142 values
142 values
2 values
1 value
Fish and game habitats will be guarded against encroachment for commercial purposes.
species & forest
This text is about species & forest.
Dem. Party Platforms
All river basin development plans will take into full consideration their effect upon fish, wildlife, national park and wilderness areas.
national parks
This text is about national parks.
Dem. Party Platforms
Recreational facilities for the millions of field and stream sportsmen of America will be conserved and expanded.
national parks
This text is about national parks.
Dem. Party Platforms
Timber on Federal commercial forest lands will be harvested and managed on a sustained-yield basis. We propose to increase forest access roads in order to improve cutting practices on both public and private lands.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
Private owners of farm, forest and range lands need and must have financial and technical assistance so that all lands will be utilized to contribute more fully to the national welfare by production of food and fiber and protection of our watersheds.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
Any effort to transform grazing permits from a revocable license to a vested right will be rejected.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will vigorously advocate Federally-financed forestation, upstream erosion control and flood control programs on our public range, timber lands and small drainage basins to protect our watersheds and double the rate of forage and commercial timber growth.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will promote cooperative programs with Government assistance to reduce timber losses from fire, insects, and disease. Prospecting and mining on unreserved Federal lands will be encouraged, but surface areas not needed in mining will be safeguarded by appropriate legislation.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
The conservation of water is essential to the life of the Nation. The Democratic Party pledges itself to conservation of water in the public interest. The Democratic 84th Congress has taken a long step toward reducing the pollution of our rivers and streams. We pledge continuation and expansion of this program, vital to every citizen.
land and water conservation
This text is about land and water conservation.
Dem. Party Platforms
The program of obtaining a large new source of fresh water supply from salt water was begun by the Democratic Party, but has been allowed to lapse by the Eisenhower Republican Administration. It will be resumed and accelerated.
drinking water
This text is about drinking water.
Dem. Party Platforms
We pledge ourselves to carry forward, under national policy, aggressive programs to provide abundant supplies of low-cost energy, including continued research for the development of synthetic liquid fuel from coal, shale and agricultural products. These we must have to feed our insatiable industrial economy, to enable our workers to develop their skills and increase their productivity, to provide more jobs at higher wages, to meet the ever-mounting demands for domestic and farm uses, including the production of lower-cost farm fertilizers and lower-cost power to consumers.
This text is about energy.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will carry forward increased and full production of hydroelectric power on our rivers and of steam generation for the Tennessee Valley Authority to meet its peacetime and defense requirements. Such self-liquidating projects must go forward in a rapid and orderly manner, with appropriate financing plans. Integrated regional transmission systems will enhance exchange of power and encourage diversified industrial development. We shall once more rigorously enforce the anti-monopoly and public body preference clauses, including the Holding Company Act, administratively circumvented by the Eisenhower Republican Administration.
This text is about electricity.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall preserve and strengthen the public power competitive yardstick in power developments under TVA, REA, Bureau of Reclamation, Bonneville, Southeast and Southwest Power Administrations and other future projects, including atomic power plants, under a policy of the widest possible use of electric energy at the lowest possible cost.
This text is about energy.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Republican Administration has seriously neglected and ignored one of the Nation's basic industries, metal mining. We recognize that a healthy mining industry is essential to the economy of the Nation, and therefore pledge immediate efforts toward the establishment of a realistic, long-range minerals policy.
industrial policy
This text is about industrial policy.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Nation's minerals and fuels are essential to the safety, security and development of our country. We pledge the adoption of policies which will further encourage the exploration and development of additional reserves of our mineral resources.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will undertake comprehensive scientific and economic research programs for the conservation and better utilization of, and new markets for, fishery products. We favor and will encourage reciprocal world trade in fish products. We pledge ourselves to a public works and water policy providing adequate protection for domestic fishery resources.
species & forest
This text is about species & forest.
Dem. Party Platforms
We favor treaties with other nations for conservation and better utilization of international fisheries.
resources exploitation
This text is about resources exploitation.
Dem. Party Platforms
The atomic era came into being and was developed under Democratic Administrations. The genius of American scientists, engineers and workmen, supported by the vision and courage of Franklin D. Roosevelt, made possible the splitting of the atom and the development of the first atomic bomb in time to end World War II.
defense r&d
This text is about defense r&d.
Dem. Party Platforms
With the ending of the war, the supremacy of America in atomic weapons was maintained under the leadership of President Truman, and the United States pushed ahead vigorously toward utilizing this new form of energy in peaceful pursuits, particularly in the fields of medicine, agriculture and industry. By the end of the Truman Administration, the pre-eminence of the United States in the nuclear field was clearly established, and we were on the threshold of large-scale development of industrial nuclear energy at home and as an instrument of world peace. The Eisenhower Administration promptly reversed the field and plunged the previously independent and nonpartisan Atomic Energy Commission into partisan politics. For example, President Eisenhower ordered the Commission to sign the scandalous Dixon-Yates contract. He was later forced to repudiate the same contract, after the exposure of the illegal activities of one of his own consultants with a secret office in the Bureau of the Budget. The Republican Administration has followed the same pattern in the field of atomic energy that it has pursued in its treatment of other natural resourcesíïlofty words, little action, but steady service to selfish interests. While the AEC and the special private interests consult and confer, the United States is lagging instead of leading in the world race for nuclear power, international prestige and world markets. The Democrats in Congress believed that the national interest thus became imperiled, and they moved to meet the challenge both at home and abroad. They established a nonpartisan panel of eminent Americans to study the impact of the peaceful atom. Following the comprehensive report of this panel, the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy held extensive hearings on bills to accelerate the atomic reactor demonstration program. Though the bills were reported unanimously from committee, the Republican members of Congress, under heavy pressure from the White House, insured the final defeat of this legislation in the Congress. But the fight to bring nuclear power to the people has only begun. As the United States was first in the development of the atom as a weapon, so the United States must lead in bringing the blessings of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy to mankind. Hence, the Democratic Party pledges itself: (1) To restore nonpartisan administration of the vital atomic energy program and to expand and accelerate nuclear development by vigorous action: (2) To accelerate the domestic civilian atomic power program by the construction of a variety of demonstration prototype reactors; (3) To give realityíïlife and meaningíïto the "Atoms for Peace" program. We will substitute deeds for words; (4) To increase the production of fissionable material for use in a stockpile for peacetime commitments at home and abroad, and for an ever-present reserve for weapons to guarantee freedom in the world;
nuclear energy
This text is about nuclear energy.
Dem. Party Platforms
(5) To conduct a comprehensive survey of radiation hazards from bomb tests and reactor operations, in order to determine what additional measures are required to protect existing and future generations from these invisible dangers; and
hazardous waste
This text is about hazardous waste.
Dem. Party Platforms
(6) To make the maximum contribution to the defense of our Nation and the free world through the development of a balanced and flexible stockpile of nuclear weapons, containing a sufficient number and variety to support our armed services in any contingency.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
Recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States relating to segregation in publicly supported schools and elsewhere have brought consequences of vast importance to our Nation as a whole and especially to communities directly affected. We reject all proposals for the use of force to interfere with the orderly determination of these matters by the courts.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
We condemn the Republican Administration's violation of the rights of Government employees by a heartless and unjustified confusing of "security" and "loyalty" for the sole purpose of political gain and regardless of consequences to individual victims and to the good name of the United States. We condemn the Republican Administration's misrepresentation of facts and violation of individual rights in a wicked and unprincipled attempt to degrade and destroy the Democratic Party, and to make political capital for the Republican Party.
This text is about anti-government.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1796, in America's first contested national election, our Party, under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson, campaigned on the principles of "The Rights of Man." Ever since, these four words have underscored our identity with the plain people of America and the world. In periods of national crisis, we Democrats have returned to these words for renewed strength. We return to them today. In 1960, "The Rights of Man" are still the issue. It is our continuing responsibility to provide an effective instrument of political action for every American who seeks to strengthen these rights-everywhere here in America, and everywhere in our 20th Century world.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
The common danger of mankind is war and the threat of war. Today, three billion human beings live in fear that some rash act or blunder may plunge us all into a nuclear holocaust which will leave only ruined cities, blasted homes, and a poisoned earth and sky. Our objective, however, is not the right to coexist in armed camps on the same planet with totalitarian ideologies; it is the creation of an enduring peace in which the universal values of human dignity, truth, and justice under law are finally secured for all men everywhere on earth. If America is to work effectively for such a peace, we must first restore our national strength-military, political, economic, and moral.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
The new Democratic Administration will recast our military capacity in order to provide forces and weapons of a diversity, balance, and mobility sufficient in quantity and quality to deter both limited and general aggressions. When the Democratic Administration left office in 1953, the United States was the pre-eminent power in the world. Most free nations had confidence in our will and our ability to carry out our commitments to the common defense.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
Even those who wished us ill respected our power and influence. The Republican Administration has lost that position of pre-eminence.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Over the past 7 1/2 years, our military power has steadily declined relative to that of the Russians and the Chinese and their satellites. This is not a partisan election-year charge. It has been persistently made by high officials of the Republican Administration itself. Before Congressional committees they have testified that the Communists will have a dangerous lead in intercontinental missiles through 1963íïand that the Republican Administration has no plans to catch up.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
They have also admitted that our conventional military forces, on which we depend for defense in any non-nuclear war, have been dangerously slashed for reasons of "economy"íïand that they have no plans to reverse this trend. As a result, our military position today is measured in terms of gapsíïmissile gap, space gap, limited-war gap.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
To recover from the errors of the past 7 1/2 years will not be easy.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
This is the strength that must be erected: 1. Deterrent military power such that the Soviet and Chinese leaders will have no doubt that an attack on the United States would surely be followed by their own destruction. 2. Balanced conventional military forces which will permit a response graded to the intensity of any threats of aggressive force. 3. Continuous modernization of these forces through intensified research and development, including essential programs now slowed down, terminated, suspended, or neglected for lack of budgetary support. A first order of business of a Democratic Administration will be a complete re-examination of the organization of our armed forces. A military organization structure, conceived before the revolution in weapons technology, cannot be suitable for the strategic deterrent, continental defense, limited war, and military alliance requirements of the 1960s. We believe that our armed forces should be organized more nearly on the basis of function, not only to produce greater military strength, but also to eliminate duplication and save substantial sums.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
We pledge our will, energies, and resources to oppose Communist aggression.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Since World War II, it has been clear that our own security must be pursued in concert with that of many other nations. The Democratic Administrations which, in World War II, led in forging a mighty and victorious alliance, took the initiative after the war in creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the greatest peacetime alliance in history. This alliance has made it possible to keep Western Europe and the Atlantic Community secure against Communist pressures. Our present system of alliances was begun in a time of an earlier weapons technology when our ability to retaliate against Communist attack required bases all around the periphery of the Soviet Union.
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Dem. Party Platforms
Today, because of our continuing weakness in mobile weapons systems and intercontinental missiles, our defenses still depend in part on bases beyond our borders for planes and shorter-range missiles.
defense procurement
This text is about defense procurement.
Dem. Party Platforms
If an alliance is to be maintained in vigor, its unity must be reflected in shared purposes. Some of our allies have contributed neither devotion to the cause of freedom nor any real military strength. The new Democratic Administration will review our system of pacts and alliances
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall continue to adhere to our treaty obligations, including the commitment of the UN Charter to resist aggression.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
We commend the work of the civil defense groups throughout the nation. A strong and effective civil defense is an essential element in our nation's defense. The new Democratic Administration will undertake a full review and analysis of the programs that should be adopted if the protection possible is to be provided to the civilian population of our nation.
civil defense
This text is about civil defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
A fragile power balance sustained by mutual nuclear terror does not, however, constitute peace. We must regain the initiative on the entire international front with effective new policies to create the conditions for peace. There are no simple solutions to the infinitely complex challenges which face us. Mankind's eternal dream, a world of peace, can only be built slowly and patiently.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
A primary task is to develop responsible proposals that will help break the deadlock on arms control.
nuclear arms
This text is about nuclear arms.
Dem. Party Platforms
Such proposals should include means for ending nuclear tests under workable safeguards, cutting back nuclear weapons, reducing conventional forces, preserving outer space for peaceful purposes, preventing surprise attack, and limiting the risk of accidental war.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
This requires a national peace agency for disarmament planning and research to muster the scientific ingenuity, coordination, continuity, and seriousness of purpose which are now lacking in our arms control efforts. The national peace agency would develop the technical and scientific data necessary for serious disarmament negotiations, would conduct research in cooperation with the Defense Department and Atomic Energy Commission on methods of inspection and monitoring arms control agreements, particularly agreements to control nuclear testing, and would provide continuous technical advice to our disarmament negotiators. As with armaments, so with disarmament, the Republican Administration has provided us with much talk but little constructive action. Representatives of the United States have gone to conferences without plans or preparation. The Administration has played opportunistic politics, both at home and abroad. Even during the recent important negotiations at Geneva and Paris, only a handful of people were devoting full time to work on the highly complex problem of disarmament. More than $100 billion of the world's production now goes each year into armaments. To the extent that we can secure the adoption of effective arms control agreements, vast resources will be freed for peaceful use.
nuclear arms
This text is about nuclear arms.
Dem. Party Platforms
The new Democratic Administration will plan for an orderly shift of our expenditures.
the national budget
This text is about the national budget.
Dem. Party Platforms
Long-delayed reductions in excise, corporation, and individual income taxes will then be possible.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
We can also step up the pace in meeting our backlog of public needs and in pursuing the promise of atomic and space science in a peaceful age.
the national budget
This text is about the national budget.
Dem. Party Platforms
As world-wide disarmament proceeds, it will free vast resources for a new international attack on the problem of world poverty.
developing countries
This text is about developing countries.
Dem. Party Platforms
American foreign policy in all its aspects must be attuned to our world of change.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will provide a more sensitive and creative direction to our overseas information program.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our information programs must be more than news broadcasts and boastful recitals of our accomplishments and our material riches. We must find ways to show the people of the world that we share the same goalsíïdignity, health, freedom, schools for children, a place in the suníïand that we will work together to achieve them. Our program of visits between Americans and people of other nations will be expanded, with special emphasis upon students and younger leaders. We will encourage study of foreign languages. We favor continued support and extension of such programs as the East-West cultural center established at the University of Hawaii. We shall study a similar center for Latin America, with due consideration of the existing facilities now available in the Canal Zone.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
In the present Administration, the National Security Council has been used not to focus issues for decision by the responsible leaders of Government, but to paper over problems of policy with "agreed solutions" which avoid decisions.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
The mishandling of the U-2 espionage flightsíïthe sorry spectacle of official denial, retraction, and contradictioníïand the admitted misjudging of Japanese public opinion are only two recent examples of the breakdown of the Administration's machinery for assembling facts, making decisions, and coordinating action.
defense intelligence
This text is about defense intelligence.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Party welcomes the study now being made by the Senate Subcommittee on National Policy Machinery. The new Democratic Administration will revamp and simplify this cumbersome machinery.
government operations
This text is about government operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
World trade is more than ever essential to world peace. In the tradition of Cordell Hull, we shall expand world trade in every responsible way. Since all Americans share the benefits of this policy, its costs should not be the burden of a few.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
World trade raises living standards, widens markets, reduces costs, increases profits, and builds political stability and international economic cooperation.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Administration will help industries affected by foreign trade with measures favorable to economic growth, orderly transition, fair competition, and the long-run economic strength of all parts of our nation.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
Industries and communities affected by foreign trade need and deserve appropriate help through trade adjustment measures such as direct loans, tax incentives, defense contracts priority, and re-training assistance.
trade competitiveness
This text is about trade competitiveness.
Dem. Party Platforms
The present balance-of-payments situation provides a favorable opportunity for such action.
trade competitiveness
This text is about trade competitiveness.
Dem. Party Platforms
The new Democratic Administration will seek international agreements to assure fair competition and fair labor standards to protect our own workers and to improve the lot of workers elsewhere.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our domestic economic policies and our essential foreign policies must be harmonious. To sell, we must buy. We therefore must resist the temptation to accept remedies that deny American producers and consumers access to world markets and destroy the prosperity of our friends in the non-Communist world.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall adjust our immigration, nationality and refugee policies to eliminate discrimination and to enable members of scattered families abroad to be united with relatives already in our midst. The national-origins quota system of limiting immigration contradicts the rounding principles of this nation. It is inconsistent with our belief in the rights of man. This system was instituted after World War I as a policy of deliberate discrimination by a Republican Administration and Congress. The revision of immigration and nationality laws we seek will implement our belief that enlightened immigration, naturalization and refugee policies and humane administration of them are important aspects of our foreign policy. These laws will bring greater skills to our land, reunite families, permit the United States to meet its fair share of world programs of rescue and rehabilitation, and take advantage of immigration as an important factor in the growth of the American economy. In this World Refugee Year it is our hope to achieve admission of our fair share of refugees. We will institute policies to alleviate suffering among the homeless wherever we are able to extend our aid. We must remove the distinctions between native-born and naturalized citizens to assure full protection of our laws to all. There is no place in the United States for "second-class citizenship." The protections provided by due process, right of appeal, and statutes of limitation, can be extended to non-citizens without hampering the security of our nation. We commend the Democratic Congress for the initial steps that have recently been taken toward liberalizing changes in immigration law. However, this should not be a piecemeal project and we are confident that a Democratic President in cooperation with Democratic Congresses will again implant a humanitarian and liberal spirit in our nation's immigration and citizenship policies.
This text is about immigration.
Dem. Party Platforms
To the peoples and governments beyond our shores we offer the following pledges: To the non-Communist nations of Asia, Africa, and Latin America: We shall create with you working partnerships, based on mutual respect and understanding. In the Jeffersonian tradition, we recognize and welcome the irresistible momentum of the world revolution of rising expectations for a better life. We shall identify American policy with the values and objectives of this revolution.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
To this end the new Democratic Administration will revamp and refocus the objectives, emphasis and allocation of our foreign assistance programs. The proper purpose of these programs is not to buy gratitude or to recruit mercenaries, but to enable the peoples of these awakening, developing nations to make their own free choices. As they achieve a sense of belonging, of dignity, and of justice, freedom will become meaningful for them, and therefore worth defending.
foreign aid
This text is about foreign aid.
Dem. Party Platforms
Where military assistance remains essential for the common defense, we shall see that the requirements are fully met.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
But as rapidly as security considerations permit, we will replace tanks with tractors, bombers with bulldozers, and tacticians with technicians.
foreign aid
This text is about foreign aid.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall place our programs of international cooperation on a long-term basis to permit more effective planning.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
A billion and a half people in Asia, Africa and Latin America are engaged in an unprecedented attempt to propel themselves into the 20th Century. They are striving to create or reaffirm their national identity. But they want much more than independence. They want an end to grinding poverty. They want more food, health for themselves and their children, and other benefits that a modern industrial civilization can provide.
developing countries
This text is about developing countries.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Administration's assistance program, in concert with the aid forthcoming from our partners in Western Europe, Japan, and the British Commonwealth, will be geared to facilitating this objective. The Democratic Administration will recognize that assistance to these countries is not an emergency or short-term matter. Through the Development Loan Fund and otherwise, we shall seek to assure continuity in our aid programs for periods of at least five years, in order to permit more effective allocation on our part and better planning by the governments of the countries receiving aid. More effective use of aid and a greater confidence in us and our motives will be the result. We shall establish priorities for foreign aid which will channel it to those countries abroad which, by their own willingness to help themselves, show themselves most capable of using it effectively. We shall use our own agricultural productivity as an effective tool of foreign aid, and also as a vital form of working capital for economic development. We shall seek new approaches which will provide assistance without disrupting normal world markets for food and fiber.
foreign aid
This text is about foreign aid.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall give attention to the problem of stabilizing world prices of agricultural commodities and basic raw materials on which many underdeveloped countries depend for needed foreign exchange.
developing countries
This text is about developing countries.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall explore the feasibility of shipping and storing a substantial part of our food abundance in a system of "food banks" located at distribution centers in the underdeveloped world. Such a system would be an effective means of alleviating famine and suffering in times of natural disaster, and of cushioning the effect of bad harvests. It would also have a helpful anti-inflationary influence as economic development gets under way.
foreign aid
This text is about foreign aid.
Dem. Party Platforms
Although basic development requirements like transport, housing, schools, and river development may be financed by Government, these projects are usually built and sometimes managed by private enterprise. Moreover, outside this public sector a large and increasing role remains for private investment. The Republican Administration has done little to summon American business to play its part in this, one of the most creative tasks of our generation. The Democratic Administration will take steps to recruit and organize effectively the best business talent in America for foreign economic development.
private investments
This text is about private investments.
Dem. Party Platforms
To our friends and associates in the Atlantic Community: We propose a broader partnership that goes beyond our common fears to recognize the depth and sweep of our common political, economic, and cultural interests.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
We welcome the recent heartening advances toward European unity. In every appropriate way, we shall encourage their further growth within the broader framework of the Atlantic Community. After World War II, Democratic statesmen saw that an orderly, peaceful world was impossible with Europe shattered and exhausted.
western europe
This text is about western europe.
Dem. Party Platforms
They fashioned the great programs which bear their namesíïthe Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Planíïby which the economies of Europe were revived.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Then in NATO they renewed for the common defense the ties of alliance forged in war. In these endeavors, the Democratic Administrations invited leading Republicans to full participation as equal partners. But the Republican Administration has rejected this principle of bi-partisanship. We have already seen how the mutual trust and confidence created abroad under Democratic leadership have been eroded by arrogance, clumsiness, and lack of understanding in the Republican Administration. The new Democratic Administration will restore the former high levels of cooperation within the Atlantic Community envisaged from the beginning by the NATO treaty in political and economic spheres as well as military affairs.
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Dem. Party Platforms
We welcome the progress towards European unity expressed in the Coal and Steel Community, Euratom, the European Economic Community, the European Free Trade Association, and the European Assembly.
western europe
This text is about western europe.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall conduct our relations with the nations of the Common Market so as to encourage the opportunities for freer and more expanded trade, and to avert the possibilities of discrimination that are inherent in it.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
We shall encourage adjustment with the so-called "Outer Seven" nations so as to enlarge further the area of freer trade.
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Communist World: To the rulers of the Communist World: We confidently accept your challenge to competition in every field of human effort. We recognize this contest as one between two radically different approaches to the meaning of lifeíïour open society which places its highest value upon individual dignity, and your closed society in which the rights of men are sacrificed to the state. We believe your Communist ideology to be sterile, unsound, and doomed to failure. We believe that your children will reject the intellectual prison in which you seek to confine them, and that ultimately they will choose the eternal principles of freedom. In the meantime, we are prepared to negotiate with you whenever and wherever there is a realistic possibility of progress without sacrifice of principle. If negotiations through diplomatic channels provide opportunities, we will negotiate. If debate before the United Nations holds promise, we will debate. If meetings at high level offer prospects of success, we will be there. But we will use all the power, resources, and energy at our command to resist the further encroachment of Communism on freedom íï whether at Berlin, Formosa, or new points of pressure as yet undisclosed. We will keep open the lines of communication with our opponents. Despite difficulties in the way of peaceful agreement, every useful avenue will be energetically explored and pursued. However, we will never surrender positions which are essential to the defense of freedom, nor will we abandon peoples who are now behind the Iron Curtain through any formal approval of the status quo. Everyone proclaims "firmness" in support of Berlin. The issue is not the desire to be firm, but the capability to be firm. This the Democratic Party will provide as it has done before. The ultimate solution of the situation in Berlin must be approached in the broader context of settlement of the tensions and divisions of Europe. The good faith of the United States is pledged likewise to defending Formosa. We will carry out that pledge.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
To the people who live in the Communist World and its captive nations: We proclaim an enduring friendship which goes beyond governments and ideologies to our common human interest in a better world. Through exchanges of persons, cultural contacts, trade in non-strategic areas, and other non-governmental activities, we will endeavor to preserve and improve opportunities for human relationships which no Iron Curtain can permanently sever. No political platform promise in history was more cruelly cynical than the Republican effort to buy votes in 1952 with false promises of painless liberation for the captive nations.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
To all these endeavors so essential to world peace, we, the members of the Democratic Party, will bring a new urgency, persistence, and determination, born of the conviction that in our thermonuclear century all of the other Rights of Man hinge on our ability to assure man's right to peace.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
The pursuit of peace, our contribution to the stability of the new nations of the world, our hopes for progress and well-being at home, all these depend in large measure on our ability to release the full potential of our American economy for employment, production, and growth. Our generation of Americans has achieved a historic technological breakthrough. Today we are capable of creating an abundance in goods and services beyond the dreams of our parents. Yet on the threshold of plenty the Republican Administration hesitates, confused and afraid. As a result, massive human needs now exist side by side with idle workers, idle capital, and idle machines. The Republican failure in the economic field has been virtually complete.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
In their efforts to do so, they have brought on recessions that have thrown millions of Americans out of work.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
They have slowed down the rate of growth of the economy to about one-third the rate of the Soviet Union.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Over the past 7 1/2-year period, the Republicans have failed to balance the budget or reduce the national debt. Responsible fiscal policy requires surpluses in good times to more than offset the deficits which may occur in recessions, in order to reduce the national debt over the long run. The Republican Administration has produced the deficitsíï in fact, the greatest deficit in any peace-time year in history, in 1958-59íïbut only occasional and meager surpluses. Their first seven years produced a total deficit of nearly $19 billion. While reducing outlays for essential public services which directly benefit our people, they have raised the annual interest charge on the national debt to a level $3 billion higher than when they took office. In the eight fiscal years of the Republican Administration, these useless higher interest payments will have cost the taxpayers $9 billion. They have mismanaged the public debt not only by increasing interest rates, but also by failing to lengthen the average maturity of Government obligations when they had a clear opportunity to do so.
the national budget
This text is about the national budget.
Dem. Party Platforms
The new Democratic Administration will confidently proceed to unshackle American enterprise and to free American labor, industrial leadership, and capital, to create an abundance that will outstrip any other system. Free competitive enterprise is the most creative and productive form of economic order that the world has seen. The recent slow pace of American growth is due not to the failure of our free economy but to the failure of our national leadership. We Democrats believe that our economy can and must grow at an average rate of 5% annually, almost twice as fast as our average annual rate since 1953. We pledge ourselves to policies that will achieve this goal without inflation. Economic growth is the means whereby we improve the American standard of living and produce added tax resources for national security and essential public services. Our economy must grow more swiftly in order to absorb two groups of workers: the much larger number of young people who will be reaching working age in the 1960s, and the workers displaced by the rapid pace of technological advances, including automation.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Republican policies which have stifled growth could only mean increasingly severe unemployment, particularly of youth and older workers.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
As the first step in speeding economic growth, a Democratic president will put an end to the present high-interest, tight-money policy.
monetary policy
This text is about monetary policy.
Dem. Party Platforms
It has given us two recessions within five years, bankrupted many of our farmers, produced a record number of business failures, and added billions of dollars in unnecessary higher interest charges to Government budgets and the cost of living. A new Democratic Administration will reject this philosophy of economic slowdown. We are committed to maximum employment, at decent wages and with fair profits, in a far more productive, expanding economy.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Among those remedies are monetary and credit policies properly applied, budget surpluses in times of full employment, and action to restrain "administered price" increases in industries where economic power rests in the hands of a few.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
It will reaffirm the Economic Bill of Rights which Franklin Roosevelt wrote into our national conscience sixteen years ago. It will reaffirm these rights for all Americans of whatever race, place of residence, or station in life: 1. "The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation."
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Party reaffirms its support of full employment as a paramount objective of national policy. For nearly 30 months the rate of unemployment has been between 5 and 7.5% of the labor force. A pool of three to four million citizens, able and willing to work but unable to find jobs, has been written off by the Republican Administration as a "normal" readjustment of the economic system. The policies of a Democratic Administration to restore economic growth will reduce current unemployment to a minimum.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Thereafter, if recessionary trends appear, we will act promptly with counter-measures, such as public works or temporary tax cuts. We will not stand idly by and permit recessions to run their course as the Republican Administration has done.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
The right to a job requires action to create new industry in America's depressed areas of chronic unemployment.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
General economic measures will not alone solve the problems of localities which suffer some special disadvantage. To bring prosperity to these depressed areas and to enable them to make their full contribution to the national welfare, specially directed action is needed.
This text is about housing.
Dem. Party Platforms
Areas of heavy and persistent unemployment result from depletion of natural resources, technological change, shifting defense requirements, or trade imbalances which have caused the decline of major industries.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Whole communities, urban and rural, have been left stranded in distress and despair, through no fault of their own. These communities have undertaken valiant efforts of self-help. But mutual aid, as well as self-help, is part of the American tradition. Stricken communities deserve the help of the whole nation. The Democratic Congress twice passed bills to provide this help. The Republican President twice vetoed them. These bills proposed low-interest loans to private enterprise to create new industry and new jobs in depressed communities, assistance to the communities to provide public facilities necessary to encourage the new industry, and retraining of workers for the new jobs. The Democratic Congress will again pass, and the Democratic President will sign, such a bill.
This text is about housing.
Dem. Party Platforms
Unemployment strikes hardest at workers over 40, minority groups, young people, and women.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The right to a job requires the restoration of full support for collective bargaining and the repeal of the anti-labor excesses which have been written into our labor laws. Under Democratic leadership a sound national policy was developed, expressed particularly by the Wagner National Labor Relations Act, which guaranteed the rights of workers to organize and to bargain collectively. But the Republican Administration has replaced this sound policy with a national anti-labor policy. The Republican Taft-Hartley Act seriously weakened unions in their efforts to bring economic justice to the millions of American workers who remain unorganized. By administrative action, anti-labor personnel appointed by the Republicans to the National Labor Relations Board have made the Taft-Hartley Act even more restrictive in its application than in its language. Thus the traditional goal of the Democratic Partyíïto give all workers the right to organize and bargain collectivelyíïhas still not been achieved. We pledge the enactment of an affirmative labor policy which will encourage free collective bargaining through the growth and development of free and responsible unions. Millions of workers just now seeking to organize are blocked by Federally authorized "right-to-work" laws, unreasonable limitations on the right to picket, and other hampering legislative and administrative provisions. Again, in the new Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, the Republican Administration perverted the constructive effort of the Democratic Congress to deal with improper activities of a few in labor and management by turning that Act into a means of restricting the legitimate rights of the vast majority of working men and women in honest labor unions. This law likewise strikes hardest at the weak or poorly organized, and it fails to deal with abuses of management as vigorously as with those of labor. We will repeal the authorization for "right-to-work" laws, limitations on the rights to strike, to picket peacefully and to tell the public the facts of a labor dispute, and other anti-labor features of the Taft-Hartley Act and the 1959 Act. This unequivocal pledge for the repeal of the anti-labor and restrictive provisions of those laws will encourage collective bargaining and strengthen and support the free and honest labor movement.
labor unions
This text is about labor unions.
Dem. Party Platforms
Basic to the achievement of stable labor-management relations is leadership from the White House. The Republican Administration has failed to provide such leadership. It failed to foresee the deterioration of labor-management relations in the steel industry last year. When a national emergency was obviously developing, it failed to forestall it. When the emergency came, the Administration's only solution was government-by-injunction. A Democratic President, through his leadership and concern, will produce a better climate for continuing constructive relationships between labor and management. He will have periodic White House conferences between labor and management to consider their mutual problems before they reach the critical stage. A Democratic President will use the vast fact-finding facilities that are available to inform himself, and the public, in exercising his leadership in labor disputes for the benefit of the nation as a whole. If he needs more such facilities, or authority, we will provide them. We further pledge that in the administration of all labor legislation we will restore the level of integrity, competence and sympathetic understanding required to carry out the intent of such legislation.
labor unions
This text is about labor unions.
Dem. Party Platforms
The right to a job requires planning for automation, so that men and women will be trained and available to meet shifting employment needs. We will conduct a continuing analysis of the nation's manpower resources and of measures which may be required to assure their fullest development and use. We will provide the Government leadership necessary to insure that the blessings of automation do not become burdens of widespread unemployment. For the young and the technologically displaced workers, we will provide the opportunity for training and retraining that equips them for jobs to be filled.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
3. "The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living."
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms