List of anime referenced in Bakuman Can anybody give me a complete reference to all anime whose titles, artists and/or lines were referenced in the Bakuman series? It would also be great if you could let me know when they were mentioned. External sources will be appreciated too. <Q> To Love Ru <S> (A discussion between the protagonists and fellow mangakas about this ecchi manga and how it was targeted at boys) <S> Death Note <S> (Mentioned while talking about successful manga) <S> Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto <S> One Piece by Eiichiro Oda Bleach by Tite Kubo <S> Slam Dunk: A manga about basketball (brought up when the protagonists are talking about their favourite manga) Ashita <S> no Joe: A manga about boxing (brought up when the protagonists are talking about their inspiration/their favourite manga), Hunter x Hunter Dragon Ball Z (Name is brought up from time to time) <S> They may have referenced a few other anime but these are the ones that came up the most. <A> Ashita no Joe <S> One Piece <S> Beet <S> the Vandel Buster Star of the Giants <S> Death Note <S> Father's Soul / Soul of the Father (Kaizuka Hiroshi) <S> KochiKame <S> Hikaru <S> no <S> Go <S> Kamen Rider Fist of the North Star <S> Hunter X Hunter <S> Flower Angel TenTen <S> Beelzebub Yoroshiku Mechadock <S> To Love Ru <S> Nura: <S> The Rise of the Yokai Clan / Nurarihyon Sakigake!! <S> Otokojuku Dr. Slump Gatchaman (1972) <S> Doraemon <S> Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Dai's Big Adventure (Dragon Quest) Rurouni Kenshin Touch <S> Ai to Makoto <S> Kimi n Todoke <S> Boys Over Flowers <S> Nodame <S> Cantabile Ichigo <S> 100% Anedoki Hatsukoi Limited Kikaider (Shotaro Ishinomori) <S> Secret Squad Goranger Transforming Ninja Arashi <S> Robot <S> Cop <S> Lupin the 3rd Phoenix (Osamu Tezuka) <S> The Rose of Versailles <S> Glass Mask Barefoot Gen Demonic Detective Neuro Nougami Toriko Yu <S> -Gi-Oh! <A> In the Manga Bakuman has references to several other works from time to time One Piece Bleach Naruto DragonBall <S> Touch <S> To Love ru <S> Enigma <S> Sakigake Otokojuku Kimi ni Todoke <S> Death Note <S> Gintama <S> Fist of the North Star <S> Star of the Giants <S> Ai and Makoto <S> Doraemon <S> Slam Dunk <S> Hunter X Hunter Ashita <S> no Joe <S> There are some missing in the list I will add those once I find out
Bleach Naruto Dragon Ball Gintama The Qualifications of a Man (Ikki Kajiwara)
Why is Koro-sensei's sibling Itona not like him? When I watch the anime I get excited by Koro-Sensei's new student, Itona. He has many similarities with koro-sensei. So, my question is: why do they look different? Koro-sensei is like an octopus and Itona is like a human. <Q> Koro-sensei was... ... <S> originally the subject of human experimentation. <S> His powers are the result of the experiments that were run on his own body. <S> Itona is considered being Koro-sensei's brother because... ... <S> he received his tentacles from the same scientists who experimented on Koro-sensei. <S> His powers are inherited from Koro-sensei. <S> Those tentacles were most likely originally part of Koro-sensei's body after the latter turned into the octopus we now know and "love". <S> Unlike Koro-sensei, his body didn't actually change. <A> Itona isn't a relation of Koro-sensei. <S> He is the son of Horibe Electronics Factory's former president. <S> After his father's company went bankrupt, Itona was abandoned by him which became a source of bullying towards him as well. <S> One night, he was found by Shiro who told him that in his eye lies a tenacity for power and that he would help him achieve that power in order to grasp victory. <S> See more: <S> I presume the similarities lie in the tentacles. <S> Itona's powers are manufactured by scientists, wheras Koro-sensei is an octopus alien. <A> Koro-sensei and Itona are not blood related at all, it's the tentacles that make them both fall in the same category "family". <S> This brother relationship was first mentioned by the official guardian, as to make Itona confused about his relationship with Koro-sensei. <S> He intended to kill Koro-sensei with the help of an enraged Itona, but as obviously failed. <A> Koro sensei was actually human once , he was formerly the reaper before his apprentice turned him in and stole his name, he was then experimented on by shiro and grew the tentacles after escaping the facility and killing his best friend and destroying the facility.
As for why they don't look alike: Itona had his tentacles implanted into him. As @Toshinou Kyouko explained, Itona and Korosensei aren't actually related.
Did Light Actually Like L (in a friendship way)? When I watched episode 25 of Death Note (AKA the one when L, Watari, and Rem died), I noticed that Light was strangely kind to L. Is that because he was nice to L before he died, or because he actually thought of L as a friend? This is something I have been pondering over ever since L said that Light was his only friend. <Q> This might be my personal opinion, but this does not look like the face that a person would show his friend when that friend is dying. <S> Light had been pretending to be L's friend for a while, so by (over-)reacting he achieved two things. <S> The first would be keeping his image and the second would be giving him a reason to go looking for the Death Note, that he knew would be laying around somewhere. <A> No, he only saw him as an obstacle, but I assume he respected him. <S> Otherwise he would not have gone to such great lengths to kill him. <A> In the Chapter 32 (Vol. 4), Light was thinking if he should kill L or not, and then Ryuk said he thought that Light's doubt was because L called him his friend. <S> Then Light answered that on the outside, Ryuuga/L is his friend, but actually L is Kira's enemy. <S> And in various other pages, you see Light thinking about "killing L" - hardly a thing a friend would do. <S> So, no, Light (at least with the memories of being Kira) doesn't consider L truly a friend, it's just part of his acting. <A> I do believe so yes. <S> But Kira (that being, the Light who has Kira's memories) considered L his enemy. <S> What is interesting and what I feel is not really considered by fans, is that Light and Kira are the same person. <S> Light without his memories, is STILL Kira. <S> Kira WITH his memories, is STILL Light. <S> What I mean is, just like how Misa would still remember her feelings for Light even while losing her memory, likewise, I do believe Light would still remember considering L a friend during their investigation together (after he'd lost his memories). <S> His Kira self is more dominant, but based on how Light was seeing L when he looks at the empty chair, and laments on how things aren't interesting without L, and even cut scenes to Light's blank looking face when he's on a date with Misa right after his lamenting about L being gone, it gives off the idea that Light, somewhere deep down, misses L. <S> He misses the challenge, he misses his "friend." <S> Even though L was Kira's enemy, Ryuuzaki was Light's friend. <S> They had much in common, they were equals, literally no one could match up to them the way they did to each other, so no matter what, Light found something unique in his relationship with L. <S> I do not believe he never cared at all. <S> It's just that he cared about being God of the New World far more, and thus was willing to throw away everything else for it. <A> There are many animes I have come across that have characters with split personalities. <S> I think this is the case with Light. <S> I believe Light is not truly evil, but his other persona (Kira) is. <S> I think this is also the case for Light and L's relationship. <S> Light does consider L as a friend whereas Kira sees L as his enemy. <S> Although many fans think Light acted a lot, I think there were plenty of moments where Light and Kira were in conflict inside Light. <S> As I read elsewhere, If Light had never found the death-note and became Kira, he would have become a detective alongside L and the two would be friends. <S> I've also come across many scenes where Light seems to miss L. <A> When L confessed He thought of light as a friend I think on a conscious level <S> it was simply a ploy, but there actually was some kindling of empathy. <S> Also even though L admitted, ‘I think I wanted you to be Kira’ <S> When he died he had a wide eyed expression seeing Light smile as if he had just been betrayed. <S> As for Light, he never seemed to portray much kinship for L. <S> Nevertheless I think it would be wrong to assume he hated Light. <S> In episode 36 near is wearing a mask of L, and you can hear Light thinking of how it is dishonouring L, which is really strange considering Light plotted his death. <S> I don’t think L and Light were really friends, but subconsciously I think they both knew that under different circumstances they could’ve been, and I think that shone through when Light first brought L in from the rain. <S> Also in lights last moments when he’s dying, he sees L. You’d expect him to see his dad as when people pass, they tend to have visions of those they have loved who have passed away. <S> Instead he sees L <S> , I think he really did care for him.
Light (that being the Light who didn't realize he was Kira), did like L and considered him a friend.
Does Rolo's Geass have no Limits? Rolo has been using his Geass since he was very young and using it beyond limits; for various missions and assasinations again and again. But he never lost control over the Geass like Lelouch and Mao. Also if he had lost control before dying then what would be his situation if he had used it infinitely? Would he stop the time around him forever? <Q> Forever would have been impossible. <S> The weakness to Rolo's time stopping Geass is that it also stops his heart, so he'd die quickly enough from it being in permanent use, which in turn would stop the geass. <S> Same goes for him overusing it. <S> Below is a quote from this page, which I've spoilered out for plot reasons. <S> Its weakness was that it stopped Rolo's heart when used, limiting its activation to short bursts. <S> A large number of people was also more difficult to stop, as Rolo was exhausted after he projected a field encompassing a majority of the school's campus. <S> Finally, this Geass was unable to stop inanimate objects or physical phenomena such as speed and momentum. <S> Rolo ultimately died when he overused his power in a short amount of time. <A> He cannot stop time forever, mainly because of his heart stops every time he uses it. <S> It takes 4 mins of heart stoppage to kill your brain cells. <S> So the maximum he can stop time is for 4 mins (if he has a tremendous will power) after which he will be dead no matter what. <S> Weaknesses of Rolo's geass as descibred in Wikipedia: <S> The weakness of Rolo's Geass is that his heart stops when he uses it,[5] limiting its activation to short bursts. <S> The range also determines the amount of strain it puts on him.[6] <S> Finally, it is unable to stop inanimate objects or physical phenomena such as speed and momentum <S> (for example, it cannot stop a clock nor a projectile in mid-flight).[1] <S> Although the Geass can work on Jeremiah Gottwald, Jeremiah's Geass Canceler automatically activates when that happens: <S> limiting the Geass' effect on him to just a few seconds. <S> As you can see from Wikipedia, he has a bunch of weaknesses. <S> Essentially, everytime he uses it he gets a heart attack, even for a second. <S> We all know what repeated heart attacks can do: they kills some of your heart cardiac walls. <S> It not even a temperory weakness. <S> He essentially trades a part of his lifespan every time he uses it. <S> His geass also cannot stop any inanimate object (unlike Sakura's time card :D). <S> Hope this helps :D <A> When he uses his power his heart stops beating!In other words if he uses his Geass for a long time he dies because his blood stops circulating!
The limit of his geass comes from a sort of body-based time limit (surviving while his heart is stopped) preventing extended use, rather than a limit of the power itself.
In which episode does Tsuna get stronger? I would like to know in which episode Tsuna gets stronger, so that I can tell my friend and get him to stop bothering me! Can anyone answer it for me please? <Q> The episode is aptly named too: <S> "I Want to Win! <S> Moment of Awakening" <S> He can use the Hyper Dying <S> Will Mode which is a calmer version of the Dying Will Mode. <A> Well, he enters Hyper Dying <S> Will Mode in episode 26, and apparently after doing so by means of the pill or bullet, the person should be able to do it on their own, but Tsuna still can't as of episode 35; he doesn't seem to have gotten any stronger. <A> He actually gets stronger in episode 25 as he obtains his mittens and gets shot with a new bullet allowing him to use fire (his deathperation flames with his mittens) <S> P.S: <S> Sorry I forgot the bullet name <A> He first goes badass mode on episode 25. <S> But he doesn't truly actually start getting stronger until they start training in the Varia arc, which is the entire second season. <S> So basically, the whole 1st season is dedicated to building up relationships so that the family bond is solid and powerful so that they can really go crazy in season 2. <S> However, after it starts getting crazy, it never stops.
He gets stronger in episode 25, and the story takes on a shonen-ish type of twist.
How was The Dwarf in the Flask created? In the Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, it was revealed that The Dwarf in the Flask was an experiment of the King of Xerxes and that it has Van Hohenheim's blood. But it wasn't explained what method was used to create him. So, how was The Dwarf in the Flask created? Was it ever explained in the manga? <Q> The backstory of van Hohenheim and Father is discussed in chapter 74 and 75. <S> All we see is this: The Dwarf in the Flask talks to slave no. 23, whom he names. <S> Van Hohenheim is taught to read and write, and ends up in a better position in the household. <S> The king wants immortality, and the homunculus tricks him and destroys the whole country, excepting Hohenheim. <S> The only thing relevant in these chapters to how the homunculus was created is this: it notes that blood was taken from Hohenheim to create the homunculus. <S> From chapter 74 <S> : <S> The notion that they have blood relation is repeated later in chapter 75, but this is the main thing we ever get as to the origin of the Dwarf in the Flask. <S> It's possible of course that there might have been more information in bonus material to the series, but the fact that the Wikia lacks anything beyond this and that I've never seen any serious commentary on this among fans of FMA suggest that this probably isn't the case. <A> Fullmetal Alchemist is an Anime that IS somewhat based on real alchemy, so you can ask this question by thinking about Real Alchemy in this very own world we live in. <S> In the past, many alchemists tried to create artificial life-forms called homunculus, which was used in this anime as a base for the homunculus in the anime. <S> The Dwarf in the Flask looks very similar to what alchemists at that time were trying to do, like trying to fertilize a chicken egg with their own semen and blood, seal it inside a flask and hope that a small human would be born from that interaction. <S> So, as he was made inside a flask, he probably was made in a similar manner, we just don't have the exact "recipe" <S> Here are some references and interesting facts: <S> By the way, I didn't know, but Paracelsus was credited for the first mention on Homunculus. <S> Paracelsus was the inspiration behind Hohenheim, which is where his name came from: Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim <A> This is corroborated by those little black hands that grab anyone entering the Gate, which look remarkably like the Dwarf's hands. <A> Dwarf in the flask is in my opinion a depiction of the emerald tablet. <S> The father or creator of alchemy and all alchemical nature's. <S> It is also the thing the philosopher stone was created from. <A> Like Mihreia said above, I also believe the little Dwarf in the flask to be a piece of the gate. <S> Partly because of it's vast knowledge and the very easily recognizable little black hands that strech out to grab things. <S> Though I want to add that the people of Xerxes may have had alchemy skills and methods that the modern people of Amestris are unable to grasp hold of. <S> Maybe it was a lost skill. <S> It's like how we still have mysteries of people and events of the past. <S> Till now, we dont know how the pyramids were built. <S> Maybe it's something of that sort. <S> Other than that <S> , all the other sources I've read do not give much information as to who,where or how the first homunculous came to be.
Considering the Dwarf in the Flask knew a vastly complicated array like theXerxes Array, it's probably a piece of Gate Knowledge put into a body by analchemist using Slave 23's blood.
How does Renji become stronger than Rukia? I only have the anime to go on so maybe there's an explanation in the manga. It seems clear that Ichigo is stronger than Rukia was in episode 1 at the point of his first battle with Renji. In fact it seems like Ichigo may have been stronger as soon as he became a soul reaper, but based on Rukia's reaction to the stronger enemies up to that point (Menos Grande, and Grand Fisher) it seems she believes that a single shinigami could hope to win in cases where Ichigo does. This seems to imply that Ichigo is stronger than Rukia ever was at that point. Then Ichigo fights Renji and is at least closely matched. It's difficult to say that at the point where Ichigo gains the upper hand whether he is stronger or weaker than when he was fighting stronger enemies in the past but it does seem like Ichigo and Renji, at their first meeting, are at roughly the same strength which is greater than Rukia's at the beginning of the series. But in episode 32 where Renji has his flashback to his time in the Rukon district and training to be a shinigami it seems clear that Rukia was always stronger than he was. So then how do we explain this discrepancy? Did Renji get significantly stronger in the few months Rukia was in the world of the living? Is there any particular reason for that? Or am I underestimating how strong Rukia was at the start? <Q> When Rukia stepped into the world of the living, she had to inhabit a "Gigai" (empty body) to be able to interact with the living. <S> That body was provided by Kisuke Urahara. <S> Hidden inside that Gigai was one of his inventions (the Hōgyoku), which by being placed in the same body as a Shinigami would be destroyed, or so he planned. <S> After Rukia gifting her Shinigami power to Ichigo, her powers failed to return, and the Hōgyoku was what was blocking Rikia's powers. <S> Along with the tower she was held in during her wait for execution, she was left with no power. <S> Shortly after she was saved, the Hōgyoku was stolen, and her power began to very slowly return. <S> In the later episodes, when she has recovered, you can clearly see her strength after she has enough power to call forth her Zanpakutō with its overwhelming ability to freeze enemies. <S> Just as Ichigo has gotten stronger from numerous fights with Hollow and Shinigami, so has Renji from their fights and his own determination to save Rukia from her execution and later protect her from further harm. <S> Also, his power was boosted considerably with him mastering his Bankai at the same time Ichigo was unlocking his own. <S> Plus, all Shinigami have their power capped/suppressed when visiting the human world, or they would seriously damage the living. <A> Because he had the best scores in the academy, Renji was in the the advanced class together with other students, Kira and Hinamori among them. <S> Rukia was in the normal class because her scores were worse. <S> Besides, the scene in the anime with Rukia making a bigger ball of light than Renji is filler, and it doesn't appear in the manga. <S> Additionally, that wouldn't necessarily indicate that Rukia was stronger, as it can simply mean that Rukia was better at kido. <A> Renji has always been stronger than Rukia in every arc as he possesses bankai and even in base form Renji would still slightly ahead of Rukia. <S> Obviously, after their training with the zero squad, if they all get the exact same treatment, Renji would be stronger and Byakuya would be stronger than Renji. <S> In SS arc, Byakuya was stronger than Renji with bankai in just his base/shikai state. <S> even with shikai, Byakuya could have easily defeated Renji's bankai at that time. <S> During the Blood war arc start Byakuya's shikai was also stronger than Renji's by a lot. <S> Renji was not even able to injure as nodt while Byakuya could. <S> During the fullbring arc, Ichigo's shikai was stronger than Renji's bankai as seen from his feats against a Mid tier SR opie Ichigo was dominating while he stayed in shikai but Renji could not even injure a mid tier as nodt. <S> If we say that Rukia after the 2 year time skip was a Peak/Top level Vice captain and Renji a Low tier captain on the same level as SS Byakuya/Bankai Ichigo then the power boost they all receive is 1 tier +. <S> Rukia would go from Top Vice captain to Top Tier Captain level same level as Gin Ichimaru/Shinji Renji would go from Low Captain tier to Low Elite/Senior Captain about as strong as Stark/ulquiorra R1, bleach has confirm that Vasto lord are stronger than captain which infact they are, that is why Captain level and Senior captain are different <S> Byakuya would jump from Mid-high captain tier to Mid Senior captain tier which is about the same level as Shunsui/Unohana Ichigo in the fullbring arc should be in the same level as top Tier captain so Shinji/Gin while Kensei should be a Mid tier captain, Soi Fon a high tier captain <S> Aizen would be a high-top Tier Senior Captain <S> while Yamamoto would be Top tier Senior captain or shinigami Limit absolute limit Ichibei would be a transcendent Level tier fighter as he in shikai was superior to Yamamoto by a landslide given that he gave Yhwach a good beating with ease before plot device came in. <A> Her bankai being considerably deadly and strong <A> You forget Rukia has more spirit energy. <S> She fainted as a kid because of the spiritual pressure of the Shinigami. <S> Renji wasn't able to feel it yet. <S> Also the hogyoku was slowly turning her human or something and after she got locked away with no access to reiki. <S> Wich made it so she wouldn't recover fast. <S> Like she would otherwise.
Renji appears stronger in the anime but eventually in the manga when Rukia reaches her bankai and becomes captain of the 13th squad she gains tremendous power and therefore is thought to become stronger than Renji.
Where is this picture from? How do I use Reverse Image Search to find the source of an anime/manga image? So I see an image that I believe is from either an anime or a manga. What are some ways that I can go about finding what series it's from? Try these options: Google reverse image search (browser built-in support and plugins) Other reverse image search engines: TinEye, SauceNao, iqdb Search engine tailored to searching anime by screenshots Search for an anime or manga character Technique: Cropping the image Animated GIF: Picking the right frame Note : Please note that as of May 9, 2016, ALL identification-request questions are now off-topic . Therefore, you can't ask an identification request question on this site. However, such questions are still welcome in our main chat for users with at least 20 rep (globally on StackExchange). Protip : If you are using Google Image Search in a non-English language , change your language to English or just use Google NCR for better, more accurate results. <Q> Google reverse image search Chrome for desktop <S> Let's say you saw an interesting image online <S> and you want to identify the anime it's from. <S> To do this, you'll have to: <S> Right-click on the image. <S> Click "Search Google for this image". <S> and here it is: Using another desktop browser <S> Note : If you are using Firefox, you can download the Search By Image (by Google) plugin and search for images like when using Chrome. <S> If you use a Chromium based browser (like Opera), you can download the same extension from Chrome Web Store . <S> Press the camera button. <S> Paste the image URL, or upload a file from your computer. <S> Using Chrome for mobile Just press and hold the image and click "Search Google for this image". <S> Using another mobile browser <S> Switch your browser to desktop mode, and then follow the steps in Using another desktop browser . <A> Search parts of a larger picture <S> Sometimes you find a huge image, or an image consisting of several characters whom you want to identify. <S> In that case, you will first need to crop the image for the search to work correctly. <S> Cropping the image <S> First you will need to crop the image. <S> For example, let us use this picture from DeviantArt: <S> Suppose we want to find out who the top right character is, and from which anime he is. <S> First, you need to single his picture out. <S> You can do so by importing the picture into a picture editor such as Paint or Photoshop, or an external screenshot device such as Gyazo . <S> After cropping the image you should have a picture similar to this: Having the cropped the image, you can follow almousawi's guide to reverse image search it. <A> This can also be done with GIFs. <S> Some GIFs on the internet do not have much movement, and it's usually safe to run those through the reverse image search without more extra work. <S> However, other GIFs involve a lot more motion, and so it can be trickier (particularly since some of the frames can be useless). <S> This can sometimes be done by "timing" the search right (by clicking just before the right frame) and trying a different points in the GIF, but this isn't very efficient, particularly since it can be hard to get the timing right. <S> A better tactic is to first break down the GIF into all its frames and search some of the more promising ones. <S> There are a number of websites where this can be done, such as gif-explode . <S> We can then run a couple individual reverse image searches, and some frames might work better than others. <S> Demo <S> For example, this GIF does very poorly at certain frames, yet as I stated in my answer in this question , some of the frames do work. <S> Running this through gif-explode, I get the GIF broken down into its frames. <S> (Click on the image to get bigger picture.) <S> I pick a couple of frames and run them through Google Reverse Image Search, and the frame boxed in red gives me the very useful result of illya archer , and some links to the Fate series. <S> Meanwhile, other frames in this GIF give me no result, so it can take a couple of tries. <A> Other reverse image search engines <S> Aside from Google , there also exist TinEye , SauceNao and iqdb . <S> You can either go to these links and upload your image for search, or if you want to search an image that is already published on the internet, copy the following links into your browser's address bar and add the image link at the end of it. <S> <S> TinEye shows better search results than other engines for images that look like screenshots from anime tv series and gifs from social networks and blogs. <S> SauceNao and iqdb are usually better for searching original artwork that does not come from anime movies, series or manga. <S> Caution : <S> sometimes search results contain NSFW images , especially for very low quality images. <S> If unsure, use all reverse image search engines listed on this page until you find your source. <A> I have developed a reverse search engine tailored for searching anime by screenshots. <S> Try this yourselves at . <S> You may also search by right clicking any image after installing the chrome extension . <S> Demo screenshot: <A> Searching Anime Character Database <S> Sometimes you don't get results from an image search(Fan Art, Cosplay etc.) <S> or you just remember the character but don't have any images. <S> You can search in the Anime Character Database for the physical traits of the character. <S> For example let me use the image from Dimitri mx's answer (sorry, but I couldn't think of an example image), taken from DeviantArt : <S> Suppose we want to know the second character in the last row. <S> We note that she seems to be female, has white hair (length we can't say for sure), blue eyes, and looks to be a teen or child. <S> Now go to the Anime Character Database Search , enter the traits and press search. <S> There she is, as the first result Clicking on the result will give further details about her like the anime in which she has appeared, etc. <S> You can also use tags like Armor, Hair Ribbons, etc. <S> Note: <S> You can use filter to show safe images only, questionable only or everything.
To search for images on browsers other than Chrome, you'll have to: Go to Google image search .
Will a person die when their name is written in the situation of death? The answer by Imprfectluck at this question made me wonder what would happen to people whose name was written down in the details of another persons death. For example: John Doe dies after his date with Jane Doe . The foremost basic rule of the Death Note states that The human whose name is written in this note shall die . So will Jane Doe die? We additionally have rule LIV that states that if you write the cause and details of death on a different page, you need to be thinking of the original victim and would not be able to think both of John and Jane at the same time. This would indicate that you have to choose what will happen. Either you think of John and the details happen, either you think of Jane and she dies. Does a similar rule exist when writing on the same page? Or is writing someone's name in the details of another's death just an exception to that first rule? In order to make the Death Note take effect, the victim's name must be written on the same page, but the cause of death and situation around the death can be described in other pages of Death Note. This will work as long as the person that writes in the Death Note keeps the specific victims name in mind when writing the cause and situation of death. <Q> It seems this was actually confirmed by L in chapter 45. <S> The Yotsuba company had made tests of their own, and deduced rules from this. <S> One of the things they deduced was that If other names are specified, the action becomes void and they all have heart attacks. <S> Therefore a person written in the situation of death would completely void the action and kill all written names with a heart attack. <S> Obviously the most fundamental rules need to be fulfilled (eg: <S> Think of that person's face, nicknames would not work, ...), but it seems that the complete action would actually be voided if more names were written down in the situation of death. <A> That is correct. <S> The death note will not cause the deaths of other humans whose names are not written. <S> But once written, all bets are off. <A> OK here is the discussion that gave me that idea. <S> Can you have someone you are controlling with a Death Note order a murder? <S> For instance, could Light have written down the name of a mob boss, then write, "orders the demolition of the hotel where L is currently staying, then dies three hours later." <S> No, for two reasons. <S> The first is that the Death Note can only kill one person per name. <S> If it brings harm to anyone else, the person will just die of a heart attack. <S> Also, aliases don't work, period. <S> The Death Note doesn't know who L or Kira or Wedy or Aiber or Near or Mello or anyone else with an alias are. <S> Real names only. <S> However, you could write something like "Report Siht. <S> Demolishes a hotel, then subsequently dies." and then write "L Lawliet. <S> Crushed by falling debris as his hotel is demolished. <S> " <S> As long as two names are written, they are able to interact. <S> Isn't it only that the person cannot directly harm people? <S> Of course, regardless of that, "orders the demolition of the hotel where L is currently staying" is impossible because the mob boss could impossibly know that L is staying in a hotel or which hotel that is. <S> Although the above discussion tries to prove that you would need the name of person to be killed to actually kill them. <S> So as long as Jane Doe's name is in the notebook , it will kill them. <S> Either in one sentence or two sentence. <S> If you do not think of the person , the death note's command would not work either as it protects from killing someone by mistake. <S> So either the command will work or Jane doe will die are the only possible outcomes. <A> In Death Note: How to Use It <S> I, the second rule is this: <S> This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. <S> Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected. <S> The important part of the rule to look at is the first part. <S> This means that since you were meaning to kill John Doe, and this death won't cause the death of Jane Doe, then you were probably only thinking of John Doe's face, and thus, Jane Doe won't die.
Jane Doe will die of a heart attack 40 seconds later (unless the cause/time of death is also described for the second victim).
What is the background story of Hatsune Miku? I do understand it is a fictional character, and so I feel there must be a story behind this virtual Diva. I am interested in learning "how" Hatsune Miku became interested in singing. <Q> As is the case with most vocaloids, the company that invented 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku), Crypton Future Media, released an official personal data sheet for Miku; however, this contains her physical and technical traits rather than personality or back story, which intentionally allows the fans to take a role in developing the characterization of the character. <S> She is referred to as a "beloved collaboratively constructed cyber celebrity with a growing user community across the world. <S> " <S> Some fans have been allowed to create officially-sponsored costumes for Miku through a design competition for the Sapporo Yuki Matsuri (Snow Festival). <S> It could be said that the clothing design becomes a part of the character's personality (i.e. this is the sort of fashion that Miku would wear). <S> 『メーカー非公式 初音みっくす』 <S> ( Meekaa Hikoushiki Hatsune Mikkusu ) is a manga about Hatsune Miku which ran in『月刊コミックラッシュ』 <S> ( Gekkan Comic Rush ) magaizine published by ジャイブ株式会社 (JIVE Ltd.). <S> It is licensed in North America by Dark Horse Comics under the title Hatsune Miku: <S> Unofficial Hatsune Mix . <S> 『週刊はじめての初音ミク <S> 』 <S> ( Shuukan Hajimete no Hatsune Miku ) is a yonkoma <S> gag manga that ran in 『週刊ヤングジャンプ』 <S> ( Shuukan Young Jump ) magazine published by 集英社 (Shuueisha). <S> Additionally, some mangaka of 『りぼん』( Ribon ) <S> shoujo manga magazine published by Shuueisha have drawn illustrations of Miku that were included in a 付録 (furoku = freebie) included with an issue of the magazine, and on some special pages printed in the magazine. <S> Each of these portrayals have different aspects and storylines for Miku, in keeping with the collaborative, undefined nature of vacaloid characters. <S> Crypton intentionally encourages fans to create their own songs, music videos, visual novels, doujinshi, fanfiction, fanart, etc. <S> and basically anything is fair game; portrayals that strike a chord with many fans rise in popularity, where fans adopt another fan creator's rendition of Miku into their own image of her character. <S> Miku is who each person wants her to be, which includes limitless options for coming up with her backstory. <A> Like I said in the comment, official background story for Hatsune Miku doesn't exist. <S> Like pointed by @seijitsu in his answer, Crypton Future Media released only his physical and technical traits. <S> This applies to most other Vocaloids too if not all. <S> There are various stories about Hatsune Miku on the net. <S> She even have 2 visual novels namely, Mirai no Kimi to, Subete <S> no Uta ni and Mirai <S> no Uta to, Tsunagaru Hitomi . <S> If I remember correctly, one tells about how she got interested in singing. <S> Those visual novels, however, are not official story from Crypton. <S> They are fan made stories released on Comiket. <S> Depiction of Miku's personal item (ultimate weapon?) <S> the Leek (in Western community) or Negi (in Japanese community) is also based on fan-made videos. <S> It started from the song "Ievan Polka", which is a composer-made song, not a song from Crypton. <S> You can try checking Nico Nico Douga to find videos of Hatsune Miku daily conducts made with MMD. <S> It has story of her and other Vocaloids like the Kagamine twins, Luka, and Kaito. <A> Miku is a product. <S> She is made to sing, she has no other purpose in life but to sing. <S> Before being a singing superstar, she didn't exist. <S> Miku has a version number, she is character version 01 of the singing software Vocaloid. <S> Her tattoo is much like a serial number on a factory product. <S> Factory products don't have back-stories :( <S> If Miku did have a background story, it would probably be fan-driven and non-canon, as the creators of Miku & Co left their stories purposefully open so that creators could write their own stories - <S> Similarly, they didn't mention what style of music Miku likes or what her aspirations in life are.
There is no one background story for Miku.
Why can't the birdcage be cut? Why does it appear that Doflamingo's Bird Cage is indestructible? What is the different between the strings used in DD's attacks and the birdcage? Why can't Zoro cut the birdcage? <Q> I don't think it is because Zoro cannot cut the cage that he is trying to push it back. <S> In chapter 270 he was in a similar situation, where he was trapped by the White Cage during the Ordeal of Iron . <S> At that time he says it is completely unnecessary to trap him, because he is not going to run away. <S> Now, with the birdcage, the situation is similar in the sense that he has no intention of running away. <S> He will try to kill anyone present at the island, with or without the birdcage. <S> Zoro knows this and knows that the person that will defeat Doflamingo is Luffy, but he does not know how much more time Luffy will need. <S> Therefore to buy Luffy as much time as he can and to prevent as much casualties as he can, he tries to block the cage, instead of cutting it. <S> We have no clue what would happen if he cuts the cage and it will probably require much needed energy, which will probably just go to waste by cutting the cage over and over again, because we all know Doflamingo will keep putting it up again and again. <S> Now as to your question whether the birdcage is indestructible, that has not yet been revealed up until the latest chapter 787 . <S> Other than a few unknown pirates and the meteor from Fujitora, there has not been a single person that has actually tried to attack the cage, not now, nor in the flash-back. <S> Therefore it is hard to say how strong the strings actually are. <A> I have 2 theories on why Zoro did'nt try to cut the birdcage. <S> He never interferes with Luffy's fight just like Luffy will never interferes with his... <S> he could have also chosen to attack Doffy directly now that he's weakened badly and either defeat Doffy or easily buying the 10min Luffy needs... <S> instead he chose to delay the birdcage closing and believe in Luffy eventually defeating Doffy and making Luffy appears as the ultimate hero in stopping both Doffy and birdcage. <S> Doffy has COC haki and Zoro doesn't. <S> So at this point he can't go up against Doffy nor cut his birdcage. <S> Personally I prefers the first theory cause it's way cooler <S> and there is the speculation that Zoro possess COC ever since his fight with Monet. <S> As for Fujitora I believe he could not openly oppose Doffy due to their respective status. <A> First of all, the birdcage itself cuts. <S> A person not possessing Haki can't even touch the cage. <S> If they try to touch they might get injured. <S> Here is a proof: <S> Zoro told them to move towards the factory because the factory is made of sea-stone (Kairoseki) as mentioned in the wikia and is immune to getting cut by the threads, but is getting dragged instead. <S> So the question of normal people cutting it is solved. <S> But what about the people who possess Haki? <S> The threads created by Doflamingo are thin enough to be almost invisible but strong enough to slice rocks, trees and even meteors as per wikia . <S> There's no person who has attempted to cut down the Birdcage. <S> Since no one has tried, it's probably presumed by the swordsmen like Fujitora, Zoro, Trafalgar and Bastille that it can't be cut. <S> It's similar to the barriers of Bartolomeo that are indestructible. <A> I believe that his awakening or conquerors Haki may be directly associated to the birdcages invulnerability, even Fujitora and Zoro cannot cut it. <S> It also may be because doffy's clone, whom he doesn't need to directly control will just continuously set up the cage. <S> My final speculation is that the birdcages center might contract upon cutting a section out of it, making cutting it a bad option. <A> Well I believe that zoro still not strong enough to cut the tread, as he said he cant hold much longer againts the thread, and I believe fujitora able to cut the thread <S> but he choose not to. <S> straw hat teams still need training and it will be time skip 2
Cutting the birdcage or running away, will not benefit anyone with Doflamingo still around.
Can an adult be killed using the Death Note, by remembering their childhood face while writing the name? To kill a person using the Death Note, you are required to think of their face while writing their name. If the Death Note user last saw a person decades ago when he was a child, but has no idea what he looks like now, can he kill the person by remembering the childhood face? <Q> This is never really explained, but according to the rules, you should be able to kill that person, if you know their name and face. <S> The human whose name is written in this note shall die. <S> This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. <S> Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.             <S> — Death Note, How to Use: I <A> According to Rule XX : If above conditions are met, names and life spans can be seen through photos and pictures, no matter how old they are. <S> But this is sometimes influenced by the vividness and size. <S> Also, names and life spans cannot be seen by face drawings, however realistic they may be. <S> If the Shinigami Eyes work through a picture no matter how old it is, this would seem to take into account childhood photographs. <S> The rules for using Shinigami Eyes (actually seeing them) compared to using the Death Note (remembering their face) are much stricter, so I would assume that, as long as it was a clear memory, remembering their face would work. <S> If the Death Note counts a child version as definitely that person , then it will work. <A> This is not expanded on in the series just like many other rules regarding the Death Note. <S> I believe Ohba has not commented on such things either. <S> My opinion is: No . <S> I think a photo of a person's face can qualify as "has the person's face in their mind" if (and only if?) <S> that person's current appearance is not too far from how the person looks in one's memory or in a photo. <S> I doubt a baby picture of L accurately describes the current appearance of L. A possibly relevant detail: I would say those drawings of Mello and Near would be far superior to photos of them when they were younger. <S> Since those drawings do not work for inferring names with Shinigami Eyes , I guess childhood photos also won't work when used for inferring names with Shinigami Eyes and possibly the same for the scenario in the question. <S> So who judges "not too far"? <S> I guess whomever invented Death Notes and their rules in the first place or whomever is responsible for the Death Notes' working. <S> As Death Note is fantasy and not scifi, I think such question will not have a precise answer.
Also, remember that the purpose of remembering their face is only to distinguish them from people with the same name or to check that you know who you are writing about. However, if you were to kill someone (using a Death Note) who is about 13, and you last saw them when they were 11, that may work.
Anime about a guy who becomes a girl's spirit familiar About two weeks ago, at a Funimation panel, they were showing off some anime that they had recently dubbed. One of the anime they showed caught my eye, but I completely forgot what it was called. As far as I can remember, the plot went something like this: By some random circumstance, this guy (I assume he's the main character), a human, becomes this girl's spirit familiar (or something). Then they go to a special school. Yep, that's what my brain remembers. If anyone has any clue as to what I'm talking about, please help. I was at ACen 2015 (15-17 May, so two weeks ago) when I heard about this. I honestly don't remember anything about how it looked like, but the series couldn't have been more than 3 years old. <Q> That sounds like Zero <S> no Tsukaima or The Familiar of Zero . <S> Visit its Wikipedia article to verify whether it matches your description. <S> It's one of my favorite, and it already has season 2. <A> It could be The Familiar of Zero Meet Louise, a budding magician. <S> The students at the Tristein Academy call her "Zero Louise", due to her current record of zero successes with magic. <S> In fact, her magic tends to go spectacularly wrong. <S> Now, as an important test of her aptitude for magic, she must summon a familiar to be her servant. <S> At this critical moment, she summons up all her magic and wishes for a familiar that is "devoted, beautiful and powerful", and gets... <S> Hiraga Saito, an ordinary Japanese boy. <S> It's difficult to say who is more surprised and dismayed, but the rules don't allow for second attempts. <S> Louise is stuck with her strange familiar, and he with her. <S> Proof's <S> By some random circumstance, this guy (I assume he's the main character), a human, becomes this girl's spirit familiar (or something). <S> Then they go to a special school <S> Saito starts going to the same school as Louise, Tristein Academy , because he is now no longer of Earth but instead another world Contradictions at a funimation panel, they were showing off some anime that they had recently dubbed <S> FUNimation Entertainment did at one time have the licenses to distribute The Familiar of Zero, however these licenses have since expired and now owned by Section23 Films (Since 2014) <A> Given it was recent and from Funimation, I'd argue that it's Tokyo Ravens , rather than Familar of Zero . <S> Both are good series though, so do check them out. <S> Licencer panel was Funimation, and Tokyo Ravens is distributed by Funimation. <S> Tokyo Ravens original run was from October 9 2013, to March 26 2014, which is quite recent. <S> Familiar of Zero has been out for more than 3 years, given that it has 4 seasons. <S> The male protagonist, Harutora Tsuchimikado, fits the normal guy setting. <S> He was born into an onmyouji family, but has no power to sense spiritual power whatsoever. <S> He takes up on a promise he made long ago to become Natsume's shikigami ( familiar ). <S> As Harutora becomes Natsume's shikigami, he has to follow her back to Tokyo and attend the Onmyo Prep School (which is a specialized school ) with Natsume. <S> Figured <S> I'd give a small quip from work...
This would be Hiraga Saito , as the description of the series points out he is an ordinary Japanese boy and becomes the Familiar for Louise
Where did Naruto get his money from? Well, I know this is kind of a weird question. In episode 176 of Naruto Shippuden , when the village's history is shown, we see that everyone hated Naruto, and even his homeroom teacher (Iruka) didn't understood him. He was upset, and Teuchi of Ichiraku Ramen asked him to have some ramen, but he said "I didn't have money for it" . I thought a lot and was unable to figure out where he got his money from? He didn't have his missions at that time. <Q> TL;DR <S> The Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, looked after Naruto, in accordance with the Fourth Hokage's wish to have the village see Naruto as a hero. <S> Early in the series, Sarutobi mentions how the Fourth Hokage sealed the Kyuubi inside Naruto, and died wishing that the village would treat Naruto as a hero. <S> Much later, it is also revealed that: Sarutobi personally witnessed the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato, use the Shiki Fuijin technique to assist in sealing the Kyuubi inside Naruto. <S> Sarutobi remarks about Minato making his own son a Jinchuriki to save the village. <S> In the process, Naruto also became an orphan minutes after he was born. <S> (Chapter 504) Sarutobi saw the Fourth Hokage's deed as a heroic sacrifice (especially in the light of the spoiler-text above), and took up the responsibility of fulfilling the Fourth Hokage's wish. <S> Naturally, that includes paying for the orphan child's expenses until he is old enough. <S> Along the same lines, it was also mentioned that Sarutobi banned any discussion of the Kyuubi incident and severely punished anyone who disobeyed. <S> Most other people either hated Naruto or were indifferent towards him, as he remarks multiple times later on during the series. <S> Thus, nobody besides Sarutobi could possibly care to pay for Naruto's expenses. <S> 1 <S> Hence, although nobody explicitly stated that the Third Hokage looked after Naruto's expenses (room rent, food, clothes, etc.), it is obvious that this is what happened. <S> 1 <S> Why didn't Sarutobi treat him with a bit more warmth from the beginning, especially when he knew who Naruto's parents were? <A> As we all know that Third Hokage, Sarutobi was always there for orphans especially those whose parents were shinoubi and had died for Konoha , such a case can be seen for Iruka when he was child and had lost his parents as in Episode 144 of Shonen Jump ,in Mizuki's flashback. <S> Same was the case with Naruto for his father , The Fourth Hokage had also used the forbidden jutsu, died and made his son a jinchurikki as to save Konoha that is why Naruto was given all economical support but the caring and love could not be given to him by Sarutobi because hokage is always busy in paper work and assembling of ninjas and could not spare time for that, the proof for that thing is when Lady Tsunade is made hokage <S> she has bundles and bundles of paperwork to do so. <S> That is how Naruto has money but still spends his life in Loneliness and Despair. <A> Go to 4:32 the third hokage is shown giving Naruto his expenses
This also leads to one of the many plotholes in Naruto's childhood story: Naruto has said a few times that Iruka-sensei was the first person who cared for him, and before then, his life was a hell of loneliness.
Does Kakashi's Sharingan use more chakra than the Uchiha clan members? As in Naruto , Kakashi used his Sharingan only during a combat. Where as the Uchiha clan members (mainly Itachi and Madara), used their Sharingan almost all the time. So, does the Sharingan consume more chakra in the case of Kakashi as compared to an Uchiha? <Q> To directly answer the question, NO , it doesn't. <S> Theoretically, I think the consumption/amount of chakra using Sharingan comparing to other Uchihas is the same . <S> They only differ on how they use them with their bodies . <S> We all know that Uchihas (mainly Itachi and Madara) has bodies mainly adapted to use Sharingan thus making them efficiently use it in battles. <S> On the other hand, Kakashi retains his body (which is not Uchiha's) causing him to use Sharingan inefficiently which in return produces waste chakra during its usage. <S> But no different body can use the same weapon. <S> Don't get me wrong, the other answer is still correct. <S> But does not necessarily answers the question. <S> Update <S> In addition, as per @mirroroftruth, Kakashi can't deactivate his Sharingan. <S> Active Sharingan constantly use chakra. <A> The answer comes right from the wiki as @mirroroftruth said: When he first recieved it, Kakashi's Sharingan only two tomoe. <S> Later, the traumatic loss of his dear friend Rin Nohara at his own hand caused Kakashi's Sharingan to fully mature. <S> Because he is not of direct Uchiha heritage, Kakashi was unable to deactivate this dōjutsu. <S> This forced him keep it covered when not needed as it also consumed much greater chakra reserves than an Uchiha, leaving him bedridden if overused. <S> Because of this, Kakashi only relied on it when absolute necessary. <S> In Part I, he could only handle using it for a short while in battle before suffering somewhat crippling effects and severe fatigue. <S> In Part II, his efficiency with maintaining it greatly increased, able to use it for seemingly an entire day without any adverse effects. <A> Well, as explained by the Second Hokage : Strong feelings in the Uchiha clan folks had the potential to release a certain type of chakra in their brains. <S> This was visible in their eyes as a red color, which is the Sharingan. <S> The stronger their emotions, the stronger their Sharingan powers grew. <S> They were able to awaken Mangekyo in cases of extreme mental trauma [either self-inflicted / suffered]. <S> Very few have actually done it in the series. <S> Having said that, Kakashi did not awaken a Sharingan, it is Uchiha Obito's eye. <S> He was able to use it by means of his own chakra, but since that did not originate in him, the amount of chakra consumed was higher. <S> Similar to using a scroll for a Suiton [Water] style jutsu, without having an affinity for that type. <S> Since, he could not control the sharingan to the level of actually using whenever required, he covered it with his headband. <S> This doesnot mean he was using the sharingan always, he had to lift up his headband to use it [during combat / <S> when required] <S> He does have vast reserves of chakra as displayed by his use of copied techniques, body activation and his own elemental manipulation, which are not easy without that. <S> But Sharingan is something external to him, and he needs to focus more chakra to it. <S> Wanted to add upon the wiki reference with some additional info. <S> HTH. <A> Seeing as though Kakashi is not an Uchiha by blood, his body does not have the required physical strength to use the blood trait of the Sharingan <S> therefore it requires a lot more of his chakra to use in comparison to an Uchiha's usage of the Sharingan. <S> This works for any and all Dojutsu, if you are not the original wielder and don't have the genetics for it, it will be extremely difficult for you to wield. <S> While Obito did in fact have the spiritual energy to use the Rinnegan, he didn't have any bloodline relations to the Senju or Uzumaki and couldn't use the Rinnegan at all.
Sharingans are like weapons - same weapon requires equal strength in order to use them.
What is the meaning of "Argonaut"? In episode 9 of Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? ( DanMachi ) Bell learns how to use an Argonaut skill which Hestia refers to as a skill for a hero. What is the literal meaning of Argonaut when used in this context? <Q> In DanMachi's universe, Argonaut is the name of the story of a boy who wants to be a hero , according to the conversation between the Loki familiar members from 17:16 in episode 8: <S> Bell: <S> This is my adventure. <S> I want to be... <S> I want to be a hero! <S> Tiona (Tione?) <S> : Like the Argonaut... <S> Finn: <S> It's the story of a boy who wants to be a hero, <S> yeah. <S> Tiona <S> /Tione: I liked that story, too. <S> However, that is not its first mention in the story. <S> Argonaut appeared as early as episode 5 as part of the visual, when Bell was answering the question posed by the grimoire, as to what he sought from magic (the image corresponds to the bold line): <S> Bell: <S> What do I seek from magic? <S> Bell: <S> The woman who's faster than anyone, like a lightning bolt... <S> I want to catch up to her. <S> Bell : <S> Is that all? <S> Bell : If it were possible... I'd like to be a hero. <S> Like in the fairy tales I read when I was a kid. <S> A hero they'd be satisfied with. <S> Bell : <S> You're such a child. <S> Bell : I'm sorry. <S> But that's who I am! <S> Bell : <S> That's who I am! <S> While the alphabets are distorted, it still bears a lot of similarities to English alphabet, especially A, R, U, T. <S> I don't know whether the light novel reveals the name of the fairy tale in this scene, though. <S> The fact that Bell attained the skill Argonaut , which is named after the story of a boy who wants to be hero, signifies his strong desire to become a hero , which is the meaning of the kanji in the title of episode 8 [英雄願望]{Argonaut}. <A> gives the definition for 'argonaut' as: <S> Further down that same webpage, the thesaurus provides a description of an argonaut as: <S> Someone engaged in a dangerous but potentially rewarding adventure <S> Thirdly, gives the appropriate definition as: <S> A person in quest of something dangerous but rewarding; adventurer. <S> It seems that an Argonaut skill is simply a skill for an adventurer to learn, and Hestia's comment appears to confirm that. <S> As mentioned in my above comment, (and as I originally thought before research) <S> Argonaut also refers to any man who, in Greek Mythology accompanied Jason on his quest for the Golden Fleece aboard his ship, Argo . <S> This may well be where the word originated from due to it's Greek/Latin origins, but that's a different question for another day! <A> Argonaut story in Danmachi universe, as recalled by Bell in the volume 4 of the light novel: <Argonaut <S> >. <S> That is a myth where a boy with no special skills headed to rescue a princess kidnapped by a Bull Monster. <S> The protagonist was often deceived, he did not even know that he was deceived. <S> The story advanced in a slightly ridiculous manner, then, the protagonist finally reached where the monster was located. <S> In the end, it seems like he was saved by the princess-sama who was waiting to be rescued? <S> [...] <S> [...]. <S> It was simply uncool…… <S> <By dreaming of being a hero, it is considered to be a hero? <S> > <S> —— I used to say this. <S> My grandfather who claims that he likes this story says “This guy becomes more amazing lateron” and laughs. <S> Compared to that, I would pout and say “This story is already finished”. <S> —— This memory, even now, I still remember. <S> Hence, it is a desire to become a hero, because in the story the boy never actually became one. <A> As Goddess Hestia has said in the end of episode eight, Argonaut is the name of the skill Bell has achieved. <S> She said that it is a skill of wanting to be a hero . <S> And it proved that it is so, when it activates every time he wants to save somebody. <S> So I think Argonaut could be defined in this anime as <S> "the hero in you" , much like the literal meaning of it and in which the Argonaut skill actually gives you the power to fulfill your desire to be a real hero whenever your desire (for wanting to be a hero) wakes up.
Argonaut has a number of meanings, but in this case is simply another word for Adventurer, Hero, Quester etc. A person who is engaged in a dangerous but rewarding quest; an adventurer.
What is the usage of the stones monsters drop? According to the wiki page , adventurers can exchange the gems they collect in the dungeon for money. Magic stones are crystal-like stones that are dropped by monsters. The stones can be exchanged at the Guild for valis (Orario currency). The bigger the stone, the more valis it is worth. I was wondering, why does the Guild want these crystals? Do they have a use? <Q> According to ja. <S> Wikipedia : <S> 魔石 <S> モンスターの生命力の核にして、冒険者の飯の種。例外なく胸部に存在する <S> 。 <S> モンスターを倒して胸の魔石をえぐり出し(アニメでは倒すと肉体が消失して魔石だけが残る)、ギルドで換金するのが冒険者の主な収入源 <S> 。 <S> 魔力が込められており、照明や下水浄化、調理用コンロ、冷蔵庫など、さまざまな道具に用いられる。 胸の魔石を直接攻撃して砕いた場合、モンスターは即死する。 Magic Stones are the core of the monsters' life force, and adventurers' means of living. <S> Without exception, it locates in the monster's chest. <S> Killing the monsters, gouging the Magic Stones out of their chests (in the anime, the body of the monsters disappear when defeated, leaving their Magic Stones behind), and cashing them in at the guild is the main source of income of the adventurers . <S> Monsters die an instant death if the Magic Stone in their chest is destroyed by a direct attack. <S> DanMachi Wiki has a bit more details regarding the use of Magic Stones: <S> Uses <S> Magic Stone Lamp: A handy and flexible use of the Magic Stone is the production of Magic Stone Lamps. <S> These items give off a dim shine that allows one to see underground or in total darkness. <S> It was once considered as the "century's greatest invention." <S> Ignition Device: <S> Magic Stones can be used to produce ignition devices. <S> Freezer: <S> Magic Stones are used in the production of freezers to preserve food. <S> Volume 1, Chapter 2 is cited as the source of the information above. <A> Note that both shards and drop items (monster parts) can be used for crafting. <S> Drop items not necessarily lead to magic items. <S> In episode 9 entitled "Blacksmith (Welf Crozzo)", Bell meet Welf Crozzo and at the end of this episode, Welf made Bell a weapon crafted from the horn dropped by the Minotaur he had killed on previous episode. <S> Since Crozzo is reluctant to craft magic items, the weapon he crafted from the minotaur' horn is not a magical item. <S> Additionally, from Wikipedia Adventurers visit the dungeon to defeat monsters and take their shards, which are used to craft magic items. <A> basically they act as power sources like batteries mainly. <S> bigger ones are worth more because they can be used for longer and contain more power. <S> for example when watching an episode look at the lamps there isn't a candle in there, it is a magic stone.
Charged with magic, Magic Stones can be used to create various tools , such as lighting, sewage purification, cooking stove, refrigerator, etc. Yes, they use it to create potions or armors, weapons and/or anything it can be made out of.
Why does Akane support Sybil? I had a few questions in mind. Akane is someone who strongly believes in justice and she doesn't cross the line even she could. She knows Sybil is not the perfect system and lots of people do suffer from injustice because of it. So why support it then even when she has had the chances to destroy it? I mean how bad can it get without Sybil. It might be difficult for the society without Sybil but if the rest of the world can live without it, then why not the Japanese? <Q> There are several opinions on this matter discussed in the anime, and I believe one of them makes the most sense. <S> The fact that the society living under the law of Sybil has already formed certain behavioral patterns makes it very hard to safely oppose the system. <S> Remember how people start freaking out at the very thought that their criminal rating could go up? <S> How they become extremely nervous at the sight of a criminal activity or something that may look like it. <S> Imagine if they learned that somebody is trying to oppose Sybil, how they would react. <S> This would certainly cause a lot of trouble and quite possibly lots of people killed because of how the Sybil system works. <S> So the safer solution is to change the way it works gradually from within, by changing the basic principles of how it judges people. <S> Akane can't single-handedly destroy the Sybil system, and because she has such a strong sense of justice, she knows it would not be right to risk more innocent people's lives than she has to, so she doesn't really have a lot of choice. <A> First, how Hakase said, the process of disabling Sibyl would be extremely tough and if not done correctly, it would result in many people getting hurt or dying. <S> But there is other problem : what system should replace it? <S> I think it was stressed enough in conversation between Akane and Sybil. <S> Even though Akane doesn't like the current system, she doesn't have a replacement that would give same results as Sybil while being much "nicer". <S> Unlike Makishima, who didn't care what would happen after Sybil was destroyed, she doesn't want to risk anarchy afterwards. <S> And one more thing : <S> no matter how bad you think Sybil is. <S> It still gives "happiness" to most people. <S> Even if life of few are sacrificed for it. <A> I would also like to mention that the rest of the world ISN'T functioning very well without a system like Sybil. <S> Wong and Sybil both stated that most of the countries in the world are in a state of anarchy and disorder.
She doesn't want to risk a situation, where system much worse than Sybil would emerge afterwards.
How many Dragons are there in total in Fairy Tail? Some of the Dragon Slayers were trained by Dragons, while others gained Dragon Slayer Magic by means of Lacrima implants (as in the case of Laxus). For Lacrima implants, the Dragon Slayer Magic has to be extracted from a Dragon (that's my assumption). So how many Dragons in total, living or dead, exist in Fairy Tail? If possible please provide their names. <Q> According to the Fairy Tail wiki , there are 18 Dragons who have been given a name. <S> However in the Grand Magic Games arc we learn that 400 years ago the world was ruled by dragons. <S> Many a Dragon were slain, and thus, the humans became known as Dragon Slayers. <S> Dragons with titles: <S> Igneel - <S> The Fire Dragon King Metalicana - The Iron Dragon Grandeeney - The Sky Dragon Acnologia - The Black Dragon (The Black Dragon of the Apocalypse) <S> Weisslogia - The White Dragon <S> Skiadrum - The Shadow Dragon Zirconis - The Jade Dragon Atlas Flame - The Fire Dragon Belserion - The Sage Dragon Irene Belserion - Queen of Dragons <S> Elefseria - <S> The Law Dragon Mercuphobia - The Water God Dragon <S> Other named Dragons: <S> Motherglare <S> Scissor Runner Levia Dark Dragon Rock Dragon Animus <A> There are thousands, but the main ones (that trained the dragon slayers) are of a number of 5. <S> ( Igneel (Natsu), Grandine (Wendy), Metallicana (Gajeel), <S> Skiadrum (Rogue) and Weisslogia (Sting).) <S> There is also Acnologia , making a total of 6 main dragons. <S> There are a lot of other ones, but these are the dragons worth remembering. <S> Especially Acnologia. <S> There are other minor ones, but I don't think they are really important to the plot. <S> The number of names mentioned is of 13, though. <A> Wendy (Fairy Tail) Sting (Sabertooth) Rogue (Sabertooth) <S> Laxus (Fairy Tail)(Lacrima) <S> Eric (General Cobra)(Crime Sorcery)(Lacrima) <S> Irene (Erza's mother)(Spriggan 12) <S> Acnologia (Dragon King) God Serena <S> (Wizard Saint)(Spriggan 12)(Strongest Man on Ishgar) <S> That makes a total of 10 dragon slayers
there are several dragon slayers (if u look at the dragon war era), but the ones that actually played a role in the story are: Natsu (Fairy Tail) Gajeel (Fairy Tail)
Why wasn't Jiraya able to use Sage mode completely? As shown in Shippuden, Fukasaku, one of the two Great Sage Toads says that Naruto has surpassed his master. Jiraiya was not able to completely enter into sage mode, and as such only had a partial toad-like appearance. This is what I read from Naruto Wiki : Jiraiya didn't like Sage Mode because it gave him a more toad-like appearance, with longer marks along the sides of his face, a goatee, a larger nose with warts, webbed hands and feet and sharp teeth, all of which made him unappealing to girls. This appearance is due to Jiraiya not having complete mastery over the technique. But I don't think this was the only reason for not mastering such a great technique. Even though he was one of the great legendary Sannin, why was he unable to master the Sage mode completely? Any reason other than the above. <Q> The title great Legendary Sannin does not mean theat <S> he was the master of all types of techniques. <S> He has sealing jutsus, summonings, body activation, combination techniques and is a pretty darn awesome Ninja. <S> He did master the Sage techniques, he just couldn't perfect it. <S> It has to be in balance with the other two types of chakra in you. <S> The balance was slightly tending towards Senjutsu chakra for Jiraiya and hence the toad like appearance, doesn't mean he didn't master how to use it. <S> Naruto mastered it too, but with the balance being perfect. <S> Also, his clone training technique gave him 4 times more practice [exponentially more] than what Jiraiya was able to spare during his missions and travels. <S> So it is possible that's a reason he was able to perfect it. <S> Surpassing his master meant the perfect balance of chakra without any frog features according to sage Fukasaku. <S> They both were masters of Senjutsu, as they were able to use it without becoming a toad, were able to perform Kawazu kumite [excuse me if that's a typo] and giant rasengans. <S> HTH. <A> Jiraiya didn't master Sage Mode by plot from Kishi. <S> I mean Sage jutsu is just another technique a bright ninja can master even without large chakra reserves <S> (Minato too had toad sage <S> mode)In my opinion <S> Naruto never surpassed Jiraiya. <S> I mean, we all know the dynamics of kage bunshin upon which naruto relied a lot during his sage training, and resengan training. <S> The advantage naruto had was his mother's bloodline (Uzumaki) which genetically gave him access to vast chakra reserves. <S> vast chakra reserves are needed to be a jinchuuriki( see conversation between 8-tails and his old jinchuuriki, see conversation between 8 tails and the jinchuuriki that killer-bee succeeded, see conversation between killer-bee and naruto in the tailed beast transformation training arc) with little danger since bijuu chakra has the tendency of 'possesing' the jinchuuriki. <A> He was simply incapable of Balancing his Sage Chakra with Physical and Spiritual Energy <S> , That's why he's considered an Imperfect Sage Mode User Naruto on the other hand perfected it because he's capable of balancing 3 Energies
Naruto surpasses Jiraiya as a Sage because of the nature of Sage chakra.
What race are Emperor Pilaf and Garlic Jr.? In Dragon Ball, Piccolo and Kami are written as if they are demons from Earth, but in Dragon Ball Z, it is revealed that they are actually aliens from the planet Namek. Another prominent character who looks like a demon, Emperor Pilaf , is never stated to be a Namekian, but he shares the odd skin tone and pointed ears of one. Similarly, Garlic Jr. is Namekian-looking, minus the antenna, and seems to have some connection with Kami that is never fully explained. He also doesn't seem to grow taller at all (Neither does Emperor Pilaf) and has the same approximate skin tone as Pilaf. They're almost Namekian, but not quite, and don't seem to follow the same character design as other Namekians, and they seem to be permanently short, so I hesitate to call either of them Namekians. I don't know if they're the same species, but they're very similar. What exactly are these two characters? An offshoot of Namekians? Actual demons? Or something else entirely? <Q> Albino Namekian are still presumed all dead. <S> For Emperor Pilaf nothing much is know, we can assume him as earthling like other animal looking people. <S> Other Known Makyans <S> Cinnamon <S> Garlic <S> Ginger <S> Herb Jasmine Mustard <S> Nicky <S> Salt <S> Sansho <S> Spice Vinegar <A> Since this question doesn't have a definitive answer yet, I suppose I'll expand on my comment above. <S> As Ankit Sharma explains, Garlic Jr. is from the Makyo Star. <S> However, I find it doubtful that Emperor Pilaf is also from the Makyo Star. <S> Emperor Pilaf was the first villain introduced in Dragon Ball , when Goku was still a child, before we even knew that Goku was an alien (let alone Piccolo, who wasn't introduced until much later). <S> All the material involving Garlic Jr. is anime-original and dates to long after the start of the manga, whereas Emperor Pilaf is Akira Toriyama's own creation and was introduced right at the start. <S> So why do they look alike? <S> I think it's just a coincidence. <S> As Zibbobz mentions in comments, this would make Emperor Pilaf some kind of Earth creature. <S> (Considering all the weird creatures that live on "Earth" in the Dragon Ball universe, this isn't too hard to accept.) <S> The Dragon Ball manga went on for a long time, and Toriyama himself occasionally used slightly tweaked versions of his earlier designs; that's why Emperor Pilaf and Piccolo look so much alike. <S> The animators who designed Garlic Jr. had to come up with their own design, but also make sure it was consistent with Toriyama's art style. <S> They chose to tweak Emperor Pilaf and Piccolo by changing the color and removing the antennae, probably to maintain a recognizable look. <S> The animators did something similar in the movies: Turles, the villain of The Tree of Might , looks exactly like Goku, for no reason I can remember. <S> Bardock, Goku's blood father, introduced in Bardock - The Father of Goku , is also an exact copy of Goku's appearance (and even shares the same voice actor in the Japanese version). <S> Toriyama's character designs, especially for non-human characters like these two, have a very distinctive look. <S> It's plausible that the animators decided to play it safe and copy his designs, instead of taking their chances and trying to replicate his unique style. <A> Garlic Jr. might look like Namekian or Demon <S> but it's actually a Makyan. <S> The Makyo Star is their home planet. <S> They share similarities with the Namekians and the Demons like pointy ears and evil heart respectively. <S> But they do have a difference, they can transform into Super Form which causes extreme growth of the body and an increase in strength. <S> This is a bit different from Great Namek Form . <S> Although both are gigantification techniques but the Super Form is smaller in size.
Emperor Pilaf is actually a Monster-Type Earthling as it's stated in Daizenshuu #4. Garlic Jr. is a Makyan ( natives of the Makyo Star) not a Albino Namekian.
Why is 1:144 scale used for plastic models? Why a modeler originally choose 1:144 scale to create a plastic model such as GunPla? Why not choose 1:100 or some other number that can easily determine the size of the model from the original size? <Q> (Didn't you ask this exact question of SF&F yesterday?) <S> Traditionally, toy makers have used a 1:12 scale when building scaled down model of real objects, such as dollhouses. <S> This practice pre-dates the metric system, and made it easy to scale down measurements because, at 1:12, one foot becomes one inch. <S> Now, suppose you wanted to build a dollhouse, and inside it, you want to have a dollhouse. <S> To do that, you'd have to scale down your 1:12 model house by another 1:12, to give you 1:144. <S> This is why 1:144 is sometime's called the "dollhouse's dollhouse scale". <S> Since 1:12 and 1:144 were already well known and popular by the time anime miniatures came around, the first people to make such models were already familiar with it, and they used it. <S> After that, it's mostly inertia. <A> It is likely an unofficial common standard based on tradition that is used for small models and figures. <S> Theoretically, you could use whatever scale you wanted. <S> It could cause compatibility problems if you use an uncommon scale as other figures would not be the right proportion due to being based on a different scale, but it would work just as well in every other way. <A> And thinking about it, as scale aircraft came first, I think it likely that Bandai etc adopted existing conventions. <A> Some of the more common modeling scales are based on the Imperial System, rather than the (base-10) Metric System. <S> 1/12 for dollhouses is one foot per inch. <S> The popular aircraft scales of 1/48 and 1/72 are four feet and six feet per inch, respectively. <S> When it came time to produce models of larger subjects, in particular airliners, 1/144 made perfect sense. <S> It is 1/2 the size of 1/72, and still an even division of units in IS (twelve feet to the inch). <S> As a previous answer pointed out, Bandai most likely chose it because it was suitable to the size of their subjects and was already in popular use. <S> There have been efforts to popularize scales that are base-10, but they've had very limited acceptance; 1/50, 1/100 and 1/200 have all been used by various kit-makers, but none have gotten the customer buy-in that the other scales have. <S> Other Imperial-based scales that have strong followings include 1/96, 1/192 and 1/720, which are popular in boat/ship modeling. <S> Then things get interesting in the world of scale. <S> (Well, "interesting" if you're a model geek, I suppose.) <S> Some scales don't really make that much sense, unless you know some of the history. <S> While 1/720 is/was frequently used by U.S. model manufacturer Revell for ships (and later Italian manufacturer Italeri), the 1/700 scale used by Japanese manufacturers has become much more popular . <S> And once 1/700 had a lot of appeal, 1/350 (2x the size of 1/700) came along a few years later for people who wanted larger-scale models. <S> The 1/32 scale (3/8" equals one foot) that is popular in aircraft and has some acceptance in automotive and older armor kits, was mostly introduced by railroad modeling . <S> It is also popular with slot car models. <S> It's popularity with armor lost out over the years to 1/35 scale. <S> 1/35 was made popular by the Japanese manufacturer Tamiya , largely so they could fit motorization gear into their models. <S> Their models proved more popular than the 1/32 offerings from places like Monogram, and eventually 1/32 largely disappeared from the military miniatures landscape. <S> Except for the realm of figurines, many of which are still sculpted to 1/32 (54mm) scale. <S> (I'm sorry... <S> what was the original question...?)
As キルア said, 1:144 is a natural way to scale down a 1:12 scale model, which is another historically popular scale. 1:144 is often used for models of large aircraft like airliners.1:144 is half 1:72 which is a very popular scale for scale model aircraft/tanks etc.
Is it logical that Enel's power is ineffective against Luffy? According to the One Piece wikia's Enel page , Enel's power won't work against Luffy because he is a rubber-man. But at some point, I'm confused from this fact since lighting that strikes at 1 Million Volts would burn anything, even rubber.Also, he melted gold and placed on Luffy's hand. So my question is, is there any logical reason why is it that Luffy doesn't feel any hurt when Enel strikes him?? I will not include what episodes this happen. <Q> No, it isn't logical, but it was deliberate. <S> TVTropes has a trope which perfectly summarizes this kind of phenomenon: "Acceptable Breaks from Reality". <S> A Willing Suspension of Disbelief is a must for almost any work of fiction. <S> There are certain elements of story or gameplay where realism would simply make a work tedious, difficult, or confusing for the audience. <S> Thus there are ways in which works will be blatantly, unabashedly unrealistic, and nobody really minds. <S> The manga deliberately takes liberties with certain inconvenient real-life physics rules for the sake of drama or balance; Most Logia Devil Fruits would have been way overpowered and/or impractical if the manga followed the laws of physics faithfully. <S> Akainu's magma powers, for instance, would have made him unapproachable because his magma would have vaporized everything without even needing to make contact. <S> For the same kind of reason, Luffy is completely immune to electricity; Enel would have won way too easily otherwise. <A> Fortunately for Luffy, this means that a lightning strike would rarely ever hit him, and if he were struck, it's unlikely it could kill him, as the electricity would not have a chance to pass through his internal organs, but would cause severe damage to the location of the strike. <S> High voltages and lightning will usually just melt rubber. <S> Funnily enough, the character most logically capable of facing Enel would be Gan Fall, as though lightning would be more likely to hit him, any strike would be channeled by his metal suit of armor around his body, into the ground, never passing through any internal organs, preventing damage. <S> See: Faraday Cages; <S> If the world of One Piece were governed by Earthly physics, Enel would be easily beatable by a knight in (shining) armor. <S> But for us to suspend disbelief by believing in all the crazy stuff that happens in One Piece-Land, I assume we must also accept this. <A> To be honest, Enel was ridiculously strong anyway even with his handicap against Luffy. <S> Although since he has complete control of lightning and electricity, he would probably be able to melt Luffy into a puddle of goo within seconds, realistically speaking. <S> However, the idea that a knight in shining armor could beat Enel sounds realistically feasible until you take into account what Enel can do. <S> Remember how he could instantly melt down the gold and manipulate it through electromagnetism? <S> Well, what they don’t say is that he could technically do that with any metal as long as it has a magnetic field. <S> Enel would be able to literally crush Gan Fall in his own armor. <S> In fact, approaching Enel with any metal is suicidal since he’s essentially an indestructible Magneto. <S> If he comes back, he’ll be a killer in the New World because with his haki he’d be able to move his body parts out of the way of haki users with swords. <S> With a little improvement, nothing could touch him.
Logically Speaking, Luffy would be the person most vulnerable to lightning attacks, as rubber, being a resistor, cannot channel a high concentration of electricity away like metals can.
Can female Claymores give birth to babies for their husbands? I have just finished the Claymore manga. Clare and Raki stay together at the ending of the story. I am sure they are going to get married. I have a question about the two of them. We know that female Claymores are half-human and half-Yoma hybrid warriors, but in the manga, they never tell us whether female Claymores are able to give birth to babies. Would Clare be able to get pregnant for Raki? <Q> I think probably not. <S> This answer contains manga spoilers (further than the anime) <S> In chapter 15, Teresa is ambushed by bandits who wish to rape her. <S> She opens her clothes to reveal something hideous to the men who then back off. <S> Later on we see a body with a large scar down her middle. <S> Presumably this is related to what Teresa has shown the bandits - as she implied that it was a trait shared by claymores. <S> Ref <S> The scars are presumably a mark of their bodies transformation with youma flesh, and being so thorough it wouldn't surprise me if wombs as other normal organs were missing. <S> At one stage, there is an awakened being that has captured claymores and wants them to awaken - presumably unable to breed its own spawn. <S> As awakened beings are ex-claymores, their anatomy is going to be roughly similar. <A> I think that Clare would be able to. <S> Since she isn't half yoma, but a third, she has a higher chance of getting pregnant than the average warrior would. <S> In the manga, dragon-kin are probably able to reproduce anyway. <S> That would mean yoma are able to reproduce but probably don't because of lack of necessity. <S> (Dragon-kin are the beings that the organization used to turn humans into yoma. <S> Yoma, as you know, are the beings used to make the warriors in the organization.) <S> Honestly, even if she was an average warrior, I think she would. <S> Warriors tend not to have relationships because of the way humans see them and the only men they would encounter are Male awakened beings aside from bandits; as we saw with Teresa. <S> They also have a lot of mental illness and emotional trauma; Ophelia for example as well as Priscilla. <S> They tend to be unemotional or so emotionally unstable that it can be very difficult to form relationships at all. <S> Let's also not forget that they have a large "wound" running from their neck to their groin and might not be able to even carry one without literally splitting in half. <S> Clare's was momentarily closed when she entered The Destroyer <S> but she had to be practically sewn back together when it appeared again. <S> So the real problem isn't if she can get pregnant, its if she can carry a baby long term without having real issues. <A> I noted that when Clare first went to battle an awakened being with Deneve, Miria, and Helen, Helen mentioned how Raki "...Couldn't be one of her own..." in reference to Clare, which can be taken as Clare can't have children, and due to Helen being so sure that the fact of the matter was that Raki wasn't Clare's son, it leads you to believe it is a trait shared among Claymores.
However Clare may be a special case due to being only a quarter Yoma, instead of half Yoma.
Is it possible that Itachi knew the truth about Tobi being Obito and not Madara? Since Itachi Uchiha always said complete truth, is it possible that he himself knew the truth about Tobi being Obito and not Madara? <Q> Itachi clearly knew that Obito was the true leader of the Akatsuki, and he also knew of and feared Obito's (Sharingan) abilities, hence placing his own Mangekyo Sharingan on Sasuke and setting it so that Amaterasu activated when in the vicinity of Obito's Sharingan. <S> Additionally, Itachi also had knowledge of his grudge against Konohagakure, which is why he confronted Obito/Tobi/Madara before the Uchiha clan massacre. <S> However, Itachi never clearly states his knowledge of Obito's true identity, and also, Obito states during his first encounter with Sasuke that Itachi clearly knew more than he let on. <S> It is never stated if Itachi knows that Tobi is Obito, but he clearly knew a lot about Obito. <A> There is some evidence that Itachi at least knew that Obito was alive. <S> After Deidara and Sasuke fight, Kisame tells Itachi that Sasuke died and Itachi states that sasuke is alive and that... like he knew that him and sasuke weren't the only Uchihas left. <A> Why I think that Itachi would know that Tobi wasn't <S> the real Madara was because the amount of chakra emanating from Tobi, when the real Madara was present on the battlefield everyone knew about his presence. <A> Itachi is the one of the most smartest people in the anime. <S> Itachi knew it about Obito, from Kakashi, when they was in one team in ANBU - <S> The story of the Kakashi's Sharingan. <S> Itachi knew it about the moment when Kakashi cut it off the hand of Deidara. <S> All of Akatsuki knew u it about this situation...and if you think more about that, from the story from Kakashi about his Sharingan, Itachi is enough smart to known about Tobi true identity. <S> He will understand That, if Kakashi have the same time space from Mangekyo Sharingan, like Obito, they have same eyes...or just Obito is Tobi. <S> Itachi isn't foolish. <S> Itachi was think about that things... <S> That's the reason about amaterasu in Sasuke' s eye, after Itachi's dead.
Itachi definitely knew that Tobi was an Uchiha, but there is little evidence, if any, to say that he knew that Tobi was Obito.
Why does Obito look like an adult during the Kyuubi attack on Konoha? In the series, it is stated that Kakashi was 26 when he became the leader of Naruto's squad. So following that, he was 14 when the Kyuubi attacked the village. Seeing that Obito was the same age as Kakashi, he should be 14 but he didn't look like it. How old was Obito at that time? It shows him as an grown up, adult man. Is this because of Zetsu covering him or is he just older than Kakashi? This is not a question directly about the age of Obito but also why he looked older. In my understanding Kakashi and Obito are about the same age. I don't care when Kakashi became a Jounin because that is not relevant to this question. <Q> The difference in age between Obito and Kakashi has been explained in this answer . <S> From this thread on narutoforums <S> (emphasis mine): <S> It is impossible for both Kakashi and Obito to have been 13 during the Kakashi Gaiden, because there is at least a confirmed 4 year age difference between Kakashi and Obito when they were confirmed to both be Genin teammates during the Chuunin Exams. <S> They entered the academy the same time, and they all graduated the academy together as teammates. <S> Kakashi was at least 4 years younger than both of his teammates at all times. <S> Since Kakashi is younger than Obito, obviously Obito will look older. <A> That isn't completely right. <S> We have clearly seen Kakashi's backstory in the anime. <S> There we see that Obito and Kakashi many times together, especially at Kannabi bridge. <S> They both appear to be of the same height. <S> Kakashi was about 12-13 at that time. <S> If Obito was actually 4 years older than him, then he should have been taller than him. <S> I myself don't know the answer, but I know that the hypothesis given by Ero Sennin isn't completely right. <A> Maybe he made the zetsu part appear more adult like to misguide any possible connection any of his former friends may find in his behavior if he ran into them. <S> Judging by how long he observed kushinas pregnancy and waited for the opportunity , it is possible that he considered more than several scenarios of the attack. <S> but again it is just a guess. <A> Although it seems like that could be true and considering he became chuunin and jounin at such a young might mean that. <S> But from my understanding Kakashi must of just been a really strong and smart ninja. <S> Its the same with Sasuke. <S> Anyone can say his age is 4 years younger than Naruto <S> but it would not add up. <S> I just think that Kakashi is the same age, short, and may just talk smack about Obito. <S> but there's just not enough evidence to support that. <S> Although its very smart to assume that he is younger because just because they are in the same cell does not mean they are the same age.
He could very well be 4 years younger There is no possible way that Kakashi was a 13 year old Jonin during the Kakashi Gaiden. It is just a guess but the looks could have been different because of the zetsu thingy attached to obitos body. But considering that Rin, Obito and Kakashi were in the academy at the same time and how Kakashi easily knew the rules from the top of his head might just means he is the same age but just smarter.
Why can Naruto use Rasengan more than Kakashi using Chidori? Shinobi using Rasengan can often use it more times in a battle as compared to a shinobi using Chidori. Kakashi on one hand, could only use Chidori upto a maximum of four times a day in Part 1. Naruto, however, even when he is using Shadow clones (meaning that he would have only a fraction of the chakra he normally has) still has no trouble using the Rasengan more than that and still have plenty of chakra. The Rasengan is almost equally, if not more, powerful than the Chidori. So the Rasengan should require the same or more amount of chakra than the Chidori. Naruto is also said to be very inefficient in using jutsu. So even though he has more chakra than Kakashi, his Rasengan would be less efficient than Kakashi's Chidori. I do not believe that Naruto chakra levels are so vast, that even with the use of shadow clones and being inefficient while using jutsu, he can use it multiple times while still retaining plenty of chakra. So why can Naruto use the Rasengan more than Kakashi using the Chidori? <Q> If I recall correctly, at one time, Kakashi commented that Naruto's chakra is about 4 times of what he has. <S> With addition to Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto has about 100 times what Kakashi has. <S> Suppose that Kakashi's chakra is 4, Chidori then costs 1 chakra for each use. <S> Naruto has 4 times what Kakashi has so he has 16. <S> Kage Bunshin actually costs small amount of chakra. <S> The problem with Kage Bunshin is that it splits the chakra of the user which makes it appear as if it costs a lot. <S> But, when the jutsu is cancelled either by when the Bunshin gets hit, or the caster cancels it, the chakra comes back to the caster along with its experience. <S> Suppose that Naruto doesn't cancel and re-cast Kage Bunshin, there won't be additional chakra cost for casting the jutsu. <S> Chidori cost = 1 <S> Rasengan cost = 1 <S> Kage Bunshin cost = 0.5 <- <S> assuming it cost lower than Rasengan Kakashi Chakra = 4 <S> Naruto Chakra = <S> 16 <S> Inefficient chakra usage <S> modifier = 200% (was 125% but changed as per ThatOneGuys's comment) Kakashi Max Chidori = 4 / 1 = 4 <S> Naruto Max Rasengan = <S> (16 - 0.5 * 200%) / (1 x 200%) <S> = <S> 15 / 2 = 7.5 -> 7 <S> (rounded down) Without using Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto can do about 2 times more Rasengan than Kakashi can use Chidori. <S> With Kyuubi's chakra, Naruto would be able to do about 100 times more. <S> Of course, since with the training Naruto improved his chakra control, the current Naruto can do more Rasengan than this simple calculation shows. <S> The reference about Naruto's and Kakashi's chakra pool size and the fact about Kage Bunshin splitting the user's chakra and returning it when the jutsu was cancelled is from the episode where Kakashi train Naruto to develop Rasen Shuriken. <A> Naruto not only has a natural vast chakra pool but he has even the Kyuubi supliying him with nearly unlimited chakra amounts. <S> and even Kakashi could use the Rasengan pretty easily <S> Even if in the manga and anime it is stated that Naruto's chakra managament is poor because the seal on his belly <S> After a lot of training and getting rid of some limitations, he improved his chakra management vastly and even learned how to recover chakra in combat. <S> thanks to the Sage mode <S> Plus, it is stated multiple times in the manga/anime that the Rasengan, even though it uses a lot of chakra, isn't comparable on the amount of chakra the Chidori uses. <S> Chakra bending is a lot less taxing than giving an elemental nature to a bending <S> Naruto's Rasenshuriken is a Rasengan imbued with his Wind element. <A> I guess that naruto's humongous power comes from the nine tails chakra that is sealed within him and due to this naruto obviously has more chakra than kakashi due to which he can do more rasengan than kakashi can do chidori <A> Well Kakashi was making a rough estimate when comparing Naruto's chakra to his own. <S> First of all by part 2 <S> I'm pretty sure Kakashi's chakra pool had grown to the point that he could make 6 lightning blades each day or a little more. <S> Plus Rasengan was never said to take up a lot of chakra. <S> Giant Rasengan was stated to take up more chakra because of its density <S> so I think a lightning blade could be comparable to a giant Rasengan. <S> But even then Naruto clearly has more than 4 times Kakashi's chakra. <S> He has made dozens of clones and each could have done multiple Rasengans. <S> Plus by the time Naruto learns sage mode, Naruto could have done around 6 Rasenshurikens with other Rasengan variants and still not seem to have any noticeable chakra fatigue. <A> It's because The rasengan is an incomplete jutsu. <S> And naruto was the one to perfect it. <S> His dad invented it but never mastered it
I would say Naruto's chakra reserve is at least 6-8 times that of Kakashi's for him to be able to do so many Rasenshurikens when they take up a lot more chakra than a lightning blade.
Why do characters in some art styles have a broken line for mouths? Kaname Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Nakano Azusa from K-On! have a broken line for mouths. Why do characters in some art styles have a broken line for mouths? The lines are broken unless it defines lips but I don't know otherwise. <Q> I think the explanation given in moegamisama's answer is a step in the right direction; however, an argument purely from high-level principles about moe/cuteness lacks sufficient explanatory power to explain why this particular style ("broken line" mouths) is often seen. <S> I think a more mechanistic explanation for why mouths are drawn this way is also necessary. <S> Take a close look at the way Madoka's mouth is drawn in the picture you posted. <S> You will notice that the thickness of the line that represents her mouth is not constant. <S> Rather, it is thickest near the edges and becomes thinner as we approach the center of her face. <S> The line "breaking" at the center of her face strikes me as an artistic convenience: rather than drawing a super-thin line there, the artist simply omits the line altogether, and the viewer's mind merely fills it in (this is the so-called "principle of closure" of gestalt psychology). <S> You see the same thing (albeit less delicately) in the picture of Azusa. <A> However, why exactly does this make the character look cuter? <S> To understand, we'll have to take a look at the aesthetic theory behind moé . <S> Some central components of cuteness are, according to Sianne Ngai (professor of English at Stanford who has done a lot of research into aesthetic categories) "smallness...incompleteness...and vulnerability." <S> Ngai cites Hello Kitty as an example of this, noting that Hello Kitty's complete lack of a mouth creates a kind of "power differential" which is appealing to consumers. <S> Source <S> (Note: you can't read the full text here without paying for it). <S> These qualities are similarly expressed by an incomplete mouth. <S> This aesthetic can be used for a number of purposes. <S> For instance, the characters in Madoka Magica (noted in the question) were likely designed to emphasize innocence and powerlessness in order to create contrast with the dark atmosphere of the series as a whole and evoke pity or sadness from the viewer. <A> In reply to Aki Tanaka's comment , it doesn't look better, but it looks cuter. <S> Also, the big eyes make it look cute because of all the highlights in the eyes. <S> Death Note <S> style works for the anime because of the genre and theme of the show. <S> It is a dark and gritty show. <S> You don't want see happy anime girls killing a bunch of people with a notebook. <S> It also helps the animation. <S> If the animator is drawing the face of Light Yagami from Death Note or Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , then it would take longer frame by frame. <S> However, if the animator is drawing the face of Maka from Soul Eater , it would not take that long. <S> I think the mouths are like for the same reason to draw it faster. <S> The references probably from young girls because their lips are not that big. <A> From a reddit user : <S> Ends of the mouth create a cavity in real life, often causing the said part to be more shadowy, while shut lips create a more even surface, resulting in even light distribution. <S> You can even observe this in realistic drawings. <S> Now translate this into lineart, and you get emphasized ends and leaving the middle empty strengthens this as the brain completes it anyway. <S> It looks pretty attractive too, IMO.
Taking for granted that the minimization of some facial features (a small nose, compensated by large eyes, say) is a common feature in "moe" character design today, and observing that the mouth is an oft-minimized feature, the mechanistic explanation, then, is as follows. In short, this choice is likely because it makes the character look "cute." This, in addition with very soft lines and colors (compare these character designs to anime like JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) creates a childish and defenseless aesthetic.
Is Dragon Ball Super considered canon? Is Dragon Ball Super considered an original works by Akira Toriyama? <Q> This really depends on what you consider canon , but for now let's define "canon" as material that's covered in the original source material and has impact on the story. <S> Since this season does have a manga adaptation and takes place after Kid Buu Saga from Dragon Ball Z but before the tournament with Uub, I would say that this is canon material. <S> But , After seeing more then the first episode <S> I think its safe to say that the anime does not follow the manga 100%. <S> Therefore I consider it somewhat canon . <A> Yes, it is. <S> From Wikipedia : <S> In addition to his role as series creator, Akira Toriyama is also credited for the "original story & character design concepts" of the new anime directed by Kimitoshi Chioka. <S> The anime is being adapted into a companion manga by Toriyama alongside artist Toyotarō, author behind the official Resurrection 'F' manga adaptation. <S> It began serialization in the August 2015 issue of V Jump, which was released on June 20. <S> This leaves open your title question whether the anime should be considered canon. <S> Here Madara Uchiha answered that filler equals not canon, while pieces written by the original author should be considered canon. <S> Now the DBS anime is both, seeing how "Vegeta's day out" would be filler, yet is written by the original author. <S> Here ton.yeung answered that something should be considered canon when the material is borrowed from the original works. <S> So if you would consider the manga as original work , than the anime would be filler, yet if you would consider Toriyama's mind as original work <S> it would be canon. <S> Seeing how at this point it is rather messed up and confusing, my two cents would be that it will probably be considered filler (non canon) after a while . <S> People would either forget (or don't care) <S> the additional episodes were produced by Toriyama or would stick by the general rule that only the original works (aka the manga in this case) can be considered canon, despite the author of the anime. <S> So, not sure if it is, but manga readers will probably consider all the extra content not to be canon , while anime watchers will probably not even know/care about the existence of the manga and unknowingly think everything that happened in the anime to be canon . <A> As much as i love super already... <S> Technically Super is not cannon with Z either. <S> Why? <S> because it takes place straight after the buu fight (Between the 10 year time skip). <S> Pan's not even born yet & Goku sure as hell had not activated god mode before the fight with Uub at the tournament (Last Episode Of Z). <S> Completely parallel timeline. <S> Although it does state it is on: <S> <S> , however it also states GT is apart of the timeline aswell which many would argue is not. <S> But still a series worth watching and cannot wait to see how it pans out! <A> Yes it is. <S> Now here's something I didn't realize until I looked into it, if you want to get technical <S> : DB Super, being written by Akira Toriyama, will actually be the ONLY dragon ball anime that IS canon. <S> I'm Not sure why people think it isn't, they are all wrong. <S> Dragon ball, DBZ, and GT are technically NOT canon as Toriyama didn't write for them. <S> They were based directly and heavily on his manga <S> but he didn't write for those anime so they can't be considered canon per se. <S> He has also called GT a "side story" so while most fans consider the first two animes MOSTLY canon (due to his influence) as he wasn't really TOO involved in GT (aside from some plot points and character design) most fans don't consider GT canon. <S> Super will actually be the only dragon ball anime that is canon.
The stories for both the anime and manga versions of Dragon Ball Super are indeed written by Akira Toriyama .
How many episodes of Naruto are there? I have been watching Naruto online, and there are no episodes available to watch after 301, even though I know there is a big war on that episode. Are there any more Naruto episodes? People have been saying there is an episode 700, but is that all manga? <Q> Then Naruto Shippuden, which has 500 episodes in total. <S> The series finished airing on the 23rd of March, 2017. <S> You can stream and watch anime from anime-planet or some other anime streaming sites . <S> Some of them may charge you, some of them may not. <S> Best way to watch Shippuden is on Crunchy Roll. <S> There are 700 manga chapters and an extra 10 chapters in the Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet manga, which is set several years ahead of the final chapter (volume 72) of Naruto. <S> With the conclusion of Naruto, we now have its spin-off/sequel, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations. <S> This is currently airing on Crunchy Roll and is 18 canon episodes in as I am writing this. <S> Also the manga is available to read for all the purists. <A> For a question with ~60k views, I found this to be surprisingly un-updated. <S> Community bumped it up in my feed <S> and I decided to answer. <S> Naruto the Anime, as it is defined includes 2 series, 11 movies and over a dozen OVAs. <S> The full list is available here List of Animated Naruto Media <S> The first Naruto anime adaptation premiered in Japan on TV Tokyo October 3, 2002, and ran for 220 episodes until its conclusion on February 8, 2007. <S> It led to a first timeskip of two years. <S> 3 movies were also released with the original Anime. <S> Naruto: Shippuden is the sequel to the original Naruto anime and covers the Naruto manga from volume 28 on. <S> The TV adaptation of Naruto: Shippuden debuted in Japan on February 15, 2007, on TV Tokyo, and concluded on March 23, 2017. <S> The series ran for a total of 500 Episodes . <S> There were another 8 movies accompanying the series, the last of which set stage for Naruto's son's solo series, <S> Boruto: <S> The Next Generations which is currently airing. <S> ( 5 Episodes and counting). <S> Thus, there is no Episode 700 since the Original run and Shippuden are seperate series. <S> Total episode count of Naruto finished at 720 Episodes . <S> Boruto is not considered to be of the same continuity because Kishimato is no longer writing the series but is more of a supervisor. <A> You must be following the Naruto Shippuden English Dub Episodes. <S> At the moment, the English Dub episodes are lagging far behind the Japanese episodes as far as the anime is concerned. <S> Like @mirroroftruth said, the Manga is the latest episode. <S> But in English Dub, the latest is <S> episode 301 and more are coming up. <S> The next one is expected to be aired on July 11th. <S> So you'll have to be patient. <S> As for Japanese, the latest one aired yet is episode 418. <A> Now that the Shippuden has finally ended, I can say for certain that... Original Naruto series has 220 episodes. <S> Naruto Shippuden has exactly 500 episodes. <S> Not to mention like 40% of <S> Naruto and Naruto Shippuden is fillers.
There are 220 episodes in Naruto original anime series, which has been completed.
Why does Team Rocket always try to catch Pikachu? Very surprised this question has not been asked yet. In almost every single episode, at least from the first season all the way through to the Unova region, Team Rocket is trying to catch Pikachu to give him to Giovanni. Why do they do this? They often cite reasoning that this Pikachu is special somehow, but is that actually true? Nobody else really talks about how awesome Pikachu is, and he certainly doesn't seem to win very often. I'm looking for any kind of answer, in-universe, out-of-universe, thematic, humourous, etc. I have a theory I will post below but wonder if this community could come up with a better answer. <Q> There are multiple reasons (and theories. <S> People won't give up with Pokémon theories & creepy pasta) of why Team Rocket would like to get Ash's Pikachu. <S> 1) <S> In ep65 <S> " <S> The Battle Of The Badge" in Season One, it revealed that the boss asked them to , by team rocket saying to the Jovani <S> "It's even rarer than the Pikachu you want so much". <S> the question remaining is what makes Ash's Pikachu so rare and special? <S> In the Season one episode <S> "Ash Catches a Pokémon," <S> when Team Rocket was trying to steal Pikachu, Meowth accidentally says that Ash's Pikachu's power exceeds the power level he would possess as a Raichu (the evolved version of Pikachu). <S> As said in the wiki , as an example. <S> (I'll try to update the post with a video link). <S> Which can be interpreted as Ash's Pikachu has got more power than a regular Raichu As you can see in the different seasons of Pokémon, Ash's Pikachu is dunking asses. <S> If you compare it to a regular Pikachu from one of the games, the difference in stats is ridiculous. <S> I mean like... <S> really ? <S> What's more, Pikachu is <S> one of the few Pokémon Ash didn't abandon <S> (I mean.. C'mon, he left Charizard, who in the world would be insane enough to do this? <S> What do you mean, Pokémon have feelings too?) <S> , so Ash spent many years training him. <S> So we can assume that, even if Ash was one of the most incompetent trainers, Pikachu should be around level 100 , giving the Team Rocket another good reason to try to catch him. <S> 2) <S> Another way to see it (not proven at all, just my personal opinion) is that, more than being stupid, Team Rocket is incredibly stubborn , as proven by the hundreds of tries of catching Pikachu. <S> They spent years trying to catch Pikachu, what would be the sense of all this time of their lives if they stopped now? <S> They prefer to keep spending their time trying to catch this Pikachu rather than admitting they lost years of their lives for nothing. <S> TL;DR : <S> Pikachu OP & Team Rocket stupid <A> The Pokemon anime, as with much Bishōnen anime is all about the idea of fulfilling your dreams and never giving up (being the most important part of Japanese Spirit ). <S> Ash has his dream of being the best Pokemon Trainer, Misty her dream of being a great Water-type trainer, Brock his dream about being a great breeder. <S> None of these characters could give up on this dream or it would break the theme of the series. <S> If you had to pick a "dream" for Jesse, James and Meowth <S> I think it would be to catch Ash's Pikachu. <S> It kind of made sense in the first episode because Pikachu happened to win, but over the series as a whole, Pikachu doesn't seem especially powerful. <S> But it doesn't really matter - Team Rocket could not give up on this dream of catching Pikachu, even though they are the antagonists, because it would break one of the central themes of the show: not giving up on your dreams. <S> I can't think of any satisfying in-universe logical reason for Team Rocket to continue pursuing Pikachu. <S> There's not really any need to manufacture one, but I'm looking forward to other possible answers that might have thought of something I haven't. <A> At the end of the second episode of the anime (Team Rocket's first appearance), Pikachu generates a large explosion which renders Team Rocket flying into outer space. <S> Shocker (pun intended). <S> The next time we meet Team Rocket (next episode, again, shocker) <S> they tell our friends the following: <S> The only Pikachu we want is that one. <S> We're only looking for the rarest, most valuable Pokémon in the world, kid. <S> And that special Pikachu is just the kind of Pokémon we need. <S> As portrayed later in the series, this Team Rocket trio does not have a good standing with Giovanni (anymore) <S> so they try to get him the best Pokémon they can find to make up for it, which they believe is Pikachu. <A> This is answered in the very first episode that Team Rocket shows up in (the second episode in the series). <S> In it, Team Rocket (Jessie, James and Meowth) arrive at the Pokémon center that Ash and Misty are at - Pikachu is recovering from the events of the previous episode. <S> At first, Team Rocket has no interest whatsoever in Ash's Pikachu, and are only really interested in taking all of the infirmed pokemon, disregarding his one ordinary Pikachu completely. <S> However, when Pikachu recovers, and with the help of several other Pikachu at the Pokémon Center, Pikachu manages to defeat Team Rocket in a single attack. <S> After this catastrophic failure, Team Rocket (Jessie, James and Meowth, not the group as a whole) determines that Ash's Pikachu must be "special", and resolve to catch it for their boss. <S> So to sum up, the reasons that Jessie, James, and Meowth want Ash's Pikachu so badly are: 1: <S> It beat them badly with a seemingly impossible level of power.2: <A> I think that team rocket is always trying to catch ash's pikachu, because team rocket, as long as ash and his pals, haven't aged for just about 20 darn years, for the sake of the franchise. <S> They've been with ash in the anime the most, so they've also then seen ash's pikachu countless times, and often times, getting into the 'were blasting off again!' <S> phrase. <S> It's only natural that they'd want to capture pikachu, because they want pikachu's amazing power for themselves. <S> How ever, they always fail to capture pika, and I'd like to sorta <S> see a episode where rocket finally catches pikachu. <S> Hope this helps- <S> Matt
Short answer: This is Team Rocket's version of "following your dreams" The only answer I've been able to come up with is a thematic one. They want to give that "special" Pikachu to their boss.
How old is Gintoki? On the Gintama official page, it says Gintoki's age is 20+. But it is not clear how old he is, because in the last generation of the Joui war, the foursome of Sakata Gintoki, Katsura Kotarou, Takasugi Shinsuke, and Sakamoto Tatsuma joined. So it's confusing what his real age is. <Q> In the Ask Sorachi segment of Episode 9: “You should go all out in a fight” Gin were described as a "hairless baby" when the Amanto first arrived. <S> Shortly after which the Joui war started. <S> [After credits and preview] Class: Teach us, Ginpachi sensei! <S> Gintoki: <S> Um, this is a question from a Mr. Oonishi, from the second floor. <S> ‘I noticed something strange the other day. <S> Shinpachi-kun said that the “purge” was a movement that happened twenty years ago to drive amanto off earth. <S> So, no matter how you cut it, Gin-san and Katsura-san have to be more than thirty years old. <S> Is that true?’ <S> Uh, ok now. <S> Pay attention now, cuz this is gonna be on the test. <S> The war of expulsion didn’t end in just a year or two, you see. <S> When the war started twenty years ago, Gin-san was still just a hairless baby. <S> The shogunate, afraid of the aliens, surrendered right away, but the samurai still resisted. <S> It was around this time that Gin-san got a different kind of hair. <S> When the amanto had infiltrated the entire government and were running roughshod over the whole nation, Gin-san finally entered the fight! <S> Well, in a manner of speaking…So, that’s how the war of expulsion, lasting ten full years, happened. <S> Gin-san and his friends only really participated in the very end of it. <S> Oh, and Oonishi, go stand in the hall! <S> Source: <S> wikiquote <S> Gin was said to join the war towards the end, at which point we know he must be at least 20 years old. <S> As that is how long the war just about lasted. <S> But this was already known, as this was also answered inside the sorachi segments (see image) Now using this live journal as a guide line we can see that up to episode 195 roughly 4 years have passed based on the seasons represented, and Christmas specials. <S> As there are now 281 episodes, and it roughly takes 49 episodes to progress a year another 1.8 years should have about passed making Gintoki 25, almost 26 <A> I think he's around 23-24. <S> On episode 292, when gintoki wore a 3rd year uniform he said that he's a 9th year, this implies that he's about 23-24 since a 3rd year is usually 17-18. <S> And on Ginpachi sensei, it was said that 20 years ago, gintoki was this hairless baby, who doesn't look to be more than 4 years old, also when he went to join at the very end of the war that lasted for ten years, this was when he started growing a different kind of hair which is usual on 10-15 year old boys. <S> He's likely around that age when he joined the war. <A> Between 24-28. <S> We know he is younger than Kondo who is 28 <S> and we know he should be older than Mutsu who is revealed to be 24 in her episodes. <S> I like to think he is the same age as Hijikata (who he has many parallels with) <S> so around 27 (the same should be the case with Takasugi and Katsura who were his classmates and Sakamoto who may be a year older at most) <A> I believe Gintoki is 33, in episode 251? <S> (the Kotatsu episode) of the anime, Gin states that after 6 years of the anime playing he is mentally almost 40. <A> Probably between 28 to 30. <S> They joined the Joui war around 10 years ago. <S> At that time, they didn't look like teenagers but already adults, maybe 18 or 19 years old. <S> So, 10 years later a.k.a the present time, they must be 28 or 29.
It seems that Gintoki is about 25 to 26 years old.
Who, specifically, did Yanagida mean by "half the world"? In episode 4, Yanagida tells Itami that the suits back in Nagata want to know whether the Special Region is worth turning half the world against Japan. Who, specifically, consitutes "half the world" here? As of this point in the anime, we haven't been told much about the political situation surrounding the Gate. Is there a particular bloc of nations that opposes Japan's activity in the Special Region? Or is this more of a figurative "lots of people will be angry with us if we colonize the Special Region" sort of thing? <Q> In the manga, in chapter 7, Yanagida mentions: <S> Is there something here that's worth turning America, China, and Russia... <S> half of the world into our enemies? <S> It's been mentioned that (emphasis mine): <S> The major powers, China, the European Union (EU), India, Japan, Russia, and the United States, contain just over half the world's people and account for 75 percent of global GDP and 80 percent of global defense spending. <S> Most notably America, China, and Russia. <A> Around 12 minutes through Episode 4, It shows an Asian-looking ( possibly Chinese? ) <S> President ( Dechou Dong , as the intro badge says ) in a car, discussing The Gate with his secretary: President Dong : "Why did the gate open in Japan? <S> We're the ones who need it, don't you think?" <S> Secretary : " <S> That's correct, President. <S> We can't let Japan have it all to themselves." <S> President Dong <S> : At first, we'll maintain friendly relations with Japan, and see where this goes. <S> Ideally, I'd like to send half our population to the Special Region." <S> In Episode 2, around 14 minutes in, you see the American President ( noted by the flags beside him ) also discussing it with his secretary, saying President : "The Gate is the new frontier. <S> There must be more resources on the other side than we can imagine. <S> It's a treasure trove." <S> President : <S> "How about it? <S> Why don't we send our army in?" <S> Secretary : " <S> That might not be a good thing. <S> Many nations anticipate Japan's defeat. <S> We ought to let Japan take the risks for us." <S> President : <S> "Yeah, we should avoid having our nation seen as an accomplice." <S> Where the following image is shown: <S> Showing people openly protesting against invading the Special Region. <S> It seems the world's powers are either in it for unclaimed space, or resources. <S> Most probably, the world's powers. <A> By half the world, Yanagida either means what everyone has been suggesting - all the major world powers, like the US, China, the EU and Russia, or he could be suggesting, in simpler terms, every country in Itami's homeworld that has a motive for wanting access to the GATE. <S> In the canon storyline, China's motive is apparently having a population of 3 billion people, which is obviously unsustainable. <S> The US wants it purely for it being, as President Direll(Manga) puts it, a treasure trove. <S> Russia and the EU, however, are not given any specific motivation to want to invade, most likely for resources. <S> Russia is said to be capable of being bold enough to hit the GATE with a SLBM.
So he's likely to mean most of developed countries that are world powers. Most likely, when Yanagida says half the world's people , he either means people will be divided on which side to take , or, the world's powers will either to decide to get involved, or condemn the actions of Japan .
Who was Annie apologizing to in episode 13? After the great victory gained by humans against the Titans in episode 13, when the trainees were collecting dead bodies, Annie was apologizing to a dead soldier. Who was this? Was it Marco? <Q> In wiki it is stated. <S> Despite her seeming callousness, she has expressed a level of guilt and shock, most notably when apologizing to a certain corpse after the battle of Trost <S> which may be true because; Mina is shown sitting with Annie at the tables in the background of the first few episodes. <S> That shows that they had some sort of friendship between them, as Annie is asocial and would have otherwise sat alone. <S> As counter argument: It is stated that Mina's head is bitten off but in the anime there is no such scene. <S> After Eren's leg is bitten off suddenly by one of the Titans, she and the other two attempt to kill the Titan that injured him. <S> However, a group of Titans arrive out of no where and one of them kills Nac, catching her off-guard as another Titan <S> grabs <S> her 3D Maneuver Gear's wire, Mina killed anime Mina is caught by a Titan. <S> knocking her over to the wall. <S> When she realizes where she is, it is already too late for her to escape; she is grabbed by the Titan and her head is bitten off <A> According to the wiki for Episode 13 Primordial Desire <S> it states that: "At the same time, Annie is also looking at a corpse of a soldier, apologizing to them. <S> " There is no name stated for the solider it was most likely just the face of a fellow solider that she recognized. <S> Jean finds and identifies Marco's corpse as he is assisting in the retrieval of the bodies. <S> Marco's death is off-screen, so as far as for the anime the exact means of the death can not be identified. <S> Armin does manage to recognize Marco's 3D Maneuver during the attempt to Arrest Annie, when questioned she states that she "found it" so there is a potential that she may have done something that either led to his death or had a hand in his killing. <S> ref( Marco Bott ) <A> According to the recent release of volume 77, I think it was, its revealed that Annie did have a hand in Marco's death. <S> After Marco overheard Bertholdt and Reiner's conversation about their true identities, he approached them and Reiner tackled Marco. <S> After Annie came along, Reiner ordered her to take his 3DMG and leave him stranded. <S> They watched a titan eat Marco in horror. <A> Concerning chapter 77, Reiner asked Annie to take Marco's 3D gear. <S> She refused. <S> Then Reiner manipulated her and forced her to do it by threatening her and her father. <S> After much hesitation, she finally did it and she watched Marco being eaten. <S> She cried a lot because Marco was being eaten. <A> Well, when it shows Jean talking to the lady who was asking about Marco, it shows a headless person on the roof. <S> So I believe that was Mina. <S> The person Annie was apologizing to was not Mina. <S> Of course, it wasn't Marco either since he was bitten into. <S> She could've even just have been apologizing to a random dead person. <S> If you read the manga, it does show how Reiner was forcing Annie to take of Marco's gear. <S> Reiner, Bertl, and Annie were each saddened about Marco's death. <S> Even so, maybe Annie was apologizing to Marco. <S> Reiner probably wanted her to take the body and dispose of it herself. <S> She knew Jean would come by, knowing they were friends, so she propped it against a wall instead. <S> That is my personal belief. <S> Annie has feelings too. <S> It shows her crying over Marco in the Manga. <A> The corpse is shown to have 3DM gear attached which makes it impossible to be Marcos corpse as his gear was removed by Annie before his death. <S> The hair on the corpse is dark and long, in the shape of a pigtail. <S> It is very obvious that the corpse is Mina Carolina's. <S> Finally, Mina's head was bitten off which is shown in the image as well. <A> It's Ruth D. Kline. <S> Type up the episode on its wiki page and the list of characters featured there will show Ruth D. Kline <S> so one of the deceased but more importantly, the one that Annie Leonhart was apologising to............ <S> I'm glad I found it because Marco's death was outrageous. <S> Such a fun loving guy..... killed due to treachery...... <S> Jean should've beaten them all to a pulp.......... <A> This is a very old post <S> but I’d like to give the confirmed answer. <S> Annie was apologizing to Marco because it’s her fault he died. <S> She took his maneuvering gear so that a Titan would eat him; she did this because Marco overheard a conversation between Reiner and Bertolt about “using my Titan,” they obviously had no other choice but to eliminate all possibilities of their involvement with Marley, the Colossal and Armored Titans. <S> and the fall of Zhinganshina being known. <S> Although it’s phenomenal character building, Annie who was raised to believe the island eldians are devils incarnate and pure evil, apologizing to one of said demons, it really shows the cognitive dissonance and dilemma Annie was going through mentally. <A> I believe that Annie was apologizing to Mina Carolina, because the corpse had pigtails along with long black hair, as Mina had. <S> Also it wasn't Marco because his head was bitten into and he was half of a body, also Marco had his ODM gear taken from.
Furthermore, Mina and Annie were illustrated to be very close as they sat together in the dining room, which would explain her apologizing to the corpse - she was her friend. If it was Marco's corpse it would be against the wall, like when Jean found him, but this corpse is on the floor, not against a wall, so it could not have been Marco. Of course, she would do something like this to make sure Jean would know about Marco's death. Various sources say it was Mina
Does Kojou Akatsuki have two kids? Does the fourth progenitor, Kojou Akatsuki, have two kids — one with Himeragi Yukina and another one with Asagi Aiba? Well, when I saw the last episode it did not seem like that to me. However, many sites like Wikipedia claim so. Can anyone give me definite evidence? (if possible with pictures) <Q> So to answer your question, yes, Kojou has 2 kids. <S> Yukina's kid, Reina, has Kojou's eyes and can also summon familiars like Kojou. <S> Not much is known about Moegi, Kojou's kid with Asagi, except that she sent Reina back in time to chase a man-made magical beast that I believe attacked Kojou and Yukina. <S> You can read more about it in these links: <S> <A> Yes, that was evident in the last episode of season 1. <S> In the end, you can see that there was another girl who was the daughter of Asagi. <A> Yes, Kojou has a kid, but I believe that Moegi isn't Asagi's and Kojou's child. <S> The reason why I think this is because Asagi's hair was originally black <S> , so I don't get it why Moegi's hair is greenish yellowish. <S> And on the last episode of season 1, Reina said, "I got to see [my] dad before he died. <S> " <S> Moegi responded, "No no no, [that man] can never die.
According to Wikipedia and from what I remember, Yukina and Kojou has a kid that looks a lot like Yukina except for a few minor differences like the eyes.
Is there any correlation between the CPU and CPU candidates' oppai sizes like there is with KanColle? Hyperdimension Neptunia is an anime that is based on the console war. Its characters are based on the game consoles, namely, Sony Playstation, Microsoft XBox, Nintendo Wii, and the scrapped Sega Neptune. Now, moving on to Kantai Collection for a while. Like Hyperdimension Neptunia, KanColle is based on real thing. Whereas Hyperdimension Neptunia is based on consoles, KanColle is based on warships. In Kantai Collection, there is a correlation between the size of the girl's oppai and the ship's displacement as shown in the following chart taken from its Wikia page. Now, as we know, the CPU and CPU candidates in Hyperdimension Neptunia, all has varying oppai dimension. Question is, is there any correlationship between the oppai's dimension and the based console's attribute like KanColle has? <Q> I don't think there's a correlation, based on the fact that bust sizes change when in HDD form. <S> Sometimes dramatically. <S> Neptunia herself upgrades from a modest A to an E cup when she transforms into Purple Heart. <S> Before : <S> After: <S> That being said, I don't know much about the series as I'm only playing the first game. <S> Maybe someone else has more knowledge than me and can also answer. <S> Here's a spreadsheetable list of some of the character's bust sizes for any other answer's research . <A> I don't believe there is an official reason for why their bust sizes varies. <S> For example, the target demographic for the Wii is "everyone." <S> This means that the games for the console have to be playable for kids. <S> It has to be family friendly. <S> Nintendo's collection of games, such as Pokemon and Mario, are also family-friendly. <S> This explains why Rom and Ram are kids themselves and why Blanc is an A cup size. <S> They are shown off as much younger than the other goddesses. <S> For Noire, the target demographic is a "younger audience," or <S> at least it was years after its original release. <S> This explains why she's in the middle of sort. <S> Plus, the top games for the consoles include mature games such as Call of Duty and more family-friendly games such as Little Big Planet. <S> For Vert, because the top-selling games feature more mature games such as Gears of War or Halo <S> , it makes sense why she has the biggest bust. <S> The games are for a more older audience and so it makes sense that her bust is more matured than the others'. <S> I can't explain why Neptune's bust is the way they are as the console she is based on <S> is fictional. <S> This same theory doesn't hold well for the characters based on publishers and developers, however. <S> IF has made games not suitable for everyone <S> and she has an A cup size. <S> Perhaps their bust size is irrelevant as their characters are based off the characters from the games published or developed by their respective company. <A> The original 4 CPU's cup sizes are likely based on RAM sizes for their respective consoles. <S> Xbox 360 had 512MB of unified ram, while PS3 had 256 each of video and system ram (often giving the false impression to gamers of "half as much as Xbox") <S> , Wii had a relatively pitiful 88MB ram. <S> Neptune... <S> doesn't exist as a console so it's hard to say here. <S> So, have F/G cups for Vert/Green Heart (the most), C/C cups for Noire/Black Heart ("half" of Xbox), and A/A cups for Blanc/White Heart (almost nothing compared to Xbox). <S> We have A/E for Neptune who...doesn't have anything to map to. <S> All cup size info taken from the measurements in the HDN1 visual guide. <S> After the first game cup size doesn't correlate to anything in particular beyond character stereotypes (cute "loli" plutia vs big "sexy dominatrix" iris heart). <S> The series' interpretations of console -> character has changed a lot over the years (see the change from French color names to...fairly random names for the candidates to direct planet names for the non-Nepgear Planeptune candidates). <S> Cupsize change isn't a constant matter either. <S> Only Neptune, Plutia and Peashy get significantly larger (Peashy seems to be an entirely gaming-unrelated joke, "the smallest one becomes the biggest"), Vert, Blanc and Uzume get noticeably but not impressively larger, Noire and Nepgear stay about the same, and Uni actually shrinks (a reference to the PSP Slim in all likelihood). <S> Cup size change seems basically random and was probably the designer (Tsunako's) preference, especially beyond the first 4 CPUs..
It could be that the dramatic increase in bust size indicates how her console's demographic would vary. However, there is a correlation to the CPU bust sizes and the targeted demographic of their respective consoles or at least the kind of games associated with the console.
Why didn't Kenshin's master Hiko Seijuro fight Master Shishio? Why didn't Kenshin's master, Hiko Seijuro, come and fight Master Shishio Makoto in the showdown of the Kyoto Arc? This is one of the many times that the Meiji government called on Kenshin to solve their problems, even though his master is as skilled as he. (This is especially true before Kenshin learned the final technique.) <Q> Because Master Seijuro wasn't interested! <S> (See particularly his interactions with Kenshin during episode 41, "The Ultimate Technique of the Hiten-Mitsurugi Style <S> : Reunion with a Mentor, Seijuro Hiko".) <S> To quote from the Kenshin wiki page on him : Kenshin describes his personality as "twisted, brusque and misanthropic" ... <S> He dislikes the complications of socialization, and hearing of the ills of society, both of which he finds annoying, and to the latter's weight, ultimately incessant and depressing. <S> In order to avoid having to work with people, he makes his living as a pottery artist alone on a mountain (a profession that he is reported to excel at). <S> He also comes off as somewhat lazy, professing to have retrained Kenshin to <S> save himself the bother of having to deal with Shishio, and later on, he complains about having to protect Kenshin's friends, after the latter insists him to do so (though he does). <S> It's only after much cajoling that he agrees to teach Kenshin what he needs to know to defeat Shishio (episode 43, "Between Life and Death: <S> Master the Ultimate Technique, Amakakeru Ryu no Hikameki!"), but beyond that, the most he will agree to do is to (grudgingly) keep an eye on and protect his friends, while Kenshin does the actual hard work of fighting Shishio (episode 53, "The Giant Versus Superman: <S> Like an Arrow Shot at a Time of Despair")! <A> Essentially it is because it is not his fight, this is the symbolic end of Kenshin's arc as an assassin. <S> Kenshin knew this and that is why he only asked Hiko to make sure his loved ones were safe. <S> For the story it would be boring because he would just waltz in and kill everyone in a couple minutes, maybe seconds. <S> He is stronger, faster, more skilled and more experienced than Kenshin. <S> Kenshin hit him with Amakakeru because Seijuro forced him to in order to teach him how to do it. <S> The only area where Kenshin measures up is heart, he may even surpass Hiko in this. <A> This is gonna set some people off, but the simple truth is that Hiko would have lost to Shishio. <S> First, Hiko's defense is not impenetrable. <S> Even before learning the succession technique, Kenshin was able to land a hit on Hiko when his focus and motivation were at 100%. <S> That means Shishio would have likewise been able to hand hits on Hiko. <S> Meanwhile, Hiko's capacity to take damage is no better than anyone else's. <S> Yes his muscle mass gives him some protection, but it didn't protect him from the Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki. <S> And consider getting hit by that technique knocked him out for a full day, whereas Shishio could withstand the full force of the stronger version of the technique and keep fighting, and even Aoshi could maintain consciousness. <S> That suggests one Guren Kaina would have knocked him out, and even Homura Dama would have whittled away his fighting strength. <S> All of which is to say, <S> his build, technique, and blade give him incremental advantages over Kenshin but not so much that motivation and fighting spirit wouldn't factor in. <S> And on those counts, Kenshin is leaps and bounds ahead, being more invested at an ideological level (caring more about what happens to the government) and a personal level (redeeming his own legacy as hitokiri). <S> All of this is set up within the narrative itself, which is why Kenshin didn't bother asking his master to help him out. <S> Of course, protecting the weak from roving bandits is right within his wheelhouse, which is why he is willing to protect the Aoya.
He was, to put it bluntly, an introverted, misanthropic and somewhat lazy martial artist, who thought the world an unredeemable place, felt Kenshin a fool for wanting to improve society, and didn't care in the least to take down Shishio. Hiko Seijuro is the best swordsman in this universe by far, he is superman. Hiko's personality ("twisted, brusque and misanthropic") and politics (the Hiten sword must maintain its independency from factions)
Why did Madara suddenly turn into Kaguya? In chapter 678, why did Madara suddenly turn into Kaguya? Was this all planned from beginning? <Q> Spoilers ahead! <S> When Black Zetsu impaled Madara, he transfered Kaguya's will into Madara. <S> By this process, Kaguya was revived by using Madara's body as the host vessel. <S> And yes, it was planned from beginning by Zetsu. <S> Black Zetsu's history: <S> He was created by Kaguya and served only her. <S> He acted as if he was Madara's creation, so he could facilitate the revival of his "mother", aka Kaguya. <S> To do this, he planned the activation of Infinite Tsukuyomi by influencing Madara and the Akatsuki. <S> Further reading: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki <A> As you see, Black Zetsu is Kaguya's servant, and he manipulated the Uchiha tablet to deceive Madara to revive the Ten Tails. <A> Black Zetsu is a shapeless manifestation of Kaguya's will, created before she was sealed by Hagoromo and Hamura. <S> It planned to manipulate Indra Otsutsuki and his descendants to one day wield the Rinnegan and activate the Infinite Tsukuyomi. <S> Once Madara activated the Infinite Tsukuyomi and trapped everyones chakra inside the God Tree, Black Zetsu then stabbed Madara while he was sapped of his chakra, and uses his Ten Tail Jinchuriki body and combined his will to create a pseudo Kaguya.
Yes, it was planned. This was one in order to become the Sage of Six Paths in order to become the vessel for Kaguya's revival.
When did Erina learn that Yukihira's father was Joichiro? It is a known fact that Yukihira Soma is the son of one of the world's most famous chefs, Yukihira Joichiro. When did Nakiri learn that Yukihira Soma's father was Joichiro? In which chapter? <Q> From last page of chapter 150, "Board Game", Erina overheard Souma revealed that Jouichiro is his father. <S> After that, on chapter 151, "The Outbreak of War", Erina saw a picture of Souma and his father. <A> In the series it hasn't been stated that she knows who his father is. <S> In an earlyish arc (40's i think) <S> his dorm mates were surprised to find out they were related, whether this knowledge spread isn't known. <A> At first she was in disbelief, but realized it was true after seeing the two next to each other in a recent photo. <S> She became greatly shocked after realizing that she had been hostile towards the son of the chef she always admired. <S> It's been updated even on the wiki page. <S> Go read under the Erina Nakiri section. <S> Beware of spoilers though :P <S>
In the most recent chapter, Soma's relationship to Jōichirō is inadvertently revealed to her when she walks in on a conversation between her father and Sōma.
Did Videl go Super Saiyan in Episode 9 of Dragon Ball Super? At first I thought it was just glowing from the others' Ki but her hair remained yellow after all the Ki glowing stopped. So did she go Super Saiyan? <Q> In order to become a Super Saiyan, you kind of need to be part of the Saiyan race. <S> In the movie Battle of the Gods, Videl joined the circle to pass energy to Goku to turn him into a Super Saiyan God since 5 Saiyans needed to pass their energy to a single Saiyan recipient. <S> Videl joined because Pan is in her womb, and the latter is quarter-Saiyan. <S> Most likely Videl's hair is just showing off residual energy from Pan. <S> Does this mean Pan will become a Super Saiyan this time? <S> We don't know. <S> Though, largely, the reason I'm saying Videl didn't transform into a Super Saiyan is because she isn't a member of the Saiyan race, so even if she can, "Use" Pan's power as a Super Saiyan to fight at some point later in DBSuper (which, talk about dangerous things for mothers to do while pregnant lol), Videl still won't be a Super Saiyan. <S> She'd be a human borrowing the power of one until that child is born. <A> I would like to add that she only turned Super Saiyan in the cartoons. <S> In chapter 4 of the comics, she stayed the same old Videl. <S> If Akira did not participate in the making of the cartoons I would have said that Videl turning Super Saiyan would not be canon, but he does participate. <S> So now it just is confusing why they chose to approach it differently. <A> Videl is clearly a human, not a Saiyan. <S> She doesn't have Saiyan blood inside of her, she has human blood genes. <S> Pan is inside Videl's womb, giving her power to her grandfather, Goku to become a Super Saiyan God. <S> But we might going to see Pan going to transform into a Super Saiyan later in the Dragon Ball Super series.
Videl didn't go Super Saiyan.
Why is it that Beerus and Whis know Frieza but not Buu? It's a known fact that Beerus was asleep for 38/39 years. When he wakes up, Whis tells him that a Saiyan defeated Frieza. I know 39 years is a long time however Buu was also on rampage throughout the universe way before that (fighting the Supreme Kaihous and so on). How come they know about Frieza and don't know about Buu? <Q> In Dragon Ball Super, as well as Battle of the Gods, Beerus did not know about Majin Buu. <S> The manga has not given a definitive answer as to why they don't know each other, but we can narrow down the potential answers. <S> In an interview, Akira Toriyama has stated that contrary to Supreme Kai's statement about Bibidi creating Buu, Buu has actually been around since the beginning of time. <S> Bibidi just knew how to wake up Buu from his long slumber. <S> We also know that gods aren't born as gods in Dragon Ball. <S> They obtain the god title after training and fulfilling their duties. <S> Thus we know that Buu existed before Beerus became a god. <S> This means that Beerus not knowing Buu can be attributed to any of the possibilities below - Beerus and Buu <S> never met each other - possible due to the excessive amount of time they spend asleep. <S> Beerus might have met Buu, but in kid Buu form. <S> He has never seen Mr. Buu before. <S> There was no reason to meet. <S> Beerus destroys planets to maintain the balance of the universe. <S> With Buu also destroying planets, he essentially did Beerus' job for him. <S> We also know that Beerus sealed Old Supreme Kai into that sword. <S> We should also note that Old Kai described Buu as more evil than Beerus while Beerus was more powerful than Buu. <S> It's possible that Beerus didn't need to seek Buu for a challenge if he was already stronger than him. <A> Maybe beerus did know buu <S> just didn't care about him only wanted pudding plus there's no real way to destroy buu so they could have met before <S> and that's the reason buu didn't want to share his pudding cups <S> , buu isn't really that self-centered, beerus could have beaten buu to a pulp once upon a time <S> and that's how bibidi discovers him or beerus could have delegated his destroying responsibilities to him <S> but I c this unlikely because kid buu seems unruly <S> , proof that they met I believe is in the fact beerus knew to block his candy beam probably because he seen it before or it was used on him and also beerus is forgetful, all the ancient people n <S> the universe knew buu and feared him and beerus from king cold to the kias <A> Majin Buu or Kid Buu was stronger than Beerus 75 million years ago, so even if Beerus knew about him, he'd be helpless against him. <S> Beerus attained his strength by training with Whis for 75-85 million years.
During that time, Buu was also asleep, so there was no chance for Beerus to meet Buu during that time.
How was Sayaka able to join Madoka in the Law of Cycles after her death? Adding onto this question, right after Madoka recreated the entire universe to accommodate with the Law of Cycles, why was everybody placed back in time right after the event where Sayaka gets killed in battle? Why were they placed specifically there in time? Also, do all magical girls join the Law of Cycles after they die? If they do, then what is the point? Madoka's wish was to erase all witches with her own hands, so anybody else in the Law of Cycles wouldn't have a job to carry out since Madoka would be doing it all herself. <Q> Right after Madoka recreated the entire universe to accommodate with the Law of Cycles, why was everybody placed back in time right after the event where Sayaka gets killed in battle? <S> Why were they placed specifically there in time? <S> I don't think it's quite accurate to view everybody as having been placed back where Sayaka gets killed in battle. <S> In this rewritten universe where the Law of Cycles exists, the entirety of history plays out differently, probably diverging whenever the very first magical girl's Soul Gem turns dark. <S> Every scene involving witches or Madoka personally probably plays out differently; it just so happens that we only get to see one particular scene from this new history of the world - the scene where Sayaka dies. <S> Why? <S> Well, it's an important scene, particularly given how that same scene was something of a bloodbath in episode 10's timeline 3. <S> And plus, it helps us understand how the new universe works. <S> I find it more likely that everybody was "placed" back at the same instant that Madoka made her wish in the main timeline. <S> (I don't have any strong evidence for this; it just seems to be the most parsimonious option.) <S> Also, do all magical girls join the Law of Cycles after they die? <S> I'm guessing you haven't seen Rebellion. <S> Rebellion strongly suggests that the answer is yes, based on Sayaka's comments at the beginning of the final segment (shortly after Homura turns witch). <S> Magical girls do indeed become part of the Law of Cycles when they're touched by Madoka when their Soul Gems go dark. <S> If they do, then what is the point? <S> Madoka's wish was to erase all witches with her own hands, so anybody else in the Law of Cycles wouldn't have a job to carry out since Madoka would be doing it all herself. <S> Again, I'm guessing you haven't seen Rebellion, <S> since in Rebellion, we learn that: At minimum, Sayaka and Charlotte/Nagisa both sort of exist in the same metaphysical space as Madoka. <S> Sayaka herself notes that the two of them are sort of like "secretaries" to Madoka. <S> They both play a key role in Madoka's scheme to extract Homura from the Incubators' barrier; it seems unlikely that Madoka would have been able to effect her scheme without their (or at least somebody's ) assistance. <A> First, note that at the end of the last episode, magical girls are said to fight wraiths (instead of witches), and Kyubey is still around (albeit with <S> no confirmed knowledge of the alternative universe Homura is aware of). <S> So the main things that have changed are: What the magical girls fight. <S> (Homura even states that humanity still faces certain "monsters", which just happen to not be witches.) <S> What happens after their soul gems become too "polluted". <S> (In the new universe, Kyouko laments that Sayaka used up a little too much energy in their fight against some wraiths, and thus was absorbed into the Law of Cycles, just as they were getting closer.) <S> So magical girls are around, and it's simply that they don't become witches. <S> There are thus no witches in this continuity. <S> After Madoka's actions, we see history rewritten entirely: <S> in the beginning of the episode, we thus see her interact with the various magical girls who have come up through-out history, showing up to take them (which contrasts with the earlier scenario, where they were shown as girls who would later become witches). <S> This also strongly suggests that yes, all magical girls join the Law of Cycles in this continuity. <S> As senshin notes, showing Homura in the "new" universe at the specific point where Sayaka dies serves as a good contrast with Sayaka's original fate. <S> From Homura's possession of Madoka's ribbons at that point, it seems possible that Homura is placed back at that specific point in time in the new universe, but this is only in the sense that it's possible <S> her consciousness was transferred to that point (unless, like with the numerous other universes Homura has experienced, she "arrived" when she was still in the hospital or at some other point, and it's just that she keeps the ribbons on her person). <S> However, no one else knows who Madoka is, so we must conclude that Mami and Kyouko are merely part of the rewritten universe -- they aren't really "placed" into it. <A> Here's an answer to my own question that I thought up. <S> Since Madoka recreated the entire universe, it was probably her own decision to place them back in that moment of time. <S> She wanted them all to still be together as friends and to help each other fight the wraiths, so she recreated the new world in that way to let their friendships still last and not have absolutely EVERYTHING be rewritten.
It was placed right after Sayaka's death since Sayaka wanted to join Madoka in the Law of Cycles, so she joined Madoka after her death.
How do Soul Gems get corrupted over time in Madoka Magica? After seeing how Madoka instantly transformed into her witch form after killing Walpurgisnacht in one shot in the 4th timeline, it makes me wondering: How do Soul Gems become corrupted? I assumed that over time the magical girls would lose hope and fall into despair, which then clouded their Soul Gems. However, Madoka instantly turned into a witch, without any real reason to despair. <Q> Soul Gems do indeed gradually darken over time, even if a magical girl doesn't do anything magical. <S> I'd imagine this is because the gem still needs to magically sustain her body, or something like that. <S> But they also darken for other reasons - the emotion of despair causes a Soul Gem to darken, and so does the use of magical powers. <S> In the 4th timeline, after defeating the Walpurgisnacht, Madoka had no reason to despair... <S> but she did expend an enormous amount of energy to defeat the Walpurgisnacht in one shot. <S> Apparently, that was enough to cause her Soul Gem to blacken completely, thus resulting in her becoming Kriemhild Gretchen. <A> So we know that Grief Seeds are former Soul Gems that became too polluted. <S> (This can be confirmed in Wikia-type sources such as here .) <S> So the question is also about how easily Soul Gems can become polluted. <S> As it seems, there are several ways for this to happen: Despair and pain. <S> This I believe happens with Sayaka and is shown to us in episode 8. <S> Normal use of magical abilities: <S> This is why Mami's Soul Gem becomes slightly polluted, and why in what should be the second episode, she shows Sayaka and Madoka her use of a Grief Seed she collected to clear it up. <S> Notably, we also see Homura use her Soul Gem to improve her eyesight and get rid of her glasses, when she decides to take more drastic action to save Madoka -- <S> so in some sense, maybe the Soul Gem contains some sort of energy or vitality. <S> In the case of Madoka in the timeline you mentioned, the second scenario seems more likely, due to the amount of energy that would be required to destroy a witch so easily. <A> I'm assuming you meant how Soul Gems gets corrupted over time. <S> Grief Seeds don't fill up after a Soul Gem is destroyed. <S> In fact, they only exist after a Soul Gem is destroyed. <S> A Puella Magi does not have a Grief Seed, they only have a Soul Gem. <S> As for why Madoka became a witch immediately after making her wish in the most recent timeline, it is because the miracle she wants out of her wish is simply too great. <S> It requires a great amount of magical powers to fulfill as she needed to change nature itself. <S> Thus her soul gem became spent and she became a witch.
Soul Gems gets corrupted after its owner uses their magical powers.
Can an Uchiha master Sage Mode? If a child whose father is Uchiha and mother is Senju is born, will this child awaken the Rinnegan? Will they be able to use Sage Mode because Senju have strong chakra to harness Sage Mode? <Q> Well.. In order to awaken the Rinnegan, you need to have Ashura's and Indra's chakra. <A> The problem with an Uchiha learning Senin mode is that for you to learn that you need a large amount of chakra reserves. <S> Something that the Uchihas tend to have a problem with. <S> You can see a lot of Itachi's early fights, Kisame mentions that Itachi cannot use his eyes for a large amount of time as it puts a large burden on his limited chakra reserves. <S> Also you need an immense amount of chakra control as to not let the nature energy turn you into a frog. <S> Even Jiraiya, one of the legendary three, could not completely control the nature energy. <S> He admitted that he could never use his sennin powers without acquiring some frog features. <S> Naruto on the other hand, with his Uzumaki heritage, a clan that has worn at least twice the title of Nine Tails' jinchuuriki, and the fact that he had a truly immense amount of chakra in him from birth, made him able to control large amounts of chakra unlike any of the other sennin users. <A> I believe if a child is born from uchiha father and senju mother, and if that child awakens his sharingan and pushes through physical training(enhance his body strength), then ultimately they WILL awaken the rinnegan()under the proper circumstances -> situations that call to their emotions. <S> The re-incarnation of indra and ashura has little to do with awakening a rinnegan as Indra himself did not awaken the rinnegan even though he was the first son of hagoromo. <S> Madara(Uchiha) awakened his rinnegan only bc <S> he had access to Hashirama DNA(Senju). <S> Same as that uchiha/senju child we talking about here. <A> Indra and Ashura are the two sons of Hagoromo (sage of six paths) who wielded the rinnegan. <S> As the two sons of Hagoromo were born they each had a half of his chakra. <S> With one half of the chakra they were very strong but they could not awaken the rinnegan on their own, they needed both halves of the chakra to do so. <S> They could do this by transplanting one <S> another's flesh, as demonstrated by Madara Uchiha (Indra's incarnate), thus combining their chakra to make up Hagoromo's chakra, or they could just receive chakra directly from Hagoromo himself as demonstrated by Sasuke Uchiha (Indra's second incarnate), but it is unknown to why Naruto (Ashura's second incarnate) did not receive the rinnegan, (probably because Sasuke already had it or because he already had his own dojutsu, the sage mode eyes). <S> I mean... <S> If the Uchiha knew it was this easy, they would've seduced some Senju ladies like Tsuna and had rinnegan wielding babies a long time ago, LOL. <A> For rinnegan you'll basically need the Chakras of the Reincarnated Ashura and Indra's. <S> Not all Uchiha have the reincarnated Indra's Chakra similarity not all Senju's have Ashura's chakra. <S> This also applies for other clans.
Having Uchiha and Senju DNA won't necessarily activate the Rinnegan unless those Uchiha and Senju are reincarnated Ashura and Indra.
In Attack on Titan, how did the river barge escape Shiganshina in episode 2? In episode 2 of the anime, the characters start off in the Shiganshina district. When and how did they get inside wall Maria? It shows them on a river barge with other refugees, but I do not think that explains it. Is there a gate on the river for the barge to go through? If so, is the gate ever shown, explained or attacked? <Q> The refugees just sailed into wall Maria. <S> There isn't much more to it than that. <S> As far as I know the river gates were never explained, but they have been shown. <S> In chapter 1 you can see the river flow through the walls and in chapter 73 you can see in more detail how the river flows freely in and out the walls through bars. <S> I assume them to be able to open similarly to the regular gates. <S> They have not been attacked and it has not been explained why. <S> At this point it makes more sense to attack the regular gates than the bars, seeing we don't even known whether Titans can even swim . <A> The boat wasn't in Shinganshina District, it was in Wall Maria. <S> The people living in Shinganshina had to run through the inner gate to get to the boat. <S> In the anime a Garrison Regiment person yells for everyone to go through the inner gate and that there will be a boat on the other side that will take them to safety. <S> Then the Garrison Regiment sets up cannons in front of the inner gate to protect the people trying to get onto the boat. <S> A couple minutes later the Armored Titan appears, and breaches the inner gate. <S> All the people see that the inner gate has been breached and they realize that their only option is to try to jump onto the boat. <A> Since Shiganshina was a safe place before the Colossal Titan breached the outer wall, the gate was open. <S> So when the wall was breached the Garrison protected the gate and let the people of Shiganshina inside as long as they could. <S> When the threat got to big they closed the gate (which the armored Titan then breached).
They simply ran through the open gates of Wall Maria and then to the boat.
How is Goku able to survive in Space? In Dragon Ball Super episode 13 after loosing the Super Saiyan God power, how is Goku able to breathe and survive in space. As we all know that Saiyans can't breathe in Space then how is he able to continue fighting with Beerus in Space in SSJ2 form? <Q> This is just speculation but I believe Saiyans are capable of breathing in space for short periods of time unlike Freeza who can live without oxygen indefinitely. <S> Also assuming Super follows The battle of gods movie, Goku could still be within/close to the earth's atmosphere. <S> Bardock has also been seen flying through space in his special although that was technically filler. <S> and so it is likely that he just simply forgot that Saiyans were incapable of doing so. <A> Goku has been able to survive in space since OG Dragon Ball. <S> He went to the moon using his power poll and had no problem being in a vacuum. <A> Vegeta and Nappa also share a scene where they are seemingly in space, yet right next to a planet. <S> They are both standing outside their pods, then obliterate the planet and leave. <S> Similar events occur with Bardock attacking Frieza near planet Vegeta and Goku fighting Beerus near Earth. <S> While I am not 100% sure if the creators meant to do this (having the above mentioned characters near the planets) they actually make it scientifically accurate. <S> The same can even be said when Pan is flying in "space" with Hercule and co. during a Dragon Ball Super episode. <S> They are always in the upper atmosphere of the planet that they are near. <S> While the air is much colder, and thinner then ground level conditions, it would still be breathable. <S> For sayians since they are a hell of a lot more durable then the average human, they can easily survive in the upper atmosphere. <A> Goku became a god with his godly form, he also absorbed the godly ki <S> so Goku is technically a god now <S> so he should be able to survive space, plus the Null Realm is basically space <S> so <S> yeah, Goku would be fine in space.
The most likely answer is that it is simply a retcon, Akira Toriyama is known to have a bad memory when it comes to the Dragon Ball universe
Why did Luffy react to Nami's body, but not to Hancock's? When Luffy saw Nami's naked body thanks to Mr. 2 and later in chapter 213 due to her happiness punch , he reacted and got excited. But on the other hand, when Luffy saw Boa Hancock naked it did not affect him in any way. Why was Luffy affected by Nami's body, but not by Hancock's body? <Q> A different reader had the same question and according to Oda, it was all because of Usopp's bad influence. <S> Luffy and Usopp are of the same age, so when they are together it would be like kids going on a school trip: their bad side comes out! <S> From SBS of Volume 54, chapter 523 : <S> Reader : <S> Hey, Oda. <S> In volume 53, chapter 518, Hancock's "Mero Mero Mellow" had no effect on Luffy at all, but in volume 23, chapter 213, it looked like he had a reaction to Nami's "Happiness Punch". <S> Why did he respond to Nami's naked body but <S> no to Hancock's? <S> Is Nami's body just that amazing? <S> -Kazu <S> Oda : <S> Wow, I got a lot of questions about this. <S> Is this what you guys are paying attention to? <S> Don't just read manga all day, go study some more!! <S> Okay? <S> Well, I say that, but I do nothing but draw manga. <S> I noticed this when we were drawing it, but if Luffy had a nosebleed when he saw Hancock's body, I think you would all be like "Ehh!?". <S> That's not the Luffy we know. <S> I believe that Luffy reacted to Nami's naked body twice, in volumes 18 and 23, and both times it happened, Usopp was with him! <S> He's the suspicious one! <S> In other words, when Luffy is alone, his reaction is what it was with Hancock. <S> He's interested, but he's not entranced by her. <S> But when he's with Usopp, who's the same age, it's like a kid on a school trip: his bad side comes out!! <S> Yeah, both sides of Luffy feel right to me, so the culprit is definitely Usopp!! <A> I think it's because Oda is a fan of Nami himself and somewhere else made mention that Nami is his favorite. <S> (Hell he even Married a Nami from one of the live action Shows in Japan). <S> So I think since Luffy is the main character he reacts to his own Nakama/Friends naked as more of a shock. <S> Where as we know Sanji will just gawk at about any woman, even if they were wearing 90 layers of Parkas and had only one EYE visable LOL. <S> Boa is the one obsessed with Luffy, and Luffy can't be bothered by her. <S> It'd be much like having a stalker, who is so entranced with you that if they stripped naked in front of you to get your attention, you still would "NOT care". <S> Also with my theory why Nami affected him, think of if you saw your own friend of the opposite gender naked, you'd probably react with shock too. <S> I know I would. <A> Notice how in the image provided, Luffy and Usopp have the exact same expression on their faces. <S> He's just straight up mimicking Usopp in an attempt at a "proper reaction" to the situation. <S> After all, Luffy tends to be almost sociopathic in reaction when it comes to these kinds of situations. <S> Fighting, food, treasure, and related topics <S> he is all excited over, but girls he is oblivious to...
I'd say it a combination of Amazement at #2s power, Shock at seeing his friend in such a way, and
Roronoa Zoro's sense of climate/aura/motion and other observation capabilities It's not a luck or co-incidence, of all people Zoro sensed first that their Ship isn't moving (when they entered Calm belt for the first time) In episode 385 he sensed (along with Nami) change in climate before Serpent Currents emerged. There are several incidences he has sensed changes in Climate and motion before all (or along with Nami, who's a navigator) in the series Is it zoro's Kenbunshoku Haki, which was active all time? or does he have any special ability? Isn't it noteworthy? I don't see any sources highlighting this ability of his (even in Wiki)! <Q> As per One Piece wiki Kenbunshoku Haki, also known as Mantra on Skypiea, is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. <S> This is the aura which is seen through Kenbunshoku Haki. <S> The user can also use this Haki to predict an opponent's moves shortly before they make them, thereby making the attack much easier to evade with enough skill. <S> This prediction appears to the user as an image or brief "premonition" of what the opponent will do in the user's mind's eye, and the damage the user will take if the attack actually "hits". <S> It appears that the more killing intent the enemy has, the easier they are to predict. <S> Although, more skilled users can predict future moves whether there are ambient murderous intents or not. <S> Hence, Zoro detecting the change in climate can't be a consequence of his Kenbunshoku Haki, because it's inanimate and has nothing to do with a living thing. <S> It's not possible to detect the "aura" of climate either. <S> Though the power allows the user to predict most attacks, it can be circumvented by various means. <S> It cannot predict inherently random attacks; for example, Luffy managed to bypass Enel's Mantra by bouncing his fists off a nearby wall, to prevent himself and thus Enel from knowing where they would land. <S> As for Zoro sensing the halt of the ship in the Calm Belt, it's highly unlikely that it was his Kenbunshoku Haki as well because the Straw Hats had merely begun their journey then, and noone was aware of their Haki, or even unconsciously used it. <S> Not to mention, the halting of their ship was not intentional (a result of the action of another living thing). <S> I think it's more of Zoro keeping an eye out for changes in the surroundings than it being his Haki. <A> We see evidence of this in Whiskey Peak where Zoro doesn't put his guard down against the villagers and ensures limits his drinking when the crew were partying which pays off when we find out they were bounty hunters. <A> I do agree with Ashish Gupta's answer. <S> Also would like to add some more points to it: <S> Evidently Zoro is given a duty of Monitoring the surroundings, generally sits(or sleeps) on top of the ship. <S> This Duty, however was never announced. <S> And shown to be shared by other strawhat members too. <S> So not sure if he chose it himself or his team members acknowledged his ability. <S> But the SHP team does depend on his observation skills. <S> As Ashish noted, it's definitely not an "Observation Haki" but could merely be a presence of mind and cautiousness, perhaps a sign of a true swordsman..
I think it's a case of Zoro always being cautious and alert much like a Samurai as opposed to him subconsciously using haki.
What happened to the second kira? After Light and Misa were cleared, everyone seemed to just forget about that there's more than one kira. What was up with that? I seem to recall Light instructed Misa to make a response to the task force's kira video, then L deduced that the two kiras have met, then Light and Misa were confined, then Soichiro fake shoots them and then they try to catch Higuchi. While trying to catch Higuchi and thereafter, has everyone just forgotten that there's more than one kira? Did anyone find it suspicious that there seems to have been only one kira around? Maybe they thought that the two kiras were acting as one? Based on a comment I made here: Why didn't the Task Force capture Misa Amane? <Q> There's nothing to expect from the Task Force. <S> Their main brains were L, Light and Near. <S> L proposed that Misa is the second Kira, but he was proved wrong because of the fake shot scene by Light's father. <S> So inside the Task Force's mind, the claim that Misa is the second Kira became false, thus the claim of second Kira was probably forgotten too by the Task Force. <S> After Higuchi's capture part, L still didn't forget his claim about the second Kira and Kira = <S> Light, because L wanted to test the truth of 13-day rules. <S> Unfortunately he didn't live long. <S> Task Force is just a group of subordinates who receive the orders and execute the orders. <S> They are not the leader of the team. <S> They just follow their leader's instruction. <S> They didn't have insight like L and Near, plus they believes in Light, so they just did their job according to Light's instructions. <S> Even though Aizawa doubted Light after Near emerges, he still didn't have enough brain to prove Light = <S> Kira, <S> and he just had doubt, not confirmation. <S> As part of a team, Japanese values teamwork and harmony in a team, so they follow their leader. <S> As for the guy who doubted Light, he chose to follow Near's instruction. <A> They did not forget that there were possibly two Kiras. <S> The task force stopped pursuing that objective due to L throwing the theory out after the shot scene as posted about. <S> If L didn't pursue the theory, then it was forgotten as the task force had already been proven powerless to stop Kira, which is why L was there in the first place. <S> Perhaps the individual members still pondered if there were two Kiras or not, but they were not free to pursue their own opinions given their individual positions. <A> It has been a while since I watched Death Note, but this is my answer from what I remember. <S> After the fake firing scene, they concluded that Light and Misa are not the Kiras. <S> Later Light turned out to be Kira, but I don't think they never had any reason to suspect Misa again. <S> Also, the task force got hold of one of the Death Notes. <S> So, they probably might have thought that since they have one with them and Kira has another one, Second Kira didn't have a Death Note anymore <S> and so is no longer a threat. <S> That's what I think.
I don't think they forgot about the Second Kira, at least not entirely.
In Soul Eater, does Soul ever become a death scythe? If so, which episode? I have heard rumors he only becomes a death scythe in the manga but it is still unclear. Has it just not happened yet in the anime? <Q> No, in the anime of soul eater <S> a death scythe is more of a conceptual goal than a visible state of progression, however, as the anime progresses a character who is <S> an actual death scythe is introduced and <S> it's power is displayed to reinforce that goal. <S> Keep in mind that the anime also ends at the internal investigation arc <S> (chapters 38-40) as the Kishin arc - Arachnophobia vs DWMA - is anime only. <S> I will leave out details if you haven't seen it to avoid spoilers but I do recommend watching it. <S> My source is that I watched the anime fairly recently and recall the details. <A> In the anime no, however know that the anime does not follow the manga entirely , as Hikari points out Keep in mind that the anime also ends at the internal investigation arc <S> (chapters 38-40) as the Kishin arc - Arachnophobia vs DWMA - is anime only. <S> is when the anime deviates from the manga as in the manga near the end Crona ends up becoming a Kishin and flees to the Moon with an army of clowns similar to the 2 clowns that Kid faced in the anime when he went to obtain the last of Ebion's Tools needed for Death <S> i havn't read the manga <S> so i don't know exactly when <S> but on Soul's Synopsis Wikia Page under Formation, partway though the second paragraph <S> it says Spirit hands Soul Arachne's Witch soul and congratulates him on becoming a Death Weapon. <S> The other members of Spartoi join them, as Soul, drooling and with a smirk on his face, consumes Arachne's soul and becomes a Death Weapon, signaling the birth of the elite student group, Spartoi. <A> Well, the anime very greatly deviates from the manga. <S> In fact, only less than the first half of the anime follows the manga. <S> The rest is completely different. <S> Considering the events of the manga: (SPOILERS) <S> Comparing it with the anime, they had to confront the Kishin right after attacking the Baba Yaga castle and the anime ended eventually. <S> He does become a death scythe in the manga in chapter 62.
So I don't think Soul ever became a death scythe in the anime. Soul becomes death scythe after some time after the events of the Baba Yaga castle by killing a witch.
Why does Vegeta tolerate Android 18? Probably a stupid question but... I was watching Resurrection 'F' and when 18 appeared on screen this question popped into my head. During the Android saga he was pretty much curb stomped by 18 right? (Memories are a little clouded) And Vegeta being as prideful as he is would he really let 18 live regardless of how "good" he became? Is it just a plot point that wasn't explored?Is Vegeta's switch to the good side cause for this? I just find this one a little hard to believe. I'd probably believe it more that since 18 is important to Krillin and he is important to Goku, that Goku had something to do with it. Again, sorry if this question is dumb. <Q> The primary reason that Vegeta tolerates <S> Android 18 is that he has changed. <S> He has become more human than a savage who destroyed planets for fun. <S> This change of his is evident and there are many more instances of this in DBS (Dragon Ball Super). <S> For example, in episode 2, he took a day out of his training schedule and went to the amusement park with Bulma and Trunks and the incidents that occur over there also highlight this sea change in his personality. <S> In fact, he's in touch with his human emotions, an instance being whenhe gets angry over Beerus slapping Bulma when she slaps him forruining her birthday party and makes up his mind to fight him whereastill that point he had been swallowing up his pride and acting like aclown (episode 7). <S> It can also be said that he now accepts things as they are. <S> Herealized that he isn't the strongest out there, and has shifted hisfocus to becoming the best. <S> This explains why Vegeta tolerated Android 18. <A> During the Android Saga, after the defeat, Vegeta trains in the Room of Spirit and Time (aka Hyperbolic Time Chamber) and becomes so powerful he could probably beat 18 in seconds. <S> Everybody knows he is far, far superior. <S> That isn't the only time Vegete renounce revenge. <S> He could arguably want to take revenge on the fighters that defeated him in the battle that surely hurted more his pride, Yajirobe, Gohan and Krillin, specially when the last two of them outsmarted him in Namek. <S> But he prefer to focus on his rivality with Goku. <S> Also, note that at the end of the Android Saga, Goku was dead, so it wasn't him who stopped Vegeta. <S> On the other hand, Gohan was alive and more powerful that his father. <A> He just ignores all the others since they are weakling to him now and a waste of time also the fact that goku would stop him from hurting any of his friends including 18 who is married to krillin. <S> Vegeta knows he can spend his time better by training with Whis than trying to start a fight with 18. <S> Beerus would also stomp vegeta and vegeta needs to still get stronger than beerus. <S> He has alot to work on <S> so really I think he doesnt care about 18 and just focuses on other stuff he does care about. <S> He spend a year IIRC training with whis while goku was on earth farming and doing chi chi work. <S> Vegeta let majin buu go as well after he sacrificed himself to kill him. <S> So really it has been a turning point for Vegeta <A> I think it's because Vegeta's last statement after Cell Games: <S> At that point Vegeta pretty much lost his pride and a will to fight, so he just couldn't pull himself together to go after 18. <S> Sure, he got better after some time, but since his battle against 18 so much time has passed and so much stuff happened, he either no longer cared or even remembered about executing his revenge. <S> Also, let's not forget, that if he actually tried to do something against her, Krillin would just call Gohan and Bulma. <S> I don't think Vegeta would dare to go against the two of them at any moment between Cell Games and Buu Saga.
After fighting much more powerful enemy (which also humilated him), I think Vegeta no longer feels as he has something to demonstrate crushing 18. He also has realized that there is nothing going to be achieved by revenge, so he doesn't seek revenge anymore. Probably because Vegeta only aim is to get stronger than Goku, Beerus, and Whis and prove himself at this point in the series.
What's the difference between Sky Walk and Geppo? Is the technique Sanji learnt during the timeskip different from the one CP9 members and other Rokushiki users performed to stay in the air? If yes, what's the difference? If no, why did it take so much time for someone so talented at fighting with legs to learn it? <Q> There's really no difference between Sky Walk and Moon Walk. <S> You can check One Piece <S> Wiki which lists Sky Walk as a variation of Moon Walk. <S> The only difference it mentions is <S> After the timeskip, Sanji demonstrates this ability by kicking the air to jump higher , giving the appearance of flight. <S> However, when we see Sanji using Sky Walk here , Robin says that it's the moon walk of CP9. <S> I guess the only difference is in its naming or <S> maybe the ability to jump a bit higher in Sky Walk. <S> As for it taking Sanji time to learn Sky Walk, I don't think it took him that much time. <S> It's not like Sky Walk was the only thing he learned in the 2 years he was on the Momoiro Island. <S> But it's hard to specify how long it took him to learn the technique because nothing about that has been revealed yet. <A> There had been several cases of same techniques but named differently. <S> Skypea for example already had a form of Haki used, but it was called "Mantra" the ability to read other people and their intuition. <S> I guess culture and ones origin also has something to do with the name. <S> If the crew learned Haki on Skypea they would probably call it "Mantra" instead because the wouldnt know differently. <S> Sky Walk must have been the wording on Momoiro Island. <S> Moon walk may also refer to the dark CP9 appearance, used to emphazise on the shrouded people of CP9 and the Secret highly trained Assassin Organisation. <S> It probably just helps to give the right feeling from viewer towards CP9. <A> Actually I think there is a difference if you remember <S> cp9 said the MOONWALK technique causes them to become light as a feather making them capable of bouncing on air <S> but if you notice anyone that uses this Rokushiki tachnique has to continously stay bouncing <S> but, the SKYWALK technique that Sanji uses him seems different he has the ability to stay a float mid-air. <S> And as you can see he uses the diablo foot so not only floating but also spinning, his technique is almost as if he is making the sky solid under his feet while walking because if you recall he needs friction to use the diablo foot and with the moonwalk you dont get friction under your feet but the skywalk does. <S> Its just my observation
Geppo translates to 'moon walk'.
What is Hayama Akira's ethnicity supposed to be? Judging from the flashback in episode 23, where Shiomi Jun meets a young Hayama in a spice market somewhere, I get the sense that Hayama was probably not born in Japan. And given that Hayama is Brown A master of curries Apparently a fan of tulsi I have a sneaking suspicion that he's supposed to be some kind of South Asian. Am I right? What's his ethnicity supposed to be? <Q> As someone who is from Tamil Nadu, I'd say it's very evident that he really is from South India. <S> Was extremely surprised to see Kozhi Varutha Curry as one of his dishes because it's a purely Tamil-based dish. <A> He cooks quite a few south Indian dishes, specifically dishes native to the states of Tamil Nadu (kozhi varutha curry) and Kerala, <S> and I haven't noticed any of these dishes being very popular or even well known outside of India, <S> so..... <S> I'd say he's Indian, probably from South Indian. <A> Looking at the ethic side of things, I do agree that he must be of a South Asian origin. <S> Doing thorough research into the main spices and dishes he specialises in are from Sri Lanka. <S> So another option for his Ethnicity is Sri Lankan (Sinhalese). <S> Judging by the amount of detail I gathered up about the character <S> clearly states that Yūto Tsukuda did his research. <S> His skin tone is faily light brown which suggests that Sri Lanka may be more of a valid option than Tamils (Indian). <S> Some of his dishes are Indian based however being one of the highest ranks in the school, it is likely he is fluent in a multitude of dishes world wide. <S> So my bet is on Sri Lankan. <A> But during the autumn election where they were fighting using their types of food, they called his sword an "Arabian Sword" and he was dressed like an Arabian prince. <S> He also made common Arabic street food such as the Turkish Kabob and the Arabic Kebab Sandwich. <S> They also never specified where the slums he is from is and Arabic are known for many types of spices, even many of the ones he uses. <A> I feel as though he may be Arabic. <S> The music that always plays when he cooks is influenced from Arabic music and the Middle East where many Arabic people reside was also quite famous for spices. <S> Just speculation though. <A> Obviously from SOUTH INDIA he was in south Indian slum since I have seen women in salwar kameez in background additionally akira <S> is master of spices and <S> some may say then y he is mastered in kebab <S> it's because in India also kebab is extremely common since it was exported to India during Mogul empire who had some Persian, Turkish influence additionally Arabian prince dress is similar to medieval Indian prince dress... <S> therefore from all the above proves it's extremely clear that he is from INDIA <S> , SOUTH INDIA MAY BE PARTICULARLY FROM TAMIL NADU...
India is known as the land of spices and his background music was influenced by Bollywood music which is an Indian film industry additionally cooked many south Indian dishes, have tulsi patta in his hand always now Even in one of the pages in the manga where they show him living in the slums, I could see a board at the edge of the panel that had Tamil writing, I think it's enough proof. There are other anime that have similarly designed characters which are speculated to be Arabic as well such as Sphintus Carmen from Magi.
Are there any other Leg Style combatants other than Okamas, Sanji and Zeff? Sanji's fighting style is using his leg and his epithet is also called Kuroashi no Sanji / Black Leg Sanji.He learnt this style of fighting from Aka-Ashi no Zeff / Red-Leg Zeff. As far as I remember, Okamas also use (at least) their legs to fight, like Bentham and Emporio Ivankov. My questions are : besides Sanji and Zeff, is it only Okamas that using Leg Style for fighting? are there any other Leg Style combatants other than Okamas, Sanji and Zeff? <Q> 1. <S> The Longleg Tribe uses their legs to fight. <S> The incredible long legs of the Longleg tribe endows them with not only height but incredible leg strength as well, and those that are hit by the legs of a Longleg fighter consider them to be like metal whips. <S> As acknowledged by fighters in the Corrida Colosseum, t he legs are the most important part of the tribe's fighting form . <S> Therefore, aiming for them seems to be their most vulnerable weakness. <S> However, due to the speed a trained Longleg fighter can move their legs at, landing just a single blow is not always possible to do <S> This includes: • <S> Blue Gilly <S> : You can see him use his legs for fighting in this video. <S> He is also a practitioner of Jao Kun Do. <S> Jao Kun Do is a close range attack-based fighting style which involves leg motions so swift that foes cannot predict where a kick will land. <S> The only known practitioner of this art, Blue Gilly, has leg movements so rapid that they create afterimages that confuse opponents. <S> He can then attack with force comparable to that of a steel whip. <S> • <S> Baron Tamago <S> : We haven't yet seen him fight in the anime <S> but it's implied that his key fighting strength lies in his legs. <S> As One Piece Wiki says: As a member of the Longleg Tribe, his long legs are considered to be the main point of his combat strength 2. <S> Inuppe , the zombie penguin who had Sanji's shadow uses the Black Leg Style fighting techniques as well. <S> In the Thriller Bark Arc, Inuppe, the zombie who had Sanji's shadow also used the Black Leg fighting style due to the Kage Kage no Mi's powers. <S> 3. <S> Vergo can be considered a strong leg fighter as well, although he does far from only using his legs. <S> You can see his fight here with Sanji where he uses his legs for fighting for most of the part. <A> For example Rokushiki includes the following techniques The Geppo <S> allows the users to actually jump off the air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. <S> CP9 members can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground, or set themselves up for swift, aerial attacks. <S> The Rankyaku is a powerful projectile technique, in which the users start by kicking at very high speeds and strength, sending out a sharp compressed air blade that can slice objects and greatly damage a human body. <S> 2 <S> However, it has been shown that almost any length of appendage (such as a tail or neck) at high velocities are also capable of this move. <S> The Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. <S> It was revealed that the principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye. <S> Also Hassoken can be adapted to leg-combat, in particular Sai 's techniques. <S> As you mentioned some Okama Kenpo users are specialized in leg combat, e.g. Bentham . <S> Moreover you have Blue Gilly <S> (style: <S> Jao Kun Do) from Longleg Tribe, who was shown fighting in Dressrosa arena. <S> Another leg-combatant is Dellinger , from Donquixote family. <S> If you consider also not-canon character you should take into account also <S> Hotdog (who appeared in the third movie ) <A> Dellinger is one such character that uses kicking as his fighting style. <S> As from one-piece wikia. <S> Dellinger is a combatant and an officer of the Donquixote Pirates' Diamante Army. <S> He is a hybrid between a Human and a Fighting Fish Fishman. <S> A human-fishman hybrid, Dellinger was born physically stronger than the average human, going by his ability to lift cannonballs at two years of age without problems and the fact that full-blooded fishmen are supposedly ten times stronger than humans, but it's unknown if he's as strong as an average fishman in relation to a human Dellinger is extremely proficient in kicking, seen when he easily knocks out Blue Gilly, a powerful martial artist known for his own strong kicking, with a single kick while leaving no time for the latter to react. <S> His kicking strength is further highlighted by the fact he is able to kick and move Machvise, who at the time weighs 10 tons thanks to his Devil Fruit, though Dellinger shouts in pain a result of the kick. <S> Pistol High Heel (ピストルハイヒール Pisutoru Haihīru?): Dellinger rushes towards to his enemy and kicking him with force while wearing high heeled shoes. <S> It is powerful enough to hurt even super-weighted humans. <S> It's first used accidentally on Machvise. <S> Danto High Heel <S> (断頭ハイヒール Dantō Hai Hīru?, literally meaning "Decapitation High <S> Heel"):- Dellinger charges at his enemy and unleashes a hard kick to the neck, potentially strong enough to cut an opponent's head off given its name. <S> It's first used against Blue Gilly and is powerful enough to take him out in one blow.
In general there are plenty martial artists in One Piece, in particular there are some styles which include also leg techniques.
Is there a reason for the notches on the blades? In Attack on Titan, the blades used with the 3D Manuever Gear have notches in them similar to those found on craft knives: Certain knives like the one above come with snap-off points so that when the blade dulls, it can be removed and replaced by a fresh and sharp piece. However, a utility like this seems redundant on the 3DMG blades as a shortened blade would be extremely ineffective at removing a Titan's neck, not to mention that the blades seem to be used and discarded as a whole piece. Additionally, The wiki page on the blades themselves gives no mention of the notches. So is there any reason for the notches to exist aside from looking cool? <Q> The blades were very prone to breakage [picture needed]. <S> The vertical maneuver gear has even a spare blade storage built-in [picture needed], and in at leat one occasion one soldier was left without blades [chapter ref needed] and a companion had to share blades with him. <S> even a short and less effective blade had a chance of scoring a kill and you could take the most out of a blade before it becomes completely useless. <S> Also, the resources inside the walls are scarce. <S> I have no access to CR manga ATM, and cannot search for manga images. <S> Will add the references later today. <A> The artist just thought it looked cool. <S> Let's examine some of the other potential answers: <S> * to prevent the blades from getting stuck. <S> Nope. <S> When the blades get stuck, they eject the blade and load a new one. <S> Struggling to break a stuck blade could easily turn someone into titan chow, so this is sensible. <S> * <S> because the blades break frequently. <S> Nope. <S> If the blades break frequently, it's BECAUSE of the notches and the generally flimsy construction. <S> * <S> To capitalize on scarce resources. <S> Nope. <S> Making the swords less breakable would use less resources. <A> When a section of the ODM blades snaps off it is still sharp. <S> They would continue to use these blades until it snaps off again, but they would keep doing it to a point of when that blades because too short because as stated above this answer, "The notches make sense since the blades break so often <S> even a short and less effective blade had a chance of scoring a kill and you could make* <S> the most out of a blade before it becomes completely useless." <S> *= edited
The notches make sense since the blades break so often Making the most out of the metal available also made sense.
Why did Hiruzen Sarutobi become the third Hokage again? Hiruzen Sarutobi is the third Hokage, while Minato is the fourth Hokage. After the death of Minato, Hiruzen becomes Hokage again and he is still called the third. But why still the third? Why isn't Hiruzen called the fifth then? And why didn't they choose a new candidate as new Hokage? <Q> This is a guess from human behavior not exact knowledge. <S> they are used to call him the third Hokage and only know him as the thrid. <S> Even if he now would officially be the fifth. <S> Compare this to kings in the real world even if the went to exiles or somethign and came back to be kings again they would not change their name. <S> there might not be a suitable candidate at that point or he might be the best option. <A> After the kyubi attacked Konaha was basically a disaster zone <S> That coupled with the fact that there simply was no one else that came close to Minto. <S> Orochimaru had already defected. <S> Jiriyaya spent most his time chasing after Orochimaru. <S> There simply was no one else for it. <A> Sarutobi Hisuzen Sama <S> never re-elected as the hokage of the konoha. <S> Since he was the previous hokage, he was just represented as a hokage after the death of Namikaze Minato Sama(fourth) . <S> Reasons were, Everybody knew Danzo was not the right person for hokage post. <S> Jiraya sama was wandered around to find a pupil who was about to bring peace to shinobi world, and Ooruchimaru was very evil person and Tsunade Sama never accepted the post of hokage <S> (This was until she met Naruto san). <S> Since he was just a representative, he was never called the fifth.
.Hiruzen knew that if the other nations sense any weakness in the leadership of the village it could easily have led to another invasion.
Why is the Monokuma's eye in the school crest? Hope's Peak Academy's crest looks like this: In the center is a fountain pen and what looks to be a Monokuma's eye: But the school was established before Monokumas were created if I'm not mistaken. Before any of the games take place, Hope's Peak was a small-scale facility that survived on a government subsidiary and graduate donations. However, the research was often blocked by a lack of resources. The school's steering committee was not satisfied with this, so they instituted the preparatory school system in order to bring in more money. ( Ref ) Why then is the Monokuma's eye in the logo? Or were the Monokuma designed to have the eye because of the logo? <Q> From the Wikia : <S> Prior to the series, this cunning and vile being is actually a model animatronic bear used as an avatar to interact with the students by the mastermind. <S> There are seemingly infinite copies of Monokuma, and he seems to also have the ability to teleport everywhere within the academy compounds. <S> (Emphasis mine) <S> Prior to <S> The Tragedy : <S> Monokuma was apparently designed by the Towa Group's robotics division, under the supervision of Monaca Towa. <S> She claimed that she wanted to develop a series of robots that could assist in rescue operations and other scenarios that would be dangerous for humans - in reality, she wanted to build an army for Junko Enoshima's plans. <S> The Monokuma units were then secretly distributed to the various branches of Ultimate Despair, with Junko taking several for her plot at Hope's Peak Academy. <S> (Emphasis mine) <S> It can only be assumed that the eye was shaped after the Hope Peak Academy's crest because it was supposed to be a part of the school's rescue operations. <S> At least this much is evident that the Monokuma's eye is modeled after the school's crest and not the other way round. <A> The Monokuma's eye was created by Junko the Ultimate Despair. <S> She designed the bear and help the hero kids with their plan. <S> I do not know what the crest originally meant, but I do know it didn't mean despair from Monokuma. <A> The crest is the eye. <A> It is possible that the crest was changed, but I see this as unlikely. <S> I think that Monica and Junko wanted Monokuma to be inspired by the design of the crest (it is also possible that Kazuichi was the one who built Monokuma, when he was ultimate despair, as he is seen in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School making a giant one, and has been confirmed to have made all the ones in UDG). <S> I think Monokuma's design was inspired by the school crest, the half light half dark is seen in the crest, and is incorporated into Monokuma's design. <S> The eye from the crest was made to bring despair and unease to anyone who encountered a Monokuma. <S> That's what I think anyway.
A logical explanation is that the mastermind used part of the crest on Monokuma. The eye isn't a part of the crest.
Why does Mikoto's Sword of Damocles break every time he uses it? Why does Mikoto's Sword of Damocles break every time he uses it? <Q> The Sword of Damocles is the direct manifestation of the Kings' powers and their state as a King. <S> If they were to lose control of their powers due to personal emotions like Mikoto's rage of Tatara's death, the swords start crumbling. <S> This is due to his Weismann levels raising as his compatibility as the Red King is falling. <S> A similar thing is happening to Reisi Munakata , where due to him killing Mikoto, that burden of killing a king is causing his sword to start crumbling as well. <A> When Mikoto used his Sword of Damocles, it crumbled because of his Weismann levels were raising. <S> His Weismann levels were so high because he had killed two kings at once. <S> (The Silver, and Colorless king) <S> He only died because his Weismann level went over it's limit, causing the Sword of Damocles to fall. <S> Munakata's Sword of Damocles does crumble, too, but only because he had killed a king, as well. <S> That king was Mikoto Suoh. <S> (I'm not happy about that, by the way.) <A> Mikoto's Sword of Damocles got crumbled because of 2 cases. <S> Firstly, at the start of the series, we came to see his damaged sword. <S> His swords is the most damaged one shown so far. <S> His sword was in that state not because he killed a king, but because of his reckless use of power. <S> In the light novels, Mikoto states that he wants to release all his power and be free, and that is what Munakata calls reckless use of power. <S> His clansman however, although he does love them, they are more like chains that hold him down, especially Tartara. <S> Now that Tartara died, the biggest chain that was holding him down is gone. <S> Over the years, Mikoto's sword got damaged because of his reckless actions. <S> As a result, he got weaker. <S> He only lasted this long because of his clan that held him down. <S> The colorless king himself stated that Mikoto would have ended up dying even if he didn't prove him because of his mind set of wanting to release his power and be free. <S> The burden of incinerating the colorless king is what finally made his sword fall.
His Sword of Damocles crumbles also because of his personal emotions, like his anger when Tatara Totsuka was murdered.
Why are there new airbenders in Avatar? In the spin-off of Avatar: The Last Airbender , Avatar: The Legend of Korra , we learn in the second season that the bending is a gift from the Lion-turtles. However, during season 3, there are new airbenders due to Harmonic Convergence. Why then there are not new water/fire/earth benders? <Q> Harmonic convergence led to great change that did more than provide a pathway between the two worlds. <S> Since the fire nation had previously wiped out most air benders, there was a great imbalance among the four nations. <S> Since Korra said this was how the world was supposed to be, a good reason for that would be that the spiritual energy helps keep a balance among the four nations and bending types. <A> With Raava and Vaatu, light and dark cannot exist without the other. <S> They can defeat each other, yet the vanquished will arise from the victor. <S> Harmonic Convergence is where spiritual energy is amplified and, as mentioned by the Lion Turtle that talked to Aang, "before the time of the Avatar we bent not the elements but the energy within ourselves" which suggest that bending is a type of energy. <S> Since this energy seems highly compatible with spirit energy, as demonstrated by Wan's ability to bend all four elements due to his connection with Raava, it would make sense for Harmonic Convergence to amplify the bending energy throughout the world. <S> As Barry mentioned, there was a great imbalance among the nations. <S> Since the elements, like light and dark, cannot exist without each other, it is natural that airbending emerge from the other three nations to assist in re-balancing the world. <S> The other three elements already exist and do not need a rebalancing, although a few people may have suddenly found themselves with new bending abilities. <S> Irrelevant Note: <S> Sorry for the much delayed reply to this post, but I'm recently looking at this stack <S> and I quite love Avatar :) <A> Once korra beat the chaos spirit the energy from it was realeased awakening the non benders history but the only reason we don`t see this happening with other types of bending is because it is natural for late bloomers but there is not many air benders which is why the air benders are the only ones who are being realized
There was a natural rebalancing that occurred as a result of harmonic convergence which led to an awakening for air benders only.
What does Tanaka do? What exactly is Tanaka's function in the Phantomhive family? To my understanding from watching season 1 and 2 of the anime, the manga (up to the Phantomhive murders arc) and the OVAs, it seems like he was Vincent's head butler back when he was the head of the house. But since Ciel has come into power along with Sebastian, his function seems small. In the anime and manga when Sebastian assigns tasks, he always tells Tanaka "The usual will be fine". What does this mean? Can anyone explain? <Q> Tanaka-san mainly only drinks tea. <S> He was the previous Head-Butler of the Phantomhive family before Ciel shows up with Sebastian. <S> Since Ciel makes Sebastian the Head-Butler, Tanaka-san was then task-less and turned into a backup Head Butler. <S> This was later shown when Sebastian had to leave and was unavailable, Tanaka assumed the position of Head-Butler, commanding the staff trio until Sebastian's return. <S> In the Book of Circus, when the circus members attacked the Phantomhive manor (not knowing that the Ciel Phantomhive they are after are actually in their main camp disguised under the pseudonym Smile), it was shown that Elisabeth was spending the night at the manor. <S> She was awaken due to the noises but Tanaka-san calmed her down and told her that she should go back to sleep while fully aware that there is a broken window (with a dead body IIRC) behind him. <S> Elisabeth didn't notice this since he was there. <S> This might be his main task now, taking care of Elisabeth when she came over. <S> In addition he was also the figurehead of the Funtom corporation ( <S> anime 1st season episode 9). <A> Tanaka is basically like a personal guard. <S> I'm guessing he just exscaped the fire or was out running an errand for him and came back after the fire spread. <S> But after Ciel summoned Sebastian and he became his head butler, Tanaka just moved to an extra butler. <S> Referring to Book of Murder when Sebastian pretended to die, Ciel told Tanaka that he would be his head butler for then on. <A> I will answer a part of the questions: <S> Tanaka is/was not only a butler but also a bodyguard, pretty much like Sebastian <S> but of course not a deamon. <S> This in turn means he is pretty strong so he probably just escaped. <A> From what I understand from the anime and manga Tanaka use to be the Butler until sebastian came along, but since ciel sees tanaka as a grandfather figure ( manga) and the fact that at some point tanaka got injured during the fire ( which is why tanaka doesn't do much) he keeps tanaka in the house. <S> If something were to ever happen to sebastian, tanaka would take his place as head butler. <A> You need to see Book of Circus. <S> He, like all the others, helps keep the mansion safe. <S> In other words, he is also a child killer. <A> I think Tanaka is quite a knowledgeable person and Butler. <S> I feel like he would've just retired but perhaps, just like everyone else on Ciel's side <S> , he's hiding some secret. <S> Maybe for himself or of Ciel's. <S> It's quite difficult to explain without spoiling the plot - read the manga, it should be updated tremendously by now and you should probably understand the significance of Tanaka's character. <S> I might just be making his character seem more important than it is, but all of Ciel's old family and his past in general have some sort of hidden agenda - they all know something that we don't: Elizabeth, her family, Tanaka <S> , obviously Sebastian knows it all, but Ciel's family comes into play and Tanaka was there from the very start of it all. <S> Although he's ill and perhaps a bit forgetful, he was Ciel's father's Head Butler (which is a huge deal!) <S> It proves to me that he has some knowledge about many secrets, and that he probably acknowledges that Sebastian is a demon and that Ciel isn't who he says he might be... <S> But he holds Ciel very close to his heart, seeing as though Ciel still sees Tanaka as his grandfather - and he provides him a place to stay even though he has no use to Ciel's "game" (revenge). <S> Sure, he's strong, but he's still old and human. <S> It's obvious that Tanaka will have a part in Black Butler, maybe not soon - <S> but later it will all come through. <S> If you've watched the anime, it shows him recapping the episodes in one episode and he mentions that Sebastian will go through a "challenge" in the end of it all. <S> Yeah, this is very early on in the season. <S> But it's a foreshadowing of events. <S> And I'm believing that Tanaka is somewhat the narrator to Ciel's life - as if, he already knows his revenge being played out and that he knows Ciel's biggest fear... and he knows everything because he survives it all (maybe not on Ciel's side...)
Before Sebastian came, Tanaka was the head butler to Vincent. He knows about the many secrets residing in the Phantomhive manor and so perhaps that's why he still remains in the Phantomhive manor as the Butler.
The Fastest Ninja in Naruto? Namikaze Minato and the Fourth Raikage are considered to be the fastest moving ninjas. However, in a fight between the Raikage and Naruto, Naruto dodges the Raikage's full speed. In terms of speed, did Naruto surpass Minato? <Q> Technically, Minato Namikaze is still titled as the fastest ninja. <S> Take a look at the signature Ninjutsu of Minato, the Flying Thunder God Technique . <S> It's classified as one of the Space-Time Ninjutsu , which are techniques that allow the users to teleport to another location instantaneously. <S> No one can exceed the speed with using only physical power. <S> If you're talking about the comparison of raw physical speed, Fourth Raikage takes the lead. <S> Naruto Uzumaki is still pretty fast, but he only surpasses the Fourth Raikage when he's in Nine-Tails Chakra Mode . <A> No. <S> Minato's speed is attributed to his Flying Thunder God technique (Hiraishin), which allows him to travel to any marked place on the planet nearly instantly. <S> Naruto is very fast for short distances, but purely by feats Minato still wins in terms of speed. <A> I believe it depends on whether you mean dead or alive. <S> The Raikage built up that speed on his own. <S> Although he did use his Flying Thunder God technique, he did have to train to build enough speed to even use the teleportation technique. <A> Tsunade said Naruto is on par with the speed of the 4th Raikage in biyuu mode so either one. <S> Minato teleports and Obito moves between dimensions so they dont count <A> Naruto. <S> He has already outrun the 4th Raikage. <S> People say Naruto is only as fast/strong due to the Kyuubi. <S> To be fair, I think 9 Tails Chakra Mode is a part of Naruto. <S> Just because they can remove it or grant it doesn't mean it's not a part of him. <S> Same as Uchiha, just because they can remove the Sharingan doesn't mean it isn't a part of their abilities. <S> A lot of people exclude the Nine Tails Mode from the list of Abilities Naruto possess which is unfair. <S> Although it's not a Natural ability that he inherited from birth, there are a lot of abilities from strong characters that came from outside sources (ie. <S> Kakashi, Bee etc), or <S> Jinchuriki's that didn't reach anywhere near the Skill and Chakra Control Naruto possesses. <S> I would understand the assumption that he's just some noob if you would take scenes from the early days (Orochimaru vs Naruto) who simply used the Chakra Leakage from the Kyuubi once in a while without really developing/controlling/mastering/enhancing it, but that's definitely not the case. <S> Source: <S> Episode 282-283 Naruto Shippuden (Naruto vs Raikage). <A> The fastest ninja is actually Might Guy. <S> Watch the fight with him and Madara <S> and you'll see. <S> Minato does have anything on him.
Alive, I believe the Raikage is the fastest ninja, because Naruto is very fast while dependent on the Nine-Tails' chakra. If the dead counts, I believe it's Minato Namikaze.
Are there ever any animals featured that aren't Pokémon? Out of the Pokémon episodes that I have seen, I do not remember ever seeing an animal that wasn't a Pokémon. I have also not heard of animals being present in Pokémon. Which lead me to wonder: Are there ever any animals that aren't Pokémon present in any episode or Pokémon manga? <Q> In Gastly's Pokédex entry for Fire Red <S> it states a being that exists as a thin gas. <S> It can topple an Indian elephant by enveloping the prey in two seconds. <S> Fish are also seen in the episode Pokémon Shipwreck: <A> When researching to see if there has ever been an animal featured that isn't a Pokémon in a scene or Manga <S> I came across this on Bulbapedia's article Animals in the Pokémon world : <S> Real-world animals have been mentioned a number of times to exist in the world of Pokémon. <S> Most often, they are mentioned in relation to a Pokémon category. <S> For example, Pikachu is known as the "Mouse Pokémon" and was directly referred to in the anime as an "electric mouse", hinting that real-world mice exist in the Pokémon world. <S> Other than this, all other mentions of animals are rare. <S> There was also this image: Which clearly shows a dog. <S> However, this is the only image I could find of an animal that isn't a Pokémon. <A> There's a pretty comprehensive list of animal occurences in pokemon on Bulbapedia here . <S> Examples: <S> In "The Water Flowers of Cerulean City" fish can be seen in the fish tanks inside the Gym <S> In "Battle Aboard the St. Anne <S> " a cooked lobster can be seen as food served on the ship. <A> Several examples exist in early episodes. <S> Shortly before Ash catches Pidgeotto, it eats a worm , possibly the smallest non-Pokémon animal the anime ever showed. <S> References to such species lasted longer than their appearances. <S> In a much later episode , Ash mentions catfish. <A> In one of the episodes in the indigo league they eat muskrat kebabs and say themselves it's muskrat. <S> Don't know which episode though
In "Ash Catches a Pokémon" Pidgeotto is seen eating a regular wormbefore being captured by Ash.
What did Yuji do to his sister Kazuki? In Grisaia no Rakuen (Paradise) , after saving Yuji and retrieving the real body of Thanatos (Kazuki actually), there was a scene (aboard the ship Mihama Academy) when Yuji got pissed or irritated due to Kazuki's "bossy" attitude. Yuji yelled "Kazuki!" and then he dragged her to some place on the deck. Afterwards, when they were "finished" Kazuki said: "Dont ever do that to other girls anymore..." My question is: What did Yuuji do to Kazuki? Is there a manga that explains this? <Q> Really got not much reference here <S> but there are two versions to this story in the game, the safe mode where it was Yuji giving Kazuki a shoulder massage and the 18+ mode where they had sex, not sure which side the anime adapted <S> but I think it is the 18+ side with that ambiguous scene <S> but it is totally up to the watcher's imagination here. <S> In that link, the commenters mentioned what they thought of the episode compared to the game so just go ahead and read those, <S> if that is insufficient as evidence then I will leave the proper answering to someone else. <S> But yes, they totally did say that they had sex in the game. <A> They totally have sex. <S> In the Labyrinth episode, where Yuuji was young, Kazuki takes him in the bath and explains what incest is. <S> When they get in the bath and it fades out, Yuuji says that he, "learned a lot from his sister. <S> " <S> The fact that Asako thought she took his first time was a misunderstanding from Yuuji's lack of communication. <S> He'd obviously been molested while under the "care" of Heath Oslo, so even though Asako sad she took his first time <S> , she was... <S> well.. a little further down the line. <S> Even if this hadn't been based on an eroge, which I didn't realize it was, that scene when the siblings were young, mixed with the fact <S> she said he mustn't do that <S> with any other girl than her, they had sex. <S> And that Kazuki isn't as knowledgeable as she thinks. <S> Also, as a side note, I think the fact that Yuuji then thought to himself, "What does she mean by 'those things'," means that he obviously doesn't see what's wrong with it, which makes sense, since he's been having a lot of sex, willing or not, since he was young. <S> Kazuki playing the pronoun game probably just confused him. <A> I'm pretty sure he had sex with her now <S> that I've think about it. <S> This is by no means canon but from what I can tell, is that he has been raised having sex almost constantly with Asako. <S> So it would not be a stretch to say he took having sex as a way to express his love. <S> He did specifically say Asako is the most important woman to him. <A> They have both been detatched from mainstream society for some time with the exception of Kazuki who lived on the internet, and if you can find a place where someone can justify incest and almost make it sound legit, it's definitely the internet. <S> Regardless, I choose to pretend that he just gave her a shoulder rub for obvious reasons. <S> "You mustn't do those things with girls other than your sister" obviously does not make ANY sense at all in a sexual context, I mean really.
Considering the complete and total loss of his family before either him or Kazuki were at an age where someone had explained the nuances of sex, it is entirely likely neither of them realize that them having intercourse is actually wrong. Considering the eroge it's based on, it is very likely that they had sex.
How does the Devil Fruit user know how to activate their power? For some Paramecia type, to use their power, they must do something with parts of their body. Just like how Bartholomew must cross his finger to create a barrier, or Foxy must stick his thumb, middle, and ring finger together to create Noro Noro beam. But how can they know that crossing or sticking three of their fingers will activate their powers? <Q> There seem to be 3 different ways to learn this: Experimentation <S> If a user has no idea exactly how his fruit can be used, he can play around with different motions movements or just live his life. <S> Brook never figured out what his fruit could do until he was already dead. <S> Hypothetically, Bartolomeo could have lived his life without finding out if he hadn't happened to cross his fingers the right way (assuming that is required). <S> Reason <S> Some users have some idea what their fruit is when they eat it. <S> Others only have partial knowledge of their abilities. <S> The Barrier Fruit is based off a children's game . <S> If Bartolomeo knew that he had this fruit, they could have tried to enact that game to see if it worked. <S> This can be combined with experimentation to improve fruits. <S> Bartholomew Kuma and Law seem to have decided to try appying their abilities to abstract concepts and studied their ability to learn how to do this. <S> Other fruits may have simular unusual uses that are never noticed as the users aren't as smart as those two. <S> Historical Research <S> Devil Fruits are not single use. <S> They are reincarnated into a new fruit to be eaten when the user dies. <S> This means, for instance, that Law knew exactly what fruit he had before he knew how to use it. <S> There are records and second/third hand sources stating what some fruits can do. <S> That is exactly why he knows that you can make someone immortal with it despite having never done so. <S> For our repeated example, Bartolomeo might know he has to cross his fingers because he could have read that it was required. <S> This means, of course, that someone else must have learned it by on of the first two methods and there may be other unknown uses. <S> Final Note <S> Devil Fruits do not change during the person's life (with Brook as the possible exception). <S> A Logia fruit does not itself get stronger as the user does but the user can get more creative, more practiced, and more experienced in combat in general. <S> This means that training can't make the fruit itself more powerful or generate new powers that previously were impossible (only undiscovered). <A> I think devil fruit users has no specific way of activating their power rather than training and practice . <S> We don't exactly know the story of other fruit users how they discovered to activate their powers but we can make Luffy as an example because from the start we have seen his story. <S> After Luffy became a rubber man when he was still a kid he doesn't know how to activate his ability. <S> But through his every day training and challenge to defeat his brother Ace he created and discovered his very first technique Gomu Gomu no Pistol . <S> And created more techniques as he discover more ways to use his ability. <S> Another example is his Second Gear before he needs to sit to activate it but later after training and practice even standing he can activate it. <S> As for Bartholomew and Foxy since we haven't seen their story we can assume that they also discovered it through the same process or accidentally discovered it. <S> They did a lot of tests to discover a more effective way to use their power. <S> For example Foxy might discovered that when he stick his thumb, middle, and ring finger together his Noro Noro Beam last longer than using only one of his finger. <S> The same as Bartholomew, he might discovered it through practice that crossing his finger creates a stronger barrier than just one finger. <S> Another good example is Flamingo. <S> He only discovered and learned his awaken through training and practice. <S> So activating their power depends on what they discover from themselves of what they are capable to do and refine it throug training and practice. <A> I think if you eat a Devil Fruit and don't know what the power is, you can discover it by accident or when you're in danger. <S> But there is one thing you will know you ate a Devil Fruit: because they taste horrible.
They discover it by their own because as we can see on each devil fruit users learns new techniques after they train hard using their ability.
What was that giant shadow with the glowing red eyes at the end of the Thriller Bark arc? At the end of the Thriller Bark Chapter 490 in manga and episode 381 in anime. I noticed strange giant shadows with glowing red eyes at the background. What could it be? Check this image in manga: In Anime: <Q> As stated in the comments, it's an entity related to the Florian Triangle . <S> According to Kokoro, many pirate and commercial ships mysteriously go missing every year and, sometimes, a ship will be found sailing without any people aboard. <S> It has also been said that there are many haunted ships with dead bodies sailing across the sea (though, it is revealed that all this is attributed to Brook). <S> Though, some of the disappearances that have happened in the Triangle can be attributed to Moriah's scheme. <S> Ships have been disappearing mysteriously in it for a long time before he came on his ship, Thriller Bark, ten years before the series. <S> This mystery is confirmed by an unknown ominous entity larger than Thriller Bark that was barely seen by Captain Lola through the fog. <S> It may also be possible that it's the trope " Real After All ": <S> If an episode revolves around a haunting (or alien visitation) (or lake monster sighting) <S> (or whatever) that turns out to be a hoax, the episode will end with a shot of a real ghost/alien visitor/lake monster/whatever. <S> However, knowing Oda, that is highly unlikely. <S> I just stated it as it is possible that we may never get to know what those entities were. <A> I think that the triangle is related to Enel. <S> My theory goes like this: <S> Birka is exactly over the triangle and because of the deepflying Sky Island, there is always that mist. <S> The shadows in the background are people of that Sky Island who survived Enel's genocide. <S> Enel came to Skypiea 8 years ago (10 after time skip) — maybe he left Birka around the time when Moria arrived. <S> Before that, Enel killed with his Devil Fruit all travelers either to train his power or by mistake (with attacks like Raigo's). <S> That covers the 3 problems: the mist the shadows at the end, and the missing people before Gecko's arrival. <A> Well, taking a look at it objectively I might dare add that the Will of D is not yet introduced in the series and having it mystified until now is without a doubt a fact, considering it having it only been spoken of, therefore we might assume that this here is somewhat of a hint in that direction. <S> Roger's dead. <S> We view the series mainly through the perceptions of our main characters - rarely do we see an event occur beyond any of the characters we as viewers are found of or introduced to by Mr. Oda-sensei. <S> That having been said, the shadows might actually not be a hoax after all. ?.
It is so large that it completely dwarfs Thriller Bark, the world's largest pirate ship, in sheer size, possibly making it the world's biggest creature to appear in the series thus far.
Why does Nora's darkness/corruption not affect Yato (or any other God that has named her, for that matter)? Disclaimer: I've only watched the anime. When Yato gave Yukine a name, he immediately started suffering from all his "sins" and eventually an Ablution had to be performed to save both's lives. Then why is it that he is not affected by Nora's actions? Unless he un-named her, which hasn't been mentioned. Either way, why doesn't he seek to kill her and end all these side problems that emerge because of her? I am not entirely through with season 2, but similarly Kugaha's case confuses me too. If anyone has answers, I'd appreciate them. Also, I don't care about spoilers, rather the opposite, if possible I wanna understand everything beforehand. This show sure is good, but it makes some mistakes in regards to explaining basic logic. <Q> As ton.yeung <S> and I have stated in our comments, the Blight forms based on the guilt of the Shinki , therefore, if the shinki was committing sins under the notion that it was wrong, blight would occur, like in Yukine's case of destroying the school windows and stealing. <S> But in Kugaha's case, he believed what he was doing to be for Bishamon's sake as shown in this scene. <S> Therefore, in Hiiro 's case, she believes all the horrible things she did was for the sake of Yato and therefore was justice, so she was not blighted. <A> Blight occurs when Shinki commit a sin <S> and they know it's wrong. <S> Yukine, as example, regardless of how much he screamed in his Ablution that he did the right thing, HE knew it was not. <S> That's why Kugaha didn't affect Bishamon in all his mad plan. <S> But, there's another point: Nora won't hurt their master. <S> Including, that's why Ebisu used so many in his quest to control the Ayakashi. <A> I think what Astral Sea said is true that if the shinki was committing sins under the notion that it was wrong, blight would occur. <S> But in Kugaha's case, I don't think that him not blighting Bishamon was necessarily only because he thought his action were for Bishmon's sake. <S> I think the reason was that he had no remorse because he thought that he was doing the right thing altogether. <S> Look at it this way, Nora was literally manipulating Rabo and Ebisu and as such not really doing things for their sake. <S> But she never blighted them because she never thought that she was doing some thing wrong. <S> Thus, she wouldn't have blighted Yato. <S> Of course the theory that Noras can't blight their masters at all could also be true.
Because if not, the father will have more ways of hurting others (not Yato as he already released her), by manipulating Nora into thinking she did something remorseful, in turn blighting all of her masters.
Why didn't Frieza know about Goku and Kid Buu's fight? In Dragon Ball Z , when Goku was fighting Kid Buu, there were many enemies watching him from Hell. From DBZ Wikia article on Hell : In the Kid Buu Saga, during the fight with Kid Buu, the ogres are seen watching the fight alongside Cell, Frieza, King Cold, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, Dr. Gero, Appule, and Babidi. However, when Frieza was revived, he didn't know about the fight with Majin Buu. Is there any reason as to why this is so? <Q> As stated in the Wikia article on Hell (emphasis mine): <S> Hell is never actually shown in the original manga, but it is shown several times throughout various medias of Dragon Ball. <S> Hence, it's an anime inconsistency which is not the fault of Akira Toriyama. <S> One can only assume that the scene was not taken into account in <S> Dragon Ball Super because they adapted it from the manga and didn't take into account the anime-added filler. <A> Well it could be because of the wish made to Shenron to wipe out the memory of everyone about the incident of Majin Buu, this wish might have also wiped out the memories of the people in hell. <S> So that's why Freiza doesn't remember. <A> Frieza was tortured way too much in hell with those tiny cute creatures playing those drums which might have played with his memory <S> and I do remember that after that fight, a wish was made to Shenron to erase the memory of people so no one remembers what happened on earth, or possibly it's an anime, anything can happen to make the story look better. <A> I think its probably because of the fact that, when frieza ended up in hell (well before kid buu's time), the last "living memories" he had were goku an SSj and trunks blowing the living hell outta him. <S> For him, as an alien "awake", dats the last set of memories he had. <S> But once he is revived, the last thing he remembered was his death and before that. <S> Dats <S> why, when that underling tells him about beerus, he says his father always told him not to mess with the god of destruction. <S> But at that time he didn't mention cell or buu. <S> Hence it seems like the lapse in memory because of death <S> is what caused the question to even arise.
Hell (Jigoku), or HFIL (Home For Infinite Losers in the edited English dub), is a place in Other World where evil characters (and sometimes, in the case of Piccolo, Goku, and Pikkon, protagonists) go after they die.
Why don't anime seasons have a standard amount of episodes? Anime seasons are generally 12/13 episodes long. There are quite a number of exceptions though, where more or fewer episodes are fitted into the same timeslots. Most notably, however, a season can have 11,12 or 13 episodes a season. I've seen this discrepancy occur regularly. I would have thought that keeping the episode amount standard is good for keeping the seasons aligned — 52 weeks in a year / 4 seasons in a year = 13 episodes per season. The variant I see most is 12 episodes at a time or 12 episodes with a bonus DVD-only OVA. What do they do with the 1 week gap? Do stations plan their seasons far enough in advance to make it even out overall? What if a show is cancelled? Why does this anomaly exist? Surely it makes it awkward to schedule TV. <Q> This seems to happen in most regions. <S> sometimes airtime slots are occupied by sports, seasonal, or other non-regular programs networks may choose not to broadcast new episodes on holidays with historically low viewership shows are sometimes only given an awkward number of slots like SuperGirl here . <S> I would also hope that some studios choose to show more or less episodes to ensure they have the right pacing and tell the whole story without an obnoxious amount of filler. <S> I imagine networks know pretty far in advance what their lineup will look like. <S> Pilot episodes or other proposal material is submitted to the network far in advance for them to review before agreeing to broadcast. <S> It is also important to remember that a large portion of every day's slots belong to re-runs so cancellations just call for more of those. <A> Actually, anime airing is usually divided in 4 "seasons" each year, following the earth's seasons. <S> TV schedules get defined only close to the start of next season, and usually there are shows which were supposed to air that won't <S> or they might get delayed. <S> Also, most of the time shows don't start airing on the same day/week within a season, and might get a one-week break during the season (i.e. non-planned event on TV, holiday in Japan). <S> To answer your question, anime TV scheduling isn't done that much in advance, and is honestly a complicated mess. <S> TV networks won't plan a year ahead because they still don't know which series they are going to air and when they will be ready, so having a different number of episodes per show doesn't really screw up their scheduling. <A> As you say, there are enough weeks in a year for there to be four 13-episode parts. <S> This is true, and each of these parts is a season. <S> However, there aren't always exactly 13 days of each day of the week in season. <S> For example, the summer 2016 season (July-September) will have 14 Saturdays. <S> As to why shows go for 12 or 13 episodes, it's generally something the anime production companies decide early on in creating an anime (a few months prior to the show airing). <S> Different studios and shows will have their reasons, but either way, there we are. <S> Unless we were there when the decision was made in some board room, we don't know why a show got 12 episodes over 13. <S> When the planned season where the show will be airing is about to start, the anime production companies will call the TV stations and ask for time slots. <S> (Generally, TV stations themselves aren't involved in producing anime, only just putting them on TV.) <S> For example, one will call to say "we want to air a show on Saturday nights at 24:30 for the next 12 Saturdays". <S> Another will call asking "we want to air a show on Thursday nights at 24:00 for the next 13 Thursdays". <S> Whether or not they get the slot depends entirely upon whether or not someone else took it yet ( <S> and if the price for the slot is worth it). <S> Anime production companies will try to be as quick as they can about getting a TV slot, but it usually isn't until relatively close to the start of the anime season that TV stations get a full schedule figured out. <S> TV stations can count on their slots being filled, though, with the wide amount of anime coming out each season nowadays (and they can always rely on reruns otherwise). <S> So, to sum it up, anime production companies know from early on how many episodes they want. <S> How they decide that is dependent upon the show. <S> When it comes to the TV stations, they just offer up the time slots, that's it. <S> The anime companies take them as soon as they can, for as many nights as they want them.
Anime TV scheduling is competitive, as is a number of things in the anime production world. The typical reasons I've seen given are: shows don't all start on the same day or even the same week
What do these lines mean in manga? They are always seen when in an action sequence. Why do mangakas draw these kinds of lines and what do they mean? <Q> The term you're looking for is (generically) "speed lines". <S> Unsurprisingly, they are typically as a visual indicator that something is speedy. <S> The terminology is a little silly, though - the horizontal, fixed-width lines in your first image are clearly used for different purposes from the vanishing-point-oriented, variable-width lines in your second image, and bucketing them all as "speed lines" is a bit inaccurate. <S> As it turns out, Japanese has better terminology for these lines. <S> There is a broader term 効果線 "effect lines" that subsumes both スピード線 "speed lines" (your first image) and 集中線 "focus lines" (your second image), as well as some other rarer styles of line. <S> This is a more appropriate choice of words, in my opinion: the "focus lines", unlike the lines in your first image, are used to draw focus to whatever is "at" the vanishing point of the lines. <S> (This visual language seems fairly intuitive and universal to me, so I'm a little surprised that you had this question - <S> not that there's anything wrong with that.) <A> The top drawing shows when a character is moving fast (such as running or hitting something with power) <S> The lines show the direction the movement is happening. <S> The lower drawing shows that this is a very important piece of information or that the character is at an intense state of emotion: such as if the character finds out that his/her friend is a mass murderer. <A> The one on the right has the effect of focusing the reader on a particular aspect of that drawing square, and it's use can hugely vary. <S> It can also be used to reveal something surprising by putting an object/character between those exiting lines.
The left drawing looks like it is showing something happening at speed, for example if you were to put a character there in front of those horizontal lines, you'd get the impression that that character is moving at speed, e.g. like running.
Why did Orochimaru go for Sasuke instead of Naruto? During the second test of the Chunin exams, Orochimaru goes for Sasuke and even gives him power. But why does he avoid cursing Naruto like he did to Sasuke? Wasn't Naruto as powerful as Sasuke? Or was he too powerful to be controlled? Also, why does he use the Five Elements Seal on Naruto? <Q> Sasuke Uchiha, was developing into the prodigy that his elder brother Itachi was. <S> Orochimaru had experienced Itachi's power first hand. <S> And it proved too great for him. <S> Another reason, was the Uchiha clan's famed Sharingan. <S> Itachi's prowess with his Sharingan was outstanding. <S> Orochimaru expected the same from Sasuke. <S> Since Orochimaru couldn't take control of Itachi's body, he decided to settle for his younger brother's. <S> As to why Naruto wasn't chosen, Orochimaru favoured Sasuke over Naruto. <S> Because at that time, Naruto was at the back of the class, and Sasuke was the Uchiha prodigy. <S> Also, the fact that Sasuke is Sharingan abled and Itachi's brother, outweighed Naruto's overall. <S> The two reasons as to why Orochimaru used the Five Elements Seal: <S> He wanted to disallow Naruto from using the Kyubi's chakra. <S> And to tamper his control over his own chakra. <A> Orochimaru was actually going after Itachi, Sasuke's older brother. <S> After he failed on getting Itachi's body he decided to get his youngest brother, Sasuke, because he was going to be an easier target. <S> The main reason why he even targeted Itachi was because of his Sharingan. <S> He was going after a Kekkei Genkai, which is a special ability that not a lot of people can have, that his next vessel will have to make him stronger. <S> He did not target Naruto because he doesn't have a Kekkei Genkai. <S> He put the Five Elements Seal on Naruto like that he would not use the Kyuubi's chakra and his own. <A> I would say there are two main reasons why Orochimaru went after Sasuke. <S> Orochimaru wanted Sasuke or Itachi's eyes. <S> After all Orochimaru was researching inherited chakra or called Kekkei Genkai. <S> Meaning you must be born into that specific clan to gain the chakra or special features of it. <S> Orochimaru was only looking for special Kekkei Genkai. <S> Here's a few examples: Shikotsumyaku clan and their ability to using their bones in their bodies as weapons. <S> User Kimimaru. <S> Crystal release nature chakra users are able to materialize and use crystals. <S> Finally Jugo's clan Kekkei Genkai. <S> Allowing them to absorb natural energy into their own bodies and use it. <S> This interest in Kekkei Genkai caused him to desire one for his vessel. <S> So when Itachi showed him the potential in the Sharingan. <S> He immediately desired to control and use it. <S> Orochimaru could not use him a vessel. <S> A) <S> Naruto is not easily controlled and brainwashed exceptionally when it involves someone close to him. <S> He would have sliced off his own hand before intentionally hurting a loved one. <S> B) <S> He is the Jinchuriki. <S> Kurama or the nine tails fox would have never allowed the snake to stay in Naruto's mind for long. <S> He or she would have knocked some sense into the boy long ago. <S> C) <S> His loyalty to the village. <S> Orochimaru needed someone who has nothing and no one holding him back. <S> While Naruto was very loyal to his village and was gaining friends. <S> Causing Naruto to not need him unlike Sasuke who desired for more power which Orochimaru happily supplied for him.
The main reason why Orochimaru wanted Sasuke rather than Naruto, was Itachi Uchiha. Sasuke had no loyalty to the village and the only thing holding him back was somewhat friend Naruto.
Are there more Titan Shifters unknown as of now? These two pictures are taken from Attack on Titan Chapter 77 : In the first picture, the Beast Titan says: '...the coordinate from here '. Does this mean there are other colonies with people like those from the Reiss family who can control titans? In the second picture, can we conclude that there are other titan shifters who fight against humanity? <Q> To answer your first question, Does this mean there are other colonies with people like those from the Reiss family who can control titans? <S> It would be enough to state that you don't need to be a member of the royal family to use the power of the Coordinate. <S> You need to be a member of the royal family to use the coordinate's power optimally. <S> The reference being in chapter no. <S> 50, Eren, while still in human form, used the power of the Coordinate to order titans to eat the Smiling Titan and attack the Armoured Titan. <S> In fact, any one can control the titans, as done by Eren, the royal family, using the coordinate, or by Zeke (beast titan), his method remaining unknown yet. <S> So, no, there doesn't need to be a colony with other people who know how to control the titans. <S> But I won't be surprised if the mangaka came up with one. <S> For your second question, Can we conclude that there are other titan shifters who fight against humanity? <S> We can say that there are certainly many titans fighting against humanity, many of them have a certain level of intelligence, as shown by the quadruped titan carrying the goods, informing Zeke, Reiner, and Bertolt of the Survey Corp's advance in chapter 77. <S> As of now, there isn't enough information to definitely end the question by saying that there are no more titan shifters, the reason being that they can create one at any moment by devouring one of the existent titan shifters. <S> The list of known titan shifters can be seen here . <S> Edit 1: <S> According to the latest chapters, chp nos. <S> 86-89 to be precise, there can be a total of 9 Titan shifters with special powers, whose powers can be transferred from one person to another by consuming their nervous system. <S> Out of those 9 powers (8 people), 6 people fight against humanity. <S> The two people in humanity's favor are Eren (Attack Titan, Founding Titan) and Armin (Colossal Titan). <A> According to chapter 86 (major spoilers ahead) , Total of 9 shifters can exist simultaneously. <S> At least seven of them can be enemies to "humanity" ( <S> not really correct word, according to recent info) at the moment. <S> But controlling titans is also not really common ability. <S> Eren has it, since most likely it is "ultimate titan control" ability, while Zeke has it due to heritage of royal blood. <A> For your first question, Does this mean there are other colonies with people like those from the Reiss family who can control titans? <S> The conversation you showed only implies that there is another colony (or colonies) outside of the Walls that aims to recover the Founding Titan. <S> It does not immediately imply that said colony (or colonies) can control titans, only that they know of the Founding Titan and possibly its abilities. <S> Contrary to an earlier answer here, you need to be of royal blood to use the true power of the Founding Titan. <S> In Chapter 106 , it was mentioned that Eren was only able to use the Titan Control when his hand came into contact with the titan Dina Fritz. <S> Not just anyone can control titans as the power is 'locked' unless the possessor is of royal blood or is in contact with a person of royal blood . <S> Also, not just anyone can inherit the 9 titan-shifters as only Subjects of Ymir can be turned to titans via injection and possess or inherit them. <S> Even if a titan-shifter dies, they are inherited by another person born after the previous possessor who must also be a Subject of Ymir , and not just by some random person. <S> For your second question, Can we conclude that there are other titan shifters who fight against humanity? <S> This matters depending on the perspective. <S> Based on that conversation, you can only conclude that there are other people which seem to have the same objective and goal as Zeke and the other honorary Marleyans sent to recover the Founding Titan. <S> For Marleyans, they see Eldians as a threat to humanity because of the suffering they experience in the past under the Eldian empire, hence there desire to take away the titan-shifter powers from them. <S> For Eldians, they see Marley as a threat to humanity because of how they keep on trying to kidnap Eren, their biggest hope in fighting back against the titans . <S> Are they really fighting for humanity or are they just fighting for their own survival?
So, as of now, I shall say that there isn't any other titan shifter shown/mentioned in the manga, other than those mentioned in the list.
Can the Naruto manga be ordered in India? Can we order the Naruto manga in India? I am a big fan of Naruto but Animax stopped it. I am watching the series on YouTube, but I also want to read the manga. <Q> One site you can use is Amazon. <S> In , although I'm not sure of the range of Naruto volumes they seem to have most of them for about ₹299.00 each. <S> These are in English rather than Hindi. <A> Besides Amazon mentioned in Toshinou Kyouko's answer, Naruto volumes are also available online on Flipkart , Snapdeal , Sapna Online . <S> I have seen Naruto volumes on sale at two locations of Landmark Stores <S> when I teleported there visited them. <S> I expect to see them at their other store locations, and maybe also at some other large bookstores. <S> Buying from offline bookstores will offer you a few benefits. <S> Get a look and feel before buying them. <S> Bargain for a better discount, especially if ordering multiple volumes. <S> Place a custom order for any missing volumes. <S> Manga volumes on sale at Landmark, Forum Mall , Koramangala Bengaluru Manga volumes on sale at Landmark, Orion Mall , Malleshwaram Bengaluru <A> To add to the other answers, there is also the Comic Con India, where you can procure different types of anime merchandise including Manga Volumes. <S> Going from personal experience, you can purchase multiple volumes for "good" discounts/offers at such conventions (Though most popular volumes may be sold out). <S> They also allow you to place order, which will be later shipped to the given address. <S> Typically these happen once a year in cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. <S> Check out below for more details and events. <S>
Naruto volumes are also available at a few (offline) bookstores, but this is mostly limited to the major Indian cities.
What are these type of eyes called (see red hair girl on the left in image)? I'm referring to characters whose eyes are constantly like that (Red hair girl in the picture) and don't change for a brief moment as a depiction of disappointment, most of these characters talk really slow and quietly. Examples include Tooru from A-channel, Renge from non non biyori, Chihaya Megumi from servant X service some of the common traits of the aforementioned characters is the monotonous way of talking and that they nearly never smile <Q> " Jitome " is a facial expression where the person expresses negative feelings, which are mainly from among, but not limited to, the following: contempt/scorn, disbelief, distaste, resistance, appalled/scandalized (you can see Google's image search results for "jitome" here ). <S> The difference between " hanmoku " and " jitome " is that " hanmoku " is used for characters who always have eyes drawn in this way regardless of whether or not they harbor any negative feelings at the moment. <S> Ichijō from Pani Poni and Hiiragi from Hanamaru Yōchien are examples of " hanmoku " characters. <S> Also, if you do a Google image search for " hanmoku " , you find that, outside of anime, the word is used simply to describe having one's eyes half-closed for whatever reason (such as being half-asleep or not ready to be photographed). <S> " Hosome " (細目) is similar to " hanmoku ," but is a squinting that can be applied to anime characters whose eyes always look closed <S> even when the plot clearly portrays that their eyes are open and they are able to see just fine. <S> Extra Background: <S> The word " jitome " is derived from the onomatopoeia " jito " (じと), which means to "stare hard at. <S> " " Jitto " (じっと) is a similar word meaning to "stare without moving" or more generally "remain motionless" or do something "fixedly." <S> " Jitome " has been used at least since 1978, where it was used in the screenplay for the film <S> 9-gatsu no <S> Sora (『 九月の空 』), in which a parenthetical remark directed the actor to " jitome de mite " (ジト目で見て). <S> The script was published in 1979. <S> In the 1980s, the word appeared in the shoujo light novel Oka <S> no Ie no Mickey <S> (『 丘の家のミッキー』) by Kumi Saori, published by Shuueisha's Bunko Cobalt Series. <A> You're probably talking about jitome. <S> (ジト目) <S> Unlike tsurime or tareme, (which are traits particular characters have,) it's more of a facial expression. <A> Since I can't comment yet... adding to puzzlet's answer: <S> Jitome is "when the top of the eye is drawn with a flat line perpendicular to the rest of the eye. <S> Used to effect a bored, expressionless, or scornful face." <S> This effect is frequently used with background characters that don't move or really add much except scenery to the current narrative, as the expression is usually neutral and doesn't influence the scene much. <S> If the character is always drawn that way, it's more of a personality trait of always showing disinterest in the world and what's happening around them. <S> Basically they're stand-offish or non-sociable. <S> See this wiki entry on an NSFW (the link itself is safe, just don't wander too far) site for more examples:
" Hanmoku " (半目, half[-closed] eyes) is drawn the same way or similarly to " jitome " (ジト目, staring eyes) , but is not identical in intent. In the particular example you used I'd say it's being used to show mild disbelief and/or disinterest.
In what episode of the anime does Natsu become a demon? Just like the title says: in what episode of the anime does Natsu become a demon (E.N.D)? I was wondering if that even happened in the anime or only in the manga? <Q> The current Anime Episode is shortly after the Tartaros Arc. <S> Right now it is unknown to Natsu that he has something to do with any Demons inside of him. <A> The last episode of the Tartaros arc is where we learn that Natsu is E.N.D. Zeref is holding the Book of E.N.D. at the end of Episode 265 when he pronounces Natsu's full name <S> : Etherious Natsu Dragneel. <S> However, after this, the anime went to Fairy Tail Zero material, which relates the backstory for Mavis, Zeref, and others. <A> It has been revealed that he is END in both the manga and anime, but Even in the manga he has not transformed. <S> It may never happen. <A> Although his demon form has not been revealed in the anime and Natsu has no clue about what he truly is <S> but it is highly anticipated that it will show up... eventually. <A> I'm pretty sure that the show wouldn't end without Natsu finding out that he is not only E.N.D, but that he is Zeref's Brother who passed away 400 years ago when they were only little kids. <S> One person that should be included (if the show digs deeper into Natsu's background,) is Larcade Dragneel. <S> I'm not really sure what his connection is with Natsu, although it would be a nice addition to the show and it would keep things interesting.
Put simple, Natsu has not become a demon yet in any form of media. In the manga Natsu turns into his demon form in chapter 500 and it is revealed that he is E.N.D after his older brother(Zeref) reveals his full name: Etherious Natsu Dragneel at the end of the Tartaros arc.
How much older are Obito and Rin than Kakashi? I've been doing a lot of research on this topic, but I have found little clues. People say that Obito and Rin are about 4 years older than Kakashi, but I don't think that's true. People keep saying that it's proven in the manga and the show, but as far as I know that is not true. <Q> That's completely wrong. <S> If they were indeed 4 years older than Kakashi, they should have been a lot taller than him when they were part of Team Minato. <S> Obito is born on <S> February 10 Kakashi is born on September 15 there are some scenarios we could come up with (imagine the world of Naruto being 2005 and 2006): <S> All three of them are born in the same year, making them all the same age (12) and making their age order like this: Obito>>Kakashi>>Rin, making Obito 7 months older than Kakashi and 9 months older than Rin, while Kakashi being 2 months older than Rin. <S> They are born in different years: making it look like if Rin is born in 2005 and the other two in 2006, then it's Rin>>Obito>>Kakashi, making Rin only 13 years old, while Kakashi and Obito are 12, and are 10 months and 3 months younger than Rin, respectively. <S> If you mean the current timeline, obviously Rin is dead, but Kakashi was 26-27 years old in part 1, and 29-31 years old in part 2, same for Obito. <S> This will automatically make Rin 29-31 years as well, if she was still alive. <A> No. <S> They were all of the same age. <S> They were classmates. <S> Kakashi was made the genin much earlier owing to his skills, whereas Obito and Rin joined him later. <A> It makes perfect sense that they're 4 years older than Kakashi. <S> If you become a genin upon graduating the academy and the 3 of them graduated together. <S> That means they're older than Kakashi by atleast 4 years.
Kakashi became a genin at 5 while Obito and Rin were 9 meaning they were 4 years older than him when they all graduated the academy. In episode 385 of Naruto Shippuden , Obito clearly mentioned "but he is the same age as we are" (from the past memories). Anyway, it's not said exactly how old they are, but judging by the fact that most ninja students become a Genin or get graduated at the age of 12, and since these are the birthdays of the characters: Rin is born on November 15
Are half-blooded Saiyans stronger than pure-blooded Saiyans? I'm wondering if half-blooded Saiyans are stronger than pure-blooded Super Saiyans? Like how half-blooded vampires are stronger than pure-blooded vampires. <Q> According to Wikia <S> The offspring generally possesses the strength of the Saiyans and develops abilities far more easily than Earthlings. <S> Hybrid Saiyans possess the potential to become Super Saiyans but it is unclear how many generations can separate a hybrid from their Saiyan ancestor before the transformation becomes impossible. <S> It is unclear if these hybrids possess a naturally greater potential than their Saiyan parents. <S> Gohan repeatedly demonstrated a hidden power that, when harnessed, made him more powerful than even Goku or Vegeta, and when he and Goku trained to battle Cell. <S> It is unclear if Hybrid Saiyans may become Super Saiyan faster than pure-blooded Saiyans. <S> Gohan become Super Saiyan at the age of 11 (9 in the manga). <S> Trunks and Goten were able to make the transformation to Super Saiyan at a far younger age than their fathers, at the age of 8 and 7 respectively. <S> Further, it is unknown if quarter Saiyans, such as Pan, have a lesser potential than half Saiyans or pure-blooded Saiyans. <S> Most importantly, Pan doesn't transform into Super Saiyan, or it's simply because it is harder to transform for females. <S> According to my knowledge <S> Since turning into Super Saiyan requires to be highly emotional, this makes half-blooded Saiyans transform at a very young age. <S> I don't think it's because half-blooded, so it's weaker than pure-blooded. <S> For example, Goku passes down his ascendant gene to Gohan, so Gohan has the potential to surpass Goku. <S> It takes training. <S> In Cell Game Saga, Gohan trains in Hyperbolic Time Chamber together with Goku, and he ultimately surpasses Goku. <S> If he trained non-stop like Goku, he might have become Super Saiyan God. <S> Obviously, the more generations, the lesser the Saiyan's blood in their body. <S> I don't know if that works with Saiyans, but in real life it does. <S> In the 10th generation, or roughly 300 years later, the Hybrid Saiyans will become 1/1024 Saiyan-1023/1024 Human. <S> As you can see, Hybrid Saiyans are not likely to transform into Super Saiyan, but they still possess enhanced strength. <S> Maybe someday either Bulma or Bulla invents a device that can release the hidden potential, making it easier to turn into Super Saiyan. <A> Vegeta in Dragon Ball Z says Vegeta: “At any rate, the battle power of Kakarot’s son is unusually high, even by the standards of Saiyan children.” <S> Nappa: “Maybe his reading was wrong.” <S> Vegeta: <S> “No, it wasn’t wrong. <S> Raditz really took a large amount of damage from that brat’s attack. <S> It seems that mixing Saiyan and Earthling blood begets a powerful hybrid.” <A> Yes, without a doubt half blood Saiyans are stronger than full blood Saiyans because even Goku had to admit that Gohan was stronger than him and Vegeta in Dragon Ball Super . <S> Not to mention half blood Saiyans have more feeling which can lead to a greater or earlier chance of turning Super Saiyan that is exactly why SSJ Rage Trunks beat merged Zamasu.
In the series, either Goku, Gohan or Future Trunks said that half-blooded Saiyans can transform into Super Saiyan earlier than pure-blooded Saiyans because they possess the Earthling's rich emotions and feelings .
Can Saitama breathe in space? I'm just wondering whether Saitama could live in space, just like Superman or Goku, without needing oxygen to breathe? <Q> No, he can not breathe in space. <S> In the chapter 47 (35.2), Boros punches Saitama so hard that he is sent flying towards the moon. <S> When he lands there, he does his best to hold his breath: <A> Based on the anime, Saitama first looks around calmly, realizes he's in space, then covers his nose. <S> While this isn't solid evidence, the fact he just didn't even realize this is probable evidence of one of two things: either Saitama does not require any breath and had passively stopped breathing at all, or he is simply such a broken character that he ignores logic until he realizes it's even there in the first place. <S> Either way the air should have escaped from his body within seconds, so based on a logical standpoint <S> I can only assume that yes, Saitama can breathe in space. <A> No matter how strong he may be, Saitama wasn't holding his breath until after a few seconds of being on the moon. <S> the minute he left the atmosphere, the air inside him, which is normal oxygen and nitrogen, would be sucked out. <S> Strength has nothing to do with his oxygen deprivation. <S> No breath holding equals no oxygen, so no reaction to oxygen loss equals no oxygen dependency.
Saitama can't die from space.
Why did the Phantom Troupe let Gon and Killua go? In the very first episode of the Greed Island arc, Gon and Killua meet up with two of the Phantom Troupe members while in the auction. The members say they will no longer hunt our heroes because... something to do with their leader's Nen surviving after death? I watched the episode again, but it doesn't make any sense. Why is the Phantom Troupe no longer interested in revenge against Gon et al? <Q> Kurapika placed his judgement chain on the Chrollo Lucifer, the Phantom Troupe's leader. <S> The Phantom troupe knows that and that Lucifer is currently seeking the help of a Nen exorcist in order to remove it. <S> Now why did they let Gon and Kirua go? <S> Well because they want nothing to do with Kurapika anymore! <S> Actually, only a handful of exorcists have the skill to remove the Nen left by a dead user [1]. <S> Or, since Lucifer is at this point weak because deprived of his Nen, he might even die. <S> The Phantom Troupe knows this and therefore they do not want to have any more direct or indirect interactions with Kurapika. <S> If they were to harm Gon and Killua, Kurapika would surely come seek vengeance once more. <S> If they were to fight off Kurapika, they would have to hold back to make sure he survives the fight. <S> That would be not be an easy feat as Kurapika is not so weak. <S> [1] Chapter 120, page 13 (not shown here for compactness) <S> Some of this is explained on page 12 of Chapter 120: <A> The Troupe can't touch the kids until the Judgment Chain is removed from Chrollo. <S> They are indebted to the kids somewhat for what they did for Pakunoda. <S> They like the kids in general. <S> Mind you they did want to recruit them before all this started. <A> However there's also an alternative way of looking at it: <S> Kuroro thinks Kurapica's weakness is his friends. <S> However by that time he also knows their backgrounds. <S> Freecs and Zaoldyeck. <S> To attack them while the Spiders are incomplete is counter intuitive. <S> They will leverage Kurapica's weakness in the best time Kuroro thinks is possible. <S> Also considering the implications of having killed 2 offsprings of arguably the most well known names in the world of HxH. Possibly forcing the prediction to come true. <S> Chrollo isn't as sentimental as the others when it comes to preserving their group.
They all know most of them will die, and to provoke a confrontation without their Leader is out of the question. If the person who placed a Nen dies, his Nen becomes much stronger after death, and a much more powerful Nen exorcist would be required in order to remove it. It's suggested that they they happened to like the duo and feel grateful for what they have done for Pakunoda.
Why didn't the Dragon slayers disappear when the eclipse gate was destroyed? During the Grand magic games, they were not able to actually defeat all the dragons that came out of Eclipse gate. The dragons as well as future Rouge and Lucy just disappeared and went back to their own timeline when the Eclipse gate was destroyed. But as Zeref stated, Natsu and the other dragon slayers are from the past and traveled to current timeline using the same Eclipse gate. So why didn't they disappear as well when the Eclipse gate was destroyed? Possible plothole?? <Q> First (and more importantly): According to the Wikia page of the Eclipse Gate (sorry, I couldn't find the actual chapter where the princess actually explains this): <S> Many years later, after a different Eclipse Gate is constructed, following the conclusion of the fourth day of the X791 Grand Magic Games, Arcadios and Yukino bring Lucy, Natsu and their friends before the gate while attempting to persuade Lucy to help with the Eclipse Project. <S> So this is not the same Eclipse Gate that was constructed by Zeref and used by Anna and Layla to bring the dragon slayers into the present, <S> therefore destroying it can't have an effect on whether the dragon slayers are present in the current timeline or not. <S> This same logic doesn't apply for time travel which brings people to the future: no matter what you do with the time travelling device after they arrived, they will be still there as there is no need for the time travelling device to keep them there. <S> (Other than this, yes, time travel in most of the stories sucks and is usually full of plot holes. <S> Fairy Tail is no different, there are lots of open questions. <S> With Eclipse destroyed why didn't we go back to the original timeline with 10000 dragons destroying everything? <S> Or why did the city remained destroyed after the dragons disappeared? <S> Well, at least we didn't get a "Back To The Future"-like "timelines slowly change <S> , there's still time to save your parents' marriage" plot hole.) <A> They also would have had to have built the gate 400 years in the past to bring the dragons so the whole idea is full of holes like a lot of Fairy Tail. <S> Although it's a good show <S> they just constantly contradict previously stated facts <A> The gate was destroyed and got rid of future rogue and future lucy because they came from the future which didnt happen yet. <S> And since it didnt happen they disappeared along with anything They changed like the dragons crossing the gate. <S> It didnt make the dragon slayers disappear bevabecauseuse they crossed the gate a long ass time ago <S> and it didnt have anything to do with future rogue or lucy. <S> So anything before the grand magic games and before that would still be there. <A> It's possible we didn't see the future with the 10000 dragons because Fro didn't die. <S> Think of it, if Fro died, that means that Rough will kill Sting. <S> That leads us to the war vs Zeref. <S> Maybe Natsu didn't win since Sting was dead, so Rough probably did some stupid thing (that didn't lead to the manga place). <S> Because of that, maybe Zeref lost to Acnologia after he defeated Natsu and Acnologia controlled the world, or Natsu defeated Zeref but lost to Acnologia because Sting wasn't there, and Rough probably fought Acnologia and all the other dragon slayer. <S> Well maybe this thing is my theory but it sounds like something that would happen.
Second : Evil Rogue and his dragons disappeared, because the gate that he used in the future to come back to the present was destroyed in the present , therefore he won't be able to use it to come back to the present, therefore he wouldn't be able to bring the dragons from the past.
Why are crosses so popular in anime and manga? I've recently noticed that I see a lot of "Crosses" in manga and anime. I thought it was just because Japan has a lot of Christians as I remember my history teacher telling me how Japanese people once really liked the Bible when Europeans came to explore, until the Shogun or someone of great power closed the gates of Japan and essentially isolated Japan from the outside world. Some of the more popular characters that I currently remember are Asuna Yuuki (SAO) in the real world when meeting Kirito and Dracule Hawkeye (One Piece). After further investigation, I realized Japan was only 1 percent Christian. Is there another meaning to the Cross in Japan? <Q> One possible explanation could be that it looks foriegn or exotic, or "western". <S> In Neon Genesis Evangelion , which uses the cross symbol pretty rampantly , one of the creators gave this explanation (from the Q&A "Amusing Himself to Death" with Tsurumaki <S> ): <S> Can you explain the symbolism of the cross in Evangelion? <S> KT: There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. <S> Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious . <S> None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. <S> There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool . <S> If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice. <S> (Emphasis is mine) <A> It's not that commom the crosses, I think it's just a coincidence because the genre of anime you like. <S> One Piece has a lot of cultures involved, so it's not that surprising to have some crosses, or a Bible like Bartholomew Kuma, and in the case of Mihawk <S> it's more a reference to vapires. <S> Asuna was part of a guild that have a holy symbol, the cross that she have remember the guild's symbol, crosses like <S> that it's commom in medieval themes and in RPG games, like Sword Art Online. <S> Most of medieval animes or animes that have magic use the western culture, so a lot of crosses and "sisters" appear. <S> And I think is not because of the crosses, just the western culture <S> it's more popular in this genre of anime and has more variety of things. <S> If you search, most of the animes are not related to crosses or to christianism, just a few, and because that I say again, it's just the genres of anime that you like xD <A> Hideaki Anno is notorious for stating the crosses in Evangeline are pointless. <S> Well I personally believe that EVA is trying to use existing themes to get its point across, the show is also filled with Buddhism references. <S> For instance when Shinji is running away he is sitting under a statue of Hariti Goddess/Demon for protection of children. <S> The main use of crosses in EVA is simply that it looks cool and to a mainly atheist country with a history of Buddhism; it looks interesting and stands out. <S> I do believe that since the USA has a history with Christianity we are all guilty of putting emphasis on certain symbols. <S> Its similar to how most Americans perceive the majority of anime characters as being white.
So it may not be that the cross means something different in Japan (most weddings take place in a Christian church, I believe ), but that because it has an air of the exotic or mysterious.
Are any animation studios open to the public for tours? There are lots of anime fans all over the world, and Japan does promote the industry to boost tourism. However, I am unaware of any animation studios that allow visitors. I'm sure a lot of visitors would like to peek inside and see what it is like - perhaps not the working areas, but the general surrounds & going-ons. I have noticed one tour group doing such a trip - but for the traveller who goes without a guide group - are there any options? <Q> Studio Ghibli museum <S> probably for other regions too <S> , you have to book three months in advance to purchase tickets. <A> Kyoto animation has a shop just below one of its working areas. <S> You don't even have to make an appointment to visit it! <S> It used to offer a dedicated tour which allowed visitors to look at animators paint transparent plastic film <S> but it was sadly discontinued. <S> The store has items related its characters and even a detailed booklet on how they make animated movies. <A> I was there with my college Japanese class a few years ago and we got a tour of a Production IG studio. <S> Everyone was super nice and it wasn't touristy. <S> We also got some random swag (manga, phone cases, pins, glasses cloths, phone charms, etc.). <S> Our professor did all of the planning, so I'm not really sure how you go about getting that set up unfortunately. <S> Still something to look into though. <S> Side note <S> , I think it might have also been around a bunch of sake breweries that had some cool tours (and samples). <A> If you go to the Studio Ghibli Museum you can see a couple of films that Hayao Miyazaki made exclusively for the museum itself. <S> He also sometimes stops by and is a gentle and well spoken man. <S> My friend met him once when he was vacationing there with his wife, so if I ever get the chance I would love to go there myself! ♥
The Studio Ghibli museum in Tokyo is open to public tour, for me and
How many Naruto Shippuden dubbed episodes are there? I am watching Naruto and I am currently on episode 164. How many episodes of Shippuden do they have dubbed, and are they still dubbing it? <Q> Also, the Naruto Shippuden Wikipedia has a list of the completed English dubbed episodes ending at episode 322. <S> Episodes after 332 are still TBA. <A> All 500 episodes have been dubbed since October 7, 2019. <S> For region 1 (North America), all 500 episodes have been released since June 11, 2019 . <S> For region 2 (UK), all 500 episodes have been released since October 7, 2019 . <S> Source: Wikipedia . <A> As of may 21 there are 335 episodes of Naruto shippuden that have been dubbed. <S> Many more episodes are still being made and many episodes are still being dubbed so we wont run out of Naruto content soon.
Season 25 of Naruto Shippuden was released in January 2016 according to Viz Media's release calendar . For region 4 (Australia/New Zealand), all 500 episodes have been released since August 7, 2019 .
Why didn't Kakashi take care of Naruto? During the flashback some people have and or Kakashi, we find out that Namikaze Minato, Naruto's dad, was Kakashi's teacher, and that Kakashi had a big respect for him. Also, Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin were his teammates. We also find out that in one of the flashbacks Kakashi has, it shows that when he was in the ANBU Minato buts him to guard and protect his wife, Kushina until she had about nine months of being pregnant. After Minato let Kakashi free for a couple of days, he went to visit Rin's grave and then Obito's engraved name to tell them that their sensei was having a child. I think a couple of days after that Naruto was born, and Kyuubi rampaged around the village. Minato risked his life to seal away Kyuubi inside Naruto to protect him and the village. Minato and Kushina died and left Naruto all alone, so why didn't Kakashi take care of Naruto. I mean I know the Third gave Naruto money every month or so, but why didn't Kakashi at least watch Naruto from the shadows like he did with Kushina. Was it because he was too busy with his ANBU work, did he just forget his sensei had a child or was he too young to be taking care of kids. I mean he was just what 14 or something, he could have still managed to look at him or something. Or did he just feel it was wrong to get close to Naruto? One of my cousins and me were talking about this a couple of days ago and it got me wondering. I didn't know how to respond to my cousin, so I just decided to ask you all. <Q> Being Anbu and a guardian to Naruto doesn't seems like a great idea. <S> And Naruto was in the care of the Third, so it might not seem necessary. <S> It is also to be noted that, Kakashi has a hard time connecting to someone emotionally too. <S> It was the Third who removed him from the Anbu and assigned him with various teams as tests, as shown in the anime filler, and in the end assigned with Team 7. <A> As other people have said, he was doing his own thing. <S> Also, when children are orphaned, they are cared for by the village in its entirety, so there is no need for one specific person to care for a child. <S> Furthermore, the fact that he was close to Minato is a much bigger reason for him not to get close to Naruto, as they were keeping the fact that he was Minato's son a secret, probably for his own protection. <A> Because everyone of the adult leaf village are terrible people. <S> Both Kakashi and Hiruzen knew that Minato sacrificed himself and the future of his baby boy to protect the village and yet left Naruto to fend for himself both emotionally and materially. <S> In Shippunden Ep 480 Naruto meets Hiruzen for the FIRST TIME while gathering wild mushrooms and fishing to supplement his diet <S> , he didn't have enough money to buy ramen. <S> At the time Naruto seems to be about 5-6 <S> and he didn't know what THE SUN was! <S> There was obviously a serious lack of support and education up until then. <S> And Kakashi didn't do ANYTHING, as far as we can tell he just avoided Naruto like the plague. <S> Sure he had no formal relationship with Naruto <S> but you couldn't help out an orphan? <S> Much less the orphan of your beloved student?!?!? <S> so obviously he needed someone to step in and help him out. <S> That someone ended up being Iruka sensei, someone without any connection to Naruto. <S> If i was Minato's ghost I would be rolling in my grave if i knew how Kakashi and Hiruzen just left my orphaned child to suffer the abuse of the ignorant villagers, loneliness of having no family, and lack of financial support <S> (the poor kid was hungry and had to scavenge for food) after I died to save the village. <S> The writers wanted to isolate Naruto and portray his growth by having him establish relationships with everyone so he couldn't have any support at the beginning. <S> Ninja welfare services would have been called years ago.
Naruto was being neglected by the entire village And as per his past, he wouldn't want to get attached to anyone and wanted to be only an Anbu. But the set up was just too unrealistic.
How many characters are based on real life pirates? Throughout the One Piece series, several pirates seem to be based upon real life pirates. Some of which are quite obvious Like Blackbeard & Whitebeard. These names combined would be the real name of Blackbeard, Edward Teach . And some are a bit less obvious, but still well known Like Roronoa Zoro based on: François l'Olonnais . Now my question is: Are there more pirates in One Piece named after, or based upon real life pirates? <Q> Here is a list of known references to actual pirates used in One Piece (most of which are just borrows names) as mentioned on various sources: <S> Alvida - Awilda Bartolomeo - Bartholomew Roberts "Black Bart" Basil Hawkins - John Hawkins <S> Bellamy - Samuel Bellamy Blackbeard - Edward Teach "Blackbeard" <S> Cavendish - Thomas Cavendish: Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom) - Charlotte Badger Eustass Kid - William "Captain" Kidd: Gol D Roger - Olivier Levasseur: Jewelry Bonney - Anne Bonny <S> Lafitte - Jean Lafitte: Roronoa Zoro - François l'Olonnais <S> Scratchmen Apoo - Chui A-poo: <S> Silvers Rayleigh - Sir Walter Raleigh: <S> Thatch - Edward Thatch <S> Urouge - Oruç Reis <S> X Drake - Sir Francis Drake: <S> Yorki - Calico Jack Zeff - "Red Legs" <S> Greaves <S> Although these are the references to actual pirates which was intended by Oda, there are also coincidental lookalikes to real life people which has been mentioned in this BuzzOtaku article. <A> Well this list is not comprehensive but will be covering most of the famous pirates including most of the supernovas and the worst generation. <S> All data is sourced for the One Piece Wikia and the various SBS answered by Oda. <S> Yorki, the Rumbar Pirates Captain is based on Calico Jack. <S> Alvida, the Alvida Pirates Captain is based on the pirate Awilda. <S> Thatch, the 4th Division Commander, Whitebeard Pirates' name is based on Edward Thatch. <S> Charlotte "Big Mom" Linlin, Yonku and Captain of the Big Mom Pirates is based on the pirate Charlotte Badger. <S> Scratchmen Apoo, <S> the On Air Pirates Captain is based on the chinese pirate Chui A-poo. <S> Basil Hawkins, the Hawkin Pirates Captain's name is based on two pirates. <S> His given name came from Basil Ringrose, while his surname came from John Hawkins Urouge, the Fallen Monk Pirates' captain is based on Oruç Reis. <S> X Drake, the Drake Pirates Captain is based on the pirate Sir Francis Drake. <S> There might be more but these were all I could find. <S> Blackbeard and Whitebeard share their names with the pirate and are based on the pirate Edward Teach. <A> I would like to add Hordy (sometimes spelled Hody) <S> might be a reference to Vice Admiral Horthy Miklos. <S> He was the leader of Hungary during world war 2 and fought in the Autro-Hungarian Navy during world war 1. <S> While the real life Horthy wasn't really racist, I can imagine that a Japanese Author would look at an Admiral who allied with Hitler as a convenient name-reference for the leader of a racist Fishman army. <S> Tho it is just a slight name reference, nothing more. <S> I have written a book and know the pain of inventing names, cuz it needs to sound real and memorable and not just some gibberish. <S> I'm sure other Authors do that too and as we can see above (like Alvida) the author of OP does it as well. <S> I am sure there are many character names, places etc. <S> that are slight references to real life people and places. <S> Water 7 is obviously a reference to Venice, Impel down is Alcatraz, <S> Head Warden Magelan is a reference to the explorer of the same name etc. <S> etc.
Jewelry Bonney, the Bonney Pirates captain is based on the pirate Anne Bonny Often times when I need a new name I google a real life person who has a certain trait or characteristic connected with the fictional character (successful businessman, explorer, murderer, general, pacifist, poet, you name it) and then just edit the name slightly to make it a bit different.
Is the Golden Den Den Mushi mechanical, or a living specimen? The Golden Den Den Mushi is used for ordering the Buster Call and seems to be made of rigid gold. It's strange and unusual for the rest of the species. Is it an actual living being, or (unlike regular Den Den Mushis) some kind of mechanically improved, or purely mechanical device? <Q> In Chapter 386 Spandam is holding the Golden Den Den Mushi and mentions that it is a precious species , indicating that it is in fact, a living snail. <A> The Den Den Mushi are actually snails which use radiowave to communicate which each other. <S> Here is a picture of a wild Den Den Mushi without any devices attached to it: <S> Here is what its wikia page has to say about it: They have the ability to communicate with each other telepathically through radio waves. <S> The people of the One Piece world take advantage of this ability by attaching buttons and receivers to them. <S> Den Den Mushi thus take the place of telephones and other similar machines in the world of One Piece. <S> They are classified as type "B" creatures, being "Small Friendly" [...] <S> Here's its wikia's description: It is used to summon the Buster Call attack. <S> The Den Den Mushi is immobile and its entire body appears to be made out of gold. <S> It is a very rare type of Den Den Mushi. <S> After the button on its back is pressed, it sends a message straight to the Silver Den Den Mushi, which is the signal for the Marines to start the Buster Call. <S> Now, all Den Den Mushi are mechanically improved . <S> However, it is not confirmed whether or not the golden Den Den Mushi is clothe in gold even in its wild form (which I doubt). <S> The golden snail only communicates with the silver Den Den Mushi, shown above. <S> So far, it has been shown to be limited to alerting the Marine about a Bluster Call request from the Silver Den Den Mushi. <A> Golden Den Den Mushi is the variation of normal Den Den Mushi, as stated here . <S> However, this Den Den Mushi is immobile and entire body are made out of gold. <S> The Golden Den Den Mushi (ゴールデン電伝虫 Gōruden Den-den Mushi?), Golden Transponder Snail in the Viz Manga, is a special kind of Den Den <S> Mushi which is only held by the Marine Admirals. <S> It is used to summon the Buster Call attack. <S> The Den Den Mushi is immobile and its entire body appears to be made out of gold. <S> It's also said that Golden Den Den Mushi is a very rare type of normal Den Den Mushi <S> It is a very rare type of Den Den Mushi. <S> After the button on its back is pressed, it sends a message straight to the Silver Den Den Mushi, which is the signal for the Marines to start the Buster Call. <S> So, Golden Den Den Mushi is <S> technically is a very rare snail and not a mechanical device. <S> P.S. <S> If we're talking about "mechanically improved" the Den Den Mushi itself just a snail with can communicate with each other telepathically through radio waves. <S> Peoples in One Piece world attaching button and receiver to them. <S> So you can say that Den Den Mushi are mechanically improved snails.
The gold Den Den Mushi is a rare kind of Den Den Mushi.
Why does One Piece antagonist disappear after being defeated? Let me take an instance of one villain: Arlong. Arlong got defeated by Luffy, he wasn't killed. Luffy didn't stay in Kokoyashi village either. So Arlong could have returned to his usual business of enslaving the village. He would have faced ugly humiliating words from Villagers initially, but why would it matter? All you gotta do is gang-up on them. No one in the village was strong enough to stop them. There are many other pirates who just disappeared after being defeated. It's not like they lived their life with principle or something, they were bad guys who used to loot, cheat, and kill people. Why wouldn't they continue that after being defeated? <Q> In most of the cases, the big villains we've seen have been arrested by the Marines after they were defeated, so they would not get such an opportunity. <S> We see most of them in the Impel Down arc, locked up. <S> Specifically, in the case of Arlong that you mentioned: It is currently unknown where Arlong is being held, since we didn't see him in Impel Down, but he is being held by the Marines somewhere. <A> <A> I must admit I do agree with both of the other 2 answers, however i think there is also a simple logical approach to the issue; with each successive antagonist luffy takes on the antagonists get stronger and stronger and so do the protagonists. <S> Some of the antagonists are important and come back into play later on and some of them had 1 purpose, to be the next stepping stone for the straw hats to overcome and once they played that role they have no more use. <S> Also who knows, maybe Arlong rules once again and straw hat is too busy fighting warlords and emperors to even know that Arlong is back in power. <S> Whitebeard kept his islands safe because the threat of his crew hunting down enemies and destroying them but the straw hats are too busy progressing toward One Piece to keep tabs on those they defeat. <S> Even if Arlong is back in power as long as he doesn't chase after Luffy then Luffy and his crew wont find out for years and years as they search for One Piece.
it might be because, if pirate defeat another one usually that village will be under control of the winner, for example white beard had alot of villages under his control and no body ever touch them, because other pirates knows that if any thing happened in that village, it will cause them a lot of troubles with white beard and might start a war if the to side are strong.
Has Kaido eaten a devil fruit? If so, what is its power? Kaido is called the strongest creature in the One Piece world. Hence, he must be immensely powerful. My question is: What is his power? Is he a devil fruit user? <Q> SPOILERS AHEAD <S> It has been confirmed in Chapter 921 of One Piece , that Kaido has a Zoan Devil Fruit ability (mostly Mythical). <A> The short answer is that we currently don't know. <S> However, Kaidou is often referred to as the "strongest creature in the world" (Chapter 697, page 4), insinuating that he might not be human. <S> This might refer to a special devil fruit that he has eaten (devil fruit eaters have previously been referred to as "monsters"), or just to the fact that he has horns. <S> Another possibility is that he is so strong, so powerful and so impossible to kill (as he's been tortured, captured and even tried to kill himself by jumping from 10,000 meters to the ground) that people just call him a "monster", as they did for Whitebeard. <A> The Devil Fruit's name is not yet stated, but based on his appearance and power, probably a Dragon Devil Fruit <S> (Ryu-Ryu <S> no mi?). <S> Most likely a mythical Zoan since he has a fiery aura reminiscent of Marco's phoenix form. <S> It also explains how he managed to burn down Owen castle single-handedly and why he has horns, and the dragon scale tattoo. <A> I just realize something from this statement From One Piece Wikia , here: <S> He has been caught and tortured 18 times, and people as powerful as the Marines and other Yonko have attempted to execute him 40 times. <S> However, he mysteriously survived every single attempt because every single execution weapon broke when being used on him. <S> Most notably, Kaido has jumped from 10,000 meters in the sky onto the ground, creating a massive shockwave strong enough to sink a large ship nearby, and emerged without an injury; it has even become a hobby for him to attempt suicide, only for it to fail. <S> If he had any Devil Fruit power, then it should be easy to commit suicide, just drown yourself in to the bottom of the ocean. <S> So the answer is no, he just super strong like Shanks. <A> We still don´t know if Kaidou is a devil fruit user or if he as any kind of power but his Wikia page says the following: <S> Perhaps the greatest sign of Kaido's strength is his inability to die. <S> He has been caught and tortured 18 times, and people have attempted to execute him 40 times. <S> However, he mysteriously survived every single attempt because every single execution weapon has broken when being used on him. <S> Kaido also managed to singlehandedly sink nine huge prison ships. <S> Most notably, Kaido has jumped from 10,000 meters in the sky onto the ground, creating a massive shockwave strong enough to sink a large ship nearby, and emerged without a single injury. <S> It has even become a hobby for him to attempt suicide only for it to fail.
His Devil Fruit lets him change into a huge Dragon Reference: Perhaps the greatest sign of Kaido's strength is his apparent inability to die.
How does Vanishing Rasengan work? Vanishing Rasengan is a miniature Rasengan which was originally developed by Boruto as seen in Boruto: Naruto the Movie. In that movie, when Boruto was trying to learn Rasengan in front of Sasuke, it was observed that his Rasengan usually vanishes into the air but the effect of Rasengan is still there. How was Boruto able to make the Rasengan vanish? How does Vanishing Rasengan work? <Q> As wiki said, Boruto create a miniature of Rasengan then he inject the Rasengan with Wind release nature, so the it can be thrown. <S> The user creates a miniature Rasengan, to the size of a big grape, which is capable of being thrown due to the Wind Release nature transformation that is applied. <S> While gliding in the air, the sphere disappears and hits the target. <S> But it's only my opinion of course. <A> It is because he (unknowingly) puts a small amount of wind chakra in it <S> and it somehow absorbs nature energy. <S> That is how the Vanishing Rasengan works. <S> It is still much of a mystery though. <A> The vanishing rasengan is small and when it explodes it looks like it's only as big as a regular rasengan. <S> But when Naruto creates a rasengan it explodes to a big hole therefore the regular rasengan is more powerful than the vanishing rasengan <A> All of that is in fact <S> wrong Borutos vanishing rasengan is not wind style at all. <S> Sasuke states in the canon episode of the Momoshiki fight that Boruto unconsciously adds a lightning nature to his rasengan which is what allows it to move at such speeds and disappear. <S> I assume it disappears because of the speed and lighting's tendency to disappear quickly. <S> Well anyway Borutos rasengan is a lightning style. <A> Sasuke said that boruto when infusing chakra to make a rasengan adds little amounts of lightning style unintentionally which creates vanishing rasengan and the techniqur i presume isnt fully developed. <S> The theory of the vanishing rasengan being wind style is wrong because Naruto has already made wind style rasengans which has a different effect
About your question how Boruto was able to vanish the Rasengan, I think because it's so small, slowly vanishing while thrown but still hits the target because his Wind Release nature.
Will Boruto be able to awaken Byakugan? As Himawari was able to awaken Byakugan, is it possible that Boruto will also be able to use it? I am in doubt because, if we take the Uchiha family as an example, then every member of their family has the ability to use Sharingan. I would guess this also applies to the Byakugan users. Sasuke's child Sarada also awakened her Sharingan even though Sakura was not a Sharingan user. So in that case, is it possible that Boruto will be able to use the Byakugan in the future? If not, then does it have something to do with genes? <Q> From trivia here , it is stated that Masashi Khisimoto forgot to give Byakugan to Boruto and Himawari. <S> Boruto and Himawari Uzumaki, despite being children of Hinata Hyūga, do not have the characteristic white eyes inherited by Hyūga descendants. <S> According to Masashi Kishimoto, he simply forgot to give it to them. <S> Later he corrected this. <S> But so far, only Himawari has Byakugan. <S> Kishimoto later corrected his mistake for Himawari by giving her the Byakugan in the Zai <S> no Sho's special chapter <S> The Day Naruto Became Hokage. <S> While activated, her eyes take on the normal characteristics of the dōjutsu. <S> When not in use, she has her original blue eyes. <A> Now it's a different thing that he might have it implanted, but when it flashbacks to his academy days, he has the byakugan shadow already, since it has appeared numerous times, first with Denki, then with Metal Lee. <S> So yes, I think the answer is, he will get byakugan, <S> whether just a shadow or implanted. <A> Another option would be the mix of the byakugan with a descendant of the sage of the six paths, but this is denied by the fact that Kaguya never had an eye like that manifested, while she is the original blood of any jutsu, as the creator of the series just said that he forgot to give them Byakugans he may have thought to give Boruto something different, Naruto isn't part of the byakugan bloodline so off-springs that don't have the byakugan are totally possible, the "theory" I like the most is the mix between the Uzumaki genes (the Uzumaki clan) with the Byakugan and the blood of the sage of the six paths, there is no recorded or shown eyes like Boruto's, so a bit of diversity could've been expected from the creator. <S> Although this looks like a continuation of the Naruto series, it's not really. <S> If you're someone that never watched <S> Naruto <S> you can live happily ever after and have no need to watch it to watch the Boruto series, and even if this was the Byakugan that Boruto inherited it would most likely wouldn't make him have excessive power, he is Naruto's son, not Naruto himself, so he doesn't have the nine tails, and for sure not that much chakra as he has.
The eye that Boruto has is clearly not a Byakugan, and everyone can agree, what I find it most likely is a new Dojutsu, no one from the Byakugan family ever married someone with as much chakra as Naruto has, unless you count the grand-son of Kaguya (the dude inside the moon) which already had the Byakugan with an extreme chakra source. OK, so if any of you have been watching Boruto Next Generations, you already know that Boruto has the Byakugan, since when he's fighting with Kawaki in episode 1, he uses it.
How can Naruto breathe on the moon? In The Last: Naruto the Movie , Naruto's fight with Toneri is set on the moon. But how can he breathe on the moon? Is that because of some technique, or something else? <Q> In short According to wiki: The exterior of the Moon is barren, covered with craters and canyons. <S> It has a weak gravity, but is still able to maintain a breathable atmosphere . <S> Since it has breathable atmosphere , so that's why Naruto didn't used any technique or something else. <S> Which conclude that the Moon from shinobi world is far more different than the real moon which we know. <S> For more information regarding this you can see this link . <A> I'll preface this by saying that the Naruto universe is not our own, and thus their moon is different. <S> Also, all the spoilers ahead. <S> The moon in the Naruto universe was made by the Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo, when he and Hamura sealed Kaguya. <S> The moon was made via Chibaku Tensei, which is a gravitational ninjutsu that turns an object into a "gravity core", which then attracts the matter around it into a large, circular object. <S> You'll remember Pain using it on Naruto to capture the Nine Tails. <S> This would allow him to breath there, and since he didn't instantly suffocate on arrival I'd guess there was enough atmosphere from the formation to sustain at least his body. <S> Chibaku Tensei <A> Well, in this case we should consider that they're in a world totally different from ours, what means that their moon surface and structure are different from ours as well. <S> Some say that their moon was created to keep criminals arrested, but in that scenario we do have an atmosphere kindly similar to Earth's. <S> This isn't so insane to think of when considering the other movies where some characters could breath inside the water, or things like that. <S> About Kaguya <S> , she wasn't an alien, she was a common woman that ate the fruit and absorbed the tree's power. :) <A> I'm not particularly sure why all of the answers have resolved around the fact that the Naruto universe has a moon that is completely different from our own - it's more of a cop out, rather than a fully thought through answer. <S> Although, I'm not saying it's completely wrong, as it could be plausible. <S> Considering <S> it is the Naruto universe, filled with chakra and the abilities to use this chakra to create giant masses of elements, then it's pretty safe to assume that Naruto and Toneri were either subconsciously using a jutsu that created/utilised oxygen and allowed them to breath, or, with the power of the nine tails (in Naruto's case) and the large mass of chakra handed down through generations of the Otsutsuki family (in Toneri's case), allowing their bodies to operate fully by using chakra, instead of usual body functions.
Theoretically, it's possible that the moon has an atmosphere by capturing part of their Earth's atmosphere in the creation of the moon, being attracted to it via the intense gravity/immense power of the Sage's and Hamura's joint Chibaku Tensei.
Can Boruto awaken Tenseigan? I heard that Tenseigan can be awakened by those having both Otsutsuki and Hyuga blood lines. Boruto has Otsutsuki blood from Naruto (A descendant of Hagaromo Otsutsuki) and Hyuga blood from his mother. Can he awaken the Tenseigan? <Q> At the moment it is possible, due to the Uzamaki clan being very vaguely related to Hagaromo (It has been a lot time for dilution of the bloodline). <S> So he could end up with the Tensaigan, but it would be much more likely for the Tensaigan to appear in the theoretical children of Boruto and Sarada, due to Sasuke's bloodline having the optical powers of Hagaromo. <S> So to sum it up, Boruto could end up with the Tensaigan some time in the foreseeable future. <A> I believe that Boruto's eye is a completely new ability that we have not seen yet. <S> First of all, Boruto's eye is not a byakugan. <S> This is pretty obvious because it looks COMPLETELY different from byakugans(no veins, only in one eye, different color). <S> It may have similar abilities as the byakugan, but it is not the byakugan. <S> Secondly, his eyes are not the tenseigan either because it looks completely different as well. <S> Sure, both may have blue, but the blacked out portion of Boruto's eye indicates a clear separation from the tenseigan. <S> The tenseigan also doesn't have the curse mark like thing around the eye that the older version of Boruto appears to have (see image below). <S> The tenseigan can only be acquired by combining the chakra of the Hyuga clan and the Otsutsuki clan. <S> Boruto has Hyuga clan chakra but not Otsutsuki clan. <S> Further evidence of this is when Boruto speaks with the ghost of Momoshiki Ōtsutsuki after his fight with him. <S> Momoshiki points out Boruto's Hyuga heritage/chakra but makes no note of any dormant Otsutsuki chakra, which he definitely would have if Boruto did have any dormant Otsutsuki chakra. <S> Also, it is stated nowhere that the tenseigan is able to see the "evil chakra" that Boruto's eye can see. <S> What Boruto's eye can be is a product of combining the chakra of Asura with the chakra of the Hyuga clan. <S> This would yield a completely new kekkei genkai. <A> As I said in comment also nothing is impossible so anything can happen. <S> But according to current information it is not possible for Boruto to awaken Tenseigan. <S> So it pretty much explain that it can Evolve Byakugan to Tenseigan by having chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan. <S> So by current definition of this, it is important to have Byakugan. <S> Also according to this link there is one answer which really creates a little confusion but also gives us hope of some possibility : We know that Rinnegan = <S> Asura + Indra (Sharingan) <S> Tenseigan = <S> Otsutsuki + Hyuga (Byakugan) <S> Given that they're the children of Naruto and Hinata, Boruto and Himawari's heritage would thus be: Asura + Hyuga (Byakugan) = ???????? <S> So, it's entirely possible that a unique mixture of Hagaromo's and Hamura's chakras will result in these two, awakening a new dojutsu altogether. <S> This could also explain why both of them lack the Byakugan, as well as their teal-colored eyes. <A> There is very good reason Boruto could awaken it. <S> However, it requires him to awaken or obtain Byakugan as well as have <S> all of the Bijuu chakra from his dad implanted within him somehow. <S> If those conditions were fulfilled, which they could be easily, the Tenseigan should develop from his Byakugan. <S> The nine Bijuu chakra would fulfill having Otsutsuki chakra since Naruto's chakra is Six Paths' chakra.
Let me explain why I said this: The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan. Since Boruto has no Byakugan so we can say that he won't be able to have Tenseigan.
What are the other Animal Guides? When Aang was in the Spirit World during the Winter Solstice he refereed to Roku's Dragon as Roku's Animal Guide like how Appa is to him. I am wondering what are the Animal Guides for the other Avatars? do each Elemental Tribe have a single animal (ie. Air Avatars have Sky Bisons, Fire Avatars have Dragons) do does each Avatar have their own one regardless of elemental origin? <Q> It's impossible to say whether the other avatars had Animal Guides. <S> The only ones we see are Korra's, Aang's, and Roku's. <S> Kyoshi, Kuruk, Yangchen, and Wan were never seen with one. <S> Of those, Wan was the only one we really got a lot of backstory for <S> and he was never seen with an animal guide, though it seemed Ravaa may have been the equivalent for him. <S> There isn't much information that I could find on this subject, so this is the best answer <S> I was able to come up with <A> Wan and Yangchen did have animal guides, wans was that leopard with antlers, in not sure exactly what it is, but it was around that, and he traveled with it, the animal guide was a gift for wan making a bond with the spirits, so that’s why the avatar gets animal guides in general, and yangchen got 2 flying leagues, pik and pak I think their names were, it’s been a while <S> okay?? <S> Kuruk and Kyoshi kept theirs a secret, even from their closest friends, and avatar setzo probably did the same because his wasn’t mentioned ‍ <S> ♀️ <A> Didn’t Kyoshi have the bison too from the book? <S> The previous avatar’s friend’s bison that stuck around after the Airbender died to help Kyoshi <S> His name was pongpong
While the earth kingdom avatars are never seen with an animal, if the other three avatar animal guides we've seen are indicative of their respective elements' animal guides then it would be: Dragons for Fire Avatars Air Bison for Air Avatars Polar Bear Dogs for Water Avatars.
Who woke up Kirito in episode 9? In Sword Art Online (season 1) episode 9, at about 16:00, someone with blue hair woke up Kirito. When he regains consciousness, it was Asuna. But she doesn't have blue hair! Here are some pictures. This was just before he woke up: Then: What's going on here? <Q> That would be Sachi. <S> She's umm.. <S> you know. <S> big spoiler. <S> As you can see from this screen shot, her hair is blue. <A> The face and the hair colour of the girl trying to wake him up looks similar to Sachi, the girl from the guild of which Kirito was the member long time before this scene. <S> I'm pretty sure this is Sachi and not Suguha because of two reasons. <S> Firstly, at that moment, Kirito wanted to be apart from Suguha because he found out the family he lived with was not his real family <S> (I mean not his true parents and Suguha was not his sibling) since the age of 10. <S> Secondly, Kirito joined that battle (the scene before your illustrations) because he did not want any friends and guild members ended up disappearing in front of him like the death of the "Moonlit Black Cats" of which Sachi is the member, so maybe he saw the blue haired girl due to his guilty feeling. <A> It is definitely Sachi. <S> This is evidenced by the mole just below her right eye. <S> In your image, the mole appears in roughly the same spot. <S> This is also backed up by the fact that, at the time of this particular scene being shown, out of all of the other female characters introduced - that being Lisbeth, Asuna, and Silica - none of them have a mole on their face. <S> The only other one that could come close would be Lisbeth, but she has freckles on her face. <A> if we look at a younger image of Suguha we see she has Blue-ish hair <S> also Sachi's sidebangs are longer going past her chin while with Suguha, despite the fact in the image bellow <S> they are behind her ears <S> we can guess her hair length of these side bangs to when she was young (in the previous image they are the bang just before the flower clip) and probably isn't nearly as long as Sachi's <S> Also the fact the they are trying to wake Kirito up makes more sense that it is Suguha as she would be wanting Kirito to wake up, maybe some sort of feed from reality. <S> there isn't much reason for Sachi, or her ghost, to be wanting Kirito to wake up so urgently while with Suguha, someone she loves is still almost wasting away in a coma like state.
I believe it may have been Suguha over Sachi.
What is the order of the JoJo anime series? My friend recommended me to watch JoJo's Bizzare Adventure , but when I googled it I found there are many series. What is the order of the anime? <Q> In the order of the events in the series it goes like this: JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken <S> (TV) <S> (This covers the Battle Tendecy Arc and the Phantom Blood Arc.) <S> JoJo no Kimyou <S> na Bouken <S> : Stardust Crusaders JoJo no Kimyou <S> na Bouken <S> : Stardust Crusaders 2nd Season <S> JoJo <S> no Kimyou na <S> Bouken: <S> Diamond wa Kudakenai <S> Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai (OVA) <S> JoJo <S> no Kimyou na <S> Bouken: <S> Ougon no Kaze <S> All of the above are the main TV series. <S> This anime also has the 90's version some movie, and an OVA. <S> JoJo <S> no Kimyou na Bouken (2000) <S> JoJo <S> no Kimyou na Bouken <A> The JoJo's Bizzare Adventure series (as in, the manga) as a whole is devided into 8 story arcs. <S> 3 of these have been animated so far. <S> I'm going to list these in order of release, but as far as order of viewing goes... <S> Well, let's get to that when we get to that. <S> Also, it should be noted that all of these arcs, while sharing chronologial connetions (to a point), are rather self sustained and can be enjoyed even on their own. <S> The 1993 <S> 6 episode OVA starts at the middle of the 3rd plot line. <S> The 2000 7 episode OVA presents the beginning of the 3rd plot line, up to where to pervious OVA starts. <S> Both of these are are a bit of a relic, differ grately in animation style and production as a while <S> and, well the first one just oozes early 90s anime style. <S> As a whole (and even on their own) they tell a rather self sustained story, but only a small part of it. <S> The 2012 television series is the one that actually starts the story from the beginning. <S> The first 26 episode season covers story arcs 1 and 2 . <S> Afterwards, starting at 2014, the series covered the 3rd arc in 48 episodes . <S> (So, basicly doing what the OVAs did in third of the episode count.) <S> The next season, apparently starting at April 2016, is palled to start covering the 4th arc . <S> So, where to start... <S> If you want to get the whole story, I suggest the television series. <S> It follows the manga quite faithfuly and is quite coherent in its presentation. <S> However, if you want to get a quick feel for what you'll be getting into, I'd suggest either of the OVAs (depending if you perfer the 90s style, or a more modern style). <S> These OVAs cover the (arguably) most popular story arc in the series in a relatively short time. <S> If you decide you want more, the TV series should still be enjoyable as it covers a lot of things (not limited to the 2 first story arcs) that the OVAs skip. <S> There's also an animated movie covering the 1st story arc. <S> But it was apparently so bad that it was never officaly released outside theatres. <S> From what I understand, there isn't a known, complete copy of the movie anywhere . <A> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Battle Tendency <S> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders <S> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond Is Unbreakable <S> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Vento Aureo <S> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stone Ocean <S> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run <S> JoJo's Bizarre Adventure JoJolion Part 9 isn't out and the creator says it might be the last JoJo series <S> because so yeah
The order of the series is: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Phantom Blood
How did Satoru obtain the Revival ability? Satoru Fujinuma has the "Revival" ability, which allows him to go back in time before a life-threatening incident happens. We do know that he is not able to control this power (even if he can somehow help to summon it sometimes), but do we learn at any point how he obtained it ? Or did the author mention anything about this ? <Q> ⚠ <S> The answer below contains spoilers. <S> It is never stated in the anime nor in the manga how he obtained this ability. <S> We know that after the events in the last episode, he loses it and it never occurs again. <S> As the Boku Dake Wiki says: Revival (再上映 (リバイバル), Ribaiburu, lit. " <S> Rerun") is an involuntary special phenomenon exclusive to Satoru that allows him to jump back in time in order to rescue someone from a fatal encounter within his proximity. <S> Empirically, Satoru's capable of responding to Revival, as it occurs involuntary and often at random times. <S> Fujinuma described his experience as a deja vu. <S> <A> I don't think there is an official given reason for it, but after going over the story, I believe the power came about in response to Satoru's guilt. <S> As a child, he made no real effort to connect with Kayo. <S> After she died, he felt awful for not doing anything to help her. <S> His mother did her best to help him forget about what happened and let it go, and he more or less forgets about what happened, but the guilt never really stopped eating away at him. <S> Some time after this, he obtained the ability to jump backwards in short intervals, which lets him save people. <S> Despite this, he still feels empty, because it doesn't help Kayo. <S> Over the course of the series he rescues Kayo and the other children that her killer murdered, and eventually brings the killer to justice in 2003. <S> In doing this, he is finally at peace with himself. <S> And Revival never occurs again. <A> To me, there are two explanations for this. <S> One is that, like Kenya said, Satoru imagined the entire sequence of events, but not just when he was in his vegetative coma, but also before Kayo is to be killed by Yashiro. <S> Or, it could be that Satoru was given this ability so as to protect others from the same fate Kayo fell to, but ended up being used by Satoru to save Kayo instead, which would eliminate the ability's reason for existence, allowing the events of the second, parallel 2005 to occur. <A> Recently read a review on this anime that made me want to cry on this ability, while it isn't how he got it, it is a lot like Butterfly Effect, the movie. <S> Basically, the skill becomes chaos theory embodied in him as the anime goes on, but is never explained how it starts. <S> We just never see the results really until the end. <A> Sorry, I can't agree with the existing answers. <S> If this was some sort of dream-like dissociative disorder, then the final events would never have occurred. <S> The coma occurred because the teacher tries to kill him and he survived the coma because the teacher escaped and killed many other children (or in the anime, he just waited for him to come out). <S> Regardless, it was proved that the teacher did attempt those kidnappings before and was prevented by Satoru, hence why the teacher tries to kill him once he's out the coma. <S> My take on the reasoning behind the "Revival" is less a sense of guilt and more a sense of hopelessness and despair. <S> Satoru never truly get guilt over what occurred because he never tried to befriend or knew about what was happening to Kayo. <S> However, the events clearly took an emotional toll and that culminated as an adult when he now felt dead inside. <S> That loss of emotion seemingly triggered the "Revival" and brought about a feeling <S> is self-worth, which coupled with the return of the teacher and the death of his mom triggers within him the need to return back to where it all began. <S> This also is hinted at by the first time he fully uses the "Revival", he could never control "Revival" however after being cornered by police and the overwhelming feeling of loss from the death of his mother he begs "Revival" to occur to save her. <S> This is a full "Revival" and is the only way to save his mom. <A> Simple he is in a coma and his braining is dying so <S> he has flashes of his life going forward where people in life die , his brain then starts to go into a seize like state which makes his brain repeat flashes (the illusion of going back in time) <S> then because he is being revived after dying his brain repeats the flashes from the start of life to the end of it.) <S> His brain is creating personalities, memories as his life is flashing before his eyes. <S> Hence the personalities , people etc all all fabrications of his mind which is screaming as it dies. <S> The human mind can create entire humans and personalities that don't exist by piecing information together. <S> This is one theory only.
It could be that Satoru suffers from dissociative identity disorder and his intuition was acting as 'Revival' Satoru the entire time.
What happens if Uzumaki and Uchiha married each other? Will their offspring have Rinnegan? Ok, I'm wondering .If Uchiha and Uzumaki have a child together, there are possibility that the child inherited Sharingan right?Since Uzumaki have ties with Senju then, can the child awaken Rinnegan? <Q> No, just an average/general Uchiha and Uzumaki marriage cannot give birth to a child who is capable of activating Rinnegan. <S> In order to activate Rinnegan one requires chakra of both Indra and Ashura which enables Hagoromo's chakra. <S> Please refer the below url. <S> <A> The correct answer is IT DEPENDS. <S> Rinnegan, as multiple users have pointed out, can be obtained by combining chakra from Indra and Asura. <S> In each generation, one descendant of the brothers inherits their Chakra. <S> Thus iff the "chosen" descendents of both Indra and Asura have a child together, their offspring would inherit both Chakras and would have a Rinnegan naturally. <S> Disclaimer : <S> The above scenario is hypothetical and is intended to point out that Natural Rinnegan may be a possibility. <S> However, its highly likely that all "chosen" successors are male from what we've seen. <A> All of you are wrong about this. <S> All Uchiha have Indra's chakra and <S> All Senju(Uzumaki related) have Ashura's chakra. <S> Now Madara/Sasuke and Hashirama/Naruto are special because Indra's and Ashura's reincarnated into them. <S> To answer the question, yes the child will be able to obtain rinnegan. <S> He will be most likely like the sage of the six paths before he obtained sharingan and rinnegan. <S> The sage wasn't born with rinnegan. <S> He started with nothing, his eyes were almost like a byakugan. <S> When he lost his lover he obtained the sharingan. <S> Afterward, learned how to control sage power and went fight his mother. <S> His mother made him kill his brother (he healed him a few moments after Ain't got time to explain all) which allowed him to awaken the EMS. <S> He had the EMS and sage powers and he ended up with the rinnegan. <S> Uchiha possess the sharingan <S> Senju possess the sage chakra Of course if they have a child he will be able to obtain the rinnegan. <S> Although he will have to overcome hardships like losing a friend (sharingan) <S> a lover (MS) and take sibling eyes (EMS) <S> and since he already have sage chakra from Senju parent, the rinnegan will be awakened
Since both Uchihas and Uzumakis have the potential to inherit the Chakra from Indra and Asura, it MAY be possible for an offspring to inherit Rinnegan naturally.
How many tails did Naruto get during his fight with Pain? During Pain's destruction of Konoha, he fought Naruto. When fighting Naruto, Pain hurt Hinata which made Naruto get mad. After a couple of seconds of being mad Naruto started to transform into Kyuubi. How many tails did he transform to? I've heard and seen people say that he only got six tails, but I always thought he got all nine of them. Or almost got nine, until his dad stopped the transformation. <Q> We see Naruto reaching six tails and fighting Pain, that much is certain. <S> The wiki claims that after that, we see eight tails, here: <S> And we later on see Yamato's hand with the number nine, to which he says he was too late. <S> However, due to Minato's interference, we do not see Naruto with nine tails. <A> When Naruto's fight with Pain reaches it's peak, Pain uses one of the Sage of Six Paths move called Chibaku Tensei and to overcome the Heavenly body that traps him, Naruto while in 6 tails form is tempted by Kyubi who offers him complete power of the 9 tails in exchange for ripping apart the seal and Naruto does that Now keep in mind that he hasn't torn apart the seal <S> completely it might be 99% broken, that is the seal is still in place and before Naruto breaks the seal 100% his dad appears and reseals Kyubi by means of his own Chakra that he had added to the seal before he passed away at the time of Naruto's birth. <S> So he reaches 8 tails completely and 9 tails to about 99%, also we can confirm that Naruto almost completely reached 9 tails during the fight because Yamato's palm has the sign for 9 appear, and he says that ' it's too late ' see : <A> Naruto fight with pain cause him to get nine tails. <S> But when he got all nine, he didn’t die or turn into the Kyuubi, instead he was being controlled and forced to break the seal. <S> Fortunately, minato sealed his remaining chakra into Naruto as a baby just in case for this specific situation so he’d reseal the Kyuubi. <S> Same as when he sealed kushina chakra into Naruto to help with the fight Naruto had with the Kyuubi.
So, yes, Naruto has gone onto nine tails (He in fact wanted to remove the seal), but we do not see it, and Minato stops it very quickly.
What is Itachi's illness? What was Itachi's mysterious illness? Do you think Tsunade could have cured it? I'm aware that it is a terminal illness.And when did Itachi get this illness? <Q> The disease is never named. <S> This is actually quite common in manga/anime. <S> In some cases, the disease may be implied, such as in the case of said character suddenly being bald, in which case cancer is being implied. <S> This can give a story some realism <S> In other cases, no symptoms are given or the symptoms are very generic, so that it's impossible to determine what disease the character has. <S> This is done because it means less work on the author's part if they're not familiar with a disease that has the symptoms they want and means less time has to be spent developing things that don't have any relevance to the story. <S> In this case, very little information is given about Itachi's illness other than that it's terminal. <S> It's likely that the author did this simply because what Itachi had didn't really matter to the story in any way. <S> The only important thing is that it forced Itachi to speed up his plan, knowing he would die. <S> There is one other thing we know about his disease. <S> According to Narutopedia , this disease had an effect on Itach's chakra. <S> Because of this, it is reasonable to assume that this disease either isn't real or it's based on a real disease with this fictional characteristic attached. <A> Tobirama said in one episode that the Uchiha develop their Mangekyo Sharingan from knowing despair and great pain, and that their despair is reflected in how strong their eyes are. <S> Basically his illness is a rebound of his powers on his body; his body isnt able to handle the power without a new power to help control his eyes. <S> You can refer this link to learn more about Itachi <A> To be honest, i think that itachi may have never fully recovered from 8 trigrams attack he received from Kohinata Mukai as an anbu (itachi shinden,book 2,page 30) in that novel, itachi got hit with at least eight od the 64 palms technique. <S> We dont know if hus internal organs or chakra flow ever fully recovered after that,and the tremendous strain from using mangekyo and other techniques was probably a bit too much with a deficient chakra flow. <S> Every time he used chakra probably affected his vital organs somehow. <S> This seems unlikely,simce i cant see him being unable to be treated, since hinata was able to recover after neji tried to kill her,but its the best theory i have.
It's often said that a character has some disease without the name of the disease ever being stated.
Is Genos really a cyborg? So Genos has been a "cyborg" since he got that surgery. But is he really a cyborg? To me, a cyborg is a human with robot parts attached to their body, but I have seen no human part in him. His face doesn't count since it has mechanical parts. So is he a cyborg or not? Does he just say he's a cyborg because he used to be a human? Or he does have little human parts in him, but we can't see them? <Q> In the One Punch Man Wiki, the page about Genos says: Genos is a 19 year old cyborg and the disciple of Saitama. <S> He has an entirely mechanical body in the model of a handsome young man. <S> His face and ears look like that of a normal human, made of an artificial skin material, and his eyes have black sclera with yellow irises. <S> <S> Now, if we look at some definitions for the word cyborg : <S> 1. <S> "a person whose physiological functioning is aided by or dependent upon a mechanical or electronic device." <S> 2. <S> "a person whose body contains mechanical or electrical devices and whose abilities are greater than the abilities of normal humans" 3. <S> "an organism, often a human, that has certain physiological processes enhanced or controlled by mechanical or electronic devices, especially when they are integrated with the nervous system." <S> 4. <S> "a living being whose powers are enhanced by computer implants or mechanical body parts" 5. <S> "a human being whose body has been taken over in whole or in part by electromechanical devices; "a cyborg is a cybernetic organism " Source for definitions <S> no. 3, 4, 5 : 6. <S> "a cyborg (short for "cybernetic organism") is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts ." <S> <S> Based on definitons <S> no. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 we can positively say that Genos is not a cyborg for <S> "he has an entirely mechanical body" (first paragraph) and does not contain any human flesh or tissue , contrary to definiton no.6 : " a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts ." <S> In definition <S> no. <S> 5 <S> it says " in whole or in part" giving a small possibility to say that he is a cyborg <S> but it is rather an affirmation without a solid base. <S> I think that he says he says he is a "cyborg" because it sounds better and cooler than "robot". <S> His name in the Hero Association " Demon Cyborg (鬼サイボーグ, Oni Saibōgu)" sounds better than " Demon Robot ". <S> Or maybe it was an action made deliberately by the author himself. <S> In the end, it is the right of everyone to call him as they wish, this fact not being such an influential aspect of the story. <A> Although In this List of One Punch Man Episodes Geno's Description in one of the Main Character's entries states that: Before meeting Saitama, Genos was a normal, happy boy who lived with his family. <S> One day when Genos was 15, a crazy cyborg destroyed Genos' town, killed his family, and left Genos alive and severely wounded. <S> Professor Kuseno , a doctor of justice, found Genos and modified him into a cyborg at Genos' request . <S> From then on, Genos fought for justice while searching for the cyborg who destroyed his town. <S> After the defeat of Boros' army, he was warned by Drive Knight to be careful with Metal Knight and notes that Handsomely Masked Sweet Mask reminds him of his former-self prior to having met Saitama. <S> In the anime it is explained that Genos requested to be turned into a cyborg to get revenge against the crazy Cyborg that destroyed his town and killed his family. <S> He also Eats with Saitama. <S> But In his Battle against Mosquito Girl where he is severely damaged and saved by saitama, He said that he can reconstruct / repair himself as long as there are parts around. <A> Can we not state that Genos is a cyborg due to the fact that the person who created said character states that Genos is such? <S> Yes, we can clearly apply Real World logic and reason to One Punch Man, and state that he is clearly an android, such as the androids in the Alien franchise, but his backstory is that he once was human and is now cybernetic. <S> An argument against the android argument is Ghost in The Shell, where Motoko Kusanagi has a fully cybernetic body and brain, and is stated to be a cyborg. <S> Motoko herself started human, but became fully cyberized at the age of 6: <S> <S> Maybe it's time that the older definitions cyborg and android were reexamined based on how science fiction has evolved since Asimov. <S> Oh......... <S> and mosquito girl was HOT. <A> In the fight with the Deep Sea King, when he gets hit by acid, you can see part of his ribcage and spine. <S> Also, later on, after he fights G4, part of his face gets broken off and you can see what appears to be a brain. <S> So yes, really a cyborg. <S> Also I do realize that this thread is really old, but nobody was saying this, so I figured I would. <A> So if he digests the food, he needs to have a human stomach
I Agree with Karkoh51 's Answer that Geno's "has an entirely mechanical body" and his CodeName as "Demon Cyborg" sounds better than "Demon Robot" He's a cyborg, because in episode 5 he eats food with Saitama, and after eating he says he has to "digest the food".
When an Uchiha member is going to get married with another Uchiha member, are they marrying their cousin? Like my question is asking, are they marrying their own cousin? I'm wondering this because I remember Obito telling Naruto that Sasuke was his relative in volume 71 chapter 683: I Dreamt the Same Dream. I also remember Madara saying the same thing to Sasuke and Obito, which got my attention. So according to what I've read in the manga they are saying their blood is all connected which, therefore, makes them all relative? So if they are relatives that make them cousins or something like that? If they do end up being cousins, are they marrying their own cousin? Isn't that kind of disturbing to them or am I wrong and in the Uchiha there are still different family members but have the same last name, which makes them all "relatives"? <Q> Yes, they are. <S> They probably know it. <S> And they aren't that closely related, anyway. <S> It had often been the case, historically, in noble and especially royal families to marry within the family (often to fairly close relatives) - either because marriage to a lower class was too low in status and there just wasn't much of the higher class, or simply to keep the money in the family. <S> (A particularly silly example is the Ptolemaic dynasty of Egypt.) <S> It even happened in non-noble families too; somewhat famously, the maiden name of Franklin Roosevelt's wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, was also Roosevelt (she was Theodore Roosevelt's daughter), though their common ancestor was six generations away. <S> In the case of the Uchiha clan, it actually makes sense - they want to maximize the chance of their bloodline manifesting in the progeny. <S> And given how large the clan is (or, at least, how large it was before Itachi wrecked it all up), chances are that, in many cases, there are quite a few generations to the nearest common ancestor. <S> I suspect that the Uchiha elders actually did try to make sure not to marry especially close relatives, to minimize inbreeding problems; given how crazy many of the Uchiha members ended up being... for all we know, they still failed, and the last few Uchihas did suffer from inbreeding in their ancestry. <A> In a way, but not necessarily. <S> All 3 of them, Obito, Madara, and Sasuke, Are Uchiha after all, so they are somewhat closely related, but that does not mean their parents or grandparents were the same people. <S> It only means that when you go way back they have some lineage to Indra, but that was dozens of generations earlier. <S> It is entirely possible for Indras kids to spread out enough that you could have groups of families whos only connection between them and any other uchiha is Indra. <S> They probably did also sometimes marry outside of the Uchiha which would help diversify the gene pool. <S> Really though, so long as you avoid your siblings and your Cousins, the problem of inbreeding is nearly nonexistent anyway. <S> Based on what was shown, the clan was probably a few hundred strong before the massacre, so there would most likely be plenty of uchiha to choose from without inbreeding being a real problem. <S> Certainly it would occasionally happen, but When it comes to those 3 specifically, there is likely no major relation. <S> Madara might be a great great uncle to them, and Obito and Sasuke might be direct cousins, but that is the closest we can speculate considering <S> we know Obitos parents are not Sasukes, but not the relationship between either set of parents, And Madara and his brothers had no known children, ending his direct family bloodline. <A> Technically yes, but not really anymore than if two British people with the surname "Smith" got married. <S> They were a clan (and likely a large one) <S> so as long as they avoided marriages with anyone more closely related than a third cousin, they shouldn't have had to worry too much about inbreeding. <A> So when an Uchiha marries another Uchiha then he or she is marrying a relative. <S> But take note that since the Uchiha clan and other clans in the Naruto universe are quite large many of the clan members are distantly related, with the most recent ancestor or ancestral pair being generations and generations before their time, so it's most probably the case that the clans from Naruto don't suffer the issues of inbreeding since in most cases the closest relative an Uchiha or Hyuga is marrying is a second or third cousin, with more distant relatives being more common marruage partners, which doesn't cause the problems of sibling or first cousin inbreeding but does continue the progeny at an almost as steady rate. <A> Yes, a family is a unit consisting of parents and children, a clan is a group of interrelated families who share a common ancestor and common goals. <S> before Boruto the clan system in naruto was based around feudal japan. <S> in feudal japan women marrying into a clan didn't take the clan name. <S> as such before boruto anyone with the name Uchiha was Uchiha by blood. <S> the Uchiha like all clans with a Kekkei Genkai married almost exclusively with other Uchiha <S> this was to preserve the Sharingan from not only getting outside of the Uchiha clan but to preserve its powerand interbreeding with cousins isn't against the law in most places because the chances of producing a child with a birth defect with a 1st cousin is at max about 3 or 4%
Pretty much all Uchiha except for the women that marry into the clan are related.