has to sign a blood contract too. <A> video <A> Aside from his ability to summon toads, Konohamaru is also capable of summoning a Monkey named Enra , who from the looks of it is kin to the Monkey King Enma. <S> This is seen in Boruto Episode 119 where Konohamaru summons Enra to help in a battle, in order to perform a Combo Sealing technique on Soma.
It looks like it has been confirmed in the Boruto anime that konohamaru does indeed summon toads.
Did Saitama have some level of superhuman strength before training? In his encounter with Crablante before he started training, Saitama is hit by him and thrown away like 30 meters or more, and then hit again 2 more times with those gigantic claws Crablante has. If Saitama was a regular human, how could he support this beating and still stand like it was nothing and fight back? <Q> Seems like Saitama doesn't really know he has it before then. <S> From what I remember, Genos said when he was train fighting with Saitama that he wanted to show or let know what Saitama's power really is, something like that. <A> If Saitama was able to even attempt to do his physical training regimen of 100 pushups/ 100 situps and <S> 10km run, he had to be physically capable to a certain extent to even attempt something as vigorous. <S> So even at that time, he might've been as strong enough to be a high ranked C class hero or low ranked B class hero perhaps. <S> Also, Crablante is only a Tiger threat level monster. <A> Just saying, the hundred push-ups stuff is what Saitama thinks is the reason for his incredible power. <S> And remember Saitama isn't exactly the smartest person to say the least. <S> I heard somewhere that the reason Saitama is so strong is due to the fact that he broke his "limiter". <S> Now there isn't much information on this <S> but I imagine that it works like this: every person has a limiter based on who they are. <S> This limiter determines how strong they can get mentally and physically. <S> So in Saitama's case he not only trained really hard but also gave everything and when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. <S> Before he became super strong he had no job, no family, <S> no friends, he basically had nothing to live for. <S> As Crablante said "I see that you have lifeless eyes." <S> "From one pair of lifeless eyes to another I will let you live." <S> (Something along those lines, but you get the point.) <S> Back to the limiter. <S> This is my main theory on why Saitama is so strong. <S> Now there's this other theory about him eating all his enemies to become stronger and stuff, but that's a whole other story. <S> (I mean no offence to anyone as this is only opinion on this topic. <S> The people who make One Punch Man probably have this completely different explanation on why Saitama is so powerful.) <A> Before Training at the time of fighting with that crablante, Saitama told that he wants to become hero who can kill any monster with onePunch. <S> I think there is someone/something which grants power to humans or awakens their power according wish and righteous. <S> After fighting with crablante we can see saitama inherited/awakened his power which shows in his eyes with orange color. <S> After that he trained a lot and became super powerful one. <A> Yeah of course he had to have had some capabilities to be able to attempt that regimen for over 3 years, but saying that he “only defeated a tiger level” before he started training is belittling the hell out of what happened, no way he’s a high C/Low b class hero. <S> To beat a tiger level disaster (in this case crablante) you have to either have 5 B class heroes or 1 A class. <S> So.... put together what you want with that information.
What I am trying to say is that Saitama gave it his all, his desire so strong that he broke the barrier that stops everyone from becoming too strong.
Why is there no reanimated Uchiha fighting in fourth shinobi war? Why didn't Kabuto reanimate any person from Uchiha clan like Sasuke's parents and all other that Itachi killed or any Uchiha that has lived in Konoha? Did he not have any one's dna or whatever it takes to reanimate? Is there any mention about this in manga or anime? Thanks. <Q> Both of your notions are correct: <S> It is the dead person's DNA that is needed for the reanimation (alias Edo Tensei ). <S> [1] <S> There is good reason to assume Kabuto did not reincarnate most of the Uchiha clan members, because he was unable to obtain their DNAs: "Kabuto mentions his desire to reincarnate certain shinobi [including] Shisui Uchiha"; [2] and his ally in the Fourth Shinobi World War , Tobi ( ­SPOILER: alias Obito Uchiha , ) , was in possession of their DNA, [3] but – being forced by Kabuto into this alliance in the first place [4] – did not let him use it. <S> [3] Controlling more Uchiha shinobi could have made Kabuto too powerful with respect to the possibility of him turning against Tobi. <S> However, Kabuto did summon Itachi Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, as well as (only in the anime) <S> Inabi Uchiha [5] and used them in his war efforts. <S> [6] <S> As @AyaseEri points out, we can not exclude the possibility that Kabuto has managed to reincarnate the other Uchihas after all <S> and it was just not shown. <S> But definitely also factor in @ElPsyKongroo's answer below  on why that's very unlikely! <S> References <S> [1] <S> — [2] <S> — <S> [3] Kabuto could not find [Shisui Uchiha's] body. <S> He suggested that one of Shisui's eyes that was crushed by Danzō Shimura, whose corpse was in Tobi's possession, would be sufficient. <S> […] Tobi threatened him not to push his luck. <S> — <S> <S> [4] Kabuto [uses] the Impure World Reincarnation to revive five deceased Akatsuki members, which he offers to use to help Tobi in the approaching war. <S> […] When Tobi contemplates refusing, Kabuto summons the real Madara Uchiha, forcing Tobi to agree. — [5] — <S> [6] — Search <S> the page for the (indeed numerous) occurrences of "Uchiha". <A> Aside from the exceptional answer given by accolade, I think there might be another reason. <S> Note that after the Uchiha clan was slaughtered, most of the cleaning up was done by the Anbu under Danzo. <S> And given how careful he is, I'm sure he would have made sure that the bodies are not discoverable, and so, Kabuto could not have been able to obtain any DNA. <A> Not a good strategy <S> Even if he could get their DNA they could probably know the edo tensei reversal jutsu or have some trick to defeat it like Itachi, and then rebel against him.
Before this technique can be performed, the user must first acquire some of the DNA of the person they intend to reincarnate.
Why didn't Kabuto resurrect Jiraiya during the Great War? During the Great War, Kabuto resurrects a lot of very, very powerful shinobi (Madara or Hashirama the 1st, e.g.). However, he doesn't bring someone as powerful and impactful as Jiraiya. My girlfriend pointed this out a few days ago and since now, I wasn't able to find a reason. I see that this Edo Tensei no Jutsu brings up some questions ( about more Uchiha's or even Orochimaru ) on the table, but it seems that everyone forgot Jiraiya in this equation. Why didn't Kabuto resurrect Jiraiya during the Great War? <Q> Actually, this case of Jiraiya's resurrection had been brought up by Kabuto while discussing the secrets of the Edo Tensei with Obito. <S> He had also mentioned about Shisui Uchiha. <S> The reason as to why Jiraiya couldn't be revived according to Naruto Wikia : <S> But in the manga, Kabuto expresses that he could obtain enough DNA (to revive Jiraiya) from the weapons used by the Paths in their fight against Jiraiya. <S> But Obito comments not to push his luck, as reviving Jiraiya, as well as Shisui, could be overkill. <S> Naruto chapter 520, page 14: <A> There was not much left of him. <S> When Tsunade was explaining the circumstances to Naruto when he returned from a mission, he wanted to bring the body back. <S> However, because of Konans' explosion jutsu and the dangers of going to retrieve it and the boiling oil jutsu he himself used, there wasn't much left to salvage and bring back to the Hidden Leaf. <S> Kabuto would have had even less time as the remains were decomposing by the time he realized Jiraya was indeed dead. <A> The anime episode that refers to why Jiraiya Sensei couldn't be used for the reanimation, is episode 264 of Shippuden, in season 5. <S> The explanation of starts around 17 minutes of the episode.
When the Fourth Shinobi World War starts, Kabuto Yakushi expresses interest in reincarnating Jiraiya to have him fight for Akatsuki, but unfortunately is unable to reach him as his body rests in the lower depths of the sea .
What does the title of first chapter of Attack on Titan (進撃の巨人 Shingeki no Kyojin) mean or signify in the context of manga? To You, 2000 Years From Now (二千年後の君へ Ni-sen nen-go no Kimi e) is the 1st chapter of the 1st volume and the 1st chapter overall of the Attack on Titan manga. Who is the you ? And what is the significance of bringing up a timeline 2000 years from now ? One thing that is bugging me that the chapter, volume and manga starts with Eren waking up fro a dream, crying and exclaiming that Mikasa's hair has grown longer? As put in wiki: Meanwhile, Eren Yeager is having a dream about an older version of his close friend, Mikasa, bidding him goodbye . He is promptly woken up by the real Mikasa, who insists that he is been sleeping for a while . As the two return to their village, Eren begins crying , but when Mikasa asks why, he does not give an answer. <Q> This answer contains spoilers. <S> Please do not read if you are not up to date with the manga (latest chapter being 91). <S> TL;DR <S> However, after discussing on some forums and reading some theories, some hints provide a common direction. <S> As we know, Eren obtained the power of the Attack Titan with the Coordinate Titan (also known as the Progenitor Titan) from his father, Grisha Jaeger. <S> Ever since, he has been having certain "visions", or "memories" especially while fighting other titans. <S> In the manga chapter 89, this becomes clear. <S> SPOILERS!! <S> Images from manga chapter 89. <S> (Picture source: Mangastream <S> Disclaimer: I do not own these pictures. <S> They are only used to answer this question more clearly.) <S> Leading to Hange asking: Which brings us to the second hint of this chapter. <S> Eren recalls the time he was able to use the Coordinate Titan's power. <S> Focus on " everything connected ". <S> Which brings us to the culmination of the chapter (and the 'answer' to your question): SPOILERS! <S> If you have not read chapters 87 and above, do not read further! <S> Whose memories are these, I wonder TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION <S> There exists a memory-timeline that is outside of our perception of time. <S> That is, Eldians who have obtained (at least) one of the 9 original Titan's power, have access to the memory-timeline of all previous (and possibly future) Eldians who obtained the same power!! <S> In simple terms, Eren has the 'Attack Titan' power and the 'Coordinate Titan' power. <S> He is able to access his father's memories, and either alter them or combine them with his own memories. <S> Thus, the you in the first chapter, might be the future inheritor of the 'Attack Titan' power . <S> As stated above, this is all speculation because nothing is revealed yet. <A> The anime itself don't have an official answer. <S> I searched it and there's a bunch of threads from months/years ago discussing what this title of the first chapter/episode means with wild theories. <S> But I imagine it has to do with one of these things: <S> A letter written by someone for someone or something. <S> Armin, the narrator, to humanity or Eren, perhaps? <S> Eren's fate. <S> Maybe the "See you later, Eren" thing is right before he, say, gets trapped in a crystal or put in some sort of home-made titan time machine thing. <S> Is a thought someone had. <S> Maybe whoever was the first king or something, even Ymir? <A> There is a question about year zero of the AOT world and the time line and in there Azarel stated that there is a relativity between the title of the first chapter and the timeline: <S> However, one last thing to consider is that the first chapter of the manga is titled "To you, 2000 years from now. <S> " <S> This shows that a 2000 year gap of time is relevant to the storyline somehow. <S> There are a few interpretations about what this could be referencing, but one of the more popular ones is that this chapter title is addressed to the reader, meaning the storyline starts 2000 years from now. <S> That would put the beginning of the series in the year 4009 AD. <S> It also means that the new world's dating system would begin in 3164 AD. <A> Let's talk about chapter 88 for a second, shall we? <S> Eren Kruger tells Grisha Jaeger to protect Armin and Mikasa, well, a theory I think can fit this question stems to this point. <S> So, Eren dies and when he does, his memories are transferred to Eren Kruger due to him being his predecessor. <S> The story is based off of Norse mythology, they believe there is nothing such as the future and that it's only a repeated cycle of the past. <S> Say we have a universe of timelines, one universe of you is dying and the other of you is being born <S> so there is no such thing as the future, it's a constant cycle of the past. <S> There are infinite universes of you and every second of you, the moment you were born is replayed while you dying is also being replayed. <S> They also believed that when a person is dead, he would be sent to the world tree where he'll be born again through another root of the tree in another family as a different being. <S> They believed that the actions of the new life of a guy will be influenced by his past life. <S> So destiny is unchangeable. <S> It's influenced by the being her or himself or his or her surroundings. <S> SO basically Eren Kruger is reborn as Eren Jaeger and will die to sacrifice himself to another person to be eaten up. <S> Now, in 2,000 years a major event will occur in Eldia and Eren may have had a dream about that <S> so he's trying to warn the people 2,000 years later about it or something along those lines. <S> His ancestor must've warned him about it. <S> Probably that very own ancestor will share the same fate. <S> Armin seems to be narrating everything so this is probably in his point of view if that is the case he might've just been recording these events to ensure that Eldia will not perish a century later. <S> Eren must've told him about it <S> so he's just living on Eren's stories just to ensure his dream is fulfilled. <S> The dream he saw in the first episode may provide some foreshadowing.
The you might be the future inheritor of the 'Attack Titan' power. Also keep in mind that there is no official answer, thus the correct answer (for now) would be " We don't know ".
What does this symbol represent on this payphone? In the sixth episode of the second season of Darker than Black , Hei hung up a payphone. On this payphone there is some symbol. They’re supposedly in Russia; however, the Russian currency symbol is ₽. What does this symbol mean? I doubt they would make up a currency since they also reference the CIA and MI6. <Q> Not only is that the symbol for Japanese yen, the phone itself is also something utterly Japanese, a pink public phone : <S> They're very iconic (somewhat ubiquitous decades ago when you'd see them in shops or restaurants) but also very outdated <S> (They only take 10 yen coins which is not much at all). <S> If there are any still being operated then as something between a curiosity and a "living fossil". <S> So basically, if that scene is supposed to play in Russia, it's either some sort of joke or the animators were very sloppy <S> , maybe reusing a generic "using a public phone" sequence. <A> That's just the Japanese word "yen", written as a word 円 en rather than with the currency symbol ¥. <A> The ¥ symbol is the international symbol of the currency used for trade deals and in tourist destinations inside Japan, while 円 is the more common and japanese way to refer to local money.
That's the kanji 円, pronounced "hen" or "yen", which means both "circle" and, as you might have guessed from the pronunciation, the japanese currency.
What did Jinbe lose in Charlotte's roulette? I'm a bit lost in Jinbe's status and what happened with him and Big Mom.In chapter 830, he confronts Big Mom and announces that he is planning on leaving her alliance. In return, she demands that he as well has to lose something valuable as well, and what will it be is decided by the roulette game. However then in chapter 835, there is a report in the newspaper saying he backed out, which would imply that he has withdrawn his request to leave Big Mom's crew. This is very unlikely considering his portrayal, so I assume this was some kind of false report because later on he also admits to Luffy that his alliance with Big Mom is over. However, I don't know what is the reason for such a false report in the first place, it makes no sense to me and I have also read some theories which are suggesting that he did not lose anything at all which is even weirder, why would Big Mom let him just go that easily? The only plausible explanation to me is that he has spun the wheel and he lost a bit of his lifespan (or I have missed some important detail in the story). <Q> So he just went for the normal thing somebody would do and he betrayed her in chapter 851 by freeing Luffy from the prison and escaping together with them from Big Mom. <A> I think he lost something like a bit of his lifespan or he has withdrawn his request to leave the crew. <S> However, we will surely find it out in the next chapters. <A> Jinbe didn't lose anything. <S> In the manga, he went through the game, but Charlotte's fruit can't activate on people who don't fear her. <S> Jinbe never feared her <S> and so she couldn't take anything away from him. <A> He originally backed down, but later revealed that he didn't spin it in fear for himself but the spinner's crew always suffers from his choice and he didn't want that.
As stated in chapter 834 afterward, Jinbe didn't go through with the roulette because it is set up in a way that somebody who does it will probably lose his life and that wasn't what he wanted because of his pledge to Luffy.
Can any other saiyan attain Super Saiyan Rage? Trunks's new transformation, also known as "Super Saiyan Rage" has only been achieved by him. Neither Goku, Vegeta or Gohan has achieved it. We don't know much what it's required to acquire this transformation, one of the requirements seems to be being extremely furious, but this doesnt seem to be the only one. Gokú was very furious when in Super Saiyan Blue he was told Chichi and Gotenk were killed in another dimesion, he had an increase in power but he didnt transform into Super Saiyan Rage. Gohan had been many times very furious, particulary the time when he already had acquired the super saiyan 2 level, when Spopovich almost kills Videl, he didnt turn into Super Saiyan Rage. And particulary Vegeta, when he was already a Super Saiyan 2, and Beerus slaps Bulma, he was so furious than when being in Super Saiyan 2 it is said by others (Roshi, Beerus, etc) that he surpassed the power of Goku's super saiyan 3, but he didnt become super saiyan rage. What does this mean then? Can any other saiyan become super saiyan rage? <Q> A reason Goku cant get super saiyan rage is even though he got mad and transformed into a super saiyan and wanted to avenge Krillin <S> he wasn't as mad as Trunks as you could see <S> Trunks got so mad that his tears were being vaporised off his face. <S> A reason it didn't happen for Vegeta was that he was <S> super Vegeta, a custom super saiyan based more on ki based attacks and super Vegeta can only transform twice so he still wasn't as mad as Trunks. <A> Maybe it's a transformation only half-Saiyans can get. <S> With the exception of Vegeta turning mad against Beerus and reaching a level close to SSJ3 (x4 multiplier), the only Saiyans who seem to get such incredible boost of power with rage are Gohan and Trunks who are half-Saiyans. <S> Gohan, when against Frieza, got a power boost from around 20,000 to close a million to be able to take him down (over x20 for sure). <S> Also, when against Raditz, he just went from the power level of a regular kid to 1,300. <S> Trunks with Super Saiyan Rage went from a level near SSJ2-SSJ3 to the level of a Super Saiyan Blue. <S> When Goku fought Beerus in SSJ3, Beerus was using less than 1% of his power, later he used 70% of his power IIRC. <S> Then, Super Saiyan God boosted his power x60 times from SSJ3. <S> That means when Trunks jumped from SSJ2 to Super Saiyan Rage (he got a boost with a lower bound of at least x60 times), the lower bound is more likely 960x times since he jumped from SSJ2 to a transformation that goes beyond SSJ3, Super Saiyan God and close or over Super Saiyan Blue. <S> Adding all the multipliers of these transformations (we know the multiplier for SSJ3 is x4 SSJ2 and the multiplier of SSJGod most likely has a lower bound of x60, then we know nothing about the multiplier of Super Saiyan Blue. <S> Most likely, it has a lower bound of x4. <S> Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense to use it in many situations since it drains your power and stress you more than Super Saiyan God) <A> Trunks always had Super Saiyan Rage <S> but he couldn't fully harness its power, not until he absorbed Goku's Genki Dama (spirit bomb) <S> like when Vegeta did the same thing in fusion reborn (I know that it isn't canon <S> but it is to prove a point) <S> and Goku absorbed a Genki Dama in Super Android 13. <S> The point is that when a Super Saiyan absorbs a Genki Dama, their dormant Super Saiyan energy is released.
Trunks's first actual super saiyan transformation was when he saw his role model Gohan die after that he got really angry and swore revenge on the androids.
Why did Ash need to go back to Pokemon School? I was watching Pokemon Sun Moon. In the answer to this question "Why did Ash became a child back in Sun Moon Series?" it says that Ash never age so obviously he didn't became child. But why did he need to go to Poke-school? He knows a lot on Pokemon and he went on till the finals in last league (Kalos) <Q> As I said in the comments, Pokemon is a series which has been on air for a long time. <S> But it's still mostly aimed for kids. <S> Whereas kids watching the first ones are now adults, it would be strange to have a Ash kid, pro at Pokemons and already knowing everything. <S> So at each beginning of a new series, they explain everything again for the new kids watching and because it's important to see a progress. <S> If Ash knew already everything, had all the Pokemons from various regions, then it would become boring to follow him on his journey as he will certainly be a lot stronger than most of his opponents. <S> By doing as if Ash knew nothing at the beginning of each series, you can then follow again is evolution and grow up with him. <S> (Sorry for bad English as I'm French, and hope that you still understand) <A> Ash goes back to school because he wanted to. <S> In the first episode of the Sun and Moon series, Ash and his mother go on vacation to the Alola region. <S> There, Ash gets excited about seeing new Pokémon and visiting the Pokémon School. <S> Since he loves Pokémon so much, the idea of learning even more about Pokémon appeals to him, so he decides to stay in Alola to learn at the school. <S> There was no need for him to go back to school, but Ash always gets caught up in the excitement of whatever is going on and whatever interests him. <S> While it may seem unusual, there isn't anything terribly out of character here. <S> Ash routinely gets caught up in excitement about competitions and festivals, particularly ones that have to do with Pokémon (which is most of them, if not all). <S> One need only examine all the contests he's eagerly entered, which includes a bug-catching contest, various aerial sports, various races, a firefighting contest, filmmaking contests, and many more. <S> In Sun and Moon Ash has already entered a pancake race, played a game of Pokémon Base, done a scavenger hunt, and competed in a Charjabug race. <S> So other than the time commitment school takes, it isn't much of a change for Ash to get excited about school and enroll (and anyway, he apparently still has plenty of time to train, explore Alola, and take the island challenges). <A> He didnt become a child, it was his own decision to join pokemon school because he thought it was cool <S> and it had cool pokemon <A> Until now, the games the anime were based off were a big map with 8 gyms with routs connecting to each town and city and the player needed to take all the way to each different towns and cities, which in the anime comes out as an adventure to ash like the player. <S> But in Sun and Moon games, GameFreak changed the formula, there isn't any more large towns and routes but central areas and maybe even little village on 4 not so big islands, making the player go back and forth doing the scattered Island Challenges to obtain Z-crystals, although the gameplay hasn't changed very much the adventure make a big difference from the other Pokemon games, the long gameplay isn't because of the big map as in the previous game but due the missions and the story, so in the anime, the usual Ash's adventure style won't work with the Sun and Moon formula or either will be a really short one (much like the Orange Island league), so the studio decided to change the formula of the anime too and bring back Ash to school while meeting the new species, Alola forms and the island challenge in the school framework, although Ash ash himself have very much knowledge of Pokemon.
So the reason he went back to school is because he wanted to go.
Naruto and Sasuke's arms After the Naruto-Sasuke showdown and they blew their arms up, why didn't Sasuke get his arm repaired like Naruto had? Well, even with the bandages and all. I don't really know what's within the bandages. <Q> He basically said he needed time to atone for his sins and that is why he went off on his own. <S> It is almost like he is telling himself that he deserved that. <S> I am assuming in the future when it is fully finished, the bandages will probably come off. <S> It is also possible Sasuke will take the same treatment some day. <A> Naruto kept on using the hashirama hand while sasuke decided to stick with one only. <S> Probably a physical reminder of what happened in the past. <A> After there legendary fight, which ripped off their arms. <S> Lady tsunade treated naruto by recreating his arms using hashimara cells. <S> When she tried to help sasuke he refused - first, he can create susanoo so for fight or living, he doesn't need to treat his arm. <A> Naruto wear bandges because his arm look like obitos arm. <S> But there is a problem witch <S> can he use hashiram's cells because it affected by nintails chakra. <S> But he is reincarnation of hashirama <S> so I think it will be ok.
He wants to have a reminder of what he has done and should not become something that can harm his friends or village. Inside Naruto's bandages are cells from Hashirama that are meant to regenerate his arm.
What is so dangerous about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber? When Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks prepare to train to face Cell Goku warns them that the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is dangerous enough that they can't train alone in it. But there's no life in there. just a building and open empty white space. how exacting is it too dangerous to train in there alone? <Q> My answer is only opinion based <S> but i think it has to do with the fact that nothing is there besides white emptiness. <S> The "danger" comes from the psychological nature, as a solo person would eventually go crazy without any object reference. <S> Everywhere around you is just an endless whiteness so that most likely takes a huge effect to your mental state. <S> Anyway that is the only reason that comes to my mind. <A> The gravity inside the Time chamber is more than your average Earth. <S> What if someone fainted in the between of no-where? <S> since it's vast. <S> It would be safer for two people to train at a time. <A> The conditions within the room's training area are extremely punishing on the body. <S> 10 times Earth's gravity, temperatures that fluctuates rapidly between -40 and 50 degrees Celcius, and 1/4th the air pressure of Earth; try doing an intense workout while during arctic, desert, and high altitude conditions at the same time with extreme gravity added on top of it. <S> Then you add the psychological toll of being in such an empty environment for extended periods. <A>
If someone trains alone and go too far from the entrance, he will be locked there forever. The Hyperbolic Time Chamber has only one door for entrance and exit.
Has Luffy ever killed anyone? In One Piece , there is a lot of blood and fights as we saw on the death of Ace. However, did Luffy ever actually kill any person? <Q> No, he never killed anyone. <S> The reason why he never kills anyone is that he is leaving them another chance to achieve their dreams. <S> This was also stated by Oda in SBS vol. <S> 4 <S> : <S> D: <S> How come Luffy never kills his enemies? <S> Throughout "One Piece" manga so far <S> , he didn't kill Mohji and Helmeppo, but Axe-arm Morgan was killed by Zoro, why is that? <S> O: Hmm! <S> That's a very good question. <S> First, I have to announce that Morgan is still alive. <S> He's currently in jail, where he was placed by his former subordinates. <S> Why doesn't Luffy kill his enemies? <S> Because in that era, everyone uses their lives to fight for their dreams. <S> For an enemy, when their dream has been shattered, it is the same as losing a fight, and as painful as death. <S> I believe, for a pirate not to kill an enemy, it's giving them a 2nd chance to fight for their dreams. <A> Luffy kills the primary antagonist in the film <S> One Piece: <S> Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island which is <S> One Piece Movie 6 . <S> This film, however, is one of the several non-canon films such as the more recent Heart of Gold and Gold . <S> It is very dark and surreal for One Piece . <S> That is even if you ignore the good guy who looks like Hitler. <S> An interesting comment on Reddit mentions that he is actually the one who finally "kills" the Going Merry. <S> That is a little different than what you mean because the Going Merry itself is not really alive (though it has a spirit) and it is already dying. <A> He could have accidentally killed someone when hitting and pushing large numbers of people. <S> Although it is more likely with Zoro who makes slashing wounds, whereas Luffy's attacks leave bruises. <A> Not really. <S> However, he is directly involved in the scheme to assassinate Big Mom which fails in chapter 868-869 <A> When thinking logically about that question I concluded, that even if he doesn't intend to kill, there is no way he can avoid it. <S> Just think about how fast he moves and how much of an impact his attacks do have. <S> It is hard to believe that none of the numerous low-level enemies has ever suffered fatal injuries by that brute forces. <S> Think of all the ships, walls and other hard stuff he is able to shatter with his bare hands. <S> Not to mention countless enemies that are pushed from great heights - or off a ship. <S> If you go overboard at high sea, you will most likely die after a few hours, even if you're not a Devil Fruit user. <S> So even if you take into account that - like in most anime - people tend to be a lot tougher than in reality and the "physical laws" of Luffy's world may be more generous towards the inhabitants, the answer has to be: Yes! <S> Most of them are Marines, I assume. <S> Just because he uses blunt force and no weapons, he is no less deadly. <S> A car is blunt too. <S> But if it hits you at 50mph...
Albeit it may not have been his intention, Luffy most certainly has killed a lot of people.
What is the source of Sanji's flame power? I recently came up with a theory that Sanji might get a power because all his siblings did, even though he was called a dud. I was then watching One Piece Film: Gold and remembered how his flames didn't make any sense. Could his flames have come from his father's experiments? He did say in Enies Lobby that he got heated up when he was mad and his powers related to fire keep growing a bit stronger than friction should be able to make. His siblings had powers similar to devil fruit users, so the more powerful Sanji's flames become, the less I believe it is natural (by natural I mean through Haki and friction). What do you think? <Q> Well, this is an opinion-based question so no clear answer can be given, but I can at least tell my own opinion. <S> This was a plausible theory for a time, but in my opinion it is now impossible. <S> Unless I missed something, nothing indicates that Sanji's Diable Jambe comes from anything other than friction. <S> He's been able to activate Diable Jambe without spinning ever since the beginning of the second part of the series, as shown in the manga by his fight against Surume the kraken; long before his family was even mentioned. <S> He's been stated several times in the Totto Land arc to be a "dud" whose genetic enhancements failed, a statement greatly strengthened by a revelation from chapter 852. <S> Sanji's mother Sora is the reason why his enhancements failed. <S> When she was forced by her husband to subject herself to experiments to allow her then-unborn sons to be genetically altered, she took a drug potent enough to counteract those alterations, in an attempt to cancel them. <S> While this didn't work with Sanji's brothers, it did work with Sanji himself, who turned out as normal and full of empathy and compassion as any normal human. <S> The above moment's entire meaning and point would be completely shattered if Sanji suddenly turned out to have altered genes after all, hence why I think the theory is impossible. <S> However, this is only my opinion of course, as no clear answer can be given yet. <A> It is completely natural. <S> Try it yourself. <S> SPOILER : <S> When Luffy meets him on Wholecake Island, Sanji fights him. <S> His kicks were crushing all the databases that the the scientists who watched it had. <S> Luffy did not fight back. <S> At the end of the fight, everyone concludes that Sanji is a Vinsmoke afterall. <S> Luffy says he would starve until Sanji brings him food, and stays in his spot. <S> If you read the manga, you will be a bit ahead and know all this. <A> I'm two years late but this explains all of it. <S> Since he had emotions (which he inherited from his mother) he wasn't able to use his altered genes because he had no real motivation to use them. <S> His brothers and sister on the other hand weren't tied down by emotion so they could use it freely. <S> When Sanji met Luffy and the others, he had a strong will and conviction to be strong for his nakama <S> and so he used his abilities. <S> IDK <S> I haven't read the full post in a while <S> so this is the TLDR; you should probably read it. <S> It explains a lot if you think about it. <A> Multiple characters have been shown to be able to summon fire or explosions by punching or kicking with extreme force. <S> While it is alien in this world that is a reoccurring phenomenon in this world. <S> Those include "Destruction Cannon" Ideo, Luffy, and Kin'emon. <S> Sanji's abilities are unique. <S> They do not necessarily require his family's genetic experiments to fit into the story because of the other similar abilities in canon. <S> I should point out that he does not burn himself because "while the fire burns hot, his heart burns hotter". <S> This seems mostly a way to toss off the question, but it also sounds like it hints to haki or similar tied to the source of his powers. <A> @totoofze47your statement on his mother taking a drug to counteract the enhancements is still plausible in giving sanji a different ability. <S> though i havent seen that episode yet <S> but when it comes to a chemical reaction or any kind of change to the body then it normally won't be a clear answer. <S> even though the drug canceled the modification there still should be a side effect from it(in your case <S> your thinking that it completely cancels out whatever was added to make the enhancements possible, like adding a -1 and a +1).my theory would be that sanji can produce this heat much easally because of it. <S> for example when you try to do something and you came out with a completely different result, this other result is normally do to interference outside of the experiment environment, in this case the interference would be the drug. <S> and assuming all of the children had the same enhancements don to them then the reason ONLY sanji got effected is by another mystery interference that sanji just happen <S> to have/didn't have an extra ofalso realistically <S> that's not how friction and clothing work. <S> they would be destroyed far before catching fire. <S> but it is possible.
Basically, it says that Sanji's abilities were from his genetics and they were activated through his emotions and such.
Confused about Obito's ability So Obito can transfer any of his body parts that are in contact with the enemy to the time-space of the Kamui and make it look like he cannot be touched. But then in some of the fight scenes, for instance I remember when he was fighting Guy and Naruto, he was about to touch Naruto but guy kicked him from behind so he didn't solidify and let himself pass through Naruto and let Guy's kick pass through him. Well at that time, why did he even need to transport his hand too? Couldn't he just transport the part of his body that was about to be kicked by Guy and then touch Naruto? Why did he transport his fingers using the Kamui too? It was completely unnecessary and he could have taken down Naruto if he didn't do that.. <Q> Obito/ Tobi's kamui is his mangekyo sharingan ability unlocked presumably when he saw Rin die. <S> It is a space-time ninjutsu that allows him to transfer objects into his own pocket dimension, including parts of his own body. <S> While Obito is transfering anything between regular space-time and his own space-time his object not being transfered is vunerable <A> For Obito's ability wiki link <S> Here is the complete description on tobi Tobi <S> had displayed the ability to open up his top half entirely and use himself as a suit of sorts to encase someone in. <S> Follow this link to get details.. <S> wiki link <A> Kamui is an all or nothing technique. <S> So while its reasonable to think that he could activate it for parts of his body only, he cant actually do that. <S> However, this eye can utilise a unique variation of teleportation akin to intangibility. <S> When activated, any part of the user's body that overlaps with another object is seamlessly warped to Kamui's dimension, making it appear as though the user can phase through solid objects <S> When intangibility is active, he is completely intangible. <S> He can't attack or be attacked at all, and can't deactivate it while overlapped with something ( <S> or he can <S> and it causes serious harm to him, we never see it happen). <S> No known techniques work around this. <S> He has never been harmed by someone in the real dimension while its active. <S> its only weakness is that his overlapped real body sits in the Kamui dimension, and is vulnerable as normal to any attacks from the Kamui dimension, though if his head is also not there, he can't see it. <A> Short answer: we don't know. <S> Long answer: unlike one of the other answers states, Obito does have the ability to transport just a part of himself. <S> As shown above, Obito was able to transport just a part of his torso to the kamui dimension, where Kakashi was able to attack it and cause damage. <S> So if he was able to do this, <S> why didn't he? <S> Maybe he just needed to do the transportation very quickly and he didn't have time to just transport part of him. <S> Maybe it's a plot hole.
His body is still in the real dimension until it overlaps, but absolutely any overlap will send the overlapped portion to the Kamui dimension. Maybe he didn't have that fine of control over it before this point. As far as I can tell, we don't have an explanation.
What is the Senju clan's speciality? Is it wood style? If yes, then how come only Hashirama can use it? There has to be some special power that all the members of the Senju clan possessed, or else how could they be the greatest rivals to the Uchiha (who had Sharingan) who defeated every other clan other than the Senju? <Q> The only Senju to showcase the Wood Release was Hashirama Senju. <S> You could say that the Wood Release was Hashirama's speciality. <S> Even his brother Tobirama did not use Wood Release all that much, but instead had a variety of speciality techniques including Space-time jutsu, Edo Tensei, Kage Bunshin, etc. <S> The Uchiha are adept at using fire techniques, because of their natural affinity towards it. <S> But from the Senju we have seen in battle, namely Tobirama, Hashirama and Tsunade, the common feature about them is their unique fighting style and skills. <S> This would lead into a more agreeable assumption. <S> The clan's name, "Senju", literally means "a thousand skills" . <S> So this would mean, rather than <S> the whole clan specializing in one type of jutsu/technique/nature release/skill, the clan members would be specialized in different types of jutsu. <S> This actually fits the meaning of their name. <S> Which means, there isn't a trademark clan ability. <S> This assumption is supported by the Senju we've seen in battle multiple times. <S> The Uchiha hadn't defeated all the other clans. <S> It was just said that they were among the top powerful clans, only challenged by the Senju. <S> The Uchiha and Senju had been fighting against each other over centuries, even before Hashirama and Madara's times. <S> This was because of the Indra and Asura feud. <S> So while the Uchiha were powerful, the only clan able to go against them were the descendants of Asura. <S> That's the main reason as to why they could go toe to toe. <S> TL;DR <S> : The Senju clan doesn't have a trademark ability. <S> But all its members have proficiency in different types of jutsu. <S> Because of being the descendants of the Sage of Six Paths' sons, the Senju and Uchiha were able to go toe to toe against each other. <A> The Senju are the descendants of the younger son of the Sage of Six Paths . <S> The Sage of six paths had two sons, the elder son inherited the sage's eyes and his descendants, the Uchiha , inherit the dōjutsu kekei-genkai Sharingan . <S> And the younger son inherited his "body", granting him a powerful life force and chakra. <S> His descendants are the Senju clan who possess more chakra compared to other shinobi clans. <S> So, the Senju clan doesn't possess any trademark ability other than having greater chakra. <A> The descendants of the senju clan only inherit the Yang element innately and their physical abilities, restiveness, physical strength, etc ... <S> The other abilities have to do with the handling of each person, in the special case of Hashirama, him doesn't inherit the element wood, but it is the creator of this technique, is the first to obtain this element. <S> The wood element is a Kekkei Genkai, but there are three forms of Kekkei Genkai. <S> In the case of Hashirama he is the only user because he is the creator and the only one who manages to dominate it, in the manga is not explained, but is given to understand that no one inherits his skills or does not develop them. <S> ( nothing is known about his son) <S> But it is known that these skills can be taught if genes are inherited as is the case of the Onoki dust element.
The Senju are commonly called as "Senju clan of the forest" . So we could only assume from the name that they are adept at using forest related skills; Wood Release.
Why did Minato's nine tails help in the fight? I understand that Naruto's half of the nine tails had been befriended by Naruto but why did Minato's nine tails help? Wouldn't it make more sense that he would've resisted and didn't let Minato use chakra mode or tailed beast mode? <Q> His very existence is under threat by Uchiha Obito (and later Uchiha Madara) <S> Eternal Tsukuyomi. <S> If Obito's team win, he will be sealed into the Gedo Statue and returned to being a part of the Juubi. <S> Regardless of whether the tug-of-war between Dark Kurama and Minato happened or not, Dark Kurama would still help Naruto's side so that at least he can still be him. <S> With the tug-of-war taking place, he is even more willing to help since he's been tamed by Minato. <A> It was explained that Minato mastered the tailed beast in the tug-of-war of chakra war and began controlling it just like Naruto did. <S> He gained the same chakra cloak like Naruto had in the 4th Shinobi World War. <A> He mastered controlling him and also dark Kurama had no reason to not help his other half since his existence was under threat of getting back to being a part of the juubi. <A> Kurama's other half is inside Naruto and moreover if obito captures Kurama he will be trapped in the gedo statue and Naruto has gained Kurama's respect by treating him as a friend.
Dark Kurama (the half sealed within Minato) has a good reason to help them.
Why does Tohru always try to get Kobayashi to eat pieces of her tail? In Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon , Tohru always tries to get Kobayashi to eat pieces of her tail. Why? This started in episode 1 and has carried through to the current episode, with a mention/attempt almost every episode. Is this a sign of affection for dragons? <Q> While it hasn't been explicitly stated in the show, I think the biggest factor is that it's an extremely intimate thing to do. <S> It might be a bit disgusting when put this way, but a lot of intimate acts amongst humans involve the mingling or exchanging of bodily fluids; and that extends to the deal with vampires drinking blood - it's a precious bodily fluid, and there is something quite intense about giving it to someone. <S> So for Tohru, who can apparently regrow her tail pretty quickly, having Kobayashi eat the meat is having her master take a part of her and ingest it, which in her eyes is an incredibly special form of bonding. <A> Well, having just watched the series, I think they have the right of it, in that Tohru hopes that by having Miss Kobayashi eat her tail , she will gain her power, thus allowing her to keep their little family together. <S> Not only is there the concept in parts of Asia and most early tribal civilizations of eating mythical beasts to gain their power... <S> but then there it the Ouroboros myth, the dragon eating it's own tail representing eternity. <S> In summary, I believe the reason is twofold: a combination of a desire for a physical bond between them and a way to share her immortal lifespan with her <S> so try to be together, if not forever , then for a long, long time to come. <S> It's a bit odd from a human perspective, but in Tohru's mind it would be a bit romantic. <S> Like a mate that kept a lock of your hair in a locket around their neck all the time so they'd always have a piece of you with them. <S> grin <A> I believe it's both a form of deep affection, as well as Tohru attempting to indefinitely extend Kobayashi's lifespan. <S> The consumption of the flesh of dragons myth doesn't just span only to Eastern myth. <S> And to note, Leviathan, Elma, and Fafnir are in fact Eastern orientation dragons (to be specific, Northeastern). <S> It's long been believed that dragon flesh and blood have magical and enhancing abilities.
I think it's also very likely, given Tohru's feelings for Miss Kobayashi, and also knowing that her sexual advances have been rebuffed so far, that it also would represent a kind of physical bond between them, a way for a little part of her to be inside Miss Kobayashi, and therefore have some bit of intimacy through that.
Why does Heathcliff (Kayaba) smile at the end in episode 14? In episode 14 of SAO, at the 14th minute mark: Kirito kills Kayaba. He did not try to stop Kirito, and died smiling. Was he waiting to be killed by Kirito? Did Kayaba expect it? <Q> If I remember correctly it's never said. <S> But it's probably to do with the fact the Kirito defied the system, as Kayaba does mention something similar in the final episode of Season 1. <A> From the SAO Wiki : <S> The happiest moment to Akihiko during SAO was when Kirito saw through his true identity on the 75th floor, as Akihiko then realized that he (Akihiko) was nothing more than another player. <S> - Q&A session in the third popularity contest held by Kawahara Reki as Kunori Fumio, 2005 <A> Kayaba is smiling thruout his battle with Kirito, during one part he smiles because he knows Kirito is beaten. <S> He only frowns in displeasure of Kirito's lack of fighting spirit after Asuna dies. <S> He is not looking at this normally because he has already accepted his death and knows this is the best time to end this story. <S> I say this because Kayaba originally excused his involvement with the game as a player by saying it would be a nice twist if the #1 player becomes the tragic last boss.
Kayaba is smiling because it is an amusing turn of event for a story.
Did Naruto and Sasuke receive the Sage of Six Path's chakra or Asura's and Indra's chakra? So Naruto already has Asura's chakra, and Sasuke has Indra's chakra. Did the Sage of Six Paths give them his own chakra? Or did he give Indra's chakra to Naruto and Asura's chakra to Sasuke which fused together to make his own? <Q> The Wiki only states that Hagoromo gave Naruto Six Paths Yang Power and gave Sasuke Six Paths Yin Power . <S> That's not the chakra specifically, but rather a technique. <S> Although there was some chakra transference involved. <S> Hamura, Hagoromo's brother, only had Six Paths Yin Power and Hagoromo's children didn't have either. <S> Indra had Yin Release and Asura had Yang release <S> but they didn't have anything like the power given by Hagoromo to Naruto and Sasuke. <S> I know you didn't claim that Asura and Indra had these powers <S> but I'm just stating that these two powers Naruto and Sasuke received aren't in the same context as their reincarnated power. <S> The "fusing" of chakra you mentioned was only demonstrated in Sasuke's left EMS turning into a Rinnegan, but I'm not sure if was blending of chakra or simply because he received half Hagoromo's power, so he gets half of his eyes turned into Rinnegan. <S> This last part is highly speculative, though. <A> Yes and no they had the power hagoramo otsutsuki(sage <S> of six paths)just helped them tap into it.they <S> had the power because hashirama senju and madara uchiha were reincarnation of idura and ashura and naruto and sauske <S> are hashirama and madaras descendants that happend to unlock it so in a way the sage and idura and ashuras chakra played some part <A> The way I understood the Six Paths powers is that Hagoromo stirred up Indra and Ashura's chakra's and brought them to the forefront, strengthening the powers Naruto and Sasuke already had (evidenced by Sasuke's improved Susanoo that could be summoned in an instant, no stage-by-stage advancement needed, and Naruto's improved-to-ridiculous physical strength). <S> Then he gave them both the full powers <S> Indra and Ashura had the potential for, Six Path Sage Mode for Naruto and the unique Rinnegan of Sasuke, like he gave Ashura the SPSM previously because it was what he had the capacity for <S> but he didn't do the same for Indra, which was what caused the rift between them. <S> Then finally on top of that, Hagoromo gave them the Yin and Yang seals and all the linked abilities (like Naruto's instant healing power and the Rikudo: Chibaku Tensei seal). <S> That's my understanding of it.
Hagoromo did give these powers to them because they are Asura and Indra reincarnated but the power didn't develop in them because of this, it was given to them whole by Hagoromo.
Why were the Chidori and Rasengan ever regarded as powerful jutsu? The hard part about using the Chidori or Rasengan is making contact. If you make contact, the battle (should) be over. I don't see how having a Chidori or Rasengan is that much better than just using a kunai. Sure, a Chidori does more damage; but still, if you stab somebody with a kunai, the battle (should) be over. <Q> The point of Rasengan and Chidori is not just to make contact, but POWERFUL contact. <S> A kunai can never penetrate Gaara's shield or any other strong defences, but Rasengan and Chidori can. <S> Oodama Rasengan and Rasenshiriken are on even greater levels because their damages are astronomical. <S> In the fight with Kakuzu, before Naruto came, it was incredibly hard for the others to stall out Kakuzu, let alone finish him. <S> But with Rasenshuriken, the destructibility penetrated and annihilated his charkra system in cellular level. <S> I don't think you can do that with a kunai. <S> The power of the Rasengan and Chidori is not limited to just "making contact". <S> Charkra nature manipulation and shape manipulation comes into great meaning at this point: Sasuke can turn his Chidori into mini needles, arrows, sword (with adjustable length), and stream. <S> Naruto can fuse his Sage charkra style into the Rasenshuriken to make it a flying disk of destruction. <S> This can't be accomplished with a simple kunai. <A> Waiting "an hour or so" is neither a practical nor feasible option, especially considering the injured has that time to escape or heal or bandage their wounds, or worse yet, claim the upper hand in the battle. <S> It would not be as easy as you claim it to be. <S> Not to mention that Naruto is full of ridiculously strong characters who can take a lot more abuse than one kunai stab and come out fine. <S> Saying that they're not that much superior to a kunai because you can wait "an hour or so" for the enemy to bleed out is like playing an RPG using only starter gear. <S> It's not practical unless you're fighting the weakest enemies, and you're going to get quickly outclassed and probably killed by the first enemy that decides to wear armor. <A> Look, first of all, stabbing someone with a kunai does not instantly end a battle. <S> Second of all, those two justus are very complicated and hard to master, even control. <S> By themselves, you can do a lot of damage. <S> Rasengan is a dense ball of rotating chakra. <S> A little chakra by itself is nothing, but if you harvest enough chakra to make a rasengan, you could so some serious damage. <S> As your saw in Naruto Episode 95 <S> (I think), Kabuto took a lot of damage when Naruto drove a Rasengan into him. <S> See, Kabuto's cells can regenerate instantaneously, so it's pretty hard to do any damage to him. <S> Now, I understand your view on the chidori. <S> All we really see Sasuke and Kakashi do with it is plunge it into other's bodies. <S> But still, the chidori requires a user to be able to have advanced chakra control. <S> Just like one of the variations of the Rasengan, the Rasenshuriken, the user has to perform a change in chakra to create the chidori. <S> There are many variations of this jutsu that are better than the basic chidori, like the chidori blade. <S> But still, the chidori itself is really strong. <S> In conclusion, I don't see why a Rasengan vs. Chidori would end a battle. <S> Besides, massive amounts of chakra can be very reactive when making contact with other strong sources of chakra. <A> To be honest in early Naruto it (rasengan) seems to be more of a cool trick than anything else. <S> It doesn't do that much more damage than a kunai and takes time AND a shadow clone to make. <S> To its defense it does send the enemy flying and seems to be somewhat of a superpowered punch that can do some series internal damage, but from the complexity of its use and the time required you could throw 10-20 kunai in the time it takes to use it. <S> Even though I do have to admit its a whole lot better when fighting stronger enemies, like in the fight with Kabuto. <S> Against an enemy at that level a kunai wouldn't be able to do enough damage, but most importantly they could dodge or deflect them all. <S> In conclusion I would say that Rasengan, while a good technique to know for last ditch efforts against a superior enemy, seems to be a waste of chakra for anyone who isn't Naruto. <S> A side note for chidori, it seems to be a slightly weaker version of Rasengan. <S> We see this when Naruto and Sasuke fight before Sasuke leaves, they both have similar levels of base chakra yet Naruto's attack does a noticeably bigger amount of damage to that water tank. <S> (as in basically a giant punch)
Also from the type of damage dealt it seems fair to say that Rasengan was better at penetration. Against enemies with that kind of durability or regenerative ability, the raw power of jutsu like the Rasengan or Chidori is absolutely necessary to secure the fight.
Is there a difference between Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Kai and Dragon Ball Z Kai? After doing a little research, I saw that Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Kai are the same and that they are just remakes of Dragon Ball Z. Is this correct? I know that Dragon Ball Z has around 300 episodes and that Dragon Ball Z Kai and Dragon Ball Kai stop after the stage with cell around 100 episodes. So which one is better for watching with an English dub? <Q> and I liked the old voices more than the new ones in the dub version. <S> The other thing is Dragon Ball Z Kai does not have any fillers. <S> I have watched both, and I even thought that losing all the fillers would be a great thing, but I mostly found it frustrating. <S> Some of Gohan's more awesome rage moments were shortened and worse yet the battles just were not as exciting. <A> Dragon Ball Z Kai is Dragon Ball Z without the fillers. <A> It's impossible to say which is better because it is a matter of personal opinion. <S> The idea of Dragon Ball Z Kai is to take the best parts of Dragon Ball Z <S> (there was A LOT of filler) and put them together in a better art style ( <S> the art "quality" was not as good in the 80's; Kay was made in the 2000's). <S> The idea was that Dragon Ball Z continually got ahead of its source material, the manga, because it had to make a 20 minute episode every week going along with only 15 pages of manga a week; they would compensate for this by adding in filler episodes to allow the manga to catch back up. <S> So, when they finished Dragon Ball GT, they decided to go ahead and remaster Dragon Ball Z. <S> This time they had all of the source material, and animation technology was better, allowing for a "higher quality" animation. <S> This allowed them to cut out all the filler and just have content that pertains to the story, all in great animation and music. <S> The reason I put higher quality in quotes is that quality is subjective. <S> I personally like the old style better because I think that the characters are more expressive and the animation has more character; however, the new animation looks really slick and the music is awesome in Kai. <S> It is worth trying out both and seeing for yourself which you prefer, and you can always skip the filler in Z. <A> Dragon ball Z is the second adaptation of the dragon ball manga <S> , dragon ball kai is a remake of it with less filler, new animated scenes, new script, reworked voice acting, new music if you are willing to watch dragon ball with filler, aged animation, old voice acting and music, then Z is the way to go if not, then kai is the way to go
Since there can't​ be one particular answer to this question and others can only give you their opinions, I will say Dragon Ball Z original is much better than Kai
Why didn't Naruto's arm grow by itself like Madara or Kaguya? Naruto recovered from a pretty big hole in his shoulder while fighting with Sasuke. Madara was cut in half and could still fly, and Naruto flies, so it would stand to reason that he can recover at least somewhat like Madara. Not to mention how he kind of copied Kakashi's eye, saved Guy-sensei, and tried to save Obito even just before he died. If Naruto has mastered Senjutsu like Madara and Kaguya, and he has aptitude for recovery, why didn't his arm grow by itself? <Q> Naruto lost his Sage of Six Paths (SOSP) power after his fight with Sasuke. <S> It was mainly due to the fact that he lost the chakras of all the bijuus (tailed beasts) that he had. <S> So, as a result of losing the power of SOSP, he also lost the ability to heal. <S> So after the fight with Sasuke, he must almost have depleted it. <S> Coming back to the point, while fighting Madara Uchiha and Kaguya, he still had his powers and abilities (levitation, the truth orbs, healing , etc.) <S> It was when he actually sealed Kaguya with the help of Sasuke, did he use up his SOSP powers/chakra. <S> So, he lost the truth orbs, the SOSP cloak, ability to heal, etc. <S> Now, why did Sasuke not lose his rinnegan? <S> That was because, Indra's chakra is needed to only awaken the rinnegan, and not to maintain it. <S> So, the reason why Naruto could not heal his own arm was because he lost hispowers when he sealed Kaguya, but could use levitation , etc. <S> before sealing Kaguya <S> , that is, while facing her and Madara. <A> The healing ability dosen't come from the Six Paths Sage Mode, but from the yang seal on Naruto's hand. <S> Once Kaguya was sealed, the mark went away, and so did his ability to heal things. <S> You'll notice that, when healing Guy, a seal looking like the sun mark is left over Guy's eighth chakra gate. <A> Check this <S> post out for more info. <S> The problem, however, is that in Boruto: Naruto the Movie , even though he can still fly and turn into Ashura Kurama Chakra mode, he doesn't have his truth seeking orbs anymore. <S> Therefore, it's possible that even though he still has Sage of Six Paths mode, he's lost some of his abilities, maybe even the power to regenerate himself and other people. <A> My theory is that probably Naruto's arm didn't grow because of the extraordinary pressure created by the attack of Sasuke and Naruto. <S> There are certainly cases in which arms can be healed by healing jutsu, but what if all the cell and even every single particle in the arm side was destroyed? <S> Then, the resurrecting of the arm would be impossible because no matter what, there is not a single jutsu in the world which can recreate cells. <S> Although this is just a theory, I believe this is what happened. <A> As I remember, there were marks, that were given to both of them, which disappeared after they sealed Kaguya. <S> While some say that the marks awakened their abilities, but they might also be explained in another way. <S> There is no indication that I remember, that Asura got a mark when he got the SOSP power mode, therefore the marks could only be the sealing jutsu. <S> So they both got power upgrade and sealing jutsu powered by the SOSP. <S> Then even after they used it, Naruto still had the same abilities as before, same cloak, he could still levitate, he could levitate all 6 clones of Kurama and still had 3 more orbs (wonder why he didn't make more, they seem to be using them up). <S> On top of all that, he didn't really seem to gather any/much natural energy, until he made those 2 crazy Rasenshuriken. <S> To be precise, he never really displayed the need for healing like Obito, Madara, and Kaguya did, because he didn't get hurt, until the end fight. <S> He did seem to display slight decrease in power/compensated by alternative power and skill in the following 2 movies, e.g. super punch, ability to separate from Kurama, a beast size Rasengan, still levitating on the moon, healing quite fast from a sword wound in a minute or so in the manga. <S> So all in all, it is the extreme level of healing and the truth seeking orbs that are really missing later, maybe as existing answers pointed out by not having all the bijuus like Obito, Kaguya and Madara, <S> actually that is when they were making them. <S> Although Obito made a staff even after being exhausted to deflect Madaras orbs. <S> But then Naruto get Kurama times 2, so <S> I think that is compensated. <S> Still, he should have been able to make orbs after that. <S> Regarding the arm, maybe he didn't have the energy to heal it at the time since Kurama went to sleep, although even later as an Uzumaki he should still display some amazing healing ability like Karin and his mother. <A> Naruto still has his Sage of Six Path ability as shown by his eyes with vertical and horizontal marks without the coloring around the eyes. <S> This indicates Naruto still has his six path ability in Boruto . <S> And also if the author actually did it, it would look way over powered having literal jesus in the story. <S> But the fact is that Naruto does still has the six path ability just like how Sasuke still has Tomoes in his Rinnegan.
Naruto actually 'lost' his SOSP after using a tremendous amount of chakra to seal away kaguya. Naruto still has Sage of Six Paths power. He didn't use Create Life to heal his arm probably because of plot holes.
What do people mean when they say "Notice me, senpai"? I'm new to anime and my friends really like it. They really like to say to me " notice me, senpai! " and I don't get the reference. I could be walking to class and one of my friends would say "Can you go to the canteen?" and I would say no I can't and then, they will say "NOTICE ME, SENPAI!" Can anyone shed some light on the "notice me, senpai" reference, please? <Q> This is a meme in the English-speaking internet anime community. <S> This particular phrasing appears to have come into existence around December 2013 ( according to Google Trends ), though variants are known to date back to 2012 . <S> It does not directly reference any particular work of anime or manga. <S> Rather, it is inspired by a reasonably common trope of anime/manga writing about school-age children, whereby a character (usually a girl) will have a personal or romantic interest in an older student at their same school (which is what a " senpai " is in this context), but instead of doing a dag-blasted thing about it, just silently hopes that the senpai will pay attention to them. <S> This narrative trope is particularly common in shoujo media. <S> Goodness knows why your friends are exuding memes in real life; you would do better to ask them about that. <S> As a meme originalist, I cannot help but notice that the contexts in which your friends are reportedly using this meme don't make much sense. <A> If you know what senpai means you may understand. <S> Senpai means upperclassman or someone you look up to. <S> It is generally used when someone wants another student (who is older than them) to notice them or acknowledge their presence. <S> I once found this online: <S> It's a Japan thing. <S> Maybe a fellow student or colleague. <S> Maybe your teacher. <S> All in all 'Notice Me Senpai' means you want someone older than you to like you. <S> An example <S> : Say a girl has a crush on a boy who is one class ahead of her at school. <S> To the girl the guy is a 'Senpai'. <S> Now, to impress him, she tries to act cool in front of him, cracks jokes, does some wierd stuff. <S> Now say the boy is walking towards her. <S> So she silently wishes "Notice me Senpai !" <S> But the boy doesn't even look at her twice. <S> So she would say to herself "Senpai why don't you notice me?" <S> But many times in real life, people say this to each other just for fun, maybe as in the case of your friends. <S> Since you are new to the anime world, this may seem a bit odd but a few anime later, you will understand when to use the Notice me senpai reference yourself. <S> Although when your friend would say that when you refuse to do him/her a favour could mean that if you would 'notice' how pretty/awesome your friend is, you would certainly want to help him/her, and get on their better side... <S> just an idea. <S> You might want to ask your friend itself... <A> So, the line expresses their desire to be noticed by their senpai. <S> It has become a line to make fun of people when they are doing something for attention or interacting with their crush.
Senpai means someone you're suppose to look up to. A much shorter answer: in a lot of manga and anime there is a character that likes a senpai, an upper classmen, however, no matter what they do, they can't get noticed by the senpai. This phrase is quite common in anime which have a school background.
Do ghouls also live outside Japan? In the universe of Tokyo Ghoul : Do ghouls exist only in Japan, or do they thrive in large numbers throughout the world? Is there any body such as the CCG in those parts of the world Is there any known history of their communication/collaboration with the CCG? <Q> There's the Chinese terrorist organization, Chi She <S> Lian <S> There's also a group in Germany studying ghouls, Ghoul Forschung Gesellschaft <S> There's also ghouls from Russia, e.g., Donato Porpora <A> I was watching Tokyo Ghoul:re , and one of the characters said something that makes you think ghouls reside outside of Japan. <S> He said his time in Germany helped him prepare for this. <S> So, ghouls may not only exist in Japan, but they may also exist in other countries. <S> Though I am curious to know if that also applies to the CCG, or do they go by another name than in Japan. <S> It may be me just overthinking things, but maybe some ghouls actually ran away to other countries to escape the CCG. <A> I read more of the manga and one of the investigators was talking about another investigator, he said:He was handpicked for the China Investigation Team... <S> Even there he left his mark against the Chì Shè Liàn <S> (Red Tongue Union Ghouls).So <S> yes in fact, there are ghouls in China <S> but I'm not sure if they're found anywhere else. <S> ( )
There are in fact ghouls outside Japan.