The Foetus as a Personality Atlas of Human Embryos Developmental Stages in Human Embryos Sign up for EHD's newsletter Home › Classic Works › Developmental Stages in Human Embryos Go to Stage: Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Approximately 2.5–4.5 mm Approximately 24 ± 1 postovulatory days Characteristic feature: 13–20 pairs of somites External: the rostral neuropore is in the process of closing; the otic invagination is shallow or still widely open; pharyngeal arches 1 and 2 are evident. Internal: the sinus venosus develops; the oropharyngeal membrane ruptures; the mesonephric duct and nephric tubules appear; the optic vesicle and otic pit develop. SIZE AND AGE As for the size of the chorion, out of eight specimens five had largest diameters between 20 and 25 mm, two had largest diameters between 17 and 18 mm, and one was 15 mm. In average diameter (i.e., the mean of the largest and smallest diameters) six of these eight chorions fall between 15 and 18 mm. One is smaller than this (14 mm) and one is larger (21 mm). The size of the embryo itself is also variable, depending on the amount of shrinkage, manner of handling, and straightness or curvature of the specimen. Moreover, the accuracy of the measurement has to be taken into account. At this early stage it is difficult to use calipers without injuring the specimen. The most satisfactory measurements are those taken on reconstructions based on serial sections. Here, of course, one must allow approximately 25 percent for shrinkage. Omitting the obviously long and short specimens, the lengths of the sectioned embryos of this stage fall between 2.5 and 3 mm. An exceptionally long one measured 3.3 mm and an exceptionally short one measured 2.2 mm in length. When measured in formalin or 80 percent alcohol before sectioning, the embryos varied from 3.0 to 4.5 mm. One stretched in the linear axis was 5 mm long. Neither the relative size of the chorion nor the size of the embryo is constant enough to determine the level of development within the stage, although the embryo is the less variable of the two. The age of embryos of this stage is believed to be approximately 24 ± 1 postovulatory days. The coital history in one instance (No. 1182b) gave an age of 26 days. A detailed investigation of this stage, with particular reference to the nervous system, was published by Müller and O'Rahilly, 1986c, and similar studies of subsequent stages are in preparation. EXTERNAL FORM (fig. 11-1) The criterion for stage 11 is the presence of 13–20 pairs of somites. This is the period of the delimitation and closure of the rostral neuropore. In the less advanced specimens of the group the fusion of the neural folds has extended rostrally to the region of the midbrain. In the more advanced specimens the neuropore is closing or has just completed its closure. An equally definite characteristic of the group is the presence of the mandibular and hyoid arches. The otic invagination can be recognized in most specimens as a slight depression, and in transparent specimens it can be clearly seen because of the refraction of its thick margins. The general form of a less advanced member (13 somites) of the group is shown in figures 11-1 and 11- 2A, B. A more advanced member (19 somites) is shown in figure 11-2E in profile view, revealing its widely open communication with the umbilical vesicle. In the latter specimen there is a marked dorsal flexure, which is exaggerated here but commonly occurs in some degree in the more advanced embryos of this stage. As was pointed out by Bartelmez and Evans (1926), the more precocious head end and the heart tend to elevate that end. Similarly the relatively larger mass of the caudal end raises it above the level of the flattened, Page 106 thin umbilical region, and a moderate dorsal flexure should be regarded as normal (Orts-Llorca and Lopez Rodriguez, 1957). Later, as the spinal cord and body walls of this dorsal region take on more bulk, the flexure disappears, and a smooth, convex dorsal contour becomes permanently established. The views shown in figure 11-2C, D illustrate details of the head and cardiac region, showing the appearance of the closure of the rostral neuropore and the form and relationships of the central nervous system. In formalin specimens the fifth and the acousticofacial nerves can usually be recognized. Although reconstructions have great value in reaching an understanding of the anatomy of young embryos, it is important also to form impressions of the character of the different tissues from study of the actual specimens and from good photographic reproductions, such as those shown in figure 11-2. Drawings of eight representative specimens of this stage are shown in figure 11-3. These are enlarged to the same scale, so that the variations in size, posture, and proportions of the specimens can be observed. If it were not for the unavoidable handling of the specimens, it appears likely that there would be but slight variations in these respects. The neural tube is the chief determiner of the form of the embryo at this time. For that reason it is shown in median section, whereby its parts and topography are made more readily recognizable. It will be seen that the dorsal flexure occurs at the transition from the larger and more precocious rostral end of the neural tube to the smaller, newly closed tube that terminates in the caudal neuropore. This flexure can be seen in some degree in all specimens of 17–20 pairs of somites. The surface ectoderm at stage 11 possesses areas of at least three different thicknesses, and the ectodermal ring begins to form as an inverted U (O'Rahilly and Müller, 1985). HISTOLOGICAL FEATURES Primitive streak. The caudal eminence, which lies between the cloacal membrane and the site of the neurenteric canal, represents the region of the former primitive streak. It contains dense axial material from which new parts of the notochord are added, and paraxial condensations from which the somites develop (Müller and O'Rahilly, 1986c). Fig. 11-1. Outline drawing of the left lateral view of No. 6344 (13 pairs of somites), showing the features that can be identified in the photograph of the right lateral view (fig. 11-2A). Somites. Four pairs of somites are considered to be occipital, although it is only in the next stage that the neural crest for the cervical region is clearly delineated and can be used as a criterion for distinguishing the occipital from the cervical region. Somite 1 is small and makes almost no contact with the surface ectoderm. It is situated immediately caudal to the vagal-accessory neural crest. Numerous mitotic figures in its walls indicate the beginning of its transformation into material for the hypoglossal cord (O’Rahilly and Müller, 1984b). In general, the rostrocaudal extent of an individual somite is variable. Calculations show that a clear gradient in size between rostral and caudal regions is lacking. In most cases the rostral somites are larger in embryos with 13 as well as in those with 20 somites. The mean time for the formation of one pair of somites during stages 9–12 inclusive is 6.6 hours (Müller and O'Rahilly, 1986c). Fig. 11-2. (A) Right lateral view of No. 6344 (13 pairs of somites). (B) Dorsal view of the same embryo, showing that neural closure has advanced rostrally to the area of the trigeminal nerve. The somites and spinal cord are distinguishable. The median dark line that extends along the spinal cord is the transparent central canal. On each side of it is a narrow, white, opaque strip, which is the line of greatest thickness of neural tissue. Latter to it the cord rounds off and to that extent is thinner. (C) No. 4529 (14 pairs of somites), based on a reconstruction by Osborne O. Heard. It shows how the neural lips begin to dose rostrally and come to cover D2. (D) No. 6784 (17 pairs of somites), showing a later phase in the closure of the rostral neuropore, with the typical blunt end of the neural tube. (E) No. 6050 (19/21 pairs of somites), showing the umbilical vesicle. A dorsal curvature is common at this time. It is caused by the flexibility of the thin central part of the embryo as contrasted with the two ends, the bulbous caudal tip with connecting stalk at the rear, and the advanced head structures and heart rostrally. This specimen shows the entrance through which the coelomic fluid gains access to the mesoblast. By chance there was a break in the umbilical vein and some embryonic blood escaped into the cardiac region of the coelom, delineating its dorsal contours, as though injected. As is typical of this stage, the umbilical vesicle still opens widely into the gut. Fig. 11-3. Eight representative specimens of stage 11, enlarged to the same scale and hence directly comparable as to size, proportions, and posture. It will be noted that the neural tube appears to be the chief factor that determines form, and the primary neural parts are already distinct. The number of somitic pairs and the collection number of the embryo are given for each specimen. The tracing of the 18-somite embryo. No. 164, was made from a photograph. All the others are median section drawings made from Born reconstructions. It will be seen that active proliferation in the hepatic region is beginning in the more advanced members of the group. Coelom. Streeter, whose detailed description of the coelom follows, defined the term coelom as “any walled off space or fluid reservoir uniformly present in the mesoblast” and “also any similar space formed in the extra-embryonic mesoblastic reticulum.” Furthermore, under the term coelom “are to be included both the free passage for coelomic fluid and the enclosing walls that are irrigated by it.” This idea has been explored further in the rat by Langemeijer (1976), who writes of a “coelomic organ,” i.e., a single, tubular organ serving as the blastema of various thoracic organs and comparable to the neural tube in possessing a specific wall that encloses a cavity. When mesoblastic cells become detached from the pluripotential cells of the primitive streak, they are advanced one degree in specialization, which means that they are therewith restricted to certain potentialities in respect to development; they no longer share with the epiblast the possibility of becoming skin ectoderm or neural ectoderm. They can still take on many forms, however. As they proliferate and spread out in the form of a reticular sheet, some of them can soon be recognized as vasoformative strands, representing the elements of the blood vascular system. The first conspicuous event in mesoblastic organization, however, is the beginning bilateral segmentation of the medial part of the mesoblast along its longitudinal axis. On each side, along the neural tube, focal centers of active differentiation occur serially, and there are thereby produced the highly characteristic somites. In its more peripheral regions the mesoblastic sheet shows no trace of segmental development. Instead, the proliferation of mesoblastic cells produces a thickened marginal band in which the cells become arranged as coalescing vesicles, resulting in a continuous mesoblastic cavity or passage. This development first occurs in a crescentic field at the rostral end of the embryonic disc. Such a passage is already present in stage 9 and, in stage 10, it has extended caudad and opens freely on both sides into the extra-embryonic coelom. In this manner an advantageous arrangement is provided by which the more deeply lying mesoblastic parts of the embryo can be freely reached by the coelomic fluid, which at this time is the sole source of nutriment. Although this is but a primitive type of circulation, it appears to serve that function adequately up to the time it is superseded by the blood vascular system. In other words, in the early organization of the mesoblastic tissue the first two major events are the differentiation of the medial part as segmental somites and the differentiation of the peripheral part as the non-segmental coelom. The coelomic walls respond with characteristic activity, and later give origin to various kinds of structures. By stage 11 the coelom has become a conspicuous feature. Its distribution in a 13-somite embryo is shown in figure 11-4. In this drawing, slabs have been removed, exposing schematically three representative levels: upper cervical level, somite 4, and somite 8. It will be seen that below the level of somite 6 there is a free opening from the exocoelom into the intra-embryonic coelom in the cleft separating the umbilical vein and the primordium of the abdominal wall from the umbilical vesicle. Caudally, the coelom extends along the side of the intestinal epithelium and spreads caudad with it as the caudal bud continues its differentiation, always remaining widely open to the exocoelom and communicating with the opposite side across and caudal to the junction of the gut and umbilical vesicle. Above, at the level of somites 5 and 6, a trace of the multiple openings from the intra-embryonic coelom into the exocoelom, which originally characterized this system, still persists in the form of a partition marking off an upper opening from the main communication. In the more advanced specimens of this stage, this partition disappears, and there remains but one common opening. Following the coelom rostrally, it is seen again as a closed passage at the level of somite 4, and rostrally from there it soon widens out into the original coelomic space, which now invests the endothelial heart and its gelatinous envelope. It would seem that the first cardiac movements would tend to facilitate the flow of fluid through the coelomic passage. Typical transverse sections through the same 13-somite embryo are shown in figure 11-5. It will be seen that everywhere along the margins of the coelom an active proliferation of cells is taking place, more active in some regions than in others. In addition to proliferating, these mesoblastic cells also are differentiating into special tissues that will constitute the connective Page 110 tissues, muscle, and vasoformative elements of the heart, lungs, and alimentary canal. Thus in section A, through the rostral end of the heart, the visceral part of the coelomic wall is producing myocardium and the parietal part is shedding cells that will form various elements of the thoracic wall. The definitive pericardium will be formed by the residual coelomic cells after the more special cells are segregated out. As for the pleurae, they are even more remote. Photographs showing early histogenesis of the myocardium are reproduced as figure 11-6A, D. It will be seen that the visceral surface of the coelomic passage does not exist as a membrane, separate from the myocardium; instead, the surface cells merge directly into the more deeply lying cells. The surface cells are more-actively proliferating and remain more primitive than the deeper ones, whereas the deeper ones are on the way to specialization and to that extent have sacrificed their potentialities. The surface cells do not yet exist as a distinct and separate layer. Proceeding to the level of somite 1, section B of figure 11-5 passes through the base of the heart and obliquely through the primordium of the liver. In respect to the heart, the section shows the sinus venosus and the area where the heart rests on the liver. It will be noted that the coelom is actively giving off cells that form a condensed mass constituting the early mesoblastic framework of the liver. Photographs illustrating this process under higher power in a slightly more advanced embryo are shown as figure 11-6A–C. Note is to be taken of the transition of the coelomic surface cells into the deeper cells and the phenomenon of angiogenesis that immediately begins in the latter (fig. 11-6B). The digestive epithelium lies under the more dorsal part of the hepatic primordium, and doubtless is playing a role in its development, but it is not until the next stage that a really distinct hepatic diverticulum and the origin of hepatic epithelial cords that penetrate the mesodermal framework provided by the coelomic wall become apparent. Figure 11-6B shows the digestive epithelium underlying the hepatic primordium shortly before the epithelial cords invade the liver. Thus, in the formation of the liver its mesodermal elements are supplied by die coelom, whereas its epithelial elements come from the opposite direction (i.e., from the gut). Fig. 11-4. The distribution of the coelom in a 13-somite embryo (No. 6344). At three representative levels die surfaces are exposed schematically, showing the relations of the coelomic channel to the mesoblast and to the heart. The first pulsations of the latter presumably aid in the movement of coelomic fluid, which at this time is the sole source of nutriment for these tissues. At the level of somite 4 (fig. 11-5C), not only does the coelom provide a passage for its contained fluid, but also its walls are actively proliferating cells that are to take a large part in the formation of the gut wall, the adjacent vessels, and the body wall itself. Further caudally (section D) is shown the free communication of the intra-embryonic coelom with the exocoelom. It will be seen that coelomic proliferation is in general the same at all levels. The proliferation and accompanying specialization of these cells are roughly comparable to what is seen in the differentiation of the neural tube. There too the germinal cells lie near the central canal, and the segregated special cells (mantle zone), produced in the course of proliferation, move away from the border of the lumen. It is also to be noted that certain fields of this coelomic proliferation are sharply marked off from one another. Fig. 11-5. Typical sections through the coelom of No. 6344. The mesoblastic surface bathed by the coelomic fluid is a locus of active cell proliferation. It is a germinal bed from which the specializing daughter cells move inward radially to form various structures according to the field from which they arise. Thus the coelomic walls give origin to such divergent tissues as myocardium, the framework of the liver, and the muscular coats, blood vessels, and connective tissue envelopes of the gut. The coelomic walls are demarcated at this stage into territories each of which has its own characteristics. Fig. 11-6. (A) Section showing the hepatic and cardiac regions in a 16-somite embryo (No. 7611, section 3-4-1). (B) Same section, area enclosed by white line in A. This is the hepatic primordium. The cells that are to form the framework are proliferating at the coelomic surface and crowding downward. Some of them are already undergoing the first steps in angiogenesis. Below is the gut epithelium, which is not yet giving off epithelial cords. (C) Section at a more rostral level (3-2-6) of the same specimen. Framework cells are proliferating from the coelomic surface and show early angioblasts. This is just in front of the junction between the gut and umbilical vesicle, and no gut epithelium is included. (D) Detail of the myocardium in the same embryo (section 3-3-2). The coelomic fluid (asterisk) comes in contact with the hepatic region below, and it bathes the surface of the folded myocardium above. The surface cells of the myocardium constitute a germinal bed from which specialized myocardial cells are arising. Differentiation follows rapidly. Aside from the germinal bed, there is no surface membrane that can be designated as pericardium, which will appear later. After this orientation on the structure and topography of the coelom, it is easier to understand the surface anatomy of embryos of this stage as seen in photographs. Specimens at this time are quite transparent after formalin fixation, and by means of stereoscopic photographs much of the anatomy can be observed. A large part of the coelomic passage can be seen in the specimen shown in figure 11-2A. This is to be compared with the accompanying explanatory diagram (fig. 11-1). A more advanced specimen (19 somites) is illustrated in figure 11-2E. On each side of this embryo, a single and wider opening from the exocoelom into the intra-embryonic coelom can be plainly seen. By a fortunate accident, there was a slight extravasation of embryonic blood, apparently from a tear through the umbilical vein, and this blood found its way into the cardiac region of the coelomic passage in such a way as to outline the dorsal confines of the cavity as though it were injected. Such an opening into the coelomic passage provides ready access of the exocoelomic fluid to the deeper tissues of the embryo. In the next stage the opening is still larger. The coelomic epithelium is exceptional during early development in its close structural and histogenetic relationships to the underlying mesenchyme. The capacity of embryonic coelomic cells to change from epithelial to mesenchymal, or vice versa, can be seen in the development of their derivatives. Thus, in the initial formation of the gonads (and the suprarenal cortex), the coelomic wall reverts to an early condition in which the surface lining acts as a germinal layer and produces mesenchymal cells, the basement membrane of the mesothelium being abolished (Gruenwald, 1942). The blastema thereby formed differentiates into the epithelial primary sex cords and the intervening mesenchyme (ibid.). Notochordal plate and notochord. The development of the notochordal plate into notochord proceeds longitudinally from caudal to rostral, and the last areas to retain the plate are in the pharynx. The separation of the notochordal plate from the alimentary system involves the following: (1) the plate becomes U-shaped even in stage 10, (2) the vertical limbs of the U begin to move medially and touch each other, (3) the adjoining digestive epithelium begins to form a thin cytoplasmic bridge, and (4) mitotic figures appear and the still U-shaped notochord is cut off entirely (Müller and O'Rahilly, 1986c). The part of the notochord that forms directly from the axial condensation in the caudal eminence is far thicker and more advanced in differentiation. The notochord has a dual mode of origin: (1) rostral to the neurenteric canal or its site, it develops from the notochordal plate, and (2) caudally it arises from the axial condensation. The notochordal plate and notochord are still intimately related to the neural tube (and the notochord to the digestive epithelium), and their basement membranes are in contact. Neurenteric canal. The former site of the canal can generally be determined but with much more difficulty than at the previous stage. The site moves caudad during stages 10 and 11. Prechordal plate. The prechordal plate (Gilbert, 1957), which is more difficult to recognize than in previous stages, lies adjacent and rostral to the notochord, and caudal and lateral to the adenohypophysial area. Scant prechordal material is found in the median plane, most having migrated laterally to form the premandibular condensation. Not only is the heart beating but “it is generally accepted that peristaltic flow begins” during stage 11 (de Vries and Saunders, 1962). A description of the heart and blood vessels present in a 14-somite embryo has been given by Heuser (1930) and in a 20-somite specimen by Davis (1923). Here attention will be confined to the general characteristics of a vascular system that is adequate for an organism having the size and complexity found at this stage. In figure 11-7 are shown in outline the endothelial vessels and plexuses that characterize the embryo at the time when its heart has begun to beat. The vascular apparatus still consists of simple endothelium. Only in the cardiac region have auxiliary tissues been differentiated. The endothelium of the heart is enclosed in a jelly-like envelope, as has been well described by Page 114 Davis. This cardiac jelly is in turn enclosed by a mantle of contractile tissue, the primordium of the myocardium. The character of this myocardium is shown in figure 11-6A, D. It is to be remembered that the myocardium is a specialization of the coelom, and its outer surface is bathed directly by the coelomic fluid. The immediate consequence of its specialization is its beginning pulsations. Returning to figure 11-7, it will be seen that the vascular system of the caudal half of the embryo consists of a changing capillary plexus, which along with the laying down of the caudal end of the embryo spreads backward, always readjusting its communications with the large vascular channels of the connecting stalk. In the rostral and more advanced half of the embryo, the endothelial channels are attaining a more mature pattern. As would be expected, the endocardium and its associated coelomic derivatives, which originally were situated at the rostral end of the embryonic disc, show the most-advanced differentiation. The embryo is thereby provided at this time with a mechanism that serves to stir, and thereby aid the diffusion of, the substances contained both in the fluid of its endothelial plexus and in the coelomic fluid. Although it is too early to speak of a true circulation, under the conditions of an ebb and flow, there is a directional tendency from the heart to the aortae and from the umbilical vesicle to the heart. The capillaries of the rostral part of the umbilical vesicle, where it joins the gut endoderm, have already responded to the precocious endocardium by active growth and adjustment in the form of enlarged channels, which communicate with the heart. In a 16-somite embryo a sinus venosus is already present, and in more-advanced specimens of this stage a constriction begins to mark the boundary that separates it from the atrium proper. The cardiac pulsations may well be a factor in this endothelial adjustment. Although the plexus of the umbilical vesicle is not well advanced at this stage, one can distinguish at its rostral end the numerous communications that will later result in the omphalomesenteric veins, and likewise the mesh from the aorta that will produce the omphalomesenteric arteries. The umbilical veins and arteries are already formed; for this development, the connecting stalk and allantoic influences appear to have been responsible. The primary blood vessels of the central nervous system are more or less connected up in the more advanced parts, but the cardinal veins and the segmental branches from the aorta and their spinal cord communications are incompletely connected. At the caudal end of the embryo, they are represented merely by isolated vesicles. The common cardinal veins do not yet bridge the interval to the atrial endocardium, and a true circulation must await that development. The fluid throughout the endothelial system, during this ebb-and-flow period, contains relatively few cells. A survey was made by Streeter of serial sections of thirteen embryos of this stage. For the most part the vessels were free of cells in the rostral half of the embryo, including the atria, ventricles, aortae, and umbilical veins. Occasionally, a few scattered embryonic blood cells or small clumps of them could be seen. In the caudal half, the aortae and the umbilical arteries and veins of the connecting stalk either were empty or contained a few cells. In some, numerous cells or clumps of cells were noted. In two specimens both the caudal region of the aorta and the umbilical arteries were moderately distended with blood cells, as though the cells had backed in from the umbilical vesicle. In one specimen the umbilical vein on one side was moderately distended with blood cells. This does not signify that the blood had escaped from the embryo into the chorion, because the latter likewise was largely free of blood cells. The villi contained very few cells. The vessels of the chorionic membrane, usually the branches of the umbilical artery, contained a moderate number of cells, but none of them was distended. The umbilical vesicle showed uniformly the presence of active blood islands, close together in the collapsed sac and separated by intervals of tenuous wall when the vesicle was distended. In most regions of the umbilical vesicle, all capillaries were filled with blood cells. In the proximal part of the sac, where it is continuous with gut endoderm, one frequently finds large capillaries completely empty or nearly so. It is such connecting branches that open into the sinus venosus and the cardiac end of the umbilical vein. In addition to the rather complicated vascular system described above, one finds a differentiation of many new foci of angiogenesis, particularly along the surface of the central nervous system and in other mesoblastic regions In figure 11-6B is shown an early stage of angiogenesis in the coelomic mesoblast of the hepatic Page 115 primordium. The segregation of specialization of these angioblastic cells apparently occurs during proliferation of the coelomic cells. Among these new cells are some that become blood-forming cells, and these become set apart from the less specialized embryonic connective tissue cells, all of which, however, are destined to form the final framework of the liver. Fig. 11-7. Simplified drawing of the vascular system of a 14-somite embryo (No. 4529). The heart was probably pulsating when the embryo was removed. The primitive plexiform pattern would indicate an ebb-and-flow type of circulation. At the cardiac end of the plexus of the umbilical vesicle, the channels are beginning to be specialized into trunks characteristic of the venous end of the heart. The central nervous system, because of the widely open neuropores, is not yet dependent on a blood supply, and one can see only the first elements of a cardinal system. This drawing is based on the reconstruction published by Heuser (1930). In short, one can say that at this stage the embryo is adequately maintained by a simple system of large endothelial channels that course through the deep tissues, and that in these channels an almost cell-free fluid ebbs and flows because of the action of the pulsations of the myocardium. What is necessary in the way of regulation of osmotic pressure and nutrient supply is provided in this manner, over and above the diffusion already secured by the services of the coelomic fluid that irrigates the various areas of the coelom. By the end of stage 11 (fig. 15-5) the sequence of the cardiac chambers is: sinus venosus, right atrium, left atrium, atrioventricular canal, left ventricle, right ventricle, conotruncus, aortic arches. The “sinus venosus has almost completed its separation from the left side of the heart and opens into the dorsum of the right atrium, a fundamental relation which it ever after retains” (Davis, 1927). The ventricles have descended relative to the atria (Müller and O'Rahilly, 1986b), and the atrioventricular canal has changed from a vertical to a dorsoventral orientation (Davis, 1927). The ventricles have become trabeculated and the interventricular septum may have appeared (McBride, Moore, and Hutchins, 1981). The conus cordis has differentiated from the right ventricle (de Vries and Saunders, 1962), and the aortic sac (or sinus) develops as additional aortic arches form (deVries, 1981). The dorsal mesocardium has ruptured. DIGESTIVE AND RESPIRATORY SYSTEMS (figs. 11-3 and 11-5) Pharyngeal arch 2 develops and arch 3 may do so. Pharyngeal membrane 2 appears and pharyngeal pouch Page 116 4 may form. The thyroid primordium has been subject to varying interpretations (O'Rahilly, 1983a). The oropharyngeal membrane may have begun to rupture. Esophagorespiratory and hepatorespiratory grooves may be found, the hepatic diverticulum grows into the septum transversum, and the cystic primordium may become distinguishable. The pulmonary primordium is more evident than previously and it shows a high alkaline phosphatase reaction (Mori, 1959b). URINARY AND REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS The mesonephric duct develops as a solid rod in situ from the nephrogenic cord (Torrey, 1954) or perhaps from ectodermal buds lateral to somites 8–13 (Jirásek, 1971). The nephrogenic tissue develops into nephric vesicles which are connected by (at first solid) tubules with the mesonephric duct. The cloacal membrane is in a central, oval depression on the ventral surface of the caudal part of the body wall. The primordial germ cells are migrating from the umbilical vesicle to the hindgut (Witschi, 1948). (figs. 11-8, 11-9, 11-10, and 13-10) The brain at stage 11 has been described in detail by Müller and O'Rahilly (1986c). The neural tube appears to be the chief factor that determines the form of the embryo at this time. All embryonic organs seem to be influenced in their form by their environment, but of them the central nervous system is perhaps the most nearly independent. Its form seems to be the unmixed expression of the proliferation and enlargement of the cells that compose its wall. The closure of the rostral neuropore in stage 11 (figs. 11 -3 and 11-8) is basically a bidirectional process: it continues from the rhombencephalon to the mesencephalon and proceeds from the optic chiasma toward the roof of D1, thereby forming the “adult” lamina terminalis and the future commissural plate. In embryos with 13 somites the rostrocaudal closure has scarcely begun, and hence the material of the future lamina terminalis still lies laterally. By 14 somites, closure at the level of the lamina terminalis has commenced. In embryos having about 20 pairs of somites, the forebrain is completely closed. When the neural ectoderm becomes shut off from contact with the amniotic fluid, compensation is simultaneously made by the development and spread of blood capillaries, and these promptly invest the neural tube with a close-meshed network. Later, as the neural wall becomes thicker, this capillary network responds by sending in branches, thereby bringing the required service to the more deeply lying cells. The skin ectoderm continues to obtain what it needs from the amniotic fluid and for a long time requires no special provision in the way of capillaries. A typical example of brain form in embryos of this stage is shown in figure 11-9. The drawing of a well-preserved 16-somite embryo should be compared with the dorsal view shown in figure 11-2B (See also fig. 13- 10.) The forebrain, consisting of D1 and D2 (already present in stage 10, see fig. 10-7), is still relatively simple. Part D1 is largely the area of the optic primordium and, in the median plane, the chiasmatic plate. The caudal limit of the plate is sometimes indicated by a postoptic recess. The floor of D2 includes mamillary and neurohypophysial components, and the latter is recognizable indirectly by the primordium of the adenohypophysis, which is the ectodermal region at the summit of the oropharyngeal membrane. Part D2 still protrudes toward the median plane, and its right and left convexities almost touch each other in the least advanced embryos. As the optic primordia become more evaginated, the walls of D2 recede and the ventricular cavity begins to expand. The medial parts of the forebrain rostral to D1, which fuse during the closure of the rostral neuropore in stage 11, are telencephalic. They contribute to the formation of the embryonic lamina terminalis and commissural plate. The most uncertain part to identify precisely is the mesencephalon (tectum and tegmentum in fig. 11-9) because its delineation toward both the diencephalon and the rhombencephalon is difficult. It appears to consist of only one segment at this stage. Neuromeres, which are transverse swellings in the developing neural tube, can best be assessed by evaluating the three main planes of section. Swellings and grooves are best shown in reconstructions of sagittal sections, whereas transverse sections are preferable in Page 117 determining the relationship to ganglia. Indications of neuromeres are already evident at stages 9 and 10. A combination of the various data shows two neuromeres in the forebrain (D1 and D2), one in the midbrain, and 6-7 in RhA–RhC. Part RhD, the area of somites 1–4 (the hypoglossal region), is clearly delineated neither by a groove nor by a deepening. D1 and D2 correspond to neuromeres a and b, M to proneuromere B, RhA, RhB, and RhC to proneuromeres C, D, and E of Bergquist and Kallen (personal communication, 1969). Their inventory contains no equivalent for RhD of the present authors. RhA–RhC, as described by Bartelmez (1923) for stage 9, were termed proneuromeres by Bergquist (1952) because of their existence in the still open neural groove. Three-dimensional reconstructions demonstrate the neuromeres clearly to be serial swellings of the brain. Fig. 11-8. Outline drawings of the rostral end of the neural tube in a series of embryos, showing the steps in the closure of the rostral neuropore. Underneath each specimen is shown a horizontal section taken at the level indicated by the broken line. These show the extent of the optic evaginations. In the section of the 17-somite specimen (No. 5072) only the right side is drawn, showing the demarcation between neural and skin ectoderm. With the exception of No. 5072, all are drawn to the same scale. The rhombomeres can be distinguished comparatively easily by the developing ganglia (fig. 11-9). The trigeminal ganglion characterizes Rh2, the faciovestibulocochlear ganglion Rh4, the glossopharyngeal Rh6, and the vagal Rh7; Rh3 and Rh5 appear to have no neural crest. Somites 1–4 enable RhD, the region of the hypoglossal nerve, to be identified. The picture presented by the walls of the spinal cord at this time reveals, by the frequency of mitotic figures, that the germinal bed of proliferating cells lies along the margin of the central canal. It is from the canal that nutriment still diffuses among the cells. From this germinal bed new cells move externally. Cell proliferation and the concomitant cell specialization is only in its early phases at this stage, and one cannot yet mark off ependymal and mantle zones, such as characterize later stages. Neural crest cells are still being given off at the site of Rh4, Rh6, and Rh7, all of which are now closed. Therefore, the same areas, open in stage 10 and producing neural crest already at this former stage, continue the production of neural crest material when closed. What is the same in both modes is the fact that the neural crest cells are clearly derived from the neural ectoderm. Neural crest cells contribute to the formation of head mesenchyme together with the material from the prechordal plate. The mesencephalic neural crest is still being produced and spreads toward the optic evagination, and, in more-advanced embryos, mixes with optic crest cells thereby forming the sheath of the optic vesicle. The trigeminal neural crest is more condensed than in stage 10. A condensation of cells is visible within the mandibular arch, but it is not possible to decide whether it is neural crest material deposited there during stage 10, or paraxial mesenchyme, or both. Also in pharyngeal arch 2, two different groups of cells seem to be present, the first clearly representing ganglion 7/8, and the second, also slightly more condensed, forming a prolongation within the arch. Prechordal mesenchyme was spreading out laterally in the premandibular area and ventrally to the heart in stage 10; it is now limited to the premandibular area. The nasal plate is one of the ectodermal areas giving rise to neural crest. Although it does so only in later stages, the plate becomes apparent in stage 11 and lies on both sides of the neuropore (O'Rahilly and Müller, 1985). Fig. 11-9. Median view of the rostral half of a 16-somite embryo (No.7611), showing segmental structures in the forebrain (D1 and D2) and in the hindbrain The area of ganglion 5 is rhombomere A, the area of ganglion 7/8 is RhB, and the area of ganglia 9 and 10 is RhC. The adjacent structures that participate in giving form to this part of the embryo are shown in the drawing. The median ventral pocket of pharyngeal epithelium, marked with an asterisk, indicates the beginning of the thyroidgland. The histological character of the neural tube in a 17-somite embryo is shown in figure 11-10. The sections A and B are taken at two different regions. The upper is at the level of somite 5, cutting obliquely through the spinal cord and thereby exaggerating its ventrodorsal diameter. Compared with the section through the lower level (somite 16), it is larger; its walls are thicker and contain more cells, and the central canal is correspondingly compressed. Another Page 119 feature showing advance in maturity is the migration of the neural crest cells, which have detached themselves from the cells of the dorsal lips at the closure line. At the more caudal level the neural crest cells have not started their migration, and because of their presence the dorsal seam has the gross appearance of a keystone closing in the arched lateral walls. These crest cells do not appear to be proliferating as actively as the other cells of the neural wall, and the wedge-shaped area formed by them is correspondingly paler. It is after their migration that the active proliferation of the crest cells occurs. The progress of neural crest formation has been plotted for stage 11 by Bartelmez and Evans (1926) and by Heuser (1930). The right and left optic primordia meet at the optic chiasma and, together with the latter, form a U-shaped rim in the least developed embryos of stage 11 (fig. 11-2C). The optic evagination is produced at the optic sulcus when about 14 pairs of somites are present, and the optic ventricle is continuous with that of the forebrain (O'Rahilly, 1966, 1983b). The optic evagination constitutes the optic vesicle when approximately 17–19 pairs of somites are visible (fig. 11-8). The wall of the optic evagination contributes neural crest to its mesenchymal sheath from about 14–16 pairs of somites onward (Bartelmez and Blount, 1954). The sheath probably also acquires cells from the mesencephalic neural crest (Müller and O'Rahilly, 1986c). The sheath then separates the evagination from the overlying ectoderm. A caudal, limiting sulcus develops between the optic evagination and the forebrain. Fig. 11-10. Contour of the neural tube of a 17-sornite embryo (No. 6784). The upper two-thirds is definitely more advanced than the recently closed lower third. Thus section A, through the level of somite 5, is more mature than section B, through somite 16. In the former the neural crest cells have migrated ventrally, whereas at the more caudal level they are still incorporated in the neural wall. The invaginating otic disc is already a sharply demarcated structure, and with suitable illumination it can be seen in a gross specimen. It is seen to best advantage, however, in stained sections. A series of such sections is shown in figure 11-11, and they cover the range of development that characterizes this stage. The definite line that marks the junction of the disc with the skin ectoderm is characteristic of this stage. It is to be noted that this feature is acquired before adistinct pit appears. The disc may be regarded as an island of neural tissue that has the appearance of having floated away from the main neuroectodermal mass and is now separated from it by the intervening skin ectoderm. During its proliferative period, this disc of specialized neural ectoderm closely resembles the parent neural tube. To go further back, it is to be remembered Page 120 that the neural ectoderm is a product of the proliferation of the pluripotential mother cells of the epiblast. The neural ectoderm becomes segregated by stage 8 and becomes one of the primary embryonic tissues. As it does so, the central strip laid down becomes the neural tube with its particular potentialities. It is possible that at the same time some of the marginal neuroectodermal cells are specialized in the direction of forming various plates and neural crest masses. These become detached, some earlier and some later, from the main neural plate, and it is possible that the otic disc is an example of such a detached island of specialized neuroectodermal material. It can be readily understood, from examination of the sections in figure 11-11, that operative removal of this specialized otic plate would result in complete absence of an otic vesicle on that side of the head, and that the adjacent skin ectoderm, being different in composition, would not have the requisite potentialities to repair the loss. This has become a familiar experiment. Fig. 11-11. Sections of the otic plate in selected embryos, showing the phases of invagination that characterize this stage. The serial number of the embryo and the number of somites are given in each case. All are enlarged to the same scale. The specimens selected for illustration in figure 11-11 are especially well preserved and may be accepted as presenting the normal form. In macerated embryos the marked histological difference between skin ectoderm and the neural ectoderm of the otic disc is easily overlooked. In such material the otic plate may be thinned out and its outlines distorted. In stage 11 it is possible to see cells leaving the otic Page 121 epithelium even more clearly than in stage 10. The basement membrane is disrupted at those sites. Ventral to the otic pit the migrating cells form a characteristic cellular sheath, and they still have the appearance of neural crest cells. SPECIMENS OF STAGE 11 ALREADY DESCRIBED 13–14 somites, University of Chicago collection, No. H 8. A macerated and damaged specimen. Described by Bartelmez (1922) and also included in the study by Bartelmez and Evans (1926). 13–14 somites, No. 121, Department of Anatomy, Tohoku University, Sendai. Distribution of alkaline phosphatase studied by Mori (1959b). 14 somites, Carnegie No. 12. A pioneer specimen sectioned under poor technical facilities. Described by Mall (1897). 14 somites, Pfannenstiel III, Giessen. Described as embryo No. 6 in the Normentafeln by Keibel and Elze (1908). Representative sections schematically shown in text figure 6, a–w. External form of embryo pictured on plate 5 as figures Vr. and Vv. Embryo described in monograph form by Low (1908). Plastic models are shown by him of external form, central nervous system, digestive system, heart and large vessels. The specimen has two pharyngeal arches, clearly marked. The neural lips are closed rostrally as far as the collicular region. 14 somites, Carnegie No. 4529. A well-preserved specimen, well described by Heuser (1930). More monographs of this standard are needed. 14 somites, embryo von Bulle, Anatomical Collection, Basel. Described by Kollman (1889). Also pictured by Kollman in his Handatlas (1907). Described in the Keibel and Elze Normentafeln as No. 5, and external form pictured on plate 1 as figure IV. Kollman originally reported that there were 13 somites, but his figures show 14 distinct elevations. The closure of the neural tube was probably further rostralward than is shown. 14 somites, Cano embryo, Madrid. Described by Orts-Llorca, Lopez Rodriguez, and Cano Monasterio (1958). Histological condition only fair. 14 somites, Carnegie No. 779. This highly abnormal embryo is included because of the detailed account that has been published of its complete dysraphia (Dekaban, 1963; Dekaban and Bartelmez, 1964). Approximately 15 somites, collection of First Anatomical Institute of Vienna, embryo Hal. 2. Heart described by Tandler and pharynx by Grosser in Keibel and Mall (1912). Embryo reported as swollen and not suited for cytological studies (Politzer, 1928a). 15 somites, von Spee collection. No 52, Kiel. Camera lucida drawing by Graf Spee before treatment with alcohol,showing right profile of embryo, umbilical vesicle, and connecting stalk. There are 15 discernible somites (Doderlein, 1915, fig. 37). Sections reveal good histological condition of tissues. Used by Evans in Keibel and Mall (1912, fig. 411). 15 somites, University of Chicago collection, No. H 810 (Carnegie No. 8962). Series incomplete, histology fair. Described by Dorland and Bartelmez (1922). 17 somites, Carnegie No. 470. Description, chiefly of central nervous system, published by Bartelmez and Evans (1926). 17 somites, Carnegie No. 4315 (University of Chicago No. H951). Described by Wen (1928) with particular reference to the nervous system. Possibly 18 somites but probably not (Arey, 1938). 17 somites, Carnegie No. 5072. Monographic description, based on three-dimensional reconstructions in addition to the study of the serial sections, published by Atwell (1930). 17 and 19 somites, twins, Toronto collection, No. V and No. VI. Described by Watt (1915). 18 somites, Giglio-Tos, embryo A. Description published by Giglio-Tos (1902). Embryo reported to have 15 segments, but from other evidence it is probably more advanced. The author notes that the caudal neuropore is open, and the reader must infer that the rostral neuropore is closed. The otic invagination appears to be well advanced, although still open. There should therefore be 18 or more somites. The cytological description of the neural tube indicates good preservation. There are no drawings to portray the form of the embryo and the status of organogenesis. 18 somites, Embryological Institute, Vienna, embryo B. Described in part by Sternberg (1927) in a study of the closure of the rostral neuropore. A monographic description of this embryo was published by Politzer (1928a), which establishes it as one of the best representatives of this stage. Unfortunately destroyed. 18 somites, von Spee, Kiel. Only drawings of the external form, right profile and dorsal views, and a sketch showing perforation of the oropharyngeal membrane, are available. The rostral neuropore appears closed. These drawings seem to have been made by Graf Spee and constitute figures 38, 39, and 42 in Döderlein's Handbuch (1915). Apparently the embryo has never been sectioned or studied in detail. 20 somites, Embryological Laboratory of Geneva, embryo Eternod-Delaf. Described in monographic form by Bujard (1913-1914). A well-preserved normal embryo. Description given of its external form. Carefully made plastic and graphic reconstructions reveal the form of the central nervous system, digestive system, coelom, vascular system, and somites. The rostral neuropore is almost closed; there are two pharyngeal arches. It is probable, therefore, that the somitic count is correct. 20 somites, Carnegie No. 2053 A notable description of this embryo was published by Davis (1923). Because of its histological excellence and the care with which it has been studied, this specimen deserves a position of distinction. Copyright © 1987 Carnegie Institution of Washington. Reproduced on ehd.org with permission.
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152.0], [39549, 39776, 41.0], [39776, 40276, 87.0], [40276, 41499, 206.0], [41499, 41668, 30.0], [41668, 41976, 48.0], [41976, 42394, 61.0], [42394, 42795, 68.0], [42795, 44732, 321.0], [44732, 44975, 42.0], [44975, 45332, 56.0], [45332, 45637, 53.0], [45637, 45677, 6.0], [45677, 45861, 29.0], [45861, 45997, 18.0], [45997, 46114, 17.0], [46114, 46653, 86.0], [46653, 46789, 20.0], [46789, 47216, 68.0], [47216, 47354, 18.0], [47354, 47552, 30.0], [47552, 47807, 38.0], [47807, 48160, 53.0], [48160, 48315, 22.0], [48315, 48434, 17.0], [48434, 48622, 29.0], [48622, 48798, 24.0], [48798, 48888, 16.0], [48888, 49456, 90.0], [49456, 49773, 48.0], [49773, 50176, 64.0], [50176, 50660, 67.0], [50660, 50892, 37.0], [50892, 50983, 12.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 28, 0.0], [28, 51, 0.0], [51, 89, 0.0], [89, 118, 0.0], [118, 179, 0.0], [179, 258, 0.48051948], [258, 283, 0.18181818], [283, 323, 0.07692308], [323, 370, 0.08888889], [370, 526, 0.01324503], [526, 690, 0.0], [690, 703, 0.0], [703, 2117, 0.02474527], [2117, 2280, 0.05732484], [2280, 2476, 0.02105263], [2476, 2490, 0.0], [2490, 2502, 0.42857143], [2502, 3151, 0.00936037], [3151, 4093, 0.02631579], [4093, 4694, 0.01015228], [4694, 5534, 0.00848485], [5534, 5710, 0.03529412], [5710, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 6075, 0.01201201], [6075, 6264, 0.06818182], [6264, 6523, 0.0], [6523, 7217, 0.02654867], [7217, 7286, 0.15254237], [7286, 7724, 0.0], [7724, 7882, 0.0472973], [7882, 8028, 0.04379562], [8028, 8713, 0.01201201], [8713, 9371, 0.015625], [9371, 10045, 0.00608828], [10045, 10619, 0.0], [10619, 12208, 0.00191939], [12208, 13755, 0.00856955], [13755, 15191, 0.00781805], [15191, 16549, 0.00976709], [16549, 16932, 0.02432432], [16932, 17844, 0.00449944], [17844, 18452, 0.01178451], [18452, 18564, 0.12244898], [18564, 18898, 0.0], [18898, 19164, 0.01176471], [19164, 19635, 0.00660793], [19635, 20782, 0.00980392], [20782, 21486, 0.0058309], [21486, 22095, 0.01703578], [22095, 22432, 0.00611621], [22432, 22610, 0.0], [22610, 22791, 0.02259887], [22791, 23133, 0.01208459], [23133, 23270, 0.04545455], [23270, 23591, 0.03846154], [23591, 24373, 0.01174935], [24373, 26835, 0.00206441], [26835, 28595, 0.0], [28595, 29294, 0.00873362], [29294, 29931, 0.02113821], [29931, 30464, 0.0], [30464, 31401, 0.0324748], [31401, 31435, 0.0], [31435, 31457, 0.375], [31457, 31897, 0.02570093], [31897, 32019, 0.03418803], [32019, 32052, 0.0], [32052, 32348, 0.03846154], [32348, 32462, 0.0], [32462, 32561, 0.04255319], [32561, 32598, 0.53846154], [32598, 32682, 0.075], [32682, 33057, 0.0], [33057, 33671, 0.02504174], [33671, 34232, 0.0], [34232, 35447, 0.02201524], [35447, 35698, 0.01229508], [35698, 36835, 0.02456779], [36835, 37342, 0.02653061], [37342, 37691, 0.03283582], [37691, 38204, 0.0], [38204, 38592, 0.01322751], [38592, 39549, 0.00961538], [39549, 39776, 0.02727273], [39776, 40276, 0.03534304], [40276, 41499, 0.01837928], [41499, 41668, 0.03125], [41668, 41976, 0.05762712], [41976, 42394, 0.02955665], 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[2117, 2280, 0.0], [2280, 2476, 0.0], [2476, 2490, 0.0], [2490, 2502, 0.0], [2502, 3151, 0.0], [3151, 4093, 0.0], [4093, 4694, 0.0], [4694, 5534, 0.0], [5534, 5710, 0.0], [5710, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 6075, 0.0], [6075, 6264, 0.0], [6264, 6523, 0.0], [6523, 7217, 0.0], [7217, 7286, 0.0], [7286, 7724, 0.0], [7724, 7882, 0.0], [7882, 8028, 0.0], [8028, 8713, 0.0], [8713, 9371, 0.0], [9371, 10045, 0.0], [10045, 10619, 0.0], [10619, 12208, 0.0], [12208, 13755, 0.0], [13755, 15191, 0.0], [15191, 16549, 0.0], [16549, 16932, 0.0], [16932, 17844, 0.0], [17844, 18452, 0.0], [18452, 18564, 0.0], [18564, 18898, 0.0], [18898, 19164, 0.0], [19164, 19635, 0.0], [19635, 20782, 0.0], [20782, 21486, 0.0], [21486, 22095, 0.0], [22095, 22432, 0.0], [22432, 22610, 0.0], [22610, 22791, 0.0], [22791, 23133, 0.0], [23133, 23270, 0.0], [23270, 23591, 0.0], [23591, 24373, 0.0], [24373, 26835, 0.0], [26835, 28595, 0.0], [28595, 29294, 0.0], [29294, 29931, 0.0], [29931, 30464, 0.0], [30464, 31401, 0.0], [31401, 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[48888, 49456, 0.0], [49456, 49773, 0.0], [49773, 50176, 0.0], [50176, 50660, 0.0], [50660, 50892, 0.0], [50892, 50983, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 28, 0.10714286], [28, 51, 0.13043478], [51, 89, 0.10526316], [89, 118, 0.13793103], [118, 179, 0.1147541], [179, 258, 0.03797468], [258, 283, 0.04], [283, 323, 0.025], [323, 370, 0.0212766], [370, 526, 0.00641026], [526, 690, 0.00609756], [690, 703, 0.76923077], [703, 2117, 0.00919378], [2117, 2280, 0.01840491], [2280, 2476, 0.02040816], [2476, 2490, 0.85714286], [2490, 2502, 0.0], [2502, 3151, 0.00924499], [3151, 4093, 0.01698514], [4093, 4694, 0.00831947], [4694, 5534, 0.00833333], [5534, 5710, 0.02840909], [5710, 5732, 0.90909091], [5732, 6075, 0.01749271], [6075, 6264, 0.02116402], [6264, 6523, 0.00772201], [6523, 7217, 0.01873199], [7217, 7286, 0.05797101], [7286, 7724, 0.01369863], [7724, 7882, 0.0443038], [7882, 8028, 0.01369863], [8028, 8713, 0.01021898], [8713, 9371, 0.01367781], [9371, 10045, 0.0074184], [10045, 10619, 0.00522648], [10619, 12208, 0.00629327], [12208, 13755, 0.00581771], [13755, 15191, 0.0097493], [15191, 16549, 0.0095729], [16549, 16932, 0.01305483], [16932, 17844, 0.00877193], [17844, 18452, 0.01151316], [18452, 18564, 0.03571429], [18564, 18898, 0.02095808], [18898, 19164, 0.01503759], [19164, 19635, 0.01273885], [19635, 20782, 0.00959024], [20782, 21486, 0.00710227], [21486, 22095, 0.01477833], [22095, 22432, 0.00593472], [22432, 22610, 0.00561798], [22610, 22791, 0.01657459], [22791, 23133, 0.01169591], [23133, 23270, 0.02189781], [23270, 23591, 0.01246106], [23591, 24373, 0.01534527], [24373, 26835, 0.00528026], [26835, 28595, 0.00909091], [28595, 29294, 0.00858369], [29294, 29931, 0.01412873], [29931, 30464, 0.00375235], [30464, 31401, 0.01921025], [31401, 31435, 0.88235294], [31435, 31457, 0.0], [31457, 31897, 0.01818182], [31897, 32019, 0.01639344], [32019, 32052, 0.87878788], [32052, 32348, 0.01351351], [32348, 32462, 0.00877193], [32462, 32561, 0.02020202], [32561, 32598, 0.0], [32598, 32682, 0.04761905], [32682, 33057, 0.008], [33057, 33671, 0.00814332], [33671, 34232, 0.00534759], [34232, 35447, 0.01563786], [35447, 35698, 0.00796813], [35698, 36835, 0.03430079], [36835, 37342, 0.01577909], [37342, 37691, 0.03151862], [37691, 38204, 0.00779727], [38204, 38592, 0.01546392], [38592, 39549, 0.00626959], [39549, 39776, 0.02202643], [39776, 40276, 0.026], [40276, 41499, 0.01226492], [41499, 41668, 0.01775148], [41668, 41976, 0.01298701], [41976, 42394, 0.0215311], [42394, 42795, 0.01995012], [42795, 44732, 0.00774393], [44732, 44975, 0.01646091], [44975, 45332, 0.00840336], [45332, 45637, 0.01311475], [45637, 45677, 0.8], [45677, 45861, 0.04891304], [45861, 45997, 0.05882353], [45997, 46114, 0.04273504], [46114, 46653, 0.03525046], [46653, 46789, 0.03676471], [46789, 47216, 0.04215457], [47216, 47354, 0.07246377], [47354, 47552, 0.03030303], [47552, 47807, 0.05098039], [47807, 48160, 0.0368272], [48160, 48315, 0.06451613], [48315, 48434, 0.04201681], [48434, 48622, 0.05319149], [48622, 48798, 0.02272727], [48798, 48888, 0.08888889], [48888, 49456, 0.02112676], [49456, 49773, 0.02839117], [49773, 50176, 0.0248139], [50176, 50660, 0.02479339], [50660, 50892, 0.02155172], [50892, 50983, 0.05494505]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 50983, 0.89939368]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 50983, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 50983, 0.7671628]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 50983, -849.79556126]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 50983, 297.6977168]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 50983, 1156.80220521]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 50983, 507.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Show more Show less the Mason-Dixon Line - definition and synonyms Using the thesaurus CloseWhat are red words? 90% of the time, speakers of English use just 7,500 words in speech and writing. These words appear in red, and are graded with stars. One-star words are frequent, two-star words are more frequent, and three-star words are the most frequent. CloseThesaurusThe thesaurus of synonyms and related words is fully integrated into the dictionary. Click on the thesaurus category heading under the button in an entry to see the synonyms and related words for that meaning.more /ˌmeɪs(ə)n ˈdɪks(ə)n ˌlaɪn/ the border between the two states of Maryland and Pennsylvania in the US that traditionally divides the north of the US from the south. In the past, this was the border between those southern states that supported slavery and the northern ones that did not.Synonyms and related words Areas of specific countries:ACT, AONB, Bantustan... This is the British English definition of the Mason-Dixon Line. View American English definition of the Mason-Dixon Line.Change your default dictionary to American English. View the pronunciation for the Mason-Dixon Line. A must for anyone with an interest in the changing face of language. The Macmillan Dictionary blog explores English as it is spoken around the world today.global English and language change from our blog Definition and synonyms of the Mason-Dixon Line from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Publishers Limited.
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Ireland's anger a taste of life after cuts Ards Forum Forum Index -> News and Current Affairs and local News Location: dark side of the moon Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:04 am Post subject: Ireland's anger a taste of life after cuts Some of the simmering anger that is felt in Ireland was demonstrated this week when a cement truck, painted with the words "Toxic Bank", was driven into the gates of the Irish parliament in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The truck was swiftly removed and its driver detained, but a few hours later, as politicians tried to return to parliament after their summer break, the same fury was articulated by a noisy trade union march crowding the streets outside, the protesters shouting through loud speakers that "455,000 of our fellow citizens have been thrown on the scrap heap". This protest was something of an anomaly, however. For the past two years, while Ireland has introduced cuts with an extraordinary speed and seriousness, the public anger of the population has been restrained. Now, as Irish politicians grapple with the latest expensive banking bailout, and begin debating where to place the next round of cuts, the situation in Ireland � and its people's response to the austerity measures � will be scrutinised by Britain's political leadership. If Ireland was held up at the beginning of the year by economists across Europe as a role model in how to cut fast and efficiently, the country is increasingly being showcased, particularly by the left in the UK, as a cautionary tale in the perils of cutting too much, too fast. Finance minister of state, Dr Martin Mansergh (who is to give a speech in London next month billed: How to Cut Public Spending), cautions against using Ireland as a role model, and underlines the differences between the countries, most importantly Ireland's membership of the eurozone, which gives it fewer choices on how to handle the crisis. Unlike in the UK, he says, there was little dissent among politicians over what needed to be done. "There was never a question of choice." None of the major parties have proposed a stimulus package as the solution to Ireland's soaring deficit and unemployment (which has tripled since the start of the economic crisis to almost 14%). It helps that memories of the 1980s financial crisis in Ireland are fresh: then a slow response led to a protracted and painful recovery. As for the public's stoicism in the face of such deep cuts, he says: "You can feel anger towards the developers, the bankers, but that doesn't provide a constructive solution." Most unions, he says, have advised their members: Don't rock the boat or we might all sink. "I think the public understand that to protest will make the situation worse," he says. The process has been undeniably painful: Mansergh has seen his salary cut by 20% and overseen a 35% cut in the Office of Public Works. "Everybody has been affected but there are a lot of people who are aware that notwithstanding the hit, they are a lot better off than they or their parents were 20 years ago. It is very far from the case that all the gains have been lost," he says. Sober reading This is an argument that offers little comfort to Ireland's newly unemployed and families on a low income who are feeling the pain of the cuts very sharply. Their accounts should make sobering reading for public sector workers in the UK. For a taste of what life with heavy public sector cuts looks like, a visit to Dublin is educational. Take Sarah, a 44�year-old single mother and care assistant in a residential home for adults with learning difficulties. In the space of two years she too has seen her wages drop by around 20%, she calculates, leaving her with a �250 (�217) hole in her monthly take-home pay of around �1,200. As her salary has fallen, she has found that her workload has increased substantially because the workforce of nurses and care assistants at the home has dropped by about 25%. "We were told that frontline services would not be affected and that jobs would not be cut, but what has happened is that contracts have not been renewed, and people who retire or leave have not been replaced, so we have lost about 20 members of staff," she says. In fact services for people with disabilities across Ireland have been badly affected (as charities fear they will be in the UK), and Sarah is witnessing a worsening in the care her patients receive. The daycare centre next to the care home, on the outskirts of Dublin, has been closed because of funding cuts, so patients no longer have a programme of activities during the day and are left to sit in the unit where they sleep with little to do, and with fewer staff to take care of them. Parents of children with severe disabilities used to be able to leave them at the unit for a weekend every month, for respite care, but these services have been cut back, so that they too are under increased strain. "The quality of care is suffering, but there is nothing we can do about it. We are struggling as it is," she says. At home, she has stopped taking holidays and doesn't know when she will be able to get her car mended. It has been parked, unusable, outside her house for the past eight months. She shops around for discount items and cannot remember the last time she took her 11-year-old daughter out for an excursion. She has also seen a reduction in child benefit. The only indirect positive from the austerity measures has been that the busy pub she lives next to has seen a huge fall in business ("People are too poor to go out socialising," she says) so the noise levels have been reduced. Having less money has affected her pride, she says, although this is mitigated by the sense that she is not alone. On the whole, though, people are too frightened to protest. "People are terrified about complaining. People think 'Well, I have a job now � maybe if I complain, I won't have one'," she says. Anxious about her job security, she asks that her real name is not used. Outside a busy welfare office in central Dublin, there is more anger at the government, voiced by the newly unemployed queuing to collect their benefits. "We are paying to bail out the banks," Steve, 23, who also prefers not to give his full name, says. He is a former taxi radio controller who lost his job in the summer. ("Nobody has any money; they can't pay for taxis.") His unemployment benefit has been cut by �5 a week. "Five euros wouldn't make any difference to someone on �100,000 a year, but it does to me. The government needs to stop taking money from the poor," he says. At his office in a windy and desolate corner of one of the city's many half-occupied new glass developments, John Fitzgerald, an economist at the Economic and Social Research Institute, an independent thinktank, again questions the usefulness of taking Ireland as a salutary tale: "It is clear that the world has doubts about the ability of Ireland to survive, in which case you have no choice but to take action. In the UK you are fortunate that with rather worse debt figures and with similar borrowing requirements, the world doesn't think that the country is a basket case, so you have a choice as to what to do," he says. He himself has taken a 15% pay cut, but argues that public sector pay had risen to unsustainable levels. These views are echoed in the office of Philip Lane, economics professor at Trinity College. "We were in such a big hole that we did a lot relative to other countries, but not a lot relative to the gap we have to close." 'One-sided debate' Michael Taft, research officer for Unite, Ireland's second largest union, disagrees. "There has been a very one-sided debate, with no mention of the possibility of a stimulus programme to encourage growth." Taft likes to take visitors on a walking tour of Dublin's economic collapse, pointing out startling highlights such as abandoned housing developments and the unfinished carcass of the new headquarters of the troubled Anglo Irish Bank. "Our position is that there should be a major investment programme, pouring euros into the economy to create jobs and restart economic activity." This belief is shared by Gerry Adams, who travelled from Northern Ireland to support Sinn F�in colleagues and lead Wednesday's protest. "What the government is doing here is totally and utterly mad. They're bailing out the banks and the citizens are going to have to pick up the tab. Public services are going to be sliced, at a time when half a million people are on the dole," he says. At the moment, with the mainstream opposition offering broad support to the government on its handling of the economy, these are minority voices. The challenge for Brian Cowen's Fianna F�il-led coalition government will be in handling the backlash if public hostility grows with the next round of cuts. To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important. Draw from your past....... but don't let your past draw from you Yama, The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was..... is lost. For none now live who remember it. For all your Computer needs www.btlogic.co.uk Ards Forum Forum Index -> News and Current Affairs and local News All times are GMT
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La nuova APP del FAI per scoprire i nostri luoghi nella giornata di Primavera La Giornata FAI di Primavera si avvicina e l’organizzazione no-pofit ha ben pensato di creare una APP per Apple e Android dedicata ai luoghi protetti da visitare. L’impiego delle applicazioni per smartphone sta vivendo un periodo davvero felice, praticamente tutti cercano di crearne una per raccontare la propria identità. L’uso della geolocalizzazione in particolare, diventa un vero e proprio strumento di marketing che permette alle organizzazioni di interagire in tempo reale con i propri stakeholder. L’aspetto green dell’applicazione del FAI è duplice, da un lato per i suoi contenuti e dall’altro perché di fatto consente il risparmio di depliant e cartine geografiche. Procediamo per gradi. Innanzi tutto, la Giornata del FAI di Primavera è in realtà una doppia giornata che copre le date del 24 e 25 marzo 2012. Quindi, muniti di smartphone, scaricate l’applicazione, accettate le condizioni d’uso e iniziate ad esplorare le vostre possibilità. I diversi percorsi e luoghi da visitare sono stati organizzati in regioni e città, così potrete selezionare ciò che più vi piace anche nelle brevi distanze. Proviamo ad aprire l’applicazione ed esploriamo insieme come funziona e cosa contiene. Nel menù in basso possiamo scegliere tra quattro informazioni: luoghi aperti, che ci fa accedere alla banca dati dei 670 luoghi da visitare; dona, dedicato alla raccolta fondi del FAI, che in questo caso semplifica le procedure e consente di versare 2 euro all’organizzazione, cliccando sul bottone “dona ora”; contatti, dove sono riportate le informazioni per contattare il FAI; crediti, dove sono riportate le informazioni relative allo sviluppatore della app. Interessante? All’interno di ogni scheda relativa ai luoghi, sono presenti informazioni generali relative ad orari e tipologia di bene culturale, nonché c’è la possibilità di visualizzare la cartina per raggiungere il luogo. Interessante sì, ma a mio avviso poco innovativo e incapace di sfruttare le logiche dei nuovi media, dell’interazione, della geolocalizzazione degli utenti, salvo nuovi sviluppi e aggiornamenti dell’applicazione. Provatelo e godetevi la Giornata del FAI di Primavera. Tag : app FAI, comunicazione sostenbile FAI, giornata di primavera del FAI, raccolta fondi ← DIY: muschio, reverse-graffiti e comunicazione fatta in casa Biglietti da visita e strette di mano →
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Home»News»Cronaca Cronaca Video 26 novembre 2013 / Manuela Di Paola Nessun commento presente Tag: maria chiara carrozzaprofessori pensioneuniversità sud Protestano gli atenei del Sud: “A rischio il sistema universitario meridionale”. Il 28 Novembre incontro a Napoli col ministro Carrozza I dati parlano chiaro: le università del Sud sono quelle su cui più pesano gli effetti dell’adozione del nuovo sistema del turnover, che prevede l’introduzione dei ‘punti organico’ per l’assegnazione dei posti disponibili per le assunzioni a fronte dei pensionamenti. Alla luce della tabella che distribuisce tra i vari atenei tali posti, è la stessa sopravvivenza del sistema universitario meridionale ad essere a rischio, dicono i rettori. Che si uniscono in protesta, in attesa dell’incontro col ministro Carrozza previsto a Napoli per il 28 Novembre prossimo. I rischi del nuovo sistema? Docenti, studenti, ricercatori e rettori degli atenei del Sud sono concordi: non solo quello di generare una ‘guerra’ tra le università, ma anche la possibile chiusura da parte di molti atenei di interi corsi di laurea per mancanza di personale. Oppure, nella ‘migliore’ delle ipotesi, l’innalzamento esponenziale delle tasse universitarie, nel disperato tentativo di evitare una vera e propria “bancarotta didattica” e di dover chiudere i battenti. Al centro delle polemiche è soprattutto il sistema dei ‘punti organico’, e in particolare la tabella di ripartizione allegata al decreto ministeriale dello scorso 17 Ottobre, da subito causa di una vera e propria bufera. Il sistema ripartisce le quote per le nuove assunzioni – già rese difficoltose dal blocco del turnover – in base a criteri economici: chi ha maggiori introiti rispetto al totale delle spese per gli stipendi può assumere di più.Ma questo finisce per penalizzare gli atenei che si trovano in una situazione economica difficile, che si trovano quasi tutti del Sud. Per esempio, le università di Cassino, di Benevento e di Foggia non avranno a disposizione alcuna assunzione, e potranno al massimo promuovere professori già sotto contratto. La protesta contro il nuovo sistema è partita da docenti, studenti e rettori delle università della Puglia, regione che godrà di sole 5 nuove assunzioni a fronte di 82 pensionamenti, ma si è già estesa al resto del Meridione. Non solo movimenti studenteschi, Link e UDU su tutti: la lotta per salvare le università meridionali coinvolge anche CGIL, CISL, UIL e passa perfino per il Consiglio Universitario Nazionale. Ed è più che probabile un presidio in occasione dell’incontro tra il ministro Carrozza e i rappresentanti degli atenei del Sud, che si terra il 28 Novembre a Napoli, e che si spera possa aiutare a trovare una soluzione al problema. La protesta delle università del Sud contro il decreto sui ‘punti organico’: oggi l’incontro a Roma con Carrozza La nuova gestione del turn over premia l’università in cui il ministro Carrozza era rettore. Ed è subito polemica La ricetta per salvare l’università italiana del neo ministro dell’Istruzione Carrozza. Ecco cosa aspettarci dal suo mandato Università telematiche, le repliche dei rettori alle critiche emerse dal dossier Anvur. L’UniCusano chiede le dimissioni del ministro Carrozza
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The government has presented bill for the Datahub Act 21.09.2018 - 10:09 — kerttu.korpelai... Electricity accounting points and their related information for all Finns will be available in a single register Fingrid is currently building a datahub for electricity market information exchange, which will contain the information of all electricity users in Finland. Construction of the system means a lot of work and a big change for Fingrid and the entire industry, but is expected to provide new opportunities for the electricity market. The government bill submitted today for the Datahub Act will enable the introduction of datahub in April 2021. On 20 September 2018, the government presented a bill to Parliament on an amendment to the Electricity Market Act and certain other acts related to it. The bill provides regulations for the transfer to a centralised information exchange of electricity retail markets. In order to serve retail suppliers, distribution system operators (DSOs), other providers of energy services and their customers, a centralised information exchange unit, or datahub, is being established. - At Fingrid, we are satisfied with the bill. The act will give industry actors clear roles and responsibilities for operating within the framework of the law. Under legal obligation, work is now beginning to proceed, says Pasi Aho, Chief Operating Officer of Fingrid Datahub Oy.
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Hugh Jackman To Perform In San FranciscoJackman is in town preparing for his one man show and decided to drop by the CBS Radio studios of Alice @ 97.3 and 99.7 Now....
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Start-Up Visa Act Reintroduced to Encourage Immigrant Entrepreneurs By Kacy CapobresPublished February 12, 2013Fox News Latino Calling all Latino entrepreneurs: the Start-Up Visa Act wants you. Coinciding with the recent move for immigration reform, the bipartisan piece of legislation is being reintroduced in Congress. Designed to help foreign entrepreneurs establish businesses in the U.S., it would give greater opportunities to Latino innovators both here and abroad. "The United States has a proud history of creating opportunity for entrepreneurs from around the world by giving them a home to innovate and create jobs," Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) said in a press release about the legislation. "The economic boost that will be felt as a result of allowing more foreign-born entrepreneurs to create their businesses here alone makes this a common sense bill," Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) added. Emigrating from Latin America or growing up in immigrant homes, Latino entrepreneurs already have a history of breaking barriers in the U.S. economy. When he arrived in the U.S. in 1990 to study engineering at Texas A & M University, Peruvian-born Andres Ruzo had a more difficult time than most finding employment following graduation. “When I graduated I couldn’t get interviews because of visa issues,” Ruzo told Fox News Latino. “No one wanted to hire you because you were going to leave,” he explained. After going through his own issues, Ruzo believes there is a need for legislation like the Start-Up Act. “We need more innovation,” the business leader said. “I do believe there’s an opportunity to bring more talent.” Since founding his company LinkAmerica in 1994, Ruzo has grown to create one of the fastest-growing Latino businesses in the country and hopes that more Latinos will follow in his entrepreneurial footsteps. “I love the idea of having more Latin American entrepreneurs in the U.S.” Ruzo said. “It’s a win for the international guy and it’s a win fo
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Tag Archives: maize Is corn the new milk? Evolutionarily speaking, that is. Aug7 by Jeremy Yoder Cross-posted from Denim and Tweed. It is a widespread misconception that, as we developed the technology to reshape our environment to our preferences, human beings neutralized the power of natural selection. Quite the opposite is true: some of the best-known examples of recent evolutionary change in humans are attributable to technology. People who colonized high-altitude environments were selected for tolerance of low-oxygen conditions in the high Himalayas and Andes; populations that have historically raised cattle for milk evolved the ability to digest milk sugars as adults. A recent study of population genetics in Native American groups suggests that another example is ripening in the experimental fields just a few blocks away from my office at the University of Minnesota: Corn, or maize, may have exerted natural selection on the human populations that first cultivated it. The target of this new study is an allele called 230Cys, a variant of a gene involved in transporting cholesterol. 230Cys is known only in Native American populations, and it’s associated with abnormally low production of HDL cholesterol (that’s the “good” kind of cholesterol) and thereby increased risk for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. In Native American populations, the genetic code near 230Cys shows the reduced diversity associated with a selective sweep, which suggests that, although it’s not particuarly helpful now, this variant may have been favored by selection in the past. 3 Comments Posted in archaeology, genetics, natural selection Tagged agriculture, corn, diet, human evolution, maize
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xii + 212 pages Phenomenology Explained From Experience to Insight David Detmer Phenomenology is one of the most important and influential philosophical movements of the last one hundred years. It began in 1900, with the publication of a massive two-volume work, Logical Investigations, by a Czech-German mathematician, Edmund Husserl. It proceeded immediately to exert a strong influence on both philosophy and the social sciences. For example, phenomenology provided the central inspiration for the existentialist movement, as represented by such figures as Martin Heidegger in Germany and Jean-Paul Sartre in France. Subsequent intellectual currents in Europe, when they have not claimed phenomenology as part of their ancestry, have defined themselves in opposition to phenomenology. Thus, to give just one example, the first two works of Jacques Derrida, the father of deconstruction, were devoted to criticisms of Husserl’s phenomenological works. In the English-speaking world, where “analytic philosophy” dominates, phenomenology has recently emerged as a hot topic after decades of neglect. This has resulted from a dramatic upswing in interest in consciousness, the condition that makes all experience possible. Since the special significance of phenomenology is that it investigates consciousness, analytic philosophers have begun to turn to it as an underutilized resource. For the same reason, Husserl’s work is now widely studied by cognitive scientists. The current revival of interest in phenomenology also stems from the recognition that not every kind of question can be approached by means of experimental techniques. Not all questions are scientific in that sense. Thus, if there is to be knowledge in logic, mathematics, ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, epistemology (theory of knowledge), psychology (from the inside), and the study of consciousness, among others, another method is clearly needed. Phenomenology is an attempt to rectify this. Its aim is to focus on the world as given in experience, and to describe it with unprecedented care, rigor, subtlety, and completeness. This applies not only to the objects of sense experience, but to all phenomena: moral, aesthetic, political, mathematical, and so forth. One can avoid the obscure problem of the real, independent existence of the objects of experience in these domains by focusing instead on the objects, as experienced, themselves, along with the acts of consciousness which disclose them. Phenomenology thus opens up an entirely new field of investigation, never previously explored. Rather than assuming, or trying to discern, what exists outside the realm of the mental, and what causal relations pertain to these extra-mental entities, we can study objects strictly as they are given, that is, as they appear to us in experience. This book explains what phenomenology is and why it is important. It focuses primarily on the works and ideas of Husserl, but also discusses important later thinkers, giving special emphasis to those whose contributions are most relevant to contemporary concerns. Finally, while Husserl’s greatest contributions were to the philosophical foundations of logic, mathematics, knowledge, and science, this book also addresses extensively the relatively neglected contribution of phenomenology to value theory, especially ethics, political philosophy, and aesthetics. Praise for Phenomenology Explained “Detmer’s Phenomenology Explained is the essential guidebook to Husserl’s phenomenology. This text should be the first read for those wading into the study of phenomenology for the first time and senior scholars will appreciate the subtlety by which Detmer navigates Husserl’s most difficult terrain. Phenomenology Explained offers a thoughtful and accessible treatment of the evolution of phenomenology from Husserl’s early influences to his 20th century successors while shedding new light on where phenomenology might be headed. Detmer offers an important analysis of the often overlooked and critical influence that Husserl’s thought has on the relationship between phenomenology and ethics.” —Nicholas Wernicki, Assistant Professor, Peirce College “It is rare that a book is required reading for scholars and undergraduates. Phenomenology Explained is such a book. It is accessible, clear, and direct, yet it provides a high level of breadth and detail. David Detmer illuminates the key ideas and current relevance of phenomenology, largely through Husserl's works. Detmer's analyses are balanced, insightful, expertly developed, and extend current Husserl scholarship particularly with respect to previously unpublished Husserl works. This is a marvelous book and an invaluable guide for those interested in phenomenology.” —Lawrence Ferrara, New York University, author of Philosophy and the Analysis of Music “Phenomenology can be notoriously opaque to beginners, but Detmer succeeds at being clear and accessible without shying away from an engagement with the most important and difficult ideas in phenomenology. Detmer’s approach transcends traditional divides, making it accessible to both analytically- and continentally-trained philosophers. One of the greatest strengths of this volume is its balance of range and depth. Detmer shows the reader why phenomenology is not a relic of the early 20th century, but rather a vibrant and growing field in philosophy today.” —Elizabeth Butterfield, Georgia Southern University, author of Sartre and Posthumanist Humanism “In Phenomenology Explained, Detmer identifies a central goal of phenomenology as “descriptive fidelity,” a term that aptly characterizes his own thorough treatment of the subject. With admirable clarity and ease, Detmer has managed to capture the profundity of the contributions of phenomenologists from Husserl to Merleau-Ponty, without watering down the complexity of this vibrant field of inquiry. The book is an invaluable resource for scholars and students alike.” —Constance L. Mui, S. Youree Watson, S.J., Professor of Philosophy, Loyola University New Orleans “David Detmer provides a clear, easily readable, and comprehensive overview of Husserlian phenomenology for both the novice and the initiated. Pushing beyond this, he also lays out a persuasive case for the relevance and importance of Husserl's phenomenology within the current philosophical scene. . . .” —Bob Sandmeyer, University of Kentucky, author of Husserl's Constitutive Phenomenology David Detmer is Professor of Philosophy at Purdue University Calumet and Executive Editor of Sartre Studies International. He is the author of Sartre Explained: From Bad Faith to Authenticity (2008), Challenging Postmodernism: Philosophy and the Politics of Truth (2003), and Freedom as a Value: A Critique of the Ethical Theory of Jean-Paul Sartre (1988).
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Solheim La Ryder Cup et la Solheim Cup se disputeront un “ festival de golf de deux semaines ” en 2023
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Sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether to send children to school when they wake up with symptoms of any illness or complaints that they do not feel well. There are some situations in which it is best to plan on keeping your child home to rest and arrange for an appointment with your health care provider. In order to protect your child and his classmates, your child should stay home in the following situations: Your child has an illness which prevents them from participating comfortably in school activities. The illness results in a greater care needs than the child care staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of the other children. Your child has any of the following conditions: Fever: Fevers are generally an indication that the body is attempting to fight off infection. Do NOT bring your child if she/he has a fever (Oral temperature of 100 degrees or greater, or aural temperature of 101 degrees or higher) with behavior change or other signs of illness such as sore throat, rash vomiting, diarrhea, earache or other signs and symptoms of illness until medical evaluation indicates inclusion. To return to school, children must be fever- free without using Tylenol or Motrin for 24 hours. Symptoms and signs of severe illness such as unusual lethargy, uncontrolled coughing, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, wheezing or other unusual signs until medical evaluation indicate inclusion. Vomiting or Diarrhea (liquid/watery stool): Do NOT bring your child to school if she/he has had diarrhea and/or vomiting in the previous 24 hours. Children will be sent home if these symptoms begin at school. Nasal Discharge: Do NOT bring your child to school if she/he has a clogged or runny nose with green or yellow mucus, especially if accompanied by facial pain or headache. The only exception is if she/he has seen a pediatrician and has been taking a prescribed antibiotic for a minimum of 24 hours. If the child has an ear Infection and/or constant/severe ear pain. If your child has eye drainage and/or eye pain Severe headache, especially if accompanied by fever. Sore throat along with fever and feeling ill, or after known exposure to a confirmed case of Strep throat infection. If your child is diagnosed with Strep Throat, notify the school office as soon as possible. Colds and Flu – Colds can cause persistent coughing, sneezing, runny nose, headaches, watery eyes, and sore throats. Children should stay home until symptoms have resolved and their activity level has returned to normal. Cough that makes child feel uncomfortable or disrupts the class. Conjunctivitis or eye infections -Commonly called “Pink Eye”, this condition is highly contagious. Symptoms include itchy, watery eyes, crusty discharge and redness of eyes. To return to school, a doctor’s note indicating that the condition is not contagious or that treatment has been started is required. Unexplained Skin Conditions/Rash with fever or behavior change, until a health provider determines that these symptoms do not indicate a communicable disease. Do not send your child to school if they have an unknown cause of rash. Lice: Children with lice should be excluded, but they don’t have to be sent home right away. It can wait until the end of the day, and they can return once treatment occurs. Nits may persist after treatment, but successful treatment should kill crawling lice. Other contagious illnesses: If your child has a contagious illness beyond what is listed above, please keep them home until they are symptom free. No set of recommendations can cover all situations. Please consult with a pediatrician, the health department, or individual school district policies when in doubt. Also, Please NOTIFY THE OFFICE IMMEDIATELY if your child is exposed to or contracts a communicable disease such as chicken pox, mumps or measles. These conditions can be life threatening to students who are undergoing therapies that suppress their immune systems. Reminder: if your child needs to take medication at school, you are required to send a medication authorization form signed by you and your health provider with the medication. Teresa Zhou, District Nurse tzhou@brssd.org Content Sources: The information contained within this guide is based on the latest recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the San Mateo County Office of Education, Kids Health, the California Childcare Health Program, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
{"url": "https://www.brssd.org/illness-guidelines", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.brssd.org", "date_download": "2019-03-18T13:53:22Z", "digest": "sha1:JPV7NHST7OMC3YEJLOCCJM5QN3QONNQK"}
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Mudslide blocks SR 20 Posted by Andre Tauladan on Thursday, July 30, 2009 Originally uploaded by Washington State Dept of Transportation. On July 29th a mudslide west of Rainy Pass closed SR 20 in both directions at the east- and west-side closure gates. They had about 300 yards of mud and debris in a 10-foot-deep swath across the highway to remove, and needed to ensure the slope is stable before they reopened the road. Where is Rainy Pass? www.wsdot.wa.gov/Traffic/Passes/NorthCas cades/map.htm. The gates were closed on the west side just east of Diablo (milepost 134) and 14 miles west Mazama (milepost 171) on the east side. The gates were manned overnight to make sure anyone camping or hiking in between the gates could get out. The slide was reported about 4 p.m. Wednesday, July 29, and responding crews began bringing in equipment and working last night. They stopped at dusk because it was too dangerous to work in the area in the dark. Crews were back early this morning. How quickly they can safely remove the debris and ensure that the slope is stabilized will determine when the highway reopens. This area (nearly a mile high) had been hit with fast moving thunder, lightning, rain and hail storm cells all week. The slide was triggered by a thunderhead that passed through Wednesday afternoon which went on to start some 20 fires from there to Loup Loup Pass, 60 miles further east. The road was reopened on July 30 at 3:15 p.m. You can also check the North Cascades Web page for more information - www.wsdot.wa.gov/Traffic/Passes/NorthCascades/. Working in the heat Posted by Andre Tauladan on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 When it comes to the weather, sometimes we just can’t win. During the winter, it’s hard to get much road work done because it’s either too wet, too cold or both. And if you look back at our winter blog posts, we were waiting impatiently for the warm, dry summer weather. Well, it’s summer. And, depending on the day, it’s either been warm and dry or painfully hot and humid. This week has been mostly the latter. For the most part, we’d rather be working in this weather. But the heat and humidity come with their own set of challenges for our crews. The most obvious challenge for crews is simply working outside for eight to 10 hours every day on the hot pavement. If it’s 90 degrees outside, it feels even hotter for crews standing on a road that’s just soaking up the heat. And for paving crews…well, you can imagine how scorching that must be. Needless to say, keeping hydrated is key for everyone. Crews are drinking tons of water before they start their day, during the heat of the day and after they’ve finished work. And everyone stays on high alert for signs of heat exhaustion: disorientation, profuse sweating, nausea or dizziness. Another less-apparent challenge for crews is compensating for the effect the heat and humidity have on asphalt and concrete. We know what you might be thinking: Aren’t you always worried about bad weather? Isn’t this hot weather a good thing? Yes … and no. When we pave with asphalt, that asphalt goes down at 300 degrees. And at that temperature, it’s a lot like cookie dough when it gets taken out of the oven: soft and gooey. Naturally, we have to wait until it cools down before we can let traffic drive on it. That’s where the heat and humidity come into play. When we put down hundreds of tons of 300-degree asphalt, it’s a very concentrated mass of heat. Consequently, it takes a long time for that heat to dissipate and the asphalt to reach a temperature suitable for traffic – 150 degrees or cooler. When the surrounding air is 80 or 90 degrees, it’s much harder for that heat to dissipate. Add in the humidity, which makes the ambient air temperature feel even warmer, and the asphalt will take even longer to cool. Concrete has exactly the opposite problem: It cures too quickly in the heat. Unlike asphalt, concrete needs humidity to cool and cure properly. When it’s too hot out, water evaporates out of the concrete too quickly and can lead to cracking. Typically, crews blanket the fresh concrete with visqueen (they look like giant white tarps) to help trap the moisture. When it’s extra hot, crews have to work at warp speed to cover up the concrete before it gets too hot. They’ll also layer burlap rags soaked in water atop the fresh concrete and then cover it with visqueen to trap even more moisture. So while we may have to do a little bit of extra planning when it’s this hot out, we’re taking advantage of the summer weather to get as much work done as possible. Yes, you can shrink-wrap an entire bridge Posted by Andre Tauladan on Friday, July 24, 2009 No, we’re not kidding. We’re shrink-wrapping an entire bridge on SR 542 (Mount Baker Highway) in Whatcom County. It looks a bit like a giant Twinkie. Before you start thinking that we’ve lost our minds, there’s method to the madness. Crews will spend three months cleaning, repairing and repainting the Nooksack River bridge on Mount Baker Highway just west of the town of Glacier. Built in 1931, the bridge gets repaired and repainted every 15 to 20 years. The giant sheets of shrink wrap swaddling the bridge help keep any debris from falling into the river and keep crews on schedule, regardless of the weather. Plus, it looks really cool. This is the first time we’ve used the industrial-strength shrink-wrap method as a way to contain debris. Wrapping up two years of construction on SR 20 near Burlington Crews are wrapping up two years of work between SR 536 (Memorial Highway) and the SR 20/ I-5 interchange in Burlington. Last week, local officials and electeds celebrated completion of construction on the project, while crews continued completing minor tasks throughout the project zone. The week of July 20, crews began removing barrels on the last two lanes of the widened highway. A new signal at Pulver Road is yet to be turned on. That is expected to happen in about a week. The majority of crews will begin packing up their gear and heading to their next job, or maybe some well-deserved time off. Some workers will remain to complete minor “punch list” items for the next month or so. Crews are completing the project almost two months ahead of schedule. WSDOT’s $118-million project, funded by the 2003 gas tax package, widened a five-mile stretch of SR 20 between SR 536 and the I-5 interchange and transformed the congested two-lane highway with a history of collisions into a wider, safer four-lane highway. The project completes a vision that started more than 30 years ago. The stretch of SR 20 from Anacortes to Memorial Highway (SR 536) was widened in the 1960s and 70s. Crews began in spring 2007, working to widen and improve the highway near its intersection with SR 536. Opening the new I-5 on- and off-ramps in June was the last major milestone for crews. SR 20 to the west of I-5 serves several communities including Anacortes and its ferry terminal, the main transportation access to the San Juan Islands. SR 20 provides the only road-based access to Whidbey Island. Along the route are many smaller communities and important tourist, agricultural and business interests, such as the March Point refineries, Whidbey Naval Air Station and Deception Pass State Park. On an average day, more than 22,000 vehicles use the highway. During construction, crews: - Widened the highway from two lanes to four, with two lanes in each direction from SR 536 at Fredonia to the I-5 interchange (ten lane-miles). - Installed a new signal at Higgins Airport Way. - Divided 2.5 miles of the east- and westbound lanes with a 32-foot median and cable median barrier (from SR 536 to Pulver Road). - Improved the on-ramps and exits at the I-5/SR 20 interchange. - Permanently closed access to and from SR 20 at the intersection with Peterson Road and Goldenrod Road in Burlington. - Built new roads to join Peterson Road and Nevitt Road to SR 20. - Installed a new signal at the SR 20 intersection with Pulver Road in Burlington. Between 2001 and 2006, there were 384 collisions on SR 20 between SR 536 and I-5 that involved almost 800 vehicles and resulted in eight fatalities. The True Risk Senior Drivers Pose A series of recent traffic-related incidents in Massachusetts involving senior drivers have thrust the issues of senior licensing and the danger senior drivers pose on the road into the national spotlight. While these incidents were certainly tragic, the truth is that while seniors may appear to be a threat on the road they are actually less of a threat than you or I. In fact a recent AAA Foundation study that was published in the Journal of Safety Research analyzed government data on fatal crashes from 1999-2003 to estimate the risk that drivers of various ages would be involved in and be partially responsible for a fatal crash. The study revealed teenagers are the most at risk group to be involved in a fatal crash and that seniors, while they do pose some threat, are actually much more of risk to themselves then other drivers or pedestrians. Nevertheless, the study has confirmed that the risk of being involved in a fatal crash increases around age 65, and over 3,000 drivers in that age category are killed each year. Ideally, getting a drivers’ license should be based on whether an individual has cognitive and physical functional abilities necessary to drive a car. There is no denying some of these abilities are affected with age, but this doesn’t mean senior drivers can’t maintain these abilities at the level necessary to drive. And, given the demographics associated with the baby boom, our society is getting older, and thus, now more than effort we need to emphasize the programs to extend the safe driving experience for older drivers. Fortunately, I am excited to announce that a new computer program (interactive game) called DriveSharp™ is now available that can do just that. The Drive Sharp program uses computer exercises to help seniors improve things such as divided attention, reaction time or “useful field of view” – factors that are directly correlated with being a safe driver. And, from my perspective, the most exciting aspect is that Drive Sharp has been shown to reduce the risk of at-fault crashes by up to 50%. For those seniors who want or need to improve their functional abilities needed to drive this is an outstanding tool. A free screening test and information on the program, including a free is available at www.drivesharpnow.com Final journey for massive bridge joints Posted for Jeff Switzer To be honest, I'm feeling a little jealous of the two new expansion joints bound for the I-90 floating bridge. They've already seen more of the world this year than I will! They were created in Ohio, painted in Pittsburgh and assembled back in Ohio using special Teflon bearings made in Turkey. They were hauled thousands of miles across the U.S. to the Seattle waterfront where they waited until the big moment. Friday marked the final journey for the joints (pdf 720 KB), each weighing 65 tons and measuring 65 feet long. The two joints got a pretty sweet tour of Seattle before going to work on the I-90 floating bridge. It was no Argosy Cruise past Bill Gates' house, but there's no stopping the barge Los Angeles, tended by the tugboats Crown II and Redwood City. Instead of the longer-than-advertised three-hour tour on Gilligan's Island, the trip was expected to be a more dependable six hours from the Seattle waterfront to the I-90 floating bridge. Along the way, the joints followed the Duwamish and gave tourists an eyeful as they climbed through the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks to Lake Washington. News helicopters planned to film the trip from high above the city streets. Drawbridges across Seattle saluted as the barge and joints passed beneath at a 4 mph walker's pace. Like putting a heavy box of holiday decorations away on a top shelf, it’s no easy feat to lift the giant joints from Lake Washington onto the I-90 floating bridge. It takes a massive barge 250 feet long and 75 feet wide to haul the joints and a seven-story-tall behemoth of a crane to the I-90 work zone. The crane stretched its even longer 173-foot boom to deliver the joints to crews on the bridge. After hours of maneuvering, the joints sit in a cradle of rebar and are locked into place with tons of concrete. These stronger, thicker joints allow the floating bridge to flex with the wind and water and span the westbound lanes of the I-90 floating bridge and the bicycle pedestrian path. They replace their lesser cousins that began cracking soon after they were installed 20 years ago. It's a complicated choreography for construction. At the same time, drivers face their own two-step as they slog through the construction bottleneck we put in the I-90 freeway to get 70,000 daily drivers around the work zone. In about a week, we'll all start pummeling the new joints daily. The road reopens by July 20, and for the next 50 or more years the joints will signal their presence to millions of everyday drivers with the familiar “vrrrp – vrrrp” as they drive across Lake Washington to Seattle. It took months to create these special 65-foot-long joints for this special bridge. Pieces were bolted, welded and connected with strong rubber gaskets meant to last. Despite their long journey from the Midwest, they never traveled I-90. Instead, tractor trailers opted for I-70 and I-75 out of Ohio, I-80 from Cheyenne to Utah, and later I-5 from Vancouver. And when the autumn winds pick up, storms again will paint whitecaps across the lake. The joints will flex with every powerful surge, but keep the bridge deck connected to Seattle and Mercer Island, and traffic will continue to flow safely. Whenever I drive my kids across the bridge, I'll tell them, "did you know what it took to get these joints into place? Let me tell you ..." For updated travel information during I-90 construction, go to www.wsdot.wa.gov/construction/2009/today. Scheduled Web site outage We have site maintenance tonight from 11:30 p.m. and scheduled to end at 5:30 a.m. on July 11, 2009. Ferries and most of the Web site will be unavailable during this outage, however, the 5-1-1 information line will still be available. We will have one page in place which has links to our external sites, like this blog, Twitter and our Flickr account available but that is about it. AAA Foundation co-hosts traffic safety culture summit… The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and Western Transportation Institute co-hosted the first National Rural Summit on Traffic Safety Culture on June 22 in Big Sky, Montana. Attendees represented a cross section of individuals and organizations in the transportation community. The goal was to generate dialogue about traffic safety culture, its meaning and the influence it has on public attitudes and behaviors. I was extremely pleased with the issues we were able to address. It is imperative that we consider the cultural factors that define our values and govern our behavior to improve transportation safety. This discussion of traffic safety culture’s role in society among industry professionals is a step in the right direction. Know before you go to avoid "Are we there yet?" Posted by Andre Tauladan in Fourth of July, roadtrip, tourism, Traveler Information, vacation on Wednesday, July 1, 2009 I have to give some "props" to a reporter at The Seattle Times. He’s working on a story about our Fourth of July travel information and wanted to give the story a bit more depth. So he asked me what I would do if I had a child and we were going to be stuck in traffic. Well, yes, I do have a little one to entertain. We have our hand-held video games and portable DVD player. Technology today – spoiled kids! Okay, so Transformers was good the first three times, but I really really don’t want to watch it again. I think back to my own childhood and car trip games like I Spy, the license plate game (oh! oh! I see Hawaii) and find letters on the highway signs (yeah – Z is tough). No video games but we had fun. Don’t forget those “old school” games are still great ways to teach the kids. Today, with that Internet thingy, we can even get some great information that’s fun and educational about what they will be seeing outside the car window. Going over Snoqualmie Pass? On our I-90 Snoqualmie Pass East Web page, you can find an award-winning activity book about the wildlife that call Central Washington home. And you can visit Washington’s tourism site Experience Washington to get information on lots of spots your may be just driving through. Any other ideas for your fellow travelers? Come on teachers…this is your chance to help us clueless parents and make those “what I did on my summer vacation” reports more interesting. Hey, great idea Armando…hope your story helps keep those kids busy. Wrapping up two years of construction on SR 20 nea... AAA Foundation co-hosts traffic safety culture sum...
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Fort Ethan Allen (Arlington, Virginia) facts for kids For Fort Ethan Allen in Vermont, see Fort Ethan Allen. Fort Ethan Allen A section of the earthworks that remain. Location in District of Columbia Show map of District of Columbia Location in Virginia Show map of Virginia Address Restricted, Arlington, Virginia 9.8 acres (4.0 ha) Barnard, Gen. John Gross Fort Ethan Allen was an earthwork fortification that the Union Army built in 1861 on the property of Gilbert Vanderwerken in Alexandria County (now Arlington County), Virginia, as part of the Civil War defenses of Washington (see Washington, D.C., in the American Civil War). The remains of the fort are now within Arlington County's Fort Ethan Allen Park. Map of Civil War fortifications near Chain Bridge, including Fort Ethan Allen (September 1861) The Union Army built Fort Ethan Allen in September 1861, shortly after the Army's rout at the First Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) in late July of that year. The fortification was a large bastion-style fort that was located in the County's highlands near the Potomac River. Before the Army constructed the fort, farmland and forests filled the area. To allow for clear lines of sight toward other fortifications and approaches to Washington, D.C., the Army removed trees and other vegetation that were near the site. Built like other northern Virginia defenses, the fort was constructed following the directives of General John G. Barnard of the United States Army Corps of Engineers. The walls of the fort were made stronger than most other such forts because it protected Chain Bridge, one of the most important approaches to Washington from the south. The Chain Bridge forts in Virginia (Fort Marcy and Fort Ethan Allen) considerably strengthened the web of fortifications that defended the northern flank of the Arlington Line. Because of its size and location, Fort Ethan Allen was a critical element of this comer of the Washington defenses. A line of trenches and roads, which were used to transport troops and supplies, connected the fortifications of the Arlington Line. In addition, the fort was connected by a long series of trenches and earthworks to the nearby Fort Marcy and Potomac River. The fort consisted of four main faces, with additional angles built into the north and east faces. It maintained a perimeter of 768 yards (702 m) with emplacements for 34 guns. Interior structures included two bomb-proofs, ammunition magazines, and other supporting structures. A May 7, 1864, report from the Union Army's Inspector of Artillery (see Union Army artillery organization) noted the following: Fort Ethan Allen, Col. A. A. Gibson commanding.–Garrison, nine companies Second Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery–1 colonel, 29 commissioned officers, 1,346 men, and 1 ordnance-sergeant. Armament, nine 6-pounder field guns, three 10-pounder Parrotts, three 32-pounder bronze howitzers, four 24-pounder siege guns, two 8-inch sea-coast howitzers, eleven 30-pounder Parrotts, six 24-pounder Coehorn mortars, four 10-inch siege mortars. Magazines, four; dry and serviceable. Ammunition, full supply and in good order. Implements, complete and serviceable. Drill in artillery, ordinary; needs improving. Drill in infantry, very indifferent; needs much improving. Discipline, indifferent. Garrison larger than necessary. Cavalry garrison, one company (E) Thirteenth New York Cavalry–2 commissioned officers, 78 enlisted men, 53 equipped, 52 horses. 1965 historical marker at Fort Ethan Allen (2013) There was no military action at the fort throughout the Civil War; the only Confederate Army attack on Washington's fortifications occurred north of the city in 1864 during the Battle of Fort Stevens. Perhaps the most memorable wartime occurrence at Fort Ethan Allen was a visit by President Abraham Lincoln during the fort's construction. In 1965, the Arlington County government erected a historic marker near the site of the fort. The Arlington County Board designated the fort to be a local historic district on October 3, 1978. The National Park Service listed the fort on the National Register of Historic Places on February 11, 2004. In 2014, the Arlington County government installed nine interpretive panels within Fort Ethan Allen Park as part of its Neighborhood Conservation Program. In addition, the Virginia Civil War Trails has placed a historic marker near the fort's site. Existing remnants Fort Ethan Allen retains several major aboveground features. These include large earthworks, one bombproof, gun platforms, and traces of magazines. The fort's remaining interior structures remain visible, as do the fort's south face, centrally located bombproof, and remaining north face structures. An outlier trench, which the Arlington County Board has designated as a local historic district, remains to the southwest of the fort. Fort Ethan Allen (Arlington, Virginia) Facts for Kids. Kiddle Encyclopedia. This page was last modified on 29 October 2022, at 19:05. Suggest an edit.
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Soziales und Integration Lucha zieht positive Bilanz nach einem Jahr im Amt Krankenhausförderung, Pakt für Integration, Quartier 2020 – Sozial- und Integrationsminister Manne Lucha hat ein Jahr nach seinem Amtsantritt eine positive Bilanz der bisherigen Arbeit des 2016 neu gegründeten Ministeriums gezogen. Keinen einzigen Menschen im Stich lassen und den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt stärken – das sei das Grundprinzip, so Lucha. Die höchste Krankenhausförderung seit Bestehen des Landes, mehr als 300 Millionen Euro für Integrationsmaßnahmen in den Städten und Gemeinden, ein bundesweit einzigartiges Konzept, um die Kommunen bei den Herausforderungen des demografischen Wandels zu unterstützen und die in Angriff genommene Weiterentwicklung des Zukunftsplans Jugend, um die Jugendarbeit zu stärken – ein Jahr nach seinem Amtsantritt zieht Sozial- und Integrationsminister Manne Lucha eine positive Bilanz der bisherigen Arbeit des 2016 neu gegründeten Ministeriums. „Gemeinsam mit Staatssekretärin Bärbl Mielich und den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern unseres Hauses ist es in den vergangenen 12 Monaten gelungen, wichtige Vorhaben für die Menschen in Baden-Württemberg anzustoßen und umzusetzen. Keinen einzigen Menschen im Stich lassen und den gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt stärken – das ist das Grundprinzip, an dem wir unsere Arbeit ausrichten. Das war im vergangenen Jahr so und das werden wir konsequent weiterverfolgen“, sagte Lucha in Stuttgart. Der Minister kündigte an, bestehende Initiativen in einem Aktionsprogramm „Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt“ zu bündeln und weiterzuentwickeln. „Wir Baden-Württemberginnen und Baden-Württemberger haben das große Glück, Teil einer starken, auf Zusammenhalt und Solidarität gegründeten Gesellschaft zu sein. Das soll auch künftig so bleiben. Angesichts der Herausforderungen durch Globalisierung und Migration ist die Frage, was unsere Gesellschaft zusammenhält, aktuell wie lange nicht mehr. Gemeinsam mit den Menschen in unserem Land wollen wir Antworten finden.“ Bundesweit einzigartiger Pakt für Integration mit den Kommunen Bundesweit einzigartig ist der Pakt für Integration des Landes mit den Kommunen, den Minister Lucha federführend mit den Kommunalen Landesverbänden verhandelt hat. „Wir geben den Kommunen in diesem und im kommenden Jahr mehr als 300 Millionen Euro in die Hand, damit die Menschen, die zu uns geflüchtet sind, bei uns ankommen und erfolgreich in unsere Gesellschaft integriert werden können.“ Kernstück des Pakts ist die Finanzierung von rund 1.000 Integrationsmanagern in den Städten und Gemeinden. Diese sollen die Geflüchteten mit Bleibeperspektive zwei Jahre lang individuell dabei unterstützen, die vorhandenen Integrationsangebote wahrzunehmen. Durch den Pakt ebenfalls finanziert werden Maßnahmen zum Spracherwerb, zur Stärkung des bürgerschaftlichen Engagements und Ehrenamts sowie für einen besseren Übergang zwischen Schule und Beruf. Mehr als 500 Millionen Euro für Krankenhäuser Ein Schwerpunkt des Ministers liegt auf der Neuausrichtung der Krankenhauslandschaft im Land. „Wir stellen den Krankenhäusern in diesem Jahr mehr als 500 Millionen Euro – und damit so viel Geld wie noch nie – zur Verfügung. Das tun wir, weil wir wollen, dass die Baden-Württembergerinnen und Baden-Württemberger auch in Zukunft die beste medizinische Versorgung in Anspruch nehmen können. Dafür müssen wir die Krankenhausstrukturen zukunftsfest machen. Die Medizin wird immer ausgefeilter und komplexer, auch die Ärztinnen und Ärzte arbeiten immer spezialisierter. Künftig wird es deshalb vor allem größere und leistungsfähigere Kliniken geben, in denen solche leistungsstarken Angebote möglich sind. Bei den dafür erforderlichen Investitionen wird die Landesregierung die Krankenhäuser nach Kräften unterstützen – wo es sinnvoll ist auch mit sehr hohen Fördersummen, trotz enger finanzieller Spielräume.“ Kommunen im Land fit für die Zukunft machen Das von Minister Lucha und Staatssekretärin Mielich in diesem Jahr aufgelegte Programm „Quartier 2020 – Gemeinsam.Gestalten.“ ist beiden ein Herzensprojekt. Ziel ist es, den sozialen Lebensraum in den Nachbarschaften, Stadtvierteln, Dörfern und Gemeinden in Baden-Württemberg zu stärken. Insbesondere ältere Menschen mit Pflege- und Unterstützungsbedarf sollen so lange und selbständig wie möglich in ihrer gewohnten Umgebung bleiben können – in Ballungsgebieten genauso wie im ländlichen Raum. Durch einen mit 2,5 Millionen Euro ausgestatten Wettbewerb werden Kommunen bei der Entwicklung alters- und generationengerechter Konzepte für Dorf- und Stadtquartiere der Zukunft unterstützt. „Angesichts der Herausforderungen durch den demografischen Wandel müssen unsere Dörfer und Gemeinden ihre Infrastruktur an die alternde Bevölkerungsstruktur anpassen können. Das ist insbesondere für die Kommunen im ländlichen Raum eine fordernde Aufgabe. Wir unterstützen sie dabei, denn der ländliche Raum soll in Zukunft noch genauso attraktiv sein wie er heute ist.“ Dank an Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter Abschließend dankte der Minister den Beschäftigten seines Hauses. „Ohne die qualifizierte und engagierte Arbeit der über 300 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Ministeriums hätte das letzte Jahr nicht so erfolgreich verlaufen können. Dafür bedanke ich mich ausdrücklich. Neben den genannten Schwerpunktthemen setzen wir uns gemeinsam in vielen anderen Bereichen für die Menschen in Baden-Württemberg ein – vom Ehrenamt über die Flüchtlings- und Obdachlosenhilfe, den Kranken-, Pflege- und Behindertenbereich bis hin zur Regenbogen-Community. Ich freue mich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit in den kommenden Jahren.“ Bilderstrecke zur Ein-Jahres-Bilanz des Ministeriums für Soziales und Integration
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How to Find Your Artistic Voice We were talking to an artist friend of ours a while ago, a guy known for a very specific style of work, and we asked him how he developed his voice. How hard was it? “You know what’s funny?” he said. “It was only when I stopped trying so hard, stopped stressing out about it, that my voice really broke through.” Which basically sums up what’s so confusing about developing your voice as an artist. It seems to be both effortless and impossible. And we think that’s because when we talk about “voice,” what we’re really talking about is honesty. When someone tells you that you’ve “found your voice,” what they’re really saying is you’ve found yourself — and how the heck do you go about doing that? In Cinematography No Style: A Conversation with Sea Chant It’s funny. One of the reasons we were so excited to talk to the creative husband-and-wife duo Sea Chant was to find out how they’ve cultivated such a distinct visual style. Everything they do is beautiful, colorful, almost hyperreal. They have a consistency of voice that a lot of beginning photographers and filmmakers strive for. But when we asked how they’ve done it, the conversation took a surprising (and great) 90-degree turn. It turns out Andrew and Carissa Gallo have no interest in aesthetic consistency, in voice development — in being “Sea Chant-y.”
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Simoncini: tumore polmonare guarito, falso. Ricordate Tullio Simoncini, il guaritore che cura i tumori con il bicarbonato di sodio nel 99% dei casi? Beh, chi non lo conoscesse sappia che questo blog nacque qualche anno fa proprio per parlare di lui perchè mi era stato impedito di farlo in un altro sito internet. Non mi dilungo sulle sue assurde teorie (ne ho parlato fin troppo) ricordo solo che questa persona, ex medico ormai radiato dall'ordine professionale, afferma (senza averlo mai provato) che il cancro è causato dalla candida (un fungo abitualmente presente nell'organismo umano) e si cura con il bicarbonato di sodio (quello comune, che si usa anche in cucina). Per lui basta "bagnare" con il bicarbonato il tumore che questo si scioglie, come il ghiaccio con l'acqua, sempre ed in pochi giorni. Demenziale? Eppure questo guaritore ha stuoli di seguaci che pendono dalle sue labbra e lo definiscono un genio. La scoperta di veri e propri trucchi per creare false testimonianze di guarigione ha delineato la reale caratura del personaggio. Qualche mese fa mi sono imbattuto in un altro video del guaritore romano, un video "storico" se vogliamo, in quanto descritto come uno dei primi casi di guarigione con il bicarbonato ottenuto dalle imbarazzanti cure di Simoncini. Lo conoscevo ma non avevo mai approfondito il caso che non mi attirava in maniera particolare. Il video è realizzato abbastanza "artigianalmente", parlano alcune persone ma la qualità audio e video sono pessime. Poi interviene al telefono una nostra vecchia conoscenza, il guru complottista Massimo Mazzucco che da tempo (le sue conoscenze spaziano dagli UFO alla tragedia dell'11 settembre fino alle medicine alternative, tutto regolarmente venduto in DVD) pubblicizzava e sosteneva il guaritore romano in qualsiasi modo, facendogli da gancio per gli Stati Uniti ed arrivando pure a realizzare dei video manipolati sulle cure al bicarbonato. Questa ennesima testimonianza bufala è infatti contenuta anche nel video (molto noto negli "ambienti alternativi") dello stesso Mazzucco dedicato alle cure alternative per il cancro. All'inizio di questo spezzone c'è proprio la storia dell'uomo con il presunto tumore polmonare (che è presente anche sul sito della clinica giapponese del guaritore ed in quello italiano). Schermata del caso descritto nel sito in inglese di Simoncini Un modo interessante per capire come agiscono subdolamente i guaritori è quello di guardare il video come farebbe una persona in cerca di "cure" per il cancro su internet. A prescindere dalla assoluta mancanza di valore medico di una "testimonianza" su You Tube, molti di voi si sorprenderanno di come sia "plausibile" l'idea del caso presentato. Una persona dice di aver avuto un tumore, ha seguito le cure del mago del bicarbonato e guarisce, si vedono anche i referti e le radiografie, semplice e lineare. E' questo il pensiero che molti di quelli che credono in Simoncini compiono continuamente: "ci sono le testimonianze". Non è per forza malafede o ignoranza si tratta quasi sempre di cadere in una trappola tesa subdolamente. Smontare ulteriormente le bizzarre teorie dell'ex medico romano potrebbe sembrare inutile ma questo caso è "didattico", mostra come agiscono le persone come lui. Guardando il video senza leggere il mio articolo, quanti di voi possono dire con assoluta sicurezza "non è vero" che il bicarbonato abbia curato quella persona? Pochi, scommetto e provateci se volete... E' un classico dei guaritori: seguire un ragionamento semplice e lineare per indurre chi guarda a non porsi troppe domande ed entusiasticamente cantare vittoria. Tandenza a sopravvalutare le prove che confermano l'ipotesi che preferiamo, è psicologia di base. Con mia sorpresa quindi mi sono reso conto di quanto sia interessante questo caso per dimostrare (se ce ne fosse ancora bisogno) come questa gente non si fa nessuno scrupolo pur di illudere chi soffre e combatte con gravi malattie. Abbiamo visto come Tullio Simoncini ed i suoi collaboratori abbiano usato qualsiasi mezzo sleale per convincere la gente inducendola a credere falsamente a chissà quale effetto miracoloso delle cure con il bicarbonato di sodio per guarire dal cancro: radiografie sostituite, referti taroccati, video manipolati e peggio ancora. Quel "peggio ancora" appare proprio nel caso che vi sto descrivendo. Si tratta di un tumore polmonare. La storia come al solito non permette grandi osservazioni cliniche perchè si limita come sempre a pochi dati: una persona aveva un tumore polmonare, effettua le cure Simoncini, guarisce ed è tuttora viva e vegeta. Il video fornisce pochissimi elementi e non posso che basarmi su questi per un'analisi del caso. Un'immagine di un vecchio referto praticamente illeggibile e due radiografie toraciche che dimostrerebbero la guarigione (c'è l'immagine radiografica del "prima" e quella del "dopo" la cura) dalla malattia. Partiamo dal referto. Illeggibile alla normale velocità del video, basta rallentare i fotogrammi per leggere il responso di una radiografia al torace che parla di: Opacità disomogenea del segmento apico-distale del lobo inferiore destro. Vediamo schematicamente com'è fatto un polmone: Dal referto mostrato nel video il "tumore" dovrebbe trovarsi nel settore verde scuro, in basso sul polmone destro. Il polmone destro è formato da tre "lobi" (il sinistro da due), uno superiore (verso la clavicola, in alto), uno medio ed uno inferiore (verso il diaframma, in basso), quello che nella figura è in verde più scuro. Il presunto (il referto parla di "opacità", nulla ci dice debba trattarsi necessariamente di una neoplasia) tumore descritto dal referto quindi si troverebbe nel lobo inferiore di destra, sul suo apice, sulla punta per intenderci. In realtà non è così che si fa una diagnosi ma prendiamola per buona. Andiamo quindi a vedere la radiografia "prima della cura", quella (la scritta "zona del tumore" è appartenente allo stesso video, la foto che mostro è un fermo immagine) che evidenzierebbe questo tumore in tutta la sua chiarezza. Ebbene...già c'è qualcosa che non va. Se il referto della radiografia parla di opacità nel lobo inferiore destro (della punta inferiore del polmone destro), perchè nell'immagine si evidenzia un'opacità del lobo medio (destro) o addirittura superiore? Non lo dico io è anatomia e lo conferma Simoncini stesso, proprio nella pagina dedicata al caso: Sottolineata in rosso la frase nel sito di Simoncini: "La Radiografia presenta un addensamento omogeneo a margini inferiori regolari ed a margine superiore sfumato situato in corrispondenza del campo medio polmonare destro." Già questa è un'anomalia strana e già basterebbe per bollare come ennesima bufala anche questa "testimonianza" di guarigione a favore di Simoncini, il tumore non è quello descritto nella radiografia o è falso il referto o è falsa la radiografia, c'è poco da fare. *[Aggiornamento: nei commenti all'articolo è stato fatto notare che per essere precisi l'immagine radiografica potrebbe essere in teoria corrispondente alla descrizione del referto, in questo caso quindi è bene mantenere il beneficio del dubbio] Ma proseguendo nell'analisi del caso mi sono accorto di qualcosa di talmente ridicolo che questa anomalia della posizione del presunto tumore è assolutamente secondaria. Proseguendo nella visione del video viene mostrata anche la radiografia "dopo la cura" ed esattamente dopo 9 mesi di bicarbonato. A prima vista sembra tutto regolare...la radiografia sembra non mostrare più alcuna opacità nè zona sospetta, guardiamola: Eccola, nove mesi dopo, nella zona indicata nella prima immagine, non c'era più nulla. Tumore scomparso, paziente guarito, missione compiuta. Simoncini ha guarito una persona con tumore polmonare con il bicarbonato di sodio. E' evidente. E' il nuovo genio della medicina. C'è la radiografia... No eh? Non ci credete? Se Simoncini guarisse veramente con i suoi intrugli non servirebbe chissà cosa per dimostrarlo: un paziente guarito, tutta la sua storia medica, documentazione e referti. Quello che c'è scritto dimostra cosa è successo. Un caso reale, due..dieci, cento...se a quel punto tutto fosse vero la medicina si accorgerebbe dei fatti innegabili rendendoli scienza. Quando invece un guaritore vuole convincere il prossimo di "poteri" che in realtà non ha, cosa gli resta da fare? Se non ha pazienti guariti, come fa ad "inventarli"? In effetti siamo stati abituati ai trucchi grossolani da parte del mago del bicarbonato ma questa volta l'ha fatta grossa. Prima vediamo se ci arrivate voi...vediamo se tre anni di MedBunker hanno trasmesso un po' di senso critico, occhio vigile e furbizia a chi legge...se non ci arrivate, più sotto la soluzione. Ricordate che si tratta di due radiografie eseguite a 9 mesi di distanza una dall'altra (un po' come fare due foto allo stesso identico soggetto a nove mesi di distanza). Anticipo che non si tratta di un "trucco" medico ma di un banale giochetto di prestigio simile agli altri già usati dall'ex medico romano e che non serve alcuna nozione specifica quindi per risolverlo e come dico sempre...guardate bene, osservate...usate i mezzi che preferite, anzi, per aiutarvi affianco le due immagini: Non notate nulla di strano? Ok, vi aiuto ancora con una sovrapposizione di immagini che rende tutto molto più chiaro: Le due radiografie (prima e dopo la "cura") sovrapposte. Cliccare sull'immagine. Beh, facile no? Chi ha visto una mia conferenza dal vivo o in video sa già di cosa si parla, chi non sa il "trucco" ci è arrivato da solo? Soluzione del trucco Premessa: l'immagine radiografica è praticamente una fotografia di una parte interna del corpo umano, l'unica differenza è che nelle normali fotografie la pellicola fotografica è "colpita" dalla luce (FOTOgrafia), in quella radiografica da radiazioni (RADIOgrafia). Avete mai provato a scattare due foto a distanza di alcuni mesi una dall'altra allo stesso soggetto con la stessa espressione del viso e posa? Pur essendo molto simili non saranno MAI identiche, il viso sarà probabilmente lo stesso ma le differenze tra le due foto saranno tante, cambiano piccoli particolari: l'apertura di un occhio, la posizione di un sopracciglio, quella delle labbra, eccetera. Così per due radiografie. Anche se fatte allo stesso organo della stessa persona, non sarà praticamente possibile avere due radiografie identiche eseguite a distanza una dall'altra. Questo perchè la posizione della persona nel tavolo radiografico sarà leggermente diversa, i movimenti respiratori faranno cambiare forma alla cassa toracica o ai polmoni, il battito cardiaco anche, insomma, decine di variabili che renderanno due immagini simili in linea generale ma non identiche. Nelle due radiografie proposte da Simoncini c'è qualcosa di "strano". Nella parte sinistra (la destra del paziente) della seconda foto (come si vede meglio dalla sovrapposizione delle immagini) l'aspetto del torace destro del paziente è molto diverso da quello che vediamo nella prima foto e questo è normale. Ma nella parte destra (per chi guarda) l'immagine toracica è assolutamente identica, non simile o stranamente molto somigliante, è proprio la stessa. Nove mesi dopo insomma, il torace destro del paziente è totalmente cambiato di aspetto come è normale che sia a prescindere dall'eventuale presenza del tumore, quello sinistro è identico alla prima immagine. La clavicola destra (è quell'osso che nell'immagine diventa una linea chiara orizzontale, in alto, ben visibile nella prima delle due foto affiancate) del paziente addirittura, nella seconda immagine ha cambiato posizione trovandosi addirittura molto più in basso di quella sinistra. Un contorsionista non saprebbe farlo meglio. Questo vuol dire che il mago del bicarbonato ha usato un semplice programma di fotoritocco (come Photoshop) per modificare la parte sede del presunto "tumore" lasciando identica quella senza alcuna lesione. Si può notare bene in quanto la metà con il "tumore" cambia totalmente mentre l'altra resta identica ed io non ho mai conosciuto una persona che riesca a muovere solo la metà del suo torace mentre l'altra resta più che immobile, congelata. In pratica ha "cancellato" il tumore sostituendo l'immagine originale con una di un'altra radiografia. Quello che si dice in gergo un "fotomontaggio". Un trucchetto tanto stupido quanto efficace. Così da ora in poi il mago del bicarbonato potrà essere chiamato il "mago del fotomontaggio". Diciamo che arrivati al trucco fotografico, su Simoncini possiamo anche chiudere definitivamente il discorso perchè più in basso di così non si può andare, altro che complicate analisi di referti e cartelle, qui siamo al trucco da baraccone. A questo punto calza a pennello la frase di un sostenitore del mitico guaritore romano che in un forum ha scritto: "negli USA da tempo circolano voci sull’assegnazione dell’oscar per la medicina a Simoncini". Oscar? Beh, sì, la giuria degli Oscar potrebbe inserirlo nella categoria "migliori effetti speciali". E' bene sapere che c'è ancora qualcuno che chiama questa persona al capezzale del proprio caro malato pagando la "consulenza" fior di quattrini, chiamano lui, l'autore del fotomontaggio rendendo così ancora più dura la condizione del proprio parente che da sofferente viene dato in pasto a certi individui. Triste. Se qualcuno quindi continua ostinatamente a dargli ancora fiducia (e soldi) invece di mandarlo a quel paese, mi dispiace per lui, più di così non posso aiutarlo. Aggiornamento 01/10/11: Qualche lettore (che ringrazio) mi fa notare che nel sito di Simoncini (dal quale proviene una delle immagini del caso che ho trattato) le due immagini radiologiche non sembrano avere particolari "stranezze", la parte destra della radiografia sembrerebbe realmente diversa dopo 9 mesi di "cura". In realtà esaminando le immagini (anche in altri siti gestiti dallo staff di Simoncini) le differenze che sembrano presenti sono solo il frutto delle modifiche apportate all'immagine (per esempio l'altezza o la larghezza) che rendono difficile l'analisi dei particolari. Le immagini che ho usato per l'analisi provengono da questo video. Per ulteriore conferma comunque ho effettuato altri due "fermo immagine" in un altro video di Mazzucco che pubblicizza il "successo" della cura (e presentato ad un congresso da Simoncini, minuto 0:53) ed anche qui, coincidenza, le due immagini parlano da sole (guardando il video il trucchetto è molto evidente, la parte sinistra dell'immagine è identica nel "prima" e nel "dopo" la cura): Immagine "prima della cura" Immagine "dopo la cura". Anche qui clavicole assolutamente asimmetriche e resto del polmone sinistro del paziente identico. Spero che così sia più chiaro. Aggiornamento: Ennesima ed ulteriore prova della manipolazione, segnalata nei commenti, si può ottenere utilizzando un programma grafico che "sottrae" i pixel dalle due immagini. In pratica il programma "cancella" i pixel identici tra le due immagini. In questo caso seguendo la procedura avremo la parte sinistra della radiografia (quella del "tumore") ancora "chiara" (perchè le due figure radiologiche rappresentano effettivamente due immagini diverse, com'è normale che sia) mentre la destra è completamente scura perchè le due immagini sono assolutamente identiche. Un fotomontaggio evidente anche dal punto di vista tecnico. Aggiornamento 11/07/13: Arriva (con ritardo) l'ammissione della manipolazione delle immagini da parte dello stesso autore del video su Simoncini. Come riferito in un suo post (Massimo Mazzucco gestisce il sito "Luogocomune"), l'autore del video avrebbe modificato le lastre relative al caso per non mandare in confusione lo spettatore, come dice lui stesso: nel realizzare il mio film, ho deciso di mostrare solo la metà sinistra dell'immagine che cambiava: ho tenuto fissa la metà destra, mentre ho cercato di far combaciare al meglio le due mezze immagini di sinistra. Quindi, da un punto di vista tecnico ho certamente "manipolato" le immagini, ma l'unico mio scopo era di permettere allo spettatore di vedere meglio la differenza, senza mandarlo in confusione con due immagini completamente diverse. Non c'è mai stata nessuna intenzione di ingannare, da parte mia, e le due immagini originali stanno lì a dimostrarlo. L'autore della falsa lastra non sarebbe dunque Simoncini ma l'autore del video. Scritto da Salvo Di Grazia e pubblicato alle ore 00:19 Parole di ricerca: falsificazioni di Simoncini, Simoncini Garabombo 1 ottobre 2011 15:20 Bravo, ottimo come sempre. Solo un appunto: non pensare di aver detto abbastanza del Tullione. Ogni tanto una rinfrescata come questa, magari per chi si sintonizza in ritardo, ci sta a pennello. Pablo 1 ottobre 2011 19:16 A proposito di "alternative" o "affiancamenti" alla medicina "ufficiale", mi piacerebbe sapere il tuo parere su 2 storie in particolare apparse sul blog di Beppe Grillo. Quella di Matteo dell'Osso che si è "curato" della sua sclerosi multipla con una terapia chelante e la più recente di Leonardo Rubini che si è curato della sua retticolite ulcerosa con l'alimentazione e l'assunzione di Omega3... Sono Bufale o c'è qualcosa di vero in queste due storie? Quella di Matteo dell'Osso Questa storia la "rincorro" da anni, me l'hanno segnalata già agli inizi del blog, è molto ingarbugliata e ricca di documenti e dopo un'analisi iniziale ho abbandonato lo studio del caso. Quindi non posso concludere nulla per ora. e la più recente di Leonardo Rubini che si è curato della sua retticolite ulcerosa Questa me l'hanno segnalata proprio oggi e quindi non ho avuto nemmeno il tempo di analizzarla. Ad occhio e così come sono presentate sono poco credibili...ma se riuscirò cercherò di approfondire... Grezzo 1 ottobre 2011 22:44 Semplicemente, non ha neanche il senso del ridicolo, questo ciarlatano. E sa di poter oltrepassare l limite del ridicolo perché qualche disperato speranzoso è sempre pronto a mettersi nelle sue mani. Gente così bieca dovrebe meritare di marcire in galera. s'abogau 2 ottobre 2011 10:26 Nonostante i "casi" di Simoncini (ma vedo che di mezzo c'è anche Mazzucco, tanto per cambiare) siano palesemente manipolati, delle persone disperate potrebbero credere a certe cose. Parenti e amici delle vittime (che spero siano sempre meno) sono invitati a contattare l'autorità giudiziaria: potrebbero salvare la vita alla persona cara e anche ad altre persone. Unknown 2 ottobre 2011 19:54 Non so se era stato segnalato, al link seguente la condanna delL'Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato di Aprile: http://www.agcm.it/consumatore--delibere/consumatore-sanzioni/download/C12560D000291394/C4318EB5AE95E416C12578850036D80A.html?a=p22300.pdf genesis61 2 ottobre 2011 22:43 E comunque esiste (l'ho conosciuta sabato) unA VERA oncologA di Brescia che ... ahilei ... si chiama Simoncini (Edda) ... ValterVB: la "multa" di 50.000€ è l'inizio di tutto quel che Simoncini e la sua cricca stanno per pagare... Gianni Comoretto 3 ottobre 2011 14:33 50 mila euro di multa? Ma scherziamo? Quanti pazienti gli basta visitare per tornare in attivo? Finché si sanzionano i ciarlatani con multe che loro possono tranquillamente preventivare a bilancio, non credo si riuscirà a far molto. max(L) 3 ottobre 2011 14:56 Comoretto mi ha preceduto.... Con 2 pazienti, a 25.000 euro l'uno (*) avrebbe gia' sanato il suo debito con la giustizia. tanto costa in media curarsi con l'economico bicarbonato che farebbe fallire BigPharma perche' costa poco e cura bene.. Patafrulli 4 ottobre 2011 16:35 domanda anatomica: il polmone destro è formato da tre lobi, e il sinistro da due... perchè? V'Ral 4 ottobre 2011 19:24 Il polmone di sinistra ha un lobo in meno a causa dello spazio occupato dal cuore. Come ti hanno detto, probabilmente perchè serviva posto per il cuore e per i tanti (e grossi) vasi sanguigni che si dipartono ed arrivano al muscolo cardiaco... Il cuore si incastra perfettamente nell'incavo del polmone sinistro, puoi notare dalla figura nell'articolo che il polmone sinistro ha una forma perfettamente adattata ad accogliere il cuore e quindi "deve" essere lievemente più piccolo. Resta da vedere se è il polmone ad avere quella forma per accogliere il cuore o il cuore a trovarsi lì perchè ha il suo spazio ideale (queste sono considerazioni quasi filosofiche). Nel polmone sinistro esiste la lingula, che si trova simmetrica rispetto al lobo medio del polmone destro. Secondo alcuni potrebbe essere un residuo del lobo medio atrofizzato per la compressione dovuta al cuore. ... o forse si sono evoluti insieme... Luca 5 ottobre 2011 13:26 cosa ne pensate di questo video "Siamo ciò che mangiamo - Leonardo Rubini"? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-V8YrXqj04 Giuliano Parpaglioni 5 ottobre 2011 14:20 @Patafrulli: perché l'evoluzione ha selezionato polmoni sinistri con due lobi. Come dice WeWee è quasi filosofia, ma sono due le risposte più concrete da dare in questo caso, la prima è una precisazione: non esiste alcun perché nell'evoluzione, al massimo esiste un "come". La domanda corretta è: come è successo che il polmone sinistro sviluppasse due lobi invece di tre? Allora si potrebbe tornare indietro agli ominidi, ai primi mammiferi, ai rettili dai quali discendiamo, agli anfibi e ai pesci, andare a studiare l'anatomia comparata e trovare le tracce del cambiamento. Ma non c'è un "perché", a meno che non si decida che il perché è semplicemente "perché la selezione naturale ha selezionato polmoni sinistri a due lobi" che più o meno equivale a dire "perché sì", e questa è la seconda risposta. Se allarghiamo la visuale agli animali, IMHO, l'anatomia umana risulta molto più chiara. Ma io, ovviamente, parlo da biologo con alle spalle un esame di anatomia comparata :-D Giacomo Nardi 6 ottobre 2011 20:09 il cancro è la conseguenza di un disastro psico-neuro-endocrino-immunitario (prof.Paolo Lissoni San Marino 16/1/2010 http://www.megavideo.com/?v=CPQYYVAM pure i respinti da Lourde cura... Daru 6 ottobre 2011 21:13 Strano che Steve Jobs con tutti i soldi che aveva non abbia pensato a Simoncini. Tutti questi che credono che la cura dei tumori esista e che viene tenuta nascosta (o osteggiata) da Big Pharma, si sono mai chiesti come mai anche quelli che sono(o potrebbe essere) a capo di Big Pharma muoiano di cancro? Non parlo dei disperati malati che, capisco, si aggrappino ad ogni speranza parlo dei complottisti..vabbè scusate lo sfogo @Bera Considera pure che Steve Jobs ha avuto un trapianto a Menphis dove si è recato di corsa grazie al suo aereo personale. Giusto per aggiungere che anche se disponi dei mezzi migliori per farti curare dove ti pare non è detto che avrai qualche possibilità in più. @Dr. Giuliano Parpaglioni allora ri-formulo... "Il polmone destro è formato da tre lobi, e il sinistro da due... Quando??" @Patafrulli: ecco, questa è un'ottima domanda. Indago un po' e poi, se riesco, ti dico :-) @Patafrulli: purtroppo non ho trovato documenti certi che mi possano aiutare a rispondere, quello che posso dire è che mi pare di aver capito che nei rettili più evoluti (lucertole) in tal senso, i polmoni non sono organizzati in lobi, mentre nei mammiferi sì e sono abbastanza diversi tra le varie specie: il cavallo è come noi, due lobi a sinistra e tre a destra, mentre la pecora e il bue hanno 4 lobi a sinistra e 5 a destra. Non sono sicuro che sia un filone unico di evoluzione, anche se i cavalli (mi pare di aver capito) sono più vicini a noi di quanto non lo siano pecore e buoi, è possibile che siano evoluzioni indipendenti. In conclusione, credo che i lobi polmonari compaiano qualche milione di anni fa con i mammiferi Non esattamente... ad uno con il quadro clinico di Steve Jobs normalmente il trapianto non lo avrebbero nemmeno fatto. In quanto si "sprecava" un fegato sano per una prospettiva di vita di massimo un anno e mezzo (il suo fegato era "metastatizzato" da un tumore al pancreas), e non penso che gli oncologi negli USA usino un triage diverso dall'Europa. Quindi il fatto di essere ricchi e importanti può comunque aiutare. (PS non sono un medico quindi potrei anche sbagliarmi, mi baso sulle mie esperienze personali) Giancarlo_Vagginelli 12 ottobre 2011 02:35 Forse è una domanda stupida: come mai in entrambe le lastre (pre e post guarigione) è oscurata (è bianca e non trasparente) la parte del lobo inferiore destro, la famosa parte "verde scuro" nello schema da te riportato? è parte della messainscena (magari per nascondere il vero tumore) o è normale? Salvo Di Grazia 12 ottobre 2011 22:43 come mai in entrambe le lastre (pre e post guarigione) è oscurata (è bianca e non trasparente) la parte del lobo inferiore destro Se ti riferisci a quella sorta di "cupola" chiara che si vede a sinistra dell'immagine è il diaframma che forma come un ombrello sugli organi ed i vasi sanguigni sottostanti. Tutto ciò che è "solido" è radiologicamente "chiaro", ciò che è liquido o aereo è scuro. In questo caso i polmoni (pieni d'aria) sono scuri), il diaframma, il cuore (a sinistra, ovvero a destra della lastra), le ossa, sono chiare, anche bianche. Non so se sono riuscito a spiegarmi... grazie per la risposta, infatti immaginavo si trattasse di qualche tessuto che "copriva" il polmone, solo mi stupiva che in una diagnosi di tumore al lobo inferiore destro le lastre fossero inutilizzabili in quanto oscurate in quella zona da un altro tessuto. mi stupiva che in una diagnosi di tumore al lobo inferiore destro le lastre fossero inutilizzabili in quanto oscurate in quella zona da un altro tessuto. Il referto presentato nel video non ha nulla a che vedere con le lastre dichiarate corrispondenti. Nel referto c'è una diagnosi che non c'entra nulla con quello che si vede nelle lastre. E' un doppio falso, referto non corrispondente alle lastre e lastre con fotomontaggio di livello scadente. Questo caso è un falso mal fatto, improvvisato, dilettantesco, ridicolo. max(L) 13 ottobre 2011 02:08 Una prova oggettiva della manipolazione delle lastre la si puo' ottenere sottraendo le due immagini pixel per pixel. Esiste uno script online che permette di farlo, il link e' questo: http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/rbf/HIPR2/subdemo.htm nei due campi 'Load image' copiate il link alle lastre di Simoncini (*), cliccate il tasto 'subtract' e guardate il risultato: la parte destra diventa completamente nera perche' le due parti destre erani uguali pixel per pixel http://i52.tinypic.com/2ngfrf6.jpg (WeWee riesci a far comparire l'immagine al posto del link ?) In effetti il polmone sinistro potrebbe anche essere quello di un altro paziente... La stessa cosa succede se si prendono le immagini delle lastre (un po' piu' piccole, sempre tumore al polmone) che compaiono sul Simoncini Cancer Centre al link: http://simoncini-cancer-center.com/en/lung_cancer (*) lo script e' case-sensitive e accetta l'estensione delle immagini come .jpg e non .JPG WeWee riesci a far comparire l'immagine al posto del link ? Ho inserito la tua immagine direttamente nell'articolo. Ottima osservazione... Zio Flat 16 ottobre 2011 02:56 Volendo fare l'avvocato del diavolo, da radiologo posso dire che ad onor del vero l'opacità apprezzabile a destra nel radiogramma incriminato può anche essere effettivamente di pertinenza del segmento apicale del lobo inferiore di destra (il segmento apico-distale non esiste, al massimo esiste l'apico-dorsale del lobo superiore di sinistra). Sarebbe necessario il radiogramma in latero-laterale per poter dimostrare effettivamente la sede. Si parla a volte di "campo polmonare medio" quando si ha a disposizione il solo radiogramma in AP e, non potendo distinguere correttamente la pertinenza lobare di un'alterazione, si divide grossolanamente il polmone in tre parti partendo dall'alto verso il basso, intendendo per campo "medio" la sede parailare e non specificamente il lobo medio. Per cui non necessariamente il referto è un falso, secondo me. Che poi quell'opacità sia un tumore è tutto da dimostrare... il segmento apico-distale non esiste, al massimo esiste l'apico-dorsale del lobo superiore di sinistra Mi sono basato su quanto mostrato nel video e nel referto riportato (di sfuggita), il referto e la lastra non corrispondono, a prescindere dalla natura e dalla posizione della lesione (la spiegazione dei lobi e della struttura del polmone l'ho riportata per spiegare a chi legge), ne convieni? A questo si aggiunge il fotomontaggio... Se guardi bene nel referto sembra leggersi apico-basale, più che apico-distale, che comunque non è una dicitura precisa ma già ha più senso. Però come ti dicevo secondo me il referto può corrispondere all'immagine, perché il segmento apicale dell'inferiore si proietta in quella sede sovrapponendosi al lobo superiore ed al lobo medio: nel modello anatomico che hai riportato, il lobo inferiore non è solo quel pezzetto verde scuro, ma continua posteriormente, risalendo dietro il lobo medio e parte del superiore: se trovi la stessa immagine in laterale vedrai cosa intendo. E' difficile giudicare data la qualità delle immagini e come dicevo ci vorrebbe una laterale per dirimere la questione, ma non mi sentirei di bollare con sicurezza il referto come falso. Poi ripeto, è da vedersi che fosse un tumore e sicuramente la sovrapponibilità dell'emitorace sinistro è decisamente anomala: nel video, con quell'effetto di "morphing" tra le immagini è ancora più evidente... Però ripeto, almeno sul referto concederei il beneficio del dubbio. Se guardi bene nel referto sembra leggersi apico-basale, più che apico-distale Hai ragione, in effetti sembra più apico-basale. se trovi la stessa immagine in laterale vedrai cosa intendo No, c'è solo quella lastra, ma ho capito cosa vuoi dire, è corretto. Però ripeto, almeno sul referto concederei il beneficio del dubbio. Concesso. Apagacoca 9 febbraio 2012 09:30 Conferenza di Simoncini a Brescia il 18 Febbraio 2012 http://tinyurl.com/7vn9ux8 Anonimo 8 marzo 2012 09:48 Non esistono prove scientifiche conclamate riguardo le teorie di Simoncini? se è per questo non esiste la ben chè minima prova scientifica dell'esistenza del Virus dell'HIV,della sua effettiva trasmissibilità nè tantomeno nel ruolo che dovrebbe nella sindrome di immuno deficenza acquisita. O sbaglio? max(L) 8 marzo 2012 12:08 @Andrew:se è per questo non esiste la ben chè minima prova scientifica dell'esistenza del Virus dell'HIV,della sua effettiva trasmissibilità nè tantomeno nel ruolo che dovrebbe nella sindrome di immuno deficenza acquisita. O sbaglio? Sbagli. Ecco qui, ad es. , il database con tutte le sequenze geniche del virus incriminato: http://www.hiv.lanl.gov/content/index Ma facciamo finta che l'HIV non esista: questo rende piu' credibile o accettabile qualunque altra possibile teoria per quanto campata per aria e in assenza di prove solo perche' un'altra che non c'entra nulla e' altrettanto campata per aria ? Questo modo di ragionare mi ricorda la pseudologica di coloro che credono che la giustizia non consista nel condannare chi dev'essere condannato ma nel non condannare se qualcun'altro non e' stato (ingiustamente) condannato per lo stesso reato. Se è vero che HIV non esiste e che l'AIDS non è contagioso Andrew potrebbe trasfondersi una sacca di sangue intero prelevato ad una persona affetta da AIDS. Cos and dici Wee Wee ? Ciarlatano s.p.a. Oscilloreazioni Incompetenti ed inconsapevoli di esserlo.
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21856, 0.0], [21856, 21893, 0.0], [21893, 21927, 1.0], [21927, 21953, 0.0], [21953, 22380, 0.0], [22380, 22386, 0.0], [22386, 22647, 1.0], [22647, 22673, 0.0], [22673, 22694, 1.0], [22694, 22760, 1.0], [22760, 22770, 0.0], [22770, 22861, 0.0], [22861, 23593, 0.0], [23593, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24151, 0.0], [24151, 24450, 1.0], [24450, 24488, 0.0], [24488, 24618, 0.0], [24618, 24793, 1.0], [24793, 25039, 1.0], [25039, 25078, 1.0], [25078, 25338, 1.0], [25338, 25492, 1.0], [25492, 25786, 1.0], [25786, 25859, 1.0], [25859, 25888, 0.0], [25888, 26005, 1.0], [26005, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26124, 0.0], [26124, 26351, 0.0], [26351, 26386, 0.0], [26386, 26448, 0.0], [26448, 26532, 1.0], [26532, 26694, 0.0], [26694, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 26835, 0.0], [26835, 26895, 1.0], [26895, 26951, 1.0], [26951, 26974, 1.0], [26974, 27005, 0.0], [27005, 27447, 1.0], [27447, 27794, 1.0], [27794, 27857, 1.0], [27857, 27918, 1.0], [27918, 28021, 0.0], [28021, 28315, 1.0], [28315, 28356, 1.0], [28356, 29119, 1.0], [29119, 29397, 1.0], [29397, 29476, 0.0], [29476, 29525, 1.0], [29525, 29585, 0.0], [29585, 29654, 1.0], [29654, 29722, 1.0], [29722, 29732, 1.0], [29732, 29764, 0.0], [29764, 29845, 0.0], [29845, 29872, 0.0], [29872, 30174, 1.0], [30174, 30200, 0.0], [30200, 30434, 1.0], [30434, 30442, 1.0], [30442, 30526, 0.0], [30526, 30564, 0.0], [30564, 30807, 1.0], [30807, 31052, 1.0], [31052, 31232, 1.0], [31232, 31250, 1.0], [31250, 31266, 0.0], [31266, 31307, 1.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 44, 0.0], [44, 809, 0.0], [809, 821, 0.0], [821, 922, 0.0], [922, 1052, 0.0], [1052, 1377, 0.0], [1377, 2297, 0.0], [2297, 2359, 0.0], [2359, 2531, 0.0], [2531, 2868, 0.0], [2868, 3254, 0.0], [3254, 3415, 0.0], [3415, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3619, 0.0], [3619, 3717, 0.0], [3717, 3949, 0.0], [3949, 4277, 0.0], [4277, 4346, 0.0], [4346, 4380, 0.0], [4380, 4594, 0.0], [4594, 4898, 0.0], [4898, 5062, 0.0], [5062, 5136, 0.0], [5136, 5184, 0.0], [5184, 5299, 0.0], [5299, 5513, 0.0], [5513, 5814, 0.0], [5814, 6044, 0.0], [6044, 6082, 0.0], [6082, 6295, 0.0], [6295, 6392, 0.0], [6392, 6617, 0.0], [6617, 6881, 0.0], [6881, 7127, 0.0], [7127, 7297, 0.0], [7297, 7427, 0.0], [7427, 7550, 0.0], [7550, 7692, 0.0], [7692, 7822, 0.0], [7822, 7844, 0.0], [7844, 7851, 0.0], [7851, 7867, 0.0], [7867, 8224, 0.0], [8224, 8338, 0.0], [8338, 8391, 0.0], [8391, 8514, 0.0], [8514, 8877, 0.0], [8877, 9200, 0.0], [9200, 9228, 0.0], [9228, 9318, 0.0], [9318, 9399, 0.0], [9399, 9415, 0.0], [9415, 9538, 0.0], [9538, 9559, 0.0], [9559, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 9968, 0.0], [9968, 10705, 0.0], [10705, 10775, 0.0], [10775, 11702, 0.0], [11702, 12149, 0.0], [12149, 12300, 0.0], [12300, 12345, 0.0], [12345, 12890, 0.0], [12890, 12992, 0.0], [12992, 13299, 0.0], [13299, 13307, 0.0], [13307, 13469, 0.0], [13469, 14517, 0.0], [14517, 14545, 0.0], [14545, 14669, 0.0], [14669, 14700, 0.0], [14700, 15331, 0.0], [15331, 15689, 0.0], [15689, 16253, 0.0], [16253, 16333, 0.0], [16333, 16446, 0.0], [16446, 16477, 0.0], [16477, 16672, 0.0], [16672, 16699, 0.0], [16699, 16869, 0.0], [16869, 17098, 0.0], [17098, 17155, 0.0], [17155, 17182, 0.0], [17182, 17413, 0.0], [17413, 17496, 0.0], [17496, 17592, 0.0], [17592, 17695, 0.0], [17695, 17723, 0.0], [17723, 17979, 0.0], [17979, 18009, 0.0], [18009, 18191, 0.0], [18191, 18373, 0.0], [18373, 18402, 0.0], [18402, 18527, 0.0], [18527, 18666, 0.0], [18666, 18697, 0.0], [18697, 18819, 0.0], [18819, 18829, 0.0], [18829, 18927, 0.0], [18927, 18965, 0.0], [18965, 19061, 0.0], [19061, 19198, 0.0], [19198, 19226, 0.0], [19226, 19256, 0.0], [19256, 19348, 0.0], [19348, 19468, 0.0], [19468, 19500, 0.0], [19500, 19519, 0.0], [19519, 19592, 0.0], [19592, 19619, 0.0], [19619, 19702, 0.0], [19702, 19863, 0.0], [19863, 20283, 0.0], [20283, 20496, 0.0], [20496, 20535, 0.0], [20535, 20561, 0.0], [20561, 20593, 0.0], [20593, 20637, 0.0], [20637, 20680, 0.0], [20680, 20722, 0.0], [20722, 21704, 0.0], [21704, 21739, 0.0], [21739, 21856, 0.0], [21856, 21893, 0.0], [21893, 21927, 0.0], [21927, 21953, 0.0], [21953, 22380, 0.0], [22380, 22386, 0.0], [22386, 22647, 0.0], [22647, 22673, 0.0], [22673, 22694, 0.0], [22694, 22760, 0.0], [22760, 22770, 0.0], [22770, 22861, 0.0], [22861, 23593, 0.0], [23593, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24151, 0.0], [24151, 24450, 0.0], [24450, 24488, 0.0], [24488, 24618, 0.0], [24618, 24793, 0.0], [24793, 25039, 0.0], [25039, 25078, 0.0], [25078, 25338, 0.0], [25338, 25492, 0.0], [25492, 25786, 0.0], [25786, 25859, 0.0], [25859, 25888, 0.0], [25888, 26005, 0.0], [26005, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26124, 0.0], [26124, 26351, 0.0], [26351, 26386, 0.0], [26386, 26448, 0.0], [26448, 26532, 0.0], [26532, 26694, 0.0], [26694, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 26835, 0.0], [26835, 26895, 0.0], [26895, 26951, 0.0], [26951, 26974, 0.0], [26974, 27005, 0.0], [27005, 27447, 0.0], [27447, 27794, 0.0], [27794, 27857, 0.0], [27857, 27918, 0.0], [27918, 28021, 0.0], [28021, 28315, 0.0], [28315, 28356, 0.0], [28356, 29119, 0.0], [29119, 29397, 0.0], [29397, 29476, 0.0], [29476, 29525, 0.0], [29525, 29585, 0.0], [29585, 29654, 0.0], [29654, 29722, 0.0], [29722, 29732, 0.0], [29732, 29764, 0.0], [29764, 29845, 0.0], [29845, 29872, 0.0], [29872, 30174, 0.0], [30174, 30200, 0.0], [30200, 30434, 0.0], [30434, 30442, 0.0], [30442, 30526, 0.0], [30526, 30564, 0.0], [30564, 30807, 0.0], [30807, 31052, 0.0], [31052, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31250, 0.0], [31250, 31266, 0.0], [31266, 31307, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 44, 5.0], [44, 809, 128.0], [809, 821, 1.0], [821, 922, 17.0], [922, 1052, 20.0], [1052, 1377, 53.0], [1377, 2297, 134.0], [2297, 2359, 10.0], [2359, 2531, 29.0], [2531, 2868, 56.0], [2868, 3254, 59.0], [3254, 3415, 26.0], [3415, 3457, 6.0], [3457, 3619, 24.0], [3619, 3717, 14.0], [3717, 3949, 40.0], [3949, 4277, 47.0], [4277, 4346, 11.0], [4346, 4380, 6.0], [4380, 4594, 35.0], [4594, 4898, 44.0], [4898, 5062, 25.0], [5062, 5136, 9.0], [5136, 5184, 6.0], [5184, 5299, 18.0], [5299, 5513, 38.0], [5513, 5814, 49.0], [5814, 6044, 37.0], [6044, 6082, 6.0], [6082, 6295, 30.0], [6295, 6392, 17.0], [6392, 6617, 32.0], [6617, 6881, 44.0], [6881, 7127, 34.0], [7127, 7297, 24.0], [7297, 7427, 20.0], [7427, 7550, 17.0], [7550, 7692, 20.0], [7692, 7822, 21.0], [7822, 7844, 3.0], [7844, 7851, 2.0], [7851, 7867, 3.0], [7867, 8224, 53.0], [8224, 8338, 20.0], [8338, 8391, 9.0], [8391, 8514, 20.0], [8514, 8877, 62.0], [8877, 9200, 51.0], [9200, 9228, 5.0], [9228, 9318, 15.0], [9318, 9399, 11.0], [9399, 9415, 3.0], [9415, 9538, 27.0], [9538, 9559, 3.0], [9559, 9825, 35.0], [9825, 9968, 25.0], [9968, 10705, 108.0], [10705, 10775, 10.0], [10775, 11702, 138.0], [11702, 12149, 73.0], [12149, 12300, 22.0], [12300, 12345, 6.0], [12345, 12890, 88.0], [12890, 12992, 14.0], [12992, 13299, 48.0], [13299, 13307, 1.0], [13307, 13469, 27.0], [13469, 14517, 159.0], [14517, 14545, 4.0], [14545, 14669, 17.0], [14669, 14700, 6.0], [14700, 15331, 89.0], [15331, 15689, 52.0], [15689, 16253, 91.0], [16253, 16333, 12.0], [16333, 16446, 17.0], [16446, 16477, 5.0], [16477, 16672, 32.0], [16672, 16699, 5.0], [16699, 16869, 26.0], [16869, 17098, 37.0], [17098, 17155, 11.0], [17155, 17182, 4.0], [17182, 17413, 38.0], [17413, 17496, 15.0], [17496, 17592, 16.0], [17592, 17695, 15.0], [17695, 17723, 5.0], [17723, 17979, 40.0], [17979, 18009, 5.0], [18009, 18191, 27.0], [18191, 18373, 28.0], [18373, 18402, 5.0], [18402, 18527, 20.0], [18527, 18666, 1.0], [18666, 18697, 5.0], [18697, 18819, 17.0], [18819, 18829, 1.0], [18829, 18927, 18.0], [18927, 18965, 6.0], [18965, 19061, 16.0], [19061, 19198, 21.0], [19198, 19226, 5.0], [19226, 19256, 4.0], [19256, 19348, 16.0], [19348, 19468, 18.0], [19468, 19500, 5.0], [19500, 19519, 2.0], [19519, 19592, 14.0], [19592, 19619, 5.0], [19619, 19702, 16.0], [19702, 19863, 27.0], [19863, 20283, 66.0], [20283, 20496, 33.0], [20496, 20535, 6.0], [20535, 20561, 5.0], [20561, 20593, 6.0], [20593, 20637, 6.0], [20637, 20680, 1.0], [20680, 20722, 6.0], [20722, 21704, 161.0], [21704, 21739, 6.0], [21739, 21856, 14.0], [21856, 21893, 1.0], [21893, 21927, 6.0], [21927, 21953, 5.0], [21953, 22380, 73.0], [22380, 22386, 1.0], [22386, 22647, 47.0], [22647, 22673, 3.0], [22673, 22694, 2.0], [22694, 22760, 13.0], [22760, 22770, 1.0], [22770, 22861, 15.0], [22861, 23593, 134.0], [23593, 24108, 86.0], [24108, 24151, 5.0], [24151, 24450, 51.0], [24450, 24488, 7.0], [24488, 24618, 23.0], [24618, 24793, 30.0], [24793, 25039, 42.0], [25039, 25078, 7.0], [25078, 25338, 42.0], [25338, 25492, 26.0], [25492, 25786, 48.0], [25786, 25859, 10.0], [25859, 25888, 5.0], [25888, 26005, 18.0], [26005, 26072, 12.0], [26072, 26124, 1.0], [26124, 26351, 36.0], [26351, 26386, 1.0], [26386, 26448, 10.0], [26448, 26532, 13.0], [26532, 26694, 27.0], [26694, 26744, 1.0], [26744, 26835, 14.0], [26835, 26895, 10.0], [26895, 26951, 7.0], [26951, 26974, 2.0], [26974, 27005, 6.0], [27005, 27447, 61.0], [27447, 27794, 54.0], [27794, 27857, 11.0], [27857, 27918, 10.0], [27918, 28021, 14.0], [28021, 28315, 48.0], [28315, 28356, 6.0], [28356, 29119, 121.0], [29119, 29397, 41.0], [29397, 29476, 11.0], [29476, 29525, 7.0], [29525, 29585, 10.0], [29585, 29654, 13.0], [29654, 29722, 10.0], [29722, 29732, 1.0], [29732, 29764, 5.0], [29764, 29845, 10.0], [29845, 29872, 5.0], [29872, 30174, 43.0], [30174, 30200, 5.0], [30200, 30434, 33.0], [30434, 30442, 1.0], [30442, 30526, 14.0], [30526, 30564, 1.0], [30564, 30807, 39.0], [30807, 31052, 37.0], [31052, 31232, 33.0], [31232, 31250, 2.0], [31250, 31266, 1.0], [31266, 31307, 5.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 44, 0.0], [44, 809, 0.00269906], [809, 821, 0.0], [821, 922, 0.0], [922, 1052, 0.0], [1052, 1377, 0.0], [1377, 2297, 0.00221729], [2297, 2359, 0.0], [2359, 2531, 0.0], [2531, 2868, 0.0], [2868, 3254, 0.0], [3254, 3415, 0.0], [3415, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3619, 0.0], [3619, 3717, 0.0], [3717, 3949, 0.0], [3949, 4277, 0.0], [4277, 4346, 0.0], [4346, 4380, 0.0], [4380, 4594, 0.0], [4594, 4898, 0.0], [4898, 5062, 0.0], [5062, 5136, 0.0], [5136, 5184, 0.0], [5184, 5299, 0.0], [5299, 5513, 0.0], [5513, 5814, 0.0], [5814, 6044, 0.0], [6044, 6082, 0.0], [6082, 6295, 0.0], [6295, 6392, 0.0], [6392, 6617, 0.0], [6617, 6881, 0.0], [6881, 7127, 0.0], [7127, 7297, 0.0], [7297, 7427, 0.00793651], [7427, 7550, 0.0], [7550, 7692, 0.0], [7692, 7822, 0.0], [7822, 7844, 0.0], [7844, 7851, 0.0], [7851, 7867, 0.0], [7867, 8224, 0.0], [8224, 8338, 0.0], [8338, 8391, 0.0], [8391, 8514, 0.0], [8514, 8877, 0.00287356], [8877, 9200, 0.0], [9200, 9228, 0.0], [9228, 9318, 0.0], [9318, 9399, 0.0], [9399, 9415, 0.0], [9415, 9538, 0.0], [9538, 9559, 0.0], [9559, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 9968, 0.0], [9968, 10705, 0.0], [10705, 10775, 0.0], [10775, 11702, 0.0], [11702, 12149, 0.0], [12149, 12300, 0.0], [12300, 12345, 0.0], [12345, 12890, 0.0], [12890, 12992, 0.0], [12992, 13299, 0.0], [13299, 13307, 0.0], [13307, 13469, 0.0], [13469, 14517, 0.00992063], [14517, 14545, 0.0], [14545, 14669, 0.0], [14669, 14700, 0.0], [14700, 15331, 0.0], [15331, 15689, 0.01754386], [15689, 16253, 0.0], [16253, 16333, 0.0], [16333, 16446, 0.03669725], [16446, 16477, 0.31034483], [16477, 16672, 0.0], [16672, 16699, 0.36], [16699, 16869, 0.00621118], [16869, 17098, 0.0044843], [17098, 17155, 0.0], [17155, 17182, 0.0], [17182, 17413, 0.0], [17413, 17496, 0.0], [17496, 17592, 0.0], [17592, 17695, 0.0], [17695, 17723, 0.34615385], [17723, 17979, 0.0], [17979, 18009, 0.33333333], [18009, 18191, 0.0], [18191, 18373, 0.0], [18373, 18402, 0.33333333], [18402, 18527, 0.0], [18527, 18666, 0.34710744], [18666, 18697, 0.37931034], [18697, 18819, 0.0], [18819, 18829, 0.0], [18829, 18927, 0.05494505], [18927, 18965, 0.25], [18965, 19061, 0.02173913], [19061, 19198, 0.0], [19198, 19226, 0.375], [19226, 19256, 0.0], [19256, 19348, 0.07317073], [19348, 19468, 0.0], [19468, 19500, 0.3], [19500, 19519, 0.0], [19519, 19592, 0.0], [19592, 19619, 0.375], [19619, 19702, 0.0], [19702, 19863, 0.0], [19863, 20283, 0.0], [20283, 20496, 0.0], [20496, 20535, 0.0], [20535, 20561, 0.375], [20561, 20593, 0.0], [20593, 20637, 0.0], [20637, 20680, 0.09375], [20680, 20722, 0.225], [20722, 21704, 0.0], [21704, 21739, 0.27272727], [21739, 21856, 0.06363636], [21856, 21893, 0.0], [21893, 21927, 0.0], [21927, 21953, 0.375], [21953, 22380, 0.0], [22380, 22386, 0.0], [22386, 22647, 0.0], [22647, 22673, 0.0], [22673, 22694, 0.0], [22694, 22760, 0.0], [22760, 22770, 0.0], [22770, 22861, 0.0], [22861, 23593, 0.00277778], [23593, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24151, 0.25], [24151, 24450, 0.0], [24450, 24488, 0.27777778], [24488, 24618, 0.0], [24618, 24793, 0.0], [24793, 25039, 0.0], [25039, 25078, 0.0], [25078, 25338, 0.0], [25338, 25492, 0.0], [25492, 25786, 0.0], [25786, 25859, 0.0], [25859, 25888, 0.4], [25888, 26005, 0.0], [26005, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26124, 0.025], [26124, 26351, 0.0], [26351, 26386, 0.14814815], [26386, 26448, 0.0], [26448, 26532, 0.0], [26532, 26694, 0.0], [26694, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 26835, 0.0], [26835, 26895, 0.0], [26895, 26951, 0.0], [26951, 26974, 0.0], [26974, 27005, 0.34482759], [27005, 27447, 0.0], [27447, 27794, 0.0], [27794, 27857, 0.0], [27857, 27918, 0.0], [27918, 28021, 0.0], [28021, 28315, 0.0], [28315, 28356, 0.0], [28356, 29119, 0.0], [29119, 29397, 0.0], [29397, 29476, 0.0], [29476, 29525, 0.0], [29525, 29585, 0.0], [29585, 29654, 0.0], [29654, 29722, 0.0], [29722, 29732, 0.0], [29732, 29764, 0.3], [29764, 29845, 0.12], [29845, 29872, 0.36], [29872, 30174, 0.0], [30174, 30200, 0.40909091], [30200, 30434, 0.0], [30434, 30442, 0.0], [30442, 30526, 0.0], [30526, 30564, 0.0], [30564, 30807, 0.0], [30807, 31052, 0.0], [31052, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31250, 0.0], [31250, 31266, 0.0], [31266, 31307, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 44, 0.0], [44, 809, 0.0], [809, 821, 0.0], [821, 922, 0.0], [922, 1052, 0.0], [1052, 1377, 0.0], [1377, 2297, 0.0], [2297, 2359, 0.0], [2359, 2531, 0.0], [2531, 2868, 0.0], [2868, 3254, 0.0], [3254, 3415, 0.0], [3415, 3457, 0.0], [3457, 3619, 0.0], [3619, 3717, 0.0], [3717, 3949, 0.0], [3949, 4277, 0.0], [4277, 4346, 0.0], [4346, 4380, 0.0], [4380, 4594, 0.0], [4594, 4898, 0.0], [4898, 5062, 0.0], [5062, 5136, 0.0], [5136, 5184, 0.0], [5184, 5299, 0.0], [5299, 5513, 0.0], [5513, 5814, 0.0], [5814, 6044, 0.0], [6044, 6082, 0.0], [6082, 6295, 0.0], [6295, 6392, 0.0], [6392, 6617, 0.0], [6617, 6881, 0.0], [6881, 7127, 0.0], [7127, 7297, 0.0], [7297, 7427, 0.0], [7427, 7550, 0.0], [7550, 7692, 0.0], [7692, 7822, 0.0], [7822, 7844, 0.0], [7844, 7851, 0.0], [7851, 7867, 0.0], [7867, 8224, 0.0], [8224, 8338, 0.0], [8338, 8391, 0.0], [8391, 8514, 0.0], [8514, 8877, 0.0], [8877, 9200, 0.0], [9200, 9228, 0.0], [9228, 9318, 0.0], [9318, 9399, 0.0], [9399, 9415, 0.0], [9415, 9538, 0.0], [9538, 9559, 0.0], [9559, 9825, 0.0], [9825, 9968, 0.0], [9968, 10705, 0.0], [10705, 10775, 0.0], [10775, 11702, 0.0], [11702, 12149, 0.0], [12149, 12300, 0.0], [12300, 12345, 0.0], [12345, 12890, 0.0], [12890, 12992, 0.0], [12992, 13299, 0.0], [13299, 13307, 0.0], [13307, 13469, 0.0], [13469, 14517, 0.0], [14517, 14545, 0.0], [14545, 14669, 0.0], [14669, 14700, 0.0], [14700, 15331, 0.0], [15331, 15689, 0.0], [15689, 16253, 0.0], [16253, 16333, 0.0], [16333, 16446, 0.0], [16446, 16477, 0.0], [16477, 16672, 0.0], [16672, 16699, 0.0], [16699, 16869, 0.0], [16869, 17098, 0.0], [17098, 17155, 0.0], [17155, 17182, 0.0], [17182, 17413, 0.0], [17413, 17496, 0.0], [17496, 17592, 0.0], [17592, 17695, 0.0], [17695, 17723, 0.0], [17723, 17979, 0.0], [17979, 18009, 0.0], [18009, 18191, 0.0], [18191, 18373, 0.0], [18373, 18402, 0.0], [18402, 18527, 0.0], [18527, 18666, 0.0], [18666, 18697, 0.0], [18697, 18819, 0.0], [18819, 18829, 0.0], [18829, 18927, 0.0], [18927, 18965, 0.0], [18965, 19061, 0.0], [19061, 19198, 0.0], [19198, 19226, 0.0], [19226, 19256, 0.0], [19256, 19348, 0.0], [19348, 19468, 0.0], [19468, 19500, 0.0], [19500, 19519, 0.0], [19519, 19592, 0.0], [19592, 19619, 0.0], [19619, 19702, 0.0], [19702, 19863, 0.0], [19863, 20283, 0.0], [20283, 20496, 0.0], [20496, 20535, 0.0], [20535, 20561, 0.0], [20561, 20593, 0.0], [20593, 20637, 0.0], [20637, 20680, 0.0], [20680, 20722, 0.0], [20722, 21704, 0.0], [21704, 21739, 0.0], [21739, 21856, 0.0], [21856, 21893, 0.0], [21893, 21927, 0.0], [21927, 21953, 0.0], [21953, 22380, 0.0], [22380, 22386, 0.0], [22386, 22647, 0.0], [22647, 22673, 0.0], [22673, 22694, 0.0], [22694, 22760, 0.0], [22760, 22770, 0.0], [22770, 22861, 0.0], [22861, 23593, 0.0], [23593, 24108, 0.0], [24108, 24151, 0.0], [24151, 24450, 0.0], [24450, 24488, 0.0], [24488, 24618, 0.0], [24618, 24793, 0.0], [24793, 25039, 0.0], [25039, 25078, 0.0], [25078, 25338, 0.0], [25338, 25492, 0.0], [25492, 25786, 0.0], [25786, 25859, 0.0], [25859, 25888, 0.0], [25888, 26005, 0.0], [26005, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26124, 0.0], [26124, 26351, 0.0], [26351, 26386, 0.0], [26386, 26448, 0.0], [26448, 26532, 0.0], [26532, 26694, 0.0], [26694, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 26835, 0.0], [26835, 26895, 0.0], [26895, 26951, 0.0], [26951, 26974, 0.0], [26974, 27005, 0.0], [27005, 27447, 0.0], [27447, 27794, 0.0], [27794, 27857, 0.0], [27857, 27918, 0.0], [27918, 28021, 0.0], [28021, 28315, 0.0], [28315, 28356, 0.0], [28356, 29119, 0.0], [29119, 29397, 0.0], [29397, 29476, 0.0], [29476, 29525, 0.0], [29525, 29585, 0.0], [29585, 29654, 0.0], [29654, 29722, 0.0], [29722, 29732, 0.0], [29732, 29764, 0.0], [29764, 29845, 0.0], [29845, 29872, 0.0], [29872, 30174, 0.0], [30174, 30200, 0.0], [30200, 30434, 0.0], [30434, 30442, 0.0], [30442, 30526, 0.0], [30526, 30564, 0.0], [30564, 30807, 0.0], [30807, 31052, 0.0], [31052, 31232, 0.0], [31232, 31250, 0.0], [31250, 31266, 0.0], [31266, 31307, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 44, 0.02272727], [44, 809, 0.00784314], [809, 821, 0.08333333], [821, 922, 0.00990099], [922, 1052, 0.00769231], [1052, 1377, 0.00923077], [1377, 2297, 0.01630435], [2297, 2359, 0.03225806], [2359, 2531, 0.00581395], [2531, 2868, 0.01186944], [2868, 3254, 0.01036269], [3254, 3415, 0.00621118], [3415, 3457, 0.02380952], [3457, 3619, 0.00617284], [3619, 3717, 0.01020408], [3717, 3949, 0.00431034], [3949, 4277, 0.00914634], [4277, 4346, 0.01449275], [4346, 4380, 0.02941176], [4380, 4594, 0.00934579], [4594, 4898, 0.00657895], [4898, 5062, 0.01219512], [5062, 5136, 0.01351351], [5136, 5184, 0.02083333], [5184, 5299, 0.00869565], [5299, 5513, 0.0046729], [5513, 5814, 0.00664452], [5814, 6044, 0.00434783], [6044, 6082, 0.02631579], [6082, 6295, 0.00469484], [6295, 6392, 0.02061856], [6392, 6617, 0.01777778], [6617, 6881, 0.00757576], [6881, 7127, 0.00406504], [7127, 7297, 0.00588235], [7297, 7427, 0.00769231], [7427, 7550, 0.00813008], [7550, 7692, 0.01408451], [7692, 7822, 0.02307692], [7822, 7844, 0.04545455], [7844, 7851, 0.14285714], [7851, 7867, 0.0625], [7867, 8224, 0.01120448], [8224, 8338, 0.00877193], [8338, 8391, 0.01886792], [8391, 8514, 0.00813008], [8514, 8877, 0.01101928], [8877, 9200, 0.00309598], [9200, 9228, 0.03571429], [9228, 9318, 0.01111111], [9318, 9399, 0.02469136], [9399, 9415, 0.0625], [9415, 9538, 0.00813008], [9538, 9559, 0.04761905], [9559, 9825, 0.03759398], [9825, 9968, 0.00699301], [9968, 10705, 0.00949796], [10705, 10775, 0.02857143], [10775, 11702, 0.00539374], [11702, 12149, 0.00671141], [12149, 12300, 0.01324503], [12300, 12345, 0.02222222], [12345, 12890, 0.0146789], [12890, 12992, 0.02941176], [12992, 13299, 0.00325733], [13299, 13307, 0.125], [13307, 13469, 0.00617284], [13469, 14517, 0.00858779], [14517, 14545, 0.03571429], [14545, 14669, 0.01612903], [14669, 14700, 0.03225806], [14700, 15331, 0.00792393], [15331, 15689, 0.01955307], [15689, 16253, 0.0035461], [16253, 16333, 0.025], [16333, 16446, 0.0619469], [16446, 16477, 0.03225806], [16477, 16672, 0.02051282], [16672, 16699, 0.03703704], [16699, 16869, 0.01764706], [16869, 17098, 0.02620087], [17098, 17155, 0.03508772], [17155, 17182, 0.11111111], [17182, 17413, 0.00865801], [17413, 17496, 0.02409639], [17496, 17592, 0.01041667], [17592, 17695, 0.00970874], [17695, 17723, 0.03571429], [17723, 17979, 0.01171875], [17979, 18009, 0.0], [18009, 18191, 0.01648352], [18191, 18373, 0.00549451], [18373, 18402, 0.03448276], [18402, 18527, 0.032], [18527, 18666, 0.07913669], [18666, 18697, 0.0], [18697, 18819, 0.08196721], [18819, 18829, 0.3], [18829, 18927, 0.01020408], [18927, 18965, 0.05263158], [18965, 19061, 0.02083333], [19061, 19198, 0.00729927], [19198, 19226, 0.03571429], [19226, 19256, 0.03333333], [19256, 19348, 0.01086957], [19348, 19468, 0.01666667], [19468, 19500, 0.03125], [19500, 19519, 0.0], [19519, 19592, 0.0], [19592, 19619, 0.07407407], [19619, 19702, 0.01204819], [19702, 19863, 0.00621118], [19863, 20283, 0.0047619], [20283, 20496, 0.00938967], [20496, 20535, 0.0], [20535, 20561, 0.03846154], [20561, 20593, 0.0], [20593, 20637, 0.06818182], [20637, 20680, 0.06976744], [20680, 20722, 0.04761905], [20722, 21704, 0.01425662], [21704, 21739, 0.05714286], [21739, 21856, 0.03418803], [21856, 21893, 0.21621622], [21893, 21927, 0.02941176], [21927, 21953, 0.03846154], [21953, 22380, 0.0234192], [22380, 22386, 0.16666667], [22386, 22647, 0.01915709], [22647, 22673, 0.11538462], [22673, 22694, 0.0], [22694, 22760, 0.01515152], [22760, 22770, 0.1], [22770, 22861, 0.02197802], [22861, 23593, 0.00409836], [23593, 24108, 0.02135922], [24108, 24151, 0.04651163], [24151, 24450, 0.00334448], [24450, 24488, 0.07894737], [24488, 24618, 0.0], [24618, 24793, 0.00571429], [24793, 25039, 0.00813008], [25039, 25078, 0.02564103], [25078, 25338, 0.0], [25338, 25492, 0.0], [25492, 25786, 0.01020408], [25786, 25859, 0.01369863], [25859, 25888, 0.03448276], [25888, 26005, 0.00854701], [26005, 26072, 0.01492537], [26072, 26124, 0.07692308], [26124, 26351, 0.00881057], [26351, 26386, 0.0], [26386, 26448, 0.03225806], [26448, 26532, 0.01190476], [26532, 26694, 0.02469136], [26694, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 26835, 0.03296703], [26835, 26895, 0.03333333], [26895, 26951, 0.01785714], [26951, 26974, 0.04347826], [26974, 27005, 0.06451613], [27005, 27447, 0.00452489], [27447, 27794, 0.00864553], [27794, 27857, 0.01587302], [27857, 27918, 0.01639344], [27918, 28021, 0.0], [28021, 28315, 0.00340136], [28315, 28356, 0.02439024], [28356, 29119, 0.00393185], [29119, 29397, 0.00719424], [29397, 29476, 0.01265823], [29476, 29525, 0.02040816], [29525, 29585, 0.0], [29585, 29654, 0.01449275], [29654, 29722, 0.01470588], [29722, 29732, 0.1], [29732, 29764, 0.03125], [29764, 29845, 0.04938272], [29845, 29872, 0.03703704], [29872, 30174, 0.02317881], [30174, 30200, 0.03846154], [30200, 30434, 0.02564103], [30434, 30442, 0.125], [30442, 30526, 0.01190476], [30526, 30564, 0.0], [30564, 30807, 0.01646091], [30807, 31052, 0.00408163], [31052, 31232, 0.08888889], [31232, 31250, 0.05555556], [31250, 31266, 0.0625], [31266, 31307, 0.02439024]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 31307, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 31307, 0.00243211]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 31307, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 31307, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 31307, null]], 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Charting a more prosperous health care future By Richard AsinofContributing Writer Dr. Jon Elion, the founder of Chartwise Medical Systems Inc., is no stranger to combining medical needs with entrepreneurial success. Elion co-founded Heartlab Inc., in 1994, a pioneering cardiac-imaging management firm, helping to grow the company from two to more than 200 employees before selling it in 2005 to Agfa Healthcare. A PBN SPECIAL SECTION: 2011 BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS Charting a more prosperous health care future WISE DECISIONS: Chartwise Medical Systems CEO Dr. Jon Elion oversees the company, which recently brought its first product to market. Above, he speaks with Executive Vice President Mary Cooper. PBN PHOTO/BRIAN MCDONALD Print Tuesday, November 22, 2011 12:30 pm By Richard AsinofContributing Writer In 2009, he brought together a team of former Heartlab employees to create Chartwise, a new business providing comprehensive software applications for clinical hospitals and health care providers. The new software tool enables hospitals and providers to capture, clarify and ultimately report out the full clinical picture of a patient encounter, something that helps the health care provider to be paid accurately for the services rendered, as well as protect the provider against possible fraud prosecution. “We have 15 employees, all of whom worked with me at Heartlab,” Elion said. “We’re getting the band back together. And, because we all know and trust each other, we can just jump right to the arguing,” he said, referring to the collaborative process. In 2010, ChartWise brought its first product to market, Chartwise:CDI, a Web-based software application that improves the completeness and precision of the medical documentation of a patient in a hospital setting. “Our very first customer, a hospital system in Kentucky, saved $50,000 in its first week using the application – and more than a $1 million in its first year,” Elion said. The savings come from better documentation of the work of physicians and other medical staff. '); “If your physicians don’t document it, it didn’t happen” in the eyes of payers, he said. And the health care provider won’t be paid on services that aren’t recognized due to poor documentation. The market for clinical-documentation products is worth half a billion dollars a year, Elion estimates, with 4,200 inpatient acute-care hospitals in the United States. To speed the adoption of his company’s new software product, Elion has targeted providers’ clinical-documentation-improvement staff – the health-information manager and the chief financial officer. Beyond online marketing and targeted trade shows, along with a traditional direct-sales team, Chartwise provides a free version of the software for the managers to get a feel for product. The message to the information manager touts the reporting efficiencies; for the financial manager, the focus is on aggregated reporting and return on investment. To date, Chartwise has three installed sites and expects fiscal year 2011 revenue of about $100,000. In addition, Elion has what he terms a very promising pipeline, with “more than 60 active sales leads.” A hospital system with more than 100 hospitals, he continued, choosing his words very carefully, because the deal has not been finalized, “has selected us as a vendor.” In addition to the current issue of not being paid enough for services rendered, health care providers are looking at changing reimbursement requirements for Medicare, which is moving away from the volume-based fee-for-service model to an outcomes-based model. In the future providers will get paid not for how many patients they see, but for the quality of the medical outcomes achieved. And, documentation and analysis of services will be key in maximizing revenue. This change, according to Elion, makes it even more important to employ a software system that can accurately record and document physicians’ work. Because, with the new rules under Medicare, making a mistake in an audit can be very costly, with treble damages, according to Elion. “Better to have a $1 million reduction in reimbursements than a $3 million penalty, because of wrong analysis of data,” he said. Elion positions himself as “the set- up guy, the one who conveys the passion, and answers any detailed questions.” But, when it comes to sales negotiations, he depends on his salespeople – who are the Nos. 1, 2 and 3 salespeople who were with him at Heartlab. Elion is also very clear about where the credit for wining the business-excellence award belongs. “I didn’t win this; Chartwise won this. It’s a group effort and team effort, and every member of the company deserves the credit and praise in winning this award,” he said. That inclusiveness is reflected in the innovative benefits package provide to ChartWise employees: every employee is granted options upon hire and as part of the annual review process, to ensure that there is a sense of ownership in the organization and a dedication to success. In describing the atmosphere at ChartWise, Executive Vice President Mary Cooper said the company strives to strike a balance between “a casual workplace that is also leading edge in both technology and engineering philosophy, and a learning organization.” ChartWise incorporates continuous improvement at every level of the organization, whether to smooth out bumps in its programming process, improve its customer acquisition and support, or perfect its sales and marketing efforts. At the same time, Chartwise sees itself as an evolving organization. The small core staff operates in a very flat structure, with loosely defined job roles. Everyone wears many hats – and often trade them. As a result, everyone in the company has a chance to learn from one another, to enhance his or her job skills, and to be part of decision-making, according to Cooper. As the company grows and matures, there is a commitment to always look first to its employees for advancement opportunities, because they are already deeply aligned with Chartwise’s culture and mission, Cooper said. Perhaps the biggest problem the company faces is the learning curve at hospitals, according to Elion. “Many health-information managers at hospitals don’t understand the power of what software can do with data analytics, cloud-based storage, and an artificial intelligence component; they are still working Excel spread sheets.” When ChartWise does a demonstration, he continued, it opens their eyes. “Their jaw drops, and they say: ‘Oh my God! I didn’t know you could do that!’ It’s like selling Crayola crayons [with their multiple colors] to people who have been living in a black-and-white world.” • 26-33, 112111 A PBN SPECIAL SECTION: 2011 BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARDS, Chartwise Medical Systems Inc, Heartlab Inc, Dr. Jon Elion , health care, technology , life sciences, 2011 business excellence awards, health care, technology , life sciences, , 26-33, 2011BEAexport.pbn Print
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"Que me lo regresen vivo o muerto" Managua, Nicaragua 21, Octubre, 2018 3:47 p.m. Claman en iglesias de Nicaragua por libertad de manifestantes presos 100% Noticias Gabriela Selser DPA Con velas encendidas, banderas de Nicaragua y retratos de estudiantes y maestros presos, varias iglesias del país fueron hoy escenario de emotivos ruegos por la libertad de unos 400 manifestantes encarcelados en los últimos seis meses por protestar contra el presidente Daniel Ortega. En la catedral Metropolitana de Managua, el vicario Rodolfo José López ofició la misa dominicanal con una oración en la que fustigó "la ambición desmedida de poder" frente al ánimo de servir que pregonaba Jesucristo. "No caigamos en la tentación de los poderosos (...) El reino de dios es un reino de justicia y de amor, y el gran obstáculo para traerlo a la Tierra es la ambición desmedida de poder", advirtió. Ante cientos de creyentes que colmaron el recinto, el sacerdote lamentó "la terrible situación de nuestra patria" y pidió a dios "que ablande los corazones de los gobernantes para que liberen a los que están encarcelados y haya un cambio en el país". Antes había criticado a quienes ejercen el poder "matando, torturando y teniendo a esos jóvenes en la cárcel ilícitamente". Muchos de los asistentes encendieron velas y algunos lloraron durante la ceremonia. Nicaragua vive una grave crisis que comenzó con una protesta estudiantil el 18 de abril y se agudizó tras la violenta acción gubernamental que dejó al menos 200 muertos según el Gobierno y hasta 512 según ONGs de derechos humanos. Ortega logró sofocar la revuelta con una ofensiva policial y de paramilitares. De acuerdo a la oposición, unas 400 personas -en su mayoría estudiantes, docentes, profesionales y líderes sociales - están encarceladas y el Gobierno las acusa de graves delitos, como terrorismo y crimen organizado. Entre los asistentes a la misa estaba la ex comandante sandinista Mónica Baltodano, que combatió junto a Ortega hasta derrocar al dictador Anastasio Somoza en 1979, participó en la revolución de la década de 1980 y hoy es parte de la "resistencia pacífica". "Aquí estamos, en lucha cívica contra otro tirano", comentó a dpa la historiadora mientras levantaba un afiche con la foto de su hermano preso. Ricardo Baltodano es un catedrático que fue encarcelado por participar en protestas contra Ortega. El juicio del docente está previsto que comience el 10 de diciembre. A su lado, Juana García mostraba la foto a colores de su hijo, Harlington Raúl López. El estudiante de 18 años no está preso: murió el 19 de abril tras ser baleado por policías frente a la Universidad Politécnica (Upoli). También estaban ahí el padre y la hermana de Carlos Silva, un joven encarcelado por ayudar supuestamente a derribar uno de los "árboles de la vida", enormes moles de hierro llamadas "arbolatas" y consideradas un símbolo del gran poder de la vicepresidenta Rosario Murillo, esposa de Ortega. Cuando comenzaron las protestas, casi 60 "arbolatas" fueron derribados por eufóricos manifestantes en Managua y en otras ciudades del país. Al concluir la misa, decenas de asistentes se acercaron al altar al grito de "libertad, libertad". Unos clamaban "justicia" con lágrimas en los ojos y otros pedían "por los presos y torturados", convirtiendo el recinto en un singular escenario de protesta. La Policía de Nicaragua prohibió las manifestaciones opositoras hace dos semanas y el pasado domingo arrestó a 40 personas que intentaban marchar en Managua, pese a que la Constitución vigente consigna el derecho a la reunión pacífica y la libre movilización. También este domingo, el obispo Silvio Báez ofició una misa en la parroquia San Francisco de la capital, donde llamó a "purificar el ejercicio de la política si queremos construir un nuevo país, en donde no haya ciudadanos de primera y de segunda clase, y los que gobiernan no estén ni fuera de la ley ni por encima de ella". SILVIO BÁEZ: "HAY QUE TENER MEMORIA HISTÓRICA" Báez, uno de los líderes católicos más críticos del Gobierno, dijo que Nicaragua no debe repetir su pasado de guerras y tiranías. "Tenemos que cultivar la memoria histórica, no hay que olvidar, para que las formas caudillistas, autoritarias y criminales de ejercer el poder sean eliminadas para siempre", afirmó.
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L’autisme : la grande cause nationale pour 2012 Cette année 2011, c’était la lutte contre la solitude qui était la cause française à défendre. En 2012, le gouvernement a choisi de mettre en avant les difficultés de l’autisme, un handicap souvent mal compris. François Fillon vient d’annoncer l’attribution du label de Grande cause nationale 2012 au collectif d'associations "Rassemblement Ensemble pour l'autisme". Selon Matignon, "l'attribution de ce label se situe dans la continuité du plan autisme 2008-2010 qui a mobilisé 187 Millions d'euros et qui a d'ores et déjà permis un renforcement de la connaissance scientifique (...), une amélioration du diagnostic", ainsi qu'une "diversification de l'offre sanitaire et médico-sociale". Les personnes atteintes d’autisme sont encore trop souvent rejetées par la société. On a souvent tendance à les considérés comme des assistés mais il est démontré par de nombreuses études, que ces personnes peuvent mener une vie normale. La seule condition à cette insertion est le soutien des proches mais aussi celui de l’Etat. "En faisant de l'autisme la grande cause nationale 2012, le Premier ministre souhaite sensibiliser les Français à la nécessité de lutter contre les préjugés qui l'entourent encore trop souvent", soulignent les services du Premier ministre dans un communiqué. Cette reconnaissance nationale annonce de nombreux avantages pour les associations concernées. Ce label va notamment permettre à ces associations d'organiser et de planifier des "campagnes faisant appel à la générosité publique, d'obtenir des diffusions gratuites sur les radios et les télévisions publiques", ajoute le communiqué. "Il marque ainsi l'engagement de l'Etat à continuer de renforcer la prise en charge des personnes autistes", explique le communiqué. Le 21 décembre 2011 à 09:30 • Maxime Lambert Célibataire, numerus clausus et reptiles, les actus sciences que vous devez... Tourisme spatial, Sri Lanka et rougeole, les actus sciences que vous devez connaître... Pentecôte, le cholestérol et Apple les actus sciences que vous devez connaître... Parkinson : Des médecins ont réussi à arrêter les tremblements chez une malade,... Un enfant guérit de sa maladie orpheline grâce à... du café ! Environnement, anti-vaccins et sexting, les actus sciences que vous devez connaître... Voici comment la cigarette électronique d'un adolescent a explosé dans sa bouche Produits de beauté, eau salubre et travail, les actus sciences que vous devez... La bière plus efficace que le paracétamol pour combattre la douleur ? Bière, 5G et flamme spatiale, les actus sciences que vous devez connaître ce 28 mai #autisme#handicap#handicapé
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Ⓒ New Line Cinema Le tournage de la série Le Seigneur des anneaux débutera en février Et une nouvelle communauté fut forgée. "Un magicien n’est jamais en retard, ni en avance d’ailleurs ; il arrive toujours à l’heure prévue." Amazon a appliqué le dicton de Gandalf à la lettre en profitant du Television Critics Association Tour hivernal pour annoncer le cast principal de son adaptation de l’univers de Tolkien en série. Ce prequel au Seigneur des anneaux, qui est l’un des projets les plus attendus sur le petit écran dans les prochaines années, débutera même son tournage très prochainement, et ce dès le mois de février prochain. La plateforme de streaming a commencé par confirmer la présence de Robert Aramayo (Game of Thrones) en lieu et place de Will Poulter dans le rôle de Beldor, le héros de cette nouvelle histoire en Terre du Milieu. Par la suite, Amazon a annoncé le nom d’une quinzaine d’actrices et d’acteurs qui incarneront les personnages principaux. Parmi eux, on trouve Joseph Mawle (Benjen Stark dans Game of Thrones), Markella Kavenagh (The Cry), Owain Arthur (Hard Sun), Nazanin Boniadi (Counterpart), Tom Budge (The Pacific), Morfydd Clark (À la croisée des mondes), Ismael Cruz Cordova (Berlin Station), Tyroe Muhafidin, Ema Horvath, Sophia Nomvete, Megan Richards, Dylan Smith et Charlie Vickers. A grand journey is defined by its travelers. Meet the first members of our fellowship. #LOTRonPrime. A THREAD. — The Lord of the Rings on Prime (@LOTRonPrime) January 14, 2020 Sans surprise, Amazon sort la même carte que celle de HBO à l’époque des prémices de Game of Thrones, avec un cast majoritairement britannique, anonyme et en provenance du théâtre. Pour rappel, les événements de la série se dérouleront avant ceux de la trilogie du Seigneur des anneaux, au cours du Deuxième Âge de la Terre du Milieu. Si on ne connaît pas encore tous les détails de l’histoire, il est fort probable d’assister au retour de Sauron, qui a créé l’Anneau unique à cette époque, et d’en apprendre plus sur la chute de Númenor évoquée dans Le Silmarillion.
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Senado recibe información relacionada al caso Anaya-Barreiro Francisco Kegel Jacob, defensor de Luis Alberto López, chofer del empresario queretano entregó registros que integran la carpeta de investigación de la Fepade Francisco Kegel Jacob, defensor de Luis Alberto López, implicado en el caso de la compra-venta de una nave industrial que habría beneficiado al candidato presidencial, Ricardo Anaya, presentó al Senado información relativa a este caso, para contribuir a su entendimiento público. El abogado de López López, chofer del empresario queretano Manuel Barreiro, entregó un oficio al presidente de la Mesa Directiva del Senado de la República, Ernesto Cordero, donde hace entrega de la totalidad de registros que integran la carpeta de investigación FED/SEIDO/UEIORPIFAM-CDMX/0000979/2017 a cargo de la Subprocuraduría Especializada en Investigación en Delincuencia Organizada (SEIDO). Los documentos, explicó Kegel Jacob, también contienen un disco con las dos audiencias que se celebraron ante un juez de control con motivo de la presente investigación, por lo que considera que la información que se proporciona ayudará a que el asunto se analice de forma integral, más allá de las versiones aisladas que proporciona la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR), a fin de contribuir al entendimiento público del caso. El defensor afirmó en su escrito que la investigación puede tener implicaciones de la más alta trascendencia para el país, por lo que solicitó a Cordero Arroyo tenerlo por presentado en los términos del presente escrito. Agregó que con fecha del 13 de junio pasado, la Comisión Permanente aprobó solicitar a la la PGR un informe detallado de las investigaciones en contra de Barreiro Castañeda y Anaya Cortés, el cual debería ser entregado en un plazo máximo de 10 días, documento que, según detalla Kegel Jacob, el Senado sigue esperando. Cordero denuncia a Anaya por lavado de dinero y tráfico de influencias Van a comisión del Congreso documentos relacionados con el caso Barreiro La Mesa Directiva de la Comisión Permanente del Congreso turnó a la Primera Comisión de Gobernación, Puntos Constitucionales y de Justicia los documentos que entregó la defensa de Luis Alberto López, implicado en el caso de la compra-venta de una nave industrial que habría beneficiado a Ricardo Anaya. La Mesa Directiva detalló que el "memorial de particulares" fue recibido la mañana de este jueves, remitido por Francisco Patricio Kegel Jacob, abogado de Luis Alberto López. En un comunicado se informó que la Mesa Directiva determinó tornarlo a dicha Comisión, con fundamento en los artículos 21, Fracción III y 61 del Reglamento para el Gobierno Interior del Congreso General, para los efectos que esta comisión considere. Difunden video sobre presunta red de los Barreiro para financiar campaña de Anaya Anaya responsabiliza al gobierno de Peña Nieto por video-escándalo que lo liga a Barreiro "Se robó dinero y lo cacharon, es un vulgar ladrón", dice Meade sobre Anaya SEIDO atrae denuncia contra Ricardo Anaya por lavado de dinero Ricardo Anaya no declinará por Meade, afirma el “Jefe” Diego Congreso exhorta a la PGR acelerar investigaciones contra Anaya
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EuroLeague Women, trionfo per Ekaterinburg, Kursk e Praga completano il podio Il grande weekend delle Final Four dell'EuroLeague Women premia la UMCC Ekaterinburg, che batte in finale la Dynamo Kursk per 91-67. Partita strepitosa della formazione detentrice del trofeo, che ha preso il largo nel secondo quarto chiudendo a metà gara sul +16 e non perdendo mai il controllo nel resto del match, aiutate anche dall'infortunio occorso alla stella di Kursk Stewart: a dimostrazione di un organico lunghissimo, per le campionesse vanno in sei in doppia cifra. La MVP è Griner con 16 punti, 10 rimbalzi e 4 stoppate, ma va menzionata una sensazionale Vandersloot da 18 punti, 8 rimbalzi e 7 assist. Nella finalina per il terzo posto, Praga regola la formazione di casa Sopron con un 64-53. Decisivo l'ultimo parziale in cui le ceche prendono il largo: impressionante prova per Thomas, 13 punti e 15 rimbalzi. In doppia doppia anche l'ex Napoli Harrison, 12 punti e 14 rimbalzi: 2'57" di gioco per Sopron per un noto volto del basket in Italia, l'ungherese Katalin Honti. Sopron Basket-USK Praga 53-64 UMMC Ekaterinburg-Dynamo Kursk 91-67 (Foto FIBA) Area Comunicazione LBF
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Dignidades y Gobierno Protectora y Patrono Dignidades Miembros de Honor Armerias Crónicas y documentos Segunda época (1836-1931) Tercera época (desde 1932) Presidentes de Honor Excmo. Sr. Conde de Bornos, Grande de España Excmo. Sr. Duque de Parcent, Grande de España (†) Vicepresidente de Honor Ilmo. Sr. Conde de Ripalda Excmo. Sr. Conde de la Ventosa (†) Diputados de Honor Excmo. Sr. Marqués de Valdeterrazo, Grande de España Ilmo. Sr. Marqués de Cabra Ilmo. Señor de Alconchel Ilmo. Sr. Marqués de Bajamar Ilmo. Sr. Adolfo Príes y Bertrán, Conde de Príes (†) Excmo. Sr. Conde de la Sierra Gorda Excmo. Sr. D. Fernando Gómez de Olea y de la Peña Excmo. Sr. D. Armando de las Alas-Pumariño y Cima (†) Ilmo. Sr. Adolfo Príes y Picardo, Conde de Príes Ilmo. Sr. Conde de Adanero Excmo. Sr. D. Jaime de Salazar y Acha Excmo. Sr. D. Fernando García-Mercadal y García-Loygorri Ilmo. Sr. D. Manuel Ladrón de Guevara e Isasa Ilmo Sr. D. Borja Moyano y Vital Don Jaime Travesedo, Conde de Paredes de Nava y de Consuegra, Grande de España, nuevo Presidente del Real Cuerpo. El Excmo. Sr. D. Jaime Travesedo y Julíá, Conde de Paredes de Nava y de Consuegra, Grande de España, Diputado de la Junta de Gobierno del Re... Discurso del Excmo. Sr. Conde de Murillo a las órdenes y corporaciones nobiliarias, tras la celebración del año jubilar en la Catedral de la Almudena. Carta del Príncipe de la Paz al Real Cuerpo en 1799 sobre la gracia de uniforme de los Diputados. Actividad corporativa (83) Asambleas Generales (14) Capítulos (6) S.M. El Rey (3) ▼ sep 2022 (1) Saludo y agradecimientos de nuestro nuevo Presidente. ► ago 2022 (2) ► abr 2022 (1) ► ene 2022 (1) ► dic 2020 (1) Actividad corporativa S.M. El Rey Copyright © Real Cuerpo de la Nobleza de Madrid | Powered By Blogger Distributed By Blogspot Templates | Blogger Theme By Lasantha - PremiumBloggerTemplates | NewBloggerThemes
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Ein Plasma Fernseher ist ein so genannter Flachbildschirm. Das farbige Licht wird mit Hilfe von Leuchtstoffen erzeugt, die durch das enthaltene Plasma angeregt werden. Plasma Fernseher verfügen im Gegensatz zu LCD Fernsehern über ein größeres Farbspektrum und ein kontrastreicheres Bild. Zudem können Plasma Fernseher in großen Bilddiagonalen hergestellt werden (bis zu 150 Zoll). Plasmabildschirme werden überwiegend in Fernsehgeräten eingesetzt. Plasma bedeutet so viel wie “Gebilde” (griechisch). Plasma ist aus ionisiertem Gas zusammengesetzt und enthält Atome, Ione, neutrale Teilchen und Elektronen. Plasmen senden aufgrund spontaner Emission Ultraviolettstrahlung und Licht aus. Die Vorteile von Plasma Fernsehern liegen auf der Hand ? ein solch hoher Kontrast kann von keinem anderen Fernsehgerät erzeugt werden. Die schnelle Ansteuerung einzelner Bildpunkte bei Plasma Fernsehern ermöglichen einen quasi nicht vorhandenen “Nachzieheffekt” bei schnellen Bewegungen (z.B. Fußball). Von Vorteil ist zudem, dass der Betrachter trotz eines schrägen Blickwinkels stets eine sehr hohe Bildqualität erhält. Plasma Fernseher sind unempfindlich gegenüber Magnetfeldern und lassen sich demnach problemlos neben großen Lautsprechersystemen stellen. Ein Plasmabildschirm ist ein Bildschirm, der Licht mit Hilfe von Leuchtstoffen erzeugt, die durch Plasma-Entladungen angeregt werden. Plasmabildschirme bieten ein helles Bild und ein großes Farbspektrum, außerdem können sie in Größen von bis zu 294 cm (ca. 120 Zoll) in der Diagonale hergestellt werden. Verwendung findet der Plasmabildschirm hauptsächlich als Fernseh-Anzeigegerät. Er konkurriert mit der Kathodenstrahlröhre, dem Flüssigkristallbildschirm, dem OLED-Bildschirm sowie zukünftig mit dem SED (Surface-Conduction Electron-Emitter Display, etwa Oberflächenleitendes Elektronen-Emitter Display) oder dem FED (Feldemissionsbildschirm). Quelle: Wikipedia.de
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Home > Scientific Workflow > An Introduction to the Analytic Web An Introduction to the Analytic Web The way in which science is done has been changed irrevocably by the Internet. Huge volumes of data, stored on computers all over the world, are now available to scientists anywhere. As a result, observations taken around the globe can be accessed rapidly by scientists, raising the prospect of accelerated formulations and validation of scientific hypotheses. Extensive computing power, mass storage, and fast Internet access seem poised to foster rapid acceleration of scientific knowledge. But there are risks associated with this attractive scenario. The ways in which scientists acquire and process data must be understood by those who use it. Failure to take thisinformation into account can lead to misuses that, in turn, can lead to misleading or incorrect results. Raw data sets, for example, must often be cleansed to remove data items that are anomalous or tainted. But some techniques for cleansing data render the resulting datasets unsuitable for certain kinds of subsequent statistical analyses. In the UMass Computer Science Department, David Jensen and Tim Oates have made substantial contributions to the understanding of statistical incompatibility, identifying cases where these incompatibilities have led to erroneous scientific results. The stakes here are huge. Major public policy debates, such as those over global warming and risk levels from various carcinogens, must be informed by scientific results inferred from data that has undergone long chains of cleansing and statistical inferences. Process and statistical incompatibilities could potentially result in misinformation, leading public policy makers to make decisions that could have disastrous environmental or public health consequences. Although these risks have always existed, the increased availability of data and scientific processing via the Internet has exacerbated the problem. We observe that to manage these risks, it is not enough to simply make scientific datasets more readily available. It is also necessary to accompany each dataset with metadata (i.e.,data describing the data) that documents the processes by which it was created. Going further, it is also important to evaluate these processes to determine if unsound analyses, such as those documented by Jensen and Oates, have been inadvertently applied thereby undermining the validity of the results. The Analytic Web project, funded by the NSF ITR program, is investigating computer support for web-based scientific processes. This project brings together researchers fromthe Computer Science Department and from Harvard Forest to explore automated support for defining, analyzing, and automating scientific processes. Lee Osterweil and Lori Clarke are leading the software engineering effort, David Jensen is providing statistical analysis expertise, and Ed Riseman, Al Hanson, and Howard Schultz are working closely with the Harvard Forest researchers on collecting data and carefully defining ecological processes. The ecologists from Harvard Forest, Emery Boose, Aaron Ellison, David Foster, and Julian Hadley, are concerned with measuring and predicting forest carbon dioxide sequestration.The ecologists gather data from a flux tower, a 10-meter structure located in Petersham, MA, in the midst of Harvard Forest. The flux tower sucks in ambient air and measures the percentage of carbon dioxide in the air five times per second. These measurements are effected by various natural phenomena, such as temperature, wind speed, and tree species (identified by aerial photographs that are evaluated by the Vision lab). Thus, there are a number of cleansing, estimation, and statistical processes that are applied and evaluated. Ultimately, using such processes, ecologists hope to determine a model of forest carbon dioxide sequestration. It is clear that such findings can have a substantial impact upon policies aimed at addressing the control of greenhouse gases, which lead to global warming. These processes also serve as excellent case studies for our investigation into support for the Analytic Web. Central to this investigation is a careful study of the models needed to represent scientific processes effectively. This aspect of the work builds upon Lee Osterweil’s ongoing research aimed at developing languages for the specification of processes. Originally focused on languages for defining software development processes, this work has recently widened its focus to address processes in such diverse areas as medical procedures, government functions, and electronic commerce. This work has led to the development of Little-JIL, a graphical language that incorporates representations of such semantic issues as exception management, resource utilization, timing constraints, and concurrency control. These are all essential to the articulate definition of processes, but most are absent from current process definition languages. Thus our intention is to use Little-JIL as a starting point in our efforts to model scientific processes, expecting that experience will point the way towards modifications and enhancements needed to support working scientists. The above shows a small part of a Little-JIL process for cleansing the carbon dioxide data collected from a flux tower. One of our first findings has been the need to compliment the process model with a derivation model. A derivation model is similar to a data-flow model or state diagram, in that it shows how types of data are processed, but it must also distinguish data instances, as illustrated below. The derivation model and process model together carefully document the processing applied to various instances of the datasets. The description is adequate to be used as the basis for execution. Thus, in documenting their processes, scientists are provided with an execution framework. Although there is considerable work to be done on the models and on the user interface for such a framework, the ecologists have already found it preferable to their current programming environment (don’t ask!). In the future, we plan to investigate using such models to support automatic rederivation and configuration management. Another central theme in this project is analyzing the soundness of scientific processes. Lori Clarke is leading this effort, building upon her previous research in finite-state verification. In this research, Clarke and her colleagues are developing an analyzer, called FLAVERS, capable of determining whether or not user-specified properties, describing desirable (or undesirable) sequences of events, can occur on any execution of a concurrent system. In this project, we are investigating how such analysis techniques can be applied to Little-JIL process models. Eventually we would like to build upon the work of Jensen and Oates to specify and detect unreliable statistical processes. We also are exploring the consistency relationships between the process and derivation models. Although we are still in the early stages of this project, we have successfully defined and automated a few of the carbon dioxide sequestration measurement processes.Visualizations, executions, and easy modification of these processes have been demonstrated at an ecological conference. Work on improving the model representations and the associated analyses are underway. Eventually we hope to make the Analytic Web framework available to the general scientific community. Through this framework, we hope to provide support for defining, executing, and analyzing scientific processes that should foster safe reuse of data and processes and facilitate scientific discovery. Ultimately we hope to see these scientific processes made available to students in universities, colleges, and high schools, in order to bring the challenges and excitement of scientific discovery into laboratories and classrooms around the country and the world. This site is maintained by the Laboratory for Advanced Software Engineering Research.
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« Fallas eléctricas: Caraqueños protestaron tirando electrodomésticos dañados a las puertas de Corpoelec Oposición de Venezuela podría mover fondos en pequeñas cantidades para evitar acreedores » Inaesin: Protestas laborales han logrado unir a trabajadores venezolanos En medio de este inicio de año 2023 plagado de protestas relacionadas con reclamos salariales y con convenciones colectivas. El Instituto de Altos Estudios Sindicales (Inaesin) ha elevado su voz a favor de la afirmación que entre la libertad sindical y la democracia existe un vínculo indisoluble. Este período de crisis ha sido una oportunidad para permitir que emerja un nuevo sindicalismo, el cual trascienda en todos los aspectos las fallas del pasado, así como el ataque del presente. Asimismo explican la necesidad de aceptar el reto de edificar una propuesta de largo plazo, estructural y no coyuntural, incluyendo la opción de transformación y autoreforma. Alí Poveda, directivo de Inaesin, señaló que es necesario un proceso de encuentro, confianza y construcción colectiva entre las organizaciones sindicales y sus integrantes, sin embargo, los trabajadores venezolanos han hecho honor a su reputación de optimistas e incansables al seguir defendiendo sus derechos. “Prueba de ello es la alta participación en la exigencia del cumplimiento de sus derechos laborales, pese a las restricciones impuestas”, acotó. Poveda destacó como importante la acción unitaria de trabajadores de diversas simpatías políticas e independientes, por encima de sus diferencias, en torno a diferentes objetivos comunes. “Entre las principales motivaciones está la exigencia de calidad de servicio, condiciones de trabajo, incumplimiento de los contratos colectivos y reclamos contra la criminalización de la actividad sindical”. El abogado laboral y asesor externo de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, explicó que la estrategia sindical debe tener como objetivo prioritario revertir esa tendencia de abusos del Gobierno contra la clase trabajadores, para lo cual es necesario reafirmar principios, definir bases programáticas y líneas de acción. “Desde su fundación INAESIN ha estado por casi 40 años apoyando a los trabajadores en su formación, impartiendo conocimiento que les permita seguir defendiendo sus derechos de la mejor manera posible. Así como visibilizando su situación, con sus problemas y necesidades y acompañando sus esfuerzos en procura de sus derechos laborales. Para el líder sindical es vital formarse para enfrentar la dura realidad de hoy”, aseguró Poveda. * Abogado laboral y directivo de Inaesin Fuente: Prensa Nacional 100 Publicado en Análisis, crisis, Cronicas, Economía, Nacionales, ocupacion, Política, Titulares y Noticias | Etiquetas: 2023, ali poveda, inaesin, indisoluble, laborales, protestas enero, sindicatos, vinculo
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‘Peter Pan’ star has Broadway dreams By DAN FARNHAM - dfarnham@shawmedia.com Matthew Piechalak Lemont senior Aubree Tally, playing Peter Pan, acts out a fight scene during a dress rehearsal for the Lemont High School Spring Musical, " Peter Pan" in the school's performing arts center on Saturday. Matthew Piechalak – mpiechalak@shawmedia.com LEMONT – It didn’t take long for Aubree Tally to decide the theater stage was where she belongs. “I think it was honestly my first show,” she said, of a community theater production of “Annie” the summer before she entered second grade. “I’ve wanted to do theater since then and knew I wanted to continue to do it as a profession if I could and was talented enough to consider this as a profession.” The Lemont High School senior will finish an accomplished theater career at the school by playing the title role in the musical “Peter Pan.” The show runs from Thursday, May 16, to Saturday, May 18. This is the fourth year Tally has been cast in a lead role in the school’s musical. But she has found new things to get excited about playing Peter Pan. “It’s a great experience because there’s so much more to this role than acting,” she said. “There’s the flying aspect and just being a different gender is just a whole new thing.” Working with professional flyers has been an adjustment. “It takes trust. It’s a little scary at first, but I’m pretty comfortable now,” she said. Tally has had many theater influences inside and outside of school. A longtime mentor has been David Lindley, who was the technical director when she performed in her first musical, “Annie.” She has continued to work with him – he is the assistant director for “Peter Pan” – and has gone to him for career advice. Lindley has been impressed with the dedication Tally always has shown to becoming a professional actress. “She not only wanted it, she wanted to do the work to become it,” he said, referring to all the classes and instructors she has had. Tally will attend Otterbein University in Ohio next year to pursue a degree in musical theater. Afterward, she would like to tour professionally with a musical. But her main goal is big time – Broadway. To get to Broadway, Tally knows there’s no room for doubt. “I’ve always been taught, if you can see yourself doing something else than theater, then this is not the career you should be taking.” More about Aubree Tally Musical roles in high school: Belle in "Beauty and the Beast" (2010); Kathy Selden in "Singin' in the Rain" (2011); Velma Kelly in "Chicago" (2012) Favorite actress: Sutton Foster Dream roles: "Next to Normal" as either female role; Jo March in "Little Women"; Fiona in "Shrek" Outside school: Volunteer at the Spectrum program for special needs at the School of Performing Arts in Naperville
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Traduzione e legalizzazione di documenti stranieri (cittadinanza per matrimonio) Prendo spunto da una richiesta di un mio cliente, sposato con una cittadina straniera. Il cliente in questione vuole sapere quali documenti servono per richiedere la cittadinanza italiana per matrimonio. Qualche anno fa avevo redatto questa guida con tutte le indicazioni utili (se ti dovesse servire è meglio verificare con le autorità competenti, perché potrebbe essere cambiato qualche requisito nel frattempo). Tra i documenti da preparare nel paese di origine ci sono: estratto dell'atto di nascita certificato penale La domanda era: i documenti che mi servono possono essere tradotti anche nel paese di origine? O solo in Italia? Le opzioni sono 2. Se fai tradurre il documento nel tuo paese di origine, assicurati che la traduzione venga LEGALIZZATA prima di portarlo in Italia. Il documento deve cioè riportare un'apostille o una legalizzazione, altrimenti non sarà considerato valido in Italia. Se invece decidi di far tradurre tutto in Italia, puoi rivolgerti alla tua ambasciata/consolato in Italia oppure a un traduttore giurato (iscritto all'Albo o no, dipende dalla città in cui devi effettuare l'asseverazione dei documenti. Per esempio a Padova e Milano, i traduttori giurati devono essere obbligatoriamente iscritti all'Albo dei CTU. A Rovigo ancora no). In questo caso, è fondamentale che l'originale venga LEGALIZZATO, altrimenti in Italia non avrà valore legale. La legalizzazione/apostille in pratica dice che il funzionario di fronte al quale il traduttore ha giurato la traduzione oppure il funzionario che ha emesso il documento esistono e la loro firma è depositata presso il Tribunale o altra autorità competente. ​L'apostille/legalizzazione conferisce un valore legale al documento o alla traduzione, quindi attenzione a non dimenticarla! Se il documento non viene legalizzato nella sede corretta (per esempio, nel tuo paese di origine) non è possibile farlo in Italia, proprio perché si tratta di attestare l'esistenza di una firma depositata (e capisci che la firma del funzionario del tuo comune di nascita non può essere depositata in Italia). Complicato? No, per chi lo fa di mestiere sono passaggi molto semplici. Il traduttore deve saperti spiegare queste cose, quindi se qualcosa non fosse chiaro, scrivimi!
{"url": "https://www.traduzionibertelli.it/blog/traduzione-e-legalizzazione-di-documenti-stranieri-cittadinanza-per-matrimonio", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.traduzionibertelli.it", "date_download": "2018-02-17T19:35:51Z", "digest": "sha1:LSY3KFT2DCL66LPLBY6YGCY7SVXURSYV"}
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Want to learn more about Culture? Next Training: - , January 01 - 01 Bounteous Named to Inc. 5000 List By Bounteous Inc. Magazine recognizes Bounteous, formerly HS2 Solutions, on its 37th annual Inc. 5000 list, the publication’s prestigious ranking of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. HS2, a leading digital brand experience agency, grows through increasing value for clients and a robust company culture. HS2’s 2018 growth was bolstered by its acquisition of LunaMetrics in December 2017. The addition of LunaMetrics—a multiple-year honoree of the Inc. 5000—deepened HS2’s service offerings while expanding HS2’s national presence. “We are honored by this recognition because growth is a sign that we are providing value to our clients,” said Keith Schwartz, co-founder and president of HS2. “Consistent growth is only possible because HS2 is an employer of choice which allows us to attract and retain top talent.” The Inc. 5000 list is ranked by percentage revenue growth and represents a unique look at independent small businesses. Microsoft, Dell, Domino’s Pizza, Pandora, Timberland, LinkedIn, Yelp, Zillow, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000. “If your company is on the Inc. 5000, it’s unparalleled recognition of your years of hard work and sacrifice,” said Inc. editor in chief James Ledbetter. “The lines of business may come and go, or come and stay. What doesn’t change is the way entrepreneurs create and accelerate the forces that shape our lives.” The Inc. 5000 list is the latest accolade for HS2 in 2018, following recognition on Crain’s Chicago Business Top Places to Work, Adobe’s Emerging Partner of the Year, CEO Phil Hollyer’s Honor in the Daily Herald’s C-Suite Awards, and AEM Rock Star of the Year. Although not included in time for award consideration, HS2 has continued to grow organizationally and geographically, with a second acquisition in June 2018, Infield Digital. Complete results of the Inc. 5000 can be found at www.inc.com/inc5000. May 2 · Design Designers of Color in Conversation: Q&A The Bounteous XD team hosted Designers of Color in Conversation to explore the real stories and experiences of Chicago-based designers of color. Apr 18 · Design What You Can Learn About Design from a Bunch of High School Girls A Chat Bot workshop for teens, 2 seasoned designers, and a whole lot of learning. Explore if these 3 key points of design thinking can work for you. Feb 11 · Announcements Press Release: Following Record Year, Bounteous Promotes Keith Schwartz to CEO; Phil Hollyer Transitions to Executive Chairman President and co-founder Keith Schwartz has been promoted to CEO, while co-founder and former CEO Phil Hollyer has assumed a new role as Executive Chairman.
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America's Black Holocaust Museum The Museum’s Four Themes What Is The Black Holocaust? Dr. James Cameron, Museum Founder and Lynching Survivor Tell Your Dr. Cameron Story Griots At The Museum International Advisory Committee ABHM Comments Policies Contact ABHM African Peoples Before Captivity Kidnapped: The Middle Passage Three Centuries Of Enslavement One Hundred Years of Jim Crow I Am Somebody! The Struggle for Justice NOW – Free At Last? Freedom-Lovers’ Roll Call Wall Freedom-Lovers’ Roll Call Wall Form A Memorial to the Victims of Lynching Contribute Your Time And Talents Tell Lynching Victim’s Life Story Freedom-Lovers’ Roll Call Form When the past is present… Woman Removes Confederate Flag In Front Of South Carolina Statehouse By Hilary Hanson, the Huffington Post A woman scaled a flagpole in front of the South Carolina Statehouse on Saturday morning and removed the Confederate battle flag. “We removed the flag today because we can’t wait any longer,” Bree Newsome, 30, said in a statement released by activist group Blackbird, which was helping out with press but did not facilitate the event itself. “We can’t continue like this another day. It’s time for a new chapter where we are sincere about dismantling white supremacy and building toward true racial justice and equality.” Newsome now faces a charge of defacing monuments on state Capitol grounds, The Associated Press reported. The offense carries a possible fine of up to $5,000 and up to three years in prison. Newsome did not act alone, but was part of a larger group of activists who wanted to see the flag come down. Newsome, who is from North Carolina, is black, but the group she is part of is multiracial, according to the release. She made it about halfway up the pole when authorities commanded her to come down, but she continued to go up and remove the flag, which was padlocked in place. She was arrested, along with a man and a woman who accompanied her to the Statehouse grounds in Columbia. James Ian Tyson, 30, is facing the same charges as Newsome, according to the AP. The flag was raised up again about 45 minutes later. Read more Breaking News here. White Supremacists More Dangerous To America Than Foreign Terrorists, Study Says By Julia Craven, the Huffington Post Nine people were added to a long list of lives taken by domestic terrorism when Dylann Roof allegedly began shooting inside a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 17. At least 48 people have been killed stateside by right-wing extremists in the 14 years since since the September 11 attacks — almost twice as many as were killed by self-identified jihadists in that time, according to a study released Wednesday by the New America Foundation, a Washington, D.C., research center. The study found that radical anti-government groups or white supremacists were responsible for most of the terror attacks. The data counters many conventional thoughts on what terrorism is and isn’t. Since Sept. 11, many Americans attribute terror attacks to Islamic extremists instead of those in the right wing. But the numbers don’t back up this popular conception, said Charles Kurzman, a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Kurzman is co-authoring a study with David Schanzer of Duke University, set to be published Thursday, that asks police departments to rank the three biggest threats from violent extremism in their jurisdiction. Law enforcement agencies reported they were more concerned about the activities of right-wing extremist groups than Islamic extremists in their jurisdictions (about 74 percent versus 39 percent) due to the “menacing” rhetoric used by some of these groups — and that they were training officers to take action when they saw signs of potentially violent individuals, Kurzman and Schanzer found… Accused domestic terrorist Dylann Roof. The accused Charleston shooter is currently being investigated under domestic terrorism charges by the Department of Justice — a move that acknowledges the long history of anti-black terrorist attacks… And while most officially acknowledged anti-black terrorism cases occurred during the eras of slavery, Reconstruction and Jim Crow, as recent news demonstrate, this type of terrorism is still an ongoing concern.
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Cultural Perspectives, DiverseWerks, News Lavazza Italian Film Festival The annual Lavazza Italian Film Festival will be hosted in Sydney from the 12th of September to the 8th of October. Palace Cinemas across Australia will be screening the best of contemporary Italian films as part of the Festival. Source: https://www.italianfilmfestival.com.au/ Tagged: Italian festival, Italian, multicultural, culture, festival, australia, film
{"url": "https://www.culper.com.au/blog/tag/australia", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.culper.com.au", "date_download": "2019-07-15T19:03:53Z", "digest": "sha1:SYZYCTOKNUJ475JRXKY4URKKAUIIEJ5O"}
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Abierto el plazo de preinscripción al Campeonato Nacional de TPV 2018, Chillarón de Cuenca. Federación Castellano Manchega de Espeleología y Cañones https://www.fcme.org/campeonato-nacional-de-tpv-2018-chillaron-de-cuenca-abierto-el-plazo-de-preinscripcion/ Etiquetas: Castilla-La Mancha, TPV Técnicas de Progresión Vertical Abierto el plazo de preinscripción al Campeonato N... Nueva revista, "Papers de la Societat Espeleològic... II Concurso Fotográfico de Conservación Subterráne... Nuevo coleóptero descubierto en España Bioespeleol... Boletín Informativo Eurospeleo, julio de 2018 Euro...
{"url": "https://www.periodicosubterranea.com/2018/07/abierto-el-plazo-de-preinscripcion-al.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.periodicosubterranea.com", "date_download": "2021-09-16T11:40:11Z", "digest": "sha1:NCQFTKTZW2CAJF373FYGWLNUCZQRJHZE"}
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Advenutres of Robin Hood, Volume 6
{"url": "https://www.radiospirits.com/cart/cart.asp?mbprodid=55722&Svr=.62&l=1&source=,,&scode=P04CY100", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.radiospirits.com", "date_download": "2015-06-29T23:35:29Z", "digest": "sha1:7RCYQP7U75Q23R266UVYLKARUX65MCGC"}
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A Blacklist for Websites Backfires in Australia Revision as of 28 March 2009 by Wikileaks (Talk) Jump to: navigation, search March 22, 2009 By Belinda Luscombe (Time Magazine) It must have seemed like a good idea at the time. If you want to reduce citizens' exposure to dangerous and illegal activities online, why not gather up all the URLs for sites that promote such acts — child pornography, extreme violence, weapon-making and so on — and have Internet Service Providers (ISPs) simply block them? Wouldn't that make the internet safer for families and children? Actually no, as the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is finding out the hard way. The ACMA, Canberra's equivalent of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission, put together such a list and sent it to more than a dozen companies. It was part of a trial program to develop software that would allow Australian ISPs to block the site
{"url": "http://wikileaks.org/w/index.php?title=A_Blacklist_for_Websites_Backfires_in_Australia&direction=prev&oldid=57950", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "wikileaks.org", "date_download": "2014-09-15T02:33:19Z", "digest": "sha1:5ZNTBSUJSM7TGI6BBVDT66EGPOVQZ47W"}
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Posted on July 27, 2017 by . 0 comments.
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0.0 General introduction to the course Quantum Optics 1 : Single Photons 巴黎综合理工学院 This course gives you access to basic tools and concepts to understand research articles and books on modern quantum optics. You will learn about quantization of light, formalism to describe quantum states of light without any classical analogue, and observables allowing one to demonstrate typical quantum properties of these states. These tools will be applied to the emblematic case of a one-photon wave packet, which behaves both as a particle and a wave. Wave-particle duality is a great quantum mystery in the words of Richard Feynman. You will be able to fully appreciate real experiments demonstrating wave-particle duality for a single photon, and applications to quantum technologies based on single photon sources, which are now commercially available. The tools presented in this course will be widely used in our second quantum optics course, which will present more advanced topics such as entanglement, interaction of quantized light with matter, squeezed light, etc... So if you have a good knowledge in basic quantum mechanics and classical electromagnetism, but always wanted to know: • how to go from classical electromagnetism to quantized radiation, • how the concept of photon emerges, • how a unified formalism is able to describe apparently contradictory behaviors observed in quantum optics labs, • how creative physicists and engineers have invented totally new technologies based on quantum properties of light, then this course is for you. Challenging and highly insightful course. It erased many misconceptions I had about Photons. Thanks Prof. A. Aspect and Prof. M Burn This course give me a brief idea about single photon. Thank you for providing such a good course. Quantization of light: one mode In this first lesson, you will discover what is canonical quantization, apply it to the quantization of a single mode of the electromagnetic field, and find that it behaves as a quantum harmonic oscillator. The notion of photon will then naturally emerge, as well as the weird but fundamental notion of vacuum fluctuations. 0.0 General introduction to the course11:42 Michel Brune 選擇語言英語(English) Hi, nice to have you with us. I am Alain Aspect with my colleague, Michel Brune. We have prepared for you this first course on quantum optics centered on quantized light, and some of its extraordinary properties. Before embarking into this course you may ask the question, why quantize light? According to the basic principles of physics, everything should be described in the framework of quantum mechanics, and light is not an exception. So the first reason to learn quantization of light is a matter of principle. But we know that in practice it often happens that one does not need to resort to a quantum description of physics phenomena. For instance, if you want to describe the motion of planets around the sun, you don't use Schrodinger equation, you use Newton's mechanics. So, I can rephrase the question, do we really need to quantized light? Until the 1970s, the answer was not 100% yes. Almost all known phenomena of optics could be described in the framework of classical electromagnetism. That is to say, light could be described as a classical electromagnetic wave, obeying Maxwell's equations, without any reference to the notion of photon. Quantum mechanics was needed only to describe matter. Completed with the Hamiltonian describing the interaction between classical radiation and quantized matter, you get the semi-classical model of optics. This model describes successfully most optics phenomena. Such as, free propagation, interference, diffraction. It also describes successfully absorption and stimulated emission of light by matter. This is enough to understand laser physics as shown in the first part of our book on quantum optics. [MUSIC] But it is not the end of the story. Our book has another part dealing with quantized light, indeed. There are phenomena that cannot be understood in the framework of the semi-classical model. Spontaneous emission, that is to say the fact that an isolated atom in an excited state eventually emits a photon, cannot be described consistently in the semi-classical model of matter light interaction. To describe correctly the phenomenon of spontaneous emission one needs to quantize light. Moreover, starting in the 1970s experimentalists could produce new states of radiation giving rise to phenomena that could not, absolutely not, be described by classical electromagnetism. For instance, it was possible to produce single photon wave packets or pairs of entangled photons exhibiting surprising behaviors impossible to describe by any classical model. Soon after in the mid-1980s, squeezed states of light were produced for the first time, allowing one to pass what had been considered a fundamental limit. The so-called standard quantum limit. Squeezed light can be used for measurements with an unprecedented sensitivity. For instance, in gravitational-waves detectors. This belongs to the domain of quantum metrology. Single and entangled photons are used to transmit and process information, in totally new ways, this is the domain of quantum information, a central theme in the second quantum revolution, which is underway. So to my first question, do we need to quantize light? The answer is yes, we need to quantize light if we want to understand modern optics. But why should you want to study quantization of light? I can offer at least three very good reasons. First, because you are interested in basic phenomena and you want to know how to describe correctly spontaneous emission. This was the only compelling reason when I was a student. Second, because you are interested in basic phenomena and you want to know how the new quantized states of light have allowed experimentalists to shed a new light on the conceptual foundations of quantum physics. I am one of these experimentalists and in this course, I will describe some experiments related to fundamental questions and share with you my amazement and enthusiasm about the way experiments allow us to address conceptual questions. Third, because you are convinced that quantum technologies will play an important role in the next decade, and you want to be able to understand key elements at the root of the second quantum revolution. With our younger colleagues Michel and I are involved in the second quantum revolution, and we will present some examples of quantum technologies. If you feel interested by at least one of these reasons, then come with us on our journey in quantum optics. [MUSIC] In fact, the matter is so broad, that we have decided to split our course in two parts. You are today embarking into our first course where you will learn how to quantize light, how to describe its evolution, its propagation in free space and in optical instruments, such as interferometers. Along the seven lessons of this first course, you will also learn many theoretical tools of quantum optics necessary to be able to read advanced books or research papers, and to do calculations yourself. But studying these theoretical tools without examples would be hard to swallow. Michel and I, we are experimentalists and we cannot conceive a course without real examples. In this first course, our privileged example of a fully quantum state of light will be one-photon wave packets. Before 1970, one could not even dream of producing such states even less to send them into an interferometer. Now days, it has become standard and such states are basic tools of quantum technologies. Let us now skim through the program of the seven lessons of our first course. In the lesson of today, you will learn how it is possible to quantize a classical electromagnetic field. We will consider the case of a single mode only in order to keep a simple enough formalism. The notion of photon will immediately emerge as well as a notion of vacuum fluctuations quite important in quantum optics. In lesson two, you will encounter a first model of one photon wave packet based on a single mode. After learning the expressions of single and double photo-detection signals, a basic tool in quantum optics, you will be able to appreciate the fully quantum property of one photon, its particle like behavior, and understand why the classical model of light cannot render an account of this behavior. In lesson three, we are going to address a question which has fascinated physicists since the early days of quantum physics. Can a single photon lead to interferences, that is to say a wavelike behavior. To describe the interferometer, you will need to learn how to describe the effect of a beam splitter on quantized light, another basic tool of quantum optics. In a real laboratory, one always deals with radiation that can be described only using several modes of the electromagnetic field. In the fourth lesson, you will learn about quantization of multimode radiation and about the generalization of the notion of photon and of photo detection signals. You will also find, why the question of vacuum fluctuations is far from trivial. In the fifth lesson, you will learn how to produce one-photon wave packets from the first sources of the early 1980s to the most recent ones. It will be also the right moment to learn another very important theoretical tool for quantum optics, the Heisenberg formalism. In lesson six, we will then be ready to describe real experiments which illustrate the concept of wave particle duality and of complementarity. I will argue that this is a real mystery, but a fruitful mystery, since it's only after they recognized this mysterious behaviour that creative physicists developed new quantum technologies central in the second quantum revolution. In lesson seven you will discover two quantum technologies based on one photon wave packets. Quantum random number generators and quantum cryptography. It will then be time to pause and digest all that matter before embarking in our second course which is in preparation. In each lesson you will have several quiz, usually quite simple. Useful to help you assimilate the main notions of the lesson. You will find such a quiz just at the end of this introduction as an example. Each lesson will be supplemented with a homework, which will not only help you to assimilate the subject of the lesson, but also to discover some additional phenomena or formalisms, which we consider important in modern quantum optics. So now it is time to start with us in the first leg of our journey and learn how to quantize light.
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Seguir o no seguir con el presidencialismo ¿Qué significa establecer un sistema de gobierno semipresidencial? Aunque la realidad muestra que los sistemas de Gobierno no son “puros”, y que mezclan elementos propios de distintos modelos y cuestiones propias de la realidad de cada país, en general hay consenso en que un sistema de Gobierno semipresidencial es un modelo intermedio entre el sistema presidencial (como el que actualmente existe en nuestro país) y un sistema parlamentario (como varios países europeos). El propósito de este tipo de sistemas es generar gobiernos de mayorías, con amplios consensos y con una relación coordinada y cercana entre los poderes En Chile, la ciudadanía elige directamente al jefe o jefa del Gobierno de manera independiente del Congreso. Además, el Presidente (a), está dotado de muchas otras atribuciones que refuerzan su independencia y posición respecto del Congreso, como la iniciativa exclusiva para legislar sobre algunas materias, el control de la discusión presupuestaria, la autonomía para nombrar a sus ministros, entre otras. El sistema de gobierno parlamentario es el opuesto. En estos sistemas, la ciudadanía elige a los representantes del Congreso quienes son los que elegirán al Presidente (a) (denominado Primer Ministro (a)) quién deberá mantener una relación muy estrecha con el Parlamento en la conducción del Gobierno. Bajo este sistema, el Gobierno está controlado por el Parlamento. Generalmente, un sistema de gobierno semipresidencial mantiene la figura del Presidente (a) electa directamente por la ciudadanía y agrega la figura del Primer Ministro (a) que, junto con su gabinete de ministros (as) es ratificado por el Congreso. El propósito de este tipo de sistemas es generar gobiernos de mayorías, con amplios consensos y con una relación coordinada y cercana entre los poderes, manteniendo algunas características de los otros dos modelos. Muchos países en el mundo cuentan con alguna forma de este régimen, entre los que se encuentran, Rusia, Rumania, Islandia, Madagascar, Senegal y Francia, por nombrar algunos. Si te interesa este tema y quieres aprender, la Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional preparó este artículo.
{"url": "https://laconstituciondelaconfianza.cl/articulo/seguir-o-no-seguir-con-el-presidencialismo", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "laconstituciondelaconfianza.cl", "date_download": "2021-09-16T11:08:37Z", "digest": "sha1:BPHWCHVVXJL6IPS6RPEJXN2KDHOMKD3L"}
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You are reading: CBR TV @ CCI 2012: Joe Quesada on Marvel NOW!, Creator-Owned & Comic Movies CBR TV @ CCI 2012: Joe Quesada on Marvel NOW!, Creator-Owned & Comic Movies 08.01.2012 by CBR Staff in Comic News Comment Marvel CCO Joe Quesada made his annual pilgrimage to the CBR yacht during Comic-Con International in San Diego to discuss all things Marvel, from the animated Disney XD block, to the movies to the upcoming Marvel NOW! initiative. First, Quesada discussed his Master Classes segments on Marvel’s Disney XD animation block where he takes viewers through a step-by-step process on how to draw Marvel’s super heroes, a gig that has made him the “coolest kid” at his daughter’s school. Next, the current box office domination by comic book films in general and Marvel Studios in particular is discussed, with Quesada re-affirming his longtime belief that the potential in Marvel’s characters is finally being realized by the world at large, the movies’ success spurring an increase in comic sales during a time when sales are dropping across the board in other printed publication industries, despite the other obvious growth in digital comics. As far as Marvel NOW!, Quesada responded to the initial reaction by many fans that it is Marvel’s take on DC Comics’ New 52 relaunch, saying it was a plan that was already in place and was set to happen regardless of DC’s moves, pointing to Marvel’s history in making similar moves, specifically when he took over as Editor-in-Chief. Beyond that, Quesada hit on a number of topics, from continuing to challenge himself as an artist to his current approach to attending CCI to the influence of comics on so many aspects of everyday life to his belief in the importance of working on creator-owned projects and more. cbr tv, cci2012, disney xd CBR TV @ CCI 2012: Joe Quesada on Marvel NOW!, Creator-Owned & Comic Movies 3
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Purple Anchor The fun has been doubled! Skill Balance Team Projects Why Dead-Ends? The Definition of a Dead-End Test Level Thesis Downloads Why Guilty Gear 2 is one of the best designed games I’ve ever played Posted in Game Reviews by Robert Gee TrackBack Address. Guilty Gear 2 : Overture is one of the odd entries in the Guilty Gear series. Unlike the rest that are 2D fighting games, this one is a 3D action RTS hybrid game. I dont think that it’s the best game I’ve ever played and it’s ratings and sales numbers aren’t even that good compared to the rest of the series much less other RTS games. However I feel like this is one of the best designed games in terms of how it created and set up its mechanics to create a unique style of gameplay I haven’t seen anywhere else before. I don’t want to take up too much space talking about the mechanics of the game, but I think an overview is necessary to understand why I think it’s such a well balanced game. The game is a 1v1 or 2v2 RTS style game where each player controls a special hero unit (master) from a 3rd person perspective. The goal of the game is to destroy your opponent’s base (master ghost) utilizing your side’s units (servants). Across the map are capture points (ghosts) which provide you with resources (mana) that can be used to summon more units or upgrade your hero. There are 4 unique clans of servants and 6 heroes (7 with DLC) each with their own specialties, though heroes are linked to specific clans for balance reasons. Here are the high points of the design that really stand out to me: Many strategies to win – Even though the win condition is destroying your opponent’s master ghost there are multiple ways to achieve this. Defeating the enemy master through servants or direct combat will damage the master ghost. Additionally you can weaken the shield around the master ghost by capturing ghosts. Servants can also be carried by the master directly to locations or the master ghost to deal damage to it. Multiple objectives – This is a little different from the “strategies” from the last paragraph in that having multiple objectives (ghosts, enemy master, enemy master ghost) at any given time on the map create multiple points of contention. Having many objectives means that meaningful decision-making can take place and that every objective cannot be obtained at once. This creates a more dynamic and flowing game as the objectives drive the player to move across the map. Unique combat – Blending RTS strategy with field action is unique in itself, but the way that combat on the field is handled is already fairly complex. Taking elements of the original Guilty Gear such as bursts, roman cancels and air dashes and adapting them to a 3D space is fairly impressive, though at times I felt it could use some polish. Overall I think this was a game that had a lot of potential, but there’s one big reason that I think it didn’t do very well. The game modes of RTS and 3D combat ended up being a little too difficult to manage for one person. Additionally, switching between the modes was fairly jarring and broke the flow of combat. I feel like the game would have been much stronger if it would have supported teamplay by allowing one player to control the master and another to play the RTS game. This type of game really is unique as far as genre is concerned though so it’s possible that some simplification of the system would have been enough to get it to work instead. Tagged as: Guilty Gear Posted in Misc by Robert Gee From July 2-5 I was in Los Angeles to check out Anime Expo 2009. It was a really fun trip and I had a ton of fun. AX is considered to be the biggest anime convention on the west coast and there were an estimated 44000 people in attendance this year. I saw some great bands, played some games, saw some movies, checked out some previews for things to come from the anime industry and even attended some informative and entertaining workshops. But the best part was that I got to meet Daisuke Ishiwatari and Toshimichi Mori. Ishiwatari is the designer for Guilty Gear as well as the composer for BlazBlue, while Mori was the lead designer and artist for BlazBlue. I also got the chance to ask the two of them some questions about game design during the two panels that they had. Because the question/answer period was quick their responses weren’t that detailed, but they offered some interesting ideas about the games they worked on. When I asked about what they felt was important in designing games, Ishiwatari said that he felt it was important for games to have either cooperative or competitive elements to them, since these were the things that would keep players playing the game for longer. After the question, Mori then asked me if I was trying to get into the game industry. I think he was a little surprised when I told him that I’d already been working in it. I hope I can design something in the future that will impress them. Later at the second panel I asked them what the biggest design challenges they had when designing BlazBlue and Guilty Gear. Ishiwatari said that for Guilty Gear the biggest challenge was adapting the game for arcades, since the original game was designed for consoles. He said he did a lot of research into the kinds of things that would get players to keep putting quarters into the machine. Mori said that for BlazBlue the most difficult thing was getting good networking for the game. For fighting games like BlazBlue this kind of thing is fairly difficult, though I’ve heard that in general BlazBlue’s online play is fairly solid. All in all, it was a great trip and it was pretty neat to meet the creators of the games I’ve been enjoying for so long. I hope I can make it to Anime Expo next year as well. I’ll end this post with a quote from Ishiwatari from an earlier interview: “I look forward to seeing new designers come into the industry with a burning passion to create.” Reading this I’m motivated to keep working hard in order to live up to his expectations. Tagged as: Anime Expo, Blazblue, Guilty Gear BlazBlue: Pushing Design Limitations Part 1 I mentioned before that I was looking forward to the Arc System Works game BlazBlue in an earlier post, and I wanted to take a little time to explain why I find it interesting. Now there are the obvious fanboy reasons for it, since it’s made by the same team that made Guilty Gear, one of my favorite games, but from a design perspective, I find it facinating that the designers managed to set up a game that seems to have a good balance and yet also include a whole bunch of bizzare design ideas. This first part is an introduction to the game and it’s predecessor Guilty Gear and how the base game system has a lot of things that are a radical departure from how most fighting games are set up. After that I’ll take a few more posts to go over each of the characters and how in their own way each of them expore a radically different playstyle and how it factors into the overall game balance. And hopefully at the end, I’ll have an analysis of how the game compares to other contemporary fighting games and their systems. Hopefully I won’t bore anyone. So as a bit of background, both Guilty Gear and BlazBlue are 2D fighting games which have a unique anime-style artwork and fast-paced, heavily offensive battles. The original Guilty Gear game was released in the U.S. in 1998 for the Playstation and subsequent releases mostly came out for the PS2. Each game expanded on previous mechanics and usually added a few new characters. The series has enjoyed a fairly large tournament scene which flourished around the time of the third game, the first game being considered a cult hit and the second somewhat unrefined. By the third game, several interesting mechanics had been developed and refined to provide a unique game experience. Specifically the mechanics I’m focusing on are: Perfect Guard – Removing Chip Damage In both games the player can hold two buttons while blocking to activate a perfect defensive manuver which prevents them from taking block damage. This mechanic also pushes back the enemy during combo strings to create space. In Guilty Gear the penalty for using this guard was the sacrifice of your super meter. In BlazBlue, it consumes a separate meter which recharges over time automatically. The advantage of the BlazBlue system is that it allows players who are not as offensive to use the technique (super meter is gained in both games from offensive actions), however if this extra gauge is depleted the player takes additional damage until it fills up again. Thus it becomes a different type of resource that the player can manage. BURST – Combo Breaker This is a mechanic that allows the player to immeditely break a combo initiated by the enemy. It makes them temporarily invincible and then causes a knockback effect in a radius around them. Both BlazBlue and Guilty Gear use this mechanic although there are some small differences. Guilty Gear used a timer for the burst, and had it charge up faster as the player gets hit. This generally allowed 2 bursts in a three round match. There were two types of bursts, one used defensively which rewarded you with the gauge refilling a bit if it hit, and one used offensively which completely charged the player’s super bar if it connected. In BlazBlue the burst is given to players every round and there is no longer a recharge timer, the player only gets one each round. The penalty for using the burst is that you can no longer use a perfect guard and your overall defence is lowered. This changes the mechanic from an ability that players tended to use early in Guilty Gear, to one which players tend to use late battle because of the strong negative drawback. This new tradeoff is interesting because it requires more strategical thought on the part of the player. Roman Cancel – Custom Combo Creator The Roman Cancel or Rapid Cancel as it is called in BlazBlue is a game system that allows players to immediately stop any action that hits the enemy and allow all normal movement options again. Both games use this mechanic to allow players to create specialized combos and unique actions that couldn’t otherwise be created. This action costs 50% of a player’s super meter (Guilty Gear has a special version of the roman cancel that costs 25%) and so the resulting action generally needs to be worth the amount of damage a super move would do, since those cost the same amount. It’s another type of tradeoff that gives the player some new options. Recovery - Avoiding Followups This is actually a more common feature of fighting games than the last few, but I thought it was worth mentioning because of the way that BlazBlue handles it. If the player is hit into the air, he can recover by pressing a button and a direction to flip away from a followup attack. In some cases it is advantageous to wait before recovering in case the enemy anticipates your recovery, so it becomes a guessing game that keeps the players engaged as soon as the previous sequence which resulted in the recovery ends. BlazBlue takes it a step further by allowing the player to recover on the ground in different directions. This is actually common in 3D fighting games, although 3D fighting games generally do not include air recovery. Since the player can be hit during ground recovery in BlazBlue at certain points it opens up new combo options and a deeper overall gameplay. Instant Kills – The Counter-Intuative Mechanic Both games have the concept of instant kills moves (called Astral Heat in BlazBlue), these are manuvers which kill off your opponent in a flashy way. In Guilty Gear they were ridiculously difficult to do and resulted in the player sacrificing his entire super bar if it missed (which means no supers, perfect guarding, or roman canceling). Also because they were so powerful, most of them were set up to be incredibly slow and almost impossible to connect with. As a result, they were rare and a gimmick at best. BlazBlue’s mechanic is a little better in that the Astral Heat moves are a little easier to hit with (at least the ones shown so far) and they do not remove the super bar if they miss. However as a tradeoff this move can only be performed when the enemy is at low health and on the last round. This changes the nature of the move to simply be a flashy finish to the round. It will likely see just as little use as the original Guilty Gear instant kill, due to it being more useful in most circumstances to use the super bar for two normal supers or roman canceling, but because they are no longer as strong, the moves can be made more useful and easier to connect with. Hopefully this will increase their usage. That’s the end of part one. Next time I’ll start going of the drive system and some characters. Tagged as: Blazblue, Guilty Gear
{"url": "http://www.purpleanchor.com/?tag=guilty-gear", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.purpleanchor.com", "date_download": "2017-09-19T11:28:43Z", "digest": "sha1:7UBACHU3YHN53FO3XPOH4V6P3K3BBMFN"}
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in strategic ux | December 9, 2010 Business savvy designers start with the customer An excellent thing about writing a book is having the excuse to read. Until recently, I’ve read a lot of people writing about Peter Drucker (a pioneering management theorist), now I’m actually reading his work myself. I recommend you do too. His book Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices is going down as one of the best User Experience books I’ve read in a long time. He wrote it in 1974. One of the issues that it is really clarifying for me is something I’ve had a gut feel about for a long time. The role of the commercially or business savvy designer. What does it mean to be ‘business savvy’ when you’re a designer? For some, it means you have an MBA, you take pleasure in doing SWOT analysis, and you love to spend your afternoon doing some double entry book keeping. For most of us, I think it means that we’re willing to ask for or define and then design for measurable outcomes that the business cares about. Increases in sales, page impressions, things that accountants and managers care about. While I’m all for helping my client/employer be profitable so that they can continue to pay me and so we can work on more and better projects together, the description above doesn’t really fit well with most of the other aspects of User Experience. All too often, we find ourselves making compromises, or doing things that don’t really make sense, because of these clearly defined business objectives or ‘commercial reality’. Reading Drucker has helped me to better articulate why this feels so wrong. It’s because it is wrong. Most of the business people we’re taking orders from are actually doing business wrong. And if anyone can help them, it’s a User Experience person who has a firm grip on how business should be. Actually, if you read Drucker (and I’ll post you some snippets in a moment), I think you’ll be amazed at how – if business is done the way he advocates – business people and UX people are actually coming from precisely the same place. Working together, doing things the right way, we can actually be firm allies rather than – as is so often the case – being mildly suspicious of each others motives and usefulness to the organisation. There is so much of the first part of my copy of Drucker’s book highlighted I can hardly choose which bit to share with you. Here are a few pieces I had to underline then make a big highlighter star in the margin about: To know what a business is we have to start with its purpose. Its purpose must lie outside of the business itself. In fact, it must lie in society, since business enterprise is an organ of society. There is only one valid definition of business purpose: to create a customer. It is the customer who determines what a business is. it is the customer alone whose willingness to pay for a good or for a service converts economic resources into wealth, things into goods. Whatever the business thinks it produces is not of first importance – especially not to the future of the business and to its success… What the customer thinks he or she is buying, what he or she considers value is decisive – it determines what a business is, what it produces, and whether it will prosper. And what the customer buys and considers value is never a product. It is always a utility – that is, what a product or service does for him or her. And what is value for the customer is anything but obvious. (pp 56-57) We really need a value measurement. What economic value does innovation give the customer? The customer is the only judge; he or she alone knows the economic reality. (pp60) Profit is not a cause but a result – the results of the performance of the business in marketing, innovation, productivity. It is a needed result, serving essential economic functions.Profit is, first, the test of performance – the only effective test… Indeed, profit is a beautiful example of what engineers mean when they talk of feedback, or the self-regulation of a process by it’s own results. (pp65) With respect to the definition of business purpose and business mission, there is only one such focus, one starting point. It is the customer. The customer defines the business. Management always, and understandably, considers its product or its service to be important. If it did not, it could not do a good job. Yet to the customer, no product or service, and certainly no company, is of much importance. The executives of a company always tend to believe that the customer spends hours discussing their products. But how many housewives, for instance, ever talk to each other about the whiteness of their laundry? If something is badly wrong with one brand of detergent, they switch to another. Customers only want to know what the product or service will do for them tomorrow. All they are interested in are their own values and wants. Any serious attempt to state ‘what our business is’ must start with these truths about the customers. (pp 72) The customer never buys a product. By definition the customer buys the satisfaction of a want. The customer buys value. Yet, the manufacturer, by definition, cannot produce a value, but can only make and sell a product. What the manufacturer considers quality may, therefore, be irrelevant and nothing but a waste and useless expense. (p 76) Maybe I’m unlucky but all too many projects that I come into contact with seem to start with the sales figures. They have noisy shareholders demanding dollar value results in the next three months. They focus on traffic, page impressions, ad revenue, numbers of customers. Yet ask them what the purpose of the business is, what the value to the customer is, and often the response you get is a sigh and a look that makes you feel like you’ve drifted off into touchy-feely-designerland. Well, no more. Forget ‘design thinking’ and any new-fashioned mumbo-jumbo. And forget being an order taker for sales figures and page impressions. By not focusing properly on customer value, defining their business in relation to customer value, our business people are doing business wrong. Putting the cart before the horse, focusing on the feedback and not the system. And it’s not me that says it, it’s the guys who defined what management is. (And, for the record, Drucker kept saying pretty much the same thing for the next 20yrs until he died, in 1995 – you reckon you’re frustrated, try being him. He ended up giving up on business and working with non-profits instead). Yes, its going to be a tough job turning some businesses around. Yes, sometimes you’ll need to give up and go somewhere where people actually want to listen. Working out this customer thing is much harder than setting some sales figures and then pressuring everyone around you to try to meet them… somehow. But that’s our job, right. The customer thing. Let’s stop feeling bad that we don’t understand all those complicated tables in Excel and how to read a profit and loss table. Let’s focus on what we know – gaining customer insight and designing products and services that deliver value to customers – because more than anything, that’s what business needs. Do this confidently, and that’s the best way you can ever be a business savvy designer. It’s a tough mission. Let’s do it together. I’ve added this book as an idea for London UX Bookclub – vote it up if you’re local and you’d like to talk about this more. Leisa Reichelt Published erling December 9, 2010 Hi Leisa. Great article. I have been working on an MBA + Design study plan. Having a better understanding of business has been very helpful in advancing my skills as a designer. Like you said, some of the authors, like Drucker, have great insight that can be applied to experience design. Have you read re-imagine by Tom Peters yet? Thanks for sharing your insights. I have recommended your blog as one of the best to follow. Keep the articles coming. Francis Norton December 9, 2010 I found a quote from that book on the web: “Because its purpose is to create a customer, the business has two – and only two – functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation create value, all the rest are costs.” and used it in in a product development proposal, I think it might time to read the book itself. Martin Kuplens-Ewart December 9, 2010 Absolutely agree with you, Leisa! A desire and commitment to make the client company better (improving the way they work, connect with customers/clients, etc.) has always been a key component of my professional practice. It’s lovely to be pointed to a clear summary of what has to date been largely a natural process, and be reassured that it is in fact probably an approach to the field that has the greatest beneficial impact for all parties.
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Participation du CAERT à la Séries des Conférences Exposition Protection & Management 2014 d’ IFSEC Organisée par UBM Live CONTEXTE ET REPRESENTATION IFSEC International avait invité le Centre Africain d’Etude et de Recherche sur Terrorisme (CAERT) à venir découvrir, dans le cadre de la série des conférences expositions « Protection & Management 2014 », organisé par UBM Live à Excel Exhibition Centre, Londres du 17 au 19 Juin 2014; les produits et solutions actuellement disponibles sur le marché international présenté par les délégués des firmes de renommée pour répondre au défit de sécurité posé par les criminels de tout ordre et plus spécialement ceux du terrorisme et des crimes organisés transnationaux. Le CAERT a participé à cette série qui comprend les événements: IFSEC International, FIREX International, FACILITIES Show, SERVICE MANAGEMENT Expo, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT Expo et SAFETY & HEALTH Expo en se faisant représenter par son spécialiste en équipement de prévention et lutte contre le terrorisme, Mr. RUBAGUMYA Jean Claude. Les autres participants à cette série des conférences exposition, au nombre de 45000 dont 1700 exposants et 500 présentateurs, étaient des exposants, des conférenciers, des experts et des officiels dans les administrations œuvrant dans les secteurs de transport, énergie, santé publique, protection civile, communication, télécommunication, produit chimique, infrastructure commerciale, réacteurs nucléaires, infrastructure et gouvernementale. BUT ET OJECTIF DU CAERT POUR LA PARTICIPATION Le CAERT est une structure au sein du Département Paix et Sécurité de la Commission de l’Union Africaine. Le CAERT conseille les Etats membres de l’Union sur tous les aspects de la menace terroriste sur le continent africain avec comme objectif de contribuer au renforcement de capacité des Etats membre de l’Union Africaine pour prévenir et lutter contre le terrorisme dans le but ultime de l’éradication définitive de la menace terroriste sur le continent africain. Dans ce cadre, le CAERT organise régulièrement au niveau international des rencontres interprofessionnelles réunissant les représentants des Etats membres de l’Union Africaine pour échanger les informations pour appuyer les opérations de préventions et lutte contre le terrorisme en Afrique. Le CAERT échange de même ses informations professionnelles avec d’autres partenaires dans le cadre de la coopération internationale d’appuis aux opérations antiterroristes à savoir : «détection des explosifs, collecte des renseignements, identification des armes à feu, Contrôle des médiats, collecte des pièces à conviction, technologies et gestions des crises après attaques ». Le CAERT a participé à la série des conférences expositions « Protection & Management 2014 » pour échanger durant le temps du déroulement de la conférence exposition les contacts professionnels avec des partenaires internationaux pour faciliter la collecte des informations sur les produits et les solutions de sécurité et pouvoir mettre à jour son programme de renforcement des capacités de prévention et lutte contre le terrorisme au profit des Etats Membres de l’Union Africaines. RESULTATS ESCOMPTE Le CAERT a obtenu à partir du document « OFFICIAL SERIES CATALOGUE, Protection & Management 2014, Excel London 2014 remis à l’occasion de la participation indiquant 1700 contacts avec profil et catégorie de produits et solutions de sécurité offerts par chaque entreprise. Le CAERT a identifié, sur base des information issues des contacts reçus, plus de 34 firmes annonçant des innovations réalisées dans l’ensemble des domaines de l’antiterrorisme dans l’industrie de la vidéo surveillance et control de périmètre, gestion des alarmes et intrusions, Access control, scanners des bagages intelligent building, ICT et IT & cyber sécurité, villes sures « safe cities » et de lutte anti incendie. Le CAERT mettra en valeur ses programmes de renforcement de capacité avec les informations pertinentes issues du cadre de collaboration d’IFSEC dans les séries des conférences exposition PROTECTION & MANAGEMENT2014 organisé par UBM Live. Posted in: Activity, activity-pic
{"url": "http://caert.org.dz/?p=1136", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "caert.org.dz", "date_download": "2019-07-15T17:57:42Z", "digest": "sha1:DKAFPLBBFIVKYZQ5X3X4R62MFHR2RL6E"}
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At Clatterbridge Hospital, patients benefit from the use of increasingly sophisticated surgical techniques, which has led to better outcomes and shorter hospital stays. Increasingly, operations do not require the patient to make an overnight stay in hospital. The surgical and orthopaedic unit consistently has a zero rate of MRSA.
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Hey sinon vous lisez quoi en ce moment? douardouin Fait ses previs tout seul Inscrit le: Mer Mai 14, 2014 8:46 am Localisation: Dans l'eau... Re: Hey sinon vous lisez quoi en ce moment? par douardouin sur Jeu Nov 02, 2017 8:53 am geulafioul a écrit: D'un point de vue littéraire, y'a rien d'exceptionnel mais on s'en fout hein, l'important c'est son périple, pas besoin de philosopher sur le chant des singes hurleurs au petit matin, c'est pas Stevenson qui promène dans les Cévennes. Mais quand même quelques longueurs car c'est la même écriture que Conquérant de l'impossible et ça c'est chiant. Sinon voilà un tour du monde barjot, faut être un peu toc toc pour faire ça. Comme par exemple traverser l'Atlantique, le Pacifique et l'Indien sur un trimaran conçu pour la plaisance et qu'on a appris à naviguer (sur le lac Léman) en quelques heures... Ou encore traverser l'Afrique centrale en pleine guerre civile... Ou encore canoter tranquille sur un fleuve Amazonien dans une zone contrôlée par les cartels Colombiens... Mais Mike, faut pas l'oublier, est un ancien commando des forces spéciales Sud Af', les Kalach' il connait, il te les démonte en 27'' les yeux fermés. Des rebelles qui le tracent à travers la jungle ? No problemos, Mickey est passé maître dans l'art de tromper l'ennemi (l'histoire ne le dit pas mais je crois qu'il utilise les semences d'un quelconque babouin pour masquer son odorat et au passage se faire un repas copieux). Bon par contre son passé militaire lui a laissé quelques traces de genre raciste, il a un point de vue très arrêté sur certaines peuplades et il est limite limite le Mickey, comme ce moment où il commence sa phrase par "j'suis pas raciste mais..." Mais ne finissons pas sur cette mauvaise note, cette aventure est tout à fait incroyable, il a l'air d'être le seul à pouvoir réussir un truc pareil, vraiment c'est cool. Bisous. Marrant çà, mes vieux me l'ont prêter il y a quelques mois, impossible de lire plus de 50pages.... Beurk!! et pourtant je suis fan d'aventures et découvertes, mais ce mode égocentrique, genre: j'organise une aventure, JE prépare cette aventure, et JE réalise donc, avec beaucoup de détails croustillants peu constructifs humainement, cette aventure... bref ce n'est plus pour moi, j'en ai fait mes lectures passionnées au collège et début de vie d'adultes, sur l'alpinisme, la mer etc... En fait il manque l'essentiel je trouve, un but dans ce qu'il fait, une épopée c'est super, mais là çà fait vraiment je fais çà pour le raconter et faire rêver les gens, çà j'aime pas... Ya pas d'échanges dans son histoire, c'est une guerre des nerfs de lui contre tous, c'est pas constructif ce genre de comportement, en tous cas çà ne me vend plus du rêve. De ma petite expérience, quand tu voyages le plus grand plaisir c'est l'échange avec les humains des autres pays, sans celà tu te prives de l'essence même du voyage!! Bonne lecture ahahah par Surf Jennifer sur Mar Nov 07, 2017 3:54 pm geulafioul Inscrit le: Jeu Avr 22, 2004 11:00 pm Localisation: Chez les gens qui parlent avé l'accent par geulafioul sur Mar Nov 07, 2017 3:54 pm Ça par contre je sent que ça va être fendart ! Bon effectivement c'était assez drôle ! C'est rapide, pas plus de 10 pages par "trou du cul", c'est pas tant la destination qui vaut le "label" mais plutôt les situations dans lesquelles il s'est trouvé. Sympa ! Et puis comme j'suis un peu maso, j'écoute ça en audio livre, en bagnole sur les longs trajets c'est cool : bon ok c'est chiant parfois (souvent) mais ça vaut le coup de s'intéresser à notre despote préféré. Gallo bande à fond sur Napoléon par pezronf sur Mar Nov 07, 2017 3:55 pm il est mort gallo pezronf a écrit: il est mort gallo moi-même a écrit: Gallo bandait à fond sur Napoléon Correction faite. par koro sur Dim Nov 19, 2017 7:03 pm Je suis en train de lire cette BD, qui tombe fort à propos sur le débat qu'on a eu il y a quelques jours sur le "féminisme", et qui explique et démonte les conditionnements auxquels nous sommes soumis dès notre jeunesse et l'influence qu'ils exercent sur les rapport humains, l'auteure s’intéressant principalement aux rapports de couple. par pezronf sur Dim Nov 19, 2017 7:55 pm koro a écrit: Je suis en train de lire cette BD, qui tombe fort à propos sur le débat qu'on a eu il y a quelques jours sur le "féminisme", et qui explique et démonte les conditionnements auxquels nous sommes soumis dès notre jeunesse et l'influence qu'ils exercent sur les rapport humains, l'auteure s’intéressant principalement aux rapports de couple. encore un truc de bonne femme par koro sur Lun Nov 20, 2017 8:09 am Y'a pas d'extrait d'eau de rose dedans, et rassure toi, ta virilité ne sera pas (trop) atteinte par cet ouvrage par pezronf sur Lun Nov 20, 2017 10:29 am koro a écrit: Y'a pas d'extrait d'eau de rose dedans, et rassure toi, ta virilité ne sera pas (trop) atteinte par cet ouvrage https://usbeketrica.com/article/faut-il ... hematiques tiens ça parle aussi de la langue et de son influence sur les creations de concept, c'est autre chose que savoir si bobonne est toléré au bowling Fourchon Inscrit le: Mer Juin 26, 2002 11:00 pm par caly sur Lun Nov 20, 2017 11:02 am Team Bourdieu par koro sur Lun Nov 20, 2017 3:27 pm Ah tiens, de l'influence de la langue... Ceci dit, la bd en question ne parle pas de langue, d'autant que c'est une BD suédoise... cmisseghers Inscrit le: Dim Avr 13, 2003 11:00 pm par cmisseghers sur Lun Nov 20, 2017 4:14 pm kimo a écrit: pezronf a écrit: "Bon par contre son passé militaire lui a laissé quelques traces de genre raciste, il a un point de vue très arrêté sur certaines peuplades" pas d'accord...c'est sans doute son passé de sud africain qui lui oblige à se justifier de pas etre raciste...parceque les mecs qu'ils critiquent dans l'afrique centrale sont quand meme de sacré mongoliens agressifs... J'pensais à ceux-là. Mais plutôt aux gens qu'il critique parce qu'ils mendient et sous-entend que c'est des fainéants. Je me rappelle pas avoir lu ça dans son bouquin... Quoi qu'il en soit je pense qu'au regard de sa vie et de sa psychologie il est fondamentalement incapable de concevoir que des gens n'est pas le ressort qu'il a eu dans sa vie. Mais c'est plutôt de l'incompréhension qu'un jugement moral à mon avis. Oui c'est très possible au vu de son parcours hors norme. Vous saviez qu'après avoir fait fortune sur un deal de choux, il a TOUT donné à ses proches et s'est barré en Suisse (seul pays avec Israël sans visa pour les Sud Af') ? Yep... Il est barré mais ceci s'explique (peut être) par le fait que la guerre dans laquelle il a été impliqué était vraiment une sale guerre... geulafioul a écrit: Et j'ai pris ça à la bibli : pas aimé à 20 ans... Adoré à 30 ans ! Comme quoi. Je lis ça Et je pense que J.London avait tout compris à la futilité et de la vie et à son extraordinaire potentiel ! La phrase, en 2ème page, qui résume le livre "Pourquoi ne pas partir tout de suite ? Nul d'entre nous ne sera jamais plus jeune qu'aujourd'hui." .............Vzzzzzzzzzzz..........Brouuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmm...........Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii............ Tadam !! par pezronf sur Ven Nov 24, 2017 11:53 am https://www.amazon.fr/Mon-carnet-Eric-C ... ewpoints=1 putain mais quel bouffon ce cantona d'ailleurs ce grand revolutionnaire est parti vivre au portugal, bien sur rien à voir au statut fiscal par geulafioul sur Ven Nov 24, 2017 2:03 pm pezronf a écrit: https://www.amazon.fr/Mon-carnet-Eric-Cantona/product-reviews/2081418185/ref=dpx_acr_txt?showViewpoints=1 putain mais quel bouffon ce cantona par caly sur Ven Nov 24, 2017 2:12 pm Comme les mecs qui vont jouer en turquie ou en chine "pour l'aspect sportif" "Trazbonspor est mon club de coeur" balibalo Inscrit le: Mar Jan 10, 2006 12:00 am Localisation: construit une cabane en bois...'tain c'est long par balibalo sur Ven Nov 24, 2017 3:46 pm Attention pour les parents distraits, il ne s'agit pas d'un livre de coloriage pour enfant de 3 ans, non, c'est bien plus laid (et plus cher) . La description de l'objet se constitue pour la moitié de pages blanches (par souci écologique sans doute), l'autre d'un gribouillis minuscule, accompagné (ou pas) d'un mot comme "printemps", "hiver" , "frontières" (je vous jure,j'invente pas, feuilletez le par vous même, les photos jointes sont hélas significatives du contenu) Bon, que dire ? Dans "marche ou crève", Stephen King avait décrit une société décadente qui admirait les célébrités sans raison, jusqu'à récupérer leur caca dans un bocal en guise de trophée. On y est. Des dessins faussement naïfs qui cachent un évident manque de talent. Des pensées affligeantes ou incompréhensibles. Je ne sais pas ce qui est le plus triste : lire ce carnet ou penser qu'un éditeur a jugé que ces gribouillages valaient la peine d'être publiés... Rien que la couverture : un coeur qui sort d'un pistolet... Quelle originalité! On n'avait jamais vu ça...Laissez-moi deviner le message... La guerre c'est pas beau et il faut s'aimer les uns les l'autres? Faites l'amour pas la guerre? Bravo Canto! Quel philosophe! Je comprends pourquoi le livre est vendu sous plastique : si on le feuilletait, on constaterait la vacuité du contenu. c'est du grand n'importe quoi! Il a besoin de refaire sa toiture au Portugal? carton rouge pour Cantona. Odieux ce soir sur France 5. etc etc ... quel guignol we are motorhead and we play rock'n'roll allright ! par geulafioul sur Jeu Déc 07, 2017 3:18 pm Help ! Cette année je ne me fais pas chier, ça sera livre pour tous le monde ! Merci de quoter ce message et de compléter le formulaire ci-dessous : - Le Père (aime bien l'histoire, WWII, Napoléon, un vieux chnoque quoi) : ici votre suggestion - La Mère (easy reading avant tout, aime bien le jardinage et son teckel à poil dur) : ____________ - Le Frère (sportif, pas trop branché sur la lecture mais pas con pour autant, pratique le surfing de temps à autre) : _________________ - La Belle-Soeur (très branchée polar même un peu de fantastique, lis beaucoup, adore s'occuper de la déco de sa maison) : ___________________ - Mes Nièces (des jumelles de 11 ans en mode pré-pubères) : _______________ par caly sur Jeu Déc 07, 2017 3:27 pm geulafioul a écrit: Help ! Cette année je ne me fais pas chier, ça sera livre pour tous le monde ! - Le Père (aime bien l'histoire, WWII, Napoléon, un vieux chnoque quoi) : Napoléon de Max Gallo - La Mère (easy reading avant tout, aime bien le jardinage et son teckel à poil dur) : Katherine Pancoll n'importe lequel - Le Frère (sportif, pas trop branché sur la lecture mais pas con pour autant, pratique le surfing de temps à autre) : Sport, mes héros, mes légendes - Nelson Monfort - La Belle-Soeur (très branchée polar même un peu de fantastique, lis beaucoup, adore s'occuper de la déco de sa maison) :Congo requiem de Grangé - Mes Nièces (des jumelles de 11 ans en mode pré-pubères) : La huitième couleur de Pratchett Le Père a lu tous les Gallo sur Naboléon... Je note pour Congo Requiem et Pratchett pour les filles je n'y avait pas pensé putain mais oui ! par Thetotor sur Jeu Déc 07, 2017 4:54 pm En bouquin pour Noyel cette année, j'ai acheté ou compte acheter: Pour ma nièce de 6 ans. Pour ma mère. Pour ma compagne. Pour mon vieux. Je prend note du dernier. Utilisateurs parcourant actuellement ce forum : gaspacho et 13 invités
{"url": "http://www.surf4all.net/surfboard/le-cabaret/hey-sinon-vous-lisez-quoi-en-ce-moment-t11690-3240.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.surf4all.net", "date_download": "2018-10-15T08:21:30Z", "digest": "sha1:N4HLPEE6WN526BK3NV3VFTYVATXWVT65"}
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0.0], [7830, 7872, 0.0], [7872, 8345, 0.0], [8345, 8547, 0.0], [8547, 8811, 0.0], [8811, 9196, 0.0], [9196, 9330, 0.0], [9330, 9342, 0.0], [9342, 9355, 0.0], [9355, 9407, 0.0], [9407, 9451, 0.0], [9451, 9530, 0.0], [9530, 9600, 0.0], [9600, 9695, 0.0], [9695, 9795, 0.0], [9795, 9932, 0.0], [9932, 10075, 0.0], [10075, 10151, 0.0], [10151, 10189, 0.0], [10189, 10288, 0.0], [10288, 10384, 0.0], [10384, 10506, 0.0], [10506, 10673, 0.0], [10673, 10819, 0.0], [10819, 10912, 0.0], [10912, 11053, 0.0], [11053, 11095, 0.0], [11095, 11161, 0.0], [11161, 11185, 0.0], [11185, 11199, 0.0], [11199, 11217, 0.0], [11217, 11233, 0.0], [11233, 11259, 0.0], [11259, 11329, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 40, 8.0], [40, 51, 1.0], [51, 77, 5.0], [77, 114, 8.0], [114, 142, 3.0], [142, 186, 9.0], [186, 230, 9.0], [230, 250, 3.0], [250, 598, 56.0], [598, 1025, 70.0], [1025, 1700, 119.0], [1700, 1879, 31.0], [1879, 1978, 18.0], [1978, 2367, 59.0], [2367, 2554, 36.0], [2554, 2893, 61.0], [2893, 2914, 3.0], [2914, 2961, 10.0], [2961, 2972, 1.0], [2972, 3010, 8.0], [3010, 3063, 8.0], [3063, 3107, 9.0], [3107, 3154, 10.0], [3154, 3366, 35.0], [3366, 3474, 20.0], [3474, 3606, 23.0], [3606, 3647, 9.0], [3647, 3665, 4.0], [3665, 3700, 7.0], [3700, 3752, 9.0], [3752, 3770, 2.0], [3770, 3808, 9.0], [3808, 4147, 56.0], [4147, 4188, 9.0], [4188, 4541, 59.0], [4541, 4571, 6.0], [4571, 4609, 9.0], [4609, 4721, 20.0], [4721, 4763, 9.0], [4763, 4889, 23.0], [4889, 5090, 29.0], [5090, 5099, 1.0], [5099, 5138, 8.0], [5138, 5177, 9.0], [5177, 5191, 2.0], [5191, 5229, 9.0], [5229, 5270, 7.0], [5270, 5360, 17.0], [5360, 5372, 1.0], [5372, 5410, 8.0], [5410, 5455, 9.0], [5455, 5469, 3.0], [5469, 5846, 61.0], [5846, 5965, 18.0], [5965, 6265, 55.0], [6265, 6493, 44.0], [6493, 6638, 26.0], [6638, 6687, 10.0], [6687, 6737, 11.0], [6737, 6747, 3.0], [6747, 6899, 29.0], [6899, 6999, 16.0], [6999, 7131, 2.0], [7131, 7173, 9.0], [7173, 7264, 8.0], [7264, 7367, 17.0], [7367, 7411, 9.0], [7411, 7570, 10.0], [7570, 7608, 9.0], [7608, 7685, 14.0], [7685, 7721, 6.0], [7721, 7730, 1.0], [7730, 7768, 8.0], [7768, 7830, 8.0], [7830, 7872, 9.0], [7872, 8345, 73.0], [8345, 8547, 34.0], [8547, 8811, 43.0], [8811, 9196, 61.0], [9196, 9330, 24.0], [9330, 9342, 2.0], [9342, 9355, 2.0], [9355, 9407, 8.0], [9407, 9451, 9.0], [9451, 9530, 16.0], [9530, 9600, 11.0], [9600, 9695, 14.0], [9695, 9795, 16.0], [9795, 9932, 21.0], [9932, 10075, 20.0], [10075, 10151, 10.0], [10151, 10189, 9.0], [10189, 10288, 19.0], [10288, 10384, 15.0], [10384, 10506, 20.0], [10506, 10673, 28.0], [10673, 10819, 24.0], [10819, 10912, 15.0], [10912, 11053, 27.0], [11053, 11095, 9.0], [11095, 11161, 11.0], [11161, 11185, 6.0], [11185, 11199, 3.0], [11199, 11217, 3.0], [11217, 11233, 3.0], [11233, 11259, 5.0], [11259, 11329, 9.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 40, 0.0], [40, 51, 0.0], [51, 77, 0.0], [77, 114, 0.27272727], [114, 142, 0.0], [142, 186, 0.0], [186, 230, 0.2195122], [230, 250, 0.0], [250, 598, 0.0], [598, 1025, 0.0], [1025, 1700, 0.00304414], [1700, 1879, 0.0], [1879, 1978, 0.0212766], [1978, 2367, 0.0], [2367, 2554, 0.0], [2554, 2893, 0.0], [2893, 2914, 0.0], [2914, 2961, 0.20454545], [2961, 2972, 0.0], [2972, 3010, 0.29411765], [3010, 3063, 0.0], [3063, 3107, 0.2195122], [3107, 3154, 0.0], [3154, 3366, 0.01], [3366, 3474, 0.0], [3474, 3606, 0.0], [3606, 3647, 0.23684211], [3647, 3665, 0.0], [3665, 3700, 0.0], [3700, 3752, 0.0], [3752, 3770, 0.0], [3770, 3808, 0.25714286], [3808, 4147, 0.0], [4147, 4188, 0.23684211], [4188, 4541, 0.0], [4541, 4571, 0.0], [4571, 4609, 0.25714286], [4609, 4721, 0.0], [4721, 4763, 0.25641026], [4763, 4889, 0.0], [4889, 5090, 0.0], [5090, 5099, 0.0], [5099, 5138, 0.28571429], [5138, 5177, 0.27777778], [5177, 5191, 0.0], [5191, 5229, 0.25714286], [5229, 5270, 0.0], [5270, 5360, 0.0], [5360, 5372, 0.0], [5372, 5410, 0.29411765], [5410, 5455, 0.21428571], [5455, 5469, 0.0], [5469, 5846, 0.0], [5846, 5965, 0.0], [5965, 6265, 0.0], [6265, 6493, 0.0], [6493, 6638, 0.0], [6638, 6687, 0.0], [6687, 6737, 0.08510638], [6737, 6747, 0.0], [6747, 6899, 0.00662252], [6899, 6999, 0.0], [6999, 7131, 0.0], [7131, 7173, 0.25641026], [7173, 7264, 0.01315789], [7264, 7367, 0.0], [7367, 7411, 0.2195122], [7411, 7570, 0.07857143], [7570, 7608, 0.25714286], [7608, 7685, 0.0], [7685, 7721, 0.0], [7721, 7730, 0.0], [7730, 7768, 0.29411765], [7768, 7830, 0.0], [7830, 7872, 0.23076923], [7872, 8345, 0.00225734], [8345, 8547, 0.0], [8547, 8811, 0.0], [8811, 9196, 0.0], [9196, 9330, 0.00787402], [9330, 9342, 0.0], [9342, 9355, 0.0], [9355, 9407, 0.0], [9407, 9451, 0.21428571], [9451, 9530, 0.0], [9530, 9600, 0.0], [9600, 9695, 0.0], [9695, 9795, 0.0], [9795, 9932, 0.0], [9932, 10075, 0.0], [10075, 10151, 0.03636364], [10151, 10189, 0.25], [10189, 10288, 0.0], [10288, 10384, 0.0], [10384, 10506, 0.0], [10506, 10673, 0.0], [10673, 10819, 0.0], [10819, 10912, 0.02247191], [10912, 11053, 0.0], [11053, 11095, 0.225], [11095, 11161, 0.0], [11161, 11185, 0.04347826], [11185, 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Start Over You searched for: Repository University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts ✖ Remove constraint Repository: University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Subject Theater ✖ Remove constraint Subject: Theater Form Scrapbooks ✖ Remove constraint Form: Scrapbooks Bartholomew family theatrical scrapbooks, 1852-1948 (inclusive) 0.6 linear feet (2 boxes) The Bartholomew family scrapbook collection consists of five volumes compiled by Ethel C. Bartholomew (born 1889), William H. Bartholomew (born 1832), and Sallie Apt Bartholomew (1863-1934). These scrapbooks document the theatrical careers of the Bartholomews from the early 1870s to the late 1940s and include photographs of the Bartholomew family and unnamed people, notices and reviews of performances, newspaper clippings, correspondence, and notes. Felix E. Schelling papers, 1856-1945 (inclusive) 7.25 linear feet (13 boxes) Felix E. Schelling (1858-1945) was a professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, an expert on Shakespeare, and an author of scholarly works on Shakespeare and Elizabethan literature. This collection documents Schelling's life as a student, a professor, a scholar, and an author. It also documents the University of Pennsylvania through the eyes of an individual who was a student and a faculty member over a period of more than fifty years. Emma Josephine Brazier theater and opera scrapbooks, 1858-1918 (inclusive) 0.75 linear feet (3 boxes) Emma Josephine Brazier (1867-1953) was a Philadelphian who followed the theater and opera scene. Her scrapbooks consist of three volumes that contain playbills, theater and opera advertisements, and actors' photographs and cards from 19th centuryand early 20th century in Philadelphia and New York City. Henrietta Pfaelzer theater and music scrapbook, 1892-1896 (inclusive) 0.08 linear feet (1 volume) Henrietta Pfaelzer (1878-1974) was a Philadelphian who married Horace Stern, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania from 1952 to 1956. This scrapbook, which pre-dates her marriage, dates from 1892 to 1896 and includes playbills, photographs of actors, and newspaper clippings about theater in Philadelphia. Charlotte Cushman Club records, 1818-2000 (inclusive) 1907-1998 (bulk) 16.6 linear feet (26 boxes) Founded in 1907, the Charlotte Cushman Club was originally intended to provide respectable lodgings for actresses appearing in Philadelphia theaters. In the years of World War II the Club ceased to provide residential services, becoming a favorite gathering place of theater lovers as well as of the many actresses and actors visiting the city with their touring companies. The Charlotte Cushman Club Records offer insight into the activities, the administration, and the membership of the Club during the whole life of the organization, until its closure in 1998. The collection also includes part of the holdings of the former Club's museum and library. Alfred Hermann Gumaer theater and music scrapbooks, 1877-1937 (inclusive) 3 linear feet (11 boxes) Alfred Hermann Gumaer (1873-1945) was a professor of architectural history at the School of Fine Arts at the University of Pennsylvania. He had a lifelong interest in theater and music and collected performance programs and playbills from a 60 year period and compiled them into scrapbooks. Thompson Westcott scrapbooks of Charles Durang's history of Philadelphia theater between the years 1749 and 1855, 1868 (inclusive) 2 linear feet (6 volumes) A native of Philadelphia, Thompson Westcott (1820-1888) was one of the city's leading journalists and historians of his generation. Westcott's scrapbooks consist of the complete series of the 267 chapters of Charles Durang's history of theater in Philadelphia between the years 1749 and 1855, published as weekly installments in the Sunday Dispatch from 1854 to 1863. Including page numbers, indexes, and lists of illustrations, the six volumes (available to be viewed online) are interleaved with images of theaters and portraits of famous actors and artists, as well as with personal correspondence, playbills, and additional clippings on theatrical subject. Hedgerow Theatre Company records, 1901-2016 (inclusive) The Hedgerow Theatre Company was established in 1923 by Jasper Deeter, a New York based actor and director. Located in the Rose Valley Arts and Crafts Community of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, Hedgerow holds the distinction as the longest serving Repertory Theatre in America. The Hedgerow Theatre Company records contains a wide variety of materials, from business records and show materials to member ephemera and photographs. The collection provides both a practical and intimate look into the workings of this repertory theatre. Richard Wilson McCredy scrapbook of Philadelphia and New York City playbills, 1869-1906 (inclusive) 1869-1905 (bulk) The son of Thomas McCredy and Emma Dolores Wilson, Richard Wilson McCredy (1854-1924) was an iron merchant and alumnus of the University of Pennsylvania (Class of 1874). A gift by McCredy, this scrapbook consists of a collection of about 750 playbills and programs from Philadelphia and New York City, arranged in chronological order and pasted onto a volume of more than 200 pages. Joseph Francis Ambrose Jackson scrapbook on theatrical subjects, 1857, 1886-1902 (inclusive) Joseph Francis Ambrose Jackson (1867-1946) was a historian, lecturer, artist, journalist, and writer active in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings on theatrical subjects, dating from 1886 to 1902, and includes reviews, interviews, short biographies, and articles relating to the history of American theater. University of Pennsylvania: Kislak Center for Special Collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts✖[remove]17 University of Pennsylvania17 Not Available17 Theater✖[remove]17 Actors10 Theater -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- 19th century6 Theater -- United States4 Women in the theater4 Drama -- History and criticism3 Authors2 Circus -- History2 Minstrel shows2 Arch Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pa.)5 Chestnut Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pa.)4 Walnut Street Theatre (Philadelphia, Pa.)4 Academy of Music (Philadelphia, Pa.)2 1894 College Memorial Fund1 Charlotte Cushman Club (Philadelphia, Pa.)1 Chestnut Street Opera House (Philadelphia, Pa.)1 Edwin Forrest Home (Philadelphia, Pa.)1 Germania Theater (Philadelphia, Pa.)1 Hedgerow Theatre (Organization : Rose Valley, Pa.)1 more Organization » Shakespeare, William2 Burr, Charles W. (Charles Walts)1 Clothier, Morris L. (Morris Lewis)1 Cushman, Charlotte1 Deeter, Jasper1 Evans, Ray1 Furness, Horace Howard1 Furness, Horace Howard, Mrs.1 Furness, Louise Brooks Winsor1 Furness, William Henry1 more People » Philadelphia (Pa.) -- Social life and customs3 Philadelphia (Pa.)1 Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History1 Scrapbooks✖[remove]17 Clippings (information artifacts)10 Theater programs8 Playbills6 Scripts4 Plays (performed works)3 Writings (documents)3
{"url": "https://findingaids.library.upenn.edu/records?f%5Bgenre_form_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Scrapbooks&f%5Brepository_ssi%5D%5B%5D=University+of+Pennsylvania%3A+Kislak+Center+for+Special+Collections%2C+Rare+Books+and+Manuscripts&f%5Bsubjects_ssim%5D%5B%5D=Theater", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "findingaids.library.upenn.edu", "date_download": "2022-11-26T09:57:52Z", "digest": "sha1:SXMI36XAKPU6CEEL7IQCPLPFHBYTQ3CO"}
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/ Social & Behavioral Sciences / Communication & Media Studies / Media Studies Gender and the Media Rosalind Gill ISBN: 978-0-7456-1273-7 January 2006, Polity Written in a clear and accessible style, with lots of examples from Anglo-American media, Gender and the Media offers a critical introduction to the study of gender in the media, and an up-to-date assessment of the key issues and debates. Eschewing a straightforwardly positive or negative assessment the book explores the contradictory character of contemporary gender representations, where confident expressions of girl power sit alongside reports of epidemic levels of anorexia among young women, moral panics about the impact on men of idealized representations of the 'six-pack', but near silence about the pervasive re-sexualization of women's bodies, along with a growing use of irony and playfulness that render critique extremely difficult. The book looks in depth at five areas of media - talk shows, magazines, news, advertising, and contemporary screen and paperback romances - to examine how representations of women and men are changing in the twenty-first century, partly in response to feminist, queer and anti-racist critique. Gender and the Media is also concerned with the theoretical tools available for analysing representations. A range of approaches from semiotics to postcolonial theory are discussed, and Gill asks how useful notions such as objectification, backlash, and positive images are for making sense of gender in today's Western media. Finally, Gender and the Media also raises questions about cultural politics - namely, what forms of critique and intervention are effective at a moment when ironic quotation marks seem to protect much media content from criticism and when much media content - from Sex and the City to revenge adverts - can be labelled postfeminist. This is a book that will be of particular interest to students and scholars in gender and media studies, as well as those in sociology and cultural studies more generally. Preface 1. Gender and the Media 2. Analysing Gender in Media Texts 3. Advertising and Postfeminism 4. News, Gender and Journalism 5. Talk Shows 6. Gender in Magazines 7. Postfeminist Romance Rosalind Gill is Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at the Centre for Cultural, Media and Creative Industries Research at King's College London Written in a clear and accessible style, with lots of examples from Anglo-American media. the book offers a critical introduction to the study of gender in the media, and an up-to-date assessment of the key issues and debates Looks in-depth at five areas of media — talk shows, magazines, news, advertising, and contemporary screen and paperback romances — to examine how representations of women and men are changing in the 21st century Offers a critical introduction to the study of gender in the media, and an up-to-date assessment of the key issues and debates Provides students with an introduction to the theoretical tools available for analysing representations Gender and the Media is a core course in media and cultural studies and yet there is no good up to date textbook currently available. This book fills that gap "Gill's thorough contemplation of theoretical works along with empirical research projects provides an excellent and up-to-date account of the relationship of gender to and with the media." "This book is extremely well written, which adds to its excellence as a text that combines an expert synthesis of the literature and Gill's own insightful analysis. Gill's book is suitable as a core text for any media studies, cultural studies and gender studies course as an update of Van Zoonen's 1994 text, since it contains an analysis of a diverse body of work made suitable for undergraduate level thanks to Gill's accessible writing style." Gender and Education "Brilliant - a must-read for all media educators." Newsletter of the Media Education Association "Gender and the Media is excellent throughout and confronts the reader with an embarras de richesse of insights." Feminism and Psychology "Gender and the Media is a lively and stimulating read and works as an excellent introduction for students in the field of media and gender studies. It is also a grown-up book that moves beyond the current feminist preoccupation with 'girls', to a renewed focus on 'women' in their infinite variety. I strongly recommend it." European Journal of Women s Studies "A new masterpiece in the field of feminist media studies. Gender and the Media sheds new light on where we have been, and where we are going. It will be a staple of all media studies and women's studies classes for at least the next decade." Andrea Press, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign "This is a thorough, lucid study which includes a good deal of new and original material, presenting it with admirable theoretical fluency yet in a clear and student-friendly way." Angela McRobbie, Goldsmiths College "Rosalind Gill's book is an invaluable contribution to the field of gender and media research. Well written and engaging, it offers an overview of contemporary representations of gender, a sense of the main theoretical and methodological approaches at issue and a grounding in the cultural politics of the field." Cynthia Carter, Cardiff University The Second Media Age by Mark Poster Theories of Reading: Books, Bodies, and Bibliomania by Karin Littau The Internet and Society by James Slevin Media, Communication, Culture: A Global Approach, 2nd Edition by James Lull
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EPA: Dayton-Springfield area meets health standard for smog WEBWIRE – Friday, August 3, 2007 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 announced today it has approved the state of Ohio’s request to redesignate Clark, Greene, Miami and Montgomery counties in the Dayton-Springfield area to attainment of the national health-based eight-hour outdoor air quality standard for ozone (smog). EPA said three years of complete, quality-assured, outdoor air monitoring data for 2004, 2005 and 2006 show the area meets the standard. “Residents in the Dayton-Springfield area are enjoying healthier air because of the work Ohio has done to improve air quality,” said EPA Regional Administrator Mary A. Gade. “Better air quality also means an improved business climate in these counties.” The Agency also approved the state plan to continue to meet the eight-hour health-based ozone standard through 2018 and the motor vehicle emissions budgets included in the plan. The action will soon be published in the Federal Register. The redesignation becomes effective upon publication. Ground-level ozone is commonly referred to as smog. Smog is formed when a mixture of pollutants react on warm, sunny days. The pollutants are released from cars, factories and a wide variety of other sources. Smog can cause respiratory problems, including coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest pain.
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FACE 9310 Timber Cutter Dies After Being Struck by a Falling Snag—West A 24-year-old male timber cutter (the victim) died after being struck on the head by a falling snag (dead standing tree) on his second day at the worksite. The victim was part of a six-man crew which was selectively cutting a variety of trees to be used for sawtimber. Returning to the worksite after lunch with his co-workers, the victim felled a large poplar tree (in his assigned zone) which came to rest about 10 feet from a snag. Although unwitnessed, evidence suggests that one of the top branches of the falling tree struck a tree adjacent to the snag, or the snag directly, causing the snag to break off. The snag fell, striking the victim on the top of the head, causing the fatal injury. The victim was wearing approved head protection at the time of the incident, but the force of the blow fractured the first vertebra in the victim's neck. NIOSH investigators concluded that, to prevent future similar occurrences, employers employers should ensure that workers properly evaluate the area around timber to be felled so that potential hazards can be identified and appropriate control measures implemented develop, implement, and enforce a written safety program which includes worker training in recognizing, avoiding and abating hazards such as dead standing trees or portions that remain standing (snags), in their work areas designate a competent person to conduct regular safety inspections. On December 3, 1992, a 24-year-old male timber cutter (the victim) was fatally struck on the head by a falling snag while felling trees. On December 5, 1992, the Division of Safety Research (DSR) learned of the incident through a newspaper article, contacted the employer and county coroner, and offered technical assistance. On December 18, 1992, a DSR safety specialist traveled to the county coroner's office and the incident site to conduct an investigation. The investigator reviewed the incident with one of the company's owners, the victim's co-workers, the county coroner, and the West Virginia OSHA compliance officer assigned to the case. The medical examiner's report was requested during the investigation. The employer in this incident was a logging company that had been in operation for 33 years. The employer had 17 employees, 5 of whom were timber cutters. The employer conducted the logging operation mainly for sawtimber. The employer had no written safety program nor safety policy, but the foreman/timber cutter was responsible for safety talks and impromptu safety inspections and observations. Training of employees was performed on the job by the foreman and other experienced employees. The victim had been employed by the company for 1 year before the incident, and had about 7 years of logging experience (most of which was working as a timber cutter). He had been on the jobsite for 2 days. This was the first fatality the company had experienced. The employer had been contracted to selectively cut a variety of timber on a 300-acre tract of land in a mountainous region of the state. Work on the day preceding the incident included cutting and clearing logging roads back into the mountain. On the day of the incident, a woods crew consisting of s
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Tag: La vita è perfetta “Per quanto assurda e complessa ci sembri, la vita è perfetta” “Prof, ho visto quest’immagine ed ho pensato subito a lei… gli adolescenti spesso dicono di non credere in Dio perché succedono cose brutte alle persone brave, ecc…Allora ho pensato che questa foto poteva essere una perfetta spiegazione alla solita domanda che ci facciamo … è un modo semplice e creativo per spiegare a noi adolescenti (testardi e sempre sicuri di aver ragione!) la presenza di Dio nei fatti della vita… nonostante io stessa non credo in Dio… credo comunque in qualcosa di più grande e mistico che non solo ci accomuna e protegge, ma ci dà la forza di andare avanti… qualcosa di incomprensibile, che non deve essere studiato o capito, ma solo intuito…insomma: qualcosa ci sta…” Carissima Samantha, quest’immagine mi era capitata sotto gli occhi già un paio di volte e, devo dire, è stato amore a prima vista! Quel ragazzino che si lamenta per la pietra arrivata sulla testa, senza mai ringraziare per le altre non ricevute, mi è sembrato l’emblema dell’immagine nostra. Viviamo ogni giorno travolti da una piacevole valanga di regali che la vita ci fa e mai una volta che ci sentissimo fortunati. Per questo l’altra sera quando ho ascoltato la canzone di Fiorella Mannoia “Che sia benedetta” ci sono subito entrata dentro, amandola. C’è una frase che incanta: Perfetta. WOW! Questa mattina, in un negozio, ho sentito una persona che, sorridendo, diceva ad un’altra: “Buongiornooo!!! Come va?” “Eeehhh…” ha risposto il tipo con l’aria leggermente malinconica “è ancora presto per dire che va bene… da qui a stasera chissà quante cose possono capitare…prima di dire che va bene, è meglio aspettare” Ma io dico…! Sei vivo. Sei sano. Sei in un negozio che vende cose piacevoli… e fallo un sorriso alla vita!!! E ringrazia (Dio, il destino, il karma, la fortuna o chitipare!) per esser vivo! Alessandro Mannarino finisce la sua canzone “Vivere la vita” con quella salutare provocazione “Sei vivo, cretino!”. Lo capisci che anche oggi la vita ti ha protetto da tante “pietre” che avrebbero potuto colpirti? Fiorella Mannoia ha continuato: Continua a leggere “Per quanto assurda e complessa ci sembri, la vita è perfetta” Scritto il 12 febbraio 2017 12 febbraio 2017 Categorie Cercare Dio, Il senso della vita, Senza categoriaTag Alessandro Mannarino, Dio, Fiorella mannoia, Gesù, gratitudine, IF Press, In te mi rifugio, la fede, la malattia, la vita, La vita è perfetta, lamentele, lamento, libro, malattia, Nei luoghi di Francesco per incontrare Dio, Provvidenza, Shalom editrice, vangelo di Matteo, Vivere la vita3 commenti su “Per quanto assurda e complessa ci sembri, la vita è perfetta”
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Aide humanitaire au Belarus Association située sur le plateau de Herve Belgique - province de Liège Contactez-nous - tél/fax : 087/468993 - GSM : 0476/484200 Souper des familles 1001 façons d’aider Les Mémoires d’Aset Plan du site | Sommaire > Les carnets d'Aset > Souper des familles du 6 juin 2015 Les carnets d'Aset Accueil des enfants août 2015 (act: 24 août 2015) Géolocalisation des cars (B) = Position des cars Retour des enfants 24/08/2015 : 15h00 : Minsk : tous les enfants ont été pris en charge par leurs parents. 24/08/2015 : 06h30 : les cars sont en Belarus. 23/08/2015 : 18h10 : Les cars entrent en Pologne. 23/08/2015 : 09h05 et 09h15 : départ (...) Accueil des enfants juillet 2015 (act: 27 juillet 2015) Géolocalisation des cars (B) = Position des cars RETOUR DES ENFANTS 26/07/2015 12h15 : les enfants sont à Minsk. 26/07/2015 19h20 : Les cars sont en Pologne 26/07/2015 18h25 : Berlin 26/07/2015 09h35 : passage en Allemagne. 26/07/2015 09h10 : départ des cars pour le Belarus. SEJOUR (...) Souper des familles du 6 juin 2015 (act: 12 juin 2015) Le 20ème souper annuel de notre association ASET « Accueil-Santé-Enfants de Tchernobyl » a eu lieu ce samedi 6 juin 2015. Quelques 181 convives ont eu l’embarras du choix pour garnir leurs assiettes auprès d’un buffet froid très varié préparé par les membres de notre Comité et plusieurs bénévoles. (...) Convoi du printemps 2015. (act: 26 mai 2015) 21 mai 2015 La distribution des colis peut commencer. 19 mars 2015 à 19h30, le camion est déchargé. Les formalités administratives peuvent commencer. 18 mars 2015 à 18h30, le camion est à la douane à Minsk. 18 mars 2015 à 09h00, le camion est à la frontière Biélorusse. 16 mars 2015 à 08h00, le (...) Convoi automne 2014 (act: 16 janvier 2015) 03 janvier 2015 10h05 Notre délégation s’envole vers Minsk afin de distribuer les colis pour le Noël orthodoxe (7 janvier). Distribution prévue à partir du dimanche 4 janvier. 03/01/2015 19h15 : arrivée à MINSK Josine Deru et Elisabeth Schroeder- chaleureusement accueillies par Vitali (notre (...) < 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |> |... Actualisé : Souper des familles du 6 juin 2015 Le 20ème souper annuel de notre association ASET « Accueil-Santé-Enfants de Tchernobyl » a eu lieu ce samedi 6 juin 2015. Quelques 181 convives ont eu l’embarras du choix pour garnir leurs assiettes auprès d’un buffet froid très varié préparé par les membres de notre Comité et plusieurs bénévoles. Mais avant le repas, les familles ont pu découvrir des images de la Biélorussie. Patricia Moulan, famille d’accueil nous a présenté un reportage sur la Biélorussie d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Au cours du repas, la tombola a égayé les participants, plus de 310 lots ont été remportés par les heureux gagnants où chaque billet était récompensé. Les nouvelles familles d’accueil ont pu dialoguer avec les anciennes familles d’accueil et ainsi recueillir de bonnes idées pour l’été prochain. La soirée s’est achevée vers 23h30. Pour notre association, le compte à rebours de l’accueil 2015 a démarré. Le Comité d'Aset Accueil - Santé - Enfants de Tchernobyl a.s.b.l. www.aset.be Siège social : rue du Bief, 37 B-4652 Herve - tél/fax : 087/468993 - Compte : BE75 0682 1667 1351
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Home » News » “Rosso come il cielo” a San Diego “Rosso come il cielo” a San Diego “Rosso come il cielo” verrà proiettato nel corso del San Diego Italian Film Festival il prossimo aprile. Il fim, che già aveva riscosso un grande successo del pubblico americano al Festival di Palm Beach e Syracuse, verrà riproposto nuovamente a San Diego a seguito del feedback molto positivo ottenuto in sala.
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Pictures: COWLSO Holds Annual Thanksgiving Service, Tagged: “Celebration of God’s Goodness”, At The State House Chapel, Alausa, Ikeja Announcement, Leadership, Religion Wife of the Governor of Lagos State and chairman, Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Mrs Bolanle Ambode (m); Mrs. Funmilayo Ojo (2nd left); Mrs. Rhoda Ayinde (2nd right); Mrs. Elizabeth Ayilara (r) and members of the Committee, during the Committee’s Annual Thanksgiving Service, tagged: “Celebration of God’s Goodness”, at the State House Chapel, Alausa, Ikeja, on Sunday, 25th November, 2018. Wife of the Governor of Lagos State and chairman, Committee of Wives of Lagos State Officials (COWLSO), Mrs Bolanle Ambode (L); Mrs. Funmilayo Ojo (m); and Mrs. Rhoda Ayinde (r), during the Committee’s Annual Thanksgiving Service, tagged: “Celebration of God’s Goodness”, at the State House Chapel, Alausa, Ikeja, on Sunday, 25th November, 2018.
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Mosaïques pierre Couleur principale : Doré cuivré  Mosaïque Pierre / Verre - Beige - 1.5 x 3 cm Fabriquées en pierre naturelle, nos mosaïques murales sont idéales pour ajouter une touche d'authenticité à votre décoration d'intérieur. Mêlant le charme de l'ancien et l'élégance de la matière, elles conviennent particulièrement à une maison de style épuré. Pouvant prendre la forme d'une frise ou d'un mur complet, elles se placent dans une salle de bains, un entrée, un spa ou une cuisine. Recouvert d'un filet en nylon à enduire de colle, l'arrière des mosaïques se colle directement contre le mur. Sublimant votre intérieur, elles habillent le mur avec goût et raffinement.
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US taking steps to help NATO allies with Ukraine WASHINGTON — The Obama administration took steps Wednesday to support the defenses of U.S. allies in Europe in response to Russia’s takeover of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the U.S. was stepping up joint aviation training with Polish forces. The Pentagon also is increasing American participation in NATO’s air policing mission in its Baltic countries, he said.In his remarks, Hagel focused on U.S. diplomatic and aid efforts since Moscow’s incursion into Ukrainian territory. He said he’d speak later Wednesday with Ukraine’s new defense minister; Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey spoke to his Russian counterpart earlier in the day. Neither Hagel nor Dempsey mentioned military options.“I urge continued restraint to reserve room for a diplomatic solution,” Dempsey told the Senate panel.While the hearing was supposed to focus on the military’s budget, both witnesses quickly addressed the ongoing events in Ukraine.Since last weekend, Russian troops have taken control of much of the peninsula in the Black Sea, where Russian speakers are in the majority. Moscow doesn’t recognize the Ukrainian leadership that came to power after protesters ousted the country’s pro-Russian president last month. It has cited strategic interests as well as the protection of ethnic Russians in making its case for intervention.Hagel said the U.S. was reaffirming its commitment to allies in Central and Eastern Europe, some of whom spent decades in the last century under Soviet domination. European countries are grappling with their own response to the crisis, fearful about moves reminiscent of Russia’s Cold War policy of regional hegemony but equally concerned about damaging trade and energy partnerships vital to their economies.Details on the new U.S. security efforts weren’t immediately available.The United States assumed control over NATO’s air policing duties over Baltic countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in January. Belgium previously had the four-month rotating duty. The mission “not only protects the integrity of NATO airspace, it illustrates the alliance’s core function of collective defense,” the 28-nation bloc said in a statement at the time.
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Police: Woman fatally shoots man at gas station, continues to pump gas Posted: 12:48 PM, July 22, 2013 Updated: 12:48 PM, July 22, 2013
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2017 Rfotofolio Call for Entry FormatAsideAuthorrfotofolioPosted on February 16, 2017 May 2, 2017 CategoriesPhotographersTagsBarbara Bullock-Wilson, Call for entry, David Carol, Willie Osterman Image in banner Color Light Abstraction,1075 Wynn Bullock © Bullock Family Photography, LLC Turnaround © David Carol The Rfotofolio Annual Call for Entry 2017 Everyone views a photograph in a different way, so this year we are pleased to say we have invited three jurors to view the work along with us at Rfotofolio. Barbara Bullock-Wilson, David Carol, and Willie Osterman. We are honored they accepted our invitation. This is an open call. All media are welcome, including but not limited to traditional film, digital, collage, and alternative processes. Please enter five to seven images as this call will be judged as collection of work. The topic, and technique are up to you to chose. Send what you are proud to call your work. Finalist will be included in our on-line gallery, future interviews, future publications, and future exhibitions. Feb 16th 2017 we will start accepting entries at rfotofolio@rfotofolio.org. May 8th 2017 midnight CST will be the deadline. June 25th 2017 results will be announced on rfotofolio.org. Steps to Enter Pay with our Paypal button. We are leaving the fee for entry as the amount you want to donate so that we will not exclude anyone. When you participate in our call for entry you are supporting the Rfotofolio Fund. Thank you. Send us up to seven images with your Paypal invoice number, e-mail address, website address (optional). Email them to rfotofolio@rfotofolio.org with Call for Entry in the subject line. How to prepare your files Prepare your files with the following specifications: Longest dimension should not exceed 1400 pixels; (minimum 600 px width) Saved as a JPEG at a setting of 12. No Watermarks / Copyright Units / Logos on image files. File naming is as follows. LAST NAME _FIRST NAME_ TITLE.jpg
, for example Smith_John_Carousal_.jpg Email them with your Paypal invoice number to rfotofolio@rfotofolio.org with Call for Entry in the subject line. Our calls for entry are open to all photographers world-wide, both amateur and professional. Rfotofolio invites photographers working in all mediums, styles and schools of thought to participate. Use Rights Each artist retains all copyrights to their own images. Artist’s attribution is provided with any use. By submitting work, artists whose submissions are chosen grant Rfotofolio the right to use their images for the purpose of promoting the artist, promoting future calls for entry, future interviews, publications and programs.Images may also be placed on social networks for Rfotofolio with artist attribution. By entering this call for entry you are allowing Rfotofolio to publish your images on our site. Color Light Abstraction 1961, Wynn Bullock © Bullock Family Photography, LLC About the Jurors Barbara Bullock-Wilson is the oldest daughter of photographers Wynn and Edna Bullock. Through her family, she was exposed to the creative process at an early age and her interest in it has continued to deepen through studies in psychology, philosophy, and spirituality, as well as, the pursuit of her own writing career in the areas of early childhood education, natural history, and photography. She has written and edited many articles and books on the life and work of each of her parents and she has organized several major exhibitions featuring their imagery. She has also been an active supporter of the photographic community as a presenter, workshop facilitator, consultant, and writer. Since 2001, she has served as manager of the Bullock family photographic estate. David J. Carol is a photographer, writer, curator, editor, teacher, lecturer and publisher. He attended the School of Visual Arts and The New School for Social Research where he studied under Lisette Model. He was the first assignment photographer for The Image Bank photo agency (now part of Getty Images) at the age of 26. He recently retired after 25 plus years as the Director of Photography at Outfront Media (formerly CBS Outdoor) to become the Editor-in-Chief of Peanut Press Books. He loves giving photographers a platform to share and discuss their work with the photographic community. He is able to do this as a contributing writer to Rangefinder Magazine and PDN as well as doing portfolio reviews at such varied venues as The Palm Springs Photo Festival, PhotoPlus Expo in NYC, ASMP Fine Art, APA, Filter Photo Festival in Chicago, Slow Exposures Festival in Georgia, The Center for Fine Art Photography in Colorado and The Savannah College of Art and Design. David is the author of four monographs, …, ALL MY LIES ARE TRUE…, “THIS IS WHY WE CAN’T HAVE NICE THINGS!” and his latest book, NO PLAN B. He also recently completed a trilogy of books, “Where’s the Monkey?”, “Here’s the Deal!” and “All My Pictures Look the Same.” with Cafe Royal Books, London. David’s other work experiences include editing and sequencing photo books, curating photo shows, and being a Judge for contests at multiple magazines and universities, including the prestigious PDN Photo Annual since 2003. He has also given lectures/workshops on his own work and photography in general at SCAD, SVA, ASMP, photo-eye gallery, The Center for Alternative Photography: Penumbra Foundation, Out of Chicago Festival, PhotoPlus Expo, Filter Photo Festival, SlowExposure Festival and The Center for Fine Art Photography to mention a few. David’s photographs and/or books are in the permanent collections of over 50 libraries and museums. © Willie Osterman Willie Osterman earned a BFA and MFA in photography and is a professor and chair of Fine Art Photography at Rochester Institute of Technology. He worked as a contract photographer for the Eastman Kodak Company. His publication Déjà View: A Cultural Re-Photographic Survey of Bologna, Italy in its second edition is now out of print. During his sabbatical for the year of 2010 he received a Fulbright Scholars Award to develop a Master’s Degree program and teach at the Academy of the Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb, Croatia. He has over 80 exhibitions in the US, Italy, Turkey, Austria, China and Croatia. His work is included, among others, in the collections of the International Museum of Photography at the George Eastman House, The Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, the University of New Mexico Museum of Art, and the Alinari Photographic Archive in Florence, Italy. We look forward to seeing your work. Art can make a difference. To learn more about the jurors please click on their names. Barbara Bullock-Wilson David Carol Willie Osterman ← The Rfotofolio Call for Entry 2017 Sunday Gallery →
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▬ PAU Lengua Castellana ▬ Lecturas recomendadas ▬ Comentarios de texto 1.- Recomendaciones para el Comentario de Texto 2.- Algunos comentarios resueltos de la PAU 3.a- Comentario de Textos Periodísticos 3.b- Antología y de textos periodísticos (nueva versión) 4.- Comentario de Textos Narrativos 5.- Comentario de Textos Teatrales 6.- Comentario de Textos Poéticos ▬ Géneros textuales (apuntes, prácticas) a.- Principales subgéneros periodísticos b.- Géneros literarios: poesía, narración y teatro c.- El lenguaje literario d.- El ensayo. El ensayo español en el siglo XX ▬ Apuntes de Lengua 1.- El texto 2.- Modalizadores discursivos. Objetividad y subjetividad 3.- La oración gramatical. El SN (1) 4.- (Nuevo) El Sintagma Nominal (2) 5.- El Sintagma Verbal 6.a- La Oración Compuesta (1) 6.b- La Oración compuesta (2) 7.- Nivel léxico: las palabras 8.- La semántica: el significado de las palabras ▬ Apuntes de Literatura ■ La poesía lírica anterior a 1939 ■ La poesía lírica desde 1940 a los años 70 ■ La poesía lírica desde los años 70 a nuestros días ■ La narrativa del siglo XX hasta 1939 ■ La narrativa desde 1940 a los años 70 ■ La narrativa desde los años 70 a nuestros días ■ El teatro del siglo XX hasta 1939 ■ El teatro desde 1940 a nuestros días ■ La novela y el cuento hispanoamericanos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX ▬ Prácticas de lengua 1.- Ejemplos de comentario de relaciones sintacticas entre oraciones 2.- Ejemplos de análisis sintáctico 3.- Ejemplos de otras cuestiones de análisis sintáctico 4.- Cuestiones referidas a la pregunta sobre lengua ▬ Enlaces interesantes 3.b-Antología de textos periodísticos (nueva versión) Selección de artículos periodísticos recientes (2013-2014) El terror Manuel Vicent 3 MAR 2013 EL PAÍS Antes sentíamos terror frente a las cosas que ignorábamos; ahora sentimos terror por las cosas que conocemos. Antes adorábamos al Sol para que nos fuera propicio y fiábamos nuestro destino a las estrellas; ahora la astronomía nos amenaza con millones de aerolitos y puede que cualquier día uno de ellos acabe con la vida en la Tierra. A los antiguos les causaban pánico la veleidad y tormentoso carácter de Yahvé y de los dioses del Olimpo, los dueños del rayo de la muerte; ahora vivimos a merced de los misiles o del coche bomba de un fanático, porque el Olimpo está en el Pentágono o en el sótano de cualquier grupo terrorista. Ayer ignorábamos el misterio del feto en el vientre de la madre y sentíamos terror ante la posibilidad de engendrar a un monstruo; hoy sabemos que ese monstruo se puede fabricar en un laboratorio cruzando genes humanos y de animales. Ayer bendecíamos la mesa para agradecer los alimentos que nos había regalado el Señor; hoy esta oración es más necesaria que nunca porque tememos que la comida basura nos vaya a envenenar. Ayer reinaba la Inquisición o la voluntad despótica de un tirano, a la que estábamos sometidos; hoy sentimos la misma indefensión ante la incompetencia y la corrupción de los políticos demócratas que hemos elegido. Antes nos sobrecogía el origen desconocido de las tempestades, inundaciones, incendios y seísmos de la naturaleza; ahora el pánico se genera ante el poder que la ciencia y la técnica han concedido a la humanidad para destruir el planeta con la lluvia nuclear. Antes nos angustiaba saber que veníamos del mono; ahora nos alarma la convicción de que nuestra decadencia nos devuelve de nuevo al mundo de los simios. Cuando éramos niños, en medio de la dicha solar, teníamos miedo a los espectros de la oscuridad y durante las turbulencias de la pubertad nos sentimos acongojados por los tormentos del sexo y del infierno, por las pesadillas ante un futuro incierto. Pasados los años, al saber qué bromas macabras se gasta la naturaleza y en qué pozos negros abreva la psicología humana, se llega a esta conclusión: el terror que expele la inteligencia solo se atempera con la moral y la moral alcanza su cima con la estética. Esta es la única forma de superar con cierta dignidad las desventuras de este perro mundo. Línea roja. MANUEL VICENT 5 MAY 2013 EL PAÍS Algún día se recordará cómo era antaño el paisaje de la pobreza en la ciudad. Lo formaban mendigos galdosianos o posindustriales que se acercaban con la mano tendida a la ventanilla del coche en los semáforos o permanecían arrodillados en la puerta de las iglesias con un plato limosnero en el suelo o se paseaban con un cartón en el que proclamaban su desgracia escrita con letras similares, como salidas de un mismo troquel. Puede que hubiera detrás de esos cartones una secreta organización de mendigos, pero se trataba de una miseria resignada que permitía ejercer una caridad tranquila. Los pobres entonces se limitaban a agradecer la limosna con la humildad requerida y todavía se podía pasar de largo sin dignarse siquiera mirarlos a la cara. Pero un día los pobres comenzaron a multiplicarse en la calle bajo distintas variedades, autóctonos e inmigrantes, y a este espectáculo se añadió un hecho inquietante. Gente corriente, mezclada con pordioseros del común, esperaba al anochecer en la puerta trasera de los supermercados en silencio a que un dependiente arrojara en el contenedor la comida caducada. “Papá, aquí hay una barra de pan”, se oyó gritar a un niño de cinco años desde el interior de un cubo de basura. Hubo un momento en que la pobreza visible, la de toda la vida, cruzó una línea roja, a partir de la cual la bajada hacia la miseria colectiva se produjo por inundación. El oleaje engulló al grueso de la clase media, a los que ya no podían ser ayudados por sus familias o preferían el orgullo con hambre a la caridad. ¿Cuándo sucedió la gran rebelión? Puede que fuera aquel día en que se rompió el equilibrio que existía entre el miedo y el cabreo. Estas fuerzas contradictorias se habían neutralizado mutuamente durante un tiempo. Los que temían perder el trabajo no se atrevían a protestar; los que acababan de perderlo no se decidían todavía a destruir el sistema. La visión de la pobreza en la calle fue cambiando. Sin que nadie se diera cuenta apareció un nuevo paisaje humano. Los viejos mendigos herrumbrosos fueron sustituidos en masa por ciudadanos con corbata, por señoras con collares de perlas y tacones, que pedían limosna en las esquinas con odio, sin ninguna humildad. ¿Cómo se produjo el estallido que puso al Estado patas arriba? Nadie lo sabe. Muy machos, Rosa Montero 2 ABR 2013 EL PAÍS AUNQUE no me gusta el fútbol, disfruté con la victoria de la roja en Francia porque nos hacen mucha falta las alegrías. Eso sí, viendo los abrazos de los jugadores me quedé pensando en la sorprendente ausencia de homosexuales reconocidos entre ellos. ¡Y luego nos jactamos de que nuestra sociedad es tan tolerante y de que la homofobia ya no existe! De acuerdo: entonces, ¿dónde están los futbolistas gais? Según diversos estudios internacionales, el porcentaje de homosexuales se mantiene más o menos estable en todas las culturas y se mueve en una franja entre el 2% y el 7% de la población. Un puñado de dimensiones perfectamente visibles, diría yo. Repito, ¿dónde están? Una amiga me cuenta que, hará unos cuatro años, escuchó en el programa radiofónico Hablar por hablar a un hombre joven que salió al aire sin identificarse, aunque supongo que lo habría hecho antes, en el control, porque, si no, no le hubieran dado paso. Y dijo algo así: “Soy futbolista, soy homosexual, juego en Primera División y tengo que ocultar mi condición. Gano mucho dinero y soy muy desgraciado”. Suena arcaico y parece remitir a una realidad obsoleta y remota, pero debo decir que está ocurriendo cada día, que no sucede solo en España y que no se ciñe solo al fútbol. El deporte en general, ese poderoso espejo de las masas, está cubierto por un velo homofóbico. En los JJ OO de Pekín 2008, solo hubo 10 atletas declaradamente gais entre los 11.000 participantes. En los JJ OO de Londres 2012, 20 atletas entre 12.000. No se puede decir que la cosa progrese a velocidades supersónicas. Y, mientras La Roja jugaba tan virilmente en Francia, París se llenaba de manifestantes contra las bodas gais (como España en 2005). Me pregunto cuántas otras realidades damos por solucionadas, cuántos otros prejuicios solventados, sin que sea verdad en absoluto. La lanza MANUEL VICENT 16 JUN 2013 - ¿Qué es hoy un adolescente sin teléfono móvil? Nadie. Actualmente los ritos de pubertad se establecen con una variedad de cicatrices, púas de gomina en el pelo, tatuajes, piercings, con los que escarifican su cuerpo los adolescentes camino de la discoteca o del botellón de fin de semana donde les espera el primer alcohol, el primer sexo y tal vez la última droga de diseño. Los héroes de hoy, como los antiguos, también van armados con una lanza para matar al dragón que tiene cautiva a una bella princesa. En este caso la lanza es el teléfono móvil, que concede al adolescente un gran poder. El whatsapp transforma al cobarde en valiente, al tímido en audaz, al tonto en listo, al tipo duro en un castigador ilimitado, solo que en estos ritos de iniciación también las princesas cautivas usan la misma arma y ya no necesitan ayuda de ningún héroe para escapar del dragón. Tanto ellos como ellas saben que sin el móvil no son nada. No creo que exista ningún adolescente que al darse cuenta en medio de la noche que ha olvidado el móvil no se sienta un guerrero desnudo, desarmado y trate de recuperar a toda costa su lanza. La esencia de esta nueva arma es la inmediatez. En los whatsapps la rapidez en responder a las llamadas es más determinante que el contenido de los propios mensajes. Si no contestas de forma instantánea puedes quedar fuera de combate, puesto que los mensajes de la amiga, del amante, del novio, del descocido se acumulan, se superponen y serás inmediatamente suplantado. Tener el móvil apagado engendra una suspicacia morbosa en la pareja, que puede desembocar en una tormenta de celos si no estás permanentemente conectado. Antes los enamorados se eternizaban en la despedida por el viejo teléfono. Cuelga tú; no, cuelga tú; anda, cuelga tú. En cambio, hoy los móviles se diseñan para poder expresar una idiotez cada día un segundo más rápido. La neurosis de los mensajes superpuestos, inmediatos ha llegado al extremo que muchos adolescentes y también adultos perciben que les vibra el móvil en el cuerpo aunque lo hayan dejado en casa. Esta falsa vibración es un síndrome de la necesidad de esa llamada, de esa respuesta, real o imaginaria, que se espera con angustia, sin la cual uno se siente solo en el mundo. Lo más sagrado EL PAIS. ELVIRA LINDO 29 MAY 2013 - Por mucho que se empeñen las revistas femeninas en publicar de vez en cuando titulares felices sobre Mamás a los 40 y mostrar un catálogo de madres cuarentonas que a los pocos días del parto recuperan su envidiable figura, los pediatras comienzan a preocuparse por lo que parece ser una tendencia en alza. Hace tan solo unos años, antes de que la crisis azotara, se achacaba el retraso en la maternidad a un exceso de agenda vital, a la obsesión por medir cada etapa; pero ahora no hay manera de eludir lo obvio: las mujeres tienen miedo a que el embarazo les haga perder un trabajo ya de por sí escaso y mal pagado, a no tener tiempo para atender a un hijo o a ser incapaces de ofrecerle un buen futuro. La consecuencia es que mientras las maternidades se retrasan, la tozuda naturaleza se impacienta: a los 35 una mujer es mucho más joven de lo que fueran las mujeres de hace medio siglo, pero la biología es conservadora y no son pocas las que mediada la treintena tienen que recurrir al empujón de la reproducción asistida. Todo se ha dilatado: la adolescencia, la juventud, la llegada de la definitiva madurez y, ya en estos últimos tiempos, la independencia económica, pero los ovarios no atienden a razones sociales ni económicas. ¿Cabe entonces reprocharle a alguien que tenga miedo a traer hijos al mundo? Más bien al contrario lo que ocurre es que las mujeres (acompañadas o no por sus parejas) están siendo tan responsables que, ante la desesperanzada perspectiva de no poder conciliar su vida laboral y maternal o de criar a una criatura en un país en el que se va desintegrando el sistema público, decidan no tenerlo o posponerlo al límite, a ese límite en el que los niños nacen con menos peso por la cantidad de embarazos múltiples que conlleva la reproducción asistida. Es la economía (estúpidos) jugando con lo más sagrado. Manuel Vicent 24 NOV 2013 – EL PAÍS Bajo el terror económico impuesto por la crisis, es lógico que el ciudadano anónimo de este país no recuerde cuándo empezaron a irle mal las cosas y, menos aún, el momento en que perdió la autoestima y bajó los brazos frente al poder. Ese olvido es la forma más envenenada de autorrepresión que puede sufrir la conciencia colectiva. Se trata de una aceptación tácita de que todo va mal y que nada se puede hacer para remediarlo, sin que tampoco se logre saber el motivo profundo de esta impotencia, que es de todos y de nadie. Cuando esta represión psicológica se produce, el poder ya no tiene ninguna necesidad de ejercer la violencia para reprimir las libertades y derruir las conquistas sociales adquiridas tras una larga lucha, puesto que es el propio ciudadano el que asume la culpa y se inflige el castigo. Frente a la prepotencia de un Gobierno con mayoría absoluta, que no duda en imponer su voluntad entrando a saco mediante decretos en la vida pública, el ciudadano ejerce el derecho a la huelga, convoca manifestaciones en la calle, grita detrás de las pancartas, incluso es capaz de levantar barricadas, pero, neutralizada su cólera por el miedo a perder lo poco que le queda, acepta de antemano la derrota. Un extraño virus ha anulado su capacidad de rebeldía hasta convertirlo en un zombi. En efecto, este país está a punto de parecer un reino de muertos vivientes, sin que ninguna voz nos haga saber que nuestra tumba, como la de los zombis, está llena de piedras. Muertos vivientes los hay pobres y ricos. Los pobres caminan como autómatas con la cabeza gacha, si bien a veces miran al cielo esperando que se produzca la lluvia de sardinas que les han prometido; en cambio los zombis ricos entran y salen de los restaurantes, joyerías y tiendas exclusivas en las millas de oro, aparentemente felices, aunque observados de cerca, se descubre su rostro crispado por el terror a que su fiesta sea asaltada mañana por una turba de mendigos. Algunos advierten que la carga explosiva está ya en el aire a la espera inminente de la chispa que provoque un estallido social de consecuencias imprevisibles. Pero esta deflagración no será posible sin que antes se produzca un prodigio: que haya una rebelión de zombis, como en otro tiempo la hubo de esclavos. Inspiración MANUEL HIDALGO EL MUNDO 14/12/2013 RELEO el Manifiesto comunista. De verdad lo digo. Quienes jamás lo han leído no pueden saber que es un texto muy bien escrito, aunque se va haciendo un poco más discursivo conforme avanza. Quienes jamás lo han leído saben de su influencia en la historia, pero no saben de la lucidez y pertinencia de muchos de sus diagnósticos, análisis y propuestas. Tampoco saben de sus equivocaciones más concretas -las imaginan como un total-, ni saben de su actualidad inspiradora. Lo que escribieron Karl Marx -que lo redactó- y Friedrich Engels en 1848 es, en efecto, muy inspirador hoy. Inspirador. Eso. Si no me equivoco, hasta hace medio minuto el principal problema que teníamos en España era la crisis económica, el desempleo, los recortes, el adelgazamiento del Estado del Bienestar, la corrupción política... Seguimos teniendo ese problema, que nos concierne a todos como individuos y, especialmente, a los más débiles (millones de personas), pero, ¡hale hop!, parece que ahora tenemos otro que ha pasado a primer plano: la llamada tensión territorial, los propósitos independentistas en Cataluña. Es interesante, creo, constatar -nada más que constatar, de momento- que el gobierno de España y el gobierno autonómico de Cataluña están en manos de partidos nacionalistas, burgueses y de derechas -casi perfecta redundancia-, PP y CIU, que personifican, como pocos, la política de recortes, la merma del Estado del Bienestar y la corrupción. ¿Será casualidad? ¿Por qué ahora? ¿Por qué precisamente ahora pasa a primer plano esta angustia nacional o/y nacionalista que parece que quiere dejar o, de hecho, deja en segundo plano -tenemos distracción hasta el 9 de noviembre del año próximo- las angustias primordiales de todos y cada uno de los ciudadanos? ¿De verdad vamos a dedicar dinero, personas, trabajo, energías, titulares e ideas durante un año, como poco, a este asunto del famoso encaje de territorios cuando las personas que los habitan están agobiadas por necesidades sustanciales e inmediatas mucho más perentorias? Algo habrá que hacer, desde luego, puesto que la bola viene así: ¿pero quiénes han puesto a rodar esta bola?, ¿para qué? O sea: ¿para tapar qué? Cayo Lara y Joan Herrera: volved a leer. En el Manifiesto Comunista -inspirador, ya digo- está escrito: «Los obreros no tienen patria. No se les puede quitar lo que no tienen». muere) de comer comida caducada. A lo largo de los últimos cinco años, los españoles han ido sumergiéndose cada vez más en la pobreza sin que la clase política haya hecho nada más que blindar sus privilegios. Podían haber cerrado tantos organismos inútiles, pero prefirieron subirnos los impuestos. Podían haber eliminado la financiación a partidos, a sindicatos y a patronales, pero prefirieron reducir el poder adquisitivo de los pensionistas y las prestaciones de los parados. Podían haber acabado con sus legiones de asesores, pero prefirieron introducir copagos en los juzgados o en las farmacias. Saquearon las cajas de ahorros en comandita... para luego pasarnos la factura de 50.000 millones de euros con los que tapar el agujero que ellos mismos habían creado. Consintieron que se estafara a millones de ahorradores con las preferentes, dejaron que se desahuciara a decenas de miles de familias... Buena parte de la clase media española ha quedado arrasada, mientras los políticos siguen gastando sin medida en mantener un estado autonómico que no necesitamos, pero que se ha convertido para los partidos en una macroagencia de colocación. En muchos lugares, Cáritas no da abasto. En otros casos, el pudor y la vergüenza impiden a familias enteras recurrir a la caridad. Y mientras tanto, los ladrones de cuello blanco se pasean por las portadas de los periódicos, los amigos del poder ven aireadas sus obscenas remuneraciones en consejos de administración pagados con dinero público y los sindicalistas corruptos se reparten el dinero de los parados. Habéis vivido por encima de vuestras posibilidades, nos dicen. Lo que significa que necesitan empobrecernos más aún para poder conceder amnistías fiscales a todo tipo de golfos de buena familia. Hay que hacer más recortes, nos dicen. Lo que significa que, para seguir manteniendo sus chollos, necesitan empujar a más españoles todavía a vivir de la caridad. En Alcalá de Guadaira, una familia ha muerto por comer comida caducada. Pero lo que está caducado, en realidad, es este régimen de ladrones con corazón de piedra, que siguen viviendo a nuestra costa mientras cada vez más españoles rebuscan en la basura. Es a esa basura a donde deberíamos arrojar a tanta mala gente como nos gobierna. Porque esos que viven de causar a otros la desgracia son la verdadera basura. Misa sin gallo | ELMUNDO.es RAÚL DEL POZO, 24/12/2013 Este año, para miles de pelados y hundidos, el árbol de Navidad es el del ahorcado. Que tenga cuidado el gallo cuando canta, lo pueden afanar. Ha vuelto la gazuza donde solía, porque la Historia de España no es la que cuentan los separatistas catalanes, ni tampoco la idealizada por otros españoles, sino un relato épico trufado de hambre y picaresca. La Historia de España es un cuento gótico que se inicia en Atapuerca con el canibalismo y se alarga en una crónica negra en la que no hemos dejado de comernos unos a otros. Unas veces faltaba la manduquela por las pestes, otras por las sequía, otras por las guerras o por la bancarrota del Estado. Casi siempre hemos estado gobernados por zoquetes y bribones. Incluso en épocas áureas los pobres acosaban con sus lametonas y plañideras a los fieles en la Misa del Gallo hasta en la pila del agua bendita. «El pordiosero que tiene llaga la refresca y afeita para el día siguiente». Aquellos mendigos que rezaban oraciones a quien les daba ayuda, y si pasaban de largo se acordaban de los muertos del paseante han dado el relevo a un nuevo harapiento que tampoco se parece al de la posguerra, cuando la carne y los huevos sólo se conseguían con receta médica. El nuevo pobre está más solo que nunca. Parecía que habíamos dejado atrás aquella maldición y nos hemos encontrado otra vez con nuestra mala sombra, que se hace muy visible en la Navidad de los buenos sentimientos. Hay bancos de alimentos en todas las ciudades, habrá pesca milagrosa de gambas en la rebusca de los contenedores. No está el Belén para villancicos o para que se duerma mi niño. Tened los ramos, entre zambombas, reyes, zagales y corderos que retozan. Y este Papa, que es muy piola, ha recordado que no hay nada que se parezca más al nacimiento de Jesucristo, tal como lo cuentan los evangelistas, que el nacimiento de un niño pobre en un establo, tiritando de frío. Algunos han llegado a sospechar que Cristo, como un junco, era gitano; algunos calorros lo llevan en una medalla donde el rabí tiene un aire a Camarón. El hambre vuelve a ser el problema político más urgente de la humanidad. Por eso la Iglesia dice: menos ruido, menos consumo. El Papa Francisco visita los comedores sociales y hace regalos prácticos a través del limosnero pontificio: recargas de teléfonos móviles, billetes de autobús y de metro, y christmas firmados por él mismo. ¡Tiene huevos! La Iglesia en la vanguardia mientras la izquierda se dedica a tapar la corrupción y a elegir jueces. Ruiseñor, amada mía RAÚL DEL POZO 18/02/2014 02:37 horas «Es la alondra -dice Romeo a Julieta- que advierte que va a amanecer; no el ruiseñor, amada mía». Llegará pronto la primavera y las madrugadas cantarán menos porque cada año mueren en España millones de pájaros. Ya sé, ya sé, siguen apareciendo cadáveres de inmigrantes subsaharianos en las playas de Ceuta. Es la misma crueldad entre las especies. Dijeron los griegos que todo el mundo es un animal, si así fuera, nosotros seríamos las peores bacterias. Pero hoy quiero hablarles de los campesinos y los amantes sigilosos que no necesitaban despertadores, ni siquiera del canto de los gallos para empezar el día; se espabilaban con un concierto de alondras, ruiseñores y jilgueros, que daban alegría a la vida con gorjeos poderosos, voces de soprano y de tenor. El roseñor que canta con fina maestría, el que despertó a Gonzalo de Berceo y a la lengua castellana, es hoy un pájaro clandestino, que cada vez se esconde más en la maleza y apenas se le oye en las madrugadas. En África se cazan aves para comer; los aviones de las guerras destruyen las grullas, los halcones y las cigüeñas en Asia; los navegantes de los océanos ya no oyen durante toda la noche cruzar pájaros. Sólo los gorriones aguantan la destrucción. Antes de que la UE prohibiera aniquilar las aves, antes de que el cielo se quedara vacío, era una costumbre, un rito, comer pajaritos fritos. «Adoro a estas líricas criaturas, que una vez fritas, gustan tanto», escribió Camba. Sólo una vez comí yo con Camilo José Cela, el doctor Andrés Sánchez Cantos y el profesor Serafín Quero en Benahavis, pájaros con las patas y el pico cortados, cocinados con laurel y servidos en cazuela, y se me llenó el estómago de culpa. No me atreví a abrir el pico, pero me pareció una ceremonia de la España del morapio. De niño había visto cazar con cepos, con criba en los nevazos, toda clase de animales silvestres, pero ver a un clásico comiéndose a Garcilaso me parecía cruel. Durante muchos siglos se han comido zorzales, currucas, jilgueros, verderones, golondrinas, pardillos, codornices y tordos. Luego, cuando llegó a Europa la conciencia ecológica, se desterraron algunas costumbres truculentas, pero siempre vuelven las atrocidades. «Tú no has nacido para la muerte», dijo Keats en su Oda al ruiseñor. Se equivocó. Cada día caen atrapadas en las telarañas invisibles, en los aparejos de niebla, llamados redes japonesas, millones de pájaros. La Guardia Civil detiene a los furtivos que buscan avecillas para las tapas de las tabernas o para las jaulas. CABO SUELTO Martes de carnaval ANTONIO LUCAS Actualizado: 04/03/2014 EL MUNDO En aquella trilogía, Martes de carnaval, Valle-Inclán dio con el punto justo e inequívoco de lo que vino a ser el esperpento. En el esperpento no está la verdad, sino que ésta reside en sus acotaciones. Miguel Blesa es una acotación de la inmundicia financiera. Y, por tanto, hijo putativo del esperpento local. Un tipo que hizo números desde el imposible matemático, generando uno de las mayores desmadres financieros de la democracia. Un personaje entregado fieramente a la vida loca del hortera. Un estafador cobarde que hoy echa contra los suyos la mierda de las preferentes. Un récord del mal gusto. Un enchufado de Aznar con pase VIP en Génova. Un mentecato. Ahí lo tienen: Miguel Blesa saliendo de los juzgados como uno de esos trincones que, descubierto el pufo, ya no sirven para nada. En su declaración ante el magistrado Fernando Andreu defendió el bestialismo de la estafa de las preferentes alegando que «un jubilado que cobra su pensión no es un ignorante financiero». Y tiene razón. Hay jubilados que saben bien de números. Pero hay muchos más que no saben. Esos son los trincados, junto a niños, analfabetos y discapacitados intelectuales. ¿Tampoco éstos son ignorantes financieros? Valle es el Víctor Hugo español de la vanguardia (Umbral). No confundió la literatura con acostarse tarde y trazó un escrache de divinas palabras contra una realidad pringosa. Supo pronto que una sociedad acobardada y un periodismo frágil no pueden competir con la verdad. Y eso beneficia a tipos como Blesa, un escopetero con jeta de chulillo venido de fuera. En este país casi todo transcurre como esperpento. Es normal en terruños donde el quietismo es hoja de ruta. La estampa de Blesa, el babilónico Rato, los políticos de turno y los sindicatos sentados a la mesa del consejo de administración de Caja Madrid es un cuadro muy completo, un Entierro del Conde Orgaz de tramperos. Gentes con gesto de despotismo y mal gusto beneficiados hoy de ese crimen social que es el olvido. Más esperpento. Ahora queda la duda metódica de pensar si la polaroid de la santísima recuperación, esa cara de Bélmez del 2014, incluye al señor Blesa (señor en funciones) en un Mercedes chiquito a la puerta del juzgado. O si alguien tendrá los huevos necesarios (jueces y demás) de meterle mano. Este tipo se lo ha montado muy bien con el apaño y el embuste, laminando los ahorros honestos de gente honesta con ese gesto de asco que tú bordaste en rojo ayer. Lo dicho: el esperpento. Vidas y tumbas PEDRO G. CUARTANGO EL MUNDO Actualizado: 17/03/2014 02:45 horas La tumba de Proust en el Pére Lachaise es de mármol negro y sólo tiene la inscripción de los años de su nacimiento y de su muerte, acaecida en 1922. He ido con bastante frecuencia a ese cementerio parisino y siempre he visto ramilletes de flores sobre la austera sepultura del escritor parisino que contrasta con el grandioso busto erigido en la tumba de Balzac. Poe, en cambio, fue enterrado en Baltimore un lluvioso día de octubre de 1849. Sólo su tío y unas pocas personas asistieron al oficio religioso. El ataúd era de madera barata y la ceremonia duró tres minutos. Ni siquiera aparecía su nombre en la tumba, aunque un cuarto de siglo más tarde se construyó el monumento bajo el que hoy descansa de su atormentada existencia. Costó 1500 dólares y fue levantado por suscripción popular. Como contaba ayer María Ramírez, hasta una fecha reciente un misterioso personaje estuvo llevando cada 19 de enero y durante 70 años tres rosas y media botella de coñac a la salud del difunto Poe, que era un notable bebedor. Pero la tumba que más me ha impresionado fue la de Antonio Machado y su madre en Collioure. Es de un color gris desvaído y da la impresión de estar inacabada. Estuve allí hace 30 años y me produjo tal desolación que compre un ramo de flores en homenaje al poeta al que tanto debemos. En general, las sepulturas son el reflejo de nuestra vida y hay en ellas una valiosa información que sería un error desdeñar. Dime cómo quieres que te recuerden cuando hayas muerto y te diré quién eres. En EEUU las tumbas son igualitarias y sencillas, como corresponde a los orígenes de esa nación. Aquí en España los ricos quieren ser más que los pobres incluso en la muerte. Vana tontería. Yo siempre que puedo voy a visitar el cementerio de las ciudades. No sé por qué, pero el silencio y la estética de esos parajes me devuelve la tranquilidad de ánimo. La cercanía a la muerte es una de las cosas que mejor nos hace apreciar el sentido de vivir. E incluso una tumba puede dar sentido a una existencia. Por ejemplo, la que comparten Sartre y Simone de Beauvoir en el cementerio de Montparnasse donde quedan resueltas todas las diferencias que les separaron en la vida. Y es que la muerte siempre nos pone en nuestro sitio. 14 de abril EL PAIS Manuel Vicent 13 ABR 2014 - 00:00 CET La República se ha convertido en un parque natural de la política española. Se trata de un espacio de la memoria colectiva, que habría que preservar como se hace con un paisaje muy singular o con las especies biológicas en peligro de extinción. Puede que los ciudadanos que vivieron aquel episodio nacional lo recuerden con la nostalgia de un sueño de libertad, igualdad y fraternidad o con el horror de un mal parto, que terminó en la tragedia de una guerra civil. Para muchos españoles que no conocimos aquel tiempo sino a través de libros y relatos melancólicos o envenenados, más allá de los tópicos en que ha llegado hasta nosotros, la República es ese futuro irreal e incontaminado al que, de momento, solo se puede llegar por el camino del romanticismo. Los más profundos poemas de amor se deben a poetas que han experimentado amores frustrados o prohibidos. Las mejores novelas de aventuras han sido escritas en la mesa camilla imaginando piratas en el ventanuco del patio de luces y, por supuesto, las pasiones más morbosas suelen proceder de escritores de vida funcionarial, muy ordenada. Probablemente la República hoy sería otra cosa si se hubiera proclamado un día de invierno con niebla, pero llegó un 14 de abril bajo la flor de las acacias y en el sentimiento popular está asociada a la primavera y a la Niña Bonita, el número mágico en la rueda de la fortuna. En las manifestaciones de protesta en la calle se ve crecer cada vez más alta la marea de banderas republicanas enarboladas por jóvenes, que sueñan con una primavera política, que limpie la suciedad de estos tiempos en que vivimos. La crisis económica unida a la basura de la corrupción cuyo hedor no cesa de apoderarse de la sociedad, sin respetar siquiera la escalinata de la casa real, hace que en medio del aire irrespirable, la República se haya convertido en ese parque natural que es necesario proteger, aunque solo sea para purificar la mente de los ciudadanos. No todo está perdido. En medio de la frustración, cada año, cuando se acerca el 14 de abril, muchos españoles divisan un espacio limpio por donde asoma el gorro frigio de aquella Niña Bonita con un mensaje de armonía y libertad. Tal vez se trata solo de un sentimiento, pero ahí está, creciendo más cada día. Guillotina Manuel Vicent EL PAÍS 16/o3/2014 Un pensamiento puro podría ser el que emite el cerebro cuando la guillotina o el hacha del verdugo acaba de cortar el cuello de la víctima y su cabeza rueda dentro de un cesto. Se supone que el impulso de la sangre mueve todavía la red nerviosa de las neuronas durante un par de segundos, tiempo suficiente para que el cerebro libere de forma automática la descarga de un pensamiento puro, sin adherencias de los sentidos que se deriven del resto del cuerpo. Tal vez a este mecanismo cerebral se refería Descartes cuando consagró el principio filosófico para resolver la duda metódica sobre la existencia: pienso, luego existo. Dentro de la cabeza del Bautista, que le fue ofrecida a Herodes en una bandeja de plata, probablemente bailaría Salomé todavía la danza de los siete velos; el conjunto de juicios que formularon en el interior de la canasta ensangrentada los cerebros de Luis XVI y María Antonieta, de Danton y Robespierre, y de 16.800 decapitados más, resultaría ser la cosecha esencial de la Revolución Francesa; el cerebro del propio doctor Guillot, el inventor de la guillotina, condenado a probar su propio invento, sin duda quedó deslumbrado por la ironía; el fantasma de Ana Bolena aún se pasea con la cabeza bajo el brazo por los sótanos de la Torre de Londres para gusto de los turistas y Tomás Moro con la cabeza separada del tronco encontró dentro del cesto la Utopía, el tratado por el que pasó a la historia. A estos decapitados insignes le acompaña una saga innumerable de criminales y bandidos infames, de gente subalterna sin atributos, la mayoría inocente, que ha caído bajo el hacha del verdugo o la cuchilla del doctor Guillot. Sus pensamientos dentro del cesto constituyen el último relámpago de la filosofía: el terror ante la nada, el destino inexorable, la culpa en la nuca a merced del cuchillo, el odio o el perdón y al final una luz blanca sin sentido que deslumbra y se apaga de repente. Pero ese último pensamiento no sería posible sin el impulso postrero del corazón. La razón necesita alimentarse con latidos de sangre. No se puede pensar sin sentimientos. De hecho, si la cabeza del decapitado fuera también capaz de llorar dentro del cesto, habría que replantearse la duda metódica: ¿Qué sería más profundo, su pensamiento o sus lágrimas? Frivolidad EL MUNDO ENRIC GONZÁLEZ LES SUPONGO al corriente de lo que ocurre en el noreste de Nigeria. Muchos de nosotros no sabemos siquiera por dónde cae el noreste de Nigeria, pero hemos descubierto a la organización yihadista Boko Haram y nos sentimos horrorizados ante el secuestro masivo de niñas, culpables, según los terroristas, de acudir a la escuela. En nuestra indignación, exigimos que alguien haga algo. El mayor resultado visible del malestar planetario es una campaña en las redes sociales, #BringBackOurGirls: millones de personas aprietan un botoncito en su ordenador para que las niñas vuelvan a casa. Puede parecer una campaña frívola e inútil. Lo es. Las imágenes de ciertas personalidades, que se han fotografiado sosteniendo un cartelito con el lema, han sido incluso recicladas como chiste. Ahí está, por ejemplo, Cospedal, haciendo la ronda de Internet con lemas más o menos graciosos. Hay, por supuesto, otras opciones. Estados Unidos, esa potencia militar denostada por su imperialismo y su espionaje opresivo a la que, sin embargo, exigimos que intervenga en cuanto algo nos ofende en cualquier rincón del mundo, lleva tiempo sopesando el asunto. Hillary Clinton, como secretaria de Estado, se negó a incluir a Boko Haram en la lista de organizaciones terroristas. Su sucesor, John Kerry, lo hizo el año pasado. Desde entonces, el ejército nigeriano, cuyo historial de atrocidades rara vez ocupa titulares, se ha sentido legitimado para aumentar la brutalidad de sus incursiones contra los yihadistas; es decir, ya no se preocupa por los millares de víctimas civiles que dejan atrás sus campañas. Y los desalmados de Boko Haram han alcanzado, desde entonces, una infame notoriedad. ¿Qué hacer ahora? ¿Enviar drones para sobrevolar bosques inmensos? ¿Enviar soldados? ¿Cooperar directamente con un ejército empapado en sangre? ¿Invadir a sangre y fuego, como en Irak, un país petrolero que ya es la primera potencia económica africana? Llevamos años soportando horrores que superan los de Nigeria: Afganistán, Irak, Sudán, Siria. También nos acostumbraremos a esto. Mientras tanto, apretemos el botoncito y elevemos el clamor en las redes sociales. Es frívolo e inútil. Pero es lo menos frívolo e inútil que podemos hacer por el momento. Rosa Montero EL PAIS 29 JUL 2014 El ébola mata de una manera horrible. Creo que es la pandemia que más se puede parecer a la mítica peste negra de 1348, por sus elevadísimos índices de mortalidad y de contagio, por lo fulminante (acaba contigo en una o dos semanas), por su crueldad: los enfermos revientan de sangre. Los primeros brotes de ébola aparecieron en 1976: es un espanto reciente. Pues bien; en hospitales africanos ruinosos, abarrotados y mal abastecidos, centenares de hombres y mujeres, médicos y enfermeros, se dedican a cuidar abnegadamente a los infectados, arrostrando el riesgo espeluznante de contraer el virus ellos mismos. Cosa que sucede a menudo. Yo no sé si sería capaz de hacerlo. A mí me aterraría. Hace 14 años recorté un reportaje del EPS sobre un médico ugandés, Matthew Lukwiya, que murió en diciembre de 2000, a los 43 años, tras luchar contra la epidemia de ébola. Probablemente fuera el primer doctor que falleció contagiado (enfermeros hubo antes, como Simon Ajok). Desde entonces ha habido muchos más. Gente joven y preparada que podría estar trabajando en París o Nueva York y que escogen combatir por la vida en esos sangrientos mataderos. Ahora acaba de fallecer otro destacado médico en Liberia, Samuel Brisbane; en junio murió Sam Motooru, en Uganda. Y hay otros dos doctores y una ayudante infectados y luchando por su vida: los estadounidenses Kent Brantly y Nancy Writebol (Liberia) y Umar Khan (Sierra Leona). Escribamos sus nombres como humilde homenaje. Porque estos guerreros no sólo salvan literalmente miles de vidas y dificultan el avance de esta pesadilla, sino que además, con su ejemplo, convierten el mundo en un lugar habitable. Contra la mezquindad de, pongamos, la familia Pujol, toda esta grandeza es el contrapeso que nos devuelve la esperanza en el ser humano. Anterior selección de artículos periodísticos Columna de Juan José Millás en EL PAÍS GENTE QUE SOBRA Juan José Millás, EL PAÍS 10/09/2010 Lo primero que notas al regresar de las vacaciones es que ha aumentado la mendicidad. Lo percibes en el metro, en los semáforos, en las puertas de las cafeterías caras. Ha aumentado la mendicidad, te dices saliendo de la Fnac con las novedades literarias del otoño. Ha aumentado la mendicidad, te repites calle arriba, hacia Callao. Cuatro palabras a las que das vueltas dentro de la boca, mezclándolas con la saliva, intentando extraer de ellas algún significado. Significan que hay más mendigos que cuando te fuiste, hasta ahí llegas. Hay más pobres que le sobran al Estado español al modo en que le sobran los gitanos al francés. Sobran sus estómagos, sus lenguas, sus ojos, sus bocas, sus pulmones, sus culos, sus pollas, sus coños, sus miradas extraviadas, sus palabras, sobran sus piojos. En el vagón del metro distingues enseguida a los que sobran. Son tres y lo llevan escrito en la frente. Hay otros cuatro o cinco a punto de sobrar. También lo llevan escrito. Los que no sobramos (aún) nos alejamos de ellos por miedo al contagio. Intentas refugiarte en la lectura de las solapas de los libros que acabas de comprar. ¿Pero de quién son los mendigos? Tuyos no (¿por qué entonces ese malestar?). Ni del alcalde (de otro modo no fabricaría bancos imposibles para impedir su descanso). ¿Pertenecen quizá al Ministerio de Interior, al de Igualdad, al de Trabajo, al de Fomento, al de Defensa, al de Sanidad, al de Economía, al de Hacienda? Mientras las estaciones se suceden, repasas ministerio a ministerio y compruebas que no pertenecen a ninguno, ni siquiera al de Justicia, que ya es decir. Tampoco al de la Solidaridad, que ni existe ni se le espera. Ha aumentado la mendicidad, una frase sencilla, impersonal, sin sujeto, como cuando decimos llueve o hace calor. Un suceso atmosférico. La mendicidad como Ciclón de las Azores. Columna de Rosa Montero en EL PAÍS Existe Rosa Montero – EL PAÍS-- 12/10/2010 Primero Alfonso Guerra soltó lo de "la señorita Trini" refiriéndose a Trinidad Jiménez, después algunas mujeres políticas protestaron y, a continuación, una tropa de articulistas y comentaristas se dedicó a ridiculizar esa protesta. Pero vamos, faltaría más, decir que Guerra es machista por semejante comentario, exclamaban. Más aún: ¡Hablar de machismo a estas alturas! Cuando en España somos todos tan ultramodernos y hemos superado esas antiguallas. Esta actitud sobrada, la tonta presunción de estar de vuelta de todas las cosas, es un defecto típico de los países nuevos ricos como el nuestro, en donde hemos pasado en un abrir y cerrar de ojos del más rancio provincianismo a creernos los más avanzados del planeta. Y esta pátina de modernidad, apenas más profunda que una capa de maquillaje, ha hecho que hablar hoy de machismo o de feminismo parezca trasnochado, algo nada in. Si antes, cuando éramos antiguos y pobres, éramos machistas, ahora, ricos y desarrollados, ya no lo somos. Hemos dejado el sexismo atrás junto con las demás rémoras del franquismo. Ese parece ser el silogismo. Y lo malo es que en esta trampa caemos muchos. Veo a multitud de hombres que ni se plantean más lo del sexismo porque, afortunadamente, "eso ya está superado"; y veo a infinidad de mujeres desorientadas que no se atreven a considerarse feministas por miedo a que se mofen de ellas. Sin duda los excesos de lo políticamente correcto han contribuido a la confusión. Y así, tener que repetir a cada instante "todos y todas" o "ciudadanos y ciudadanas", por ejemplo, rompe los nervios y la salud mental del más templado. Pero eso no significa que no siga existiendo el sexismo, que, por cierto, también puede ser ejercido por mujeres. Resumiendo: decir "miembros y miembras" es una papanatez. Y decir "la señorita Trini" es de un machismo zafio e innegable. Comentario crítico de este artículo (realizado por un alumno de 2º de Bachillerato) Columna de Laura Capmany en ABC, DESDE MI BUHARDILLA Los infamosos Día 21/07/2010 Mi hija Laura, en una de sus acuñaciones veraniegas, ha rebautizado a su padre como «el muy infamoso Vitorio». Yo no he tardado ni un segundo en apropiarme de tan honroso título y hacerlo hereditario, para que nos abarque a los tres, como una sombra protectora, en el camino de la vida, y, a más corto plazo, en el destartalado y fulgurante paseo de Figueretas —o «Figuretas», como leí en el periódico— que recorremos a diario. Aquí, donde arde el cielo como si fuera Troya, entre las purpurinas, plataformas, brocados y escotes de la isla, somos, gozosamente, los infamosos. Ser infamoso no es nada de lo que uno deba avergonzarse. Antiguamente, la fama era un laurel. Se lo ganaban, con sus gestas, los valientes guerreros, con su voz, los cantantes, con su genio, los músicos, arquitectos, poetas... O con su fe, los santos. En el extremo opuesto del espectro, estaban los infames. Hoy, para ser famoso hay que enseñar las prendas, y no precisamente las del alma, contar intimidades y usar con desparpajo la parla verdulera. Se bastan, la ignorancia y la insolencia, para hacer de cualquiera un personaje. Así es que lo contrario ha de ser virtuoso. Ibiza se ha llenado de famosos de antaño, y también de famosos actuales. A veces te los cruzas en D'Alt Vila, o te los imaginas en sus fiebres de oro. Yo creo que no son ciertos, sino seres de espuma. Gente de luz Adlib, improvisada, fatua como el engaño de sus fuegos. A lo mejor son puros avatares, como dice sentirse nuestra ministra Aído. Y a lo peor resulta que ser mucho es ser nadie. Y que el mundo, el difícil, el sencillo, el de todos, se acaba derritiendo al calor de los flashes, y sólo deja un humo empalagoso. Yo a mi hija se lo cuento a su manera. Con érase una vez un infamoso... COMENTARIO CRÍTICO REALIZADO POR Purificación Fernández García 2ºBto. C Este texto periodístico comienza con la explicación de por qué le ha venido a la autora a la cabeza, esta situación, gracias a un comentario que realizó su hija. Continua explicando el término “infamoso” (referente a persona no famosa) y la importancia que tiene para ella y su familia. Después sigue elaborando una defensa sobre dicho término, contando de qué se trataba la fama hace unos años. Y finalmente, sin más remedio concluye con la crítica de la fama inmerecida en la actualidad. Laura Campmany, colaboradora del periódico ABC, sitúa este artículo durante sus vacaciones en Ibiza. Muestra, como es evidente, su madurez reflejada en el texto, ya que explica algo que está a la orden del día a raíz del apodo que su hija le puso a su marido. La exposición literaria está bastante cuidada y las palabras son las adecuadas para que el sentido principal de la crítica se entienda a la perfección. Realiza además comparaciones actuales con la historia de Troya al decir “donde arde el cielo como si fuera Troya”, que muestran un ejemplo adecuado. La autora ha elegido uno de los principales temas en la actualidad, ya que se le está dando mucha importancia a esta clase de personas. Y con este tema, la intención de ella es mostrarnos aquello que la gran mayoría de personas piensan. Nos explica que antes las personas que conseguían la fama, eran aquellas que realizaban una hazaña en sus vidas. Un músico, un escritor, un deportista, los valientes guerreros e incluso los santos gracias a su fe. Pero nos explica que en la actualidad la fama se contempla como algo fácil de conseguir, quitándole así todo el prestigio y el esfuerzo que antiguamente suponía. Ahora las personas que se hacen famosas son aquellas que les ponen precio a sus vidas íntimas, acabando por venderlas. O si no, otra manera de conseguirla es poner por los suelos a los demás famosos. Criticar cada paso que dan o cada palabra que sale por sus bocas, dejando así casi sin opinión a los demás. En lo que respecta a mi opinión, estoy totalmente de acuerdo con Laura Capmany. Actualmente que la fama esté siendo valorada de dicha forma significa que disminuye el índice de exigencia, por lo cual infravaloramos las capacidades intelectuales humanas: dándole más importancia y protagonismo a personas que no lo merecen, posicionando en un segundo plano las capacidades de las personas que tras un esfuerzo diario y las ganas de triunfar, están luchando por lo que siempre han querido y deseado. La fama es aceptación social, es un premio que se debe merecer y no pretender. Algo que debería ser regalado a quienes lo merecen y no simplemente comprado con argumentos de la vida de una persona. En conclusión, este es un tema de gran importancia social y el cual seguirá creciendo de este modo, alimentándose de la ignorancia. Para poder acabar con él, hay que se coherente y realizarnos todas las personas, dentro de nosotros mismos un juicio con lo correcto y lo incorrecto. Poniéndonos en el lugar de personas con un cierto talento. Solo de esta forma acabaría la injusticia. COLUMNA DE CURRI VALENZUELA EN ABC CURRI VALENZUELA – 17/10/2010-- ABC Hagan la prueba y formulen la típica pregunta de abuelete a un grupo de niños y niñas preadolescentes, de uno en uno: «¿Qué quieres ser de mayor?. Ellos, los chavales de 10 a 12 años, desean lo mismo con lo que soñaron sus padres a esa edad: ser futbolistas o bomberos, en algún caso piloto, quizás policías, algún nostálgico, torero. No constituyen aspiraciones de contenido intelectual que exijan muchos años de estudio, pero sí implican grandes dosis de sacrificio físico y, sobre todo, de esfuerzo. Las niñas, por su parte, contestan casi al unísono: «!Famosas!». Lo que quieren es ser peinadas, maquilladas, vestidas a la última y sentadas en un plató de televisión para ganar un montón de dinero sin más preparación o esfuerzo que lo poco que se requiere para criticar a otros famosos, contar alguna intimidad propia y luego, en la calle, ser perseguidas por paparazzis y fans. Medio siglo de reivindicaciones feministas, treinta años de una Constitución que proclama la igualdad de los sexos y una Bibiana Aído tirados por la borda por un deseo colectivo de parecerse a Belén Esteban. Patético. Hay en los sueños juveniles bastante de rechazo a los modelos de sus mayores. Los chicos no desean pasar muchas horas al día en una oficina o una fábrica de automóviles, ni mucho menos haciendo cola ante una sucursal del INEM, como sus padres. Las hijas de madres cuarentonas que se las ven y se las desean para atender trabajos, casas, cocinas, cuidados de padres, supervisión de los deberes infantiles sueñan con un futuro mucho más relajado para ellas mismas. Y, sin embargo, los roles marcados inconscientemente por padres y madres calan en lo más profundo de las mentalidades de sus hijos. El padre que sienta a su lado al chaval para compartir con él un partido de fútbol le está inculcando el sueño de emular a Casillas; la madre que trata de olvidar sus preocupaciones frente a programas de telebasura hace concebir en su hija la idea de que está bien buscarse el porvenir como gran hermana. No digo que haya que inculcar en los chavales de ambos sexos el deseo irrefrenable de convertirse en registradores de la propiedad, pero sí que tendríamos que caer en la cuenta de que lo que se ve por la tele, se cría. Lo único que le faltaba a este país era criar a miles y miles de mujeres para ser famosas como Belén Esteban. COLUMNA DE ARTURO PÉREZ REVERTE – en XL SEMANAL UNA HISTORIA DE GUERRA Arturo Pérez-Reverte (XL Semanal, 13/09/2010) Alguien escribió en cierta ocasión que si una historia de guerra parece moral, no debe creerse. Y alguna vez lo repetí yo mismo. Pero eso no es del todo verdad. O no siempre. Como todas las cosas en la vida, la moralidad de una historia depende siempre de los hombres que la protagonizan, y de quienes la cuentan.[…] Base de Mazar Sharif, Afganistán. Cinco guardias civiles, de comandante a sargento, perdidos en el pudridero del mundo, formando a la policía afgana. Cinco guardias de veintidós llegados hace cinco meses y medio, desperdigados por una geografía hostil y cruel, en misión de alto riesgo, en una guerra a la que en España ningún Gobierno llamó guerra hasta hace cuatro días. Los cinco de Mazar Sharif, como el resto, eran gente acuchillada, porque lo da el oficio. Sabían desde el principio que a la Guardia Civil nunca se la llama para nada bueno. Y menos en Afganistán. Si lo que iban a hacer allí fuera fácil, seguro, cómodo o bien pagado, otros habrían ido en vez de ellos. Aun así, lo hicieron lo mejor que podían. Que era mucho. Atrincherados en una base con americanos, franceses, holandeses y polacos, vivían con el dedo en el gatillo, como en los antiguos fuertes de territorio indio. Igual que en los relatos de Kipling, pero sin romanticismo imperial ninguno. Sólo frío, calor, insolaciones, sueño, enfermedades, soledad. Peligro. Los únicos cinco españoles de la base, de la provincia y de todo el norte de Afganistán. […] Un triste día se enteraron de la muerte de sus dos compañeros en Qualinao. De la pérdida de dos guardias civiles de aquellos veintidós que llegaron hace medio año, y de su intérprete. Y pensaron que el mejor homenaje que podían hacerles era que la bandera norteamericana que ondea en la base fuese sustituida, aquel día, por la española a media asta. Eso no se hace allí nunca, aunque a diario hay norteamericanos muertos, los franceses sufrieron numerosas bajas, y también caen holandeses y polacos. Así que el jefe de los guardias civiles, el comandante Rafael, fue a pedir permiso al jefe norteamericano. Accedió éste, aunque extrañado por la petición. Saliendo del despacho, el guardia civil se encontró con el jefe del contingente francés, quien dijo que a él y a sus hombres les parecía bien lo de la bandera. En ésas apareció otro norteamericano, el mayor James, que nunca se distinguió por su simpatía ni por su aprecio a los españoles, y con el que más de una vez hubo broncas. Preguntó James si los muertos de Qualinao eran guardias civiles como ellos, y luego se fue sin más comentarios. A las ocho de la tarde, cuando fuera de los barracones apenas había vida, los cinco guardias se dirigieron a donde estaba la bandera. Formaron en silencio, solos en la explanada, cinco españoles en el culo del mundo: Rafael, Óscar, Rafa, Jesús y José. Cuando se disponían a arriar la enseña, apareció el teniente coronel francés con sus cuarenta gendarmes, que sin decir palabra formaron junto a ellos. Luego llegaron el mayor James, el teniente Williams y veinte marines norteamericanos. Y también los polacos y los holandeses. Hasta el pequeño grupo de Dyncorp, la empresa de seguridad privada americana destacada en Mazar Sharif, hizo acto de presencia. Todos se cuadraron en silencio alrededor de los cinco españoles, que para ese momento apretaban los dientes, firmes y con un nudo en la garganta. Y entonces, sin himnos, cornetas, autoridades ni protocolo, el capitán Rafa y el sargento José arriaron despacio la bandera. Una historia de guerra nunca es moral, como dije antes. Si lo parece, no debemos creerla. Pero a veces resulta cierta. Entonces alienta la virtud y mejora a los hombres. Por eso la he contado hoy. Jenni (martes, 06 noviembre 2018 21:12) Quiero ver algun comentario de texto para repasar para el exámen María Jesús (viernes, 14 septiembre 2018 16:12) Necesito ver cómo se realiza un comentario de texto de lengua para selectividad. Laura (domingo, 29 julio 2018 14:38) Gracias me ha servido de ayuda. Veronica (jueves, 28 junio 2018 17:55) Me han sido de gran ayuda estos textos muchas gracias Lidia Denga (martes, 10 abril 2018 03:06) Necesito ver texto de selectividad Israel (domingo, 25 marzo 2018 18:20) Hola, gracias por este estupendo trabajo Sara (miércoles, 07 marzo 2018 12:25) Christian (martes, 06 marzo 2018 22:49) Ayuda sobre textos narrativos Zamir (lunes, 26 febrero 2018 23:06) José J. Berbel Rodríguez, Inmaculada del Pino Medina. Almería
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4075, 0.0], [4075, 6363, 0.0], [6363, 6407, 0.0], [6407, 8243, 0.0], [8243, 8252, 0.0], [8252, 8280, 0.0], [8280, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10537, 0.0], [10537, 10573, 0.0], [10573, 12414, 0.0], [12414, 12450, 0.0], [12450, 14715, 0.0], [14715, 14762, 0.0], [14762, 15357, 0.0], [15357, 15857, 0.0], [15857, 16200, 0.0], [16200, 16513, 0.0], [16513, 16931, 0.0], [16931, 17108, 0.0], [17108, 17141, 0.0], [17141, 17711, 0.0], [17711, 17878, 0.0], [17878, 18257, 0.0], [18257, 18669, 0.0], [18669, 18864, 0.0], [18864, 19027, 0.0], [19027, 19281, 0.0], [19281, 19440, 0.0], [19440, 19494, 0.0], [19494, 19846, 0.0], [19846, 20144, 0.0], [20144, 20744, 0.0], [20744, 21033, 0.0], [21033, 21385, 0.0], [21385, 21869, 0.0], [21869, 21985, 0.0], [21985, 22005, 0.0], [22005, 22042, 0.0], [22042, 22391, 0.0], [22391, 22805, 0.0], [22805, 23016, 0.0], [23016, 23262, 0.0], [23262, 23814, 0.0], [23814, 24238, 0.0], [24238, 24558, 0.0], [24558, 24570, 0.0], [24570, 24589, 0.0], [24589, 24603, 0.0], [24603, 24636, 0.0], [24636, 25431, 0.0], [25431, 25835, 0.0], [25835, 26196, 0.0], [26196, 27104, 0.0], [27104, 27119, 0.0], [27119, 27147, 0.0], [27147, 27183, 0.0], [27183, 27546, 0.0], [27546, 27976, 0.0], [27976, 28201, 0.0], [28201, 28485, 0.0], [28485, 28877, 0.0], [28877, 29136, 0.0], [29136, 29412, 0.0], [29412, 29432, 0.0], [29432, 29470, 0.0], [29470, 31726, 0.0], [31726, 31737, 0.0], [31737, 31770, 0.0], [31770, 34051, 0.0], [34051, 34071, 0.0], [34071, 34086, 0.0], [34086, 34469, 0.0], [34469, 34962, 0.0], [34962, 35761, 0.0], [35761, 36014, 0.0], [36014, 36316, 0.0], [36316, 36349, 0.0], [36349, 37042, 0.0], [37042, 38138, 0.0], [38138, 38184, 0.0], [38184, 38223, 0.0], [38223, 38276, 0.0], [38276, 39071, 0.0], [39071, 40114, 0.0], [40114, 40149, 0.0], [40149, 40156, 0.0], [40156, 40192, 0.0], [40192, 40646, 0.0], [40646, 41288, 0.0], [41288, 42042, 0.0], [42042, 42126, 0.0], [42126, 42179, 0.0], [42179, 42193, 0.0], [42193, 42208, 0.0], [42208, 42784, 0.0], [42784, 43361, 0.0], [43361, 43562, 0.0], [43562, 43956, 0.0], [43956, 44028, 0.0], [44028, 44518, 0.0], [44518, 45079, 0.0], [45079, 46000, 0.0], [46000, 46696, 0.0], [46696, 47080, 0.0], [47080, 47115, 0.0], [47115, 47151, 0.0], [47151, 47654, 0.0], [47654, 48253, 0.0], [48253, 49482, 0.0], [49482, 49530, 0.0], [49530, 49553, 0.0], [49553, 49599, 0.0], [49599, 49916, 0.0], [49916, 51045, 0.0], [51045, 52148, 0.0], [52148, 53273, 0.0], [53273, 53313, 0.0], [53313, 53378, 0.0], [53378, 53426, 0.0], [53426, 53507, 0.0], [53507, 53544, 0.0], [53544, 53576, 0.0], [53576, 53615, 0.0], [53615, 53669, 0.0], [53669, 53711, 0.0], [53711, 53746, 0.0], [53746, 53784, 0.0], [53784, 53825, 0.0], [53825, 53863, 0.0], [53863, 53903, 0.0], [53903, 53933, 0.0], [53933, 53970, 0.0], [53970, 54031, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 24, 4.0], [24, 48, 3.0], [48, 71, 4.0], [71, 119, 7.0], [119, 163, 7.0], [163, 203, 5.0], [203, 260, 8.0], [260, 296, 5.0], [296, 331, 5.0], [331, 365, 5.0], [365, 406, 5.0], [406, 447, 4.0], [447, 498, 7.0], [498, 524, 4.0], [524, 572, 10.0], [572, 592, 4.0], [592, 605, 3.0], [605, 663, 6.0], [663, 700, 7.0], [700, 736, 6.0], [736, 759, 4.0], [759, 789, 5.0], [789, 819, 5.0], [819, 850, 5.0], [850, 899, 8.0], [899, 923, 4.0], [923, 958, 7.0], [958, 1002, 10.0], [1002, 1055, 11.0], [1055, 1094, 8.0], [1094, 1134, 9.0], [1134, 1183, 10.0], [1183, 1219, 8.0], [1219, 1258, 8.0], [1258, 1333, 14.0], [1333, 1355, 4.0], [1355, 1424, 9.0], [1424, 1460, 5.0], [1460, 1516, 8.0], [1516, 1568, 8.0], [1568, 1591, 3.0], [1591, 1645, 6.0], [1645, 1704, 6.0], [1704, 1714, 2.0], [1714, 1747, 7.0], [1747, 4030, 392.0], [4030, 4075, 9.0], [4075, 6363, 391.0], [6363, 6407, 9.0], [6407, 8243, 311.0], [8243, 8252, 2.0], [8252, 8280, 5.0], [8280, 10522, 390.0], [10522, 10537, 3.0], [10537, 10573, 7.0], [10573, 12414, 326.0], [12414, 12450, 8.0], [12450, 14715, 393.0], [14715, 14762, 6.0], [14762, 15357, 100.0], [15357, 15857, 75.0], [15857, 16200, 54.0], [16200, 16513, 51.0], [16513, 16931, 68.0], [16931, 17108, 31.0], [17108, 17141, 5.0], [17141, 17711, 89.0], [17711, 17878, 28.0], [17878, 18257, 59.0], [18257, 18669, 67.0], [18669, 18864, 30.0], [18864, 19027, 27.0], [19027, 19281, 43.0], [19281, 19440, 29.0], [19440, 19494, 8.0], [19494, 19846, 61.0], [19846, 20144, 56.0], [20144, 20744, 107.0], [20744, 21033, 48.0], [21033, 21385, 64.0], [21385, 21869, 81.0], [21869, 21985, 20.0], [21985, 22005, 3.0], [22005, 22042, 6.0], [22042, 22391, 58.0], [22391, 22805, 69.0], [22805, 23016, 41.0], [23016, 23262, 42.0], [23262, 23814, 99.0], [23814, 24238, 61.0], [24238, 24558, 55.0], [24558, 24570, 2.0], [24570, 24589, 3.0], [24589, 24603, 2.0], [24603, 24636, 4.0], [24636, 25431, 135.0], [25431, 25835, 63.0], [25835, 26196, 60.0], [26196, 27104, 161.0], [27104, 27119, 3.0], [27119, 27147, 5.0], [27147, 27183, 4.0], [27183, 27546, 65.0], [27546, 27976, 74.0], [27976, 28201, 40.0], [28201, 28485, 55.0], [28485, 28877, 69.0], [28877, 29136, 50.0], [29136, 29412, 48.0], [29412, 29432, 5.0], [29432, 29470, 7.0], [29470, 31726, 392.0], [31726, 31737, 1.0], [31737, 31770, 5.0], [31770, 34051, 391.0], [34051, 34071, 3.0], [34071, 34086, 2.0], [34086, 34469, 62.0], [34469, 34962, 77.0], [34962, 35761, 126.0], [35761, 36014, 38.0], [36014, 36316, 48.0], [36316, 36349, 7.0], [36349, 37042, 116.0], [37042, 38138, 179.0], [38138, 38184, 5.0], [38184, 38223, 8.0], [38223, 38276, 9.0], [38276, 39071, 133.0], [39071, 40114, 179.0], [40114, 40149, 7.0], [40149, 40156, 1.0], [40156, 40192, 6.0], [40192, 40646, 66.0], [40646, 41288, 110.0], [41288, 42042, 130.0], [42042, 42126, 13.0], [42126, 42179, 9.0], [42179, 42193, 2.0], [42193, 42208, 2.0], [42208, 42784, 99.0], [42784, 43361, 99.0], [43361, 43562, 40.0], [43562, 43956, 76.0], [43956, 44028, 9.0], [44028, 44518, 83.0], [44518, 45079, 96.0], [45079, 46000, 163.0], [46000, 46696, 116.0], [46696, 47080, 65.0], [47080, 47115, 6.0], [47115, 47151, 5.0], [47151, 47654, 85.0], [47654, 48253, 100.0], [48253, 49482, 222.0], [49482, 49530, 9.0], [49530, 49553, 4.0], [49553, 49599, 5.0], [49599, 49916, 58.0], [49916, 51045, 191.0], [51045, 52148, 192.0], [52148, 53273, 187.0], [53273, 53313, 6.0], [53313, 53378, 11.0], [53378, 53426, 7.0], [53426, 53507, 13.0], [53507, 53544, 6.0], [53544, 53576, 6.0], [53576, 53615, 6.0], [53615, 53669, 10.0], [53669, 53711, 7.0], [53711, 53746, 5.0], [53746, 53784, 6.0], [53784, 53825, 6.0], [53825, 53863, 6.0], [53863, 53903, 6.0], [53903, 53933, 4.0], [53933, 53970, 6.0], [53970, 54031, 9.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 24, 0.0], [24, 48, 0.0], [48, 71, 0.0], [71, 119, 0.02222222], [119, 163, 0.02439024], [163, 203, 0.02631579], [203, 260, 0.01818182], [260, 296, 0.03030303], [296, 331, 0.03125], [331, 365, 0.03125], [365, 406, 0.0], [406, 447, 0.0], [447, 498, 0.0], [498, 524, 0.0], [524, 572, 0.0], [572, 592, 0.0], [592, 605, 0.1], [605, 663, 0.01851852], [663, 700, 0.0625], [700, 736, 0.06896552], [736, 759, 0.05], [759, 789, 0.07692308], [789, 819, 0.07692308], [819, 850, 0.03571429], [850, 899, 0.02173913], [899, 923, 0.0], [923, 958, 0.11111111], [958, 1002, 0.13043478], [1002, 1055, 0.03571429], [1055, 1094, 0.10526316], [1094, 1134, 0.15], [1134, 1183, 0.04], [1183, 1219, 0.11428571], [1219, 1258, 0.1025641], [1258, 1333, 0.0], [1333, 1355, 0.0], [1355, 1424, 0.01515152], [1424, 1460, 0.02857143], [1460, 1516, 0.01818182], [1516, 1568, 0.02040816], [1568, 1591, 0.0], [1591, 1645, 0.01923077], [1645, 1704, 0.13793103], [1704, 1714, 0.0], [1714, 1747, 0.15151515], [1747, 4030, 0.0], [4030, 4075, 0.11111111], [4075, 6363, 0.0], [6363, 6407, 0.11627907], [6407, 8243, 0.01537617], [8243, 8252, 0.0], [8252, 8280, 0.24], [8280, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10537, 0.0], [10537, 10573, 0.1875], [10573, 12414, 0.00217746], [12414, 12450, 0.16666667], [12450, 14715, 0.0], [14715, 14762, 0.17777778], [14762, 15357, 0.00683761], [15357, 15857, 0.0], [15857, 16200, 0.0], [16200, 16513, 0.00322581], [16513, 16931, 0.0], [16931, 17108, 0.0], [17108, 17141, 0.0], [17141, 17711, 0.0], [17711, 17878, 0.0308642], [17878, 18257, 0.0], [18257, 18669, 0.0], [18669, 18864, 0.0], [18864, 19027, 0.0], [19027, 19281, 0.0], [19281, 19440, 0.0], [19440, 19494, 0.16666667], [19494, 19846, 0.0], [19846, 20144, 0.0], [20144, 20744, 0.0], [20744, 21033, 0.0], [21033, 21385, 0.0], [21385, 21869, 0.0], [21869, 21985, 0.0], [21985, 22005, 0.0], [22005, 22042, 0.35294118], [22042, 22391, 0.0], [22391, 22805, 0.0], [22805, 23016, 0.0], [23016, 23262, 0.0], [23262, 23814, 0.0], [23814, 24238, 0.0], [24238, 24558, 0.0], [24558, 24570, 0.0], [24570, 24589, 0.0], [24589, 24603, 0.0], [24603, 24636, 0.27586207], [24636, 25431, 0.0], [25431, 25835, 0.0], [25835, 26196, 0.0], [26196, 27104, 0.00442968], [27104, 27119, 0.0], [27119, 27147, 0.0], [27147, 27183, 0.38709677], [27183, 27546, 0.01098901], [27546, 27976, 0.01851852], [27976, 28201, 0.01777778], [28201, 28485, 0.00699301], [28485, 28877, 0.0], [28877, 29136, 0.0], [29136, 29412, 0.0], [29412, 29432, 0.10526316], [29432, 29470, 0.29411765], [29470, 31726, 0.00176835], [31726, 31737, 0.0], [31737, 31770, 0.22580645], [31770, 34051, 0.0021901], [34051, 34071, 0.0], [34071, 34086, 0.0], [34086, 34469, 0.0], [34469, 34962, 0.0], [34962, 35761, 0.0], [35761, 36014, 0.0], [36014, 36316, 0.0], [36316, 36349, 0.1875], [36349, 37042, 0.01171303], [37042, 38138, 0.00740741], [38138, 38184, 0.0], [38184, 38223, 0.0], [38223, 38276, 0.15384615], [38276, 39071, 0.0], [39071, 40114, 0.0], [40114, 40149, 0.0], [40149, 40156, 0.0], [40156, 40192, 0.25], [40192, 40646, 0.0], [40646, 41288, 0.0], [41288, 42042, 0.0], [42042, 42126, 0.01204819], [42126, 42179, 0.0], [42179, 42193, 0.0], [42193, 42208, 0.61538462], [42208, 42784, 0.0], [42784, 43361, 0.0], [43361, 43562, 0.0], [43562, 43956, 0.0], [43956, 44028, 0.01351351], [44028, 44518, 0.0], [44518, 45079, 0.0], [45079, 46000, 0.0], [46000, 46696, 0.0], [46696, 47080, 0.0], [47080, 47115, 0.0], [47115, 47151, 0.25806452], [47151, 47654, 0.008], [47654, 48253, 0.0], [48253, 49482, 0.0], [49482, 49530, 0.0], [49530, 49553, 0.0], [49553, 49599, 0.2], [49599, 49916, 0.0], [49916, 51045, 0.0], [51045, 52148, 0.0], [52148, 53273, 0.0], [53273, 53313, 0.28571429], [53313, 53378, 0.0], [53378, 53426, 0.22222222], [53426, 53507, 0.0], [53507, 53544, 0.3125], [53544, 53576, 0.0], [53576, 53615, 0.29411765], [53615, 53669, 0.0], [53669, 53711, 0.27027027], [53711, 53746, 0.0], [53746, 53784, 0.3030303], [53784, 53825, 0.0], [53825, 53863, 0.29411765], [53863, 53903, 0.28571429], [53903, 53933, 0.0], [53933, 53970, 0.3125], [53970, 54031, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 24, 0.0], [24, 48, 0.0], [48, 71, 0.0], [71, 119, 0.0], [119, 163, 0.0], [163, 203, 0.0], [203, 260, 0.0], [260, 296, 0.0], [296, 331, 0.0], [331, 365, 0.0], [365, 406, 0.0], [406, 447, 0.0], [447, 498, 0.0], [498, 524, 0.0], [524, 572, 0.0], [572, 592, 0.0], [592, 605, 0.0], [605, 663, 0.0], [663, 700, 0.0], [700, 736, 0.0], [736, 759, 0.0], [759, 789, 0.0], [789, 819, 0.0], [819, 850, 0.0], [850, 899, 0.0], [899, 923, 0.0], [923, 958, 1.0], [958, 1002, 1.0], [1002, 1055, 1.0], [1055, 1094, 1.0], [1094, 1134, 1.0], [1134, 1183, 1.0], [1183, 1219, 1.0], [1219, 1258, 1.0], [1258, 1333, 1.0], [1333, 1355, 0.0], [1355, 1424, 0.0], [1424, 1460, 0.0], [1460, 1516, 0.0], [1516, 1568, 0.0], [1568, 1591, 0.0], [1591, 1645, 0.0], [1645, 1704, 0.0], [1704, 1714, 0.0], [1714, 1747, 0.0], [1747, 4030, 0.0], [4030, 4075, 0.0], [4075, 6363, 0.0], [6363, 6407, 0.0], [6407, 8243, 0.0], [8243, 8252, 0.0], [8252, 8280, 0.0], [8280, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10537, 0.0], [10537, 10573, 0.0], [10573, 12414, 0.0], [12414, 12450, 0.0], [12450, 14715, 0.0], [14715, 14762, 0.0], [14762, 15357, 0.0], [15357, 15857, 0.0], [15857, 16200, 0.0], [16200, 16513, 0.0], [16513, 16931, 0.0], [16931, 17108, 0.0], [17108, 17141, 0.0], [17141, 17711, 0.0], [17711, 17878, 0.0], [17878, 18257, 0.0], [18257, 18669, 0.0], [18669, 18864, 0.0], [18864, 19027, 0.0], [19027, 19281, 0.0], [19281, 19440, 0.0], [19440, 19494, 0.0], [19494, 19846, 0.0], [19846, 20144, 0.0], [20144, 20744, 0.0], [20744, 21033, 0.0], [21033, 21385, 0.0], [21385, 21869, 0.0], [21869, 21985, 0.0], [21985, 22005, 0.0], [22005, 22042, 0.0], [22042, 22391, 0.0], [22391, 22805, 0.0], [22805, 23016, 0.0], [23016, 23262, 0.0], [23262, 23814, 0.0], [23814, 24238, 0.0], [24238, 24558, 0.0], [24558, 24570, 0.0], [24570, 24589, 0.0], [24589, 24603, 0.0], [24603, 24636, 0.0], [24636, 25431, 0.0], [25431, 25835, 0.0], [25835, 26196, 0.0], [26196, 27104, 0.0], [27104, 27119, 0.0], [27119, 27147, 0.0], [27147, 27183, 0.0], [27183, 27546, 0.0], [27546, 27976, 0.0], [27976, 28201, 0.0], [28201, 28485, 0.0], [28485, 28877, 0.0], [28877, 29136, 0.0], [29136, 29412, 0.0], [29412, 29432, 0.0], [29432, 29470, 0.0], [29470, 31726, 0.0], [31726, 31737, 0.0], [31737, 31770, 0.0], [31770, 34051, 0.0], [34051, 34071, 0.0], [34071, 34086, 0.0], [34086, 34469, 0.0], [34469, 34962, 0.0], [34962, 35761, 0.0], [35761, 36014, 0.0], [36014, 36316, 0.0], [36316, 36349, 0.0], [36349, 37042, 0.0], [37042, 38138, 0.0], [38138, 38184, 0.0], [38184, 38223, 0.0], [38223, 38276, 0.0], [38276, 39071, 0.0], [39071, 40114, 0.0], [40114, 40149, 0.0], [40149, 40156, 0.0], [40156, 40192, 0.0], [40192, 40646, 0.0], [40646, 41288, 0.0], [41288, 42042, 0.0], [42042, 42126, 0.0], [42126, 42179, 0.0], [42179, 42193, 0.0], [42193, 42208, 0.0], [42208, 42784, 0.0], [42784, 43361, 0.0], [43361, 43562, 0.0], [43562, 43956, 0.0], [43956, 44028, 0.0], [44028, 44518, 0.0], [44518, 45079, 0.0], [45079, 46000, 0.0], [46000, 46696, 0.0], [46696, 47080, 0.0], [47080, 47115, 0.0], [47115, 47151, 0.0], [47151, 47654, 0.0], [47654, 48253, 0.0], [48253, 49482, 0.0], [49482, 49530, 0.0], [49530, 49553, 0.0], [49553, 49599, 0.0], [49599, 49916, 0.0], [49916, 51045, 0.0], [51045, 52148, 0.0], [52148, 53273, 0.0], [53273, 53313, 0.0], [53313, 53378, 0.0], [53378, 53426, 0.0], [53426, 53507, 0.0], [53507, 53544, 0.0], [53544, 53576, 0.0], [53576, 53615, 0.0], [53615, 53669, 0.0], [53669, 53711, 0.0], [53711, 53746, 0.0], [53746, 53784, 0.0], [53784, 53825, 0.0], [53825, 53863, 0.0], [53863, 53903, 0.0], [53903, 53933, 0.0], [53933, 53970, 0.0], [53970, 54031, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 24, 0.20833333], [24, 48, 0.04166667], [48, 71, 0.04347826], [71, 119, 0.0625], [119, 163, 0.09090909], [163, 203, 0.075], [203, 260, 0.01754386], [260, 296, 0.08333333], [296, 331, 0.08571429], [331, 365, 0.08823529], [365, 406, 0.02439024], [406, 447, 0.02439024], [447, 498, 0.01960784], [498, 524, 0.03846154], [524, 572, 0.08333333], [572, 592, 0.1], [592, 605, 0.07692308], [605, 663, 0.03448276], [663, 700, 0.10810811], [700, 736, 0.11111111], [736, 759, 0.13043478], [759, 789, 0.1], [789, 819, 0.06666667], [819, 850, 0.03225806], [850, 899, 0.02040816], [899, 923, 0.08333333], [923, 958, 0.02857143], [958, 1002, 0.02272727], [1002, 1055, 0.01886792], [1055, 1094, 0.07692308], [1094, 1134, 0.025], [1134, 1183, 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« Inherent Bias | Main | I am not even exaggerating, much less making this up. » Someday, around twelve years from now, the song Unsteady will come on the radio and I will tell Josephine how it was out when she was learning to walk and I used to sing to her "hold...hold on, hold onto me 'cause I'm a little unsteady...a little unsteady" and tell her it was her song. At that time, around twelve years from now, Josephine will roll her eyes mightily and say that I've only told her that about a million times, MOM and then she'll wonder why I'm smiling anyway and appear not to have heard her. And it will be because I am remembering this chubby-cheeked 10 month-old who on her first encounter with stairs climbed right up to the top. Who jumps off the side of the swimming pool into her daddy's hands and doesn't mind that she gets dunked in the process. (Though if you put her on her back in the water, she will claw at your face in an attempt to climb up your head to safety.) Whose face still lights up in a smile when she sees me, even if I've just gone to the kitchen for a minute for a glass of water. Who crawls over now and again and holds out her hands to pull up just so she can snuggle her face into my neck for about a second and a half before climbing down to crawl off and play some more. Who loves it when I sing to her because she doesn't yet realize that I am a terrible singer and also the most embarrassing person ever to have lived. Posted at 11:28 AM in Hiccup | Permalink
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2719 Gulf to Bay Blvd STE 1160 CLEARWATER T-Mobile Clearwater Mall (7842) 2719 Gulf to Bay Blvd STE 1160, CLEARWATER, Sunday 12:00 PM to 06:00 PM T-Mobile USA, Inc. provides wireless voice, messaging, data, and mobile internet services to customers throughout CLEARWATER, FL.Our national cell phone network offers voice coverage to more than 96% of Americans across the United States where they live, work, and play. We offer some of the most innovative smartphones, Internet devices, tablets, and cell phones powered by iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry operating systems. We work with leading wireless device manufacturers including Apple, Samsung, Google, HTC, Nokia, and LG. At T-Mobile®we believe the right wireless devices and cell phone rate plan, including prepaid and no annual service contract plan options, can enhance the lives of our customers living in CLEARWATER, FL. And that flexible mobile phone business solutions, including unlimited talk, text, and data plans while on our nationwide 4G LTE network, can help small businesses and corporations in CLEARWATER, FL succeed. Our affordable wireless service, our unlimited nationwide 4G LTE coverage, the fastest nationwide 4G LTE network, and our top-rated wireless devices are all designed to do one thing: help the people of CLEARWATER, FL stay connected to what's most important to them - at home and virtually wherever they go. Countryside Mall (1108) Countryside (3532)
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Atlas agencia Bienvenido, Área de usuario Home Agencia TV Agencia TV Internacional Editados Agencia Internet Agencia Internet Internacional Servicios Broadcast Transmisión de señales Producción audiovisual integral Comunicación para empresas Atlas Ambiental Contacta Redacción Cookies Agencia Atlas Internet La Agencia Atlas ofrece el servicio de noticias en video para internet más completo de todo el mercado español. Más de 200 diarios digitales y portales de España y del resto del mundo cuentan con nuestros servicios. Contenidos Todos los días, de lunes a viernes, ponemos a disposición del cliente una media de 40 noticias y más de 20 los fines de semana. Los contenidos se agrupan en diferentes secciones: Política, Economía, Sociedad, Cultura, Internacional y Deportes Formato Los videos incluyen tanto noticias montadas y locutadas, como imágenes sin locución y con sonido ambiente. Distribución Los contenidos se publican dentro del canal de distribución www.atlas-news.com. En la sección de acceso profesional están habilitadas las funciones que permiten a los clientes descargar rápida y fácilmente los ficheros de vídeo, fotos y texto para proceder a su publicación en sus páginas. Para los abonados a toda la producción es posible automatizar el proceso de publicación, de forma que las noticias se publican automáticamente en su web . Características técnicas Dos formatos de vídeo: WMV y MPEG4 en alta y baja resolución. Cada video va acompañado del texto de la noticia. Oferta Servicios Broadcast Tarde Viernes, 22 de Julio Atlas ofrece hoy servicio desde los siguientes puntos: CONGRESO DE LOS DIPUTADOS (MADRID): Pedro Sánchez no hará comparecencias públicas hasta su encuentro con el Rey, previsto para el jueves de la semana próxima PALACIO REAL (Madrid): Albert Rivera pedirá "ayuda" al Rey para desbloquear la actual situación política MADRID: La Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) prevé este fin de semana un total de 5,7 millones de desplazamientos por carretera a nivel nacional ESTADIO VICENTE CALDERÓN (Madrid): La Audiencia de Madrid absuelve al menor condenado por el homicidio en el "caso Jimmy" SANTIAGO: Una larga cola de peregrinos y turistas guardan turno para acceder a la basílica con razón de las fiestas de Santiago Apóstol LA LÍNEA DE LA CONCEPCCIÓN (Cádiz): Controles por mar y aire ante los narcos que intentan cruzar el estrecho BARCELONA (Ayuntamiento): El Pokemon Go, protagonista en el pleno del ayuntamiento de Barcelona BARCELONA: Los catalanes que quieren la independencia superan a los que la rechazan. Un 47,7% son partidarios de la secesión frente a un 42,4% de detractores, según el Centro de Estudios de Opinión de la Generalitat MÁLAGA: La costa del sol,uno de los principares destinos playeros de estas fechas BAYONA (Francia): Las Fiestas de Bayona son el mayor festival de Francia, atrayendo a más de un millón de visitantes cada añoAtlas ofrece los siguientes servicios:Directo 10 minutos: 750 €Directo 15 minutos: 900 €Bloque de 5 minutos adicionales: 300€Play Out 10 minutos: 360€Señal en directo: 600€ Mediaset España Copyright © Telecinco, S.A. 2012, Todos los derechos reservados Gestión publicitaria
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The Conflict over the South China Sea April 12, 2018 by JMC Kevin Cooney will discuss the strategic significance of the South China Sea in a talk at George Fox's John Dickinson Forum. International RelationsGeorge Fox UniversityJohn Dickinson ForumPNW InitiativeSouth China Sea ‘Avoid Entangling Alliances?’: America and the South China Sea Kevin Cooney, Director of Business Development at Global Business Resources and Visiting Professor at Ritsumeikan Pacific University, will give a talk at George Fox’s John Dickinson Forum, a JMC partner program. Wednesday, April 18, 2018 • 6:30PM Hoover 105, George Fox University This event is free and open to the public. Learn more about the event here >> This event is supported by Jack Miller Center’s Pacific Northwest Initiative: Advancing Education in America’s Founding Principles and History. Thanks to the generous grant from MJ Murdock Charitable Trust, JMC is working with faculty to organize exciting campus events in the region. The Initiative also provides programs, conferences and other opportunities for professors in the PNW—all to help them make a difference in the education of their students. JMC’s current PNW partner programs are on campuses including Linfield College, the University of Alaska-Anchorage, Carroll College, George Fox University, the University of Montana, and Boise State University. Kevin Cooney is the Director of Business Development at Global Business Resources and Visiting Professor at Ritsumeikan Pacific University. Prior to this, he was a Professor of Business and Director of the Pacific Rim Center at Northwest University. Dr. Cooney taught marketing and management at the University of Florida. He received his PhD in international relations from Arizona State University. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter for updates about lectures, publications, podcasts, and events related to American political thought, United States history, and the Western tradition! Want to help the Jack Miller Center transform higher education? Donate today. Previous: What Can Today’s Politicians Learn from the Constitution? Next: Humankind: Masters over Nature?
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What is Medication Adherence? Medication adherence, or taking medications correctly, is defined as the extent to which patients take medication as prescribed by their doctors. This involves factors such as getting prescriptions filled, remembering to take medication on time, and understanding the directions. Medication adherence can be influenced by many factors. It also assumes the patient has the knowledge, motivation, skills and resources to follow the health care providers prescription. Nonadherence can include delaying or not filling a prescription, skipping doses, splitting pills, or stopping a medication early. Not only does nonadherence increase costs, but it also leads to poorer health outcomes for patients. Read more about the impacts of nonadherence here. “Keep watch also on the fault of patients which makes them lie about taking of things prescribed.” — Hippocrates, circa 500 B.C. How is Adherence Measured? There are a number of ways to measure medication adherence in patients of varying degrees of effectiveness. The most direct method is to measure the metabolites of the drug in the patient, but while accurate it is costly and invasive. A variety of calculations have been introduced to calculate adherence based on pharmacy claims data, though no single approach has been uniformly accepted. Pill counts and pharmacy databases are simple and inexpensive, but don’t prove the medication was taken by the patient. Self-reported measurements tend to overestimate adherence and fail to meet objective standards. Generally, more than one method of measurement would be used to determine a patient’s adherence.
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Home / Middle East / U.S. forces to stay in Syria for decades, say militia allies U.S. forces to stay in Syria for decades, say militia allies The Levant Aug 18, 2017 Middle East, News, Syria war, United States Leave a comment 673 Views Washington’s main Syrian ally in the fight against Islamic State says the U.S. military will remain in northern Syria long after the jihadists are defeated, predicting enduring ties with the Kurdish-dominated region. The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of militias dominated by the Kurdish YPG, believes the United States has a “strategic interest” in staying on, SDF spokesman Talal Silo told Reuters. “They have a strategy policy for decades to come. There will be military, economic and political agreements in the long term between the leadership of the northern areas (of Syria) … and the U.S. administration,” Silo said. The U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State has deployed forces at several locations in northern Syria, including an airbase near the town of Kobani. It has supported the SDF with air strikes, artillery, and special forces on the ground. Asked about long-term strategy, Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the coalition, referred Reuters to the Pentagon. He said there was “still a lot of fighting to do, even after ISIS has been defeated in Raqqa”. Islamic State remained in strongholds along the Euphrates River Valley, he added, in a reference to its stronghold in Deir al-Zor province southeast of Raqqa. “Our mission … is to defeat ISIS in designated areas of Iraq and Syria and to set conditions for follow-on operations to increase regional stability,” Dillon said, without elaborating. Eric Pahon, a Pentagon spokesman, said in Washington: “The Department of Defense does not discuss timelines for future operations. However we remain committed to the destruction of ISIS and preventing its return.” The SDF and YPG dominate a swathe of northern Syria where Kurdish-led autonomous administrations have emerged since the onset of the Syrian conflict in 2011. The YPG and its allies hold an uninterrupted 400-km (250-mile) stretch of the Syrian-Turkish border. The U.S. alliance with the SDF and YPG is a major point of contention with neighboring Turkey, a U.S. ally. Turkey views the YPG as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has fought a three-decade insurgency in Turkey. Silo said: “The Americans have strategic interests here after the end of Daesh,” using a pejorative term for Islamic State. “They (recently) referred to the possibility of securing an area to prepare for a military airport. These are the beginnings – they’re not giving support just to leave. America is not providing all this support for free,” Silo said. He suggested northern Syria could become a new base for U.S. forces in the region. “Maybe there could be an alternative to their base in Turkey,” he added, referring to the Incirlik air base. The head of the YPG said last month the United States had established seven military bases in areas of northern Syria controlled by the YPG or SDF, including a major air base near Kobani, a town at the border with Turkey. The coalition says it does not discuss the location of its forces, citing operational security. Reuters reporters have seen Blackhawk and Apache military helicopters taking off from a cement factory southeast of Kobani, a Kurdish town on the border with Turkey. Washington under the new U.S. administration of President Donald Trump started distributing arms to the YPG in March ahead of the final assault on Raqqa city, infuriating Turkey which has been unsuccessfully lobbying Washington to abandon the SDF. Despite SDF confidence that U.S. forces will stay, there is concern that Washington will not give enough backing to YPG-allied forces and civil councils that control northeast Syria. “We’re constantly asking them for clear, public political support,” Silo said. He said the U.S. State Department held its first public meeting with SDF officials this month. “At the moment there are no meetings being held for a real discussion of Syria’s future. There are initiatives for developing political support for our forces, but we hope this will be bigger,” he said. Tags civil war Islamic State Kurds Syria Turkey United States Previous Saudi coalition to blame for half of Yemen child casualties: draft U.N. report Next Fellow Republicans assail Trump after he defends Confederate monuments Russia and Saudi Arabia will ask Opec to hike production by 1.5 million barrels a … India cancels visa for Uyghur dissident Dolkun Isa Saudis down 2 ballistic missiles fired by Al Houthis Trump vows to protect ‘Made in America’ products Kuwait, Qatar hold talks in Doha Globalization: Made in the USA
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Step-by-Step: Making Aliyah to Israel Documenting the very personal process of making Aliyah (immigration to Israel) by one very atypical Israeli-American girl. Aliyah on 17, August, 2005. Roadmap: What do you mean there's no roadmap?! Hang on, we're in for a bumpy ride! Ole! One Arab's Apology I thought the whole thing was good enough to post. This op-ed from the New York Post: September 12, 2006 -- WELL, here it is, five years late, but here just the same: an apology from an Arab-American for 9/11. No, I didn't help organize the killers or contribute in any way to their terrible cause. However, I was one of millions of Arab-Americans who did the unspeakable on 9/11: nothing.The only time I raised my voice in protest against these men who killed thousands of innocents in the name of Allah was behind closed doors, among the safety of friends and family. I did at one point write a very vitriolic essay condemning their actions, but fear of becoming another Salman Rushdie kept me from ever trying to publish it.Well, I'm sick of saying the truth only in private - that Arabs around the world, including Arab-Americans like myself, need to start holding our own culture accountable for the insane, violent actions that our extremists have perpetrated on the world at large.Yes, our extremists and our culture.Every single 9/11 hijacker was Arab and a Muslim. The apologists (including President Bush) tried to reassure us that 9/11 had nothing to do with Islam, but was a twisting of a great and noble religion. With all due respect, read the Koran, Mr. President. There's enough there for someone of extreme tendencies to find their way to a global jihad.There's also enough there for someone of a different mindset to find a path to enlightenment and peace. Still, Rushdie had it right back in 2001: This does have to do with Islam. A Christian who bombs an abortion clinic in the name of God is still a Christian, at least in his interpretation, and saying otherwise doesn't negate the fact that he has spent a goodly amount of time figuring out his version of the one true and right thing to do.The men who killed 3,000 of our citizens on 9/11 in all likelihood died saying prayers to Allah, and that by itself is one of the most horrific things to me about that day.And, while my grandparents never waged a jihad, their attitudes toward Jews weren't that much different than Mohammed Atta's. No, they didn't support the Holocaust, but they did believe that Jews were trouble in many different ways, and those sorts of beliefs were passed on to me before I'd ever actually met a Jew.I'm sorry for that, for ever believing that anything that my grandparents or other relatives had to say about Jews or Israel, for that matter, had any real resemblance to truth. It took me years to realize that I'd been conned into believing the generalizations and stereotypes that millions around the Arab world buy into: that Jews, America and Israel are our main problem.One look at the average Arab regime should alert us to the fact that the problem, dear Achmed, lies not overseas or next door in Tel Aviv, but in the brutal, corrupt despots that we have bred from country to country in the Mideast, across the span of history. That history and its corresponding economic devastation is the main reason I reside on New York City's West Bank - New Jersey - not the one near Jerusalem. On my worst day, I'm happy about that fact. I'd rather be here than there, and experience the freedom and boundless opportunities that were mostly unknown to so many generations of my family in the Mideast.For as long as I live, the image of those towers falling, as I watched in horror and disbelief from the corner of 40th and Fifth, will be for me my Pearl Harbor, for in that instant I recognized that not only was our city under attack - so was our freedom.It still is. And will continue to be for years to come. And the threat is not from within, but from Islamic fascists who desperately want to destroy the freedom and opportunities that millions the world over still seek.Five years after that awful day, it's time for all Arab-Americans, and Arabs around the world, to protest against Islamic fascism, to raise our voices - and, where necessary, our arms - against these tyrants until their plague of terror has been driven from the face of the earth forever.Emilio Karim Dabul is a freelance writer and PR consultant living in New Jersey. posted by Yael K @ 9:05 PM Sage said... Very nice essay. I just wish there were many more like it from Arabs evrywhere. Thank you for posting it. I would certainly have missed it. Dan Savtadotty said... How I wish he didn't have to live in the U.S.A. to be able to write and publish this without fear! Name: Yael K Location: Tel Aviv, Israel I am not typical. I am not your typical Aliyah candidate: I'm very secular, did not grow up in a zionist household, and have no family living in Israel. I'm not what people typically think of when they hear "Jewish": I have blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. I am not your typical American: I speak 2 1/2 languages, used to vote democratic (and I'm originally from the South!), and the last thing I want is a house in the suburbs. So what am I? In many ways, I'm a little bundle of contradictions. Stubborn yet not overly-opinionated (at least on most issues). Shy and reserved when I first meet someone but outgoing and bubbly once you get to know me. Practical but also fun-loving and spontaneous (in a practical kind of way, lol). I believe that I am a kind and caring person (hey, don't we all?). I am passionate about life and fiercely protective of those I love. And I'm crazy about my 3 5 6 cats. And the 40 or so I care for on the street. Breaking news--U.S. embassy under attack in Damasc... Remembering what was lost September 11 2001 The power of dressing datiah (religiously) More media shenanigans Saudia Arabia bans owning pets Thank G-d it is Friday To a good home... The schnitzel man So today I went to sign my lease. At the office t...
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Louisiana Society State Officers National Society Web hyperlinks to non-U.S.D. of 1812 sites are not the responsibility of the N.S.U.S.D. of 1812, the state societies, or individual U.S.D. of 1812 chapters.
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Articles Posted in DUI Tests Supreme Court Decides Warrants Are Needed Before Most DUI Blood Tests The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that police must, in most cases, first seek a warrant from a judge before ordering a blood test of a person arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). The case before the Court involved a driver from Missouri, who was pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving. After administering several field sobriety tests, the police officer asked the driver to submit to a breath test. He refused and was taken to a hospital, where blood was drawn despite the driver’s objections. The driver was later convicted of a DUI in Missouri. The Missouri Supreme Court, however, threw out the blood test results, stating that the officer’s failure to get a warrant made the blood draw an “unreasonable” search and seizure prohibited by the Fourth Amendment. In both the state Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court, the state argued that because the body metabolizes alcohol in the bloodstream, there is no time for police officers to get warrants before taking a blood sample, and therefore an exception to the Fourth Amendment should apply. The U.S. Supreme Court disagreed with this reasoning, however. The Court’s opinion, released Wednesday, April 17, did not provide detailed guidance about when police officers may draw blood in DUI cases without a warrant. In his concurring opinion, however, Justice Anthony Kennedy noted that future Supreme Court cases may provide an opportunity for the Court to answer this question. In Colorado, the state’s “express consent” law presumes drivers have consented to a breath or blood test for DUI by accepting a driver’s license. DUI chemical tests are often vital to a Colorado DUI case. Attorney Tim Bussey has years of experience focusing on how DUI tests work and how they should be performed – experience he relies on to aggressively defend those facing drunk-driving charges in Colorado. For a free and confidential consultation, contact The Bussey Law Firm, P.C. at (719) 475-2555 today. Posted in: DUI Tests What is Colorado’s Express Consent Law? Like several other states, Colorado has a law that requires drivers to submit to chemical testing for alcohol if a police officer requests one on the basis of probable cause to believe the driver is driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) or driving while ability impaired (DWAI) in Colorado. Colorado refers to this rule as the “express consent” law. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is usually determined by testing either a blood or a breath sample taken from the driver. A BAC of 0.08 percent or higher is considered a “per se” violation of Colorado’s DUI prohibition, while a BAC between 0.05 and 0.08 percent is considered evidence that the driver was DWAI. Both BAC readings, however, can be challenged in court. Updated: September 13, 2016 11:01 am Errors in CO Blood Alcohol Testing May Call DUI Convictions into Question Errors in the blood tests used by the state toxicology lab to determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC) may call some convictions for driving under the influence (DUI) into question, according to a recent article in the Colorado Springs Gazette. In May 2012, the state toxicology lab announced that it had undertaken the re-testing of 1,700 samples taken in DUI cases after discovering that a lab technician in charge of testing the samples had not followed proper protocols. The lab also instituted procedures that allow for random re-testing by a separate toxicologist in order to double-check that technicians are following protocols properly. Colorado law prohibits driving a vehicle if the driver’s BAC is 0.08 percent or higher. At 0.17 percent, a convicted driver is considered a “high BAC offender” and may be required to have an ignition interlock device placed on his or her vehicle at his or her expense. At 0.20 percent BAC or higher, a driver may be required to spend 10 or more days in jail. The Basics of Colorado Field Sobriety Tests To determine an individual’s sobriety, highway officers use what is known as the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST). The SFST is a combination of three exams conducted and judged by police officers in a uniform method to secure evidence of an individual’s potential intoxication or impairment and to gain “probable cause” for an arrest. The three exams are the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN), the Walk-and-Turn (WAT) and the One-Leg Stand (OLS). Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Nystagmus is the spontaneous jerk of the eye that happens inherently as the eyes move from side to side. When a person is intoxicated by alcohol (and numerous drugs and controlled substances), this movement is typically exaggerated. An officer will test for this by asking a suspect to follow an object with their eyes as it moves across his or her field of vision. Updated: November 4, 2011 9:05 am Understanding Different Types of Preliminary Breath Testing Instruments Preliminary breath testing, or PBT, is often used during a traffic stop by an officer who suspects that a driver may be driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), but who does not yet have enough information to make an arrest. A driver whose PBT results show that his blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is over 0.08 percent may face arrest and charges of drunk driving. With so much at stake, it’s important to understand how PBT instruments work. There are three basic types of preliminary breath testing instruments: infrared, wet chemical, and electrical. Each is designed to take a breath sample and calculate the amount of alcohol it contains, but the methods used may differ. In an infrared PBT device, an infrared beam inside the device is calibrated to “see” alcohol molecules in a breath sample. The device measures the number of alcohol molecules it can “see” versus the total number of molecules in the sample, and then calculates a percentage. A wet chemical device, on the other hand, measures alcohol in a breath sample by measuring the amount of the sample that reacts with chromate salts, which will react to alcohol but not to most other substances commonly found in human breath. Updated: October 6, 2011 12:16 pm Standardized Field Sobriety Tests May Not Accurately ID Drunk Drivers Police officers in Colorado and elsewhere use three standardized field sobriety tests along with other clues to help them decide whether or not to arrest a driver on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI). These tests include the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the one-leg stand test, and the walk-and-turn test. These tests are difficult to pass, even if a driver is sober. However, police continue to use them because their ability to pick out drivers who are actually impaired is rated quite high by authorities such as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). For instance, a 1998 study cited by NHTSA concluded that in 88 percent of cases, the horizontal gaze nystagmus test will correctly identify an impaired driver; in 79 percent of cases, the walk-and-turn test will correctly identify a drunk driver; and in 83 percent of cases, the one-leg stand test will correctly identify a drunk driver. Overall, the study concluded, the standardized field sobriety tests will correctly identify drunk or impaired drivers 91 percent of the time if all three tests are used together. Tagged: colorado springs dui defense lawyers, field sobriety test errors and field sobriety tests How Do Alcohol Breath Tests Work? Breath testing machines are commonly used to estimate a person’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) before an arrest. Colorado law enforcement officers typically use an Intoxilyzer 5000, which is a particular brand of breath-testing machine. All breath testing machines work on the principle that alcohol, once it’s ingested, enters the bloodstream through the walls of the digestive tract. Once it’s there, the alcohol travels with the blood throughout the body, including into the lungs, where the blood drops off carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen as you breathe. Some of the alcohol in your blood leaves the body as you breathe out, along with the carbon dioxide. Updated: July 22, 2011 9:00 am Colorado Springs Police Crime Lab DUI Controversy Revealed Faulty BAC Test Results The final judgment on a DUI case isn’t always the end. Colorado realized this in December 2009 when the Colorado Springs Police Department announced that chemist error had inflated blood alcohol content results for, at the time of their announcement, 82 drivers at the Metro Crime Lab. The flawed DUI tests in Colorado Springs caused quite an uproar, especially for drivers who had been convicted of a DUI between 2007 and 2009. Once this announcement was made, Timothy Bussey of The Bussey Law Firm, P.C., received several calls from clients who were concerned about their cases. To get to the bottom of the matter, Mr. Bussey filed a request for a Colorado Open Records Act. Although Mr. Bussey did not receive all the information he had hoped, he was, nevertheless, provided with some very useful information. The disclosed information proved that chemist error was the reason for the inflated BAC results. The investigation concluded that a total of 206 DUI tests had been faulty. Of these, nine cases were affected. Posted in: Drunk Driving/ DUI and DUI Tests Updated: June 6, 2011 12:57 pm
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Trump University Lawsuits Facing Final Hurdle to Settlement The lawsuits allege that Trump University gave nationwide seminars that were like infomercials, constantly pressuring people to spend more and, in the end, failing to deliver on its promises By Elliot Spagat Mario Tama/Getty Images In this May 23, 2005, photo, Donald Trump speaks as university president Michael Sexton (left) looks on during a news conference announcing the establishment of Trump University in New York City. President Donald Trump faces one last hurdle to ending nearly seven years of lawsuits over his now-defunct Trump University when a judge decides Thursday whether to approve a $25 million settlement with former customers. When attorneys reached a deal 10 days after Trump's election, U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel said he hoped it would be part of "a healing process that this country very sorely needs." A month later, he granted preliminary approval of the deal. Last week, attorneys for former customers said their clients will get at least 80 percent of their money back, based on the roughly 3,730 claims submitted. Trump has paid $25 million into escrow to settle two federal class-action lawsuits before Curiel and a civil lawsuit by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. He admitted no wrongdoing. The lawsuits allege that Trump University gave nationwide seminars that were like infomercials, constantly pressuring people to spend more and, in the end, failing to deliver on its promises. Two customers have objected to the settlement. Sherri Simpson, a Fort Lauderdale, Florida, attorney, says she wasn't given enough opportunity to opt out of the lawsuit and should have the right to sue the president. Simpson and a partner paid $35,000 in 2010 to enroll in Trump University's "Gold Elite" program to be paired with a mentor who would teach them Trump's secret real estate investment strategies. Simpson, who appeared in two anti-Trump campaign ads, said they got little for their money — the videos were 5 years old, the materials covered information that could be found free on the internet and her mentor didn't return calls or emails. "I would like an admission that he was wrong, an admission that, 'Oops, maybe I didn't handle it as well as I should have, I didn't set it up as well as I should have, that I didn't maintain it or oversee it as well as I should have,'" Simpson told The Associated Press on Wednesday. Attorneys for Trump and those suing him say the deadline to opt out was in November 2015 and Simpson missed her chance. Thirteen people opted out before that date, none of whom have shown any desire to sue the president. Another customer, Harold Doe, objected to the settlement because he wants more money, according to court filings by attorneys for Trump and the plaintiffs. Trump University dogged the Republican businessman throughout the campaign as rivals used Trump's depositions and extensive documents filed in the lawsuits to portray him as dishonest and deceitful. Trump brought more attention by repeatedly assailing Curiel, insinuating that the Indiana-born judge's Mexican heritage exposed a bias. The settlement was reached 10 days before a trial was set to begin, sparing Trump what would have been a major distraction. The trial would have been pinned on whether a jury believed Trump misled customers by calling the business a university when it wasn't an accredited school and by falsely advertising that he hand-picked instructors. Trump vowed never to settle but said after the election that he didn't have time for a trial, even though he believed he would have prevailed. Published at 2:30 AM CDT on Mar 30, 2017 | Updated at 1:57 PM CDT on Mar 30, 2017
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¿Qué implica el Gran Freno al Comercio Mundial? Economía Global N.189 www.solanaconsultores.com Aumenta el proteccionismo y peligran los tratados comerciales, a la vez que la expansión del comercio mundial llega al nivel más bajo desde la crisis financiera. El Fondo Monetario Internacional reportó un declive espectacular en el crecimiento comercial. En términos reales, entre 1985 y 2007 el comercio mundial creció al doble de las tasas de incremento del PIB global. En contraste, en los últimos cuatro años desde 2011, apenas ha logrado mantener un ritmo similar al del PIB. Unas tasas tan bajas de expansión comercial, relativas al crecimiento de la actividad económica, han sido muy raras en el último medio siglo, y ahora se observan por periodo prolongado. La Organización Mundial del Comercio presentó un informe similar al del FMI. Revisó a la baja su pronóstico de crecimiento comercial en 2016 a 1.7%, muy por debajo del pronóstico de abril, cuando la OMC preveía una expansión de 2.8%. También revisó a la baja el pronóstico para 2018. No se había visto un letargo de esta magnitud desde la crisis financiera de 2008-2009. Si se cumplen las previsiones de la OMC, este año será el primero en los últimos 15 años en que el comercio crece a tasa menor que la del producto mundial. ¿Cuáles son las causas de semejante freno? ¿Qué implicaciones tiene para la actividad económica futura? Las causas Una primera causa, por supuesto, es que el producto mundial crece más lentamente. China: Ha tenido un fuerte impacto en la economía global la transición de China hacia un modelo de crecimiento con base en aumentos en el consumo interno, en vez de en la inversión y las exportaciones. Esto significa que las tasas de crecimiento anual del PIB han ido descendiendo gradualmente, desde alrededor de 10% anual hasta tasas que apenas superan el 6% anual. Así, la expansión de la demanda de China es cada vez menor. Los precios de los bienes básicos: Varias economías emergentes y en desarrollo dependen de sus exportaciones de bienes básicos. La moderación de la demanda china provocó una caída fuerte en los precios y el volumen de las exportaciones de países como Brasil, que ahora se encuentra en una profunda contracción del producto (-3.9% en 2015 y un estimado -3.3% este año, según la OCDE). Los precios del petróleo: Otras economías emergentes y en desarrollo han sido duramente golpeadas por la caída en el precio del crudo, que en buena medida resulta del enorme incremento en la producción de petróleo shale –especialmente en Estados Unidos—y los esfuerzos de Arabia Saudita por mantener su participación en el mercado petrolero. Varios países emergentes y en desarrollo que exportan productos petroleros han caído en severas contracciones o reducen su ritmo de expansión; entre ellos, Venezuela, Rusia, Nigeria y México. La atonía en la actividad económica de países avanzados. El , y por tiempo prolongado, no tienen precedente en lascrecido a tasas similaresque Las declaraciones recientes de Janet Yellen, presidente de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos, apuntan hacia una probable alza en la tasa de interés de referencia de Estados Unidos. El año pasado se anunciaron varias alzas en 2016, pero en lo que va de este año no ha habido ninguna. Para salvar la credibilidad de la Fed, sobre todo ahora que Janet Yellen sostiene que las condiciones económicas –inflación y empleo-- han mejorado lo suficiente para considerar subir los réditos, un alza pronto parece inevitable. Los mercados ya están viendo un 55.8% de probabilidad de un alza antes de fin de año, de acuerdo con las cotizaciones de los futuros de fondos federales. ¿Cuándo? Habrá una reunión de la Fed los días 20 y 21 de septiembre. La siguiente reunión será los días 1 y 2 de noviembre, pero esas fechas están muy cerca de las elecciones de Estados Unidos y difícilmente se permitirá que la política monetaria interfiera en ese proceso. Finalmente, la Fed se reunirá los días 13 y 14 de diciembre. Seguramente entonces, si no sube la tasa de los fondos federales en septiembre, subirá en diciembre. Surgen varias cuestiones que vale la pena considerar. ¿Realmente la economía de Estados Unidos está lo suficientemente robusta como para subir las tasas de interés? ¿Tan pronto como en septiembre? ¿Cuál será el impacto de esa política monetaria en los tipos de cambio mundiales? ¿Cuál será el impacto en la economía de Estados Unidos y en las demás economías? Tenemos fresca en la memoria la gran volatilidad cambiaria que surgió en 2014 simplemente con la expectativa de que la Fed subiría su tasa de interés, así como las consecuencias económicas de esa volatilidad. ¿Se fortalece la economía de Estados Unidos? Los datos del crecimiento económico de Estados Unidos durante los primeros dos trimestres del año dejan mucho qué desear. En el primer trimestre, la tasa anualizada fue de apenas 0.8%, y en el segundo, la tasa sólo mejoró hasta un 1.1%. Ciertamente el gasto en consumo es robusto, y hay indicios de que en el tercer trimestre la actividad comienza a acelerarse. Pero la inversión es débil, sobre todo en proyectos relacionados con la energía, y en agosto se contrajo el sector manufacturero. A pesar de este débil desempeño, el mercado laboral ha estado mejorando lo suficiente como para considerar que se ha alcanzado prácticamente la plena utilización de la fuerza de trabajo. La tasa de desempleo se encuentra en 4.9%, que compara muy favorablemente con el 10.1% en la zona euro. Puede decirse que se ha cumplido el mandato de la Fed de procurar el máximo empleo. En cuanto al otro mandato, el de mantener la inflación en niveles cercanos al 2% anual, a fines de julio los miembros del Federal Open Market Committee de la Fed consideraron que a corto plazo la inflación permanecerá en bajos niveles, dada la caída en los precios petroleros. A mediano plazo, sin embargo, se acelerará la inflación hacia un 2% anual, una vez que se disipen los efectos transitorios de la baja en los precios de energéticos y del valor de las importaciones (por el alza en el dólar). La decisión de política monetaria en la reunión de septiembre estará determinada en buena medida por los datos de empleo que se conocerán el 2 de septiembre, así como por los indicios que se tengan de aceleración en el alza de precios. El dato más reciente sobre la inflación es de 0.8% anual, pero se tendrá nueva información el 16 de septiembre. Impacto de la política monetaria de EUA en los tipos cambiarios En la zona euro y en Japón, las tasas de interés ya se encuentran en niveles negativos para los depósitos de los bancos en el banco central. Es muy controvertida la práctica pues los bancos tienen pérdidas por ello, y muchos de por sí atraviesan momentos difíciles. De todos modos, la tendencia continúa hacia tasas ultra bajas o negativas, pues el crecimiento económico no es satisfactorio. Por ejemplo, ante el Brexit y la probable caída en el PIB británico, el banco central del Reino Unido bajó la tasa de interés por primera vez en 7 años, de 0.5% a 0.25%. Y la tendencia se extiende hacia los clientes bancarios. En Alemania, uno de los bancos –una cooperativa de ahorro en Bavaria—comenzó a aplicar tasas negativas de interés a los depósitos de sus grandes clientes. En otros países sucede algo similar. En estas circunstancias, un alza de réditos en Estados Unidos tendrá un impacto espectacular. Los ahorradores no encuentran cómo obtener rendimientos como los que acostumbraban en épocas anteriores. Si suben las tasas de interés en Estados Unidos, los capitales naturalmente se dirigen hacia allá desde todas partes del mundo. Así, desde la primera mención de alzas en Estados Unidos, el dólar se disparó en 2014. El reverso de la moneda es que se han depreciado muchas monedas en el mundo, entre ellas el euro, el yen, la libra esterlina y las monedas de muchas economías emergentes (como México). Es de esperar que una nueva subida de la tasa de referencia en Estados Unidos, forzará más caídas en otras monedas. El peso mexicano ya está reaccionando (una vez más) ante la posibilidad. Casi de inmediato después de las declaraciones de Janet Yellen, el dólar se vende en bancos a niveles por encima de 19 pesos por dólar, cuando en meses anteriores se había mantenido entre 18 y 19 pesos por dólar. Probable impacto en la economía de Estados Unidos Aunque aumentan el empleo y los precios en Estados Unidos, a lo largo de 2016 el crecimiento no ha sido bueno, y es alarmante el hecho de que se contraen las manufacturas. Incluso, por primera vez en años, las ventas de autos bajaron 4.2% en agosto. Las exportaciones sufren además por el alza del dólar. Así, subir las tasas de interés puede significar un freno económico. Probable impacto en otras economías Son muchas las economías que dependen de la demanda estadounidense para sus exportaciones. Un freno en Estados Unidos puede tener consecuencias muy significativas en las balanzas comerciales de otros países, en especial, de países vecinos como México. Por otro lado, si suben las tasas de interés en Estados Unidos, América Latina en particular sufrirá retiros masivos de capitales. Para acotar esas salidas de capitales, previsiblemente subirán las tasas de interés en muchas economías emergentes. Esto repercutirá negativamente en el crecimiento de muchas de esas naciones en América Latina, en momentos en que para la región se pronostica una fuerte contracción económica en 2016 (ver la sección Descifrando.). En México ya se observan salidas de capitales muy importantes. Además, el Banco de México desde hace meses anunció que subirán las tasas de interés cuando suban las de Estados Unidos. Congruente con esta perspectiva, el propio Banco de México bajó su pronóstico de crecimiento para este año. El Grupo Modelo, la cervecera de México que en años recientes fue adquirido por AB InBev, anunció que en los próximos 2 meses llevará a cabo en el país una inversión de alrededor de 10 mil millones de pesos, para aumentar su capacidad productiva y de exportación. La acerera mexicana Altos Hornos solicitó protección en Estados Unidos bajo la ley de quiebras. La empresa española Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (CAF) ganó un contrato con valor de 3 mil 380 millones de pesos (164 mde), para suministrar 10 trenes de rodadura neumática a la Línea 1 del Metro de la Ciudad de México. La Comisión Europea ordenó a Irlanda imponer $14.5 mil millones de dólares en impuestos que se habían condonado a Apple contraviniendo las reglas europeas. La empresa farmacéutica americana Pfizer acordó comprar Medivation, fabricante del medicamento Xtandi contra el cáncer de próstata, por $14 mil millones de dólares. Walmart acordó comprar la empresa de ventas en línea Jet.com por $3.3 mil millones de dólares, al parecer para mejorar su estrategia de comercio electrónico. DESCIFRANDO En el informe de la CEPAL presentado a fines de julio, el organismo señala que tras la contracción en 2015 de 0.5% en el crecimiento de América Latina y el Caribe, este año habrá una contracción aún mayor, de 0.8%. Los países de América del Sur se ven afectados por el deterioro en los precios de exportación de los productos básicos, una menor demanda externa y también, una menor demanda interna, porque cae la inversión. Esa región del hemisferio se contraerá 2.1% en 2016. 6 países registrarán contracciones profundas: Venezuela (-8%),Suriname (-4.0%), Brasil (-3.5%), Trinidad y Tabago (-2.5%), Ecuador (-2.5%) y Argentina (-1.5%). Los países de Centroamérica, por el contrario, crecerán 3.8%. El menor precio de los hidrocarburos favorece sus términos de intercambio, se recupera la demanda externa para la región, y aumentan los ingresos de remesas. La CEPAL prevé que México crecerá 2.3% en 2016, poco menos que en 2015 (2.5%), sostenido por el crecimiento y la demanda de Estados Unidos. Los países de la región que más crecerán este año son: República Dominicana (6%), Panamá (5.9%), Nicaragua y Bolivia (4.5%) y Costa rica (4.3%). economia global bienes basicos SOLANA Consultores Paseo de la Reforma 2608 interior 1607 Col. Lomas Altas CDMX, México Envíanos un mensaje: ¡Mensaje Recibido! © 2023 by Solana Consultores Site powered by Zacate Consulting
{"url": "https://www.solanaconsultores.com/single-post/2016/09/30/-qu%C3%A9-implica-el-gran-freno-al-comercio-mundial", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.solanaconsultores.com", "date_download": "2021-04-16T10:53:40Z", "digest": "sha1:GDRTV7V7AQ3EZYP5EM2KAXQDRWKJINGC"}
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Museen Personen Sachbegriffe Museumskarte Ausstellungen aktuell Museen > Ergebnisübersicht > Museum Biberach Copyright: Museum Biberach Museum Biberach Gegründet 1902, generalsaniert 2002: Das Museum der Stadt Biberach residiert im Hospital zum Heiligen Geist, dem größten mittelalterlichen Gebäudekomplex der ehemaligen Reichsstadt. Das Museum besitzt bedeutende Sammlungskomplexe zu den Bereichen Naturkunde, Archäologie, Geschichte und Kunst. Die Zeit der Entstehung und Besiedlung der oberschwäbischen Landschaft dokumentieren Fossilien von Fischsauriern, Haien und Mammuts. Reiche Grabungsfunde des Archäologie-Pioniers Heinrich Forschner (1880-1959) bezeugen das Leben steinzeitlicher Rentierjäger, bronzezeitlicher Pfahlbaufischer oder römischer Bauern im Burrenwald. Aus 800 Jahren Stadtleben erzählt die stadtgeschichtliche Abteilung. Neben den Werken oberschwäbischer Kunst von Johann Heinrich Schönfeld (1609-1684) über Johann Baptist Pflug (1785-1866) bis zu Romane Holderried Kaesdorf (1922-2007), stehen als Besonderheit die Münchner Ateliers der Tiermaler Anton Braith (1836-1905) und Christian Mali (1832-1906). Der Vergleich dieser Kunstsalons mit dem Atelier des Biberacher Malers Jakob Bräckle (1897-1987) von etwa 1950 führt die Veränderung künstlerischen Selbstverständnisses unmittelbar vor Augen. Glanzstücke der Kunstsammlung sind die Werke des Expressionisten Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1880-1938). Nächstes Adresse 88400 Biberach an der Riß Museumstraße 6 Tel.: 07351/51-331 Fax: 07351/51-314 museum@biberach-riss.de www.museum-biberach.de Lage anzeigen Di bis Fr 10-13 u. 14-17, Do bis 20, Sa u. So 11-18 Ausstellungen Aktuelle Ausstellungen © Landesstelle für Museumsbetreuung Baden-Württemberg Impressum powered and sponsored by Aranex
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Nous contacter, se syndiquer Les prochaines assemblées générales Réunions d’information syndicale Préavis de grève Chaque fonctionnaire ou agent, titulaire ou non-titulaire, syndiqué-e ou non, peut bénéficier de 12 jours de congés de formation syndicale par an, fractionnables à volonté sans aucun retrait de salaire. Sud Éducation Créteil propose de nombreuses formations... En cas de refus d’une formation syndicale... La formation syndicale c’est un droit ! Kit de survie contre les abus de la hiérarchie Ce que disent les textes de loi… Le Congé pour Formation syndicale est un droit. C’est un droit à congé (les mots ayant un sens, le congé a une valeur supérieure à l’absence) qui concerne les agents titulaires et (...) Stages : formulaire d’inscription Formulaire à remplir pour s’inscrire auprès du syndicat. Voir les formalités administratives. Les stages du syndicat, de la fédé, de l’union syndicale Solidaires. Inscription aux stages Nom : (...) Demande de stage - mode d’emploi Comment faire une demande de stage à l’administration ? Article publié le 17 novembre 2017 Lundi 12 mars 2018 de 9h à 17h Bourse du travail de Saint-Denis 9-11 rue Génin, métro porte de Paris Déposez votre demande de stage avant le 12 février 2018 ! Les assistant-es d’éducation et assistant-es pédagogiques sont indispensables au fonctionnement des établissements, mais aussi à la réussite (...) Article publié le 9 novembre 2017 Parce que le juridique est un outil dans le défense des travailleurs au quotidien mais aussi dans la défense des droits syndicaux et de nos libertés. Parce qu’il est nécessaire de suivre les évolutions de nos statuts et qu’une réflexion commune sur ces questions ne peut qu’être vue collective-ment ! (...) Article publié le 19 octobre 2017 Attention, le stage est quasiment complet. Vous serez informé.e de votre inscription que liste d’attente le cas échéant. Programmes d’Histoire servant le roman national, sur-orientation dans les filières professionnelles des élèves desdendant-e-s des immigrations en particulier postcoloniales, (...) Jeudi 18 et vendredi 19 janvier 2018 à la maison des syndicats de Créteil (11-13 rue des archives, métro Créteil Préfecture). Demande de stage à déposer avant le 18 décembre 2017 ! L’individualisation des parcours et des apprentissages est aujourd’hui un objectif affiché des politiques éducatives, (...) Pour les adhérent.e.s : Stage fédéral « Outils et pratiques de base de défense des conditions de travail : enjeux, butées, mutualisation et perspectives d’actions » les 16 et 17 novembre 2017 à Paris Stage de formation des équipes militantes « Outils et pratiques de base de défense des conditions de travail : enjeux, butées, mutualisation et perspectives d’actions » Date : Jeudi 16 et vendredi 17 novembre 2017 à la Bourse du travail de Paris Lieu : Annexe 67 rue de Turbigo, métro Arts et métiers (...) Mise en place du livret scolaire unique numérique (LSUN), retour des évaluations nationales, nouvelle évaluation des personnels… Il est temps d’imposer des alternatives au management ! Le LSUN reste d’actualité alors qu’il a fait l’objet de nombreuses oppositions tant éthiques que juridiques. Des (...) Stage "Militer dans le 93 " Article publié le 18 septembre 2017 Stage " Militer dans le 93 " En cette nouvelle année scolaire 2017-2018, SUD Éducation 93 organise un stage de syndicalisme de base pour les adhérent-es et sympathisant-es souhaitant nous rencontrer : Jeudi 16 novembre de 9h à 17h, à la Bourse du travail de Saint-Denis, 9-11 rue Génin,93200 (...) Stage fédéral antihiérarchie "évaluation des élèves, contrôle des personnels" - 30 et 31 mai 2017 à Paris Article publié le 21 avril 2017 Les évaluations des élèves et le contrôle des personnels sont au cœur des réformes de l’éducation. Au cours de ces deux journées de stage, nous relierons nos réflexions à nos pratiques afin de mieux comprendre les enjeux des évaluations. Il s’agit d’interroger ce qui se joue dans les dispositifs tels que (...) page précédente | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | page suivante
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Get information on land use plan There are no plans to publish the land-use plan. Instead, pursuant to Section 6(5) sentence 3 of the Building Code (BauGB), everyone is granted the right to view the land use plan, the justification and the summary declaration in accordance with Section 6a (1) of the BauGB and to request information about their content. Section 6 (5) Sentence 4 Of the Building Code (BauGB)
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Border Patrol Agent Was Probably Killed By Friendly Fire, FBI Says Published October 5, 2012 at 5:07 PM CDT U.S. Border Patrol agent Nicholas J. Ivie. The shooting death of a Border Patrol agent along the Arizona-Mexico border may have been the result of friendly fire. The FBI said a preliminary investigation indicates the death of one agent and the injury of another "were the result of an accidental shooting incident involving only the agents." NPR's Ted Robbins tells our Newscast unit the FBI was investigating the possibility of friendly fire and that today Homeland Security Janet Napolitano flew to Arizona to review the case and meet with the dead agent's family. He filed this report from Bisbee, Ariz.: "Secretary. Napolitano met with the family of agent Nicholas Ivie then toured the scene of the shooting in rugged hills five miles north of the Mexican border. She did not say anything publicly, but law enforcement officials have acknowledged they are investigating whether one or more border patrol agents fired their weapons at each other in the mistaken belief that they were being fired upon by other. "Ivie was killed, a second agent was wounded, a third agent was not hit. It was night and the agents were responding to suspected smugglers in the area." NBC News goes a step further in its report saying that investigators are "preparing to announce" that Ivie was killed by accidental gunfire. "The conclusion is based on an analysis of the ballistics, the lack of evidence of other criminals in the area at the time, and other factors," NBC reports citing unnamed "state and federal officials." As Mark reported Tuesday, the agents were on horseback and were responding to tripped sensors that indicated something was moving in the area. Update at 8:22 p.m. ET. FBI Issues Statement: In a statement, FBI Special Agent in Charge James L. Turgal Jr. said: "While it is important to emphasize that the FBI's investigation is actively continuing, there are strong preliminary indications that the death of United States Border Patrol Agent Nicholas J. Ivie and the injury to a second agent were the result of an accidental shooting incident involving only the agents. "The FBI is utilizing all necessary investigative, forensic, and analytical resources in the course of this investigation."
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NAGY, GÁBOR Education: Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary, 1973. Lives and works in Budapest, Hungary. GÁBOR NAGY Reaper, 2002
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Eric Beddows Pam Conrad is author of The Tub People, The Tub Grandfather, The Lost Sailor and Call Me Ahnighito, all illustrated by Richard Egielski, Animal Lingo, illustrated by Barbara Falk, and Doll Face Has A Party!, illustrated by Brian Selznick. She has also written many acclaimed novels, including Stonewords, Zoe Rising, Prairie Songs, and My Daniel. She lives in Rockville Centre, NY. Eric Beddows illustrated the Zoom series, for which he has twice won Canada's Amelia Frances Howard-Gibbon Illustrator's Award; the Newbery-winning Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices, and Shadow Play, both by Paul Fleischman. He lives in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Works by Eric Beddows
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workshops & special events Shambhala Yoga Center is located in Beacon New York, nested in the beautiful Hudson Valley region between Fishkill, Wappingers Falls, Cold Spring and Newburgh. Our serene, sunny studio features a tea and reading lounge, dressing room and on premises parking. We offer classes in a variety of traditions and styles ranging from beginner to advanced. Our philosophy as a yoga center stems from the idea that yoga is beneficial to all, and therefore should be accessible to all. We strive to make all of our students feel welcome and special, and are honored to be able to share in their yoga practice. Most of our classes are taught in a flow or vinyasa format which focuses on the breath to help the practitioner move organically from one posture to the next. Be prepared to breathe, sweat, and enjoy the many benefits of yoga: Increased suppleness Increased cardiovascular capacity Long, lean, strong muscles Balance endocrine function Efficient immune function Mental clarity Clearer connection with your true self Shannon Brandt Shannon Brandt is the owner & founder of Shambhala Yoga Center and Director of Shambhala Beacon.She has been a student of yoga for over ten years, studying in Brooklyn, Hawaii and North Carolina. She believes that everyone has the capacity for growth of spirit through the practice of movement with breath facilitated by the study of yoga. She loves to teach in any capacity, encouraging her students to have faith in themselves and their breath to move through their practice and their daily life. When not teaching yoga, Shannon is a therapist who works with children on the autism spectrum. Shannon would like to thank her teachers- the various yogis and yoginis she has had the honor of practicing with, her husband, son, and the beautiful, wise children she works with. Ishia Wilson A native Beaconite, Ishia originally studied modern dance and earned a B.F.A. in Dance from SUNY Buffalo. She began practicing yoga to supplement her career and training, and it soon grew into a great passion & priority to help others carve their bodies and souls with the yogic teachings. She completed her teacher training in NYC at Joschi Yoga Institute, and is also prenatal certified studying at Kripalu with Janice Clairfield. Ishia firmly believes that the principles of Vinyasa yoga can help us improve all aspects of our lives, both on the mat and beyond... Elizabeth Castagna Elizabeth Castagna received her Alexander Technique Master Class training with Chloe Wing in NYC. Where Elizabeth taught private classes for several years before moving to the Hudson Valley in 2007. As a part of her training she did extensive study in Trauma Release Therapy, Body Mapping, The Infinity Walk and Bioenergetics.Elizabeth's approach to teaching is deeply rooted in her value of understanding, and her wonder of what is in the natural intelligence of the body. She dedicates her teaching to seeing clearly her students and to hearing them. To support the unfolding of their body and mind together and to respect the pace of this movement. Elizabeth loves that the Alexander Technique is a teacher/student relationship empowering the student with tools to create change in their lives. In her 3rd year of training she gave birth to her son, Rubio. With an increased awareness of her body and knowledge of how it is designed, she enjoyed a healthy, pain-free pregnancy and natural childbirth.Elizabeth has the deepest gratitude for her amazing teachers and students who never stop supporting her growth. “How much movement do I need to stay clear?” Is a question that has guided Elizabeth forever. Rhonda Nolan Warm, good-humored, rounded yoga teacher with a decade of teaching experience and more than 1000 hours of training. Rhonda has both training and experience in vinyasa, Iyengar and therapeutic yoga, so expect the unexpected when you come to class! She also teaches prospective yoga teachers in philosophy and anatomy. Sara Hart Sara is grateful to have found a yoga lifestyle whose guidance, love and energy awakened her luminosity. Humbled and inspired by how meaningful her yoga practice is in her life, Sara has a strong desire to share this practice with others. She combines her studies in meditation, pranayama and spiritual philosophy with her study of asana to create a challenging and comprehensive asana practice that caters to athletes, artists, & those healing from addiction and illness, with inspiring words of wisdom for living in today’s world. Sara applies a nurturing hands-on approach to alignment and aromatherapy with Young Living Oils to massage, nurture and relax the soul. Sommer Hixson A dancer since the age of 4, Sommer received her BFA in modern dance from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University, where she studied technique, choreography, performance, anatomy and kinesiology. After post-college training as a work-study student with the José Limón Dance Company, Sommer transitioned to yoga and Pilates following a debilitating car accident. She has been practicing for 12 years at Shambhala, Yoga Works and Vira Yoga. Sommer brings to the class a keen awareness of the body, a passion for music, and a fascination and appreciation for yoga's physical, psychological and emotional rewards. Carl Narvesen Carl Narvesen is a certified yoga teacher with a background in healthcare and adult education. After years of distance running and meditation, he needed to find a complimentary activity. That drive landed him in a yoga instructor class to find a balance and deeper understanding of the practice. Carl has experience in Hatha yoga, an appreciation for instructing beginner Yogis, and has a strong interest in both Yin yoga and stamina-building sequences. Michelledana Shafran Michelledana Shafran is a Dance/Movement Therapist and Certified Yoga Teacher who has been dancing and choreographing movement for over 20 years; teaching and performing nationally as well as internationally. Michelledana greatly enjoys sharing the gifts of movement with EVERY body; inviting and encouraging people of all ages, shapes, and sizes to move and be moved. Edie Goldman Edie's interest in hatha yoga was revived several years ago, when she discovered a quiet, little yoga studio in Beacon...Shambhala. From her first class, she felt drawn to teach, so she could the benefits gained from her own practice -- a renewed sense of well being and contentment, as well as improved health in body, mind, and spirit. After four decades of work in production management and business administration, Edie is ecstatic that in teaching yoga, she is finally doing what she loves, and loving what she does.
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Josep Oliu ¡Contratado! Hoy se han presentado resultados del Banco Sabadell y hemos conocido que ha triplicado sus beneficios en el año fiscal 2013. Obtuvo un beneficio neto de 247,8 millones de euros en 2013. De nuevo el sistema financiero ha demostrado que sus finanzas están relativamente sanas y que es posible un sistema lo suficientemente recapitalizado sin la necesidad de amenazas por parte de Bruselas. En este caso, Sabadell con Oliu a la cabeza, ha superado todas las previsiones que se habían dado al respecto.
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8:15 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Attendance is by registration only. Similar ministries desiring to attend must meet specific requirements. CPYR is closed to the general public throughout the entirety of the event. on Registration for the conference is reserved for ranches that have applied to be listed as a Similar Ministry with Crystal Peaks. Ideally, those who participate have already attended one of our previous Information Clinics. Directors, selected core teams of staff and volunteers from participating ranches are all encouraged to attend. Conference size is intentionally limited to create an environment that fosters greater opportunity for relational depth among participants.
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Putting the spotlight on desktop fire safety training Posted on February 26, 2016 by wormaldblog One of the objectives of a comprehensive fire safety training program is to minimise the number of on-the-spot decisions fire wardens have to make in the event of a fire. Physical drills allow wardens to familiarise themselves with evacuation procedures, helping to reduce the number of new situations they may face during a fire incident. This can help to prevent chaos, contributing to a safer and more efficient evacuation. Unfortunately, some organisations are turning to desktop fire safety training as a shortcut to physical evacuation training, in a bid to remove the interruption that can be associated with physical drills. This is particularly prevalent in environments where there is perceived to be limited down time, such as hospitals or hotels, or in industries that want to minimise disruption such as schools or aged care facilities. This can have devastating consequences and should be carefully managed. While it is possible to deliver a portion of evacuation training to fire wardens at their desk, Wormald considers physical training vital for creating safer workplaces by simulating a realistic and comprehensive evacuation scenario. Seven tips for improved physical fire safety training These seven steps can help to increase the success of an emergency evacuation: Have a clear evacuation plan for each room and display it in a prominent position. Where possible, include people with physical, hearing, or vision impairments in the planning process to ensure their needs are met. Seek to ensure every employee is aware of evacuation procedures, the latest regulations, and how to use fire protection equipment so they can confidently manage an emergency situation. Conduct physical training to improve the confidence and awareness of staff members, making them more efficient and responsive in an actual emergency situation. Following an evacuation drill, debrief with staff. It’s important to affirm the parts of the evacuation that went well, and to develop learnings or new plans if parts of the evacuation were unsuccessful. Regularly check evacuation routes to ensure they remain clear of obstacles. If necessary, place signage around the facility to remind people not to block exits and thoroughfares. Consider working with fire safety professionals to ensure your evacuation plans are comprehensive and effective. Professionals can help to identify potential issues and offer ways to correct them. Generally, under Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) legislation, health and safety officers can be held personally liable if an emergency occurs and the evacuation plan doesn’t work. It’s vital to take the necessary steps to protect people’s safety. That means conducting physical fire safety training to ensure everyone is adequately prepared for an emergency. Wormald provides a suite of fire safety training solutions and courses, and can tailor a program to meet your safety and compliance requirements. For more information, visit www.wormald.com.au or call 133 166. This entry was posted in Fire protection planning and tagged evacuation traininng, fire safety training by wormaldblog. Bookmark the permalink.
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DESARROLLO, SOCIEDAD Y TRABAJO SOCIAL Blog de Arizaldo Carvajal Burbano. Profesor Titular Escuela de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad del Valle, Cali -Colombia. Este blog nace como un aporte a la formación y a la socialización de conocimientos en estos campos. LIBRO “AUTONOMÍA Y DISEÑO. LA REALIZACIÓN DE LO COMUNAL”, DE ARTURO ESCOBAR Ayer viernes, en Popayán, tuve la oportunidad de asistir a la conferencia y presentación del último libro de Arturo Escobar “Autonomía y diseño. La realización de lo comunal”, editado por la Universidad del Cauca, 2016. Escuchar al profesor Escobar siempre es interesante y estimulante para el pensamiento. De la hora que duró su charla tomé estas notas: -original al relacionar autonomía y diseño -reconstituir lo comunal -diseñar formas de ser y de existir -pluriverso: un mundo donde quepan muchos mundos -crisis causada por el diseño -pensar la coyuntura -todo lo que se construye es diseño -como rediseñar el mundo y la vida -diseño de los planes de vida -diseño colaborativo -el diseño diseña -diseño: proceso de creación ontológico. Formas de -mundo con muchas culturas -diseños otros. Diseños del sur -se puede reorientar el mundo -existir como seres vivos -territorio/comunalidad -trabajar con comunidades de una forma diferente -giro ontológico. Todos estamos involucrados -globalización neoliberal es una guerra contra todo lo colectivo -sustitución étnica en el Pacífico (sacar negros y meter paisas) -resisten mundos relacionales -territorio es la vida -cuidado de los territorios; es el espacio vital -de la resistencia a la re- existencia -comunalidad -forma comunal de la política -diseño autónomo -imaginar Valle poscaña -desarrollo. El experto -la comunidad diseña. Un sistema de aprendizaje -la ancestralidad y la futuralidad -buen vivir -discursos de transición -conocimiento de los pueblos -disoñación. Arte de diseñar los sueños -soñar para crear -vida es tejido -rediseñar, reimaginar, reconstruir, reinventar Estas son palabras o frases “sueltas”. La invitación es a leer este nuevo libro de Arturo Escobar. Un texto que puede abrir nuevos caminos para el Trabajo social, para otras profesiones-disciplinas; para la intervención comunitaria. Una invitación a re-diseñar el mundo y la vida. Ahora empiezo su lectura… NOTA: Consultar versión digital del libro en el enlace: https://es.scribd.com/document/334292828/Autonomi-a-y-disen-o-Arturo-Escobar-Ok Arizaldo Carvajal Entradas más visitadas última semana ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL MINGA POR LA PAZ, EL BUEN VIVIR Y LA NO VIOLENCIA ENCUENTRO INTERNACIONAL MINGA POR LA PAZ, EL BUEN VIVIR Y LA NO VIOLENCIA del 19 al 23 de junio de 2017 San Juan de Pasto, depa... CATÁLOGO DE PUBLICACIONES CATÁLOGO DE PUBLICACIONES DE LA ESCUELA DE TRABAJO SOCIAL Y DESARROLLO HUMANO DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL VALLE, CALI -COLOMBIA ... IV CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE TRABAJO SOCIAL CRÍTICO IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Trabajo Social Crítico “ La investigación y las luchas sociales contemporáneas en América Latina: des... CONOCIENDO LA EXPERIENCIA COMUNITARIA DE TORIBÍO CONOCIENDO LA EXPERIENCIA SIGNIFICATIVA DE TORIB ÍO - CAUCA El pasado 19 y 20 de Mayo de 2017, en el marco de la ESPECIALIZACION EN ... ADMINISTRACIONES MUNICIPALES Y PLANES DE DESARROLLO ADMINISTRACIONES MUNICIPALES Y PLANES DE DESARROLLO PARTICIPATIVOS* Para hoy, 1º. de Enero de 2012, estarán posesionados los alcaldes/alcal... Foto tomada de: http://www.biobiochile.cl/2011/05/06/manfred-max-neef-exhorta-en-carta-abierta-a-presidente-pinera-a-rechazar-proyecto-h... LIBRO DIGITAL APUNTES SOBRE DESARROLLO COMUNITARIO TÍTULO: APUNTES SOBRE DESARROLLO COMUNITARIO AUTOR: Arizaldo Carvajal Burbano Primera edición digital: Eumed.net, Universid... LIBRO DIGITAL DINÁMICAS FAMILIARES CON MASCOTAS EN LA CIUDAD DE CALI - COLOMBIA DIN Á MICAS FAMILIARES CON MASCOTAS EN LA CIUDAD DE CALI scribd.com/document/351146063/ Cali, Junio de 2017 Este texto presenta ... LIBRO TEORÍA Y PRÁCTICA DE LA SISTEMATIZACIÓN DE EXPERIENCIAS CARVAJAL BURBANO, Arizaldo (2010 ). Teoría y práctica de la sistematización de experiencias . 4ª. Edición, Cali, Escuela de Trabajo... LIBRO DESARROLLO LOCAL: MANUAL BÁSICO EDICIÓN IMPRESA TÍTULO: DESARROLLO LOCAL: Manual Básico para Agentes de Desarrollo Local y otros actores AUTOR: Arizaldo ... LIBRO “AUTONOMÍA Y DISEÑO. LA REALIZACIÓN DE LO CO... Arizaldo Carvajal Burbano. Sociólogo y Especialista en Teoría y Métodos de Investigación en Sociología de la Universidad del Valle, Cali - Colombia. Magíster en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo y Estudios de Doctorado en Antropología Social en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid- España. Profesor de la Escuela de Trabajo Social y Desarrollo Humano, Universidad del Valle. Es autor de los siguientes libros: Desarrollo Local:Manual Básico para Agentes de Desarrollo Local y otros actores(1ª.Edición,2011),Desarrollo y cultura. Elementos para la reflexión y la acción (3ª.Edición, 2010), Planeación participativa: diagnóstico, plan de desarrollo y evaluación de proyectos (3ª. Edición, 2010), Elementos de investigación social aplicada (3ª Edición, 2010), Teoría y práctica de la sistematización de experiencias (4ª. Edición, 2010), Desarrollo y postdesarrollo: Modelos y alternativas (1ª. Edición, 2009), Lógicas sobre el desarrollo y la planeación en Cali (1ª. Edición, 2007). Mi correo electrónico: aricarvajal@yahoo.es BLOG: CINE, SOCIEDAD Y TRABAJO SOCIAL WEB ARIZALDO CARVAJAL: http://arizaldo.jimdo.com WEB BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL EN RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL: http://www.bibliotecavirtual.info/ WEB ESCUELA DE TRABAJO SOCIAL Y DESARROLLO HUMANO UNIVALLE:http://trabajosocial.univalle.edu.co/ WEB EUMED.NET ENCICLOPEDIA VIRTUAL: http://www.eumed.net/cursecon/libreria/ WEB PORTAL DE DESARROLLO HUMANO LOCAL: http://www.dhl.hegoa.ehu.es/ WEB PUBLICACIONES TERRITORIOS DEL SABER: http://www.unicauca.edu.co/porik_an/5_tienda_online.htm WEB REVISTA PROSPECTIVA-COLOMBIA: http://revistaprospectiva.univalle.edu.co/ WEB UNIVERSIDAD DEL VALLE COLOMBIA: http://www.univalle.edu.co/
{"url": "http://desarrollolocalteoriaypractica.blogspot.com/2016/11/libro-autonomia-y-diseno-la-realizacion.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "desarrollolocalteoriaypractica.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2017-06-22T12:02:51Z", "digest": "sha1:Q7YK23WFHES3HL5OA7X7LGFWH7RSIV2M"}
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Postcombustion, oxycombustion and other CO2 capture technologies Michel GIMENEZ The CO2 emitted by a cement plant is mainly process CO2, i.e. 66 %, coming from the calcination of limestone, while 34 % is due to combustion. Therefore, there are a variety of levers to mitigate the CO2 emissions of the cement-making process: the “usual” ones, the technological ones and new products development. Our talk will present these different levers with a special focus on CO2 capture technologies. Detailed cost estimations will be given for postcombustion amine scrubbing, oxycombustion and separated calcination CO2 capture technologies. Conclusion is that, even if the more integrated technology the cheaper, no viable business model is existing yet for CO2 capture in the cement plant.
{"url": "http://co2forum.cpe.fr/session/postcombustion-oxycombustion-and-other-co2-capture-technologies/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "co2forum.cpe.fr", "date_download": "2017-09-19T11:42:16Z", "digest": "sha1:W2LBNJY5UABWQ7OC3AHFOZLDDDD4TC7D"}
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Salyer, Medreth J. Ms. Salyer came to IPFW in 1979 and retired in 1993 as graduation and diplomas registrar.
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Jewish law stopped sex abuse reports The New Daily Manny Waks' family was ostracised by the Jewish community (photo: Getty). The father of three child sex abuse victims has told a royal commission that fears of breaking Jewish law stopped him going to police. The father of three boys sexually abused at a Jewish school was so fearful of being shunned by his community for breaching an ancient principle that he didn’t report the crime to police. “It was taboo, like, incest or anything like that. It was that big a taboo,” he told the commission on Tuesday. The response of Melbourne’s Yeshivah College and Yeshivah Centre to sexual abuse allegations has been put under the microscope in the first two days of public hearings. AVC, the wife of a victim due to give evidence on Wednesday, said on Tuesday the community’s reaction to finding out about the abuse made her ill. “I watched in horror as my community, the Jewish community, has responded to knowledge of child sexual abuse with moral destitution,” she said. “I couldn’t stop imagining all these victims as little boys – confused, hurt and ashamed by what had been done to them, boys who kept their secret or told their rabbi, only to be met with bewildering or tactless questions or the response that they shouldn’t tell lies.” Mr Waks’ eldest son Manny was also abused by Cyprys, while two of his younger children were abused by former primary school teacher Rabbi David Kramer who was also later convicted. “We felt like we were suddenly reduced to nothing, and had lost all our friends,” he said. Originally published at The New Daily.
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Calls | Idae Convocatorias en proceso de selección (Abierto el plazo de presentación de solicitudes) No hay Convocatorias en proceso de selección (Cerrado el plazo de presentación de solicitudes) Convocatoria de concurso público de valoración de méritos para la contratación de Jefe de Departamento de Recursos Humanos del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. Referencia: Jefatura RRHH (dic-2020) Anexo II (Fichero Word para descargar) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Desde el 24 de diciembre al 18 de enero de 2020 Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación: 27 de enero de 2021) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 10 de febrero de 2021, inclusive Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación: 15 de febrero de 2021) Relación provisional de puntuaciones de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos Relación definitiva de puntuaciones de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos Resolución del Director General de 5 de marzo de 2021 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta. (Fecha de publicación: 5 de marzo de 2021) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de 2 plazas de personal laboral temporal (contrato por obra o servicio determinado) de técnico (nivel T1a) en el Gabinete de Comunicación del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. Referencia: GI T1a Comunicación (nov-2020) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Desde el 4 al 21 de diciembre de 2020 Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de 2 plazas de personal laboral temporal (contrato por obra o servicio determinado) de técnico (nivel T1c) en el Gabinete de Comunicación del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. Referencia: GI T1c Redes sociales (nov-2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Servicios y Agricultura del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. Referencia: GI T2c Servicios (nov-2020) Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos. (Fecha de publicación: 28 de diciembre de 2020) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: Hasta el 13 de enero de 2021, inclusive. Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos. (Fecha de publicación: 25 de enero de 2021) Relación provisional de puntuaciones de los candidatos admitidos. (Fecha de publicación: 10 de febrero de 2021) Resolución del Director General de 2 de marzo de 2021 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta. (Fecha de publicación: 2 de marzo 2021) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento Hidroeléctrico, Energías del Mar y Geotermia del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. Referencia: GI T2c Hidrogeomar (nov-2020) Relación provisional de puntuaciones de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos (Fecha de publicación: 4 de febrero de 2021). Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: Hasta el 8 de febrero de 2021, inclusive. Relación definitiva de puntuaciones de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos (Fecha de publicación: 15 de febrero de 2021) Resolución del Director General de 10 de marzo de 2021 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta. (Fecha de publicación: 10 de marzo de 2021) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de 2 plazas de técnico (nivel T1b) de personal laboral temporal con contrato por obra en el Departamento de Planificación y Estudios del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. (Fecha de publicación: 12 de noviembre 2020) Referencia: GI T1b Planificación y Estudios (nov-2020) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Desde el 13 de noviembre al 26 de noviembre de 2020. Ampliado el plazo hasta el 4 de diciembre de 2020. Nota: Debido a un problema técnico, el buzón de recepción de las candidaturas: rrhht1b2020estudios@idae.es no ha estado operativo hasta la mañana del día 23 de noviembre de 2020, por lo que se amplía el plazo para la presentación de solicitudes hasta el día 4 de diciembre de 2020. Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos. (Fecha de publicación: 13 de enero de 2021) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico analista programador (técnico nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Informática del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. (Fecha de publicación: 4 de noviembre 2020) Referencia: GI T2c Informática (oct-2020) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Desde el 5 de noviembre al 19 de noviembre de 2020 Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación: 2 de diciembre de 2020) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 18 de diciembre de 2020, inclusive. Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación: 30 de diciembre de 2020) Relación provisional de puntuaciones de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos (Fecha de publicación: 30 de diciembre de 2020) Plazo de presentación de alegaciones: hasta el día 4 de enero de 2021, inclusive Relación definitiva de puntuaciones de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular Resolución del Director General de 9 de febrero de 2021 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta. (Fecha de publicación 09/02/2021) Convocatoria pública para la cobertura de una plaza de personal laboral de alta dirección para cubrir el puesto de Director/a Económico Administrativo y de Recursos Humanos del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. (Fecha de publicación: 30 de octubre 2020) Referencia: Director Económico IDAE (oct-2020) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: hasta 11 de noviembre de 2020, incluido Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación: 17 de noviembre de 2020) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 20 de noviembre de 2020, inclusive. Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación: 24 de noviembre de 2020) Resolución del Director General del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), de 9 de diciembre de 2020 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la Convocatoria pública para la cobertura de una plaza de personal laboral de alta dirección para cubrir el puesto de Director/a Económico Administrativo y de Recursos Humanos del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), M.P., así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza mediante nombramiento efectuado por el Consejo de Administración del Instituto. (Fecha de publicación 9 de diciembre de 2020) Convocatoria pública para la constitución de dos bolsas de candidatos para la contratación de personal laboral temporal del grupo técnico en el E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, M.P. GI T1a Gestor FEDER (sept-2020) GI T1b Evaluador/Verificador/Gestor (sept-2020) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Desde el 25 de septiembre al 16 de octubre de 2020 Bolsa perfil Evaluador/Verificador/Gestor Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Evaluador/Verificador/Gestor (Fecha de publicación: 6 de noviembre de 2020) Corrección de errores de la relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Evaluador/Verificador/Gestor (Fecha de publicación: 10 de noviembre de 2020) Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Gestor Evaluador/Certificador/Gestor (Fecha de publicación: 30 de noviembre de 2020) Corrección de errores de la Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Gestor Evaluador/Certificador/Gestor (Fecha de publicación: 2 de diciembre de 2020) Relación provisional de las puntuaciones finales obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos bolsa perfil Evaluador/Verificador/Gestor (Fecha de publicación: 2 de diciembre de 2020) Resolución del Director General del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), de 21 de diciembre de 2020 por la que se publica la relación definitiva de puntuaciones finales de los candidatos admitidos en la Convocatoria Pública para la constitución de dos bolsas de candidatos para la contratación de personal laboral temporal del grupo técnico (bolsa perfil Evaluador/Verificador/Gestor) en el E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, M.P. (Fecha de publicación: 22 de diciembre de 2020) Bolsa perfil Gestor FEDER Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Gestor FEDER (Fecha de publicación: 27 de octubre de 2020) Corrección de errores de la Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Gestor FEDER Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos bolsa perfil Gestor FEDER (Fecha de publicación: 24 de noviembre de 2020) Relación provisional de las puntuaciones finales obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos bolsa perfil Gestor FEDER (Fecha de publicación: 1 de diciembre de 2020) Resolución del Director General del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), de 21 de diciembre de 2020 por la que se publica la relación definitiva de puntuaciones finales de los candidatos admitidos en la Convocatoria Pública para la constitución de dos bolsas de candidatos para la contratación de personal laboral temporal del grupo técnico (bolsa perfil Gestor FEDER) en el E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, M.P. Convocatoria pública para la cobertura de una plaza de personal laboral de alta dirección para cubrir el puesto de Director/a de Energías Renovables y Mercado Eléctrico del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. Referencia: Director EERR IDAE (feb-2020) Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: Desde el 3 al 9 de marzo de 2020 Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 01/06/2020) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 4 de junio de 2020, inclusive Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 09/06/2020) Resolución del Director General de 26 de junio de 2020 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la Convocatoria pública para la cobertura de una plaza de personal laboral de alta dirección para cubrir el puesto de Director/a de Energías Renovables y Mercado Eléctrico, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza mediante nombramiento efectuado por el Consejo de Administración del Instituto. (Fecha de publicación 26/06/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico analista programador (Técnico nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Informática. (Fecha de publicación: 20/11/2019) Referencia: GI T2c Informática (nov-2019). Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: desde el 20 de noviembre al 4 de diciembre de 2019 Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 20 de diciembre, inclusive Resolución Director General de 17 de febrero de 2020 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta (Fecha de publicación 18/02/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de Abogado Senior (nivel T4c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Asesoría Jurídica. (Fecha de publicación: 28/10/2019). Referencia: GI T4c A. Jurídica (oct-2019). Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 29 de octubre al 12 de noviembre de 2019 Acta Tribunal plazo extraordinario acreditación de cumplimiento de experiencia del apartado 2 del epígrafe E de las bases de la convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de Abogado Senior (nivel T4c). (Fecha de publicación 26/11/2019) Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 5/12/2019). Corrección de errores de la Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 17/1/2020) Puntuaciones provisionales de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos (Fecha de publicación 22/1/2020) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 24 de enero de 2020, inclusive. Puntuaciones definitivas de la fase de valoración de méritos y curricular de los candidatos admitidos (Fecha de publicación 29/1/2020) Resolución del Director General de 3 de marzo de 2020 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos que han obtenido una puntuación mínima de 5 puntos en el baremo específico de la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación global más alta como resultado de la suma de las puntuaciones obtenidas en las dos fases del proceso selectivo (Fecha de publicación 3/3/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de administrativo (nivel A3c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en la Unidad de viajes del Departamento de Contratación, Compras y Servicios. (Fecha de publicación: 30/10/2019) Referencia: GII A3c VIAJES (oct-2019). Relación provisional modificada de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 10/03/2020) Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 12 de marzo de 2020, inclusive. Resolución Director General de 2 de junio de 2020 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta (Fecha de publicación 03/06/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T4c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Gestión de la Demanda e Integración de Renovables en Red. (Fecha de publicación: 30/10/2019) Referencia: GI T4c Gestión Demanda (oct-2019). Resolución Director General de 10 de enero de 2020 por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de la plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta (Fecha de publicación 14/01/2020) Resolución por la que se revisa y rectifica la resolución de 10 de enero de 2020 por la que se publican las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico, nivel T4c, con contrato indefinido en el en el Departamento de Gestión de la Demanda e Integración de Renovables en Red del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), M.P., así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta (Fecha de publicación 22/06/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T4c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Marco Regulatorio y Estrategia Corporativa. (Fecha de publicación: 30/10/2019) Referencia: GI T4c MARECOTE (oct-2019). Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de dos plazas de administrativo (nivel A3c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE) M.P. (Fecha de publicación: 28/10/2019). Referencia: GII A3c IDAE (oct-2019). Plazo de presentación de subsanaciones: hasta el día 18 de junio de 2020, inclusive. Corrección de errores de la relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 30/06/2020) Resolución del Director General del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), de 13 de julio de 2020 por la que se publican las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de dos plazas de administrativos, nivel A3c, con contrato indefinido en el E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), M.P., se adjudican las plazas a los dos candidatos que han obtenido la puntuación más alta y se publica una bolsa de candidatos de profesionales con perfil administrativo para la cobertura de eventuales vacantes a cubrir con contratos de interinidad que se pudieran producir en el IDAE. (Fecha de publicación 13/07/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T1c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Industria. (Fecha de publicación: 28/10/2019). Referencia: GI T1c Industria (oct-2019). Relación provisional de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (Fecha de publicación 11/12/2019). Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Presupuestos y Gestión Financiera. (Fecha de publicación: 28/10/2019). Referencia: GI T2c Presupuestos (oct-2019). Relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos (*) (Fecha de publicación 16/12/2019) (*) Corrección de errores de la relación definitiva de candidatos admitidos y excluidos plaza de Técnico (nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Presupuestos y Gestión Financiera (Fecha de publicación 18/12/2019) Resolución del Director General del IDAE de 19 de diciembre por la que se publica las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria, así como la adjudicación de la plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta (Fecha de publicación 19/12/2019). Convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico (nivel T2c) de personal laboral fijo con contrato indefinido en el Departamento de Recursos Humanos. (Fecha de publicación: 28/10/2019). Referencia: GI T2c RRHH (oct-2019). Resolución por la que se revisa y rectifica la resolución de 5 de junio de 2020 por la que se publican las puntuaciones obtenidas por los candidatos admitidos a la convocatoria pública mediante concurso de valoración de méritos para la cobertura de una plaza de técnico, nivel T2c, con contrato indefinido en el en el Departamento de Recursos Humanos del E.P.E. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), M.P., así como la adjudicación de dicha plaza al candidato que ha obtenido la puntuación más alta. (Fecha de publicación 19/08/2020) Convocatoria pública mediante concurso-oposición para la cobertura de una plaza de personal laboral temporal con contrato de interinidad en el Departamento de Informática. Referencia: Grupo II A3c Informática. Plazo de presentación de solicitudes: 16 al 29 de abril de 2019 Convenio Colectivo del IDAE, publicado en el Boletín Oficial de la Comunidad de Madrid (B.O.C.M.), de fecha 3 de abril de 2009 Resoluciones convocatorias
{"url": "https://www.idae.es/en/about-us/human-resources/calls", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.idae.es", "date_download": "2022-06-24T23:11:40Z", "digest": "sha1:FOUFQ3FQ4IBRYJIBLOTNKQY6QEGJNLJO"}
{"ccnet_length": [[0, 20338, 20338.0]], "ccnet_original_length": [[0, 20338, 33509.0]], "ccnet_nlines": [[0, 20338, 137.0]], "ccnet_original_nlines": [[0, 20338, 413.0]], "ccnet_language_score": [[0, 20338, 0.97]], "ccnet_perplexity": [[0, 20338, 120.7]], "ccnet_bucket": [[0, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_doc_curly_bracket": [[0, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_doc_ldnoobw_words": [[0, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_doc_lorem_ipsum": [[0, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_doc_stop_word_fraction": [[0, 20338, 0.34298383]], "rps_doc_ut1_blacklist": [[0, 20338, null]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_10grams": [[0, 20338, 0.70897669]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_5grams": [[0, 20338, 0.84629836]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_6grams": [[0, 20338, 0.80279458]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_7grams": [[0, 20338, 0.78201139]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_8grams": [[0, 20338, 0.75359596]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_dupe_9grams": [[0, 20338, 0.72629601]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_top_2gram": [[0, 20338, 0.02465802]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_top_3gram": [[0, 20338, 0.0669289]], "rps_doc_frac_chars_top_4gram": [[0, 20338, 0.03780896]], "rps_doc_frac_all_caps_words": [[0, 20338, 0.03808033]], "rps_doc_frac_lines_end_with_ellipsis": [[0, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_doc_frac_no_alph_words": [[0, 20338, 0.22300469]], "rps_doc_frac_unique_words": [[0, 20338, 0.09886548]], "rps_doc_mean_word_length": [[0, 20338, 5.52123177]], "rps_doc_symbol_to_word_ratio": [[0, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_doc_unigram_entropy": [[0, 20338, 4.46360247]], "rps_doc_word_count": [[0, 20338, 3085.0]], "rps_lines_ending_with_terminal_punctution_mark": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 101, 0.0], [101, 108, 0.0], [108, 196, 0.0], [196, 399, 1.0], [399, 436, 0.0], [436, 475, 0.0], [475, 561, 0.0], [561, 618, 0.0], [618, 662, 0.0], [662, 748, 0.0], [748, 804, 0.0], [804, 850, 0.0], [850, 964, 0.0], [964, 1077, 0.0], [1077, 1321, 1.0], [1321, 1364, 0.0], [1364, 1664, 1.0], [1664, 1707, 0.0], [1707, 1783, 0.0], [1783, 2083, 1.0], [2083, 2128, 0.0], [2128, 2421, 1.0], [2421, 2461, 0.0], [2461, 2567, 0.0], [2567, 2648, 1.0], [2648, 2749, 0.0], [2749, 2861, 0.0], [2861, 3145, 0.0], [3145, 3456, 1.0], [3456, 3498, 0.0], [3498, 3658, 1.0], [3658, 3740, 1.0], [3740, 3899, 0.0], [3899, 4144, 1.0], [4144, 4188, 0.0], [4188, 4483, 1.0], [4483, 4528, 0.0], [4528, 4583, 0.0], [4583, 4725, 1.0], [4725, 5007, 1.0], [5007, 5109, 0.0], [5109, 5419, 1.0], [5419, 5463, 0.0], [5463, 5505, 0.0], [5505, 5594, 0.0], [5594, 5698, 0.0], [5698, 5787, 1.0], [5787, 5891, 0.0], [5891, 6053, 0.0], [6053, 6134, 0.0], [6134, 6219, 0.0], [6219, 6465, 1.0], [6465, 6499, 0.0], [6499, 6752, 1.0], [6752, 6795, 0.0], [6795, 6842, 0.0], [6842, 6920, 0.0], [6920, 7025, 0.0], [7025, 7114, 1.0], [7114, 7218, 0.0], [7218, 7803, 1.0], [7803, 7849, 0.0], [7849, 8063, 1.0], [8063, 8095, 0.0], [8095, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8232, 0.0], [8232, 8274, 0.0], [8274, 8373, 0.0], [8373, 8420, 0.0], [8420, 8547, 0.0], [8547, 8595, 0.0], [8595, 8749, 0.0], [8749, 8930, 0.0], [8930, 9107, 0.0], [9107, 9596, 1.0], [9596, 9644, 0.0], [9644, 9670, 0.0], [9670, 9753, 0.0], [9753, 9799, 0.0], [9799, 9910, 0.0], [9910, 10040, 0.0], [10040, 10201, 0.0], [10201, 10674, 1.0], [10674, 10923, 1.0], [10923, 10965, 0.0], [10965, 11036, 0.0], [11036, 11127, 0.0], [11127, 11210, 0.0], [11210, 11300, 0.0], [11300, 11762, 0.0], [11762, 12028, 0.0], [12028, 12071, 1.0], [12071, 12160, 0.0], [12160, 12240, 0.0], [12240, 12516, 0.0], [12516, 12767, 1.0], [12767, 12810, 1.0], [12810, 12889, 0.0], [12889, 13177, 0.0], [13177, 13268, 1.0], [13268, 13385, 0.0], [13385, 13522, 0.0], [13522, 13607, 1.0], [13607, 13742, 0.0], [13742, 14185, 0.0], [14185, 14472, 0.0], [14472, 14511, 1.0], [14511, 14613, 0.0], [14613, 14698, 1.0], [14698, 14971, 0.0], [14971, 15253, 0.0], [15253, 15300, 1.0], [15300, 15571, 0.0], [15571, 16171, 0.0], [16171, 16439, 0.0], [16439, 16479, 1.0], [16479, 16770, 1.0], [16770, 16807, 1.0], [16807, 16892, 1.0], [16892, 17010, 0.0], [17010, 17768, 0.0], [17768, 18004, 1.0], [18004, 18045, 1.0], [18045, 18137, 1.0], [18137, 18397, 1.0], [18397, 18441, 1.0], [18441, 18535, 0.0], [18535, 18791, 0.0], [18791, 19072, 1.0], [19072, 19315, 1.0], [19315, 19351, 1.0], [19351, 19911, 0.0], [19911, 20083, 1.0], [20083, 20185, 0.0], [20185, 20312, 0.0], [20312, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 101, 0.0], [101, 108, 0.0], [108, 196, 0.0], [196, 399, 0.0], [399, 436, 0.0], [436, 475, 0.0], [475, 561, 0.0], [561, 618, 0.0], [618, 662, 0.0], [662, 748, 0.0], [748, 804, 0.0], [804, 850, 0.0], [850, 964, 0.0], [964, 1077, 0.0], [1077, 1321, 0.0], [1321, 1364, 0.0], [1364, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 1707, 0.0], [1707, 1783, 0.0], [1783, 2083, 0.0], [2083, 2128, 0.0], [2128, 2421, 0.0], [2421, 2461, 0.0], [2461, 2567, 0.0], [2567, 2648, 0.0], [2648, 2749, 0.0], [2749, 2861, 0.0], [2861, 3145, 0.0], [3145, 3456, 0.0], [3456, 3498, 0.0], [3498, 3658, 0.0], [3658, 3740, 0.0], [3740, 3899, 0.0], [3899, 4144, 0.0], [4144, 4188, 0.0], [4188, 4483, 0.0], [4483, 4528, 0.0], [4528, 4583, 0.0], [4583, 4725, 0.0], [4725, 5007, 0.0], [5007, 5109, 0.0], [5109, 5419, 0.0], [5419, 5463, 0.0], [5463, 5505, 0.0], [5505, 5594, 0.0], [5594, 5698, 0.0], [5698, 5787, 0.0], [5787, 5891, 0.0], [5891, 6053, 0.0], [6053, 6134, 0.0], [6134, 6219, 0.0], [6219, 6465, 0.0], [6465, 6499, 0.0], [6499, 6752, 0.0], [6752, 6795, 0.0], [6795, 6842, 0.0], [6842, 6920, 0.0], [6920, 7025, 0.0], [7025, 7114, 0.0], [7114, 7218, 0.0], [7218, 7803, 0.0], [7803, 7849, 0.0], [7849, 8063, 0.0], [8063, 8095, 0.0], [8095, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8232, 0.0], [8232, 8274, 0.0], [8274, 8373, 0.0], [8373, 8420, 0.0], [8420, 8547, 0.0], [8547, 8595, 0.0], [8595, 8749, 0.0], [8749, 8930, 0.0], [8930, 9107, 0.0], [9107, 9596, 0.0], [9596, 9644, 0.0], [9644, 9670, 0.0], [9670, 9753, 0.0], [9753, 9799, 0.0], [9799, 9910, 0.0], [9910, 10040, 0.0], [10040, 10201, 0.0], [10201, 10674, 0.0], [10674, 10923, 0.0], [10923, 10965, 0.0], [10965, 11036, 0.0], [11036, 11127, 0.0], [11127, 11210, 0.0], [11210, 11300, 0.0], [11300, 11762, 0.0], [11762, 12028, 0.0], [12028, 12071, 0.0], [12071, 12160, 0.0], [12160, 12240, 0.0], [12240, 12516, 0.0], [12516, 12767, 0.0], [12767, 12810, 0.0], [12810, 12889, 0.0], [12889, 13177, 0.0], [13177, 13268, 0.0], [13268, 13385, 0.0], [13385, 13522, 0.0], [13522, 13607, 0.0], [13607, 13742, 0.0], [13742, 14185, 0.0], [14185, 14472, 0.0], [14472, 14511, 0.0], [14511, 14613, 0.0], [14613, 14698, 0.0], [14698, 14971, 0.0], [14971, 15253, 0.0], [15253, 15300, 0.0], [15300, 15571, 0.0], [15571, 16171, 0.0], [16171, 16439, 0.0], [16439, 16479, 0.0], [16479, 16770, 0.0], [16770, 16807, 0.0], [16807, 16892, 0.0], [16892, 17010, 0.0], [17010, 17768, 0.0], [17768, 18004, 0.0], [18004, 18045, 0.0], [18045, 18137, 0.0], [18137, 18397, 0.0], [18397, 18441, 0.0], [18441, 18535, 0.0], [18535, 18791, 0.0], [18791, 19072, 0.0], [19072, 19315, 0.0], [19315, 19351, 0.0], [19351, 19911, 0.0], [19911, 20083, 0.0], [20083, 20185, 0.0], [20185, 20312, 0.0], [20312, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 13, 2.0], [13, 101, 12.0], [101, 108, 2.0], [108, 196, 12.0], [196, 399, 31.0], [399, 436, 4.0], [436, 475, 6.0], [475, 561, 16.0], [561, 618, 7.0], [618, 662, 8.0], [662, 748, 14.0], [748, 804, 7.0], [804, 850, 8.0], [850, 964, 17.0], [964, 1077, 17.0], [1077, 1321, 41.0], [1321, 1364, 8.0], [1364, 1664, 46.0], [1664, 1707, 5.0], [1707, 1783, 14.0], [1783, 2083, 46.0], [2083, 2128, 6.0], [2128, 2421, 45.0], [2421, 2461, 5.0], [2461, 2567, 15.0], [2567, 2648, 13.0], [2648, 2749, 15.0], [2749, 2861, 16.0], [2861, 3145, 48.0], [3145, 3456, 47.0], [3456, 3498, 5.0], [3498, 3658, 25.0], [3658, 3740, 13.0], [3740, 3899, 25.0], [3899, 4144, 41.0], [4144, 4188, 8.0], [4188, 4483, 46.0], [4483, 4528, 7.0], [4528, 4583, 7.0], [4583, 4725, 26.0], [4725, 5007, 48.0], [5007, 5109, 15.0], [5109, 5419, 46.0], [5419, 5463, 7.0], [5463, 5505, 5.0], [5505, 5594, 16.0], [5594, 5698, 15.0], [5698, 5787, 14.0], [5787, 5891, 15.0], [5891, 6053, 25.0], [6053, 6134, 14.0], [6134, 6219, 13.0], [6219, 6465, 41.0], [6465, 6499, 4.0], [6499, 6752, 39.0], [6752, 6795, 7.0], [6795, 6842, 5.0], [6842, 6920, 12.0], [6920, 7025, 15.0], [7025, 7114, 14.0], [7114, 7218, 15.0], [7218, 7803, 91.0], [7803, 7849, 8.0], [7849, 8063, 33.0], [8063, 8095, 5.0], [8095, 8143, 4.0], [8143, 8232, 16.0], [8232, 8274, 3.0], [8274, 8373, 10.0], [8373, 8420, 8.0], [8420, 8547, 15.0], [8547, 8595, 8.0], [8595, 8749, 19.0], [8749, 8930, 24.0], [8930, 9107, 22.0], [9107, 9596, 74.0], [9596, 9644, 8.0], [9644, 9670, 4.0], [9670, 9753, 11.0], [9753, 9799, 8.0], [9799, 9910, 16.0], [9910, 10040, 19.0], [10040, 10201, 23.0], [10201, 10674, 75.0], [10674, 10923, 39.0], [10923, 10965, 5.0], [10965, 11036, 14.0], [11036, 11127, 11.0], [11127, 11210, 14.0], [11210, 11300, 11.0], [11300, 11762, 71.0], [11762, 12028, 37.0], [12028, 12071, 5.0], [12071, 12160, 16.0], [12160, 12240, 12.0], [12240, 12516, 44.0], [12516, 12767, 36.0], [12767, 12810, 6.0], [12810, 12889, 14.0], [12889, 13177, 43.0], [13177, 13268, 11.0], [13268, 13385, 16.0], [13385, 13522, 19.0], [13522, 13607, 14.0], [13607, 13742, 19.0], [13742, 14185, 74.0], [14185, 14472, 41.0], [14472, 14511, 5.0], [14511, 14613, 12.0], [14613, 14698, 14.0], [14698, 14971, 44.0], [14971, 15253, 43.0], [15253, 15300, 6.0], [15300, 15571, 44.0], [15571, 16171, 100.0], [16171, 16439, 38.0], [16439, 16479, 5.0], [16479, 16770, 42.0], [16770, 16807, 5.0], [16807, 16892, 14.0], [16892, 17010, 16.0], [17010, 17768, 120.0], [17768, 18004, 34.0], [18004, 18045, 5.0], [18045, 18137, 11.0], [18137, 18397, 37.0], [18397, 18441, 5.0], [18441, 18535, 11.0], [18535, 18791, 36.0], [18791, 19072, 45.0], [19072, 19315, 35.0], [19315, 19351, 5.0], [19351, 19911, 92.0], [19911, 20083, 23.0], [20083, 20185, 17.0], [20185, 20312, 22.0], [20312, 20338, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 101, 0.0], [101, 108, 0.0], [108, 196, 0.0], [196, 399, 0.0], [399, 436, 0.125], [436, 475, 0.0], [475, 561, 0.09411765], [561, 618, 0.0], [618, 662, 0.14634146], [662, 748, 0.07058824], [748, 804, 0.0], [804, 850, 0.13953488], [850, 964, 0.0], [964, 1077, 0.0], [1077, 1321, 0.0203252], [1321, 1364, 0.125], [1364, 1664, 0.00677966], [1664, 1707, 0.12820513], [1707, 1783, 0.09333333], [1783, 2083, 0.00677966], [2083, 2128, 0.125], [2128, 2421, 0.00346021], [2421, 2461, 0.14285714], [2461, 2567, 0.05825243], [2567, 2648, 0.07692308], [2648, 2749, 0.06122449], [2749, 2861, 0.05504587], [2861, 3145, 0.03521127], [3145, 3456, 0.00324675], [3456, 3498, 0.13513514], [3498, 3658, 0.03144654], [3658, 3740, 0.06329114], [3740, 3899, 0.03773585], [3899, 4144, 0.0242915], [4144, 4188, 0.14634146], [4188, 4483, 0.00684932], [4483, 4528, 0.14285714], [4528, 4583, 0.09803922], [4583, 4725, 0.09352518], [4725, 5007, 0.05673759], [5007, 5109, 0.06060606], [5109, 5419, 0.00324675], [5419, 5463, 0.12195122], [5463, 5505, 0.13157895], [5505, 5594, 0.07954545], [5594, 5698, 0.04901961], [5698, 5787, 0.06896552], [5787, 5891, 0.05882353], [5891, 6053, 0.03703704], [6053, 6134, 0.0625], [6134, 6219, 0.0], [6219, 6465, 0.02016129], [6465, 6499, 0.26666667], [6499, 6752, 0.0], [6752, 6795, 0.15], [6795, 6842, 0.09302326], [6842, 6920, 0.07894737], [6920, 7025, 0.05825243], [7025, 7114, 0.06896552], [7114, 7218, 0.05882353], [7218, 7803, 0.00860585], [7803, 7849, 0.11363636], [7849, 8063, 0.0], [8063, 8095, 0.17857143], [8095, 8143, 0.11904762], [8143, 8232, 0.09090909], [8232, 8274, 0.0], [8274, 8373, 0.0], [8373, 8420, 0.11363636], [8420, 8547, 0.0], [8547, 8595, 0.13333333], [8595, 8749, 0.04], [8749, 8930, 0.02808989], [8930, 9107, 0.02890173], [9107, 9596, 0.01237113], [9596, 9644, 0.13333333], [9644, 9670, 0.0], [9670, 9753, 0.0], [9753, 9799, 0.13953488], [9799, 9910, 0.0], [9910, 10040, 0.046875], [10040, 10201, 0.03144654], [10201, 10674, 0.01273885], [10674, 10923, 0.0], [10923, 10965, 0.10810811], [10965, 11036, 0.08571429], [11036, 11127, 0.09090909], [11127, 11210, 0.06097561], [11210, 11300, 0.09195402], [11300, 11762, 0.03023758], [11762, 12028, 0.03409091], [12028, 12071, 0.13157895], [12071, 12160, 0.07954545], [12160, 12240, 0.02531646], [12240, 12516, 0.05072464], [12516, 12767, 0.03643725], [12767, 12810, 0.13513514], [12810, 12889, 0.1025641], [12889, 13177, 0.03496503], [13177, 13268, 0.08045977], [13268, 13385, 0.06086957], [13385, 13522, 0.05185185], [13522, 13607, 0.07228916], [13607, 13742, 0.05263158], [13742, 14185, 0.02690583], [14185, 14472, 0.03191489], [14472, 14511, 0.15151515], [14511, 14613, 0.08080808], [14613, 14698, 0.07228916], [14698, 14971, 0.04761905], [14971, 15253, 0.03214286], [15253, 15300, 0.11904762], [15300, 15571, 0.05166052], [15571, 16171, 0.02504174], [16171, 16439, 0.03409091], [16439, 16479, 0.14705882], [16479, 16770, 0.03202847], [16770, 16807, 0.16129032], [16807, 16892, 0.07228916], [16892, 17010, 0.06896552], [17010, 17768, 0.0200267], [17768, 18004, 0.03896104], [18004, 18045, 0.14285714], [18045, 18137, 0.09090909], [18137, 18397, 0.03515625], [18397, 18441, 0.13157895], [18441, 18535, 0.09195402], [18535, 18791, 0.036], [18791, 19072, 0.03571429], [19072, 19315, 0.03781513], [19315, 19351, 0.16666667], [19351, 19911, 0.02517986], [19911, 20083, 0.0], [20083, 20185, 0.09], [20185, 20312, 0.04201681], [20312, 20338, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 13, 0.0], [13, 101, 0.0], [101, 108, 0.0], [108, 196, 0.0], [196, 399, 0.0], [399, 436, 0.0], [436, 475, 0.0], [475, 561, 0.0], [561, 618, 0.0], [618, 662, 0.0], [662, 748, 0.0], [748, 804, 0.0], [804, 850, 0.0], [850, 964, 0.0], [964, 1077, 0.0], [1077, 1321, 0.0], [1321, 1364, 0.0], [1364, 1664, 0.0], [1664, 1707, 0.0], [1707, 1783, 0.0], [1783, 2083, 0.0], [2083, 2128, 0.0], [2128, 2421, 0.0], [2421, 2461, 0.0], [2461, 2567, 0.0], [2567, 2648, 0.0], [2648, 2749, 0.0], [2749, 2861, 0.0], [2861, 3145, 0.0], [3145, 3456, 0.0], [3456, 3498, 0.0], [3498, 3658, 0.0], [3658, 3740, 0.0], [3740, 3899, 0.0], [3899, 4144, 0.0], [4144, 4188, 0.0], [4188, 4483, 0.0], [4483, 4528, 0.0], [4528, 4583, 0.0], [4583, 4725, 0.0], [4725, 5007, 0.0], [5007, 5109, 0.0], [5109, 5419, 0.0], [5419, 5463, 0.0], [5463, 5505, 0.0], [5505, 5594, 0.0], [5594, 5698, 0.0], [5698, 5787, 0.0], [5787, 5891, 0.0], [5891, 6053, 0.0], [6053, 6134, 0.0], [6134, 6219, 0.0], [6219, 6465, 0.0], [6465, 6499, 0.0], [6499, 6752, 0.0], [6752, 6795, 0.0], [6795, 6842, 0.0], [6842, 6920, 0.0], [6920, 7025, 0.0], [7025, 7114, 0.0], [7114, 7218, 0.0], [7218, 7803, 0.0], [7803, 7849, 0.0], [7849, 8063, 0.0], [8063, 8095, 0.0], [8095, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8232, 0.0], [8232, 8274, 0.0], [8274, 8373, 0.0], [8373, 8420, 0.0], [8420, 8547, 0.0], [8547, 8595, 0.0], [8595, 8749, 0.0], [8749, 8930, 0.0], [8930, 9107, 0.0], [9107, 9596, 0.0], [9596, 9644, 0.0], [9644, 9670, 0.0], [9670, 9753, 0.0], [9753, 9799, 0.0], [9799, 9910, 0.0], [9910, 10040, 0.0], [10040, 10201, 0.0], [10201, 10674, 0.0], [10674, 10923, 0.0], [10923, 10965, 0.0], [10965, 11036, 0.0], [11036, 11127, 0.0], [11127, 11210, 0.0], [11210, 11300, 0.0], [11300, 11762, 0.0], [11762, 12028, 0.0], [12028, 12071, 0.0], [12071, 12160, 0.0], [12160, 12240, 0.0], [12240, 12516, 0.0], [12516, 12767, 0.0], [12767, 12810, 0.0], [12810, 12889, 0.0], [12889, 13177, 0.0], [13177, 13268, 0.0], [13268, 13385, 0.0], [13385, 13522, 0.0], [13522, 13607, 0.0], [13607, 13742, 0.0], [13742, 14185, 0.0], [14185, 14472, 0.0], [14472, 14511, 0.0], [14511, 14613, 0.0], [14613, 14698, 0.0], [14698, 14971, 0.0], [14971, 15253, 0.0], [15253, 15300, 0.0], [15300, 15571, 0.0], [15571, 16171, 0.0], [16171, 16439, 0.0], [16439, 16479, 0.0], [16479, 16770, 0.0], [16770, 16807, 0.0], [16807, 16892, 0.0], [16892, 17010, 0.0], [17010, 17768, 0.0], [17768, 18004, 0.0], [18004, 18045, 0.0], [18045, 18137, 0.0], [18137, 18397, 0.0], [18397, 18441, 0.0], [18441, 18535, 0.0], [18535, 18791, 0.0], [18791, 19072, 0.0], [19072, 19315, 0.0], [19315, 19351, 0.0], [19351, 19911, 0.0], [19911, 20083, 0.0], [20083, 20185, 0.0], [20185, 20312, 0.0], [20312, 20338, 0.0]], 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0.10909091], [4583, 4725, 0.02112676], [4725, 5007, 0.0070922], [5007, 5109, 0.01960784], [5109, 5419, 0.05483871], [5419, 5463, 0.02272727], [5463, 5505, 0.11904762], [5505, 5594, 0.02247191], [5594, 5698, 0.01923077], [5698, 5787, 0.01123596], [5787, 5891, 0.01923077], [5891, 6053, 0.01234568], [6053, 6134, 0.01234568], [6134, 6219, 0.01176471], [6219, 6465, 0.01219512], [6465, 6499, 0.02941176], [6499, 6752, 0.07509881], [6752, 6795, 0.02325581], [6795, 6842, 0.14893617], [6842, 6920, 0.01282051], [6920, 7025, 0.01904762], [7025, 7114, 0.01123596], [7114, 7218, 0.01923077], [7218, 7803, 0.05641026], [7803, 7849, 0.02173913], [7849, 8063, 0.04672897], [8063, 8095, 0.28125], [8095, 8143, 0.125], [8143, 8232, 0.02247191], [8232, 8274, 0.0952381], [8274, 8373, 0.04040404], [8373, 8420, 0.0212766], [8420, 8547, 0.03149606], [8547, 8595, 0.02083333], [8595, 8749, 0.03896104], [8749, 8930, 0.03867403], [8930, 9107, 0.02824859], [9107, 9596, 0.05112474], [9596, 9644, 0.02083333], [9644, 9670, 0.26923077], [9670, 9753, 0.08433735], [9753, 9799, 0.02173913], [9799, 9910, 0.07207207], [9910, 10040, 0.06153846], [10040, 10201, 0.04968944], [10201, 10674, 0.05919662], [10674, 10923, 0.07630522], [10923, 10965, 0.23809524], [10965, 11036, 0.02816901], [11036, 11127, 0.02197802], [11127, 11210, 0.01204819], [11210, 11300, 0.02222222], [11300, 11762, 0.02813853], [11762, 12028, 0.02255639], [12028, 12071, 0.11627907], [12071, 12160, 0.01123596], [12160, 12240, 0.0125], [12240, 12516, 0.01449275], [12516, 12767, 0.03187251], [12767, 12810, 0.13953488], [12810, 12889, 0.01265823], [12889, 13177, 0.02430556], [13177, 13268, 0.02197802], [13268, 13385, 0.02564103], [13385, 13522, 0.01459854], [13522, 13607, 0.01176471], [13607, 13742, 0.01481481], [13742, 14185, 0.00902935], [14185, 14472, 0.02787456], [14472, 14511, 0.28205128], [14511, 14613, 0.01960784], [14613, 14698, 0.01176471], [14698, 14971, 0.01465201], [14971, 15253, 0.03191489], [15253, 15300, 0.12765957], [15300, 15571, 0.01476015], [15571, 16171, 0.03666667], [16171, 16439, 0.02985075], [16439, 16479, 0.3], [16479, 16770, 0.05498282], [16770, 16807, 0.24324324], [16807, 16892, 0.01176471], [16892, 17010, 0.01694915], [17010, 17768, 0.03957784], [17768, 18004, 0.02118644], [18004, 18045, 0.12195122], [18045, 18137, 0.02173913], [18137, 18397, 0.02692308], [18397, 18441, 0.11363636], [18441, 18535, 0.0212766], [18535, 18791, 0.03125], [18791, 19072, 0.02846975], [19072, 19315, 0.02469136], [19315, 19351, 0.22222222], [19351, 19911, 0.03392857], [19911, 20083, 0.01744186], [20083, 20185, 0.06862745], [20185, 20312, 0.11023622], [20312, 20338, 0.03846154]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 20338, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 20338, 0.03353667]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 20338, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 20338, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 20338, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 20338, -109.52781447]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 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Work Study > Corporate Work Study Program Welcome > Profiles of Corporate Partners > Western & Southern Financial Group Pioneer Partner Western & Southern Ready for Year Four Western & Southern Financial Group has been a Partner in DPCR’s Corporate Work Study Program since the school opened, and Vicki Alford has been a supervisor since day one. As she recently bid her student workers farewell for the summer, she was already looking ahead to the next school year. “DPCR will have its first graduating class next spring and it’s rewarding to know we’ve been a part of that from the very beginning. I’m excited for these students,” says Vicki. Western & Southern is making a difference in young lives because the company leaders understood the potential impact of the CWSP from the start. “Our corporate executives have a commitment to education and the improvement of our city. They were fully on board from the beginning with this program,” Vicki explains. Vicki (shown here with student worker Montazia) has helped to carry that commitment forward and she has seen growth in both the students and the program. “In the beginning I was concerned would there be enough work to keep the students busy? That turned out to be a total misconception on my part. I started with simple tasks and as time went on, learned they’re capable of more complex and high volume work,” she says. Student Montazia Campbell spent five days a month working for Vicki in supply chain management during her just-completed freshman year. Her tasks included preparing and processing mailings, filling supply requests and performing inventory. Her co-workers frequently praised the speed and accuracy of her work. Montazia is considering a career as a computer technician or pediatrician, and believes this first work experience will benefit her no matter what path she chooses. “I feel like I already have a great start on my resume after only one year of high school. When I’m ready to go to college, I think I’ll be one of the youngest ones with a four-year professional resume,” she says. “This is an excellent program to show students what it’s like to be part of the business world and prepare them for the future,” says Vicki, “and we love the additional resources and help they provide our department.” Kim Chiodi, senior vice president of human resources, comments on another benefit. “Most people don’t grow up thinking they’d like to work in insurance. This program exposes young people to many different career paths they might never consider, so it’s valuable for both students and employers.”
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Tensions à Ouest-France autour de la situation des correspondants locaux de presse « Pour les gens, c'est le journaliste de terrain du coin. Pour les journalistes des rédactions de la presse régionale, il n'est pas un des leurs. Le correspondant local de presse, lui, trime à la tâche pour l'info, sans protection. Enquête sur un scandale ». Sur Twitter, c’est par ces mots qu’Arrêt sur Images introduit une longue et salutaire enquête consacrée aux correspondants locaux de presse (CLP), ces femmes et ces hommes qui remplissent de 15 à 70 % des pages et des sites web de la presse quotidienne et hebdomadaire régionale. Précarité, « uberisation », statut à côté duquel celui des chauffeurs et livreurs de la nouvelle économie fait figure de sinécure… Tout au long de son article, c’est ainsi que Loris Guémart, l’auteur de l’article, décrit la situation de ces « soutiers de l’info », indispensables au fonctionnement de la presse régionale et souvent méprisés par les directions voire les rédactions des journaux qui les emploient. N’ayant droit ni au chômage, ni à la retraite, payés au lance-pierres pour des tâches de plus en plus comparables à celle des « vrais » journalistes, ceux disposant d’une carte de presse, les CLP souffrent aussi d’un manque de considération que la crise du Covid a mis un peu plus en lumière. C’est le cas notamment à Ouest-France, en Loire-Atlantique, où un collectif de 60 correspondants dénonce cette précarisation et le manque de soutien reçu de la part du journal. Durant le confinement, alors que le quotidien passait de . . . correspondant local de presse La Mer XXL : ce flop à 1 million qui n’émeut pas les collectivités nantaises Municipales 2020 : à quand le déconfinement des médias ? Un flop XXXL pour l’exposition “La Mer XXL”
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Montres de stars Côté Boutiques Guide du neuf Montres cultes Grands horlogers Le Point Montres Montres Le Novelty Tour de A. Lange & Söhne fait escale à Paris © Le Point Par Le Point Montres Le Point Montres | Modifié le 21/06/2018 à 03:04 - Publié le 20/06/2018 à 22:08 EN IMAGES. Jusqu'à fin juin, la boutique parisienne de la célèbre marque horlogère allemande, rue de la Paix, expose le meilleur de ses nouveautés 2018. Elles avaient été dévoilées lors de l'édition 2018 du Salon international de la haute horlogerie. Elles arrivent peu à peu en boutique, pour le plus grand bonheur des amateurs de la marque. A. Lange & Söhne invite les amateurs de (très) belle horlogerie allemande à découvrir ou à revoir sa nouvelle collection au sein de sa boutique, 19, rue de la Paix à Paris. On peut notamment y découvrir les trois nouvelles versions de la Little Lange 1, aux cadrans guillochés en or et aux couleurs tendance, taillées pour les amatrices de belles montres. Ou bien les Saxonia Thin aux fascinants cadrans bleus, fines et élégantes. Sans oublier les différents modèles de Saxonia ou la 1815 Chronograph, désormais proposées en or rose. Mais, au-delà de mouvements d'une élégance hypnotique, c'est, sans conteste, le Triple Split qui devrait fasciner amateurs et collectionneurs. Une pièce d'une rare complexité à découvrir impérativement... © Le Point Montres | CGU | Mentions Légales | Publicité Politique cookies | Politique de protection des données à caractère personnel
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Celebrity Quotes Miscellaneous Quotes Wealthy Celebrity Top 10 Richest Female Singers from Bollywood 12 months ago — Hassan Saleem The Bollywood showbiz industry has produced famous flittering celebrities in the field of acting, dancing, and singing as well over the years. Top singers from the industry have mesmerized their audience with their soulful and enchanting voice by fulfilling the expectations of their fans. The versatile tonal universality of Indian singers has made them the best-selling music artists in the world. Many singing stars have emerged from the galaxy of Bollywood who perceived colossal fame and success by the magic of their soulful voice. Music plays a crucial role in the success of the Bollywood film industry even before the release of the film. Nowadays, the soundtracks of films decide whether a movie will be a hit or a flop. The most famous female singers in India have become the Richest Bollywood singers by their charming voices. Following are the top richest Bollywood singers: 1 – Shreya Goshal 2 – Sunidhi Chauhan 3 – Lata Mangeshkar 4 – Alka Yagnik 5 – K. S. Chitra 6 – Asha Bhosle 7 – Kavita Krishnamurthy 8 – Sadhna Sargam 9 – Anuradha Paudwal 10 – Neha Kakkar (Net Worth: INR 185 crores) Shreya is the most famous and highly paid female singer Bollywood industry born in 1984. She has made a massive profile by TV reality shows by judging. She is often considered among the most applauded and versatile singers of her era because of his sweet voice. She has the honour of being called five times in the Forbes list of top 100 Indian celebrities. She is amongst the highest-paid female singers in Bollywood as she has a net worth of INR 185 cr. Shreya is not only a playback singer but a producer, lyricist, music composer, record producer, and philanthropist as well. She is acknowledged as a complete package in the music industry and is considered the wealthiest female singer. (Net Worth: INR 65 crores) Sunidhi is another richest female singer of Bollywood and is considered the star of item songs. She was born in 1983 in New Delhi. She dominated the singing industry in early 2000 and established a considerable success with her charming voice. She has been called the Numero Uno singer of her time, and she is capable of setting the stage on fire with her outstanding live performance. She had won the title of the best singer at the reality show “Meri Awaz Suno” in 1996 as she started her singing career from the “Shastra” movie. The quality of her endearing voice made her a top singer in Bollywood and has a net worth of INR 65 cr. Lata Mangeshkar is one of the living legend and the best Bollywood singers of all time. She is the best playback singer in Bollywood, and her melodious voice enabled her to win the National Film award three times. She is the only singer from Bollywood who has the honour of performing in the Royal Albert Hall. She served the film industry by performing in more than 1000 films in almost thirty-six regional and foreign languages. She is considered the youngest female singer as she started her career at the young age of five. This legendary singer of Bollywood has a net worth of INR 60 cr. Related: The 10 Most Expensive Swimming Pools Owned By Celebrities (2021) Alka is an Indian playback singer and had started singing at the young age of ten years. She has won various film fare awards, and one of her awards belongs to a famous song “Aik do teen”. She is a classically trained singer, and she has sung maximum solo songs in Bollywood. Her famous songs were also nominated by BBC among the list of “Top 40 Bollywood Soundtracks of all times”. She is the queen of Bollywood singing, and she has also performed as a singing judge in TV reality shows. She is also a wealthy female singer by having a net worth of 52cr as a singer in Bollywood. She is another classical payback singer in the Bollywood industry. She is the only female singer in Bollywood who was awarded by the Indian president. Her singing career is tremendous as she has recorded more than 25,000 songs in various languages, including Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Latin, and English. She has been awarded six National Awards and six Film fare awards in her singing career. She also judged singing TV reality shows in Kerala and awarded the title of best singing Judge. She has recorded her first studio album as Raaga Raaga in 1993 and perceived immense fame accompanied by success in her singing career as this Bollywood singer’s net worth is INR 50 cr. Asha is the most famous female Bollywood singer born in 1933. She is one of the best playback singers and the youngest sister of Lata Mangeshkar. She is acknowledged by the Guinness Book of World Records for her maximum number of songs recorded in her singing career. She is very versatile in her singing as she has sung songs of all areas including pop music, ghazals, bhajans, qawwali, classical music, and folk songs. She was awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2000 and the Padma Vibhushan by the government of India. “Brimful of Asha” was released by a British Rock band “Cornershop” in 1997. She has also become the richest Bollywood singer as she has a net worth of INR 40 cr. Related: 7 Most Expensive Things Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson Owns Kavita is another famous classical playback singer of Bollywood born in 1958. She has recorded 25,000 songs in sixteen languages including Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, etc. She has recorded her first song with Lata Mangeshkar as a co-star for a Bengali film. She has a firm grip on Hindustani classical music that enabled her to take her place in the competitive industry. The two most famous songs of her singing career for the film Mr. India proved a turning point for her. She was awarded Maharashtra State Film Award for Best Female Playback Singer in 2000, and she has a net worth of INR 30 cr. Sadhna is a famous female Bollywood singer, especially in the Hindi and Tamil film industry. Her popularity as a playback singer enabled her to get the Lata Mangeshkar award from the government of Madhya Pradesh. She gets her debut from a Gujrati film “Kanku Pagli”, and she sang her first song for the film Rustom named by “Door Nai Rehna”. She was awarded the Best Female Playback Singer awards in Tamil and Telugu in 2007, and she has also won the Zee Cine award for best female playback singer for “Kuch Na Kaho” in 2004. She has gained popularity and a net worth of INR 25 cr by her versatile singing. Anuradha, a famous and one of the richest Bollywood singers in playback singing, was born in 1954 as Alka Nadkarni. She made her playback singing debut in the film Abhimaan. She was awarded the fourth-highest civilian award by the Indian government. Anuradha was also awarded by “Mother Teresa Award” for lifetime achievement. Her playback singing skills made her capable of earning success and wealth as she has a net worth of INR 18 cr. Neha is the most famous female Bollywood singer nowadays. She started her singing by a reality show Indian Idol 2 in 2006. Her first album named “Neha-The Rockstar” was released in 2008 that made a tremendous success in the Bollywood industry. Her song “London Thumakda” from the movie “Queen” marked her songs as a key ingredient for Bollywood films. The main elements of her singing are pop, hip hop, R&B, and dance numbers. She has won many awards and also performed as a singing judge in “Sa Ray Ga Ma Pa”. Neha Kakar has a net worth of INR 10 cr. Who is your favourite singer among those? Tell us about reviews in the comment section below. 39 Sharp and Memorable Walt Disney Quotes 51 Short Bill Gates Quotes About Success, Love and Leadership Having over 10 years of experience, Hassan Saleem is a personal finance, celebrity news and net worth writer and has special interest in gossips from showbiz industry and celebrity lifestyles. Working for over a decade in Digital Media, Hassan has written hundreds of articles on celebrities' personal finances and their net worths. He aims to provide great user readability with crystal clear information and vivid graphics. He loves to explore brand new angles through which he could cover celebrity lifestyles. When he is not digging deep into buzz about famous celebrities, you will find him chilling with his friends or family. Top Lists1 week ago Top 10 Richest Drummers In The World Biography2 weeks ago Ella Newton Net Worth, Age, Height, Boyfriend And Biography Jennifer Rauchet (Pete Hegseth’s Third Wife) Bio, Age, Height, Husband, Net Worth, News, Wiki Wilbur Soot Net Worth in 2021, Age, Height, Girlfriend, Bio and Wiki Matt Kaplan Net Worth, Age, Wife, Dog, Height, Biography And Wiki Top Lists1 year ago Top 10 Most Educated Rappers With College Degrees Top Lists12 months ago 12 Most Gorgeous Blue-Eyed Women in Hollywood Top Lists5 months ago Top 10 Most Youngest Fathers in the World Who Became Famous Later On Celebrity Quotes11 months ago 70+ Incredible Thomas Sowell Quotes Copyright © 2021 By Wealthy Celebrity • Made with ❤️ • All Rights Reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
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LDR (1) Lauder, New Zealand (LDR)
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Jane McNeil Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor - Education Email: jane.mcneil@ntu.ac.uk External activity Jane McNeil took up the role of Interim Pro Vice-Chancellor Education at Nottingham Trent University in April 2020. In this role, she supports the Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Academic Development and Performance, and is responsible for influencing policy and strategy for student access and participation, curriculum and pedagogy, and student outcomes and employment. She is also chair of the University’s Academic Standards and Quality Committee. Jane has a long standing commitment to the University and to students’ education. Her early roles as a medieval history lecturer and developing online learning in the Humanities led to a wider interest in pedagogic innovation. This was realised in subsequent roles, including institutional lead for quality enhancement, Director of Academic Development (2011-18), and from 2018 as Executive Dean for Learning and Teaching. Her perspective on education has therefore been shaped by her experience as a lecturer, a practice innovator and as a policy developer. Central to this is a dedication to addressing structural inequalities in higher education. From early work on eLearning and assessment, Jane’s interests developed to consider wider topics related to student success, the scholarship of teaching and learning, and the evaluation of educational development. In 2012, Jane led the first institutional trial in the UK of the active learning approach, SCALE-UP. Following wider adoption of this pedagogy, in 2017–2019 she led a project with three universities, funded by the Office for Students, to test the efficacy of active learning to address barriers to student success. This interest continues alongside work on learning spaces and strategies for institutional educational change. Guy Mallison
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« Québec : Une rencontre avec Djemila Benhabib | | Egypte : poursuite contre un salafiste pour incitation à la haine des chrétiens » L’islam implosera-t-il ? par Hélios d'Alexandrie La présente chronique m’a été inspirée par le commentaire d’Angélique que je reproduis plus bas. Je tiens à la remercier pour son intervention, elle est de nature à stimuler la réflexion et alimenter le débat. Bonjour Hélios,A l'instar des autres systèmes politico-théocratiques (la foi dans la "Parole de Lénine", la sacralisation du "Petit Livre Rouge de Mao", le culte de la personnalité envers Hitler ou les Kim de Corée du Nord), l'islam s'appuie sur la terreur ici et dans le futur et la négation du monde réel (l'économie, la raison, les sciences etc.). Or, ces systèmes dogmatiques ne peuvent survivre qu'en vase clos, toute confrontation avec la réalité dévoilant leur vulnérabilité.Pensez-vous que l'islam va imploser comme les autres totalitarismes du siècle passé ? Rédigé par : Angélique | 27/01/2012 à 04:54 L’islam a plusieurs points communs avec les totalitarismes du vingtième siècle et en particulier le totalitarisme nazi, mais son statut de religion lui accorde des avantages stratégiques et tactiques auxquels les autres totalitarismes ne pouvaient pas prétendre. Le nazisme est identifié ouvertement aux camps de la mort et à la Shoah, le communisme aux goulags, mais l’islam, malgré la tyrannie qu’il impose et les horreurs perpétrées par ses adeptes les plus fidèles, est toujours considéré comme un monothéisme honorable. Il a été possible de criminaliser le nazisme et de discréditer le communisme, mais l’islam est régulièrement exonéré de ses forfaits. On peut en conclure qu’il est, de par son statut de religion, dispensé de toute reddition de comptes. Les démocraties occidentales, dans un effort d’ouverture et d’apaisement, ont délibérément établi une distinction artificielle entre l’islam et l’idéologie qui motive les terroristes musulmans, comme s’il s’agissait d’entités étrangères l’une à l’autre. Elles ont par ailleurs mis en place des «politiques d’intégration» qui ont permis aux semences de la tyrannie islamique de prendre racine et de s’étendre. La tâche du totalitarisme islamique a été grandement facilitée par les impératifs politiques et économiques liés au marché de l’énergie. Les démocraties occidentales ne se contentent pas d’importer du pétrole des pays islamiques, l’islam en tant que sous-produit du pétrole fait désormais partie du marché. Un dernier élément et non le moindre a trait à l’affaiblissement moral de l’occident. La modernité s’est accompagnée d’une perte de mémoire de ce que nous fûmes, des sacrifices que nos ancêtres ont consentis et des valeurs spirituelles qu’ils ont embrassées pour édifier cette civilisation qui est la nôtre. À cet oubli délibéré s’est ajoutée une autocritique outrancière qui a eu pour conséquence de dévaloriser notre passé et notre culture. Mais la sévérité des critiques s’est exercée exclusivement sur notre civilisation, l’islam a été épargné et s’est même mérité les éloges des bien-pensants, soucieux de donner des preuves de leur ouverture et de leur indépendance d’esprit. Mais un autre pas a été franchi quand, sous prétexte de protéger les musulmans de l’ostracisme, la critique de l’islam a été frappée d’interdit au même titre que le racisme et l’intolérance. Cette précarité morale auto infligée a plus que tout autre facteur facilité les progrès de l’idéologie islamique en occident. Tous ces éléments favorisent le totalitarisme islamique et l’aident à s’étendre, cependant ils ne changent rien à sa vulnérabilité intrinsèque, car l’islam qui prétend régler les menus détails de la vie, s’avère incapable de suivre, ne fut-ce que de loin, le courant de la civilisation. Ce handicap l’islam ne peut en aucune façon le surmonter sans se renier lui-même. Il se trouve par conséquent pris entre deux choix, se transformer profondément au point de ne plus se ressembler ou prendre sans cesse du retard par rapport à la civilisation. L’islam a opté pour le second choix en se promettant de dominer la civilisation occidentale et de l’asservir. Vous avez raison de dire que l’islam, à l’instar des autres totalitarismes, et sans doute plus qu’eux, ne peut survivre qu’en vase clos, que toute confrontation avec la réalité ne peut que dévoiler sa vulnérabilité. Il ne peut vivre en bon voisinage avec les autres car la coexistence pacifique le conduirait au déclin, pour survivre il doit anéantir la concurrence. Malgré les apparences l’islam traîne un profond complexe d’infériorité qui l’insécurise. Fondamentalement rien n’a changé pour lui depuis le septième siècle, malgré le passage du temps et l’existence de plus d’un milliard de musulmans, l’insécurité persiste et continue d’alimenter son agressivité. Il suffit de parcourir le coran pour réaliser à quel point l’islam souffre d’insécurité morbide, tout ce qui est autre que lui est désigné cible légitime, il ne peut exister sans dénigrer les autres religions et sans chercher à les anéantir. Tout en mettant le siège sur les autres croyances il ne cesse de se sentir assiégé. L’islam fuit le miroir de la même façon qu’il fuit le regard des autres, il refuse de se voir tel qu’il est ou tel que les autres le voient, et ce n’est qu’en détruisant les concurrents qu’il se rassure et se sent exister, mais ce sentiment de sécurité ne dure jamais très longtemps. Rien n’illustre autant cette insécurité que la régression des musulmans dans le fondamentalisme. On attribue à Mahomet la prophétie suivante : «L’islam a commencé comme un étranger et il finira en étranger, il se repliera dans ses terres comme la vipère se retire dans son trou !»* Il s’agit d’un hadith que les savants musulmans considèrent comme véridique (sahih). La régression dans le fondamentalisme est le signe avant-coureur du déclin; si l’islam échoue dans sa tentative de dominer l’occident il n’aura d’autre choix que de se replier dans le désert qui l’a vu naître. Mais il ne faut pas pour autant s’attendre à une implosion de l’islam semblable à celle qui a mis fin au communisme en Europe**. L’islam se maintiendra tant qu’il s’inventera des ennemis à abattre et tant que ces derniers lui fourniront les moyens de poursuivre ses agressions. Si les moyens viennent à manquer ou si l’ennemi est hors d’atteinte, l’islam se retrouvera seul face à lui-même. Ce sera l’heure de vérité ou plutôt de l’épreuve suprême, car la confrontation avec soi-même est bien plus terrible que la confrontation avec un ennemi qui vous offre bêtement les armes pour l’abattre. Un des scénarios possibles place l’épreuve suprême au sein même de la forteresse islamique, soit dans les pays les plus islamisés. Pour peu qu’ils soient laissés à eux-mêmes, les peuples musulmans ne pourront faire autrement que constater la faillite de l’idéologie islamique. S’ils n’ont pas de pétrole, ils ne pourront poursuivre bien longtemps l’expérience islamiste. La répression sanglante qui en résultera fera le reste, elle achèvera de dissiper en fumée toutes les illusions des musulmans sur l’islam en tant qu’idéologie et même en tant que religion. L’occident peut aider à la déconfiture de l’islam, il lui suffira de mettre un frein à l’islamisation en dedans et de fermer le robinet de l’argent au dehors. Un premier pas est à la veille d’être franchi avec l’Iran, mais comme l’occident se montre incapable ou non désireux de reconnaître la dangerosité de l’islam, il y a des chances que la confrontation actuelle avec l’Iran se conclue par une entente qui permettra au totalitarisme des mollahs de survivre. Mais une éventuelle chute des ayatollahs pourrait avoir un effet salutaire sur les pays voisins, le spectacle d’iraniens piétinant le portrait de Khomeiny et d’iraniennes brûlant leur tchador, donnerait des idées aux jeunes musulmans d’un peu partout, particulièrement à ceux de Tunisie et d’Égypte. Le recul de l’islam en occident passe inévitablement par la redécouverte des valeurs philosophiques et spirituelles sur lesquelles la civilisation occidentale a été édifiée. Ici le rôle des citoyens est crucial, car ils sont individuellement les héritiers et les dépositaires de ces valeurs. Ils ont le devoir moral d’en parler publiquement, de les défendre, de les enrichir et de les transmettre à la génération montante. Ils ont également le devoir moral de contrecarrer les agissements de tous ceux qui par intérêt, lâcheté ou aveuglement se permettent de les relativiser ou de les défigurer. Le totalitarisme communiste a échoué dans sa tentative de rattraper et de dépasser le monde libre, et cet échec est la cause principale de son effondrement. Le totalitarisme islamique sait qu’il ne peut concurrencer la civilisation occidentale dont il est dépendant***; il ne lui reste que le fantasme de l’asservir et de la dénaturer, comme il a jadis asservi et dénaturé les civilisations qu’il a conquises au septième et au huitième siècle. Empêcher l’islam de réaliser son fantasme c’est le mettre sur le chemin de l’extinction****, désormais face à lui-même il devra affronter sa propre réalité et assumer les fruits amers de ses fondements idéologiques. Le relativisme culturel, la rectitude politique et la haine de soi sont les principaux alliés de l’islam. L’ignorance de notre histoire, la méconnaissance de notre culture et de notre patrimoine spirituel nous prédisposent à accepter l’inacceptable. Pour faire échec au totalitarisme islamique l’occident doit par conséquent rétablir sa propre force morale mais cela ne se fera pas sans un élan collectif des citoyens et sans un engagement profond de leur part. * Ce hadith est apocryphe comme d’ailleurs tout le corpus des hadiths mais il est considéré comme authentique par les savants musulmans, ces derniers pour des raisons évidentes préfèrent ne pas s’y référer. Il souligne l’incompatibilité de l’islam des origines avec les civilisations contemporaines qu’il s’est employé à détruire, mais également l’incompatibilité de l’islam authentique avec toute forme de civilisation. En d’autres termes l’expression « civilisation islamique » est un contresens. ** Le communisme n’a pas implosé spontanément, ses déboires économiques l’ont rendu de moins en moins apte à maintenir l’appareil étatique et militaire nécessaire à sa survie, la pression d’ordre économique et militaire en provenance de l’Ouest s’est avérée irrésistible, les peuples opprimés de l’Europe de l’Est se sont chargés du reste. Le nazisme ne s’est pas effondré spontanément, il a été écrasé sous les ruines fumantes de l’Europe, sa destruction a coûté très cher en vies humaines. La leçon qu’il y a lieu d’en tirer est que les totalitarismes meurent rarement de mort naturelle. *** Le totalitarisme islamique a absolument besoin de l’occident pour se maintenir. L’occident lui offre les ressources économiques, les moyens techniques et la liberté d’action indispensables à sa survie. Les leaders occidentaux sont à ce point dépourvus de vision stratégique qu’ils se montrent incapables de réaliser que leur politique est contraire aux intérêts de la civilisation. **** Les citoyens inquiets ont l’obligation morale de se mobiliser massivement pour forcer leurs dirigeants à changer de politique. Rédigé le 30/01/2012 dans Chronique d'Hélios d'Alexandrie, Islam | Lien permanent Bravo. Tout est dit. amin | Cher Hélios, un très bon article. Je suis d'accord avec toi sur le rétablissement de notre force morale. Mais ce rétablissement passe par redonner des cours d'histoires des fondements de notre peuple québécois et de ramener les cours d'enseignement religieux dès la première année comme il était autrefois. Comment nos enfants peuvent-ils argumenter, dialoguer, dialectiser s'ils ne connaissent rien de la culture judéo-chrétienne. On parle de laïcité dure et de laïcité molle. Au Québec ni l'une ni l'autre ne peut fonctionner à moins de vendre l'âme de notre peuple aux athées et islamistes. Parallèlement, on peut enseigner aux musulmans qui se sentent pris entre deux mondes qu'il y a une solution: de passer de l'islam à l'unitarisme car pour beaucoup le problème qui se pose est l'incompréhension de la trinité qui est pour eux associer au polythéiste. D'ailleurs, l'arianisme est l'hérésie chrétienne qui a donné naissance à l'islam. Ainsi, ’unitarisme est une doctrine chrétienne spécifique qui soutient que Dieu est un et se distingue de la trinité chrétienne : Père, Fils et Esprit Saint. Selon cette doctrine, Jésus est l'homme qui est le plus proche de Dieu, du divin. Quant à l'Esprit Saint, il est : dans le Père, en Jésus - son fils privilégié. Ainsi, les musulmans modérés pourront devenir chrétiens. Les Témoins de Jéhovah sont le pendant moderne de l'arianisme et sont aussi responsables avec les athées et les musulmans des attaques sur notre Église catholique du Québe4c. Rédigé par : Suzanne Sirois | Toute sorte d'hérésie ont parsemé l'histoire du christianisme, les catholiques ont été vilipendé de toutes parts et malgré tout je reste catholique et la couleur de ceci ou de cela m'importe peu. Je ne serai jamais sectaire pour autant, catholique est un mot grec qui signifie universel,ce qui inclut l'humanité. Lorraine | Merci Hélios. Un point que vous n'abordez pas, ma marotte en quelque sorte, c'est l'avancée de la recherche scientifique sur les sources historiques de la foi musulmane, recherche qui contredit frontalement le dogme : imposture de la prophétie de Mahomet, fabriquée après sa mort, imposture de la Mecque, ville nouvelle créée après Mahomet pour assouvir le besoin de ville sainte de la nouvelle religion, et surtout, surtout, imposture du coran, livre créé de toutes pièces avec des morceaux de torah, d'écrits apocryphes chrétiens et de traditions préislamiques pour asseoir par la religion la domination des arabes sur tout le moyen orient ... Quand les fruits de ces recherches seront de plus en plus publiés, quelle sera la réaction des musulmans ? Abandonneront-ils pacifiquement leurs croyances, comme le firent les polythéistes il y a bien longtemps, ou décideront-ils (du moins les plus fanatiques d'entre eux) d'emporter le monde avec eux dans leur chute, à grands coups d'attentats, voire dans des catastrophes pire encore (n'oublions pas que le Pakistan possède l'arme nucléaire)? Bref, l'animal est blessé, et c'est lorsqu'il sent sa fin approcher qu'il est le plus dangereux ... Olaf | Merci Hélios pour cette excellente analyse. En effet, nous ignorons même les évènements récents : à l'apogée du messianisme de la "lutte des classes" (1950-1968), le fait religieux était méprisé, nommé "l'opium du peuple". La Turquie et la Tunisie étaient séculières. La valeur "religion" est récente et ne concerne que l'islam. Le produit "religion" date de 1973 et du chantage à l'énergie fossile comme le "racissssme" date de 1989 et de la révolution en Iran. Dès 1975, les Accords d'Helsinki aidaient les dissidents de l'Est devant les tribunaux et Voice of America couvrait la voix des gérontes au pouvoir. Cependant, nos traîtres-pacifistes hurlaient "Lieber rot als tot"(plutôt rouges que morts) s'opposant aux fusées nucléaires Pershings en Allemagne mais pas aux SS20 soviétiques. Les mêmes créatures ferment les yeux sur la charia. Le 14 février, l'Arabie heureuse va nous offrir sa ridicule phobie des roses de la St Valentin et de l'amour courtois. Mon hadith préféré : "A la fin de l'islam, ils seront très nombreux mais ils ne sauront pas se débrouiller". Angélique | La culture occidentale doit sa grandeur et son progrès unique à l'effort de ses peuples pour se débarrasser de la tyrannie de l'Eglise et l'immense majorité de ses citoyens refuseront tout retour à cet obscurantisme odieux. Enseigner l'histoire c'est aussi enseigner ça. Ainsi les valeurs morales qu'on peut rappeler ne sont pas celles du christianisme, qui a laissé des plaies trop profondes dans les âmes occidentales. On pourra se fonder sur la déclaration des droits de l'homme mais il faut en réécrire une version adaptée à notre époque et qui permette le combat pour leur préservation. Il faut également cesser de les nommer "universels" car c'est là une prétention trop arrogante envers l'univers, qui d'ailleurs doit être renommé multivers. Il faut à la civilisation occidentale un nouveau code de conduite morale et non une renaissance de l'ancien. Ils faut cesser de confier aux responsables du chaos la responsabilité de rétablir l'ordre. On ne règle pas un problème avec le même état d'esprit que celui avec lequel on l'a créé. Nadine | Chère Madame Sirois, Je partage tout à fait votre opinion sur l'importance de donner aux jeunes un enseignement solide sur le christianisme, sur l'histoire en général et sur celle du Québec en particulier sans négliger la littérature et les arts. Je reconnais que la tâche est colossale mais il faut la mener à bien et pour cela il faut commencer maintenant. Vous abordez le sujet de l'arianisme sous un angle intéressant, ses effets néfastes ont survécu et reviennent nous "hanter". L'arianisme ne nie pas la Trinité, dans sa forme originale il contestait simplement la notion d'égalité de la seconde personne le Fils (Jésus-Christ), avec la première personne de la Trinité le Père. L'expression grecque homoousios, de même nature que le Père, n'était pas admise par les disciples d'Arius. Leur affirmation se basait alors sur le raisonnement suivant: si le Fils a été engendré par le Père, alors il fut un temps où le Fils n'existait pas, par conséquent il ne peut être ni l'égal ni de même nature que le Père. La querelle dogmatique qui a opposé l'orthodoxie à l'arianisme a été très longue mais l'orthodoxie à triomphé et je crois que cela a été bénéfique pour l'humanité et pour la civilisation. L'arianisme par la hiérarchie qu'il imposait dans la Trinité ramenait par la "petite porte" le Dieu de l'Ancien Testament, dans ce cas le Fils et le Saint Esprit ne pouvaient occuper qu'un rôle d'auxiliaire pour ne pas dire un rôle secondaire. Comme conséquence l'Incarnation et la Rédemption perdaient beaucoup de de leur signification dans l'histoire du salut. L'arianisme se trouvait à ramener en quelque sorte l'humanité à l'état où elle se trouvait avant Jésus-Christ. La Trinité selon le dogme de Nicée, soit un seul Dieu en trois personnes égales, s'est avérée être un puissant moteur de civilisation. Depuis l'avènement de Jésus-Christ, Dieu (le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit) est déclaré être parmi les hommes et même à l'intérieur de l'homme. Cette proximité et par le fait même, cet amour de Dieu ont libéré l'homme et élevé sa dignité. Par le Fils (égal au Père) les humains sont devenus les fils du Père et non plus les serviteurs ou les esclaves de Dieu. Conséquences: -Tous les humains, les femmes et les hommes en tant que filles et fils de Dieu son égaux. Cette égalité devant Dieu a conduit inévitablement à la notion d'égalité de droit, et plus tard d'égalité de chances. -Tous les humains sont dignes, le fait d'être fils du Père confère à l'homme un statut élevé, l'humiliation et la servitude n'ont pas leur place. La dignité est donc synonyme de liberté, la domination ou l'exploitation de l'homme par l'homme sont contraires au plan de Dieu, la tyrannie de quelque nature que ce soit est proscrite. - L'amour de Dieu pour les humains est total et inconditionnel mais il implique également l'amour des humains pour Dieu et l'amour mutuel entre les humains. Cette fraternité humaine s'exprime dans la solidarité et dans la justice. L'égalité, la liberté et la fraternité ne sont pas à proprement parler des valeurs républicaines mais des valeurs chrétiennes. La révolution française les a "plagiées" du christianisme et les a laïcisées. Ce qui en soit est une bonne chose car sans elles la démocratie serait impossible. Ce sont là les fondements spirituels de notre civilisation, ils sont tellement solides qu'ils ont inspiré ou influencé des peuples et des nations qui ne professent pas le christianisme. On ne peut pas logiquement adhérer aux valeurs de la démocratie et de la modernité tout en ignorant ou en niant leur origine chrétienne. L'arbre ne peut pas survivre longtemps privé de ses racines. Les islamistes, ceux qui sont familiers avec notre civilisation, ne s'y sont pas trompés. Ils rejettent la démocratie comme forme de gouvernement parce qu'elle est d'origine chrétienne et donc contraire à l'islam. Les islamistes jouent le jeu de la démocratie comme les nazis l'ont déjà fait, d'aucuns pensent qu'ils se sont piégés mais eux parlent simplement d'une phase transitoire qui sera inévitablement suivie par le califat. Je trouve intéressante l'idée d'offrir aux jeunes musulmans une alternative spirituelle à l'islam. Mais cette alternative ne devrait pas être un christianisme dépouillé de sa dimension trinitaire car tout est là comme je l'ai expliqué plus haut. Il n'y a pas de polythéisme dans la Trinité, pas plus qu'il n'y a de dualité dans l'homme du fait qu'il est formé d'un corps et d'une conscience ou d'une âme. Mais tout en offrant le christianisme aux musulmans il y a lieu d'en parler aux non-musulmans parce que c'est leur héritage et ils y ont droit. Le christianisme est plus qu'une religion et plus qu'une philosophie c'est un chemin (spirituel) qui débouche sur la liberté, sur l'amour et ultimement sur le bonheur. Hélios d'Alexandrie Hélios d'Alexandrie | Je vous remercie pour toute la Clarté et votre écrit. Cela me fait chaud au cœur de voir qu'il y a encore un "flambeau" LUMINEUX et CLAIR du Christianisme malgré la "trahison" de l'Église chrétienne face à l'Esprit du message du Christ... cela montre la force du message messianique qui, malgré la pire trahison citée par la Christ: pêcher contre l' Esprit... l'Esprit de Sa religion persiste... perpétrée par l'Église... J'aimerais vous poser une question par rapport à votre texte: "Il faut à la civilisation occidentale un nouveau code de conduite morale et non une renaissance de l'ancien." Moi aussi j'y crois, mais, comment édifier et. surtout, solidifier ce nouveau code de conduite pour que la jeunesse occidentale la suive? et rétablissent notre code de valeurs morales qui est en déclin... Surtout le respect... de soi et des autres... Kunsang Khandro | @ Kunsang Khandro, La phrase que vous citez c'est Nadine qui l'a écrit, je me permets de la reproduire: "Il faut à la civilisation occidentale un nouveau code de conduite morale et non une renaissance de l'ancien." Entendre par ancien le christianisme. Nadine a aussi écrit ceci: "les valeurs morales qu'on peut rappeler ne sont pas celles du christianisme, qui a laissé des plaies trop profondes dans les âmes occidentales." Cela veut dire que pour elle le Christianisme est à écarter, c'est la raison pour laquelle elle croit que la civilisation occidentale a besoin d'un nouveau code de conduite morale en lieu et place du christianisme. Comme beaucoup de personnes Nadine fait l'amalgame entre le christianisme et l'Église catholique. Outre que l'église catholique n'a pas commis que des erreurs, elle est loin d'avoir personnifié le christianisme et la chrétienté. Elle a au moins le mérite d'avoir préservé son message intact durant deux millénaires. Ceux qui parlent de remplacer le christianisme en tant que code moral devraient savoir que les tentatives de le remplacer n'ont pas manqué, la première, la plus ancienne, la plus durable et la plus opiniâtre c'est l'islam. Le communisme et le nazisme sont les plus récentes et nous savons tous ce que ces tentatives ont produit. Ce qui distingue le christianisme de toutes les autres "solutions" qui ont échoué c'est qu'il est un "système ouvert" qui établit la liberté et la dignité de la personne comme fondement de l'éthique. En d'autres termes dans le christianisme il n'y a pas de code moral possible sans le respect de la liberté et de la dignité de l'être humain. Un nouveau code moral "non-chrétien" qui respecterait la liberté et la dignité de la personne serait dans ce cas un code moral chrétien quelque soit le nom qu'on lui donnera. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi certains s'acharnent à vouloir réinventer la roue! La trinité (trikaya) existe aussi dans le Bouddhisme : voici un quatrain des "Souhaits du Mahamoudra" de Rangdjoung Dordgé : Observant les phénomènes : il n'est point de phénomènes, on voit l'esprit Observant l'esprit : il n'est point d'Esprit, il est vide d'essence Observant les deux : la saisie dualiste d'elle-même se libère Puisse la Claire Lumière ultime état de l'esprit être réalisé. autre traduction du même texte : Tous les phénomènes sont une projection de l'esprit L'esprit ? Il n'est point d'esprit, sa nature est vacuité Vide, il est illimité et tout peut y apparaître Puisse etc... Le "monde manifesté" est de même nature que le "corps du bouddha", et la "rédemption" est de "réaliser" l'unité des 3 "Corps". Méthode : méditation, compassion et lutte contre le déni de réalité ("Ignorance"). L'islam est une dualité fondamentale (comme la doctrine du prophète Mani) : le pauvre vermisseau humain corrompu contre le tandem "allah-mahomet". Dualité = duel éternel dans l'âme et dans la société. La seule paix possible est, dans ce cas, celle des cimetières. @ Olaf, "Quand les fruits de ces recherches seront de plus en plus publiés, quelle sera la réaction des musulmans?" La réaction de la majorité des musulmans sera celle de leurs savants et de leurs chercheurs. Ces derniers sont parfaitement au courant de l'imposture, je vous cite: "imposture de la prophétie de Mahomet, fabriquée après sa mort, imposture de la Mecque, ville nouvelle créée après Mahomet pour assouvir le besoin de ville sainte de la nouvelle religion, et surtout, surtout, imposture du coran..." Les savants n'ignorent rien mais absolument rien de ces impostures mais ils n'en continuent pas moins à en garantir la véracité. Mais pourquoi? Parce qu'ils n'ont pas le choix! Je vous donne un exemple. Le coran est rempli de fautes d'accord et de grammaire qu'un élève de cinquième année n'est pas supposé commettre. Or les savants musulmans affirment qu'il est la parole d'Allah et qu'Allah ne peut pas commettre de fautes, comment donc les expliquer ou les justifier ? Réponse des savants, des linguistes et des grammairiens: "la règle de grammaire est modifiée en faveur d'Allah, tout autre que lui commettrait une faute, lui seul en est exempté !!!" Et voilà ce n'est pas plus compliqué que ça. Autre exemple: dans le coran Marie mère de Jésus est appelée sœur d'Aaron, or Aaron a vécu 1200 ans avant Marie, sauf que le hasard a fait que sa sœur s'appelait aussi Marie. Erreur historique fatale pour Allah ou plutôt pour le cancre qui a rédigé les versets en question. Là encore les savants musulmans se lancent dans des acrobaties et des pirouettes invraisemblables pour masquer l'erreur sans y parvenir, à bout d'arguments ils finissent par nier l'évidence: il n'y a pas d'erreur parce que le coran est la parole d'Allah et Allah ne se trompe jamais. Le raisonnement circulaire est une pratique courante dans l'islam. Comme je l'ai déjà dit, l'islam est un château de cartes qui tient par le mensonge et la terreur. Les savants musulmans n'ont d'autres choix que mentir ou plutôt nier l'évidence, ce qui revient au même. L'alternative c'est quoi ? Reconnaître l'erreur, avouer qu'Allah s'est trompé ou que le coran n'est pas la parole d'Allah ? Ce serait comme éternuer à côté du château de cartes... et provoquer l'effondrement de l'édifice islamique au complet. Face à l'évidence une minorité appréciable de musulmans perdra la foi mais pourra-t-elle se manifester ouvertement sans risquer sa sécurité ? Tous les ex-musulmans vous diront que c'est très dangereux de mettre en doute ne fut-ce qu'un détail secondaire du dogme islamique. Allah a la dent dure et le bras long ! Hélios d'Alexandrie Rédigé par : "Tous les ex-musulmans vous diront que c'est très dangereux de mettre en doute ne fut-ce qu'un détail secondaire du dogme islamique. Allah a la dent dure et le bras long !" Sa dent est cariée.. et son bras est brisée par le dénie des Imams. Merci pour vos réponses éclairées. Merci à Angélique pour ses réponses éclairée. @ Hélios Vraiment ? Vous pensez que tous les savants "savent" à propos de la supercherie ? Inventer des récits abracadabrantesques pour justifier le voyage nocturne, la sororité de Marie, ou telle incohérence par-ci par-là, c'est une chose. Etre confronté à la preuve fondamentale de la falsification complète en est une autre ... Je pense là aux travaux de Gallez, qui sonnent comme un coup de tonnerre. Ils révèlent la vraie origine de cette religion, et la renvoient définitivement aux poubelles de l'histoire. C'est repris sur youtube par Dajmila dans une série de vidéos (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orWMY9LsZLk&list=PL006D653D609DC0D5&index=12&feature=plpp_video). Il faudrait que j'écrive un papier pour vulgariser un peu les résultats de tout cela. Je le confirme, parce que c'est écrit en toutes lettres dans leurs bouquins et ça ne date pas d'aujourd'hui mais du neuvième et du dixième siècle. Les savants musulmans qui, faut-il le rappeler, étaient érudits (ils avaient entre les mains les auteurs antiques et les écrits des juifs et des chrétiens) se sont rendus à l'évidence, le coran est bourré d'erreurs de toutes sortes et d'incongruités, il contient des mots qui n'ont aucun sens ni en arabe ni en aucune autre langue, et un verset sur cinq est totalement incompréhensible. Il existe mêmes des ouvrages qui traitent du, tenez-vous bien: "gharib al qoraan" ce qui se traduit par: "le bizarre dans le coran !" Ces auteurs étaient mandatés par le calife pour défendre l'origine divine du coran, ils n'avaient donc pas le droit d'en faire une critique objective. Ils étaient chargés de répliquer aux critiques des chrétiens qui se faisaient un malin plaisir de dénicher toutes et chacune des erreurs commises par Allah. Dans le cadre de leur mandat ils ont essayé d'être aussi objectifs que la marge de manœuvre octroyée le permettait. Sachant que leur vie était menacée, il ne faut pas les blâmer s'ils ont fait un usage excessif de l'argument d'autorité. Leur conclusion habituelle à l'effet que l'erreur en question en est une pour tout autre qu'Allah était la seule possible, elle leur permettait de clore le débat et de sauver leur tête. Les compilateurs des hadiths comme Boukhari avaient à choisir entre six cent mille hadiths, tous apocryphes. Imaginez six cent mille hadiths emmagasinés dans les mémoires d'hommes et transmis de bouche à oreille durant plus de deux cents ans! Du n'importe quoi, Boukhari a choisi les hadiths les plus appropriés à la rédaction des lois, il a reconstitué la chaîne (fictive) des transmetteurs pour en valider "l'authenticité", le reste, il l'a éliminé. Les coranistes et à leur tête Ahmed Sobhy Mansour ne reconnaissent pas l'authenticité des hadiths. Leurs arguments sont irréfutables et pas un seul spécialiste des hadiths n'a été capable de leur répliquer. Que leur est-il arrivé? Mansour a été mis en prison dans les années 80 et il a dû émigrer par la suite, il vit actuellement aux États Unis; sans surprise il reçoit régulièrement des menaces de mort. Qui entend parler de lui en Égypte? Personne, ses travaux et ses opinions sont disponibles sur son site mais le moindre des imams salafistes autoproclamés a dix fois plus d'audience que lui. Il faut se rendre à l'évidence, le monde musulman est dans le déni, apportez la preuve la plus convaincante aux yeux des musulmans, ils la refuseront. Heureusement une minorité parmi les musulmans accepte l'évidence. Le travail que nous faisons sert principalement à informer les non-musulmans pour qu'ils soient mieux outillés face aux islamistes et aux idiots utiles de l'islam. Ceci dit j'ai hâte de lire votre papier sur le sujet Hélios d'Alexandrie Rédigé par : Bonjour Hélios, Je ne me rappelle plus de la source (je croyais que c'était Irshad Manji dans son premier livre mais je n'ai rien trouvé même en le relisant deux-trois fois) mais quelqu'un a fait le calcul suivant: prendre l'âge de Boukhari à sa mort, considérer qu'il ne fait absolument rien d'autre que ces hadiths et diviser celles-ci par leur le nombre. Ça fait seulement 20 minutes par hadith, un chiffre complètement irréaliste selon l'auteur de ce calcul. Michèle D. | @ Michèle D Il ne s'agit pas de Boukhari mais de Mahomet. Les six cent mille hadiths ne pouvaient en aucune façon être attribuée à une seul personne, justement parce qu'elle aurait passé sa vie à produire des hadiths,sans dormir, sans manger et sans prier (cinq fois par jour, c'est long), sans faire la guerre et sans "honorer" ses nombreuses épouses. Les musulmans reconnaissent de bon gré que la majorité des hadiths sont faux, ils se basent sur Boukhari qui les a compilés et les évalués. Les hadiths jugés sahih ce qui signifie véridiques (authentiques), sont clairement séparés des hadiths jugés faibles. Mais les critères du jugement ne sont pas connus et malgré les "assurances" que donne Boukhari, rien ne permet de prendre pour argent comptant ce qu'il affirme. Les hadiths ont été créés pour donner un contexte "historique" aux passages obscurs du coran et pour expliquer le pourquoi des différentes révélations; sans les hadiths le coran est incompréhensible. En retour le coran est utilisé pour authentifier les hadiths, ceux qui vont dans le même sens que le coran sont authentiques, ceux qui contredisent le coran ne le sont pas. Mais quoi penser et quoi décider quand le coran contredit le coran? Là c'est différent parce que le coran c'est la parole d'Allah, quand Allah dit une chose et son contraire, son commandement le plus récent abroge le commandement qu'il contredit, ne saviez-vous pas qu'Allah est puissant et omniscient. Merci Helios, je note néanmoins certains points qui me chifonne: si l'Iran tombe alors je crainds qu'un Islam uni ne se forme, car si l'Iran tombe ainsi que sa théocratie, le champ est alors libre pour les sunnites, ces derniers considéeant les Chiites comme des sectaires. Maintenir l'Iran c'est maintenir la division au sein de l'Islam... D'autres part, mes espoirs sont très faibles quant à la destruction de l'Islam car il y a un point que tu as cité, le diable en personne n'aime pas les juifs, l'Islam non plus, et il se trouve que par hasard, le foyer juif et le foyer islamique sont en face en face, quel curieux hasard, j'ai presque envi de relir le passage de la bible, où Ezéchiel, nous cite 25 hommes qui prient en direction de l'Orient sur le temple de Jérusalem (peut-être serait-ce la métaphore de la mosquée d'Alaxa...) stop avec les prophéties mais hélas peu d'espoir... Ce qui manquait au nazisme, c'était une tête immortelle, une vrai idole immortelle, et un homme intouchable: désormais les deux ingrédiants sont en présence, un prétendu Dieu décrit en intégralité et donnant des ordres éternels par son Prophète Mahommed, un guide de guerre comme Hitler... Rédigé par : Jean | Je pense qu'il est urgent à tous de lire et d’étudier un livre phénomène, qui nous apprend des choses sur la puissance de l'argumentation islamique pour détruire les l'universalisme des valeurs occidentales, le livre se nomme De l'idéologie islamique française éloge d'une insoumission à la modernité. Écrit par idéologue de islamisme français. Une véritable bible du prêt à penser conçut pour détruire toutes les bases de la philosophie politique occidentale. Ceux qui le liront comprendront la grossière erreur de caricaturer nos ennemis, ils sont loin, trés loin d'être des barbares incultes et moyen-ageux. La preuve est que malgré tout, l'islamisme ne cesse de progresser partout, alors que cela fait 30 ans que l'on annonce sa mort, et même plus d'un siécle si on lit les premieres études des orientalistes.... Il y a un bug dans notre manière de concevoir l'islam d'ou notre echec, il faut cesser les caricatures, et céder à la facilité et comprendre que le pb est sérieux!!!!! Montségurien | "L'islam,...,s’avère incapable de suivre, ne fut-ce que de loin, le courant de la civilisation." C'est pas grave. La civilisation n'a qu'a changer. L'on trouve des communautés qui décident de vivre "autrement". Il est possible de vivre sans ce "progrès", cette "civilisation" qui ne sont que des concepts mentaux. Vous croyez que les enfants de Gaza, qui voient des émissions pour enfants, pleins de jolies couleurs, avec une mauvaise copie de Mickey comme animateur, et qui se voient répétés que "Sans islam, il n'y aurait pas de civilisation", vous croyez que ces enfants-là deviendront des libres-penseurs? Là où l'islam s'impose, la civilisation s'arrête. Les dirigeants ne recherche que le pouvoir. Pourquoi instruire les gens? Pourquoi laisser la liberté d'expression? Et ces notions ne sont malheureusement pas aussi naturelles que bien des gens le pensent. J'yCroix Pas | « Un dernier élément et non le moindre a trait à l’affaiblissement moral de l’occident. La modernité s’est accompagnée d’une perte de mémoire de ce que nous fûmes, des sacrifices que nos ancêtres ont consentis et des valeurs spirituelles qu’ils ont embrassées pour édifier cette civilisation qui est la nôtre. À cet oubli délibéré s’est ajoutée une autocritique outrancière qui a eu pour conséquence de dévaloriser notre passé et notre culture. Mais la sévérité des critiques s’est exercée exclusivement sur notre civilisation,… » D’ores et déjà c’est faux. Au fil des siècles en particulier depuis la révolution de 1789 le peuple de France en a eut assez de la domination sanguinaire des monarques et leurs « amis zélés » de la chrétienté avec le vatican en tête. Celui-ci a perdu momentanément le pouvoir à l’époque. Il le retrouve peu à peu, au fil des décennies, au travers des républicains quels que soit la couleurs politique des croyants inféodés. La loi de 1905 n’a pas été inventée pour les beaux yeux de la princesse, mais pour les princes et autres monarques qui aujourd’hui encore, sont, (grâce aux moyens financiers leur permettant d’aller s’instruire là ou le serf ne peu aller) dans les pouvoirs et dans les finances, en occupant des postes à très hautes responsabilité et valeurs ajoutées. La chrétienté et ses mensonges à tous niveaux notamment sur l’existence aux divinités, l’enfer et le paradis perdu, s’est prise dans son propre piège tendu depuis l’époque des Pharaons et ce, malgré sa puissance de domination par la ruse et par la force mais aussi par l’argent. Nous faire « croire » qu’il faut –croare– du verbe croasser, aux valeurs de la chrétienté sinon on sombre dans le marasme, la fin du monde ou encore dans l’islamisation, c’est encore nous prendre pour des zozos. -Ils sont les seuls responsables de l’islamisation mondial ./ la chrétienté et ses inféodés de politiciens sont -seuls- responsables du désastre économique, financier et moral de l’Europe, des USA et de bien d’autres pays soumis aux religieux comme en HAÏTI par exemple.Ne soyez pas étonnés que les finances islamiques arrivent un jour dans ces pays uniquement pour en faire des nouvelles zones d’influence, car la chrétienté et ses industriels se foutent complètement des ces pauvres humains, prouvez moi le contraire, merci et amen. (voyez ou en est l’Afrique chrétienne…c’est la honte) Le nazisme est né grâce à eux, ils ne doivent pas renier l’histoire. Le communisme est né grâce à eux également pour les raisons déjà évoquées. La morale de la chrétienté c’est quoi? Les valeurs de la chrétienté c’est quoi? Si elles avaient eut de la valeur comme celle de l’or physique, chaque citoyen vendrait une partie de ses biens pour en acquérir, ce n’est plus ou pas le cas.Soyez sûr que les peuples se seraient bien gardé de devenir des communistes, des nazis ou autres révolutionnaires -évolutionnaires– qui ont fait l’histoire des peuples et des nations. Demain dans les écoles il faut défendre les valeurs de la LIBERTÉ inventées par les peuples car, au cas ou certains ne l’auraient pas remarqué, c’est à cause d’elles et des SCIENTIFIQUES que l’Occident a avancé et s’est modernisé. Certainement pas par la « grâce » des religions et leurs religieux avec leur belle morale pour neuneus. Si on apprend aux enfants ce –qu’est la Liberté– la Laïcité -cinq- étoiles (pas celle au rabais qui nous est imposée pour les besoin de la cause monarchique et pétrolière) pourquoi il faut la protéger, à quoi elle sert l’être humain dans son évolution, la conséquence sera que l’islam ou tout autre concept obscurantiste n’aura aucun avenir. Pour l’instant on en est très loin. Les « croyances » sur la vie, la naissance, la mort de la chrétienté ou tout autre religion n’ont pas à exister; elles n’ont plus à être « greffées » honteusement aux gamins, le monde de demain ainsi que nos enfants ne s’en porteront que mieux. Dans le cas contraire, ils vivront des conflits sans fin, identiques à ceux que nos ancêtres et nous, vivons depuis plus de deux milles douze ans. Je n’ai pas lu la totalité de l’article, j’y reviendrai car je ne suis pas en désaccord sur tout…heureusement. Malis says: 9 novembre 2012 at 6 h 05 min Très bon commentaire , Pierre NOËL , j’ espère que vous le publierez sur le site « source » ! Pierre NOËL | À Pierre Noël, tout ce verbiage d'athée ne me touche guère, les athées ont fondé les idéologies du vingtième siècle et elles s'écroulent. Finalement vous rêvez vous aussi d'endoctriner tout le monde sous votre pensée supposément parfaite, selon vous.....enfin..encore et encore partout de petits Karl Marx etc etc....Votre liberté cinq étoiles c'est quoi après un tremblement de terre où il n'y rien à manger et aucun abri? Grand parleur, petit faiseur. @ Pierre Noël, Votre laborieux commentaire confirme plutôt qu'il n'invalide mes affirmations au sujet de la perte de mémoire de ce que nous fûmes. La civilisation occidentale est constamment en marche, elle n'est jamais stationnaire, quand elle ne progresse pas, elle tend à régresser. On pourrait même dire qu'elle est en tension continue avec les éléments qui la tirent vers le bas. Vous vous plaisez à confondre les principes sur lesquels elle s'est bâtie avec les ornières dans lesquels elle est tombée tout au long de son histoire. Ce que vous vous refusez de reconnaître c'est que sa marche en direction du progrès ne s'est jamais arrêtée. Que vous l'admettiez ou non c'est elle qui entraine le monde depuis plus de deux mille ans. Cette civilisation, ne vous en déplaise, tire son origine de la philosophie grecque et de la Bible, en d'autres termes du mariage de la raison et de la foi, elle est à la fois rationnelle et religieuse. Ceux qui comme vous nient le rôle de la foi et cherchent à l'extraire de l'essence de notre civilisation commettent une erreur monumentale, celle de falsifier la réalité et mutiler la mémoire. Car la civilisation ce n'est pas les princes qui ont fait la guerre ni les clercs qui leur ont donné la bénédiction, ce sont les femmes et les hommes qui à travers les siècles ont construit ce magnifique édifice physique, culturel et spirituel, et qui nous l'ont légué comme patrimoine à préserver, à enrichir et à transmettre aux prochaines générations. Les idéologies utopiques sont la source des dangers qui ont menacé notre civilisation: le communisme, le nazisme et l'islam. Les dénominateurs communs qui les unissent: leur caractère totalitaire, leur profond mépris de la vie et leur volonté de détruire la raison et la foi judéo-chrétienne. Mais il existe actuellement une autre idéologie utopique qui est plus insidieuse, elle s'exprime par le relativisme des valeurs et des cultures, par la rectitude politique, par la censure mentale, par une laïcité aussi radicale qu'à sens unique ciblant exclusivement le christianisme, par la haine de soi et par la repentance. Cette idéologie est inculquée à nos enfants dans les écoles et elle est également diffusée par les médias, ceux qui l'imposent ne tolèrent ni critique ni opinion contraire, ils n'assassinent pas leurs opposants mais les diffament et les stigmatisent. Les champions de cette utopie sont les descendants de ceux qui se sont jadis compromis avec le nazisme et le stalinisme, comme eux ils se sont laissés prendre par la tentation totalitaire, il n'est donc pas étonnant de les voir s'allier avec l'islam radical. En occident la haine du christianisme est à l'heure actuelle la seule haine religieuse légitimée, on peut même dire banalisée par les bien-pensants. Ceux qui crachent sans s'inquiéter sur le christianisme, se montrent habituellement obséquieux à l'égard de l'islam, c'est compréhensible, les terroristes intellectuels ne peuvent que s'incliner devant les terroristes tout court; et malheur à qui osera critiquer, même du bout des lèvres, l'islam, car il verra dirigée contre lui la rage haineuse des islamistes et des bien-pensants. C'est cette alliance des bien-pensants et des islamistes qui, en dernière analyse, prête main-forte à l'islam et empêche son effondrement. Ceux qui s'inquiètent des avancées de l'islam tout en poursuivant leurs diatribes contre le christianisme, se tirent dans le pied: sans le savoir ils se font les auxiliaires involontaires de leur ennemi. Au moins pour la France, je peux donner un nom à ceux qui s'attaquent en permanence et de façon extrêmement pernicieuse au christianisme. Il s'agit tout simplement des "francs"-maçons qui en France investissent de façon souterraine tous les domaines des médias, de la justice et de la politique. L'actuel président est sa clique sont d'ailleurs des "francs" maçons notables. Outre le fait de magouiller et de tremper dans des tas de malversations judiciaires et financières la "franc maçonnerie française est largement responsable du relativisme, de l'islamophilie et des attaques continuelles contre les Chrétiens. Rédigé par : Arthur | 13/11/2012 à 06:12 Rédigé par : Arthur | Comme d'habitude, votre etude est concise, Helios. Meme sujet, je vous suggere vivement ces 16 chapitres : Theory of islamic expansion and decline. http://islamicexpansionanddecline.blogspot.fr/2007/04/theory-of-islamic-expansion-and-decline.html ainsi que les 14 chapitres : How Islam Came To India And Why Now It Needs To Go From India http://dikgaj.wordpress.com/how-islam-came-to-india-and-why-now-it-needs-to-go-from-india/ Bonne lecture. ouphe |
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[33400, 33703, 0.0], [33703, 34894, 0.0], [34894, 34901, 0.0], [34901, 35362, 0.0], [35362, 35512, 0.0], [35512, 35718, 0.0], [35718, 35886, 0.0], [35886, 35901, 0.0], [35901, 35998, 0.0], [35998, 36049, 0.0], [36049, 36215, 0.0], [36215, 36511, 0.0], [36511, 36766, 0.0], [36766, 36781, 0.0], [36781, 37312, 0.0], [37312, 38087, 0.0], [38087, 38366, 0.0], [38366, 38640, 0.0], [38640, 39167, 0.0], [39167, 39311, 0.0], [39311, 39733, 0.0], [39733, 40068, 0.0], [40068, 40446, 0.0], [40446, 40838, 0.0], [40838, 40949, 0.0], [40949, 40961, 0.0], [40961, 40991, 0.0], [40991, 41085, 0.0], [41085, 41099, 0.0], [41099, 41114, 0.0], [41114, 41237, 0.0], [41237, 41553, 0.0], [41553, 41568, 0.0], [41568, 41700, 0.0], [41700, 42291, 0.0], [42291, 43042, 0.0], [43042, 44172, 0.0], [44172, 44705, 0.0], [44705, 45048, 0.0], [45048, 45186, 0.0], [45186, 45344, 0.0], [45344, 45423, 0.0], [45423, 45664, 0.0], [45664, 45718, 0.0], [45718, 45727, 0.0], [45727, 45778, 0.0], [45778, 45834, 0.0], [45834, 45875, 0.0], [45875, 45974, 0.0], [45974, 46003, 0.0], [46003, 46065, 0.0], [46065, 46156, 0.0], [46156, 46171, 0.0], [46171, 46178, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 49, 7.0], [49, 133, 13.0], [133, 182, 5.0], [182, 392, 35.0], [392, 743, 58.0], [743, 960, 29.0], [960, 1004, 6.0], [1004, 1267, 37.0], [1267, 1529, 42.0], [1529, 1765, 39.0], [1765, 2174, 57.0], [2174, 2481, 45.0], [2481, 3480, 157.0], [3480, 4135, 107.0], [4135, 4801, 101.0], [4801, 5988, 203.0], [5988, 6581, 99.0], [6581, 7141, 86.0], [7141, 7903, 122.0], [7903, 8499, 93.0], [8499, 9159, 105.0], [9159, 11228, 308.0], [11228, 11310, 10.0], [11310, 11331, 4.0], [11331, 11338, 1.0], [11338, 11932, 93.0], [11932, 12843, 146.0], [12843, 12860, 2.0], [12860, 13173, 50.0], [13173, 13184, 1.0], [13184, 13198, 2.0], [13198, 14276, 165.0], [14276, 14376, 16.0], [14376, 14383, 1.0], [14383, 14651, 40.0], [14651, 14846, 34.0], [14846, 14995, 24.0], [14995, 15225, 32.0], [15225, 15344, 21.0], [15344, 15453, 19.0], [15453, 15465, 1.0], [15465, 15689, 36.0], [15689, 15736, 6.0], [15736, 15886, 24.0], [15886, 16057, 30.0], [16057, 16214, 23.0], [16214, 16323, 18.0], [16323, 16415, 14.0], [16415, 16505, 18.0], [16505, 16514, 1.0], [16514, 16535, 3.0], [16535, 17527, 168.0], [17527, 17715, 31.0], [17715, 18189, 74.0], [18189, 18687, 89.0], [18687, 18701, 1.0], [18701, 18909, 37.0], [18909, 19241, 56.0], [19241, 19472, 36.0], [19472, 19760, 46.0], [19760, 19946, 29.0], [19946, 20144, 34.0], [20144, 20575, 66.0], [20575, 20980, 68.0], [20980, 21292, 52.0], [21292, 21312, 2.0], [21312, 21334, 2.0], [21334, 21388, 10.0], [21388, 21756, 60.0], [21756, 21929, 28.0], [21929, 22134, 33.0], [22134, 22180, 8.0], [22180, 22198, 2.0], [22198, 22217, 2.0], [22217, 22451, 39.0], [22451, 22624, 28.0], [22624, 22839, 36.0], [22839, 23155, 47.0], [23155, 23484, 56.0], [23484, 23826, 60.0], [23826, 24001, 30.0], [24001, 24081, 12.0], [24081, 24206, 18.0], [24206, 24280, 11.0], [24280, 24348, 10.0], [24348, 24410, 9.0], [24410, 24473, 10.0], [24473, 24506, 5.0], [24506, 24558, 8.0], [24558, 24616, 9.0], [24616, 24664, 9.0], [24664, 24678, 2.0], [24678, 24805, 22.0], [24805, 24888, 11.0], [24888, 25152, 40.0], [25152, 25160, 1.0], [25160, 25268, 18.0], [25268, 25794, 84.0], [25794, 25809, 2.0], [25809, 26365, 93.0], [26365, 26990, 106.0], [26990, 27436, 72.0], [27436, 27749, 50.0], [27749, 27782, 4.0], [27782, 27955, 30.0], [27955, 28023, 14.0], [28023, 28058, 5.0], [28058, 28104, 7.0], [28104, 28195, 14.0], [28195, 28345, 21.0], [28345, 28618, 44.0], [28618, 28864, 27.0], [28864, 29011, 26.0], [29011, 29532, 87.0], [29532, 30263, 122.0], [30263, 30715, 71.0], [30715, 31312, 101.0], [31312, 31463, 26.0], [31463, 31529, 8.0], [31529, 31693, 25.0], [31693, 31779, 15.0], [31779, 31795, 2.0], [31795, 32242, 76.0], [32242, 32255, 2.0], [32255, 32267, 2.0], [32267, 32608, 58.0], [32608, 33027, 68.0], [33027, 33400, 61.0], [33400, 33703, 49.0], [33703, 34894, 202.0], [34894, 34901, 1.0], [34901, 35362, 70.0], [35362, 35512, 23.0], [35512, 35718, 36.0], [35718, 35886, 31.0], [35886, 35901, 1.0], [35901, 35998, 14.0], [35998, 36049, 8.0], [36049, 36215, 26.0], [36215, 36511, 47.0], [36511, 36766, 38.0], [36766, 36781, 2.0], [36781, 37312, 83.0], [37312, 38087, 134.0], [38087, 38366, 47.0], [38366, 38640, 45.0], [38640, 39167, 82.0], [39167, 39311, 26.0], [39311, 39733, 71.0], [39733, 40068, 57.0], [40068, 40446, 64.0], [40446, 40838, 72.0], [40838, 40949, 19.0], [40949, 40961, 2.0], [40961, 40991, 8.0], [40991, 41085, 17.0], [41085, 41099, 2.0], [41099, 41114, 3.0], [41114, 41237, 20.0], [41237, 41553, 48.0], [41553, 41568, 2.0], [41568, 41700, 21.0], [41700, 42291, 100.0], [42291, 43042, 129.0], [43042, 44172, 179.0], [44172, 44705, 79.0], [44705, 45048, 52.0], [45048, 45186, 23.0], [45186, 45344, 25.0], [45344, 45423, 11.0], [45423, 45664, 34.0], [45664, 45718, 8.0], [45718, 45727, 1.0], [45727, 45778, 7.0], [45778, 45834, 9.0], [45834, 45875, 6.0], [45875, 45974, 1.0], [45974, 46003, 5.0], [46003, 46065, 14.0], [46065, 46156, 1.0], [46156, 46171, 2.0], [46171, 46178, 1.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 49, 0.0], [49, 133, 0.0], [133, 182, 0.0], [182, 392, 0.0], [392, 743, 0.0], [743, 960, 0.0], [960, 1004, 0.3], [1004, 1267, 0.0], [1267, 1529, 0.0], [1529, 1765, 0.0], [1765, 2174, 0.0], [2174, 2481, 0.0], [2481, 3480, 0.0], [3480, 4135, 0.0], [4135, 4801, 0.0], [4801, 5988, 0.0], [5988, 6581, 0.0], [6581, 7141, 0.0], [7141, 7903, 0.0], [7903, 8499, 0.0], [8499, 9159, 0.0], [9159, 11228, 0.0], [11228, 11310, 0.1038961], [11310, 11331, 0.0], [11331, 11338, 0.0], [11338, 11932, 0.0], [11932, 12843, 0.00110375], [12843, 12860, 0.0], [12860, 13173, 0.0], [13173, 13184, 0.0], [13184, 13198, 0.0], [13198, 14276, 0.0], [14276, 14376, 0.0], [14376, 14383, 0.0], [14383, 14651, 0.03030303], [14651, 14846, 0.04255319], [14846, 14995, 0.02739726], [14995, 15225, 0.00881057], [15225, 15344, 0.0173913], [15344, 15453, 0.0], [15453, 15465, 0.0], [15465, 15689, 0.0], [15689, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 15886, 0.0], [15886, 16057, 0.0], [16057, 16214, 0.0], [16214, 16323, 0.0], [16323, 16415, 0.0], [16415, 16505, 0.0], [16505, 16514, 0.0], [16514, 16535, 0.0], [16535, 17527, 0.0], [17527, 17715, 0.0], [17715, 18189, 0.0], [18189, 18687, 0.0], [18687, 18701, 0.0], [18701, 18909, 0.0], [18909, 19241, 0.0], [19241, 19472, 0.0], [19472, 19760, 0.0], [19760, 19946, 0.0], [19946, 20144, 0.0], [20144, 20575, 0.0], [20575, 20980, 0.0], [20980, 21292, 0.0], [21292, 21312, 0.0], [21312, 21334, 0.0], [21334, 21388, 0.0], [21388, 21756, 0.0], [21756, 21929, 0.0], [21929, 22134, 0.0], [22134, 22180, 0.0], [22180, 22198, 0.0], [22198, 22217, 0.0], [22217, 22451, 0.0], [22451, 22624, 0.0], [22624, 22839, 0.0], [22839, 23155, 0.0], [23155, 23484, 0.0], [23484, 23826, 0.0], [23826, 24001, 0.0], [24001, 24081, 0.0], [24081, 24206, 0.0], [24206, 24280, 0.0], [24280, 24348, 0.0], [24348, 24410, 0.0], [24410, 24473, 0.0], [24473, 24506, 0.0], [24506, 24558, 0.0], [24558, 24616, 0.0], [24616, 24664, 0.0], [24664, 24678, 0.0], [24678, 24805, 0.00847458], [24805, 24888, 0.0], [24888, 25152, 0.0], [25152, 25160, 0.0], [25160, 25268, 0.0], [25268, 25794, 0.0], [25794, 25809, 0.0], [25809, 26365, 0.0], [26365, 26990, 0.00649351], [26990, 27436, 0.0], [27436, 27749, 0.0], [27749, 27782, 0.0], [27782, 27955, 0.0], [27955, 28023, 0.0], [28023, 28058, 0.0], [28058, 28104, 0.0], [28104, 28195, 0.0], [28195, 28345, 0.0], [28345, 28618, 0.0], [28618, 28864, 0.06140351], [28864, 29011, 0.0], [29011, 29532, 0.0], [29532, 30263, 0.0], [30263, 30715, 0.0], [30715, 31312, 0.00331675], [31312, 31463, 0.0], [31463, 31529, 0.0], [31529, 31693, 0.0], [31693, 31779, 0.0], [31779, 31795, 0.0], [31795, 32242, 0.00455581], [32242, 32255, 0.0], [32255, 32267, 0.0], [32267, 32608, 0.0], [32608, 33027, 0.0], [33027, 33400, 0.0], [33400, 33703, 0.0], [33703, 34894, 0.00171969], [34894, 34901, 0.0], [34901, 35362, 0.0], [35362, 35512, 0.0], [35512, 35718, 0.01005025], [35718, 35886, 0.0], [35886, 35901, 0.0], [35901, 35998, 0.0], [35998, 36049, 0.0], [36049, 36215, 0.0], [36215, 36511, 0.0], [36511, 36766, 0.0], [36766, 36781, 0.0], [36781, 37312, 0.0], [37312, 38087, 0.01017812], [38087, 38366, 0.0], [38366, 38640, 0.0], [38640, 39167, 0.0], [39167, 39311, 0.0], [39311, 39733, 0.0], [39733, 40068, 0.0], [40068, 40446, 0.0], [40446, 40838, 0.0], [40838, 40949, 0.0], [40949, 40961, 0.0], [40961, 40991, 0.27586207], [40991, 41085, 0.0], [41085, 41099, 0.0], [41099, 41114, 0.0], [41114, 41237, 0.0], [41237, 41553, 0.0], [41553, 41568, 0.0], [41568, 41700, 0.0], [41700, 42291, 0.0], [42291, 43042, 0.0], [43042, 44172, 0.0], [44172, 44705, 0.0], [44705, 45048, 0.0], [45048, 45186, 0.0], [45186, 45344, 0.0], [45344, 45423, 0.0], [45423, 45664, 0.0], [45664, 45718, 0.24489796], [45718, 45727, 0.0], [45727, 45778, 0.0], [45778, 45834, 0.03846154], [45834, 45875, 0.0], [45875, 45974, 0.07142857], [45974, 46003, 0.07692308], [46003, 46065, 0.0], [46065, 46156, 0.0], [46156, 46171, 0.0], [46171, 46178, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 49, 0.0], [49, 133, 0.0], [133, 182, 0.0], [182, 392, 0.0], [392, 743, 0.0], [743, 960, 0.0], [960, 1004, 0.0], [1004, 1267, 0.0], [1267, 1529, 0.0], [1529, 1765, 0.0], [1765, 2174, 0.0], [2174, 2481, 0.0], [2481, 3480, 0.0], [3480, 4135, 0.0], [4135, 4801, 0.0], [4801, 5988, 0.0], [5988, 6581, 0.0], [6581, 7141, 0.0], [7141, 7903, 0.0], [7903, 8499, 0.0], [8499, 9159, 0.0], [9159, 11228, 0.0], [11228, 11310, 0.0], [11310, 11331, 0.0], [11331, 11338, 0.0], [11338, 11932, 0.0], [11932, 12843, 0.0], [12843, 12860, 0.0], [12860, 13173, 0.0], [13173, 13184, 0.0], [13184, 13198, 0.0], [13198, 14276, 0.0], [14276, 14376, 0.0], [14376, 14383, 0.0], [14383, 14651, 0.0], [14651, 14846, 0.0], [14846, 14995, 0.0], [14995, 15225, 0.0], [15225, 15344, 0.0], [15344, 15453, 0.0], [15453, 15465, 0.0], [15465, 15689, 0.0], [15689, 15736, 0.0], [15736, 15886, 0.0], [15886, 16057, 0.0], [16057, 16214, 0.0], [16214, 16323, 0.0], [16323, 16415, 0.0], [16415, 16505, 0.0], [16505, 16514, 0.0], [16514, 16535, 0.0], [16535, 17527, 0.0], [17527, 17715, 0.0], [17715, 18189, 0.0], [18189, 18687, 0.0], [18687, 18701, 0.0], [18701, 18909, 0.0], [18909, 19241, 0.0], [19241, 19472, 0.0], [19472, 19760, 0.0], [19760, 19946, 0.0], [19946, 20144, 0.0], [20144, 20575, 0.0], [20575, 20980, 0.0], [20980, 21292, 0.0], [21292, 21312, 0.0], [21312, 21334, 0.0], [21334, 21388, 0.0], [21388, 21756, 0.0], [21756, 21929, 0.0], [21929, 22134, 0.0], [22134, 22180, 0.0], [22180, 22198, 0.0], [22198, 22217, 0.0], [22217, 22451, 0.0], [22451, 22624, 0.0], [22624, 22839, 0.0], [22839, 23155, 0.0], [23155, 23484, 0.0], [23484, 23826, 0.0], [23826, 24001, 0.0], [24001, 24081, 0.0], [24081, 24206, 0.0], [24206, 24280, 0.0], [24280, 24348, 0.0], [24348, 24410, 0.0], [24410, 24473, 0.0], [24473, 24506, 0.0], [24506, 24558, 0.0], [24558, 24616, 0.0], [24616, 24664, 0.0], [24664, 24678, 0.0], [24678, 24805, 0.0], [24805, 24888, 0.0], [24888, 25152, 0.0], [25152, 25160, 0.0], [25160, 25268, 0.0], [25268, 25794, 0.0], [25794, 25809, 0.0], [25809, 26365, 0.0], [26365, 26990, 0.0], [26990, 27436, 0.0], [27436, 27749, 0.0], [27749, 27782, 0.0], [27782, 27955, 0.0], [27955, 28023, 0.0], [28023, 28058, 0.0], [28058, 28104, 0.0], [28104, 28195, 0.0], [28195, 28345, 0.0], [28345, 28618, 0.0], [28618, 28864, 0.0], [28864, 29011, 0.0], [29011, 29532, 0.0], [29532, 30263, 0.0], [30263, 30715, 0.0], [30715, 31312, 0.0], [31312, 31463, 0.0], [31463, 31529, 0.0], [31529, 31693, 0.0], [31693, 31779, 0.0], [31779, 31795, 0.0], [31795, 32242, 0.0], [32242, 32255, 0.0], [32255, 32267, 0.0], [32267, 32608, 0.0], [32608, 33027, 0.0], [33027, 33400, 0.0], [33400, 33703, 0.0], [33703, 34894, 0.0], [34894, 34901, 0.0], [34901, 35362, 0.0], [35362, 35512, 0.0], [35512, 35718, 0.0], [35718, 35886, 0.0], [35886, 35901, 0.0], [35901, 35998, 0.0], [35998, 36049, 0.0], [36049, 36215, 0.0], [36215, 36511, 0.0], [36511, 36766, 0.0], [36766, 36781, 0.0], [36781, 37312, 0.0], [37312, 38087, 0.0], [38087, 38366, 0.0], [38366, 38640, 0.0], [38640, 39167, 0.0], [39167, 39311, 0.0], [39311, 39733, 0.0], [39733, 40068, 0.0], [40068, 40446, 0.0], [40446, 40838, 0.0], [40838, 40949, 0.0], [40949, 40961, 0.0], [40961, 40991, 0.0], [40991, 41085, 0.0], [41085, 41099, 0.0], [41099, 41114, 0.0], [41114, 41237, 0.0], [41237, 41553, 0.0], [41553, 41568, 0.0], [41568, 41700, 0.0], [41700, 42291, 0.0], [42291, 43042, 0.0], [43042, 44172, 0.0], [44172, 44705, 0.0], [44705, 45048, 0.0], [45048, 45186, 0.0], [45186, 45344, 0.0], [45344, 45423, 0.0], [45423, 45664, 0.0], [45664, 45718, 0.0], [45718, 45727, 0.0], [45727, 45778, 0.0], [45778, 45834, 0.0], [45834, 45875, 0.0], [45875, 45974, 0.0], [45974, 46003, 0.0], [46003, 46065, 0.0], [46065, 46156, 0.0], [46156, 46171, 0.0], [46171, 46178, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 49, 0.08163265], [49, 133, 0.01190476], [133, 182, 0.06122449], [182, 392, 0.01428571], [392, 743, 0.03703704], [743, 960, 0.00921659], [960, 1004, 0.04545455], [1004, 1267, 0.00380228], [1267, 1529, 0.00763359], [1529, 1765, 0.00847458], [1765, 2174, 0.00488998], [2174, 2481, 0.00651466], [2481, 3480, 0.00600601], [3480, 4135, 0.00610687], [4135, 4801, 0.00600601], [4801, 5988, 0.00758214], [5988, 6581, 0.0084317], [6581, 7141, 0.00714286], [7141, 7903, 0.01049869], [7903, 8499, 0.00671141], [8499, 9159, 0.00454545], [9159, 11228, 0.00821653], [11228, 11310, 0.07317073], [11310, 11331, 0.0952381], [11331, 11338, 0.0], [11338, 11932, 0.01346801], [11932, 12843, 0.02524698], [12843, 12860, 0.11764706], [12860, 13173, 0.00638978], [13173, 13184, 0.09090909], [13184, 13198, 0.14285714], [13198, 14276, 0.00649351], [14276, 14376, 0.01], [14376, 14383, 0.14285714], [14383, 14651, 0.02238806], [14651, 14846, 0.01538462], [14846, 14995, 0.04026846], [14995, 15225, 0.03043478], [15225, 15344, 0.03361345], [15344, 15453, 0.01834862], [15453, 15465, 0.08333333], [15465, 15689, 0.00892857], [15689, 15736, 0.0212766], [15736, 15886, 0.00666667], [15886, 16057, 0.00584795], [16057, 16214, 0.00636943], [16214, 16323, 0.00917431], [16323, 16415, 0.01086957], [16415, 16505, 0.01111111], [16505, 16514, 0.11111111], [16514, 16535, 0.14285714], [16535, 17527, 0.01915323], [17527, 17715, 0.00531915], [17715, 18189, 0.02953586], [18189, 18687, 0.03815261], [18687, 18701, 0.07142857], [18701, 18909, 0.01923077], [18909, 19241, 0.01204819], [19241, 19472, 0.01731602], [19472, 19760, 0.01041667], [19760, 19946, 0.00537634], [19946, 20144, 0.01010101], [20144, 20575, 0.00696056], [20575, 20980, 0.00987654], [20980, 21292, 0.00641026], [21292, 21312, 0.1], [21312, 21334, 0.09090909], [21334, 21388, 0.03703704], [21388, 21756, 0.0625], [21756, 21929, 0.01156069], [21929, 22134, 0.00487805], [22134, 22180, 0.02173913], [22180, 22198, 0.11111111], [22198, 22217, 0.10526316], [22217, 22451, 0.01709402], [22451, 22624, 0.00578035], [22624, 22839, 0.00930233], [22839, 23155, 0.01582278], [23155, 23484, 0.00607903], [23484, 23826, 0.00584795], [23826, 24001, 0.00571429], [24001, 24081, 0.0125], [24081, 24206, 0.048], [24206, 24280, 0.01351351], [24280, 24348, 0.02941176], [24348, 24410, 0.01612903], [24410, 24473, 0.04761905], [24473, 24506, 0.0], [24506, 24558, 0.01923077], [24558, 24616, 0.03448276], [24616, 24664, 0.02083333], [24664, 24678, 0.07142857], [24678, 24805, 0.01574803], [24805, 24888, 0.02409639], [24888, 25152, 0.01515152], [25152, 25160, 0.125], [25160, 25268, 0.00925926], [25268, 25794, 0.01140684], [25794, 25809, 0.06666667], [25809, 26365, 0.01618705], [26365, 26990, 0.0208], [26990, 27436, 0.01569507], [27436, 27749, 0.00958466], [27749, 27782, 0.09090909], [27782, 27955, 0.01156069], [27955, 28023, 0.02941176], [28023, 28058, 0.02857143], [28058, 28104, 0.04347826], [28104, 28195, 0.03296703], [28195, 28345, 0.01333333], [28345, 28618, 0.01465201], [28618, 28864, 0.06504065], [28864, 29011, 0.00680272], [29011, 29532, 0.00383877], [29532, 30263, 0.00957592], [30263, 30715, 0.01106195], [30715, 31312, 0.0201005], [31312, 31463, 0.00662252], [31463, 31529, 0.01515152], [31529, 31693, 0.00609756], [31693, 31779, 0.04651163], [31779, 31795, 0.125], [31795, 32242, 0.01118568], [32242, 32255, 0.15384615], [32255, 32267, 0.16666667], [32267, 32608, 0.01173021], [32608, 33027, 0.01193317], [33027, 33400, 0.00536193], [33400, 33703, 0.01650165], [33703, 34894, 0.01847187], [34894, 34901, 0.14285714], [34901, 35362, 0.00867679], [35362, 35512, 0.00666667], [35512, 35718, 0.00485437], [35718, 35886, 0.00595238], [35886, 35901, 0.06666667], [35901, 35998, 0.01030928], [35998, 36049, 0.03921569], [36049, 36215, 0.01204819], [36215, 36511, 0.01351351], [36511, 36766, 0.01960784], [36766, 36781, 0.2], [36781, 37312, 0.00753296], [37312, 38087, 0.00774194], [38087, 38366, 0.00716846], [38366, 38640, 0.00729927], [38640, 39167, 0.02087287], [39167, 39311, 0.01388889], [39311, 39733, 0.00947867], [39733, 40068, 0.06865672], [40068, 40446, 0.01058201], [40446, 40838, 0.00510204], [40838, 40949, 0.00900901], [40949, 40961, 0.08333333], [40961, 40991, 0.0], [40991, 41085, 0.06382979], [41085, 41099, 0.35714286], [41099, 41114, 0.2], [41114, 41237, 0.0], [41237, 41553, 0.01582278], [41553, 41568, 0.13333333], [41568, 41700, 0.00757576], [41700, 42291, 0.00846024], [42291, 43042, 0.00532623], [43042, 44172, 0.00442478], [44172, 44705, 0.00375235], [44705, 45048, 0.0058309], [45048, 45186, 0.01449275], [45186, 45344, 0.01265823], [45344, 45423, 0.01265823], [45423, 45664, 0.00829876], [45664, 45718, 0.05555556], [45718, 45727, 0.11111111], [45727, 45778, 0.03921569], [45778, 45834, 0.01785714], [45834, 45875, 0.02439024], [45875, 45974, 0.0], [45974, 46003, 0.0], [46003, 46065, 0.22580645], [46065, 46156, 0.0], [46156, 46171, 0.06666667], [46171, 46178, 0.0]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 46178, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 46178, 0.02226794]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 46178, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 46178, null]], 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Star Wars 9: Oscar Isaac promete que los fans "quedarán impresionados" con el final LUCASFILM - ARCHIVO Las expectativas con Star Wars Episodio IX son muy, muy altas. La película de J.J. Abrams no sólo cerrará la nueva trilogía, sino que además pondrá punto y final a la historia de la familia Skywalker. Y según el actor Oscar Isaac, que interpreta a Poe Dameron, los fans van a quedar "muy impresionados" con el final. Más de 40 años llevan esperando los fans de Star Wars a que la historia de Luke Skywalker y compañía llegue a su fin. Y a juzgar por el entusiasmo mostrado por el actor en una entrevista publicada por Movieweb, la película será todo lo que los fans esperan... y mucho más. "Fue lo más divertido que he hecho", aseguró el actor. "Ha habido mucha energía, mucha relajación y mucha emoción durante la producción. Y sabiendo que ésta es la conclusión, no sólo de nuestro tiempo en la franquicia, sino de las 9 películas de la saga Skywalker, diré que es simplemente increíble. Creo que los fans quedarán realmente impresionados". Si bien los comentarios de Isaac son muy prometedores para el fandom, no revelan ninguna pista de lo que Abrams tiene preparado en Star Wars 9. Sin embargo, el propio director también mostró su entusiasmo en una entrevista con Entertainment Tonight, donde aseguró que el público quedará "satisfecho". "Fue algo muy emotivo, y el elenco y el equipo hicieron un trabajo increíble", explicó el director. "No puedo esperar a que veáis lo que tenemos preparado. Tendréis que determinarlo vosotros mismos, pero realmente no puedo esperar a que lo veas. Hay mucha emoción y mucha pasión en esto, pero creo que quedaréis satisfechos". El desenlace de la historia de la familia Skywalker llegará a los cines el próximo 19 de diciembre de 2019, fecha de estreno prevista para Star Wars Episodio IX, aún sin título oficial.
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Login Zahlungsverkehr PLUS Firmenkunden und Vereine (Lastschrift & Dateiupload) Login VR-OnlineBanking (Neu) Firmenkunden und Vereine (Lastschrift & Dateiupload) Login FondsVermögensVerwaltung Änderungswunsch Internet-Banking Fernwartung / eBanking Support Ihre Volksbank Pressematerial zum Download Presse-Verteiler Lobby am Kesselbrink Kreditgeschäft verbucht fünftes Rekordjahr in Folge 5,9 Prozent Bilanz-Wachstum im Geschäftsjahr 2018 Bielefeld/Gütersloh. Mehr Firmenkundengeschäft – darunter eine wachsende Zahl von Start-ups, ein kräftiges Plus in der allgemeinen Kredit- und der Baufinanzierung, ein Anstieg der Gesamt-Bilanz um 5,9 Prozent auf 4,43 Milliarden Euro und der Abschluss eines der größten Bauprojekte in der Unternehmensgeschichte: Dies sind nur einige von vielen Gründen, warum die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh auf ein sehr erfolgreiches Geschäftsjahr 2018 zurückblickt. „Als führende Genossenschaftsbank in der Region haben wir unser Profil weiter geschärft“, berichtete der Vorstandsvorsitzende Thomas Sterthoff. Zum letzten Mal vor seinem Eintritt in den Ruhestand zum 1. Juli 2019 präsentierte er heute mit seinem Vorstandskollegen Michael Deitert und Reinhold Frieling die Geschäftszahlen 2018 in der Bielefelder Zentrale am Kesselbrink. „Privatkunden und Unternehmen bauen verstärkt auf unser ganzheitliches Angebot, auf unsere Ortsnähe und auf den Komfort, den wir ihnen mit vielfältigen digitalen Lösungen bieten.“ Das Erfolgsrezept basiere auf zwei wesentlichen Zutaten: „Wir beraten persönlich und erweitern gleichzeitig unsere digitalen Angebote und Services“, so Sterthoff weiter. Erfolgsrezept: Kompetente Berater und digitaler Service „Wir bleiben unserer Philosophie treu: Wir wollen alle Menschen in der Region mitnehmen, sprich die „Digital Natives“ und auch jene, die nicht ständig online unterwegs sind“, so Sterthoff. Ein Konzept, das offenbar überzeugt, denn die Zahl der Mitglieder ist 2018 weiter um 4.321 auf 109.600 gestiegen. Neben der Kundennähe zahle sich der einfache Zugang zu Online-Angeboten aus. Neukredite über 860 Millionen Euro Als wichtige Säule der Geschäftsentwicklung hat sich das Kreditgeschäft erwiesen. Die gesamten Kundenforderungen betrugen zum Stichtag 31. Dezember 2018 3,07 Milliarden Euro. Das sind 7,5 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Allein für Neukredite stellte das genossenschaftliche Kreditinstitut 860 Millionen Euro den Privatkunden, Investoren und der heimischen Wirtschaft im vergangenen Jahr zur Verfügung. Besonders erfreulich entwickelte sich das Geschäft mit Firmenkunden: Im Gesamtbestand legten die Firmenkundenkredite auf 567,6 Mio. Euro (plus 7,3 Prozent) zu. „Die heimische Wirtschaft schätzt uns als verlässlichen Finanzpartner. Unsere starke Marktposition hilft uns neues Geschäft zu generieren“, weiß Thomas Sterthoff. „Kompetente Beratung und kurze Entscheidungswege vor Ort sind für unsere Kunden wichtige Kriterien für eine Hausbankverbindung.“ Im Bereich der Baufinanzierungen vermittelte die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh im Geschäftsjahr 2018 zudem insgesamt 377,9 Millionen Euro an Immobilienkrediten beziehungsweise als Hypothekendarlehen im Verbund (+13,8 Prozent). Gestiegene Kundeneinlagen im schwierigen Börsenjahr Nach einem überdurchschnittlichen Wachstum im Jahr 2017 schwächte sich das Wertpapiergeschäft 2018 in der zweiten Jahreshälfte leicht ab. In einem schwierigen Börsenumfeld hat sich die Volksbank hier aber besser behauptet als der Markt. Dazu Thomas Sterthoff: „Der Aktienindex DAX sank 2018 um 18,26 Prozent. Dies blieb auch für unsere Kunden nicht ohne Folgen. Die Wertpapierbestände sind um 7,5 Prozent zurückgegangen. Das Volumen von 971 Mio. Euro zeigt jedoch, dass unsere Kunden weiterhin auf Wertpapiere als Teil ihrer Anlagestrategie setzen.“ Aufgrund dieser Börsenentwicklungen und der anhaltenden Niedrigzinssituation verwundert es wenig, dass auch die Kundeneinlagen um 7,5 Prozent auf 3,01 Milliarden Euro gestiegen sind. Nachhaltigkeitsinvest: In zehn Jahren ein Plus von 30,7 Prozent erzielt Das „grüne Geschäftsfeld“ floriert. Nachhaltige Geldanlagen liegen im Trend. Vielen Anlegern ist Nachhaltigkeit inzwischen genauso wichtig wie die Rendite. Mit dem Mischfonds Nachhaltigkeitsinvest hat die Volksbank frühzeitig Akzente gesetzt. Sie agiert mit dem eigenen Anlageprodukt besonders erfolgreich. „Binnen zehn Jahren hat der Nachhaltigkeitsinvest eine Wertentwicklung von plus 30,7 Prozent eingefahren und 2018 sogar zwischenzeitig die 100 Millionen-Euro-Marke überschritten“, berichtet Thomas Sterthoff. „Wir definieren Bank neu“ 2018 schloss die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh nach über zweijähriger Bauzeit eines ihrer größten Bauprojekte in der Unternehmensgeschichte ab: die revitalisierte Volksbank-Zentrale am Bielefelder Kesselbrink. „Mit ihr definieren wir Bank neu“, erläutert Sterthoff. Die Lobby ist ein neuartiger Treffpunkt für Austausch und Kommunikation. Wechselnde Themenwelten, Präsentation und Verkauf von regionalen Produkten, ein Stand zum Live-Testen der digitalen Angebote und ein ausgeklügeltes Gastronomie-Konzept mit hawaiianisch geprägten Spezialitäten, machen aus der Volksbank-Lobby einen Erlebnisort, wie man ihn von einer Bank nicht erwartet. Neue Veranstaltungsformate wie 12-Minutes-Me, Kreativmärkte oder ‚Ausgehen mit Freunden‘ bringen zusätzliche Besucher-Frequenz und spiegeln die Dynamik der neuen Zentrale am Kesselbrink wider. Mit den Investitionen im angrenzenden Wilhelmstraßen-Quartier ist zudem eine direkte Verbindung zur Innenstadt gelungen. Das Geschäftsjahr der Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh 2018 Bilanzsumme wächst um 5,9 Prozent Mit einer Bilanzsumme von 4,43 Milliarden Euro zum Stichtag 31. Dezember 2018 übertraf die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh das Vorjahresergebnis deutlich. Das bedeutet ein Plus von 5,9 Prozent. „Wir haben das Potenzial unserer starken regionalen Präsenz genutzt und konnten so in einem hart umkämpften Markt weiter zulegen“, sagt der Vorstandsvorsitzende Thomas Sterthoff. Die Mitglieder der Genossenschaftsbank dürfen sich nach seinen Worten auf eine angemessene Dividende freuen. Kreditgeschäft erzielt fünftes Rekordergebnis in Folge Motor des Wachstums war erneut das starke Kreditgeschäft. Mit einer Steigerung um 7,5 Prozent auf insgesamt 3,07 Milliarden Euro an Kundenforderungen wurde hier seit der Fusion im Jahr 2014 zum fünften Mal in Folge ein Rekordergebnis erzielt. Insgesamt stellte das genossenschaftliche Kreditinstitut im vergangenen Jahr 860 Millionen Euro an Neukrediten zur Verfügung – für Privatkunden ebenso wie für Investoren und die heimische Wirtschaft. Auf Unternehmen entfiel mit 567,6 Millionen Euro der größte Anteil (+7,3 Prozent). „Vor allem Firmenkunden investieren kräftig und schätzen uns als verlässlichen Finanzpartner, der in der Region präsent ist“, erklärt Sterthoff. „Unser Vorteil: schnelle Entscheidungen vor Ort.“ Immer mehr Mittelständler nutzen zudem die sogenannte Tandem-Betreuung der Volksbank. Jedem Unternehmer stehen dabei sowohl ein Firmenkunden- als auch ein Private-Banking-Berater für Vermögensfragen zur Seite. „Dieser ganzheitliche Beratungsansatz wird immer intensiver genutzt“, sagt Sterthoff. Dabei bewähren sich auch die Kompetenzzentren. Dort stehen Experten zu allen wichtigen Finanzfragen schnell und persönlich zur Verfügung. Baufinanzierungen Das Baufinanzierungsgeschäft hat sich erneut als Domäne der Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh erwiesen. Die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh vermittelte im Geschäftsjahr 2018 insgesamt 377,9 Millionen Euro an Immobilienkrediten beziehungsweise als Hypothekendarlehen im Verbund (+13,8 Prozent). Den Löwenanteil machten die neu abgeschlossenen Immobiliendarlehen aus. Sie legten um 14,2 Prozent auf 332,2 Millionen Euro zu. „Diese Entwicklung freut uns sehr. Sie kommt aber nicht überraschend, denn Zinsen sind weiterhin extrem günstig“, bilanziert Sterthoff. Der Bauboom wird sich seiner Ansicht nach fortsetzen: „Solange die Zinsen auf niedrigem Niveau verharren, bleiben Immobilien weiterhin gefragt. Das gilt für private Hausbauer ebenso wie für Investoren und Kapitalanleger, die nach einer attraktiven Rendite Ausschau halten.“ Unternehmensgründer und Start-ups Immer mehr Schwung kommt in den Bereich der Neugründungen und Start-ups. „Unsere Berater sind in den innovativen Netzwerken unseres Geschäftsgebietes aktiv und nah an den Themen bzw. Köpfen der künftigen Unternehmergeneration“, berichtet Thomas Sterthoff. „Als starker Partner der ostwestfälischen Start-up-Szene engagiert sich die Volksbank erfolgreich in den Gründer-Netzwerken.“ Berater der Volksbank haben 119 Anträge (Vorjahr: 82 Anträge) zur Gründung von Unternehmen und Start-ups begleitet – von Handwerksbetrieben bis Online-Medien-Agenturen. Das gesamte Kreditvolumen für die Existenzgründer lag bei 7,1 Millionen Euro. Devisenabsicherung: Zuwachs trotz schwankender Märkte Der Geschäftsbereich Internationales Geschäft war 2018 geprägt vom Handelsstreit zwischen den USA und China sowie angedrohten Zöllen gegen die EU. Zudem erschwerten Sanktionen gegen Russland und den Iran das internationale Geschäft der Unternehmen aus Ostwestfalen. So betreuten die Berater im Außenhandel 10.483 Transaktionen (-13,6 Prozent). „In den Mittelpunkt rückte zeitgleich die Absicherung der Export- und Importgeschäfte“, berichtet Thomas Sterthoff. „Ein Plus von 1,5 Prozent auf 6.173 entsprechende Devisengeschäfte zur Kurssicherung bestätigt, dass unsere Beratung und Expertise in diesem Segment gefragt sind.“ Vor allem im Raum Bielefeld haben viele Unternehmer die langjährige Beratungskompetenz der Volksbank für sich entdeckt Wertpapiergeschäft behauptet sich in schwierigem Umfeld Nach einem starken Wachstum in 2017 konnte sich das Wertpapiergeschäft 2018 dem schwierigen Börsenumfeld nicht entziehen. Es hat sich aber besser behauptet als der Gesamtmarkt. „Der Aktienindex DAX fiel 2018 deutlich um 18,26 Prozent. Unsere Wertpapierbestände reduzierten sich vor allem durch den Einbruch in der zweiten Jahreshälfte um 7,5 Prozent“, erklärt Thomas Sterthoff. Ein Volumen von 971 Mio. Euro bestätige dennoch, dass die Kunden weiterhin auf Wertpapiere als Teil ihrer Anlagestrategie setzen. Die gesamten Wertpapierumsätze – also die getätigten An- und Verkäufe – beliefen sich auf 405,4 Millionen Euro (-37,5 Prozent). „Die schwache Entwicklung der Kurse am Aktienmarkt hat hier zu Zurückhaltung geführt“, analysiert Sterthoff die Situation. Fondssparpläne als Einstiegsprodukt Insgesamt verändern die Kunden ihr Anlageverhalten. „Angesichts der Unsicherheit durch globale Handelsstreits und abflauende Konjunktur setzen die Kunden vor allem auf Sicherheit. Trotzdem wollen sie auch Gewinn erwirtschaften und zunehmend nachhaltig investieren“, erklärt Sterthoff. Fondssparpläne eignen sich als Einstiegsprodukt auch für Kunden ohne große Vermögen. Im letzten Jahr wurden 4.057 neue Fondssparpläne für die Kunden angelegt. Mischfonds Nachhaltigkeitsinvest besser als der DAX „Mit dem Nachhaltigkeitsinvest zeigt die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh nun seit zehn Jahren exemplarisch, wie sich verantwortungsbewusst attraktive Renditen im Fondsgeschäft erwirtschaften lassen“, erklärt Sterthoff. Der nachhaltige Mischfonds verzeichnete mit -8,4 Prozent 2018 zwar eine negative Wertentwicklung, schloss aber um fast 10 Prozent besser ab als der DAX. Zum Stichtag 31. Dezember 2018 haben die Anleger 94,1 Millionen Euro in den Nachhaltigkeitsinvest investiert (+3,5 Prozent). Mittelfristig profitieren die Anleger deutlich: Der Wertzuwachs in zehn Jahren summierte sich auf 30,7 Prozent. Eine starke Position hat sich die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh als Vermögensverwalter erarbeitet. 2018 betreuten die Volksbank-Mitarbeiter in diesem Segment 376 Mandate: 9,6 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Das verwaltete Volumen pendelte sich bei 257,8 Millionen Euro ein. „Vor allem im Vergleich zu Privat- und Großbanken schätzen die Kunden neben der Kompetenz und der gewachsenen Beziehungen unsere verlässliche Präsenz vor Ort. Das stärkt unsere Position als wichtiger Finanzpartner am Markt“, so Sterthoff. Vermögende Kunden, die im Job oder familiär stark eingebunden sind, fehle oft die Zeit, sich umfassend mit ihren Vermögenswerten zu beschäftigen. „Gerade diese anspruchsvollen Klienten vertrauen auf unseren ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Wir sind hier über hochqualifizierte Betreuung vor Ort organisch gewachsen und werden uns speziell in Bielefeld weiter etablieren“, äußert sich Thomas Sterthoff zuversichtlich. Insgesamt wuchs das verwaltete Gesamtvermögen 2018 – sprich die Summe aus Kundeneinlagen und Wertpapiergeschäft – um 3,5 Prozent auf 3,98 Milliarden Euro (2017: +3,5 Prozent). Kundeneinlagen weiter gestiegen Trotz der anhaltenden Niedrigzinsphase haben die Kundeneinlagen zugelegt (+7,5 Prozent) auf 3,01 Milliarden Euro. Zwar verzeichnete die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh bei Spareinlagen (wie dem klassischen Sparbuch) einen Rückgang um 1,5 Prozent. Hingegen nahmen die sogenannten Sichteinlagen (wie zum Beispiel Tagesgeldkonten) um fast 10 Prozent zu. „Das belegt das Vertrauen der Anleger in unsere Genossenschaftsbank – gerade auch in herausfordernden Zeiten“, so Sterthoff: „Doch die Kundeneinlagen verlieren durch Zinsen unterhalb der Inflation an Wert. Wer sein Geld arbeiten lassen will, dem empfehlen wir zeitgemäßere Anlageformen als Sparbuch oder Tagesgeldkonto.“ Geno Immobilien verstärkt als Entwickler aktiv Nach starken Wachstumsjahren hat die 100-prozentige Volksbank-Tochter Geno Immobilien 2018 ihre Marktposition weiter ausgebaut. Sie vermittelte im vergangenen Jahr 324 Verträge für Privat- und Gewerbeimmobilien, die Verkaufspreise in Höhe von 59,4 Millionen Euro erzielten. Zusätzlich beteiligt sie sich an vielen städtebaulichen Projekten: In Gütersloh standen zum Beispiel der Start der Arbeiten am Kaiserquartier und Investitionen im öffentlich geförderten Wohnungsbau auf dem Programm. Auf 10.000 Quadratmetern des Kaiserquartiers in der Gütersloher Innenstadt entsteht bis 2020 ein modernes Wohn- und Geschäftsviertel. Ende 2018 begannen die Erd- und Abrissarbeiten. In Wiedenbrück entsteht an der Hellingrottstraße ein 22.000 Quadratmeter großes Wohnquartier mit modernen Häusern und Eigentumswohnungen, aber auch mit Mietwohnungen und öffentlich geförderter Mietwohnungsbau. In Bielefeld hat Geno die Entwicklung und Belebung des Wilhelmstraßenquartiers weiter vorangetrieben. Auch die zweite Tochtergesellschaft Geno Hausverwaltung blickt auf ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2018 zurück. Um ihr Dienstleistungsangebot im Immobilien-Spektrum zu ergänzen, hatte die Hausverwaltungsgesellschaft zum Jahresbeginn 2017 ihre Arbeit aufgenommen. 2018 verwaltete sie 817 Wohneinheiten im Geschäftsgebiet - 58 mehr als im Vorjahr. „Aktuell (15. Februar 2019) sind es sogar schon 1.084 Wohneinheiten“, erläutert Reinhold Frieling. „Denn aus der Übernahme einer kleineren Hausverwaltung sind in diesem Jahr bereits 267 weitere Wohneinheiten hinzugekommen.“ Starke Verbundpartner Das Geschäft mit den Verbundpartnern hat dank der diversifizierten Anlageprodukte zugelegt. So sind sowohl die Zahl als auch das Volumen der 2018 neu abgeschlossenen Lebensversicherungen des Verbundpartners R+V Versicherung um 460 Stück (auf 3.550) beziehungsweise um 6,1 Millionen Euro (auf 46,9 Millionen Euro) gestiegen. Treiber waren laut Frieling Angebote der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge, die bei immer mehr Arbeitgebern eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Zudem ist für konservative Anleger der Garantiezins in Verbindung mit der Risikoabsicherung ein weiteres Argument für eine klassische Lebensversicherung. Noch dynamischer haben sich fondsgebundene Lebensversicherungen entwickelt. Die Zahl der abgeschlossenen Verträge stieg auf 452, die Bewertungssumme wuchs um mehr als 15 Prozent auf 11 Millionen Euro. „Neben den höheren Renditeerwartungen spricht für diese Vorsorgelösungen auch, dass nur die Hälfte der Erträge kapitalsteuerpflichtig ist“, betont Vorstandsmitglied Reinhold Frieling. Mit der Bausparkasse Schwäbisch Hall konnte die Volksbank im letzten Jahr 3.016 neu abgeschlossene Bausparverträge vermitteln. Auffällig ist, dass die durchschnittlichen Barsparsummen deutlich steigen. „Zahlreiche Kunden sichern sich damit langfristig gegen steigende Zinsen für die spätere Anschlussfinanzierung ab“, erklärt der Vorstand. Zahl der Mitglieder erneut gestiegen Genau 165.499 Kunden und damit fast exakt Wert des Vorjahres zählte die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh zum Stichtag 31. Dezember 2018. 109.600 von ihnen sind zugleich Mitglieder des genossenschaftlichen Instituts; 1,4 Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr (108.107 Mitglieder in 2017) und 3,5 Prozent mehr als 2016. „Damit sind etwa zwei von drei Volksbank-Kunden gleichzeitig Mitglieder“, sagt Vorstand Michael Deitert. Mit der Region verbunden Großen Wert legt die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh auf ein starkes und umfassendes gesellschaftliches Engagement in der Region. Im Jahr 2018 förderte sie Vereine, Institutionen und soziale Projekte mit einer Summe von insgesamt 515.173 Euro. Zudem richtete sie 2018 eine Crowdfunding-Plattform ein, als erstes Kreditinstitut im Geschäftsgebiet. Die ersten sieben Projekte wurden bereits erfolgreich umgesetzt und mit einem Co-Funding in Höhe von 16.918 Euro von der Volksbank unterstützt. Die Spendenbeträge beliefen sich im Jahr 2018 auf 265.247 Euro. Hinzu kam das regionale Engagement in Höhe von 167.598 Euro, etwa im Rahmen von Sponsoring-Vereinbarungen. Die Volksbank-Stiftung unterstützte das ehrenamtliche Engagement in der Region mit 59.000 Euro 30,5 Millionen Euro investiert 2018 investierte die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh 30,5 Millionen Euro und damit deutlich mehr als im Vorjahr. Über die Hälfte (17,5 Millionen Euro) floss in eines der – nach dem Neubau des Firmensitzes der Gütersloher Zentrale an der Friedrich-Ebert-Straße in 2004 - größten Bauvorhaben in der Geschichte der Genossenschaftsbank: die Revitalisierung der Kesselbrink-Zentrale. Im Mai 2018 startete der Kundenbetrieb. Fast 10.000 Besucher feierten im Juni mit beim großen Eröffnungsfest. Weitere Investitionen kamen der Quartiersentwicklung Wilhelmstraße in Bielefeld zugute. Die Volksbank hat dieses Areal rund um das Dieterle-Gebäude und die ehemalige Stadtbibliothek städtebaulich aufgewertet und Wohnraum sowie neue Dienstleistungs- und Gewerbeflächen geschaffen. Weitere größere Investitionen flossen in das Kaiserquartier in Gütersloh, die Umgestaltung des Bankery und in das neue Kompetenzzentrum Schildesche. Investitionen in öffentlich geförderten Wohnungsbau Als Genossenschaftsbank sehen sich die Volksbank und die Tochtergesellschaft Geno Immobilien dem Gemeinwohl verpflichtet. Michael Deitert: „Wir wissen, wie angespannt die Lage auf den Wohnungsmärkten ist und wie stark die Mieten steigen. Daher ist es wichtig, nicht nur Quartiere zu entwickeln, sondern auch bezahlbaren Wohnraum zu schaffen.“ Zwei Beispiele: An der Heidewaldstraße in Gütersloh wird ein Mehrfamilienhaus mit 14 Wohnungen errichtet. Das Grundstück (1.540 Quadratmeter) wurde gekauft, der Rohbau steht und die Fertigstellung ist für Mitte 2019 geplant. Auf einer früher gewerblich genutzten Fläche an der Bleichstraße in Bielefeld entstehen zwei Mehrfamilienhäuser mit bezahlbarem Wohnraum. Konkret sind 19 Miet-, Eigentums- und öffentlich geförderte Wohnungen vorgesehen. Die Bauarbeiten haben 2018 begonnen. Ziel ist die Fertigstellung Anfang 2020. Von den Bauvorhaben partizipieren bei der Auftragsvergabe vor allem die Handwerksbetriebe aus der Region. „Als Regionalbank ist das für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit und entspricht unserem genossenschaftlichen Auftrag“, begründet Deitert. Nach nur zwei Jahren ist die Reorganisation der Geschäftsstellen abgeschlossen. Kleine Standorte wurden in SB-Standorte umgewandelt, größere zu Kompetenzzentren ausgebaut. Dort sind alle Spezialisten unter einem Dach zu finden. „Unser oberstes Gebot bleibt die Nähe zum Kunden“, erklärt Michael Deitert. Zum Stichtag 31. Dezember 2018 unterhielt die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh 19 Geschäftsstellen beziehungsweise Kompetenzzentren sowie das Bankery in der Gütersloher Innenstadt, welches im Sommer 2018 ein „Facelifting“ erfahren hat. Bis Ende 2018 wurde die Geschäftsstelle im Bielefelder Ortsteil Schildesche an der Westerfeldstraße renoviert und zum Kompetenzzentrum aufgewertet. „Wir erfüllen damit die veränderten Kundenansprüche“, erläutert Deitert. „Kunden kommen seltener in die Geschäftsstellen, erwarten dann aber kompetente Beratung zu allen Finanzdienstleistungen von der Baufinanzierung über die Altersvorsorge bis hin zu gewerblichen Finanzfragen. Durch den Aufbau größerer, zentral gelegener Standorte können wir genau dieses ‚volle Programm‘ bieten. Zudem überzeugen die neu renovierten Kompetenzzentren mit modernster Technik und digitalen Möglichkeiten.“ Für das tägliche Bankgeschäft hat die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh die Anzahl ihrer SB-Standorte auf 37 ausgeweitet. 2019 kamen bereits zwei weitere in Hillegossen und in Wiedenbrück hinzu. Online-Banking immer beliebter Fest steht, dass sich die Bankgeschäfte immer stärker in Richtung Digitales verschieben. Mittlerweile sind 67,46 Prozent der Girokonten onlinefähig – nochmal etwa drei Prozent mehr als im Vorjahr. Eindeutig zeigt sich diese Entwicklung bei den Überweisungen: 3,61 Millionen (79,2 Prozent) der insgesamt 4,5 Millionen Überweisungen aller Kunden in 2018 wurden online getätigt. Dem gegenüber standen 641.000 Überweisungen an SB-Terminals (14,1 Prozent) sowie 305.000 Überweisungen am Bankschalter (6,7 Prozent). Und vom Computer verschiebt sich das Geschäft weiter in Richtung mobile Endgeräte. Bereits 13.208 Kunden erledigen ihre Bankgeschäfte dabei über die VR-Banking-App per Smartphone oder Tablet – ein sattes Plus von 40,9 Prozent. „Wir arbeiten konsequent an der Ausweitung unserer digitalen Services und Angebote und diese stehen Internetbanken in nichts nach“, so Michael Deitert. Die genossenschaftliche Finanzgruppe hat eine Reihe von digitalen und einfachen Anwendungen, mit denen man Bankgeschäfte bequem und überall erledigen kann. Beispiele: Mein-Invest (digitaler Anlage-Assistent), VR-Organizer (App zur Dokumentenverwaltung und jederzeitigem Zugriff), VR-Smart-Finanz (Online Unternehmerkredit) oder der Online-Rechner für Immobilienfinanzierungen. Gerade in Zeiten des digitalen Wandels ist auch eine hohe Beratungsintensität gefragt: Im vergangenen Jahr führten die Mitarbeiter rund 98.000 Kundengespräche. Die 24 Mitarbeiter des Kunden-Service-Centers nahmen überdies 277.000 Telefonate entgegen – 17.000 mehr als noch 2017 – und riefen 70.500 Mal selbst bei Kunden an. Mitarbeiter werden gefördert Zum Stichtag 31.12.2018 beschäftigte die Volksbank 747 Mitarbeiter (-27). 53 von ihnen befanden sich in der Ausbildung. Wie schon 2017 war der anhaltende Generationswechsel in der Mitarbeiterschaft Grund für den Rückgang der Angestelltenzahl. So traten 2018 weitere Mitarbeiter in die passive Phase der Altersteilzeit beziehungsweise in den Ruhestand ein. Unterdessen haben sich zahlreiche Kollegen fortgebildet, und es wurden Kundenberater und Spezialisten neu eingestellt, um sowohl die Beratungsqualität als auch die Kompetenzen weiter zu stärken. „Auf eine qualifizierte, differenzierte und fachlich fundierte Beratung aller Kunden legen wir großen Wert“, erklärte Michael Deitert. Um für die neuen Anforderungen gerüstet zu sein, haben sich die Mitarbeiter über alle Beschäftigungsgruppen hinweg noch intensiver fortgebildet: Insgesamt beteiligten sich die Mitarbeiter an 2.425 Tagen an Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen (+47,3 Prozent). „Wir bieten unseren Kollegen viele unterschiedliche Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten“, berichtet Michael Deitert. „Von der Entwicklung unserer Mitarbeiter profitieren unsere Mitglieder und Kunden. Gleichzeitig stärkt das unsere Bank als Arbeitgebermarke.“ Gerade junge und qualifizierte Mitarbeiter fragen gezielt nach Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, nach Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf und nach Angeboten des betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements. 2018 erhielt die Volksbank zudem das Ausbildungs-Gütesiegel „best place to learn“. Ausblick: Innovationsmanagement, neues EDV-System und Kontinuität im Vorstand Grundsätzlich blickt die Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh gut gerüstet in die Zukunft: Seit Juni 2018 hat sich ein „offizielles“ Innnovationsmanagement-Team etabliert. Damit verfügt die Genossenschaftsbank über eine eigene Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung, die Trends aufspüren, weiterentwickeln und professionalisieren. Impulse dieses Teams sind schon zuvor in die Gestaltung der Kompetenzstandorte und der neuen Zentrale am Kesselbrink eingeflossen und realisiert worden. „Wir pflegen hier den Kontakt zu den Kreativen und den digitalen Vordenkern in Ostwestfalen, um bei der dynamischen Veränderung auch in der Bankenlandschaft vorn mit dabei zu sein“, beschreibt Thomas Sterthoff die Motivation. Trumpfkarte gegenüber Fintechs und Großbanken bleibt weiterhin der direkte und persönliche Kontakt zu den Kunden. In den kommenden Wochen ist das gesamte Volksbank-Team besonders gefordert: Nach intensivem Vorlauf, wird das EDV-System am Wochenende des 13. April 2019 umgestellt. Neben der Effizienzsteigerung interner Abläufe können Kunden anschließend ein noch komfortableres Banking nutzen. Die Wirtschaftsprognosen für 2019 deuten auf eine leichte Eintrübung des Geschäftsklimas hin. „Doch insbesondere in einem anspruchsvollen und herausfordernden Umfeld können wir unsere Stärken zur Geltung bringen“, sagt Sterthoff. Auch personell sind die Weichen auf Qualität und Kontinuität an Spitze gestellt, bevor Vorstandsvorsitzender Thomas Sterthoff sich zum 30. Juni 2019 nach 46 Jahren Arbeit im Genossenschaftsbankensektor im Alter von 63 in den Ruhestand verabschiedet und ein gutbestelltes Haus hinterlässt. „Die Nachfolge haben wir frühzeitig geplant und professionell geregelt“, so der Vorstandsvorsitzende. Bereits zum 1. April 2019 verstärkt Top-Manager Ulrich Scheppan (48) das Vorstandsteam um Thomas Sterthoff, Michael Deitert (53) und Reinhold Frieling (60). Am 1. Juli 2019 übernimmt dann Michael Deitert, der dem Vorstand bereits seit 2007 angehört, den Vorsitz. Volksbank Bielefeld-Gütersloh – die starke Mitgliederbank der Region 4,43 Milliarden Euro Bilanzsumme 3,98 Milliarden Euro verwaltetes Gesamtvermögen 3,01 Milliarden Euro Kundeneinlagen 971,4 Millionen Euro Wertpapiervermögen 3.016 neue Bausparverträge mit 153,6 Millionen Euro Bausparsumme 3.550 neue Lebensversicherungsverträge (24.374 insgesamt) 9.638 neue Sachversicherungsverträge 3,07 Milliarden Euro Kundenforderungen 45,7 Millionen Euro neue Hypothekenvermittlungen 332,2 Millionen Euro an neu vermittelten Immobilienkrediten 165.499 Kunden 747 Mitarbeiter, davon 53 Auszubildende 19 Geschäftsstellen bzw. Kompetenzzentren sowie das Bankery 37 SB-Standorte Dennis Will Telefon 0521 544-264 Ihre Nachricht an mich Ihre Nachricht an mich Telefon 05241 104-0 oder 0521 544-0 Rückruf Wir rufen Sie gerne zurück Termin vereinbaren Online Termin vereinbaren Lob und Anregungen mitteilen Service-Aufträge und Formulare Unternehmens- und Praxisbörse Bitte geben Sie einen Ort ein Alle Orte anzeigen Bielefeld Gütersloh Herzebrock-Clarholz Langenberg Rheda-Wiedenbrück Rietberg Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Steinhagen Verl Versmold BIC: GENODEM1GTL SWIFT: VBGTDE3MXXX
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24203, 0.0], [24203, 25019, 1.0], [25019, 25299, 1.0], [25299, 25529, 1.0], [25529, 26183, 1.0], [26183, 26252, 0.0], [26252, 26285, 0.0], [26285, 26333, 0.0], [26333, 26369, 0.0], [26369, 26409, 0.0], [26409, 26474, 0.0], [26474, 26532, 0.0], [26532, 26569, 0.0], [26569, 26608, 0.0], [26608, 26657, 0.0], [26657, 26717, 0.0], [26717, 26732, 0.0], [26732, 26772, 0.0], [26772, 26832, 0.0], [26832, 26848, 0.0], [26848, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26881, 0.0], [26881, 26927, 0.0], [26927, 26963, 0.0], [26963, 26998, 0.0], [26998, 27043, 0.0], [27043, 27072, 0.0], [27072, 27103, 0.0], [27103, 27133, 0.0], [27133, 27310, 0.0], [27310, 27327, 0.0], [27327, 27345, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 80, 0.0], [80, 162, 0.0], [162, 193, 0.0], [193, 226, 0.0], [226, 257, 0.0], [257, 272, 0.0], [272, 300, 0.0], [300, 317, 0.0], [317, 338, 0.0], [338, 390, 0.0], [390, 440, 0.0], [440, 894, 0.0], [894, 1616, 0.0], [1616, 1672, 0.0], [1672, 2052, 0.0], [2052, 2087, 0.0], [2087, 2486, 0.0], [2486, 2938, 0.0], [2938, 3165, 0.0], [3165, 3217, 0.0], [3217, 3950, 0.0], [3950, 4022, 0.0], [4022, 4537, 0.0], [4537, 4563, 0.0], [4563, 5519, 0.0], [5519, 5576, 0.0], [5576, 5610, 0.0], [5610, 6090, 0.0], [6090, 6145, 0.0], [6145, 7300, 0.0], [7300, 7318, 0.0], [7318, 8144, 0.0], [8144, 8178, 0.0], [8178, 8807, 0.0], [8807, 8861, 0.0], [8861, 9604, 0.0], [9604, 9660, 0.0], [9660, 10419, 0.0], [10419, 10455, 0.0], [10455, 10899, 0.0], [10899, 10951, 0.0], [10951, 11558, 0.0], [11558, 12475, 0.0], [12475, 12651, 0.0], [12651, 12683, 0.0], [12683, 13353, 0.0], [13353, 13400, 0.0], [13400, 13674, 0.0], [13674, 14384, 0.0], [14384, 14721, 0.0], [14721, 14945, 0.0], [14945, 14967, 0.0], [14967, 15962, 0.0], [15962, 16302, 0.0], [16302, 16339, 0.0], [16339, 16749, 0.0], [16749, 16774, 0.0], [16774, 17263, 0.0], [17263, 17529, 0.0], [17529, 17560, 0.0], [17560, 18476, 0.0], [18476, 18528, 0.0], [18528, 18871, 0.0], [18871, 19394, 0.0], [19394, 19635, 0.0], [19635, 20810, 0.0], [20810, 21001, 0.0], [21001, 21032, 0.0], [21032, 21625, 0.0], [21625, 22298, 0.0], [22298, 22622, 0.0], [22622, 22651, 0.0], [22651, 23337, 0.0], [23337, 24125, 0.0], [24125, 24203, 0.0], [24203, 25019, 0.0], [25019, 25299, 0.0], [25299, 25529, 0.0], [25529, 26183, 0.0], [26183, 26252, 0.0], [26252, 26285, 0.0], [26285, 26333, 0.0], [26333, 26369, 0.0], [26369, 26409, 0.0], [26409, 26474, 0.0], [26474, 26532, 0.0], [26532, 26569, 0.0], [26569, 26608, 0.0], [26608, 26657, 0.0], [26657, 26717, 0.0], [26717, 26732, 0.0], [26732, 26772, 0.0], [26772, 26832, 0.0], [26832, 26848, 0.0], [26848, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26881, 0.0], [26881, 26927, 0.0], [26927, 26963, 0.0], [26963, 26998, 0.0], [26998, 27043, 0.0], [27043, 27072, 0.0], [27072, 27103, 0.0], [27103, 27133, 0.0], [27133, 27310, 0.0], [27310, 27327, 0.0], [27327, 27345, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 80, 8.0], [80, 162, 8.0], [162, 193, 2.0], [193, 226, 2.0], [226, 257, 3.0], [257, 272, 2.0], [272, 300, 3.0], [300, 317, 1.0], [317, 338, 3.0], [338, 390, 6.0], [390, 440, 6.0], [440, 894, 59.0], [894, 1616, 95.0], [1616, 1672, 6.0], [1672, 2052, 57.0], [2052, 2087, 5.0], [2087, 2486, 52.0], [2486, 2938, 57.0], [2938, 3165, 25.0], [3165, 3217, 5.0], [3217, 3950, 102.0], [3950, 4022, 10.0], [4022, 4537, 61.0], [4537, 4563, 4.0], [4563, 5519, 114.0], [5519, 5576, 6.0], [5576, 5610, 5.0], [5610, 6090, 64.0], [6090, 6145, 6.0], [6145, 7300, 152.0], [7300, 7318, 1.0], [7318, 8144, 104.0], [8144, 8178, 3.0], [8178, 8807, 80.0], [8807, 8861, 5.0], [8861, 9604, 97.0], [9604, 9660, 6.0], [9660, 10419, 107.0], [10419, 10455, 3.0], [10455, 10899, 56.0], [10899, 10951, 6.0], [10951, 11558, 78.0], [11558, 12475, 123.0], [12475, 12651, 25.0], [12651, 12683, 3.0], [12683, 13353, 87.0], [13353, 13400, 6.0], [13400, 13674, 34.0], [13674, 14384, 88.0], [14384, 14721, 41.0], [14721, 14945, 29.0], [14945, 14967, 2.0], [14967, 15962, 128.0], [15962, 16302, 41.0], [16302, 16339, 5.0], [16339, 16749, 57.0], [16749, 16774, 4.0], [16774, 17263, 66.0], [17263, 17529, 37.0], [17529, 17560, 4.0], [17560, 18476, 117.0], [18476, 18528, 5.0], [18528, 18871, 47.0], [18871, 19394, 69.0], [19394, 19635, 29.0], [19635, 20810, 145.0], [20810, 21001, 26.0], [21001, 21032, 3.0], [21032, 21625, 80.0], [21625, 22298, 81.0], [22298, 22622, 46.0], [22622, 22651, 3.0], [22651, 23337, 91.0], [23337, 24125, 92.0], [24125, 24203, 8.0], [24203, 25019, 104.0], [25019, 25299, 36.0], [25299, 25529, 29.0], [25529, 26183, 91.0], [26183, 26252, 8.0], [26252, 26285, 4.0], [26285, 26333, 5.0], [26333, 26369, 4.0], [26369, 26409, 4.0], [26409, 26474, 8.0], [26474, 26532, 5.0], [26532, 26569, 3.0], [26569, 26608, 4.0], [26608, 26657, 5.0], [26657, 26717, 7.0], [26717, 26732, 2.0], [26732, 26772, 5.0], [26772, 26832, 7.0], [26832, 26848, 2.0], [26848, 26860, 2.0], [26860, 26881, 3.0], [26881, 26927, 8.0], [26927, 26963, 6.0], [26963, 26998, 6.0], [26998, 27043, 5.0], [27043, 27072, 4.0], [27072, 27103, 3.0], [27103, 27133, 3.0], [27133, 27310, 20.0], [27310, 27327, 2.0], [27327, 27345, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 80, 0.0], [80, 162, 0.0], [162, 193, 0.0], [193, 226, 0.0], [226, 257, 0.0], [257, 272, 0.0], [272, 300, 0.0], [300, 317, 0.0], [317, 338, 0.0], [338, 390, 0.0], [390, 440, 0.125], [440, 894, 0.02008929], [894, 1616, 0.0125], [1616, 1672, 0.0], [1672, 2052, 0.03783784], [2052, 2087, 0.08571429], [2087, 2486, 0.03544304], [2486, 2938, 0.01345291], [2938, 3165, 0.04977376], [3165, 3217, 0.0], [3217, 3950, 0.03581267], [3950, 4022, 0.04347826], [4022, 4537, 0.01968504], [4537, 4563, 0.0], [4563, 5519, 0.00634921], [5519, 5576, 0.07017544], [5576, 5610, 0.06060606], [5610, 6090, 0.02315789], [6090, 6145, 0.0], [6145, 7300, 0.01572052], [7300, 7318, 0.0], [7318, 8144, 0.02214022], [8144, 8178, 0.0], [8178, 8807, 0.01127214], [8807, 8861, 0.0], [8861, 9604, 0.02439024], [9604, 9660, 0.0], [9660, 10419, 0.03733333], [10419, 10455, 0.0], [10455, 10899, 0.00902935], [10899, 10951, 0.0], [10951, 11558, 0.03722504], [11558, 12475, 0.01430143], [12475, 12651, 0.0887574], [12651, 12683, 0.0], [12683, 13353, 0.01378254], [13353, 13400, 0.0], [13400, 13674, 0.04832714], [13674, 14384, 0.02538787], [14384, 14721, 0.05120482], [14721, 14945, 0.05963303], [14945, 14967, 0.0], [14967, 15962, 0.02335025], [15962, 16302, 0.01179941], [16302, 16339, 0.0], [16339, 16749, 0.09090909], [16749, 16774, 0.0], [16774, 17263, 0.03941909], [17263, 17529, 0.08076923], [17529, 17560, 0.10344828], [17560, 18476, 0.02544248], [18476, 18528, 0.0], [18528, 18871, 0.0], [18871, 19394, 0.03875969], [19394, 19635, 0.0], [19635, 20810, 0.01364024], [20810, 21001, 0.03141361], [21001, 21032, 0.0], [21032, 21625, 0.05679862], [21625, 22298, 0.01226994], [22298, 22622, 0.08490566], [22622, 22651, 0.0], [22651, 23337, 0.03402367], [23337, 24125, 0.01413882], [24125, 24203, 0.0], [24203, 25019, 0.00493218], [25019, 25299, 0.02189781], [25299, 25529, 0.01731602], [25529, 26183, 0.04680187], [26183, 26252, 0.0], [26252, 26285, 0.09677419], [26285, 26333, 0.06382979], [26333, 26369, 0.08823529], [26369, 26409, 0.1025641], [26409, 26474, 0.12698413], [26474, 26532, 0.16666667], [26532, 26569, 0.11111111], [26569, 26608, 0.08108108], [26608, 26657, 0.06382979], [26657, 26717, 0.06896552], [26717, 26732, 0.46153846], [26732, 26772, 0.13157895], [26772, 26832, 0.03389831], [26832, 26848, 0.14285714], [26848, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26881, 0.52631579], [26881, 26927, 0.0], [26927, 26963, 0.51515152], [26963, 26998, 0.0], [26998, 27043, 0.0], [27043, 27072, 0.0], [27072, 27103, 0.0], [27103, 27133, 0.0], [27133, 27310, 0.0], [27310, 27327, 0.06666667], [27327, 27345, 0.05882353]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 80, 0.0], [80, 162, 0.0], [162, 193, 0.0], [193, 226, 0.0], [226, 257, 0.0], [257, 272, 0.0], [272, 300, 0.0], [300, 317, 0.0], [317, 338, 0.0], [338, 390, 0.0], [390, 440, 0.0], [440, 894, 0.0], [894, 1616, 0.0], [1616, 1672, 0.0], [1672, 2052, 0.0], [2052, 2087, 0.0], [2087, 2486, 0.0], [2486, 2938, 0.0], [2938, 3165, 0.0], [3165, 3217, 0.0], [3217, 3950, 0.0], [3950, 4022, 0.0], [4022, 4537, 0.0], [4537, 4563, 0.0], [4563, 5519, 0.0], [5519, 5576, 0.0], [5576, 5610, 0.0], [5610, 6090, 0.0], [6090, 6145, 0.0], [6145, 7300, 0.0], [7300, 7318, 0.0], [7318, 8144, 0.0], [8144, 8178, 0.0], [8178, 8807, 0.0], [8807, 8861, 0.0], [8861, 9604, 0.0], [9604, 9660, 0.0], [9660, 10419, 0.0], [10419, 10455, 0.0], [10455, 10899, 0.0], [10899, 10951, 0.0], [10951, 11558, 0.0], [11558, 12475, 0.0], [12475, 12651, 0.0], [12651, 12683, 0.0], [12683, 13353, 0.0], [13353, 13400, 0.0], [13400, 13674, 0.0], [13674, 14384, 0.0], [14384, 14721, 0.0], [14721, 14945, 0.0], [14945, 14967, 0.0], [14967, 15962, 0.0], [15962, 16302, 0.0], [16302, 16339, 0.0], [16339, 16749, 0.0], [16749, 16774, 0.0], [16774, 17263, 0.0], [17263, 17529, 0.0], [17529, 17560, 0.0], [17560, 18476, 0.0], [18476, 18528, 0.0], [18528, 18871, 0.0], [18871, 19394, 0.0], [19394, 19635, 0.0], [19635, 20810, 0.0], [20810, 21001, 0.0], [21001, 21032, 0.0], [21032, 21625, 0.0], [21625, 22298, 0.0], [22298, 22622, 0.0], [22622, 22651, 0.0], [22651, 23337, 0.0], [23337, 24125, 0.0], [24125, 24203, 0.0], [24203, 25019, 0.0], [25019, 25299, 0.0], [25299, 25529, 0.0], [25529, 26183, 0.0], [26183, 26252, 0.0], [26252, 26285, 0.0], [26285, 26333, 0.0], [26333, 26369, 0.0], [26369, 26409, 0.0], [26409, 26474, 0.0], [26474, 26532, 0.0], [26532, 26569, 0.0], [26569, 26608, 0.0], [26608, 26657, 0.0], [26657, 26717, 0.0], [26717, 26732, 0.0], [26732, 26772, 0.0], [26772, 26832, 0.0], [26832, 26848, 0.0], [26848, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26881, 0.0], [26881, 26927, 0.0], [26927, 26963, 0.0], [26963, 26998, 0.0], [26998, 27043, 0.0], [27043, 27072, 0.0], [27072, 27103, 0.0], [27103, 27133, 0.0], [27133, 27310, 0.0], [27310, 27327, 0.0], [27327, 27345, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 80, 0.125], [80, 162, 0.12195122], [162, 193, 0.12903226], [193, 226, 0.09090909], [226, 257, 0.09677419], [257, 272, 0.13333333], [272, 300, 0.07142857], [300, 317, 0.11764706], [317, 338, 0.0952381], [338, 390, 0.05769231], [390, 440, 0.08], [440, 894, 0.05286344], [894, 1616, 0.04709141], [1616, 1672, 0.07142857], [1672, 2052, 0.04473684], [2052, 2087, 0.08571429], [2087, 2486, 0.05764411], [2486, 2938, 0.05309735], [2938, 3165, 0.05726872], [3165, 3217, 0.05769231], [3217, 3950, 0.053206], [3950, 4022, 0.06944444], [4022, 4537, 0.05048544], [4537, 4563, 0.07692308], [4563, 5519, 0.05439331], [5519, 5576, 0.0877193], [5576, 5610, 0.05882353], [5610, 6090, 0.05208333], [6090, 6145, 0.05454545], [6145, 7300, 0.05281385], [7300, 7318, 0.05555556], [7318, 8144, 0.05084746], [8144, 8178, 0.05882353], [8178, 8807, 0.06041335], [8807, 8861, 0.05555556], [8861, 9604, 0.06056528], [9604, 9660, 0.03571429], [9660, 10419, 0.05401845], [10419, 10455, 0.05555556], [10455, 10899, 0.04504505], [10899, 10951, 0.09615385], [10951, 11558, 0.05107084], [11558, 12475, 0.04798255], [12475, 12651, 0.05113636], [12651, 12683, 0.03125], [12683, 13353, 0.05223881], [13353, 13400, 0.06382979], [13400, 13674, 0.05839416], [13674, 14384, 0.05070423], [14384, 14721, 0.04451039], [14721, 14945, 0.04464286], [14945, 14967, 0.09090909], [14967, 15962, 0.04723618], [15962, 16302, 0.04117647], [16302, 16339, 0.05405405], [16339, 16749, 0.05365854], [16749, 16774, 0.08], [16774, 17263, 0.05316973], [17263, 17529, 0.06390977], [17529, 17560, 0.06451613], [17560, 18476, 0.05676856], [18476, 18528, 0.03846154], [18528, 18871, 0.04664723], [18871, 19394, 0.05353728], [19394, 19635, 0.04149378], [19635, 20810, 0.0493617], [20810, 21001, 0.05759162], [21001, 21032, 0.06451613], [21032, 21625, 0.05227656], [21625, 22298, 0.06389302], [22298, 22622, 0.04938272], [22622, 22651, 0.03448276], [22651, 23337, 0.04081633], [23337, 24125, 0.04314721], [24125, 24203, 0.1025641], [24203, 25019, 0.04289216], [25019, 25299, 0.06071429], [25299, 25529, 0.03913043], [25529, 26183, 0.05657492], [26183, 26252, 0.07246377], [26252, 26285, 0.09090909], [26285, 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Plastic Barricades: “Masterminds” – Rich in Layered Imagery, Musical Atmosphere and Melodic Sweetness July 8, 2014 July 9, 2014 staff Inspired and influenced by Radiohead, Oasis, Coldplay, Muse, Keane, Razorlight, Nirvana and many others, Plastic Barricades loves to experiment with styles, sound and approach. Based in North-West London, Plastic Barricades are Dan Kert on guitar, keyboards and vocals, Daniele Borgato on bass and Frazer Webster on drums. During June this year, the trio introduced their second single, “Masterminds”, from their upcoming album. “Anyone can be a mastermind of his life, all he needs to do is to take full control and responsibility and make the best of it, strive for happiness, success, exploration and constant improvement. There are no limits, just frontiers!” says the band, on discussing the single. “Masterminds” shows a band very comfortable with who they are and their abilities. The song here comprises a certain non-angst that seems quite the contrary of today’s insecure world. The lyrics about self-determination, security, trust in others, and the choice to move ahead and uplift yourself is both powerful and credible. In the sludge that most of today’s popular music is, it is fantastic to have “Masterminds” come out. First of all, the music on this single is simple and crafted to perfection. The chord progressions and guitar phrasing is amazingly clean, unique and tasteful. The swells, builds and moods the music and vocals creates, brings the song up to an impressive level. Once again Plastic Barricades have produced music rich in layered imagery, musical atmosphere and melodic sweetness, with the band reaching something of a creative peak in terms of sonic arrangement. Furthermore, Plastic Barricades has something important to say; the lyrics caress, sooth and enlighten. I think this is a pivotal single for the band, demonstrating both a progression and maturity in terms of playing and song writing. It’s going to be very interesting to see where they go from here…when the new album finally arrives! OFFICIAL LINKS & WEBSITES: Band Website Dan Kert, Daniele Borgato, Frazer Webster, Masterminds, Plastic Barricades, Reviews, spotlight, Video Music Stars X Factor’s DAMI IM – Ready To Make An Impact with “SuperLove” NBC’s “The Voice” Star – PIP Releases “HOOKED”! “Karma Is A Bitch” – Twenty Two B is taking significant strides! Jaye Valentine Releases the “SPECTRUM” EP featuring the single “Alter Ego” Sony Music Spotlight Artist Majestic Soundz has released his new hit single “How I Feel About You”
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Réparation rideau métallique Tessancourt sur Aubette 78250 Réparation rideau métallique Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250) Faites appel à nos artisans serrurier pour un dépannage rideau métallique à Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250), et vous aurez une prestation de qualité. De nos jours, bon nombre de personnes se disent serruriers, mais n’offrent pas toujours le résultat escompté aux clients. Alors, pour éviter toute mésaventure avec des prestataires de serrurerie à Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250) , faites confiance à notre professionnel de la serrurerie et vous serez soulagé. Comment réparer un rideau métallique à Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250) ? Le rideau métallique permet de sécuriser un local, un magasin, une boutique, etc. Toutefois, lorsqu’elle est exposé à plusieurs intempéries, cette porte roulant peut perdre sa fermeté et sa robustesse au fil des années. Pour cela, il faut être minutieux lors de son ouverture et fermeture pour détecter facilement un dysfonctionnement. Les pannes de serrurerie sont imprévisibles et surviennent toujours lorsque l’on s’y attend le moins. Par exemple, il peut arriver que votre rideau métallique bloque . Lorsque c’est le cas, il n’y a pas d’autre alternative que d’appeler notre expert serrurier pour une réparation et un dépannage rideau métallique Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250). Notre expert serrurier est disponible à tout moment pour se rendre chez vous. Il connaît parfaitement le mécanisme de fonctionnement des grilles de fer, qu’elles soient mécaniques ou électriques. En plus, pour effectuer une réparation remarquable de votre persienne métallique, notre serrurier professionnel ne ménage aucun effort. Il met en avant son expérience et son talent pour parvenir à un dépannage rideau métallique Achères impeccable. En un rien de temps, le problème de votre rideau métallique électrique ou mécannique est résolu. De plus, vous payerez le juste et bas prix pour cette prestation de serrurerie de qualité. Maîtrisant à la réparation de rideau métallique , maintenance et réfection de rideau métallique, maintenance et réfection de clés, changement de serrure, installation ou remplacement de cylindre et le SAV des produits de qualités et sont compétents et expérimentés. Un problème de grille métallique, des changements de grille métallique est la sécurité de la panne, nous déterminons l’origine du blocage et la complexité de pose et la casse de votre vitrine. Il assurera un confort et un grille métallique commercial. Si vous avez besoin de faire effectuer des travaux ouverture rideau metallique, nos techniciens certifiés sont disponibles pour intervenir sur la ville de Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250). et seront enchanté de vous apporter leurs compétences. Que vous soyez un particulier ou un professionnel (syndict, agence immobilière, entreprise …), tout le monde est amené un jour ou l’autre à être à la recherche d’un artisan pour un besoin ouverture grille metallique. Vous n’ignorez vraisemblablement pas que les services d’un expert ouverture rideau métallique à Tessancourt sur Aubette (78250). sont incontournables.
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Weekend Tune Stack Roy LaFountain David Cairns / StringerCollection:Hulton ArchiveCredit:Getty Images The picture says it all. What a great way to spend a rainy weekend. Let's be frank. The weather for the majority of the weekend is going to, in a word, suck. That having been said, we're probably doomed to a weekend INDOORS (again) staring at the walls, getting on each other's nerves. Whatever can we do to change this bleak and gloomy outlook? How about some tunes? In LaFountain world, there are a group of tunes that can, even in the lamest of situations, lift my spirits and take my mind off the imprisonment that is my reality. Wanna hear em? Here we go. 1. Anything by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I confess, that I wasn't that much of a fan when they first hit the music scene, but these days, when I want something to get me up to 5th gear quickly, I roll these guys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM3jgkChV6M 2. Junior Walker and the All Stars, with What Does It Take. OMG. Just listen to Junior wail on the sax. It is tears in the form of music notes. It is the pleas and cries of a man desperate to save his love. And the vocals, when he sings "I've tried, I've tried, I've tried in every way I could." You can see this chap down on his knees, can't you? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvNGwUAcRpU 3. Of course no weekend music-a-thon for me would be complete without some good old sixties oldies. But I think I'll look for some rarities. Some tunes by my favorites that weren't hits. Keeps me interested. However, I am feeling rather Motown. Marvin Gaye. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57Ykv1D0qEE 4. As the evening wears on, we move to Sinatra. Nuff said. If you get the chance, look up the Sinatra album, "Watertown." It was written and produced by Bob Gaudio and Jake Holmes who wrote and produced for Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. It is not your traditional Sinatra. He was looking for something new and fresh. There were no hits from the album, and it was dismissed by fans, but critics loved it. Check it out. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psqK4_cvYYk 5. Finally, I should like to enjoy some instrumentals. Some of Chet Atkins sweetest works. And maybe some Pavarotti. I love listening to him sing Ave Maria and Nessun Dorma. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VATmgtmR5o4 By that time, I'm rather emotionally spent. I've sung myself (loud and off key) to a sore throat and ready for sleep, thoughts of wonderful music filling my sleep. Sleep well,
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Home Cronaca Paura sulla Pontina all’altezza di Aprilia, auto prende fuoco all’improvviso Paura sulla Pontina all’altezza di Aprilia, auto prende fuoco all’improvviso Paura nel pomeriggio di oggi, 20 maggio 2020, sulla Pontina. All’improvviso, mentre era in transito l’auto ha preso fuoco. Sul posto immediato l’intervento dei vigili del fuoco di Aprilia che hanno proceduto alle operazioni di spegnimento valse ad evitare ulteriori conseguenze ad entrambi i serbatoi, di benzina e Gpl, che alimentavano la vettura. I fatti si sono verificati all’altezza del km 51 e stando i rilievi le cause sembrerebbero di natura accidentale in quanto l’auto era in movimento. Non si registrano persone coinvolte.
{"url": "https://www.latinaquotidiano.it/paura-sulla-pontina-allaltezza-di-aprilia-auto-prende-fuoco-allimprovviso/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.latinaquotidiano.it", "date_download": "2020-05-24T22:15:45Z", "digest": "sha1:4SPDR5UMYK3M4FFN65YHS6IWY3MXAJNA"}
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All 2009 recorded stats for full-time player: Will Jenkins MPP Equipment (2009) 7-May 19:00 5 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 4 MPP Equipment (2009) 10-May 21:00 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 MPP Equipment (2009) 2-Jun 21:00 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 MPP Equipment (2009) 11-Jun 21:00 5 5 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 MPP Equipment (2009) 5-Jul 11:00 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPP Equipment (2009) 12-Jul 09:00 5 2 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 MPP Equipment (2009) 4-Aug 19:00 5 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 MPP Equipment (2009) 11-Aug 21:00 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MPP Equipment (2009) 3-Sep 21:00 5 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 MPP Equipment (2009) 13-Sep 11:00 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 [ | back ]
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Category Archives Commemorazioni P. Giovanni Semeria e i Savoia Posted on 27 Giugno 2020 17:00 by Giovanni Mesolella Comment Quando, allo scoccare del nuovo secolo, il Semeria scrisse “all’orologio della storia batte l’ora della democrazia”3, il movimento democratico cristiano era agli inizi e pareva impossibile, ai più, conciliare la propria fede cattolica, con l’amore di patria e le pressanti rivendicazioni degli ultimi. Non pochi spiriti liberali, delusi dal “Non expedit“, vedevano, quindi, nella Monarchia e nella Conciliazione tra Stato e Chiesa, un’opportunità, concreta, di impegno sociale cristiano, una garanzia nei confronti di un socialismo ateo e rivoluzionario che diventava, col tempo, sempre più virulento e destabilizzante. Bibliografia Commemorazioni Impegno di Carità 📎and tagged Bibliografia Biografia Carità O.N.M.I. Rassegna bibliografica Studi Vita Iniziative per il 150° Anniversario della nascita di P. Giovanni Semeria Presentate giovedì 22 settembre 2016, a Sanremo, le manifestazioni previste per la celebrazione dei 150 anni dalla nascita del P. Giovanni Semeria. Alla conferenza stampa erano presenti Don Cesare Faiazza, Segretario Generale dell’ ‘Opera Nazionale per il Mezzogiorno d’Italia’ ed il Vice Sindaco collatino di Sanremo Leandro Faraldi. Archivio Fotografico Bibliografia Commemorazioni Convegni Impegno di Carità Modernità Risorse Fotografiche Risorse Video 📎and tagged Arte Barnabiti Bibliografia Biografia Carità Chiesa Commemorazioni Convegni Discepoli Impegno dei Laici Modernismo O.N.M.I. Rassegna bibliografica Rassegna biografica Video Vita Gli incontri per ricordare il Padre Barnabita Posted on 10 Settembre 2013 18:17 by Giovanni Mesolella Comment Essendo impossibile riportare, qui, tutte le iniziative avviate, negli ultimi anni, in Italia e all’estero, con l’obiettivo di commemorare la figura del Padre Semeria, in questa pagina ci limiteremo a segnalare quelle più significative nelle quali era previsto almeno un intervento di studiosi ed esperti sul pensiero e l’opera del Padre Barnabita alla presenza di autorità ecclesiastiche ed istituzionali, oltre che un numero, significativo, di soggetti coinvolti. Commemorazioni 📎and tagged Biografia Carità Commemorazioni Discepoli O.N.M.I.
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